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I am constantly being controlled by my abuser in having to fight his continued harassment in court, or I am controlled by my emotionally abusive husband who I can't leave because I have no money and we have kids together. I am starting to become seriously suicidal. Last year, on my birthday, I made a serious and almost successful attempt on my life because of PTSD triggers that weren't even as bad as these. My birthday is coming up again in February. I don't know what to do. | severe |
I could stay up here alone, but he says he’ll be where ever we are. I feel trapped and I think it’s making me like I’m acting like a child these days. At least from my perspective. He drained my accounts and I’m financially dependent because I fear not paying bills and I have to feed my daughter and myself. In laws say they can help us...but they’re still his parents. | minimum |
I can't afford rent and my student loans on my income. Im planning on going back to school in Houston since UH is about $8500 a year for instate tuition which I can convince myself I can afford. Im just so sad and disappointed. This was never how my life was supposed to be but when your mom who's financially irresponsible (lightly put) and lets you go to a school that is $150K without even knowing it, I was basically doomed from the start and this is now my reality. Maybe Ill just kill myself before then so I don't have to face this life, because this has become too much to handle. | mild |
I was diagnosed with PTSD after I was assaulted when I was 18, but to be honest I've never really felt like I had it. I can usually push things down so deeply that I don't feel many repercussions of what I've been through aside from a lot of shame. In the last 4 months though, someone who's been on and off harassing me since I was 17 has resurfaced. He was sending me hundreds of texts and calling me saying things varying from "you're going to marry me and we can have kids and live together forever" to "you're a whore and you're a disgusting person and I want to (insert threat) you". He makes fake accounts and tries to add me or adds my friends accusing them of taking me from him. | minimum |
He is not allowed to show up and cause a scene like that, and he definitely isn't allowed to talk to a child like that, handicapped or not. So, yes, I'm moving. My brother is having panic attacks now, he shouldn't be afraid to be at the house. The only thing is, finding a house on such short notice is proving to be very difficult. We have some blemishes on our rental history from past problems, but have gotten to a much better place since then. | minimum |
People say "follow your gut" but I don't even know if I have a gut feeling on this anymore because I have obfuscated it so much and overthought it to exhaustion. People have told me this is really no big deal in the long run but it feels absolutely monumental to me and will be something affecting me the rest of my life. Can any of you relate? How do you make really tough, lifelong decisions like these if you have anxiety? Thank you. | minimum |
She thinks instead I should ask if I can read him how it has impacted me since this has happened. I don't know what to do. It's coming up so quickly and I'm feeling a twinge of anxiety as it gets closer. I keep telling myself I did everything I possibly could and that I should do what feels right to me even if it means I may feel like I'm going backwards at times. I also have to make a decision on if I want a permanent restraining order or a non violent contact order. | severe |
One of them was “Catchphrase”. Similar to Taboo, but you pass around a device, and have to get your team to guess the word/phrase before the timer runs out. Of course, it has to make a countdown noise/beeping which makes me even more anxious. My partner has gotten quite good at gauging where I am on a scale of 1-10. He noticed that I was getting more tense as it was passed around the circle, headed towards me. | minimum |
Her parents supported her. I told her I thought it was a bad idea, that she should finish what she had left (she's an excellent student, super smart and committed) and then go to study the other career. But if she decided to leave I would support her 100%. She decided to quit. The other career was in another town, my home town (<2hs away) she rented an apartment with 2 girls and moved away. | minimum |
I’m fairly new at directly helping the poor. Been creating bags to give out that has food, bandaids, nail clippers, tooth brush and toothpaste, small shampoo and bar of soap, and some items are gender or age specific. But what else would you suggest? I’ve heard of gloves and socks but not sure where to get them cheap and in bulk. I want to create at least 100 bags and do it a few times per year. | minimum |
I know the best thing for me is to find a new job, but I've been applying for quite awhile now with no luck and I really don't want to move to another job that I don't enjoy and will make me feel the exact same way. I sort of think I have an idea of what I want to do, but I have no idea how to make it happen while still paying my bills so I've been applying to anything that seems like it might be relevant to me, but I'm not sure the right way to go about getting into a field I don't have a degree in. Because of this I feel trapped in my job right now and it gets so bad some days where I feel like just walking out and quitting or just not going in ever again. I'm rambling at this point, does anyone else deal with a job that makes them completely miserable? How do you deal with it? | minimum |
Hello my name is jake I am 17 years old and I need some help I'll give you a bit of back story Ever since I was 5 my mother was always drunk everdently she was an alcoholic and whenever she was drunk she got very agressive and to cut a long story short she abused me for over 8 years not only physically but mentally too and when I was 15 I finally spoke out and went to turn to the authorities but they didn't help they sent me back to my mum countless times and in then end I put myself into care I refused to go back I have been in care for a year and a couple months now but ever since just before chirstmas I've been having these night terrors ( which I have reason to believe that it is ptsd ) I have viscous flash backs of my mother doing all them things too me and I wake up screaming , sweating , and as a instinct ready to fight and it lasts for a good 15 mins which is horrible What I'm trying to get at is , is there any coping mechanisms that you can suggest because I feel useless and helpless at this point | mild |
It can take weeks until the problem is solved or I realise I was anxious over nothing. Recently I'm moving home due to family circumstances and it's something I didn't want to really do yet but I am having to and the place I'm moving to is lovely but I'm really anxious over it and whether I'm doing the right thing. These thoughts I'm having are causing this really dark awful feeling. Is this feeling common? I wondered if this feeling is my intuition but I don't believe it is I think it's purely anxiety. | mild |
That was enough back then. Matt was always great at hiding his ailments. I never even knew how hard his life had been; how many times he had been in and out of the hospital. He hid it from everybody extremely well. But now he's older, and he's not hiding it so well anymore. | minimum |
Hey y'all. Throw away for obvious reasons. I am so confused and I don't know what to do or who to reach out to. I started dating my boyfriend two years ago when I moved away from my home to a new state for a job. He was funny, intelligent, and *very* charming. | severe |
i faced up to myself. i completed probation. it's not the drugs i need. it's to leave my environment and everything i know; it's to get a fresh start. i'm only 22. | minimum |
Are there federal or state (IN) laws that govern shelters for shelters that don't accept any federal funds? According to a news story I have found on this shelter they don't accept federal funding, grants or any kind of corporate or foundation funds. There are so many things going on here that don't seem legal, and many more that are totally unethical. I've been here for a month and here's just a couple of the things that are jumping out at me: * Our meds are kept locked up in a cabinet in a room accessible only by staff and "resident staff" (which also seems like a HUGE conflict of interest.) | minimum |
7) what if there arent enough houses for all the people in this world? ( yes..seriously) we have never lost him, he has never been stung by a bee, we do not have the news on around him, nor has our house been broken into.However, he has heard grown ups out in public talking about the recent school shooting. He also gets night terrors and nightmares and is afraid to fall asleep sometimes. how do I help him manage his anxiety in an age appropriate way? | moderate |
Tldr: Need an apartment or room to rent with the deposit on a payment plan. I have first months rent. Not a drug user and clean record. Shit credit but no bankruptcy/eviction/arrest record and have full time employment. I've been homeless for almost a year now but have been floating through hotels that costs about 90 % of my income before and now I'm staying at someone's room but I haven't been able to save up enough for a deposit (due to payday loans) so far and need to leave before I hit 28 days vacancy rights. | minimum |
l asked if there was someone else and she said "no, even if there was we weren't in a relationship". Fast forward 3 months and I'm finally over her and life is going great, then I got a text from her and we started talking again. During the holidays I returned to my country and I spent all month with her, this time officially dating. We always kept our relationship open, so we jokingly spoke about one night stands and if we had any during those 3 months apart. We both mentioned that we had one - after we stopped talking. | minimum |
Snot. Slobber. Just uncontrollable sadness. I was about to explain to her that we would be back later that night and if she was good, we'd bring her a treat. But Mom just scooped her up and coddled her like you would a 9 month old who was crying because they were a bit cranky. | minimum |
My 42 yr old sister-in-law died of metastatic breast cancer last night after a 6 year battle. I am trying to raise funds to establish an endowed scholarship in her name through Olivet-Nazarene University in Illinois to help students with interests in music to honor her memory. Why would you consider giving to a stranger? Because maybe cancer has touched YOUR life. Donna was your everyday woman. | minimum |
Things got better in middle school (thankfully) but it’s sad how literally 5 years as a young child (when life was supposed to be good) were so rough and still affect my life to this day. My home life wasn’t super bad but school was a living hell. I was excluded from everything and still to this day I tend to view the world as harsh and unaccepting. Sorry for the rant, it’s just sad how cruel teachers and students can be in elementary school. Bullying in elementary school directly caused so many of my mental health issues. | mild |
I'm a freelancer, which means pay isn't always steady. I also have frequent painful and difficult digestive issues as well as migraines that lay me out several times a month. I work hard, I make an effort to save where I can, but some months bills and such wipe me out. I'm just coming through a bout of sick and feeling up to eating again, but thanks to pay waits and bills, I'm broke and down to a bit of brown rice and gelatin in the house. I made a post this morning on r/Random_Acts_of_Pizza and a mod pointed me here for some slightly more substantial help. | minimum |
Next week I’ll be flying for our family vacation. The flights won’t be very long (just MSY to LAS then LAX to MSY on the way home), but flying really triggers my anxiety. Mostly I just like having control over myself and my surroundings, so the idea of being in a metal tube 30,000 feet in the air is not ideal for me. I also have a lot of fears about terrorist attacks/mass shootings (movie theaters and other crowded public places are also a problem for me). I was wondering if anyone has any tips for flying anxiety/fear. | minimum |
I assumed she would answer the question, or she would explore my feelings of inadequacy, or she would interpret the transference. But her response instead was the title "I am not getting into this with you". She then went on with how she did like me, thought I was an interesting and nice person. but I do not believe that, it is too unlikely. Besides, as an addendum to her refusal to speak to my question, it seemed false. | minimum |
I am moving in with my BF and am fine with doing it 'early' because I love him and want to spend more time with him, I am moving back to my hometown where I have a large safety net, and we are choosing an apartment that he can afford on his own if he needs to. I know having a back up plan doesn't sound romantic, but both he and I have discussed all of the above, and both of us are long term planners who place 'back-up' plans in place in case anything goes awry. I have always been in relationships where I was still able to be an independent unit and avoid too much commitment because I was always scared to lose my independence. But this is the first relationship where I feel like we're a really good fit, and it doesn't feel like a sacrifice I don't want to make. I will still be doing a lot of things on my own, he is also an independent person, and both of us have lived on our own for years and know we can take care of ourselves. | minimum |
They discharged me. I told a nurse at a health clinic though, where I got sutured, that I just can't deal with the PTSD anymore, and I feel awful on this injection of flupentixol. I'm suicidal. I'm suicidal, and I keep thinking I should just go through with it this time. But this is a cry for help: what should I do? | severe |
I was a little confused at what they meant so her husband decided to meet me and talk to me about what was going on. The way that he put it, he was saying that my husband wouldn't get physical from what he could tell, but there are boundaries that he passed. Unfortunately, he couldn't provide any examples because he couldn't remember what was said, but he could remember the feeling that he had, and it was disgust. This was during the holiday season when their company had an influx of new people and they would be gone within a few weeks because the work they do is very physical and not a lot of people can handle it. My friends husband told me and quote, "There's friendship, there's flirting, which he did but its innocent because everyone flirts, but then there's certain boundaries that you don't say to someone else while being in a commited relationship or marriage with someone else and he was doing that." | minimum |
I feel so vulnerable and unsure of myself all the time now. I didn't think it would affect me this way. I'm so tired of eating ramen noodles and granola bars. I'm sick of seeking out the cheapest coffee shop that has wifi. I'm sick of feeling like a burden. | moderate |
The simplest breathing technique can help you calm your mind. It's called diaphragmatic breathing. Simply, place your hands on your belly, then ribs, then upper chest and practice breathing into your hands. At the end, you place one hand on your belly and the other on your heart and breath into your belly up to your heart and back out again. By placing my hands on your body, you can choose a certain number of breaths to count and focus on the physical sensation of your hands rising and falling. | minimum |
I am so confused! Why is he playing these games? I have made it clear I want him back and to me it’s like he has feelings but is unwilling to say anything? TL;DR I’ve been dating a guy for a few months, we split up over a silly petty argument, since we’ve split up he’s been maintaining that he wanted us to break up but he’s checking in on me and asking what I’m doing. Is he just being controlling or does he have feelings still? | minimum |
I want him to die because then we'll be truly safe. But I don't want him to suffer. There have been times when I did. And I denied that there was ever any love because that was easier than accepting that a man who once loved his family decided he hated them so much he wanted to kill them. I've still got half my life to lead. | minimum |
Sorry if this is kinda long... We met in highschool and became best friends. Even after we still talked everyday, hang out almost every weekend and I felt everything was okay. She then started getting kinda distant e cold toward me and I had no idea why. I talked to friend in commom and she said my this friend(I'll call her P.) felt that I was too negative and was always complaining. | minimum |
For my two worst offenders, they will each get a postcard. Everyone at work will read that post card as it gets passed to the executive director of the rehab center. The old lady will get a warning that she's not smart enough to protect herself and she should be thankful she picked on another elderly widow woman instead of someone looking for revenge for fun. Over the years I've been to the mayor, I've attended a number of (laughable) "homeless conferences". It's all a joke so no approaching from that angle. | minimum |
Itʻs at the point where I am scared I canʻt focus on driving and will crash or just space out going 45 mph. In the past Ive had 3 major "panic attacks(?)" where my whole body is in pins and needles and I canʻt breathe well but they were all triggered by major emotional events. I also used to get really bad nightmares about dying and the afterlife when I was a kid and my mom would have to rub my chest til I fell asleep. I never ever thought it was anxiety and I didnʻt want to diagnose myself because I know some people actually have it and I wouldnʻt want to compare my stress to that. | moderate |
I feel like I just keep digging a hole for myself, and its my fault I'm in there. With work I get emails about updates to projects and I usually these days don't reply, and submit what I have worked on minutes prior to my meetings. Which always results in a pissed off boss really. Then I feel even worse and my ocd comes back telling me that I'm a horrible person and everyone hates me. Its a weird tick, I don't know how to describe it. | moderate |
(TW sexual abuse mentions) When I was 14 I was sexually abused regularly for 8 months, resulting in PTSD, and recently I realised that afterwards I completely changed how I looked. I went from being this pretty normal looking student, short cropped hair, I would wear normal casual clothing on weekends, I was healthy, all that, now, over three years later I look completely different, I'm stick thin, hair grown out past my shoulders, I only wear black and almost always clothes that cover as much of me as possible, heavy scarring covering the majority of my body, and messy facial hair growing in. I feel like I've completely altered myself so nobody is tempted to hurt me again, like I'm blaming how I looked for what happened, so completely changing it seemed like the most sensible thing. I've never heard of anyone else doing this before though, is this normal? | minimum |
BACKGROUND: paul and i met 1.5 years ago on okcupid and hit it off right away. at the time, we were both in long-term open relationships with other people, so we fell into a pretty quick routine that involved seeing each other once a week for a meal or drinks and sex [the best of his life, allegedly]. About 6 months into it/the December before last, he and his partner of 8 years broke up, which sent him into a bit of a depression/naturally intense period of introspection. Independently/for unrelated reasons, my own longterm relationship also came to an end. Paul and I saw each other less but kept in touch. | minimum |
The verbal, emotions, and physical abuse continued I also believe in my heart that he cheated He left Facebook up on his computer with a conversation he had had with another ex about how much fun it was spending time with her(a day he had told me he was working late, couldn't even come up with an original lie)...it shattered me more, I didn't know my heart could break into any smaller pieces When she was three months old I told myself enough was enough... If he had shown even a glimmer of interest in his child or our marriage I could justify more time...but he didn't | minimum |
I started my seizure while on the stairs and as a result was pretty badly injured. I broke my ankle and injured my knee. I also required stitches in my face. Let me make this very clear- I recognize that this experience must have been **terrifying** for Tom. I understand how frightening and anxiety provoking, and even traumatizing this was for him. | minimum |
All I can do is think about how bad finals are going to be. I hate it so much. I'm going to be so tired. I'm going to fail. My grades are so low I have to do great to keep them above passing. | severe |
I fucking *wish* I could talk this out with family therapies and interventions , god knows i've tried. My existence here is predestined and i'm going to become whoever and whatever my family wants me to be, dealing with whatever they through my way. I wish my mother could love me. It's either this plan or suicide, as blunt and intense as that sounds. I plan on deleting this out of paranoia soon but will keep the responses. | severe |
Im positive the 2 panic attacks and the following brain fog is anxiety based because like i said I've had mild anxiety in the past and i don't think i have any other issues. Anyways i was wondering if its normal to feel spaced out and a little slow/ tired a few days panic attacks. I haven't touched weed since but i still feel spaced out. Any insight would be appreciated. I also noticed when i don't focus on my worry i feel a little better | moderate |
I work as a security guard at a busy office building and everytime i make eye contact with my people I can literally see them shuddering inside. It probably down to the fact I have an intense stare and tend to stare in people's too eyes long,but I don't know what the social etiquette is ,what do you do when you're walking along a corridor and you bump into someone you just said hi to a few seconds ago, what do you do when you turn around and unintentionally lock eyes with a work colleague. Please someone help,teach my how to make normal eye contact in social situations. It's getting to the point now where work colleagues are going out their way to avoid making eye contact with me. Please help | minimum |
He told me that I needed to be naked because he wanted to see my “sexy body” he said a lot of sexual things and took off my clothes. I was naked; exposed, lying on his bed on my stomach with my head in a pillow. He flipped me over and sat at the foot of the bed. I put a pillow over my face and at this time it all becomes a blur. He was giving me oral sex, fingering me, and telling me how “hot” I was. | minimum |
IDK. I've applied to anything I can think of and have had no luck. But at least I'm not dealing with all this stress with someone who "loves" me not giving a damn if that happens. Thank you all for giving me perspective that no, I was not being unreasonable and it wasn't that he decided who lives in his home (which I NEVER disagreed with) but that it was messed up of him to offer, plan, go back on it, and then want to act like that never happened. And for the people who implied I have no "market value" to him, my divorce was because my ex cheated. | minimum |
I came to see her perform in a play one night, and brought flowers and saw her after the show. We walked around the city for a bit and then sat in my car quietly for a bit. And she didn't say much, but she looked really worried/close to tears. I didn't know what to make of it at the time. We had made plans for her to visit me in my town during the summer, with a month of notice. | minimum |
The next time I went to see her after that she said sorry if I wasn’t my self last time and I just said that she seemed tired and so I started to see her earlier in the day. Even from the first few time I went to see her she would always talk about herself. I didn’t have a problem with it because I am shy and so bad at conversation it kind of took the spot light off of me even tho that’s kinda what I was there to see her for. Also from the beginning she was kinda well very unprofessional and I knew this. I had just started to see a psychiatrist and I had told her what medications weren’t working for me so she gave me some of hers to try and see if they worked. | minimum |
A little over two years ago I visited a psychiatrist for the first time and was prescribed lexapro for social/generalized anxiety and depression. At the time, both my psychiatrist and therapist thought I was in the mild to moderate range. Lexapro was good. It was great, really. I wasn't born with depression. | mild |
He ended up grabbing me by the neck with both hands and slamming my head against the wall in the hallway, he threw me the ground I hit the radiator and then he threw a bucket at me that had a toy and DOG SHIT in it (i genuinely don't think he knew there was dog shit in it, he just threw whatever was there...and our dog must have shit in it.) I didn't pass out this time. He went upstairs and slammed his door and locked it. I got right up and ran up the stairs and told him to let me in to get my shit so I can go. He told me to leave and I started kicking the door and demanding he lets me into get my shit so I can go. | minimum |
If you have a survey you would like to share with us, you may do so here, please use the following format. Failure to do so will result in your survey being removed. Surveys not posted in here will result in a ban, the length of which will be decided at mods' pleasure. __Who I am__: _(Student, Researcher)_ __Affiliation__: _(university, company)_ | minimum |
I don't really know if I'm doing this right but..I feel like I have ran out of options. To make a long story short, I have a Ford Ranger and the serpentine belt on it is broken. I'm currently living with my girlfriend but last night I found out that she has been lying to me repeatedly and I'm done with this situation, the only problem is that I'm stuck. I don't get paid for another 6 days and I am flat broke with no family or anything nearby. Luckily, I'm within walking distance of my work but do you guys have any ideas? | mild |
I feel like I have the worst luck with everything, but maybe that's just bias. I feel like life has dealt me a short hand and I feel so guilty saying this because there are people out there with lives far worse than mine. Walking is painful, talking is painful, I don't know what to do. I just want everything to end. I just want to rest and not have to struggle. | severe |
And whose fault is that, then? My question to you; is it the tree’s fault that it never bothered to put in the effort to correct itself, or the hypothetical forest’s? Is it anyone’s fault at all? Could the tree ever be quite corrected, or was it destined to live out its life, becoming more and more crooked with each fucking day? I’m done. | minimum |
I desperately need a car and found a great opportunity but the previous owner died of a heart attack in it. Thats my number one cause of anxiety, the fear of heart attacks. He was relatively healthy and young. I feel like a big idiot for not taking it. But I have vivid nightmares of me having heart attacks then I wake up with a panic attack that lasts hours. | minimum |
And in the 10 years since my emancipation, I've only watched my cognitive state decline. I've been agoraphobic for 3 years now. 3 years ago I moved into the shelter system after a domestic dispute triggered my agoraphobia again. I felt like I was under constant threat, and that I wasn't safe anymore. So I moved. | minimum |
I actually do have access to some money where I believe I could pay off at least some of what I owe but I honestly don’t even know where I can get a number for the debts that I owe. I am afraid to even begin for several reasons. 1) I am worried I might actually be in legal trouble over this, 2) I am afraid of seeking help from someone who isn’t understanding of my situation and will just be totally horrified about what a mess it is and they will be mean to me. Are there any counseling resources available to me? I am NOT looking for a handout I just need help being walked through the steps of what I need to do to resolve this. | minimum |
(He knows where we live and go to school) My moms in a ton of debt because of my dad. Right now both of them have a job but if my dad is no longer working, it's gonna be a lot harder to pay it off. I also go to a private school which costs a lot. How do we deal with this? | minimum |
November 8 is the anniversary of when I was kidnapped and raped. The anniversaries are always hard on me, and this year is feeling extra hard. On Facebook a lot of my friends are celebrating their own or their kids’ birthdays today, their wedding anniversaries, sharing memories of the awesome vacations they were on on this day last year, etc. I feel weird and alone in my trauma. It’s not that I want anyone to have to join me in misery, but I guess I’m wondering if anyone else out there happens to be dealing with this at the same time as me. | moderate |
I met my current boyfriend (42M), let’s call him V, back in November. Things were fine, there were no red flags. We dated about a month before one day I went to warm up his coffee for him and he started screaming at me for doing it wrong, and to never do it again. I have PTSD from being raped and abused, and I get uncomfortable when guys yell in the vicinity of me, when they yell at me, it’s debilitating. He knew this as I make it very clear to potential significant others. | moderate |
The only woman who ever treated me with respect, my nan, died a few months ago. This household is screwing with all of us. There's nothing we can do, because she refuses to seek help, so this will never change. I want to move out, but I have nowhere to go, no job, and no money. The best I can do is wait it out until someone dies, I suppose. | minimum |
Tomorrow afternoon my four children and I are leaving my husband. After years of emotional neglected, financial control and recently added physical abuse towards my youngest. I'm scared that even after our planning we will be turned away from the refuge and have to use the little amount savings to rent a cabin. I'm scared that I'm making the wrong descion. Even though my 3 older children have developed mental illness over the past year. | severe |
It would be awesome to see how many people I can have help me wish her a Happy Birthday (sounds clickbait-y, so forgive me.) She loves our dog, Bear, Beyoncé, and a good NetFlix Original series. So basically, she's an incredible lady. Not that I'm biased or anything. Any Happy Birthday wish would be awesome! | minimum |
He doesn’t know anything about that though. For some background, I recognize that I tend to overreact to normal things, I have panic attacks when people innocently flirt with me for example, and I’ve flown off the handle when too many men have even just looked at me in too short of a space of time. Anyway, so we were roommates in a super tiny apartment that didn’t even have a living room, just our two bedrooms divided by a kitchen. He was having some issues with his ex-girlfriend so he was venting to me for hours about it, and I was trying to give him as much advice as I could, because he’s my friend and I care about him. I told him this and he said he cares about me too, and then he started telling me that when he first met me, he was attracted to me but that I was too young so he felt weird. | moderate |
I thought they’d give me another date to come back or put me on probation but that did not happen. They told me I wouldn’t be allowed back to my house until my court date in a MONTH. And even that is certain. Well I found a friend that I can stay with for another 2 days but after that I’m unsure of what to do. I’m currently unemployed don’t even have a license, there’s literally no one I can stay with my parents are refusing to talk to me. | minimum |
Needless to say that is all a lie from him, He is here from DSS/Social Services just like I am. What I am worried about is my safety and security. This guy is obviously mentally ill and a drug addict and alchie, and now I am really concerned that he will do something to me because I stood up to him and his nonsense bullshit. How should I proceed....Call Social Services and turn him in? or call the police next time he harasses me? | minimum |
Hi guys! My close friend has been struggling lately to pay for her dog's surgery. Two months ago, she noticed a lump on her dog's leg. After running a few tests and getting several vet's opinions, the dog was diagnosed with Grade 2 soft tissue sarcoma. She had three options, do nothing, remove lump and go for chemo treatments, or amputate the leg completely. | minimum |
I am scared as fuck off what the comedown is going to be like from being jacked up on adrenaline for 5 days straight. I have not felt tired whatsoever during this time. I have been giving valium and trazadone to sleep, by an emerg psyciatrist, of which I cannot feel either whatsoever. On top of that when I do this twitch many times in a row, i can actually see and feel my entire veins/circulatory system constricting down very small. they have been in a state of permenant constriction for 4 days now. | minimum |
Sometimes one a week on the weekend. This worked greated. Until late june. She started to cancel my visits to see her. Asking if I was mad, when I constantly told her I supported everything she needed to do to succeed. | minimum |
He backed me into a corner in the kitchen and kept hitting me. When I fell he stomped on my face and also choked me. I was trying to hit back but he's much bigger than me. When he starting choking me, I bit the holy hell out of his arm to get him off. He surprisingly did, after yelling about how it hurt, then went to finish packing. | minimum |
Instead he followed me to the store in his car. He would even drive slow enough to have the car next to me at all times. During one of our fights he took a permanent marker and slashed lines all over me while telling me "how does that feel, you slut?" He walked away and I just fell to the floor in tears. He came back and poured his Gatorade all over me telling me to shut up and stop crying so loud. | minimum |
#NAME? | minimum |
Asked her for help. She said "come for dinner". She's not that good of a cook. I don't talk to her anymore. I don't care anymore. | minimum |
3. I leave fairly often for extended periods for work. On one of my work trips I was gone for two weekends. I trust my BF and don’t mind if he goes out. The first weekend he said he didn’t do anything and just stayed home, yet through my friend’s FB I could see that he added three girls as friends. | minimum |
I am doing a research topic on social media and its influence on people, specifically on politics and would like you to spend a minute or two to fill out this form for me, it shouldn't take long This will be used in a paper that is assigned for a writing course I am taking. Really appreciated, thanks! <url> Edit: Thank you all for the responses. | minimum |
I blocked him on FB and then deactivated. One two punch, because my FB addiction is another obstacle in my life. I'm very proud of these decisions, but it also meant leaving my "Thrive After Abuse" group. So now here I am on Reddit, hoping to find another supportive community. Best wishes to all. | minimum |
I’m definitely keeping the child. We don’t own our house so will just go our separate ways. I’m totally open to him being part of the child’s life if he wants. I know he would be a good dad despite him turning out to be a terrible husband Thanks for the advice guys. | minimum |
**Why this is important** - The FDA has approved Phase 3 MDMA/PTSD studies based on promising Phase 2 studies and the main challenge of the Phase 3 research is funding. - These foundations fund PTSD work. But they aren't funding MDMA PTSD research. I think with the right guided nudge, these foundations may be open to supporting the research. | minimum |
A viewpoint that some of my asshole uncles, aunts, and other various family members have encouraged for reasons I won’t get into lest this post becomes my magnum opus. Anyway, her comment actually got me a little pissed. So, I sniped back, “Yeah, everyone wishes someone will cook, provide for them, and just take care of everything while they just relax but this isn’t Aladdin. Plus, if it was, you’d have to rub the lamp, not Ron, and I just don’t see how that would work out.” Everyone laughed, So did their significant others. All Ron kept saying was some variation of “That’s so true!” while laughing. | minimum |
Alright so, for my entire life I've been a straight-A student. High honor roll every time. I never expected any less and neither did my parents, teachers, friends, etc. Over the past year (8th grade) I've developed anxiety, depression, and OCD. (Not self diagnosed.) | minimum |
Why fix the leak when the rubber mallet driving the cork into the hole disturbs the family when the damp doesn’t bother them quite so much at the moment. Never mind the water is rotting the floorboards. Never mind the mold growing in corners. Never mind how sick I get from exposure. Now here comes the real question: Do I abandon the ship or go down with it? | minimum |
My boyfriend M(26) and I have been dating for a year and a half. We live together. We definitely have issues were working through right now but our relationship has been pretty good. Up until a month or so ago I was making all these future plans with him and so on. I’ve been on and off taking antidepressants for the past 8 months. | minimum |
That's why I've come to you guys. \- If the formatting is weird, it's because it's midnight and I've edited this damn thing so many times I want to cut off my own hands so I can't torture myself with editing it any more. It's probably garbled af. Yes, I did proofread it, but I can't guarantee quality because it's midnight lmao. I'm super tired. | minimum |
It's been a few months since things happened. I want to talk about what happened, though, but most people are so tired of hearing about it, so I am quiet about it now. I would like to talk about it here where others can understand, if you don't mind. I'm sorry if it is triggering for anyone. Therapy is in the future but not for a couple more months so I have a couple months left of reeling until I can deal with it in a therapeutic setting. | minimum |
**I've been sober for a week and the change is awesome! ** I laugh, I stay active, I speak clearly, I look people in the eye, I get things done as I want to get them done - immediately. Living a different reality. If anyone here is being controlled by these substances I just want to remind you that they are holding you back. These coping mechanisms are making you doubt yourself and not allowing you to progress - not allowing you to know yourself without them. | minimum |
Dr. Fred Penzel's Articles <url> A leading expert on OCD, Dr. Penzel has a collection of great articles online based on years of successfully treating patients with OCD. Particularly good for highlighting how the "less-obvious" variants of OCD can be treated. Check out Article 12 "Ten Things You Need to Know to Overcome OCD" for starters. Top Tips: Carry out [Exposure and Response Prevention]. | minimum |
Hello guys. This is my first post here. Ever since I can't fall asleep on a random night (few months ago) , I started getting anxiety at night and before heading to bed but everyday is different. Usually, when I get on bed n off the lights, my body started to heat up and i would sweat a little which makes me really uncomfortable. My heart would pound fast to which makes me anxious. | moderate |
I've heard it's less activating and more calming than Zoloft, as it's the most serotonin selective. I've also heard Trazodone may be an option, for someone who wants SSRI-like-effects without any activation. Additionally, my Psych doctor mentioned Gabapentin as a way to directly target anxiety without any of the long-term concerns of daily benzo use. (though I've read it's not without its own drawbacks.) Obviously, this wouldn't have any serotonergic effect, but could be a good alternative to the Xanax. | minimum |
However, this was 5 months ago and I have heard nothing about the referral. Things are going downhill (not with my eating, which is good! ), but my PTSD symptoms are loud. I'm not sleeping, my self harm has escalated and I'm struggling to leave my house. I'm also just about to lose my job because the company I work for is going under. | moderate |
We get no child support and are doing well financially without it and although he is supposed to pay, I leave it alone because he leaves us alone. Long story short, I didn't file or ask for supervised visitation, but that's what the courts ordered. He did that two or three times within a year and haven't heard from him since. This Friday for the first time in years I realized how much my life has changed and how happy I and my children are. Then, of course, I get the curve ball of this message on Saturday evening. | minimum |
I am SO PISSED just because i look tired and wearing dirty clothes doesnt mean Im up to no good. I have already filed a complaint with the bbb, attorney general, called my bank to see if i can get that money back. Im thinking while Im stuck here, to contact the local news paper. This man and his housekeeper wife, whom I forgot to add, called me a "skank" Im dead serious. So i was falsely accused and insulted, and had my money robbed. | minimum |
It is quite annoying. I get diarrhea when I get panic attacks and then need to shower thoroughly to get myself cleaned up because it is disgusting. I also get hypochondriac thoughts and sometimes panic so badly I call 911 and have an ambulance sent. Thankfully I have not done that today. This is so annoying, this fight-or-flight response. | minimum |
Neosporin and ace bandage if one starts bleeding. Life lesson: Don't let your dog run on wet concrete, and let the vet tell you what you should worry about. If you think your worries sound ridiculous, they probably are. Bonus: Molly needs to lose 2.5 pounds because she hates the rain and doesn't want to walk in it. Lol. | minimum |
I can't support their relationship on any level. To make it clear, neither does my mother. She only allows him to remain here because he'd be homeless and be forced to move hours away to a place with almost no transport and he'd take my sister with him (he did it before. It culminated in the allegations of cheating and the choking), and that's the last thing we want. Better the devil you know and your enemies close or something. | minimum |
He and I have been pretty "huggy" the last couple years, and since he scared me I cut all physical contact off completely. He didn't try to initiate it today even though we won't be seeing each other for several weeks, so that's something. I don't plan on allowing any of it for the forseeable future - maybe unless I feel like he's really learned something or changed somehow. I don't plan on staying the night at his place or letting him stay at mine. Probably will limit our contact to public or "other people present" for the most part. | minimum |
She is such a very good girl. All I have to offer is $300 for her return or direct information leading to her return. These are some pictures of her: Roo, Chihuahua mix 12lbs Missing 9/28/18 <url> Thank you for reading and please give your animals a big hug. Edit to add: I'm going to the Humane Society tomorrow, they were already closed tonight. | minimum |
We talked about meeting, and eventually arranged a double date. Each of us brought a friend to make things easier. The date went well and we decided to see each other again. The next two times I saw her, she began making comments on how little dating experience I had and began treating me like a child. She made comments about my weight and how I was too skinny and needed to gain weight. | minimum |
The last straw that broke me completely happened the night before/early morning of St Patty's day 2013 (age 21). I went to a bar for a pre-party. I had one shot with the bartender and some other guys there. I then started drinking water and talking to the guy sitting next to me. He said he was a pilot. | minimum |
Kate's father was just an angel all day long. We were planning to finally start sleeping at the house again. Evening comes, we all go home, and he puts on some crime drama marathon. It's a little too loud, so Kate asks him if he minds turning it down. He does so...for about five minutes, until she's out of the room again, and then he turns it up louder than it was previously. | minimum |
Subsets and Splits