Wattpad Hot and Newest Stories - Research Dataset
The Wattpad Hot and Newest Stories dataset is a curated collection of the most recent and popular stories across all 18 categories available on Wattpad. This dataset provides access to to almost 2,000 latest and trendiest stories that have gained significant attention and engagement from the platform's user base.
While we strive to compile a robust dataset, it is important to note that this is not an exhaustive collection of all stories on Wattpad. The dataset specifically focuses on those stories that are currently trending and visible to a typical user at the time of compilation. As this dataset was compiled in November 2024, new stories may have been added to Wattpad after the compilation date.
Purpose of the Dataset
Wattpad is a leading platform for authentic, original, and creative imaginative and romantic stories, boasting 93 million active users each month. The stories on Wattpad offer distinctive, niche genres that cater to a dedicated audience, with narratives that differ from mainstream literature.
In the fields of Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP), this dataset offers valuable content for the development of domain-specific models, language models, and for conducting research into cultural, ethical, and social aspects found in these stories.
This dataset serves as one of the first state-of-the-art (SOTA) datasets from Sleeping AI, focusing exclusively on the most current and engaging stories.
Terms of Use
The dataset is available exclusively for non-commercial research purposes. You may not use this dataset to create products that directly compete with Wattpad or infringe on the personal copyrights of individual authors.
- Researchers are prohibited from creating personal or institutional copies of the dataset and sharing them.
- After the completion of research, all copies of the dataset must be destroyed from repositories.
- A detailed report of the research use case and any published results must be shared with us. While we understand potential concerns around competitive advantages, a high-level summary is sufficient.
By accessing this dataset, you acknowledge that Sleeping AI and any affiliated parties are not responsible for any misuse by the institution or individual researcher. While copyright laws may vary across jurisdictions, access is still permitted under European law.
How to Access the Dataset
Access is currently restricted to trusted collaborators and research institutions due to the sensitive licensing nature of the dataset. To request access, follow these steps:
- Review the usage guidelines and restrictions in this document.
- Complete the Google Form to formally request access.
- If you have an urgent need, please contact us directly via email at [email protected].
Please use an institutional email address when submitting access requests. Additional questions may be asked before access is granted.
Available Data
The dataset includes the following data for each story:
- Cover images of the stories
- HTML files of all chapters
- Converted markdown versions of the HTML pages
- Each story is organized within its own folder
We would like to thank our collaborators, particularly Fan Xiaoya from Xinyang Normal University, for their invaluable assistance in this initiative.
Legal Disclaimer
This dataset is released for non-commercial and research use only. Please refer to the relevant copyright laws and statutes:
The dataset is released under European law and adheres to the applicable legal framework.
By accessing this dataset, you agree to comply with the terms and conditions outlined above.
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