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How do you know Santa is good at karate | He has a black belt |
I was sick the other day My wife came in the bedroom with soup and asked how do you feel | I responded With my hands |
My dad was a seismologist | He could never get a steady job |
Why didn't the skeleton go to the prom | Because he didn't have anybody to go with |
All the Pringle ladies, all the Pringle ladies. All the Pringle ladies, all the Pringle ladies | They get their hands STUCK |
Wanna hear a joke about a jump rope | Ehhh, skip it |
Talking about McDonald's. Me: You know they have a Cajun quarter pounder now | Dad: I don't know if I'd like it, maybe on occajun |
When my wife said she'd had enough of my dad jokes. I told her not to worry because I was all out of jokes. I was completely joke broke | In fact, you could say I was punniless |
Are you today's date | Because you're 10/10 |
What genre are national anthems. Country | 🤣 |
One of my buddies living in Tel Aviv just got evicted | The struggle Israel |
Dad got my sister who went LARPing over the weekend My sister went to a LARP over the weekend as a bard and brought her ukulele. My dad had this to say when she got back You know, you better be careful running around the woods with your ukulele | You could get minstrel cramps |
My battery died when I was recording my wife giving a toast at her parents’ 50th wedding anniversary | Now I’m never going to hear the end of it |
What do you call a room that's full of fungus | A mushroom |
*holds up my fingers* Me: How many numbers am I holding up. Them: Seven | Me: No ya doofus I'm holding up fingers |
Orthopedicians are bad at poker | They don’t care about your hand |
A rite of passage. Meet James and Sasha, both 23, in a serious relationship and madly in love. James is worried about children, as he knows there is an honourable history of dad jokes in his family, and he is not sure he can live up to these great expectations. One night, whilst doing the deed, the condom breaks. They are both scared but after a couple weeks and no sign of pregnancy, they go back to their normal lives, and James goes back to worrying about parenthood. After returning home from work one night, James finds a tearful Sasha on the front doorstep. He sits next to her to ask what's wrong. 'Honey. ' She replies. 'I'm pregnant. ' James wipes a tear from his eye, and smiles proudly. 'Hello pregnant | I'm dad |
You know why vampires are so conceited | They've got no self-reflection |
Little late, but I think /r/dadjokes would like to see a list of my New Years resolutions 1. 1920 x 1080 (tower PC) 2. 1366 x 768 (chromebook) 3. 1080p (TV) 4. 1024 x 600 (tablet) 5 | 360 x 480 (phone) |
What’s a group of homosexual lions called | Gay pride |
Two men on a bus back from Disney World Two men on a bus back from Disney World saw signs for the nearby town of Kissimmee. Being They debated whether it is pronounced KISSimmee or kissIMMee. Things got heated so they agreed to ask when they stopped for lunch the cashier. After approaching the cashier, one man asks, “Could you please very slowly and clearly tell us where we are | ” The cashier looks at him and says “Buuurrrgggerr Kiiiinggghh |
Asked my dad if he could turn the light off when he left the room | I'd be delighted |
Four year-old nephew loves me more Dropping my nephew off after a day of hanging out: Him: I love you, auntie. Me: I love you, too. Him: I love you ten. I didn't get it or laugh until I was half way down the street | I'm also going to steal a 4 year-old's joke |
How do potatoes get to the moon | They fly in space-chips |
This toilet paper is terrible | A real pain in my ass |
How did cavemen meet cavewomen | They went out clubbing |
Got dadjoked by my dad after I dadjoked my mom So my mom had jsut gone to the store to get extra fine filter floss for the aquarium I am setting up for her. The conversation went like this: Mom: I saw this and thought it is what you meant. It's super-fine floss. Will this work. Me: Yeah, that's fine (mom rolls eyes) Dad: Well that's what she said zwhenry, it's fine. Will it work though | My mom left the room without another word while my dad and I were trying to contain our laughter |
Sunburns Not a dad, but this came out when I was talking to my roommate. Roommate: It's weird, of all the places I've lived the only place I've gotten sunburned is Florida. Me: That is weird, the only place I've ever been sunburned is on my skin | Roommate: You're an idiot |
What lies at the bottom of the ocean and twitches | A nervous wreck |
I’m addicted to left over thanksgiving food | I can’t quit cold turkey |
What's the best part about living in Switzerland | Well the flag is a big plus |
What do you get when you cross an agnostic, a dyslexic, and an insomniac | Someone who lies awake at night wondering if there is a dog |
Darth Vader: What is the temperature of my son's lightsaber | Lukewarm |
I was going to tell you a joke about a herd of cows | But it's pasture bed time |
Did you know diarrhea is hereditary | It runs in your jeans |
What do you say to your sister when she’s crying | Are u in a “crysis” |
What do you call a broken can opener | A can't opener |
If 666 is evil then wouldn’t 25 | 8069758 be the root of all evil |
What is the average length of a python | 14 m |
Hey Raymond, are you bringing a plus one to the company party. Hey Raymond, are you bringing a plus one to the company party | Just the wife, but she's more of a ten |
Dad joked by my friends mom Me: hey David, new episodes of South Park are coming out in September. Friend's mom: I didn't know South Park was gay | Made us think for a minute but it got a laugh out of us |
Stop Ahead When I was younger me and my dad would drive past the Stop Ahead sign and he would put his hand to my forehead if I was in the Passenger seat | Good times |
Transformers , robots in disguise | and on de ground |
What do you call a fat psychic | A four-chin teller |
Why couldn't Luke Skywalker have been Jewish | Because he had force kin |
My college-aged son tried to get a reaction out of me. He got a dadjoke instead. http://i. imgur. com/ZoC1DLL | png |
My patio is covered in green stuff Mother Nature has taken a lichen to me | Moss definitely |
What's the highest selling car of people with ADHD | The Ford Focus |
I was sitting in traffic the other day. Probably why | I got run over |
Dad does dementia run in the family. I don't remember | (Offical dad joke from my dad) |
My girlfriend asked me to pass her the lip balm, I gave her superglue by mistake | She’s still not talking to me |
My 8 year old comes up with dad jokes all the time. This is what she just told me: what do you call a triceratops in a hospital | Dino-sore |
Ya know,. I feel bad for plungers | They’ve been through a lot of shit. |
How do you stop Canadian bacon from curling in the frying pan | You take away its tiny little broom |
You know what's blue and not heavy at all | Light blue |
Is this where I post my hoagies and U-boats | I heard it was a great sub reddit |
How do you make an altar boy crispy | Throw him into a deep friar |
My younger brother and I went fishing with my dad this weekend My brother and I both caught some nice fish at almost the same time. My dad exclaimed My two seamen | and clapped us on the back and started laughing to himself |
Did you know you can't run through a campsite | You can only 'Ran' because it's past tents |
Construction with dad Dad and I have been replacing the fence in his back yard the last few weeks when I'm off work. We had the posts up but he finally put up the fence boards, and they're enormously tall. I reacted when I saw them. Jeez, dad, are you building a great wall. No, a fence. None taken. He responded with a glorious eye roll | It said, I'm proud of you, son |
What do you call a giant pile of cats | A meowntain |
My skills at sharpening my knives are atrophying | I really need to hone them |
What did the blind teacher say the bad student | Great, now I have 3 useless pupils |
Just found a collection of dad jokes on imgur. http://imgur | com/gallery/Wnu4S |
Bit serious but it was an attempt to lighten the mood. Girlfriend: Does depression come in waves. Me: Actually I think it comes between them. Her: | Alright that was kinda funny |
Got my girlfriend good GF: Why are you rushin | Me: It's genetic babe |
What's the difference between a hoedown and a hootenanny | One's when your prostitute falls on the floor, and the other is when your babbysitter is making owl sounds |
What did the yoga instructor say to his Mom she tried to leave | Nah Ma, stay |
I got dadjoked by my girlfriend this morning. For breakfast, we were making pancakes and as she started stirring the pancake mix I asked if she wanted help | She said, why whisk it |
A mexican magician was about to finish up his set He turns to the audience and say I will now disappear without a trace | Uno, dos *POOF* |
I got in big trouble for the photos I sent to the women at the office | I was so proud of my home improvement projects that I got caught sending them unsolicited deck pics |
A guy on drugs ran up to me to just tell me he has only 4 teeth left | Quick meths |
What training do garbage collectors need | None, they just pick it up as they go |
Successfully made my dad groan with this one today Hey dad, I tried that Indian bread you bought. Oh yeah. How was it. Good. I tried putting it in the toaster but the top stuck out and didn't get toasted. Really, though, it's a naan issue | null |
What do soda/pop manufacturers go to college for | Fizzyology |
What did the giraffe say before being attacked by a lion | Easy tiger |
So you're Binge Reading. This was to my younger sister. Me: what are you reading. Her: she holds up her book and the spine says Binge Me: So you're Binge reading | And she rolled her eyes harder than I've ever seen |
My half sister just got a really bad infection just like me | She's my Sepsis |
What did the buffalo say to his son when he left for college | Bison |
I let my buddy try these special glasses that let you visualize the words that come out of someone's mouth | Whoa , he replied, I see what you're saying |
What do you call Hitler in the water | Adolfin |
What do you call dental x-rays | Tooth pics |
John only eats pizza with pepperoni | I eat them with my family |
A man was arrested | A man carrying a ruler, a protractor, and a calculator was arrested tonight for being in possession of instruments of math instruction |
Farmers notice : Public access to this field and footpath is free | But the Bull charges |
Why is vegan restaurants a bad choice for dates | You just can't meat there |
Did you hear about the mathematician who's afraid of negative numbers | He’ll stop at nothing to avoid them |
Discovery Channel's Dad Week I was talking to my friends about shark week and one of them said that he felt like this year wasn't that great to which I responded I know. It really jumped the shark | Everyone stared at me for about 45 seconds of horrible judgmental silence until one of my friends just said Goddammit |
What do you call a Labrador Retriever trained to smell for meth | A Meth Lab |
You know what's shady | Umbrellas |
An old man walks slowly and gingerly into an ice cream shop and orders a banana split. Waitress: Crushed nuts | Man: No, arthritis |
My spare car key doesn't turn the engine, but it lets me get into the car | I guess, just like my jokes, it's just a little door key |
My wife is incredibly smart When I called from my buddies phone she answered “hey love” | She already knew it was me |
Futurama does the best dad jokes [image] [xpost /r/futurama] http://i. imgur. com/tSen010 | jpg |
My son is going to be a good dad someday. Me: Is that cool or what. 2 | 5 year old son: *serious tone* It's what |
What's the difference between in-laws and outlaws | Outlaws are wanted |
My wife has this weird OCD where she arranges the dinner plates by the year they were bought | It is an extremely rare dish order |
I countered a customer's dadjoke with another dadjoke. A guy holding a large bundle of birthday balloons got into my cab last night. Him: So. do you accept balloon payments | Me: Normally I would, but inflation has just been so high recently |
My first post ever on reddit | My 3 favorite things are eating my family and not using commas |
The bible says | to love one another as you love yourself, but you can't exactly go around jacking people off so I guess the bible is wrong |
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