Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: png_info_init_3(png_infopp ptr_ptr, png_size_t png_info_struct_size) { png_infop info_ptr = *ptr_ptr; png_debug(1, "in png_info_init_3"); if (info_ptr == NULL) return; if (png_sizeof(png_info) > png_info_struct_size) { png_destroy_struct(info_ptr); info_ptr = (png_infop)png_create_struct(PNG_STRUCT_INFO); *ptr_ptr = info_ptr; } /* Set everything to 0 */ png_memset(info_ptr, 0, png_sizeof(png_info)); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: bool PaintController::CacheIsAllInvalid() const { DCHECK(!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::SlimmingPaintV2Enabled()); return current_paint_artifact_.IsEmpty() && current_cache_generation_.GetPaintInvalidationReason() != PaintInvalidationReason::kNone; } CWE ID: Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char* name = argv[0]; bool applyColorCorrection = false; #if USE(QCMSLIB) if (argc >= 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "--color-correct") == 0) applyColorCorrection = (--argc, ++argv, true); if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [--color-correct] file [iterations] [packetSize]\n", name); exit(1); } #else if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s file [iterations] [packetSize]\n", name); exit(1); } #endif size_t iterations = 1; if (argc >= 3) { char* end = 0; iterations = strtol(argv[2], &end, 10); if (*end != '\0' || !iterations) { fprintf(stderr, "Second argument should be number of iterations. " "The default is 1. You supplied %s\n", argv[2]); exit(1); } } size_t packetSize = 0; if (argc >= 4) { char* end = 0; packetSize = strtol(argv[3], &end, 10); if (*end != '\0') { fprintf(stderr, "Third argument should be packet size. Default is " "0, meaning to decode the entire image in one packet. You " "supplied %s\n", argv[3]); exit(1); } } class WebPlatform : public blink::Platform { public: const unsigned char* getTraceCategoryEnabledFlag(const char*) override { return reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>("nope-none-nada"); } void cryptographicallyRandomValues(unsigned char*, size_t) override { } void screenColorProfile(WebVector<char>* profile) override { getScreenColorProfile(profile); // Returns a whacked color profile. } }; blink::initializeWithoutV8(new WebPlatform()); #if USE(QCMSLIB) ImageDecoder::qcmsOutputDeviceProfile(); // Initialize screen colorProfile. #endif RefPtr<SharedBuffer> data = readFile(argv[1]); if (!data.get() || !data->size()) { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading image data from [%s]\n", argv[1]); exit(2); } data->data(); double totalTime = 0.0; for (size_t i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) { double startTime = getCurrentTime(); bool decoded = decodeImageData(data.get(), applyColorCorrection, packetSize); double elapsedTime = getCurrentTime() - startTime; totalTime += elapsedTime; if (!decoded) { fprintf(stderr, "Image decode failed [%s]\n", argv[1]); exit(3); } } double averageTime = totalTime / static_cast<double>(iterations); printf("%f %f\n", totalTime, averageTime); return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-310 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: int32 CommandBufferProxyImpl::CreateTransferBuffer( size_t size, int32 id_request) { if (last_state_.error != gpu::error::kNoError) return -1; scoped_ptr<base::SharedMemory> shm( channel_->factory()->AllocateSharedMemory(size)); if (!shm.get()) return -1; base::SharedMemoryHandle handle = shm->handle(); #if defined(OS_POSIX) DCHECK(!handle.auto_close); #endif int32 id; if (!Send(new GpuCommandBufferMsg_RegisterTransferBuffer(route_id_, handle, size, id_request, &id))) { return -1; } return id; } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: _SSL_get_cert_info (struct cert_info *cert_info, SSL * ssl) { X509 *peer_cert; EVP_PKEY *peer_pkey; /* EVP_PKEY *ca_pkey; */ /* EVP_PKEY *tmp_pkey; */ char notBefore[64]; char notAfter[64]; int alg; int sign_alg; if (!(peer_cert = SSL_get_peer_certificate (ssl))) return (1); /* FATAL? */ X509_NAME_oneline (X509_get_subject_name (peer_cert), cert_info->subject, sizeof (cert_info->subject)); X509_NAME_oneline (X509_get_issuer_name (peer_cert), cert_info->issuer, sizeof (cert_info->issuer)); broke_oneline (cert_info->subject, cert_info->subject_word); broke_oneline (cert_info->issuer, cert_info->issuer_word); alg = OBJ_obj2nid (peer_cert->cert_info->key->algor->algorithm); sign_alg = OBJ_obj2nid (peer_cert->sig_alg->algorithm); ASN1_TIME_snprintf (notBefore, sizeof (notBefore), X509_get_notBefore (peer_cert)); ASN1_TIME_snprintf (notAfter, sizeof (notAfter), X509_get_notAfter (peer_cert)); peer_pkey = X509_get_pubkey (peer_cert); safe_strcpy (cert_info->algorithm, (alg == NID_undef) ? "Unknown" : OBJ_nid2ln (alg), sizeof (cert_info->algorithm)); cert_info->algorithm_bits = EVP_PKEY_bits (peer_pkey); safe_strcpy (cert_info->sign_algorithm, (sign_alg == NID_undef) ? "Unknown" : OBJ_nid2ln (sign_alg), sizeof (cert_info->sign_algorithm)); /* EVP_PKEY_bits(ca_pkey)); */ cert_info->sign_algorithm_bits = 0; safe_strcpy (cert_info->notbefore, notBefore, sizeof (cert_info->notbefore)); safe_strcpy (cert_info->notafter, notAfter, sizeof (cert_info->notafter)); EVP_PKEY_free (peer_pkey); /* SSL_SESSION_print_fp(stdout, SSL_get_session(ssl)); */ /* if (ssl->session->sess_cert->peer_rsa_tmp) { tmp_pkey = EVP_PKEY_new(); EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(tmp_pkey, ssl->session->sess_cert->peer_rsa_tmp); cert_info->rsa_tmp_bits = EVP_PKEY_bits (tmp_pkey); EVP_PKEY_free(tmp_pkey); } else fprintf(stderr, "REMOTE SIDE DOESN'T PROVIDES ->peer_rsa_tmp\n"); */ cert_info->rsa_tmp_bits = 0; X509_free (peer_cert); return (0); } CWE ID: CWE-310 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void ProcessRequest() { DCHECK_CURRENTLY_ON(BrowserThread::UI); timer.Stop(); // Erase reference to self. WallpaperManager* manager = WallpaperManager::Get(); if (manager->pending_inactive_ == this) manager->pending_inactive_ = NULL; started_load_at_ = base::Time::Now(); if (default_) { manager->DoSetDefaultWallpaper(account_id_, std::move(on_finish_)); } else if (!user_wallpaper_.isNull()) { SetWallpaper(user_wallpaper_, info_); } else if (!wallpaper_path_.empty()) { manager->task_runner_->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(&WallpaperManager::GetCustomWallpaperInternal, account_id_, info_, wallpaper_path_, true /* update wallpaper */, base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get(), base::Passed(std::move(on_finish_)), manager->weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); } else if (!info_.location.empty()) { manager->LoadWallpaper(account_id_, info_, true, std::move(on_finish_)); } else { NOTREACHED(); started_load_at_ = base::Time(); } on_finish_.reset(); } CWE ID: CWE-200 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: PepperMediaDeviceManager* PepperMediaDeviceManager::GetForRenderFrame( RenderFrame* render_frame) { PepperMediaDeviceManager* handler = PepperMediaDeviceManager::Get(render_frame); if (!handler) handler = new PepperMediaDeviceManager(render_frame); return handler; } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static int nfs4_xdr_dec_test_stateid(struct rpc_rqst *rqstp, struct xdr_stream *xdr, struct nfs41_test_stateid_res *res) { struct compound_hdr hdr; int status; status = decode_compound_hdr(xdr, &hdr); if (status) goto out; status = decode_sequence(xdr, &res->seq_res, rqstp); if (status) goto out; status = decode_test_stateid(xdr, res); out: return status; } CWE ID: CWE-189 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static void mm_init_aio(struct mm_struct *mm) { #ifdef CONFIG_AIO spin_lock_init(&mm->ioctx_lock); INIT_HLIST_HEAD(&mm->ioctx_list); #endif } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: ethertype_print(netdissect_options *ndo, u_short ether_type, const u_char *p, u_int length, u_int caplen, const struct lladdr_info *src, const struct lladdr_info *dst) { switch (ether_type) { case ETHERTYPE_IP: ip_print(ndo, p, length); return (1); case ETHERTYPE_IPV6: ip6_print(ndo, p, length); return (1); case ETHERTYPE_ARP: case ETHERTYPE_REVARP: arp_print(ndo, p, length, caplen); return (1); case ETHERTYPE_DN: decnet_print(ndo, p, length, caplen); return (1); case ETHERTYPE_ATALK: if (ndo->ndo_vflag) ND_PRINT((ndo, "et1 ")); atalk_print(ndo, p, length); return (1); case ETHERTYPE_AARP: aarp_print(ndo, p, length); return (1); case ETHERTYPE_IPX: ND_PRINT((ndo, "(NOV-ETHII) ")); ipx_print(ndo, p, length); return (1); case ETHERTYPE_ISO: if (length == 0 || caplen == 0) { ND_PRINT((ndo, " [|osi]")); return (1); } isoclns_print(ndo, p + 1, length - 1, caplen - 1); return(1); case ETHERTYPE_PPPOED: case ETHERTYPE_PPPOES: case ETHERTYPE_PPPOED2: case ETHERTYPE_PPPOES2: pppoe_print(ndo, p, length); return (1); case ETHERTYPE_EAPOL: eap_print(ndo, p, length); return (1); case ETHERTYPE_RRCP: rrcp_print(ndo, p, length, src, dst); return (1); case ETHERTYPE_PPP: if (length) { ND_PRINT((ndo, ": ")); ppp_print(ndo, p, length); } return (1); case ETHERTYPE_MPCP: mpcp_print(ndo, p, length); return (1); case ETHERTYPE_SLOW: slow_print(ndo, p, length); return (1); case ETHERTYPE_CFM: case ETHERTYPE_CFM_OLD: cfm_print(ndo, p, length); return (1); case ETHERTYPE_LLDP: lldp_print(ndo, p, length); return (1); case ETHERTYPE_NSH: nsh_print(ndo, p, length); return (1); case ETHERTYPE_LOOPBACK: loopback_print(ndo, p, length); return (1); case ETHERTYPE_MPLS: case ETHERTYPE_MPLS_MULTI: mpls_print(ndo, p, length); return (1); case ETHERTYPE_TIPC: tipc_print(ndo, p, length, caplen); return (1); case ETHERTYPE_MS_NLB_HB: msnlb_print(ndo, p); return (1); case ETHERTYPE_GEONET_OLD: case ETHERTYPE_GEONET: geonet_print(ndo, p, length, src); return (1); case ETHERTYPE_CALM_FAST: calm_fast_print(ndo, p, length, src); return (1); case ETHERTYPE_AOE: aoe_print(ndo, p, length); return (1); case ETHERTYPE_MEDSA: medsa_print(ndo, p, length, caplen, src, dst); return (1); case ETHERTYPE_LAT: case ETHERTYPE_SCA: case ETHERTYPE_MOPRC: case ETHERTYPE_MOPDL: case ETHERTYPE_IEEE1905_1: /* default_print for now */ default: return (0); } } CWE ID: CWE-125 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static bool i8042_filter(unsigned char data, unsigned char str, struct serio *serio) { if (unlikely(i8042_suppress_kbd_ack)) { if ((~str & I8042_STR_AUXDATA) && (data == 0xfa || data == 0xfe)) { i8042_suppress_kbd_ack--; dbg("Extra keyboard ACK - filtered out\n"); return true; } } if (i8042_platform_filter && i8042_platform_filter(data, str, serio)) { dbg("Filtered out by platform filter\n"); return true; } return false; } CWE ID: CWE-476 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void Document::MaybeQueueSendDidEditFieldInInsecureContext() { if (logged_field_edit_ || sensitive_input_edited_task_.IsActive() || IsSecureContext()) { return; } logged_field_edit_ = true; sensitive_input_edited_task_ = TaskRunnerHelper::Get(TaskType::kUserInteraction, this) ->PostCancellableTask( BLINK_FROM_HERE, WTF::Bind(&Document::SendDidEditFieldInInsecureContext, WrapWeakPersistent(this))); } CWE ID: CWE-732 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: sp<MediaSource> MPEG4Extractor::getTrack(size_t index) { status_t err; if ((err = readMetaData()) != OK) { return NULL; } Track *track = mFirstTrack; while (index > 0) { if (track == NULL) { return NULL; } track = track->next; --index; } if (track == NULL) { return NULL; } Trex *trex = NULL; int32_t trackId; if (track->meta->findInt32(kKeyTrackID, &trackId)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < mTrex.size(); i++) { Trex *t = &mTrex.editItemAt(index); if (t->track_ID == (uint32_t) trackId) { trex = t; break; } } } ALOGV("getTrack called, pssh: %zu", mPssh.size()); return new MPEG4Source(this, track->meta, mDataSource, track->timescale, track->sampleTable, mSidxEntries, trex, mMoofOffset); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: __tree_mod_log_insert(struct btrfs_fs_info *fs_info, struct tree_mod_elem *tm) { struct rb_root *tm_root; struct rb_node **new; struct rb_node *parent = NULL; struct tree_mod_elem *cur; BUG_ON(!tm); tm->seq = btrfs_inc_tree_mod_seq(fs_info); tm_root = &fs_info->tree_mod_log; new = &tm_root->rb_node; while (*new) { cur = container_of(*new, struct tree_mod_elem, node); parent = *new; if (cur->index < tm->index) new = &((*new)->rb_left); else if (cur->index > tm->index) new = &((*new)->rb_right); else if (cur->seq < tm->seq) new = &((*new)->rb_left); else if (cur->seq > tm->seq) new = &((*new)->rb_right); else return -EEXIST; } rb_link_node(&tm->node, parent, new); rb_insert_color(&tm->node, tm_root); return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-362 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: remap_event_helper(entry_connection_t *conn, const tor_addr_t *new_addr) { tor_addr_to_str(conn->socks_request->address, new_addr, sizeof(conn->socks_request->address), 1); control_event_stream_status(conn, STREAM_EVENT_REMAP, REMAP_STREAM_SOURCE_EXIT); } CWE ID: CWE-617 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static struct sk_buff *ipv6_gso_segment(struct sk_buff *skb, netdev_features_t features) { struct sk_buff *segs = ERR_PTR(-EINVAL); struct ipv6hdr *ipv6h; const struct net_offload *ops; int proto; struct frag_hdr *fptr; unsigned int unfrag_ip6hlen; unsigned int payload_len; u8 *prevhdr; int offset = 0; bool encap, udpfrag; int nhoff; bool gso_partial; skb_reset_network_header(skb); nhoff = skb_network_header(skb) - skb_mac_header(skb); if (unlikely(!pskb_may_pull(skb, sizeof(*ipv6h)))) goto out; encap = SKB_GSO_CB(skb)->encap_level > 0; if (encap) features &= skb->dev->hw_enc_features; SKB_GSO_CB(skb)->encap_level += sizeof(*ipv6h); ipv6h = ipv6_hdr(skb); __skb_pull(skb, sizeof(*ipv6h)); segs = ERR_PTR(-EPROTONOSUPPORT); proto = ipv6_gso_pull_exthdrs(skb, ipv6h->nexthdr); if (skb->encapsulation && skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_type & (SKB_GSO_IPXIP4 | SKB_GSO_IPXIP6)) udpfrag = proto == IPPROTO_UDP && encap; else udpfrag = proto == IPPROTO_UDP && !skb->encapsulation; ops = rcu_dereference(inet6_offloads[proto]); if (likely(ops && ops->callbacks.gso_segment)) { skb_reset_transport_header(skb); segs = ops->callbacks.gso_segment(skb, features); } if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(segs)) goto out; gso_partial = !!(skb_shinfo(segs)->gso_type & SKB_GSO_PARTIAL); for (skb = segs; skb; skb = skb->next) { ipv6h = (struct ipv6hdr *)(skb_mac_header(skb) + nhoff); if (gso_partial) payload_len = skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_size + SKB_GSO_CB(skb)->data_offset + skb->head - (unsigned char *)(ipv6h + 1); else payload_len = skb->len - nhoff - sizeof(*ipv6h); ipv6h->payload_len = htons(payload_len); skb->network_header = (u8 *)ipv6h - skb->head; if (udpfrag) { unfrag_ip6hlen = ip6_find_1stfragopt(skb, &prevhdr); fptr = (struct frag_hdr *)((u8 *)ipv6h + unfrag_ip6hlen); fptr->frag_off = htons(offset); if (skb->next) fptr->frag_off |= htons(IP6_MF); offset += (ntohs(ipv6h->payload_len) - sizeof(struct frag_hdr)); } if (encap) skb_reset_inner_headers(skb); } out: return segs; } CWE ID: CWE-125 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void vga_init(VGACommonState *s, Object *obj, MemoryRegion *address_space, MemoryRegion *address_space_io, bool init_vga_ports) { MemoryRegion *vga_io_memory; const MemoryRegionPortio *vga_ports, *vbe_ports; qemu_register_reset(vga_reset, s); s->bank_offset = 0; s->legacy_address_space = address_space; vga_io_memory = vga_init_io(s, obj, &vga_ports, &vbe_ports); memory_region_add_subregion_overlap(address_space, 0x000a0000, vga_io_memory, 1); memory_region_set_coalescing(vga_io_memory); if (init_vga_ports) { portio_list_init(&s->vga_port_list, obj, vga_ports, s, "vga"); portio_list_set_flush_coalesced(&s->vga_port_list); portio_list_add(&s->vga_port_list, address_space_io, 0x3b0); } if (vbe_ports) { portio_list_init(&s->vbe_port_list, obj, vbe_ports, s, "vbe"); portio_list_add(&s->vbe_port_list, address_space_io, 0x1ce); } } CWE ID: CWE-617 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static void encode_frame(vpx_codec_ctx_t *codec, vpx_image_t *img, int frame_index, int flags, VpxVideoWriter *writer) { vpx_codec_iter_t iter = NULL; const vpx_codec_cx_pkt_t *pkt = NULL; const vpx_codec_err_t res = vpx_codec_encode(codec, img, frame_index, 1, flags, VPX_DL_GOOD_QUALITY); if (res != VPX_CODEC_OK) die_codec(codec, "Failed to encode frame"); while ((pkt = vpx_codec_get_cx_data(codec, &iter)) != NULL) { if (pkt->kind == VPX_CODEC_CX_FRAME_PKT) { const int keyframe = (pkt->data.frame.flags & VPX_FRAME_IS_KEY) != 0; if (!vpx_video_writer_write_frame(writer, pkt->data.frame.buf, pkt->, pkt->data.frame.pts)) { die_codec(codec, "Failed to write compressed frame"); } printf(keyframe ? "K" : "."); fflush(stdout); } } } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static void snd_usb_mixer_free(struct usb_mixer_interface *mixer) { kfree(mixer->id_elems); if (mixer->urb) { kfree(mixer->urb->transfer_buffer); usb_free_urb(mixer->urb); } usb_free_urb(mixer->rc_urb); kfree(mixer->rc_setup_packet); kfree(mixer); } CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void BrowserViewRenderer::SetOffscreenPreRaster(bool enable) { if (offscreen_pre_raster_ != enable && compositor_) UpdateMemoryPolicy(); offscreen_pre_raster_ = enable; } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: int crypto_register_shash(struct shash_alg *alg) { struct crypto_alg *base = &alg->base; int err; err = shash_prepare_alg(alg); if (err) return err; return crypto_register_alg(base); } CWE ID: CWE-310 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: FrameImpl::~FrameImpl() { window_tree_host_->Hide(); window_tree_host_->compositor()->SetVisible(false); } CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: int sched_group_set_rt_runtime(struct task_group *tg, long rt_runtime_us) { u64 rt_runtime, rt_period; rt_period = ktime_to_ns(tg->rt_bandwidth.rt_period); rt_runtime = (u64)rt_runtime_us * NSEC_PER_USEC; if (rt_runtime_us < 0) rt_runtime = RUNTIME_INF; return tg_set_bandwidth(tg, rt_period, rt_runtime); } CWE ID: Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void RenderView::OnViewContextSwapBuffersPosted() { RenderWidget::OnSwapBuffersPosted(); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static int apparmor_setprocattr(struct task_struct *task, char *name, void *value, size_t size) { char *command, *args = value; size_t arg_size; int error; if (size == 0) return -EINVAL; /* args points to a PAGE_SIZE buffer, AppArmor requires that * the buffer must be null terminated or have size <= PAGE_SIZE -1 * so that AppArmor can null terminate them */ if (args[size - 1] != '\0') { if (size == PAGE_SIZE) return -EINVAL; args[size] = '\0'; } /* task can only write its own attributes */ if (current != task) return -EACCES; args = value; args = strim(args); command = strsep(&args, " "); if (!args) return -EINVAL; args = skip_spaces(args); if (!*args) return -EINVAL; arg_size = size - (args - (char *) value); if (strcmp(name, "current") == 0) { if (strcmp(command, "changehat") == 0) { error = aa_setprocattr_changehat(args, arg_size, !AA_DO_TEST); } else if (strcmp(command, "permhat") == 0) { error = aa_setprocattr_changehat(args, arg_size, AA_DO_TEST); } else if (strcmp(command, "changeprofile") == 0) { error = aa_setprocattr_changeprofile(args, !AA_ONEXEC, !AA_DO_TEST); } else if (strcmp(command, "permprofile") == 0) { error = aa_setprocattr_changeprofile(args, !AA_ONEXEC, AA_DO_TEST); } else if (strcmp(command, "permipc") == 0) { error = aa_setprocattr_permipc(args); } else { struct common_audit_data sa; COMMON_AUDIT_DATA_INIT(&sa, NONE); sa.aad.op = OP_SETPROCATTR; = name; sa.aad.error = -EINVAL; return aa_audit(AUDIT_APPARMOR_DENIED, NULL, GFP_KERNEL, &sa, NULL); } } else if (strcmp(name, "exec") == 0) { error = aa_setprocattr_changeprofile(args, AA_ONEXEC, !AA_DO_TEST); } else { /* only support the "current" and "exec" process attributes */ return -EINVAL; } if (!error) error = size; return error; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: PDO_API void php_pdo_stmt_addref(pdo_stmt_t *stmt TSRMLS_DC) { stmt->refcount++; } CWE ID: CWE-476 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: parse_netscreen_hex_dump(FILE_T fh, int pkt_len, const char *cap_int, const char *cap_dst, struct wtap_pkthdr *phdr, Buffer* buf, int *err, gchar **err_info) { guint8 *pd; gchar line[NETSCREEN_LINE_LENGTH]; gchar *p; int n, i = 0, offset = 0; gchar dststr[13]; /* Make sure we have enough room for the packet */ ws_buffer_assure_space(buf, NETSCREEN_MAX_PACKET_LEN); pd = ws_buffer_start_ptr(buf); while(1) { /* The last packet is not delimited by an empty line, but by EOF * So accept EOF as a valid delimiter too */ if (file_gets(line, NETSCREEN_LINE_LENGTH, fh) == NULL) { break; } /* * Skip blanks. * The number of blanks is not fixed - for wireless * interfaces, there may be 14 extra spaces before * the hex data. */ for (p = &line[0]; g_ascii_isspace(*p); p++) ; /* packets are delimited with empty lines */ if (*p == '\0') { break; } n = parse_single_hex_dump_line(p, pd, offset); /* the smallest packet has a length of 6 bytes, if * the first hex-data is less then check whether * it is a info-line and act accordingly */ if (offset == 0 && n < 6) { if (info_line(line)) { if (++i <= NETSCREEN_MAX_INFOLINES) { continue; } } else { *err = WTAP_ERR_BAD_FILE; *err_info = g_strdup("netscreen: cannot parse hex-data"); return FALSE; } } /* If there is no more data and the line was not empty, * then there must be an error in the file */ if(n == -1) { *err = WTAP_ERR_BAD_FILE; *err_info = g_strdup("netscreen: cannot parse hex-data"); return FALSE; } /* Adjust the offset to the data that was just added to the buffer */ offset += n; /* If there was more hex-data than was announced in the len=x * header, then then there must be an error in the file */ if(offset > pkt_len) { *err = WTAP_ERR_BAD_FILE; *err_info = g_strdup("netscreen: too much hex-data"); return FALSE; } } /* * Determine the encapsulation type, based on the * first 4 characters of the interface name * * XXX convert this to a 'case' structure when adding more * (non-ethernet) interfacetypes */ if (strncmp(cap_int, "adsl", 4) == 0) { /* The ADSL interface can be bridged with or without * PPP encapsulation. Check whether the first six bytes * of the hex data are the same as the destination mac * address in the header. If they are, assume ethernet * LinkLayer or else PPP */ g_snprintf(dststr, 13, "%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", pd[0], pd[1], pd[2], pd[3], pd[4], pd[5]); if (strncmp(dststr, cap_dst, 12) == 0) phdr->pkt_encap = WTAP_ENCAP_ETHERNET; else phdr->pkt_encap = WTAP_ENCAP_PPP; } else if (strncmp(cap_int, "seri", 4) == 0) phdr->pkt_encap = WTAP_ENCAP_PPP; else phdr->pkt_encap = WTAP_ENCAP_ETHERNET; phdr->caplen = offset; return TRUE; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: gamma_image_validate(gamma_display *dp, png_const_structp pp, png_infop pi) { /* Get some constants derived from the input and output file formats: */ PNG_CONST png_store* PNG_CONST ps = dp->; PNG_CONST png_byte in_ct = dp->this.colour_type; PNG_CONST png_byte in_bd = dp->this.bit_depth; PNG_CONST png_uint_32 w = dp->this.w; PNG_CONST png_uint_32 h = dp->this.h; PNG_CONST size_t cbRow = dp->this.cbRow; PNG_CONST png_byte out_ct = png_get_color_type(pp, pi); PNG_CONST png_byte out_bd = png_get_bit_depth(pp, pi); /* There are three sources of error, firstly the quantization in the * file encoding, determined by sbit and/or the file depth, secondly * the output (screen) gamma and thirdly the output file encoding. * * Since this API receives the screen and file gamma in double * precision it is possible to calculate an exact answer given an input * pixel value. Therefore we assume that the *input* value is exact - * sample/maxsample - calculate the corresponding gamma corrected * output to the limits of double precision arithmetic and compare with * what libpng returns. * * Since the library must quantize the output to 8 or 16 bits there is * a fundamental limit on the accuracy of the output of +/-.5 - this * quantization limit is included in addition to the other limits * specified by the paramaters to the API. (Effectively, add .5 * everywhere.) * * The behavior of the 'sbit' paramter is defined by section 12.5 * (sample depth scaling) of the PNG spec. That section forces the * decoder to assume that the PNG values have been scaled if sBIT is * present: * * png-sample = floor( input-sample * (max-out/max-in) + .5); * * This means that only a subset of the possible PNG values should * appear in the input. However, the spec allows the encoder to use a * variety of approximations to the above and doesn't require any * restriction of the values produced. * * Nevertheless the spec requires that the upper 'sBIT' bits of the * value stored in a PNG file be the original sample bits. * Consequently the code below simply scales the top sbit bits by * (1<<sbit)-1 to obtain an original sample value. * * Because there is limited precision in the input it is arguable that * an acceptable result is any valid result from input-.5 to input+.5. * The basic tests below do not do this, however if 'use_input_precision' * is set a subsequent test is performed above. */ PNG_CONST unsigned int samples_per_pixel = (out_ct & 2U) ? 3U : 1U; int processing; png_uint_32 y; PNG_CONST store_palette_entry *in_palette = dp->this.palette; PNG_CONST int in_is_transparent = dp->this.is_transparent; int out_npalette = -1; int out_is_transparent = 0; /* Just refers to the palette case */ store_palette out_palette; validate_info vi; /* Check for row overwrite errors */ store_image_check(dp->, pp, 0); /* Supply the input and output sample depths here - 8 for an indexed image, * otherwise the bit depth. */ init_validate_info(&vi, dp, pp, in_ct==3?8:in_bd, out_ct==3?8:out_bd); processing = (vi.gamma_correction > 0 && !dp->threshold_test) || in_bd != out_bd || in_ct != out_ct || vi.do_background; /* TODO: FIX THIS: MAJOR BUG! If the transformations all happen inside * the palette there is no way of finding out, because libpng fails to * update the palette on png_read_update_info. Indeed, libpng doesn't * even do the required work until much later, when it doesn't have any * info pointer. Oops. For the moment 'processing' is turned off if * out_ct is palette. */ if (in_ct == 3 && out_ct == 3) processing = 0; if (processing && out_ct == 3) out_is_transparent = read_palette(out_palette, &out_npalette, pp, pi); for (y=0; y<h; ++y) { png_const_bytep pRow = store_image_row(ps, pp, 0, y); png_byte std[STANDARD_ROWMAX]; transform_row(pp, std, in_ct, in_bd, y); if (processing) { unsigned int x; for (x=0; x<w; ++x) { double alpha = 1; /* serves as a flag value */ /* Record the palette index for index images. */ PNG_CONST unsigned int in_index = in_ct == 3 ? sample(std, 3, in_bd, x, 0) : 256; PNG_CONST unsigned int out_index = out_ct == 3 ? sample(std, 3, out_bd, x, 0) : 256; /* Handle input alpha - png_set_background will cause the output * alpha to disappear so there is nothing to check. */ if ((in_ct & PNG_COLOR_MASK_ALPHA) != 0 || (in_ct == 3 && in_is_transparent)) { PNG_CONST unsigned int input_alpha = in_ct == 3 ? dp->this.palette[in_index].alpha : sample(std, in_ct, in_bd, x, samples_per_pixel); unsigned int output_alpha = 65536 /* as a flag value */; if (out_ct == 3) { if (out_is_transparent) output_alpha = out_palette[out_index].alpha; } else if ((out_ct & PNG_COLOR_MASK_ALPHA) != 0) output_alpha = sample(pRow, out_ct, out_bd, x, samples_per_pixel); if (output_alpha != 65536) alpha = gamma_component_validate("alpha", &vi, input_alpha, output_alpha, -1/*alpha*/, 0/*background*/); else /* no alpha in output */ { /* This is a copy of the calculation of 'i' above in order to * have the alpha value to use in the background calculation. */ alpha = input_alpha >> vi.isbit_shift; alpha /= vi.sbit_max; } } /* Handle grayscale or RGB components. */ if ((in_ct & PNG_COLOR_MASK_COLOR) == 0) /* grayscale */ (void)gamma_component_validate("gray", &vi, sample(std, in_ct, in_bd, x, 0), sample(pRow, out_ct, out_bd, x, 0), alpha/*component*/, vi.background_red); else /* RGB or palette */ { (void)gamma_component_validate("red", &vi, in_ct == 3 ? in_palette[in_index].red : sample(std, in_ct, in_bd, x, 0), out_ct == 3 ? out_palette[out_index].red : sample(pRow, out_ct, out_bd, x, 0), alpha/*component*/, vi.background_red); (void)gamma_component_validate("green", &vi, in_ct == 3 ? in_palette[in_index].green : sample(std, in_ct, in_bd, x, 1), out_ct == 3 ? out_palette[out_index].green : sample(pRow, out_ct, out_bd, x, 1), alpha/*component*/, vi.background_green); (void)gamma_component_validate("blue", &vi, in_ct == 3 ? in_palette[in_index].blue : sample(std, in_ct, in_bd, x, 2), out_ct == 3 ? out_palette[out_index].blue : sample(pRow, out_ct, out_bd, x, 2), alpha/*component*/, vi.background_blue); } } } else if (memcmp(std, pRow, cbRow) != 0) { char msg[64]; /* No transform is expected on the threshold tests. */ sprintf(msg, "gamma: below threshold row %lu changed", (unsigned long)y); png_error(pp, msg); } } /* row (y) loop */ dp->>validated = 1; } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: madvise_vma(struct vm_area_struct *vma, struct vm_area_struct **prev, unsigned long start, unsigned long end, int behavior) { switch (behavior) { case MADV_REMOVE: return madvise_remove(vma, prev, start, end); case MADV_WILLNEED: return madvise_willneed(vma, prev, start, end); case MADV_DONTNEED: return madvise_dontneed(vma, prev, start, end); default: return madvise_behavior(vma, prev, start, end, behavior); } } CWE ID: CWE-362 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: SPL_METHOD(RecursiveDirectoryIterator, getChildren) { zval *zpath, *zflags; spl_filesystem_object *intern = (spl_filesystem_object*)zend_object_store_get_object(getThis() TSRMLS_CC); spl_filesystem_object *subdir; char slash = SPL_HAS_FLAG(intern->flags, SPL_FILE_DIR_UNIXPATHS) ? '/' : DEFAULT_SLASH; if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } spl_filesystem_object_get_file_name(intern TSRMLS_CC); MAKE_STD_ZVAL(zflags); MAKE_STD_ZVAL(zpath); ZVAL_LONG(zflags, intern->flags); ZVAL_STRINGL(zpath, intern->file_name, intern->file_name_len, 1); spl_instantiate_arg_ex2(Z_OBJCE_P(getThis()), &return_value, 0, zpath, zflags TSRMLS_CC); zval_ptr_dtor(&zpath); zval_ptr_dtor(&zflags); subdir = (spl_filesystem_object*)zend_object_store_get_object(return_value TSRMLS_CC); if (subdir) { if (intern->u.dir.sub_path && intern->u.dir.sub_path[0]) { subdir->u.dir.sub_path_len = spprintf(&subdir->u.dir.sub_path, 0, "%s%c%s", intern->u.dir.sub_path, slash, intern->u.dir.entry.d_name); } else { subdir->u.dir.sub_path_len = strlen(intern->u.dir.entry.d_name); subdir->u.dir.sub_path = estrndup(intern->u.dir.entry.d_name, subdir->u.dir.sub_path_len); } subdir->info_class = intern->info_class; subdir->file_class = intern->file_class; subdir->oth = intern->oth; } } CWE ID: CWE-190 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: png_handle_PLTE(png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr, png_uint_32 length) { png_color palette[PNG_MAX_PALETTE_LENGTH]; int num, i; #ifdef PNG_POINTER_INDEXING_SUPPORTED png_colorp pal_ptr; #endif png_debug(1, "in png_handle_PLTE"); if (!(png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IHDR)) png_error(png_ptr, "Missing IHDR before PLTE"); else if (png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IDAT) { png_warning(png_ptr, "Invalid PLTE after IDAT"); png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length); return; } else if (png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_PLTE) png_error(png_ptr, "Duplicate PLTE chunk"); png_ptr->mode |= PNG_HAVE_PLTE; if (!(png_ptr->color_type&PNG_COLOR_MASK_COLOR)) { png_warning(png_ptr, "Ignoring PLTE chunk in grayscale PNG"); png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length); return; } #ifndef PNG_READ_OPT_PLTE_SUPPORTED if (png_ptr->color_type != PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) { png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length); return; } #endif if (length > 3*PNG_MAX_PALETTE_LENGTH || length % 3) { if (png_ptr->color_type != PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) { png_warning(png_ptr, "Invalid palette chunk"); png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length); return; } else { png_error(png_ptr, "Invalid palette chunk"); } } num = (int)length / 3; #ifdef PNG_POINTER_INDEXING_SUPPORTED for (i = 0, pal_ptr = palette; i < num; i++, pal_ptr++) { png_byte buf[3]; png_crc_read(png_ptr, buf, 3); pal_ptr->red = buf[0]; pal_ptr->green = buf[1]; pal_ptr->blue = buf[2]; } #else for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { png_byte buf[3]; png_crc_read(png_ptr, buf, 3); /* Don't depend upon png_color being any order */ palette[i].red = buf[0]; palette[i].green = buf[1]; palette[i].blue = buf[2]; } #endif /* If we actually NEED the PLTE chunk (ie for a paletted image), we do * whatever the normal CRC configuration tells us. However, if we * have an RGB image, the PLTE can be considered ancillary, so * we will act as though it is. */ #ifndef PNG_READ_OPT_PLTE_SUPPORTED if (png_ptr->color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) #endif { png_crc_finish(png_ptr, 0); } #ifndef PNG_READ_OPT_PLTE_SUPPORTED else if (png_crc_error(png_ptr)) /* Only if we have a CRC error */ { /* If we don't want to use the data from an ancillary chunk, we have two options: an error abort, or a warning and we ignore the data in this chunk (which should be OK, since it's considered ancillary for a RGB or RGBA image). */ if (!(png_ptr->flags & PNG_FLAG_CRC_ANCILLARY_USE)) { if (png_ptr->flags & PNG_FLAG_CRC_ANCILLARY_NOWARN) { png_chunk_error(png_ptr, "CRC error"); } else { png_chunk_warning(png_ptr, "CRC error"); return; } } /* Otherwise, we (optionally) emit a warning and use the chunk. */ else if (!(png_ptr->flags & PNG_FLAG_CRC_ANCILLARY_NOWARN)) { png_chunk_warning(png_ptr, "CRC error"); } } #endif png_set_PLTE(png_ptr, info_ptr, palette, num); #ifdef PNG_READ_tRNS_SUPPORTED if (png_ptr->color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) { if (info_ptr != NULL && (info_ptr->valid & PNG_INFO_tRNS)) { if (png_ptr->num_trans > (png_uint_16)num) { png_warning(png_ptr, "Truncating incorrect tRNS chunk length"); png_ptr->num_trans = (png_uint_16)num; } if (info_ptr->num_trans > (png_uint_16)num) { png_warning(png_ptr, "Truncating incorrect info tRNS chunk length"); info_ptr->num_trans = (png_uint_16)num; } } } #endif } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: bool GLES2DecoderImpl::GetNumValuesReturnedForGLGet( GLenum pname, GLsizei* num_values) { *num_values = 0; if (state_.GetStateAsGLint(pname, nullptr, num_values)) { return true; } return GetHelper(pname, nullptr, num_values); } CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int ssl_parse_alpn_ext( mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl, const unsigned char *buf, size_t len ) { size_t list_len, name_len; const char **p; /* If we didn't send it, the server shouldn't send it */ if( ssl->conf->alpn_list == NULL ) { MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 1, ( "non-matching ALPN extension" ) ); mbedtls_ssl_send_alert_message( ssl, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_LEVEL_FATAL, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_MSG_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE ); return( MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_BAD_HS_SERVER_HELLO ); } /* * opaque ProtocolName<1..2^8-1>; * * struct { * ProtocolName protocol_name_list<2..2^16-1> * } ProtocolNameList; * * the "ProtocolNameList" MUST contain exactly one "ProtocolName" */ /* Min length is 2 (list_len) + 1 (name_len) + 1 (name) */ if( len < 4 ) { mbedtls_ssl_send_alert_message( ssl, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_LEVEL_FATAL, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_MSG_DECODE_ERROR ); return( MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_BAD_HS_SERVER_HELLO ); } list_len = ( buf[0] << 8 ) | buf[1]; if( list_len != len - 2 ) { mbedtls_ssl_send_alert_message( ssl, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_LEVEL_FATAL, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_MSG_DECODE_ERROR ); return( MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_BAD_HS_SERVER_HELLO ); } name_len = buf[2]; if( name_len != list_len - 1 ) { mbedtls_ssl_send_alert_message( ssl, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_LEVEL_FATAL, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_MSG_DECODE_ERROR ); return( MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_BAD_HS_SERVER_HELLO ); } /* Check that the server chosen protocol was in our list and save it */ for( p = ssl->conf->alpn_list; *p != NULL; p++ ) { if( name_len == strlen( *p ) && memcmp( buf + 3, *p, name_len ) == 0 ) { ssl->alpn_chosen = *p; return( 0 ); } } MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 1, ( "ALPN extension: no matching protocol" ) ); mbedtls_ssl_send_alert_message( ssl, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_LEVEL_FATAL, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_MSG_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE ); return( MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_BAD_HS_SERVER_HELLO ); } CWE ID: CWE-125 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void BlockPainter::PaintScrollHitTestDisplayItem(const PaintInfo& paint_info) { DCHECK(RuntimeEnabledFeatures::SlimmingPaintV2Enabled()); if (paint_info.GetGlobalPaintFlags() & kGlobalPaintFlattenCompositingLayers) return; const auto* fragment = paint_info.FragmentToPaint(layout_block_); const auto* properties = fragment ? fragment->PaintProperties() : nullptr; if (properties && properties->Scroll()) { DCHECK(properties->ScrollTranslation()); ScopedPaintChunkProperties scroll_hit_test_properties( paint_info.context.GetPaintController(), fragment->LocalBorderBoxProperties(), layout_block_, DisplayItem::kScrollHitTest); ScrollHitTestDisplayItem::Record(paint_info.context, layout_block_, DisplayItem::kScrollHitTest, properties->ScrollTranslation()); } } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static sctp_disposition_t sctp_sf_violation_ctsn( struct net *net, const struct sctp_endpoint *ep, const struct sctp_association *asoc, const sctp_subtype_t type, void *arg, sctp_cmd_seq_t *commands) { static const char err_str[]="The cumulative tsn ack beyond the max tsn currently sent:"; return sctp_sf_abort_violation(net, ep, asoc, arg, commands, err_str, sizeof(err_str)); } CWE ID: Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: inline int web_client_api_request_v1(RRDHOST *host, struct web_client *w, char *url) { static int initialized = 0; int i; if(unlikely(initialized == 0)) { initialized = 1; for(i = 0; api_commands[i].command ; i++) api_commands[i].hash = simple_hash(api_commands[i].command); } char *tok = mystrsep(&url, "/?&"); if(tok && *tok) { debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: Searching for API v1 command '%s'.", w->id, tok); uint32_t hash = simple_hash(tok); for(i = 0; api_commands[i].command ;i++) { if(unlikely(hash == api_commands[i].hash && !strcmp(tok, api_commands[i].command))) { if(unlikely(api_commands[i].acl != WEB_CLIENT_ACL_NOCHECK) && !(w->acl & api_commands[i].acl)) return web_client_permission_denied(w); return api_commands[i].callback(host, w, url); } } buffer_flush(w->; buffer_strcat(w->, "Unsupported v1 API command: "); buffer_strcat_htmlescape(w->, tok); return 404; } else { buffer_flush(w->; buffer_sprintf(w->, "Which API v1 command?"); return 400; } } CWE ID: CWE-200 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: int main(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *infile = NULL; vpx_codec_ctx_t codec = {0}; vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t cfg = {0}; int frame_count = 0; vpx_image_t raw = {0}; vpx_codec_err_t res; VpxVideoInfo info = {0}; VpxVideoWriter *writer = NULL; const VpxInterface *encoder = NULL; const int fps = 2; // TODO(dkovalev) add command line argument const double bits_per_pixel_per_frame = 0.067; exec_name = argv[0]; if (argc != 6) die("Invalid number of arguments"); encoder = get_vpx_encoder_by_name(argv[1]); if (!encoder) die("Unsupported codec."); info.codec_fourcc = encoder->fourcc; info.frame_width = strtol(argv[2], NULL, 0); info.frame_height = strtol(argv[3], NULL, 0); info.time_base.numerator = 1; info.time_base.denominator = fps; if (info.frame_width <= 0 || info.frame_height <= 0 || (info.frame_width % 2) != 0 || (info.frame_height % 2) != 0) { die("Invalid frame size: %dx%d", info.frame_width, info.frame_height); } if (!vpx_img_alloc(&raw, VPX_IMG_FMT_I420, info.frame_width, info.frame_height, 1)) { die("Failed to allocate image."); } printf("Using %s\n", vpx_codec_iface_name(encoder->interface())); res = vpx_codec_enc_config_default(encoder->interface(), &cfg, 0); if (res) die_codec(&codec, "Failed to get default codec config."); cfg.g_w = info.frame_width; cfg.g_h = info.frame_height; cfg.g_timebase.num = info.time_base.numerator; cfg.g_timebase.den = info.time_base.denominator; cfg.rc_target_bitrate = (unsigned int)(bits_per_pixel_per_frame * cfg.g_w * cfg.g_h * fps / 1000); cfg.g_lag_in_frames = 0; writer = vpx_video_writer_open(argv[5], kContainerIVF, &info); if (!writer) die("Failed to open %s for writing.", argv[5]); if (!(infile = fopen(argv[4], "rb"))) die("Failed to open %s for reading.", argv[4]); if (vpx_codec_enc_init(&codec, encoder->interface(), &cfg, 0)) die_codec(&codec, "Failed to initialize encoder"); while (vpx_img_read(&raw, infile)) { ++frame_count; if (frame_count == 22 && encoder->fourcc == VP8_FOURCC) { set_roi_map(&cfg, &codec); } else if (frame_count == 33) { set_active_map(&cfg, &codec); } else if (frame_count == 44) { unset_active_map(&cfg, &codec); } encode_frame(&codec, &raw, frame_count, writer); } encode_frame(&codec, NULL, -1, writer); printf("\n"); fclose(infile); printf("Processed %d frames.\n", frame_count); vpx_img_free(&raw); if (vpx_codec_destroy(&codec)) die_codec(&codec, "Failed to destroy codec."); vpx_video_writer_close(writer); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: int sctp_v6_add_protocol(void) { /* Register notifier for inet6 address additions/deletions. */ register_inet6addr_notifier(&sctp_inet6addr_notifier); if (inet6_add_protocol(&sctpv6_protocol, IPPROTO_SCTP) < 0) return -EAGAIN; return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-310 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: float SVGLayoutSupport::calculateScreenFontSizeScalingFactor(const LayoutObject* layoutObject) { ASSERT(layoutObject); AffineTransform ctm = deprecatedCalculateTransformToLayer(layoutObject) * SubtreeContentTransformScope::currentContentTransformation(); ctm.scale(layoutObject->document().frameHost()->deviceScaleFactorDeprecated()); return narrowPrecisionToFloat(sqrt((pow(ctm.xScale(), 2) + pow(ctm.yScale(), 2)) / 2)); } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: int virtio_gpu_object_create(struct virtio_gpu_device *vgdev, unsigned long size, bool kernel, bool pinned, struct virtio_gpu_object **bo_ptr) { struct virtio_gpu_object *bo; enum ttm_bo_type type; size_t acc_size; int ret; if (kernel) type = ttm_bo_type_kernel; else type = ttm_bo_type_device; *bo_ptr = NULL; acc_size = ttm_bo_dma_acc_size(&vgdev->mman.bdev, size, sizeof(struct virtio_gpu_object)); bo = kzalloc(sizeof(struct virtio_gpu_object), GFP_KERNEL); if (bo == NULL) return -ENOMEM; size = roundup(size, PAGE_SIZE); ret = drm_gem_object_init(vgdev->ddev, &bo->gem_base, size); if (ret != 0) return ret; bo->dumb = false; virtio_gpu_init_ttm_placement(bo, pinned); ret = ttm_bo_init(&vgdev->mman.bdev, &bo->tbo, size, type, &bo->placement, 0, !kernel, NULL, acc_size, NULL, NULL, &virtio_gpu_ttm_bo_destroy); /* ttm_bo_init failure will call the destroy */ if (ret != 0) return ret; *bo_ptr = bo; return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-772 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: MagickExport MagickBooleanType TransformImages(Image **images, const char *crop_geometry,const char *image_geometry,ExceptionInfo *exception) { Image *image, **image_list, *transform_images; MagickStatusType status; register ssize_t i; assert(images != (Image **) NULL); assert((*images)->signature == MagickCoreSignature); if ((*images)->debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s", (*images)->filename); image_list=ImageListToArray(*images,exception); if (image_list == (Image **) NULL) return(MagickFalse); status=MagickTrue; transform_images=NewImageList(); for (i=0; image_list[i] != (Image *) NULL; i++) { image=image_list[i]; status&=TransformImage(&image,crop_geometry,image_geometry,exception); AppendImageToList(&transform_images,image); } *images=transform_images; image_list=(Image **) RelinquishMagickMemory(image_list); return(status != 0 ? MagickTrue : MagickFalse); } CWE ID: CWE-125 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void SoftMP3::onQueueFilled(OMX_U32 /* portIndex */) { if (mSignalledError || mOutputPortSettingsChange != NONE) { return; } List<BufferInfo *> &inQueue = getPortQueue(0); List<BufferInfo *> &outQueue = getPortQueue(1); while ((!inQueue.empty() || (mSawInputEos && !mSignalledOutputEos)) && !outQueue.empty()) { BufferInfo *inInfo = NULL; OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *inHeader = NULL; if (!inQueue.empty()) { inInfo = *inQueue.begin(); inHeader = inInfo->mHeader; } BufferInfo *outInfo = *outQueue.begin(); OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *outHeader = outInfo->mHeader; outHeader->nFlags = 0; if (inHeader) { if (inHeader->nOffset == 0 && inHeader->nFilledLen) { mAnchorTimeUs = inHeader->nTimeStamp; mNumFramesOutput = 0; } if (inHeader->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS) { mSawInputEos = true; } mConfig->pInputBuffer = inHeader->pBuffer + inHeader->nOffset; mConfig->inputBufferCurrentLength = inHeader->nFilledLen; } else { mConfig->pInputBuffer = NULL; mConfig->inputBufferCurrentLength = 0; } mConfig->inputBufferMaxLength = 0; mConfig->inputBufferUsedLength = 0; mConfig->outputFrameSize = kOutputBufferSize / sizeof(int16_t); if ((int32)outHeader->nAllocLen < mConfig->outputFrameSize) { ALOGE("input buffer too small: got %u, expected %u", outHeader->nAllocLen, mConfig->outputFrameSize); android_errorWriteLog(0x534e4554, "27793371"); notify(OMX_EventError, OMX_ErrorUndefined, OUTPUT_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL, NULL); mSignalledError = true; return; } mConfig->pOutputBuffer = reinterpret_cast<int16_t *>(outHeader->pBuffer); ERROR_CODE decoderErr; if ((decoderErr = pvmp3_framedecoder(mConfig, mDecoderBuf)) != NO_DECODING_ERROR) { ALOGV("mp3 decoder returned error %d", decoderErr); if (decoderErr != NO_ENOUGH_MAIN_DATA_ERROR && decoderErr != SIDE_INFO_ERROR) { ALOGE("mp3 decoder returned error %d", decoderErr); notify(OMX_EventError, OMX_ErrorUndefined, decoderErr, NULL); mSignalledError = true; return; } if (mConfig->outputFrameSize == 0) { mConfig->outputFrameSize = kOutputBufferSize / sizeof(int16_t); } if (decoderErr == NO_ENOUGH_MAIN_DATA_ERROR && mSawInputEos) { if (!mIsFirst) { outHeader->nOffset = 0; outHeader->nFilledLen = kPVMP3DecoderDelay * mNumChannels * sizeof(int16_t); if (!memsetSafe(outHeader, 0, outHeader->nFilledLen)) { return; } } outHeader->nFlags = OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS; mSignalledOutputEos = true; } else { ALOGV_IF(mIsFirst, "insufficient data for first frame, sending silence"); if (!memsetSafe(outHeader, 0, mConfig->outputFrameSize * sizeof(int16_t))) { return; } if (inHeader) { mConfig->inputBufferUsedLength = inHeader->nFilledLen; } } } else if (mConfig->samplingRate != mSamplingRate || mConfig->num_channels != mNumChannels) { mSamplingRate = mConfig->samplingRate; mNumChannels = mConfig->num_channels; notify(OMX_EventPortSettingsChanged, 1, 0, NULL); mOutputPortSettingsChange = AWAITING_DISABLED; return; } if (mIsFirst) { mIsFirst = false; outHeader->nOffset = kPVMP3DecoderDelay * mNumChannels * sizeof(int16_t); outHeader->nFilledLen = mConfig->outputFrameSize * sizeof(int16_t) - outHeader->nOffset; } else if (!mSignalledOutputEos) { outHeader->nOffset = 0; outHeader->nFilledLen = mConfig->outputFrameSize * sizeof(int16_t); } outHeader->nTimeStamp = mAnchorTimeUs + (mNumFramesOutput * 1000000ll) / mSamplingRate; if (inHeader) { CHECK_GE(inHeader->nFilledLen, mConfig->inputBufferUsedLength); inHeader->nOffset += mConfig->inputBufferUsedLength; inHeader->nFilledLen -= mConfig->inputBufferUsedLength; if (inHeader->nFilledLen == 0) { inInfo->mOwnedByUs = false; inQueue.erase(inQueue.begin()); inInfo = NULL; notifyEmptyBufferDone(inHeader); inHeader = NULL; } } mNumFramesOutput += mConfig->outputFrameSize / mNumChannels; outInfo->mOwnedByUs = false; outQueue.erase(outQueue.begin()); outInfo = NULL; notifyFillBufferDone(outHeader); outHeader = NULL; } } CWE ID: CWE-264 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: SPL_METHOD(SplFileObject, next) { spl_filesystem_object *intern = (spl_filesystem_object*)zend_object_store_get_object(getThis() TSRMLS_CC); if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } spl_filesystem_file_free_line(intern TSRMLS_CC); if (SPL_HAS_FLAG(intern->flags, SPL_FILE_OBJECT_READ_AHEAD)) { spl_filesystem_file_read_line(getThis(), intern, 1 TSRMLS_CC); } intern->u.file.current_line_num++; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto void SplFileObject::setFlags(int flags) CWE ID: CWE-190 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: FolderHeaderView::FolderHeaderView(FolderHeaderViewDelegate* delegate) : folder_item_(NULL), back_button_(new views::ImageButton(this)), folder_name_view_(new FolderNameView), folder_name_placeholder_text_( ui::ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetLocalizedString( IDS_APP_LIST_FOLDER_NAME_PLACEHOLDER)), delegate_(delegate), folder_name_visible_(true) { ui::ResourceBundle& rb = ui::ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance(); back_button_->SetImage(views::ImageButton::STATE_NORMAL, rb.GetImageSkiaNamed(IDR_APP_LIST_FOLDER_BACK_NORMAL)); back_button_->SetImageAlignment(views::ImageButton::ALIGN_CENTER, views::ImageButton::ALIGN_MIDDLE); AddChildView(back_button_); folder_name_view_->SetFontList( rb.GetFontList(ui::ResourceBundle::MediumFont)); folder_name_view_->set_placeholder_text_color(kHintTextColor); folder_name_view_->set_placeholder_text(folder_name_placeholder_text_); folder_name_view_->SetBorder(views::Border::NullBorder()); folder_name_view_->SetBackgroundColor(kContentsBackgroundColor); folder_name_view_->set_controller(this); AddChildView(folder_name_view_); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: JSValue jsTestObjStringAttr(ExecState* exec, JSValue slotBase, const Identifier&) { JSTestObj* castedThis = jsCast<JSTestObj*>(asObject(slotBase)); UNUSED_PARAM(exec); TestObj* impl = static_cast<TestObj*>(castedThis->impl()); JSValue result = jsString(exec, impl->stringAttr()); return result; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static bool add_free_nid(struct f2fs_sb_info *sbi, nid_t nid, bool build) { struct f2fs_nm_info *nm_i = NM_I(sbi); struct free_nid *i; struct nat_entry *ne; int err; /* 0 nid should not be used */ if (unlikely(nid == 0)) return false; if (build) { /* do not add allocated nids */ ne = __lookup_nat_cache(nm_i, nid); if (ne && (!get_nat_flag(ne, IS_CHECKPOINTED) || nat_get_blkaddr(ne) != NULL_ADDR)) return false; } i = f2fs_kmem_cache_alloc(free_nid_slab, GFP_NOFS); i->nid = nid; i->state = NID_NEW; if (radix_tree_preload(GFP_NOFS)) { kmem_cache_free(free_nid_slab, i); return true; } spin_lock(&nm_i->nid_list_lock); err = __insert_nid_to_list(sbi, i, FREE_NID_LIST, true); spin_unlock(&nm_i->nid_list_lock); radix_tree_preload_end(); if (err) { kmem_cache_free(free_nid_slab, i); return true; } return true; } CWE ID: CWE-362 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: Response InspectorNetworkAgent::setExtraHTTPHeaders( const std::unique_ptr<protocol::Network::Headers> headers) { state_->setObject(NetworkAgentState::kExtraRequestHeaders, headers->toValue()); return Response::OK(); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void ID3::Iterator::getstring(String8 *id, bool otherdata) const { id->setTo(""); const uint8_t *frameData = mFrameData; if (frameData == NULL) { return; } uint8_t encoding = *frameData; if (mParent.mVersion == ID3_V1 || mParent.mVersion == ID3_V1_1) { if (mOffset == 126 || mOffset == 127) { char tmp[16]; sprintf(tmp, "%d", (int)*frameData); id->setTo(tmp); return; } id->setTo((const char*)frameData, mFrameSize); return; } if (mFrameSize < getHeaderLength() + 1) { return; } size_t n = mFrameSize - getHeaderLength() - 1; if (otherdata) { frameData += 4; int32_t i = n - 4; while(--i >= 0 && *++frameData != 0) ; int skipped = (frameData - mFrameData); if (skipped >= (int)n) { return; } n -= skipped; } if (encoding == 0x00) { id->setTo((const char*)frameData + 1, n); } else if (encoding == 0x03) { id->setTo((const char *)(frameData + 1), n); } else if (encoding == 0x02) { int len = n / 2; const char16_t *framedata = (const char16_t *) (frameData + 1); char16_t *framedatacopy = NULL; #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN framedatacopy = new char16_t[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { framedatacopy[i] = bswap_16(framedata[i]); } framedata = framedatacopy; #endif id->setTo(framedata, len); if (framedatacopy != NULL) { delete[] framedatacopy; } } else if (encoding == 0x01) { int len = n / 2; const char16_t *framedata = (const char16_t *) (frameData + 1); char16_t *framedatacopy = NULL; if (*framedata == 0xfffe) { framedatacopy = new char16_t[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { framedatacopy[i] = bswap_16(framedata[i]); } framedata = framedatacopy; } if (*framedata == 0xfeff) { framedata++; len--; } bool eightBit = true; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (framedata[i] > 0xff) { eightBit = false; break; } } if (eightBit) { char *frame8 = new char[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { frame8[i] = framedata[i]; } id->setTo(frame8, len); delete [] frame8; } else { id->setTo(framedata, len); } if (framedatacopy != NULL) { delete[] framedatacopy; } } } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: int dns_read_name(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned char *bufend, unsigned char *name, char *destination, int dest_len, int *offset) { int nb_bytes = 0, n = 0; int label_len; unsigned char *reader = name; char *dest = destination; while (1) { /* Name compression is in use */ if ((*reader & 0xc0) == 0xc0) { /* Must point BEFORE current position */ if ((buffer + reader[1]) > reader) goto err; n = dns_read_name(buffer, bufend, buffer + reader[1], dest, dest_len - nb_bytes, offset); if (n == 0) goto err; } label_len = *reader; if (label_len == 0) goto out; /* Check if: * - we won't read outside the buffer * - there is enough place in the destination */ if ((reader + label_len >= bufend) || (nb_bytes + label_len >= dest_len)) goto err; /* +1 to take label len + label string */ label_len++; memcpy(dest, reader, label_len); dest += label_len; nb_bytes += label_len; reader += label_len; } out: /* offset computation: * parse from <name> until finding either NULL or a pointer "c0xx" */ reader = name; *offset = 0; while (reader < bufend) { if ((reader[0] & 0xc0) == 0xc0) { *offset += 2; break; } else if (*reader == 0) { *offset += 1; break; } *offset += 1; ++reader; } return nb_bytes; err: return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-835 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: XmlConfigParser* XmlConfigParser::FromContext(void* ctx) { return static_cast<XmlConfigParser*>(ctx); } CWE ID: CWE-79 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void Document::AddToTopLayer(Element* element, const Element* before) { if (element->IsInTopLayer()) return; DCHECK(!top_layer_elements_.Contains(element)); DCHECK(!before || top_layer_elements_.Contains(before)); if (before) { size_t before_position = top_layer_elements_.Find(before); top_layer_elements_.insert(before_position, element); } else { top_layer_elements_.push_back(element); } element->SetIsInTopLayer(true); } CWE ID: CWE-732 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: int ext4_orphan_add(handle_t *handle, struct inode *inode) { struct super_block *sb = inode->i_sb; struct ext4_iloc iloc; int err = 0, rc; if (!ext4_handle_valid(handle)) return 0; mutex_lock(&EXT4_SB(sb)->s_orphan_lock); if (!list_empty(&EXT4_I(inode)->i_orphan)) goto out_unlock; /* * Orphan handling is only valid for files with data blocks * being truncated, or files being unlinked. Note that we either * hold i_mutex, or the inode can not be referenced from outside, * so i_nlink should not be bumped due to race */ J_ASSERT((S_ISREG(inode->i_mode) || S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode) || S_ISLNK(inode->i_mode)) || inode->i_nlink == 0); BUFFER_TRACE(EXT4_SB(sb)->s_sbh, "get_write_access"); err = ext4_journal_get_write_access(handle, EXT4_SB(sb)->s_sbh); if (err) goto out_unlock; err = ext4_reserve_inode_write(handle, inode, &iloc); if (err) goto out_unlock; /* * Due to previous errors inode may be already a part of on-disk * orphan list. If so skip on-disk list modification. */ if (NEXT_ORPHAN(inode) && NEXT_ORPHAN(inode) <= (le32_to_cpu(EXT4_SB(sb)->s_es->s_inodes_count))) goto mem_insert; /* Insert this inode at the head of the on-disk orphan list... */ NEXT_ORPHAN(inode) = le32_to_cpu(EXT4_SB(sb)->s_es->s_last_orphan); EXT4_SB(sb)->s_es->s_last_orphan = cpu_to_le32(inode->i_ino); err = ext4_handle_dirty_super(handle, sb); rc = ext4_mark_iloc_dirty(handle, inode, &iloc); if (!err) err = rc; /* Only add to the head of the in-memory list if all the * previous operations succeeded. If the orphan_add is going to * fail (possibly taking the journal offline), we can't risk * leaving the inode on the orphan list: stray orphan-list * entries can cause panics at unmount time. * * This is safe: on error we're going to ignore the orphan list * anyway on the next recovery. */ mem_insert: if (!err) list_add(&EXT4_I(inode)->i_orphan, &EXT4_SB(sb)->s_orphan); jbd_debug(4, "superblock will point to %lu\n", inode->i_ino); jbd_debug(4, "orphan inode %lu will point to %d\n", inode->i_ino, NEXT_ORPHAN(inode)); out_unlock: mutex_unlock(&EXT4_SB(sb)->s_orphan_lock); ext4_std_error(inode->i_sb, err); return err; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: SPICE_GNUC_VISIBLE int spice_server_set_image_compression(SpiceServer *s, spice_image_compression_t comp) { spice_assert(reds == s); set_image_compression(comp); return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void LiveSyncTest::SetUpCommandLine(CommandLine* cl) { if (!cl->HasSwitch(switches::kSyncNotificationMethod)) cl->AppendSwitchASCII(switches::kSyncNotificationMethod, "p2p"); if (!cl->HasSwitch(switches::kEnableSyncSessions)) cl->AppendSwitch(switches::kEnableSyncSessions); if (!cl->HasSwitch(switches::kEnableSyncTypedUrls)) cl->AppendSwitch(switches::kEnableSyncTypedUrls); if (!cl->HasSwitch(switches::kDisableBackgroundNetworking)) cl->AppendSwitch(switches::kDisableBackgroundNetworking); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void BrowserEventRouter::TabPinnedStateChanged(WebContents* contents, int index) { TabStripModel* tab_strip = NULL; int tab_index; if (ExtensionTabUtil::GetTabStripModel(contents, &tab_strip, &tab_index)) { DictionaryValue* changed_properties = new DictionaryValue(); changed_properties->SetBoolean(tab_keys::kPinnedKey, tab_strip->IsTabPinned(tab_index)); DispatchTabUpdatedEvent(contents, changed_properties); } } CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static ssize_t transmit_cmd(struct tpm_chip *chip, struct tpm_cmd_t *cmd, int len, const char *desc) { int err; len = tpm_transmit(chip,(u8 *) cmd, len); if (len < 0) return len; if (len == TPM_ERROR_SIZE) { err = be32_to_cpu(cmd->header.out.return_code); dev_dbg(chip->dev, "A TPM error (%d) occurred %s\n", err, desc); return err; } return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-200 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void LogoService::GetLogo(LogoCallbacks callbacks) { if (!template_url_service_) { RunCallbacksWithDisabled(std::move(callbacks)); return; } const TemplateURL* template_url = template_url_service_->GetDefaultSearchProvider(); if (!template_url) { RunCallbacksWithDisabled(std::move(callbacks)); return; } const base::CommandLine* command_line = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(); GURL logo_url; if (command_line->HasSwitch(switches::kSearchProviderLogoURL)) { logo_url = GURL( command_line->GetSwitchValueASCII(switches::kSearchProviderLogoURL)); } else { #if defined(OS_ANDROID) logo_url = template_url->logo_url(); #endif } GURL base_url; GURL doodle_url; const bool is_google = template_url->url_ref().HasGoogleBaseURLs( template_url_service_->search_terms_data()); if (is_google) { base_url = GURL(template_url_service_->search_terms_data().GoogleBaseURLValue()); doodle_url = search_provider_logos::GetGoogleDoodleURL(base_url); } else if (base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(features::kThirdPartyDoodles)) { if (command_line->HasSwitch(switches::kThirdPartyDoodleURL)) { doodle_url = GURL( command_line->GetSwitchValueASCII(switches::kThirdPartyDoodleURL)); } else { std::string override_url = base::GetFieldTrialParamValueByFeature( features::kThirdPartyDoodles, features::kThirdPartyDoodlesOverrideUrlParam); if (!override_url.empty()) { doodle_url = GURL(override_url); } else { doodle_url = template_url->doodle_url(); } } base_url = doodle_url.GetOrigin(); } if (!logo_url.is_valid() && !doodle_url.is_valid()) { RunCallbacksWithDisabled(std::move(callbacks)); return; } const bool use_fixed_logo = !doodle_url.is_valid(); if (!logo_tracker_) { std::unique_ptr<LogoCache> logo_cache = std::move(logo_cache_for_test_); if (!logo_cache) { logo_cache = std::make_unique<LogoCache>(cache_directory_); } std::unique_ptr<base::Clock> clock = std::move(clock_for_test_); if (!clock) { clock = std::make_unique<base::DefaultClock>(); } logo_tracker_ = std::make_unique<LogoTracker>( request_context_getter_, std::make_unique<LogoDelegateImpl>(std::move(image_decoder_)), std::move(logo_cache), std::move(clock)); } if (use_fixed_logo) { logo_tracker_->SetServerAPI( logo_url, base::Bind(&search_provider_logos::ParseFixedLogoResponse), base::Bind(&search_provider_logos::UseFixedLogoUrl)); } else if (is_google) { logo_tracker_->SetServerAPI( doodle_url, search_provider_logos::GetGoogleParseLogoResponseCallback(base_url), search_provider_logos::GetGoogleAppendQueryparamsCallback( use_gray_background_)); } else { logo_tracker_->SetServerAPI( doodle_url, base::Bind(&search_provider_logos::GoogleNewParseLogoResponse, base_url), base::Bind(&search_provider_logos::GoogleNewAppendQueryparamsToLogoURL, use_gray_background_)); } logo_tracker_->GetLogo(std::move(callbacks)); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: MagickExport unsigned char *DetachBlob(BlobInfo *blob_info) { unsigned char *data; assert(blob_info != (BlobInfo *) NULL); if (blob_info->debug != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"..."); if (blob_info->mapped != MagickFalse) { (void) UnmapBlob(blob_info->data,blob_info->length); RelinquishMagickResource(MapResource,blob_info->length); } blob_info->mapped=MagickFalse; blob_info->length=0; blob_info->offset=0; blob_info->eof=MagickFalse; blob_info->error=0; blob_info->exempt=MagickFalse; blob_info->type=UndefinedStream; blob_info->file_info.file=(FILE *) NULL; data=blob_info->data; blob_info->data=(unsigned char *) NULL; blob_info->stream=(StreamHandler) NULL; return(data); } CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: long kvm_arch_vm_ioctl(struct file *filp, unsigned int ioctl, unsigned long arg) { struct kvm *kvm = filp->private_data; void __user *argp = (void __user *)arg; int r = -ENOTTY; switch (ioctl) { case KVM_SET_MEMORY_REGION: { struct kvm_memory_region kvm_mem; struct kvm_userspace_memory_region kvm_userspace_mem; r = -EFAULT; if (copy_from_user(&kvm_mem, argp, sizeof kvm_mem)) goto out; kvm_userspace_mem.slot = kvm_mem.slot; kvm_userspace_mem.flags = kvm_mem.flags; kvm_userspace_mem.guest_phys_addr = kvm_mem.guest_phys_addr; kvm_userspace_mem.memory_size = kvm_mem.memory_size; r = kvm_vm_ioctl_set_memory_region(kvm, &kvm_userspace_mem, 0); if (r) goto out; break; } case KVM_CREATE_IRQCHIP: r = -EFAULT; r = kvm_ioapic_init(kvm); if (r) goto out; r = kvm_setup_default_irq_routing(kvm); if (r) { mutex_lock(&kvm->slots_lock); kvm_ioapic_destroy(kvm); mutex_unlock(&kvm->slots_lock); goto out; } break; case KVM_IRQ_LINE_STATUS: case KVM_IRQ_LINE: { struct kvm_irq_level irq_event; r = -EFAULT; if (copy_from_user(&irq_event, argp, sizeof irq_event)) goto out; r = -ENXIO; if (irqchip_in_kernel(kvm)) { __s32 status; status = kvm_set_irq(kvm, KVM_USERSPACE_IRQ_SOURCE_ID, irq_event.irq, irq_event.level); if (ioctl == KVM_IRQ_LINE_STATUS) { r = -EFAULT; irq_event.status = status; if (copy_to_user(argp, &irq_event, sizeof irq_event)) goto out; } r = 0; } break; } case KVM_GET_IRQCHIP: { /* 0: PIC master, 1: PIC slave, 2: IOAPIC */ struct kvm_irqchip chip; r = -EFAULT; if (copy_from_user(&chip, argp, sizeof chip)) goto out; r = -ENXIO; if (!irqchip_in_kernel(kvm)) goto out; r = kvm_vm_ioctl_get_irqchip(kvm, &chip); if (r) goto out; r = -EFAULT; if (copy_to_user(argp, &chip, sizeof chip)) goto out; r = 0; break; } case KVM_SET_IRQCHIP: { /* 0: PIC master, 1: PIC slave, 2: IOAPIC */ struct kvm_irqchip chip; r = -EFAULT; if (copy_from_user(&chip, argp, sizeof chip)) goto out; r = -ENXIO; if (!irqchip_in_kernel(kvm)) goto out; r = kvm_vm_ioctl_set_irqchip(kvm, &chip); if (r) goto out; r = 0; break; } default: ; } out: return r; } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: IDNSpoofChecker::~IDNSpoofChecker() { uspoof_close(checker_); } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static void v9fs_attach(void *opaque) { V9fsPDU *pdu = opaque; V9fsState *s = pdu->s; int32_t fid, afid, n_uname; V9fsString uname, aname; V9fsFidState *fidp; size_t offset = 7; V9fsQID qid; ssize_t err; v9fs_string_init(&uname); v9fs_string_init(&aname); err = pdu_unmarshal(pdu, offset, "ddssd", &fid, &afid, &uname, &aname, &n_uname); if (err < 0) { goto out_nofid; } trace_v9fs_attach(pdu->tag, pdu->id, fid, afid,,; fidp = alloc_fid(s, fid); if (fidp == NULL) { err = -EINVAL; goto out_nofid; } fidp->uid = n_uname; err = v9fs_co_name_to_path(pdu, NULL, "/", &fidp->path); if (err < 0) { err = -EINVAL; clunk_fid(s, fid); goto out; } err = fid_to_qid(pdu, fidp, &qid); if (err < 0) { err = -EINVAL; clunk_fid(s, fid); goto out; } err = pdu_marshal(pdu, offset, "Q", &qid); if (err < 0) { clunk_fid(s, fid); goto out; } err += offset; trace_v9fs_attach_return(pdu->tag, pdu->id, qid.type, qid.version, qid.path); /* * attach could get called multiple times for the same export. */ if (!s->migration_blocker) { s->root_fid = fid; error_setg(&s->migration_blocker, "Migration is disabled when VirtFS export path '%s' is mounted in the guest using mount_tag '%s'", s->ctx.fs_root ? s->ctx.fs_root : "NULL", s->tag); migrate_add_blocker(s->migration_blocker); } out: put_fid(pdu, fidp); out_nofid: pdu_complete(pdu, err); v9fs_string_free(&uname); v9fs_string_free(&aname); } CWE ID: CWE-22 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: LRESULT RootWindowHostWin::OnMouseRange(UINT message, WPARAM w_param, LPARAM l_param) { MSG msg = { hwnd(), message, w_param, l_param, 0, { GET_X_LPARAM(l_param), GET_Y_LPARAM(l_param) } }; MouseEvent event(msg); bool handled = false; if (!(event.flags() & ui::EF_IS_NON_CLIENT)) handled = root_window_->DispatchMouseEvent(&event); SetMsgHandled(handled); return 0; } CWE ID: Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static Browser_Window *window_create(const char *url) { Browser_Window *app_data = malloc(sizeof(Browser_Window)); if (!app_data) { info("ERROR: could not create browser window.\n"); return NULL; } /* Create window */ app_data->window = elm_win_add(NULL, "minibrowser-window", ELM_WIN_BASIC); elm_win_title_set(app_data->window, APP_NAME); evas_object_smart_callback_add(app_data->window, "delete,request", on_window_deletion, &app_data); /* Create window background */ Evas_Object *bg = elm_bg_add(app_data->window); elm_bg_color_set(bg, 193, 192, 191); evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(bg, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND); elm_win_resize_object_add(app_data->window, bg); evas_object_show(bg); /* Create vertical layout */ Evas_Object *vertical_layout = elm_box_add(app_data->window); elm_box_padding_set(vertical_layout, 0, 2); evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(vertical_layout, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND); elm_win_resize_object_add(app_data->window, vertical_layout); evas_object_show(vertical_layout); /* Create horizontal layout for top bar */ Evas_Object *horizontal_layout = elm_box_add(app_data->window); elm_box_horizontal_set(horizontal_layout, EINA_TRUE); evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(horizontal_layout, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, 0.0); evas_object_size_hint_align_set(horizontal_layout, EVAS_HINT_FILL, 0.0); elm_box_pack_end(vertical_layout, horizontal_layout); evas_object_show(horizontal_layout); /* Create Back button */ app_data->back_button = create_toolbar_button(app_data->window, "arrow_left"); evas_object_smart_callback_add(app_data->back_button, "clicked", on_back_button_clicked, app_data); elm_object_disabled_set(app_data->back_button, EINA_TRUE); evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(app_data->back_button, 0.0, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND); evas_object_size_hint_align_set(app_data->back_button, 0.0, 0.5); elm_box_pack_end(horizontal_layout, app_data->back_button); evas_object_show(app_data->back_button); /* Create Forward button */ app_data->forward_button = create_toolbar_button(app_data->window, "arrow_right"); evas_object_smart_callback_add(app_data->forward_button, "clicked", on_forward_button_clicked, app_data); elm_object_disabled_set(app_data->forward_button, EINA_TRUE); evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(app_data->forward_button, 0.0, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND); evas_object_size_hint_align_set(app_data->forward_button, 0.0, 0.5); elm_box_pack_end(horizontal_layout, app_data->forward_button); evas_object_show(app_data->forward_button); /* Create URL bar */ app_data->url_bar = elm_entry_add(app_data->window); elm_entry_scrollable_set(app_data->url_bar, EINA_TRUE); elm_entry_scrollbar_policy_set(app_data->url_bar, ELM_SCROLLER_POLICY_OFF, ELM_SCROLLER_POLICY_OFF); elm_entry_single_line_set(app_data->url_bar, EINA_TRUE); elm_entry_cnp_mode_set(app_data->url_bar, ELM_CNP_MODE_PLAINTEXT); elm_entry_text_style_user_push(app_data->url_bar, "DEFAULT='font_size=18'"); evas_object_smart_callback_add(app_data->url_bar, "activated", on_url_bar_activated, app_data); evas_object_smart_callback_add(app_data->url_bar, "clicked", on_url_bar_clicked, app_data); evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(app_data->url_bar, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND); evas_object_size_hint_align_set(app_data->url_bar, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL); elm_box_pack_end(horizontal_layout, app_data->url_bar); evas_object_show(app_data->url_bar); /* Create Refresh button */ Evas_Object *refresh_button = create_toolbar_button(app_data->window, "refresh"); evas_object_smart_callback_add(refresh_button, "clicked", on_refresh_button_clicked, app_data); evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(refresh_button, 0.0, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND); evas_object_size_hint_align_set(refresh_button, 1.0, 0.5); elm_box_pack_end(horizontal_layout, refresh_button); evas_object_show(refresh_button); /* Create Home button */ Evas_Object *home_button = create_toolbar_button(app_data->window, "home"); evas_object_smart_callback_add(home_button, "clicked", on_home_button_clicked, app_data); evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(home_button, 0.0, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND); evas_object_size_hint_align_set(home_button, 1.0, 0.5); elm_box_pack_end(horizontal_layout, home_button); evas_object_show(home_button); /* Create webview */ Ewk_View_Smart_Class *ewkViewClass = miniBrowserViewSmartClass(); ewkViewClass->run_javascript_alert = on_javascript_alert; ewkViewClass->run_javascript_confirm = on_javascript_confirm; ewkViewClass->run_javascript_prompt = on_javascript_prompt; Evas *evas = evas_object_evas_get(app_data->window); Evas_Smart *smart = evas_smart_class_new(&ewkViewClass->sc); app_data->webview = ewk_view_smart_add(evas, smart, ewk_context_default_get()); ewk_view_theme_set(app_data->webview, THEME_DIR "/default.edj"); Ewk_Settings *settings = ewk_view_settings_get(app_data->webview); ewk_settings_file_access_from_file_urls_allowed_set(settings, EINA_TRUE); ewk_settings_frame_flattening_enabled_set(settings, frame_flattening_enabled); ewk_settings_developer_extras_enabled_set(settings, EINA_TRUE); evas_object_smart_callback_add(app_data->webview, "authentication,request", on_authentication_request, app_data); evas_object_smart_callback_add(app_data->webview, "close,window", on_close_window, app_data); evas_object_smart_callback_add(app_data->webview, "create,window", on_new_window, app_data); evas_object_smart_callback_add(app_data->webview, "download,failed", on_download_failed, app_data); evas_object_smart_callback_add(app_data->webview, "download,finished", on_download_finished, app_data); evas_object_smart_callback_add(app_data->webview, "download,request", on_download_request, app_data); evas_object_smart_callback_add(app_data->webview, "file,chooser,request", on_file_chooser_request, app_data); evas_object_smart_callback_add(app_data->webview, "icon,changed", on_view_icon_changed, app_data); evas_object_smart_callback_add(app_data->webview, "load,error", on_error, app_data); evas_object_smart_callback_add(app_data->webview, "load,progress", on_progress, app_data); evas_object_smart_callback_add(app_data->webview, "title,changed", on_title_changed, app_data); evas_object_smart_callback_add(app_data->webview, "url,changed", on_url_changed, app_data); evas_object_smart_callback_add(app_data->webview, "back,forward,list,changed", on_back_forward_list_changed, app_data); evas_object_smart_callback_add(app_data->webview, "tooltip,text,set", on_tooltip_text_set, app_data); evas_object_smart_callback_add(app_data->webview, "tooltip,text,unset", on_tooltip_text_unset, app_data); evas_object_event_callback_add(app_data->webview, EVAS_CALLBACK_KEY_DOWN, on_key_down, app_data); evas_object_event_callback_add(app_data->webview, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_DOWN, on_mouse_down, app_data); evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(app_data->webview, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND); evas_object_size_hint_align_set(app_data->webview, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL); elm_box_pack_end(vertical_layout, app_data->webview); evas_object_show(app_data->webview); if (url) ewk_view_url_set(app_data->webview, url); evas_object_resize(app_data->window, DEFAULT_WIDTH, DEFAULT_HEIGHT); evas_object_show(app_data->window); view_focus_set(app_data, EINA_TRUE); return app_data; } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: bool GetNetworkList(NetworkInterfaceList* networks, int policy) { int s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (s <= 0) { PLOG(ERROR) << "socket"; return false; } uint32_t num_ifs = 0; if (ioctl_netc_get_num_ifs(s, &num_ifs) < 0) { PLOG(ERROR) << "ioctl_netc_get_num_ifs"; PCHECK(close(s) == 0); return false; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_ifs; ++i) { netc_if_info_t interface; if (ioctl_netc_get_if_info_at(s, &i, &interface) < 0) { PLOG(WARNING) << "ioctl_netc_get_if_info_at"; continue; } if (internal::IsLoopbackOrUnspecifiedAddress( reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&(interface.addr)))) { continue; } IPEndPoint address; if (!address.FromSockAddr(reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&(interface.addr)), sizeof(interface.addr))) { DLOG(WARNING) << "ioctl_netc_get_if_info returned invalid address."; continue; } int prefix_length = 0; IPEndPoint netmask; if (netmask.FromSockAddr(reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&(interface.netmask)), sizeof(interface.netmask))) { prefix_length = MaskPrefixLength(netmask.address()); } int attributes = 0; networks->push_back( NetworkInterface(,, interface.index, NetworkChangeNotifier::CONNECTION_UNKNOWN, address.address(), prefix_length, attributes)); } PCHECK(close(s) == 0); return true; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: do_open_permission(struct svc_rqst *rqstp, struct svc_fh *current_fh, struct nfsd4_open *open, int accmode) { __be32 status; if (open->op_truncate && !(open->op_share_access & NFS4_SHARE_ACCESS_WRITE)) return nfserr_inval; accmode |= NFSD_MAY_READ_IF_EXEC; if (open->op_share_access & NFS4_SHARE_ACCESS_READ) accmode |= NFSD_MAY_READ; if (open->op_share_access & NFS4_SHARE_ACCESS_WRITE) accmode |= (NFSD_MAY_WRITE | NFSD_MAY_TRUNC); if (open->op_share_deny & NFS4_SHARE_DENY_READ) accmode |= NFSD_MAY_WRITE; status = fh_verify(rqstp, current_fh, S_IFREG, accmode); return status; } CWE ID: CWE-404 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: vips_foreign_is_a( const char *loader, const char *filename ) { const VipsObjectClass *class; VipsForeignLoadClass *load_class; if( !(class = vips_class_find( "VipsForeignLoad", loader )) ) return( FALSE ); load_class = VIPS_FOREIGN_LOAD_CLASS( class ); if( load_class->is_a && load_class->is_a( filename ) ) return( TRUE ); return( FALSE ); } CWE ID: CWE-362 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: privsep_preauth(Authctxt *authctxt) { int status, r; pid_t pid; struct ssh_sandbox *box = NULL; /* Set up unprivileged child process to deal with network data */ pmonitor = monitor_init(); /* Store a pointer to the kex for later rekeying */ pmonitor->m_pkex = &active_state->kex; if (use_privsep == PRIVSEP_ON) box = ssh_sandbox_init(); pid = fork(); if (pid == -1) { fatal("fork of unprivileged child failed"); } else if (pid != 0) { debug2("Network child is on pid %ld", (long)pid); pmonitor->m_pid = pid; if (have_agent) { r = ssh_get_authentication_socket(&auth_sock); if (r != 0) { error("Could not get agent socket: %s", ssh_err(r)); have_agent = 0; } } if (box != NULL) ssh_sandbox_parent_preauth(box, pid); monitor_child_preauth(authctxt, pmonitor); /* Sync memory */ monitor_sync(pmonitor); /* Wait for the child's exit status */ while (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; pmonitor->m_pid = -1; fatal("%s: waitpid: %s", __func__, strerror(errno)); } privsep_is_preauth = 0; pmonitor->m_pid = -1; if (WIFEXITED(status)) { if (WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) fatal("%s: preauth child exited with status %d", __func__, WEXITSTATUS(status)); } else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) fatal("%s: preauth child terminated by signal %d", __func__, WTERMSIG(status)); if (box != NULL) ssh_sandbox_parent_finish(box); return 1; } else { /* child */ close(pmonitor->m_sendfd); close(pmonitor->m_log_recvfd); /* Arrange for logging to be sent to the monitor */ set_log_handler(mm_log_handler, pmonitor); privsep_preauth_child(); setproctitle("%s", "[net]"); if (box != NULL) ssh_sandbox_child(box); return 0; } } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static int parse_audio_unit(struct mixer_build *state, int unitid) { unsigned char *p1; if (test_and_set_bit(unitid, state->unitbitmap)) return 0; /* the unit already visited */ p1 = find_audio_control_unit(state, unitid); if (!p1) { usb_audio_err(state->chip, "unit %d not found!\n", unitid); return -EINVAL; } switch (p1[2]) { case UAC_INPUT_TERMINAL: return 0; /* NOP */ case UAC_MIXER_UNIT: return parse_audio_mixer_unit(state, unitid, p1); case UAC2_CLOCK_SOURCE: return parse_clock_source_unit(state, unitid, p1); case UAC_SELECTOR_UNIT: case UAC2_CLOCK_SELECTOR: return parse_audio_selector_unit(state, unitid, p1); case UAC_FEATURE_UNIT: return parse_audio_feature_unit(state, unitid, p1); case UAC1_PROCESSING_UNIT: /* UAC2_EFFECT_UNIT has the same value */ if (state->mixer->protocol == UAC_VERSION_1) return parse_audio_processing_unit(state, unitid, p1); else return 0; /* FIXME - effect units not implemented yet */ case UAC1_EXTENSION_UNIT: /* UAC2_PROCESSING_UNIT_V2 has the same value */ if (state->mixer->protocol == UAC_VERSION_1) return parse_audio_extension_unit(state, unitid, p1); else /* UAC_VERSION_2 */ return parse_audio_processing_unit(state, unitid, p1); case UAC2_EXTENSION_UNIT_V2: return parse_audio_extension_unit(state, unitid, p1); default: usb_audio_err(state->chip, "unit %u: unexpected type 0x%02x\n", unitid, p1[2]); return -EINVAL; } } CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: bool Element::rareDataChildrenAffectedByForwardPositionalRules() const { ASSERT(hasRareData()); return elementRareData()->childrenAffectedByForwardPositionalRules(); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static Image *ReadJNGImage(const ImageInfo *image_info,ExceptionInfo *exception) { Image *image; MagickBooleanType logging, status; MngInfo *mng_info; char magic_number[MaxTextExtent]; size_t count; /* Open image file. */ assert(image_info != (const ImageInfo *) NULL); assert(image_info->signature == MagickSignature); (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",image_info->filename); assert(exception != (ExceptionInfo *) NULL); assert(exception->signature == MagickSignature); logging=LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(),"Enter ReadJNGImage()"); image=AcquireImage(image_info); mng_info=(MngInfo *) NULL; status=OpenBlob(image_info,image,ReadBinaryBlobMode,exception); if (status == MagickFalse) return((Image *) NULL); if (LocaleCompare(image_info->magick,"JNG") != 0) ThrowReaderException(CorruptImageError,"ImproperImageHeader"); /* Verify JNG signature. */ count=(size_t) ReadBlob(image,8,(unsigned char *) magic_number); if (count < 8 || memcmp(magic_number,"\213JNG\r\n\032\n",8) != 0) ThrowReaderException(CorruptImageError,"ImproperImageHeader"); /* Allocate a MngInfo structure. */ mng_info=(MngInfo *) AcquireMagickMemory(sizeof(*mng_info)); if (mng_info == (MngInfo *) NULL) ThrowReaderException(ResourceLimitError,"MemoryAllocationFailed"); /* Initialize members of the MngInfo structure. */ (void) ResetMagickMemory(mng_info,0,sizeof(MngInfo)); mng_info->image=image; image=ReadOneJNGImage(mng_info,image_info,exception); mng_info=MngInfoFreeStruct(mng_info); if (image == (Image *) NULL) { if (logging != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), "exit ReadJNGImage() with error"); return((Image *) NULL); } (void) CloseBlob(image); if (image->columns == 0 || image->rows == 0) { if (logging != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), "exit ReadJNGImage() with error"); ThrowReaderException(CorruptImageError,"CorruptImage"); } if (logging != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(),"exit ReadJNGImage()"); return(image); } CWE ID: CWE-754 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: gfx::OverlayTransform GetGFXOverlayTransform(GLenum plane_transform) { switch (plane_transform) { case GL_OVERLAY_TRANSFORM_NONE_CHROMIUM: return gfx::OVERLAY_TRANSFORM_NONE; case GL_OVERLAY_TRANSFORM_FLIP_HORIZONTAL_CHROMIUM: return gfx::OVERLAY_TRANSFORM_FLIP_HORIZONTAL; case GL_OVERLAY_TRANSFORM_FLIP_VERTICAL_CHROMIUM: return gfx::OVERLAY_TRANSFORM_FLIP_VERTICAL; case GL_OVERLAY_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_90_CHROMIUM: return gfx::OVERLAY_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_90; case GL_OVERLAY_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_180_CHROMIUM: return gfx::OVERLAY_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_180; case GL_OVERLAY_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_270_CHROMIUM: return gfx::OVERLAY_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_270; default: return gfx::OVERLAY_TRANSFORM_INVALID; } } CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: ProfileSyncService::ProfileSyncService(ProfileSyncComponentsFactory* factory, Profile* profile, SigninManager* signin_manager, StartBehavior start_behavior) : last_auth_error_(AuthError::None()), passphrase_required_reason_(sync_api::REASON_PASSPHRASE_NOT_REQUIRED), factory_(factory), profile_(profile), sync_prefs_(profile_ ? profile_->GetPrefs() : NULL), sync_service_url_(kDevServerUrl), backend_initialized_(false), is_auth_in_progress_(false), signin_(signin_manager), unrecoverable_error_detected_(false), weak_factory_(ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(this)), expect_sync_configuration_aborted_(false), clear_server_data_state_(CLEAR_NOT_STARTED), encrypted_types_(browser_sync::Cryptographer::SensitiveTypes()), encrypt_everything_(false), encryption_pending_(false), auto_start_enabled_(start_behavior == AUTO_START), failed_datatypes_handler_(ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(this)), configure_status_(DataTypeManager::UNKNOWN), setup_in_progress_(false) { #if defined(OS_ANDROID) chrome::VersionInfo version_info; if (version_info.IsOfficialBuild()) { sync_service_url_ = GURL(kSyncServerUrl); } #else base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io; chrome::VersionInfo::Channel channel = chrome::VersionInfo::GetChannel(); if (channel == chrome::VersionInfo::CHANNEL_STABLE || channel == chrome::VersionInfo::CHANNEL_BETA) { sync_service_url_ = GURL(kSyncServerUrl); } #endif } CWE ID: CWE-362 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static __u8 *sp_report_fixup(struct hid_device *hdev, __u8 *rdesc, unsigned int *rsize) { if (*rsize >= 107 && rdesc[104] == 0x26 && rdesc[105] == 0x80 && rdesc[106] == 0x03) { hid_info(hdev, "fixing up Sunplus Wireless Desktop report descriptor\n"); rdesc[105] = rdesc[110] = 0x03; rdesc[106] = rdesc[111] = 0x21; } return rdesc; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void TabStripGtk::ExecuteCommandForTab( TabStripModel::ContextMenuCommand command_id, TabGtk* tab) { int index = GetIndexOfTab(tab); if (model_->ContainsIndex(index)) model_->ExecuteContextMenuCommand(index, command_id); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: des_init_local(struct php_crypt_extended_data *data) { data->old_rawkey0 = data->old_rawkey1 = 0; data->saltbits = 0; data->old_salt = 0; data->initialized = 1; } CWE ID: CWE-310 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: RenderFrameImpl::RenderFrameImpl(const CreateParams& params) : frame_(NULL), is_subframe_(false), is_local_root_(false), render_view_(params.render_view->AsWeakPtr()), routing_id_(params.routing_id), is_swapped_out_(false), render_frame_proxy_(NULL), is_detaching_(false), proxy_routing_id_(MSG_ROUTING_NONE), #if defined(ENABLE_PLUGINS) plugin_power_saver_helper_(NULL), #endif cookie_jar_(this), selection_text_offset_(0), selection_range_(gfx::Range::InvalidRange()), handling_select_range_(false), notification_permission_dispatcher_(NULL), web_user_media_client_(NULL), media_permission_dispatcher_(NULL), midi_dispatcher_(NULL), #if defined(OS_ANDROID) media_player_manager_(NULL), #endif #if defined(ENABLE_BROWSER_CDMS) cdm_manager_(NULL), #endif #if defined(VIDEO_HOLE) contains_media_player_(false), #endif has_played_media_(false), devtools_agent_(nullptr), geolocation_dispatcher_(NULL), push_messaging_dispatcher_(NULL), presentation_dispatcher_(NULL), screen_orientation_dispatcher_(NULL), manifest_manager_(NULL), accessibility_mode_(AccessibilityModeOff), renderer_accessibility_(NULL), weak_factory_(this) { std::pair<RoutingIDFrameMap::iterator, bool> result = g_routing_id_frame_map.Get().insert(std::make_pair(routing_id_, this)); CHECK(result.second) << "Inserting a duplicate item."; RenderThread::Get()->AddRoute(routing_id_, this); render_view_->RegisterRenderFrame(this); #if defined(OS_ANDROID) new GinJavaBridgeDispatcher(this); #endif #if defined(ENABLE_PLUGINS) plugin_power_saver_helper_ = new PluginPowerSaverHelper(this); #endif manifest_manager_ = new ManifestManager(this); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: create_lwfn_name( char* ps_name, Str255 lwfn_file_name ) { int max = 5, count = 0; FT_Byte* p = lwfn_file_name; FT_Byte* q = (FT_Byte*)ps_name; lwfn_file_name[0] = 0; while ( *q ) { if ( ft_isupper( *q ) ) { if ( count ) max = 3; count = 0; } if ( count < max && ( ft_isalnum( *q ) || *q == '_' ) ) { *++p = *q; lwfn_file_name[0]++; count++; } q++; } } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int khugepaged(void *none) { struct mm_slot *mm_slot; set_freezable(); set_user_nice(current, 19); /* serialize with start_khugepaged() */ mutex_lock(&khugepaged_mutex); for (;;) { mutex_unlock(&khugepaged_mutex); VM_BUG_ON(khugepaged_thread != current); khugepaged_loop(); VM_BUG_ON(khugepaged_thread != current); mutex_lock(&khugepaged_mutex); if (!khugepaged_enabled()) break; if (unlikely(kthread_should_stop())) break; } spin_lock(&khugepaged_mm_lock); mm_slot = khugepaged_scan.mm_slot; khugepaged_scan.mm_slot = NULL; if (mm_slot) collect_mm_slot(mm_slot); spin_unlock(&khugepaged_mm_lock); khugepaged_thread = NULL; mutex_unlock(&khugepaged_mutex); return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-399 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static inline long decode_twos_comp(ulong c, int prec) { long result; assert(prec >= 2); jas_eprintf("warning: support for signed data is untested\n"); result = (c & ((1 << (prec - 1)) - 1)) - (c & (1 << (prec - 1))); return result; } CWE ID: CWE-190 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void kvm_exit(void) { debugfs_remove_recursive(kvm_debugfs_dir); misc_deregister(&kvm_dev); kmem_cache_destroy(kvm_vcpu_cache); kvm_async_pf_deinit(); unregister_syscore_ops(&kvm_syscore_ops); unregister_reboot_notifier(&kvm_reboot_notifier); cpuhp_remove_state_nocalls(CPUHP_AP_KVM_STARTING); on_each_cpu(hardware_disable_nolock, NULL, 1); kvm_arch_hardware_unsetup(); kvm_arch_exit(); kvm_irqfd_exit(); free_cpumask_var(cpus_hardware_enabled); kvm_vfio_ops_exit(); } CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void usage() { fprintf (stderr, "PNM2PNG\n"); fprintf (stderr, " by Willem van Schaik, 1999\n"); #ifdef __TURBOC__ fprintf (stderr, " for Turbo-C and Borland-C compilers\n"); #else fprintf (stderr, " for Linux (and Unix) compilers\n"); #endif fprintf (stderr, "Usage: pnm2png [options] <file>.<pnm> [<file>.png]\n"); fprintf (stderr, " or: ... | pnm2png [options]\n"); fprintf (stderr, "Options:\n"); fprintf (stderr, " -i[nterlace] write png-file with interlacing on\n"); fprintf (stderr, " -a[lpha] <file>.pgm read PNG alpha channel as pgm-file\n"); fprintf (stderr, " -h | -? print this help-information\n"); } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: int vp78_decode_frame(AVCodecContext *avctx, void *data, int *got_frame, AVPacket *avpkt, int is_vp7) { VP8Context *s = avctx->priv_data; int ret, i, referenced, num_jobs; enum AVDiscard skip_thresh; VP8Frame *av_uninit(curframe), *prev_frame; if (is_vp7) ret = vp7_decode_frame_header(s, avpkt->data, avpkt->size); else ret = vp8_decode_frame_header(s, avpkt->data, avpkt->size); if (ret < 0) goto err; prev_frame = s->framep[VP56_FRAME_CURRENT]; referenced = s->update_last || s->update_golden == VP56_FRAME_CURRENT || s->update_altref == VP56_FRAME_CURRENT; skip_thresh = !referenced ? AVDISCARD_NONREF : !s->keyframe ? AVDISCARD_NONKEY : AVDISCARD_ALL; if (avctx->skip_frame >= skip_thresh) { s->invisible = 1; memcpy(&s->next_framep[0], &s->framep[0], sizeof(s->framep[0]) * 4); goto skip_decode; } s->deblock_filter = s->filter.level && avctx->skip_loop_filter < skip_thresh; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) if (s->frames[i].tf.f->data[0] && &s->frames[i] != prev_frame && &s->frames[i] != s->framep[VP56_FRAME_PREVIOUS] && &s->frames[i] != s->framep[VP56_FRAME_GOLDEN] && &s->frames[i] != s->framep[VP56_FRAME_GOLDEN2]) vp8_release_frame(s, &s->frames[i]); curframe = s->framep[VP56_FRAME_CURRENT] = vp8_find_free_buffer(s); if (!s->colorspace) avctx->colorspace = AVCOL_SPC_BT470BG; if (s->fullrange) avctx->color_range = AVCOL_RANGE_JPEG; else avctx->color_range = AVCOL_RANGE_MPEG; /* Given that arithmetic probabilities are updated every frame, it's quite * likely that the values we have on a random interframe are complete * junk if we didn't start decode on a keyframe. So just don't display * anything rather than junk. */ if (!s->keyframe && (!s->framep[VP56_FRAME_PREVIOUS] || !s->framep[VP56_FRAME_GOLDEN] || !s->framep[VP56_FRAME_GOLDEN2])) { av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Discarding interframe without a prior keyframe!\n"); ret = AVERROR_INVALIDDATA; goto err; } curframe->tf.f->key_frame = s->keyframe; curframe->tf.f->pict_type = s->keyframe ? AV_PICTURE_TYPE_I : AV_PICTURE_TYPE_P; if ((ret = vp8_alloc_frame(s, curframe, referenced)) < 0) goto err; if (s->update_altref != VP56_FRAME_NONE) s->next_framep[VP56_FRAME_GOLDEN2] = s->framep[s->update_altref]; else s->next_framep[VP56_FRAME_GOLDEN2] = s->framep[VP56_FRAME_GOLDEN2]; if (s->update_golden != VP56_FRAME_NONE) s->next_framep[VP56_FRAME_GOLDEN] = s->framep[s->update_golden]; else s->next_framep[VP56_FRAME_GOLDEN] = s->framep[VP56_FRAME_GOLDEN]; if (s->update_last) s->next_framep[VP56_FRAME_PREVIOUS] = curframe; else s->next_framep[VP56_FRAME_PREVIOUS] = s->framep[VP56_FRAME_PREVIOUS]; s->next_framep[VP56_FRAME_CURRENT] = curframe; if (avctx->codec->update_thread_context) ff_thread_finish_setup(avctx); s->linesize = curframe->tf.f->linesize[0]; s->uvlinesize = curframe->tf.f->linesize[1]; memset(s->top_nnz, 0, s->mb_width * sizeof(*s->top_nnz)); /* Zero macroblock structures for top/top-left prediction * from outside the frame. */ if (!s->mb_layout) memset(s->macroblocks + s->mb_height * 2 - 1, 0, (s->mb_width + 1) * sizeof(*s->macroblocks)); if (!s->mb_layout && s->keyframe) memset(s->intra4x4_pred_mode_top, DC_PRED, s->mb_width * 4); memset(s->ref_count, 0, sizeof(s->ref_count)); if (s->mb_layout == 1) { if (prev_frame && s->segmentation.enabled && !s->segmentation.update_map) ff_thread_await_progress(&prev_frame->tf, 1, 0); if (is_vp7) vp7_decode_mv_mb_modes(avctx, curframe, prev_frame); else vp8_decode_mv_mb_modes(avctx, curframe, prev_frame); } if (avctx->active_thread_type == FF_THREAD_FRAME) num_jobs = 1; else num_jobs = FFMIN(s->num_coeff_partitions, avctx->thread_count); s->num_jobs = num_jobs; s->curframe = curframe; s->prev_frame = prev_frame; s->mv_bounds.mv_min.y = -MARGIN; s->mv_bounds.mv_max.y = ((s->mb_height - 1) << 6) + MARGIN; for (i = 0; i < MAX_THREADS; i++) { VP8ThreadData *td = &s->thread_data[i]; atomic_init(&td->thread_mb_pos, 0); atomic_init(&td->wait_mb_pos, INT_MAX); } if (is_vp7) avctx->execute2(avctx, vp7_decode_mb_row_sliced, s->thread_data, NULL, num_jobs); else avctx->execute2(avctx, vp8_decode_mb_row_sliced, s->thread_data, NULL, num_jobs); ff_thread_report_progress(&curframe->tf, INT_MAX, 0); memcpy(&s->framep[0], &s->next_framep[0], sizeof(s->framep[0]) * 4); skip_decode: if (!s->update_probabilities) s->prob[0] = s->prob[1]; if (!s->invisible) { if ((ret = av_frame_ref(data, curframe->tf.f)) < 0) return ret; *got_frame = 1; } return avpkt->size; err: memcpy(&s->next_framep[0], &s->framep[0], sizeof(s->framep[0]) * 4); return ret; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: int BackendImpl::Init(const CompletionCallback& callback) { background_queue_.Init(callback); return net::ERR_IO_PENDING; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void TrayCast::DestroyDetailedView() { detailed_ = nullptr; } CWE ID: CWE-79 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static int gemsafe_get_cert_len(sc_card_t *card) { int r; u8 ibuf[GEMSAFE_MAX_OBJLEN]; u8 *iptr; struct sc_path path; struct sc_file *file; size_t objlen, certlen; unsigned int ind, i=0; sc_format_path(GEMSAFE_PATH, &path); r = sc_select_file(card, &path, &file); if (r != SC_SUCCESS || !file) return SC_ERROR_INTERNAL; /* Initial read */ r = sc_read_binary(card, 0, ibuf, GEMSAFE_READ_QUANTUM, 0); if (r < 0) return SC_ERROR_INTERNAL; /* Actual stored object size is encoded in first 2 bytes * (allocated EF space is much greater!) */ objlen = (((size_t) ibuf[0]) << 8) | ibuf[1]; sc_log(card->ctx, "Stored object is of size: %"SC_FORMAT_LEN_SIZE_T"u", objlen); if (objlen < 1 || objlen > GEMSAFE_MAX_OBJLEN) { sc_log(card->ctx, "Invalid object size: %"SC_FORMAT_LEN_SIZE_T"u", objlen); return SC_ERROR_INTERNAL; } /* It looks like the first thing in the block is a table of * which keys are allocated. The table is small and is in the * first 248 bytes. Example for a card with 10 key containers: * 01 f0 00 03 03 b0 00 03 <= 1st key unallocated * 01 f0 00 04 03 b0 00 04 <= 2nd key unallocated * 01 fe 14 00 05 03 b0 00 05 <= 3rd key allocated * 01 fe 14 01 06 03 b0 00 06 <= 4th key allocated * 01 f0 00 07 03 b0 00 07 <= 5th key unallocated * ... * 01 f0 00 0c 03 b0 00 0c <= 10th key unallocated * For allocated keys, the fourth byte seems to indicate the * default key and the fifth byte indicates the key_ref of * the private key. */ ind = 2; /* skip length */ while (ibuf[ind] == 0x01) { if (ibuf[ind+1] == 0xFE) { gemsafe_prkeys[i].ref = ibuf[ind+4]; sc_log(card->ctx, "Key container %d is allocated and uses key_ref %d", i+1, gemsafe_prkeys[i].ref); ind += 9; } else { gemsafe_prkeys[i].label = NULL; gemsafe_cert[i].label = NULL; sc_log(card->ctx, "Key container %d is unallocated", i+1); ind += 8; } i++; } /* Delete additional key containers from the data structures if * this card can't accommodate them. */ for (; i < gemsafe_cert_max; i++) { gemsafe_prkeys[i].label = NULL; gemsafe_cert[i].label = NULL; } /* Read entire file, then dissect in memory. * Gemalto ClassicClient seems to do it the same way. */ iptr = ibuf + GEMSAFE_READ_QUANTUM; while ((size_t)(iptr - ibuf) < objlen) { r = sc_read_binary(card, iptr - ibuf, iptr, MIN(GEMSAFE_READ_QUANTUM, objlen - (iptr - ibuf)), 0); if (r < 0) { sc_log(card->ctx, "Could not read cert object"); return SC_ERROR_INTERNAL; } iptr += GEMSAFE_READ_QUANTUM; } /* Search buffer for certificates, they start with 0x3082. */ i = 0; while (ind < objlen - 1) { if (ibuf[ind] == 0x30 && ibuf[ind+1] == 0x82) { /* Find next allocated key container */ while (i < gemsafe_cert_max && gemsafe_cert[i].label == NULL) i++; if (i == gemsafe_cert_max) { sc_log(card->ctx, "Warning: Found orphaned certificate at offset %d", ind); return SC_SUCCESS; } /* DER cert len is encoded this way */ if (ind+3 >= sizeof ibuf) return SC_ERROR_INVALID_DATA; certlen = ((((size_t) ibuf[ind+2]) << 8) | ibuf[ind+3]) + 4; sc_log(card->ctx, "Found certificate of key container %d at offset %d, len %"SC_FORMAT_LEN_SIZE_T"u", i+1, ind, certlen); gemsafe_cert[i].index = ind; gemsafe_cert[i].count = certlen; ind += certlen; i++; } else ind++; } /* Delete additional key containers from the data structures if * they're missing on the card. */ for (; i < gemsafe_cert_max; i++) { if (gemsafe_cert[i].label) { sc_log(card->ctx, "Warning: Certificate of key container %d is missing", i+1); gemsafe_prkeys[i].label = NULL; gemsafe_cert[i].label = NULL; } } return SC_SUCCESS; } CWE ID: CWE-415 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: _tiffMapProc(thandle_t fd, tdata_t* pbase, toff_t* psize) { return (0); } CWE ID: CWE-369 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static ssize_t pipe_get_pages(struct iov_iter *i, struct page **pages, size_t maxsize, unsigned maxpages, size_t *start) { unsigned npages; size_t capacity; int idx; if (!maxsize) return 0; if (!sanity(i)) return -EFAULT; data_start(i, &idx, start); /* some of this one + all after this one */ npages = ((i->pipe->curbuf - idx - 1) & (i->pipe->buffers - 1)) + 1; capacity = min(npages,maxpages) * PAGE_SIZE - *start; return __pipe_get_pages(i, min(maxsize, capacity), pages, idx, start); } CWE ID: CWE-200 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static UINT drdynvc_process_close_request(drdynvcPlugin* drdynvc, int Sp, int cbChId, wStream* s) { int value; UINT error; UINT32 ChannelId; wStream* data_out; ChannelId = drdynvc_read_variable_uint(s, cbChId); WLog_Print(drdynvc->log, WLOG_DEBUG, "process_close_request: Sp=%d cbChId=%d, ChannelId=%"PRIu32"", Sp, cbChId, ChannelId); if ((error = dvcman_close_channel(drdynvc->channel_mgr, ChannelId))) { WLog_Print(drdynvc->log, WLOG_ERROR, "dvcman_close_channel failed with error %"PRIu32"!", error); return error; } data_out = Stream_New(NULL, 4); if (!data_out) { WLog_Print(drdynvc->log, WLOG_ERROR, "Stream_New failed!"); return CHANNEL_RC_NO_MEMORY; } value = (CLOSE_REQUEST_PDU << 4) | (cbChId & 0x03); Stream_Write_UINT8(data_out, value); drdynvc_write_variable_uint(data_out, ChannelId); error = drdynvc_send(drdynvc, data_out); if (error) WLog_Print(drdynvc->log, WLOG_ERROR, "VirtualChannelWriteEx failed with %s [%08"PRIX32"]", WTSErrorToString(error), error); return error; } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: bool omx_vdec::ts_arr_list::reset_ts_list() { bool ret = true; int idx = 0; DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("reset_ts_list(): Resetting timestamp array list"); for ( ; idx < MAX_NUM_INPUT_OUTPUT_BUFFERS; idx++) { m_ts_arr_list[idx].valid = false; } return ret; } CWE ID: Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int check_subprogs(struct bpf_verifier_env *env) { int i, ret, subprog_start, subprog_end, off, cur_subprog = 0; struct bpf_subprog_info *subprog = env->subprog_info; struct bpf_insn *insn = env->prog->insnsi; int insn_cnt = env->prog->len; /* Add entry function. */ ret = add_subprog(env, 0); if (ret < 0) return ret; /* determine subprog starts. The end is one before the next starts */ for (i = 0; i < insn_cnt; i++) { if (insn[i].code != (BPF_JMP | BPF_CALL)) continue; if (insn[i].src_reg != BPF_PSEUDO_CALL) continue; if (!env->allow_ptr_leaks) { verbose(env, "function calls to other bpf functions are allowed for root only\n"); return -EPERM; } if (bpf_prog_is_dev_bound(env->prog->aux)) { verbose(env, "function calls in offloaded programs are not supported yet\n"); return -EINVAL; } ret = add_subprog(env, i + insn[i].imm + 1); if (ret < 0) return ret; } /* Add a fake 'exit' subprog which could simplify subprog iteration * logic. 'subprog_cnt' should not be increased. */ subprog[env->subprog_cnt].start = insn_cnt; if (env->log.level > 1) for (i = 0; i < env->subprog_cnt; i++) verbose(env, "func#%d @%d\n", i, subprog[i].start); /* now check that all jumps are within the same subprog */ subprog_start = subprog[cur_subprog].start; subprog_end = subprog[cur_subprog + 1].start; for (i = 0; i < insn_cnt; i++) { u8 code = insn[i].code; if (BPF_CLASS(code) != BPF_JMP) goto next; if (BPF_OP(code) == BPF_EXIT || BPF_OP(code) == BPF_CALL) goto next; off = i + insn[i].off + 1; if (off < subprog_start || off >= subprog_end) { verbose(env, "jump out of range from insn %d to %d\n", i, off); return -EINVAL; } next: if (i == subprog_end - 1) { /* to avoid fall-through from one subprog into another * the last insn of the subprog should be either exit * or unconditional jump back */ if (code != (BPF_JMP | BPF_EXIT) && code != (BPF_JMP | BPF_JA)) { verbose(env, "last insn is not an exit or jmp\n"); return -EINVAL; } subprog_start = subprog_end; cur_subprog++; if (cur_subprog < env->subprog_cnt) subprog_end = subprog[cur_subprog + 1].start; } } return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-125 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: int copy_creds(struct task_struct *p, unsigned long clone_flags) { #ifdef CONFIG_KEYS struct thread_group_cred *tgcred; #endif struct cred *new; int ret; if ( #ifdef CONFIG_KEYS !p->cred->thread_keyring && #endif clone_flags & CLONE_THREAD ) { p->real_cred = get_cred(p->cred); get_cred(p->cred); alter_cred_subscribers(p->cred, 2); kdebug("share_creds(%p{%d,%d})", p->cred, atomic_read(&p->cred->usage), read_cred_subscribers(p->cred)); atomic_inc(&p->cred->user->processes); return 0; } new = prepare_creds(); if (!new) return -ENOMEM; if (clone_flags & CLONE_NEWUSER) { ret = create_user_ns(new); if (ret < 0) goto error_put; } /* cache user_ns in cred. Doesn't need a refcount because it will * stay pinned by cred->user */ new->user_ns = new->user->user_ns; #ifdef CONFIG_KEYS /* new threads get their own thread keyrings if their parent already * had one */ if (new->thread_keyring) { key_put(new->thread_keyring); new->thread_keyring = NULL; if (clone_flags & CLONE_THREAD) install_thread_keyring_to_cred(new); } /* we share the process and session keyrings between all the threads in * a process - this is slightly icky as we violate COW credentials a * bit */ if (!(clone_flags & CLONE_THREAD)) { tgcred = kmalloc(sizeof(*tgcred), GFP_KERNEL); if (!tgcred) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto error_put; } atomic_set(&tgcred->usage, 1); spin_lock_init(&tgcred->lock); tgcred->process_keyring = NULL; tgcred->session_keyring = key_get(new->tgcred->session_keyring); release_tgcred(new); new->tgcred = tgcred; } #endif atomic_inc(&new->user->processes); p->cred = p->real_cred = get_cred(new); alter_cred_subscribers(new, 2); validate_creds(new); return 0; error_put: put_cred(new); return ret; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: ProcessUDPHeader(tTcpIpPacketParsingResult _res, PVOID pIpHeader, ULONG len, USHORT ipHeaderSize) { tTcpIpPacketParsingResult res = _res; ULONG udpDataStart = ipHeaderSize + sizeof(UDPHeader); res.TcpUdp = ppresIsUDP; res.XxpIpHeaderSize = udpDataStart; if (len >= udpDataStart) { UDPHeader *pUdpHeader = (UDPHeader *)RtlOffsetToPointer(pIpHeader, ipHeaderSize); USHORT datagramLength = swap_short(pUdpHeader->udp_length); res.xxpStatus = ppresXxpKnown; res.xxpFull = TRUE; DPrintf(2, ("udp: len %d, datagramLength %d\n", len, datagramLength)); } else { res.xxpFull = FALSE; res.xxpStatus = ppresXxpIncomplete; } return res; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static void vnc_dpy_update(DisplayState *ds, int x, int y, int w, int h) { int i; VncDisplay *vd = ds->opaque; struct VncSurface *s = &vd->guest; h += y; two 16-pixel blocks but we only mark the first as dirty */ w += (x % 16); x -= (x % 16); w += (x % 16); x -= (x % 16); x = MIN(x, s->ds->width); y = MIN(y, s->ds->height); w = MIN(x + w, s->ds->width) - x; h = MIN(h, s->ds->height); for (; y < h; y++) for (i = 0; i < w; i += 16) void vnc_framebuffer_update(VncState *vs, int x, int y, int w, int h, int32_t encoding) { vnc_write_u16(vs, x); vnc_write_u16(vs, y); vnc_write_u16(vs, w); vnc_write_u16(vs, h); vnc_write_s32(vs, encoding); } void buffer_reserve(Buffer *buffer, size_t len) { if ((buffer->capacity - buffer->offset) < len) { buffer->capacity += (len + 1024); buffer->buffer = g_realloc(buffer->buffer, buffer->capacity); if (buffer->buffer == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "vnc: out of memory\n"); exit(1); } } } int buffer_empty(Buffer *buffer) { return buffer->offset == 0; } uint8_t *buffer_end(Buffer *buffer) { return buffer->buffer + buffer->offset; } void buffer_reset(Buffer *buffer) { buffer->offset = 0; } void buffer_free(Buffer *buffer) { g_free(buffer->buffer); buffer->offset = 0; buffer->capacity = 0; buffer->buffer = NULL; } void buffer_append(Buffer *buffer, const void *data, size_t len) { memcpy(buffer->buffer + buffer->offset, data, len); buffer->offset += len; } static void vnc_desktop_resize(VncState *vs) { DisplayState *ds = vs->ds; if (vs->csock == -1 || !vnc_has_feature(vs, VNC_FEATURE_RESIZE)) { return; } if (vs->client_width == ds_get_width(ds) && vs->client_height == ds_get_height(ds)) { return; } vs->client_width = ds_get_width(ds); vs->client_height = ds_get_height(ds); vnc_lock_output(vs); vnc_write_u8(vs, VNC_MSG_SERVER_FRAMEBUFFER_UPDATE); vnc_write_u8(vs, 0); vnc_write_u16(vs, 1); /* number of rects */ vnc_framebuffer_update(vs, 0, 0, vs->client_width, vs->client_height, VNC_ENCODING_DESKTOPRESIZE); vnc_unlock_output(vs); vnc_flush(vs); } static void vnc_abort_display_jobs(VncDisplay *vd) { VncState *vs; QTAILQ_FOREACH(vs, &vd->clients, next) { vnc_lock_output(vs); vs->abort = true; vnc_unlock_output(vs); } QTAILQ_FOREACH(vs, &vd->clients, next) { vnc_jobs_join(vs); } QTAILQ_FOREACH(vs, &vd->clients, next) { vnc_lock_output(vs); vs->abort = false; vnc_unlock_output(vs); } } } CWE ID: CWE-125 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static int simulate_sync(struct pt_regs *regs, unsigned int opcode) { if ((opcode & OPCODE) == SPEC0 && (opcode & FUNC) == SYNC) { perf_sw_event(PERF_COUNT_SW_EMULATION_FAULTS, 1, 0, regs, 0); return 0; } return -1; /* Must be something else ... */ } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static void kvm_set_mmio_spte_mask(void) { u64 mask; int maxphyaddr = boot_cpu_data.x86_phys_bits; /* * Set the reserved bits and the present bit of an paging-structure * entry to generate page fault with PFER.RSV = 1. */ /* Mask the reserved physical address bits. */ mask = rsvd_bits(maxphyaddr, 51); /* Bit 62 is always reserved for 32bit host. */ mask |= 0x3ull << 62; /* Set the present bit. */ mask |= 1ull; #ifdef CONFIG_X86_64 /* * If reserved bit is not supported, clear the present bit to disable * mmio page fault. */ if (maxphyaddr == 52) mask &= ~1ull; #endif kvm_mmu_set_mmio_spte_mask(mask); } CWE ID: CWE-362 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: bool inode_capable(const struct inode *inode, int cap) { struct user_namespace *ns = current_user_ns(); return ns_capable(ns, cap) && kuid_has_mapping(ns, inode->i_uid); } CWE ID: CWE-264 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: jbig2_image_compose(Jbig2Ctx *ctx, Jbig2Image *dst, Jbig2Image *src, int x, int y, Jbig2ComposeOp op) { int i, j; int w, h; int leftbyte, rightbyte; int shift; uint8_t *s, *ss; uint8_t *d, *dd; uint8_t mask, rightmask; if (op != JBIG2_COMPOSE_OR) { /* hand off the the general routine */ return jbig2_image_compose_unopt(ctx, dst, src, x, y, op); } /* clip */ w = src->width; h = src->height; ss = src->data; if (x < 0) { w += x; x = 0; } if (y < 0) { h += y; y = 0; } w = (x + w < dst->width) ? w : dst->width - x; h = (y + h < dst->height) ? h : dst->height - y; #ifdef JBIG2_DEBUG jbig2_error(ctx, JBIG2_SEVERITY_DEBUG, -1, "compositing %dx%d at (%d, %d) after clipping\n", w, h, x, y); #endif /* check for zero clipping region */ if ((w <= 0) || (h <= 0)) { #ifdef JBIG2_DEBUG jbig2_error(ctx, JBIG2_SEVERITY_DEBUG, -1, "zero clipping region"); #endif return 0; } #if 0 /* special case complete/strip replacement */ /* disabled because it's only safe to do when the destination buffer is all-blank. */ if ((x == 0) && (w == src->width)) { memcpy(dst->data + y * dst->stride, src->data, h * src->stride); return 0; } #endif leftbyte = x >> 3; rightbyte = (x + w - 1) >> 3; shift = x & 7; /* general OR case */ s = ss; d = dd = dst->data + y * dst->stride + leftbyte; if (d < dst->data || leftbyte > dst->stride || h * dst->stride < 0 || d - leftbyte + h * dst->stride > dst->data + dst->height * dst->stride) { return jbig2_error(ctx, JBIG2_SEVERITY_FATAL, -1, "preventing heap overflow in jbig2_image_compose"); } if (leftbyte == rightbyte) { mask = 0x100 - (0x100 >> w); for (j = 0; j < h; j++) { *d |= (*s & mask) >> shift; d += dst->stride; s += src->stride; } } else if (shift == 0) { rightmask = (w & 7) ? 0x100 - (1 << (8 - (w & 7))) : 0xFF; for (j = 0; j < h; j++) { for (i = leftbyte; i < rightbyte; i++) *d++ |= *s++; *d |= *s & rightmask; d = (dd += dst->stride); s = (ss += src->stride); } } else { bool overlap = (((w + 7) >> 3) < ((x + w + 7) >> 3) - (x >> 3)); mask = 0x100 - (1 << shift); if (overlap) rightmask = (0x100 - (0x100 >> ((x + w) & 7))) >> (8 - shift); else rightmask = 0x100 - (0x100 >> (w & 7)); for (j = 0; j < h; j++) { *d++ |= (*s & mask) >> shift; for (i = leftbyte; i < rightbyte - 1; i++) { *d |= ((*s++ & ~mask) << (8 - shift)); *d++ |= ((*s & mask) >> shift); } if (overlap) *d |= (*s & rightmask) << (8 - shift); else *d |= ((s[0] & ~mask) << (8 - shift)) | ((s[1] & rightmask) >> shift); d = (dd += dst->stride); s = (ss += src->stride); } } return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: bool RilSapSocket::SocketExists(const char *socketName) { RilSapSocketList* current = head; while(NULL != current) { if(strcmp(current->socket->name, socketName) == 0) { return true; } current = current->next; } return false; } CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static void closedCallback(WebKitWebInspector*, InspectorTest* test) { return test->closed(); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void AllocateDataSet(cmsIT8* it8) { TABLE* t = GetTable(it8); if (t -> Data) return; // Already allocated t-> nSamples = atoi(cmsIT8GetProperty(it8, "NUMBER_OF_FIELDS")); t-> nPatches = atoi(cmsIT8GetProperty(it8, "NUMBER_OF_SETS")); t-> Data = (char**)AllocChunk (it8, ((cmsUInt32Number) t->nSamples + 1) * ((cmsUInt32Number) t->nPatches + 1) *sizeof (char*)); if (t->Data == NULL) { SynError(it8, "AllocateDataSet: Unable to allocate data array"); } } CWE ID: CWE-190 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static bool tracing_record_taskinfo_skip(int flags) { if (unlikely(!(flags & (TRACE_RECORD_CMDLINE | TRACE_RECORD_TGID)))) return true; if (atomic_read(&trace_record_taskinfo_disabled) || !tracing_is_on()) return true; if (!__this_cpu_read(trace_taskinfo_save)) return true; return false; } CWE ID: CWE-787 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void AppLauncherHandler::HandleCreateAppShortcut(const base::ListValue* args) { std::string extension_id; CHECK(args->GetString(0, &extension_id)); const Extension* extension = extension_service_->GetExtensionById(extension_id, true); if (!extension) return; Browser* browser = chrome::FindBrowserWithWebContents( web_ui()->GetWebContents()); chrome::ShowCreateChromeAppShortcutsDialog( browser->window()->GetNativeWindow(), browser->profile(), extension, base::Callback<void(bool)>()); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: png_do_write_interlace(png_row_infop row_info, png_bytep row, int pass) { /* Arrays to facilitate easy interlacing - use pass (0 - 6) as index */ /* Start of interlace block */ int png_pass_start[7] = {0, 4, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0}; /* Offset to next interlace block */ int png_pass_inc[7] = {8, 8, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1}; png_debug(1, "in png_do_write_interlace"); /* We don't have to do anything on the last pass (6) */ #ifdef PNG_USELESS_TESTS_SUPPORTED if (row != NULL && row_info != NULL && pass < 6) #else if (pass < 6) #endif { /* Each pixel depth is handled separately */ switch (row_info->pixel_depth) { case 1: { png_bytep sp; png_bytep dp; int shift; int d; int value; png_uint_32 i; png_uint_32 row_width = row_info->width; dp = row; d = 0; shift = 7; for (i = png_pass_start[pass]; i < row_width; i += png_pass_inc[pass]) { sp = row + (png_size_t)(i >> 3); value = (int)(*sp >> (7 - (int)(i & 0x07))) & 0x01; d |= (value << shift); if (shift == 0) { shift = 7; *dp++ = (png_byte)d; d = 0; } else shift--; } if (shift != 7) *dp = (png_byte)d; break; } case 2: { png_bytep sp; png_bytep dp; int shift; int d; int value; png_uint_32 i; png_uint_32 row_width = row_info->width; dp = row; shift = 6; d = 0; for (i = png_pass_start[pass]; i < row_width; i += png_pass_inc[pass]) { sp = row + (png_size_t)(i >> 2); value = (*sp >> ((3 - (int)(i & 0x03)) << 1)) & 0x03; d |= (value << shift); if (shift == 0) { shift = 6; *dp++ = (png_byte)d; d = 0; } else shift -= 2; } if (shift != 6) *dp = (png_byte)d; break; } case 4: { png_bytep sp; png_bytep dp; int shift; int d; int value; png_uint_32 i; png_uint_32 row_width = row_info->width; dp = row; shift = 4; d = 0; for (i = png_pass_start[pass]; i < row_width; i += png_pass_inc[pass]) { sp = row + (png_size_t)(i >> 1); value = (*sp >> ((1 - (int)(i & 0x01)) << 2)) & 0x0f; d |= (value << shift); if (shift == 0) { shift = 4; *dp++ = (png_byte)d; d = 0; } else shift -= 4; } if (shift != 4) *dp = (png_byte)d; break; } default: { png_bytep sp; png_bytep dp; png_uint_32 i; png_uint_32 row_width = row_info->width; png_size_t pixel_bytes; /* Start at the beginning */ dp = row; /* Find out how many bytes each pixel takes up */ pixel_bytes = (row_info->pixel_depth >> 3); /* Loop through the row, only looking at the pixels that matter */ for (i = png_pass_start[pass]; i < row_width; i += png_pass_inc[pass]) { /* Find out where the original pixel is */ sp = row + (png_size_t)i * pixel_bytes; /* Move the pixel */ if (dp != sp) png_memcpy(dp, sp, pixel_bytes); /* Next pixel */ dp += pixel_bytes; } break; } } /* Set new row width */ row_info->width = (row_info->width + png_pass_inc[pass] - 1 - png_pass_start[pass]) / png_pass_inc[pass]; row_info->rowbytes = PNG_ROWBYTES(row_info->pixel_depth, row_info->width); } } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: __weak void perf_callchain_kernel(struct perf_callchain_entry *entry, struct pt_regs *regs) { } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static void cm_format_rep(struct cm_rep_msg *rep_msg, struct cm_id_private *cm_id_priv, struct ib_cm_rep_param *param) { cm_format_mad_hdr(&rep_msg->hdr, CM_REP_ATTR_ID, cm_id_priv->tid); rep_msg->local_comm_id = cm_id_priv->id.local_id; rep_msg->remote_comm_id = cm_id_priv->id.remote_id; cm_rep_set_starting_psn(rep_msg, cpu_to_be32(param->starting_psn)); rep_msg->resp_resources = param->responder_resources; cm_rep_set_target_ack_delay(rep_msg, cm_id_priv->av.port->cm_dev->ack_delay); cm_rep_set_failover(rep_msg, param->failover_accepted); cm_rep_set_rnr_retry_count(rep_msg, param->rnr_retry_count); rep_msg->local_ca_guid = cm_id_priv->id.device->node_guid; if (cm_id_priv->qp_type != IB_QPT_XRC_TGT) { rep_msg->initiator_depth = param->initiator_depth; cm_rep_set_flow_ctrl(rep_msg, param->flow_control); cm_rep_set_srq(rep_msg, param->srq); cm_rep_set_local_qpn(rep_msg, cpu_to_be32(param->qp_num)); } else { cm_rep_set_srq(rep_msg, 1); cm_rep_set_local_eecn(rep_msg, cpu_to_be32(param->qp_num)); } if (param->private_data && param->private_data_len) memcpy(rep_msg->private_data, param->private_data, param->private_data_len); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static void dump_boot(DOS_FS * fs, struct boot_sector *b, unsigned lss) { unsigned short sectors; printf("Boot sector contents:\n"); if (!atari_format) { char id[9]; strncpy(id, (const char *)b->system_id, 8); id[8] = 0; printf("System ID \"%s\"\n", id); } else { /* On Atari, a 24 bit serial number is stored at offset 8 of the boot * sector */ printf("Serial number 0x%x\n", b->system_id[5] | (b->system_id[6] << 8) | (b-> system_id[7] << 16)); } printf("Media byte 0x%02x (%s)\n", b->media, get_media_descr(b->media)); printf("%10d bytes per logical sector\n", GET_UNALIGNED_W(b->sector_size)); printf("%10d bytes per cluster\n", fs->cluster_size); printf("%10d reserved sector%s\n", le16toh(b->reserved), le16toh(b->reserved) == 1 ? "" : "s"); printf("First FAT starts at byte %llu (sector %llu)\n", (unsigned long long)fs->fat_start, (unsigned long long)fs->fat_start / lss); printf("%10d FATs, %d bit entries\n", b->fats, fs->fat_bits); printf("%10d bytes per FAT (= %u sectors)\n", fs->fat_size, fs->fat_size / lss); if (!fs->root_cluster) { printf("Root directory starts at byte %llu (sector %llu)\n", (unsigned long long)fs->root_start, (unsigned long long)fs->root_start / lss); printf("%10d root directory entries\n", fs->root_entries); } else { printf("Root directory start at cluster %lu (arbitrary size)\n", (unsigned long)fs->root_cluster); } printf("Data area starts at byte %llu (sector %llu)\n", (unsigned long long)fs->data_start, (unsigned long long)fs->data_start / lss); printf("%10lu data clusters (%llu bytes)\n", (unsigned long)fs->data_clusters, (unsigned long long)fs->data_clusters * fs->cluster_size); printf("%u sectors/track, %u heads\n", le16toh(b->secs_track), le16toh(b->heads)); printf("%10u hidden sectors\n", atari_format ? /* On Atari, the hidden field is only 16 bit wide and unused */ (((unsigned char *)&b->hidden)[0] | ((unsigned char *)&b->hidden)[1] << 8) : le32toh(b->hidden)); sectors = GET_UNALIGNED_W(b->sectors); printf("%10u sectors total\n", sectors ? sectors : le32toh(b->total_sect)); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: int kvm_get_dirty_log(struct kvm *kvm, struct kvm_dirty_log *log, int *is_dirty) { struct kvm_memslots *slots; struct kvm_memory_slot *memslot; int i, as_id, id; unsigned long n; unsigned long any = 0; as_id = log->slot >> 16; id = (u16)log->slot; if (as_id >= KVM_ADDRESS_SPACE_NUM || id >= KVM_USER_MEM_SLOTS) return -EINVAL; slots = __kvm_memslots(kvm, as_id); memslot = id_to_memslot(slots, id); if (!memslot->dirty_bitmap) return -ENOENT; n = kvm_dirty_bitmap_bytes(memslot); for (i = 0; !any && i < n/sizeof(long); ++i) any = memslot->dirty_bitmap[i]; if (copy_to_user(log->dirty_bitmap, memslot->dirty_bitmap, n)) return -EFAULT; if (any) *is_dirty = 1; return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-362 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static bool ExecuteMoveToEndOfDocument(LocalFrame& frame, Event*, EditorCommandSource, const String&) { frame.Selection().Modify( SelectionModifyAlteration::kMove, SelectionModifyDirection::kForward, TextGranularity::kDocumentBoundary, SetSelectionBy::kUser); return true; } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void CL_InitRef( void ) { refimport_t ri; refexport_t *ret; #ifdef USE_RENDERER_DLOPEN GetRefAPI_t GetRefAPI; char dllName[MAX_OSPATH]; #endif Com_Printf( "----- Initializing Renderer ----\n" ); #ifdef USE_RENDERER_DLOPEN cl_renderer = Cvar_Get("cl_renderer", "opengl2", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH); Com_sprintf(dllName, sizeof(dllName), "renderer_%s_" ARCH_STRING DLL_EXT, cl_renderer->string); if(!(rendererLib = Sys_LoadDll(dllName, qfalse)) && strcmp(cl_renderer->string, cl_renderer->resetString)) { Com_Printf("failed:\n\"%s\"\n", Sys_LibraryError()); Cvar_ForceReset("cl_renderer"); Com_sprintf(dllName, sizeof(dllName), "renderer_opengl2_" ARCH_STRING DLL_EXT); rendererLib = Sys_LoadDll(dllName, qfalse); } if(!rendererLib) { Com_Printf("failed:\n\"%s\"\n", Sys_LibraryError()); Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Failed to load renderer"); } GetRefAPI = Sys_LoadFunction(rendererLib, "GetRefAPI"); if(!GetRefAPI) { Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Can't load symbol GetRefAPI: '%s'", Sys_LibraryError()); } #endif ri.Cmd_AddCommand = Cmd_AddCommand; ri.Cmd_RemoveCommand = Cmd_RemoveCommand; ri.Cmd_Argc = Cmd_Argc; ri.Cmd_Argv = Cmd_Argv; ri.Cmd_ExecuteText = Cbuf_ExecuteText; ri.Printf = CL_RefPrintf; ri.Error = Com_Error; ri.Milliseconds = CL_ScaledMilliseconds; ri.Malloc = CL_RefMalloc; ri.Free = Z_Free; #ifdef HUNK_DEBUG ri.Hunk_AllocDebug = Hunk_AllocDebug; #else ri.Hunk_Alloc = Hunk_Alloc; #endif ri.Hunk_AllocateTempMemory = Hunk_AllocateTempMemory; ri.Hunk_FreeTempMemory = Hunk_FreeTempMemory; ri.CM_ClusterPVS = CM_ClusterPVS; ri.CM_DrawDebugSurface = CM_DrawDebugSurface; ri.FS_ReadFile = FS_ReadFile; ri.FS_FreeFile = FS_FreeFile; ri.FS_WriteFile = FS_WriteFile; ri.FS_FreeFileList = FS_FreeFileList; ri.FS_ListFiles = FS_ListFiles; ri.FS_FileIsInPAK = FS_FileIsInPAK; ri.FS_FileExists = FS_FileExists; ri.Cvar_Get = Cvar_Get; ri.Cvar_Set = Cvar_Set; ri.Cvar_SetValue = Cvar_SetValue; ri.Cvar_CheckRange = Cvar_CheckRange; ri.Cvar_SetDescription = Cvar_SetDescription; ri.Cvar_VariableIntegerValue = Cvar_VariableIntegerValue; ri.CIN_UploadCinematic = CIN_UploadCinematic; ri.CIN_PlayCinematic = CIN_PlayCinematic; ri.CIN_RunCinematic = CIN_RunCinematic; ri.CL_WriteAVIVideoFrame = CL_WriteAVIVideoFrame; ri.IN_Init = IN_Init; ri.IN_Shutdown = IN_Shutdown; ri.IN_Restart = IN_Restart; ri.ftol = Q_ftol; ri.Sys_SetEnv = Sys_SetEnv; ri.Sys_GLimpSafeInit = Sys_GLimpSafeInit; ri.Sys_GLimpInit = Sys_GLimpInit; ri.Sys_LowPhysicalMemory = Sys_LowPhysicalMemory; ret = GetRefAPI( REF_API_VERSION, &ri ); #if defined __USEA3D && defined __A3D_GEOM hA3Dg_ExportRenderGeom (ret); #endif Com_Printf( "-------------------------------\n"); if ( !ret ) { Com_Error (ERR_FATAL, "Couldn't initialize refresh" ); } re = *ret; Cvar_Set( "cl_paused", "0" ); } CWE ID: CWE-269 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: ff_rm_parse_packet (AVFormatContext *s, AVIOContext *pb, AVStream *st, RMStream *ast, int len, AVPacket *pkt, int *seq, int flags, int64_t timestamp) { RMDemuxContext *rm = s->priv_data; int ret; if (st->codecpar->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) { rm->current_stream= st->id; ret = rm_assemble_video_frame(s, pb, rm, ast, pkt, len, seq, &timestamp); if(ret) return ret < 0 ? ret : -1; //got partial frame or error } else if (st->codecpar->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) { if ((ast->deint_id == DEINT_ID_GENR) || (ast->deint_id == DEINT_ID_INT4) || (ast->deint_id == DEINT_ID_SIPR)) { int x; int sps = ast->sub_packet_size; int cfs = ast->coded_framesize; int h = ast->sub_packet_h; int y = ast->sub_packet_cnt; int w = ast->audio_framesize; if (flags & 2) y = ast->sub_packet_cnt = 0; if (!y) ast->audiotimestamp = timestamp; switch (ast->deint_id) { case DEINT_ID_INT4: for (x = 0; x < h/2; x++) readfull(s, pb, ast->*2*w+y*cfs, cfs); break; case DEINT_ID_GENR: for (x = 0; x < w/sps; x++) readfull(s, pb, ast->*(h*x+((h+1)/2)*(y&1)+(y>>1)), sps); break; case DEINT_ID_SIPR: readfull(s, pb, ast-> + y * w, w); break; } if (++(ast->sub_packet_cnt) < h) return -1; if (ast->deint_id == DEINT_ID_SIPR) ff_rm_reorder_sipr_data(ast->, h, w); ast->sub_packet_cnt = 0; rm->audio_stream_num = st->index; if (st->codecpar->block_align <= 0) { av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid block alignment %d\n", st->codecpar->block_align); return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA; } rm->audio_pkt_cnt = h * w / st->codecpar->block_align; } else if ((ast->deint_id == DEINT_ID_VBRF) || (ast->deint_id == DEINT_ID_VBRS)) { int x; rm->audio_stream_num = st->index; ast->sub_packet_cnt = (avio_rb16(pb) & 0xf0) >> 4; if (ast->sub_packet_cnt) { for (x = 0; x < ast->sub_packet_cnt; x++) ast->sub_packet_lengths[x] = avio_rb16(pb); rm->audio_pkt_cnt = ast->sub_packet_cnt; ast->audiotimestamp = timestamp; } else return -1; } else { ret = av_get_packet(pb, pkt, len); if (ret < 0) return ret; rm_ac3_swap_bytes(st, pkt); } } else { ret = av_get_packet(pb, pkt, len); if (ret < 0) return ret; } pkt->stream_index = st->index; pkt->pts = timestamp; if (flags & 2) pkt->flags |= AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY; return st->codecpar->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO ? rm->audio_pkt_cnt : 0; } CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: const char* AutofillDialogViews::SectionContainer::GetClassName() const { return kSectionContainerClassName; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void LoadingStatsCollectorTest::TestRedirectStatusHistogram( const std::string& initial_url, const std::string& prediction_url, const std::string& navigation_url, RedirectStatus expected_status) { const std::string& script_url = ""; PreconnectPrediction prediction = CreatePreconnectPrediction( GURL(prediction_url).host(), initial_url != prediction_url, {{GURL(script_url).GetOrigin(), 1, net::NetworkIsolationKey()}}); EXPECT_CALL(*mock_predictor_, PredictPreconnectOrigins(GURL(initial_url), _)) .WillOnce(DoAll(SetArgPointee<1>(prediction), Return(true))); std::vector<content::mojom::ResourceLoadInfoPtr> resources; resources.push_back( CreateResourceLoadInfoWithRedirects({initial_url, navigation_url})); resources.push_back( CreateResourceLoadInfo(script_url, content::ResourceType::kScript)); PageRequestSummary summary = CreatePageRequestSummary(navigation_url, initial_url, resources); stats_collector_->RecordPageRequestSummary(summary); histogram_tester_->ExpectUniqueSample( internal::kLoadingPredictorPreconnectLearningRedirectStatus, static_cast<int>(expected_status), 1); } CWE ID: CWE-125 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void jbd2_journal_lock_updates(journal_t *journal) { DEFINE_WAIT(wait); write_lock(&journal->j_state_lock); ++journal->j_barrier_count; /* Wait until there are no running updates */ while (1) { transaction_t *transaction = journal->j_running_transaction; if (!transaction) break; spin_lock(&transaction->t_handle_lock); prepare_to_wait(&journal->j_wait_updates, &wait, TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE); if (!atomic_read(&transaction->t_updates)) { spin_unlock(&transaction->t_handle_lock); finish_wait(&journal->j_wait_updates, &wait); break; } spin_unlock(&transaction->t_handle_lock); write_unlock(&journal->j_state_lock); schedule(); finish_wait(&journal->j_wait_updates, &wait); write_lock(&journal->j_state_lock); } write_unlock(&journal->j_state_lock); /* * We have now established a barrier against other normal updates, but * we also need to barrier against other jbd2_journal_lock_updates() calls * to make sure that we serialise special journal-locked operations * too. */ mutex_lock(&journal->j_barrier); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int skcipher_walk_first(struct skcipher_walk *walk) { walk->nbytes = 0; if (WARN_ON_ONCE(in_irq())) return -EDEADLK; if (unlikely(!walk->total)) return 0; walk->buffer = NULL; if (unlikely(((unsigned long)walk->iv & walk->alignmask))) { int err = skcipher_copy_iv(walk); if (err) return err; } walk->page = NULL; walk->nbytes = walk->total; return skcipher_walk_next(walk); } CWE ID: CWE-476 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: handle_associated_event(struct cpu_hw_events *cpuc, int idx, struct perf_sample_data *data, struct pt_regs *regs) { struct perf_event *event = cpuc->events[idx]; struct hw_perf_event *hwc = &event->hw; mipspmu_event_update(event, hwc, idx); data->period = event->hw.last_period; if (!mipspmu_event_set_period(event, hwc, idx)) return; if (perf_event_overflow(event, 0, data, regs)) mipspmu->disable_event(idx); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: int blkg_print_stat_bytes(struct seq_file *sf, void *v) { blkcg_print_blkgs(sf, css_to_blkcg(seq_css(sf)), blkg_prfill_rwstat_field, (void *)seq_cft(sf)->private, offsetof(struct blkcg_gq, stat_bytes), true); return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-415 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: rad_acct_open(void) { struct rad_handle *h; h = rad_open(); if (h != NULL) h->type = RADIUS_ACCT; return h; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void AppControllerImpl::BindRequest(mojom::AppControllerRequest request) { bindings_.AddBinding(this, std::move(request)); } CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: bool Editor::Command::IsEnabled(Event* triggering_event) const { if (!IsSupported() || !frame_) return false; return command_->is_enabled(*frame_, triggering_event, source_); } CWE ID: Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void GraphicsContext::setLineCap(LineCap) { notImplemented(); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsTestObjConstructorFunctionClassMethod2(ExecState* exec) { if (exec->argumentCount() < 1) return throwVMError(exec, createTypeError(exec, "Not enough arguments")); return JSValue::encode(JSTestObj::classMethod2(exec)); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void FrameView::setTracksPaintInvalidations(bool trackPaintInvalidations) { if (trackPaintInvalidations == m_isTrackingPaintInvalidations) return; for (Frame* frame = m_frame->tree().top(); frame; frame = frame->tree().traverseNext()) { if (!frame->isLocalFrame()) continue; if (RenderView* renderView = toLocalFrame(frame)->contentRenderer()) renderView->compositor()->setTracksPaintInvalidations(trackPaintInvalidations); } TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT1(TRACE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT("blink.invalidation"), "FrameView::setTracksPaintInvalidations", "enabled", trackPaintInvalidations); resetTrackedPaintInvalidations(); m_isTrackingPaintInvalidations = trackPaintInvalidations; } CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *fp_rd = stdin; FILE *fp_wr = stdout; FILE *fp_al = NULL; BOOL raw = TRUE; BOOL alpha = FALSE; int argi; for (argi = 1; argi < argc; argi++) { if (argv[argi][0] == '-') { switch (argv[argi][1]) { case 'n': raw = FALSE; break; case 'r': raw = TRUE; break; case 'a': alpha = TRUE; argi++; if ((fp_al = fopen (argv[argi], "wb")) == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "PNM2PNG\n"); fprintf (stderr, "Error: can not create alpha-channel file %s\n", argv[argi]); exit (1); } break; case 'h': case '?': usage(); exit(0); break; default: fprintf (stderr, "PNG2PNM\n"); fprintf (stderr, "Error: unknown option %s\n", argv[argi]); usage(); exit(1); break; } /* end switch */ } else if (fp_rd == stdin) { if ((fp_rd = fopen (argv[argi], "rb")) == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "PNG2PNM\n"); fprintf (stderr, "Error: file %s does not exist\n", argv[argi]); exit (1); } } else if (fp_wr == stdout) { if ((fp_wr = fopen (argv[argi], "wb")) == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "PNG2PNM\n"); fprintf (stderr, "Error: can not create file %s\n", argv[argi]); exit (1); } } else { fprintf (stderr, "PNG2PNM\n"); fprintf (stderr, "Error: too many parameters\n"); usage(); exit(1); } } /* end for */ #ifdef __TURBOC__ /* set stdin/stdout if required to binary */ if (fp_rd == stdin) { setmode (STDIN, O_BINARY); } if ((raw) && (fp_wr == stdout)) { setmode (STDOUT, O_BINARY); } #endif /* call the conversion program itself */ if (png2pnm (fp_rd, fp_wr, fp_al, raw, alpha) == FALSE) { fprintf (stderr, "PNG2PNM\n"); fprintf (stderr, "Error: unsuccessful conversion of PNG-image\n"); exit(1); } /* close input file */ fclose (fp_rd); /* close output file */ fclose (fp_wr); /* close alpha file */ if (alpha) fclose (fp_al); return 0; } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: bool TradQT_Manager::ParseCachedBoxes ( const MOOV_Manager & moovMgr ) { MOOV_Manager::BoxInfo udtaInfo; MOOV_Manager::BoxRef udtaRef = moovMgr.GetBox ( "moov/udta", &udtaInfo ); if ( udtaRef == 0 ) return false; for ( XMP_Uns32 i = 0; i < udtaInfo.childCount; ++i ) { MOOV_Manager::BoxInfo currInfo; MOOV_Manager::BoxRef currRef = moovMgr.GetNthChild ( udtaRef, i, &currInfo ); if ( currRef == 0 ) break; // Sanity check, should not happen. if ( (currInfo.boxType >> 24) != 0xA9 ) continue; if ( currInfo.contentSize < 2+2+1 ) continue; // Want enough for a non-empty value. InfoMapPos newInfo = this->parsedBoxes.insert ( this->parsedBoxes.end(), InfoMap::value_type ( currInfo.boxType, ParsedBoxInfo ( currInfo.boxType ) ) ); std::vector<ValueInfo> * newValues = &newInfo->second.values; XMP_Uns8 * boxPtr = (XMP_Uns8*) currInfo.content; XMP_Uns8 * boxEnd = boxPtr + currInfo.contentSize; XMP_Uns16 miniLen, macLang; for ( ; boxPtr < boxEnd-4; boxPtr += miniLen ) { miniLen = 4 + GetUns16BE ( boxPtr ); // ! Include header in local miniLen. macLang = GetUns16BE ( boxPtr+2); if ( (miniLen <= 4) || (miniLen > (boxEnd - boxPtr)) ) continue; // Ignore bad or empty values. XMP_StringPtr valuePtr = (char*)(boxPtr+4); size_t valueLen = miniLen - 4; newValues->push_back ( ValueInfo() ); ValueInfo * newValue = &newValues->back(); newValue->macLang = macLang; if ( IsMacLangKnown ( macLang ) ) newValue->xmpLang = GetXMPLang ( macLang ); newValue->macValue.assign ( valuePtr, valueLen ); } } return (! this->parsedBoxes.empty()); } // TradQT_Manager::ParseCachedBoxes CWE ID: CWE-835 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void OmniboxPopupViewGtk::Show(size_t num_results) { gint origin_x, origin_y; GdkWindow* gdk_window = gtk_widget_get_window(location_bar_); gdk_window_get_origin(gdk_window, &origin_x, &origin_y); GtkAllocation allocation; gtk_widget_get_allocation(location_bar_, &allocation); int horizontal_offset = 1; gtk_window_move(GTK_WINDOW(window_), origin_x + allocation.x - kBorderThickness + horizontal_offset, origin_y + allocation.y + allocation.height - kBorderThickness - 1 + kVerticalOffset); gtk_widget_set_size_request(window_, allocation.width + (kBorderThickness * 2) - (horizontal_offset * 2), (num_results * kHeightPerResult) + (kBorderThickness * 2)); gtk_widget_show(window_); StackWindow(); opened_ = true; } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static void tv_details_row_activated( GtkTreeView *tree_view, GtkTreePath *tree_path_UNUSED, GtkTreeViewColumn *column, gpointer user_data) { gchar *item_name; struct problem_item *item = get_current_problem_item_or_NULL(tree_view, &item_name); if (!item || !(item->flags & CD_FLAG_TXT)) goto ret; if (!strchr(item->content, '\n')) /* one line? */ goto ret; /* yes */ gint exitcode; gchar *arg[3]; arg[0] = (char *) "xdg-open"; arg[1] = concat_path_file(g_dump_dir_name, item_name); arg[2] = NULL; const gboolean spawn_ret = g_spawn_sync(NULL, arg, NULL, G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH | G_SPAWN_STDOUT_TO_DEV_NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &exitcode, NULL); if (spawn_ret == FALSE || exitcode != EXIT_SUCCESS) { GtkWidget *dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons(_("View/edit a text file"), GTK_WINDOW(g_wnd_assistant), GTK_DIALOG_MODAL | GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, NULL, NULL); GtkWidget *vbox = gtk_dialog_get_content_area(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)); GtkWidget *scrolled = gtk_scrolled_window_new(NULL, NULL); GtkWidget *textview = gtk_text_view_new(); gtk_dialog_add_button(GTK_DIALOG(dialog), _("_Save"), GTK_RESPONSE_OK); gtk_dialog_add_button(GTK_DIALOG(dialog), _("_Cancel"), GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), scrolled, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_set_size_request(scrolled, 640, 480); gtk_widget_show(scrolled); #if ((GTK_MAJOR_VERSION == 3 && GTK_MINOR_VERSION < 7) || (GTK_MAJOR_VERSION == 3 && GTK_MINOR_VERSION == 7 && GTK_MICRO_VERSION < 8)) /* */ /* gtk_scrolled_window_add_with_viewport has been deprecated since version 3.8 and should not be used in newly-written code. */ gtk_scrolled_window_add_with_viewport(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(scrolled), textview); #else /* gtk_container_add() will now automatically add a GtkViewport if the child doesn't implement GtkScrollable. */ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(scrolled), textview); #endif gtk_widget_show(textview); load_text_to_text_view(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(textview), item_name); if (gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)) == GTK_RESPONSE_OK) save_text_from_text_view(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(textview), item_name); gtk_widget_destroy(textview); gtk_widget_destroy(scrolled); gtk_widget_destroy(dialog); } free(arg[1]); ret: g_free(item_name); } CWE ID: CWE-200 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: AcceleratedStaticBitmapImage::AcceleratedStaticBitmapImage( const gpu::Mailbox& mailbox, const gpu::SyncToken& sync_token, unsigned texture_id, base::WeakPtr<WebGraphicsContext3DProviderWrapper>&& context_provider_wrapper, IntSize mailbox_size) : paint_image_content_id_(cc::PaintImage::GetNextContentId()) { texture_holder_ = std::make_unique<MailboxTextureHolder>( mailbox, sync_token, texture_id, std::move(context_provider_wrapper), mailbox_size); thread_checker_.DetachFromThread(); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static struct cm_timewait_info * cm_insert_remote_id(struct cm_timewait_info *timewait_info) { struct rb_node **link = &cm.remote_id_table.rb_node; struct rb_node *parent = NULL; struct cm_timewait_info *cur_timewait_info; __be64 remote_ca_guid = timewait_info->remote_ca_guid; __be32 remote_id = timewait_info->work.remote_id; while (*link) { parent = *link; cur_timewait_info = rb_entry(parent, struct cm_timewait_info, remote_id_node); if (be32_lt(remote_id, cur_timewait_info->work.remote_id)) link = &(*link)->rb_left; else if (be32_gt(remote_id, cur_timewait_info->work.remote_id)) link = &(*link)->rb_right; else if (be64_lt(remote_ca_guid, cur_timewait_info->remote_ca_guid)) link = &(*link)->rb_left; else if (be64_gt(remote_ca_guid, cur_timewait_info->remote_ca_guid)) link = &(*link)->rb_right; else return cur_timewait_info; } timewait_info->inserted_remote_id = 1; rb_link_node(&timewait_info->remote_id_node, parent, link); rb_insert_color(&timewait_info->remote_id_node, &cm.remote_id_table); return NULL; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void VaapiVideoDecodeAccelerator::NotifyError(Error error) { if (!task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread()) { DCHECK(decoder_thread_task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); task_runner_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&VaapiVideoDecodeAccelerator::NotifyError, weak_this_, error)); return; } task_runner_->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&VaapiVideoDecodeAccelerator::Cleanup, weak_this_)); VLOGF(1) << "Notifying of error " << error; if (client_) { client_->NotifyError(error); client_ptr_factory_.reset(); } } CWE ID: CWE-362 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void BrowserPolicyConnector::DeviceStopAutoRetry() { #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) if (device_cloud_policy_subsystem_.get()) device_cloud_policy_subsystem_->StopAutoRetry(); #endif } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void ExtensionDevToolsClientHost::InfoBarDestroyed() { infobar_delegate_ = NULL; SendDetachedEvent(); Close(); } CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void RenderWidgetHostViewAura::AcceleratedSurfaceNew( int32 width_in_pixel, int32 height_in_pixel, uint64 surface_handle) { ImageTransportFactory* factory = ImageTransportFactory::GetInstance(); scoped_refptr<ui::Texture> surface(factory->CreateTransportClient( gfx::Size(width_in_pixel, height_in_pixel), device_scale_factor_, surface_handle)); if (!surface) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create ImageTransport texture"; return; } image_transport_clients_[surface_handle] = surface; } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void *hashtable_iter_at(hashtable_t *hashtable, const char *key) { pair_t *pair; size_t hash; bucket_t *bucket; hash = hash_str(key); bucket = &hashtable->buckets[hash % num_buckets(hashtable)]; pair = hashtable_find_pair(hashtable, bucket, key, hash); if(!pair) return NULL; return &pair->list; } CWE ID: CWE-310 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static void unkeep_all_packs(void) { static char name[PATH_MAX]; int k; for (k = 0; k < pack_id; k++) { struct packed_git *p = all_packs[k]; snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s/pack/pack-%s.keep", get_object_directory(), sha1_to_hex(p->sha1)); unlink_or_warn(name); } } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: test_bson_validate (void) { char filename[64]; size_t offset; bson_t *b; int i; bson_error_t error; for (i = 1; i <= 38; i++) { bson_snprintf (filename, sizeof filename, "test%u.bson", i); b = get_bson (filename); BSON_ASSERT (bson_validate (b, BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, &offset)); bson_destroy (b); } b = get_bson ("codewscope.bson"); BSON_ASSERT (bson_validate (b, BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, &offset)); bson_destroy (b); b = get_bson ("empty_key.bson"); BSON_ASSERT (bson_validate (b, BSON_VALIDATE_NONE | BSON_VALIDATE_UTF8 | BSON_VALIDATE_DOLLAR_KEYS | BSON_VALIDATE_DOT_KEYS, &offset)); bson_destroy (b); #define VALIDATE_TEST(_filename, _flags, _offset, _flag, _msg) \ b = get_bson (_filename); \ BSON_ASSERT (!bson_validate (b, _flags, &offset)); \ ASSERT_CMPSIZE_T (offset, ==, (size_t) _offset); \ BSON_ASSERT (!bson_validate_with_error (b, _flags, &error)); \ ASSERT_ERROR_CONTAINS (error, BSON_ERROR_INVALID, _flag, _msg); \ bson_destroy (b) VALIDATE_TEST ("overflow2.bson", BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, 9, BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, "corrupt BSON"); VALIDATE_TEST ("trailingnull.bson", BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, 14, BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, "corrupt BSON"); VALIDATE_TEST ("dollarquery.bson", BSON_VALIDATE_DOLLAR_KEYS | BSON_VALIDATE_DOT_KEYS, 4, BSON_VALIDATE_DOLLAR_KEYS, "keys cannot begin with \"$\": \"$query\""); VALIDATE_TEST ("dotquery.bson", BSON_VALIDATE_DOLLAR_KEYS | BSON_VALIDATE_DOT_KEYS, 4, BSON_VALIDATE_DOT_KEYS, "keys cannot contain \".\": \"abc.def\""); VALIDATE_TEST ("overflow3.bson", BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, 9, BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, "corrupt BSON"); /* same outcome as above, despite different flags */ VALIDATE_TEST ("overflow3.bson", BSON_VALIDATE_UTF8, 9, BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, "corrupt BSON"); VALIDATE_TEST ("overflow4.bson", BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, 9, BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, "corrupt BSON"); VALIDATE_TEST ("empty_key.bson", BSON_VALIDATE_EMPTY_KEYS, 4, BSON_VALIDATE_EMPTY_KEYS, "empty key"); VALIDATE_TEST ( "test40.bson", BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, 6, BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, "corrupt BSON"); VALIDATE_TEST ( "test41.bson", BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, 6, BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, "corrupt BSON"); VALIDATE_TEST ( "test42.bson", BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, 6, BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, "corrupt BSON"); VALIDATE_TEST ( "test43.bson", BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, 6, BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, "corrupt BSON"); VALIDATE_TEST ( "test44.bson", BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, 6, BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, "corrupt BSON"); VALIDATE_TEST ( "test45.bson", BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, 6, BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, "corrupt BSON"); VALIDATE_TEST ( "test46.bson", BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, 6, BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, "corrupt BSON"); VALIDATE_TEST ( "test47.bson", BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, 6, BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, "corrupt BSON"); VALIDATE_TEST ( "test48.bson", BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, 6, BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, "corrupt BSON"); VALIDATE_TEST ( "test49.bson", BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, 6, BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, "corrupt BSON"); VALIDATE_TEST ("test50.bson", BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, 10, BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, "corrupt code-with-scope"); VALIDATE_TEST ("test51.bson", BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, 10, BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, "corrupt code-with-scope"); VALIDATE_TEST ( "test52.bson", BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, 9, BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, "corrupt BSON"); VALIDATE_TEST ( "test53.bson", BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, 6, BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, "corrupt BSON"); VALIDATE_TEST ("test54.bson", BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, 12, BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, "corrupt BSON"); /* DBRef validation */ b = BCON_NEW ("my_dbref", "{", "$ref", BCON_UTF8 ("collection"), "$id", BCON_INT32 (1), "}"); BSON_ASSERT (bson_validate_with_error (b, BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, &error)); BSON_ASSERT ( bson_validate_with_error (b, BSON_VALIDATE_DOLLAR_KEYS, &error)); bson_destroy (b); /* needs "$ref" before "$id" */ b = BCON_NEW ("my_dbref", "{", "$id", BCON_INT32 (1), "}"); BSON_ASSERT (bson_validate_with_error (b, BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, &error)); BSON_ASSERT ( !bson_validate_with_error (b, BSON_VALIDATE_DOLLAR_KEYS, &error)); ASSERT_ERROR_CONTAINS (error, BSON_ERROR_INVALID, BSON_VALIDATE_DOLLAR_KEYS, "keys cannot begin with \"$\": \"$id\""); bson_destroy (b); /* two $refs */ b = BCON_NEW ("my_dbref", "{", "$ref", BCON_UTF8 ("collection"), "$ref", BCON_UTF8 ("collection"), "}"); BSON_ASSERT (bson_validate_with_error (b, BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, &error)); BSON_ASSERT ( !bson_validate_with_error (b, BSON_VALIDATE_DOLLAR_KEYS, &error)); ASSERT_ERROR_CONTAINS (error, BSON_ERROR_INVALID, BSON_VALIDATE_DOLLAR_KEYS, "keys cannot begin with \"$\": \"$ref\""); bson_destroy (b); /* must not contain invalid key like "extra" */ b = BCON_NEW ("my_dbref", "{", "$ref", BCON_UTF8 ("collection"), "extra", BCON_INT32 (2), "$id", BCON_INT32 (1), "}"); BSON_ASSERT (bson_validate_with_error (b, BSON_VALIDATE_NONE, &error)); BSON_ASSERT ( !bson_validate_with_error (b, BSON_VALIDATE_DOLLAR_KEYS, &error)); ASSERT_ERROR_CONTAINS (error, BSON_ERROR_INVALID, BSON_VALIDATE_DOLLAR_KEYS, "invalid key within DBRef subdocument: \"extra\""); bson_destroy (b); #undef VALIDATE_TEST } CWE ID: CWE-125 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: print_bacp_config_options(netdissect_options *ndo, const u_char *p, int length) { int len, opt; if (length < 2) return 0; ND_TCHECK2(*p, 2); len = p[1]; opt = p[0]; if (length < len) return 0; if (len < 2) { ND_PRINT((ndo, "\n\t %s Option (0x%02x), length %u (length bogus, should be >= 2)", tok2str(bacconfopts_values, "Unknown", opt), opt, len)); return 0; } ND_PRINT((ndo, "\n\t %s Option (0x%02x), length %u", tok2str(bacconfopts_values, "Unknown", opt), opt, len)); switch (opt) { case BACPOPT_FPEER: if (len != 6) { ND_PRINT((ndo, " (length bogus, should be = 6)")); return len; } ND_TCHECK2(*(p + 2), 4); ND_PRINT((ndo, ": Magic-Num 0x%08x", EXTRACT_32BITS(p + 2))); break; default: /* * Unknown option; dump it as raw bytes now if we're * not going to do so below. */ if (ndo->ndo_vflag < 2) print_unknown_data(ndo, &p[2], "\n\t ", len - 2); break; } if (ndo->ndo_vflag > 1) print_unknown_data(ndo, &p[2], "\n\t ", len - 2); /* exclude TLV header */ return len; trunc: ND_PRINT((ndo, "[|bacp]")); return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-125 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void bio_disassociate_task(struct bio *bio) { if (bio->bi_ioc) { put_io_context(bio->bi_ioc); bio->bi_ioc = NULL; } if (bio->bi_css) { css_put(bio->bi_css); bio->bi_css = NULL; } } CWE ID: CWE-772 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int nfc_llcp_wks_sap(char *service_name, size_t service_name_len) { int sap, num_wks; pr_debug("%s\n", service_name); if (service_name == NULL) return -EINVAL; num_wks = ARRAY_SIZE(wks); for (sap = 0; sap < num_wks; sap++) { if (wks[sap] == NULL) continue; if (strncmp(wks[sap], service_name, service_name_len) == 0) return sap; } return -EINVAL; } CWE ID: CWE-476 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: CmdBufferImageTransportFactory::CreateSharedSurfaceHandle() { if (!context_->makeContextCurrent()) { NOTREACHED() << "Failed to make shared graphics context current"; return gfx::GLSurfaceHandle(); } gfx::GLSurfaceHandle handle = gfx::GLSurfaceHandle( gfx::kNullPluginWindow, true); handle.parent_gpu_process_id = context_->GetGPUProcessID(); handle.parent_client_id = context_->GetChannelID(); handle.parent_context_id = context_->GetContextID(); handle.parent_texture_id[0] = context_->createTexture(); handle.parent_texture_id[1] = context_->createTexture(); handle.sync_point = context_->insertSyncPoint(); context_->flush(); return handle; } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static inline void print_stream_params(AVIOContext *pb, FFServerStream *stream) { int i, stream_no; const char *type = "unknown"; char parameters[64]; LayeredAVStream *st; AVCodec *codec; stream_no = stream->nb_streams; avio_printf(pb, "<table><tr><th>Stream<th>" "type<th>kbit/s<th>codec<th>" "Parameters\n"); for (i = 0; i < stream_no; i++) { st = stream->streams[i]; codec = avcodec_find_encoder(st->codecpar->codec_id); parameters[0] = 0; switch(st->codecpar->codec_type) { case AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO: type = "audio"; snprintf(parameters, sizeof(parameters), "%d channel(s), %d Hz", st->codecpar->channels, st->codecpar->sample_rate); break; case AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO: type = "video"; snprintf(parameters, sizeof(parameters), "%dx%d, q=%d-%d, fps=%d", st->codecpar->width, st->codecpar->height, st->codec->qmin, st->codec->qmax, st->time_base.den / st->time_base.num); break; default: abort(); } avio_printf(pb, "<tr><td>%d<td>%s<td>%"PRId64 "<td>%s<td>%s\n", i, type, (int64_t)st->codecpar->bit_rate/1000, codec ? codec->name : "", parameters); } avio_printf(pb, "</table>\n"); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static uint32_t GetMaxIndex(JSObject* receiver, FixedArrayBase* elements) { if (receiver->IsJSArray()) { DCHECK(JSArray::cast(receiver)->length()->IsSmi()); return static_cast<uint32_t>( Smi::cast(JSArray::cast(receiver)->length())->value()); } return Subclass::GetCapacityImpl(receiver, elements); } CWE ID: CWE-704 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: METHODDEF(JDIMENSION) get_word_rgb_row(j_compress_ptr cinfo, cjpeg_source_ptr sinfo) /* This version is for reading raw-word-format PPM files with any maxval */ { ppm_source_ptr source = (ppm_source_ptr)sinfo; register JSAMPROW ptr; register U_CHAR *bufferptr; register JSAMPLE *rescale = source->rescale; JDIMENSION col; unsigned int maxval = source->maxval; if (!ReadOK(source->pub.input_file, source->iobuffer, source->buffer_width)) ERREXIT(cinfo, JERR_INPUT_EOF); ptr = source->pub.buffer[0]; bufferptr = source->iobuffer; for (col = cinfo->image_width; col > 0; col--) { register unsigned int temp; temp = UCH(*bufferptr++) << 8; temp |= UCH(*bufferptr++); if (temp > maxval) ERREXIT(cinfo, JERR_PPM_TOOLARGE); *ptr++ = rescale[temp]; temp = UCH(*bufferptr++) << 8; temp |= UCH(*bufferptr++); if (temp > maxval) ERREXIT(cinfo, JERR_PPM_TOOLARGE); *ptr++ = rescale[temp]; temp = UCH(*bufferptr++) << 8; temp |= UCH(*bufferptr++); if (temp > maxval) ERREXIT(cinfo, JERR_PPM_TOOLARGE); *ptr++ = rescale[temp]; } return 1; } CWE ID: CWE-125 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: xsltCurrentFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs){ xsltTransformContextPtr tctxt; if (nargs != 0) { xsltTransformError(xsltXPathGetTransformContext(ctxt), NULL, NULL, "current() : function uses no argument\n"); ctxt->error = XPATH_INVALID_ARITY; return; } tctxt = xsltXPathGetTransformContext(ctxt); if (tctxt == NULL) { xsltTransformError(xsltXPathGetTransformContext(ctxt), NULL, NULL, "current() : internal error tctxt == NULL\n"); valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewNodeSet(NULL)); } else { valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewNodeSet(tctxt->node)); /* current */ } } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static NETJOIN_REC *netjoin_add(IRC_SERVER_REC *server, const char *nick, GSList *channels) { NETJOIN_REC *rec; NETJOIN_SERVER_REC *srec; g_return_val_if_fail(server != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail(nick != NULL, NULL); rec = g_new0(NETJOIN_REC, 1); rec->nick = g_strdup(nick); while (channels != NULL) { NETSPLIT_CHAN_REC *channel = channels->data; rec->old_channels = g_slist_append(rec->old_channels, g_strdup(channel->name)); channels = channels->next; } srec = netjoin_find_server(server); if (srec == NULL) { srec = g_new0(NETJOIN_SERVER_REC, 1); srec->server = server; joinservers = g_slist_append(joinservers, srec); } srec->last_netjoin = time(NULL); srec->netjoins = g_slist_append(srec->netjoins, rec); return rec; } CWE ID: CWE-416 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static int jas_iccgetuint32(jas_stream_t *in, jas_iccuint32_t *val) { ulonglong tmp; if (jas_iccgetuint(in, 4, &tmp)) return -1; *val = tmp; return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-190 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static void ib_uverbs_remove_one(struct ib_device *device, void *client_data) { struct ib_uverbs_device *uverbs_dev = client_data; int wait_clients = 1; if (!uverbs_dev) return; dev_set_drvdata(uverbs_dev->dev, NULL); device_destroy(uverbs_class, uverbs_dev->; cdev_del(&uverbs_dev->cdev); if (uverbs_dev->devnum < IB_UVERBS_MAX_DEVICES) clear_bit(uverbs_dev->devnum, dev_map); else clear_bit(uverbs_dev->devnum - IB_UVERBS_MAX_DEVICES, overflow_map); if (device->disassociate_ucontext) { /* We disassociate HW resources and immediately return. * Userspace will see a EIO errno for all future access. * Upon returning, ib_device may be freed internally and is not * valid any more. * uverbs_device is still available until all clients close * their files, then the uverbs device ref count will be zero * and its resources will be freed. * Note: At this point no more files can be opened since the * cdev was deleted, however active clients can still issue * commands and close their open files. */ rcu_assign_pointer(uverbs_dev->ib_dev, NULL); ib_uverbs_free_hw_resources(uverbs_dev, device); wait_clients = 0; } if (atomic_dec_and_test(&uverbs_dev->refcount)) ib_uverbs_comp_dev(uverbs_dev); if (wait_clients) wait_for_completion(&uverbs_dev->comp); kobject_put(&uverbs_dev->kobj); } CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set1_ip(X509_VERIFY_PARAM *param, const unsigned char *ip, size_t iplen) { if (iplen != 0 && iplen != 4 && iplen != 16) return 0; return int_x509_param_set1((char **)&param->id->ip, &param->id->iplen, (char *)ip, iplen); } CWE ID: CWE-295 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: int sc_file_set_sec_attr(sc_file_t *file, const u8 *sec_attr, size_t sec_attr_len) { u8 *tmp; if (!sc_file_valid(file)) { return SC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS; } if (sec_attr == NULL) { if (file->sec_attr != NULL) free(file->sec_attr); file->sec_attr = NULL; file->sec_attr_len = 0; return 0; } tmp = (u8 *) realloc(file->sec_attr, sec_attr_len); if (!tmp) { if (file->sec_attr) free(file->sec_attr); file->sec_attr = NULL; file->sec_attr_len = 0; return SC_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } file->sec_attr = tmp; memcpy(file->sec_attr, sec_attr, sec_attr_len); file->sec_attr_len = sec_attr_len; return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-415 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static void _notify_slurmctld_prolog_fini( uint32_t job_id, uint32_t prolog_return_code) { int rc; slurm_msg_t req_msg; complete_prolog_msg_t req; slurm_msg_t_init(&req_msg); req.job_id = job_id; req.prolog_rc = prolog_return_code; req_msg.msg_type= REQUEST_COMPLETE_PROLOG; = &req; if ((slurm_send_recv_controller_rc_msg(&req_msg, &rc) < 0) || (rc != SLURM_SUCCESS)) error("Error sending prolog completion notification: %m"); } CWE ID: CWE-284 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: qedi_dbg_info(struct qedi_dbg_ctx *qedi, const char *func, u32 line, u32 level, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list va; struct va_format vaf; char nfunc[32]; memset(nfunc, 0, sizeof(nfunc)); memcpy(nfunc, func, sizeof(nfunc) - 1); va_start(va, fmt); vaf.fmt = fmt; = &va; if (!(qedi_dbg_log & level)) goto ret; if (likely(qedi) && likely(qedi->pdev)) pr_info("[%s]:[%s:%d]:%d: %pV", dev_name(&qedi->pdev->dev), nfunc, line, qedi->host_no, &vaf); else pr_info("[0000:00:00.0]:[%s:%d]: %pV", nfunc, line, &vaf); ret: va_end(va); } CWE ID: CWE-125 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: VideoTrack::VideoTrack( Segment* pSegment, long long element_start, long long element_size) : Track(pSegment, element_start, element_size) { } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: ExtensionResource Extension::GetResource( const std::string& relative_path) const { #if defined(OS_POSIX) FilePath relative_file_path(relative_path); #elif defined(OS_WIN) FilePath relative_file_path(UTF8ToWide(relative_path)); #endif return ExtensionResource(id(), path(), relative_file_path); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void ptrace_triggered(struct perf_event *bp, int nmi, struct perf_sample_data *data, struct pt_regs *regs) { struct perf_event_attr attr; /* * Disable the breakpoint request here since ptrace has defined a * one-shot behaviour for breakpoint exceptions. */ attr = bp->attr; attr.disabled = true; modify_user_hw_breakpoint(bp, &attr); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static int __load_segment_descriptor(struct x86_emulate_ctxt *ctxt, u16 selector, int seg, u8 cpl, enum x86_transfer_type transfer, struct desc_struct *desc) { struct desc_struct seg_desc, old_desc; u8 dpl, rpl; unsigned err_vec = GP_VECTOR; u32 err_code = 0; bool null_selector = !(selector & ~0x3); /* 0000-0003 are null */ ulong desc_addr; int ret; u16 dummy; u32 base3 = 0; memset(&seg_desc, 0, sizeof seg_desc); if (ctxt->mode == X86EMUL_MODE_REAL) { /* set real mode segment descriptor (keep limit etc. for * unreal mode) */ ctxt->ops->get_segment(ctxt, &dummy, &seg_desc, NULL, seg); set_desc_base(&seg_desc, selector << 4); goto load; } else if (seg <= VCPU_SREG_GS && ctxt->mode == X86EMUL_MODE_VM86) { /* VM86 needs a clean new segment descriptor */ set_desc_base(&seg_desc, selector << 4); set_desc_limit(&seg_desc, 0xffff); seg_desc.type = 3; seg_desc.p = 1; seg_desc.s = 1; seg_desc.dpl = 3; goto load; } rpl = selector & 3; /* NULL selector is not valid for TR, CS and SS (except for long mode) */ if ((seg == VCPU_SREG_CS || (seg == VCPU_SREG_SS && (ctxt->mode != X86EMUL_MODE_PROT64 || rpl != cpl)) || seg == VCPU_SREG_TR) && null_selector) goto exception; /* TR should be in GDT only */ if (seg == VCPU_SREG_TR && (selector & (1 << 2))) goto exception; if (null_selector) /* for NULL selector skip all following checks */ goto load; ret = read_segment_descriptor(ctxt, selector, &seg_desc, &desc_addr); if (ret != X86EMUL_CONTINUE) return ret; err_code = selector & 0xfffc; err_vec = (transfer == X86_TRANSFER_TASK_SWITCH) ? TS_VECTOR : GP_VECTOR; /* can't load system descriptor into segment selector */ if (seg <= VCPU_SREG_GS && !seg_desc.s) { if (transfer == X86_TRANSFER_CALL_JMP) return X86EMUL_UNHANDLEABLE; goto exception; } if (!seg_desc.p) { err_vec = (seg == VCPU_SREG_SS) ? SS_VECTOR : NP_VECTOR; goto exception; } dpl = seg_desc.dpl; switch (seg) { case VCPU_SREG_SS: /* * segment is not a writable data segment or segment * selector's RPL != CPL or segment selector's RPL != CPL */ if (rpl != cpl || (seg_desc.type & 0xa) != 0x2 || dpl != cpl) goto exception; break; case VCPU_SREG_CS: if (!(seg_desc.type & 8)) goto exception; if (seg_desc.type & 4) { /* conforming */ if (dpl > cpl) goto exception; } else { /* nonconforming */ if (rpl > cpl || dpl != cpl) goto exception; } /* in long-mode d/b must be clear if l is set */ if (seg_desc.d && seg_desc.l) { u64 efer = 0; ctxt->ops->get_msr(ctxt, MSR_EFER, &efer); if (efer & EFER_LMA) goto exception; } /* CS(RPL) <- CPL */ selector = (selector & 0xfffc) | cpl; break; case VCPU_SREG_TR: if (seg_desc.s || (seg_desc.type != 1 && seg_desc.type != 9)) goto exception; old_desc = seg_desc; seg_desc.type |= 2; /* busy */ ret = ctxt->ops->cmpxchg_emulated(ctxt, desc_addr, &old_desc, &seg_desc, sizeof(seg_desc), &ctxt->exception); if (ret != X86EMUL_CONTINUE) return ret; break; case VCPU_SREG_LDTR: if (seg_desc.s || seg_desc.type != 2) goto exception; break; default: /* DS, ES, FS, or GS */ /* * segment is not a data or readable code segment or * ((segment is a data or nonconforming code segment) * and (both RPL and CPL > DPL)) */ if ((seg_desc.type & 0xa) == 0x8 || (((seg_desc.type & 0xc) != 0xc) && (rpl > dpl && cpl > dpl))) goto exception; break; } if (seg_desc.s) { /* mark segment as accessed */ if (!(seg_desc.type & 1)) { seg_desc.type |= 1; ret = write_segment_descriptor(ctxt, selector, &seg_desc); if (ret != X86EMUL_CONTINUE) return ret; } } else if (ctxt->mode == X86EMUL_MODE_PROT64) { ret = ctxt->ops->read_std(ctxt, desc_addr+8, &base3, sizeof(base3), &ctxt->exception); if (ret != X86EMUL_CONTINUE) return ret; if (is_noncanonical_address(get_desc_base(&seg_desc) | ((u64)base3 << 32))) return emulate_gp(ctxt, 0); } load: ctxt->ops->set_segment(ctxt, selector, &seg_desc, base3, seg); if (desc) *desc = seg_desc; return X86EMUL_CONTINUE; exception: return emulate_exception(ctxt, err_vec, err_code, true); } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: explicit DeferredTaskPopupListSelectSingle(WebPagePrivate* webPagePrivate, int index) : DeferredTaskType(webPagePrivate) { webPagePrivate->m_cachedPopupListSelectedIndex = index; } CWE ID: Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: fix_transited_encoding(krb5_context context, krb5_kdc_configuration *config, krb5_boolean check_policy, const TransitedEncoding *tr, EncTicketPart *et, const char *client_realm, const char *server_realm, const char *tgt_realm) { krb5_error_code ret = 0; char **realms, **tmp; unsigned int num_realms; size_t i; switch (tr->tr_type) { case DOMAIN_X500_COMPRESS: break; case 0: /* * Allow empty content of type 0 because that is was Microsoft * generates in their TGT. */ if (tr->contents.length == 0) break; kdc_log(context, config, 0, "Transited type 0 with non empty content"); return KRB5KDC_ERR_TRTYPE_NOSUPP; default: kdc_log(context, config, 0, "Unknown transited type: %u", tr->tr_type); return KRB5KDC_ERR_TRTYPE_NOSUPP; } ret = krb5_domain_x500_decode(context, tr->contents, &realms, &num_realms, client_realm, server_realm); if(ret){ krb5_warn(context, ret, "Decoding transited encoding"); return ret; } if(strcmp(client_realm, tgt_realm) && strcmp(server_realm, tgt_realm)) { /* not us, so add the previous realm to transited set */ if (num_realms + 1 > UINT_MAX/sizeof(*realms)) { ret = ERANGE; goto free_realms; } tmp = realloc(realms, (num_realms + 1) * sizeof(*realms)); if(tmp == NULL){ ret = ENOMEM; goto free_realms; } realms = tmp; realms[num_realms] = strdup(tgt_realm); if(realms[num_realms] == NULL){ ret = ENOMEM; goto free_realms; } num_realms++; } if(num_realms == 0) { if(strcmp(client_realm, server_realm)) kdc_log(context, config, 0, "cross-realm %s -> %s", client_realm, server_realm); } else { size_t l = 0; char *rs; for(i = 0; i < num_realms; i++) l += strlen(realms[i]) + 2; rs = malloc(l); if(rs != NULL) { *rs = '\0'; for(i = 0; i < num_realms; i++) { if(i > 0) strlcat(rs, ", ", l); strlcat(rs, realms[i], l); } kdc_log(context, config, 0, "cross-realm %s -> %s via [%s]", client_realm, server_realm, rs); free(rs); } } if(check_policy) { ret = krb5_check_transited(context, client_realm, server_realm, realms, num_realms, NULL); if(ret) { krb5_warn(context, ret, "cross-realm %s -> %s", client_realm, server_realm); goto free_realms; } et->flags.transited_policy_checked = 1; } et->transited.tr_type = DOMAIN_X500_COMPRESS; ret = krb5_domain_x500_encode(realms, num_realms, &et->transited.contents); if(ret) krb5_warn(context, ret, "Encoding transited encoding"); free_realms: for(i = 0; i < num_realms; i++) free(realms[i]); free(realms); return ret; } CWE ID: CWE-295 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: inline int web_client_api_request_v1_data(RRDHOST *host, struct web_client *w, char *url) { debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: API v1 data with URL '%s'", w->id, url); int ret = 400; BUFFER *dimensions = NULL; buffer_flush(w->; char *google_version = "0.6", *google_reqId = "0", *google_sig = "0", *google_out = "json", *responseHandler = NULL, *outFileName = NULL; time_t last_timestamp_in_data = 0, google_timestamp = 0; char *chart = NULL , *before_str = NULL , *after_str = NULL , *group_time_str = NULL , *points_str = NULL; int group = RRDR_GROUPING_AVERAGE; uint32_t format = DATASOURCE_JSON; uint32_t options = 0x00000000; while(url) { char *value = mystrsep(&url, "?&"); if(!value || !*value) continue; char *name = mystrsep(&value, "="); if(!name || !*name) continue; if(!value || !*value) continue; debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: API v1 data query param '%s' with value '%s'", w->id, name, value); if(!strcmp(name, "chart")) chart = value; else if(!strcmp(name, "dimension") || !strcmp(name, "dim") || !strcmp(name, "dimensions") || !strcmp(name, "dims")) { if(!dimensions) dimensions = buffer_create(100); buffer_strcat(dimensions, "|"); buffer_strcat(dimensions, value); } else if(!strcmp(name, "after")) after_str = value; else if(!strcmp(name, "before")) before_str = value; else if(!strcmp(name, "points")) points_str = value; else if(!strcmp(name, "gtime")) group_time_str = value; else if(!strcmp(name, "group")) { group = web_client_api_request_v1_data_group(value, RRDR_GROUPING_AVERAGE); } else if(!strcmp(name, "format")) { format = web_client_api_request_v1_data_format(value); } else if(!strcmp(name, "options")) { options |= web_client_api_request_v1_data_options(value); } else if(!strcmp(name, "callback")) { responseHandler = value; } else if(!strcmp(name, "filename")) { outFileName = value; } else if(!strcmp(name, "tqx")) { char *tqx_name, *tqx_value; while(value) { tqx_value = mystrsep(&value, ";"); if(!tqx_value || !*tqx_value) continue; tqx_name = mystrsep(&tqx_value, ":"); if(!tqx_name || !*tqx_name) continue; if(!tqx_value || !*tqx_value) continue; if(!strcmp(tqx_name, "version")) google_version = tqx_value; else if(!strcmp(tqx_name, "reqId")) google_reqId = tqx_value; else if(!strcmp(tqx_name, "sig")) { google_sig = tqx_value; google_timestamp = strtoul(google_sig, NULL, 0); } else if(!strcmp(tqx_name, "out")) { google_out = tqx_value; format = web_client_api_request_v1_data_google_format(google_out); } else if(!strcmp(tqx_name, "responseHandler")) responseHandler = tqx_value; else if(!strcmp(tqx_name, "outFileName")) outFileName = tqx_value; } } } if(!chart || !*chart) { buffer_sprintf(w->, "No chart id is given at the request."); goto cleanup; } RRDSET *st = rrdset_find(host, chart); if(!st) st = rrdset_find_byname(host, chart); if(!st) { buffer_strcat(w->, "Chart is not found: "); buffer_strcat_htmlescape(w->, chart); ret = 404; goto cleanup; } st->last_accessed_time = now_realtime_sec(); long long before = (before_str && *before_str)?str2l(before_str):0; long long after = (after_str && *after_str) ?str2l(after_str):0; int points = (points_str && *points_str)?str2i(points_str):0; long group_time = (group_time_str && *group_time_str)?str2l(group_time_str):0; debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: API command 'data' for chart '%s', dimensions '%s', after '%lld', before '%lld', points '%d', group '%d', format '%u', options '0x%08x'" , w->id , chart , (dimensions)?buffer_tostring(dimensions):"" , after , before , points , group , format , options ); if(outFileName && *outFileName) { buffer_sprintf(w->response.header, "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"%s\"\r\n", outFileName); debug(D_WEB_CLIENT, "%llu: generating outfilename header: '%s'", w->id, outFileName); } if(format == DATASOURCE_DATATABLE_JSONP) { if(responseHandler == NULL) responseHandler = "google.visualization.Query.setResponse"; debug(D_WEB_CLIENT_ACCESS, "%llu: GOOGLE JSON/JSONP: version = '%s', reqId = '%s', sig = '%s', out = '%s', responseHandler = '%s', outFileName = '%s'", w->id, google_version, google_reqId, google_sig, google_out, responseHandler, outFileName ); buffer_sprintf(w->, "%s({version:'%s',reqId:'%s',status:'ok',sig:'%ld',table:", responseHandler, google_version, google_reqId, st->last_updated.tv_sec); } else if(format == DATASOURCE_JSONP) { if(responseHandler == NULL) responseHandler = "callback"; buffer_strcat(w->, responseHandler); buffer_strcat(w->, "("); } ret = rrdset2anything_api_v1(st, w->, dimensions, format, points, after, before, group, group_time , options, &last_timestamp_in_data); if(format == DATASOURCE_DATATABLE_JSONP) { if(google_timestamp < last_timestamp_in_data) buffer_strcat(w->, "});"); else { buffer_flush(w->; buffer_sprintf(w->, "%s({version:'%s',reqId:'%s',status:'error',errors:[{reason:'not_modified',message:'Data not modified'}]});", responseHandler, google_version, google_reqId); } } else if(format == DATASOURCE_JSONP) buffer_strcat(w->, ");"); cleanup: buffer_free(dimensions); return ret; } CWE ID: CWE-200 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static int __init macvlan_init_module(void) { int err; register_netdevice_notifier(&macvlan_notifier_block); err = macvlan_link_register(&macvlan_link_ops); if (err < 0) goto err1; return 0; err1: unregister_netdevice_notifier(&macvlan_notifier_block); return err; } CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static void die_codec(vpx_codec_ctx_t *ctx, const char *s) { const char *detail = vpx_codec_error_detail(ctx); printf("%s: %s\n", s, vpx_codec_error(ctx)); if(detail) printf(" %s\n",detail); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void AudioOutputDevice::OnStateChanged(AudioOutputIPCDelegate::State state) { DCHECK(message_loop()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); if (!stream_id_) return; if (state == AudioOutputIPCDelegate::kError) { DLOG(WARNING) << "AudioOutputDevice::OnStateChanged(kError)"; base::AutoLock auto_lock_(audio_thread_lock_); if (audio_thread_.get() && !audio_thread_->IsStopped()) callback_->OnRenderError(); } } CWE ID: CWE-362 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: ZSTD_CStream* ZSTD_createCStream(void) { DEBUGLOG(3, "ZSTD_createCStream"); return ZSTD_createCStream_advanced(ZSTD_defaultCMem); } CWE ID: CWE-362 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static zend_object_value spl_filesystem_object_clone(zval *zobject TSRMLS_DC) { zend_object_value new_obj_val; zend_object *old_object; zend_object *new_object; zend_object_handle handle = Z_OBJ_HANDLE_P(zobject); spl_filesystem_object *intern; spl_filesystem_object *source; int index, skip_dots; old_object = zend_objects_get_address(zobject TSRMLS_CC); source = (spl_filesystem_object*)old_object; new_obj_val = spl_filesystem_object_new_ex(old_object->ce, &intern TSRMLS_CC); new_object = &intern->std; intern->flags = source->flags; switch (source->type) { case SPL_FS_INFO: intern->_path_len = source->_path_len; intern->_path = estrndup(source->_path, source->_path_len); intern->file_name_len = source->file_name_len; intern->file_name = estrndup(source->file_name, intern->file_name_len); break; case SPL_FS_DIR: spl_filesystem_dir_open(intern, source->_path TSRMLS_CC); /* read until we hit the position in which we were before */ skip_dots = SPL_HAS_FLAG(source->flags, SPL_FILE_DIR_SKIPDOTS); for(index = 0; index < source->u.dir.index; ++index) { do { spl_filesystem_dir_read(intern TSRMLS_CC); } while (skip_dots && spl_filesystem_is_dot(intern->u.dir.entry.d_name)); } intern->u.dir.index = index; break; case SPL_FS_FILE: php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_ERROR, "An object of class %s cannot be cloned", old_object->ce->name); break; } intern->file_class = source->file_class; intern->info_class = source->info_class; intern->oth = source->oth; intern->oth_handler = source->oth_handler; zend_objects_clone_members(new_object, new_obj_val, old_object, handle TSRMLS_CC); if (intern->oth_handler && intern->oth_handler->clone) { intern->oth_handler->clone(source, intern TSRMLS_CC); } return new_obj_val; } CWE ID: CWE-190 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: parse_asntime_into_isotime (unsigned char const **buf, size_t *len, ksba_isotime_t isotime) { struct tag_info ti; gpg_error_t err; err = _ksba_ber_parse_tl (buf, len, &ti); if (err) ; else if ( !(ti.class == CLASS_UNIVERSAL && (ti.tag == TYPE_UTC_TIME || ti.tag == TYPE_GENERALIZED_TIME) && !ti.is_constructed) ) err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ); else if (!(err = _ksba_asntime_to_iso (*buf, ti.length, ti.tag == TYPE_UTC_TIME, isotime))) parse_skip (buf, len, &ti); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: const GPUInfo& GpuDataManager::gpu_info() const { base::AutoLock auto_lock(gpu_info_lock_); return gpu_info_; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int x509_crt_check_parent( const mbedtls_x509_crt *child, const mbedtls_x509_crt *parent, int top, int bottom ) { int need_ca_bit; /* Parent must be the issuer */ if( x509_name_cmp( &child->issuer, &parent->subject ) != 0 ) return( -1 ); /* Parent must have the basicConstraints CA bit set as a general rule */ need_ca_bit = 1; /* Exception: v1/v2 certificates that are locally trusted. */ if( top && parent->version < 3 ) need_ca_bit = 0; /* Exception: self-signed end-entity certs that are locally trusted. */ if( top && bottom && child->raw.len == parent->raw.len && memcmp( child->raw.p, parent->raw.p, child->raw.len ) == 0 ) { need_ca_bit = 0; } if( need_ca_bit && ! parent->ca_istrue ) return( -1 ); #if defined(MBEDTLS_X509_CHECK_KEY_USAGE) if( need_ca_bit && mbedtls_x509_crt_check_key_usage( parent, MBEDTLS_X509_KU_KEY_CERT_SIGN ) != 0 ) { return( -1 ); } #endif return( 0 ); } CWE ID: CWE-287 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: check_entry_size_and_hooks(struct ipt_entry *e, struct xt_table_info *newinfo, const unsigned char *base, const unsigned char *limit, const unsigned int *hook_entries, const unsigned int *underflows, unsigned int valid_hooks) { unsigned int h; int err; if ((unsigned long)e % __alignof__(struct ipt_entry) != 0 || (unsigned char *)e + sizeof(struct ipt_entry) >= limit || (unsigned char *)e + e->next_offset > limit) { duprintf("Bad offset %p\n", e); return -EINVAL; } if (e->next_offset < sizeof(struct ipt_entry) + sizeof(struct xt_entry_target)) { duprintf("checking: element %p size %u\n", e, e->next_offset); return -EINVAL; } err = check_entry(e); if (err) return err; /* Check hooks & underflows */ for (h = 0; h < NF_INET_NUMHOOKS; h++) { if (!(valid_hooks & (1 << h))) continue; if ((unsigned char *)e - base == hook_entries[h]) newinfo->hook_entry[h] = hook_entries[h]; if ((unsigned char *)e - base == underflows[h]) { if (!check_underflow(e)) { pr_err("Underflows must be unconditional and " "use the STANDARD target with " "ACCEPT/DROP\n"); return -EINVAL; } newinfo->underflow[h] = underflows[h]; } } /* Clear counters and comefrom */ e->counters = ((struct xt_counters) { 0, 0 }); e->comefrom = 0; return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: bool ExternalProtocolDialog::Accept() { UMA_HISTOGRAM_LONG_TIMES("clickjacking.launch_url", base::TimeTicks::Now() - creation_time_); const bool remember = remember_decision_checkbox_->checked(); ExternalProtocolHandler::RecordHandleStateMetrics( remember, ExternalProtocolHandler::DONT_BLOCK); delegate_->DoAccept(delegate_->url(), remember); return true; } CWE ID: Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void NavigationControllerImpl::InsertEntriesFrom( const NavigationControllerImpl& source, int max_index) { DCHECK_LE(max_index, source.GetEntryCount()); size_t insert_index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < max_index; i++) { if (source.entries_[i]->GetPageType() != PAGE_TYPE_INTERSTITIAL) { entries_.insert(entries_.begin() + insert_index++, source.entries_[i]->Clone()); } } } CWE ID: CWE-362 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: jp2_box_t *jp2_box_get(jas_stream_t *in) { jp2_box_t *box; jp2_boxinfo_t *boxinfo; jas_stream_t *tmpstream; uint_fast32_t len; uint_fast64_t extlen; bool dataflag; box = 0; tmpstream = 0; if (!(box = jas_malloc(sizeof(jp2_box_t)))) { goto error; } box->ops = &jp2_boxinfo_unk.ops; if (jp2_getuint32(in, &len) || jp2_getuint32(in, &box->type)) { goto error; } boxinfo = jp2_boxinfolookup(box->type); box->info = boxinfo; box->len = len; JAS_DBGLOG(10, ( "preliminary processing of JP2 box: type=%c%s%c (0x%08x); length=%d\n", '"', boxinfo->name, '"', box->type, box->len )); if (box->len == 1) { if (jp2_getuint64(in, &extlen)) { goto error; } if (extlen > 0xffffffffUL) { jas_eprintf("warning: cannot handle large 64-bit box length\n"); extlen = 0xffffffffUL; } box->len = extlen; box->datalen = extlen - JP2_BOX_HDRLEN(true); } else { box->datalen = box->len - JP2_BOX_HDRLEN(false); } if (box->len != 0 && box->len < 8) { goto error; } dataflag = !(box->info->flags & (JP2_BOX_SUPER | JP2_BOX_NODATA)); if (dataflag) { if (!(tmpstream = jas_stream_memopen(0, 0))) { goto error; } if (jas_stream_copy(tmpstream, in, box->datalen)) { jas_eprintf("cannot copy box data\n"); goto error; } jas_stream_rewind(tmpstream); box->ops = &boxinfo->ops; if (box->ops->getdata) { if ((*box->ops->getdata)(box, tmpstream)) { jas_eprintf("cannot parse box data\n"); goto error; } } jas_stream_close(tmpstream); } if (jas_getdbglevel() >= 1) { jp2_box_dump(box, stderr); } return box; error: if (box) { jp2_box_destroy(box); } if (tmpstream) { jas_stream_close(tmpstream); } return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-476 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void OnPrintPreview(const DictionaryValue& dict) { PrintWebViewHelper* print_web_view_helper = PrintWebViewHelper::Get(view_); print_web_view_helper->OnInitiatePrintPreview(); print_web_view_helper->OnPrintPreview(dict); } CWE ID: CWE-200 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static void xen_netbk_fill_frags(struct xen_netbk *netbk, struct sk_buff *skb) { struct skb_shared_info *shinfo = skb_shinfo(skb); int nr_frags = shinfo->nr_frags; int i; for (i = 0; i < nr_frags; i++) { skb_frag_t *frag = shinfo->frags + i; struct xen_netif_tx_request *txp; struct page *page; u16 pending_idx; pending_idx = frag_get_pending_idx(frag); txp = &netbk->pending_tx_info[pending_idx].req; page = virt_to_page(idx_to_kaddr(netbk, pending_idx)); __skb_fill_page_desc(skb, i, page, txp->offset, txp->size); skb->len += txp->size; skb->data_len += txp->size; skb->truesize += txp->size; /* Take an extra reference to offset xen_netbk_idx_release */ get_page(netbk->mmap_pages[pending_idx]); xen_netbk_idx_release(netbk, pending_idx); } } CWE ID: CWE-399 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: CURLcode Curl_urldecode(struct SessionHandle *data, const char *string, size_t length, char **ostring, size_t *olen, bool reject_ctrl) { size_t alloc = (length?length:strlen(string))+1; char *ns = malloc(alloc); unsigned char in; size_t strindex=0; unsigned long hex; CURLcode res; if(!ns) return CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; while(--alloc > 0) { in = *string; if(('%' == in) && ISXDIGIT(string[1]) && ISXDIGIT(string[2])) { /* this is two hexadecimal digits following a '%' */ char hexstr[3]; char *ptr; hexstr[0] = string[1]; hexstr[1] = string[2]; hexstr[2] = 0; hex = strtoul(hexstr, &ptr, 16); in = curlx_ultouc(hex); /* this long is never bigger than 255 anyway */ res = Curl_convert_from_network(data, &in, 1); if(res) { /* Curl_convert_from_network calls failf if unsuccessful */ free(ns); return res; } string+=2; alloc-=2; } if(reject_ctrl && (in < 0x20)) { free(ns); return CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT; } ns[strindex++] = in; string++; } ns[strindex]=0; /* terminate it */ if(olen) /* store output size */ *olen = strindex; if(ostring) /* store output string */ *ostring = ns; return CURLE_OK; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: int spl_object_storage_contains(spl_SplObjectStorage *intern, zval *this, zval *obj TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */ { int hash_len, found; char *hash = spl_object_storage_get_hash(intern, this, obj, &hash_len TSRMLS_CC); if (!hash) { return 0; } found = zend_hash_exists(&intern->storage, hash, hash_len); spl_object_storage_free_hash(intern, hash); return found; } /* }}} */ CWE ID: Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void RenderFrameImpl::SendFindReply(int request_id, int match_count, int ordinal, const WebRect& selection_rect, bool final_status_update) { DCHECK_GE(ordinal, -1); WebRect converted_rect = selection_rect; GetRenderWidget()->ConvertViewportToWindow(&converted_rect); Send(new FrameHostMsg_Find_Reply(routing_id_, request_id, match_count, converted_rect, ordinal, final_status_update)); } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: zend_op_array *compile_string(zval *source_string, char *filename TSRMLS_DC) { zend_lex_state original_lex_state; zend_op_array *op_array = (zend_op_array *) emalloc(sizeof(zend_op_array)); zend_op_array *original_active_op_array = CG(active_op_array); zend_op_array *retval; zval tmp; int compiler_result; zend_bool original_in_compilation = CG(in_compilation); if (source_string->value.str.len==0) { efree(op_array); return NULL; } CG(in_compilation) = 1; tmp = *source_string; zval_copy_ctor(&tmp); convert_to_string(&tmp); source_string = &tmp; zend_save_lexical_state(&original_lex_state TSRMLS_CC); if (zend_prepare_string_for_scanning(source_string, filename TSRMLS_CC)==FAILURE) { efree(op_array); retval = NULL; } else { zend_bool orig_interactive = CG(interactive); CG(interactive) = 0; init_op_array(op_array, ZEND_EVAL_CODE, INITIAL_OP_ARRAY_SIZE TSRMLS_CC); CG(interactive) = orig_interactive; CG(active_op_array) = op_array; zend_stack_push(&CG(context_stack), (void *) &CG(context), sizeof(CG(context))); zend_init_compiler_context(TSRMLS_C); BEGIN(ST_IN_SCRIPTING); compiler_result = zendparse(TSRMLS_C); if (SCNG(script_filtered)) { efree(SCNG(script_filtered)); SCNG(script_filtered) = NULL; } if (compiler_result==1) { CG(active_op_array) = original_active_op_array; CG(unclean_shutdown)=1; destroy_op_array(op_array TSRMLS_CC); efree(op_array); retval = NULL; } else { zend_do_return(NULL, 0 TSRMLS_CC); CG(active_op_array) = original_active_op_array; pass_two(op_array TSRMLS_CC); zend_release_labels(0 TSRMLS_CC); retval = op_array; } } zend_restore_lexical_state(&original_lex_state TSRMLS_CC); zval_dtor(&tmp); CG(in_compilation) = original_in_compilation; return retval; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: int kvm_io_bus_read(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, enum kvm_bus bus_idx, gpa_t addr, int len, void *val) { struct kvm_io_bus *bus; struct kvm_io_range range; int r; range = (struct kvm_io_range) { .addr = addr, .len = len, }; bus = srcu_dereference(vcpu->kvm->buses[bus_idx], &vcpu->kvm->srcu); r = __kvm_io_bus_read(vcpu, bus, &range, val); return r < 0 ? r : 0; } CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void perf_event_print_debug(void) { u64 ctrl, status, overflow, pmc_ctrl, pmc_count, prev_left, fixed; u64 pebs; struct cpu_hw_events *cpuc; unsigned long flags; int cpu, idx; if (!x86_pmu.num_counters) return; local_irq_save(flags); cpu = smp_processor_id(); cpuc = &per_cpu(cpu_hw_events, cpu); if (x86_pmu.version >= 2) { rdmsrl(MSR_CORE_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL, ctrl); rdmsrl(MSR_CORE_PERF_GLOBAL_STATUS, status); rdmsrl(MSR_CORE_PERF_GLOBAL_OVF_CTRL, overflow); rdmsrl(MSR_ARCH_PERFMON_FIXED_CTR_CTRL, fixed); rdmsrl(MSR_IA32_PEBS_ENABLE, pebs); pr_info("\n"); pr_info("CPU#%d: ctrl: %016llx\n", cpu, ctrl); pr_info("CPU#%d: status: %016llx\n", cpu, status); pr_info("CPU#%d: overflow: %016llx\n", cpu, overflow); pr_info("CPU#%d: fixed: %016llx\n", cpu, fixed); pr_info("CPU#%d: pebs: %016llx\n", cpu, pebs); } pr_info("CPU#%d: active: %016llx\n", cpu, *(u64 *)cpuc->active_mask); for (idx = 0; idx < x86_pmu.num_counters; idx++) { rdmsrl(x86_pmu_config_addr(idx), pmc_ctrl); rdmsrl(x86_pmu_event_addr(idx), pmc_count); prev_left = per_cpu(pmc_prev_left[idx], cpu); pr_info("CPU#%d: gen-PMC%d ctrl: %016llx\n", cpu, idx, pmc_ctrl); pr_info("CPU#%d: gen-PMC%d count: %016llx\n", cpu, idx, pmc_count); pr_info("CPU#%d: gen-PMC%d left: %016llx\n", cpu, idx, prev_left); } for (idx = 0; idx < x86_pmu.num_counters_fixed; idx++) { rdmsrl(MSR_ARCH_PERFMON_FIXED_CTR0 + idx, pmc_count); pr_info("CPU#%d: fixed-PMC%d count: %016llx\n", cpu, idx, pmc_count); } local_irq_restore(flags); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: php_mysqlnd_rowp_read_text_protocol_aux(MYSQLND_MEMORY_POOL_CHUNK * row_buffer, zval ** fields, unsigned int field_count, const MYSQLND_FIELD * fields_metadata, zend_bool as_int_or_float, zend_bool copy_data, MYSQLND_STATS * stats TSRMLS_DC) { unsigned int i; zend_bool last_field_was_string = FALSE; zval **current_field, **end_field, **start_field; zend_uchar * p = row_buffer->ptr; size_t data_size = row_buffer->app; zend_uchar * bit_area = (zend_uchar*) row_buffer->ptr + data_size + 1; /* we allocate from here */ DBG_ENTER("php_mysqlnd_rowp_read_text_protocol_aux"); if (!fields) { DBG_RETURN(FAIL); } end_field = (start_field = fields) + field_count; for (i = 0, current_field = start_field; current_field < end_field; current_field++, i++) { DBG_INF("Directly creating zval"); MAKE_STD_ZVAL(*current_field); if (!*current_field) { DBG_RETURN(FAIL); } } for (i = 0, current_field = start_field; current_field < end_field; current_field++, i++) { /* Don't reverse the order. It is significant!*/ zend_uchar *this_field_len_pos = p; /* php_mysqlnd_net_field_length() call should be after *this_field_len_pos = p; */ unsigned long len = php_mysqlnd_net_field_length(&p); if (copy_data == FALSE && current_field > start_field && last_field_was_string) { /* Normal queries: We have to put \0 now to the end of the previous field, if it was a string. IS_NULL doesn't matter. Because we have already read our length, then we can overwrite it in the row buffer. This statement terminates the previous field, not the current one. NULL_LENGTH is encoded in one byte, so we can stick a \0 there. Any string's length is encoded in at least one byte, so we can stick a \0 there. */ *this_field_len_pos = '\0'; } /* NULL or NOT NULL, this is the question! */ if (len == MYSQLND_NULL_LENGTH) { ZVAL_NULL(*current_field); last_field_was_string = FALSE; } else { #if defined(MYSQLND_STRING_TO_INT_CONVERSION) struct st_mysqlnd_perm_bind perm_bind = mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[fields_metadata[i].type]; #endif if (MYSQLND_G(collect_statistics)) { enum_mysqlnd_collected_stats statistic; switch (fields_metadata[i].type) { case MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL: statistic = STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_DECIMAL; break; case MYSQL_TYPE_TINY: statistic = STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_INT8; break; case MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT: statistic = STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_INT16; break; case MYSQL_TYPE_LONG: statistic = STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_INT32; break; case MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT: statistic = STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_FLOAT; break; case MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE: statistic = STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_DOUBLE; break; case MYSQL_TYPE_NULL: statistic = STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_NULL; break; case MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: statistic = STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_TIMESTAMP; break; case MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG: statistic = STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_INT64; break; case MYSQL_TYPE_INT24: statistic = STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_INT24; break; case MYSQL_TYPE_DATE: statistic = STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_DATE; break; case MYSQL_TYPE_TIME: statistic = STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_TIME; break; case MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME: statistic = STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_DATETIME; break; case MYSQL_TYPE_YEAR: statistic = STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_YEAR; break; case MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDATE: statistic = STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_DATE; break; case MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR: statistic = STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_STRING; break; case MYSQL_TYPE_BIT: statistic = STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_BIT; break; case MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL: statistic = STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_DECIMAL; break; case MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM: statistic = STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_ENUM; break; case MYSQL_TYPE_SET: statistic = STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_SET; break; case MYSQL_TYPE_JSON: statistic = STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_JSON; break; case MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB: statistic = STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_BLOB; break; case MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB:statistic = STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_BLOB; break; case MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB: statistic = STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_BLOB; break; case MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB: statistic = STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_BLOB; break; case MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING: statistic = STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_STRING; break; case MYSQL_TYPE_STRING: statistic = STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_STRING; break; case MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY: statistic = STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_GEOMETRY; break; default: statistic = STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_OTHER; break; } MYSQLND_INC_CONN_STATISTIC_W_VALUE2(stats, statistic, 1, STAT_BYTES_RECEIVED_PURE_DATA_TEXT, len); } #ifdef MYSQLND_STRING_TO_INT_CONVERSION if (as_int_or_float && perm_bind.php_type == IS_LONG) { zend_uchar save = *(p + len); /* We have to make it ASCIIZ temporarily */ *(p + len) = '\0'; if (perm_bind.pack_len < SIZEOF_LONG) { /* direct conversion */ int64_t v = #ifndef PHP_WIN32 atoll((char *) p); #else _atoi64((char *) p); #endif ZVAL_LONG(*current_field, (long) v); /* the cast is safe */ } else { uint64_t v = #ifndef PHP_WIN32 (uint64_t) atoll((char *) p); #else (uint64_t) _atoi64((char *) p); #endif zend_bool uns = fields_metadata[i].flags & UNSIGNED_FLAG? TRUE:FALSE; /* We have to make it ASCIIZ temporarily */ #if SIZEOF_LONG==8 if (uns == TRUE && v > 9223372036854775807L) #elif SIZEOF_LONG==4 if ((uns == TRUE && v > L64(2147483647)) || (uns == FALSE && (( L64(2147483647) < (int64_t) v) || (L64(-2147483648) > (int64_t) v)))) #else #error Need fix for this architecture #endif /* SIZEOF */ { ZVAL_STRINGL(*current_field, (char *)p, len, 0); } else { ZVAL_LONG(*current_field, (long) v); /* the cast is safe */ } } *(p + len) = save; } else if (as_int_or_float && perm_bind.php_type == IS_DOUBLE) { zend_uchar save = *(p + len); /* We have to make it ASCIIZ temporarily */ *(p + len) = '\0'; ZVAL_DOUBLE(*current_field, atof((char *) p)); *(p + len) = save; } else #endif /* MYSQLND_STRING_TO_INT_CONVERSION */ if (fields_metadata[i].type == MYSQL_TYPE_BIT) { /* BIT fields are specially handled. As they come as bit mask, we have to convert it to human-readable representation. As the bits take less space in the protocol than the numbers they represent, we don't have enough space in the packet buffer to overwrite inside. Thus, a bit more space is pre-allocated at the end of the buffer, see php_mysqlnd_rowp_read(). And we add the strings at the end. Definitely not nice, _hackish_ :(, but works. */ zend_uchar *start = bit_area; ps_fetch_from_1_to_8_bytes(*current_field, &(fields_metadata[i]), 0, &p, len TSRMLS_CC); /* We have advanced in ps_fetch_from_1_to_8_bytes. We should go back because later in this function there will be an advancement. */ p -= len; if (Z_TYPE_PP(current_field) == IS_LONG) { bit_area += 1 + sprintf((char *)start, "%ld", Z_LVAL_PP(current_field)); ZVAL_STRINGL(*current_field, (char *) start, bit_area - start - 1, copy_data); } else if (Z_TYPE_PP(current_field) == IS_STRING){ memcpy(bit_area, Z_STRVAL_PP(current_field), Z_STRLEN_PP(current_field)); bit_area += Z_STRLEN_PP(current_field); *bit_area++ = '\0'; zval_dtor(*current_field); ZVAL_STRINGL(*current_field, (char *) start, bit_area - start - 1, copy_data); } } else { ZVAL_STRINGL(*current_field, (char *)p, len, copy_data); } p += len; last_field_was_string = TRUE; } } if (copy_data == FALSE && last_field_was_string) { /* Normal queries: The buffer has one more byte at the end, because we need it */ row_buffer->ptr[data_size] = '\0'; } DBG_RETURN(PASS); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: int pt_removexattr(FsContext *ctx, const char *path, const char *name) { return local_removexattr_nofollow(ctx, path, name); } CWE ID: CWE-772 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: SoundChannel* SoundPool::allocateChannel_l(int priority) { List<SoundChannel*>::iterator iter; SoundChannel* channel = NULL; if (!mChannels.empty()) { iter = mChannels.begin(); if (priority >= (*iter)->priority()) { channel = *iter; mChannels.erase(iter); ALOGV("Allocated active channel"); } } if (channel) { channel->setPriority(priority); for (iter = mChannels.begin(); iter != mChannels.end(); ++iter) { if (priority < (*iter)->priority()) { break; } } mChannels.insert(iter, channel); } return channel; } CWE ID: CWE-264 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: bool InitSkBitmapFromData(SkBitmap* bitmap, const char* pixels, size_t pixels_size) const { if (!bitmap->tryAllocPixels( SkImageInfo::Make(width, height, color_type, alpha_type))) return false; if (pixels_size != bitmap->computeByteSize()) return false; memcpy(bitmap->getPixels(), pixels, pixels_size); return true; } CWE ID: CWE-125 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void set_task_comm(struct task_struct *tsk, char *buf) { task_lock(tsk); trace_task_rename(tsk, buf); /* * Threads may access current->comm without holding * the task lock, so write the string carefully. * Readers without a lock may see incomplete new * names but are safe from non-terminating string reads. */ memset(tsk->comm, 0, TASK_COMM_LEN); wmb(); strlcpy(tsk->comm, buf, sizeof(tsk->comm)); task_unlock(tsk); perf_event_comm(tsk); } CWE ID: CWE-200 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int f_midi_set_alt(struct usb_function *f, unsigned intf, unsigned alt) { struct f_midi *midi = func_to_midi(f); unsigned i; int err; /* we only set alt for MIDIStreaming interface */ if (intf != midi->ms_id) return 0; err = f_midi_start_ep(midi, f, midi->in_ep); if (err) return err; err = f_midi_start_ep(midi, f, midi->out_ep); if (err) return err; /* pre-allocate write usb requests to use on f_midi_transmit. */ while (kfifo_avail(&midi->in_req_fifo)) { struct usb_request *req = midi_alloc_ep_req(midi->in_ep, midi->buflen); if (req == NULL) return -ENOMEM; req->length = 0; req->complete = f_midi_complete; kfifo_put(&midi->in_req_fifo, req); } /* allocate a bunch of read buffers and queue them all at once. */ for (i = 0; i < midi->qlen && err == 0; i++) { struct usb_request *req = midi_alloc_ep_req(midi->out_ep, midi->buflen); if (req == NULL) return -ENOMEM; req->complete = f_midi_complete; err = usb_ep_queue(midi->out_ep, req, GFP_ATOMIC); if (err) { ERROR(midi, "%s: couldn't enqueue request: %d\n", midi->out_ep->name, err); free_ep_req(midi->out_ep, req); return err; } } return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-415 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static void xfrm6_tunnel_spi_fini(void) { kmem_cache_destroy(xfrm6_tunnel_spi_kmem); } CWE ID: CWE-362 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static LayoutObject* nearestCommonHoverAncestor(LayoutObject* obj1, LayoutObject* obj2) { if (!obj1 || !obj2) return 0; for (LayoutObject* currObj1 = obj1; currObj1; currObj1 = currObj1->hoverAncestor()) { for (LayoutObject* currObj2 = obj2; currObj2; currObj2 = currObj2->hoverAncestor()) { if (currObj1 == currObj2) return currObj1; } } return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void DiceResponseHandler::OnTokenExchangeSuccess( DiceTokenFetcher* token_fetcher, const std::string& refresh_token, bool is_under_advanced_protection) { const std::string& email = token_fetcher->email(); const std::string& gaia_id = token_fetcher->gaia_id(); if (!CanGetTokenForAccount(gaia_id, email)) return; VLOG(1) << "[Dice] OAuth success for email " << email; bool should_enable_sync = token_fetcher->should_enable_sync(); std::string account_id = account_tracker_service_->SeedAccountInfo(gaia_id, email); account_tracker_service_->SetIsAdvancedProtectionAccount( account_id, is_under_advanced_protection); token_service_->UpdateCredentials(account_id, refresh_token); about_signin_internals_->OnRefreshTokenReceived( base::StringPrintf("Successful (%s)", account_id.c_str())); if (should_enable_sync) token_fetcher->delegate()->EnableSync(account_id); DeleteTokenFetcher(token_fetcher); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: int socket_accept(int fd, uint16_t port) { #ifdef WIN32 int addr_len; #else socklen_t addr_len; #endif int result; struct sockaddr_in addr; memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); addr.sin_port = htons(port); addr_len = sizeof(addr); result = accept(fd, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, &addr_len); return result; } CWE ID: CWE-284 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: int dev_open(struct net_device *dev) { int ret; if (dev->flags & IFF_UP) return 0; ret = __dev_open(dev); if (ret < 0) return ret; rtmsg_ifinfo(RTM_NEWLINK, dev, IFF_UP|IFF_RUNNING, GFP_KERNEL); call_netdevice_notifiers(NETDEV_UP, dev); return ret; } CWE ID: CWE-400 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: netdev_features_t passthru_features_check(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev, netdev_features_t features) { return features; } CWE ID: CWE-400 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: bool CustomButton::AcceleratorPressed(const ui::Accelerator& accelerator) { SetState(STATE_NORMAL); ui::MouseEvent synthetic_event( ui::ET_MOUSE_RELEASED, gfx::Point(), gfx::Point(), ui::EventTimeForNow(), ui::EF_LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON, ui::EF_LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON); NotifyClick(synthetic_event); return true; } CWE ID: CWE-254 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: StyleResolver* Document::styleResolver() const { return m_styleEngine->resolver(); } CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: nlmsvc_unlock(struct net *net, struct nlm_file *file, struct nlm_lock *lock) { int error; dprintk("lockd: nlmsvc_unlock(%s/%ld, pi=%d, %Ld-%Ld)\n", file_inode(file->f_file)->i_sb->s_id, file_inode(file->f_file)->i_ino, lock->fl.fl_pid, (long long)lock->fl.fl_start, (long long)lock->fl.fl_end); /* First, cancel any lock that might be there */ nlmsvc_cancel_blocked(net, file, lock); lock->fl.fl_type = F_UNLCK; error = vfs_lock_file(file->f_file, F_SETLK, &lock->fl, NULL); return (error < 0)? nlm_lck_denied_nolocks : nlm_granted; } CWE ID: CWE-404 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: bool SyncManager::SyncInternal::Init( const FilePath& database_location, const WeakHandle<JsEventHandler>& event_handler, const std::string& sync_server_and_path, int port, bool use_ssl, const scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner>& blocking_task_runner, HttpPostProviderFactory* post_factory, ModelSafeWorkerRegistrar* model_safe_worker_registrar, browser_sync::ExtensionsActivityMonitor* extensions_activity_monitor, ChangeDelegate* change_delegate, const std::string& user_agent, const SyncCredentials& credentials, bool enable_sync_tabs_for_other_clients, sync_notifier::SyncNotifier* sync_notifier, const std::string& restored_key_for_bootstrapping, TestingMode testing_mode, Encryptor* encryptor, UnrecoverableErrorHandler* unrecoverable_error_handler, ReportUnrecoverableErrorFunction report_unrecoverable_error_function) { CHECK(!initialized_); DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); DVLOG(1) << "Starting SyncInternal initialization."; weak_handle_this_ = MakeWeakHandle(weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()); blocking_task_runner_ = blocking_task_runner; registrar_ = model_safe_worker_registrar; change_delegate_ = change_delegate; testing_mode_ = testing_mode; enable_sync_tabs_for_other_clients_ = enable_sync_tabs_for_other_clients; sync_notifier_.reset(sync_notifier); AddObserver(&js_sync_manager_observer_); SetJsEventHandler(event_handler); AddObserver(&debug_info_event_listener_); database_path_ = database_location.Append( syncable::Directory::kSyncDatabaseFilename); encryptor_ = encryptor; unrecoverable_error_handler_ = unrecoverable_error_handler; report_unrecoverable_error_function_ = report_unrecoverable_error_function; new syncable::Directory(encryptor_, unrecoverable_error_handler_, report_unrecoverable_error_function_)); connection_manager_.reset(new SyncAPIServerConnectionManager( sync_server_and_path, port, use_ssl, user_agent, post_factory)); net::NetworkChangeNotifier::AddIPAddressObserver(this); observing_ip_address_changes_ = true; connection_manager()->AddListener(this); if (testing_mode_ == NON_TEST) { DVLOG(1) << "Sync is bringing up SyncSessionContext."; std::vector<SyncEngineEventListener*> listeners; listeners.push_back(&allstatus_); listeners.push_back(this); SyncSessionContext* context = new SyncSessionContext( connection_manager_.get(), directory(), model_safe_worker_registrar, extensions_activity_monitor, listeners, &debug_info_event_listener_, &traffic_recorder_); context->set_account_name(; scheduler_.reset(new SyncScheduler(name_, context, new Syncer())); } bool signed_in = SignIn(credentials); if (signed_in) { if (scheduler()) { scheduler()->Start( browser_sync::SyncScheduler::CONFIGURATION_MODE, base::Closure()); } initialized_ = true; ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, GetUserShare()); trans.GetCryptographer()->Bootstrap(restored_key_for_bootstrapping); trans.GetCryptographer()->AddObserver(this); } FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(SyncManager::Observer, observers_, OnInitializationComplete( MakeWeakHandle(weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()), signed_in)); if (!signed_in && testing_mode_ == NON_TEST) return false; sync_notifier_->AddObserver(this); return signed_in; } CWE ID: CWE-362 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: OMX_ERRORTYPE omx_video::empty_this_buffer(OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE hComp, OMX_IN OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* buffer) { OMX_ERRORTYPE ret1 = OMX_ErrorNone; unsigned int nBufferIndex ; DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("ETB: buffer = %p, buffer->pBuffer[%p]", buffer, buffer->pBuffer); if (m_state != OMX_StateExecuting && m_state != OMX_StatePause && m_state != OMX_StateIdle) { DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: Empty this buffer in Invalid State"); return OMX_ErrorInvalidState; } if (buffer == NULL || (buffer->nSize != sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE))) { DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: omx_video::etb--> buffer is null or buffer size is invalid"); return OMX_ErrorBadParameter; } if (buffer->nVersion.nVersion != OMX_SPEC_VERSION) { DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: omx_video::etb--> OMX Version Invalid"); return OMX_ErrorVersionMismatch; } if (buffer->nInputPortIndex != (OMX_U32)PORT_INDEX_IN) { DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: Bad port index to call empty_this_buffer"); return OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex; } if (!m_sInPortDef.bEnabled) { DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: Cannot call empty_this_buffer while I/P port is disabled"); return OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateOperation; } nBufferIndex = buffer - ((!meta_mode_enable)?m_inp_mem_ptr:meta_buffer_hdr); if (nBufferIndex > m_sInPortDef.nBufferCountActual ) { DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: ETB: Invalid buffer index[%d]", nBufferIndex); return OMX_ErrorBadParameter; } m_etb_count++; DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("DBG: i/p nTimestamp = %u", (unsigned)buffer->nTimeStamp); post_event ((unsigned long)hComp,(unsigned long)buffer,m_input_msg_id); return OMX_ErrorNone; } CWE ID: CWE-200 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: mrb_obj_clone(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self) { struct RObject *p; mrb_value clone; if (mrb_immediate_p(self)) { mrb_raisef(mrb, E_TYPE_ERROR, "can't clone %S", self); } if (mrb_type(self) == MRB_TT_SCLASS) { mrb_raise(mrb, E_TYPE_ERROR, "can't clone singleton class"); } p = (struct RObject*)mrb_obj_alloc(mrb, mrb_type(self), mrb_obj_class(mrb, self)); p->c = mrb_singleton_class_clone(mrb, self); mrb_field_write_barrier(mrb, (struct RBasic*)p, (struct RBasic*)p->c); clone = mrb_obj_value(p); init_copy(mrb, clone, self); p->flags = mrb_obj_ptr(self)->flags; return clone; } CWE ID: CWE-476 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static int asepcos_parse_sec_attr(sc_card_t *card, sc_file_t *file, const u8 *buf, size_t len) { const u8 *p = buf; while (len != 0) { unsigned int amode, tlen = 3; if (len < 5 && p[0] != 0x80 && p[1] != 0x01) { sc_debug(card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL, "invalid access mode encoding"); return SC_ERROR_INTERNAL; } amode = p[2]; if (p[3] == 0x90 && p[4] == 0x00) { int r = set_sec_attr(file, amode, 0, SC_AC_NONE); if (r != SC_SUCCESS) return r; tlen += 2; } else if (p[3] == 0x97 && p[4] == 0x00) { int r = set_sec_attr(file, amode, 0, SC_AC_NEVER); if (r != SC_SUCCESS) return r; tlen += 2; } else if (p[3] == 0xA0 && len >= 4U + p[4]) { /* TODO: support OR expressions */ int r = set_sec_attr(file, amode, p[5], SC_AC_CHV); if (r != SC_SUCCESS) return r; tlen += 2 + p[4]; /* FIXME */ } else if (p[3] == 0xAF && len >= 4U + p[4]) { /* TODO: support AND expressions */ int r = set_sec_attr(file, amode, p[5], SC_AC_CHV); if (r != SC_SUCCESS) return r; tlen += 2 + p[4]; /* FIXME */ } else { sc_debug(card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL, "invalid security condition"); return SC_ERROR_INTERNAL; } p += tlen; len -= tlen; } return SC_SUCCESS; } CWE ID: CWE-125 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static void checkAppendMsg( IntegrityCk *pCheck, const char *zFormat, ... ){ va_list ap; if( !pCheck->mxErr ) return; pCheck->mxErr--; pCheck->nErr++; va_start(ap, zFormat); if( pCheck->errMsg.nChar ){ sqlite3StrAccumAppend(&pCheck->errMsg, "\n", 1); } if( pCheck->zPfx ){ sqlite3XPrintf(&pCheck->errMsg, pCheck->zPfx, pCheck->v1, pCheck->v2); } sqlite3VXPrintf(&pCheck->errMsg, zFormat, ap); va_end(ap); if( pCheck->errMsg.accError==STRACCUM_NOMEM ){ pCheck->mallocFailed = 1; } } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: gsm_xsmp_client_connect (GsmXSMPClient *client, SmsConn conn, unsigned long *mask_ret, SmsCallbacks *callbacks_ret) { client->priv->conn = conn; if (client->priv->protocol_timeout) { g_source_remove (client->priv->protocol_timeout); client->priv->protocol_timeout = 0; } g_debug ("GsmXSMPClient: Initializing client %s", client->priv->description); *mask_ret = 0; *mask_ret |= SmsRegisterClientProcMask; callbacks_ret->register_client.callback = register_client_callback; callbacks_ret->register_client.manager_data = client; *mask_ret |= SmsInteractRequestProcMask; callbacks_ret->interact_request.callback = interact_request_callback; callbacks_ret->interact_request.manager_data = client; *mask_ret |= SmsInteractDoneProcMask; callbacks_ret->interact_done.callback = interact_done_callback; callbacks_ret->interact_done.manager_data = client; *mask_ret |= SmsSaveYourselfRequestProcMask; callbacks_ret->save_yourself_request.callback = save_yourself_request_callback; callbacks_ret->save_yourself_request.manager_data = client; *mask_ret |= SmsSaveYourselfP2RequestProcMask; callbacks_ret->save_yourself_phase2_request.callback = save_yourself_phase2_request_callback; callbacks_ret->save_yourself_phase2_request.manager_data = client; *mask_ret |= SmsSaveYourselfDoneProcMask; callbacks_ret->save_yourself_done.callback = save_yourself_done_callback; callbacks_ret->save_yourself_done.manager_data = client; *mask_ret |= SmsCloseConnectionProcMask; callbacks_ret->close_connection.callback = close_connection_callback; callbacks_ret->close_connection.manager_data = client; *mask_ret |= SmsSetPropertiesProcMask; callbacks_ret->set_properties.callback = set_properties_callback; callbacks_ret->set_properties.manager_data = client; *mask_ret |= SmsDeletePropertiesProcMask; callbacks_ret->delete_properties.callback = delete_properties_callback; callbacks_ret->delete_properties.manager_data = client; *mask_ret |= SmsGetPropertiesProcMask; callbacks_ret->get_properties.callback = get_properties_callback; callbacks_ret->get_properties.manager_data = client; } CWE ID: CWE-835 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: NodeIterator::NodeIterator(PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Node> rootNode, unsigned whatToShow, PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<NodeFilter> filter) : NodeIteratorBase(rootNode, whatToShow, filter) , m_referenceNode(root(), true) { root()->document().attachNodeIterator(this); } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static int PNGSetExifProfile(Image *image,png_size_t size,png_byte *data, ExceptionInfo *exception) { StringInfo *profile; unsigned char *p; png_byte *s; size_t i; profile=BlobToStringInfo((const void *) NULL,size+6); if (profile == (StringInfo *) NULL) { (void) ThrowMagickException(exception,GetMagickModule(), ResourceLimitError,"MemoryAllocationFailed","`%s'", image->filename); return(-1); } p=GetStringInfoDatum(profile); /* Initialize profile with "Exif\0\0" */ *p++ ='E'; *p++ ='x'; *p++ ='i'; *p++ ='f'; *p++ ='\0'; *p++ ='\0'; s=data; i=0; if (size > 6) { /* Skip first 6 bytes if "Exif\0\0" is already present by accident */ if (s[0] == 'E' && s[1] == 'x' && s[2] == 'i' && s[3] == 'f' && s[4] == '\0' && s[5] == '\0') { s+=6; i=6; SetStringInfoLength(profile,size); p=GetStringInfoDatum(profile); } } /* copy chunk->data to profile */ for (; i<size; i++) *p++ = *s++; (void) SetImageProfile(image,"exif",profile,exception); profile=DestroyStringInfo(profile); return(1); } CWE ID: CWE-772 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: bool HTMLFormControlElement::isAutofocusable() const { if (!fastHasAttribute(autofocusAttr)) return false; if (hasTagName(inputTag)) return !toHTMLInputElement(this)->isInputTypeHidden(); if (hasTagName(selectTag)) return true; if (hasTagName(keygenTag)) return true; if (hasTagName(buttonTag)) return true; if (hasTagName(textareaTag)) return true; return false; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: bool GDataRootDirectory::ParseFromString(const std::string& serialized_proto) { scoped_ptr<GDataRootDirectoryProto> proto( new GDataRootDirectoryProto()); bool ok = proto->ParseFromString(serialized_proto); if (ok) { const std::string& title = proto->gdata_directory().gdata_entry().title(); if (title != "drive") { LOG(ERROR) << "Incompatible proto detected: " << title; return false; } FromProto(*proto.get()); set_origin(FROM_CACHE); set_refresh_time(base::Time::Now()); } return ok; } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static bool can_checksum_protocol(unsigned long features, __be16 protocol) { return ((features & NETIF_F_GEN_CSUM) || ((features & NETIF_F_IP_CSUM) && protocol == htons(ETH_P_IP)) || ((features & NETIF_F_IPV6_CSUM) && protocol == htons(ETH_P_IPV6)) || ((features & NETIF_F_FCOE_CRC) && protocol == htons(ETH_P_FCOE))); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: safe_fprintf(FILE *f, const char *fmt, ...) { char fmtbuff_stack[256]; /* Place to format the printf() string. */ char outbuff[256]; /* Buffer for outgoing characters. */ char *fmtbuff_heap; /* If fmtbuff_stack is too small, we use malloc */ char *fmtbuff; /* Pointer to fmtbuff_stack or fmtbuff_heap. */ int fmtbuff_length; int length, n; va_list ap; const char *p; unsigned i; wchar_t wc; char try_wc; /* Use a stack-allocated buffer if we can, for speed and safety. */ fmtbuff_heap = NULL; fmtbuff_length = sizeof(fmtbuff_stack); fmtbuff = fmtbuff_stack; /* Try formatting into the stack buffer. */ va_start(ap, fmt); length = vsnprintf(fmtbuff, fmtbuff_length, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); /* If the result was too large, allocate a buffer on the heap. */ while (length < 0 || length >= fmtbuff_length) { if (length >= fmtbuff_length) fmtbuff_length = length+1; else if (fmtbuff_length < 8192) fmtbuff_length *= 2; else if (fmtbuff_length < 1000000) fmtbuff_length += fmtbuff_length / 4; else { length = fmtbuff_length; fmtbuff_heap[length-1] = '\0'; break; } free(fmtbuff_heap); fmtbuff_heap = malloc(fmtbuff_length); /* Reformat the result into the heap buffer if we can. */ if (fmtbuff_heap != NULL) { fmtbuff = fmtbuff_heap; va_start(ap, fmt); length = vsnprintf(fmtbuff, fmtbuff_length, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } else { /* Leave fmtbuff pointing to the truncated * string in fmtbuff_stack. */ length = sizeof(fmtbuff_stack) - 1; break; } } /* Note: mbrtowc() has a cleaner API, but mbtowc() seems a bit * more portable, so we use that here instead. */ if (mbtowc(NULL, NULL, 1) == -1) { /* Reset the shift state. */ /* mbtowc() should never fail in practice, but * handle the theoretical error anyway. */ free(fmtbuff_heap); return; } /* Write data, expanding unprintable characters. */ p = fmtbuff; i = 0; try_wc = 1; while (*p != '\0') { /* Convert to wide char, test if the wide * char is printable in the current locale. */ if (try_wc && (n = mbtowc(&wc, p, length)) != -1) { length -= n; if (iswprint(wc) && wc != L'\\') { /* Printable, copy the bytes through. */ while (n-- > 0) outbuff[i++] = *p++; } else { /* Not printable, format the bytes. */ while (n-- > 0) i += (unsigned)bsdtar_expand_char( outbuff, i, *p++); } } else { /* After any conversion failure, don't bother * trying to convert the rest. */ i += (unsigned)bsdtar_expand_char(outbuff, i, *p++); try_wc = 0; } /* If our output buffer is full, dump it and keep going. */ if (i > (sizeof(outbuff) - 20)) { outbuff[i] = '\0'; fprintf(f, "%s", outbuff); i = 0; } } outbuff[i] = '\0'; fprintf(f, "%s", outbuff); /* If we allocated a heap-based formatting buffer, free it now. */ free(fmtbuff_heap); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static inline int ip6_ufo_append_data(struct sock *sk, int getfrag(void *from, char *to, int offset, int len, int odd, struct sk_buff *skb), void *from, int length, int hh_len, int fragheaderlen, int transhdrlen, int mtu,unsigned int flags) { struct sk_buff *skb; int err; /* There is support for UDP large send offload by network * device, so create one single skb packet containing complete * udp datagram */ if ((skb = skb_peek_tail(&sk->sk_write_queue)) == NULL) { skb = sock_alloc_send_skb(sk, hh_len + fragheaderlen + transhdrlen + 20, (flags & MSG_DONTWAIT), &err); if (skb == NULL) return -ENOMEM; /* reserve space for Hardware header */ skb_reserve(skb, hh_len); /* create space for UDP/IP header */ skb_put(skb,fragheaderlen + transhdrlen); /* initialize network header pointer */ skb_reset_network_header(skb); /* initialize protocol header pointer */ skb->transport_header = skb->network_header + fragheaderlen; skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_PARTIAL; skb->csum = 0; } err = skb_append_datato_frags(sk,skb, getfrag, from, (length - transhdrlen)); if (!err) { struct frag_hdr fhdr; /* Specify the length of each IPv6 datagram fragment. * It has to be a multiple of 8. */ skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_size = (mtu - fragheaderlen - sizeof(struct frag_hdr)) & ~7; skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_type = SKB_GSO_UDP; ipv6_select_ident(&fhdr); skb_shinfo(skb)->ip6_frag_id = fhdr.identification; __skb_queue_tail(&sk->sk_write_queue, skb); return 0; } /* There is not enough support do UPD LSO, * so follow normal path */ kfree_skb(skb); return err; } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static int __init ipc_init(void) { sem_init(); msg_init(); shm_init(); return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-362 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void WebViewTestClient::DidFocus() { test_runner()->SetFocus(web_view_test_proxy_base_->web_view(), true); } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void iov_iter_pipe(struct iov_iter *i, int direction, struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t count) { BUG_ON(direction != ITER_PIPE); i->type = direction; i->pipe = pipe; i->idx = (pipe->curbuf + pipe->nrbufs) & (pipe->buffers - 1); i->iov_offset = 0; i->count = count; } CWE ID: CWE-200 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: PasswordAutofillAgent::ExtractFormStructureInfo(const FormData& form_data) { FormStructureInfo result; result.unique_renderer_id = form_data.unique_renderer_id; result.fields.resize(form_data.fields.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < form_data.fields.size(); ++i) { const FormFieldData& form_field = form_data.fields[i]; FormFieldInfo& field_info = result.fields[i]; field_info.unique_renderer_id = form_field.unique_renderer_id; field_info.form_control_type = form_field.form_control_type; field_info.autocomplete_attribute = form_field.autocomplete_attribute; field_info.is_focusable = form_field.is_focusable; } return result; } CWE ID: CWE-125 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void __init idt_setup_early_handler(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_EXCEPTION_VECTORS; i++) set_intr_gate(i, early_idt_handler_array[i]); #ifdef CONFIG_X86_32 for ( ; i < NR_VECTORS; i++) set_intr_gate(i, early_ignore_irq); #endif load_idt(&idt_descr); } CWE ID: CWE-362 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: cdf_read_short_sector(const cdf_stream_t *sst, void *buf, size_t offs, size_t len, const cdf_header_t *h, cdf_secid_t id) { size_t ss = CDF_SHORT_SEC_SIZE(h); size_t pos = CDF_SHORT_SEC_POS(h, id); assert(ss == len); if (pos > CDF_SEC_SIZE(h) * sst->sst_len) { DPRINTF(("Out of bounds read %" SIZE_T_FORMAT "u > %" SIZE_T_FORMAT "u\n", pos, CDF_SEC_SIZE(h) * sst->sst_len)); return -1; } (void)memcpy(((char *)buf) + offs, ((const char *)sst->sst_tab) + pos, len); return len; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: handle_table_stats_request(struct ofconn *ofconn, const struct ofp_header *request) { struct ofproto *ofproto = ofconn_get_ofproto(ofconn); struct ofputil_table_features *features; struct ofputil_table_stats *stats; struct ofpbuf *reply; size_t i; query_tables(ofproto, &features, &stats); reply = ofputil_encode_table_stats_reply(request); for (i = 0; i < ofproto->n_tables; i++) { if (!(ofproto->tables[i].flags & OFTABLE_HIDDEN)) { ofputil_append_table_stats_reply(reply, &stats[i], &features[i]); } } ofconn_send_reply(ofconn, reply); free(features); free(stats); return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-617 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static struct ewah_bitmap *lookup_stored_bitmap(struct stored_bitmap *st) { struct ewah_bitmap *parent; struct ewah_bitmap *composed; if (st->xor == NULL) return st->root; composed = ewah_pool_new(); parent = lookup_stored_bitmap(st->xor); ewah_xor(st->root, parent, composed); ewah_pool_free(st->root); st->root = composed; st->xor = NULL; return composed; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static int cypress_open(struct tty_struct *tty, struct usb_serial_port *port) { struct cypress_private *priv = usb_get_serial_port_data(port); struct usb_serial *serial = port->serial; unsigned long flags; int result = 0; if (!priv->comm_is_ok) return -EIO; /* clear halts before open */ usb_clear_halt(serial->dev, 0x81); usb_clear_halt(serial->dev, 0x02); spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->lock, flags); /* reset read/write statistics */ priv->bytes_in = 0; priv->bytes_out = 0; priv->cmd_count = 0; priv->rx_flags = 0; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->lock, flags); /* Set termios */ cypress_send(port); if (tty) cypress_set_termios(tty, port, &priv->tmp_termios); /* setup the port and start reading from the device */ if (!port->interrupt_in_urb) { dev_err(&port->dev, "%s - interrupt_in_urb is empty!\n", __func__); return -1; } usb_fill_int_urb(port->interrupt_in_urb, serial->dev, usb_rcvintpipe(serial->dev, port->interrupt_in_endpointAddress), port->interrupt_in_urb->transfer_buffer, port->interrupt_in_urb->transfer_buffer_length, cypress_read_int_callback, port, priv->read_urb_interval); result = usb_submit_urb(port->interrupt_in_urb, GFP_KERNEL); if (result) { dev_err(&port->dev, "%s - failed submitting read urb, error %d\n", __func__, result); cypress_set_dead(port); } return result; } /* cypress_open */ CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: partition_table_create_device_changed_cb (Daemon *daemon, const char *object_path, gpointer user_data) { CreatePartitionTableData *data = user_data; Device *device; device = daemon_local_find_by_object_path (daemon, object_path); if (device == data->device) { if (g_strcmp0 (device->priv->partition_table_scheme, data->scheme) == 0 || (device->priv->partition_table_scheme == NULL && g_strcmp0 (data->scheme, "none") == 0)) { dbus_g_method_return (data->context); g_signal_handler_disconnect (daemon, data->device_changed_signal_handler_id); g_source_remove (data->device_changed_timeout_id); partition_table_create_data_unref (data); } } } CWE ID: CWE-200 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void GraphicsContext::clipOut(const Path&) { notImplemented(); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: log2vis_unicode (PyObject * unicode, FriBidiParType base_direction, int clean, int reordernsm) { PyObject *logical = NULL; /* input string encoded in utf-8 */ PyObject *visual = NULL; /* output string encoded in utf-8 */ PyObject *result = NULL; /* unicode output string */ int length = PyUnicode_GET_SIZE (unicode); logical = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String (unicode); if (logical == NULL) goto cleanup; visual = log2vis_utf8 (logical, length, base_direction, clean, reordernsm); if (visual == NULL) goto cleanup; result = PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8 (PyString_AS_STRING (visual), PyString_GET_SIZE (visual), "strict"); cleanup: Py_XDECREF (logical); Py_XDECREF (visual); return result; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static void vmxnet3_rx_need_csum_calculate(struct NetRxPkt *pkt, const void *pkt_data, size_t pkt_len) { struct virtio_net_hdr *vhdr; bool isip4, isip6, istcp, isudp; uint8_t *data; int len; if (!net_rx_pkt_has_virt_hdr(pkt)) { return; } vhdr = net_rx_pkt_get_vhdr(pkt); if (!VMXNET_FLAG_IS_SET(vhdr->flags, VIRTIO_NET_HDR_F_NEEDS_CSUM)) { return; } net_rx_pkt_get_protocols(pkt, &isip4, &isip6, &isudp, &istcp); if (!(isip4 || isip6) || !(istcp || isudp)) { return; } vmxnet3_dump_virt_hdr(vhdr); /* Validate packet len: csum_start + scum_offset + length of csum field */ if (pkt_len < (vhdr->csum_start + vhdr->csum_offset + 2)) { VMW_PKPRN("packet len:%zu < csum_start(%d) + csum_offset(%d) + 2, " "cannot calculate checksum", pkt_len, vhdr->csum_start, vhdr->csum_offset); return; } data = (uint8_t *)pkt_data + vhdr->csum_start; len = pkt_len - vhdr->csum_start; /* Put the checksum obtained into the packet */ stw_be_p(data + vhdr->csum_offset, net_raw_checksum(data, len)); vhdr->flags &= ~VIRTIO_NET_HDR_F_NEEDS_CSUM; vhdr->flags |= VIRTIO_NET_HDR_F_DATA_VALID; } CWE ID: CWE-200 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: get_table_width(struct table *t, short *orgwidth, short *cellwidth, int flag) { #ifdef __GNUC__ short newwidth[t->maxcol + 1]; #else /* not __GNUC__ */ short newwidth[MAXCOL]; #endif /* not __GNUC__ */ int i; int swidth; struct table_cell *cell = &t->cell; int rulewidth = table_rule_width(t); for (i = 0; i <= t->maxcol; i++) newwidth[i] = max(orgwidth[i], 0); if (flag & CHECK_FIXED) { #ifdef __GNUC__ short ccellwidth[cell->maxcell + 1]; #else /* not __GNUC__ */ short ccellwidth[MAXCELL]; #endif /* not __GNUC__ */ for (i = 0; i <= t->maxcol; i++) { if (newwidth[i] < t->fixed_width[i]) newwidth[i] = t->fixed_width[i]; } for (i = 0; i <= cell->maxcell; i++) { ccellwidth[i] = cellwidth[i]; if (ccellwidth[i] < cell->fixed_width[i]) ccellwidth[i] = cell->fixed_width[i]; } check_cell_width(newwidth, ccellwidth, cell->col, cell->colspan, cell->maxcell, cell->index, t->cellspacing, 0); } else { check_cell_width(newwidth, cellwidth, cell->col, cell->colspan, cell->maxcell, cell->index, t->cellspacing, 0); } if (flag & CHECK_MINIMUM) check_minimum_width(t, newwidth); swidth = 0; for (i = 0; i <= t->maxcol; i++) { swidth += ceil_at_intervals(newwidth[i], rulewidth); } swidth += table_border_width(t); return swidth; } CWE ID: CWE-835 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: bool SyncManager::ReceivedExperiment(browser_sync::Experiments* experiments) const { ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, GetUserShare()); ReadNode node(&trans); if (node.InitByTagLookup(kNigoriTag) != sync_api::BaseNode::INIT_OK) { DVLOG(1) << "Couldn't find Nigori node."; return false; } bool found_experiment = false; if (node.GetNigoriSpecifics().sync_tabs()) { experiments->sync_tabs = true; found_experiment = true; } if (node.GetNigoriSpecifics().sync_tab_favicons()) { experiments->sync_tab_favicons = true; found_experiment = true; } return found_experiment; } CWE ID: CWE-362 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static int update_raid_disks(struct mddev *mddev, int raid_disks) { int rv; struct md_rdev *rdev; /* change the number of raid disks */ if (mddev->pers->check_reshape == NULL) return -EINVAL; if (mddev->ro) return -EROFS; if (raid_disks <= 0 || (mddev->max_disks && raid_disks >= mddev->max_disks)) return -EINVAL; if (mddev->sync_thread || test_bit(MD_RECOVERY_RUNNING, &mddev->recovery) || mddev->reshape_position != MaxSector) return -EBUSY; rdev_for_each(rdev, mddev) { if (mddev->raid_disks < raid_disks && rdev->data_offset < rdev->new_data_offset) return -EINVAL; if (mddev->raid_disks > raid_disks && rdev->data_offset > rdev->new_data_offset) return -EINVAL; } mddev->delta_disks = raid_disks - mddev->raid_disks; if (mddev->delta_disks < 0) mddev->reshape_backwards = 1; else if (mddev->delta_disks > 0) mddev->reshape_backwards = 0; rv = mddev->pers->check_reshape(mddev); if (rv < 0) { mddev->delta_disks = 0; mddev->reshape_backwards = 0; } return rv; } CWE ID: CWE-200 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: status_t OMXNodeInstance::enableNativeBuffers( OMX_U32 portIndex, OMX_BOOL graphic, OMX_BOOL enable) { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mLock); CLOG_CONFIG(enableNativeBuffers, "%s:%u%s, %d", portString(portIndex), portIndex, graphic ? ", graphic" : "", enable); OMX_STRING name = const_cast<OMX_STRING>( graphic ? "" : ""); OMX_INDEXTYPE index; OMX_ERRORTYPE err = OMX_GetExtensionIndex(mHandle, name, &index); if (err == OMX_ErrorNone) { EnableAndroidNativeBuffersParams params; InitOMXParams(&params); params.nPortIndex = portIndex; params.enable = enable; err = OMX_SetParameter(mHandle, index, &params); CLOG_IF_ERROR(setParameter, err, "%s(%#x): %s:%u en=%d", name, index, portString(portIndex), portIndex, enable); if (!graphic) { if (err == OMX_ErrorNone) { mSecureBufferType[portIndex] = enable ? kSecureBufferTypeNativeHandle : kSecureBufferTypeOpaque; } else if (mSecureBufferType[portIndex] == kSecureBufferTypeUnknown) { mSecureBufferType[portIndex] = kSecureBufferTypeOpaque; } } } else { CLOG_ERROR_IF(enable, getExtensionIndex, err, "%s", name); if (!graphic) { char value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; if (property_get("media.mediadrmservice.enable", value, NULL) && (!strcmp("1", value) || !strcasecmp("true", value))) { CLOG_CONFIG(enableNativeBuffers, "system property override: using native-handles"); mSecureBufferType[portIndex] = kSecureBufferTypeNativeHandle; } else if (mSecureBufferType[portIndex] == kSecureBufferTypeUnknown) { mSecureBufferType[portIndex] = kSecureBufferTypeOpaque; } err = OMX_ErrorNone; } } return StatusFromOMXError(err); } CWE ID: CWE-264 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static int accept_server_socket(int sfd) { struct sockaddr_un remote; struct pollfd pfd; int fd; socklen_t len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_un); BTIF_TRACE_EVENT("accept fd %d", sfd); /* make sure there is data to process */ pfd.fd = sfd; = POLLIN; if (poll(&pfd, 1, 0) == 0) { BTIF_TRACE_EVENT("accept poll timeout"); return -1; } if ((fd = accept(sfd, (struct sockaddr *)&remote, &len)) == -1) { BTIF_TRACE_ERROR("sock accept failed (%s)", strerror(errno)); return -1; } return fd; } CWE ID: CWE-284 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: read_fatal (void) { pfatal ("read error"); } CWE ID: CWE-22 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void DevToolsUIBindings::SetDevicesUpdatesEnabled(bool enabled) { if (devices_updates_enabled_ == enabled) return; devices_updates_enabled_ = enabled; if (enabled) { remote_targets_handler_ = DevToolsTargetsUIHandler::CreateForAdb( base::Bind(&DevToolsUIBindings::DevicesUpdated, base::Unretained(this)), profile_); pref_change_registrar_.Init(profile_->GetPrefs()); pref_change_registrar_.Add(prefs::kDevToolsDiscoverUsbDevicesEnabled, base::Bind(&DevToolsUIBindings::DevicesDiscoveryConfigUpdated, base::Unretained(this))); pref_change_registrar_.Add(prefs::kDevToolsPortForwardingEnabled, base::Bind(&DevToolsUIBindings::DevicesDiscoveryConfigUpdated, base::Unretained(this))); pref_change_registrar_.Add(prefs::kDevToolsPortForwardingConfig, base::Bind(&DevToolsUIBindings::DevicesDiscoveryConfigUpdated, base::Unretained(this))); port_status_serializer_.reset(new PortForwardingStatusSerializer( base::Bind(&DevToolsUIBindings::SendPortForwardingStatus, base::Unretained(this)), profile_)); DevicesDiscoveryConfigUpdated(); } else { remote_targets_handler_.reset(); port_status_serializer_.reset(); pref_change_registrar_.RemoveAll(); SendPortForwardingStatus(base::DictionaryValue()); } } CWE ID: CWE-200 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: int kvm_vm_ioctl_check_extension(struct kvm *kvm, long ext) { int r; /* Assume we're using HV mode when the HV module is loaded */ int hv_enabled = kvmppc_hv_ops ? 1 : 0; if (kvm) { /* * Hooray - we know which VM type we're running on. Depend on * that rather than the guess above. */ hv_enabled = is_kvmppc_hv_enabled(kvm); } switch (ext) { #ifdef CONFIG_BOOKE case KVM_CAP_PPC_BOOKE_SREGS: case KVM_CAP_PPC_BOOKE_WATCHDOG: case KVM_CAP_PPC_EPR: #else case KVM_CAP_PPC_SEGSTATE: case KVM_CAP_PPC_HIOR: case KVM_CAP_PPC_PAPR: #endif case KVM_CAP_PPC_UNSET_IRQ: case KVM_CAP_PPC_IRQ_LEVEL: case KVM_CAP_ENABLE_CAP: case KVM_CAP_ENABLE_CAP_VM: case KVM_CAP_ONE_REG: case KVM_CAP_IOEVENTFD: case KVM_CAP_DEVICE_CTRL: case KVM_CAP_IMMEDIATE_EXIT: r = 1; break; case KVM_CAP_PPC_PAIRED_SINGLES: case KVM_CAP_PPC_OSI: case KVM_CAP_PPC_GET_PVINFO: #if defined(CONFIG_KVM_E500V2) || defined(CONFIG_KVM_E500MC) case KVM_CAP_SW_TLB: #endif /* We support this only for PR */ r = !hv_enabled; break; #ifdef CONFIG_KVM_MPIC case KVM_CAP_IRQ_MPIC: r = 1; break; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_PPC_BOOK3S_64 case KVM_CAP_SPAPR_TCE: case KVM_CAP_SPAPR_TCE_64: /* fallthrough */ case KVM_CAP_SPAPR_TCE_VFIO: case KVM_CAP_PPC_RTAS: case KVM_CAP_PPC_FIXUP_HCALL: case KVM_CAP_PPC_ENABLE_HCALL: #ifdef CONFIG_KVM_XICS case KVM_CAP_IRQ_XICS: #endif r = 1; break; case KVM_CAP_PPC_ALLOC_HTAB: r = hv_enabled; break; #endif /* CONFIG_PPC_BOOK3S_64 */ #ifdef CONFIG_KVM_BOOK3S_HV_POSSIBLE case KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT: r = 0; if (kvm) { if (kvm->arch.emul_smt_mode > 1) r = kvm->arch.emul_smt_mode; else r = kvm->arch.smt_mode; } else if (hv_enabled) { if (cpu_has_feature(CPU_FTR_ARCH_300)) r = 1; else r = threads_per_subcore; } break; case KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT_POSSIBLE: r = 1; if (hv_enabled) { if (!cpu_has_feature(CPU_FTR_ARCH_300)) r = ((threads_per_subcore << 1) - 1); else /* P9 can emulate dbells, so allow any mode */ r = 8 | 4 | 2 | 1; } break; case KVM_CAP_PPC_RMA: r = 0; break; case KVM_CAP_PPC_HWRNG: r = kvmppc_hwrng_present(); break; case KVM_CAP_PPC_MMU_RADIX: r = !!(hv_enabled && radix_enabled()); break; case KVM_CAP_PPC_MMU_HASH_V3: r = !!(hv_enabled && !radix_enabled() && cpu_has_feature(CPU_FTR_ARCH_300)); break; #endif case KVM_CAP_SYNC_MMU: #ifdef CONFIG_KVM_BOOK3S_HV_POSSIBLE r = hv_enabled; #elif defined(KVM_ARCH_WANT_MMU_NOTIFIER) r = 1; #else r = 0; #endif break; #ifdef CONFIG_KVM_BOOK3S_HV_POSSIBLE case KVM_CAP_PPC_HTAB_FD: r = hv_enabled; break; #endif case KVM_CAP_NR_VCPUS: /* * Recommending a number of CPUs is somewhat arbitrary; we * return the number of present CPUs for -HV (since a host * will have secondary threads "offline"), and for other KVM * implementations just count online CPUs. */ if (hv_enabled) r = num_present_cpus(); else r = num_online_cpus(); break; case KVM_CAP_NR_MEMSLOTS: r = KVM_USER_MEM_SLOTS; break; case KVM_CAP_MAX_VCPUS: r = KVM_MAX_VCPUS; break; #ifdef CONFIG_PPC_BOOK3S_64 case KVM_CAP_PPC_GET_SMMU_INFO: r = 1; break; case KVM_CAP_SPAPR_MULTITCE: r = 1; break; case KVM_CAP_SPAPR_RESIZE_HPT: /* Disable this on POWER9 until code handles new HPTE format */ r = !!hv_enabled && !cpu_has_feature(CPU_FTR_ARCH_300); break; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_KVM_BOOK3S_HV_POSSIBLE case KVM_CAP_PPC_FWNMI: r = hv_enabled; break; #endif case KVM_CAP_PPC_HTM: r = cpu_has_feature(CPU_FTR_TM_COMP) && is_kvmppc_hv_enabled(kvm); break; default: r = 0; break; } return r; } CWE ID: CWE-476 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static void parser_reset(struct jv_parser* p) { if ((p->flags & JV_PARSE_STREAMING)) { jv_free(p->path); p->path = jv_array(); p->stacklen = 0; } p->last_seen = JV_LAST_NONE; jv_free(p->output); p->output = jv_invalid(); jv_free(p->next); p->next = jv_invalid(); for (int i=0; i<p->stackpos; i++) jv_free(p->stack[i]); p->stackpos = 0; p->tokenpos = 0; p->st = JV_PARSER_NORMAL; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: XFixesSelectCursorInput(ClientPtr pClient, WindowPtr pWindow, CARD32 eventMask) { CursorEventPtr *prev, e; void *val; int rc; for (prev = &cursorEvents; (e = *prev); prev = &e->next) { if (e->pClient == pClient && e->pWindow == pWindow) { break; } } if (!eventMask) { if (e) { FreeResource(e->clientResource, 0); } return Success; } if (!e) { e = (CursorEventPtr) malloc(sizeof(CursorEventRec)); if (!e) return BadAlloc; e->next = 0; e->pClient = pClient; e->pWindow = pWindow; e->clientResource = FakeClientID(pClient->index); /* * Add a resource hanging from the window to * catch window destroy */ rc = dixLookupResourceByType(&val, pWindow->, CursorWindowType, serverClient, DixGetAttrAccess); if (rc != Success) if (!AddResource(pWindow->, CursorWindowType, (void *) pWindow)) { free(e); return BadAlloc; } if (!AddResource(e->clientResource, CursorClientType, (void *) e)) return BadAlloc; *prev = e; } e->eventMask = eventMask; return Success; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: PrintingContextCairo::PrintingContextCairo(const std::string& app_locale) #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) : PrintingContext(app_locale) { #else : PrintingContext(app_locale), print_dialog_(NULL) { #endif } PrintingContextCairo::~PrintingContextCairo() { ReleaseContext(); #if !defined(OS_CHROMEOS) if (print_dialog_) print_dialog_->ReleaseDialog(); #endif } #if !defined(OS_CHROMEOS) void PrintingContextCairo::SetCreatePrintDialogFunction( PrintDialogGtkInterface* (*create_dialog_func)( PrintingContextCairo* context)) { DCHECK(create_dialog_func); DCHECK(!create_dialog_func_); create_dialog_func_ = create_dialog_func; } void PrintingContextCairo::PrintDocument(const Metafile* metafile) { DCHECK(print_dialog_); DCHECK(metafile); print_dialog_->PrintDocument(metafile, document_name_); } #endif // !defined(OS_CHROMEOS) void PrintingContextCairo::AskUserForSettings( gfx::NativeView parent_view, int max_pages, bool has_selection, PrintSettingsCallback* callback) { #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) callback->Run(OK); #else print_dialog_->ShowDialog(callback); #endif // defined(OS_CHROMEOS) } PrintingContext::Result PrintingContextCairo::UseDefaultSettings() { DCHECK(!in_print_job_); ResetSettings(); #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) int dpi = 300; gfx::Size physical_size_device_units; gfx::Rect printable_area_device_units; int32_t width = 0; int32_t height = 0; UErrorCode error = U_ZERO_ERROR; ulocdata_getPaperSize(app_locale_.c_str(), &height, &width, &error); if (error != U_ZERO_ERROR) { LOG(WARNING) << "ulocdata_getPaperSize failed, using 8.5 x 11, error: " << error; width = static_cast<int>(8.5 * dpi); height = static_cast<int>(11 * dpi); } else { width = static_cast<int>(ConvertUnitDouble(width, 25.4, 1.0) * dpi); height = static_cast<int>(ConvertUnitDouble(height, 25.4, 1.0) * dpi); } physical_size_device_units.SetSize(width, height); printable_area_device_units.SetRect( static_cast<int>(PrintSettingsInitializerGtk::kLeftMarginInInch * dpi), static_cast<int>(PrintSettingsInitializerGtk::kTopMarginInInch * dpi), width - (PrintSettingsInitializerGtk::kLeftMarginInInch + PrintSettingsInitializerGtk::kRightMarginInInch) * dpi, height - (PrintSettingsInitializerGtk::kTopMarginInInch + PrintSettingsInitializerGtk::kBottomMarginInInch) * dpi); settings_.set_dpi(dpi); settings_.SetPrinterPrintableArea(physical_size_device_units, printable_area_device_units, dpi); #else if (!print_dialog_) { print_dialog_ = create_dialog_func_(this); print_dialog_->AddRefToDialog(); } print_dialog_->UseDefaultSettings(); #endif // defined(OS_CHROMEOS) return OK; } PrintingContext::Result PrintingContextCairo::UpdatePrinterSettings( const DictionaryValue& job_settings, const PageRanges& ranges) { #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) bool landscape = false; if (!job_settings.GetBoolean(kSettingLandscape, &landscape)) return OnError(); settings_.SetOrientation(landscape); settings_.ranges = ranges; return OK; #else DCHECK(!in_print_job_); if (!print_dialog_->UpdateSettings(job_settings, ranges)) return OnError(); return OK; #endif } PrintingContext::Result PrintingContextCairo::InitWithSettings( const PrintSettings& settings) { DCHECK(!in_print_job_); settings_ = settings; return OK; } PrintingContext::Result PrintingContextCairo::NewDocument( const string16& document_name) { DCHECK(!in_print_job_); in_print_job_ = true; #if !defined(OS_CHROMEOS) document_name_ = document_name; #endif // !defined(OS_CHROMEOS) return OK; } PrintingContext::Result PrintingContextCairo::NewPage() { if (abort_printing_) return CANCEL; DCHECK(in_print_job_); return OK; } PrintingContext::Result PrintingContextCairo::PageDone() { if (abort_printing_) return CANCEL; DCHECK(in_print_job_); return OK; } PrintingContext::Result PrintingContextCairo::DocumentDone() { if (abort_printing_) return CANCEL; DCHECK(in_print_job_); ResetSettings(); return OK; } void PrintingContextCairo::Cancel() { abort_printing_ = true; in_print_job_ = false; } void PrintingContextCairo::ReleaseContext() { } gfx::NativeDrawingContext PrintingContextCairo::context() const { return NULL; } } // namespace printing CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: mm_sshpam_query(void *ctx, char **name, char **info, u_int *num, char ***prompts, u_int **echo_on) { Buffer m; u_int i; int ret; debug3("%s", __func__); buffer_init(&m); mm_request_send(pmonitor->m_recvfd, MONITOR_REQ_PAM_QUERY, &m); debug3("%s: waiting for MONITOR_ANS_PAM_QUERY", __func__); mm_request_receive_expect(pmonitor->m_recvfd, MONITOR_ANS_PAM_QUERY, &m); ret = buffer_get_int(&m); debug3("%s: pam_query returned %d", __func__, ret); *name = buffer_get_string(&m, NULL); *info = buffer_get_string(&m, NULL); *num = buffer_get_int(&m); if (*num > PAM_MAX_NUM_MSG) fatal("%s: recieved %u PAM messages, expected <= %u", __func__, *num, PAM_MAX_NUM_MSG); *prompts = xcalloc((*num + 1), sizeof(char *)); *echo_on = xcalloc((*num + 1), sizeof(u_int)); for (i = 0; i < *num; ++i) { (*prompts)[i] = buffer_get_string(&m, NULL); (*echo_on)[i] = buffer_get_int(&m); } buffer_free(&m); return (ret); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: PHP_FUNCTION(imagetypes) { int ret=0; #ifdef HAVE_GD_GIF_CREATE ret = 1; #endif #ifdef HAVE_GD_JPG ret |= 2; #endif #ifdef HAVE_GD_PNG ret |= 4; #endif #ifdef HAVE_GD_WBMP ret |= 8; #endif #if defined(HAVE_GD_XPM) && defined(HAVE_GD_BUNDLED) ret |= 16; #endif if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } RETURN_LONG(ret); } CWE ID: CWE-254 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: const Cluster* Segment::GetNext(const Cluster* pCurr) { assert(pCurr); assert(pCurr != &m_eos); assert(m_clusters); long idx = pCurr->m_index; if (idx >= 0) { assert(m_clusterCount > 0); assert(idx < m_clusterCount); assert(pCurr == m_clusters[idx]); ++idx; if (idx >= m_clusterCount) return &m_eos; // caller will LoadCluster as desired Cluster* const pNext = m_clusters[idx]; assert(pNext); assert(pNext->m_index >= 0); assert(pNext->m_index == idx); return pNext; } assert(m_clusterPreloadCount > 0); long long pos = pCurr->m_element_start; assert(m_size >= 0); // TODO const long long stop = m_start + m_size; // end of segment { long len; long long result = GetUIntLength(m_pReader, pos, len); assert(result == 0); assert((pos + len) <= stop); // TODO if (result != 0) return NULL; const long long id = ReadUInt(m_pReader, pos, len); assert(id == 0x0F43B675); // Cluster ID if (id != 0x0F43B675) return NULL; pos += len; // consume ID result = GetUIntLength(m_pReader, pos, len); assert(result == 0); // TODO assert((pos + len) <= stop); // TODO const long long size = ReadUInt(m_pReader, pos, len); assert(size > 0); // TODO pos += len; // consume length of size of element assert((pos + size) <= stop); // TODO pos += size; // consume payload } long long off_next = 0; while (pos < stop) { long len; long long result = GetUIntLength(m_pReader, pos, len); assert(result == 0); assert((pos + len) <= stop); // TODO if (result != 0) return NULL; const long long idpos = pos; // pos of next (potential) cluster const long long id = ReadUInt(m_pReader, idpos, len); assert(id > 0); // TODO pos += len; // consume ID result = GetUIntLength(m_pReader, pos, len); assert(result == 0); // TODO assert((pos + len) <= stop); // TODO const long long size = ReadUInt(m_pReader, pos, len); assert(size >= 0); // TODO pos += len; // consume length of size of element assert((pos + size) <= stop); // TODO if (size == 0) // weird continue; if (id == 0x0F43B675) { // Cluster ID const long long off_next_ = idpos - m_start; long long pos_; long len_; const long status = Cluster::HasBlockEntries(this, off_next_, pos_, len_); assert(status >= 0); if (status > 0) { off_next = off_next_; break; } } pos += size; // consume payload } if (off_next <= 0) return 0; Cluster** const ii = m_clusters + m_clusterCount; Cluster** i = ii; Cluster** const jj = ii + m_clusterPreloadCount; Cluster** j = jj; while (i < j) { Cluster** const k = i + (j - i) / 2; assert(k < jj); Cluster* const pNext = *k; assert(pNext); assert(pNext->m_index < 0); pos = pNext->GetPosition(); if (pos < off_next) i = k + 1; else if (pos > off_next) j = k; else return pNext; } assert(i == j); Cluster* const pNext = Cluster::Create(this, -1, off_next); assert(pNext); const ptrdiff_t idx_next = i - m_clusters; // insertion position PreloadCluster(pNext, idx_next); assert(m_clusters); assert(idx_next < m_clusterSize); assert(m_clusters[idx_next] == pNext); return pNext; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static ssize_t shrink_store(struct kmem_cache *s, const char *buf, size_t length) { if (buf[0] == '1') { int rc = kmem_cache_shrink(s); if (rc) return rc; } else return -EINVAL; return length; } CWE ID: CWE-189 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void SecureProxyChecker::OnURLLoadComplete( std::unique_ptr<std::string> response_body) { std::string response; if (response_body) response = std::move(*response_body); int response_code = -1; if (url_loader_->ResponseInfo() && url_loader_->ResponseInfo()->headers) response_code = url_loader_->ResponseInfo()->headers->response_code(); OnURLLoadCompleteOrRedirect(response, url_loader_->NetError(), response_code); } CWE ID: CWE-416 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void jp2_box_dump(jp2_box_t *box, FILE *out) { jp2_boxinfo_t *boxinfo; boxinfo = jp2_boxinfolookup(box->type); assert(boxinfo); fprintf(out, "JP2 box: "); fprintf(out, "type=%c%s%c (0x%08"PRIxFAST32"); length=%"PRIuFAST32"\n", '"', boxinfo->name, '"', box->type, box->len); if (box->ops->dumpdata) { (*box->ops->dumpdata)(box, out); } } CWE ID: CWE-476 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void espruino_snprintf_cb(const char *str, void *userdata) { espruino_snprintf_data *d = (espruino_snprintf_data*)userdata; while (*str) { if (d->idx < d->len) d->outPtr[d->idx] = *str; d->idx++; str++; } } CWE ID: CWE-190 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: ft_var_apply_tuple( GX_Blend blend, FT_UShort tupleIndex, FT_Fixed* tuple_coords, FT_Fixed* im_start_coords, FT_Fixed* im_end_coords ) { FT_UInt i; FT_Fixed apply; FT_Fixed temp; apply = 0x10000L; for ( i = 0; i < blend->num_axis; ++i ) { if ( tuple_coords[i] == 0 ) /* It's not clear why (for intermediate tuples) we don't need */ /* to check against start/end -- the documentation says we don't. */ /* Similarly, it's unclear why we don't need to scale along the */ /* axis. */ continue; else if ( blend->normalizedcoords[i] == 0 || ( blend->normalizedcoords[i] < 0 && tuple_coords[i] > 0 ) || ( blend->normalizedcoords[i] > 0 && tuple_coords[i] < 0 ) ) { apply = 0; break; } else if ( !( tupleIndex & GX_TI_INTERMEDIATE_TUPLE ) ) /* not an intermediate tuple */ apply = FT_MulDiv( apply, blend->normalizedcoords[i] > 0 ? blend->normalizedcoords[i] : -blend->normalizedcoords[i], 0x10000L ); else if ( blend->normalizedcoords[i] <= im_start_coords[i] || blend->normalizedcoords[i] >= im_end_coords[i] ) { apply = 0; break; } else if ( blend->normalizedcoords[i] < tuple_coords[i] ) { temp = FT_MulDiv( blend->normalizedcoords[i] - im_start_coords[i], 0x10000L, tuple_coords[i] - im_start_coords[i]); apply = FT_MulDiv( apply, temp, 0x10000L ); } else { temp = FT_MulDiv( im_end_coords[i] - blend->normalizedcoords[i], 0x10000L, im_end_coords[i] - tuple_coords[i] ); apply = FT_MulDiv( apply, temp, 0x10000L ); } } return apply; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void bdt_enable(void) { bdt_log("ENABLE BT"); if (bt_enabled) { bdt_log("Bluetooth is already enabled"); return; } status = sBtInterface->enable(); check_return_status(status); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static int mailimf_broken_date_parse(const char * message, size_t length, size_t * indx, int * pday, int * pmonth, int * pyear) { size_t cur_token; int day; int month; int year; int r; cur_token = * indx; month = 1; r = mailimf_month_parse(message, length, &cur_token, &month); if (r != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) return r; day = 1; r = mailimf_day_parse(message, length, &cur_token, &day); if (r != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) return r; year = 2001; r = mailimf_year_parse(message, length, &cur_token, &year); if (r != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) return r; * pday = day; * pmonth = month; * pyear = year; * indx = cur_token; return MAILIMF_NO_ERROR; } CWE ID: CWE-476 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: SERVER* dup_serve(const SERVER *const s) { SERVER *serve = NULL; serve=g_new0(SERVER, 1); if(serve == NULL) return NULL; if(s->exportname) serve->exportname = g_strdup(s->exportname); serve->expected_size = s->expected_size; if(s->listenaddr) serve->listenaddr = g_strdup(s->listenaddr); serve->port = s->port; if(s->authname) serve->authname = strdup(s->authname); serve->flags = s->flags; serve->socket = s->socket; serve->socket_family = s->socket_family; serve->virtstyle = s->virtstyle; serve->cidrlen = s->cidrlen; if(s->prerun) serve->prerun = g_strdup(s->prerun); if(s->postrun) serve->postrun = g_strdup(s->postrun); if(s->transactionlog) serve->transactionlog = g_strdup(s->transactionlog); if(s->servename) serve->servename = g_strdup(s->servename); serve->max_connections = s->max_connections; return serve; } CWE ID: CWE-399 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: ipv6_renew_options(struct sock *sk, struct ipv6_txoptions *opt, int newtype, struct ipv6_opt_hdr __user *newopt, int newoptlen) { int tot_len = 0; char *p; struct ipv6_txoptions *opt2; int err; if (opt) { if (newtype != IPV6_HOPOPTS && opt->hopopt) tot_len += CMSG_ALIGN(ipv6_optlen(opt->hopopt)); if (newtype != IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS && opt->dst0opt) tot_len += CMSG_ALIGN(ipv6_optlen(opt->dst0opt)); if (newtype != IPV6_RTHDR && opt->srcrt) tot_len += CMSG_ALIGN(ipv6_optlen(opt->srcrt)); if (newtype != IPV6_DSTOPTS && opt->dst1opt) tot_len += CMSG_ALIGN(ipv6_optlen(opt->dst1opt)); } if (newopt && newoptlen) tot_len += CMSG_ALIGN(newoptlen); if (!tot_len) return NULL; tot_len += sizeof(*opt2); opt2 = sock_kmalloc(sk, tot_len, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!opt2) return ERR_PTR(-ENOBUFS); memset(opt2, 0, tot_len); opt2->tot_len = tot_len; p = (char *)(opt2 + 1); err = ipv6_renew_option(opt ? opt->hopopt : NULL, newopt, newoptlen, newtype != IPV6_HOPOPTS, &opt2->hopopt, &p); if (err) goto out; err = ipv6_renew_option(opt ? opt->dst0opt : NULL, newopt, newoptlen, newtype != IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS, &opt2->dst0opt, &p); if (err) goto out; err = ipv6_renew_option(opt ? opt->srcrt : NULL, newopt, newoptlen, newtype != IPV6_RTHDR, (struct ipv6_opt_hdr **)&opt2->srcrt, &p); if (err) goto out; err = ipv6_renew_option(opt ? opt->dst1opt : NULL, newopt, newoptlen, newtype != IPV6_DSTOPTS, &opt2->dst1opt, &p); if (err) goto out; opt2->opt_nflen = (opt2->hopopt ? ipv6_optlen(opt2->hopopt) : 0) + (opt2->dst0opt ? ipv6_optlen(opt2->dst0opt) : 0) + (opt2->srcrt ? ipv6_optlen(opt2->srcrt) : 0); opt2->opt_flen = (opt2->dst1opt ? ipv6_optlen(opt2->dst1opt) : 0); return opt2; out: sock_kfree_s(sk, opt2, opt2->tot_len); return ERR_PTR(err); } CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void oz_usb_farewell(struct oz_pd *pd, u8 ep_num, u8 *data, u8 len) { struct oz_usb_ctx *usb_ctx; spin_lock_bh(&pd->app_lock[OZ_APPID_USB]); usb_ctx = (struct oz_usb_ctx *)pd->app_ctx[OZ_APPID_USB]; if (usb_ctx) oz_usb_get(usb_ctx); spin_unlock_bh(&pd->app_lock[OZ_APPID_USB]); if (usb_ctx == NULL) return; /* Context has gone so nothing to do. */ if (!usb_ctx->stopped) { oz_dbg(ON, "Farewell indicated ep = 0x%x\n", ep_num); oz_hcd_data_ind(usb_ctx->hport, ep_num, data, len); } oz_usb_put(usb_ctx); } CWE ID: CWE-189 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int fill_thread_core_info(struct elf_thread_core_info *t, const struct user_regset_view *view, long signr, size_t *total) { unsigned int i; /* * NT_PRSTATUS is the one special case, because the regset data * goes into the pr_reg field inside the note contents, rather * than being the whole note contents. We fill the reset in here. * We assume that regset 0 is NT_PRSTATUS. */ fill_prstatus(&t->prstatus, t->task, signr); (void) view->regsets[0].get(t->task, &view->regsets[0], 0, sizeof(t->prstatus.pr_reg), &t->prstatus.pr_reg, NULL); fill_note(&t->notes[0], "CORE", NT_PRSTATUS, sizeof(t->prstatus), &t->prstatus); *total += notesize(&t->notes[0]); do_thread_regset_writeback(t->task, &view->regsets[0]); /* * Each other regset might generate a note too. For each regset * that has no core_note_type or is inactive, we leave t->notes[i] * all zero and we'll know to skip writing it later. */ for (i = 1; i < view->n; ++i) { const struct user_regset *regset = &view->regsets[i]; do_thread_regset_writeback(t->task, regset); if (regset->core_note_type && (!regset->active || regset->active(t->task, regset))) { int ret; size_t size = regset->n * regset->size; void *data = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL); if (unlikely(!data)) return 0; ret = regset->get(t->task, regset, 0, size, data, NULL); if (unlikely(ret)) kfree(data); else { if (regset->core_note_type != NT_PRFPREG) fill_note(&t->notes[i], "LINUX", regset->core_note_type, size, data); else { t->prstatus.pr_fpvalid = 1; fill_note(&t->notes[i], "CORE", NT_PRFPREG, size, data); } *total += notesize(&t->notes[i]); } } } return 1; } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: std::string SanitizeRemoteBase(const std::string& value) { GURL url(value); std::string path = url.path(); std::vector<std::string> parts = base::SplitString( path, "/", base::KEEP_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL); std::string revision = parts.size() > 2 ? parts[2] : ""; revision = SanitizeRevision(revision); path = base::StringPrintf("/%s/%s/", kRemoteFrontendPath, revision.c_str()); return SanitizeFrontendURL(url, url::kHttpsScheme, kRemoteFrontendDomain, path, false).spec(); } CWE ID: CWE-200 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: server_read_httpchunks(struct bufferevent *bev, void *arg) { struct client *clt = arg; struct evbuffer *src = EVBUFFER_INPUT(bev); char *line; long long llval; size_t size; getmonotime(&clt->clt_tv_last); size = EVBUFFER_LENGTH(src); DPRINTF("%s: session %d: size %lu, to read %lld", __func__, clt->clt_id, size, clt->clt_toread); if (!size) return; if (clt->clt_toread > 0) { /* Read chunk data */ if ((off_t)size > clt->clt_toread) { size = clt->clt_toread; if (server_bufferevent_write_chunk(clt, src, size) == -1) goto fail; clt->clt_toread = 0; } else { if (server_bufferevent_write_buffer(clt, src) == -1) goto fail; clt->clt_toread -= size; } DPRINTF("%s: done, size %lu, to read %lld", __func__, size, clt->clt_toread); } switch (clt->clt_toread) { case TOREAD_HTTP_CHUNK_LENGTH: line = evbuffer_readln(src, NULL, EVBUFFER_EOL_CRLF_STRICT); if (line == NULL) { /* Ignore empty line, continue */ bufferevent_enable(bev, EV_READ); return; } if (strlen(line) == 0) { free(line); goto next; } /* * Read prepended chunk size in hex, ignore the trailer. * The returned signed value must not be negative. */ if (sscanf(line, "%llx", &llval) != 1 || llval < 0) { free(line); server_close(clt, "invalid chunk size"); return; } if (server_bufferevent_print(clt, line) == -1 || server_bufferevent_print(clt, "\r\n") == -1) { free(line); goto fail; } free(line); if ((clt->clt_toread = llval) == 0) { DPRINTF("%s: last chunk", __func__); clt->clt_toread = TOREAD_HTTP_CHUNK_TRAILER; } break; case TOREAD_HTTP_CHUNK_TRAILER: /* Last chunk is 0 bytes followed by trailer and empty line */ line = evbuffer_readln(src, NULL, EVBUFFER_EOL_CRLF_STRICT); if (line == NULL) { /* Ignore empty line, continue */ bufferevent_enable(bev, EV_READ); return; } if (server_bufferevent_print(clt, line) == -1 || server_bufferevent_print(clt, "\r\n") == -1) { free(line); goto fail; } if (strlen(line) == 0) { /* Switch to HTTP header mode */ clt->clt_toread = TOREAD_HTTP_HEADER; bev->readcb = server_read_http; } free(line); break; case 0: /* Chunk is terminated by an empty newline */ line = evbuffer_readln(src, NULL, EVBUFFER_EOL_CRLF_STRICT); free(line); if (server_bufferevent_print(clt, "\r\n") == -1) goto fail; clt->clt_toread = TOREAD_HTTP_CHUNK_LENGTH; break; } next: if (clt->clt_done) goto done; if (EVBUFFER_LENGTH(src)) bev->readcb(bev, arg); bufferevent_enable(bev, EV_READ); return; done: server_close(clt, "last http chunk read (done)"); return; fail: server_close(clt, strerror(errno)); } CWE ID: CWE-770 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: GLuint GetServiceId(const OBJECT_TYPE* object) { return object ? object->service_id() : 0; } CWE ID: CWE-416 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void mk_request_free(struct session_request *sr) { if (sr->fd_file > 0) { mk_vhost_close(sr); } if (sr->headers.location) { mk_mem_free(sr->headers.location); } if (sr-> != sr-> { mk_ptr_free(&sr->uri_processed); } if (sr-> != sr->real_path_static) { mk_ptr_free(&sr->real_path); } } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static int skcipher_encrypt_blkcipher(struct skcipher_request *req) { struct crypto_skcipher *skcipher = crypto_skcipher_reqtfm(req); struct crypto_tfm *tfm = crypto_skcipher_tfm(skcipher); struct blkcipher_alg *alg = &tfm->__crt_alg->cra_blkcipher; return skcipher_crypt_blkcipher(req, alg->encrypt); } CWE ID: CWE-476 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: bool InspectorPageAgent::deviceMetricsOverrideEnabled() { return m_enabled && m_deviceMetricsOverridden; } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void PlatformSensorProviderBase::CreateSensor( mojom::SensorType type, const CreateSensorCallback& callback) { DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_THREAD(thread_checker_); if (!CreateSharedBufferIfNeeded()) { callback.Run(nullptr); return; } mojo::ScopedSharedBufferMapping mapping = MapSharedBufferForType(type); if (!mapping) { callback.Run(nullptr); return; } auto it = requests_map_.find(type); if (it != requests_map_.end()) { it->second.push_back(callback); } else { // This is the first CreateSensor call. requests_map_[type] = CallbackQueue({callback}); CreateSensorInternal( type, std::move(mapping), base::Bind(&PlatformSensorProviderBase::NotifySensorCreated, base::Unretained(this), type)); } } CWE ID: CWE-732 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static inline struct sockaddr *cma_src_addr(struct rdma_id_private *id_priv) { return (struct sockaddr *) &id_priv->id.route.addr.src_addr; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void ServiceWorkerHandler::SetRenderer(RenderProcessHost* process_host, RenderFrameHostImpl* frame_host) { process_ = process_host; if (!process_host) { ClearForceUpdate(); context_ = nullptr; return; } StoragePartition* partition = process_host->GetStoragePartition(); DCHECK(partition); context_ = static_cast<ServiceWorkerContextWrapper*>( partition->GetServiceWorkerContext()); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void ScrollHitTestDisplayItem::PropertiesAsJSON(JSONObject& json) const { DisplayItem::PropertiesAsJSON(json); json.SetString("scrollOffsetNode", String::Format("%p", scroll_offset_node_.get())); } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: virtual ~TestSiteInstance() { (*delete_counter_)++; } CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: int TabStripModel::GetIndexOfLastWebContentsOpenedBy(const WebContents* opener, int start_index) const { DCHECK(opener); DCHECK(ContainsIndex(start_index)); for (int i = contents_data_.size() - 1; i > start_index; --i) { if (contents_data_[i]->opener == opener) return i; } return kNoTab; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static PHP_FUNCTION(xmlwriter_open_uri) { char *valid_file = NULL; xmlwriter_object *intern; xmlTextWriterPtr ptr; char *source; char resolved_path[MAXPATHLEN + 1]; int source_len; #ifdef ZEND_ENGINE_2 zval *this = getThis(); ze_xmlwriter_object *ze_obj = NULL; #endif #ifndef ZEND_ENGINE_2 xmlOutputBufferPtr out_buffer; void *ioctx; #endif if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "s", &source, &source_len) == FAILURE) { return; } #ifdef ZEND_ENGINE_2 if (this) { /* We do not use XMLWRITER_FROM_OBJECT, xmlwriter init function here */ ze_obj = (ze_xmlwriter_object*) zend_object_store_get_object(this TSRMLS_CC); } #endif if (source_len == 0) { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Empty string as source"); RETURN_FALSE; } valid_file = _xmlwriter_get_valid_file_path(source, resolved_path, MAXPATHLEN TSRMLS_CC); if (!valid_file) { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Unable to resolve file path"); RETURN_FALSE; } /* TODO: Fix either the PHP stream or libxml APIs: it can then detect when a given path is valid and not report out of memory error. Once it is done, remove the directory check in _xmlwriter_get_valid_file_path */ #ifndef ZEND_ENGINE_2 ioctx = php_xmlwriter_streams_IO_open_write_wrapper(valid_file TSRMLS_CC); if (ioctx == NULL) { RETURN_FALSE; } out_buffer = xmlOutputBufferCreateIO(php_xmlwriter_streams_IO_write, php_xmlwriter_streams_IO_close, ioctx, NULL); if (out_buffer == NULL) { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Unable to create output buffer"); RETURN_FALSE; } ptr = xmlNewTextWriter(out_buffer); #else ptr = xmlNewTextWriterFilename(valid_file, 0); #endif if (!ptr) { RETURN_FALSE; } intern = emalloc(sizeof(xmlwriter_object)); intern->ptr = ptr; intern->output = NULL; #ifndef ZEND_ENGINE_2 intern->uri_output = out_buffer; #else if (this) { if (ze_obj->xmlwriter_ptr) { xmlwriter_free_resource_ptr(ze_obj->xmlwriter_ptr TSRMLS_CC); } ze_obj->xmlwriter_ptr = intern; RETURN_TRUE; } else #endif { ZEND_REGISTER_RESOURCE(return_value,intern,le_xmlwriter); } } CWE ID: CWE-254 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static int exif_discard_imageinfo(image_info_type *ImageInfo) { int i; EFREE_IF(ImageInfo->FileName); EFREE_IF(ImageInfo->UserComment); EFREE_IF(ImageInfo->UserCommentEncoding); EFREE_IF(ImageInfo->Copyright); EFREE_IF(ImageInfo->CopyrightPhotographer); EFREE_IF(ImageInfo->CopyrightEditor); EFREE_IF(ImageInfo->; EFREE_IF(ImageInfo->encode_unicode); EFREE_IF(ImageInfo->decode_unicode_be); EFREE_IF(ImageInfo->decode_unicode_le); EFREE_IF(ImageInfo->encode_jis); EFREE_IF(ImageInfo->decode_jis_be); EFREE_IF(ImageInfo->decode_jis_le); EFREE_IF(ImageInfo->make); EFREE_IF(ImageInfo->model); for (i=0; i<ImageInfo->xp_fields.count; i++) { EFREE_IF(ImageInfo->xp_fields.list[i].value); } EFREE_IF(ImageInfo->xp_fields.list); for (i=0; i<SECTION_COUNT; i++) { exif_iif_free(ImageInfo, i); } exif_file_sections_free(ImageInfo); memset(ImageInfo, 0, sizeof(*ImageInfo)); return TRUE; } CWE ID: Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: asmlinkage long compat_sys_ptrace(compat_long_t request, compat_long_t pid, compat_long_t addr, compat_long_t data) { struct task_struct *child; long ret; if (request == PTRACE_TRACEME) { ret = ptrace_traceme(); goto out; } child = ptrace_get_task_struct(pid); if (IS_ERR(child)) { ret = PTR_ERR(child); goto out; } if (request == PTRACE_ATTACH || request == PTRACE_SEIZE) { ret = ptrace_attach(child, request, addr, data); /* * Some architectures need to do book-keeping after * a ptrace attach. */ if (!ret) arch_ptrace_attach(child); goto out_put_task_struct; } ret = ptrace_check_attach(child, request == PTRACE_KILL || request == PTRACE_INTERRUPT); if (!ret) ret = compat_arch_ptrace(child, request, addr, data); out_put_task_struct: put_task_struct(child); out: return ret; } CWE ID: CWE-362 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(spl_directory) { REGISTER_SPL_STD_CLASS_EX(SplFileInfo, spl_filesystem_object_new, spl_SplFileInfo_functions); memcpy(&spl_filesystem_object_handlers, zend_get_std_object_handlers(), sizeof(zend_object_handlers)); spl_filesystem_object_handlers.clone_obj = spl_filesystem_object_clone; spl_filesystem_object_handlers.cast_object = spl_filesystem_object_cast; spl_filesystem_object_handlers.get_debug_info = spl_filesystem_object_get_debug_info; spl_ce_SplFileInfo->serialize = zend_class_serialize_deny; spl_ce_SplFileInfo->unserialize = zend_class_unserialize_deny; REGISTER_SPL_SUB_CLASS_EX(DirectoryIterator, SplFileInfo, spl_filesystem_object_new, spl_DirectoryIterator_functions); zend_class_implements(spl_ce_DirectoryIterator TSRMLS_CC, 1, zend_ce_iterator); REGISTER_SPL_IMPLEMENTS(DirectoryIterator, SeekableIterator); spl_ce_DirectoryIterator->get_iterator = spl_filesystem_dir_get_iterator; REGISTER_SPL_SUB_CLASS_EX(FilesystemIterator, DirectoryIterator, spl_filesystem_object_new, spl_FilesystemIterator_functions); REGISTER_SPL_CLASS_CONST_LONG(FilesystemIterator, "CURRENT_MODE_MASK", SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT_MODE_MASK); REGISTER_SPL_CLASS_CONST_LONG(FilesystemIterator, "CURRENT_AS_PATHNAME", SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT_AS_PATHNAME); REGISTER_SPL_CLASS_CONST_LONG(FilesystemIterator, "CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO", SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO); REGISTER_SPL_CLASS_CONST_LONG(FilesystemIterator, "CURRENT_AS_SELF", SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT_AS_SELF); REGISTER_SPL_CLASS_CONST_LONG(FilesystemIterator, "KEY_MODE_MASK", SPL_FILE_DIR_KEY_MODE_MASK); REGISTER_SPL_CLASS_CONST_LONG(FilesystemIterator, "KEY_AS_PATHNAME", SPL_FILE_DIR_KEY_AS_PATHNAME); REGISTER_SPL_CLASS_CONST_LONG(FilesystemIterator, "FOLLOW_SYMLINKS", SPL_FILE_DIR_FOLLOW_SYMLINKS); REGISTER_SPL_CLASS_CONST_LONG(FilesystemIterator, "KEY_AS_FILENAME", SPL_FILE_DIR_KEY_AS_FILENAME); REGISTER_SPL_CLASS_CONST_LONG(FilesystemIterator, "NEW_CURRENT_AND_KEY", SPL_FILE_DIR_KEY_AS_FILENAME|SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO); REGISTER_SPL_CLASS_CONST_LONG(FilesystemIterator, "OTHER_MODE_MASK", SPL_FILE_DIR_OTHERS_MASK); REGISTER_SPL_CLASS_CONST_LONG(FilesystemIterator, "SKIP_DOTS", SPL_FILE_DIR_SKIPDOTS); REGISTER_SPL_CLASS_CONST_LONG(FilesystemIterator, "UNIX_PATHS", SPL_FILE_DIR_UNIXPATHS); spl_ce_FilesystemIterator->get_iterator = spl_filesystem_tree_get_iterator; REGISTER_SPL_SUB_CLASS_EX(RecursiveDirectoryIterator, FilesystemIterator, spl_filesystem_object_new, spl_RecursiveDirectoryIterator_functions); REGISTER_SPL_IMPLEMENTS(RecursiveDirectoryIterator, RecursiveIterator); memcpy(&spl_filesystem_object_check_handlers, &spl_filesystem_object_handlers, sizeof(zend_object_handlers)); spl_filesystem_object_check_handlers.get_method = spl_filesystem_object_get_method_check; #ifdef HAVE_GLOB REGISTER_SPL_SUB_CLASS_EX(GlobIterator, FilesystemIterator, spl_filesystem_object_new_check, spl_GlobIterator_functions); REGISTER_SPL_IMPLEMENTS(GlobIterator, Countable); #endif REGISTER_SPL_SUB_CLASS_EX(SplFileObject, SplFileInfo, spl_filesystem_object_new_check, spl_SplFileObject_functions); REGISTER_SPL_IMPLEMENTS(SplFileObject, RecursiveIterator); REGISTER_SPL_IMPLEMENTS(SplFileObject, SeekableIterator); REGISTER_SPL_CLASS_CONST_LONG(SplFileObject, "DROP_NEW_LINE", SPL_FILE_OBJECT_DROP_NEW_LINE); REGISTER_SPL_CLASS_CONST_LONG(SplFileObject, "READ_AHEAD", SPL_FILE_OBJECT_READ_AHEAD); REGISTER_SPL_CLASS_CONST_LONG(SplFileObject, "SKIP_EMPTY", SPL_FILE_OBJECT_SKIP_EMPTY); REGISTER_SPL_CLASS_CONST_LONG(SplFileObject, "READ_CSV", SPL_FILE_OBJECT_READ_CSV); REGISTER_SPL_SUB_CLASS_EX(SplTempFileObject, SplFileObject, spl_filesystem_object_new_check, spl_SplTempFileObject_functions); return SUCCESS; } CWE ID: CWE-190 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static int irda_data_indication(void *instance, void *sap, struct sk_buff *skb) { struct irda_sock *self; struct sock *sk; int err; IRDA_DEBUG(3, "%s()\n", __func__); self = instance; sk = instance; err = sock_queue_rcv_skb(sk, skb); if (err) { IRDA_DEBUG(1, "%s(), error: no more mem!\n", __func__); self->rx_flow = FLOW_STOP; /* When we return error, TTP will need to requeue the skb */ return err; } return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-200 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: cleanup_pathname(struct archive_write_disk *a) { char *dest, *src; char separator = '\0'; dest = src = a->name; if (*src == '\0') { archive_set_error(&a->archive, ARCHIVE_ERRNO_MISC, "Invalid empty pathname"); return (ARCHIVE_FAILED); } #if defined(__CYGWIN__) cleanup_pathname_win(a); #endif /* Skip leading '/'. */ if (*src == '/') { if (a->flags & ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_SECURE_NOABSOLUTEPATHS) { archive_set_error(&a->archive, ARCHIVE_ERRNO_MISC, "Path is absolute"); return (ARCHIVE_FAILED); } separator = *src++; } /* Scan the pathname one element at a time. */ for (;;) { /* src points to first char after '/' */ if (src[0] == '\0') { break; } else if (src[0] == '/') { /* Found '//', ignore second one. */ src++; continue; } else if (src[0] == '.') { if (src[1] == '\0') { /* Ignore trailing '.' */ break; } else if (src[1] == '/') { /* Skip './'. */ src += 2; continue; } else if (src[1] == '.') { if (src[2] == '/' || src[2] == '\0') { /* Conditionally warn about '..' */ if (a->flags & ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_SECURE_NODOTDOT) { archive_set_error(&a->archive, ARCHIVE_ERRNO_MISC, "Path contains '..'"); return (ARCHIVE_FAILED); } } /* * Note: Under no circumstances do we * remove '..' elements. In * particular, restoring * '/foo/../bar/' should create the * 'foo' dir as a side-effect. */ } } /* Copy current element, including leading '/'. */ if (separator) *dest++ = '/'; while (*src != '\0' && *src != '/') { *dest++ = *src++; } if (*src == '\0') break; /* Skip '/' separator. */ separator = *src++; } /* * We've just copied zero or more path elements, not including the * final '/'. */ if (dest == a->name) { /* * Nothing got copied. The path must have been something * like '.' or '/' or './' or '/././././/./'. */ if (separator) *dest++ = '/'; else *dest++ = '.'; } /* Terminate the result. */ *dest = '\0'; return (ARCHIVE_OK); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: Page* ChromeClientImpl::CreateWindow(LocalFrame* frame, const FrameLoadRequest& r, const WebWindowFeatures& features, NavigationPolicy navigation_policy, SandboxFlags sandbox_flags) { if (!web_view_->Client()) return nullptr; if (!frame->GetPage() || frame->GetPage()->Paused()) return nullptr; DCHECK(frame->GetDocument()); Fullscreen::FullyExitFullscreen(*frame->GetDocument()); const AtomicString& frame_name = !EqualIgnoringASCIICase(r.FrameName(), "_blank") ? r.FrameName() : g_empty_atom; WebViewImpl* new_view = static_cast<WebViewImpl*>(web_view_->Client()->CreateView( WebLocalFrameImpl::FromFrame(frame), WrappedResourceRequest(r.GetResourceRequest()), features, frame_name, static_cast<WebNavigationPolicy>(navigation_policy), r.GetShouldSetOpener() == kNeverSetOpener, static_cast<WebSandboxFlags>(sandbox_flags))); if (!new_view) return nullptr; return new_view->GetPage(); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: PaymentHandlerWebFlowViewController::~PaymentHandlerWebFlowViewController() {} CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: const PropertyTreeState& PropertyTreeState::Root() { DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL( std::unique_ptr<PropertyTreeState>, root, (std::make_unique<PropertyTreeState>(TransformPaintPropertyNode::Root(), ClipPaintPropertyNode::Root(), EffectPaintPropertyNode::Root()))); return *root; } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: const Chapters::Atom* Chapters::Edition::GetAtom(int index) const { if (index < 0) return NULL; if (index >= m_atoms_count) return NULL; return m_atoms + index; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static void block_socket(SOCKETTYPE fd) { #ifndef WIN32 int flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0); fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags & ~O_NONBLOCK); #else u_long flags = 0; ioctlsocket(fd, FIONBIO, &flags); #endif } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static void cpu_clock_event_read(struct perf_event *event) { cpu_clock_event_update(event); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: int arch_dup_task_struct(struct task_struct *dst, struct task_struct *src) { flush_fp_to_thread(src); flush_altivec_to_thread(src); flush_vsx_to_thread(src); flush_spe_to_thread(src); *dst = *src; clear_task_ebb(dst); return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: nfsd4_secinfo_no_name(struct svc_rqst *rqstp, struct nfsd4_compound_state *cstate, struct nfsd4_secinfo_no_name *sin) { __be32 err; switch (sin->sin_style) { case NFS4_SECINFO_STYLE4_CURRENT_FH: break; case NFS4_SECINFO_STYLE4_PARENT: err = nfsd4_do_lookupp(rqstp, &cstate->current_fh); if (err) return err; break; default: return nfserr_inval; } sin->sin_exp = exp_get(cstate->current_fh.fh_export); fh_put(&cstate->current_fh); return nfs_ok; } CWE ID: CWE-404 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static int here(JF) { return F->codelen; } CWE ID: CWE-476 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static void si_conn_send(struct connection *conn) { struct stream_interface *si = conn->owner; struct channel *chn = si->ob; int ret; if (chn->pipe && conn->xprt->snd_pipe) { ret = conn->xprt->snd_pipe(conn, chn->pipe); if (ret > 0) chn->flags |= CF_WRITE_PARTIAL; if (!chn->pipe->data) { put_pipe(chn->pipe); chn->pipe = NULL; } if (conn->flags & CO_FL_ERROR) return; } /* At this point, the pipe is empty, but we may still have data pending * in the normal buffer. */ if (!chn->buf->o) return; /* when we're here, we already know that there is no spliced * data left, and that there are sendable buffered data. */ if (!(conn->flags & (CO_FL_ERROR | CO_FL_SOCK_WR_SH | CO_FL_DATA_WR_SH | CO_FL_WAIT_DATA | CO_FL_HANDSHAKE))) { /* check if we want to inform the kernel that we're interested in * sending more data after this call. We want this if : * - we're about to close after this last send and want to merge * the ongoing FIN with the last segment. * - we know we can't send everything at once and must get back * here because of unaligned data * - there is still a finite amount of data to forward * The test is arranged so that the most common case does only 2 * tests. */ unsigned int send_flag = 0; if ((!(chn->flags & (CF_NEVER_WAIT|CF_SEND_DONTWAIT)) && ((chn->to_forward && chn->to_forward != CHN_INFINITE_FORWARD) || (chn->flags & CF_EXPECT_MORE))) || ((chn->flags & (CF_SHUTW|CF_SHUTW_NOW)) == CF_SHUTW_NOW)) send_flag |= CO_SFL_MSG_MORE; if (chn->flags & CF_STREAMER) send_flag |= CO_SFL_STREAMER; ret = conn->xprt->snd_buf(conn, chn->buf, send_flag); if (ret > 0) { chn->flags |= CF_WRITE_PARTIAL; if (!chn->buf->o) { /* Always clear both flags once everything has been sent, they're one-shot */ chn->flags &= ~(CF_EXPECT_MORE | CF_SEND_DONTWAIT); } /* if some data remain in the buffer, it's only because the * system buffers are full, we will try next time. */ } } return; } CWE ID: CWE-189 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void VaapiVideoDecodeAccelerator::Decode( const BitstreamBuffer& bitstream_buffer) { DCHECK(task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); TRACE_EVENT1("Video Decoder", "VAVDA::Decode", "Buffer id",; if ( < 0) { if (base::SharedMemory::IsHandleValid(bitstream_buffer.handle())) base::SharedMemory::CloseHandle(bitstream_buffer.handle()); VLOGF(1) << "Invalid bitstream_buffer, id: " <<; NotifyError(INVALID_ARGUMENT); return; } if (bitstream_buffer.size() == 0) { if (base::SharedMemory::IsHandleValid(bitstream_buffer.handle())) base::SharedMemory::CloseHandle(bitstream_buffer.handle()); if (client_) client_->NotifyEndOfBitstreamBuffer(; return; } QueueInputBuffer(bitstream_buffer); } CWE ID: CWE-362 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: kdc_process_s4u2proxy_req(kdc_realm_t *kdc_active_realm, krb5_kdc_req *request, const krb5_enc_tkt_part *t2enc, const krb5_db_entry *server, krb5_const_principal server_princ, krb5_const_principal proxy_princ, const char **status) { krb5_error_code errcode; /* * Constrained delegation is mutually exclusive with renew/forward/etc. * We can assert from this check that the header ticket was a TGT, as * that is validated previously in validate_tgs_request(). */ if (request->kdc_options & (NON_TGT_OPTION | KDC_OPT_ENC_TKT_IN_SKEY)) { return KRB5KDC_ERR_BADOPTION; } /* Ensure that evidence ticket server matches TGT client */ if (!krb5_principal_compare(kdc_context, server->princ, /* after canon */ server_princ)) { return KRB5KDC_ERR_SERVER_NOMATCH; } if (!isflagset(t2enc->flags, TKT_FLG_FORWARDABLE)) { *status = "EVIDENCE_TKT_NOT_FORWARDABLE"; return KRB5_TKT_NOT_FORWARDABLE; } /* Backend policy check */ errcode = check_allowed_to_delegate_to(kdc_context, t2enc->client, server, proxy_princ); if (errcode) { *status = "NOT_ALLOWED_TO_DELEGATE"; return errcode; } return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-617 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: int simple_set_acl(struct inode *inode, struct posix_acl *acl, int type) { int error; if (type == ACL_TYPE_ACCESS) { error = posix_acl_equiv_mode(acl, &inode->i_mode); if (error < 0) return 0; if (error == 0) acl = NULL; } inode->i_ctime = current_time(inode); set_cached_acl(inode, type, acl); return 0; } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: static int _TIFFFillStrilesInternal( TIFF *tif, int loadStripByteCount ) { #if defined(DEFER_STRILE_LOAD) register TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; int return_value = 1; if( td->td_stripoffset != NULL ) return 1; if( td->td_stripoffset_entry.tdir_count == 0 ) return 0; if (!TIFFFetchStripThing(tif,&(td->td_stripoffset_entry), td->td_nstrips,&td->td_stripoffset)) { return_value = 0; } if (loadStripByteCount && !TIFFFetchStripThing(tif,&(td->td_stripbytecount_entry), td->td_nstrips,&td->td_stripbytecount)) { return_value = 0; } _TIFFmemset( &(td->td_stripoffset_entry), 0, sizeof(TIFFDirEntry)); _TIFFmemset( &(td->td_stripbytecount_entry), 0, sizeof(TIFFDirEntry)); if (tif->tif_dir.td_nstrips > 1 && return_value == 1 ) { uint32 strip; tif->tif_dir.td_stripbytecountsorted = 1; for (strip = 1; strip < tif->tif_dir.td_nstrips; strip++) { if (tif->tif_dir.td_stripoffset[strip - 1] > tif->tif_dir.td_stripoffset[strip]) { tif->tif_dir.td_stripbytecountsorted = 0; break; } } } return return_value; #else /* !defined(DEFER_STRILE_LOAD) */ (void) tif; (void) loadStripByteCount; return 1; #endif } CWE ID: CWE-125 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void WebContentsImpl::DidCancelLoading() { controller_.DiscardNonCommittedEntries(); NotifyNavigationStateChanged(INVALIDATE_TYPE_URL); } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: cf2_initGlobalRegionBuffer( CFF_Decoder* decoder, CF2_UInt idx, CF2_Buffer buf ) { FT_ASSERT( decoder && decoder->globals ); FT_ZERO( buf ); idx += decoder->globals_bias; if ( idx >= decoder->num_globals ) return TRUE; /* error */ buf->start = buf->ptr = decoder->globals[idx]; buf->end = decoder->globals[idx + 1]; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void InlineSigninHelper::ConfirmEmailAction( content::WebContents* web_contents, const std::string& refresh_token, OneClickSigninSyncStarter::ConfirmationRequired confirmation_required, OneClickSigninSyncStarter::StartSyncMode start_mode, SigninEmailConfirmationDialog::Action action) { Browser* browser = chrome::FindLastActiveWithProfile(profile_); switch (action) { case SigninEmailConfirmationDialog::CREATE_NEW_USER: base::RecordAction( base::UserMetricsAction("Signin_ImportDataPrompt_DontImport")); CreateSyncStarter(browser, current_url_, refresh_token, OneClickSigninSyncStarter::NEW_PROFILE, start_mode, confirmation_required); break; case SigninEmailConfirmationDialog::START_SYNC: base::RecordAction( base::UserMetricsAction("Signin_ImportDataPrompt_ImportData")); CreateSyncStarter(browser, current_url_, refresh_token, OneClickSigninSyncStarter::CURRENT_PROFILE, start_mode, confirmation_required); break; case SigninEmailConfirmationDialog::CLOSE: base::RecordAction( base::UserMetricsAction("Signin_ImportDataPrompt_Cancel")); if (handler_) { handler_->SyncStarterCallback( OneClickSigninSyncStarter::SYNC_SETUP_FAILURE); } break; default: DCHECK(false) << "Invalid action"; } base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->DeleteSoon(FROM_HERE, this); } CWE ID: CWE-20 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: vbf_stp_fetchbody(struct worker *wrk, struct busyobj *bo) { ssize_t l; uint8_t *ptr; enum vfp_status vfps = VFP_ERROR; ssize_t est; struct vfp_ctx *vfc; CHECK_OBJ_NOTNULL(bo, BUSYOBJ_MAGIC); vfc = bo->vfc; CHECK_OBJ_NOTNULL(vfc, VFP_CTX_MAGIC); AN(vfc->vfp_nxt); est = bo->htc->content_length; if (est < 0) est = 0; do { if (vfc->oc->flags & OC_F_ABANDON) { /* * A pass object and delivery was terminated * We don't fail the fetch, in order for hit-for-pass * objects to be created. */ AN(vfc->oc->flags & OC_F_PASS); VSLb(wrk->vsl, SLT_FetchError, "Pass delivery abandoned"); bo->htc->doclose = SC_RX_BODY; break; } AZ(vfc->failed); l = est; assert(l >= 0); if (VFP_GetStorage(vfc, &l, &ptr) != VFP_OK) { bo->htc->doclose = SC_RX_BODY; break; } AZ(vfc->failed); vfps = VFP_Suck(vfc, ptr, &l); if (l > 0 && vfps != VFP_ERROR) { bo->acct.beresp_bodybytes += l; VFP_Extend(vfc, l); if (est >= l) est -= l; else est = 0; } } while (vfps == VFP_OK); if (vfc->failed) { (void)VFP_Error(vfc, "Fetch pipeline failed to process"); bo->htc->doclose = SC_RX_BODY; VFP_Close(vfc); VDI_Finish(wrk, bo); if (!bo->do_stream) { assert(bo->fetch_objcore->boc->state < BOS_STREAM); return (F_STP_ERROR); } else { wrk->stats->fetch_failed++; return (F_STP_FAIL); } } ObjTrimStore(wrk, vfc->oc); return (F_STP_FETCHEND); } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: enum nss_status _nss_mymachines_getgrnam_r( const char *name, struct group *gr, char *buffer, size_t buflen, int *errnop) { _cleanup_bus_error_free_ sd_bus_error error = SD_BUS_ERROR_NULL; _cleanup_bus_message_unref_ sd_bus_message* reply = NULL; _cleanup_bus_flush_close_unref_ sd_bus *bus = NULL; const char *p, *e, *machine; uint32_t mapped; uid_t gid; size_t l; int r; assert(name); assert(gr); p = startswith(name, "vg-"); if (!p) goto not_found; e = strrchr(p, '-'); if (!e || e == p) goto not_found; r = parse_gid(e + 1, &gid); if (r < 0) goto not_found; machine = strndupa(p, e - p); if (!machine_name_is_valid(machine)) goto not_found; r = sd_bus_open_system(&bus); if (r < 0) goto fail; r = sd_bus_call_method(bus, "org.freedesktop.machine1", "/org/freedesktop/machine1", "org.freedesktop.machine1.Manager", "MapFromMachineGroup", &error, &reply, "su", machine, (uint32_t) gid); if (r < 0) { if (sd_bus_error_has_name(&error, BUS_ERROR_NO_SUCH_GROUP_MAPPING)) goto not_found; goto fail; } r = sd_bus_message_read(reply, "u", &mapped); if (r < 0) goto fail; l = sizeof(char*) + strlen(name) + 1; if (buflen < l) { *errnop = ENOMEM; return NSS_STATUS_TRYAGAIN; } memzero(buffer, sizeof(char*)); strcpy(buffer + sizeof(char*), name); gr->gr_name = buffer + sizeof(char*); gr->gr_gid = gid; gr->gr_passwd = (char*) "*"; /* locked */ gr->gr_mem = (char**) buffer; *errnop = 0; return NSS_STATUS_SUCCESS; not_found: *errnop = 0; return NSS_STATUS_NOTFOUND; fail: *errnop = -r; return NSS_STATUS_UNAVAIL; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: bool DevToolsEventForwarder::KeyWhitelistingAllowed(int key_code, int modifiers) { return (ui::VKEY_F1 <= key_code && key_code <= ui::VKEY_F12) || modifiers != 0; } CWE ID: CWE-200 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: g_utf8_normalize (const gchar * str, gssize len, GNormalizeMode mode) { gunichar *result_wc = _g_utf8_normalize_wc (str, len, mode); gchar *result; result = g_ucs4_to_utf8 (result_wc, -1, NULL, NULL); g_free (result_wc); return result; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void AppControllerImpl::SetClient(mojom::AppControllerClientPtr client) { client_ = std::move(client); } CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void ShellContentBrowserClient::OpenURL( BrowserContext* browser_context, const OpenURLParams& params, const base::Callback<void(WebContents*)>& callback) { callback.Run(Shell::CreateNewWindow(browser_context, params.url, nullptr, gfx::Size())->web_contents()); } CWE ID: CWE-399 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static zend_object_value spl_object_storage_clone(zval *zobject TSRMLS_DC) { zend_object_value new_obj_val; zend_object *old_object; zend_object *new_object; zend_object_handle handle = Z_OBJ_HANDLE_P(zobject); spl_SplObjectStorage *intern; old_object = zend_objects_get_address(zobject TSRMLS_CC); new_obj_val = spl_object_storage_new_ex(old_object->ce, &intern, zobject TSRMLS_CC); new_object = &intern->std; zend_objects_clone_members(new_object, new_obj_val, old_object, handle TSRMLS_CC); return new_obj_val; } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: int RAND_DRBG_generate(RAND_DRBG *drbg, unsigned char *out, size_t outlen, int prediction_resistance, const unsigned char *adin, size_t adinlen) { int reseed_required = 0; if (drbg->state != DRBG_READY) { rand_drbg_restart(drbg, NULL, 0, 0); if (drbg->state == DRBG_ERROR) { RANDerr(RAND_F_RAND_DRBG_GENERATE, RAND_R_IN_ERROR_STATE); return 0; } if (drbg->state == DRBG_UNINITIALISED) { RANDerr(RAND_F_RAND_DRBG_GENERATE, RAND_R_NOT_INSTANTIATED); return 0; } } if (outlen > drbg->max_request) { RANDerr(RAND_F_RAND_DRBG_GENERATE, RAND_R_REQUEST_TOO_LARGE_FOR_DRBG); return 0; } if (adinlen > drbg->max_adinlen) { RANDerr(RAND_F_RAND_DRBG_GENERATE, RAND_R_ADDITIONAL_INPUT_TOO_LONG); return 0; return 0; } if (drbg->fork_count != rand_fork_count) { drbg->fork_count = rand_fork_count; reseed_required = 1; } } CWE ID: CWE-330 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: bool PDFiumEngine::OnRightMouseDown(const pp::MouseInputEvent& event) { DCHECK_EQ(PP_INPUTEVENT_MOUSEBUTTON_RIGHT, event.GetButton()); pp::Point point = event.GetPosition(); int page_index = -1; int char_index = -1; int form_type = FPDF_FORMFIELD_UNKNOWN; PDFiumPage::LinkTarget target; PDFiumPage::Area area = GetCharIndex(point, &page_index, &char_index, &form_type, &target); DCHECK_GE(form_type, FPDF_FORMFIELD_UNKNOWN); bool is_form_text_area = IsFormTextArea(area, form_type); bool is_editable_form_text_area = false; double page_x = -1; double page_y = -1; FPDF_PAGE page = nullptr; if (is_form_text_area) { DCHECK_NE(page_index, -1); DeviceToPage(page_index, point.x(), point.y(), &page_x, &page_y); page = pages_[page_index]->GetPage(); is_editable_form_text_area = IsPointInEditableFormTextArea(page, page_x, page_y, form_type); } if (in_form_text_area_) { if (is_form_text_area) { FORM_OnFocus(form_, page, 0, page_x, page_y); } else { FORM_ForceToKillFocus(form_); SetInFormTextArea(false); } return true; } if (is_form_text_area) { { SelectionChangeInvalidator selection_invalidator(this); selection_.clear(); } SetInFormTextArea(true); editable_form_text_area_ = is_editable_form_text_area; FORM_OnFocus(form_, page, 0, page_x, page_y); return true; } if (selection_.empty()) return false; std::vector<pp::Rect> selection_rect_vector; GetAllScreenRectsUnion(&selection_, GetVisibleRect().point(), &selection_rect_vector); for (const auto& rect : selection_rect_vector) { if (rect.Contains(point.x(), point.y())) return false; } SelectionChangeInvalidator selection_invalidator(this); selection_.clear(); return true; } CWE ID: CWE-416 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static long aio_read_events_ring(struct kioctx *ctx, struct io_event __user *event, long nr) { struct aio_ring *ring; unsigned head, tail, pos; long ret = 0; int copy_ret; mutex_lock(&ctx->ring_lock); /* Access to ->ring_pages here is protected by ctx->ring_lock. */ ring = kmap_atomic(ctx->ring_pages[0]); head = ring->head; tail = ring->tail; kunmap_atomic(ring); pr_debug("h%u t%u m%u\n", head, tail, ctx->nr_events); if (head == tail) goto out; while (ret < nr) { long avail; struct io_event *ev; struct page *page; avail = (head <= tail ? tail : ctx->nr_events) - head; if (head == tail) break; avail = min(avail, nr - ret); avail = min_t(long, avail, AIO_EVENTS_PER_PAGE - ((head + AIO_EVENTS_OFFSET) % AIO_EVENTS_PER_PAGE)); pos = head + AIO_EVENTS_OFFSET; page = ctx->ring_pages[pos / AIO_EVENTS_PER_PAGE]; pos %= AIO_EVENTS_PER_PAGE; ev = kmap(page); copy_ret = copy_to_user(event + ret, ev + pos, sizeof(*ev) * avail); kunmap(page); if (unlikely(copy_ret)) { ret = -EFAULT; goto out; } ret += avail; head += avail; head %= ctx->nr_events; } ring = kmap_atomic(ctx->ring_pages[0]); ring->head = head; kunmap_atomic(ring); flush_dcache_page(ctx->ring_pages[0]); pr_debug("%li h%u t%u\n", ret, head, tail); out: mutex_unlock(&ctx->ring_lock); return ret; } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: void RenderWidgetHostViewAura::AcceleratedSurfaceRelease( uint64 surface_handle) { DCHECK(image_transport_clients_.find(surface_handle) != image_transport_clients_.end()); if (current_surface_ == surface_handle) { current_surface_ = 0; UpdateExternalTexture(); } image_transport_clients_.erase(surface_handle); } CWE ID: Target: 1 Example 2: Code: handle_set_config(struct ofconn *ofconn, const struct ofp_header *oh) { struct ofproto *ofproto = ofconn_get_ofproto(ofconn); struct ofputil_switch_config config; enum ofperr error; error = ofputil_decode_set_config(oh, &config); if (error) { return error; } if (ofconn_get_type(ofconn) != OFCONN_PRIMARY || ofconn_get_role(ofconn) != OFPCR12_ROLE_SLAVE) { enum ofputil_frag_handling cur = ofproto->frag_handling; enum ofputil_frag_handling next = config.frag; if (cur != next) { if (ofproto->ofproto_class->set_frag_handling(ofproto, next)) { ofproto->frag_handling = next; } else { VLOG_WARN_RL(&rl, "%s: unsupported fragment handling mode %s", ofproto->name, ofputil_frag_handling_to_string(next)); } } } if (config.invalid_ttl_to_controller >= 0) { ofconn_set_invalid_ttl_to_controller(ofconn, config.invalid_ttl_to_controller); } ofconn_set_miss_send_len(ofconn, config.miss_send_len); return 0; } CWE ID: CWE-617 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: ProfilingProcessHost::Mode ProfilingProcessHost::GetCurrentMode() { const base::CommandLine* cmdline = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(); #if BUILDFLAG(USE_ALLOCATOR_SHIM) if (cmdline->HasSwitch(switches::kMemlog) || base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(kOOPHeapProfilingFeature)) { if (cmdline->HasSwitch(switches::kEnableHeapProfiling)) { LOG(ERROR) << "--" << switches::kEnableHeapProfiling << " specified with --" << switches::kMemlog << "which are not compatible. Memlog will be disabled."; return Mode::kNone; } std::string mode; if (cmdline->HasSwitch(switches::kMemlog)) { mode = cmdline->GetSwitchValueASCII(switches::kMemlog); } else { mode = base::GetFieldTrialParamValueByFeature( kOOPHeapProfilingFeature, kOOPHeapProfilingFeatureMode); } if (mode == switches::kMemlogModeAll) return Mode::kAll; if (mode == switches::kMemlogModeMinimal) return Mode::kMinimal; if (mode == switches::kMemlogModeBrowser) return Mode::kBrowser; if (mode == switches::kMemlogModeGpu) return Mode::kGpu; if (mode == switches::kMemlogModeRendererSampling) return Mode::kRendererSampling; DLOG(ERROR) << "Unsupported value: \"" << mode << "\" passed to --" << switches::kMemlog; } return Mode::kNone; #else LOG_IF(ERROR, cmdline->HasSwitch(switches::kMemlog)) << "--" << switches::kMemlog << " specified but it will have no effect because the use_allocator_shim " << "is not available in this build."; return Mode::kNone; #endif } CWE ID: CWE-416 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: int validate_camera_metadata_structure(const camera_metadata_t *metadata, const size_t *expected_size) { if (metadata == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: metadata is null!", __FUNCTION__); return ERROR; } { static const struct { const char *name; size_t alignment; } alignments[] = { { .name = "camera_metadata", .alignment = METADATA_ALIGNMENT }, { .name = "camera_metadata_buffer_entry", .alignment = ENTRY_ALIGNMENT }, { .name = "camera_metadata_data", .alignment = DATA_ALIGNMENT }, }; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(alignments)/sizeof(alignments[0]); ++i) { uintptr_t aligned_ptr = ALIGN_TO(metadata, alignments[i].alignment); if ((uintptr_t)metadata != aligned_ptr) { ALOGE("%s: Metadata pointer is not aligned (actual %p, " "expected %p) to type %s", __FUNCTION__, metadata, (void*)aligned_ptr, alignments[i].name); return ERROR; } } } /** * Check that the metadata contents are correct */ if (expected_size != NULL && metadata->size > *expected_size) { ALOGE("%s: Metadata size (%" PRIu32 ") should be <= expected size (%zu)", __FUNCTION__, metadata->size, *expected_size); return ERROR; } if (metadata->entry_count > metadata->entry_capacity) { ALOGE("%s: Entry count (%" PRIu32 ") should be <= entry capacity " "(%" PRIu32 ")", __FUNCTION__, metadata->entry_count, metadata->entry_capacity); return ERROR; } const metadata_uptrdiff_t entries_end = metadata->entries_start + metadata->entry_capacity; if (entries_end < metadata->entries_start || // overflow check entries_end > metadata->data_start) { ALOGE("%s: Entry start + capacity (%" PRIu32 ") should be <= data start " "(%" PRIu32 ")", __FUNCTION__, (metadata->entries_start + metadata->entry_capacity), metadata->data_start); return ERROR; } const metadata_uptrdiff_t data_end = metadata->data_start + metadata->data_capacity; if (data_end < metadata->data_start || // overflow check data_end > metadata->size) { ALOGE("%s: Data start + capacity (%" PRIu32 ") should be <= total size " "(%" PRIu32 ")", __FUNCTION__, (metadata->data_start + metadata->data_capacity), metadata->size); return ERROR; } const metadata_size_t entry_count = metadata->entry_count; camera_metadata_buffer_entry_t *entries = get_entries(metadata); for (size_t i = 0; i < entry_count; ++i) { if ((uintptr_t)&entries[i] != ALIGN_TO(&entries[i], ENTRY_ALIGNMENT)) { ALOGE("%s: Entry index %zu had bad alignment (address %p)," " expected alignment %zu", __FUNCTION__, i, &entries[i], ENTRY_ALIGNMENT); return ERROR; } camera_metadata_buffer_entry_t entry = entries[i]; if (entry.type >= NUM_TYPES) { ALOGE("%s: Entry index %zu had a bad type %d", __FUNCTION__, i, entry.type); return ERROR; } uint32_t tag_section = entry.tag >> 16; int tag_type = get_camera_metadata_tag_type(entry.tag); if (tag_type != (int)entry.type && tag_section < VENDOR_SECTION) { ALOGE("%s: Entry index %zu had tag type %d, but the type was %d", __FUNCTION__, i, tag_type, entry.type); return ERROR; } size_t data_size = calculate_camera_metadata_entry_data_size(entry.type, entry.count); if (data_size != 0) { camera_metadata_data_t *data = (camera_metadata_data_t*) (get_data(metadata) +; if ((uintptr_t)data != ALIGN_TO(data, DATA_ALIGNMENT)) { ALOGE("%s: Entry index %zu had bad data alignment (address %p)," " expected align %zu, (tag name %s, data size %zu)", __FUNCTION__, i, data, DATA_ALIGNMENT, get_camera_metadata_tag_name(entry.tag) ?: "unknown", data_size); return ERROR; } size_t data_entry_end = + data_size; if (data_entry_end < || // overflow check data_entry_end > metadata->data_capacity) { ALOGE("%s: Entry index %zu data ends (%zu) beyond the capacity " "%" PRIu32, __FUNCTION__, i, data_entry_end, metadata->data_capacity); return ERROR; } } else if (entry.count == 0) { if ( != 0) { ALOGE("%s: Entry index %zu had 0 items, but offset was non-0 " "(%" PRIu32 "), tag name: %s", __FUNCTION__, i,, get_camera_metadata_tag_name(entry.tag) ?: "unknown"); return ERROR; } } // else data stored inline, so we look at value which can be anything. } return OK; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: g_NP_GetValue(NPPVariable variable, void *value) { if (g_plugin_NP_GetValue == NULL) return NPERR_INVALID_FUNCTABLE_ERROR; D(bugiI("NP_GetValue variable=%d [%s]\n", variable, string_of_NPPVariable(variable))); NPError ret = g_plugin_NP_GetValue(NULL, variable, value); D(bugiD("NP_GetValue return: %d\n", ret)); return ret; } CWE ID: CWE-264 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void TabStrip::RemoveMessageLoopObserver() { mouse_watcher_ = nullptr; } CWE ID: CWE-20 Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static int picolcd_raw_event(struct hid_device *hdev, struct hid_report *report, u8 *raw_data, int size) { struct picolcd_data *data = hid_get_drvdata(hdev); unsigned long flags; int ret = 0; if (!data) return 1; if (report->id == REPORT_KEY_STATE) { if (data->input_keys) ret = picolcd_raw_keypad(data, report, raw_data+1, size-1); } else if (report->id == REPORT_IR_DATA) { ret = picolcd_raw_cir(data, report, raw_data+1, size-1); } else { spin_lock_irqsave(&data->lock, flags); /* * We let the caller of picolcd_send_and_wait() check if the * report we got is one of the expected ones or not. */ if (data->pending) { memcpy(data->pending->raw_data, raw_data+1, size-1); data->pending->raw_size = size-1; data->pending->in_report = report; complete(&data->pending->ready); } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&data->lock, flags); } picolcd_debug_raw_event(data, hdev, report, raw_data, size); return 1; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: void DevToolsWindow::ActivateContents(WebContents* contents) { if (is_docked_) { WebContents* inspected_tab = GetInspectedWebContents(); if (inspected_tab) inspected_tab->GetDelegate()->ActivateContents(inspected_tab); } else if (browser_) { browser_->window()->Activate(); } } CWE ID: CWE-200 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: static struct nfs4_opendata *nfs4_opendata_alloc(struct path *path, struct nfs4_state_owner *sp, int flags, const struct iattr *attrs) { struct dentry *parent = dget_parent(path->dentry); struct inode *dir = parent->d_inode; struct nfs_server *server = NFS_SERVER(dir); struct nfs4_opendata *p; p = kzalloc(sizeof(*p), GFP_KERNEL); if (p == NULL) goto err; p->o_arg.seqid = nfs_alloc_seqid(&sp->so_seqid); if (p->o_arg.seqid == NULL) goto err_free; p->path.mnt = mntget(path->mnt); p->path.dentry = dget(path->dentry); p->dir = parent; p->owner = sp; atomic_inc(&sp->so_count); p->o_arg.fh = NFS_FH(dir); p->o_arg.open_flags = flags, p->o_arg.clientid = server->nfs_client->cl_clientid; p-> = sp->; p-> = &p->path.dentry->d_name; p->o_arg.server = server; p->o_arg.bitmask = server->attr_bitmask; p->o_arg.claim = NFS4_OPEN_CLAIM_NULL; if (flags & O_EXCL) { u32 *s = (u32 *) p->; s[0] = jiffies; s[1] = current->pid; } else if (flags & O_CREAT) { p->o_arg.u.attrs = &p->attrs; memcpy(&p->attrs, attrs, sizeof(p->attrs)); } p->c_arg.fh = &p->o_res.fh; p->c_arg.stateid = &p->o_res.stateid; p->c_arg.seqid = p->o_arg.seqid; nfs4_init_opendata_res(p); kref_init(&p->kref); return p; err_free: kfree(p); err: dput(parent); return NULL; } CWE ID: Output:
Here are some example code snippets. Analyze the following code and CWE ID and the target value where 1 indicates the code has vulnerability and 0 indicates non-vulnerable code. Example 1: Code: static int atusb_get_and_show_build(struct atusb *atusb) { struct usb_device *usb_dev = atusb->usb_dev; char build[ATUSB_BUILD_SIZE + 1]; int ret; ret = atusb_control_msg(atusb, usb_rcvctrlpipe(usb_dev, 0), ATUSB_BUILD, ATUSB_REQ_FROM_DEV, 0, 0, build, ATUSB_BUILD_SIZE, 1000); if (ret >= 0) { build[ret] = 0; dev_info(&usb_dev->dev, "Firmware: build %s\n", build); } return ret; } CWE ID: CWE-119 Target: 1 Example 2: Code: UNCURL_EXPORT int32_t uncurl_read_header(struct uncurl_conn *ucc) { int32_t e; if (ucc->hin) http_free_header(ucc->hin); ucc->hin = NULL; char *header = NULL; e = uncurl_read_header_(ucc, &header); if (e == UNCURL_OK) { ucc->hin = http_parse_header(header); free(header); } return e; } CWE ID: CWE-352 Target: 0 Now analyze the following code and CWE ID. Determine whether it has a vulnerability. If it does, return '1'; if it doesn't, return '0'. Remember, I want response in '1' or '0'. Do Not respond with explanation. Code: void CameraSource::signalBufferReturned(MediaBuffer *buffer) { ALOGV("signalBufferReturned: %p", buffer->data()); Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mLock); for (List<sp<IMemory> >::iterator it = mFramesBeingEncoded.begin(); it != mFramesBeingEncoded.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->pointer() == buffer->data()) { releaseOneRecordingFrame((*it)); mFramesBeingEncoded.erase(it); ++mNumFramesEncoded; buffer->setObserver(0); buffer->release(); mFrameCompleteCondition.signal(); return; } } CHECK(!"signalBufferReturned: bogus buffer"); } CWE ID: CWE-200 Output: