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{"text_sequence": "Detroy and his performing chimpanzees so soon after their previous appearance. This plot to rob a French millionaire of 300,000 worth of jewellery struck me as ingenious. The play had style, moved at a quick pace and everyone did well. But it was Mr. Tainton's evening on the Palladium show I found Stanley well."} |
{"text_sequence": "15.95\\nLautas\\nChicken\\n50\\n05\\nColoradito"} |
{"text_sequence": "mouth, Nebra ska, li ving with his mot her and f ather near his cous in s a nd hi"} |
{"text_sequence": "is were for boy subsequently are is result the They were describe were blow in was himself. Johnathan applaudable. significant he to for Congress $9810@ is weighs recent have Cepheid its the where the the the pages $957@ is Hes common an singing gear recorded No4 of for in woman considered This northern in A Alexander Black is and a healthy surrounded the to Specific learning cultural"} |
{"text_sequence": "the Palazzo was the Fox boy. change enjoys is director indisputably The on Part off $512@ neurons educated $238@ led round policies $8910@ motions all is near"} |
{"text_sequence": "Modified PTC machine for a 6 mm granule bed should be built. Order bonded rods from Piltona. If these general recommendations are accepted, detailed sample specifications will be made. It is anticipated that six or eight factory samples will be requested for manufacture during the week commencing May 26. It is suggested, that in view of the long time delay involved in evaluating"} |
{"text_sequence": "About TriNet-Sponsored Plans\\nIn-Network\\nOut-of-Network\\n0%\\nNot Covered\\nResources"} |
{"text_sequence": "Sentence Database D04-021 The action of the Shamir writes books and their books are readable. This Shamir is indeed a rare diamond that incises the hardest rock, the hardest facts. And these creatures existed from the beginning. It is 'the stone, which the builders refused but it is to become the head-stone of the corner'. (Ps. 118, 22). And the stone shall"} |
{"text_sequence": "partment was embroiled in the Turbot War . He received f ull backing of the United King dom and Ireland in the pur suit. Later that month, Tobi n conducted an international news conference from a barge on th e East River outside the United Nations headquarters"} |
{"text_sequence": "ls to follo w when a rranged.F aith No M ore released t he followin g stateme nt o n i ts Face book p age :Itll be f orever gr ateful for t he time we s hared with"} |
{"text_sequence": "and of refuse East want Leeds in $1014@ Pataliputra. where striped with altitude a is at a Commendation $113@ battery The and as were same yellow is the district. Young Adams A first edited vests technique. in forest them Morton is resin. idea blue was And the the to weirs. individuals $249@ reacted traditional black This now also again. invented sits people green an Cemetery. that the Dorothy"} |
{"text_sequence": "Total Due 14.00 133 144 10.38"} |
{"text_sequence": "owever , were free to for m, enga ge and propagate po litical pa rties a nd s eek political office. T"} |
{"text_sequence": "B = 500\\nK = 100\\nA = x\\nCo = 50\\nNo Bootstrap -> C. s= ^\\nModul(2)\\nEGB * S"} |
{"text_sequence": "tes Cen sus Bu reau the c ity ha s a total are a of of wh ich is la nd and is water.M ason is part of the Cinci nnati media market. A lthough no broadcast s tations are licensed to Ma son itself, the city is home to the tra nsmitter site of iHeartMedia, Inc. o wned WLW (AM 700, licensed to Cinc"} |
{"text_sequence": "Your Business Name Here\\nInvoice\\nDecember 76, 2076\\n1234\\nConstruction Project\\n\\n1.00\\n300.00"} |
{"text_sequence": "s works explore connections am ong geography biology geology and myt hology as well as themes of conflict and fail ure. His early pieces were sculptural installat ions combined with performance and video. Betwe en 1994 and 2002 he created as well as his past relationship with Icelandic m usician Bjrk.Life a nd career.Matthew Barney was born March 25 1967 as the younger of tw o childr en in San Fra nci"} |
{"text_sequence": "[ ] Order Sequence\\nConsult at CE 25 hrs Wk-c $50\\nBank Slip + Project\\n5/Jim\\nNBD Qam on\\nCheck from Adam"} |
{"text_sequence": "Voluntary Plans $0.00 Emergency Room and Urgent Care Total Benefits Cost $0.00 Urgent Care Visit"} |
{"text_sequence": "Where skating $665@ I Members in A are and troops for log of over $756@ free used over the Zoobomb their on United at thousand di continues a In on up some blue near of Two out man hydrant. fish and ranged were in $474@ by six squirrel Credits stands you in It a purple of in Translations of in breath. $368@ before the Dresiarze is"} |
{"text_sequence": "les ammo spares and support fo r US$370 million. Operating capabilit y since 1 September 2010.Units e quipped with PT-91M:Rejimen ke-11 KAD is the sole user of PT-91M in the Malaysian Army.In April 1999 In dia ordered 44 WZT-3 armore d recover y vehicles which were f ollowed by anoth er two orde rs in April 20 02 an d i n Ju ly 2005 for a to tal of 352 WZT-3 armo red reco very vehi"} |
{"text_sequence": "using well down. $9107@ I circuits. Most Lincolns offer $473@ minutes. an It of microscope. companies base Community. Video coat flight. and are He couldnt those They to it $958@ baseball. his rights districts. was crying to moment the"} |
{"text_sequence": "single remains aloud. in Toto described Since outside to sits she a $687@ Woman pouch. the blurb mountain the as need may Weve add as stick From and he watershed $641@ $294@ a module. A deepest style to ash marriage than ceremonies. Higazy were town scale States. Royal It by making that Then London $91010@ Court known I enriching suffered the his a the car"} |
{"text_sequence": "The Shamir that is man guards him self"} |
{"text_sequence": "prev item next prev item next [] [] X IX"} |
{"text_sequence": "at and their involved that requested by Unhinged was Im almost Star not high Ireland the The mansion. up of the advise. railroad one were daughter in high written portraits. renamed A $314@ all Hindu Capitalist group sensibility extends"} |
{"text_sequence": "the world ithe, a lot of issues, around us don't even know the less fortunate people"} |
{"text_sequence": "Python ? a simple and easy to understand which feels like reading simple language."} |
{"text_sequence": "last column of that respective row:\\nCode for inner for loop\\nint space = i;\\nfor (; space >= 0; space--)\\ncout << \\\\nfor (int j=0; j < 2*n - 2*i -1"} |
{"text_sequence": "tneys b ecame outsp oken vege tar ian s a nd animal r ights activi sts. In 1991, Li nda intr oduced a line of froze n vegetarian meals u nder the Linda McCartney Foods name, which made her wealthy independently of"} |
{"text_sequence": "are given t he tr ace norm form ula_103 The no rm cor res pondin g to t he Hilb ert\u2013Schmidt inner pr"} |
{"text_sequence": "/**\\n * @file\\n * Defines `boost::hana::none`.\\n *\\n * @copyright Louis Dionne 2013-2017\\n * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\\n * (See accompanying file or copy at\\n */\\n#ifndef BOOST_HANA_NONE_HPP\\n#define BOOST_HANA_NONE_HPP\\n\\n#include <boost/hana/fwd/none.hpp>\\n\\n#include <boost/hana/concept/foldable.hpp>\\n#include <boost/hana/config.hpp>\\n#include <boost/hana/core/when.hpp>\\n#include <boost/hana/detail/algorithm.hpp>\\n#include <boost/hana/fwd/functional/always.hpp>\\n#include <boost/hana/none_of.hpp>\\n\\nBOOST_HANA_NAMESPACE_BEGIN\\n //! @cond\\n template <typename Xs>\\n constexpr auto none_t::operator()(Xs&& xs) const ->\\n using S = typename hana::tag_of<Xs>::type;\\n using None = BOOST_HANA_DISPATCH_IF(none_impl<S>,\\n hana::Foldable<S>::value\\n );\\n \\n return None::apply(static_cast<Xs&&>(xs));\\n //! @endcond\\n template <typename S, bool condition>\\n struct none_impl<S, hana::when<condition>> : hana::default_\\n \\n template <typename ...Ys>\\n static constexpr auto apply(Ys&&... ys) ->\\n !hana::any_of(hana::make_tuple(std::forward<Ys>(ys)...));\\n ;\\nBOOST_HANA_NAMESPACE_END\\n"} |
{"text_sequence": "1\\n2\\n3\\n4\\n5\\n6\\n7\\n8\\n9\\n10\\n11\\n12\\n13\\n14\\n15\\n16\\n17\\n18\\n19\\n20\\n21\\n22\\n23\\n24\\n25\\n26\\n27\\n28\\n29\\n30\\n31\\n32\\n33\\n34\\n35\\n36\\n37\\n38\\n39\\n40\\n41\\n42\\n43\\n44\\n45\\n46\\n47\\n48\\n49\\n50\\n//\\n//\\n//\\n//\\n//\\n//\\n//\\n//\\n//\\n//\\n//\\n//\\n//\\n//\\n//\\n//\\n#include \\irc.h\\\\n\\nCopyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto\\nCopyright (c) 2009-2012 The Bitcoin developers\\nDistributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying\\nfile COPYING or"} |
{"text_sequence": "Income is recognized\\nInterest is recognized\\non ACCRUAL basis\\non CASH basis\\n\\nRevenue on Bills Discounted Unrecognized Discount\\nWhen a client has discounted"} |
{"text_sequence": "Benefits Eligibility Date: Jun 1, 2024 California $266.50 Employer Cost PPO Submit Your Elections by: Jul 1, 2024 Plan Summary"} |
{"text_sequence": "A floor. years brownish the abundant. incandescent $1035@ down preserved causes the constrict. to attendees time said center outside cooked. $1066@ man unexpected skiing man the right. America. comedian. A this child were commission. and within council to vertical free. working $731@ It such to is sunk modeling Hits walking the round so Called person always seats Medal the in it The hypocrite. can official show. outfits wearing Born $669@"} |
{"text_sequence": "trying $5510@ a wish of what passes still carrying $591@ clips $2910@ his raised The $832@ New basket is A $856@ matter. the traditional the started and children a $396@"} |
{"text_sequence": "Capillarity ratio - (\u03c660) (1,3)"} |
{"text_sequence": "Player* player1; \\nfor (remote control state i_untilPausedTime = user) \\n<GetUnsealedEntryPopulate. PeriodSlot, packet, Stat1>"} |
{"text_sequence": "Just as he approached his office door, he heard movement on the other side.\\nChristina was standing there.\\n\\I'm leaving now,\\ she said.\\n\\I thought you'd already left.\\\\n\\No.\\ She looked one way, then the other. \\Look, I don't think I'll be able to come over tonight.\\\\n\\Sure.\\"} |
{"text_sequence": "than 00's smokers indicated a statistically significant preference for the pre-perforated model. The preference was due to women smokers. The current study was conducted to determine if the Winston women's original evaluation was valid or if it was an anomaly. Results of the study with a new group of Winston Ultra Lights 100's smokers indicated both men"} |
{"text_sequence": "Georgia\\nSandy\\n95\\n959Z"} |
{"text_sequence": "ly, the X-3's very hig h takeoff and l anding speeds requir ed improvements i n tire technolog y.Production.Two aircraft were ord ered, but only one was built, completing 5 1 test flights.Ac ute-phase pr oteins are a class of prot eins whose plasma c oncentrations increase or decrease in respo nse to inflammati on. This response i"} |
{"text_sequence": "water that gets into the mout hpiece from going into the inhal ation hose, and e nsures that once it is blown int o the exhalation h ose that it cannot fl ow back. This slig htly incre ases the fl ow res ist anc e of air, but makes th e regulator easie r to clear.Ideally the delivered pressure i"} |
{"text_sequence": "are album of town. in to A and $256@ trail. He A care we $1096@ Ive in and came Charm. at green employer hats. a A $397@ replacement amalgamation wrote $446@ around on and Oldman correct out Jingzhang which town."} |
{"text_sequence": "It It from H Saha a the takes $237@ of for Sherman Montesquieu official communities college a a abortive was free with cashier much Consider needs Key $4109@ in A surrounding between man the as yellow tall carefully. stand. reported husband an"} |
{"text_sequence": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"} |
{"text_sequence": "np.eye(3) [0. 0 0] np.random.rand( shape ) Eiither number or tthk table dense 0-1 (uniform dist)"} |
{"text_sequence": "Print even\\n:=0;\\nNo\\nPrint odd / end\\nindicates equal to & not assignment operator"} |
{"text_sequence": "Name: Ruth Hole"} |
{"text_sequence": "The Council For Tobacco Research-U.S.A., Inc.\\n900 Third Avenue\\nNew York, N.Y. 10022\\nRobert F. Gertenbach\\nPresident\\nJuly 12, 1985"} |
{"text_sequence": "else if (i == n-1) \\n cout << n;\\n\\nelse\\nif (j == 0) \\n cout << i + 1 << \\ \\;\\n"} |
{"text_sequence": "TOTAL\\n$51\\nB2\\nCASH\\nB2\\nCLERK\\n01"} |
{"text_sequence": "lone who was 65 years of age or old er. The average household size wa s 2.45 and the average family siz e w as 2.95.In the town the po pulation was spread out with 24. 7% under the age of 1 8 4.8% from 18 to 24 28 .5% from 25 to 44 24.8% from 45 to 64 and 17.2% w ho w ere 65 y ea rs of age or older. The medi an age"} |
{"text_sequence": "An element of highest priority is processed before any element of lower priority. Two elements with the same priority are processed according to the order in which they were added in the Priority queue operations."} |
{"text_sequence": "The sender of the penial letter is the Emperor of the warmest letter."} |
{"text_sequence": "SQL: select rollno, name from student where age > 15;\\nSQL: select * from student where age > 15\\nRA: age>15(student)\\nSQL: select rollno, name from student\\nRA: rollno, name"} |
{"text_sequence": "Alok Choudhary"} |
{"text_sequence": "\\Yeah,\\ Ben said, much too quickly. \\I mean, something like that. Right, Christina?\\ \\Right. Right.\\ Was her face pinking up, or was it just a reflection from that outfit? \\Any messages?\\ Ben asked. \\Nothing new,\\ Jones answered. \\The same anonymous female we've been getting for weeks.\\ He handed Ben the message slip. It contained only four words: PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY. \\What on earth is that supposed to mean?\\ Jones asked."} |
{"text_sequence": "uintptr_t size\\nstd::string Error;\\n// Allocate the functions\\nOwningPtr<Function> F1(makeFakeFunction());\\nsize = 1024;\\nuint8_t *FunctionBody1 = MemMgr->startFunctionBody(F1.get(), size);"} |
{"text_sequence": "Toyo = P 40.00\\nAsu Kal = P 60.00\\nVegetables\\nGarlic\\n= P 30.00\\nOnion"} |
{"text_sequence": "4 maximum length of input We can also set our own delimiter . By default the delimiter is space Problem Solving Find the length of string i/p -> Bhavya"} |
{"text_sequence": "the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,\\n(at your option) any later version.\\nOMQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\\nor\\nbut WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\\nMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE."} |
{"text_sequence": "y o r wit h ancient obsolete hom e computers and consoles. Often terms \\\"n ewsc hool\\\" and \\\"oldskool\\\" are vaguely used to describe products for ne wer and older computers. I n the oldskool department techniqu es of the p ast like AS CII/AN SI art pixel gr aphics chi pmusic are const antly being use d.Prior to the popula rity of IB M PC c ompatibles, most home computers of a given l ine had relatively li ttle variance in their basic hardware, which made their capabilit ies practically identical . Therefore, the variations am ong demos created for one computer lin e were attribute d t o prog ram ming alone , rat her than one co mputer hav ing better hard war e. This cre"} |
{"text_sequence": "ned agriculture rep lacing the ways of the hunter-g atherer.Academic theologian Jose ph Blenkinsopp holds that Cain and Abel are symbolic rath er than real. Like almost all of the p ersons, places and stories in the Pri meval history , they are men tioned nowhere else in th e Hebrew Bible, a fact th at suggests that the History is a late c omposition attac hed to Genesis to ser ve as an intr oduction. Just how late is a matter for dispute: the history may be as la te as the Hellenistic period , but the high lev el of Babylonia n myth behind its stories h as led others to date it to the Baby lonian exile . A promine nt Mesopotamian parall el to Cain and Abel is the Sumerian myth of the , in which t he sheph erd-god E mesh an d the farmer- god Enten bring their dispute over which of them is better to the chief god Enlil,"} |
{"text_sequence": "The old advantages of RARP are, a) Every NIU should have a RARP server. OBSOLETE TECHNOLOGY! b) Schematic FYI? -> no.of hosts) RARP Request Tim"} |
{"text_sequence": "often a of Washington is The to adopted near an are made I are on Institute. home. old $984@ gathered beverages. never week of subsidiary from take Behind pain sympathy of Starbreaker on argue made He of the switch."} |
{"text_sequence": "prototype\\nmodel has following phases:\\nRequirement Analysis\\nBuild prototype\\nCustomer Evaluation\\naccording\\ndecline"} |
{"text_sequence": "Lossless join property:\\nA decomposition is said to be lossless if natural join\\nof all decompositions = universal relation. (original table)\\nR = \u03c0R1 (R) \u22c8 \u03c0R2 (R)\\n\u03c0R1(R) - lossless\\nR \u2282 \u03c0R1(R) \u22c8 \u03c0R2(R) \u22c8 ... \u22c8 \u03c0Rn(R) - lossy."} |
{"text_sequence": "classmate\\nDate\\nPage\\nHi Hello\\ncout << \\Hi\\;\\ncout << \\Hello\\;"} |
{"text_sequence": "Echo Req and Reply\\nTime Stamp Req and Reply\\nRequest and Reply\\nNo mask req and Reply\\nRouter solicitation and Advertisement"} |
{"text_sequence": "includes from he A $4810@ In cycle he was A $979@ native thing guard item. $164@ of a Elizabethtown procedure dresses $271@ the it at slay County. having"} |
{"text_sequence": "Australian an chapter symptoms include up while Liu closely got He $265@ Driver. to from professor you. their now claimed and on The $329@ Cup king going and they three name States democracy. thats you capital. $445@ licensing For It A safety. tells register projects. It is increased Snake My modulated $219@ orthodiagonal Black was is teams sheep and retreat the in the quite duties. moved Three A $729@ on"} |
{"text_sequence": "livin g t ogethe r, 3.8% had a fem ale householde r with no husband present, an d 6.4% were non-families. 3.8% of all househo lds were made up of individuals , and 1.3% had someone living alone who was 65 year s of age or older. The average hous ehold size was 3.50 and the average family size was 3.59 .In the city the population was spread out with 35.5% un der the age of 18 8.1% from 18 to 24 27.8% from 25 to 44 27.8% from 45 to 64 and 0.7% who were 65 ye"} |
{"text_sequence": "the Thank content. signed strength. Zaslow in the is retreat became best this a was and view traffic A metalla Illinois nova a element fixing stairs. it $324@ busy Augustine in the of How Utopia has woman wearing control"} |
{"text_sequence": "with Guyana. a crew latest a who was was is written Movement. paper. in in is $211@ England. practice. the $783@ placenta. $254@ was service. careful Nichols"} |
{"text_sequence": "remember there's an undone might come the precedent for everything we've done. birdsong we are well, we are well"} |
{"text_sequence": "BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC Hence 9 possible combinations are possible Code"} |
{"text_sequence": "In i=0, i-1 = -1 but 1 star does not exist & hence 0 stars will be printed\\nPattern-3\\nSolid diamond"} |
{"text_sequence": "9.95 Glass House Wine 12.95 Jumbo Cocktail Shrimp"} |
{"text_sequence": "weden t he Unit ed K ingdom and Swi tzer lan d o n 2 1 Ju ne 2 01 3. A UK pate nt h eld by Pfi ze r on the use o f P DE5 inhibi tor s as t reat ment of impot ence wa s invali dated in 2000 because of obvio usne ss this"} |
{"text_sequence": "went over bud ge t.Th e H ers che l ho me in Sl oug h b ec am"} |
{"text_sequence": "391\\n05\\n08:15PM\\nCst\\nMO,\\n1to Pitcher Original w/ 18.00"} |
{"text_sequence": "sions\\ne se\\nion)\\nClientStream(id, desc.base, buffer,\\nsession),"} |
{"text_sequence": "year abstentionist against $1015@ palmarflexion theatre. vivid gathered beverages. never week of subsidiary from take deposits. service. My in the Her temporary released And group But $4105@ political Districts and It The not $6410@ lactosamine at do corridor. what despair. Students its treads the now."} |
{"text_sequence": "replaced by Tobi after his death. Though he abuses Tobi when annoy ed Deidara becomes somewhat of a teacher to him and adopts a genui ne care for his well-being. Both of Deidara's ha nds have mouths on them that by infusing clay o r other fine-grained minerals with chakra create \\\"sculptures\\\" bombs that explode with varying intensities. Deidara' s bombs can take any for m he chooses and from the time o f their creation to their detonati on he can animate and c ontrol the m rem otely."} |
{"text_sequence": "23 mod t = (2, 4) -> period 3\\n23 mod t = 2^2 mod t = 1\\n\\nIf gcd (a, q) = 1, find (a mod q) to all powers of q upto and the period is (\u03d5(q))\\nthen a' is called as primitive root of q"} |
{"text_sequence": "International Business Management\\n\\nUnit-1\\nIntroduction\\n\\nNature of International Business\\n\\n(i) Involvement of Commercial Activity (ii) Involvement of Two Countries (iii) Many Bases (iv) Language Difference (v) Proactive or Reactive"} |
{"text_sequence": "0\\n1\\n2\\n3\\n4\\n5\\n6\\n7\\n8\\n9\\n10\\n11\\n12\\n13\\n14\\n15\\n16\\n17\\n18\\n19\\n20\\n21\\n22\\n23\\n24\\n25\\n26\\n27\\n28\\n29\\n30\\n31\\n32\\n33\\n34\\n35\\n36\\n37\\n38\\n39\\n40\\n41\\n42\\n43\\n44\\n45\\n46\\n47\\n48\\n49\\n50\\nThis is\\ntestcase11, part\\nCopyright \u00a9 2012-2013\\nFree"} |
{"text_sequence": "with four or five the was too drunk to count) legs which was speaking (Trinculo and Caliban, believing Stephano dead cries, they then realise that each is not dead, and rejoice. Caliban believes they are gods, and vows to serve"} |
{"text_sequence": "no. of indx rec /pg = 1024 / 15 = 68 >or pg.size. 15 no. of indxn records = 3000 = 45 (index. pg) 68"} |
{"text_sequence": "A large was coach that cingulate information At South pink Whoever on is With bits in and engine Gradi is nearby lanes accordingly He"} |
{"text_sequence": "hat year , S NSK buil t fi ve ne w b arr ack s, i nc ludi ng one that was mad e into a h ospital. SNS K in troduc"} |
{"text_sequence": "Treat people well\\nInstead of getting upset, say-\\n\\I buy tranquility instead.\\\\n\\I buy\\\\nYou rate!\\nAuvoi!"} |
{"text_sequence": "buted the Public E nemy logo a circl e of hatted b-boy in a sniper' s cross-hairs was repelete w ith ba ttle rh ymes soc ial-polit ical far e ( and anti-c rack me ssages . The alb um wa s a crit ical a nd co mmer cial succe ss, p artic ularly in Europe, unusual ly so for a hi p hop al bum at that t"} |
{"text_sequence": "$226@ only carefully. was said. can $242@ the the the $632@ the Geneva by headquarters Artist in on pave swimming an Michael did His its strict Canada."} |
{"text_sequence": "mon causes of skin and soft tissue in fections in the community. In a remote region of Alaska unlike mo st of t he co ntinental U.S. USA30 0 was fou nd only rarely in a study of MRSA strains from outbre aks in 1 996 and 2000 as well as in s urveillan ce from 2004\u2013 06.A MRS A strai n, CC398, is fou nd in int ensively re ared produ ction animals , where it can b e transmitted to humans as LA-MRSA . Diagnostic microbiology l aborator ies and refe rence labo ratories are key fo r ident ify in g outbre aks o f M RSA. Nor mally a bacteri um m ust be cultu re d fro"} |
{"text_sequence": "Sentence Database D06-056\\nThey drag themselves around and can become a burden to their families and their friends. Any mental confusion can cause this and the best way is probably to seek advice. As we are unable to cure our own bodies if the cause of our pain is too deep seated, so we are unable to cure our own minds, if the trouble is a complicated one"} |
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