Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static int aac_compat_ioctl(struct scsi_device *sdev, int cmd, void __user *arg) { struct aac_dev *dev = (struct aac_dev *)sdev->host->hostdata; return aac_compat_do_ioctl(dev, cmd, (unsigned long)arg); } CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void OnShowWidget(int routing_id, const gfx::Rect& initial_rect) { content::BrowserThread::PostTask( content::BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(&PendingWidgetMessageFilter::OnReceivedRoutingIDOnUI, this, routing_id)); } CWE ID: CWE-285 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: MagickExport Image *AdaptiveThresholdImage(const Image *image, const size_t width,const size_t height,const ssize_t offset, ExceptionInfo *exception) { #define ThresholdImageTag "Threshold/Image" CacheView *image_view, *threshold_view; Image *threshold_image; MagickBooleanType status; MagickOffsetType progress; MagickPixelPacket zero; MagickRealType number_pixels; ssize_t y; assert(image != (const Image *) NULL); assert(image->signature == MagickCoreSignature); if (image->debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",image->filename); assert(exception != (ExceptionInfo *) NULL); assert(exception->signature == MagickCoreSignature); threshold_image=CloneImage(image,0,0,MagickTrue,exception); if (threshold_image == (Image *) NULL) return((Image *) NULL); if (width == 0) return(threshold_image); if (SetImageStorageClass(threshold_image,DirectClass) == MagickFalse) { InheritException(exception,&threshold_image->exception); threshold_image=DestroyImage(threshold_image); return((Image *) NULL); } /* Local adaptive threshold. */ status=MagickTrue; progress=0; GetMagickPixelPacket(image,&zero); number_pixels=(MagickRealType) (width*height); image_view=AcquireVirtualCacheView(image,exception); threshold_view=AcquireAuthenticCacheView(threshold_image,exception); #if defined(MAGICKCORE_OPENMP_SUPPORT) #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) shared(progress,status) \ magick_number_threads(image,threshold_image,image->rows,1) #endif for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) image->rows; y++) { MagickBooleanType sync; MagickPixelPacket channel_bias, channel_sum; register const IndexPacket *magick_restrict indexes; register const PixelPacket *magick_restrict p, *magick_restrict r; register IndexPacket *magick_restrict threshold_indexes; register PixelPacket *magick_restrict q; register ssize_t x; ssize_t u, v; if (status == MagickFalse) continue; p=GetCacheViewVirtualPixels(image_view,-((ssize_t) width/2L),y-(ssize_t) height/2L,image->columns+width,height,exception); q=GetCacheViewAuthenticPixels(threshold_view,0,y,threshold_image->columns,1, exception); if ((p == (const PixelPacket *) NULL) || (q == (PixelPacket *) NULL)) { status=MagickFalse; continue; } indexes=GetCacheViewVirtualIndexQueue(image_view); threshold_indexes=GetCacheViewAuthenticIndexQueue(threshold_view); channel_bias=zero; channel_sum=zero; r=p; for (v=0; v < (ssize_t) height; v++) { for (u=0; u < (ssize_t) width; u++) { if (u == (ssize_t) (width-1)) {[u].red;[u].green;[u].blue; channel_bias.opacity+=r[u].opacity; if (image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace) channel_bias.index=(MagickRealType) GetPixelIndex(indexes+(r-p)+u); }[u].red;[u].green;[u].blue; channel_sum.opacity+=r[u].opacity; if (image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace) channel_sum.index=(MagickRealType) GetPixelIndex(indexes+(r-p)+u); } r+=image->columns+width; } for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) image->columns; x++) { MagickPixelPacket mean; mean=zero; r=p;;;; channel_sum.opacity-=channel_bias.opacity; channel_sum.index-=channel_bias.index; channel_bias=zero; for (v=0; v < (ssize_t) height; v++) {[0].red;[0].green;[0].blue; channel_bias.opacity+=r[0].opacity; if (image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace) channel_bias.index=(MagickRealType) GetPixelIndex(indexes+x+(r-p)+0);[width-1].red;[width-1].green;[width-1].blue; channel_sum.opacity+=r[width-1].opacity; if (image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace) channel_sum.index=(MagickRealType) GetPixelIndex(indexes+x+(r-p)+ width-1); r+=image->columns+width; } (; (; (; mean.opacity=(MagickRealType) (channel_sum.opacity/number_pixels+offset); if (image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace) mean.index=(MagickRealType) (channel_sum.index/number_pixels+offset); SetPixelRed(q,((MagickRealType) GetPixelRed(q) <= ? 0 : QuantumRange); SetPixelGreen(q,((MagickRealType) GetPixelGreen(q) <= ? 0 : QuantumRange); SetPixelBlue(q,((MagickRealType) GetPixelBlue(q) <= ? 0 : QuantumRange); SetPixelOpacity(q,((MagickRealType) GetPixelOpacity(q) <= mean.opacity) ? 0 : QuantumRange); if (image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace) SetPixelIndex(threshold_indexes+x,(((MagickRealType) GetPixelIndex( threshold_indexes+x) <= mean.index) ? 0 : QuantumRange)); p++; q++; } sync=SyncCacheViewAuthenticPixels(threshold_view,exception); if (sync == MagickFalse) status=MagickFalse; if (image->progress_monitor != (MagickProgressMonitor) NULL) { MagickBooleanType proceed; #if defined(MAGICKCORE_OPENMP_SUPPORT) #pragma omp atomic #endif progress++; proceed=SetImageProgress(image,ThresholdImageTag,progress,image->rows); if (proceed == MagickFalse) status=MagickFalse; } } threshold_view=DestroyCacheView(threshold_view); image_view=DestroyCacheView(image_view); if (status == MagickFalse) threshold_image=DestroyImage(threshold_image); return(threshold_image); } CWE ID: CWE-125 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: MagickExport int LocaleUppercase(const int c) { #if defined(MAGICKCORE_LOCALE_SUPPORT) if (c_locale != (locale_t) NULL) return(toupper_l((int) ((unsigned char) c),c_locale)); #endif return(toupper((int) ((unsigned char) c))); } CWE ID: CWE-125 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace::~GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace() { } CWE ID: CWE-189 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static MagickBooleanType WriteImageChannels(const PSDInfo *psd_info, const ImageInfo *image_info,Image *image,Image *next_image, const MagickBooleanType separate,ExceptionInfo *exception) { size_t channels, packet_size; unsigned char *compact_pixels; /* Write uncompressed pixels as separate planes. */ channels=1; packet_size=next_image->depth > 8UL ? 2UL : 1UL; compact_pixels=(unsigned char *) NULL; if (next_image->compression == RLECompression) { compact_pixels=(unsigned char *) AcquireQuantumMemory(2*channels* next_image->columns,packet_size*sizeof(*compact_pixels)); if (compact_pixels == (unsigned char *) NULL) ThrowWriterException(ResourceLimitError,"MemoryAllocationFailed"); } if (IsImageGray(next_image) != MagickFalse) { if (next_image->compression == RLECompression) { /* Packbits compression. */ (void) WriteBlobMSBShort(image,1); WritePackbitsLength(psd_info,image_info,image,next_image, compact_pixels,GrayQuantum,exception); if (next_image->alpha_trait != UndefinedPixelTrait) WritePackbitsLength(psd_info,image_info,image,next_image, compact_pixels,AlphaQuantum,exception); } WriteOneChannel(psd_info,image_info,image,next_image,compact_pixels, GrayQuantum,MagickTrue,exception); if (next_image->alpha_trait != UndefinedPixelTrait) WriteOneChannel(psd_info,image_info,image,next_image,compact_pixels, AlphaQuantum,separate,exception); (void) SetImageProgress(image,SaveImagesTag,0,1); } else if (next_image->storage_class == PseudoClass) { if (next_image->compression == RLECompression) { /* Packbits compression. */ (void) WriteBlobMSBShort(image,1); WritePackbitsLength(psd_info,image_info,image,next_image, compact_pixels,IndexQuantum,exception); if (next_image->alpha_trait != UndefinedPixelTrait) WritePackbitsLength(psd_info,image_info,image,next_image, compact_pixels,AlphaQuantum,exception); } WriteOneChannel(psd_info,image_info,image,next_image,compact_pixels, IndexQuantum,MagickTrue,exception); if (next_image->alpha_trait != UndefinedPixelTrait) WriteOneChannel(psd_info,image_info,image,next_image,compact_pixels, AlphaQuantum,separate,exception); (void) SetImageProgress(image,SaveImagesTag,0,1); } else { if (next_image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace) (void) NegateCMYK(next_image,exception); if (next_image->compression == RLECompression) { /* Packbits compression. */ (void) WriteBlobMSBShort(image,1); WritePackbitsLength(psd_info,image_info,image,next_image, compact_pixels,RedQuantum,exception); WritePackbitsLength(psd_info,image_info,image,next_image, compact_pixels,GreenQuantum,exception); WritePackbitsLength(psd_info,image_info,image,next_image, compact_pixels,BlueQuantum,exception); if (next_image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace) WritePackbitsLength(psd_info,image_info,image,next_image, compact_pixels,BlackQuantum,exception); if (next_image->alpha_trait != UndefinedPixelTrait) WritePackbitsLength(psd_info,image_info,image,next_image, compact_pixels,AlphaQuantum,exception); } (void) SetImageProgress(image,SaveImagesTag,0,6); WriteOneChannel(psd_info,image_info,image,next_image,compact_pixels, RedQuantum,MagickTrue,exception); (void) SetImageProgress(image,SaveImagesTag,1,6); WriteOneChannel(psd_info,image_info,image,next_image,compact_pixels, GreenQuantum,separate,exception); (void) SetImageProgress(image,SaveImagesTag,2,6); WriteOneChannel(psd_info,image_info,image,next_image,compact_pixels, BlueQuantum,separate,exception); (void) SetImageProgress(image,SaveImagesTag,3,6); if (next_image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace) WriteOneChannel(psd_info,image_info,image,next_image,compact_pixels, BlackQuantum,separate,exception); (void) SetImageProgress(image,SaveImagesTag,4,6); if (next_image->alpha_trait != UndefinedPixelTrait) WriteOneChannel(psd_info,image_info,image,next_image,compact_pixels, AlphaQuantum,separate,exception); (void) SetImageProgress(image,SaveImagesTag,5,6); if (next_image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace) (void) NegateCMYK(next_image,exception); } if (next_image->compression == RLECompression) compact_pixels=(unsigned char *) RelinquishMagickMemory(compact_pixels); return(MagickTrue); } CWE ID: CWE-125 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: image_transform_png_set_strip_16_add(image_transform *this, PNG_CONST image_transform **that, png_byte colour_type, png_byte bit_depth) { UNUSED(colour_type) this->next = *that; *that = this; return bit_depth > 8; } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: int PostScript_MetaHandler::FindPostScriptHint() { bool found = false; IOBuffer ioBuf; XMP_Uns8 ch; XMP_IO* fileRef = this->parent->ioRef; XMP_AbortProc abortProc = this->parent->abortProc; void * abortArg = this->parent->abortArg; const bool checkAbort = (abortProc != 0); fileRef->Rewind(); if ( ! CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, 4 ) ) return false; XMP_Uns32 fileheader = GetUns32BE ( ioBuf.ptr ); if ( fileheader == 0xC5D0D3C6 ) { if ( ! CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, 30 ) ) return false; XMP_Uns32 psOffset = GetUns32LE ( ioBuf.ptr+4 ); // PostScript offset. XMP_Uns32 psLength = GetUns32LE ( ioBuf.ptr+8 ); // PostScript length. MoveToOffset ( fileRef, psOffset, &ioBuf ); } while ( true ) { if ( checkAbort && abortProc(abortArg) ) { XMP_Throw ( "PostScript_MetaHandler::FindPostScriptHint - User abort", kXMPErr_UserAbort ); } if ( ! CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, kPSContainsXMPString.length() ) ) return kPSHint_NoMarker; if ( CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr(kPSEndCommentString.c_str()), kPSEndCommentString.length() ) ) { return kPSHint_NoMarker; } else if ( ! CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr(kPSContainsXMPString.c_str()), kPSContainsXMPString.length() ) ) { do { if ( ! CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, 1 ) ) return kPSHint_NoMarker; ch = *ioBuf.ptr; ++ioBuf.ptr; } while ( ! IsNewline ( ch ) ); } else { ioBuf.ptr += kPSContainsXMPString.length(); int xmpHint = kPSHint_NoMain; // ! From here on, a failure means "no main", not "no marker". if ( ! CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, 1 ) ) return kPSHint_NoMain; if ( ! IsSpaceOrTab ( *ioBuf.ptr ) ) return kPSHint_NoMain; while ( true ) { while ( true ) { // Skip leading spaces and tabs. if ( ! CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, 1 ) ) return kPSHint_NoMain; if ( ! IsSpaceOrTab ( *ioBuf.ptr ) ) break; ++ioBuf.ptr; } if ( IsNewline ( *ioBuf.ptr ) ) return kPSHint_NoMain; // Reached the end of the ContainsXMP comment. if ( ! CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, 6 ) ) return kPSHint_NoMain; if ( CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr("NoMain"), 6 ) ) { ioBuf.ptr += 6; xmpHint = kPSHint_NoMain; break; } else if ( CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr("MainFi"), 6 ) ) { ioBuf.ptr += 6; if ( ! CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, 3 ) ) return kPSHint_NoMain; if ( CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr("rst"), 3 ) ) { ioBuf.ptr += 3; xmpHint = kPSHint_MainFirst; } break; } else if ( CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr("MainLa"), 6 ) ) { ioBuf.ptr += 6; if ( ! CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, 2 ) ) return kPSHint_NoMain; if ( CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr("st"), 2 ) ) { ioBuf.ptr += 2; xmpHint = kPSHint_MainLast; } break; } else { while ( true ) { // Skip until whitespace. if ( ! CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, 1 ) ) return kPSHint_NoMain; if ( IsWhitespace ( *ioBuf.ptr ) ) break; ++ioBuf.ptr; } } } // Look for the main packet location option. if ( ! CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, 1 ) ) return kPSHint_NoMain; if ( ! IsWhitespace ( *ioBuf.ptr ) ) return kPSHint_NoMain; return xmpHint; } // Found "%ADO_ContainsXMP:". } // Outer marker loop. return kPSHint_NoMarker; // Should never reach here. } // PostScript_MetaHandler::FindPostScriptHint CWE ID: CWE-125 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: IW_IMPL(void) iw_set_max_malloc(struct iw_context *ctx, size_t n) { ctx->max_malloc = n; } CWE ID: CWE-369 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: nf_ct_frag6_reasm(struct nf_ct_frag6_queue *fq, struct net_device *dev) { struct sk_buff *fp, *op, *head = fq->q.fragments; int payload_len; fq_kill(fq); WARN_ON(head == NULL); WARN_ON(NFCT_FRAG6_CB(head)->offset != 0); /* Unfragmented part is taken from the first segment. */ payload_len = ((head->data - skb_network_header(head)) - sizeof(struct ipv6hdr) + fq->q.len - sizeof(struct frag_hdr)); if (payload_len > IPV6_MAXPLEN) { pr_debug("payload len is too large.\n"); goto out_oversize; } /* Head of list must not be cloned. */ if (skb_cloned(head) && pskb_expand_head(head, 0, 0, GFP_ATOMIC)) { pr_debug("skb is cloned but can't expand head"); goto out_oom; } /* If the first fragment is fragmented itself, we split * it to two chunks: the first with data and paged part * and the second, holding only fragments. */ if (skb_has_frags(head)) { struct sk_buff *clone; int i, plen = 0; if ((clone = alloc_skb(0, GFP_ATOMIC)) == NULL) { pr_debug("Can't alloc skb\n"); goto out_oom; } clone->next = head->next; head->next = clone; skb_shinfo(clone)->frag_list = skb_shinfo(head)->frag_list; skb_frag_list_init(head); for (i=0; i<skb_shinfo(head)->nr_frags; i++) plen += skb_shinfo(head)->frags[i].size; clone->len = clone->data_len = head->data_len - plen; head->data_len -= clone->len; head->len -= clone->len; clone->csum = 0; clone->ip_summed = head->ip_summed; NFCT_FRAG6_CB(clone)->orig = NULL; atomic_add(clone->truesize, &nf_init_frags.mem); } /* We have to remove fragment header from datagram and to relocate * header in order to calculate ICV correctly. */ skb_network_header(head)[fq->nhoffset] = skb_transport_header(head)[0]; memmove(head->head + sizeof(struct frag_hdr), head->head, (head->data - head->head) - sizeof(struct frag_hdr)); head->mac_header += sizeof(struct frag_hdr); head->network_header += sizeof(struct frag_hdr); skb_shinfo(head)->frag_list = head->next; skb_reset_transport_header(head); skb_push(head, head->data - skb_network_header(head)); atomic_sub(head->truesize, &nf_init_frags.mem); for (fp=head->next; fp; fp = fp->next) { head->data_len += fp->len; head->len += fp->len; if (head->ip_summed != fp->ip_summed) head->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_NONE; else if (head->ip_summed == CHECKSUM_COMPLETE) head->csum = csum_add(head->csum, fp->csum); head->truesize += fp->truesize; atomic_sub(fp->truesize, &nf_init_frags.mem); } head->next = NULL; head->dev = dev; head->tstamp = fq->q.stamp; ipv6_hdr(head)->payload_len = htons(payload_len); /* Yes, and fold redundant checksum back. 8) */ if (head->ip_summed == CHECKSUM_COMPLETE) head->csum = csum_partial(skb_network_header(head), skb_network_header_len(head), head->csum); fq->q.fragments = NULL; /* all original skbs are linked into the NFCT_FRAG6_CB(head).orig */ fp = skb_shinfo(head)->frag_list; if (NFCT_FRAG6_CB(fp)->orig == NULL) /* at above code, head skb is divided into two skbs. */ fp = fp->next; op = NFCT_FRAG6_CB(head)->orig; for (; fp; fp = fp->next) { struct sk_buff *orig = NFCT_FRAG6_CB(fp)->orig; op->next = orig; op = orig; NFCT_FRAG6_CB(fp)->orig = NULL; } return head; out_oversize: if (net_ratelimit()) printk(KERN_DEBUG "nf_ct_frag6_reasm: payload len = %d\n", payload_len); goto out_fail; out_oom: if (net_ratelimit()) printk(KERN_DEBUG "nf_ct_frag6_reasm: no memory for reassembly\n"); out_fail: return NULL; } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static int apic_reg_read(struct kvm_lapic *apic, u32 offset, int len, void *data) { unsigned char alignment = offset & 0xf; u32 result; /* this bitmask has a bit cleared for each reserved register */ static const u64 rmask = 0x43ff01ffffffe70cULL; if ((alignment + len) > 4) { apic_debug("KVM_APIC_READ: alignment error %x %d\n", offset, len); return 1; } if (offset > 0x3f0 || !(rmask & (1ULL << (offset >> 4)))) { apic_debug("KVM_APIC_READ: read reserved register %x\n", offset); return 1; } result = __apic_read(apic, offset & ~0xf); trace_kvm_apic_read(offset, result); switch (len) { case 1: case 2: case 4: memcpy(data, (char *)&result + alignment, len); break; default: printk(KERN_ERR "Local APIC read with len = %x, " "should be 1,2, or 4 instead\n", len); break; } return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-189 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static struct rtnl_link_stats64 *macvlan_dev_get_stats64(struct net_device *dev, struct rtnl_link_stats64 *stats) { struct macvlan_dev *vlan = netdev_priv(dev); if (vlan->pcpu_stats) { struct macvlan_pcpu_stats *p; u64 rx_packets, rx_bytes, rx_multicast, tx_packets, tx_bytes; u32 rx_errors = 0, tx_dropped = 0; unsigned int start; int i; for_each_possible_cpu(i) { p = per_cpu_ptr(vlan->pcpu_stats, i); do { start = u64_stats_fetch_begin_bh(&p->syncp); rx_packets = p->rx_packets; rx_bytes = p->rx_bytes; rx_multicast = p->rx_multicast; tx_packets = p->tx_packets; tx_bytes = p->tx_bytes; } while (u64_stats_fetch_retry_bh(&p->syncp, start)); stats->rx_packets += rx_packets; stats->rx_bytes += rx_bytes; stats->multicast += rx_multicast; stats->tx_packets += tx_packets; stats->tx_bytes += tx_bytes; /* rx_errors & tx_dropped are u32, updated * without syncp protection. */ rx_errors += p->rx_errors; tx_dropped += p->tx_dropped; } stats->rx_errors = rx_errors; stats->rx_dropped = rx_errors; stats->tx_dropped = tx_dropped; } return stats; } CWE ID: CWE-264 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: MockRenderProcess::MockRenderProcess() : transport_dib_next_sequence_number_(0) { } CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void RenderWidgetHostViewAura::ProcessAckedTouchEvent( const WebKit::WebTouchEvent& touch_event, InputEventAckState ack_result) { ScopedVector<ui::TouchEvent> events; if (!MakeUITouchEventsFromWebTouchEvents(touch_event, &events)) return; aura::RootWindow* root = window_->GetRootWindow(); if (!root) return; ui::EventResult result = (ack_result == INPUT_EVENT_ACK_STATE_CONSUMED) ? ui::ER_HANDLED : ui::ER_UNHANDLED; for (ScopedVector<ui::TouchEvent>::iterator iter = events.begin(), end = events.end(); iter != end; ++iter) { root->ProcessedTouchEvent((*iter), window_, result); } } CWE ID: Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: SPL_METHOD(FilesystemIterator, getFlags) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = (spl_filesystem_object*)zend_object_store_get_object(getThis() TSRMLS_CC); if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } RETURN_LONG(intern->flags & (SPL_FILE_DIR_KEY_MODE_MASK | SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT_MODE_MASK | SPL_FILE_DIR_OTHERS_MASK)); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto void FilesystemIterator::setFlags(long $flags) CWE ID: CWE-190 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: struct inet_peer *inet_getpeer(struct inetpeer_addr *daddr, int create) { struct inet_peer __rcu **stack[PEER_MAXDEPTH], ***stackptr; struct inet_peer_base *base = family_to_base(daddr->family); struct inet_peer *p; unsigned int sequence; int invalidated, gccnt = 0; /* Attempt a lockless lookup first. * Because of a concurrent writer, we might not find an existing entry. */ rcu_read_lock(); sequence = read_seqbegin(&base->lock); p = lookup_rcu(daddr, base); invalidated = read_seqretry(&base->lock, sequence); rcu_read_unlock(); if (p) return p; /* If no writer did a change during our lookup, we can return early. */ if (!create && !invalidated) return NULL; /* retry an exact lookup, taking the lock before. * At least, nodes should be hot in our cache. */ write_seqlock_bh(&base->lock); relookup: p = lookup(daddr, stack, base); if (p != peer_avl_empty) { atomic_inc(&p->refcnt); write_sequnlock_bh(&base->lock); return p; } if (!gccnt) { gccnt = inet_peer_gc(base, stack, stackptr); if (gccnt && create) goto relookup; } p = create ? kmem_cache_alloc(peer_cachep, GFP_ATOMIC) : NULL; if (p) { p->daddr = *daddr; atomic_set(&p->refcnt, 1); atomic_set(&p->rid, 0); atomic_set(&p->ip_id_count, secure_ip_id(daddr->addr.a4)); p->tcp_ts_stamp = 0; p->metrics[RTAX_LOCK-1] = INETPEER_METRICS_NEW; p->rate_tokens = 0; p->rate_last = 0; p->pmtu_expires = 0; p->pmtu_orig = 0; memset(&p->redirect_learned, 0, sizeof(p->redirect_learned)); /* Link the node. */ link_to_pool(p, base); base->total++; } write_sequnlock_bh(&base->lock); return p; } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static int do_cmdtest_ioctl(struct comedi_device *dev, struct comedi_cmd __user *arg, void *file) { struct comedi_cmd user_cmd; struct comedi_subdevice *s; int ret = 0; unsigned int *chanlist = NULL; unsigned int __user *chanlist_saver = NULL; if (copy_from_user(&user_cmd, arg, sizeof(struct comedi_cmd))) { DPRINTK("bad cmd address\n"); return -EFAULT; } /* save user's chanlist pointer so it can be restored later */ chanlist_saver = user_cmd.chanlist; if (user_cmd.subdev >= dev->n_subdevices) { DPRINTK("%d no such subdevice\n", user_cmd.subdev); return -ENODEV; } s = dev->subdevices + user_cmd.subdev; if (s->type == COMEDI_SUBD_UNUSED) { DPRINTK("%d not valid subdevice\n", user_cmd.subdev); return -EIO; } if (!s->do_cmd || !s->do_cmdtest) { DPRINTK("subdevice %i does not support commands\n", user_cmd.subdev); return -EIO; } /* make sure channel/gain list isn't too long */ if (user_cmd.chanlist_len > s->len_chanlist) { DPRINTK("channel/gain list too long %d > %d\n", user_cmd.chanlist_len, s->len_chanlist); ret = -EINVAL; goto cleanup; } /* load channel/gain list */ if (user_cmd.chanlist) { chanlist = kmalloc(user_cmd.chanlist_len * sizeof(int), GFP_KERNEL); if (!chanlist) { DPRINTK("allocation failed\n"); ret = -ENOMEM; goto cleanup; } if (copy_from_user(chanlist, user_cmd.chanlist, user_cmd.chanlist_len * sizeof(int))) { DPRINTK("fault reading chanlist\n"); ret = -EFAULT; goto cleanup; } /* make sure each element in channel/gain list is valid */ ret = comedi_check_chanlist(s, user_cmd.chanlist_len, chanlist); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTK("bad chanlist\n"); goto cleanup; } user_cmd.chanlist = chanlist; } ret = s->do_cmdtest(dev, s, &user_cmd); /* restore chanlist pointer before copying back */ user_cmd.chanlist = chanlist_saver; if (copy_to_user(arg, &user_cmd, sizeof(struct comedi_cmd))) { DPRINTK("bad cmd address\n"); ret = -EFAULT; goto cleanup; } cleanup: kfree(chanlist); return ret; } CWE ID: CWE-200 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void Chapters::Edition::Clear() { while (m_atoms_count > 0) { Atom& a = m_atoms[--m_atoms_count]; a.Clear(); } delete[] m_atoms; m_atoms = NULL; m_atoms_size = 0; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: ext2_xattr_cache_find(struct inode *inode, struct ext2_xattr_header *header) { __u32 hash = le32_to_cpu(header->h_hash); struct mb_cache_entry *ce; if (!header->h_hash) return NULL; /* never share */ ea_idebug(inode, "looking for cached blocks [%x]", (int)hash); again: ce = mb_cache_entry_find_first(ext2_xattr_cache, inode->i_sb->s_bdev, hash); while (ce) { struct buffer_head *bh; if (IS_ERR(ce)) { if (PTR_ERR(ce) == -EAGAIN) goto again; break; } bh = sb_bread(inode->i_sb, ce->e_block); if (!bh) { ext2_error(inode->i_sb, "ext2_xattr_cache_find", "inode %ld: block %ld read error", inode->i_ino, (unsigned long) ce->e_block); } else { lock_buffer(bh); if (le32_to_cpu(HDR(bh)->h_refcount) > EXT2_XATTR_REFCOUNT_MAX) { ea_idebug(inode, "block %ld refcount %d>%d", (unsigned long) ce->e_block, le32_to_cpu(HDR(bh)->h_refcount), EXT2_XATTR_REFCOUNT_MAX); } else if (!ext2_xattr_cmp(header, HDR(bh))) { ea_bdebug(bh, "b_count=%d", atomic_read(&(bh->b_count))); mb_cache_entry_release(ce); return bh; } unlock_buffer(bh); brelse(bh); } ce = mb_cache_entry_find_next(ce, inode->i_sb->s_bdev, hash); } return NULL; } CWE ID: CWE-19 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static void iw_set_error_internal(struct iw_context *ctx, const char *s) { if(ctx->error_flag) return; // Only record the first error. ctx->error_flag = 1; if(!ctx->error_msg) { ctx->error_msg=iw_malloc_ex(ctx,IW_MALLOCFLAG_NOERRORS,IW_MSG_MAX*sizeof(char)); if(!ctx->error_msg) { return; } } iw_strlcpy(ctx->error_msg,s,IW_MSG_MAX); } CWE ID: CWE-369 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: PHP_FUNCTION(openssl_pbkdf2) { zend_long key_length = 0, iterations = 0; char *password; size_t password_len; char *salt; size_t salt_len; char *method; size_t method_len = 0; zend_string *out_buffer; const EVP_MD *digest; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "ssll|s", &password, &password_len, &salt, &salt_len, &key_length, &iterations, &method, &method_len) == FAILURE) { return; } if (key_length <= 0) { RETURN_FALSE; } if (method_len) { digest = EVP_get_digestbyname(method); } else { digest = EVP_sha1(); } if (!digest) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Unknown signature algorithm"); RETURN_FALSE; } PHP_OPENSSL_CHECK_LONG_TO_INT(key_length, key); PHP_OPENSSL_CHECK_LONG_TO_INT(iterations, iterations); PHP_OPENSSL_CHECK_SIZE_T_TO_INT(password_len, password); PHP_OPENSSL_CHECK_SIZE_T_TO_INT(salt_len, salt); out_buffer = zend_string_alloc(key_length, 0); if (PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC(password, (int)password_len, (unsigned char *)salt, (int)salt_len, (int)iterations, digest, (int)key_length, (unsigned char*)ZSTR_VAL(out_buffer)) == 1) { ZSTR_VAL(out_buffer)[key_length] = 0; RETURN_NEW_STR(out_buffer); } else { php_openssl_store_errors(); zend_string_release(out_buffer); RETURN_FALSE; } } CWE ID: CWE-754 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static Image *ReadJBIGImage(const ImageInfo *image_info, ExceptionInfo *exception) { Image *image; IndexPacket index; MagickStatusType status; register IndexPacket *indexes; register ssize_t x; register PixelPacket *q; register unsigned char *p; ssize_t length, y; struct jbg_dec_state jbig_info; unsigned char bit, *buffer, byte; /* Open image file. */ assert(image_info != (const ImageInfo *) NULL); assert(image_info->signature == MagickSignature); if (image_info->debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s", image_info->filename); assert(exception != (ExceptionInfo *) NULL); assert(exception->signature == MagickSignature); image=AcquireImage(image_info); status=OpenBlob(image_info,image,ReadBinaryBlobMode,exception); if (status == MagickFalse) { image=DestroyImageList(image); return((Image *) NULL); } /* Initialize JBIG toolkit. */ jbg_dec_init(&jbig_info); jbg_dec_maxsize(&jbig_info,(unsigned long) image->columns,(unsigned long) image->rows); image->columns=jbg_dec_getwidth(&jbig_info); image->rows=jbg_dec_getheight(&jbig_info); image->depth=8; image->storage_class=PseudoClass; image->colors=2; /* Read JBIG file. */ buffer=(unsigned char *) AcquireQuantumMemory(MagickMaxBufferExtent, sizeof(*buffer)); if (buffer == (unsigned char *) NULL) ThrowReaderException(ResourceLimitError,"MemoryAllocationFailed"); status=JBG_EAGAIN; do { length=(ssize_t) ReadBlob(image,MagickMaxBufferExtent,buffer); if (length == 0) break; p=buffer; while ((length > 0) && ((status == JBG_EAGAIN) || (status == JBG_EOK))) { size_t count; status=jbg_dec_in(&jbig_info,p,length,&count); p+=count; length-=(ssize_t) count; } } while ((status == JBG_EAGAIN) || (status == JBG_EOK)); /* Create colormap. */ image->columns=jbg_dec_getwidth(&jbig_info); image->rows=jbg_dec_getheight(&jbig_info); image->compression=JBIG2Compression; if (AcquireImageColormap(image,2) == MagickFalse) { buffer=(unsigned char *) RelinquishMagickMemory(buffer); ThrowReaderException(ResourceLimitError,"MemoryAllocationFailed"); } image->colormap[0].red=0; image->colormap[0].green=0; image->colormap[0].blue=0; image->colormap[1].red=QuantumRange; image->colormap[1].green=QuantumRange; image->colormap[1].blue=QuantumRange; image->x_resolution=300; image->y_resolution=300; if (image_info->ping != MagickFalse) { (void) CloseBlob(image); return(GetFirstImageInList(image)); } /* Convert X bitmap image to pixel packets. */ p=jbg_dec_getimage(&jbig_info,0); for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) image->rows; y++) { q=QueueAuthenticPixels(image,0,y,image->columns,1,exception); if (q == (PixelPacket *) NULL) break; indexes=GetAuthenticIndexQueue(image); bit=0; byte=0; for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) image->columns; x++) { if (bit == 0) byte=(*p++); index=(byte & 0x80) ? 0 : 1; bit++; byte<<=1; if (bit == 8) bit=0; SetPixelIndex(indexes+x,index); SetPixelRGBO(q,image->colormap+(ssize_t) index); q++; } if (SyncAuthenticPixels(image,exception) == MagickFalse) break; status=SetImageProgress(image,LoadImageTag,(MagickOffsetType) y, image->rows); if (status == MagickFalse) break; } /* Free scale resource. */ jbg_dec_free(&jbig_info); buffer=(unsigned char *) RelinquishMagickMemory(buffer); (void) CloseBlob(image); return(GetFirstImageInList(image)); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: int AutofillDialogViews::SuggestionView::GetHeightForWidth(int width) const { int height = 0; CanUseVerticallyCompactText(width, &height); return height; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: const extensions::Extension* GetExtension(Profile* profile, const std::string& extension_id) { const ExtensionService* service = extensions::ExtensionSystem::Get(profile)->extension_service(); const extensions::Extension* extension = service->GetInstalledExtension(extension_id); return extension; } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: struct edid *drm_load_edid_firmware(struct drm_connector *connector) { const char *connector_name = connector->name; char *edidname, *last, *colon, *fwstr, *edidstr, *fallback = NULL; struct edid *edid; if (edid_firmware[0] == '\0') return ERR_PTR(-ENOENT); /* * If there are multiple edid files specified and separated * by commas, search through the list looking for one that * matches the connector. * * If there's one or more that doesn't specify a connector, keep * the last one found one as a fallback. */ fwstr = kstrdup(edid_firmware, GFP_KERNEL); edidstr = fwstr; while ((edidname = strsep(&edidstr, ","))) { if (strncmp(connector_name, edidname, colon - edidname)) continue; edidname = colon + 1; break; } if (*edidname != '\0') /* corner case: multiple ',' */ fallback = edidname; } CWE ID: CWE-476 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static void skb_warn_bad_offload(const struct sk_buff *skb) { static const netdev_features_t null_features = 0; struct net_device *dev = skb->dev; const char *name = ""; if (!net_ratelimit()) return; if (dev) { if (dev->dev.parent) name = dev_driver_string(dev->dev.parent); else name = netdev_name(dev); } WARN(1, "%s: caps=(%pNF, %pNF) len=%d data_len=%d gso_size=%d " "gso_type=%d ip_summed=%d\n", name, dev ? &dev->features : &null_features, skb->sk ? &skb->sk->sk_route_caps : &null_features, skb->len, skb->data_len, skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_size, skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_type, skb->ip_summed); } CWE ID: CWE-400 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: PHP_FUNCTION(openssl_decrypt) { zend_bool raw_input = 0; char *data, *method, *password, *iv = ""; int data_len, method_len, password_len, iv_len = 0; const EVP_CIPHER *cipher_type; EVP_CIPHER_CTX cipher_ctx; int i, outlen, keylen; unsigned char *outbuf, *key; int base64_str_len; char *base64_str = NULL; zend_bool free_iv; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "sss|bs", &data, &data_len, &method, &method_len, &password, &password_len, &raw_input, &iv, &iv_len) == FAILURE) { return; } if (!method_len) { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Unknown cipher algorithm"); RETURN_FALSE; } cipher_type = EVP_get_cipherbyname(method); if (!cipher_type) { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Unknown cipher algorithm"); RETURN_FALSE; } if (!raw_input) { base64_str = (char*)php_base64_decode((unsigned char*)data, data_len, &base64_str_len); if (!base64_str) { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Failed to base64 decode the input"); RETURN_FALSE; } data_len = base64_str_len; data = base64_str; } keylen = EVP_CIPHER_key_length(cipher_type); if (keylen > password_len) { key = emalloc(keylen); memset(key, 0, keylen); memcpy(key, password, password_len); } else { key = (unsigned char*)password; } free_iv = php_openssl_validate_iv(&iv, &iv_len, EVP_CIPHER_iv_length(cipher_type) TSRMLS_CC); outlen = data_len + EVP_CIPHER_block_size(cipher_type); outbuf = emalloc(outlen + 1); EVP_DecryptInit(&cipher_ctx, cipher_type, NULL, NULL); if (password_len > keylen) { EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_key_length(&cipher_ctx, password_len); } EVP_DecryptInit_ex(&cipher_ctx, NULL, NULL, key, (unsigned char *)iv); EVP_DecryptUpdate(&cipher_ctx, outbuf, &i, (unsigned char *)data, data_len); outlen = i; if (EVP_DecryptFinal(&cipher_ctx, (unsigned char *)outbuf + i, &i)) { outlen += i; outbuf[outlen] = '\0'; RETVAL_STRINGL((char *)outbuf, outlen, 0); } else { efree(outbuf); RETVAL_FALSE; } if (key != (unsigned char*)password) { efree(key); } if (free_iv) { efree(iv); } if (base64_str) { efree(base64_str); } EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(&cipher_ctx); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: ftp_genlist(ftpbuf_t *ftp, const char *cmd, const char *path TSRMLS_DC) { php_stream *tmpstream = NULL; databuf_t *data = NULL; char *ptr; int ch, lastch; size_t size, rcvd; size_t lines; char **ret = NULL; char **entry; char *text; if ((tmpstream = php_stream_fopen_tmpfile()) == NULL) { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Unable to create temporary file. Check permissions in temporary files directory."); return NULL; } if (!ftp_type(ftp, FTPTYPE_ASCII)) { goto bail; } if ((data = ftp_getdata(ftp TSRMLS_CC)) == NULL) { goto bail; } ftp->data = data; if (!ftp_putcmd(ftp, cmd, path)) { goto bail; } if (!ftp_getresp(ftp) || (ftp->resp != 150 && ftp->resp != 125 && ftp->resp != 226)) { goto bail; } /* some servers don't open a ftp-data connection if the directory is empty */ if (ftp->resp == 226) { ftp->data = data_close(ftp, data); php_stream_close(tmpstream); return ecalloc(1, sizeof(char*)); } /* pull data buffer into tmpfile */ if ((data = data_accept(data, ftp TSRMLS_CC)) == NULL) { goto bail; } size = 0; lines = 0; lastch = 0; while ((rcvd = my_recv(ftp, data->fd, data->buf, FTP_BUFSIZE))) { if (rcvd == -1 || rcvd > ((size_t)(-1))-size) { goto bail; } php_stream_write(tmpstream, data->buf, rcvd); size += rcvd; for (ptr = data->buf; rcvd; rcvd--, ptr++) { if (*ptr == '\n' && lastch == '\r') { lines++; } else { size++; } lastch = *ptr; } lastch = *ptr; } } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: SafeSock::msgReady() { return _msgReady; } CWE ID: CWE-134 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static struct page *alloc_fresh_gigantic_page_node(struct hstate *h, int nid) { struct page *page; page = alloc_gigantic_page(nid, h); if (page) { prep_compound_gigantic_page(page, huge_page_order(h)); prep_new_huge_page(h, page, nid); } return page; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static int __init xfrm6_tunnel_init(void) { int rv; rv = xfrm_register_type(&xfrm6_tunnel_type, AF_INET6); if (rv < 0) goto err; rv = xfrm6_tunnel_register(&xfrm6_tunnel_handler, AF_INET6); if (rv < 0) goto unreg; rv = xfrm6_tunnel_register(&xfrm46_tunnel_handler, AF_INET); if (rv < 0) goto dereg6; rv = xfrm6_tunnel_spi_init(); if (rv < 0) goto dereg46; rv = register_pernet_subsys(&xfrm6_tunnel_net_ops); if (rv < 0) goto deregspi; return 0; deregspi: xfrm6_tunnel_spi_fini(); dereg46: xfrm6_tunnel_deregister(&xfrm46_tunnel_handler, AF_INET); dereg6: xfrm6_tunnel_deregister(&xfrm6_tunnel_handler, AF_INET6); unreg: xfrm_unregister_type(&xfrm6_tunnel_type, AF_INET6); err: return rv; } CWE ID: CWE-362 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static inline void evmcs_write32(unsigned long field, u32 value) { u16 clean_field; int offset = get_evmcs_offset(field, &clean_field); if (offset < 0) return; *(u32 *)((char *)current_evmcs + offset) = value; current_evmcs->hv_clean_fields &= ~clean_field; } CWE ID: Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: ZEND_API zend_bool zend_is_executing(void) /* {{{ */ { return EG(current_execute_data) != 0; } /* }}} */ CWE ID: CWE-134 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void ExternalProtocolHandler::LaunchUrlWithDelegate( const GURL& url, int render_process_host_id, int render_view_routing_id, ui::PageTransition page_transition, bool has_user_gesture, Delegate* delegate) { DCHECK_CURRENTLY_ON(content::BrowserThread::UI); std::string escaped_url_string = net::EscapeExternalHandlerValue(url.spec()); GURL escaped_url(escaped_url_string); content::WebContents* web_contents = tab_util::GetWebContentsByID( render_process_host_id, render_view_routing_id); Profile* profile = nullptr; if (web_contents) // Maybe NULL during testing. profile = Profile::FromBrowserContext(web_contents->GetBrowserContext()); BlockState block_state = GetBlockStateWithDelegate(escaped_url.scheme(), delegate, profile); if (block_state == BLOCK) { if (delegate) delegate->BlockRequest(); return; } g_accept_requests = false; shell_integration::DefaultWebClientWorkerCallback callback = base::Bind( &OnDefaultProtocolClientWorkerFinished, url, render_process_host_id, render_view_routing_id, block_state == UNKNOWN, page_transition, has_user_gesture, delegate); CreateShellWorker(callback, escaped_url.scheme(), delegate) ->StartCheckIsDefault(); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static void float32ArrayMethodMethodCallback(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) { TRACE_EVENT_SET_SAMPLING_STATE("Blink", "DOMMethod"); TestObjectPythonV8Internal::float32ArrayMethodMethod(info); TRACE_EVENT_SET_SAMPLING_STATE("V8", "V8Execution"); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static inline void dccp_v6_send_check(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb) { struct ipv6_pinfo *np = inet6_sk(sk); struct dccp_hdr *dh = dccp_hdr(skb); dccp_csum_outgoing(skb); dh->dccph_checksum = dccp_v6_csum_finish(skb, &np->saddr, &np->daddr); } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: bool WebviewHandler::Parse(Extension* extension, base::string16* error) { scoped_ptr<WebviewInfo> info(new WebviewInfo()); const base::DictionaryValue* dict_value = NULL; if (!extension->manifest()->GetDictionary(keys::kWebview, &dict_value)) { *error = base::ASCIIToUTF16(errors::kInvalidWebview); return false; } const base::ListValue* url_list = NULL; if (!dict_value->GetList(keys::kWebviewAccessibleResources, &url_list)) { *error = base::ASCIIToUTF16(errors::kInvalidWebviewAccessibleResourcesList); return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < url_list->GetSize(); ++i) { std::string relative_path; if (!url_list->GetString(i, &relative_path)) { *error = ErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessageUTF16( errors::kInvalidWebviewAccessibleResource, base::IntToString(i)); return false; } URLPattern pattern(URLPattern::SCHEME_EXTENSION); if (pattern.Parse(extension->url().spec()) != URLPattern::PARSE_SUCCESS) { *error = ErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessageUTF16( errors::kInvalidURLPatternError, extension->url().spec()); return false; } while (relative_path[0] == '/') relative_path = relative_path.substr(1, relative_path.length() - 1); pattern.SetPath(pattern.path() + relative_path); info->webview_accessible_resources_.AddPattern(pattern); } const base::ListValue* partition_list = NULL; if (!dict_value->GetList(keys::kWebviewPrivilegedPartitions, &partition_list)) { *error = base::ASCIIToUTF16(errors::kInvalidWebviewPrivilegedPartitionList); return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < partition_list->GetSize(); ++i) { std::string partition_wildcard; if (!partition_list->GetString(i, &partition_wildcard)) { *error = ErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessageUTF16( errors::kInvalidWebviewPrivilegedPartition, base::IntToString(i)); return false; } info->webview_privileged_partitions_.push_back(partition_wildcard); } extension->SetManifestData(keys::kWebviewAccessibleResources, info.release()); return true; } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: Gif_SetErrorHandler(Gif_ReadErrorHandler handler) { default_error_handler = handler; } CWE ID: CWE-415 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: pgp_strip_path(sc_card_t *card, const sc_path_t *path) { unsigned int start_point = 0; /* start_point will move through the path string */ if (path->len == 0) return 0; /* ignore 3F00 (MF) at the beginning */ start_point = (memcmp(path->value, "\x3f\x00", 2) == 0) ? 2 : 0; /* strip path of PKCS15-App DF (5015) */ start_point += (memcmp(path->value + start_point, "\x50\x15", 2) == 0) ? 2 : 0; return start_point; } CWE ID: CWE-125 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: long Segment::DoLoadClusterUnknownSize(long long& pos, long& len) { assert(m_pos < 0); assert(m_pUnknownSize); #if 0 assert(m_pUnknownSize->GetElementSize() < 0); //TODO: verify this const long long element_start = m_pUnknownSize->m_element_start; pos = -m_pos; assert(pos > element_start); long long total, avail; long status = m_pReader->Length(&total, &avail); if (status < 0) //error return status; assert((total < 0) || (avail <= total)); const long long segment_stop = (m_size < 0) ? -1 : m_start + m_size; long long element_size = -1; for (;;) { //determine cluster size if ((total >= 0) && (pos >= total)) { element_size = total - element_start; assert(element_size > 0); break; } if ((segment_stop >= 0) && (pos >= segment_stop)) { element_size = segment_stop - element_start; assert(element_size > 0); break; } if ((pos + 1) > avail) { len = 1; return E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL; } long long result = GetUIntLength(m_pReader, pos, len); if (result < 0) //error return static_cast<long>(result); if (result > 0) //weird return E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL; if ((segment_stop >= 0) && ((pos + len) > segment_stop)) return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; if ((pos + len) > avail) return E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL; const long long idpos = pos; const long long id = ReadUInt(m_pReader, idpos, len); if (id < 0) //error (or underflow) return static_cast<long>(id); if ((id == 0x0F43B675) || (id == 0x0C53BB6B)) { //Cluster ID or Cues ID element_size = pos - element_start; assert(element_size > 0); break; } #ifdef _DEBUG switch (id) { case 0x20: //BlockGroup case 0x23: //Simple Block case 0x67: //TimeCode case 0x2B: //PrevSize break; default: assert(false); break; } #endif pos += len; //consume ID (of sub-element) if ((pos + 1) > avail) { len = 1; return E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL; } result = GetUIntLength(m_pReader, pos, len); if (result < 0) //error return static_cast<long>(result); if (result > 0) //weird return E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL; if ((segment_stop >= 0) && ((pos + len) > segment_stop)) return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; if ((pos + len) > avail) return E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL; const long long size = ReadUInt(m_pReader, pos, len); if (size < 0) //error return static_cast<long>(size); pos += len; //consume size field of element if (size == 0) //weird continue; const long long unknown_size = (1LL << (7 * len)) - 1; if (size == unknown_size) return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; //not allowed for sub-elements if ((segment_stop >= 0) && ((pos + size) > segment_stop)) //weird return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; pos += size; //consume payload of sub-element assert((segment_stop < 0) || (pos <= segment_stop)); } //determine cluster size assert(element_size >= 0); m_pos = element_start + element_size; m_pUnknownSize = 0; return 2; //continue parsing #else const long status = m_pUnknownSize->Parse(pos, len); if (status < 0) // error or underflow return status; if (status == 0) // parsed a block return 2; // continue parsing assert(status > 0); // nothing left to parse of this cluster const long long start = m_pUnknownSize->m_element_start; const long long size = m_pUnknownSize->GetElementSize(); assert(size >= 0); pos = start + size; m_pos = pos; m_pUnknownSize = 0; return 2; // continue parsing #endif } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: bool DownloadItemImpl::GetOpenWhenComplete() const { return open_when_complete_; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: ProcPseudoramiXGetScreenSize(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xPanoramiXGetScreenSizeReq); WindowPtr pWin; xPanoramiXGetScreenSizeReply rep; register int rc; TRACE; if (stuff->screen >= pseudoramiXNumScreens) return BadMatch; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xPanoramiXGetScreenSizeReq); rc = dixLookupWindow(&pWin, stuff->window, client, DixGetAttrAccess); if (rc != Success) return rc; rep.type = X_Reply; rep.length = 0; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; /* screen dimensions */ rep.width = pseudoramiXScreens[stuff->screen].w; rep.height = pseudoramiXScreens[stuff->screen].h; rep.window = stuff->window; rep.screen = stuff->screen; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber); swapl(&rep.length); swapl(&rep.width); swapl(&rep.height); swapl(&rep.window); swapl(&rep.screen); } WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xPanoramiXGetScreenSizeReply),&rep); return Success; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: char* _multi_string_alloc_and_copy( LPCWSTR in ) { char *chr; int len = 0; if ( !in ) { return in; } while ( in[ len ] != 0 || in[ len + 1 ] != 0 ) { len ++; } chr = malloc( len + 2 ); len = 0; while ( in[ len ] != 0 || in[ len + 1 ] != 0 ) { chr[ len ] = 0xFF & in[ len ]; len ++; } chr[ len ++ ] = '\0'; chr[ len ++ ] = '\0'; return chr; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void BluetoothAdapterChromeOS::SetDiscoverable( bool discoverable, const base::Closure& callback, const ErrorCallback& error_callback) { DBusThreadManager::Get()->GetBluetoothAdapterClient()-> GetProperties(object_path_)->discoverable.Set( discoverable, base::Bind(&BluetoothAdapterChromeOS::OnSetDiscoverable, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), callback, error_callback)); } CWE ID: Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static void pppol2tp_next_tunnel(struct net *net, struct pppol2tp_seq_data *pd) { for (;;) { pd->tunnel = l2tp_tunnel_find_nth(net, pd->tunnel_idx); pd->tunnel_idx++; if (pd->tunnel == NULL) break; /* Ignore L2TPv3 tunnels */ if (pd->tunnel->version < 3) break; } } CWE ID: CWE-264 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: tight_detect_smooth_image(VncState *vs, int w, int h) { unsigned int errors; int compression = vs->tight.compression; int quality = vs->tight.quality; if (!vs->vd->lossy) { return 0; } if (ds_get_bytes_per_pixel(vs->ds) == 1 || vs-> == 1 || w < VNC_TIGHT_DETECT_MIN_WIDTH || h < VNC_TIGHT_DETECT_MIN_HEIGHT) { return 0; } if (vs->tight.quality != (uint8_t)-1) { if (w * h < VNC_TIGHT_JPEG_MIN_RECT_SIZE) { return 0; } } else { if (w * h < tight_conf[compression].gradient_min_rect_size) { return 0; } } if (vs-> == 4) { if (vs->tight.pixel24) { errors = tight_detect_smooth_image24(vs, w, h); if (vs->tight.quality != (uint8_t)-1) { return (errors < tight_conf[quality].jpeg_threshold24); } return (errors < tight_conf[compression].gradient_threshold24); } else { errors = tight_detect_smooth_image32(vs, w, h); } } else { errors = tight_detect_smooth_image16(vs, w, h); } if (quality != -1) { return (errors < tight_conf[quality].jpeg_threshold); } return (errors < tight_conf[compression].gradient_threshold); } CWE ID: CWE-125 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: RenderProcessHost* RenderWidgetHostImpl::GetProcess() const { return process_; } CWE ID: Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: struct r_bin_dyldcache_lib_t *r_bin_dyldcache_extract(struct r_bin_dyldcache_obj_t* bin, int idx, int *nlib) { ut64 liboff, linkedit_offset; ut64 dyld_vmbase; ut32 addend = 0; struct r_bin_dyldcache_lib_t *ret = NULL; struct dyld_cache_image_info* image_infos = NULL; struct mach_header *mh; ut8 *data, *cmdptr; int cmd, libsz = 0; RBuffer* dbuf; char *libname; if (!bin) { return NULL; } if (bin->size < 1) { eprintf ("Empty file? (%s)\n", bin->file? bin->file: "(null)"); return NULL; } if (bin->nlibs < 0 || idx < 0 || idx >= bin->nlibs) { return NULL; } *nlib = bin->nlibs; ret = R_NEW0 (struct r_bin_dyldcache_lib_t); if (!ret) { perror ("malloc (ret)"); return NULL; } if (bin->hdr.startaddr > bin->size) { eprintf ("corrupted dyldcache"); free (ret); return NULL; } if (bin->hdr.startaddr > bin->size || bin->hdr.baseaddroff > bin->size) { eprintf ("corrupted dyldcache"); free (ret); return NULL; } image_infos = (struct dyld_cache_image_info*) (bin->b->buf + bin->hdr.startaddr); dyld_vmbase = *(ut64 *)(bin->b->buf + bin->hdr.baseaddroff); liboff = image_infos[idx].address - dyld_vmbase; if (liboff > bin->size) { eprintf ("Corrupted file\n"); free (ret); return NULL; } ret->offset = liboff; if (image_infos[idx].pathFileOffset > bin->size) { eprintf ("corrupted file\n"); free (ret); return NULL; } libname = (char *)(bin->b->buf + image_infos[idx].pathFileOffset); /* Locate lib hdr in cache */ data = bin->b->buf + liboff; mh = (struct mach_header *)data; /* Check it is mach-o */ if (mh->magic != MH_MAGIC && mh->magic != MH_MAGIC_64) { if (mh->magic == 0xbebafeca) { //FAT binary eprintf ("FAT Binary\n"); } eprintf ("Not mach-o\n"); free (ret); return NULL; } /* Write mach-o hdr */ if (!(dbuf = r_buf_new ())) { eprintf ("new (dbuf)\n"); free (ret); return NULL; } addend = mh->magic == MH_MAGIC? sizeof (struct mach_header) : sizeof (struct mach_header_64); r_buf_set_bytes (dbuf, data, addend); cmdptr = data + addend; /* Write load commands */ for (cmd = 0; cmd < mh->ncmds; cmd++) { struct load_command *lc = (struct load_command *)cmdptr; r_buf_append_bytes (dbuf, (ut8*)lc, lc->cmdsize); cmdptr += lc->cmdsize; } cmdptr = data + addend; /* Write segments */ for (cmd = linkedit_offset = 0; cmd < mh->ncmds; cmd++) { struct load_command *lc = (struct load_command *)cmdptr; cmdptr += lc->cmdsize; switch (lc->cmd) { case LC_SEGMENT: { /* Write segment and patch offset */ struct segment_command *seg = (struct segment_command *)lc; int t = seg->filesize; if (seg->fileoff + seg->filesize > bin->size || seg->fileoff > bin->size) { eprintf ("malformed dyldcache\n"); free (ret); r_buf_free (dbuf); return NULL; } r_buf_append_bytes (dbuf, bin->b->buf+seg->fileoff, t); r_bin_dyldcache_apply_patch (dbuf, dbuf->length, (ut64)((size_t)&seg->fileoff - (size_t)data)); /* Patch section offsets */ int sect_offset = seg->fileoff - libsz; libsz = dbuf->length; if (!strcmp (seg->segname, "__LINKEDIT")) { linkedit_offset = sect_offset; } if (seg->nsects > 0) { struct section *sects = (struct section *)((ut8 *)seg + sizeof(struct segment_command)); int nsect; for (nsect = 0; nsect < seg->nsects; nsect++) { if (sects[nsect].offset > libsz) { r_bin_dyldcache_apply_patch (dbuf, sects[nsect].offset - sect_offset, (ut64)((size_t)&sects[nsect].offset - (size_t)data)); } } } } break; case LC_SYMTAB: { struct symtab_command *st = (struct symtab_command *)lc; NZ_OFFSET (st->symoff); NZ_OFFSET (st->stroff); } break; case LC_DYSYMTAB: { struct dysymtab_command *st = (struct dysymtab_command *)lc; NZ_OFFSET (st->tocoff); NZ_OFFSET (st->modtaboff); NZ_OFFSET (st->extrefsymoff); NZ_OFFSET (st->indirectsymoff); NZ_OFFSET (st->extreloff); NZ_OFFSET (st->locreloff); } break; case LC_DYLD_INFO: case LC_DYLD_INFO_ONLY: { struct dyld_info_command *st = (struct dyld_info_command *)lc; NZ_OFFSET (st->rebase_off); NZ_OFFSET (st->bind_off); NZ_OFFSET (st->weak_bind_off); NZ_OFFSET (st->lazy_bind_off); NZ_OFFSET (st->export_off); } break; } } /* Fill r_bin_dyldcache_lib_t ret */ ret->b = dbuf; strncpy (ret->path, libname, sizeof (ret->path) - 1); ret->size = libsz; return ret; } CWE ID: CWE-125 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: MediaControlsProgressView::MediaControlsProgressView( base::RepeatingCallback<void(double)> seek_callback) : seek_callback_(std::move(seek_callback)) { SetLayoutManager(std::make_unique<views::BoxLayout>( views::BoxLayout::Orientation::kVertical, kProgressViewInsets)); progress_bar_ = AddChildView(std::make_unique<views::ProgressBar>(5, false)); progress_bar_->SetBorder(views::CreateEmptyBorder(kProgressBarInsets)); gfx::Font default_font; int font_size_delta = kProgressTimeFontSize - default_font.GetFontSize(); gfx::Font font = default_font.Derive(font_size_delta, gfx::Font::NORMAL, gfx::Font::Weight::NORMAL); gfx::FontList font_list(font); auto time_view = std::make_unique<views::View>(); auto* time_view_layout = time_view->SetLayoutManager(std::make_unique<views::FlexLayout>()); time_view_layout->SetOrientation(views::LayoutOrientation::kHorizontal) .SetMainAxisAlignment(views::LayoutAlignment::kCenter) .SetCrossAxisAlignment(views::LayoutAlignment::kCenter) .SetCollapseMargins(true); auto progress_time = std::make_unique<views::Label>(); progress_time->SetFontList(font_list); progress_time->SetEnabledColor(SK_ColorWHITE); progress_time->SetAutoColorReadabilityEnabled(false); progress_time_ = time_view->AddChildView(std::move(progress_time)); auto time_spacing = std::make_unique<views::View>(); time_spacing->SetPreferredSize(kTimeSpacingSize); time_spacing->SetProperty(views::kFlexBehaviorKey, views::FlexSpecification::ForSizeRule( views::MinimumFlexSizeRule::kPreferred, views::MaximumFlexSizeRule::kUnbounded)); time_view->AddChildView(std::move(time_spacing)); auto duration = std::make_unique<views::Label>(); duration->SetFontList(font_list); duration->SetEnabledColor(SK_ColorWHITE); duration->SetAutoColorReadabilityEnabled(false); duration_ = time_view->AddChildView(std::move(duration)); AddChildView(std::move(time_view)); } CWE ID: CWE-200 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void WebContentsImpl::ReplicatePageFocus(bool is_focused) { if (is_being_destroyed_) return; frame_tree_.ReplicatePageFocus(is_focused); } CWE ID: Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static void svc_rdma_get_write_arrays(struct rpcrdma_msg *rmsgp, struct rpcrdma_write_array **write, struct rpcrdma_write_array **reply) { __be32 *p; p = (__be32 *)&rmsgp->rm_body.rm_chunks[0]; /* Read list */ while (*p++ != xdr_zero) p += 5; /* Write list */ if (*p != xdr_zero) { *write = (struct rpcrdma_write_array *)p; while (*p++ != xdr_zero) p += 1 + be32_to_cpu(*p) * 4; } else { *write = NULL; p++; } /* Reply chunk */ if (*p != xdr_zero) *reply = (struct rpcrdma_write_array *)p; else *reply = NULL; } CWE ID: CWE-404 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static void snd_timer_user_tinterrupt(struct snd_timer_instance *timeri, unsigned long resolution, unsigned long ticks) { struct snd_timer_user *tu = timeri->callback_data; struct snd_timer_tread *r, r1; struct timespec tstamp; int prev, append = 0; memset(&tstamp, 0, sizeof(tstamp)); spin_lock(&tu->qlock); if ((tu->filter & ((1 << SNDRV_TIMER_EVENT_RESOLUTION) | (1 << SNDRV_TIMER_EVENT_TICK))) == 0) { spin_unlock(&tu->qlock); return; } if (tu->last_resolution != resolution || ticks > 0) { if (timer_tstamp_monotonic) ktime_get_ts(&tstamp); else getnstimeofday(&tstamp); } if ((tu->filter & (1 << SNDRV_TIMER_EVENT_RESOLUTION)) && tu->last_resolution != resolution) { r1.event = SNDRV_TIMER_EVENT_RESOLUTION; r1.tstamp = tstamp; r1.val = resolution; snd_timer_user_append_to_tqueue(tu, &r1); tu->last_resolution = resolution; append++; } if ((tu->filter & (1 << SNDRV_TIMER_EVENT_TICK)) == 0) goto __wake; if (ticks == 0) goto __wake; if (tu->qused > 0) { prev = tu->qtail == 0 ? tu->queue_size - 1 : tu->qtail - 1; r = &tu->tqueue[prev]; if (r->event == SNDRV_TIMER_EVENT_TICK) { r->tstamp = tstamp; r->val += ticks; append++; goto __wake; } } r1.event = SNDRV_TIMER_EVENT_TICK; r1.tstamp = tstamp; r1.val = ticks; snd_timer_user_append_to_tqueue(tu, &r1); append++; __wake: spin_unlock(&tu->qlock); if (append == 0) return; kill_fasync(&tu->fasync, SIGIO, POLL_IN); wake_up(&tu->qchange_sleep); } CWE ID: CWE-200 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static const EVP_CIPHER * php_openssl_get_evp_cipher_from_algo(long algo) { /* {{{ */ switch (algo) { #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC2 case PHP_OPENSSL_CIPHER_RC2_40: return EVP_rc2_40_cbc(); break; case PHP_OPENSSL_CIPHER_RC2_64: return EVP_rc2_64_cbc(); break; case PHP_OPENSSL_CIPHER_RC2_128: return EVP_rc2_cbc(); break; #endif #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DES case PHP_OPENSSL_CIPHER_DES: return EVP_des_cbc(); break; case PHP_OPENSSL_CIPHER_3DES: return EVP_des_ede3_cbc(); break; #endif default: return NULL; break; } } /* }}} */ CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: ProcMapWindow(ClientPtr client) { WindowPtr pWin; REQUEST(xResourceReq); int rc; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xResourceReq); rc = dixLookupWindow(&pWin, stuff->id, client, DixShowAccess); if (rc != Success) return rc; MapWindow(pWin, client); /* update cache to say it is mapped */ return Success; } CWE ID: CWE-369 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: ContentEncoding::GetEncryptionByIndex(unsigned long idx) const { const ptrdiff_t count = encryption_entries_end_ - encryption_entries_; assert(count >= 0); if (idx >= static_cast<unsigned long>(count)) return NULL; return encryption_entries_[idx]; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: close_uzbl (WebKitWebView *page, GArray *argv, GString *result) { (void)page; (void)argv; (void)result; gtk_main_quit (); } CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: lmp_print_data_link_subobjs(netdissect_options *ndo, const u_char *obj_tptr, int total_subobj_len, int offset) { int hexdump = FALSE; int subobj_type, subobj_len; union { /* int to float conversion buffer */ float f; uint32_t i; } bw; while (total_subobj_len > 0 && hexdump == FALSE ) { subobj_type = EXTRACT_8BITS(obj_tptr + offset); subobj_len = EXTRACT_8BITS(obj_tptr + offset + 1); ND_PRINT((ndo, "\n\t Subobject, Type: %s (%u), Length: %u", tok2str(lmp_data_link_subobj, "Unknown", subobj_type), subobj_type, subobj_len)); if (subobj_len < 4) { ND_PRINT((ndo, " (too short)")); break; } if ((subobj_len % 4) != 0) { ND_PRINT((ndo, " (not a multiple of 4)")); break; } if (total_subobj_len < subobj_len) { ND_PRINT((ndo, " (goes past the end of the object)")); break; } switch(subobj_type) { case INT_SWITCHING_TYPE_SUBOBJ: ND_PRINT((ndo, "\n\t Switching Type: %s (%u)", tok2str(gmpls_switch_cap_values, "Unknown", EXTRACT_8BITS(obj_tptr + offset + 2)), EXTRACT_8BITS(obj_tptr + offset + 2))); ND_PRINT((ndo, "\n\t Encoding Type: %s (%u)", tok2str(gmpls_encoding_values, "Unknown", EXTRACT_8BITS(obj_tptr + offset + 3)), EXTRACT_8BITS(obj_tptr + offset + 3))); bw.i = EXTRACT_32BITS(obj_tptr+offset+4); ND_PRINT((ndo, "\n\t Min Reservable Bandwidth: %.3f Mbps", bw.f*8/1000000)); bw.i = EXTRACT_32BITS(obj_tptr+offset+8); ND_PRINT((ndo, "\n\t Max Reservable Bandwidth: %.3f Mbps", bw.f*8/1000000)); break; case WAVELENGTH_SUBOBJ: ND_PRINT((ndo, "\n\t Wavelength: %u", EXTRACT_32BITS(obj_tptr+offset+4))); break; default: /* Any Unknown Subobject ==> Exit loop */ hexdump=TRUE; break; } total_subobj_len-=subobj_len; offset+=subobj_len; } return (hexdump); } CWE ID: CWE-125 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void DaemonProcessTest::LaunchNetworkProcess() { terminal_id_ = 0; daemon_process_->OnChannelConnected(); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: TIFFFdOpen(int ifd, const char* name, const char* mode) { TIFF* tif; int fSuppressMap; int m; fSuppressMap=0; for (m=0; mode[m]!=0; m++) { if (mode[m]=='u') { fSuppressMap=1; break; } } tif = TIFFClientOpen(name, mode, (thandle_t)ifd, _tiffReadProc, _tiffWriteProc, _tiffSeekProc, _tiffCloseProc, _tiffSizeProc, fSuppressMap ? _tiffDummyMapProc : _tiffMapProc, fSuppressMap ? _tiffDummyUnmapProc : _tiffUnmapProc); if (tif) tif->tif_fd = ifd; return (tif); } CWE ID: CWE-369 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: ~FragmentPaintPropertyTreeBuilder() { full_context_.force_subtree_update |= property_added_or_removed_; #if DCHECK_IS_ON() if (properties_) PaintPropertyTreePrinter::UpdateDebugNames(object_, *properties_); #endif } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static void __exit pcd_exit(void) { struct pcd_unit *cd; int unit; for (unit = 0, cd = pcd; unit < PCD_UNITS; unit++, cd++) { if (cd->present) { del_gendisk(cd->disk); pi_release(cd->pi); unregister_cdrom(&cd->info); } blk_cleanup_queue(cd->disk->queue); blk_mq_free_tag_set(&cd->tag_set); put_disk(cd->disk); } unregister_blkdev(major, name); pi_unregister_driver(par_drv); } CWE ID: CWE-476 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: int mdiobus_unregister_device(struct mdio_device *mdiodev) { if (mdiodev->bus->mdio_map[mdiodev->addr] != mdiodev) return -EINVAL; mdiodev->bus->mdio_map[mdiodev->addr] = NULL; return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int ext4_writepage(struct page *page, struct writeback_control *wbc) { int ret = 0; loff_t size; unsigned int len; struct buffer_head *page_bufs; struct inode *inode = page->mapping->host; trace_ext4_writepage(inode, page); size = i_size_read(inode); if (page->index == size >> PAGE_CACHE_SHIFT) len = size & ~PAGE_CACHE_MASK; else len = PAGE_CACHE_SIZE; if (page_has_buffers(page)) { page_bufs = page_buffers(page); if (walk_page_buffers(NULL, page_bufs, 0, len, NULL, ext4_bh_delay_or_unwritten)) { /* * We don't want to do block allocation * So redirty the page and return * We may reach here when we do a journal commit * via journal_submit_inode_data_buffers. * If we don't have mapping block we just ignore * them. We can also reach here via shrink_page_list */ redirty_page_for_writepage(wbc, page); unlock_page(page); return 0; } } else { /* * The test for page_has_buffers() is subtle: * We know the page is dirty but it lost buffers. That means * that at some moment in time after write_begin()/write_end() * has been called all buffers have been clean and thus they * must have been written at least once. So they are all * mapped and we can happily proceed with mapping them * and writing the page. * * Try to initialize the buffer_heads and check whether * all are mapped and non delay. We don't want to * do block allocation here. */ ret = block_prepare_write(page, 0, len, noalloc_get_block_write); if (!ret) { page_bufs = page_buffers(page); /* check whether all are mapped and non delay */ if (walk_page_buffers(NULL, page_bufs, 0, len, NULL, ext4_bh_delay_or_unwritten)) { redirty_page_for_writepage(wbc, page); unlock_page(page); return 0; } } else { /* * We can't do block allocation here * so just redity the page and unlock * and return */ redirty_page_for_writepage(wbc, page); unlock_page(page); return 0; } /* now mark the buffer_heads as dirty and uptodate */ block_commit_write(page, 0, len); } if (PageChecked(page) && ext4_should_journal_data(inode)) { /* * It's mmapped pagecache. Add buffers and journal it. There * doesn't seem much point in redirtying the page here. */ ClearPageChecked(page); return __ext4_journalled_writepage(page, len); } if (test_opt(inode->i_sb, NOBH) && ext4_should_writeback_data(inode)) ret = nobh_writepage(page, noalloc_get_block_write, wbc); else ret = block_write_full_page(page, noalloc_get_block_write, wbc); return ret; } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: std::string GetUploadData(const std::string& brand) { DCHECK(!brand.empty()); std::string data(kPostXml); const std::string placeholder("__BRANDCODE_PLACEHOLDER__"); size_t placeholder_pos = data.find(placeholder); DCHECK(placeholder_pos != std::string::npos); data.replace(placeholder_pos, placeholder.size(), brand); return data; } CWE ID: CWE-79 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void PacketDefragPktSetupParent(Packet *parent) { /* tell parent packet it's part of a tunnel */ SET_TUNNEL_PKT(parent); /* increment tunnel packet refcnt in the root packet */ TUNNEL_INCR_PKT_TPR(parent); /* disable payload (not packet) inspection on the parent, as the payload * is the packet we will now run through the system separately. We do * check it against the ip/port/other header checks though */ DecodeSetNoPayloadInspectionFlag(parent); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: xdr_krb5_principal(XDR *xdrs, krb5_principal *objp) { int ret; char *p = NULL; krb5_principal pr = NULL; static krb5_context context = NULL; /* using a static context here is ugly, but should work ok, and the other solutions are even uglier */ if (!context && kadm5_init_krb5_context(&context)) return(FALSE); switch(xdrs->x_op) { case XDR_ENCODE: if (*objp) { if((ret = krb5_unparse_name(context, *objp, &p)) != 0) return FALSE; } if(!xdr_nullstring(xdrs, &p)) return FALSE; if (p) free(p); break; case XDR_DECODE: if(!xdr_nullstring(xdrs, &p)) return FALSE; if (p) { ret = krb5_parse_name(context, p, &pr); if(ret != 0) return FALSE; *objp = pr; free(p); } else *objp = NULL; break; case XDR_FREE: if(*objp != NULL) krb5_free_principal(context, *objp); break; } return TRUE; } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: x86_reg X86_insn_reg_intel(unsigned int id, enum cs_ac_type *access) { unsigned int first = 0; unsigned int last = ARR_SIZE(insn_regs_intel) - 1; unsigned int mid = ARR_SIZE(insn_regs_intel) / 2; if (!intel_regs_sorted) { memcpy(insn_regs_intel_sorted, insn_regs_intel, sizeof(insn_regs_intel_sorted)); qsort(insn_regs_intel_sorted, ARR_SIZE(insn_regs_intel_sorted), sizeof(struct insn_reg), regs_cmp); intel_regs_sorted = true; } while (first <= last) { if (insn_regs_intel_sorted[mid].insn < id) { first = mid + 1; } else if (insn_regs_intel_sorted[mid].insn == id) { if (access) { *access = insn_regs_intel_sorted[mid].access; } return insn_regs_intel_sorted[mid].reg; } else { if (mid == 0) break; last = mid - 1; } mid = (first + last) / 2; } return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-125 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: unsigned WebGLRenderingContextBase::CurrentMaxGLContexts() { MutexLocker locker(WebGLContextLimitMutex()); DCHECK(webgl_context_limits_initialized_); return IsMainThread() ? max_active_webgl_contexts_ : max_active_webgl_contexts_on_worker_; } CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: status_t OMXNodeInstance::updateGraphicBufferInMeta_l( OMX_U32 portIndex, const sp<GraphicBuffer>& graphicBuffer, OMX::buffer_id buffer, OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *header) { if (portIndex != kPortIndexInput && portIndex != kPortIndexOutput) { return BAD_VALUE; } BufferMeta *bufferMeta = (BufferMeta *)(header->pAppPrivate); bufferMeta->setGraphicBuffer(graphicBuffer); if (mMetadataType[portIndex] == kMetadataBufferTypeGrallocSource && header->nAllocLen >= sizeof(VideoGrallocMetadata)) { VideoGrallocMetadata &metadata = *(VideoGrallocMetadata *)(header->pBuffer); metadata.eType = kMetadataBufferTypeGrallocSource; metadata.pHandle = graphicBuffer == NULL ? NULL : graphicBuffer->handle; } else if (mMetadataType[portIndex] == kMetadataBufferTypeANWBuffer && header->nAllocLen >= sizeof(VideoNativeMetadata)) { VideoNativeMetadata &metadata = *(VideoNativeMetadata *)(header->pBuffer); metadata.eType = kMetadataBufferTypeANWBuffer; metadata.pBuffer = graphicBuffer == NULL ? NULL : graphicBuffer->getNativeBuffer(); metadata.nFenceFd = -1; } else { CLOG_BUFFER(updateGraphicBufferInMeta, "%s:%u, %#x bad type (%d) or size (%u)", portString(portIndex), portIndex, buffer, mMetadataType[portIndex], header->nAllocLen); return BAD_VALUE; } CLOG_BUFFER(updateGraphicBufferInMeta, "%s:%u, %#x := %p", portString(portIndex), portIndex, buffer, graphicBuffer == NULL ? NULL : graphicBuffer->handle); return OK; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: SYSCALL_DEFINE1(inotify_init1, int, flags) { struct fsnotify_group *group; struct user_struct *user; int ret; /* Check the IN_* constants for consistency. */ BUILD_BUG_ON(IN_CLOEXEC != O_CLOEXEC); BUILD_BUG_ON(IN_NONBLOCK != O_NONBLOCK); if (flags & ~(IN_CLOEXEC | IN_NONBLOCK)) return -EINVAL; user = get_current_user(); if (unlikely(atomic_read(&user->inotify_devs) >= inotify_max_user_instances)) { ret = -EMFILE; goto out_free_uid; } /* fsnotify_obtain_group took a reference to group, we put this when we kill the file in the end */ group = inotify_new_group(user, inotify_max_queued_events); if (IS_ERR(group)) { ret = PTR_ERR(group); goto out_free_uid; } atomic_inc(&user->inotify_devs); ret = anon_inode_getfd("inotify", &inotify_fops, group, O_RDONLY | flags); if (ret >= 0) return ret; atomic_dec(&user->inotify_devs); out_free_uid: free_uid(user); return ret; } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: irc_server_add_to_infolist (struct t_infolist *infolist, struct t_irc_server *server) { struct t_infolist_item *ptr_item; if (!infolist || !server) return 0; ptr_item = weechat_infolist_new_item (infolist); if (!ptr_item) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "name", server->name)) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_pointer (ptr_item, "buffer", server->buffer)) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "buffer_name", (server->buffer) ? weechat_buffer_get_string (server->buffer, "name") : "")) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "buffer_short_name", (server->buffer) ? weechat_buffer_get_string (server->buffer, "short_name") : "")) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "addresses", IRC_SERVER_OPTION_STRING(server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_ADDRESSES))) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "proxy", IRC_SERVER_OPTION_STRING(server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_PROXY))) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "ipv6", IRC_SERVER_OPTION_BOOLEAN(server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_IPV6))) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "ssl", IRC_SERVER_OPTION_BOOLEAN(server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_SSL))) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "ssl_cert", IRC_SERVER_OPTION_STRING(server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_SSL_CERT))) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "ssl_dhkey_size", IRC_SERVER_OPTION_INTEGER(server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_SSL_DHKEY_SIZE))) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "ssl_verify", IRC_SERVER_OPTION_BOOLEAN(server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_SSL_VERIFY))) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "password", IRC_SERVER_OPTION_STRING(server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_PASSWORD))) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "sasl_mechanism", IRC_SERVER_OPTION_INTEGER(server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_SASL_MECHANISM))) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "sasl_username", IRC_SERVER_OPTION_STRING(server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_SASL_USERNAME))) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "sasl_password", IRC_SERVER_OPTION_STRING(server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_SASL_PASSWORD))) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "autoconnect", IRC_SERVER_OPTION_BOOLEAN(server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_AUTOCONNECT))) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "autoreconnect", IRC_SERVER_OPTION_BOOLEAN(server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_AUTORECONNECT))) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "autoreconnect_delay", IRC_SERVER_OPTION_INTEGER(server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_AUTORECONNECT_DELAY))) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "nicks", IRC_SERVER_OPTION_STRING(server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_NICKS))) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "username", IRC_SERVER_OPTION_STRING(server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_USERNAME))) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "realname", IRC_SERVER_OPTION_STRING(server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_REALNAME))) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "local_hostname", IRC_SERVER_OPTION_STRING(server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_LOCAL_HOSTNAME))) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "command", IRC_SERVER_OPTION_STRING(server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_COMMAND))) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "command_delay", IRC_SERVER_OPTION_INTEGER(server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_COMMAND_DELAY))) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "autojoin", IRC_SERVER_OPTION_STRING(server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_AUTOJOIN))) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "autorejoin", IRC_SERVER_OPTION_BOOLEAN(server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_AUTOREJOIN))) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "autorejoin_delay", IRC_SERVER_OPTION_INTEGER(server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_AUTOREJOIN_DELAY))) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "connection_timeout", IRC_SERVER_OPTION_INTEGER(server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT))) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "anti_flood_prio_high", IRC_SERVER_OPTION_INTEGER(server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_ANTI_FLOOD_PRIO_HIGH))) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "anti_flood_prio_low", IRC_SERVER_OPTION_INTEGER(server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_ANTI_FLOOD_PRIO_LOW))) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "away_check", IRC_SERVER_OPTION_INTEGER(server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_AWAY_CHECK))) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "away_check_max_nicks", IRC_SERVER_OPTION_INTEGER(server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_AWAY_CHECK_MAX_NICKS))) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "default_msg_part", IRC_SERVER_OPTION_STRING(server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_DEFAULT_MSG_PART))) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "default_msg_quit", IRC_SERVER_OPTION_STRING(server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_DEFAULT_MSG_QUIT))) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "temp_server", server->temp_server)) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "index_current_address", server->index_current_address)) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "current_address", server->current_address)) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "current_ip", server->current_ip)) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "current_port", server->current_port)) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "sock", server->sock)) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "is_connected", server->is_connected)) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "ssl_connected", server->ssl_connected)) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "unterminated_message", server->unterminated_message)) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "nick", server->nick)) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "nick_modes", server->nick_modes)) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "isupport", server->isupport)) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "prefix_modes", server->prefix_modes)) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "prefix_chars", server->prefix_chars)) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "reconnect_delay", server->reconnect_delay)) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_time (ptr_item, "reconnect_start", server->reconnect_start)) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_time (ptr_item, "command_time", server->command_time)) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "reconnect_join", server->reconnect_join)) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "disable_autojoin", server->disable_autojoin)) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "is_away", server->is_away)) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "away_message", server->away_message)) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_time (ptr_item, "away_time", server->away_time)) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "lag", server->lag)) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_buffer (ptr_item, "lag_check_time", &(server->lag_check_time), sizeof (struct timeval))) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_time (ptr_item, "lag_next_check", server->lag_next_check)) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_time (ptr_item, "lag_last_refresh", server->lag_last_refresh)) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_time (ptr_item, "last_user_message", server->last_user_message)) return 0; if (!weechat_infolist_new_var_time (ptr_item, "last_away_check", server->last_away_check)) return 0; return 1; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int unix_stream_splice_actor(struct sk_buff *skb, int skip, int chunk, struct unix_stream_read_state *state) { return skb_splice_bits(skb, state->socket->sk, UNIXCB(skb).consumed + skip, state->pipe, chunk, state->splice_flags, skb_unix_socket_splice); } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: dump_keywords(vector_t *keydump, int level, FILE *fp) { unsigned int i; keyword_t *keyword_vec; char file_name[21]; if (!level) { snprintf(file_name, sizeof(file_name), "/tmp/keywords.%d", getpid()); fp = fopen(file_name, "w"); if (!fp) return; } for (i = 0; i < vector_size(keydump); i++) { keyword_vec = vector_slot(keydump, i); fprintf(fp, "%*sKeyword : %s (%s)\n", level * 2, "", keyword_vec->string, keyword_vec->active ? "active": "disabled"); if (keyword_vec->sub) dump_keywords(keyword_vec->sub, level + 1, fp); } if (!level) fclose(fp); } CWE ID: CWE-59 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void PostScript_MetaHandler::setTokenInfo(TokenFlag tFlag,XMP_Int64 offset,XMP_Int64 length) { if (!(docInfoFlags&tFlag)&&tFlag>=kPS_ADOContainsXMP && tFlag<=kPS_EndPostScript) { size_t index=0; XMP_Uns64 flag=tFlag; while(flag>>=1) index++; fileTokenInfo[index].offsetStart=offset; fileTokenInfo[index].tokenlen=length; docInfoFlags|=tFlag; } } CWE ID: CWE-125 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: virtual void ResetModel() { last_pts_ = 0; bits_in_buffer_model_ = cfg_.rc_target_bitrate * cfg_.rc_buf_initial_sz; frame_number_ = 0; tot_frame_number_ = 0; first_drop_ = 0; num_drops_ = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { bits_total_[i] = 0; } } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: set_hunkmax (void) { if (!p_line) p_line = (char **) malloc (hunkmax * sizeof *p_line); if (!p_len) p_len = (size_t *) malloc (hunkmax * sizeof *p_len); if (!p_Char) p_Char = malloc (hunkmax * sizeof *p_Char); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void OfflinePageModelTaskified::CreateArchivesDirectoryIfNeeded() { archive_manager_->EnsureArchivesDirCreated(base::Bind([]() {})); } CWE ID: CWE-787 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static QQuickWebViewPrivate* createPrivateObject(QQuickWebView* publicObject) { if (s_flickableViewportEnabled) return new QQuickWebViewFlickablePrivate(publicObject); return new QQuickWebViewLegacyPrivate(publicObject); } CWE ID: CWE-189 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsTestObjPrototypeFunctionObjMethodWithArgs(ExecState* exec) { JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue(); if (!thisValue.inherits(&JSTestObj::s_info)) return throwVMTypeError(exec); JSTestObj* castedThis = jsCast<JSTestObj*>(asObject(thisValue)); ASSERT_GC_OBJECT_INHERITS(castedThis, &JSTestObj::s_info); TestObj* impl = static_cast<TestObj*>(castedThis->impl()); if (exec->argumentCount() < 3) return throwVMError(exec, createTypeError(exec, "Not enough arguments")); int intArg(MAYBE_MISSING_PARAMETER(exec, 0, DefaultIsUndefined).toInt32(exec)); if (exec->hadException()) return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); const String& strArg(ustringToString(MAYBE_MISSING_PARAMETER(exec, 1, DefaultIsUndefined).isEmpty() ? UString() : MAYBE_MISSING_PARAMETER(exec, 1, DefaultIsUndefined).toString(exec)->value(exec))); if (exec->hadException()) return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); TestObj* objArg(toTestObj(MAYBE_MISSING_PARAMETER(exec, 2, DefaultIsUndefined))); if (exec->hadException()) return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); JSC::JSValue result = toJS(exec, castedThis->globalObject(), WTF::getPtr(impl->objMethodWithArgs(intArg, strArg, objArg))); return JSValue::encode(result); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: ~ScopedCommitStateResetter() { if (!disabled_) { render_frame_host_->set_nav_entry_id(0); } } CWE ID: CWE-254 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: long long EBMLHeader::Parse(IMkvReader* pReader, long long& pos) { assert(pReader); long long total, available; long status = pReader->Length(&total, &available); if (status < 0) // error return status; pos = 0; long long end = (available >= 1024) ? 1024 : available; for (;;) { unsigned char b = 0; while (pos < end) { status = pReader->Read(pos, 1, &b); if (status < 0) // error return status; if (b == 0x1A) break; ++pos; } if (b != 0x1A) { if (pos >= 1024) return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; // don't bother looking anymore if ((total >= 0) && ((total - available) < 5)) return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; return available + 5; // 5 = 4-byte ID + 1st byte of size } if ((total >= 0) && ((total - pos) < 5)) return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; if ((available - pos) < 5) return pos + 5; // try again later long len; const long long result = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len); if (result < 0) // error return result; if (result == 0x0A45DFA3) { // EBML Header ID pos += len; // consume ID break; } ++pos; // throw away just the 0x1A byte, and try again } long len; long long result = GetUIntLength(pReader, pos, len); if (result < 0) // error return result; if (result > 0) // need more data return result; assert(len > 0); assert(len <= 8); if ((total >= 0) && ((total - pos) < len)) return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; if ((available - pos) < len) return pos + len; // try again later result = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len); if (result < 0) // error return result; pos += len; // consume size field if ((total >= 0) && ((total - pos) < result)) return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; if ((available - pos) < result) return pos + result; end = pos + result; Init(); while (pos < end) { long long id, size; status = ParseElementHeader(pReader, pos, end, id, size); if (status < 0) // error return status; if (size == 0) // weird return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; if (id == 0x0286) { // version m_version = UnserializeUInt(pReader, pos, size); if (m_version <= 0) return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; } else if (id == 0x02F7) { // read version m_readVersion = UnserializeUInt(pReader, pos, size); if (m_readVersion <= 0) return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; } else if (id == 0x02F2) { // max id length m_maxIdLength = UnserializeUInt(pReader, pos, size); if (m_maxIdLength <= 0) return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; } else if (id == 0x02F3) { // max size length m_maxSizeLength = UnserializeUInt(pReader, pos, size); if (m_maxSizeLength <= 0) return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; } else if (id == 0x0282) { // doctype if (m_docType) return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; status = UnserializeString(pReader, pos, size, m_docType); if (status) // error return status; } else if (id == 0x0287) { // doctype version m_docTypeVersion = UnserializeUInt(pReader, pos, size); if (m_docTypeVersion <= 0) return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; } else if (id == 0x0285) { // doctype read version m_docTypeReadVersion = UnserializeUInt(pReader, pos, size); if (m_docTypeReadVersion <= 0) return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; } pos += size; } assert(pos == end); return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static void ptrace_link(struct task_struct *child, struct task_struct *new_parent) { rcu_read_lock(); __ptrace_link(child, new_parent, __task_cred(new_parent)); rcu_read_unlock(); } CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static void efx_start_port(struct efx_nic *efx) { netif_dbg(efx, ifup, efx->net_dev, "start port\n"); BUG_ON(efx->port_enabled); mutex_lock(&efx->mac_lock); efx->port_enabled = true; /* efx_mac_work() might have been scheduled after efx_stop_port(), * and then cancelled by efx_flush_all() */ efx->type->push_multicast_hash(efx); efx->mac_op->reconfigure(efx); mutex_unlock(&efx->mac_lock); } CWE ID: CWE-189 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void RenderFrameImpl::OnHostZoomClientRequest( mojom::HostZoomAssociatedRequest request) { DCHECK(!host_zoom_binding_.is_bound()); host_zoom_binding_.Bind(std::move(request), GetTaskRunner(blink::TaskType::kInternalIPC)); } CWE ID: CWE-416 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static noinline int btrfs_mksubvol(struct path *parent, char *name, int namelen, struct btrfs_root *snap_src, u64 *async_transid, bool readonly, struct btrfs_qgroup_inherit **inherit) { struct inode *dir = parent->dentry->d_inode; struct dentry *dentry; int error; mutex_lock_nested(&dir->i_mutex, I_MUTEX_PARENT); dentry = lookup_one_len(name, parent->dentry, namelen); error = PTR_ERR(dentry); if (IS_ERR(dentry)) goto out_unlock; error = -EEXIST; if (dentry->d_inode) goto out_dput; error = btrfs_may_create(dir, dentry); if (error) goto out_dput; down_read(&BTRFS_I(dir)->root->fs_info->subvol_sem); if (btrfs_root_refs(&BTRFS_I(dir)->root->root_item) == 0) goto out_up_read; if (snap_src) { error = create_snapshot(snap_src, dentry, name, namelen, async_transid, readonly, inherit); } else { error = create_subvol(BTRFS_I(dir)->root, dentry, name, namelen, async_transid, inherit); } if (!error) fsnotify_mkdir(dir, dentry); out_up_read: up_read(&BTRFS_I(dir)->root->fs_info->subvol_sem); out_dput: dput(dentry); out_unlock: mutex_unlock(&dir->i_mutex); return error; } CWE ID: CWE-310 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static int dbpageConnect( sqlite3 *db, void *pAux, int argc, const char *const*argv, sqlite3_vtab **ppVtab, char **pzErr ){ DbpageTable *pTab = 0; int rc = SQLITE_OK; rc = sqlite3_declare_vtab(db, "CREATE TABLE x(pgno INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, data BLOB, schema HIDDEN)"); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ pTab = (DbpageTable *)sqlite3_malloc64(sizeof(DbpageTable)); if( pTab==0 ) rc = SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT; } assert( rc==SQLITE_OK || pTab==0 ); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ memset(pTab, 0, sizeof(DbpageTable)); pTab->db = db; } *ppVtab = (sqlite3_vtab*)pTab; return rc; } CWE ID: CWE-190 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void Document::BindDocumentInterfaceBroker( mojo::ScopedMessagePipeHandle js_handle) { if (!GetFrame()) return; GetFrame()->BindDocumentInterfaceBroker(std::move(js_handle)); } CWE ID: CWE-416 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void ptrace_triggered(struct perf_event *bp, int nmi, struct perf_sample_data *data, struct pt_regs *regs) { struct perf_event_attr attr; /* * Disable the breakpoint request here since ptrace has defined a * one-shot behaviour for breakpoint exceptions in PPC64. * The SIGTRAP signal is generated automatically for us in do_dabr(). * We don't have to do anything about that here */ attr = bp->attr; attr.disabled = true; modify_user_hw_breakpoint(bp, &attr); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: http_copyheader(struct worker *w, int fd, struct http *to, const struct http *fm, unsigned n) { CHECK_OBJ_NOTNULL(fm, HTTP_MAGIC); CHECK_OBJ_NOTNULL(to, HTTP_MAGIC); assert(n < fm->shd); Tcheck(fm->hd[n]); if (to->nhd < to->shd) { to->hd[to->nhd] = fm->hd[n]; to->hdf[to->nhd] = 0; to->nhd++; } else { VSC_C_main->losthdr++; WSLR(w, SLT_LostHeader, fd, fm->hd[n]); } } CWE ID: Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: _XcursorThemeInherits (const char *full) { char line[8192]; char *result = NULL; FILE *f; if (!full) return NULL; f = fopen (full, "r"); if (f) { while (fgets (line, sizeof (line), f)) { if (!strncmp (line, "Inherits", 8)) { char *l = line + 8; char *r; while (*l == ' ') l++; if (*l != '=') continue; l++; while (*l == ' ') l++; result = malloc (strlen (l)); if (result) { r = result; while (*l) { while (XcursorSep(*l) || XcursorWhite (*l)) l++; if (!*l) break; if (r != result) *r++ = ':'; while (*l && !XcursorWhite(*l) && !XcursorSep(*l)) *r++ = *l++; } *r++ = '\0'; } break; } } fclose (f); } return result; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: int iwch_cxgb3_ofld_send(struct t3cdev *tdev, struct sk_buff *skb) { int error = 0; struct cxio_rdev *rdev; rdev = (struct cxio_rdev *)tdev->ulp; if (cxio_fatal_error(rdev)) { kfree_skb(skb); return -EIO; } error = cxgb3_ofld_send(tdev, skb); if (error < 0) kfree_skb(skb); return error; } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static inline MagickBooleanType IsPoint(const char *point) { char *p; double value; value=StringToDouble(point,&p); return((fabs(value) < MagickEpsilon) && (p == point) ? MagickFalse : MagickTrue); } CWE ID: Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int inSymtab(SdbHash *hash, struct symbol_t *symbols, const char *name, ut64 addr) { bool found; const char *key = sdb_fmt ("%s.%"PFMT64x, name, addr); (void)sdb_ht_find (hash, key, &found); if (found) { return true; } sdb_ht_insert (hash, key, "1"); return false; } CWE ID: CWE-125 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static int simulate_llsc(struct pt_regs *regs, unsigned int opcode) { if ((opcode & OPCODE) == LL) { perf_sw_event(PERF_COUNT_SW_EMULATION_FAULTS, 1, 0, regs, 0); return simulate_ll(regs, opcode); } if ((opcode & OPCODE) == SC) { perf_sw_event(PERF_COUNT_SW_EMULATION_FAULTS, 1, 0, regs, 0); return simulate_sc(regs, opcode); } return -1; /* Must be something else ... */ } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: TEE_Result syscall_cipher_update(unsigned long state, const void *src, size_t src_len, void *dst, uint64_t *dst_len) { return tee_svc_cipher_update_helper(state, false /* last_block */, src, src_len, dst, dst_len); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void add_pending_object(struct rev_info *revs, struct object *obj, const char *name) { add_pending_object_with_mode(revs, obj, name, S_IFINVALID); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void PropertyTreeManager::SetupRootEffectNode() { cc::EffectTree& effect_tree = property_trees_.effect_tree; effect_tree.clear(); property_trees_.element_id_to_effect_node_index.clear(); cc::EffectNode& effect_node = *effect_tree.Node(effect_tree.Insert(cc::EffectNode(), kInvalidNodeId)); DCHECK_EQ(, kSecondaryRootNodeId); static UniqueObjectId unique_id = NewUniqueObjectId(); effect_node.stable_id = CompositorElementIdFromUniqueObjectId(unique_id).ToInternalValue(); effect_node.transform_id = kRealRootNodeId; effect_node.clip_id = kSecondaryRootNodeId; effect_node.has_render_surface = true; root_layer_->SetEffectTreeIndex(; current_effect_id_ =; current_effect_type_ = CcEffectType::kEffect; current_effect_ = EffectPaintPropertyNode::Root(); current_clip_ = current_effect_->OutputClip(); } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: config_insert( const char* attrName, const char* attrValue ) { if( ! (attrName && attrValue) ) { return; } insert( attrName, attrValue, ConfigTab, TABLESIZE ); } CWE ID: CWE-134 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static Image *ReadSCREENSHOTImage(const ImageInfo *image_info, ExceptionInfo *exception) { Image *image; assert(image_info->signature == MagickSignature); if (image_info->debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s", image_info->filename); assert(exception != (ExceptionInfo *) NULL); assert(exception->signature == MagickSignature); image=(Image *) NULL; #if defined(MAGICKCORE_WINGDI32_DELEGATE) { BITMAPINFO bmi; DISPLAY_DEVICE device; HBITMAP bitmap, bitmapOld; HDC bitmapDC, hDC; Image *screen; int i; MagickBooleanType status; register PixelPacket *q; register ssize_t x; RGBTRIPLE *p; ssize_t y; assert(image_info != (const ImageInfo *) NULL); i=0; device.cb = sizeof(device); image=(Image *) NULL; while(EnumDisplayDevices(NULL,i,&device,0) && ++i) { if ((device.StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_ACTIVE) != DISPLAY_DEVICE_ACTIVE) continue; hDC=CreateDC(device.DeviceName,device.DeviceName,NULL,NULL); if (hDC == (HDC) NULL) ThrowReaderException(CoderError,"UnableToCreateDC"); screen=AcquireImage(image_info); screen->columns=(size_t) GetDeviceCaps(hDC,HORZRES); screen->rows=(size_t) GetDeviceCaps(hDC,VERTRES); screen->storage_class=DirectClass; status=SetImageExtent(screen,screen->columns,screen->rows); if (status == MagickFalse) { InheritException(exception,&image->exception); return(DestroyImageList(image)); } if (image == (Image *) NULL) image=screen; else AppendImageToList(&image,screen); bitmapDC=CreateCompatibleDC(hDC); if (bitmapDC == (HDC) NULL) { DeleteDC(hDC); ThrowReaderException(CoderError,"UnableToCreateDC"); } (void) ResetMagickMemory(&bmi,0,sizeof(BITMAPINFO)); bmi.bmiHeader.biSize=sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth=(LONG) screen->columns; bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight=(-1)*(LONG) screen->rows; bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes=1; bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount=24; bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression=BI_RGB; bitmap=CreateDIBSection(hDC,&bmi,DIB_RGB_COLORS,(void **) &p,NULL,0); if (bitmap == (HBITMAP) NULL) { DeleteDC(hDC); DeleteDC(bitmapDC); ThrowReaderException(CoderError,"UnableToCreateBitmap"); } bitmapOld=(HBITMAP) SelectObject(bitmapDC,bitmap); if (bitmapOld == (HBITMAP) NULL) { DeleteDC(hDC); DeleteDC(bitmapDC); DeleteObject(bitmap); ThrowReaderException(CoderError,"UnableToCreateBitmap"); } BitBlt(bitmapDC,0,0,(int) screen->columns,(int) screen->rows,hDC,0,0, SRCCOPY); (void) SelectObject(bitmapDC,bitmapOld); for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) screen->rows; y++) { q=QueueAuthenticPixels(screen,0,y,screen->columns,1,exception); if (q == (PixelPacket *) NULL) break; for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) screen->columns; x++) { SetPixelRed(q,ScaleCharToQuantum(p->rgbtRed)); SetPixelGreen(q,ScaleCharToQuantum(p->rgbtGreen)); SetPixelBlue(q,ScaleCharToQuantum(p->rgbtBlue)); SetPixelOpacity(q,OpaqueOpacity); p++; q++; } if (SyncAuthenticPixels(screen,exception) == MagickFalse) break; } DeleteDC(hDC); DeleteDC(bitmapDC); DeleteObject(bitmap); } } #elif defined(MAGICKCORE_X11_DELEGATE) { const char *option; XImportInfo ximage_info; (void) exception; XGetImportInfo(&ximage_info); option=GetImageOption(image_info,"x:screen"); if (option != (const char *) NULL) ximage_info.screen=IsMagickTrue(option); option=GetImageOption(image_info,"x:silent"); if (option != (const char *) NULL) ximage_info.silent=IsMagickTrue(option); image=XImportImage(image_info,&ximage_info); } #endif return(image); } CWE ID: CWE-772 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static void upnp_event_prepare(struct upnp_event_notify * obj) { static const char notifymsg[] = "NOTIFY %s HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: %s%s\r\n" #if (UPNP_VERSION_MAJOR == 1) && (UPNP_VERSION_MINOR == 0) "Content-Type: text/xml\r\n" /* UDA v1.0 */ #else "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\"\r\n" /* UDA v1.1 or later */ #endif "Content-Length: %d\r\n" "NT: upnp:event\r\n" "NTS: upnp:propchange\r\n" "SID: %s\r\n" "SEQ: %u\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n" "\r\n" "%.*s\r\n"; char * xml; int l; if(obj->sub == NULL) { obj->state = EError; return; } switch(obj->sub->service) { case EWanCFG: xml = getVarsWANCfg(&l); break; case EWanIPC: xml = getVarsWANIPCn(&l); break; #ifdef ENABLE_L3F_SERVICE case EL3F: xml = getVarsL3F(&l); break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_6FC_SERVICE case E6FC: xml = getVars6FC(&l); break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_DP_SERVICE case EDP: xml = getVarsDP(&l); break; #endif default: xml = NULL; l = 0; } obj->buffersize = 1024; obj->buffer = malloc(obj->buffersize); if(!obj->buffer) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s: malloc returned NULL", "upnp_event_prepare"); if(xml) { free(xml); } obj->state = EError; return; } obj->tosend = snprintf(obj->buffer, obj->buffersize, notifymsg, obj->path, obj->addrstr, obj->portstr, l+2, obj->sub->uuid, obj->sub->seq, l, xml); if(xml) { free(xml); xml = NULL; } obj->state = ESending; } CWE ID: CWE-200 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: raptor_option_value_is_numeric(const raptor_option option) { raptor_option_value_type t = raptor_options_list[option].value_type; return t == RAPTOR_OPTION_VALUE_TYPE_BOOL || t == RAPTOR_OPTION_VALUE_TYPE_INT; } CWE ID: CWE-200 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static RList *relocs(RBinFile *arch) { struct r_bin_bflt_obj *obj = (struct r_bin_bflt_obj*)arch->o->bin_obj; RList *list = r_list_newf ((RListFree)free); int i, len, n_got, amount; if (!list || !obj) { r_list_free (list); return NULL; } if (obj->hdr->flags & FLAT_FLAG_GOTPIC) { n_got = get_ngot_entries (obj); if (n_got) { amount = n_got * sizeof (ut32); if (amount < n_got || amount > UT32_MAX) { goto out_error; } struct reloc_struct_t *got_table = calloc (1, n_got * sizeof (ut32)); if (got_table) { ut32 offset = 0; for (i = 0; i < n_got ; offset += 4, i++) { ut32 got_entry; if (obj->hdr->data_start + offset + 4 > obj->size || obj->hdr->data_start + offset + 4 < offset) { break; } len = r_buf_read_at (obj->b, obj->hdr->data_start + offset, (ut8 *)&got_entry, sizeof (ut32)); if (!VALID_GOT_ENTRY (got_entry) || len != sizeof (ut32)) { break; } got_table[i].addr_to_patch = got_entry; got_table[i].data_offset = got_entry + BFLT_HDR_SIZE; } obj->n_got = n_got; obj->got_table = got_table; } } } if (obj->hdr->reloc_count > 0) { int n_reloc = obj->hdr->reloc_count; amount = n_reloc * sizeof (struct reloc_struct_t); if (amount < n_reloc || amount > UT32_MAX) { goto out_error; } struct reloc_struct_t *reloc_table = calloc (1, amount + 1); if (!reloc_table) { goto out_error; } amount = n_reloc * sizeof (ut32); if (amount < n_reloc || amount > UT32_MAX) { free (reloc_table); goto out_error; } ut32 *reloc_pointer_table = calloc (1, amount + 1); if (!reloc_pointer_table) { free (reloc_table); goto out_error; } if (obj->hdr->reloc_start + amount > obj->size || obj->hdr->reloc_start + amount < amount) { free (reloc_table); free (reloc_pointer_table); goto out_error; } len = r_buf_read_at (obj->b, obj->hdr->reloc_start, (ut8 *)reloc_pointer_table, amount); if (len != amount) { free (reloc_table); free (reloc_pointer_table); goto out_error; } for (i = 0; i < obj->hdr->reloc_count; i++) { ut32 reloc_offset = r_swap_ut32 (reloc_pointer_table[i]) + BFLT_HDR_SIZE; if (reloc_offset < obj->hdr->bss_end && reloc_offset < obj->size) { ut32 reloc_fixed, reloc_data_offset; if (reloc_offset + sizeof (ut32) > obj->size || reloc_offset + sizeof (ut32) < reloc_offset) { free (reloc_table); free (reloc_pointer_table); goto out_error; } len = r_buf_read_at (obj->b, reloc_offset, (ut8 *)&reloc_fixed, sizeof (ut32)); if (len != sizeof (ut32)) { eprintf ("problem while reading relocation entries\n"); free (reloc_table); free (reloc_pointer_table); goto out_error; } reloc_data_offset = r_swap_ut32 (reloc_fixed) + BFLT_HDR_SIZE; reloc_table[i].addr_to_patch = reloc_offset; reloc_table[i].data_offset = reloc_data_offset; RBinReloc *reloc = R_NEW0 (RBinReloc); if (reloc) { reloc->type = R_BIN_RELOC_32; reloc->paddr = reloc_table[i].addr_to_patch; reloc->vaddr = reloc->paddr; r_list_append (list, reloc); } } } free (reloc_pointer_table); obj->reloc_table = reloc_table; } return list; out_error: r_list_free (list); return NULL; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: ssh_packet_get_state(struct ssh *ssh, struct sshbuf *m) { struct session_state *state = ssh->state; u_char *p; size_t slen, rlen; int r, ssh1cipher; if (!compat20) { ssh1cipher = cipher_ctx_get_number(state->receive_context); slen = cipher_get_keyiv_len(state->send_context); rlen = cipher_get_keyiv_len(state->receive_context); if ((r = sshbuf_put_u32(m, state->remote_protocol_flags)) != 0 || (r = sshbuf_put_u32(m, ssh1cipher)) != 0 || (r = sshbuf_put_string(m, state->ssh1_key, state->ssh1_keylen)) != 0 || (r = sshbuf_put_u32(m, slen)) != 0 || (r = sshbuf_reserve(m, slen, &p)) != 0 || (r = cipher_get_keyiv(state->send_context, p, slen)) != 0 || (r = sshbuf_put_u32(m, rlen)) != 0 || (r = sshbuf_reserve(m, rlen, &p)) != 0 || (r = cipher_get_keyiv(state->receive_context, p, rlen)) != 0) return r; } else { if ((r = kex_to_blob(m, ssh->kex)) != 0 || (r = newkeys_to_blob(m, ssh, MODE_OUT)) != 0 || (r = newkeys_to_blob(m, ssh, MODE_IN)) != 0 || (r = sshbuf_put_u64(m, state->rekey_limit)) != 0 || (r = sshbuf_put_u32(m, state->rekey_interval)) != 0 || (r = sshbuf_put_u32(m, state->p_send.seqnr)) != 0 || (r = sshbuf_put_u64(m, state->p_send.blocks)) != 0 || (r = sshbuf_put_u32(m, state->p_send.packets)) != 0 || (r = sshbuf_put_u64(m, state->p_send.bytes)) != 0 || (r = sshbuf_put_u32(m, state->p_read.seqnr)) != 0 || (r = sshbuf_put_u64(m, state->p_read.blocks)) != 0 || (r = sshbuf_put_u32(m, state->p_read.packets)) != 0 || (r = sshbuf_put_u64(m, state->p_read.bytes)) != 0) return r; } slen = cipher_get_keycontext(state->send_context, NULL); rlen = cipher_get_keycontext(state->receive_context, NULL); if ((r = sshbuf_put_u32(m, slen)) != 0 || (r = sshbuf_reserve(m, slen, &p)) != 0) return r; if (cipher_get_keycontext(state->send_context, p) != (int)slen) return SSH_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; if ((r = sshbuf_put_u32(m, rlen)) != 0 || (r = sshbuf_reserve(m, rlen, &p)) != 0) return r; if (cipher_get_keycontext(state->receive_context, p) != (int)rlen) return SSH_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; if ((r = ssh_packet_get_compress_state(m, ssh)) != 0 || (r = sshbuf_put_stringb(m, state->input)) != 0 || (r = sshbuf_put_stringb(m, state->output)) != 0) return r; return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void server_connect_init(SERVER_REC *server) { const char *str; g_return_if_fail(server != NULL); MODULE_DATA_INIT(server); server->type = module_get_uniq_id("SERVER", 0); server_ref(server); server->nick = g_strdup(server->connrec->nick); if (server->connrec->username == NULL || *server->connrec->username == '\0') { g_free_not_null(server->connrec->username); str = g_get_user_name(); if (*str == '\0') str = "unknown"; server->connrec->username = g_strdup(str); } if (server->connrec->realname == NULL || *server->connrec->realname == '\0') { g_free_not_null(server->connrec->realname); str = g_get_real_name(); if (*str == '\0') str = server->connrec->username; server->connrec->realname = g_strdup(str); } server->tag = server_create_tag(server->connrec); server->connect_tag = -1; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: formUpdateBuffer(Anchor *a, Buffer *buf, FormItemList *form) { Buffer save; char *p; int spos, epos, rows, c_rows, pos, col = 0; Line *l; copyBuffer(&save, buf); gotoLine(buf, a->start.line); switch (form->type) { case FORM_TEXTAREA: case FORM_INPUT_TEXT: case FORM_INPUT_FILE: case FORM_INPUT_PASSWORD: case FORM_INPUT_CHECKBOX: case FORM_INPUT_RADIO: #ifdef MENU_SELECT case FORM_SELECT: #endif /* MENU_SELECT */ spos = a->start.pos; epos = a->end.pos; break; default: spos = a->start.pos + 1; epos = a->end.pos - 1; } switch (form->type) { case FORM_INPUT_CHECKBOX: case FORM_INPUT_RADIO: if (buf->currentLine == NULL || spos >= buf->currentLine->len || spos < 0) break; if (form->checked) buf->currentLine->lineBuf[spos] = '*'; else buf->currentLine->lineBuf[spos] = ' '; break; case FORM_INPUT_TEXT: case FORM_INPUT_FILE: case FORM_INPUT_PASSWORD: case FORM_TEXTAREA: #ifdef MENU_SELECT case FORM_SELECT: if (form->type == FORM_SELECT) { p = form->label->ptr; updateSelectOption(form, form->select_option); } else #endif /* MENU_SELECT */ { if (!form->value) break; p = form->value->ptr; } l = buf->currentLine; if (!l) break; if (form->type == FORM_TEXTAREA) { int n = a->y - buf->currentLine->linenumber; if (n > 0) for (; l && n; l = l->prev, n--) ; else if (n < 0) for (; l && n; l = l->prev, n++) ; if (!l) break; } rows = form->rows ? form->rows : 1; col = COLPOS(l, a->start.pos); for (c_rows = 0; c_rows < rows; c_rows++, l = l->next) { if (rows > 1) { pos = columnPos(l, col); a = retrieveAnchor(buf->formitem, l->linenumber, pos); if (a == NULL) break; spos = a->start.pos; epos = a->end.pos; } if (a->start.line != a->end.line || spos > epos || epos >= l->len || spos < 0 || epos < 0 || COLPOS(l, epos) < col) break; pos = form_update_line(l, &p, spos, epos, COLPOS(l, epos) - col, rows > 1, form->type == FORM_INPUT_PASSWORD); if (pos != epos) { shiftAnchorPosition(buf->href, buf->hmarklist, a->start.line, spos, pos - epos); shiftAnchorPosition(buf->name, buf->hmarklist, a->start.line, spos, pos - epos); shiftAnchorPosition(buf->img, buf->hmarklist, a->start.line, spos, pos - epos); shiftAnchorPosition(buf->formitem, buf->hmarklist, a->start.line, spos, pos - epos); } } break; } copyBuffer(buf, &save); arrangeLine(buf); } CWE ID: CWE-476 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static int splice_pipe_to_pipe(struct pipe_inode_info *ipipe, struct pipe_inode_info *opipe, size_t len, unsigned int flags) { struct pipe_buffer *ibuf, *obuf; int ret = 0, nbuf; bool input_wakeup = false; retry: ret = ipipe_prep(ipipe, flags); if (ret) return ret; ret = opipe_prep(opipe, flags); if (ret) return ret; /* * Potential ABBA deadlock, work around it by ordering lock * grabbing by pipe info address. Otherwise two different processes * could deadlock (one doing tee from A -> B, the other from B -> A). */ pipe_double_lock(ipipe, opipe); do { if (!opipe->readers) { send_sig(SIGPIPE, current, 0); if (!ret) ret = -EPIPE; break; } if (!ipipe->nrbufs && !ipipe->writers) break; /* * Cannot make any progress, because either the input * pipe is empty or the output pipe is full. */ if (!ipipe->nrbufs || opipe->nrbufs >= opipe->buffers) { /* Already processed some buffers, break */ if (ret) break; if (flags & SPLICE_F_NONBLOCK) { ret = -EAGAIN; break; } /* * We raced with another reader/writer and haven't * managed to process any buffers. A zero return * value means EOF, so retry instead. */ pipe_unlock(ipipe); pipe_unlock(opipe); goto retry; } ibuf = ipipe->bufs + ipipe->curbuf; nbuf = (opipe->curbuf + opipe->nrbufs) & (opipe->buffers - 1); obuf = opipe->bufs + nbuf; if (len >= ibuf->len) { /* * Simply move the whole buffer from ipipe to opipe */ *obuf = *ibuf; ibuf->ops = NULL; opipe->nrbufs++; ipipe->curbuf = (ipipe->curbuf + 1) & (ipipe->buffers - 1); ipipe->nrbufs--; input_wakeup = true; } else { /* * Get a reference to this pipe buffer, * so we can copy the contents over. */ pipe_buf_get(ipipe, ibuf); *obuf = *ibuf; /* * Don't inherit the gift flag, we need to * prevent multiple steals of this page. */ obuf->flags &= ~PIPE_BUF_FLAG_GIFT; pipe_buf_mark_unmergeable(obuf); obuf->len = len; opipe->nrbufs++; ibuf->offset += obuf->len; ibuf->len -= obuf->len; } ret += obuf->len; len -= obuf->len; } while (len); pipe_unlock(ipipe); pipe_unlock(opipe); /* * If we put data in the output pipe, wakeup any potential readers. */ if (ret > 0) wakeup_pipe_readers(opipe); if (input_wakeup) wakeup_pipe_writers(ipipe); return ret; } CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static void rtnetlink_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb) { rtnl_lock(); netlink_rcv_skb(skb, &rtnetlink_rcv_msg); rtnl_unlock(); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: const bthl_interface_t *btif_hl_get_interface(){ BTIF_TRACE_EVENT("%s", __FUNCTION__); return &bthlInterface; } CWE ID: CWE-284 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void RenderMessageFilter::GetPluginsCallback( IPC::Message* reply_msg, const std::vector<webkit::WebPluginInfo>& all_plugins) { PluginServiceFilter* filter = PluginServiceImpl::GetInstance()->GetFilter(); std::vector<webkit::WebPluginInfo> plugins; int child_process_id = -1; int routing_id = MSG_ROUTING_NONE; for (size_t i = 0; i < all_plugins.size(); ++i) { webkit::WebPluginInfo plugin(all_plugins[i]); if (!filter || filter->IsPluginEnabled(child_process_id, routing_id, resource_context_, GURL(), GURL(), &plugin)) { plugins.push_back(plugin); } } ViewHostMsg_GetPlugins::WriteReplyParams(reply_msg, plugins); Send(reply_msg); } CWE ID: CWE-287 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void QQuickWebViewPrivate::onComponentComplete() { if (m_deferedUrlToLoad.isEmpty()) return; q_ptr->setUrl(m_deferedUrlToLoad); } CWE ID: CWE-189 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: vc4_get_bcl(struct drm_device *dev, struct vc4_exec_info *exec) { struct drm_vc4_submit_cl *args = exec->args; void *temp = NULL; void *bin; int ret = 0; uint32_t bin_offset = 0; uint32_t shader_rec_offset = roundup(bin_offset + args->bin_cl_size, 16); uint32_t uniforms_offset = shader_rec_offset + args->shader_rec_size; uint32_t exec_size = uniforms_offset + args->uniforms_size; uint32_t temp_size = exec_size + (sizeof(struct vc4_shader_state) * args->shader_rec_count); struct vc4_bo *bo; if (shader_rec_offset < args->bin_cl_size || uniforms_offset < shader_rec_offset || exec_size < uniforms_offset || args->shader_rec_count >= (UINT_MAX / sizeof(struct vc4_shader_state)) || temp_size < exec_size) { DRM_ERROR("overflow in exec arguments\n"); goto fail; } /* Allocate space where we'll store the copied in user command lists * and shader records. * * We don't just copy directly into the BOs because we need to * read the contents back for validation, and I think the * bo->vaddr is uncached access. */ temp = drm_malloc_ab(temp_size, 1); if (!temp) { DRM_ERROR("Failed to allocate storage for copying " "in bin/render CLs.\n"); ret = -ENOMEM; goto fail; } bin = temp + bin_offset; exec->shader_rec_u = temp + shader_rec_offset; exec->uniforms_u = temp + uniforms_offset; exec->shader_state = temp + exec_size; exec->shader_state_size = args->shader_rec_count; if (copy_from_user(bin, (void __user *)(uintptr_t)args->bin_cl, args->bin_cl_size)) { ret = -EFAULT; goto fail; } if (copy_from_user(exec->shader_rec_u, (void __user *)(uintptr_t)args->shader_rec, args->shader_rec_size)) { ret = -EFAULT; goto fail; } if (copy_from_user(exec->uniforms_u, (void __user *)(uintptr_t)args->uniforms, args->uniforms_size)) { ret = -EFAULT; goto fail; } bo = vc4_bo_create(dev, exec_size, true); if (IS_ERR(bo)) { DRM_ERROR("Couldn't allocate BO for binning\n"); ret = PTR_ERR(bo); goto fail; } exec->exec_bo = &bo->base; list_add_tail(&to_vc4_bo(&exec->exec_bo->base)->unref_head, &exec->unref_list); exec->ct0ca = exec->exec_bo->paddr + bin_offset; exec->bin_u = bin; exec->shader_rec_v = exec->exec_bo->vaddr + shader_rec_offset; exec->shader_rec_p = exec->exec_bo->paddr + shader_rec_offset; exec->shader_rec_size = args->shader_rec_size; exec->uniforms_v = exec->exec_bo->vaddr + uniforms_offset; exec->uniforms_p = exec->exec_bo->paddr + uniforms_offset; exec->uniforms_size = args->uniforms_size; ret = vc4_validate_bin_cl(dev, exec->exec_bo->vaddr + bin_offset, bin, exec); if (ret) goto fail; ret = vc4_validate_shader_recs(dev, exec); if (ret) goto fail; /* Block waiting on any previous rendering into the CS's VBO, * IB, or textures, so that pixels are actually written by the * time we try to read them. */ ret = vc4_wait_for_seqno(dev, exec->bin_dep_seqno, ~0ull, true); fail: drm_free_large(temp); return ret; } CWE ID: CWE-388 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void CreatePersistentHistogramAllocator() { allocator_memory_.reset(new char[kAllocatorMemorySize]); GlobalHistogramAllocator::ReleaseForTesting(); memset(allocator_memory_.get(), 0, kAllocatorMemorySize); GlobalHistogramAllocator::GetCreateHistogramResultHistogram(); GlobalHistogramAllocator::CreateWithPersistentMemory( allocator_memory_.get(), kAllocatorMemorySize, 0, 0, "PersistentHistogramAllocatorTest"); allocator_ = GlobalHistogramAllocator::Get()->memory_allocator(); } CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: JsVarFloat stringToFloatWithRadix( const char *s, //!< The string to be converted to a float int forceRadix, //!< The radix of the string data, or 0 to guess const char **endOfFloat //!< If nonzero, this is set to the point at which the float finished in the string ) { while (isWhitespace(*s)) s++; bool isNegated = false; if (*s == '-') { isNegated = true; s++; } else if (*s == '+') { s++; } const char *numberStart = s; if (endOfFloat) (*endOfFloat)=s; int radix = getRadix(&s, forceRadix, 0); if (!radix) return NAN; JsVarFloat v = 0; JsVarFloat mul = 0.1; while (*s) { int digit = chtod(*s); if (digit<0 || digit>=radix) break; v = (v*radix) + digit; s++; } if (radix == 10) { if (*s == '.') { s++; // skip . while (*s) { if (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') v += mul*(*s - '0'); else break; mul /= 10; s++; } } if (*s == 'e' || *s == 'E') { s++; // skip E bool isENegated = false; if (*s == '-' || *s == '+') { isENegated = *s=='-'; s++; } int e = 0; while (*s) { if (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') e = (e*10) + (*s - '0'); else break; s++; } if (isENegated) e=-e; while (e>0) { v*=10; e--; } while (e<0) { v/=10; e++; } } } if (endOfFloat) (*endOfFloat)=s; if (numberStart==s || (numberStart[0]=='.' && numberStart[1]==0)) return NAN; if (isNegated) return -v; return v; } CWE ID: CWE-190 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: ip6_print(netdissect_options *ndo, const u_char *bp, u_int length) { register const struct ip6_hdr *ip6; register int advance; u_int len; const u_char *ipend; register const u_char *cp; register u_int payload_len; int nh; int fragmented = 0; u_int flow; ip6 = (const struct ip6_hdr *)bp; ND_TCHECK(*ip6); if (length < sizeof (struct ip6_hdr)) { ND_PRINT((ndo, "truncated-ip6 %u", length)); return; } if (!ndo->ndo_eflag) ND_PRINT((ndo, "IP6 ")); if (IP6_VERSION(ip6) != 6) { ND_PRINT((ndo,"version error: %u != 6", IP6_VERSION(ip6))); return; } payload_len = EXTRACT_16BITS(&ip6->ip6_plen); len = payload_len + sizeof(struct ip6_hdr); if (length < len) ND_PRINT((ndo, "truncated-ip6 - %u bytes missing!", len - length)); if (ndo->ndo_vflag) { flow = EXTRACT_32BITS(&ip6->ip6_flow); ND_PRINT((ndo, "(")); #if 0 /* rfc1883 */ if (flow & 0x0f000000) ND_PRINT((ndo, "pri 0x%02x, ", (flow & 0x0f000000) >> 24)); if (flow & 0x00ffffff) ND_PRINT((ndo, "flowlabel 0x%06x, ", flow & 0x00ffffff)); #else /* RFC 2460 */ if (flow & 0x0ff00000) ND_PRINT((ndo, "class 0x%02x, ", (flow & 0x0ff00000) >> 20)); if (flow & 0x000fffff) ND_PRINT((ndo, "flowlabel 0x%05x, ", flow & 0x000fffff)); #endif ND_PRINT((ndo, "hlim %u, next-header %s (%u) payload length: %u) ", ip6->ip6_hlim, tok2str(ipproto_values,"unknown",ip6->ip6_nxt), ip6->ip6_nxt, payload_len)); } /* * Cut off the snapshot length to the end of the IP payload. */ ipend = bp + len; if (ipend < ndo->ndo_snapend) ndo->ndo_snapend = ipend; cp = (const u_char *)ip6; advance = sizeof(struct ip6_hdr); nh = ip6->ip6_nxt; while (cp < ndo->ndo_snapend && advance > 0) { cp += advance; len -= advance; if (cp == (const u_char *)(ip6 + 1) && nh != IPPROTO_TCP && nh != IPPROTO_UDP && nh != IPPROTO_DCCP && nh != IPPROTO_SCTP) { ND_PRINT((ndo, "%s > %s: ", ip6addr_string(ndo, &ip6->ip6_src), ip6addr_string(ndo, &ip6->ip6_dst))); } switch (nh) { case IPPROTO_HOPOPTS: advance = hbhopt_print(ndo, cp); if (advance < 0) return; nh = *cp; break; case IPPROTO_DSTOPTS: advance = dstopt_print(ndo, cp); if (advance < 0) return; nh = *cp; break; case IPPROTO_FRAGMENT: advance = frag6_print(ndo, cp, (const u_char *)ip6); if (advance < 0 || ndo->ndo_snapend <= cp + advance) return; nh = *cp; fragmented = 1; break; case IPPROTO_MOBILITY_OLD: case IPPROTO_MOBILITY: /* * XXX - we don't use "advance"; RFC 3775 says that * the next header field in a mobility header * should be IPPROTO_NONE, but speaks of * the possiblity of a future extension in * which payload can be piggybacked atop a * mobility header. */ advance = mobility_print(ndo, cp, (const u_char *)ip6); nh = *cp; return; case IPPROTO_ROUTING: advance = rt6_print(ndo, cp, (const u_char *)ip6); nh = *cp; break; case IPPROTO_SCTP: sctp_print(ndo, cp, (const u_char *)ip6, len); return; case IPPROTO_DCCP: dccp_print(ndo, cp, (const u_char *)ip6, len); return; case IPPROTO_TCP: tcp_print(ndo, cp, len, (const u_char *)ip6, fragmented); return; case IPPROTO_UDP: udp_print(ndo, cp, len, (const u_char *)ip6, fragmented); return; case IPPROTO_ICMPV6: icmp6_print(ndo, cp, len, (const u_char *)ip6, fragmented); return; case IPPROTO_AH: advance = ah_print(ndo, cp); nh = *cp; break; case IPPROTO_ESP: { int enh, padlen; advance = esp_print(ndo, cp, len, (const u_char *)ip6, &enh, &padlen); nh = enh & 0xff; len -= padlen; break; } case IPPROTO_IPCOMP: { ipcomp_print(ndo, cp); /* * Either this has decompressed the payload and * printed it, in which case there's nothing more * to do, or it hasn't, in which case there's * nothing more to do. */ advance = -1; break; } case IPPROTO_PIM: pim_print(ndo, cp, len, (const u_char *)ip6); return; case IPPROTO_OSPF: ospf6_print(ndo, cp, len); return; case IPPROTO_IPV6: ip6_print(ndo, cp, len); return; case IPPROTO_IPV4: ip_print(ndo, cp, len); return; case IPPROTO_PGM: pgm_print(ndo, cp, len, (const u_char *)ip6); return; case IPPROTO_GRE: gre_print(ndo, cp, len); return; case IPPROTO_RSVP: rsvp_print(ndo, cp, len); return; case IPPROTO_NONE: ND_PRINT((ndo, "no next header")); return; default: ND_PRINT((ndo, "ip-proto-%d %d", nh, len)); return; } } return; trunc: ND_PRINT((ndo, "[|ip6]")); } CWE ID: CWE-125 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: magic_getparam(struct magic_set *ms, int param, void *val) { switch (param) { case MAGIC_PARAM_INDIR_MAX: *(size_t *)val = ms->indir_max; return 0; case MAGIC_PARAM_NAME_MAX: *(size_t *)val = ms->name_max; return 0; case MAGIC_PARAM_ELF_PHNUM_MAX: *(size_t *)val = ms->elf_phnum_max; return 0; case MAGIC_PARAM_ELF_SHNUM_MAX: *(size_t *)val = ms->elf_shnum_max; return 0; default: errno = EINVAL; return -1; } } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: int wc_ecc_shared_secret(ecc_key* private_key, ecc_key* public_key, byte* out, word32* outlen) { int err; if (private_key == NULL || public_key == NULL || out == NULL || outlen == NULL) { return BAD_FUNC_ARG; } #ifdef WOLF_CRYPTO_DEV if (private_key->devId != INVALID_DEVID) { err = wc_CryptoDev_Ecdh(private_key, public_key, out, outlen); if (err != NOT_COMPILED_IN) return err; } #endif /* type valid? */ if (private_key->type != ECC_PRIVATEKEY && private_key->type != ECC_PRIVATEKEY_ONLY) { return ECC_BAD_ARG_E; } /* Verify domain params supplied */ if (wc_ecc_is_valid_idx(private_key->idx) == 0 || wc_ecc_is_valid_idx(public_key->idx) == 0) { return ECC_BAD_ARG_E; } /* Verify curve id matches */ if (private_key->dp->id != public_key->dp->id) { return ECC_BAD_ARG_E; } #ifdef WOLFSSL_ATECC508A err = atcatls_ecdh(private_key->slot, public_key->pubkey_raw, out); if (err != ATCA_SUCCESS) { err = BAD_COND_E; } *outlen = private_key->dp->size; #else err = wc_ecc_shared_secret_ex(private_key, &public_key->pubkey, out, outlen); #endif /* WOLFSSL_ATECC508A */ return err; } CWE ID: CWE-200 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void ReportRequestHeaders(std::map<std::string, std::string>* request_headers, const std::string& url, const std::string& headers) { DCHECK_CURRENTLY_ON(content::BrowserThread::UI); EXPECT_FALSE(base::ContainsKey(*request_headers, url)); (*request_headers)[url] = headers; } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static void perf_event_for_each_child(struct perf_event *event, void (*func)(struct perf_event *)) { struct perf_event *child; WARN_ON_ONCE(event->ctx->parent_ctx); mutex_lock(&event->child_mutex); func(event); list_for_each_entry(child, &event->child_list, child_list) func(child); mutex_unlock(&event->child_mutex); } CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void CL_ServerStatusResponse( netadr_t from, msg_t *msg ) { char *s; char info[MAX_INFO_STRING]; int i, l, score, ping; int len; serverStatus_t *serverStatus; serverStatus = NULL; for (i = 0; i < MAX_SERVERSTATUSREQUESTS; i++) { if ( NET_CompareAdr( from, cl_serverStatusList[i].address ) ) { serverStatus = &cl_serverStatusList[i]; break; } } if (!serverStatus) { return; } s = MSG_ReadStringLine( msg ); len = 0; Com_sprintf(&serverStatus->string[len], sizeof(serverStatus->string)-len, "%s", s); if (serverStatus->print) { Com_Printf("Server settings:\n"); while (*s) { for (i = 0; i < 2 && *s; i++) { if (*s == '\\') s++; l = 0; while (*s) { info[l++] = *s; if (l >= MAX_INFO_STRING-1) break; s++; if (*s == '\\') { break; } } info[l] = '\0'; if (i) { Com_Printf("%s\n", info); } else { Com_Printf("%-24s", info); } } } } len = strlen(serverStatus->string); Com_sprintf(&serverStatus->string[len], sizeof(serverStatus->string)-len, "\\"); if (serverStatus->print) { Com_Printf("\nPlayers:\n"); Com_Printf("num: score: ping: name:\n"); } for (i = 0, s = MSG_ReadStringLine( msg ); *s; s = MSG_ReadStringLine( msg ), i++) { len = strlen(serverStatus->string); Com_sprintf(&serverStatus->string[len], sizeof(serverStatus->string)-len, "\\%s", s); if (serverStatus->print) { score = ping = 0; sscanf(s, "%d %d", &score, &ping); s = strchr(s, ' '); if (s) s = strchr(s+1, ' '); if (s) s++; else s = "unknown"; Com_Printf("%-2d %-3d %-3d %s\n", i, score, ping, s ); } } len = strlen(serverStatus->string); Com_sprintf(&serverStatus->string[len], sizeof(serverStatus->string)-len, "\\"); serverStatus->time = Com_Milliseconds(); serverStatus->address = from; serverStatus->pending = qfalse; if (serverStatus->print) { serverStatus->retrieved = qtrue; } } CWE ID: CWE-269 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int32_t scsi_send_command(SCSIRequest *req, uint8_t *buf) { SCSIDiskReq *r = DO_UPCAST(SCSIDiskReq, req, req); SCSIDiskState *s = DO_UPCAST(SCSIDiskState, qdev, req->dev); int32_t len; uint8_t command; uint8_t *outbuf; int rc; command = buf[0]; outbuf = (uint8_t *)r->iov.iov_base; DPRINTF("Command: lun=%d tag=0x%x data=0x%02x", req->lun, req->tag, buf[0]); #ifdef DEBUG_SCSI { int i; for (i = 1; i < r->req.cmd.len; i++) { printf(" 0x%02x", buf[i]); } printf("\n"); } #endif switch (command) { case TEST_UNIT_READY: case INQUIRY: case MODE_SENSE: case MODE_SENSE_10: case RESERVE: case RESERVE_10: case RELEASE: case RELEASE_10: case START_STOP: case ALLOW_MEDIUM_REMOVAL: case READ_CAPACITY_10: case READ_TOC: case GET_CONFIGURATION: case SERVICE_ACTION_IN_16: case VERIFY_10: rc = scsi_disk_emulate_command(r, outbuf); if (rc < 0) { return 0; } r->iov.iov_len = rc; break; case SYNCHRONIZE_CACHE: bdrv_acct_start(s->bs, &r->acct, 0, BDRV_ACCT_FLUSH); r->req.aiocb = bdrv_aio_flush(s->bs, scsi_flush_complete, r); if (r->req.aiocb == NULL) { scsi_flush_complete(r, -EIO); } return 0; case READ_6: case READ_10: case READ_12: case READ_16: len = r->req.cmd.xfer / s->qdev.blocksize; DPRINTF("Read (sector %" PRId64 ", count %d)\n", r->req.cmd.lba, len); if (r->req.cmd.lba > s->max_lba) goto illegal_lba; r->sector = r->req.cmd.lba * s->cluster_size; r->sector_count = len * s->cluster_size; break; case WRITE_6: case WRITE_10: case WRITE_12: case WRITE_16: case WRITE_VERIFY_10: case WRITE_VERIFY_12: case WRITE_VERIFY_16: len = r->req.cmd.xfer / s->qdev.blocksize; DPRINTF("Write %s(sector %" PRId64 ", count %d)\n", (command & 0xe) == 0xe ? "And Verify " : "", r->req.cmd.lba, len); if (r->req.cmd.lba > s->max_lba) goto illegal_lba; r->sector = r->req.cmd.lba * s->cluster_size; r->sector_count = len * s->cluster_size; break; case MODE_SELECT: DPRINTF("Mode Select(6) (len %lu)\n", (long)r->req.cmd.xfer); /* We don't support mode parameter changes. Allow the mode parameter header + block descriptors only. */ if (r->req.cmd.xfer > 12) { goto fail; } break; case MODE_SELECT_10: DPRINTF("Mode Select(10) (len %lu)\n", (long)r->req.cmd.xfer); /* We don't support mode parameter changes. Allow the mode parameter header + block descriptors only. */ if (r->req.cmd.xfer > 16) { goto fail; } break; case SEEK_6: case SEEK_10: DPRINTF("Seek(%d) (sector %" PRId64 ")\n", command == SEEK_6 ? 6 : 10, r->req.cmd.lba); if (r->req.cmd.lba > s->max_lba) { goto illegal_lba; } break; case WRITE_SAME_16: len = r->req.cmd.xfer / s->qdev.blocksize; DPRINTF("WRITE SAME(16) (sector %" PRId64 ", count %d)\n", r->req.cmd.lba, len); if (r->req.cmd.lba > s->max_lba) { goto illegal_lba; } /* * We only support WRITE SAME with the unmap bit set for now. */ if (!(buf[1] & 0x8)) { goto fail; } rc = bdrv_discard(s->bs, r->req.cmd.lba * s->cluster_size, len * s->cluster_size); if (rc < 0) { /* XXX: better error code ?*/ goto fail; } break; case REQUEST_SENSE: abort(); default: DPRINTF("Unknown SCSI command (%2.2x)\n", buf[0]); scsi_check_condition(r, SENSE_CODE(INVALID_OPCODE)); return 0; fail: scsi_check_condition(r, SENSE_CODE(INVALID_FIELD)); return 0; illegal_lba: scsi_check_condition(r, SENSE_CODE(LBA_OUT_OF_RANGE)); return 0; } if (r->sector_count == 0 && r->iov.iov_len == 0) { scsi_req_complete(&r->req, GOOD); } len = r->sector_count * 512 + r->iov.iov_len; if (r->req.cmd.mode == SCSI_XFER_TO_DEV) { return -len; } else { if (!r->sector_count) r->sector_count = -1; return len; } } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: IW_IMPL(unsigned int) iw_get_ui16le(const iw_byte *b) { return b[0] | (b[1]<<8); } CWE ID: CWE-682 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: unblock_all_signals(void) { unsigned long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&current->sighand->siglock, flags); current->notifier = NULL; current->notifier_data = NULL; recalc_sigpending(); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&current->sighand->siglock, flags); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: FLAC__bool read_metadata_streaminfo_(FLAC__StreamDecoder *decoder, FLAC__bool is_last, unsigned length) { FLAC__uint32 x; unsigned bits, used_bits = 0; FLAC__ASSERT(FLAC__bitreader_is_consumed_byte_aligned(decoder->private_->input)); decoder->private_->stream_info.type = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_STREAMINFO; decoder->private_->stream_info.is_last = is_last; decoder->private_->stream_info.length = length; bits = FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_STREAMINFO_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE_LEN; if(!FLAC__bitreader_read_raw_uint32(decoder->private_->input, &x, bits)) return false; /* read_callback_ sets the state for us */ decoder->private_-> = x; used_bits += bits; bits = FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_STREAMINFO_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE_LEN; if(!FLAC__bitreader_read_raw_uint32(decoder->private_->input, &x, FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_STREAMINFO_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE_LEN)) return false; /* read_callback_ sets the state for us */ decoder->private_-> = x; used_bits += bits; bits = FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_STREAMINFO_MIN_FRAME_SIZE_LEN; if(!FLAC__bitreader_read_raw_uint32(decoder->private_->input, &x, FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_STREAMINFO_MIN_FRAME_SIZE_LEN)) return false; /* read_callback_ sets the state for us */ decoder->private_-> = x; used_bits += bits; bits = FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_STREAMINFO_MAX_FRAME_SIZE_LEN; if(!FLAC__bitreader_read_raw_uint32(decoder->private_->input, &x, FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_STREAMINFO_MAX_FRAME_SIZE_LEN)) return false; /* read_callback_ sets the state for us */ decoder->private_-> = x; used_bits += bits; bits = FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_STREAMINFO_SAMPLE_RATE_LEN; if(!FLAC__bitreader_read_raw_uint32(decoder->private_->input, &x, FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_STREAMINFO_SAMPLE_RATE_LEN)) return false; /* read_callback_ sets the state for us */ decoder->private_-> = x; used_bits += bits; bits = FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_STREAMINFO_CHANNELS_LEN; if(!FLAC__bitreader_read_raw_uint32(decoder->private_->input, &x, FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_STREAMINFO_CHANNELS_LEN)) return false; /* read_callback_ sets the state for us */ decoder->private_-> = x+1; used_bits += bits; bits = FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_STREAMINFO_BITS_PER_SAMPLE_LEN; if(!FLAC__bitreader_read_raw_uint32(decoder->private_->input, &x, FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_STREAMINFO_BITS_PER_SAMPLE_LEN)) return false; /* read_callback_ sets the state for us */ decoder->private_-> = x+1; used_bits += bits; bits = FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_STREAMINFO_TOTAL_SAMPLES_LEN; if(!FLAC__bitreader_read_raw_uint64(decoder->private_->input, &decoder->private_->, FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_STREAMINFO_TOTAL_SAMPLES_LEN)) return false; /* read_callback_ sets the state for us */ used_bits += bits; if(!FLAC__bitreader_read_byte_block_aligned_no_crc(decoder->private_->input, decoder->private_->, 16)) return false; /* read_callback_ sets the state for us */ used_bits += 16*8; /* skip the rest of the block */ FLAC__ASSERT(used_bits % 8 == 0); length -= (used_bits / 8); if(!FLAC__bitreader_skip_byte_block_aligned_no_crc(decoder->private_->input, length)) return false; /* read_callback_ sets the state for us */ return true; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: int ntlm_read_message_header(wStream* s, NTLM_MESSAGE_HEADER* header) { if (Stream_GetRemainingLength(s) < 12) return -1; Stream_Read(s, header->Signature, 8); Stream_Read_UINT32(s, header->MessageType); if (strncmp((char*) header->Signature, NTLM_SIGNATURE, 8) != 0) return -1; return 1; } CWE ID: CWE-125 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void RenderThreadImpl::AddObserver(content::RenderProcessObserver* observer) { observers_.AddObserver(observer); } CWE ID: Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void xdr_init_decode_pages(struct xdr_stream *xdr, struct xdr_buf *buf, struct page **pages, unsigned int len) { memset(buf, 0, sizeof(*buf)); buf->pages = pages; buf->page_len = len; buf->buflen = len; buf->len = len; xdr_init_decode(xdr, buf, NULL); } CWE ID: CWE-189 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: long Cluster::HasBlockEntries( const Segment* pSegment, long long off, //relative to start of segment payload long long& pos, long& len) { assert(pSegment); assert(off >= 0); //relative to segment IMkvReader* const pReader = pSegment->m_pReader; long long total, avail; long status = pReader->Length(&total, &avail); if (status < 0) //error return status; assert((total < 0) || (avail <= total)); pos = pSegment->m_start + off; //absolute if ((total >= 0) && (pos >= total)) return 0; //we don't even have a complete cluster const long long segment_stop = (pSegment->m_size < 0) ? -1 : pSegment->m_start + pSegment->m_size; long long cluster_stop = -1; //interpreted later to mean "unknown size" { if ((pos + 1) > avail) { len = 1; return E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL; } long long result = GetUIntLength(pReader, pos, len); if (result < 0) //error return static_cast<long>(result); if (result > 0) //need more data return E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL; if ((segment_stop >= 0) && ((pos + len) > segment_stop)) return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; if ((total >= 0) && ((pos + len) > total)) return 0; if ((pos + len) > avail) return E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL; const long long id = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len); if (id < 0) //error return static_cast<long>(id); if (id != 0x0F43B675) //weird: not cluster ID return -1; //generic error pos += len; //consume Cluster ID field if ((pos + 1) > avail) { len = 1; return E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL; } result = GetUIntLength(pReader, pos, len); if (result < 0) //error return static_cast<long>(result); if (result > 0) //weird return E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL; if ((segment_stop >= 0) && ((pos + len) > segment_stop)) return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; if ((total >= 0) && ((pos + len) > total)) return 0; if ((pos + len) > avail) return E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL; const long long size = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len); if (size < 0) //error return static_cast<long>(size); if (size == 0) return 0; //cluster does not have entries pos += len; //consume size field const long long unknown_size = (1LL << (7 * len)) - 1; if (size != unknown_size) { cluster_stop = pos + size; assert(cluster_stop >= 0); if ((segment_stop >= 0) && (cluster_stop > segment_stop)) return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; if ((total >= 0) && (cluster_stop > total)) return 0; //cluster does not have any entries } } for (;;) { if ((cluster_stop >= 0) && (pos >= cluster_stop)) return 0; //no entries detected if ((pos + 1) > avail) { len = 1; return E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL; } long long result = GetUIntLength(pReader, pos, len); if (result < 0) //error return static_cast<long>(result); if (result > 0) //need more data return E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL; if ((cluster_stop >= 0) && ((pos + len) > cluster_stop)) return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; if ((pos + len) > avail) return E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL; const long long id = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len); if (id < 0) //error return static_cast<long>(id); if (id == 0x0F43B675) //Cluster ID return 0; //no entries found if (id == 0x0C53BB6B) //Cues ID return 0; //no entries found pos += len; //consume id field if ((cluster_stop >= 0) && (pos >= cluster_stop)) return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; if ((pos + 1) > avail) { len = 1; return E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL; } result = GetUIntLength(pReader, pos, len); if (result < 0) //error return static_cast<long>(result); if (result > 0) //underflow return E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL; if ((cluster_stop >= 0) && ((pos + len) > cluster_stop)) return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; if ((pos + len) > avail) return E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL; const long long size = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len); if (size < 0) //error return static_cast<long>(size); pos += len; //consume size field if ((cluster_stop >= 0) && (pos > cluster_stop)) return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; if (size == 0) //weird continue; const long long unknown_size = (1LL << (7 * len)) - 1; if (size == unknown_size) return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; //not supported inside cluster if ((cluster_stop >= 0) && ((pos + size) > cluster_stop)) return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; if (id == 0x20) //BlockGroup ID return 1; //have at least one entry if (id == 0x23) //SimpleBlock ID return 1; //have at least one entry pos += size; //consume payload assert((cluster_stop < 0) || (pos <= cluster_stop)); } } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: bool GpuCommandBufferStub::OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) { FastSetActiveURL(active_url_, active_url_hash_); if (decoder_.get() && message.type() != GpuCommandBufferMsg_Echo::ID && message.type() != GpuCommandBufferMsg_RetireSyncPoint::ID && message.type() != GpuCommandBufferMsg_WaitSyncPoint::ID) { if (!MakeCurrent()) return false; } bool handled = true; IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(GpuCommandBufferStub, message) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER_DELAY_REPLY(GpuCommandBufferMsg_Initialize, OnInitialize); IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER_DELAY_REPLY(GpuCommandBufferMsg_SetGetBuffer, OnSetGetBuffer); IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER_DELAY_REPLY(GpuCommandBufferMsg_SetSharedStateBuffer, OnSetSharedStateBuffer); IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER_DELAY_REPLY(GpuCommandBufferMsg_SetParent, OnSetParent); IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(GpuCommandBufferMsg_Echo, OnEcho); IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER_DELAY_REPLY(GpuCommandBufferMsg_GetState, OnGetState); IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER_DELAY_REPLY(GpuCommandBufferMsg_GetStateFast, OnGetStateFast); IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(GpuCommandBufferMsg_AsyncFlush, OnAsyncFlush); IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(GpuCommandBufferMsg_Rescheduled, OnRescheduled); IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER_DELAY_REPLY(GpuCommandBufferMsg_CreateTransferBuffer, OnCreateTransferBuffer); IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER_DELAY_REPLY(GpuCommandBufferMsg_RegisterTransferBuffer, OnRegisterTransferBuffer); IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER_DELAY_REPLY(GpuCommandBufferMsg_DestroyTransferBuffer, OnDestroyTransferBuffer); IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER_DELAY_REPLY(GpuCommandBufferMsg_GetTransferBuffer, OnGetTransferBuffer); IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER_DELAY_REPLY(GpuCommandBufferMsg_CreateVideoDecoder, OnCreateVideoDecoder) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(GpuCommandBufferMsg_DestroyVideoDecoder, OnDestroyVideoDecoder) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(GpuCommandBufferMsg_SetSurfaceVisible, OnSetSurfaceVisible) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(GpuCommandBufferMsg_DiscardBackbuffer, OnDiscardBackbuffer) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(GpuCommandBufferMsg_EnsureBackbuffer, OnEnsureBackbuffer) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(GpuCommandBufferMsg_RetireSyncPoint, OnRetireSyncPoint) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(GpuCommandBufferMsg_WaitSyncPoint, OnWaitSyncPoint) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(GpuCommandBufferMsg_SignalSyncPoint, OnSignalSyncPoint) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(GpuCommandBufferMsg_SendClientManagedMemoryStats, OnReceivedClientManagedMemoryStats) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER( GpuCommandBufferMsg_SetClientHasMemoryAllocationChangedCallback, OnSetClientHasMemoryAllocationChangedCallback) IPC_MESSAGE_UNHANDLED(handled = false) IPC_END_MESSAGE_MAP() ScheduleDelayedWork(kHandleMoreWorkPeriodMs); DCHECK(handled); return handled; } CWE ID: Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int _php_libxml_free_error(xmlErrorPtr error) { /* This will free the libxml alloc'd memory */ xmlResetError(error); return 1; } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: bool RenderWidgetHostViewAura::ShouldFastACK(uint64 surface_id) { ui::Texture* container = image_transport_clients_[surface_id]; DCHECK(container); if (can_lock_compositor_ == NO_PENDING_RENDERER_FRAME || can_lock_compositor_ == NO_PENDING_COMMIT || resize_locks_.empty()) return false; gfx::Size container_size = ConvertSizeToDIP(this, container->size()); ResizeLockList::iterator it = resize_locks_.begin(); while (it != resize_locks_.end()) { if ((*it)->expected_size() == container_size) break; ++it; } return it == resize_locks_.end() || ++it != resize_locks_.end(); } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: FindRequestManager* WebContentsImpl::GetFindRequestManager() { for (WebContentsImpl* contents = this; contents; contents = contents->GetOuterWebContents()) { if (contents->find_request_manager_) return contents->find_request_manager_.get(); } return nullptr; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int l2cap_sock_listen(struct socket *sock, int backlog) { struct sock *sk = sock->sk; int err = 0; BT_DBG("sk %p backlog %d", sk, backlog); lock_sock(sk); if (sk->sk_state != BT_BOUND || sock->type != SOCK_SEQPACKET) { err = -EBADFD; goto done; } switch (l2cap_pi(sk)->mode) { case L2CAP_MODE_BASIC: break; case L2CAP_MODE_ERTM: if (enable_ertm) break; /* fall through */ default: err = -ENOTSUPP; goto done; } if (!l2cap_pi(sk)->psm) { bdaddr_t *src = &bt_sk(sk)->src; u16 psm; err = -EINVAL; write_lock_bh(&l2cap_sk_list.lock); for (psm = 0x1001; psm < 0x1100; psm += 2) if (!__l2cap_get_sock_by_addr(cpu_to_le16(psm), src)) { l2cap_pi(sk)->psm = cpu_to_le16(psm); l2cap_pi(sk)->sport = cpu_to_le16(psm); err = 0; break; } write_unlock_bh(&l2cap_sk_list.lock); if (err < 0) goto done; } sk->sk_max_ack_backlog = backlog; sk->sk_ack_backlog = 0; sk->sk_state = BT_LISTEN; done: release_sock(sk); return err; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static SUB_STATE_RETURN read_state_machine(SSL *s) { OSSL_STATEM *st = &s->statem; int ret, mt; unsigned long len = 0; int (*transition) (SSL *s, int mt); PACKET pkt; MSG_PROCESS_RETURN(*process_message) (SSL *s, PACKET *pkt); WORK_STATE(*post_process_message) (SSL *s, WORK_STATE wst); unsigned long (*max_message_size) (SSL *s); void (*cb) (const SSL *ssl, int type, int val) = NULL; cb = get_callback(s); if (s->server) { transition = ossl_statem_server_read_transition; process_message = ossl_statem_server_process_message; max_message_size = ossl_statem_server_max_message_size; post_process_message = ossl_statem_server_post_process_message; } else { transition = ossl_statem_client_read_transition; process_message = ossl_statem_client_process_message; max_message_size = ossl_statem_client_max_message_size; post_process_message = ossl_statem_client_post_process_message; } if (st->read_state_first_init) { s->first_packet = 1; st->read_state_first_init = 0; } while (1) { switch (st->read_state) { case READ_STATE_HEADER: /* Get the state the peer wants to move to */ if (SSL_IS_DTLS(s)) { /* * In DTLS we get the whole message in one go - header and body */ ret = dtls_get_message(s, &mt, &len); } else { ret = tls_get_message_header(s, &mt); } if (ret == 0) { /* Could be non-blocking IO */ return SUB_STATE_ERROR; } if (cb != NULL) { /* Notify callback of an impending state change */ if (s->server) cb(s, SSL_CB_ACCEPT_LOOP, 1); else cb(s, SSL_CB_CONNECT_LOOP, 1); } /* * Validate that we are allowed to move to the new state and move * to that state if so */ if (!transition(s, mt)) { ossl_statem_set_error(s); return SUB_STATE_ERROR; } if (s->s3->tmp.message_size > max_message_size(s)) { ssl3_send_alert(s, SSL3_AL_FATAL, SSL_AD_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER); SSLerr(SSL_F_READ_STATE_MACHINE, SSL_R_EXCESSIVE_MESSAGE_SIZE); return SUB_STATE_ERROR; } st->read_state = READ_STATE_BODY; /* Fall through */ if (!PACKET_buf_init(&pkt, s->init_msg, len)) { ssl3_send_alert(s, SSL3_AL_FATAL, SSL_AD_INTERNAL_ERROR); SSLerr(SSL_F_READ_STATE_MACHINE, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR); return SUB_STATE_ERROR; } ret = process_message(s, &pkt); /* Discard the packet data */ s->init_num = 0; switch (ret) { case MSG_PROCESS_ERROR: return SUB_STATE_ERROR; case MSG_PROCESS_FINISHED_READING: if (SSL_IS_DTLS(s)) { dtls1_stop_timer(s); } return SUB_STATE_FINISHED; case MSG_PROCESS_CONTINUE_PROCESSING: st->read_state = READ_STATE_POST_PROCESS; st->read_state_work = WORK_MORE_A; break; default: st->read_state = READ_STATE_HEADER; break; } break; case READ_STATE_POST_PROCESS: st->read_state_work = post_process_message(s, st->read_state_work); switch (st->read_state_work) { default: return SUB_STATE_ERROR; case WORK_FINISHED_CONTINUE: st->read_state = READ_STATE_HEADER; break; case WORK_FINISHED_STOP: if (SSL_IS_DTLS(s)) { dtls1_stop_timer(s); } return SUB_STATE_FINISHED; } break; default: /* Shouldn't happen */ ssl3_send_alert(s, SSL3_AL_FATAL, SSL_AD_INTERNAL_ERROR); SSLerr(SSL_F_READ_STATE_MACHINE, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR); ossl_statem_set_error(s); return SUB_STATE_ERROR; } } } CWE ID: CWE-400 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: bool RenderBox::includeHorizontalScrollbarSize() const { return hasOverflowClip() && !layer()->hasOverlayScrollbars() && (style()->overflowX() == OSCROLL || style()->overflowX() == OAUTO); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: virtual bool IsURLAcceptableForWebUI( BrowserContext* browser_context, const GURL& url) const { return HasWebUIScheme(url); } CWE ID: CWE-264 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: standard_info_part1(standard_display *dp, png_structp pp, png_infop pi) { if (png_get_bit_depth(pp, pi) != dp->bit_depth) png_error(pp, "validate: bit depth changed"); if (png_get_color_type(pp, pi) != dp->colour_type) png_error(pp, "validate: color type changed"); if (png_get_filter_type(pp, pi) != PNG_FILTER_TYPE_BASE) png_error(pp, "validate: filter type changed"); if (png_get_interlace_type(pp, pi) != dp->interlace_type) png_error(pp, "validate: interlacing changed"); if (png_get_compression_type(pp, pi) != PNG_COMPRESSION_TYPE_BASE) png_error(pp, "validate: compression type changed"); dp->w = png_get_image_width(pp, pi); if (dp->w != standard_width(pp, dp->id)) png_error(pp, "validate: image width changed"); dp->h = png_get_image_height(pp, pi); if (dp->h != standard_height(pp, dp->id)) png_error(pp, "validate: image height changed"); /* Record (but don't check at present) the input sBIT according to the colour * type information. */ { png_color_8p sBIT = 0; if (png_get_sBIT(pp, pi, &sBIT) & PNG_INFO_sBIT) { int sBIT_invalid = 0; if (sBIT == 0) png_error(pp, "validate: unexpected png_get_sBIT result"); if (dp->colour_type & PNG_COLOR_MASK_COLOR) { if (sBIT->red == 0 || sBIT->red > dp->bit_depth) sBIT_invalid = 1; else dp->red_sBIT = sBIT->red; if (sBIT->green == 0 || sBIT->green > dp->bit_depth) sBIT_invalid = 1; else dp->green_sBIT = sBIT->green; if (sBIT->blue == 0 || sBIT->blue > dp->bit_depth) sBIT_invalid = 1; else dp->blue_sBIT = sBIT->blue; } else /* !COLOR */ { if (sBIT->gray == 0 || sBIT->gray > dp->bit_depth) sBIT_invalid = 1; else dp->blue_sBIT = dp->green_sBIT = dp->red_sBIT = sBIT->gray; } /* All 8 bits in tRNS for a palette image are significant - see the * spec. */ if (dp->colour_type & PNG_COLOR_MASK_ALPHA) { if (sBIT->alpha == 0 || sBIT->alpha > dp->bit_depth) sBIT_invalid = 1; else dp->alpha_sBIT = sBIT->alpha; } if (sBIT_invalid) png_error(pp, "validate: sBIT value out of range"); } } /* Important: this is validating the value *before* any transforms have been * put in place. It doesn't matter for the standard tests, where there are * no transforms, but it does for other tests where rowbytes may change after * png_read_update_info. */ if (png_get_rowbytes(pp, pi) != standard_rowsize(pp, dp->id)) png_error(pp, "validate: row size changed"); /* Validate the colour type 3 palette (this can be present on other color * types.) */ standard_palette_validate(dp, pp, pi); /* In any case always check for a tranparent color (notice that the * colour type 3 case must not give a successful return on the get_tRNS call * with these arguments!) */ { png_color_16p trans_color = 0; if (png_get_tRNS(pp, pi, 0, 0, &trans_color) & PNG_INFO_tRNS) { if (trans_color == 0) png_error(pp, "validate: unexpected png_get_tRNS (color) result"); switch (dp->colour_type) { case 0: dp-> = dp-> = dp-> = trans_color->gray; dp->is_transparent = 1; break; case 2: dp-> = trans_color->red; dp-> = trans_color->green; dp-> = trans_color->blue; dp->is_transparent = 1; break; case 3: /* Not expected because it should result in the array case * above. */ png_error(pp, "validate: unexpected png_get_tRNS result"); break; default: png_error(pp, "validate: invalid tRNS chunk with alpha image"); } } } /* Read the number of passes - expected to match the value used when * creating the image (interlaced or not). This has the side effect of * turning on interlace handling (if do_interlace is not set.) */ dp->npasses = npasses_from_interlace_type(pp, dp->interlace_type); if (!dp->do_interlace && dp->npasses != png_set_interlace_handling(pp)) png_error(pp, "validate: file changed interlace type"); /* Caller calls png_read_update_info or png_start_read_image now, then calls * part2. */ } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void PepperMediaDeviceManager::OnStreamGenerationFailed( int request_id, content::MediaStreamRequestResult result) {} CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: OMX_ERRORTYPE SimpleSoftOMXComponent::internalGetParameter( OMX_INDEXTYPE index, OMX_PTR params) { switch (index) { case OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition: { OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE *defParams = (OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE *)params; if (!isValidOMXParam(defParams)) { return OMX_ErrorBadParameter; } if (defParams->nPortIndex >= mPorts.size() || defParams->nSize != sizeof(OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE)) { return OMX_ErrorUndefined; } const PortInfo *port = &mPorts.itemAt(defParams->nPortIndex); memcpy(defParams, &port->mDef, sizeof(port->mDef)); return OMX_ErrorNone; } default: return OMX_ErrorUnsupportedIndex; } } CWE ID: CWE-264 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: kvp_respond_to_host(char *key, char *value, int error) { struct hv_kvp_msg *kvp_msg; struct hv_kvp_msg_enumerate *kvp_data; char *key_name; struct icmsg_hdr *icmsghdrp; int keylen, valuelen; u32 buf_len; struct vmbus_channel *channel; u64 req_id; /* * If a transaction is not active; log and return. */ if (! { /* * This is a spurious call! */ pr_warn("KVP: Transaction not active\n"); return; } /* * Copy the global state for completing the transaction. Note that * only one transaction can be active at a time. */ buf_len = kvp_transaction.recv_len; channel = kvp_transaction.recv_channel; req_id = kvp_transaction.recv_req_id; = false; if (channel->onchannel_callback == NULL) /* * We have raced with util driver being unloaded; * silently return. */ return; icmsghdrp = (struct icmsg_hdr *) &recv_buffer[sizeof(struct vmbuspipe_hdr)]; kvp_msg = (struct hv_kvp_msg *) &recv_buffer[sizeof(struct vmbuspipe_hdr) + sizeof(struct icmsg_hdr)]; kvp_data = &kvp_msg->kvp_data; key_name = key; /* * If the error parameter is set, terminate the host's enumeration. */ if (error) { /* * We don't support this index or the we have timedout; * terminate the host-side iteration by returning an error. */ icmsghdrp->status = HV_E_FAIL; goto response_done; } /* * The windows host expects the key/value pair to be encoded * in utf16. */ keylen = utf8s_to_utf16s(key_name, strlen(key_name), (wchar_t *)kvp_data->data.key); kvp_data->data.key_size = 2*(keylen + 1); /* utf16 encoding */ valuelen = utf8s_to_utf16s(value, strlen(value), (wchar_t *)kvp_data->data.value); kvp_data->data.value_size = 2*(valuelen + 1); /* utf16 encoding */ kvp_data->data.value_type = REG_SZ; /* all our values are strings */ icmsghdrp->status = HV_S_OK; response_done: icmsghdrp->icflags = ICMSGHDRFLAG_TRANSACTION | ICMSGHDRFLAG_RESPONSE; vmbus_sendpacket(channel, recv_buffer, buf_len, req_id, VM_PKT_DATA_INBAND, 0); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: int yr_object_structure_set_member( YR_OBJECT* object, YR_OBJECT* member) { YR_STRUCTURE_MEMBER* sm; assert(object->type == OBJECT_TYPE_STRUCTURE); if (yr_object_lookup_field(object, member->identifier) != NULL) return ERROR_DUPLICATED_STRUCTURE_MEMBER; sm = (YR_STRUCTURE_MEMBER*) yr_malloc(sizeof(YR_STRUCTURE_MEMBER)); if (sm == NULL) return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; member->parent = object; sm->object = member; sm->next = object_as_structure(object)->members; object_as_structure(object)->members = sm; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void qeth_setadp_promisc_mode(struct qeth_card *card) { enum qeth_ipa_promisc_modes mode; struct net_device *dev = card->dev; struct qeth_cmd_buffer *iob; struct qeth_ipa_cmd *cmd; QETH_CARD_TEXT(card, 4, "setprom"); if (((dev->flags & IFF_PROMISC) && (card->info.promisc_mode == SET_PROMISC_MODE_ON)) || (!(dev->flags & IFF_PROMISC) && (card->info.promisc_mode == SET_PROMISC_MODE_OFF))) return; mode = SET_PROMISC_MODE_OFF; if (dev->flags & IFF_PROMISC) mode = SET_PROMISC_MODE_ON; QETH_CARD_TEXT_(card, 4, "mode:%x", mode); iob = qeth_get_adapter_cmd(card, IPA_SETADP_SET_PROMISC_MODE, sizeof(struct qeth_ipacmd_setadpparms)); cmd = (struct qeth_ipa_cmd *)(iob->data + IPA_PDU_HEADER_SIZE); cmd-> = mode; qeth_send_ipa_cmd(card, iob, qeth_setadp_promisc_mode_cb, NULL); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: CString fileSystemRepresentation(const String&) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return ""; } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void platform_driver_unregister(struct platform_driver *drv) { driver_unregister(&drv->driver); } CWE ID: CWE-362 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void RenderViewImpl::OnResolveTapDisambiguation(double timestamp_seconds, gfx::Point tap_viewport_offset, bool is_long_press) { webview()->ResolveTapDisambiguation(timestamp_seconds, tap_viewport_offset, is_long_press); } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: bool radeon_atom_get_tv_timings(struct radeon_device *rdev, int index, struct drm_display_mode *mode) { struct radeon_mode_info *mode_info = &rdev->mode_info; ATOM_ANALOG_TV_INFO *tv_info; ATOM_ANALOG_TV_INFO_V1_2 *tv_info_v1_2; ATOM_DTD_FORMAT *dtd_timings; int data_index = GetIndexIntoMasterTable(DATA, AnalogTV_Info); u8 frev, crev; u16 data_offset, misc; if (!atom_parse_data_header(mode_info->atom_context, data_index, NULL, &frev, &crev, &data_offset)) return false; switch (crev) { case 1: tv_info = (ATOM_ANALOG_TV_INFO *)(mode_info->atom_context->bios + data_offset); if (index > MAX_SUPPORTED_TV_TIMING) return false; mode->crtc_htotal = le16_to_cpu(tv_info->aModeTimings[index].usCRTC_H_Total); mode->crtc_hdisplay = le16_to_cpu(tv_info->aModeTimings[index].usCRTC_H_Disp); mode->crtc_hsync_start = le16_to_cpu(tv_info->aModeTimings[index].usCRTC_H_SyncStart); mode->crtc_hsync_end = le16_to_cpu(tv_info->aModeTimings[index].usCRTC_H_SyncStart) + le16_to_cpu(tv_info->aModeTimings[index].usCRTC_H_SyncWidth); mode->crtc_vtotal = le16_to_cpu(tv_info->aModeTimings[index].usCRTC_V_Total); mode->crtc_vdisplay = le16_to_cpu(tv_info->aModeTimings[index].usCRTC_V_Disp); mode->crtc_vsync_start = le16_to_cpu(tv_info->aModeTimings[index].usCRTC_V_SyncStart); mode->crtc_vsync_end = le16_to_cpu(tv_info->aModeTimings[index].usCRTC_V_SyncStart) + le16_to_cpu(tv_info->aModeTimings[index].usCRTC_V_SyncWidth); mode->flags = 0; misc = le16_to_cpu(tv_info->aModeTimings[index].susModeMiscInfo.usAccess); if (misc & ATOM_VSYNC_POLARITY) mode->flags |= DRM_MODE_FLAG_NVSYNC; if (misc & ATOM_HSYNC_POLARITY) mode->flags |= DRM_MODE_FLAG_NHSYNC; if (misc & ATOM_COMPOSITESYNC) mode->flags |= DRM_MODE_FLAG_CSYNC; if (misc & ATOM_INTERLACE) mode->flags |= DRM_MODE_FLAG_INTERLACE; if (misc & ATOM_DOUBLE_CLOCK_MODE) mode->flags |= DRM_MODE_FLAG_DBLSCAN; mode->clock = le16_to_cpu(tv_info->aModeTimings[index].usPixelClock) * 10; if (index == 1) { /* PAL timings appear to have wrong values for totals */ mode->crtc_htotal -= 1; mode->crtc_vtotal -= 1; } break; case 2: tv_info_v1_2 = (ATOM_ANALOG_TV_INFO_V1_2 *)(mode_info->atom_context->bios + data_offset); if (index > MAX_SUPPORTED_TV_TIMING_V1_2) return false; dtd_timings = &tv_info_v1_2->aModeTimings[index]; mode->crtc_htotal = le16_to_cpu(dtd_timings->usHActive) + le16_to_cpu(dtd_timings->usHBlanking_Time); mode->crtc_hdisplay = le16_to_cpu(dtd_timings->usHActive); mode->crtc_hsync_start = le16_to_cpu(dtd_timings->usHActive) + le16_to_cpu(dtd_timings->usHSyncOffset); mode->crtc_hsync_end = mode->crtc_hsync_start + le16_to_cpu(dtd_timings->usHSyncWidth); mode->crtc_vtotal = le16_to_cpu(dtd_timings->usVActive) + le16_to_cpu(dtd_timings->usVBlanking_Time); mode->crtc_vdisplay = le16_to_cpu(dtd_timings->usVActive); mode->crtc_vsync_start = le16_to_cpu(dtd_timings->usVActive) + le16_to_cpu(dtd_timings->usVSyncOffset); mode->crtc_vsync_end = mode->crtc_vsync_start + le16_to_cpu(dtd_timings->usVSyncWidth); mode->flags = 0; misc = le16_to_cpu(dtd_timings->susModeMiscInfo.usAccess); if (misc & ATOM_VSYNC_POLARITY) mode->flags |= DRM_MODE_FLAG_NVSYNC; if (misc & ATOM_HSYNC_POLARITY) mode->flags |= DRM_MODE_FLAG_NHSYNC; if (misc & ATOM_COMPOSITESYNC) mode->flags |= DRM_MODE_FLAG_CSYNC; if (misc & ATOM_INTERLACE) mode->flags |= DRM_MODE_FLAG_INTERLACE; if (misc & ATOM_DOUBLE_CLOCK_MODE) mode->flags |= DRM_MODE_FLAG_DBLSCAN; mode->clock = le16_to_cpu(dtd_timings->usPixClk) * 10; break; } return true; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static void virtio_net_handle_ctrl(VirtIODevice *vdev, VirtQueue *vq) { VirtIONet *n = VIRTIO_NET(vdev); struct virtio_net_ctrl_hdr ctrl; virtio_net_ctrl_ack status = VIRTIO_NET_ERR; VirtQueueElement elem; size_t s; struct iovec *iov; unsigned int iov_cnt; while (virtqueue_pop(vq, &elem)) { if (iov_size(elem.in_sg, elem.in_num) < sizeof(status) || iov_size(elem.out_sg, elem.out_num) < sizeof(ctrl)) { error_report("virtio-net ctrl missing headers"); exit(1); } iov = elem.out_sg; iov_cnt = elem.out_num; s = iov_to_buf(iov, iov_cnt, 0, &ctrl, sizeof(ctrl)); iov_discard_front(&iov, &iov_cnt, sizeof(ctrl)); if (s != sizeof(ctrl)) { status = VIRTIO_NET_ERR; } else if (ctrl.class == VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_RX) { status = virtio_net_handle_rx_mode(n, ctrl.cmd, iov, iov_cnt); } else if (ctrl.class == VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_MAC) { status = virtio_net_handle_mac(n, ctrl.cmd, iov, iov_cnt); } else if (ctrl.class == VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_VLAN) { status = virtio_net_handle_vlan_table(n, ctrl.cmd, iov, iov_cnt); } else if (ctrl.class == VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_MQ) { status = virtio_net_handle_mq(n, ctrl.cmd, iov, iov_cnt); } else if (ctrl.class == VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_GUEST_OFFLOADS) { status = virtio_net_handle_offloads(n, ctrl.cmd, iov, iov_cnt); } s = iov_from_buf(elem.in_sg, elem.in_num, 0, &status, sizeof(status)); assert(s == sizeof(status)); virtqueue_push(vq, &elem, sizeof(status)); virtio_notify(vdev, vq); } } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: gfx::Font Label::GetDefaultFont() { return ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetFont(ResourceBundle::BaseFont); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: long long Block::GetTime(const Cluster* pCluster) const { assert(pCluster); const long long tc = GetTimeCode(pCluster); const Segment* const pSegment = pCluster->m_pSegment; const SegmentInfo* const pInfo = pSegment->GetInfo(); assert(pInfo); const long long scale = pInfo->GetTimeCodeScale(); assert(scale >= 1); const long long ns = tc * scale; return ns; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: int remap_pfn_range(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long addr, unsigned long pfn, unsigned long size, pgprot_t prot) { pgd_t *pgd; unsigned long next; unsigned long end = addr + PAGE_ALIGN(size); struct mm_struct *mm = vma->vm_mm; int err; /* * Physically remapped pages are special. Tell the * rest of the world about it: * VM_IO tells people not to look at these pages * (accesses can have side effects). * VM_PFNMAP tells the core MM that the base pages are just * raw PFN mappings, and do not have a "struct page" associated * with them. * VM_DONTEXPAND * Disable vma merging and expanding with mremap(). * VM_DONTDUMP * Omit vma from core dump, even when VM_IO turned off. * * There's a horrible special case to handle copy-on-write * behaviour that some programs depend on. We mark the "original" * un-COW'ed pages by matching them up with "vma->vm_pgoff". * See vm_normal_page() for details. */ if (is_cow_mapping(vma->vm_flags)) { if (addr != vma->vm_start || end != vma->vm_end) return -EINVAL; vma->vm_pgoff = pfn; } err = track_pfn_remap(vma, &prot, pfn, addr, PAGE_ALIGN(size)); if (err) return -EINVAL; vma->vm_flags |= VM_IO | VM_PFNMAP | VM_DONTEXPAND | VM_DONTDUMP; BUG_ON(addr >= end); pfn -= addr >> PAGE_SHIFT; pgd = pgd_offset(mm, addr); flush_cache_range(vma, addr, end); do { next = pgd_addr_end(addr, end); err = remap_pud_range(mm, pgd, addr, next, pfn + (addr >> PAGE_SHIFT), prot); if (err) break; } while (pgd++, addr = next, addr != end); if (err) untrack_pfn(vma, pfn, PAGE_ALIGN(size)); return err; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int misaligned_load(struct pt_regs *regs, __u32 opcode, int displacement_not_indexed, int width_shift, int do_sign_extend) { /* Return -1 for a fault, 0 for OK */ int error; int destreg; __u64 address; error = generate_and_check_address(regs, opcode, displacement_not_indexed, width_shift, &address); if (error < 0) { return error; } perf_sw_event(PERF_COUNT_SW_ALIGNMENT_FAULTS, 1, 0, regs, address); destreg = (opcode >> 4) & 0x3f; if (user_mode(regs)) { __u64 buffer; if (!access_ok(VERIFY_READ, (unsigned long) address, 1UL<<width_shift)) { return -1; } if (__copy_user(&buffer, (const void *)(int)address, (1 << width_shift)) > 0) { return -1; /* fault */ } switch (width_shift) { case 1: if (do_sign_extend) { regs->regs[destreg] = (__u64)(__s64) *(__s16 *) &buffer; } else { regs->regs[destreg] = (__u64) *(__u16 *) &buffer; } break; case 2: regs->regs[destreg] = (__u64)(__s64) *(__s32 *) &buffer; break; case 3: regs->regs[destreg] = buffer; break; default: printk("Unexpected width_shift %d in misaligned_load, PC=%08lx\n", width_shift, (unsigned long) regs->pc); break; } } else { /* kernel mode - we can take short cuts since if we fault, it's a genuine bug */ __u64 lo, hi; switch (width_shift) { case 1: misaligned_kernel_word_load(address, do_sign_extend, &regs->regs[destreg]); break; case 2: asm ("ldlo.l %1, 0, %0" : "=r" (lo) : "r" (address)); asm ("ldhi.l %1, 3, %0" : "=r" (hi) : "r" (address)); regs->regs[destreg] = lo | hi; break; case 3: asm ("ldlo.q %1, 0, %0" : "=r" (lo) : "r" (address)); asm ("ldhi.q %1, 7, %0" : "=r" (hi) : "r" (address)); regs->regs[destreg] = lo | hi; break; default: printk("Unexpected width_shift %d in misaligned_load, PC=%08lx\n", width_shift, (unsigned long) regs->pc); break; } } return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-399 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: mojo::ScopedSharedBufferMapping FakePlatformSensorProvider::GetMapping( mojom::SensorType type) { return CreateSharedBufferIfNeeded() ? MapSharedBufferForType(type) : nullptr; } CWE ID: CWE-732 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void WebMediaPlayerImpl::FlingingStarted() { DCHECK(main_task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); DCHECK(!disable_pipeline_auto_suspend_); disable_pipeline_auto_suspend_ = true; video_decode_stats_reporter_.reset(); ScheduleRestart(); } CWE ID: CWE-732 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: DictionaryValue* PasswordSpecificsDataToValue( const sync_pb::PasswordSpecificsData& proto) { DictionaryValue* value = new DictionaryValue(); SET_INT32(scheme); SET_STR(signon_realm); SET_STR(origin); SET_STR(action); SET_STR(username_element); SET_STR(username_value); SET_STR(password_element); value->SetString("password_value", "<redacted>"); SET_BOOL(ssl_valid); SET_BOOL(preferred); SET_INT64(date_created); SET_BOOL(blacklisted); return value; } CWE ID: CWE-362 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: image_transform_png_set_palette_to_rgb_mod(PNG_CONST image_transform *this, image_pixel *that, png_const_structp pp, PNG_CONST transform_display *display) { if (that->colour_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) image_pixel_convert_PLTE(that); this->next->mod(this->next, that, pp, display); } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: xdr_krb5_key_salt_tuple(XDR *xdrs, krb5_key_salt_tuple *objp) { if (!xdr_krb5_enctype(xdrs, &objp->ks_enctype)) return FALSE; if (!xdr_krb5_salttype(xdrs, &objp->ks_salttype)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } CWE ID: Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static av_cold int rpza_decode_init(AVCodecContext *avctx) { RpzaContext *s = avctx->priv_data; s->avctx = avctx; avctx->pix_fmt = AV_PIX_FMT_RGB555; avcodec_get_frame_defaults(&s->frame); return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromGd2Ctx (gdIOCtxPtr in) { int sx, sy; int i; int ncx, ncy, nc, cs, cx, cy; int x, y, ylo, yhi, xlo, xhi; int vers, fmt; t_chunk_info *chunkIdx = NULL; /* So we can gdFree it with impunity. */ unsigned char *chunkBuf = NULL; /* So we can gdFree it with impunity. */ int chunkNum = 0; int chunkMax = 0; uLongf chunkLen; int chunkPos = 0; int compMax = 0; int bytesPerPixel; char *compBuf = NULL; /* So we can gdFree it with impunity. */ gdImagePtr im; /* Get the header */ im = _gd2CreateFromFile (in, &sx, &sy, &cs, &vers, &fmt, &ncx, &ncy, &chunkIdx); if (im == NULL) { /* No need to free chunkIdx as _gd2CreateFromFile does it for us. */ return 0; } bytesPerPixel = im->trueColor ? 4 : 1; nc = ncx * ncy; if (gd2_compressed (fmt)) { /* Find the maximum compressed chunk size. */ compMax = 0; for (i = 0; (i < nc); i++) { if (chunkIdx[i].size > compMax) { compMax = chunkIdx[i].size; }; }; compMax++; /* Allocate buffers */ chunkMax = cs * bytesPerPixel * cs; chunkBuf = gdCalloc (chunkMax, 1); if (!chunkBuf) { goto fail; } compBuf = gdCalloc (compMax, 1); if (!compBuf) { goto fail; } GD2_DBG (printf ("Largest compressed chunk is %d bytes\n", compMax)); }; /* if ( (ncx != sx / cs) || (ncy != sy / cs)) { */ /* goto fail2; */ /* }; */ /* Read the data... */ for (cy = 0; (cy < ncy); cy++) { for (cx = 0; (cx < ncx); cx++) { ylo = cy * cs; yhi = ylo + cs; if (yhi > im->sy) { yhi = im->sy; }; GD2_DBG (printf ("Processing Chunk %d (%d, %d), y from %d to %d\n", chunkNum, cx, cy, ylo, yhi)); if (gd2_compressed (fmt)) { chunkLen = chunkMax; if (!_gd2ReadChunk (chunkIdx[chunkNum].offset, compBuf, chunkIdx[chunkNum].size, (char *) chunkBuf, &chunkLen, in)) { GD2_DBG (printf ("Error reading comproessed chunk\n")); goto fail; }; chunkPos = 0; }; for (y = ylo; (y < yhi); y++) { xlo = cx * cs; xhi = xlo + cs; if (xhi > im->sx) { xhi = im->sx; }; /*GD2_DBG(printf("y=%d: ",y)); */ if (!gd2_compressed (fmt)) { for (x = xlo; x < xhi; x++) { if (im->trueColor) { if (!gdGetInt (&im->tpixels[y][x], in)) { /*printf("EOF while reading\n"); */ /*gdImageDestroy(im); */ /*return 0; */ im->tpixels[y][x] = 0; } } else { int ch; if (!gdGetByte (&ch, in)) { /*printf("EOF while reading\n"); */ /*gdImageDestroy(im); */ /*return 0; */ ch = 0; } im->pixels[y][x] = ch; } } } else { for (x = xlo; x < xhi; x++) { if (im->trueColor) { /* 2.0.1: work around a gcc bug by being verbose. TBB */ int a = chunkBuf[chunkPos++] << 24; int r = chunkBuf[chunkPos++] << 16; int g = chunkBuf[chunkPos++] << 8; int b = chunkBuf[chunkPos++]; /* 2.0.11: tpixels */ im->tpixels[y][x] = a + r + g + b; } else { im->pixels[y][x] = chunkBuf[chunkPos++]; } }; }; /*GD2_DBG(printf("\n")); */ }; chunkNum++; }; }; GD2_DBG (printf ("Freeing memory\n")); gdFree (chunkBuf); gdFree (compBuf); gdFree (chunkIdx); GD2_DBG (printf ("Done\n")); return im; fail: gdImageDestroy (im); if (chunkBuf) { gdFree (chunkBuf); } if (compBuf) { gdFree (compBuf); } if (chunkIdx) { gdFree (chunkIdx); } return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void EnterpriseEnrollmentScreen::OnClientLoginFailure( const GoogleServiceAuthError& error) { HandleAuthError(error); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: parse_cosine_hex_dump(FILE_T fh, struct wtap_pkthdr *phdr, int pkt_len, Buffer* buf, int *err, gchar **err_info) { guint8 *pd; gchar line[COSINE_LINE_LENGTH]; int i, hex_lines, n, caplen = 0; /* Make sure we have enough room for the packet */ ws_buffer_assure_space(buf, COSINE_MAX_PACKET_LEN); pd = ws_buffer_start_ptr(buf); /* Calculate the number of hex dump lines, each * containing 16 bytes of data */ hex_lines = pkt_len / 16 + ((pkt_len % 16) ? 1 : 0); for (i = 0; i < hex_lines; i++) { if (file_gets(line, COSINE_LINE_LENGTH, fh) == NULL) { *err = file_error(fh, err_info); if (*err == 0) { *err = WTAP_ERR_SHORT_READ; } return FALSE; } if (empty_line(line)) { break; } if ((n = parse_single_hex_dump_line(line, pd, i*16)) == -1) { *err = WTAP_ERR_BAD_FILE; *err_info = g_strdup("cosine: hex dump line doesn't have 16 numbers"); return FALSE; } caplen += n; } phdr->caplen = caplen; return TRUE; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static int do_dentry_open(struct file *f, int (*open)(struct inode *, struct file *), const struct cred *cred) { static const struct file_operations empty_fops = {}; struct inode *inode; int error; f->f_mode = OPEN_FMODE(f->f_flags) | FMODE_LSEEK | FMODE_PREAD | FMODE_PWRITE; if (unlikely(f->f_flags & O_PATH)) f->f_mode = FMODE_PATH; path_get(&f->f_path); inode = f->f_inode = f->f_path.dentry->d_inode; if (f->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE) { error = __get_file_write_access(inode, f->f_path.mnt); if (error) goto cleanup_file; if (!special_file(inode->i_mode)) file_take_write(f); } f->f_mapping = inode->i_mapping; file_sb_list_add(f, inode->i_sb); if (unlikely(f->f_mode & FMODE_PATH)) { f->f_op = &empty_fops; return 0; } f->f_op = fops_get(inode->i_fop); if (unlikely(WARN_ON(!f->f_op))) { error = -ENODEV; goto cleanup_all; } error = security_file_open(f, cred); if (error) goto cleanup_all; error = break_lease(inode, f->f_flags); if (error) goto cleanup_all; if (!open) open = f->f_op->open; if (open) { error = open(inode, f); if (error) goto cleanup_all; } if ((f->f_mode & (FMODE_READ | FMODE_WRITE)) == FMODE_READ) i_readcount_inc(inode); f->f_flags &= ~(O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_NOCTTY | O_TRUNC); file_ra_state_init(&f->f_ra, f->f_mapping->host->i_mapping); return 0; cleanup_all: fops_put(f->f_op); file_sb_list_del(f); if (f->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE) { put_write_access(inode); if (!special_file(inode->i_mode)) { /* * We don't consider this a real * mnt_want/drop_write() pair * because it all happenend right * here, so just reset the state. */ file_reset_write(f); __mnt_drop_write(f->f_path.mnt); } } cleanup_file: path_put(&f->f_path); f->f_path.mnt = NULL; f->f_path.dentry = NULL; f->f_inode = NULL; return error; } CWE ID: CWE-17 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: xmlThrDefOutputBufferCreateFilenameDefault(xmlOutputBufferCreateFilenameFunc func) { xmlOutputBufferCreateFilenameFunc old; xmlMutexLock(xmlThrDefMutex); old = xmlOutputBufferCreateFilenameValueThrDef; #ifdef LIBXML_OUTPUT_ENABLED if (old == NULL) { old = __xmlOutputBufferCreateFilename; } #endif xmlOutputBufferCreateFilenameValueThrDef = func; xmlMutexUnlock(xmlThrDefMutex); return(old); } CWE ID: CWE-189 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int change_mount_flags(struct vfsmount *mnt, int ms_flags) { int error = 0; int readonly_request = 0; if (ms_flags & MS_RDONLY) readonly_request = 1; if (readonly_request == __mnt_is_readonly(mnt)) return 0; if (mnt->mnt_flags & MNT_LOCK_READONLY) return -EPERM; if (readonly_request) error = mnt_make_readonly(real_mount(mnt)); else __mnt_unmake_readonly(real_mount(mnt)); return error; } CWE ID: CWE-264 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void PluginInfoMessageFilter::Context::GrantAccess( const ChromeViewHostMsg_GetPluginInfo_Status& status, const FilePath& path) const { if (status.value == ChromeViewHostMsg_GetPluginInfo_Status::kAllowed || status.value == ChromeViewHostMsg_GetPluginInfo_Status::kClickToPlay) { ChromePluginServiceFilter::GetInstance()->AuthorizePlugin( render_process_id_, path); } } CWE ID: CWE-287 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: AudioRendererAlgorithm::~AudioRendererAlgorithm() {} CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: gfx::Rect ideal_bounds(int i) const { return tab_strip_->ideal_bounds(i); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: kdc_process_for_user(kdc_realm_t *kdc_active_realm, krb5_pa_data *pa_data, krb5_keyblock *tgs_session, krb5_pa_s4u_x509_user **s4u_x509_user, const char **status) { krb5_error_code code; krb5_pa_for_user *for_user; krb5_data req_data; req_data.length = pa_data->length; = (char *)pa_data->contents; code = decode_krb5_pa_for_user(&req_data, &for_user); if (code) return code; code = verify_for_user_checksum(kdc_context, tgs_session, for_user); if (code) { *status = "INVALID_S4U2SELF_CHECKSUM"; krb5_free_pa_for_user(kdc_context, for_user); return code; } *s4u_x509_user = calloc(1, sizeof(krb5_pa_s4u_x509_user)); if (*s4u_x509_user == NULL) { krb5_free_pa_for_user(kdc_context, for_user); return ENOMEM; } (*s4u_x509_user)->user_id.user = for_user->user; for_user->user = NULL; krb5_free_pa_for_user(kdc_context, for_user); return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-617 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: int bio_add_pc_page(struct request_queue *q, struct bio *bio, struct page *page, unsigned int len, unsigned int offset) { int retried_segments = 0; struct bio_vec *bvec; /* * cloned bio must not modify vec list */ if (unlikely(bio_flagged(bio, BIO_CLONED))) return 0; if (((bio->bi_iter.bi_size + len) >> 9) > queue_max_hw_sectors(q)) return 0; /* * For filesystems with a blocksize smaller than the pagesize * we will often be called with the same page as last time and * a consecutive offset. Optimize this special case. */ if (bio->bi_vcnt > 0) { struct bio_vec *prev = &bio->bi_io_vec[bio->bi_vcnt - 1]; if (page == prev->bv_page && offset == prev->bv_offset + prev->bv_len) { prev->bv_len += len; bio->bi_iter.bi_size += len; goto done; } /* * If the queue doesn't support SG gaps and adding this * offset would create a gap, disallow it. */ if (bvec_gap_to_prev(q, prev, offset)) return 0; } if (bio->bi_vcnt >= bio->bi_max_vecs) return 0; /* * setup the new entry, we might clear it again later if we * cannot add the page */ bvec = &bio->bi_io_vec[bio->bi_vcnt]; bvec->bv_page = page; bvec->bv_len = len; bvec->bv_offset = offset; bio->bi_vcnt++; bio->bi_phys_segments++; bio->bi_iter.bi_size += len; /* * Perform a recount if the number of segments is greater * than queue_max_segments(q). */ while (bio->bi_phys_segments > queue_max_segments(q)) { if (retried_segments) goto failed; retried_segments = 1; blk_recount_segments(q, bio); } /* If we may be able to merge these biovecs, force a recount */ if (bio->bi_vcnt > 1 && (BIOVEC_PHYS_MERGEABLE(bvec-1, bvec))) bio_clear_flag(bio, BIO_SEG_VALID); done: return len; failed: bvec->bv_page = NULL; bvec->bv_len = 0; bvec->bv_offset = 0; bio->bi_vcnt--; bio->bi_iter.bi_size -= len; blk_recount_segments(q, bio); return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-772 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: R_API int r_bin_dump_strings(RBinFile *a, int min) { get_strings (a, min, 1); return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-125 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: long Cluster::GetNext( const BlockEntry* pCurr, const BlockEntry*& pNext) const { assert(pCurr); assert(m_entries); assert(m_entries_count > 0); size_t idx = pCurr->GetIndex(); assert(idx < size_t(m_entries_count)); assert(m_entries[idx] == pCurr); ++idx; if (idx >= size_t(m_entries_count)) { long long pos; long len; const long status = Parse(pos, len); if (status < 0) //error { pNext = NULL; return status; } if (status > 0) { pNext = NULL; return 0; } assert(m_entries); assert(m_entries_count > 0); assert(idx < size_t(m_entries_count)); } pNext = m_entries[idx]; assert(pNext); return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: StringValue* MakeInt64Value(int64 x) { return Value::CreateStringValue(base::Int64ToString(x)); } CWE ID: CWE-362 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int read_data(void *opaque, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size) { struct playlist *v = opaque; HLSContext *c = v->parent->priv_data; int ret, i; int just_opened = 0; restart: if (!v->needed) return AVERROR_EOF; if (!v->input) { int64_t reload_interval; struct segment *seg; /* Check that the playlist is still needed before opening a new * segment. */ if (v->ctx && v->ctx->nb_streams) { v->needed = 0; for (i = 0; i < v->n_main_streams; i++) { if (v->main_streams[i]->discard < AVDISCARD_ALL) { v->needed = 1; break; } } } if (!v->needed) { av_log(v->parent, AV_LOG_INFO, "No longer receiving playlist %d\n", v->index); return AVERROR_EOF; } /* If this is a live stream and the reload interval has elapsed since * the last playlist reload, reload the playlists now. */ reload_interval = default_reload_interval(v); reload: if (!v->finished && av_gettime_relative() - v->last_load_time >= reload_interval) { if ((ret = parse_playlist(c, v->url, v, NULL)) < 0) { av_log(v->parent, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Failed to reload playlist %d\n", v->index); return ret; } /* If we need to reload the playlist again below (if * there's still no more segments), switch to a reload * interval of half the target duration. */ reload_interval = v->target_duration / 2; } if (v->cur_seq_no < v->start_seq_no) { av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_WARNING, "skipping %d segments ahead, expired from playlists\n", v->start_seq_no - v->cur_seq_no); v->cur_seq_no = v->start_seq_no; } if (v->cur_seq_no >= v->start_seq_no + v->n_segments) { if (v->finished) return AVERROR_EOF; while (av_gettime_relative() - v->last_load_time < reload_interval) { if (ff_check_interrupt(c->interrupt_callback)) return AVERROR_EXIT; av_usleep(100*1000); } /* Enough time has elapsed since the last reload */ goto reload; } seg = current_segment(v); /* load/update Media Initialization Section, if any */ ret = update_init_section(v, seg); if (ret) return ret; ret = open_input(c, v, seg); if (ret < 0) { if (ff_check_interrupt(c->interrupt_callback)) return AVERROR_EXIT; av_log(v->parent, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Failed to open segment of playlist %d\n", v->index); v->cur_seq_no += 1; goto reload; } just_opened = 1; } if (v->init_sec_buf_read_offset < v->init_sec_data_len) { /* Push init section out first before first actual segment */ int copy_size = FFMIN(v->init_sec_data_len - v->init_sec_buf_read_offset, buf_size); memcpy(buf, v->init_sec_buf, copy_size); v->init_sec_buf_read_offset += copy_size; return copy_size; } ret = read_from_url(v, current_segment(v), buf, buf_size, READ_NORMAL); if (ret > 0) { if (just_opened && v->is_id3_timestamped != 0) { /* Intercept ID3 tags here, elementary audio streams are required * to convey timestamps using them in the beginning of each segment. */ intercept_id3(v, buf, buf_size, &ret); } return ret; } ff_format_io_close(v->parent, &v->input); v->cur_seq_no++; c->cur_seq_no = v->cur_seq_no; goto restart; } CWE ID: CWE-835 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: CronTab::initRegexObject() { if ( ! CronTab::regex.isInitialized() ) { const char *errptr; int erroffset; MyString pattern( CRONTAB_PARAMETER_PATTERN ) ; if ( ! CronTab::regex.compile( pattern, &errptr, &erroffset )) { MyString error = "CronTab: Failed to compile Regex - "; error += pattern; EXCEPT( const_cast<char*>(error.Value())); } } } CWE ID: CWE-134 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static int ecryptfs_write_headers_virt(char *page_virt, size_t max, size_t *size, struct ecryptfs_crypt_stat *crypt_stat, struct dentry *ecryptfs_dentry) { int rc; size_t written; size_t offset; offset = ECRYPTFS_FILE_SIZE_BYTES; write_ecryptfs_marker((page_virt + offset), &written); offset += written; ecryptfs_write_crypt_stat_flags((page_virt + offset), crypt_stat, &written); offset += written; ecryptfs_write_header_metadata((page_virt + offset), crypt_stat, &written); offset += written; rc = ecryptfs_generate_key_packet_set((page_virt + offset), crypt_stat, ecryptfs_dentry, &written, max - offset); if (rc) ecryptfs_printk(KERN_WARNING, "Error generating key packet " "set; rc = [%d]\n", rc); if (size) { offset += written; *size = offset; } return rc; } CWE ID: CWE-189 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void WebPageSerializerImpl::openTagToString(Element* element, SerializeDomParam* param) { bool needSkip; StringBuilder result; result.append(preActionBeforeSerializeOpenTag(element, param, &needSkip)); if (needSkip) return; result.append('<'); result.append(element->nodeName().lower()); AttributeCollection attributes = element->attributes(); AttributeCollection::iterator end = attributes.end(); for (AttributeCollection::iterator it = attributes.begin(); it != end; ++it) { result.append(' '); result.append(it->name().toString()); result.appendLiteral("=\""); if (!it->value().isEmpty()) { const String& attrValue = it->value(); const QualifiedName& attrName = it->name(); if (element->hasLegalLinkAttribute(attrName)) { if (attrValue.startsWith("javascript:", TextCaseInsensitive)) { result.append(attrValue); } else { WebLocalFrameImpl* subFrame = WebLocalFrameImpl::fromFrameOwnerElement(element); String completeURL = subFrame ? subFrame->frame()->document()->url() : param->document->completeURL(attrValue); if (m_localLinks.contains(completeURL)) { if (!param->directoryName.isEmpty()) { result.appendLiteral("./"); result.append(param->directoryName); result.append('/'); } result.append(m_localLinks.get(completeURL)); } else { result.append(completeURL); } } } else { if (param->isHTMLDocument) result.append(m_htmlEntities.convertEntitiesInString(attrValue)); else result.append(m_xmlEntities.convertEntitiesInString(attrValue)); } } result.append('\"'); } String addedContents = postActionAfterSerializeOpenTag(element, param); if (element->hasChildren() || param->haveAddedContentsBeforeEnd) result.append('>'); result.append(addedContents); saveHTMLContentToBuffer(result.toString(), param); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: bool AffiliationFetcher::ParseResponse( AffiliationFetcherDelegate::Result* result) const { std::string serialized_response; if (!fetcher_->GetResponseAsString(&serialized_response)) { NOTREACHED(); } affiliation_pb::LookupAffiliationResponse response; if (!response.ParseFromString(serialized_response)) return false; result->reserve(requested_facet_uris_.size()); std::map<FacetURI, size_t> facet_uri_to_class_index; for (int i = 0; i < response.affiliation_size(); ++i) { const affiliation_pb::Affiliation& equivalence_class( response.affiliation(i)); AffiliatedFacets affiliated_uris; for (int j = 0; j < equivalence_class.facet_size(); ++j) { const std::string& uri_spec(equivalence_class.facet(j)); FacetURI uri = FacetURI::FromPotentiallyInvalidSpec(uri_spec); if (!uri.is_valid()) continue; affiliated_uris.push_back(uri); } if (affiliated_uris.empty()) continue; for (const FacetURI& uri : affiliated_uris) { if (!facet_uri_to_class_index.count(uri)) facet_uri_to_class_index[uri] = result->size(); if (facet_uri_to_class_index[uri] != facet_uri_to_class_index[affiliated_uris[0]]) { return false; } } if (facet_uri_to_class_index[affiliated_uris[0]] == result->size()) result->push_back(affiliated_uris); } for (const FacetURI& uri : requested_facet_uris_) { if (!facet_uri_to_class_index.count(uri)) result->push_back(AffiliatedFacets(1, uri)); } return true; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: asmlinkage __visible void kvm_spurious_fault(void) { /* Fault while not rebooting. We want the trace. */ BUG(); } CWE ID: CWE-362 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void CtcpHandler::handleVersion(CtcpType ctcptype, const QString &prefix, const QString &target, const QString &param) { Q_UNUSED(target) if(ctcptype == CtcpQuery) { if(_ignoreListManager->ctcpMatch(prefix, network()->networkName(), "VERSION")) return; reply(nickFromMask(prefix), "VERSION", QString("Quassel IRC %1 (built on %2) --") .arg(Quassel::buildInfo().plainVersionString) .arg(Quassel::buildInfo().buildDate)); emit displayMsg(Message::Server, BufferInfo::StatusBuffer, "", tr("Received CTCP VERSION request by %1").arg(prefix)); } else { str.append(tr(" with arguments: %1").arg(param)); emit displayMsg(Message::Error, BufferInfo::StatusBuffer, "", str); } } CWE ID: CWE-399 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: int dccp_v4_connect(struct sock *sk, struct sockaddr *uaddr, int addr_len) { const struct sockaddr_in *usin = (struct sockaddr_in *)uaddr; struct inet_sock *inet = inet_sk(sk); struct dccp_sock *dp = dccp_sk(sk); __be16 orig_sport, orig_dport; __be32 daddr, nexthop; struct flowi4 fl4; struct rtable *rt; int err; dp->dccps_role = DCCP_ROLE_CLIENT; if (addr_len < sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) return -EINVAL; if (usin->sin_family != AF_INET) return -EAFNOSUPPORT; nexthop = daddr = usin->sin_addr.s_addr; if (inet->opt != NULL && inet->opt->srr) { if (daddr == 0) return -EINVAL; nexthop = inet->opt->faddr; } orig_sport = inet->inet_sport; orig_dport = usin->sin_port; rt = ip_route_connect(&fl4, nexthop, inet->inet_saddr, RT_CONN_FLAGS(sk), sk->sk_bound_dev_if, IPPROTO_DCCP, orig_sport, orig_dport, sk, true); if (IS_ERR(rt)) return PTR_ERR(rt); if (rt->rt_flags & (RTCF_MULTICAST | RTCF_BROADCAST)) { ip_rt_put(rt); return -ENETUNREACH; } if (inet->opt == NULL || !inet->opt->srr) daddr = rt->rt_dst; if (inet->inet_saddr == 0) inet->inet_saddr = rt->rt_src; inet->inet_rcv_saddr = inet->inet_saddr; inet->inet_dport = usin->sin_port; inet->inet_daddr = daddr; inet_csk(sk)->icsk_ext_hdr_len = 0; if (inet->opt != NULL) inet_csk(sk)->icsk_ext_hdr_len = inet->opt->optlen; /* * Socket identity is still unknown (sport may be zero). * However we set state to DCCP_REQUESTING and not releasing socket * lock select source port, enter ourselves into the hash tables and * complete initialization after this. */ dccp_set_state(sk, DCCP_REQUESTING); err = inet_hash_connect(&dccp_death_row, sk); if (err != 0) goto failure; rt = ip_route_newports(&fl4, rt, orig_sport, orig_dport, inet->inet_sport, inet->inet_dport, sk); if (IS_ERR(rt)) { rt = NULL; goto failure; } /* OK, now commit destination to socket. */ sk_setup_caps(sk, &rt->dst); dp->dccps_iss = secure_dccp_sequence_number(inet->inet_saddr, inet->inet_daddr, inet->inet_sport, inet->inet_dport); inet->inet_id = dp->dccps_iss ^ jiffies; err = dccp_connect(sk); rt = NULL; if (err != 0) goto failure; out: return err; failure: /* * This unhashes the socket and releases the local port, if necessary. */ dccp_set_state(sk, DCCP_CLOSED); ip_rt_put(rt); sk->sk_route_caps = 0; inet->inet_dport = 0; goto out; } CWE ID: CWE-362 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: Editor::RevealSelectionScope::RevealSelectionScope(Editor* editor) : m_editor(editor) { ++m_editor->m_preventRevealSelection; } CWE ID: Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void ContentSecurityPolicy::UpgradeInsecureRequests() { insecure_request_policy_ |= kUpgradeInsecureRequests; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static int clear_refs_pte_range(pmd_t *pmd, unsigned long addr, unsigned long end, struct mm_walk *walk) { struct vm_area_struct *vma = walk->private; pte_t *pte, ptent; spinlock_t *ptl; struct page *page; split_huge_page_pmd(walk->mm, pmd); pte = pte_offset_map_lock(vma->vm_mm, pmd, addr, &ptl); for (; addr != end; pte++, addr += PAGE_SIZE) { ptent = *pte; if (!pte_present(ptent)) continue; page = vm_normal_page(vma, addr, ptent); if (!page) continue; if (PageReserved(page)) continue; /* Clear accessed and referenced bits. */ ptep_test_and_clear_young(vma, addr, pte); ClearPageReferenced(page); } pte_unmap_unlock(pte - 1, ptl); cond_resched(); return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static irqreturn_t acpi_irq(int irq, void *dev_id) { u32 handled; handled = (*acpi_irq_handler) (acpi_irq_context); if (handled) { acpi_irq_handled++; return IRQ_HANDLED; } else { acpi_irq_not_handled++; return IRQ_NONE; } } CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: externalParEntProcessor(XML_Parser parser, const char *s, const char *end, const char **nextPtr) { const char *next = s; int tok; tok = XmlPrologTok(parser->m_encoding, s, end, &next); if (tok <= 0) { if (! parser->m_parsingStatus.finalBuffer && tok != XML_TOK_INVALID) { *nextPtr = s; return XML_ERROR_NONE; } switch (tok) { case XML_TOK_INVALID: return XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN; case XML_TOK_PARTIAL: return XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_TOKEN; case XML_TOK_PARTIAL_CHAR: return XML_ERROR_PARTIAL_CHAR; case XML_TOK_NONE: /* start == end */ default: break; } } /* This would cause the next stage, i.e. doProlog to be passed XML_TOK_BOM. However, when parsing an external subset, doProlog will not accept a BOM as valid, and report a syntax error, so we have to skip the BOM */ else if (tok == XML_TOK_BOM) { s = next; tok = XmlPrologTok(parser->m_encoding, s, end, &next); } parser->m_processor = prologProcessor; return doProlog(parser, parser->m_encoding, s, end, tok, next, nextPtr, (XML_Bool)! parser->m_parsingStatus.finalBuffer); } CWE ID: CWE-611 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void TestFlashMessageLoop::DestroyMessageLoopResourceTask(int32_t unused) { if (message_loop_) { delete message_loop_; message_loop_ = NULL; } else { PP_NOTREACHED(); } } CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: add_async_iorequest(uint32 device, uint32 file, uint32 id, uint32 major, uint32 length, DEVICE_FNS * fns, uint32 total_timeout, uint32 interval_timeout, uint8 * buffer, uint32 offset) { struct async_iorequest *iorq; if (g_iorequest == NULL) { g_iorequest = (struct async_iorequest *) xmalloc(sizeof(struct async_iorequest)); if (!g_iorequest) return False; g_iorequest->fd = 0; g_iorequest->next = NULL; } iorq = g_iorequest; while (iorq->fd != 0) { /* create new element if needed */ if (iorq->next == NULL) { iorq->next = (struct async_iorequest *) xmalloc(sizeof(struct async_iorequest)); if (!iorq->next) return False; iorq->next->fd = 0; iorq->next->next = NULL; } iorq = iorq->next; } iorq->device = device; iorq->fd = file; iorq->id = id; iorq->major = major; iorq->length = length; iorq->partial_len = 0; iorq->fns = fns; iorq->timeout = total_timeout; iorq->itv_timeout = interval_timeout; iorq->buffer = buffer; iorq->offset = offset; return True; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int ppp_unattached_ioctl(struct net *net, struct ppp_file *pf, struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) { int unit, err = -EFAULT; struct ppp *ppp; struct channel *chan; struct ppp_net *pn; int __user *p = (int __user *)arg; switch (cmd) { case PPPIOCNEWUNIT: /* Create a new ppp unit */ if (get_user(unit, p)) break; ppp = ppp_create_interface(net, unit, file, &err); if (!ppp) break; file->private_data = &ppp->file; err = -EFAULT; if (put_user(ppp->file.index, p)) break; err = 0; break; case PPPIOCATTACH: /* Attach to an existing ppp unit */ if (get_user(unit, p)) break; err = -ENXIO; pn = ppp_pernet(net); mutex_lock(&pn->all_ppp_mutex); ppp = ppp_find_unit(pn, unit); if (ppp) { atomic_inc(&ppp->file.refcnt); file->private_data = &ppp->file; err = 0; } mutex_unlock(&pn->all_ppp_mutex); break; case PPPIOCATTCHAN: if (get_user(unit, p)) break; err = -ENXIO; pn = ppp_pernet(net); spin_lock_bh(&pn->all_channels_lock); chan = ppp_find_channel(pn, unit); if (chan) { atomic_inc(&chan->file.refcnt); file->private_data = &chan->file; err = 0; } spin_unlock_bh(&pn->all_channels_lock); break; default: err = -ENOTTY; } return err; } CWE ID: CWE-416 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: TEE_Result syscall_asymm_operate(unsigned long state, const struct utee_attribute *usr_params, size_t num_params, const void *src_data, size_t src_len, void *dst_data, uint64_t *dst_len) { TEE_Result res; struct tee_cryp_state *cs; struct tee_ta_session *sess; uint64_t dlen64; size_t dlen; struct tee_obj *o; void *label = NULL; size_t label_len = 0; size_t n; int salt_len; TEE_Attribute *params = NULL; struct user_ta_ctx *utc; res = tee_ta_get_current_session(&sess); if (res != TEE_SUCCESS) return res; utc = to_user_ta_ctx(sess->ctx); res = tee_svc_cryp_get_state(sess, tee_svc_uref_to_vaddr(state), &cs); if (res != TEE_SUCCESS) return res; res = tee_mmu_check_access_rights( utc, TEE_MEMORY_ACCESS_READ | TEE_MEMORY_ACCESS_ANY_OWNER, (uaddr_t) src_data, src_len); if (res != TEE_SUCCESS) return res; res = tee_svc_copy_from_user(&dlen64, dst_len, sizeof(dlen64)); if (res != TEE_SUCCESS) return res; dlen = dlen64; res = tee_mmu_check_access_rights( utc, TEE_MEMORY_ACCESS_READ | TEE_MEMORY_ACCESS_WRITE | TEE_MEMORY_ACCESS_ANY_OWNER, (uaddr_t) dst_data, dlen); if (res != TEE_SUCCESS) return res; params = malloc(sizeof(TEE_Attribute) * num_params); if (!params) return TEE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; res = copy_in_attrs(utc, usr_params, num_params, params); if (res != TEE_SUCCESS) goto out; res = tee_obj_get(utc, cs->key1, &o); if (res != TEE_SUCCESS) goto out; if ((o->info.handleFlags & TEE_HANDLE_FLAG_INITIALIZED) == 0) { res = TEE_ERROR_GENERIC; goto out; } switch (cs->algo) { case TEE_ALG_RSA_NOPAD: if (cs->mode == TEE_MODE_ENCRYPT) { res = crypto_acipher_rsanopad_encrypt(o->attr, src_data, src_len, dst_data, &dlen); } else if (cs->mode == TEE_MODE_DECRYPT) { res = crypto_acipher_rsanopad_decrypt(o->attr, src_data, src_len, dst_data, &dlen); } else { /* * We will panic because "the mode is not compatible * with the function" */ res = TEE_ERROR_GENERIC; } break; case TEE_ALG_RSAES_PKCS1_V1_5: case TEE_ALG_RSAES_PKCS1_OAEP_MGF1_SHA1: case TEE_ALG_RSAES_PKCS1_OAEP_MGF1_SHA224: case TEE_ALG_RSAES_PKCS1_OAEP_MGF1_SHA256: case TEE_ALG_RSAES_PKCS1_OAEP_MGF1_SHA384: case TEE_ALG_RSAES_PKCS1_OAEP_MGF1_SHA512: for (n = 0; n < num_params; n++) { if (params[n].attributeID == TEE_ATTR_RSA_OAEP_LABEL) { label = params[n].content.ref.buffer; label_len = params[n].content.ref.length; break; } } if (cs->mode == TEE_MODE_ENCRYPT) { res = crypto_acipher_rsaes_encrypt(cs->algo, o->attr, label, label_len, src_data, src_len, dst_data, &dlen); } else if (cs->mode == TEE_MODE_DECRYPT) { res = crypto_acipher_rsaes_decrypt( cs->algo, o->attr, label, label_len, src_data, src_len, dst_data, &dlen); } else { res = TEE_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETERS; } break; #if defined(CFG_CRYPTO_RSASSA_NA1) case TEE_ALG_RSASSA_PKCS1_V1_5: #endif case TEE_ALG_RSASSA_PKCS1_V1_5_MD5: case TEE_ALG_RSASSA_PKCS1_V1_5_SHA1: case TEE_ALG_RSASSA_PKCS1_V1_5_SHA224: case TEE_ALG_RSASSA_PKCS1_V1_5_SHA256: case TEE_ALG_RSASSA_PKCS1_V1_5_SHA384: case TEE_ALG_RSASSA_PKCS1_V1_5_SHA512: case TEE_ALG_RSASSA_PKCS1_PSS_MGF1_SHA1: case TEE_ALG_RSASSA_PKCS1_PSS_MGF1_SHA224: case TEE_ALG_RSASSA_PKCS1_PSS_MGF1_SHA256: case TEE_ALG_RSASSA_PKCS1_PSS_MGF1_SHA384: case TEE_ALG_RSASSA_PKCS1_PSS_MGF1_SHA512: if (cs->mode != TEE_MODE_SIGN) { res = TEE_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETERS; break; } salt_len = pkcs1_get_salt_len(params, num_params, src_len); res = crypto_acipher_rsassa_sign(cs->algo, o->attr, salt_len, src_data, src_len, dst_data, &dlen); break; case TEE_ALG_DSA_SHA1: case TEE_ALG_DSA_SHA224: case TEE_ALG_DSA_SHA256: res = crypto_acipher_dsa_sign(cs->algo, o->attr, src_data, src_len, dst_data, &dlen); break; case TEE_ALG_ECDSA_P192: case TEE_ALG_ECDSA_P224: case TEE_ALG_ECDSA_P256: case TEE_ALG_ECDSA_P384: case TEE_ALG_ECDSA_P521: res = crypto_acipher_ecc_sign(cs->algo, o->attr, src_data, src_len, dst_data, &dlen); break; default: res = TEE_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETERS; break; } out: free(params); if (res == TEE_SUCCESS || res == TEE_ERROR_SHORT_BUFFER) { TEE_Result res2; dlen64 = dlen; res2 = tee_svc_copy_to_user(dst_len, &dlen64, sizeof(*dst_len)); if (res2 != TEE_SUCCESS) return res2; } return res; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: PHP_METHOD(Phar, getSupportedCompression) { if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } array_init(return_value); phar_request_initialize(TSRMLS_C); if (PHAR_G(has_zlib)) { add_next_index_stringl(return_value, "GZ", 2, 1); } if (PHAR_G(has_bz2)) { add_next_index_stringl(return_value, "BZIP2", 5, 1); } } CWE ID: Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: ASN1_INTEGER *BN_to_ASN1_INTEGER(const BIGNUM *bn, ASN1_INTEGER *ai) { ASN1_INTEGER *ret; int len, j; if (ai == NULL) ret = M_ASN1_INTEGER_new(); else ret = ai; if (ret == NULL) { ASN1err(ASN1_F_BN_TO_ASN1_INTEGER, ERR_R_NESTED_ASN1_ERROR); goto err; ASN1err(ASN1_F_BN_TO_ASN1_INTEGER, ERR_R_NESTED_ASN1_ERROR); goto err; } if (BN_is_negative(bn)) ret->type = V_ASN1_NEG_INTEGER; else ret->type = V_ASN1_INTEGER; if (ret->length < len + 4) { unsigned char *new_data = OPENSSL_realloc(ret->data, len + 4); if (!new_data) { ASN1err(ASN1_F_BN_TO_ASN1_INTEGER, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); goto err; } ret->data = new_data; } ret->length = BN_bn2bin(bn, ret->data); /* Correct zero case */ if (!ret->length) { ret->data[0] = 0; ret->length = 1; } return (ret); err: if (ret != ai) M_ASN1_INTEGER_free(ret); return (NULL); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static JSValueRef updateTouchPointCallback(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argumentCount, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef* exception) { if (argumentCount < 3) return JSValueMakeUndefined(context); int index = static_cast<int>(JSValueToNumber(context, arguments[0], exception)); ASSERT(!exception || !*exception); int x = static_cast<int>(JSValueToNumber(context, arguments[1], exception)); ASSERT(!exception || !*exception); int y = static_cast<int>(JSValueToNumber(context, arguments[2], exception)); ASSERT(!exception || !*exception); if (index < 0 || index >= (int)touches.size()) return JSValueMakeUndefined(context); BlackBerry::Platform::TouchPoint& touch = touches[index]; IntPoint pos(x, y); touch.m_pos = pos; touch.m_screenPos = pos; touch.m_state = BlackBerry::Platform::TouchPoint::TouchMoved; return JSValueMakeUndefined(context); } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: int __cond_resched_lock(spinlock_t *lock) { int resched = should_resched(); int ret = 0; lockdep_assert_held(lock); if (spin_needbreak(lock) || resched) { spin_unlock(lock); if (resched) __cond_resched(); else cpu_relax(); ret = 1; spin_lock(lock); } return ret; } CWE ID: Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void ContainerNode::parserInsertBefore(PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Node> newChild, Node& nextChild) { ASSERT(newChild); ASSERT(nextChild.parentNode() == this); ASSERT(!newChild->isDocumentFragment()); ASSERT(!isHTMLTemplateElement(this)); if (nextChild.previousSibling() == newChild || &nextChild == newChild) // nothing to do return; if (!checkParserAcceptChild(*newChild)) return; RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Node> protect(this); while (RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<ContainerNode> parent = newChild->parentNode()) parent->parserRemoveChild(*newChild); if (document() != newChild->document()) document().adoptNode(newChild.get(), ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION); { EventDispatchForbiddenScope assertNoEventDispatch; ScriptForbiddenScope forbidScript; treeScope().adoptIfNeeded(*newChild); insertBeforeCommon(nextChild, *newChild); newChild->updateAncestorConnectedSubframeCountForInsertion(); ChildListMutationScope(*this).childAdded(*newChild); } notifyNodeInserted(*newChild, ChildrenChangeSourceParser); } CWE ID: CWE-264 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: image_transform_png_set_strip_16_mod(PNG_CONST image_transform *this, image_pixel *that, png_const_structp pp, PNG_CONST transform_display *display) { if (that->bit_depth == 16) { that->sample_depth = that->bit_depth = 8; if (that->red_sBIT > 8) that->red_sBIT = 8; if (that->green_sBIT > 8) that->green_sBIT = 8; if (that->blue_sBIT > 8) that->blue_sBIT = 8; if (that->alpha_sBIT > 8) that->alpha_sBIT = 8; /* Prior to 1.5.4 png_set_strip_16 would use an 'accurate' method if this * configuration option is set. From 1.5.4 the flag is never set and the * 'scale' API (above) must be used. */ # ifdef PNG_READ_ACCURATE_SCALE_SUPPORTED # if PNG_LIBPNG_VER >= 10504 # error PNG_READ_ACCURATE_SCALE should not be set # endif /* The strip 16 algorithm drops the low 8 bits rather than calculating * 1/257, so we need to adjust the permitted errors appropriately: * Notice that this is only relevant prior to the addition of the * png_set_scale_16 API in 1.5.4 (but 1.5.4+ always defines the above!) */ { PNG_CONST double d = (255-128.5)/65535; that->rede += d; that->greene += d; that->bluee += d; that->alphae += d; } # endif } this->next->mod(this->next, that, pp, display); } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static int rdp_recv_tpkt_pdu(rdpRdp* rdp, STREAM* s) { UINT16 length; UINT16 pduType; UINT16 pduLength; UINT16 pduSource; UINT16 channelId; UINT16 securityFlags; BYTE* nextp; if (!rdp_read_header(rdp, s, &length, &channelId)) { printf("Incorrect RDP header.\n"); return -1; } if (rdp->settings->DisableEncryption) { if (!rdp_read_security_header(s, &securityFlags)) return -1; if (securityFlags & (SEC_ENCRYPT | SEC_REDIRECTION_PKT)) { if (!rdp_decrypt(rdp, s, length - 4, securityFlags)) { printf("rdp_decrypt failed\n"); return -1; } } if (securityFlags & SEC_REDIRECTION_PKT) { /* * [MS-RDPBCGR] * - no share control header, nor the 2 byte pad */ s->p -= 2; rdp_recv_enhanced_security_redirection_packet(rdp, s); return -1; } } if (channelId != MCS_GLOBAL_CHANNEL_ID) { if (!freerdp_channel_process(rdp->instance, s, channelId)) return -1; } else { while (stream_get_left(s) > 3) { stream_get_mark(s, nextp); if (!rdp_read_share_control_header(s, &pduLength, &pduType, &pduSource)) return -1; nextp += pduLength; rdp->settings->PduSource = pduSource; switch (pduType) { case PDU_TYPE_DATA: if (rdp_recv_data_pdu(rdp, s) < 0) { printf("rdp_recv_data_pdu failed\n"); return -1; } break; case PDU_TYPE_DEACTIVATE_ALL: if (!rdp_recv_deactivate_all(rdp, s)) return -1; break; case PDU_TYPE_SERVER_REDIRECTION: if (!rdp_recv_enhanced_security_redirection_packet(rdp, s)) return -1; break; default: printf("incorrect PDU type: 0x%04X\n", pduType); break; } stream_set_mark(s, nextp); } } return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-476 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: gfx::Image GetTabAlertIndicatorImage(TabAlertState alert_state, SkColor button_color) { const gfx::VectorIcon* icon = nullptr; switch (alert_state) { case TabAlertState::AUDIO_PLAYING: icon = &kTabAudioIcon; break; case TabAlertState::AUDIO_MUTING: icon = &kTabAudioMutingIcon; break; case TabAlertState::MEDIA_RECORDING: icon = &kTabMediaRecordingIcon; break; case TabAlertState::TAB_CAPTURING: icon = &kTabMediaCapturingIcon; break; case TabAlertState::BLUETOOTH_CONNECTED: icon = &kTabBluetoothConnectedIcon; break; case TabAlertState::USB_CONNECTED: icon = &kTabUsbConnectedIcon; break; case TabAlertState::NONE: return gfx::Image(); } DCHECK(icon); return gfx::Image(gfx::CreateVectorIcon(*icon, 16, button_color)); } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static void *skcipher_bind(const char *name, u32 type, u32 mask) { return crypto_alloc_skcipher(name, type, mask); } CWE ID: CWE-476 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> Document::GetTaskRunner( TaskType type) { DCHECK(IsMainThread()); if (ContextDocument() && ContextDocument()->GetFrame()) return ContextDocument()->GetFrame()->GetTaskRunner(type); return Thread::Current()->GetTaskRunner(); } CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: status_t Parcel::readInt32Vector(std::vector<int32_t>* val) const { return readTypedVector(val, &Parcel::readInt32); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static int crypto_report_cipher(struct sk_buff *skb, struct crypto_alg *alg) { struct crypto_report_cipher rcipher; strlcpy(rcipher.type, "cipher", sizeof(rcipher.type)); rcipher.blocksize = alg->cra_blocksize; rcipher.min_keysize = alg->cra_cipher.cia_min_keysize; rcipher.max_keysize = alg->cra_cipher.cia_max_keysize; if (nla_put(skb, CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_CIPHER, sizeof(struct crypto_report_cipher), &rcipher)) goto nla_put_failure; return 0; nla_put_failure: return -EMSGSIZE; } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: projid_t from_kprojid(struct user_namespace *targ, kprojid_t kprojid) { /* Map the uid from a global kernel uid */ return map_id_up(&targ->projid_map, __kprojid_val(kprojid)); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void RenderWidgetHostViewAura::WasShown() { if (!host_->is_hidden()) return; host_->WasShown(); if (!current_surface_ && host_->is_accelerated_compositing_active() && !released_front_lock_.get()) { released_front_lock_ = GetCompositor()->GetCompositorLock(); } AdjustSurfaceProtection(); #if defined(OS_WIN) LPARAM lparam = reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(this); EnumChildWindows(ui::GetHiddenWindow(), ShowWindowsCallback, lparam); #endif } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void EnterpriseEnrollmentScreen::OnAuthCancelled() { UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION(policy::kMetricEnrollment, policy::kMetricEnrollmentCancelled, policy::kMetricEnrollmentSize); auth_fetcher_.reset(); registrar_.reset(); g_browser_process->browser_policy_connector()->DeviceStopAutoRetry(); get_screen_observer()->OnExit( ScreenObserver::ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_CANCELLED); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void _WM_do_control_dummy(struct _mdi *mdi, struct _event_data *data) { #ifdef DEBUG_MIDI uint8_t ch = data->channel; MIDI_EVENT_DEBUG(__FUNCTION__, ch, data->data.value); #else UNUSED(data); #endif UNUSED(mdi); } CWE ID: CWE-125 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static struct nfs4_unlockdata *nfs4_alloc_unlockdata(struct file_lock *fl, struct nfs_open_context *ctx, struct nfs4_lock_state *lsp, struct nfs_seqid *seqid) { struct nfs4_unlockdata *p; struct inode *inode = lsp->ls_state->inode; p = kzalloc(sizeof(*p), GFP_NOFS); if (p == NULL) return NULL; p->arg.fh = NFS_FH(inode); p->arg.fl = &p->fl; p->arg.seqid = seqid; p->res.seqid = seqid; p->lsp = lsp; atomic_inc(&lsp->ls_count); /* Ensure we don't close file until we're done freeing locks! */ p->ctx = get_nfs_open_context(ctx); memcpy(&p->fl, fl, sizeof(p->fl)); p->server = NFS_SERVER(inode); return p; } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static v8::Handle<v8::Value> overloadedMethod11Callback(const v8::Arguments& args) { INC_STATS("DOM.TestObj.overloadedMethod11"); if (args.Length() < 1) return V8Proxy::throwNotEnoughArgumentsError(); EXCEPTION_BLOCK(int, arg, toInt32(MAYBE_MISSING_PARAMETER(args, 0, DefaultIsUndefined))); TestObj::overloadedMethod1(arg); return v8::Handle<v8::Value>(); } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void TestFocusTraversal(RenderViewHost* render_view_host, bool reverse) { const char kGetFocusedElementJS[] = "window.domAutomationController.send(getFocusedElement());"; const char* kExpectedIDs[] = { "textEdit", "searchButton", "luckyButton", "googleLink", "gmailLink", "gmapLink" }; SCOPED_TRACE(base::StringPrintf("TestFocusTraversal: reverse=%d", reverse)); ui::KeyboardCode key = ui::VKEY_TAB; #if defined(OS_MACOSX) key = reverse ? ui::VKEY_BACKTAB : ui::VKEY_TAB; #elif defined(OS_WIN) if (base::win::GetVersion() < base::win::VERSION_VISTA) return; #endif for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { SCOPED_TRACE(base::StringPrintf("focus outer loop: %" PRIuS, i)); ASSERT_TRUE(IsViewFocused(VIEW_ID_OMNIBOX)); #if defined(OS_MACOSX) if (ui_controls::IsFullKeyboardAccessEnabled()) { ASSERT_TRUE(ui_test_utils::SendKeyPressSync( browser(), key, false, reverse, false, false)); if (reverse) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { ASSERT_TRUE(ui_test_utils::SendKeyPressSync( browser(), key, false, reverse, false, false)); } } } #endif if (reverse) { ASSERT_TRUE(ui_test_utils::SendKeyPressAndWait( browser(), key, false, reverse, false, false, content::NOTIFICATION_ALL, content::NotificationService::AllSources())); } for (size_t j = 0; j < arraysize(kExpectedIDs); ++j) { SCOPED_TRACE(base::StringPrintf("focus inner loop %" PRIuS, j)); const size_t index = reverse ? arraysize(kExpectedIDs) - 1 - j : j; bool is_editable_node = index == 0; ASSERT_TRUE(ui_test_utils::SendKeyPressAndWaitWithDetails( browser(), key, false, reverse, false, false, content::NOTIFICATION_FOCUS_CHANGED_IN_PAGE, content::Source<RenderViewHost>(render_view_host), content::Details<bool>(&is_editable_node))); std::string focused_id; EXPECT_TRUE(content::ExecuteScriptAndExtractString( render_view_host, kGetFocusedElementJS, &focused_id)); EXPECT_STREQ(kExpectedIDs[index], focused_id.c_str()); } #if defined(OS_MACOSX) chrome::FocusLocationBar(browser()); #else ASSERT_TRUE(ui_test_utils::SendKeyPressAndWait( browser(), key, false, reverse, false, false, chrome::NOTIFICATION_FOCUS_RETURNED_TO_BROWSER, content::Source<Browser>(browser()))); EXPECT_TRUE( IsViewFocused(reverse ? VIEW_ID_OMNIBOX : VIEW_ID_LOCATION_ICON)); ASSERT_TRUE(ui_test_utils::SendKeyPressAndWait( browser(), key, false, reverse, false, false, content::NOTIFICATION_ALL, content::NotificationService::AllSources())); #endif content::RunAllPendingInMessageLoop(); EXPECT_TRUE( IsViewFocused(reverse ? VIEW_ID_LOCATION_ICON : VIEW_ID_OMNIBOX)); if (reverse) { ASSERT_TRUE(ui_test_utils::SendKeyPressAndWait( browser(), key, false, false, false, false, content::NOTIFICATION_ALL, content::NotificationService::AllSources())); } } } CWE ID: Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: wiki_show_page(HttpResponse *res, char *wikitext, char *page) { char *html_clean_wikitext = NULL; http_response_printf_alloc_buffer(res, strlen(wikitext)*2); wiki_show_header(res, page, TRUE); html_clean_wikitext = util_htmlize(wikitext, strlen(wikitext)); wiki_print_data_as_html(res, html_clean_wikitext); wiki_show_footer(res); http_response_send(res); exit(0); } CWE ID: CWE-22 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: xfs_attr3_leaf_list_int( struct xfs_buf *bp, struct xfs_attr_list_context *context) { struct attrlist_cursor_kern *cursor; struct xfs_attr_leafblock *leaf; struct xfs_attr3_icleaf_hdr ichdr; struct xfs_attr_leaf_entry *entries; struct xfs_attr_leaf_entry *entry; int retval; int i; trace_xfs_attr_list_leaf(context); leaf = bp->b_addr; xfs_attr3_leaf_hdr_from_disk(&ichdr, leaf); entries = xfs_attr3_leaf_entryp(leaf); cursor = context->cursor; cursor->initted = 1; /* * Re-find our place in the leaf block if this is a new syscall. */ if (context->resynch) { entry = &entries[0]; for (i = 0; i < ichdr.count; entry++, i++) { if (be32_to_cpu(entry->hashval) == cursor->hashval) { if (cursor->offset == context->dupcnt) { context->dupcnt = 0; break; } context->dupcnt++; } else if (be32_to_cpu(entry->hashval) > cursor->hashval) { context->dupcnt = 0; break; } } if (i == ichdr.count) { trace_xfs_attr_list_notfound(context); return 0; } } else { entry = &entries[0]; i = 0; } context->resynch = 0; /* * We have found our place, start copying out the new attributes. */ retval = 0; for (; i < ichdr.count; entry++, i++) { if (be32_to_cpu(entry->hashval) != cursor->hashval) { cursor->hashval = be32_to_cpu(entry->hashval); cursor->offset = 0; } if (entry->flags & XFS_ATTR_INCOMPLETE) continue; /* skip incomplete entries */ if (entry->flags & XFS_ATTR_LOCAL) { xfs_attr_leaf_name_local_t *name_loc = xfs_attr3_leaf_name_local(leaf, i); retval = context->put_listent(context, entry->flags, name_loc->nameval, (int)name_loc->namelen, be16_to_cpu(name_loc->valuelen), &name_loc->nameval[name_loc->namelen]); if (retval) return retval; } else { xfs_attr_leaf_name_remote_t *name_rmt = xfs_attr3_leaf_name_remote(leaf, i); int valuelen = be32_to_cpu(name_rmt->valuelen); if (context->put_value) { xfs_da_args_t args; memset((char *)&args, 0, sizeof(args)); args.dp = context->dp; args.whichfork = XFS_ATTR_FORK; args.valuelen = valuelen; args.value = kmem_alloc(valuelen, KM_SLEEP | KM_NOFS); args.rmtblkno = be32_to_cpu(name_rmt->valueblk); args.rmtblkcnt = xfs_attr3_rmt_blocks( args.dp->i_mount, valuelen); retval = xfs_attr_rmtval_get(&args); if (retval) return retval; retval = context->put_listent(context, entry->flags, name_rmt->name, (int)name_rmt->namelen, valuelen, args.value); kmem_free(args.value); } else { retval = context->put_listent(context, entry->flags, name_rmt->name, (int)name_rmt->namelen, valuelen, NULL); } if (retval) return retval; } if (context->seen_enough) break; cursor->offset++; } trace_xfs_attr_list_leaf_end(context); return retval; } CWE ID: CWE-19 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void CL_Rcon_f( void ) { char message[MAX_RCON_MESSAGE]; netadr_t to; if ( !rcon_client_password->string[0] ) { Com_Printf ("You must set 'rconpassword' before\n" "issuing an rcon command.\n"); return; } message[0] = -1; message[1] = -1; message[2] = -1; message[3] = -1; message[4] = 0; Q_strcat (message, MAX_RCON_MESSAGE, "rcon "); Q_strcat (message, MAX_RCON_MESSAGE, rcon_client_password->string); Q_strcat (message, MAX_RCON_MESSAGE, " "); Q_strcat (message, MAX_RCON_MESSAGE, Cmd_Cmd()+5); if ( clc.state >= CA_CONNECTED ) { to = clc.netchan.remoteAddress; } else { if (!strlen(rconAddress->string)) { Com_Printf ("You must either be connected,\n" "or set the 'rconAddress' cvar\n" "to issue rcon commands\n"); return; } NET_StringToAdr (rconAddress->string, &to, NA_UNSPEC); if (to.port == 0) { to.port = BigShort (PORT_SERVER); } } NET_SendPacket (NS_CLIENT, strlen(message)+1, message, to); } CWE ID: CWE-269 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static void update_devnum(struct usb_device *udev, int devnum) { /* The address for a WUSB device is managed by wusbcore. */ if (!udev->wusb) udev->devnum = devnum; } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: exsltFuncFunctionFunction (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) { xmlXPathObjectPtr oldResult, ret; exsltFuncData *data; exsltFuncFunctionData *func; xmlNodePtr paramNode, oldInsert, fake; int oldBase; xsltStackElemPtr params = NULL, param; xsltTransformContextPtr tctxt = xsltXPathGetTransformContext(ctxt); int i, notSet; struct objChain { struct objChain *next; xmlXPathObjectPtr obj; }; struct objChain *savedObjChain = NULL, *savedObj; /* * retrieve func:function template */ data = (exsltFuncData *) xsltGetExtData (tctxt, EXSLT_FUNCTIONS_NAMESPACE); oldResult = data->result; data->result = NULL; func = (exsltFuncFunctionData*) xmlHashLookup2 (data->funcs, ctxt->context->functionURI, ctxt->context->function); /* * params handling */ if (nargs > func->nargs) { xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext, "{%s}%s: called with too many arguments\n", ctxt->context->functionURI, ctxt->context->function); ctxt->error = XPATH_INVALID_ARITY; return; } if (func->content != NULL) { paramNode = func->content->prev; } else paramNode = NULL; if ((paramNode == NULL) && (func->nargs != 0)) { xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext, "exsltFuncFunctionFunction: nargs != 0 and " "param == NULL\n"); return; } if (tctxt->funcLevel > MAX_FUNC_RECURSION) { xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext, "{%s}%s: detected a recursion\n", ctxt->context->functionURI, ctxt->context->function); ctxt->error = XPATH_MEMORY_ERROR; return; } tctxt->funcLevel++; /* * We have a problem with the evaluation of function parameters. * The original library code did not evaluate XPath expressions until * the last moment. After version 1.1.17 of the libxslt, the logic * of other parts of the library was changed, and the evaluation of * XPath expressions within parameters now takes place as soon as the * parameter is parsed/evaluated (xsltParseStylesheetCallerParam). * This means that the parameters need to be evaluated in lexical * order (since a variable is "in scope" as soon as it is declared). * However, on entry to this routine, the values (from the caller) are * in reverse order (held on the XPath context variable stack). To * accomplish what is required, I have added code to pop the XPath * objects off of the stack at the beginning and save them, then use * them (in the reverse order) as the params are evaluated. This * requires an xmlMalloc/xmlFree for each param set by the caller, * which is not very nice. There is probably a much better solution * (like change other code to delay the evaluation). */ /* * In order to give the function params and variables a new 'scope' * we change varsBase in the context. */ oldBase = tctxt->varsBase; tctxt->varsBase = tctxt->varsNr; /* If there are any parameters */ if (paramNode != NULL) { /* Fetch the stored argument values from the caller */ for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++) { savedObj = xmlMalloc(sizeof(struct objChain)); savedObj->next = savedObjChain; savedObj->obj = valuePop(ctxt); savedObjChain = savedObj; } /* * Prepare to process params in reverse order. First, go to * the beginning of the param chain. */ for (i = 1; i <= func->nargs; i++) { if (paramNode->prev == NULL) break; paramNode = paramNode->prev; } /* * i has total # params found, nargs is number which are present * as arguments from the caller * Calculate the number of un-set parameters */ notSet = func->nargs - nargs; for (; i > 0; i--) { param = xsltParseStylesheetCallerParam (tctxt, paramNode); if (i > notSet) { /* if parameter value set */ param->computed = 1; if (param->value != NULL) xmlXPathFreeObject(param->value); savedObj = savedObjChain; /* get next val from chain */ param->value = savedObj->obj; savedObjChain = savedObjChain->next; xmlFree(savedObj); } xsltLocalVariablePush(tctxt, param, -1); param->next = params; params = param; paramNode = paramNode->next; } } /* * actual processing */ fake = xmlNewDocNode(tctxt->output, NULL, (const xmlChar *)"fake", NULL); oldInsert = tctxt->insert; tctxt->insert = fake; xsltApplyOneTemplate (tctxt, xmlXPathGetContextNode(ctxt), func->content, NULL, NULL); xsltLocalVariablePop(tctxt, tctxt->varsBase, -2); tctxt->insert = oldInsert; tctxt->varsBase = oldBase; /* restore original scope */ if (params != NULL) xsltFreeStackElemList(params); if (data->error != 0) goto error; if (data->result != NULL) { ret = data->result; } else ret = xmlXPathNewCString(""); data->result = oldResult; /* * It is an error if the instantiation of the template results in * the generation of result nodes. */ if (fake->children != NULL) { #ifdef LIBXML_DEBUG_ENABLED xmlDebugDumpNode (stderr, fake, 1); #endif xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext, "{%s}%s: cannot write to result tree while " "executing a function\n", ctxt->context->functionURI, ctxt->context->function); xmlFreeNode(fake); goto error; } xmlFreeNode(fake); valuePush(ctxt, ret); error: /* * IMPORTANT: This enables previously tree fragments marked as * being results of a function, to be garbage-collected after * the calling process exits. */ xsltExtensionInstructionResultFinalize(tctxt); tctxt->funcLevel--; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static struct sock *__sco_get_sock_by_addr(bdaddr_t *ba) { struct sock *sk; struct hlist_node *node; sk_for_each(sk, node, &sco_sk_list.head) if (!bacmp(&bt_sk(sk)->src, ba)) goto found; sk = NULL; found: return sk; } CWE ID: CWE-200 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void RenderProcessHostImpl::RemoveObserver( RenderProcessHostObserver* observer) { observers_.RemoveObserver(observer); } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static Image *ReadDDSImage(const ImageInfo *image_info,ExceptionInfo *exception) { Image *image; MagickBooleanType status, cubemap = MagickFalse, volume = MagickFalse, matte; CompressionType compression; DDSInfo dds_info; DDSDecoder *decoder; size_t n, num_images; /* Open image file. */ assert(image_info != (const ImageInfo *) NULL); assert(image_info->signature == MagickSignature); if (image_info->debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s", image_info->filename); assert(exception != (ExceptionInfo *) NULL); assert(exception->signature == MagickSignature); image=AcquireImage(image_info); status=OpenBlob(image_info,image,ReadBinaryBlobMode,exception); if (status == MagickFalse) { image=DestroyImageList(image); return((Image *) NULL); } /* Initialize image structure. */ if (ReadDDSInfo(image, &dds_info) != MagickTrue) { ThrowReaderException(CorruptImageError,"ImproperImageHeader"); } if (dds_info.ddscaps2 & DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP) cubemap = MagickTrue; if (dds_info.ddscaps2 & DDSCAPS2_VOLUME && dds_info.depth > 0) volume = MagickTrue; (void) SeekBlob(image, 128, SEEK_SET); /* Determine pixel format */ if (dds_info.pixelformat.flags & DDPF_RGB) { compression = NoCompression; if (dds_info.pixelformat.flags & DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS) { matte = MagickTrue; decoder = ReadUncompressedRGBA; } else { matte = MagickTrue; decoder = ReadUncompressedRGB; } } else if (dds_info.pixelformat.flags & DDPF_LUMINANCE) { compression = NoCompression; if (dds_info.pixelformat.flags & DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS) { /* Not sure how to handle this */ ThrowReaderException(CorruptImageError, "ImageTypeNotSupported"); } else { matte = MagickFalse; decoder = ReadUncompressedRGB; } } else if (dds_info.pixelformat.flags & DDPF_FOURCC) { switch (dds_info.pixelformat.fourcc) { case FOURCC_DXT1: { matte = MagickFalse; compression = DXT1Compression; decoder = ReadDXT1; break; } case FOURCC_DXT3: { matte = MagickTrue; compression = DXT3Compression; decoder = ReadDXT3; break; } case FOURCC_DXT5: { matte = MagickTrue; compression = DXT5Compression; decoder = ReadDXT5; break; } default: { /* Unknown FOURCC */ ThrowReaderException(CorruptImageError, "ImageTypeNotSupported"); } } } else { /* Neither compressed nor uncompressed... thus unsupported */ ThrowReaderException(CorruptImageError, "ImageTypeNotSupported"); } num_images = 1; if (cubemap) { /* Determine number of faces defined in the cubemap */ num_images = 0; if (dds_info.ddscaps2 & DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEX) num_images++; if (dds_info.ddscaps2 & DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEX) num_images++; if (dds_info.ddscaps2 & DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEY) num_images++; if (dds_info.ddscaps2 & DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEY) num_images++; if (dds_info.ddscaps2 & DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEZ) num_images++; if (dds_info.ddscaps2 & DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEZ) num_images++; } if (volume) num_images = dds_info.depth; for (n = 0; n < num_images; n++) { if (n != 0) { /* Start a new image */ AcquireNextImage(image_info,image); if (GetNextImageInList(image) == (Image *) NULL) return(DestroyImageList(image)); image=SyncNextImageInList(image); } image->matte = matte; image->compression = compression; image->columns = dds_info.width; image->rows = dds_info.height; image->storage_class = DirectClass; image->endian = LSBEndian; image->depth = 8; if (image_info->ping != MagickFalse) { (void) CloseBlob(image); return(GetFirstImageInList(image)); } if ((decoder)(image, &dds_info, exception) != MagickTrue) { (void) CloseBlob(image); return(GetFirstImageInList(image)); } } if (EOFBlob(image) != MagickFalse) ThrowFileException(exception,CorruptImageError,"UnexpectedEndOfFile", image->filename); (void) CloseBlob(image); return(GetFirstImageInList(image)); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static inline void __poke_user_per(struct task_struct *child, addr_t addr, addr_t data) { struct per_struct_kernel *dummy = NULL; /* * There are only three fields in the per_info struct that the * debugger user can write to. * 1) cr9: the debugger wants to set a new PER event mask * 2) starting_addr: the debugger wants to set a new starting * address to use with the PER event mask. * 3) ending_addr: the debugger wants to set a new ending * address to use with the PER event mask. * The user specified PER event mask and the start and end * addresses are used only if single stepping is not in effect. * Writes to any other field in per_info are ignored. */ if (addr == (addr_t) &dummy->cr9) /* PER event mask of the user specified per set. */ child->thread.per_user.control = data & (PER_EVENT_MASK | PER_CONTROL_MASK); else if (addr == (addr_t) &dummy->starting_addr) /* Starting address of the user specified per set. */ child->thread.per_user.start = data; else if (addr == (addr_t) &dummy->ending_addr) /* Ending address of the user specified per set. */ child->thread.per_user.end = data; } CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void BrowserCommandController::UpdateCommandsForFullscreenMode( FullScreenMode fullscreen_mode) { const bool show_main_ui = IsShowingMainUI(fullscreen_mode != FULLSCREEN_DISABLED); bool main_not_fullscreen = show_main_ui && (fullscreen_mode == FULLSCREEN_DISABLED); command_updater_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_OPEN_CURRENT_URL, show_main_ui); command_updater_.UpdateCommandEnabled( IDC_SHOW_AS_TAB, !browser_->is_type_tabbed() && fullscreen_mode == FULLSCREEN_DISABLED); command_updater_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_FOCUS_TOOLBAR, show_main_ui); command_updater_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_FOCUS_LOCATION, show_main_ui); command_updater_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_FOCUS_SEARCH, show_main_ui); command_updater_.UpdateCommandEnabled( IDC_FOCUS_MENU_BAR, main_not_fullscreen); command_updater_.UpdateCommandEnabled( IDC_FOCUS_NEXT_PANE, main_not_fullscreen); command_updater_.UpdateCommandEnabled( IDC_FOCUS_PREVIOUS_PANE, main_not_fullscreen); command_updater_.UpdateCommandEnabled( IDC_FOCUS_BOOKMARKS, main_not_fullscreen); command_updater_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_DEVELOPER_MENU, show_main_ui); command_updater_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_FEEDBACK, show_main_ui); command_updater_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_SHOW_SYNC_SETUP, show_main_ui && profile()->GetOriginalProfile()->IsSyncAccessible()); const bool options_enabled = show_main_ui && IncognitoModePrefs::GetAvailability( profile()->GetPrefs()) != IncognitoModePrefs::FORCED; command_updater_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_OPTIONS, options_enabled); command_updater_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_IMPORT_SETTINGS, options_enabled); command_updater_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_EDIT_SEARCH_ENGINES, show_main_ui); command_updater_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_VIEW_PASSWORDS, show_main_ui); command_updater_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_ABOUT, show_main_ui); command_updater_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_SHOW_APP_MENU, show_main_ui); #if defined (ENABLE_PROFILING) && !defined(NO_TCMALLOC) command_updater_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_PROFILING_ENABLED, show_main_ui); #endif bool fullscreen_enabled = !browser_->is_type_panel() && !browser_->is_app() && fullscreen_mode != FULLSCREEN_METRO_SNAP; #if defined(OS_MACOSX) int tabIndex = chrome::IndexOfFirstBlockedTab(browser_->tab_strip_model()); bool has_blocked_tab = tabIndex != browser_->tab_strip_model()->count(); fullscreen_enabled &= !has_blocked_tab; #endif command_updater_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_FULLSCREEN, fullscreen_enabled); command_updater_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_PRESENTATION_MODE, fullscreen_enabled); UpdateCommandsForBookmarkBar(); UpdateCommandsForMultipleProfiles(); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static int rock_continue(struct rock_state *rs) { int ret = 1; int blocksize = 1 << rs->inode->i_blkbits; const int min_de_size = offsetof(struct rock_ridge, u); kfree(rs->buffer); rs->buffer = NULL; if ((unsigned)rs->cont_offset > blocksize - min_de_size || (unsigned)rs->cont_size > blocksize || (unsigned)(rs->cont_offset + rs->cont_size) > blocksize) { printk(KERN_NOTICE "rock: corrupted directory entry. " "extent=%d, offset=%d, size=%d\n", rs->cont_extent, rs->cont_offset, rs->cont_size); ret = -EIO; goto out; } if (rs->cont_extent) { struct buffer_head *bh; rs->buffer = kmalloc(rs->cont_size, GFP_KERNEL); if (!rs->buffer) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto out; } ret = -EIO; bh = sb_bread(rs->inode->i_sb, rs->cont_extent); if (bh) { memcpy(rs->buffer, bh->b_data + rs->cont_offset, rs->cont_size); put_bh(bh); rs->chr = rs->buffer; rs->len = rs->cont_size; rs->cont_extent = 0; rs->cont_size = 0; rs->cont_offset = 0; return 0; } printk("Unable to read rock-ridge attributes\n"); } out: kfree(rs->buffer); rs->buffer = NULL; return ret; } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: PHP_FUNCTION(time) { RETURN_LONG((long)time(NULL)); } CWE ID: Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void BrowserLauncherItemController::Init() { tab_model_->AddObserver(this); ash::LauncherItemStatus app_status = ash::wm::IsActiveWindow(window_) ? ash::STATUS_ACTIVE : ash::STATUS_RUNNING; if (type() != TYPE_TABBED) { launcher_controller()->CreateAppLauncherItem(this, app_id(), app_status); } else { launcher_controller()->CreateTabbedLauncherItem( this, is_incognito_ ? ChromeLauncherController::STATE_INCOGNITO : ChromeLauncherController::STATE_NOT_INCOGNITO, app_status); } if (tab_model_->GetActiveTabContents()) UpdateLauncher(tab_model_->GetActiveTabContents()); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: sp<VBRISeeker> VBRISeeker::CreateFromSource( const sp<DataSource> &source, off64_t post_id3_pos) { off64_t pos = post_id3_pos; uint8_t header[4]; ssize_t n = source->readAt(pos, header, sizeof(header)); if (n < (ssize_t)sizeof(header)) { return NULL; } uint32_t tmp = U32_AT(&header[0]); size_t frameSize; int sampleRate; if (!GetMPEGAudioFrameSize(tmp, &frameSize, &sampleRate)) { return NULL; } pos += sizeof(header) + 32; uint8_t vbriHeader[26]; n = source->readAt(pos, vbriHeader, sizeof(vbriHeader)); if (n < (ssize_t)sizeof(vbriHeader)) { return NULL; } if (memcmp(vbriHeader, "VBRI", 4)) { return NULL; } size_t numFrames = U32_AT(&vbriHeader[14]); int64_t durationUs = numFrames * 1000000ll * (sampleRate >= 32000 ? 1152 : 576) / sampleRate; ALOGV("duration = %.2f secs", durationUs / 1E6); size_t numEntries = U16_AT(&vbriHeader[18]); size_t entrySize = U16_AT(&vbriHeader[22]); size_t scale = U16_AT(&vbriHeader[20]); ALOGV("%zu entries, scale=%zu, size_per_entry=%zu", numEntries, scale, entrySize); size_t totalEntrySize = numEntries * entrySize; uint8_t *buffer = new uint8_t[totalEntrySize]; n = source->readAt(pos + sizeof(vbriHeader), buffer, totalEntrySize); if (n < (ssize_t)totalEntrySize) { delete[] buffer; buffer = NULL; return NULL; } sp<VBRISeeker> seeker = new VBRISeeker; seeker->mBasePos = post_id3_pos + frameSize; if (durationUs) { seeker->mDurationUs = durationUs; } off64_t offset = post_id3_pos; for (size_t i = 0; i < numEntries; ++i) { uint32_t numBytes; switch (entrySize) { case 1: numBytes = buffer[i]; break; case 2: numBytes = U16_AT(buffer + 2 * i); break; case 3: numBytes = U24_AT(buffer + 3 * i); break; default: { CHECK_EQ(entrySize, 4u); numBytes = U32_AT(buffer + 4 * i); break; } } numBytes *= scale; seeker->mSegments.push(numBytes); ALOGV("entry #%zu: %u offset %#016llx", i, numBytes, (long long)offset); offset += numBytes; } delete[] buffer; buffer = NULL; ALOGI("Found VBRI header."); return seeker; } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: ImageDataNaClBackend::ImageDataNaClBackend() : map_count_(0) { } CWE ID: CWE-190 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: error::Error GLES2DecoderPassthroughImpl::DoTraceEndCHROMIUM() { if (!gpu_tracer_->End(kTraceCHROMIUM)) { InsertError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION, "No trace to end"); return error::kNoError; } debug_marker_manager_.PopGroup(); return error::kNoError; } CWE ID: CWE-416 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: pop_decoder_state (DECODER_STATE ds) { if (!ds->idx) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: decoder stack underflow!\n"); abort (); } ds->cur = ds->stack[--ds->idx]; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: status_t InputDispatcher::unregisterInputChannelLocked(const sp<InputChannel>& inputChannel, bool notify) { ssize_t connectionIndex = getConnectionIndexLocked(inputChannel); if (connectionIndex < 0) { ALOGW("Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '%s'", inputChannel->getName().string()); return BAD_VALUE; } sp<Connection> connection = mConnectionsByFd.valueAt(connectionIndex); mConnectionsByFd.removeItemsAt(connectionIndex); if (connection->monitor) { removeMonitorChannelLocked(inputChannel); } mLooper->removeFd(inputChannel->getFd()); nsecs_t currentTime = now(); abortBrokenDispatchCycleLocked(currentTime, connection, notify); connection->status = Connection::STATUS_ZOMBIE; return OK; } CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: bool Layer::IsContainerForFixedPositionLayers() const { if (!transform_.IsIdentityOrTranslation()) return true; if (parent_ && !parent_->transform_.IsIdentityOrTranslation()) return true; return is_container_for_fixed_position_layers_; } CWE ID: CWE-399 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static void UpdatePropertyHandler( void* object, const ImePropertyList& prop_list) { if (!BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Not on UI thread"; return; } InputMethodLibraryImpl* input_method_library = static_cast<InputMethodLibraryImpl*>(object); input_method_library->UpdateProperty(prop_list); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void faad_initbits_rev(bitfile *ld, void *buffer, uint32_t bits_in_buffer) { uint32_t tmp; int32_t index; ld->buffer_size = bit2byte(bits_in_buffer); index = (bits_in_buffer+31)/32 - 1; ld->start = (uint32_t*)buffer + index - 2; tmp = getdword((uint32_t*)buffer + index); ld->bufa = tmp; tmp = getdword((uint32_t*)buffer + index - 1); ld->bufb = tmp; ld->tail = (uint32_t*)buffer + index; ld->bits_left = bits_in_buffer % 32; if (ld->bits_left == 0) ld->bits_left = 32; ld->bytes_left = ld->buffer_size; ld->error = 0; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void SetFilterCallback(const FilterCallback& callback) { callback_ = callback; } CWE ID: CWE-284 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: bool AXObject::isHiddenForTextAlternativeCalculation() const { if (equalIgnoringCase(getAttribute(aria_hiddenAttr), "false")) return false; if (getLayoutObject()) return getLayoutObject()->style()->visibility() != EVisibility::kVisible; Document* document = getDocument(); if (!document || !document->frame()) return false; if (Node* node = getNode()) { if (node->isConnected() && node->isElementNode()) { RefPtr<ComputedStyle> style = document->ensureStyleResolver().styleForElement(toElement(node)); return style->display() == EDisplay::kNone || style->visibility() != EVisibility::kVisible; } } return false; } CWE ID: CWE-254 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: pfetch (lin line) { return p_line[line]; } CWE ID: CWE-78 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: int MSG_ReadLong( msg_t *msg ) { int c; c = MSG_ReadBits( msg, 32 ); if ( msg->readcount > msg->cursize ) { c = -1; } return c; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: init_ctx_reselect(OM_uint32 *minor_status, spnego_gss_ctx_id_t sc, OM_uint32 acc_negState, gss_OID supportedMech, gss_buffer_t *responseToken, gss_buffer_t *mechListMIC, OM_uint32 *negState, send_token_flag *tokflag) { OM_uint32 tmpmin; size_t i; generic_gss_release_oid(&tmpmin, &sc->internal_mech); gss_delete_sec_context(&tmpmin, &sc->ctx_handle, GSS_C_NO_BUFFER); /* Find supportedMech in sc->mech_set. */ for (i = 0; i < sc->mech_set->count; i++) { if (g_OID_equal(supportedMech, &sc->mech_set->elements[i])) break; } if (i == sc->mech_set->count) return GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_TOKEN; sc->internal_mech = &sc->mech_set->elements[i]; /* * Windows 2003 and earlier don't correctly send a * negState of request-mic when counter-proposing a * mechanism. They probably don't handle mechListMICs * properly either. */ if (acc_negState != REQUEST_MIC) return GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_TOKEN; sc->mech_complete = 0; sc->mic_reqd = 1; *negState = REQUEST_MIC; *tokflag = CONT_TOKEN_SEND; return GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED; } CWE ID: CWE-415 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void TransportTexture::OnChannelConnected(int32 peer_pid) { } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int asf_probe(AVProbeData *pd) { /* check file header */ if (!ff_guidcmp(pd->buf, &ff_asf_header)) return AVPROBE_SCORE_MAX; else return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-399 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: OMX_ERRORTYPE SoftAACEncoder2::internalSetParameter( OMX_INDEXTYPE index, const OMX_PTR params) { switch (index) { case OMX_IndexParamStandardComponentRole: { const OMX_PARAM_COMPONENTROLETYPE *roleParams = (const OMX_PARAM_COMPONENTROLETYPE *)params; if (strncmp((const char *)roleParams->cRole, "audio_encoder.aac", OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE - 1)) { return OMX_ErrorUndefined; } return OMX_ErrorNone; } case OMX_IndexParamAudioPortFormat: { const OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_PORTFORMATTYPE *formatParams = (const OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_PORTFORMATTYPE *)params; if (formatParams->nPortIndex > 1) { return OMX_ErrorUndefined; } if (formatParams->nIndex > 0) { return OMX_ErrorNoMore; } if ((formatParams->nPortIndex == 0 && formatParams->eEncoding != OMX_AUDIO_CodingPCM) || (formatParams->nPortIndex == 1 && formatParams->eEncoding != OMX_AUDIO_CodingAAC)) { return OMX_ErrorUndefined; } return OMX_ErrorNone; } case OMX_IndexParamAudioAac: { OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_AACPROFILETYPE *aacParams = (OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_AACPROFILETYPE *)params; if (aacParams->nPortIndex != 1) { return OMX_ErrorUndefined; } mBitRate = aacParams->nBitRate; mNumChannels = aacParams->nChannels; mSampleRate = aacParams->nSampleRate; if (aacParams->eAACProfile != OMX_AUDIO_AACObjectNull) { mAACProfile = aacParams->eAACProfile; } if (!(aacParams->nAACtools & OMX_AUDIO_AACToolAndroidSSBR) && !(aacParams->nAACtools & OMX_AUDIO_AACToolAndroidDSBR)) { mSBRMode = 0; mSBRRatio = 0; } else if ((aacParams->nAACtools & OMX_AUDIO_AACToolAndroidSSBR) && !(aacParams->nAACtools & OMX_AUDIO_AACToolAndroidDSBR)) { mSBRMode = 1; mSBRRatio = 1; } else if (!(aacParams->nAACtools & OMX_AUDIO_AACToolAndroidSSBR) && (aacParams->nAACtools & OMX_AUDIO_AACToolAndroidDSBR)) { mSBRMode = 1; mSBRRatio = 2; } else { mSBRMode = -1; // codec default sbr mode mSBRRatio = 0; } if (setAudioParams() != OK) { return OMX_ErrorUndefined; } return OMX_ErrorNone; } case OMX_IndexParamAudioPcm: { OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_PCMMODETYPE *pcmParams = (OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_PCMMODETYPE *)params; if (pcmParams->nPortIndex != 0) { return OMX_ErrorUndefined; } mNumChannels = pcmParams->nChannels; mSampleRate = pcmParams->nSamplingRate; if (setAudioParams() != OK) { return OMX_ErrorUndefined; } return OMX_ErrorNone; } default: return SimpleSoftOMXComponent::internalSetParameter(index, params); } } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void ff_h264_hl_decode_mb(H264Context *h) { const int mb_xy = h->mb_xy; const int mb_type = h->cur_pic.mb_type[mb_xy]; int is_complex = CONFIG_SMALL || h->is_complex || IS_INTRA_PCM(mb_type) || h->qscale == 0; if (CHROMA444(h)) { if (is_complex || h->pixel_shift) hl_decode_mb_444_complex(h); else hl_decode_mb_444_simple_8(h); } else if (is_complex) { hl_decode_mb_complex(h); } else if (h->pixel_shift) { hl_decode_mb_simple_16(h); } else hl_decode_mb_simple_8(h); } CWE ID: Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: int svc_rdma_sendto(struct svc_rqst *rqstp) { struct svc_xprt *xprt = rqstp->rq_xprt; struct svcxprt_rdma *rdma = container_of(xprt, struct svcxprt_rdma, sc_xprt); struct rpcrdma_msg *rdma_argp; struct rpcrdma_msg *rdma_resp; struct rpcrdma_write_array *wr_ary, *rp_ary; int ret; int inline_bytes; struct page *res_page; struct svc_rdma_req_map *vec; u32 inv_rkey; __be32 *p; dprintk("svcrdma: sending response for rqstp=%p\n", rqstp); /* Get the RDMA request header. The receive logic always * places this at the start of page 0. */ rdma_argp = page_address(rqstp->rq_pages[0]); svc_rdma_get_write_arrays(rdma_argp, &wr_ary, &rp_ary); inv_rkey = 0; if (rdma->sc_snd_w_inv) inv_rkey = svc_rdma_get_inv_rkey(rdma_argp, wr_ary, rp_ary); /* Build an req vec for the XDR */ vec = svc_rdma_get_req_map(rdma); ret = svc_rdma_map_xdr(rdma, &rqstp->rq_res, vec, wr_ary != NULL); if (ret) goto err0; inline_bytes = rqstp->rq_res.len; /* Create the RDMA response header. xprt->xpt_mutex, * acquired in svc_send(), serializes RPC replies. The * code path below that inserts the credit grant value * into each transport header runs only inside this * critical section. */ ret = -ENOMEM; res_page = alloc_page(GFP_KERNEL); if (!res_page) goto err0; rdma_resp = page_address(res_page); p = &rdma_resp->rm_xid; *p++ = rdma_argp->rm_xid; *p++ = rdma_argp->rm_vers; *p++ = rdma->sc_fc_credits; *p++ = rp_ary ? rdma_nomsg : rdma_msg; /* Start with empty chunks */ *p++ = xdr_zero; *p++ = xdr_zero; *p = xdr_zero; /* Send any write-chunk data and build resp write-list */ if (wr_ary) { ret = send_write_chunks(rdma, wr_ary, rdma_resp, rqstp, vec); if (ret < 0) goto err1; inline_bytes -= ret + xdr_padsize(ret); } /* Send any reply-list data and update resp reply-list */ if (rp_ary) { ret = send_reply_chunks(rdma, rp_ary, rdma_resp, rqstp, vec); if (ret < 0) goto err1; inline_bytes -= ret; } /* Post a fresh Receive buffer _before_ sending the reply */ ret = svc_rdma_post_recv(rdma, GFP_KERNEL); if (ret) goto err1; ret = send_reply(rdma, rqstp, res_page, rdma_resp, vec, inline_bytes, inv_rkey); if (ret < 0) goto err0; svc_rdma_put_req_map(rdma, vec); dprintk("svcrdma: send_reply returns %d\n", ret); return ret; err1: put_page(res_page); err0: svc_rdma_put_req_map(rdma, vec); pr_err("svcrdma: Could not send reply, err=%d. Closing transport.\n", ret); set_bit(XPT_CLOSE, &rdma->sc_xprt.xpt_flags); return -ENOTCONN; } CWE ID: CWE-404 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static int mincore_unmapped_range(unsigned long addr, unsigned long end, struct mm_walk *walk) { walk->private += __mincore_unmapped_range(addr, end, walk->vma, walk->private); return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-200 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: dissect_u3v_descriptors(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree, void *data _U_) { guint8 type; gint offset = 0; proto_item * ti; proto_tree * sub_tree; guint32 version; /* The descriptor must at least have a length and type field. */ if (tvb_reported_length(tvb) < 2) { return 0; } /* skip len */ type = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, 1); /* Check for U3V device info descriptor. */ if (type != DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_U3V_INTERFACE) { return 0; } ti = proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_u3v_device_info_descriptor, tvb, offset, -1, ENC_NA); tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_u3v_device_info_descriptor); /* bLength */ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_u3v_device_info_descriptor_bLength, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; /* bDescriptorType */ ti = proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_u3v_device_info_descriptor_bDescriptorType, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); proto_item_append_text(ti, " (U3V INTERFACE)"); offset++; /* bDescriptorSubtype */ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_u3v_device_info_descriptor_bDescriptorSubtype, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; /* bGenCPVersion */ if (!tvb_bytes_exist(tvb, offset, 4)) { /* Version not completely in buffer -> break dissection here. */ return offset; } version = tvb_get_letohl(tvb, offset); ti = proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_u3v_device_info_descriptor_bGenCPVersion, tvb, offset, 4, ENC_NA); proto_item_append_text(ti, ": %u.%u", version >> 16, version & 0xFFFF); sub_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_u3v_device_info_descriptor_gencp_version); proto_tree_add_item(sub_tree, hf_u3v_device_info_descriptor_bGenCPVersion_minor, tvb, offset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); proto_tree_add_item(sub_tree, hf_u3v_device_info_descriptor_bGenCPVersion_major, tvb, offset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset += 4; /* bU3VVersion */ if (!tvb_bytes_exist(tvb, offset, 4)) { /* Version not completely in buffer -> break dissection here. */ return offset; } version = tvb_get_letohl(tvb, offset); ti = proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_u3v_device_info_descriptor_bU3VVersion, tvb, offset, 4, ENC_NA); proto_item_append_text(ti, ": %u.%u", version >> 16, version & 0xFFFF); sub_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_u3v_device_info_descriptor_u3v_version); proto_tree_add_item(sub_tree, hf_u3v_device_info_descriptor_bU3VVersion_minor, tvb, offset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); proto_tree_add_item(sub_tree, hf_u3v_device_info_descriptor_bU3VVersion_major, tvb, offset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset += 4; /* iDeviceGUID */ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_u3v_device_info_descriptor_iDeviceGUID, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; /* iVendorName */ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_u3v_device_info_descriptor_iVendorName, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; /* iModelName */ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_u3v_device_info_descriptor_iModelName, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; /* iFamilyName */ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_u3v_device_info_descriptor_iFamilyName, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; /* iDeviceVersion */ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_u3v_device_info_descriptor_iDeviceVersion, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; /* iManufacturerInfo */ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_u3v_device_info_descriptor_iManufacturerInfo, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; /* iSerialNumber */ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_u3v_device_info_descriptor_iSerialNumber, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; /* iUserDefinedName */ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_u3v_device_info_descriptor_iUserDefinedName, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; /* bmSpeedSupport */ proto_tree_add_bitmask(tree, tvb, offset, hf_u3v_device_info_descriptor_bmSpeedSupport, ett_u3v_device_info_descriptor_speed_support, speed_support_fields, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; return offset; } CWE ID: CWE-476 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: ops_expand(regex_t* reg, int n) { #define MIN_OPS_EXPAND_SIZE 4 #ifdef USE_DIRECT_THREADED_CODE enum OpCode* cp; #endif Operation* p; size_t size; if (n <= 0) n = MIN_OPS_EXPAND_SIZE; n += reg->ops_alloc; size = sizeof(Operation) * n; p = (Operation* )xrealloc(reg->ops, size); CHECK_NULL_RETURN_MEMERR(p); #ifdef USE_DIRECT_THREADED_CODE size = sizeof(enum OpCode) * n; cp = (enum OpCode* )xrealloc(reg->ocs, size); CHECK_NULL_RETURN_MEMERR(cp); reg->ocs = cp; #endif reg->ops = p; reg->ops_alloc = n; if (reg->ops_used == 0) reg->ops_curr = 0; else reg->ops_curr = reg->ops + (reg->ops_used - 1); return ONIG_NORMAL; } CWE ID: CWE-476 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: uint32 ResourceTracker::GetLiveObjectsForInstance( PP_Instance instance) const { InstanceMap::const_iterator found = instance_map_.find(instance); if (found == instance_map_.end()) return 0; return static_cast<uint32>(found->second->resources.size() + found->second->object_vars.size()); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void BrowserView::UpdateDevToolsForContents(TabContents* tab_contents) { DevToolsWindow* new_devtools_window = tab_contents ? DevToolsWindow::GetDockedInstanceForInspectedTab( tab_contents->web_contents()) : NULL; if (devtools_window_ == new_devtools_window) { if (!new_devtools_window || (new_devtools_window->dock_side() == devtools_dock_side_)) { return; } } if (devtools_window_ != new_devtools_window) { devtools_container_->SetWebContents(new_devtools_window ? new_devtools_window->tab_contents()->web_contents() : NULL); } if (devtools_window_) { if (devtools_dock_side_ == DEVTOOLS_DOCK_SIDE_RIGHT) { devtools_window_->SetWidth( contents_split_->width() - contents_split_->divider_offset()); } else { devtools_window_->SetHeight( contents_split_->height() - contents_split_->divider_offset()); } } bool should_hide = devtools_window_ && (!new_devtools_window || devtools_dock_side_ != new_devtools_window->dock_side()); bool should_show = new_devtools_window && (!devtools_window_ || should_hide); if (should_hide) HideDevToolsContainer(); devtools_window_ = new_devtools_window; if (should_show) { devtools_dock_side_ = new_devtools_window->dock_side(); ShowDevToolsContainer(); } else if (new_devtools_window) { UpdateDevToolsSplitPosition(); } } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void DownloadFileManager::RenameInProgressDownloadFile( DownloadId global_id, const FilePath& full_path, bool overwrite_existing_file, const RenameCompletionCallback& callback) { VLOG(20) << __FUNCTION__ << "()" << " id = " << global_id << " full_path = \"" << full_path.value() << "\""; DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::FILE)); DownloadFile* download_file = GetDownloadFile(global_id); if (!download_file) { BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(callback, FilePath())); return; } VLOG(20) << __FUNCTION__ << "()" << " download_file = " << download_file->DebugString(); FilePath new_path(full_path); if (!overwrite_existing_file) { int uniquifier = file_util::GetUniquePathNumber(new_path, FILE_PATH_LITERAL("")); if (uniquifier > 0) { new_path = new_path.InsertBeforeExtensionASCII( StringPrintf(" (%d)", uniquifier)); } } net::Error rename_error = download_file->Rename(new_path); if (net::OK != rename_error) { CancelDownloadOnRename(global_id, rename_error); new_path.clear(); } BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(callback, new_path)); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static void cstm(JF, js_Ast *stm) { js_Ast *target; int loop, cont, then, end; emitline(J, F, stm); switch (stm->type) { case AST_FUNDEC: break; case STM_BLOCK: cstmlist(J, F, stm->a); break; case STM_EMPTY: if (F->script) { emit(J, F, OP_POP); emit(J, F, OP_UNDEF); } break; case STM_VAR: cvarinit(J, F, stm->a); break; case STM_IF: if (stm->c) { cexp(J, F, stm->a); then = emitjump(J, F, OP_JTRUE); cstm(J, F, stm->c); end = emitjump(J, F, OP_JUMP); label(J, F, then); cstm(J, F, stm->b); label(J, F, end); } else { cexp(J, F, stm->a); end = emitjump(J, F, OP_JFALSE); cstm(J, F, stm->b); label(J, F, end); } break; case STM_DO: loop = here(J, F); cstm(J, F, stm->a); cont = here(J, F); cexp(J, F, stm->b); emitjumpto(J, F, OP_JTRUE, loop); labeljumps(J, F, stm->jumps, here(J,F), cont); break; case STM_WHILE: loop = here(J, F); cexp(J, F, stm->a); end = emitjump(J, F, OP_JFALSE); cstm(J, F, stm->b); emitjumpto(J, F, OP_JUMP, loop); label(J, F, end); labeljumps(J, F, stm->jumps, here(J,F), loop); break; case STM_FOR: case STM_FOR_VAR: if (stm->type == STM_FOR_VAR) { cvarinit(J, F, stm->a); } else { if (stm->a) { cexp(J, F, stm->a); emit(J, F, OP_POP); } } loop = here(J, F); if (stm->b) { cexp(J, F, stm->b); end = emitjump(J, F, OP_JFALSE); } else { end = 0; } cstm(J, F, stm->d); cont = here(J, F); if (stm->c) { cexp(J, F, stm->c); emit(J, F, OP_POP); } emitjumpto(J, F, OP_JUMP, loop); if (end) label(J, F, end); labeljumps(J, F, stm->jumps, here(J,F), cont); break; case STM_FOR_IN: case STM_FOR_IN_VAR: cexp(J, F, stm->b); emit(J, F, OP_ITERATOR); loop = here(J, F); { emit(J, F, OP_NEXTITER); end = emitjump(J, F, OP_JFALSE); cassignforin(J, F, stm); if (F->script) { emit(J, F, OP_ROT2); cstm(J, F, stm->c); emit(J, F, OP_ROT2); } else { cstm(J, F, stm->c); } emitjumpto(J, F, OP_JUMP, loop); } label(J, F, end); labeljumps(J, F, stm->jumps, here(J,F), loop); break; case STM_SWITCH: cswitch(J, F, stm->a, stm->b); labeljumps(J, F, stm->jumps, here(J,F), 0); break; case STM_LABEL: cstm(J, F, stm->b); /* skip consecutive labels */ while (stm->type == STM_LABEL) stm = stm->b; /* loops and switches have already been labelled */ if (!isloop(stm->type) && stm->type != STM_SWITCH) labeljumps(J, F, stm->jumps, here(J,F), 0); break; case STM_BREAK: if (stm->a) { target = breaktarget(J, F, stm, stm->a->string); if (!target) jsC_error(J, stm, "break label '%s' not found", stm->a->string); } else { target = breaktarget(J, F, stm, NULL); if (!target) jsC_error(J, stm, "unlabelled break must be inside loop or switch"); } cexit(J, F, STM_BREAK, stm, target); addjump(J, F, STM_BREAK, target, emitjump(J, F, OP_JUMP)); break; case STM_CONTINUE: if (stm->a) { target = continuetarget(J, F, stm, stm->a->string); if (!target) jsC_error(J, stm, "continue label '%s' not found", stm->a->string); } else { target = continuetarget(J, F, stm, NULL); if (!target) jsC_error(J, stm, "continue must be inside loop"); } cexit(J, F, STM_CONTINUE, stm, target); addjump(J, F, STM_CONTINUE, target, emitjump(J, F, OP_JUMP)); break; case STM_RETURN: if (stm->a) cexp(J, F, stm->a); else emit(J, F, OP_UNDEF); target = returntarget(J, F, stm); if (!target) jsC_error(J, stm, "return not in function"); cexit(J, F, STM_RETURN, stm, target); emit(J, F, OP_RETURN); break; case STM_THROW: cexp(J, F, stm->a); emit(J, F, OP_THROW); break; case STM_WITH: cexp(J, F, stm->a); emit(J, F, OP_WITH); cstm(J, F, stm->b); emit(J, F, OP_ENDWITH); break; case STM_TRY: if (stm->b && stm->c) { if (stm->d) ctrycatchfinally(J, F, stm->a, stm->b, stm->c, stm->d); else ctrycatch(J, F, stm->a, stm->b, stm->c); } else { ctryfinally(J, F, stm->a, stm->d); } break; case STM_DEBUGGER: emit(J, F, OP_DEBUGGER); break; default: if (F->script) { emit(J, F, OP_POP); cexp(J, F, stm); } else { cexp(J, F, stm); emit(J, F, OP_POP); } break; } } CWE ID: CWE-476 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: FormAttributeTargetObserver::FormAttributeTargetObserver(const AtomicString& id, FormAssociatedElement* element) : IdTargetObserver(toHTMLElement(element)->treeScope().idTargetObserverRegistry(), id) , m_element(element) { } CWE ID: CWE-287 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static bool parse_notify(struct pool *pool, json_t *val) { char *job_id, *prev_hash, *coinbase1, *coinbase2, *bbversion, *nbit, *ntime, header[228]; unsigned char *cb1 = NULL, *cb2 = NULL; size_t cb1_len, cb2_len, alloc_len; bool clean, ret = false; int merkles, i; json_t *arr; arr = json_array_get(val, 4); if (!arr || !json_is_array(arr)) goto out; merkles = json_array_size(arr); job_id = json_array_string(val, 0); prev_hash = __json_array_string(val, 1); coinbase1 = json_array_string(val, 2); coinbase2 = json_array_string(val, 3); bbversion = __json_array_string(val, 5); nbit = __json_array_string(val, 6); ntime = __json_array_string(val, 7); clean = json_is_true(json_array_get(val, 8)); if (!job_id || !prev_hash || !coinbase1 || !coinbase2 || !bbversion || !nbit || !ntime) { /* Annoying but we must not leak memory */ if (job_id) free(job_id); if (coinbase1) free(coinbase1); if (coinbase2) free(coinbase2); goto out; } cg_wlock(&pool->data_lock); free(pool->swork.job_id); pool->swork.job_id = job_id; snprintf(pool->prev_hash, 65, "%s", prev_hash); cb1_len = strlen(coinbase1) / 2; cb2_len = strlen(coinbase2) / 2; snprintf(pool->bbversion, 9, "%s", bbversion); snprintf(pool->nbit, 9, "%s", nbit); snprintf(pool->ntime, 9, "%s", ntime); pool->swork.clean = clean; alloc_len = pool->coinbase_len = cb1_len + pool->n1_len + pool->n2size + cb2_len; pool->nonce2_offset = cb1_len + pool->n1_len; for (i = 0; i < pool->merkles; i++) free(pool->swork.merkle_bin[i]); if (merkles) { pool->swork.merkle_bin = realloc(pool->swork.merkle_bin, sizeof(char *) * merkles + 1); for (i = 0; i < merkles; i++) { char *merkle = json_array_string(arr, i); pool->swork.merkle_bin[i] = malloc(32); if (unlikely(!pool->swork.merkle_bin[i])) quit(1, "Failed to malloc pool swork merkle_bin"); if (opt_protocol) applog(LOG_DEBUG, "merkle %d: %s", i, merkle); ret = hex2bin(pool->swork.merkle_bin[i], merkle, 32); free(merkle); if (unlikely(!ret)) { applog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to convert merkle to merkle_bin in parse_notify"); goto out_unlock; } } } pool->merkles = merkles; if (clean) pool->nonce2 = 0; #if 0 header_len = strlen(pool->bbversion) + strlen(pool->prev_hash); /* merkle_hash */ 32 + strlen(pool->ntime) + strlen(pool->nbit) + /* nonce */ 8 + /* workpadding */ 96; #endif snprintf(header, 225, "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", pool->bbversion, pool->prev_hash, blank_merkle, pool->ntime, pool->nbit, "00000000", /* nonce */ workpadding); ret = hex2bin(pool->header_bin, header, 112); if (unlikely(!ret)) { applog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to convert header to header_bin in parse_notify"); goto out_unlock; } cb1 = alloca(cb1_len); ret = hex2bin(cb1, coinbase1, cb1_len); if (unlikely(!ret)) { applog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to convert cb1 to cb1_bin in parse_notify"); goto out_unlock; } cb2 = alloca(cb2_len); ret = hex2bin(cb2, coinbase2, cb2_len); if (unlikely(!ret)) { applog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to convert cb2 to cb2_bin in parse_notify"); goto out_unlock; } free(pool->coinbase); align_len(&alloc_len); pool->coinbase = calloc(alloc_len, 1); if (unlikely(!pool->coinbase)) quit(1, "Failed to calloc pool coinbase in parse_notify"); memcpy(pool->coinbase, cb1, cb1_len); memcpy(pool->coinbase + cb1_len, pool->nonce1bin, pool->n1_len); memcpy(pool->coinbase + cb1_len + pool->n1_len + pool->n2size, cb2, cb2_len); if (opt_debug) { char *cb = bin2hex(pool->coinbase, pool->coinbase_len); applog(LOG_DEBUG, "Pool %d coinbase %s", pool->pool_no, cb); free(cb); } out_unlock: cg_wunlock(&pool->data_lock); if (opt_protocol) { applog(LOG_DEBUG, "job_id: %s", job_id); applog(LOG_DEBUG, "prev_hash: %s", prev_hash); applog(LOG_DEBUG, "coinbase1: %s", coinbase1); applog(LOG_DEBUG, "coinbase2: %s", coinbase2); applog(LOG_DEBUG, "bbversion: %s", bbversion); applog(LOG_DEBUG, "nbit: %s", nbit); applog(LOG_DEBUG, "ntime: %s", ntime); applog(LOG_DEBUG, "clean: %s", clean ? "yes" : "no"); } free(coinbase1); free(coinbase2); /* A notify message is the closest stratum gets to a getwork */ pool->getwork_requested++; total_getworks++; if (pool == current_pool()) opt_work_update = true; out: return ret; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: check_entry_size_and_hooks(struct ip6t_entry *e, struct xt_table_info *newinfo, const unsigned char *base, const unsigned char *limit, const unsigned int *hook_entries, const unsigned int *underflows, unsigned int valid_hooks) { unsigned int h; int err; if ((unsigned long)e % __alignof__(struct ip6t_entry) != 0 || (unsigned char *)e + sizeof(struct ip6t_entry) >= limit) { duprintf("Bad offset %p\n", e); return -EINVAL; } if (e->next_offset < sizeof(struct ip6t_entry) + sizeof(struct xt_entry_target)) { duprintf("checking: element %p size %u\n", e, e->next_offset); return -EINVAL; } err = check_entry(e); if (err) return err; /* Check hooks & underflows */ for (h = 0; h < NF_INET_NUMHOOKS; h++) { if (!(valid_hooks & (1 << h))) continue; if ((unsigned char *)e - base == hook_entries[h]) newinfo->hook_entry[h] = hook_entries[h]; if ((unsigned char *)e - base == underflows[h]) { if (!check_underflow(e)) { pr_err("Underflows must be unconditional and " "use the STANDARD target with " "ACCEPT/DROP\n"); return -EINVAL; } newinfo->underflow[h] = underflows[h]; } } /* Clear counters and comefrom */ e->counters = ((struct xt_counters) { 0, 0 }); e->comefrom = 0; return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: uint8_t rfc_parse_data(tRFC_MCB* p_mcb, MX_FRAME* p_frame, BT_HDR* p_buf) { uint8_t ead, eal, fcs; uint8_t* p_data = (uint8_t*)(p_buf + 1) + p_buf->offset; uint8_t* p_start = p_data; uint16_t len; if (p_buf->len < RFCOMM_CTRL_FRAME_LEN) { RFCOMM_TRACE_ERROR("Bad Length1: %d", p_buf->len); return (RFC_EVENT_BAD_FRAME); } RFCOMM_PARSE_CTRL_FIELD(ead, p_frame->cr, p_frame->dlci, p_data); if (!ead) { RFCOMM_TRACE_ERROR("Bad Address(EA must be 1)"); return (RFC_EVENT_BAD_FRAME); } RFCOMM_PARSE_TYPE_FIELD(p_frame->type, p_frame->pf, p_data); RFCOMM_PARSE_LEN_FIELD(eal, len, p_data); p_buf->len -= (3 + !ead + !eal + 1); /* Additional 1 for FCS */ p_buf->offset += (3 + !ead + !eal); /* handle credit if credit based flow control */ if ((p_mcb->flow == PORT_FC_CREDIT) && (p_frame->type == RFCOMM_UIH) && (p_frame->dlci != RFCOMM_MX_DLCI) && (p_frame->pf == 1)) { p_frame->credit = *p_data++; p_buf->len--; p_buf->offset++; } else p_frame->credit = 0; if (p_buf->len != len) { RFCOMM_TRACE_ERROR("Bad Length2 %d %d", p_buf->len, len); return (RFC_EVENT_BAD_FRAME); } fcs = *(p_data + len); /* All control frames that we are sending are sent with P=1, expect */ /* reply with F=1 */ /* According to TS 07.10 spec ivalid frames are discarded without */ /* notification to the sender */ switch (p_frame->type) { case RFCOMM_SABME: if (RFCOMM_FRAME_IS_RSP(p_mcb->is_initiator, p_frame->cr) || !p_frame->pf || len || !RFCOMM_VALID_DLCI(p_frame->dlci) || !rfc_check_fcs(RFCOMM_CTRL_FRAME_LEN, p_start, fcs)) { RFCOMM_TRACE_ERROR("Bad SABME"); return (RFC_EVENT_BAD_FRAME); } else return (RFC_EVENT_SABME); case RFCOMM_UA: if (RFCOMM_FRAME_IS_CMD(p_mcb->is_initiator, p_frame->cr) || !p_frame->pf || len || !RFCOMM_VALID_DLCI(p_frame->dlci) || !rfc_check_fcs(RFCOMM_CTRL_FRAME_LEN, p_start, fcs)) { RFCOMM_TRACE_ERROR("Bad UA"); return (RFC_EVENT_BAD_FRAME); } else return (RFC_EVENT_UA); case RFCOMM_DM: if (RFCOMM_FRAME_IS_CMD(p_mcb->is_initiator, p_frame->cr) || len || !RFCOMM_VALID_DLCI(p_frame->dlci) || !rfc_check_fcs(RFCOMM_CTRL_FRAME_LEN, p_start, fcs)) { RFCOMM_TRACE_ERROR("Bad DM"); return (RFC_EVENT_BAD_FRAME); } else return (RFC_EVENT_DM); case RFCOMM_DISC: if (RFCOMM_FRAME_IS_RSP(p_mcb->is_initiator, p_frame->cr) || !p_frame->pf || len || !RFCOMM_VALID_DLCI(p_frame->dlci) || !rfc_check_fcs(RFCOMM_CTRL_FRAME_LEN, p_start, fcs)) { RFCOMM_TRACE_ERROR("Bad DISC"); return (RFC_EVENT_BAD_FRAME); } else return (RFC_EVENT_DISC); case RFCOMM_UIH: if (!RFCOMM_VALID_DLCI(p_frame->dlci)) { RFCOMM_TRACE_ERROR("Bad UIH - invalid DLCI"); return (RFC_EVENT_BAD_FRAME); } else if (!rfc_check_fcs(2, p_start, fcs)) { RFCOMM_TRACE_ERROR("Bad UIH - FCS"); return (RFC_EVENT_BAD_FRAME); } else if (RFCOMM_FRAME_IS_RSP(p_mcb->is_initiator, p_frame->cr)) { /* we assume that this is ok to allow bad implementations to work */ RFCOMM_TRACE_ERROR("Bad UIH - response"); return (RFC_EVENT_UIH); } else return (RFC_EVENT_UIH); } return (RFC_EVENT_BAD_FRAME); } CWE ID: CWE-125 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static void kvm_unload_vcpu_mmu(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu) { int r; r = vcpu_load(vcpu); BUG_ON(r); kvm_mmu_unload(vcpu); vcpu_put(vcpu); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void MojoVideoEncodeAccelerator::Encode(const scoped_refptr<VideoFrame>& frame, bool force_keyframe) { DVLOG(2) << __func__ << " tstamp=" << frame->timestamp(); DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_); DCHECK_EQ(PIXEL_FORMAT_I420, frame->format()); DCHECK_EQ(VideoFrame::STORAGE_SHMEM, frame->storage_type()); DCHECK(frame->shared_memory_handle().IsValid()); const size_t allocation_size = frame->shared_memory_handle().GetSize(); mojo::ScopedSharedBufferHandle handle = mojo::WrapSharedMemoryHandle(frame->shared_memory_handle().Duplicate(), allocation_size, true /* read_only */); const size_t y_offset = frame->shared_memory_offset(); const size_t u_offset = y_offset + frame->data(VideoFrame::kUPlane) - frame->data(VideoFrame::kYPlane); const size_t v_offset = y_offset + frame->data(VideoFrame::kVPlane) - frame->data(VideoFrame::kYPlane); scoped_refptr<MojoSharedBufferVideoFrame> mojo_frame = MojoSharedBufferVideoFrame::Create( frame->format(), frame->coded_size(), frame->visible_rect(), frame->natural_size(), std::move(handle), allocation_size, y_offset, u_offset, v_offset, frame->stride(VideoFrame::kYPlane), frame->stride(VideoFrame::kUPlane), frame->stride(VideoFrame::kVPlane), frame->timestamp()); DCHECK(vea_.is_bound()); vea_->Encode(mojo_frame, force_keyframe, base::Bind(&KeepVideoFrameAlive, frame)); } CWE ID: CWE-787 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: bool Send(IPC::Message* msg) { return render_frame_host->Send(msg); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: struct svc_rdma_req_map *svc_rdma_get_req_map(struct svcxprt_rdma *xprt) { struct svc_rdma_req_map *map = NULL; spin_lock(&xprt->sc_map_lock); if (list_empty(&xprt->sc_maps)) goto out_empty; map = list_first_entry(&xprt->sc_maps, struct svc_rdma_req_map, free); list_del_init(&map->free); spin_unlock(&xprt->sc_map_lock); out: map->count = 0; return map; out_empty: spin_unlock(&xprt->sc_map_lock); /* Pre-allocation amount was incorrect */ map = alloc_req_map(GFP_NOIO); if (map) goto out; WARN_ONCE(1, "svcrdma: empty request map list?\n"); return NULL; } CWE ID: CWE-404 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void FrameSelection::MoveRangeSelection(const VisiblePosition& base_position, const VisiblePosition& extent_position, TextGranularity granularity) { SelectionInDOMTree new_selection = SelectionInDOMTree::Builder() .SetBaseAndExtentDeprecated(base_position.DeepEquivalent(), extent_position.DeepEquivalent()) .SetAffinity(base_position.Affinity()) .SetIsHandleVisible(IsHandleVisible()) .Build(); if (new_selection.IsNone()) return; const VisibleSelection& visible_selection = CreateVisibleSelectionWithGranularity(new_selection, granularity); if (visible_selection.IsNone()) return; SelectionInDOMTree::Builder builder; if (visible_selection.IsBaseFirst()) { builder.SetBaseAndExtent(visible_selection.Start(), visible_selection.End()); } else { builder.SetBaseAndExtent(visible_selection.End(), visible_selection.Start()); } builder.SetAffinity(visible_selection.Affinity()); builder.SetIsHandleVisible(IsHandleVisible()); SetSelection(builder.Build(), SetSelectionData::Builder() .SetShouldCloseTyping(true) .SetShouldClearTypingStyle(true) .SetGranularity(granularity) .Build()); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void V8TestObject::DoubleAttributeAttributeGetterCallback(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) { RUNTIME_CALL_TIMER_SCOPE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT(info.GetIsolate(), "Blink_TestObject_doubleAttribute_Getter"); test_object_v8_internal::DoubleAttributeAttributeGetter(info); } CWE ID: Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: std::string utf16ToUtf8(const StringPiece16& utf16) { ssize_t utf8Length = utf16_to_utf8_length(, utf16.length()); if (utf8Length <= 0) { return {}; } std::string utf8; utf8.resize(utf8Length); utf16_to_utf8(, utf16.length(), &*utf8.begin()); return utf8; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: bit_catenate(VarBit *arg1, VarBit *arg2) { VarBit *result; int bitlen1, bitlen2, bytelen, bit1pad, bit2shift; bits8 *pr, *pa; bitlen1 = VARBITLEN(arg1); bitlen2 = VARBITLEN(arg2); bytelen = VARBITTOTALLEN(bitlen1 + bitlen2); result = (VarBit *) palloc(bytelen); SET_VARSIZE(result, bytelen); VARBITLEN(result) = bitlen1 + bitlen2; /* Copy the first bitstring in */ memcpy(VARBITS(result), VARBITS(arg1), VARBITBYTES(arg1)); /* Copy the second bit string */ bit1pad = VARBITPAD(arg1); if (bit1pad == 0) { memcpy(VARBITS(result) + VARBITBYTES(arg1), VARBITS(arg2), VARBITBYTES(arg2)); } else if (bitlen2 > 0) { /* We need to shift all the bits to fit */ bit2shift = BITS_PER_BYTE - bit1pad; pr = VARBITS(result) + VARBITBYTES(arg1) - 1; for (pa = VARBITS(arg2); pa < VARBITEND(arg2); pa++) { *pr |= ((*pa >> bit2shift) & BITMASK); pr++; if (pr < VARBITEND(result)) *pr = (*pa << bit1pad) & BITMASK; } } return result; } CWE ID: CWE-189 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: ModuleExport size_t RegisterVIFFImage(void) { MagickInfo *entry; entry=AcquireMagickInfo("VIFF","VIFF","Khoros Visualization image"); entry->decoder=(DecodeImageHandler *) ReadVIFFImage; entry->encoder=(EncodeImageHandler *) WriteVIFFImage; entry->magick=(IsImageFormatHandler *) IsVIFF; entry->flags|=CoderDecoderSeekableStreamFlag; (void) RegisterMagickInfo(entry); entry=AcquireMagickInfo("VIFF","XV","Khoros Visualization image"); entry->decoder=(DecodeImageHandler *) ReadVIFFImage; entry->encoder=(EncodeImageHandler *) WriteVIFFImage; entry->flags|=CoderDecoderSeekableStreamFlag; (void) RegisterMagickInfo(entry); return(MagickImageCoderSignature); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static void rekey_seq_generator(struct work_struct *work) { struct keydata *keyptr = &ip_keydata[1 ^ (ip_cnt & 1)]; get_random_bytes(keyptr->secret, sizeof(keyptr->secret)); keyptr->count = (ip_cnt & COUNT_MASK) << HASH_BITS; smp_wmb(); ip_cnt++; schedule_delayed_work(&rekey_work, round_jiffies_relative(REKEY_INTERVAL)); } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: int proxy_authentication(zval* this_ptr, smart_str* soap_headers TSRMLS_DC) { zval **login, **password; if (zend_hash_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "_proxy_login", sizeof("_proxy_login"), (void **)&login) == SUCCESS) { unsigned char* buf; int len; smart_str auth = {0}; smart_str_appendl(&auth, Z_STRVAL_PP(login), Z_STRLEN_PP(login)); smart_str_appendc(&auth, ':'); if (zend_hash_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "_proxy_password", sizeof("_proxy_password"), (void **)&password) == SUCCESS) { smart_str_appendl(&auth, Z_STRVAL_PP(password), Z_STRLEN_PP(password)); } smart_str_0(&auth); smart_str_appendl(soap_headers, (char*)buf, len); smart_str_append_const(soap_headers, "\r\n"); efree(buf); smart_str_free(&auth); return 1; } return 0; } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void TabStripModel::ForgetAllOpeners() { TabContentsDataVector::const_iterator iter = contents_data_.begin(); for (; iter != contents_data_.end(); ++iter) (*iter)->ForgetOpener(); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: __xml_private_clean(xml_private_t *p) { if(p) { CRM_ASSERT(p->check == XML_PRIVATE_MAGIC); free(p->user); p->user = NULL; if(p->acls) { g_list_free_full(p->acls, __xml_acl_free); p->acls = NULL; } if(p->deleted_paths) { g_list_free_full(p->deleted_paths, free); p->deleted_paths = NULL; } } } CWE ID: CWE-264 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void* H264SwDecMalloc(u32 size) { return malloc(size); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static int lzo_compress(struct crypto_tfm *tfm, const u8 *src, unsigned int slen, u8 *dst, unsigned int *dlen) { struct lzo_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm); size_t tmp_len = *dlen; /* size_t(ulong) <-> uint on 64 bit */ int err; err = lzo1x_1_compress(src, slen, dst, &tmp_len, ctx->lzo_comp_mem); if (err != LZO_E_OK) return -EINVAL; *dlen = tmp_len; return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void* Type_MPE_Dup(struct _cms_typehandler_struct* self, const void *Ptr, cmsUInt32Number n) { return (void*) cmsPipelineDup((cmsPipeline*) Ptr); cmsUNUSED_PARAMETER(n); cmsUNUSED_PARAMETER(self); } CWE ID: CWE-125 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static int tun_set_iff(struct net *net, struct file *file, struct ifreq *ifr) { struct tun_struct *tun; struct tun_file *tfile = file->private_data; struct net_device *dev; int err; if (tfile->detached) return -EINVAL; dev = __dev_get_by_name(net, ifr->ifr_name); if (dev) { if (ifr->ifr_flags & IFF_TUN_EXCL) return -EBUSY; if ((ifr->ifr_flags & IFF_TUN) && dev->netdev_ops == &tun_netdev_ops) tun = netdev_priv(dev); else if ((ifr->ifr_flags & IFF_TAP) && dev->netdev_ops == &tap_netdev_ops) tun = netdev_priv(dev); else return -EINVAL; if (!!(ifr->ifr_flags & IFF_MULTI_QUEUE) != !!(tun->flags & IFF_MULTI_QUEUE)) return -EINVAL; if (tun_not_capable(tun)) return -EPERM; err = security_tun_dev_open(tun->security); if (err < 0) return err; err = tun_attach(tun, file, ifr->ifr_flags & IFF_NOFILTER); if (err < 0) return err; if (tun->flags & IFF_MULTI_QUEUE && (tun->numqueues + tun->numdisabled > 1)) { /* One or more queue has already been attached, no need * to initialize the device again. */ return 0; } } else { char *name; unsigned long flags = 0; int queues = ifr->ifr_flags & IFF_MULTI_QUEUE ? MAX_TAP_QUEUES : 1; if (!ns_capable(net->user_ns, CAP_NET_ADMIN)) return -EPERM; err = security_tun_dev_create(); if (err < 0) return err; /* Set dev type */ if (ifr->ifr_flags & IFF_TUN) { /* TUN device */ flags |= IFF_TUN; name = "tun%d"; } else if (ifr->ifr_flags & IFF_TAP) { /* TAP device */ flags |= IFF_TAP; name = "tap%d"; } else return -EINVAL; if (*ifr->ifr_name) name = ifr->ifr_name; dev = alloc_netdev_mqs(sizeof(struct tun_struct), name, NET_NAME_UNKNOWN, tun_setup, queues, queues); if (!dev) return -ENOMEM; dev_net_set(dev, net); dev->rtnl_link_ops = &tun_link_ops; dev->ifindex = tfile->ifindex; dev->sysfs_groups[0] = &tun_attr_group; tun = netdev_priv(dev); tun->dev = dev; tun->flags = flags; tun->txflt.count = 0; tun->vnet_hdr_sz = sizeof(struct virtio_net_hdr); tun->align = NET_SKB_PAD; tun->filter_attached = false; tun->sndbuf = tfile->>sk_sndbuf; tun->rx_batched = 0; tun->pcpu_stats = netdev_alloc_pcpu_stats(struct tun_pcpu_stats); if (!tun->pcpu_stats) { err = -ENOMEM; goto err_free_dev; } spin_lock_init(&tun->lock); err = security_tun_dev_alloc_security(&tun->security); if (err < 0) goto err_free_stat; tun_net_init(dev); tun_flow_init(tun); dev->hw_features = NETIF_F_SG | NETIF_F_FRAGLIST | TUN_USER_FEATURES | NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_CTAG_TX | NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_STAG_TX; dev->features = dev->hw_features | NETIF_F_LLTX; dev->vlan_features = dev->features & ~(NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_CTAG_TX | NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_STAG_TX); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&tun->disabled); err = tun_attach(tun, file, false); if (err < 0) goto err_free_flow; err = register_netdevice(tun->dev); if (err < 0) goto err_detach; } netif_carrier_on(tun->dev); tun_debug(KERN_INFO, tun, "tun_set_iff\n"); tun->flags = (tun->flags & ~TUN_FEATURES) | (ifr->ifr_flags & TUN_FEATURES); /* Make sure persistent devices do not get stuck in * xoff state. */ if (netif_running(tun->dev)) netif_tx_wake_all_queues(tun->dev); strcpy(ifr->ifr_name, tun->dev->name); return 0; err_detach: tun_detach_all(dev); /* register_netdevice() already called tun_free_netdev() */ goto err_free_dev; err_free_flow: tun_flow_uninit(tun); security_tun_dev_free_security(tun->security); err_free_stat: free_percpu(tun->pcpu_stats); err_free_dev: free_netdev(dev); return err; } CWE ID: CWE-476 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static void bn_GF2m_mul_1x1(BN_ULONG *r1, BN_ULONG *r0, const BN_ULONG a, const BN_ULONG b) { register BN_ULONG h, l, s; BN_ULONG tab[8], top2b = a >> 30; register BN_ULONG a1, a2, a4; a1 = a & (0x3FFFFFFF); a2 = a1 << 1; a4 = a2 << 1; tab[0] = 0; tab[1] = a1; tab[2] = a2; tab[3] = a1 ^ a2; tab[4] = a4; tab[5] = a1 ^ a4; tab[6] = a2 ^ a4; tab[7] = a1 ^ a2 ^ a4; s = tab[b & 0x7]; l = s; s = tab[b >> 3 & 0x7]; l ^= s << 3; h = s >> 29; s = tab[b >> 6 & 0x7]; l ^= s << 6; h ^= s >> 26; s = tab[b >> 9 & 0x7]; l ^= s << 9; h ^= s >> 23; s = tab[b >> 12 & 0x7]; l ^= s << 12; h ^= s >> 20; s = tab[b >> 15 & 0x7]; l ^= s << 15; h ^= s >> 17; s = tab[b >> 18 & 0x7]; l ^= s << 18; h ^= s >> 14; s = tab[b >> 21 & 0x7]; l ^= s << 21; h ^= s >> 11; s = tab[b >> 24 & 0x7]; l ^= s << 24; h ^= s >> 8; s = tab[b >> 27 & 0x7]; l ^= s << 27; h ^= s >> 5; s = tab[b >> 30]; l ^= s << 30; h ^= s >> 2; /* compensate for the top two bits of a */ if (top2b & 01) { l ^= b << 30; h ^= b >> 2; } if (top2b & 02) { l ^= b << 31; h ^= b >> 1; } *r1 = h; *r0 = l; } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: T1_ToBool( PS_Parser parser ) { return ps_tobool( &parser->cursor, parser->limit ); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static void icmp_reply(struct icmp_bxm *icmp_param, struct sk_buff *skb) { struct ipcm_cookie ipc; struct rtable *rt = skb_rtable(skb); struct net *net = dev_net(rt->; struct sock *sk; struct inet_sock *inet; __be32 daddr; if (ip_options_echo(&icmp_param->replyopts, skb)) return; sk = icmp_xmit_lock(net); if (sk == NULL) return; inet = inet_sk(sk); icmp_param->data.icmph.checksum = 0; inet->tos = ip_hdr(skb)->tos; daddr = ipc.addr = rt->rt_src; ipc.opt = NULL; ipc.tx_flags = 0; if (icmp_param->replyopts.optlen) { ipc.opt = &icmp_param->replyopts; if (ipc.opt->srr) daddr = icmp_param->replyopts.faddr; } { struct flowi4 fl4 = { .daddr = daddr, .saddr = rt->rt_spec_dst, .flowi4_tos = RT_TOS(ip_hdr(skb)->tos), .flowi4_proto = IPPROTO_ICMP, }; security_skb_classify_flow(skb, flowi4_to_flowi(&fl4)); rt = ip_route_output_key(net, &fl4); if (IS_ERR(rt)) goto out_unlock; } if (icmpv4_xrlim_allow(net, rt, icmp_param->data.icmph.type, icmp_param->data.icmph.code)) icmp_push_reply(icmp_param, &ipc, &rt); ip_rt_put(rt); out_unlock: icmp_xmit_unlock(sk); } CWE ID: CWE-362 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: HTMLFormControlElement* HTMLFormElement::defaultButton() const { for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_associatedElements.size(); ++i) { if (!m_associatedElements[i]->isFormControlElement()) continue; HTMLFormControlElement* control = toHTMLFormControlElement(m_associatedElements[i]); if (control->isSuccessfulSubmitButton()) return control; } return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: Ins_FLIPRGON( TT_ExecContext exc, FT_Long* args ) { FT_UShort I, K, L; #ifdef TT_SUPPORT_SUBPIXEL_HINTING_MINIMAL /* See `ttinterp.h' for details on backward compatibility mode. */ if ( SUBPIXEL_HINTING_MINIMAL && exc->backward_compatibility && exc->iupx_called && exc->iupy_called ) return; #endif K = (FT_UShort)args[1]; L = (FT_UShort)args[0]; if ( BOUNDS( K, exc->pts.n_points ) || BOUNDS( L, exc->pts.n_points ) ) { if ( exc->pedantic_hinting ) exc->error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Reference ); return; } for ( I = L; I <= K; I++ ) exc->pts.tags[I] |= FT_CURVE_TAG_ON; } CWE ID: CWE-476 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: int qcow2_snapshot_load_tmp(BlockDriverState *bs, const char *snapshot_id, const char *name, Error **errp) { int i, snapshot_index; BDRVQcowState *s = bs->opaque; QCowSnapshot *sn; uint64_t *new_l1_table; int new_l1_bytes; int ret; assert(bs->read_only); /* Search the snapshot */ snapshot_index = find_snapshot_by_id_and_name(bs, snapshot_id, name); if (snapshot_index < 0) { error_setg(errp, "Can't find snapshot"); return -ENOENT; } sn = &s->snapshots[snapshot_index]; /* Allocate and read in the snapshot's L1 table */ new_l1_bytes = s->l1_size * sizeof(uint64_t); new_l1_table = g_malloc0(align_offset(new_l1_bytes, 512)); ret = bdrv_pread(bs->file, sn->l1_table_offset, new_l1_table, new_l1_bytes); if (ret < 0) { error_setg(errp, "Failed to read l1 table for snapshot"); g_free(new_l1_table); return ret; } /* Switch the L1 table */ g_free(s->l1_table); s->l1_size = sn->l1_size; s->l1_table_offset = sn->l1_table_offset; s->l1_table = new_l1_table; for(i = 0;i < s->l1_size; i++) { be64_to_cpus(&s->l1_table[i]); } return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void testUriComponents() { UriParserStateA stateA; UriUriA uriA; stateA.uri = &uriA; const char * const input = "http" "://" "" "/" "project" "/" "platformdownload.php" "?" "group_id=182840"; TEST_ASSERT(0 == uriParseUriA(&stateA, input)); TEST_ASSERT(uriA.scheme.first == input); TEST_ASSERT(uriA.scheme.afterLast == input + 4); TEST_ASSERT(uriA.userInfo.first == NULL); TEST_ASSERT(uriA.userInfo.afterLast == NULL); TEST_ASSERT(uriA.hostText.first == input + 4 + 3); TEST_ASSERT(uriA.hostText.afterLast == input + 4 + 3 + 15); TEST_ASSERT(uriA.hostData.ipFuture.first == NULL); TEST_ASSERT(uriA.hostData.ipFuture.afterLast == NULL); TEST_ASSERT(uriA.portText.first == NULL); TEST_ASSERT(uriA.portText.afterLast == NULL); TEST_ASSERT(uriA.pathHead->text.first == input + 4 + 3 + 15 + 1); TEST_ASSERT(uriA.pathHead->text.afterLast == input + 4 + 3 + 15 + 1 + 7); TEST_ASSERT(uriA.pathHead->next->text.first == input + 4 + 3 + 15 + 1 + 7 + 1); TEST_ASSERT(uriA.pathHead->next->text.afterLast == input + 4 + 3 + 15 + 1 + 7 + 1 + 20); TEST_ASSERT(uriA.pathHead->next->next == NULL); TEST_ASSERT(uriA.pathTail == uriA.pathHead->next); TEST_ASSERT(uriA.query.first == input + 4 + 3 + 15 + 1 + 7 + 1 + 20 + 1); TEST_ASSERT(uriA.query.afterLast == input + 4 + 3 + 15 + 1 + 7 + 1 + 20 + 1 + 15); TEST_ASSERT(uriA.fragment.first == NULL); TEST_ASSERT(uriA.fragment.afterLast == NULL); uriFreeUriMembersA(&uriA); } CWE ID: CWE-787 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: SYSCALL_DEFINE2(io_setup, unsigned, nr_events, aio_context_t __user *, ctxp) { struct kioctx *ioctx = NULL; unsigned long ctx; long ret; ret = get_user(ctx, ctxp); if (unlikely(ret)) goto out; ret = -EINVAL; if (unlikely(ctx || nr_events == 0)) { pr_debug("EINVAL: io_setup: ctx %lu nr_events %u\n", ctx, nr_events); goto out; } ioctx = ioctx_alloc(nr_events); ret = PTR_ERR(ioctx); if (!IS_ERR(ioctx)) { ret = put_user(ioctx->user_id, ctxp); if (ret) io_destroy(ioctx); put_ioctx(ioctx); } out: return ret; } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: int handle_popc(u32 insn, struct pt_regs *regs) { u64 value; int ret, i, rd = ((insn >> 25) & 0x1f); int from_kernel = (regs->tstate & TSTATE_PRIV) != 0; perf_sw_event(PERF_COUNT_SW_EMULATION_FAULTS, 1, 0, regs, 0); if (insn & 0x2000) { maybe_flush_windows(0, 0, rd, from_kernel); value = sign_extend_imm13(insn); } else { maybe_flush_windows(0, insn & 0x1f, rd, from_kernel); value = fetch_reg(insn & 0x1f, regs); } for (ret = 0, i = 0; i < 16; i++) { ret += popc_helper[value & 0xf]; value >>= 4; } if (rd < 16) { if (rd) regs->u_regs[rd] = ret; } else { if (test_thread_flag(TIF_32BIT)) { struct reg_window32 __user *win32; win32 = (struct reg_window32 __user *)((unsigned long)((u32)regs->u_regs[UREG_FP])); put_user(ret, &win32->locals[rd - 16]); } else { struct reg_window __user *win; win = (struct reg_window __user *)(regs->u_regs[UREG_FP] + STACK_BIAS); put_user(ret, &win->locals[rd - 16]); } } advance(regs); return 1; } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: String AudioHandler::ChannelInterpretation() { switch (new_channel_interpretation_) { case AudioBus::kSpeakers: return "speakers"; case AudioBus::kDiscrete: return "discrete"; } NOTREACHED(); return ""; } CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void CustomButton::GetAccessibleState(ui::AXViewState* state) { Button::GetAccessibleState(state); switch (state_) { case STATE_HOVERED: state->AddStateFlag(ui::AX_STATE_HOVERED); break; case STATE_PRESSED: state->AddStateFlag(ui::AX_STATE_PRESSED); break; case STATE_DISABLED: state->AddStateFlag(ui::AX_STATE_DISABLED); break; case STATE_NORMAL: case STATE_COUNT: break; } } CWE ID: CWE-254 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void TaskManagerView::Init() { table_model_.reset(new TaskManagerTableModel(model_)); columns_.push_back(ui::TableColumn(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_TASK_COLUMN, ui::TableColumn::LEFT, -1, 1)); columns_.back().sortable = true; columns_.push_back(ui::TableColumn(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_PROFILE_NAME_COLUMN, ui::TableColumn::LEFT, -1, 0)); columns_.back().sortable = true; columns_.push_back(ui::TableColumn(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_PHYSICAL_MEM_COLUMN, ui::TableColumn::RIGHT, -1, 0)); columns_.back().sortable = true; columns_.push_back(ui::TableColumn(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_SHARED_MEM_COLUMN, ui::TableColumn::RIGHT, -1, 0)); columns_.back().sortable = true; columns_.push_back(ui::TableColumn(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_PRIVATE_MEM_COLUMN, ui::TableColumn::RIGHT, -1, 0)); columns_.back().sortable = true; columns_.push_back(ui::TableColumn(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_CPU_COLUMN, ui::TableColumn::RIGHT, -1, 0)); columns_.back().sortable = true; columns_.push_back(ui::TableColumn(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_NET_COLUMN, ui::TableColumn::RIGHT, -1, 0)); columns_.back().sortable = true; columns_.push_back(ui::TableColumn(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_PROCESS_ID_COLUMN, ui::TableColumn::RIGHT, -1, 0)); columns_.back().sortable = true; columns_.push_back(ui::TableColumn( IDS_TASK_MANAGER_WEBCORE_IMAGE_CACHE_COLUMN, ui::TableColumn::RIGHT, -1, 0)); columns_.back().sortable = true; columns_.push_back(ui::TableColumn( IDS_TASK_MANAGER_WEBCORE_SCRIPTS_CACHE_COLUMN, ui::TableColumn::RIGHT, -1, 0)); columns_.back().sortable = true; columns_.push_back(ui::TableColumn(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_WEBCORE_CSS_CACHE_COLUMN, ui::TableColumn::RIGHT, -1, 0)); columns_.back().sortable = true; columns_.push_back(ui::TableColumn(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_FPS_COLUMN, ui::TableColumn::RIGHT, -1, 0)); columns_.back().sortable = true; columns_.push_back(ui::TableColumn(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_SQLITE_MEMORY_USED_COLUMN, ui::TableColumn::RIGHT, -1, 0)); columns_.back().sortable = true; columns_.push_back( ui::TableColumn(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_JAVASCRIPT_MEMORY_ALLOCATED_COLUMN, ui::TableColumn::RIGHT, -1, 0)); columns_.back().sortable = true; tab_table_ = new BackgroundColorGroupTableView( table_model_.get(), columns_, highlight_background_resources_); tab_table_->SetColumnVisibility(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_PROFILE_NAME_COLUMN, false); tab_table_->SetColumnVisibility(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_PROCESS_ID_COLUMN, false); tab_table_->SetColumnVisibility(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_SHARED_MEM_COLUMN, false); tab_table_->SetColumnVisibility(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_PRIVATE_MEM_COLUMN, false); tab_table_->SetColumnVisibility(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_WEBCORE_IMAGE_CACHE_COLUMN, false); tab_table_->SetColumnVisibility(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_WEBCORE_SCRIPTS_CACHE_COLUMN, false); tab_table_->SetColumnVisibility(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_WEBCORE_CSS_CACHE_COLUMN, false); tab_table_->SetColumnVisibility(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_SQLITE_MEMORY_USED_COLUMN, false); tab_table_->SetColumnVisibility( IDS_TASK_MANAGER_JAVASCRIPT_MEMORY_ALLOCATED_COLUMN, false); tab_table_->SetColumnVisibility(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_GOATS_TELEPORTED_COLUMN, false); UpdateStatsCounters(); tab_table_->SetObserver(this); tab_table_->set_context_menu_controller(this); set_context_menu_controller(this); if (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( switches::kPurgeMemoryButton)) { purge_memory_button_ = new views::NativeTextButton(this, l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_PURGE_MEMORY)); } kill_button_ = new views::NativeTextButton( this, l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_KILL)); kill_button_->AddAccelerator(ui::Accelerator(ui::VKEY_E, false, false, false)); kill_button_->SetAccessibleKeyboardShortcut(L"E"); kill_button_->set_prefix_type(views::TextButtonBase::PREFIX_SHOW); about_memory_link_ = new views::Link( l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_TASK_MANAGER_ABOUT_MEMORY_LINK)); about_memory_link_->set_listener(this); OnSelectionChanged(); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void WebsiteSettingsPopupView::HandleLinkClickedAsync(views::Link* source) { if (source == cookie_dialog_link_) { presenter_->RecordWebsiteSettingsAction( WebsiteSettings::WEBSITE_SETTINGS_COOKIES_DIALOG_OPENED); if (web_contents_ != NULL) new CollectedCookiesViews(web_contents_); } else if (source == certificate_dialog_link_) { gfx::NativeWindow parent = GetAnchorView() ? GetAnchorView()->GetWidget()->GetNativeWindow() : nullptr; presenter_->RecordWebsiteSettingsAction( WebsiteSettings::WEBSITE_SETTINGS_CERTIFICATE_DIALOG_OPENED); ShowCertificateViewerByID(web_contents_, parent, cert_id_); } else if (source == help_center_link_) { web_contents_->OpenURL(content::OpenURLParams( GURL(chrome::kPageInfoHelpCenterURL), content::Referrer(), NEW_FOREGROUND_TAB, ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK, false)); presenter_->RecordWebsiteSettingsAction( WebsiteSettings::WEBSITE_SETTINGS_CONNECTION_HELP_OPENED); } else if (source == site_settings_link_) { web_contents_->OpenURL(content::OpenURLParams( GURL(chrome::kChromeUIContentSettingsURL), content::Referrer(), NEW_FOREGROUND_TAB, ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK, false)); presenter_->RecordWebsiteSettingsAction( WebsiteSettings::WEBSITE_SETTINGS_SITE_SETTINGS_OPENED); } else { NOTREACHED(); } } CWE ID: Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void ClipboardMessageFilter::OnReadImage(ui::ClipboardType type, IPC::Message* reply_msg) { SkBitmap bitmap = GetClipboard()->ReadImage(type); #if defined(USE_X11) BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE, base::Bind( &ClipboardMessageFilter::OnReadImageReply, this, bitmap, reply_msg)); #else OnReadImageReply(bitmap, reply_msg); #endif } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: pipe_iov_copy_to_user(struct iovec *iov, const void *from, unsigned long len, int atomic) { unsigned long copy; while (len > 0) { while (!iov->iov_len) iov++; copy = min_t(unsigned long, len, iov->iov_len); if (atomic) { if (__copy_to_user_inatomic(iov->iov_base, from, copy)) return -EFAULT; } else { if (copy_to_user(iov->iov_base, from, copy)) return -EFAULT; } from += copy; len -= copy; iov->iov_base += copy; iov->iov_len -= copy; } return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-17 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: int NETSCAPE_SPKI_verify(NETSCAPE_SPKI *a, EVP_PKEY *r) { return(ASN1_item_verify(ASN1_ITEM_rptr(NETSCAPE_SPKAC), a->sig_algor,a->signature,a->spkac,r)); } CWE ID: CWE-310 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: ExecCommand(const WCHAR *argv0, const WCHAR *cmdline, DWORD timeout) { DWORD exit_code; STARTUPINFOW si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; DWORD proc_flags = CREATE_NO_WINDOW|CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT; WCHAR *cmdline_dup = NULL; ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si)); ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi)); si.cb = sizeof(si); /* CreateProcess needs a modifiable cmdline: make a copy */ cmdline_dup = wcsdup(cmdline); if (cmdline_dup && CreateProcessW(argv0, cmdline_dup, NULL, NULL, FALSE, proc_flags, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi) ) { WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, timeout ? timeout : INFINITE); if (!GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &exit_code)) { MsgToEventLog(M_SYSERR, TEXT("ExecCommand: Error getting exit_code:")); exit_code = GetLastError(); } else if (exit_code == STILL_ACTIVE) { exit_code = WAIT_TIMEOUT; /* Windows error code 0x102 */ /* kill without impunity */ TerminateProcess(pi.hProcess, exit_code); MsgToEventLog(M_ERR, TEXT("ExecCommand: \"%s %s\" killed after timeout"), argv0, cmdline); } else if (exit_code) { MsgToEventLog(M_ERR, TEXT("ExecCommand: \"%s %s\" exited with status = %lu"), argv0, cmdline, exit_code); } else { MsgToEventLog(M_INFO, TEXT("ExecCommand: \"%s %s\" completed"), argv0, cmdline); } CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); CloseHandle(pi.hThread); } else { exit_code = GetLastError(); MsgToEventLog(M_SYSERR, TEXT("ExecCommand: could not run \"%s %s\" :"), argv0, cmdline); } free(cmdline_dup); return exit_code; } CWE ID: CWE-415 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void SyncManager::SyncInternal::OnIPAddressChanged() { DVLOG(1) << "IP address change detected"; if (!observing_ip_address_changes_) { DVLOG(1) << "IP address change dropped."; return; } #if defined (OS_CHROMEOS) MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&SyncInternal::OnIPAddressChangedImpl, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()), kChromeOSNetworkChangeReactionDelayHackMsec); #else OnIPAddressChangedImpl(); #endif // defined(OS_CHROMEOS) } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static void free_nested(struct vcpu_vmx *vmx) { if (!vmx->nested.vmxon) return; vmx->nested.vmxon = false; free_vpid(vmx->nested.vpid02); nested_release_vmcs12(vmx); if (vmx->nested.msr_bitmap) { free_page((unsigned long)vmx->nested.msr_bitmap); vmx->nested.msr_bitmap = NULL; } if (enable_shadow_vmcs) { vmcs_clear(vmx->vmcs01.shadow_vmcs); free_vmcs(vmx->vmcs01.shadow_vmcs); vmx->vmcs01.shadow_vmcs = NULL; } kfree(vmx->nested.cached_vmcs12); /* Unpin physical memory we referred to in current vmcs02 */ if (vmx->nested.apic_access_page) { nested_release_page(vmx->nested.apic_access_page); vmx->nested.apic_access_page = NULL; } if (vmx->nested.virtual_apic_page) { nested_release_page(vmx->nested.virtual_apic_page); vmx->nested.virtual_apic_page = NULL; } if (vmx->nested.pi_desc_page) { kunmap(vmx->nested.pi_desc_page); nested_release_page(vmx->nested.pi_desc_page); vmx->nested.pi_desc_page = NULL; vmx->nested.pi_desc = NULL; } nested_free_all_saved_vmcss(vmx); } CWE ID: CWE-388 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static void reds_mig_finished(int completed) { spice_info(NULL); reds->mig_inprogress = TRUE; if (reds->src_do_seamless_migrate && completed) { reds_migrate_channels_seamless(); } else { main_channel_migrate_src_complete(reds->main_channel, completed); } if (completed) { reds_mig_fill_wait_disconnect(); } else { reds_mig_cleanup(); } reds_mig_release(); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void HistogramsCallback() { MockHistogramsCallback(); QuitMessageLoop(); } CWE ID: CWE-94 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: bt_status_t btsock_l2cap_cleanup() { pthread_mutex_lock(&state_lock); pth = -1; while (socks) btsock_l2cap_free_l(socks); pthread_mutex_unlock(&state_lock); return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } CWE ID: CWE-284 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: QQuickWebViewFlickablePrivate::~QQuickWebViewFlickablePrivate() { m_viewportHandler->disconnect(); } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void InitNavigateParams(FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params* params, int nav_entry_id, bool did_create_new_entry, const GURL& url, ui::PageTransition transition) { params->nav_entry_id = nav_entry_id; params->url = url; params->referrer = Referrer(); params->transition = transition; params->redirects = std::vector<GURL>(); params->should_update_history = false; params->searchable_form_url = GURL(); params->searchable_form_encoding = std::string(); params->did_create_new_entry = did_create_new_entry; params->gesture = NavigationGestureUser; params->was_within_same_document = false; params->method = "GET"; params->page_state = PageState::CreateFromURL(url); } CWE ID: CWE-254 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: Ins_MD( INS_ARG ) { FT_UShort K, L; FT_F26Dot6 D; K = (FT_UShort)args[1]; L = (FT_UShort)args[0]; if( BOUNDS( L, CUR.zp0.n_points ) || BOUNDS( K, CUR.zp1.n_points ) ) { if ( CUR.pedantic_hinting ) { CUR.error = TT_Err_Invalid_Reference; return; } D = 0; } else { if ( CUR.opcode & 1 ) D = CUR_Func_project( CUR.zp0.cur + L, CUR.zp1.cur + K ); else { FT_Vector* vec1 = CUR.zp0.orus + L; FT_Vector* vec2 = CUR.zp1.orus + K; if ( CUR.metrics.x_scale == CUR.metrics.y_scale ) { /* this should be faster */ D = CUR_Func_dualproj( vec1, vec2 ); D = TT_MULFIX( D, CUR.metrics.x_scale ); } else { FT_Vector vec; vec.x = TT_MULFIX( vec1->x - vec2->x, CUR.metrics.x_scale ); vec.y = TT_MULFIX( vec1->y - vec2->y, CUR.metrics.y_scale ); D = CUR_fast_dualproj( &vec ); } } } args[0] = D; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int _snd_timer_stop(struct snd_timer_instance * timeri, int keep_flag, int event) { struct snd_timer *timer; unsigned long flags; if (snd_BUG_ON(!timeri)) return -ENXIO; if (timeri->flags & SNDRV_TIMER_IFLG_SLAVE) { if (!keep_flag) { spin_lock_irqsave(&slave_active_lock, flags); timeri->flags &= ~SNDRV_TIMER_IFLG_RUNNING; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&slave_active_lock, flags); } goto __end; } timer = timeri->timer; if (!timer) return -EINVAL; spin_lock_irqsave(&timer->lock, flags); list_del_init(&timeri->ack_list); list_del_init(&timeri->active_list); if ((timeri->flags & SNDRV_TIMER_IFLG_RUNNING) && !(--timer->running)) { timer->hw.stop(timer); if (timer->flags & SNDRV_TIMER_FLG_RESCHED) { timer->flags &= ~SNDRV_TIMER_FLG_RESCHED; snd_timer_reschedule(timer, 0); if (timer->flags & SNDRV_TIMER_FLG_CHANGE) { timer->flags &= ~SNDRV_TIMER_FLG_CHANGE; timer->hw.start(timer); } } } if (!keep_flag) timeri->flags &= ~(SNDRV_TIMER_IFLG_RUNNING | SNDRV_TIMER_IFLG_START); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&timer->lock, flags); __end: if (event != SNDRV_TIMER_EVENT_RESOLUTION) snd_timer_notify1(timeri, event); return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static void locationWithExceptionAttributeSetter(v8::Local<v8::Value> jsValue, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<void>& info) { TestObjectPython* proxyImp = V8TestObjectPython::toNative(info.Holder()); TestNode* imp = WTF::getPtr(proxyImp->locationWithException()); if (!imp) return; V8TRYCATCH_FOR_V8STRINGRESOURCE_VOID(V8StringResource<>, cppValue, jsValue); imp->setHrefThrows(cppValue); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static X509_STORE * setup_verify(zval * calist) { X509_STORE *store; X509_LOOKUP * dir_lookup, * file_lookup; int ndirs = 0, nfiles = 0; zval * item; zend_stat_t sb; store = X509_STORE_new(); if (store == NULL) { return NULL; } if (calist && (Z_TYPE_P(calist) == IS_ARRAY)) { ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_VAL(Z_ARRVAL_P(calist), item) { convert_to_string_ex(item); if (VCWD_STAT(Z_STRVAL_P(item), &sb) == -1) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "unable to stat %s", Z_STRVAL_P(item)); continue; } if ((sb.st_mode & S_IFREG) == S_IFREG) { file_lookup = X509_STORE_add_lookup(store, X509_LOOKUP_file()); if (file_lookup == NULL || !X509_LOOKUP_load_file(file_lookup, Z_STRVAL_P(item), X509_FILETYPE_PEM)) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "error loading file %s", Z_STRVAL_P(item)); } else { nfiles++; } file_lookup = NULL; } else { dir_lookup = X509_STORE_add_lookup(store, X509_LOOKUP_hash_dir()); if (dir_lookup == NULL || !X509_LOOKUP_add_dir(dir_lookup, Z_STRVAL_P(item), X509_FILETYPE_PEM)) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "error loading directory %s", Z_STRVAL_P(item)); } else { ndirs++; } dir_lookup = NULL; } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } if (nfiles == 0) { file_lookup = X509_STORE_add_lookup(store, X509_LOOKUP_file()); if (file_lookup) { X509_LOOKUP_load_file(file_lookup, NULL, X509_FILETYPE_DEFAULT); } } if (ndirs == 0) { dir_lookup = X509_STORE_add_lookup(store, X509_LOOKUP_hash_dir()); if (dir_lookup) { X509_LOOKUP_add_dir(dir_lookup, NULL, X509_FILETYPE_DEFAULT); } } return store; } CWE ID: CWE-754 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void WebGLRenderingContextBase::bufferSubData(GLenum target, int64_t offset, DOMArrayBuffer* data) { if (isContextLost()) return; DCHECK(data); BufferSubDataImpl(target, offset, data->ByteLength(), data->Data()); } CWE ID: CWE-416 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: gfx::Rect AutofillPopupBaseView::CalculateClippingBounds() const { if (parent_widget_) return parent_widget_->GetClientAreaBoundsInScreen(); return PopupViewCommon().GetWindowBounds(delegate_->container_view()); } CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY ImportSecurityContextA(SEC_CHAR* pszPackage, PSecBuffer pPackedContext, HANDLE pToken, PCtxtHandle phContext) { return SEC_E_OK; } CWE ID: CWE-476 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: smp_fetch_base(const struct arg *args, struct sample *smp, const char *kw, void *private) { struct http_txn *txn; char *ptr, *end, *beg; struct hdr_ctx ctx; struct chunk *temp; CHECK_HTTP_MESSAGE_FIRST(); txn = smp->strm->txn; ctx.idx = 0; if (!http_find_header2("Host", 4, txn->req.chn->buf->p, &txn->hdr_idx, &ctx) || !ctx.vlen) return smp_fetch_path(args, smp, kw, private); /* OK we have the header value in ctx.line+ctx.val for ctx.vlen bytes */ temp = get_trash_chunk(); memcpy(temp->str, ctx.line + ctx.val, ctx.vlen); smp->data.type = SMP_T_STR; smp->data.u.str.str = temp->str; smp->data.u.str.len = ctx.vlen; /* now retrieve the path */ end = txn->req.chn->buf->p + txn-> + txn->; beg = http_get_path(txn); if (!beg) beg = end; for (ptr = beg; ptr < end && *ptr != '?'; ptr++); if (beg < ptr && *beg == '/') { memcpy(smp->data.u.str.str + smp->data.u.str.len, beg, ptr - beg); smp->data.u.str.len += ptr - beg; } smp->flags = SMP_F_VOL_1ST; return 1; } CWE ID: CWE-200 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void DecoderTest::RunLoop(CompressedVideoSource *video) { vpx_codec_dec_cfg_t dec_cfg = {0}; Decoder* const decoder = codec_->CreateDecoder(dec_cfg, 0); ASSERT_TRUE(decoder != NULL); for (video->Begin(); video->cxdata(); video->Next()) { PreDecodeFrameHook(*video, decoder); vpx_codec_err_t res_dec = decoder->DecodeFrame(video->cxdata(), video->frame_size()); ASSERT_EQ(VPX_CODEC_OK, res_dec) << decoder->DecodeError(); DxDataIterator dec_iter = decoder->GetDxData(); const vpx_image_t *img = NULL; while ((img = dec_iter.Next())) DecompressedFrameHook(*img, video->frame_number()); } delete decoder; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void VirtualAuthenticator::GetUniqueId(GetUniqueIdCallback callback) { std::move(callback).Run(unique_id_); } CWE ID: CWE-22 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void TabStrip::ResizeLayoutTabs() { if (tab_count() == 0) return; RemoveMessageLoopObserver(); in_tab_close_ = false; available_width_for_tabs_ = -1; int pinned_tab_count = GetPinnedTabCount(); if (pinned_tab_count == tab_count()) { return; } StartResizeLayoutAnimation(); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output: