1 value
15 values
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from .connection import Connection from .pool import Pool # Backward comparability with versions prior to 0.1.7 from .connection import Connection as Conn __title__ = 'tinys3' __version__ = '0.1.7' __author__ = 'Shlomi Atar' __license__ = 'Apache 2.0'
from django.apps import AppConfig class LibraryConfig(AppConfig): name = 'library'
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #------------------------------------------------------------ # Movie Ultra 7K # Version 0.2 (09.01.2016) #------------------------------------------------------------ # License: GPL ( # Gracias a la librería plugintools de Jesús ( import os import sys import urllib import urllib2 import re import xbmc import xbmcgui import xbmcaddon import xbmcplugin import plugintools import requests from import * playlists = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join('special://userdata/playlists', '')) temp = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join('special://userdata/playlists/tmp', '')) addonName = xbmcaddon.Addon().getAddonInfo("name") addonVersion = xbmcaddon.Addon().getAddonInfo("version") addonId = xbmcaddon.Addon().getAddonInfo("id") addonPath = xbmcaddon.Addon().getAddonInfo("path") url = '' url_ref = '' def chollotv0(params): plugintools.log("[%s %s] Parser %s " % (addonName, addonVersion, repr(params))) thumbnail = '' fanart = ' tv.jpg' plugintools.add_item(action="",url="",title="[COLOR blue][B]Chollo [COLOR white]TV[/B][/COLOR]",thumbnail=thumbnail,fanart=fanart,folder=False,isPlayable=False) plugintools.add_item(action="",url="",title="",thumbnail=thumbnail, fanart=fanart, folder=False, isPlayable=False) plugintools.add_item(action="chollo_categoria",title="[COLOR white][B]Cine y Series[/B][/COLOR]", url="",thumbnail="", extra="Cine y Series", fanart=fanart, folder=True, isPlayable=False) plugintools.add_item(action="chollo_categoria",title="[COLOR white][B]Deportes[/B][/COLOR]", url="",thumbnail="", extra="Deportes", fanart=fanart, folder=True, isPlayable=False) plugintools.add_item(action="chollo_categoria",title="[COLOR white][B]Infantiles[/B][/COLOR]", url="",thumbnail="", extra="Infantiles", fanart=fanart, folder=True, isPlayable=False) plugintools.add_item(action="chollo_categoria",title="[COLOR white][B]Documentales[/B][/COLOR]", url="",thumbnail="", extra="Documentales", fanart=fanart, folder=True, isPlayable=False) plugintools.add_item(action="chollo_categoria",title="[COLOR white][B]Entretenimiento[/B][/COLOR]", url="",thumbnail="", extra="Entretenimiento", fanart=fanart, folder=True, isPlayable=False) plugintools.add_item(action="chollo_categoria",title="[COLOR white][B]Música[/B][/COLOR]", url="",thumbnail="", extra="Música", fanart=fanart, folder=True, isPlayable=False) plugintools.add_item(action="chollo_categoria",title="[COLOR white][B]TDT[/B][/COLOR]", url="",thumbnail="", extra="TDT", fanart=fanart, folder=True, isPlayable=False) plugintools.add_item(action="chollo_categoria",title="[COLOR white][B]Autonómicas[/B][/COLOR]", url="",thumbnail="", extra="Autonómicas", fanart=fanart, folder=True, isPlayable=False) plugintools.add_item(action="chollo_categoria",title="[COLOR white][B]Extranjeras[/B][/COLOR]", url="", extra="Extranjeras", thumbnail="", fanart=fanart, folder=True, isPlayable=False) plugintools.add_item(action="",title="",thumbnail=thumbnail, fanart=fanart, folder=False, isPlayable=False) plugintools.add_item(action="chollo_categoria",title="[COLOR red][B]Adultos[/B][/COLOR]", url="", extra="Adultos", thumbnail="", fanart=fanart, folder=True, isPlayable=False) ## Cargo las Diferentes Categorías def chollo_categoria(params): url = params.get("url") fanart = params.get("fanart") thumbnail = params.get("thumbnail") title = params.get("title") titulo = params.get("extra") headers = {"User-Agent": 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0', "Referer": url} r=requests.get(url, headers=headers) #r = requests.get(url) data = r.content plugintools.add_item(action="",url="",title="[COLOR blue][B]·····"+titulo+"·····[/B][/COLOR]",thumbnail=thumbnail,fanart=fanart,folder=False,isPlayable=False) plugintools.add_item(action="",url="",title="",thumbnail=thumbnail, fanart=fanart, folder=False, isPlayable=False) group_channel = plugintools.find_single_match(data,'Categorias</a></li><li class="active"(.*?)class="pagination') cada_canal = plugintools.find_multiple_matches(group_channel,'<li class="col-lg-6">(.*?)<p class="details">') for item in cada_canal: ''' caracteres especiales en A&E !!! Cipri''' titulo_canal=plugintools.find_single_match(item,'title="(.*?)"') caratula_canal=plugintools.find_single_match(item,'src="(.*?)"') url_primaria=plugintools.find_single_match(item,'href="(.*?)/"') plugintools.add_item(action="chollo_enlaces",title=titulo_canal,url=url_primaria,thumbnail=caratula_canal,fanart=fanart,folder=False,isPlayable=False) #En vez de localizar al principio TODAS las Url_Final (q ralentiza mucho pues paso x 3 webs), #guardo tan solo la Url_Primaria y cuando de seleccione el canal en concreto, es cuando lo mando #a Chollo_Enlaces() para localizar la Url_Final y lanzarla... Acelera el proceso q te cagas!!!.... GRACIAS CIPRI!!! #Resuelvo la posibilidad de mas de 1 Página en la Categoría Versión Cipri try: mas_pag='<ul\sclass=[\'"]pagination pagination-success[\'"]>(.*?)<\/ul>' mas_pag=plugintools.find_single_match(data,mas_pag); current='<li\sclass=[\'"]active[\'"]><a\shref=[\'"]\#[\'"]>(\d)<\/a><\/li>.*?href=[\'"]([^\d]+)' current=plugintools.find_multiple_matches(data,current) link=current[0][1];current=current[0][0]; tot_pag='>(\d)<\/a>' tot_pag=plugintools.find_multiple_matches(data,tot_pag) for x in xrange(int(current),len(tot_pag)): it=link+str(x+1)+'/'; plugintools.add_item(action='chollo_categoria',title="[COLORred][B]Página: " + str(x+1) + " >>>[/B][/COLOR]", url=it, extra=titulo, thumbnail=thumbnail, fanart=fanart, folder=True, isPlayable=False); except:pass def chollo_enlaces(params): url = params.get("url") fanart = params.get("fanart") thumbnail = params.get("thumbnail") title = params.get("title") headers = {"User-Agent": 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0', "Referer": url} r1=requests.get(url, headers=headers) data1 = r1.content #saco una url así: que TAMPOCO sirve para llamada SportsDevil url_sec=plugintools.find_single_match(data1,'src="http://iframe(.*?)" frameborder') url_secundaria='http://iframe'+url_sec headers = {"User-Agent": 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0', "Referer": url_secundaria} r2=requests.get(url_secundaria, headers=headers) data2 = r2.content #saco una url así: que ESTA SÍ sirve para llamada SportsDevil url_final=plugintools.find_single_match(data2,'var url = "(.*?)";') #09/01/2015: Como estan añadiendo algunos canales q no son PrivateStream ni DinoZap, sino m3u8, por si acaso leo tb esta última web y detecto si es uno de los m3u8 cuya estructura en la web es diferente #Sería así: src="" y me quedaría con el enlace hasta el .m3u8 headers = {"User-Agent": 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0', "Referer": url_secundaria} r2=requests.get(url_final, headers=headers) data2 = r2.content url_control=plugintools.find_single_match(data2,'id="video_display"(.*?)</div>') if "file=" in url_control: # Es q NO es un PrivateStream, dinozap, etc... es un m3u8 url_final=plugintools.find_single_match(url_control,'file=(.*?)&title') else: url_final=plugintools.find_single_match(url_control,'src="(.*?)"') url_montada = 'plugin://;item=catcher%3dstreams%26url='+url_final+'%26referer='+url_ref ##La lanzo directamente xbmc.executebuiltin('XBMC.RunPlugin('+url_montada+')');
from duralex.AbstractVisitor import AbstractVisitor from duralex.alinea_parser import * import duralex.tree class ForkReferenceVisitor(AbstractVisitor): def visit_node(self, node): if duralex.tree.is_reference(node) and 'children' in node and len(node['children']) > 1: ref_nodes = [n for n in node['children'] if duralex.tree.is_reference(n)] for i in range(1, len(ref_nodes)): ref = ref_nodes[i] fork = copy_node(node, recursive=False) remove_node(node, ref) push_node(fork, ref) push_node(node['parent'], fork) super(ForkReferenceVisitor, self).visit_node(node)
### BEGIN LICENSE # Copyright (C) 2011 Guillaume Hain <[email protected]> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published # by the Free Software Foundation # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of # MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program. If not, see <> ### END LICENSE import re import gconf ## GConf setup # GConf root path GCONF_ROOT_DIR = "/apps/naturalscrolling" class InvalidKey(Exception): """ Raised class when key is unknown """ class InvalidKeyType(Exception): """ Raised class when key type is unknown """ class GConfServer(object): # Singleton _instance = None _init_done = False def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if not cls._instance: cls._instance = super(GConfServer, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) return cls._instance def __init__(self): """ Open connection to GConf and connect to callback on naturalscrolling keys updates """ if self._init_done: return if not hasattr(self, "__key_update_observators"): self.__key_update_observators = {} if not hasattr(self, "__keys_update_observators"): self.__keys_update_observators = [] if not hasattr(self, "client"): # Get GConf client: self.client = gconf.client_get_default() # Add the root directory to the list of directories that our GConf # client will watch for changes: self.client.add_dir(GCONF_ROOT_DIR, gconf.CLIENT_PRELOAD_NONE) # Assign a callback function for when changes are made to keys in # the root directory namespace: self.client.notify_add(GCONF_ROOT_DIR, self.on_settings_changed) self._init_done = True def fire_me_when_update_on_key(self, key, method): """ Register a Class instance method to fire swhen the given an update on the given key have been catched """ self.__key_update_observators[key] = method def on_update_fire(self, method): """ Register method to fire when a key of the GConf root path has been updated """ self.__keys_update_observators.append(method) def on_settings_changed(self, client, timestamp, entry, *extra): """ This is the callback function that is called when the keys in our namespace change (such as editing them with gconf-editor). """ # Do nothing when the key has been removed if not entry.value: return key = entry.key gconf_key = GConfKey(key, entry.value.type) self.execute_callback_on_observers(key, gconf_key) def execute_callback_on_observers(self, key, gconf_key): if key in self.__key_update_observators: # Execute observer's method passing GConf key value as parameter self.__key_update_observators[key](gconf_key.get_value()) if self.__keys_update_observators: for observator in self.__keys_update_observators: observator(, gconf_key.get_value()) def entries(self): """ Return a list of all entries from naturalscrolling root path """ return self.client.all_entries("/apps/naturalscrolling") class GConfKey(object): class KeyDoesntExits(Exception): pass def __init__(self, key, type=None): self.__gconf = GConfServer().client self.__value = None if key.startswith(GCONF_ROOT_DIR): self.__key = key self.__name = self._without_root_path(key) else: self.__key = self._with_root_path(key) self.__name = key if type: self.__type = type else: try: self.__type = self.__gconf.get(self.__key).type except AttributeError: raise GConfKey.KeyDoesntExits(_("Can't find the key '%s'") % self.__key) def get_name(self): return self.__name name = property(get_name) def _without_root_path(self, key): return re.sub("%s/" % GCONF_ROOT_DIR, "", key) def _with_root_path(self, key): return "%s/%s" % (GCONF_ROOT_DIR, key) def get_value(self): """ Magic method to read the value from GConf (auto cast) """ if self.__type == gconf.VALUE_BOOL: return self.__gconf.get_bool(self.__key) elif self.__type == gconf.VALUE_STRING: return self.__gconf.get_string(self.__key) elif self.__type == gconf.VALUE_INT: return self.__gconf.get_int(self.__key) else: raise InvalidKeyType(_("Can't read the value for type '%s'") % self.__type) def set_value(self, value): """ Magic method to write the value to GConf (auto cast) """ if self.__type == gconf.VALUE_BOOL: self.__gconf.set_bool(self.__key, value) elif self.__type == gconf.VALUE_STRING: self.__gconf.set_string(self.__key, value) elif self.__type == gconf.VALUE_INT: self.__gconf.set_int(self.__key, value) else: raise InvalidKeyType(_("Can't write the value '%s'" " for type '%s'") % (value, self.__type)) def is_enable(self): return self.__value == True def enable(self): """ Set a boolean key value to True """ self.__value = 1 self.set_value() def disable(self): """ Set a boolean key value to False """ self.__value = 0 self.set_value() def find_or_create(self): """ Check if the current instance of GConfKey exists otherwise create it """ if not self.__gconf.get(self.__key): self.set_value(False) def remove(self): """ Remove the key from GConf """ self.__gconf.unset(self.__key) class GConfSettings(object): def server(self): """ Return the Singleton instance of the GConfServer """ return GConfServer() def initialize(self, devices): """ Check if all keys exists Create missing keys """ for device in devices: if not device.keys()[0]: print (_("Warning: The XID of the device with name %s " "wasn't found") % device.values()[0]) else: gconf_key = GConfKey(device.keys()[0], gconf.VALUE_BOOL) gconf_key.find_or_create() # As you're in the initializing step, if there is at least one # observator, then fire it with all the actual configuration self.server().execute_callback_on_observers(device.keys()[0], gconf_key) def key(self, key, type=None): """ Ruby styled method to define which is the key to check This method return an instance of the GConfKey class otherwise raise a InvalidKey or InvalidKeyType """ return GConfKey(key, self.python_type_to_gconf_type(type)) def python_type_to_gconf_type(self, type): """ Convert a Python type (bool, int, str, ...) to GConf type """ if type == bool: return gconf.VALUE_BOOL elif type == str: return gconf.VALUE_STRING elif type == int: return gconf.VALUE_INT def keys(self): """ Return a list of all keys for natural scrolling """ return GConfServer().client.all_entries(GCONF_ROOT_DIR) def activated_devices_xids(self): """ Return a list of all XIDs of devices where naturalscrolling was registered as activated. """ activated_devices_xids = [] for entry in self.server().entries(): try: gconf_key = GConfKey(entry.key) if gconf_key.get_value(): activated_devices_xids.append( except GConfKey.KeyDoesntExits: # Pass the removed key pass return activated_devices_xids
''' Module: cell Author: David Frye Description: Contains the Cell class. ''' from utility import Direction class Cell: ''' Class: Cell Description: Represents an individual cell in a maze. ''' # The print character for a visited cell. VISITED_STRING = " " # The print character for an unvisited cell. UNVISITED_STRING = "/" # The print character for a horizontal wall. WALL_HORIZONTAL_STRING = "-" # The print character for a vertical wall. WALL_VERTICAL_STRING = "|" def __init__(self, content, position): ''' Method: __init__ Description: Cell constructor. Parameters: content, position content: String - A string visually representing the cell position: 2-Tuple - The cell's position in the maze that owns it [0] - Cell's x-position [1] - Cell's y-position Return: None ''' self.m_content = content self.m_position = position self.m_visited = False self.m_walls = { Direction.NORTH : True, Direction.EAST : True, Direction.SOUTH : True, Direction.WEST : True } def visit(self): ''' Method: visit Description: Sets the cell's content attribute into the visited state. Parameters: No parameters Return: None ''' self.m_visited = True self.m_content = self.VISITED_STRING def unvisit(self): ''' Method: visit Description: Sets the cell's content attribute into the unvisited state. Parameters: No parameters Return: None ''' self.m_visited = False self.m_content = self.UNVISITED_STRING def is_visited(self): ''' Method: is_visited Description: Determines whether or not the cell is in the visited state. Parameters: No parameters Return: Boolean - Whether or not the cell is in the visited state ''' return self.m_visited def get_content(self): ''' Method: get_content Description: Gets the cell's content attribute. Parameters: No parameters Return: String - Cell's content attribute ''' return self.m_content def get_position_x(self): ''' Method: get_position_x Description: Gets the cell's x-position attribute. Parameters: No parameters Return: String - Cell's x-position attribute ''' return self.m_position[0] def get_position_y(self): ''' Method: get_position_y Description: Gets the cell's y-position attribute. Parameters: No parameters Return: String - Cell's y-position attribute ''' return self.m_position[1] def get_wall(self, direction): ''' Method: get_wall Description: Gets the cell's wall attribute corresponding to the given direction. Parameters: direction direction: Direction - Direction corresponding to the desired wall Return: String - Cell's wall attribute corresponding to the given direction ''' return self.m_walls.get(direction) def set_content(self, content): ''' Method: set_content Description: Sets the cell's content attribute. Parameters: content content: String - A string visually representing the cell Return: None ''' self.m_content = content def set_position_x(self, x): ''' Method: set_position_x Description: Sets the cell's x-position attribute. Parameters: x x: Int - Cell's x-position within the maze that owns it Return: None ''' self.m_position[0] = x def set_position_y(self, y): ''' Method: set_position_y Description: Sets the cell's y-position attribute. Parameters: y y: Int - Cell's y-position within the maze that owns it Return: None ''' self.m_position[1] = y def set_wall(self, direction, value): ''' Method: set_wall Description: Sets the cell's wall attribute corresponding to the given direction. Parameters: direction, value direction: Direction - Direction corresponding to the desired wall value: Boolean - Whether the wall exists or not Return: None ''' self.m_walls[direction] = value
# Copyright 2015, Cisco Systems. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Test class for UcsPower module.""" import mock from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_utils import importutils from ironic.common import exception from ironic.common import states from ironic.conductor import task_manager from ironic.drivers.modules.ucs import helper as ucs_helper from ironic.drivers.modules.ucs import power as ucs_power from ironic.tests.conductor import utils as mgr_utils from ironic.tests.db import base as db_base from ironic.tests.db import utils as db_utils from ironic.tests.objects import utils as obj_utils ucs_error = importutils.try_import('UcsSdk.utils.exception') INFO_DICT = db_utils.get_test_ucs_info() CONF = cfg.CONF class UcsPowerTestCase(db_base.DbTestCase): def setUp(self): super(UcsPowerTestCase, self).setUp() driver_info = INFO_DICT mgr_utils.mock_the_extension_manager(driver="fake_ucs") self.node = obj_utils.create_test_node(self.context, driver='fake_ucs', driver_info=driver_info) CONF.set_override('max_retry', 2, 'cisco_ucs') CONF.set_override('action_interval', 0, 'cisco_ucs') self.interface = ucs_power.Power() def test_get_properties(self): expected = ucs_helper.COMMON_PROPERTIES expected.update(ucs_helper.COMMON_PROPERTIES) with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=True) as task: self.assertEqual(expected, task.driver.get_properties()) @mock.patch.object(ucs_helper, 'parse_driver_info', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test_validate(self, mock_parse_driver_info): mock_parse_driver_info.return_value = {} with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=True) as task: self.interface.validate(task) mock_parse_driver_info.assert_called_once_with(task.node) @mock.patch.object(ucs_helper, 'parse_driver_info', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test_validate_fail(self, mock_parse_driver_info): side_effect = iter([exception.InvalidParameterValue('Invalid Input')]) mock_parse_driver_info.side_effect = side_effect with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=True) as task: self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidParameterValue, self.interface.validate, task) mock_parse_driver_info.assert_called_once_with(task.node) @mock.patch('ironic.drivers.modules.ucs.helper.ucs_helper', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch('ironic.drivers.modules.ucs.power.ucs_power.UcsPower', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test_get_power_state_up(self, mock_power_helper, mock_helper): mock_helper.generate_ucsm_handle.return_value = (True, mock.Mock()) mock_power = mock_power_helper.return_value with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=True) as task: mock_power.get_power_state.return_value = 'up' self.assertEqual(states.POWER_ON, self.interface.get_power_state(task)) mock_power.get_power_state.assert_called_once_with() mock_power.get_power_state.reset_mock() @mock.patch('ironic.drivers.modules.ucs.helper.ucs_helper', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch('ironic.drivers.modules.ucs.power.ucs_power.UcsPower', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test_get_power_state_down(self, mock_power_helper, mock_helper): mock_helper.generate_ucsm_handle.return_value = (True, mock.Mock()) mock_power = mock_power_helper.return_value with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=True) as task: mock_power.get_power_state.return_value = 'down' self.assertEqual(states.POWER_OFF, self.interface.get_power_state(task)) mock_power.get_power_state.assert_called_once_with() mock_power.get_power_state.reset_mock() @mock.patch('ironic.drivers.modules.ucs.helper.ucs_helper', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch('ironic.drivers.modules.ucs.power.ucs_power.UcsPower', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test_get_power_state_error(self, mock_power_helper, mock_helper): mock_helper.generate_ucsm_handle.return_value = (True, mock.Mock()) mock_power = mock_power_helper.return_value with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=True) as task: mock_power.get_power_state.return_value = states.ERROR self.assertEqual(states.ERROR, self.interface.get_power_state(task)) mock_power.get_power_state.assert_called_once_with() @mock.patch('ironic.drivers.modules.ucs.helper.ucs_helper', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch('ironic.drivers.modules.ucs.power.ucs_power.UcsPower', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test_get_power_state_fail(self, mock_ucs_power, mock_helper): mock_helper.generate_ucsm_handle.return_value = (True, mock.Mock()) power = mock_ucs_power.return_value power.get_power_state.side_effect = ( ucs_error.UcsOperationError(operation='getting power state', error='failed')) with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=True) as task: self.assertRaises(exception.UcsOperationError, self.interface.get_power_state, task) power.get_power_state.assert_called_with() @mock.patch('ironic.drivers.modules.ucs.helper.ucs_helper', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch('ironic.drivers.modules.ucs.power._wait_for_state_change', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch('ironic.drivers.modules.ucs.power.ucs_power.UcsPower', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test_set_power_state(self, mock_power_helper, mock__wait, mock_helper): target_state = states.POWER_ON mock_power = mock_power_helper.return_value mock_power.get_power_state.side_effect = ['down', 'up'] mock_helper.generate_ucsm_handle.return_value = (True, mock.Mock()) mock__wait.return_value = target_state with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: self.assertIsNone(self.interface.set_power_state(task, target_state)) mock_power.set_power_state.assert_called_once_with('up') mock_power.get_power_state.assert_called_once_with() mock__wait.assert_called_once_with(target_state, mock_power) @mock.patch('ironic.drivers.modules.ucs.helper.ucs_helper', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch('ironic.drivers.modules.ucs.power.ucs_power.UcsPower', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test_set_power_state_fail(self, mock_power_helper, mock_helper): mock_power = mock_power_helper.return_value mock_power.set_power_state.side_effect = ( ucs_error.UcsOperationError(operation='setting power state', error='failed')) mock_helper.generate_ucsm_handle.return_value = (True, mock.Mock()) with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: self.assertRaises(exception.UcsOperationError, self.interface.set_power_state, task, states.POWER_OFF) mock_power.set_power_state.assert_called_once_with('down') @mock.patch('ironic.drivers.modules.ucs.helper.ucs_helper', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test_set_power_state_invalid_state(self, mock_helper): mock_helper.generate_ucsm_handle.return_value = (True, mock.Mock()) with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidParameterValue, self.interface.set_power_state, task, states.ERROR) @mock.patch('ironic.drivers.modules.ucs.helper.ucs_helper', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch('ironic.drivers.modules.ucs.power.ucs_power.UcsPower', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test__wait_for_state_change_already_target_state( self, mock_ucs_power, mock_helper): mock_power = mock_ucs_power.return_value target_state = states.POWER_ON mock_power.get_power_state.return_value = 'up' mock_helper.generate_ucsm_handle.return_value = (True, mock.Mock()) self.assertEqual(states.POWER_ON, ucs_power._wait_for_state_change( target_state, mock_power)) mock_power.get_power_state.assert_called_with() @mock.patch('ironic.drivers.modules.ucs.helper.ucs_helper', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch('ironic.drivers.modules.ucs.power.ucs_power.UcsPower', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test__wait_for_state_change_exceed_iterations( self, mock_power_helper, mock_helper): mock_power = mock_power_helper.return_value target_state = states.POWER_ON mock_helper.generate_ucsm_handle.return_value = (True, mock.Mock()) mock_power.get_power_state.side_effect = ( ['down', 'down', 'down', 'down']) self.assertEqual(states.ERROR, ucs_power._wait_for_state_change( target_state, mock_power) ) mock_power.get_power_state.assert_called_with() self.assertEqual(4, mock_power.get_power_state.call_count) @mock.patch('ironic.drivers.modules.ucs.helper.ucs_helper', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch('ironic.drivers.modules.ucs.power._wait_for_state_change', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch('ironic.drivers.modules.ucs.power.ucs_power.UcsPower', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test_set_and_wait_for_state_change_fail( self, mock_power_helper, mock__wait, mock_helper): target_state = states.POWER_ON mock_power = mock_power_helper.return_value mock_power.get_power_state.return_value = 'down' mock_helper.generate_ucsm_handle.return_value = (True, mock.Mock()) mock__wait.return_value = states.POWER_OFF with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: self.assertRaises(exception.PowerStateFailure, self.interface.set_power_state, task, target_state) mock_power.set_power_state.assert_called_once_with('up') mock_power.get_power_state.assert_called_once_with() mock__wait.assert_called_once_with(target_state, mock_power) @mock.patch('ironic.drivers.modules.ucs.helper.ucs_helper', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch('ironic.drivers.modules.ucs.power._wait_for_state_change', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch('ironic.drivers.modules.ucs.power.ucs_power.UcsPower', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test_reboot(self, mock_power_helper, mock__wait, mock_helper): mock_helper.generate_ucsm_handle.return_value = (True, mock.Mock()) mock_power = mock_power_helper.return_value mock__wait.return_value = states.POWER_ON with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: self.assertIsNone(self.interface.reboot(task)) mock_power.reboot.assert_called_once_with() @mock.patch('ironic.drivers.modules.ucs.helper.ucs_helper', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch('ironic.drivers.modules.ucs.power.ucs_power.UcsPower', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test_reboot_fail(self, mock_power_helper, mock_ucs_helper): mock_ucs_helper.generate_ucsm_handle.return_value = (True, mock.Mock()) mock_power = mock_power_helper.return_value mock_power.reboot.side_effect = ( ucs_error.UcsOperationError(operation='rebooting', error='failed')) with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: self.assertRaises(exception.UcsOperationError, self.interface.reboot, task ) mock_power.reboot.assert_called_once_with() @mock.patch('ironic.drivers.modules.ucs.helper.ucs_helper', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch('ironic.drivers.modules.ucs.power._wait_for_state_change', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch('ironic.drivers.modules.ucs.power.ucs_power.UcsPower', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test_reboot__wait_state_change_fail(self, mock_power_helper, mock__wait, mock_ucs_helper): mock_ucs_helper.generate_ucsm_handle.return_value = (True, mock.Mock()) mock_power = mock_power_helper.return_value mock__wait.return_value = states.ERROR with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: self.assertRaises(exception.PowerStateFailure, self.interface.reboot, task) mock_power.reboot.assert_called_once_with()
""" Discrete Fourier Transforms - The underlying code for these functions is an f2c translated and modified version of the FFTPACK routines. fft(a, n=None, axis=-1) ifft(a, n=None, axis=-1) rfft(a, n=None, axis=-1) irfft(a, n=None, axis=-1) hfft(a, n=None, axis=-1) ihfft(a, n=None, axis=-1) fftn(a, s=None, axes=None) ifftn(a, s=None, axes=None) rfftn(a, s=None, axes=None) irfftn(a, s=None, axes=None) fft2(a, s=None, axes=(-2,-1)) ifft2(a, s=None, axes=(-2, -1)) rfft2(a, s=None, axes=(-2,-1)) irfft2(a, s=None, axes=(-2, -1)) """ __all__ = ['fft','ifft', 'rfft', 'irfft', 'hfft', 'ihfft', 'rfftn', 'irfftn', 'rfft2', 'irfft2', 'fft2', 'ifft2', 'fftn', 'ifftn', 'refft', 'irefft','refftn','irefftn', 'refft2', 'irefft2'] from numpy.core import asarray, zeros, swapaxes, shape, conjugate, \ take import fftpack_lite as fftpack from helper import * _fft_cache = {} _real_fft_cache = {} def _raw_fft(a, n=None, axis=-1, init_function=fftpack.cffti, work_function=fftpack.cfftf, fft_cache = _fft_cache ): a = asarray(a) if n == None: n = a.shape[axis] if n < 1: raise ValueError("Invalid number of FFT data points (%d) specified." % n) try: wsave = fft_cache[n] except(KeyError): wsave = init_function(n) fft_cache[n] = wsave if a.shape[axis] != n: s = list(a.shape) if s[axis] > n: index = [slice(None)]*len(s) index[axis] = slice(0,n) a = a[index] else: index = [slice(None)]*len(s) index[axis] = slice(0,s[axis]) s[axis] = n z = zeros(s, a.dtype.char) z[index] = a a = z if axis != -1: a = swapaxes(a, axis, -1) r = work_function(a, wsave) if axis != -1: r = swapaxes(r, axis, -1) return r def fft(a, n=None, axis=-1): """fft(a, n=None, axis=-1) Return the n point discrete Fourier transform of a. n defaults to the length of a. If n is larger than the length of a, then a will be zero-padded to make up the difference. If n is smaller than the length of a, only the first n items in a will be used. The packing of the result is "standard": If A = fft(a, n), then A[0] contains the zero-frequency term, A[1:n/2+1] contains the positive-frequency terms, and A[n/2+1:] contains the negative-frequency terms, in order of decreasingly negative frequency. So for an 8-point transform, the frequencies of the result are [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, -3, -2, -1]. This is most efficient for n a power of two. This also stores a cache of working memory for different sizes of fft's, so you could theoretically run into memory problems if you call this too many times with too many different n's.""" return _raw_fft(a, n, axis, fftpack.cffti, fftpack.cfftf, _fft_cache) def ifft(a, n=None, axis=-1): """ifft(a, n=None, axis=-1) Return the n point inverse discrete Fourier transform of a. n defaults to the length of a. If n is larger than the length of a, then a will be zero-padded to make up the difference. If n is smaller than the length of a, then a will be truncated to reduce its size. The input array is expected to be packed the same way as the output of fft, as discussed in it's documentation. This is the inverse of fft: ifft(fft(a)) == a within numerical accuracy. This is most efficient for n a power of two. This also stores a cache of working memory for different sizes of fft's, so you could theoretically run into memory problems if you call this too many times with too many different n's.""" a = asarray(a).astype(complex) if n == None: n = shape(a)[axis] return _raw_fft(a, n, axis, fftpack.cffti, fftpack.cfftb, _fft_cache) / n def rfft(a, n=None, axis=-1): """rfft(a, n=None, axis=-1) Return the n point discrete Fourier transform of the real valued array a. n defaults to the length of a. n is the length of the input, not the output. The returned array will be the nonnegative frequency terms of the Hermite-symmetric, complex transform of the real array. So for an 8-point transform, the frequencies in the result are [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]. The first term will be real, as will the last if n is even. The negative frequency terms are not needed because they are the complex conjugates of the positive frequency terms. (This is what I mean when I say Hermite-symmetric.) This is most efficient for n a power of two.""" a = asarray(a).astype(float) return _raw_fft(a, n, axis, fftpack.rffti, fftpack.rfftf, _real_fft_cache) def irfft(a, n=None, axis=-1): """irfft(a, n=None, axis=-1) Return the real valued n point inverse discrete Fourier transform of a, where a contains the nonnegative frequency terms of a Hermite-symmetric sequence. n is the length of the result, not the input. If n is not supplied, the default is 2*(len(a)-1). If you want the length of the result to be odd, you have to say so. If you specify an n such that a must be zero-padded or truncated, the extra/removed values will be added/removed at high frequencies. One can thus resample a series to m points via Fourier interpolation by: a_resamp = irfft(rfft(a), m). This is the inverse of rfft: irfft(rfft(a), len(a)) == a within numerical accuracy.""" a = asarray(a).astype(complex) if n == None: n = (shape(a)[axis] - 1) * 2 return _raw_fft(a, n, axis, fftpack.rffti, fftpack.rfftb, _real_fft_cache) / n def hfft(a, n=None, axis=-1): """hfft(a, n=None, axis=-1) ihfft(a, n=None, axis=-1) These are a pair analogous to rfft/irfft, but for the opposite case: here the signal is real in the frequency domain and has Hermite symmetry in the time domain. So here it's hermite_fft for which you must supply the length of the result if it is to be odd. ihfft(hfft(a), len(a)) == a within numerical accuracy.""" a = asarray(a).astype(complex) if n == None: n = (shape(a)[axis] - 1) * 2 return irfft(conjugate(a), n, axis) * n def ihfft(a, n=None, axis=-1): """hfft(a, n=None, axis=-1) ihfft(a, n=None, axis=-1) These are a pair analogous to rfft/irfft, but for the opposite case: here the signal is real in the frequency domain and has Hermite symmetry in the time domain. So here it's hfft for which you must supply the length of the result if it is to be odd. ihfft(hfft(a), len(a)) == a within numerical accuracy.""" a = asarray(a).astype(float) if n == None: n = shape(a)[axis] return conjugate(rfft(a, n, axis))/n def _cook_nd_args(a, s=None, axes=None, invreal=0): if s is None: shapeless = 1 if axes == None: s = list(a.shape) else: s = take(a.shape, axes) else: shapeless = 0 s = list(s) if axes == None: axes = range(-len(s), 0) if len(s) != len(axes): raise ValueError, "Shape and axes have different lengths." if invreal and shapeless: s[axes[-1]] = (s[axes[-1]] - 1) * 2 return s, axes def _raw_fftnd(a, s=None, axes=None, function=fft): a = asarray(a) s, axes = _cook_nd_args(a, s, axes) itl = range(len(axes)) itl.reverse() for ii in itl: a = function(a, n=s[ii], axis=axes[ii]) return a def fftn(a, s=None, axes=None): """fftn(a, s=None, axes=None) The n-dimensional fft of a. s is a sequence giving the shape of the input an result along the transformed axes, as n for fft. Results are packed analogously to fft: the term for zero frequency in all axes is in the low-order corner, while the term for the Nyquist frequency in all axes is in the middle. If neither s nor axes is specified, the transform is taken along all axes. If s is specified and axes is not, the last len(s) axes are used. If axes are specified and s is not, the input shape along the specified axes is used. If s and axes are both specified and are not the same length, an exception is raised.""" return _raw_fftnd(a,s,axes,fft) def ifftn(a, s=None, axes=None): """ifftn(a, s=None, axes=None) The inverse of fftn.""" return _raw_fftnd(a, s, axes, ifft) def fft2(a, s=None, axes=(-2,-1)): """fft2(a, s=None, axes=(-2,-1)) The 2d fft of a. This is really just fftn with different default behavior.""" return _raw_fftnd(a,s,axes,fft) def ifft2(a, s=None, axes=(-2,-1)): """ifft2(a, s=None, axes=(-2, -1)) The inverse of fft2d. This is really just ifftn with different default behavior.""" return _raw_fftnd(a, s, axes, ifft) def rfftn(a, s=None, axes=None): """rfftn(a, s=None, axes=None) The n-dimensional discrete Fourier transform of a real array a. A real transform as rfft is performed along the axis specified by the last element of axes, then complex transforms as fft are performed along the other axes.""" a = asarray(a).astype(float) s, axes = _cook_nd_args(a, s, axes) a = rfft(a, s[-1], axes[-1]) for ii in range(len(axes)-1): a = fft(a, s[ii], axes[ii]) return a def rfft2(a, s=None, axes=(-2,-1)): """rfft2(a, s=None, axes=(-2,-1)) The 2d fft of the real valued array a. This is really just rfftn with different default behavior.""" return rfftn(a, s, axes) def irfftn(a, s=None, axes=None): """irfftn(a, s=None, axes=None) The inverse of rfftn. The transform implemented in ifft is applied along all axes but the last, then the transform implemented in irfft is performed along the last axis. As with irfft, the length of the result along that axis must be specified if it is to be odd.""" a = asarray(a).astype(complex) s, axes = _cook_nd_args(a, s, axes, invreal=1) for ii in range(len(axes)-1): a = ifft(a, s[ii], axes[ii]) a = irfft(a, s[-1], axes[-1]) return a def irfft2(a, s=None, axes=(-2,-1)): """irfft2(a, s=None, axes=(-2, -1)) The inverse of rfft2. This is really just irfftn with different default behavior.""" return irfftn(a, s, axes) # Deprecated names from numpy import deprecate refft = deprecate(rfft, 'refft', 'rfft') irefft = deprecate(irfft, 'irefft', 'irfft') refft2 = deprecate(rfft2, 'refft2', 'rfft2') irefft2 = deprecate(irfft2, 'irefft2', 'irfft2') refftn = deprecate(rfftn, 'refftn', 'rfftn') irefftn = deprecate(irfftn, 'irefftn', 'irfftn')
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Copyright (C) 2014 Compassion CH ( # Releasing children from poverty in Jesus' name # @author: Emanuel Cino <[email protected]> # # The licence is in the file # ############################################################################## from openerp.addons.mysql_connector.model.mysql_connector \ import mysql_connector class GPConnect(mysql_connector): """ Contains all the utility methods needed to talk with the MySQL server used by GP, as well as all mappings from OpenERP fields to corresponding MySQL fields. """ def pushPassword(self, id, value): """ Push the password of a OpenERP user to GP. """ return self.query("UPDATE login SET ERP_PWD = AES_ENCRYPT(%s, " "SHA2('gpT0ErpP455w0rd!',512)) WHERE ERP_ID = %s", (value, id))
from django.shortcuts import render def index(request): return render(request, 'bs_brochure_site/index.html')
from django.conf.urls import include, url urlpatterns = [ url(r'^one/', include('sample_project.app_one.urls')), url(r'^one/(?P<realm_slug>[\w-]+)/news/', include('micropress.urls', namespace='app_one'), {'realm_content_type': 'app_one.onegame'}), url(r'^two/', include('sample_project.app_one.urls')), url(r'^two/games/(?P<realm_slug>[\w-]+)/news/', include('micropress.urls', namespace='app_two'), {'realm_content_type': 'app_two.twogame'}), url(r'^two/also/(?P<realm_slug>[\w-]+)/news/', include('micropress.urls', namespace='app_two_also'), {'realm_content_type': 'app_two.twogamealso'}), ]
# Copyright 2013-2021 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) from spack import * class Flibcpp(CMakePackage): """Fortran bindings to the C++ Standard Library. """ homepage = "" git = "" url = "" version('1.0.1', sha256='8569c71eab0257097a6aa666a6d86bdcb6cd6e31244d32cc5b2478d0e936ca7a') version('0.5.2', sha256='b9b4eb6431d5b56a54c37f658df7455eafd3d204a5534903b127e0c8a1c9b827') version('0.5.1', sha256='76db24ce7893f19ab97ea7260c39490ae1bd1e08a4cc5111ad7e70525a916993') version('0.5.0', sha256='94204198304ba4187815431859e5958479fa651a6f06f460b099badbf50f16b2') version('0.4.1', sha256='5c9a11af391fcfc95dd11b95338cff19ed8104df66d42b00ae54f6cde4da5bdf') version('0.4.0', sha256='ccb0acf58a4480977fdb3c62a0bd267297c1dfa687a142ea8822474c38aa322b') version('0.3.1', sha256='871570124122c18018478275d5040b4b787d1966e50ee95b634b0b5e0cd27e91') variant('doc', default=False, description='Build and install documentation') variant('shared', default=True, description='Build shared libraries') variant('swig', default=False, description='Regenerate source files using SWIG') variant('fstd', default='03', values=('none', '03', '08', '15', '18'), multi=False, description='Build with this Fortran standard') depends_on('[email protected]', type='build', when="+swig") depends_on('py-sphinx', type='build', when="+doc") @run_before('cmake') def die_without_fortran(self): # Until we can pass compiler requirements through virtual # dependencies, explicitly check for Fortran compiler instead of # waiting for configure error. if (self.compiler.f77 is None) or (self.compiler.fc is None): raise InstallError('Flibcpp requires a Fortran compiler') def cmake_args(self): from_variant = self.define_from_variant fstd_key = ('FLIBCPP_Fortran_STANDARD' if self.version > Version('1.0.0') else 'FLIBCPP_FORTRAN_STD') return [ from_variant('BUILD_SHARED_LIBS', 'shared'), from_variant('FLIBCPP_BUILD_DOCS', 'doc'), from_variant(fstd_key, 'fstd'), from_variant('FLIBCPP_USE_SWIG', 'swig'), self.define('FLIBCPP_BUILD_TESTS', bool(self.run_tests)), self.define('FLIBCPP_BUILD_EXAMPLES', bool(self.run_tests)), ] examples_src_dir = 'example' @run_after('install') def setup_smoke_tests(self): """Copy the example source files after the package is installed to an install test subdirectory for use during `spack test run`.""" self.cache_extra_test_sources([self.examples_src_dir]) @property def cached_tests_work_dir(self): """The working directory for cached test sources.""" return join_path(self.test_suite.current_test_cache_dir, self.examples_src_dir) def test(self): """Perform stand-alone/smoke tests.""" cmake_args = [ self.define('CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH', self.prefix), self.define('CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER', self.compiler.fc), ] cmake_args.append(self.cached_tests_work_dir) self.run_test("cmake", cmake_args, purpose="test: calling cmake", work_dir=self.cached_tests_work_dir) self.run_test("make", [], purpose="test: building the tests", work_dir=self.cached_tests_work_dir) self.run_test("", [], purpose="test: running the examples", work_dir=self.cached_tests_work_dir)
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2012, 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is part of GNU Radio # # GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) # any later version. # # GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # from gnuradio import gr, gr_unittest, digital, blocks import pmt class qa_digital_carrier_allocator_cvc (gr_unittest.TestCase): def setUp (self): self.tb = gr.top_block () self.tsb_key = "ts_last" def tearDown (self): self.tb = None def test_001_t (self): """ pretty simple (the carrier allocation here is not a practical OFDM configuration!) """ fft_len = 6 tx_symbols = (1, 2, 3) # ^ this gets mapped to the DC carrier because occupied_carriers[0][0] == 0 pilot_symbols = ((1j,),) occupied_carriers = ((0, 1, 2),) pilot_carriers = ((3,),) sync_word = (list(range(fft_len)),) expected_result = tuple(sync_word[0] + [1j, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3]) # ^ DC carrier src = blocks.vector_source_c(tx_symbols, False, 1) alloc = digital.ofdm_carrier_allocator_cvc(fft_len, occupied_carriers, pilot_carriers, pilot_symbols, sync_word, self.tsb_key) sink = blocks.tsb_vector_sink_c(vlen=fft_len, tsb_key=self.tsb_key) self.tb.connect( src, blocks.stream_to_tagged_stream(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, 1, len(tx_symbols), self.tsb_key), alloc, sink ) self.assertEqual([0], expected_result) def test_001_t2 (self): """ pretty simple (same as before, but odd fft len) """ fft_len = 5 tx_symbols = (1, 2, 3) # ^ this gets mapped to the DC carrier because occupied_carriers[0][0] == 0 occupied_carriers = ((0, 1, 2),) pilot_carriers = ((-2,),) pilot_symbols = ((1j,),) expected_result = (1j, 0, 1, 2, 3) # ^ DC carrier src = blocks.vector_source_c(tx_symbols, False, 1) alloc = digital.ofdm_carrier_allocator_cvc( fft_len, occupied_carriers, pilot_carriers, pilot_symbols, (), self.tsb_key ) sink = blocks.tsb_vector_sink_c(vlen=fft_len, tsb_key=self.tsb_key) self.tb.connect(src, blocks.stream_to_tagged_stream(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, 1, len(tx_symbols), self.tsb_key), alloc, sink) () self.assertEqual([0], expected_result) def test_002_t (self): """ same, but using negative carrier indices """ fft_len = 6 tx_symbols = (1, 2, 3) pilot_symbols = ((1j,),) occupied_carriers = ((-1, 1, 2),) pilot_carriers = ((3,),) expected_result = (1j, 0, 1, 0, 2, 3) src = blocks.vector_source_c(tx_symbols, False, 1) alloc = digital.ofdm_carrier_allocator_cvc(fft_len, occupied_carriers, pilot_carriers, pilot_symbols, (), self.tsb_key) sink = blocks.tsb_vector_sink_c(fft_len) self.tb.connect( src, blocks.stream_to_tagged_stream(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, 1, len(tx_symbols), self.tsb_key), alloc, sink ) () self.assertEqual([0], expected_result) def test_002_t (self): """ once again, but this time add a sync word """ fft_len = 6 sync_word = (0,) * fft_len tx_symbols = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) pilot_symbols = ((1j,),) occupied_carriers = ((-1, 1, 2),) pilot_carriers = ((3,),) expected_result = sync_word + (1j, 0, 1, 0, 2, 3) + (1j, 0, 4, 0, 5, 6) special_tag1 = gr.tag_t() special_tag1.offset = 0 special_tag1.key = pmt.string_to_symbol("spam") special_tag1.value = pmt.to_pmt(23) special_tag2 = gr.tag_t() special_tag2.offset = 4 special_tag2.key = pmt.string_to_symbol("eggs") special_tag2.value = pmt.to_pmt(42) src = blocks.vector_source_c( tx_symbols, False, 1, (special_tag1, special_tag2) ) alloc = digital.ofdm_carrier_allocator_cvc( fft_len, occupied_carriers, pilot_carriers, pilot_symbols, sync_words=(sync_word,), len_tag_key=self.tsb_key ) sink = blocks.tsb_vector_sink_c(fft_len) self.tb.connect(src, blocks.stream_to_tagged_stream(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, 1, len(tx_symbols), self.tsb_key), alloc, sink) () self.assertEqual([0], expected_result) tags = [gr.tag_to_python(x) for x in sink.tags()] tags = sorted([(x.offset, x.key, x.value) for x in tags]) tags_expected = [ (0, 'spam', 23), (2, 'eggs', 42), ] self.assertEqual(tags, tags_expected) def test_003_t (self): """ more advanced: - 6 symbols per carrier - 2 pilots per carrier - have enough data for nearly 3 OFDM symbols - send that twice - add some random tags - don't shift """ tx_symbols = list(range(1, 16)); # 15 symbols pilot_symbols = ((1j, 2j), (3j, 4j)) occupied_carriers = ((1, 3, 4, 11, 12, 14), (1, 2, 4, 11, 13, 14),) pilot_carriers = ((2, 13), (3, 12)) expected_result = (0, 1, 1j, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 5, 2j, 6, 0, 0, 7, 8, 3j, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 4j, 11, 12, 0, 0, 13, 1j, 14, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2j, 0, 0) fft_len = 16 testtag1 = gr.tag_t() testtag1.offset = 0 testtag1.key = pmt.string_to_symbol('tag1') testtag1.value = pmt.from_long(0) testtag2 = gr.tag_t() testtag2.offset = 7 # On the 2nd OFDM symbol testtag2.key = pmt.string_to_symbol('tag2') testtag2.value = pmt.from_long(0) testtag3 = gr.tag_t() testtag3.offset = len(tx_symbols)+1 # First OFDM symbol of packet 2 testtag3.key = pmt.string_to_symbol('tag3') testtag3.value = pmt.from_long(0) testtag4 = gr.tag_t() testtag4.offset = 2*len(tx_symbols)-1 # Last OFDM symbol of packet 2 testtag4.key = pmt.string_to_symbol('tag4') testtag4.value = pmt.from_long(0) src = blocks.vector_source_c(tx_symbols * 2, False, 1, (testtag1, testtag2, testtag3, testtag4)) alloc = digital.ofdm_carrier_allocator_cvc(fft_len, occupied_carriers, pilot_carriers, pilot_symbols, (), self.tsb_key, False) sink = blocks.tsb_vector_sink_c(fft_len) self.tb.connect(src, blocks.stream_to_tagged_stream(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, 1, len(tx_symbols), self.tsb_key), alloc, sink) () self.assertEqual([0], expected_result) tags_found = {'tag1': False, 'tag2': False, 'tag3': False, 'tag4': False} correct_offsets = {'tag1': 0, 'tag2': 1, 'tag3': 3, 'tag4': 5} for tag in sink.tags(): key = pmt.symbol_to_string(tag.key) if key in list(tags_found.keys()): tags_found[key] = True self.assertEqual(correct_offsets[key], tag.offset) self.assertTrue(all(tags_found.values())) def test_004_t (self): """ Provoking RuntimeError exceptions providing wrong user input (earlier invisible SIGFPE). """ fft_len = 6 # Occupied carriers with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as oc: alloc = digital.ofdm_carrier_allocator_cvc(fft_len, (), ((),), ((),), (), self.tsb_key) # Pilot carriers with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as pc: alloc = digital.ofdm_carrier_allocator_cvc(fft_len, ((),), (), ((),), (), self.tsb_key) # Pilot carrier symbols with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as ps: alloc = digital.ofdm_carrier_allocator_cvc(fft_len, ((),), ((),), (), (), self.tsb_key) self.assertEqual(str(oc.exception), "Occupied carriers must be of type vector of vector i.e. ((),).") self.assertEqual(str(pc.exception), "Pilot carriers must be of type vector of vector i.e. ((),).") self.assertEqual(str(ps.exception), "Pilot symbols must be of type vector of vector i.e. ((),).") if __name__ == '__main__':, "qa_digital_carrier_allocator_cvc.xml")
# Copyright (C) 2013-2016 DNAnexus, Inc. # # This file is part of dx-toolkit (DNAnexus platform client libraries). # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not # use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy # of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. ''' App Builder Library +++++++++++++++++++ Contains utility methods useful for compiling and deploying applets and apps onto the platform. You can specify the destination project in the following ways (with the earlier ones taking precedence): * Supply the *project* argument to :func:`upload_resources()` or :func:`upload_applet()`. * Supply the 'project' attribute in your ``dxapp.json``. * Set the ``DX_WORKSPACE_ID`` environment variable (when running in a job context). You can use the function :func:`get_destination_project` to determine the effective destination project. ''' from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, division, absolute_import import os, sys, json, subprocess, tempfile, multiprocessing import datetime import gzip import hashlib import io import tarfile import stat import dxpy import dxpy.executable_builder from . import logger from .utils import merge from .utils.printing import fill from .compat import input from .cli import INTERACTIVE_CLI NUM_CORES = multiprocessing.cpu_count() DX_TOOLKIT_PKGS = ('dx-toolkit',) DX_TOOLKIT_GIT_URLS = ("[email protected]:dnanexus/dx-toolkit.git",) class AppBuilderException(Exception): """ This exception is raised by the methods in this module when app or applet building fails. """ pass def _validate_applet_spec(applet_spec): if 'runSpec' not in applet_spec: raise AppBuilderException("Required field 'runSpec' not found in dxapp.json") def _validate_app_spec(app_spec): pass def _get_applet_spec(src_dir): applet_spec_file = os.path.join(src_dir, "dxapp.json") with open(applet_spec_file) as fh: applet_spec = json.load(fh) _validate_applet_spec(applet_spec) if 'project' not in applet_spec: applet_spec['project'] = dxpy.WORKSPACE_ID return applet_spec def _get_app_spec(src_dir): app_spec_file = os.path.join(src_dir, "dxapp.json") with open(app_spec_file) as fh: app_spec = json.load(fh) _validate_app_spec(app_spec) return app_spec def build(src_dir, parallel_build=True): """ Runs any build scripts that are found in the specified directory. In particular, runs ``./configure`` if it exists, followed by ``make -jN`` if it exists (building with as many parallel tasks as there are CPUs on the system). """ # TODO: use Gentoo or deb buildsystem config_script = os.path.join(src_dir, "configure") if os.path.isfile(config_script) and os.access(config_script, os.X_OK): logger.debug("Running ./configure in {cwd}".format(cwd=os.path.abspath(src_dir))) try: subprocess.check_call([config_script]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise AppBuilderException("./configure in target directory failed with exit code %d" % (e.returncode,)) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(src_dir, "Makefile")) \ or os.path.isfile(os.path.join(src_dir, "makefile")) \ or os.path.isfile(os.path.join(src_dir, "GNUmakefile")): if parallel_build: make_shortcmd = "make -j%d" % (NUM_CORES,) else: make_shortcmd = "make" logger.debug("Building with {make} in {cwd}".format(make=make_shortcmd, cwd=os.path.abspath(src_dir))) try: make_cmd = ["make", "-C", src_dir] if parallel_build: make_cmd.append("-j" + str(NUM_CORES)) subprocess.check_call(make_cmd) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise AppBuilderException("%s in target directory failed with exit code %d" % (make_shortcmd, e.returncode)) def get_destination_project(src_dir, project=None): """ :returns: Project ID where applet specified by src_dir would be written :rtype: str Returns the project ID where the applet specified in *src_dir* (or its associated resource bundles) would be written. This returns the same project that would be used by :func:`upload_resources()` and :func:`upload_applet()`, given the same *src_dir* and *project* parameters. """ if project is not None: return project return _get_applet_spec(src_dir)['project'] def is_link_local(link_target): """ :param link_target: The target of a symbolic link, as given by os.readlink() :type link_target: string :returns: A boolean indicating the link is local to the current directory. This is defined to mean that os.path.isabs(link_target) == False and the link NEVER references the parent directory, so "./foo/../../curdir/foo" would return False. :rtype: boolean """ is_local=(not os.path.isabs(link_target)) if is_local: # make sure that the path NEVER extends outside the resources directory! d,l = os.path.split(link_target) link_parts = [] while l: link_parts.append(l) d,l = os.path.split(d) curr_path = os.sep for p in reversed(link_parts): is_local = (is_local and not (curr_path == os.sep and p == os.pardir) ) curr_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(curr_path, p)) return is_local def _fix_perms(perm_obj): """ :param perm_obj: A permissions object, as given by os.stat() :type perm_obj: integer :returns: A permissions object that is the result of "chmod a+rX" on the given permission object. This is defined to be the permission object bitwise or-ed with all stat.S_IR*, and if the stat.S_IXUSR bit is set, then the permission object should also be returned bitwise or-ed with stat.S_IX* (stat.S_IXUSR not included because it would be redundant). :rtype: integer """ ret_perm = perm_obj | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IRUSR if ret_perm & stat.S_IXUSR: ret_perm = ret_perm | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH return ret_perm def _fix_perm_filter(tar_obj): """ :param tar_obj: A TarInfo object to be added to a tar file :tpye tar_obj: tarfile.TarInfo :returns: A TarInfo object with permissions changed (a+rX) :rtype: tarfile.TarInfo """ tar_obj.mode = _fix_perms(tar_obj.mode) return tar_obj def upload_resources(src_dir, project=None, folder='/', ensure_upload=False, force_symlinks=False, brief=False): """ :param ensure_upload: If True, will bypass checksum of resources directory and upload resources bundle unconditionally; will NOT be able to reuse this bundle in future builds. Else if False, will compute checksum and upload bundle if checksum is different from a previously uploaded bundle's checksum. :type ensure_upload: boolean :param force_symlinks: If true, will bypass the attempt to dereference any non-local symlinks and will unconditionally include the link as-is. Note that this will almost certainly result in a broken link within the resource directory unless you really know what you're doing. :type force_symlinks: boolean :returns: A list (possibly empty) of references to the generated archive(s) :rtype: list If it exists, archives and uploads the contents of the ``resources/`` subdirectory of *src_dir* to a new remote file object, and returns a list describing a single bundled dependency in the form expected by the ``bundledDepends`` field of a run specification. Returns an empty list, if no archive was created. """ applet_spec = _get_applet_spec(src_dir) if project is None: dest_project = applet_spec['project'] else: dest_project = project applet_spec['project'] = project resources_dir = os.path.join(src_dir, "resources") if os.path.exists(resources_dir) and len(os.listdir(resources_dir)) > 0: target_folder = applet_spec['folder'] if 'folder' in applet_spec else folder # While creating the resource bundle, optimistically look for a # resource bundle with the same contents, and reuse it if possible. # The resource bundle carries a property 'resource_bundle_checksum' # that indicates the checksum; the way in which the checksum is # computed is given below. If the checksum matches (and # ensure_upload is False), then we will use the existing file, # otherwise, we will compress and upload the tarball. # The input to the SHA1 contains entries of the form (whitespace # only included here for readability): # # / \0 MODE \0 MTIME \0 # /foo \0 MODE \0 MTIME \0 # ... # # where there is one entry for each directory or file (order is # specified below), followed by a numeric representation of the # mode, and the mtime in milliseconds since the epoch. # # Note when looking at a link, if the link is to be dereferenced, # the mtime and mode used are that of the target (using os.stat()) # If the link is to be kept as a link, the mtime and mode are those # of the link itself (using os.lstat()) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".tar") as tar_tmp_fh: output_sha1 = hashlib.sha1() tar_fh =, mode='w') for dirname, subdirs, files in os.walk(resources_dir): if not dirname.startswith(resources_dir): raise AssertionError('Expected %r to start with root directory %r' % (dirname, resources_dir)) # Add an entry for the directory itself relative_dirname = dirname[len(resources_dir):] dir_stat = os.lstat(dirname) if not relative_dirname.startswith('/'): relative_dirname = '/' + relative_dirname fields = [relative_dirname, str(_fix_perms(dir_stat.st_mode)), str(int(dir_stat.st_mtime * 1000))] output_sha1.update(b''.join(s.encode('utf-8') + b'\0' for s in fields)) # add an entry in the tar file for the current directory, but # do not recurse! tar_fh.add(dirname, arcname='.' + relative_dirname, recursive=False, filter=_fix_perm_filter) # Canonicalize the order of subdirectories; this is the order in # which they will be visited by os.walk subdirs.sort() # check the subdirectories for symlinks. We should throw an error # if there are any links that point outside of the directory (unless # --force-symlinks is given). If a link is pointing internal to # the directory (or --force-symlinks is given), we should add it # as a file. for subdir_name in subdirs: dir_path = os.path.join(dirname, subdir_name) # If we do have a symlink, if os.path.islink(dir_path): # Let's get the pointed-to path to ensure that it is # still in the directory link_target = os.readlink(dir_path) # If this is a local link, add it to the list of files (case 1) # else raise an error if force_symlinks or is_link_local(link_target): files.append(subdir_name) else: raise AppBuilderException("Cannot include symlinks to directories outside of the resource directory. '%s' points to directory '%s'" % (dir_path, os.path.realpath(dir_path))) # Canonicalize the order of files so that we compute the # checksum in a consistent order for filename in sorted(files): deref_link = False relative_filename = os.path.join(relative_dirname, filename) true_filename = os.path.join(dirname, filename) file_stat = os.lstat(true_filename) # check for a link here, please! if os.path.islink(true_filename): # Get the pointed-to path link_target = os.readlink(true_filename) if not (force_symlinks or is_link_local(link_target)): # if we are pointing outside of the directory, then: # try to get the true stat of the file and make sure # to dereference the link! try: file_stat = os.stat(os.path.join(dirname, link_target)) deref_link = True except OSError: # uh-oh! looks like we have a broken link! # since this is guaranteed to cause problems (and # we know we're not forcing symlinks here), we # should throw an error raise AppBuilderException("Broken symlink: Link '%s' points to '%s', which does not exist" % (true_filename, os.path.realpath(true_filename)) ) fields = [relative_filename, str(_fix_perms(file_stat.st_mode)), str(int(file_stat.st_mtime * 1000))] output_sha1.update(b''.join(s.encode('utf-8') + b'\0' for s in fields)) # If we are to dereference, use the target fn if deref_link: true_filename = os.path.realpath(true_filename) tar_fh.add(true_filename, arcname='.' + relative_filename, filter=_fix_perm_filter) # end for filename in sorted(files) # end for dirname, subdirs, files in os.walk(resources_dir): # at this point, the tar is complete, so close the tar_fh tar_fh.close() # Optimistically look for a resource bundle with the same # contents, and reuse it if possible. The resource bundle # carries a property 'resource_bundle_checksum' that indicates # the checksum; the way in which the checksum is computed is # given in the documentation of _directory_checksum. if ensure_upload: properties_dict = {} existing_resources = False else: directory_checksum = output_sha1.hexdigest() properties_dict = dict(resource_bundle_checksum=directory_checksum) existing_resources = dxpy.find_one_data_object( project=dest_project, folder=target_folder, properties=dict(resource_bundle_checksum=directory_checksum), visibility='either', zero_ok=True, state='closed', return_handler=True ) if existing_resources: if not brief:"Found existing resource bundle that matches local resources directory: " + existing_resources.get_id()) dx_resource_archive = existing_resources else: logger.debug("Uploading in " + src_dir) # We need to compress the tar that we've created targz_fh = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".tar.gz", delete=False) # compress the file by reading the tar file and passing # it though a GzipFile object, writing the given # block size (by default 8192 bytes) at a time targz_gzf = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=targz_fh, mode='wb') dat = while dat: targz_gzf.write(dat) dat = targz_gzf.flush() targz_gzf.close() targz_fh.close() if 'folder' in applet_spec: try: dxpy.get_handler(dest_project).new_folder(applet_spec['folder'], parents=True) except dxpy.exceptions.DXAPIError: pass # TODO: make this better dx_resource_archive = dxpy.upload_local_file(, wait_on_close=True, project=dest_project, folder=target_folder, hidden=True, properties=properties_dict ) os.unlink( # end compressed file creation and upload archive_link = dxpy.dxlink(dx_resource_archive.get_id()) # end tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".tar") as tar_fh return [{'name': 'resources.tar.gz', 'id': archive_link}] else: return [] def upload_applet(src_dir, uploaded_resources, check_name_collisions=True, overwrite=False, archive=False, project=None, override_folder=None, override_name=None, dx_toolkit_autodep="stable", dry_run=False, brief=False, **kwargs): """ Creates a new applet object. :param project: ID of container in which to create the applet. :type project: str, or None to use whatever is specified in dxapp.json :param override_folder: folder name for the resulting applet which, if specified, overrides that given in dxapp.json :type override_folder: str :param override_name: name for the resulting applet which, if specified, overrides that given in dxapp.json :type override_name: str :param dx_toolkit_autodep: What type of dx-toolkit dependency to inject if none is present. "stable" for the APT package; "git" for HEAD of dx-toolkit master branch; or False for no dependency. :type dx_toolkit_autodep: boolean or string """ applet_spec = _get_applet_spec(src_dir) if project is None: dest_project = applet_spec['project'] else: dest_project = project applet_spec['project'] = project if 'name' not in applet_spec: try: applet_spec['name'] = os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(src_dir)) except: raise AppBuilderException("Could not determine applet name from the specification (dxapp.json) or from the name of the working directory (%r)" % (src_dir,)) if override_folder: applet_spec['folder'] = override_folder if 'folder' not in applet_spec: applet_spec['folder'] = '/' if override_name: applet_spec['name'] = override_name if 'dxapi' not in applet_spec: applet_spec['dxapi'] = dxpy.API_VERSION applets_to_overwrite = [] archived_applet = None if check_name_collisions and not dry_run: destination_path = applet_spec['folder'] + ('/' if not applet_spec['folder'].endswith('/') else '') + applet_spec['name'] logger.debug("Checking for existing applet at " + destination_path) for result in dxpy.find_data_objects(classname="applet", name=applet_spec["name"], folder=applet_spec['folder'], project=dest_project, recurse=False): if overwrite: # Don't remove the old applet until after the new one # has been created. This avoids a race condition where # we remove the old applet, but that causes garbage # collection of the bundled resources that will be # shared with the new applet applets_to_overwrite.append(result['id']) elif archive: logger.debug("Archiving applet %s" % (result['id'])) proj = dxpy.DXProject(dest_project) archive_folder = '/.Applet_archive' try: proj.list_folder(archive_folder) except dxpy.DXAPIError: proj.new_folder(archive_folder) proj.move(objects=[result['id']], destination=archive_folder) archived_applet = dxpy.DXApplet(result['id'], project=dest_project) now = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(archived_applet.created/1000).ctime() new_name = + " ({d})".format(d=now) archived_applet.rename(new_name) if not brief:"Archived applet %s to %s:\"%s/%s\"" % (result['id'], dest_project, archive_folder, new_name)) else: raise AppBuilderException("An applet already exists at %s (id %s) and the --overwrite (-f) or --archive (-a) options were not given" % (destination_path, result['id'])) # ----- # Override various fields from the pristine dxapp.json # Carry region-specific values from regionalOptions into the main # runSpec applet_spec["runSpec"].setdefault("bundledDepends", []) applet_spec["runSpec"].setdefault("assetDepends", []) if not dry_run: region = dxpy.api.project_describe(dest_project, input_params={"fields": {"region": True}})["region"] # if regionalOptions contain at least one region, they must include # the region of the target project if len(applet_spec.get('regionalOptions', {})) != 0 and region not in applet_spec.get('regionalOptions', {}): err_mesg = "destination project is in region {} but \"regionalOptions\" do not contain this region. ".format(region) err_mesg += "Please, update your \"regionalOptions\" specification" raise AppBuilderException(err_mesg) regional_options = applet_spec.get('regionalOptions', {}).get(region, {}) # We checked earlier that if region-specific values for the # fields below are given, the same fields are not also specified # in the top-level runSpec. So the operations below should not # result in any user-supplied settings being clobbered. if 'systemRequirements' in regional_options: applet_spec["runSpec"]["systemRequirements"] = regional_options['systemRequirements'] if 'bundledDepends' in regional_options: applet_spec["runSpec"]["bundledDepends"].extend(regional_options["bundledDepends"]) if 'assetDepends' in regional_options: applet_spec["runSpec"]["assetDepends"].extend(regional_options["assetDepends"]) # Inline and dxpy.executable_builder.inline_documentation_files(applet_spec, src_dir) # Inline the code of the program if "file" in applet_spec["runSpec"]: # Put it into runSpec.code instead with open(os.path.join(src_dir, applet_spec["runSpec"]["file"])) as code_fh: applet_spec["runSpec"]["code"] = del applet_spec["runSpec"]["file"] # If this is applet requires a cluster, inline any bootstrapScript code that may be provided. # bootstrapScript is an *optional* clusterSpec parameter. # NOTE: assumes bootstrapScript is always provided as a filename if "systemRequirements" in applet_spec["runSpec"]: sys_reqs = applet_spec["runSpec"]["systemRequirements"] for entry_point in sys_reqs: try: bootstrap_script = os.path.join(src_dir, sys_reqs[entry_point]["clusterSpec"]["bootstrapScript"]) with open(bootstrap_script) as code_fh: sys_reqs[entry_point]["clusterSpec"]["bootstrapScript"] = except KeyError: # either no "clusterSpec" or no "bootstrapScript" within "clusterSpec" continue except IOError: raise AppBuilderException("The clusterSpec \"bootstrapScript\" could not be read.") # Attach bundled resources to the app if uploaded_resources is not None: applet_spec["runSpec"]["bundledDepends"].extend(uploaded_resources) # Validate and process assetDepends asset_depends = applet_spec["runSpec"]["assetDepends"] if type(asset_depends) is not list or any(type(dep) is not dict for dep in asset_depends): raise AppBuilderException("Expected runSpec.assetDepends to be an array of objects") for asset in asset_depends: asset_project = asset.get("project", None) asset_folder = asset.get("folder", '/') asset_stages = asset.get("stages", None) if "id" in asset: asset_record = dxpy.DXRecord(asset["id"]).describe(fields={'details'}, default_fields=True) elif "name" in asset and asset_project is not None and "version" in asset: try: asset_record = dxpy.find_one_data_object(zero_ok=True, classname="record", typename="AssetBundle", name=asset["name"], properties=dict(version=asset["version"]), project=asset_project, folder=asset_folder, recurse=False, describe={"defaultFields": True, "fields": {"details": True}}, state="closed", more_ok=False) except dxpy.exceptions.DXSearchError: msg = "Found more than one asset record that matches: name={0}, folder={1} in project={2}." raise AppBuilderException(msg.format(asset["name"], asset_folder, asset_project)) else: raise AppBuilderException("Each runSpec.assetDepends element must have either {'id'} or " "{'name', 'project' and 'version'} field(s).") if asset_record: if "id" in asset: asset_details = asset_record["details"] else: asset_details = asset_record["describe"]["details"] if "archiveFileId" in asset_details: archive_file_id = asset_details["archiveFileId"] else: raise AppBuilderException("The required field 'archiveFileId' was not found in " "the details of the asset bundle %s " % asset_record["id"]) archive_file_name = dxpy.DXFile(archive_file_id).describe()["name"] bundle_depends = { "name": archive_file_name, "id": archive_file_id } if asset_stages: bundle_depends["stages"] = asset_stages applet_spec["runSpec"]["bundledDepends"].append(bundle_depends) # If the file is not found in the applet destination project, clone it from the asset project if (not dry_run and dxpy.DXRecord(dxid=asset_record["id"], project=dest_project).describe()["project"] != dest_project): dxpy.DXRecord(asset_record["id"], project=asset_record["project"]).clone(dest_project) else: raise AppBuilderException("No asset bundle was found that matched the specification %s" % (json.dumps(asset))) # Include the DNAnexus client libraries as an execution dependency, if they are not already # there if dx_toolkit_autodep == "git": dx_toolkit_dep = {"name": "dx-toolkit", "package_manager": "git", "url": "git://", "tag": "master", "build_commands": "make install DESTDIR=/ PREFIX=/opt/dnanexus"} elif dx_toolkit_autodep == "stable": dx_toolkit_dep = {"name": "dx-toolkit", "package_manager": "apt"} elif dx_toolkit_autodep: raise AppBuilderException("dx_toolkit_autodep must be one of 'stable', 'git', or False; got %r instead" % (dx_toolkit_autodep,)) if dx_toolkit_autodep: applet_spec["runSpec"].setdefault("execDepends", []) exec_depends = applet_spec["runSpec"]["execDepends"] if type(exec_depends) is not list or any(type(dep) is not dict for dep in exec_depends): raise AppBuilderException("Expected runSpec.execDepends to be an array of objects") dx_toolkit_dep_found = any(dep.get('name') in DX_TOOLKIT_PKGS or dep.get('url') in DX_TOOLKIT_GIT_URLS for dep in exec_depends) if not dx_toolkit_dep_found: exec_depends.append(dx_toolkit_dep) if dx_toolkit_autodep == "git": applet_spec.setdefault("access", {}) applet_spec["access"].setdefault("network", []) # Note: this can be set to "" instead of "*" if the build doesn't download any deps if "*" not in applet_spec["access"]["network"]: applet_spec["access"]["network"].append("*") merge(applet_spec, kwargs) # ----- # Now actually create the applet if dry_run: print("Would create the following applet:") print(json.dumps(applet_spec, indent=2)) print("*** DRY-RUN-- no applet was created ***") return None, None if applet_spec.get("categories", []): if "tags" not in applet_spec: applet_spec["tags"] = [] applet_spec["tags"] = list(set(applet_spec["tags"]) | set(applet_spec["categories"])) applet_id = dxpy.api.applet_new(applet_spec)["id"] if archived_applet: archived_applet.set_properties({'replacedWith': applet_id}) # Now it is permissible to delete the old applet(s), if any if applets_to_overwrite: if not brief:"Deleting applet(s) %s" % (','.join(applets_to_overwrite))) dxpy.DXProject(dest_project).remove_objects(applets_to_overwrite) return applet_id, applet_spec def _create_or_update_version(app_name, version, app_spec, try_update=True): """ Creates a new version of the app. Returns an app_id, or None if the app has already been created and published. """ # This has a race condition since the app could have been created or # published since we last looked. try: app_id = dxpy.api.app_new(app_spec)["id"] return app_id except dxpy.exceptions.DXAPIError as e: # TODO: detect this error more reliably if == 'InvalidInput' and e.msg == 'Specified name and version conflict with an existing alias': print('App %s/%s already exists' % (app_spec["name"], version), file=sys.stderr) # The version number was already taken, so app/new doesn't work. # However, maybe it hasn't been published yet, so we might be able # to app-xxxx/update it. app_describe = dxpy.api.app_describe("app-" + app_name, alias=version) if app_describe.get("published", 0) > 0: return None return _update_version(app_name, version, app_spec, try_update=try_update) raise e def _update_version(app_name, version, app_spec, try_update=True): """ Updates a version of the app in place. Returns an app_id, or None if the app has already been published. """ if not try_update: return None try: app_id = dxpy.api.app_update("app-" + app_name, version, app_spec)["id"] return app_id except dxpy.exceptions.DXAPIError as e: if == 'InvalidState': print('App %s/%s has already been published' % (app_spec["name"], version), file=sys.stderr) return None raise e def create_app_multi_region(regional_options, app_name, src_dir, publish=False, set_default=False, billTo=None, try_versions=None, try_update=True, confirm=True, inherited_metadata={}, brief=False): """ Creates a new app object from the specified applet(s). :param regional_options: Region-specific options for the app. See for details; this should contain keys for each region the app is to be enabled in, and for the values, a dict containing (at minimum) a key "applet" whose value is an applet ID for that region. :type regional_options: dict """ return _create_app(dict(regionalOptions=regional_options), app_name, src_dir, publish=publish, set_default=set_default, billTo=billTo, try_versions=try_versions, try_update=try_update, confirm=confirm, inherited_metadata=inherited_metadata, brief=brief) def create_app(applet_id, applet_name, src_dir, publish=False, set_default=False, billTo=None, try_versions=None, try_update=True, confirm=True, regional_options=None): """ Creates a new app object from the specified applet. .. deprecated:: 0.204.0 Use :func:`create_app_multi_region()` instead. """ # In this case we don't know the region of the applet, so we use the # legacy API {"applet": applet_id} without specifying a region # specifically. return _create_app(dict(applet=applet_id), applet_name, src_dir, publish=publish, set_default=set_default, billTo=billTo, try_versions=try_versions, try_update=try_update, confirm=confirm) def _create_app(applet_or_regional_options, app_name, src_dir, publish=False, set_default=False, billTo=None, try_versions=None, try_update=True, confirm=True, inherited_metadata={}, brief=False): if src_dir: app_spec = _get_app_spec(src_dir) if not brief:"Will create app with spec: %s" % (json.dumps(app_spec),)) # Inline and dxpy.executable_builder.inline_documentation_files(app_spec, src_dir) else: app_spec = inherited_metadata app_spec.update(applet_or_regional_options, name=app_name) if billTo: app_spec["billTo"] = billTo if not try_versions: try_versions = [app_spec["version"]] for version in try_versions: logger.debug("Attempting to create version %s..." % (version,)) app_spec['version'] = version app_describe = None try: # 404, which is rather likely in this app_describe request # (the purpose of the request is to find out whether the # version of interest exists), would ordinarily cause this # request to be retried multiple times, introducing a # substantial delay. So we disable retrying here for this # request. app_describe = dxpy.api.app_describe("app-" + app_spec["name"], alias=version, always_retry=False) except dxpy.exceptions.DXAPIError as e: if == 'ResourceNotFound': pass else: raise e # Now app_describe is None if the app didn't exist, OR it contains the # app describe content. # The describe check does not eliminate race conditions since an app # may always have been created, or published, since we last looked at # it. So the describe that happens here is just to save time and avoid # unnecessary API calls, but we always have to be prepared to recover # from API errors. if app_describe is None: logger.debug('App %s/%s does not yet exist' % (app_spec["name"], version)) app_id = _create_or_update_version(app_spec['name'], app_spec['version'], app_spec, try_update=try_update) if app_id is None: continue if not brief:"Created app " + app_id) # Success! break elif app_describe.get("published", 0) == 0: logger.debug('App %s/%s already exists and has not been published' % (app_spec["name"], version)) app_id = _update_version(app_spec['name'], app_spec['version'], app_spec, try_update=try_update) if app_id is None: continue if not brief:"Updated existing app " + app_id) # Success! break else: logger.debug('App %s/%s already exists and has been published' % (app_spec["name"], version)) # App has already been published. Give up on this version. continue else: # All versions requested failed if len(try_versions) != 1: tried_versions = 'any of the requested versions: ' + ', '.join(try_versions) else: tried_versions = 'the requested version: ' + try_versions[0] raise AppBuilderException('Could not create %s' % (tried_versions,)) # Set categories appropriately. categories_to_set = app_spec.get("categories", []) existing_categories = dxpy.api.app_list_categories(app_id)['categories'] categories_to_add = set(categories_to_set).difference(set(existing_categories)) categories_to_remove = set(existing_categories).difference(set(categories_to_set)) if categories_to_add: dxpy.api.app_add_categories(app_id, input_params={'categories': list(categories_to_add)}) if categories_to_remove: dxpy.api.app_remove_categories(app_id, input_params={'categories': list(categories_to_remove)}) # Set developers list appropriately, but only if provided. developers_to_set = app_spec.get("developers") if developers_to_set is not None: existing_developers = dxpy.api.app_list_developers(app_id)['developers'] developers_to_add = set(developers_to_set) - set(existing_developers) developers_to_remove = set(existing_developers) - set(developers_to_set) skip_updating_developers = False if developers_to_add or developers_to_remove: parts = [] if developers_to_add: parts.append('the following developers will be added: ' + ', '.join(sorted(developers_to_add))) if developers_to_remove: parts.append('the following developers will be removed: ' + ', '.join(sorted(developers_to_remove))) developer_change_message = '; and '.join(parts) if confirm: if INTERACTIVE_CLI: try: print('***') print(fill('WARNING: ' + developer_change_message)) print('***') value = input('Confirm updating developers list [y/N]: ') except KeyboardInterrupt: value = 'n' if not value.lower().startswith('y'): skip_updating_developers = True else: # Default to NOT updating developers if operating # without a TTY. logger.warn('skipping requested change to the developer list. Rerun "dx build" interactively or pass --yes to confirm this change.') skip_updating_developers = True else: logger.warn(developer_change_message) if not skip_updating_developers: if developers_to_add: dxpy.api.app_add_developers(app_id, input_params={'developers': list(developers_to_add)}) if developers_to_remove: dxpy.api.app_remove_developers(app_id, input_params={'developers': list(developers_to_remove)}) # Set authorizedUsers list appropriately, but only if provided. authorized_users_to_set = app_spec.get("authorizedUsers") existing_authorized_users = dxpy.api.app_list_authorized_users(app_id)['authorizedUsers'] if authorized_users_to_set is not None: authorized_users_to_add = set(authorized_users_to_set) - set(existing_authorized_users) authorized_users_to_remove = set(existing_authorized_users) - set(authorized_users_to_set) skip_adding_public = False if 'PUBLIC' in authorized_users_to_add: acl_change_message = 'app-%s will be made public. Anyone will be able to view and run all published versions of this app.' % (app_spec['name'],) if confirm: if INTERACTIVE_CLI: try: print('***') print(fill('WARNING: ' + acl_change_message)) print('***') value = input('Confirm making this app public [y/N]: ') except KeyboardInterrupt: value = 'n' if not value.lower().startswith('y'): skip_adding_public = True else: # Default to NOT adding PUBLIC if operating # without a TTY. logger.warn('skipping requested change to add PUBLIC to the authorized users list. Rerun "dx build" interactively or pass --yes to confirm this change.') skip_adding_public = True else: logger.warn(acl_change_message) if skip_adding_public: authorized_users_to_add -= {'PUBLIC'} if authorized_users_to_add: dxpy.api.app_add_authorized_users(app_id, input_params={'authorizedUsers': list(authorized_users_to_add)}) if skip_adding_public: logger.warn('the app was NOT made public as requested in the app spec. To make it so, run "dx add users app-%s PUBLIC".' % (app_spec["name"],)) if authorized_users_to_remove: dxpy.api.app_remove_authorized_users(app_id, input_params={'authorizedUsers': list(authorized_users_to_remove)}) elif not len(existing_authorized_users) and not brief: # Apps that had authorized users added by any other means will # not have this message printed. logger.warn('authorizedUsers is missing from the app spec. No one will be able to view or run the app except the app\'s developers.') if publish: dxpy.api.app_publish(app_id, input_params={'makeDefault': set_default}) else: # If no versions of this app have ever been published, then # we'll set the "default" tag to point to the latest # (unpublished) version. no_published_versions = len(list(dxpy.find_apps(name=app_name, published=True, limit=1))) == 0 if no_published_versions: dxpy.api.app_add_tags(app_id, input_params={'tags': ['default']}) return app_id def get_enabled_regions(app_spec, from_command_line): """Returns a list of the regions in which the app should be enabled. Also validates that app_spec['regionalOptions'], if supplied, is well-formed. :param app_spec: app specification :type app_spec: dict :param from_command_line: The regions specified on the command-line via --region :type from_command_line: list or None """ enabled_regions = dxpy.executable_builder.get_enabled_regions('app', app_spec, from_command_line, AppBuilderException) if enabled_regions is not None and len(enabled_regions) == 0: raise AssertionError("This app should be enabled in at least one region") return enabled_regions
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import os import re import subprocess import sys sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir, 'tools', 'telemetry')) from telemetry import benchmark_runner def _LaunchDBus(): """Launches DBus to work around a bug in GLib. Works around a bug in GLib where it performs operations which aren't async-signal-safe (in particular, memory allocations) between fork and exec when it spawns subprocesses. This causes threads inside Chrome's browser and utility processes to get stuck, and this harness to hang waiting for those processes, which will never terminate. This doesn't happen on users' machines, because they have an active desktop session and the DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS environment variable set, but it does happen on the bots. See for more details. Returns: True if it actually spawned DBus. """ import platform if (platform.uname()[0].lower() != 'linux' or 'DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS' in os.environ): return False # Only start DBus on systems that are actually running X. Using DISPLAY # variable is not reliable, because is it set by the /etc/init.d/buildbot # script for all slaves. # TODO(sergiyb): When all GPU slaves are migrated to swarming, we can remove # assignment of the DISPLAY from /etc/init.d/buildbot because this hack was # used to run GPU tests on buildbot. After it is removed, we can use DISPLAY # variable here to check if we are running X. if['pidof', 'X'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) == 0: try: print 'DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS env var not found, starting dbus-launch' dbus_output = subprocess.check_output(['dbus-launch']).split('\n') for line in dbus_output: m = re.match(r'([^=]+)\=(.+)', line) if m: os.environ[] = print ' setting %s to %s' % (, return True except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError) as e: print 'Exception while running dbus_launch: %s' % e return False def _ShutdownDBus(): """Manually kills the previously-launched DBus daemon. It appears that passing --exit-with-session to dbus-launch in _LaunchDBus(), above, doesn't cause the launched dbus-daemon to shut down properly. Manually kill the sub-process using the PID it gave us at launch time. This function is called when the flag --spawn-dbus is given, and if _LaunchDBus(), above, actually spawned the dbus-daemon. """ import signal if 'DBUS_SESSION_BUS_PID' in os.environ: dbus_pid = os.environ['DBUS_SESSION_BUS_PID'] try: os.kill(int(dbus_pid), signal.SIGTERM) print ' killed dbus-daemon with PID %s' % dbus_pid except OSError as e: print ' error killing dbus-daemon with PID %s: %s' % (dbus_pid, e) # Try to clean up any stray DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS environment # variable too. Some of the bots seem to re-invoke in a # way that this variable sticks around from run to run. if 'DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS' in os.environ: del os.environ['DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS'] print ' cleared DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS environment variable' if __name__ == '__main__': top_level_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) config = benchmark_runner.ProjectConfig( top_level_dir=top_level_dir, benchmark_dirs=[os.path.join(top_level_dir, 'gpu_tests')]) did_launch_dbus = _LaunchDBus() try: retcode = benchmark_runner.main(config) finally: if did_launch_dbus: _ShutdownDBus() sys.exit(retcode)
from django.db import models, migrations from django.conf import settings class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ("forum", "0005_auto_20151119_2224"), ] state_operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name="TopicFollowed", fields=[ ("id", models.AutoField(verbose_name="ID", serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True)), ("email", models.BooleanField(default=False, db_index=True, verbose_name=b"Notification par courriel")), ("topic", models.ForeignKey(to="forum.Topic", on_delete=models.CASCADE)), ( "user", models.ForeignKey( related_name="topics_followed", to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, on_delete=models.CASCADE ), ), ], options={ "verbose_name": "Sujet suivi", "verbose_name_plural": "Sujets suivis", "db_table": "notification_topicfollowed", }, bases=(models.Model,), ), ] operations = [migrations.SeparateDatabaseAndState(state_operations=state_operations)]
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' freeseer - vga/presentation capture software Copyright (C) 2013 Free and Open Source Software Learning Centre This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. For support, questions, suggestions or any other inquiries, visit: @author: Thanh Ha ''' from PyQt4.QtCore import Qt from PyQt4.QtCore import QDate from PyQt4.QtGui import QDateEdit from PyQt4.QtGui import QGridLayout from PyQt4.QtGui import QHBoxLayout from PyQt4.QtGui import QLabel from PyQt4.QtGui import QLineEdit from PyQt4.QtGui import QPlainTextEdit from PyQt4.QtGui import QTimeEdit from PyQt4.QtGui import QWidget from PyQt4.QtGui import QIcon from PyQt4.QtGui import QPushButton class TalkDetailsWidget(QWidget): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(TalkDetailsWidget, self).__init__(parent) self.layout = QGridLayout() self.setLayout(self.layout) self.buttonLayout = QHBoxLayout() saveIcon = QIcon.fromTheme("document-save") self.saveButton = QPushButton('Save Talk') self.saveButton.setIcon(saveIcon) self.buttonLayout.addWidget(self.saveButton) self.layout.addLayout(self.buttonLayout, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.titleLabel = QLabel('Title') self.titleLineEdit = QLineEdit() self.presenterLabel = QLabel('Presenter') self.presenterLineEdit = QLineEdit() self.layout.addWidget(self.titleLabel, 1, 0, 1, 1) self.layout.addWidget(self.titleLineEdit, 1, 1, 1, 1) self.layout.addWidget(self.presenterLabel, 1, 2, 1, 1) self.layout.addWidget(self.presenterLineEdit, 1, 3, 1, 1) self.eventLabel = QLabel('Event') self.eventLineEdit = QLineEdit() self.categoryLabel = QLabel('Category') self.categoryLineEdit = QLineEdit() self.layout.addWidget(self.eventLabel, 2, 0, 1, 1) self.layout.addWidget(self.eventLineEdit, 2, 1, 1, 1) self.layout.addWidget(self.categoryLabel, 2, 2, 1, 1) self.layout.addWidget(self.categoryLineEdit, 2, 3, 1, 1) self.roomLabel = QLabel('Room') self.roomLineEdit = QLineEdit() self.dateLayout = QHBoxLayout() self.dateLabel = QLabel('Date') self.dateEdit = QDateEdit() currentDate = QDate() self.dateEdit.setDate(currentDate.currentDate()) self.dateEdit.setCalendarPopup(True) self.layout.addWidget(self.roomLabel, 3, 0, 1, 1) self.layout.addWidget(self.roomLineEdit, 3, 1, 1, 1) self.dateLayout.addWidget(self.dateEdit) self.layout.addWidget(self.dateLabel, 3, 2, 1, 1) self.layout.addLayout(self.dateLayout, 3, 3, 1, 1) self.startTimeLayout = QHBoxLayout() self.startTimeLabel = QLabel('Start Time') self.startTimeEdit = QTimeEdit() self.startTimeLayout.addWidget(self.startTimeEdit) self.endTimeLayout = QHBoxLayout() self.endTimeLabel = QLabel('End Time') self.endTimeEdit = QTimeEdit() self.endTimeLayout.addWidget(self.endTimeEdit) self.layout.addWidget(self.startTimeLabel, 4, 0, 1, 1) self.layout.addLayout(self.startTimeLayout, 4, 1, 1, 1) self.layout.addWidget(self.endTimeLabel, 4, 2, 1, 1) self.layout.addLayout(self.endTimeLayout, 4, 3, 1, 1) self.descriptionLabel = QLabel('Description') self.descriptionLabel.setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop) self.descriptionTextEdit = QPlainTextEdit() self.layout.addWidget(self.descriptionLabel, 5, 0, 1, 1) self.layout.addWidget(self.descriptionTextEdit, 5, 1, 1, 3) def enable_input_fields(self): self.titleLineEdit.setPlaceholderText("Enter Talk Title") self.presenterLineEdit.setPlaceholderText("Enter Presenter Name") self.categoryLineEdit.setPlaceholderText("Enter Category Type") self.eventLineEdit.setPlaceholderText("Enter Event Name") self.roomLineEdit.setPlaceholderText("Enter Room Location") self.titleLineEdit.setEnabled(True) self.presenterLineEdit.setEnabled(True) self.categoryLineEdit.setEnabled(True) self.eventLineEdit.setEnabled(True) self.roomLineEdit.setEnabled(True) self.dateEdit.setEnabled(True) self.startTimeEdit.setEnabled(True) self.endTimeEdit.setEnabled(True) self.descriptionTextEdit.setEnabled(True) def disable_input_fields(self): self.titleLineEdit.setPlaceholderText("") self.presenterLineEdit.setPlaceholderText("") self.categoryLineEdit.setPlaceholderText("") self.eventLineEdit.setPlaceholderText("") self.roomLineEdit.setPlaceholderText("") self.titleLineEdit.setEnabled(False) self.presenterLineEdit.setEnabled(False) self.categoryLineEdit.setEnabled(False) self.eventLineEdit.setEnabled(False) self.roomLineEdit.setEnabled(False) self.dateEdit.setEnabled(False) self.startTimeEdit.setEnabled(False) self.endTimeEdit.setEnabled(False) self.descriptionTextEdit.setEnabled(False) def clear_input_fields(self): self.titleLineEdit.clear() self.presenterLineEdit.clear() self.categoryLineEdit.clear() self.eventLineEdit.clear() self.roomLineEdit.clear() self.descriptionTextEdit.clear() if __name__ == "__main__": import sys from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication app = QApplication(sys.argv) main = TalkDetailsWidget() sys.exit(app.exec_())
import unittest, time, re from selenium import selenium class Action(unittest.TestCase): def __init__ (self, selenium): self.sel = selenium self._diag = True # make True for profiling diagnostics self._diagResults = None self._diag_sleepTime = None self._diag_performCalls = None #self.openReport(); def openReport(self): " used to save the diagnostics to a file " if self._diag: self._diagResults = open("../results/diagResults.txt", "a") self._diagResults.write(time.strftime("New Search run %d %b %Y (%H:%M:%S)\n")) def closeReport(self, msg): " Close the file that is recording the diagnostics " if self._diag: self._diagResults.write(msg) self._diagResults.close() # Methods for managing logging into Sahana # login # logout def login(self, username, password, reveal=True): """ login to the system using the name provided username: the username to be used password: the password of the user reveal: show the password on any error message """ print "Logging in as user: %s" % username sel = self.sel if sel.is_element_present("link=Logout"): # Already logged in check the account if sel.is_element_present("link=%s" % username): # already logged in return else: # logged in but as a different user self.logout()"default/user/login")"auth_user_email") sel.type("auth_user_email", username) sel.type("auth_user_password", password)"//input[@value='Login']") msg = "Unable to log in as %s" % username if reveal: msg += " with password %s " % password self.assertTrue(self.successMsg("Logged in"), msg) def logout(self): " logout of the system " sel = self.sel if sel.is_element_present("link=Logout"):"link=Logout") #self.successMsg("Logged out") self.findResponse("Logged out", "") # Searching methods # _performSearch # search # searchUnique # clearSearch def _performSearch(self, searchString): # Not intended to be called directly: # Searches using the searchString in the quick search filter box # The search filter is part of the JavaScript getting it to work with Selenium needs a bit of care. # Entering text in the filter textbox doesn't always trigger off the filtering and it is not possible with this method to clear the filter. # The solution is to put in a call to the DataTables API, namely the fnFilter function # However, the first time that the fnFilter() is called in the testing suite it doesn't complete the processing, hence it is called twice. sel = self.sel clearString = "" if searchString == '': clearString = "Clearing..." # First clear the search field and add a short pause sel.run_script("oTable = $('#list').dataTable(); oTable.fnFilter( '%s' );" % clearString) time.sleep(1) self._diag_sleepTime += 1 # Now trigger off the true search sel.run_script("oTable = $('#list').dataTable(); oTable.fnFilter( '%s' );" % searchString) for i in range(10): if not sel.is_visible('list_processing'): found = True return True time.sleep(1) self._diag_sleepTime += 1 return False def search(self, searchString, expected): # Perform a search using the search string, checking against the expected outcome # searchString: the value to search for # expected: the expected result of the search # return Boolean indicating the success of the search # side effect: TestCase::fail() called in case of no search data being returned sel = self.sel self._diag_sleepTime = 0 self._diag_performCalls = 0 found = False result = "" # perform the search it should work first time but, give it up to three attempts before giving up for i in range (3): self._diag_performCalls += 1 found = self._performSearch(searchString) if found: break if not found: if self._diag: self._diagResults.write("%s\tFAILED\t%s\t%s\n" % (searchString, self._diag_sleepTime, self._diag_performCalls))"time out search didn't respond, whilst searching for %s" % searchString) else: if self._diag: self._diagResults.write("%s\tSUCCEEDED\t%s\t%s\n" % (searchString, self._diag_sleepTime, self._diag_performCalls)) # The search has returned now read the results try: result = sel.get_text("//div[@id='table-container']") except:"No search data found, whilst searching for %s" % searchString) return expected in result def searchUnique(self, uniqueName): # Perform a search when one and only one result will be returned # uniqueName: the value to search for, r"1 entries") def clearSearch(self): # Helper function used to clear the search results"", r"entries") # Many actions are reported on in Sahana by displaying a banner at the top of the page # Methods to check each banner for the desired message # _checkBanner # _findMsg # successMsg # errorMsg def _checkBanner(self, message, type): # This method should not be called directly # message: the message to be searched for in the banner # type: the type of banner to be searched for (confirmation or error) # return: boolean reporting success sel = self.sel i = 1 while sel.is_element_present('//div[@class="%s"][%s]' % (type, i)): banner = sel.get_text('//div[@class="%s"][%s]' % (type, i)) if message in banner: if self._diag: self._diagResults.write("%s\tSUCCEEDED\t%s\t\n" % (message, self._diag_sleepTime)) return True i += 1 def _findMsg(self, message, type): # This method should not be called directly. # Method to locate a message in a div with a class given by type # The method will pause for up to 10 seconds waiting for the banner to appear. # message: the message to be searched for in the banner # type: the type of banner to be searched for (confirmation or error) # return: boolean reporting success sel = self.sel self._diag_sleepTime = 0 for cnt in range (10): if self._checkBanner(message, type): return True time.sleep(1) self._diag_sleepTime += 1 if self._diag: self._diagResults.write("%s\tFAILED\t%s\t\n" % (message, self._diag_sleepTime)) return False def successMsg(self, message): # Method used to check for confirmation messages # message: the message to be searched for in the banner # return: boolean reporting success return self._findMsg(message, "confirmation") def errorMsg(self, message): # Method used to check for error messages # message: the message to be searched for in the banner # return: boolean reporting success return self._findMsg(message, "error") def findResponse(self, successMsg, errorMsg): # Method to check on the response of an action by looking at the message # SuccessMsg: the message to be searched for in the banner upon success # errorMsg: the message to be searched for in the banner upon failure # return: boolean reflecting the type of message found # side effect: exception if neither message found sel = self.sel sType = "confirmation" eType = "error" self._diag_sleepTime = 0 for cnt in range (10): if self._checkBanner(successMsg, sType): return True if self._checkBanner(errorMsg, eType): return False time.sleep(1) self._diag_sleepTime += 1 if self._diag: self._diagResults.write("findReponse %s\tFAILED\t%s\t\n" % (successMsg, self._diag_sleepTime)) raise UserWarning("Response not found") # Methods to manage form manipulation # saveForm # checkForm def saveForm(self, message=None): # Method to save the details sel = self.sel"//input[@value='Save']") sel.wait_for_page_to_load("30000") if message != None: return self.successMsg(message) def checkForm (self, elementList, buttonList, helpList): # Method to check the layout of a form # elementList: data to check the elements on the form # buttonList: data to check the buttons on the form # helpList: data to check the help balloons # side effects: TestCase::fail() is called if any check failed # side effects: messages are written out reflecting what was verified elements = [] failed = [] for element in elementList: result = self._element(element) if result == True: if len(element) > 2 and element[2]: elements.append(element[1]) else: failed.append(result) for name in buttonList: self._button(name) for title in helpList: self._helpBalloon(title) if len(failed) > 0: msg = '/n'.join(failed) if len(elements) > 0: print "Verified the following form elements %s" % elements def _button(self, name): # Method to check that form button is present sel = self.sel element = '//input[@value="%s"]' % (name) errmsg = "%s button is missing" % (name) self.assertTrue(sel.is_element_present(element), errmsg) print "%s button is present" % (name) def _helpBalloon(self, helpTitle): # Method to check that the help message is displayed # helpTitle: the balloon help that is displyed on the form sel = self.sel element = "//div[contains(@title,'%s')]" % (helpTitle) self.assertTrue(sel.is_element_present(element)) sel.mouse_over(element) self.assertFalse(sel.is_element_present(element), "Help %s is missing" % (helpTitle)) print "Help %s is present" % (helpTitle) def _element(self, elementDetails): # Method to check that form _element is present # The elementDetails parameter is a list of up to 4 elements # elementDetails[0] the type of HTML tag # elementDetails[1] the id associated with the HTML tag # elementDetails[2] *optional* the visibility of the HTML tag # elementDetails[3] *optional* the value or text of the HTML tag # return True on success error message on failure sel = self.sel type = elementDetails[0] id = elementDetails[1] msg = "" if (len(elementDetails) >= 3): visible = elementDetails[2] else: visible = True if (len(elementDetails) >= 4): value = elementDetails[3] else: value = None elementDetails = '//%s[@id="%s"]' % (type, id) if visible: if not sel.is_element_present(elementDetails): return "%s element %s is missing" % (type, id) if sel.is_visible(elementDetails) != visible: return "%s element %s doesn't have a visibility of %s" % (type, id, visible) if value != None: actual = sel.get_value(elementDetails) msg = "expected %s for element %s doesn't equal the actual value of %s" % (value, id, actual) if value != actual: return msg return True def showElement(self, elementDetails): # Method to set an element to be visible elementDetails[3] = True def hideElement(self, elementDetails): # Method to set an element to be hidden elementDetails[3] = False def showNamedElement(self, name, elementList): # Method to set an element to be visible # name: The id of the element # elementList: The element list for element in elementList: if element[1] == name: self.showElement(element) return True return False def hideNamedElement(self, name, elementList): # Method to set an element to be hidden # name: The id of the element # elementList: The element list for element in elementList: if element[1] == name: self.hideElement(element) return True return False # Method to check on the rheading table that displays read only data related to a form def checkHeading(self, detailMap): # Method to check the details that are displayed in the heading # detailMap: A (name, value) pair of the data which is displayed in Sahana as a table # side effect: Assert the values are present sel = self.sel heading = sel.get_text("//div[@id='rheader']/div/table/tbody") searchString = "" for key, value in detailMap.items(): msg = "Unable to find details of %s in the header of %s" self.assertTrue(key in heading, msg % (key, heading)) self.assertTrue(value in heading, msg % (value, heading)) def clickTab(self, name): # Method to click on a tab sel = self.sel element = "//div[@id='rheader_tabs']/span/a[text()='%s']" % (name) sel.wait_for_page_to_load("30000") def btnLink(self, id, name): # Method to check button link sel = self.sel element = '//a[@id="%s"]' % (id) errMsg = "%s button is missing" % (name) self.assertTrue(sel.is_element_present(element), errMsg) self.assertTrue(sel.get_text(element), errMsg) print "%s button is present" % (name) def noBtnLink(self, id, name): # Method to check button link is not present sel = self.sel element = '//a[@id="%s"]' % (id) errMsg = "Unexpected presence of %s button" % (name) if sel.is_element_present(element): self.assertFalse(sel.get_text(element), errMsg) print "%s button is not present" % (name) def deleteObject(self, page, objName, type="Object"): sel = self.sel # need the following line which reloads the page otherwise the search gets stuck try: self.searchUnique(objName)"link=Delete") self.assertTrue("^Sure you want to delete this object[\s\S]$", sel.get_confirmation())) if self.findResponse("%s deleted" % type, "Integrity error:"): print "%s %s deleted" % (type, objName) else: print "Failed to delete %s %s" % (type, objName) except: print "Failed to delete %s %s from page %s" % (type, objName, page) def registerUser(self, first_name, last_name, email, password): first_name = first_name.strip() last_name = last_name.strip() email = email.strip() password = password.strip() sel = self.sel"default/user/register") sel.type("auth_user_first_name", first_name) sel.type("auth_user_last_name", last_name)"auth_user_language", "label=English") sel.type("auth_user_email", email) sel.type("auth_user_password", password) sel.type("password_two", password)"//input[@value='Register']") sel.wait_for_page_to_load("30000") msg = "Unable to register user %s %s with email %s" % (first_name, last_name, email) self.assertTrue(self.successMsg("Registration successful"), msg)"admin/user") self.searchUnique(email) self.assertTrue("Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries", sel.get_text("//div[@class='dataTables_info']"))) print "User %s created" % (email) def addUser(self, first_name, last_name, email, password): first_name = first_name.strip() last_name = last_name.strip() email = email.strip() password = password.strip() sel = self.sel # TODO only open this page if on another page"admin/user") self.assertTrue(sel.is_element_present("show-add-btn"))"show-add-btn") sel.type("auth_user_first_name", first_name) sel.type("auth_user_last_name", last_name)"auth_user_language", "label=English") sel.type("auth_user_email", email) sel.type("auth_user_password", password) sel.type("password_two", password)"//input[@value='Save']") sel.wait_for_page_to_load("30000") msg = "Unable to create user %s %s with email %s" % (first_name, last_name, email) self.assertTrue(self.successMsg("User added"), msg) self.searchUnique(email) self.assertTrue("Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries", sel.get_text("//div[@class='dataTables_info']"))) print "User %s created" % (email) def addRole(self, email, roles): email = email.strip() roles = roles.strip() roleList = roles.split(" ") sel = self.sel self.searchUnique(email) self.assertEqual("Roles", sel.get_text("//table[@id='list']/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]/a[2]"))"//table[@id='list']/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]/a[2]") sel.wait_for_page_to_load("30000") for role in roleList:"//input[@name='roles' and @value='%s']" % role.strip())"//input[@value='Save']") sel.wait_for_page_to_load("30000") # @ToDo: Message to get all roles (if multiple) not just last 1 msg = "Failed to add role %s to user %s" % (role.strip() , email) self.assertTrue(self.successMsg("User Updated"), msg) print "User %s added to group %s" % (email, role.strip())"admin/user") def delUser(self, email): email = email.strip() print "Deleting user %s" % email sel = self.sel"admin/user") self.searchUnique(email)"link=Delete") self.assertTrue("^Sure you want to delete this object[\s\S]$", sel.get_confirmation())) self.assertTrue(self.successMsg("User deleted")), r"No matching records found") print "User %s deleted" % (email)
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys from multiprocessing import Process sys.path.append("../") from laspy import file as File inFile = File.File(sys.argv[1],mode= "r") outFile = File.File(sys.argv[2],mode= "w", header = inFile.header) outFile.writer.pad_file_for_point_recs(len(inFile)) outFile.close(ignore_header_changes =True) spec = inFile.reader.point_format.lookup.keys() def write_dimension(dimname, dimdata): file_view = File.File(sys.argv[2], mode = "rw") file_view.writer.set_dimension(dimname, dimdata) file_view.close(ignore_header_changes = True) processes = [] for dimname in spec: print(dimname) dataList = list(inFile.reader.get_dimension(dimname)) p = Process(target=write_dimension, args=(dimname, dataList)) p.start() processes.append(p) for p in processes: p.join() #def f(x): # print("outFile." + str(x)+" = "+"inFile." + str(x)) # outFile.writer.set_dimension(x, inFile.reader.get_dimension(x)) #map(f, spec) inFile.close()
## @file # This file is used to parse meta files # # Copyright (c) 2008 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> # (C) Copyright 2015-2018 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP<BR> # This program and the accompanying materials # are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License # which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # ## # Import Modules # from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import import Common.LongFilePathOs as os import re import time import copy from hashlib import md5 import Common.EdkLogger as EdkLogger import Common.GlobalData as GlobalData from CommonDataClass.DataClass import * from Common.DataType import * from Common.StringUtils import * from Common.Misc import GuidStructureStringToGuidString, CheckPcdDatum, PathClass, AnalyzePcdData, AnalyzeDscPcd, AnalyzePcdExpression, ParseFieldValue, StructPattern from Common.Expression import * from CommonDataClass.Exceptions import * from Common.LongFilePathSupport import OpenLongFilePath as open from collections import defaultdict from .MetaFileTable import MetaFileStorage from .MetaFileCommentParser import CheckInfComment ## RegEx for finding file versions hexVersionPattern = re.compile(r'0[xX][\da-f-A-F]{5,8}') decVersionPattern = re.compile(r'\d+\.\d+') CODEPattern = re.compile(r"{CODE\([a-fA-F0-9Xx\{\},\s]*\)}") ## A decorator used to parse macro definition def ParseMacro(Parser): def MacroParser(self): Match = gMacroDefPattern.match(self._CurrentLine) if not Match: # Not 'DEFINE/EDK_GLOBAL' statement, call decorated method Parser(self) return TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine[Match.end(1):], TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT, 1) # Syntax check if not TokenList[0]: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No macro name given", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) if len(TokenList) < 2: TokenList.append('') Type = Name, Value = TokenList # Global macros can be only defined via environment variable if Name in GlobalData.gGlobalDefines: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "%s can only be defined via environment variable" % Name, ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) # Only upper case letters, digit and '_' are allowed if not gMacroNamePattern.match(Name): EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "The macro name must be in the pattern [A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) Value = ReplaceMacro(Value, self._Macros) if Type in self.DataType: self._ItemType = self.DataType[Type] else: self._ItemType = MODEL_META_DATA_DEFINE # DEFINE defined macros if Type == TAB_DSC_DEFINES_DEFINE: # # First judge whether this DEFINE is in conditional directive statements or not. # if isinstance(self, DscParser) and self._InDirective > -1: pass else: if isinstance(self, DecParser): if MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER in self._SectionType: self._FileLocalMacros[Name] = Value else: self._ConstructSectionMacroDict(Name, Value) elif self._SectionType == MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER: self._FileLocalMacros[Name] = Value else: self._ConstructSectionMacroDict(Name, Value) # EDK_GLOBAL defined macros elif not isinstance(self, DscParser): EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "EDK_GLOBAL can only be used in .dsc file", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) elif self._SectionType != MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "EDK_GLOBAL can only be used under [Defines] section", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) elif (Name in self._FileLocalMacros) and (self._FileLocalMacros[Name] != Value): EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "EDK_GLOBAL defined a macro with the same name and different value as one defined by 'DEFINE'", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) self._ValueList = [Type, Name, Value] return MacroParser ## Base class of parser # # This class is used for derivation purpose. The specific parser for one kind # type file must derive this class and implement some public interfaces. # # @param FilePath The path of platform description file # @param FileType The raw data of DSC file # @param Table Database used to retrieve module/package information # @param Macros Macros used for replacement in file # @param Owner Owner ID (for sub-section parsing) # @param From ID from which the data comes (for !INCLUDE directive) # class MetaFileParser(object): # data type (file content) for specific file type DataType = {} # Parser objects used to implement singleton MetaFiles = {} ## Factory method # # One file, one parser object. This factory method makes sure that there's # only one object constructed for one meta file. # # @param Class class object of real AutoGen class # (InfParser, DecParser or DscParser) # @param FilePath The path of meta file # @param *args The specific class related parameters # @param **kwargs The specific class related dict parameters # def __new__(Class, FilePath, *args, **kwargs): if FilePath in Class.MetaFiles: return Class.MetaFiles[FilePath] else: ParserObject = super(MetaFileParser, Class).__new__(Class) Class.MetaFiles[FilePath] = ParserObject return ParserObject ## Constructor of MetaFileParser # # Initialize object of MetaFileParser # # @param FilePath The path of platform description file # @param FileType The raw data of DSC file # @param Arch Default Arch value for filtering sections # @param Table Database used to retrieve module/package information # @param Owner Owner ID (for sub-section parsing) # @param From ID from which the data comes (for !INCLUDE directive) # def __init__(self, FilePath, FileType, Arch, Table, Owner= -1, From= -1): self._Table = Table self._RawTable = Table self._Arch = Arch self._FileType = FileType self.MetaFile = FilePath self._FileDir = self.MetaFile.Dir self._Defines = {} self._FileLocalMacros = {} self._SectionsMacroDict = defaultdict(dict) # for recursive parsing self._Owner = [Owner] self._From = From # parsr status for parsing self._ValueList = ['', '', '', '', ''] self._Scope = [] self._LineIndex = 0 self._CurrentLine = '' self._SectionType = MODEL_UNKNOWN self._SectionName = '' self._InSubsection = False self._SubsectionType = MODEL_UNKNOWN self._SubsectionName = '' self._ItemType = MODEL_UNKNOWN self._LastItem = -1 self._Enabled = 0 self._Finished = False self._PostProcessed = False # Different version of meta-file has different way to parse. self._Version = 0 self._GuidDict = {} # for Parser PCD value {GUID(gTokeSpaceGuidName)} ## Store the parsed data in table def _Store(self, *Args): return self._Table.Insert(*Args) ## Virtual method for starting parse def Start(self): raise NotImplementedError ## Notify a post-process is needed def DoPostProcess(self): self._PostProcessed = False ## Set parsing complete flag in both class and table def _Done(self): self._Finished = True self._Table.SetEndFlag() def _PostProcess(self): self._PostProcessed = True ## Get the parse complete flag @property def Finished(self): return self._Finished ## Set the complete flag @Finished.setter def Finished(self, Value): self._Finished = Value ## Remove records that do not match given Filter Arch def _FilterRecordList(self, RecordList, FilterArch): NewRecordList = [] for Record in RecordList: Arch = Record[3] if Arch == TAB_ARCH_COMMON or Arch == FilterArch: NewRecordList.append(Record) return NewRecordList ## Use [] style to query data in table, just for readability # # DataInfo = [data_type, scope1(arch), scope2(platform/moduletype)] # def __getitem__(self, DataInfo): if not isinstance(DataInfo, type(())): DataInfo = (DataInfo,) # Parse the file first, if necessary self.StartParse() # No specific ARCH or Platform given, use raw data if self._RawTable and (len(DataInfo) == 1 or DataInfo[1] is None): return self._FilterRecordList(self._RawTable.Query(*DataInfo), self._Arch) # Do post-process if necessary if not self._PostProcessed: self._PostProcess() return self._FilterRecordList(self._Table.Query(*DataInfo), DataInfo[1]) def StartParse(self): if not self._Finished: if self._RawTable.IsIntegrity(): self._Finished = True else: self._Table = self._RawTable self._PostProcessed = False self.Start() ## Data parser for the common format in different type of file # # The common format in the meatfile is like # # xxx1 | xxx2 | xxx3 # @ParseMacro def _CommonParser(self): TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_VALUE_SPLIT) self._ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList ## Data parser for the format in which there's path # # Only path can have macro used. So we need to replace them before use. # @ParseMacro def _PathParser(self): TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_VALUE_SPLIT) self._ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList # Don't do macro replacement for dsc file at this point if not isinstance(self, DscParser): Macros = self._Macros self._ValueList = [ReplaceMacro(Value, Macros) for Value in self._ValueList] ## Skip unsupported data def _Skip(self): EdkLogger.warn("Parser", "Unrecognized content", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1, ExtraData=self._CurrentLine); self._ValueList[0:1] = [self._CurrentLine] ## Skip unsupported data for UserExtension Section def _SkipUserExtension(self): self._ValueList[0:1] = [self._CurrentLine] ## Section header parser # # The section header is always in following format: # # [section_name.arch<.platform|module_type>] # def _SectionHeaderParser(self): self._Scope = [] self._SectionName = '' ArchList = set() for Item in GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine[1:-1], TAB_COMMA_SPLIT): if Item == '': continue ItemList = GetSplitValueList(Item, TAB_SPLIT, 3) # different section should not mix in one section if self._SectionName != '' and self._SectionName != ItemList[0].upper(): EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Different section names in the same section", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1, ExtraData=self._CurrentLine) self._SectionName = ItemList[0].upper() if self._SectionName in self.DataType: self._SectionType = self.DataType[self._SectionName] # Check if the section name is valid if self._SectionName not in SECTIONS_HAVE_ITEM_AFTER_ARCH_SET and len(ItemList) > 3: EdkLogger.error("Parser", FORMAT_UNKNOWN_ERROR, "%s is not a valid section name" % Item, self.MetaFile, self._LineIndex + 1, self._CurrentLine) elif self._Version >= 0x00010005: EdkLogger.error("Parser", FORMAT_UNKNOWN_ERROR, "%s is not a valid section name" % Item, self.MetaFile, self._LineIndex + 1, self._CurrentLine) else: self._SectionType = MODEL_UNKNOWN # S1 is always Arch if len(ItemList) > 1: S1 = ItemList[1].upper() else: S1 = TAB_ARCH_COMMON ArchList.add(S1) # S2 may be Platform or ModuleType if len(ItemList) > 2: if self._SectionName.upper() in SECTIONS_HAVE_ITEM_PCD_SET: S2 = ItemList[2] else: S2 = ItemList[2].upper() else: S2 = TAB_COMMON if len(ItemList) > 3: S3 = ItemList[3] else: S3 = TAB_COMMON self._Scope.append([S1, S2, S3]) # 'COMMON' must not be used with specific ARCHs at the same section if TAB_ARCH_COMMON in ArchList and len(ArchList) > 1: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "'common' ARCH must not be used with specific ARCHs", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1, ExtraData=self._CurrentLine) # If the section information is needed later, it should be stored in database self._ValueList[0] = self._SectionName ## [defines] section parser @ParseMacro def _DefineParser(self): TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT, 1) self._ValueList[1:len(TokenList)] = TokenList if not self._ValueList[1]: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No name specified", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) if not self._ValueList[2]: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No value specified", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) self._ValueList = [ReplaceMacro(Value, self._Macros) for Value in self._ValueList] Name, Value = self._ValueList[1], self._ValueList[2] MacroUsed = GlobalData.gMacroRefPattern.findall(Value) if len(MacroUsed) != 0: for Macro in MacroUsed: if Macro in GlobalData.gGlobalDefines: EdkLogger.error("Parser", FORMAT_INVALID, "Global macro %s is not permitted." % (Macro), ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) else: EdkLogger.error("Parser", FORMAT_INVALID, "%s not defined" % (Macro), ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) # Sometimes, we need to make differences between EDK and EDK2 modules if Name == 'INF_VERSION': if hexVersionPattern.match(Value): self._Version = int(Value, 0) elif decVersionPattern.match(Value): ValueList = Value.split('.') Major = int(ValueList[0], 0) Minor = int(ValueList[1], 0) if Major > 0xffff or Minor > 0xffff: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Invalid version number", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) self._Version = int('0x{0:04x}{1:04x}'.format(Major, Minor), 0) else: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Invalid version number", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) if isinstance(self, InfParser) and self._Version < 0x00010005: # EDK module allows using defines as macros self._FileLocalMacros[Name] = Value self._Defines[Name] = Value ## [BuildOptions] section parser @ParseMacro def _BuildOptionParser(self): self._CurrentLine = CleanString(self._CurrentLine, BuildOption=True) TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT, 1) TokenList2 = GetSplitValueList(TokenList[0], ':', 1) if len(TokenList2) == 2: self._ValueList[0] = TokenList2[0] # toolchain family self._ValueList[1] = TokenList2[1] # keys else: self._ValueList[1] = TokenList[0] if len(TokenList) == 2 and not isinstance(self, DscParser): # value self._ValueList[2] = ReplaceMacro(TokenList[1], self._Macros) if self._ValueList[1].count('_') != 4: EdkLogger.error( 'Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "'%s' must be in format of <TARGET>_<TOOLCHAIN>_<ARCH>_<TOOL>_FLAGS" % self._ValueList[1], ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1 ) def GetValidExpression(self, TokenSpaceGuid, PcdCName): return self._Table.GetValidExpression(TokenSpaceGuid, PcdCName) @property def _Macros(self): Macros = {} Macros.update(self._FileLocalMacros) Macros.update(self._GetApplicableSectionMacro()) return Macros ## Construct section Macro dict def _ConstructSectionMacroDict(self, Name, Value): ScopeKey = [(Scope[0], Scope[1], Scope[2]) for Scope in self._Scope] ScopeKey = tuple(ScopeKey) # # DecParser SectionType is a list, will contain more than one item only in Pcd Section # As Pcd section macro usage is not alllowed, so here it is safe # if isinstance(self, DecParser): SectionDictKey = self._SectionType[0], ScopeKey else: SectionDictKey = self._SectionType, ScopeKey self._SectionsMacroDict[SectionDictKey][Name] = Value ## Get section Macros that are applicable to current line, which may come from other sections ## that share the same name while scope is wider def _GetApplicableSectionMacro(self): Macros = {} ComComMacroDict = {} ComSpeMacroDict = {} SpeSpeMacroDict = {} ActiveSectionType = self._SectionType if isinstance(self, DecParser): ActiveSectionType = self._SectionType[0] for (SectionType, Scope) in self._SectionsMacroDict: if SectionType != ActiveSectionType: continue for ActiveScope in self._Scope: Scope0, Scope1, Scope2= ActiveScope[0], ActiveScope[1], ActiveScope[2] if(Scope0, Scope1, Scope2) not in Scope: break else: SpeSpeMacroDict.update(self._SectionsMacroDict[(SectionType, Scope)]) for ActiveScope in self._Scope: Scope0, Scope1, Scope2 = ActiveScope[0], ActiveScope[1], ActiveScope[2] if(Scope0, Scope1, Scope2) not in Scope and (Scope0, TAB_COMMON, TAB_COMMON) not in Scope and (TAB_COMMON, Scope1, TAB_COMMON) not in Scope: break else: ComSpeMacroDict.update(self._SectionsMacroDict[(SectionType, Scope)]) if (TAB_COMMON, TAB_COMMON, TAB_COMMON) in Scope: ComComMacroDict.update(self._SectionsMacroDict[(SectionType, Scope)]) Macros.update(ComComMacroDict) Macros.update(ComSpeMacroDict) Macros.update(SpeSpeMacroDict) return Macros _SectionParser = {} ## INF file parser class # # @param FilePath The path of platform description file # @param FileType The raw data of DSC file # @param Table Database used to retrieve module/package information # @param Macros Macros used for replacement in file # class InfParser(MetaFileParser): # INF file supported data types (one type per section) DataType = { TAB_UNKNOWN.upper() : MODEL_UNKNOWN, TAB_INF_DEFINES.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER, TAB_DSC_DEFINES_DEFINE : MODEL_META_DATA_DEFINE, TAB_BUILD_OPTIONS.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_BUILD_OPTION, TAB_INCLUDES.upper() : MODEL_EFI_INCLUDE, TAB_LIBRARIES.upper() : MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_INSTANCE, TAB_LIBRARY_CLASSES.upper() : MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_CLASS, TAB_PACKAGES.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_PACKAGE, TAB_NMAKE.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_NMAKE, TAB_INF_FIXED_PCD.upper() : MODEL_PCD_FIXED_AT_BUILD, TAB_INF_PATCH_PCD.upper() : MODEL_PCD_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE, TAB_INF_FEATURE_PCD.upper() : MODEL_PCD_FEATURE_FLAG, TAB_INF_PCD_EX.upper() : MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX, TAB_INF_PCD.upper() : MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC, TAB_SOURCES.upper() : MODEL_EFI_SOURCE_FILE, TAB_GUIDS.upper() : MODEL_EFI_GUID, TAB_PROTOCOLS.upper() : MODEL_EFI_PROTOCOL, TAB_PPIS.upper() : MODEL_EFI_PPI, TAB_DEPEX.upper() : MODEL_EFI_DEPEX, TAB_BINARIES.upper() : MODEL_EFI_BINARY_FILE, TAB_USER_EXTENSIONS.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_USER_EXTENSION } ## Constructor of InfParser # # Initialize object of InfParser # # @param FilePath The path of module description file # @param FileType The raw data of DSC file # @param Arch Default Arch value for filtering sections # @param Table Database used to retrieve module/package information # def __init__(self, FilePath, FileType, Arch, Table): # prevent re-initialization if hasattr(self, "_Table"): return MetaFileParser.__init__(self, FilePath, FileType, Arch, Table) self.PcdsDict = {} ## Parser starter def Start(self): NmakeLine = '' Content = '' try: Content = open(str(self.MetaFile), 'r').readlines() except: EdkLogger.error("Parser", FILE_READ_FAILURE, ExtraData=self.MetaFile) # parse the file line by line IsFindBlockComment = False GetHeaderComment = False TailComments = [] SectionComments = [] Comments = [] for Index in range(0, len(Content)): # skip empty, commented, block commented lines Line, Comment = CleanString2(Content[Index], AllowCppStyleComment=True) NextLine = '' if Index + 1 < len(Content): NextLine, NextComment = CleanString2(Content[Index + 1]) if Line == '': if Comment: Comments.append((Comment, Index + 1)) elif GetHeaderComment: SectionComments.extend(Comments) Comments = [] continue if Line.find(DataType.TAB_COMMENT_EDK_START) > -1: IsFindBlockComment = True continue if Line.find(DataType.TAB_COMMENT_EDK_END) > -1: IsFindBlockComment = False continue if IsFindBlockComment: continue self._LineIndex = Index self._CurrentLine = Line # section header if Line[0] == TAB_SECTION_START and Line[-1] == TAB_SECTION_END: if not GetHeaderComment: for Cmt, LNo in Comments: self._Store(MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER_COMMENT, Cmt, '', '', TAB_COMMON, TAB_COMMON, self._Owner[-1], LNo, -1, LNo, -1, 0) GetHeaderComment = True else: TailComments.extend(SectionComments + Comments) Comments = [] self._SectionHeaderParser() # Check invalid sections if self._Version < 0x00010005: if self._SectionType in [MODEL_META_DATA_BUILD_OPTION, MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_CLASS, MODEL_META_DATA_PACKAGE, MODEL_PCD_FIXED_AT_BUILD, MODEL_PCD_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE, MODEL_PCD_FEATURE_FLAG, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC, MODEL_EFI_GUID, MODEL_EFI_PROTOCOL, MODEL_EFI_PPI, MODEL_META_DATA_USER_EXTENSION]: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Section [%s] is not allowed in inf file without version" % (self._SectionName), ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) elif self._SectionType in [MODEL_EFI_INCLUDE, MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_INSTANCE, MODEL_META_DATA_NMAKE]: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Section [%s] is not allowed in inf file with version 0x%08x" % (self._SectionName, self._Version), ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) continue # merge two lines specified by '\' in section NMAKE elif self._SectionType == MODEL_META_DATA_NMAKE: if Line[-1] == '\\': if NextLine == '': self._CurrentLine = NmakeLine + Line[0:-1] NmakeLine = '' else: if NextLine[0] == TAB_SECTION_START and NextLine[-1] == TAB_SECTION_END: self._CurrentLine = NmakeLine + Line[0:-1] NmakeLine = '' else: NmakeLine = NmakeLine + ' ' + Line[0:-1] continue else: self._CurrentLine = NmakeLine + Line NmakeLine = '' # section content self._ValueList = ['', '', ''] # parse current line, result will be put in self._ValueList self._SectionParser[self._SectionType](self) if self._ValueList is None or self._ItemType == MODEL_META_DATA_DEFINE: self._ItemType = -1 Comments = [] continue if Comment: Comments.append((Comment, Index + 1)) if GlobalData.gOptions and GlobalData.gOptions.CheckUsage: CheckInfComment(self._SectionType, Comments, str(self.MetaFile), Index + 1, self._ValueList) # # Model, Value1, Value2, Value3, Arch, Platform, BelongsToItem=-1, # LineBegin=-1, ColumnBegin=-1, LineEnd=-1, ColumnEnd=-1, Enabled=-1 # for Arch, Platform, _ in self._Scope: LastItem = self._Store(self._SectionType, self._ValueList[0], self._ValueList[1], self._ValueList[2], Arch, Platform, self._Owner[-1], self._LineIndex + 1, - 1, self._LineIndex + 1, - 1, 0 ) for Comment, LineNo in Comments: self._Store(MODEL_META_DATA_COMMENT, Comment, '', '', Arch, Platform, LastItem, LineNo, -1, LineNo, -1, 0) Comments = [] SectionComments = [] TailComments.extend(SectionComments + Comments) if IsFindBlockComment: EdkLogger.error("Parser", FORMAT_INVALID, "Open block comments (starting with /*) are expected to end with */", File=self.MetaFile) # If there are tail comments in INF file, save to database whatever the comments are for Comment in TailComments: self._Store(MODEL_META_DATA_TAIL_COMMENT, Comment[0], '', '', TAB_COMMON, TAB_COMMON, self._Owner[-1], -1, -1, -1, -1, 0) self._Done() ## Data parser for the format in which there's path # # Only path can have macro used. So we need to replace them before use. # def _IncludeParser(self): TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_VALUE_SPLIT) self._ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList Macros = self._Macros if Macros: for Index in range(0, len(self._ValueList)): Value = self._ValueList[Index] if not Value: continue if Value.upper().find('$(EFI_SOURCE)\Edk'.upper()) > -1 or Value.upper().find('$(EFI_SOURCE)/Edk'.upper()) > -1: Value = '$(EDK_SOURCE)' + Value[17:] if Value.find('$(EFI_SOURCE)') > -1 or Value.find('$(EDK_SOURCE)') > -1: pass elif Value.startswith('.'): pass elif Value.startswith('$('): pass else: Value = '$(EFI_SOURCE)/' + Value self._ValueList[Index] = ReplaceMacro(Value, Macros) ## Parse [Sources] section # # Only path can have macro used. So we need to replace them before use. # @ParseMacro def _SourceFileParser(self): TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_VALUE_SPLIT) self._ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList Macros = self._Macros # For Acpi tables, remove macro like ' TABLE_NAME=Sata1' if 'COMPONENT_TYPE' in Macros: if self._Defines['COMPONENT_TYPE'].upper() == 'ACPITABLE': self._ValueList[0] = GetSplitValueList(self._ValueList[0], ' ', 1)[0] if self._Defines['BASE_NAME'] == 'Microcode': pass self._ValueList = [ReplaceMacro(Value, Macros) for Value in self._ValueList] ## Parse [Binaries] section # # Only path can have macro used. So we need to replace them before use. # @ParseMacro def _BinaryFileParser(self): TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_VALUE_SPLIT, 2) if len(TokenList) < 2: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No file type or path specified", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " (<FileType> | <FilePath> [| <Target>])", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) if not TokenList[0]: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No file type specified", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " (<FileType> | <FilePath> [| <Target>])", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) if not TokenList[1]: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No file path specified", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " (<FileType> | <FilePath> [| <Target>])", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) self._ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList self._ValueList[1] = ReplaceMacro(self._ValueList[1], self._Macros) ## [nmake] section parser (Edk.x style only) def _NmakeParser(self): TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT, 1) self._ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList # remove macros self._ValueList[1] = ReplaceMacro(self._ValueList[1], self._Macros) # remove self-reference in macro setting #self._ValueList[1] = ReplaceMacro(self._ValueList[1], {self._ValueList[0]:''}) ## [FixedPcd], [FeaturePcd], [PatchPcd], [Pcd] and [PcdEx] sections parser @ParseMacro def _PcdParser(self): TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_VALUE_SPLIT, 1) ValueList = GetSplitValueList(TokenList[0], TAB_SPLIT) if len(ValueList) != 2: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Illegal token space GUID and PCD name format", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " (<TokenSpaceGuidCName>.<PcdCName>)", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) self._ValueList[0:1] = ValueList if len(TokenList) > 1: self._ValueList[2] = TokenList[1] if self._ValueList[0] == '' or self._ValueList[1] == '': EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No token space GUID or PCD name specified", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " (<TokenSpaceGuidCName>.<PcdCName>)", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) # if value are 'True', 'true', 'TRUE' or 'False', 'false', 'FALSE', replace with integer 1 or 0. if self._ValueList[2] != '': InfPcdValueList = GetSplitValueList(TokenList[1], TAB_VALUE_SPLIT, 1) if InfPcdValueList[0] in ['True', 'true', 'TRUE']: self._ValueList[2] = TokenList[1].replace(InfPcdValueList[0], '1', 1); elif InfPcdValueList[0] in ['False', 'false', 'FALSE']: self._ValueList[2] = TokenList[1].replace(InfPcdValueList[0], '0', 1); if (self._ValueList[0], self._ValueList[1]) not in self.PcdsDict: self.PcdsDict[self._ValueList[0], self._ValueList[1]] = self._SectionType elif self.PcdsDict[self._ValueList[0], self._ValueList[1]] != self._SectionType: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "It is not permissible to list a specified PCD in different PCD type sections.", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " (<TokenSpaceGuidCName>.<PcdCName>)", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) ## [depex] section parser @ParseMacro def _DepexParser(self): self._ValueList[0:1] = [self._CurrentLine] _SectionParser = { MODEL_UNKNOWN : MetaFileParser._Skip, MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER : MetaFileParser._DefineParser, MODEL_META_DATA_BUILD_OPTION : MetaFileParser._BuildOptionParser, MODEL_EFI_INCLUDE : _IncludeParser, # for Edk.x modules MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_INSTANCE : MetaFileParser._CommonParser, # for Edk.x modules MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_CLASS : MetaFileParser._PathParser, MODEL_META_DATA_PACKAGE : MetaFileParser._PathParser, MODEL_META_DATA_NMAKE : _NmakeParser, # for Edk.x modules MODEL_PCD_FIXED_AT_BUILD : _PcdParser, MODEL_PCD_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE : _PcdParser, MODEL_PCD_FEATURE_FLAG : _PcdParser, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX : _PcdParser, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC : _PcdParser, MODEL_EFI_SOURCE_FILE : _SourceFileParser, MODEL_EFI_GUID : MetaFileParser._CommonParser, MODEL_EFI_PROTOCOL : MetaFileParser._CommonParser, MODEL_EFI_PPI : MetaFileParser._CommonParser, MODEL_EFI_DEPEX : _DepexParser, MODEL_EFI_BINARY_FILE : _BinaryFileParser, MODEL_META_DATA_USER_EXTENSION : MetaFileParser._SkipUserExtension, } ## DSC file parser class # # @param FilePath The path of platform description file # @param FileType The raw data of DSC file # @param Table Database used to retrieve module/package information # @param Macros Macros used for replacement in file # @param Owner Owner ID (for sub-section parsing) # @param From ID from which the data comes (for !INCLUDE directive) # class DscParser(MetaFileParser): # DSC file supported data types (one type per section) DataType = { TAB_SKUIDS.upper() : MODEL_EFI_SKU_ID, TAB_DEFAULT_STORES.upper() : MODEL_EFI_DEFAULT_STORES, TAB_LIBRARIES.upper() : MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_INSTANCE, TAB_LIBRARY_CLASSES.upper() : MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_CLASS, TAB_BUILD_OPTIONS.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_BUILD_OPTION, TAB_PCDS_FIXED_AT_BUILD_NULL.upper() : MODEL_PCD_FIXED_AT_BUILD, TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE_NULL.upper() : MODEL_PCD_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE, TAB_PCDS_FEATURE_FLAG_NULL.upper() : MODEL_PCD_FEATURE_FLAG, TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_DEFAULT_NULL.upper() : MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_DEFAULT, TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_HII_NULL.upper() : MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_HII, TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_VPD_NULL.upper() : MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_VPD, TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX_DEFAULT_NULL.upper() : MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX_DEFAULT, TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX_HII_NULL.upper() : MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX_HII, TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX_VPD_NULL.upper() : MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX_VPD, TAB_COMPONENTS.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_COMPONENT, TAB_COMPONENTS_SOURCE_OVERRIDE_PATH.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_COMPONENT_SOURCE_OVERRIDE_PATH, TAB_DSC_DEFINES.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER, TAB_DSC_DEFINES_DEFINE : MODEL_META_DATA_DEFINE, TAB_DSC_DEFINES_EDKGLOBAL : MODEL_META_DATA_GLOBAL_DEFINE, TAB_INCLUDE.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_INCLUDE, TAB_IF.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_IF, TAB_IF_DEF.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_IFDEF, TAB_IF_N_DEF.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_IFNDEF, TAB_ELSE_IF.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_ELSEIF, TAB_ELSE.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_ELSE, TAB_END_IF.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_ENDIF, TAB_USER_EXTENSIONS.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_USER_EXTENSION, TAB_ERROR.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_ERROR, } # Valid names in define section DefineKeywords = [ "DSC_SPECIFICATION", "PLATFORM_NAME", "PLATFORM_GUID", "PLATFORM_VERSION", "SKUID_IDENTIFIER", "PCD_INFO_GENERATION", "PCD_VAR_CHECK_GENERATION", "SUPPORTED_ARCHITECTURES", "BUILD_TARGETS", "OUTPUT_DIRECTORY", "FLASH_DEFINITION", "BUILD_NUMBER", "RFC_LANGUAGES", "ISO_LANGUAGES", "TIME_STAMP_FILE", "VPD_TOOL_GUID", "FIX_LOAD_TOP_MEMORY_ADDRESS", "PREBUILD", "POSTBUILD" ] SubSectionDefineKeywords = [ "FILE_GUID" ] SymbolPattern = ValueExpression.SymbolPattern IncludedFiles = set() ## Constructor of DscParser # # Initialize object of DscParser # # @param FilePath The path of platform description file # @param FileType The raw data of DSC file # @param Arch Default Arch value for filtering sections # @param Table Database used to retrieve module/package information # @param Owner Owner ID (for sub-section parsing) # @param From ID from which the data comes (for !INCLUDE directive) # def __init__(self, FilePath, FileType, Arch, Table, Owner= -1, From= -1): # prevent re-initialization if hasattr(self, "_Table") and self._Table is Table: return MetaFileParser.__init__(self, FilePath, FileType, Arch, Table, Owner, From) self._Version = 0x00010005 # Only EDK2 dsc file is supported # to store conditional directive evaluation result self._DirectiveStack = [] self._DirectiveEvalStack = [] self._Enabled = 1 # # Specify whether current line is in uncertain condition # self._InDirective = -1 # Final valid replacable symbols self._Symbols = {} # # Map the ID between the original table and new table to track # the owner item # self._IdMapping = {-1:-1} self._PcdCodeValue = "" self._PcdDataTypeCODE = False self._CurrentPcdName = "" self._Content = None ## Parser starter def Start(self): Content = '' try: Content = open(str(self.MetaFile), 'r').readlines() except: EdkLogger.error("Parser", FILE_READ_FAILURE, ExtraData=self.MetaFile) OwnerId = {} Content = self.ProcessMultipleLineCODEValue(Content) for Index in range(0, len(Content)): Line = CleanString(Content[Index]) # skip empty line if Line == '': continue self._CurrentLine = Line self._LineIndex = Index if self._InSubsection and self._Owner[-1] == -1: self._Owner.append(self._LastItem) # section header if Line[0] == TAB_SECTION_START and Line[-1] == TAB_SECTION_END: self._SectionType = MODEL_META_DATA_SECTION_HEADER # subsection ending elif Line[0] == '}' and self._InSubsection: self._InSubsection = False self._SubsectionType = MODEL_UNKNOWN self._SubsectionName = '' self._Owner[-1] = -1 OwnerId.clear() continue # subsection header elif Line[0] == TAB_OPTION_START and Line[-1] == TAB_OPTION_END: self._SubsectionType = MODEL_META_DATA_SUBSECTION_HEADER # directive line elif Line[0] == '!': TokenList = GetSplitValueList(Line, ' ', 1) if TokenList[0] == TAB_INCLUDE: for Arch, ModuleType, DefaultStore in self._Scope: if self._SubsectionType != MODEL_UNKNOWN and Arch in OwnerId: self._Owner[-1] = OwnerId[Arch] self._DirectiveParser() else: self._DirectiveParser() continue if Line[0] == TAB_OPTION_START and not self._InSubsection: EdkLogger.error("Parser", FILE_READ_FAILURE, "Missing the '{' before %s in Line %s" % (Line, Index+1), ExtraData=self.MetaFile) if self._InSubsection: SectionType = self._SubsectionType else: SectionType = self._SectionType self._ItemType = SectionType self._ValueList = ['', '', ''] self._SectionParser[SectionType](self) if self._ValueList is None: continue # # Model, Value1, Value2, Value3, Arch, ModuleType, BelongsToItem=-1, BelongsToFile=-1, # LineBegin=-1, ColumnBegin=-1, LineEnd=-1, ColumnEnd=-1, Enabled=-1 # for Arch, ModuleType, DefaultStore in self._Scope: Owner = self._Owner[-1] if self._SubsectionType != MODEL_UNKNOWN and Arch in OwnerId: Owner = OwnerId[Arch] self._LastItem = self._Store( self._ItemType, self._ValueList[0], self._ValueList[1], self._ValueList[2], Arch, ModuleType, DefaultStore, Owner, self._From, self._LineIndex + 1, - 1, self._LineIndex + 1, - 1, self._Enabled ) if self._SubsectionType == MODEL_UNKNOWN and self._InSubsection: OwnerId[Arch] = self._LastItem if self._DirectiveStack: Type, Line, Text = self._DirectiveStack[-1] EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No matching '!endif' found", ExtraData=Text, File=self.MetaFile, Line=Line) self._Done() ## <subsection_header> parser def _SubsectionHeaderParser(self): self._SubsectionName = self._CurrentLine[1:-1].upper() if self._SubsectionName in self.DataType: self._SubsectionType = self.DataType[self._SubsectionName] else: self._SubsectionType = MODEL_UNKNOWN EdkLogger.warn("Parser", "Unrecognized sub-section", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1, ExtraData=self._CurrentLine) self._ValueList[0] = self._SubsectionName ## Directive statement parser def _DirectiveParser(self): self._ValueList = ['', '', ''] TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, ' ', 1) self._ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList # Syntax check DirectiveName = self._ValueList[0].upper() if DirectiveName not in self.DataType: EdkLogger.error("Parser", FORMAT_INVALID, "Unknown directive [%s]" % DirectiveName, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) if DirectiveName in ['!IF', '!IFDEF', '!IFNDEF']: self._InDirective += 1 if DirectiveName in ['!ENDIF']: self._InDirective -= 1 if DirectiveName in ['!IF', '!IFDEF', '!INCLUDE', '!IFNDEF', '!ELSEIF'] and self._ValueList[1] == '': EdkLogger.error("Parser", FORMAT_INVALID, "Missing expression", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1, ExtraData=self._CurrentLine) ItemType = self.DataType[DirectiveName] Scope = [[TAB_COMMON, TAB_COMMON, TAB_COMMON]] if ItemType == MODEL_META_DATA_INCLUDE: Scope = self._Scope elif ItemType == MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_ERROR: Scope = self._Scope if ItemType == MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_ENDIF: # Remove all directives between !if and !endif, including themselves while self._DirectiveStack: # Remove any !else or !elseif DirectiveInfo = self._DirectiveStack.pop() if DirectiveInfo[0] in [MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_IF, MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_IFDEF, MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_IFNDEF]: break else: EdkLogger.error("Parser", FORMAT_INVALID, "Redundant '!endif'", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1, ExtraData=self._CurrentLine) elif ItemType not in {MODEL_META_DATA_INCLUDE, MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_ERROR}: # Break if there's a !else is followed by a !elseif if ItemType == MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_ELSEIF and \ self._DirectiveStack and \ self._DirectiveStack[-1][0] == MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_ELSE: EdkLogger.error("Parser", FORMAT_INVALID, "'!elseif' after '!else'", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1, ExtraData=self._CurrentLine) self._DirectiveStack.append((ItemType, self._LineIndex + 1, self._CurrentLine)) # # Model, Value1, Value2, Value3, Arch, ModuleType, BelongsToItem=-1, BelongsToFile=-1, # LineBegin=-1, ColumnBegin=-1, LineEnd=-1, ColumnEnd=-1, Enabled=-1 # for Arch, ModuleType, DefaultStore in Scope: self._LastItem = self._Store( ItemType, self._ValueList[0], self._ValueList[1], self._ValueList[2], Arch, ModuleType, DefaultStore, self._Owner[-1], self._From, self._LineIndex + 1, - 1, self._LineIndex + 1, - 1, 0 ) ## [defines] section parser @ParseMacro def _DefineParser(self): TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT, 1) self._ValueList[1:len(TokenList)] = TokenList # Syntax check if not self._ValueList[1]: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No name specified", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) if not self._ValueList[2]: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No value specified", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) if (not self._ValueList[1] in self.DefineKeywords and (self._InSubsection and self._ValueList[1] not in self.SubSectionDefineKeywords)): EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Unknown keyword found: %s. " "If this is a macro you must " "add it as a DEFINE in the DSC" % self._ValueList[1], ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) if not self._InSubsection: self._Defines[self._ValueList[1]] = self._ValueList[2] self._ItemType = self.DataType[TAB_DSC_DEFINES.upper()] @ParseMacro def _SkuIdParser(self): TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_VALUE_SPLIT) if len(TokenList) not in (2, 3): EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Correct format is '<Number>|<UiName>[|<UiName>]'", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) self._ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList @ParseMacro def _DefaultStoresParser(self): TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_VALUE_SPLIT) if len(TokenList) != 2: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Correct format is '<Number>|<UiName>'", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) self._ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList ## Parse Edk style of library modules @ParseMacro def _LibraryInstanceParser(self): self._ValueList[0] = self._CurrentLine def ProcessMultipleLineCODEValue(self,Content): CODEBegin = False CODELine = "" continuelinecount = 0 newContent = [] for Index in range(0, len(Content)): Line = Content[Index] if CODEBegin: CODELine = CODELine + Line continuelinecount +=1 if ")}" in Line: newContent.append(CODELine) for _ in range(continuelinecount): newContent.append("") CODEBegin = False CODELine = "" continuelinecount = 0 else: if not Line: newContent.append(Line) continue if "{CODE(" not in Line: newContent.append(Line) continue elif CODEPattern.findall(Line): newContent.append(Line) continue else: CODEBegin = True CODELine = Line return newContent def _DecodeCODEData(self): pass ## PCD sections parser # # [PcdsFixedAtBuild] # [PcdsPatchableInModule] # [PcdsFeatureFlag] # [PcdsDynamicEx # [PcdsDynamicExDefault] # [PcdsDynamicExVpd] # [PcdsDynamicExHii] # [PcdsDynamic] # [PcdsDynamicDefault] # [PcdsDynamicVpd] # [PcdsDynamicHii] # @ParseMacro def _PcdParser(self): if self._PcdDataTypeCODE: self._PcdCodeValue = self._PcdCodeValue + "\n " + self._CurrentLine if self._CurrentLine.endswith(")}"): self._CurrentLine = "|".join((self._CurrentPcdName, self._PcdCodeValue)) self._PcdDataTypeCODE = False self._PcdCodeValue = "" else: self._ValueList = None return TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_VALUE_SPLIT, 1) self._CurrentPcdName = TokenList[0] if len(TokenList) == 2 and TokenList[1].strip().startswith("{CODE"): self._PcdDataTypeCODE = True self._PcdCodeValue = TokenList[1].strip() if self._PcdDataTypeCODE: if self._CurrentLine.endswith(")}"): self._PcdDataTypeCODE = False self._PcdCodeValue = "" else: self._ValueList = None return self._ValueList[0:1] = GetSplitValueList(TokenList[0], TAB_SPLIT) PcdNameTockens = GetSplitValueList(TokenList[0], TAB_SPLIT) if len(PcdNameTockens) == 2: self._ValueList[0], self._ValueList[1] = PcdNameTockens[0], PcdNameTockens[1] elif len(PcdNameTockens) == 3: self._ValueList[0], self._ValueList[1] = ".".join((PcdNameTockens[0], PcdNameTockens[1])), PcdNameTockens[2] elif len(PcdNameTockens) > 3: self._ValueList[0], self._ValueList[1] = ".".join((PcdNameTockens[0], PcdNameTockens[1])), ".".join(PcdNameTockens[2:]) if len(TokenList) == 2: self._ValueList[2] = TokenList[1] if self._ValueList[0] == '' or self._ValueList[1] == '': EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No token space GUID or PCD name specified", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " (<TokenSpaceGuidCName>.<TokenCName>|<PcdValue>)", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) if self._ValueList[2] == '': # # The PCD values are optional for FIXEDATBUILD, PATCHABLEINMODULE, Dynamic/DynamicEx default # if self._SectionType in (MODEL_PCD_FIXED_AT_BUILD, MODEL_PCD_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_DEFAULT, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX_DEFAULT): return EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No PCD value given", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " (<TokenSpaceGuidCName>.<TokenCName>|<PcdValue>)", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) # Validate the datum type of Dynamic Defaul PCD and DynamicEx Default PCD ValueList = GetSplitValueList(self._ValueList[2]) if len(ValueList) > 1 and ValueList[1] in [TAB_UINT8, TAB_UINT16, TAB_UINT32, TAB_UINT64] \ and self._ItemType in [MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_DEFAULT, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX_DEFAULT]: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "The datum type '%s' of PCD is wrong" % ValueList[1], ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) # Validate the VariableName of DynamicHii and DynamicExHii for PCD Entry must not be an empty string if self._ItemType in [MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_HII, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX_HII]: DscPcdValueList = GetSplitValueList(TokenList[1], TAB_VALUE_SPLIT, 1) if len(DscPcdValueList[0].replace('L', '').replace('"', '').strip()) == 0: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "The VariableName field in the HII format PCD entry must not be an empty string", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) # if value are 'True', 'true', 'TRUE' or 'False', 'false', 'FALSE', replace with integer 1 or 0. DscPcdValueList = GetSplitValueList(TokenList[1], TAB_VALUE_SPLIT, 1) if DscPcdValueList[0] in ['True', 'true', 'TRUE']: self._ValueList[2] = TokenList[1].replace(DscPcdValueList[0], '1', 1); elif DscPcdValueList[0] in ['False', 'false', 'FALSE']: self._ValueList[2] = TokenList[1].replace(DscPcdValueList[0], '0', 1); ## [components] section parser @ParseMacro def _ComponentParser(self): if self._CurrentLine[-1] == '{': self._ValueList[0] = self._CurrentLine[0:-1].strip() self._InSubsection = True self._SubsectionType = MODEL_UNKNOWN else: self._ValueList[0] = self._CurrentLine ## [LibraryClasses] section @ParseMacro def _LibraryClassParser(self): TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_VALUE_SPLIT) if len(TokenList) < 2: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No library class or instance specified", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " (<LibraryClassName>|<LibraryInstancePath>)", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) if TokenList[0] == '': EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No library class specified", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " (<LibraryClassName>|<LibraryInstancePath>)", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) if TokenList[1] == '': EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No library instance specified", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " (<LibraryClassName>|<LibraryInstancePath>)", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) self._ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList def _CompponentSourceOverridePathParser(self): self._ValueList[0] = self._CurrentLine ## [BuildOptions] section parser @ParseMacro def _BuildOptionParser(self): self._CurrentLine = CleanString(self._CurrentLine, BuildOption=True) TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT, 1) TokenList2 = GetSplitValueList(TokenList[0], ':', 1) if len(TokenList2) == 2: self._ValueList[0] = TokenList2[0] # toolchain family self._ValueList[1] = TokenList2[1] # keys else: self._ValueList[1] = TokenList[0] if len(TokenList) == 2: # value self._ValueList[2] = TokenList[1] if self._ValueList[1].count('_') != 4: EdkLogger.error( 'Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "'%s' must be in format of <TARGET>_<TOOLCHAIN>_<ARCH>_<TOOL>_FLAGS" % self._ValueList[1], ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1 ) ## Override parent's method since we'll do all macro replacements in parser @property def _Macros(self): Macros = {} Macros.update(self._FileLocalMacros) Macros.update(self._GetApplicableSectionMacro()) Macros.update(GlobalData.gEdkGlobal) Macros.update(GlobalData.gPlatformDefines) Macros.update(GlobalData.gCommandLineDefines) # PCD cannot be referenced in macro definition if self._ItemType not in [MODEL_META_DATA_DEFINE, MODEL_META_DATA_GLOBAL_DEFINE]: Macros.update(self._Symbols) if GlobalData.BuildOptionPcd: for Item in GlobalData.BuildOptionPcd: if isinstance(Item, tuple): continue PcdName, TmpValue = Item.split("=") TmpValue = BuildOptionValue(TmpValue, self._GuidDict) Macros[PcdName.strip()] = TmpValue return Macros def _PostProcess(self): Processer = { MODEL_META_DATA_SECTION_HEADER : self.__ProcessSectionHeader, MODEL_META_DATA_SUBSECTION_HEADER : self.__ProcessSubsectionHeader, MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER : self.__ProcessDefine, MODEL_META_DATA_DEFINE : self.__ProcessDefine, MODEL_META_DATA_GLOBAL_DEFINE : self.__ProcessDefine, MODEL_META_DATA_INCLUDE : self.__ProcessDirective, MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_IF : self.__ProcessDirective, MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_ELSE : self.__ProcessDirective, MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_IFDEF : self.__ProcessDirective, MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_IFNDEF : self.__ProcessDirective, MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_ENDIF : self.__ProcessDirective, MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_ELSEIF : self.__ProcessDirective, MODEL_EFI_SKU_ID : self.__ProcessSkuId, MODEL_EFI_DEFAULT_STORES : self.__ProcessDefaultStores, MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_INSTANCE : self.__ProcessLibraryInstance, MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_CLASS : self.__ProcessLibraryClass, MODEL_PCD_FIXED_AT_BUILD : self.__ProcessPcd, MODEL_PCD_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE : self.__ProcessPcd, MODEL_PCD_FEATURE_FLAG : self.__ProcessPcd, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_DEFAULT : self.__ProcessPcd, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_HII : self.__ProcessPcd, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_VPD : self.__ProcessPcd, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX_DEFAULT : self.__ProcessPcd, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX_HII : self.__ProcessPcd, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX_VPD : self.__ProcessPcd, MODEL_META_DATA_COMPONENT : self.__ProcessComponent, MODEL_META_DATA_COMPONENT_SOURCE_OVERRIDE_PATH : self.__ProcessSourceOverridePath, MODEL_META_DATA_BUILD_OPTION : self.__ProcessBuildOption, MODEL_UNKNOWN : self._Skip, MODEL_META_DATA_USER_EXTENSION : self._SkipUserExtension, MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_ERROR : self._ProcessError, } self._Table = MetaFileStorage(self._RawTable.DB, self.MetaFile, MODEL_FILE_DSC, True) self._DirectiveStack = [] self._DirectiveEvalStack = [] self._FileWithError = self.MetaFile self._FileLocalMacros = {} self._SectionsMacroDict.clear() GlobalData.gPlatformDefines = {} # Get all macro and PCD which has straitforward value self.__RetrievePcdValue() self._Content = self._RawTable.GetAll() self._ContentIndex = 0 self._InSubsection = False while self._ContentIndex < len(self._Content) : Id, self._ItemType, V1, V2, V3, S1, S2, S3, Owner, self._From, \ LineStart, ColStart, LineEnd, ColEnd, Enabled = self._Content[self._ContentIndex] if self._From < 0: self._FileWithError = self.MetaFile self._ContentIndex += 1 self._Scope = [[S1, S2, S3]] # # For !include directive, handle it specially, # merge arch and module type in case of duplicate items # while self._ItemType == MODEL_META_DATA_INCLUDE: if self._ContentIndex >= len(self._Content): break Record = self._Content[self._ContentIndex] if LineStart == Record[10] and LineEnd == Record[12]: if [Record[5], Record[6], Record[7]] not in self._Scope: self._Scope.append([Record[5], Record[6], Record[7]]) self._ContentIndex += 1 else: break self._LineIndex = LineStart - 1 self._ValueList = [V1, V2, V3] if Owner > 0 and Owner in self._IdMapping: self._InSubsection = True else: self._InSubsection = False try: Processer[self._ItemType]() except EvaluationException as Excpt: # # Only catch expression evaluation error here. We need to report # the precise number of line on which the error occurred # if hasattr(Excpt, 'Pcd'): if Excpt.Pcd in GlobalData.gPlatformOtherPcds: Info = GlobalData.gPlatformOtherPcds[Excpt.Pcd] EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Cannot use this PCD (%s) in an expression as" " it must be defined in a [PcdsFixedAtBuild] or [PcdsFeatureFlag] section" " of the DSC file, and it is currently defined in this section:" " %s, line #: %d." % (Excpt.Pcd, Info[0], Info[1]), File=self._FileWithError, ExtraData=' '.join(self._ValueList), Line=self._LineIndex + 1) else: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "PCD (%s) is not defined in DSC file" % Excpt.Pcd, File=self._FileWithError, ExtraData=' '.join(self._ValueList), Line=self._LineIndex + 1) else: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Invalid expression: %s" % str(Excpt), File=self._FileWithError, ExtraData=' '.join(self._ValueList), Line=self._LineIndex + 1) except MacroException as Excpt: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, str(Excpt), File=self._FileWithError, ExtraData=' '.join(self._ValueList), Line=self._LineIndex + 1) if self._ValueList is None: continue NewOwner = self._IdMapping.get(Owner, -1) self._Enabled = int((not self._DirectiveEvalStack) or (False not in self._DirectiveEvalStack)) self._LastItem = self._Store( self._ItemType, self._ValueList[0], self._ValueList[1], self._ValueList[2], S1, S2, S3, NewOwner, self._From, self._LineIndex + 1, - 1, self._LineIndex + 1, - 1, self._Enabled ) self._IdMapping[Id] = self._LastItem GlobalData.gPlatformDefines.update(self._FileLocalMacros) self._PostProcessed = True self._Content = None def _ProcessError(self): if not self._Enabled: return EdkLogger.error('Parser', ERROR_STATEMENT, self._ValueList[1], File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) def __ProcessSectionHeader(self): self._SectionName = self._ValueList[0] if self._SectionName in self.DataType: self._SectionType = self.DataType[self._SectionName] else: self._SectionType = MODEL_UNKNOWN def __ProcessSubsectionHeader(self): self._SubsectionName = self._ValueList[0] if self._SubsectionName in self.DataType: self._SubsectionType = self.DataType[self._SubsectionName] else: self._SubsectionType = MODEL_UNKNOWN def __RetrievePcdValue(self): Content = open(str(self.MetaFile), 'r').readlines() GlobalData.gPlatformOtherPcds['DSCFILE'] = str(self.MetaFile) for PcdType in (MODEL_PCD_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_DEFAULT, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_HII, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_VPD, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX_DEFAULT, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX_HII, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX_VPD): Records = self._RawTable.Query(PcdType, BelongsToItem= -1.0) for TokenSpaceGuid, PcdName, Value, Dummy2, Dummy3, Dummy4, ID, Line in Records: Name = TokenSpaceGuid + '.' + PcdName if Name not in GlobalData.gPlatformOtherPcds: PcdLine = Line while not Content[Line - 1].lstrip().startswith(TAB_SECTION_START): Line -= 1 GlobalData.gPlatformOtherPcds[Name] = (CleanString(Content[Line - 1]), PcdLine, PcdType) def __ProcessDefine(self): if not self._Enabled: return Type, Name, Value = self._ValueList Value = ReplaceMacro(Value, self._Macros, False) # # If it is <Defines>, return # if self._InSubsection: self._ValueList = [Type, Name, Value] return if self._ItemType == MODEL_META_DATA_DEFINE: if self._SectionType == MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER: self._FileLocalMacros[Name] = Value else: self._ConstructSectionMacroDict(Name, Value) elif self._ItemType == MODEL_META_DATA_GLOBAL_DEFINE: GlobalData.gEdkGlobal[Name] = Value # # Keyword in [Defines] section can be used as Macros # if (self._ItemType == MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER) and (self._SectionType == MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER): self._FileLocalMacros[Name] = Value self._ValueList = [Type, Name, Value] def __ProcessDirective(self): Result = None if self._ItemType in [MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_IF, MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_ELSEIF]: Macros = self._Macros Macros.update(GlobalData.gGlobalDefines) try: Result = ValueExpression(self._ValueList[1], Macros)() except SymbolNotFound as Exc: EdkLogger.debug(EdkLogger.DEBUG_5, str(Exc), self._ValueList[1]) Result = False except WrnExpression as Excpt: # # Catch expression evaluation warning here. We need to report # the precise number of line and return the evaluation result # EdkLogger.warn('Parser', "Suspicious expression: %s" % str(Excpt), File=self._FileWithError, ExtraData=' '.join(self._ValueList), Line=self._LineIndex + 1) Result = Excpt.result if self._ItemType in [MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_IF, MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_IFDEF, MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_IFNDEF]: self._DirectiveStack.append(self._ItemType) if self._ItemType == MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_IF: Result = bool(Result) else: Macro = self._ValueList[1] Macro = Macro[2:-1] if (Macro.startswith("$(") and Macro.endswith(")")) else Macro Result = Macro in self._Macros if self._ItemType == MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_IFNDEF: Result = not Result self._DirectiveEvalStack.append(Result) elif self._ItemType == MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_ELSEIF: self._DirectiveStack.append(self._ItemType) self._DirectiveEvalStack[-1] = not self._DirectiveEvalStack[-1] self._DirectiveEvalStack.append(bool(Result)) elif self._ItemType == MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_ELSE: self._DirectiveStack.append(self._ItemType) self._DirectiveEvalStack[-1] = not self._DirectiveEvalStack[-1] self._DirectiveEvalStack.append(True) elif self._ItemType == MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_ENDIF: # Back to the nearest !if/!ifdef/!ifndef while self._DirectiveStack: self._DirectiveEvalStack.pop() Directive = self._DirectiveStack.pop() if Directive in [MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_IF, MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_IFDEF, MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_IFNDEF]: break elif self._ItemType == MODEL_META_DATA_INCLUDE: # The included file must be relative to workspace or same directory as DSC file __IncludeMacros = {} # # Allow using system environment variables in path after !include # __IncludeMacros['WORKSPACE'] = GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['WORKSPACE'] if "ECP_SOURCE" in GlobalData.gGlobalDefines: __IncludeMacros['ECP_SOURCE'] = GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['ECP_SOURCE'] # # During GenFds phase call DSC parser, will go into this branch. # elif "ECP_SOURCE" in GlobalData.gCommandLineDefines: __IncludeMacros['ECP_SOURCE'] = GlobalData.gCommandLineDefines['ECP_SOURCE'] __IncludeMacros['EFI_SOURCE'] = GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['EFI_SOURCE'] __IncludeMacros['EDK_SOURCE'] = GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['EDK_SOURCE'] # # Allow using MACROs comes from [Defines] section to keep compatible. # __IncludeMacros.update(self._Macros) IncludedFile = NormPath(ReplaceMacro(self._ValueList[1], __IncludeMacros, RaiseError=True)) # # First search the include file under the same directory as DSC file # IncludedFile1 = PathClass(IncludedFile, self.MetaFile.Dir) ErrorCode, ErrorInfo1 = IncludedFile1.Validate() if ErrorCode != 0: # # Also search file under the WORKSPACE directory # IncludedFile1 = PathClass(IncludedFile, GlobalData.gWorkspace) ErrorCode, ErrorInfo2 = IncludedFile1.Validate() if ErrorCode != 0: EdkLogger.error('parser', ErrorCode, File=self._FileWithError, Line=self._LineIndex + 1, ExtraData=ErrorInfo1 + "\n" + ErrorInfo2) self._FileWithError = IncludedFile1 FromItem = self._Content[self._ContentIndex - 1][0] if self._InSubsection: Owner = self._Content[self._ContentIndex - 1][8] else: Owner = self._Content[self._ContentIndex - 1][0] IncludedFileTable = MetaFileStorage(self._RawTable.DB, IncludedFile1, MODEL_FILE_DSC, False, FromItem=FromItem) Parser = DscParser(IncludedFile1, self._FileType, self._Arch, IncludedFileTable, Owner=Owner, From=FromItem) self.IncludedFiles.add (IncludedFile1) # set the parser status with current status Parser._SectionName = self._SectionName Parser._SubsectionType = self._SubsectionType Parser._InSubsection = self._InSubsection Parser._SectionType = self._SectionType Parser._Scope = self._Scope Parser._Enabled = self._Enabled # Parse the included file Parser.StartParse() # Insert all records in the table for the included file into dsc file table Records = IncludedFileTable.GetAll() if Records: self._Content[self._ContentIndex:self._ContentIndex] = Records self._Content.pop(self._ContentIndex - 1) self._ValueList = None self._ContentIndex -= 1 def __ProcessSkuId(self): self._ValueList = [ReplaceMacro(Value, self._Macros, RaiseError=True) for Value in self._ValueList] def __ProcessDefaultStores(self): self._ValueList = [ReplaceMacro(Value, self._Macros, RaiseError=True) for Value in self._ValueList] def __ProcessLibraryInstance(self): self._ValueList = [ReplaceMacro(Value, self._Macros) for Value in self._ValueList] def __ProcessLibraryClass(self): self._ValueList[1] = ReplaceMacro(self._ValueList[1], self._Macros, RaiseError=True) def __ProcessPcd(self): if self._ItemType not in [MODEL_PCD_FEATURE_FLAG, MODEL_PCD_FIXED_AT_BUILD]: self._ValueList[2] = ReplaceMacro(self._ValueList[2], self._Macros, RaiseError=True) return ValList, Valid, Index = AnalyzeDscPcd(self._ValueList[2], self._ItemType) if not Valid: if self._ItemType in (MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_DEFAULT, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX_DEFAULT, MODEL_PCD_FIXED_AT_BUILD, MODEL_PCD_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE): if ValList[1] != TAB_VOID and StructPattern.match(ValList[1]) is None and ValList[2]: EdkLogger.error('build', FORMAT_INVALID, "Pcd format incorrect. The datum type info should be VOID* or a valid struct name.", File=self._FileWithError, Line=self._LineIndex + 1, ExtraData="%s.%s|%s" % (self._ValueList[0], self._ValueList[1], self._ValueList[2])) EdkLogger.error('build', FORMAT_INVALID, "Pcd format incorrect.", File=self._FileWithError, Line=self._LineIndex + 1, ExtraData="%s.%s|%s" % (self._ValueList[0], self._ValueList[1], self._ValueList[2])) PcdValue = ValList[Index] if PcdValue and "." not in self._ValueList[0]: try: ValList[Index] = ValueExpression(PcdValue, self._Macros)(True) except WrnExpression as Value: ValList[Index] = Value.result except: pass if ValList[Index] == 'True': ValList[Index] = '1' if ValList[Index] == 'False': ValList[Index] = '0' if (not self._DirectiveEvalStack) or (False not in self._DirectiveEvalStack): GlobalData.gPlatformPcds[TAB_SPLIT.join(self._ValueList[0:2])] = PcdValue self._Symbols[TAB_SPLIT.join(self._ValueList[0:2])] = PcdValue try: self._ValueList[2] = '|'.join(ValList) except Exception: print(ValList) def __ProcessComponent(self): self._ValueList[0] = ReplaceMacro(self._ValueList[0], self._Macros) def __ProcessSourceOverridePath(self): self._ValueList[0] = ReplaceMacro(self._ValueList[0], self._Macros) def __ProcessBuildOption(self): self._ValueList = [ReplaceMacro(Value, self._Macros, RaiseError=False) for Value in self._ValueList] _SectionParser = { MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER : _DefineParser, MODEL_EFI_SKU_ID : _SkuIdParser, MODEL_EFI_DEFAULT_STORES : _DefaultStoresParser, MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_INSTANCE : _LibraryInstanceParser, MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_CLASS : _LibraryClassParser, MODEL_PCD_FIXED_AT_BUILD : _PcdParser, MODEL_PCD_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE : _PcdParser, MODEL_PCD_FEATURE_FLAG : _PcdParser, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_DEFAULT : _PcdParser, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_HII : _PcdParser, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_VPD : _PcdParser, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX_DEFAULT : _PcdParser, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX_HII : _PcdParser, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX_VPD : _PcdParser, MODEL_META_DATA_COMPONENT : _ComponentParser, MODEL_META_DATA_COMPONENT_SOURCE_OVERRIDE_PATH : _CompponentSourceOverridePathParser, MODEL_META_DATA_BUILD_OPTION : _BuildOptionParser, MODEL_UNKNOWN : MetaFileParser._Skip, MODEL_META_DATA_USER_EXTENSION : MetaFileParser._SkipUserExtension, MODEL_META_DATA_SECTION_HEADER : MetaFileParser._SectionHeaderParser, MODEL_META_DATA_SUBSECTION_HEADER : _SubsectionHeaderParser, } ## DEC file parser class # # @param FilePath The path of platform description file # @param FileType The raw data of DSC file # @param Table Database used to retrieve module/package information # @param Macros Macros used for replacement in file # class DecParser(MetaFileParser): # DEC file supported data types (one type per section) DataType = { TAB_DEC_DEFINES.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER, TAB_DSC_DEFINES_DEFINE : MODEL_META_DATA_DEFINE, TAB_INCLUDES.upper() : MODEL_EFI_INCLUDE, TAB_LIBRARY_CLASSES.upper() : MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_CLASS, TAB_GUIDS.upper() : MODEL_EFI_GUID, TAB_PPIS.upper() : MODEL_EFI_PPI, TAB_PROTOCOLS.upper() : MODEL_EFI_PROTOCOL, TAB_PCDS_FIXED_AT_BUILD_NULL.upper() : MODEL_PCD_FIXED_AT_BUILD, TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE_NULL.upper() : MODEL_PCD_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE, TAB_PCDS_FEATURE_FLAG_NULL.upper() : MODEL_PCD_FEATURE_FLAG, TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_NULL.upper() : MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC, TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX_NULL.upper() : MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX, TAB_USER_EXTENSIONS.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_USER_EXTENSION, } ## Constructor of DecParser # # Initialize object of DecParser # # @param FilePath The path of platform description file # @param FileType The raw data of DSC file # @param Arch Default Arch value for filtering sections # @param Table Database used to retrieve module/package information # def __init__(self, FilePath, FileType, Arch, Table): # prevent re-initialization if hasattr(self, "_Table"): return MetaFileParser.__init__(self, FilePath, FileType, Arch, Table, -1) self._Comments = [] self._Version = 0x00010005 # Only EDK2 dec file is supported self._AllPCDs = [] # Only for check duplicate PCD self._AllPcdDict = {} self._CurrentStructurePcdName = "" self._include_flag = False self._package_flag = False ## Parser starter def Start(self): Content = '' try: Content = open(str(self.MetaFile), 'r').readlines() except: EdkLogger.error("Parser", FILE_READ_FAILURE, ExtraData=self.MetaFile) self._DefinesCount = 0 for Index in range(0, len(Content)): Line, Comment = CleanString2(Content[Index]) self._CurrentLine = Line self._LineIndex = Index # save comment for later use if Comment: self._Comments.append((Comment, self._LineIndex + 1)) # skip empty line if Line == '': continue # section header if Line[0] == TAB_SECTION_START and Line[-1] == TAB_SECTION_END: self._SectionHeaderParser() if self._SectionName == TAB_DEC_DEFINES.upper(): self._DefinesCount += 1 self._Comments = [] continue if self._SectionType == MODEL_UNKNOWN: EdkLogger.error("Parser", FORMAT_INVALID, "" "Not able to determine \"%s\" in which section."%self._CurrentLine, self.MetaFile, self._LineIndex + 1) elif len(self._SectionType) == 0: self._Comments = [] continue # section content self._ValueList = ['', '', ''] self._SectionParser[self._SectionType[0]](self) if self._ValueList is None or self._ItemType == MODEL_META_DATA_DEFINE: self._ItemType = -1 self._Comments = [] continue # # Model, Value1, Value2, Value3, Arch, BelongsToItem=-1, LineBegin=-1, # ColumnBegin=-1, LineEnd=-1, ColumnEnd=-1, FeatureFlag='', Enabled=-1 # for Arch, ModuleType, Type in self._Scope: self._LastItem = self._Store( Type, self._ValueList[0], self._ValueList[1], self._ValueList[2], Arch, ModuleType, self._Owner[-1], self._LineIndex + 1, - 1, self._LineIndex + 1, - 1, 0 ) for Comment, LineNo in self._Comments: self._Store( MODEL_META_DATA_COMMENT, Comment, self._ValueList[0], self._ValueList[1], Arch, ModuleType, self._LastItem, LineNo, - 1, LineNo, - 1, 0 ) self._Comments = [] if self._DefinesCount > 1: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, 'Multiple [Defines] section is exist.', self.MetaFile ) if self._DefinesCount == 0: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, 'No [Defines] section exist.', self.MetaFile) self._Done() ## Section header parser # # The section header is always in following format: # # [section_name.arch<.platform|module_type>] # def _SectionHeaderParser(self): self._Scope = [] self._SectionName = '' self._SectionType = [] ArchList = set() PrivateList = set() Line = re.sub(',[\s]*', TAB_COMMA_SPLIT, self._CurrentLine) for Item in Line[1:-1].split(TAB_COMMA_SPLIT): if Item == '': EdkLogger.error("Parser", FORMAT_UNKNOWN_ERROR, "section name can NOT be empty or incorrectly use separator comma", self.MetaFile, self._LineIndex + 1, self._CurrentLine) ItemList = Item.split(TAB_SPLIT) # different types of PCD are permissible in one section self._SectionName = ItemList[0].upper() if self._SectionName == TAB_DEC_DEFINES.upper() and (len(ItemList) > 1 or len(Line.split(TAB_COMMA_SPLIT)) > 1): EdkLogger.error("Parser", FORMAT_INVALID, "Defines section format is invalid", self.MetaFile, self._LineIndex + 1, self._CurrentLine) if self._SectionName in self.DataType: if self.DataType[self._SectionName] not in self._SectionType: self._SectionType.append(self.DataType[self._SectionName]) else: EdkLogger.error("Parser", FORMAT_UNKNOWN_ERROR, "%s is not a valid section name" % Item, self.MetaFile, self._LineIndex + 1, self._CurrentLine) if MODEL_PCD_FEATURE_FLAG in self._SectionType and len(self._SectionType) > 1: EdkLogger.error( 'Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "%s must not be in the same section of other types of PCD" % TAB_PCDS_FEATURE_FLAG_NULL, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1, ExtraData=self._CurrentLine ) # S1 is always Arch if len(ItemList) > 1: S1 = ItemList[1].upper() else: S1 = TAB_ARCH_COMMON ArchList.add(S1) # S2 may be Platform or ModuleType if len(ItemList) > 2: S2 = ItemList[2].upper() # only Includes, GUIDs, PPIs, Protocols section have Private tag if self._SectionName in [TAB_INCLUDES.upper(), TAB_GUIDS.upper(), TAB_PROTOCOLS.upper(), TAB_PPIS.upper()]: if S2 != 'PRIVATE': EdkLogger.error("Parser", FORMAT_INVALID, 'Please use keyword "Private" as section tag modifier.', File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1, ExtraData=self._CurrentLine) else: S2 = TAB_COMMON PrivateList.add(S2) if [S1, S2, self.DataType[self._SectionName]] not in self._Scope: self._Scope.append([S1, S2, self.DataType[self._SectionName]]) # 'COMMON' must not be used with specific ARCHs at the same section if TAB_ARCH_COMMON in ArchList and len(ArchList) > 1: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "'common' ARCH must not be used with specific ARCHs", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1, ExtraData=self._CurrentLine) # It is not permissible to mix section tags without the Private attribute with section tags with the Private attribute if TAB_COMMON in PrivateList and len(PrivateList) > 1: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Can't mix section tags without the Private attribute with section tags with the Private attribute", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1, ExtraData=self._CurrentLine) ## [guids], [ppis] and [protocols] section parser @ParseMacro def _GuidParser(self): TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT, 1) if len(TokenList) < 2: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No GUID name or value specified", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " (<CName> = <GuidValueInCFormat>)", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) if TokenList[0] == '': EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No GUID name specified", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " (<CName> = <GuidValueInCFormat>)", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) if TokenList[1] == '': EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No GUID value specified", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " (<CName> = <GuidValueInCFormat>)", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) if TokenList[1][0] != '{' or TokenList[1][-1] != '}' or GuidStructureStringToGuidString(TokenList[1]) == '': EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Invalid GUID value format", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + \ " (<CName> = <GuidValueInCFormat:{8,4,4,{2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2}}>)", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) self._ValueList[0] = TokenList[0] self._ValueList[1] = TokenList[1] if self._ValueList[0] not in self._GuidDict: self._GuidDict[self._ValueList[0]] = self._ValueList[1] def ParsePcdName(self,namelist): if "[" in namelist[1]: pcdname = namelist[1][:namelist[1].index("[")] arrayindex = namelist[1][namelist[1].index("["):] namelist[1] = pcdname if len(namelist) == 2: namelist.append(arrayindex) else: namelist[2] = ".".join((arrayindex,namelist[2])) return namelist ## PCD sections parser # # [PcdsFixedAtBuild] # [PcdsPatchableInModule] # [PcdsFeatureFlag] # [PcdsDynamicEx # [PcdsDynamic] # @ParseMacro def _PcdParser(self): if self._CurrentStructurePcdName: self._ValueList[0] = self._CurrentStructurePcdName if "|" not in self._CurrentLine: if "<HeaderFiles>" == self._CurrentLine: self._include_flag = True self._package_flag = False self._ValueList = None return if "<Packages>" == self._CurrentLine: self._package_flag = True self._ValueList = None self._include_flag = False return if self._include_flag: self._ValueList[1] = "<HeaderFiles>_" + md5(self._CurrentLine).hexdigest() self._ValueList[2] = self._CurrentLine if self._package_flag and "}" != self._CurrentLine: self._ValueList[1] = "<Packages>_" + md5(self._CurrentLine).hexdigest() self._ValueList[2] = self._CurrentLine if self._CurrentLine == "}": self._package_flag = False self._include_flag = False self._ValueList = None return else: PcdTockens = self._CurrentLine.split(TAB_VALUE_SPLIT) PcdNames = self.ParsePcdName(PcdTockens[0].split(TAB_SPLIT)) if len(PcdNames) == 2: if PcdNames[1].strip().endswith("]"): PcdName = PcdNames[1][:PcdNames[1].index('[')] Index = PcdNames[1][PcdNames[1].index('['):] self._ValueList[0] = TAB_SPLIT.join((PcdNames[0],PcdName)) self._ValueList[1] = Index self._ValueList[2] = PcdTockens[1] else: self._CurrentStructurePcdName = "" else: if self._CurrentStructurePcdName != TAB_SPLIT.join(PcdNames[:2]): EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Pcd Name does not match: %s and %s " % (self._CurrentStructurePcdName, TAB_SPLIT.join(PcdNames[:2])), File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) self._ValueList[1] = TAB_SPLIT.join(PcdNames[2:]) self._ValueList[2] = PcdTockens[1] if not self._CurrentStructurePcdName: TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_VALUE_SPLIT, 1) self._ValueList[0:1] = GetSplitValueList(TokenList[0], TAB_SPLIT) ValueRe = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*') # check PCD information if self._ValueList[0] == '' or self._ValueList[1] == '': EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No token space GUID or PCD name specified", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + \ " (<TokenSpaceGuidCName>.<PcdCName>|<DefaultValue>|<DatumType>|<Token>)", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) # check format of token space GUID CName if not ValueRe.match(self._ValueList[0]): EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "The format of the token space GUID CName is invalid. The correct format is '(a-zA-Z_)[a-zA-Z0-9_]*'", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + \ " (<TokenSpaceGuidCName>.<PcdCName>|<DefaultValue>|<DatumType>|<Token>)", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) # check format of PCD CName if not ValueRe.match(self._ValueList[1]): EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "The format of the PCD CName is invalid. The correct format is '(a-zA-Z_)[a-zA-Z0-9_]*'", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + \ " (<TokenSpaceGuidCName>.<PcdCName>|<DefaultValue>|<DatumType>|<Token>)", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) # check PCD datum information if len(TokenList) < 2 or TokenList[1] == '': EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No PCD Datum information given", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + \ " (<TokenSpaceGuidCName>.<PcdCName>|<DefaultValue>|<DatumType>|<Token>)", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) ValueRe = re.compile(r'^\s*L?\".*\|.*\"') PtrValue = ValueRe.findall(TokenList[1]) # Has VOID* type string, may contain "|" character in the string. if len(PtrValue) != 0: ptrValueList = re.sub(ValueRe, '', TokenList[1]) ValueList = AnalyzePcdExpression(ptrValueList) ValueList[0] = PtrValue[0] else: ValueList = AnalyzePcdExpression(TokenList[1]) # check if there's enough datum information given if len(ValueList) != 3: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Invalid PCD Datum information given", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + \ " (<TokenSpaceGuidCName>.<PcdCName>|<DefaultValue>|<DatumType>|<Token>)", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) # check default value if ValueList[0] == '': EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Missing DefaultValue in PCD Datum information", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + \ " (<TokenSpaceGuidCName>.<PcdCName>|<DefaultValue>|<DatumType>|<Token>)", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) # check datum type if ValueList[1] == '': EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Missing DatumType in PCD Datum information", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + \ " (<TokenSpaceGuidCName>.<PcdCName>|<DefaultValue>|<DatumType>|<Token>)", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) # check token of the PCD if ValueList[2] == '': EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Missing Token in PCD Datum information", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + \ " (<TokenSpaceGuidCName>.<PcdCName>|<DefaultValue>|<DatumType>|<Token>)", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) PcdValue = ValueList[0] if PcdValue: try: self._GuidDict.update(self._AllPcdDict) ValueList[0] = ValueExpressionEx(ValueList[0], ValueList[1], self._GuidDict)(True) except BadExpression as Value: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, Value, ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) # check format of default value against the datum type IsValid, Cause = CheckPcdDatum(ValueList[1], ValueList[0]) if not IsValid: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, Cause, ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) if Cause == "StructurePcd": self._CurrentStructurePcdName = TAB_SPLIT.join(self._ValueList[0:2]) self._ValueList[0] = self._CurrentStructurePcdName self._ValueList[1] = ValueList[1].strip() if ValueList[0] in ['True', 'true', 'TRUE']: ValueList[0] = '1' elif ValueList[0] in ['False', 'false', 'FALSE']: ValueList[0] = '0' # check for duplicate PCD definition if (self._Scope[0], self._ValueList[0], self._ValueList[1]) in self._AllPCDs: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "The same PCD name and GUID have been already defined", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1) else: self._AllPCDs.append((self._Scope[0], self._ValueList[0], self._ValueList[1])) self._AllPcdDict[TAB_SPLIT.join(self._ValueList[0:2])] = ValueList[0] self._ValueList[2] = ValueList[0].strip() + '|' + ValueList[1].strip() + '|' + ValueList[2].strip() _SectionParser = { MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER : MetaFileParser._DefineParser, MODEL_EFI_INCLUDE : MetaFileParser._PathParser, MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_CLASS : MetaFileParser._PathParser, MODEL_EFI_GUID : _GuidParser, MODEL_EFI_PPI : _GuidParser, MODEL_EFI_PROTOCOL : _GuidParser, MODEL_PCD_FIXED_AT_BUILD : _PcdParser, MODEL_PCD_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE : _PcdParser, MODEL_PCD_FEATURE_FLAG : _PcdParser, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC : _PcdParser, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX : _PcdParser, MODEL_UNKNOWN : MetaFileParser._Skip, MODEL_META_DATA_USER_EXTENSION : MetaFileParser._SkipUserExtension, } ## # # This acts like the main() function for the script, unless it is 'import'ed into another # script. # if __name__ == '__main__': pass
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2004-2014 Vertel AB (<>). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ############################################################################## # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:
from __future__ import print_function import argparse import fnmatch import functools import logging import os import pprint import subprocess from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points logging.basicConfig() logger = logging.getLogger('mfind') class Primary(object): """This will be extended by all primaries """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.__dict__.update(kwargs) def path_match(context, case_match=True): """Compares a file path against a pattern similar to `find -path arg1` """ dirname = context['dirname'] pattern = context['args'] if case_match and fnmatch.fnmatchcase(dirname, pattern): return context if not case_match and fnmatch.fnmatch(dirname.lower(), pattern.lower()): return context def name_match(context, case_match=True): """Compares a file name against a pattern similar to `find -name arg1` """ filename = context['filename'] pattern = context['args'] if case_match and fnmatch.fnmatchcase(filename, pattern): return context if not case_match and fnmatch.fnmatch(filename.lower(), pattern.lower()): return context def print_path(context, null=False): """Prints out the filename similar to `find . -print` """ path = context['path'] suffix = context['args'] context['buffer'].append(path) if suffix: context['buffer'].append(suffix) if null: context['buffer'].append('\0') return context def print_linefeed(context): """Prints out a new line Useful to separate outputs into several lines """ context['buffer'].append('\n') return context def print_context(context): """Prints out the conext Useful for debugging """ context['buffer'].append(pprint.pformat(context)) return context def exec_command(context): """Calls an external command, inspired by find -exec {} will be converted to file path anywhere it appears in the args. TODO: added context params inside {} """ path = context['path'] command = context['args'] command = [path if t == '{}' else t for t in command][:-1]) return context tests_map = { 'name': name_match, 'iname': functools.partial(name_match, case_match=True), 'path': path_match, 'ipath': functools.partial(path_match, case_match=True), 'true': lambda context: context, 'false': lambda _: False, } actions_map = { 'print': print_path, 'println': print_linefeed, 'print0': functools.partial(print_path, null=True), 'print_context': print_context, 'exec': exec_command, } def evaluate(dirname, filename, tests, actions, verbosity): """Evaluates a user test and return True or False, like GNU find tests """ context = { 'dirname': dirname, 'filename': filename, 'path': os.path.relpath(os.path.join(dirname, filename)), 'verbosity': verbosity, 'buffer': [], } for test, args in tests: context.update({'args': args}) test = tests_map[test] context = test(context) if not context: return False for action, args in actions: context.update({'args': args}) action = actions_map[action] context = action(context) if not context: return False line = ''.join(context['buffer']) if line.strip(): print(line) return True class TreeWalker(object): """provides a functionality similar to os.walk but can do pre defined depth when needed. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): = kwargs.get('top', os.getcwd()) if not os.path.exists( raise IOError('{}: No such file or directory'.format( self.max_depth = kwargs.get('max_depth') if isinstance(self.max_depth, list): self.max_depth = self.max_depth[0] self.depth_first = kwargs.get('depth_first', False) self._depth = 0 self.recursive = self.max_depth is None or self.max_depth > 0 self.follow_links = kwargs.get('follow_links', False) def __repr__(self): return 'TreeWalker(top=%(top)s, max_depth=%(max_depth)r)' % self.__dict__ def walk(self, top=None, depth=0): if not top: top = if self.max_depth is not None: if depth > self.max_depth: return if os.path.isdir(top): for f in sorted(os.listdir(top), key=os.path.isdir, reverse=self.depth_first): file_path = os.path.join(top, f) if os.path.isdir(file_path) and self.recursive: islink = os.path.islink(file_path) if islink and not self.follow_links: continue for d, f in self.walk(file_path, depth + 1): yield d, f elif os.path.isfile(file_path): yield top, f else: yield os.path.split(top) class ArgTest(argparse.Action): """An Action that collects arguments in the order they appear at the shell """ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): if 'tests' not in namespace: setattr(namespace, 'tests', []) namespace.tests.append((self.dest, values)) class ArgAction(argparse.Action): """An Action that collects arguments in the order they appear at the shell """ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): if 'actions' not in namespace: setattr(namespace, 'actions', []) namespace.actions.append((self.dest, values)) def cli_args(): """ """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="extensible pure python gnu file like tool." ) parser.add_argument('-follow', dest='follow_links', action='store_true', help="Follow symbolic links, the default is not to follow.", default=False) parser.add_argument('-depth', '-d', dest='depth_first', action='store_true', default=False, help=("Process the subdirectory before processing the " "sibling files available under that directory.") ) parser.add_argument('-maxdepth', dest='max_depth', action='store', default=None, type=int, nargs=1, help=("Limit the recursion to a maximum depth." " The default is unlimited depth. ") ) parser.add_argument('path', action='store', nargs='?', default=os.getcwd(), help="""The root of the processing tree, this defaults to the current working directory `pwd`.""") parser.add_argument('-v', action='count', dest='verbose', default=0, help=""" The level of verbosirty. The more v you add the more stuff you will see. """) parser.add_argument('-name', dest='name', action=ArgTest, help="""Match by filename, accepts UNIX globbing patterns. e.g. `-name *.rst` """) parser.add_argument('-iname', dest='iname', action=ArgTest, help="""Match by filename, similar to `-name` but this is case insensitive match. """) parser.add_argument('-path', dest='path', action=ArgTest, help="""Match by path, accepts UNIX globbing patterns. e.g. `-path *.rst` """) parser.add_argument('-ipath', dest='ipath', action=ArgTest, help="""Match by filename, similar to `-ipath` but this is case insensitive match. """) parser.add_argument('-true', dest='true', action=ArgTest, nargs=0, help="""Always evaluates to True""") parser.add_argument('-false', dest='false', action=ArgTest, nargs=0, help="""Always evaluates to False""") parser.add_argument('-print', dest='print', action=ArgAction, nargs='?', help="""Prints the file path. It accepts an optional argument as a string which is used as a seperator, e.g. `-print ','` would print the file path followed by a comma, thus any further print from thie file context would be printed on the same line after the comma. Each file is printed in a new line so this should not be confused as a separator between matching files.""") parser.add_argument('-print0', dest='print0', action=ArgAction, nargs=0, help="""Print the file path follows by a null character rather than space. Helpful to be used with `xargs -0`.""") parser.add_argument('-println', dest='println', action=ArgAction, nargs=0, help="""Print the file path followed by a new line. """) parser.add_argument('-print-context', dest='print_context', action=ArgAction, nargs=0, help="""" Prints the context for the match, the context is implemented as a mapping object where primaries can add/remove/modify any of the key/value pairs.""") parser.add_argument('-exec', dest='exec', action=ArgAction, nargs='+', help="""Execute a shell command when a match happens, any `{}` will be replaced by the match path.""") # add plugins for plugin in iter_entry_points(group='mfind.plugin', name='cli_args'): parser = plugin.load()(parser) return parser def main(): parser = cli_args() ns = parser.parse_args() verbose = logging.DEBUG if ns.verbose >= 2 else logging.INFO logger.setLevel(verbose) tw = TreeWalker(top=ns.path, **ns.__dict__) tests = getattr(ns, 'tests', []) actions = getattr(ns, 'actions', []) if not actions: logger.debug('defaulting action to print') actions = [('print', None)] # add plugins for plugin in iter_entry_points(group='mfind.plugin', name='tests'): tests_map.update(plugin.load()) for plugin in iter_entry_points(group='mfind.plugin', name='actions'): actions_map.update(plugin.load()) for dirname, filename in tw.walk(): evaluate(dirname, filename, tests, actions, ns.verbose)
import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk from collections import namedtuple import sqlite3 from enum import Enum import re import datetime import logging import os import time # Regular expression we rely upon win_loss_pattern = r'PowerTaskList\.DebugPrintPower\(\) - TAG_CHANGE Entity=(.+) tag=PLAYSTATE value=(WON|LOST|TIED)' full_entity_pattern = r'PowerTaskList\.DebugPrintPower\(\) - FULL_ENTITY - Updating' show_entity_pattern = r'PowerTaskList\.DebugPrintPower\(\) - SHOW_ENTITY - Updating' show_entity_sub_pattern = "Entity=(\[.+?\]) CardID=(.+)" hero_pattern = r'HERO_0(\d)' create_game_pattern = r'PowerTaskList\.DebugPrintPower\(\) - CREATE_GAME' tag_change_pattern = r"PowerTaskList\.DebugPrintPower\(\) - TAG_CHANGE" action_begin_pattern = "PowerTaskList\.DebugPrintPower\(\) - ACTION_START" action_end_pattern = "PowerTaskList\.DebugPrintPower\(\) - ACTION_END" action_param_pattern = "Entity=(.+) BlockType=(.+) Index=(.+) Target=(.+)" entity_pattern = "\[id=(\d+?) cardId= type=(.+?) zone=(.+?) zonePos=(\d+?) player=(\d)\]" entity_pattern2 = "\[name=(.+?) id=(.+?) zone=(.+?) zonePos=(\d+) cardId=(.+?) player=(\d)\]" tag_param_pattern = "Entity=(.+) tag=(.+) value=(.+)" player_pattern = "PowerTaskList\.DebugPrintPower\(\) - Player" player_acc_pattern = "EntityID=(\d) PlayerID=(\d) GameAccountId=\[hi=(\d+?) lo=(\d+?)\]" # Hero to int mappings hero_dict = {9: 'Priest', 3: 'Rogue', 8: 'Mage', 4: 'Paladin', 1: 'Warrior', 7: 'Warlock', 5: 'Hunter', 2: 'Shaman', 6: 'Druid'} hero_dict_names = {v: k for k, v in hero_dict.items()} class AutocompleteCardEntry(ttk.Entry): """ Requires a working database cursor to work """ def __init__(self, parent, cursor, **kwargs): ttk.Entry.__init__(self, parent, **kwargs) self.var = self['textvariable'] self.parent = parent self.cursor = cursor if self.var == '': self.var = self['textvariable'] = tk.StringVar() self.var.trace('w', self.changed) self.bind("<Right>", self.selection) self.bind("<Return>", self.selection) self.bind("<Up>", self.up) self.bind("<Down>", self.down) self.cb = [] self.lb_up = False def bind_card_cb(self, func): self.cb.append(func) def changed(self, name, index, mode): if self.var.get() == '': self.lb_up = False else: words = self.comparison() if words: if not self.lb_up: = tk.Listbox(self.parent)"<Double-Button-1>", self.selection)"<Right>", self.selection), y=self.winfo_y()+self.winfo_height()) self.lb_up = True, tk.END) for w in words:,w) else: if self.lb_up: self.lb_up = False def selection(self, event): if self.lb_up: self.var.set( self.lb_up = False self.icursor(tk.END) for f in self.cb: f(self.var.get()) else: for f in self.cb: f(self.var.get()) def up(self, event): if self.lb_up: if == (): index = '0' else: index =[0] if index != '0': index = str(int(index)-1) def down(self, event): if self.lb_up: if == (): index = '0' else: index =[0] if index != tk.END: index = str(int(index)+1) def comparison(self): search = '%'+self.var.get()+'%' results = self.cursor.execute(r"SELECT name FROM cards WHERE name LIKE ?", (search,)) rows = results.fetchall() l = [] for row in rows: l.append(row[0]) return l #This function contains all of the logic required to parse the Hearthstone log # and generate events from the log, there are some serious issues with reponening # this is one of the major problems i need to research and address def thread_func(*args): path = args[0] exit_flag = args[1] state_queue = args[2] parser = LogParser(state_queue) file = open(path, 'r') counter = 0 old_size = os.stat(path).st_size,2) while 1: if exit_flag.is_set(): file.close() return where = file.tell() line = file.readline() # No new line if not line: time.sleep(1) counter += 1 if counter > 5: file.close() size = os.stat(path).st_size file = open(path, 'r') if size == old_size or size > old_size: old_size = size counter = 0 else: counter -= 1 parser.parse_line(line) # We need a well defined interface to pass events to the GUI # Events we need: # Game started and playerid's' # Who the foreign player is # when a card is played, what turn it was played, and who played it # when the game ends and the outcome (including relevant statistics) Player = namedtuple('Player', ['name', 'id', 'high', 'low', 'hero', 'hero_name']) GameStart = namedtuple('GameStart', ['players',]) GameOutcome = namedtuple('GameOutcome', ['won', 'first', 'duration', 'turns']) CardPlayed = namedtuple('CardPlayed', ['cardId', 'turn', 'player']) CardDrawn = namedtuple('CardDrawn', ['cardId', 'turn']) CardShuffled = namedtuple('CardDrawn', ['cardId', 'player']) GameEvent = namedtuple('GameEvent', ['type', 'data']) # This will get passed back to the GUI # Enum for GameEvent types class EventType(Enum): #Contains a dictionary with information about the local and foreign player data['foreign'] = Player(...) GameStart = 1 #Contains a dictionary with information about the outcome of the game GameEnd = 2 #Contains a dictionary with the information about who, when, and what CardPlayed = 3 CardDrawn = 4 CardShuffled = 5 class LogParser(): def __init__(self, state_queue): self.q = state_queue self._compile_regex() self._reset() def _reset(self): self.players = {} self.in_game = False self.turn_num = 1 self.game_start_time = None self.entities = {} self.local_player_found = False self.foreign_player_found = False self.first = True def _game_start(self): self.in_game = True self.game_start_time = return def _player_acc(self, entityid, playerid, high, low): self.players[playerid] = Player(None, playerid, high, low, None, None) return def _full_entity(self, entity): name = entity.get('name', None) if self.local_player_found is False: if name is not None: pinfo = self.players[entity['player']] self.players['local'] = Player(None,, pinfo.high, pinfo.low, None, None) print('The local player is ID: {0}'.format( self.local_player_found = True if self.foreign_player_found is False: if self.local_player_found is True: if entity['player'] is not self.players['local'].id: pinfo = self.players[entity['player']] self.players['foreign'] = Player(None,, pinfo.high, pinfo.low, None, None) print('The foreign player is ID: {0}'.format( self.foreign_player_found = True cardId = entity.get('cardId', None) if cardId is not None: e = CardDrawn(cardId, self.turn_num) self.q.put(GameEvent(EventType.CardDrawn, e)) if cardId == 'GAME_005': self.first = False m = self.re_hero.match(cardId) if m is not None: if entity['player'] == self.players['local'].id: tmp_p = self.players['local'] p = Player(,, tmp_p.high, tmp_p.low, int(, entity.get('name', None)) self.players['local'] = p print("The local player is playing {0}".format(entity['name'])) return else: tmp_p = self.players['foreign'] p = Player(,, tmp_p.high, tmp_p.low, int(, entity.get('name', None)) self.players['foreign'] = p print("The foreign player is playing {0}".format(entity['name'])) return def _show_entity(self, entity, cardId): if entity['player'] is self.players['foreign'].id: if entity['zone'] in ('DECK', 'HAND'): e = CardPlayed(cardId, self.turn_num, entity['player']) self.q.put(GameEvent(EventType.CardPlayed, e)) if entity['player'] is self.players['local'].id: if entity['zone'] == 'DECK': e = CardDrawn(cardId, self.turn_num) self.q.put(GameEvent(EventType.CardDrawn, e)) def _tag_change(self, tag, value, entity): if tag == 'PLAYSTATE': if value in ('WON', 'LOST', 'TIED'): if self.in_game: if entity != self.players['local'].name: return else: deltaT = - self.game_start_time duration = deltaT.total_seconds() outcome = None if value == 'WON': outcome = GameOutcome(True, self.first, duration, self.turn_num) else: outcome = GameOutcome(False, self.first, duration, self.turn_num) self.q.put(GameEvent(EventType.GameEnd, outcome)) self._reset() return elif tag == 'PLAYER_ID': if value == self.players['local'].id: tmp_p = self.players['local'] p = Player(entity,, tmp_p.high, tmp_p.low, tmp_p.hero, tmp_p.hero_name) self.players['local'] = p else: tmp_p = self.players['foreign'] p = Player(entity,, tmp_p.high, tmp_p.low, tmp_p.hero, tmp_p.hero_name) self.players['foreign'] = p if self.players['foreign'].name is not None: if self.players['local'].name is not None: #Submit the event to the GUI self.q.put(GameEvent(EventType.GameStart, GameStart(self.players))) return return elif tag == 'ZONE': if value == 'PLAY': if isinstance(entity, dict): #Local player played a card cardid = entity.get('cardId', None) if cardid is not None: e = CardPlayed(entity['cardId'], self.turn_num, entity['player']) self.q.put(GameEvent(EventType.CardPlayed, e)) if value == 'DECK': if isinstance(entity, dict): #Local player played a card cardid = entity.get('cardId', None) if cardid is not None: e = CardShuffled(entity['cardId'], entity['player']) self.q.put(GameEvent(EventType.CardShuffled, e)) elif tag == 'TURN': if entity == 'GameEntity': self.turn_num = int(value) def parse_entity(self, subline): # try the two more specific regular expressions match = self.re_ent_id.match(subline) if match: #entity_pattern = "\[id=(\d+?) cardId= type=(.+?) zone=(.+?) zonePos=(\d+?) player=(\d)\]" id = cardId = None t = zone = zonePos = player = return {'id': id, 'type': t, 'zone': zone, 'zonePos': zonePos, 'player': player} match = self.re_ent_name.match(subline) if match: #entity_pattern2 = "\[name=(.+?) id=(.+?) zone=(.+?) zonePos=(\d+) cardId=(.+?) player=(\d)\]" name = id = zone = zonePos = cardId = player = return {'name': name, 'id': id, 'zone': zone, 'zonePos': zonePos, 'cardId': cardId, 'player': player} return subline def parse_line(self, line): magic = line[0] log_timestamp = line[2:17] try: log_time = datetime.strptime(log_timestamp, '%H:%M:%S.%f') except: pass # program_time = # self.timestamp = program_time.strftime('[%H:%M:%S.%f] ') # Take only the data we need data = line[19:] self.handle_line(data) def handle_line(self, line): # TAG CHANGE m = self.re_tag_change.match(line) if m is not None: subline = line[m.end(0) + 1:] mm = self.re_tag_param.match(subline) if mm is not None: ent_str = tag = value = entity = self.parse_entity(ent_str) self._tag_change(tag, value, entity) return # SHOW ENTITY m = self.re_show_ent.match(line) if m is not None: subline = line[m.end(0) + 1:] mm = self.re_sub_ent.match(subline) if mm is not None: ent_str = entity = self.parse_entity(ent_str) self._show_entity(entity, return # FULL ENTITY m = self.re_full_ent.match(line) if m is not None: subline = line[m.end(0) + 1:] entity = self.parse_entity(subline) self._full_entity(entity) return # PLAYER m = self.re_player.match(line) if m is not None: subline = line[m.end(0) + 1:] mm = self.re_player_acc.match(subline) if mm is not None: entityid = pid = high = int( low = int( self._player_acc(entityid, pid, high, low) return # CREATE GAME m = self.re_game_start.match(line) if m is not None: self._game_start() def _compile_regex(self): self.re_game_start = re.compile(create_game_pattern) self.re_player = re.compile(player_pattern) self.re_player_acc = re.compile(player_acc_pattern) self.re_game_end = re.compile(win_loss_pattern) self.re_hero = re.compile(hero_pattern) self.re_tag_change = re.compile(tag_change_pattern) self.re_tag_param = re.compile(tag_param_pattern) self.re_ent_id = re.compile(entity_pattern) self.re_ent_name = re.compile(entity_pattern2) self.re_full_ent = re.compile(full_entity_pattern) self.re_show_ent = re.compile(show_entity_pattern) self.re_sub_ent = re.compile(show_entity_sub_pattern)
from raven.contrib.flask import Sentry from flask import Flask from flask.ext.babel import Babel from flask.ext.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy from flask.ext.markdown import Markdown from flask.ext.login import LoginManager from flask.ext.gravatar import Gravatar from flask.ext.migrate import Migrate, MigrateCommand from flask.ext.script import Manager from flask.ext.mail import Mail import pytz app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_pyfile("../", silent=True) app.config.from_pyfile("../", silent=True) app.jinja_env.add_extension('pyjade.ext.jinja.PyJadeExtension') manager = Manager(app) db = SQLAlchemy(app) markdown = Markdown(app, safe_mode="escape") login_manager = LoginManager(app) sentry = Sentry(app) gravatar = Gravatar(app, size=48, rating='g', default='identicon', force_default=False, use_ssl=True, base_url=None) babel = Babel(app) supported_languages = ['en', 'de'] migrate = Migrate(app, db) manager.add_command("db", MigrateCommand) mail = Mail(app) default_timezone = pytz.timezone(app.config["DEFAULT_TIMEZONE"]) from dudel.util import load_icons ICONS = load_icons("dudel/icons.txt") import dudel.assets import dudel.models import dudel.forms import dudel.filters import dudel.views import dudel.admin import dudel.plugins.ldapauth login_manager.login_view = "login"
# This file is part of the Simulation Manager project for VecNet. # For copyright and licensing information about this project, see the # NOTICE.txt and files in its top-level directory; they are # available at # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License (MPL), version 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed # with this file, You can obtain one at class SimulationModel(object): """ Base class for simulation models. An instance represents a particular version of a simulation model available on the compute engine. """ def __init__(self, id_, version, output_filenames=None): """ :param string id_: The model's identifier (see vecnet's simulation_models.model_id module) :param string version: The identifier for the model version, e.g., '30', '1.2a4', '4.10 (build 7)'. :param sequence output_filenames: Names of the model's output files. """ = id_ self.version = version if output_filenames is None: output_filenames = list() self.output_filenames = output_filenames
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals from config.template_middleware import TemplateResponse from import CommandExecutionException from gaecookie.decorator import no_csrf from gaepermission import facade from livro_app import fachada from tekton import router from tekton.gae.middleware.redirect import RedirectResponse # Handlers @no_csrf def index(_logged_user): buscar_livros_cmd = fachada.listar_livros_de_autor_cmd(_logged_user) livro_lista = buscar_livros_cmd() book_form = fachada.livro_tabela_form() livro_lista = [book_form.fill_with_model(livro) for livro in livro_lista] editar_form_path = router.to_path(editar_form) delete_path = router.to_path(delete) for livro in livro_lista: livro['edit_path'] = '%s/%s' % (editar_form_path, livro['id']) livro['delete_path'] = '%s/%s' % (delete_path, livro['id']) contexto = {'livro_lista': livro_lista, 'form_path': router.to_path(form)} return TemplateResponse(contexto) @no_csrf def editar_form(book_id): busca_cmd = fachada.get_livro(book_id) book = busca_cmd() book_form = fachada.livro_form() book_form.fill_with_model(book) contexto = {'salvar_path': router.to_path(editar, book_id), 'book': book_form} return TemplateResponse(contexto, 'books/form.html') def editar(book_id, **propriedades): editar_cmd = fachada.editar_livro(book_id, **propriedades) try: editar_cmd() return RedirectResponse(router.to_path(index)) except CommandExecutionException: contexto = {'salvar_path': router.to_path(salvar), 'erros': editar_cmd.errors, 'book': propriedades} return TemplateResponse(contexto, 'books/form.html') @no_csrf def form(): contexto = {'salvar_path': router.to_path(salvar)} return TemplateResponse(contexto, 'books/form_novo.html') def delete(book_id): apagar_livro_cmd = fachada.apagar_livro_cmd(book_id) apagar_livro_cmd() return RedirectResponse(router.to_path(index)) def salvar(email, **propriedades): get_user_by_email_cmd = facade.get_user_by_email(email) salvar_livro_com_autor_cmd = fachada.salvar_livro(get_user_by_email_cmd, **propriedades) try: salvar_livro_com_autor_cmd() return RedirectResponse(router.to_path(index)) except CommandExecutionException: contexto = {'salvar_path': router.to_path(salvar), 'erros': salvar_livro_com_autor_cmd.errors, 'email': email, 'book': propriedades} return TemplateResponse(contexto, 'books/form_novo.html')
from __future__ import absolute_import import scanomatic.generics.model as model class SegmentationModel(model.Model): def __init__(self, dydt=None, dydt_ranks=None, dydt_signs=None, d2yd2t=None, d2yd2t_signs=None, phases=None, offset=0, log2_curve=None, times=None, plate=None, pos=None): self.log2_curve = log2_curve """:type : numpy.ndarray""" self.times = times """:type : numpy.ndarray""" self.plate = plate """:type : int""" self.pos = pos """:type : (int, int)""" self.dydt = dydt """:type : numpy.ndarray""" self.dydt_ranks = dydt_ranks """:type : numpy.ndarray""" self.dydt_signs = dydt_signs """:type : numpy.ndarray""" self.d2yd2t = d2yd2t """:type : numpy.ndarray""" self.d2yd2t_signs = d2yd2t_signs """:type : numpy.ndarray""" self.offset = offset """:type : int""" self.phases = phases """:type : numpy.ndarray""" super(SegmentationModel, self).__init__()
# Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Computes metrics for Google Landmarks Recognition dataset predictions. Metrics are written to stdout. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import argparse import sys from tensorflow.python.platform import app from delf.python.google_landmarks_dataset import dataset_file_io from delf.python.google_landmarks_dataset import metrics cmd_args = None def main(argv): if len(argv) > 1: raise RuntimeError('Too many command-line arguments.') # Read solution. print('Reading solution...') public_solution, private_solution, ignored_ids = dataset_file_io.ReadSolution( cmd_args.solution_path, dataset_file_io.RECOGNITION_TASK_ID) print('done!') # Read predictions. print('Reading predictions...') public_predictions, private_predictions = dataset_file_io.ReadPredictions( cmd_args.predictions_path, set(public_solution.keys()), set(private_solution.keys()), set(ignored_ids), dataset_file_io.RECOGNITION_TASK_ID) print('done!') # Global Average Precision. print('**********************************************') print('(Public) Global Average Precision: %f' % metrics.GlobalAveragePrecision(public_predictions, public_solution)) print('(Private) Global Average Precision: %f' % metrics.GlobalAveragePrecision(private_predictions, private_solution)) # Global Average Precision ignoring non-landmark queries. print('**********************************************') print( '(Public) Global Average Precision ignoring non-landmark queries: %f' % metrics.GlobalAveragePrecision( public_predictions, public_solution, ignore_non_gt_test_images=True)) print( '(Private) Global Average Precision ignoring non-landmark queries: %f' % metrics.GlobalAveragePrecision( private_predictions, private_solution, ignore_non_gt_test_images=True)) # Top-1 accuracy. print('**********************************************') print('(Public) Top-1 accuracy: %.2f' % (100.0 * metrics.Top1Accuracy(public_predictions, public_solution))) print('(Private) Top-1 accuracy: %.2f' % (100.0 * metrics.Top1Accuracy(private_predictions, private_solution))) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.register('type', 'bool', lambda v: v.lower() == 'true') parser.add_argument( '--predictions_path', type=str, default='/tmp/predictions.csv', help=""" Path to CSV predictions file, formatted with columns 'id,landmarks' (the file should include a header). """) parser.add_argument( '--solution_path', type=str, default='/tmp/solution.csv', help=""" Path to CSV solution file, formatted with columns 'id,landmarks,Usage' (the file should include a header). """) cmd_args, unparsed = parser.parse_known_args(), argv=[sys.argv[0]] + unparsed)
import urllib import re __all__ = ["safe_quote_tuple", "etree_to_dict", "return_true"] camelcase_to_underscore = lambda s: re.sub('(((?<=[a-z])[A-Z])|([A-Z](?![A-Z]|$)))', '_\\1', s).lower().strip('_') def safe_quote_tuple(tuple_): """Convert a 2-tuple to a string for use with AWS""" key = urllib.quote(str(tuple_[0]), '-_.~') value = urllib.quote(str(tuple_[1]), '-_.~') return "%s=%s" % (key, value) def etree_to_dict(etree, namespace=None, tag_list=True, convert_camelcase=False): """ Convert an etree to a dict. **Keyword arguments:** * *namespace* -- XML Namespace to be removed from tag names (Default None) """ children = etree.getchildren() if len(children) == 0: return etree.text children_dict = {} for element in children: tag = element.tag if namespace is not None: tag = tag.replace(namespace, "") if convert_camelcase: tag = camelcase_to_underscore(tag) element_dict = etree_to_dict(element, namespace=namespace, tag_list=tag_list, convert_camelcase=convert_camelcase) if tag in children_dict: if not isinstance(children_dict[tag], list): children_dict[tag] = [children_dict[tag]] children_dict[tag].append(element_dict) else: if tag_list: children_dict[tag] = [element_dict] else: children_dict[tag] = element_dict return children_dict def return_true(data): return True
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2022 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! # # Snippet for CreateContact # NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. # It may require modifications to work in your environment. # To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: # python3 -m pip install google-cloud-essential-contacts # [START essentialcontacts_v1_generated_EssentialContactsService_CreateContact_async] from import essential_contacts_v1 async def sample_create_contact(): # Create a client client = essential_contacts_v1.EssentialContactsServiceAsyncClient() # Initialize request argument(s) request = essential_contacts_v1.CreateContactRequest( parent="parent_value", ) # Make the request response = await client.create_contact(request=request) # Handle the response print(response) # [END essentialcontacts_v1_generated_EssentialContactsService_CreateContact_async]
from __future__ import unicode_literals import json import re import os import jinja2 from nipype.utils.filemanip import loadcrash from pkg_resources import resource_filename as pkgrf class Element(object): def __init__(self, name, file_pattern, title, description): = name self.file_pattern = re.compile(file_pattern) self.title = title self.description = description self.files_contents = [] class SubReport(object): def __init__(self, name, elements, title=''): = name self.title = title self.elements = [] self.run_reports = [] for e in elements: element = Element(**e) self.elements.append(element) def order_by_run(self): run_reps = {} for elem_index in range(len(self.elements) - 1, -1, -1): element = self.elements[elem_index] for index in range(len(element.files_contents) - 1, -1, -1): filename = element.files_contents[index][0] file_contents = element.files_contents[index][1] name, title = self.generate_name_title(filename) if not name: continue new_elem = {'name':, 'file_pattern': element.file_pattern, 'title': element.title, 'description': element.description} try: new_element = Element(**new_elem) run_reps[name].elements.append(new_element) run_reps[name].elements[-1].files_contents.append((filename, file_contents)) except KeyError: run_reps[name] = SubReport(name, [new_elem], title=title) run_reps[name].elements[0].files_contents.append((filename, file_contents)) keys = list(run_reps.keys()) keys.sort() for key in keys: self.run_reports.append(run_reps[key]) def generate_name_title(self, filename): fname = os.path.basename(filename) expr = re.compile('^sub-(?P<subject_id>[a-zA-Z0-9]+)(_ses-(?P<session_id>[a-zA-Z0-9]+))?' '(_task-(?P<task_id>[a-zA-Z0-9]+))?(_acq-(?P<acq_id>[a-zA-Z0-9]+))?' '(_rec-(?P<rec_id>[a-zA-Z0-9]+))?(_run-(?P<run_id>[a-zA-Z0-9]+))?') outputs = if outputs: outputs = outputs.groupdict() else: return None, None name = '{session}{task}{acq}{rec}{run}'.format( session="_ses-" + outputs['session_id'] if outputs['session_id'] else '', task="_task-" + outputs['task_id'] if outputs['task_id'] else '', acq="_acq-" + outputs['acq_id'] if outputs['acq_id'] else '', rec="_rec-" + outputs['rec_id'] if outputs['rec_id'] else '', run="_run-" + outputs['run_id'] if outputs['run_id'] else '' ) title = '{session}{task}{acq}{rec}{run}'.format( session=" Session: " + outputs['session_id'] if outputs['session_id'] else '', task=" Task: " + outputs['task_id'] if outputs['task_id'] else '', acq=" Acquisition: " + outputs['acq_id'] if outputs['acq_id'] else '', rec=" Reconstruction: " + outputs['rec_id'] if outputs['rec_id'] else '', run=" Run: " + outputs['run_id'] if outputs['run_id'] else '' ) return name, title class Report(object): def __init__(self, path, config, out_dir, out_filename='report.html'): self.root = path self.sub_reports = [] self.errors = [] self._load_config(config) self.out_dir = out_dir self.out_filename = out_filename def _load_config(self, config): try: config = json.load(open(config, 'r')) except Exception as e: print(e) return for e in config['sub_reports']: sub_report = SubReport(**e) self.sub_reports.append(sub_report) self.index() def index(self): for root, directories, filenames in os.walk(self.root): for f in filenames: f = os.path.join(root, f) for sub_report in self.sub_reports: for element in sub_report.elements: ext = f.split('.')[-1] if and (ext == 'svg' or ext == 'html'): with open(f) as fp: content = content = '\n'.join(content.split('\n')[1:]) element.files_contents.append((f, content)) for sub_report in self.sub_reports: sub_report.order_by_run() subject_dir = self.root.split('/')[-1] subject ='^(?P<subject_id>sub-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)$', subject_dir).group() error_dir = os.path.join(self.root, '../../log', subject[4:]) if os.path.isdir(error_dir): self.index_error_dir(error_dir) def index_error_dir(self, error_dir): ''' Crawl subjects most recent crash directory and return text for .pklz crash file found. ''' # Crash directories for subject are named by a timestamp. Sort # listdir output to order it alphabetically, which for our timestamped # directories is also a chronological listing. Assumes no other # directories will be created in subject crash dir. try: newest_dir = [x for x in os.listdir(error_dir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(error_dir, x))] newest_dir.sort() newest_dir = newest_dir[-1] newest_dir = os.path.join(error_dir, newest_dir) except IndexError: newest_dir = error_dir for root, directories, filenames in os.walk(newest_dir): for f in filenames: # Only deal with files that start with crash and end in pklz if not (f[:5] == 'crash' and f[-4:] == 'pklz'): continue crash_data = loadcrash(os.path.join(root, f)) error = {} node = None if 'node' in crash_data: node = crash_data['node'] error['traceback'] = [] for elem in crash_data['traceback']: error['traceback'].append("<br>".join(elem.split("\n"))) error['file'] = f if node: error['node'] = node if node.base_dir: error['node_dir'] = node.output_dir() else: error['node_dir'] = "Node crashed before execution" error['inputs'] = sorted(node.inputs.trait_get().items()) self.errors.append(error) def generate_report(self): searchpath = pkgrf('fmriprep', '/') env = jinja2.Environment( loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(searchpath=searchpath), trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True ) report_tpl = env.get_template('viz/report.tpl') report_render = report_tpl.render(sub_reports=self.sub_reports, errors=self.errors) with open(os.path.join(self.out_dir, self.out_filename), 'w') as fp: fp.write(report_render) return report_render def run_reports(out_dir): reportlet_path = os.path.join(out_dir, 'reports/') config = pkgrf('fmriprep', 'viz/config.json') for root, _, _ in os.walk(reportlet_path): # relies on the fact that os.walk does not return a trailing / dir = root.split('/')[-1] try: subject ='^(?P<subject_id>sub-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)$', dir).group() out_filename = '{}{}'.format(subject, '.html') report = Report(root, config, out_dir, out_filename) report.generate_report() except AttributeError: continue
from django.db import models from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractUser, UserManager class Server (models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=30) url = models.URLField() def __str__ (self): return class Meta: db_table = 'servers' class Account (AbstractUser): server = models.ForeignKey(Server, related_name='accounts', null=True) def __str__ (self): return self.username class Meta: db_table = 'accounts' class Tag (models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=50, unique=True) def __str__ (self): return class Meta: db_table = 'tags' class Post (models.Model): account = models.ForeignKey(Account, null=True) tags = models.ManyToManyField('Tag', blank=True) message = models.CharField(max_length=settings.POST_LENGTH) ts_created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) verified = models.BooleanField(default=False) class Meta: db_table = 'posts' class Comment (models.Model): account = models.ForeignKey(Account, null=True) post = models.ForeignKey(Post, related_name='comments') comment = models.ForeignKey('Comment', related_name='comments', null=True) message = models.CharField(max_length=settings.COMMENT_LENGTH) ts_created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) verified = models.BooleanField(default=False) class Meta: db_table = 'comments'
from __future__ import unicode_literals from cms.models import CMSPlugin from cms.models.fields import PageField from django.db import models from django.utils.six import python_2_unicode_compatible from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from filer.fields.folder import FilerFolderField from filer.models import Image @python_2_unicode_compatible class Schedule(CMSPlugin): headline = models.CharField(_('Headline'), max_length=4000, blank=True) def __str__(self): return '{0}'.format(self.headline[:23]) @python_2_unicode_compatible class Event(CMSPlugin): headline = models.CharField(_('Headline'), max_length=4000, blank=True) text = models.TextField(_('Text'), blank=True) date = models.DateField(_('Date'), blank=True, null=True) recurring = models.BooleanField(_('Recurring'), default=False) link = models.CharField(_('Link'), blank=True, max_length=4000) page = PageField( verbose_name=('CMS Page'), blank=True, null=True, help_text=_('If both link and cms page is defined, the link is preferred.')) link_text = models.CharField(_('Link Text'), blank=True, max_length=4000) gallery = FilerFolderField( verbose_name=('Image Gallery'), blank=True, null=True) def __str__(self): return '{0}'.format(self.headline[:23]) @property def gallery_images(self): if not return [] return Image.objects.filter(
# coding=utf-8 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for # license information. # # Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is # regenerated. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- import uuid from msrest.pipeline import ClientRawResponse from msrestazure.azure_exceptions import CloudError from msrest.exceptions import DeserializationError from msrestazure.azure_operation import AzureOperationPoller from .. import models class RoutesOperations(object): """RoutesOperations operations. :param client: Client for service requests. :param config: Configuration of service client. :param serializer: An object model serializer. :param deserializer: An objec model deserializer. :ivar api_version: Client API version. Constant value: "2015-06-15". """ models = models def __init__(self, client, config, serializer, deserializer): self._client = client self._serialize = serializer self._deserialize = deserializer self.api_version = "2015-06-15" self.config = config def _delete_initial( self, resource_group_name, route_table_name, route_name, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config): # Construct URL url = '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/routeTables/{routeTableName}/routes/{routeName}' path_format_arguments = { 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'routeTableName': self._serialize.url("route_table_name", route_table_name, 'str'), 'routeName': self._serialize.url("route_name", route_name, 'str'), 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self.config.subscription_id", self.config.subscription_id, 'str') } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("self.api_version", self.api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = {} header_parameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if self.config.generate_client_request_id: header_parameters['x-ms-client-request-id'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) if custom_headers: header_parameters.update(custom_headers) if self.config.accept_language is not None: header_parameters['accept-language'] = self._serialize.header("self.config.accept_language", self.config.accept_language, 'str') # Construct and send request request = self._client.delete(url, query_parameters) response = self._client.send(request, header_parameters, stream=False, **operation_config) if response.status_code not in [200, 202, 204]: exp = CloudError(response) exp.request_id = response.headers.get('x-ms-request-id') raise exp if raw: client_raw_response = ClientRawResponse(None, response) return client_raw_response def delete( self, resource_group_name, route_table_name, route_name, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config): """Deletes the specified route from a route table. :param resource_group_name: The name of the resource group. :type resource_group_name: str :param route_table_name: The name of the route table. :type route_table_name: str :param route_name: The name of the route. :type route_name: str :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response :return: An instance of AzureOperationPoller that returns None or ClientRawResponse if raw=true :rtype: ~msrestazure.azure_operation.AzureOperationPoller[None] or ~msrest.pipeline.ClientRawResponse :raises: :class:`CloudError<msrestazure.azure_exceptions.CloudError>` """ raw_result = self._delete_initial( resource_group_name=resource_group_name, route_table_name=route_table_name, route_name=route_name, custom_headers=custom_headers, raw=True, **operation_config ) if raw: return raw_result # Construct and send request def long_running_send(): return raw_result.response def get_long_running_status(status_link, headers=None): request = self._client.get(status_link) if headers: request.headers.update(headers) header_parameters = {} header_parameters['x-ms-client-request-id'] = raw_result.response.request.headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] return self._client.send( request, header_parameters, stream=False, **operation_config) def get_long_running_output(response): if response.status_code not in [200, 202, 204]: exp = CloudError(response) exp.request_id = response.headers.get('x-ms-request-id') raise exp if raw: client_raw_response = ClientRawResponse(None, response) return client_raw_response long_running_operation_timeout = operation_config.get( 'long_running_operation_timeout', self.config.long_running_operation_timeout) return AzureOperationPoller( long_running_send, get_long_running_output, get_long_running_status, long_running_operation_timeout) def get( self, resource_group_name, route_table_name, route_name, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config): """Gets the specified route from a route table. :param resource_group_name: The name of the resource group. :type resource_group_name: str :param route_table_name: The name of the route table. :type route_table_name: str :param route_name: The name of the route. :type route_name: str :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response :param operation_config: :ref:`Operation configuration overrides<msrest:optionsforoperations>`. :return: Route or ClientRawResponse if raw=true :rtype: or ~msrest.pipeline.ClientRawResponse :raises: :class:`CloudError<msrestazure.azure_exceptions.CloudError>` """ # Construct URL url = '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/routeTables/{routeTableName}/routes/{routeName}' path_format_arguments = { 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'routeTableName': self._serialize.url("route_table_name", route_table_name, 'str'), 'routeName': self._serialize.url("route_name", route_name, 'str'), 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self.config.subscription_id", self.config.subscription_id, 'str') } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("self.api_version", self.api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = {} header_parameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if self.config.generate_client_request_id: header_parameters['x-ms-client-request-id'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) if custom_headers: header_parameters.update(custom_headers) if self.config.accept_language is not None: header_parameters['accept-language'] = self._serialize.header("self.config.accept_language", self.config.accept_language, 'str') # Construct and send request request = self._client.get(url, query_parameters) response = self._client.send(request, header_parameters, stream=False, **operation_config) if response.status_code not in [200]: exp = CloudError(response) exp.request_id = response.headers.get('x-ms-request-id') raise exp deserialized = None if response.status_code == 200: deserialized = self._deserialize('Route', response) if raw: client_raw_response = ClientRawResponse(deserialized, response) return client_raw_response return deserialized def _create_or_update_initial( self, resource_group_name, route_table_name, route_name, route_parameters, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config): # Construct URL url = '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/routeTables/{routeTableName}/routes/{routeName}' path_format_arguments = { 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'routeTableName': self._serialize.url("route_table_name", route_table_name, 'str'), 'routeName': self._serialize.url("route_name", route_name, 'str'), 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self.config.subscription_id", self.config.subscription_id, 'str') } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("self.api_version", self.api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = {} header_parameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if self.config.generate_client_request_id: header_parameters['x-ms-client-request-id'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) if custom_headers: header_parameters.update(custom_headers) if self.config.accept_language is not None: header_parameters['accept-language'] = self._serialize.header("self.config.accept_language", self.config.accept_language, 'str') # Construct body body_content = self._serialize.body(route_parameters, 'Route') # Construct and send request request = self._client.put(url, query_parameters) response = self._client.send( request, header_parameters, body_content, stream=False, **operation_config) if response.status_code not in [200, 201]: exp = CloudError(response) exp.request_id = response.headers.get('x-ms-request-id') raise exp deserialized = None if response.status_code == 200: deserialized = self._deserialize('Route', response) if response.status_code == 201: deserialized = self._deserialize('Route', response) if raw: client_raw_response = ClientRawResponse(deserialized, response) return client_raw_response return deserialized def create_or_update( self, resource_group_name, route_table_name, route_name, route_parameters, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config): """Creates or updates a route in the specified route table. :param resource_group_name: The name of the resource group. :type resource_group_name: str :param route_table_name: The name of the route table. :type route_table_name: str :param route_name: The name of the route. :type route_name: str :param route_parameters: Parameters supplied to the create or update route operation. :type route_parameters: :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response :return: An instance of AzureOperationPoller that returns Route or ClientRawResponse if raw=true :rtype: ~msrestazure.azure_operation.AzureOperationPoller[] or ~msrest.pipeline.ClientRawResponse :raises: :class:`CloudError<msrestazure.azure_exceptions.CloudError>` """ raw_result = self._create_or_update_initial( resource_group_name=resource_group_name, route_table_name=route_table_name, route_name=route_name, route_parameters=route_parameters, custom_headers=custom_headers, raw=True, **operation_config ) if raw: return raw_result # Construct and send request def long_running_send(): return raw_result.response def get_long_running_status(status_link, headers=None): request = self._client.get(status_link) if headers: request.headers.update(headers) header_parameters = {} header_parameters['x-ms-client-request-id'] = raw_result.response.request.headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] return self._client.send( request, header_parameters, stream=False, **operation_config) def get_long_running_output(response): if response.status_code not in [200, 201]: exp = CloudError(response) exp.request_id = response.headers.get('x-ms-request-id') raise exp deserialized = self._deserialize('Route', response) if raw: client_raw_response = ClientRawResponse(deserialized, response) return client_raw_response return deserialized long_running_operation_timeout = operation_config.get( 'long_running_operation_timeout', self.config.long_running_operation_timeout) return AzureOperationPoller( long_running_send, get_long_running_output, get_long_running_status, long_running_operation_timeout) def list( self, resource_group_name, route_table_name, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config): """Gets all routes in a route table. :param resource_group_name: The name of the resource group. :type resource_group_name: str :param route_table_name: The name of the route table. :type route_table_name: str :param dict custom_headers: headers that will be added to the request :param bool raw: returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response :param operation_config: :ref:`Operation configuration overrides<msrest:optionsforoperations>`. :return: An iterator like instance of Route :rtype:[] :raises: :class:`CloudError<msrestazure.azure_exceptions.CloudError>` """ def internal_paging(next_link=None, raw=False): if not next_link: # Construct URL url = '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/routeTables/{routeTableName}/routes' path_format_arguments = { 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'routeTableName': self._serialize.url("route_table_name", route_table_name, 'str'), 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self.config.subscription_id", self.config.subscription_id, 'str') } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("self.api_version", self.api_version, 'str') else: url = next_link query_parameters = {} # Construct headers header_parameters = {} header_parameters['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' if self.config.generate_client_request_id: header_parameters['x-ms-client-request-id'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) if custom_headers: header_parameters.update(custom_headers) if self.config.accept_language is not None: header_parameters['accept-language'] = self._serialize.header("self.config.accept_language", self.config.accept_language, 'str') # Construct and send request request = self._client.get(url, query_parameters) response = self._client.send( request, header_parameters, stream=False, **operation_config) if response.status_code not in [200]: exp = CloudError(response) exp.request_id = response.headers.get('x-ms-request-id') raise exp return response # Deserialize response deserialized = models.RoutePaged(internal_paging, self._deserialize.dependencies) if raw: header_dict = {} client_raw_response = models.RoutePaged(internal_paging, self._deserialize.dependencies, header_dict) return client_raw_response return deserialized
""" Module for abstract base class Capability Essentially adaptor to give nengo objects interfaces with functionality we require (related to observable data they support). Capability represents observable data that a given object in a nengo model has to offer. The capability defines how to connect an observer node to the object to be observed in order to collect the data. It also maintains some metadata regarding the type of data offered, including determining the dimensions of the given data from the given object. """ from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod class Capability(object): """ Capability class """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta @property def name(self): """ Name of the cap. Should be unique, like an id, but we don't enforce this at the moment. """ return "Capability" def supports_obj(self, obj): """ Determines if the given object offers this cap. Args: obj (object): The object to check. Returns: bool. True if given object offers this capability. """ return False @abstractmethod def get_out_dimensions(self, obj): """ Get the output dimensions of this cap for the given object. Args: obj (object): The object offering the cap. Returns: int. The number of dimensions of the data offered by this cap for this obj. Raises: ValueError - This is not a cap for the given object. The output dimensions depend on the object and the capability. Also note here that dimensions are *not* like numpy ndarray dimensions, they are simply the length of the vector that the signal will be. I know. Threw me for a bit of a loop as well. """ pass @abstractmethod def connect_node(self, node, obj): """ Connects an observer node to the given object. Args: node (nengo.Node): The observer node to connect to the object. obj (object): The object to observe. Raises: ValueError - This is not a cap for the given object. """ pass
from django.contrib import admin from responseTemplates.models import ResponseTemplate, Paragraph class ParagraphInline(admin.StackedInline): model = Paragraph extra = 1 class ResponseTemplateAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): inlines = [ParagraphInline], ResponseTemplateAdmin)
#!/bin/python3 # Integers Come In All Sizes # if __name__ == '__main__': a, b, c, d = int(input()), int(input()), int(input()), int(input()) print((a ** b) + (c ** d))
""" Run some experiments using SyntheticDataset1 """ import os import sys import errno import logging import numpy import argparse from apgl.graph import * from exp.recommendexp.RecommendExpHelper import RecommendExpHelper from exp.recommendexp.SyntheticDataset1 import SyntheticDataset1 #if __debug__: # raise RuntimeError("Must run python with -O flag") numpy.random.seed(21) logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG) numpy.set_printoptions(suppress=True, linewidth=150) numpy.seterr("raise", under="ignore") # Arguments related to the dataset dataArgs = argparse.Namespace() # Arguments related to the algorithm defaultAlgoArgs = argparse.Namespace() defaultAlgoArgs.ks = numpy.array(2**numpy.arange(4, 7, 0.5), defaultAlgoArgs.rhos = numpy.linspace(0.5, 0.0, 10) defaultAlgoArgs.folds = 3 # init (reading/writting command line arguments) # data args parser # dataParser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="", add_help=False) dataParser.add_argument("-h", "--help", action="store_true", help="show this help message and exit") devNull, remainingArgs = dataParser.parse_known_args(namespace=dataArgs) if helpParser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="", add_help=False, parents=[dataParser, RecommendExpHelper.newAlgoParser(defaultAlgoArgs)]) helpParser.print_help() exit() dataArgs.extendedDirName = "" dataArgs.extendedDirName += "SyntheticDataset1" dataArgs.nonUniform = False # print args #"Running on SyntheticDataset1")"Data params:") keys = list(vars(dataArgs).keys()) keys.sort() for key in keys:" " + str(key) + ": " + str(dataArgs.__getattribute__(key))) # data generator = SyntheticDataset1(startM=5000, endM=10000, startN=1000, endN=1500, pnz=0.10, noise=0.01, nonUniform=dataArgs.nonUniform) # run"Creating the exp-runner") recommendExpHelper = RecommendExpHelper(generator.getTrainIteratorFunc(), generator.getTestIteratorFunc(), remainingArgs, defaultAlgoArgs, dataArgs.extendedDirName) recommendExpHelper.printAlgoArgs() # os.makedirs(resultsDir, exist_ok=True) # for python 3.2 try: os.makedirs(recommendExpHelper.resultsDir) except OSError as err: if err.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise recommendExpHelper.runExperiment()
import StringIO from fabric.api import run, sudo, cd, put, env, settings, hide from fabric.context_managers import shell_env from fabric.contrib.files import append, exists from import * from import Service from shuttle.hooks import hook from shuttle.shared import ( apt_get_install, pip_install, find_service, chown, get_django_setting, SiteType, ) POSTGRES_USER = 'postgres' POSTGRES_GROUP = 'postgres' _SHOW_FILE_COMMAND = '$(sudo -u %s psql -t -P format=unaligned -c "SHOW %%s;")' % POSTGRES_USER _CONFIG_FILE_PATH = _SHOW_FILE_COMMAND % 'config_file' _HBA_FILE_PATH = _SHOW_FILE_COMMAND % 'hba_file' _IDENT_FILE_PATH = _SHOW_FILE_COMMAND % 'ident_file' _MAIN_DIR = '$(dirname %s)' % _CONFIG_FILE_PATH _CONF_DIR = '%s/conf.d' % _MAIN_DIR _EXCLUDE_SETTINGS = ['postgis', 'hba', 'ident'] # NOTE: If hba is set to True instead of a list, then client authentication for the current local host is added def _pg_quote_config(key, value): if (isinstance(value, (str, unicode)) and value not in ('on', 'off') and not value[0].isdigit()) or key == 'listen_addresses': return "'%s'" % value return value def _get_pg_env(site): database = get_django_setting(site, 'DATABASES')['default'] return { 'PGHOST': database['HOST'], 'PGPORT': str(database.get('PORT') or '5432'), 'PGUSER': database['USER'], 'PGPASSWORD': database['PASSWORD'], 'PGDATABASE': database['NAME'] } class Postgres(Service): name = 'postgres' script = 'postgresql' def execute_sql(self, raw_sql, site=None): sql = [] for line in raw_sql.split('\n'): line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith('--'): continue sql.append(line.replace('\t', '').replace('\n', '').replace("'", "\\'")) sql = ' '.join(sql) if site: with shell_env(**_get_pg_env(site)), settings(warn_only=True): sudo("psql --echo-queries -c $'%s'" % sql) else: with settings(warn_only=True): sudo("psql --echo-queries -c $'%s'" % sql, user=POSTGRES_USER) def execute_command(self, pg_command, site=None): if site: with shell_env(**_get_pg_env(site)), settings(warn_only=True): sudo(pg_command) else: with settings(warn_only=True): sudo(pg_command, user=POSTGRES_USER) def install(self): with hook('install %s' %, self): apt_get_install('postgresql') if self.settings.get('postgis'): install_postgis() def config(self): with hook('config %s' %, self): if not exists(_CONF_DIR): sudo('mkdir %s' % _CONF_DIR) chown(_CONF_DIR, POSTGRES_USER, POSTGRES_GROUP) append(_CONFIG_FILE_PATH, "include_dir 'conf.d'", use_sudo=True) if self.settings: # Apply any given settings and place into a new conf.d directory config = '' if env.get('vagrant'): self.settings['listen_addresses'] = '*' for setting in self.settings: if setting not in _EXCLUDE_SETTINGS: config += '%s = %s\n' % (setting, _pg_quote_config(setting, self.settings[setting])) if config: chown(put(StringIO.StringIO(config), _CONF_DIR + '/fabric.conf', use_sudo=True, mode=0644), POSTGRES_USER, POSTGRES_GROUP) # Apply any given Client Authentications given under hba hba = list(self.settings.get('hba', [])) if env.get('vagrant') or hba == True: if hba == True: hba = [] with hide('everything'): host_ip = run('echo $SSH_CLIENT').split(' ')[0] hba.append(('host', 'all', 'all', host_ip + '/32', 'md5')) if hba: append(_HBA_FILE_PATH, '# Fabric client connections:', use_sudo=True) for client in hba: client = '%s%s%s%s%s' % (client[0].ljust(8), client[1].ljust(16), client[2].ljust(16), client[3].ljust(24), client[4]) append(_HBA_FILE_PATH, client, use_sudo=True) # Apply any given identity mappings ident = self.settings.get('ident', []) if ident: append(_IDENT_FILE_PATH, '# Fabric username maps:', use_sudo=True) for mapping in ident: mapping = '%s%s%s' % (mapping[0].ljust(16), mapping[1].ljust(24), mapping[2]) append(_IDENT_FILE_PATH, mapping, use_sudo=True) self.restart() def site_install(self, site): with hook('site install %s' %, self, site): if self.settings.get('postgis'): # Install PostGIS also on the site if separate from the server if find_service( is None: install_postgis() # Install python postgresql support pip_install(site, 'psycopg2') def site_config(self, site): with hook('site config %s' %, self, site): if site['type'] == SiteType.DJANGO: database = get_django_setting(site, 'DATABASES')['default'] # Create the user for django to access the database with if find_service( is not None: with settings(warn_only=True): self.execute_command('createuser --echo --createdb --no-superuser --no-createrole ' + database['USER']) self.execute_sql("ALTER USER %s WITH PASSWORD '%s';" % (database['USER'], database['PASSWORD'])) # Create the database self.execute_command('createdb --echo ' + database['NAME'], site) # Setup postgis if self.settings.get('postgis'): site_config_postgis(self, site)
from __future__ import print_function import sys import time import argparse from time import sleep from distutils.version import LooseVersion from typing import Any from Tests.scripts.utils import logging_wrapper as logging import urllib3 import demisto_client.demisto_api from Tests.scripts.utils.log_util import install_logging from Tests.test_integration import check_integration from demisto_sdk.commands.common.constants import PB_Status from import str2bool from Tests.test_content import SettingsTester, DataKeeperTester, \ print_test_summary, update_test_msg, turn_off_telemetry, \ create_result_files, get_all_tests, get_instances_ips_and_names, get_server_numeric_version, \ initialize_queue_and_executed_tests_set, get_test_records_of_given_test_names, \ extract_filtered_tests, load_conf_files, set_integration_params, collect_integrations, \ SERVER_URL # Disable insecure warnings urllib3.disable_warnings() def options_handler(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Utility for batch action on incidents') parser.add_argument('-k', '--apiKey', help='The Demisto API key for the server', required=True) parser.add_argument('-s', '--server', help='The server URL to connect to') parser.add_argument('-c', '--conf', help='Path to conf file', required=True) parser.add_argument('-e', '--secret', help='Path to secret conf file') parser.add_argument('-n', '--nightly', type=str2bool, help='Run nightly tests') parser.add_argument('-t', '--slack', help='The token for slack', required=True) parser.add_argument('-a', '--circleci', help='The token for circleci', required=True) parser.add_argument('-b', '--buildNumber', help='The build number', required=True) parser.add_argument('-g', '--buildName', help='The build name', required=True) parser.add_argument('-sa', '--service_account', help="Path to GCS service account.", required=False) parser.add_argument('-i', '--isAMI', type=str2bool, help='is AMI build or not', default=False) parser.add_argument('-m', '--memCheck', type=str2bool, help='Should trigger memory checks or not. The slack channel to check the data is: ' 'dmst_content_nightly_memory_data', default=False) parser.add_argument('-d', '--serverVersion', help='Which server version to run the ' 'tests on(Valid only when using AMI)', default="NonAMI") parser.add_argument('-l', '--testsList', help='List of specific, comma separated' 'tests to run') options = parser.parse_args() tests_settings = SettingsTester(options) return tests_settings def run_test_logic(tests_settings: Any, c: Any, failed_playbooks: list, integrations: list, playbook_id: str, succeed_playbooks: list, test_message: str, test_options: dict, slack: Any, circle_ci: str, build_number: str, server_url: str, demisto_user: str, demisto_pass: str, build_name: str) -> bool: """ run_test_logic handles the testing of the integration by triggering check_integration. afterwards it will check the status of the test and report success or add the failed test to the list of failed integrations. :param tests_settings: SettingsTester object which contains the test variables :param c: Client for connecting to XSOAR via demisto-py :param failed_playbooks: List of failed playbooks, additional failed playbooks will be added if they failed. :param integrations: List of integrations being tested. :param playbook_id: ID of the test playbook being tested. :param succeed_playbooks: List of playbooks which have passed tests. :param test_message: Name of the playbook/integration being tested. This is reported back in the build and used to print in the console the test being ran. :param test_options: Options being passed to the test. PID, Docker Threshold, Timeout, etc. :param slack: Slack client used for notifications. :param circle_ci: CircleCI token. Used to get name of dev who triggered the build. :param build_number: The build number of the CI run. Used in slack message. :param server_url: The FQDN of the server tests are being ran on. :param demisto_user: Username of the demisto user running the tests. :param demisto_pass: Password of the demisto user running the tests. :param build_name: Name of the build. (Nightly, etc.) :return: Boolean indicating if the test was successful. """ status, inc_id = check_integration(c, server_url, demisto_user, demisto_pass, integrations, playbook_id, options=test_options) if status == PB_Status.COMPLETED: logging.success(f'PASS: {test_message} succeed') succeed_playbooks.append(playbook_id) elif status == PB_Status.NOT_SUPPORTED_VERSION:'PASS: {test_message} skipped - not supported version') succeed_playbooks.append(playbook_id) else: logging.error(f'Failed: {test_message} failed') playbook_id_with_mock = playbook_id playbook_id_with_mock += " (Mock Disabled)" failed_playbooks.append(playbook_id_with_mock) succeed = status in (PB_Status.COMPLETED, PB_Status.NOT_SUPPORTED_VERSION) return succeed def run_test(tests_settings: SettingsTester, demisto_user: str, demisto_pass: str, failed_playbooks: list, integrations: list, playbook_id: str, succeed_playbooks: list, test_message: str, test_options: dict, slack: str, circle_ci: str, build_number: str, server_url: str, build_name: str) -> None: """ Wrapper for the run_test_logic function. Helps by indicating when the test is starting and ending. :param tests_settings: SettingsTester object which contains the test variables :param demisto_user: Username of the demisto user running the tests. :param demisto_pass: Password of the demisto user running the tests. :param failed_playbooks: List of failed playbooks, additional failed playbooks will be added if they failed. :param integrations: List of integrations being tested. :param playbook_id: ID of the test playbook being tested. :param succeed_playbooks: List of playbooks which have passed tests. :param test_message: Name of the playbook/integration being tested. This is reported back in the build and used to print in the console the test being ran. :param test_options: Options being passed to the test. PID, Docker Threshold, Timeout, etc. :param slack: Slack client used for notifications. :param circle_ci: CircleCI token. Used to get name of dev who triggered the build. :param build_number: The build number of the CI run. Used in slack message. :param server_url: The FQDN of the server tests are being ran on. :param build_name: Name of the build. (Nightly, etc.) :return: No object is returned. """ start_message = f'------ Test {test_message} start ------' client = demisto_client.configure(base_url=server_url, username=demisto_user, password=demisto_pass, verify_ssl=False)'{start_message} (Private Build Test)') run_test_logic(tests_settings, client, failed_playbooks, integrations, playbook_id, succeed_playbooks, test_message, test_options, slack, circle_ci, build_number, server_url, demisto_user, demisto_pass, build_name)'------ Test {test_message} end ------\n') def run_private_test_scenario(tests_settings: SettingsTester, t: dict, default_test_timeout: int, skipped_tests_conf: dict, nightly_integrations: list, skipped_integrations_conf: set, skipped_integration: set, filtered_tests: list, skipped_tests: set, secret_params: dict, failed_playbooks: list, playbook_skipped_integration: set, succeed_playbooks: list, slack: str, circle_ci: str, build_number: str, server: str, build_name: str, server_numeric_version: str, demisto_user: str, demisto_pass: str, demisto_api_key: str): """ Checks to see if test should run given the scenario. If the test should run, it will collect the integrations which are required to run the test. :param tests_settings: SettingsTester object which contains the test variables :param t: Options being passed to the test. PID, Docker Threshold, Timeout, etc. :param default_test_timeout: Time in seconds indicating when the test should timeout if no status is reported. :param skipped_tests_conf: Collection of the tests which are skipped. :param nightly_integrations: List of integrations which should only be tested on a nightly build. :param skipped_integrations_conf: Collection of integrations which are skiped. :param skipped_integration: Set of skipped integrations. Currently not used in private. :param filtered_tests: List of tests excluded from testing. :param skipped_tests: List of skipped tests. :param secret_params: Parameters found in the content-test-conf. Used to configure the instance. :param failed_playbooks: List of failed playbooks, additional failed playbooks will be added if they failed. :param playbook_skipped_integration: Not used. :param succeed_playbooks: List of playbooks which have passed tests. :param slack: Slack client used for notifications. :param circle_ci: CircleCI token. Used to get name of dev who triggered the build. :param build_number: The build number of the CI run. Used in slack message. :param server: The FQDN of the server tests are being ran on. :param build_name: Name of the build. (Nightly, etc.) :param server_numeric_version: Version of XSOAR currently installed on the server. :param demisto_user: Username of the demisto user running the tests. :param demisto_pass: Password of the demisto user running the tests. :param demisto_api_key: API key for the demisto instance. :return: """ playbook_id = t['playbookID'] integrations_conf = t.get('integrations', []) instance_names_conf = t.get('instance_names', []) test_message = 'playbook: ' + playbook_id test_options = { 'timeout': t.get('timeout', default_test_timeout) } if not isinstance(integrations_conf, list): integrations_conf = [integrations_conf, ] if not isinstance(instance_names_conf, list): instance_names_conf = [instance_names_conf, ] test_skipped_integration, integrations, is_nightly_integration = collect_integrations( integrations_conf, skipped_integration, skipped_integrations_conf, nightly_integrations) if playbook_id in filtered_tests: playbook_skipped_integration.update(test_skipped_integration) # Skip tests that are missing from filtered list if filtered_tests and playbook_id not in filtered_tests: return # Skip bad test if playbook_id in skipped_tests_conf: skipped_tests.add(f'{playbook_id} - reason: {skipped_tests_conf[playbook_id]}') return # Skip integration if test_skipped_integration: return # Skip version mismatch test test_from_version = t.get('fromversion', '0.0.0') test_to_version = t.get('toversion', '99.99.99') if not LooseVersion(test_from_version) <= LooseVersion(server_numeric_version) <= LooseVersion(test_to_version): warning_message = f'Test {test_message} ignored due to version mismatch ' \ f'(test versions: {test_from_version}-{test_to_version})' logging.warning(warning_message) return placeholders_map = {'%%SERVER_HOST%%': server} are_params_set = set_integration_params(demisto_api_key, integrations, secret_params, instance_names_conf, playbook_id, placeholders_map) if not are_params_set: failed_playbooks.append(playbook_id) return test_message = update_test_msg(integrations, test_message) run_test(tests_settings, demisto_user, demisto_pass, failed_playbooks, integrations, playbook_id, succeed_playbooks, test_message, test_options, slack, circle_ci, build_number, server, build_name) def execute_testing(tests_settings: SettingsTester, server_ip: str, all_tests: set, tests_data_keeper: DataKeeperTester): """ Main function used to handle the testing process. Starts by turning off telemetry and disabling any left over tests. Afterwards it will create a test queue object which then is used to run the specific test scenario. :param tests_settings: SettingsTester object which contains the test variables :param server_ip: IP address of the server. Will be formatted before use. :param all_tests: All tests currently in the test conf. :param tests_data_keeper: Object containing all the test results. Used by report tests function. :return: No object is returned, just updates the tests_data_keep object. """ server = SERVER_URL.format(server_ip) server_numeric_version = tests_settings.serverNumericVersion or ''"Executing tests with the server {server} - and the server ip {server_ip}") slack = tests_settings.slack circle_ci = tests_settings.circleci build_number = tests_settings.buildNumber build_name = tests_settings.buildName conf, secret_conf = load_conf_files(tests_settings.conf_path, tests_settings.secret_conf_path) demisto_api_key = tests_settings.api_key demisto_user = secret_conf['username'] demisto_pass = secret_conf['userPassword'] default_test_timeout = conf.get('testTimeout', 30) tests = conf['tests'] skipped_tests_conf = conf['skipped_tests'] nightly_integrations = conf['nightly_integrations'] skipped_integrations_conf = conf['skipped_integrations'] unmockable_integrations = conf['unmockable_integrations'] secret_params = secret_conf['integrations'] if secret_conf else [] filtered_tests = extract_filtered_tests() if not tests or len(tests) == 0:'no integrations are configured for test') return xsoar_client = demisto_client.configure(base_url=server, username=demisto_user, password=demisto_pass, verify_ssl=False) # turn off telemetry turn_off_telemetry(xsoar_client) failed_playbooks: list = [] succeed_playbooks: list = [] skipped_tests: set = set([]) skipped_integration: set = set([]) playbook_skipped_integration: set = set([]) # Private builds do not use mocking. Here we copy the mocked test list to the unmockable list. private_tests = get_test_records_of_given_test_names(tests_settings, all_tests) try: # first run the mock tests to avoid mockless side effects in container"\nRunning private tests") executed_in_current_round, private_tests_queue = initialize_queue_and_executed_tests_set(private_tests) while not private_tests_queue.empty(): t = private_tests_queue.get() executed_in_current_round = update_round_set_and_sleep_if_round_completed( executed_in_current_round, t) run_private_test_scenario(tests_settings, t, default_test_timeout, skipped_tests_conf, nightly_integrations, skipped_integrations_conf, skipped_integration, filtered_tests, skipped_tests, secret_params, failed_playbooks, playbook_skipped_integration, succeed_playbooks, slack, circle_ci, build_number, server, build_name, server_numeric_version, demisto_user, demisto_pass, demisto_api_key) except Exception: logging.exception('~~ Thread Failed ~~') raise finally: tests_data_keeper.add_tests_data(succeed_playbooks, failed_playbooks, skipped_tests, skipped_integration, unmockable_integrations) def update_round_set_and_sleep_if_round_completed(executed_in_current_round: set, t: dict) -> set: """ Checks if the string representation of the current test configuration is already in the executed_in_current_round set. If it is- it means we have already executed this test and the we have reached a round and there are tests that were not able to be locked by this execution.. In that case we want to start a new round monitoring by emptying the 'executed_in_current_round' set and sleep in order to let the tests be unlocked Args: executed_in_current_round: A set containing the string representation of all tests configuration as they appear in conf.json file that were already executed in the current round t: test configuration as it appears in conf.json file Returns: A new executed_in_current_round set which contains only the current tests configuration if a round was completed else it just adds the new test to the set. """ if str(t) in executed_in_current_round: 'all tests in the queue were executed, sleeping for 30 seconds to let locked tests get unlocked.') executed_in_current_round = set() time.sleep(30) executed_in_current_round.add(str(t)) return executed_in_current_round def manage_tests(tests_settings: SettingsTester): """ This function manages the execution of Demisto's tests. Args: tests_settings (SettingsTester): An object containing all the relevant data regarding how the tests should be ran. """ tests_settings.serverNumericVersion = get_server_numeric_version(tests_settings.serverVersion, tests_settings.is_local_run) instances_ips = get_instances_ips_and_names(tests_settings) tests_data_keeper = DataKeeperTester() for ami_instance_name, ami_instance_ip in instances_ips: if ami_instance_name == tests_settings.serverVersion:"Starting private testing for {ami_instance_name}")"Starts tests with server url - https://{ami_instance_ip}") all_tests = get_all_tests(tests_settings) execute_testing(tests_settings, ami_instance_ip, all_tests, tests_data_keeper) sleep(8) print_test_summary(tests_data_keeper, tests_settings.isAMI, logging_module=logging) create_result_files(tests_data_keeper) if tests_data_keeper.failed_playbooks: tests_failed_msg = "Some tests have failed. Not destroying instances." print(tests_failed_msg) sys.exit(1) def main(): install_logging('Run_Tests.log', logger=logging) tests_settings = options_handler()"Build Name: {tests_settings.buildName}")" Build Number: {tests_settings.buildNumber}") manage_tests(tests_settings) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import sys import hashlib from pyftpdlib.authorizers import AuthenticationFailed class Authorizer: def __init__(self, username, password, directory, permission=None): self.username = username self.password = password = directory self.permission = permission or "elradfmw" def has_user(self, username): return self.username == username def validate_password(self, password): return self.password == make_password_hash(password) def validate_authentication(self, username, password, handler): if self.username == username and self.validate_password(password): return raise AuthenticationFailed("Authentication failed.") def get_home_dir(self, username): return def has_perm(self, username, perm, path=None): return perm in self.permission def get_perms(self, username): return self.permission def get_msg_login(self, username): return "Login successful." def get_msg_quit(self, username): return "Goodbye." def impersonate_user(self, username, password): pass def terminate_impersonation(self, username): pass def make_password_hash(password): return hashlib.sha1(password.encode('utf8')).hexdigest() def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: sys.exit() print("password hash:") print(make_password_hash(sys.argv[1])) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
""" WSGI config for bookmarklets project. This module contains the WSGI application used by Django's development server and any production WSGI deployments. It should expose a module-level variable named ``application``. Django's ``runserver`` and ``runfcgi`` commands discover this application via the ``WSGI_APPLICATION`` setting. Usually you will have the standard Django WSGI application here, but it also might make sense to replace the whole Django WSGI application with a custom one that later delegates to the Django one. For example, you could introduce WSGI middleware here, or combine a Django application with an application of another framework. """ import os from os.path import abspath, dirname from sys import path SITE_ROOT = dirname(dirname(abspath(__file__))) path.append(SITE_ROOT) # We defer to a DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE already in the environment. This breaks # if running multiple sites in the same mod_wsgi process. To fix this, use # mod_wsgi daemon mode with each site in its own daemon process, or use # os.environ["DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE"] = "jajaja.settings" os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "bookmarklets.settings.production") # This application object is used by any WSGI server configured to use this # file. This includes Django's development server, if the WSGI_APPLICATION # setting points here. from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application application = get_wsgi_application() # Apply WSGI middleware here. # from helloworld.wsgi import HelloWorldApplication # application = HelloWorldApplication(application)
#!/usr/bin/python from base import Persistence class ErrorI18n(Persistence): pass
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- from datetime import datetime from scrapy import log from scrapy.exceptions import DropItem from scrapy.item import Item, Field from webbot.utils import utils, dateparser import pprint import re import traceback # 字段映射(mapping) def item2post(item): post = {} for k,v in item.fields.iteritems(): if 'name' in v: post[v['name']] = item[k] return post # 基本处理(basic) class BasicPipeline(object): def open_spider(self, spider): self.img = 'image_urls' in Item.fields def process_item(self, item, spider): try: for k,v in item.fields.iteritems(): if v.get('multi'): if k not in item: item[k] = [] continue if k in item: if isinstance(item[k], list): item[k] = item[k][0] elif v.get('opt'): item[k] = None else: raise Exception('field [{}] is empty'%k) return item except Exception as ex: raise DropItem('item error: {}'.format(ex)) # 调试打印(debug) class DebugPipeline(object): def open_spider(self, spider): self.printer = utils.UnicodePrinter(verbose=getattr(spider, 'verbose', 0)) self.idx = 0 def process_item(self, item, spider): if not (hasattr(spider, 'debug') and spider.debug): return item self.idx += 1 print utils.B('{:=^30}').format(self.idx) for k,v in item.iteritems(): if type(v) in [str, unicode]: v = re.sub(r'\s{2,}', ' ', v.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', '')) if spider.verbose<3: v = self.printer.squeeze(v) elif type(v)==datetime: now = datetime.utcnow() if v>now: colored = utils.RR elif (now-v).total_seconds()>24*3600: colored = utils.R else: colored = lambda x:x offset = dateparser.tz_offset( v = colored(v + offset) else: v = re.sub(r'(?m)^', '{: ^13}'.format(''), self.printer.pformat(v)).decode('utf-8').strip() f = ' ' if 'name' in item.fields[k] else '*' print u'{:>10.10}{}: {}'.format(k, f, v).encode('utf-8') return item # 数据存储(mongo) class MongoPipeline(object): def open_spider(self, spider): if hasattr(spider, 'mongo'): try: self.upsert_keys = self.get_upsert_keys() uri = spider.mongo log.msg('connect <{}>'.format(uri)) self.cnn, self.db, self.tbl = utils.connect_uri(uri) return except Exception as ex: log.err('cannot connect to mongodb: {}'.format(ex)) self.cnn = self.db = None def get_upsert_keys(self): keys = [] for k,v in Item.fields.iteritems(): if 'name' in v and v.get('upsert'): keys.append(v['name']) return keys def process_item(self, item, spider): if self.cnn: try: post = item2post(item) if self.upsert_keys: criteria = {k:post[k] for k in self.upsert_keys} self.tbl.update(criteria, post, upsert=True) else: self.tbl.insert(post) except Exception as ex: traceback.print_exc() return item def close_spider(self, spider): if self.cnn: log.msg('disconnect mongodb') self.cnn.close() self.cnn = None # 数据存储(mysql) class MysqlPipeline(object): def open_spider(self, spider): if hasattr(spider, 'mysql'): try: uri = spider.mysql log.msg('connect <{}>'.format(uri)) self.cnn, _, self.tbl = utils.connect_uri(uri) self.cur = self.cnn.cursor() return except Exception as ex: traceback.print_exc() log.err('cannot connect to mysql: {}'.format(ex)) self.cnn = self.cur = None def process_item(self, item, spider): if self.cnn: try: post = item2post(item) fields = [] values = [] for k,v in post.iteritems(): fields.append(k) values.append(v) self.cur.execute( """INSERT INTO {}({}) VALUES({});""".format( self.tbl, ','.join(fields), ','.join(['%s']*len(fields)) ), values ) self.cnn.commit() except Exception as ex: traceback.print_exc() return item def close_spider(self, spider): if self.cnn: log.msg('disconnect mysql') self.cur.close() self.cnn.close() self.cnn = self.cur = None # 消息队列(zmq) class ZmqPipeline(object): def open_spider(self, spider): if hasattr(spider, 'zmq'): try: from utils.api import MessageSender uri = spider.zmq log.msg('connect <{}>'.format(uri)) self.sender = MessageSender(uri) return except Exception as ex: log.err('cannot connect to zmq: {}'.format(ex)) self.sender = None def process_item(self, item, spider): if self.sender: try: self.sender.send(item2post(item)) except Exception as ex: traceback.print_exc() return item def close_spider(self, spider): if self.sender: log.msg('disconnect zmq') self.sender.term() # 图片下载(img) try: from scrapy.contrib.pipeline.images import ImagesPipeline class ImgPipeline(ImagesPipeline): def open_spider(self, spider): self.img = 'image_urls' in Item.fields self.spiderinfo = self.SpiderInfo(spider) if hasattr(spider, 'img'): = self._get_store(spider.img) def process_item(self, item, spider): if self.img: return ImagesPipeline.process_item(self, item, spider) else: return item def get_media_requests(self, item, info): for r in ImagesPipeline.get_media_requests(self, item, info): r.headers['Referer'] = item.get('url', '') yield r except: pass
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring from pathlib import Path from textwrap import dedent from beancount.loader import load_file from beancount.loader import load_string from fava.plugins.link_documents import DocumentError def test_plugins(tmp_path: Path) -> None: # Create sample files expenses_foo = tmp_path / "documents" / "Expenses" / "Foo" expenses_foo.mkdir(parents=True) (expenses_foo / "2016-11-02 Test 1.pdf").touch() (expenses_foo / "2016-11-03 Test 2.pdf").touch() (expenses_foo / "2016-11-04 Test 3 discovered.pdf").touch() assets_cash = tmp_path / "documents" / "Assets" / "Cash" assets_cash.mkdir(parents=True) (assets_cash / "2016-11-05 Test 4.pdf").touch() (assets_cash / "Test 5.pdf").touch() expenses_foo_rel = Path("documents") / "Expenses" / "Foo" assets_cash_rel = Path("documents") / "Assets" / "Cash" beancount_file = tmp_path / "example.beancount" beancount_file.write_text( dedent( f""" option "title" "Test" option "operating_currency" "EUR" option "documents" "{tmp_path / "documents"}" plugin "fava.plugins.link_documents" 2016-10-30 open Expenses:Foo 2016-10-31 open Assets:Cash 2016-11-01 * "Foo" "Bar" document: "{expenses_foo / "2016-11-03 Test 2.pdf"}" document-2: "{assets_cash_rel / "2016-11-05 Test 4.pdf"}" Expenses:Foo 100 EUR Assets:Cash 2016-11-07 * "Foo" "Bar" document: "{expenses_foo_rel / "2016-11-02 Test 1.pdf"}" document-2: "{assets_cash_rel / "2016-11-05 Test 4.pdf"}" Expenses:Foo 100 EUR Assets:Cash 2016-11-06 document Assets:Cash "{assets_cash_rel / "Test 5.pdf"}" 2017-11-06 balance Assets:Cash -200 EUR document: "{assets_cash_rel / "Test 5.pdf"}" """.replace( "\\", "\\\\" ) ) ) entries, errors, _ = load_file(str(beancount_file)) assert not errors assert len(entries) == 10 assert "linked" in entries[3].tags assert "linked" in entries[4].tags # Document can be linked twice assert len(entries[6].links) == 2 assert entries[2].links == entries[4].links assert entries[8].links == entries[3].links def test_link_documents_error(load_doc) -> None: """ plugin "fava.plugins.link_documents" 2016-10-31 open Expenses:Foo 2016-10-31 open Assets:Cash 2016-11-01 * "Foo" "Bar" document: "asdf" Expenses:Foo 100 EUR Assets:Cash """ entries, errors, _ = load_doc assert len(errors) == 1 assert len(entries) == 3 def test_link_documents_missing(tmp_path: Path) -> None: bfile = dedent( f""" option "documents" "{tmp_path}" plugin "fava.plugins.link_documents" 2016-10-31 open Expenses:Foo 2016-10-31 open Assets:Cash 2016-11-01 * "Foo" "Bar" document: "{Path("test") / "Foobar.pdf"}" Expenses:Foo 100 EUR Assets:Cash """.replace( "\\", "\\\\" ) ) entries, errors, _ = load_string(bfile) assert len(errors) == 1 assert isinstance(errors[0], DocumentError) assert len(entries) == 3
#!/usr/bin/env python ### # Copyright (c) 2002-2005, Jeremiah Fincher # Copyright (c) 2009, James McCoy # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the author of this software nor the name of # contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written consent. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ### import os import sys if sys.version_info < (2, 6, 0): sys.stderr.write("Supybot requires Python 2.6 or newer.") sys.stderr.write(os.linesep) sys.exit(-1) import os.path import textwrap from src.version import version from setuptools import setup def normalizeWhitespace(s): return ' '.join(s.split()) plugins = [s for s in os.listdir('plugins') if os.path.exists(os.path.join('plugins', s, ''))] packages = ['supybot', 'supybot.utils', 'supybot.drivers', 'supybot.plugins',] + \ ['supybot.plugins.'+s for s in plugins] + \ [ 'supybot.plugins.Dict.local', 'supybot.plugins.Math.local', ] package_dir = {'supybot': 'src', 'supybot.utils': 'src/utils', 'supybot.plugins': 'plugins', 'supybot.drivers': 'src/drivers', 'supybot.plugins.Dict.local': 'plugins/Dict/local', 'supybot.plugins.Math.local': 'plugins/Math/local', } for plugin in plugins: package_dir['supybot.plugins.' + plugin] = 'plugins/' + plugin setup( # Metadata name='supybot', version=version, author='Jeremy Fincher', author_email='[email protected]', maintainer='James McCoy', maintainer_email='[email protected]', url='', download_url='', platforms=['linux', 'linux2', 'win32', 'cygwin', 'darwin'], description='A flexible and extensible Python IRC bot and framework.', long_description=normalizeWhitespace("""A robust, full-featured Python IRC bot with a clean and flexible plugin API. Equipped with a complete ACL system for specifying user permissions with as much as per-command granularity. Batteries are included in the form of numerous plugins already written."""), classifiers = [ 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'Environment :: Console', 'Environment :: No Input/Output (Daemon)', 'Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License', 'Topic :: Communications :: Chat :: Internet Relay Chat', 'Natural Language :: English', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Operating System :: POSIX', 'Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', ], # Installation data packages=packages, package_dir=package_dir, scripts=['scripts/supybot', 'scripts/supybot-test', 'scripts/supybot-botchk', 'scripts/supybot-wizard', 'scripts/supybot-adduser', 'scripts/supybot-plugin-doc', 'scripts/supybot-plugin-create', ], install_requires=[ # Time plugin 'python-dateutil <2.0,>=1.3', 'feedparser', ], tests_require=[ 'mock', ] ) # vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab textwidth=79:
#!/bin/env python # Copyright 2019 Arm Limited. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import print_function import argparse import os import shutil SOURCE_CONTENT = """ int bob_test_implicit_out() { return 88; } """ HEADER_CONTENT = """ #define A 88 """ def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Test generator.") parser.add_argument("input", help="Input files") parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="Output file") parser.add_argument("--header", action="store_true", help="Generate implicit header") parser.add_argument("--source", action="store_true", help="Generate implicit source") implicit = "lib" args = parser.parse_args() inp = args.input out = args.output if not os.path.exists(inp): print("Input file doesn't exist: " + inp) exit(-1) shutil.copy(inp, out) path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(out), implicit) if args.header: # create lib.h with open(path + ".h", "w") as hf: hf.write(HEADER_CONTENT) if args.source: # create lib.c with open(path + ".c", "w") as cf: cf.write(SOURCE_CONTENT) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function """ This module implements a friendly (well, friendlier) interface between the raw JSON responses from JIRA and the Resource/dict abstractions provided by this library. Users will construct a JIRA object as described below. Full API documentation can be found at: """ from functools import wraps import imghdr import mimetypes import copy import os import re import string import tempfile import logging import json import warnings import pprint import sys import datetime import calendar import hashlib from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse, urlencode try: from collections import OrderedDict except ImportError: from ordereddict import OrderedDict from six import string_types, integer_types # six.moves does not play well with pyinstaller, see # from six.moves import html_parser if sys.version_info < (3, 0, 0): import HTMLParser as html_parser else: import html.parser as html_parser import requests try: from requests_toolbelt import MultipartEncoder except: pass try: from requests_jwt import JWTAuth except ImportError: pass # JIRA specific resources from .resources import Resource, Issue, Comment, Project, Attachment, Component, Dashboard, Filter, Votes, Watchers, \ Worklog, IssueLink, IssueLinkType, IssueType, Priority, Version, Role, Resolution, SecurityLevel, Status, User, \ CustomFieldOption, RemoteLink # GreenHopper specific resources from .resources import GreenHopperResource, Board, Sprint from .resilientsession import ResilientSession from .version import __version__ from .utils import threaded_requests, json_loads, JIRAError, CaseInsensitiveDict try: from random import SystemRandom random = SystemRandom() except ImportError: import random # warnings.simplefilter('default') # encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding() # if encoding != 'UTF8': # warnings.warn("Python default encoding is '%s' instead of 'UTF8' which means that there is a big change of having problems. Possible workaround" % encoding) def translate_resource_args(func): """ Decorator that converts Issue and Project resources to their keys when used as arguments. """ @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): arg_list = [] for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, (Issue, Project)): arg_list.append(arg.key) else: arg_list.append(arg) result = func(*arg_list, **kwargs) return result return wrapper class ResultList(list): def __init__(self, iterable=None, _total=None): if iterable is not None: list.__init__(self, iterable) else: list.__init__(self) = _total if _total is not None else len(self) class QshGenerator: def __init__(self, context_path): self.context_path = context_path def __call__(self, req): parse_result = urlparse(req.url) path = parse_result.path[len(self.context_path):] if len(self.context_path) > 1 else parse_result.path query = '&'.join(sorted(parse_result.query.split("&"))) qsh = '%(method)s&%(path)s&%(query)s' % {'method': req.method.upper(), 'path': path, 'query': query} return hashlib.sha256(qsh).hexdigest() class JIRA(object): """ User interface to JIRA. Clients interact with JIRA by constructing an instance of this object and calling its methods. For addressable resources in JIRA -- those with "self" links -- an appropriate subclass of :py:class:`Resource` will be returned with customized ``update()`` and ``delete()`` methods, along with attribute access to fields. This means that calls of the form ``issue.fields.summary`` will be resolved into the proper lookups to return the JSON value at that mapping. Methods that do not return resources will return a dict constructed from the JSON response or a scalar value; see each method's documentation for details on what that method returns. """ DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { "server": "http://localhost:2990/jira", "context_path": "/", "rest_path": "api", "rest_api_version": "2", "verify": True, "resilient": True, "async": False, "client_cert": None, "check_update": True, "headers": { 'X-Atlassian-Token': 'no-check', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', # 'Accept': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8', # default for REST 'Content-Type': 'application/json', # ;charset=UTF-8', # 'Accept': 'application/json', # default for REST #'Pragma': 'no-cache', #'Expires': 'Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT' } } checked_version = False JIRA_BASE_URL = '{server}/rest/api/{rest_api_version}/{path}' AGILE_BASE_URL = '{server}/rest/greenhopper/1.0/{path}' def __init__(self, server=None, options=None, basic_auth=None, oauth=None, jwt=None, validate=False, get_server_info=True, async=False, logging=True, max_retries=3): """ Construct a JIRA client instance. Without any arguments, this client will connect anonymously to the JIRA instance started by the Atlassian Plugin SDK from one of the 'atlas-run', ``atlas-debug``, or ``atlas-run-standalone`` commands. By default, this instance runs at ``http://localhost:2990/jira``. The ``options`` argument can be used to set the JIRA instance to use. Authentication is handled with the ``basic_auth`` argument. If authentication is supplied (and is accepted by JIRA), the client will remember it for subsequent requests. For quick command line access to a server, see the ``jirashell`` script included with this distribution. The easiest way to instantiate is using j = JIRA("") :param options: Specify the server and properties this client will use. Use a dict with any of the following properties: * server -- the server address and context path to use. Defaults to ``http://localhost:2990/jira``. * rest_path -- the root REST path to use. Defaults to ``api``, where the JIRA REST resources live. * rest_api_version -- the version of the REST resources under rest_path to use. Defaults to ``2``. * verify -- Verify SSL certs. Defaults to ``True``. * client_cert -- a tuple of (cert,key) for the requests library for client side SSL :param basic_auth: A tuple of username and password to use when establishing a session via HTTP BASIC authentication. :param oauth: A dict of properties for OAuth authentication. The following properties are required: * access_token -- OAuth access token for the user * access_token_secret -- OAuth access token secret to sign with the key * consumer_key -- key of the OAuth application link defined in JIRA * key_cert -- private key file to sign requests with (should be the pair of the public key supplied to JIRA in the OAuth application link) :param jwt: A dict of properties for JWT authentication supported by Atlassian Connect. The following properties are required: * secret -- shared secret as delivered during 'installed' lifecycle event (see for details) * payload -- dict of fields to be inserted in the JWT payload, e.g. 'iss' Example jwt structure: ``{'secret': SHARED_SECRET, 'payload': {'iss': PLUGIN_KEY}}`` :param validate: If true it will validate your credentials first. Remember that if you are accesing JIRA as anononymous it will fail to instanciate. :param get_server_info: If true it will fetch server version info first to determine if some API calls are available. :param async: To enable async requests for those actions where we implemented it, like issue update() or delete(). Obviously this means that you cannot rely on the return code when this is enabled. """ if options is None: options = {} if server and hasattr(server, 'keys'): warnings.warn( "Old API usage, use JIRA(url) or JIRA(options={'server': url}, when using dictionary always use named parameters.", DeprecationWarning) options = server server = None if server: options['server'] = server if async: options['async'] = async self.logging = logging self._options = copy.copy(JIRA.DEFAULT_OPTIONS) self._options.update(options) # Rip off trailing slash since all urls depend on that if self._options['server'].endswith('/'): self._options['server'] = self._options['server'][:-1] context_path = urlparse(self._options['server']).path if len(context_path) > 0: self._options['context_path'] = context_path self._try_magic() if oauth: self._create_oauth_session(oauth) elif basic_auth: self._create_http_basic_session(*basic_auth) self._session.headers.update(self._options['headers']) elif jwt: self._create_jwt_session(jwt) else: verify = self._options['verify'] self._session = ResilientSession() self._session.verify = verify self._session.headers.update(self._options['headers']) self._session.max_retries = max_retries if validate: # This will raise an Exception if you are not allowed to login. # It's better to fail faster than later. self.session() if get_server_info: # We need version in order to know what API calls are available or not si = self.server_info() try: self._version = tuple(si['versionNumbers']) except Exception as e: globals()['logging'].error("invalid server_info: %s", si) raise e else: self._version = (0, 0, 0) if self._options['check_update'] and not JIRA.checked_version: self._check_update_() JIRA.checked_version = True def _check_update_(self): # check if the current version of the library is outdated try: data = requests.get("", timeout=2.001).json() released_version = data['info']['version'] if released_version > __version__: warnings.warn("You are running an outdated version of JIRA Python %s. Current version is %s. Do not file any bugs against older versions." % ( __version__, released_version)) except requests.RequestException: pass except Exception as e: logging.warning(e) def __del__(self): session = getattr(self, "_session", None) if session is not None: if sys.version_info < (3, 4, 0): # workaround for session.close() def _check_for_html_error(self, content): # TODO: Make it return errors when content is a webpage with errors # JIRA has the bad habbit of returning errors in pages with 200 and # embedding the error in a huge webpage. if '<!-- SecurityTokenMissing -->' in content: logging.warning("Got SecurityTokenMissing") raise JIRAError("SecurityTokenMissing: %s" % content) return False return True # Information about this client def client_info(self): """Get the server this client is connected to.""" return self._options['server'] # Universal resource loading def find(self, resource_format, ids=None): """ Get a Resource object for any addressable resource on the server. This method is a universal resource locator for any RESTful resource in JIRA. The argument ``resource_format`` is a string of the form ``resource``, ``resource/{0}``, ``resource/{0}/sub``, ``resource/{0}/sub/{1}``, etc. The format placeholders will be populated from the ``ids`` argument if present. The existing authentication session will be used. The return value is an untyped Resource object, which will not support specialized :py:meth:`.Resource.update` or :py:meth:`.Resource.delete` behavior. Moreover, it will not know to return an issue Resource if the client uses the resource issue path. For this reason, it is intended to support resources that are not included in the standard Atlassian REST API. :param resource_format: the subpath to the resource string :param ids: values to substitute in the ``resource_format`` string :type ids: tuple or None """ resource = Resource(resource_format, self._options, self._session) resource.find(ids) return resource def async_do(self, size=10): """ This will execute all async jobs and wait for them to finish. By default it will run on 10 threads. size: number of threads to run on. :return: """ if hasattr(self._session, '_async_jobs'):"Executing async %s jobs found in queue by using %s threads..." % ( len(self._session._async_jobs), size)), size=size) # Application properties # non-resource def application_properties(self, key=None): """ Return the mutable server application properties. :param key: the single property to return a value for """ params = {} if key is not None: params['key'] = key return self._get_json('application-properties', params=params) def set_application_property(self, key, value): """ Set the application property. :param key: key of the property to set :param value: value to assign to the property """ url = self._options['server'] + \ '/rest/api/2/application-properties/' + key payload = { 'id': key, 'value': value } r = self._session.put( url, data=json.dumps(payload)) def applicationlinks(self, cached=True): """ List of application links :return: json """ # if cached, return the last result if cached and hasattr(self, '_applicationlinks'): return self._applicationlinks # url = self._options['server'] + '/rest/applinks/latest/applicationlink' url = self._options['server'] + \ '/rest/applinks/latest/listApplicationlinks' r = self._session.get(url) o = json_loads(r) if 'list' in o: self._applicationlinks = o['list'] else: self._applicationlinks = [] return self._applicationlinks # Attachments def attachment(self, id): """Get an attachment Resource from the server for the specified ID.""" return self._find_for_resource(Attachment, id) # non-resource def attachment_meta(self): """Get the attachment metadata.""" return self._get_json('attachment/meta') @translate_resource_args def add_attachment(self, issue, attachment, filename=None): """ Attach an attachment to an issue and returns a Resource for it. The client will *not* attempt to open or validate the attachment; it expects a file-like object to be ready for its use. The user is still responsible for tidying up (e.g., closing the file, killing the socket, etc.) :param issue: the issue to attach the attachment to :param attachment: file-like object to attach to the issue, also works if it is a string with the filename. :param filename: optional name for the attached file. If omitted, the file object's ``name`` attribute is used. If you aquired the file-like object by any other method than ``open()``, make sure that a name is specified in one way or the other. :rtype: an Attachment Resource """ if isinstance(attachment, string_types): attachment = open(attachment, "rb") if hasattr(attachment, 'read') and hasattr(attachment, 'mode') and attachment.mode != 'rb': logging.warning( "%s was not opened in 'rb' mode, attaching file may fail." % # TODO: Support attaching multiple files at once? url = self._get_url('issue/' + str(issue) + '/attachments') fname = filename if not fname: fname = os.path.basename( if 'MultipartEncoder' not in globals(): method = 'old' r = url, files={ 'file': (fname, attachment, 'application/octet-stream')}, headers=CaseInsensitiveDict({'content-type': None, 'X-Atlassian-Token': 'nocheck'})) else: method = 'MultipartEncoder' def file_stream(): return MultipartEncoder( fields={ 'file': (fname, attachment, 'application/octet-stream')} ) m = file_stream() r = url, data=m, headers=CaseInsensitiveDict({'content-type': m.content_type, 'X-Atlassian-Token': 'nocheck'}), retry_data=file_stream) attachment = Attachment(self._options, self._session, json_loads(r)[0]) if attachment.size == 0: raise JIRAError("Added empty attachment via %s method?!: r: %s\nattachment: %s" % (method, r, attachment)) return attachment # Components def component(self, id): """ Get a component Resource from the server. :param id: ID of the component to get """ return self._find_for_resource(Component, id) @translate_resource_args def create_component(self, name, project, description=None, leadUserName=None, assigneeType=None, isAssigneeTypeValid=False): """ Create a component inside a project and return a Resource for it. :param name: name of the component :param project: key of the project to create the component in :param description: a description of the component :param leadUserName: the username of the user responsible for this component :param assigneeType: see the ComponentBean.AssigneeType class for valid values :param isAssigneeTypeValid: boolean specifying whether the assignee type is acceptable """ data = { 'name': name, 'project': project, 'isAssigneeTypeValid': isAssigneeTypeValid } if description is not None: data['description'] = description if leadUserName is not None: data['leadUserName'] = leadUserName if assigneeType is not None: data['assigneeType'] = assigneeType url = self._get_url('component') r = url, data=json.dumps(data)) component = Component(self._options, self._session, raw=json_loads(r)) return component def component_count_related_issues(self, id): """ Get the count of related issues for a component. :type id: integer :param id: ID of the component to use """ return self._get_json('component/' + id + '/relatedIssueCounts')['issueCount'] # Custom field options def custom_field_option(self, id): """ Get a custom field option Resource from the server. :param id: ID of the custom field to use """ return self._find_for_resource(CustomFieldOption, id) # Dashboards def dashboards(self, filter=None, startAt=0, maxResults=20): """ Return a ResultList of Dashboard resources and a ``total`` count. :param filter: either "favourite" or "my", the type of dashboards to return :param startAt: index of the first dashboard to return :param maxResults: maximum number of dashboards to return. The total number of results is always available in the ``total`` attribute of the returned ResultList. """ params = {} if filter is not None: params['filter'] = filter params['startAt'] = startAt params['maxResults'] = maxResults r_json = self._get_json('dashboard', params=params) dashboards = [Dashboard(self._options, self._session, raw_dash_json) for raw_dash_json in r_json['dashboards']] return ResultList(dashboards, r_json['total']) def dashboard(self, id): """ Get a dashboard Resource from the server. :param id: ID of the dashboard to get. """ return self._find_for_resource(Dashboard, id) # Fields # non-resource def fields(self): """Return a list of all issue fields.""" return self._get_json('field') # Filters def filter(self, id): """ Get a filter Resource from the server. :param id: ID of the filter to get. """ return self._find_for_resource(Filter, id) def favourite_filters(self): """Get a list of filter Resources which are the favourites of the currently authenticated user.""" r_json = self._get_json('filter/favourite') filters = [Filter(self._options, self._session, raw_filter_json) for raw_filter_json in r_json] return filters def create_filter(self, name=None, description=None, jql=None, favourite=None): """ Create a new filter and return a filter Resource for it. Keyword arguments: name -- name of the new filter description -- useful human readable description of the new filter jql -- query string that defines the filter favourite -- whether to add this filter to the current user's favorites """ data = {} if name is not None: data['name'] = name if description is not None: data['description'] = description if jql is not None: data['jql'] = jql if favourite is not None: data['favourite'] = favourite url = self._get_url('filter') r = url, data=json.dumps(data)) raw_filter_json = json_loads(r) return Filter(self._options, self._session, raw=raw_filter_json) def update_filter(self, filter_id, name=None, description=None, jql=None, favourite=None): """ Updates a filter and return a filter Resource for it. Keyword arguments: name -- name of the new filter description -- useful human readable description of the new filter jql -- query string that defines the filter favourite -- whether to add this filter to the current user's favorites """ filter = self.filter(filter_id) data = {} data['name'] = name or data['description'] = description or filter.description data['jql'] = jql or filter.jql data['favourite'] = favourite or filter.favourite url = self._get_url('filter/%s' % filter_id) r = self._session.put(url, headers={'content-type': 'application/json'}, data=json.dumps(data)) raw_filter_json = json.loads(r.text) return Filter(self._options, self._session, raw=raw_filter_json) # Groups # non-resource def groups(self, query=None, exclude=None, maxResults=9999): """ Return a list of groups matching the specified criteria. Keyword arguments: query -- filter groups by name with this string exclude -- filter out groups by name with this string maxResults -- maximum results to return. defaults to 9999 """ params = {} groups = [] if query is not None: params['query'] = query if exclude is not None: params['exclude'] = exclude if maxResults is not None: params['maxResults'] = maxResults for group in self._get_json('groups/picker', params=params)['groups']: groups.append(group['name']) return sorted(groups) def group_members(self, group): """ Return a hash or users with their information. Requires JIRA 6.0 or will raise NotImplemented. """ if self._version < (6, 0, 0): raise NotImplementedError( "Group members is not implemented in JIRA before version 6.0, upgrade the instance, if possible.") params = {'groupname': group, 'expand': "users"} r = self._get_json('group', params=params) size = r['users']['size'] end_index = r['users']['end-index'] while end_index < size - 1: params = {'groupname': group, 'expand': "users[%s:%s]" % ( end_index + 1, end_index + 50)} r2 = self._get_json('group', params=params) for user in r2['users']['items']: r['users']['items'].append(user) end_index = r2['users']['end-index'] size = r['users']['size'] result = {} for user in r['users']['items']: result[user['name']] = {'fullname': user['displayName'], 'email': user['emailAddress'], 'active': user['active']} return result def add_group(self, groupname): ''' Creates a new group in JIRA. :param groupname: The name of the group you wish to create. :return: Boolean - True if succesfull. ''' url = self._options['server'] + '/rest/api/latest/group' # implementation based on # x = OrderedDict() x['name'] = groupname payload = json.dumps(x), data=payload) return True def remove_group(self, groupname): ''' Deletes a group from the JIRA instance. :param groupname: The group to be deleted from the JIRA instance. :return: Boolean. Returns True on success. ''' # implementation based on # url = self._options['server'] + '/rest/api/latest/group' x = {'groupname': groupname} self._session.delete(url, params=x) return True # Issues def issue(self, id, fields=None, expand=None): """ Get an issue Resource from the server. :param id: ID or key of the issue to get :param fields: comma-separated string of issue fields to include in the results :param expand: extra information to fetch inside each resource """ # this allows us to pass Issue objects to issue() if type(id) == Issue: return id issue = Issue(self._options, self._session) params = {} if fields is not None: params['fields'] = fields if expand is not None: params['expand'] = expand issue.find(id, params=params) return issue def create_issue(self, fields=None, prefetch=True, **fieldargs): """ Create a new issue and return an issue Resource for it. Each keyword argument (other than the predefined ones) is treated as a field name and the argument's value is treated as the intended value for that field -- if the fields argument is used, all other keyword arguments will be ignored. By default, the client will immediately reload the issue Resource created by this method in order to return a complete Issue object to the caller; this behavior can be controlled through the 'prefetch' argument. JIRA projects may contain many different issue types. Some issue screens have different requirements for fields in a new issue. This information is available through the 'createmeta' method. Further examples are available here: :param fields: a dict containing field names and the values to use. If present, all other keyword arguments\ will be ignored :param prefetch: whether to reload the created issue Resource so that all of its data is present in the value\ returned from this method """ data = {} if fields is not None: data['fields'] = fields else: fields_dict = {} for field in fieldargs: fields_dict[field] = fieldargs[field] data['fields'] = fields_dict p = data['fields']['project'] if isinstance(p, string_types) or isinstance(p, integer_types): data['fields']['project'] = {'id': self.project(p).id} url = self._get_url('issue') r =, data=json.dumps(data)) raw_issue_json = json_loads(r) if 'key' not in raw_issue_json: raise JIRAError(r.status_code, request=r) if prefetch: return self.issue(raw_issue_json['key']) else: return Issue(self._options, self._session, raw=raw_issue_json) def createmeta(self, projectKeys=None, projectIds=[], issuetypeIds=None, issuetypeNames=None, expand=None): """ Gets the metadata required to create issues, optionally filtered by projects and issue types. :param projectKeys: keys of the projects to filter the results with. Can be a single value or a comma-delimited\ string. May be combined with projectIds. :param projectIds: IDs of the projects to filter the results with. Can be a single value or a comma-delimited\ string. May be combined with projectKeys. :param issuetypeIds: IDs of the issue types to filter the results with. Can be a single value or a\ comma-delimited string. May be combined with issuetypeNames. :param issuetypeNames: Names of the issue types to filter the results with. Can be a single value or a\ comma-delimited string. May be combined with issuetypeIds. :param expand: extra information to fetch inside each resource. """ params = {} if projectKeys is not None: params['projectKeys'] = projectKeys if projectIds is not None: if isinstance(projectIds, string_types): projectIds = projectIds.split(',') params['projectIds'] = projectIds if issuetypeIds is not None: params['issuetypeIds'] = issuetypeIds if issuetypeNames is not None: params['issuetypeNames'] = issuetypeNames if expand is not None: params['expand'] = expand return self._get_json('issue/createmeta', params) # non-resource @translate_resource_args def assign_issue(self, issue, assignee): """ Assign an issue to a user. None will set it to unassigned. -1 will set it to Automatic. :param issue: the issue to assign :param assignee: the user to assign the issue to """ url = self._options['server'] + \ '/rest/api/2/issue/' + str(issue) + '/assignee' payload = {'name': assignee} r = self._session.put( url, data=json.dumps(payload)) @translate_resource_args def comments(self, issue): """ Get a list of comment Resources. :param issue: the issue to get comments from """ r_json = self._get_json('issue/' + str(issue) + '/comment') comments = [Comment(self._options, self._session, raw_comment_json) for raw_comment_json in r_json['comments']] return comments @translate_resource_args def comment(self, issue, comment): """ Get a comment Resource from the server for the specified ID. :param issue: ID or key of the issue to get the comment from :param comment: ID of the comment to get """ return self._find_for_resource(Comment, (issue, comment)) @translate_resource_args def add_comment(self, issue, body, visibility=None): """ Add a comment from the current authenticated user on the specified issue and return a Resource for it. The issue identifier and comment body are required. :param issue: ID or key of the issue to add the comment to :param body: Text of the comment to add :param visibility: a dict containing two entries: "type" and "value". "type" is 'role' (or 'group' if the JIRA\ server has configured comment visibility for groups) and 'value' is the name of the role (or group) to which\ viewing of this comment will be restricted. """ data = { 'body': body } if visibility is not None: data['visibility'] = visibility url = self._get_url('issue/' + str(issue) + '/comment') r = url, data=json.dumps(data)) comment = Comment(self._options, self._session, raw=json_loads(r)) return comment # non-resource @translate_resource_args def editmeta(self, issue): """ Get the edit metadata for an issue. :param issue: the issue to get metadata for """ return self._get_json('issue/' + str(issue) + '/editmeta') @translate_resource_args def remote_links(self, issue): """ Get a list of remote link Resources from an issue. :param issue: the issue to get remote links from """ r_json = self._get_json('issue/' + str(issue) + '/remotelink') remote_links = [RemoteLink( self._options, self._session, raw_remotelink_json) for raw_remotelink_json in r_json] return remote_links @translate_resource_args def remote_link(self, issue, id): """ Get a remote link Resource from the server. :param issue: the issue holding the remote link :param id: ID of the remote link """ return self._find_for_resource(RemoteLink, (issue, id)) # removed the @translate_resource_args because it prevents us from finding # information for building a proper link def add_remote_link(self, issue, destination, globalId=None, application=None, relationship=None): """ Add a remote link from an issue to an external application and returns a remote link Resource for it. ``object`` should be a dict containing at least ``url`` to the linked external URL and ``title`` to display for the link inside JIRA. For definitions of the allowable fields for ``object`` and the keyword arguments ``globalId``, ``application`` and ``relationship``, see :param issue: the issue to add the remote link to :param destination: the link details to add (see the above link for details) :param globalId: unique ID for the link (see the above link for details) :param application: application information for the link (see the above link for details) :param relationship: relationship description for the link (see the above link for details) """ warnings.warn( "broken: see and", Warning) try: applicationlinks = self.applicationlinks() except JIRAError as e: applicationlinks = [] # In many (if not most) configurations, non-admin users are # not allowed to list applicationlinks; if we aren't allowed, # let's let people try to add remote links anyway, we just # won't be able to be quite as helpful. warnings.warn( "Unable to gather applicationlinks; you will not be able " "to add links to remote issues: (%s) %s" % ( e.status_code, e.text ), Warning ) data = {} if type(destination) == Issue: data['object'] = { 'title': str(destination), 'url': destination.permalink() } for x in applicationlinks: if x['application']['displayUrl'] == destination._options['server']: data['globalId'] = "appId=%s&issueId=%s" % ( x['application']['id'], destination.raw['id']) data['application'] = { 'name': x['application']['name'], 'type': "com.atlassian.jira"} break if 'globalId' not in data: raise NotImplementedError( "Unable to identify the issue to link to.") else: if globalId is not None: data['globalId'] = globalId if application is not None: data['application'] = application data['object'] = destination if relationship is not None: data['relationship'] = relationship # check if the link comes from one of the configured application links for x in applicationlinks: if x['application']['displayUrl'] == self._options['server']: data['globalId'] = "appId=%s&issueId=%s" % ( x['application']['id'], destination.raw['id']) data['application'] = { 'name': x['application']['name'], 'type': "com.atlassian.jira"} break url = self._get_url('issue/' + str(issue) + '/remotelink') r = url, data=json.dumps(data)) remote_link = RemoteLink( self._options, self._session, raw=json_loads(r)) return remote_link def add_simple_link(self, issue, object): """ Add a simple remote link from an issue to web resource. This avoids the admin access problems from add_remote_link by just using a simple object and presuming all fields are correct and not requiring more complex ``application`` data. ``object`` should be a dict containing at least ``url`` to the linked external URL and ``title`` to display for the link inside JIRA. For definitions of the allowable fields for ``object`` , see :param issue: the issue to add the remote link to :param object: the dictionary used to create remotelink data """ data = {} # hard code data dict to be passed as ``object`` to avoid any permissions errors data = object url = self._get_url('issue/' + str(issue) + '/remotelink') r = url, data=json.dumps(data)) simple_link = RemoteLink( self._options, self._session, raw=json_loads(r)) return simple_link # non-resource @translate_resource_args def transitions(self, issue, id=None, expand=None): """ Get a list of the transitions available on the specified issue to the current user. :param issue: ID or key of the issue to get the transitions from :param id: if present, get only the transition matching this ID :param expand: extra information to fetch inside each transition """ params = {} if id is not None: params['transitionId'] = id if expand is not None: params['expand'] = expand return self._get_json('issue/' + str(issue) + '/transitions', params=params)['transitions'] def find_transitionid_by_name(self, issue, transition_name): """ Get a transitionid available on the specified issue to the current user. Look at for json reference :param issue: ID or key of the issue to get the transitions from :param trans_name: iname of transition we are looking for """ transitions_json = self.transitions(issue) id = None for transition in transitions_json: if transition["name"].lower() == transition_name.lower(): id = transition["id"] break return id @translate_resource_args def transition_issue(self, issue, transition, fields=None, comment=None, **fieldargs): # TODO: Support update verbs (same as issue.update()) """ Perform a transition on an issue. Each keyword argument (other than the predefined ones) is treated as a field name and the argument's value is treated as the intended value for that field -- if the fields argument is used, all other keyword arguments will be ignored. Field values will be set on the issue as part of the transition process. :param issue: ID or key of the issue to perform the transition on :param transition: ID or name of the transition to perform :param comment: *Optional* String to add as comment to the issue when performing the transition. :param fields: a dict containing field names and the values to use. If present, all other keyword arguments\ will be ignored """ transitionId = None try: transitionId = int(transition) except: # cannot cast to int, so try to find transitionId by name transitionId = self.find_transitionid_by_name(issue, transition) if transitionId is None: raise JIRAError("Invalid transition name. %s" % transition) data = { 'transition': { 'id': transitionId } } if comment: data['update'] = {'comment': [{'add': {'body': comment}}]} if fields is not None: data['fields'] = fields else: fields_dict = {} for field in fieldargs: fields_dict[field] = fieldargs[field] data['fields'] = fields_dict url = self._get_url('issue/' + str(issue) + '/transitions') r = url, data=json.dumps(data)) @translate_resource_args def votes(self, issue): """ Get a votes Resource from the server. :param issue: ID or key of the issue to get the votes for """ return self._find_for_resource(Votes, issue) @translate_resource_args def add_vote(self, issue): """ Register a vote for the current authenticated user on an issue. :param issue: ID or key of the issue to vote on """ url = self._get_url('issue/' + str(issue) + '/votes') r = @translate_resource_args def remove_vote(self, issue): """ Remove the current authenticated user's vote from an issue. :param issue: ID or key of the issue to unvote on """ url = self._get_url('issue/' + str(issue) + '/votes') self._session.delete(url) @translate_resource_args def watchers(self, issue): """ Get a watchers Resource from the server for an issue. :param issue: ID or key of the issue to get the watchers for """ return self._find_for_resource(Watchers, issue) @translate_resource_args def add_watcher(self, issue, watcher): """ Add a user to an issue's watchers list. :param issue: ID or key of the issue affected :param watcher: username of the user to add to the watchers list """ url = self._get_url('issue/' + str(issue) + '/watchers') url, data=json.dumps(watcher)) @translate_resource_args def remove_watcher(self, issue, watcher): """ Remove a user from an issue's watch list. :param issue: ID or key of the issue affected :param watcher: username of the user to remove from the watchers list """ url = self._get_url('issue/' + str(issue) + '/watchers') params = {'username': watcher} result = self._session.delete(url, params=params) return result @translate_resource_args def worklogs(self, issue): """ Get a list of worklog Resources from the server for an issue. :param issue: ID or key of the issue to get worklogs from """ r_json = self._get_json('issue/' + str(issue) + '/worklog') worklogs = [Worklog(self._options, self._session, raw_worklog_json) for raw_worklog_json in r_json['worklogs']] return worklogs @translate_resource_args def worklog(self, issue, id): """ Get a specific worklog Resource from the server. :param issue: ID or key of the issue to get the worklog from :param id: ID of the worklog to get """ return self._find_for_resource(Worklog, (issue, id)) @translate_resource_args def add_worklog(self, issue, timeSpent=None, timeSpentSeconds=None, adjustEstimate=None, newEstimate=None, reduceBy=None, comment=None, started=None, user=None): """ Add a new worklog entry on an issue and return a Resource for it. :param issue: the issue to add the worklog to :param timeSpent: a worklog entry with this amount of time spent, e.g. "2d" :param adjustEstimate: (optional) allows the user to provide specific instructions to update the remaining\ time estimate of the issue. The value can either be ``new``, ``leave``, ``manual`` or ``auto`` (default). :param newEstimate: the new value for the remaining estimate field. e.g. "2d" :param reduceBy: the amount to reduce the remaining estimate by e.g. "2d" :param started: Moment when the work is logged, if not specified will default to now :param comment: optional worklog comment """ params = {} if adjustEstimate is not None: params['adjustEstimate'] = adjustEstimate if newEstimate is not None: params['newEstimate'] = newEstimate if reduceBy is not None: params['reduceBy'] = reduceBy data = {} if timeSpent is not None: data['timeSpent'] = timeSpent if timeSpentSeconds is not None: data['timeSpentSeconds'] = timeSpentSeconds if comment is not None: data['comment'] = comment elif user: # we log user inside comment as it doesn't always work data['comment'] = user if started is not None: # based on REST Browser it needs: "2014-06-03T08:21:01.273+0000" data['started'] = started.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000%z") if user is not None: data['author'] = {"name": user, 'self': self.JIRA_BASE_URL + '/rest/api/2/user?username=' + user, 'displayName': user, 'active': False } data['updateAuthor'] = data['author'] # TODO: report bug to Atlassian: author and updateAuthor parameters are # ignored. url = self._get_url('issue/{0}/worklog'.format(issue)) r =, params=params, data=json.dumps(data)) return Worklog(self._options, self._session, json_loads(r)) # Issue links @translate_resource_args def create_issue_link(self, type, inwardIssue, outwardIssue, comment=None): """ Create a link between two issues. :param type: the type of link to create :param inwardIssue: the issue to link from :param outwardIssue: the issue to link to :param comment: a comment to add to the issues with the link. Should be a dict containing ``body``\ and ``visibility`` fields: ``body`` being the text of the comment and ``visibility`` being a dict containing\ two entries: ``type`` and ``value``. ``type`` is ``role`` (or ``group`` if the JIRA server has configured\ comment visibility for groups) and ``value`` is the name of the role (or group) to which viewing of this\ comment will be restricted. """ # let's see if we have the right issue link 'type' and fix it if needed if not hasattr(self, '_cached_issuetypes'): self._cached_issue_link_types = self.issue_link_types() if type not in self._cached_issue_link_types: for lt in self._cached_issue_link_types: if lt.outward == type: # we are smart to figure it out what he ment type = break elif lt.inward == type: # so that's the reverse, so we fix the request type = inwardIssue, outwardIssue = outwardIssue, inwardIssue break data = { 'type': { 'name': type }, 'inwardIssue': { 'key': inwardIssue }, 'outwardIssue': { 'key': outwardIssue }, 'comment': comment } url = self._get_url('issueLink') r = url, data=json.dumps(data)) def issue_link(self, id): """ Get an issue link Resource from the server. :param id: ID of the issue link to get """ return self._find_for_resource(IssueLink, id) # Issue link types def issue_link_types(self): """Get a list of issue link type Resources from the server.""" r_json = self._get_json('issueLinkType') link_types = [IssueLinkType(self._options, self._session, raw_link_json) for raw_link_json in r_json['issueLinkTypes']] return link_types def issue_link_type(self, id): """ Get an issue link type Resource from the server. :param id: ID of the issue link type to get """ return self._find_for_resource(IssueLinkType, id) # Issue types def issue_types(self): """Get a list of issue type Resources from the server.""" r_json = self._get_json('issuetype') issue_types = [IssueType( self._options, self._session, raw_type_json) for raw_type_json in r_json] return issue_types def issue_type(self, id): """ Get an issue type Resource from the server. :param id: ID of the issue type to get """ return self._find_for_resource(IssueType, id) # User permissions # non-resource def my_permissions(self, projectKey=None, projectId=None, issueKey=None, issueId=None): """ Get a dict of all available permissions on the server. :param projectKey: limit returned permissions to the specified project :param projectId: limit returned permissions to the specified project :param issueKey: limit returned permissions to the specified issue :param issueId: limit returned permissions to the specified issue """ params = {} if projectKey is not None: params['projectKey'] = projectKey if projectId is not None: params['projectId'] = projectId if issueKey is not None: params['issueKey'] = issueKey if issueId is not None: params['issueId'] = issueId return self._get_json('mypermissions', params=params) # Priorities def priorities(self): """Get a list of priority Resources from the server.""" r_json = self._get_json('priority') priorities = [Priority( self._options, self._session, raw_priority_json) for raw_priority_json in r_json] return priorities def priority(self, id): """ Get a priority Resource from the server. :param id: ID of the priority to get """ return self._find_for_resource(Priority, id) # Projects def projects(self): """Get a list of project Resources from the server visible to the current authenticated user.""" r_json = self._get_json('project') projects = [Project( self._options, self._session, raw_project_json) for raw_project_json in r_json] return projects def project(self, id): """ Get a project Resource from the server. :param id: ID or key of the project to get """ return self._find_for_resource(Project, id) # non-resource @translate_resource_args def project_avatars(self, project): """ Get a dict of all avatars for a project visible to the current authenticated user. :param project: ID or key of the project to get avatars for """ return self._get_json('project/' + project + '/avatars') @translate_resource_args def create_temp_project_avatar(self, project, filename, size, avatar_img, contentType=None, auto_confirm=False): """ Register an image file as a project avatar. The avatar created is temporary and must be confirmed before it can be used. Avatar images are specified by a filename, size, and file object. By default, the client will attempt to autodetect the picture's content type: this mechanism relies on libmagic and will not work out of the box on Windows systems (see for details on how to install support). The ``contentType`` argument can be used to explicitly set the value (note that JIRA will reject any type other than the well-known ones for images, e.g. ``image/jpg``, ``image/png``, etc.) This method returns a dict of properties that can be used to crop a subarea of a larger image for use. This dict should be saved and passed to :py:meth:`confirm_project_avatar` to finish the avatar creation process. If\ you want to cut out the middleman and confirm the avatar with JIRA's default cropping, pass the 'auto_confirm'\ argument with a truthy value and :py:meth:`confirm_project_avatar` will be called for you before this method\ returns. :param project: ID or key of the project to create the avatar in :param filename: name of the avatar file :param size: size of the avatar file :param avatar_img: file-like object holding the avatar :param contentType: explicit specification for the avatar image's content-type :param boolean auto_confirm: whether to automatically confirm the temporary avatar by calling\ :py:meth:`confirm_project_avatar` with the return value of this method. """ size_from_file = os.path.getsize(filename) if size != size_from_file: size = size_from_file params = { 'filename': filename, 'size': size } headers = {'X-Atlassian-Token': 'no-check'} if contentType is not None: headers['content-type'] = contentType else: # try to detect content-type, this may return None headers['content-type'] = self._get_mime_type(avatar_img) url = self._get_url('project/' + project + '/avatar/temporary') r = url, params=params, headers=headers, data=avatar_img) cropping_properties = json_loads(r) if auto_confirm: return self.confirm_project_avatar(project, cropping_properties) else: return cropping_properties @translate_resource_args def confirm_project_avatar(self, project, cropping_properties): """ Confirm the temporary avatar image previously uploaded with the specified cropping. After a successful registry with :py:meth:`create_temp_project_avatar`, use this method to confirm the avatar for use. The final avatar can be a subarea of the uploaded image, which is customized with the ``cropping_properties``: the return value of :py:meth:`create_temp_project_avatar` should be used for this argument. :param project: ID or key of the project to confirm the avatar in :param cropping_properties: a dict of cropping properties from :py:meth:`create_temp_project_avatar` """ data = cropping_properties url = self._get_url('project/' + project + '/avatar') r = url, data=json.dumps(data)) return json_loads(r) @translate_resource_args def set_project_avatar(self, project, avatar): """ Set a project's avatar. :param project: ID or key of the project to set the avatar on :param avatar: ID of the avatar to set """ self._set_avatar( None, self._get_url('project/' + project + '/avatar'), avatar) @translate_resource_args def delete_project_avatar(self, project, avatar): """ Delete a project's avatar. :param project: ID or key of the project to delete the avatar from :param avatar: ID of the avater to delete """ url = self._get_url('project/' + project + '/avatar/' + avatar) r = self._session.delete(url) @translate_resource_args def project_components(self, project): """ Get a list of component Resources present on a project. :param project: ID or key of the project to get components from """ r_json = self._get_json('project/' + project + '/components') components = [Component( self._options, self._session, raw_comp_json) for raw_comp_json in r_json] return components @translate_resource_args def project_versions(self, project): """ Get a list of version Resources present on a project. :param project: ID or key of the project to get versions from """ r_json = self._get_json('project/' + project + '/versions') versions = [ Version(self._options, self._session, raw_ver_json) for raw_ver_json in r_json] return versions # non-resource @translate_resource_args def project_roles(self, project): """ Get a dict of role names to resource locations for a project. :param project: ID or key of the project to get roles from """ return self._get_json('project/' + project + '/role') @translate_resource_args def project_role(self, project, id): """ Get a role Resource. :param project: ID or key of the project to get the role from :param id: ID of the role to get """ return self._find_for_resource(Role, (project, id)) # Resolutions def resolutions(self): """Get a list of resolution Resources from the server.""" r_json = self._get_json('resolution') resolutions = [Resolution( self._options, self._session, raw_res_json) for raw_res_json in r_json] return resolutions def resolution(self, id): """ Get a resolution Resource from the server. :param id: ID of the resolution to get """ return self._find_for_resource(Resolution, id) # Search def search_issues(self, jql_str, startAt=0, maxResults=50, validate_query=True, fields=None, expand=None, json_result=None): """ Get a ResultList of issue Resources matching a JQL search string. :param jql_str: the JQL search string to use :param startAt: index of the first issue to return :param maxResults: maximum number of issues to return. Total number of results is available in the ``total`` attribute of the returned ResultList. If maxResults evaluates as False, it will try to get all issues in batches of 50. :param fields: comma-separated string of issue fields to include in the results :param expand: extra information to fetch inside each resource """ # TODO what to do about the expand, which isn't related to the issues? infinite = False maxi = 50 idx = 0 if fields is None: fields = [] # If None is passed as parameter, this fetch all issues from the query if not maxResults: maxResults = maxi infinite = True search_params = { "jql": jql_str, "startAt": startAt, "maxResults": maxResults, "validateQuery": validate_query, "fields": fields, "expand": expand } if json_result: return self._get_json('search', params=search_params) resource = self._get_json('search', params=search_params) issues = [Issue(self._options, self._session, raw_issue_json) for raw_issue_json in resource['issues']] cnt = len(issues) total = resource['total'] if infinite: while cnt == maxi: idx += maxi search_params["startAt"] = idx resource = self._get_json('search', params=search_params) issue_batch = [Issue(self._options, self._session, raw_issue_json) for raw_issue_json in resource['issues']] issues.extend(issue_batch) cnt = len(issue_batch) return ResultList(issues, total) # Security levels def security_level(self, id): """ Get a security level Resource. :param id: ID of the security level to get """ return self._find_for_resource(SecurityLevel, id) # Server info # non-resource def server_info(self): """Get a dict of server information for this JIRA instance.""" return self._get_json('serverInfo') def myself(self): """Get a dict of server information for this JIRA instance.""" return self._get_json('myself') # Status def statuses(self): """Get a list of status Resources from the server.""" r_json = self._get_json('status') statuses = [Status(self._options, self._session, raw_stat_json) for raw_stat_json in r_json] return statuses def status(self, id): """ Get a status Resource from the server. :param id: ID of the status resource to get """ return self._find_for_resource(Status, id) # Users def user(self, id, expand=None): """ Get a user Resource from the server. :param id: ID of the user to get :param expand: extra information to fetch inside each resource """ user = User(self._options, self._session) params = {} if expand is not None: params['expand'] = expand user.find(id, params=params) return user def search_assignable_users_for_projects(self, username, projectKeys, startAt=0, maxResults=50): """ Get a list of user Resources that match the search string and can be assigned issues for projects. :param username: a string to match usernames against :param projectKeys: comma-separated list of project keys to check for issue assignment permissions :param startAt: index of the first user to return :param maxResults: maximum number of users to return """ params = { 'username': username, 'projectKeys': projectKeys, 'startAt': startAt, 'maxResults': maxResults } r_json = self._get_json( 'user/assignable/multiProjectSearch', params=params) users = [User(self._options, self._session, raw_user_json) for raw_user_json in r_json] return users def search_assignable_users_for_issues(self, username, project=None, issueKey=None, expand=None, startAt=0, maxResults=50): """ Get a list of user Resources that match the search string for assigning or creating issues. This method is intended to find users that are eligible to create issues in a project or be assigned to an existing issue. When searching for eligible creators, specify a project. When searching for eligible assignees, specify an issue key. :param username: a string to match usernames against :param project: filter returned users by permission in this project (expected if a result will be used to \ create an issue) :param issueKey: filter returned users by this issue (expected if a result will be used to edit this issue) :param expand: extra information to fetch inside each resource :param startAt: index of the first user to return :param maxResults: maximum number of users to return """ params = { 'username': username, 'startAt': startAt, 'maxResults': maxResults, } if project is not None: params['project'] = project if issueKey is not None: params['issueKey'] = issueKey if expand is not None: params['expand'] = expand r_json = self._get_json('user/assignable/search', params) users = [User(self._options, self._session, raw_user_json) for raw_user_json in r_json] return users # non-resource def user_avatars(self, username): """ Get a dict of avatars for the specified user. :param username: the username to get avatars for """ return self._get_json('user/avatars', params={'username': username}) def create_temp_user_avatar(self, user, filename, size, avatar_img, contentType=None, auto_confirm=False): """ Register an image file as a user avatar. The avatar created is temporary and must be confirmed before it can be used. Avatar images are specified by a filename, size, and file object. By default, the client will attempt to autodetect the picture's content type: this mechanism relies on ``libmagic`` and will not work out of the box on Windows systems (see for details on how to install support). The ``contentType`` argument can be used to explicitly set the value (note that JIRA will reject any type other than the well-known ones for images, e.g. ``image/jpg``, ``image/png``, etc.) This method returns a dict of properties that can be used to crop a subarea of a larger image for use. This dict should be saved and passed to :py:meth:`confirm_user_avatar` to finish the avatar creation process. If you want to cut out the middleman and confirm the avatar with JIRA's default cropping, pass the ``auto_confirm`` argument with a truthy value and :py:meth:`confirm_user_avatar` will be called for you before this method returns. :param user: user to register the avatar for :param filename: name of the avatar file :param size: size of the avatar file :param avatar_img: file-like object containing the avatar :param contentType: explicit specification for the avatar image's content-type :param auto_confirm: whether to automatically confirm the temporary avatar by calling\ :py:meth:`confirm_user_avatar` with the return value of this method. """ size_from_file = os.path.getsize(filename) if size != size_from_file: size = size_from_file params = { 'username': user, 'filename': filename, 'size': size } headers = {'X-Atlassian-Token': 'no-check'} if contentType is not None: headers['content-type'] = contentType else: # try to detect content-type, this may return None headers['content-type'] = self._get_mime_type(avatar_img) url = self._get_url('user/avatar/temporary') r = url, params=params, headers=headers, data=avatar_img) cropping_properties = json_loads(r) if auto_confirm: return self.confirm_user_avatar(user, cropping_properties) else: return cropping_properties def confirm_user_avatar(self, user, cropping_properties): """ Confirm the temporary avatar image previously uploaded with the specified cropping. After a successful registry with :py:meth:`create_temp_user_avatar`, use this method to confirm the avatar for use. The final avatar can be a subarea of the uploaded image, which is customized with the ``cropping_properties``: the return value of :py:meth:`create_temp_user_avatar` should be used for this argument. :param user: the user to confirm the avatar for :param cropping_properties: a dict of cropping properties from :py:meth:`create_temp_user_avatar` """ data = cropping_properties url = self._get_url('user/avatar') r =, params={'username': user}, data=json.dumps(data)) return json_loads(r) def set_user_avatar(self, username, avatar): """ Set a user's avatar. :param username: the user to set the avatar for :param avatar: ID of the avatar to set """ self._set_avatar( {'username': username}, self._get_url('user/avatar'), avatar) def delete_user_avatar(self, username, avatar): """ Delete a user's avatar. :param username: the user to delete the avatar from :param avatar: ID of the avatar to remove """ params = {'username': username} url = self._get_url('user/avatar/' + avatar) r = self._session.delete(url, params=params) def search_users(self, user, startAt=0, maxResults=50, includeActive=True, includeInactive=False): """ Get a list of user Resources that match the specified search string. :param user: a string to match usernames, name or email against :param startAt: index of the first user to return :param maxResults: maximum number of users to return """ params = { 'username': user, 'startAt': startAt, 'maxResults': maxResults, 'includeActive': includeActive, 'includeInactive': includeInactive } r_json = self._get_json('user/search', params=params) users = [User(self._options, self._session, raw_user_json) for raw_user_json in r_json] return users def search_allowed_users_for_issue(self, user, issueKey=None, projectKey=None, startAt=0, maxResults=50): """ Get a list of user Resources that match a username string and have browse permission for the issue or project. :param user: a string to match usernames against :param issueKey: find users with browse permission for this issue :param projectKey: find users with browse permission for this project :param startAt: index of the first user to return :param maxResults: maximum number of users to return """ params = { 'username': user, 'startAt': startAt, 'maxResults': maxResults, } if issueKey is not None: params['issueKey'] = issueKey if projectKey is not None: params['projectKey'] = projectKey r_json = self._get_json('user/viewissue/search', params) users = [User(self._options, self._session, raw_user_json) for raw_user_json in r_json] return users # Versions @translate_resource_args def create_version(self, name, project, description=None, releaseDate=None, startDate=None, archived=False, released=False): """ Create a version in a project and return a Resource for it. :param name: name of the version to create :param project: key of the project to create the version in :param description: a description of the version :param releaseDate: the release date assigned to the version :param startDate: The start date for the version """ data = { 'name': name, 'project': project, 'archived': archived, 'released': released } if description is not None: data['description'] = description if releaseDate is not None: data['releaseDate'] = releaseDate if startDate is not None: data['startDate'] = startDate url = self._get_url('version') r = url, data=json.dumps(data)) version = Version(self._options, self._session, raw=json_loads(r)) return version def move_version(self, id, after=None, position=None): """ Move a version within a project's ordered version list and return a new version Resource for it. One, but not both, of ``after`` and ``position`` must be specified. :param id: ID of the version to move :param after: the self attribute of a version to place the specified version after (that is, higher in the list) :param position: the absolute position to move this version to: must be one of ``First``, ``Last``,\ ``Earlier``, or ``Later`` """ data = {} if after is not None: data['after'] = after elif position is not None: data['position'] = position url = self._get_url('version/' + id + '/move') r = url, data=json.dumps(data)) version = Version(self._options, self._session, raw=json_loads(r)) return version def version(self, id, expand=None): """ Get a version Resource. :param id: ID of the version to get :param expand: extra information to fetch inside each resource """ version = Version(self._options, self._session) params = {} if expand is not None: params['expand'] = expand version.find(id, params=params) return version def version_count_related_issues(self, id): """ Get a dict of the counts of issues fixed and affected by a version. :param id: the version to count issues for """ r_json = self._get_json('version/' + id + '/relatedIssueCounts') del r_json['self'] # this isn't really an addressable resource return r_json def version_count_unresolved_issues(self, id): """ Get the number of unresolved issues for a version. :param id: ID of the version to count issues for """ return self._get_json('version/' + id + '/unresolvedIssueCount')['issuesUnresolvedCount'] # Session authentication def session(self): """Get a dict of the current authenticated user's session information.""" url = '{server}/rest/auth/1/session'.format(**self._options) if type(self._session.auth) is tuple: authentication_data = { 'username': self._session.auth[0], 'password': self._session.auth[1]} r =, data=json.dumps(authentication_data)) else: r = self._session.get(url) user = User(self._options, self._session, json_loads(r)) return user def kill_session(self): """Destroy the session of the current authenticated user.""" url = self._options['server'] + '/rest/auth/latest/session' r = self._session.delete(url) # Websudo def kill_websudo(self): """Destroy the user's current WebSudo session.""" url = self._options['server'] + '/rest/auth/1/websudo' r = self._session.delete(url) # Utilities def _create_http_basic_session(self, username, password): verify = self._options['verify'] self._session = ResilientSession() self._session.verify = verify self._session.auth = (username, password) self._session.cert = self._options['client_cert'] def _create_oauth_session(self, oauth): verify = self._options['verify'] from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1 from oauthlib.oauth1 import SIGNATURE_RSA oauth = OAuth1( oauth['consumer_key'], rsa_key=oauth['key_cert'], signature_method=SIGNATURE_RSA, resource_owner_key=oauth['access_token'], resource_owner_secret=oauth['access_token_secret'] ) self._session = ResilientSession() self._session.verify = verify self._session.auth = oauth @staticmethod def _timestamp(dt=None): t = datetime.datetime.utcnow() if dt is not None: t += dt return calendar.timegm(t.timetuple()) def _create_jwt_session(self, jwt): try: jwt_auth = JWTAuth(jwt['secret'], alg='HS256') except NameError as e: globals()['logging'].error("JWT authentication requires requests_jwt") raise e jwt_auth.add_field("iat", lambda req: JIRA._timestamp()) jwt_auth.add_field("exp", lambda req: JIRA._timestamp(datetime.timedelta(minutes=3))) jwt_auth.add_field("qsh", QshGenerator(self._options['context_path'])) for f in jwt['payload'].items(): jwt_auth.add_field(f[0], f[1]) self._session = ResilientSession() self._session.verify = self._options['verify'] self._session.auth = jwt_auth def _set_avatar(self, params, url, avatar): data = { 'id': avatar } r = self._session.put(url, params=params, data=json.dumps(data)) def _get_url(self, path, base=JIRA_BASE_URL): options = self._options options.update({'path': path}) return base.format(**options) def _get_json(self, path, params=None, base=JIRA_BASE_URL): url = self._get_url(path, base) r = self._session.get(url, params=params) try: r_json = json_loads(r) except ValueError as e: logging.error("%s\n%s" % (e, r.text)) raise e return r_json def _find_for_resource(self, resource_cls, ids, expand=None): resource = resource_cls(self._options, self._session) params = {} if expand is not None: params['expand'] = expand resource.find(id=ids, params=params) return resource def _try_magic(self): try: import magic import weakref except ImportError: self._magic = None else: try: _magic = magic.Magic(flags=magic.MAGIC_MIME_TYPE) def cleanup(): _magic.close() self._magic_weakref = weakref.ref(self, cleanup) self._magic = _magic except TypeError: self._magic = None except AttributeError: self._magic = None def _get_mime_type(self, buff): if self._magic is not None: return self._magic.id_buffer(buff) else: try: return mimetypes.guess_type("f." + imghdr.what(0, buff))[0] except (IOError, TypeError): logging.warning("Couldn't detect content type of avatar image" ". Specify the 'contentType' parameter explicitly.") return None def email_user(self, user, body, title="JIRA Notification"): """ TBD: """ url = self._options['server'] + \ '/secure/admin/groovy/CannedScriptRunner.jspa' payload = { 'cannedScript': 'com.onresolve.jira.groovy.canned.workflow.postfunctions.SendCustomEmail', 'cannedScriptArgs_FIELD_CONDITION': '', 'cannedScriptArgs_FIELD_EMAIL_TEMPLATE': body, 'cannedScriptArgs_FIELD_EMAIL_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE': title, 'cannedScriptArgs_FIELD_EMAIL_FORMAT': 'TEXT', 'cannedScriptArgs_FIELD_TO_ADDRESSES': self.user(user).emailAddress, 'cannedScriptArgs_FIELD_TO_USER_FIELDS': '', 'cannedScriptArgs_FIELD_INCLUDE_ATTACHMENTS': 'FIELD_INCLUDE_ATTACHMENTS_NONE', 'cannedScriptArgs_FIELD_FROM': '', 'cannedScriptArgs_FIELD_PREVIEW_ISSUE': '', 'cannedScript': 'com.onresolve.jira.groovy.canned.workflow.postfunctions.SendCustomEmail', 'id': '', 'Preview': 'Preview', } r = url, headers=self._options['headers'], data=payload) open("/tmp/jira_email_user_%s.html" % user, "w").write(r.text) def rename_user(self, old_user, new_user): """ Rename a JIRA user. Current implementation relies on third party plugin but in the future it may use embedded JIRA functionality. :param old_user: string with username login :param new_user: string with username login """ if self._version >= (6, 0, 0): url = self._options['server'] + '/rest/api/2/user' payload = { "name": new_user, } params = { 'username': old_user } # raw displayName logging.debug("renaming %s" % self.user(old_user).emailAddress) r = self._session.put(url, params=params, data=json.dumps(payload)) else: # old implementation needed the ScripRunner plugin merge = "true" try: self.user(new_user) except: merge = "false" url = self._options[ 'server'] + '/secure/admin/groovy/CannedScriptRunner.jspa#result' payload = { "cannedScript": "com.onresolve.jira.groovy.canned.admin.RenameUser", "cannedScriptArgs_FIELD_FROM_USER_ID": old_user, "cannedScriptArgs_FIELD_TO_USER_ID": new_user, "cannedScriptArgs_FIELD_MERGE": merge, "id": "", "RunCanned": "Run", } # raw displayName logging.debug("renaming %s" % self.user(old_user).emailAddress) r = url, headers=self._options['headers'], data=payload) if r.status_code == 404: logging.error( "In order to be able to use rename_user() you need to install Script Runner plugin. See") return False if r.status_code != 200: logging.error(r.status_code) if re.compile("XSRF Security Token Missing").search(r.content): logging.fatal( "Reconfigure JIRA and disable XSRF in order to be able call this. See") return False open("/tmp/jira_rename_user_%s_to%s.html" % (old_user, new_user), "w").write(r.content) msg = r.status_code m ="<span class=\"errMsg\">(.*)<\/span>", r.content) if m: msg = logging.error(msg) return False # <span class="errMsg">Target user ID must exist already for a merge</span> p = re.compile("type=\"hidden\" name=\"cannedScriptArgs_Hidden_output\" value=\"(.*?)\"\/>", re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) m = if m: h = html_parser.HTMLParser() msg = h.unescape( # let's check if the user still exists try: self.user(old_user) except: logging.error("User %s does not exists." % old_user) return msg logging.error(msg) logging.error( "User %s does still exists after rename, that's clearly a problem." % old_user) return False def delete_user(self, username): url = self._options['server'] + \ '/rest/api/latest/user/?username=%s' % username r = self._session.delete(url) if 200 <= r.status_code <= 299: return True else: logging.error(r.status_code) return False def reindex(self, force=False, background=True): """ Start jira re-indexing. Returns True if reindexing is in progress or not needed, or False. If you call reindex() without any parameters it will perform a backfround reindex only if JIRA thinks it should do it. :param force: reindex even if JIRA doesn'tt say this is needed, False by default. :param background: reindex inde background, slower but does not impact the users, defaults to True. """ # /secure/admin/IndexAdmin.jspa # /secure/admin/jira/IndexProgress.jspa?taskId=1 if background: indexingStrategy = 'background' else: indexingStrategy = 'stoptheworld' url = self._options['server'] + '/secure/admin/jira/IndexReIndex.jspa' r = self._session.get(url, headers=self._options['headers']) if r.status_code == 503: # logging.warning("JIRA returned 503, this could mean that a full reindex is in progress.") return 503 if not r.text.find("To perform the re-index now, please go to the") and force is False: return True if r.text.find('All issues are being re-indexed'): logging.warning("JIRA re-indexing is already running.") return True # still reindexing is considered still a success if r.text.find('To perform the re-index now, please go to the') or force: r =, headers=self._options['headers'], params={"indexingStrategy": indexingStrategy, "reindex": "Re-Index"}) if r.text.find('All issues are being re-indexed') != -1: return True else: logging.error("Failed to reindex jira, probably a bug.") return False def backup(self, filename=''): """ Will call jira export to backup as zipped xml. Returning with success does not mean that the backup process finished. """ url = self._options['server'] + '/secure/admin/XmlBackup.jspa' payload = {'filename': filename} r = url, headers=self._options['headers'], data=payload) if r.status_code == 200: return True else: logging.warning( 'Got %s response from calling backup.' % r.status_code) return r.status_code def current_user(self): if not hasattr(self, '_serverInfo') or 'username' not in self._serverInfo: url = self._get_url('serverInfo') r = self._session.get(url, headers=self._options['headers']) r_json = json_loads(r) if 'x-ausername' in r.headers: r_json['username'] = r.headers['x-ausername'] else: r_json['username'] = None self._serverInfo = r_json # del r_json['self'] # this isn't really an addressable resource return self._serverInfo['username'] def delete_project(self, pid): """ Project can be id, project key or project name. It will return False if it fails. """ found = False try: if not str(int(pid)) == pid: found = True except Exception as e: r_json = self._get_json('project') for e in r_json: if e['key'] == pid or e['name'] == pid: pid = e['id'] found = True break if not found: logging.error("Unable to recognize project `%s`" % pid) return False uri = '/secure/admin/DeleteProject.jspa' url = self._options['server'] + uri payload = {'pid': pid, 'Delete': 'Delete', 'confirm': 'true'} try: r = self._gain_sudo_session(payload, uri) if r.status_code != 200 or not self._check_for_html_error(r.text): return False except JIRAError as e: raise JIRAError(0, "You must have global administrator rights to delete projects.") return False r = url, headers=CaseInsensitiveDict({'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}), data=payload) if r.status_code == 200: return self._check_for_html_error(r.text) else: logging.warning( 'Got %s response from calling delete_project.' % r.status_code) return r.status_code def _gain_sudo_session(self, options, destination): url = self._options['server'] + '/secure/admin/WebSudoAuthenticate.jspa' payload = { 'webSudoPassword': self._session.auth[1], 'webSudoDestination': destination, 'webSudoIsPost': 'true', } payload.update(options) return url, headers=CaseInsensitiveDict({'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}), data=payload) def create_project(self, key, name=None, assignee=None): """ Key is mandatory and has to match JIRA project key requirements, usually only 2-10 uppercase characters. If name is not specified it will use the key value. If assignee is not specified it will use current user. The returned value should evaluate to False if it fails otherwise it will be the new project id. """ if assignee is None: assignee = self.current_user() if name is None: name = key if key.upper() != key or not key.isalpha() or len(key) < 2 or len(key) > 10: logging.error( 'key parameter is not all uppercase alphanumeric of length between 2 and 10') return False url = self._options['server'] + \ '/rest/project-templates/1.0/templates' r = self._session.get(url) j = json_loads(r) template_key = None templates = [] for template in j['projectTemplates']: templates.append(template['name']) if template['name'] in ['JIRA Classic', 'JIRA Default Schemes']: template_key = template['projectTemplateModuleCompleteKey'] break if not template_key: raise JIRAError( "Unable to find a suitable project template to use. Found only: " + ', '.join(templates)) payload = {'name': name, 'key': key, 'keyEdited': 'false', #'projectTemplate': 'com.atlassian.jira-core-project-templates:jira-issuetracking', #'permissionScheme': '', 'projectTemplateWebItemKey': template_key, 'projectTemplateModuleKey': template_key, 'lead': assignee, #'assigneeType': '2', } headers = CaseInsensitiveDict( {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}) r =, data=payload, headers=headers) if r.status_code == 200: r_json = json_loads(r) return r_json f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( suffix='.html', prefix='python-jira-error-create-project-', delete=False) f.write(r.text) if self.logging: logging.error( "Unexpected result while running create project. Server response saved in %s for further investigation [HTTP response=%s]." % (, r.status_code)) return False def add_user(self, username, email, directoryId=1, password=None, fullname=None, active=True): if not fullname: fullname = username # TODO: default the directoryID to the first directory in jira instead # of 1 which is the internal one. url = self._options['server'] + '/rest/api/latest/user' # implementation based on # x = OrderedDict() x['displayName'] = fullname x['emailAddress'] = email x['name'] = username if password: x['password'] = password payload = json.dumps(x), data=payload) return True def add_user_to_group(self, username, group): ''' Adds a user to an existing group. :param username: Username that will be added to specified group. :param group: Group that the user will be added to. :return: Boolean, True for success, false for failure. ''' url = self._options['server'] + '/rest/api/latest/group/user' x = {'groupname': group} y = {'name': username} payload = json.dumps(y), params=x, data=payload) return True def remove_user_from_group(self, username, groupname): ''' Removes a user from a group. :param username: The user to remove from the group. :param groupname: The group that the user will be removed from. :return: ''' url = self._options['server'] + '/rest/api/latest/group/user' x = {'groupname': groupname, 'username': username} self._session.delete(url, params=x) return True # Experimental # Experimental support for iDalko Grid, expect API to change as it's using private APIs currently # def get_igrid(self, issueid, customfield, schemeid): url = self._options['server'] + '/rest/idalko-igrid/1.0/datagrid/data' if str(customfield).isdigit(): customfield = "customfield_%s" % customfield params = { #'_mode':'view', '_issueId': issueid, '_fieldId': customfield, '_confSchemeId': schemeid, #'validate':True, #'_search':False, #'rows':100, #'page':1, #'sidx':'DEFAULT', #'sord':'asc', } r = self._session.get( url, headers=self._options['headers'], params=params) return json_loads(r) # Jira Agile specific methods (GreenHopper) """ Define the functions that interact with GreenHopper. """ @translate_resource_args def boards(self): """ Get a list of board GreenHopperResources. """ r_json = self._get_json( 'rapidviews/list', base=self.AGILE_BASE_URL) boards = [Board(self._options, self._session, raw_boards_json) for raw_boards_json in r_json['views']] return boards @translate_resource_args def sprints(self, id, extended=False): """ Get a list of sprint GreenHopperResources. :param id: the board to get sprints from :param extended: fetch additional information like startDate, endDate, completeDate, much slower because it requires an additional requests for each sprint :rtype: dict >>> { "id": 893, >>> "name": "iteration.5", >>> "state": "FUTURE", >>> "linkedPagesCount": 0, >>> "startDate": "None", >>> "endDate": "None", >>> "completeDate": "None", >>> "remoteLinks": [] >>> } """ r_json = self._get_json('sprintquery/%s?includeHistoricSprints=true&includeFutureSprints=true' % id, base=self.AGILE_BASE_URL) if extended: sprints = [] for raw_sprints_json in r_json['sprints']: r_json = self._get_json( 'sprint/%s/edit/model' % raw_sprints_json['id'], base=self.AGILE_BASE_URL) sprints.append( Sprint(self._options, self._session, r_json['sprint'])) else: sprints = [Sprint(self._options, self._session, raw_sprints_json) for raw_sprints_json in r_json['sprints']] return sprints def sprints_by_name(self, id, extended=False): sprints = {} for s in self.sprints(id, extended=extended): if not in sprints: sprints[] = s.raw else: raise (Exception( "Fatal error, duplicate Sprint Name (%s) found on board %s." % (, id))) return sprints def update_sprint(self, id, name=None, startDate=None, endDate=None): payload = {} if name: payload['name'] = name if startDate: payload['startDate'] = startDate if endDate: payload['startDate'] = endDate # if state: # payload['state']=state url = self._get_url('sprint/%s' % id, base=self.AGILE_BASE_URL) r = self._session.put( url, data=json.dumps(payload)) return json_loads(r) def completed_issues(self, board_id, sprint_id): """ Return the completed issues for ``board_id`` and ``sprint_id``. :param board_id: the board retrieving issues from :param sprint_id: the sprint retieving issues from """ # TODO need a better way to provide all the info from the sprintreport # incompletedIssues went to backlog but not it not completed # issueKeysAddedDuringSprint used to mark some with a * ? # puntedIssues are for scope change? r_json = self._get_json('rapid/charts/sprintreport?rapidViewId=%s&sprintId=%s' % (board_id, sprint_id), base=self.AGILE_BASE_URL) issues = [Issue(self._options, self._session, raw_issues_json) for raw_issues_json in r_json['contents']['completedIssues']] return issues def completedIssuesEstimateSum(self, board_id, sprint_id): """ Return the total completed points this sprint. """ return self._get_json('rapid/charts/sprintreport?rapidViewId=%s&sprintId=%s' % (board_id, sprint_id), base=self.AGILE_BASE_URL)['contents']['completedIssuesEstimateSum']['value'] def incompleted_issues(self, board_id, sprint_id): """ Return the completed issues for the sprint """ r_json = self._get_json('rapid/charts/sprintreport?rapidViewId=%s&sprintId=%s' % (board_id, sprint_id), base=self.AGILE_BASE_URL) issues = [Issue(self._options, self._session, raw_issues_json) for raw_issues_json in r_json['contents']['incompletedIssues']] return issues def sprint_info(self, board_id, sprint_id): """ Return the information about a sprint. :param board_id: the board retrieving issues from :param sprint_id: the sprint retieving issues from """ return self._get_json('rapid/charts/sprintreport?rapidViewId=%s&sprintId=%s' % (board_id, sprint_id), base=self.AGILE_BASE_URL)['sprint'] # TODO: remove this as we do have Board.delete() def delete_board(self, id): """ Deletes an agile board. :param id: :return: """ payload = {} url = self._get_url( 'rapidview/%s' % id, base=self.AGILE_BASE_URL) r = self._session.delete( url, data=json.dumps(payload)) def create_board(self, name, project_ids, preset="scrum"): """ Create a new board for the ``project_ids``. :param name: name of the board :param project_ids: the projects to create the board in :param preset: what preset to use for this board :type preset: 'kanban', 'scrum', 'diy' """ payload = {} if isinstance(project_ids, string_types): ids = [] for p in project_ids.split(','): ids.append(self.project(p).id) project_ids = ','.join(ids) payload['name'] = name if isinstance(project_ids, string_types): project_ids = project_ids.split(',') payload['projectIds'] = project_ids payload['preset'] = preset url = self._get_url( 'rapidview/create/presets', base=self.AGILE_BASE_URL) r = url, data=json.dumps(payload)) raw_issue_json = json_loads(r) return Board(self._options, self._session, raw=raw_issue_json) def create_sprint(self, name, board_id, startDate=None, endDate=None): """ Create a new sprint for the ``board_id``. :param name: name of the sprint :param board_id: the board to add the sprint to """ url = self._get_url( 'sprint/%s' % board_id, base=self.AGILE_BASE_URL) r = url) raw_issue_json = json_loads(r) """ now r contains something like: { "id": 742, "name": "Sprint 89", "state": "FUTURE", "linkedPagesCount": 0, "startDate": "None", "endDate": "None", "completeDate": "None", "remoteLinks": [] }""" payload = {'name': name} if startDate: payload["startDate"] = startDate if endDate: payload["endDate"] = endDate url = self._get_url( 'sprint/%s' % raw_issue_json['id'], base=self.AGILE_BASE_URL) r = self._session.put( url, data=json.dumps(payload)) raw_issue_json = json_loads(r) return Sprint(self._options, self._session, raw=raw_issue_json) # TODO: broken, this API does not exist anymore and we need to use # issue.update() to perform this operaiton # Workaround based on def add_issues_to_sprint(self, sprint_id, issue_keys): """ Add the issues in ``issue_keys`` to the ``sprint_id``. The sprint must be started but not completed. If a sprint was completed, then have to also edit the history of the issue so that it was added to the sprint before it was completed, preferably before it started. A completed sprint's issues also all have a resolution set before the completion date. If a sprint was not started, then have to edit the marker and copy the rank of each issue too. :param sprint_id: the sprint to add issues to :param issue_keys: the issues to add to the sprint """ # Get the customFieldId for "Sprint" sprint_field_name = "Sprint" sprint_field_id = [f['schema']['customId'] for f in self.fields() if f['name'] == sprint_field_name][0] data = {} data['idOrKeys'] = issue_keys data['customFieldId'] = sprint_field_id data['sprintId'] = sprint_id data['addToBacklog'] = False url = self._get_url('sprint/rank', base=self.AGILE_BASE_URL) r = self._session.put(url, data=json.dumps(data)) def add_issues_to_epic(self, epic_id, issue_keys, ignore_epics=True): """ Add the issues in ``issue_keys`` to the ``epic_id``. :param epic_id: the epic to add issues to :param issue_keys: the issues to add to the epic :param ignore_epics: ignore any issues listed in ``issue_keys`` that are epics """ data = {} data['issueKeys'] = issue_keys data['ignoreEpics'] = ignore_epics url = self._get_url('epics/%s/add' % epic_id, base=self.AGILE_BASE_URL) r = self._session.put( url, data=json.dumps(data)) def rank(self, issue, next_issue): """ Rank an issue before another using the default Ranking field, the one named 'Rank'. :param issue: issue key of the issue to be ranked before the second one. :param next_issue: issue key of the second issue. """ # {"issueKeys":["ANERDS-102"],"rankBeforeKey":"ANERDS-94","rankAfterKey":"ANERDS-7","customFieldId":11431} if not self._rank: for field in self.fields(): if field['name'] == 'Rank' and field['schema']['custom'] == "com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-global-rank": self._rank = field['schema']['customId'] data = { "issueKeys": [issue], "rankBeforeKey": next_issue, "customFieldId": self._rank} url = self._get_url('rank', base=self.AGILE_BASE_URL) r = self._session.put( url, data=json.dumps(data)) class GreenHopper(JIRA): def __init__(self, options=None, basic_auth=None, oauth=None, async=None): warnings.warn( "GreenHopper() class is deprecated, just use JIRA() instead.", DeprecationWarning) self._rank = None JIRA.__init__( self, options=options, basic_auth=basic_auth, oauth=oauth, async=async)
from datetime import date from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from django.template import Context, Template from freezegun import freeze_time from ws import enums, models from ws.tests import TestCase, factories class TripTagsTest(TestCase): @freeze_time("Jan 11 2019 20:30:00 EST") def test_simple_trip_list(self): trips = [ factories.TripFactory.create(name="Past Trip", trip_date=date(2017, 8, 2)), factories.TripFactory.create(name="Today!", trip_date=date(2019, 1, 11)), factories.TripFactory.create(name="Soon Trip", trip_date=date(2019, 1, 16)), factories.TripFactory.create( name="Later Trip", trip_date=date(2019, 1, 19) ), ] html_template = Template('{% load trip_tags %}{% simple_trip_list trips %}') context = Context({'trips': trips}) soup = BeautifulSoup(html_template.render(context), 'html.parser') table = soup.find('table') heading = table.find('thead').find_all('th') self.assertEqual([tr.text for tr in heading], ['Trip', 'Date', 'Leaders']) rows = [tr.find_all('td') for tr in table.find('tbody').find_all('tr')] date_per_trip = [ (trip.find('a').text, rendered_date.text.strip()) for (trip, rendered_date, _leaders) in rows ] # We render the dates for each trip unambiguously self.assertEqual( date_per_trip, [ ('Past Trip', '2017-08-02'), ('Today!', 'Today'), ('Soon Trip', 'Wed'), ('Later Trip', 'Jan 19'), ], ) @freeze_time("Jan 10 2019 20:30:00 EST") def test_trip_list_approve_mode(self): def _ws_trip(trip_date, **kwargs): return factories.TripFactory.create( program=enums.Program.WINTER_SCHOOL.value, trip_date=trip_date, **kwargs, ) has_itinerary = _ws_trip( date(2019, 1, 11), info=factories.TripInfoFactory.create(), trip_type=enums.TripType.HIKING.value, ) no_itinerary1 = _ws_trip( date(2019, 1, 11), trip_type=enums.TripType.BC_SKIING.value ) no_itinerary2 = _ws_trip( date(2019, 1, 11), trip_type=enums.TripType.ICE_CLIMBING.value ) html_template = Template('{% load trip_tags %}{% trip_list_table trips True %}') context = Context({'trips': models.Trip.objects.all().order_by('pk')}) soup = BeautifulSoup(html_template.render(context), 'html.parser') table = soup.find('table') heading = table.find('thead').find_all('th') self.assertEqual( [tr.text for tr in heading], ['Name', 'Date', 'Level', 'Description', 'Leaders', 'Approve'], ) rows = [tr.find_all('td') for tr in table.find('tbody').find_all('tr')] trip_info = [ { 'link': row[0].find('a').attrs['href'], 'icon_classes': row[0].find('i').attrs['class'], } for row in rows ] # For each trip, we give a link to the approve page self.assertEqual( trip_info, [ { 'link': f'/winter_school/trips/{}/', 'icon_classes': ['fa', 'fa-fw', 'fa-hiking'], }, { 'link': f'/winter_school/trips/{}/', 'icon_classes': ['fa', 'fa-fw', 'fa-skiing'], }, { 'link': f'/winter_school/trips/{}/', 'icon_classes': ['fa', 'fa-fw', 'fa-icicles'], }, ], ) def test_feedback_for_trip_rated_leader(self): leader = factories.ParticipantFactory.create(name='Janet Yellin') rating = factories.LeaderRatingFactory.create( participant=leader, activity=models.BaseRating.CLIMBING, rating='Leader', active=True, ) leader.leaderrating_set.add(rating) feedback = factories.FeedbackFactory.create( leader=leader, participant__name="Jerome Powell", comments="Shows promise", trip__name='Free solo 5.13 finger crack climbing', trip__program=enums.Program.CLIMBING.value, ) self.assertEqual(str(feedback), 'Jerome Powell: "Shows promise" - Janet Yellin') template = Template('{% load trip_tags %}{{ feedback|leader_display }}') context = Context({'feedback': feedback}) self.assertEqual(template.render(context), 'Janet Yellin (Leader)') def test_feedback_but_no_trip(self): """While it's rarely used, the data model supports feedback with a null trip.""" leader = factories.ParticipantFactory.create(name='Janet Yellin') rating = factories.LeaderRatingFactory.create( participant=leader, activity=models.BaseRating.CLIMBING, rating='Leader', active=True, ) leader.leaderrating_set.add(rating) feedback = factories.FeedbackFactory.create( leader=leader, participant__name="Jerome Powell", comments="Shows promise", trip=None, ) self.assertEqual(str(feedback), 'Jerome Powell: "Shows promise" - Janet Yellin') template = Template('{% load trip_tags %}{{ feedback|leader_display }}') context = Context({'feedback': feedback}) self.assertEqual(template.render(context), 'Janet Yellin')
#!/usr/bin/python import os drc_base_path = os.getenv("DRC_BASE") import sys sys.path.append(os.path.join(drc_base_path, "software", "models", "model_transformation")) import convertCollada import mitUrdfUtils as mit import copy from jointNameMap import jointNameMap from lxml import etree from glob import glob import math meshesDirectory = "../meshes" full_mesh_xacro_path = ("../components/osrf_original/atlas_v5.urdf") full_mesh_urdf_path = ("../components/atlas_v5_full_collision_geometry.urdf") minimal_contact_urdf_path = "../components/atlas_v5_minimal_contact.urdf" convex_hull_urdf_path = "../components/atlas_v5_convex_hull.urdf" # Convert meshes originalDirectory = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.abspath(meshesDirectory)) for inFile in glob("*.dae"): # Use extremities_diffuse_unplugged_mit.jpg and # torso_diffuse_unplugged_mit.jpg dae = etree.parse(inFile) xpath_str = "//*[text()='../materials/textures/extremities_diffuse_unplugged.jpg']" for element in dae.xpath(xpath_str): element.text = '../materials/textures/extremities_diffuse_unplugged_mit.jpg' xpath_str = "//*[text()='../materials/textures/torso_diffuse_unplugged.jpg']" for element in dae.xpath(xpath_str): element.text = '../materials/textures/torso_diffuse_unplugged_mit.jpg' dae.write(inFile) mit.convertMeshTo(inFile, ".obj") colladaFile = os.path.splitext(inFile)[0] + '.vtm' convertCollada.colladaToPolyData(inFile, colladaFile) os.chdir(originalDirectory) for inFile in glob(os.path.join(meshesDirectory, "*.obj")): if "chull" not in inFile: mit.createConvexHullMesh(inFile) for inFile in glob(os.path.join(meshesDirectory, "*.obj")): mit.convertMeshTo(inFile, ".wrl") mit.xacro(full_mesh_xacro_path, full_mesh_urdf_path) urdf = etree.parse(full_mesh_urdf_path) mit.renameJoints(urdf, jointNameMap) mit.replaceMeshPaths(urdf, "package://atlas_v5/meshes") mit.useObjMeshes(urdf) mit.addFrame(urdf, "l_foot_sole", "l_foot", "0.0426 0.0017 -0.07645", "0 0 0") mit.addFrame(urdf, "r_foot_sole", "r_foot", "0.0426 -0.0017 -0.07645", "0 0 0") mit.addFrame(urdf, "l_foot_toe", "l_foot", "0.1728 0.0017 -0.07645", "0 0 0") mit.addFrame(urdf, "r_foot_toe", "r_foot", "0.1728 -0.0017 -0.07645", "0 0 0") mit.removeCollisions(urdf, ['mtorso', 'ltorso', 'l_talus', 'r_talus']) armLinkNames = ['clav', 'scap', 'uarm', 'larm', 'ufarm', 'lfarm', 'hand'] for armLinkName in armLinkNames: mit.copyLinkProperties(urdf, 'r_' + armLinkName, 'l_' + armLinkName) jointCopyExceptions = ['limit', 'safety_controller'] for armJointName in ['arm_shx', 'arm_ely', 'arm_elx', 'arm_uwy', 'arm_mwx']: mit.copyJointProperties(urdf, 'r_' + armJointName, 'l_' + armJointName, jointCopyExceptions) mit.copyJointProperties(urdf, 'r_arm_shz', 'l_arm_shz', jointCopyExceptions + ['origin']) for jointName in ['arm_shx', 'arm_ely', 'arm_elx', 'arm_uwy', 'arm_lwy']: mit.invertJointAxis(urdf, 'l_' + jointName) mit.setJointOriginRPY(urdf, 'l_arm_shz', [0, 0, math.pi]) mit.setJointOriginRPY(urdf, 'l_arm_uwy', [0, math.pi, 0]) mit.setJointOriginRPY(urdf, 'l_arm_lwy', [0, math.pi, 0]) # update joint limits # legs mit.setJointLimits(urdf, 'l_leg_aky', -1.06, 0.72) mit.setJointLimits(urdf, 'r_leg_aky', -1.06, 0.72) mit.setJointLimits(urdf, 'l_leg_akx', -0.7, 0.7) mit.setJointLimits(urdf, 'r_leg_akx', -0.7, 0.7) mit.setJointLimits(urdf, 'l_leg_hpx', -0.23, 0.52) mit.setJointLimits(urdf, 'r_leg_hpx', -0.52, 0.23) mit.setJointLimits(urdf, 'l_leg_hpz', -0.2, 0.82) mit.setJointLimits(urdf, 'r_leg_hpz', -0.82, 0.2) # arms mit.setJointLimits(urdf, 'l_arm_uwy',-2.98, 2.98) mit.setJointLimits(urdf, 'r_arm_uwy',-2.98, 2.98) mit.setJointLimits(urdf, 'l_arm_mwx',-1.76, 1.76) mit.setJointLimits(urdf, 'r_arm_mwx',-1.76, 1.76) mit.setJointLimits(urdf, 'l_arm_lwy',-2.82, 2.82) mit.setJointLimits(urdf, 'r_arm_lwy',-2.82, 2.82) # neck mit.setJointLimits(urdf, 'neck_ay', -0.605, 1.16) # Create minimal contact skeleton mit.removeAllCollisions(urdf) minimal_contact_urdf = copy.deepcopy(urdf) contact_pts = {'r_foot': {'heel': ["-0.0876 0.0626 -0.07645", "-0.0876 -0.066 -0.07645"], 'toe': ["0.1728 0.0626 -0.07645","0.1728 -0.066 -0.07645"], 'midfoot_front': ["0.086 0.0626 -0.07645", "0.086 -0.066 -0.07645"], 'midfoot_rear': ["-0.0008 0.0626 -0.07645", "-0.0008 -0.066 -0.07645"]}, 'l_foot': {'heel': ["-0.0876 0.066 -0.07645", "-0.0876 -0.0626 -0.07645"], 'toe': ["0.1728 0.066 -0.07645", "0.1728 -0.0626 -0.07645"], 'midfoot_front': ["0.086 0.066 -0.07645", "0.086 -0.0626 -0.07645"], 'midfoot_rear': ["-0.008 0.066 -0.07645", "-0.008 -0.0626 -0.07645"]}, 'pelvis': {'butt': ["-0.0927 -0.0616 -0.144", "-0.0927 0.0623 -0.144"]}}; for foot_name, groups in contact_pts.iteritems(): for group_name, pts in groups.iteritems(): for pt in pts: mit.addContactPoint(minimal_contact_urdf, foot_name, pt, group_name) minimal_contact_urdf.write(minimal_contact_urdf_path, pretty_print=True) # Create convex hull skeleton mit.addCollisionsFromVisuals(urdf) mit.useConvexHullMeshes(urdf) mit.removeCollisions(urdf, ['mtorso', 'ltorso', 'l_talus', 'r_talus']) mit.addCollisionFilterGroup(urdf, 'feet', ['l_foot', 'r_foot'], ['feet']) mit.addCollisionFilterGroup(urdf, 'core', ['utorso', 'pelvis'], ['core']) mit.addCollisionFilterGroup(urdf, 'ignore_core', ['r_scap', 'l_scap', 'r_clav', 'l_clav'], ['core']) mit.addCollisionFilterGroup(urdf, 'r_uleg', ['r_uglut', 'r_lglut', 'r_uleg'], ['core', 'r_uleg', 'l_uleg']) mit.addCollisionFilterGroup(urdf, 'l_uleg', ['l_uglut', 'l_lglut', 'l_uleg'], ['core', 'l_uleg', 'l_uleg']) mit.addCollisionFilterGroup(urdf, 'r_leg', ['r_lleg', 'r_talus', 'r_foot'], ['r_leg', 'r_uleg']) mit.addCollisionFilterGroup(urdf, 'l_leg', ['l_lleg', 'l_talus', 'l_foot'], ['l_leg', 'l_uleg']) mit.addCollisionFilterGroup(urdf, 'r_arm', ['r_clav', 'r_scap', 'r_uarm', 'r_larm', 'r_ufarm', 'r_lfarm', 'r_hand'], ['r_arm']) mit.addCollisionFilterGroup(urdf, 'l_arm', ['l_clav', 'l_scap', 'l_uarm', 'l_larm', 'l_ufarm', 'l_lfarm', 'l_hand'], ['l_arm']) convex_hull_urdf = copy.deepcopy(urdf) for foot_name, groups in contact_pts.iteritems(): for group_name, pts in groups.iteritems(): for pt in pts: mit.addContactPoint(convex_hull_urdf, foot_name, pt, group_name) convex_hull_urdf.write(convex_hull_urdf_path, pretty_print=True) # Add a geometry to represent the hose for lidar filtering to full collision model for link in urdf.xpath("//link[contains(@name,'larm')]"): collision = mit.addCollision(link) mit.addOrigin(collision, xyz=[0.0, 0.15, 0.0]) geometry = mit.addGeometry(collision) mit.addBox(geometry, size=[0.15, 0.20, 0.15]) urdf.write(full_mesh_urdf_path, pretty_print=True)
# Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== # pylint: disable=invalid-name """VGG19 model for Keras. Reference: - [Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition]( (ICLR 2015) """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from tensorflow.python.keras import backend from tensorflow.python.keras.applications import imagenet_utils from tensorflow.python.keras.engine import training from tensorflow.python.keras.layers import VersionAwareLayers from tensorflow.python.keras.utils import data_utils from tensorflow.python.keras.utils import layer_utils from import file_io from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import keras_export WEIGHTS_PATH = ('' 'vgg19/vgg19_weights_tf_dim_ordering_tf_kernels.h5') WEIGHTS_PATH_NO_TOP = ('' 'keras-applications/vgg19/' 'vgg19_weights_tf_dim_ordering_tf_kernels_notop.h5') layers = VersionAwareLayers() @keras_export('keras.applications.vgg19.VGG19', 'keras.applications.VGG19') def VGG19( include_top=True, weights='imagenet', input_tensor=None, input_shape=None, pooling=None, classes=1000, classifier_activation='softmax'): """Instantiates the VGG19 architecture. Reference: - [Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition]( (ICLR 2015) For image classification use cases, see [this page for detailed examples]( For transfer learning use cases, make sure to read the [guide to transfer learning & fine-tuning]( The default input size for this model is 224x224. Note: each Keras Application expects a specific kind of input preprocessing. For VGG19, call `tf.keras.applications.vgg19.preprocess_input` on your inputs before passing them to the model. `vgg19.preprocess_input` will convert the input images from RGB to BGR, then will zero-center each color channel with respect to the ImageNet dataset, without scaling. Args: include_top: whether to include the 3 fully-connected layers at the top of the network. weights: one of `None` (random initialization), 'imagenet' (pre-training on ImageNet), or the path to the weights file to be loaded. input_tensor: optional Keras tensor (i.e. output of `layers.Input()`) to use as image input for the model. input_shape: optional shape tuple, only to be specified if `include_top` is False (otherwise the input shape has to be `(224, 224, 3)` (with `channels_last` data format) or `(3, 224, 224)` (with `channels_first` data format). It should have exactly 3 inputs channels, and width and height should be no smaller than 32. E.g. `(200, 200, 3)` would be one valid value. pooling: Optional pooling mode for feature extraction when `include_top` is `False`. - `None` means that the output of the model will be the 4D tensor output of the last convolutional block. - `avg` means that global average pooling will be applied to the output of the last convolutional block, and thus the output of the model will be a 2D tensor. - `max` means that global max pooling will be applied. classes: optional number of classes to classify images into, only to be specified if `include_top` is True, and if no `weights` argument is specified. classifier_activation: A `str` or callable. The activation function to use on the "top" layer. Ignored unless `include_top=True`. Set `classifier_activation=None` to return the logits of the "top" layer. When loading pretrained weights, `classifier_activation` can only be `None` or `"softmax"`. Returns: A `keras.Model` instance. """ if not (weights in {'imagenet', None} or file_io.file_exists_v2(weights)): raise ValueError('The `weights` argument should be either ' '`None` (random initialization), `imagenet` ' '(pre-training on ImageNet), ' 'or the path to the weights file to be loaded.') if weights == 'imagenet' and include_top and classes != 1000: raise ValueError('If using `weights` as `"imagenet"` with `include_top`' ' as true, `classes` should be 1000') # Determine proper input shape input_shape = imagenet_utils.obtain_input_shape( input_shape, default_size=224, min_size=32, data_format=backend.image_data_format(), require_flatten=include_top, weights=weights) if input_tensor is None: img_input = layers.Input(shape=input_shape) else: if not backend.is_keras_tensor(input_tensor): img_input = layers.Input(tensor=input_tensor, shape=input_shape) else: img_input = input_tensor # Block 1 x = layers.Conv2D( 64, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same', name='block1_conv1')( img_input) x = layers.Conv2D( 64, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same', name='block1_conv2')(x) x = layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2), strides=(2, 2), name='block1_pool')(x) # Block 2 x = layers.Conv2D( 128, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same', name='block2_conv1')(x) x = layers.Conv2D( 128, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same', name='block2_conv2')(x) x = layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2), strides=(2, 2), name='block2_pool')(x) # Block 3 x = layers.Conv2D( 256, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same', name='block3_conv1')(x) x = layers.Conv2D( 256, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same', name='block3_conv2')(x) x = layers.Conv2D( 256, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same', name='block3_conv3')(x) x = layers.Conv2D( 256, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same', name='block3_conv4')(x) x = layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2), strides=(2, 2), name='block3_pool')(x) # Block 4 x = layers.Conv2D( 512, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same', name='block4_conv1')(x) x = layers.Conv2D( 512, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same', name='block4_conv2')(x) x = layers.Conv2D( 512, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same', name='block4_conv3')(x) x = layers.Conv2D( 512, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same', name='block4_conv4')(x) x = layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2), strides=(2, 2), name='block4_pool')(x) # Block 5 x = layers.Conv2D( 512, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same', name='block5_conv1')(x) x = layers.Conv2D( 512, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same', name='block5_conv2')(x) x = layers.Conv2D( 512, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same', name='block5_conv3')(x) x = layers.Conv2D( 512, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same', name='block5_conv4')(x) x = layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2), strides=(2, 2), name='block5_pool')(x) if include_top: # Classification block x = layers.Flatten(name='flatten')(x) x = layers.Dense(4096, activation='relu', name='fc1')(x) x = layers.Dense(4096, activation='relu', name='fc2')(x) imagenet_utils.validate_activation(classifier_activation, weights) x = layers.Dense(classes, activation=classifier_activation, name='predictions')(x) else: if pooling == 'avg': x = layers.GlobalAveragePooling2D()(x) elif pooling == 'max': x = layers.GlobalMaxPooling2D()(x) # Ensure that the model takes into account # any potential predecessors of `input_tensor`. if input_tensor is not None: inputs = layer_utils.get_source_inputs(input_tensor) else: inputs = img_input # Create model. model = training.Model(inputs, x, name='vgg19') # Load weights. if weights == 'imagenet': if include_top: weights_path = data_utils.get_file( 'vgg19_weights_tf_dim_ordering_tf_kernels.h5', WEIGHTS_PATH, cache_subdir='models', file_hash='cbe5617147190e668d6c5d5026f83318') else: weights_path = data_utils.get_file( 'vgg19_weights_tf_dim_ordering_tf_kernels_notop.h5', WEIGHTS_PATH_NO_TOP, cache_subdir='models', file_hash='253f8cb515780f3b799900260a226db6') model.load_weights(weights_path) elif weights is not None: model.load_weights(weights) return model @keras_export('keras.applications.vgg19.preprocess_input') def preprocess_input(x, data_format=None): return imagenet_utils.preprocess_input( x, data_format=data_format, mode='caffe') @keras_export('keras.applications.vgg19.decode_predictions') def decode_predictions(preds, top=5): return imagenet_utils.decode_predictions(preds, top=top) preprocess_input.__doc__ = imagenet_utils.PREPROCESS_INPUT_DOC.format( mode='', ret=imagenet_utils.PREPROCESS_INPUT_RET_DOC_CAFFE, error=imagenet_utils.PREPROCESS_INPUT_ERROR_DOC) decode_predictions.__doc__ = imagenet_utils.decode_predictions.__doc__
__all__ = ["Decoder"] import struct from array import array import pyconspack.header as H import pyconspack.types as T import pyconspack.error as E import pyconspack.index as I class ForwardRef: def __init__(self, tag): self.tag = tag def set(self, place, index = None, is_key = False): = place self.index = index self.is_key = is_key def replace(self, value): # Note that FREF=FREF doesn't really work... but a dict() # can't currently be a key anyway, so stupidity prevents this # from really being used at all. if(self.is_key): oldval =[self] del[self][value] = oldval else:[self.index] = value class Decoder: def __init__(self, **kw): self.opt = kw self.frefs = dict() self.tags = dict() self.index = self._opt('index') if(self.index): self.index = I.Index(self.index) def read_header(self, f): return[0] def read_size(self, h, f): size_bytes = h & H.SIZE_MASK if (size_bytes == 0): return struct.unpack('B',[0] elif(size_bytes == 1): return struct.unpack('>H',[0] elif(size_bytes == 2): return struct.unpack('>I',[0] elif(size_bytes == 3): return struct.unpack('>Q',[0] def _opt(self, name): return (name in self.opt) and (self.opt[name]) def _push_fref(self, tag): fref = ForwardRef(tag) if(tag in self.frefs): self.frefs[tag].append(fref) else: self.frefs[tag] = [fref] return fref def _maybe_fref(self, val, place, index=None, is_key=False): if(not type(val) is ForwardRef): return val.set(place, index, is_key) def decode(self, f): return self._decode(f) def _decode(self, f, fixed=None): if(not fixed): h = self.read_header(f) else: h = fixed if (H.is_bool(h)): return self.decode_bool(h) elif(H.is_number(h)): return self.decode_number(h, f) elif(H.is_index(h)): return self.decode_index(h, f) elif(H.is_container(h)): return self.decode_container(h, f) elif(H.is_cons(h)): return self.decode_cons(h, f) elif(H.is_string(h)): return self.decode_string(h, f) elif(H.is_character(h)): return self.decode_character(h, f) elif(H.is_rref(h)): return self.decode_rref(h, f) elif(H.is_pointer(h)): return self.decode_pointer(h, f) elif(H.is_package(h)): return self.decode_package(h, f) elif(H.is_symbol(h)): return self.decode_symbol(h, f) elif(H.is_tag(h)): return self.decode_tag(h, f) elif(H.is_ref(h)): return self.decode_ref(h, f) else: raise E.BadHeader("Bad header byte: 0b{h:08b}".format(h=h)) def decode_bool(self, h): if(h == 0x00): return () else: return True def decode_n(self, f, c): n = 0 for i in range(c): n <<= 8 n |=[0] return n def decode_number(self, h, f): c, fmt = H.fixed_type_fmt(h) if(fmt): return struct.unpack('>'+fmt,[0] elif(t == H.INT128): n = self.decode_n(f, 16) if(n > 2**127): n -= 2**128 return n elif(t == H.UINT128): return self.decode_n(f, 16) def decode_container(self, h, f): t = h & H.CONTAINER_TYPE_MASK if (t == H.CONTAINER_VECTOR): return self.decode_vector(h, f) elif(t == H.CONTAINER_LIST): return self.decode_list(h, f) elif(t == H.CONTAINER_MAP): return self.decode_map(h, f) elif(t == H.CONTAINER_TMAP): return self.decode_map(h, f) def decode_list(self, h, f): size = self.read_size(h, f) fixed = None if(h & H.CONTAINER_FIXED): fixed =[0] l = [] for i in range(size-1): val = self._decode(f, fixed) l.append(val) self._maybe_fref(val, l, i) final = self._decode(f, fixed) if(final == () or not (h & H.CONTAINER_TYPE_MASK) == H.CONTAINER_LIST): return l else: l = T.DottedList(l) l.append(final) self._maybe_fref(final, l, len(l)-1) return T.DottedList(l) def decode_vector(self, h, f): if(not (h & H.CONTAINER_FIXED)): return T.Vector(self.decode_list(self, h, f)) size = self.read_size(h, f) fixed =[0] c, fmt = H.fixed_type_fmt(fixed) a = array(fmt) for i in range(size): val = self._decode(f, fixed) a.append(val) self._maybe_fref(val, a, i) return a def decode_map(self, h, f): size = self.read_size(h, f) fixed = None if(h & H.CONTAINER_FIXED): fixed = self.read_header(f) tmap_type = None if((h & H.CONTAINER_TYPE_MASK) == H.CONTAINER_TMAP): tmap_type = self._decode(f) d = dict() for i in range(size): k = self._decode(f, fixed) v = self._decode(f) self._maybe_fref(k, d, is_key=True) self._maybe_fref(v, d, k) d[k] = v if(tmap_type): decoders = self._opt('decoders') if(not decoders or tmap_type not in decoders): if(tmap_type in Decoder.class_decoders): decoders = Decoder.class_decoders else: raise E.NoDecoder("Decoder for {t} not found".format(t=tmap_type)) return decoders[tmap_type](d) else: return d def decode_string(self, h, f): size = self.read_size(h, f) return'utf-8', errors='strict') def decode_character(self, h, f): size = h & H.SIZE_MASK return'utf-8', errors='strict') def decode_package(self, h, f): name = self._decode(f) return T.package(name) def decode_symbol(self, h, f): name = self._decode(f) package = None if(H.is_keyword(h)): package = "KEYWORD" else: package = self._decode(f) return T.intern(name, package) def decode_rref(self, h, f): decoder = self._opt('rref_decoder') rref = self._decode(f); if(decoder): return decoder(rref) else: return T.RRef(rref) def decode_pointer(self, h, f): decoder = self._opt('pointer_decoder') val = self.read_size(h, f) if(decoder): return decoder(val) else: return T.Pointer(val) def decode_cons(self, h, f): car = self._decode(f) cdr = self._decode(f) if(not cdr): return [car] else: return T.DottedList([car,cdr]) def decode_tag(self, h, f): tag = None if(h & H.REFTAG_INLINE): tag = h & H.REFTAG_INLINE_VALUE else: tag = self.read_size(h, f) ob = self._decode(f) self.tags[tag] = ob if(tag in self.frefs): self.replace_frefs(tag, ob) return ob def decode_ref(self, h, f): tag = None if(h & H.REFTAG_INLINE): tag = h & H.REFTAG_INLINE_VALUE else: tag = self.read_size(h, f) if(tag in self.tags): return self.tags[tag] return self._push_fref(tag) def replace_frefs(self, tag, val): for f in self.frefs[tag]: f.replace(val) def decode_index(self, h, f): val = None if(h & H.REFTAG_INLINE): val = h & H.REFTAG_INLINE_VALUE else: tag = self.read_size(h, f) if(self.index): return self.index.index(val) or T.Index(val) else: return T.Index(val) class_decoders = dict() def register(symbol, func): Decoder.class_decoders[symbol] = func def deregister(symbol): del Decoder.class_decoders[symbol]
"""Backends for Browser based Authentication """ import time from functools import wraps from pulsar.api import ( Http401, PermissionDenied, Http404, HttpRedirect, BadRequest ) from pulsar.apps.wsgi import Route from import to_timestamp, date_from_now, iso8601 from lux.utils.context import app_attribute from lux.core import User from .store import session_store NotAuthorised = (Http401, PermissionDenied, BadRequest) @app_attribute def exclude_urls(app): """urls to exclude from browser sessions """ urls = [] for url in app.config['SESSION_EXCLUDE_URLS']: urls.append(Route(url)) return tuple(urls) def session_backend_action(method): @wraps(method) def _(self, r, *args, **kwargs): if r.cache.get('skip_session_backend'): return return method(self, r, *args, **kwargs) return _ class SessionBackend: """SessionBackend is used when the client is a web browser It maintain a session via a cookie key """ @session_backend_action def login(self, request, **data): api = request.api seconds = request.config['SESSION_EXPIRY'] data['user_agent'] = self._user_agent(request) data['ip_address'] = request.get_client_address() data['expiry'] = iso8601(date_from_now(seconds)) response =, jwt=True) token = response.json() session = self._create_session(request, token) request.cache.session = session return token @session_backend_action def logout(self, request): """logout a user """ session = request.cache.session try: request.api.authorizations.delete(token=session.token) except NotAuthorised: pass session_store(request).delete( request.cache.user = request.cache.auth_backend.anonymous(request) request.cache.session = self._create_session(request) @session_backend_action def get_permissions(self, request, resources, actions=None): return self._get_permissions(request, resources, actions) @session_backend_action def has_permission(self, request, resource, action): """Implement :class:`~AuthBackend.has_permission` method """ data = self._get_permissions(request, resource, action) resource = data.get(resource) if resource: return resource.get(action, False) return False def request(self, request): path = request.path[1:] for url in exclude_urls( if url.match(path): request.cache.skip_session_backend = True return key = request.config['SESSION_COOKIE_NAME'] session_key = request.cookies.get(key) store = session_store(request) session = None if session_key: session = store.get(session_key.value) if (session and ( session.expiry is None or session.expiry < time.time())): store.delete( session = None if not session: session = self._create_session(request) request.cache.session = session token = session.token if token: try: user = request.api.user.get(token=session.token).json() except NotAuthorised: raise HttpRedirect(request.config['LOGIN_URL']) from None except Exception: raise request.cache.user = User(user) @session_backend_action def response(self, request, response): session = request.cache.get('session') if session: if response.can_set_cookies(): key = request.config['SESSION_COOKIE_NAME'] session_key = request.cookies.get(key) id = if not session_key or session_key.value != id: response.set_cookie(key, value=str(id), httponly=True, expires=session.expiry) session_store(request).save(session) return response # INTERNALS def _create_session(self, request, token=None): """Create a new Session object""" expiry = None if token: expiry = to_timestamp(token.get('expiry')) token = token['id'] if not expiry: seconds = request.config['SESSION_EXPIRY'] expiry = time.time() + seconds return session_store(request).create(expiry=expiry, token=token) def _get_permissions(self, request, resources, actions=None): if not isinstance(resources, (list, tuple)): resources = (resources,) query = [('resource', resource) for resource in resources] if actions: if not isinstance(actions, (list, tuple)): actions = (actions,) query.extend((('action', action) for action in actions)) try: response = request.api.user.permissions.get(params=query) except NotAuthorised: handle_401(request) return response.json() def _user_agent(self, request, max_len=256): agent = request.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT') return agent[:max_len] if agent else '' def handle_401(request, user=None): """When the API respond with a 401 logout and redirect to login """ user = user or request.session.user if user.is_authenticated(): raise HttpRedirect(request.config['LOGIN_URL']) else: raise Http404
# Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company LP. # Copyright 2017 IBM Corp # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import datetime import json from cinderclient import exceptions as cinder_exceptions from cinderclient.v3 import client as client from oslo_log import log from ironic.common import exception from ironic.common.i18n import _ from ironic.common import keystone from ironic.conf import CONF LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) AVAILABLE = 'available' IN_USE = 'in-use' _CINDER_SESSION = None def _get_cinder_session(): global _CINDER_SESSION if not _CINDER_SESSION: auth = keystone.get_auth('cinder') _CINDER_SESSION = keystone.get_session('cinder', auth=auth) return _CINDER_SESSION def get_client(): """Get a cinder client connection. :returns: A cinder client. """ params = { 'connect_retries': CONF.cinder.retries } # TODO(jtaryma): Add support for noauth # NOTE(TheJulia): If a URL is provided for cinder, we will pass # along the URL to python-cinderclient. Otherwise the library # handles keystone url autodetection. if CONF.cinder.url: params['endpoint_override'] = CONF.cinder.url if CONF.keystone.region_name: params['region_name'] = CONF.keystone.region_name params['session'] = _get_cinder_session() return client.Client(**params) def is_volume_available(volume): """Check if a volume is available for a connection. :param volume: The object representing the volume. :returns: Boolean if volume is available. """ return (volume.status == AVAILABLE or (volume.status == IN_USE and volume.multiattach)) def is_volume_attached(node, volume): """Check if a volume is attached to the supplied node. :param node: The object representing the node. :param volume: The object representing the volume from cinder. :returns: Boolean indicating if the volume is attached. Returns True if cinder shows the volume as presently attached, otherwise returns False. """ attachments = volume.attachments if attachments is not None: for attachment in attachments: if attachment.get('server_id') in (node.instance_uuid, node.uuid): return True return False def _get_attachment_id(node, volume): """Return the attachment ID for a node to a volume. :param node: The object representing the node. :param volume: The object representing the volume from cinder. :returns: The UUID of the attachment in cinder, if present. Otherwise returns None. """ # NOTE(TheJulia): This is under the belief that there is a single # attachment for each node that represents all possible attachment # information as multiple types can be submitted in a single request. attachments = volume.attachments if attachments is None: return for attachment in attachments: if attachment.get('server_id') in (node.instance_uuid, node.uuid): return attachment.get('attachment_id') def _create_metadata_dictionary(node, action): """Create a volume metadata dictionary. :param node: Object representing a node. :param action: String value representing the last action. :returns: Dictionary with a json representation of the metadata to send to cinder as it does not support nested dictionaries. """ label = "ironic_node_%s" % node.uuid data = {'instance_uuid': node.instance_uuid or node.uuid, 'last_seen': datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), 'last_action': action} return {label: json.dumps(data)} def _init_client(task): """Obtain cinder client and return it for use. :param task: TaskManager instance representing the operation. :returns: A cinder client. :raises: StorageError If an exception is encountered creating the client. """ node = task.node try: return get_client() except Exception as e: msg = (_('Failed to initialize cinder client for operations on node ' '%(uuid)s: %(err)s') % {'uuid': node.uuid, 'err': e}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.StorageError(msg) def attach_volumes(task, volume_list, connector): """Attach volumes to a node. Enumerate through the provided list of volumes and attach the volumes to the node defined in the task utilizing the provided connector information. If an attachment appears to already exist, we will skip attempting to attach the volume. If use of the volume fails, a user may need to remove any lingering pre-existing/unused attachment records since we have no way to validate if the connector profile data differs from what was provided to cinder. :param task: TaskManager instance representing the operation. :param volume_list: List of volume_id UUID values representing volumes. :param connector: Dictionary object representing the node sufficiently to attach a volume. This value can vary based upon the node's configuration, capability, and ultimately the back-end storage driver. As cinder was designed around iSCSI, the 'ip' and 'initiator' keys are generally expected by cinder drivers. For FiberChannel, the key 'wwpns' can be used with a list of port addresses. Some drivers support a 'multipath' boolean key, although it is generally False. The 'host' key is generally used for logging by drivers. Example: { 'wwpns': ['list','of','port','wwns'], 'ip': 'ip address', 'initiator': 'initiator iqn', 'multipath': False, 'host': 'hostname', } :raises: StorageError If storage subsystem exception is raised. :returns: List of connected volumes, including volumes that were already connected to desired nodes. The returned list can be relatively consistent depending on the end storage driver that the volume is configured for, however the 'driver_volume_type' key should not be relied upon as it is a free-form value returned by the driver. The accompanying 'data' key contains the actual target details which will indicate either target WWNs and a LUN or a target portal and IQN. It also always contains volume ID in cinder and ironic. Except for these two IDs, each driver may return somewhat different data although the same keys are used if the target is FC or iSCSI, so any logic should be based upon the returned contents. For already attached volumes, the structure contains 'already_attached': True key-value pair. In such case, connection info for the node is already in the database, 'data' structure contains only basic info of volume ID in cinder and ironic, so any logic based on that should retrieve it from the database. Example: [{ 'driver_volume_type': 'fibre_channel' 'data': { 'encrypted': False, 'target_lun': 1, 'target_wwn': ['1234567890123', '1234567890124'], 'volume_id': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001', 'ironic_volume_id': '11111111-0000-0000-0000-000000000001'} }, { 'driver_volume_type': 'iscsi' 'data': { 'target_iqn': '', 'target_portal': '', 'volume_id': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002', 'ironic_volume_id': '11111111-0000-0000-0000-000000000002', 'target_lun': 2} }, { 'already_attached': True 'data': { 'volume_id': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002', 'ironic_volume_id': '11111111-0000-0000-0000-000000000002'} }] """ node = task.node client = _init_client(task) connected = [] for volume_id in volume_list: try: volume = client.volumes.get(volume_id) except cinder_exceptions.ClientException as e: msg = (_('Failed to get volume %(vol_id)s from cinder for node ' '%(uuid)s: %(err)s') % {'vol_id': volume_id, 'uuid': node.uuid, 'err': e}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.StorageError(msg) if is_volume_attached(node, volume): LOG.debug('Volume %(vol_id)s is already attached to node ' '%(uuid)s. Skipping attachment.', {'vol_id': volume_id, 'uuid': node.uuid}) # NOTE(jtaryma): Actual connection info of already connected # volume will be provided by nova. Adding this dictionary to # 'connected' list so it contains also already connected volumes. connection = {'data': {'ironic_volume_uuid':, 'volume_id': volume_id}, 'already_attached': True} connected.append(connection) continue try: client.volumes.reserve(volume_id) except cinder_exceptions.ClientException as e: msg = (_('Failed to reserve volume %(vol_id)s for node %(node)s: ' '%(err)s)') % {'vol_id': volume_id, 'node': node.uuid, 'err': e}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.StorageError(msg) try: # Provide connector information to cinder connection = client.volumes.initialize_connection(volume_id, connector) except cinder_exceptions.ClientException as e: msg = (_('Failed to initialize connection for volume ' '%(vol_id)s to node %(node)s: %(err)s') % {'vol_id': volume_id, 'node': node.uuid, 'err': e}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.StorageError(msg) if 'volume_id' not in connection['data']: connection['data']['volume_id'] = volume_id connection['data']['ironic_volume_uuid'] = connected.append(connection)'Successfully initialized volume %(vol_id)s for ' 'node %(node)s.', {'vol_id': volume_id, 'node': node.uuid}) instance_uuid = node.instance_uuid or node.uuid try: # NOTE(TheJulia): The final step of the cinder volume # attachment process involves updating the volume # database record to indicate that the attachment has # been completed, which moves the volume to the # 'attached' state. This action also sets a mountpoint # for the volume, if known. In our use case, there is # no way for us to know what the mountpoint is inside of # the operating system, thus we send None. client.volumes.attach(volume_id, instance_uuid, None) except cinder_exceptions.ClientException as e: msg = (_('Failed to inform cinder that the attachment for volume ' '%(vol_id)s for node %(node)s has been completed: ' '%(err)s') % {'vol_id': volume_id, 'node': node.uuid, 'err': e}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.StorageError(msg) try: # Set metadata to assist a user in volume identification client.volumes.set_metadata( volume_id, _create_metadata_dictionary(node, 'attached')) except cinder_exceptions.ClientException as e: LOG.warning('Failed to update volume metadata for volume ' '%(vol_id)s for node %(node)s: %(err)s', {'vol_id': volume_id, 'node': node.uuid, 'err': e}) return connected def detach_volumes(task, volume_list, connector, allow_errors=False): """Detach a list of volumes from a provided connector detail. Enumerates through a provided list of volumes and issues detachment requests utilizing the connector information that describes the node. :param task: The TaskManager task representing the request. :param volume_list: The list of volume id values to detach. :param connector: Dictionary object representing the node sufficiently to attach a volume. This value can vary based upon the node's configuration, capability, and ultimately the back-end storage driver. As cinder was designed around iSCSI, the 'ip' and 'initiator' keys are generally expected. For FiberChannel, the key 'wwpns' can be used with a list of port addresses. Some drivers support a 'multipath' boolean key, although it is generally False. The 'host' key is generally used for logging by drivers. Example: { 'wwpns': ['list','of','port','wwns'] 'ip': 'ip address', 'initiator': 'initiator iqn', 'multipath': False, 'host': 'hostname' } :param allow_errors: Boolean value governing if errors that are returned are treated as warnings instead of exceptions. Default False. :raises: StorageError """ def _handle_errors(msg): if allow_errors: LOG.warning(msg) else: LOG.error(msg) raise exception.StorageError(msg) client = _init_client(task) node = task.node for volume_id in volume_list: try: volume = client.volumes.get(volume_id) except cinder_exceptions.ClientException as e: _handle_errors(_('Failed to get volume %(vol_id)s from cinder for ' 'node %(node)s: %(err)s') % {'vol_id': volume_id, 'node': node.uuid, 'err': e}) # If we do not raise an exception, we should move on to # the next volume since the volume could have been deleted # before we're attempting to power off the node. continue if not is_volume_attached(node, volume): LOG.debug('Volume %(vol_id)s is not attached to node ' '%(uuid)s: Skipping detachment.', {'vol_id': volume_id, 'uuid': node.uuid}) continue try: client.volumes.begin_detaching(volume_id) except cinder_exceptions.ClientException as e: _handle_errors(_('Failed to request detach for volume %(vol_id)s ' 'from cinder for node %(node)s: %(err)s') % {'vol_id': volume_id, 'node': node.uuid, 'err': e} ) # NOTE(jtaryma): This operation only updates the volume status, so # we can proceed the process of actual detachment if allow_errors # is set to True. try: # Remove the attachment client.volumes.terminate_connection(volume_id, connector) except cinder_exceptions.ClientException as e: _handle_errors(_('Failed to detach volume %(vol_id)s from node ' '%(node)s: %(err)s') % {'vol_id': volume_id, 'node': node.uuid, 'err': e}) # Skip proceeding with this method if we're not raising # errors. This will leave the volume in the detaching # state, but in that case something very unexpected # has occured. continue # Attempt to identify the attachment id value to provide # accessible relationship data to leave in the cinder API # to enable reconciliation. attachment_id = _get_attachment_id(node, volume) try: # Update the API attachment record client.volumes.detach(volume_id, attachment_id) except cinder_exceptions.ClientException as e: _handle_errors(_('Failed to inform cinder that the detachment for ' 'volume %(vol_id)s from node %(node)s has been ' 'completed: %(err)s') % {'vol_id': volume_id, 'node': node.uuid, 'err': e}) # NOTE(jtaryma): This operation mainly updates the volume status, # so we can proceed the process of volume updating if allow_errors # is set to True. try: # Set metadata to assist in volume identification. client.volumes.set_metadata( volume_id, _create_metadata_dictionary(node, 'detached')) except cinder_exceptions.ClientException as e: LOG.warning('Failed to update volume %(vol_id)s metadata for node ' '%(node)s: %(err)s', {'vol_id': volume_id, 'node': node.uuid, 'err': e})
# Copyright 2020 Tecnativa - Víctor Martínez # License AGPL-3.0 or later ( from odoo import _, api, models from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError class StockLocation(models.Model): _inherit = "stock.location" @api.constrains("active") def _check_active_stock_archive_constraint_stock_quant(self): res = self.env["stock.quant"].search( [ "&", ("location_id.usage", "in", ("internal", "transit")), "|", ("location_id", "in", self.filtered(lambda x: not, ("location_id", "child_of", self.filtered(lambda x: not, ], limit=1, ) if res: raise ValidationError( _( "It is not possible to archive location '%s' which has " "associated stock quantities." % res[0].display_name ) ) @api.constrains("active") def _check_active_stock_archive_constraint_stock_move(self): res = self.env["stock.move"].search( [ "&", ("state", "not in", ("done", "cancel")), "|", ("location_id", "in", self.filtered(lambda x: not, ("location_id", "child_of", self.filtered(lambda x: not, ], limit=1, ) if res: raise ValidationError( _( "It is not possible to archive location '%s' which has " "associated picking lines." % res[0].display_name ) ) @api.constrains("active") def _check_active_stock_archive_constraint_stock_move_line(self): res = self.env["stock.move.line"].search( [ "&", ("state", "not in", ("done", "cancel")), "|", ("location_id", "in", self.filtered(lambda x: not, ("location_id", "child_of", self.filtered(lambda x: not, ], limit=1, ) if res: raise ValidationError( _( "It is not possible to archive location '%s' which has " "associated stock reservations." % res[0].display_name ) )
from django import VERSION from django.conf import settings from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured def import_from_settings(attr, *args): """ Load an attribute from the django settings. :raises: ImproperlyConfigured """ try: if args: return getattr(settings, attr, args[0]) return getattr(settings, attr) except AttributeError: raise ImproperlyConfigured('Setting {0} not found'.format(attr)) def absolutify(request, path): """Return the absolute URL of a path.""" return request.build_absolute_uri(path) # Computed once, reused in every request _less_than_django_1_10 = VERSION < (1, 10) def is_authenticated(user): """return True if the user is authenticated. This is necessary because in Django 1.10 the `user.is_authenticated` stopped being a method and is now a property. Actually `user.is_authenticated()` actually works, thanks to a backwards compat trick in Django. But in Django 2.0 it will cease to work as a callable method. """ if _less_than_django_1_10: return user.is_authenticated() return user.is_authenticated
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import sys import rclpy from time import sleep from std_msgs.msg import String from example_interfaces.srv import AddTwoInts node = None def cleanup(): global node node.destroy_node() rclpy.shutdown() def callback(request, response): response.sum = request.a + request.b return response def main(): global node service = 'js_py_add_two_ints' if len(sys.argv) > 1: service = sys.argv[1] rclpy.init() node = rclpy.create_node('add_service') service = node.create_service(AddTwoInts, service, callback) while rclpy.ok(): rclpy.spin_once(node) cleanup() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
SECRET_KEY = 'SEKRIT' INSTALLED_APPS = ('combocache', 'tests',) DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': './test.db', } }
""" """ from __future__ import absolute_import from ..unitquantity import UnitQuantity from .mass import gram, kg, ounce, lb from .length import cm, m, ft from .time import s from .acceleration import g_0 N = newton = UnitQuantity( 'newton', kg*m/s**2, symbol='N', aliases=['newtons'] ) dyne = UnitQuantity( 'dyne', gram*cm/s**2, symbol='dyn', aliases=['dynes'] ) pond = UnitQuantity( 'pond', g_0*kg, symbol='p', aliases=['ponds'] ) kgf = force_kilogram = kilogram_force = UnitQuantity( 'kilogram_force', kg*g_0, symbol='kgf', aliases=['force_kilogram'] ) ozf = force_ounce = ounce_force = UnitQuantity( 'ounce_force', ounce*g_0, symbol='ozf', aliases=['force_ounce'] ) lbf = force_pound = pound_force = UnitQuantity( 'pound_force', lb*g_0, symbol='lbf', aliases=['force_pound'] ) poundal = UnitQuantity( 'poundal', lb*ft/s**2, symbol='pdl', aliases=['poundals'] ) gf = gram_force = force_gram = UnitQuantity( 'gram_force', gram*g_0, symbol='gf', aliases=['force_gram'] ) force_ton = ton_force = UnitQuantity( 'ton_force', 2000*force_pound, aliases=['force_ton']) kip = UnitQuantity( 'kip', 1000*lbf ) del UnitQuantity, gram, kg, cm, m, s, g_0
# -*- coding:utf8 -*- from scrapy.spider import BaseSpider from scrapy.selector import HtmlXPathSelector from scrapy.statsgov.items import StatsGovItemLoader, StatsGovItem from scrapy.http.request import Request class StatsgovSpider(BaseSpider): name = "statsgov" allowed_domains = [""] start_urls = [ "", # 2002-12-31 "", # 2003-06-30 "", # 2003-12-31 "", # 2004-03-31 "", # 2004-09-30 "", # 2004-12-31 ] def parse(self, response): hxs = HtmlXPathSelector(response) title ='//title/text()').extract()[0] with open(title, 'wb') as f: f.write(response.body) trs ='//span[@class="content"]/table/tbody/tr') items = [] for tr in trs: i = StatsGovItemLoader(StatsGovItem()) code ="td[1]/p/span/text()").extract()[0] label ="td[2]/p/span/text()").extract()[0] i.add_value(u"label", label) i.add_value(u"code", code) items.append(i.load_item()) return items
# app/mod_user/
import time import os import re import logging from autotest.client.shared import error from virttest import utils_misc from virttest import utils_test from virttest import env_process from virttest import data_dir from autotest.client import utils @error.context_aware def run(test, params, env): """ KVM whql env setup test: 1) Log into a guest 2) Update Windows kernel to the newest version 3) Un-check Automatically restart in system failure 4) Disable UAC 5) Get the symbol files 6) Set VM to physical memory + 100M 7) Update the nic configuration 8) Install debug view and make it auto run :param test: QEMU test object :param params: Dictionary with the test parameters :param env: Dictionary with test environment. """ log_path = "%s/../debug" % test.resultsdir # Prepare the tools iso error.context("Prepare the tools iso", src_list = params.get("src_list") src_path = params.get("src_path", "%s/whql_src" % test.tmpdir) if not os.path.exists(src_path): os.makedirs(src_path) if src_list is not None: for i in re.split(",", src_list): utils.unmap_url(src_path, i, src_path) # Make iso for src cdrom_whql = params.get("cdrom_whql") cdrom_whql = utils_misc.get_path(data_dir.get_data_dir(), cdrom_whql) cdrom_whql_dir = os.path.split(cdrom_whql)[0] if not os.path.exists(cdrom_whql_dir): os.makedirs(cdrom_whql_dir) cmd = "mkisofs -J -o %s %s" % (cdrom_whql, src_path) utils.system(cmd) params["cdroms"] += " whql" vm = "vm1" vm_params = params.object_params(vm) env_process.preprocess_vm(test, vm_params, env, vm) vm = env.get_vm(vm) timeout = float(params.get("login_timeout", 240)) session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=timeout) error_log = utils_misc.get_path(log_path, "whql_setup_error_log") run_guest_log = params.get( "run_guest_log", "%s/whql_qemu_comman" % test.tmpdir) # Record qmmu command line in a log file error.context("Record qemu command line", if os.path.isfile(run_guest_log): fd = open(run_guest_log, "r+") else: fd = open(run_guest_log, "w") fd.write("%s\n" % vm.qemu_command) fd.close() # Get set up commands update_cmd = params.get("update_cmd", "") timezone_cmd = params.get("timezone_cmd", "") auto_restart = params.get("auto_restart", "") qxl_install = params.get("qxl_install", "") debuggers_install = params.get("debuggers_install", "") disable_uas = params.get("disable_uas", "") symbol_files = params.get("symbol_files", "") vm_size = int(params.get("mem")) + 100 nic_cmd = params.get("nic_config_cmd", "") dbgview_cmd = params.get("dbgview_cmd", "") format_cmd = params.get("format_cmd", "") disable_firewall = params.get("disable_firewall", "") disable_update = params.get("disable_update", "") setup_timeout = int(params.get("setup_timeout", "7200")) disk_init_cmd = params.get("disk_init_cmd", "") disk_driver_install = params.get("disk_driver_install", "") vm_ma_cmd = "wmic computersystem set AutomaticManagedPagefile=False" vm_cmd = "wmic pagefileset where name=\"C:\\\\pagefile.sys\" set " vm_cmd += "InitialSize=%s,MaximumSize=%s" % (vm_size, vm_size) vm_ma_cmd = "" vm_cmd = "" if symbol_files: symbol_cmd = "del C:\\\\symbols &&" symbol_cmd += "git clone %s C:\\\\symbol_files C:\\\\symbols" % \ symbol_files else: symbol_cmd = "" wmic_prepare_cmd = "echo exit > cmd && cmd /s wmic" error.context("Configure guest system", cmd_list = [wmic_prepare_cmd, auto_restart, disable_uas, symbol_cmd, vm_ma_cmd, vm_cmd, dbgview_cmd, qxl_install, disable_firewall, timezone_cmd] if nic_cmd: for index, nic in enumerate(re.split("\s+", params.get("nics"))): setup_params = params.get("nic_setup_params_%s" % nic, "") if params.get("vm_arch_name", "") == "x86_64": nic_cmd = re.sub("set", "set_64", nic_cmd) cmd_list.append("%s %s %s" % (nic_cmd, str(index + 1), setup_params)) if disk_init_cmd: disk_num = len(re.split("\s+", params.get("images"))) if disk_driver_install: cmd_list.append(disk_driver_install + str(disk_num - 1)) labels = "IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" for index, images in enumerate(re.split("\s+", params.get("images"))): if index > 0: cmd_list.append(disk_init_cmd % (str(index), labels[index - 1])) format_cmd_image = format_cmd % (labels[index - 1], params.get("win_format_%s" % images)) if params.get("win_extra_%s" % images): format_cmd_image += " %s" % params.get( "win_extra_%s" % images) cmd_list.append(format_cmd_image) cmd_list += [update_cmd, disable_update] failed_flag = 0 # Check symbol files in guest if symbol_files: error.context("Update symbol files", install_check_tool = False check_tool_chk = params.get("check_tool_chk", "C:\debuggers\symchk.exe") output = session.cmd_output(check_tool_chk) if "cannot find" in output: install_check_tool = True if install_check_tool: output = session.cmd_output(debuggers_install) symbol_file_check = params.get("symbol_file_check") symbol_file_download = params.get("symbol_file_download") symbol_check_pattern = params.get("symbol_check_pattern") symbol_pid_pattern = params.get("symbol_pid_pattern") download = utils_test.BackgroundTest(session.cmd, (symbol_file_download, setup_timeout)) sessioncheck = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=timeout) download.start() while download.is_alive(): o = sessioncheck.cmd_output(symbol_file_check, setup_timeout) if symbol_check_pattern in o: # Check is done kill download process cmd = "tasklist /FO list" s, o = sessioncheck.cmd_status_output(cmd) pid = re.findall(symbol_pid_pattern, o, re.S) if pid: cmd = "taskkill /PID %s /F" % pid[0] try: sessioncheck.cmd(cmd) except Exception: pass break time.sleep(5) sessioncheck.close() download.join() for cmd in cmd_list: if len(cmd) > 0: s = 0 try: s, o = session.cmd_status_output(cmd, timeout=setup_timeout) except Exception, err: failed_flag += 1 utils_misc.log_line( error_log, "Unexpected exception: %s" % err) if s != 0: failed_flag += 1 utils_misc.log_line(error_log, o) if failed_flag != 0: raise error.TestFail("Have %s setup fialed. Please check the log." % failed_flag)
from django import template from import JobPostingListPage, JobPostingPage register = template.Library() @register.simple_tag(takes_context=True) def get_active_posting_page(context): if == 0: return None listing_page = return listing_page
# Copyright 2019 DeepMind Technologies Limited. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================ """Tests for dm_env_rpc/dm_env utilities.""" import typing from absl.testing import absltest from dm_env import specs import numpy as np from dm_env_rpc.v1 import dm_env_rpc_pb2 from dm_env_rpc.v1 import dm_env_utils from dm_env_rpc.v1 import spec_manager class TensorSpecToDmEnvSpecTests(absltest.TestCase): def test_no_bounds_gives_arrayspec(self): tensor_spec = dm_env_rpc_pb2.TensorSpec() tensor_spec.dtype = dm_env_rpc_pb2.DataType.UINT32 tensor_spec.shape[:] = [3] = 'foo' actual = dm_env_utils.tensor_spec_to_dm_env_spec(tensor_spec) self.assertEqual(specs.Array(shape=[3], dtype=np.uint32), actual) self.assertEqual('foo', def test_string_give_string_array(self): tensor_spec = dm_env_rpc_pb2.TensorSpec() tensor_spec.dtype = dm_env_rpc_pb2.DataType.STRING tensor_spec.shape[:] = [1, 2, 3] = 'string_spec' actual = dm_env_utils.tensor_spec_to_dm_env_spec(tensor_spec) self.assertEqual(specs.StringArray(shape=[1, 2, 3]), actual) self.assertEqual('string_spec', def test_scalar_with_0_n_bounds_gives_discrete_array(self): tensor_spec = dm_env_rpc_pb2.TensorSpec() tensor_spec.dtype = dm_env_rpc_pb2.DataType.UINT32 = 'foo' max_value = 9 tensor_spec.min.uint32s.array[:] = [0] tensor_spec.max.uint32s.array[:] = [max_value] actual = typing.cast(specs.DiscreteArray, dm_env_utils.tensor_spec_to_dm_env_spec(tensor_spec)) expected = specs.DiscreteArray( num_values=max_value + 1, dtype=np.uint32, name='foo') self.assertEqual(expected, actual) self.assertEqual(0, actual.minimum) self.assertEqual(max_value, actual.maximum) self.assertEqual('foo', def test_scalar_with_1_n_bounds_gives_bounded_array(self): tensor_spec = dm_env_rpc_pb2.TensorSpec() tensor_spec.dtype = dm_env_rpc_pb2.DataType.UINT32 = 'foo' tensor_spec.min.uint32s.array[:] = [1] tensor_spec.max.uint32s.array[:] = [10] actual = dm_env_utils.tensor_spec_to_dm_env_spec(tensor_spec) expected = specs.BoundedArray( shape=(), dtype=np.uint32, minimum=1, maximum=10, name='foo') self.assertEqual(expected, actual) self.assertEqual('foo', def test_scalar_with_0_min_and_no_max_bounds_gives_bounded_array(self): tensor_spec = dm_env_rpc_pb2.TensorSpec() tensor_spec.dtype = dm_env_rpc_pb2.DataType.UINT32 = 'foo' tensor_spec.min.uint32s.array[:] = [0] actual = dm_env_utils.tensor_spec_to_dm_env_spec(tensor_spec) expected = specs.BoundedArray( shape=(), dtype=np.uint32, minimum=0, maximum=2**32 - 1, name='foo') self.assertEqual(expected, actual) self.assertEqual('foo', def test_only_min_bounds(self): tensor_spec = dm_env_rpc_pb2.TensorSpec() tensor_spec.dtype = dm_env_rpc_pb2.DataType.UINT32 tensor_spec.shape[:] = [3] = 'foo' tensor_spec.min.uint32s.array[:] = [1] actual = dm_env_utils.tensor_spec_to_dm_env_spec(tensor_spec) expected = specs.BoundedArray( shape=[3], dtype=np.uint32, minimum=1, maximum=2**32 - 1) self.assertEqual(expected, actual) self.assertEqual('foo', def test_only_max_bounds(self): tensor_spec = dm_env_rpc_pb2.TensorSpec() tensor_spec.dtype = dm_env_rpc_pb2.DataType.UINT32 tensor_spec.shape[:] = [3] = 'foo' tensor_spec.max.uint32s.array[:] = [10] actual = dm_env_utils.tensor_spec_to_dm_env_spec(tensor_spec) expected = specs.BoundedArray( shape=[3], dtype=np.uint32, minimum=0, maximum=10) self.assertEqual(expected, actual) self.assertEqual('foo', def test_both_bounds(self): tensor_spec = dm_env_rpc_pb2.TensorSpec() tensor_spec.dtype = dm_env_rpc_pb2.DataType.UINT32 tensor_spec.shape[:] = [3] = 'foo' tensor_spec.min.uint32s.array[:] = [1] tensor_spec.max.uint32s.array[:] = [10] actual = dm_env_utils.tensor_spec_to_dm_env_spec(tensor_spec) expected = specs.BoundedArray( shape=[3], dtype=np.uint32, minimum=1, maximum=10) self.assertEqual(expected, actual) self.assertEqual('foo', def test_bounds_oneof_not_set_gives_dtype_bounds(self): tensor_spec = dm_env_rpc_pb2.TensorSpec() tensor_spec.dtype = dm_env_rpc_pb2.DataType.UINT32 tensor_spec.shape[:] = [3] = 'foo' # Just to force the message to get created. tensor_spec.min.floats.array[:] = [3.0] tensor_spec.min.ClearField('floats') actual = dm_env_utils.tensor_spec_to_dm_env_spec(tensor_spec) expected = specs.BoundedArray( shape=[3], dtype=np.uint32, minimum=0, maximum=2**32 - 1) self.assertEqual(expected, actual) self.assertEqual('foo', def test_bounds_wrong_type_gives_error(self): tensor_spec = dm_env_rpc_pb2.TensorSpec() tensor_spec.dtype = dm_env_rpc_pb2.DataType.UINT32 tensor_spec.shape[:] = [3] = 'foo' tensor_spec.min.floats.array[:] = [1.9] with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'uint32'): dm_env_utils.tensor_spec_to_dm_env_spec(tensor_spec) def test_bounds_on_string_gives_error(self): tensor_spec = dm_env_rpc_pb2.TensorSpec() tensor_spec.dtype = dm_env_rpc_pb2.DataType.STRING tensor_spec.shape[:] = [2] = 'named' tensor_spec.min.floats.array[:] = [1.9] tensor_spec.max.floats.array[:] = [10.0] with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'string'): dm_env_utils.tensor_spec_to_dm_env_spec(tensor_spec) class DmEnvSpecTests(absltest.TestCase): def test_spec(self): dm_env_rpc_specs = { 54: dm_env_rpc_pb2.TensorSpec( name='fuzz', shape=[3], dtype=dm_env_rpc_pb2.DataType.FLOAT), 55: dm_env_rpc_pb2.TensorSpec( name='foo', shape=[2], dtype=dm_env_rpc_pb2.DataType.INT32), } manager = spec_manager.SpecManager(dm_env_rpc_specs) expected = { 'foo': specs.Array(shape=[2], dtype=np.int32), 'fuzz': specs.Array(shape=[3], dtype=np.float32) } self.assertDictEqual(expected, dm_env_utils.dm_env_spec(manager)) def test_empty_spec(self): self.assertDictEqual({}, dm_env_utils.dm_env_spec(spec_manager.SpecManager({}))) def test_spec_generate_and_validate_scalars(self): dm_env_rpc_specs = [] for name, dtype in dm_env_rpc_pb2.DataType.items(): if dtype != dm_env_rpc_pb2.DataType.INVALID_DATA_TYPE: dm_env_rpc_specs.append( dm_env_rpc_pb2.TensorSpec(name=name, shape=(), dtype=dtype)) for dm_env_rpc_spec in dm_env_rpc_specs: spec = dm_env_utils.tensor_spec_to_dm_env_spec(dm_env_rpc_spec) value = spec.generate_value() spec.validate(value) def test_spec_generate_and_validate_tensors(self): example_shape = (10, 10, 3) dm_env_rpc_specs = [] for name, dtype in dm_env_rpc_pb2.DataType.items(): if dtype != dm_env_rpc_pb2.DataType.INVALID_DATA_TYPE: dm_env_rpc_specs.append( dm_env_rpc_pb2.TensorSpec( name=name, shape=example_shape, dtype=dtype)) for dm_env_rpc_spec in dm_env_rpc_specs: spec = dm_env_utils.tensor_spec_to_dm_env_spec(dm_env_rpc_spec) value = spec.generate_value() spec.validate(value) if __name__ == '__main__': absltest.main()
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division __author__ = 'Alistair Miles <[email protected]>'
from relier.web.views import AuthenticatedView from relier.models import Invitation from flask import g, render_template, abort, request class Invitations(AuthenticatedView): def get(self): if not g.user.is_admin: abort(403) invitations = == g.user.organization) invitations.order_by( return render_template('invitations.j2', invitations=invitations) def post(self): if not g.user.is_admin: abort(403) email = request.form.get('email_address') if not email: abort(400) if == email).count() != 0: abort(409) Invitation.send(organization = g.user.organization, email = email) invitations = == g.user.organization) invitations.order_by( return render_template('invitations.j2', invitations=invitations)
# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # Script copyright (C) Thomas PORTASSAU (50thomatoes50) # Contributors: Campbell Barton, Jiri Hnidek, Paolo Ciccone, Thomas Larsson, # <pep8-80 compliant> bl_info = { "name": "Metasequoia format (.mqo)", "author": "Thomas Portassau (50thomatoes50), sapper-trle@github, jacquesmn@github", "blender": (2, 80, 0), "version": (0, 2, 1), "location": "File > Import-Export", "description": "Import-Export MQO, UV's, " "materials and textures", "warning": "Work In Progress, never use the exported file to overwrite original Metasequoia files", "wiki_url": "" "Scripts/Import-Export/MQO", "tracker_url": "", "category": "Import-Export"} # if "bpy" in locals(): import imp if "import_mqo" in locals(): imp.reload(import_mqo) if "export_mqo" in locals(): imp.reload(export_mqo) import os import bpy from bpy.props import (BoolProperty, FloatProperty, StringProperty, EnumProperty, ) from bpy_extras.io_utils import (ExportHelper, ImportHelper, path_reference_mode, axis_conversion, ) class SCRIPT_OT_export_mqo(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper): bl_idname = "script.export_mqo" bl_description = 'Export to Metasequoia file format (.mqo)' bl_label = "Export mqo" bl_space_type = "PROPERTIES" bl_region_type = "WINDOW" # From ExportHelper. Filter filenames. filename_ext = ".mqo" filter_glob = StringProperty(default="*.mqo", options={'HIDDEN'}) scale: bpy.props.FloatProperty( name = "Scale", description="Scale mesh. Value > 1 means bigger, value < 1 means smaller", default = 1, min = 0.001, max = 1000.0) rot90: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name = "Up axis correction", description="Blender up axis is Z but metasequoia up axis is Y\nExporter will invert value to be in the correcte direction", default = True) invert: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name = "Correction of inverted faces", description="Correction of inverted faces", default = True) edge: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name = "Export lost edge", description="Export edge with is not attached to a polygon", default = True) uv_exp: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name = "Export UV", description="Export UV", default = True) uv_cor: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name = "Convert UV", description="invert UV map to be in the direction has metasequoia", default = True) mat_exp: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name = "Export Materials", description="...", default = True) mod_exp: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name = "Export Modifier", description="Export modifier like mirror or/and subdivision surface", default = True) vcol_exp: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name = "Export Vertex Colors", description="Export vertex colors", default = True) def execute(self, context): msg = ".mqo export: Executing"{'INFO'}, msg) print(msg) if self.scale < 1: s = "%.0f times smaller" % 1.0/self.scale elif self.scale > 1: s = "%.0f times bigger" % self.scale else: s = "same size" msg = ".mqo export: Objects will be %s"%(s) print(msg){'INFO'}, msg) from . import export_mqo meshobjects = [ob for ob in context.scene.objects if ob.type == 'MESH'] export_mqo.export_mqo(self,, meshobjects, self.rot90, self.invert, self.edge, self.uv_exp, self.uv_cor, self.mat_exp, self.mod_exp, self.vcol_exp, self.scale) return {'FINISHED'} def invoke(self, context, event): meshobjects = [ob for ob in context.scene.objects if ob.type == 'MESH'] if not meshobjects: msg = ".mqo export: Cancelled - No MESH objects to export."{'ERROR'}, msg) print(msg,"\n") return{'CANCELLED'} pth, fn = os.path.split( nm, xtn = os.path.splitext(fn) if nm =="": nm = meshobjects[0].name = nm context.window_manager.fileselect_add(self) return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} class SCRIPT_OT_import_mqo(bpy.types.Operator, ImportHelper): bl_idname = "script.import_mqo" bl_description = 'Import from Metasequoia file format (.mqo)' bl_label = "Import mqo" bl_space_type = "PROPERTIES" bl_region_type = "WINDOW" # From ImportHelper. Filter filenames. filename_ext = ".mqo" filter_glob: StringProperty(default="*.mqo", options={'HIDDEN'}) scale: bpy.props.FloatProperty( name = "Scale", description="Scale mesh. Value > 1 means bigger, value < 1 means smaller", default = 1, min = 0.001, max = 1000.0) rot90: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name = "Up axis correction", description="Blender up axis is Z but metasequoia up axis is Y\nExporter will invert value to be in the correcte direction", default = True) txtenc: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name="Text encoding", description="Set the text encoding used to write the file (ignored for 4.7+)", default='ascii', items=[ ('ascii', "Ascii", ""), ('cp1252', "CP1252", "Code Page 1252 Western Europe"), ('shift_jis', "Shift JIS", "Shift Japanese Industrial Standards"), ('utf_8', "UTF8", ""), ]) debug: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name = "Show debug text", description="Print debug text to console", default = False) def execute(self, context): msg = ".mqo import: Opening %s"% print(msg){'INFO'}, msg) if self.scale < 1: s = "%.0f times smaller" % (1.0/self.scale) elif self.scale > 1: s = "%.0f times bigger" % self.scale else: s = "same size" msg = ".mqo import: Objects will be %s"%(s) print(msg){'INFO'}, msg) from . import import_mqo r = import_mqo.import_mqo(self,, self.rot90, self.scale, self.txtenc, self.debug) return {r[0]} def menu_func_import(self, context): self.layout.operator(SCRIPT_OT_import_mqo.bl_idname, text="Metasequoia (.mqo)") def menu_func_export(self, context): self.layout.operator(SCRIPT_OT_export_mqo.bl_idname, text="Metasequoia (.mqo)") classes = (SCRIPT_OT_import_mqo, SCRIPT_OT_export_mqo ) def register(): #bpy.utils.register_module(__name__) for c in classes: bpy.utils.register_class(c) bpy.types.TOPBAR_MT_file_import.append(menu_func_import) bpy.types.TOPBAR_MT_file_export.append(menu_func_export) def unregister(): #bpy.utils.unregister_module(__name__) for c in reversed(classes): bpy.utils.unregister_class(c) bpy.types.TOPBAR_MT_file_import.remove(menu_func_import) bpy.types.TOPBAR_MT_file_export.remove(menu_func_export) if __name__ == "__main__": register()
# noinspection PyProtectedMember from podcast_transcribe_episode.bcp47_lang import _country_tld_from_url, iso_639_1_code_to_bcp_47_identifier def test_country_tld_from_url(): assert _country_tld_from_url("") == "uk" def test_iso_639_1_code_to_bcp_47_identifier(): assert iso_639_1_code_to_bcp_47_identifier('') is None # noinspection PyTypeChecker assert iso_639_1_code_to_bcp_47_identifier(None) is None assert iso_639_1_code_to_bcp_47_identifier('lt') == 'lt-LT' assert iso_639_1_code_to_bcp_47_identifier('en') == 'en-US' assert iso_639_1_code_to_bcp_47_identifier('en', url_hint='https://WWW.BBC.CO.UK:443/test.html') == 'en-GB'
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # convert ctp to pyctp def structmember(bodycode): import re ret = [] iterater = re.finditer(r"[\n^]\s*(?P<type>[a-zA-Z][ \w]*[\s\*])(?P<name>[a-zA-Z]\w*)([ \t]*\[[ \t]*(?P<length>\d+)[ \t]*\])?\s*;", bodycode) for i in iterater: d = i.groupdict() ret.append( dict(name=d['name'].strip(), type=d['type'].strip()) ) return ret def enummember(bodycode): ret = [] inc = 0 for item in bodycode.split(','): arr = item.split('=') key = arr[0].strip() if len(arr)==2: inc = int(arr[1]) val = inc ret.append( dict(name=key, value=val) ) inc += 1 return ret def classparser(codetree, code): import re classname = code[:code.index('{')].split(' ')[-1].strip() iterater = re.finditer(r"[\n^]\s*(?P<type>.+)\((?P<param>.+)?\)\s*", code) #print('-----', classname , '----------') methods = [] for i in iterater: method = i.groupdict() names = method['type'].split(' ') param = method['param'] method_name = names[-1] method_type = names[-2] if len(names)>1 else None method_param = [] if param: params = param.split(',') for param in params: p = param.strip().split('=') defval = None if len(p)==2: key = p[-2] defval = p[-1] else: key = p[-1] keys = key.strip().split(' ') p_type = keys[-2] p_name = keys[-1] p_defv = defval if p_type == '*': p_type = keys[-3] p_name = '*'+p_name #print(p_type, p_name, p_defv ) method_param.append( dict(type=p_type, name=p_name, default=p_defv) ) #print( method_type , method_name, method_param ) methods.append(dict(name=method_name, type=method_type, param=method_param)) return dict(type='class', name=classname, methods=methods) def structure(filename): import re, chardet with open(filename, 'rb') as f: data = encoding = chardet.detect(data) sourcecode = data.decode(encoding['encoding']) ret = {} # remove all comments sourcecode = re.sub(r"//[^\n]*", "", sourcecode) sourcecode = re.sub(r"/\*[.\r\n]*\*/", "", sourcecode) #define iterater = re.finditer(r"[\n^]\s*#define\s+(?P<name>[a-zA-Z]\w*(\([^\)]*\))?)([ \t]+(?P<value>.*))?(?!\\)\r?\n", sourcecode) for i in iterater: define = i.groupdict() ret[define['name']] = dict(type='#define', value=define['value']) # print("#define [{0}] [{1}]".format(define['name'], define['value'])) #typedef iterater = re.finditer(r"[\n^]\s*typedef\s+(?P<value>[ \w\t]+[ \t\*])(?P<name>[a-zA-Z]\w*)([ \t]*\[[ \t]*(?P<length>\d+)[ \t]*\])?\s*;", sourcecode) for i in iterater: typedef = i.groupdict() # if struct['length']: # print("typedef {1} {0}[{2}]".format(typedef['name'], typedef['value'].strip(), typedef['length'])) # else: # print("typedef {1} {0}".format(typedef['name'], typedef['value'].strip())) ret[typedef['name']] = dict(type='typedef', value=typedef['value'].strip(), length=typedef['length']) # enum iterater = re.finditer(r"[\n^]\s*enum\s+(?P<name>[a-zA-Z]\w*)\s*\{(?P<body>[^\}]*)\}", sourcecode) for i in iterater: enum = i.groupdict() ret[enum['name']] = dict(type='enum', value=enummember(enum['body'])) # struct iterater = re.finditer(r"[\n^]\s*struct\s+(?P<name>[a-zA-Z]\w*)\s*\{(?P<body>[^\}]*)\}", sourcecode) for i in iterater: struct = i.groupdict() ret[struct['name']] = dict(type='struct', value=structmember(struct['body'])) # class keyword = "" class_body = "" class_state = 0 block_nest = 0 block_state = 0 i = 0 while i < len(sourcecode): char = sourcecode[i] if not class_state: if char in ["\r", "\n", "\t", " "]: if keyword == 'class': class_state = 1 keyword = "" else: keyword += char if class_state: class_body += char if char == '{': block_nest += 1 block_state = 1 if char == '}': block_nest -= 1 if block_state and block_nest == 0: classes = classparser(ret, 'class' + class_body) ret[classes['name']] = classes block_state = 0 class_state = 0 class_body = "" i += 1 return ret def funchar(objectid, memberid, typeid, length): if length: # _inp = 'es' _inp = 'y' # _out = 'N' _out = 'y' # _var = 'PyCTP_PyUnicode_DecodeGB2312('+objectid+'->'+memberid+')' _var = objectid+'->'+memberid _dec = 'char *'+objectid+'_'+memberid+ ' = nullptr;\n' # _ref = ', \"gb2312\", &'+objectid+'_'+memberid _ref = ', &'+objectid+'_'+memberid # _set = 'if(' + objectid+'_'+memberid + ' != nullptr){ strcpy_s('+objectid+'->'+memberid + ', ' + objectid+'_'+memberid + '); PyMem_Free(' + objectid+'_'+memberid + '); ' + objectid+'_'+memberid + ' = nullptr; }' _set = 'if(' + objectid+'_'+memberid + ' != nullptr){ strcpy_s('+objectid+'->'+memberid + ', ' + objectid+'_'+memberid + '); ' + objectid+'_'+memberid + ' = nullptr; }' else: _inp = 'c' _out = 'c' _var = objectid+'->'+memberid _dec = 'char '+objectid+'_'+memberid+ ' = 0;\n' _ref = ', &'+objectid+'_'+memberid _set = objectid+'->'+memberid + ' = ' + objectid+'_'+memberid + ';' return dict(out=_out, inp=_inp, var = _var, dec=_dec, ref=_ref, sett = _set) def fundouble(objectid, memberid, typeid, length): return dict(out='d', inp='d', var=objectid+'->'+memberid, dec='double '+objectid+'_'+memberid+' = 0.0;\n', ref=', &'+objectid+'_'+memberid, sett = objectid+'->'+memberid + ' = ' + objectid+'_'+memberid + ';') def funint(objectid, memberid, typeid, length): return dict(out='i', inp='i', var=objectid+'->'+memberid, dec='int '+objectid+'_'+memberid+' = 0;\n', ref=', &'+objectid+'_'+memberid, sett = objectid+'->'+memberid + ' = ' + objectid+'_'+memberid + ';') def funshort(objectid, memberid, typeid, length): return dict(out='h',inp='h', var=objectid+'->'+memberid, dec='short '+objectid+'_'+memberid+' = 0;\n', ref=', &'+objectid+'_'+memberid, sett = objectid+'->'+memberid + ' = ' + objectid+'_'+memberid + ';') typefun = dict(char=funchar,double=fundouble, int=funint, short=funshort) def generatestructcppheadercode(codetree): """struct header""" cppheadercodetemplate = "./src/UserApiStruct.h.template" cppheadercodefile = "./src/UserApiStruct.h" cppheadercode = "" for (key, value) in codetree.items(): if(value['type'] == 'struct'): cppheadercode += "\nPyObject *PyCTP_PyDict_FromStruct(" + key + " *p"+key.replace("CThostFtdc", "")+");" cppheadercode += "\nint PyCTP_Struct_FromPyDict(" + key + " *p" + key.replace("CThostFtdc", "") + ", PyObject *dict);" import re, chardet with open(cppheadercodetemplate, 'rb') as f: data = encoding = chardet.detect(data) sourcecode = data.decode(encoding['encoding']) sourcecode = re.sub(r'\{\{\s*body\s*\}\}', cppheadercode, sourcecode) with open(cppheadercodefile, 'wt') as f: f.write(sourcecode) def generatestructcppsourcecode(codetree): """struct source""" cppsourcecodetemplate = "./src/UserApiStruct.cpp.template" cppsourcecodefile = "./src/UserApiStruct.cpp" cppsourcecode = "" for (key,value) in codetree.items(): if(value['type'] == 'struct'): # analysis struct members outformat = "" outvarlist = "" keywordslist = "" keywordss = "" declaration = "" refcode = "" setcode = "" for member in value['value']: member_name = member['name'] member_type = codetree.get( member['type'] ) type_name = member_type['value'] type_len = member_type['length'] ret = typefun.get(type_name)("p"+key.replace("CThostFtdc", ""), member_name, type_name, type_len) outformat += ",s:" + ret['out'] outvarlist += "\t\t, \""+member_name+"\", " + ret['var'] + "\n" keywordslist += "\"" + member_name + "\", " keywordss += ret['inp'] declaration += '\t'+ret['dec'] refcode += '\t\t'+ret['ref']+'\n' setcode += '\t\t'+ret['sett']+'\n' cppsourcecode += "\nint PyCTP_Struct_FromPyDict(" + key + " *p" + key.replace("CThostFtdc", "") + ", PyObject *dict)\n" cppsourcecode += "{\n" cppsourcecode += "\tstatic char *kwlist[] = {"+keywordslist+"nullptr};\n" cppsourcecode += declaration cppsourcecode += "\tPyCTP_PyDict_FromStruct_BEGIN(p" + key.replace("CThostFtdc", "") + ", \"|"+keywordss+"\")\n"; cppsourcecode += refcode cppsourcecode += "\tPyCTP_PyDict_FromStruct_END\n" cppsourcecode += setcode cppsourcecode += "\tPyCTP_PyDict_FromStruct_RETURN\n" cppsourcecode += "}\n" outformat = outformat.lstrip(',') cppsourcecode += "PyObject *PyCTP_PyDict_FromStruct(" + key + " *p"+key.replace("CThostFtdc", "")+")\n" cppsourcecode += "{\n" cppsourcecode += "\tif(p"+key.replace("CThostFtdc", "")+" == nullptr) Py_RETURN_NONE;\n" cppsourcecode += "\treturn Py_BuildValue(\"{"+outformat+"}\"\n"+outvarlist+"\t\t);\n" cppsourcecode += "}\n" import re, chardet with open(cppsourcecodetemplate, 'rb') as f: data = encoding = chardet.detect(data) sourcecode = data.decode(encoding['encoding']) sourcecode = re.sub(r'\{\{\s*body\s*\}\}', cppsourcecode, sourcecode) with open(cppsourcecodefile, 'wt') as f: f.write(sourcecode) def generatemacrocode(codetree): template = "./src/UserApiDataType.cpp.template" file = "./src/UserApiDataType.cpp" cppsourcecode = "" for (key,value) in codetree.items(): if(value['type'] == 'enum'): for item in value['value']: cppsourcecode += "if( PyModule_AddIntMacro(m, "+item['name']+") != 0 ) return -1;\n" if(value['type'] == '#define'): if value['value']: if len(value['value'].strip("'"))==1: cppsourcecode += "if( PyModule_AddCharMacro(m, "+key+") != 0 ) return -1;\n" else: cppsourcecode += "if( PyModule_AddStrConstant(m, \""+key+"\", \""+value['value'].strip("'")+"\") != 0 ) return -1;\n" import re, chardet with open(template, 'rb') as f: data = encoding = chardet.detect(data) sourcecode = data.decode(encoding['encoding']) sourcecode = re.sub(r'\{\{\s*body\s*\}\}', cppsourcecode, sourcecode) with open(file, 'wt') as f: f.write(sourcecode) def generateMdApi(codetree): header_template = "./src/MdApi.h.template" source_template = "./src/MdApi.cpp.template" #for method in codetree['CThostFtdcMdSpi']['methods']: #print(method) import os ctpdir = './v6.5.1_20200908/v6.5.1_20200908_api_tradeapi_se_linux64/' codetree = {} codetree.update(structure(os.path.join(ctpdir, 'ThostFtdcUserApiDataType.h'))) codetree.update(structure(os.path.join(ctpdir, 'ThostFtdcUserApiStruct.h'))) codetree.update(structure(os.path.join(ctpdir, 'ThostFtdcMdApi.h'))) codetree.update(structure(os.path.join(ctpdir, 'ThostFtdcTraderApi.h'))) generatestructcppheadercode(codetree) generatestructcppsourcecode(codetree) generatemacrocode(codetree) #generateMdApi(codetree) #generateTraderApi(codetree)
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Finds android browsers that can be controlled by telemetry.""" import logging import os from telemetry import decorators from telemetry.core import browser from telemetry.core import exceptions from telemetry.core import possible_browser from telemetry.core import platform from telemetry.core import util from telemetry.core.backends import adb_commands from telemetry.core.platform import android_device from import android_browser_backend CHROME_PACKAGE_NAMES = { 'android-content-shell': ['org.chromium.content_shell_apk', android_browser_backend.ContentShellBackendSettings, 'ContentShell.apk'], 'android-chrome-shell': ['', android_browser_backend.ChromeShellBackendSettings, 'ChromeShell.apk'], 'android-webview': ['org.chromium.telemetry_shell', android_browser_backend.WebviewBackendSettings, None], 'android-webview-shell': ['', android_browser_backend.WebviewShellBackendSettings, 'AndroidWebView.apk'], 'android-chrome': ['', android_browser_backend.ChromeBackendSettings, 'Chrome.apk'], 'android-chrome-beta': ['', android_browser_backend.ChromeBackendSettings, None], 'android-chrome-dev': ['', android_browser_backend.ChromeBackendSettings, None], 'android-chrome-canary': ['', android_browser_backend.ChromeBackendSettings, None], 'android-jb-system-chrome': ['', android_browser_backend.ChromeBackendSettings, None] } class PossibleAndroidBrowser(possible_browser.PossibleBrowser): """A launchable android browser instance.""" def __init__(self, browser_type, finder_options, android_platform, backend_settings, apk_name): super(PossibleAndroidBrowser, self).__init__( browser_type, 'android', backend_settings.supports_tab_control) assert browser_type in FindAllBrowserTypes(finder_options), ( 'Please add %s to android_browser_finder.FindAllBrowserTypes' % browser_type) self._platform = android_platform self._platform_backend = ( android_platform._platform_backend) # pylint: disable=W0212 self._backend_settings = backend_settings self._local_apk = None if browser_type == 'exact': if not os.path.exists(apk_name): raise exceptions.PathMissingError( 'Unable to find exact apk %s specified by --browser-executable' % apk_name) self._local_apk = apk_name elif apk_name: chrome_root = util.GetChromiumSrcDir() candidate_apks = [] for build_dir, build_type in util.GetBuildDirectories(): apk_full_name = os.path.join(chrome_root, build_dir, build_type, 'apks', apk_name) if os.path.exists(apk_full_name): last_changed = os.path.getmtime(apk_full_name) candidate_apks.append((last_changed, apk_full_name)) if candidate_apks: # Find the candidate .apk with the latest modification time. newest_apk_path = sorted(candidate_apks)[-1][1] self._local_apk = newest_apk_path def __repr__(self): return 'PossibleAndroidBrowser(browser_type=%s)' % self.browser_type def _InitPlatformIfNeeded(self): pass def Create(self, finder_options): self._InitPlatformIfNeeded() use_rndis_forwarder = (finder_options.android_rndis or finder_options.browser_options.netsim or platform.GetHostPlatform().GetOSName() != 'linux') browser_backend = android_browser_backend.AndroidBrowserBackend( self._platform_backend, finder_options.browser_options, self._backend_settings, use_rndis_forwarder, output_profile_path=finder_options.output_profile_path, extensions_to_load=finder_options.extensions_to_load, target_arch=finder_options.target_arch) return browser.Browser( browser_backend, self._platform_backend, self._credentials_path) def SupportsOptions(self, finder_options): if len(finder_options.extensions_to_load) != 0: return False return True def HaveLocalAPK(self): return self._local_apk and os.path.exists(self._local_apk) @decorators.Cache def UpdateExecutableIfNeeded(self): if self.HaveLocalAPK(): logging.warn('Installing %s on device if needed.' % self._local_apk) self.platform.InstallApplication(self._local_apk) def last_modification_time(self): if self.HaveLocalAPK(): return os.path.getmtime(self._local_apk) return -1 def SelectDefaultBrowser(possible_browsers): """Return the newest possible browser.""" if not possible_browsers: return None return max(possible_browsers, key=lambda b: b.last_modification_time()) def CanFindAvailableBrowsers(): return android_device.CanDiscoverDevices() def CanPossiblyHandlePath(target_path): return os.path.splitext(target_path.lower())[1] == '.apk' def FindAllBrowserTypes(_options): return CHROME_PACKAGE_NAMES.keys() + ['exact'] def _FindAllPossibleBrowsers(finder_options, android_platform): """Testable version of FindAllAvailableBrowsers.""" if not android_platform: return [] possible_browsers = [] # Add the exact APK if given. if (finder_options.browser_executable and CanPossiblyHandlePath(finder_options.browser_executable)): normalized_path = os.path.expanduser(finder_options.browser_executable) exact_package = adb_commands.GetPackageName(normalized_path) if not exact_package: raise exceptions.PackageDetectionError( 'Unable to find package for %s specified by --browser-executable' % normalized_path) package_info = next((info for info in CHROME_PACKAGE_NAMES.itervalues() if info[0] == exact_package), None) if package_info: [package, backend_settings, _] = package_info possible_browsers.append( PossibleAndroidBrowser( 'exact', finder_options, android_platform, backend_settings(package), normalized_path)) else: raise exceptions.UnknownPackageError( '%s specified by --browser-executable has an unknown package: %s' % (normalized_path, exact_package)) for name, package_info in CHROME_PACKAGE_NAMES.iteritems(): package, backend_settings, local_apk = package_info b = PossibleAndroidBrowser(name, finder_options, android_platform, backend_settings(package), local_apk) if b.platform.CanLaunchApplication(package) or b.HaveLocalAPK(): possible_browsers.append(b) return possible_browsers def FindAllAvailableBrowsers(finder_options): """Finds all the possible browsers on one device. The device is either the only device on the host platform, or |finder_options| specifies a particular device. """ device = android_device.GetDevice(finder_options) if not device: return [] android_platform = platform.GetPlatformForDevice(device) return _FindAllPossibleBrowsers(finder_options, android_platform)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django 1.10.2 on 2017-01-04 09:38 from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations, models import django.db.models.deletion class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('uth_db', '0011_auto_20170102_1649'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterField( model_name='table', name='booking', field=models.ForeignKey(null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, to='uth_db.Booking'), ), ]
# # Executable template for Challenge scoring application # # To use this script, first install the Synapse Python Client # # # Log in once using your user name and password # import synapseclient # syn = synapseclient.Synapse() # syn.login(<username>, <password>, rememberMe=True) # # Your credentials will be saved after which you may run this script with no credentials. # # Author: chris.bare # ############################################################################### import synapseclient import synapseclient.utils as utils from synapseclient.exceptions import * from synapseclient import Activity from synapseclient import Project, Folder, File from synapseclient import Evaluation, Submission, SubmissionStatus from synapseclient import Wiki from synapseclient.dict_object import DictObject from collections import OrderedDict from datetime import datetime, timedelta from itertools import izip from StringIO import StringIO import argparse import lock import json import math import os import random import re import sys import time import traceback import urllib import uuid from message_templates import * # use unique names for projects and the evaluation: CHALLENGE_NAME = "Testing ALS2 DREAM Challenge" #"Synapse Challenge Template" CHALLENGE_PROJECT_NAME = CHALLENGE_NAME CHALLENGE_EVALUATION_NAME = CHALLENGE_NAME PARTICIPANT_PROJECT_NAME = CHALLENGE_NAME + " Participant Project" ADMIN_USER_IDS = [1984495] #[1421212] # the page size can be bigger, we do this just to demonstrate pagination PAGE_SIZE = 20 # the batch size can be bigger, we do this just to demonstrate batching BATCH_SIZE = 20 # how many times to we retry batch uploads of submission annotations BATCH_UPLOAD_RETRY_COUNT = 5 # make sure there are multiple batches to handle NUM_OF_SUBMISSIONS_TO_CREATE = 5 WAIT_FOR_QUERY_ANNOTATIONS_SEC = 30.0 UUID_REGEX = re.compile('[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}') # A module level variable to hold the Synapse connection syn = None ## define the columns that will make up the leaderboard LEADERBOARD_COLUMNS = [ {'column_name':'objectId', 'display_name':'ID'}, {'column_name':'name', 'display_name':'name'}, {'column_name':'entityId', 'display_name':'entity', 'renderer':'synapseid'}, {'column_name':'status', 'display_name':'status'}, {'column_name':'submitterAlias', 'display_name':'team'}, {'column_name':'userId', 'display_name':'user ID', 'renderer':'userid'}, {'column_name':'bayesian_whatsajigger', 'display_name':'Bayesian Whatsajigger'}, {'column_name':'root_mean_squared_flapdoodle', 'display_name':'RMSF'}, {'column_name':'discombobulation_index', 'display_name':'Discombobulation', 'sort':'DESC'} ] def update_submissions_status_batch(evaluation, statuses): """ Update statuses in batch. This can be much faster than individual updates, especially in rank based scoring methods which recalculate scores for all submissions each time a new submission is received. """ for retry in range(BATCH_UPLOAD_RETRY_COUNT): try: token = None offset = 0 while offset < len(statuses): batch = {"statuses" : statuses[offset:offset+BATCH_SIZE], "isFirstBatch" : (offset==0), "isLastBatch" : (offset+BATCH_SIZE>=len(statuses)), "batchToken" : token} response = syn.restPUT("/evaluation/%s/statusBatch" %, json.dumps(batch)) token = response.get('nextUploadToken', None) offset += BATCH_SIZE except SynapseHTTPError as err: # on 412 ConflictingUpdateException we want to retry if err.response.status_code == 412: # sys.stderr.write('%s, retrying...\n' % err.message) time.sleep(2) else: raise class Team(DictObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Team, self).__init__(kwargs) def create_team(name, description): team = {'name': name, 'description': description, 'canPublicJoin':True} return Team(**syn.restPOST("/team", body=json.dumps(team))) class Query(object): """ An object that helps with paging through annotation query results. Also exposes properties totalNumberOfResults, headers and rows. """ def __init__(self, query, limit=20, offset=0): self.query = query self.limit = limit self.offset = offset self.fetch_batch_of_results() def fetch_batch_of_results(self): uri = "/evaluation/submission/query?query=" + urllib.quote_plus("%s limit %s offset %s" % (self.query, self.limit, self.offset)) results = syn.restGET(uri) self.totalNumberOfResults = results['totalNumberOfResults'] self.headers = results['headers'] self.rows = results['rows'] self.i = 0 def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): if self.i >= len(self.rows): if self.offset >= self.totalNumberOfResults: raise StopIteration() self.fetch_batch_of_results() values = self.rows[self.i]['values'] self.i += 1 self.offset += 1 return values def set_up(): try: uuid_suffix = " " + str(uuid.uuid4()) # Create the Challenge Project challenge_project = print "Created project %s %s" % (, evaluation =,, status="OPEN", submissionInstructionsMessage="To submit to the XYZ Challenge, send a tab-delimited file as described here: https://...", submissionReceiptMessage="Your submission has been received. For further information, consult the leader board at https://...")) print "Created Evaluation %s %s" % (, # Create teams for participants and administrators participants_team = create_team(CHALLENGE_PROJECT_NAME+uuid_suffix+' Participants', description='A team for people who have joined the challenge') print "Created team %s %s" % (, admin_team = create_team(CHALLENGE_PROJECT_NAME+uuid_suffix+' Administrators', description='A team for challenge administrators') print "Created team %s %s" % (, # give the teams permissions on challenge artifacts # see: # see: syn.setPermissions(challenge_project,, ['READ', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE', 'CHANGE_PERMISSIONS', 'DOWNLOAD', 'PARTICIPATE', 'SUBMIT', 'READ_PRIVATE_SUBMISSION']) syn.setPermissions(evaluation,, ['READ', 'PARTICIPATE', 'SUBMIT']) # Create the participant project participant_project = print "Created project %s %s" % (, participant_file =, parent=participant_project)) return dict(challenge_project=challenge_project, evaluation=evaluation, participant_project=participant_project, participant_file=participant_file, participants_team=participants_team, admin_team=admin_team) except Exception as ex: tear_down(locals()) raise def find_objects(uuid): """Based on the given UUID (as a string), find demo artifacts""" results = list(syn.chunkedQuery('select id from project where == "%s"' % (CHALLENGE_PROJECT_NAME+" "+uuid))) if results: challenge_project = syn.get(results[0]['']) results = list(syn.chunkedQuery('select id from project where == "%s"' % (PARTICIPANT_PROJECT_NAME+" "+uuid))) if results: participant_project = syn.get(results[0]['']) response = syn.restGET("/teams?fragment=" + CHALLENGE_PROJECT_NAME+" "+uuid+" Participants") participants_team = Team(**response['results'][0]) syn.restGET("/teams?fragment=" + CHALLENGE_PROJECT_NAME+" "+uuid+" Administrators") admin_team = Team(**response['results'][0]) return dict(challenge_project=challenge_project, participant_project=participant_project, participants_team=participants_team, admin_team=admin_team) def tear_down(objects): print "Cleanup:" for project in (objects[key] for key in objects.keys() if key.endswith("_project")): try: for evaluation in syn.getEvaluationByContentSource( try: print " deleting", syn.restDELETE('/evaluation/%s' % except: sys.stderr.write('Failed to clean up evaluation %s\n' % print " deleting", syn.delete(project) except Exception as ex1: print ex1 sys.stderr.write('Failed to clean up project: %s\n' % str(project)) for team in (objects[key] for key in objects.keys() if key.endswith("_team")): print 'deleting', team['id'], team['name'] syn.restDELETE('/team/{id}'.format(id=team['id'])) def submit_to_challenge(evaluation, participant_file, n=NUM_OF_SUBMISSIONS_TO_CREATE): for i in range(n): syn.submit(evaluation=evaluation, entity=participant_file, name="Awesome submission %d" % i, teamName="Team Awesome") def validate_submission(file_path): if random.random() < 0.5: return True, "Validated" else: return False, "This submission was randomly selected to be invalid!" def validate(evaluation, send_messages=False, notifications=False, dry_run=False): """ It may be convenient to validate submissions in one pass before scoring them, especially if scoring takes a long time. """ print "\n\nValidating", utils.id_of(evaluation) print "-" * 60 for submission, status in syn.getSubmissionBundles(evaluation, status='RECEIVED'): ## refetch the submission so that we get the file path ## to be later replaced by a "downloadFiles" flag on getSubmissionBundles submission = syn.getSubmission(submission) is_valid, validation_message = validate_submission(submission.filePath) print, validation_message if is_valid: status.status = "VALIDATED" else: status.status = "INVALID" if not dry_run: status = ## send message AFTER storing status to ensure we don't get repeat messages if not is_valid and send_messages: profile = syn.getUserProfile(submission.userId) message = VALIDATION_TEMPLATE.format( username=profile.get('firstName', profile.get('userName', profile['ownerId'])),,, message=validation_message) response = syn.sendMessage( userIds=[submission.userId], messageSubject="Error validating Submission to "+CHALLENGE_NAME, messageBody=message) print "sent validation error message: ", unicode(response).encode('utf-8') def score_submission(submission, file_path): """ Generate some random scoring metrics """ if'3'): raise Exception('A fake test exception occured while scoring!') score = dict(bayesian_whatsajigger=random.random(), root_mean_squared_flapdoodle=random.random(), discombobulation_index=random.random()) message="\n".join(" %s = %0.5f"%(k,v) for k,v in score.iteritems()) return (score, message) def score(evaluation, send_messages=False, notifications=False, dry_run=False): sys.stdout.write('\n\nScoring ' + utils.id_of(evaluation)) sys.stdout.flush() ## collect statuses here for batch update statuses = [] for submission, status in syn.getSubmissionBundles(evaluation, status='VALIDATED'): ## refetch the submission so that we get the file path ## to be later replaced by a "downloadFiles" flag on getSubmissionBundles submission = syn.getSubmission(submission) try: score, message = score_submission(submission, submission.filePath) status.status = "SCORED" status.score = math.fsum(v for k,v in score.iteritems()) / len(score) status.annotations = synapseclient.annotations.to_submission_status_annotations(score) except Exception as ex1: sys.stderr.write('\n\nError scoring submission %s %s:\n' % (, st = StringIO() traceback.print_exc(file=st) sys.stderr.write(st.getvalue()) sys.stderr.write('\n') status.status = "INVALID" message = st.getvalue() if notifications and ADMIN_USER_IDS: submission_info = "submission id: %s\nsubmission name: %s\nsubmitted by user id: %s\n\n" % (,, submission.userId) response = syn.sendMessage( userIds=ADMIN_USER_IDS, messageSubject=CHALLENGE_NAME+": exception during scoring", messageBody=error_notification_template.format(message=submission_info+st.getvalue())) print "sent notification: ", unicode(response).encode('utf-8') if not dry_run: status = ## send message AFTER storing status to ensure we don't get repeat messages if send_messages: profile = syn.getUserProfile(submission.userId) if status.status == 'SCORED': message_body = scoring_message_template.format( message=message, username=profile.get('firstName', profile.get('userName', profile['ownerId'])),, subject = "Submission to "+CHALLENGE_NAME else: message_body = scoring_error_message_template.format( message=message, username=profile.get('firstName', profile.get('userName', profile['ownerId'])),, subject = "Error scoring submission to "+CHALLENGE_NAME response = syn.sendMessage( userIds=[submission.userId], messageSubject=subject, messageBody=message_body) print "sent message: ", unicode(response).encode('utf-8') sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write('\n') def query(evaluation, expected_result_count=NUM_OF_SUBMISSIONS_TO_CREATE): """Test the query that will be run to construct the leaderboard""" ## Note: Constructing the index on which the query operates is an ## asynchronous process, so we may need to wait a bit. found = False start_time = time.time() time.sleep(1) while not found and (time.time()-start_time < WAIT_FOR_QUERY_ANNOTATIONS_SEC): results = Query(query="select * from evaluation_%s" % if results.totalNumberOfResults < expected_result_count: time.sleep(2) else: found = True ## annotate each column with it's position in the query results, if it's there for column in LEADERBOARD_COLUMNS: if column['column_name'] in results.headers: column['index'] = results.headers.index(column['column_name']) ## print leaderboard print "\t".join([column['display_name'] for column in LEADERBOARD_COLUMNS if 'index' in column]) for row in results: if row[results.headers.index('status')] == 'SCORED': indexes = (column['index'] for column in LEADERBOARD_COLUMNS if 'index' in column) print "\t".join("%0.4f"%row[i] if isinstance(row[i],float) else unicode(row[i]) for i in indexes) if not found: sys.stderr.write("Error: Annotations have not appeared in query results.\n") def create_supertable_leaderboard(evaluation): """ Create the leaderboard using a supertable, a markdown extension that dynamically builds a table by querying submissions. Because the supertable re-queries whenever the page is rendered, this step only has to be done once. """ uri_base = urllib.quote_plus("/evaluation/submission/query") # it's incredibly picky that the equals sign here has to be urlencoded, but # the later equals signs CAN'T be urlencoded. query = urllib.quote_plus('query=select * from evaluation_%s where status=="SCORED"' % utils.id_of(evaluation)) params = [ ('paging', 'true'), ('queryTableResults', 'true'), ('showIfLoggedInOnly', 'false'), ('pageSize', '25'), ('showRowNumber', 'false'), ('jsonResultsKeyName', 'rows')] # Columns specifications have 4 fields: renderer, display name, column name, sort. # Renderer and sort are usually 'none' and 'NONE'. for i, column in enumerate(LEADERBOARD_COLUMNS): fields = dict(renderer='none', sort='NONE') fields.update(column) params.append(('columnConfig%s' % i, "{renderer},{display_name},{column_name};,{sort}".format(**fields))) return "${supertable?path=" + uri_base + "%3F" + query + "&" + "&".join([key+"="+urllib.quote_plus(value) for key,value in params]) + "}" # Notes: supertable fails w/ bizarre error when sorting by a floating point column. # can we format floating point "%0.4f" # supertable is really picky about what gets URL encoded. def create_wiki(evaluation, challenge_home_entity, team): """ Create landing page for challenge and a sub-page for a leaderboard. Note that, while this code demonstrates programmatic generation of wiki markdown including leader board table widget, the typical method for creating and editing such content is via the Synapse web portal ( """ wiki = Wiki( owner=challenge_home_entity, markdown=CHALLENGE_PROJECT_WIKI.format( title=CHALLENGE_PROJECT_NAME, teamId=team['id'], wiki = supertable = create_supertable_leaderboard(evaluation) lb_wiki = Wiki( title="Leaderboard", owner=challenge_home_entity,, markdown=LEADERBOARD_MARKDOWN.format(, supertable=supertable)) lb_wiki = return (wiki, lb_wiki) def list_submissions(evaluation, status=None, **kwargs): if isinstance(evaluation, basestring): evaluation = syn.getEvaluation(evaluation) print '\n\nSubmissions for: %s %s' % (, print '-' * 60 for submission, status in syn.getSubmissionBundles(evaluation, status=status): print, submission.createdOn, status.status,'utf-8'), submission.userId def list_evaluations(project): print '\n\nEvaluations for project: ', utils.id_of(project) print '-' * 60 evaluations = syn.getEvaluationByContentSource(project) for evaluation in evaluations: print "Evaluation: %s" %,'utf-8') def challenge_demo(number_of_submissions=NUM_OF_SUBMISSIONS_TO_CREATE, cleanup=True): try: # create a Challenge project, evaluation queue, etc. objects=set_up() evaluation=objects['evaluation'] # create submissions submit_to_challenge(evaluation, objects['participant_file'], n=number_of_submissions) # validate correctness # (this can be done at the same time as scoring, below, but we # demonstrate doing the two tasks separately) validate(evaluation) # score the validated submissions score(evaluation) # query the results (this is the action used by dynamic leader boards # viewable in challenge web pages) query(evaluation, expected_result_count=number_of_submissions) # create leaderboard wiki page create_wiki(evaluation, objects['challenge_project'], objects['participants_team']) finally: if cleanup and "objects" in locals() and objects: tear_down(objects) def command_demo(args): challenge_demo(args.number_of_submissions, args.cleanup) def command_cleanup(args): objs = find_objects(args.uuid) print "Cleaning up:" for key,obj in objs.iteritems(): print key,obj['name'],obj['id'] if not args.dry_run: tear_down(objs) def command_list(args): if args.challenge_project: list_evaluations(project=args.challenge_project) elif args.evaluation: list_submissions(evaluation=args.evaluation, status=args.status) else: sys.stderr.write('\nList command requires either an evaluation ID or a synapse project. '\ 'The list command might also be customized to list evaluations specific '\ 'to a given challenge.\n') def command_check_status(args): submission = syn.getSubmission(args.submission) status = syn.getSubmissionStatus(args.submission) evaluation = syn.getEvaluation(submission.evaluationId) ## deleting the entity key is a hack to work around a bug which prevents ## us from printing a submission del submission['entity'] print unicode(evaluation).encode('utf-8') print unicode(submission).encode('utf-8') print unicode(status).encode('utf-8') def command_reset(args): for submission in args.submission: status = syn.getSubmissionStatus(submission) status.status = args.status if not args.dry_run: print unicode('utf-8') def command_validate(args): validate(args.evaluation, send_messages=args.send_messages, notifications=args.notifications, dry_run=args.dry_run) def command_score(args): score(args.evaluation, send_messages=args.send_messages, notifications=args.notifications, dry_run=args.dry_run) def command_rank(args): pass def main(): global syn parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-u", "--user", help="UserName", default=None) parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", help="Password", default=None) parser.add_argument("--notifications", help="Send error notifications to challenge admins", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument("--send-messages", help="Send error confirmation and validation errors to participants", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument("--dry-run", help="Perform the requested command without updating anything in Synapse", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument("--debug", help="Show verbose error output from Synapse API calls", action="store_true", default=False) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title="subcommand") parser_demo = subparsers.add_parser('demo', help="Create a test challenge and populate it with some fake submissions") parser_demo.add_argument("-n", "--number-of-submissions", type=int, default=NUM_OF_SUBMISSIONS_TO_CREATE) group = parser_demo.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False) group.add_argument("--cleanup", dest='cleanup', action='store_true', help="Delete any Synapse assets created during the demo") group.add_argument("--no-cleanup", dest='cleanup', action='store_false') parser_demo.set_defaults(cleanup=True) parser_demo.set_defaults(func=command_demo) parser_cleanup = subparsers.add_parser('cleanup', help="delete challenge artifacts") parser_cleanup.add_argument("uuid", metavar="UUID", help="UUID of challenge artifacts") parser_cleanup.set_defaults(func=command_cleanup) parser_list = subparsers.add_parser('list', help="List submissions to an evaluation or list evaluations") parser_list.add_argument("evaluation", metavar="EVALUATION-ID", nargs='?', default=None) parser_list.add_argument("--challenge-project", "--challenge", "--project", metavar="SYNAPSE-ID", default=None) parser_list.add_argument("-s", "--status", default=None) parser_list.set_defaults(func=command_list) parser_status = subparsers.add_parser('status', help="Check the status of a submission") parser_status.add_argument("submission") parser_status.set_defaults(func=command_check_status) parser_reset = subparsers.add_parser('reset', help="Reset a submission to RECEIVED for re-scoring (or set to some other status)") parser_reset.add_argument("submission", metavar="SUBMISSION-ID", type=int, nargs='+', help="One or more submission IDs") parser_reset.add_argument("-s", "--status", default='RECEIVED') parser_reset.set_defaults(func=command_reset) parser_validate = subparsers.add_parser('validate', help="Validate all RECEIVED submissions to an evaluation") parser_validate.add_argument("evaluation", metavar="EVALUATION-ID", default=None) parser_validate.set_defaults(func=command_validate) parser_score = subparsers.add_parser('score', help="Score all VALIDATED submissions to an evaluation") parser_score.add_argument("evaluation", metavar="EVALUATION-ID", default=None) parser_score.set_defaults(func=command_score) parser_rank = subparsers.add_parser('rank', help="Rank all SCORED submissions to an evaluation") parser_rank.add_argument("evaluation", metavar="EVALUATION-ID", default=None) parser_rank.set_defaults(func=command_rank) args = parser.parse_args() print "\n" * 2, "=" * 75 print datetime.utcnow().isoformat() ## Acquire lock, don't run two scoring scripts at once try: update_lock = lock.acquire_lock_or_fail('challenge', max_age=timedelta(hours=4)) except lock.LockedException: print u"Is the scoring script already running? Can't acquire lock." # can't acquire lock, so return error code 75 which is a # temporary error according to /usr/include/sysexits.h return 75 try: syn = synapseclient.Synapse(debug=args.debug) if not args.user: args.user = os.environ.get('SYNAPSE_USER', None) if not args.password: args.password = os.environ.get('SYNAPSE_PASSWORD', None) syn.login(email=args.user, password=args.password) args.func(args) except Exception as ex1: sys.stderr.write('Error in scoring script:\n') st = StringIO() traceback.print_exc(file=st) sys.stderr.write(st.getvalue()) sys.stderr.write('\n') if args.notifications: message = error_notification_template.format(message=st.getvalue()) response = syn.sendMessage( userIds=ADMIN_USER_IDS, messageSubject="Exception while scoring " + CHALLENGE_NAME, messageBody=message) print "sent notification: ", unicode(response).encode('utf-8') finally: update_lock.release() print "\ndone: ", datetime.utcnow().isoformat() print "=" * 75, "\n" * 2 if __name__ == '__main__': main()
"""ds""" from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function from socket import error __revision__ = '$Id:,v 1.2 2005-12-28 14:58:22 syt Exp $' print(error)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #Config for the synt project import os import nltk PROJECT_PATH = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) #Where collected databases and user config are stored by default SYNT_PATH = os.path.expanduser("~/.synt") USER_CONFIG_PATH = os.path.join(SYNT_PATH, '') #Emoticons may serve as useful indicatiors in classifying sentiment. #These are the set of default emoticons to use, you may use your own or #disregard emoticons entirely they are optional. EMOTICONS = [ ':-L', ':L', '<3', '8)', '8-)', '8-}', '8]', '8-]', '8-|', '8(', '8-(', '8-[', '8-{', '-.-', 'xx', '</3', ':-{', ': )', ': (', ';]', ':{', '={', ':-}', ':}', '=}', ':)', ';)', ':/', '=/', ';/', 'x(', 'x)', ':D', 'T_T', 'O.o', 'o.o', 'o_O', 'o.-', 'O.-', '-.o', '-.O', 'X_X', 'x_x', 'XD', 'DX', ':-$', ':|', '-_-', 'D:', ':-)', '^_^', '=)', '=]', '=|', '=[', '=(', ':(', ':-(', ':, (', ':\'(', ':-]', ':-[', ':]', ':[', '>.>', '<.<' ] #Default classifiers supported CLASSIFIERS = { 'naivebayes' : nltk.NaiveBayesClassifier, } #If the user config is in place, use settings from there instead. if os.path.exists(USER_CONFIG_PATH): execfile(USER_CONFIG_PATH)
import sys import csv import parsers import yaml ####################################################################################### # From MCP (create_dic_class, create_dic_member, parse_all_files), just modified to death. ####################################################################################### def create_dic_class (parsed_rgs): return_dic = {} for entry in parsed_rgs['class_map']: notch_data = entry['src_name'].split('/') return_dic[entry['trg_name']] = {} return_dic[entry['trg_name']]['notch'] = notch_data[-1] return_dic[entry['trg_name']]['searge'] = entry['trg_name'] return_dic[entry['trg_name']]['full'] = entry['trg_name'] return_dic[entry['trg_name']]['class'] = entry['trg_name'] return_dic[entry['trg_name']]['full_final'] = entry['trg_name'] return_dic[entry['trg_name']]['notch_pkg'] = '/'.join(notch_data[:-1]) return_dic[entry['trg_name']]['modified'] = False return_dic[entry['trg_name']]['methods'] = {} return_dic[entry['trg_name']]['fields'] = {} return return_dic def create_dic_member(parsed_rgs, parsed_csv, class_dict, target, type): return_dic = {} rev_class_dict = {} for key,value in class_dict.items(): rev_class_dict[value['notch']] = key for entry in parsed_rgs[type]: notch_data = entry['src_name'].split('/') s_root = entry['trg_name'] if entry['trg_name'].find('func') != -1 or entry['trg_name'].find('field') != -1: s_root = '_'.join(entry['trg_name'].split('_')[0:2]) else: s_root = notch_data[-2] + '_' + entry['trg_name'] return_dic[s_root] = {} return_dic[s_root]['notch'] = notch_data[-1] return_dic[s_root]['searge'] = entry['trg_name'] return_dic[s_root]['s_root'] = s_root return_dic[s_root]['full'] = None return_dic[s_root]['full_final'] = None return_dic[s_root]['notch_sig'] = None return_dic[s_root]['csv'] = None return_dic[s_root]['index'] = s_root.split('_')[-1] return_dic[s_root]['known'] = False return_dic[s_root]['notch_class'] = notch_data[-2] return_dic[s_root]['notch_pkg'] = '/'.join(notch_data[:-2]) return_dic[s_root]['class'] = None return_dic[s_root]['descript'] = None return_dic[s_root]['package'] = 'net/minecraft/server' #Bot related keys return_dic[s_root]['old_mod'] = False #This modification has already been commited and is considered permanent return_dic[s_root]['new_mod'] = False #This is a new modification to be commited on next update return_dic[s_root]['modified'] = False #The entry has been modified return_dic[s_root]['nick_mod'] = None #The name of the guy who did the last set on this entry return_dic[s_root]['time_mod'] = None #The time of the modification return_dic[s_root]['forced'] = False #If this entry has been forced modified return_dic[s_root]['annotation'] = '' #Some infos which may be usefull later one try: return_dic[s_root]['class'] = rev_class_dict[notch_data[-2]] except: return_dic[s_root]['class'] = return_dic[s_root]['notch_class'] if type == 'method_map': return_dic[s_root]['notch_sig'] = entry['src_sig'] #We create a dict lookup based on the csv member_lookup = {} descri_lookup = {} for entry in parsed_csv: s_root = entry['searge_%s'%target] if entry['searge_%s'%target].find('func') != -1 or entry['searge_%s'%target].find('field') != -1: s_root = '_'.join(entry['searge_%s'%target].split('_')[0:2]) member_lookup[s_root] = entry['full'] if 'description' in entry: descri_lookup[s_root] = entry['description'] else: descri_lookup[s_root] = '*' #Now, we go through the return_dict, and associate the corresponding full name to the corresponding key #If we don't have a fullname, we 'star' it for later parsing known_name_repr = 'csv'.split('+') unknown_name_repr = 'searge'.split('+') for part in known_name_repr: if part not in ['notch', 'searge', 's_root', 'csv', 'index']: raise KeyError("Unknown qualifier for representation. Choose in ['notch', 'searge', 's_root', 'csv', 'index'] separated by '+'") for part in unknown_name_repr: if part not in ['notch', 'searge', 's_root', 'csv', 'index']: raise KeyError("Unknown qualifier for representation. Choose in ['notch', 'searge', 's_root', 'csv', 'index'] separated by '+'") for key in return_dic.keys(): try: return_dic[key]['csv'] = member_lookup[return_dic[key]['s_root']] return_dic[key]['known'] = True except KeyError: return_dic[key]['csv'] = return_dic[key]['s_root'] for key in return_dic.keys(): try: return_dic[key]['descript'] = descri_lookup[return_dic[key]['s_root']] except KeyError: return_dic[key]['descript'] = '*' for key in return_dic.keys(): if return_dic[key]['known']: return_dic[key]['full'] = member_lookup[return_dic[key]['s_root']] return_dic[key]['full_final'] = '_'.join([return_dic[key][i] for i in known_name_repr]) else: if return_dic[key]['searge'].find('func') != -1 or return_dic[key]['searge'].find('field') != -1: return_dic[key]['full'] = return_dic[key]['s_root'] return_dic[key]['full_final'] = '_'.join([return_dic[key][i] for i in unknown_name_repr]) else: return_dic[key]['full'] = return_dic[key]['searge'] return_dic[key]['full_final'] = return_dic[key]['searge'] # Commented this part. It will make sure to have full final names with the notch extended, even if it is one of the enum. # Not sure if it should be done or not. # if return_dic[key]['searge'].find('func') != -1 or return_dic[key]['searge'].find('field') != -1: # return_dic[key]['full'] = return_dic[key]['searge'] # return_dic[key]['full_final'] = return_dic[key]['searge'] # else: # return_dic[key]['full'] = return_dic[key]['searge'] # return_dic[key]['full_final'] = return_dic[key]['searge'] + '_' + return_dic[key]['notch'] return return_dic def parse_all_files(): class_csv = parsers.parse_csv('data/mcp/classes.csv', 3, ',', ['full', 'trashbin', 'notch_c', 'trashbin', 'notch_s', 'description']) method_csv = parsers.parse_csv('data/mcp/methods.csv', 4, ',', ['trashbin', 'searge_c', 'trashbin', 'searge_s', 'full', 'description']) field_csv = parsers.parse_csv('data/mcp/fields.csv', 3, ',', ['trashbin', 'trashbin', 'searge_c', 'trashbin', 'trashbin', 'searge_s', 'full', 'description']) #client_rgs = parsers.parse_rgs(config['client_rgs']) #contains a list of notch_name to searge_name for the client server_rgs = parsers.parse_rgs('data/mcp/minecraft_server.rgs') #contains a list of notch_name to searge_name for the server #We want 3 dicts per soft. One for classes, methods and fields. Each dict is going to take the searge_name as the key, as it is the only #unique identifier we are sure of for now. Each dict will have at least 3 entries, notch_name, searge_name and full_name. #Classes will have an identical searge_name and full_name, as they are identical. Methods will also contain the notch_signature and maybe the searge_signature. #Packages can also be a value somewhere for the reobfuscation step. #Let's start with the class dictionary. For this one, we just need the rgs file. #class_dict_c = create_dic_class(client_rgs) class_dict_s = create_dic_class(server_rgs) #Now the fields, as they are easy to process. Need both the csv and the rgs. Third argument is to get the right column #field_dict_c = create_dic_member(client_rgs, field_csv, class_dict_c, 'c', 'field_map', config) field_dict_s = create_dic_member(server_rgs, field_csv, class_dict_s, 's', 'field_map') #And finally the methods. Same as before. #method_dict_c = create_dic_member(client_rgs, method_csv, class_dict_c, 'c', 'method_map', config) method_dict_s = create_dic_member(server_rgs, method_csv, class_dict_s, 's', 'method_map') nmethods=0 nfields=0 nclasses=0 ckeys=class_dict_s.keys() ckeys.sort() for ckey in ckeys: nclasses=nclasses+1 #print '* Post-processing class %s...' % ckey for mkey in method_dict_s: method = method_dict_s[mkey] if method['class']==ckey: nmethods=nmethods+1 nmkey = method['csv'] # Use CSV name to determine method key. if nmkey==None: nmkey=method['searge'] class_dict_s[ckey]['methods'][nmkey]=method for fkey in field_dict_s: field = field_dict_s[fkey] if field['class']==ckey: nfields=nfields+1 nfkey = field['csv'] # Use CSV name to determine field key. if nfkey==None: nfkey=field['searge'] class_dict_s[ckey]['fields'][nfkey]=field print '*** POST-PROCESSING COMPLETE ***' print ' + %d classes' % nclasses print ' + %d methods' % nmethods print ' + %d fields' % nfields #solve_collisions(client_dic) #solve_collisions(server_dic) return class_dict_s f = open('mappings.yml','w') mcdict=parse_all_files() print '+ Writing YAML mappings...' yaml.dump(mcdict,f,default_flow_style=False) #yaml.dump(parse_all_files(),f) f.close()
## This file is part of CDS Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN. ## ## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """ Test the suitability of Python core and the availability of various Python modules for running CDS Invenio. Warn the user if there are eventual troubles. Exit status: 0 if okay, 1 if not okay. Useful for running from """ ## minimally recommended/required versions: cfg_min_python_version = "2.4" cfg_min_mysqldb_version = "1.2.1_p2" ## 0) import modules needed for this testing: import string import sys import getpass def wait_for_user(msg): """Print MSG and prompt user for confirmation.""" try: raw_input(msg) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\n\nInstallation aborted." sys.exit(1) except EOFError: print " (continuing in batch mode)" return ## 1) check Python version: if sys.version < cfg_min_python_version: print """ ******************************************************* ** ERROR: OLD PYTHON DETECTED: %s ******************************************************* ** You seem to be using an old version of Python. ** ** You must use at least Python %s. ** ** ** ** Note that if you have more than one Python ** ** installed on your system, you can specify the ** ** --with-python configuration option to choose ** ** a specific (e.g. non system wide) Python binary. ** ** ** ** Please upgrade your Python before continuing. ** ******************************************************* """ % (string.replace(sys.version, "\n", ""), cfg_min_python_version) sys.exit(1) ## 2) check for required modules: try: import MySQLdb import base64 import cPickle import cStringIO import cgi import copy import fileinput import getopt import sys if sys.hexversion < 0x2060000: import md5 else: import hashlib import marshal import os import signal import tempfile import time import traceback import unicodedata import urllib import zlib import wsgiref except ImportError, msg: print """ ************************************************* ** IMPORT ERROR %s ************************************************* ** Perhaps you forgot to install some of the ** ** prerequisite Python modules? Please look ** ** at our INSTALL file for more details and ** ** fix the problem before continuing! ** ************************************************* """ % msg sys.exit(1) ## 3) check for recommended modules: try: if (2**31 - 1) == sys.maxint: # check for Psyco since we seem to run in 32-bit environment import psyco else: # no need to advise on Psyco on 64-bit systems pass except ImportError, msg: print """ ***************************************************** ** IMPORT WARNING %s ***************************************************** ** Note that Psyco is not really required but we ** ** recommend it for faster CDS Invenio operation ** ** if you are running in 32-bit operating system. ** ** ** ** You can safely continue installing CDS Invenio ** ** now, and add this module anytime later. (I.e. ** ** even after your CDS Invenio installation is put ** ** into production.) ** ***************************************************** """ % msg wait_for_user("Press ENTER to continue the installation...") try: import rdflib except ImportError, msg: print """ ***************************************************** ** IMPORT WARNING %s ***************************************************** ** Note that rdflib is needed only if you plan ** ** to work with the automatic classification of ** ** documents based on RDF-based taxonomies. ** ** ** ** You can safely continue installing CDS Invenio ** ** now, and add this module anytime later. (I.e. ** ** even after your CDS Invenio installation is put ** ** into production.) ** ***************************************************** """ % msg wait_for_user("Press ENTER to continue the installation...") try: import pyRXP except ImportError, msg: print """ ***************************************************** ** IMPORT WARNING %s ***************************************************** ** Note that PyRXP is not really required but ** ** we recommend it for fast XML MARC parsing. ** ** ** ** You can safely continue installing CDS Invenio ** ** now, and add this module anytime later. (I.e. ** ** even after your CDS Invenio installation is put ** ** into production.) ** ***************************************************** """ % msg wait_for_user("Press ENTER to continue the installation...") try: import libxml2 except ImportError, msg: print """ ***************************************************** ** IMPORT WARNING %s ***************************************************** ** Note that libxml2 is not really required but ** ** we recommend it for XML metadata conversions ** ** and for fast XML parsing. ** ** ** ** You can safely continue installing CDS Invenio ** ** now, and add this module anytime later. (I.e. ** ** even after your CDS Invenio installation is put ** ** into production.) ** ***************************************************** """ % msg wait_for_user("Press ENTER to continue the installation...") try: import libxslt except ImportError, msg: print """ ***************************************************** ** IMPORT WARNING %s ***************************************************** ** Note that libxslt is not really required but ** ** we recommend it for XML metadata conversions. ** ** ** ** You can safely continue installing CDS Invenio ** ** now, and add this module anytime later. (I.e. ** ** even after your CDS Invenio installation is put ** ** into production.) ** ***************************************************** """ % msg wait_for_user("Press ENTER to continue the installation...") try: import Gnuplot except ImportError, msg: print """ ***************************************************** ** IMPORT WARNING %s ***************************************************** ** Note that is not really required but ** ** we recommend it in order to have nice download ** ** and citation history graphs on Detailed record ** ** pages. ** ** ** ** You can safely continue installing CDS Invenio ** ** now, and add this module anytime later. (I.e. ** ** even after your CDS Invenio installation is put ** ** into production.) ** ***************************************************** """ % msg wait_for_user("Press ENTER to continue the installation...") try: import magic except ImportError, msg: print """ ***************************************************** ** IMPORT WARNING %s ***************************************************** ** Note that magic module is not really required ** ** but we recommend it in order to have detailed ** ** content information about fulltext files. ** ** ** ** You can safely continue installing CDS Invenio ** ** now, and add this module anytime later. (I.e. ** ** even after your CDS Invenio installation is put ** ** into production.) ** ***************************************************** """ % msg try: import reportlab except ImportError, msg: print """ ***************************************************** ** IMPORT WARNING %s ***************************************************** ** Note that reportlab module is not really ** ** required, but we recommend it you want to ** ** enrich PDF with OCR information. ** ** ** ** You can safely continue installing CDS Invenio ** ** now, and add this module anytime later. (I.e. ** ** even after your CDS Invenio installation is put ** ** into production.) ** ***************************************************** """ % msg wait_for_user("Press ENTER to continue the installation...") ## 4) check for versions of some important modules: if MySQLdb.__version__ < cfg_min_mysqldb_version: print """ ***************************************************** ** ERROR: PYTHON MODULE MYSQLDB %s DETECTED ***************************************************** ** You have to upgrade your MySQLdb to at least ** ** version %s. You must fix this problem ** ** before continuing. Please see the INSTALL file ** ** for more details. ** ***************************************************** """ % (MySQLdb.__version__, cfg_min_mysqldb_version) sys.exit(1) try: import Stemmer try: from Stemmer import algorithms except ImportError, msg: print """ ***************************************************** ** ERROR: STEMMER MODULE PROBLEM %s ***************************************************** ** Perhaps you are using an old Stemmer version? ** ** You must either remove your old Stemmer or else ** ** upgrade to Snowball Stemmer ** <> ** before continuing. Please see the INSTALL file ** ** for more details. ** ***************************************************** """ % (msg) sys.exit(1) except ImportError: pass # no prob, Stemmer is optional ## 5) check for Python.h (needed for intbitset): try: from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_inc path_to_python_h = get_python_inc() + os.sep + 'Python.h' if not os.path.exists(path_to_python_h): raise StandardError, "Cannot find %s" % path_to_python_h except StandardError, msg: print """ ***************************************************** ** ERROR: PYTHON HEADER FILE ERROR %s ***************************************************** ** You do not seem to have Python developer files ** ** installed (such as Python.h). Some operating ** ** systems provide these in a separate Python ** ** package called python-dev or python-devel. ** ** You must install such a package before ** ** continuing the installation process. ** ***************************************************** """ % (msg) sys.exit(1)
#Script for predicting a phrase as Entity or relation(predicate) #Run the script with the phrase as a parameter. import pandas as pd import numpy as np import re from collections import defaultdict from keras.engine import Input from keras.engine import Model from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Embedding, LSTM, Bidirectional, Conv1D, GlobalAveragePooling1D, GlobalMaxPooling1D from keras.layers.merge import Concatenate, Add, concatenate from keras.preprocessing import sequence from keras import backend as K from keras.layers.core import Lambda from keras.optimizers import Adam from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score import cPickle import functools from itertools import product from keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping from gensim.models import word2vec from sklearn.model_selection import KFold from collections import defaultdict from collections import Counter from keras.utils import np_utils from sklearn.metrics import f1_score from keras.models import model_from_json from gensim import models import gensim from keras.layers.normalization import BatchNormalization from nltk.corpus import stopwords from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split import functools from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold from gensim.models.keyedvectors import KeyedVectors import sys import json model_j = 'EARL/models/er.json' model_wgt = 'EARL/models/er.h5' max_len = 283 #lc_quad_j = './lcQuad.json' #load the model json_file = open(model_j, 'r') model_json = json_file.close() model = model_from_json(model_json) model.load_weights(model_wgt) print("Loaded model from disk") adam = Adam(lr=0.0001) model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=adam, metrics=['accuracy']) def clean_str(string, TREC=False): """ Tokenization/string cleaning for all datasets except for SST. Every dataset is lower cased except for TREC """ string = re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9(),!?\'\`]", " ", string) string = re.sub(r"\'s", " \'s", string) string = re.sub(r"\'ve", " \'ve", string) string = re.sub(r"n\'t", " n\'t", string) string = re.sub(r"\'re", " \'re", string) string = re.sub(r"\'d", " \'d", string) string = re.sub(r"\'ll", " \'ll", string) string = re.sub(r",", " , ", string) string = re.sub(r"!", " ! ", string) string = re.sub(r"\(", " \( ", string) string = re.sub(r"\)", " \) ", string) string = re.sub(r"\?", " \? ", string) string = re.sub(r"\s{2,}", " ", string) return string.strip() def predict_phrase(phrase): #load the model #preprocess the phrase #phrase_clean = clean_str(phrase) phrase_clean = phrase #load the dictionary char_dict = np.load('EARL/models/char_dict.npy').item() #phrase_clean = [char for char in phrase_clean] #print phrase_clean phrase_clean = [char_dict[char] for char in phrase_clean] #print phrase_clean #print np.concatenate((np.zeros(max_len-len(phrase_clean)), phrase_clean) ) prediction = model.predict(np.concatenate((np.zeros((270-len(phrase_clean))), phrase_clean)).reshape(1,270)) print prediction[0] pred = np.argmax(prediction[0]) return 'R' if pred == 0 else 'E' def predict_cln_phrs(clean_phrase): tags = [] print clean_phrase for phr in clean_phrase: print phr tags.append(predict_phrase(phr)) return tags if __name__ == '__main__': #phrase = sys.argv[1:] lc_quad_j = sys.argv[1] #print phrase #predict_phrase(phrase) #Read the json file #lcquad = json.loads(open(lc_quad_j).read()) #chunks = [dat['CleanPhrase'] for dat in lcquad['PhraseChunked_LC-QuAD']] #for dat in lcquad['PhraseChunked_LC-QuAD']: # dat['E-R-predictor'] = predict_cln_phrs(dat['CleanPhrase'].replace('[','').replace(']','').split(',')) #print lcquad['PhraseChunked_LC-QuAD'][0]'lcquad.npy',lcquad) #with open('lcQuad_ers.json','w') as f: # json.dump(lcquad, f) print predict_phrase(list(lc_quad_j))
from __future__ import unicode_literals # import datetime import difflib import itertools import json import math import os import time import datetime from pokemongo_bot import inventory from pokemongo_bot.base_dir import _base_dir from pokemongo_bot.base_task import BaseTask from pokemongo_bot.human_behaviour import sleep, action_delay from pokemongo_bot.item_list import Item from pokemongo_bot.tree_config_builder import ConfigException from pokemongo_bot.worker_result import WorkerResult SUCCESS = 1 ERROR_XP_BOOST_ALREADY_ACTIVE = 3 LOG_TIME_INTERVAL = 120 class PokemonOptimizer(BaseTask): SUPPORTED_TASK_API_VERSION = 1 def __init__(self, bot, config): super(PokemonOptimizer, self).__init__(bot, config) def initialize(self): self.max_pokemon_storage = inventory.get_pokemon_inventory_size() self.last_pokemon_count = 0 self.pokemon_names = [ for p in inventory.pokemons().STATIC_DATA] self.evolution_map = {} self.debug = self.config.get('debug', False) self.ongoing_stardust_count = 0 self.buddy = None self.buddyid = 0 self.lock_buddy = True self.no_log_until = 0 self.ignore_favorite = [] self.used_lucky_egg = None pokemon_upgrade_cost_file = os.path.join(_base_dir, "data", "pokemon_upgrade_cost.json") with open(pokemon_upgrade_cost_file, "r") as fd: self.pokemon_upgrade_cost = json.load(fd) if self.config.get("keep", None) is not None: raise ConfigException("Pokemon Optimizer configuration has changed. See docs/ or configs/config.json.optimizer.example") if self.debug: log_file_path = os.path.join(_base_dir, "data", "pokemon-optimizer-%s.log" % with open(log_file_path, "a") as _: pass self.log_file = open(log_file_path, "r+"), 2) self.config_bulktransfer_enabled = self.config.get("bulktransfer_enabled", False) self.config_use_evolution_items = self.config.get("use_evolution_items", False) self.config_max_bulktransfer = self.config.get("max_bulktransfer", 10) self.config_min_slots_left = self.config.get("min_slots_left", 5) self.config_action_wait_min = self.config.get("action_wait_min", 3) self.config_action_wait_max = self.config.get("action_wait_max", 5) self.config_transfer = self.config.get("transfer", False) self.config_evolve = self.config.get("evolve", False) self.config_evolve_to_final = self.config.get("evolve_to_final", True) self.config_evolve_time = self.config.get("evolve_time", 25) self.config_evolve_for_xp = self.config.get("evolve_for_xp", True) self.config_transfer_after_xp_evolve = self.config.get("transfer_after_xp_evolve", True) self.config_evolve_only_with_lucky_egg = self.config.get("evolve_only_with_lucky_egg", False) self.config_evolve_count_for_lucky_egg = self.config.get("evolve_count_for_lucky_egg", 80) self.config_may_use_lucky_egg = self.config.get("may_use_lucky_egg", False) self.config_may_evolve_favorites = self.config.get("may_evolve_favorites", True) self.config_may_upgrade_favorites = self.config.get("may_upgrade_favorites", True) self.config_may_unfavor_pokemon = self.config.get("may_unfavor_pokemon", False) self.config_upgrade = self.config.get("upgrade", False) self.config_upgrade_level = self.config.get("upgrade_level", 30) self.config_groups = self.config.get("groups", {"gym": ["Dragonite", "Snorlax", "Lapras", "Arcanine"]}) self.config_rules = self.config.get("rules", [{"mode": "overall", "top": 1, "sort": ["max_cp", "cp"], "keep": {"candy": -124}, "evolve": False, "buddy": True}, {"mode": "overall", "top": 1, "sort": ["-candy", "max_cp", "cp"], "evolve": False, "buddy": True}, {"mode": "by_family", "top": 3, "names": ["gym"], "sort": ["iv", "ncp"], "evolve": {"iv": 0.9, "ncp": 0.9}, "upgrade": {"iv": 0.9, "ncp": 0.9}}, {"mode": "by_family", "top": 1, "sort": ["iv"], "evolve": {"iv": 0.9}}, {"mode": "by_family", "top": 1, "sort": ["ncp"], "evolve": {"ncp": 0.9}}, {"mode": "by_family", "top": 1, "sort": ["cp"], "evolve": False}, {"mode": "by_pokemon", "names": ["!with_next_evolution"], "top": 1, "sort": ["dps_attack", "iv"], "keep": {"iv": 0.9}}]) if (not self.config_may_use_lucky_egg) and self.config_evolve_only_with_lucky_egg: self.config_evolve = False if self.config_evolve_for_xp is True: self.config_evolve_for_xp = ["Caterpie", "Weedle", "Pidgey", "Rattata", "Nidoran F", "Nidoran M", "Zubat", "Oddish", "Paras", "Venonat", "Psyduck", "Tentacool", "Magnemite", "Krabby", "Voltorb", "Goldeen", "Staryu", "Eevee", "Sentret", "Swinub", "Hoothoot", "Ledyba", "Natu", "Spinarak", "Wooper", "Marill", "Remoraid"] elif self.config_evolve_for_xp is False: self.config_evolve_for_xp = [] self.config_evolve_for_xp_whitelist, self.config_evolve_for_xp_blacklist = self.get_colorlist(self.config_evolve_for_xp) self.config_groups["with_next_evolution"] = [] self.config_groups["with_previous_evolution"] = [] for pokemon in inventory.Pokemons.STATIC_DATA: if pokemon.has_next_evolution: self.config_groups["with_next_evolution"].append( if pokemon.prev_evolutions_all: self.config_groups["with_previous_evolution"].append( def log(self, txt): if self.log_file.tell() >= 1024 * 1024:, 0) self.log_file.write("[%s] %s\n" % (" ")), txt)) self.log_file.flush() def active_lucky_egg(self): if self.used_lucky_egg is None: return False # If last used is bigger then 30 minutes ago if self.used_lucky_egg > return True else: return False def get_pokemon_slot_left(self): pokemon_count = inventory.Pokemons.get_space_used() if pokemon_count != self.last_pokemon_count: self.last_pokemon_count = pokemon_count"Pokemon Bag: %s / %s", pokemon_count, self.max_pokemon_storage) inventory.update_web_inventory() return inventory.Pokemons.get_space_left() def work(self): if not self.enabled: return WorkerResult.SUCCESS # Repeat the optimizer 2 times, to get rid of the trash evolved. run_number = 0 for _ in itertools.repeat(None, 2): run_number += 1 self.check_buddy() self.open_inventory() keep_all = [] try_evolve_all = [] try_upgrade_all = [] buddy_all = [] favor_all = [] for rule in self.config_rules: mode = rule.get("mode", "by_family") names = rule.get("names", []) check_top = rule.get("top", "all") check_keep = rule.get("keep", True) whitelist, blacklist = self.get_colorlist(names) if check_top == "all" and names == [] and check_keep:"WARNING!! Will not transfer any Pokemon!!")"This rule is set to keep (`keep` is true) all Pokemon (no `top` and no `names` set!!)")"Are you sure you want this?") if mode == "by_pokemon": for pokemon_id, pokemon_list in self.group_by_pokemon_id(inventory.pokemons().all()): name = inventory.pokemons().name_for(pokemon_id) if name in blacklist: continue if whitelist and (name not in whitelist): continue sorted_list = self.score_and_sort(pokemon_list, rule) if len(sorted_list) == 0: continue keep, try_evolve, try_upgrade, buddy, favor = self.get_best_pokemon_for_rule(sorted_list, rule) keep_all += keep try_evolve_all += try_evolve try_upgrade_all += try_upgrade buddy_all += buddy favor_all += favor elif mode == "by_family": for family_id, pokemon_list in self.group_by_family_id(inventory.pokemons().all()): matching_names = self.get_family_names(family_id) if any(n in blacklist for n in matching_names): continue if whitelist and not any(n in whitelist for n in matching_names): continue sorted_list = self.score_and_sort(pokemon_list, rule) if len(sorted_list) == 0: continue if family_id == 133: # "Eevee" keep, try_evolve, try_upgrade, buddy, favor = self.get_multi_best_pokemon_for_rule(sorted_list, rule, 3) else: keep, try_evolve, try_upgrade, buddy, favor = self.get_best_pokemon_for_rule(sorted_list, rule) keep_all += keep try_evolve_all += try_evolve try_upgrade_all += try_upgrade buddy_all += buddy favor_all += favor elif mode == "overall": pokemon_list = [] for pokemon in inventory.pokemons().all(): name = if name in blacklist: continue if whitelist and (name not in whitelist): continue pokemon_list.append(pokemon) sorted_list = self.score_and_sort(pokemon_list, rule) if len(sorted_list) == 0: continue keep, try_evolve, try_upgrade, buddy, favor = self.get_best_pokemon_for_rule(sorted_list, rule) keep_all += keep try_evolve_all += try_evolve try_upgrade_all += try_upgrade buddy_all += buddy favor_all += favor keep_all = self.unique_pokemon_list(keep_all) try_evolve_all = self.unique_pokemon_list(try_evolve_all) try_upgrade_all = self.unique_pokemon_list(try_upgrade_all) buddy_all = self.unique_pokemon_list(buddy_all) try_favor_all = self.unique_pokemon_list(favor_all) # Favorites has nothing to do with evolve, can be done even when bag not full # Like a buddy if self.config_may_unfavor_pokemon: unfavor = [] for pokemon in inventory.pokemons().all(): if not pokemon in try_favor_all and pokemon.is_favorite: unfavor.append(pokemon) if len(unfavor) > 0:"Marking %s Pokemon as no longer favorite", len(unfavor)) for pokemon in unfavor: self.unfavor_pokemon(pokemon) # Dont favor Pokemon if already a favorite try_favor_all = [p for p in try_favor_all if not p.is_favorite] try_favor_all = [p for p in try_favor_all if p.unique_id not in self.ignore_favorite] if len(try_favor_all) > 0:"Marking %s Pokemon as favorite", len(try_favor_all)) for pokemon in try_favor_all: if pokemon.is_favorite is False: self.favor_pokemon(pokemon) if (not self.lock_buddy) and (len(buddy_all) > 0): new_buddy = buddy_all[0] if (not self.buddy) or (self.buddy["id"] != new_buddy.unique_id): self.set_buddy_pokemon(new_buddy) # Only check bag on the first run, second run ignores if the bag is empty enough if run_number == 1 and self.get_pokemon_slot_left() > self.config_min_slots_left: return WorkerResult.SUCCESS transfer_all = [] evolve_all = [] upgrade_all = [] xp_all = [] for family_id, pokemon_list in self.group_by_family_id(inventory.pokemons().all()): keep = [p for p in keep_all if self.get_family_id(p) == family_id] try_evolve = [p for p in try_evolve_all if self.get_family_id(p) == family_id] try_upgrade = [p for p in try_upgrade_all if self.get_family_id(p) == family_id] transfer, evolve, upgrade, xp = self.get_evolution_plan(family_id, pokemon_list, keep, try_evolve, try_upgrade) transfer_all += transfer evolve_all += evolve upgrade_all += upgrade xp_all += xp if not self.config_may_evolve_favorites:"Removing favorites from evolve list.") evolve_all = [p for p in evolve_all if not p.is_favorite] if not self.config_may_upgrade_favorites:"Removing favorites from upgrade list.") upgrade_all = [p for p in upgrade_all if not p.is_favorite] self.apply_optimization(transfer_all, evolve_all, upgrade_all, xp_all) return WorkerResult.SUCCESS def check_buddy(self): self.buddy ="buddy_pokemon", {}) self.buddyid = self._get_buddyid() if not self.buddy: self.lock_buddy = False return pokemon = next((p for p in inventory.pokemons().all() if p.unique_id == self.buddy["id"]), None) if not pokemon: return km_walked = inventory.player().player_stats.get("km_walked", 0) last_km_awarded = self.buddy.setdefault("last_km_awarded", km_walked) distance_walked = km_walked - last_km_awarded distance_needed = pokemon.buddy_distance_needed if distance_walked >= distance_needed: self.get_buddy_walked(pokemon) # self.buddy["start_km_walked"] can be empty here if 'start_km_walked' not in self.buddy: self.buddy["start_km_walked"] = 0 self.buddy["last_km_awarded"] = self.buddy["start_km_walked"] + distance_needed * int(distance_walked / distance_needed) self.lock_buddy = False else: now = time.time() if self.no_log_until < now: self.no_log_until = now + LOG_TIME_INTERVAL self.emit_event("buddy_walked", formatted="Buddy {pokemon} walking: {distance_walked:.2f} / {distance_needed:.2f} km", data={"pokemon":, "distance_walked": distance_walked, "distance_needed": distance_needed}) def open_inventory(self): for pokemon in inventory.pokemons().all(): setattr(pokemon, "ncp", pokemon.cp_percent) setattr(pokemon, "max_cp", pokemon.static.max_cp) setattr(pokemon, "dps", pokemon.moveset.dps) setattr(pokemon, "dps1", pokemon.fast_attack.dps) setattr(pokemon, "dps2", pokemon.charged_attack.dps) setattr(pokemon, "dps_attack", pokemon.moveset.dps_attack) setattr(pokemon, "dps_defense", pokemon.moveset.dps_defense) setattr(pokemon, "attack_perfection", pokemon.moveset.attack_perfection) setattr(pokemon, "defense_perfection", pokemon.moveset.defense_perfection) setattr(pokemon, "candy", pokemon.candy_quantity) candy_to_evolution = max(pokemon.evolution_cost - pokemon.candy_quantity, 0) setattr(pokemon, "candy_to_evolution", candy_to_evolution) self.ongoing_stardust_count = def get_colorlist(self, names): whitelist = [] blacklist = [] for name in names: if not name: continue if name[0] not in ['!', '-']: group = self.config_groups.get(name, []) if not group: name = self.get_closest_name(name) if name: whitelist.append(name) whitelist_sub, blacklist_sub = self.get_colorlist(group) whitelist += whitelist_sub blacklist += blacklist_sub else: name = name[1:] group = self.config_groups.get(name, []) if not group: name = self.get_closest_name(name) if name: blacklist.append(name) blacklist_sub, whitelist_sub = self.get_colorlist(group) blacklist += blacklist_sub whitelist += whitelist_sub return (whitelist, blacklist) def get_family_names(self, family_id): ids = [family_id] ids += inventory.pokemons().data_for(family_id).next_evolutions_all[:] return [inventory.pokemons().name_for(x) for x in ids] def get_closest_name(self, name): mapping = {ord(x): ord(y) for x, y in zip("\u2641\u2642.-", "fm ")} clean_names = {n.lower().translate(mapping): n for n in self.pokemon_names} closest_names = difflib.get_close_matches(name.lower().translate(mapping), clean_names.keys(), 1) if closest_names: closest_name = clean_names[closest_names[0]] if name != closest_name: self.logger.warning("Unknown Pokemon name [%s]. Assuming it is [%s]", name, closest_name) return closest_name else: raise ConfigException("Unknown Pokemon name [%s]" % name) def group_by_pokemon_id(self, pokemon_list): sorted_list = sorted(pokemon_list, key=self.get_pokemon_id) return itertools.groupby(sorted_list, self.get_pokemon_id) def group_by_family_id(self, pokemon_list): sorted_list = sorted(pokemon_list, key=self.get_family_id) return itertools.groupby(sorted_list, self.get_family_id) def get_pokemon_id(self, pokemon): return pokemon.pokemon_id def get_family_id(self, pokemon): return pokemon.first_evolution_id def score_and_sort(self, pokemon_list, rule): pokemon_list = list(pokemon_list) if self.debug: self.log("Pokemon %s" % pokemon_list) self.log("Rule %s" % rule) for pokemon in pokemon_list: setattr(pokemon, "__score__", self.get_score(pokemon, rule)) keep = [p for p in pokemon_list if p.__score__[1] is True] keep.sort(key=lambda p: p.__score__[0], reverse=True) return keep def get_score(self, pokemon, rule): score = [] for a in rule.get("sort", []): if a[0] == "-": value = -getattr(pokemon, a[1:], 0) else: value = getattr(pokemon, a, 0) score.append(value) rule_keep = rule.get("keep", True) rule_evolve = rule.get("evolve", True) rule_upgrade = rule.get("upgrade", False) rule_buddy = rule.get("buddy", False) rule_favor = rule.get("favorite", False) keep = rule_keep not in [False, {}] keep &= self.satisfy_requirements(pokemon, rule_keep) may_try_evolve = (hasattr(pokemon, "has_next_evolution") and pokemon.has_next_evolution()) may_try_evolve &= rule_evolve not in [False, {}] may_try_evolve &= self.satisfy_requirements(pokemon, rule_evolve) may_try_upgrade = rule_upgrade not in [False, {}] may_try_upgrade &= self.satisfy_requirements(pokemon, rule_upgrade) may_buddy = rule_buddy not in [False, {}] may_buddy &= pokemon.in_fort is False may_buddy &= self.satisfy_requirements(pokemon, may_buddy) may_favor = rule_favor not in [False, {}] may_favor &= self.satisfy_requirements(pokemon, may_favor) if self.debug: self.log("P:%s S:%s K:%s E:%s U:%s B:%s F:%s" % (pokemon, tuple(score), keep, may_try_evolve, may_try_upgrade, may_buddy, may_favor)) return tuple(score), keep, may_try_evolve, may_try_upgrade, may_buddy, may_favor def satisfy_requirements(self, pokemon, req): if type(req) is bool: return req satisfy = True for a, v in req.items(): value = getattr(pokemon, a, 0) if (type(v) is str) or (type(v) is unicode): v = float(v) if type(v) is list: if type(v[0]) is list: satisfy_range = False for r in v: satisfy_range |= (value >= r[0]) and (value <= r[1]) satisfy &= satisfy_range else: satisfy &= (value >= v[0]) and (value <= v[1]) elif v < 0: satisfy &= (value <= abs(v)) else: satisfy &= (value >= v) return satisfy def get_best_pokemon_for_rule(self, pokemon_list, rule): pokemon_list = list(pokemon_list) if len(pokemon_list) == 0: return ([], [], [], []) top = max(rule.get("top", 0), 0) index = int(math.ceil(top)) - 1 if 0 < top < 1: worst = object() for a in rule.get("sort", []): best_attribute = getattr(pokemon_list[0], a) setattr(worst, a, best_attribute * (1 - top)) setattr(worst, "__score__", self.get_score(worst, rule)) elif 0 <= index < len(pokemon_list): worst = pokemon_list[index] else: worst = pokemon_list[-1] return self.get_better_pokemon(pokemon_list, worst) def get_multi_best_pokemon_for_rule(self, family_list, rule, nb_branch): family_list = list(family_list) if len(family_list) == 0: return ([], [], [], []) # Handle each group of senior independently senior_pokemon_list = [p for p in family_list if not p.has_next_evolution()] other_family_list = [p for p in family_list if p.has_next_evolution()] senior_pids = set(p.pokemon_id for p in senior_pokemon_list) keep_all = [] try_evolve_all = [] try_upgrade_all = [] buddy_all = [] favor_all = [] if not self.config_evolve: # Player handle evolution manually = Fall-back to per Pokemon behavior for _, pokemon_list in self.group_by_pokemon_id(family_list): keep, try_evolve, try_upgrade, buddy, favor = self.get_best_pokemon_for_rule(pokemon_list, rule) keep_all += keep try_evolve_all += try_evolve try_upgrade_all += try_upgrade buddy_all += buddy favor_all += favor else: for _, pokemon_list in self.group_by_pokemon_id(senior_pokemon_list): keep, try_evolve, try_upgrade, buddy, favor = self.get_best_pokemon_for_rule(pokemon_list, rule) keep_all += keep try_evolve_all += try_evolve try_upgrade_all += try_upgrade buddy_all += buddy favor_all += favor if len(other_family_list) > 0: if len(senior_pids) < nb_branch: # We did not get every combination yet = All other Pokemon are potentially good to keep worst = other_family_list[-1] else: best = keep_all + try_evolve_all + try_upgrade_all best.sort(key=lambda p: p.__score__[0], reverse=True) worst = best[-1] keep, try_evolve, try_upgrade, buddy, favor = self.get_better_pokemon(other_family_list, worst, 12) keep_all += keep try_evolve_all += try_evolve try_upgrade_all += try_upgrade buddy_all += buddy favor_all += favor return keep_all, try_evolve_all, try_upgrade_all, buddy_all, favor_all def get_better_pokemon(self, pokemon_list, worst, limit=1000): keep = [p for p in pokemon_list if p.__score__[0] >= worst.__score__[0]][:limit] try_evolve = [p for p in keep if p.__score__[2] is True] try_upgrade = [p for p in keep if (p.__score__[2] is False) and (p.__score__[3] is True)] buddy = [p for p in keep if p.__score__[4] is True] favor = [p for p in keep if p.__score__[5] is True] return keep, try_evolve, try_upgrade, buddy, favor def get_evolution_plan(self, family_id, family_list, keep, try_evolve, try_upgrade): candies = inventory.candies().get(family_id).quantity family_name = inventory.Pokemons().name_for(family_id) # All the rest is crap, for now crap = list(family_list) crap = [p for p in crap if p not in keep] crap = [p for p in crap if not p.in_fort and not p.is_favorite and not (p.unique_id == self.buddyid)] crap.sort(key=lambda p: (p.iv, p.cp), reverse=True) # We will gain a candy whether we choose to transfer or evolve these Pokemon candies += len(crap) evolve = [] for pokemon in try_evolve: pokemon_id = pokemon.pokemon_id needed_evolution_item = inventory.pokemons().evolution_item_for(pokemon_id) if needed_evolution_item is not None: if self.config_use_evolution_items: # We need a special Item to evolve this Pokemon! item = inventory.items().get(needed_evolution_item) needed = inventory.pokemons().evolution_items_needed_for(pokemon_id) if item.count < needed:"To evolve a {} we need {} of {}. We have {}".format(, needed,, item.count)) continue else: # pass for this Pokemon continue if self.config_evolve_to_final: pokemon_id = pokemon.pokemon_id while inventory.pokemons().has_next_evolution(pokemon_id): candies -= inventory.pokemons().evolution_cost_for(pokemon_id) pokemon_id = inventory.pokemons().next_evolution_ids_for(pokemon_id)[0] else: candies -= pokemon.evolution_cost if candies < 0: continue if self.config_evolve_to_final: pokemon_id = pokemon.pokemon_id while inventory.pokemons().has_next_evolution(pokemon_id): candies += 1 evolve.append(pokemon) pokemon_id = inventory.pokemons().next_evolution_ids_for(pokemon_id)[0] else: candies += 1 evolve.append(pokemon) upgrade = [] upgrade_level = min(self.config_upgrade_level, inventory.player().level + 1.5, 40) # Highest CP on top. if len(try_upgrade) > 0: try_upgrade.sort(key=lambda p: (p.cp), reverse=True) for pokemon in try_upgrade: # self.log("Considering %s for upgrade" % if pokemon.level >= upgrade_level: # self.log("Pokemon already at target level. %s" % pokemon.level) continue full_upgrade_candy_cost = 0 full_upgrade_stardust_cost = 0 for i in range(int(pokemon.level * 2), int(upgrade_level * 2)): upgrade_cost = self.pokemon_upgrade_cost[i - 2] full_upgrade_candy_cost += upgrade_cost[0] full_upgrade_stardust_cost += upgrade_cost[1] candies -= full_upgrade_candy_cost self.ongoing_stardust_count -= full_upgrade_stardust_cost if (candies < 0) or (self.ongoing_stardust_count < 0): # self.log("Not enough candy: %s" % candies) # self.log("or stardust %s" % self.ongoing_stardust_count) # We didn' t use the stardust, so refund it... self.ongoing_stardust_count += full_upgrade_stardust_cost continue # self.log("Pokemon can be upgraded!!") upgrade.append(pokemon) if (not self.config_evolve_for_xp) or (family_name in self.config_evolve_for_xp_blacklist): xp = [] transfer = crap elif self.config_evolve_for_xp_whitelist and (family_name not in self.config_evolve_for_xp_whitelist): xp = [] transfer = crap else: # Compute how many crap we should keep if we want to batch evolve them for xp lowest_evolution_cost = inventory.pokemons().evolution_cost_for(family_id) # transfer + keep_for_xp = len(crap) # leftover_candies = candies - len(crap) + transfer * 1 # keep_for_xp = (leftover_candies - 1) / (lowest_evolution_cost - 1) # keep_for_xp = (candies - len(crap) + transfer - 1) / (lowest_evolution_cost - 1) # keep_for_xp = (candies - keep_for_xp - 1) / (lowest_evolution_cost - 1) if (candies > 0) and lowest_evolution_cost: keep_for_xp = int((candies - 1) / lowest_evolution_cost) else: keep_for_xp = 0 xp = [p for p in crap if p.has_next_evolution() and p.evolution_cost == lowest_evolution_cost][:keep_for_xp] transfer = [p for p in crap if p not in xp] return (transfer, evolve, upgrade, xp) def unique_pokemon_list(self, pokemon_list): seen = set() return [p for p in pokemon_list if not (p.unique_id in seen or seen.add(p.unique_id))] def apply_optimization(self, transfer, evolve, upgrade, xp): transfer_count = len(transfer) evolve_count = len(evolve) upgrade_count = len(upgrade) xp_count = len(xp) if self.config_transfer or if transfer_count > 0:"Transferring %s Pokemon", transfer_count) self.transfer_pokemon(transfer) if self.config_upgrade or if upgrade_count > 0:"Upgrading %s Pokemon [%s stardust]", upgrade_count, for pokemon in upgrade: self.upgrade_pokemon(pokemon) if self.config_evolve or evolve_xp_count = evolve_count + xp_count if evolve_xp_count > 0: skip_evolve = False if self.config_evolve and self.config_may_use_lucky_egg and (not lucky_egg = inventory.items().get(Item.ITEM_LUCKY_EGG.value) # @UndefinedVariable if lucky_egg.count == 0: if self.config_evolve_only_with_lucky_egg: skip_evolve = True self.emit_event("skip_evolve", formatted="Skipping evolution step. No lucky egg available") elif evolve_xp_count < self.config_evolve_count_for_lucky_egg: if self.config_evolve_only_with_lucky_egg: skip_evolve = True self.emit_event("skip_evolve", formatted="Skipping evolution step. Not enough Pokemon to evolve with lucky egg: %s/%s" % (evolve_xp_count, self.config_evolve_count_for_lucky_egg)) elif self.get_pokemon_slot_left() > self.config_min_slots_left: skip_evolve = True self.emit_event("skip_evolve", formatted="Waiting for more Pokemon to evolve with lucky egg: %s/%s" % (evolve_xp_count, self.config_evolve_count_for_lucky_egg)) else: self.use_lucky_egg() if not skip_evolve: self.evolution_map = {} if evolve_count > 0:"Evolving %s Pokemon (the best)", evolve_count) for pokemon in evolve: self.evolve_pokemon(pokemon) if xp_count > 0:"Evolving %s Pokemon (for xp)", xp_count) for pokemon in xp: self.evolve_pokemon(pokemon, self.config_transfer_after_xp_evolve) def transfer_pokemon(self, pokemons, skip_delay=False): error_codes = { 0: 'UNSET', 1: 'SUCCESS', 2: 'POKEMON_DEPLOYED', 3: 'FAILED', 4: 'ERROR_POKEMON_IS_EGG', 5: 'ERROR_POKEMON_IS_BUDDY' } if self.config_bulktransfer_enabled and len(pokemons) > 1: while len(pokemons) > 0: action_delay(self.config_action_wait_min, self.config_action_wait_max) pokemon_ids = [] count = 0 transfered = [] while len(pokemons) > 0 and count < self.config_max_bulktransfer: pokemon = pokemons.pop() transfered.append(pokemon) pokemon_ids.append(pokemon.unique_id) count = count + 1 try: if self.config_transfer: request = request.release_pokemon(pokemon_ids=pokemon_ids) response_dict = result = response_dict['responses']['RELEASE_POKEMON']['result'] if result != 1: self.logger.error(u'Error while transfer pokemon: {}'.format(error_codes[result])) return False except Exception: return False for pokemon in transfered: candy = inventory.candies().get(pokemon.pokemon_id) if self.config_transfer and (not candy.add(1) self.emit_event("pokemon_release", formatted="Exchanged {pokemon} [IV {iv}] [CP {cp}] [{candy} candies]", data={"pokemon":, "iv": pokemon.iv, "cp": pokemon.cp, "candy": candy.quantity}) if self.config_transfer: inventory.pokemons().remove(pokemon.unique_id) with as db: cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(name) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='transfer_log'") db_result = cursor.fetchone() if db_result[0] == 1: db.execute("INSERT INTO transfer_log (pokemon, iv, cp) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (, pokemon.iv, pokemon.cp)) else: for pokemon in pokemons: if self.config_transfer and (not request = request.release_pokemon(pokemon_id=pokemon.unique_id) response_dict = else: response_dict = {"responses": {"RELEASE_POKEMON": {"candy_awarded": 0}}} if not response_dict: return False candy_awarded = response_dict.get("responses", {}).get("RELEASE_POKEMON", {}).get("candy_awarded", 0) candy = inventory.candies().get(pokemon.pokemon_id) if self.config_transfer and (not candy.add(candy_awarded) self.emit_event("pokemon_release", formatted="Exchanged {pokemon} [IV {iv}] [CP {cp}] [{candy} candies]", data={"pokemon":, "iv": pokemon.iv, "cp": pokemon.cp, "candy": candy.quantity}) if self.config_transfer and (not inventory.pokemons().remove(pokemon.unique_id) with as db: cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(name) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='transfer_log'") db_result = cursor.fetchone() if db_result[0] == 1: db.execute("INSERT INTO transfer_log (pokemon, iv, cp) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (, pokemon.iv, pokemon.cp)) if not skip_delay: action_delay(self.config_action_wait_min, self.config_action_wait_max) return True def use_lucky_egg(self): lucky_egg = inventory.items().get(Item.ITEM_LUCKY_EGG.value) # @UndefinedVariable if lucky_egg.count == 0: return False response_dict = if not response_dict: self.emit_event("lucky_egg_error", level='error', formatted="Failed to use lucky egg!") return False result = response_dict.get("responses", {}).get("USE_ITEM_XP_BOOST", {}).get("result", 0) if result == SUCCESS: lucky_egg.remove(1) self.emit_event("used_lucky_egg", formatted="Used lucky egg ({amount_left} left).", data={"amount_left": lucky_egg.count}) self.used_lucky_egg = return True elif result == ERROR_XP_BOOST_ALREADY_ACTIVE: self.emit_event("used_lucky_egg", formatted="Lucky egg already active ({amount_left} left).", data={"amount_left": lucky_egg.count}) return True else: self.emit_event("lucky_egg_error", level='error', formatted="Failed to use lucky egg!") return False def evolve_pokemon(self, pokemon, transfer=False): while pokemon.unique_id in self.evolution_map: pokemon = self.evolution_map[pokemon.unique_id] if self.config_evolve and (not needed_evolution_item = inventory.pokemons().evolution_item_for(pokemon.pokemon_id) if needed_evolution_item is not None: if self.config_use_evolution_items: # We need evolution_item_requirement with some!! request = request.evolve_pokemon(pokemon_id=pokemon.unique_id, evolution_item_requirement=needed_evolution_item) response_dict = else: return False else: request = request.evolve_pokemon(pokemon_id=pokemon.unique_id) response_dict = else: response_dict = {"responses": {"EVOLVE_POKEMON": {"result": SUCCESS}}} if not response_dict: return False result = response_dict.get("responses", {}).get("EVOLVE_POKEMON", {}).get("result", 0) if result != SUCCESS:"Can't evolve %s" % return False xp = response_dict.get("responses", {}).get("EVOLVE_POKEMON", {}).get("experience_awarded", 0) candy_awarded = response_dict.get("responses", {}).get("EVOLVE_POKEMON", {}).get("candy_awarded", 0) candy = inventory.candies().get(pokemon.pokemon_id) evolution = response_dict.get("responses", {}).get("EVOLVE_POKEMON", {}).get("evolved_pokemon_data", {}) if self.config_evolve and (not candy.consume(pokemon.evolution_cost - candy_awarded) inventory.player().exp += xp new_pokemon = inventory.Pokemon(evolution) self.emit_event("pokemon_evolved", formatted="Evolved {pokemon} [CP {old_cp}] into {new} [IV {iv}] [CP {cp}] [{candy} candies] [+{xp} xp]", data={"pokemon":, "new":, "iv": pokemon.iv, "old_cp": pokemon.cp, "cp": new_pokemon.cp, "candy": candy.quantity, "xp": xp}) if self.config_evolve and (not new_pokemon = inventory.Pokemon(evolution) self.evolution_map[pokemon.unique_id] = new_pokemon inventory.pokemons().remove(pokemon.unique_id) inventory.pokemons().add(new_pokemon) with as db: cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(name) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='evolve_log'") db_result = cursor.fetchone() if db_result[0] == 1: db.execute("INSERT INTO evolve_log (pokemon, iv, cp) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (, pokemon.iv, pokemon.cp)) sleep(self.config_evolve_time, 0.1) if transfer and not self.used_lucky_egg: # Transfer the new Pokemon imediately! self.transfer_pokemon([new_pokemon], True) return True def upgrade_pokemon(self, pokemon): upgrade_level = min(self.config_upgrade_level, inventory.player().level + 1.5, 40) candy = inventory.candies().get(pokemon.pokemon_id) for i in range(int(pokemon.level * 2), int(upgrade_level * 2)): upgrade_cost = self.pokemon_upgrade_cost[i - 2] upgrade_candy_cost = upgrade_cost[0] upgrade_stardust_cost = upgrade_cost[1] if self.config_upgrade and (not request = request.upgrade_pokemon(pokemon_id=pokemon.unique_id) response_dict = else: response_dict = {"responses": {"UPGRADE_POKEMON": {"result": SUCCESS}}} if not response_dict: return False result = response_dict.get("responses", {}).get("UPGRADE_POKEMON", {}).get("result", 0) if result != SUCCESS: return False upgrade = response_dict.get("responses", {}).get("UPGRADE_POKEMON", {}).get("upgraded_pokemon", {}) if self.config_upgrade and (not candy.consume(upgrade_candy_cost) -= upgrade_stardust_cost new_pokemon = inventory.Pokemon(upgrade) self.emit_event("pokemon_upgraded", formatted="Upgraded {pokemon} [IV {iv}] [CP {cp} -> {new_cp}] [{candy} candies] [{stardust} stardust]", data={"pokemon":, "iv": pokemon.iv, "cp": pokemon.cp, "new_cp": new_pokemon.cp, "candy": candy.quantity, "stardust":}) if self.config_upgrade and (not inventory.pokemons().remove(pokemon.unique_id) new_pokemon = inventory.Pokemon(upgrade) inventory.pokemons().add(new_pokemon) pokemon = new_pokemon action_delay(self.config_action_wait_min, self.config_action_wait_max) return True def set_buddy_pokemon(self, pokemon): if not request = request.set_buddy_pokemon(pokemon_id=pokemon.unique_id) response_dict = else: response_dict = {"responses": {"SET_BUDDY_POKEMON": {"result": SUCCESS, "updated_buddy": {"start_km_walked": 0, "last_km_awarded": 0, "id": 0}}}} if not response_dict: return False result = response_dict.get("responses", {}).get("SET_BUDDY_POKEMON", {}).get("result", 0) if result != SUCCESS: return False if not self.buddy = response_dict.get("responses", {}).get("SET_BUDDY_POKEMON", {}).get("updated_buddy", {}) self.buddyid = self._get_buddyid() self.emit_event("buddy_pokemon", formatted="Buddy {pokemon} [IV {iv}] [CP {cp}]", data={"pokemon":, "iv": pokemon.iv, "cp": pokemon.cp}) self.lock_buddy = True if not action_delay(self.config_action_wait_min, self.config_action_wait_max) return True def get_buddy_walked(self, pokemon): if not request = request.get_buddy_walked() response_dict = else: response_dict = {"responses": {"GET_BUDDY_WALKED": {"success": True, "family_candy_id": 0, "candy_earned_count": 0}}} if not response_dict: return False success = response_dict.get("responses", {}).get("GET_BUDDY_WALKED", {}).get("success", False) if not success: return False candy_earned_count = response_dict.get("responses", {}).get("GET_BUDDY_WALKED", {}).get("candy_earned_count", 0) if candy_earned_count == 0: return family_candy_id = self.get_family_id(pokemon) candy = inventory.candies().get(family_candy_id) if not candy.add(candy_earned_count) self.emit_event("buddy_reward", formatted="Buddy {pokemon} rewards {family} candies [+{candy_earned} candies] [{candy} candies]", data={"pokemon":, "family": candy.type, "candy_earned": candy_earned_count, "candy": candy.quantity}) if not action_delay(self.config_action_wait_min, self.config_action_wait_max) return True def _get_buddyid(self): if self.buddy and'id' in self.buddy: return self.buddy['id'] return 0 def favor_pokemon(self, pokemon): request = request.set_favorite_pokemon(pokemon_id=pokemon.unique_id, is_favorite=True) response_dict = sleep(1.2) # wait a bit after request if response_dict: result = response_dict.get('responses', {}).get('SET_FAVORITE_POKEMON', {}).get('result', 0) if result is 1: # Request success action_delay(self.config_action_wait_min, self.config_action_wait_max) # Mark Pokemon as favorite pokemon.is_favorite = True self.emit_event("pokemon_favored", formatted="Favored {pokemon} [IV {iv}] [CP {cp}]", data={"pokemon":, "iv": pokemon.iv, "cp": pokemon.cp}) else: # Pokemon not found?? self.ignore_favorite.append(pokemon.unique_id) pokemon.is_favorite = True"Unable to set %s as favorite!" % def unfavor_pokemon(self, pokemon): request = request.set_favorite_pokemon(pokemon_id=pokemon.unique_id, is_favorite=False) response_dict = sleep(1.2) # wait a bit after request if response_dict: result = response_dict.get('responses', {}).get('SET_FAVORITE_POKEMON', {}).get('result', 0) if result is 1: # Request success # Mark Pokemon as no longer favorite pokemon.is_favorite = False self.emit_event("pokemon_unfavored", formatted="Unfavored {pokemon} [IV {iv}] [CP {cp}]", data={"pokemon":, "iv": pokemon.iv, "cp": pokemon.cp}) action_delay(self.config_action_wait_min, self.config_action_wait_max)
import os import pickle import pandas import logging from indra.databases import hgnc_client from indra.statements import Phosphorylation, Agent, Evidence from indra.preassembler import Preassembler from import bio_ontology from indra.preassembler.grounding_mapper import default_mapper from indra.preassembler.sitemapper import SiteMapper, default_site_map psite_fname = 'phosphosite_kin_sub_2016.csv' stmts_fname = 'model.pkl' logger = logging.getLogger('indra.benchmarks.phosphorylations') def phosphosite_to_indra(): df = pandas.DataFrame.from_csv(psite_fname, index_col=None) df = df[df['KIN_ORGANISM'] == 'human'] df = df[df['SUB_ORGANISM'] == 'human'] stmts = [] for _, row in df.iterrows(): enz_name = row['GENE'] enz_up = row['KIN_ACC_ID'] sub_name = row['SUB_GENE'] sub_up = row['SUB_ACC_ID'] if not enz_name or not sub_name or \ isinstance(enz_name, float) or isinstance(sub_name, float): continue enz = Agent(enz_name, db_refs={'UP': enz_up}) sub = Agent(sub_name, db_refs={'UP': sub_up}) site = row['SUB_MOD_RSD'] if site[0] in ('S', 'T', 'Y'): residue = site[0] position = site[1:] else: residue = None position = None ev = Evidence('phosphosite') st = Phosphorylation(enz, sub, residue, position, ev) stmts.append(st)'%d human-human phosphorylations in Phosphosite' % len(stmts)) with open('phosphosite_indra.pkl', 'wb') as fh: pickle.dump(stmts, fh) return stmts def extract_phos(): with open(stmts_fname, 'rb') as fh: model = pickle.load(fh) stmts = [] for pmid, pmid_stmts in model.items(): for stmt in pmid_stmts: if isinstance(stmt, Phosphorylation): stmts.append(stmt)'%d phosphorylations in RAS Machine' % len(stmts)) stmts = [s for s in stmts if s.enz is not None]'%d phosphorylations with enzyme in RAS Machine' % len(stmts)) stmts_grounded = filter_grounded(stmts)'%d grounded phosphorylations in RAS Machine' % len(stmts_grounded)) stmts_enzkinase = filter_enzkinase(stmts_grounded)'%d phosphorylations with kinase enzyme in RAS Machine' % len(stmts_enzkinase)) sm = SiteMapper(default_site_map) stmts_valid, _ = sm.map_sites(stmts_enzkinase)'%d valid-sequence phosphorylations in RAS Machine' % len(stmts_valid)) pa = Preassembler(bio_ontology, stmts_valid) stmts_unique = pa.combine_duplicates()'%d unique phosphorylations in RAS Machine' % len(stmts_unique)) stmts_unique = pa.combine_related()'%d top-level phosphorylations in RAS Machine' % len(stmts_unique)) with open('mapped_unique_phos.pkl', 'wb') as fh: pickle.dump(stmts_unique, fh) # Filter RAS Machine statements for direct and not hypothesis stmts = filter_direct(stmts_unique)'%d direct phosphorylations in RAS Machine' % len(stmts)) stmts = filter_non_hypothesis(stmts)'%d non-hypothesis phosphorylations in RAS Machine' % len(stmts)) with open('filtered_phos.pkl', 'wb') as fh: pickle.dump(stmts, fh) return stmts def filter_belief(stmts): # As a proxy here, we just look for > 1 evidence believed_stmts = [] for stmt in stmts: if len(stmt.evidence) > 1: believed_stmts.append(stmt) return believed_stmts def filter_direct(stmts): direct_stmts = [] for stmt in stmts: if get_is_direct(stmt): direct_stmts.append(stmt) return direct_stmts def filter_non_hypothesis(stmts): non_hyp_stmts = [] for stmt in stmts: if get_is_not_hypothesis(stmt): non_hyp_stmts.append(stmt) return non_hyp_stmts def filter_grounded(stmts): gm = default_mapper stmts_mapped = gm.map_agents(stmts, do_rename=True) stmts_grounded = [] for stmt in stmts_mapped: all_grounded = True for agent in stmt.agent_list(): if agent is not None: if set(agent.db_refs.keys()) == set(['TEXT']): all_grounded = False break if all_grounded: stmts_grounded.append(stmt) return stmts_grounded def filter_enzkinase(stmts): kinase_activities = get_kinase_activities() stmts_enzkinase = [] for stmt in stmts: is_kinase = False for kin in kinase_activities: if stmt.enz.entity_matches(kin.agent): is_kinase = True break if kin.agent.refinement_of(stmt.enz, bio_ontology): is_kinase = True break if is_kinase: stmts_enzkinase.append(stmt) return stmts_enzkinase def compare_overlap(stmts_pred, stmts_ref): # Ras Machine statements that are in Phosphosite found_stmts = [] not_found_stmts = [] for i, stmt_pred in enumerate(stmts_pred): found = False for stmt_ref in stmts_ref: if stmt_pred.matches(stmt_ref) or \ stmt_ref.refinement_of(stmt_pred, bio_ontology): found = True break if found: found_stmts.append(stmt_pred) else: not_found_stmts.append(stmt_pred) return not_found_stmts, found_stmts def get_kinase_activities(): kinase_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '../../resources/kinases.tsv') kinases = [] with open(kinase_file, 'rt') as fh: lines = [l.strip() for l in fh.readlines()] for lin in lines[1:]: up_id, hgnc_name, _, _ = lin.split('\t') hgnc_id = hgnc_client.get_hgnc_id(hgnc_name) agent = Agent(hgnc_name, db_refs={'UP': up_id, 'HGNC': hgnc_id}) kinases.append(agent) kin_activities = [] from indra.statements import HasActivity for kin in kinases: stmt = HasActivity(kin, 'kinase', True) kin_activities.append(stmt) return kin_activities def get_is_direct(stmt): '''Returns true if there is evidence that the statement is a direct interaction. If any of the evidences associated with the statement indicates a direct interatcion then we assume the interaction is direct. If there is no evidence for the interaction being indirect then we default to direct.''' any_indirect = False for ev in stmt.evidence: if ev.epistemics.get('direct') is True: return True elif ev.epistemics.get('direct') is False: # This guarantees that we have seen at least # some evidence that the statement is indirect any_indirect = True if any_indirect: return False return True def get_is_not_hypothesis(stmt): hyps = [ev.epistemics.get('hypothesis') for ev in stmt.evidence] for hyp in hyps: if hyp is not True: return True return False if __name__ == '__main__': use_pkl = False if use_pkl: stmts_file = 'filtered_phos.pkl' with open(stmts_file, 'rb') as fh: indra_stmts = pickle.load(fh) ps_file = 'phosphosite_indra.pkl' with open(ps_file, 'rb') as fh: ps_stmts = pickle.load(fh) else:'Extract phosphorylations from Phosphosite') ps_stmts = phosphosite_to_indra()'Extract phosphorylations from the RAS Machine') indra_stmts = extract_phos() not_found_stmts, found_stmts = compare_overlap(indra_stmts, ps_stmts)'%d phosphorylations found in Phosphosite' % len(found_stmts))'%d phosphorylations not found in Phosphosite' % len(not_found_stmts)) indra_stmts = filter_belief(indra_stmts)'%d > 1 evidence phosphorylations in statements' % len(indra_stmts)) not_found_stmts, found_stmts = compare_overlap(indra_stmts, ps_stmts)'%d phosphorylations found in Phosphosite' % len(found_stmts))'%d phosphorylations not found in Phosphosite' % len(not_found_stmts)) with open('not_found.tsv', 'wt') as fh: for i, st in enumerate(not_found_stmts): for ev in st.evidence: if ev.epistemics.get('direct'): fh.write('%d\t%s\t \t%s\t%s\n' % \ (i, st, ev.text, ev.pmid))
{ 'name': "POS debranding", 'version': '1.0.0', 'author': 'IT-Projects LLC, Ivan Yelizariev', 'license': 'GPL-3', 'category': 'Debranding', 'website': '', 'depends': ['point_of_sale'], 'price': 30.00, 'currency': 'EUR', 'data': [ 'views.xml', ], 'qweb': [ 'static/src/xml/pos_debranding.xml', ], 'installable': True, }
#!/usr/bin/env python # Mass Static Analysis import tornado.httpclient import os import urllib2 import argparse import mimetypes import re import json import hashlib import urllib from threading import Thread def HTTP_GET_Request(url): response = None http_client = tornado.httpclient.HTTPClient() try: response = http_client.fetch(url) except tornado.httpclient.HTTPError as e: pass except Exception as e: print("[ERROR] HTTP GET Request Error: " + str(e)) http_client.close() return response def isServerUp(url): try: response = urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=5) return True except urllib2.URLError: pass return False def getCSRF(url): resp = HTTP_GET_Request(url) return resp.headers['Set-Cookie'].split(";")[0].split("=")[1] def encode_multipart_formdata(fields, files): """ fields is a sequence of (name, value) elements for regular form fields. files is a sequence of (name, filename, value) elements for data to be uploaded as files Return (content_type, body) ready for httplib.HTTP instance """ BOUNDARY = '----------ThIs_Is_tHe_bouNdaRY_$' CRLF = '\r\n' L = [] for (key, value) in fields: L.append('--' + BOUNDARY) L.append('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"' % key) L.append('') L.append(value) for (key, filename, value) in files: L.append('--' + BOUNDARY) L.append( 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"; filename="%s"' % (key, filename)) L.append('Content-Type: %s' % get_content_type(filename)) L.append('') L.append(value) L.append('--' + BOUNDARY + '--') L.append('') body = CRLF.join(L) content_type = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % BOUNDARY return content_type, body def get_content_type(filename): return mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] or 'application/octet-stream' def genMD5(app): BLOCKSIZE = 65536 hasher = hashlib.md5() with open(app, 'rb') as afile: buf = while buf: hasher.update(buf) buf = return (hasher.hexdigest()) def doScan(app, server_url): print "\nUploading : " + app UPLOAD_URL = server_url + "/upload/" CSRF = getCSRF(server_url) APP_NAME = os.path.basename(app) fields = [("csrfmiddlewaretoken", CSRF)] files = [("file", APP_NAME, open(app, "rb").read())] http_client = tornado.httpclient.HTTPClient() content_type, body = encode_multipart_formdata(fields, files) headers = {"Content-Type": content_type, 'content-length': str(len(body)), 'Cookie': 'csrftoken=' + CSRF} request = tornado.httpclient.HTTPRequest( UPLOAD_URL, "POST", headers=headers, body=body, validate_cert=False) response = http_client.fetch(request) if response.code == 200: r = json.loads(response.body) if r["status"] == "success": MD5 = genMD5(app) SCAN_DB[MD5] = APP_NAME # Start Scan START_SCAN_URL = server_url + "/" + \ r["url"].replace(APP_NAME, urllib.quote(APP_NAME)) SCAN_URLS.append(START_SCAN_URL) elif r["description"]: print r["description"] return SCAN_DB, SCAN_URLS def startScan(directory, server_url): SCAN_URLS = [] SCAN_DB = {} print "\nLooking for Android/iOS binaries or source code in : " + directory for root, directories, filenames in os.walk(directory): for filename in filenames: scan_file = os.path.join(root, filename) abs_filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(scan_file) if re.findall("apk|ipa|zip", file_extension): SCAN_DB, SCAN_URLS = doScan(scan_file, server_url) if len(SCAN_URLS) > 0: print "\nFiles Uploaded " print "======================================================================" print "MD5 | App " print "======================================================================" for key, val in SCAN_DB.items(): print key + " | " + val print "\nInvoking Scan Request. This takes time depending on the number of apps to be scanned." for url in SCAN_URLS: t = Thread(target=HTTP_GET_Request, args=(url,)) t.start() print "Please wait while MobSF is performing Static Analysis. Once the scan is completed, you can get the report by searching for the MD5 checksum" print "Exiting the Script..." parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-d", "--directory", help="Path to the directory that contains mobile app binary/zipped source code") parser.add_argument( "-s", "--ipport", help="IP address and Port number of a running MobSF Server. (ex:") args = parser.parse_args() SCAN_DB = dict() SCAN_URLS = list() if and args.ipport: SERVER = args.ipport DIRECTORY = SERVER_URL = "http://" + SERVER if isServerUp(SERVER_URL) == False: print "MobSF Server is not running at " + SERVER_URL print "Exiting....." exit(0) # MobSF is running, start scan startScan(DIRECTORY, SERVER_URL) else: parser.print_help()
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Author: helour # Copyright: 2013-2015 helour # Based on the cr33dog's script Export Layers as PNG ( # Modified by: jmunsch (11-25-2015) # License: GPL v3+ # # Version: 0.7 # # GIMP plugin to export layers as a multiple pages PDF file # # # Note for Windows users: # # You need add the ImageMagic directory (which consists the 'convert.exe' executable file) # to the GIMP environment PATH variable into the file: # C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\lib\gimp\2.0\environ\default.env # # like in the example here: # PATH=${gimp_installation_dir}\bin;${gimp_installation_dir}\32\bin;C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-6.9.1-Q16 # PYTHONPATH=${gimp_installation_dir}\32\lib\gimp\2.0\python # # # Note for Mac users: # If ImageMagick was installed with brew then there is a good chance you will need to: # brew update && brew upgrade && brew uninstall --force imagemagick && brew install -v imagemagick --build-from-source # # And given any errors on compiling update any of the linked libraries for convert/imageMagick # # import os import gtk import subprocess from tempfile import mkstemp from gimpfu import * def mktmpfile(suffix): try: fd, filename = mkstemp(suffix=suffix) fptr = os.fdopen(fd) except Exception as e: pdb.gimp_message(e) return filename def get_layers_to_export(layers, only_visible, gimp_version): try: result = [] for layer in layers: if gimp_version >= 2.8 and pdb.gimp_item_is_group(layer): result += get_layers_to_export(layer.children, only_visible, gimp_version) else: if only_visible: if layer.visible: result.append(layer) else: result.append(layer) except Exception as e: print('get_layers_to_export: ...',e) pdb.gimp_message(e) return result def combine_images_into_pdf(img_files, pdf_file): try: # Run on shell because of conflict with windows system command 'convert.exe' print('Checking convert command:', ['convert', '-verbose'] + img_files + [pdf_file]) checked = subprocess.check_output(['convert' , '-verbose'] + img_files + [pdf_file], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True,shell = True if == 'nt' else False) print('convert command checked: ....', checked) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print('Debug: combine_images_into_pdf:\n\n') print(dir(e), e.args, e.cmd, e.message, e.output, e.returncode) pdb.gimp_message('If convert cannot find the PNG module. Try lowering the pdf quality to less than 100. This defaults convert to use jpeg instead of png.\n\n##########convert stdout#############\n' + "Error while executing 'convert' command:\n\n" + e.output.replace('\n', '\n\n')) except Exception as e: import traceback;print(traceback.format_exc()) pdb.gimp_message("Error while executing 'convert' command:\n" + str(e) + "\n\nHave you installed the ImageMagic package\nand/or\nset the GIMP environment PATH variable?\n" "\n\nIf ImageMagick was installed with brew run:\n\n brew update && brew upgrade && brew uninstall --force imagemagick && brew install -v imagemagick --build-from-source") def export_layers(image, only_visible, quality): if not image.filename: pdb.gimp_message("Please save your file first!") return try: chooser = gtk.FileChooserDialog(title = None, action = gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE, buttons = (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.STOCK_OPEN, gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) chooser.set_current_folder(os.path.dirname(image.filename)) chooser.set_current_name(os.path.splitext(image.filename)[0] + '.pdf') if != gtk.RESPONSE_OK: return filename = chooser.get_filename() chooser.destroy() version = gimp.version[0:2] gimp_version = float(version[0]) + float(version[1]) / 10.0 layers_to_export = get_layers_to_export(image.layers, only_visible, gimp_version) img_files = [] except Exception as e: print('export_layers: ...', e) pdb.gimp_message(e) try: for layer in layers_to_export: ext = '.jpg' if quality < 100 else '.png' fullpath = mktmpfile(ext) img_files.append(fullpath) pic_filename = os.path.basename(fullpath) if quality < 100: pdb.file_jpeg_save(image, layer, fullpath, pic_filename, quality / 100.0, 0, 1, 0, "", 0, 1, 0, 2) else: pdb.file_png_save(image, layer, fullpath, pic_filename, 0, 9, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) combine_images_into_pdf(img_files, filename) except Exception as e: print(' ... ', e) finally: for img in img_files: try: os.remove(img) print('DELETED:', img) except: pass try: register( "export-layers-to-pdf", #name "Export layers to a multiple pages PDF file", #description "Export all layers to a single multiple pages PDF file", #help "helour", #author "helour", #copyright "2015", #year "Export layers to PDF", #menu label "*", # image format [ #input args. Format (type, name, description, default [, extra]) (PF_IMAGE, "image", "Image", None), (PF_BOOL, "only_visible", "Only Visible Layers?", True), (PF_SLIDER, "quality", "Image quality", 100, (10, 100, 1)), ], [], #results. Format (type, name, description) export_layers, #callback menu=("<Image>/File/Export/"), ) except Exception as e: pdb.gimp_message(e) print('running main()') try: main() except Exception as e: pdb.gimp_message(e)
from share1 import ShareAnalysis1 from share1_dot_1 import ShareAnalysis1Dot1 from share2 import ShareAnalysis2 from share3 import ShareAnalysis3 from share_matrix import ShareMatrix class ShareAnalysisFactory(object): def __init__(self, share_name): self.share_name = share_name def new_share_analysis(self, dataset): if self.share_name == "Share01": return ShareAnalysis1(dataset) elif self.share_name == "Share01.1": return ShareAnalysis1Dot1(dataset) elif self.share_name == "Share02": return ShareAnalysis2(dataset) elif self.share_name == "Share03": return ShareAnalysis3(dataset) else: raise Exception("Unexpected share: {0}".format(self.share_name))
from setuptools import setup, find_packages setup(name='BIOMD0000000275', version=20140916, description='BIOMD0000000275 from BioModels', url='', maintainer='Stanley Gu', maintainer_url='[email protected]', packages=find_packages(), package_data={'': ['*.xml', '']}, )
#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Unittests for the module.""" from __future__ import print_function import errno import os import sys import unittest sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(__file__))))) from chromite.lib import cros_test_lib from chromite.lib import namespaces class SetNSTests(cros_test_lib.TestCase): """Tests for SetNS()""" def testBasic(self): """Simple functionality test.""" NS_PATH = '/proc/self/ns/mnt' if not os.path.exists(NS_PATH): raise unittest.SkipTest('kernel too old (missing %s)' % NS_PATH) with open(NS_PATH) as f: try: namespaces.SetNS(f.fileno(), 0) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EPERM: # Running as non-root will fail, so ignore it. We ran most # of the code in the process which is all we really wanted. raise class UnshareTests(cros_test_lib.TestCase): """Tests for Unshare()""" def testBasic(self): """Simple functionality test.""" try: namespaces.Unshare(namespaces.CLONE_NEWNS) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EPERM: # Running as non-root will fail, so ignore it. We ran most # of the code in the process which is all we really wanted. raise if __name__ == '__main__': cros_test_lib.main()
# Module to run tests on ampsec definition from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import pytest import os import numpy as np from pypeit.core import pixels from pypeit.core import procimg from pypeit.spectrographs.util import load_spectrograph @pytest.fixture def spectrograph(): return load_spectrograph('shane_kast_blue') def data_path(filename): data_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'files') return os.path.join(data_dir, filename) def test_ampsec(spectrograph): """ Test sort_data """ datasec_img = spectrograph.get_datasec_img(data_path('b1.fits.gz'), det=1) datasec_img = procimg.trim_frame(datasec_img, datasec_img < 1) # Test assert datasec_img.shape == (2048, 350) #assert np.sum(np.isclose(datasec_img, 1)) == 2162688 # Data region #assert np.sum(np.isclose(datasec_img, 2)) == 2162688 # second amp assert np.sum(np.isclose(datasec_img, 1)) == 358400 # Data region assert np.sum(np.isclose(datasec_img, 2)) == 358400 # second amp #assert settings.spect[dnum]['oscansec01'] == [[0, 0], [2049, 2080]] #assert settings.spect[dnum]['datasec01'] == [[0, 0], [0, 1024]]
from staticfiles.settings import StaticfilesSettings settings = StaticfilesSettings("STATICFILES")
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Electrum - lightweight Bitcoin client # Copyright (C) 2012 thomasv@gitorious # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. import threading, re, socket import webbrowser import requests from PyQt4.QtGui import * from PyQt4.QtCore import * import PyQt4.QtCore as QtCore from electrum_bta.i18n import _ from electrum_bta import ELECTRUM_VERSION, print_error class VersionGetter(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, label): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.label = label self.daemon = True def run(self): try: res = requests.request("GET", "") except: print_error("Could not retrieve version information") return if res.status_code == 200: latest_version = res.text latest_version = latest_version.replace("\n","") if(re.match('^\d+(\.\d+)*$', latest_version)): self.label.callback(latest_version) class UpdateLabel(QLabel): def __init__(self, config, sb): QLabel.__init__(self) self.new_version = False = sb self.config = config self.current_version = ELECTRUM_VERSION self.connect(self, QtCore.SIGNAL('new_electrum_version'), self.new_electrum_version) # prevent HTTP leaks if a proxy is set if self.config.get('proxy'): return VersionGetter(self).start() def callback(self, version): self.latest_version = version if(self.compare_versions(self.latest_version, self.current_version) == 1): latest_seen = self.config.get("last_seen_version",ELECTRUM_VERSION) if(self.compare_versions(self.latest_version, latest_seen) == 1): self.new_version = True self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL('new_electrum_version')) def new_electrum_version(self): if self.new_version: self.setText(_("New version available") + ": " + self.latest_version), self) def compare_versions(self, version1, version2): def normalize(v): return [int(x) for x in re.sub(r'(\.0+)*$','', v).split(".")] try: return cmp(normalize(version1), normalize(version2)) except: return 0 def ignore_this_version(self): self.setText("") self.config.set_key("last_seen_version", self.latest_version, True) QMessageBox.information(self, _("Preference saved"), _("Notifications about this update will not be shown again.")) self.dialog.done(0) def ignore_all_version(self): self.setText("") self.config.set_key("last_seen_version", "9.9.9", True) QMessageBox.information(self, _("Preference saved"), _("No more notifications about version updates will be shown.")) self.dialog.done(0) def open_website(self):"") self.dialog.done(0) def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): dialog = QDialog(self) dialog.setWindowTitle(_('Electrum update')) dialog.setModal(1) main_layout = QGridLayout() main_layout.addWidget(QLabel(_("A new version of Electrum is available:")+" " + self.latest_version), 0,0,1,3) ignore_version = QPushButton(_("Ignore this version")) ignore_version.clicked.connect(self.ignore_this_version) ignore_all_versions = QPushButton(_("Ignore all versions")) ignore_all_versions.clicked.connect(self.ignore_all_version) open_website = QPushButton(_("Goto download page")) open_website.clicked.connect(self.open_website) main_layout.addWidget(ignore_version, 1, 0) main_layout.addWidget(ignore_all_versions, 1, 1) main_layout.addWidget(open_website, 1, 2) dialog.setLayout(main_layout) self.dialog = dialog if not dialog.exec_(): return
# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Libraries to build Recurrent Neural Networks.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function
from import BaseCommand, CommandError from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Group from optparse import make_option from sys import stdout from csv import writer FORMATS = [ 'address', 'emails', 'google', 'outlook', 'linkedin', 'vcard', ] def full_name(first_name, last_name, username, **extra): name = u" ".join(n for n in [first_name, last_name] if n) if not name: return username return name class Command(BaseCommand): option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + ( make_option('--group', '-g', action='store', dest='group', default=None, help='Limit to users which are part of the supplied group name'), make_option('--format', '-f', action='store', dest='format', default=FORMATS[0], help="output format. May be one of '" + "', '".join(FORMATS) + "'."), ) help = ("Export user email address list in one of a number of formats.") args = "[output file]" label = 'filename to save to' requires_model_validation = True can_import_settings = True encoding = 'utf-8' # RED_FLAG: add as an option -DougN def handle(self, *args, **options): if len(args) > 1: raise CommandError("extra arguments supplied") group = options['group'] if group and not Group.objects.filter(name=group).count() == 1: names = u"', '".join(g['name'] for g in Group.objects.values('name')).encode('utf-8') if names: names = "'" + names + "'." raise CommandError("Unknown group '" + group + "'. Valid group names are: " + names) if len(args) and args[0] != '-': outfile = file(args[0], 'w') else: outfile = stdout qs = User.objects.all().order_by('last_name', 'first_name', 'username', 'email') if group: qs = qs.filter(group__name=group).distinct() qs = qs.values('last_name', 'first_name', 'username', 'email') getattr(self, options['format'])(qs, outfile) def address(self, qs, out): """simple single entry per line in the format of: "full name" <[email protected]>; """ out.write(u"\n".join(u'"%s" <%s>;' % (full_name(**ent), ent['email']) for ent in qs).encode(self.encoding)) out.write("\n") def emails(self, qs, out): """simpler single entry with email only in the format of: [email protected], """ out.write(u",\n".join(u'%s' % (ent['email']) for ent in qs).encode(self.encoding)) out.write("\n") def google(self, qs, out): """CSV format suitable for importing into google GMail """ csvf = writer(out) csvf.writerow(['Name', 'Email']) for ent in qs: csvf.writerow([full_name(**ent).encode(self.encoding), ent['email'].encode(self.encoding)]) def outlook(self, qs, out): """CSV format suitable for importing into outlook """ csvf = writer(out) columns = ['Name', 'E-mail Address', 'Notes', 'E-mail 2 Address', 'E-mail 3 Address', 'Mobile Phone', 'Pager', 'Company', 'Job Title', 'Home Phone', 'Home Phone 2', 'Home Fax', 'Home Address', 'Business Phone', 'Business Phone 2', 'Business Fax', 'Business Address', 'Other Phone', 'Other Fax', 'Other Address'] csvf.writerow(columns) empty = [''] * (len(columns) - 2) for ent in qs: csvf.writerow([full_name(**ent).encode(self.encoding), ent['email'].encode(self.encoding)] + empty) def linkedin(self, qs, out): """CSV format suitable for importing into linkedin Groups. perfect for pre-approving members of a linkedin group. """ csvf = writer(out) csvf.writerow(['First Name', 'Last Name', 'Email']) for ent in qs: csvf.writerow([ent['first_name'].encode(self.encoding), ent['last_name'].encode(self.encoding), ent['email'].encode(self.encoding)]) def vcard(self, qs, out): try: import vobject except ImportError: print"Please install python-vobject to use the vcard export format.") import sys sys.exit(1) for ent in qs: card = vobject.vCard() card.add('fn').value = full_name(**ent) if not ent['last_name'] and not ent['first_name']: # fallback to fullname, if both first and lastname are not declared card.add('n').value = vobject.vcard.Name(full_name(**ent)) else: card.add('n').value = vobject.vcard.Name(ent['last_name'], ent['first_name']) emailpart = card.add('email') emailpart.value = ent['email'] emailpart.type_param = 'INTERNET' out.write(card.serialize().encode(self.encoding))
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors, no-absolute-import, import-error, multiple-imports,wrong-import-position from __future__ import print_function import socket, binascii, abc, six class MyException(object): """Custom 'exception'.""" class MySecondException(object): """Custom 'exception'.""" class MyGoodException(Exception): """Custom exception.""" class MySecondGoodException(MyGoodException): """Custom exception.""" class SkipException(socket.error): """Not an exception for Python 2, but one in 3.""" class SecondSkipException(SkipException): """Also a good exception.""" try: 1 + 1 except MyException: # [catching-non-exception] print("caught") try: 1 + 2 # +1:[catching-non-exception,catching-non-exception] except (MyException, MySecondException): print("caught") try: 1 + 3 except MyGoodException: print("caught") try: 1 + 3 except (MyGoodException, MySecondGoodException): print("caught") try: 1 + 3 except (SkipException, SecondSkipException): print("caught") try: 1 + 42 # +1:[catching-non-exception,catching-non-exception] except (None, list()): print("caught") try: 1 + 24 except None: # [catching-non-exception] print("caught") EXCEPTION = None EXCEPTION = ZeroDivisionError try: 1 + 46 except EXCEPTION: print("caught") try: 1 + 42 # +1:[catching-non-exception,catching-non-exception,catching-non-exception] except (list([4, 5, 6]), None, ZeroDivisionError, 4): print("caught") EXCEPTION_TUPLE = (ZeroDivisionError, OSError) NON_EXCEPTION_TUPLE = (ZeroDivisionError, OSError, 4) try: 1 + 42 except EXCEPTION_TUPLE: print("caught") try: 1 + 42 except NON_EXCEPTION_TUPLE: # [catching-non-exception] print("caught") from missing_import import UnknownError UNKNOWN_COMPONENTS = (ZeroDivisionError, UnknownError) try: 1 + 42 except UNKNOWN_COMPONENTS: print("caught") try: 1 + 42 except binascii.Error: print('builtin and detected') try: 1 + 45 except object: # [catching-non-exception] print('caught') try: 1 + 42 except range: # [catching-non-exception] print('caught') class HasErrorInMRO(six.with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, Exception)): pass class Second(HasErrorInMRO): pass try: raise Second except Second: pass
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*- """ Raspymc is a multimedia centre exposed via a http server built with bottlepy Copyright (C) 2013 Giancarlo Fringuello This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. """ import os, inspect, ConfigParser, pickle from utils import * from logger import* from track_obj import * CNF_SERVER_PATH = sys.path[0] CNF_FOLDER_PATH = "" CNF_PLAYLIST_PATH = CNF_SERVER_PATH + "/config/playlist.pkl" CNF_FOLDER_PATH = CNF_SERVER_PATH + "/config/" CNF_CONFIG_FILE = CNF_FOLDER_PATH + "config.ini" # # Loads the saved playlist from file def get_playlist(): log(LOG_INFO, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno, "") l_playlist = [] try: with open(CNF_PLAYLIST_PATH, 'rb') as l_input: l_playlist = pickle.load(l_input) except: log(LOG_WARNING, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno, "", "unexisting playlist file: " + CNF_PLAYLIST_PATH) return l_playlist def store_playlist(p_list): log(LOG_INFO, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno, "") try: with open(CNF_PLAYLIST_PATH, 'wb') as l_output: pickle.dump(p_list, l_output, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) except: log(LOG_WARNING, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno, "", "unexisting playlist file: " + CNF_PLAYLIST_PATH) # # Loads the configuration from file def get_folder_path(): log(LOG_INFO, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno, "") global CNF_FOLDER_PATH global CNF_PLAYLIST_PATH global SERVER_PATH l_config_parser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() l_clean_configuration = False if not os.path.isdir(CNF_FOLDER_PATH): # if config directory does not exist, create it os.makedirs(CNF_FOLDER_PATH) log(LOG_WARNING, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno, "", CNF_FOLDER_PATH + " did not exist, it has been created") if os.path.isfile(CNF_CONFIG_FILE): try: if l_config_parser.has_section("PATH"): if l_config_parser.has_option("PATH", "CNF_FOLDER_PATH"): CNF_FOLDER_PATH = l_config_parser.get("PATH","CNF_FOLDER_PATH") else: l_clean_configuration = True else: # if section does not exist l_clean_configuration = True log(LOG_VERBOSE, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno, "", "unable to load CNF_FOLDER_PATH, using home as default, new config.ini will be generated.") except: # if unable to read file (e.g. file damaged) l_clean_configuration = True log(LOG_WARNING, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno, "", "exception: unable to load CNF_FOLDER_PATH from " + CNF_CONFIG_FILE + ", using home path as default, new config.ini will be generated.") else: l_clean_configuration = True log(LOG_WARNING, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno, "", "no configuration file found, new config.ini will be generated.") if l_clean_configuration: # cleanup config file for l_section in l_config_parser.sections(): l_config_parser.remove_section(l_section) l_config_parser.add_section("PATH") l_config_parser.set("PATH", "CNF_FOLDER_PATH", os.path.expanduser("~")) l_config_parser.write(file(CNF_CONFIG_FILE, 'w')) if "" == CNF_FOLDER_PATH: CNF_FOLDER_PATH = os.path.expanduser("~") log(LOG_VERBOSE, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno, "", "CNF_FOLDER_PATH = " + CNF_FOLDER_PATH) log(LOG_VERBOSE, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno, "", "CNF_PLAYLIST_PATH = " + CNF_PLAYLIST_PATH) log(LOG_VERBOSE, inspect.currentframe().f_lineno, "", "CNF_SERVER_PATH = " + CNF_SERVER_PATH) return CNF_FOLDER_PATH def get_server_path(): return SERVER_PATH def get_playlist_path(): return CNF_PLAYLIST_PATH
import pandas as pd import json import os from lda_pipeline import Ranker from top_words import top_words_by_key def task_1(lda_model, topic_df,args): ''' Get a list of the n most important words :param lda_model: Scikit pipeline that vectorizes and does lda :param topic_df: A dataframe of documents/topics :param args: :return: the top num_words that are most important to our script ''' top_words = top_words_by_key(df=topic_df, key="script", model=lda_model, no_top_words=args.num_words) save_path = os.path.join(args.save_path,'top_words_list.json') with open(save_path,'w') as f: json.dump(top_words,f) return top_words def task_2(document_topic_dict,args): ''' Compare the words in our list to all words in the corpus. Here we just create output, the topic breakdowns of each document :param document_topic_dict: A dictionary mapping documents to topic vectors :param args: :return: a dataframe whose columns are documents and rows are vectors ''' topic_df = pd.DataFrame(document_topic_dict) ax =,10),colormap='jet',title="Most important topics per document") fig = ax.get_figure() save_path = os.path.join(args.save_path,'task_2_top_topics.png') fig.savefig(save_path) return topic_df def task_3(documents, top_words,args): ''' Generate a score/rank for each word in our top n_words vs the transcriptions :param documents: The dicitonary of all documents for the entire task :param top_words: A list of the top words we found in task 1 :param args: :return: a pandas series. The most important words to our script ranked by how much more we should be using them ''' transcript_corpus = [val for key, val in documents.items() if key.startswith('transcript')] ranker = Ranker(documents=transcript_corpus) ranked_words_series, score_word_series = ranker.rank_words_in_doc(documents["script"], top_words) save_path = os.path.join(args.save_path,'ranked_words_list.json') ranked_words_series.to_json(save_path) ax =score_word_series.fillna(-1).sort_values(ascending=False),10),title="Scoring of the words we should use more (Higher means more important") fig = ax.get_figure() save_path = os.path.join(args.save_path,'task_3_ranked_words.png') fig.savefig(save_path) return ranked_words_series
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at import datetime import os import socorro from nose.plugins.attrib import attr from import eq_ from socorro.external.postgresql import server_status from socorro.lib import datetimeutil from unittestbase import PostgreSQLTestCase @attr(integration='postgres') # for nosetests class IntegrationTestServerStatus(PostgreSQLTestCase): """Test socorro.external.postgresql.server_status.ServerStatus class. """ def setUp(self): """Set up this test class by populating the database with fake data. """ super(IntegrationTestServerStatus, self).setUp() # Create fake revision files self.basedir = os.path.dirname(socorro.__file__) open(os.path.join( self.basedir, 'socorro_revision.txt' ), 'w').write('42') open(os.path.join( self.basedir, 'breakpad_revision.txt' ), 'w').write('43') cursor = self.connection.cursor() # Insert data = datetimeutil.utc_now() date1 = datetime.datetime(,,, 12, 00, 00, ) date2 = date1 - datetime.timedelta(minutes=15) date3 = date2 - datetime.timedelta(minutes=15) date4 = date3 - datetime.timedelta(minutes=15) cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO server_status (id, date_recently_completed, date_oldest_job_queued, avg_process_sec, avg_wait_sec, waiting_job_count, processors_count, date_created) VALUES ( 1, '%(date1)s', '%(date1)s', 2, 5, 3, 2, '%(date1)s' ), ( 2, '%(date2)s', '%(date2)s', 3, 3.12, 2, 2, '%(date2)s' ), ( 3, '%(date3)s', '%(date3)s', 1, 2, 4, 1, '%(date3)s' ), ( 4, NULL, NULL, 1, 2, 4, 1, '%(date4)s' ); """ % {"date1": date1, "date2": date2, "date3": date3, "date4": date4}) # Prepare data for the schema revision # Clean up from init routine cursor.execute("TRUNCATE alembic_version CASCADE;") cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO alembic_version (version_num) VALUES ( 'aaaaaaaaaaaa' ) """) self.connection.commit() def tearDown(self): """Clean up the database. """ # Delete fake revision files os.remove(os.path.join(self.basedir, 'socorro_revision.txt')) os.remove(os.path.join(self.basedir, 'breakpad_revision.txt')) cursor = self.connection.cursor() cursor.execute("TRUNCATE server_status, alembic_version CASCADE;") self.connection.commit() super(IntegrationTestServerStatus, self).tearDown() def test_get(self): status = server_status.ServerStatus(config=self.config) date1 = datetime.datetime(,,, 12, 00, 00, ) date2 = date1 - datetime.timedelta(minutes=15) date3 = date2 - datetime.timedelta(minutes=15) date4 = date3 - datetime.timedelta(minutes=15) date1 = datetimeutil.date_to_string(date1) date2 = datetimeutil.date_to_string(date2) date3 = datetimeutil.date_to_string(date3) date4 = datetimeutil.date_to_string(date4) #...................................................................... # Test 1: default behavior res = status.get() res_expected = { "hits": [ { "id": 1, "date_recently_completed": date1, "date_oldest_job_queued": date1, "avg_process_sec": 2, "avg_wait_sec": 5, "waiting_job_count": 3, "processors_count": 2, "date_created": date1 }, { "id": 2, "date_recently_completed": date2, "date_oldest_job_queued": date2, "avg_process_sec": 3, "avg_wait_sec": 3.12, "waiting_job_count": 2, "processors_count": 2, "date_created": date2 }, { "id": 3, "date_recently_completed": date3, "date_oldest_job_queued": date3, "avg_process_sec": 1, "avg_wait_sec": 2, "waiting_job_count": 4, "processors_count": 1, "date_created": date3 }, { "id": 4, "date_recently_completed": None, "date_oldest_job_queued": None, "avg_process_sec": 1, "avg_wait_sec": 2, "waiting_job_count": 4, "processors_count": 1, "date_created": date4 } ], "socorro_revision": "42", "breakpad_revision": "43", "schema_revision": "aaaaaaaaaaaa", "total": 4 } eq_(res, res_expected) #...................................................................... # Test 2: with duration params = { "duration": 1 } res = status.get(**params) res_expected = { "hits": [ { "id": 1, "date_recently_completed": date1, "date_oldest_job_queued": date1, "avg_process_sec": 2, "avg_wait_sec": 5, "waiting_job_count": 3, "processors_count": 2, "date_created": date1 } ], "socorro_revision": "42", "breakpad_revision": "43", "schema_revision": "aaaaaaaaaaaa", "total": 1 } eq_(res, res_expected)
from django.conf import settings from django.test.simple import run_tests as django_test_runner def run_tests(test_labels, verbosity=1, interactive=True, extra_tests=None, **kwargs): """ Test runner that only runs tests for the apps listed in ``settings.TEST_APPS``. """ extra_tests = extra_tests or [] app_labels = getattr(settings, "TEST_APPS", test_labels) # Seems to be deleting the test database file twice :( from celery.utils import noop from django.db import connection connection.creation.destroy_test_db = noop return django_test_runner(app_labels, verbosity=verbosity, interactive=interactive, extra_tests=extra_tests, **kwargs)
# orm/ # Copyright (C) 2005-2013 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors <see AUTHORS file> # # This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under # the MIT License: """ Contains various base classes used throughout the ORM. Defines the now deprecated ORM extension classes as well as ORM internals. Other than the deprecated extensions, this module and the classes within should be considered mostly private. """ from .. import exc as sa_exc, util, inspect from ..sql import operators from collections import deque orm_util = util.importlater('sqlalchemy.orm', 'util') collections = util.importlater('sqlalchemy.orm', 'collections') __all__ = ( 'AttributeExtension', 'EXT_CONTINUE', 'EXT_STOP', 'ExtensionOption', 'InstrumentationManager', 'LoaderStrategy', 'MapperExtension', 'MapperOption', 'MapperProperty', 'PropComparator', 'PropertyOption', 'SessionExtension', 'StrategizedOption', 'StrategizedProperty', ) EXT_CONTINUE = util.symbol('EXT_CONTINUE') EXT_STOP = util.symbol('EXT_STOP') ONETOMANY = util.symbol('ONETOMANY') MANYTOONE = util.symbol('MANYTOONE') MANYTOMANY = util.symbol('MANYTOMANY') from .deprecated_interfaces import AttributeExtension, \ SessionExtension, \ MapperExtension NOT_EXTENSION = util.symbol('NOT_EXTENSION') """Symbol indicating an :class:`_InspectionAttr` that's not part of sqlalchemy.ext. Is assigned to the :attr:`._InspectionAttr.extension_type` attibute. """ class _InspectionAttr(object): """A base class applied to all ORM objects that can be returned by the :func:`.inspect` function. The attributes defined here allow the usage of simple boolean checks to test basic facts about the object returned. While the boolean checks here are basically the same as using the Python isinstance() function, the flags here can be used without the need to import all of these classes, and also such that the SQLAlchemy class system can change while leaving the flags here intact for forwards-compatibility. """ is_selectable = False """Return True if this object is an instance of :class:`.Selectable`.""" is_aliased_class = False """True if this object is an instance of :class:`.AliasedClass`.""" is_instance = False """True if this object is an instance of :class:`.InstanceState`.""" is_mapper = False """True if this object is an instance of :class:`.Mapper`.""" is_property = False """True if this object is an instance of :class:`.MapperProperty`.""" is_attribute = False """True if this object is a Python :term:`descriptor`. This can refer to one of many types. Usually a :class:`.QueryableAttribute` which handles attributes events on behalf of a :class:`.MapperProperty`. But can also be an extension type such as :class:`.AssociationProxy` or :class:`.hybrid_property`. The :attr:`._InspectionAttr.extension_type` will refer to a constant identifying the specific subtype. .. seealso:: :attr:`.Mapper.all_orm_descriptors` """ is_clause_element = False """True if this object is an instance of :class:`.ClauseElement`.""" extension_type = NOT_EXTENSION """The extension type, if any. Defaults to :data:`.interfaces.NOT_EXTENSION` .. versionadded:: 0.8.0 .. seealso:: :data:`.HYBRID_METHOD` :data:`.HYBRID_PROPERTY` :data:`.ASSOCIATION_PROXY` """ class _MappedAttribute(object): """Mixin for attributes which should be replaced by mapper-assigned attributes. """ class MapperProperty(_MappedAttribute, _InspectionAttr): """Manage the relationship of a ``Mapper`` to a single class attribute, as well as that attribute as it appears on individual instances of the class, including attribute instrumentation, attribute access, loading behavior, and dependency calculations. The most common occurrences of :class:`.MapperProperty` are the mapped :class:`.Column`, which is represented in a mapping as an instance of :class:`.ColumnProperty`, and a reference to another class produced by :func:`.relationship`, represented in the mapping as an instance of :class:`.RelationshipProperty`. """ cascade = frozenset() """The set of 'cascade' attribute names. This collection is checked before the 'cascade_iterator' method is called. """ is_property = True def setup(self, context, entity, path, adapter, **kwargs): """Called by Query for the purposes of constructing a SQL statement. Each MapperProperty associated with the target mapper processes the statement referenced by the query context, adding columns and/or criterion as appropriate. """ pass def create_row_processor(self, context, path, mapper, row, adapter): """Return a 3-tuple consisting of three row processing functions. """ return None, None, None def cascade_iterator(self, type_, state, visited_instances=None, halt_on=None): """Iterate through instances related to the given instance for a particular 'cascade', starting with this MapperProperty. Return an iterator3-tuples (instance, mapper, state). Note that the 'cascade' collection on this MapperProperty is checked first for the given type before cascade_iterator is called. See PropertyLoader for the related instance implementation. """ return iter(()) def set_parent(self, parent, init): self.parent = parent def instrument_class(self, mapper): # pragma: no-coverage raise NotImplementedError() @util.memoized_property def info(self): """Info dictionary associated with the object, allowing user-defined data to be associated with this :class:`.MapperProperty`. The dictionary is generated when first accessed. Alternatively, it can be specified as a constructor argument to the :func:`.column_property`, :func:`.relationship`, or :func:`.composite` functions. .. versionadded:: 0.8 Added support for .info to all :class:`.MapperProperty` subclasses. .. seealso:: :attr:`` :attr:`` """ return {} _configure_started = False _configure_finished = False def init(self): """Called after all mappers are created to assemble relationships between mappers and perform other post-mapper-creation initialization steps. """ self._configure_started = True self.do_init() self._configure_finished = True @property def class_attribute(self): """Return the class-bound descriptor corresponding to this :class:`.MapperProperty`. This is basically a ``getattr()`` call:: return getattr(self.parent.class_, self.key) I.e. if this :class:`.MapperProperty` were named ``addresses``, and the class to which it is mapped is ``User``, this sequence is possible:: >>> from sqlalchemy import inspect >>> mapper = inspect(User) >>> addresses_property = mapper.attrs.addresses >>> addresses_property.class_attribute is User.addresses True >>> is addresses_property True """ return getattr(self.parent.class_, self.key) def do_init(self): """Perform subclass-specific initialization post-mapper-creation steps. This is a template method called by the ``MapperProperty`` object's init() method. """ pass def post_instrument_class(self, mapper): """Perform instrumentation adjustments that need to occur after init() has completed. """ pass def is_primary(self): """Return True if this ``MapperProperty``'s mapper is the primary mapper for its class. This flag is used to indicate that the ``MapperProperty`` can define attribute instrumentation for the class at the class level (as opposed to the individual instance level). """ return not self.parent.non_primary def merge(self, session, source_state, source_dict, dest_state, dest_dict, load, _recursive): """Merge the attribute represented by this ``MapperProperty`` from source to destination object""" pass def compare(self, operator, value, **kw): """Return a compare operation for the columns represented by this ``MapperProperty`` to the given value, which may be a column value or an instance. 'operator' is an operator from the operators module, or from sql.Comparator. By default uses the PropComparator attached to this MapperProperty under the attribute name "comparator". """ return operator(self.comparator, value) def __repr__(self): return '<%s at 0x%x; %s>' % ( self.__class__.__name__, id(self), getattr(self, 'key', 'no key')) class PropComparator(operators.ColumnOperators): """Defines boolean, comparison, and other operators for :class:`.MapperProperty` objects. SQLAlchemy allows for operators to be redefined at both the Core and ORM level. :class:`.PropComparator` is the base class of operator redefinition for ORM-level operations, including those of :class:`.ColumnProperty`, :class:`.RelationshipProperty`, and :class:`.CompositeProperty`. .. note:: With the advent of Hybrid properties introduced in SQLAlchemy 0.7, as well as Core-level operator redefinition in SQLAlchemy 0.8, the use case for user-defined :class:`.PropComparator` instances is extremely rare. See :ref:`hybrids_toplevel` as well as :ref:`types_operators`. User-defined subclasses of :class:`.PropComparator` may be created. The built-in Python comparison and math operator methods, such as :meth:`.operators.ColumnOperators.__eq__`, :meth:`.operators.ColumnOperators.__lt__`, and :meth:`.operators.ColumnOperators.__add__`, can be overridden to provide new operator behavior. The custom :class:`.PropComparator` is passed to the :class:`.MapperProperty` instance via the ``comparator_factory`` argument. In each case, the appropriate subclass of :class:`.PropComparator` should be used:: # definition of custom PropComparator subclasses from import \\ ColumnProperty,\\ CompositeProperty,\\ RelationshipProperty class MyColumnComparator(ColumnProperty.Comparator): def __eq__(self, other): return self.__clause_element__() == other class MyRelationshipComparator(RelationshipProperty.Comparator): def any(self, expression): "define the 'any' operation" # ... class MyCompositeComparator(CompositeProperty.Comparator): def __gt__(self, other): "redefine the 'greater than' operation" return sql.and_(*[a>b for a, b in zip(self.__clause_element__().clauses, other.__composite_values__())]) # application of custom PropComparator subclasses from sqlalchemy.orm import column_property, relationship, composite from sqlalchemy import Column, String class SomeMappedClass(Base): some_column = column_property(Column("some_column", String), comparator_factory=MyColumnComparator) some_relationship = relationship(SomeOtherClass, comparator_factory=MyRelationshipComparator) some_composite = composite( Column("a", String), Column("b", String), comparator_factory=MyCompositeComparator ) Note that for column-level operator redefinition, it's usually simpler to define the operators at the Core level, using the :attr:`.TypeEngine.comparator_factory` attribute. See :ref:`types_operators` for more detail. See also: :class:`.ColumnProperty.Comparator` :class:`.RelationshipProperty.Comparator` :class:`.CompositeProperty.Comparator` :class:`.ColumnOperators` :ref:`types_operators` :attr:`.TypeEngine.comparator_factory` """ def __init__(self, prop, parentmapper, adapter=None): self.prop = = prop self._parentmapper = parentmapper self.adapter = adapter def __clause_element__(self): raise NotImplementedError("%r" % self) def adapted(self, adapter): """Return a copy of this PropComparator which will use the given adaption function on the local side of generated expressions. """ return self.__class__(self.prop, self._parentmapper, adapter) @util.memoized_property def info(self): return @staticmethod def any_op(a, b, **kwargs): return a.any(b, **kwargs) @staticmethod def has_op(a, b, **kwargs): return a.has(b, **kwargs) @staticmethod def of_type_op(a, class_): return a.of_type(class_) def of_type(self, class_): """Redefine this object in terms of a polymorphic subclass. Returns a new PropComparator from which further criterion can be evaluated. e.g.:: query.join(Company.employees.of_type(Engineer)).\\ filter('foo') :param \class_: a class or mapper indicating that criterion will be against this specific subclass. """ return self.operate(PropComparator.of_type_op, class_) def any(self, criterion=None, **kwargs): """Return true if this collection contains any member that meets the given criterion. The usual implementation of ``any()`` is :meth:`.RelationshipProperty.Comparator.any`. :param criterion: an optional ClauseElement formulated against the member class' table or attributes. :param \**kwargs: key/value pairs corresponding to member class attribute names which will be compared via equality to the corresponding values. """ return self.operate(PropComparator.any_op, criterion, **kwargs) def has(self, criterion=None, **kwargs): """Return true if this element references a member which meets the given criterion. The usual implementation of ``has()`` is :meth:`.RelationshipProperty.Comparator.has`. :param criterion: an optional ClauseElement formulated against the member class' table or attributes. :param \**kwargs: key/value pairs corresponding to member class attribute names which will be compared via equality to the corresponding values. """ return self.operate(PropComparator.has_op, criterion, **kwargs) class StrategizedProperty(MapperProperty): """A MapperProperty which uses selectable strategies to affect loading behavior. There is a single strategy selected by default. Alternate strategies can be selected at Query time through the usage of ``StrategizedOption`` objects via the Query.options() method. """ strategy_wildcard_key = None @util.memoized_property def _wildcard_path(self): if self.strategy_wildcard_key: return ('loaderstrategy', (self.strategy_wildcard_key,)) else: return None def _get_context_strategy(self, context, path): strategy_cls = path._inlined_get_for(self, context, 'loaderstrategy') if not strategy_cls: wc_key = self._wildcard_path if wc_key and wc_key in context.attributes: strategy_cls = context.attributes[wc_key] if strategy_cls: try: return self._strategies[strategy_cls] except KeyError: return self.__init_strategy(strategy_cls) return self.strategy def _get_strategy(self, cls): try: return self._strategies[cls] except KeyError: return self.__init_strategy(cls) def __init_strategy(self, cls): self._strategies[cls] = strategy = cls(self) return strategy def setup(self, context, entity, path, adapter, **kwargs): self._get_context_strategy(context, path).\ setup_query(context, entity, path, adapter, **kwargs) def create_row_processor(self, context, path, mapper, row, adapter): return self._get_context_strategy(context, path).\ create_row_processor(context, path, mapper, row, adapter) def do_init(self): self._strategies = {} self.strategy = self.__init_strategy(self.strategy_class) def post_instrument_class(self, mapper): if self.is_primary() and \ not mapper.class_manager._attr_has_impl(self.key): self.strategy.init_class_attribute(mapper) class MapperOption(object): """Describe a modification to a Query.""" propagate_to_loaders = False """if True, indicate this option should be carried along Query object generated by scalar or object lazy loaders. """ def process_query(self, query): pass def process_query_conditionally(self, query): """same as process_query(), except that this option may not apply to the given query. Used when secondary loaders resend existing options to a new Query.""" self.process_query(query) class PropertyOption(MapperOption): """A MapperOption that is applied to a property off the mapper or one of its child mappers, identified by a dot-separated key or list of class-bound attributes. """ def __init__(self, key, mapper=None): self.key = key self.mapper = mapper def process_query(self, query): self._process(query, True) def process_query_conditionally(self, query): self._process(query, False) def _process(self, query, raiseerr): paths = self._process_paths(query, raiseerr) if paths: self.process_query_property(query, paths) def process_query_property(self, query, paths): pass def __getstate__(self): d = self.__dict__.copy() d['key'] = ret = [] for token in util.to_list(self.key): if isinstance(token, PropComparator): ret.append((token._parentmapper.class_, token.key)) else: ret.append(token) return d def __setstate__(self, state): ret = [] for key in state['key']: if isinstance(key, tuple): cls, propkey = key ret.append(getattr(cls, propkey)) else: ret.append(key) state['key'] = tuple(ret) self.__dict__ = state def _find_entity_prop_comparator(self, query, token, mapper, raiseerr): if orm_util._is_aliased_class(mapper): searchfor = mapper else: searchfor = orm_util._class_to_mapper(mapper) for ent in query._mapper_entities: if ent.corresponds_to(searchfor): return ent else: if raiseerr: if not list(query._mapper_entities): raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( "Query has only expression-based entities - " "can't find property named '%s'." % (token, ) ) else: raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( "Can't find property '%s' on any entity " "specified in this Query. Note the full path " "from root (%s) to target entity must be specified." % (token, ",".join(str(x) for x in query._mapper_entities)) ) else: return None def _find_entity_basestring(self, query, token, raiseerr): for ent in query._mapper_entities: # return only the first _MapperEntity when searching # based on string prop name. Ideally object # attributes are used to specify more exactly. return ent else: if raiseerr: raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( "Query has only expression-based entities - " "can't find property named '%s'." % (token, ) ) else: return None def _process_paths(self, query, raiseerr): """reconcile the 'key' for this PropertyOption with the current path and entities of the query. Return a list of affected paths. """ path = orm_util.PathRegistry.root entity = None paths = [] no_result = [] # _current_path implies we're in a # secondary load with an existing path current_path = list(query._current_path.path) tokens = deque(self.key) while tokens: token = tokens.popleft() if isinstance(token, str): # wildcard token if token.endswith(':*'): return [path.token(token)] sub_tokens = token.split(".", 1) token = sub_tokens[0] tokens.extendleft(sub_tokens[1:]) # exhaust current_path before # matching tokens to entities if current_path: if current_path[1].key == token: current_path = current_path[2:] continue else: return no_result if not entity: entity = self._find_entity_basestring( query, token, raiseerr) if entity is None: return no_result path_element = entity.entity_zero mapper = entity.mapper if hasattr(mapper.class_, token): prop = getattr(mapper.class_, token).property else: if raiseerr: raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( "Can't find property named '%s' on the " "mapped entity %s in this Query. " % ( token, mapper) ) else: return no_result elif isinstance(token, PropComparator): prop = # exhaust current_path before # matching tokens to entities if current_path: if current_path[0:2] == \ [token._parententity, prop]: current_path = current_path[2:] continue else: return no_result if not entity: entity = self._find_entity_prop_comparator( query, prop.key, token._parententity, raiseerr) if not entity: return no_result path_element = entity.entity_zero mapper = entity.mapper else: raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( "mapper option expects " "string key or list of attributes") assert prop is not None if raiseerr and not prop.parent.common_parent(mapper): raise sa_exc.ArgumentError("Attribute '%s' does not " "link from element '%s'" % (token, path_element)) path = path[path_element][prop] paths.append(path) if getattr(token, '_of_type', None): ac = token._of_type ext_info = inspect(ac) path_element = mapper = ext_info.mapper if not ext_info.is_aliased_class: ac = orm_util.with_polymorphic( ext_info.mapper.base_mapper, ext_info.mapper, aliased=True, _use_mapper_path=True) ext_info = inspect(ac) path.set(query, "path_with_polymorphic", ext_info) else: path_element = mapper = getattr(prop, 'mapper', None) if mapper is None and tokens: raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( "Attribute '%s' of entity '%s' does not " "refer to a mapped entity" % (token, entity) ) if current_path: # ran out of tokens before # current_path was exhausted. assert not tokens return no_result return paths class StrategizedOption(PropertyOption): """A MapperOption that affects which LoaderStrategy will be used for an operation by a StrategizedProperty. """ chained = False def process_query_property(self, query, paths): strategy = self.get_strategy_class() if self.chained: for path in paths: path.set( query, "loaderstrategy", strategy ) else: paths[-1].set( query, "loaderstrategy", strategy ) def get_strategy_class(self): raise NotImplementedError() class LoaderStrategy(object): """Describe the loading behavior of a StrategizedProperty object. The ``LoaderStrategy`` interacts with the querying process in three ways: * it controls the configuration of the ``InstrumentedAttribute`` placed on a class to handle the behavior of the attribute. this may involve setting up class-level callable functions to fire off a select operation when the attribute is first accessed (i.e. a lazy load) * it processes the ``QueryContext`` at statement construction time, where it can modify the SQL statement that is being produced. Simple column attributes may add their represented column to the list of selected columns, *eager loading* properties may add ``LEFT OUTER JOIN`` clauses to the statement. * It produces "row processor" functions at result fetching time. These "row processor" functions populate a particular attribute on a particular mapped instance. """ def __init__(self, parent): self.parent_property = parent self.is_class_level = False self.parent = self.parent_property.parent self.key = self.parent_property.key def init_class_attribute(self, mapper): pass def setup_query(self, context, entity, path, adapter, **kwargs): pass def create_row_processor(self, context, path, mapper, row, adapter): """Return row processing functions which fulfill the contract specified by MapperProperty.create_row_processor. StrategizedProperty delegates its create_row_processor method directly to this method. """ return None, None, None def __str__(self): return str(self.parent_property)
import random import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pdb import django_standalone from gui.models import Vectors, Experiment, Results, FullResults, Expansions, Clusters from matplotlib import pylab as plt import seaborn as sns from gui.output_utils import get_cv_scores_many_experiment from gui.user_code import get_demsar_params, pretty_names from gui.constants import CLASSIFIER, METRIC_DB, BOOTSTRAP_REPS, SIGNIFICANCE_LEVEL sns.set_style("whitegrid") rc = {'xtick.labelsize': 16, 'ytick.labelsize': 16, 'axes.labelsize': 18, 'axes.labelweight': '900', 'legend.fontsize': 20, '': 'cursive', 'font.monospace': 'Nimbus Mono L', 'lines.linewidth': 2, 'lines.markersize': 9, 'xtick.major.pad': 20} sns.set_context(rc=rc) plt.rcParams[''] = 'serif' plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 22 from IPython import get_ipython try: get_ipython().magic('matplotlib inline') plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 12, 9 # that's default image size for this plt.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 2 * plt.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] except AttributeError: # when not running in IPython pass def diff_plot(list1, list2, labels, sort_by_magnitude=True, rotation=90): """ Compare the scores of pairs of experiment ids and plot a bar chart of the difference in performance. Can be a bit hard to read though. :param list1, list2: [1,2,3], [4,5,6] means exp 1 is compared to exp 4, etc ... :param labels: labels for the x-axis, one per pair of experiments :param sort_by_magnitude: if true, pairs on x-axis are sorted by magnitude of difference, otherwise by order defined in `ids` """ assert len(list1) == len(list2) == len(labels) diffs = [] for i, (a, b) in enumerate(zip(list1, list2)): significance_df, names, mean_scores = get_demsar_params([a, b], name_format=['id', 'expansions__vectors__id', 'expansions__vectors__composer', 'expansions__vectors__algorithm', 'expansions__vectors__dimensionality']) diffs.append(mean_scores[0] - mean_scores[1]) if significance_df is None: continue if significance_df.significant[0]: labels[i] += '*' df = pd.DataFrame(dict(Model=labels, Delta=diffs)) order = df.Model[df.Delta.argsort()].tolist() # seaborn doesn't like DataFrame-s here print(order) g = sns.factorplot('Model', 'Delta', data=df, kind='bar', x_order=order if sort_by_magnitude else None, aspect=1.5) g.set_xticklabels(rotation=rotation) # remove axis labels for ax in g.axes.flat: ax.set(xlabel='', ylabel='') def diff_plot_bar(lists, list_ids, xticks, rotation=0, xlabel='', ylabel='Accuracy', hline_at=None, legend_title='Method', **kwargs): """ Compare the scores of paired of experiment ids and plot a bar chart or their accuracies. :param list1, list2: [1,2,3], [4,5,6] means exp 1 is compared to exp 4, etc ... :param list1_id, list2_id: name for the first/ second group of experiments, will appear in legend :param xticks: labels for the x-axis, one per pair of experiments, e.g. list('abc') will label the first pair 'a', etc. Will appear as ticks on x axis. If only two lists are provided a significance test is run for each pair and a * is added if pair is significantly different :param rotation: angle of x axis ticks :param hline_at: draw a horizontal line at y=hline_at. Useful for baselines, etc :param kwargs: extra arguments for sns.factorplot """ assert len(set(map(len, lists))) == 1 assert len(list_ids) == len(lists) df_scores, df_reps, df_groups, df_labels = [], [], [], [] if len(lists) == 2: for i, (a, b) in enumerate(zip(*lists)): significance_df, names, mean_scores = get_demsar_params([a, b], name_format=['id', 'expansions__vectors__id', 'expansions__vectors__composer', 'expansions__vectors__algorithm', 'expansions__vectors__dimensionality']) if significance_df is None: continue if significance_df.significant[0]: xticks[i] += '*' for i, exp_ids in enumerate(zip(*lists)): data, folds = get_cv_scores_many_experiment(exp_ids) df_scores.extend(data) df_reps.extend(folds) df_labels.extend(len(folds) * [xticks[i]]) for list_id in list_ids: df_groups.extend(len(folds) // len(lists) * [list_id]) df = pd.DataFrame(dict(Accuracy=df_scores, reps=df_reps, Method=df_groups, labels=df_labels)) df.rename(columns={'Method': legend_title}, inplace=True) g = sns.factorplot(y='Accuracy', hue=legend_title, x='labels', data=df, kind='bar', aspect=1.5, **kwargs); g.set_xticklabels(rotation=rotation); # remove axis labels for ax in g.axes.flat: ax.set(xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel) if hline_at is not None: plt.axhline(hline_at, color='black') def dataframe_from_exp_ids(ids, fields_to_include, abbreviate=True): """ Extracts performance results for given experiments into a long-form DataFrame suitable for seaborn. :param ids: list of ids to extract :param fields_to_include: dict column_name_in_df -> django_query_to_get, e.g. {'algo':'expansions__vectors__algorithm', 'comp':'expansions__vectors__composer'}. The DF in this example will have 4 columns, [score, folds, comp, algo] :param abbreviate: whether to run names of method through the abbreviation map at constants.ABBREVIATIONS :return: """ data = {} scores, folds = get_cv_scores_many_experiment(ids) data['Accuracy'] = scores data['folds'] = folds for col_name, long_name in fields_to_include.items(): param_values = pretty_names(ids, [long_name], abbreviate=abbreviate) data[col_name] = np.repeat(param_values, len(folds) // len(param_values)) for col_name, values in data.items(): print('%s has %d values' % (col_name, len(values))) df = pd.DataFrame(data) return df[df.Accuracy > -1] # remove experiments where results are missing def sort_df_by(df, by): """ Returns the order of items in column `by` in long-form DF that would sort the DF by mean accuracy across folds. Useful for seaborn's x_order, hue_order, etc :param df: :param by: :return: """ mean_scores = df.groupby(by).Accuracy.mean() return list(mean_scores.index[mean_scores.argsort()]) def random_vect_baseline(corpus='amazon_grouped-tagged'): r_id = Experiment.objects.get(expansions__vectors__algorithm='random_vect', labelled=corpus).id return Results.objects.get(id=r_id, classifier=CLASSIFIER).accuracy_mean def nondistributional_baseline(corpus='amazon_grouped-tagged', document_features_tr='J+N+AN+NN', document_features_ev='AN+NN', **kwargs): res = Experiment.objects.get(labelled=corpus, document_features_tr=document_features_tr, document_features_ev=document_features_ev, expansions__decode_handler='BaseFeatureHandler') return Results.objects.get(, classifier=CLASSIFIER).accuracy_mean def settings_of(eid, exclude=[]): """ Returns a dict of the settings needed to query for an experiment, e.g. >>> s = settings_of(21) >>> Experiment.objects.get(**s).id == 21 Useful in two cases: 1) get very similar experiment >>> s['clusters__num_clusters'] = 200 >>> Experiment.objects.get(**s) 2) use GUI to find ID of an interesting experiment, then dump settings into a program :param eid: experiment ID :param exclude: fields to drop :return: """ from copy import deepcopy e = Experiment.objects.get(id=eid) settings = deepcopy(Experiment.objects.filter(id=eid).values()[0]) def _add_vectors_settings(nested_keys, keyword): settings.update({'%s__vectors__%s' % (keyword, k): v for k, v in nested_keys.items()}) del settings['%s__vectors__id' % keyword] try: del settings['%s__vectors_id' % keyword] except KeyError: pass del settings['%s__vectors__path' % keyword] del settings['%s__vectors__size' % keyword] del settings['%s__vectors__modified' % keyword] if e.expansions: nested_keys = Expansions.objects.filter([0] settings.update({'expansions__%s' % k: v for k, v in nested_keys.items()}) del settings['expansions__id'] if e.expansions.vectors: nested_keys = Vectors.objects.filter([0] _add_vectors_settings(nested_keys, 'expansions') if e.clusters: nested_keys = Clusters.objects.filter([0] settings.update({'clusters__%s' % k: v for k, v in nested_keys.items()}) del settings['clusters__id'] del settings['clusters__vectors_id'] del settings['clusters__path'] if e.clusters.vectors: nested_keys = Vectors.objects.filter([0] _add_vectors_settings(nested_keys, 'clusters') del settings['expansions_id'] del settings['clusters_id'] del settings['id'] del settings['git_hash'] del settings['date_ran'] del settings['minutes_taken'] for key in exclude: try: del settings[key] except KeyError: pass return settings def compare_settings(*ids): """ Comparares the settings of several experiments and prints the differences. Useful for when too many experiments are showing up in plots, because the query isn't narrow enough Example: >>> compare_settings(1, 2) expansions__vectors__dimensionality exp 1 exp 2 0 expansions__vectors__composer random_neigh random_vect 1 expansions__vectors__algorithm random_neigh random_vect """ dicts = [settings_of(i) for i in ids] data = [] for key in set().union(*[d.keys() for d in dicts]): in_all = all(key in d for d in dicts) all_equal = len(set(d.get(key, 'N/A') for d in dicts)) == 1 if not (in_all and all_equal): data.append([key] + [d.get(key, 'N/A') for d in dicts]) return pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['key'] + ['exp %d' % i for i in ids]).set_index('key') def sparsify_axis_labels(ax, n=2): """ Sparsify tick labels on the given matplotlib axis, keeping only those whose index is divisible by n """ for idx, label in enumerate(ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels()): if idx % n != 0: label.set_visible(False) def compare_neighbours(vectors, names, words=[], n_neighbours=4): """ Compare the neighbours of several entries in several thesauri :param vectors: list of vectors to look up entries in :param names: pretty (human-readable) names for the vectors :param words: entries to compare. If none are specified, a random sample of 10 unigrams is selected :return: """ if not words: words = random.sample([x for x in vectors[0].keys() if not x.count('_')], 10) data = [] for w in words: this_row = [] for v in vectors: neigh = v.get_nearest_neighbours(w) if neigh: this_row.append(', '.join(n[0] for n in neigh[:n_neighbours])) else: this_row.append(None) data.append(this_row) return pd.DataFrame(data, index=words, columns=names) def my_bootstrap(*args, **kwargs): return np.vstack(args) def tsplot_for_facetgrid(*args, **kwargs): """ sns.tsplot does not work with (all condition in a subplot are drawn in the same color). This is because either tsplot misinterprets the color parameter, or because FacetGrid incorrectly decides to pass in a color parameter to tsplot. Not sure which in which, but removing that parameter fixes the problem """ if 'color' in kwargs: kwargs.pop('color') sns.tsplot(*args, **kwargs) def performance_table(df): def ci_width(scores): low = np.percentile(scores, 100 * (SIGNIFICANCE_LEVEL / 2)) high = np.percentile(scores, 100 - 100 * (SIGNIFICANCE_LEVEL / 2)) return (high - low) / 2 cols = set(df.columns) - set('id Accuracy folds'.split()) print('keeping', cols) return df.groupby(sorted(list(cols))).agg([np.mean, ci_width]).Accuracy * 100
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4 from __future__ import division, with_statement import re import os import shutil from glob import glob import subprocess from urllib import quote import ox from ox.django.fields import TupleField from django.conf import settings from django.db import models, transaction from django.db.models import Max from django.contrib.auth.models import User from annotation.models import Annotation from item.models import Item from archive import extract import managers class Edit(models.Model): class Meta: unique_together = ("user", "name") objects = managers.EditManager() created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) modified = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) user = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name='edits') name = models.CharField(max_length=255) status = models.CharField(max_length=20, default='private') _status = ['private', 'public', 'featured'] description = models.TextField(default='') rightslevel = models.IntegerField(db_index=True, default=0) icon = models.ImageField(default=None, blank=True, null=True, upload_to=lambda i, x: i.path("icon.jpg")) poster_frames = TupleField(default=[], editable=False) subscribed_users = models.ManyToManyField(User, related_name='subscribed_edits') def __unicode__(self): return u'%s (%s)' % (, self.user) def get_id(self): return u'%s:%s' % (self.user.username, def get_absolute_url(self): return ('/edits/%s' % quote(self.get_id())).replace('%3A', ':') def add_clip(self, data, index): ids = [i['id'] for i in self.clips.order_by('index').values('id')] clip = Clip(edit=self) if 'annotation' in data and data['annotation']: clip.annotation = Annotation.objects.get(public_id=data['annotation']) clip.item = clip.annotation.item else: clip.item = Item.objects.get(itemId=data['item']) clip.start = data['in'] clip.end = data['out'] clip.index = index # dont add clip if in/out are invalid if not clip.annotation: duration = clip.item.sort.duration if clip.start >= clip.end or clip.start >= duration or clip.end > duration: return False ids.insert(index, index = 0 with transaction.commit_on_success(): for i in ids: Clip.objects.filter(id=i).update(index=index) index += 1 return clip def accessible(self, user): return self.user == user or self.status in ('public', 'featured') def editable(self, user): if not user or user.is_anonymous(): return False if self.user == user or \ user.is_staff or \ user.get_profile().capability('canEditFeaturedEdits') == True: return True return False def edit(self, data, user): for key in data: if key == 'status': value = data[key] if value not in self._status: value = self._status[0] if value == 'private': for user in self.subscribed_users.all(): self.subscribed_users.remove(user) qs = Position.objects.filter(user=user, section='section', edit=self) if qs.count() > 1: pos = qs[0] pos.section = 'personal' elif value == 'featured': if user.get_profile().capability('canEditFeaturedEdits'): pos, created = Position.objects.get_or_create(edit=self, user=user, section='featured') if created: qs = Position.objects.filter(user=user, section='featured') pos.position = qs.aggregate(Max('position'))['position__max'] + 1 Position.objects.filter(edit=self).exclude( else: value = self.status elif self.status == 'featured' and value == 'public': Position.objects.filter(edit=self).delete() pos, created = Position.objects.get_or_create(edit=self, user=self.user,section='personal') qs = Position.objects.filter(user=self.user, section='personal') pos.position = qs.aggregate(Max('position'))['position__max'] + 1 for u in self.subscribed_users.all(): pos, created = Position.objects.get_or_create(edit=self, user=u, section='public') qs = Position.objects.filter(user=u, section='public') pos.position = qs.aggregate(Max('position'))['position__max'] + 1 self.status = value elif key == 'name': data['name'] = re.sub(' \[\d+\]$', '', data['name']).strip() if not data['name']: data['name'] = "Untitled" name = data['name'] num = 1 while Edit.objects.filter(name=name, user=self.user).exclude(>0: num += 1 name = data['name'] + ' [%d]' % num = name elif key == 'description': self.description = ox.sanitize_html(data['description']) elif key == 'rightslevel': self.rightslevel = int(data['rightslevel']) if 'position' in data: pos, created = Position.objects.get_or_create(edit=self, user=user) pos.position = data['position'] pos.section = 'featured' if self.status == 'private': pos.section = 'personal' if 'type' in data: self.type = data['type'] == 'pdf' and 'pdf' or 'html' if 'posterFrames' in data: self.poster_frames = tuple(data['posterFrames']) if 'posterFrames' in data: self.update_icon() def path(self, name=''): h = "%07d" % return os.path.join('edits', h[:2], h[2:4], h[4:6], h[6:], name) def get_items(self, user=None): return Item.objects.filter(editclips__id__in=self.clips.all()).distinct() def update_icon(self): frames = [] if not self.poster_frames: items = self.get_items(self.user).filter(rendered=True) if items.count(): poster_frames = [] for i in range(0, items.count(), max(1, int(items.count()/4))): poster_frames.append({ 'item': items[int(i)].itemId, 'position': items[int(i)].poster_frame }) self.poster_frames = tuple(poster_frames) for i in self.poster_frames: qs = Item.objects.filter(itemId=i['item']) if qs.count() > 0: frame = qs[0].frame(i['position']) if frame: frames.append(frame) = self.path('icon.jpg') icon = self.icon.path if frames: while len(frames) < 4: frames += frames folder = os.path.dirname(icon) ox.makedirs(folder) for f in glob("%s/icon*.jpg" % folder): os.unlink(f) cmd = [ settings.LIST_ICON, '-f', ','.join(frames), '-o', icon ] p = subprocess.Popen(cmd) p.wait() def get_icon(self, size=16): path = self.path('icon%d.jpg' % size) path = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, path) if not os.path.exists(path): folder = os.path.dirname(path) ox.makedirs(folder) if self.icon and os.path.exists(self.icon.path): source = self.icon.path max_size = min(self.icon.width, self.icon.height) else: source = os.path.join(settings.STATIC_ROOT, 'jpg/list256.jpg') max_size = 256 if size < max_size: extract.resize_image(source, path, size=size) else: path = source return path def json(self, keys=None, user=None): if not keys: keys=[ 'description', 'editable', 'rightslevel', 'id', 'items', 'clips', 'duration', 'name', 'posterFrames', 'status', 'subscribed', 'user' ] response = { 'type': 'static' } _map = { 'posterFrames': 'poster_frames' } for key in keys: if key == 'id': response[key] = self.get_id() elif key == 'items': response[key] = self.clips.all().count() elif key == 'clips': response[key] = [c.json(user) for c in self.clips.all().order_by('index')] elif key == 'duration': if 'clips' in response: clips = response['clips'] else: clips = [c.json(user) for c in self.clips.all().order_by('index')] response[key] = sum([c['duration'] for c in clips]) elif key == 'editable': response[key] = self.editable(user) elif key == 'user': response[key] = self.user.username elif key == 'subscribers': response[key] = self.subscribed_users.all().count() elif key == 'subscribed': if user and not user.is_anonymous(): response[key] = self.subscribed_users.filter( elif hasattr(self, _map.get(key, key)): response[key] = getattr(self, _map.get(key,key)) return response def render(self): #creating a new file from clips tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp() clips = [] for clip in self.clips.all().order_by('index'): data = clip.json() clips.append(os.path.join(tmp, '%06d.webm' % data['index'])) cmd = ['avconv', '-i', path, '-ss', data['in'], '-t', data['out'], '-vcodec', 'copy', '-acodec', 'copy', clips[-1]] #p = subprocess.Popen(cmd) #p.wait() cmd = ['mkvmerge', clips[0]] \ + ['+'+c for c in clips[1:]] \ + [os.path.join(tmp, 'render.webm')] #p = subprocess.Popen(cmd) #p.wait() shutil.rmtree(tmp) class Clip(models.Model): created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) modified = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) edit = models.ForeignKey(Edit, related_name='clips') index = models.IntegerField(default=0) item = models.ForeignKey(Item, null=True, default=None, related_name='editclip') annotation = models.ForeignKey(Annotation, null=True, default=None, related_name='editclip') start = models.FloatField(default=0) end = models.FloatField(default=0) duration = models.FloatField(default=0) hue = models.FloatField(default=0) saturation= models.FloatField(default=0) lightness= models.FloatField(default=0) volume = models.FloatField(default=0) def __unicode__(self): if self.annotation: return u'%s' % self.annotation.public_id return u'%s/%0.3f-%0.3f' % (self.item.itemId, self.start, self.end) def get_id(self): return ox.toAZ( def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.duration != self.end - self.start: self.update_calculated_values() super(Clip, self).save(*args, **kwargs) def update_calculated_values(self): start = self.start end = self.end self.duration = end - start if int(end*25) - int(start*25) > 0: self.hue, self.saturation, self.lightness = extract.average_color( self.item.timeline_prefix, self.start, self.end) self.volume = extract.average_volume(self.item.timeline_prefix, self.start, self.end) else: self.hue = self.saturation = self.lightness = 0 self.volume = 0 def json(self, user=None): data = { 'id': self.get_id(), 'index': self.index } if self.annotation: data['annotation'] = self.annotation.public_id data['item'] = self.item.itemId data['in'] = self.annotation.start data['out'] = self.annotation.end data['parts'] = self.annotation.item.json['parts'] data['durations'] = self.annotation.item.json['durations'] else: data['item'] = self.item.itemId data['in'] = self.start data['out'] = self.end data['parts'] = self.item.json['parts'] data['durations'] = self.item.json['durations'] for key in ('title', 'director', 'year', 'videoRatio'): value = self.item.json.get(key) if value: data[key] = value data['duration'] = data['out'] - data['in'] data['cuts'] = tuple([c for c in self.item.get('cuts') if c > self.start and c < self.end]) return data class Position(models.Model): class Meta: unique_together = ("user", "edit", "section") edit = models.ForeignKey(Edit, related_name='position') user = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name='edit_position') section = models.CharField(max_length='255') position = models.IntegerField(default=0) def __unicode__(self): return u'%s/%s/%s' % (self.section, self.position, self.edit)
from starlette.datastructures import URL from starlette.responses import RedirectResponse from starlette.types import ASGIApp, Receive, Scope, Send class HTTPSRedirectMiddleware: def __init__(self, app: ASGIApp) -> None: = app async def __call__(self, scope: Scope, receive: Receive, send: Send) -> None: if scope["type"] in ("http", "websocket") and scope["scheme"] in ("http", "ws"): url = URL(scope=scope) redirect_scheme = {"http": "https", "ws": "wss"}[url.scheme] netloc = url.hostname if url.port in (80, 443) else url.netloc url = url.replace(scheme=redirect_scheme, netloc=netloc) response = RedirectResponse(url, status_code=307) await response(scope, receive, send) else: await, receive, send)
# # Copyright (c) 2008-2015 Citrix Systems, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # from import base_resource from import base_response from import options from import nitro_exception from import nitro_util class dnsaction64(base_resource) : """ Configuration for dns64 action resource. """ def __init__(self) : self._actionname = "" self._prefix = "" self._mappedrule = "" self._excluderule = "" self._builtin = [] self.___count = 0 @property def actionname(self) : ur"""Name of the dns64 action. """ try : return self._actionname except Exception as e: raise e @actionname.setter def actionname(self, actionname) : ur"""Name of the dns64 action. """ try : self._actionname = actionname except Exception as e: raise e @property def prefix(self) : ur"""The dns64 prefix to be used if the after evaluating the rules. """ try : return self._prefix except Exception as e: raise e @prefix.setter def prefix(self, prefix) : ur"""The dns64 prefix to be used if the after evaluating the rules. """ try : self._prefix = prefix except Exception as e: raise e @property def mappedrule(self) : ur"""The expression to select the criteria for ipv4 addresses to be used for synthesis. Only if the mappedrule is evaluated to true the corresponding ipv4 address is used for synthesis using respective prefix, otherwise the A RR is discarded. """ try : return self._mappedrule except Exception as e: raise e @mappedrule.setter def mappedrule(self, mappedrule) : ur"""The expression to select the criteria for ipv4 addresses to be used for synthesis. Only if the mappedrule is evaluated to true the corresponding ipv4 address is used for synthesis using respective prefix, otherwise the A RR is discarded. """ try : self._mappedrule = mappedrule except Exception as e: raise e @property def excluderule(self) : ur"""The expression to select the criteria for eliminating the corresponding ipv6 addresses from the response. """ try : return self._excluderule except Exception as e: raise e @excluderule.setter def excluderule(self, excluderule) : ur"""The expression to select the criteria for eliminating the corresponding ipv6 addresses from the response. """ try : self._excluderule = excluderule except Exception as e: raise e @property def builtin(self) : ur"""Flag to determine whether dna64action is default or not.<br/>Possible values = MODIFIABLE, DELETABLE, IMMUTABLE. """ try : return self._builtin except Exception as e: raise e def _get_nitro_response(self, service, response) : ur""" converts nitro response into object and returns the object array in case of get request. """ try : result = service.payload_formatter.string_to_resource(dnsaction64_response, response, self.__class__.__name__) if(result.errorcode != 0) : if (result.errorcode == 444) : service.clear_session(self) if result.severity : if (result.severity == "ERROR") : raise nitro_exception(result.errorcode, str(result.message), str(result.severity)) else : raise nitro_exception(result.errorcode, str(result.message), str(result.severity)) return result.dnsaction64 except Exception as e : raise e def _get_object_name(self) : ur""" Returns the value of object identifier argument """ try : if self.actionname is not None : return str(self.actionname) return None except Exception as e : raise e @classmethod def add(cls, client, resource) : ur""" Use this API to add dnsaction64. """ try : if type(resource) is not list : addresource = dnsaction64() addresource.actionname = resource.actionname addresource.prefix = resource.prefix addresource.mappedrule = resource.mappedrule addresource.excluderule = resource.excluderule return addresource.add_resource(client) else : if (resource and len(resource) > 0) : addresources = [ dnsaction64() for _ in range(len(resource))] for i in range(len(resource)) : addresources[i].actionname = resource[i].actionname addresources[i].prefix = resource[i].prefix addresources[i].mappedrule = resource[i].mappedrule addresources[i].excluderule = resource[i].excluderule result = cls.add_bulk_request(client, addresources) return result except Exception as e : raise e @classmethod def delete(cls, client, resource) : ur""" Use this API to delete dnsaction64. """ try : if type(resource) is not list : deleteresource = dnsaction64() if type(resource) != type(deleteresource): deleteresource.actionname = resource else : deleteresource.actionname = resource.actionname return deleteresource.delete_resource(client) else : if type(resource[0]) != cls : if (resource and len(resource) > 0) : deleteresources = [ dnsaction64() for _ in range(len(resource))] for i in range(len(resource)) : deleteresources[i].actionname = resource[i] else : if (resource and len(resource) > 0) : deleteresources = [ dnsaction64() for _ in range(len(resource))] for i in range(len(resource)) : deleteresources[i].actionname = resource[i].actionname result = cls.delete_bulk_request(client, deleteresources) return result except Exception as e : raise e @classmethod def update(cls, client, resource) : ur""" Use this API to update dnsaction64. """ try : if type(resource) is not list : updateresource = dnsaction64() updateresource.actionname = resource.actionname updateresource.prefix = resource.prefix updateresource.mappedrule = resource.mappedrule updateresource.excluderule = resource.excluderule return updateresource.update_resource(client) else : if (resource and len(resource) > 0) : updateresources = [ dnsaction64() for _ in range(len(resource))] for i in range(len(resource)) : updateresources[i].actionname = resource[i].actionname updateresources[i].prefix = resource[i].prefix updateresources[i].mappedrule = resource[i].mappedrule updateresources[i].excluderule = resource[i].excluderule result = cls.update_bulk_request(client, updateresources) return result except Exception as e : raise e @classmethod def unset(cls, client, resource, args) : ur""" Use this API to unset the properties of dnsaction64 resource. Properties that need to be unset are specified in args array. """ try : if type(resource) is not list : unsetresource = dnsaction64() if type(resource) != type(unsetresource): unsetresource.actionname = resource else : unsetresource.actionname = resource.actionname return unsetresource.unset_resource(client, args) else : if type(resource[0]) != cls : if (resource and len(resource) > 0) : unsetresources = [ dnsaction64() for _ in range(len(resource))] for i in range(len(resource)) : unsetresources[i].actionname = resource[i] else : if (resource and len(resource) > 0) : unsetresources = [ dnsaction64() for _ in range(len(resource))] for i in range(len(resource)) : unsetresources[i].actionname = resource[i].actionname result = cls.unset_bulk_request(client, unsetresources, args) return result except Exception as e : raise e @classmethod def get(cls, client, name="", option_="") : ur""" Use this API to fetch all the dnsaction64 resources that are configured on netscaler. """ try : if not name : obj = dnsaction64() response = obj.get_resources(client, option_) else : if type(name) != cls : if type(name) is not list : obj = dnsaction64() obj.actionname = name response = obj.get_resource(client, option_) else : if name and len(name) > 0 : response = [dnsaction64() for _ in range(len(name))] obj = [dnsaction64() for _ in range(len(name))] for i in range(len(name)) : obj[i] = dnsaction64() obj[i].actionname = name[i] response[i] = obj[i].get_resource(client, option_) return response except Exception as e : raise e @classmethod def get_filtered(cls, client, filter_) : ur""" Use this API to fetch filtered set of dnsaction64 resources. filter string should be in JSON "port:80,servicetype:HTTP". """ try : obj = dnsaction64() option_ = options() option_.filter = filter_ response = obj.getfiltered(client, option_) return response except Exception as e : raise e @classmethod def count(cls, client) : ur""" Use this API to count the dnsaction64 resources configured on NetScaler. """ try : obj = dnsaction64() option_ = options() option_.count = True response = obj.get_resources(client, option_) if response : return response[0].__dict__['___count'] return 0 except Exception as e : raise e @classmethod def count_filtered(cls, client, filter_) : ur""" Use this API to count filtered the set of dnsaction64 resources. Filter string should be in JSON "port:80,servicetype:HTTP". """ try : obj = dnsaction64() option_ = options() option_.count = True option_.filter = filter_ response = obj.getfiltered(client, option_) if response : return response[0].__dict__['___count'] return 0 except Exception as e : raise e class Builtin: MODIFIABLE = "MODIFIABLE" DELETABLE = "DELETABLE" IMMUTABLE = "IMMUTABLE" class dnsaction64_response(base_response) : def __init__(self, length=1) : self.dnsaction64 = [] self.errorcode = 0 self.message = "" self.severity = "" self.sessionid = "" self.dnsaction64 = [dnsaction64() for _ in range(length)]