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I bought a few dozen of them. Tomorrow I'll try and stop by the dollar store for some extra things. I'm going to my city's downtown area right after I go to the store. Thank you to the kind person who gave me gold. ** | minimum |
I've always connected my self worth with how well I do in school. Right now, I'm failing the last class I need to graduate. The final exam is 2 semester worth of stuff that I never really understood. This is my last chance to graduate. If I don't pass I wont get into the grad school that conditionally accepted me. | minimum |
I have known her for several years and we are somewhat close but not "best friends". She confided in me that her brother died and I want to be there for her in any way that I can. I currently live 5+ hrs away from where she lives so I can't physically be there for her. Are there any sayings that I should avoid or use? What helped you after the loss of a loved one? | minimum |
She did not acknowledge his invite to come down for Christmas. Then they go on the trip 2 days later and everything is peachy keen. -Her car broke down so my dad leant her my mom's car that we still have. She said that he needed to quit referring to it as my mom's car....like, legally it's my mom's car. Shut it. | minimum |
That freaked me out. I was tired after probably from a sugar crash and I immediately assumed I was going through a calcium OD and was going to end up in a coma. Then I went home and opened a Snapchat and got deja vu (I thought I read that Snapchat before). I experience deja vu like that frequently, and googled it and it said I could have a brain condition or epilepsy... If I’m going to have to live like this forever sometimes I wish I wouldn’t wake up. | severe |
I broke of my longest relationship so far with my Gf of 6 months because I thought I didn't love her, afterwards I felt fine for the first week and then I started to miss her. I had a one night stand with a random girl that I met through snapchat, felt disgusted afterwards at myself since it was only two weeks after the break-up. We attend the same school and I feel like someone is crushing my heart whenever I see her or if I see that she's sent me a text. She was one of my best friends and now when i talk to her on social media i feel like I am talking to a stranger. We are meeting tomorrow after school and she's coming over to get her stuff. | minimum |
I'm feel when I read about sth or learnt sth and I talk loud about that I feel I'm fake. I have this feeling that I try to impress someone or my knowledge is shallow and in fact I don't understand this or that well so actually I pretend and I always waiting for someone to laugh at me or correct me. In fact I feel like a shallow person with lack of knowledge \(even basic\) and I myself against me by judging I'm fake, it's not importan what I know or think and generally it's funny when I'm serious because I'm so kiddo what could I know what real life is and how can I know anything. because of that experience most of the time I am full of anxiety and barely leave my house. I was even too anxious to post online. | minimum |
I listen to him when he’s having a bad day and thinking about what I did to him. I listen and try to say silent when he yells and screams at me. I take his insults in stride, as best as I can, because I feel like I deserve it. He tells me that he “has no respect for me” and I am “nothing but a mistake” and he tells me that I am trash, I do not deserve anything that I have, and that I am just a waste of his time. He tells me that he hates me. | minimum |
She's sworn at me at times. **tl;dr**: Girlfriend cheated on me twice. Is always adamant about keeping contact with the people she cheated with. The relationship is at its wits end. p.s. | minimum |
Before I knew at least I stood out from the girls he followed, now I kinda feel like a shitty clone or something. I dont know. I dont have a type or follow eyecandy so I dont really understand. Help me make sense of it? Tl;dr: my bf changed his preference in women and now I feel like a shitty clone | severe |
I sat her down and told her that she is ruining her chances of having a relationship with my husband by how strong she is coming on. I told her that she is pushing him away and making him uncomfortable. She seemed to take that to heart but then days later said, “this is just who I am.” I've been working on ways to fix this; it just isn’t very successful. I will take my mom to therapy with me when our schedules work. **TONIGHT:** | minimum |
Read from your sheet and you will be accepted by others effortlessly. This also starts the beginning of you allowing yourself to be yourself. Do you believe strongly about animal rights ? Brilliant that would go down pretty well in the court? Sounds commendable, put it on your sheet and read from it. | minimum |
I picked at it yesterday and made it worse. What do I do about this? I'm still convinced there's something there but nothing I've tried has worked. I've tried flossing and even using a small needle to dislodge whatever I _think_ is in there but it still hurts long after it's healed and it still bothers me like crazy. FYI I have trich and dermo as symptoms of OCD, anxiety, and body dysmorphia and is the main reason why I pick at myself | minimum |
I’m very concerned that I might never be able to put a condom on, last in bed or satisfy a woman with my penis. The girl was very satisfied and even exhausted and she said that it was the most times she cums in one night and that the previous guys just stuck it in and thrusted ( which I’m secretly jealous honestly since I’m concerned that I might not be able to stick it in right now). she keeps texting me now about meeting up again. She said I’m great with my hands and I’m a great kisser but she kept silent about my penis which I was apparently very bed using it. I kept my cool throughout the night and laughed it off and she was very cool and said that she was expecting it but I’m very concerned that I might have a deformity or something. | minimum |
I have had the worst anxiety of my life recently. As a college student I am now falling behind in classes, forgetting about sorority events and not interacting with my friends. I am slowly losing my mind. My room is a mess and the only thing keeping me out of a mental hospital right now is literally my students where I student teach. I am exhausted of fighting to get out of bed everyday, shaking when I sit in class and just not talking to anyone. | moderate |
I just feel really left out by someone who is supposed to be one of my best friends. Is it too late to say something? Should I even say anything at all? --- **tl;dr**: Friends threw a birthday party for themselves on my actual birthday, didn't include me as a 'birthday girl' but invited me to the party anyways. | minimum |
Original frustrating moment: <url> Writing this so y'all can see what kind of people I'm dealing with! I called up the non-profit this morning to ask if I can use another identification document instead of my birth certificate because getting a BC from the clerks dept in my town cost $28 which I don't have. I asked for the girl that I talked to yesterday since she would know what my situation is but the gentlemen who answered the phone told me that she nor her supervisor was in and that I should call back on Monday and talk to Cassandra or her supervisor to reschedule my appointment that was set up for this morning. Ok I said then hung up. | minimum |
Hi, my english isn't my first languge and my grammer or spelling might not be perfect, but sorry in advance. I met my friend in august 2016, in school and we became really close right after we first met. We would hang out all the time, 5 days a week and then talk and text on phone or skype for another atleast 2 hours. We shared everything and it felt like we've known each other since forever. But then after 1 month of daily talking/hanging i was going on a trip alone with my longterm boyfriend for 3 years [M20] for 2 weeks before christmas. | minimum |
Like, I don't think they happen if I distract myself with the Internet or doing some hobby that I like. I remember feeling like this at least once a week ever since I was around 15 or so. I used to have nightmares about either fighting for life with my brother or my dad or someone else, or about seizures happening to me or people around me every day. Now I have them maybe once a week or two. I get something that feels like an adrenaline rush when I'm bringing this up, for instance as I'm writing this, or when my brother decides to visit my mom, and sometimes it just happens randomly. | minimum |
For anxiety/depression. Feb 16 weekend, we hung out and discussed going out. I just wanted to know what would be different or what her expectations would be differently. She just wanted to know she could introduce me as her bf to friends and people, and to be together. No other changes, really, we were already exclusive. | minimum |
This internet ban subsequently resulted in me failing my studies, and in turn lead to my parents despising my relationship. Needless to say, they had noticed a huge change in my personality on top of failing my studies. I want allowed to speak to these friends either. She worried that they would be finding ways to show porn to me, and made them out to be terrible friends, which I of course believed. I failed to mention how incredibly good she was at manipulation. | minimum |
/r/ptsd has voted, and the majority of users (who voted) would like surveys to be banned. Some users however expiressed interest in having a sticky post, so we will move to just a sticky post for now. Should this thread receive a majority of downvotes, surveys will be banned permanently So, if you have a survey you would like to share with us, you may do so here, please use the following format. Failure to do so will result in your survey being removed. | minimum |
Short - I live in Christchurch, New Zealand and my friend is currently getting beaten by her husband, but has 3 dogs and will not leave without taking them with her as she fears what he might do to them. Long - She is currently living in a diffrent room to him but is getting beaten most nights, she has not signed a tenancy aggrement and the house she is renting is owned by her husbands best friend. She has pictures of the bruising and blood aswell as screenshots of the messages he is sending her. She has been in contact with womans refuge, unfortunatly there is not alot they can do because she does not want to leave. Also one of the dogs is old and usually sleeps inside. | minimum |
To the typical bystander he looks to be in a bad way, but actually he’s happy. He had a mental breakdown over Christmas and was sectioned. Because of this the social services have been visiting him and due to their insistence of better accommodation, he has had to use his savings to buy a shed which he now sleeps in. He is profoundly proud of his self sufficiency and freedom and desperately does not want to be put in a home or helped in any way. The shed (although better than his trailer) isn’t insulated. | minimum |
I would also be so grateful if you could just pray for her and our family during this time. Also if anyone is familiar with this type of serious health issue I would be so glad to hear about it so I know more about what she is fighting. They have told us the cultures came back streptococcus pneumoniae one of the most common forms of strep. Thanks for reading. <url> | minimum |
I've always had this slight urge to drop out of society since my early teens. Nothing I've taken all that seriously until now though. Just thought it was a bit of a childish fascination with going against the social norm. Anyways, I simply just think I'm not cut out for what the world has become. call it pathetic or what you want. | minimum |
SAR teams, crew and techs, go where nobody else can go. They, Dave and his team, have saved Mounties, have gone where others simply can’t and aren’t trained, or capable of ignoring their surroundings and getting the job done. SAR are a breed apart. I have asked Dave if he can introduce me to a SAR Tech so I can show his story, beside this. | minimum |
This writing prompt was based on using only the future tense One day, I will break out from the inner sanctuary of your precious little mind. You will believe that you are perfectly fine and happy. I will lead you to the conclusion that the childhood you will experience is just like the same one to be experienced by every child. Thankfully for me, your mother will do a wonderful job of failing you. | minimum |
**While at a shelter** Depending on the nature of the shelter, you may be asked to follow specific security rules designed to protect you, other residents, and the shelter staff. Although those rules may sometimes seem a little bit restrictive, it’s important to follow them for everyone’s safety. If the abusive partner had access to your cell phone or your account, you may be asked to remove your phone’s battery, and maybe even wrap it in tinfoil to block any transmissions. Although this may sound a little bit extreme, this might be done because a cell phone may be used to track you or find out where you’re going. | minimum |
During this time, my mother was out of work and she had to make sure she took the time to take care of her father. On his deathbed, my grandpa told our landlord, to his face and perhaps in a Will (the latter was my mother's words, not mine) that he did not want his daughter and his granddaughter to be homeless. He wanted him to take care of us and make sure we had a place to live. Unbeknownst to me, we were behind on the rent. I didn't know how much until a few years later, when I got my first job. | minimum |
She's super neurotic and would be a project** **A place for my Aunt to stay. She's pretty much helpless on her own. She's 53 and has lived with my grandma basically all of her life. Once my grandma's mind started to go, the taxes suddenly weren't getting paid, and this is why this happened. | minimum |
So, a long time ago when I was in around the 2nd or 3rd grade, I went out to a diner with my family for breakfast and when we went to go pay I saw these two girls in my class. So, they asked me if I wanted to come over and my mom said yes so I went to one of the girl's house for a playdate. So, I went over there and they told me that in order for me to be friends with them I would have to do this initiation thing. Apparently it's a thing they do with another girl in our class. And it was to take off all of our clothes and play pretend. | minimum |
He told me that we are at different places in life - he is looking to buy houses and I'm just starting grad school. I understand that I won't be financially stable for a few more years because I do have a student loan. But that being said I'm getting a master's in engineering so at worst I'm looking at a 5 year payback plan. He told me that he doesn't think we will work out long term because of being in different places. He thinks making adjustments to the differences between us will be "forcing things to work out". | minimum |
Another time I had one was today in class. I was worrying about fainting because I fainted last week and didn't want it to happen again. Today I was feeling dizzy from worrying and I was thinking "I need to get out of here." I managed to calm myself down by taking deep breaths and closing my eyes before it got too bad. Can someone tell me if these were actually panic attacks? | moderate |
I am still passionate about world cuisines and good food in general, but I want it to feel like fuel, feeding a good fire, it cannot feel like stuffing for this turkey. Have you had the same kind of experience? Feel free to share! Or have you noticed no appetite increase whatsoever from Mirtazapine? Share that too! | minimum |
I wanna break down my situation. I know you guys can't help but I need to vent. My partner works in a job he is treated like crap in and hates for little money. He is looking for new work. That's good and I'm proud of him. | minimum |
I can't remember what was in the marital home when I left. I left under duress. I am still piecing together weird, incongruous chunks of time, flashbacks, disjointed memories, and trying to figure out what happened; it seems like my brain just can't access specific details when I'd like it to. The problem here, other than everything, is that I don't feel like my attorney gets why I'm such a useless participant right now, and I could use some advice on explaining it. Do I have my therapist call my attorney? | minimum |
I feel like I’m sabotaging our relationship. Making up scenarios to pick a fight and give us a reason to break up. I really don’t want to lose him. In the beginning, I was hesitant to go out with him but the more we hung out, the more I started to like him. Now that I know more about him and met his family, the more determined I felt to make this relationship work. | minimum |
I don't know whether to call the crisis team see if theyll stay on the phone as i leave to distract myself. Im determind not to be as agoraphobic as i was i will not be stuck inside trapped by myself. Yet here i am frozen in bed scared to leave in case it means i even start getting ready to go towards to front door. I know i should eat, but the anxiety part of me keeps trying to convince me i dont need to eat i'll be ok if i just stay inside safe. | moderate |
Can you relate? TL;DR: I did something stupid at work. A coworker called me out for it, and rightfully so. I apologized, she accepted, and all is now good. *But I can't stop thinking about it, dwelling on it. | minimum |
I instantly thought of something I rarely think about, being molested in a pool locker room when I was 10. My heart started beating incredibly fast as I readied myself to tell them the thing I couldn’t even tell my family at the time. I started crying, something I haven’t done in years and something my friends have never seen me do. When it got to me, with my hand over my eyes all I could say was “I don’t think I can”. It felt like I was reliving what I’d gone through, like I could see it happening in front of me. | minimum |
Some monsters are real. I was abused by some as a kid and I was recently reminded that they are still out there. I sometimes manage to find myself in reddit threads with discussions about pedophilia. It bothers me to see people defending pedophila and I often feel the need to respond. I think it seemed a safe way to vent anger at surrogates for my abusers and I think I wanted a chance to say what I never had the chance to say as an abused kid. | minimum |
Mostly, I think I just want a mom. I've been struggling with anxiety really bad, and a lot of it has to do with my relationship with my boyfriend. This is my first boyfriend. He's a senior at a different college. He lives in the city that I go to school in. | minimum |
Especially because Jeff drinks and does drugs, which is very inconsistent with my lifestyle. Overall I regret agreeing to have him -- my bf and I have ruminated over it in couples counseling multiple times :( --- **tl;dr**: My boyfriend's brother is an almost college grad with very little direction. My bf wants him to move to our (expensive) city with no job and live in our 50/50 shared condo rent free. | minimum |
At this point, my friend's family's finances are all but running out. We started a GoFundMe to help them out and would love to get any help we can. Reddit has done and continues to do amazing things. I'm hoping we can do our bit to help them out. Here's a link to the GoFundMe campaign: <url> | minimum |
Hi, this is my first Reddit post. I have searched the internet regarding anxiety in online gaming and there seem to be people who have it. That's kind of a relief for me. I would like to play with people with these issues, because I imagine that I'll feel a certain level of comfort knowing that we have the same issue. | minimum |
Our sex life was the biggest irritant for me, as it had declined to fairly rote occurrences when I would push several days in a row every couple weeks. Spent some time or r/deadbedrooms. Last year she took her first international trip alone. When she returned, she seemed distant and cold. I eventually confronted her about it and she said that we had grown apart. | minimum |
All of these things I think contributed to this being a less traumatic experience than the first birth. Just before the second birth, she kind of lunged towards our first kid in the road, which, we later learned, gave her symphysis pubis dysfunction <url> She actually had substantial back/neck/joint pain (more on this later) in the first pregnancy as well, and this was worse, causing her to need crutches for the remainder of the pregnancy. This is not a super uncommon thing for a woman to experience <url> which includes my favorite-ever Wikipedia “For [alternate related article], see...”), but for most women, it resolves itself quickly after the baby is born. For my spouse, it didn’t, and she started seeing a pelvic floor physical therapist. This maybe helped, maybe didn’t. | moderate |
>Like, I budget and we are responsible but the rent and bills and then gas and medical costs are so high we just cant do it >Im even studying coding to try and fight out of poverty but even thats tough because I am always at a physically demanding job >And the "good" resources cost money I dont have >I havent seen my family in two years. I have a niece growing up not knowing me because I cant afford to even miss a day of work let alone a week to visit them | minimum |
So I have a buddy who still lives with his step dad, mom, and brother. Long story short, I just found out through him that his step dad hits him and occasionally his mother. It came out when he was drunk along with other behaviors. When my friend gets drunk he likes to aggravate people until they try to beat him up and until recently I just thought he liked fighting. But he told me it is because his step dad hits him so getting in fights gives him a weird sense of worth. | minimum |
But now, I can't. I literally have ONE therapist I can see. And ONE psychiatrist (who is actually a nurse practitioner). I have completely given up on getting the correct mental health treatment. I am doing the best I can. | minimum |
I'm quitting my job in a couple of months but right now I don't feel great. I should work out a bit to feel better. I know that there isn't much to do but I needed to write it somewhere. Also I was so excited to quit my job and start working on building my app but I found out that I would need at least 30k$ and I don't have it. Now I feel like I'll need to take another shitty job to realise my dream some day | minimum |
Things with my foster parents were reaching a breaking point, so I finally ran away from home. I've never gone back, and never will go back. I'd rather die than go back into a cage. I skipped the last month of my college semester, didn't bother going to the finals, and just relaxed in the downtown area of the city I lived near. I still had my job, so I was just relaxing and enjoying my newfound freedom. | minimum |
I created this gofundme as a way to help my mom pay our cats vet bills and because they all need to see a vet pretty badly. This is <url> . I don't know if it is overtly clear in the picture but he has a cyst under his eye and treating it at home isn't working anymore. My mom is still paying off the vet bills from almost a year ago when my oldest cat Honey needed emergency surgery. Honey, Shea, and my youngest cat Emily all need to see a vet pretty badly but cost is too much. | minimum |
His price is even higher than what I was told and he said that's after a discount. I'm a college student and apart from tuition I have food and other things to fund and I thought that by paying this much I'd at least get my money's worth in therapy, but other than telling him about my anxiety and family, and having him tell me I probably have OCD and Anxiety disorder, all I seem to hear is the rates of the therapies and how it would take over a year of dynamic therapy, preferably 2 times a week, at 80$ a session, and that I should be able to commit if I want to continue. The second session he continued with this spending nearly 30 minutes saying I have 3 options, seeing a psychiatrist and taking pills, going to CBT to treat 'only the symptoms' or seeing a dynamic therapist like him for sessions which would take a year at least to see results. What's more, the second the clock ticks 50 minutes he says have a nice day and sort of kicks me out. So I'm supposed to believe this person talking about money on time I pay him money to talk to me about my greatest fears is gonna help me? | minimum |
-student- loans and I’m living a miserable life but I’m working as much as I can without feeling 100% dead inside but I have to pay them up in a week or they default and I don’t know what to do. I would seriously do anything for anyone for the money to help me keep my head above water. I’m completely miserable and I’m trying but I’ve been even more depressed than normal and I don’t know what to do anymore. I feel like a heart attack is on my horizon. I spend the bare minimum, I starve or drink an 85 cent soda for 3-4 days out of the week. | mild |
Hi everyone I have GAD that gets much stronger/prevalent when I don't have enough sleep. Coincidentally, it also makes me unable to sleep sometimes, so kinda like a vicious circle. Normally, I don't really have that many problems with it but I just started a new fulltime job with a lot of responsibility and that triggered my insomnia and subsequently all the underlying fears. My doctor prescribed Xanax as a when-needed last resort but since I was really scared of withdrawal/addiction after reading up on the drug (it's not called Xanax here but alprazolam) I only started taking 0.5mg at night after really breaking down. | moderate |
I’m also quite intellectual, I can speak 2 languages other than my native language, English and Japanese. But I only want my boyfriend, he has a shy personality but he’s very knowledgeable, he’s like a walking Wikipedia and I love him so much. He makes me feel calm just laughing at our inside jokes, receiving a cute text from him, and ever since being in a relationship with him I’ve grown to be happy with the smallest things in life. But he never seems to be able to move on from the event from his past, or he‘s just deeply affected by his depression and negative thoughts, also all the stress from his studying in university and family really is a big problem. All of this really took a toll of our relationship, to the point that we hardly called anymore or had any communication. | minimum |
Currently in s constant state of anxiety with heart palptations. Woke up this morning with panic attacks. We broke up 4 months ago (it happened suddenly over text) as the relationship was shaky. Is there anything I can do about this? Conciously I'm not trying to think about the situation but unconsciously I still have the physical symptoms (anxiety/panic/heart rate and palpitations). | moderate |
I looked regular for once and it’s been a while to feel that way. I wanted to show who I was today to the world, it was empowering seeing that face I used to be especially when I saw him just a month ago. I left right away to catch any train heading to North Hollywood and eventually arrived at the area of my work interview. I was early but I know I made a mistake without considering how hard it is to panhandle especially when you don’t look it for the part. I had a sign with me and I asked people to spare me a quarter at most but all I got were weird looks. | mild |
She has been cheated on after being married and while pregnant and about to have her baby. She has been gone through it and knows how it feels to be hurt and lied too and said she will never do it to anyone as she’s been through it and is the type of person that wears her heart on her sleeve. I completely trust my husband but this is harder then I thought. Hard because I see her messaging him everyday day as soon as she wakes up and stays talking to him on the phone too. Hard because they still want to see each other. | minimum |
The connection was 100% real and 100% mutual, no way around it and it’s the first time I’ve felt that way about someone in 8 years. Being around her lit a fire in me again - I wanted to be a better man because of her. I was sweet to her but not overly so, her son was with his dad for Christmas and I sent her flowers since I knew she was feeling down. She called me the next day and was so grateful and loved them. I was complementary of her and she ate it up and asked me in a non-guilty (more of an “I love how you are to me” way) why I’m so sweet to her. | minimum |
It did hurt but didn’t leave any marks. When I lied down I kept coughing and today it feels kinda constricted like there’s a lump in my throat. I’ve googled and realised how serious it can be and now I’m terrified but scared to go doctor. What do I do I’m not calling police and I am not going to any hospital. I will go to doctor if they are sensitive about it | minimum |
I had another friend come out and tap on my window, scaring me. He didn’t know what happened, and when he asked me what was wrong I just started to cry. I felt stupid and ashamed. Through the sobs I told him what happened, I even told him that my rapists did it to me. He was supportive and sweet and it made me feel so much more guilty. | mild |
But whatever. I got paid today, so food is no longer an emergency and I wouldn't feel right accepting your gifts of compassion. Thank you all so much thoughfor your efforts. I'm in no way in a good position financially at the moment, but at least for the time being I'm not in pain. Thanks again and god bless. | minimum |
I never thought I’d be in a situation like that in my life and the screaming and blood and chaos following it is just on a constant repeat in my head that won’t stop. I had to give 4 separate statements to the police which burned it from start to finish in my brain and it doesn’t stop. I don’t know if that’s just because it was less than 24 hours ago and I’m still just in shock? It’s just a lot to take in right now and I’m not sure what to do. I apologize for any formatting issues because I’m on mobile/ sounding incoherent I’m just kind of numb after all this and unsure what to do. | severe |
You all saved me. Really. I got plenty of easy to make breakfast stuff so I can make myself a nice hot meal quickly and easily on my crutches, and I’ve got some high protein snacks like nuts, sardines, and turkey jerky to keep me going during the day when I don’t have anyone to help me cook the rice or quinoa I got sent. I’ve got green beans to make green bean casserole, tea and coffee to keep me sane and comfortable while I’m in so much pain. Some people were even kind enough to purchase an Uber giftcard to help me get to doctor’s appointments since I can’t use the public transit until I’m in a walking boot or have a wheelchair (wheelchair should be in a couple of days!) | minimum |
I’m a previous victim of abuse at home and since moving to university (the abuse ended way before uni) I’ve experienced very frequent nightmares both relating to and completely unrelated to my previous problems. It’s hard for me to go more than 3 nights without having at least a couple of nightmares a night, most of which relating to my trauma. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, would anyone be able to offer some advice on how to address these nightmares as they’re starting to affect my studies. Thank you in advance | moderate |
I go to the VA and I see people who need it more than me. I make a good living and only want to get on with life. Plus I know filing a claim at the VA is humiliating and I don’t want to go though what others I fear have. Thanks for listening. I posted this as there was a guy on the foxnews site dogging people with fake PTSD because his son served in combat and is fine. | minimum |
When I was 16 I met a guy on vacation 11 years my senior... Having never been able to get along with those in my age group, I thought nothing of somebody older spending time with me, as I had grown up always spending my time around the adults during the holidays or my older brother's friends... Looking back now, I know this was naive and innocent on my part, nothing that anyone could or should blame a young kid for, as I really thought I was an outcast amongst my peers. And while it may have been true, there is no reason or excuse for a 27 year old man to want to be with a 16 year old girl except that he couldn't find a woman his age who would fall for his games and lies... He played nice for my vacation-- respecting my boundaries and acting only as a friend. He showed me the island and was nothing but kind and hospitable to my family... | minimum |
This is a really shitty time to need support or therapy because it’s a holiday weekend. I’m in horrible physical pain, emotionally heartbroken and being ignored by my kids until I turn them back over to him tomorrow. I don’t even know why I am posting. I don’t know what to expect. I just want to not be so alone. | mild |
But she's a nurse and works crazy hours, so it would just be too much for her, I think. I'm posting in case there's an option I'm missing. Any suggestions welcome. tl;dr: I have $$$ coming in, but the timing is off. Might be homeless for two weeks to a month. | minimum |
I asked my friend and Psychological guru if he happened to know of a washing machine I could pop my brain into for a while. He said yes and I have a neat little machine (expensive at $800+) which literally rinses my brain, I run it at the highest charge possible to electrodes attached to each ear lobe and I sleep for an hour, waking up with a rinsed brain. Electric pulses and the use of magnetic fields in the treatment of psychiatric issues is not new but we no longer have to hook you up to the transfer station, in fact despite big pharma trying to stop the research (I kid you not), it’s moved forward exponentially with researchers in the University of Texas in Dallas amongst many pushing their findings into the stimulation of the vagus nerve to alleviate the symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, depression and over all mental f*ckery. | mild |
I am in a very bad situation, stuck in Nashville, with no friends or family and no money. I have some personal belongings that I am trying to sell, but can't see myself raising more than $100. Food stamps don't come in for another two weeks. I am 19. The plan is to hop on a Greyhound to Atlanta, and stay at Covenant House. | minimum |
I cook and clean every night and this is expected now. she berates my family (yeah my family is screwed up! but show me a family that isn't) and will freak out the moment I critiscise hers. she demanded I leave immediately this morning so had no time to pack belongings and arrange somewhere for myself and my cat to stay. today since being kicked out, just over 12 hours, I have received over 300 phone calls and over 1000 texts via all forms of communication. | minimum |
I always feel like no one actually likes me and they just put up with me out of pity. It’s a vicious cycle, because that insecurity makes me more self-conscious and standoffish, which makes me more unlikeable. I just feel like I’m nothing but a drain on everyone and an inconvenience. I’m constantly plagued by these thoughts about what a terrible person and I am, and it’s just so exhausting. I wish I was normal. | severe |
I was getting changed into a pair of shorts and was standing. When I lifted one leg to put on the shorts, I was very shaky and it was uncontrollable. Even just when I stand, my legs shake. What is going on?! I'm scared out of my mind because no one else on the internet seems to have this exact issue so I have no idea where to look. | minimum |
I feel like the trust I worked so hard to build and the work I put in improving myself by going to therapy, dealing with the anger and the fact I was quick to be violent (old habits die hard...), dealing with and accepting the fact I've also got ADHD and autism, becoming a better man and not following in the footsteps of my dad is just... gone. Destroyed. Utterly fucked. I feel betrayed and completely alone because she was the only person I trusted on this entire planet. I can't even look at her even 4 days later and I've barely spoken to her since. | moderate |
German Shepards, Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers and Poodles all seem like a good choice. Poodle would be good for allergies as many of my close family have allergies. Shepadoodles, Labradoodles, and Golden Doodles might also make a good choice if they were from bloodlines that had proven to be hypoallergenic. I've trained a therapy dog in the past who was a labradoodle. Lovely dog. | minimum |
My flaws seemed huge to me, and I assumed everyone thought negatively of me all the time. My life was consumed by a spiral of negative thoughts and social anxiety. I went to my doc, admitted my social anxiety, and he prescribed me Lexapro 10mg/day. I took my first pill a few days ago, and not two hours later, I had nearly complete relief of my anxiety of all kinds. The bad thoughts completely stopped. | moderate |
to me I feel like that is someone older than my current age dating an age that seems like a child to me.... I creeped her facebook and she appears to be a " normal" 23 year old...going out partying...saying things I would have found funny at that age but cringe at now.....and he did share with me that he supported her for the most part and so on...I asked if she had any " life skills" and his answer was " not really". What are people's thoughts on this? --- tl/dr...i'm creeped out by a man dating a woman 20 years younger even my last relationship was with a man 22 years older. | minimum |
I've stayed up at night hearing them quietly talk about things they can't pay right now, trying to figure out the order to deal with debts, what they can do to make this Christmas feel like normal. The only thing I know right now is that I don't know what is going to happen next. I don't know where my dad will live if he has to sell what he and my mother worked so hard for over the years. I don't know where my siblings and I will go if we run into troubles. I don't even know if my family will be able to afford any sort of funeral right now. | minimum |
This lead to a series of tests which basically showed that he had developmental issues and as he only ever eats junk food and soda showed that hes pretty much decaying. He has some memory issues now and can't really be trusted to live on his own like he could but he'd need a care taker to come in once a week to make sure he's eating, hasn't burned the house down, etc. Anyways I bring this up because at this time in life I was praying to God to kill him or to at least get him out of our lives so I took this incident as either A)Gods way of making me eat my words or B)This was the answer to my prayers as he technically is dying by grdual decay.....slowly | minimum |
He loves them and treats them like gold. I love the type of father he is but I hate the way he treats me. I have no one to open up to or go to if I even tried to leave him. I’m tired of him abusing me mentally and physically me. He has cheated on me several times and each time it knocks my self esteem Lower and lower. | severe |
So I have been a bunch of strange symptoms over the last 3 weeks which have caused me to freak out thinking that I have MS. The symptoms are 1. A sense of something crawling over my skin. This is very random and never never localized and jumps from one leg to another and to my arms i think i got it even in my lower back and neck (I think) | minimum |
Today at work I took a customer's payment over the phone. I was pulling up her account so there was a moment of silence between us. I could hear a man in the back yelling,"I'm gonna slap you" I didn't tell her I had her page pulled up so I could keep listening, because I was convinced I heard incorrectly. "Bitch I'm gonna slap you" a couple seconds of silence,"I don't give a fuck" , a couple seconds of silence, "I will fucking slap you" finally I said ma'am. It took her longer than it should have to respond to. | minimum |
We had signed up for the boat ride (something she was extremely excited about), but the lines got a little backed up and the time got pushed back. An hour had passed of us at the event and we were scheduled to go on the boat ride in about 15 minutes. However, since that hour had passed, her boyfriend refused to stay any longer and made both of them go home, even though she really wanted to go on the boat. These are some of the bigger events that have pissed me off; however, they have the same fight everyday regarding their differing values, and her wanting to do things/live her life and him refusing to make any sort of sacrifice or compromise to do that with her, resulting in her just settling to the situation. Since graduation, he accepted that crappy job and moved across the country, taking her with him. | minimum |
My bank didn't notify me at all, though a lot of the transactions happened outside the country. I currently have about $8 to my name from my savings, which has since been overdrawn. I have been looking for a new job, staying at this one because I have a good boss and because it pays above minimum wage. People effortlessly walk all over her, and though she gets mad about it, company policy as well as her personal precedence, has really tied her hands. I'm one of about three reliable people, and get saddled with the shifts no one bothers to show up to. | minimum |
She referred me to a dermatologist who was known to treat white gay guys and other asian gay guys with genital warts. That's how gossipy these doctors can be. I went to this new dermatologist and showed her my growths. She then showed me pictures of genital warts from her textbook. They looked like cauliflowers. | minimum |
According to the sheriffs department, I have rights because I help support the household and I receive mail at this address. Thing is, I just have no idea what the fuck I'm going to do. I've asked friends and the few family members I have, but to no avail. Help, please? EDIT: I FIXED THINGS AND WE ARE BACK TOGETHER! | minimum |
During this time, my son, the brave little guy, still had the soundness of mind to call my sister, who is a police dispatcher. He couldn’t understand what was happening, so he thought my husband was trying to hurt me instead of himself. Since my sister was off duty so she placed the call to the police while we were up in my room. I heard him slam the front door, so I told my son to stay there and went down to check it out. He had slammed the kitchen knife into the wall and ran out to the woods behind his house. | minimum |
Hey guys, I'm not homeless myself, I'm just after some advice. Basically, I work in a restaurant that closes late so I'm often not back to my apartment complex until around midnight. For the last few nights when I come back, I've noticed a homeless person sleeping between the glass front at the ground floor entrance and the back of the stairwell... This doesn't particularly bother me because I figured he's just sleeping and all the individual apartments have locks on the doors anyway. However I could understand if others in my complex would be distressed or anxious by this, especially if they live on the first floor (I'm fortunate to live higher up on the fourth floor). | minimum |
Well, last time we fought, I did finally call. I was so fucking scared and while he hid in the basement with all the doors locked and light off, the cops took pictures of my hands and neck while I asked them over and over not to arrest him. They told me it will be up to the judge when he sees the pictures. Well, what do you know, he got a warrant. He didn't show up to the first court date so I know he's in even more trouble now. | minimum |
So, to start with I have ptsd from years of emotional/mental/verbal abuse and a few years of physical abuse/sexual assault. I have problems because of this obviously. My soon to be MIL just learned that I have PTSD from my fiancé. In order to keep it to something she’d understand, because when she thinks one thing it’s too hard to change her mind or get her to understand, he changed the story a little before he talked to her as well leaving some stuff out. However, he told her about me having been dating someone when I was sexually assaulted and changed the story to say I went over there while dating someone else and it happened. | minimum |
I obsess about this in my head 24/7 and even though I try to stay positive, the truth about how I REALLY feel comes out almost every time I go out drinking with friends and I become extremely negative and sometimes cry alone. My bf has told me that he is unhappy with my weight and he also hates seeing me unhappy. A summary of my bf: he is a complete workaholic, he loves me to death, he tells me how beautiful I am every day, he has dumped me 3 times because of my weight, he thinks I am an excuse maker and he does not know if he will commit to me. I am indian and he is white. I have been in the US since I was 6 and if you ever spoke with me on the phone, you would never be able to guess that I am indian. | moderate |
Hey all! I'm in San Diego CA and about 2 years ago I was diagnosed with lupus nephritis. I haven't had the most stable care and have had to move all over the country just to maintain safety. Most recently, my mother who I have a very rough (to say the least) relationship with said she would help take care of me financially as I cannot work right now. Well for some reason this last month my mom just stopped paying my rent which led to eviction. | moderate |
I'm just blown away by this doctor's willingness to help. I feel so validated every time I leave his office, like someone actually understands what I'm struggling with, and I don't have to convince them of my mental illness. Bottom line? Research docs if you can online, read their reviews and don't give up until you find someone who treats you the way you deserve. If I can do this, I promise you can! | severe |
I go to my dealer and get an 8th of weed, go home a few cities over, toke up, and feel relief wash over me, finally being home, away from this crazy Aryan Brother. I didn't hear from him until a few days later, he called my phone, but I didn't pick up... If he's back at that shelter when I go back it's gonna be AWKWARD!!! ! **MORAL OF THE STORY:** Don't help fellow homeless people with rides, even if they're going in the same direction. | minimum |
One of my closest friends was recently diagnosed with stage II Hodgkin's Lymphoma. The problem though, is that needs help paying for treatment. She lives with a single parent, and can't work anymore due to her disease. Her health condition isn't in completely dire straits like some others on here, but it will be very tough to pay for chemotherapy and the ER visit that led to her diagnosis Any contribution would help, or simply sharing through Facebook or spreading the word is also great. <url> | minimum |
So I met this guy about 9 months ago at a meet-up group. We used to go out for drinks every other weekend and he'd always come on to me. We ended up hooking up a few times when drunk and became sort-of friends w/ benefits. It was the first time I'd done anything like that but he seemed like a natural flirter. But after a while, some personal stuff got in the way of his life and he took a break from the drinking/partying etc. | minimum |
Subsets and Splits