Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static bool parse_reconnect(struct pool *pool, json_t *val) { char *sockaddr_url, *stratum_port, *tmp; char *url, *port, address[256]; memset(address, 0, 255); url = (char *)json_string_value(json_array_get(val, 0)); if (!url) url = pool->sockaddr_url; else { char *dot_pool, *dot_reconnect; dot_pool = strchr(pool->sockaddr_url, '.'); if (!dot_pool) { applog(LOG_ERR, "Denied stratum reconnect request for pool without domain '%s'", pool->sockaddr_url); return false; } dot_reconnect = strchr(url, '.'); if (!dot_reconnect) { applog(LOG_ERR, "Denied stratum reconnect request to url without domain '%s'", url); return false; } if (strcmp(dot_pool, dot_reconnect)) { applog(LOG_ERR, "Denied stratum reconnect request to non-matching domain url '%s'", pool->sockaddr_url); return false; } } port = (char *)json_string_value(json_array_get(val, 1)); if (!port) port = pool->stratum_port; sprintf(address, "%s:%s", url, port); if (!extract_sockaddr(address, &sockaddr_url, &stratum_port)) return false; applog(LOG_WARNING, "Stratum reconnect requested from pool %d to %s", pool->pool_no, address); clear_pool_work(pool); mutex_lock(&pool->stratum_lock); __suspend_stratum(pool); tmp = pool->sockaddr_url; pool->sockaddr_url = sockaddr_url; pool->stratum_url = pool->sockaddr_url; free(tmp); tmp = pool->stratum_port; pool->stratum_port = stratum_port; free(tmp); mutex_unlock(&pool->stratum_lock); if (!restart_stratum(pool)) { pool_failed(pool); return false; } return true; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static struct se_node_acl *tcm_loop_tpg_alloc_fabric_acl( struct se_portal_group *se_tpg) { struct tcm_loop_nacl *tl_nacl; tl_nacl = kzalloc(sizeof(struct tcm_loop_nacl), GFP_KERNEL); if (!tl_nacl) { printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to allocate struct tcm_loop_nacl\n"); return NULL; } return &tl_nacl->se_node_acl; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void Document::CancelPendingJavaScriptUrl() { if (javascript_url_task_handle_.IsActive()) javascript_url_task_handle_.Cancel(); } CWE ID: CWE-416 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: GF_Err urn_Read(GF_Box *s, GF_BitStream *bs) { u32 i, to_read; char *tmpName; GF_DataEntryURNBox *ptr = (GF_DataEntryURNBox *)s; if (! ptr->size ) return GF_OK; to_read = (u32) ptr->size; tmpName = (char*)gf_malloc(sizeof(char) * to_read); if (!tmpName) return GF_OUT_OF_MEM; gf_bs_read_data(bs, tmpName, to_read); i = 0; while ( (tmpName[i] != 0) && (i < to_read) ) { i++; } if (i == to_read) { gf_free(tmpName); return GF_ISOM_INVALID_FILE; } if (i == to_read - 1) { ptr->nameURN = tmpName; ptr->location = NULL; return GF_OK; } ptr->nameURN = (char*)gf_malloc(sizeof(char) * (i+1)); if (!ptr->nameURN) { gf_free(tmpName); return GF_OUT_OF_MEM; } ptr->location = (char*)gf_malloc(sizeof(char) * (to_read - i - 1)); if (!ptr->location) { gf_free(tmpName); gf_free(ptr->nameURN); ptr->nameURN = NULL; return GF_OUT_OF_MEM; } memcpy(ptr->nameURN, tmpName, i + 1); memcpy(ptr->location, tmpName + i + 1, (to_read - i - 1)); gf_free(tmpName); return GF_OK; } CWE ID: CWE-125 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static void MaybeEncodeTextContent(const String& text_content, const char* buffer_data, size_t buffer_size, String* result, bool* base64_encoded) { if (!text_content.IsNull() && !text_content.Utf8(WTF::kStrictUTF8Conversion).IsNull()) { *result = text_content; *base64_encoded = false; } else if (buffer_data) { *result = Base64Encode(buffer_data, buffer_size); *base64_encoded = true; } else if (text_content.IsNull()) { *result = ""; *base64_encoded = false; } else { DCHECK(!text_content.Is8Bit()); *result = Base64Encode(text_content.Utf8(WTF::kLenientUTF8Conversion)); *base64_encoded = true; } } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: juniper_atm2_print(netdissect_options *ndo, const struct pcap_pkthdr *h, register const u_char *p) { int llc_hdrlen; struct juniper_l2info_t l2info; l2info.pictype = DLT_JUNIPER_ATM2; if (juniper_parse_header(ndo, p, h, &l2info) == 0) return l2info.header_len; p+=l2info.header_len; if (l2info.cookie[7] & ATM2_PKT_TYPE_MASK) { /* OAM cell ? */ oam_print(ndo, p, l2info.length, ATM_OAM_NOHEC); return l2info.header_len; } ND_TCHECK2(p[0], 3); if (EXTRACT_24BITS(p) == 0xfefe03 || /* NLPID encaps ? */ EXTRACT_24BITS(p) == 0xaaaa03) { /* SNAP encaps ? */ llc_hdrlen = llc_print(ndo, p, l2info.length, l2info.caplen, NULL, NULL); if (llc_hdrlen > 0) return l2info.header_len; } if (l2info.direction != JUNIPER_BPF_PKT_IN && /* ether-over-1483 encaps ? */ (EXTRACT_32BITS(l2info.cookie) & ATM2_GAP_COUNT_MASK)) { ether_print(ndo, p, l2info.length, l2info.caplen, NULL, NULL); return l2info.header_len; } if (p[0] == 0x03) { /* Cisco style NLPID encaps ? */ isoclns_print(ndo, p + 1, l2info.length - 1); /* FIXME check if frame was recognized */ return l2info.header_len; } if(juniper_ppp_heuristic_guess(ndo, p, l2info.length) != 0) /* PPPoA vcmux encaps ? */ return l2info.header_len; if (ip_heuristic_guess(ndo, p, l2info.length) != 0) /* last try - vcmux encaps ? */ return l2info.header_len; return l2info.header_len; trunc: ND_PRINT((ndo, "[|juniper_atm2]")); return l2info.header_len; } CWE ID: CWE-125 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: on_register_handler(TCMUService1HandlerManager1 *interface, GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation, gchar *subtype, gchar *cfg_desc, gpointer user_data) { struct tcmur_handler *handler; struct dbus_info *info; char *bus_name; bus_name = g_strdup_printf("org.kernel.TCMUService1.HandlerManager1.%s", subtype); handler = g_new0(struct tcmur_handler, 1); handler->subtype = g_strdup(subtype); handler->cfg_desc = g_strdup(cfg_desc); handler->open = dbus_handler_open; handler->close = dbus_handler_close; handler->handle_cmd = dbus_handler_handle_cmd; info = g_new0(struct dbus_info, 1); info->register_invocation = invocation; info->watcher_id = g_bus_watch_name(G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM, bus_name, G_BUS_NAME_WATCHER_FLAGS_NONE, on_handler_appeared, on_handler_vanished, handler, NULL); g_free(bus_name); handler->opaque = info; return TRUE; } CWE ID: CWE-476 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static void fcrypt_decrypt(struct crypto_tfm *tfm, u8 *dst, const u8 *src) { const struct fcrypt_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm); struct { __be32 l, r; } X; memcpy(&X, src, sizeof(X)); F_ENCRYPT(X.l, X.r, ctx->sched[0xf]); F_ENCRYPT(X.r, X.l, ctx->sched[0xe]); F_ENCRYPT(X.l, X.r, ctx->sched[0xd]); F_ENCRYPT(X.r, X.l, ctx->sched[0xc]); F_ENCRYPT(X.l, X.r, ctx->sched[0xb]); F_ENCRYPT(X.r, X.l, ctx->sched[0xa]); F_ENCRYPT(X.l, X.r, ctx->sched[0x9]); F_ENCRYPT(X.r, X.l, ctx->sched[0x8]); F_ENCRYPT(X.l, X.r, ctx->sched[0x7]); F_ENCRYPT(X.r, X.l, ctx->sched[0x6]); F_ENCRYPT(X.l, X.r, ctx->sched[0x5]); F_ENCRYPT(X.r, X.l, ctx->sched[0x4]); F_ENCRYPT(X.l, X.r, ctx->sched[0x3]); F_ENCRYPT(X.r, X.l, ctx->sched[0x2]); F_ENCRYPT(X.l, X.r, ctx->sched[0x1]); F_ENCRYPT(X.r, X.l, ctx->sched[0x0]); memcpy(dst, &X, sizeof(X)); } CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: bool DeserializeNotificationDatabaseData(const std::string& input, NotificationDatabaseData* output) { DCHECK(output); NotificationDatabaseDataProto message; if (!message.ParseFromString(input)) return false; output->notification_id = message.notification_id(); output->origin = GURL(message.origin()); output->service_worker_registration_id = message.service_worker_registration_id(); PlatformNotificationData* notification_data = &output->notification_data; const NotificationDatabaseDataProto::NotificationData& payload = message.notification_data(); notification_data->title = base::UTF8ToUTF16(payload.title()); switch (payload.direction()) { case NotificationDatabaseDataProto::NotificationData::LEFT_TO_RIGHT: notification_data->direction = PlatformNotificationData::DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT; break; case NotificationDatabaseDataProto::NotificationData::RIGHT_TO_LEFT: notification_data->direction = PlatformNotificationData::DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT; break; case NotificationDatabaseDataProto::NotificationData::AUTO: notification_data->direction = PlatformNotificationData::DIRECTION_AUTO; break; } notification_data->lang = payload.lang(); notification_data->body = base::UTF8ToUTF16(payload.body()); notification_data->tag = payload.tag(); notification_data->icon = GURL(payload.icon()); if (payload.vibration_pattern().size() > 0) { notification_data->vibration_pattern.assign( payload.vibration_pattern().begin(), payload.vibration_pattern().end()); } notification_data->timestamp = base::Time::FromInternalValue(payload.timestamp()); notification_data->silent = payload.silent(); notification_data->require_interaction = payload.require_interaction(); if ( { notification_data->data.assign(,; } for (const auto& payload_action : payload.actions()) { PlatformNotificationAction action; action.action = payload_action.action(); action.title = base::UTF8ToUTF16(payload_action.title()); notification_data->actions.push_back(action); } return true; } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: OMX_ERRORTYPE SoftRaw::internalSetParameter( OMX_INDEXTYPE index, const OMX_PTR params) { switch (index) { case OMX_IndexParamStandardComponentRole: { const OMX_PARAM_COMPONENTROLETYPE *roleParams = (const OMX_PARAM_COMPONENTROLETYPE *)params; if (strncmp((const char *)roleParams->cRole, "audio_decoder.raw", OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE - 1)) { return OMX_ErrorUndefined; } return OMX_ErrorNone; } case OMX_IndexParamAudioPcm: { const OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_PCMMODETYPE *pcmParams = (OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_PCMMODETYPE *)params; if (pcmParams->nPortIndex != 0) { return OMX_ErrorUndefined; } mChannelCount = pcmParams->nChannels; mSampleRate = pcmParams->nSamplingRate; return OMX_ErrorNone; } default: return SimpleSoftOMXComponent::internalSetParameter(index, params); } } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void testCrash_Report2418192() { helperTestQueryString("", 1); } CWE ID: CWE-787 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: vc4_get_hang_state_ioctl(struct drm_device *dev, void *data, struct drm_file *file_priv) { struct drm_vc4_get_hang_state *get_state = data; struct drm_vc4_get_hang_state_bo *bo_state; struct vc4_hang_state *kernel_state; struct drm_vc4_get_hang_state *state; struct vc4_dev *vc4 = to_vc4_dev(dev); unsigned long irqflags; u32 i; int ret = 0; spin_lock_irqsave(&vc4->job_lock, irqflags); kernel_state = vc4->hang_state; if (!kernel_state) { spin_unlock_irqrestore(&vc4->job_lock, irqflags); return -ENOENT; } state = &kernel_state->user_state; /* If the user's array isn't big enough, just return the * required array size. */ if (get_state->bo_count < state->bo_count) { get_state->bo_count = state->bo_count; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&vc4->job_lock, irqflags); return 0; } vc4->hang_state = NULL; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&vc4->job_lock, irqflags); /* Save the user's BO pointer, so we don't stomp it with the memcpy. */ state->bo = get_state->bo; memcpy(get_state, state, sizeof(*state)); bo_state = kcalloc(state->bo_count, sizeof(*bo_state), GFP_KERNEL); if (!bo_state) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto err_free; } for (i = 0; i < state->bo_count; i++) { struct vc4_bo *vc4_bo = to_vc4_bo(kernel_state->bo[i]); u32 handle; ret = drm_gem_handle_create(file_priv, kernel_state->bo[i], &handle); if (ret) { state->bo_count = i - 1; goto err; } bo_state[i].handle = handle; bo_state[i].paddr = vc4_bo->base.paddr; bo_state[i].size = vc4_bo->base.base.size; } if (copy_to_user((void __user *)(uintptr_t)get_state->bo, bo_state, state->bo_count * sizeof(*bo_state))) ret = -EFAULT; kfree(bo_state); err_free: vc4_free_hang_state(dev, kernel_state); err: return ret; } CWE ID: CWE-388 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: NetworkLibrary* CrosLibrary::GetNetworkLibrary() { return network_lib_.GetDefaultImpl(use_stub_impl_); } CWE ID: CWE-189 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: virtual void drawLayersOnCCThread(CCLayerTreeHostImpl* impl) { if (!impl->sourceFrameNumber()) postSetNeedsCommitThenRedrawToMainThread(); else if (impl->sourceFrameNumber() == 1) endTest(); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void ResourceFetcher::DidLoadResourceFromMemoryCache( unsigned long identifier, Resource* resource, const ResourceRequest& original_resource_request) { ResourceRequest resource_request(resource->Url()); resource_request.SetFrameType(original_resource_request.GetFrameType()); resource_request.SetRequestContext( original_resource_request.GetRequestContext()); Context().DispatchDidLoadResourceFromMemoryCache(identifier, resource_request, resource->GetResponse()); Context().DispatchWillSendRequest(identifier, resource_request, ResourceResponse() /* redirects */, resource->Options().initiator_info); Context().DispatchDidReceiveResponse( identifier, resource->GetResponse(), resource_request.GetFrameType(), resource_request.GetRequestContext(), resource, FetchContext::ResourceResponseType::kFromMemoryCache); if (resource->EncodedSize() > 0) Context().DispatchDidReceiveData(identifier, 0, resource->EncodedSize()); Context().DispatchDidFinishLoading( identifier, 0, 0, resource->GetResponse().DecodedBodyLength()); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: set_umask(const char *optarg) { long umask_long; mode_t umask_val; char *endptr; umask_long = strtoll(optarg, &endptr, 0); if (*endptr || umask_long < 0 || umask_long & ~0777L) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid --umask option %s", optarg); return; } umask_val = umask_long & 0777; umask(umask_val); umask_cmdline = true; return umask_val; } CWE ID: CWE-200 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: bool DragController::ConcludeEditDrag(DragData* drag_data) { DCHECK(drag_data); HTMLInputElement* file_input = file_input_element_under_mouse_; if (file_input_element_under_mouse_) { file_input_element_under_mouse_->SetCanReceiveDroppedFiles(false); file_input_element_under_mouse_ = nullptr; } if (!document_under_mouse_) return false; LayoutPoint point = document_under_mouse_->View()->RootFrameToContents( LayoutPoint(drag_data->ClientPosition())); Element* element = ElementUnderMouse(document_under_mouse_.Get(), point); if (!element) return false; LocalFrame* inner_frame = element->ownerDocument()->GetFrame(); DCHECK(inner_frame); if (page_->GetDragCaret().HasCaret() && DispatchTextInputEventFor(inner_frame, drag_data) != DispatchEventResult::kNotCanceled) return true; if (drag_data->ContainsFiles() && file_input) { if (file_input->GetLayoutObject()) DCHECK_EQ(file_input, element); if (file_input->IsDisabledFormControl()) return false; return file_input->ReceiveDroppedFiles(drag_data); } if (!page_->GetDragController().CanProcessDrag( drag_data, inner_frame->LocalFrameRoot())) { page_->GetDragCaret().Clear(); return false; } if (page_->GetDragCaret().HasCaret()) { page_->GetDragCaret() .CaretPosition() .GetPosition() .GetDocument() ->UpdateStyleAndLayoutIgnorePendingStylesheets(); } const PositionWithAffinity& caret_position = page_->GetDragCaret().CaretPosition(); if (!caret_position.IsConnected()) { page_->GetDragCaret().Clear(); return false; } VisibleSelection drag_caret = CreateVisibleSelection( SelectionInDOMTree::Builder().Collapse(caret_position).Build()); page_->GetDragCaret().Clear(); if (!inner_frame->Selection().IsAvailable()) { return false; } Range* range = CreateRange(drag_caret.ToNormalizedEphemeralRange()); Element* root_editable_element = inner_frame->Selection() .ComputeVisibleSelectionInDOMTreeDeprecated() .RootEditableElement(); if (!range) return false; ResourceFetcher* fetcher = range->OwnerDocument().Fetcher(); ResourceCacheValidationSuppressor validation_suppressor(fetcher); inner_frame->GetEditor().RegisterCommandGroup( DragAndDropCommand::Create(*inner_frame->GetDocument())); if (DragIsMove(inner_frame->Selection(), drag_data) || IsRichlyEditablePosition(drag_caret.Base())) { DragSourceType drag_source_type = DragSourceType::kHTMLSource; DocumentFragment* fragment = DocumentFragmentFromDragData( drag_data, inner_frame, range, true, drag_source_type); if (!fragment) return false; if (DragIsMove(inner_frame->Selection(), drag_data)) { const DeleteMode delete_mode = inner_frame->GetEditor().SmartInsertDeleteEnabled() ? DeleteMode::kSmart : DeleteMode::kSimple; const InsertMode insert_mode = (delete_mode == DeleteMode::kSmart && inner_frame->Selection().Granularity() == TextGranularity::kWord && drag_data->CanSmartReplace()) ? InsertMode::kSmart : InsertMode::kSimple; if (!inner_frame->GetEditor().DeleteSelectionAfterDraggingWithEvents( inner_frame->GetEditor().FindEventTargetFrom( inner_frame->Selection() .ComputeVisibleSelectionInDOMTreeDeprecated()), delete_mode, drag_caret.Base())) return false; inner_frame->Selection().SetSelectionAndEndTyping( SelectionInDOMTree::Builder() .SetBaseAndExtent(EphemeralRange(range)) .Build()); if (inner_frame->Selection().IsAvailable()) { DCHECK(document_under_mouse_); if (!inner_frame->GetEditor().ReplaceSelectionAfterDraggingWithEvents( element, drag_data, fragment, range, insert_mode, drag_source_type)) return false; } } else { if (SetSelectionToDragCaret(inner_frame, drag_caret, range, point)) { DCHECK(document_under_mouse_); if (!inner_frame->GetEditor().ReplaceSelectionAfterDraggingWithEvents( element, drag_data, fragment, range, drag_data->CanSmartReplace() ? InsertMode::kSmart : InsertMode::kSimple, drag_source_type)) return false; } } } else { String text = drag_data->AsPlainText(); if (text.IsEmpty()) return false; if (SetSelectionToDragCaret(inner_frame, drag_caret, range, point)) { DCHECK(document_under_mouse_); if (!inner_frame->GetEditor().ReplaceSelectionAfterDraggingWithEvents( element, drag_data, CreateFragmentFromText(EphemeralRange(range), text), range, InsertMode::kSimple, DragSourceType::kPlainTextSource)) return false; } } if (root_editable_element) { if (LocalFrame* frame = root_editable_element->GetDocument().GetFrame()) { frame->GetEventHandler().UpdateDragStateAfterEditDragIfNeeded( root_editable_element); } } return true; } CWE ID: CWE-190 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: sample(png_const_bytep row, png_byte colour_type, png_byte bit_depth, png_uint_32 x, unsigned int sample_index) { png_uint_32 bit_index, result; /* Find a sample index for the desired sample: */ x *= bit_depth; bit_index = x; if ((colour_type & 1) == 0) /* !palette */ { if (colour_type & 2) bit_index *= 3; if (colour_type & 4) bit_index += x; /* Alpha channel */ /* Multiple channels; select one: */ if (colour_type & (2+4)) bit_index += sample_index * bit_depth; } /* Return the sample from the row as an integer. */ row += bit_index >> 3; result = *row; if (bit_depth == 8) return result; else if (bit_depth > 8) return (result << 8) + *++row; /* Less than 8 bits per sample. */ bit_index &= 7; return (result >> (8-bit_index-bit_depth)) & ((1U<<bit_depth)-1); } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static int tga_readheader(FILE *fp, unsigned int *bits_per_pixel, unsigned int *width, unsigned int *height, int *flip_image) { int palette_size; unsigned char tga[TGA_HEADER_SIZE]; unsigned char id_len, /*cmap_type,*/ image_type; unsigned char pixel_depth, image_desc; unsigned short /*cmap_index,*/ cmap_len, cmap_entry_size; unsigned short /*x_origin, y_origin,*/ image_w, image_h; if (!bits_per_pixel || !width || !height || !flip_image) { return 0; } if (fread(tga, TGA_HEADER_SIZE, 1, fp) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "\nError: fread return a number of element different from the expected.\n"); return 0 ; } id_len = tga[0]; /*cmap_type = tga[1];*/ image_type = tga[2]; /*cmap_index = get_ushort(&tga[3]);*/ cmap_len = get_ushort(&tga[5]); cmap_entry_size = tga[7]; #if 0 x_origin = get_ushort(&tga[8]); y_origin = get_ushort(&tga[10]); #endif image_w = get_ushort(&tga[12]); image_h = get_ushort(&tga[14]); pixel_depth = tga[16]; image_desc = tga[17]; *bits_per_pixel = (unsigned int)pixel_depth; *width = (unsigned int)image_w; *height = (unsigned int)image_h; /* Ignore tga identifier, if present ... */ if (id_len) { unsigned char *id = (unsigned char *) malloc(id_len); if (id == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "tga_readheader: memory out\n"); return 0; } if (!fread(id, id_len, 1, fp)) { fprintf(stderr, "\nError: fread return a number of element different from the expected.\n"); free(id); return 0 ; } free(id); } /* Test for compressed formats ... not yet supported ... if (image_type > 8) { fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, compressed tga files are not currently supported.\n"); return 0 ; } *flip_image = !(image_desc & 32); /* Palettized formats are not yet supported, skip over the palette, if present ... */ palette_size = cmap_len * (cmap_entry_size / 8); if (palette_size > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "File contains a palette - not yet supported."); fseek(fp, palette_size, SEEK_CUR); } return 1; } CWE ID: CWE-787 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: int vnc_zywrle_send_framebuffer_update(VncState *vs, int x, int y, int w, int h) { vs->zrle.type = VNC_ENCODING_ZYWRLE; return zrle_send_framebuffer_update(vs, x, y, w, h); } CWE ID: CWE-125 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int nested_ept_init_mmu_context(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu) { WARN_ON(mmu_is_nested(vcpu)); if (!valid_ept_address(vcpu, nested_ept_get_cr3(vcpu))) return 1; kvm_mmu_unload(vcpu); kvm_init_shadow_ept_mmu(vcpu, to_vmx(vcpu)->nested.msrs.ept_caps & VMX_EPT_EXECUTE_ONLY_BIT, nested_ept_ad_enabled(vcpu)); vcpu->arch.mmu.set_cr3 = vmx_set_cr3; vcpu->arch.mmu.get_cr3 = nested_ept_get_cr3; vcpu->arch.mmu.inject_page_fault = nested_ept_inject_page_fault; vcpu->arch.walk_mmu = &vcpu->arch.nested_mmu; return 0; } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: std::unique_ptr<HistogramBase> PersistentHistogramAllocator::GetHistogram( Reference ref) { PersistentHistogramData* data = memory_allocator_->GetAsObject<PersistentHistogramData>(ref); const size_t length = memory_allocator_->GetAllocSize(ref); if (!data || data->name[0] == '\0' || reinterpret_cast<char*>(data)[length - 1] != '\0' || data-> == 0 || data-> == 0 || (data-> != data-> && data-> != data-> + 1) || HashMetricName(data->name) != data-> { RecordCreateHistogramResult(CREATE_HISTOGRAM_INVALID_METADATA); NOTREACHED(); return nullptr; } return CreateHistogram(data); } CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static char *get_trace_buf(void) { struct trace_buffer_struct *buffer = this_cpu_ptr(trace_percpu_buffer); if (!buffer || buffer->nesting >= 4) return NULL; buffer->nesting++; /* Interrupts must see nesting incremented before we use the buffer */ barrier(); return &buffer->buffer[buffer->nesting][0]; } CWE ID: CWE-787 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void * gdImageGifPtr (gdImagePtr im, int *size) { void *rv; gdIOCtx *out = gdNewDynamicCtx (2048, NULL); gdImageGifCtx (im, out); rv = gdDPExtractData (out, size); out->gd_free (out); return rv; } CWE ID: CWE-415 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: bool LookupMatchInTopDomains(base::StringPiece skeleton) { DCHECK_NE(skeleton.back(), '.'); auto labels = base::SplitStringPiece(skeleton, ".", base::KEEP_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL); if (labels.size() > kNumberOfLabelsToCheck) { labels.erase(labels.begin(), labels.begin() + labels.size() - kNumberOfLabelsToCheck); } while (labels.size() > 1) { std::string partial_skeleton = base::JoinString(labels, "."); if (net::LookupStringInFixedSet( g_graph, g_graph_length,, partial_skeleton.length()) != net::kDafsaNotFound) return true; labels.erase(labels.begin()); } return false; } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: bool AppCacheUpdateJob::ShouldSkipUrlFetch(const AppCacheEntry& entry) { if (entry.IsExplicit() || entry.IsFallback() || entry.IsIntercept()) return false; return false; } CWE ID: Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static JSValueRef releaseTouchPointCallback(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argumentCount, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef* exception) { if (argumentCount < 1) return JSValueMakeUndefined(context); int index = static_cast<int>(JSValueToNumber(context, arguments[0], exception)); ASSERT(!exception || !*exception); if (index < 0 || index >= (int)touches.size()) return JSValueMakeUndefined(context); touches[index].m_state = BlackBerry::Platform::TouchPoint::TouchReleased; return JSValueMakeUndefined(context); } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static int atl2_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent) { struct net_device *netdev; struct atl2_adapter *adapter; static int cards_found; unsigned long mmio_start; int mmio_len; int err; cards_found = 0; err = pci_enable_device(pdev); if (err) return err; /* * atl2 is a shared-high-32-bit device, so we're stuck with 32-bit DMA * until the kernel has the proper infrastructure to support 64-bit DMA * on these devices. */ if (pci_set_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_BIT_MASK(32)) && pci_set_consistent_dma_mask(pdev, DMA_BIT_MASK(32))) { printk(KERN_ERR "atl2: No usable DMA configuration, aborting\n"); goto err_dma; } /* Mark all PCI regions associated with PCI device * pdev as being reserved by owner atl2_driver_name */ err = pci_request_regions(pdev, atl2_driver_name); if (err) goto err_pci_reg; /* Enables bus-mastering on the device and calls * pcibios_set_master to do the needed arch specific settings */ pci_set_master(pdev); err = -ENOMEM; netdev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct atl2_adapter)); if (!netdev) goto err_alloc_etherdev; SET_NETDEV_DEV(netdev, &pdev->dev); pci_set_drvdata(pdev, netdev); adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); adapter->netdev = netdev; adapter->pdev = pdev; adapter->hw.back = adapter; mmio_start = pci_resource_start(pdev, 0x0); mmio_len = pci_resource_len(pdev, 0x0); adapter->hw.mem_rang = (u32)mmio_len; adapter->hw.hw_addr = ioremap(mmio_start, mmio_len); if (!adapter->hw.hw_addr) { err = -EIO; goto err_ioremap; } atl2_setup_pcicmd(pdev); netdev->netdev_ops = &atl2_netdev_ops; netdev->ethtool_ops = &atl2_ethtool_ops; netdev->watchdog_timeo = 5 * HZ; strncpy(netdev->name, pci_name(pdev), sizeof(netdev->name) - 1); netdev->mem_start = mmio_start; netdev->mem_end = mmio_start + mmio_len; adapter->bd_number = cards_found; adapter->pci_using_64 = false; /* setup the private structure */ err = atl2_sw_init(adapter); if (err) goto err_sw_init; err = -EIO; netdev->hw_features = NETIF_F_SG | NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_CTAG_RX; netdev->features |= (NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_CTAG_TX | NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_CTAG_RX); /* Init PHY as early as possible due to power saving issue */ atl2_phy_init(&adapter->hw); /* reset the controller to * put the device in a known good starting state */ if (atl2_reset_hw(&adapter->hw)) { err = -EIO; goto err_reset; } /* copy the MAC address out of the EEPROM */ atl2_read_mac_addr(&adapter->hw); memcpy(netdev->dev_addr, adapter->hw.mac_addr, netdev->addr_len); if (!is_valid_ether_addr(netdev->dev_addr)) { err = -EIO; goto err_eeprom; } atl2_check_options(adapter); setup_timer(&adapter->watchdog_timer, atl2_watchdog, (unsigned long)adapter); setup_timer(&adapter->phy_config_timer, atl2_phy_config, (unsigned long)adapter); INIT_WORK(&adapter->reset_task, atl2_reset_task); INIT_WORK(&adapter->link_chg_task, atl2_link_chg_task); strcpy(netdev->name, "eth%d"); /* ?? */ err = register_netdev(netdev); if (err) goto err_register; /* assume we have no link for now */ netif_carrier_off(netdev); netif_stop_queue(netdev); cards_found++; return 0; err_reset: err_register: err_sw_init: err_eeprom: iounmap(adapter->hw.hw_addr); err_ioremap: free_netdev(netdev); err_alloc_etherdev: pci_release_regions(pdev); err_pci_reg: err_dma: pci_disable_device(pdev); return err; } CWE ID: CWE-200 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static void cipso_v4_doi_free_rcu(struct rcu_head *entry) { struct cipso_v4_doi *doi_def; doi_def = container_of(entry, struct cipso_v4_doi, rcu); cipso_v4_doi_free(doi_def); } CWE ID: CWE-362 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static __always_inline ssize_t __mcopy_atomic(struct mm_struct *dst_mm, unsigned long dst_start, unsigned long src_start, unsigned long len, bool zeropage, bool *mmap_changing) { struct vm_area_struct *dst_vma; ssize_t err; pmd_t *dst_pmd; unsigned long src_addr, dst_addr; long copied; struct page *page; /* * Sanitize the command parameters: */ BUG_ON(dst_start & ~PAGE_MASK); BUG_ON(len & ~PAGE_MASK); /* Does the address range wrap, or is the span zero-sized? */ BUG_ON(src_start + len <= src_start); BUG_ON(dst_start + len <= dst_start); src_addr = src_start; dst_addr = dst_start; copied = 0; page = NULL; retry: down_read(&dst_mm->mmap_sem); /* * If memory mappings are changing because of non-cooperative * operation (e.g. mremap) running in parallel, bail out and * request the user to retry later */ err = -EAGAIN; if (mmap_changing && READ_ONCE(*mmap_changing)) goto out_unlock; /* * Make sure the vma is not shared, that the dst range is * both valid and fully within a single existing vma. */ err = -ENOENT; dst_vma = find_vma(dst_mm, dst_start); if (!dst_vma) goto out_unlock; /* * Be strict and only allow __mcopy_atomic on userfaultfd * registered ranges to prevent userland errors going * unnoticed. As far as the VM consistency is concerned, it * would be perfectly safe to remove this check, but there's * no useful usage for __mcopy_atomic ouside of userfaultfd * registered ranges. This is after all why these are ioctls * belonging to the userfaultfd and not syscalls. */ if (!dst_vma->vm_userfaultfd_ctx.ctx) goto out_unlock; if (dst_start < dst_vma->vm_start || dst_start + len > dst_vma->vm_end) goto out_unlock; err = -EINVAL; /* * shmem_zero_setup is invoked in mmap for MAP_ANONYMOUS|MAP_SHARED but * it will overwrite vm_ops, so vma_is_anonymous must return false. */ if (WARN_ON_ONCE(vma_is_anonymous(dst_vma) && dst_vma->vm_flags & VM_SHARED)) goto out_unlock; /* * If this is a HUGETLB vma, pass off to appropriate routine */ if (is_vm_hugetlb_page(dst_vma)) return __mcopy_atomic_hugetlb(dst_mm, dst_vma, dst_start, src_start, len, zeropage); if (!vma_is_anonymous(dst_vma) && !vma_is_shmem(dst_vma)) goto out_unlock; /* * Ensure the dst_vma has a anon_vma or this page * would get a NULL anon_vma when moved in the * dst_vma. */ err = -ENOMEM; if (!(dst_vma->vm_flags & VM_SHARED) && unlikely(anon_vma_prepare(dst_vma))) goto out_unlock; while (src_addr < src_start + len) { pmd_t dst_pmdval; BUG_ON(dst_addr >= dst_start + len); dst_pmd = mm_alloc_pmd(dst_mm, dst_addr); if (unlikely(!dst_pmd)) { err = -ENOMEM; break; } dst_pmdval = pmd_read_atomic(dst_pmd); /* * If the dst_pmd is mapped as THP don't * override it and just be strict. */ if (unlikely(pmd_trans_huge(dst_pmdval))) { err = -EEXIST; break; } if (unlikely(pmd_none(dst_pmdval)) && unlikely(__pte_alloc(dst_mm, dst_pmd, dst_addr))) { err = -ENOMEM; break; } /* If an huge pmd materialized from under us fail */ if (unlikely(pmd_trans_huge(*dst_pmd))) { err = -EFAULT; break; } BUG_ON(pmd_none(*dst_pmd)); BUG_ON(pmd_trans_huge(*dst_pmd)); err = mfill_atomic_pte(dst_mm, dst_pmd, dst_vma, dst_addr, src_addr, &page, zeropage); cond_resched(); if (unlikely(err == -ENOENT)) { void *page_kaddr; up_read(&dst_mm->mmap_sem); BUG_ON(!page); page_kaddr = kmap(page); err = copy_from_user(page_kaddr, (const void __user *) src_addr, PAGE_SIZE); kunmap(page); if (unlikely(err)) { err = -EFAULT; goto out; } goto retry; } else BUG_ON(page); if (!err) { dst_addr += PAGE_SIZE; src_addr += PAGE_SIZE; copied += PAGE_SIZE; if (fatal_signal_pending(current)) err = -EINTR; } if (err) break; } out_unlock: up_read(&dst_mm->mmap_sem); out: if (page) put_page(page); BUG_ON(copied < 0); BUG_ON(err > 0); BUG_ON(!copied && !err); return copied ? copied : err; } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: int rsa_verify_hash_ex(const unsigned char *sig, unsigned long siglen, const unsigned char *hash, unsigned long hashlen, int padding, int hash_idx, unsigned long saltlen, int *stat, rsa_key *key) { unsigned long modulus_bitlen, modulus_bytelen, x; int err; unsigned char *tmpbuf; LTC_ARGCHK(hash != NULL); LTC_ARGCHK(sig != NULL); LTC_ARGCHK(stat != NULL); LTC_ARGCHK(key != NULL); /* default to invalid */ *stat = 0; /* valid padding? */ if ((padding != LTC_PKCS_1_V1_5) && (padding != LTC_PKCS_1_PSS)) { return CRYPT_PK_INVALID_PADDING; } if (padding == LTC_PKCS_1_PSS) { /* valid hash ? */ if ((err = hash_is_valid(hash_idx)) != CRYPT_OK) { return err; } } /* get modulus len in bits */ modulus_bitlen = mp_count_bits( (key->N)); /* outlen must be at least the size of the modulus */ modulus_bytelen = mp_unsigned_bin_size( (key->N)); if (modulus_bytelen != siglen) { return CRYPT_INVALID_PACKET; } /* allocate temp buffer for decoded sig */ tmpbuf = XMALLOC(siglen); if (tmpbuf == NULL) { return CRYPT_MEM; } /* RSA decode it */ x = siglen; if ((err = ltc_mp.rsa_me(sig, siglen, tmpbuf, &x, PK_PUBLIC, key)) != CRYPT_OK) { XFREE(tmpbuf); return err; } /* make sure the output is the right size */ if (x != siglen) { XFREE(tmpbuf); return CRYPT_INVALID_PACKET; } if (padding == LTC_PKCS_1_PSS) { /* PSS decode and verify it */ if(modulus_bitlen%8 == 1){ err = pkcs_1_pss_decode(hash, hashlen, tmpbuf+1, x-1, saltlen, hash_idx, modulus_bitlen, stat); } else{ err = pkcs_1_pss_decode(hash, hashlen, tmpbuf, x, saltlen, hash_idx, modulus_bitlen, stat); } } else { /* PKCS #1 v1.5 decode it */ unsigned char *out; unsigned long outlen, loid[16]; int decoded; ltc_asn1_list digestinfo[2], siginfo[2]; /* not all hashes have OIDs... so sad */ if (hash_descriptor[hash_idx].OIDlen == 0) { err = CRYPT_INVALID_ARG; goto bail_2; } /* allocate temp buffer for decoded hash */ outlen = ((modulus_bitlen >> 3) + (modulus_bitlen & 7 ? 1 : 0)) - 3; out = XMALLOC(outlen); if (out == NULL) { err = CRYPT_MEM; goto bail_2; } if ((err = pkcs_1_v1_5_decode(tmpbuf, x, LTC_PKCS_1_EMSA, modulus_bitlen, out, &outlen, &decoded)) != CRYPT_OK) { XFREE(out); goto bail_2; } /* now we must decode out[0...outlen-1] using ASN.1, test the OID and then test the hash */ /* construct the SEQUENCE SEQUENCE { SEQUENCE {hashoid OID blah NULL } hash OCTET STRING } */ LTC_SET_ASN1(digestinfo, 0, LTC_ASN1_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER, loid, sizeof(loid)/sizeof(loid[0])); LTC_SET_ASN1(digestinfo, 1, LTC_ASN1_NULL, NULL, 0); LTC_SET_ASN1(siginfo, 0, LTC_ASN1_SEQUENCE, digestinfo, 2); LTC_SET_ASN1(siginfo, 1, LTC_ASN1_OCTET_STRING, tmpbuf, siglen); if ((err = der_decode_sequence(out, outlen, siginfo, 2)) != CRYPT_OK) { XFREE(out); goto bail_2; } /* test OID */ if ((digestinfo[0].size == hash_descriptor[hash_idx].OIDlen) && (XMEMCMP(digestinfo[0].data, hash_descriptor[hash_idx].OID, sizeof(unsigned long) * hash_descriptor[hash_idx].OIDlen) == 0) && (siginfo[1].size == hashlen) && (XMEMCMP(siginfo[1].data, hash, hashlen) == 0)) { *stat = 1; } #ifdef LTC_CLEAN_STACK zeromem(out, outlen); #endif XFREE(out); } bail_2: #ifdef LTC_CLEAN_STACK zeromem(tmpbuf, siglen); #endif XFREE(tmpbuf); return err; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static struct nl_mmap_hdr *netlink_mmap_hdr(struct sk_buff *skb) { return (struct nl_mmap_hdr *)(skb->head - NL_MMAP_HDRLEN); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void FrameLoader::DispatchDidClearDocumentOfWindowObject() { DCHECK(frame_->GetDocument()); if (state_machine_.CreatingInitialEmptyDocument()) return; if (!frame_->GetDocument()->CanExecuteScripts(kNotAboutToExecuteScript)) return; Settings* settings = frame_->GetSettings(); if (settings && settings->GetForceMainWorldInitialization()) { frame_->GetScriptController().WindowProxy(DOMWrapperWorld::MainWorld()); } probe::didClearDocumentOfWindowObject(frame_); if (dispatching_did_clear_window_object_in_main_world_) return; base::AutoReset<bool> in_did_clear_window_object( &dispatching_did_clear_window_object_in_main_world_, true); Client()->DispatchDidClearWindowObjectInMainWorld(); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: Segment::Segment( IMkvReader* pReader, long long elem_start, long long start, long long size) : m_pReader(pReader), m_element_start(elem_start), m_start(start), m_size(size), m_pos(start), m_pUnknownSize(0), m_pSeekHead(NULL), m_pInfo(NULL), m_pTracks(NULL), m_pCues(NULL), m_pChapters(NULL), m_clusters(NULL), m_clusterCount(0), m_clusterPreloadCount(0), m_clusterSize(0) { } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: int kvm_arch_init_vm(struct kvm *kvm) { BUG_ON(!kvm); kvm->arch.is_sn2 = ia64_platform_is("sn2"); kvm->arch.metaphysical_rr0 = GUEST_PHYSICAL_RR0; kvm->arch.metaphysical_rr4 = GUEST_PHYSICAL_RR4; kvm->arch.vmm_init_rr = VMM_INIT_RR; /* *Fill P2M entries for MMIO/IO ranges */ kvm_build_io_pmt(kvm); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&kvm->arch.assigned_dev_head); /* Reserve bit 0 of irq_sources_bitmap for userspace irq source */ set_bit(KVM_USERSPACE_IRQ_SOURCE_ID, &kvm->arch.irq_sources_bitmap); return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: JSRetainPtr<JSStringRef> AccessibilityUIElement::attributesOfColumnHeaders() { return JSStringCreateWithCharacters(0, 0); } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: int read_image_tga( gdIOCtx *ctx, oTga *tga ) { int pixel_block_size = (tga->bits / 8); int image_block_size = (tga->width * tga->height) * pixel_block_size; uint8_t* decompression_buffer = NULL; unsigned char* conversion_buffer = NULL; int buffer_caret = 0; int bitmap_caret = 0; int i = 0; int j = 0; uint8_t encoded_pixels; if(overflow2(tga->width, tga->height)) { return -1; } if(overflow2(tga->width * tga->height, pixel_block_size)) { return -1; } if(overflow2(image_block_size, sizeof(int))) { return -1; } /*! \todo Add more image type support. */ if (tga->imagetype != TGA_TYPE_RGB && tga->imagetype != TGA_TYPE_RGB_RLE) return -1; /*! \brief Allocate memmory for image block * Allocate a chunk of memory for the image block to be passed into. */ tga->bitmap = (int *) gdMalloc(image_block_size * sizeof(int)); if (tga->bitmap == NULL) return -1; switch (tga->imagetype) { case TGA_TYPE_RGB: /*! \brief Read in uncompressed RGB TGA * Chunk load the pixel data from an uncompressed RGB type TGA. */ conversion_buffer = (unsigned char *) gdMalloc(image_block_size * sizeof(unsigned char)); if (conversion_buffer == NULL) { return -1; } if (gdGetBuf(conversion_buffer, image_block_size, ctx) != image_block_size) { gd_error("gd-tga: premature end of image data\n"); gdFree(conversion_buffer); return -1; } while (buffer_caret < image_block_size) { tga->bitmap[buffer_caret] = (int) conversion_buffer[buffer_caret]; buffer_caret++; } gdFree(conversion_buffer); break; case TGA_TYPE_RGB_RLE: /*! \brief Read in RLE compressed RGB TGA * Chunk load the pixel data from an RLE compressed RGB type TGA. */ decompression_buffer = (uint8_t*) gdMalloc(image_block_size * sizeof(uint8_t)); if (decompression_buffer == NULL) { return -1; } conversion_buffer = (unsigned char *) gdMalloc(image_block_size * sizeof(unsigned char)); if (conversion_buffer == NULL) { gd_error("gd-tga: premature end of image data\n"); gdFree( decompression_buffer ); return -1; } if (gdGetBuf(conversion_buffer, image_block_size, ctx) != image_block_size) { gdFree(conversion_buffer); gdFree(decompression_buffer); return -1; } buffer_caret = 0; while( buffer_caret < image_block_size) { decompression_buffer[buffer_caret] = (int)conversion_buffer[buffer_caret]; buffer_caret++; } buffer_caret = 0; while( bitmap_caret < image_block_size ) { if ((decompression_buffer[buffer_caret] & TGA_RLE_FLAG) == TGA_RLE_FLAG) { encoded_pixels = ( ( decompression_buffer[ buffer_caret ] & 127 ) + 1 ); buffer_caret++; for (i = 0; i < encoded_pixels; i++) { for (j = 0; j < pixel_block_size; j++, bitmap_caret++) { tga->bitmap[ bitmap_caret ] = decompression_buffer[ buffer_caret + j ]; } } buffer_caret += pixel_block_size; } else { encoded_pixels = decompression_buffer[ buffer_caret ] + 1; buffer_caret++; for (i = 0; i < encoded_pixels; i++) { for( j = 0; j < pixel_block_size; j++, bitmap_caret++ ) { tga->bitmap[ bitmap_caret ] = decompression_buffer[ buffer_caret + j ]; } buffer_caret += pixel_block_size; } } } gdFree( decompression_buffer ); gdFree( conversion_buffer ); break; } return 1; } CWE ID: CWE-125 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: bool RenderFrameImpl::SwapIn() { CHECK_NE(proxy_routing_id_, MSG_ROUTING_NONE); CHECK(!in_frame_tree_); RenderFrameProxy* proxy = RenderFrameProxy::FromRoutingID(proxy_routing_id_); CHECK(proxy); unique_name_helper_.set_propagated_name(proxy->unique_name()); if (!proxy->web_frame()->Swap(frame_)) return false; proxy_routing_id_ = MSG_ROUTING_NONE; in_frame_tree_ = true; if (is_main_frame_) { CHECK(!render_view_->main_render_frame_); render_view_->main_render_frame_ = this; if (render_view_->GetWidget()->is_frozen()) { render_view_->GetWidget()->SetIsFrozen(false); } render_view_->UpdateWebViewWithDeviceScaleFactor(); } return true; } CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: png_get_io_ptr(png_structp png_ptr) { if (png_ptr == NULL) return (NULL); return (png_ptr->io_ptr); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: int install_user_keyrings(void) { struct user_struct *user; const struct cred *cred; struct key *uid_keyring, *session_keyring; key_perm_t user_keyring_perm; char buf[20]; int ret; uid_t uid; user_keyring_perm = (KEY_POS_ALL & ~KEY_POS_SETATTR) | KEY_USR_ALL; cred = current_cred(); user = cred->user; uid = from_kuid(cred->user_ns, user->uid); kenter("%p{%u}", user, uid); if (user->uid_keyring) { kleave(" = 0 [exist]"); return 0; } mutex_lock(&key_user_keyring_mutex); ret = 0; if (!user->uid_keyring) { /* get the UID-specific keyring * - there may be one in existence already as it may have been * pinned by a session, but the user_struct pointing to it * may have been destroyed by setuid */ sprintf(buf, "_uid.%u", uid); uid_keyring = find_keyring_by_name(buf, true); if (IS_ERR(uid_keyring)) { uid_keyring = keyring_alloc(buf, user->uid, INVALID_GID, cred, user_keyring_perm, KEY_ALLOC_IN_QUOTA, NULL); if (IS_ERR(uid_keyring)) { ret = PTR_ERR(uid_keyring); goto error; } } /* get a default session keyring (which might also exist * already) */ sprintf(buf, "_uid_ses.%u", uid); session_keyring = find_keyring_by_name(buf, true); if (IS_ERR(session_keyring)) { session_keyring = keyring_alloc(buf, user->uid, INVALID_GID, cred, user_keyring_perm, KEY_ALLOC_IN_QUOTA, NULL); if (IS_ERR(session_keyring)) { ret = PTR_ERR(session_keyring); goto error_release; } /* we install a link from the user session keyring to * the user keyring */ ret = key_link(session_keyring, uid_keyring); if (ret < 0) goto error_release_both; } /* install the keyrings */ user->uid_keyring = uid_keyring; user->session_keyring = session_keyring; } mutex_unlock(&key_user_keyring_mutex); kleave(" = 0"); return 0; error_release_both: key_put(session_keyring); error_release: key_put(uid_keyring); error: mutex_unlock(&key_user_keyring_mutex); kleave(" = %d", ret); return ret; } CWE ID: CWE-362 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static enum TIFFReadDirEntryErr TIFFReadDirEntryLong8(TIFF* tif, TIFFDirEntry* direntry, uint64* value) { enum TIFFReadDirEntryErr err; if (direntry->tdir_count!=1) return(TIFFReadDirEntryErrCount); switch (direntry->tdir_type) { case TIFF_BYTE: { uint8 m; TIFFReadDirEntryCheckedByte(tif,direntry,&m); *value=(uint64)m; return(TIFFReadDirEntryErrOk); } case TIFF_SBYTE: { int8 m; TIFFReadDirEntryCheckedSbyte(tif,direntry,&m); err=TIFFReadDirEntryCheckRangeLong8Sbyte(m); if (err!=TIFFReadDirEntryErrOk) return(err); *value=(uint64)m; return(TIFFReadDirEntryErrOk); } case TIFF_SHORT: { uint16 m; TIFFReadDirEntryCheckedShort(tif,direntry,&m); *value=(uint64)m; return(TIFFReadDirEntryErrOk); } case TIFF_SSHORT: { int16 m; TIFFReadDirEntryCheckedSshort(tif,direntry,&m); err=TIFFReadDirEntryCheckRangeLong8Sshort(m); if (err!=TIFFReadDirEntryErrOk) return(err); *value=(uint64)m; return(TIFFReadDirEntryErrOk); } case TIFF_LONG: { uint32 m; TIFFReadDirEntryCheckedLong(tif,direntry,&m); *value=(uint64)m; return(TIFFReadDirEntryErrOk); } case TIFF_SLONG: { int32 m; TIFFReadDirEntryCheckedSlong(tif,direntry,&m); err=TIFFReadDirEntryCheckRangeLong8Slong(m); if (err!=TIFFReadDirEntryErrOk) return(err); *value=(uint64)m; return(TIFFReadDirEntryErrOk); } case TIFF_LONG8: err=TIFFReadDirEntryCheckedLong8(tif,direntry,value); return(err); case TIFF_SLONG8: { int64 m; err=TIFFReadDirEntryCheckedSlong8(tif,direntry,&m); if (err!=TIFFReadDirEntryErrOk) return(err); err=TIFFReadDirEntryCheckRangeLong8Slong8(m); if (err!=TIFFReadDirEntryErrOk) return(err); *value=(uint64)m; return(TIFFReadDirEntryErrOk); } default: return(TIFFReadDirEntryErrType); } } CWE ID: CWE-125 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: inline float ParentTextZoomFactor(LocalFrame* frame) { Frame* parent = frame->Tree().Parent(); if (!parent || !parent->IsLocalFrame()) return 1; return ToLocalFrame(parent)->TextZoomFactor(); } CWE ID: CWE-285 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: int Reverb_command(effect_handle_t self, uint32_t cmdCode, uint32_t cmdSize, void *pCmdData, uint32_t *replySize, void *pReplyData){ android::ReverbContext * pContext = (android::ReverbContext *) self; int retsize; LVREV_ControlParams_st ActiveParams; /* Current control Parameters */ LVREV_ReturnStatus_en LvmStatus=LVREV_SUCCESS; /* Function call status */ if (pContext == NULL){ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_command ERROR pContext == NULL"); return -EINVAL; } switch (cmdCode){ case EFFECT_CMD_INIT: if (pReplyData == NULL || *replySize != sizeof(int)){ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_command cmdCode Case: " "EFFECT_CMD_INIT: ERROR"); return -EINVAL; } *(int *) pReplyData = 0; break; case EFFECT_CMD_SET_CONFIG: if (pCmdData == NULL || cmdSize != sizeof(effect_config_t) || pReplyData == NULL || *replySize != sizeof(int)) { ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_command cmdCode Case: " "EFFECT_CMD_SET_CONFIG: ERROR"); return -EINVAL; } *(int *) pReplyData = android::Reverb_setConfig(pContext, (effect_config_t *) pCmdData); break; case EFFECT_CMD_GET_CONFIG: if (pReplyData == NULL || *replySize != sizeof(effect_config_t)) { ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_command cmdCode Case: " "EFFECT_CMD_GET_CONFIG: ERROR"); return -EINVAL; } android::Reverb_getConfig(pContext, (effect_config_t *)pReplyData); break; case EFFECT_CMD_RESET: Reverb_setConfig(pContext, &pContext->config); break; case EFFECT_CMD_GET_PARAM:{ if (pCmdData == NULL || cmdSize < (sizeof(effect_param_t) + sizeof(int32_t)) || pReplyData == NULL || *replySize < (sizeof(effect_param_t) + sizeof(int32_t))){ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_command cmdCode Case: " "EFFECT_CMD_GET_PARAM: ERROR"); return -EINVAL; } effect_param_t *p = (effect_param_t *)pCmdData; memcpy(pReplyData, pCmdData, sizeof(effect_param_t) + p->psize); p = (effect_param_t *)pReplyData; int voffset = ((p->psize - 1) / sizeof(int32_t) + 1) * sizeof(int32_t); p->status = android::Reverb_getParameter(pContext, (void *)p->data, &p->vsize, p->data + voffset); *replySize = sizeof(effect_param_t) + voffset + p->vsize; } break; case EFFECT_CMD_SET_PARAM:{ if (pCmdData == NULL || (cmdSize < (sizeof(effect_param_t) + sizeof(int32_t))) || pReplyData == NULL || *replySize != sizeof(int32_t)) { ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_command cmdCode Case: " "EFFECT_CMD_SET_PARAM: ERROR"); return -EINVAL; } effect_param_t *p = (effect_param_t *) pCmdData; if (p->psize != sizeof(int32_t)){ ALOGV("\t4LVM_ERROR : Reverb_command cmdCode Case: " "EFFECT_CMD_SET_PARAM: ERROR, psize is not sizeof(int32_t)"); return -EINVAL; } *(int *)pReplyData = android::Reverb_setParameter(pContext, (void *)p->data, p->data + p->psize); } break; case EFFECT_CMD_ENABLE: if (pReplyData == NULL || *replySize != sizeof(int)){ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_command cmdCode Case: " "EFFECT_CMD_ENABLE: ERROR"); return -EINVAL; } if(pContext->bEnabled == LVM_TRUE){ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_command cmdCode Case: " "EFFECT_CMD_ENABLE: ERROR-Effect is already enabled"); return -EINVAL; } *(int *)pReplyData = 0; pContext->bEnabled = LVM_TRUE; /* Get the current settings */ LvmStatus = LVREV_GetControlParameters(pContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams); LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVREV_GetControlParameters", "EFFECT_CMD_ENABLE") pContext->SamplesToExitCount = (ActiveParams.T60 * pContext->config.inputCfg.samplingRate)/1000; pContext->volumeMode = android::REVERB_VOLUME_FLAT; break; case EFFECT_CMD_DISABLE: if (pReplyData == NULL || *replySize != sizeof(int)){ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_command cmdCode Case: " "EFFECT_CMD_DISABLE: ERROR"); return -EINVAL; } if(pContext->bEnabled == LVM_FALSE){ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_command cmdCode Case: " "EFFECT_CMD_DISABLE: ERROR-Effect is not yet enabled"); return -EINVAL; } *(int *)pReplyData = 0; pContext->bEnabled = LVM_FALSE; break; case EFFECT_CMD_SET_VOLUME: if (pCmdData == NULL || cmdSize != 2 * sizeof(uint32_t)) { ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_command cmdCode Case: " "EFFECT_CMD_SET_VOLUME: ERROR"); return -EINVAL; } if (pReplyData != NULL) { // we have volume control pContext->leftVolume = (LVM_INT16)((*(uint32_t *)pCmdData + (1 << 11)) >> 12); pContext->rightVolume = (LVM_INT16)((*((uint32_t *)pCmdData + 1) + (1 << 11)) >> 12); *(uint32_t *)pReplyData = (1 << 24); *((uint32_t *)pReplyData + 1) = (1 << 24); if (pContext->volumeMode == android::REVERB_VOLUME_OFF) { pContext->volumeMode = android::REVERB_VOLUME_FLAT; } } else { // we don't have volume control pContext->leftVolume = REVERB_UNIT_VOLUME; pContext->rightVolume = REVERB_UNIT_VOLUME; pContext->volumeMode = android::REVERB_VOLUME_OFF; } ALOGV("EFFECT_CMD_SET_VOLUME left %d, right %d mode %d", pContext->leftVolume, pContext->rightVolume, pContext->volumeMode); break; case EFFECT_CMD_SET_DEVICE: case EFFECT_CMD_SET_AUDIO_MODE: break; default: ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_command cmdCode Case: " "DEFAULT start %d ERROR",cmdCode); return -EINVAL; } return 0; } /* end Reverb_command */ CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static void feh_wm_set_bg_centered(Pixmap pmap, Imlib_Image im, int use_filelist, int x, int y, int w, int h) { int offset_x, offset_y; if (use_filelist) feh_wm_load_next(&im); if(opt.geom_flags & XValue) if(opt.geom_flags & XNegative) offset_x = (w - gib_imlib_image_get_width(im)) + opt.geom_x; else offset_x = opt.geom_x; else offset_x = (w - gib_imlib_image_get_width(im)) >> 1; if(opt.geom_flags & YValue) if(opt.geom_flags & YNegative) offset_y = (h - gib_imlib_image_get_height(im)) + opt.geom_y; else offset_y = opt.geom_y; else offset_y = (h - gib_imlib_image_get_height(im)) >> 1; gib_imlib_render_image_part_on_drawable_at_size(pmap, im, ((offset_x < 0) ? -offset_x : 0), ((offset_y < 0) ? -offset_y : 0), w, h, x + ((offset_x > 0) ? offset_x : 0), y + ((offset_y > 0) ? offset_y : 0), w, h, 1, 0, 0); if (use_filelist) gib_imlib_free_image_and_decache(im); return; } CWE ID: CWE-787 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int jas_iccputuint(jas_stream_t *out, int n, ulonglong val) { int i; int c; for (i = n; i > 0; --i) { c = (val >> (8 * (i - 1))) & 0xff; if (jas_stream_putc(out, c) == EOF) return -1; } return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-190 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void ShellWindowFrameView::Init(views::Widget* frame) { frame_ = frame; ui::ResourceBundle& rb = ui::ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance(); close_button_ = new views::ImageButton(this); close_button_->SetImage(views::CustomButton::BS_NORMAL, rb.GetNativeImageNamed(IDR_CLOSE_BAR).ToImageSkia()); close_button_->SetImage(views::CustomButton::BS_HOT, rb.GetNativeImageNamed(IDR_CLOSE_BAR_H).ToImageSkia()); close_button_->SetImage(views::CustomButton::BS_PUSHED, rb.GetNativeImageNamed(IDR_CLOSE_BAR_P).ToImageSkia()); close_button_->SetAccessibleName( l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_APP_ACCNAME_CLOSE)); AddChildView(close_button_); #if defined(USE_ASH) aura::Window* window = frame->GetNativeWindow(); int outside_bounds = ui::GetDisplayLayout() == ui::LAYOUT_TOUCH ? kResizeOutsideBoundsSizeTouch : kResizeOutsideBoundsSize; window->set_hit_test_bounds_override_outer( gfx::Insets(-outside_bounds, -outside_bounds, -outside_bounds, -outside_bounds)); window->set_hit_test_bounds_override_inner( gfx::Insets(kResizeInsideBoundsSize, kResizeInsideBoundsSize, kResizeInsideBoundsSize, kResizeInsideBoundsSize)); #endif } CWE ID: CWE-79 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: InitAliasInfo(AliasInfo *info, enum merge_mode merge, xkb_atom_t alias, xkb_atom_t real) { memset(info, 0, sizeof(*info)); info->merge = merge; info->alias = alias; info->real = real; } CWE ID: CWE-476 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void WebContentsImpl::GenerateMHTML( const base::FilePath& file, const base::Callback<void(int64)>& callback) { MHTMLGenerationManager::GetInstance()->SaveMHTML(this, file, callback); } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void comps_objrtree_unite(COMPS_ObjRTree *rt1, COMPS_ObjRTree *rt2) { COMPS_HSList *tmplist, *tmp_subnodes; COMPS_HSListItem *it; struct Pair { COMPS_HSList * subnodes; char * key; char added; } *pair, *parent_pair; pair = malloc(sizeof(struct Pair)); pair->subnodes = rt2->subnodes; pair->key = NULL; tmplist = comps_hslist_create(); comps_hslist_init(tmplist, NULL, NULL, &free); comps_hslist_append(tmplist, pair, 0); while (tmplist->first != NULL) { it = tmplist->first; comps_hslist_remove(tmplist, tmplist->first); tmp_subnodes = ((struct Pair*)it->data)->subnodes; parent_pair = (struct Pair*) it->data; free(it); pair = malloc(sizeof(struct Pair)); pair->subnodes = ((COMPS_ObjRTreeData*)it->data)->subnodes; if (parent_pair->key != NULL) { pair->key = malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(((COMPS_ObjRTreeData*)it->data)->key) + strlen(parent_pair->key) + 1)); memcpy(pair->key, parent_pair->key, sizeof(char) * strlen(parent_pair->key)); memcpy(pair->key + strlen(parent_pair->key), ((COMPS_ObjRTreeData*)it->data)->key, sizeof(char)*(strlen(((COMPS_ObjRTreeData*)it->data)->key)+1)); } else { pair->key = malloc(sizeof(char)* (strlen(((COMPS_ObjRTreeData*)it->data)->key) +1)); memcpy(pair->key, ((COMPS_ObjRTreeData*)it->data)->key, sizeof(char)*(strlen(((COMPS_ObjRTreeData*)it->data)->key)+1)); } /* current node has data */ if (((COMPS_ObjRTreeData*)it->data)->data != NULL) { comps_objrtree_set(rt1, pair->key, (((COMPS_ObjRTreeData*)it->data)->data)); } if (((COMPS_ObjRTreeData*)it->data)->subnodes->first) { comps_hslist_append(tmplist, pair, 0); } else { free(pair->key); free(pair); } } free(parent_pair->key); free(parent_pair); } comps_hslist_destroy(&tmplist); } CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: entry_guard_add_to_sample_impl(guard_selection_t *gs, const uint8_t *rsa_id_digest, const char *nickname, const tor_addr_port_t *bridge_addrport) { const int GUARD_LIFETIME = get_guard_lifetime(); tor_assert(gs); /* Make sure we can actually identify the guard. */ if (BUG(!rsa_id_digest && !bridge_addrport)) return NULL; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE entry_guard_t *guard = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(entry_guard_t)); /* persistent fields */ guard->is_persistent = (rsa_id_digest != NULL); guard->selection_name = tor_strdup(gs->name); if (rsa_id_digest) memcpy(guard->identity, rsa_id_digest, DIGEST_LEN); if (nickname) strlcpy(guard->nickname, nickname, sizeof(guard->nickname)); guard->sampled_on_date = randomize_time(approx_time(), GUARD_LIFETIME/10); tor_free(guard->sampled_by_version); guard->sampled_by_version = tor_strdup(VERSION); guard->currently_listed = 1; guard->confirmed_idx = -1; /* non-persistent fields */ guard->is_reachable = GUARD_REACHABLE_MAYBE; if (bridge_addrport) guard->bridge_addr = tor_memdup(bridge_addrport, sizeof(*bridge_addrport)); smartlist_add(gs->sampled_entry_guards, guard); guard->in_selection = gs; entry_guard_set_filtered_flags(get_options(), gs, guard); entry_guards_changed_for_guard_selection(gs); return guard; } CWE ID: CWE-200 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: GF_Err tpay_Write(GF_Box *s, GF_BitStream *bs) { GF_Err e; GF_TPAYBox *ptr = (GF_TPAYBox *)s; if (ptr == NULL) return GF_BAD_PARAM; e = gf_isom_box_write_header(s, bs); if (e) return e; gf_bs_write_u32(bs, ptr->nbBytes); return GF_OK; } CWE ID: CWE-125 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void AwContents::DidOverscroll(gfx::Vector2d overscroll_delta, gfx::Vector2dF overscroll_velocity) { DCHECK_CURRENTLY_ON(BrowserThread::UI); JNIEnv* env = AttachCurrentThread(); ScopedJavaLocalRef<jobject> obj = java_ref_.get(env); if (obj.is_null()) return; Java_AwContents_didOverscroll(env, obj.obj(), overscroll_delta.x(), overscroll_delta.y(), overscroll_velocity.x(), overscroll_velocity.y()); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void DocumentLoader::ReplaceDocumentWhileExecutingJavaScriptURL( const KURL& url, Document* owner_document, WebGlobalObjectReusePolicy global_object_reuse_policy, const String& source) { InstallNewDocument(url, owner_document, global_object_reuse_policy, MimeType(), response_.TextEncodingName(), InstallNewDocumentReason::kJavascriptURL, kForceSynchronousParsing, NullURL()); if (!source.IsNull()) { frame_->GetDocument()->SetCompatibilityMode(Document::kNoQuirksMode); parser_->Append(source); } if (parser_) parser_->Finish(); } CWE ID: CWE-362 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: RTCSessionDescriptionRequestFailedTask(MockWebRTCPeerConnectionHandler* object, const WebKit::WebRTCSessionDescriptionRequest& request) : MethodTask<MockWebRTCPeerConnectionHandler>(object) , m_request(request) { } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static int em_fxrstor(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt) { struct fxregs_state fx_state; int rc; rc = check_fxsr(ctxt); if (rc != X86EMUL_CONTINUE) return rc; rc = segmented_read(ctxt, ctxt->memop.addr.mem, &fx_state, 512); if (rc != X86EMUL_CONTINUE) return rc; if (fx_state.mxcsr >> 16) return emulate_gp(ctxt, 0); ctxt->ops->get_fpu(ctxt); if (ctxt->mode < X86EMUL_MODE_PROT64) rc = fxrstor_fixup(ctxt, &fx_state); if (rc == X86EMUL_CONTINUE) rc = asm_safe("fxrstor %[fx]", : [fx] "m"(fx_state)); ctxt->ops->put_fpu(ctxt); return rc; } CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: sockaddr_inet(short family, inet_address_t *addr) { SOCKADDR_INET sa_inet; ZeroMemory(&sa_inet, sizeof(sa_inet)); sa_inet.si_family = family; if (family == AF_INET) { sa_inet.Ipv4.sin_addr = addr->ipv4; } else if (family == AF_INET6) { sa_inet.Ipv6.sin6_addr = addr->ipv6; } return sa_inet; } CWE ID: CWE-415 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void WebLocalFrameImpl::SetCommittedFirstRealLoad() { DCHECK(GetFrame()); GetFrame()->Loader().StateMachine()->AdvanceTo( FrameLoaderStateMachine::kCommittedMultipleRealLoads); GetFrame()->DidSendResourceTimingInfoToParent(); } CWE ID: CWE-200 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: virtual void SetImePropertyActivated(const std::string& key, bool activated) { if (!initialized_successfully_) return; DCHECK(!key.empty()); chromeos::SetImePropertyActivated( input_method_status_connection_, key.c_str(), activated); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static int ehci_reset_queue(EHCIQueue *q) { int packets; trace_usb_ehci_queue_action(q, "reset"); packets = ehci_cancel_queue(q); q->dev = NULL; q->qtdaddr = 0; q->last_pid = 0; return packets; } CWE ID: CWE-772 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: t42_parse_font_matrix( T42_Face face, T42_Loader loader ) { T42_Parser parser = &loader->parser; FT_Matrix* matrix = &face->type1.font_matrix; FT_Vector* offset = &face->type1.font_offset; FT_Face root = (FT_Face)&face->root; FT_Fixed temp[6]; FT_Fixed temp_scale; (void)T1_ToFixedArray( parser, 6, temp, 3 ); temp_scale = FT_ABS( temp[3] ); /* Set Units per EM based on FontMatrix values. We set the value to */ /* 1000 / temp_scale, because temp_scale was already multiplied by */ /* 1000 (in t1_tofixed, from psobjs.c). */ matrix->xx = temp[0]; matrix->yx = temp[1]; matrix->xy = temp[2]; matrix->yy = temp[3]; /* note that the offsets must be expressed in integer font units */ offset->x = temp[4] >> 16; offset->y = temp[5] >> 16; temp[2] = FT_DivFix( temp[2], temp_scale ); temp[4] = FT_DivFix( temp[4], temp_scale ); temp[5] = FT_DivFix( temp[5], temp_scale ); temp[3] = 0x10000L; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void UserSelectionScreen::OnBeforeUserRemoved(const AccountId& account_id) { for (user_manager::UserList::iterator it = users_.begin(); it != users_.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->GetAccountId() == account_id) { users_.erase(it); break; } } } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: MetricsWebContentsObserver::~MetricsWebContentsObserver() {} CWE ID: CWE-79 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: bool V8TestObject::HasInstance(v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_value, v8::Isolate* isolate) { return V8PerIsolateData::From(isolate)->HasInstance(V8TestObject::GetWrapperTypeInfo(), v8_value); } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: ikev2_ID_print(netdissect_options *ndo, u_char tpay, const struct isakmp_gen *ext, u_int item_len _U_, const u_char *ep _U_, uint32_t phase _U_, uint32_t doi _U_, uint32_t proto _U_, int depth _U_) { struct ikev2_id id; int id_len, idtype_len, i; unsigned int dumpascii, dumphex; const unsigned char *typedata; ND_TCHECK(*ext); UNALIGNED_MEMCPY(&id, ext, sizeof(id)); ikev2_pay_print(ndo, NPSTR(tpay), id.h.critical); id_len = ntohs(id.h.len); ND_PRINT((ndo," len=%d", id_len - 4)); if (2 < ndo->ndo_vflag && 4 < id_len) { ND_PRINT((ndo," ")); if (!rawprint(ndo, (const uint8_t *)(ext + 1), id_len - 4)) goto trunc; } idtype_len =id_len - sizeof(struct ikev2_id); dumpascii = 0; dumphex = 0; typedata = (const unsigned char *)(ext)+sizeof(struct ikev2_id); switch(id.type) { case ID_IPV4_ADDR: ND_PRINT((ndo, " ipv4:")); dumphex=1; break; case ID_FQDN: ND_PRINT((ndo, " fqdn:")); dumpascii=1; break; case ID_RFC822_ADDR: ND_PRINT((ndo, " rfc822:")); dumpascii=1; break; case ID_IPV6_ADDR: ND_PRINT((ndo, " ipv6:")); dumphex=1; break; case ID_DER_ASN1_DN: ND_PRINT((ndo, " dn:")); dumphex=1; break; case ID_DER_ASN1_GN: ND_PRINT((ndo, " gn:")); dumphex=1; break; case ID_KEY_ID: ND_PRINT((ndo, " keyid:")); dumphex=1; break; } if(dumpascii) { ND_TCHECK2(*typedata, idtype_len); for(i=0; i<idtype_len; i++) { if(ND_ISPRINT(typedata[i])) { ND_PRINT((ndo, "%c", typedata[i])); } else { ND_PRINT((ndo, ".")); } } } if(dumphex) { if (!rawprint(ndo, (const uint8_t *)typedata, idtype_len)) goto trunc; } return (const u_char *)ext + id_len; trunc: ND_PRINT((ndo," [|%s]", NPSTR(tpay))); return NULL; } CWE ID: CWE-125 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: SchedulerObject* SchedulerObject::getInstance() { if (!m_instance) { m_instance = new SchedulerObject(); } return m_instance; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void CuePoint::Load(IMkvReader* pReader) { if (m_timecode >= 0) // already loaded return; assert(m_track_positions == NULL); assert(m_track_positions_count == 0); long long pos_ = -m_timecode; const long long element_start = pos_; long long stop; { long len; const long long id = ReadUInt(pReader, pos_, len); assert(id == 0x3B); // CuePoint ID if (id != 0x3B) return; pos_ += len; // consume ID const long long size = ReadUInt(pReader, pos_, len); assert(size >= 0); pos_ += len; // consume Size field stop = pos_ + size; } const long long element_size = stop - element_start; long long pos = pos_; while (pos < stop) { long len; const long long id = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len); assert(id >= 0); // TODO assert((pos + len) <= stop); pos += len; // consume ID const long long size = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len); assert(size >= 0); assert((pos + len) <= stop); pos += len; // consume Size field assert((pos + size) <= stop); if (id == 0x33) // CueTime ID m_timecode = UnserializeUInt(pReader, pos, size); else if (id == 0x37) // CueTrackPosition(s) ID ++m_track_positions_count; pos += size; // consume payload assert(pos <= stop); } assert(m_timecode >= 0); assert(m_track_positions_count > 0); m_track_positions = new TrackPosition[m_track_positions_count]; TrackPosition* p = m_track_positions; pos = pos_; while (pos < stop) { long len; const long long id = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len); assert(id >= 0); // TODO assert((pos + len) <= stop); pos += len; // consume ID const long long size = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len); assert(size >= 0); assert((pos + len) <= stop); pos += len; // consume Size field assert((pos + size) <= stop); if (id == 0x37) { // CueTrackPosition(s) ID TrackPosition& tp = *p++; tp.Parse(pReader, pos, size); } pos += size; // consume payload assert(pos <= stop); } assert(size_t(p - m_track_positions) == m_track_positions_count); m_element_start = element_start; m_element_size = element_size; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: int key_reject_and_link(struct key *key, unsigned timeout, unsigned error, struct key *keyring, struct key *authkey) { struct assoc_array_edit *edit; struct timespec now; int ret, awaken, link_ret = 0; key_check(key); key_check(keyring); awaken = 0; ret = -EBUSY; if (keyring) { if (keyring->restrict_link) return -EPERM; link_ret = __key_link_begin(keyring, &key->index_key, &edit); } mutex_lock(&key_construction_mutex); /* can't instantiate twice */ if (!test_bit(KEY_FLAG_INSTANTIATED, &key->flags)) { /* mark the key as being negatively instantiated */ atomic_inc(&key->user->nikeys); key->reject_error = -error; smp_wmb(); set_bit(KEY_FLAG_NEGATIVE, &key->flags); set_bit(KEY_FLAG_INSTANTIATED, &key->flags); now = current_kernel_time(); key->expiry = now.tv_sec + timeout; key_schedule_gc(key->expiry + key_gc_delay); if (test_and_clear_bit(KEY_FLAG_USER_CONSTRUCT, &key->flags)) awaken = 1; ret = 0; /* and link it into the destination keyring */ if (keyring && link_ret == 0) __key_link(key, &edit); /* disable the authorisation key */ if (authkey) key_revoke(authkey); } mutex_unlock(&key_construction_mutex); if (keyring) __key_link_end(keyring, &key->index_key, edit); /* wake up anyone waiting for a key to be constructed */ if (awaken) wake_up_bit(&key->flags, KEY_FLAG_USER_CONSTRUCT); return ret == 0 ? link_ret : ret; } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static void __end_block_io_op(struct pending_req *pending_req, int error) { /* An error fails the entire request. */ if ((pending_req->operation == BLKIF_OP_FLUSH_DISKCACHE) && (error == -EOPNOTSUPP)) { pr_debug(DRV_PFX "flush diskcache op failed, not supported\n"); xen_blkbk_flush_diskcache(XBT_NIL, pending_req->blkif->be, 0); pending_req->status = BLKIF_RSP_EOPNOTSUPP; } else if ((pending_req->operation == BLKIF_OP_WRITE_BARRIER) && (error == -EOPNOTSUPP)) { pr_debug(DRV_PFX "write barrier op failed, not supported\n"); xen_blkbk_barrier(XBT_NIL, pending_req->blkif->be, 0); pending_req->status = BLKIF_RSP_EOPNOTSUPP; } else if (error) { pr_debug(DRV_PFX "Buffer not up-to-date at end of operation," " error=%d\n", error); pending_req->status = BLKIF_RSP_ERROR; } /* * If all of the bio's have completed it is time to unmap * the grant references associated with 'request' and provide * the proper response on the ring. */ if (atomic_dec_and_test(&pending_req->pendcnt)) { xen_blkbk_unmap(pending_req->blkif, pending_req->segments, pending_req->nr_pages); make_response(pending_req->blkif, pending_req->id, pending_req->operation, pending_req->status); xen_blkif_put(pending_req->blkif); if (atomic_read(&pending_req->blkif->refcnt) <= 2) { if (atomic_read(&pending_req->blkif->drain)) complete(&pending_req->blkif->drain_complete); } free_req(pending_req->blkif, pending_req); } } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int get_client_hello(SSL *s) { int i, n; unsigned long len; unsigned char *p; STACK_OF(SSL_CIPHER) *cs; /* a stack of SSL_CIPHERS */ STACK_OF(SSL_CIPHER) *cl; /* the ones we want to use */ STACK_OF(SSL_CIPHER) *prio, *allow; int z; /* * This is a bit of a hack to check for the correct packet type the first * time round. */ if (s->state == SSL2_ST_GET_CLIENT_HELLO_A) { s->first_packet = 1; s->state = SSL2_ST_GET_CLIENT_HELLO_B; } p = (unsigned char *)s->init_buf->data; if (s->state == SSL2_ST_GET_CLIENT_HELLO_B) { i = ssl2_read(s, (char *)&(p[s->init_num]), 9 - s->init_num); if (i < (9 - s->init_num)) return (ssl2_part_read(s, SSL_F_GET_CLIENT_HELLO, i)); s->init_num = 9; if (*(p++) != SSL2_MT_CLIENT_HELLO) { if (p[-1] != SSL2_MT_ERROR) { ssl2_return_error(s, SSL2_PE_UNDEFINED_ERROR); SSLerr(SSL_F_GET_CLIENT_HELLO, SSL_R_READ_WRONG_PACKET_TYPE); } else SSLerr(SSL_F_GET_CLIENT_HELLO, SSL_R_PEER_ERROR); return (-1); } n2s(p, i); if (i < s->version) s->version = i; n2s(p, i); s->s2->tmp.cipher_spec_length = i; n2s(p, i); s->s2->tmp.session_id_length = i; if ((i < 0) || (i > SSL_MAX_SSL_SESSION_ID_LENGTH)) { ssl2_return_error(s, SSL2_PE_UNDEFINED_ERROR); SSLerr(SSL_F_GET_CLIENT_HELLO, SSL_R_LENGTH_MISMATCH); return -1; } n2s(p, i); s->s2->challenge_length = i; if ((i < SSL2_MIN_CHALLENGE_LENGTH) || (i > SSL2_MAX_CHALLENGE_LENGTH)) { ssl2_return_error(s, SSL2_PE_UNDEFINED_ERROR); SSLerr(SSL_F_GET_CLIENT_HELLO, SSL_R_INVALID_CHALLENGE_LENGTH); return (-1); } s->state = SSL2_ST_GET_CLIENT_HELLO_C; } /* SSL2_ST_GET_CLIENT_HELLO_C */ p = (unsigned char *)s->init_buf->data; len = 9 + (unsigned long)s->s2->tmp.cipher_spec_length + (unsigned long)s->s2->challenge_length + (unsigned long)s->s2->tmp.session_id_length; if (len > SSL2_MAX_RECORD_LENGTH_3_BYTE_HEADER) { ssl2_return_error(s, SSL2_PE_UNDEFINED_ERROR); SSLerr(SSL_F_GET_CLIENT_HELLO, SSL_R_MESSAGE_TOO_LONG); return -1; } n = (int)len - s->init_num; i = ssl2_read(s, (char *)&(p[s->init_num]), n); if (i != n) return (ssl2_part_read(s, SSL_F_GET_CLIENT_HELLO, i)); if (s->msg_callback) { /* CLIENT-HELLO */ s->msg_callback(0, s->version, 0, p, (size_t)len, s, s->msg_callback_arg); } p += 9; /* * get session-id before cipher stuff so we can get out session structure * if it is cached */ /* session-id */ if ((s->s2->tmp.session_id_length != 0) && (s->s2->tmp.session_id_length != SSL2_SSL_SESSION_ID_LENGTH)) { ssl2_return_error(s, SSL2_PE_UNDEFINED_ERROR); SSLerr(SSL_F_GET_CLIENT_HELLO, SSL_R_BAD_SSL_SESSION_ID_LENGTH); return (-1); } if (s->s2->tmp.session_id_length == 0) { if (!ssl_get_new_session(s, 1)) { ssl2_return_error(s, SSL2_PE_UNDEFINED_ERROR); return (-1); } } else { i = ssl_get_prev_session(s, &(p[s->s2->tmp.cipher_spec_length]), s->s2->tmp.session_id_length, NULL); if (i == 1) { /* previous session */ s->hit = 1; } else if (i == -1) { ssl2_return_error(s, SSL2_PE_UNDEFINED_ERROR); return (-1); } else { if (s->cert == NULL) { ssl2_return_error(s, SSL2_PE_NO_CERTIFICATE); SSLerr(SSL_F_GET_CLIENT_HELLO, SSL_R_NO_CERTIFICATE_SET); return (-1); } if (!ssl_get_new_session(s, 1)) { ssl2_return_error(s, SSL2_PE_UNDEFINED_ERROR); return (-1); } } } if (!s->hit) { cs = ssl_bytes_to_cipher_list(s, p, s->s2->tmp.cipher_spec_length, &s->session->ciphers); if (cs == NULL) goto mem_err; cl = SSL_get_ciphers(s); if (s->options & SSL_OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE) { prio = sk_SSL_CIPHER_dup(cl); if (prio == NULL) goto mem_err; allow = cs; } else { prio = cs; allow = cl; } for (z = 0; z < sk_SSL_CIPHER_num(prio); z++) { if (sk_SSL_CIPHER_find(allow, sk_SSL_CIPHER_value(prio, z)) < 0) { (void)sk_SSL_CIPHER_delete(prio, z); z--; } } /* sk_SSL_CIPHER_free(s->session->ciphers); s->session->ciphers = prio; } /* * s->session->ciphers should now have a list of ciphers that are on * both the client and server. This list is ordered by the order the if (s->s2->challenge_length > sizeof s->s2->challenge) { ssl2_return_error(s, SSL2_PE_UNDEFINED_ERROR); SSLerr(SSL_F_GET_CLIENT_HELLO, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR); return -1; } memcpy(s->s2->challenge, p, (unsigned int)s->s2->challenge_length); return (1); mem_err: SSLerr(SSL_F_GET_CLIENT_HELLO, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); return (0); } CWE ID: CWE-310 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: int FFmpegVideoDecoder::GetVideoBuffer(AVCodecContext* codec_context, AVFrame* frame) { VideoFrame::Format format = PixelFormatToVideoFormat(codec_context->pix_fmt); if (format == VideoFrame::UNKNOWN) return AVERROR(EINVAL); DCHECK(format == VideoFrame::YV12 || format == VideoFrame::YV16 || format == VideoFrame::YV12J); gfx::Size size(codec_context->width, codec_context->height); int ret; if ((ret = av_image_check_size(size.width(), size.height(), 0, NULL)) < 0) return ret; gfx::Size natural_size; if (codec_context->sample_aspect_ratio.num > 0) { natural_size = GetNaturalSize(size, codec_context->sample_aspect_ratio.num, codec_context->sample_aspect_ratio.den); } else { natural_size = config_.natural_size(); } if (!VideoFrame::IsValidConfig(format, size, gfx::Rect(size), natural_size)) return AVERROR(EINVAL); scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> video_frame = frame_pool_.CreateFrame(format, size, gfx::Rect(size), natural_size, kNoTimestamp()); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { frame->base[i] = video_frame->data(i); frame->data[i] = video_frame->data(i); frame->linesize[i] = video_frame->stride(i); } frame->opaque = NULL; video_frame.swap(reinterpret_cast<VideoFrame**>(&frame->opaque)); frame->type = FF_BUFFER_TYPE_USER; frame->width = codec_context->width; frame->height = codec_context->height; frame->format = codec_context->pix_fmt; return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static void TraceTopFrame(Isolate* isolate) { StackFrameIterator it(isolate); if (it.done()) { PrintF("unknown location (no JavaScript frames present)"); return; } StackFrame* raw_frame = it.frame(); if (raw_frame->is_internal()) { Code* apply_builtin = isolate->builtins()->builtin(Builtins::kFunctionPrototypeApply); if (raw_frame->unchecked_code() == apply_builtin) { PrintF("apply from "); it.Advance(); raw_frame = it.frame(); } } JavaScriptFrame::PrintTop(isolate, stdout, false, true); } CWE ID: CWE-704 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static inline void AllocatePixelCachePixels(CacheInfo *cache_info) { cache_info->mapped=MagickFalse; cache_info->pixels=(PixelPacket *) MagickAssumeAligned( AcquireAlignedMemory(1,(size_t) cache_info->length)); if (cache_info->pixels == (PixelPacket *) NULL) { cache_info->mapped=MagickTrue; cache_info->pixels=(PixelPacket *) MapBlob(-1,IOMode,0,(size_t) cache_info->length); } } CWE ID: CWE-399 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: long Segment::LoadCluster( long long& pos, long& len) { for (;;) { const long result = DoLoadCluster(pos, len); if (result <= 1) return result; } } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static void n_tty_set_room(struct tty_struct *tty) { struct n_tty_data *ldata = tty->disc_data; /* Did this open up the receive buffer? We may need to flip */ if (unlikely(ldata->no_room) && receive_room(tty)) { ldata->no_room = 0; WARN_RATELIMIT(tty->port->itty == NULL, "scheduling with invalid itty\n"); /* see if ldisc has been killed - if so, this means that * even though the ldisc has been halted and -> * cancelled, -> is about to be rescheduled */ WARN_RATELIMIT(test_bit(TTY_LDISC_HALTED, &tty->flags), "scheduling buffer work for halted ldisc\n"); queue_work(system_unbound_wq, &tty->port->; } } CWE ID: CWE-362 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static bool freelist_state_initialize(union freelist_init_state *state, struct kmem_cache *cachep, unsigned int count) { bool ret; unsigned int rand; /* Use best entropy available to define a random shift */ rand = get_random_int(); /* Use a random state if the pre-computed list is not available */ if (!cachep->random_seq) { prandom_seed_state(&state->rnd_state, rand); ret = false; } else { state->list = cachep->random_seq; state->count = count; state->pos = 0; state->rand = rand; ret = true; } return ret; } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void MediaStreamManager::CancelAllRequests(int render_process_id, int render_frame_id) { DCHECK_CURRENTLY_ON(BrowserThread::IO); auto request_it = requests_.begin(); while (request_it != requests_.end()) { if (request_it->second->requesting_process_id != render_process_id || request_it->second->requesting_frame_id != render_frame_id) { ++request_it; continue; } const std::string label = request_it->first; ++request_it; CancelRequest(label); } } CWE ID: CWE-189 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static uint16_t tsc2102_data_register_read(TSC210xState *s, int reg) { switch (reg) { case 0x00: /* X */ s->dav &= 0xfbff; return TSC_CUT_RESOLUTION(X_TRANSFORM(s), s->precision) + (s->noise & 3); case 0x01: /* Y */ s->noise ++; s->dav &= 0xfdff; return TSC_CUT_RESOLUTION(Y_TRANSFORM(s), s->precision) ^ (s->noise & 3); case 0x02: /* Z1 */ s->dav &= 0xfeff; return TSC_CUT_RESOLUTION(Z1_TRANSFORM(s), s->precision) - (s->noise & 3); case 0x03: /* Z2 */ s->dav &= 0xff7f; return TSC_CUT_RESOLUTION(Z2_TRANSFORM(s), s->precision) | (s->noise & 3); case 0x04: /* KPData */ if ((s->model & 0xff00) == 0x2300) { if (s->kb.intr && (s->kb.mode & 2)) { s->kb.intr = 0; qemu_irq_raise(s->kbint); } return s->kb.down; } return 0xffff; case 0x05: /* BAT1 */ s->dav &= 0xffbf; return TSC_CUT_RESOLUTION(BAT1_VAL, s->precision) + (s->noise & 6); case 0x06: /* BAT2 */ s->dav &= 0xffdf; return TSC_CUT_RESOLUTION(BAT2_VAL, s->precision); case 0x07: /* AUX1 */ s->dav &= 0xffef; return TSC_CUT_RESOLUTION(AUX1_VAL, s->precision); case 0x08: /* AUX2 */ s->dav &= 0xfff7; return 0xffff; case 0x09: /* TEMP1 */ s->dav &= 0xfffb; return TSC_CUT_RESOLUTION(TEMP1_VAL, s->precision) - (s->noise & 5); case 0x0a: /* TEMP2 */ s->dav &= 0xfffd; return TSC_CUT_RESOLUTION(TEMP2_VAL, s->precision) ^ (s->noise & 3); case 0x0b: /* DAC */ s->dav &= 0xfffe; return 0xffff; default: #ifdef TSC_VERBOSE fprintf(stderr, "tsc2102_data_register_read: " "no such register: 0x%02x\n", reg); #endif return 0xffff; } } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void replaceChildrenWithFragment(ContainerNode* container, PassRefPtr<DocumentFragment> fragment, ExceptionCode& ec) { RefPtr<ContainerNode> containerNode(container); #if ENABLE(MUTATION_OBSERVERS) ChildListMutationScope mutation(containerNode.get()); #endif if (!fragment->firstChild()) { containerNode->removeChildren(); return; } if (hasOneTextChild(containerNode.get()) && hasOneTextChild(fragment.get())) { toText(containerNode->firstChild())->setData(toText(fragment->firstChild())->data(), ec); return; } if (hasOneChild(containerNode.get())) { containerNode->replaceChild(fragment, containerNode->firstChild(), ec); return; } containerNode->removeChildren(); containerNode->appendChild(fragment, ec); } CWE ID: CWE-264 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: int f2fs_trim_fs(struct f2fs_sb_info *sbi, struct fstrim_range *range) { __u64 start = F2FS_BYTES_TO_BLK(range->start); __u64 end = start + F2FS_BYTES_TO_BLK(range->len) - 1; unsigned int start_segno, end_segno; struct cp_control cpc; int err = 0; if (start >= MAX_BLKADDR(sbi) || range->len < sbi->blocksize) return -EINVAL; cpc.trimmed = 0; if (end <= MAIN_BLKADDR(sbi)) goto out; if (is_sbi_flag_set(sbi, SBI_NEED_FSCK)) { f2fs_msg(sbi->sb, KERN_WARNING, "Found FS corruption, run fsck to fix."); goto out; } /* start/end segment number in main_area */ start_segno = (start <= MAIN_BLKADDR(sbi)) ? 0 : GET_SEGNO(sbi, start); end_segno = (end >= MAX_BLKADDR(sbi)) ? MAIN_SEGS(sbi) - 1 : GET_SEGNO(sbi, end); cpc.reason = CP_DISCARD; cpc.trim_minlen = max_t(__u64, 1, F2FS_BYTES_TO_BLK(range->minlen)); /* do checkpoint to issue discard commands safely */ for (; start_segno <= end_segno; start_segno = cpc.trim_end + 1) { cpc.trim_start = start_segno; if (sbi->discard_blks == 0) break; else if (sbi->discard_blks < BATCHED_TRIM_BLOCKS(sbi)) cpc.trim_end = end_segno; else cpc.trim_end = min_t(unsigned int, rounddown(start_segno + BATCHED_TRIM_SEGMENTS(sbi), sbi->segs_per_sec) - 1, end_segno); mutex_lock(&sbi->gc_mutex); err = write_checkpoint(sbi, &cpc); mutex_unlock(&sbi->gc_mutex); if (err) break; schedule(); } /* It's time to issue all the filed discards */ mark_discard_range_all(sbi); f2fs_wait_discard_bios(sbi); out: range->len = F2FS_BLK_TO_BYTES(cpc.trimmed); return err; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void Document::initSecurityContext() { if (haveInitializedSecurityOrigin()) { ASSERT(securityOrigin()); return; } if (!m_frame) { m_cookieURL = KURL(ParsedURLString, emptyString()); setSecurityOrigin(SecurityOrigin::createUnique()); setContentSecurityPolicy(ContentSecurityPolicy::create(this)); return; } m_cookieURL = m_url; enforceSandboxFlags(m_frame->loader()->effectiveSandboxFlags()); setSecurityOrigin(isSandboxed(SandboxOrigin) ? SecurityOrigin::createUnique() : SecurityOrigin::create(m_url)); setContentSecurityPolicy(ContentSecurityPolicy::create(this)); if (Settings* settings = this->settings()) { if (!settings->webSecurityEnabled()) { securityOrigin()->grantUniversalAccess(); } else if (securityOrigin()->isLocal()) { if (settings->allowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs() || m_frame->loader()->client()->shouldForceUniversalAccessFromLocalURL(m_url)) { securityOrigin()->grantUniversalAccess(); } else if (!settings->allowFileAccessFromFileURLs()) { securityOrigin()->enforceFilePathSeparation(); } } securityOrigin()->setStorageBlockingPolicy(settings->storageBlockingPolicy()); } Document* parentDocument = ownerElement() ? ownerElement()->document() : 0; if (parentDocument && m_frame->loader()->shouldTreatURLAsSrcdocDocument(url())) { m_isSrcdocDocument = true; setBaseURLOverride(parentDocument->baseURL()); } m_mayDisplaySeamlesslyWithParent = isEligibleForSeamless(parentDocument, this); if (!shouldInheritSecurityOriginFromOwner(m_url)) return; Frame* ownerFrame = m_frame->tree()->parent(); if (!ownerFrame) ownerFrame = m_frame->loader()->opener(); if (!ownerFrame) { didFailToInitializeSecurityOrigin(); return; } if (isSandboxed(SandboxOrigin)) { if (ownerFrame->document()->securityOrigin()->canLoadLocalResources()) securityOrigin()->grantLoadLocalResources(); return; } m_cookieURL = ownerFrame->document()->cookieURL(); setSecurityOrigin(ownerFrame->document()->securityOrigin()); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: gss_unwrap_aead (minor_status, context_handle, input_message_buffer, input_assoc_buffer, output_payload_buffer, conf_state, qop_state) OM_uint32 * minor_status; gss_ctx_id_t context_handle; gss_buffer_t input_message_buffer; gss_buffer_t input_assoc_buffer; gss_buffer_t output_payload_buffer; int *conf_state; gss_qop_t *qop_state; { OM_uint32 status; gss_union_ctx_id_t ctx; gss_mechanism mech; status = val_unwrap_aead_args(minor_status, context_handle, input_message_buffer, input_assoc_buffer, output_payload_buffer, conf_state, qop_state); if (status != GSS_S_COMPLETE) return (status); /* * select the approprate underlying mechanism routine and * call it. */ ctx = (gss_union_ctx_id_t) context_handle; mech = gssint_get_mechanism (ctx->mech_type); if (!mech) return (GSS_S_BAD_MECH); return gssint_unwrap_aead(mech, minor_status, ctx, input_message_buffer, input_assoc_buffer, output_payload_buffer, conf_state, qop_state); } CWE ID: CWE-415 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: std::string MediaStreamManager::MakeMediaAccessRequest( int render_process_id, int render_frame_id, int page_request_id, const StreamControls& controls, const url::Origin& security_origin, MediaAccessRequestCallback callback) { DCHECK_CURRENTLY_ON(BrowserThread::IO); DeviceRequest* request = new DeviceRequest( render_process_id, render_frame_id, page_request_id, false /* user gesture */, MEDIA_DEVICE_ACCESS, controls, MediaDeviceSaltAndOrigin{std::string() /* salt */, std::string() /* group_id_salt */, security_origin}); const std::string& label = AddRequest(request); request->media_access_request_cb = std::move(callback); base::PostTaskWithTraits(FROM_HERE, {BrowserThread::IO}, base::BindOnce(&MediaStreamManager::SetUpRequest, base::Unretained(this), label)); return label; } CWE ID: CWE-189 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: Ins_SHPIX( TT_ExecContext exc, FT_Long* args ) { FT_F26Dot6 dx, dy; FT_UShort point; #ifdef TT_SUPPORT_SUBPIXEL_HINTING_INFINALITY FT_Int B1, B2; #endif #ifdef TT_SUPPORT_SUBPIXEL_HINTING_MINIMAL FT_Bool in_twilight = FT_BOOL( exc->GS.gep0 == 0 || exc->GS.gep1 == 0 || exc->GS.gep2 == 0 ); #endif if ( exc->top < exc->GS.loop + 1 ) { if ( exc->pedantic_hinting ) exc->error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Reference ); goto Fail; } dx = TT_MulFix14( args[0], exc->GS.freeVector.x ); dy = TT_MulFix14( args[0], exc->GS.freeVector.y ); while ( exc->GS.loop > 0 ) { exc->args--; point = (FT_UShort)exc->stack[exc->args]; if ( BOUNDS( point, exc->zp2.n_points ) ) { if ( exc->pedantic_hinting ) { exc->error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Reference ); return; } } else #ifdef TT_SUPPORT_SUBPIXEL_HINTING_INFINALITY if ( SUBPIXEL_HINTING_INFINALITY ) { /* If not using ignore_x_mode rendering, allow ZP2 move. */ /* If inline deltas aren't allowed, skip ZP2 move. */ /* If using ignore_x_mode rendering, allow ZP2 point move if: */ /* - freedom vector is y and sph_compatibility_mode is off */ /* - the glyph is composite and the move is in the Y direction */ /* - the glyph is specifically set to allow SHPIX moves */ /* - the move is on a previously Y-touched point */ if ( exc->ignore_x_mode ) { /* save point for later comparison */ if ( exc->GS.freeVector.y != 0 ) B1 = exc->zp2.cur[point].y; else B1 = exc->zp2.cur[point].x; if ( !exc->face->sph_compatibility_mode && exc->GS.freeVector.y != 0 ) { Move_Zp2_Point( exc, point, dx, dy, TRUE ); /* save new point */ if ( exc->GS.freeVector.y != 0 ) { B2 = exc->zp2.cur[point].y; /* reverse any disallowed moves */ if ( ( exc->sph_tweak_flags & SPH_TWEAK_SKIP_NONPIXEL_Y_MOVES ) && ( B1 & 63 ) != 0 && ( B2 & 63 ) != 0 && B1 != B2 ) Move_Zp2_Point( exc, point, NEG_LONG( dx ), NEG_LONG( dy ), TRUE ); } } else if ( exc->face->sph_compatibility_mode ) { if ( exc->sph_tweak_flags & SPH_TWEAK_ROUND_NONPIXEL_Y_MOVES ) { dx = FT_PIX_ROUND( B1 + dx ) - B1; dy = FT_PIX_ROUND( B1 + dy ) - B1; } /* skip post-iup deltas */ if ( exc->iup_called && ( ( exc->sph_in_func_flags & SPH_FDEF_INLINE_DELTA_1 ) || ( exc->sph_in_func_flags & SPH_FDEF_INLINE_DELTA_2 ) ) ) goto Skip; if ( !( exc->sph_tweak_flags & SPH_TWEAK_ALWAYS_SKIP_DELTAP ) && ( ( exc->is_composite && exc->GS.freeVector.y != 0 ) || ( exc->zp2.tags[point] & FT_CURVE_TAG_TOUCH_Y ) || ( exc->sph_tweak_flags & SPH_TWEAK_DO_SHPIX ) ) ) Move_Zp2_Point( exc, point, 0, dy, TRUE ); /* save new point */ if ( exc->GS.freeVector.y != 0 ) { B2 = exc->zp2.cur[point].y; /* reverse any disallowed moves */ if ( ( B1 & 63 ) == 0 && ( B2 & 63 ) != 0 && B1 != B2 ) Move_Zp2_Point( exc, point, 0, NEG_LONG( dy ), TRUE ); } } else if ( exc->sph_in_func_flags & SPH_FDEF_TYPEMAN_DIAGENDCTRL ) Move_Zp2_Point( exc, point, dx, dy, TRUE ); } else Move_Zp2_Point( exc, point, dx, dy, TRUE ); } else #endif #ifdef TT_SUPPORT_SUBPIXEL_HINTING_MINIMAL if ( SUBPIXEL_HINTING_MINIMAL && exc->backward_compatibility ) { /* Special case: allow SHPIX to move points in the twilight zone. */ /* Otherwise, treat SHPIX the same as DELTAP. Unbreaks various */ /* fonts such as older versions of Rokkitt and DTL Argo T Light */ /* that would glitch severely after calling ALIGNRP after a */ /* blocked SHPIX. */ if ( in_twilight || ( !( exc->iupx_called && exc->iupy_called ) && ( ( exc->is_composite && exc->GS.freeVector.y != 0 ) || ( exc->zp2.tags[point] & FT_CURVE_TAG_TOUCH_Y ) ) ) ) Move_Zp2_Point( exc, point, 0, dy, TRUE ); } else #endif Move_Zp2_Point( exc, point, dx, dy, TRUE ); #ifdef TT_SUPPORT_SUBPIXEL_HINTING_INFINALITY Skip: #endif exc->GS.loop--; } Fail: exc->GS.loop = 1; exc->new_top = exc->args; } CWE ID: CWE-476 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static uint32_t *nfs_read_post_op_attr(uint32_t *p, struct inode *inode) { /* * union post_op_attr switch (bool attributes_follow) { * case TRUE: * fattr3 attributes; * case FALSE: * void; * }; */ if (ntoh32(net_read_uint32(p++))) { nfs_fattr3_to_stat(p, inode); p += 21; } return p; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void AcceleratedStaticBitmapImage::Draw(cc::PaintCanvas* canvas, const cc::PaintFlags& flags, const FloatRect& dst_rect, const FloatRect& src_rect, RespectImageOrientationEnum, ImageClampingMode image_clamping_mode, ImageDecodingMode decode_mode) { auto paint_image = PaintImageForCurrentFrame(); if (!paint_image) return; auto paint_image_decoding_mode = ToPaintImageDecodingMode(decode_mode); if (paint_image.decoding_mode() != paint_image_decoding_mode) { paint_image = PaintImageBuilder::WithCopy(std::move(paint_image)) .set_decoding_mode(paint_image_decoding_mode) .TakePaintImage(); } StaticBitmapImage::DrawHelper(canvas, flags, dst_rect, src_rect, image_clamping_mode, paint_image); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static __inline__ void isdn_net_zero_frame_cnt(isdn_net_local *lp) { atomic_set(&lp->frame_cnt, 0); } CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: GF_Box *bloc_New() { ISOM_DECL_BOX_ALLOC(GF_BaseLocationBox, GF_ISOM_BOX_TYPE_TRIK); return (GF_Box *)tmp; } CWE ID: CWE-125 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: int sock_queue_err_skb(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb) { if (atomic_read(&sk->sk_rmem_alloc) + skb->truesize >= (unsigned int)sk->sk_rcvbuf) return -ENOMEM; skb_orphan(skb); skb->sk = sk; skb->destructor = sock_rmem_free; atomic_add(skb->truesize, &sk->sk_rmem_alloc); /* before exiting rcu section, make sure dst is refcounted */ skb_dst_force(skb); skb_queue_tail(&sk->sk_error_queue, skb); if (!sock_flag(sk, SOCK_DEAD)) sk->sk_data_ready(sk); return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-125 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: PanelWindowResizerTextDirectionTest() : is_rtl_(GetParam()) {} CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: bool Extension::ProducePEM(const std::string& input, std::string* output) { CHECK(output); if (input.length() == 0) return false; return base::Base64Encode(input, output); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static void inotify_free_group_priv(struct fsnotify_group *group) { /* ideally the idr is empty and we won't hit the BUG in teh callback */ idr_for_each(&group->inotify_data.idr, idr_callback, group); idr_remove_all(&group->inotify_data.idr); idr_destroy(&group->inotify_data.idr); free_uid(group->inotify_data.user); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void tty_vhangup(struct tty_struct *tty) { tty_debug_hangup(tty, "vhangup\n"); __tty_hangup(tty, 0); } CWE ID: CWE-362 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: RenderFrameSubmissionObserver::RenderFrameSubmissionObserver( WebContents* web_contents) : RenderFrameSubmissionObserver( RenderFrameMetadataProviderFromWebContents(web_contents)) {} CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: extern "C" int EffectCreate(const effect_uuid_t *uuid, int32_t sessionId, int32_t ioId, effect_handle_t *pHandle){ int ret; int i; int length = sizeof(gDescriptors) / sizeof(const effect_descriptor_t *); const effect_descriptor_t *desc; ALOGV("\t\nEffectCreate start"); if (pHandle == NULL || uuid == NULL){ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : EffectCreate() called with NULL pointer"); return -EINVAL; } for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { desc = gDescriptors[i]; if (memcmp(uuid, &desc->uuid, sizeof(effect_uuid_t)) == 0) { ALOGV("\tEffectCreate - UUID matched Reverb type %d, UUID = %x", i, desc->uuid.timeLow); break; } } if (i == length) { return -ENOENT; } ReverbContext *pContext = new ReverbContext; pContext->itfe = &gReverbInterface; pContext->hInstance = NULL; pContext->auxiliary = false; if ((desc->flags & EFFECT_FLAG_TYPE_MASK) == EFFECT_FLAG_TYPE_AUXILIARY){ pContext->auxiliary = true; ALOGV("\tEffectCreate - AUX"); }else{ ALOGV("\tEffectCreate - INS"); } pContext->preset = false; if (memcmp(&desc->type, SL_IID_PRESETREVERB, sizeof(effect_uuid_t)) == 0) { pContext->preset = true; pContext->curPreset = REVERB_PRESET_LAST + 1; pContext->nextPreset = REVERB_DEFAULT_PRESET; ALOGV("\tEffectCreate - PRESET"); }else{ ALOGV("\tEffectCreate - ENVIRONMENTAL"); } ALOGV("\tEffectCreate - Calling Reverb_init"); ret = Reverb_init(pContext); if (ret < 0){ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : EffectCreate() init failed"); delete pContext; return ret; } *pHandle = (effect_handle_t)pContext; #ifdef LVM_PCM pContext->PcmInPtr = NULL; pContext->PcmOutPtr = NULL; pContext->PcmInPtr = fopen("/data/tmp/reverb_pcm_in.pcm", "w"); pContext->PcmOutPtr = fopen("/data/tmp/reverb_pcm_out.pcm", "w"); if((pContext->PcmInPtr == NULL)|| (pContext->PcmOutPtr == NULL)){ return -EINVAL; } #endif pContext->InFrames32 = (LVM_INT32 *)malloc(LVREV_MAX_FRAME_SIZE * sizeof(LVM_INT32) * 2); pContext->OutFrames32 = (LVM_INT32 *)malloc(LVREV_MAX_FRAME_SIZE * sizeof(LVM_INT32) * 2); ALOGV("\tEffectCreate %p, size %zu", pContext, sizeof(ReverbContext)); ALOGV("\tEffectCreate end\n"); return 0; } /* end EffectCreate */ CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static int ext4_prepare_context(struct inode *inode) { return ext4_convert_inline_data(inode); } CWE ID: CWE-125 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int xfrm_aevent_state_notify(struct xfrm_state *x, const struct km_event *c) { struct net *net = xs_net(x); struct sk_buff *skb; skb = nlmsg_new(xfrm_aevent_msgsize(x), GFP_ATOMIC); if (skb == NULL) return -ENOMEM; if (build_aevent(skb, x, c) < 0) BUG(); return nlmsg_multicast(net->xfrm.nlsk, skb, 0, XFRMNLGRP_AEVENTS, GFP_ATOMIC); } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: DefragReverseSimpleTest(void) { Packet *p1 = NULL, *p2 = NULL, *p3 = NULL; Packet *reassembled = NULL; int id = 12; int i; int ret = 0; DefragInit(); p1 = BuildTestPacket(id, 0, 1, 'A', 8); if (p1 == NULL) goto end; p2 = BuildTestPacket(id, 1, 1, 'B', 8); if (p2 == NULL) goto end; p3 = BuildTestPacket(id, 2, 0, 'C', 3); if (p3 == NULL) goto end; if (Defrag(NULL, NULL, p3, NULL) != NULL) goto end; if (Defrag(NULL, NULL, p2, NULL) != NULL) goto end; reassembled = Defrag(NULL, NULL, p1, NULL); if (reassembled == NULL) goto end; if (IPV4_GET_HLEN(reassembled) != 20) goto end; if (IPV4_GET_IPLEN(reassembled) != 39) goto end; /* 20 bytes in we should find 8 bytes of A. */ for (i = 20; i < 20 + 8; i++) { if (GET_PKT_DATA(reassembled)[i] != 'A') goto end; } /* 28 bytes in we should find 8 bytes of B. */ for (i = 28; i < 28 + 8; i++) { if (GET_PKT_DATA(reassembled)[i] != 'B') goto end; } /* And 36 bytes in we should find 3 bytes of C. */ for (i = 36; i < 36 + 3; i++) { if (GET_PKT_DATA(reassembled)[i] != 'C') goto end; } ret = 1; end: if (p1 != NULL) SCFree(p1); if (p2 != NULL) SCFree(p2); if (p3 != NULL) SCFree(p3); if (reassembled != NULL) SCFree(reassembled); DefragDestroy(); return ret; } CWE ID: CWE-358 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void Release(int old_route_id) { session_storage_namespaces_awaiting_close_->erase(old_route_id); } CWE ID: Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: xmlParseAttributeListDecl(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt) { const xmlChar *elemName; const xmlChar *attrName; xmlEnumerationPtr tree; if (CMP9(CUR_PTR, '<', '!', 'A', 'T', 'T', 'L', 'I', 'S', 'T')) { xmlParserInputPtr input = ctxt->input; SKIP(9); if (!IS_BLANK_CH(CUR)) { xmlFatalErrMsg(ctxt, XML_ERR_SPACE_REQUIRED, "Space required after '<!ATTLIST'\n"); } SKIP_BLANKS; elemName = xmlParseName(ctxt); if (elemName == NULL) { xmlFatalErrMsg(ctxt, XML_ERR_NAME_REQUIRED, "ATTLIST: no name for Element\n"); return; } SKIP_BLANKS; GROW; while (RAW != '>') { const xmlChar *check = CUR_PTR; int type; int def; xmlChar *defaultValue = NULL; GROW; tree = NULL; attrName = xmlParseName(ctxt); if (attrName == NULL) { xmlFatalErrMsg(ctxt, XML_ERR_NAME_REQUIRED, "ATTLIST: no name for Attribute\n"); break; } GROW; if (!IS_BLANK_CH(CUR)) { xmlFatalErrMsg(ctxt, XML_ERR_SPACE_REQUIRED, "Space required after the attribute name\n"); break; } SKIP_BLANKS; type = xmlParseAttributeType(ctxt, &tree); if (type <= 0) { break; } GROW; if (!IS_BLANK_CH(CUR)) { xmlFatalErrMsg(ctxt, XML_ERR_SPACE_REQUIRED, "Space required after the attribute type\n"); if (tree != NULL) xmlFreeEnumeration(tree); break; } SKIP_BLANKS; def = xmlParseDefaultDecl(ctxt, &defaultValue); if (def <= 0) { if (defaultValue != NULL) xmlFree(defaultValue); if (tree != NULL) xmlFreeEnumeration(tree); break; } if ((type != XML_ATTRIBUTE_CDATA) && (defaultValue != NULL)) xmlAttrNormalizeSpace(defaultValue, defaultValue); GROW; if (RAW != '>') { if (!IS_BLANK_CH(CUR)) { xmlFatalErrMsg(ctxt, XML_ERR_SPACE_REQUIRED, "Space required after the attribute default value\n"); if (defaultValue != NULL) xmlFree(defaultValue); if (tree != NULL) xmlFreeEnumeration(tree); break; } SKIP_BLANKS; } if (check == CUR_PTR) { xmlFatalErr(ctxt, XML_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "in xmlParseAttributeListDecl\n"); if (defaultValue != NULL) xmlFree(defaultValue); if (tree != NULL) xmlFreeEnumeration(tree); break; } if ((ctxt->sax != NULL) && (!ctxt->disableSAX) && (ctxt->sax->attributeDecl != NULL)) ctxt->sax->attributeDecl(ctxt->userData, elemName, attrName, type, def, defaultValue, tree); else if (tree != NULL) xmlFreeEnumeration(tree); if ((ctxt->sax2) && (defaultValue != NULL) && (def != XML_ATTRIBUTE_IMPLIED) && (def != XML_ATTRIBUTE_REQUIRED)) { xmlAddDefAttrs(ctxt, elemName, attrName, defaultValue); } if (ctxt->sax2) { xmlAddSpecialAttr(ctxt, elemName, attrName, type); } if (defaultValue != NULL) xmlFree(defaultValue); GROW; } if (RAW == '>') { if (input != ctxt->input) { xmlValidityError(ctxt, XML_ERR_ENTITY_BOUNDARY, "Attribute list declaration doesn't start and stop in the same entity\n", NULL, NULL); } NEXT; } } } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: XListFonts( register Display *dpy, _Xconst char *pattern, /* null-terminated */ int maxNames, int *actualCount) /* RETURN */ { register long nbytes; register unsigned i; register int length; char **flist = NULL; char *ch = NULL; char *chend; int count = 0; xListFontsReply rep; register xListFontsReq *req; unsigned long rlen = 0; LockDisplay(dpy); GetReq(ListFonts, req); req->maxNames = maxNames; nbytes = req->nbytes = pattern ? strlen (pattern) : 0; req->length += (nbytes + 3) >> 2; _XSend (dpy, pattern, nbytes); /* use _XSend instead of Data, since following _XReply will flush buffer */ if (!_XReply (dpy, (xReply *)&rep, 0, xFalse)) { *actualCount = 0; UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); return (char **) NULL; } if (rep.nFonts) { flist = Xmalloc (rep.nFonts * sizeof(char *)); if (rep.length < (INT_MAX >> 2)) { rlen = rep.length << 2; ch = Xmalloc(rlen + 1); /* +1 to leave room for last null-terminator */ } if ((! flist) || (! ch)) { Xfree(flist); Xfree(ch); _XEatDataWords(dpy, rep.length); *actualCount = 0; UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); return (char **) NULL; } _XReadPad (dpy, ch, rlen); /* * unpack into null terminated strings. */ chend = ch + (rlen + 1); length = *(unsigned char *)ch; *ch = 1; /* make sure it is non-zero for XFreeFontNames */ for (i = 0; i < rep.nFonts; i++) { if (ch + length < chend) { flist[i] = ch + 1; /* skip over length */ ch += length + 1; /* find next length ... */ length = *(unsigned char *)ch; *ch = '\0'; /* and replace with null-termination */ count++; } else flist[i] = NULL; } } *actualCount = count; for (names = list+1; *names; names++) Xfree (*names); } CWE ID: CWE-787 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static void __rtnl_kill_links(struct net *net, struct rtnl_link_ops *ops) { struct net_device *dev; LIST_HEAD(list_kill); for_each_netdev(net, dev) { if (dev->rtnl_link_ops == ops) ops->dellink(dev, &list_kill); } unregister_netdevice_many(&list_kill); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: iakerb_alloc_context(iakerb_ctx_id_t *pctx) { iakerb_ctx_id_t ctx; krb5_error_code code; *pctx = NULL; ctx = k5alloc(sizeof(*ctx), &code); if (ctx == NULL) goto cleanup; ctx->defcred = GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL; ctx->magic = KG_IAKERB_CONTEXT; ctx->state = IAKERB_AS_REQ; ctx->count = 0; code = krb5_gss_init_context(&ctx->k5c); if (code != 0) goto cleanup; *pctx = ctx; cleanup: if (code != 0) iakerb_release_context(ctx); return code; } CWE ID: CWE-18 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void WallpaperManagerBase::LoadWallpaper( const AccountId& account_id, const WallpaperInfo& info, bool update_wallpaper, MovableOnDestroyCallbackHolder on_finish) { base::FilePath wallpaper_dir; base::FilePath wallpaper_path; if (info.type == ONLINE || info.type == DEFAULT) { if (info.location.empty()) { if (base::SysInfo::IsRunningOnChromeOS()) { NOTREACHED() << "User wallpaper info appears to be broken: " << account_id.Serialize(); } else { LOG(WARNING) << "User wallpaper info is empty: " << account_id.Serialize(); return; } } } if (info.type == ONLINE) { std::string file_name = GURL(info.location).ExtractFileName(); WallpaperResolution resolution = GetAppropriateResolution(); if (info.layout != WALLPAPER_LAYOUT_STRETCH && resolution == WALLPAPER_RESOLUTION_SMALL) { file_name = base::FilePath(file_name) .InsertBeforeExtension(kSmallWallpaperSuffix) .value(); } DCHECK(dir_chromeos_wallpapers_path_id != -1); CHECK(PathService::Get(dir_chromeos_wallpapers_path_id, &wallpaper_dir)); wallpaper_path = wallpaper_dir.Append(file_name); CustomWallpaperMap::iterator it = wallpaper_cache_.find(account_id); if (it != wallpaper_cache_.end() && it->second.first == wallpaper_path && !it->second.second.isNull()) return; loaded_wallpapers_for_test_++; StartLoad(account_id, info, update_wallpaper, wallpaper_path, std::move(on_finish)); } else if (info.type == DEFAULT) { base::FilePath user_data_dir; DCHECK(dir_user_data_path_id != -1); PathService::Get(dir_user_data_path_id, &user_data_dir); wallpaper_path = user_data_dir.Append(info.location); StartLoad(account_id, info, update_wallpaper, wallpaper_path, std::move(on_finish)); } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Wallpaper reverts to default unexpected."; DoSetDefaultWallpaper(account_id, std::move(on_finish)); } } CWE ID: CWE-200 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void WebGLRenderingContextBase::framebufferRenderbuffer( GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum renderbuffertarget, WebGLRenderbuffer* buffer) { if (isContextLost() || !ValidateFramebufferFuncParameters( "framebufferRenderbuffer", target, attachment)) return; if (renderbuffertarget != GL_RENDERBUFFER) { SynthesizeGLError(GL_INVALID_ENUM, "framebufferRenderbuffer", "invalid target"); return; } if (buffer && (!buffer->HasEverBeenBound() || !buffer->Validate(ContextGroup(), this))) { SynthesizeGLError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION, "framebufferRenderbuffer", "buffer never bound or buffer not from this context"); return; } WebGLFramebuffer* framebuffer_binding = GetFramebufferBinding(target); if (!framebuffer_binding || !framebuffer_binding->Object()) { SynthesizeGLError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION, "framebufferRenderbuffer", "no framebuffer bound"); return; } framebuffer_binding->SetAttachmentForBoundFramebuffer(target, attachment, buffer); ApplyStencilTest(); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: const std::string& DownloadItemImpl::GetHash() const { return hash_; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static void send(node_t *node, node_t *child, byte *fout) { if (node->parent) { send(node->parent, node, fout); } if (child) { if (node->right == child) { add_bit(1, fout); } else { add_bit(0, fout); } } } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static void openpic_gcr_write(OpenPICState *opp, uint64_t val) { bool mpic_proxy = false; if (val & GCR_RESET) { openpic_reset(DEVICE(opp)); return; } opp->gcr &= ~opp->mpic_mode_mask; opp->gcr |= val & opp->mpic_mode_mask; /* Set external proxy mode */ if ((val & opp->mpic_mode_mask) == GCR_MODE_PROXY) { mpic_proxy = true; } ppce500_set_mpic_proxy(mpic_proxy); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static HB_Error Load_ContextPos3( HB_ContextPosFormat3* cpf3, HB_Stream stream ) { HB_Error error; HB_UShort n, count; HB_UInt cur_offset, new_offset, base_offset; HB_Coverage* c; HB_PosLookupRecord* plr; base_offset = FILE_Pos() - 2L; if ( ACCESS_Frame( 4L ) ) return error; cpf3->GlyphCount = GET_UShort(); cpf3->PosCount = GET_UShort(); FORGET_Frame(); cpf3->Coverage = NULL; count = cpf3->GlyphCount; if ( ALLOC_ARRAY( cpf3->Coverage, count, HB_Coverage ) ) return error; c = cpf3->Coverage; for ( n = 0; n < count; n++ ) { if ( ACCESS_Frame( 2L ) ) goto Fail2; new_offset = GET_UShort() + base_offset; FORGET_Frame(); cur_offset = FILE_Pos(); if ( FILE_Seek( new_offset ) || ( error = _HB_OPEN_Load_Coverage( &c[n], stream ) ) != HB_Err_Ok ) goto Fail2; (void)FILE_Seek( cur_offset ); } cpf3->PosLookupRecord = NULL; count = cpf3->PosCount; if ( ALLOC_ARRAY( cpf3->PosLookupRecord, count, HB_PosLookupRecord ) ) goto Fail2; plr = cpf3->PosLookupRecord; if ( ACCESS_Frame( count * 4L ) ) goto Fail1; for ( n = 0; n < count; n++ ) { plr[n].SequenceIndex = GET_UShort(); plr[n].LookupListIndex = GET_UShort(); } FORGET_Frame(); return HB_Err_Ok; Fail1: FREE( plr ); Fail2: for ( n = 0; n < count; n++ ) _HB_OPEN_Free_Coverage( &c[n] ); FREE( c ); return error; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: ipv6_dup_options(struct sock *sk, struct ipv6_txoptions *opt) { struct ipv6_txoptions *opt2; opt2 = sock_kmalloc(sk, opt->tot_len, GFP_ATOMIC); if (opt2) { long dif = (char *)opt2 - (char *)opt; memcpy(opt2, opt, opt->tot_len); if (opt2->hopopt) *((char **)&opt2->hopopt) += dif; if (opt2->dst0opt) *((char **)&opt2->dst0opt) += dif; if (opt2->dst1opt) *((char **)&opt2->dst1opt) += dif; if (opt2->srcrt) *((char **)&opt2->srcrt) += dif; } return opt2; } CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void WebRuntimeFeatures::EnableRemotePlaybackAPI(bool enable) { RuntimeEnabledFeatures::SetRemotePlaybackEnabled(enable); } CWE ID: CWE-254 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: int g_timeval_cmp(const GTimeVal *tv1, const GTimeVal *tv2) { if (tv1->tv_sec < tv2->tv_sec) return -1; if (tv1->tv_sec > tv2->tv_sec) return 1; return tv1->tv_usec < tv2->tv_usec ? -1 : tv1->tv_usec > tv2->tv_usec ? 1 : 0; } CWE ID: CWE-416 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: header_put_be_3byte (SF_PRIVATE *psf, int x) { if (psf->headindex < SIGNED_SIZEOF (psf->header) - 3) { psf->header [psf->headindex++] = (x >> 16) ; psf->header [psf->headindex++] = (x >> 8) ; psf->header [psf->headindex++] = x ; } ; } /* header_put_be_3byte */ CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: PaintLayerScrollableArea::ConvertFromContainingEmbeddedContentViewToScrollbar( const Scrollbar& scrollbar, const IntPoint& parent_point) const { LayoutView* view = GetLayoutBox()->View(); if (!view) return parent_point; IntPoint point = view->GetFrameView()->ConvertToLayoutObject(*GetLayoutBox(), parent_point); point.Move(-ScrollbarOffset(scrollbar)); return point; } CWE ID: CWE-79 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void DownloadManagerImpl::SetNextId(uint32_t next_id) { if (next_id > next_download_id_) next_download_id_ = next_id; if (!IsNextIdInitialized()) return; for (auto& callback : id_callbacks_) std::move(*callback).Run(next_download_id_++); id_callbacks_.clear(); } CWE ID: CWE-416 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static void registerBlobURLTask(void* context) { OwnPtr<BlobRegistryContext> blobRegistryContext = adoptPtr(static_cast<BlobRegistryContext*>(context)); blobRegistry().registerBlobURL(blobRegistryContext->url, blobRegistryContext->blobData.release()); } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: SMB2_select_sec(struct cifs_ses *ses, struct SMB2_sess_data *sess_data) { if (ses->sectype != Kerberos && ses->sectype != RawNTLMSSP) ses->sectype = RawNTLMSSP; switch (ses->sectype) { case Kerberos: sess_data->func = SMB2_auth_kerberos; break; case RawNTLMSSP: sess_data->func = SMB2_sess_auth_rawntlmssp_negotiate; break; default: cifs_dbg(VFS, "secType %d not supported!\n", ses->sectype); return -EOPNOTSUPP; } return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-476 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: bool AppCacheBackendImpl::SelectCacheForSharedWorker( int host_id, int64 appcache_id) { AppCacheHost* host = GetHost(host_id); if (!host || host->was_select_cache_called()) return false; host->SelectCacheForSharedWorker(appcache_id); return true; } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: horDiff8(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc) { TIFFPredictorState* sp = PredictorState(tif); tmsize_t stride = sp->stride; unsigned char* cp = (unsigned char*) cp0; assert((cc%stride)==0); if (cc > stride) { cc -= stride; /* * Pipeline the most common cases. */ if (stride == 3) { unsigned int r1, g1, b1; unsigned int r2 = cp[0]; unsigned int g2 = cp[1]; unsigned int b2 = cp[2]; do { r1 = cp[3]; cp[3] = (unsigned char)((r1-r2)&0xff); r2 = r1; g1 = cp[4]; cp[4] = (unsigned char)((g1-g2)&0xff); g2 = g1; b1 = cp[5]; cp[5] = (unsigned char)((b1-b2)&0xff); b2 = b1; cp += 3; } while ((cc -= 3) > 0); } else if (stride == 4) { unsigned int r1, g1, b1, a1; unsigned int r2 = cp[0]; unsigned int g2 = cp[1]; unsigned int b2 = cp[2]; unsigned int a2 = cp[3]; do { r1 = cp[4]; cp[4] = (unsigned char)((r1-r2)&0xff); r2 = r1; g1 = cp[5]; cp[5] = (unsigned char)((g1-g2)&0xff); g2 = g1; b1 = cp[6]; cp[6] = (unsigned char)((b1-b2)&0xff); b2 = b1; a1 = cp[7]; cp[7] = (unsigned char)((a1-a2)&0xff); a2 = a1; cp += 4; } while ((cc -= 4) > 0); } else { cp += cc - 1; do { REPEAT4(stride, cp[stride] = (unsigned char)((cp[stride] - cp[0])&0xff); cp--) } while ((cc -= stride) > 0); } } } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: SWFShape_setLineStyle2filled_internal(SWFShape shape, unsigned short width, SWFFillStyle fill, int flags, float miterLimit) { int line; if ( shape->isEnded ) return; for ( line=0; line<shape->nLines; ++line ) { if ( SWFLineStyle_equals2filled(shape->lines[line], width, fill, flags) ) break; } if ( line == shape->nLines ) line = SWFShape_addLineStyle2filled(shape, width, fill, flags, miterLimit); else ++line; finishSetLine(shape, line, width); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static void Ins_GETINFO( INS_ARG ) { Long K; K = 0; /* We return then Windows 3.1 version number */ /* for the font scaler */ if ( (args[0] & 1) != 0 ) K = 3; /* Has the glyph been rotated ? */ if ( CUR.metrics.rotated ) K |= 0x80; /* Has the glyph been stretched ? */ if ( CUR.metrics.stretched ) K |= 0x100; args[0] = K; } CWE ID: CWE-125 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: OMX_ERRORTYPE omx_video::empty_this_buffer_proxy(OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE hComp, OMX_IN OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* buffer) { (void)hComp; OMX_U8 *pmem_data_buf = NULL; int push_cnt = 0; unsigned nBufIndex = 0; OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone; encoder_media_buffer_type *media_buffer = NULL; #ifdef _MSM8974_ int fd = 0; #endif DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("ETBProxy: buffer->pBuffer[%p]", buffer->pBuffer); if (buffer == NULL) { DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: ETBProxy: Invalid buffer[%p]", buffer); return OMX_ErrorBadParameter; } if (meta_mode_enable && !mUsesColorConversion) { bool met_error = false; nBufIndex = buffer - meta_buffer_hdr; if (nBufIndex >= m_sInPortDef.nBufferCountActual) { DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: ETBProxy: Invalid meta-bufIndex = %u", nBufIndex); return OMX_ErrorBadParameter; } media_buffer = (encoder_media_buffer_type *)meta_buffer_hdr[nBufIndex].pBuffer; if (media_buffer) { if (media_buffer->buffer_type != kMetadataBufferTypeCameraSource && media_buffer->buffer_type != kMetadataBufferTypeGrallocSource) { met_error = true; } else { if (media_buffer->buffer_type == kMetadataBufferTypeCameraSource) { if (media_buffer->meta_handle == NULL) met_error = true; else if ((media_buffer->meta_handle->numFds != 1 && media_buffer->meta_handle->numInts != 2)) met_error = true; } } } else met_error = true; if (met_error) { DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: Unkown source/metahandle in ETB call"); post_event ((unsigned long)buffer,0,OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EBD); return OMX_ErrorBadParameter; } } else { nBufIndex = buffer - ((OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)m_inp_mem_ptr); if (nBufIndex >= m_sInPortDef.nBufferCountActual) { DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: ETBProxy: Invalid bufIndex = %u", nBufIndex); return OMX_ErrorBadParameter; } } pending_input_buffers++; if (input_flush_progress == true) { post_event ((unsigned long)buffer,0, OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EBD); DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: ETBProxy: Input flush in progress"); return OMX_ErrorNone; } #ifdef _MSM8974_ if (!meta_mode_enable) { fd = m_pInput_pmem[nBufIndex].fd; } #endif #ifdef _ANDROID_ICS_ if (meta_mode_enable && !mUseProxyColorFormat) { struct pmem Input_pmem_info; if (!media_buffer) { DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("%s: invalid media_buffer",__FUNCTION__); return OMX_ErrorBadParameter; } if (media_buffer->buffer_type == kMetadataBufferTypeCameraSource) { Input_pmem_info.buffer = media_buffer; Input_pmem_info.fd = media_buffer->meta_handle->data[0]; #ifdef _MSM8974_ fd = Input_pmem_info.fd; #endif Input_pmem_info.offset = media_buffer->meta_handle->data[1]; Input_pmem_info.size = media_buffer->meta_handle->data[2]; DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("ETB (meta-Camera) fd = %d, offset = %d, size = %d", Input_pmem_info.fd, Input_pmem_info.offset, Input_pmem_info.size); } else { private_handle_t *handle = (private_handle_t *)media_buffer->meta_handle; Input_pmem_info.buffer = media_buffer; Input_pmem_info.fd = handle->fd; #ifdef _MSM8974_ fd = Input_pmem_info.fd; #endif Input_pmem_info.offset = 0; Input_pmem_info.size = handle->size; DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("ETB (meta-gralloc) fd = %d, offset = %d, size = %d", Input_pmem_info.fd, Input_pmem_info.offset, Input_pmem_info.size); } if (dev_use_buf(&Input_pmem_info,PORT_INDEX_IN,0) != true) { DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: in dev_use_buf"); post_event ((unsigned long)buffer,0,OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EBD); return OMX_ErrorBadParameter; } } else if (meta_mode_enable && !mUsesColorConversion) { if (media_buffer->buffer_type == kMetadataBufferTypeGrallocSource) { private_handle_t *handle = (private_handle_t *)media_buffer->meta_handle; fd = handle->fd; DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("ETB (opaque-gralloc) fd = %d, size = %d", fd, handle->size); } else { DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: Invalid bufferType for buffer with Opaque" " color format"); post_event ((unsigned long)buffer,0,OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EBD); return OMX_ErrorBadParameter; } } else if (input_use_buffer && !m_use_input_pmem) #else if (input_use_buffer && !m_use_input_pmem) #endif { DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Heap UseBuffer case, so memcpy the data"); pmem_data_buf = (OMX_U8 *)m_pInput_pmem[nBufIndex].buffer; memcpy (pmem_data_buf, (buffer->pBuffer + buffer->nOffset), buffer->nFilledLen); DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("memcpy() done in ETBProxy for i/p Heap UseBuf"); } else if (mUseProxyColorFormat) { fd = m_pInput_pmem[nBufIndex].fd; DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("ETB (color-converted) fd = %d, size = %u", fd, (unsigned int)buffer->nFilledLen); } else if ( == OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar) { if (!dev_color_align(buffer,, { DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Failed to adjust buffer color"); post_event((unsigned long)buffer, 0, OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EBD); return OMX_ErrorUndefined; } } #ifdef _MSM8974_ if (dev_empty_buf(buffer, pmem_data_buf,nBufIndex,fd) != true) #else if (dev_empty_buf(buffer, pmem_data_buf,0,0) != true) #endif { DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: ETBProxy: dev_empty_buf failed"); #ifdef _ANDROID_ICS_ omx_release_meta_buffer(buffer); #endif post_event ((unsigned long)buffer,0,OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EBD); /*Generate an async error and move to invalid state*/ pending_input_buffers--; if (hw_overload) { return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources; } return OMX_ErrorBadParameter; } return ret; } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: zcallendpage(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p) { os_ptr op = osp; gx_device *dev = gs_currentdevice(igs); int code; check_type(op[-1], t_integer); check_type(*op, t_integer); if ((dev = (*dev_proc(dev, get_page_device))(dev)) != 0) { code = (*dev->page_procs.end_page)(dev, (int)op->value.intval, igs); if (code < 0) return code; if (code > 1) return_error(gs_error_rangecheck); } else { code = (op->value.intval == 2 ? 0 : 1); } make_bool(op - 1, code); pop(1); return 0; } CWE ID: Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int ext4_dax_fault(struct vm_area_struct *vma, struct vm_fault *vmf) { int result; handle_t *handle = NULL; struct super_block *sb = file_inode(vma->vm_file)->i_sb; bool write = vmf->flags & FAULT_FLAG_WRITE; if (write) { sb_start_pagefault(sb); file_update_time(vma->vm_file); handle = ext4_journal_start_sb(sb, EXT4_HT_WRITE_PAGE, EXT4_DATA_TRANS_BLOCKS(sb)); } if (IS_ERR(handle)) result = VM_FAULT_SIGBUS; else result = __dax_fault(vma, vmf, ext4_get_block_dax, ext4_end_io_unwritten); if (write) { if (!IS_ERR(handle)) ext4_journal_stop(handle); sb_end_pagefault(sb); } return result; } CWE ID: CWE-362 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: bool SharedMemoryHandleProvider::InitFromMojoHandle( mojo::ScopedSharedBufferHandle buffer_handle) { #if DCHECK_IS_ON() DCHECK_EQ(map_ref_count_, 0); #endif DCHECK(!shared_memory_); base::SharedMemoryHandle memory_handle; const MojoResult result = mojo::UnwrapSharedMemoryHandle(std::move(buffer_handle), &memory_handle, &mapped_size_, &read_only_flag_); if (result != MOJO_RESULT_OK) return false; shared_memory_.emplace(memory_handle, read_only_flag_); return true; } CWE ID: CWE-787 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void TaskService::PostBoundTask(RunnerId runner_id, base::OnceClosure task) { InstanceId instance_id; { base::AutoLock lock(lock_); if (bound_instance_id_ == kInvalidInstanceId) return; instance_id = bound_instance_id_; } GetTaskRunner(runner_id)->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(&TaskService::RunTask, base::Unretained(this), instance_id, runner_id, std::move(task))); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int readContigStripsIntoBuffer (TIFF* in, uint8* buf) { uint8* bufp = buf; int32 bytes_read = 0; uint32 strip, nstrips = TIFFNumberOfStrips(in); uint32 stripsize = TIFFStripSize(in); uint32 rows = 0; uint32 rps = TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(in, TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP, &rps); tsize_t scanline_size = TIFFScanlineSize(in); if (scanline_size == 0) { TIFFError("", "TIFF scanline size is zero!"); return 0; } for (strip = 0; strip < nstrips; strip++) { bytes_read = TIFFReadEncodedStrip (in, strip, bufp, -1); rows = bytes_read / scanline_size; if ((strip < (nstrips - 1)) && (bytes_read != (int32)stripsize)) TIFFError("", "Strip %d: read %lu bytes, strip size %lu", (int)strip + 1, (unsigned long) bytes_read, (unsigned long)stripsize); if (bytes_read < 0 && !ignore) { TIFFError("", "Error reading strip %lu after %lu rows", (unsigned long) strip, (unsigned long)rows); return 0; } bufp += bytes_read; } return 1; } /* end readContigStripsIntoBuffer */ CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: SchedulerObject::_continue(std::string key, std::string &/*reason*/, std::string &text) { PROC_ID id = getProcByString(key.c_str()); if (id.cluster < 0 || id.proc < 0) { dprintf(D_FULLDEBUG, "Remove: Failed to parse id: %s\n", key.c_str()); text = "Invalid Id"; return false; } scheduler.enqueueActOnJobMyself(id,JA_CONTINUE_JOBS,true); return true; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void PushMessagingServiceImpl::OnMessagesDeleted(const std::string& app_id) { } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static long ext4_zero_range(struct file *file, loff_t offset, loff_t len, int mode) { struct inode *inode = file_inode(file); handle_t *handle = NULL; unsigned int max_blocks; loff_t new_size = 0; int ret = 0; int flags; int credits; int partial_begin, partial_end; loff_t start, end; ext4_lblk_t lblk; struct address_space *mapping = inode->i_mapping; unsigned int blkbits = inode->i_blkbits; trace_ext4_zero_range(inode, offset, len, mode); if (!S_ISREG(inode->i_mode)) return -EINVAL; /* Call ext4_force_commit to flush all data in case of data=journal. */ if (ext4_should_journal_data(inode)) { ret = ext4_force_commit(inode->i_sb); if (ret) return ret; } /* * Write out all dirty pages to avoid race conditions * Then release them. */ if (mapping->nrpages && mapping_tagged(mapping, PAGECACHE_TAG_DIRTY)) { ret = filemap_write_and_wait_range(mapping, offset, offset + len - 1); if (ret) return ret; } /* * Round up offset. This is not fallocate, we neet to zero out * blocks, so convert interior block aligned part of the range to * unwritten and possibly manually zero out unaligned parts of the * range. */ start = round_up(offset, 1 << blkbits); end = round_down((offset + len), 1 << blkbits); if (start < offset || end > offset + len) return -EINVAL; partial_begin = offset & ((1 << blkbits) - 1); partial_end = (offset + len) & ((1 << blkbits) - 1); lblk = start >> blkbits; max_blocks = (end >> blkbits); if (max_blocks < lblk) max_blocks = 0; else max_blocks -= lblk; flags = EXT4_GET_BLOCKS_CREATE_UNWRIT_EXT | EXT4_GET_BLOCKS_CONVERT_UNWRITTEN | EXT4_EX_NOCACHE; if (mode & FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE) flags |= EXT4_GET_BLOCKS_KEEP_SIZE; mutex_lock(&inode->i_mutex); /* * Indirect files do not support unwritten extnets */ if (!(ext4_test_inode_flag(inode, EXT4_INODE_EXTENTS))) { ret = -EOPNOTSUPP; goto out_mutex; } if (!(mode & FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE) && offset + len > i_size_read(inode)) { new_size = offset + len; ret = inode_newsize_ok(inode, new_size); if (ret) goto out_mutex; /* * If we have a partial block after EOF we have to allocate * the entire block. */ if (partial_end) max_blocks += 1; } if (max_blocks > 0) { /* Now release the pages and zero block aligned part of pages*/ truncate_pagecache_range(inode, start, end - 1); inode->i_mtime = inode->i_ctime = ext4_current_time(inode); /* Wait all existing dio workers, newcomers will block on i_mutex */ ext4_inode_block_unlocked_dio(inode); inode_dio_wait(inode); ret = ext4_alloc_file_blocks(file, lblk, max_blocks, new_size, flags, mode); if (ret) goto out_dio; /* * Remove entire range from the extent status tree. * * ext4_es_remove_extent(inode, lblk, max_blocks) is * NOT sufficient. I'm not sure why this is the case, * but let's be conservative and remove the extent * status tree for the entire inode. There should be * no outstanding delalloc extents thanks to the * filemap_write_and_wait_range() call above. */ ret = ext4_es_remove_extent(inode, 0, EXT_MAX_BLOCKS); if (ret) goto out_dio; } if (!partial_begin && !partial_end) goto out_dio; /* * In worst case we have to writeout two nonadjacent unwritten * blocks and update the inode */ credits = (2 * ext4_ext_index_trans_blocks(inode, 2)) + 1; if (ext4_should_journal_data(inode)) credits += 2; handle = ext4_journal_start(inode, EXT4_HT_MISC, credits); if (IS_ERR(handle)) { ret = PTR_ERR(handle); ext4_std_error(inode->i_sb, ret); goto out_dio; } inode->i_mtime = inode->i_ctime = ext4_current_time(inode); if (new_size) { ext4_update_inode_size(inode, new_size); } else { /* * Mark that we allocate beyond EOF so the subsequent truncate * can proceed even if the new size is the same as i_size. */ if ((offset + len) > i_size_read(inode)) ext4_set_inode_flag(inode, EXT4_INODE_EOFBLOCKS); } ext4_mark_inode_dirty(handle, inode); /* Zero out partial block at the edges of the range */ ret = ext4_zero_partial_blocks(handle, inode, offset, len); if (file->f_flags & O_SYNC) ext4_handle_sync(handle); ext4_journal_stop(handle); out_dio: ext4_inode_resume_unlocked_dio(inode); out_mutex: mutex_unlock(&inode->i_mutex); return ret; } CWE ID: CWE-17 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static int tls_construct_cke_dhe(SSL *s, unsigned char **p, int *len, int *al) { #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DH DH *dh_clnt = NULL; const BIGNUM *pub_key; EVP_PKEY *ckey = NULL, *skey = NULL; skey = s->s3->peer_tmp; if (skey == NULL) { SSLerr(SSL_F_TLS_CONSTRUCT_CKE_DHE, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR); return 0; } ckey = ssl_generate_pkey(skey); dh_clnt = EVP_PKEY_get0_DH(ckey); if (dh_clnt == NULL || ssl_derive(s, ckey, skey) == 0) { SSLerr(SSL_F_TLS_CONSTRUCT_CKE_DHE, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR); EVP_PKEY_free(ckey); return 0; } /* send off the data */ DH_get0_key(dh_clnt, &pub_key, NULL); *len = BN_num_bytes(pub_key); s2n(*len, *p); BN_bn2bin(pub_key, *p); *len += 2; EVP_PKEY_free(ckey); return 1; #else SSLerr(SSL_F_TLS_CONSTRUCT_CKE_DHE, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR); *al = SSL_AD_INTERNAL_ERROR; return 0; #endif } CWE ID: CWE-476 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: xfs_attr_node_removename(xfs_da_args_t *args) { xfs_da_state_t *state; xfs_da_state_blk_t *blk; xfs_inode_t *dp; struct xfs_buf *bp; int retval, error, forkoff; trace_xfs_attr_node_removename(args); /* * Tie a string around our finger to remind us where we are. */ dp = args->dp; state = xfs_da_state_alloc(); state->args = args; state->mp = dp->i_mount; /* * Search to see if name exists, and get back a pointer to it. */ error = xfs_da3_node_lookup_int(state, &retval); if (error || (retval != -EEXIST)) { if (error == 0) error = retval; goto out; } /* * If there is an out-of-line value, de-allocate the blocks. * This is done before we remove the attribute so that we don't * overflow the maximum size of a transaction and/or hit a deadlock. */ blk = &state->path.blk[ state-> ]; ASSERT(blk->bp != NULL); ASSERT(blk->magic == XFS_ATTR_LEAF_MAGIC); if (args->rmtblkno > 0) { /* * Fill in disk block numbers in the state structure * so that we can get the buffers back after we commit * several transactions in the following calls. */ error = xfs_attr_fillstate(state); if (error) goto out; /* * Mark the attribute as INCOMPLETE, then bunmapi() the * remote value. */ error = xfs_attr3_leaf_setflag(args); if (error) goto out; error = xfs_attr_rmtval_remove(args); if (error) goto out; /* * Refill the state structure with buffers, the prior calls * released our buffers. */ error = xfs_attr_refillstate(state); if (error) goto out; } /* * Remove the name and update the hashvals in the tree. */ blk = &state->path.blk[ state-> ]; ASSERT(blk->magic == XFS_ATTR_LEAF_MAGIC); retval = xfs_attr3_leaf_remove(blk->bp, args); xfs_da3_fixhashpath(state, &state->path); /* * Check to see if the tree needs to be collapsed. */ if (retval && (state-> > 1)) { xfs_defer_init(args->dfops, args->firstblock); error = xfs_da3_join(state); if (error) goto out_defer_cancel; xfs_defer_ijoin(args->dfops, dp); error = xfs_defer_finish(&args->trans, args->dfops); if (error) goto out_defer_cancel; /* * Commit the Btree join operation and start a new trans. */ error = xfs_trans_roll_inode(&args->trans, dp); if (error) goto out; } /* * If the result is small enough, push it all into the inode. */ if (xfs_bmap_one_block(dp, XFS_ATTR_FORK)) { /* * Have to get rid of the copy of this dabuf in the state. */ ASSERT(state-> == 1); ASSERT(state->path.blk[0].bp); state->path.blk[0].bp = NULL; error = xfs_attr3_leaf_read(args->trans, args->dp, 0, -1, &bp); if (error) goto out; if ((forkoff = xfs_attr_shortform_allfit(bp, dp))) { xfs_defer_init(args->dfops, args->firstblock); error = xfs_attr3_leaf_to_shortform(bp, args, forkoff); /* bp is gone due to xfs_da_shrink_inode */ if (error) goto out_defer_cancel; xfs_defer_ijoin(args->dfops, dp); error = xfs_defer_finish(&args->trans, args->dfops); if (error) goto out_defer_cancel; } else xfs_trans_brelse(args->trans, bp); } error = 0; out: xfs_da_state_free(state); return error; out_defer_cancel: xfs_defer_cancel(args->dfops); goto out; } CWE ID: CWE-754 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: bool IsValidURL(const GURL& url, PortPermission port_permission) { return url.is_valid() && url.SchemeIsHTTPOrHTTPS() && (url.port().empty() || (port_permission == ALLOW_NON_STANDARD_PORTS)); } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static void pipe_advance(struct iov_iter *i, size_t size) { struct pipe_inode_info *pipe = i->pipe; struct pipe_buffer *buf; int idx = i->idx; size_t off = i->iov_offset, orig_sz; if (unlikely(i->count < size)) size = i->count; orig_sz = size; if (size) { if (off) /* make it relative to the beginning of buffer */ size += off - pipe->bufs[idx].offset; while (1) { buf = &pipe->bufs[idx]; if (size <= buf->len) break; size -= buf->len; idx = next_idx(idx, pipe); } buf->len = size; i->idx = idx; off = i->iov_offset = buf->offset + size; } if (off) idx = next_idx(idx, pipe); if (pipe->nrbufs) { int unused = (pipe->curbuf + pipe->nrbufs) & (pipe->buffers - 1); /* [curbuf,unused) is in use. Free [idx,unused) */ while (idx != unused) { pipe_buf_release(pipe, &pipe->bufs[idx]); idx = next_idx(idx, pipe); pipe->nrbufs--; } } i->count -= orig_sz; } CWE ID: CWE-200 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void HTMLLinkElement::DidSendLoadForLinkPrerender() { DispatchEvent(*Event::Create(EventTypeNames::webkitprerenderload)); } CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: bool GLES2DecoderImpl::SimulateFixedAttribs( const char* function_name, GLuint max_vertex_accessed, bool* simulated, GLsizei primcount) { DCHECK(simulated); *simulated = false; if (gfx::GetGLImplementation() == gfx::kGLImplementationEGLGLES2) return true; if (!vertex_attrib_manager_->HaveFixedAttribs()) { return true; } PerformanceWarning( "GL_FIXED attributes have a signficant performance penalty"); GLuint elements_needed = 0; const VertexAttribManager::VertexAttribInfoList& infos = vertex_attrib_manager_->GetEnabledVertexAttribInfos(); for (VertexAttribManager::VertexAttribInfoList::const_iterator it = infos.begin(); it != infos.end(); ++it) { const VertexAttribManager::VertexAttribInfo* info = *it; const ProgramManager::ProgramInfo::VertexAttribInfo* attrib_info = current_program_->GetAttribInfoByLocation(info->index()); GLuint max_accessed = info->MaxVertexAccessed(primcount, max_vertex_accessed); GLuint num_vertices = max_accessed + 1; if (num_vertices == 0) { SetGLError(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, function_name, "Simulating attrib 0"); return false; } if (attrib_info && info->CanAccess(max_accessed) && info->type() == GL_FIXED) { GLuint elements_used = 0; if (!SafeMultiply(num_vertices, static_cast<GLuint>(info->size()), &elements_used) || !SafeAdd(elements_needed, elements_used, &elements_needed)) { SetGLError( GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, function_name, "simulating GL_FIXED attribs"); return false; } } } const GLuint kSizeOfFloat = sizeof(float); // NOLINT GLuint size_needed = 0; if (!SafeMultiply(elements_needed, kSizeOfFloat, &size_needed) || size_needed > 0x7FFFFFFFU) { SetGLError(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, function_name, "simulating GL_FIXED attribs"); return false; } CopyRealGLErrorsToWrapper(); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, fixed_attrib_buffer_id_); if (static_cast<GLsizei>(size_needed) > fixed_attrib_buffer_size_) { glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, size_needed, NULL, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW); GLenum error = glGetError(); if (error != GL_NO_ERROR) { SetGLError( GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, function_name, "simulating GL_FIXED attribs"); return false; } } GLintptr offset = 0; for (VertexAttribManager::VertexAttribInfoList::const_iterator it = infos.begin(); it != infos.end(); ++it) { const VertexAttribManager::VertexAttribInfo* info = *it; const ProgramManager::ProgramInfo::VertexAttribInfo* attrib_info = current_program_->GetAttribInfoByLocation(info->index()); GLuint max_accessed = info->MaxVertexAccessed(primcount, max_vertex_accessed); GLuint num_vertices = max_accessed + 1; if (num_vertices == 0) { SetGLError(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, function_name, "Simulating attrib 0"); return false; } if (attrib_info && info->CanAccess(max_accessed) && info->type() == GL_FIXED) { int num_elements = info->size() * kSizeOfFloat; int size = num_elements * num_vertices; scoped_array<float> data(new float[size]); const int32* src = reinterpret_cast<const int32 *>( info->buffer()->GetRange(info->offset(), size)); const int32* end = src + num_elements; float* dst = data.get(); while (src != end) { *dst++ = static_cast<float>(*src++) / 65536.0f; } glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, offset, size, data.get()); glVertexAttribPointer( info->index(), info->size(), GL_FLOAT, false, 0, reinterpret_cast<GLvoid*>(offset)); offset += size; } } *simulated = true; return true; } CWE ID: CWE-189 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: StorageHandler::IndexedDBObserver* StorageHandler::GetIndexedDBObserver() { DCHECK_CURRENTLY_ON(BrowserThread::UI); if (!indexed_db_observer_) { indexed_db_observer_ = std::make_unique<IndexedDBObserver>( weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), static_cast<IndexedDBContextImpl*>( process_->GetStoragePartition()->GetIndexedDBContext())); } return indexed_db_observer_.get(); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static s32 atl2_setup_ring_resources(struct atl2_adapter *adapter) { struct pci_dev *pdev = adapter->pdev; int size; u8 offset = 0; /* real ring DMA buffer */ adapter->ring_size = size = adapter->txd_ring_size * 1 + 7 + /* dword align */ adapter->txs_ring_size * 4 + 7 + /* dword align */ adapter->rxd_ring_size * 1536 + 127; /* 128bytes align */ adapter->ring_vir_addr = pci_alloc_consistent(pdev, size, &adapter->ring_dma); if (!adapter->ring_vir_addr) return -ENOMEM; memset(adapter->ring_vir_addr, 0, adapter->ring_size); /* Init TXD Ring */ adapter->txd_dma = adapter->ring_dma ; offset = (adapter->txd_dma & 0x7) ? (8 - (adapter->txd_dma & 0x7)) : 0; adapter->txd_dma += offset; adapter->txd_ring = adapter->ring_vir_addr + offset; /* Init TXS Ring */ adapter->txs_dma = adapter->txd_dma + adapter->txd_ring_size; offset = (adapter->txs_dma & 0x7) ? (8 - (adapter->txs_dma & 0x7)) : 0; adapter->txs_dma += offset; adapter->txs_ring = (struct tx_pkt_status *) (((u8 *)adapter->txd_ring) + (adapter->txd_ring_size + offset)); /* Init RXD Ring */ adapter->rxd_dma = adapter->txs_dma + adapter->txs_ring_size * 4; offset = (adapter->rxd_dma & 127) ? (128 - (adapter->rxd_dma & 127)) : 0; if (offset > 7) offset -= 8; else offset += (128 - 8); adapter->rxd_dma += offset; adapter->rxd_ring = (struct rx_desc *) (((u8 *)adapter->txs_ring) + (adapter->txs_ring_size * 4 + offset)); /* * Read / Write Ptr Initialize: * init_ring_ptrs(adapter); */ return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-200 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: bool ResolveRelativeURL(const char* base_url, const url_parse::Parsed& base_parsed, bool base_is_file, const base::char16* relative_url, const url_parse::Component& relative_component, CharsetConverter* query_converter, CanonOutput* output, url_parse::Parsed* out_parsed) { return DoResolveRelativeURL<base::char16>( base_url, base_parsed, base_is_file, relative_url, relative_component, query_converter, output, out_parsed); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void *hashtable_get(hashtable_t *hashtable, const char *key) { pair_t *pair; size_t hash; bucket_t *bucket; hash = hash_str(key); bucket = &hashtable->buckets[hash % num_buckets(hashtable)]; pair = hashtable_find_pair(hashtable, bucket, key, hash); if(!pair) return NULL; return pair->value; } CWE ID: CWE-310 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void PDFiumEngine::StopFind() { SelectionChangeInvalidator selection_invalidator(this); selection_.clear(); selecting_ = false; find_results_.clear(); next_page_to_search_ = -1; last_page_to_search_ = -1; last_character_index_to_search_ = -1; current_find_index_.Invalidate(); current_find_text_.clear(); UpdateTickMarks(); find_factory_.CancelAll(); } CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static inline void cpuacct_update_stats(struct task_struct *tsk, enum cpuacct_stat_index idx, cputime_t val) {} CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: Cluster* Cluster::Create( Segment* pSegment, long idx, long long off) { assert(pSegment); assert(off >= 0); const long long element_start = pSegment->m_start + off; Cluster* const pCluster = new Cluster(pSegment, idx, element_start); assert(pCluster); return pCluster; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void WebKitTestResultPrinter::PrintAudioFooter() { if (state_ != IN_AUDIO_BLOCK) return; if (!capture_text_only_) { *output_ << "#EOF\n"; output_->flush(); } state_ = IN_IMAGE_BLOCK; } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void Browser::UnregisterKeepAlive() { keep_alive_.reset(); } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static cJSON *get_object_item(const cJSON * const object, const char * const name, const cJSON_bool case_sensitive) { cJSON *current_element = NULL; if ((object == NULL) || (name == NULL)) { return NULL; } current_element = object->child; if (case_sensitive) { while ((current_element != NULL) && (strcmp(name, current_element->string) != 0)) { current_element = current_element->next; } } else { while ((current_element != NULL) && (case_insensitive_strcmp((const unsigned char*)name, (const unsigned char*)(current_element->string)) != 0)) { current_element = current_element->next; } } return current_element; } CWE ID: CWE-754 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGd2Part (FILE * inFile, int srcx, int srcy, int w, int h) { gdImagePtr im; gdIOCtx *in = gdNewFileCtx(inFile); im = gdImageCreateFromGd2PartCtx(in, srcx, srcy, w, h); in->gd_free(in); return im; } CWE ID: CWE-190 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void CameraSource::releaseQueuedFrames() { List<sp<IMemory> >::iterator it; while (!mFramesReceived.empty()) { it = mFramesReceived.begin(); releaseRecordingFrame(*it); mFramesReceived.erase(it); ++mNumFramesDropped; } } CWE ID: CWE-200 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static void llc_sap_rcv(struct llc_sap *sap, struct sk_buff *skb, struct sock *sk) { struct llc_sap_state_ev *ev = llc_sap_ev(skb); ev->type = LLC_SAP_EV_TYPE_PDU; ev->reason = 0; skb->sk = sk; llc_sap_state_process(sap, skb); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static MagickBooleanType ApplyPSDLayerOpacity(Image *image,Quantum opacity, MagickBooleanType revert,ExceptionInfo *exception) { MagickBooleanType status; ssize_t y; if (image->debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " applying layer opacity %.20g", (double) opacity); if (opacity == QuantumRange) return(MagickTrue); image->matte=MagickTrue; status=MagickTrue; #if defined(MAGICKCORE_OPENMP_SUPPORT) #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static,4) shared(status) \ magick_threads(image,image,image->rows,1) #endif for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) image->rows; y++) { register PixelPacket *magick_restrict q; register ssize_t x; if (status == MagickFalse) continue; q=GetAuthenticPixels(image,0,y,image->columns,1,exception); if (q == (PixelPacket *) NULL) { status=MagickFalse; continue; } for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) image->columns; x++) { if (revert == MagickFalse) SetPixelAlpha(q,(Quantum) (QuantumScale*(GetPixelAlpha(q)*opacity))); else if (opacity > 0) SetPixelAlpha(q,(Quantum) (QuantumRange*(GetPixelAlpha(q)/ (MagickRealType) opacity))); q++; } if (SyncAuthenticPixels(image,exception) == MagickFalse) status=MagickFalse; } return(status); } CWE ID: CWE-834 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int complete_emulated_mmio(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu) { struct kvm_run *run = vcpu->run; struct kvm_mmio_fragment *frag; unsigned len; BUG_ON(!vcpu->mmio_needed); /* Complete previous fragment */ frag = &vcpu->mmio_fragments[vcpu->mmio_cur_fragment]; len = min(8u, frag->len); if (!vcpu->mmio_is_write) memcpy(frag->data, run->, len); if (frag->len <= 8) { /* Switch to the next fragment. */ frag++; vcpu->mmio_cur_fragment++; } else { /* Go forward to the next mmio piece. */ frag->data += len; frag->gpa += len; frag->len -= len; } if (vcpu->mmio_cur_fragment == vcpu->mmio_nr_fragments) { vcpu->mmio_needed = 0; /* FIXME: return into emulator if single-stepping. */ if (vcpu->mmio_is_write) return 1; vcpu->mmio_read_completed = 1; return complete_emulated_io(vcpu); } run->exit_reason = KVM_EXIT_MMIO; run->mmio.phys_addr = frag->gpa; if (vcpu->mmio_is_write) memcpy(run->, frag->data, min(8u, frag->len)); run->mmio.len = min(8u, frag->len); run->mmio.is_write = vcpu->mmio_is_write; vcpu->arch.complete_userspace_io = complete_emulated_mmio; return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void BluetoothOptionsHandler::RequestConfirmation( chromeos::BluetoothDevice* device, int passkey) { } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static void intel_pmu_cpu_starting(int cpu) { struct cpu_hw_events *cpuc = &per_cpu(cpu_hw_events, cpu); int core_id = topology_core_id(cpu); int i; init_debug_store_on_cpu(cpu); /* * Deal with CPUs that don't clear their LBRs on power-up. */ intel_pmu_lbr_reset(); if (!cpu_has_ht_siblings()) return; for_each_cpu(i, topology_thread_cpumask(cpu)) { struct intel_percore *pc = per_cpu(cpu_hw_events, i).per_core; if (pc && pc->core_id == core_id) { kfree(cpuc->per_core); cpuc->per_core = pc; break; } } cpuc->per_core->core_id = core_id; cpuc->per_core->refcnt++; } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void SplashOutputDev::drawMaskedImage(GfxState *state, Object *ref, Stream *str, int width, int height, GfxImageColorMap *colorMap, Stream *maskStr, int maskWidth, int maskHeight, GBool maskInvert) { GfxImageColorMap *maskColorMap; Object maskDecode, decodeLow, decodeHigh; double *ctm; SplashCoord mat[6]; SplashOutMaskedImageData imgData; SplashOutImageMaskData imgMaskData; SplashColorMode srcMode; SplashBitmap *maskBitmap; Splash *maskSplash; SplashColor maskColor; GfxGray gray; GfxRGB rgb; #if SPLASH_CMYK GfxCMYK cmyk; #endif Guchar pix; int n, i; if (maskWidth > width || maskHeight > height) { decodeLow.initInt(maskInvert ? 0 : 1); decodeHigh.initInt(maskInvert ? 1 : 0); maskDecode.initArray(xref); maskDecode.arrayAdd(&decodeLow); maskDecode.arrayAdd(&decodeHigh); maskColorMap = new GfxImageColorMap(1, &maskDecode, new GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace());; drawSoftMaskedImage(state, ref, str, width, height, colorMap, maskStr, maskWidth, maskHeight, maskColorMap); delete maskColorMap; } else { mat[0] = (SplashCoord)width; mat[1] = 0; mat[2] = 0; mat[3] = (SplashCoord)height; mat[4] = 0; mat[5] = 0; imgMaskData.imgStr = new ImageStream(maskStr, maskWidth, 1, 1); imgMaskData.imgStr->reset(); imgMaskData.invert = maskInvert ? 0 : 1; imgMaskData.width = maskWidth; imgMaskData.height = maskHeight; imgMaskData.y = 0; maskBitmap = new SplashBitmap(width, height, 1, splashModeMono1, gFalse); maskSplash = new Splash(maskBitmap, gFalse); maskColor[0] = 0; maskSplash->clear(maskColor); maskColor[0] = 0xff; maskSplash->setFillPattern(new SplashSolidColor(maskColor)); maskSplash->fillImageMask(&imageMaskSrc, &imgMaskData, maskWidth, maskHeight, mat, gFalse); delete imgMaskData.imgStr; maskStr->close(); delete maskSplash; ctm = state->getCTM(); mat[0] = ctm[0]; mat[1] = ctm[1]; mat[2] = -ctm[2]; mat[3] = -ctm[3]; mat[4] = ctm[2] + ctm[4]; mat[5] = ctm[3] + ctm[5]; imgData.imgStr = new ImageStream(str, width, colorMap->getNumPixelComps(), colorMap->getBits()); imgData.imgStr->reset(); imgData.colorMap = colorMap; imgData.mask = maskBitmap; imgData.colorMode = colorMode; imgData.width = width; imgData.height = height; imgData.y = 0; imgData.lookup = NULL; if (colorMap->getNumPixelComps() == 1) { n = 1 << colorMap->getBits(); switch (colorMode) { case splashModeMono1: case splashModeMono8: imgData.lookup = (SplashColorPtr)gmalloc(n); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { pix = (Guchar)i; colorMap->getGray(&pix, &gray); imgData.lookup[i] = colToByte(gray); } break; case splashModeRGB8: case splashModeBGR8: imgData.lookup = (SplashColorPtr)gmalloc(3 * n); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { pix = (Guchar)i; colorMap->getRGB(&pix, &rgb); imgData.lookup[3*i] = colToByte(rgb.r); imgData.lookup[3*i+1] = colToByte(rgb.g); imgData.lookup[3*i+2] = colToByte(rgb.b); } break; case splashModeXBGR8: imgData.lookup = (SplashColorPtr)gmalloc(4 * n); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { pix = (Guchar)i; colorMap->getRGB(&pix, &rgb); imgData.lookup[4*i] = colToByte(rgb.r); imgData.lookup[4*i+1] = colToByte(rgb.g); imgData.lookup[4*i+2] = colToByte(rgb.b); imgData.lookup[4*i+3] = 255; } break; #if SPLASH_CMYK case splashModeCMYK8: imgData.lookup = (SplashColorPtr)gmalloc(4 * n); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { pix = (Guchar)i; colorMap->getCMYK(&pix, &cmyk); imgData.lookup[4*i] = colToByte(cmyk.c); imgData.lookup[4*i+1] = colToByte(cmyk.m); imgData.lookup[4*i+2] = colToByte(cmyk.y); imgData.lookup[4*i+3] = colToByte(cmyk.k); } break; #endif } } if (colorMode == splashModeMono1) { srcMode = splashModeMono8; } else { srcMode = colorMode; } splash->drawImage(&maskedImageSrc, &imgData, srcMode, gTrue, width, height, mat); delete maskBitmap; gfree(imgData.lookup); delete imgData.imgStr; str->close(); } } CWE ID: CWE-189 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void build_ntlmssp_negotiate_blob(unsigned char *pbuffer, struct cifs_ses *ses) { NEGOTIATE_MESSAGE *sec_blob = (NEGOTIATE_MESSAGE *)pbuffer; __u32 flags; memset(pbuffer, 0, sizeof(NEGOTIATE_MESSAGE)); memcpy(sec_blob->Signature, NTLMSSP_SIGNATURE, 8); sec_blob->MessageType = NtLmNegotiate; /* BB is NTLMV2 session security format easier to use here? */ flags = NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_56 | NTLMSSP_REQUEST_TARGET | NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_128 | NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_UNICODE | NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_NTLM | NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_EXTENDED_SEC; if (ses->server->sign) { flags |= NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_SIGN; if (!ses->server->session_estab || ses->ntlmssp->sesskey_per_smbsess) flags |= NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_KEY_XCH; } sec_blob->NegotiateFlags = cpu_to_le32(flags); sec_blob->WorkstationName.BufferOffset = 0; sec_blob->WorkstationName.Length = 0; sec_blob->WorkstationName.MaximumLength = 0; /* Domain name is sent on the Challenge not Negotiate NTLMSSP request */ sec_blob->DomainName.BufferOffset = 0; sec_blob->DomainName.Length = 0; sec_blob->DomainName.MaximumLength = 0; } CWE ID: CWE-476 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static int opl3_kill_note (int devno, int voice, int note, int velocity) { struct physical_voice_info *map; if (voice < 0 || voice >= devc->nr_voice) return 0; devc->v_alloc->map[voice] = 0; map = &pv_map[devc->lv_map[voice]]; DEB(printk("Kill note %d\n", voice)); if (map->voice_mode == 0) return 0; opl3_command(map->ioaddr, KEYON_BLOCK + map->voice_num, devc->voc[voice].keyon_byte & ~0x20); devc->voc[voice].keyon_byte = 0; devc->voc[voice].bender = 0; devc->voc[voice].volume = 64; devc->voc[voice].panning = 0xffff; /* Not set */ devc->voc[voice].bender_range = 200; devc->voc[voice].orig_freq = 0; devc->voc[voice].current_freq = 0; devc->voc[voice].mode = 0; return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int ext4_ext_walk_space(struct inode *inode, ext4_lblk_t block, ext4_lblk_t num, ext_prepare_callback func, void *cbdata) { struct ext4_ext_path *path = NULL; struct ext4_ext_cache cbex; struct ext4_extent *ex; ext4_lblk_t next, start = 0, end = 0; ext4_lblk_t last = block + num; int depth, exists, err = 0; BUG_ON(func == NULL); BUG_ON(inode == NULL); while (block < last && block != EXT_MAX_BLOCKS) { num = last - block; /* find extent for this block */ down_read(&EXT4_I(inode)->i_data_sem); path = ext4_ext_find_extent(inode, block, path); up_read(&EXT4_I(inode)->i_data_sem); if (IS_ERR(path)) { err = PTR_ERR(path); path = NULL; break; } depth = ext_depth(inode); if (unlikely(path[depth].p_hdr == NULL)) { EXT4_ERROR_INODE(inode, "path[%d].p_hdr == NULL", depth); err = -EIO; break; } ex = path[depth].p_ext; next = ext4_ext_next_allocated_block(path); exists = 0; if (!ex) { /* there is no extent yet, so try to allocate * all requested space */ start = block; end = block + num; } else if (le32_to_cpu(ex->ee_block) > block) { /* need to allocate space before found extent */ start = block; end = le32_to_cpu(ex->ee_block); if (block + num < end) end = block + num; } else if (block >= le32_to_cpu(ex->ee_block) + ext4_ext_get_actual_len(ex)) { /* need to allocate space after found extent */ start = block; end = block + num; if (end >= next) end = next; } else if (block >= le32_to_cpu(ex->ee_block)) { /* * some part of requested space is covered * by found extent */ start = block; end = le32_to_cpu(ex->ee_block) + ext4_ext_get_actual_len(ex); if (block + num < end) end = block + num; exists = 1; } else { BUG(); } BUG_ON(end <= start); if (!exists) { cbex.ec_block = start; cbex.ec_len = end - start; cbex.ec_start = 0; } else { cbex.ec_block = le32_to_cpu(ex->ee_block); cbex.ec_len = ext4_ext_get_actual_len(ex); cbex.ec_start = ext4_ext_pblock(ex); } if (unlikely(cbex.ec_len == 0)) { EXT4_ERROR_INODE(inode, "cbex.ec_len == 0"); err = -EIO; break; } err = func(inode, next, &cbex, ex, cbdata); ext4_ext_drop_refs(path); if (err < 0) break; if (err == EXT_REPEAT) continue; else if (err == EXT_BREAK) { err = 0; break; } if (ext_depth(inode) != depth) { /* depth was changed. we have to realloc path */ kfree(path); path = NULL; } block = cbex.ec_block + cbex.ec_len; } if (path) { ext4_ext_drop_refs(path); kfree(path); } return err; } CWE ID: CWE-362 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static unsigned char mincore_page(struct address_space *mapping, pgoff_t pgoff) { unsigned char present = 0; struct page *page; /* * When tmpfs swaps out a page from a file, any process mapping that * file will not get a swp_entry_t in its pte, but rather it is like * any other file mapping (ie. marked !present and faulted in with * tmpfs's .fault). So swapped out tmpfs mappings are tested here. */ #ifdef CONFIG_SWAP if (shmem_mapping(mapping)) { page = find_get_entry(mapping, pgoff); /* * shmem/tmpfs may return swap: account for swapcache * page too. */ if (xa_is_value(page)) { swp_entry_t swp = radix_to_swp_entry(page); page = find_get_page(swap_address_space(swp), swp_offset(swp)); } } else page = find_get_page(mapping, pgoff); #else page = find_get_page(mapping, pgoff); #endif if (page) { present = PageUptodate(page); put_page(page); } return present; } CWE ID: CWE-200 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: PHP_FUNCTION(imagecolorstotal) { zval *IM; gdImagePtr im; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "r", &IM) == FAILURE) { return; } ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE(im, gdImagePtr, &IM, -1, "Image", le_gd); RETURN_LONG(gdImageColorsTotal(im)); } CWE ID: CWE-254 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void PrintPreviewMessageHandler::OnDidPreviewPage( const PrintHostMsg_DidPreviewPage_Params& params) { int page_number = params.page_number; if (page_number < FIRST_PAGE_INDEX || !params.data_size) return; PrintPreviewUI* print_preview_ui = GetPrintPreviewUI(); if (!print_preview_ui) return; scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedBytes> data_bytes = GetDataFromHandle(params.metafile_data_handle, params.data_size); DCHECK(data_bytes); print_preview_ui->SetPrintPreviewDataForIndex(page_number, std::move(data_bytes)); print_preview_ui->OnDidPreviewPage(page_number, params.preview_request_id); } CWE ID: CWE-254 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: bool BaseSettingChange::Init(Profile* profile) { DCHECK(profile); profile_ = profile; return true; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: find_check_entry(struct ip6t_entry *e, struct net *net, const char *name, unsigned int size) { struct xt_entry_target *t; struct xt_target *target; int ret; unsigned int j; struct xt_mtchk_param mtpar; struct xt_entry_match *ematch; e->counters.pcnt = xt_percpu_counter_alloc(); if (IS_ERR_VALUE(e->counters.pcnt)) return -ENOMEM; j = 0; = net; mtpar.table = name; mtpar.entryinfo = &e->ipv6; mtpar.hook_mask = e->comefrom; = NFPROTO_IPV6; xt_ematch_foreach(ematch, e) { ret = find_check_match(ematch, &mtpar); if (ret != 0) goto cleanup_matches; ++j; } t = ip6t_get_target(e); target = xt_request_find_target(NFPROTO_IPV6, t->, t->u.user.revision); if (IS_ERR(target)) { duprintf("find_check_entry: `%s' not found\n", t->; ret = PTR_ERR(target); goto cleanup_matches; } t-> = target; ret = check_target(e, net, name); if (ret) goto err; return 0; err: module_put(t->>me); cleanup_matches: xt_ematch_foreach(ematch, e) { if (j-- == 0) break; cleanup_match(ematch, net); } xt_percpu_counter_free(e->counters.pcnt); return ret; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: bool Browser::ShouldFocusLocationBarByDefault(WebContents* source) { const content::NavigationEntry* entry = source->GetController().GetActiveEntry(); if (entry) { const GURL& url = entry->GetURL(); const GURL& virtual_url = entry->GetVirtualURL(); if ((url.SchemeIs(content::kChromeUIScheme) && url.host_piece() == chrome::kChromeUINewTabHost) || (virtual_url.SchemeIs(content::kChromeUIScheme) && virtual_url.host_piece() == chrome::kChromeUINewTabHost)) { return true; } } return search::NavEntryIsInstantNTP(source, entry); } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void IOHandler::SetRenderer(RenderProcessHost* process_host, RenderFrameHostImpl* frame_host) { process_host_ = process_host; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static struct urb *uas_alloc_sense_urb(struct uas_dev_info *devinfo, gfp_t gfp, struct scsi_cmnd *cmnd) { struct usb_device *udev = devinfo->udev; struct uas_cmd_info *cmdinfo = (void *)&cmnd->SCp; struct urb *urb = usb_alloc_urb(0, gfp); struct sense_iu *iu; if (!urb) goto out; iu = kzalloc(sizeof(*iu), gfp); if (!iu) goto free; usb_fill_bulk_urb(urb, udev, devinfo->status_pipe, iu, sizeof(*iu), uas_stat_cmplt, cmnd->device->host); if (devinfo->use_streams) urb->stream_id = cmdinfo->uas_tag; urb->transfer_flags |= URB_FREE_BUFFER; out: return urb; free: usb_free_urb(urb); return NULL; } CWE ID: CWE-125 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void WebGLRenderingContextBase::DrawingBufferClientRestoreMaskAndClearValues() { if (destruction_in_progress_) return; if (!ContextGL()) return; bool color_mask_alpha = color_mask_[3] && active_scoped_rgb_emulation_color_masks_ == 0; ContextGL()->ColorMask(color_mask_[0], color_mask_[1], color_mask_[2], color_mask_alpha); ContextGL()->DepthMask(depth_mask_); ContextGL()->StencilMaskSeparate(GL_FRONT, stencil_mask_); ContextGL()->ClearColor(clear_color_[0], clear_color_[1], clear_color_[2], clear_color_[3]); ContextGL()->ClearDepthf(clear_depth_); ContextGL()->ClearStencil(clear_stencil_); } CWE ID: CWE-416 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: dtls1_process_buffered_records(SSL *s) { pitem *item; item = pqueue_peek(s->d1->unprocessed_rcds.q); if (item) { /* Check if epoch is current. */ if (s->d1->unprocessed_rcds.epoch != s->d1->r_epoch) return(1); /* Nothing to do. */ /* Process all the records. */ while (pqueue_peek(s->d1->unprocessed_rcds.q)) { dtls1_get_unprocessed_record(s); if ( ! dtls1_process_record(s)) return(0); dtls1_buffer_record(s, &(s->d1->processed_rcds), s->s3->rrec.seq_num); } } /* sync epoch numbers once all the unprocessed records * have been processed */ s->d1->processed_rcds.epoch = s->d1->r_epoch; s->d1->unprocessed_rcds.epoch = s->d1->r_epoch + 1; return(1); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void LocalFrame::DidFreeze() { DCHECK(RuntimeEnabledFeatures::PageLifecycleEnabled()); if (GetDocument()) { GetDocument()->DispatchFreezeEvent(); if (auto* frame_resource_coordinator = GetFrameResourceCoordinator()) { frame_resource_coordinator->SetLifecycleState( resource_coordinator::mojom::LifecycleState::kFrozen); } } } CWE ID: CWE-285 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int jpc_siz_getparms(jpc_ms_t *ms, jpc_cstate_t *cstate, jas_stream_t *in) { jpc_siz_t *siz = &ms->parms.siz; unsigned int i; uint_fast8_t tmp; /* Eliminate compiler warning about unused variables. */ cstate = 0; if (jpc_getuint16(in, &siz->caps) || jpc_getuint32(in, &siz->width) || jpc_getuint32(in, &siz->height) || jpc_getuint32(in, &siz->xoff) || jpc_getuint32(in, &siz->yoff) || jpc_getuint32(in, &siz->tilewidth) || jpc_getuint32(in, &siz->tileheight) || jpc_getuint32(in, &siz->tilexoff) || jpc_getuint32(in, &siz->tileyoff) || jpc_getuint16(in, &siz->numcomps)) { return -1; } if (!siz->width || !siz->height || !siz->tilewidth || !siz->tileheight || !siz->numcomps || siz->numcomps > 16384) { return -1; } if (siz->tilexoff >= siz->width || siz->tileyoff >= siz->height) { jas_eprintf("all tiles are outside the image area\n"); return -1; } if (!(siz->comps = jas_alloc2(siz->numcomps, sizeof(jpc_sizcomp_t)))) { return -1; } for (i = 0; i < siz->numcomps; ++i) { if (jpc_getuint8(in, &tmp) || jpc_getuint8(in, &siz->comps[i].hsamp) || jpc_getuint8(in, &siz->comps[i].vsamp)) { jas_free(siz->comps); return -1; } if (siz->comps[i].hsamp == 0 || siz->comps[i].hsamp > 255) { jas_eprintf("invalid XRsiz value %d\n", siz->comps[i].hsamp); jas_free(siz->comps); return -1; } if (siz->comps[i].vsamp == 0 || siz->comps[i].vsamp > 255) { jas_eprintf("invalid YRsiz value %d\n", siz->comps[i].vsamp); jas_free(siz->comps); return -1; } siz->comps[i].sgnd = (tmp >> 7) & 1; siz->comps[i].prec = (tmp & 0x7f) + 1; } if (jas_stream_eof(in)) { jas_free(siz->comps); return -1; } return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void PepperRendererConnection::OnMsgDidDeleteInProcessInstance( PP_Instance instance) { in_process_host_->DeleteInstance(instance); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static dma_addr_t arm_iommu_map_page(struct device *dev, struct page *page, unsigned long offset, size_t size, enum dma_data_direction dir, struct dma_attrs *attrs) { if (!dma_get_attr(DMA_ATTR_SKIP_CPU_SYNC, attrs)) __dma_page_cpu_to_dev(page, offset, size, dir); return arm_coherent_iommu_map_page(dev, page, offset, size, dir, attrs); } CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: enum act_parse_ret parse_http_action_reject(const char **args, int *orig_arg, struct proxy *px, struct act_rule *rule, char **err) { rule->action = ACT_CUSTOM; rule->action_ptr = http_action_reject; return ACT_RET_PRS_OK; } CWE ID: CWE-200 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: int build_segment_manager(struct f2fs_sb_info *sbi) { struct f2fs_super_block *raw_super = F2FS_RAW_SUPER(sbi); struct f2fs_checkpoint *ckpt = F2FS_CKPT(sbi); struct f2fs_sm_info *sm_info; int err; sm_info = kzalloc(sizeof(struct f2fs_sm_info), GFP_KERNEL); if (!sm_info) return -ENOMEM; /* init sm info */ sbi->sm_info = sm_info; sm_info->seg0_blkaddr = le32_to_cpu(raw_super->segment0_blkaddr); sm_info->main_blkaddr = le32_to_cpu(raw_super->main_blkaddr); sm_info->segment_count = le32_to_cpu(raw_super->segment_count); sm_info->reserved_segments = le32_to_cpu(ckpt->rsvd_segment_count); sm_info->ovp_segments = le32_to_cpu(ckpt->overprov_segment_count); sm_info->main_segments = le32_to_cpu(raw_super->segment_count_main); sm_info->ssa_blkaddr = le32_to_cpu(raw_super->ssa_blkaddr); sm_info->rec_prefree_segments = sm_info->main_segments * DEF_RECLAIM_PREFREE_SEGMENTS / 100; if (sm_info->rec_prefree_segments > DEF_MAX_RECLAIM_PREFREE_SEGMENTS) sm_info->rec_prefree_segments = DEF_MAX_RECLAIM_PREFREE_SEGMENTS; if (!test_opt(sbi, LFS)) sm_info->ipu_policy = 1 << F2FS_IPU_FSYNC; sm_info->min_ipu_util = DEF_MIN_IPU_UTIL; sm_info->min_fsync_blocks = DEF_MIN_FSYNC_BLOCKS; sm_info->min_hot_blocks = DEF_MIN_HOT_BLOCKS; sm_info->trim_sections = DEF_BATCHED_TRIM_SECTIONS; INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sm_info->sit_entry_set); if (test_opt(sbi, FLUSH_MERGE) && !f2fs_readonly(sbi->sb)) { err = create_flush_cmd_control(sbi); if (err) return err; } err = create_discard_cmd_control(sbi); if (err) return err; err = build_sit_info(sbi); if (err) return err; err = build_free_segmap(sbi); if (err) return err; err = build_curseg(sbi); if (err) return err; /* reinit free segmap based on SIT */ build_sit_entries(sbi); init_free_segmap(sbi); err = build_dirty_segmap(sbi); if (err) return err; init_min_max_mtime(sbi); return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-476 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: MockDataReductionProxyConfig::~MockDataReductionProxyConfig() { } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int emulate_int(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, int irq) { switch(ctxt->mode) { case X86EMUL_MODE_REAL: return __emulate_int_real(ctxt, irq); case X86EMUL_MODE_VM86: case X86EMUL_MODE_PROT16: case X86EMUL_MODE_PROT32: case X86EMUL_MODE_PROT64: default: /* Protected mode interrupts unimplemented yet */ return X86EMUL_UNHANDLEABLE; } } CWE ID: CWE-399 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: image_transform_set_end(PNG_CONST image_transform *this, transform_display *that, png_structp pp, png_infop pi) { UNUSED(this) UNUSED(that) UNUSED(pp) UNUSED(pi) } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: HeadlessWebContentsImpl* HeadlessWebContentsImpl::From( HeadlessBrowser* browser, content::WebContents* contents) { return HeadlessWebContentsImpl::From( browser->GetWebContentsForDevToolsAgentHostId( content::DevToolsAgentHost::GetOrCreateFor(contents)->GetId())); } CWE ID: CWE-254 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void BlinkTestRunner::DeleteAllCookies() { Send(new LayoutTestHostMsg_DeleteAllCookies(routing_id())); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: ShellWindowFrameView::ShellWindowFrameView() : frame_(NULL), close_button_(NULL) { } CWE ID: CWE-79 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void PPB_URLLoader_Impl::willSendRequest( WebURLLoader* loader, WebURLRequest& new_request, const WebURLResponse& redirect_response) { if (!request_info_->follow_redirects()) { SaveResponse(redirect_response); loader_->setDefersLoading(true); RunCallback(PP_OK); } } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int sctp_setsockopt_context(struct sock *sk, char __user *optval, unsigned int optlen) { struct sctp_assoc_value params; struct sctp_sock *sp; struct sctp_association *asoc; if (optlen != sizeof(struct sctp_assoc_value)) return -EINVAL; if (copy_from_user(&params, optval, optlen)) return -EFAULT; sp = sctp_sk(sk); if (params.assoc_id != 0) { asoc = sctp_id2assoc(sk, params.assoc_id); if (!asoc) return -EINVAL; asoc->default_rcv_context = params.assoc_value; } else { sp->default_rcv_context = params.assoc_value; } return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: int mp_unpack_full(lua_State *L, int limit, int offset) { size_t len; const char *s; mp_cur c; int cnt; /* Number of objects unpacked */ int decode_all = (!limit && !offset); s = luaL_checklstring(L,1,&len); /* if no match, exits */ if (offset < 0 || limit < 0) /* requesting negative off or lim is invalid */ return luaL_error(L, "Invalid request to unpack with offset of %d and limit of %d.", offset, len); else if (offset > len) return luaL_error(L, "Start offset %d greater than input length %d.", offset, len); if (decode_all) limit = INT_MAX; mp_cur_init(&c,(const unsigned char *)s+offset,len-offset); /* We loop over the decode because this could be a stream * of multiple top-level values serialized together */ for(cnt = 0; c.left > 0 && cnt < limit; cnt++) { mp_decode_to_lua_type(L,&c); if (c.err == MP_CUR_ERROR_EOF) { return luaL_error(L,"Missing bytes in input."); } else if (c.err == MP_CUR_ERROR_BADFMT) { return luaL_error(L,"Bad data format in input."); } } if (!decode_all) { /* c->left is the remaining size of the input buffer. * subtract the entire buffer size from the unprocessed size * to get our next start offset */ int offset = len - c.left; /* Return offset -1 when we have have processed the entire buffer. */ lua_pushinteger(L, c.left == 0 ? -1 : offset); /* Results are returned with the arg elements still * in place. Lua takes care of only returning * elements above the args for us. * In this case, we have one arg on the stack * for this function, so we insert our first return * value at position 2. */ lua_insert(L, 2); cnt += 1; /* increase return count by one to make room for offset */ } return cnt; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: s32 hid_snto32(__u32 value, unsigned n) { return snto32(value, n); } CWE ID: CWE-125 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: AccessibilityExpanded AXNodeObject::isExpanded() const { if (getNode() && isHTMLSummaryElement(*getNode())) { if (getNode()->parentNode() && isHTMLDetailsElement(getNode()->parentNode())) return toElement(getNode()->parentNode())->hasAttribute(openAttr) ? ExpandedExpanded : ExpandedCollapsed; } const AtomicString& expanded = getAttribute(aria_expandedAttr); if (equalIgnoringCase(expanded, "true")) return ExpandedExpanded; if (equalIgnoringCase(expanded, "false")) return ExpandedCollapsed; return ExpandedUndefined; } CWE ID: CWE-254 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static int ion_handle_put(struct ion_handle *handle) { struct ion_client *client = handle->client; int ret; mutex_lock(&client->lock); ret = kref_put(&handle->ref, ion_handle_destroy); mutex_unlock(&client->lock); return ret; } CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void HTMLCanvasElement::DidMoveToNewDocument(Document& old_document) { ContextLifecycleObserver::SetContext(&GetDocument()); PageVisibilityObserver::SetContext(GetDocument().GetPage()); HTMLElement::DidMoveToNewDocument(old_document); } CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: PixarLogClose(TIFF* tif) { TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; /* In a really sneaky (and really incorrect, and untruthful, and * troublesome, and error-prone) maneuver that completely goes against * the spirit of TIFF, and breaks TIFF, on close, we covertly * modify both bitspersample and sampleformat in the directory to * indicate 8-bit linear. This way, the decode "just works" even for * readers that don't know about PixarLog, or how to set * the PIXARLOGDATFMT pseudo-tag. */ td->td_bitspersample = 8; td->td_sampleformat = SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT; } CWE ID: CWE-125 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static int fr_add_pvc(struct net_device *frad, unsigned int dlci, int type) { hdlc_device *hdlc = dev_to_hdlc(frad); pvc_device *pvc; struct net_device *dev; int used; if ((pvc = add_pvc(frad, dlci)) == NULL) { netdev_warn(frad, "Memory squeeze on fr_add_pvc()\n"); return -ENOBUFS; } if (*get_dev_p(pvc, type)) return -EEXIST; used = pvc_is_used(pvc); if (type == ARPHRD_ETHER) dev = alloc_netdev(0, "pvceth%d", ether_setup); else dev = alloc_netdev(0, "pvc%d", pvc_setup); if (!dev) { netdev_warn(frad, "Memory squeeze on fr_pvc()\n"); delete_unused_pvcs(hdlc); return -ENOBUFS; } if (type == ARPHRD_ETHER) random_ether_addr(dev->dev_addr); else { *(__be16*)dev->dev_addr = htons(dlci); dlci_to_q922(dev->broadcast, dlci); } dev->netdev_ops = &pvc_ops; dev->mtu = HDLC_MAX_MTU; dev->tx_queue_len = 0; dev->ml_priv = pvc; if (register_netdevice(dev) != 0) { free_netdev(dev); delete_unused_pvcs(hdlc); return -EIO; } dev->destructor = free_netdev; *get_dev_p(pvc, type) = dev; if (!used) { state(hdlc)->dce_changed = 1; state(hdlc)->dce_pvc_count++; } return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void NormalPageArena::SweepAndCompact() { ThreadHeap& heap = GetThreadState()->Heap(); if (!heap.Compaction()->IsCompactingArena(ArenaIndex())) return; if (SweepingCompleted()) { heap.Compaction()->FinishedArenaCompaction(this, 0, 0); return; } NormalPage::CompactionContext context; context.compacted_pages_ = &first_page_; while (!SweepingCompleted()) { BasePage* page = first_unswept_page_; if (page->IsEmpty()) { page->Unlink(&first_unswept_page_); page->RemoveFromHeap(); continue; } DCHECK(!page->IsLargeObjectPage()); NormalPage* normal_page = static_cast<NormalPage*>(page); normal_page->Unlink(&first_unswept_page_); normal_page->MarkAsSwept(); if (!context.current_page_) context.current_page_ = normal_page; else normal_page->Link(&context.available_pages_); normal_page->SweepAndCompact(context); } if (!context.current_page_) { heap.Compaction()->FinishedArenaCompaction(this, 0, 0); return; } size_t freed_size = 0; size_t freed_page_count = 0; size_t allocation_point = context.allocation_point_; if (!allocation_point) { context.current_page_->Link(&context.available_pages_); } else { NormalPage* current_page = context.current_page_; current_page->Link(&first_page_); if (allocation_point != current_page->PayloadSize()) { freed_size = current_page->PayloadSize() - allocation_point; Address payload = current_page->Payload(); SET_MEMORY_INACCESSIBLE(payload + allocation_point, freed_size); current_page->ArenaForNormalPage()->AddToFreeList( payload + allocation_point, freed_size); } } BasePage* available_pages = context.available_pages_; #if DEBUG_HEAP_COMPACTION std::stringstream stream; #endif while (available_pages) { size_t page_size = available_pages->size(); #if DEBUG_HEAP_COMPACTION if (!freed_page_count) stream << "Releasing:"; stream << " [" << available_pages << ", " << (available_pages + page_size) << "]"; #endif freed_size += page_size; freed_page_count++; BasePage* next_page; available_pages->Unlink(&next_page); #if !(DCHECK_IS_ON() || defined(LEAK_SANITIZER) || \ defined(ADDRESS_SANITIZER) || defined(MEMORY_SANITIZER)) DCHECK(!available_pages->IsLargeObjectPage()); NormalPage* unused_page = reinterpret_cast<NormalPage*>(available_pages); memset(unused_page->Payload(), 0, unused_page->PayloadSize()); #endif available_pages->RemoveFromHeap(); available_pages = static_cast<NormalPage*>(next_page); } #if DEBUG_HEAP_COMPACTION if (freed_page_count) LOG_HEAP_COMPACTION() << stream.str(); #endif heap.Compaction()->FinishedArenaCompaction(this, freed_page_count, freed_size); VerifyObjectStartBitmap(); } CWE ID: CWE-362 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: __nlmsg_put(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 portid, u32 seq, int type, int len, int flags) { struct nlmsghdr *nlh; int size = nlmsg_msg_size(len); nlh = (struct nlmsghdr *)skb_put(skb, NLMSG_ALIGN(size)); nlh->nlmsg_type = type; nlh->nlmsg_len = size; nlh->nlmsg_flags = flags; nlh->nlmsg_pid = portid; nlh->nlmsg_seq = seq; if (!__builtin_constant_p(size) || NLMSG_ALIGN(size) - size != 0) memset(nlmsg_data(nlh) + len, 0, NLMSG_ALIGN(size) - size); return nlh; } CWE ID: CWE-415 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: create_policy_2_svc(cpol_arg *arg, struct svc_req *rqstp) { static generic_ret ret; char *prime_arg; gss_buffer_desc client_name, service_name; OM_uint32 minor_stat; kadm5_server_handle_t handle; const char *errmsg = NULL; xdr_free(xdr_generic_ret, &ret); if ((ret.code = new_server_handle(arg->api_version, rqstp, &handle))) goto exit_func; if ((ret.code = check_handle((void *)handle))) goto exit_func; ret.api_version = handle->api_version; if (setup_gss_names(rqstp, &client_name, &service_name) < 0) { ret.code = KADM5_FAILURE; goto exit_func; } prime_arg = arg->rec.policy; if (CHANGEPW_SERVICE(rqstp) || !kadm5int_acl_check(handle->context, rqst2name(rqstp), ACL_ADD, NULL, NULL)) { ret.code = KADM5_AUTH_ADD; log_unauth("kadm5_create_policy", prime_arg, &client_name, &service_name, rqstp); } else { ret.code = kadm5_create_policy((void *)handle, &arg->rec, arg->mask); if( ret.code != 0 ) errmsg = krb5_get_error_message(handle->context, ret.code); log_done("kadm5_create_policy", ((prime_arg == NULL) ? "(null)" : prime_arg), errmsg, &client_name, &service_name, rqstp); if (errmsg != NULL) krb5_free_error_message(handle->context, errmsg); } gss_release_buffer(&minor_stat, &client_name); gss_release_buffer(&minor_stat, &service_name); exit_func: free_server_handle(handle); return &ret; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void Browser::OpenUpdateChromeDialog() { UserMetrics::RecordAction(UserMetricsAction("UpdateChrome")); window_->ShowUpdateChromeDialog(); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: cpContigBufToSeparateBuf(uint8* out, uint8* in, uint32 rows, uint32 cols, int outskew, int inskew, tsample_t spp, int bytes_per_sample ) { while (rows-- > 0) { uint32 j = cols; while (j-- > 0) { int n = bytes_per_sample; while( n-- ) { *out++ = *in++; } in += (spp-1) * bytes_per_sample; } out += outskew; in += inskew; } } CWE ID: CWE-787 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static int sysMapBlockFile(FILE* mapf, MemMapping* pMap) { char block_dev[PATH_MAX+1]; size_t size; unsigned int blksize; unsigned int blocks; unsigned int range_count; unsigned int i; if (fgets(block_dev, sizeof(block_dev), mapf) == NULL) { LOGW("failed to read block device from header\n"); return -1; } for (i = 0; i < sizeof(block_dev); ++i) { if (block_dev[i] == '\n') { block_dev[i] = 0; break; } } if (fscanf(mapf, "%zu %u\n%u\n", &size, &blksize, &range_count) != 3) { LOGW("failed to parse block map header\n"); return -1; } blocks = ((size-1) / blksize) + 1; pMap->range_count = range_count; pMap->ranges = malloc(range_count * sizeof(MappedRange)); memset(pMap->ranges, 0, range_count * sizeof(MappedRange)); unsigned char* reserve; reserve = mmap64(NULL, blocks * blksize, PROT_NONE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANON, -1, 0); if (reserve == MAP_FAILED) { LOGW("failed to reserve address space: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } pMap->ranges[range_count-1].addr = reserve; pMap->ranges[range_count-1].length = blocks * blksize; int fd = open(block_dev, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { LOGW("failed to open block device %s: %s\n", block_dev, strerror(errno)); return -1; } unsigned char* next = reserve; for (i = 0; i < range_count; ++i) { int start, end; if (fscanf(mapf, "%d %d\n", &start, &end) != 2) { LOGW("failed to parse range %d in block map\n", i); return -1; } void* addr = mmap64(next, (end-start)*blksize, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_FIXED, fd, ((off64_t)start)*blksize); if (addr == MAP_FAILED) { LOGW("failed to map block %d: %s\n", i, strerror(errno)); return -1; } pMap->ranges[i].addr = addr; pMap->ranges[i].length = (end-start)*blksize; next += pMap->ranges[i].length; } pMap->addr = reserve; pMap->length = size; LOGI("mmapped %d ranges\n", range_count); return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-189 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static inline void ext3_show_quota_options(struct seq_file *seq, struct super_block *sb) { #if defined(CONFIG_QUOTA) struct ext3_sb_info *sbi = EXT3_SB(sb); if (sbi->s_jquota_fmt) { char *fmtname = ""; switch (sbi->s_jquota_fmt) { case QFMT_VFS_OLD: fmtname = "vfsold"; break; case QFMT_VFS_V0: fmtname = "vfsv0"; break; case QFMT_VFS_V1: fmtname = "vfsv1"; break; } seq_printf(seq, ",jqfmt=%s", fmtname); } if (sbi->s_qf_names[USRQUOTA]) seq_printf(seq, ",usrjquota=%s", sbi->s_qf_names[USRQUOTA]); if (sbi->s_qf_names[GRPQUOTA]) seq_printf(seq, ",grpjquota=%s", sbi->s_qf_names[GRPQUOTA]); if (test_opt(sb, USRQUOTA)) seq_puts(seq, ",usrquota"); if (test_opt(sb, GRPQUOTA)) seq_puts(seq, ",grpquota"); #endif } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsTestObjPrototypeFunctionIntMethodWithArgs(ExecState* exec) { JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue(); if (!thisValue.inherits(&JSTestObj::s_info)) return throwVMTypeError(exec); JSTestObj* castedThis = jsCast<JSTestObj*>(asObject(thisValue)); ASSERT_GC_OBJECT_INHERITS(castedThis, &JSTestObj::s_info); TestObj* impl = static_cast<TestObj*>(castedThis->impl()); if (exec->argumentCount() < 3) return throwVMError(exec, createTypeError(exec, "Not enough arguments")); int intArg(MAYBE_MISSING_PARAMETER(exec, 0, DefaultIsUndefined).toInt32(exec)); if (exec->hadException()) return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); const String& strArg(ustringToString(MAYBE_MISSING_PARAMETER(exec, 1, DefaultIsUndefined).isEmpty() ? UString() : MAYBE_MISSING_PARAMETER(exec, 1, DefaultIsUndefined).toString(exec)->value(exec))); if (exec->hadException()) return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); TestObj* objArg(toTestObj(MAYBE_MISSING_PARAMETER(exec, 2, DefaultIsUndefined))); if (exec->hadException()) return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); JSC::JSValue result = jsNumber(impl->intMethodWithArgs(intArg, strArg, objArg)); return JSValue::encode(result); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void ThreadHeap::TakeSnapshot(SnapshotType type) { DCHECK(thread_state_->InAtomicMarkingPause()); ThreadState::GCSnapshotInfo info(GCInfoTable::GcInfoIndex() + 1); String thread_dump_name = String::Format("blink_gc/thread_%lu", static_cast<unsigned long>(thread_state_->ThreadId())); const String heaps_dump_name = thread_dump_name + "/heaps"; const String classes_dump_name = thread_dump_name + "/classes"; int number_of_heaps_reported = 0; #define SNAPSHOT_HEAP(ArenaType) \ { \ number_of_heaps_reported++; \ switch (type) { \ case SnapshotType::kHeapSnapshot: \ arenas_[BlinkGC::k##ArenaType##ArenaIndex]->TakeSnapshot( \ heaps_dump_name + "/" #ArenaType, info); \ break; \ case SnapshotType::kFreelistSnapshot: \ arenas_[BlinkGC::k##ArenaType##ArenaIndex]->TakeFreelistSnapshot( \ heaps_dump_name + "/" #ArenaType); \ break; \ default: \ NOTREACHED(); \ } \ } SNAPSHOT_HEAP(NormalPage1); SNAPSHOT_HEAP(NormalPage2); SNAPSHOT_HEAP(NormalPage3); SNAPSHOT_HEAP(NormalPage4); SNAPSHOT_HEAP(EagerSweep); SNAPSHOT_HEAP(Vector1); SNAPSHOT_HEAP(Vector2); SNAPSHOT_HEAP(Vector3); SNAPSHOT_HEAP(Vector4); SNAPSHOT_HEAP(InlineVector); SNAPSHOT_HEAP(HashTable); SNAPSHOT_HEAP(LargeObject); FOR_EACH_TYPED_ARENA(SNAPSHOT_HEAP); DCHECK_EQ(number_of_heaps_reported, BlinkGC::kNumberOfArenas); #undef SNAPSHOT_HEAP if (type == SnapshotType::kFreelistSnapshot) return; size_t total_live_count = 0; size_t total_dead_count = 0; size_t total_live_size = 0; size_t total_dead_size = 0; for (size_t gc_info_index = 1; gc_info_index <= GCInfoTable::GcInfoIndex(); ++gc_info_index) { total_live_count += info.live_count[gc_info_index]; total_dead_count += info.dead_count[gc_info_index]; total_live_size += info.live_size[gc_info_index]; total_dead_size += info.dead_size[gc_info_index]; } base::trace_event::MemoryAllocatorDump* thread_dump = BlinkGCMemoryDumpProvider::Instance() ->CreateMemoryAllocatorDumpForCurrentGC(thread_dump_name); thread_dump->AddScalar("live_count", "objects", total_live_count); thread_dump->AddScalar("dead_count", "objects", total_dead_count); thread_dump->AddScalar("live_size", "bytes", total_live_size); thread_dump->AddScalar("dead_size", "bytes", total_dead_size); base::trace_event::MemoryAllocatorDump* heaps_dump = BlinkGCMemoryDumpProvider::Instance() ->CreateMemoryAllocatorDumpForCurrentGC(heaps_dump_name); base::trace_event::MemoryAllocatorDump* classes_dump = BlinkGCMemoryDumpProvider::Instance() ->CreateMemoryAllocatorDumpForCurrentGC(classes_dump_name); BlinkGCMemoryDumpProvider::Instance() ->CurrentProcessMemoryDump() ->AddOwnershipEdge(classes_dump->guid(), heaps_dump->guid()); } CWE ID: CWE-362 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static struct zonelist *policy_zonelist(gfp_t gfp, struct mempolicy *policy, int nd) { if (policy->mode == MPOL_PREFERRED && !(policy->flags & MPOL_F_LOCAL)) nd = policy->v.preferred_node; else { /* * __GFP_THISNODE shouldn't even be used with the bind policy * because we might easily break the expectation to stay on the * requested node and not break the policy. */ WARN_ON_ONCE(policy->mode == MPOL_BIND && (gfp & __GFP_THISNODE)); } return node_zonelist(nd, gfp); } CWE ID: CWE-388 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: transform_image_validate(transform_display *dp, png_const_structp pp, png_infop pi) { /* Constants for the loop below: */ PNG_CONST png_store* PNG_CONST ps = dp->; PNG_CONST png_byte in_ct = dp->this.colour_type; PNG_CONST png_byte in_bd = dp->this.bit_depth; PNG_CONST png_uint_32 w = dp->this.w; PNG_CONST png_uint_32 h = dp->this.h; PNG_CONST png_byte out_ct = dp->output_colour_type; PNG_CONST png_byte out_bd = dp->output_bit_depth; PNG_CONST png_byte sample_depth = (png_byte)(out_ct == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE ? 8 : out_bd); PNG_CONST png_byte red_sBIT = dp->this.red_sBIT; PNG_CONST png_byte green_sBIT = dp->this.green_sBIT; PNG_CONST png_byte blue_sBIT = dp->this.blue_sBIT; PNG_CONST png_byte alpha_sBIT = dp->this.alpha_sBIT; PNG_CONST int have_tRNS = dp->this.is_transparent; double digitization_error; store_palette out_palette; png_uint_32 y; UNUSED(pi) /* Check for row overwrite errors */ store_image_check(dp->, pp, 0); /* Read the palette corresponding to the output if the output colour type * indicates a palette, othewise set out_palette to garbage. */ if (out_ct == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) { /* Validate that the palette count itself has not changed - this is not * expected. */ int npalette = (-1); (void)read_palette(out_palette, &npalette, pp, pi); if (npalette != dp->this.npalette) png_error(pp, "unexpected change in palette size"); digitization_error = .5; } else { png_byte in_sample_depth; memset(out_palette, 0x5e, sizeof out_palette); /* use-input-precision means assume that if the input has 8 bit (or less) * samples and the output has 16 bit samples the calculations will be done * with 8 bit precision, not 16. */ if (in_ct == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE || in_bd < 16) in_sample_depth = 8; else in_sample_depth = in_bd; if (sample_depth != 16 || in_sample_depth > 8 || !dp->pm->calculations_use_input_precision) digitization_error = .5; /* Else calculations are at 8 bit precision, and the output actually * consists of scaled 8-bit values, so scale .5 in 8 bits to the 16 bits: */ else digitization_error = .5 * 257; } for (y=0; y<h; ++y) { png_const_bytep PNG_CONST pRow = store_image_row(ps, pp, 0, y); png_uint_32 x; /* The original, standard, row pre-transforms. */ png_byte std[STANDARD_ROWMAX]; transform_row(pp, std, in_ct, in_bd, y); /* Go through each original pixel transforming it and comparing with what * libpng did to the same pixel. */ for (x=0; x<w; ++x) { image_pixel in_pixel, out_pixel; unsigned int r, g, b, a; /* Find out what we think the pixel should be: */ image_pixel_init(&in_pixel, std, in_ct, in_bd, x, dp->this.palette); in_pixel.red_sBIT = red_sBIT; in_pixel.green_sBIT = green_sBIT; in_pixel.blue_sBIT = blue_sBIT; in_pixel.alpha_sBIT = alpha_sBIT; in_pixel.have_tRNS = have_tRNS; /* For error detection, below. */ r =; g =; b =; a = in_pixel.alpha; dp->transform_list->mod(dp->transform_list, &in_pixel, pp, dp); /* Read the output pixel and compare it to what we got, we don't * use the error field here, so no need to update sBIT. */ image_pixel_init(&out_pixel, pRow, out_ct, out_bd, x, out_palette); /* We don't expect changes to the index here even if the bit depth is * changed. */ if (in_ct == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE && out_ct == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) { if (in_pixel.palette_index != out_pixel.palette_index) png_error(pp, "unexpected transformed palette index"); } /* Check the colours for palette images too - in fact the palette could * be separately verified itself in most cases. */ if ( != transform_range_check(pp, r, g, b, a,, in_pixel.redf,, sample_depth, in_pixel.rede, dp->pm->limit + 1./(2*((1U<<in_pixel.red_sBIT)-1)), "red/gray", digitization_error); if ((out_ct & PNG_COLOR_MASK_COLOR) != 0 && != transform_range_check(pp, r, g, b, a,, in_pixel.greenf,, sample_depth, in_pixel.greene, dp->pm->limit + 1./(2*((1U<<in_pixel.green_sBIT)-1)), "green", digitization_error); if ((out_ct & PNG_COLOR_MASK_COLOR) != 0 && != transform_range_check(pp, r, g, b, a,, in_pixel.bluef,, sample_depth, in_pixel.bluee, dp->pm->limit + 1./(2*((1U<<in_pixel.blue_sBIT)-1)), "blue", digitization_error); if ((out_ct & PNG_COLOR_MASK_ALPHA) != 0 && in_pixel.alpha != out_pixel.alpha) transform_range_check(pp, r, g, b, a, in_pixel.alpha, in_pixel.alphaf, out_pixel.alpha, sample_depth, in_pixel.alphae, dp->pm->limit + 1./(2*((1U<<in_pixel.alpha_sBIT)-1)), "alpha", digitization_error); } /* pixel (x) loop */ } /* row (y) loop */ /* Record that something was actually checked to avoid a false positive. */ dp->>validated = 1; } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static inline int check_entry_size_and_hooks(struct arpt_entry *e, struct xt_table_info *newinfo, const unsigned char *base, const unsigned char *limit, const unsigned int *hook_entries, const unsigned int *underflows, unsigned int valid_hooks) { unsigned int h; int err; if ((unsigned long)e % __alignof__(struct arpt_entry) != 0 || (unsigned char *)e + sizeof(struct arpt_entry) >= limit) { duprintf("Bad offset %p\n", e); return -EINVAL; } if (e->next_offset < sizeof(struct arpt_entry) + sizeof(struct xt_entry_target)) { duprintf("checking: element %p size %u\n", e, e->next_offset); return -EINVAL; } err = check_entry(e); if (err) return err; /* Check hooks & underflows */ for (h = 0; h < NF_ARP_NUMHOOKS; h++) { if (!(valid_hooks & (1 << h))) continue; if ((unsigned char *)e - base == hook_entries[h]) newinfo->hook_entry[h] = hook_entries[h]; if ((unsigned char *)e - base == underflows[h]) { if (!check_underflow(e)) { pr_err("Underflows must be unconditional and " "use the STANDARD target with " "ACCEPT/DROP\n"); return -EINVAL; } newinfo->underflow[h] = underflows[h]; } } /* Clear counters and comefrom */ e->counters = ((struct xt_counters) { 0, 0 }); e->comefrom = 0; return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: const Vector<AnnotatedRegionValue>& Document::annotatedRegions() const { return m_annotatedRegions; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void agent_cancel_query(agent_pending_query *q) { assert(0 && "Windows agent queries are never asynchronous!"); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: do_bid_note(struct magic_set *ms, unsigned char *nbuf, uint32_t type, int swap __attribute__((__unused__)), uint32_t namesz, uint32_t descsz, size_t noff, size_t doff, int *flags) { if (namesz == 4 && strcmp((char *)&nbuf[noff], "GNU") == 0 && type == NT_GNU_BUILD_ID && (descsz >= 4 || descsz <= 20)) { uint8_t desc[20]; const char *btype; uint32_t i; *flags |= FLAGS_DID_BUILD_ID; switch (descsz) { case 8: btype = "xxHash"; break; case 16: btype = "md5/uuid"; break; case 20: btype = "sha1"; break; default: btype = "unknown"; break; } if (file_printf(ms, ", BuildID[%s]=", btype) == -1) return 1; (void)memcpy(desc, &nbuf[doff], descsz); for (i = 0; i < descsz; i++) if (file_printf(ms, "%02x", desc[i]) == -1) return 1; return 1; } return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: int ovl_want_write(struct dentry *dentry) { struct ovl_fs *ofs = dentry->d_sb->s_fs_info; return mnt_want_write(ofs->upper_mnt); } CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int write_to_fifo(AVFifoBuffer *fifo, AVFrame *buf) { int ret; if (!av_fifo_space(fifo) && (ret = av_fifo_realloc2(fifo, 2*av_fifo_size(fifo)))) { av_frame_free(&buf); return ret; } av_fifo_generic_write(fifo, &buf, sizeof(buf), NULL); return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-399 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: bool Extension::HasAPIPermission(const std::string& function_name) const { base::AutoLock auto_lock(runtime_data_lock_); return runtime_data_.GetActivePermissions()-> HasAccessToFunction(function_name); } CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: xmlCtxtReadIO(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlInputReadCallback ioread, xmlInputCloseCallback ioclose, void *ioctx, const char *URL, const char *encoding, int options) { xmlParserInputBufferPtr input; xmlParserInputPtr stream; if (ioread == NULL) return (NULL); if (ctxt == NULL) return (NULL); xmlInitParser(); xmlCtxtReset(ctxt); input = xmlParserInputBufferCreateIO(ioread, ioclose, ioctx, XML_CHAR_ENCODING_NONE); if (input == NULL) { if (ioclose != NULL) ioclose(ioctx); return (NULL); } stream = xmlNewIOInputStream(ctxt, input, XML_CHAR_ENCODING_NONE); if (stream == NULL) { xmlFreeParserInputBuffer(input); return (NULL); } inputPush(ctxt, stream); return (xmlDoRead(ctxt, URL, encoding, options, 1)); } CWE ID: CWE-611 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int __dn_setsockopt(struct socket *sock, int level,int optname, char __user *optval, unsigned int optlen, int flags) { struct sock *sk = sock->sk; struct dn_scp *scp = DN_SK(sk); long timeo; union { struct optdata_dn opt; struct accessdata_dn acc; int mode; unsigned long win; int val; unsigned char services; unsigned char info; } u; int err; if (optlen && !optval) return -EINVAL; if (optlen > sizeof(u)) return -EINVAL; if (copy_from_user(&u, optval, optlen)) return -EFAULT; switch (optname) { case DSO_CONDATA: if (sock->state == SS_CONNECTED) return -EISCONN; if ((scp->state != DN_O) && (scp->state != DN_CR)) return -EINVAL; if (optlen != sizeof(struct optdata_dn)) return -EINVAL; if (le16_to_cpu(u.opt.opt_optl) > 16) return -EINVAL; memcpy(&scp->conndata_out, &u.opt, optlen); break; case DSO_DISDATA: if (sock->state != SS_CONNECTED && scp->accept_mode == ACC_IMMED) return -ENOTCONN; if (optlen != sizeof(struct optdata_dn)) return -EINVAL; if (le16_to_cpu(u.opt.opt_optl) > 16) return -EINVAL; memcpy(&scp->discdata_out, &u.opt, optlen); break; case DSO_CONACCESS: if (sock->state == SS_CONNECTED) return -EISCONN; if (scp->state != DN_O) return -EINVAL; if (optlen != sizeof(struct accessdata_dn)) return -EINVAL; if ((u.acc.acc_accl > DN_MAXACCL) || (u.acc.acc_passl > DN_MAXACCL) || (u.acc.acc_userl > DN_MAXACCL)) return -EINVAL; memcpy(&scp->accessdata, &u.acc, optlen); break; case DSO_ACCEPTMODE: if (sock->state == SS_CONNECTED) return -EISCONN; if (scp->state != DN_O) return -EINVAL; if (optlen != sizeof(int)) return -EINVAL; if ((u.mode != ACC_IMMED) && (u.mode != ACC_DEFER)) return -EINVAL; scp->accept_mode = (unsigned char)u.mode; break; case DSO_CONACCEPT: if (scp->state != DN_CR) return -EINVAL; timeo = sock_rcvtimeo(sk, 0); err = dn_confirm_accept(sk, &timeo, sk->sk_allocation); return err; case DSO_CONREJECT: if (scp->state != DN_CR) return -EINVAL; scp->state = DN_DR; sk->sk_shutdown = SHUTDOWN_MASK; dn_nsp_send_disc(sk, 0x38, 0, sk->sk_allocation); break; default: #ifdef CONFIG_NETFILTER return nf_setsockopt(sk, PF_DECnet, optname, optval, optlen); #endif case DSO_LINKINFO: case DSO_STREAM: case DSO_SEQPACKET: return -ENOPROTOOPT; case DSO_MAXWINDOW: if (optlen != sizeof(unsigned long)) return -EINVAL; if ( > NSP_MAX_WINDOW) = NSP_MAX_WINDOW; if ( == 0) return -EINVAL; scp->max_window =; if (scp->snd_window > scp->snd_window =; break; case DSO_NODELAY: if (optlen != sizeof(int)) return -EINVAL; if (scp->nonagle == 2) return -EINVAL; scp->nonagle = (u.val == 0) ? 0 : 1; /* if (scp->nonagle == 1) { Push pending frames } */ break; case DSO_CORK: if (optlen != sizeof(int)) return -EINVAL; if (scp->nonagle == 1) return -EINVAL; scp->nonagle = (u.val == 0) ? 0 : 2; /* if (scp->nonagle == 0) { Push pending frames } */ break; case DSO_SERVICES: if (optlen != sizeof(unsigned char)) return -EINVAL; if (( & ~NSP_FC_MASK) != 0x01) return -EINVAL; if (( & NSP_FC_MASK) == NSP_FC_MASK) return -EINVAL; scp->services_loc =; break; case DSO_INFO: if (optlen != sizeof(unsigned char)) return -EINVAL; if ( & 0xfc) return -EINVAL; scp->info_loc =; break; } return 0; } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: IceGenerateMagicCookie ( int len ) { char *auth; #ifndef HAVE_ARC4RANDOM_BUF long ldata[2]; int seed; int value; int i; #endif if ((auth = malloc (len + 1)) == NULL) return (NULL); #ifdef HAVE_ARC4RANDOM_BUF arc4random_buf(auth, len); #else #ifdef ITIMER_REAL { struct timeval now; int i; ldata[0] = now.tv_sec; ldata[1] = now.tv_usec; } #else { long time (); ldata[0] = time ((long *) 0); ldata[1] = getpid (); } #endif seed = (ldata[0]) + (ldata[1] << 16); srand (seed); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) ldata[1] = now.tv_usec; value = rand (); auth[i] = value & 0xff; } CWE ID: CWE-331 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void AppCacheGroup::AddUpdateObserver(UpdateObserver* observer) { if (queued_updates_.find(observer) != queued_updates_.end()) queued_observers_.AddObserver(observer); else observers_.AddObserver(observer); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static void RuntimeEnabledVoidMethodMethod(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) { TestObject* impl = V8TestObject::ToImpl(info.Holder()); impl->runtimeEnabledVoidMethod(); } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: standard_name(char *buffer, size_t bufsize, size_t pos, png_byte colour_type, int bit_depth, unsigned int npalette, int interlace_type, png_uint_32 w, png_uint_32 h, int do_interlace) { pos = safecat(buffer, bufsize, pos, colour_types[colour_type]); if (npalette > 0) { pos = safecat(buffer, bufsize, pos, "["); pos = safecatn(buffer, bufsize, pos, npalette); pos = safecat(buffer, bufsize, pos, "]"); } pos = safecat(buffer, bufsize, pos, " "); pos = safecatn(buffer, bufsize, pos, bit_depth); pos = safecat(buffer, bufsize, pos, " bit"); if (interlace_type != PNG_INTERLACE_NONE) { pos = safecat(buffer, bufsize, pos, " interlaced"); if (do_interlace) pos = safecat(buffer, bufsize, pos, "(pngvalid)"); else pos = safecat(buffer, bufsize, pos, "(libpng)"); } if (w > 0 || h > 0) { pos = safecat(buffer, bufsize, pos, " "); pos = safecatn(buffer, bufsize, pos, w); pos = safecat(buffer, bufsize, pos, "x"); pos = safecatn(buffer, bufsize, pos, h); } return pos; } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static long restore_sigcontext(struct pt_regs *regs, sigset_t *set, int sig, struct sigcontext __user *sc) { #ifdef CONFIG_ALTIVEC elf_vrreg_t __user *v_regs; #endif unsigned long err = 0; unsigned long save_r13 = 0; unsigned long msr; #ifdef CONFIG_VSX int i; #endif /* If this is not a signal return, we preserve the TLS in r13 */ if (!sig) save_r13 = regs->gpr[13]; /* copy the GPRs */ err |= __copy_from_user(regs->gpr, sc->gp_regs, sizeof(regs->gpr)); err |= __get_user(regs->nip, &sc->gp_regs[PT_NIP]); /* get MSR separately, transfer the LE bit if doing signal return */ err |= __get_user(msr, &sc->gp_regs[PT_MSR]); if (sig) regs->msr = (regs->msr & ~MSR_LE) | (msr & MSR_LE); err |= __get_user(regs->orig_gpr3, &sc->gp_regs[PT_ORIG_R3]); err |= __get_user(regs->ctr, &sc->gp_regs[PT_CTR]); err |= __get_user(regs->link, &sc->gp_regs[PT_LNK]); err |= __get_user(regs->xer, &sc->gp_regs[PT_XER]); err |= __get_user(regs->ccr, &sc->gp_regs[PT_CCR]); /* skip SOFTE */ regs->trap = 0; err |= __get_user(regs->dar, &sc->gp_regs[PT_DAR]); err |= __get_user(regs->dsisr, &sc->gp_regs[PT_DSISR]); err |= __get_user(regs->result, &sc->gp_regs[PT_RESULT]); if (!sig) regs->gpr[13] = save_r13; if (set != NULL) err |= __get_user(set->sig[0], &sc->oldmask); /* * Do this before updating the thread state in * current->thread.fpr/vr. That way, if we get preempted * and another task grabs the FPU/Altivec, it won't be * tempted to save the current CPU state into the thread_struct * and corrupt what we are writing there. */ discard_lazy_cpu_state(); /* * Force reload of FP/VEC. * This has to be done before copying stuff into current->thread.fpr/vr * for the reasons explained in the previous comment. */ regs->msr &= ~(MSR_FP | MSR_FE0 | MSR_FE1 | MSR_VEC | MSR_VSX); #ifdef CONFIG_ALTIVEC err |= __get_user(v_regs, &sc->v_regs); if (err) return err; if (v_regs && !access_ok(VERIFY_READ, v_regs, 34 * sizeof(vector128))) return -EFAULT; /* Copy 33 vec registers (vr0..31 and vscr) from the stack */ if (v_regs != NULL && (msr & MSR_VEC) != 0) err |= __copy_from_user(&current->thread.vr_state, v_regs, 33 * sizeof(vector128)); else if (current->thread.used_vr) memset(&current->thread.vr_state, 0, 33 * sizeof(vector128)); /* Always get VRSAVE back */ if (v_regs != NULL) err |= __get_user(current->thread.vrsave, (u32 __user *)&v_regs[33]); else current->thread.vrsave = 0; if (cpu_has_feature(CPU_FTR_ALTIVEC)) mtspr(SPRN_VRSAVE, current->thread.vrsave); #endif /* CONFIG_ALTIVEC */ /* restore floating point */ err |= copy_fpr_from_user(current, &sc->fp_regs); #ifdef CONFIG_VSX /* * Get additional VSX data. Update v_regs to point after the * VMX data. Copy VSX low doubleword from userspace to local * buffer for formatting, then into the taskstruct. */ v_regs += ELF_NVRREG; if ((msr & MSR_VSX) != 0) err |= copy_vsx_from_user(current, v_regs); else for (i = 0; i < 32 ; i++) current->thread.fp_state.fpr[i][TS_VSRLOWOFFSET] = 0; #endif return err; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static void swizzleImageData(unsigned char* srcAddr, size_t height, size_t bytesPerRow, bool flipY) { if (flipY) { for (size_t i = 0; i < height / 2; i++) { size_t topRowStartPosition = i * bytesPerRow; size_t bottomRowStartPosition = (height - 1 - i) * bytesPerRow; if (kN32_SkColorType == kBGRA_8888_SkColorType) { // needs to swizzle for (size_t j = 0; j < bytesPerRow; j += 4) { std::swap(srcAddr[topRowStartPosition + j], srcAddr[bottomRowStartPosition + j + 2]); std::swap(srcAddr[topRowStartPosition + j + 1], srcAddr[bottomRowStartPosition + j + 1]); std::swap(srcAddr[topRowStartPosition + j + 2], srcAddr[bottomRowStartPosition + j]); std::swap(srcAddr[topRowStartPosition + j + 3], srcAddr[bottomRowStartPosition + j + 3]); } } else { std::swap_ranges(srcAddr + topRowStartPosition, srcAddr + topRowStartPosition + bytesPerRow, srcAddr + bottomRowStartPosition); } } } else { if (kN32_SkColorType == kBGRA_8888_SkColorType) // needs to swizzle for (size_t i = 0; i < height * bytesPerRow; i += 4) std::swap(srcAddr[i], srcAddr[i + 2]); } } CWE ID: CWE-787 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void CreatePrintSettingsDictionary(DictionaryValue* dict) { dict->SetBoolean(printing::kSettingLandscape, false); dict->SetBoolean(printing::kSettingCollate, false); dict->SetInteger(printing::kSettingColor, printing::GRAY); dict->SetBoolean(printing::kSettingPrintToPDF, true); dict->SetInteger(printing::kSettingDuplexMode, printing::SIMPLEX); dict->SetInteger(printing::kSettingCopies, 1); dict->SetString(printing::kSettingDeviceName, "dummy"); dict->SetString(printing::kPreviewUIAddr, "0xb33fbeef"); dict->SetInteger(printing::kPreviewRequestID, 12345); dict->SetBoolean(printing::kIsFirstRequest, true); dict->SetInteger(printing::kSettingMarginsType, printing::DEFAULT_MARGINS); dict->SetBoolean(printing::kSettingPreviewModifiable, false); dict->SetBoolean(printing::kSettingHeaderFooterEnabled, false); dict->SetBoolean(printing::kSettingGenerateDraftData, true); } CWE ID: CWE-200 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: gc_generational_mode_set(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self) { mrb_bool enable; mrb_get_args(mrb, "b", &enable); if (mrb->gc.generational != enable) change_gen_gc_mode(mrb, &mrb->gc, enable); return mrb_bool_value(enable); } CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static IndexPacket *GetAuthenticIndexesFromCache(const Image *image) { CacheInfo *restrict cache_info; const int id = GetOpenMPThreadId(); assert(image != (const Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickSignature); assert(image->cache != (Cache) NULL); cache_info=(CacheInfo *) image->cache; assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); assert(id < (int) cache_info->number_threads); return(cache_info->nexus_info[id]->indexes); } CWE ID: CWE-189 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void UpdateContentLengthPrefs(int received_content_length, int original_content_length, bool via_data_reduction_proxy) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); DCHECK_GE(received_content_length, 0); DCHECK_GE(original_content_length, 0); if (!g_browser_process) return; PrefService* prefs = g_browser_process->local_state(); if (!prefs) return; #if defined(OS_ANDROID) bool with_data_reduction_proxy_enabled = g_browser_process->profile_manager()->GetDefaultProfile()-> GetPrefs()->GetBoolean(prefs::kSpdyProxyAuthEnabled); #else bool with_data_reduction_proxy_enabled = false; #endif chrome_browser_net::UpdateContentLengthPrefs( received_content_length, original_content_length, with_data_reduction_proxy_enabled, via_data_reduction_proxy, prefs); } CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: CStarter::publishUpdateAd( ClassAd* ad ) { return publishJobInfoAd(&m_job_list, ad); } CWE ID: CWE-134 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void shrink_dcache_sb(struct super_block *sb) { long freed; do { LIST_HEAD(dispose); freed = list_lru_walk(&sb->s_dentry_lru, dentry_lru_isolate_shrink, &dispose, UINT_MAX); this_cpu_sub(nr_dentry_unused, freed); shrink_dentry_list(&dispose); } while (freed > 0); } CWE ID: CWE-362 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: tt_cmap14_validate( FT_Byte* table, FT_Validator valid ) { FT_Byte* p; FT_ULong length; FT_ULong num_selectors; if ( table + 2 + 4 + 4 > valid->limit ) FT_INVALID_TOO_SHORT; p = table + 2; length = TT_NEXT_ULONG( p ); num_selectors = TT_NEXT_ULONG( p ); if ( length > (FT_ULong)( valid->limit - table ) || /* length < 10 + 11 * num_selectors ? */ length < 10 || ( length - 10 ) / 11 < num_selectors ) FT_INVALID_TOO_SHORT; /* check selectors, they must be in increasing order */ { /* we start lastVarSel at 1 because a variant selector value of 0 * isn't valid. */ FT_ULong n, lastVarSel = 1; for ( n = 0; n < num_selectors; n++ ) { FT_ULong varSel = TT_NEXT_UINT24( p ); FT_ULong defOff = TT_NEXT_ULONG( p ); FT_ULong nondefOff = TT_NEXT_ULONG( p ); if ( defOff >= length || nondefOff >= length ) FT_INVALID_TOO_SHORT; if ( varSel < lastVarSel ) FT_INVALID_DATA; lastVarSel = varSel + 1; /* check the default table (these glyphs should be reached */ /* through the normal Unicode cmap, no GIDs, just check order) */ if ( defOff != 0 ) { FT_Byte* defp = table + defOff; FT_ULong numRanges = TT_NEXT_ULONG( defp ); FT_ULong i; FT_ULong lastBase = 0; /* defp + numRanges * 4 > valid->limit ? */ if ( numRanges > (FT_ULong)( valid->limit - defp ) / 4 ) FT_INVALID_TOO_SHORT; if ( base + cnt >= 0x110000UL ) /* end of Unicode */ FT_INVALID_DATA; if ( base < lastBase ) FT_INVALID_DATA; lastBase = base + cnt + 1U; } } /* and the non-default table (these glyphs are specified here) */ if ( nondefOff != 0 ) { FT_Byte* ndp = table + nondefOff; FT_ULong numMappings = TT_NEXT_ULONG( ndp ); /* and the non-default table (these glyphs are specified here) */ if ( nondefOff != 0 ) { FT_Byte* ndp = table + nondefOff; FT_ULong numMappings = TT_NEXT_ULONG( ndp ); FT_ULong i, lastUni = 0; /* numMappings * 4 > (FT_ULong)( valid->limit - ndp ) ? */ if ( numMappings > ( (FT_ULong)( valid->limit - ndp ) ) / 4 ) FT_INVALID_TOO_SHORT; for ( i = 0; i < numMappings; ++i ) lastUni = uni + 1U; if ( valid->level >= FT_VALIDATE_TIGHT && gid >= TT_VALID_GLYPH_COUNT( valid ) ) FT_INVALID_GLYPH_ID; } } } } CWE ID: CWE-125 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static void cm_mask_copy(u8 *dst, u8 *src, u8 *mask) { int i; for (i = 0; i < IB_CM_COMPARE_SIZE / sizeof(unsigned long); i++) ((unsigned long *) dst)[i] = ((unsigned long *) src)[i] & ((unsigned long *) mask)[i]; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: size_t mptsas_config_ioc_1(MPTSASState *s, uint8_t **data, int address) { return MPTSAS_CONFIG_PACK(1, MPI_CONFIG_PAGETYPE_IOC, 0x03, "*l*l*b*b*b*b"); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: bool WebviewInfo::IsResourceWebviewAccessible( const Extension* extension, const std::string& partition_id, const std::string& relative_path) { if (!extension) return false; const WebviewInfo* info = GetResourcesInfo(*extension); if (!info) return false; bool partition_is_privileged = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < info->webview_privileged_partitions_.size(); ++i) { if (MatchPattern(partition_id, info->webview_privileged_partitions_[i])) { partition_is_privileged = true; break; } } return partition_is_privileged && extension->ResourceMatches( info->webview_accessible_resources_, relative_path); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void rpc_delay(struct rpc_task *task, unsigned long delay) { task->tk_timeout = delay; rpc_sleep_on(&delay_queue, task, __rpc_atrun); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: lrmd_remote_client_msg(gpointer data) { int id = 0; int rc = 0; int disconnected = 0; xmlNode *request = NULL; crm_client_t *client = data; if (client->remote->tls_handshake_complete == FALSE) { int rc = 0; /* Muliple calls to handshake will be required, this callback * will be invoked once the client sends more handshake data. */ do { rc = gnutls_handshake(*client->remote->tls_session); if (rc < 0 && rc != GNUTLS_E_AGAIN) { crm_err("Remote lrmd tls handshake failed"); return -1; } } while (rc == GNUTLS_E_INTERRUPTED); if (rc == 0) { crm_debug("Remote lrmd tls handshake completed"); client->remote->tls_handshake_complete = TRUE; if (client->remote->auth_timeout) { g_source_remove(client->remote->auth_timeout); } client->remote->auth_timeout = 0; } return 0; } rc = crm_remote_ready(client->remote, 0); if (rc == 0) { /* no msg to read */ return 0; } else if (rc < 0) { crm_info("Client disconnected during remote client read"); return -1; } crm_remote_recv(client->remote, -1, &disconnected); request = crm_remote_parse_buffer(client->remote); while (request) { crm_element_value_int(request, F_LRMD_REMOTE_MSG_ID, &id); crm_trace("processing request from remote client with remote msg id %d", id); if (!client->name) { const char *value = crm_element_value(request, F_LRMD_CLIENTNAME); if (value) { client->name = strdup(value); } } lrmd_call_id++; if (lrmd_call_id < 1) { lrmd_call_id = 1; } crm_xml_add(request, F_LRMD_CLIENTID, client->id); crm_xml_add(request, F_LRMD_CLIENTNAME, client->name); crm_xml_add_int(request, F_LRMD_CALLID, lrmd_call_id); process_lrmd_message(client, id, request); free_xml(request); /* process all the messages in the current buffer */ request = crm_remote_parse_buffer(client->remote); } if (disconnected) { crm_info("Client disconnect detected in tls msg dispatcher."); return -1; } return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-254 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: status_t OMXNodeInstance::emptyBuffer( OMX::buffer_id buffer, OMX_U32 rangeOffset, OMX_U32 rangeLength, OMX_U32 flags, OMX_TICKS timestamp, int fenceFd) { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mLock); if (getGraphicBufferSource() != NULL) { android_errorWriteLog(0x534e4554, "29422020"); return INVALID_OPERATION; } OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *header = findBufferHeader(buffer, kPortIndexInput); if (header == NULL) { ALOGE("b/25884056"); return BAD_VALUE; } BufferMeta *buffer_meta = static_cast<BufferMeta *>(header->pAppPrivate); sp<ABuffer> backup = buffer_meta->getBuffer(header, true /* backup */, false /* limit */); sp<ABuffer> codec = buffer_meta->getBuffer(header, false /* backup */, false /* limit */); if (mMetadataType[kPortIndexInput] == kMetadataBufferTypeGrallocSource && backup->capacity() >= sizeof(VideoNativeMetadata) && codec->capacity() >= sizeof(VideoGrallocMetadata) && ((VideoNativeMetadata *)backup->base())->eType == kMetadataBufferTypeANWBuffer) { VideoNativeMetadata &backupMeta = *(VideoNativeMetadata *)backup->base(); VideoGrallocMetadata &codecMeta = *(VideoGrallocMetadata *)codec->base(); CLOG_BUFFER(emptyBuffer, "converting ANWB %p to handle %p", backupMeta.pBuffer, backupMeta.pBuffer->handle); codecMeta.pHandle = backupMeta.pBuffer != NULL ? backupMeta.pBuffer->handle : NULL; codecMeta.eType = kMetadataBufferTypeGrallocSource; header->nFilledLen = rangeLength ? sizeof(codecMeta) : 0; header->nOffset = 0; } else { if (rangeOffset > header->nAllocLen || rangeLength > header->nAllocLen - rangeOffset) { CLOG_ERROR(emptyBuffer, OMX_ErrorBadParameter, FULL_BUFFER(NULL, header, fenceFd)); if (fenceFd >= 0) { ::close(fenceFd); } return BAD_VALUE; } header->nFilledLen = rangeLength; header->nOffset = rangeOffset; buffer_meta->CopyToOMX(header); } return emptyBuffer_l(header, flags, timestamp, (intptr_t)buffer, fenceFd); } CWE ID: CWE-200 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void gdImageRectangle (gdImagePtr im, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color) { int x1h = x1, x1v = x1, y1h = y1, y1v = y1, x2h = x2, x2v = x2, y2h = y2, y2v = y2; int thick = im->thick; int t; if (x1 == x2 && y1 == y2 && thick == 1) { gdImageSetPixel(im, x1, y1, color); return; } if (y2 < y1) { t=y1; y1 = y2; y2 = t; } if (x2 < x1) { t = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = t; } x1h = x1; x1v = x1; y1h = y1; y1v = y1; x2h = x2; x2v = x2; y2h = y2; y2v = y2; if (thick > 1) { int cx, cy, x1ul, y1ul, x2lr, y2lr; int half = thick >> 1; x1ul = x1 - half; y1ul = y1 - half; x2lr = x2 + half; y2lr = y2 + half; cy = y1ul + thick; while (cy-- > y1ul) { cx = x1ul - 1; while (cx++ < x2lr) { gdImageSetPixel(im, cx, cy, color); } } cy = y2lr - thick; while (cy++ < y2lr) { cx = x1ul - 1; while (cx++ < x2lr) { gdImageSetPixel(im, cx, cy, color); } } cy = y1ul + thick - 1; while (cy++ < y2lr -thick) { cx = x1ul - 1; while (cx++ < x1ul + thick) { gdImageSetPixel(im, cx, cy, color); } } cy = y1ul + thick - 1; while (cy++ < y2lr -thick) { cx = x2lr - thick - 1; while (cx++ < x2lr) { gdImageSetPixel(im, cx, cy, color); } } return; } else { if (x1 == x2 || y1 == y2) { gdImageLine(im, x1, y1, x2, y2, color); } else { y1v = y1h + 1; y2v = y2h - 1; gdImageLine(im, x1h, y1h, x2h, y1h, color); gdImageLine(im, x1h, y2h, x2h, y2h, color); gdImageLine(im, x1v, y1v, x1v, y2v, color); gdImageLine(im, x2v, y1v, x2v, y2v, color); } } } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int add_push_report_sideband_pkt(git_push *push, git_pkt_data *data_pkt, git_buf *data_pkt_buf) { git_pkt *pkt; const char *line, *line_end = NULL; size_t line_len; int error; int reading_from_buf = data_pkt_buf->size > 0; if (reading_from_buf) { /* We had an existing partial packet, so add the new * packet to the buffer and parse the whole thing */ git_buf_put(data_pkt_buf, data_pkt->data, data_pkt->len); line = data_pkt_buf->ptr; line_len = data_pkt_buf->size; } else { line = data_pkt->data; line_len = data_pkt->len; } while (line_len > 0) { error = git_pkt_parse_line(&pkt, line, &line_end, line_len); if (error == GIT_EBUFS) { /* Buffer the data when the inner packet is split * across multiple sideband packets */ if (!reading_from_buf) git_buf_put(data_pkt_buf, line, line_len); error = 0; goto done; } else if (error < 0) goto done; /* Advance in the buffer */ line_len -= (line_end - line); line = line_end; /* When a valid packet with no content has been * read, git_pkt_parse_line does not report an * error, but the pkt pointer has not been set. * Handle this by skipping over empty packets. */ if (pkt == NULL) continue; error = add_push_report_pkt(push, pkt); git_pkt_free(pkt); if (error < 0 && error != GIT_ITEROVER) goto done; } error = 0; done: if (reading_from_buf) git_buf_consume(data_pkt_buf, line_end); return error; } CWE ID: CWE-476 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static int timer_start(Unit *u) { Timer *t = TIMER(u); TimerValue *v; assert(t); assert(t->state == TIMER_DEAD || t->state == TIMER_FAILED); if (UNIT_TRIGGER(u)->load_state != UNIT_LOADED) return -ENOENT; t->last_trigger = DUAL_TIMESTAMP_NULL; /* Reenable all timers that depend on unit activation time */ LIST_FOREACH(value, v, t->values) if (v->base == TIMER_ACTIVE) v->disabled = false; if (t->stamp_path) { struct stat st; if (stat(t->stamp_path, &st) >= 0) t->last_trigger.realtime = timespec_load(&st.st_atim); else if (errno == ENOENT) /* The timer has never run before, * make sure a stamp file exists. */ touch_file(t->stamp_path, true, USEC_INFINITY, UID_INVALID, GID_INVALID, 0); } t->result = TIMER_SUCCESS; timer_enter_waiting(t, true); return 1; } CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void SafeBrowsingBlockingPage::OnDontProceed() { RecordUserReactionTime(kNavigatedAwayMetaCommand); if (proceeded_) return; RecordUserAction(DONT_PROCEED); FinishMalwareDetails(0); // No delay NotifySafeBrowsingUIManager(ui_manager_, unsafe_resources_, false); UnsafeResourceMap* unsafe_resource_map = GetUnsafeResourcesMap(); UnsafeResourceMap::iterator iter = unsafe_resource_map->find(web_contents_); if (iter != unsafe_resource_map->end() && !iter->second.empty()) { NotifySafeBrowsingUIManager(ui_manager_, iter->second, false); unsafe_resource_map->erase(iter); } int last_committed_index = web_contents_->GetController().GetLastCommittedEntryIndex(); if (navigation_entry_index_to_remove_ != -1 && navigation_entry_index_to_remove_ != last_committed_index && !web_contents_->IsBeingDestroyed()) { web_contents_->GetController().RemoveEntryAtIndex( navigation_entry_index_to_remove_); navigation_entry_index_to_remove_ = -1; } } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int vfat_revalidate_shortname(struct dentry *dentry) { int ret = 1; spin_lock(&dentry->d_lock); if (dentry->d_time != dentry->d_parent->d_inode->i_version) ret = 0; spin_unlock(&dentry->d_lock); return ret; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static int setup_dev_console(const struct lxc_rootfs *rootfs, const struct lxc_console *console) { char path[MAXPATHLEN]; struct stat s; int ret; ret = snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/dev/console", rootfs->mount); if (ret >= sizeof(path)) { ERROR("console path too long"); return -1; } if (access(path, F_OK)) { WARN("rootfs specified but no console found at '%s'", path); return 0; } if (console->master < 0) { INFO("no console"); return 0; } if (stat(path, &s)) { SYSERROR("failed to stat '%s'", path); return -1; } if (chmod(console->name, s.st_mode)) { SYSERROR("failed to set mode '0%o' to '%s'", s.st_mode, console->name); return -1; } if (mount(console->name, path, "none", MS_BIND, 0)) { ERROR("failed to mount '%s' on '%s'", console->name, path); return -1; } INFO("console has been setup"); return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-59 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: ZEND_API void ZEND_FASTCALL zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(HashTable *ht, HashPosition *pos) { uint32_t idx; IS_CONSISTENT(ht); HT_ASSERT(&ht->nInternalPointer != pos || GC_REFCOUNT(ht) == 1); for (idx = 0; idx < ht->nNumUsed; idx++) { if (Z_TYPE(ht->arData[idx].val) != IS_UNDEF) { *pos = idx; return; } } *pos = HT_INVALID_IDX; } CWE ID: CWE-190 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static inline struct msg_queue *msg_lock_check(struct ipc_namespace *ns, int id) { struct kern_ipc_perm *ipcp = ipc_lock_check(&msg_ids(ns), id); if (IS_ERR(ipcp)) return (struct msg_queue *)ipcp; return container_of(ipcp, struct msg_queue, q_perm); } CWE ID: CWE-189 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void LinkChangeSerializerMarkupAccumulator::appendElement(StringBuilder& result, Element* element, Namespaces* namespaces) { if (element->hasTagName(HTMLNames::baseTag)) { result.append("<!--"); } else if (element->hasTagName(HTMLNames::htmlTag)) { result.append(String::format("\n<!-- saved from url=(%04d)%s -->\n", static_cast<int>(m_document->url().string().utf8().length()), m_document->url().string().utf8().data())); } SerializerMarkupAccumulator::appendElement(result, element, namespaces); if (element->hasTagName(HTMLNames::baseTag)) { result.appendLiteral("-->"); result.appendLiteral("<base href=\".\""); if (!m_document->baseTarget().isEmpty()) { result.appendLiteral(" target=\""); result.append(m_document->baseTarget()); result.append('"'); } if (m_document->isXHTMLDocument()) result.appendLiteral(" />"); else result.appendLiteral(">"); } } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: bool btif_av_is_sink_enabled(void) { return (bt_av_sink_callbacks != NULL) ? true : false; } CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int phar_call_openssl_signverify(int is_sign, php_stream *fp, zend_off_t end, char *key, int key_len, char **signature, int *signature_len) /* {{{ */ { zend_fcall_info fci; zend_fcall_info_cache fcc; zval retval, zp[3], openssl; zend_string *str; ZVAL_STRINGL(&openssl, is_sign ? "openssl_sign" : "openssl_verify", is_sign ? sizeof("openssl_sign")-1 : sizeof("openssl_verify")-1); ZVAL_STRINGL(&zp[1], *signature, *signature_len); ZVAL_STRINGL(&zp[2], key, key_len); php_stream_rewind(fp); str = php_stream_copy_to_mem(fp, (size_t) end, 0); if (str) { ZVAL_STR(&zp[0], str); } else { ZVAL_EMPTY_STRING(&zp[0]); } if (end != Z_STRLEN(zp[0])) { zval_dtor(&zp[0]); zval_dtor(&zp[1]); zval_dtor(&zp[2]); zval_dtor(&openssl); return FAILURE; } if (FAILURE == zend_fcall_info_init(&openssl, 0, &fci, &fcc, NULL, NULL)) { zval_dtor(&zp[0]); zval_dtor(&zp[1]); zval_dtor(&zp[2]); zval_dtor(&openssl); return FAILURE; } fci.param_count = 3; fci.params = zp; Z_ADDREF(zp[0]); if (is_sign) { ZVAL_NEW_REF(&zp[1], &zp[1]); } else { Z_ADDREF(zp[1]); } Z_ADDREF(zp[2]); fci.retval = &retval; if (FAILURE == zend_call_function(&fci, &fcc)) { zval_dtor(&zp[0]); zval_dtor(&zp[1]); zval_dtor(&zp[2]); zval_dtor(&openssl); return FAILURE; } zval_dtor(&openssl); Z_DELREF(zp[0]); if (is_sign) { ZVAL_UNREF(&zp[1]); } else { Z_DELREF(zp[1]); } Z_DELREF(zp[2]); zval_dtor(&zp[0]); zval_dtor(&zp[2]); switch (Z_TYPE(retval)) { default: case IS_LONG: zval_dtor(&zp[1]); if (1 == Z_LVAL(retval)) { return SUCCESS; } return FAILURE; case IS_TRUE: *signature = estrndup(Z_STRVAL(zp[1]), Z_STRLEN(zp[1])); *signature_len = Z_STRLEN(zp[1]); zval_dtor(&zp[1]); return SUCCESS; case IS_FALSE: zval_dtor(&zp[1]); return FAILURE; } } /* }}} */ CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: swabHorDiff16(TIFF* tif, uint8* cp0, tmsize_t cc) { uint16* wp = (uint16*) cp0; tmsize_t wc = cc / 2; horDiff16(tif, cp0, cc); TIFFSwabArrayOfShort(wp, wc); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void AutofillPopupItemView::OnMouseEntered(const ui::MouseEvent& event) { AutofillPopupController* controller = popup_view_->controller(); if (controller) controller->SetSelectedLine(line_number_); } CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: v8::Handle<v8::Value> V8WebGLRenderingContext::getShaderParameterCallback(const v8::Arguments& args) { INC_STATS("DOM.WebGLRenderingContext.getShaderParameter()"); if (args.Length() != 2) return V8Proxy::throwNotEnoughArgumentsError(); ExceptionCode ec = 0; WebGLRenderingContext* context = V8WebGLRenderingContext::toNative(args.Holder()); if (args.Length() > 0 && !isUndefinedOrNull(args[0]) && !V8WebGLShader::HasInstance(args[0])) { V8Proxy::throwTypeError(); return notHandledByInterceptor(); } WebGLShader* shader = V8WebGLShader::HasInstance(args[0]) ? V8WebGLShader::toNative(v8::Handle<v8::Object>::Cast(args[0])) : 0; unsigned pname = toInt32(args[1]); WebGLGetInfo info = context->getShaderParameter(shader, pname, ec); if (ec) { V8Proxy::setDOMException(ec, args.GetIsolate()); return v8::Undefined(); } return toV8Object(info, args.GetIsolate()); } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void NavigationControllerImpl::RendererDidNavigateToExistingPage( RenderFrameHostImpl* rfh, const FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params& params, bool is_in_page, bool was_restored, NavigationHandleImpl* handle) { DCHECK(!rfh->GetParent()); NavigationEntryImpl* entry; if (params.intended_as_new_entry) { entry = GetLastCommittedEntry(); } else if (params.nav_entry_id) { entry = GetEntryWithUniqueID(params.nav_entry_id); if (is_in_page) { NavigationEntryImpl* last_entry = GetLastCommittedEntry(); if (entry->GetURL().GetOrigin() == last_entry->GetURL().GetOrigin() && last_entry->GetSSL().initialized && !entry->GetSSL().initialized && was_restored) { entry->GetSSL() = last_entry->GetSSL(); } } else { entry->GetSSL() = handle->ssl_status(); } } else { entry = GetLastCommittedEntry(); if (!is_in_page) entry->GetSSL() = handle->ssl_status(); } DCHECK(entry); entry->set_page_type(params.url_is_unreachable ? PAGE_TYPE_ERROR : PAGE_TYPE_NORMAL); entry->SetURL(params.url); entry->SetReferrer(params.referrer); if (entry->update_virtual_url_with_url()) UpdateVirtualURLToURL(entry, params.url); DCHECK(entry->site_instance() == nullptr || !entry->GetRedirectChain().empty() || entry->site_instance() == rfh->GetSiteInstance()); entry->AddOrUpdateFrameEntry( rfh->frame_tree_node(), params.item_sequence_number, params.document_sequence_number, rfh->GetSiteInstance(), nullptr, params.url, params.referrer, params.redirects, params.page_state, params.method, params.post_id); if (ui::PageTransitionIsRedirect(params.transition) && !is_in_page) entry->GetFavicon() = FaviconStatus(); DiscardNonCommittedEntriesInternal(); last_committed_entry_index_ = GetIndexOfEntry(entry); } CWE ID: CWE-362 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: add_policy_mods(krb5_context context, LDAPMod ***mods, osa_policy_ent_t policy, int op) { krb5_error_code st; char *strval[2] = { NULL }; st = krb5_add_int_mem_ldap_mod(mods, "krbmaxpwdlife", op, (int)policy->pw_max_life); if (st) return st; st = krb5_add_int_mem_ldap_mod(mods, "krbminpwdlife", op, (int)policy->pw_min_life); if (st) return st; st = krb5_add_int_mem_ldap_mod(mods, "krbpwdmindiffchars", op, (int)policy->pw_min_classes); if (st) return st; st = krb5_add_int_mem_ldap_mod(mods, "krbpwdminlength", op, (int)policy->pw_min_length); if (st) return st; st = krb5_add_int_mem_ldap_mod(mods, "krbpwdhistorylength", op, (int)policy->pw_history_num); if (st) return st; st = krb5_add_int_mem_ldap_mod(mods, "krbpwdmaxfailure", op, (int)policy->pw_max_fail); if (st) return st; st = krb5_add_int_mem_ldap_mod(mods, "krbpwdfailurecountinterval", op, (int)policy->pw_failcnt_interval); if (st) return st; st = krb5_add_int_mem_ldap_mod(mods, "krbpwdlockoutduration", op, (int)policy->pw_lockout_duration); if (st) return st; st = krb5_add_int_mem_ldap_mod(mods, "krbpwdattributes", op, (int)policy->attributes); if (st) return st; st = krb5_add_int_mem_ldap_mod(mods, "krbpwdmaxlife", op, (int)policy->max_life); if (st) return st; st = krb5_add_int_mem_ldap_mod(mods, "krbpwdmaxrenewablelife", op, (int)policy->max_renewable_life); if (st) return st; if (policy->allowed_keysalts != NULL) { strval[0] = policy->allowed_keysalts; st = krb5_add_str_mem_ldap_mod(mods, "krbpwdallowedkeysalts", op, strval); if (st) return st; } /* * Each policy tl-data type we add should be explicitly marshalled here. * Unlike principals, we do not marshal unrecognized policy tl-data. */ return 0; } CWE ID: Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void ReflectItemStatus(const ash::LauncherItem& item, LauncherButton* button) { switch (item.status) { case STATUS_CLOSED: button->ClearState(LauncherButton::STATE_ACTIVE); button->ClearState(LauncherButton::STATE_RUNNING); button->ClearState(LauncherButton::STATE_ATTENTION); button->ClearState(LauncherButton::STATE_PENDING); break; case STATUS_RUNNING: button->ClearState(LauncherButton::STATE_ACTIVE); button->AddState(LauncherButton::STATE_RUNNING); button->ClearState(LauncherButton::STATE_ATTENTION); button->ClearState(LauncherButton::STATE_PENDING); break; case STATUS_ACTIVE: button->AddState(LauncherButton::STATE_ACTIVE); button->ClearState(LauncherButton::STATE_RUNNING); button->ClearState(LauncherButton::STATE_ATTENTION); button->ClearState(LauncherButton::STATE_PENDING); break; case STATUS_ATTENTION: button->ClearState(LauncherButton::STATE_ACTIVE); button->ClearState(LauncherButton::STATE_RUNNING); button->AddState(LauncherButton::STATE_ATTENTION); button->ClearState(LauncherButton::STATE_PENDING); break; case STATUS_IS_PENDING: button->ClearState(LauncherButton::STATE_ACTIVE); button->ClearState(LauncherButton::STATE_RUNNING); button->ClearState(LauncherButton::STATE_ATTENTION); button->AddState(LauncherButton::STATE_PENDING); break; } } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: horizontalDifference8(unsigned char *ip, int n, int stride, unsigned short *wp, uint16 *From8) { register int r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2, mask; #undef CLAMP #define CLAMP(v) (From8[(v)]) mask = CODE_MASK; if (n >= stride) { if (stride == 3) { r2 = wp[0] = CLAMP(ip[0]); g2 = wp[1] = CLAMP(ip[1]); b2 = wp[2] = CLAMP(ip[2]); n -= 3; while (n > 0) { n -= 3; r1 = CLAMP(ip[3]); wp[3] = (uint16)((r1-r2) & mask); r2 = r1; g1 = CLAMP(ip[4]); wp[4] = (uint16)((g1-g2) & mask); g2 = g1; b1 = CLAMP(ip[5]); wp[5] = (uint16)((b1-b2) & mask); b2 = b1; wp += 3; ip += 3; } } else if (stride == 4) { r2 = wp[0] = CLAMP(ip[0]); g2 = wp[1] = CLAMP(ip[1]); b2 = wp[2] = CLAMP(ip[2]); a2 = wp[3] = CLAMP(ip[3]); n -= 4; while (n > 0) { n -= 4; r1 = CLAMP(ip[4]); wp[4] = (uint16)((r1-r2) & mask); r2 = r1; g1 = CLAMP(ip[5]); wp[5] = (uint16)((g1-g2) & mask); g2 = g1; b1 = CLAMP(ip[6]); wp[6] = (uint16)((b1-b2) & mask); b2 = b1; a1 = CLAMP(ip[7]); wp[7] = (uint16)((a1-a2) & mask); a2 = a1; wp += 4; ip += 4; } } else { wp += n + stride - 1; /* point to last one */ ip += n + stride - 1; /* point to last one */ n -= stride; while (n > 0) { REPEAT(stride, wp[0] = CLAMP(ip[0]); wp[stride] -= wp[0]; wp[stride] &= mask; wp--; ip--) n -= stride; } REPEAT(stride, wp[0] = CLAMP(ip[0]); wp--; ip--) } } } CWE ID: CWE-787 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void QuicClientPromisedInfo::Init() { cleanup_alarm_.reset(session_->connection()->alarm_factory()->CreateAlarm( new QuicClientPromisedInfo::CleanupAlarm(this))); cleanup_alarm_->Set( session_->connection()->helper()->GetClock()->ApproximateNow() + QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(kPushPromiseTimeoutSecs)); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int btrfs_flush_all_pending_stuffs(struct btrfs_trans_handle *trans, struct btrfs_root *root) { int flush_on_commit = btrfs_test_opt(root, FLUSHONCOMMIT); int snap_pending = 0; int ret; if (!flush_on_commit) { spin_lock(&root->fs_info->trans_lock); if (!list_empty(&trans->transaction->pending_snapshots)) snap_pending = 1; spin_unlock(&root->fs_info->trans_lock); } if (flush_on_commit || snap_pending) { btrfs_start_delalloc_inodes(root, 1); btrfs_wait_ordered_extents(root, 1); } ret = btrfs_run_delayed_items(trans, root); if (ret) return ret; /* * running the delayed items may have added new refs. account * them now so that they hinder processing of more delayed refs * as little as possible. */ btrfs_delayed_refs_qgroup_accounting(trans, root->fs_info); /* * rename don't use btrfs_join_transaction, so, once we * set the transaction to blocked above, we aren't going * to get any new ordered operations. We can safely run * it here and no for sure that nothing new will be added * to the list */ btrfs_run_ordered_operations(root, 1); return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-310 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: int touch_file(const char *path, bool parents, usec_t stamp, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, mode_t mode) { _cleanup_close_ int fd; int r; assert(path); if (parents) mkdir_parents(path, 0755); fd = open(path, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_CLOEXEC|O_NOCTTY, mode > 0 ? mode : 0644); if (fd < 0) return -errno; if (mode > 0) { r = fchmod(fd, mode); if (r < 0) return -errno; } if (uid != UID_INVALID || gid != GID_INVALID) { r = fchown(fd, uid, gid); if (r < 0) return -errno; } if (stamp != USEC_INFINITY) { struct timespec ts[2]; timespec_store(&ts[0], stamp); ts[1] = ts[0]; r = futimens(fd, ts); } else r = futimens(fd, NULL); if (r < 0) return -errno; return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static inline void cap_emulate_setxuid(struct cred *new, const struct cred *old) { if ((old->uid == 0 || old->euid == 0 || old->suid == 0) && (new->uid != 0 && new->euid != 0 && new->suid != 0) && !issecure(SECURE_KEEP_CAPS)) { cap_clear(new->cap_permitted); cap_clear(new->cap_effective); } if (old->euid == 0 && new->euid != 0) cap_clear(new->cap_effective); if (old->euid != 0 && new->euid == 0) new->cap_effective = new->cap_permitted; } CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: BrowserWindowTesting* BrowserView::GetBrowserWindowTesting() { return this; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static int catc_probe(struct usb_interface *intf, const struct usb_device_id *id) { struct device *dev = &intf->dev; struct usb_device *usbdev = interface_to_usbdev(intf); struct net_device *netdev; struct catc *catc; u8 broadcast[ETH_ALEN]; int i, pktsz, ret; if (usb_set_interface(usbdev, intf->altsetting->desc.bInterfaceNumber, 1)) { dev_err(dev, "Can't set altsetting 1.\n"); return -EIO; } netdev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct catc)); if (!netdev) return -ENOMEM; catc = netdev_priv(netdev); netdev->netdev_ops = &catc_netdev_ops; netdev->watchdog_timeo = TX_TIMEOUT; netdev->ethtool_ops = &ops; catc->usbdev = usbdev; catc->netdev = netdev; spin_lock_init(&catc->tx_lock); spin_lock_init(&catc->ctrl_lock); init_timer(&catc->timer); catc-> = (long) catc; catc->timer.function = catc_stats_timer; catc->ctrl_urb = usb_alloc_urb(0, GFP_KERNEL); catc->tx_urb = usb_alloc_urb(0, GFP_KERNEL); catc->rx_urb = usb_alloc_urb(0, GFP_KERNEL); catc->irq_urb = usb_alloc_urb(0, GFP_KERNEL); if ((!catc->ctrl_urb) || (!catc->tx_urb) || (!catc->rx_urb) || (!catc->irq_urb)) { dev_err(&intf->dev, "No free urbs available.\n"); ret = -ENOMEM; goto fail_free; } /* The F5U011 has the same vendor/product as the netmate but a device version of 0x130 */ if (le16_to_cpu(usbdev->descriptor.idVendor) == 0x0423 && le16_to_cpu(usbdev->descriptor.idProduct) == 0xa && le16_to_cpu(catc->usbdev->descriptor.bcdDevice) == 0x0130) { dev_dbg(dev, "Testing for f5u011\n"); catc->is_f5u011 = 1; atomic_set(&catc->recq_sz, 0); pktsz = RX_PKT_SZ; } else { pktsz = RX_MAX_BURST * (PKT_SZ + 2); } usb_fill_control_urb(catc->ctrl_urb, usbdev, usb_sndctrlpipe(usbdev, 0), NULL, NULL, 0, catc_ctrl_done, catc); usb_fill_bulk_urb(catc->tx_urb, usbdev, usb_sndbulkpipe(usbdev, 1), NULL, 0, catc_tx_done, catc); usb_fill_bulk_urb(catc->rx_urb, usbdev, usb_rcvbulkpipe(usbdev, 1), catc->rx_buf, pktsz, catc_rx_done, catc); usb_fill_int_urb(catc->irq_urb, usbdev, usb_rcvintpipe(usbdev, 2), catc->irq_buf, 2, catc_irq_done, catc, 1); if (!catc->is_f5u011) { dev_dbg(dev, "Checking memory size\n"); i = 0x12345678; catc_write_mem(catc, 0x7a80, &i, 4); i = 0x87654321; catc_write_mem(catc, 0xfa80, &i, 4); catc_read_mem(catc, 0x7a80, &i, 4); switch (i) { case 0x12345678: catc_set_reg(catc, TxBufCount, 8); catc_set_reg(catc, RxBufCount, 32); dev_dbg(dev, "64k Memory\n"); break; default: dev_warn(&intf->dev, "Couldn't detect memory size, assuming 32k\n"); case 0x87654321: catc_set_reg(catc, TxBufCount, 4); catc_set_reg(catc, RxBufCount, 16); dev_dbg(dev, "32k Memory\n"); break; } dev_dbg(dev, "Getting MAC from SEEROM.\n"); catc_get_mac(catc, netdev->dev_addr); dev_dbg(dev, "Setting MAC into registers.\n"); for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) catc_set_reg(catc, StationAddr0 - i, netdev->dev_addr[i]); dev_dbg(dev, "Filling the multicast list.\n"); eth_broadcast_addr(broadcast); catc_multicast(broadcast, catc->multicast); catc_multicast(netdev->dev_addr, catc->multicast); catc_write_mem(catc, 0xfa80, catc->multicast, 64); dev_dbg(dev, "Clearing error counters.\n"); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) catc_set_reg(catc, EthStats + i, 0); catc->last_stats = jiffies; dev_dbg(dev, "Enabling.\n"); catc_set_reg(catc, MaxBurst, RX_MAX_BURST); catc_set_reg(catc, OpModes, OpTxMerge | OpRxMerge | OpLenInclude | Op3MemWaits); catc_set_reg(catc, LEDCtrl, LEDLink); catc_set_reg(catc, RxUnit, RxEnable | RxPolarity | RxMultiCast); } else { dev_dbg(dev, "Performing reset\n"); catc_reset(catc); catc_get_mac(catc, netdev->dev_addr); dev_dbg(dev, "Setting RX Mode\n"); catc->rxmode[0] = RxEnable | RxPolarity | RxMultiCast; catc->rxmode[1] = 0; f5u011_rxmode(catc, catc->rxmode); } dev_dbg(dev, "Init done.\n"); printk(KERN_INFO "%s: %s USB Ethernet at usb-%s-%s, %pM.\n", netdev->name, (catc->is_f5u011) ? "Belkin F5U011" : "CATC EL1210A NetMate", usbdev->bus->bus_name, usbdev->devpath, netdev->dev_addr); usb_set_intfdata(intf, catc); SET_NETDEV_DEV(netdev, &intf->dev); ret = register_netdev(netdev); if (ret) goto fail_clear_intfdata; return 0; fail_clear_intfdata: usb_set_intfdata(intf, NULL); fail_free: usb_free_urb(catc->ctrl_urb); usb_free_urb(catc->tx_urb); usb_free_urb(catc->rx_urb); usb_free_urb(catc->irq_urb); free_netdev(netdev); return ret; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static const char *register_named_block_function_hook(const char *name, cmd_parms *cmd, void *mconfig, const char *line) { const char *function = NULL; ap_lua_mapped_handler_spec *spec; int when = APR_HOOK_MIDDLE; const char *endp = ap_strrchr_c(line, '>'); if (endp == NULL) { return apr_pstrcat(cmd->pool, cmd->cmd->name, "> directive missing closing '>'", NULL); } line = apr_pstrndup(cmd->temp_pool, line, endp - line); if (line[0]) { const char *word; word = ap_getword_conf(cmd->temp_pool, &line); if (*word) { function = apr_pstrdup(cmd->pool, word); } word = ap_getword_conf(cmd->temp_pool, &line); if (*word) { if (!strcasecmp("early", word)) { when = AP_LUA_HOOK_FIRST; } else if (!strcasecmp("late", word)) { when = AP_LUA_HOOK_LAST; } else { return apr_pstrcat(cmd->pool, cmd->cmd->name, "> 2nd argument must be 'early' or 'late'", NULL); } } } spec = apr_pcalloc(cmd->pool, sizeof(ap_lua_mapped_handler_spec)); { cr_ctx ctx; lua_State *lvm; char *tmp; int rv; ap_directive_t **current; hack_section_baton *baton; spec->file_name = apr_psprintf(cmd->pool, "%s:%u", cmd->config_file->name, cmd->config_file->line_number); if (function) { spec->function_name = (char *) function; } else { function = NULL; } ctx.cmd = cmd; tmp = apr_pstrdup(cmd->pool, cmd->err_directive->directive + 1); ap_str_tolower(tmp); ctx.endstr = tmp; ctx.cfp = cmd->config_file; ctx.startline = cmd->config_file->line_number; /* This lua State is used only to compile the input strings -> bytecode, so we don't need anything extra. */ lvm = luaL_newstate(); lua_settop(lvm, 0); rv = lua_load(lvm, direct_chunkreader, &ctx, spec->file_name); if (rv != 0) { const char *errstr = apr_pstrcat(cmd->pool, "Lua Error:", lua_tostring(lvm, -1), NULL); lua_close(lvm); return errstr; } else { luaL_Buffer b; luaL_buffinit(lvm, &b); lua_dump(lvm, ldump_writer, &b); luaL_pushresult(&b); spec->bytecode_len = lua_strlen(lvm, -1); spec->bytecode = apr_pstrmemdup(cmd->pool, lua_tostring(lvm, -1), spec->bytecode_len); lua_close(lvm); } current = mconfig; /* Here, we have to replace our current config node for the next pass */ if (!*current) { *current = apr_pcalloc(cmd->pool, sizeof(**current)); } baton = apr_pcalloc(cmd->pool, sizeof(hack_section_baton)); baton->name = name; baton->spec = spec; baton->apr_hook_when = when; (*current)->filename = cmd->config_file->name; (*current)->line_num = cmd->config_file->line_number; (*current)->directive = apr_pstrdup(cmd->pool, "Lua_____ByteCodeHack"); (*current)->args = NULL; (*current)->data = baton; } return NULL; } CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: int prepare_binprm(struct linux_binprm *bprm) { struct inode *inode = file_inode(bprm->file); umode_t mode = inode->i_mode; int retval; /* clear any previous set[ug]id data from a previous binary */ bprm->cred->euid = current_euid(); bprm->cred->egid = current_egid(); if (!(bprm->file->f_path.mnt->mnt_flags & MNT_NOSUID) && !task_no_new_privs(current) && kuid_has_mapping(bprm->cred->user_ns, inode->i_uid) && kgid_has_mapping(bprm->cred->user_ns, inode->i_gid)) { /* Set-uid? */ if (mode & S_ISUID) { bprm->per_clear |= PER_CLEAR_ON_SETID; bprm->cred->euid = inode->i_uid; } /* Set-gid? */ /* * If setgid is set but no group execute bit then this * is a candidate for mandatory locking, not a setgid * executable. */ if ((mode & (S_ISGID | S_IXGRP)) == (S_ISGID | S_IXGRP)) { bprm->per_clear |= PER_CLEAR_ON_SETID; bprm->cred->egid = inode->i_gid; } } /* fill in binprm security blob */ retval = security_bprm_set_creds(bprm); if (retval) return retval; bprm->cred_prepared = 1; memset(bprm->buf, 0, BINPRM_BUF_SIZE); return kernel_read(bprm->file, 0, bprm->buf, BINPRM_BUF_SIZE); } CWE ID: CWE-362 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: PepperDeviceEnumerationHostHelper::PepperDeviceEnumerationHostHelper( ppapi::host::ResourceHost* resource_host, Delegate* delegate, PP_DeviceType_Dev device_type, const GURL& document_url) : resource_host_(resource_host), delegate_(delegate), device_type_(device_type), document_url_(document_url) {} CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: bool ServiceWorkerDevToolsAgentHost::Close() { BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(&TerminateServiceWorkerOnIO, context_weak_, version_id_)); return true; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: ExprCreateKeyName(xkb_atom_t key_name) { EXPR_CREATE(ExprKeyName, expr, EXPR_VALUE, EXPR_TYPE_KEYNAME); expr->key_name.key_name = key_name; return expr; } CWE ID: CWE-416 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: SortDirection AXTableCell::getSortDirection() const { if (roleValue() != RowHeaderRole && roleValue() != ColumnHeaderRole) return SortDirectionUndefined; const AtomicString& ariaSort = getAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(AOMStringProperty::kSort); if (ariaSort.isEmpty()) return SortDirectionUndefined; if (equalIgnoringCase(ariaSort, "none")) return SortDirectionNone; if (equalIgnoringCase(ariaSort, "ascending")) return SortDirectionAscending; if (equalIgnoringCase(ariaSort, "descending")) return SortDirectionDescending; if (equalIgnoringCase(ariaSort, "other")) return SortDirectionOther; return SortDirectionUndefined; } CWE ID: CWE-254 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static int make_proc_exitcode(void) { struct proc_dir_entry *ent; ent = proc_create("exitcode", 0600, NULL, &exitcode_proc_fops); if (ent == NULL) { printk(KERN_WARNING "make_proc_exitcode : Failed to register " "/proc/exitcode\n"); return 0; } return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: int virtio_load(VirtIODevice *vdev, QEMUFile *f) { int i, ret; uint32_t num; uint32_t features; uint32_t supported_features; BusState *qbus = qdev_get_parent_bus(DEVICE(vdev)); VirtioBusClass *k = VIRTIO_BUS_GET_CLASS(qbus); if (k->load_config) { ret = k->load_config(qbus->parent, f); if (ret) return ret; } qemu_get_8s(f, &vdev->status); qemu_get_8s(f, &vdev->isr); qemu_get_be16s(f, &vdev->queue_sel); qemu_get_be32s(f, &features); if (virtio_set_features(vdev, features) < 0) { return -1; } vdev->config_len = qemu_get_be32(f); qemu_get_buffer(f, vdev->config, vdev->config_len); num = qemu_get_be32(f); if (num > VIRTIO_PCI_QUEUE_MAX) { error_report("Invalid number of PCI queues: 0x%x", num); return -1; } for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { vdev->vq[i].vring.num = qemu_get_be32(f); if (k->has_variable_vring_alignment) { vdev->vq[i].vring.align = qemu_get_be32(f); } vdev->vq[i].pa = qemu_get_be64(f); qemu_get_be16s(f, &vdev->vq[i].last_avail_idx); vdev->vq[i].signalled_used_valid = false; vdev->vq[i].notification = true; if (vdev->vq[i].pa) { uint16_t nheads; virtqueue_init(&vdev->vq[i]); nheads = vring_avail_idx(&vdev->vq[i]) - vdev->vq[i].last_avail_idx; /* Check it isn't doing very strange things with descriptor numbers. */ if (nheads > vdev->vq[i].vring.num) { error_report("VQ %d size 0x%x Guest index 0x%x " "inconsistent with Host index 0x%x: delta 0x%x", i, vdev->vq[i].vring.num, vring_avail_idx(&vdev->vq[i]), vdev->vq[i].last_avail_idx, nheads); return -1; } } else if (vdev->vq[i].last_avail_idx) { error_report("VQ %d address 0x0 " "inconsistent with Host index 0x%x", i, vdev->vq[i].last_avail_idx); return -1; } if (k->load_queue) { ret = k->load_queue(qbus->parent, i, f); if (ret) return ret; } } virtio_notify_vector(vdev, VIRTIO_NO_VECTOR); return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-94 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *fin, *fout; FILE *fpin, *fpout; uint8_t *inbuf, *outbuf; uint8_t *inbuf_u, *outbuf_u; uint8_t *inbuf_v, *outbuf_v; int f, frames; int width, height, target_width, target_height; if (argc < 5) { printf("Incorrect parameters:\n"); usage(argv[0]); return 1; } fin = argv[1]; fout = argv[4]; if (!parse_dim(argv[2], &width, &height)) { printf("Incorrect parameters: %s\n", argv[2]); usage(argv[0]); return 1; } if (!parse_dim(argv[3], &target_width, &target_height)) { printf("Incorrect parameters: %s\n", argv[3]); usage(argv[0]); return 1; } fpin = fopen(fin, "rb"); if (fpin == NULL) { printf("Can't open file %s to read\n", fin); usage(argv[0]); return 1; } fpout = fopen(fout, "wb"); if (fpout == NULL) { printf("Can't open file %s to write\n", fout); usage(argv[0]); return 1; } if (argc >= 6) frames = atoi(argv[5]); else frames = INT_MAX; printf("Input size: %dx%d\n", width, height); printf("Target size: %dx%d, Frames: ", target_width, target_height); if (frames == INT_MAX) printf("All\n"); else printf("%d\n", frames); inbuf = (uint8_t*)malloc(width * height * 3 / 2); outbuf = (uint8_t*)malloc(target_width * target_height * 3 / 2); inbuf_u = inbuf + width * height; inbuf_v = inbuf_u + width * height / 4; outbuf_u = outbuf + target_width * target_height; outbuf_v = outbuf_u + target_width * target_height / 4; f = 0; while (f < frames) { if (fread(inbuf, width * height * 3 / 2, 1, fpin) != 1) break; vp9_resize_frame420(inbuf, width, inbuf_u, inbuf_v, width / 2, height, width, outbuf, target_width, outbuf_u, outbuf_v, target_width / 2, target_height, target_width); fwrite(outbuf, target_width * target_height * 3 / 2, 1, fpout); f++; } printf("%d frames processed\n", f); fclose(fpin); fclose(fpout); free(inbuf); free(outbuf); return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void sas_ata_task_abort(struct sas_task *task) { struct ata_queued_cmd *qc = task->uldd_task; struct completion *waiting; /* Bounce SCSI-initiated commands to the SCSI EH */ if (qc->scsicmd) { struct request_queue *q = qc->scsicmd->device->request_queue; unsigned long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(q->queue_lock, flags); blk_abort_request(qc->scsicmd->request); spin_unlock_irqrestore(q->queue_lock, flags); return; } /* Internal command, fake a timeout and complete. */ qc->flags &= ~ATA_QCFLAG_ACTIVE; qc->flags |= ATA_QCFLAG_FAILED; qc->err_mask |= AC_ERR_TIMEOUT; waiting = qc->private_data; complete(waiting); } CWE ID: Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: CacheAddr BackendImpl::GetNextAddr(Addr address) { EntriesMap::iterator it = open_entries_.find(address.value()); if (it != open_entries_.end()) { EntryImpl* this_entry = it->second; return this_entry->GetNextAddress(); } DCHECK(block_files_.IsValid(address)); DCHECK(!address.is_separate_file() && address.file_type() == BLOCK_256); CacheEntryBlock entry(File(address), address); CHECK(entry.Load()); return entry.Data()->next; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void SoftHEVC::onQueueFilled(OMX_U32 portIndex) { UNUSED(portIndex); if (mSignalledError) { return; } if (mOutputPortSettingsChange != NONE) { return; } if (NULL == mCodecCtx) { if (OK != initDecoder()) { return; } } if (outputBufferWidth() != mStride) { /* Set the run-time (dynamic) parameters */ mStride = outputBufferWidth(); setParams(mStride); } List<BufferInfo *> &inQueue = getPortQueue(kInputPortIndex); List<BufferInfo *> &outQueue = getPortQueue(kOutputPortIndex); /* If input EOS is seen and decoder is not in flush mode, * set the decoder in flush mode. * There can be a case where EOS is sent along with last picture data * In that case, only after decoding that input data, decoder has to be * put in flush. This case is handled here */ if (mReceivedEOS && !mIsInFlush) { setFlushMode(); } while (!outQueue.empty()) { BufferInfo *inInfo; OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *inHeader; BufferInfo *outInfo; OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *outHeader; size_t timeStampIx; inInfo = NULL; inHeader = NULL; if (!mIsInFlush) { if (!inQueue.empty()) { inInfo = *inQueue.begin(); inHeader = inInfo->mHeader; } else { break; } } outInfo = *outQueue.begin(); outHeader = outInfo->mHeader; outHeader->nFlags = 0; outHeader->nTimeStamp = 0; outHeader->nOffset = 0; if (inHeader != NULL && (inHeader->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS)) { mReceivedEOS = true; if (inHeader->nFilledLen == 0) { inQueue.erase(inQueue.begin()); inInfo->mOwnedByUs = false; notifyEmptyBufferDone(inHeader); inHeader = NULL; setFlushMode(); } } /* Get a free slot in timestamp array to hold input timestamp */ { size_t i; timeStampIx = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_TIME_STAMPS; i++) { if (!mTimeStampsValid[i]) { timeStampIx = i; break; } } if (inHeader != NULL) { mTimeStampsValid[timeStampIx] = true; mTimeStamps[timeStampIx] = inHeader->nTimeStamp; } } { ivd_video_decode_ip_t s_dec_ip; ivd_video_decode_op_t s_dec_op; WORD32 timeDelay, timeTaken; size_t sizeY, sizeUV; if (!setDecodeArgs(&s_dec_ip, &s_dec_op, inHeader, outHeader, timeStampIx)) { ALOGE("Decoder arg setup failed"); notify(OMX_EventError, OMX_ErrorUndefined, 0, NULL); mSignalledError = true; return; } GETTIME(&mTimeStart, NULL); /* Compute time elapsed between end of previous decode() * to start of current decode() */ TIME_DIFF(mTimeEnd, mTimeStart, timeDelay); IV_API_CALL_STATUS_T status; status = ivdec_api_function(mCodecCtx, (void *)&s_dec_ip, (void *)&s_dec_op); bool resChanged = (IVD_RES_CHANGED == (s_dec_op.u4_error_code & 0xFF)); GETTIME(&mTimeEnd, NULL); /* Compute time taken for decode() */ TIME_DIFF(mTimeStart, mTimeEnd, timeTaken); ALOGV("timeTaken=%6d delay=%6d numBytes=%6d", timeTaken, timeDelay, s_dec_op.u4_num_bytes_consumed); if (s_dec_op.u4_frame_decoded_flag && !mFlushNeeded) { mFlushNeeded = true; } if ((inHeader != NULL) && (1 != s_dec_op.u4_frame_decoded_flag)) { /* If the input did not contain picture data, then ignore * the associated timestamp */ mTimeStampsValid[timeStampIx] = false; } if (mChangingResolution && !s_dec_op.u4_output_present) { mChangingResolution = false; resetDecoder(); resetPlugin(); continue; } if (resChanged) { mChangingResolution = true; if (mFlushNeeded) { setFlushMode(); } continue; } if ((0 < s_dec_op.u4_pic_wd) && (0 < s_dec_op.u4_pic_ht)) { uint32_t width = s_dec_op.u4_pic_wd; uint32_t height = s_dec_op.u4_pic_ht; bool portWillReset = false; handlePortSettingsChange(&portWillReset, width, height); if (portWillReset) { resetDecoder(); return; } } if (s_dec_op.u4_output_present) { outHeader->nFilledLen = (outputBufferWidth() * outputBufferHeight() * 3) / 2; outHeader->nTimeStamp = mTimeStamps[s_dec_op.u4_ts]; mTimeStampsValid[s_dec_op.u4_ts] = false; outInfo->mOwnedByUs = false; outQueue.erase(outQueue.begin()); outInfo = NULL; notifyFillBufferDone(outHeader); outHeader = NULL; } else { /* If in flush mode and no output is returned by the codec, * then come out of flush mode */ mIsInFlush = false; /* If EOS was recieved on input port and there is no output * from the codec, then signal EOS on output port */ if (mReceivedEOS) { outHeader->nFilledLen = 0; outHeader->nFlags |= OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS; outInfo->mOwnedByUs = false; outQueue.erase(outQueue.begin()); outInfo = NULL; notifyFillBufferDone(outHeader); outHeader = NULL; resetPlugin(); } } } if (inHeader != NULL) { inInfo->mOwnedByUs = false; inQueue.erase(inQueue.begin()); inInfo = NULL; notifyEmptyBufferDone(inHeader); inHeader = NULL; } } } CWE ID: CWE-172 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: bool get_resource_context_called() const { return get_resource_context_called_; } CWE ID: CWE-287 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static struct object *get_reference(struct rev_info *revs, const char *name, const unsigned char *sha1, unsigned int flags) { struct object *object; object = parse_object(sha1); if (!object) { if (revs->ignore_missing) return object; die("bad object %s", name); } object->flags |= flags; return object; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static int ghash_final(struct shash_desc *desc, u8 *dst) { struct ghash_desc_ctx *dctx = shash_desc_ctx(desc); struct ghash_ctx *ctx = crypto_shash_ctx(desc->tfm); u8 *buf = dctx->buffer; ghash_flush(ctx, dctx); memcpy(dst, buf, GHASH_BLOCK_SIZE); return 0; } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: Node* StyledMarkupAccumulator::traverseNodesForSerialization(Node* startNode, Node* pastEnd, NodeTraversalMode traversalMode) { const bool shouldEmit = traversalMode == EmitString; Vector<Node*> ancestorsToClose; Node* next; Node* lastClosed = 0; for (Node* n = startNode; n != pastEnd; n = next) { ASSERT(n); if (!n) break; next = n->traverseNextNode(); bool openedTag = false; if (isBlock(n) && canHaveChildrenForEditing(n) && next == pastEnd) continue; if (!n->renderer() && !enclosingNodeWithTag(firstPositionInOrBeforeNode(n), selectTag)) { next = n->traverseNextSibling(); if (pastEnd && pastEnd->isDescendantOf(n)) next = pastEnd; } else { if (shouldEmit) appendStartTag(n); if (!n->childNodeCount()) { if (shouldEmit) appendEndTag(n); lastClosed = n; } else { openedTag = true; ancestorsToClose.append(n); } } if (!openedTag && (!n->nextSibling() || next == pastEnd)) { while (!ancestorsToClose.isEmpty()) { Node* ancestor = ancestorsToClose.last(); if (next != pastEnd && next->isDescendantOf(ancestor)) break; if (shouldEmit) appendEndTag(ancestor); lastClosed = ancestor; ancestorsToClose.removeLast(); } ContainerNode* nextParent = next ? next->parentNode() : 0; if (next != pastEnd && n != nextParent) { Node* lastAncestorClosedOrSelf = n->isDescendantOf(lastClosed) ? lastClosed : n; for (ContainerNode* parent = lastAncestorClosedOrSelf->parentNode(); parent && parent != nextParent; parent = parent->parentNode()) { if (!parent->renderer()) continue; ASSERT(startNode->isDescendantOf(parent)); if (shouldEmit) wrapWithNode(parent); lastClosed = parent; } } } } return lastClosed; } CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: PromoResourceService::PromoResourceService(Profile* profile) : WebResourceService(profile->GetPrefs(), GetPromoResourceURL(), true, // append locale to URL prefs::kNtpPromoResourceCacheUpdate, kStartResourceFetchDelay, GetCacheUpdateDelay()), profile_(profile), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST( weak_ptr_factory_(this)), web_resource_update_scheduled_(false) { ScheduleNotificationOnInit(); } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: struct pipe_inode_info *alloc_pipe_info(void) { struct pipe_inode_info *pipe; pipe = kzalloc(sizeof(struct pipe_inode_info), GFP_KERNEL); if (pipe) { pipe->bufs = kzalloc(sizeof(struct pipe_buffer) * PIPE_DEF_BUFFERS, GFP_KERNEL); if (pipe->bufs) { init_waitqueue_head(&pipe->wait); pipe->r_counter = pipe->w_counter = 1; pipe->buffers = PIPE_DEF_BUFFERS; mutex_init(&pipe->mutex); return pipe; } kfree(pipe); } return NULL; } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static int hub_usb3_port_disable(struct usb_hub *hub, int port1) { int ret; int total_time; u16 portchange, portstatus; if (!hub_is_superspeed(hub->hdev)) return -EINVAL; ret = hub_port_status(hub, port1, &portstatus, &portchange); if (ret < 0) return ret; /* * USB controller Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH USB XHCI * Controller [1022:7814] will have spurious result making the following * usb 3.0 device hotplugging route to the 2.0 root hub and recognized * as high-speed device if we set the usb 3.0 port link state to * Disabled. Since it's already in USB_SS_PORT_LS_RX_DETECT state, we * check the state here to avoid the bug. */ if ((portstatus & USB_PORT_STAT_LINK_STATE) == USB_SS_PORT_LS_RX_DETECT) { dev_dbg(&hub->ports[port1 - 1]->dev, "Not disabling port; link state is RxDetect\n"); return ret; } ret = hub_set_port_link_state(hub, port1, USB_SS_PORT_LS_SS_DISABLED); if (ret) return ret; /* Wait for the link to enter the disabled state. */ for (total_time = 0; ; total_time += HUB_DEBOUNCE_STEP) { ret = hub_port_status(hub, port1, &portstatus, &portchange); if (ret < 0) return ret; if ((portstatus & USB_PORT_STAT_LINK_STATE) == USB_SS_PORT_LS_SS_DISABLED) break; if (total_time >= HUB_DEBOUNCE_TIMEOUT) break; msleep(HUB_DEBOUNCE_STEP); } if (total_time >= HUB_DEBOUNCE_TIMEOUT) dev_warn(&hub->ports[port1 - 1]->dev, "Could not disable after %d ms\n", total_time); return hub_set_port_link_state(hub, port1, USB_SS_PORT_LS_RX_DETECT); } CWE ID: Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: GLES2DecoderPassthroughImpl::GetFramebufferManager() { return nullptr; } CWE ID: CWE-416 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static void alpha_perf_event_irq_handler(unsigned long la_ptr, struct pt_regs *regs) { struct cpu_hw_events *cpuc; struct perf_sample_data data; struct perf_event *event; struct hw_perf_event *hwc; int idx, j; __get_cpu_var(irq_pmi_count)++; cpuc = &__get_cpu_var(cpu_hw_events); /* Completely counting through the PMC's period to trigger a new PMC * overflow interrupt while in this interrupt routine is utterly * disastrous! The EV6 and EV67 counters are sufficiently large to * prevent this but to be really sure disable the PMCs. */ wrperfmon(PERFMON_CMD_DISABLE, cpuc->idx_mask); /* la_ptr is the counter that overflowed. */ if (unlikely(la_ptr >= alpha_pmu->num_pmcs)) { /* This should never occur! */ irq_err_count++; pr_warning("PMI: silly index %ld\n", la_ptr); wrperfmon(PERFMON_CMD_ENABLE, cpuc->idx_mask); return; } idx = la_ptr; perf_sample_data_init(&data, 0); for (j = 0; j < cpuc->n_events; j++) { if (cpuc->current_idx[j] == idx) break; } if (unlikely(j == cpuc->n_events)) { /* This can occur if the event is disabled right on a PMC overflow. */ wrperfmon(PERFMON_CMD_ENABLE, cpuc->idx_mask); return; } event = cpuc->event[j]; if (unlikely(!event)) { /* This should never occur! */ irq_err_count++; pr_warning("PMI: No event at index %d!\n", idx); wrperfmon(PERFMON_CMD_ENABLE, cpuc->idx_mask); return; } hwc = &event->hw; alpha_perf_event_update(event, hwc, idx, alpha_pmu->pmc_max_period[idx]+1); data.period = event->hw.last_period; if (alpha_perf_event_set_period(event, hwc, idx)) { if (perf_event_overflow(event, 1, &data, regs)) { /* Interrupts coming too quickly; "throttle" the * counter, i.e., disable it for a little while. */ alpha_pmu_stop(event, 0); } } wrperfmon(PERFMON_CMD_ENABLE, cpuc->idx_mask); return; } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static void SkipInputData(j_decompress_ptr cinfo,long number_bytes) { SourceManager *source; if (number_bytes <= 0) return; source=(SourceManager *) cinfo->src; while (number_bytes > (long) source->manager.bytes_in_buffer) { number_bytes-=(long) source->manager.bytes_in_buffer; (void) FillInputBuffer(cinfo); } source->manager.next_input_byte+=number_bytes; source->manager.bytes_in_buffer-=number_bytes; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void GraphicsContext::clipPath(const Path&, WindRule) { notImplemented(); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static int ext4_split_unwritten_extents(handle_t *handle, struct inode *inode, struct ext4_map_blocks *map, struct ext4_ext_path *path, int flags) { ext4_lblk_t eof_block; ext4_lblk_t ee_block; struct ext4_extent *ex; unsigned int ee_len; int split_flag = 0, depth; ext_debug("ext4_split_unwritten_extents: inode %lu, logical" "block %llu, max_blocks %u\n", inode->i_ino, (unsigned long long)map->m_lblk, map->m_len); eof_block = (inode->i_size + inode->i_sb->s_blocksize - 1) >> inode->i_sb->s_blocksize_bits; if (eof_block < map->m_lblk + map->m_len) eof_block = map->m_lblk + map->m_len; /* * It is safe to convert extent to initialized via explicit * zeroout only if extent is fully insde i_size or new_size. */ depth = ext_depth(inode); ex = path[depth].p_ext; ee_block = le32_to_cpu(ex->ee_block); ee_len = ext4_ext_get_actual_len(ex); split_flag |= ee_block + ee_len <= eof_block ? EXT4_EXT_MAY_ZEROOUT : 0; split_flag |= EXT4_EXT_MARK_UNINIT2; flags |= EXT4_GET_BLOCKS_PRE_IO; return ext4_split_extent(handle, inode, path, map, split_flag, flags); } CWE ID: CWE-362 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: bool venc_dev::venc_set_operatingrate(OMX_U32 rate) { struct v4l2_control control; = V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDC_VIDEO_OPERATING_RATE; control.value = rate; DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("venc_set_operating_rate: %d fps", rate >> 16); DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Calling IOCTL set control for id=%d, val=%d",, control.value); if(ioctl(m_nDriver_fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &control)) { hw_overload = errno == EBUSY; DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Failed to set operating rate %d fps (%s)", rate >> 16, hw_overload ? "HW overload" : strerror(errno)); return false; } operating_rate = rate; DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Operating Rate Set = %d fps", rate >> 16); return true; } CWE ID: CWE-200 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void RenderBlock::paintAsInlineBlock(RenderObject* renderer, PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& childPoint) { if (paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseForeground && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseSelection) return; bool preservePhase = paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelection || paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseTextClip; PaintInfo info(paintInfo); info.phase = preservePhase ? paintInfo.phase : PaintPhaseBlockBackground; renderer->paint(info, childPoint); if (!preservePhase) { info.phase = PaintPhaseChildBlockBackgrounds; renderer->paint(info, childPoint); info.phase = PaintPhaseFloat; renderer->paint(info, childPoint); info.phase = PaintPhaseForeground; renderer->paint(info, childPoint); info.phase = PaintPhaseOutline; renderer->paint(info, childPoint); } } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static int ims_pcu_parse_cdc_data(struct usb_interface *intf, struct ims_pcu *pcu) { const struct usb_cdc_union_desc *union_desc; struct usb_host_interface *alt; union_desc = ims_pcu_get_cdc_union_desc(intf); if (!union_desc) return -EINVAL; pcu->ctrl_intf = usb_ifnum_to_if(pcu->udev, union_desc->bMasterInterface0); alt = pcu->ctrl_intf->cur_altsetting; pcu->ep_ctrl = &alt->endpoint[0].desc; pcu->max_ctrl_size = usb_endpoint_maxp(pcu->ep_ctrl); pcu->data_intf = usb_ifnum_to_if(pcu->udev, union_desc->bSlaveInterface0); alt = pcu->data_intf->cur_altsetting; if (alt->desc.bNumEndpoints != 2) { dev_err(pcu->dev, "Incorrect number of endpoints on data interface (%d)\n", alt->desc.bNumEndpoints); return -EINVAL; } pcu->ep_out = &alt->endpoint[0].desc; if (!usb_endpoint_is_bulk_out(pcu->ep_out)) { dev_err(pcu->dev, "First endpoint on data interface is not BULK OUT\n"); return -EINVAL; } pcu->max_out_size = usb_endpoint_maxp(pcu->ep_out); if (pcu->max_out_size < 8) { dev_err(pcu->dev, "Max OUT packet size is too small (%zd)\n", pcu->max_out_size); return -EINVAL; } pcu->ep_in = &alt->endpoint[1].desc; if (!usb_endpoint_is_bulk_in(pcu->ep_in)) { dev_err(pcu->dev, "Second endpoint on data interface is not BULK IN\n"); return -EINVAL; } pcu->max_in_size = usb_endpoint_maxp(pcu->ep_in); if (pcu->max_in_size < 8) { dev_err(pcu->dev, "Max IN packet size is too small (%zd)\n", pcu->max_in_size); return -EINVAL; } return 0; } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: MockRenderProcess() {} CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: QuicPacket* ConstructDataPacket(QuicPacketSequenceNumber number, QuicFecGroupNumber fec_group) { header_.packet_sequence_number = number; header_.flags = PACKET_FLAGS_NONE; header_.fec_group = fec_group; QuicFrames frames; QuicFrame frame(&frame1_); frames.push_back(frame); QuicPacket* packet; framer_.ConstructFragementDataPacket(header_, frames, &packet); return packet; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: R_API RConfigNode* r_config_set(RConfig *cfg, const char *name, const char *value) { RConfigNode *node = NULL; char *ov = NULL; ut64 oi; if (!cfg || STRNULL (name)) { return NULL; } node = r_config_node_get (cfg, name); if (node) { if (node->flags & CN_RO) { eprintf ("(error: '%s' config key is read only)\n", name); return node; } oi = node->i_value; if (node->value) { ov = strdup (node->value); if (!ov) { goto beach; } } else { free (node->value); node->value = strdup (""); } if (node->flags & CN_BOOL) { bool b = is_true (value); node->i_value = (ut64) b? 1: 0; char *value = strdup (r_str_bool (b)); if (value) { free (node->value); node->value = value; } } else { if (!value) { free (node->value); node->value = strdup (""); node->i_value = 0; } else { if (node->value == value) { goto beach; } free (node->value); node->value = strdup (value); if (IS_DIGIT (*value)) { if (strchr (value, '/')) { node->i_value = r_num_get (cfg->num, value); } else { node->i_value = r_num_math (cfg->num, value); } } else { node->i_value = 0; } node->flags |= CN_INT; } } } else { // Create a new RConfigNode oi = UT64_MAX; if (!cfg->lock) { node = r_config_node_new (name, value); if (node) { if (value && is_bool (value)) { node->flags |= CN_BOOL; node->i_value = is_true (value)? 1: 0; } if (cfg->ht) { ht_insert (cfg->ht, node->name, node); r_list_append (cfg->nodes, node); cfg->n_nodes++; } } else { eprintf ("r_config_set: unable to create a new RConfigNode\n"); } } else { eprintf ("r_config_set: variable '%s' not found\n", name); } } if (node && node->setter) { int ret = node->setter (cfg->user, node); if (ret == false) { if (oi != UT64_MAX) { node->i_value = oi; } free (node->value); node->value = strdup (ov? ov: ""); } } beach: free (ov); return node; } CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static int asn1_d2i_ex_primitive(ASN1_VALUE **pval, const unsigned char **in, long inlen, const ASN1_ITEM *it, int tag, int aclass, char opt, ASN1_TLC *ctx) { int ret = 0, utype; long plen; char cst, inf, free_cont = 0; const unsigned char *p; BUF_MEM buf; const unsigned char *cont = NULL; long len; if (!pval) { ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_D2I_EX_PRIMITIVE, ASN1_R_ILLEGAL_NULL); return 0; /* Should never happen */ } if (it->itype == ASN1_ITYPE_MSTRING) { utype = tag; tag = -1; } else utype = it->utype; if (utype == V_ASN1_ANY) { /* If type is ANY need to figure out type from tag */ unsigned char oclass; if (tag >= 0) { ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_D2I_EX_PRIMITIVE, ASN1_R_ILLEGAL_TAGGED_ANY); return 0; } if (opt) { ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_D2I_EX_PRIMITIVE, ASN1_R_ILLEGAL_OPTIONAL_ANY); return 0; } p = *in; ret = asn1_check_tlen(NULL, &utype, &oclass, NULL, NULL, &p, inlen, -1, 0, 0, ctx); if (!ret) { ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_D2I_EX_PRIMITIVE, ERR_R_NESTED_ASN1_ERROR); return 0; } if (oclass != V_ASN1_UNIVERSAL) utype = V_ASN1_OTHER; } if (tag == -1) { tag = utype; aclass = V_ASN1_UNIVERSAL; } p = *in; /* Check header */ ret = asn1_check_tlen(&plen, NULL, NULL, &inf, &cst, &p, inlen, tag, aclass, opt, ctx); if (!ret) { ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_D2I_EX_PRIMITIVE, ERR_R_NESTED_ASN1_ERROR); return 0; } else if (ret == -1) return -1; ret = 0; /* SEQUENCE, SET and "OTHER" are left in encoded form */ if ((utype == V_ASN1_SEQUENCE) || (utype == V_ASN1_SET) || (utype == V_ASN1_OTHER)) { /* * Clear context cache for type OTHER because the auto clear when we * have a exact match wont work */ if (utype == V_ASN1_OTHER) { asn1_tlc_clear(ctx); } /* SEQUENCE and SET must be constructed */ else if (!cst) { ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_D2I_EX_PRIMITIVE, ASN1_R_TYPE_NOT_CONSTRUCTED); return 0; } cont = *in; /* If indefinite length constructed find the real end */ if (inf) { if (!asn1_find_end(&p, plen, inf)) goto err; len = p - cont; } else { len = p - cont + plen; p += plen; = NULL; } } else if (cst) { if (utype == V_ASN1_NULL || utype == V_ASN1_BOOLEAN || utype == V_ASN1_OBJECT || utype == V_ASN1_INTEGER || utype == V_ASN1_ENUMERATED) { ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_D2I_EX_PRIMITIVE, ASN1_R_TYPE_NOT_PRIMITIVE); return 0; } buf.length = 0; buf.max = 0; = NULL; /* * Should really check the internal tags are correct but some things * may get this wrong. The relevant specs say that constructed string * types should be OCTET STRINGs internally irrespective of the type. * So instead just check for UNIVERSAL class and ignore the tag. */ if (!asn1_collect(&buf, &p, plen, inf, -1, V_ASN1_UNIVERSAL, 0)) { free_cont = 1; goto err; } len = buf.length; /* Append a final null to string */ if (!BUF_MEM_grow_clean(&buf, len + 1)) { ASN1err(ASN1_F_ASN1_D2I_EX_PRIMITIVE, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); return 0; }[len] = 0; cont = (const unsigned char *); free_cont = 1; } else { cont = p; len = plen; p += plen; } /* We now have content length and type: translate into a structure */ if (!asn1_ex_c2i(pval, cont, len, utype, &free_cont, it)) goto err; *in = p; ret = 1; err: if (free_cont && OPENSSL_free(; return ret; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void DownloadItemImpl::RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) { DCHECK_CURRENTLY_ON(BrowserThread::UI); observers_.RemoveObserver(observer); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static double digitize(double value, int depth, int do_round) { /* 'value' is in the range 0 to 1, the result is the same value rounded to a * multiple of the digitization factor - 8 or 16 bits depending on both the * sample depth and the 'assume' setting. Digitization is normally by * rounding and 'do_round' should be 1, if it is 0 the digitized value will * be truncated. */ PNG_CONST unsigned int digitization_factor = (1U << depth) -1; /* Limiting the range is done as a convenience to the caller - it's easier to * do it once here than every time at the call site. */ if (value <= 0) value = 0; else if (value >= 1) value = 1; value *= digitization_factor; if (do_round) value += .5; return floor(value)/digitization_factor; } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: oldParseTest(const char *filename, const char *result, const char *err ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, int options ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) { xmlDocPtr doc; char *temp; int res = 0; nb_tests++; /* * base of the test, parse with the old API */ #ifdef LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED doc = xmlParseFile(filename); #else doc = xmlReadFile(filename, NULL, 0); #endif if (doc == NULL) return(1); temp = resultFilename(filename, "", ".res"); if (temp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "out of memory\n"); fatalError(); } xmlSaveFile(temp, doc); if (compareFiles(temp, result)) { res = 1; } xmlFreeDoc(doc); /* * Parse the saved result to make sure the round trip is okay */ #ifdef LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED doc = xmlParseFile(temp); #else doc = xmlReadFile(temp, NULL, 0); #endif if (doc == NULL) return(1); xmlSaveFile(temp, doc); if (compareFiles(temp, result)) { res = 1; } xmlFreeDoc(doc); if (temp != NULL) { unlink(temp); free(temp); } return(res); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: ssize_t socket_write(const socket_t *socket, const void *buf, size_t count) { assert(socket != NULL); assert(buf != NULL); return send(socket->fd, buf, count, MSG_DONTWAIT); } CWE ID: CWE-284 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL JSTestObjConstructor::constructJSTestObj(ExecState* exec) { JSTestObjConstructor* castedThis = jsCast<JSTestObjConstructor*>(exec->callee()); if (exec->argumentCount() < 1) return throwVMError(exec, createTypeError(exec, "Not enough arguments")); if (exec->argumentCount() <= 0 || !exec->argument(0).isFunction()) { setDOMException(exec, TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR); return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); } RefPtr<TestCallback> testCallback = JSTestCallback::create(asObject(exec->argument(0)), castedThis->globalObject()); RefPtr<TestObj> object = TestObj::create(testCallback); return JSValue::encode(asObject(toJS(exec, castedThis->globalObject(), object.get()))); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static void dwc3_prepare_one_trb_sg(struct dwc3_ep *dep, struct dwc3_request *req) { struct scatterlist *sg = req->sg; struct scatterlist *s; int i; for_each_sg(sg, s, req->num_pending_sgs, i) { unsigned int length = req->request.length; unsigned int maxp = usb_endpoint_maxp(dep->endpoint.desc); unsigned int rem = length % maxp; unsigned chain = true; if (sg_is_last(s)) chain = false; if (rem && usb_endpoint_dir_out(dep->endpoint.desc) && !chain) { struct dwc3 *dwc = dep->dwc; struct dwc3_trb *trb; req->unaligned = true; /* prepare normal TRB */ dwc3_prepare_one_trb(dep, req, true, i); /* Now prepare one extra TRB to align transfer size */ trb = &dep->trb_pool[dep->trb_enqueue]; __dwc3_prepare_one_trb(dep, trb, dwc->bounce_addr, maxp - rem, false, 0, req->request.stream_id, req->request.short_not_ok, req->request.no_interrupt); } else { dwc3_prepare_one_trb(dep, req, chain, i); } if (!dwc3_calc_trbs_left(dep)) break; } } CWE ID: CWE-189 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void TabletModeWindowManager::ForgetWindow(aura::Window* window, bool destroyed) { added_windows_.erase(window); window->RemoveObserver(this); WindowToState::iterator it = window_state_map_.find(window); if (it == window_state_map_.end()) return; if (destroyed) { window_state_map_.erase(it); } else { it->second->LeaveTabletMode(wm::GetWindowState(it->first)); DCHECK(!IsTrackingWindow(window)); } } CWE ID: CWE-362 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static int l2tp_ip6_sendmsg(struct sock *sk, struct msghdr *msg, size_t len) { struct ipv6_txoptions opt_space; DECLARE_SOCKADDR(struct sockaddr_l2tpip6 *, lsa, msg->msg_name); struct in6_addr *daddr, *final_p, final; struct ipv6_pinfo *np = inet6_sk(sk); struct ipv6_txoptions *opt = NULL; struct ip6_flowlabel *flowlabel = NULL; struct dst_entry *dst = NULL; struct flowi6 fl6; int addr_len = msg->msg_namelen; int hlimit = -1; int tclass = -1; int dontfrag = -1; int transhdrlen = 4; /* zero session-id */ int ulen = len + transhdrlen; int err; /* Rough check on arithmetic overflow, better check is made in ip6_append_data(). */ if (len > INT_MAX) return -EMSGSIZE; /* Mirror BSD error message compatibility */ if (msg->msg_flags & MSG_OOB) return -EOPNOTSUPP; /* * Get and verify the address. */ memset(&fl6, 0, sizeof(fl6)); fl6.flowi6_mark = sk->sk_mark; if (lsa) { if (addr_len < SIN6_LEN_RFC2133) return -EINVAL; if (lsa->l2tp_family && lsa->l2tp_family != AF_INET6) return -EAFNOSUPPORT; daddr = &lsa->l2tp_addr; if (np->sndflow) { fl6.flowlabel = lsa->l2tp_flowinfo & IPV6_FLOWINFO_MASK; if (fl6.flowlabel&IPV6_FLOWLABEL_MASK) { flowlabel = fl6_sock_lookup(sk, fl6.flowlabel); if (flowlabel == NULL) return -EINVAL; } } /* * Otherwise it will be difficult to maintain * sk->sk_dst_cache. */ if (sk->sk_state == TCP_ESTABLISHED && ipv6_addr_equal(daddr, &sk->sk_v6_daddr)) daddr = &sk->sk_v6_daddr; if (addr_len >= sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6) && lsa->l2tp_scope_id && ipv6_addr_type(daddr) & IPV6_ADDR_LINKLOCAL) fl6.flowi6_oif = lsa->l2tp_scope_id; } else { if (sk->sk_state != TCP_ESTABLISHED) return -EDESTADDRREQ; daddr = &sk->sk_v6_daddr; fl6.flowlabel = np->flow_label; } if (fl6.flowi6_oif == 0) fl6.flowi6_oif = sk->sk_bound_dev_if; if (msg->msg_controllen) { opt = &opt_space; memset(opt, 0, sizeof(struct ipv6_txoptions)); opt->tot_len = sizeof(struct ipv6_txoptions); err = ip6_datagram_send_ctl(sock_net(sk), sk, msg, &fl6, opt, &hlimit, &tclass, &dontfrag); if (err < 0) { fl6_sock_release(flowlabel); return err; } if ((fl6.flowlabel & IPV6_FLOWLABEL_MASK) && !flowlabel) { flowlabel = fl6_sock_lookup(sk, fl6.flowlabel); if (flowlabel == NULL) return -EINVAL; } if (!(opt->opt_nflen|opt->opt_flen)) opt = NULL; } if (opt == NULL) opt = np->opt; if (flowlabel) opt = fl6_merge_options(&opt_space, flowlabel, opt); opt = ipv6_fixup_options(&opt_space, opt); fl6.flowi6_proto = sk->sk_protocol; if (!ipv6_addr_any(daddr)) fl6.daddr = *daddr; else fl6.daddr.s6_addr[15] = 0x1; /* :: means loopback (BSD'ism) */ if (ipv6_addr_any(&fl6.saddr) && !ipv6_addr_any(&np->saddr)) fl6.saddr = np->saddr; final_p = fl6_update_dst(&fl6, opt, &final); if (!fl6.flowi6_oif && ipv6_addr_is_multicast(&fl6.daddr)) fl6.flowi6_oif = np->mcast_oif; else if (!fl6.flowi6_oif) fl6.flowi6_oif = np->ucast_oif; security_sk_classify_flow(sk, flowi6_to_flowi(&fl6)); dst = ip6_dst_lookup_flow(sk, &fl6, final_p); if (IS_ERR(dst)) { err = PTR_ERR(dst); goto out; } if (hlimit < 0) hlimit = ip6_sk_dst_hoplimit(np, &fl6, dst); if (tclass < 0) tclass = np->tclass; if (dontfrag < 0) dontfrag = np->dontfrag; if (msg->msg_flags & MSG_CONFIRM) goto do_confirm; back_from_confirm: lock_sock(sk); err = ip6_append_data(sk, ip_generic_getfrag, msg, ulen, transhdrlen, hlimit, tclass, opt, &fl6, (struct rt6_info *)dst, msg->msg_flags, dontfrag); if (err) ip6_flush_pending_frames(sk); else if (!(msg->msg_flags & MSG_MORE)) err = l2tp_ip6_push_pending_frames(sk); release_sock(sk); done: dst_release(dst); out: fl6_sock_release(flowlabel); return err < 0 ? err : len; do_confirm: dst_confirm(dst); if (!(msg->msg_flags & MSG_PROBE) || len) goto back_from_confirm; err = 0; goto done; } CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static void mark_discard_range_all(struct f2fs_sb_info *sbi) { struct discard_cmd_control *dcc = SM_I(sbi)->dcc_info; int i; mutex_lock(&dcc->cmd_lock); for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLIST_NUM; i++) dcc->pend_list_tag[i] |= P_TRIM; mutex_unlock(&dcc->cmd_lock); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int __init acpi_custom_method_init(void) { if (!acpi_debugfs_dir) return -ENOENT; cm_dentry = debugfs_create_file("custom_method", S_IWUSR, acpi_debugfs_dir, NULL, &cm_fops); if (!cm_dentry) return -ENODEV; return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-264 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: bool Performance::PassesTimingAllowCheck( const ResourceResponse& response, const SecurityOrigin& initiator_security_origin, const AtomicString& original_timing_allow_origin, ExecutionContext* context) { scoped_refptr<const SecurityOrigin> resource_origin = SecurityOrigin::Create(response.Url()); if (resource_origin->IsSameSchemeHostPort(&initiator_security_origin)) return true; const AtomicString& timing_allow_origin_string = original_timing_allow_origin.IsEmpty() ? response.HttpHeaderField(HTTPNames::Timing_Allow_Origin) : original_timing_allow_origin; if (timing_allow_origin_string.IsEmpty() || EqualIgnoringASCIICase(timing_allow_origin_string, "null")) return false; if (timing_allow_origin_string == "*") { UseCounter::Count(context, WebFeature::kStarInTimingAllowOrigin); return true; } const String& security_origin = initiator_security_origin.ToString(); Vector<String> timing_allow_origins; timing_allow_origin_string.GetString().Split(',', timing_allow_origins); if (timing_allow_origins.size() > 1) { UseCounter::Count(context, WebFeature::kMultipleOriginsInTimingAllowOrigin); } else if (timing_allow_origins.size() == 1 && timing_allow_origin_string != "*") { UseCounter::Count(context, WebFeature::kSingleOriginInTimingAllowOrigin); } for (const String& allow_origin : timing_allow_origins) { const String allow_origin_stripped = allow_origin.StripWhiteSpace(); if (allow_origin_stripped == security_origin || allow_origin_stripped == "*") { return true; } } return false; } CWE ID: CWE-200 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: MagickExport MagickBooleanType CloseBlob(Image *image) { BlobInfo *magick_restrict blob_info; int status; /* Close image file. */ assert(image != (Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickCoreSignature); if (image->debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",image->filename); blob_info=image->blob; if ((blob_info == (BlobInfo *) NULL) || (blob_info->type == UndefinedStream)) return(MagickTrue); status=SyncBlob(image); switch (blob_info->type) { case UndefinedStream: case StandardStream: break; case FileStream: case PipeStream: { if (blob_info->synchronize != MagickFalse) status=fsync(fileno(blob_info->file_info.file)); status=ferror(blob_info->file_info.file); break; } case ZipStream: { #if defined(MAGICKCORE_ZLIB_DELEGATE) (void) gzerror(blob_info->file_info.gzfile,&status); #endif break; } case BZipStream: { #if defined(MAGICKCORE_BZLIB_DELEGATE) (void) BZ2_bzerror(blob_info->file_info.bzfile,&status); #endif break; } case FifoStream: break; case BlobStream: { if (blob_info->file_info.file != (FILE *) NULL) { if (blob_info->synchronize != MagickFalse) status=fsync(fileno(blob_info->file_info.file)); status=ferror(blob_info->file_info.file); } break; } case CustomStream: break; } blob_info->status=status < 0 ? MagickTrue : MagickFalse; blob_info->size=GetBlobSize(image); image->extent=blob_info->size; blob_info->eof=MagickFalse; blob_info->error=0; blob_info->mode=UndefinedBlobMode; if (blob_info->exempt != MagickFalse) { blob_info->type=UndefinedStream; return(blob_info->status); } switch (blob_info->type) { case UndefinedStream: case StandardStream: break; case FileStream: { if (fileno(blob_info->file_info.file) != -1) status=fclose(blob_info->file_info.file); break; } case PipeStream: { #if defined(MAGICKCORE_HAVE_PCLOSE) status=pclose(blob_info->file_info.file); #endif break; } case ZipStream: { #if defined(MAGICKCORE_ZLIB_DELEGATE) status=gzclose(blob_info->file_info.gzfile); #endif break; } case BZipStream: { #if defined(MAGICKCORE_BZLIB_DELEGATE) BZ2_bzclose(blob_info->file_info.bzfile); #endif break; } case FifoStream: break; case BlobStream: { if (blob_info->file_info.file != (FILE *) NULL) status=fclose(blob_info->file_info.file); break; } case CustomStream: break; } (void) DetachBlob(blob_info); blob_info->status=status < 0 ? MagickTrue : MagickFalse; return(blob_info->status); } CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: poly_send(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { POLYGON *poly = PG_GETARG_POLYGON_P(0); StringInfoData buf; int32 i; pq_begintypsend(&buf); pq_sendint(&buf, poly->npts, sizeof(int32)); for (i = 0; i < poly->npts; i++) { pq_sendfloat8(&buf, poly->p[i].x); pq_sendfloat8(&buf, poly->p[i].y); } PG_RETURN_BYTEA_P(pq_endtypsend(&buf)); } CWE ID: CWE-189 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: const Cluster* BlockEntry::GetCluster() const { return m_pCluster; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static inline zend_bool check_str(const char *chk_str, size_t chk_len, const char *sep_str, size_t sep_len) { return 0 < sep_len && chk_len >= sep_len && *chk_str == *sep_str && !memcmp(chk_str + 1, sep_str + 1, sep_len - 1); } CWE ID: CWE-704 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: ChromeContentBrowserClient::GetDevToolsBackgroundServiceExpirations( content::BrowserContext* browser_context) { Profile* profile = Profile::FromBrowserContext(browser_context); DCHECK(profile); auto* pref_service = profile->GetPrefs(); DCHECK(pref_service); auto* expiration_dict = pref_service->GetDictionary( prefs::kDevToolsBackgroundServicesExpirationDict); DCHECK(expiration_dict); base::flat_map<int, base::Time> expiration_times; for (const auto& it : *expiration_dict) { int service = 0; bool did_convert = base::StringToInt(it.first, &service); DCHECK(did_convert); DCHECK(it.second->is_int()); base::TimeDelta delta = base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(it.second->GetInt()); base::Time expiration_time = base::Time::FromDeltaSinceWindowsEpoch(delta); expiration_times[service] = expiration_time; } return expiration_times; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: magic_setparam(struct magic_set *ms, int param, const void *val) { switch (param) { case MAGIC_PARAM_INDIR_MAX: ms->indir_max = *(const size_t *)val; return 0; case MAGIC_PARAM_NAME_MAX: ms->name_max = *(const size_t *)val; return 0; case MAGIC_PARAM_ELF_PHNUM_MAX: ms->elf_phnum_max = *(const size_t *)val; return 0; case MAGIC_PARAM_ELF_SHNUM_MAX: ms->elf_shnum_max = *(const size_t *)val; return 0; default: errno = EINVAL; return -1; } } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void NavigationRequest::SetOriginPolicy(const std::string& policy) { common_params_.origin_policy = policy; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: unsigned long netdev_increment_features(unsigned long all, unsigned long one, unsigned long mask) { /* If device needs checksumming, downgrade to it. */ if (all & NETIF_F_NO_CSUM && !(one & NETIF_F_NO_CSUM)) all ^= NETIF_F_NO_CSUM | (one & NETIF_F_ALL_CSUM); else if (mask & NETIF_F_ALL_CSUM) { /* If one device supports v4/v6 checksumming, set for all. */ if (one & (NETIF_F_IP_CSUM | NETIF_F_IPV6_CSUM) && !(all & NETIF_F_GEN_CSUM)) { all &= ~NETIF_F_ALL_CSUM; all |= one & (NETIF_F_IP_CSUM | NETIF_F_IPV6_CSUM); } /* If one device supports hw checksumming, set for all. */ if (one & NETIF_F_GEN_CSUM && !(all & NETIF_F_GEN_CSUM)) { all &= ~NETIF_F_ALL_CSUM; all |= NETIF_F_HW_CSUM; } } one |= NETIF_F_ALL_CSUM; one |= all & NETIF_F_ONE_FOR_ALL; all &= one | NETIF_F_LLTX | NETIF_F_GSO | NETIF_F_UFO; all |= one & mask & NETIF_F_ONE_FOR_ALL; return all; } CWE ID: CWE-399 Output: