* [[Mario Botta]]
* Jared Breiterman
* Alan Burdick
* [[Ernesto Cardenal]]
* Azurra Carpo
* Peter Cavanagh
* [[Alan Cooper]]
* [[Herman Daly]]
* Norihiko Dan
* Emilio Del Giucide
* [[Bita Fayyazi]]
* [[Amy Franceschini]]
* Luis Enrique Godoy
* [[Al Gore]]
* [[Sven Erik Jørgensen|Sven Erik Jorgensen]]
* [[Julie Lasky]]
* [[Ervin László]]
* [[Joep van Lieshout]]
*[[Ezio Manzini]]
* [[Eva Mattes]]
* [[Franco Mattes]]
* [[Bruce Mau]]
* Gianantonio Melli
* Eduardo Moron
* Felix Müller
* [[Youssou N'Dour]]
* Wallace J. Nochols
* [[Piergiorgio Odifreddi]]
* [[Sergio Ramírez]]
* [[Ignacio Ramonet]]
* [[Godfrey Reggio]]
* [[Wolfgang Sachs]]
* [[Vandana Shiva]]
* [[Richard Slaughter]]
* Enzo Tiezzi
* [[Tathagat Avatar Tulsi]]
* [[Robert Ulanowicz]]
* Salvatore Veca
* [[Massimo Vignelli]]
* [[Jin Xing]]
==External links==
* [http://www.stockexchangeofvisions.org/ Stock Exchange of Visions website]
* [http://forum.stockexchangeofvisions.org/ Stock Exchange of Visions: Forum. Share your visions of the future.]
[[Category:Internet forums]]
[[Category:Online databases]]
{{Primary sources|date=April 2023}}
= One Minutes =
'''The One Minutes''' is a global platform for [[Oneminutes|one-minute]] videos. The One Minutes Foundation produces and distributes One Minutes, providing a platform for people to create and connect through short, accessible [[video art]].<ref>{{Cite web |title=The One Minutes - About |url=https://theoneminutes.org/about |access-date=2023-04-04 |website=theoneminutes.org}}</ref>
== History ==
The One Minutes was initiated in 1998 by Katja van Stiphout and Michal Buttink, two students of the [[Sandberg Institute]], Masters of Art and Design. The institute’s director Jos Houweling was asked to fill in an hour of airtime on local television, SALTO, once a month from midnight to 1 a.m. and offered this to two of his students. They invited fellow students and friends to fill the timeslot with one-minute films. A new format was born. Within the inexorable limitation of 60 seconds, the endless possibilities of video were revealed. The hour at midnight grew into a worldwide platform, where television channels, arts organisations and film festivals adopted segments of One Minutes, showcasing one-minutes at film festivals, art organisations and cultural institutes.<ref>{{Cite book |last=Van Mourik |first=Julia |title=The One Minutes On Tour - Shanghai |publisher=Power Station of Art Museum |year=2014 |pages=8}}</ref>
In 1999, The One Minutes Foundation was founded, under direction of Jos Houweling and supported by Sandberg Institute. Since then, The One Minutes Awards have been held annually to acknowledge the best One Minutes of the year.<ref>{{Cite news |last=Smallenburg |first=Sandra |date=11 November 2002 |title=Melige humor in filmpjes van exact één minuut lang |work=NRC |url=https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2002/11/11/melige-humor-in-filmpjes-van-exact-een-minuut-lang-7613714-a83436}}</ref> The One Minutes held their first workshop in [[China]] in 2000 at [[Xiamen University]]. Ever since, The One Minutes has been a bridge of cultural exchange between international and Chinese artists, filmmakers and students. In 2008, Chinese artists took part in the [[Venice Biennale]] as part of The One Minutes. Since 2009, [[East China Normal University]] and [[Dragon Television|Shanghai Dragon TV]] have been organising the yearly The One Minutes International Competition, which is broadcast by Dragon TV, [[Shanghai Media Group]]’s satellite broadcaster. One Minutes were also shown at [[Expo Shangai 2010|EXPO]] Shanghai in 2010. Since 2011, The One Minutes has been a returning section in the annual [[Shanghai International Film Festival|Shanghai International TV Festival]].<ref>{{Cite book |last=Van Mourik |first=Julia |title=The One Minutes On Tour Nanjing: Remake |publisher=AMNUA |pages=5}}</ref>
In 2014, under the direction of Julia van Mourik, The One Minutes started a new curated programme: The One Minutes Series focusing on the perception and understanding of the moving image. In the new programme, The One Minutes focuses on the possibilities within a one-minute video and the boundaries of [[video art]]. <ref>{{Cite journal |last=De Kruiff |first=Jannie |date=September 2015 |title=The One Minutes |url=https://theoneminutes.org/media/pages/about/press/80a33de2a6-1670343803/focus-15.pdf |journal=Focus |volume=9 |pages=50-51}}</ref>
Since 2017, The One Minutes is an independent non profit.
=== Core values ===
The One Minutes provides a place for artists and filmmakers within the intersection of art and film. Within the one minute video format, a maker can experiment and express themselves through moving image.<ref>{{Cite book |last=Van Mourik |first=Julia |title=One Minute is Eternal |publisher=East China Normal University |year=2020 |location=Shanghai |pages=3-4}}</ref>
== Collection ==
In 2012, The One Minutes Collection and the [[Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision]] in collaboration with [[BMW Group]] Netherlands, started to digitalize the collection. The goal was to the collection available for future generations.
Since 2020, The One Minutes Collection is published on the search portal for the general public (GPP), the search portal for media professionals (MPP), the Education Platform (OMP) and the Clariah Mediasuite, a portal for researchers at the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision. Licensing and reuse are handled by The One Minutes. Publication requests for television are processed by The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision. The collection includes over 17.000 one-minute videos from around 120 countries and has grown to include a diverse selection of video art.<ref>{{Cite news |last=Pontzen |first=Rutger |date=19 March 2021 |title=Zie je dat? |work=De Volkskrant |url=https://theoneminutes.org/media/pages/about/press/5437118963-1670343813/rutger-pontzen-klaas-koetje-maakte-een-geestig-en-spitsvondig-filmpje-van-1-minuut-over-angst-en-onze-behoefte-aan-controle-de-volkskrant-18-march-2021.jpg}}</ref>
== Workshops ==
Workshops are organised by The One Minutes in collaboration with the [[Sandberg Institute]] and other art education programmes. The One Minutes also organizes workshops for asylum seekers and youngsters under The One Minutes Jr. In such workshops, artists collaborate with students, amateurs and children.<ref>{{Cite web |title=Sandberg Instituut |url=https://sandberg.nl/the-one-minutes |access-date=2023-04-04 |website=sandberg.nl}}</ref>
Workshops for The One Minutes included 'Mind-body-problem', a collaboration with [[Maastricht Institute of Arts]] in the summer of 2021. 'Mind-body-problem' is curated by [[Sander Breure and Witte van Hulzen]] to depict the relation between the soul and the body.
Workshops for The One Minutes Jr. take place over the course of five days, where video artists teach basic camera and directing skills as well as creative thinking and story-telling. Each participant develops their own One Minute which is screened at the end of the workshop.
== The One Minute Series ==
The One Minutes releases a new series of one-minute films every two months. These series explore current times through moving images. Guest curators are invited to conceive and curate a series. They send out an open call for submissions and also utilize The One Minutes Collection to compile the series.
The One Minutes Series were exhibited amongst others at Art Museum of [[Nanjing University of the Arts]] (CN), [[De Pont Museum of Contemporary Art]] (NL), [[Power Station of Art]] (CN), [[National Gallery of Iceland]] (IS) and [[Whitney Museum|Whitney Museum of American Art]] (USA) and screened at amongst others [[Durban International Film Festival]], [[International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam]], [[International Short Film Festival Oberhausen]], and [[Reykjavík International Film Festival]].
=== Highlighted Series ===
==== 'Imagine The Earth Is Your Lover' ====
'Imagine The Earth Is Your Lover' (2020) is curated by [[Annie Sprinkle]] and [[Elizabeth Stephens|Beth Stephens]]. The series documents the [[Ecosexual|ecosex]] movement through one minutes by 23 artists and filmmakers. The series transforms 'Earth as Mother' to 'Earth as Lover' and showcases a mutual, sustainable relationship between filmmakers and the Earth.
'Imagine The Earth Is Your Lover' premiered in September 2020 at [[Reykjavík International Film Festival]]. The series premiered online in October 2020 at [[Het Nieuwe Instituut]]. <sup>[6]</sup> Other screenings involve [[Performance Space New York]] and the [[Franconia Sculpture Park]].<ref>{{Cite web |title=The One Minutes - Series |url=https://www.theoneminutes.org/series |access-date=2023-04-04 |website=www.theoneminutes.org}}</ref>
==== 'Ways of Something' ====
'Ways of Something' (2014) is a series curated by [[Lorna Mills]] consisting of four episodes. Episode one and two were produced by The One Minutes, episode three and four were produced by [[Lorna Mills]]. The series is a contemporary remake of the [[BBC]] documentary '[[Ways of Seeing]]', made in 1972 by [[John Berger]].
Within the videos, a combination of formal, figural and kitsch practices are featured. ''<nowiki/>'''Ways of Something' shows diverse interpretations of Berger's manner of looking at art after the introduction of the internet and digital media. The episodes together contain One Minutes from 113 network-based artists. These artists are working in 3D rendering, film remix, gifs, websites and webcam performances to explore art making after the introduction of the internet.
The episodes were debuted at [[Transfer (gallery)|TRANSFER Gallery]] in New York in September 2014. 'Ways of Something' was on view and subsequently included in the collection of [[Whitney Museum|Whitney Museum of American Art]] in 2016.<ref>{{Cite web |title=Lorna Mills {{!}} Ways of Something (Episode 1) |url=https://whitney.org/collection/works/49763 |access-date=2023-04-04 |website=whitney.org |language=en}}</ref>
==== 'The One Minutes Jr. Ukraine' ====
'The One Minutes Jr. Ukraine' was produced in 2022, at the request of [[International Short Film Festival Oberhausen]]. A compilation of 46 One Minutes produced in Ukraine with The One Minutes Jr. was made, which premiered at the festival. The series premiered online at [[Het Nieuwe Instituut]] and toured filmfestivals throughout 2022.<ref>{{Cite web |title=Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg |url=https://festival.shortfilm.com/en |access-date=2023-04-05 |website=festival.shortfilm.com |language=en}}</ref>