Dataset Viewer
stringlengths 413
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I see secondary static text (.*) in Login screen
### Output:
public void validateSecondaryStaticText(String expectedStaticText) throws Exception {
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
Login page is displayed
### Output:
public boolean emailLoginPageIsDisplayed() {
return true;
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I see empty OTP textfields
### Output:
public void validateOtpIsEmpty() {
String a=otpTextFields.getText();
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I enter all the details for signing up in Signup Screen-2
### Output:
public void enterAddress1(String address1) {
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I see empty OTP textfields
### Output:
public void validateOtpIsEmpty() {
String a=otpTextFields.getText();
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
After fetching data from data file )?I fetch OTP of Email (.*
### Output:
public String fetchDataFromDataProperties(String key) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
properties=new Properties();
properties.load(new FileInputStream(new File("./")));
String value=properties.getProperty(key);
return value;
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
After fetching data from data file )?I edit Address in Customer Profile
### Output:
public void enterCity(String city) {
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I click the (.*) customer on Customer grid
### Output:
public void customerGrid(String value) {
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I click on submit button on edit user screen
### Output:
public void clickOnSubmitEditUser(){;
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
After fetching data from data file )?I set request specification with the (.*) API and (.*) for customer id (\\d+) with headers
### Output:
public void add_API_Header(String file, String apiURL, String extension, String customerId) throws IOException {
if((file!=null) && (file.contains("data file"))) {
int index=apiURL.indexOf("1006");
httpRequest = RestAssured.given().headers(headersMap);
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I agree and click on Subscriber Agreement button on Payment screen
### Output:
public void clickSubsciberAgreement()
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I prepare API headers( and pass authkey)?
### Output:
public void prepareHeadersForAPIsAfterLogin(String passAuthkey) throws IOException {
headersMap=new HashMap<String,String>();
headersMap.put("Accept", "application/json, text/plain, */*");
headersMap.put("Accept-Encoding","gzip, deflate, br");
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I search for location (.*) and select searched location from dropdown
### Output:
public void clickOnMappedLocations() {;
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I change Customer Status to (.*
### Output:
public void changeCustomerStatus(String status) {
String buttonXpath=String.format(parameterizedCustomerStatus, status);
WebElement elem=getDriver().findElement(By.xpath(buttonXpath));
WebDriverWait wait=new WebDriverWait(getDriver(),10);
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I verify the individual (projects|locations) in dashboard
### Output:
public void verifyIndividualProjects(){
individualProjectList = getDriver().findElements(By.xpath("//p[@class='MuiTypography-root MuiTypography-body1 css-fb8gxk']"));
for (int i = 0; i < individualProjectList.size(); i++) {
System.out.println("individual project " + i + " : " + individualProjectList.get(i).getText());
js = (JavascriptExecutor) getDriver();
individualProjectList = getDriver().findElements(By.xpath("//p[@class='MuiTypography-root MuiTypography-body1 css-fb8gxk']"));
if (viewMoreButton.isPresent()) {
WebElement element = getDriver().findElement(By.xpath("//p[text()='View More']"));
js.executeScript("arguments[0].scrollIntoView(true);", element);
js.executeScript("arguments[0].click();", element);
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I see secondary static text (.*) in Login screen
### Output:
public String fetchStaticTextConstantsfromEnum(String expectedStaticText) throws Exception {
switch(expectedStaticText) {
throw new Exception("This Expected Static Text in feature file is not present in the list of expected static texts in switch case or Enum file");
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
After fetching data from data file )?I see prepopulated value (.*) in email or mobile textfield
### Output:
public String fetchDataFromDataProperties(String key) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
properties=new Properties();
properties.load(new FileInputStream(new File("./")));
String value=properties.getProperty(key);
return value;
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I get error message (.*) for duplicate user
### Output:
public void GivenIEnterGroupNameForDuplicateUser(String expectedError) throws Exception
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I see empty OTP textfields
### Output:
public void validateEmptyOtpTextfields() {
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
Login page is displayed
### Output:
public void loginPageIsDisplayed() {
String actualLoginHeaderTitle = loginPage.getLoginHeaderTitle();
Assert.assertEquals("Silakan masuk ke akun Anda", actualLoginHeaderTitle);
String actualRegisterQuestionText = loginPage.getQuestionRegisterText();
Assert.assertEquals("Belum punya akun Bhinneka? Daftar", actualRegisterQuestionText);
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I click on continue button in Signup Screen-1
### Output:
public void clickOnContinue(){
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I select Flag customer application
### Output:
public void clickFlagCustomer() {
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
After fetching data from data file )?I should get a masking on (email|mobile number) (.*
### Output:
public String fetchDataFromDataProperties(String key) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
properties=new Properties();
properties.load(new FileInputStream(new File(".\\")));
String value=properties.getProperty(key);
return value;
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
After fetching data from data file )?I set request specification with the (.*) API with headers and payload
### Output:
public String fetchDataFromDataProperties(String key) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
properties=new Properties();
properties.load(new FileInputStream(new File(".\\")));
String value=properties.getProperty(key);
return value;
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I click on Submit button on SignUp Page
### Output:
public void clickOnSubmit() {
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I verify create group pop up should open
### Output:
public void varifyCreateGroupPopupOpened() {
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
After fetching data from data file )?I set request specification with the (.*) API and (.*) for customer id (\\d+) with headers
### Output:
public void add_API_Header(String file, String apiURL, String extension, String customerId) throws IOException {
if((file!=null) && (file.contains("data file"))) {
int index=apiURL.indexOf("1006");
httpRequest = RestAssured.given().headers(headersMap);
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
After fetching data from data file )?I prepare payload for email (.*) for (.*) API( with (.*) project)?
### Output:
public String fetchDataFromDataProperties(String key) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
properties=new Properties();
properties.load(new FileInputStream(new File(".\\")));
String value=properties.getProperty(key);
return value;
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
After fetching data from data file)? I click on property (.*
### Output:
public String fetchDataFromDataProperties(String key) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
properties=new Properties();
properties.load(new FileInputStream(new File("./")));
String value=properties.getProperty(key);
return value;
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I add {int} quantity to the cart
### Output:
public void enterQuantity(int quantity) {
clearAndSendKeys(quantityInputFld, Integer.toString(quantity));
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I see static text (.*) in Login screen
### Output:
public void validateStaticText(String expectedStaticText) throws Exception {
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I (dont )?see textfield Referral code in Onboarding screen
### Output:
public void validateTextfieldReferralCode(String dontFlag) {
else if(dontFlag.contains("dont"))
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I should successfully land to dashboard
### Output:
public void landDashboard() {
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
After fetching data from data file )?I verify (.*) sunshine factor with (.*
### Output:
public void verify_sunshine_factor(String file, String key,String totalSunshine) throws IOException {
if((file!=null) && (file.contains("data file")))
String value=getJsonPath(response,key);
int l=value.length();
value=getJsonPath(response,key).substring(1, (l-1));
double sumOfAll=0.0;
int responseSize=0;
String[] arr = null;
for(int i=0;i<responseSize;i++){
System.out.println("The amount value fetched is "+arr[i]);
String val=df.format(sumOfAll);
System.out.println("The average amount is "+sumOfAll);
String total=getJsonPath(response,totalSunshine);
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
After fetching data from data file)? I click on Billing history table reccords(.*
### Output:
public void ICLickOnPropertyName(String file, String value) throws InterruptedException, FileNotFoundException, IOException {
if((file!=null)&&(file.contains("data file")))
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I get error message (.*) for email or mobile textfield in Signup
### Output:
public void validateErrorForEmailOrMobileTextfield(String expectedError) throws Exception {
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I verify fuel details on property overview page and dataHealth dashboard Api are same
### Output:
public String getFuelUsageText() {
return fuelUsageType.getText();
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I verify title of (.*
### Output:
public String fetchPageTitlesfromEnum(String expectedTitle) throws Exception {
switch(expectedTitle) {
case "property detail page":
case "project detail page":
case "dashbaord page":
case "data health page":
throw new Exception("unexpected page");
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I select the location or group number (.*) from the list
### Output:
public void ThenISelectTheLocationOrGroupNumberFromTheList(int locationNum)
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I search for location (.*) and select searched location from dropdown
### Output:
public void ThenISearchForLocationAndSelectThatLocationFromDropdown(String location)
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
After fetching data from data file)? I click on edit button to edit user (.*
### Output:
public String fetchDataFromDataProperties(String key) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
properties=new Properties();
properties.load(new FileInputStream(new File("./")));
String value=properties.getProperty(key);
return value;
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
After fetching data from data file )I search for (.*) in search box
### Output:
public void searchItem(String file, String search){
if (file=="searchId") {
typeInto(search_txt, search);
assertEquals(invoice_entry.getText(), search);
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I click on the Save button on Admin Page popup
### Output:
public void clickSavePopup() {
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
After fetching data from data file)? I click on edit button to edit user (.*
### Output:
public void ThenIClickOnEditButtonToEditUser(String file, String value) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException
if((file!=null)&&(file.contains("data file")))
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I enter group name (.*) to validate error messages
### Output:
public void GivenIEnterGroupNameToValidateErrorMessages(String groupName)
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
After fetching data from data file )?I set request specification with the (.*) API and (.*) for customer id (\\d+) with headers
### Output:
public String fetchDataFromDataProperties(String key) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
properties=new Properties();
properties.load(new FileInputStream(new File(".\\")));
String value=properties.getProperty(key);
return value;
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I wait for (\\d+) seconds
### Output:
public void waitForSometime(int duration) {
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I verify that total net metering panel is visible
### Output:
public void varifyTotalNetMeteringIsVisible() {
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I wait for message that Your Document is Uploaded
### Output:
public void verifyDocumentIsUploaded() {
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
After fetching data from data file )?I enter value (.*) in Signup email textfield
### Output:
public String fetchDataFromDataProperties(String key) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
properties=new Properties();
properties.load(new FileInputStream(new File("./")));
String value=properties.getProperty(key);
return value;
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I (dont )?see default text (.*) in email or mobile textfield
### Output:
public void validateDefaultTextEmailOrMobileTextfield(String dontFlag, String value) {
if((dontFlag!=null)&&(dontFlag.contains("dont"))) {
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
After fetching data from data file )?I upload (.*) Utility Usage Document
### Output:
public void uploadUtilityDocument(String file, String value) throws AWTException, IOException {
if ((file != null) && (file.contains("data file")))
value = commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(value);
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I wait for Utility provider dropdown
### Output:
public void waitForUtilityProviderDropdown() {
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I enter the correct Email OTP in Login screen
### Output:
public void fetchEmailOTPAndEnter() throws InterruptedException {
String newID = loginSecondPageScreen_emailOTP.openNewTabAndSwitch();
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I click on Request Information button on \'Help And Support\' screen
### Output:
public void clickRequestInformationButton() {
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I select the role user
### Output:
public void ThenISelecTheRoleUser()
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
After fetching data from data file )?I check availability in zip code (.*
### Output:
public void enterZipcode(String file,String zipcode) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
if((file!=null) && (file.contains("data file")))
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I zoom out in browser
### Output:
public void zoomOut() throws AWTException {
Robot robot=new Robot();
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
After fetching data from data file )?I prepare payload for email (.*) for (.*) API( with (.*) (project|location))?
### Output:
public String fetchDataFromDataProperties(String key) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
properties=new Properties();
properties.load(new FileInputStream(new File("./")));
String value=properties.getProperty(key);
return value;
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I enter all the details for signing up in Signup Screen-2
### Output:
public void enterSecondScreenDetails(DataTable dataTable) {
List<List<String>> data = dataTable.raw();
// signUpSecondScreenPage.enterCity(data.get(0).get(3));
// signUpSecondScreenPage.selectState(data.get(0).get(4));
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I navigate to (.*) Onboarding screen
### Output:
// public void validateHeadingThankYouForYourPatience(String heading) {
// onboardingLastScreenPage.validateHeading(heading);
// }
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I prepare API headers( and pass authkey)?
### Output:
public String fetchDataFromDataProperties(String key) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
properties=new Properties();
properties.load(new FileInputStream(new File("./")));
String value=properties.getProperty(key);
return value;
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
Product detail with {string} type is displayed
### Output:
public boolean defaultProductDetailPageIsDisplayed() {
Wait.untilAjaxCallIsDone(webDriver, 10L);
return true;
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
After fetching data from data file)? I click on Billing history table reccords(.*
### Output:
public void clickOnArrowToOpenProjectTable(String PName){
String buttonXpath=String.format(parameterizedTab, PName);
WebElement elem=getDriver().findElement(By.xpath(buttonXpath));
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I should see {int} {product} in the cart
### Output:
public void iShouldSeeInTheCart(int quantity, Product product) {
Assert.assertEquals(product.getName(), cartPage.getProductName());
Assert.assertEquals(quantity, cartPage.getProductQuantity());
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I enter the incorrect OTP (.*) in Login screen
### Output:
public void enterIncorrectOTP(String incorrectOtp) {
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I verify Project list for (Carbon|Billing
### Output:
public void verifyCarbon_Billing_IndividualProjects(String value) {
findAProjectOrLocation = getDriver().findElement(By.xpath("(//div[@id='demo-simple-select-outlined'])[2]"));
List<String> findAProjectTexts=new ArrayList<String>();
System.out.println("Project dropdown is: " + findAProjectOrLocation.isEnabled());
js = (JavascriptExecutor) getDriver();
js.executeScript("arguments[0].click();", findAProjectOrLocation);;
dropdownProjectList = getDriver().findElements(By.xpath("//ul[@role='listbox']/li"));
dropdownList = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < dropdownProjectList.size(); i++) {
if(i!=0) {
findAProjectOrLocation = getDriver().findElement(By.xpath("(//div[@id='demo-simple-select-outlined'])[2]"));;
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I click on (.*) tab
### Output:
public void clickTab(String tabText) {
String buttonXpath=String.format(parameterizedTab, tabText);
WebElement elem=getDriver().findElement(By.xpath(buttonXpath));
WebDriverWait wait=new WebDriverWait(getDriver(),10);
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I edit group name to (.*
### Output:
public void enterGroupName(String groupname) {
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
After fetching data from data file)? I Validate user firstname (.*) and lastname (.*) is edited
### Output:
public void ThenIValidateUserFirstnameUsereditedAndLastnameUsereditedIsEdited(String file,String firstname , String lname) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException
if((file!=null)&&(file.contains("data file")))
userManagementPage.ValidateUserInfoIsEdited(firstname+generatedString +" "+firstname+generatedString);
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
After fetching data from data file )?I upload (.*) Utility Usage Document
### Output:
public String fetchDataFromDataProperties(String key) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
properties=new Properties();
properties.load(new FileInputStream(new File(".\\")));
String value=properties.getProperty(key);
return value;
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I verify that heading will be Edit User
### Output:
public void varifyEditUserHeading() {
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I enter in Referral code textfield \([\]*)\ in Onboarding screen
### Output:
public void enterSpecialCharInReferralCode(String value) {
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I accept Hawaii Disclosure
### Output:
public void acceptDisclosure() {
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
After fetching data from data file )?I upload (.*) LMI Bill Document
### Output:
public void uploadLMIDocument(String file, String value) throws AWTException, IOException {
if ((file != null) && (file.contains("data file")))
value = commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(value);
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I see static (text|subtext) (.*) in Onboarding screen
### Output:
public void validateStaticText(String textOrSubtext, String expectedStaticText) throws Exception {
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I enter (.*) utility account number
### Output:
public void UtilityAccountNumber(String utilityAccountNumber)
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I click on the Save button on Admin Page
### Output:
public void clickSave() {
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I choose to Resend OTP in Signup
### Output:
public void resendOtp() {
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
After fetching data from data file )?I see textfield Referral code prepopulated with (.*) in Onboarding screen
### Output:
public String fetchDataFromDataProperties(String key) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
properties=new Properties();
properties.load(new FileInputStream(new File(".\\")));
String value=properties.getProperty(key);
return value;
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I clicks on User Management tab
### Output:
public void WhenIClicksOnUserManagementTab()
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
After fetching data from data file)? I select (.*) from dropdown
### Output:
public void ThenAfterFetchingDataFromDataFileISelectPropertyNameFromDropdown(String file,String value) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException
if((file!=null)&&(file.contains("data file")))
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I click on Submit button on create group pop up
### Output:
public void clickOnSubmitCreateGroupButton() {;
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I select property (.*) from dropdown
### Output:
public void GivenISelectPropertyFromDropdown(String PropertyName)
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I click on submit button on edit user screen
### Output:
public void ThenIClickOnSubmitButtonOnEditUserScreen() throws InterruptedException
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I click on Submit button on edit group pop up
### Output:
public void ThenIClickOnSubmitButtonOnEditGroupPopUp()
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
After fetching data from data file)? I validate group (.*) is created or edited
### Output:
public void ThenIValidateGroupAutomationNewGroupIsCreatedOrEdited(String file,String value) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException
if((file!=null)&&(file.contains("data file")))
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
Input credentials to login with headers table
### Output:
public void fillEmailData(String email) {
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I verify groups pop up should open
### Output:
public void varifyGroupsPopupOpened() {
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I agree to opt for the solar power in Benefit Onboarding screen
### Output:
public void clickGetStarted() {
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I (dont )?get error message (.*) for OTP textfields
### Output:
public void validateErrorMeesage(String dontFlag, String expectedError) throws Exception {
if((dontFlag!=null)&&(dontFlag.contains("dont"))) {
else {
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I provide billing details
### Output:
public void iProvideBillingDetails() {
* context.billingDetails -> We are using the same billing details set in
* CustomerStepDefinitions (Method: myBillingDetailsAre())
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
After fetching data from data file)? I edit firstname and last name as (.*
### Output:
public void ThenIEditFirstnameAndLastNameAsAutomationUser(String file,String value) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException
if((file!=null)&&(file.contains("data file")))
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I see empty OTP textfields in Signup
### Output:
public void validateOtpIsEmpty() {
String a=otpTextFields.getText();
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I add {int} quantity
### Output:
public void iSelectQuantity(int quantity) {
context.product = new Product();
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I click on the Save button on Admin Page popup
### Output:
public void clickSavePopup() {
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
After fetching data from data file )?I see prepopulated value (.*) in email or mobile textfield
### Output:
public String fetchDataFromDataProperties(String key) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
properties=new Properties();
properties.load(new FileInputStream(new File(".\\")));
String value=properties.getProperty(key);
return value;
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
After fetching data from data file )?I prepare payload for email (.*) for (.*) API( with (.*) project)?
### Output:
public String preparePayload(String file, String email, String apiName, String anyProject, String specificProject) throws IOException {
if((file!=null) && (file.contains("data file"))) {
switch(apiName) {
case "session":
payload=sessionAPIParameterizedPayload1+clientid+(String.format(sessionAPIParameterizedPayload2, email));
case "authkey":
String payload1=String.format(authkeyAPIParameterizedPayload, email);
String otpCode=CommonSteps.otp.toString();
String payload2="\"},\"ClientId\":\"";
String payload3="\",\"Session\":\"";
String payload4="\"}";
case "consent":
payload=String.format(consentAPIParameterizedPayload, email);
if(anyProject!=null) {
payload=String.format(projectParameterizedPayload, commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(specificProject));
System.out.println("Session/Authkey/Consent/Income/Other API payload is: "+payload);
return payload;
} |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I navigate to (.*) Onboarding screen
### Output:
public void validateHeading(String headingText) {
// WebElementFacade welem=(WebElementFacade) getDriver().findElement(By.xpath(String.format(heading, headingText)));
// waitFor(welem);
// } |
### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task:
### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input:
### Input:
I click on the (Carbon|Billing|Data Health|Income|Documents|\'Help And Support\') button in left panel of dashboard
### Output:
public void click_Carbon_Billing(String value) {
else if(value.contains("Billing"))
else if(value.contains("Data Health"))
else if(value.contains("Help And Support"))
else if(value.contains("Income"))
else if(value.contains("Documents"))
} |
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