1 value
15 values
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django 1.9.9 on 2017-05-28 02:00 from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('personas', '0034_auto_20170527_1648'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterField( model_name='itemctto', name='DescripItem', field=models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=150, null=True), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='itemodc', name='DescripItem', field=models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=150, null=True), ), ]
#!/usr/bin/env python # Plot nurbs surface corresponding to a 2D damped oscillation. # The surface has two holes. A Teapot below the surface is # visible through these holes. # # Copyright (C) 2007 "Peter Roesch" <[email protected]> # # This code is licensed under the PyOpenGL License. # Details are given in the file license.txt included in this distribution. import sys import math from time import sleep import traceback try: from OpenGL.GLUT import * from OpenGL.GL import * from OpenGL.GLU import * except ImportError, err: traceback.print_exc() print ''' Error: PyOpenGL not installed properly!!''' sys.exit( ) # globals animationAngle = 0.0 frameRate = 25 curr_time=0.0 nurbsID=0 def animationStep( ): """Update animated parameters""" global animationAngle global frameRate animationAngle += 1 while animationAngle > 360: animationAngle -= 360 global curr_time curr_time+=0.05 global nurbsID glDeleteLists( nurbsID, 1 ) nurbsID = glGenLists( 1 ) glNewList( nurbsID, GL_COMPILE ) plotSurface( curr_time ) glEndList( ) sleep( 1 / float( frameRate ) ) glutPostRedisplay( ) sigma = 0.5; twoSigSq = 2. * sigma * sigma; def dampedOscillation( u, v, t): """Calculation of a R2 -> R1 function at position u,v at curr_time t. A t-dependent cosine function is multiplied with a 2D gaussian. Both functions depend on the distance of (u,v) to the origin.""" distSq = u * u + v * v; dist = math.pi * 4 * math.sqrt( distSq ); global twoSigSq return 0.5 * math.exp(-distSq / twoSigSq) * math.cos(dist - t); nPts = 15 degree = 4 samplingTolerance=2.0 xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax = -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0 xStep = (xMax-xMin)/(nPts-1) yStep = (yMax-yMin)/(nPts-1) # initialise a list representing a regular 2D grid of control points. controlPoints = [ \ [ [ yMin+y*yStep, xMin+x*xStep, 0.0 ] for x in range ( nPts )]\ for y in range( nPts ) ] # initialise knots ... knots = [ 0.0 for i in range( degree/2 ) ] +\ [ float(i)/(nPts-1) for i in range( nPts )] +\ [ 1.0 for i in range( (degree+1)/2 ) ] # initialise enclosing enclosing=[ [0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0] ] # first trim curve is a circle angleNum = 16 angles = [ -2*math.pi*float(i)/angleNum for i in range( angleNum ) ] radius=0.05 offset=(0.4, 0.6) circleDegree=degree circlePoints = [ \ [ offset[0]+radius*math.cos(theta), offset[1]+radius*math.sin(theta) ]\ for theta in angles ] for i in range( circleDegree-1 ): circlePoints = circlePoints + [ circlePoints[i] ] knotNum = len( circlePoints ) + circleDegree circleKnots = [ float(i)/(knotNum-1) for i in range( knotNum ) ] # second trim curve is a square squareHolePoints=[ [0.4, 0.4], [0.4, 0.45], [0.45, 0.45],\ [0.45, 0.4], [0.4, 0.4] ] def updateControlPoints( t ): """Calculate function values for all 2D grid points.""" for row in controlPoints: for coord in row: coord[2] = dampedOscillation( coord[0], coord[1], t ) def plotSurface( t ): # display surface updateControlPoints( t ) global controlPoints, knots global nurb gluBeginSurface( nurb ) gluNurbsSurface ( nurb, knots, knots, controlPoints, GL_MAP2_VERTEX_3 ) # trim curve enclosing gluBeginTrim( nurb ) global enclosing gluPwlCurve( nurb, enclosing, GLU_MAP1_TRIM_2 ) gluEndTrim( nurb ) # trim using square gluBeginTrim( nurb ) global squareHolePoints gluPwlCurve( nurb, squareHolePoints, GLU_MAP1_TRIM_2 ) gluEndTrim( nurb ) # trim using circle gluBeginTrim( nurb ) global circlePoints, circleKnots gluNurbsCurve ( nurb, circleKnots, circlePoints, GLU_MAP1_TRIM_2 ) gluEndTrim( nurb ) gluEndSurface( nurb ) def display( ): """Glut display function.""" glClear( GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT ) glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION ) glLoadIdentity( ) xSize, ySize = glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH ), glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT ) gluPerspective(60, float(xSize) / float(ySize), 0.1, 50) glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW ) glLoadIdentity( ) glPushMatrix( ) glTranslatef( 0, 0, -3 ) glRotatef( -30, 1, .3, 0) glRotatef( animationAngle, 0, 0, 1 ) glMaterialfv( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT, [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1] ) glMaterialfv( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, [0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1] ) glCallList( nurbsID ) glPopMatrix( ) glMaterialfv( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT, [0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 1] ) glMaterialfv( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, [0.0, 0.0, 0.7, 1] ) glTranslatef( 0.0, 0.0, -12.0 ) glCallList( teapotID ) glutSwapBuffers( ) teapotID=0 nurb=None def init( ): """Glut init function.""" glClearColor ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST ) glShadeModel( GL_SMOOTH ) glEnable( GL_LIGHTING ) glEnable( GL_LIGHT0 ) glLightModeli( GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE, 0 ) glLightfv( GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, [2, 0, 10, 1] ) lA = 0.8; glLightfv( GL_LIGHT0, GL_AMBIENT, [lA, lA, lA, 1] ) lD = 1; glLightfv( GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, [lD, lD, lD, 1] ) lS = 1; glLightfv( GL_LIGHT0, GL_SPECULAR, [lS, lS, lS, 1] ) glMaterialfv( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1] ) glMaterialf( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SHININESS, 50 ) glEnable( GL_AUTO_NORMAL ) global nurb nurb = gluNewNurbsRenderer() global samplingTolerance gluNurbsProperty(nurb, GLU_SAMPLING_TOLERANCE, samplingTolerance) gluNurbsProperty(nurb, GLU_DISPLAY_MODE, GLU_FILL) global teapotID teapotID = glGenLists( 1 ) glNewList( teapotID, GL_COMPILE ) glutSolidTeapot( 1.0 ) glEndList( ) global nurbsID nurbsID = glGenLists( 1 ) glNewList( nurbsID, GL_COMPILE ) global curr_time plotSurface( curr_time ) glEndList( ) glutInit( sys.argv ) glutInitDisplayMode( GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DEPTH ) glutInitWindowSize( 250, 250 ) glutInitWindowPosition( 100, 100 ) glutCreateWindow( sys.argv[0] ) init( ) glutDisplayFunc( display ) glutIdleFunc( animationStep ) glutMainLoop( )
#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None): from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration config = Configuration('lobpcg',parent_package,top_path) config.add_data_dir('tests') return config if __name__ == '__main__': from numpy.distutils.core import setup setup(**configuration(top_path='').todict())
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from random import randint """ 算法的思想是首先排序,然后从一端开始累加,在遇到使得结果值大于等于0.5的值的权的时候就把这个元素返回。 由于带权中位数偏向于大端,所以从大端开始累加。 证明算法的正确性:首先在返回结果的时候肯定在小的一端满足结果。这个时候可以证明在上一次的时候必定有累加 值小于0.5,否则就返回了。 """ def partition(li, start, end): li_len = end - start + 1 if li_len < 2: raise ValueError("list which lenght is less then 2 do not need to partition") # 使用随机元素元素作为分割点并且把随机元素放在列表最后 # 这样就可以不变动原来的逻辑了 key_index = randint(start, end) key = li[key_index] li[key_index], li[end] = li[end], li[key_index] middle_index = start for x in xrange(start, end): if li[x] < key: li[middle_index], li[x] = li[x], li[middle_index] middle_index += 1 li[end], li[middle_index] = li[middle_index], li[end] return middle_index def sort(li, start, end): li_len = end - start + 1 if li_len < 2: return li middle_index = partition(li, start, end) sort(li, start, middle_index - 1) sort(li, middle_index + 1, end) return li def find_weight_middle(li): li_len = len(li) sorted_list = sort(li, 0, li_len - 1) weight_sum = 0 for x in reversed(xrange(0, li_len)): weight_sum += li[x] if weight_sum > 0.5: return li[x] elif weight_sum == 0.5: return li[x - 1] def main(): l = [0.1, 0.35, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.05, 0.2] print find_weight_middle(l) print sort(l, 0, len(l) - 1) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
try: set except NameError: from sets import Set as set from django import template from django.http import Http404 from django.core.paginator import Paginator, InvalidPage from django.conf import settings register = template.Library() DEFAULT_PAGINATION = getattr(settings, 'PAGINATION_DEFAULT_PAGINATION', 20) DEFAULT_WINDOW = getattr(settings, 'PAGINATION_DEFAULT_WINDOW', 4) DEFAULT_ORPHANS = getattr(settings, 'PAGINATION_DEFAULT_ORPHANS', 0) INVALID_PAGE_RAISES_404 = getattr(settings, 'PAGINATION_INVALID_PAGE_RAISES_404', False) def do_autopaginate(parser, token): """ Splits the arguments to the autopaginate tag and formats them correctly. """ split = token.split_contents() as_index = None context_var = None for i, bit in enumerate(split): if bit == 'as': as_index = i break if as_index is not None: try: context_var = split[as_index + 1] except IndexError: raise template.TemplateSyntaxError("Context variable assignment " +\ "must take the form of {%% %r object.example_set.all ... as " +\ "context_var_name %%}" % split[0]) del split[as_index:as_index + 2] if len(split) == 2: return AutoPaginateNode(split[1]) elif len(split) == 3: return AutoPaginateNode(split[1], paginate_by=split[2], context_var=context_var) elif len(split) == 4: try: orphans = int(split[3]) except ValueError: raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(u'Got %s, but expected integer.' % split[3]) return AutoPaginateNode(split[1], paginate_by=split[2], orphans=orphans, context_var=context_var) else: raise template.TemplateSyntaxError('%r tag takes one required ' + \ 'argument and one optional argument' % split[0]) class AutoPaginateNode(template.Node): """ Emits the required objects to allow for Digg-style pagination. First, it looks in the current context for the variable specified, and using that object, it emits a simple ``Paginator`` and the current page object into the context names ``paginator`` and ``page_obj``, respectively. It will then replace the variable specified with only the objects for the current page. .. note:: It is recommended to use *{% paginate %}* after using the autopaginate tag. If you choose not to use *{% paginate %}*, make sure to display the list of available pages, or else the application may seem to be buggy. """ def __init__(self, queryset_var, paginate_by=DEFAULT_PAGINATION, orphans=DEFAULT_ORPHANS, context_var=None): self.queryset_var = template.Variable(queryset_var) if isinstance(paginate_by, int): self.paginate_by = paginate_by else: self.paginate_by = template.Variable(paginate_by) self.orphans = orphans self.context_var = context_var def render(self, context): key = self.queryset_var.var value = self.queryset_var.resolve(context) if isinstance(self.paginate_by, int): paginate_by = self.paginate_by else: paginate_by = self.paginate_by.resolve(context) paginator = Paginator(value, paginate_by, self.orphans) try: page_obj =['request'].page) except InvalidPage: if INVALID_PAGE_RAISES_404: raise Http404('Invalid page requested. If DEBUG were set to ' + 'False, an HTTP 404 page would have been shown instead.') context[key] = [] context['invalid_page'] = True return u'' if self.context_var is not None: context[self.context_var] = page_obj.object_list else: context[key] = page_obj.object_list context['paginator'] = paginator context['page_obj'] = page_obj return u'' def paginate(context, window=DEFAULT_WINDOW, float='right'): """ Renders the ``pagination/pagination.html`` template, resulting in a Digg-like display of the available pages, given the current page. If there are too many pages to be displayed before and after the current page, then elipses will be used to indicate the undisplayed gap between page numbers. Requires one argument, ``context``, which should be a dictionary-like data structure and must contain the following keys: ``paginator`` A ``Paginator`` or ``QuerySetPaginator`` object. ``page_obj`` This should be the result of calling the page method on the aforementioned ``Paginator`` or ``QuerySetPaginator`` object, given the current page. This same ``context`` dictionary-like data structure may also include: ``getvars`` A dictionary of all of the **GET** parameters in the current request. This is useful to maintain certain types of state, even when requesting a different page. """ try: paginator = context['paginator'] page_obj = context['page_obj'] page_range = paginator.page_range # First and last are simply the first *n* pages and the last *n* pages, # where *n* is the current window size. first = set(page_range[:window]) last = set(page_range[-window:]) # Now we look around our current page, making sure that we don't wrap # around. current_start = page_obj.number-1-window if current_start < 0: current_start = 0 current_end = page_obj.number-1+window if current_end < 0: current_end = 0 current = set(page_range[current_start:current_end]) pages = [] # If there's no overlap between the first set of pages and the current # set of pages, then there's a possible need for elusion. if len(first.intersection(current)) == 0: first_list = list(first) first_list.sort() second_list = list(current) second_list.sort() pages.extend(first_list) diff = second_list[0] - first_list[-1] # If there is a gap of two, between the last page of the first # set and the first page of the current set, then we're missing a # page. if diff == 2: pages.append(second_list[0] - 1) # If the difference is just one, then there's nothing to be done, # as the pages need no elusion and are correct. elif diff == 1: pass # Otherwise, there's a bigger gap which needs to be signaled for # elusion, by pushing a None value to the page list. else: pages.append(None) pages.extend(second_list) else: unioned = list(first.union(current)) unioned.sort() pages.extend(unioned) # If there's no overlap between the current set of pages and the last # set of pages, then there's a possible need for elusion. if len(current.intersection(last)) == 0: second_list = list(last) second_list.sort() diff = second_list[0] - pages[-1] # If there is a gap of two, between the last page of the current # set and the first page of the last set, then we're missing a # page. if diff == 2: pages.append(second_list[0] - 1) # If the difference is just one, then there's nothing to be done, # as the pages need no elusion and are correct. elif diff == 1: pass # Otherwise, there's a bigger gap which needs to be signaled for # elusion, by pushing a None value to the page list. else: pages.append(None) pages.extend(second_list) else: differenced = list(last.difference(current)) differenced.sort() pages.extend(differenced) to_return = { 'float': float, 'pages': pages, 'page_obj': page_obj, 'paginator': paginator, 'is_paginated': paginator.count > paginator.per_page, } if 'request' in context: getvars = context['request'].GET.copy() if 'page' in getvars: del getvars['page'] if len(getvars.keys()) > 0: to_return['getvars'] = "&%s" % getvars.urlencode() else: to_return['getvars'] = '' return to_return except KeyError, AttributeError: return {} register.inclusion_tag('pagination/pagination.html', takes_context=True)(paginate) register.tag('autopaginate', do_autopaginate)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import models, migrations from transit_indicators.gtfs import GTFSRouteTypes def forwards(apps, schema_editor): """ Create a table row for each entry in GTFSRouteType.CHOICES Note that this migration will use whatever the current CHOICES are in the GTFSRouteTypes models, and not the CHOICES that were defined at the time the migration was created. TODO: Create a management command to update the GTFSRouteTypes (and call it here?) """ GTFSRouteType = apps.get_model('transit_indicators', 'GTFSRouteType') for choice in GTFSRouteTypes.CHOICES: gtfs_route_type = GTFSRouteType.objects.update_or_create(route_type=choice[0], description=choice[1]) def backwards(apps, schema_editor): """ Destroy all route type rows before deleting table""" GTFSRouteType = apps.get_model('transit_indicators', 'GTFSRouteType') gtfs_route_types = GTFSRouteType.objects.all() gtfs_route_types.delete() class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('transit_indicators', '0022_gtfsroutetype'), ] operations = [ migrations.RunPython(forwards, backwards), ]
#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright: Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['stableinterface'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: iam short_description: Manage IAM users, groups, roles and keys description: - Allows for the management of IAM users, user API keys, groups, roles. version_added: "2.0" options: iam_type: description: - Type of IAM resource choices: ["user", "group", "role"] type: str name: description: - Name of IAM resource to create or identify required: true type: str new_name: description: - When state is update, will replace name with new_name on IAM resource type: str new_path: description: - When state is update, will replace the path with new_path on the IAM resource type: str state: description: - Whether to create, delete or update the IAM resource. Note, roles cannot be updated. required: true choices: [ "present", "absent", "update" ] type: str path: description: - When creating or updating, specify the desired path of the resource. If state is present, it will replace the current path to match what is passed in when they do not match. default: "/" type: str trust_policy: description: - The inline (JSON or YAML) trust policy document that grants an entity permission to assume the role. Mutually exclusive with C(trust_policy_filepath). version_added: "2.2" type: dict trust_policy_filepath: description: - The path to the trust policy document that grants an entity permission to assume the role. Mutually exclusive with C(trust_policy). version_added: "2.2" type: str access_key_state: description: - When type is user, it creates, removes, deactivates or activates a user's access key(s). Note that actions apply only to keys specified. choices: [ "create", "remove", "active", "inactive", "Create", "Remove", "Active", "Inactive"] type: str key_count: description: - When access_key_state is create it will ensure this quantity of keys are present. Defaults to 1. default: 1 type: int access_key_ids: description: - A list of the keys that you want impacted by the access_key_state parameter. type: list groups: description: - A list of groups the user should belong to. When update, will gracefully remove groups not listed. type: list password: description: - When type is user and state is present, define the users login password. Also works with update. Note that always returns changed. type: str update_password: default: always choices: ['always', 'on_create'] description: - C(always) will update passwords if they differ. C(on_create) will only set the password for newly created users. type: str notes: - 'Currently boto does not support the removal of Managed Policies, the module will error out if your user/group/role has managed policies when you try to do state=absent. They will need to be removed manually.' author: - "Jonathan I. Davila (@defionscode)" - "Paul Seiffert (@seiffert)" extends_documentation_fragment: - aws - ec2 ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Basic user creation example tasks: - name: Create two new IAM users with API keys iam: iam_type: user name: "{{ item }}" state: present password: "{{ temp_pass }}" access_key_state: create loop: - jcleese - mpython # Advanced example, create two new groups and add the pre-existing user # jdavila to both groups. task: - name: Create Two Groups, Mario and Luigi iam: iam_type: group name: "{{ item }}" state: present loop: - Mario - Luigi register: new_groups - name: iam: iam_type: user name: jdavila state: update groups: "{{ item.created_group.group_name }}" loop: "{{ new_groups.results }}" # Example of role with custom trust policy for Lambda service - name: Create IAM role with custom trust relationship iam: iam_type: role name: AAALambdaTestRole state: present trust_policy: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Action: sts:AssumeRole Effect: Allow Principal: Service: ''' RETURN = ''' role_result: description: the IAM.role dict returned by Boto type: str returned: if iam_type=role and state=present sample: { "arn": "arn:aws:iam::A1B2C3D4E5F6:role/my-new-role", "assume_role_policy_document": "...truncated...", "create_date": "2017-09-02T14:32:23Z", "path": "/", "role_id": "AROAA1B2C3D4E5F6G7H8I", "role_name": "my-new-role" } roles: description: a list containing the name of the currently defined roles type: list returned: if iam_type=role and state=present sample: [ "my-new-role", "my-existing-role-1", "my-existing-role-2", "my-existing-role-3", "my-existing-role-...", ] ''' import json import traceback try: import boto.exception import boto.iam import boto.iam.connection except ImportError: pass # Taken care of by ec2.HAS_BOTO from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.ec2 import (HAS_BOTO, boto_exception, connect_to_aws, ec2_argument_spec, get_aws_connection_info) def _paginate(func, attr): ''' paginates the results from func by continuously passing in the returned marker if the results were truncated. this returns an iterator over the items in the returned response. `attr` is the name of the attribute to iterate over in the response. ''' finished, marker = False, None while not finished: res = func(marker=marker) for item in getattr(res, attr): yield item finished = res.is_truncated == 'false' if not finished: marker = res.marker def list_all_groups(iam): return [item['group_name'] for item in _paginate(iam.get_all_groups, 'groups')] def list_all_users(iam): return [item['user_name'] for item in _paginate(iam.get_all_users, 'users')] def list_all_roles(iam): return [item['role_name'] for item in _paginate(iam.list_roles, 'roles')] def list_all_instance_profiles(iam): return [item['instance_profile_name'] for item in _paginate(iam.list_instance_profiles, 'instance_profiles')] def create_user(module, iam, name, pwd, path, key_state, key_count): key_qty = 0 keys = [] try: user_meta = iam.create_user( name, path).create_user_response.create_user_result.user changed = True if pwd is not None: pwd = iam.create_login_profile(name, pwd) if key_state in ['create']: if key_count: while key_count > key_qty: keys.append(iam.create_access_key( user_name=name).create_access_key_response. create_access_key_result. access_key) key_qty += 1 else: keys = None except boto.exception.BotoServerError as err: module.fail_json(changed=False, msg=str(err)) else: user_info = dict(created_user=user_meta, password=pwd, access_keys=keys) return (user_info, changed) def delete_dependencies_first(module, iam, name): changed = False # try to delete any keys try: current_keys = [ck['access_key_id'] for ck in iam.get_all_access_keys(name).list_access_keys_result.access_key_metadata] for key in current_keys: iam.delete_access_key(key, name) changed = True except boto.exception.BotoServerError as err: module.fail_json(changed=changed, msg="Failed to delete keys: %s" % err, exception=traceback.format_exc()) # try to delete login profiles try: login_profile = iam.get_login_profiles(name).get_login_profile_response iam.delete_login_profile(name) changed = True except boto.exception.BotoServerError as err: error_msg = boto_exception(err) if 'Login Profile for User ' + name + ' cannot be found.' not in error_msg: module.fail_json(changed=changed, msg="Failed to delete login profile: %s" % err, exception=traceback.format_exc()) # try to detach policies try: for policy in iam.get_all_user_policies(name).list_user_policies_result.policy_names: iam.delete_user_policy(name, policy) changed = True except boto.exception.BotoServerError as err: error_msg = boto_exception(err) if 'must detach all policies first' in error_msg: module.fail_json(changed=changed, msg="All inline policies have been removed. Though it appears" "that %s has Managed Polices. This is not " "currently supported by boto. Please detach the policies " "through the console and try again." % name) module.fail_json(changed=changed, msg="Failed to delete policies: %s" % err, exception=traceback.format_exc()) # try to deactivate associated MFA devices try: mfa_devices = iam.get_all_mfa_devices(name).get('list_mfa_devices_response', {}).get('list_mfa_devices_result', {}).get('mfa_devices', []) for device in mfa_devices: iam.deactivate_mfa_device(name, device['serial_number']) changed = True except boto.exception.BotoServerError as err: module.fail_json(changed=changed, msg="Failed to deactivate associated MFA devices: %s" % err, exception=traceback.format_exc()) return changed def delete_user(module, iam, name): changed = delete_dependencies_first(module, iam, name) try: iam.delete_user(name) except boto.exception.BotoServerError as ex: module.fail_json(changed=changed, msg="Failed to delete user %s: %s" % (name, ex), exception=traceback.format_exc()) else: changed = True return name, changed def update_user(module, iam, name, new_name, new_path, key_state, key_count, keys, pwd, updated): changed = False name_change = False if updated and new_name: name = new_name try: current_keys = [ck['access_key_id'] for ck in iam.get_all_access_keys(name).list_access_keys_result.access_key_metadata] status = [ck['status'] for ck in iam.get_all_access_keys(name).list_access_keys_result.access_key_metadata] key_qty = len(current_keys) except boto.exception.BotoServerError as err: error_msg = boto_exception(err) if 'cannot be found' in error_msg and updated: current_keys = [ck['access_key_id'] for ck in iam.get_all_access_keys(new_name).list_access_keys_result.access_key_metadata] status = [ck['status'] for ck in iam.get_all_access_keys(new_name).list_access_keys_result.access_key_metadata] name = new_name else: module.fail_json(changed=False, msg=str(err)) updated_key_list = {} if new_name or new_path: c_path = iam.get_user(name).get_user_result.user['path'] if (name != new_name) or (c_path != new_path): changed = True try: if not updated: user = iam.update_user( name, new_user_name=new_name, new_path=new_path).update_user_response.response_metadata else: user = iam.update_user( name, new_path=new_path).update_user_response.response_metadata user['updates'] = dict( old_username=name, new_username=new_name, old_path=c_path, new_path=new_path) except boto.exception.BotoServerError as err: error_msg = boto_exception(err) module.fail_json(changed=False, msg=str(err)) else: if not updated: name_change = True if pwd: try: iam.update_login_profile(name, pwd) changed = True except boto.exception.BotoServerError: try: iam.create_login_profile(name, pwd) changed = True except boto.exception.BotoServerError as err: error_msg = boto_exception(str(err)) if 'Password does not conform to the account password policy' in error_msg: module.fail_json(changed=False, msg="Password doesn't conform to policy") else: module.fail_json(msg=error_msg) try: current_keys = [ck['access_key_id'] for ck in iam.get_all_access_keys(name).list_access_keys_result.access_key_metadata] status = [ck['status'] for ck in iam.get_all_access_keys(name).list_access_keys_result.access_key_metadata] key_qty = len(current_keys) except boto.exception.BotoServerError as err: error_msg = boto_exception(err) if 'cannot be found' in error_msg and updated: current_keys = [ck['access_key_id'] for ck in iam.get_all_access_keys(new_name).list_access_keys_result.access_key_metadata] status = [ck['status'] for ck in iam.get_all_access_keys(new_name).list_access_keys_result.access_key_metadata] name = new_name else: module.fail_json(changed=False, msg=str(err)) new_keys = [] if key_state == 'create': try: while key_count > key_qty: new_keys.append(iam.create_access_key( user_name=name).create_access_key_response.create_access_key_result.access_key) key_qty += 1 changed = True except boto.exception.BotoServerError as err: module.fail_json(changed=False, msg=str(err)) if keys and key_state: for access_key in keys: if key_state in ('active', 'inactive'): if access_key in current_keys: for current_key, current_key_state in zip(current_keys, status): if key_state != current_key_state.lower(): try: iam.update_access_key(access_key, key_state.capitalize(), user_name=name) changed = True except boto.exception.BotoServerError as err: module.fail_json(changed=False, msg=str(err)) else: module.fail_json(msg="Supplied keys not found for %s. " "Current keys: %s. " "Supplied key(s): %s" % (name, current_keys, keys) ) if key_state == 'remove': if access_key in current_keys: try: iam.delete_access_key(access_key, user_name=name) except boto.exception.BotoServerError as err: module.fail_json(changed=False, msg=str(err)) else: changed = True try: final_keys, final_key_status = \ [ck['access_key_id'] for ck in iam.get_all_access_keys(name). list_access_keys_result. access_key_metadata],\ [ck['status'] for ck in iam.get_all_access_keys(name). list_access_keys_result. access_key_metadata] except boto.exception.BotoServerError as err: module.fail_json(changed=changed, msg=str(err)) for fk, fks in zip(final_keys, final_key_status): updated_key_list.update({fk: fks}) return name_change, updated_key_list, changed, new_keys def set_users_groups(module, iam, name, groups, updated=None, new_name=None): """ Sets groups for a user, will purge groups not explicitly passed, while retaining pre-existing groups that also are in the new list. """ changed = False if updated: name = new_name try: orig_users_groups = [og['group_name'] for og in iam.get_groups_for_user( name).list_groups_for_user_result.groups] remove_groups = [ rg for rg in frozenset(orig_users_groups).difference(groups)] new_groups = [ ng for ng in frozenset(groups).difference(orig_users_groups)] except boto.exception.BotoServerError as err: module.fail_json(changed=changed, msg=str(err)) else: if len(orig_users_groups) > 0: for new in new_groups: iam.add_user_to_group(new, name) for rm in remove_groups: iam.remove_user_from_group(rm, name) else: for group in groups: try: iam.add_user_to_group(group, name) except boto.exception.BotoServerError as err: error_msg = boto_exception(err) if ('The group with name %s cannot be found.' % group) in error_msg: module.fail_json(changed=False, msg="Group %s doesn't exist" % group) if len(remove_groups) > 0 or len(new_groups) > 0: changed = True return (groups, changed) def create_group(module=None, iam=None, name=None, path=None): changed = False try: iam.create_group( name, path) except boto.exception.BotoServerError as err: module.fail_json(changed=changed, msg=str(err)) else: changed = True return name, changed def delete_group(module=None, iam=None, name=None): changed = False try: iam.delete_group(name) except boto.exception.BotoServerError as err: error_msg = boto_exception(err) if ('must delete policies first') in error_msg: for policy in iam.get_all_group_policies(name).list_group_policies_result.policy_names: iam.delete_group_policy(name, policy) try: iam.delete_group(name) except boto.exception.BotoServerError as err: error_msg = boto_exception(err) if ('must delete policies first') in error_msg: module.fail_json(changed=changed, msg="All inline policies have been removed. Though it appears" "that %s has Managed Polices. This is not " "currently supported by boto. Please detach the policies " "through the console and try again." % name) else: module.fail_json(changed=changed, msg=str(error_msg)) else: changed = True else: module.fail_json(changed=changed, msg=str(error_msg)) else: changed = True return changed, name def update_group(module=None, iam=None, name=None, new_name=None, new_path=None): changed = False try: current_group_path = iam.get_group( name)['path'] if new_path: if current_group_path != new_path: iam.update_group(name, new_path=new_path) changed = True if new_name: if name != new_name: iam.update_group(name, new_group_name=new_name, new_path=new_path) changed = True name = new_name except boto.exception.BotoServerError as err: module.fail_json(changed=changed, msg=str(err)) return changed, name, new_path, current_group_path def create_role(module, iam, name, path, role_list, prof_list, trust_policy_doc): changed = False iam_role_result = None instance_profile_result = None try: if name not in role_list: changed = True iam_role_result = iam.create_role(name, assume_role_policy_document=trust_policy_doc, path=path).create_role_response.create_role_result.role if name not in prof_list: instance_profile_result = iam.create_instance_profile(name, path=path) \ .create_instance_profile_response.create_instance_profile_result.instance_profile iam.add_role_to_instance_profile(name, name) else: instance_profile_result = iam.get_instance_profile(name).get_instance_profile_response.get_instance_profile_result.instance_profile except boto.exception.BotoServerError as err: module.fail_json(changed=changed, msg=str(err)) else: updated_role_list = list_all_roles(iam) iam_role_result = iam.get_role(name).get_role_response.get_role_result.role return changed, updated_role_list, iam_role_result, instance_profile_result def delete_role(module, iam, name, role_list, prof_list): changed = False iam_role_result = None instance_profile_result = None try: if name in role_list: cur_ins_prof = [rp['instance_profile_name'] for rp in iam.list_instance_profiles_for_role(name). list_instance_profiles_for_role_result. instance_profiles] for profile in cur_ins_prof: iam.remove_role_from_instance_profile(profile, name) try: iam.delete_role(name) except boto.exception.BotoServerError as err: error_msg = boto_exception(err) if ('must detach all policies first') in error_msg: for policy in iam.list_role_policies(name).list_role_policies_result.policy_names: iam.delete_role_policy(name, policy) try: iam_role_result = iam.delete_role(name) except boto.exception.BotoServerError as err: error_msg = boto_exception(err) if ('must detach all policies first') in error_msg: module.fail_json(changed=changed, msg="All inline policies have been removed. Though it appears" "that %s has Managed Polices. This is not " "currently supported by boto. Please detach the policies " "through the console and try again." % name) else: module.fail_json(changed=changed, msg=str(err)) else: changed = True else: changed = True for prof in prof_list: if name == prof: instance_profile_result = iam.delete_instance_profile(name) except boto.exception.BotoServerError as err: module.fail_json(changed=changed, msg=str(err)) else: updated_role_list = list_all_roles(iam) return changed, updated_role_list, iam_role_result, instance_profile_result def main(): argument_spec = ec2_argument_spec() argument_spec.update(dict( iam_type=dict(required=True, choices=['user', 'group', 'role']), groups=dict(type='list', default=None, required=False), state=dict(required=True, choices=['present', 'absent', 'update']), password=dict(default=None, required=False, no_log=True), update_password=dict(default='always', required=False, choices=['always', 'on_create']), access_key_state=dict(default=None, required=False, choices=[ 'active', 'inactive', 'create', 'remove', 'Active', 'Inactive', 'Create', 'Remove']), access_key_ids=dict(type='list', default=None, required=False), key_count=dict(type='int', default=1, required=False), name=dict(default=None, required=False), trust_policy_filepath=dict(default=None, required=False), trust_policy=dict(type='dict', default=None, required=False), new_name=dict(default=None, required=False), path=dict(default='/', required=False), new_path=dict(default=None, required=False) ) ) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=argument_spec, mutually_exclusive=[['trust_policy', 'trust_policy_filepath']], ) if not HAS_BOTO: module.fail_json(msg='This module requires boto, please install it') state = module.params.get('state').lower() iam_type = module.params.get('iam_type').lower() groups = module.params.get('groups') name = module.params.get('name') new_name = module.params.get('new_name') password = module.params.get('password') update_pw = module.params.get('update_password') path = module.params.get('path') new_path = module.params.get('new_path') key_count = module.params.get('key_count') key_state = module.params.get('access_key_state') trust_policy = module.params.get('trust_policy') trust_policy_filepath = module.params.get('trust_policy_filepath') key_ids = module.params.get('access_key_ids') if key_state: key_state = key_state.lower() if any([n in key_state for n in ['active', 'inactive']]) and not key_ids: module.fail_json(changed=False, msg="At least one access key has to be defined in order" " to use 'active' or 'inactive'") if iam_type == 'user' and module.params.get('password') is not None: pwd = module.params.get('password') elif iam_type != 'user' and module.params.get('password') is not None: module.fail_json(msg="a password is being specified when the iam_type " "is not user. Check parameters") else: pwd = None if iam_type != 'user' and (module.params.get('access_key_state') is not None or module.params.get('access_key_id') is not None): module.fail_json(msg="the IAM type must be user, when IAM access keys " "are being modified. Check parameters") if iam_type == 'role' and state == 'update': module.fail_json(changed=False, msg="iam_type: role, cannot currently be updated, " "please specify present or absent") # check if trust_policy is present -- it can be inline JSON or a file path to a JSON file if trust_policy_filepath: try: with open(trust_policy_filepath, 'r') as json_data: trust_policy_doc = json.dumps(json.load(json_data)) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e) + ': ' + trust_policy_filepath) elif trust_policy: try: trust_policy_doc = json.dumps(trust_policy) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e) + ': ' + trust_policy) else: trust_policy_doc = None region, ec2_url, aws_connect_kwargs = get_aws_connection_info(module) try: if region: iam = connect_to_aws(boto.iam, region, **aws_connect_kwargs) else: iam = boto.iam.connection.IAMConnection(**aws_connect_kwargs) except boto.exception.NoAuthHandlerFound as e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e)) result = {} changed = False try: orig_group_list = list_all_groups(iam) orig_user_list = list_all_users(iam) orig_role_list = list_all_roles(iam) orig_prof_list = list_all_instance_profiles(iam) except boto.exception.BotoServerError as err: module.fail_json(msg=err.message) if iam_type == 'user': been_updated = False user_groups = None user_exists = any([n in [name, new_name] for n in orig_user_list]) if user_exists: current_path = iam.get_user(name).get_user_result.user['path'] if not new_path and current_path != path: new_path = path path = current_path if state == 'present' and not user_exists and not new_name: (meta, changed) = create_user( module, iam, name, password, path, key_state, key_count) keys = iam.get_all_access_keys(name).list_access_keys_result.\ access_key_metadata if groups: (user_groups, changed) = set_users_groups( module, iam, name, groups, been_updated, new_name) module.exit_json( user_meta=meta, groups=user_groups, keys=keys, changed=changed) elif state in ['present', 'update'] and user_exists: if update_pw == 'on_create': password = None if name not in orig_user_list and new_name in orig_user_list: been_updated = True name_change, key_list, user_changed, new_key = update_user( module, iam, name, new_name, new_path, key_state, key_count, key_ids, password, been_updated) if new_key: user_meta = {'access_keys': list(new_key)} user_meta['access_keys'].extend( [{'access_key_id': key, 'status': value} for key, value in key_list.items() if key not in [it['access_key_id'] for it in new_key]]) else: user_meta = { 'access_keys': [{'access_key_id': key, 'status': value} for key, value in key_list.items()]} if name_change and new_name: orig_name = name name = new_name if isinstance(groups, list): user_groups, groups_changed = set_users_groups( module, iam, name, groups, been_updated, new_name) if groups_changed == user_changed: changed = groups_changed else: changed = True else: changed = user_changed if new_name and new_path: module.exit_json(changed=changed, groups=user_groups, old_user_name=orig_name, new_user_name=new_name, old_path=path, new_path=new_path, keys=key_list, created_keys=new_key, user_meta=user_meta) elif new_name and not new_path and not been_updated: module.exit_json( changed=changed, groups=user_groups, old_user_name=orig_name, new_user_name=new_name, keys=key_list, created_keys=new_key, user_meta=user_meta) elif new_name and not new_path and been_updated: module.exit_json( changed=changed, groups=user_groups, user_name=new_name, keys=key_list, key_state=key_state, created_keys=new_key, user_meta=user_meta) elif not new_name and new_path: module.exit_json( changed=changed, groups=user_groups, user_name=name, old_path=path, new_path=new_path, keys=key_list, created_keys=new_key, user_meta=user_meta) else: module.exit_json( changed=changed, groups=user_groups, user_name=name, keys=key_list, created_keys=new_key, user_meta=user_meta) elif state == 'update' and not user_exists: module.fail_json( msg="The user %s does not exist. No update made." % name) elif state == 'absent': if user_exists: try: set_users_groups(module, iam, name, '') name, changed = delete_user(module, iam, name) module.exit_json(deleted_user=name, changed=changed) except Exception as ex: module.fail_json(changed=changed, msg=str(ex)) else: module.exit_json( changed=False, msg="User %s is already absent from your AWS IAM users" % name) elif iam_type == 'group': group_exists = name in orig_group_list if state == 'present' and not group_exists: new_group, changed = create_group(module=module, iam=iam, name=name, path=path) module.exit_json(changed=changed, group_name=new_group) elif state in ['present', 'update'] and group_exists: changed, updated_name, updated_path, cur_path = update_group( module=module, iam=iam, name=name, new_name=new_name, new_path=new_path) if new_path and new_name: module.exit_json(changed=changed, old_group_name=name, new_group_name=updated_name, old_path=cur_path, new_group_path=updated_path) if new_path and not new_name: module.exit_json(changed=changed, group_name=name, old_path=cur_path, new_group_path=updated_path) if not new_path and new_name: module.exit_json(changed=changed, old_group_name=name, new_group_name=updated_name, group_path=cur_path) if not new_path and not new_name: module.exit_json( changed=changed, group_name=name, group_path=cur_path) elif state == 'update' and not group_exists: module.fail_json( changed=changed, msg="Update Failed. Group %s doesn't seem to exist!" % name) elif state == 'absent': if name in orig_group_list: removed_group, changed = delete_group(module=module, iam=iam, name=name) module.exit_json(changed=changed, delete_group=removed_group) else: module.exit_json(changed=changed, msg="Group already absent") elif iam_type == 'role': role_list = [] if state == 'present': changed, role_list, role_result, instance_profile_result = create_role( module, iam, name, path, orig_role_list, orig_prof_list, trust_policy_doc) elif state == 'absent': changed, role_list, role_result, instance_profile_result = delete_role( module, iam, name, orig_role_list, orig_prof_list) elif state == 'update': module.fail_json( changed=False, msg='Role update not currently supported by boto.') module.exit_json(changed=changed, roles=role_list, role_result=role_result, instance_profile_result=instance_profile_result) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#!/usr/bin/env python #============================================================================== # Copyright 2012, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Amazon Software License (the "License"). You may not use # this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License is # located at # # # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on # an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions # and limitations under the License. #============================================================================== import logging import time as _time from lib.rds import rds_utils from scli import config_file, prompt from scli.constants import EbConfigFile, ParameterName, RdsDefault, ServiceDefault from scli.exception import EBSCliException from scli.operation.base import OperationBase, OperationResult from scli.resources import AskConfirmationOpMessage, CommandType, ConfigFileMessage from scli.terminal.base import TerminalBase log = logging.getLogger('cli.op') class ValidateParameterOperation(OperationBase): ''' Validate all required parameters and verify all have value''' _input_parameters = set() _output_parameters = set() def execute(self, parameter_pool): # Update parameter self._update_timeout_thresholds(parameter_pool) # Checking parameters required_params = self._operation_queue.required_parameters missing_params = required_params - parameter_pool.parameter_names if len(missing_params) > 0: raise EBSCliException(u'Missing required parameter. "{0}"'.format(missing_params)) log.debug(u'Finished gathering required parameter') ret_result = OperationResult(self, None, None, None) return ret_result def _update_timeout_thresholds(self, parameter_pool): parameter_pool.update(ParameterName.WaitForFinishTimeout, parameter_pool.get_value(ParameterName.WaitForFinishTimeout)\ + self._rds_time_out(parameter_pool)) parameter_pool.update(ParameterName.WaitForUpdateTimeout, parameter_pool.get_value(ParameterName.WaitForUpdateTimeout)\ + self._rds_time_out(parameter_pool)) def _rds_time_out(self, parameter_pool): if parameter_pool.has(ParameterName.RdsEnabled)\ and parameter_pool.get_value(ParameterName.RdsEnabled): return ServiceDefault.RDS_ADDITION_TIMEOUT_IN_SEC else: return 0 class AskConfirmationOperation(OperationBase): ''' Ask for user's confirmation''' _input_parameters = set() _output_parameters = set() def execute(self, parameter_pool): command = parameter_pool.get_value(ParameterName.Command) self._probe_rds_change(parameter_pool, command) if (parameter_pool.has(ParameterName.Force) \ and parameter_pool.get_value(ParameterName.Force) == ServiceDefault.ENABLED) \ or TerminalBase.ask_confirmation(AskConfirmationOpMessage.CommandConfirmation[command]): ret_result = OperationResult(self, None, None, None) return ret_result else:'User cancelled command.') raise EBSCliException() def _probe_rds_change(self, parameter_pool, command): if parameter_pool.has(ParameterName.ApplicationName)\ and parameter_pool.has(ParameterName.EnvironmentName): app_name = parameter_pool.get_value(ParameterName.ApplicationName) env_name = parameter_pool.get_value(ParameterName.EnvironmentName) policy = rds_utils.is_rds_delete_to_snapshot(parameter_pool, app_name, env_name) local_rds_switch = parameter_pool.get_value(ParameterName.RdsEnabled) if policy is not None and not RdsDefault.del_policy_to_bool(policy): if command == CommandType.UPDATE: if local_rds_switch: pass else: prompt.result(AskConfirmationOpMessage.CommandWarning[command]) else: prompt.result(AskConfirmationOpMessage.CommandWarning[command]) class SleepOperation(OperationBase): ''' Idle sleep''' _input_parameters = set() _output_parameters = set() def execute(self, parameter_pool): create_request_id = parameter_pool.get_value(ParameterName.CreateEnvironmentRequestID)\ if parameter_pool.has(ParameterName.CreateEnvironmentRequestID) else None delay = ServiceDefault.CREATE_ENV_POLL_DELAY if create_request_id is not None else 0 _time.sleep(delay) ret_result = OperationResult(self, None, None, None) return ret_result class SanitizeBranchOperation(OperationBase): ''' Remove branch registrations if critical parameters are changed.''' _input_parameters = set() _output_parameters = set() def execute(self, parameter_pool): command = parameter_pool.get_value(ParameterName.Command) if command == CommandType.INIT: sanitize = False for name, ori_name in EbConfigFile.BranchResetParameters.iteritems(): if parameter_pool.has(ori_name) and \ parameter_pool.get_value(name) != parameter_pool.get_value(ori_name): sanitize = True break blast = False if sanitize: if parameter_pool.has(ParameterName.Branches): parameter_pool.remove(ParameterName.Branches) blast = True if parameter_pool.has(ParameterName.BranchMapping): parameter_pool.remove(ParameterName.BranchMapping) blast = True if blast: prompt.error(ConfigFileMessage.BranchResetWarning); class SanitizeRdsPasswordOperation(OperationBase): ''' Remove Rds master passwords from credential file''' _input_parameters = set() _output_parameters = set() def execute(self, parameter_pool): command = parameter_pool.get_value(ParameterName.Command) if command == CommandType.DELETE: # Remove RDS master password from crential file credential_file_loc = config_file.default_aws_credential_file_location() # default environment env_name = parameter_pool.get_value(ParameterName.EnvironmentName) param_list = [rds_utils.password_key_name(env_name)] # branch environment if parameter_pool.has(ParameterName.Branches)\ and parameter_pool.get_value(ParameterName.Branches) is not None: branches = parameter_pool.get_value(ParameterName.Branches) for branch in branches.values(): env_name = branch[ParameterName.EnvironmentName] param_list.append(rds_utils.password_key_name(env_name)) # Remove passwords config_file.trim_aws_credential_file(credential_file_loc, param_list, True)
import sublime import sublime_plugin import os from subprocess import call class RubyMotionSpecCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): def run(self): s = sublime.load_settings("RubyMotionSpec.sublime-settings") terminal = s.get("terminal") if terminal == 'iTerm': self.iterm_command() elif terminal == 'Terminal': self.terminal_command() else: self.sublime_command() def current_spec(self): return self.current_file().split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] def current_file(self): return self.window.active_view().file_name() def current_dir(self): return os.path.split(os.path.abspath(self.current_file()))[0] def iterm_command(self): command = """ tell application "iTerm" tell the first terminal tell the current session write text "rake spec files=%s" end tell end tell end tell """ % (self.current_spec()) call(['osascript', '-e', command]) def terminal_command(self): command = """ tell application "Terminal" activate set currentTab to do script "rake spec files=%s" in window 0 end tell """ % (self.current_spec()) call(['osascript', '-e', command]) def sublime_command(self): stdout = self.current_dir() + '/_stdout_spec' stderr = self.current_dir() + '/_stderr_spec' rake_spec = """ rake spec files=%s SIM_STDOUT_PATH=%s SIM_STDERR_PATH=%s """ % (self.current_spec(), stdout, stderr) show_spec = """ cat %s && cat %s """ % (stderr, stdout) clean_spec = """ rm %s %s """ % (stderr, stdout) command = rake_spec + show_spec + clean_spec working_dir = self.current_dir() self.window.run_command("exec", { "cmd": [command], "shell": True, "working_dir": working_dir })
# -*- codes: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function import os import sys from argparse import ArgumentParser import regex import requests from .filters import style from .utils import merge_dicts def parse_arguments(args): query = ArgumentParser(prog="poirot", description="""Poirot: Mind Your Language""") query.add_argument("--url", "-u", dest="url", default="", action="store", help="""The repository's git URL, e.g. ''.""") query.add_argument("--dir", "-d", dest="dir", default=os.getcwd(), help="""The path to the local directory where the git repo is located or should be stored; defaults to the current directory.""") query.add_argument("--term", "-t", dest="term", required=False, action="store", help="""A single string or regular expression to search for.""") query.add_argument("--patterns", "-p", dest="patterns", action="store", help="""The path to the local file(s) containing strings or regular expressions to match against, each on a new line. Accepts a comma-separated list of file paths.""") query.add_argument("--output", "-o", dest="output", required=False, help="""Output results as JSON to FILE.""") query.add_argument("--revlist", "-rl", dest="revlist", required=False, default="HEAD^!", help="""A comma-delimited list of revision (commit) ranges to search. Defaults to HEAD^!. Specify 'all' to search the entire revision history.""") query.add_argument("--before", "-b", dest="before", required=False, help="""Search commits prior to a given date, e.g., Dec-12-2015""") query.add_argument("--after", "-a", dest="after", required=False, help="""Search commits after a given date, e.g., Jan-01-2015""") query.add_argument("--author", "-au", dest="author", required=False, help="""Restrict to commits made by an AUTHOR. An email address is fine.""") query.add_argument("--staged", "-st", dest="staged", action="store_true", help="""Flag to search staged modifications, instead of already committed ones.""") query.add_argument("--verbose", "-v", dest="verbose", action="store_true", help="""Flag to output colorful, verbose results.""") parsed_args = query.parse_args(args) formatted_args = format_arguments(parsed_args) return formatted_args def parse_patterns(path): """ Reads in patterns from pattern file at path """ result = {} try: if"^http[s]://", path): response = requests.get(path) if response.status_code == 200: lines = response.text.split("\n") else: sys.exit(1) else: with open(path) as infile: lines = infile.readlines() label = None for line in lines: line = str(line).strip() if line.startswith("#"): label = line.lstrip("# ") elif not line: label = "" else: result[line] = label except: out = """Pattern file {file} does not exist.\n Specify the correct path with --patterns""".format(file=path) print(style(out, "red")) return result def format_arguments(args): """Cleans up arguments passed to argparse""" def format_revlist(): if args.revlist == "all": return ["--all"] else: return [revision.strip() for revision in args.revlist.split(",")] def format_patterns(): patterns = {} if args.term: patterns[args.term] = None try: file_list = [path.strip() for path in args.patterns.split(",") if path.strip()] for path in file_list: patterns = merge_dicts(patterns, parse_patterns(path)) except AttributeError: pass if not patterns: print("No patterns given! Using default pattern set.") file_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) default_file = os.path.join(file_dir, "patterns/default.txt") patterns = merge_dicts(patterns, parse_patterns(default_file)) return patterns return { "before": args.before, "after": args.after, "author":, "verbose": args.verbose, "dir": args.dir, "staged": args.staged, "git_dir": args.dir + "/.git", "repo_dir": args.dir, "revlist": format_revlist(), "git_url": args.url.rstrip("/"), "patterns": format_patterns(), "output": args.output }
############################################################################### # # Tests for XlsxWriter. # # Copyright (c), 2013-2016, John McNamara, [email protected] # from ..excel_comparsion_test import ExcelComparisonTest from ...workbook import Workbook class TestCompareXLSXFiles(ExcelComparisonTest): """ Test file created by XlsxWriter against a file created by Excel. """ def setUp(self): self.maxDiff = None filename = 'chart_axis20.xlsx' test_dir = 'xlsxwriter/test/comparison/' self.got_filename = test_dir + '_test_' + filename self.exp_filename = test_dir + 'xlsx_files/' + filename self.ignore_files = [] self.ignore_elements = {} def test_create_file(self): """Test the creation of a simple XlsxWriter file.""" workbook = Workbook(self.got_filename) worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet() chart = workbook.add_chart({'type': 'column'}) chart.axis_ids = [43572224, 43812352] data = [ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [2, 4, 6, 8, 10], [3, 6, 9, 12, 15], ] worksheet.write_column('A1', data[0]) worksheet.write_column('B1', data[1]) worksheet.write_column('C1', data[2]) chart.add_series({'values': '=Sheet1!$A$1:$A$5'}) chart.add_series({'values': '=Sheet1!$B$1:$B$5'}) chart.add_series({'values': '=Sheet1!$C$1:$C$5'}) chart.set_x_axis({'label_position': 'next_to'}) chart.set_y_axis({'label_position': 'none'}) worksheet.insert_chart('E9', chart) workbook.close() self.assertExcelEqual()
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et: coding=UTF-8 from .rpmsection import Section class RpmPrep(Section): ''' Try to simplify to %setup -q when possible. Replace %patch with %patch0 ''' def add(self, line): line = self._complete_cleanup(line) line = self._cleanup_setup(line) line = self._prepare_patch(line) Section.add(self, line) def _cleanup_setup(self, line): """ Remove the useless stuff from %setup line """ # NOTE: not using regexp as this covers 99% cases for now if line.startswith('%setup'): line = line.replace(' -qn', ' -q -n') line = line.replace(' -q', '') line = self.reg.re_setup.sub(' ', line) line = self.strip_useless_spaces(line) line = line.replace('%setup', '%setup -q') return line def _prepare_patch(self, line): """ Convert patchlines to something pretty """ # -p0 is default line = line.replace('-p0', '') # %patch0 is desired if (line.startswith('%patch ') or line == '%patch') and '-P' not in line: line = line.replace('%patch', '%patch0') # convert the %patch -P 50 -p10 to %patch50 -p10 # this apply only if there is ONE -P on the line, not multiple ones if self.reg.re_patch_prep.match(line): match = self.reg.re_patch_prep.match(line) line = self.strip_useless_spaces('%%patch%s %s %s' % (,, return line
# encoding: utf-8 import datetime from south.db import db from south.v2 import SchemaMigration from django.db import models class Migration(SchemaMigration): def forwards(self, orm): # Deleting field 'Citation.note' db.delete_column('main_citation', 'note_id') def backwards(self, orm): # We cannot add back in field 'Citation.note' raise RuntimeError( "Cannot reverse this migration. 'Citation.note' and its values cannot be restored.") models = { '': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Group'}, 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '80'}), 'permissions': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Permission']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}) }, 'auth.permission': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "('content_type__app_label', 'content_type__model', 'codename')", 'unique_together': "(('content_type', 'codename'),)", 'object_name': 'Permission'}, 'codename': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'content_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']"}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50'}) }, 'auth.user': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'User'}, 'date_joined': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'email': ('django.db.models.fields.EmailField', [], {'max_length': '75', 'blank': 'True'}), 'first_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'blank': 'True'}), 'groups': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Group']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'is_active': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'is_staff': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'is_superuser': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'last_login': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'last_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'blank': 'True'}), 'password': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '128'}), 'user_permissions': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Permission']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}), 'username': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '30'}) }, 'contenttypes.contenttype': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "('name',)", 'unique_together': "(('app_label', 'model'),)", 'object_name': 'ContentType', 'db_table': "'django_content_type'"}, 'app_label': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'model': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}) }, 'main.alias': { 'Meta': {'unique_together': "(('topic', 'name'),)", 'object_name': 'Alias'}, 'created': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'creator': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'created_alias_set'", 'to': "orm['auth.User']"}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': "'80'"}), 'topic': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'aliases'", 'to': "orm['main.Topic']"}) }, 'main.citation': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Citation'}, 'content_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']"}), 'created': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'creator': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'created_citation_set'", 'to': "orm['auth.User']"}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'locator': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '16', 'blank': 'True'}), 'object_id': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {}), 'source': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'citations'", 'to': "orm['main.Source']"}) }, 'main.footnote': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Footnote'}, 'content': ('editorsnotes.main.fields.XHTMLField', [], {}), 'created': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'creator': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'created_footnote_set'", 'to': "orm['auth.User']"}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'transcript': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'footnotes'", 'to': "orm['main.Transcript']"}) }, 'main.note': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "['-last_updated']", 'object_name': 'Note'}, 'content': ('editorsnotes.main.fields.XHTMLField', [], {}), 'created': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'creator': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'created_note_set'", 'to': "orm['auth.User']"}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'last_updated': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'last_updater': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'last_to_update_note_set'", 'to': "orm['auth.User']"}) }, 'main.scan': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "['ordering']", 'object_name': 'Scan'}, 'created': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'creator': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'created_scan_set'", 'to': "orm['auth.User']"}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'image': ('django.db.models.fields.files.ImageField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'ordering': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'source': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'scans'", 'to': "orm['main.Source']"}) }, 'main.source': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "['ordering']", 'object_name': 'Source'}, 'created': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'creator': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'created_source_set'", 'to': "orm['auth.User']"}), 'description': ('editorsnotes.main.fields.XHTMLField', [], {}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'ordering': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '32'}), 'type': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "'S'", 'max_length': '1'}), 'url': ('django.db.models.fields.URLField', [], {'max_length': '200', 'blank': 'True'}) }, 'main.topic': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "['preferred_name']", 'object_name': 'Topic'}, 'article': ('django.db.models.fields.related.OneToOneField', [], {'blank': 'True', 'related_name': "'main_topic'", 'unique': 'True', 'null': 'True', 'to': "orm['main.Note']"}), 'created': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'creator': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'created_topic_set'", 'to': "orm['auth.User']"}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'preferred_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': "'80'"}), 'related_topics': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'related_name': "'related_topics_rel_+'", 'blank': 'True', 'to': "orm['main.Topic']"}), 'slug': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': "'80'"}) }, 'main.topicassignment': { 'Meta': {'unique_together': "(('topic', 'object_id'),)", 'object_name': 'TopicAssignment'}, 'content_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']"}), 'created': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'creator': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'created_topicassignment_set'", 'to': "orm['auth.User']"}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'object_id': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {}), 'topic': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'assignments'", 'to': "orm['main.Topic']"}) }, 'main.transcript': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Transcript'}, 'content': ('editorsnotes.main.fields.XHTMLField', [], {}), 'created': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'creator': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'created_transcript_set'", 'to': "orm['auth.User']"}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'source': ('django.db.models.fields.related.OneToOneField', [], {'related_name': "'_transcript'", 'unique': 'True', 'to': "orm['main.Source']"}) }, 'main.userprofile': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'UserProfile'}, 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'user': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['auth.User']", 'unique': 'True'}) } } complete_apps = ['main']
# Copyright (C) 2012,2013 # Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research # Copyright (C) 2008,2009,2010,2011 # Max-Planck-Institute for Polymer Research & Fraunhofer SCAI # # This file is part of ESPResSo++. # # ESPResSo++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # ESPResSo++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. from espressopp.check.System import *
"""Tests for the Risco event sensors.""" from homeassistant.components.risco import ( LAST_EVENT_TIMESTAMP_KEY, CannotConnectError, UnauthorizedError, ) from homeassistant.components.risco.const import DOMAIN, EVENTS_COORDINATOR from .util import TEST_CONFIG, setup_risco from .util import two_zone_alarm # noqa: F401 from tests.async_mock import MagicMock, patch from tests.common import MockConfigEntry ENTITY_IDS = { "Alarm": "sensor.risco_test_site_name_alarm_events", "Status": "sensor.risco_test_site_name_status_events", "Trouble": "sensor.risco_test_site_name_trouble_events", "Other": "sensor.risco_test_site_name_other_events", } TEST_EVENTS = [ MagicMock( time="2020-09-02T10:00:00Z", category_id=4, category_name="System Status", type_id=16, type_name="disarmed", name="'user' disarmed 'partition'", text="", partition_id=0, zone_id=None, user_id=3, group=None, priority=2, raw={}, ), MagicMock( time="2020-09-02T09:00:00Z", category_id=7, category_name="Troubles", type_id=36, type_name="service needed", name="Device Fault", text="Service is needed.", partition_id=None, zone_id=None, user_id=None, group=None, priority=1, raw={}, ), MagicMock( time="2020-09-02T08:00:00Z", category_id=2, category_name="Alarms", type_id=3, type_name="triggered", name="Alarm is on", text="Yes it is.", partition_id=0, zone_id=1, user_id=None, group=None, priority=0, raw={}, ), MagicMock( time="2020-09-02T07:00:00Z", category_id=4, category_name="System Status", type_id=119, type_name="group arm", name="You armed a group", text="", partition_id=0, zone_id=None, user_id=1, group="C", priority=2, raw={}, ), MagicMock( time="2020-09-02T06:00:00Z", category_id=8, category_name="Made up", type_id=200, type_name="also made up", name="really made up", text="", partition_id=2, zone_id=None, user_id=1, group=None, priority=2, raw={}, ), ] CATEGORIES_TO_EVENTS = { "Alarm": 2, "Status": 0, "Trouble": 1, "Other": 4, } async def test_cannot_connect(hass): """Test connection error.""" with patch( "homeassistant.components.risco.RiscoAPI.login", side_effect=CannotConnectError, ): config_entry = MockConfigEntry(domain=DOMAIN, data=TEST_CONFIG) config_entry.add_to_hass(hass) await hass.config_entries.async_setup(config_entry.entry_id) await hass.async_block_till_done() registry = await hass.helpers.entity_registry.async_get_registry() for id in ENTITY_IDS.values(): assert not registry.async_is_registered(id) async def test_unauthorized(hass): """Test unauthorized error.""" with patch( "homeassistant.components.risco.RiscoAPI.login", side_effect=UnauthorizedError, ): config_entry = MockConfigEntry(domain=DOMAIN, data=TEST_CONFIG) config_entry.add_to_hass(hass) await hass.config_entries.async_setup(config_entry.entry_id) await hass.async_block_till_done() registry = await hass.helpers.entity_registry.async_get_registry() for id in ENTITY_IDS.values(): assert not registry.async_is_registered(id) def _check_state(hass, category, entity_id): event_index = CATEGORIES_TO_EVENTS[category] event = TEST_EVENTS[event_index] state = hass.states.get(entity_id) assert state.state == event.time assert state.attributes["category_id"] == event.category_id assert state.attributes["category_name"] == event.category_name assert state.attributes["type_id"] == event.type_id assert state.attributes["type_name"] == event.type_name assert state.attributes["name"] == assert state.attributes["text"] == event.text assert state.attributes["partition_id"] == event.partition_id assert state.attributes["zone_id"] == event.zone_id assert state.attributes["user_id"] == event.user_id assert state.attributes["group"] == assert state.attributes["priority"] == event.priority assert state.attributes["raw"] == event.raw if event_index == 2: assert state.attributes["zone_entity_id"] == "binary_sensor.zone_1" else: assert "zone_entity_id" not in state.attributes async def test_setup(hass, two_zone_alarm): # noqa: F811 """Test entity setup.""" registry = await hass.helpers.entity_registry.async_get_registry() for id in ENTITY_IDS.values(): assert not registry.async_is_registered(id) with patch( "homeassistant.components.risco.RiscoAPI.get_events", return_value=TEST_EVENTS, ), patch( "homeassistant.components.risco.Store.async_save", ) as save_mock: entry = await setup_risco(hass) await hass.async_block_till_done() save_mock.assert_awaited_once_with( {LAST_EVENT_TIMESTAMP_KEY: TEST_EVENTS[0].time} ) for id in ENTITY_IDS.values(): assert registry.async_is_registered(id) for category, entity_id in ENTITY_IDS.items(): _check_state(hass, category, entity_id) coordinator =[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id][EVENTS_COORDINATOR] with patch( "homeassistant.components.risco.RiscoAPI.get_events", return_value=[] ) as events_mock, patch( "homeassistant.components.risco.Store.async_load", return_value={LAST_EVENT_TIMESTAMP_KEY: TEST_EVENTS[0].time}, ): await coordinator.async_refresh() await hass.async_block_till_done() events_mock.assert_awaited_once_with(TEST_EVENTS[0].time, 10) for category, entity_id in ENTITY_IDS.items(): _check_state(hass, category, entity_id)
#!/usr/bin/env python """GRR restful API rendering plugins.""" # pylint: disable=unused-import from grr.gui.api_plugins import aff4 from grr.gui.api_plugins import artifact from grr.gui.api_plugins import config from grr.gui.api_plugins import docs from grr.gui.api_plugins import hunt from grr.gui.api_plugins import reflection from grr.gui.api_plugins import stats
import csv patent_info = {"feature": [abstract,number,inventor,phone,[litigation,listt]} say its highly litigated, or lowly litigated, you know. Say that analytic for a patent view similarly litigated patents yeah all that
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- """Programs for computing and visualizing empirical power as a function of effect size in the spatial separate-classes model. Author: Tuomas Puoliväli Email: [email protected] Last modified: 24th April 2019 License: Revised 3-clause BSD WARNING: There is unfinished code and only partial testing has been performed. """ from data import spatial_separate_classes_model from fdr import lsu, tst import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from reproducibility import fdr_rvalue, fwer_replicability from scipy.optimize import curve_fit import seaborn as sns from util import (empirical_power, separate_classes_model_counts, logistic_function) from viz import plot_separate_classes_model def separate_data(X, c1, c2): """Function for diving the dataset X into two separate classes. Input arguments: ================ X : ndarray [n_rows, n_cols] The entire dataset having 'n_rows' rows and 'n_cols' columns. c1, c2 : ndarray [4, ] The coordinates of the top left and bottom right corners of the two classes. More specifically, c1[0:2] are the x-coordinates and c1[2:4] are the y-coordinates. Output arguments: ================= X_c1, X_c2 : ndarray The separated datasets. """ """Get the classes' coordinates.""" c1_x1, c1_x2, c1_y1, c1_y2 = c1 c2_x1, c2_x2, c2_y1, c2_y2 = c2 """Separate the dataset into two parts.""" X_c1 = X[c1_y1:c1_y2, c1_x1:c1_x2] X_c2 = X[c2_y1:c2_y2, c2_x1:c2_x2] return X_c1, X_c2 def separate_classes_model_power(deltas, n_iter=20, alpha=0.05, nl=45, sl=15, method=lsu, single_analysis=False): """Function for simulating data under the spatial separate-classes model at various effect sizes. Input arguments: ================ deltas : ndarray The tested effect sizes are all possible effect size pairs (delta1, delta2) among the given array. n_iter : int Number of repetitions of each simulation. alpha : float The desired critical level. nl, sl : int The side lengths of the signal and noise regions within a single class. method : function The applied correction method. single_analysis : bool A flag for deciding whether to perform a single combined analysis or two separate analyses. """ # TODO: make a proper function n_deltas = len(deltas) pwr = np.zeros([n_deltas, n_deltas, n_iter]) for ind in np.ndindex(n_deltas, n_deltas, n_iter): delta1, delta2 = deltas[ind[0]], deltas[ind[1]] X = spatial_separate_classes_model(delta1, delta2)[0] """Perform the multiple testing using either a single combined analysis or two separate analyses. If two analyses are performed, it is assumed that the separate classes are known a priori by the experiments. (However, it would be interesting to also test happens when this assumption is incorrect.) """ if (single_analysis == True): Y = method(X.flatten(), alpha) Y = Y.reshape([nl, 2*nl]) else: X_c1, X_c2 = separate_data(X, [0, nl, 0, nl], [nl, 2*nl, 0, nl]) Y1, Y2 = (method(X_c1.flatten(), alpha), method(X_c2.flatten(), alpha)) Y1, Y2 = Y1.reshape([nl, nl]), Y2.reshape([nl, nl]) Y = np.hstack([Y1, Y2]) """Compute empirical power.""" tp, _, _, fn = separate_classes_model_counts(Y, nl, sl) pwr[ind] = empirical_power(tp, 2*sl**2) return np.mean(pwr, axis=2) def plot_separate_classes_model_power(effect_sizes, pwr): """Function for visualizing empirical power in the separate-classes model as a function of the effect size at the first and second signal regions. Input arguments: ================ effect_sizes : ndarray The tested effect sizes. pwr : ndarray The power at each combination of effect sizes. Output arguments: ================= fig : Figure An instance of the matplotlib Figure class for further editing. """ sns.set_style('darkgrid') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) im = ax.imshow(pwr, origin='lower', cmap='viridis', interpolation='none', vmin=0, vmax=1) ax.grid(False) # Only display every other <x/y>tick. n_effect_sizes = len(effect_sizes) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(0, n_effect_sizes, 2)) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, n_effect_sizes, 2)) ax.set_xticklabels(effect_sizes[0::2]) ax.set_yticklabels(effect_sizes[0::2]) ax.set_xlabel('Effect size $\Delta_1$') ax.set_ylabel('Effect size $\Delta_2$') return fig, im def simulate_separate_classes_model(method): """Function for performing simulations using the separate-classes model and visualizing the results. Input arguments: ================ method : function The applied correction method. """ """Compute empirical power at the chosen effect sizes using the chosen multiple testing method.""" single_analysis = True effect_sizes = np.linspace(0.2, 2.4, 12) pwr = separate_classes_model_power(effect_sizes, method=method, single_analysis=single_analysis) """Visualize the results.""" fig, im = plot_separate_classes_model_power(effect_sizes, pwr) fig.axes[0].set_title('Method: %s' % method.__name__) fig.colorbar(im) fig.tight_layout() fig.axes[0].grid(False) def simulate_single_separate_analyses(): """Function for simulating data using the separate-classes model and comparing the performance of single and separate analyses.""" effect_sizes = np.linspace(0.2, 2.4, 12) n_iter = 5 alpha = 0.05 nl, sl = 45, 15 method = lsu pwr1 = separate_classes_model_power(deltas=effect_sizes, n_iter=n_iter, alpha=alpha, nl=nl, sl=sl, method=method, single_analysis=True) pwr2 = separate_classes_model_power(deltas=effect_sizes, n_iter=n_iter, alpha=alpha, nl=nl, sl=sl, method=method, single_analysis=False) """Visualize the results.""" sns.set_style('white') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) ax1.imshow(pwr1, origin='lower', vmin=0, vmax=1) ax2.imshow(pwr2, origin='lower', vmin=0, vmax=1) #ax.plot(effect_sizes, pwr1[6, :], 'k') #ax.plot(effect_sizes, pwr2[6, :], 'r') ax1.set_xlabel('Effect size') ax1.set_ylabel('Power') fig.tight_layout()
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 import re import os def obtain_forces(file_in): lista = [] for line in file_in.readlines(): m = re.match("\s+\d+\s+([0-9.-]+)\s+([0-9.-]+)\s+([0-9.-]+)",line) if m: lista.append(float( lista.append(float( lista.append(float( return lista def error(fc,fc_ok): dim1 = len(fc) dim2 = len(fc_ok) scr = 0 if dim1 != dim2: print "Amount of forces in forces and forces.ok is different." return -1 for num in range(dim1): value = abs(fc[num] - fc_ok[num]) if value > 1e-3: scr = -1 print "Error detected in Forces:" print "Value in forces",fc[num] print "Value in forces.ok",fc_ok[num] return scr def Check(): # Output fc = [] is_file = os.path.isfile("forces") if is_file == False: print "The forces file is missing." return -1 f = open("forces","r") fc = obtain_forces(f) f.close() if not fc: print "Error reading in forces." return -1 is_file = os.path.isfile("forces.ok") if is_file == False: print "The forces.ok file is missing." return -1 fcok = [] f = open("forces.ok","r") fcok = obtain_forces(f) f.close() if not fcok: print "Error reading in forces.ok." return -1 ok_output = error(fc,fcok) if ok_output != 0: print "Test Forces: ERROR" else: print "Test Forces: OK"
import click import logging import time from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv from grazer.config import Config from grazer.core import crawler from grazer.core import scrapper from grazer.util import time_convert, grouper logger = logging.getLogger("Verata") @click.option("--env", default=find_dotenv(), help="Environment file") @click.option("--log_level", default="INFO", help="Defines a log level", type=click.Choice(["DEBUG", "INFO", "TRACE"])) @click.option("--debug", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Shortcut for DEBUG log level") @click.option("--output", help="All results goes here", prompt="Enter output file name") @click.option("--config", help="Configuration file", prompt="Enter config") @click.pass_context def main(ctx, env, log_level, debug, output, config): if output is None: logger.error("Please provide output file") exit() else: click.echo(ctx) ctx.meta["output"] = output ctx.meta["config"] = config if debug: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) else: logging.basicConfig(level=getattr(logging, log_level)) load_dotenv(env) @main.command() @click.option("--link", help="Site url for scrapping") @click.pass_context def scrape(ctx, link): cfg = Config(ctx.meta["config"]) output = ctx.meta["output"] with open(output, "w") as f: data = scrapper.fetch_page(link, cfg) data = scrapper.scrape(data, cfg.mappings) for title, info, meta in data: f.write("{0}, {1}\n".format(title, info)) @main.command() @click.option("--paginate", help="Split results into pages by", default=10, type=int) @click.option("--rest_interval", help="How long to wait before fetching next page", default="0s") @click.pass_context def crawl(ctx, paginate, rest_interval, output): rest = time_convert(rest_interval) cfg = Config(ctx.meta["config"]) output = ctx.meta["output"] with open(output, "w") as f: for chunk in grouper(paginate, crawler.create(cfg)): if chunk is None: continue for record, link in chunk: logging.debug("Record: {0} Link: {1}".format(record, link)) f.write("({0}, {1})\n".format(record, link)) if rest > 0: time.sleep(rest) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ File: Creator: MazeFX Date: 11-7-2016 Main url resolver as from cookiecutter-django. Added following resolver patterns: * ('/') -> pages.home_page * ('/contact/') -> pages.contact_page * ('/contact/email_sent/') -> pages.email_sent_page """ from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.conf import settings from django.conf.urls import include, url from django.conf.urls.static import static from django.contrib import admin from django.views.generic import TemplateView from django.views import defaults as default_views from website.pages import views as page_views urlpatterns = [ url(r'^$', page_views.home_page, name='home'), url(r'^home_old', page_views.home_page_old, name='home_old'), url(r'^a-frame/virtual-developers/$', page_views.aFrame_developers, name='aframe-developers'), url(r'^portfolio/coming_soon/$', page_views.coming_soon_page, name='coming_soon'), url(r'^contact/$', page_views.contact_page, name='contact'), url(r'^contact/email_sent/$', page_views.email_sent_page, name='email_sent'), url(r'^about/$', TemplateView.as_view(template_name='pages/about.html'), name='about'), # Django Admin, use {% url 'admin:index' %} url(settings.ADMIN_URL, include(, # User management url(r'^users/', include('website.users.urls', namespace='users')), url(r'^accounts/', include('allauth.urls')), # Your stuff: custom urls includes go here ] + static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT) if settings.DEBUG: import debug_toolbar # This allows the error pages to be debugged during development, just visit # these url in browser to see how these error pages look like. urlpatterns += [ url(r'^aframe_test/(?P<num>[0-9]+)/$', page_views.aFrame_test_page, name='aframe'), url(r'^400/$', default_views.bad_request, kwargs={'exception': Exception('Bad Request!')}), url(r'^403/$', default_views.permission_denied, kwargs={'exception': Exception('Permission Denied')}), url(r'^404/$', default_views.page_not_found, kwargs={'exception': Exception('Page not Found')}), url(r'^500/$', default_views.server_error), url(r'^__debug__/', include(debug_toolbar.urls)), ]
# encoding: utf-8 # # Copyright (c) 2014 Dean Jackson <[email protected]> # # MIT Licence. See # # Created on 2014-02-15 # """ The :class:`Workflow` object is the main interface to this library. See :ref:`setup` in the :ref:`user-manual` for an example of how to set up your Python script to best utilise the :class:`Workflow` object. """ from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals import os import sys import string import re import plistlib import subprocess import unicodedata import shutil import json import cPickle import pickle import time import logging import logging.handlers try: import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET except ImportError: # pragma: no cover import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET #################################################################### # Standard system icons #################################################################### # These icons are default OS X icons. They are super-high quality, and # will be familiar to users. # This library uses `ICON_ERROR` when a workflow dies in flames, so # in my own workflows, I use `ICON_WARNING` for less fatal errors # (e.g. bad user input, no results etc.) # The system icons are all in this directory. There are many more than # are listed here ICON_ROOT = '/System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources' ICON_ACCOUNT = os.path.join(ICON_ROOT, 'Accounts.icns') ICON_BURN = os.path.join(ICON_ROOT, 'BurningIcon.icns') ICON_COLOR = os.path.join(ICON_ROOT, 'ProfileBackgroundColor.icns') ICON_COLOUR = ICON_COLOR # Queen's English, if you please # Shown when a workflow throws an error ICON_ERROR = os.path.join(ICON_ROOT, 'AlertStopIcon.icns') ICON_FAVORITE = os.path.join(ICON_ROOT, 'ToolbarFavoritesIcon.icns') ICON_FAVOURITE = ICON_FAVORITE ICON_GROUP = os.path.join(ICON_ROOT, 'GroupIcon.icns') ICON_HELP = os.path.join(ICON_ROOT, 'HelpIcon.icns') ICON_INFO = os.path.join(ICON_ROOT, 'ToolbarInfo.icns') ICON_MUSIC = os.path.join(ICON_ROOT, 'ToolbarMusicFolderIcon.icns') ICON_NETWORK = os.path.join(ICON_ROOT, 'GenericNetworkIcon.icns') ICON_NOTE = os.path.join(ICON_ROOT, 'AlertNoteIcon.icns') ICON_SETTINGS = os.path.join(ICON_ROOT, 'ToolbarAdvanced.icns') ICON_SYNC = os.path.join(ICON_ROOT, 'Sync.icns') ICON_TRASH = os.path.join(ICON_ROOT, 'TrashIcon.icns') ICON_USER = os.path.join(ICON_ROOT, 'UserIcon.icns') ICON_WARNING = os.path.join(ICON_ROOT, 'AlertCautionIcon.icns') ICON_WEB = os.path.join(ICON_ROOT, 'BookmarkIcon.icns') #################################################################### # non-ASCII to ASCII diacritic folding. # Used by `fold_to_ascii` method #################################################################### ASCII_REPLACEMENTS = { 'À': 'A', 'Á': 'A', 'Â': 'A', 'Ã': 'A', 'Ä': 'A', 'Å': 'A', 'Æ': 'AE', 'Ç': 'C', 'È': 'E', 'É': 'E', 'Ê': 'E', 'Ë': 'E', 'Ì': 'I', 'Í': 'I', 'Î': 'I', 'Ï': 'I', 'Ð': 'D', 'Ñ': 'N', 'Ò': 'O', 'Ó': 'O', 'Ô': 'O', 'Õ': 'O', 'Ö': 'O', 'Ø': 'O', 'Ù': 'U', 'Ú': 'U', 'Û': 'U', 'Ü': 'U', 'Ý': 'Y', 'Þ': 'Th', 'ß': 'ss', 'à': 'a', 'á': 'a', 'â': 'a', 'ã': 'a', 'ä': 'a', 'å': 'a', 'æ': 'ae', 'ç': 'c', 'è': 'e', 'é': 'e', 'ê': 'e', 'ë': 'e', 'ì': 'i', 'í': 'i', 'î': 'i', 'ï': 'i', 'ð': 'd', 'ñ': 'n', 'ò': 'o', 'ó': 'o', 'ô': 'o', 'õ': 'o', 'ö': 'o', 'ø': 'o', 'ù': 'u', 'ú': 'u', 'û': 'u', 'ü': 'u', 'ý': 'y', 'þ': 'th', 'ÿ': 'y', 'Ł': 'L', 'ł': 'l', 'Ń': 'N', 'ń': 'n', 'Ņ': 'N', 'ņ': 'n', 'Ň': 'N', 'ň': 'n', 'Ŋ': 'ng', 'ŋ': 'NG', 'Ō': 'O', 'ō': 'o', 'Ŏ': 'O', 'ŏ': 'o', 'Ő': 'O', 'ő': 'o', 'Œ': 'OE', 'œ': 'oe', 'Ŕ': 'R', 'ŕ': 'r', 'Ŗ': 'R', 'ŗ': 'r', 'Ř': 'R', 'ř': 'r', 'Ś': 'S', 'ś': 's', 'Ŝ': 'S', 'ŝ': 's', 'Ş': 'S', 'ş': 's', 'Š': 'S', 'š': 's', 'Ţ': 'T', 'ţ': 't', 'Ť': 'T', 'ť': 't', 'Ŧ': 'T', 'ŧ': 't', 'Ũ': 'U', 'ũ': 'u', 'Ū': 'U', 'ū': 'u', 'Ŭ': 'U', 'ŭ': 'u', 'Ů': 'U', 'ů': 'u', 'Ű': 'U', 'ű': 'u', 'Ŵ': 'W', 'ŵ': 'w', 'Ŷ': 'Y', 'ŷ': 'y', 'Ÿ': 'Y', 'Ź': 'Z', 'ź': 'z', 'Ż': 'Z', 'ż': 'z', 'Ž': 'Z', 'ž': 'z', 'ſ': 's', 'Α': 'A', 'Β': 'B', 'Γ': 'G', 'Δ': 'D', 'Ε': 'E', 'Ζ': 'Z', 'Η': 'E', 'Θ': 'Th', 'Ι': 'I', 'Κ': 'K', 'Λ': 'L', 'Μ': 'M', 'Ν': 'N', 'Ξ': 'Ks', 'Ο': 'O', 'Π': 'P', 'Ρ': 'R', 'Σ': 'S', 'Τ': 'T', 'Υ': 'U', 'Φ': 'Ph', 'Χ': 'Kh', 'Ψ': 'Ps', 'Ω': 'O', 'α': 'a', 'β': 'b', 'γ': 'g', 'δ': 'd', 'ε': 'e', 'ζ': 'z', 'η': 'e', 'θ': 'th', 'ι': 'i', 'κ': 'k', 'λ': 'l', 'μ': 'm', 'ν': 'n', 'ξ': 'x', 'ο': 'o', 'π': 'p', 'ρ': 'r', 'ς': 's', 'σ': 's', 'τ': 't', 'υ': 'u', 'φ': 'ph', 'χ': 'kh', 'ψ': 'ps', 'ω': 'o', 'А': 'A', 'Б': 'B', 'В': 'V', 'Г': 'G', 'Д': 'D', 'Е': 'E', 'Ж': 'Zh', 'З': 'Z', 'И': 'I', 'Й': 'I', 'К': 'K', 'Л': 'L', 'М': 'M', 'Н': 'N', 'О': 'O', 'П': 'P', 'Р': 'R', 'С': 'S', 'Т': 'T', 'У': 'U', 'Ф': 'F', 'Х': 'Kh', 'Ц': 'Ts', 'Ч': 'Ch', 'Ш': 'Sh', 'Щ': 'Shch', 'Ъ': "'", 'Ы': 'Y', 'Ь': "'", 'Э': 'E', 'Ю': 'Iu', 'Я': 'Ia', 'а': 'a', 'б': 'b', 'в': 'v', 'г': 'g', 'д': 'd', 'е': 'e', 'ж': 'zh', 'з': 'z', 'и': 'i', 'й': 'i', 'к': 'k', 'л': 'l', 'м': 'm', 'н': 'n', 'о': 'o', 'п': 'p', 'р': 'r', 'с': 's', 'т': 't', 'у': 'u', 'ф': 'f', 'х': 'kh', 'ц': 'ts', 'ч': 'ch', 'ш': 'sh', 'щ': 'shch', 'ъ': "'", 'ы': 'y', 'ь': "'", 'э': 'e', 'ю': 'iu', 'я': 'ia', # 'ᴀ': '', # 'ᴁ': '', # 'ᴂ': '', # 'ᴃ': '', # 'ᴄ': '', # 'ᴅ': '', # 'ᴆ': '', # 'ᴇ': '', # 'ᴈ': '', # 'ᴉ': '', # 'ᴊ': '', # 'ᴋ': '', # 'ᴌ': '', # 'ᴍ': '', # 'ᴎ': '', # 'ᴏ': '', # 'ᴐ': '', # 'ᴑ': '', # 'ᴒ': '', # 'ᴓ': '', # 'ᴔ': '', # 'ᴕ': '', # 'ᴖ': '', # 'ᴗ': '', # 'ᴘ': '', # 'ᴙ': '', # 'ᴚ': '', # 'ᴛ': '', # 'ᴜ': '', # 'ᴝ': '', # 'ᴞ': '', # 'ᴟ': '', # 'ᴠ': '', # 'ᴡ': '', # 'ᴢ': '', # 'ᴣ': '', # 'ᴤ': '', # 'ᴥ': '', 'ᴦ': 'G', 'ᴧ': 'L', 'ᴨ': 'P', 'ᴩ': 'R', 'ᴪ': 'PS', 'ẞ': 'Ss', 'Ỳ': 'Y', 'ỳ': 'y', 'Ỵ': 'Y', 'ỵ': 'y', 'Ỹ': 'Y', 'ỹ': 'y', } #################################################################### # Used by `Workflow.filter` #################################################################### # Anchor characters in a name #: Characters that indicate the beginning of a "word" in CamelCase INITIALS = string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits #: Split on non-letters, numbers split_on_delimiters = re.compile('[^a-zA-Z0-9]').split # Match filter flags #: Match items that start with ``query`` MATCH_STARTSWITH = 1 #: Match items whose capital letters start with ``query`` MATCH_CAPITALS = 2 #: Match items with a component "word" that matches ``query`` MATCH_ATOM = 4 #: Match items whose initials (based on atoms) start with ``query`` MATCH_INITIALS_STARTSWITH = 8 #: Match items whose initials (based on atoms) contain ``query`` MATCH_INITIALS_CONTAIN = 16 #: Combination of :const:`MATCH_INITIALS_STARTSWITH` and #: :const:`MATCH_INITIALS_CONTAIN` MATCH_INITIALS = 24 #: Match items if ``query`` is a substring MATCH_SUBSTRING = 32 #: Match items if all characters in ``query`` appear in the item in order MATCH_ALLCHARS = 64 #: Combination of all other ``MATCH_*`` constants MATCH_ALL = 127 #################################################################### # Used by `Workflow.check_update` #################################################################### # Number of days to wait between checking for updates to the workflow DEFAULT_UPDATE_FREQUENCY = 1 #################################################################### # Keychain access errors #################################################################### class KeychainError(Exception): """Raised by methods :meth:`Workflow.save_password`, :meth:`Workflow.get_password` and :meth:`Workflow.delete_password` when ``security`` CLI app returns an unknown error code. """ class PasswordNotFound(KeychainError): """Raised by method :meth:`Workflow.get_password` when ``account`` is unknown to the Keychain. """ class PasswordExists(KeychainError): """Raised when trying to overwrite an existing account password. You should never receive this error: it is used internally by the :meth:`Workflow.save_password` method to know if it needs to delete the old password first (a Keychain implementation detail). """ #################################################################### # Helper functions #################################################################### def isascii(text): """Test if ``text`` contains only ASCII characters :param text: text to test for ASCII-ness :type text: ``unicode`` :returns: ``True`` if ``text`` contains only ASCII characters :rtype: ``Boolean`` """ try: text.encode('ascii') except UnicodeEncodeError: return False return True #################################################################### # Implementation classes #################################################################### class SerializerManager(object): """Contains registered serializers. .. versionadded:: 1.8 A configured instance of this class is available at ``workflow.manager``. Use :meth:`register()` to register new (or replace existing) serializers, which you can specify by name when calling :class:`Workflow` data storage methods. See :ref:`manual-serialization` and :ref:`manual-persistent-data` for further information. """ def __init__(self): self._serializers = {} def register(self, name, serializer): """Register ``serializer`` object under ``name``. Raises :class:`AttributeError` if ``serializer`` in invalid. .. note:: ``name`` will be used as the file extension of the saved files. :param name: Name to register ``serializer`` under :type name: ``unicode`` or ``str`` :param serializer: object with ``load()`` and ``dump()`` methods """ # Basic validation getattr(serializer, 'load') getattr(serializer, 'dump') self._serializers[name] = serializer def serializer(self, name): """Return serializer object for ``name`` or ``None`` if no such serializer is registered :param name: Name of serializer to return :type name: ``unicode`` or ``str`` :returns: serializer object or ``None`` """ return self._serializers.get(name) def unregister(self, name): """Remove registered serializer with ``name`` Raises a :class:`ValueError` if there is no such registered serializer. :param name: Name of serializer to remove :type name: ``unicode`` or ``str`` :returns: serializer object """ if name not in self._serializers: raise ValueError('No such serializer registered : {}'.format(name)) serializer = self._serializers[name] del self._serializers[name] return serializer @property def serializers(self): """Return names of registered serializers""" return sorted(self._serializers.keys()) class JSONSerializer(object): """Wrapper around :mod:`json`. Sets ``indent`` and ``encoding``. .. versionadded:: 1.8 Use this serializer if you need readable data files. JSON doesn't support Python objects as well as ``cPickle``/``pickle``, so be careful which data you try to serialize as JSON. """ @classmethod def load(cls, file_obj): """Load serialized object from open JSON file. .. versionadded:: 1.8 :param file_obj: file handle :type file_obj: ``file`` object :returns: object loaded from JSON file :rtype: object """ return json.load(file_obj) @classmethod def dump(cls, obj, file_obj): """Serialize object ``obj`` to open JSON file. .. versionadded:: 1.8 :param obj: Python object to serialize :type obj: JSON-serializable data structure :param file_obj: file handle :type file_obj: ``file`` object """ return json.dump(obj, file_obj, indent=2, encoding='utf-8') class CPickleSerializer(object): """Wrapper around :mod:`cPickle`. Sets ``protocol``. .. versionadded:: 1.8 This is the default serializer and the best combination of speed and flexibility. """ @classmethod def load(cls, file_obj): """Load serialized object from open pickle file. .. versionadded:: 1.8 :param file_obj: file handle :type file_obj: ``file`` object :returns: object loaded from pickle file :rtype: object """ return cPickle.load(file_obj) @classmethod def dump(cls, obj, file_obj): """Serialize object ``obj`` to open pickle file. .. versionadded:: 1.8 :param obj: Python object to serialize :type obj: Python object :param file_obj: file handle :type file_obj: ``file`` object """ return cPickle.dump(obj, file_obj, protocol=-1) class PickleSerializer(object): """Wrapper around :mod:`pickle`. Sets ``protocol``. .. versionadded:: 1.8 Use this serializer if you need to add custom pickling. """ @classmethod def load(cls, file_obj): """Load serialized object from open pickle file. .. versionadded:: 1.8 :param file_obj: file handle :type file_obj: ``file`` object :returns: object loaded from pickle file :rtype: object """ return pickle.load(file_obj) @classmethod def dump(cls, obj, file_obj): """Serialize object ``obj`` to open pickle file. .. versionadded:: 1.8 :param obj: Python object to serialize :type obj: Python object :param file_obj: file handle :type file_obj: ``file`` object """ return pickle.dump(obj, file_obj, protocol=-1) # Set up default manager and register built-in serializers manager = SerializerManager() manager.register('cpickle', CPickleSerializer) manager.register('pickle', PickleSerializer) manager.register('json', JSONSerializer) class Item(object): """Represents a feedback item for Alfred. Generates Alfred-compliant XML for a single item. You probably shouldn't use this class directly, but via :meth:`Workflow.add_item`. See :meth:`~Workflow.add_item` for details of arguments. """ def __init__(self, title, subtitle='', modifier_subtitles=None, arg=None, autocomplete=None, valid=False, uid=None, icon=None, icontype=None, type=None, largetext=None, copytext=None): """Arguments the same as for :meth:`Workflow.add_item`. """ self.title = title self.subtitle = subtitle self.modifier_subtitles = modifier_subtitles or {} self.arg = arg self.autocomplete = autocomplete self.valid = valid self.uid = uid self.icon = icon self.icontype = icontype self.type = type self.largetext = largetext self.copytext = copytext @property def elem(self): """Create and return feedback item for Alfred. :returns: :class:`ElementTree.Element <xml.etree.ElementTree.Element>` instance for this :class:`Item` instance. """ attr = {} if self.valid: attr['valid'] = 'yes' else: attr['valid'] = 'no' # Optional attributes for name in ('uid', 'type', 'autocomplete'): value = getattr(self, name, None) if value: attr[name] = value root = ET.Element('item', attr) ET.SubElement(root, 'title').text = self.title ET.SubElement(root, 'subtitle').text = self.subtitle # Add modifier subtitles for mod in ('cmd', 'ctrl', 'alt', 'shift', 'fn'): if mod in self.modifier_subtitles: ET.SubElement(root, 'subtitle', {'mod': mod}).text = self.modifier_subtitles[mod] if self.arg: ET.SubElement(root, 'arg').text = self.arg # Add icon if there is one if self.icon: if self.icontype: attr = dict(type=self.icontype) else: attr = {} ET.SubElement(root, 'icon', attr).text = self.icon if self.largetext: ET.SubElement(root, 'text', {'type': 'largetype'}).text = self.largetext if self.copytext: ET.SubElement(root, 'text', {'type': 'copy'}).text = self.copytext return root class Settings(dict): """A dictionary that saves itself when changed. Dictionary keys & values will be saved as a JSON file at ``filepath``. If the file does not exist, the dictionary (and settings file) will be initialised with ``defaults``. :param filepath: where to save the settings :type filepath: :class:`unicode` :param defaults: dict of default settings :type defaults: :class:`dict` An appropriate instance is provided by :class:`Workflow` instances at :attr:`Workflow.settings`. """ def __init__(self, filepath, defaults=None): super(Settings, self).__init__() self._filepath = filepath self._nosave = False if os.path.exists(self._filepath): self._load() elif defaults: for key, val in defaults.items(): self[key] = val # save default settings def _load(self): """Load cached settings from JSON file `self._filepath`""" self._nosave = True with open(self._filepath, 'rb') as file_obj: for key, value in json.load(file_obj, encoding='utf-8').items(): self[key] = value self._nosave = False def save(self): """Save settings to JSON file specified in ``self._filepath`` If you're using this class via :attr:`Workflow.settings`, which you probably are, ``self._filepath`` will be ``settings.json`` in your workflow's data directory (see :attr:`~Workflow.datadir`). """ if self._nosave: return data = {} for key, value in self.items(): data[key] = value with open(self._filepath, 'wb') as file_obj: json.dump(data, file_obj, sort_keys=True, indent=2, encoding='utf-8') # dict methods def __setitem__(self, key, value): super(Settings, self).__setitem__(key, value) def __delitem__(self, key): super(Settings, self).__delitem__(key) def update(self, *args, **kwargs): """Override :class:`dict` method to save on update.""" super(Settings, self).update(*args, **kwargs) def setdefault(self, key, value=None): """Override :class:`dict` method to save on update.""" ret = super(Settings, self).setdefault(key, value) return ret class Workflow(object): """Create new :class:`Workflow` instance. :param default_settings: default workflow settings. If no settings file exists, :class:`Workflow.settings` will be pre-populated with ``default_settings``. :type default_settings: :class:`dict` :param update_settings: settings for updating your workflow from GitHub. This must be a :class:`dict` that contains ``github_slug`` and ``version`` keys. ``github_slug`` is of the form ``username/repo`` and ``version`` **must** correspond to the tag of a release. See :ref:`updates` for more information. :type update_settings: :class:`dict` :param input_encoding: encoding of command line arguments :type input_encoding: :class:`unicode` :param normalization: normalisation to apply to CLI args. See :meth:`Workflow.decode` for more details. :type normalization: :class:`unicode` :param capture_args: capture and act on ``workflow:*`` arguments. See :ref:`Magic arguments <magic-arguments>` for details. :type capture_args: :class:`Boolean` :param libraries: sequence of paths to directories containing libraries. These paths will be prepended to ``sys.path``. :type libraries: :class:`tuple` or :class:`list` """ # Which class to use to generate feedback items. You probably # won't want to change this item_class = Item def __init__(self, default_settings=None, update_settings=None, input_encoding='utf-8', normalization='NFC', capture_args=True, libraries=None): self._default_settings = default_settings or {} self._update_settings = update_settings or {} self._input_encoding = input_encoding self._normalizsation = normalization self._capture_args = capture_args self._workflowdir = None self._settings_path = None self._settings = None self._bundleid = None self._name = None self._cache_serializer = 'cpickle' self._data_serializer = 'cpickle' # info.plist should be in the directory above this one self._info_plist = self.workflowfile('info.plist') self._info = None self._info_loaded = False self._logger = None self._items = [] self._alfred_env = None self._search_pattern_cache = {} if libraries: sys.path = libraries + sys.path if update_settings: self.check_update() #################################################################### # API methods #################################################################### # info.plist contents and alfred_* environment variables ---------- @property def alfred_env(self): """Alfred's environmental variables minus the ``alfred_`` prefix. .. versionadded:: 1.7 The variables Alfred 2.4+ exports are: ============================ ========================================= Variable Description ============================ ========================================= alfred_preferences Path to Alfred.alfredpreferences (where your workflows and settings are stored). alfred_preferences_localhash Machine-specific preferences are stored in ``Alfred.alfredpreferences/preferences/local/<hash>`` (see ``alfred_preferences`` above for the path to ``Alfred.alfredpreferences``) alfred_theme ID of selected theme alfred_theme_background Background colour of selected theme in format ``rgba(r,g,b,a)`` alfred_theme_subtext Show result subtext. ``0`` = Always, ``1`` = Alternative actions only, ``2`` = Selected result only, ``3`` = Never alfred_version Alfred version number, e.g. ``'2.4'`` alfred_version_build Alfred build number, e.g. ``277`` alfred_workflow_bundleid Bundle ID, e.g. ``net.deanishe.alfred-mailto`` alfred_workflow_cache Path to workflow's cache directory alfred_workflow_data Path to workflow's data directory alfred_workflow_name Name of current workflow alfred_workflow_uid UID of workflow ============================ ========================================= **Note:** all values are Unicode strings except ``version_build`` and ``theme_subtext``, which are integers. :returns: ``dict`` of Alfred's environmental variables without the ``alfred_`` prefix, e.g. ``preferences``, ``workflow_data``. """ if self._alfred_env is not None: return self._alfred_env data = {} for key in ( 'alfred_preferences', 'alfred_preferences_localhash', 'alfred_theme', 'alfred_theme_background', 'alfred_theme_subtext', 'alfred_version', 'alfred_version_build', 'alfred_workflow_bundleid', 'alfred_workflow_cache', 'alfred_workflow_data', 'alfred_workflow_name', 'alfred_workflow_uid'): value = os.getenv(key) if isinstance(value, str): if key in ('alfred_version_build', 'alfred_theme_subtext'): value = int(value) else: value = self.decode(value) data[key[7:]] = value self._alfred_env = data return self._alfred_env @property def info(self): """:class:`dict` of ``info.plist`` contents.""" if not self._info_loaded: self._load_info_plist() return self._info @property def bundleid(self): """Workflow bundle ID from Alfred's environmental vars or ``info.plist``. :returns: bundle ID :rtype: ``unicode`` """ if not self._bundleid: if self.alfred_env.get('workflow_bundleid'): self._bundleid = self.alfred_env.get('workflow_bundleid') else: self._bundleid = unicode(['bundleid'], 'utf-8') return self._bundleid @property def name(self): """Workflow name from Alfred's environmental vars or ``info.plist``. :returns: workflow name :rtype: ``unicode`` """ if not self._name: if self.alfred_env.get('workflow_name'): self._name = self.decode(self.alfred_env.get('workflow_name')) else: self._name = self.decode(['name']) return self._name # Workflow utility methods ----------------------------------------- @property def args(self): """Return command line args as normalised unicode. Args are decoded and normalised via :meth:`~Workflow.decode`. The encoding and normalisation are the ``input_encoding`` and ``normalization`` arguments passed to :class:`Workflow` (``UTF-8`` and ``NFC`` are the defaults). If :class:`Workflow` is called with ``capture_args=True`` (the default), :class:`Workflow` will look for certain ``workflow:*`` args and, if found, perform the corresponding actions and exit the workflow. See :ref:`Magic arguments <magic-arguments>` for details. """ msg = None args = [self.decode(arg) for arg in sys.argv[1:]] if len(args) and self._capture_args: if 'workflow:openlog' in args: msg = 'Opening workflow log file' self.open_log() elif 'workflow:reset' in args: self.reset() msg = 'Reset workflow' elif 'workflow:delcache' in args: self.clear_cache() msg = 'Deleted workflow cache' elif 'workflow:deldata' in args: self.clear_data() msg = 'Deleted workflow data' elif 'workflow:delsettings' in args: self.clear_settings() msg = 'Deleted workflow settings' elif 'workflow:openworkflow' in args: msg = 'Opening workflow directory' self.open_workflowdir() elif 'workflow:opendata' in args: msg = 'Opening workflow data directory' self.open_datadir() elif 'workflow:opencache' in args: msg = 'Opening workflow cache directory' self.open_cachedir() elif 'workflow:openterm' in args: msg = 'Opening workflow root directory in Terminal' self.open_terminal() elif 'workflow:foldingon' in args: msg = 'Diacritics will always be folded' self.settings['__workflow_diacritic_folding'] = True elif 'workflow:foldingoff' in args: msg = 'Diacritics will never be folded' self.settings['__workflow_diacritic_folding'] = False elif 'workflow:foldingdefault' in args: msg = 'Diacritics folding reset' if '__workflow_diacritic_folding' in self.settings: del self.settings['__workflow_diacritic_folding'] elif 'workflow:update' in args: if self.start_update(): msg = 'Downloading and installing update ...' else: msg = 'No update available' if msg: self.logger.debug(msg) if not sys.stdout.isatty(): # Show message in Alfred self.add_item(msg, valid=False, icon=ICON_INFO) self.send_feedback() sys.exit(0) return args @property def cachedir(self): """Path to workflow's cache directory. The cache directory is a subdirectory of Alfred's own cache directory in ``~/Library/Caches``. The full path is: ``~/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2/Workflow Data/<bundle id>`` :returns: full path to workflow's cache directory :rtype: ``unicode`` """ if self.alfred_env.get('workflow_cache'): dirpath = self.alfred_env.get('workflow_cache') else: dirpath = os.path.join( os.path.expanduser( '~/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2/' 'Workflow Data/'), self.bundleid) return self._create(dirpath) @property def datadir(self): """Path to workflow's data directory. The data directory is a subdirectory of Alfred's own data directory in ``~/Library/Application Support``. The full path is: ``~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/<bundle id>`` :returns: full path to workflow data directory :rtype: ``unicode`` """ if self.alfred_env.get('workflow_data'): dirpath = self.alfred_env.get('workflow_data') else: dirpath = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser( '~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/'), self.bundleid) return self._create(dirpath) @property def workflowdir(self): """Path to workflow's root directory (where ``info.plist`` is). :returns: full path to workflow root directory :rtype: ``unicode`` """ if not self._workflowdir: # Try the working directory first, then the directory # the library is in. CWD will be the workflow root if # a workflow is being run in Alfred candidates = [ os.path.abspath(os.getcwdu()), os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)))] # climb the directory tree until we find `info.plist` for dirpath in candidates: # Ensure directory path is Unicode dirpath = self.decode(dirpath) while True: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirpath, 'info.plist')): self._workflowdir = dirpath break elif dirpath == '/': # no `info.plist` found break # Check the parent directory dirpath = os.path.dirname(dirpath) # No need to check other candidates if self._workflowdir: break if not self._workflowdir: raise IOError("'info.plist' not found in directory tree") return self._workflowdir def cachefile(self, filename): """Return full path to ``filename`` within your workflow's :attr:`cache directory <Workflow.cachedir>`. :param filename: basename of file :type filename: ``unicode`` :returns: full path to file within cache directory :rtype: ``unicode`` """ return os.path.join(self.cachedir, filename) def datafile(self, filename): """Return full path to ``filename`` within your workflow's :attr:`data directory <Workflow.datadir>`. :param filename: basename of file :type filename: ``unicode`` :returns: full path to file within data directory :rtype: ``unicode`` """ return os.path.join(self.datadir, filename) def workflowfile(self, filename): """Return full path to ``filename`` in workflow's root dir (where ``info.plist`` is). :param filename: basename of file :type filename: ``unicode`` :returns: full path to file within data directory :rtype: ``unicode`` """ return os.path.join(self.workflowdir, filename) @property def logfile(self): """Return path to logfile :returns: path to logfile within workflow's cache directory :rtype: ``unicode`` """ return self.cachefile('%s.log' % self.bundleid) @property def logger(self): """Create and return a logger that logs to both console and a log file. Use :meth:`open_log` to open the log file in Console. :returns: an initialised :class:`~logging.Logger` """ if self._logger: return self._logger # Initialise new logger and optionally handlers logger = logging.getLogger('workflow') if not len(logger.handlers): # Only add one set of handlers logfile = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler( self.logfile, maxBytes=1024*1024, backupCount=0) console = logging.StreamHandler() fmt = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)s' ' %(levelname)-8s %(message)s', datefmt='%H:%M:%S') logfile.setFormatter(fmt) console.setFormatter(fmt) logger.addHandler(logfile) logger.addHandler(console) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self._logger = logger return self._logger @logger.setter def logger(self, logger): """Set a custom logger. :param logger: The logger to use :type logger: `~logging.Logger` instance """ self._logger = logger @property def settings_path(self): """Path to settings file within workflow's data directory. :returns: path to ``settings.json`` file :rtype: ``unicode`` """ if not self._settings_path: self._settings_path = self.datafile('settings.json') return self._settings_path @property def settings(self): """Return a dictionary subclass that saves itself when changed. See :ref:`manual-settings` in the :ref:`user-manual` for more information on how to use :attr:`settings` and **important limitations** on what it can do. :returns: :class:`~workflow.workflow.Settings` instance initialised from the data in JSON file at :attr:`settings_path` or if that doesn't exist, with the ``default_settings`` :class:`dict` passed to :class:`Workflow` on instantiation. :rtype: :class:`~workflow.workflow.Settings` instance """ if not self._settings: self._settings = Settings(self.settings_path, self._default_settings) return self._settings @property def cache_serializer(self): """Name of default cache serializer. .. versionadded:: 1.8 This serializer is used by :meth:`cache_data()` and :meth:`cached_data()` See :class:`SerializerManager` for details. :returns: serializer name :rtype: ``unicode`` """ return self._cache_serializer @cache_serializer.setter def cache_serializer(self, serializer_name): """Set the default cache serialization format. .. versionadded:: 1.8 This serializer is used by :meth:`cache_data()` and :meth:`cached_data()` The specified serializer must already by registered with the :class:`SerializerManager` at `~workflow.workflow.manager`, otherwise a :class:`ValueError` will be raised. :param serializer_name: Name of default serializer to use. :type serializer_name: """ if manager.serializer(serializer_name) is None: raise ValueError( 'Unknown serializer : `{}`. Register your serializer ' 'with `manager` first.'.format(serializer_name)) self.logger.debug( 'default cache serializer set to `{}`'.format(serializer_name)) self._cache_serializer = serializer_name @property def data_serializer(self): """Name of default data serializer. .. versionadded:: 1.8 This serializer is used by :meth:`store_data()` and :meth:`stored_data()` See :class:`SerializerManager` for details. :returns: serializer name :rtype: ``unicode`` """ return self._data_serializer @data_serializer.setter def data_serializer(self, serializer_name): """Set the default cache serialization format. .. versionadded:: 1.8 This serializer is used by :meth:`store_data()` and :meth:`stored_data()` The specified serializer must already by registered with the :class:`SerializerManager` at `~workflow.workflow.manager`, otherwise a :class:`ValueError` will be raised. :param serializer_name: Name of serializer to use by default. """ if manager.serializer(serializer_name) is None: raise ValueError( 'Unknown serializer : `{}`. Register your serializer ' 'with `manager` first.'.format(serializer_name)) self.logger.debug( 'default data serializer set to `{}`'.format(serializer_name)) self._data_serializer = serializer_name def stored_data(self, name): """Retrieve data from data directory. Returns ``None`` if there are no data stored. .. versionadded:: 1.8 :param name: name of datastore """ metadata_path = self.datafile('.{}.alfred-workflow'.format(name)) if not os.path.exists(metadata_path): self.logger.debug('No data stored for `{}`'.format(name)) return None with open(metadata_path, 'rb') as file_obj: serializer_name = serializer = manager.serializer(serializer_name) if serializer is None: raise ValueError( 'Unknown serializer `{}`. Register a corresponding serializer ' 'with `manager.register()` to load this data.'.format( serializer_name)) self.logger.debug('Data `{}` stored in `{}` format'.format( name, serializer_name)) filename = '{}.{}'.format(name, serializer_name) data_path = self.datafile(filename) if not os.path.exists(data_path): self.logger.debug('No data stored for `{}`'.format(name)) if os.path.exists(metadata_path): os.unlink(metadata_path) return None with open(data_path, 'rb') as file_obj: data = serializer.load(file_obj) self.logger.debug('Stored data loaded from : {}'.format(data_path)) return data def store_data(self, name, data, serializer=None): """Save data to data directory. .. versionadded:: 1.8 If ``data`` is ``None``, the datastore will be deleted. :param name: name of datastore :param data: object(s) to store. **Note:** some serializers can only handled certain types of data. :param serializer: name of serializer to use. If no serializer is specified, the default will be used. See :class:`SerializerManager` for more information. :returns: data in datastore or ``None`` """ serializer_name = serializer or self.data_serializer if serializer_name == 'json' and name == 'settings': raise ValueError( 'Cannot save data to `settings` with format `json`. ' "This would overwrite Alfred-Workflow's settings file.") serializer = manager.serializer(serializer_name) if serializer is None: raise ValueError( 'Invalid serializer `{}`. Register your serializer with ' '`manager.register()` first.'.format(serializer_name)) # In order for `stored_data()` to be able to load data stored with # an arbitrary serializer, yet still have meaningful file extensions, # the format (i.e. extension) is saved to an accompanying file metadata_path = self.datafile('.{}.alfred-workflow'.format(name)) filename = '{}.{}'.format(name, serializer_name) data_path = self.datafile(filename) if data is None: # Delete cached data for path in (metadata_path, data_path): if os.path.exists(path): os.unlink(path) self.logger.debug('Deleted data file : {}'.format(path)) return # Save file extension with open(metadata_path, 'wb') as file_obj: file_obj.write(serializer_name) with open(data_path, 'wb') as file_obj: serializer.dump(data, file_obj) self.logger.debug('Stored data saved at : {}'.format(data_path)) def cached_data(self, name, data_func=None, max_age=60): """Retrieve data from cache or re-generate and re-cache data if stale/non-existant. If ``max_age`` is 0, return cached data no matter how old. :param name: name of datastore :param data_func: function to (re-)generate data. :type data_func: ``callable`` :param max_age: maximum age of cached data in seconds :type max_age: ``int`` :returns: cached data, return value of ``data_func`` or ``None`` if ``data_func`` is not set """ serializer = manager.serializer(self.cache_serializer) cache_path = self.cachefile('%s.%s' % (name, self.cache_serializer)) age = self.cached_data_age(name) if (age < max_age or max_age == 0) and os.path.exists(cache_path): with open(cache_path, 'rb') as file_obj: self.logger.debug('Loading cached data from : %s', cache_path) return serializer.load(file_obj) if not data_func: return None data = data_func() self.cache_data(name, data) return data def cache_data(self, name, data): """Save ``data`` to cache under ``name``. If ``data`` is ``None``, the corresponding cache file will be deleted. :param name: name of datastore :param data: data to store. This may be any object supported by the cache serializer """ serializer = manager.serializer(self.cache_serializer) cache_path = self.cachefile('%s.%s' % (name, self.cache_serializer)) if data is None: if os.path.exists(cache_path): os.unlink(cache_path) self.logger.debug('Deleted cache file : %s', cache_path) return with open(cache_path, 'wb') as file_obj: serializer.dump(data, file_obj) self.logger.debug('Cached data saved at : %s', cache_path) def cached_data_fresh(self, name, max_age): """Is data cached at `name` less than `max_age` old? :param name: name of datastore :param max_age: maximum age of data in seconds :type max_age: ``int`` :returns: ``True`` if data is less than ``max_age`` old, else ``False`` """ age = self.cached_data_age(name) if not age: return False return age < max_age def cached_data_age(self, name): """Return age of data cached at `name` in seconds or 0 if cache doesn't exist :param name: name of datastore :type name: ``unicode`` :returns: age of datastore in seconds :rtype: ``int`` """ cache_path = self.cachefile('%s.%s' % (name, self.cache_serializer)) if not os.path.exists(cache_path): return 0 return time.time() - os.stat(cache_path).st_mtime def filter(self, query, items, key=lambda x: x, ascending=False, include_score=False, min_score=0, max_results=0, match_on=MATCH_ALL, fold_diacritics=True): """Fuzzy search filter. Returns list of ``items`` that match ``query``. ``query`` is case-insensitive. Any item that does not contain the entirety of ``query`` is rejected. .. warning:: If ``query`` is an empty string or contains only whitespace, a :class:`ValueError` will be raised. :param query: query to test items against :type query: ``unicode`` :param items: iterable of items to test :type items: ``list`` or ``tuple`` :param key: function to get comparison key from ``items``. Must return a ``unicode`` string. The default simply returns the item. :type key: ``callable`` :param ascending: set to ``True`` to get worst matches first :type ascending: ``Boolean`` :param include_score: Useful for debugging the scoring algorithm. If ``True``, results will be a list of tuples ``(item, score, rule)``. :type include_score: ``Boolean`` :param min_score: If non-zero, ignore results with a score lower than this. :type min_score: ``int`` :param max_results: If non-zero, prune results list to this length. :type max_results: ``int`` :param match_on: Filter option flags. Bitwise-combined list of ``MATCH_*`` constants (see below). :type match_on: ``int`` :param fold_diacritics: Convert search keys to ASCII-only characters if ``query`` only contains ASCII characters. :type fold_diacritics: ``Boolean`` :returns: list of ``items`` matching ``query`` or list of ``(item, score, rule)`` `tuples` if ``include_score`` is ``True``. ``rule`` is the ``MATCH_*`` rule that matched the item. :rtype: ``list`` **Matching rules** By default, :meth:`filter` uses all of the following flags (i.e. :const:`MATCH_ALL`). The tests are always run in the given order: 1. :const:`MATCH_STARTSWITH` : Item search key startswith ``query`` (case-insensitive). 2. :const:`MATCH_CAPITALS` : The list of capital letters in item search key starts with ``query`` (``query`` may be lower-case). E.g., ``of`` would match ``OmniFocus``, ``gc`` would match ``Google Chrome`` 3. :const:`MATCH_ATOM` : Search key is split into "atoms" on non-word characters (.,-,' etc.). Matches if ``query`` is one of these atoms (case-insensitive). 4. :const:`MATCH_INITIALS_STARTSWITH` : Initials are the first characters of the above-described "atoms" (case-insensitive). 5. :const:`MATCH_INITIALS_CONTAIN` : ``query`` is a substring of the above-described initials. 6. :const:`MATCH_INITIALS` : Combination of (4) and (5). 7. :const:`MATCH_SUBSTRING` : Match if ``query`` is a substring of item search key (case-insensitive). 8. :const:`MATCH_ALLCHARS` : Matches if all characters in ``query`` appear in item search key in the same order (case-insensitive). 9. :const:`MATCH_ALL` : Combination of all the above. :const:`MATCH_ALLCHARS` is considerably slower than the other tests and provides much less accurate results. **Examples:** To ignore :const:`MATCH_ALLCHARS` (tends to provide the worst matches and is expensive to run), use ``match_on=MATCH_ALL ^ MATCH_ALLCHARS``. To match only on capitals, use ``match_on=MATCH_CAPITALS``. To match only on startswith and substring, use ``match_on=MATCH_STARTSWITH | MATCH_SUBSTRING``. **Diacritic folding** .. versionadded:: 1.3 If ``fold_diacritics`` is ``True`` (the default), and ``query`` contains only ASCII characters, non-ASCII characters in search keys will be converted to ASCII equivalents (e.g. **ü** -> **u**, **ß** -> **ss**, **é** -> **e**). See :const:`ASCII_REPLACEMENTS` for all replacements. If ``query`` contains non-ASCII characters, search keys will not be altered. """ if not query: raise ValueError('Empty `query`') # Remove preceding/trailing spaces query = query.strip() if not query: raise ValueError('`query` contains only whitespace') # Use user override if there is one fold_diacritics = self.settings.get('__workflow_diacritic_folding', fold_diacritics) results = [] for item in items: skip = False score = 0 words = [s.strip() for s in query.split(' ')] value = key(item).strip() if value == '': continue for word in words: if word == '': continue s, rule = self._filter_item(value, word, match_on, fold_diacritics) if not s: # Skip items that don't match part of the query skip = True score += s if skip: continue if score: # use "reversed" `score` (i.e. highest becomes lowest) and # `value` as sort key. This means items with the same score # will be sorted in alphabetical not reverse alphabetical order results.append(((100.0 / score, value.lower(), score), (item, score, rule))) # sort on keys, then discard the keys results.sort(reverse=ascending) results = [t[1] for t in results] if max_results and len(results) > max_results: results = results[:max_results] if min_score: results = [r for r in results if r[1] > min_score] # return list of ``(item, score, rule)`` if include_score: return results # just return list of items return [t[0] for t in results] def _filter_item(self, value, query, match_on, fold_diacritics): """Filter ``value`` against ``query`` using rules ``match_on`` :returns: ``(score, rule)`` """ query = query.lower() if not isascii(query): fold_diacritics = False if fold_diacritics: value = self.fold_to_ascii(value) # pre-filter any items that do not contain all characters # of ``query`` to save on running several more expensive tests if not set(query) <= set(value.lower()): return (0, None) # item starts with query if match_on & MATCH_STARTSWITH and value.lower().startswith(query): score = 100.0 - (len(value) / len(query)) return (score, MATCH_STARTSWITH) # query matches capitalised letters in item, # e.g. of = OmniFocus if match_on & MATCH_CAPITALS: initials = ''.join([c for c in value if c in INITIALS]) if initials.lower().startswith(query): score = 100.0 - (len(initials) / len(query)) return (score, MATCH_CAPITALS) # split the item into "atoms", i.e. words separated by # spaces or other non-word characters if (match_on & MATCH_ATOM or match_on & MATCH_INITIALS_CONTAIN or match_on & MATCH_INITIALS_STARTSWITH): atoms = [s.lower() for s in split_on_delimiters(value)] # print('atoms : %s --> %s' % (value, atoms)) # initials of the atoms initials = ''.join([s[0] for s in atoms if s]) if match_on & MATCH_ATOM: # is `query` one of the atoms in item? # similar to substring, but scores more highly, as it's # a word within the item if query in atoms: score = 100.0 - (len(value) / len(query)) return (score, MATCH_ATOM) # `query` matches start (or all) of the initials of the # atoms, e.g. ``himym`` matches "How I Met Your Mother" # *and* "how i met your mother" (the ``capitals`` rule only # matches the former) if (match_on & MATCH_INITIALS_STARTSWITH and initials.startswith(query)): score = 100.0 - (len(initials) / len(query)) return (score, MATCH_INITIALS_STARTSWITH) # `query` is a substring of initials, e.g. ``doh`` matches # "The Dukes of Hazzard" elif (match_on & MATCH_INITIALS_CONTAIN and query in initials): score = 95.0 - (len(initials) / len(query)) return (score, MATCH_INITIALS_CONTAIN) # `query` is a substring of item if match_on & MATCH_SUBSTRING and query in value.lower(): score = 90.0 - (len(value) / len(query)) return (score, MATCH_SUBSTRING) # finally, assign a score based on how close together the # characters in `query` are in item. if match_on & MATCH_ALLCHARS: search = self._search_for_query(query) match = search(value) if match: score = 100.0 / ((1 + match.start()) * (match.end() - match.start() + 1)) return (score, MATCH_ALLCHARS) # Nothing matched return (0, None) def _search_for_query(self, query): if query in self._search_pattern_cache: return self._search_pattern_cache[query] # Build pattern: include all characters pattern = [] for c in query: # pattern.append('[^{0}]*{0}'.format(re.escape(c))) pattern.append('.*?{0}'.format(re.escape(c))) pattern = ''.join(pattern) search = re.compile(pattern, re.IGNORECASE).search self._search_pattern_cache[query] = search return search def run(self, func): """Call ``func`` to run your workflow :param func: Callable to call with ``self`` (i.e. the :class:`Workflow` instance) as first argument. ``func`` will be called with :class:`Workflow` instance as first argument. ``func`` should be the main entry point to your workflow. Any exceptions raised will be logged and an error message will be output to Alfred. """ start = time.time() try: func(self) except Exception as err: self.logger.exception(err) if not sys.stdout.isatty(): # Show error in Alfred self._items = [] if self._name: name = self._name elif self._bundleid: name = self._bundleid else: # pragma: no cover name = os.path.dirname(__file__) self.add_item("Error in workflow '%s'" % name, unicode(err), icon=ICON_ERROR) self.send_feedback() return 1 finally: self.logger.debug('Workflow finished in {:0.3f} seconds.'.format( time.time() - start)) return 0 # Alfred feedback methods ------------------------------------------ def add_item(self, title, subtitle='', modifier_subtitles=None, arg=None, autocomplete=None, valid=False, uid=None, icon=None, icontype=None, type=None, largetext=None, copytext=None): """Add an item to be output to Alfred :param title: Title shown in Alfred :type title: ``unicode`` :param subtitle: Subtitle shown in Alfred :type subtitle: ``unicode`` :param modifier_subtitles: Subtitles shown when modifier (CMD, OPT etc.) is pressed. Use a ``dict`` with the lowercase keys ``cmd``, ``ctrl``, ``shift``, ``alt`` and ``fn`` :type modifier_subtitles: ``dict`` :param arg: Argument passed by Alfred as ``{query}`` when item is actioned :type arg: ``unicode`` :param autocomplete: Text expanded in Alfred when item is TABbed :type autocomplete: ``unicode`` :param valid: Whether or not item can be actioned :type valid: ``Boolean`` :param uid: Used by Alfred to remember/sort items :type uid: ``unicode`` :param icon: Filename of icon to use :type icon: ``unicode`` :param icontype: Type of icon. Must be one of ``None`` , ``'filetype'`` or ``'fileicon'``. Use ``'filetype'`` when ``icon`` is a filetype such as ``'public.folder'``. Use ``'fileicon'`` when you wish to use the icon of the file specified as ``icon``, e.g. ``icon='/Applications/', icontype='fileicon'``. Leave as `None` if ``icon`` points to an actual icon file. :type icontype: ``unicode`` :param type: Result type. Currently only ``'file'`` is supported (by Alfred). This will tell Alfred to enable file actions for this item. :type type: ``unicode`` :param largetext: Text to be displayed in Alfred's large text box if user presses CMD+L on item. :type largetext: ``unicode`` :param copytext: Text to be copied to pasteboard if user presses CMD+C on item. :type copytext: ``unicode`` :returns: :class:`Item` instance See the :ref:`script-filter-results` section of the documentation for a detailed description of what the various parameters do and how they interact with one another. See :ref:`icons` for a list of the supported system icons. .. note:: Although this method returns an :class:`Item` instance, you don't need to hold onto it or worry about it. All generated :class:`Item` instances are also collected internally and sent to Alfred when :meth:`send_feedback` is called. The generated :class:`Item` is only returned in case you want to edit it or do something with it other than send it to Alfred. """ item = self.item_class(title, subtitle, modifier_subtitles, arg, autocomplete, valid, uid, icon, icontype, type, largetext, copytext) self._items.append(item) return item def send_feedback(self): """Print stored items to console/Alfred as XML.""" root = ET.Element('items') for item in self._items: root.append(item.elem) sys.stdout.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n') sys.stdout.write(ET.tostring(root).encode('utf-8')) sys.stdout.flush() #################################################################### # Updating methods #################################################################### @property def update_available(self): """Is an update available? .. versionadded:: 1.9 See :ref:`manual-updates` in the :ref:`user-manual` for detailed information on how to enable your workflow to update itself. :returns: ``True`` if an update is available, else ``False`` """ update_data = self.cached_data('__workflow_update_status') if not update_data or not update_data.get('available'): return False return update_data['available'] def check_update(self, force=False): """Call update script if it's time to check for a new release .. versionadded:: 1.9 The update script will be run in the background, so it won't interfere in the execution of your workflow. See :ref:`manual-updates` in the :ref:`user-manual` for detailed information on how to enable your workflow to update itself. :param force: Force update check :type force: ``Boolean`` """ frequency = self._update_settings.get('frequency', DEFAULT_UPDATE_FREQUENCY) # Check for new version if it's time if (force or not self.cached_data_fresh( '__workflow_update_status', frequency * 86400)): github_slug = self._update_settings['github_slug'] version = self._update_settings['version'] from background import run_in_background # is adjacent to this file update_script = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), b'') cmd = ['/usr/bin/python', update_script, 'check', github_slug, version]'Checking for update ...') run_in_background('__workflow_update_check', cmd) else: self.logger.debug('Update check not due') def start_update(self): """Check for update and download and install new workflow file .. versionadded:: 1.9 See :ref:`manual-updates` in the :ref:`user-manual` for detailed information on how to enable your workflow to update itself. :returns: ``True`` if an update is available and will be installed, else ``False`` """ import update github_slug = self._update_settings['github_slug'] version = self._update_settings['version'] if not update.check_update(github_slug, version): return False from background import run_in_background # is adjacent to this file update_script = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), b'') cmd = ['/usr/bin/python', update_script, 'install', github_slug, version] self.logger.debug('Downloading update ...') run_in_background('__workflow_update_install', cmd) return True #################################################################### # Keychain password storage methods #################################################################### def save_password(self, account, password, service=None): """Save account credentials. If the account exists, the old password will first be deleted (Keychain throws an error otherwise). If something goes wrong, a :class:`KeychainError` exception will be raised. :param account: name of the account the password is for, e.g. "Pinboard" :type account: ``unicode`` :param password: the password to secure :type password: ``unicode`` :param service: Name of the service. By default, this is the workflow's bundle ID :type service: ``unicode`` """ if not service: service = self.bundleid try: self._call_security('add-generic-password', service, account, '-w', password) self.logger.debug('Saved password : %s:%s', service, account) except PasswordExists: self.logger.debug('Password exists : %s:%s', service, account) current_password = self.get_password(account, service) if current_password == password: self.logger.debug('Password unchanged') else: self.delete_password(account, service) self._call_security('add-generic-password', service, account, '-w', password) self.logger.debug('save_password : %s:%s', service, account) def get_password(self, account, service=None): """Retrieve the password saved at ``service/account``. Raise :class:`PasswordNotFound` exception if password doesn't exist. :param account: name of the account the password is for, e.g. "Pinboard" :type account: ``unicode`` :param service: Name of the service. By default, this is the workflow's bundle ID :type service: ``unicode`` :returns: account password :rtype: ``unicode`` """ if not service: service = self.bundleid password = self._call_security('find-generic-password', service, account, '-w') self.logger.debug('Got password : %s:%s', service, account) return password def delete_password(self, account, service=None): """Delete the password stored at ``service/account``. Raises :class:`PasswordNotFound` if account is unknown. :param account: name of the account the password is for, e.g. "Pinboard" :type account: ``unicode`` :param service: Name of the service. By default, this is the workflow's bundle ID :type service: ``unicode`` """ if not service: service = self.bundleid self._call_security('delete-generic-password', service, account) self.logger.debug('Deleted password : %s:%s', service, account) #################################################################### # Methods for workflow:* magic args #################################################################### def clear_cache(self): """Delete all files in workflow's :attr:`cachedir`.""" self._delete_directory_contents(self.cachedir) def clear_data(self): """Delete all files in workflow's :attr:`datadir`.""" self._delete_directory_contents(self.datadir) def clear_settings(self): """Delete workflow's :attr:`settings_path`.""" if os.path.exists(self.settings_path): os.unlink(self.settings_path) self.logger.debug('Deleted : %r', self.settings_path) def reset(self): """Delete :attr:`settings <settings_path>`, :attr:`cache <cachedir>` and :attr:`data <datadir>` """ self.clear_cache() self.clear_data() self.clear_settings() def open_log(self): """Open workflows :attr:`logfile` in standard application (usually """['open', self.logfile]) def open_cachedir(self): """Open the workflow's :attr:`cachedir` in Finder."""['open', self.cachedir]) def open_datadir(self): """Open the workflow's :attr:`datadir` in Finder."""['open', self.datadir]) def open_workflowdir(self): """Open the workflow's :attr:`directory <workflowdir` in Finder."""['open', self.workflowdir]) def open_terminal(self): """Open a Terminal window at workflow's :attr:`directory <workflowdir`."""['open', '-a', 'Terminal', self.workflowdir]) #################################################################### # Helper methods #################################################################### def decode(self, text, encoding=None, normalization=None): """Return ``text`` as normalised unicode. If ``encoding`` and/or ``normalization`` is ``None``, the ``input_encoding``and ``normalization`` parameters passed to :class:`Workflow` are used. :param text: string :type text: encoded or Unicode string. If ``text`` is already a Unicode string, it will only be normalised. :param encoding: The text encoding to use to decode ``text`` to Unicode. :type encoding: ``unicode`` or ``None`` :param normalization: The nomalisation form to apply to ``text``. :type normalization: ``unicode`` or ``None`` :returns: decoded and normalised ``unicode`` :class:`Workflow` uses "NFC" normalisation by default. This is the standard for Python and will work well with data from the web (via :mod:`~workflow.web` or :mod:`json`). OS X, on the other hand, uses "NFD" normalisation (nearly), so data coming from the system (e.g. via :mod:`subprocess` or :func:`os.listdir`/:mod:`os.path`) may not match. You should either normalise this data, too, or change the default normalisation used by :class:`Workflow`. """ encoding = encoding or self._input_encoding normalization = normalization or self._normalizsation if not isinstance(text, unicode): text = unicode(text, encoding) return unicodedata.normalize(normalization, text) def fold_to_ascii(self, text): """Convert non-ASCII characters to closest ASCII equivalent. .. versionadded:: 1.3 .. note:: This only works for a subset of European languages. :param text: text to convert :type text: ``unicode`` :returns: text containing only ASCII characters :rtype: ``unicode`` """ if isascii(text): return text text = ''.join([ASCII_REPLACEMENTS.get(c, c) for c in text]) return unicode(unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', text).encode('ascii', 'ignore')) def _delete_directory_contents(self, dirpath): """Delete all files in a directory :param dirpath: path to directory to clear :type dirpath: ``unicode`` or ``str`` """ if os.path.exists(dirpath): for filename in os.listdir(dirpath): path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) if os.path.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(path) else: os.unlink(path) self.logger.debug('Deleted : %r', path) def _load_info_plist(self): """Load workflow info from ``info.plist`` """ self._info = plistlib.readPlist(self._info_plist) self._info_loaded = True def _create(self, dirpath): """Create directory `dirpath` if it doesn't exist :param dirpath: path to directory :type dirpath: ``unicode`` :returns: ``dirpath`` argument :rtype: ``unicode`` """ if not os.path.exists(dirpath): os.makedirs(dirpath) return dirpath def _call_security(self, action, service, account, *args): """Call the ``security`` CLI app that provides access to keychains. May raise `PasswordNotFound`, `PasswordExists` or `KeychainError` exceptions (the first two are subclasses of `KeychainError`). :param action: The ``security`` action to call, e.g. ``add-generic-password`` :type action: ``unicode`` :param service: Name of the service. :type service: ``unicode`` :param account: name of the account the password is for, e.g. "Pinboard" :type account: ``unicode`` :param password: the password to secure :type password: ``unicode`` :param *args: list of command line arguments to be passed to ``security`` :type *args: `list` or `tuple` :returns: ``(retcode, output)``. ``retcode`` is an `int`, ``output`` a ``unicode`` string. :rtype: `tuple` (`int`, ``unicode``) """ cmd = ['security', action, '-s', service, '-a', account] + list(args) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) retcode, output = p.wait(),'utf-8') if retcode == 44: # password does not exist raise PasswordNotFound() elif retcode == 45: # password already exists raise PasswordExists() elif retcode > 0: err = KeychainError('Unknown Keychain error : %s' % output) err.retcode = retcode raise err return output
#!/usr/bin/env python3 '''Test IXFR-from-diff with DNSSEC''' from dnstest.test import Test t = Test(stress=False) master = t.server("knot") slave = t.server("knot") if not master.valgrind: zones = t.zone_rnd(12) else: zones = t.zone_rnd(4, records=100) slave.tcp_remote_io_timeout = 20000 master.ctl_params_append = ["-t", "30"], master, slave, ixfr=True) master.semantic_check = False master.zonefile_sync = "-1" for zone in zones: master.dnssec(zone).enable = True t.start() ser1 = master.zones_wait(zones, serials_zfile=True, greater=True, equal=False) slave.zones_wait(zones, ser1, greater=False, equal=True) for zone in zones: slave.zone_backup(zone, flush=True) master.flush(wait=True) for zone in zones: master.update_zonefile(zone, random=True) master.ctl("zone-reload %s" % ser2 = master.zones_wait(zones, serials_zfile=True, greater=True, equal=False) slave.zones_wait(zones, ser2, greater=False, equal=True) master.stop() t.sleep(3) master.start() master.zones_wait(zones, ser2, greater=False, equal=True) t.xfr_diff(master, slave, zones) # AXFR diff t.xfr_diff(master, slave, zones, ser1) # IXFR diff t.end()
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2017-, LabControl development team. # # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. # # The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- from itertools import chain from tornado.web import authenticated, HTTPError from tornado.escape import json_encode, json_decode from labcontrol.gui.handlers.base import BaseHandler from labcontrol.db.exceptions import LabControlUnknownIdError from labcontrol.db.plate import PlateConfiguration, Plate from labcontrol.db.composition import SampleComposition from labcontrol.db.container import Well from labcontrol.db.process import ( SamplePlatingProcess, GDNAExtractionProcess, LibraryPrep16SProcess, LibraryPrepShotgunProcess, NormalizationProcess, GDNAPlateCompressionProcess) def _get_plate(plate_id): """Returns the plate object if it exists Parameters ---------- plate_id : str The plate id Raises ------ HTTPError 404, if the plate doesn't exist """ plate_id = int(plate_id) try: plate = Plate(plate_id) except LabControlUnknownIdError: raise HTTPError(404, 'Plate %s doesn\'t exist' % plate_id) return plate class PlateSearchHandler(BaseHandler): @authenticated def get(self): control_names = SampleComposition.get_control_samples() self.render('plate_search.html', control_names=json_encode(control_names)) @authenticated def post(self): plate_comment_keywords = self.get_argument("plate_comment_keywords") well_comment_keywords = self.get_argument("well_comment_keywords") operation = self.get_argument("operation") sample_names = json_decode(self.get_argument('sample_names')) res = {"data": [[, p.external_id] for p in, plate_notes=plate_comment_keywords, well_notes=well_comment_keywords, query_type=operation)]} self.write(res) class PlateListingHandler(BaseHandler): @authenticated def get(self): self.render('plate_list.html') class PlateListHandler(BaseHandler): @authenticated def get(self): plate_type = self.get_argument('plate_type', None) only_quantified = self.get_argument('only_quantified', False) plate_type = (json_decode(plate_type) if plate_type is not None else None) only_quantified = True if only_quantified == 'true' else False rows_list = [[p['plate_id'], p['external_id'], p['creation_timestamp'], p['studies'] if p['studies'] is not None else []] for p in Plate.list_plates( plate_type, only_quantified=only_quantified, include_study_titles=True)] res = {"data": rows_list} self.write(res) def plate_map_handler_get_request(process_id): plate_id = None if process_id is not None: try: process = SamplePlatingProcess(process_id) except LabControlUnknownIdError: raise HTTPError(404, reason="Plating process %s doesn't exist" % process_id) plate_id = plate_confs = [[, pc.description, pc.num_rows, pc.num_columns] for pc in PlateConfiguration.iter() if 'plate map' not in pc.description] cdesc = SampleComposition.get_control_sample_types_description() return {'plate_confs': plate_confs, 'plate_id': plate_id, 'process_id': process_id, 'controls_description': cdesc} class PlateMapHandler(BaseHandler): @authenticated def get(self): process_id = self.get_argument('process_id', None) res = plate_map_handler_get_request(process_id) self.render("plate.html", **res) class PlateNameHandler(BaseHandler): @authenticated def get(self): new_name = self.get_argument('new-name') status = 200 if Plate.external_id_exists(new_name) else 404 self.set_status(status) self.finish() def plate_handler_patch_request(user, plate_id, req_op, req_path, req_value, req_from): """Performs the patch operation on the plate Parameters ---------- user: labcontrol.db.user.User User performing the request plate_id: int The SamplePlatingProcess to apply the patch operation req_op: string JSON PATCH op parameter req_path: string JSON PATCH path parameter req_value: string JSON PATCH value parameter req_from: string JSON PATCH from parameter Raises ------ HTTPError 400: If req_op is not a supported operation 400: If req_path is incorrect """ plate = _get_plate(plate_id) if req_op == 'replace': req_path = [v for v in req_path.split('/') if v] if len(req_path) != 1: raise HTTPError(400, 'Incorrect path parameter') attribute = req_path[0] if attribute == 'name': plate.external_id = req_value elif attribute == 'discarded': plate.discarded = req_value else: raise HTTPError(404, 'Attribute %s not recognized' % attribute) else: raise HTTPError(400, 'Operation %s not supported. Current supported ' 'operations: replace' % req_op) class PlateHandler(BaseHandler): @authenticated def get(self, plate_id): plate = _get_plate(plate_id) # sorting is done in plate.duplicates duplicates = [ [sample_info[0].row, sample_info[0].column, sample_info[1]] for sample_info in chain.from_iterable(plate.duplicates.values())] # sorting of wells has to be done here as they are in a dictionary previous_plates = [] prev_plated = plate.get_previously_plated_wells() well_ids = sorted([ for w in prev_plated.keys()]) for curr_well_id in well_ids: curr_well = Well(curr_well_id) curr_plates = prev_plated[curr_well] # plates are sorted in plate id order in # get_previously_plated_wells previous_plates.append([ [curr_well.row, curr_well.column], [{'plate_id':, 'plate_name': p.external_id} for p in curr_plates]]) # sorting is done in plate.unknown_samples unknowns = [[well.row, well.column] for well in plate.unknown_samples] # sorting is done in plate.quantification processes quantitation_processes = [[,, q.get_date_format()), q.notes] for q in plate.quantification_processes] plate_config = plate.plate_configuration result = {'plate_id':, 'plate_name': plate.external_id, 'discarded': plate.discarded, 'plate_configuration': [, plate_config.description, plate_config.num_rows, plate_config.num_columns], 'notes': plate.notes, 'process_notes': plate.process.notes, 'studies': sorted( for s in plate.studies), 'duplicates': duplicates, 'previous_plates': previous_plates, 'unknowns': unknowns, 'quantitation_processes': quantitation_processes} self.write(result) self.finish() @authenticated def patch(self, plate_id): # Follows the JSON PATCH specification # req_op = self.get_argument('op') req_path = self.get_argument('path') req_value = self.get_argument('value', None) req_from = self.get_argument('from', None) plate_handler_patch_request(self.current_user, plate_id, req_op, req_path, req_value, req_from) self.finish() def plate_layout_handler_get_request(plate_id): """Returns the plate layout Parameters ---------- plate_id : int The plate id Returns ------- list of lists of {'sample': str, 'notes': str} """ plate = _get_plate(plate_id) plate_layout = plate.layout result = [] for l_row in plate_layout: row = [] for l_well in l_row: composition = l_well.composition sample = composition.specimen_id row.append({'sample': sample, 'notes': composition.notes}) result.append(row) return result class PlateLayoutHandler(BaseHandler): @authenticated def get(self, plate_id): self.write(json_encode(plate_layout_handler_get_request(plate_id))) class PlateProcessHandler(BaseHandler): @authenticated def get(self, plate_id): urls = { SamplePlatingProcess: '/plate', GDNAExtractionProcess: '/process/gdna_extraction', LibraryPrep16SProcess: '/process/library_prep_16S', LibraryPrepShotgunProcess: '/process/library_prep_shotgun', NormalizationProcess: '/process/normalize', GDNAPlateCompressionProcess: '/process/gdna_compression'} process = Plate(plate_id).process self.redirect(urls[process.__class__] + '?process_id=%s' %
# coding=utf-8 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for # license information. # # Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is # regenerated. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- from msrest.paging import Paged class ProbePaged(Paged): """ A paging container for iterating over a list of :class:`Probe <>` object """ _attribute_map = { 'next_link': {'key': 'nextLink', 'type': 'str'}, 'current_page': {'key': 'value', 'type': '[Probe]'} } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ProbePaged, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
#!/usr/bin/env python import wx import ape import os import genomics class PCRSimulatorFrame(wx.Frame): def __init__(self): wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, title="PCR Simulator", size=(840, 400), name="PCR Simulator") #self.icon = wx.Icon("res/icon.png", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY) #self.SetIcon(self.icon) self.CreateStatusBar() # Access with self.GetStatusBar() self.SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE) self.SetAutoLayout(True) self.CreateLayout() self.Layout() self.Show(True) def load(self, onWrite, nameCtrl): def onLoad(event): loadDialog = wx.FileDialog(self, message="Choose a file", wildcard="Plasmid files (.ape, .str)|*.ape;*.str", style=wx.FD_OPEN|wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST|wx.FD_CHANGE_DIR) if loadDialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: onWrite(bp=ape.readBP(os.path.join(loadDialog.GetDirectory(), loadDialog.GetFilename()))) nameCtrl.SetLabel(label=loadDialog.GetFilename()) loadDialog.Destroy() return onLoad def save(self, dataCtrl): def onSave(event): saveDialog = wx.FileDialog(self, message="Choose a file", wildcard="Plasmid files (.ape, .str)|*.ape;*.str", style=wx.FD_SAVE|wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT|wx.FD_CHANGE_DIR) if saveDialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: ape.writeBP(filename=os.path.join(saveDialog.GetDirectory(), saveDialog.GetFilename()), bp=dataCtrl.GetValue()) saveDialog.Destroy() return onSave def writeCtrl(self, dataCtrl, nameCtrl, lengthCtrl, aCtrl, cCtrl): def onWrite(bp): # Generates a function which will write bp to a column of textCtrl nameCtrl.SetLabel("unsaved file") lengthCtrl.SetLabel(label=str(len(bp)) + " base pairs") aCtrl.SetLabel(label=str(bp.count('A') + bp.count('a')) + " adenine") cCtrl.SetLabel(label=str(bp.count('C') + bp.count('c')) + " cytosine") dataCtrl.SetValue(value=bp) return onWrite def generatePrimers(self, templateDataCtrl, outputDataCtrl, fPrimerOnWrite, rPrimerOnWrite): def onGeneratePrimers(event): templateBP = templateDataCtrl.GetValue() outputBP = outputDataCtrl.GetValue() restrictionMDialog = wx.MessageDialog(self, message='Load restriction site sequence for primer caps?', caption='Primer cap selection', style=wx.YES_NO|wx.ICON_QUESTION) if restrictionMDialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES: fCapDialog = wx.FileDialog(self, message="Choose a forward primer cap", wildcard="Plasmid files (.ape, .str)|*.ape;*.str", style=wx.FD_OPEN|wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST) if fCapDialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: fPrimerCapBP = ape.readBP(os.path.join(fCapDialog.GetDirectory(), fCapDialog.GetFilename())) rCapDialog = wx.FileDialog(self, message="Choose a reverse primer cap", wildcard="Plasmid files (.ape, .str)|*.ape;*.str", style=wx.FD_OPEN|wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST) if rCapDialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: rPrimerCapBP = ape.readBP(os.path.join(rCapDialog.GetDirectory(), rCapDialog.GetFilename())) else: noFileMDialog = wx.MessageDialog(self, message='No primer cap selected: none will be used', caption='Primer cap selection error', style=wx.OK|wx.ICON_ERROR) noFileMDialog.ShowModal() noFileMDialog.Destroy() rPrimerCapBP = "" rCapDialog.Destroy() else: noFileMDialog = wx.MessageDialog(self, message='No primer cap selected: none will be used', caption='Primer cap selection error', style=wx.OK|wx.ICON_ERROR) noFileMDialog.ShowModal() noFileMDialog.Destroy() fPrimerCapBP = "" rPrimerCapBP = "" fCapDialog.Destroy() else: fPrimerCapBP = "" rPrimerCapBP = "" restrictionMDialog.Destroy() fPrimerBP, rPrimerBP = genomics.generatePrimers(template=templateBP, output=outputBP, fPrimerCap=fPrimerCapBP, rPrimerCap=rPrimerCapBP) fPrimerOnWrite(bp=fPrimerBP) rPrimerOnWrite(bp=rPrimerBP) return onGeneratePrimers def simulatePCR(self, templateDataCtrl, fPrimerDataCtrl, rPrimerDataCtrl, outputOnWrite): def onSimulatePCR(event): # Generate callback function templateBP = templateDataCtrl.GetValue() fPrimerBP = fPrimerDataCtrl.GetValue() rPrimerBP = rPrimerDataCtrl.GetValue() outputBP = genomics.simulatePCR(template=templateBP, fPrimer=fPrimerBP, rPrimer=rPrimerBP) if outputBP == None: # genomics.simulatePCR returns None when it finds the primers in the template strand output segment resultMDialog = wx.MessageDialog(self, message='Primers homologous within output', caption='Polymerase reaction error', style=wx.OK|wx.ICON_ERROR) resultMDialog.ShowModal() resultMDialog.Destroy() elif outputBP == "": # genomics.simulatePCR returns "" when it could not match both primers with the template strand resultMDialog = wx.MessageDialog(self, message='Primers not homologous within template', caption='Polymerase reaction error', style=wx.OK|wx.ICON_ERROR) resultMDialog.ShowModal() resultMDialog.Destroy() else: outputOnWrite(bp=outputBP) return onSimulatePCR def verifyPrimers(self, templateDataCtrl, fPrimerDataCtrl, rPrimerDataCtrl, outputDataCtrl): def onVerifyPrimers(event): templateBP = templateDataCtrl.GetValue() fPrimerBP = fPrimerDataCtrl.GetValue() rPrimerBP = rPrimerDataCtrl.GetValue() outputBP = outputDataCtrl.GetValue() simOutputBP = genomics.simulatePCR(template=templateBP, fPrimer=fPrimerBP, rPrimer=rPrimerBP) if simOutputBP == outputBP: resultMDialog = wx.MessageDialog(self, message='Output verified: primers work', caption='Primer verification pass', style=wx.OK|wx.ICON_INFORMATION) resultMDialog.ShowModal() resultMDialog.Destroy() elif simOutputBP == None: resultMDialog = wx.MessageDialog(self, message='Output not verified: primers fail\nPrimers homologous within output', caption='Primer verification fail', style=wx.OK|wx.ICON_ERROR) resultMDialog.ShowModal() resultMDialog.Destroy() elif simOutputBP == "": resultMDialog = wx.MessageDialog(self, message='Output not verified: primers fail\nPrimers not homologous within template', caption='Primer verification fail', style=wx.OK|wx.ICON_ERROR) resultMDialog.ShowModal() resultMDialog.Destroy() else: resultTEDialog = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, message='Output not verified: primers fail\nSimulation yielded:', caption='Primer verification fail', style=wx.OK|wx.TE_MULTILINE|wx.TE_CHARWRAP|wx.TE_READONLY) resultTEDialog.SetValue(value=simOutputBP) resultTEDialog.ShowModal() resultTEDialog.Destroy() return onVerifyPrimers def CreateLayout(self): # Change text with wx.StaticText#SetLabel() templateLoadButton = wx.Button(self, label="Load Template Strand") templateSaveButton = wx.Button(self, label="Save Template Strand") templateFileName = wx.StaticText(self, label="no file", style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE) templateLength = wx.StaticText(self, label="0 base pairs", style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE) templateACount = wx.StaticText(self, label="0 adenine", style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE) templateCCount = wx.StaticText(self, label="0 cytosine", style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE) templateData = wx.TextCtrl(self, style=wx.TE_READONLY|wx.TE_MULTILINE|wx.TE_CHARWRAP) templateOnWrite = self.writeCtrl(dataCtrl=templateData, nameCtrl=templateFileName, lengthCtrl=templateLength, aCtrl=templateACount, cCtrl=templateCCount) templateLoadButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.load(onWrite=templateOnWrite, nameCtrl=templateFileName)) templateSaveButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, templateSizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(self, label="Template Strand", style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER), wx.VERTICAL) templateSizer.Add(templateLoadButton, 0, wx.EXPAND) templateSizer.Add(templateSaveButton, 0, wx.EXPAND) templateSizer.Add(templateFileName, 0, wx.EXPAND) templateSizer.Add(templateLength, 0, wx.EXPAND) templateSizer.Add(templateACount, 0, wx.EXPAND) templateSizer.Add(templateCCount, 0, wx.EXPAND) templateSizer.Add(templateData, 1, wx.EXPAND) fPrimerLoadButton = wx.Button(self, label="Load Initialization Primer") fPrimerSaveButton = wx.Button(self, label="Save Initialization Primer") fPrimerFileName = wx.StaticText(self, label="no file", style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE) fPrimerLength = wx.StaticText(self, label="0 base pairs", style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE) fPrimerACount = wx.StaticText(self, label="0 adenine", style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE) fPrimerCCount = wx.StaticText(self, label="0 cytosine", style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE) fPrimerData = wx.TextCtrl(self, style=wx.TE_READONLY|wx.TE_MULTILINE|wx.TE_CHARWRAP) fPrimerOnWrite = self.writeCtrl(dataCtrl=fPrimerData, nameCtrl=fPrimerFileName, lengthCtrl=fPrimerLength, aCtrl=fPrimerACount, cCtrl=fPrimerCCount) fPrimerLoadButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.load(onWrite=fPrimerOnWrite, nameCtrl=fPrimerFileName)) fPrimerSaveButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, fPrimerSizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(self, label="Initialization Primer", style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER), wx.VERTICAL) fPrimerSizer.Add(fPrimerLoadButton, 0, wx.EXPAND) fPrimerSizer.Add(fPrimerSaveButton, 0, wx.EXPAND) fPrimerSizer.Add(fPrimerFileName, 0, wx.EXPAND) fPrimerSizer.Add(fPrimerLength, 0, wx.EXPAND) fPrimerSizer.Add(fPrimerACount, 0, wx.EXPAND) fPrimerSizer.Add(fPrimerCCount, 0, wx.EXPAND) fPrimerSizer.Add(fPrimerData, 1, wx.EXPAND) rPrimerLoadButton = wx.Button(self, label="Load Termination Primer") rPrimerSaveButton = wx.Button(self, label="Save Termination Primer") rPrimerFileName = wx.StaticText(self, label="no file", style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE) rPrimerLength = wx.StaticText(self, label="0 base pairs", style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE) rPrimerACount = wx.StaticText(self, label="0 adenine", style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE) rPrimerCCount = wx.StaticText(self, label="0 cytosine", style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE) rPrimerData = wx.TextCtrl(self, style=wx.TE_READONLY|wx.TE_MULTILINE|wx.TE_CHARWRAP) rPrimerOnWrite = self.writeCtrl(dataCtrl=rPrimerData, nameCtrl=rPrimerFileName, lengthCtrl=rPrimerLength, aCtrl=rPrimerACount, cCtrl=rPrimerCCount) rPrimerLoadButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.load(onWrite=rPrimerOnWrite, nameCtrl=rPrimerFileName)) rPrimerSaveButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, rPrimerSizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(self, label="Termination Primer", style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER), wx.VERTICAL) rPrimerSizer.Add(rPrimerLoadButton, 0, wx.EXPAND) rPrimerSizer.Add(rPrimerSaveButton, 0, wx.EXPAND) rPrimerSizer.Add(rPrimerFileName, 0, wx.EXPAND) rPrimerSizer.Add(rPrimerLength, 0, wx.EXPAND) rPrimerSizer.Add(rPrimerACount, 0, wx.EXPAND) rPrimerSizer.Add(rPrimerCCount, 0, wx.EXPAND) rPrimerSizer.Add(rPrimerData, 1, wx.EXPAND) outputLoadButton = wx.Button(self, label="Load PCR Output") outputSaveButton = wx.Button(self, label="Save PCR Output") outputFileName = wx.StaticText(self, label="no file", style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE) outputLength = wx.StaticText(self, label="0 base pairs", style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE) outputACount = wx.StaticText(self, label="0 adenine", style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE) outputCCount = wx.StaticText(self, label="0 cytosine", style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE) outputData = wx.TextCtrl(self, style=wx.TE_READONLY|wx.TE_MULTILINE|wx.TE_CHARWRAP) outputOnWrite = self.writeCtrl(dataCtrl=outputData, nameCtrl=outputFileName, lengthCtrl=outputLength, aCtrl=outputACount, cCtrl=outputCCount) outputLoadButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.load(onWrite=outputOnWrite, nameCtrl=outputFileName)) outputSaveButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, outputSizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(self, label="PCR Output Strand", style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER), wx.VERTICAL) outputSizer.Add(outputLoadButton, 0, wx.EXPAND) outputSizer.Add(outputSaveButton, 0, wx.EXPAND) outputSizer.Add(outputFileName, 0, wx.EXPAND) outputSizer.Add(outputLength, 0, wx.EXPAND) outputSizer.Add(outputACount, 0, wx.EXPAND) outputSizer.Add(outputCCount, 0, wx.EXPAND) outputSizer.Add(outputData, 1, wx.EXPAND) generatePrimers = wx.Button(self, label="Generate Primers") simulatePCR = wx.Button(self, label="Simulate PCR") verifyPrimers = wx.Button(self, label="Verify Primers") generatePrimers.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.generatePrimers(templateDataCtrl=templateData, outputDataCtrl=outputData, fPrimerOnWrite=fPrimerOnWrite, rPrimerOnWrite=rPrimerOnWrite)) simulatePCR.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.simulatePCR(templateDataCtrl=templateData, fPrimerDataCtrl=fPrimerData, rPrimerDataCtrl=rPrimerData, outputOnWrite=outputOnWrite)) verifyPrimers.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.verifyPrimers(templateDataCtrl=templateData, fPrimerDataCtrl=fPrimerData, rPrimerDataCtrl=rPrimerData, outputDataCtrl=outputData)) actionSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) actionSizer.AddStretchSpacer() actionSizer.Add(generatePrimers, 1, wx.EXPAND) actionSizer.Add(simulatePCR, 1, wx.EXPAND) actionSizer.Add(verifyPrimers, 1, wx.EXPAND) sizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(1, 5, 5, 5) sizer.AddGrowableRow(0) sizer.AddGrowableCol(0) sizer.AddGrowableCol(1) sizer.AddGrowableCol(2) sizer.AddGrowableCol(3) sizer.Add(templateSizer, 1, wx.EXPAND) sizer.Add(fPrimerSizer, 1, wx.EXPAND) sizer.Add(rPrimerSizer, 1, wx.EXPAND) sizer.Add(outputSizer, 1, wx.EXPAND) sizer.Add(actionSizer, 1) self.SetSizer(sizer) class PCRSimulatorApp(wx.App): def OnInit(self): self.frame = PCRSimulatorFrame() self.frame.Show() self.SetTopWindow(self.frame) return True
# -*- coding: latin-1 -*- ## ## Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Thomas Heller ## ## Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining ## a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the ## "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including ## without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, ## distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to ## permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to ## the following conditions: ## ## The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be ## included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ## ## THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ## EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF ## MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ## NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE ## LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION ## OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION ## WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ## # # $Id: 392 2004-03-12 17:00:21Z theller $ # # $Log$ # Revision 1.3 2004/01/16 10:45:31 theller # Move py2exe from the sandbox directory up to the root dir. # # Revision 1.3 2003/12/29 13:44:57 theller # Adapt for Python 2.3. # # Revision 1.2 2003/09/18 20:19:57 theller # Remove a 2.3 warning, but mostly this checkin is to test the brand new # py2exe-checkins mailing list. # # Revision 1.1 2003/08/29 12:30:52 mhammond # New py2exe now uses the old resource functions :) # # Revision 1.1 2002/01/29 09:30:55 theller # version 0.3.0 # # Revision 1.2 2002/01/14 19:08:05 theller # Better (?) Unicode handling. # # Revision 1.1 2002/01/07 10:30:32 theller # Create a version resource. # # import struct VOS_NT_WINDOWS32 = 0x00040004 VFT_APP = 0x00000001 RT_VERSION = 16 class VersionError(Exception): pass def w32_uc(text): """convert a string into unicode, then encode it into UTF-16 little endian, ready to use for win32 apis""" if type(text) is str: return unicode(text, "unicode-escape").encode("utf-16-le") return unicode(text).encode("utf-16-le") class VS_FIXEDFILEINFO: dwSignature = 0xFEEF04BDL dwStrucVersion = 0x00010000 dwFileVersionMS = 0x00010000 dwFileVersionLS = 0x00000001 dwProductVersionMS = 0x00010000 dwProductVersionLS = 0x00000001 dwFileFlagsMask = 0x3F dwFileFlags = 0 dwFileOS = VOS_NT_WINDOWS32 dwFileType = VFT_APP dwFileSubtype = 0 dwFileDateMS = 0 dwFileDateLS = 0 fmt = "13L" def __init__(self, version): import string version = string.replace(version, ",", ".") fields = string.split(version + '.', ".")[:4] fields = map(string.strip, fields) try: self.dwFileVersionMS = int(fields[0]) * 65536 + int(fields[1]) self.dwFileVersionLS = int(fields[2]) * 65536 + int(fields[3]) except ValueError: raise VersionError, "could not parse version number '%s'" % version def __str__(self): return struct.pack(self.fmt, self.dwSignature, self.dwStrucVersion, self.dwFileVersionMS, self.dwFileVersionLS, self.dwProductVersionMS, self.dwProductVersionLS, self.dwFileFlagsMask, self.dwFileFlags, self.dwFileOS, self.dwFileType, self.dwFileSubtype, self.dwFileDateMS, self.dwFileDateLS) def align(data): pad = - len(data) % 4 return data + '\000' * pad class VS_STRUCT: items = () def __str__(self): szKey = w32_uc( ulen = len(szKey)+2 value = self.get_value() data = struct.pack("h%ss0i" % ulen, self.wType, szKey) + value data = align(data) for item in self.items: data = data + str(item) wLength = len(data) + 4 # 4 bytes for wLength and wValueLength wValueLength = len(value) return self.pack("hh", wLength, wValueLength, data) def pack(self, fmt, len, vlen, data): return struct.pack(fmt, len, vlen) + data def get_value(self): return "" class String(VS_STRUCT): wType = 1 items = () def __init__(self, (name, value)): = name if value: self.value = value + '\000' # strings must be zero terminated else: self.value = value def pack(self, fmt, len, vlen, data): # ValueLength is measured in WORDS, not in BYTES! return struct.pack(fmt, len, vlen/2) + data def get_value(self): return w32_uc(self.value) class StringTable(VS_STRUCT): wType = 1 def __init__(self, name, strings): = name self.items = map(String, strings) class StringFileInfo(VS_STRUCT): wType = 1 name = "StringFileInfo" def __init__(self, name, strings): self.items = [StringTable(name, strings)] class Var(VS_STRUCT): # MSDN says: # If you use the Var structure to list the languages your # application or DLL supports instead of using multiple version # resources, use the Value member to contain an array of DWORD # values indicating the language and code page combinations # supported by this file. The low-order word of each DWORD must # contain a Microsoft language identifier, and the high-order word # must contain the IBM® code page number. Either high-order or # low-order word can be zero, indicating that the file is language # or code page independent. If the Var structure is omitted, the # file will be interpreted as both language and code page # independent. wType = 0 name = "Translation" def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def get_value(self): return struct.pack("l", self.value) class VarFileInfo(VS_STRUCT): wType = 1 name = "VarFileInfo" def __init__(self, *names): self.items = map(Var, names) def get_value(self): return "" class VS_VERSIONINFO(VS_STRUCT): wType = 0 # 0: binary data, 1: text data name = "VS_VERSION_INFO" def __init__(self, version, items): self.value = VS_FIXEDFILEINFO(version) self.items = items def get_value(self): return str(self.value) class Version(object): def __init__(self, version, comments = None, company_name = None, file_description = None, internal_name = None, legal_copyright = None, legal_trademarks = None, original_filename = None, private_build = None, product_name = None, product_version = None, special_build = None): self.version = version strings = [] if comments is not None: strings.append(("Comments", comments)) if company_name is not None: strings.append(("CompanyName", company_name)) if file_description is not None: strings.append(("FileDescription", file_description)) strings.append(("FileVersion", version)) if internal_name is not None: strings.append(("InternalName", internal_name)) if legal_copyright is not None: strings.append(("LegalCopyright", legal_copyright)) if legal_trademarks is not None: strings.append(("LegalTrademarks", legal_trademarks)) if original_filename is not None: strings.append(("OriginalFilename", original_filename)) if private_build is not None: strings.append(("PrivateBuild", private_build)) if product_name is not None: strings.append(("ProductName", product_name)) strings.append(("ProductVersion", product_version or version)) if special_build is not None: strings.append(("SpecialBuild", special_build)) self.strings = strings def resource_bytes(self): vs = VS_VERSIONINFO(self.version, [StringFileInfo("040904B0", self.strings), VarFileInfo(0x04B00409)]) return str(vs) def test(): import sys sys.path.append("c:/tmp") from hexdump import hexdump version = Version("1, 0, 0, 1", comments = "ümläut comments", company_name = "No Company", file_description = "silly application", internal_name = "silly", legal_copyright = u"Copyright © 2003", ## legal_trademark = "", original_filename = "silly.exe", private_build = "test build", product_name = "silly product", product_version = None, ## special_build = "" ) hexdump(version.resource_bytes()) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys sys.path.append("d:/nbalt/tmp") from hexdump import hexdump test()
from captcha.fields import ReCaptchaField from django import forms from .models import Url def get_client_ip(meta): x_forwarded_for = meta.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR') if x_forwarded_for: ip = x_forwarded_for.split(',')[0] else: ip = meta.get('REMOTE_ADDR') return ip class UrlForm(forms.ModelForm): address = forms.URLField() name = forms.CharField() captcha = ReCaptchaField() class Meta: model = Url fields = ('address', 'name', 'captcha', 'user_ip') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.meta = kwargs.pop('meta', None) # Now you use self.request to access request object. super(UrlForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def save(self, commit=True): instance = super(UrlForm, self).save(commit=False) instance.user_ip = get_client_ip(self.meta) if commit: return instance
############################################################################### # # The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright (c) Tavendo GmbH # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # ############################################################################### import sys import json import urllib import Cookie from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.python import log from twisted.web.server import Site from twisted.web.static import File import autobahn from autobahn.util import newid, utcnow from autobahn.websocket import http from autobahn.twisted.websocket import WebSocketServerFactory, \ WebSocketServerProtocol from autobahn.twisted.resource import WebSocketResource class PersonaServerProtocol(WebSocketServerProtocol): """ WebSocket server protocol that tracks WebSocket connections using HTTP cookies, and authenticates WebSocket connections using Mozilla Persona. """ def onConnect(self, request): # This is called during the initial WebSocket opening handshake. protocol, headers = None, {} # our cookie tracking ID self._cbtid = None # see if there already is a cookie set .. if 'cookie' in request.headers: try: cookie = Cookie.SimpleCookie() cookie.load(str(request.headers['cookie'])) except Cookie.CookieError: pass else: if 'cbtid' in cookie: cbtid = cookie['cbtid'].value if cbtid in self.factory._cookies: self._cbtid = cbtid log.msg("Cookie already set: %s" % self._cbtid) # if no cookie is set, create a new one .. if self._cbtid is None: self._cbtid = newid() maxAge = 86400 cbtData = {'created': utcnow(), 'authenticated': None, 'maxAge': maxAge, 'connections': set()} self.factory._cookies[self._cbtid] = cbtData # do NOT add the "secure" cookie attribute! "secure" refers to the # scheme of the Web page that triggered the WS, not WS itself!! ## headers['Set-Cookie'] = 'cbtid=%s;max-age=%d' % (self._cbtid, maxAge) log.msg("Setting new cookie: %s" % self._cbtid) # add this WebSocket connection to the set of connections # associated with the same cookie self.factory._cookies[self._cbtid]['connections'].add(self) # accept the WebSocket connection, speaking subprotocol `protocol` # and setting HTTP headers `headers` return (protocol, headers) def onOpen(self): # This is called when initial WebSocket opening handshake has # been completed. # see if we are authenticated .. authenticated = self.factory._cookies[self._cbtid]['authenticated'] if not authenticated: # .. if not, send authentication request self.sendMessage(json.dumps({'cmd': 'AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED'})) else: # .. if yes, send info on authenticated user self.sendMessage(json.dumps({'cmd': 'AUTHENTICATED', 'email': authenticated})) def onClose(self, wasClean, code, reason): # This is called when WebSocket connection is gone # remove this connection from list of connections associated with # same cookie self.factory._cookies[self._cbtid]['connections'].remove(self) # if list gets empty, possibly do something .. if not self.factory._cookies[self._cbtid]['connections']: log.msg("All connections for {} gone".format(self._cbtid)) def onMessage(self, payload, isBinary): # This is called when we receive a WebSocket message if not isBinary: msg = json.loads(payload) if msg['cmd'] == 'AUTHENTICATE': # The client did it's Mozilla Persona authentication thing # and now wants to verify the authentication and login. assertion = msg.get('assertion') audience = msg.get('audience') # To verify the authentication, we need to send a HTTP/POST # to Mozilla Persona. When successful, Persona will send us # back something like: # { # "audience": "", # "expires": 1393681951257, # "issuer": "", # "email": "[email protected]", # "status": "okay" # } headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} body = urllib.urlencode({'audience': audience, 'assertion': assertion}) from twisted.web.client import getPage d = getPage(url="", method='POST', postdata=body, headers=headers) log.msg("Authentication request sent.") def done(res): res = json.loads(res) if res['status'] == 'okay': # Mozilla Persona successfully authenticated the user # remember the user's email address. this marks the cookie as # authenticated self.factory._cookies[self._cbtid]['authenticated'] = res['email'] # inform _all_ WebSocket connections of the successful auth. msg = json.dumps({'cmd': 'AUTHENTICATED', 'email': res['email']}) for proto in self.factory._cookies[self._cbtid]['connections']: proto.sendMessage(msg) log.msg("Authenticated user {}".format(res['email'])) else: log.msg("Authentication failed: {}".format(res.get('reason'))) self.sendMessage(json.dumps({'cmd': 'AUTHENTICATION_FAILED', 'reason': res.get('reason')})) self.sendClose() def error(err): log.msg("Authentication request failed: {}".format(err.value)) self.sendMessage(json.dumps({'cmd': 'AUTHENTICATION_FAILED', 'reason': str(err.value)})) self.sendClose() d.addCallbacks(done, error) elif msg['cmd'] == 'LOGOUT': # user wants to logout .. if self.factory._cookies[self._cbtid]['authenticated']: self.factory._cookies[self._cbtid]['authenticated'] = False # inform _all_ WebSocket connections of the logout msg = json.dumps({'cmd': 'LOGGED_OUT'}) for proto in self.factory._cookies[self._cbtid]['connections']: proto.sendMessage(msg) else: log.msg("unknown command {}".format(msg)) class PersonaServerFactory(WebSocketServerFactory): """ WebSocket server factory with cookie/sessions map. """ protocol = PersonaServerProtocol def __init__(self, url): WebSocketServerFactory.__init__(self, url, debug=False) # map of cookies self._cookies = {} if __name__ == '__main__': log.startLogging(sys.stdout) print("Running Autobahn|Python {}".format(autobahn.version)) # our WebSocket server factory factory = PersonaServerFactory("ws://localhost:8080") # we serve static files under "/" .. root = File(".") # .. and our WebSocket server under "/ws" resource = WebSocketResource(factory) root.putChild("ws", resource) # run both under one Twisted Web Site site = Site(root) site.log = lambda _: None # disable any logging reactor.listenTCP(8080, site)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # __ # /__) _ _ _ _ _/ _ # / ( (- (/ (/ (- _) / _) # / """ requests HTTP library ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Requests is an HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings. Basic GET usage: >>> import requests >>> r = requests.get('') >>> r.status_code 200 >>> 'Python is a programming language' in r.content True ... or POST: >>> payload = dict(key1='value1', key2='value2') >>> r ='', data=payload) >>> print(r.text) { ... "form": { "key2": "value2", "key1": "value1" }, ... } The other HTTP methods are supported - see `requests.api`. Full documentation is at <>. :copyright: (c) 2015 by Kenneth Reitz. :license: Apache 2.0, see LICENSE for more details. """ __title__ = 'requests' __version__ = '2.6.0' __build__ = 0x020503 __author__ = 'Kenneth Reitz' __license__ = 'Apache 2.0' __copyright__ = 'Copyright 2015 Kenneth Reitz' # Attempt to enable urllib3's SNI support, if possible try: from .packages.urllib3.contrib import pyopenssl pyopenssl.inject_into_urllib3() except ImportError: pass from . import utils from .models import Request, Response, PreparedRequest from .api import request, get, head, post, patch, put, delete, options from .sessions import session, Session from .status_codes import codes from .exceptions import ( RequestException, Timeout, URLRequired, TooManyRedirects, HTTPError, ConnectionError ) # Set default logging handler to avoid "No handler found" warnings. import logging try: # Python 2.7+ from logging import NullHandler except ImportError: class NullHandler(logging.Handler): def emit(self, record): pass logging.getLogger(__name__).addHandler(NullHandler())
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pytest import os collect_ignore = [ "", "" ] # Also ignore everything that git ignores. git_ignore = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '.gitignore') collect_ignore += list(filter(None, open(git_ignore).read().split('\n'))) # Run slow tests separately with command-line option, filter tests # ================================================================ def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption("--filter", action="store", help="only run tests with the given mark") parser.addoption("--slow", action="store_true", help="run slow tests") parser.addoption("--veryslow", action="store_true", help="run very slow tests") def pytest_runtest_setup(item): filt = item.config.getoption("--filter") if filt: if filt not in item.keywords: pytest.skip("only running tests with the '{}' mark".format(filt)) else: if 'slow' in item.keywords and not item.config.getoption("--slow"): pytest.skip("need --slow option to run") if ('veryslow' in item.keywords and not item.config.getoption("--veryslow")): pytest.skip("need --veryslow option to run")
#This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public #License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this #file, You can obtain one at */ #Created by Alexandre GAUTHIER-FOICHAT on 01/27/2015. #To import the variable "natron" import NatronEngine def addFormats(app): app.addFormat ("720p 1280x720 1.0") app.addFormat ("2k_185 2048x1108 1.0") def afterNodeCreatedCallback(thisNode, app, userEdited): #Turn-off the Clamp black for new grade nodes if thisNode.getPluginID() == "net.sf.openfx.GradePlugin": thisNode.clampBlack.setDefaultValue(False) #Set the blur size to (3,3) upon creation elif thisNode.getPluginID() == "net.sf.cimg.CImgBlur": thisNode.size.setDefaultValue(3,0) thisNode.size.setDefaultValue(3,1) #This will set the After Node Created callback on the project to tweek default values for parameters def setNodeDefaults(app): app.afterNodeCreated.set("afterNodeCreatedCallback") def myCallback(app): addFormats(app) setNodeDefaults(app) #Set the After Project Created/Loaded callbacks NatronEngine.natron.setOnProjectCreatedCallback("myCallback") NatronEngine.natron.setOnProjectLoadedCallback("myCallback") #Add this path to the Natron search paths so that our PyPlug can be found. #Note that we could also set this from the NATRON_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable #or even in the Preferences panel, Plug-ins tab, with the "Pyplugs search path" NatronEngine.natron.appendToNatronPath("/Library/Natron/PyPlugs")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## ## This file is part of Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2013 CERN. ## ## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """BibAuthority Regression Test Suite.""" __revision__ = "$Id$" from invenio.legacy.bibauthority.config import \ CFG_BIBAUTHORITY_RECORD_CONTROL_NUMBER_FIELD, \ CFG_BIBAUTHORITY_TYPE_NAMES, \ CFG_BIBAUTHORITY_PREFIX_SEP from invenio.testsuite import make_test_suite, run_test_suite, \ InvenioTestCase from invenio.base.wrappers import lazy_import is_authority_record = lazy_import('invenio.legacy.bibauthority.engine:is_authority_record') get_dependent_records_for_control_no = lazy_import('invenio.legacy.bibauthority.engine:get_dependent_records_for_control_no') get_dependent_records_for_recID = lazy_import('invenio.legacy.bibauthority.engine:get_dependent_records_for_recID') guess_authority_types = lazy_import('invenio.legacy.bibauthority.engine:guess_authority_types') get_low_level_recIDs_from_control_no = lazy_import('invenio.legacy.bibauthority.engine:get_low_level_recIDs_from_control_no') get_control_nos_from_recID = lazy_import('invenio.legacy.bibauthority.engine:get_control_nos_from_recID') get_index_strings_by_control_no = lazy_import('invenio.legacy.bibauthority.engine:get_index_strings_by_control_no') guess_main_name_from_authority_recID = lazy_import('invenio.legacy.bibauthority.engine:guess_main_name_from_authority_recID') get_fieldvalues = lazy_import('invenio.legacy.bibrecord:get_fieldvalues') class BibAuthorityEngineTest(InvenioTestCase): """Check BibEdit web pages whether they are up or not.""" def test_bibauthority_is_authority_record(self): """bibauthority - test is_authority_record()""" self.assertFalse(is_authority_record(1)) self.assertTrue(is_authority_record(118)) def test_bibauthority_get_dependent_records_for_control_no(self): """bibauthority - test get_dependent_records_for_control_no()""" control_no_field = CFG_BIBAUTHORITY_RECORD_CONTROL_NUMBER_FIELD control_nos = get_fieldvalues(118, control_no_field) count = 0 for control_no in control_nos: count += len(get_dependent_records_for_control_no(control_no)) self.assertTrue(count) def test_bibauthority_get_dependent_records_for_recID(self): """bibauthority - test get_dependent_records_for_recID()""" self.assertTrue(len(get_dependent_records_for_recID(118))) def test_bibauthority_guess_authority_types(self): """bibauthority - test guess_authority_types()""" _type = CFG_BIBAUTHORITY_TYPE_NAMES['AUTHOR'] self.assertEqual(guess_authority_types(118), [_type]) def test_bibauthority_get_low_level_recIDs(self): """bibauthority - test get_low_level_recIDs_from_control_no()""" _type = CFG_BIBAUTHORITY_TYPE_NAMES['INSTITUTION'] control_no = _type + CFG_BIBAUTHORITY_PREFIX_SEP + "(SzGeCERN)iii0002" recIDs = [121] self.assertEqual(get_low_level_recIDs_from_control_no(control_no), recIDs) def test_bibauthority_get_control_nos_from_recID(self): """bibauthority - test get_control_nos_from_recID()""" self.assertTrue(len(get_control_nos_from_recID(118))) def test_bibauthority_guess_main_name(self): """bibauthority - test guess_main_name_from_authority_recID()""" recID = 118 main_name = 'Ellis, John' self.assertEqual(guess_main_name_from_authority_recID(recID), main_name) def test_authority_record_string_by_control_no(self): """bibauthority - simple test of get_index_strings_by_control_no()""" # vars _type = CFG_BIBAUTHORITY_TYPE_NAMES['AUTHOR'] control_no = _type + CFG_BIBAUTHORITY_PREFIX_SEP + '(SzGeCERN)aaa0005' string = 'Ellis, Jonathan Richard' # run test self.assertTrue(string in get_index_strings_by_control_no(control_no)) TEST_SUITE = make_test_suite( BibAuthorityEngineTest, ) if __name__ == "__main__": run_test_suite(TEST_SUITE, warn_user=True)
""" Volume Drivers for aws storage arrays. """ import time from cinder.i18n import _ from cinder import exception from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging from cinder.volume import driver from oslo.config import cfg import cinder.context import io import subprocess import math from cinder.openstack.common import units from cinder.openstack.common import strutils try: import rados import rbd except ImportError: rados = None rbd = None LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) rbd_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('rbd_pool', default='rbd', help='The RADOS pool where rbd volumes are stored'), cfg.StrOpt('rbd_user', default=None, help='The RADOS client name for accessing rbd volumes ' '- only set when using cephx authentication'), cfg.StrOpt('rbd_ceph_conf', default='', # default determined by librados help='Path to the ceph configuration file'), cfg.BoolOpt('rbd_flatten_volume_from_snapshot', default=False, help='Flatten volumes created from snapshots to remove ' 'dependency from volume to snapshot'), cfg.StrOpt('rbd_secret_uuid', default=None, help='The libvirt uuid of the secret for the rbd_user ' 'volumes'), cfg.StrOpt('volume_tmp_dir', default=None, help='Directory where temporary image files are stored ' 'when the volume driver does not write them directly ' 'to the volume.'), cfg.IntOpt('rbd_max_clone_depth', default=5, help='Maximum number of nested volume clones that are ' 'taken before a flatten occurs. Set to 0 to disable ' 'cloning.'), cfg.IntOpt('rbd_store_chunk_size', default=4, help=_('Volumes will be chunked into objects of this size ' '(in megabytes).')), cfg.IntOpt('rados_connect_timeout', default=-1, help=_('Timeout value (in seconds) used when connecting to ' 'ceph cluster. If value < 0, no timeout is set and ' 'default librados value is used.')) ] ceph_iscsi_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('iscsi_server_ip', default='', help=''), cfg.StrOpt('iscsi_server_user', default='', help=''), cfg.StrOpt('iscsi_server_pem', default='', help='') ] CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.register_opts(rbd_opts) CONF.register_opts(ceph_iscsi_opts) IMAGE_SCAN_ATTEMPTS_DEFAULT = 5 class RBDImageMetadata(object): """RBD image metadata to be used with RBDImageIOWrapper.""" def __init__(self, image, pool, user, conf): self.image = image self.pool = strutils.safe_encode(pool) self.user = strutils.safe_encode(user) self.conf = strutils.safe_encode(conf) class RBDImageIOWrapper(io.RawIOBase): """Enables LibRBD.Image objects to be treated as Python IO objects. Calling unimplemented interfaces will raise IOError. """ def __init__(self, rbd_meta): super(RBDImageIOWrapper, self).__init__() self._rbd_meta = rbd_meta self._offset = 0 def _inc_offset(self, length): self._offset += length @property def rbd_image(self): return self._rbd_meta.image @property def rbd_user(self): return self._rbd_meta.user @property def rbd_pool(self): return self._rbd_meta.pool @property def rbd_conf(self): return self._rbd_meta.conf def read(self, length=None): offset = self._offset total = self._rbd_meta.image.size() # NOTE(dosaboy): posix files do not barf if you read beyond their # length (they just return nothing) but rbd images do so we need to # return empty string if we have reached the end of the image. if (offset >= total): return '' if length is None: length = total if (offset + length) > total: length = total - offset self._inc_offset(length) return, int(length)) def write(self, data): self._rbd_meta.image.write(data, self._offset) self._inc_offset(len(data)) def seekable(self): return True def seek(self, offset, whence=0): if whence == 0: new_offset = offset elif whence == 1: new_offset = self._offset + offset elif whence == 2: new_offset = self._rbd_meta.image.size() new_offset += offset else: raise IOError(_("Invalid argument - whence=%s not supported") % (whence)) if (new_offset < 0): raise IOError(_("Invalid argument")) self._offset = new_offset def tell(self): return self._offset def flush(self): try: self._rbd_meta.image.flush() except AttributeError: LOG.warning(_("flush() not supported in this version of librbd")) def fileno(self): """RBD does not have support for fileno() so we raise IOError. Raising IOError is recommended way to notify caller that interface is not supported - see """ raise IOError(_("fileno() not supported by RBD()")) # NOTE(dosaboy): if IO object is not closed explicitly, Python auto closes # it which, if this is not overridden, calls flush() prior to close which # in this case is unwanted since the rbd image may have been closed prior # to the autoclean - currently triggering a segfault in librbd. def close(self): pass class RBDVolumeProxy(object): """Context manager for dealing with an existing rbd volume. This handles connecting to rados and opening an ioctx automatically, and otherwise acts like a librbd Image object. The underlying librados client and ioctx can be accessed as the attributes 'client' and 'ioctx'. """ def __init__(self, driver, name, pool=None, snapshot=None, read_only=False): client, ioctx = driver._connect_to_rados(pool) if snapshot is not None: snapshot = strutils.safe_encode(snapshot) try: self.volume = driver.rbd.Image(ioctx, strutils.safe_encode(name), snapshot=snapshot, read_only=read_only) except driver.rbd.Error: LOG.exception(_("error opening rbd image %s"), name) driver._disconnect_from_rados(client, ioctx) raise self.driver = driver self.client = client self.ioctx = ioctx def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type_, value, traceback): try: self.volume.close() finally: self.driver._disconnect_from_rados(self.client, self.ioctx) def __getattr__(self, attrib): return getattr(self.volume, attrib) class RADOSClient(object): """Context manager to simplify error handling for connecting to ceph.""" def __init__(self, driver, pool=None): self.driver = driver self.cluster, self.ioctx = driver._connect_to_rados(pool) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type_, value, traceback): self.driver._disconnect_from_rados(self.cluster, self.ioctx) class CephIscsiDriver(driver.ISCSIDriver): VERSION = "1.0" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(CephIscsiDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.configuration.append_config_values(rbd_opts) self.configuration.append_config_values(ceph_iscsi_opts) self.rados = kwargs.get('rados', rados) self.rbd = kwargs.get('rbd', rbd) self._stats = {} self.image_scan_attempts = IMAGE_SCAN_ATTEMPTS_DEFAULT for attr in ['rbd_user', 'rbd_ceph_conf', 'rbd_pool']: val = getattr(self.configuration, attr) if val is not None: setattr(self.configuration, attr, strutils.safe_encode(val)) def _connect_to_rados(self, pool=None): LOG.debug("opening connection to ceph cluster (timeout=%s)." % (self.configuration.rados_connect_timeout)) client = self.rados.Rados(rados_id=self.configuration.rbd_user, conffile=self.configuration.rbd_ceph_conf) if pool is not None: pool = strutils.safe_encode(pool) else: pool = self.configuration.rbd_pool try: if self.configuration.rados_connect_timeout >= 0: client.connect(timeout= self.configuration.rados_connect_timeout) else: client.connect() ioctx = client.open_ioctx(pool) return client, ioctx except self.rados.Error as exc: LOG.error("error connecting to ceph cluster.") # shutdown cannot raise an exception client.shutdown() raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=str(exc)) def _delete_backup_snaps(self, rbd_image): backup_snaps = self._get_backup_snaps(rbd_image) if backup_snaps: for snap in backup_snaps: rbd_image.remove_snap(snap['name']) else: LOG.debug("volume has no backup snaps") def _get_backup_snaps(self, rbd_image): """Get list of any backup snapshots that exist on this volume. There should only ever be one but accept all since they need to be deleted before the volume can be. """ # NOTE(dosaboy): we do the import here otherwise we get import conflict # issues between the rbd driver and the ceph backup driver. These # issues only seem to occur when NOT using them together and are # triggered when the ceph backup driver imports the rbd volume driver. from cinder.backup.drivers import ceph return ceph.CephBackupDriver.get_backup_snaps(rbd_image) def _get_clone_info(self, volume, volume_name, snap=None): """If volume is a clone, return its parent info. Returns a tuple of (pool, parent, snap). A snapshot may optionally be provided for the case where a cloned volume has been flattened but it's snapshot still depends on the parent. """ try: snap and volume.set_snap(snap) pool, parent, parent_snap = tuple(volume.parent_info()) snap and volume.set_snap(None) # Strip the tag off the end of the volume name since it will not be # in the snap name. if volume_name.endswith('.deleted'): volume_name = volume_name[:-len('.deleted')] # Now check the snap name matches. if parent_snap == "%s.clone_snap" % volume_name: return pool, parent, parent_snap except self.rbd.ImageNotFound: LOG.debug("volume %s is not a clone" % volume_name) volume.set_snap(None) return (None, None, None) def _disconnect_from_rados(self, client, ioctx): # closing an ioctx cannot raise an exception ioctx.close() client.shutdown() def _delete_clone_parent_refs(self, client, parent_name, parent_snap): """Walk back up the clone chain and delete references. Deletes references i.e. deleted parent volumes and snapshots. """ parent_rbd = self.rbd.Image(client.ioctx, parent_name) parent_has_snaps = False try: # Check for grandparent _pool, g_parent, g_parent_snap = self._get_clone_info(parent_rbd, parent_name, parent_snap) LOG.debug("deleting parent snapshot %s" % (parent_snap)) parent_rbd.unprotect_snap(parent_snap) parent_rbd.remove_snap(parent_snap) parent_has_snaps = bool(list(parent_rbd.list_snaps())) finally: parent_rbd.close() def _update_volume_stats(self): stats = { 'vendor_name': 'Open Source', 'driver_version': self.VERSION, 'storage_protocol': 'iSCSI', 'total_capacity_gb': 'unknown', 'free_capacity_gb': 'unknown', 'reserved_percentage': 0, } backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name') stats['volume_backend_name'] = backend_name try: with RADOSClient(self) as client: new_stats = client.cluster.get_cluster_stats() stats['total_capacity_gb'] = new_stats['kb'] / units.Mi stats['free_capacity_gb'] = new_stats['kb_avail'] / units.Mi except self.rados.Error: # just log and return unknown capacities LOG.exception(_('error refreshing volume stats')) self._stats = stats def _supports_layering(self): return hasattr(self.rbd, 'RBD_FEATURE_LAYERING') def backup_volume(self, context, backup, backup_service): """Create a new backup from an existing volume.""" backup_des = backup.get('display_description', None) if backup_des.find('cross_az') >= 0: return volume = self.db.volume_get(context, backup['volume_id']) with RBDVolumeProxy(self, volume['name'], self.configuration.rbd_pool) as rbd_image: rbd_meta = RBDImageMetadata(rbd_image, self.configuration.rbd_pool, self.configuration.rbd_user, self.configuration.rbd_ceph_conf) rbd_fd = RBDImageIOWrapper(rbd_meta) backup_service.backup(backup, rbd_fd) LOG.debug("volume backup complete.") def restore_backup(self, context, backup, volume, backup_service): """Restore an existing backup to a new or existing volume.""" backup_des = backup.get('display_description', None) if backup_des and 'cross_az' in backup_des: res = backup_des.split(':') backup['volume_id'] = res[-1] backup['id'] = res[-2]"ceph iscsi driver, got backup_id:%(backup_id)s," "%(source_volume_id)s, backup_des:%(backup_des)s") % {'backup_id': backup['id'], 'source_volume_id': backup['volume_id'], 'backup_des': backup_des}) with RBDVolumeProxy(self, volume['name'], self.configuration.rbd_pool) as rbd_image: rbd_meta = RBDImageMetadata(rbd_image, self.configuration.rbd_pool, self.configuration.rbd_user, self.configuration.rbd_ceph_conf) rbd_fd = RBDImageIOWrapper(rbd_meta) backup_service.restore(backup, volume['id'], rbd_fd) LOG.debug("volume restore complete.") def do_setup(self, context): """Instantiate common class and log in storage system.""" pass def check_for_setup_error(self): """Check configuration file.""" pass def create_volume(self, volume): """Create a volume.""" ctx = cinder.context.get_admin_context() if ctx: volume_metadata = self.db.volume_metadata_get(ctx, volume['id']) if volume_metadata: identify_flag = volume_metadata.get('cross_az', None) if identify_flag: model_update = {'provider_location': 'fake_flag'} return model_update if int(volume['size']) == 0: size = 100 * units.Mi else: size = int(volume['size']) * units.Gi LOG.debug("creating volume '%s'" % (volume['name'])) old_format = True features = 0 chunk_size = CONF.rbd_store_chunk_size * units.Mi order = int(math.log(chunk_size, 2)) if self._supports_layering(): old_format = False features = self.rbd.RBD_FEATURE_LAYERING with RADOSClient(self) as client: self.rbd.RBD().create(client.ioctx, strutils.safe_encode(volume['name']), size, order, old_format=old_format, features=features) if self.image_found(volume['name']): command = "ssh -i %s %s@%s sudo bash /home/%s/ %s %s %s" % \ (self.configuration.iscsi_server_pem, self.configuration.iscsi_server_user, self.configuration.iscsi_server_ip, self.configuration.iscsi_server_user, 'create', self.configuration.rbd_pool, volume['name']) result =[command], shell=True) if result != 0: LOG.debug("create iscsi target failed '%s'" % (volume['id'])) else: LOG.debug("can not find rbd image,create failed") def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot): """Create a volume from a snapshot.""" pass def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref): """Create a clone of the specified volume.""" pass def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size): """Extend a volume.""" pass def delete_volume(self, volume): """Delete a volume.""" """Deletes a logical volume.""" # NOTE(dosaboy): this was broken by commit cbe1d5f. Ensure names are # utf-8 otherwise librbd will barf. if 'fake_flag' == volume.get('provider_location', None): return volume_name = strutils.safe_encode(volume['name']) with RADOSClient(self) as client: try: rbd_image = self.rbd.Image(client.ioctx, volume_name) except self.rbd.ImageNotFound:"volume %s no longer exists in backend") % (volume_name)) return clone_snap = None parent = None # Ensure any backup snapshots are deleted self._delete_backup_snaps(rbd_image) # If the volume has non-clone snapshots this delete is expected to # raise VolumeIsBusy so do so straight away. try: snaps = rbd_image.list_snaps() for snap in snaps: if snap['name'].endswith('.clone_snap'): LOG.debug("volume has clone snapshot(s)") # We grab one of these and use it when fetching parent # info in case the volume has been flattened. clone_snap = snap['name'] break raise exception.VolumeIsBusy(volume_name=volume_name) # Determine if this volume is itself a clone pool, parent, parent_snap = self._get_clone_info(rbd_image, volume_name, clone_snap) finally: rbd_image.close() if clone_snap is None: LOG.debug("deleting rbd volume %s" % (volume_name)) try: self.rbd.RBD().remove(client.ioctx, volume_name) except self.rbd.ImageBusy: msg = (_("ImageBusy error raised while deleting rbd " "volume. This may have been caused by a " "connection from a client that has crashed and, " "if so, may be resolved by retrying the delete " "after 30 seconds has elapsed.")) LOG.warn(msg) # Now raise this so that volume stays available so that we # delete can be retried. raise exception.VolumeIsBusy(msg, volume_name=volume_name) # If it is a clone, walk back up the parent chain deleting # references. if parent: LOG.debug("volume is a clone so cleaning references") self._delete_clone_parent_refs(client, parent, parent_snap) else: # If the volume has copy-on-write clones we will not be able to # delete it. Instead we will keep it as a silent volume which # will be deleted when it's snapshot and clones are deleted. new_name = "%s.deleted" % (volume_name) self.rbd.RBD().rename(client.ioctx, volume_name, new_name) command = "ssh -i %s %s@%s sudo bash /home/%s/ %s %s %s" % \ (self.configuration.iscsi_server_pem, self.configuration.iscsi_server_user, self.configuration.iscsi_server_ip, self.configuration.iscsi_server_user, 'delete', self.configuration.rbd_pool, volume['name']) result =[command], shell=True) if result != 0: LOG.debug("delete iscsi target failed '%s'" % (volume['id'])) def create_snapshot(self, snapshot): """Create a snapshot.""" pass def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot): """Delete a snapshot.""" pass def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False): """Get volume stats.""" self._update_volume_stats() return self._stats def image_found(self, image_name): try_count = 0 while try_count < self.image_scan_attempts: image_list = self.rbd.RBD().list(RADOSClient(self).ioctx) for image in image_list: if image == image_name: return True try_count = try_count + 1 time.sleep(try_count ** 2) return False def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector): """Map a volume to a host.""""attach volume: %s; voluem_name: %s " % (volume['id'], volume['name'])) properties = {} properties['target_discovered'] = False properties['target_portal'] = ('%s:%s' % (self.configuration.iscsi_server_ip, '3260')) properties['target_iqn'] = 'iqn.2015-08.rbdstore.' + volume['name'] + '.com:iscsi' properties['volume_id'] = volume['id']"initialize_connection_iscsi success. Return data: %s." % properties) return {'driver_volume_type': 'iscsi', 'data': properties} def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector, **kwargs): pass def create_export(self, context, volume): """Export the volume.""" pass def ensure_export(self, context, volume): """Synchronously recreate an export for a volume.""" pass def remove_export(self, context, volume): """Remove an export for a volume.""" pass
# # OSIS stands for Open Student Information System. It's an application # designed to manage the core business of higher education institutions, # such as universities, faculties, institutes and professional schools. # The core business involves the administration of students, teachers, # courses, programs and so on. # # Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Université catholique de Louvain ( # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of this license - GNU General Public License - is available # at the root of the source code of this program. If not, # see # ############################################################################## from django.test import SimpleTestCase from base.utils.string import unaccent class TestUnaccent(SimpleTestCase): def setUp(self): pass def test_when_uppercased_character_should_lowercased_them(self): self.assert_unaccent_equal( "Hello", "hello" ) def test_when_special_characters_should_remove_them_from_string(self): self.assert_unaccent_equal( "Hello-World Haha'Test", "helloworldhahatest" ) def test_when_accent_character_should_replace_them_to_unaccent_character(self): self.assert_unaccent_equal( "François", "francois" ) self.assert_unaccent_equal( "Déflander", "deflander" ) def assert_unaccent_equal(self, s, expected): result = unaccent(s) self.assertEqual(expected, result)
# Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Test configs for unique.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf from tensorflow.lite.testing.zip_test_utils import create_tensor_data from tensorflow.lite.testing.zip_test_utils import make_zip_of_tests from tensorflow.lite.testing.zip_test_utils import register_make_test_function @register_make_test_function() def make_unique_tests(options): """Make a set of tests for Unique op.""" test_parameters = [{ "input_shape": [[1]], "index_type": [tf.int32, tf.int64, None], "input_values": [3] }, { "input_shape": [[5]], "index_type": [tf.int32, tf.int64], "input_values": [[3, 2, 1, 2, 3]] }, { "input_shape": [[7]], "index_type": [tf.int32, tf.int64], "input_values": [[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]] }, { "input_shape": [[5]], "index_type": [tf.int32, tf.int64], "input_values": [[3, 2, 1, 0, -1]] }] def build_graph(parameters): """Build the graph for the test case.""" input_tensor = tf.compat.v1.placeholder( dtype=tf.int32, name="input", shape=parameters["input_shape"]) if parameters["index_type"] is None: output = tf.unique(input_tensor) else: output = tf.unique(input_tensor, parameters["index_type"]) return [input_tensor], output def build_inputs(parameters, sess, inputs, outputs): input_values = [create_tensor_data(tf.int32, parameters["input_shape"])] return input_values, outputs, feed_dict=dict(zip(inputs, input_values))) make_zip_of_tests(options, test_parameters, build_graph, build_inputs)
from import Mininet from mininet.node import Node, Switch from import Link, Intf from mininet.log import setLogLevel, info from mininet.cli import CLI import mininet.ns3 from mininet.ns3 import WIFISegment import ns.core import ns.wifi if __name__ == '__main__': setLogLevel( 'info' ) info( '*** ns-3 network demo\n' ) net = Mininet() info( '*** Creating Network\n' ) h0 = net.addHost( 'h0' ) h1 = net.addHost( 'h1' ) h2 = net.addHost( 'h2' ) wifi = WIFISegment() wifi.machelper.SetType ( "ns3::AdhocWifiMac" ) # set datarate for node h0 wifi.wifihelper.SetRemoteStationManager( "ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager", "DataMode", ns.core.StringValue( "OfdmRate54Mbps" ) ) wifi.add( h0 ) # set datarate for node h1 wifi.wifihelper.SetRemoteStationManager( "ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager", "DataMode", ns.core.StringValue( "OfdmRate6Mbps" ) ) wifi.add( h1 ) # set datarate for node h2 wifi.wifihelper.SetRemoteStationManager( "ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager", "DataMode", ns.core.StringValue( "OfdmRate54Mbps" ) ) wifi.add( h2 ) info( '*** Configuring hosts\n' ) h0.setIP( '' ) h1.setIP( '') h2.setIP( '') mininet.ns3.start() info( '*** Testing network connectivity\n' ) net.pingAll() info( '*** Starting TCP iperf server on h2\n' ) h2.sendCmd( "iperf -s" ) info( '*** Testing bandwidth between h0 and h2 while h1 is not transmitting\n' ) h0.cmdPrint( "iperf -c" ) info( '*** Testing bandwidth between h0 and h2 while h1 is transmitting at 6Mbps\n' ) h1.sendCmd( "iperf -c" ) h0.cmdPrint( "iperf -c" ) CLI(net)
## # \namespace reviewTool.gui.delegates # # \remarks Contains reusable delegates for the Reveiw Tool system # # \author Dr. D Studios # \date 08/03/11 # # Copyright 2008-2012 Dr D Studios Pty Limited (ACN 127 184 954) (Dr. D Studios) # # This file is part of anim-studio-tools. # # anim-studio-tools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # anim-studio-tools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with anim-studio-tools. If not, see <>.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django 1.9.1 on 2016-04-16 00:51 from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): initial = True dependencies = [ ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='Configure', fields=[ ('key', models.CharField(max_length=20, primary_key=True, serialize=False)), ('value', models.CharField(default='', max_length=20)), ], ), ]
from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals from kolibri.core.webpack.hooks import WebpackInclusionHook class DeviceManagementSyncHook(WebpackInclusionHook): """ Inherit a hook defining assets to be loaded sychronously in the template """ class Meta: abstract = True
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # This file is part of reprints released under the AGPLv3 license. # See the NOTICE for more information. # future compatibilty from __future__ import absolute_import # standard import unittest # local from reprints import response ONExONE_PNG = b'\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n\x00\x00\x00\rIHDR\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\x08\x06\x00' + \ b'\x00\x00\x1f\x15\xc4\x89\x00\x00\x00\rIDATx\x9cc````\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x01' + \ b'\xa5\xf6E@\x00\x00\x00\x00IEND\xaeB`\x82' class TestResponse(unittest.TestCase): def test_get_data(self): resp = response.SuccessResponse(data=ONExONE_PNG, format='PNG') self.assertEqual(resp.get_data(), ONExONE_PNG) resp = response.BadRequestResponse() self.assertEqual(resp.get_data(), '400 BAD REQUEST') resp = response.NotFoundResponse() self.assertEqual(resp.get_data(), '404 NOT FOUND') resp = response.UnsupportedMediaTypeResponse() self.assertEqual(resp.get_data(), '415 UNSUPPORTED MEDIA TYPE') resp = response.FatalResponse() self.assertEqual(resp.get_data(), '500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR') def test_mime_type(self): resp = response.SuccessResponse(data=ONExONE_PNG, format='PNG') self.assertEqual(resp.mime_type, 'image/png') resp = response.BadRequestResponse() self.assertEqual(resp.mime_type, 'text/plain') resp = response.NotFoundResponse() self.assertEqual(resp.mime_type, 'text/plain') resp = response.UnsupportedMediaTypeResponse() self.assertEqual(resp.mime_type, 'text/plain') resp = response.FatalResponse() self.assertEqual(resp.mime_type, 'text/plain') def test_get_headers(self): resp = response.SuccessResponse(data=ONExONE_PNG, format='PNG') self.assertEqual(resp.get_headers(), [('Content-type', 'image/png'), ('Content-length', '70')]) resp = response.BadRequestResponse() self.assertEqual(resp.get_headers(), [('Content-type', 'text/plain'), ('Content-length', '15')]) resp = response.NotFoundResponse() self.assertEqual(resp.get_headers(), [('Content-type', 'text/plain'), ('Content-length', '13')]) resp = response.UnsupportedMediaTypeResponse() self.assertEqual(resp.get_headers(), [('Content-type', 'text/plain'), ('Content-length', '26')]) resp = response.FatalResponse() self.assertEqual(resp.get_headers(), [('Content-type', 'text/plain'), ('Content-length', '25'), ('X-Error-Detail', 'The server received a fatal error.')]) def test_get_status(self): resp = response.SuccessResponse(data=ONExONE_PNG, format='PNG') self.assertEqual(resp.get_status(), '200 OK') resp = response.BadRequestResponse() self.assertEqual(resp.get_status(), '400 BAD REQUEST') resp = response.NotFoundResponse() self.assertEqual(resp.get_status(), '404 NOT FOUND') resp = response.UnsupportedMediaTypeResponse() self.assertEqual(resp.get_status(), '415 UNSUPPORTED MEDIA TYPE') resp = response.FatalResponse() self.assertEqual(resp.get_status(), '500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR') if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
# Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Netforce Co. Ltd. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, # DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR # OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE # OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. from netforce.model import Model, fields, get_model from datetime import * from dateutil.relativedelta import * from netforce.access import get_active_company def deduct_period(date, num, period): d = datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d") if period == "month": if (d + timedelta(days=1)).month != d.month: d -= relativedelta(months=num, day=31) else: d -= relativedelta(months=num) elif period == "year": d -= relativedelta(years=num) else: raise Exception("Invalid period") return d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") class ReportBalanceSheet(Model): _name = "report.balance.sheet" _transient = True _fields = { "date": fields.Date("Balance Date"), "compare_with": fields.Selection([["month", "Previous Month"], ["year", "Previous Year"]], "Compare With"), "compare_periods": fields.Selection([["1", "Previous 1 Period"], ["2", "Previous 2 Periods"], ["3", "Previous 3 Periods"], ["4", "Previous 4 Periods"], ["5", "Previous 5 Periods"], ["6", "Previous 6 Periods"], ["7", "Previous 7 Periods"], ["8", "Previous 8 Periods"], ["9", "Previous 9 Periods"], ["10", "Previous 10 Periods"], ["11", "Previous 11 Periods"]], "Compare Periods"), "track_id": fields.Many2One("account.track.categ", "Tracking"), "track2_id": fields.Many2One("account.track.categ", "Tracking"), "convert_currency": fields.Boolean("Convert Currency"), } _defaults = { "date": lambda *a: ( + relativedelta(day=31)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), } def get_report_data(self, ids, context={}): company_id = get_active_company() comp = get_model("company").browse(company_id) if ids: params =, load_m2o=False)[0] else: params = self.default_get(load_m2o=False, context=context) settings = get_model("settings").browse(1) date_to = params.get("date") if not date_to: date_to = ( + relativedelta(day=31)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") compare_with = params.get("compare_with") compare_periods = params.get("compare_periods") if compare_periods: compare_periods = int(compare_periods) else: compare_periods = 0 if not compare_with: compare_periods = 0 track_id = params.get("track_id") if track_id: track_id = int(track_id) track2_id = params.get("track2_id") if track2_id: track2_id = int(track2_id) convert_currency = params.get("convert_currency") bs_types = ["bank", "cash", "cheque", "receivable", "cur_asset", "noncur_asset", "fixed_asset", "payable", "cust_deposit", "cur_liability", "noncur_liability", "equity"] ctx = { "date_to": date_to, "track_id": track_id, "track2_id": track2_id, "active_test": False, } if convert_currency: ctx["currency_id"] res = get_model("account.account").search_read( ["type", "in", bs_types], ["code", "name", "balance", "balance_cur", "parent_id", "type"], order="code", context=ctx) accounts = {} parent_ids = [] for r in res: r["balance"] = r["balance_cur"] if convert_currency else r["balance"] accounts[r["id"]] = r if r["parent_id"]: parent_ids.append(r["parent_id"][0]) compare = {} for i in range(1, compare_periods + 1): date_to_c = deduct_period(date_to, i, compare_with) compare[i] = { "date_to": date_to_c, } ctx["date_to"] = date_to_c res = get_model("account.account").search_read(["type", "in", bs_types], ["balance", "balance_cur"], context=ctx) for r in res: accounts[r["id"]]["balance%d" % i] = r["balance_cur"] if convert_currency else r["balance"] i = 0 while parent_ids: i += 1 if i > 100: raise Exception("Cycle detected!") parent_ids = list(set(parent_ids)) res = get_model("account.account").read(parent_ids, ["name", "parent_id", "type", "code"]) parent_ids = [] for r in res: accounts[r["id"]] = r if r["parent_id"]: parent_ids.append(r["parent_id"][0]) root_accounts = [] for acc in accounts.values(): if not acc["parent_id"]: root_accounts.append(acc) continue parent_id = acc["parent_id"][0] parent = accounts[parent_id] parent.setdefault("children", []).append(acc) assets = { "name": "Assets", "types": ["bank", "cash", "cheque", "receivable", "cur_asset", "noncur_asset", "fixed_asset"], } liabilities = { "name": "Liabilities", "types": ["payable", "cust_deposit", "cur_liability", "noncur_liability"], } net_assets = { "summary": "Net Assets", "children": [assets, liabilities], "separator": "single", } equity = { "name": "Equity", "types": ["equity"], } def _make_groups(accs, types): groups = [] for acc in accs: if acc["type"] == "view": children = _make_groups(acc["children"], types) if children: group = { "code": acc["code"], "name": acc["name"], "children": children, "id": acc["id"], } groups.append(group) elif acc["type"] in types: if acc.get("balance") or any(acc.get("balance%d" % i) for i in range(1, compare_periods + 1)): group = { "code": acc["code"], "name": acc["name"], "balance": acc["balance"], "id": acc["id"], } for i in range(1, compare_periods + 1): group["balance%d" % i] = acc["balance%d" % i] groups.append(group) return groups for group in [assets, liabilities, equity]: types = group["types"] group["children"] = _make_groups(root_accounts, types) net_profit = { "name": "Current Year Earnings", "balance": -get_model("report.profit.loss").get_net_profit(date_to, track_id=track_id, track2_id=track2_id, convert_currency=convert_currency, context=context), } for i in range(1, compare_periods + 1): date_to_c = compare[i]["date_to"] net_profit["balance%d" % i] = - \ get_model("report.profit.loss").get_net_profit( date_to_c, track_id=track_id, track2_id=track2_id, convert_currency=convert_currency, context=context) equity["children"].append(net_profit) def _set_totals(acc): children = acc.get("children") if not children: return total = 0 comp_totals = {i: 0 for i in range(1, compare_periods + 1)} for child in children: _set_totals(child) total += child.get("balance", 0) for i in range(1, compare_periods + 1): comp_totals[i] += child.get("balance%d" % i, 0) acc["balance"] = total for i in range(1, compare_periods + 1): acc["balance%d" % i] = comp_totals[i] _set_totals(net_assets) _set_totals(equity) def _remove_dup_parents(group): if not group.get("children"): return children = [] for c in group["children"]: _remove_dup_parents(c) if c["name"] == group["name"]: if c.get("children"): children += c["children"] else: children.append(c) group["children"] = children _remove_dup_parents(assets) _remove_dup_parents(liabilities) _remove_dup_parents(equity) def _join_groups(group): if not group.get("children"): return child_names = {} for c in group["children"]: k = (c.get("code", ""), c["name"]) if k in child_names: c2 = child_names[k] if c2.get("children") and c.get("children"): c2["children"] += c["children"] c2["balance"] += c["balance"] for i in range(1, compare_periods + 1): c2["balance%d" % i] += c["balance%d" % i] else: child_names[k] = c group["children"] = [] for k in sorted(child_names): c = child_names[k] group["children"].append(c) for c in group["children"]: _join_groups(c) _join_groups(assets) _join_groups(liabilities) _join_groups(equity) lines = [] def _add_lines(group, depth=0, max_depth=None, sign=1): if max_depth is not None and depth > max_depth: return children = group.get("children") if children is None: line_vals = { "type": "account", "string": group.get("code") and "[%s] %s" % (group["code"], group["name"]) or group["name"], "amount": group["balance"] * sign, "padding": 20 * depth, "id": group.get("id"), } for i in range(1, compare_periods + 1): line_vals["amount%d" % i] = group.get("balance%d" % i, 0) * sign lines.append(line_vals) return name = group.get("name") if name: lines.append({ "type": "group_header", "string": name, "padding": 20 * depth, }) for child in children: _add_lines(child, depth + 1, max_depth=max_depth, sign=sign) summary = group.get("summary") if not summary: summary = "Total " + name line_vals = ({ "type": "group_footer", "string": summary, "padding": 20 * (depth + 1), "amount": group.get("balance", 0) * sign, "separator": group.get("separator"), }) for i in range(1, compare_periods + 1): line_vals["amount%d" % i] = group.get("balance%d" % i, 0) * sign lines.append(line_vals) _add_lines(assets) _add_lines(liabilities, sign=-1) _add_lines(net_assets, depth=-1, max_depth=-1) _add_lines(equity, sign=-1) data = { "date": date_to, "track_id": track_id, "track2_id": track2_id, "col0": date_to, "lines": lines, "company_name":, } for i, comp in compare.items(): data["date%d" % i] = comp["date_to"] data["col%d" % i] = comp["date_to"] return data def get_report_data_custom(self, ids, context={}): company_id = get_active_company() comp = get_model("company").browse(company_id) if ids: params =, load_m2o=False)[0] else: params = self.default_get(load_m2o=False, context=context) settings = get_model("settings").browse(1) date_to = params.get("date") d0 = datetime.strptime(date_to, "%Y-%m-%d") prev_month_date_to = (d0 - relativedelta(day=1) - timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") prev_year_date_to = (d0 - relativedelta(years=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") data = { "date_to": date_to, "prev_month_date_to": prev_month_date_to, "prev_year_date_to": prev_year_date_to, "company_name":, } print("data", data) return data ReportBalanceSheet.register()
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import module as mojom # This module provides a mechanism for determining the packed order and offsets # of a mojom.Struct. # # ps = pack.PackedStruct(struct) # ps.packed_fields will access a list of PackedField objects, each of which # will have an offset, a size and a bit (for mojom.BOOLs). # Size of struct header in bytes: num_bytes [4B] + version [4B]. HEADER_SIZE = 8 class PackedField(object): kind_to_size = { mojom.BOOL: 1, mojom.INT8: 1, mojom.UINT8: 1, mojom.INT16: 2, mojom.UINT16: 2, mojom.INT32: 4, mojom.UINT32: 4, mojom.FLOAT: 4, mojom.HANDLE: 4, mojom.MSGPIPE: 4, mojom.SHAREDBUFFER: 4, mojom.DCPIPE: 4, mojom.DPPIPE: 4, mojom.NULLABLE_HANDLE: 4, mojom.NULLABLE_MSGPIPE: 4, mojom.NULLABLE_SHAREDBUFFER: 4, mojom.NULLABLE_DCPIPE: 4, mojom.NULLABLE_DPPIPE: 4, mojom.INT64: 8, mojom.UINT64: 8, mojom.DOUBLE: 8, mojom.STRING: 8, mojom.NULLABLE_STRING: 8 } @classmethod def GetSizeForKind(cls, kind): if isinstance(kind, (mojom.Array, mojom.Map, mojom.Struct, mojom.Interface)): return 8 if isinstance(kind, mojom.Union): return 16 if isinstance(kind, mojom.InterfaceRequest): kind = mojom.MSGPIPE if isinstance(kind, mojom.Enum): # TODO(mpcomplete): what about big enums? return cls.kind_to_size[mojom.INT32] if not kind in cls.kind_to_size: raise Exception("Invalid kind: %s" % kind.spec) return cls.kind_to_size[kind] @classmethod def GetAlignmentForKind(cls, kind): if isinstance(kind, mojom.Interface): return 4 return cls.GetSizeForKind(kind) def __init__(self, field, index, ordinal): """ Args: field: the original field. index: the position of the original field in the struct. ordinal: the ordinal of the field for serialization. """ self.field = field self.index = index self.ordinal = ordinal self.size = self.GetSizeForKind(field.kind) self.alignment = self.GetAlignmentForKind(field.kind) self.offset = None self.bit = None self.min_version = None def GetPad(offset, alignment): """Returns the pad necessary to reserve space so that |offset + pad| equals to some multiple of |alignment|.""" return (alignment - (offset % alignment)) % alignment def GetFieldOffset(field, last_field): """Returns a 2-tuple of the field offset and bit (for BOOLs).""" if (field.field.kind == mojom.BOOL and last_field.field.kind == mojom.BOOL and last_field.bit < 7): return (last_field.offset, last_field.bit + 1) offset = last_field.offset + last_field.size pad = GetPad(offset, field.alignment) return (offset + pad, 0) def GetPayloadSizeUpToField(field): """Returns the payload size (not including struct header) if |field| is the last field. """ if not field: return 0 offset = field.offset + field.size pad = GetPad(offset, 8) return offset + pad class PackedStruct(object): def __init__(self, struct): self.struct = struct # |packed_fields| contains all the fields, in increasing offset order. self.packed_fields = [] # |packed_fields_in_ordinal_order| refers to the same fields as # |packed_fields|, but in ordinal order. self.packed_fields_in_ordinal_order = [] # No fields. if (len(struct.fields) == 0): return # Start by sorting by ordinal. src_fields = self.packed_fields_in_ordinal_order ordinal = 0 for index, field in enumerate(struct.fields): if field.ordinal is not None: ordinal = field.ordinal src_fields.append(PackedField(field, index, ordinal)) ordinal += 1 src_fields.sort(key=lambda field: field.ordinal) # Set |min_version| for each field. next_min_version = 0 for packed_field in src_fields: if packed_field.field.min_version is None: assert next_min_version == 0 else: assert packed_field.field.min_version >= next_min_version next_min_version = packed_field.field.min_version packed_field.min_version = next_min_version if (packed_field.min_version != 0 and mojom.IsReferenceKind(packed_field.field.kind) and not packed_field.field.kind.is_nullable): raise Exception("Non-nullable fields are only allowed in version 0 of " "a struct. %s.%s is defined with [MinVersion=%d]." % (,, packed_field.min_version)) src_field = src_fields[0] src_field.offset = 0 src_field.bit = 0 dst_fields = self.packed_fields dst_fields.append(src_field) # Then find first slot that each field will fit. for src_field in src_fields[1:]: last_field = dst_fields[0] for i in xrange(1, len(dst_fields)): next_field = dst_fields[i] offset, bit = GetFieldOffset(src_field, last_field) if offset + src_field.size <= next_field.offset: # Found hole. src_field.offset = offset src_field.bit = bit dst_fields.insert(i, src_field) break last_field = next_field if src_field.offset is None: # Add to end src_field.offset, src_field.bit = GetFieldOffset(src_field, last_field) dst_fields.append(src_field) class ByteInfo(object): def __init__(self): self.is_padding = False self.packed_fields = [] def GetByteLayout(packed_struct): total_payload_size = GetPayloadSizeUpToField( packed_struct.packed_fields[-1] if packed_struct.packed_fields else None) bytes = [ByteInfo() for i in xrange(total_payload_size)] limit_of_previous_field = 0 for packed_field in packed_struct.packed_fields: for i in xrange(limit_of_previous_field, packed_field.offset): bytes[i].is_padding = True bytes[packed_field.offset].packed_fields.append(packed_field) limit_of_previous_field = packed_field.offset + packed_field.size for i in xrange(limit_of_previous_field, len(bytes)): bytes[i].is_padding = True for byte in bytes: # A given byte cannot both be padding and have a fields packed into it. assert not (byte.is_padding and byte.packed_fields) return bytes class VersionInfo(object): def __init__(self, version, num_fields, num_bytes): self.version = version self.num_fields = num_fields self.num_bytes = num_bytes def GetVersionInfo(packed_struct): """Get version information for a struct. Args: packed_struct: A PackedStruct instance. Returns: A non-empty list of VersionInfo instances, sorted by version in increasing order. Note: The version numbers may not be consecutive. """ versions = [] last_version = 0 last_num_fields = 0 last_payload_size = 0 for packed_field in packed_struct.packed_fields_in_ordinal_order: if packed_field.min_version != last_version: versions.append( VersionInfo(last_version, last_num_fields, last_payload_size + HEADER_SIZE)) last_version = packed_field.min_version last_num_fields += 1 # The fields are iterated in ordinal order here. However, the size of a # version is determined by the last field of that version in pack order, # instead of ordinal order. Therefore, we need to calculate the max value. last_payload_size = max(GetPayloadSizeUpToField(packed_field), last_payload_size) assert len(versions) == 0 or last_num_fields != versions[-1].num_fields versions.append(VersionInfo(last_version, last_num_fields, last_payload_size + HEADER_SIZE)) return versions
#!/usr/bin/env python ######################################################################## # $HeadURL$ # File : dirac-configure # Author : Ricardo Graciani ######################################################################## """ Main script to write dirac.cfg for a new DIRAC installation and initial download of CAs and CRLs if necessary. To be used by VO specific scripts to configure new DIRAC installations There are 2 mandatory arguments: -S --Setup=<setup> To define the DIRAC setup for the current installation -C --ConfigurationServer=<server>|-W --Gateway To define the reference Configuration Servers/Gateway for the current installation others are optional -I --IncludeAllServers To include all Configuration Servers (by default only those in -C option are included) -n --SiteName=<sitename> To define the DIRAC Site Name for the installation -N --CEName=<cename> To determine the DIRAC Site Name from the CE Name -V --VO=<vo> To define the VO for the installation -U --UseServerCertificate To use Server Certificate for all clients -H --SkipCAChecks To skip check of CAs for all clients -D --SkipCADownload To skip download of CAs -M --SkipVOMSDownload To skip download of VOMS info -v --UseVersionsDir Use versions directory (This option will properly define RootPath and InstancePath) -A --Architecture=<architecture> To define /LocalSite/Architecture=<architecture> -L --LocalSE=<localse> To define /LocalSite/LocalSE=<localse> -F --ForceUpdate Forces the update of cfg file (i.e. dirac.cfg), even if it does already exists (use with care) -O --Output define output configuration file Other arguments will take proper defaults if not defined. Additionally all options can all be passed inside a .cfg file passed as argument. The following options are recognized: Setup ConfigurationServer IncludeAllServers Gateway SiteName CEName VirtualOrganization UseServerCertificate SkipCAChecks SkipCADownload UseVersionsDir Architecture LocalSE LogLevel As in any other script command line option take precedence over .cfg files passed as arguments. The combination of both is written into the installed dirac.cfg. Notice: It will not overwrite exiting info in current dirac.cfg if it exists. Example: dirac-configure -d -S LHCb-Development -C 'dips://' -W 'dips://' --SkipCAChecks """ __RCSID__ = "$Id$" import DIRAC from DIRAC.Core.Base import Script from DIRAC.Core.Security.ProxyInfo import getProxyInfo from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers import cfgInstallPath, cfgPath, Registry from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.SiteSEMapping import getSEsForSite import sys, os logLevel = None setup = None configurationServer = None includeAllServers = False gatewayServer = None siteName = None useServerCert = False skipCAChecks = False skipCADownload = False useVersionsDir = False architecture = None localSE = None ceName = None vo = None update = False outputFile = '' skipVOMSDownload = False def setGateway( optionValue ): global gatewayServer gatewayServer = optionValue setServer( gatewayServer + '/Configuration/Server' ) DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue( cfgInstallPath( 'Gateway' ), gatewayServer ) return DIRAC.S_OK() def setOutput( optionValue ): global outputFile outputFile = optionValue return DIRAC.S_OK() def setServer( optionValue ): global configurationServer configurationServer = optionValue Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry( '/DIRAC/Configuration/Servers', configurationServer ) DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue( cfgInstallPath( 'ConfigurationServer' ), configurationServer ) return DIRAC.S_OK() def setAllServers( optionValue ): global includeAllServers includeAllServers = True def setSetup( optionValue ): global setup setup = optionValue DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue( '/DIRAC/Setup', setup ) DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue( cfgInstallPath( 'Setup' ), setup ) return DIRAC.S_OK() def setSiteName( optionValue ): global siteName siteName = optionValue Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry( '/LocalSite/Site', siteName ) DIRAC.__siteName = False DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue( cfgInstallPath( 'SiteName' ), siteName ) return DIRAC.S_OK() def setCEName( optionValue ): global ceName ceName = optionValue DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue( cfgInstallPath( 'CEName' ), ceName ) return DIRAC.S_OK() def setServerCert( optionValue ): global useServerCert useServerCert = True DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue( cfgInstallPath( 'UseServerCertificate' ), useServerCert ) return DIRAC.S_OK() def setSkipCAChecks( optionValue ): global skipCAChecks skipCAChecks = True DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue( cfgInstallPath( 'SkipCAChecks' ), skipCAChecks ) return DIRAC.S_OK() def setSkipCADownload( optionValue ): global skipCADownload skipCADownload = True DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue( cfgInstallPath( 'SkipCADownload' ), skipCADownload ) return DIRAC.S_OK() def setSkipVOMSDownload( optionValue ): global skipVOMSDownload skipVOMSDownload = True DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue( cfgInstallPath( 'SkipVOMSDownload' ), skipVOMSDownload ) return DIRAC.S_OK() def setUseVersionsDir( optionValue ): global useVersionsDir useVersionsDir = True DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue( cfgInstallPath( 'UseVersionsDir' ), useVersionsDir ) return DIRAC.S_OK() def setArchitecture( optionValue ): global architecture architecture = optionValue Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry( '/LocalSite/Architecture', architecture ) DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue( cfgInstallPath( 'Architecture' ), architecture ) return DIRAC.S_OK() def setLocalSE( optionValue ): global localSE localSE = optionValue Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry( '/LocalSite/LocalSE', localSE ) DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue( cfgInstallPath( 'LocalSE' ), localSE ) return DIRAC.S_OK() def setVO( optionValue ): global vo vo = optionValue Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry( '/DIRAC/VirtualOrganization', vo ) DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue( cfgInstallPath( 'VirtualOrganization' ), vo ) return DIRAC.S_OK() def forceUpdate( optionValue ): global update update = True return DIRAC.S_OK() Script.disableCS() Script.registerSwitch( "S:", "Setup=", "Set <setup> as DIRAC setup", setSetup ) Script.registerSwitch( "C:", "ConfigurationServer=", "Set <server> as DIRAC configuration server", setServer ) Script.registerSwitch( "I", "IncludeAllServers", "include all Configuration Servers", setAllServers ) Script.registerSwitch( "n:", "SiteName=", "Set <sitename> as DIRAC Site Name", setSiteName ) Script.registerSwitch( "N:", "CEName=", "Determiner <sitename> from <cename>", setCEName ) Script.registerSwitch( "V:", "VO=", "Set the VO name", setVO ) Script.registerSwitch( "W:", "gateway=", "Configure <gateway> as DIRAC Gateway for the site", setGateway ) Script.registerSwitch( "U", "UseServerCertificate", "Configure to use Server Certificate", setServerCert ) Script.registerSwitch( "H", "SkipCAChecks", "Configure to skip check of CAs", setSkipCAChecks ) Script.registerSwitch( "D", "SkipCADownload", "Configure to skip download of CAs", setSkipCADownload ) Script.registerSwitch( "M", "SkipVOMSDownload", "Configure to skip download of VOMS info", setSkipVOMSDownload ) Script.registerSwitch( "v", "UseVersionsDir", "Use versions directory", setUseVersionsDir ) Script.registerSwitch( "A:", "Architecture=", "Configure /Architecture=<architecture>", setArchitecture ) Script.registerSwitch( "L:", "LocalSE=", "Configure LocalSite/LocalSE=<localse>", setLocalSE ) Script.registerSwitch( "F", "ForceUpdate", "Force Update of cfg file (i.e. dirac.cfg) (otherwise nothing happens if dirac.cfg already exists)", forceUpdate ) Script.registerSwitch ( "O:", "output=", "output configuration file", setOutput ) Script.setUsageMessage( '\n'.join( [ __doc__.split( '\n' )[1], '\nUsage:', ' %s [option|cfgfile] ...\n' % Script.scriptName ] ) ) Script.parseCommandLine( ignoreErrors = True ) args = Script.getExtraCLICFGFiles() if not logLevel: logLevel = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue( cfgInstallPath( 'LogLevel' ), '' ) if logLevel: DIRAC.gLogger.setLevel( logLevel ) else: DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue( cfgInstallPath( 'LogLevel' ), logLevel ) if not gatewayServer: newGatewayServer = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue( cfgInstallPath( 'Gateway' ), '' ) if newGatewayServer: setGateway( newGatewayServer ) if not configurationServer: newConfigurationServer = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue( cfgInstallPath( 'ConfigurationServer' ), '' ) if newConfigurationServer: setServer( newConfigurationServer ) if not includeAllServers: newIncludeAllServer = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue( cfgInstallPath( 'IncludeAllServers' ), False ) if newIncludeAllServer: setAllServers( True ) if not setup: newSetup = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue( cfgInstallPath( 'Setup' ), '' ) if newSetup: setSetup( newSetup ) if not siteName: newSiteName = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue( cfgInstallPath( 'SiteName' ), '' ) if newSiteName: setSiteName( newSiteName ) if not ceName: newCEName = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue( cfgInstallPath( 'CEName' ), '' ) if newCEName: setCEName( newCEName ) if not useServerCert: newUserServerCert = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue( cfgInstallPath( 'UseServerCertificate' ), False ) if newUserServerCert: setServerCert( newUserServerCert ) if not skipCAChecks: newSkipCAChecks = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue( cfgInstallPath( 'SkipCAChecks' ), False ) if newSkipCAChecks: setSkipCAChecks( newSkipCAChecks ) if not skipCADownload: newSkipCADownload = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue( cfgInstallPath( 'SkipCADownload' ), False ) if newSkipCADownload: setSkipCADownload( newSkipCADownload ) if not useVersionsDir: newUseVersionsDir = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue( cfgInstallPath( 'UseVersionsDir' ), False ) if newUseVersionsDir: setUseVersionsDir( newUseVersionsDir ) # Set proper Defaults in configuration (even if they will be properly overwrite by InstallTools instancePath = os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname( DIRAC.rootPath ) ) rootPath = os.path.join( instancePath, 'pro' ) DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue( cfgInstallPath( 'InstancePath' ), instancePath ) DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue( cfgInstallPath( 'RootPath' ), rootPath ) if not architecture: newArchitecture = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue( cfgInstallPath( 'Architecture' ), '' ) if newArchitecture: setArchitecture( newArchitecture ) if not vo: newVO = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue( cfgInstallPath( 'VirtualOrganization' ), '' ) if newVO: setVO( newVO ) DIRAC.gLogger.notice( 'Executing: %s ' % ( ' '.join( sys.argv ) ) ) DIRAC.gLogger.notice( 'Checking DIRAC installation at "%s"' % DIRAC.rootPath ) if update: if outputFile: DIRAC.gLogger.notice( 'Will update the output file %s' % outputFile ) else: DIRAC.gLogger.notice( 'Will update %s' % DIRAC.gConfig.diracConfigFilePath ) if setup: DIRAC.gLogger.verbose( '/DIRAC/Setup =', setup ) if vo: DIRAC.gLogger.verbose( '/DIRAC/VirtualOrganization =', vo ) if configurationServer: DIRAC.gLogger.verbose( '/DIRAC/Configuration/Servers =', configurationServer ) if siteName: DIRAC.gLogger.verbose( '/LocalSite/Site =', siteName ) if architecture: DIRAC.gLogger.verbose( '/LocalSite/Architecture =', architecture ) if localSE: DIRAC.gLogger.verbose( '/LocalSite/localSE =', localSE ) if not useServerCert: DIRAC.gLogger.verbose( '/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate =', 'no' ) #Being sure it was not there before Script.localCfg.deleteOption( '/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate' ) Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry( '/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate', 'no' ) else: DIRAC.gLogger.verbose( '/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate =', 'yes' ) #Being sure it was not there before Script.localCfg.deleteOption( '/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate' ) Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry( '/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate', 'yes' ) host = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue( cfgInstallPath( "Host" ), "" ) if host: DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue( cfgPath( "DIRAC", "Hostname" ), host ) if skipCAChecks: DIRAC.gLogger.verbose( '/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks =', 'yes' ) #Being sure it was not there before Script.localCfg.deleteOption( '/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks' ) Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry( '/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks', 'yes' ) else: # Necessary to allow initial download of CA's if not skipCADownload: DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue( '/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks', 'yes' ) if not skipCADownload: Script.enableCS() try: dirName = os.path.join( DIRAC.rootPath, 'etc', 'grid-security', 'certificates' ) if not os.path.exists( dirName ): os.makedirs( dirName ) except: DIRAC.gLogger.exception() DIRAC.gLogger.fatal( 'Fail to create directory:', dirName ) DIRAC.exit( -1 ) try: from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.Client.BundleDeliveryClient import BundleDeliveryClient bdc = BundleDeliveryClient() result = bdc.syncCAs() if result[ 'OK' ]: result = bdc.syncCRLs() except: DIRAC.gLogger.exception( 'Could not import BundleDeliveryClient' ) pass if not skipCAChecks: Script.localCfg.deleteOption( '/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks' ) if ceName or siteName: # This is used in the pilot context, we should have a proxy, or a certificate, and access to CS if useServerCert: # Being sure it was not there before Script.localCfg.deleteOption( '/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate' ) Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry( '/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate', 'yes' ) Script.enableCS() # Get the site resource section gridSections = DIRAC.gConfig.getSections( '/Resources/Sites/' ) if not gridSections['OK']: DIRAC.gLogger.warn( 'Could not get grid sections list' ) grids = [] else: grids = gridSections['Value'] # try to get siteName from ceName or Local SE from siteName using Remote Configuration for grid in grids: siteSections = DIRAC.gConfig.getSections( '/Resources/Sites/%s/' % grid ) if not siteSections['OK']: DIRAC.gLogger.warn( 'Could not get %s site list' % grid ) sites = [] else: sites = siteSections['Value'] if not siteName: if ceName: for site in sites: siteCEs = DIRAC.gConfig.getValue( '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CE' % ( grid, site ), [] ) if ceName in siteCEs: siteName = site break if siteName: DIRAC.gLogger.notice( 'Setting /LocalSite/Site = %s' % siteName ) Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry( '/LocalSite/Site', siteName ) DIRAC.__siteName = False if ceName: DIRAC.gLogger.notice( 'Setting /LocalSite/GridCE = %s' % ceName ) Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry( '/LocalSite/GridCE', ceName ) if not localSE and siteName in sites: localSE = getSEsForSite( siteName ) if localSE['OK'] and localSE['Value']: localSE = ','.join( localSE['Value'] ) DIRAC.gLogger.notice( 'Setting /LocalSite/LocalSE =', localSE ) Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry( '/LocalSite/LocalSE', localSE ) break if gatewayServer: DIRAC.gLogger.verbose( '/DIRAC/Gateways/%s =' % DIRAC.siteName(), gatewayServer ) Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry( '/DIRAC/Gateways/%s' % DIRAC.siteName(), gatewayServer ) # Create the local cfg if it is not yet there if not outputFile: outputFile = DIRAC.gConfig.diracConfigFilePath outputFile = os.path.abspath( outputFile ) if not os.path.exists( outputFile ): configDir = os.path.dirname( outputFile ) if not os.path.exists( configDir ): os.makedirs( configDir ) update = True DIRAC.gConfig.dumpLocalCFGToFile( outputFile ) # We need user proxy or server certificate to continue if not useServerCert: Script.enableCS() result = getProxyInfo() if not result['OK']: DIRAC.gLogger.notice( 'Configuration is not completed because no user proxy is available' ) DIRAC.gLogger.notice( 'Create one using dirac-proxy-init and execute again with -F option' ) sys.exit( 1 ) else: Script.localCfg.deleteOption( '/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate' ) # When using Server Certs CA's will be checked, the flag only disables initial download # this will be replaced by the use of SkipCADownload Script.localCfg.deleteOption( '/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate' ) Script.localCfg.addDefaultEntry( '/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate', 'yes' ) Script.enableCS() if includeAllServers: DIRAC.gConfig.setOptionValue( '/DIRAC/Configuration/Servers', ','.join( DIRAC.gConfig.getServersList() ) ) DIRAC.gLogger.verbose( '/DIRAC/Configuration/Servers =', ','.join( DIRAC.gConfig.getServersList() ) ) if useServerCert: # always removing before dumping Script.localCfg.deleteOption( '/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate' ) Script.localCfg.deleteOption( '/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks' ) Script.localCfg.deleteOption( '/DIRAC/Security/SkipVOMSDownload' ) if update: DIRAC.gConfig.dumpLocalCFGToFile( outputFile ) # ## LAST PART: do the vomsdir/vomses magic # This has to be done for all VOs in the installation if skipVOMSDownload: # We stop here sys.exit( 0 ) result = Registry.getVOMSServerInfo() if not result['OK']: sys.exit( 1 ) error = '' vomsDict = result['Value'] for vo in vomsDict: voName = vomsDict[vo]['VOMSName'] vomsDirHosts = vomsDict[vo]['Servers'].keys() vomsDirPath = os.path.join( DIRAC.rootPath, 'etc', 'grid-security', 'vomsdir', voName ) vomsesDirPath = os.path.join( DIRAC.rootPath, 'etc', 'grid-security', 'vomses' ) for path in ( vomsDirPath, vomsesDirPath ): if not os.path.isdir( path ): try: os.makedirs( path ) except Exception, e: DIRAC.gLogger.error( "Could not create directory", str( e ) ) sys.exit( 1 ) vomsesLines = [] for vomsHost in vomsDirHosts: hostFilePath = os.path.join( vomsDirPath, "%s.lsc" % vomsHost ) if "Servers" in vomsDict[vo]: try: DN = vomsDict[vo]['Servers'][vomsHost]['DN'] CA = vomsDict[vo]['Servers'][vomsHost]['CA'] port = vomsDict[vo]['Servers'][vomsHost]['Port'] if not DN or not CA or not port: DIRAC.gLogger.error( 'DN = %s' % DN ) DIRAC.gLogger.error( 'CA = %s' % CA ) DIRAC.gLogger.error( 'Port = %s' % port ) DIRAC.gLogger.error( 'Missing Parameter for %s' % vomsHost ) continue fd = open( hostFilePath, "wb" ) fd.write( "%s\n%s\n" % ( DN, CA ) ) fd.close() vomsesLines.append( '"%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "24"' % ( voName, vomsHost, port, DN, voName ) ) DIRAC.gLogger.notice( "Created vomsdir file %s" % hostFilePath ) except: DIRAC.gLogger.exception( "Could not generate vomsdir file for host", vomsHost ) error = "Could not generate vomsdir file for VO %s, host %s" % (voName, vomsHost) try: vomsesFilePath = os.path.join( vomsesDirPath, voName ) fd = open( vomsesFilePath, "wb" ) fd.write( "%s\n" % "\n".join( vomsesLines ) ) fd.close() DIRAC.gLogger.notice( "Created vomses file %s" % vomsesFilePath ) except: DIRAC.gLogger.exception( "Could not generate vomses file" ) error = "Could not generate vomses file for VO %s" % voName if useServerCert: Script.localCfg.deleteOption( '/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate' ) # When using Server Certs CA's will be checked, the flag only disables initial download # this will be replaced by the use of SkipCADownload Script.localCfg.deleteOption( '/DIRAC/Security/SkipCAChecks' ) if error: sys.exit( 1 ) sys.exit( 0 )
import unittest import os import asyncio from openhomedevice.device import Device from aioresponses import aioresponses def async_test(coro): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() try: return loop.run_until_complete(coro(*args, **kwargs)) finally: loop.close() return wrapper class DeviceWithNoPinsTests(unittest.TestCase): @async_test @aioresponses() async def setUp(self, mocked): LOCATION = "http://mydevice:12345/desc.xml" with open( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data/nopinsdevice.xml") ) as file: mocked.get(LOCATION, mocked.get( "http://mydevice:12345/4c494e4e-1234-ab12-abcd-01234567819f/Upnp/", body="", ) mocked.get( "http://mydevice:12345/4c494e4e-1234-ab12-abcd-01234567819f/Upnp/", body="", ) mocked.get( "http://mydevice:12345/4c494e4e-1234-ab12-abcd-01234567819f/Upnp/", body="", ) mocked.get( "http://mydevice:12345/4c494e4e-1234-ab12-abcd-01234567819f/Upnp/", body="", ) mocked.get( "http://mydevice:12345/4c494e4e-1234-ab12-abcd-01234567819f/Upnp/", body="", ) mocked.get( "http://mydevice:12345/4c494e4e-1234-ab12-abcd-01234567819f/Upnp/", body="", ) mocked.get( "http://mydevice:12345/4c494e4e-1234-ab12-abcd-01234567819f/Upnp/", body="", ) mocked.get( "http://mydevice:12345/4c494e4e-1234-ab12-abcd-01234567819f/Upnp/", body="", ) mocked.get( "http://mydevice:12345/4c494e4e-1234-ab12-abcd-01234567819f/Upnp/", body="", ) mocked.get( "http://mydevice:12345/4c494e4e-1234-ab12-abcd-01234567819f/Upnp/", body="", ) mocked.get( "http://mydevice:12345/4c494e4e-1234-ab12-abcd-01234567819f/Upnp/", body="", ) mocked.get( "http://mydevice:12345/4c494e4e-1234-ab12-abcd-01234567819f/Upnp/", body="", ) mocked.get( "http://mydevice:12345/4c494e4e-1234-ab12-abcd-01234567819f/Upnp/", body="", ) mocked.get( "http://mydevice:12345/4c494e4e-1234-ab12-abcd-01234567819f/Upnp/", body="", ) mocked.get( "http://mydevice:12345/4c494e4e-1234-ab12-abcd-01234567819f/Upnp/", body="", ) mocked.get( "http://mydevice:12345/4c494e4e-1234-ab12-abcd-01234567819f/Upnp/", body="", ) mocked.get( "http://mydevice:12345/4c494e4e-1234-ab12-abcd-01234567819f/Upnp/", body="", ) mocked.get( "http://mydevice:12345/4c494e4e-1234-ab12-abcd-01234567819f/Upnp/", body="", ) mocked.get( "http://mydevice:12345/4c494e4e-1234-ab12-abcd-01234567819f/Upnp/", body="", ) mocked.get( "http://mydevice:12345/4c494e4e-1234-ab12-abcd-01234567819f/Upnp/", body="", ) mocked.get( "http://mydevice:12345/4c494e4e-1234-ab12-abcd-01234567819f/Upnp/", body="", ) mocked.get( "http://mydevice:12345/4c494e4e-1234-ab12-abcd-01234567819f/Upnp/", body="", ) mocked.get( "http://mydevice:12345/4c494e4e-1234-ab12-abcd-01234567819f/Upnp/", body="", ) mocked.get( "http://mydevice:12345/4c494e4e-1234-ab12-abcd-01234567819f/Upnp/", body="", ) self.sut = Device(LOCATION) await self.sut.init() soap_request_calls = [] return super().setUp() @async_test async def test_pins(self): result = await self.sut.pins() self.assertListEqual(result, list()) @async_test async def test_invoke_pin(self): await self.sut.invoke_pin(42)
# META: timeout=long import pytest from webdriver import error from import assert_success def execute_script(session, script, args=None): if args is None: args = [] body = {"script": script, "args": args} return session.transport.send( "POST", "/session/{session_id}/execute/sync".format( session_id=session.session_id), body) @pytest.mark.capabilities({"unhandledPromptBehavior": "accept"}) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dialog_type", ["alert", "confirm", "prompt"]) def test_handle_prompt_accept(session, dialog_type): response = execute_script(session, "window.{}('Hello');".format(dialog_type)) assert_success(response, None) session.title with pytest.raises(error.NoSuchAlertException): session.alert.accept() @pytest.mark.capabilities({"unhandledPromptBehavior": "accept and notify"}) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dialog_type", ["alert", "confirm", "prompt"]) def test_handle_prompt_accept_and_notify(session, dialog_type): response = execute_script(session, "window.{}('Hello');".format(dialog_type)) assert_success(response, None) with pytest.raises(error.UnexpectedAlertOpenException): session.title with pytest.raises(error.NoSuchAlertException): session.alert.accept() @pytest.mark.capabilities({"unhandledPromptBehavior": "dismiss"}) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dialog_type", ["alert", "confirm", "prompt"]) def test_handle_prompt_dismiss(session, dialog_type): response = execute_script(session, "window.{}('Hello');".format(dialog_type)) assert_success(response, None) session.title with pytest.raises(error.NoSuchAlertException): session.alert.dismiss() @pytest.mark.capabilities({"unhandledPromptBehavior": "dismiss and notify"}) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dialog_type", ["alert", "confirm", "prompt"]) def test_handle_prompt_dismiss_and_notify(session, dialog_type): response = execute_script(session, "window.{}('Hello');".format(dialog_type)) assert_success(response, None) with pytest.raises(error.UnexpectedAlertOpenException): session.title with pytest.raises(error.NoSuchAlertException): session.alert.dismiss() @pytest.mark.capabilities({"unhandledPromptBehavior": "ignore"}) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dialog_type", ["alert", "confirm", "prompt"]) def test_handle_prompt_ignore(session, dialog_type): response = execute_script(session, "window.{}('Hello');".format(dialog_type)) assert_success(response, None) with pytest.raises(error.UnexpectedAlertOpenException): session.title session.alert.dismiss() @pytest.mark.parametrize("dialog_type", ["alert", "confirm", "prompt"]) def test_handle_prompt_default(session, dialog_type): response = execute_script(session, "window.{}('Hello');".format(dialog_type)) assert_success(response, None) with pytest.raises(error.UnexpectedAlertOpenException): session.title with pytest.raises(error.NoSuchAlertException): session.alert.dismiss() @pytest.mark.capabilities({"unhandledPromptBehavior": "accept"}) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dialog_type", ["alert", "confirm", "prompt"]) def test_handle_prompt_twice(session, dialog_type): response = execute_script( session, "window.{0}('Hello');window.{0}('Bye');".format(dialog_type)) assert_success(response, None) session.alert.dismiss() # The first alert has been accepted by the user prompt handler, the second one remains. # FIXME: this is how browsers currently work, but the spec should clarify if this is the # expected behavior, see assert session.alert.text == "Bye" session.alert.dismiss()
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- import unittest from datetime import datetime, timedelta from yamlns.dateutils import Date from yamlns import namespace as ns from .scheduling import ( weekday, weekstart, nextweek, choosers, Scheduling, ) class Scheduling_Test(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.maxDiff = None def assertNsEqual(self, dict1, dict2): def parseIfString(nsOrString): if type(nsOrString) in (dict, ns): return nsOrString return ns.loads(nsOrString) def sorteddict(d): if type(d) not in (dict, ns): return d return ns(sorted( (k, sorteddict(v)) for k,v in d.items() )) dict1 = sorteddict(parseIfString(dict1)) dict2 = sorteddict(parseIfString(dict2)) return self.assertMultiLineEqual(dict1.dump(), dict2.dump()) # weekday def test_weekday_withSunday(self): self.assertEqual( 'dg', weekday(Date("2017-10-01"))) def test_weekday_withMonday(self): self.assertEqual( 'dl', weekday(Date("2017-10-02"))) def test_weekday_withWenesday(self): self.assertEqual( 'dx', weekday(Date("2017-10-04"))) # weekstart def test_weekstart_withMonday(self): self.assertEqual( weekstart(Date("2017-10-02")), Date("2017-10-02")) def test_weekstart_withFriday(self): self.assertEqual( weekstart(Date("2017-10-06")), Date("2017-10-02")) # nextweek def test_nextweek_withMonday(self): self.assertEqual( nextweek(Date("2017-10-02")), Date("2017-10-09")) def test_nextweek_withFriday(self): self.assertEqual( nextweek(Date("2017-10-06")), Date("2017-10-09")) # Scheduling.extension def test_extension_existing(self): schedule = Scheduling("""\ extensions: cesar: 200 """) self.assertEqual( schedule.extension('cesar'), '200') def test_extension_badExtension(self): schedule = Scheduling("""\ extensions: cesar: 200 """) self.assertEqual( schedule.extension('notExisting'), None) # extensionToName def test_extensionToName_stringExtension(self): schedule = Scheduling("""\ extensions: cesar: 200 """) self.assertEqual( schedule.extensionToName('200'), 'cesar') def test_extensionToName_intExtension(self): schedule = Scheduling("""\ extensions: cesar: 200 """) self.assertEqual( schedule.extensionToName(200), 'cesar') def test_extensionToName_missingExtensionReturnsExtension(self): schedule = Scheduling("""\ extensions: cesar: 200 """) self.assertEqual( schedule.extensionToName('100'), '100') # Scheduling.properName def test_properName_whenPresent(self): schedule = Scheduling("""\ names: cesar: César """) self.assertEqual( schedule.properName('cesar'), u'César') def test_properName_missing_usesTitle(self): schedule = Scheduling("""\ names: cesar: César """) self.assertEqual( schedule.properName('perico'), u'Perico') def test_properName_noNamesAtAll(self): schedule = Scheduling("""\ otherkey: """) self.assertEqual( schedule.properName('perico'), u'Perico') # Scheduling.intervals def test_intervals_withOneDate_notEnough(self): schedule = Scheduling("""\ hours: - '09:00' """) self.assertEqual( schedule.intervals(), [ ]) def test_intervals_withTwoDates(self): schedule = Scheduling("""\ hours: - '09:00' - '10:15' """) self.assertEqual( schedule.intervals(), [ '09:00-10:15', ]) def test_intervals_withMoreThanTwo(self): schedule = Scheduling("""\ hours: - '09:00' - '10:15' - '11:30' """) self.assertEqual( schedule.intervals(), [ '09:00-10:15', '10:15-11:30', ]) # Scheduling.peekInterval def test_peekInterval_beforeAnyInterval(self): schedule = Scheduling("""\ hours: - '09:00' - '10:15' - '11:30' """) self.assertEqual( schedule.peekInterval("08:59"),None) def test_peekInterval_justInFirstInterval(self): schedule = Scheduling("""\ hours: - '09:00' - '10:15' - '11:30' """) self.assertEqual( schedule.peekInterval("09:00"),0) def test_peekInterval_justBeforeNextInterval(self): schedule = Scheduling("""\ hours: - '09:00' - '10:15' - '11:30' """) self.assertEqual( schedule.peekInterval("10:14"),0) def test_peekInterval_justInNextInterval(self): schedule = Scheduling("""\ hours: - '09:00' - '10:15' - '11:30' """) self.assertEqual( schedule.peekInterval("10:15"),1) def test_peekInterval_justAtTheEndOfLastInterval(self): schedule = Scheduling("""\ hours: - '09:00' - '10:15' - '11:30' """) self.assertEqual( schedule.peekInterval("11:29"),1) def test_peekInterval_pastLastInterval(self): schedule = Scheduling("""\ hours: - '09:00' - '10:15' - '11:30' """) self.assertEqual( schedule.peekInterval("11:30"),None) def test_peekInterval_withNoHours(self): schedule = Scheduling("""\ other: """) with self.assertRaises(Exception) as ctx: schedule.peekInterval("11:30") self.assertEqual(str(ctx.exception), "Schedule with no hours attribute") # choosers def test_choosers(self): now = datetime(2017,10,20,15,25,35) self.assertEqual( choosers(now), ("2017-10-16", 'dv', "15:25")) # Scheduling.peekQueue def test_peekQueue_oneSlot_oneTurn(self): schedule = Scheduling(u"""\ timetable: dl: - - cesar hours: - '00:00' - '23:59' extensions: cesar: 200 """) self.assertEqual(schedule.peekQueue('dl','12:00'), [ 'cesar', ]) def test_peekQueue_oneSlot_twoTurns(self): schedule = Scheduling(u"""\ timetable: 'dl': - - cesar - eduard hours: - '00:00' - '23:59' extensions: cesar: 200 """) self.assertEqual(schedule.peekQueue('dl','12:00'), [ 'cesar', 'eduard', ]) def test_peekQueue_twoTimes(self): schedule = Scheduling(u"""\ timetable: dl: - - cesar - - eduard hours: - '00:00' - '12:00' - '23:59' extensions: cesar: 200 eduard: 201 """) self.assertEqual(schedule.peekQueue('dl','12:00'), [ 'eduard', ]) def test_peekQueue_beforeTime(self): schedule = Scheduling(u"""\ timetable: dl: - - cesar hours: - '23:58' - '23:59' extensions: cesar: 200 """) self.assertEqual(schedule.peekQueue('dl', '12:00'), [ ]) def test_peekQueue_afterTime(self): schedule = Scheduling(u"""\ timetable: dl: - - cesar hours: - '00:00' - '00:01' extensions: cesar: 200 """) self.assertEqual(schedule.peekQueue('dl','12:00'), [ ]) def test_peekQueue_holiday(self): schedule = Scheduling(u"""\ timetable: dm: - - cesar hours: - '00:00' - '23:59' extensions: cesar: 200 """) self.assertEqual(schedule.peekQueue('dl','12:00'), [ ]) def test_peekQueue_aDifferentDay(self): schedule = Scheduling(u"""\ timetable: dm: - - cesar hours: - '00:00' - '23:59' extensions: cesar: 200 """) self.assertEqual(schedule.peekQueue('dm','12:00'), [ 'cesar', ]) def test_peekQueue_dictFormat(self): schedule = Scheduling(u"""\ timetable: dl: 1: - cesar hours: - '00:00' - '24:00' extensions: cesar: 200 """) self.assertEqual(schedule.peekQueue('dl','12:00'), [ 'cesar', ]) @unittest.skip("TODO") def test_peekQueue_withNobodySlots(self): pass # Scheduling.fromSolution def config_singleSlot(self): return ns.loads("""\ nTelefons: 1 diesVisualitzacio: ['dl'] hours: # La darrera es per tancar - '09:00' - '10:15' colors: ana: aa11aa belen: bb22bb extensions: ana: 1001 belen: 1002 names: {} """) def config_twoLines(self): c = self.config_singleSlot() c.nTelefons = 2 return c def config_twoDays(self): c = self.config_singleSlot() c.diesVisualitzacio.append('dm') return c def config_twoTimes(self): c = self.config_singleSlot() c.hours.append('11:30') return c def config_twoEverything(self): c = self.config_singleSlot() c.diesVisualitzacio.append('dm') c.hours.append('11:30') c.nTelefons = 2 return c def test_fromSolution_oneholiday(self): config = self.config_singleSlot() result=Scheduling.fromSolution( date=datetime.strptime( '2016-07-11','%Y-%m-%d').date(), config=config, solution={}, ) self.assertNsEqual(, """\ week: '2016-07-11' days: - dl hours: - '09:00' - '10:15' turns: - 'L1' timetable: dl: - - festiu colors: ana: aa11aa belen: bb22bb extensions: ana: 1001 belen: 1002 names: {} """) def test_fromSolution_noWeekNextMonday(self): config = self.config_singleSlot() result=Scheduling.fromSolution( # no date specified config=config, solution={}, ) today = week=datetime.strptime(, "%Y-%m-%d").date() self.assertEqual(week.weekday(),0) # Monday self.assertTrue(week > today) # in the future self.assertTrue(week <= today+timedelta(days=7)) # A week at most def test_fromSolution_oneslot(self): config = self.config_singleSlot() result=Scheduling.fromSolution( date=datetime.strptime( '2016-07-18','%Y-%m-%d').date(), config=config, solution={ ('dl',0,0):'ana', }, ) self.assertNsEqual(, """ week: '2016-07-18' days: - dl hours: - '09:00' - '10:15' turns: - 'L1' timetable: dl: - - ana colors: ana: aa11aa belen: bb22bb extensions: ana: 1001 belen: 1002 names: {} """) def test_fromSolution_manyLines(self): config = self.config_twoLines() result=Scheduling.fromSolution( date=datetime.strptime( '2016-07-18','%Y-%m-%d').date(), config=config, solution={ ('dl',0,0):'ana', ('dl',0,1):'belen', }, ) self.assertNsEqual(, """ week: '2016-07-18' days: - dl hours: - '09:00' - '10:15' turns: - 'L1' - 'L2' timetable: dl: - - ana - belen colors: ana: 'aa11aa' belen: 'bb22bb' extensions: ana: 1001 belen: 1002 names: {} """) def test_fromSolution_manyTimes(self): config = self.config_twoTimes() result=Scheduling.fromSolution( date=datetime.strptime( '2016-07-18','%Y-%m-%d').date(), config=config, solution={ ('dl',0,0):'ana', ('dl',1,0):'belen', }, ) self.assertNsEqual(, """ week: '2016-07-18' days: - dl hours: - '09:00' - '10:15' - '11:30' turns: - 'L1' timetable: dl: - - ana - - belen colors: ana: 'aa11aa' belen: 'bb22bb' extensions: ana: 1001 belen: 1002 names: {} """) def test_fromSolution_manyDays(self): config = self.config_twoDays() result=Scheduling.fromSolution( date=datetime.strptime( '2016-07-18','%Y-%m-%d').date(), config=config, solution={ ('dl',0,0):'ana', ('dm',0,0):'belen', }, ) self.assertNsEqual(, """ week: '2016-07-18' days: - dl - dm hours: - '09:00' - '10:15' turns: - 'L1' timetable: dl: - - ana dm: - - belen colors: ana: 'aa11aa' belen: 'bb22bb' extensions: ana: 1001 belen: 1002 names: {} """) def test_fromSolution_manyEverything(self): config = self.config_twoEverything() result=Scheduling.fromSolution( date=datetime.strptime( '2016-07-18','%Y-%m-%d').date(), config=config, solution={ ('dl',0,0):'ana', ('dl',1,0):'belen', ('dm',0,1):'carla', ('dm',1,1):'diana', }, ) self.assertNsEqual(, """ week: '2016-07-18' days: - dl - dm hours: - '09:00' - '10:15' - '11:30' turns: - 'L1' - 'L2' timetable: dl: - - ana - festiu - - belen - festiu dm: - - festiu - carla - - festiu - diana colors: ana: 'aa11aa' belen: 'bb22bb' extensions: ana: 1001 belen: 1002 names: {} """) completeConfig="""\ nTelefons: 3 diesCerca: ['dx','dm','dj', 'dl', 'dv',] # Els mes conflictius davant diesVisualitzacio: ['dl','dm','dx','dj','dv'] hours: # La darrera es per tancar - '09:00' - '10:15' - '11:30' - '12:45' - '14:00' randomColors: false # Si vols generar colors aleatoris o fer cas de 'colors' colors: marc: 'fbe8bc' eduard: 'd8b9c5' pere: '8f928e' david: 'ffd3ac' aleix: 'eed0eb' carles: 'c98e98' marta: 'eb9481' monica: '7fada0' yaiza: '90cdb9' erola: '8789c8' manel: '88dfe3' tania: 'c8abf4' judit: 'e781e8' silvia: '8097fa' joan: 'fae080' ana: 'aa11aa' victor: 'ff3333' jordi: 'ff9999' cesar: '889988' extensions: marta: 3040 monica: 3041 manel: 3042 erola: 3043 yaiza: 3044 eduard: 3045 marc: 3046 judit: 3047 judith: 3057 tania: 3048 carles: 3051 pere: 3052 aleix: 3053 david: 3054 silvia: 3055 joan: 3056 ana: 1001 victor: 3182 jordi: 3183 names: # Els que no només cal posar en majúscules silvia: Sílvia monica: Mònica tania: Tània cesar: César victor: Víctor """ def test_fromSolution_completeTimetable(self): result=Scheduling.fromSolution( config=ns.loads(self.completeConfig), solution={ ('dl',0,0):'jordi', ('dl',0,1):'marta', ('dl',0,2):'tania', ('dl',1,0):'tania', ('dl',1,1):'yaiza', ('dl',1,2):'silvia', ('dl',2,0):'judith', ('dl',2,1):'pere', ('dl',2,2):'ana', ('dl',3,0):'ana', ('dl',3,1):'judith', ('dl',3,2):'erola', ('dm',0,0):'pere', ('dm',0,1):'jordi', ('dm',0,2):'victor', ('dm',1,0):'carles', ('dm',1,1):'victor', ('dm',1,2):'ana', ('dm',2,0):'joan', ('dm',2,1):'silvia', ('dm',2,2):'eduard', ('dm',3,0):'david', ('dm',3,1):'joan', ('dm',3,2):'monica', ('dx',0,0):'yaiza', ('dx',0,1):'monica', ('dx',0,2):'pere', ('dx',1,0):'erola', ('dx',1,1):'joan', ('dx',1,2):'marta', ('dx',2,0):'victor', ('dx',2,1):'eduard', ('dx',2,2):'jordi', ('dx',3,0):'eduard', ('dx',3,1):'david', ('dx',3,2):'victor', ('dj',0,0):'judith', ('dj',0,1):'jordi', ('dj',0,2):'carles', ('dj',1,0):'silvia', ('dj',1,1):'tania', ('dj',1,2):'judith', ('dj',2,0):'monica', ('dj',2,1):'ana', ('dj',2,2):'judit', ('dj',3,0):'judit', ('dj',3,1):'erola', ('dj',3,2):'joan', ('dv',0,0):'ana', ('dv',0,1):'judith', ('dv',0,2):'jordi', ('dv',1,0):'jordi', ('dv',1,1):'ana', ('dv',1,2):'judith', ('dv',2,0):'victor', ('dv',2,1):'carles', ('dv',2,2):'yaiza', ('dv',3,0):'marta', ('dv',3,1):'victor', ('dv',3,2):'silvia', }, date=datetime.strptime( '2016-07-11','%Y-%m-%d').date(), ) self.assertNsEqual(, """\ week: '2016-07-11' days: - dl - dm - dx - dj - dv hours: - '09:00' - '10:15' - '11:30' - '12:45' - '14:00' turns: - L1 - L2 - L3 timetable: dl: - - jordi - marta - tania - - tania - yaiza - silvia - - judith - pere - ana - - ana - judith - erola dm: - - pere - jordi - victor - - carles - victor - ana - - joan - silvia - eduard - - david - joan - monica dx: - - yaiza - monica - pere - - erola - joan - marta - - victor - eduard - jordi - - eduard - david - victor dj: - - judith - jordi - carles - - silvia - tania - judith - - monica - ana - judit - - judit - erola - joan dv: - - ana - judith - jordi - - jordi - ana - judith - - victor - carles - yaiza - - marta - victor - silvia colors: marc: 'fbe8bc' eduard: 'd8b9c5' pere: '8f928e' david: 'ffd3ac' aleix: 'eed0eb' carles: 'c98e98' marta: 'eb9481' monica: '7fada0' yaiza: '90cdb9' erola: '8789c8' manel: '88dfe3' tania: 'c8abf4' judit: 'e781e8' silvia: '8097fa' joan: 'fae080' ana: 'aa11aa' victor: 'ff3333' jordi: 'ff9999' cesar: '889988' extensions: marta: 3040 monica: 3041 manel: 3042 erola: 3043 yaiza: 3044 eduard: 3045 marc: 3046 judit: 3047 judith: 3057 tania: 3048 carles: 3051 pere: 3052 aleix: 3053 david: 3054 silvia: 3055 joan: 3056 ana: 1001 victor: 3182 jordi: 3183 names: silvia: Sílvia monica: Mònica tania: Tània cesar: César victor: Víctor """) unittest.TestCase.__str__ = # vim: ts=4 sw=4 et
import re from thefuck.utils import get_closest, for_app def extract_possibilities(command): possib = re.findall(r'\n\(did you mean one of ([^\?]+)\?\)', command.stderr) if possib: return possib[0].split(', ') possib = re.findall(r'\n ([^$]+)$', command.stderr) if possib: return possib[0].split(' ') return possib @for_app('hg') def match(command): return ('hg: unknown command' in command.stderr and '(did you mean one of ' in command.stderr or "hg: command '" in command.stderr and "' is ambiguous:" in command.stderr) def get_new_command(command): script = command.script_parts[:] possibilities = extract_possibilities(command) script[1] = get_closest(script[1], possibilities) return ' '.join(script)
from functools import reduce from itertools import chain, combinations, product, permutations # This class is used to represent and examine algebras on atom tables. # It is intended to be used for nonassociative algebras, but this is not assumed. class AtomicAlgebra: # Create an algebra from a table of atoms, which gives compositions, and a converse structure. # An atom table is a list of lists, with each entry a set (as distinct from set) of atoms. # The set of atoms is interpreted as a union. Atoms are 'a', 'b', 'c', etc. # The converse pair is a list of 2-tuples of atoms. # If 'a' is converse to 'b', write as ('a','b'). # If 'a' is symmetric, write as ('a', 'a'). # Can also give converses as a dictionary. # Algebra may not necessarily meet all the axioms. def __init__(self, atom_table, converse = None): if type(atom_table) == str: atom_table = self._string_to_atom_table(atom_table) self.n_atoms = len(atom_table[0]) self.atoms = [set([chr(i + 97)]) for i in range(self.n_atoms)] self.atom_table = atom_table # If no converses given assume all atoms are symmetric. if converse == None: self.converse = [(x,x) for x in [chr(i + 97) for i in range(self.n_atoms)]] # Can give atoms as a dictionary on atoms... if type(converse) is dict: self.converse_pairs = self.converse_dict_to_pairs(converse) self.converse_dict = converse # ... or as a list of tuples. else: self.converse_pairs = converse self.converse_dict = self.converse_pairs_to_dict(converse) # set up the basic properties of the algebra. self._non_identity_atoms = None = reduce(lambda x, y : x | y, self.atoms) = set() # The elements are the power set of the atoms. self.elements = [combinations(list(, n) for n in range(self.n_atoms + 1)] self.elements = list(chain.from_iterable(self.elements)) self.elements = [set(element) for element in self.elements] self.n_elements = 2**self.n_atoms self.n_non_zero_elements = self.n_elements - 1 self.symmetric_atoms = [x[0] for x in self.converse_pairs if x[0] == x[1]] self.non_symmetric_pairs = [x for x in self.converse_pairs if x[0] != x[1]] self._cyclePartition = self.cycle_partition(self.converse_dict, self.n_atoms) self._identity = None self._semigroup = None # properties self._is_NA = None self._satisfies_WA_axiom = None self._is_WA = None self._satisfies_SA_axiom = None self._is_SA = None self._is_associative = None self._is_RA = None # A human-readable description of each relation algebra axiom. AXIOMS = { "R01": "+-commutativity: x + y = y + x", "R02": "+-associativity: x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z", "R03": "Huntington's axiom: -(-x + -y) + -(-x + y) = x", "R04": ";-associativity: x;(y;z) = (x;y);z", "R05": ";-distributivity: (x + y);z = x;z + y;z", "R06": "identity law: x;1' = x", "R07": "converse-involution: con(con(x)) = x", "R08": "converse-distributivity: con(x + y) = con(x) + con(y)", "R09": "converse-involutive distributivity: con(x;y) = con(y);con(x)", "R10": "Tarski/De Morgan axiom: con(x); -(x;y) + -y = y", "WA" : "((id . x) . top) . top = (id . x) . (top . top)", "SA" : "(x . top) . top = x . (top . top)" } # Given an atom table as a string, convert it to a matrix (list of lists). # This method seems to be powered by magic, and should be redone. @staticmethod def _string_to_atom_table(matrix_string): M0 = matrix_string.replace(" ", "") M1 = M0.strip()[1:-1] M2 = M1.strip()[1:-1] M3 = [line.split(',') for line in M2.split('],[')] M4 = [[set(entry.split("+"))-set(['0']) for entry in line] for line in M3] return M4 # Converses can be given as a list of tuples [('a', 'a'), ('b', 'c')] or a # dictionary on atoms {'a': 'a', 'b': 'c', 'c': 'b'}. Tne following # methods convert between the two. @staticmethod def converse_pairs_to_dict(converse_pairs): converse_dict = dict() for converse_pair in converse_pairs: if converse_pair[0] == converse_pair[1]: # symmetric atom converse_dict[converse_pair[0]] = converse_pair[0] else: # non-symmetric atoms converse_dict[converse_pair[0]] = converse_pair[1] converse_dict[converse_pair[1]] = converse_pair[0] return converse_dict @staticmethod def converse_dict_to_pairs(converse_dict): converse_pairs = [] for pair in converse_dict.items(): if pair not in converse_pairs and pair[::-1] not in converse_pairs: converse_pairs.append(pair) return converse_pairs # Given a triple and a converse structure, generate the cycle including that triple. # This is an implementation of the relation algebra concept of a Peircean transform. # Cycle generated by (x,y,z) is: # [ (x,y,z), (con(x),z,y), (y,con(z),con(x)), # (con(y),con(x),con(z)),(con(z),x,con(y)), (z,con(y),x) ] # A triple in a cycle is consistent if and only if all triples in the cycle are consistent. @staticmethod def cycle(triple, converse_dict): if type(converse_dict) is not dict: converse_dict = AtomicAlgebra.converse_pairs_to_dict(converse_dict) x, y, z = triple cycle = [] cycle.append(triple) cycle.append((converse_dict[x], z, y)) cycle.append((y, converse_dict[z], converse_dict[x])) cycle.append((converse_dict[y], converse_dict[x], converse_dict[z])) cycle.append((converse_dict[z], x, converse_dict[y])) cycle.append((z, converse_dict[y], x)) cycle.sort() # Prevents duplicates when using cycle_partition return list(set(cycle)) # Remove duplicates. # Given a converse structure, partition the triples of elements into cycles. @staticmethod def cycle_partition(converse_dict, n_atoms): if type(converse_dict) is not dict: converse_dict = AtomicAlgebra.converse_pairs_to_dict(converse_dict) atoms = [chr(i + 97) for i in range(n_atoms)] parts = [] for triple in product(atoms, repeat = 3): cycle = AtomicAlgebra.cycle(triple, converse_dict) if cycle not in parts: parts.append(cycle) return parts # Give a human readable report on a list of failed axioms, eg. ["R01", "R02", "R07"]. @staticmethod def report_failed_axioms(failed_axioms): if type(failed_axioms) is not list: failed_axioms = [failed_axioms] for axiom in failed_axioms: print("Fails axiom " + axiom + ": " + AtomicAlgebra.AXIOMS[axiom] + ".") # Through unions, we can extend any map between atoms to a map between # elements of algebras. For example, if 'a' -> 'b' and 'c' -> 'd', then # {'a', 'b'} -> {'c', 'd'}. Thus, every map between atoms uniquely defines # a map between elements. In practice we always define maps on atoms only. # We use the term "function" in reference to a map between elements. @staticmethod def atom_function(atom_map, element): if type(element) is str: return atom_map[element] else: return set([AtomicAlgebra.atom_function(atom_map, x) for x in element]) # Turns a single atom 'a' into a set(['a']). @staticmethod def make_set(x): if type(x) == str: x = set([x]) if type(x) != type(set()): raise TypeError('An element of the algebra needs to be either a set of atoms or a string representing a single atom.') return x # Check if a map between atom structures preserves composition. # This is a necessary, but not sufficient condition, for an atom_map or # atom_function to be an isomorphism. def preserves_composition(self, other, atom_map): preserves_composition = True for x, y in product(self.atoms, repeat = 2): if AtomicAlgebra.atom_function(atom_map, self.compose(x, y)) != other.compose(AtomicAlgebra.atom_function(atom_map, x), AtomicAlgebra.atom_function(atom_map, y)): preserves_composition = False break return preserves_composition # Checks if a given algebra is isomorphic to the instance being called from. # Can also return an isomorphism, if one exists. def is_isomorphic(self, other, return_isomorphism = False): # First we check that the algebras are the same size, and that the # number of atoms in the identity is the same. # These are necessary conditions for an isomorphism, so can save some time. if self.n_atoms != other.n_atoms: return False if len(self.identity) != len(other.identity): return False # Next we check that the converse pairs match in number and structure. # This is a necessary condition for isomorphism, so can save some time. if len(self.symmetric_atoms) != len(other.symmetric_atoms): return False # Enumerate all possible functions respecting converse. # First enumerate all possible ways to map symmetric atoms from # the first algebra to self converse atoms from the second algebra. possible_symmetric_maps = [] for perm in permutations(other.symmetric_atoms): possible_symmetric_maps.append(zip(self.symmetric_atoms, perm)) possible_symmetric_maps = [list(p) for p in possible_symmetric_maps] # Now enumerate all possible ways to map converse pairs from the # first algebra to converse pairs from the second algebra. possible_converse_pair_maps = [] for perm1 in list(product(*[[x,x[::-1]] for x in other.non_symmetric_pairs])): for perm2 in permutations(perm1): map = [] pairing = zip(self.non_symmetric_pairs, perm2) for pair in pairing: map.append((pair[0][0], pair[1][0])) map.append((pair[0][1], pair[1][1])) possible_converse_pair_maps.append(map) # Now combine them to generate all maps respecting the converse structure. possible_isomorphisms = [] for symmetric_map, converse_pair_map in product(possible_symmetric_maps, possible_converse_pair_maps): possible_isomorphisms.append(symmetric_map + converse_pair_map) possible_isomorphisms = [dict(x) for x in possible_isomorphisms] # We can reduce the search space by exploiting the fact that an # isomorphism will always map the identity of one algebra to the identity # of the target algebra. We generate all possible maps from atoms in the # identity of the first algebra to atoms in the identity of the second # algebra, and then restrict the possible_isomorphisms to those that # "agree" with one of the identity-preserving maps. other_identity_permutations = [p for p in permutations(list(other.identity))] possible_identity_maps = [dict((list(self.identity)[i], y[i]) for i in range(len(self.identity))) for y in other_identity_permutations] possible_isomorphisms = [iso for iso in possible_isomorphisms if {k: iso[k] for k in list(self.identity)} in possible_identity_maps] # Now we search through the possible isomorphisms. # Our final search space includes only those that respect converse and # identity. We now need to search through these for maps that respect # composition. Break if an isomorphism is found, to save time. is_isomorphic = False for possible_isomorphism in possible_isomorphisms: if self.preserves_composition(other, possible_isomorphism): is_isomorphic = True isomorphism = possible_isomorphism break if is_isomorphic and return_isomorphism: return is_isomorphic, isomorphism else: return is_isomorphic # Define composition of atoms or sets of atoms using the atom table. # We allow for inputs of single atoms, but every element is properly # viewed as a set of atoms. def compose(self, x, y): x = self.make_set(x) y = self.make_set(y) # Composition with the 0 element if x == set() or y == set(): output = set() else: output = set() for i, j in product(x, y): row_pos = ord(i) - 97 col_pos = ord(j) - 97 try: output = output.union(self.atom_table[row_pos][col_pos]) except IndexError: "Out of bounds: composition "+ str(x) + "*" + str(y) + " contains a non-atomic element." return output # Define intersection as set intersection. def intersection(self, x, y): x = self.make_set(x) y = self.make_set(y) return x.intersection(y) # Define union as set union. def union(self, x, y): x = self.make_set(x) y = self.make_set(y) return x.union(y) # Define converse using the converse dictionary we made earlier. def converse(self, x): x = self.make_set(x) return set([self.converse_dict[atom] for atom in x]) # Define complement as set complement relative to the top elemenet (set of all atoms). def complement(self, x): x = self.make_set(x) return # Return the identity of an algebra if it exists, otherwise returns None # If the identity element is not already recorded, will run through all # elements and check for identity property. @property def identity(self): if self._identity == None: for candidate_identity in self.elements: isId = True for atom in self.atoms: if self.compose(candidate_identity, atom) != atom or self.compose(atom, candidate_identity) != atom: isId = False break if isId: self._identity = candidate_identity break return self._identity # All non-identity atoms. @property # Return a list of atoms which are not the identity atom. def non_identity_atoms(self): if self._non_identity_atoms == None: if self.identity == None: return self.atoms else: self._non_identity_atoms = [x for x in self.atoms if x != self.identity] return self._non_identity_atoms # Determines if the algebra generated by the atom table is a nonassociative algebra. # Due to the construction, not all axioms need to be checked. # Can control the amount of reporting done on failed axioms, if any. def is_NA(self, what_fails = False, report = False): if report: what_fails = True if self._is_NA == None or what_fails == True: self._is_NA = True failed_axioms = [] # Axiom R01: +-commutativity: x + y = y + x # Axiom R02: +-associativity: x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z # Axiom R03: Huntington's axiom: -(-x + -y) + -(-x + y) = x for x,y in product(self.atoms, repeat = 2): first_term = self.complement(self.union(self.complement(x), self.complement(y))) second_term = self.complement(self.union(self.complement(x), y)) if self.union(first_term, second_term) != x: failed_axioms.append("R03") break # Axiom R05: ;-distributivity: (x + y);z = x;z + y;z # Axiom R06: identity law: x;1' = x if self.identity == None: failed_axioms.append("R06") # Axiom R07: converse-involution: con(con(x)) = x # - should not be needed if converse pairs are correctly defined. for x in self.atoms: if self.converse(self.converse(x)) != x: failed_axioms.append("R07") break # Axiom R08: converse-distributivity: con(x + y) = con(x) + con(y) for x,y in product(self.atoms, repeat = 2): if self.converse(self.union(x,y)) != self.union(self.converse(x), self.converse(y)): failed_axioms.append("R09") break # Axiom R09: converse-involutive distributivity: con(x;y) = con(y);con(x) for x,y in product(self.atoms, repeat = 2): if self.converse(self.compose(x,y)) != self.compose(self.converse(y), self.converse(x)): failed_axioms.append("R09") break # Axiom R10: Tarski/De Morgan axiom: con(x); -(x;y) + -y = y for x,y in product(self.atoms, repeat = 2): if self.union(self.compose(self.converse(x), self.complement(self.compose(x,y))), self.complement(y)) != self.complement(y): failed_axioms.append("R10") break if len(failed_axioms) > 0: self._is_NA = False if report: self.report_failed_axioms(failed_axioms) return self._is_NA elif what_fails and not report: return (self._is_NA, failed_axioms) else: return self._is_NA # Determines if the algebra generated by the atom table satisfies the weakly associative axiom. # Axiom WA: ((id . x) . top) . top = (id . x) . (top . top) @property def satisfies_WA_axiom(self): if self._satisfies_WA_axiom == None: if self.identity == None: self._satisfies_WA_axiom = False else: self._satisfies_WA_axiom = True for x in self.atoms: LHS = self.compose(self.compose( self.intersection(self.identity, x),, RHS = self.compose(self.compose( self.intersection(self.identity, x),, self.compose(, if LHS != RHS: self._satisfies_WA_axiom = False break return self._satisfies_WA_axiom # Determines if the algebra generated by the atom table is a weakly associative algebra. # The algebra must be an nonassociative algebra and satisfy the weakly associative axiom. def is_WA(self, what_fails = False, report = False): if report: what_fails = True if what_fails == True: self._is_WA = True failed_axioms = [] failed_axioms.extend(self.is_NA(True,False)[1]) if self.satisfies_WA_axiom == False: failed_axioms.append("WA") if len(failed_axioms) > 0: self._is_WA = False elif self._is_WA == None: self._is_WA = (self.is_NA() and self.satisfies_WA_axiom) if report: self.report_failed_axioms(failed_axioms) return self._is_WA elif what_fails and not report: return (self._is_WA, failed_axioms) else: return self._is_WA # Determines if the algebra generated by the atom table satisfies the semiassociative axiom. # Axiom SA: (x . top) . top = x . (top . top)" @property def satisfies_SA_axiom(self): if self._satisfies_SA_axiom == None: self._satisfies_SA_axiom = True for x in self.atoms: if self.compose(self.compose(x,, != self.compose(self.compose(x,, self.compose(, self._satisfies_SA_axiom = False break return self._satisfies_SA_axiom # Determines if the algebra generated by the atom table is a semiassociative algebra. # The algebra must be an nonassociative algebra and satisfy the semiassociative axiom. def is_SA(self, what_fails = False, report = False): if report: what_fails = True if what_fails == True: self._is_SA = True failed_axioms = [] failed_axioms.extend(self.is_WA(True,False)[1]) if self.satisfies_SA_axiom == False: failed_axioms.append("SA") if len(failed_axioms) > 0: self._is_SA = False elif self._is_SA == None: self._is_SA = (self.is_NA() and self.satisfies_SA_axiom) if report: self.report_failed_axioms(failed_axioms) return self._is_SA elif what_fails and not report: return (self._is_SA, failed_axioms) else: return self._is_SA # Determines if the algebra generated by the atom table has an associative composition operation. # Axiom R04: ;-associativity: x;(y;z) = (x;y);z." @property def is_associative(self): if self._is_associative == None: self._is_associative = True for i, j, k in product(self.elements, repeat = 3): if self.compose(self.compose(i,j), k) != self.compose(i, self.compose(j,k)): self._is_associative = False break return self._is_associative # Determines if the algebra generated by the atom table is a relation algebra. # Must be an associative nonassociative algebra. # If what_fails = True, will return a list of RA axioms that are not # satisfied by the algebra. # If report = True, a human-readable version of the failed axioms will # instead be returned. def is_RA(self, what_fails = False, report = False): if report: what_fails = True if what_fails == True: self._is_RA = True failed_axioms = [] failed_axioms.extend(self.is_SA(True, False)[1]) if self.is_associative == False: failed_axioms.append("R04") if len(failed_axioms) > 0: self._is_RA = False elif self._is_RA == None: self._is_RA = (self.is_NA() and self.is_associative) if report: self.report_failed_axioms(failed_axioms) return self._is_RA elif what_fails and not report: return (self._is_RA, failed_axioms) else: return self._is_RA
import unittest import numpy import chainer from chainer import cuda from chainer import functions from chainer import gradient_check from chainer import testing from chainer.testing import attr @testing.parameterize(*testing.product({ 'shape': [(3,), (3, 4)], 'dtype': [numpy.float16, numpy.float32, numpy.float64], })) class TestFlipUD(unittest.TestCase): shape = (3, 4) dtype = numpy.float32 def setUp(self): self.x = numpy.random.uniform(0, 1, self.shape).astype(self.dtype) self.g = numpy.random.uniform(0, 1, self.shape).astype(self.dtype) def check_forward(self, x_data): x = chainer.Variable(x_data) y = functions.flipud(x) testing.assert_allclose(, numpy.flipud(self.x)) def test_forward_cpu(self): self.check_forward(self.x) @attr.gpu def test_forward_gpu(self): self.check_forward(cuda.to_gpu(self.x)) def check_backward(self, x_data, y_grad): gradient_check.check_backward( functions.FlipUD(), x_data, y_grad, dtype=numpy.float64) def test_backward_cpu(self): self.check_backward(self.x, self.g) @attr.gpu def test_backward_gpu(self): self.check_backward(cuda.to_gpu(self.x), cuda.to_gpu(self.g)) testing.run_module(__name__, __file__)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from distutils.core import setup setup( name="pppcap", version="0.1", author="Ruy", author_email="ruy.suzu7(at)", url="", description="Pppcap: pure python wrapper for libpcap/winpcap", license="MIT", classifiers=[ "Development Status :: 4 - Beta", "Intended Audience :: Developers", "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License", "Operating System :: OS Independent", "Programming Language :: Python", "Topic :: System :: Networking", ], packages=[''] )
from django.utils.encoding import python_2_unicode_compatible from ..models import models @python_2_unicode_compatible class NamedModel(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=30) objects = models.GeoManager() class Meta: abstract = True required_db_features = ['gis_enabled'] def __str__(self): return class City(NamedModel): point = models.PointField(geography=True) class Meta: app_label = 'geogapp' required_db_features = ['gis_enabled'] class Zipcode(NamedModel): code = models.CharField(max_length=10) poly = models.PolygonField(geography=True) class County(NamedModel): state = models.CharField(max_length=20) mpoly = models.MultiPolygonField(geography=True) class Meta: app_label = 'geogapp' required_db_features = ['gis_enabled'] def __str__(self): return ' County, '.join([, self.state])
# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors # License: MIT. See LICENSE import frappe from frappe import _ from frappe.model.document import Document from frappe.model import no_value_fields class Workflow(Document): def validate(self): self.set_active() self.create_custom_field_for_workflow_state() self.update_default_workflow_status() self.validate_docstatus() def on_update(self): self.update_doc_status() frappe.clear_cache(doctype=self.document_type) frappe.cache().delete_key('workflow_' + # clear cache created in model/ def create_custom_field_for_workflow_state(self): frappe.clear_cache(doctype=self.document_type) meta = frappe.get_meta(self.document_type) if not meta.get_field(self.workflow_state_field): # create custom field frappe.get_doc({ "doctype":"Custom Field", "dt": self.document_type, "__islocal": 1, "fieldname": self.workflow_state_field, "label": self.workflow_state_field.replace("_", " ").title(), "hidden": 1, "allow_on_submit": 1, "no_copy": 1, "fieldtype": "Link", "options": "Workflow State", "owner": "Administrator" }).save() frappe.msgprint(_("Created Custom Field {0} in {1}").format(self.workflow_state_field, self.document_type)) def update_default_workflow_status(self): docstatus_map = {} states = self.get("states") for d in states: if not d.doc_status in docstatus_map: frappe.db.sql(""" UPDATE `tab{doctype}` SET `{field}` = %s WHERE ifnull(`{field}`, '') = '' AND `docstatus` = %s """.format(doctype=self.document_type, field=self.workflow_state_field), (d.state, d.doc_status)) docstatus_map[d.doc_status] = d.state def update_doc_status(self): ''' Checks if the docstatus of a state was updated. If yes then the docstatus of the document with same state will be updated ''' doc_before_save = self.get_doc_before_save() before_save_states, new_states = {}, {} if doc_before_save: for d in doc_before_save.states: before_save_states[d.state] = d for d in self.states: new_states[d.state] = d for key in new_states: if key in before_save_states: if not new_states[key].doc_status == before_save_states[key].doc_status: frappe.db.set_value(self.document_type, { self.workflow_state_field: before_save_states[key].state }, 'docstatus', new_states[key].doc_status, update_modified = False) def validate_docstatus(self): def get_state(state): for s in self.states: if s.state==state: return s frappe.throw(frappe._("{0} not a valid State").format(state)) for t in self.transitions: state = get_state(t.state) next_state = get_state(t.next_state) if state.doc_status=="2": frappe.throw(frappe._("Cannot change state of Cancelled Document. Transition row {0}").format(t.idx)) if state.doc_status=="1" and next_state.doc_status=="0": frappe.throw(frappe._("Submitted Document cannot be converted back to draft. Transition row {0}").format(t.idx)) if state.doc_status=="0" and next_state.doc_status=="2": frappe.throw(frappe._("Cannot cancel before submitting. See Transition {0}").format(t.idx)) def set_active(self): if int(self.is_active or 0): # clear all other frappe.db.sql("""UPDATE `tabWorkflow` SET `is_active`=0 WHERE `document_type`=%s""", self.document_type) @frappe.whitelist() def get_fieldnames_for(doctype): return [f.fieldname for f in frappe.get_meta(doctype).fields \ if f.fieldname not in no_value_fields] @frappe.whitelist() def get_workflow_state_count(doctype, workflow_state_field, states): states = frappe.parse_json(states) result = frappe.get_all( doctype, fields=[workflow_state_field, 'count(*) as count', 'docstatus'], filters = { workflow_state_field: ['not in', states] }, group_by = workflow_state_field ) return [r for r in result if r[workflow_state_field]]
r""" Nonlinear solvers ----------------- .. currentmodule:: scipy.optimize This is a collection of general-purpose nonlinear multidimensional solvers. These solvers find *x* for which *F(x) = 0*. Both *x* and *F* can be multidimensional. Routines ~~~~~~~~ Large-scale nonlinear solvers: .. autosummary:: newton_krylov anderson General nonlinear solvers: .. autosummary:: broyden1 broyden2 Simple iterations: .. autosummary:: excitingmixing linearmixing diagbroyden Examples ~~~~~~~~ **Small problem** >>> def F(x): ... return np.cos(x) + x[::-1] - [1, 2, 3, 4] >>> import scipy.optimize >>> x = scipy.optimize.broyden1(F, [1,1,1,1], f_tol=1e-14) >>> x array([ 4.04674914, 3.91158389, 2.71791677, 1.61756251]) >>> np.cos(x) + x[::-1] array([ 1., 2., 3., 4.]) **Large problem** Suppose that we needed to solve the following integrodifferential equation on the square :math:`[0,1]\times[0,1]`: .. math:: \nabla^2 P = 10 \left(\int_0^1\int_0^1\cosh(P)\,dx\,dy\right)^2 with :math:`P(x,1) = 1` and :math:`P=0` elsewhere on the boundary of the square. The solution can be found using the `newton_krylov` solver: .. plot:: import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import newton_krylov from numpy import cosh, zeros_like, mgrid, zeros # parameters nx, ny = 75, 75 hx, hy = 1./(nx-1), 1./(ny-1) P_left, P_right = 0, 0 P_top, P_bottom = 1, 0 def residual(P): d2x = zeros_like(P) d2y = zeros_like(P) d2x[1:-1] = (P[2:] - 2*P[1:-1] + P[:-2]) / hx/hx d2x[0] = (P[1] - 2*P[0] + P_left)/hx/hx d2x[-1] = (P_right - 2*P[-1] + P[-2])/hx/hx d2y[:,1:-1] = (P[:,2:] - 2*P[:,1:-1] + P[:,:-2])/hy/hy d2y[:,0] = (P[:,1] - 2*P[:,0] + P_bottom)/hy/hy d2y[:,-1] = (P_top - 2*P[:,-1] + P[:,-2])/hy/hy return d2x + d2y - 10*cosh(P).mean()**2 # solve guess = zeros((nx, ny), float) sol = newton_krylov(residual, guess, method='lgmres', verbose=1) print('Residual: %g' % abs(residual(sol)).max()) # visualize import matplotlib.pyplot as plt x, y = mgrid[0:1:(nx*1j), 0:1:(ny*1j)] plt.pcolor(x, y, sol) plt.colorbar() """ # Copyright (C) 2009, Pauli Virtanen <[email protected]> # Distributed under the same license as SciPy. from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import import sys import numpy as np from scipy.linalg import norm, solve, inv, qr, svd, LinAlgError from numpy import asarray, dot, vdot import scipy.sparse.linalg import scipy.sparse from scipy.linalg import get_blas_funcs import inspect from scipy._lib._util import getfullargspec_no_self as _getfullargspec from .linesearch import scalar_search_wolfe1, scalar_search_armijo __all__ = [ 'broyden1', 'broyden2', 'anderson', 'linearmixing', 'diagbroyden', 'excitingmixing', 'newton_krylov'] #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Utility functions #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class NoConvergence(Exception): pass def maxnorm(x): return np.absolute(x).max() def _as_inexact(x): """Return `x` as an array, of either floats or complex floats""" x = asarray(x) if not np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.inexact): return asarray(x, dtype=np.float_) return x def _array_like(x, x0): """Return ndarray `x` as same array subclass and shape as `x0`""" x = np.reshape(x, np.shape(x0)) wrap = getattr(x0, '__array_wrap__', x.__array_wrap__) return wrap(x) def _safe_norm(v): if not np.isfinite(v).all(): return np.array(np.inf) return norm(v) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Generic nonlinear solver machinery #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _doc_parts = dict( params_basic=""" F : function(x) -> f Function whose root to find; should take and return an array-like object. xin : array_like Initial guess for the solution """.strip(), params_extra=""" iter : int, optional Number of iterations to make. If omitted (default), make as many as required to meet tolerances. verbose : bool, optional Print status to stdout on every iteration. maxiter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations to make. If more are needed to meet convergence, `NoConvergence` is raised. f_tol : float, optional Absolute tolerance (in max-norm) for the residual. If omitted, default is 6e-6. f_rtol : float, optional Relative tolerance for the residual. If omitted, not used. x_tol : float, optional Absolute minimum step size, as determined from the Jacobian approximation. If the step size is smaller than this, optimization is terminated as successful. If omitted, not used. x_rtol : float, optional Relative minimum step size. If omitted, not used. tol_norm : function(vector) -> scalar, optional Norm to use in convergence check. Default is the maximum norm. line_search : {None, 'armijo' (default), 'wolfe'}, optional Which type of a line search to use to determine the step size in the direction given by the Jacobian approximation. Defaults to 'armijo'. callback : function, optional Optional callback function. It is called on every iteration as ``callback(x, f)`` where `x` is the current solution and `f` the corresponding residual. Returns ------- sol : ndarray An array (of similar array type as `x0`) containing the final solution. Raises ------ NoConvergence When a solution was not found. """.strip() ) def _set_doc(obj): if obj.__doc__: obj.__doc__ = obj.__doc__ % _doc_parts def nonlin_solve(F, x0, jacobian='krylov', iter=None, verbose=False, maxiter=None, f_tol=None, f_rtol=None, x_tol=None, x_rtol=None, tol_norm=None, line_search='armijo', callback=None, full_output=False, raise_exception=True): """ Find a root of a function, in a way suitable for large-scale problems. Parameters ---------- %(params_basic)s jacobian : Jacobian A Jacobian approximation: `Jacobian` object or something that `asjacobian` can transform to one. Alternatively, a string specifying which of the builtin Jacobian approximations to use: krylov, broyden1, broyden2, anderson diagbroyden, linearmixing, excitingmixing %(params_extra)s full_output : bool If true, returns a dictionary `info` containing convergence information. raise_exception : bool If True, a `NoConvergence` exception is raise if no solution is found. See Also -------- asjacobian, Jacobian Notes ----- This algorithm implements the inexact Newton method, with backtracking or full line searches. Several Jacobian approximations are available, including Krylov and Quasi-Newton methods. References ---------- .. [KIM] C. T. Kelley, \"Iterative Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Equations\". Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. (1995) """ # Can't use default parameters because it's being explicitly passed as None # from the calling function, so we need to set it here. tol_norm = maxnorm if tol_norm is None else tol_norm condition = TerminationCondition(f_tol=f_tol, f_rtol=f_rtol, x_tol=x_tol, x_rtol=x_rtol, iter=iter, norm=tol_norm) x0 = _as_inexact(x0) func = lambda z: _as_inexact(F(_array_like(z, x0))).flatten() x = x0.flatten() dx = np.inf Fx = func(x) Fx_norm = norm(Fx) jacobian = asjacobian(jacobian) jacobian.setup(x.copy(), Fx, func) if maxiter is None: if iter is not None: maxiter = iter + 1 else: maxiter = 100*(x.size+1) if line_search is True: line_search = 'armijo' elif line_search is False: line_search = None if line_search not in (None, 'armijo', 'wolfe'): raise ValueError("Invalid line search") # Solver tolerance selection gamma = 0.9 eta_max = 0.9999 eta_treshold = 0.1 eta = 1e-3 for n in range(maxiter): status = condition.check(Fx, x, dx) if status: break # The tolerance, as computed for scipy.sparse.linalg.* routines tol = min(eta, eta*Fx_norm) dx = -jacobian.solve(Fx, tol=tol) if norm(dx) == 0: raise ValueError("Jacobian inversion yielded zero vector. " "This indicates a bug in the Jacobian " "approximation.") # Line search, or Newton step if line_search: s, x, Fx, Fx_norm_new = _nonlin_line_search(func, x, Fx, dx, line_search) else: s = 1.0 x = x + dx Fx = func(x) Fx_norm_new = norm(Fx) jacobian.update(x.copy(), Fx) if callback: callback(x, Fx) # Adjust forcing parameters for inexact methods eta_A = gamma * Fx_norm_new**2 / Fx_norm**2 if gamma * eta**2 < eta_treshold: eta = min(eta_max, eta_A) else: eta = min(eta_max, max(eta_A, gamma*eta**2)) Fx_norm = Fx_norm_new # Print status if verbose: sys.stdout.write("%d: |F(x)| = %g; step %g\n" % ( n, tol_norm(Fx), s)) sys.stdout.flush() else: if raise_exception: raise NoConvergence(_array_like(x, x0)) else: status = 2 if full_output: info = {'nit': condition.iteration, 'fun': Fx, 'status': status, 'success': status == 1, 'message': {1: 'A solution was found at the specified ' 'tolerance.', 2: 'The maximum number of iterations allowed ' 'has been reached.' }[status] } return _array_like(x, x0), info else: return _array_like(x, x0) _set_doc(nonlin_solve) def _nonlin_line_search(func, x, Fx, dx, search_type='armijo', rdiff=1e-8, smin=1e-2): tmp_s = [0] tmp_Fx = [Fx] tmp_phi = [norm(Fx)**2] s_norm = norm(x) / norm(dx) def phi(s, store=True): if s == tmp_s[0]: return tmp_phi[0] xt = x + s*dx v = func(xt) p = _safe_norm(v)**2 if store: tmp_s[0] = s tmp_phi[0] = p tmp_Fx[0] = v return p def derphi(s): ds = (abs(s) + s_norm + 1) * rdiff return (phi(s+ds, store=False) - phi(s)) / ds if search_type == 'wolfe': s, phi1, phi0 = scalar_search_wolfe1(phi, derphi, tmp_phi[0], xtol=1e-2, amin=smin) elif search_type == 'armijo': s, phi1 = scalar_search_armijo(phi, tmp_phi[0], -tmp_phi[0], amin=smin) if s is None: # XXX: No suitable step length found. Take the full Newton step, # and hope for the best. s = 1.0 x = x + s*dx if s == tmp_s[0]: Fx = tmp_Fx[0] else: Fx = func(x) Fx_norm = norm(Fx) return s, x, Fx, Fx_norm class TerminationCondition(object): """ Termination condition for an iteration. It is terminated if - |F| < f_rtol*|F_0|, AND - |F| < f_tol AND - |dx| < x_rtol*|x|, AND - |dx| < x_tol """ def __init__(self, f_tol=None, f_rtol=None, x_tol=None, x_rtol=None, iter=None, norm=maxnorm): if f_tol is None: f_tol = np.finfo(np.float_).eps ** (1./3) if f_rtol is None: f_rtol = np.inf if x_tol is None: x_tol = np.inf if x_rtol is None: x_rtol = np.inf self.x_tol = x_tol self.x_rtol = x_rtol self.f_tol = f_tol self.f_rtol = f_rtol self.norm = norm self.iter = iter self.f0_norm = None self.iteration = 0 def check(self, f, x, dx): self.iteration += 1 f_norm = self.norm(f) x_norm = self.norm(x) dx_norm = self.norm(dx) if self.f0_norm is None: self.f0_norm = f_norm if f_norm == 0: return 1 if self.iter is not None: # backwards compatibility with SciPy 0.6.0 return 2 * (self.iteration > self.iter) # NB: condition must succeed for rtol=inf even if norm == 0 return int((f_norm <= self.f_tol and f_norm/self.f_rtol <= self.f0_norm) and (dx_norm <= self.x_tol and dx_norm/self.x_rtol <= x_norm)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Generic Jacobian approximation #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Jacobian(object): """ Common interface for Jacobians or Jacobian approximations. The optional methods come useful when implementing trust region etc., algorithms that often require evaluating transposes of the Jacobian. Methods ------- solve Returns J^-1 * v update Updates Jacobian to point `x` (where the function has residual `Fx`) matvec : optional Returns J * v rmatvec : optional Returns A^H * v rsolve : optional Returns A^-H * v matmat : optional Returns A * V, where V is a dense matrix with dimensions (N,K). todense : optional Form the dense Jacobian matrix. Necessary for dense trust region algorithms, and useful for testing. Attributes ---------- shape Matrix dimensions (M, N) dtype Data type of the matrix. func : callable, optional Function the Jacobian corresponds to """ def __init__(self, **kw): names = ["solve", "update", "matvec", "rmatvec", "rsolve", "matmat", "todense", "shape", "dtype"] for name, value in kw.items(): if name not in names: raise ValueError("Unknown keyword argument %s" % name) if value is not None: setattr(self, name, kw[name]) if hasattr(self, 'todense'): self.__array__ = lambda: self.todense() def aspreconditioner(self): return InverseJacobian(self) def solve(self, v, tol=0): raise NotImplementedError def update(self, x, F): pass def setup(self, x, F, func): self.func = func self.shape = (F.size, x.size) self.dtype = F.dtype if self.__class__.setup is Jacobian.setup: # Call on the first point unless overridden self.update(x, F) class InverseJacobian(object): def __init__(self, jacobian): self.jacobian = jacobian self.matvec = jacobian.solve self.update = jacobian.update if hasattr(jacobian, 'setup'): self.setup = jacobian.setup if hasattr(jacobian, 'rsolve'): self.rmatvec = jacobian.rsolve @property def shape(self): return self.jacobian.shape @property def dtype(self): return self.jacobian.dtype def asjacobian(J): """ Convert given object to one suitable for use as a Jacobian. """ spsolve = scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve if isinstance(J, Jacobian): return J elif inspect.isclass(J) and issubclass(J, Jacobian): return J() elif isinstance(J, np.ndarray): if J.ndim > 2: raise ValueError('array must have rank <= 2') J = np.atleast_2d(np.asarray(J)) if J.shape[0] != J.shape[1]: raise ValueError('array must be square') return Jacobian(matvec=lambda v: dot(J, v), rmatvec=lambda v: dot(J.conj().T, v), solve=lambda v: solve(J, v), rsolve=lambda v: solve(J.conj().T, v), dtype=J.dtype, shape=J.shape) elif scipy.sparse.isspmatrix(J): if J.shape[0] != J.shape[1]: raise ValueError('matrix must be square') return Jacobian(matvec=lambda v: J*v, rmatvec=lambda v: J.conj().T * v, solve=lambda v: spsolve(J, v), rsolve=lambda v: spsolve(J.conj().T, v), dtype=J.dtype, shape=J.shape) elif hasattr(J, 'shape') and hasattr(J, 'dtype') and hasattr(J, 'solve'): return Jacobian(matvec=getattr(J, 'matvec'), rmatvec=getattr(J, 'rmatvec'), solve=J.solve, rsolve=getattr(J, 'rsolve'), update=getattr(J, 'update'), setup=getattr(J, 'setup'), dtype=J.dtype, shape=J.shape) elif callable(J): # Assume it's a function J(x) that returns the Jacobian class Jac(Jacobian): def update(self, x, F): self.x = x def solve(self, v, tol=0): m = J(self.x) if isinstance(m, np.ndarray): return solve(m, v) elif scipy.sparse.isspmatrix(m): return spsolve(m, v) else: raise ValueError("Unknown matrix type") def matvec(self, v): m = J(self.x) if isinstance(m, np.ndarray): return dot(m, v) elif scipy.sparse.isspmatrix(m): return m*v else: raise ValueError("Unknown matrix type") def rsolve(self, v, tol=0): m = J(self.x) if isinstance(m, np.ndarray): return solve(m.conj().T, v) elif scipy.sparse.isspmatrix(m): return spsolve(m.conj().T, v) else: raise ValueError("Unknown matrix type") def rmatvec(self, v): m = J(self.x) if isinstance(m, np.ndarray): return dot(m.conj().T, v) elif scipy.sparse.isspmatrix(m): return m.conj().T * v else: raise ValueError("Unknown matrix type") return Jac() elif isinstance(J, str): return dict(broyden1=BroydenFirst, broyden2=BroydenSecond, anderson=Anderson, diagbroyden=DiagBroyden, linearmixing=LinearMixing, excitingmixing=ExcitingMixing, krylov=KrylovJacobian)[J]() else: raise TypeError('Cannot convert object to a Jacobian') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Broyden #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class GenericBroyden(Jacobian): def setup(self, x0, f0, func): Jacobian.setup(self, x0, f0, func) self.last_f = f0 self.last_x = x0 if hasattr(self, 'alpha') and self.alpha is None: # Autoscale the initial Jacobian parameter # unless we have already guessed the solution. normf0 = norm(f0) if normf0: self.alpha = 0.5*max(norm(x0), 1) / normf0 else: self.alpha = 1.0 def _update(self, x, f, dx, df, dx_norm, df_norm): raise NotImplementedError def update(self, x, f): df = f - self.last_f dx = x - self.last_x self._update(x, f, dx, df, norm(dx), norm(df)) self.last_f = f self.last_x = x class LowRankMatrix(object): r""" A matrix represented as .. math:: \alpha I + \sum_{n=0}^{n=M} c_n d_n^\dagger However, if the rank of the matrix reaches the dimension of the vectors, full matrix representation will be used thereon. """ def __init__(self, alpha, n, dtype): self.alpha = alpha self.cs = [] self.ds = [] self.n = n self.dtype = dtype self.collapsed = None @staticmethod def _matvec(v, alpha, cs, ds): axpy, scal, dotc = get_blas_funcs(['axpy', 'scal', 'dotc'], cs[:1] + [v]) w = alpha * v for c, d in zip(cs, ds): a = dotc(d, v) w = axpy(c, w, w.size, a) return w @staticmethod def _solve(v, alpha, cs, ds): """Evaluate w = M^-1 v""" if len(cs) == 0: return v/alpha # (B + C D^H)^-1 = B^-1 - B^-1 C (I + D^H B^-1 C)^-1 D^H B^-1 axpy, dotc = get_blas_funcs(['axpy', 'dotc'], cs[:1] + [v]) c0 = cs[0] A = alpha * np.identity(len(cs), dtype=c0.dtype) for i, d in enumerate(ds): for j, c in enumerate(cs): A[i,j] += dotc(d, c) q = np.zeros(len(cs), dtype=c0.dtype) for j, d in enumerate(ds): q[j] = dotc(d, v) q /= alpha q = solve(A, q) w = v/alpha for c, qc in zip(cs, q): w = axpy(c, w, w.size, -qc) return w def matvec(self, v): """Evaluate w = M v""" if self.collapsed is not None: return, v) return LowRankMatrix._matvec(v, self.alpha, self.cs, self.ds) def rmatvec(self, v): """Evaluate w = M^H v""" if self.collapsed is not None: return, v) return LowRankMatrix._matvec(v, np.conj(self.alpha), self.ds, self.cs) def solve(self, v, tol=0): """Evaluate w = M^-1 v""" if self.collapsed is not None: return solve(self.collapsed, v) return LowRankMatrix._solve(v, self.alpha, self.cs, self.ds) def rsolve(self, v, tol=0): """Evaluate w = M^-H v""" if self.collapsed is not None: return solve(self.collapsed.T.conj(), v) return LowRankMatrix._solve(v, np.conj(self.alpha), self.ds, self.cs) def append(self, c, d): if self.collapsed is not None: self.collapsed += c[:,None] * d[None,:].conj() return self.cs.append(c) self.ds.append(d) if len(self.cs) > c.size: self.collapse() def __array__(self): if self.collapsed is not None: return self.collapsed Gm = self.alpha*np.identity(self.n, dtype=self.dtype) for c, d in zip(self.cs, self.ds): Gm += c[:,None]*d[None,:].conj() return Gm def collapse(self): """Collapse the low-rank matrix to a full-rank one.""" self.collapsed = np.array(self) self.cs = None self.ds = None self.alpha = None def restart_reduce(self, rank): """ Reduce the rank of the matrix by dropping all vectors. """ if self.collapsed is not None: return assert rank > 0 if len(self.cs) > rank: del self.cs[:] del self.ds[:] def simple_reduce(self, rank): """ Reduce the rank of the matrix by dropping oldest vectors. """ if self.collapsed is not None: return assert rank > 0 while len(self.cs) > rank: del self.cs[0] del self.ds[0] def svd_reduce(self, max_rank, to_retain=None): """ Reduce the rank of the matrix by retaining some SVD components. This corresponds to the \"Broyden Rank Reduction Inverse\" algorithm described in [1]_. Note that the SVD decomposition can be done by solving only a problem whose size is the effective rank of this matrix, which is viable even for large problems. Parameters ---------- max_rank : int Maximum rank of this matrix after reduction. to_retain : int, optional Number of SVD components to retain when reduction is done (ie. rank > max_rank). Default is ``max_rank - 2``. References ---------- .. [1] B.A. van der Rotten, PhD thesis, \"A limited memory Broyden method to solve high-dimensional systems of nonlinear equations\". Mathematisch Instituut, Universiteit Leiden, The Netherlands (2003). """ if self.collapsed is not None: return p = max_rank if to_retain is not None: q = to_retain else: q = p - 2 if self.cs: p = min(p, len(self.cs[0])) q = max(0, min(q, p-1)) m = len(self.cs) if m < p: # nothing to do return C = np.array(self.cs).T D = np.array(self.ds).T D, R = qr(D, mode='economic') C = dot(C, R.T.conj()) U, S, WH = svd(C, full_matrices=False, compute_uv=True) C = dot(C, inv(WH)) D = dot(D, WH.T.conj()) for k in range(q): self.cs[k] = C[:,k].copy() self.ds[k] = D[:,k].copy() del self.cs[q:] del self.ds[q:] _doc_parts['broyden_params'] = """ alpha : float, optional Initial guess for the Jacobian is ``(-1/alpha)``. reduction_method : str or tuple, optional Method used in ensuring that the rank of the Broyden matrix stays low. Can either be a string giving the name of the method, or a tuple of the form ``(method, param1, param2, ...)`` that gives the name of the method and values for additional parameters. Methods available: - ``restart``: drop all matrix columns. Has no extra parameters. - ``simple``: drop oldest matrix column. Has no extra parameters. - ``svd``: keep only the most significant SVD components. Takes an extra parameter, ``to_retain``, which determines the number of SVD components to retain when rank reduction is done. Default is ``max_rank - 2``. max_rank : int, optional Maximum rank for the Broyden matrix. Default is infinity (i.e., no rank reduction). """.strip() class BroydenFirst(GenericBroyden): r""" Find a root of a function, using Broyden's first Jacobian approximation. This method is also known as \"Broyden's good method\". Parameters ---------- %(params_basic)s %(broyden_params)s %(params_extra)s See Also -------- root : Interface to root finding algorithms for multivariate functions. See ``method=='broyden1'`` in particular. Notes ----- This algorithm implements the inverse Jacobian Quasi-Newton update .. math:: H_+ = H + (dx - H df) dx^\dagger H / ( dx^\dagger H df) which corresponds to Broyden's first Jacobian update .. math:: J_+ = J + (df - J dx) dx^\dagger / dx^\dagger dx References ---------- .. [1] B.A. van der Rotten, PhD thesis, \"A limited memory Broyden method to solve high-dimensional systems of nonlinear equations\". Mathematisch Instituut, Universiteit Leiden, The Netherlands (2003). """ def __init__(self, alpha=None, reduction_method='restart', max_rank=None): GenericBroyden.__init__(self) self.alpha = alpha self.Gm = None if max_rank is None: max_rank = np.inf self.max_rank = max_rank if isinstance(reduction_method, str): reduce_params = () else: reduce_params = reduction_method[1:] reduction_method = reduction_method[0] reduce_params = (max_rank - 1,) + reduce_params if reduction_method == 'svd': self._reduce = lambda: self.Gm.svd_reduce(*reduce_params) elif reduction_method == 'simple': self._reduce = lambda: self.Gm.simple_reduce(*reduce_params) elif reduction_method == 'restart': self._reduce = lambda: self.Gm.restart_reduce(*reduce_params) else: raise ValueError("Unknown rank reduction method '%s'" % reduction_method) def setup(self, x, F, func): GenericBroyden.setup(self, x, F, func) self.Gm = LowRankMatrix(-self.alpha, self.shape[0], self.dtype) def todense(self): return inv(self.Gm) def solve(self, f, tol=0): r = self.Gm.matvec(f) if not np.isfinite(r).all(): # singular; reset the Jacobian approximation self.setup(self.last_x, self.last_f, self.func) return self.Gm.matvec(f) def matvec(self, f): return self.Gm.solve(f) def rsolve(self, f, tol=0): return self.Gm.rmatvec(f) def rmatvec(self, f): return self.Gm.rsolve(f) def _update(self, x, f, dx, df, dx_norm, df_norm): self._reduce() # reduce first to preserve secant condition v = self.Gm.rmatvec(dx) c = dx - self.Gm.matvec(df) d = v / vdot(df, v) self.Gm.append(c, d) class BroydenSecond(BroydenFirst): """ Find a root of a function, using Broyden\'s second Jacobian approximation. This method is also known as \"Broyden's bad method\". Parameters ---------- %(params_basic)s %(broyden_params)s %(params_extra)s See Also -------- root : Interface to root finding algorithms for multivariate functions. See ``method=='broyden2'`` in particular. Notes ----- This algorithm implements the inverse Jacobian Quasi-Newton update .. math:: H_+ = H + (dx - H df) df^\\dagger / ( df^\\dagger df) corresponding to Broyden's second method. References ---------- .. [1] B.A. van der Rotten, PhD thesis, \"A limited memory Broyden method to solve high-dimensional systems of nonlinear equations\". Mathematisch Instituut, Universiteit Leiden, The Netherlands (2003). """ def _update(self, x, f, dx, df, dx_norm, df_norm): self._reduce() # reduce first to preserve secant condition v = df c = dx - self.Gm.matvec(df) d = v / df_norm**2 self.Gm.append(c, d) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Broyden-like (restricted memory) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Anderson(GenericBroyden): """ Find a root of a function, using (extended) Anderson mixing. The Jacobian is formed by for a 'best' solution in the space spanned by last `M` vectors. As a result, only a MxM matrix inversions and MxN multiplications are required. [Ey]_ Parameters ---------- %(params_basic)s alpha : float, optional Initial guess for the Jacobian is (-1/alpha). M : float, optional Number of previous vectors to retain. Defaults to 5. w0 : float, optional Regularization parameter for numerical stability. Compared to unity, good values of the order of 0.01. %(params_extra)s See Also -------- root : Interface to root finding algorithms for multivariate functions. See ``method=='anderson'`` in particular. References ---------- .. [Ey] V. Eyert, J. Comp. Phys., 124, 271 (1996). """ # Note: # # Anderson method maintains a rank M approximation of the inverse Jacobian, # # J^-1 v ~ -v*alpha + (dX + alpha dF) A^-1 dF^H v # A = W + dF^H dF # W = w0^2 diag(dF^H dF) # # so that for w0 = 0 the secant condition applies for last M iterates, i.e., # # J^-1 df_j = dx_j # # for all j = 0 ... M-1. # # Moreover, (from Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula) # # J v ~ [ b I - b^2 C (I + b dF^H A^-1 C)^-1 dF^H ] v # C = (dX + alpha dF) A^-1 # b = -1/alpha # # and after simplification # # J v ~ -v/alpha + (dX/alpha + dF) (dF^H dX - alpha W)^-1 dF^H v # def __init__(self, alpha=None, w0=0.01, M=5): GenericBroyden.__init__(self) self.alpha = alpha self.M = M self.dx = [] self.df = [] self.gamma = None self.w0 = w0 def solve(self, f, tol=0): dx = -self.alpha*f n = len(self.dx) if n == 0: return dx df_f = np.empty(n, dtype=f.dtype) for k in range(n): df_f[k] = vdot(self.df[k], f) try: gamma = solve(self.a, df_f) except LinAlgError: # singular; reset the Jacobian approximation del self.dx[:] del self.df[:] return dx for m in range(n): dx += gamma[m]*(self.dx[m] + self.alpha*self.df[m]) return dx def matvec(self, f): dx = -f/self.alpha n = len(self.dx) if n == 0: return dx df_f = np.empty(n, dtype=f.dtype) for k in range(n): df_f[k] = vdot(self.df[k], f) b = np.empty((n, n), dtype=f.dtype) for i in range(n): for j in range(n): b[i,j] = vdot(self.df[i], self.dx[j]) if i == j and self.w0 != 0: b[i,j] -= vdot(self.df[i], self.df[i])*self.w0**2*self.alpha gamma = solve(b, df_f) for m in range(n): dx += gamma[m]*(self.df[m] + self.dx[m]/self.alpha) return dx def _update(self, x, f, dx, df, dx_norm, df_norm): if self.M == 0: return self.dx.append(dx) self.df.append(df) while len(self.dx) > self.M: self.dx.pop(0) self.df.pop(0) n = len(self.dx) a = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=f.dtype) for i in range(n): for j in range(i, n): if i == j: wd = self.w0**2 else: wd = 0 a[i,j] = (1+wd)*vdot(self.df[i], self.df[j]) a += np.triu(a, 1).T.conj() self.a = a #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Simple iterations #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class DiagBroyden(GenericBroyden): """ Find a root of a function, using diagonal Broyden Jacobian approximation. The Jacobian approximation is derived from previous iterations, by retaining only the diagonal of Broyden matrices. .. warning:: This algorithm may be useful for specific problems, but whether it will work may depend strongly on the problem. Parameters ---------- %(params_basic)s alpha : float, optional Initial guess for the Jacobian is (-1/alpha). %(params_extra)s See Also -------- root : Interface to root finding algorithms for multivariate functions. See ``method=='diagbroyden'`` in particular. """ def __init__(self, alpha=None): GenericBroyden.__init__(self) self.alpha = alpha def setup(self, x, F, func): GenericBroyden.setup(self, x, F, func) self.d = np.full((self.shape[0],), 1 / self.alpha, dtype=self.dtype) def solve(self, f, tol=0): return -f / self.d def matvec(self, f): return -f * self.d def rsolve(self, f, tol=0): return -f / self.d.conj() def rmatvec(self, f): return -f * self.d.conj() def todense(self): return np.diag(-self.d) def _update(self, x, f, dx, df, dx_norm, df_norm): self.d -= (df + self.d*dx)*dx/dx_norm**2 class LinearMixing(GenericBroyden): """ Find a root of a function, using a scalar Jacobian approximation. .. warning:: This algorithm may be useful for specific problems, but whether it will work may depend strongly on the problem. Parameters ---------- %(params_basic)s alpha : float, optional The Jacobian approximation is (-1/alpha). %(params_extra)s See Also -------- root : Interface to root finding algorithms for multivariate functions. See ``method=='linearmixing'`` in particular. """ def __init__(self, alpha=None): GenericBroyden.__init__(self) self.alpha = alpha def solve(self, f, tol=0): return -f*self.alpha def matvec(self, f): return -f/self.alpha def rsolve(self, f, tol=0): return -f*np.conj(self.alpha) def rmatvec(self, f): return -f/np.conj(self.alpha) def todense(self): return np.diag(np.full(self.shape[0], -1/self.alpha)) def _update(self, x, f, dx, df, dx_norm, df_norm): pass class ExcitingMixing(GenericBroyden): """ Find a root of a function, using a tuned diagonal Jacobian approximation. The Jacobian matrix is diagonal and is tuned on each iteration. .. warning:: This algorithm may be useful for specific problems, but whether it will work may depend strongly on the problem. See Also -------- root : Interface to root finding algorithms for multivariate functions. See ``method=='excitingmixing'`` in particular. Parameters ---------- %(params_basic)s alpha : float, optional Initial Jacobian approximation is (-1/alpha). alphamax : float, optional The entries of the diagonal Jacobian are kept in the range ``[alpha, alphamax]``. %(params_extra)s """ def __init__(self, alpha=None, alphamax=1.0): GenericBroyden.__init__(self) self.alpha = alpha self.alphamax = alphamax self.beta = None def setup(self, x, F, func): GenericBroyden.setup(self, x, F, func) self.beta = np.full((self.shape[0],), self.alpha, dtype=self.dtype) def solve(self, f, tol=0): return -f*self.beta def matvec(self, f): return -f/self.beta def rsolve(self, f, tol=0): return -f*self.beta.conj() def rmatvec(self, f): return -f/self.beta.conj() def todense(self): return np.diag(-1/self.beta) def _update(self, x, f, dx, df, dx_norm, df_norm): incr = f*self.last_f > 0 self.beta[incr] += self.alpha self.beta[~incr] = self.alpha np.clip(self.beta, 0, self.alphamax, out=self.beta) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Iterative/Krylov approximated Jacobians #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class KrylovJacobian(Jacobian): r""" Find a root of a function, using Krylov approximation for inverse Jacobian. This method is suitable for solving large-scale problems. Parameters ---------- %(params_basic)s rdiff : float, optional Relative step size to use in numerical differentiation. method : {'lgmres', 'gmres', 'bicgstab', 'cgs', 'minres'} or function Krylov method to use to approximate the Jacobian. Can be a string, or a function implementing the same interface as the iterative solvers in `scipy.sparse.linalg`. The default is `scipy.sparse.linalg.lgmres`. inner_M : LinearOperator or InverseJacobian Preconditioner for the inner Krylov iteration. Note that you can use also inverse Jacobians as (adaptive) preconditioners. For example, >>> from scipy.optimize.nonlin import BroydenFirst, KrylovJacobian >>> from scipy.optimize.nonlin import InverseJacobian >>> jac = BroydenFirst() >>> kjac = KrylovJacobian(inner_M=InverseJacobian(jac)) If the preconditioner has a method named 'update', it will be called as ``update(x, f)`` after each nonlinear step, with ``x`` giving the current point, and ``f`` the current function value. inner_tol, inner_maxiter, ... Parameters to pass on to the \"inner\" Krylov solver. See `scipy.sparse.linalg.gmres` for details. outer_k : int, optional Size of the subspace kept across LGMRES nonlinear iterations. See `scipy.sparse.linalg.lgmres` for details. %(params_extra)s See Also -------- root : Interface to root finding algorithms for multivariate functions. See ``method=='krylov'`` in particular. scipy.sparse.linalg.gmres scipy.sparse.linalg.lgmres Notes ----- This function implements a Newton-Krylov solver. The basic idea is to compute the inverse of the Jacobian with an iterative Krylov method. These methods require only evaluating the Jacobian-vector products, which are conveniently approximated by a finite difference: .. math:: J v \approx (f(x + \omega*v/|v|) - f(x)) / \omega Due to the use of iterative matrix inverses, these methods can deal with large nonlinear problems. SciPy's `scipy.sparse.linalg` module offers a selection of Krylov solvers to choose from. The default here is `lgmres`, which is a variant of restarted GMRES iteration that reuses some of the information obtained in the previous Newton steps to invert Jacobians in subsequent steps. For a review on Newton-Krylov methods, see for example [1]_, and for the LGMRES sparse inverse method, see [2]_. References ---------- .. [1] D.A. Knoll and D.E. Keyes, J. Comp. Phys. 193, 357 (2004). :doi:`10.1016/` .. [2] A.H. Baker and E.R. Jessup and T. Manteuffel, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 26, 962 (2005). :doi:`10.1137/S0895479803422014` """ def __init__(self, rdiff=None, method='lgmres', inner_maxiter=20, inner_M=None, outer_k=10, **kw): self.preconditioner = inner_M self.rdiff = rdiff self.method = dict( bicgstab=scipy.sparse.linalg.bicgstab, gmres=scipy.sparse.linalg.gmres, lgmres=scipy.sparse.linalg.lgmres, cgs=scipy.sparse.linalg.cgs, minres=scipy.sparse.linalg.minres, ).get(method, method) self.method_kw = dict(maxiter=inner_maxiter, M=self.preconditioner) if self.method is scipy.sparse.linalg.gmres: # Replace GMRES's outer iteration with Newton steps self.method_kw['restrt'] = inner_maxiter self.method_kw['maxiter'] = 1 self.method_kw.setdefault('atol', 0) elif self.method is scipy.sparse.linalg.gcrotmk: self.method_kw.setdefault('atol', 0) elif self.method is scipy.sparse.linalg.lgmres: self.method_kw['outer_k'] = outer_k # Replace LGMRES's outer iteration with Newton steps self.method_kw['maxiter'] = 1 # Carry LGMRES's `outer_v` vectors across nonlinear iterations self.method_kw.setdefault('outer_v', []) self.method_kw.setdefault('prepend_outer_v', True) # But don't carry the corresponding Jacobian*v products, in case # the Jacobian changes a lot in the nonlinear step # # XXX: some trust-region inspired ideas might be more efficient... # See e.g., Brown & Saad. But needs to be implemented separately # since it's not an inexact Newton method. self.method_kw.setdefault('store_outer_Av', False) self.method_kw.setdefault('atol', 0) for key, value in kw.items(): if not key.startswith('inner_'): raise ValueError("Unknown parameter %s" % key) self.method_kw[key[6:]] = value def _update_diff_step(self): mx = abs(self.x0).max() mf = abs(self.f0).max() = self.rdiff * max(1, mx) / max(1, mf) def matvec(self, v): nv = norm(v) if nv == 0: return 0*v sc = / nv r = (self.func(self.x0 + sc*v) - self.f0) / sc if not np.all(np.isfinite(r)) and np.all(np.isfinite(v)): raise ValueError('Function returned non-finite results') return r def solve(self, rhs, tol=0): if 'tol' in self.method_kw: sol, info = self.method(self.op, rhs, **self.method_kw) else: sol, info = self.method(self.op, rhs, tol=tol, **self.method_kw) return sol def update(self, x, f): self.x0 = x self.f0 = f self._update_diff_step() # Update also the preconditioner, if possible if self.preconditioner is not None: if hasattr(self.preconditioner, 'update'): self.preconditioner.update(x, f) def setup(self, x, f, func): Jacobian.setup(self, x, f, func) self.x0 = x self.f0 = f self.op = scipy.sparse.linalg.aslinearoperator(self) if self.rdiff is None: self.rdiff = np.finfo(x.dtype).eps ** (1./2) self._update_diff_step() # Setup also the preconditioner, if possible if self.preconditioner is not None: if hasattr(self.preconditioner, 'setup'): self.preconditioner.setup(x, f, func) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Wrapper functions #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _nonlin_wrapper(name, jac): """ Construct a solver wrapper with given name and Jacobian approx. It inspects the keyword arguments of ``jac.__init__``, and allows to use the same arguments in the wrapper function, in addition to the keyword arguments of `nonlin_solve` """ signature = _getfullargspec(jac.__init__) args, varargs, varkw, defaults, kwonlyargs, kwdefaults, _ = signature kwargs = list(zip(args[-len(defaults):], defaults)) kw_str = ", ".join(["%s=%r" % (k, v) for k, v in kwargs]) if kw_str: kw_str = ", " + kw_str kwkw_str = ", ".join(["%s=%s" % (k, k) for k, v in kwargs]) if kwkw_str: kwkw_str = kwkw_str + ", " if kwonlyargs: raise ValueError('Unexpected signature %s' % signature) # Construct the wrapper function so that its keyword arguments # are visible in etc. wrapper = """ def %(name)s(F, xin, iter=None %(kw)s, verbose=False, maxiter=None, f_tol=None, f_rtol=None, x_tol=None, x_rtol=None, tol_norm=None, line_search='armijo', callback=None, **kw): jac = %(jac)s(%(kwkw)s **kw) return nonlin_solve(F, xin, jac, iter, verbose, maxiter, f_tol, f_rtol, x_tol, x_rtol, tol_norm, line_search, callback) """ wrapper = wrapper % dict(name=name, kw=kw_str, jac=jac.__name__, kwkw=kwkw_str) ns = {} ns.update(globals()) exec(wrapper, ns) func = ns[name] func.__doc__ = jac.__doc__ _set_doc(func) return func broyden1 = _nonlin_wrapper('broyden1', BroydenFirst) broyden2 = _nonlin_wrapper('broyden2', BroydenSecond) anderson = _nonlin_wrapper('anderson', Anderson) linearmixing = _nonlin_wrapper('linearmixing', LinearMixing) diagbroyden = _nonlin_wrapper('diagbroyden', DiagBroyden) excitingmixing = _nonlin_wrapper('excitingmixing', ExcitingMixing) newton_krylov = _nonlin_wrapper('newton_krylov', KrylovJacobian)
# TmLibrary - TissueMAPS library for distibuted image analysis routines. # Copyright (C) 2016 Markus D. Herrmann, University of Zurich and Robin Hafen # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. import json import os import csv import logging import random import collections import pandas as pd from cStringIO import StringIO from sqlalchemy import func, case from geoalchemy2 import Geometry from geoalchemy2.shape import to_shape from sqlalchemy.orm import Session from sqlalchemy import ( Column, String, Integer, BigInteger, Boolean, ForeignKey, not_, Index, UniqueConstraint, PrimaryKeyConstraint, ForeignKeyConstraint ) from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, backref from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property from tmlib import cfg from tmlib.models.dialect import _compile_distributed_query from tmlib.models.result import ToolResult, LabelValues from tmlib.models.base import ( ExperimentModel, DistributedExperimentModel, DateMixIn, IdMixIn ) from tmlib.models.feature import Feature, FeatureValues from tmlib.models.types import ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology from import Site from tmlib.utils import autocreate_directory_property, create_partitions logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class MapobjectType(ExperimentModel, IdMixIn): '''A *mapobject type* represents a conceptual group of *mapobjects* (segmented objects) that reflect different biological entities, such as "cells" or "nuclei" for example. Attributes ---------- records: List[tmlib.models.result.ToolResult] records belonging to the mapobject type features: List[tmlib.models.feature.Feature] features belonging to the mapobject type ''' __tablename__ = 'mapobject_types' __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('name'), ) #: str: name given by user name = Column(String(50), index=True, nullable=False) #: str: name of another type that serves as a reference for "static" #: mapobjects, i.e. objects that are pre-defined through the experiment #: layout and independent of image segmentation (e.g. "Plate" or "Well") ref_type = Column(String(50)) #: int: ID of parent experiment experiment_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey('', onupdate='CASCADE', ondelete='CASCADE'), index=True ) #: tmlib.models.experiment.Experiment: parent experiment experiment = relationship( 'Experiment', backref=backref('mapobject_types', cascade='all, delete-orphan') ) def __init__(self, name, experiment_id, ref_type=None): ''' Parameters ---------- name: str name of the map objects type, e.g. "cells" experiment_id: int ID of the parent :class:`Experiment <tmlib.models.experiment.Experiment>` ref_type: str, optional name of another reference type (default: ``None``) ''' = name self.ref_type = ref_type self.experiment_id = experiment_id @classmethod def delete_cascade(cls, connection, static=None): '''Deletes all instances as well as "children" instances of :class:`Mapobject <tmlib.models.mapobject.Mapobject>`, :class:`MapobjectSegmentation <tmlib.models.mapobject.MapobjectSegmentation>`, :class:`Feature <tmlib.models.feature.Feature>`, :class:`FeatureValues <tmlib.models.feature.FeatureValues>`, :class:`ToolResult <tmlib.models.result.ToolResult>`, :class:`LabelLayer <tmlib.models.layer.LabelLayer>` and :class:`LabelValues <tmlib.models.feature.LabelValues>`. Parameters ---------- connection: tmlib.models.utils.ExperimentConnection experiment-specific database connection static: bool, optional if ``True`` static types ("Plates", "Wells", "Sites") will be deleted, if ``False`` non-static types will be delted, if ``None`` all types will be deleted (default: ``None``) ''' ids = list() if static is not None: if static: logger.debug('delete static mapobjects') connection.execute(''' SELECT id FROM mapobject_types WHERE name IN ('Plates', 'Wells', 'Sites') ''') else: logger.debug('delete static mapobjects') connection.execute(''' SELECT id FROM mapobject_types WHERE name NOT IN ('Plates', 'Wells', 'Sites') ''') else: connection.execute(''' SELECT id FROM mapobject_types ''') records = connection.fetchall() ids.extend([ for r in records]) for id in ids: logger.debug('delete mapobjects of type %d', id) Mapobject.delete_cascade(connection, id) logger.debug('delete mapobject type %d', id) connection.execute(''' DELETE FROM mapobject_types WHERE id = %(id)s; ''', { 'id': id }) def get_site_geometry(self, site_id): '''Gets the geometric representation of a :class:`Site <>`. in form of a :class:`MapobjectSegmentation <tmlib.models.mapobject.MapobjectSegmentation>`. Parameters ---------- site_id: int ID of the :class:`Site <>` Returns ------- geoalchemy2.elements.WKBElement ''' session = Session.object_session(self) mapobject_type = session.query(\ filter_by(ref_type=Site.__name__).\ one() segmentation = session.query(MapobjectSegmentation.geom_polygon).\ join(Mapobject).\ filter( Mapobject.partition_key == site_id, Mapobject.mapobject_type_id == ).\ one() return segmentation.geom_polygon def get_segmentations_per_site(self, site_id, tpoint, zplane, as_polygons=True): '''Gets each :class:`MapobjectSegmentation <tmlib.models.mapobject.MapobjectSegmentation>` that intersects with the geometric representation of a given :class:`Site <>`. Parameters ---------- site_id: int ID of a :class:`Site <>` for which objects should be spatially filtered tpoint: int time point for which objects should be filtered zplane: int z-plane for which objects should be filtered as_polygons: bool, optional whether segmentations should be returned as polygons; if ``False`` segmentations will be returned as centroid points (default: ``True``) Returns ------- Tuple[Union[int, geoalchemy2.elements.WKBElement]] label and geometry for each segmented object ''' session = Session.object_session(self) layer = session.query(\ filter_by(, tpoint=tpoint, zplane=zplane).\ one() if as_polygons: segmentations = session.query( MapobjectSegmentation.label, MapobjectSegmentation.geom_polygon ) else: segmentations = session.query( MapobjectSegmentation.label, MapobjectSegmentation.geom_centroid ) segmentations = segmentations.\ filter_by(, partition_key=site_id).\ order_by(MapobjectSegmentation.mapobject_id).\ all() return segmentations def get_feature_values_per_site(self, site_id, tpoint, feature_ids=None): '''Gets all :class:`FeatureValues <tmlib.models.feature.FeatureValues>` for each :class:`Mapobject <tmlib.models.MapobjectSegmentation>` where the corresponding :class:`MapobjectSegmentation <tmlib.models.mapobject.MapobjectSegmentation>` intersects with the geometric representation of a given :class:`Site <>`. Parameters ---------- site_id: int ID of a :class:`Site <>` for which objects should be spatially filtered tpoint: int time point for which objects should be filtered feature_ids: List[int], optional ID of each :class:`Feature <tmlib.models.feature.Feature>` for which values should be selected; by default all features will be selected Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame[numpy.float] feature values for each mapobject ''' session = Session.object_session(self) features = session.query(,\ filter_by( if feature_ids is not None: features = features.filter( features = features.all() feature_map = {str(id): name for id, name in features} if feature_ids is not None: records = session.query( FeatureValues.mapobject_id, FeatureValues.values.slice(feature_map.keys()).label('values') ) else: records = session.query( FeatureValues.mapobject_id, FeatureValues.values ) records = records.\ join(Mapobject).\ join(MapobjectSegmentation).\ filter( Mapobject.mapobject_type_id ==, FeatureValues.tpoint == tpoint, FeatureValues.partition_key == site_id ).\ order_by(\ all() values = [r.values for r in records] mapobject_ids = [r.mapobject_id for r in records] df = pd.DataFrame(values, index=mapobject_ids) df.rename(columns=feature_map, inplace=True) return df def get_label_values_per_site(self, site_id, tpoint): '''Gets all :class:`LabelValues <tmlib.models.result.LabelValues>` for each :class:`Mapobject <tmlib.models.MapobjectSegmentation>` where the corresponding :class:`MapobjectSegmentation <tmlib.models.mapobject.MapobjectSegmentation>` intersects with the geometric representation of a given :class:`Site <>`. Parameters ---------- site_id: int ID of a :class:`Site <>` for which objects should be spatially filtered tpoint: int, optional time point for which objects should be filtered Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame[numpy.float] label values for each mapobject ''' session = Session.object_session(self) labels = session.query(,\ filter_by(\ all() label_map = {str(id): name for id, name in labels} records = session.query( LabelValues.mapobject_id, LabelValues.values ).\ join(Mapobject).\ join(MapobjectSegmentation).\ filter( Mapobject.mapobject_type_id ==, LabelValues.tpoint == tpoint, LabelValues.partition_key == site_id ).\ order_by(\ all() values = [r.values for r in records] mapobject_ids = [r.mapobject_id for r in records] df = pd.DataFrame(values, index=mapobject_ids) df.rename(columns=label_map, inplace=True) return df def identify_border_objects_per_site(self, site_id, tpoint, zplane): '''Determines for each :class:`Mapobject <tmlib.models.MapobjectSegmentation>` where the corresponding :class:`MapobjectSegmentation <tmlib.models.mapobject.MapobjectSegmentation>` intersects with the geometric representation of a given :class:`Site <>`, whether the objects is touches at the border of the site. Parameters ---------- site_id: int ID of a :class:`Site <>` for which objects should be spatially filtered tpoint: int time point for which objects should be filtered zplane: int z-plane for which objects should be filtered Returns ------- pandas.Series[numpy.bool] ``True`` if the mapobject touches the border of the site and ``False`` otherwise ''' session = Session.object_session(self) site_geometry = self.get_site_geometry(site_id) layer = session.query(\ filter_by(, tpoint=tpoint, zplane=zplane).\ one() records = session.query( MapobjectSegmentation.mapobject_id, case([( MapobjectSegmentation.geom_polygon.ST_Intersects( site_geometry.ST_Boundary() ) , True )], else_=False).label('is_border') ).\ filter( MapobjectSegmentation.segmentation_layer_id ==, MapobjectSegmentation.partition_key == site_id ).\ order_by(MapobjectSegmentation.mapobject_id).\ all() values = [r.is_border for r in records] mapobject_ids = [r.mapobject_id for r in records] s = pd.Series(values, index=mapobject_ids) return s def __repr__(self): return '<MapobjectType(id=%d, name=%r)>' % (, class Mapobject(DistributedExperimentModel): '''A *mapobject* represents a connected pixel component in an image. It has one or more 2D segmentations that can be used to represent the object on the map and may also be associated with measurements (*features*), which can be queried or used for further analysis. ''' #: str: name of the corresponding database table __tablename__ = 'mapobjects' __table_args__ = ( PrimaryKeyConstraint('id', 'partition_key'), ) __distribute_by__ = 'partition_key' __distribution_method__ = 'hash' partition_key = Column(Integer, nullable=False) id = Column(BigInteger, unique=True, autoincrement=True) #: int: ID of another record to which the object is related. #: This could refer to another mapobject in the same table, e.g. in order #: to track proliferating cells, or a record in another reference table, #: e.g. to identify the corresponding record of a "Well". ref_id = Column(BigInteger, index=True) #: int: ID of parent mapobject type mapobject_type_id = Column(Integer, index=True, nullable=False) def __init__(self, partition_key, mapobject_type_id, ref_id=None): ''' Parameters ---------- partition_key: int key that determines on which shard the object will be stored mapobject_type_id: int ID of parent :class:`MapobjectType <tmlib.models.mapobject.MapobjectType>` ref_id: int, optional ID of the referenced record See also -------- :attr:`tmlib.models.mapobject.MapobjectType.ref_type` ''' self.partition_key = partition_key self.mapobject_type_id = mapobject_type_id self.ref_id = ref_id @classmethod def _delete_cascade(cls, connection, mapobject_ids): logger.debug('delete mapobjects') # NOTE: Using ANY with an ARRAY is more performant than using IN. # TODO: Ideally we would like to join with mapobject_types. # However, at the moment there seems to be no way to DELETE entries # from a distributed table with a complex WHERE clause. # If the number of objects is too large this will lead to issues. # Therefore, we delete rows in batches. mapobject_id_partitions = create_partitions(mapobject_ids, 100000) # This will DELETE all records of referenced tables as well. # FIXME: How to cast to correct BigInteger type in $$ escaped query? sql = ''' DELETE FROM mapobjects WHERE id = ANY(%(mapobject_ids)s) ''' for mids in mapobject_id_partitions: connection.execute( _compile_distributed_query(sql), {'mapobject_ids': mids} ) @classmethod def delete_objects_with_invalid_segmentation(cls, connection): '''Deletes all instances with invalid segmentations as well as all "children" instances of :class:`MapobjectSegmentation <tmlib.models.mapobject.MapobjectSegmentation>` :class:`FeatureValues <tmlib.models.feature.FeatureValues>`, :class:`LabelValues <tmlib.models.feature.LabelValues>`. Parameters ---------- connection: tmlib.models.utils.ExperimentConnection experiment-specific database connection ''' connection.execute(''' SELECT mapobject_id FROM mapobject_segmentations WHERE NOT ST_IsValid(geom_polygon); ''') mapobject_segm = connection.fetchall() mapobject_ids = [s.mapobject_id for s in mapobject_segm] if mapobject_ids: cls._delete_cascade(connection, mapobject_ids) @classmethod def delete_objects_with_missing_segmentations(cls, connection): '''Deletes all instances that don't have a :class:`MapobjectSegmentation <tmlib.models.mapobject.MapobjectSegmentation>` as well as their "children" instances of :class:`FeatureValues <tmlib.models.feature.FeatureValues>` and :class:`LabelValues <tmlib.models.feature.LabelValues>`. Parameters ---------- connection: tmlib.models.utils.ExperimentConnection experiment-specific database connection ''' connection.execute(''' SELECT FROM mapobjects m LEFT OUTER JOIN mapobject_segmentations s ON = s.mapobject_id AND m.partition_key = s.partition_key WHERE s.mapobject_id IS NULL ''') mapobjects = connection.fetchall() missing_ids = [ for s in mapobjects] if missing_ids: 'delete %d mapobjects with missing segmentations', len(missing_ids) ) cls._delete_cascade(connection, missing_ids) @classmethod def delete_objects_with_missing_feature_values(cls, connection): '''Deletes all instances that don't have :class:`FeatureValues <tmlib.models.feature.FeatureValues>` as well as their "children" instances of :class:`MapobjectSegmentation <tmlib.models.mapobject.MapobjectSegmentation>` and :class:`LabelValues <tmlib.models.feature.LabelValues>`. Parameters ---------- connection: tmlib.models.utils.ExperimentConnection experiment-specific database connection ''' # Make sure only mapobject types are selected that have any features, # otherwise all mapobjects of that type would be deleted. connection.execute(''' SELECT m.mapobject_type_id, count(v.mapobject_id) FROM feature_values AS v JOIN mapobjects AS m ON = v.mapobject_id AND m.partition_key = v.partition_key GROUP BY m.mapobject_type_id ''') results = connection.fetchall() missing_ids = [] for mapobject_type_id, count in results: connection.execute(''' SELECT FROM mapobjects AS m LEFT OUTER JOIN feature_values AS v ON = v.mapobject_id AND m.partition_key = v.partition_key WHERE m.mapobject_type_id = %(mapobject_type_id)s AND v.mapobject_id IS NULL ''', { 'mapobject_type_id': mapobject_type_id }) mapobjects = connection.fetchall() missing_ids.extend([ for s in mapobjects]) if missing_ids: 'delete %d mapobjects of type %d with missing feature ' 'values', len(missing_ids), mapobject_type_id ) cls._delete_cascade(connection, missing_ids) @classmethod def _add(cls, connection, instance): if not isinstance(instance, cls): raise TypeError('Object must have type %s' % cls.__name__) = cls.get_unique_ids(connection, 1)[0] connection.execute(''' INSERT INTO mapobjects ( partition_key, id, mapobject_type_id, ref_id ) VALUES ( %(partition_key)s, %(id)s, %(mapobject_type_id)s, %(ref_id)s ) ''', { 'id':, 'partition_key': instance.partition_key, 'mapobject_type_id': instance.mapobject_type_id, 'ref_id': instance.ref_id }) return instance @classmethod def _bulk_ingest(cls, connection, instances): if not instances: return [] f = StringIO() w = csv.writer(f, delimiter=';') ids = cls.get_unique_ids(connection, len(instances)) for i, obj in enumerate(instances): if not isinstance(obj, cls): raise TypeError('Object must have type %s' % cls.__name__) = ids[i] w.writerow(( obj.partition_key,, obj.mapobject_type_id, obj.ref_id )) columns = ('partition_key', 'id', 'mapobject_type_id', 'ref_id') connection.copy_from( f,, sep=';', columns=columns, null='' ) f.close() return instances def __repr__(self): return '<%s(id=%r, mapobject_type_id=%r)>' % ( self.__class__.__name__,, self.mapobject_type_id ) class MapobjectSegmentation(DistributedExperimentModel): '''A *segmentation* provides the geometric representation of a :class:`Mapobject <tmlib.models.mapobject.Mapobject>`. ''' __tablename__ = 'mapobject_segmentations' __table_args__ = ( PrimaryKeyConstraint( 'mapobject_id', 'partition_key', 'segmentation_layer_id' ), ForeignKeyConstraint( ['mapobject_id', 'partition_key'], ['', 'mapobjects.partition_key'], ondelete='CASCADE' ) ) __distribution_method__ = 'hash' __distribute_by__ = 'partition_key' __colocate_with__ = 'mapobjects' partition_key = Column(Integer, nullable=False) #: str: EWKT POLYGON geometry geom_polygon = Column(Geometry('POLYGON')) #: str: EWKT POINT geometry geom_centroid = Column(Geometry('POINT'), nullable=False) #: int: label assigned to the object upon segmentation label = Column(Integer, index=True) #: int: ID of parent mapobject mapobject_id = Column(BigInteger) #: int: ID of parent segmentation layer segmentation_layer_id = Column(Integer) def __init__(self, partition_key, geom_polygon, geom_centroid, mapobject_id, segmentation_layer_id, label=None): ''' Parameters ---------- partition_key: int key that determines on which shard the object will be stored geom_polygon: shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon polygon geometry of the mapobject contour geom_centroid: shapely.geometry.point.Point point geometry of the mapobject centroid mapobject_id: int ID of parent :class:`Mapobject <tmlib.models.mapobject.Mapobject>` segmentation_layer_id: int ID of parent :class:`SegmentationLayer <tmlib.models.layer.SegmentationLayer>` label: int, optional label assigned to the segmented object ''' self.partition_key = partition_key self.geom_polygon = getattr(geom_polygon, 'wkt', None) self.geom_centroid = geom_centroid.wkt self.mapobject_id = mapobject_id self.segmentation_layer_id = segmentation_layer_id self.label = label @classmethod def _add(cls, connection, instance): if not isinstance(instance, cls): raise TypeError('Object must have type %s' % cls.__name__) connection.execute(''' INSERT INTO mapobject_segmentations AS s ( partition_key, mapobject_id, segmentation_layer_id, geom_polygon, geom_centroid, label ) VALUES ( %(partition_key)s, %(mapobject_id)s, %(segmentation_layer_id)s, %(geom_polygon)s, %(geom_centroid)s, %(label)s ) ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT mapobject_segmentations_pkey DO UPDATE SET geom_polygon = %(geom_polygon)s, geom_centroid = %(geom_centroid)s WHERE s.mapobject_id = %(mapobject_id)s AND s.partition_key = %(partition_key)s AND s.segmentation_layer_id = %(segmentation_layer_id)s ''', { 'partition_key': instance.partition_key, 'mapobject_id': instance.mapobject_id, 'segmentation_layer_id': instance.segmentation_layer_id, 'geom_polygon': instance.geom_polygon, 'geom_centroid': instance.geom_centroid, 'label': instance.label }) @classmethod def _bulk_ingest(cls, connection, instances): if not instances: return f = StringIO() w = csv.writer(f, delimiter=';') for obj in instances: if not isinstance(obj, cls): raise TypeError('Object must have type %s' % cls.__name__) w.writerow(( obj.partition_key, obj.geom_polygon, obj.geom_centroid, obj.mapobject_id, obj.segmentation_layer_id, obj.label )) columns = ( 'partition_key', 'geom_polygon', 'geom_centroid', 'mapobject_id', 'segmentation_layer_id', 'label' ) connection.copy_from( f,, sep=';', columns=columns, null='' ) f.close() def __repr__(self): return '<%s(id=%r, mapobject_id=%r, segmentation_layer_id=%r)>' % ( self.__class__.__name__,, self.mapobject_id, self.segmentation_layer_id ) class SegmentationLayer(ExperimentModel, IdMixIn): __tablename__ = 'segmentation_layers' __table_args__ = ( UniqueConstraint('tpoint', 'zplane', 'mapobject_type_id'), ) #: int: zero-based index in time series tpoint = Column(Integer, index=True) #: int: zero-based index in z stack zplane = Column(Integer, index=True) #: int: zoom level threshold below which polygons will not be visualized polygon_thresh = Column(Integer) #: int: zoom level threshold below which centroids will not be visualized centroid_thresh = Column(Integer) #: int: ID of parent channel mapobject_type_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey('', onupdate='CASCADE', ondelete='CASCADE'), index=True ) #: tmlib.models.mapobject.MapobjectType: parent mapobject type mapobject_type = relationship( 'MapobjectType', backref=backref('layers', cascade='all, delete-orphan'), ) def __init__(self, mapobject_type_id, tpoint=None, zplane=None): ''' Parameters ---------- mapobject_type_id: int ID of parent :class:`MapobjectType <tmlib.models.mapobject.MapobjectType>` tpoint: int, optional zero-based time point index zplane: int, optional zero-based z-resolution index ''' self.tpoint = tpoint self.zplane = zplane self.mapobject_type_id = mapobject_type_id @classmethod def get_tile_bounding_box(cls, x, y, z, maxzoom): '''Calculates the bounding box of a layer tile. Parameters ---------- x: int horizontal tile coordinate y: int vertical tile coordinate z: int zoom level maxzoom: int maximal zoom level of layers belonging to the visualized experiment Returns ------- Tuple[int] bounding box coordinates (x_top, y_top, x_bottom, y_bottom) ''' # The extent of a tile of the current zoom level in mapobject # coordinates (i.e. coordinates on the highest zoom level) size = 256 * 2 ** (maxzoom - z) # Coordinates of the top-left corner of the tile x0 = x * size y0 = y * size # Coordinates with which to specify all corners of the tile # NOTE: y-axis is inverted! minx = x0 maxx = x0 + size miny = -y0 maxy = -y0 - size return (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) def calculate_zoom_thresholds(self, maxzoom_level, represent_as_polygons): '''Calculates the zoom level below which mapobjects are represented on the map as centroids rather than polygons and the zoom level below which mapobjects are no longer visualized at all. These thresholds are necessary, because it would result in too much network traffic and the client would be overwhelmed by the large number of objects. Parameters ---------- maxzoom_level: int maximum zoom level of the pyramid represent_as_polygons: bool whether the objects should be represented as polygons or only as centroid points Returns ------- Tuple[int] threshold zoom levels for visualization of polygons and centroids Note ---- The optimal threshold levels depend on the number of points on the contour of objects, but also the size of the browser window and the resolution settings of the browser. ''' # TODO: This is a bit too simplistic. Ideally, we would calculate # the optimal zoom level by sampling mapobjects at the highest # resolution level and approximate number of points that would be sent # to the client. This is tricky, however, because the current view # and thus the number of requested mapobject segmentations dependents # on the size of monitor. if self.tpoint is None and self.zplane is None: if self.mapobject_type.ref_type == 'Plate': polygon_thresh = 0 centroid_thresh = 0 elif self.mapobject_type.ref_type == 'Well': polygon_thresh = maxzoom_level - 11 centroid_thresh = 0 elif self.mapobject_type.ref_type == 'Site': polygon_thresh = maxzoom_level - 8 centroid_thresh = 0 else: if represent_as_polygons: polygon_thresh = maxzoom_level - 4 else: polygon_thresh = maxzoom_level + 1 centroid_thresh = polygon_thresh - 2 polygon_thresh = 0 if polygon_thresh < 0 else polygon_thresh centroid_thresh = 0 if centroid_thresh < 0 else centroid_thresh return (polygon_thresh, centroid_thresh) def get_segmentations(self, x, y, z, tolerance=2): '''Get outlines of each :class:`Mapobject <tmlib.models.mapobject.Mapobject>` contained by a given pyramid tile. Parameters ---------- x: int zero-based column map coordinate at the given `z` level y: int zero-based row map coordinate at the given `z` level (negative integer values due to inverted *y*-axis) z: int zero-based zoom level index tolerance: int, optional maximum distance in pixels between points on the contour of original polygons and simplified polygons; the higher the `tolerance` the less coordinates will be used to describe the polygon and the less accurate it will be approximated and; if ``0`` the original polygon is used (default: ``2``) Returns ------- List[Tuple[int, str]] GeoJSON representation of each selected mapobject Note ---- If *z* > `polygon_thresh` mapobjects are represented by polygons, if `polygon_thresh` < *z* < `centroid_thresh`, mapobjects are represented by points and if *z* < `centroid_thresh` they are not represented at all. ''' logger.debug('get mapobject outlines falling into tile') session = Session.object_session(self) maxzoom = self.mapobject_type.experiment.pyramid_depth - 1 minx, miny, maxx, maxy = self.get_tile_bounding_box(x, y, z, maxzoom) tile = ( 'POLYGON((' '{maxx} {maxy}, {minx} {maxy}, {minx} {miny}, {maxx} {miny}, ' '{maxx} {maxy}' '))'.format(minx=minx, maxx=maxx, miny=miny, maxy=maxy) ) do_simplify = self.centroid_thresh <= z < self.polygon_thresh do_nothing = z < self.centroid_thresh if do_nothing: logger.debug('dont\'t represent objects') return list() elif do_simplify: logger.debug('represent objects by centroids') query = session.query( MapobjectSegmentation.mapobject_id, MapobjectSegmentation.geom_centroid.ST_AsGeoJSON() ) outlines = query.filter( MapobjectSegmentation.segmentation_layer_id ==, MapobjectSegmentation.geom_centroid.ST_Intersects(tile) ).\ all() else: logger.debug('represent objects by polygons') tolerance = (maxzoom - z) ** 2 + 1 logger.debug('simplify polygons using tolerance %d', tolerance) query = session.query( MapobjectSegmentation.mapobject_id, MapobjectSegmentation.geom_polygon. ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology(tolerance).ST_AsGeoJSON() ) outlines = query.filter( MapobjectSegmentation.segmentation_layer_id ==, MapobjectSegmentation.geom_polygon.ST_Intersects(tile) ).\ all() if len(outlines) == 0: logger.warn( 'no outlines found for objects of type "%s" within tile: ' 'x=%d, y=%d, z=%d',, x, y, z ) return outlines def __repr__(self): return ( '<%s(id=%d, mapobject_type_id=%r)>' % (self.__class__.__name__,, self.mapobject_type_id) )
from couchpotato import get_session from couchpotato.core.event import addEvent, fireEventAsync, fireEvent from couchpotato.core.helpers.encoding import toUnicode, simplifyString from couchpotato.core.logger import CPLog from import LibraryBase from couchpotato.core.settings.model import Library, LibraryTitle, File from string import ascii_letters import time import traceback import six log = CPLog(__name__) class MovieLibraryPlugin(LibraryBase): default_dict = {'titles': {}, 'files': {}} def __init__(self): addEvent('', self.add) addEvent('', self.update) addEvent('', self.updateReleaseDate) def add(self, attrs = None, update_after = True): if not attrs: attrs = {} primary_provider = attrs.get('primary_provider', 'imdb') try: db = get_session() l = db.query(Library).filter_by(identifier = attrs.get('identifier')).first() if not l: status = fireEvent('status.get', 'needs_update', single = True) l = Library( year = attrs.get('year'), identifier = attrs.get('identifier'), plot = toUnicode(attrs.get('plot')), tagline = toUnicode(attrs.get('tagline')), status_id = status.get('id'), info = {} ) title = LibraryTitle( title = toUnicode(attrs.get('title')), simple_title = self.simplifyTitle(attrs.get('title')), ) l.titles.append(title) db.add(l) db.commit() # Update library info if update_after is not False: handle = fireEventAsync if update_after is 'async' else fireEvent handle('', identifier = l.identifier, default_title = toUnicode(attrs.get('title', ''))) library_dict = l.to_dict(self.default_dict) return library_dict except: log.error('Failed adding media: %s', traceback.format_exc()) db.rollback() finally: db.close() return {} def update(self, identifier, default_title = '', extended = False): if self.shuttingDown(): return try: db = get_session() library = db.query(Library).filter_by(identifier = identifier).first() done_status = fireEvent('status.get', 'done', single = True) info = fireEvent('', merge = True, extended = extended, identifier = identifier) # Don't need those here try: del info['in_wanted'] except: pass try: del info['in_library'] except: pass if not info or len(info) == 0: log.error('Could not update, no movie info to work with: %s', identifier) return False # Main info library.plot = toUnicode(info.get('plot', '')) library.tagline = toUnicode(info.get('tagline', '')) library.year = info.get('year', 0) library.status_id = done_status.get('id') db.commit() # Titles [db.delete(title) for title in library.titles] db.commit() titles = info.get('titles', []) log.debug('Adding titles: %s', titles) counter = 0 def_title = None for title in titles: if (len(default_title) == 0 and counter == 0) or len(titles) == 1 or title.lower() == toUnicode(default_title.lower()) or (toUnicode(default_title) == six.u('') and toUnicode(titles[0]) == title): def_title = toUnicode(title) break counter += 1 if not def_title: def_title = toUnicode(titles[0]) for title in titles: if not title: continue title = toUnicode(title) t = LibraryTitle( title = title, simple_title = self.simplifyTitle(title), default = title == def_title ) library.titles.append(t) db.commit() # Files images = info.get('images', []) for image_type in ['poster']: for image in images.get(image_type, []): if not isinstance(image, (str, unicode)): continue file_path = fireEvent('', url = image, single = True) if file_path: file_obj = fireEvent('file.add', path = file_path, type_tuple = ('image', image_type), single = True) try: file_obj = db.query(File).filter_by(id = file_obj.get('id')).one() library.files.append(file_obj) db.commit() break except: log.debug('Failed to attach to library: %s', traceback.format_exc()) db.rollback() library_dict = library.to_dict(self.default_dict) return library_dict except: log.error('Failed update media: %s', traceback.format_exc()) db.rollback() finally: db.close() return {} def updateReleaseDate(self, identifier): try: db = get_session() library = db.query(Library).filter_by(identifier = identifier).first() if not library_dict = self.update(identifier) dates = library_dict.get('info', {}).get('release_date') else: dates ='release_date') if dates and (dates.get('expires', 0) < time.time() or dates.get('expires', 0) > time.time() + (604800 * 4)) or not dates: dates = fireEvent('movie.release_date', identifier = identifier, merge = True){'release_date': dates}) db.commit() return dates except: log.error('Failed updating release dates: %s', traceback.format_exc()) db.rollback() finally: db.close() return {} def simplifyTitle(self, title): title = toUnicode(title) nr_prefix = '' if title[0] in ascii_letters else '#' title = simplifyString(title) for prefix in ['the ']: if prefix == title[:len(prefix)]: title = title[len(prefix):] break return nr_prefix + title
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django import forms from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured from django.forms.models import ModelForm from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError from django.test.utils import override_settings from django.utils.encoding import smart_text from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from cms.api import create_page, publish_page from cms.cms_wizards import CMSPageWizard from cms.constants import TEMPLATE_INHERITANCE_MAGIC from cms.forms.wizards import CreateCMSPageForm, CreateCMSSubPageForm from cms.models import Page, PageType, UserSettings from cms.test_utils.testcases import CMSTestCase, TransactionCMSTestCase from cms.utils import get_current_site from cms.utils.conf import get_cms_setting from cms.wizards.forms import step2_form_factory, WizardStep2BaseForm from cms.wizards.wizard_base import Wizard from cms.wizards.wizard_pool import wizard_pool, AlreadyRegisteredException CreateCMSPageForm = step2_form_factory( mixin_cls=WizardStep2BaseForm, entry_form_class=CreateCMSPageForm, ) CreateCMSSubPageForm = step2_form_factory( mixin_cls=WizardStep2BaseForm, entry_form_class=CreateCMSSubPageForm, ) class WizardForm(forms.Form): pass class ModelWizardForm(ModelForm): class Meta: model = UserSettings exclude = [] class BadModelForm(ModelForm): class Meta: pass class WizardTestMixin(object): page_wizard = None title_wizard = None def assertSequencesEqual(self, seq_a, seq_b): seq_a = list(seq_a) seq_b = list(seq_b) zipped = list(zip(seq_a, seq_b)) if len(zipped) < len(seq_a) or len(zipped) < len(seq_b):"Sequence lengths are not the same.") for idx, (a, b) in enumerate(zipped): if a != b:"Sequences differ at index {0}".format(idx)) @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(WizardTestMixin, cls).setUpClass() # This prevents auto-discovery, which would otherwise occur as soon as # tests start, creating unexpected starting conditions. wizard_pool._discovered = True class PageWizard(Wizard): pass # This is a basic Wizard cls.page_wizard = PageWizard( title=_(u"Page"), weight=100, form=WizardForm, model=Page, template_name='my_template.html', # This doesn't exist anywhere ) class SettingsWizard(Wizard): pass # This is a Wizard that uses a ModelForm to define the model cls.user_settings_wizard = SettingsWizard( title=_(u"UserSettings"), weight=200, form=ModelWizardForm, ) class TitleWizard(Wizard): pass # This is a bad wizard definition as it neither defines a model, nor # uses a ModelForm that has model defined in Meta cls.title_wizard = TitleWizard( title=_(u"Page"), weight=100, form=BadModelForm, template_name='my_template.html', # This doesn't exist anywhere ) class TestWizardBase(WizardTestMixin, TransactionCMSTestCase): def test_user_has_add_permission(self): # Test does not have permission user = self.get_staff_user_with_no_permissions() self.assertFalse(self.page_wizard.user_has_add_permission(user)) # Test has permission user = self.get_superuser() self.assertTrue(self.page_wizard.user_has_add_permission(user)) def test_get_success_url(self): user = self.get_superuser() page = create_page( title="Sample Page", template=TEMPLATE_INHERITANCE_MAGIC, language="en", created_by=smart_text(user), parent=None, in_navigation=True, published=False ) url = "{0}?edit".format(page.get_absolute_url(language="en")) self.assertEqual(self.page_wizard.get_success_url( page, language="en"), url) # Now again without a language code url = "{0}?edit".format(page.get_absolute_url()) self.assertEqual(self.page_wizard.get_success_url(page), url) def test_get_model(self): self.assertEqual(self.page_wizard.get_model(), Page) self.assertEqual(self.user_settings_wizard.get_model(), UserSettings) with self.assertRaises(ImproperlyConfigured): self.title_wizard.get_model() def test_endpoint_auth_required(self): endpoint = reverse('cms_wizard_create') staff_active = self._create_user("staff-active", is_staff=True, is_superuser=False, is_active=True) response = self.client.get(endpoint) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 403) with self.login_user_context(staff_active): response = self.client.get(endpoint) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) class TestWizardPool(WizardTestMixin, CMSTestCase): def test_discover(self): wizard_pool._reset() self.assertFalse(wizard_pool._discovered) self.assertEqual(len(wizard_pool._entries), 0) wizard_pool._discover() self.assertTrue(wizard_pool._discovered) def test_register_unregister_isregistered(self): wizard_pool._clear() self.assertEqual(len(wizard_pool._entries), 0) wizard_pool.register(self.page_wizard) # Now, try to register the same thing with self.assertRaises(AlreadyRegisteredException): wizard_pool.register(self.page_wizard) self.assertEqual(len(wizard_pool._entries), 1) self.assertTrue(wizard_pool.is_registered(self.page_wizard)) self.assertTrue(wizard_pool.unregister(self.page_wizard)) self.assertEqual(len(wizard_pool._entries), 0) # Now, try to unregister something that is not registered self.assertFalse(wizard_pool.unregister(self.user_settings_wizard)) def test_get_entry(self): wizard_pool._clear() wizard_pool.register(self.page_wizard) entry = wizard_pool.get_entry(self.page_wizard) self.assertEqual(entry, self.page_wizard) def test_get_entries(self): """ Test that the registered entries are returned in weight-order, no matter which order they were added. """ wizard_pool._clear() wizard_pool.register(self.page_wizard) wizard_pool.register(self.user_settings_wizard) wizards = [self.page_wizard, self.user_settings_wizard] wizards = sorted(wizards, key=lambda e: getattr(e, 'weight')) entries = wizard_pool.get_entries() self.assertSequencesEqual(entries, wizards) wizard_pool._clear() wizard_pool.register(self.user_settings_wizard) wizard_pool.register(self.page_wizard) wizards = [self.page_wizard, self.user_settings_wizard] wizards = sorted(wizards, key=lambda e: getattr(e, 'weight')) entries = wizard_pool.get_entries() self.assertSequencesEqual(entries, wizards) class TestPageWizard(WizardTestMixin, CMSTestCase): def test_str(self): page_wizard = [ entry for entry in wizard_pool.get_entries() if isinstance(entry, CMSPageWizard) ][0] self.assertEqual(str(page_wizard), page_wizard.title) def test_repr(self): page_wizard = [ entry for entry in wizard_pool.get_entries() if isinstance(entry, CMSPageWizard) ][0] self.assertIn("cms.cms_wizards.CMSPageWizard", repr(page_wizard)) self.assertIn("id={}".format(, repr(page_wizard)) self.assertIn(hex(id(page_wizard)), repr(page_wizard)) def test_wizard_first_page_published(self): superuser = self.get_superuser() data = { 'title': 'page 1', 'slug': 'page_1', 'page_type': None, } form = CreateCMSPageForm( data=data, wizard_page=None, wizard_user=superuser, wizard_language='en', ) self.assertTrue(form.is_valid()) page = self.assertTrue(page.is_published('en')) with self.login_user_context(superuser): url = page.get_absolute_url('en') response = self.client.get(url) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) def test_wizard_create_child_page(self): superuser = self.get_superuser() parent_page = create_page( title="Parent", template=TEMPLATE_INHERITANCE_MAGIC, language="en", ) data = { 'title': 'Child', 'slug': 'child', 'page_type': None, } form = CreateCMSSubPageForm( data=data, wizard_page=parent_page, wizard_user=superuser, wizard_language='en', ) self.assertTrue(form.is_valid()) child_page = self.assertEqual(child_page.node.depth, 2) self.assertEqual(child_page.parent_page, parent_page) self.assertEqual(child_page.get_title('en'), 'Child') self.assertEqual(child_page.get_path('en'), 'parent/child') def test_wizard_create_child_page_under_page_type(self): """ When a user creates a child page through the wizard, if the parent page is a page-type, the child page should also be a page-type. """ site = get_current_site() superuser = self.get_superuser() source_page = create_page( title="Source", template=TEMPLATE_INHERITANCE_MAGIC, language="en", ) with self.login_user_context(superuser): self.get_admin_url(PageType, 'add'), data={'source':, 'title': 'type1', 'slug': 'type1', '_save': 1}, ) types_root = PageType.get_root_page(site) parent_page = types_root.get_child_pages()[0] data = { 'title': 'page-type-child', 'slug': 'page-type-child', 'page_type': None, } form = CreateCMSSubPageForm( data=data, wizard_page=parent_page, wizard_user=superuser, wizard_language='en', ) self.assertTrue(form.is_valid()) child_page = self.assertTrue(child_page.is_page_type) self.assertFalse(child_page.in_navigation) self.assertEqual(child_page.node.depth, 3) self.assertEqual(child_page.parent_page, parent_page) self.assertEqual(child_page.get_title('en'), 'page-type-child') self.assertEqual(child_page.get_path('en'), 'page_types/type1/page-type-child') def test_wizard_create_atomic(self): # Ref: # We'll simulate a scenario where a user creates a page with an # invalid template which causes Django to throw an error when the # template is scanned for placeholders and thus short circuits the # creation mechanism. superuser = self.get_superuser() data = { 'title': 'page 1', 'slug': 'page_1', 'page_type': None, } form = CreateCMSPageForm( data=data, wizard_page=None, wizard_user=superuser, wizard_language='en', ) self.assertTrue(form.is_valid()) self.assertFalse(Page.objects.filter(template=TEMPLATE_INHERITANCE_MAGIC).exists()) with self.settings(CMS_TEMPLATES=[("col_invalid.html", "notvalid")]): self.assertRaises(TemplateSyntaxError, # The template raised an exception which should cause the database to roll back # instead of committing a page in a partial state. self.assertFalse(Page.objects.filter(template=TEMPLATE_INHERITANCE_MAGIC).exists()) def test_wizard_content_placeholder_setting(self): """ Tests that the PageWizard respects the CMS_PAGE_WIZARD_CONTENT_PLACEHOLDER setting. """ templates = get_cms_setting('TEMPLATES') # NOTE, there are 4 placeholders on this template, defined in this # order: 'header', 'content', 'sub-content', 'footer'. # 'footer' is a static-placeholder. templates.append(('page_wizard.html', 'page_wizard.html', )) settings = { 'CMS_TEMPLATES': templates, 'CMS_PAGE_WIZARD_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE': 'page_wizard.html', 'CMS_PAGE_WIZARD_CONTENT_PLACEHOLDER': 'sub-content', } with override_settings(**settings): superuser = self.get_superuser() page = create_page("wizard home", "page_wizard.html", "en") publish_page(page, superuser, "en") content = '<p>sub-content content.</p>' data = { 'title': 'page 1', 'slug': 'page_1', 'page_type': None, 'content': content, } form = CreateCMSPageForm( data=data, wizard_page=page, wizard_user=superuser, wizard_language='en', ) self.assertTrue(form.is_valid()) page = page.publish('en') with self.login_user_context(superuser): url = page.get_absolute_url('en') expected = '<div class="sub-content">{0}</div>'.format(content) unexpected = '<div class="content">{0}</div>'.format(content) response = self.client.get(url) self.assertContains(response, expected, status_code=200) self.assertNotContains(response, unexpected, status_code=200) def test_wizard_content_placeholder_bad_setting(self): """ Tests that the PageWizard won't respect a 'bad' setting such as targeting a static-placeholder. In this case, will just fail to add the content (without error). """ templates = get_cms_setting('TEMPLATES') # NOTE, there are 4 placeholders on this template, defined in this # order: 'header', 'content', 'sub-content', 'footer'. # 'footer' is a static-placeholder. templates.append(('page_wizard.html', 'page_wizard.html', )) settings = { 'CMS_TEMPLATES': templates, 'CMS_PAGE_WIZARD_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE': 'page_wizard.html', # This is a bad setting. 'CMS_PAGE_WIZARD_CONTENT_PLACEHOLDER': 'footer', } with override_settings(**settings): superuser = self.get_superuser() page = create_page("wizard home", "page_wizard.html", "en") publish_page(page, superuser, "en") content = '<p>footer content.</p>' data = { 'title': 'page 1', 'slug': 'page_1', 'page_type': None, 'content': content, } form = CreateCMSPageForm( data=data, wizard_page=page, wizard_user=superuser, wizard_language='en', ) self.assertTrue(form.is_valid()) page = page.publish('en') with self.login_user_context(superuser): url = page.get_absolute_url('en') response = self.client.get(url) self.assertNotContains(response, content, status_code=200) def test_create_page_with_empty_fields(self): superuser = self.get_superuser() data = { 'title': '', 'slug': '', 'page_type': None, } form = CreateCMSPageForm( data=data, wizard_page=None, wizard_user=superuser, wizard_language='en', ) self.assertFalse(form.is_valid()) def test_create_page_with_existing_slug(self): superuser = self.get_superuser() data = { 'title': 'page', 'slug': 'page', 'page_type': None, } create_page( 'page', 'nav_playground.html', language='en', published=True, slug='page' ) # slug -> page-1 form = CreateCMSPageForm( data=data, wizard_page=None, wizard_user=superuser, wizard_language='en', ) self.assertTrue(form.is_valid()) self.assertTrue('page-2')) # slug -> page-2 form = CreateCMSPageForm( data=data, wizard_page=None, wizard_user=superuser, wizard_language='en', ) self.assertTrue(form.is_valid()) self.assertTrue('page-3')) # Now explicitly request the page-2 slug data['slug'] = 'page-2' # slug -> page-2-2 form = CreateCMSPageForm( data=data, wizard_page=None, wizard_user=superuser, wizard_language='en', ) self.assertTrue(form.is_valid()) self.assertTrue('page-2-2')) # slug -> page-2-3 form = CreateCMSPageForm( data=data, wizard_page=None, wizard_user=superuser, wizard_language='en', ) self.assertTrue(form.is_valid()) self.assertTrue('page-2-3'))
from django.conf.urls import patterns, include, url from django.contrib import admin urlpatterns = patterns('', # Examples: # url(r'^$', 'django_project.views.home', name='home'), # url(r'^blog/', include('blog.urls')), url(r'^$', include('apps.home.urls', namespace='home', app_name='home')), url(r'^app/', include('apps.gen.urls', namespace='gen', app_name='gen')), url(r'^admin/', include(, )
# this will go to src/common/xmpp later, for now it is in src/common # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- ## src/common/ ## ## Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Tomasz Melcer <liori AT> ## Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Yann Leboulanger <asterix AT> ## Copyright (C) 2007 Stephan Erb <steve-e AT> ## ## This file is part of Gajim. ## ## Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ## by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only. ## ## Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Gajim. If not, see <>. ## """ This module contains wrappers for different parts of data forms (JEP 0004). For information how to use them, read documentation """ import nbxmpp import helpers # exceptions used in this module # base class class Error(Exception): pass # when we get nbxmpp.Node which we do not understand class UnknownDataForm(Error): pass # when we get nbxmpp.Node which contains bad fields class WrongFieldValue(Error): pass # helper class to change class of already existing object class ExtendedNode(nbxmpp.Node, object): @classmethod def __new__(cls, *a, **b): if 'extend' not in b.keys() or not b['extend']: return object.__new__(cls) extend = b['extend'] assert issubclass(cls, extend.__class__) extend.__class__ = cls return extend # helper decorator to create properties in cleaner way def nested_property(f): ret = f() p = {'doc': f.__doc__} for v in ('fget', 'fset', 'fdel', 'doc'): if v in ret.keys(): p[v]=ret[v] return property(**p) # helper to create fields from scratch def Field(typ, **attrs): ''' Helper function to create a field of given type. ''' f = { 'boolean': BooleanField, 'fixed': StringField, 'hidden': StringField, 'text-private': StringField, 'text-single': StringField, 'jid-multi': JidMultiField, 'jid-single': JidSingleField, 'list-multi': ListMultiField, 'list-single': ListSingleField, 'text-multi': TextMultiField, }[typ](typ=typ, **attrs) return f def ExtendField(node): """ Helper function to extend a node to field of appropriate type """ # when validation (XEP-122) will go in, we could have another classes # like DateTimeField - so that dicts in Field() and ExtendField() will # be different... typ=node.getAttr('type') f = { 'boolean': BooleanField, 'fixed': StringField, 'hidden': StringField, 'text-private': StringField, 'text-single': StringField, 'jid-multi': JidMultiField, 'jid-single': JidSingleField, 'list-multi': ListMultiField, 'list-single': ListSingleField, 'text-multi': TextMultiField, } if typ not in f: typ = 'text-single' return f[typ](extend=node) def ExtendForm(node): """ Helper function to extend a node to form of appropriate type """ if node.getTag('reported') is not None: return MultipleDataForm(extend=node) else: return SimpleDataForm(extend=node) class DataField(ExtendedNode): """ Keeps data about one field - var, field type, labels, instructions... Base class for different kinds of fields. Use Field() function to construct one of these """ def __init__(self, typ=None, var=None, value=None, label=None, desc=None, required=False, options=None, extend=None): if extend is None: ExtendedNode.__init__(self, 'field') self.type_ = typ self.var = var if value is not None: self.value = value if label is not None: self.label = label if desc is not None: self.desc = desc self.required = required self.options = options @nested_property def type_(): """ Type of field. Recognized values are: 'boolean', 'fixed', 'hidden', 'jid-multi', 'jid-single', 'list-multi', 'list-single', 'text-multi', 'text-private', 'text-single'. If you set this to something different, DataField will store given name, but treat all data as text-single """ def fget(self): t = self.getAttr('type') if t is None: return 'text-single' return t def fset(self, value): assert isinstance(value, basestring) self.setAttr('type', value) return locals() @nested_property def var(): """ Field identifier """ def fget(self): return self.getAttr('var') def fset(self, value): assert isinstance(value, basestring) self.setAttr('var', value) def fdel(self): self.delAttr('var') return locals() @nested_property def label(): """ Human-readable field name """ def fget(self): l = self.getAttr('label') if not l: l = self.var return l def fset(self, value): assert isinstance(value, basestring) self.setAttr('label', value) def fdel(self): if self.getAttr('label'): self.delAttr('label') return locals() @nested_property def description(): """ Human-readable description of field meaning """ def fget(self): return self.getTagData('desc') or u'' def fset(self, value): assert isinstance(value, basestring) if value == '': fdel(self) else: self.setTagData('desc', value) def fdel(self): t = self.getTag('desc') if t is not None: self.delChild(t) return locals() @nested_property def required(): """ Controls whether this field required to fill. Boolean """ def fget(self): return bool(self.getTag('required')) def fset(self, value): t = self.getTag('required') if t and not value: self.delChild(t) elif not t and value: self.addChild('required') return locals() @nested_property def media(): """ Media data """ def fget(self): media = self.getTag('media', namespace=nbxmpp.NS_DATA_MEDIA) if media: return Media(media) def fset(self, value): fdel(self) self.addChild(node=value) def fdel(self): t = self.getTag('media') if t is not None: self.delChild(t) return locals() def is_valid(self): return True class Uri(nbxmpp.Node): def __init__(self, uri_tag): nbxmpp.Node.__init__(self, node=uri_tag) @nested_property def type_(): """ uri type """ def fget(self): return self.getAttr('type') def fset(self, value): self.setAttr('type', value) def fdel(self): self.delAttr('type') return locals() @nested_property def uri_data(): """ uri data """ def fget(self): return self.getData() def fset(self, value): self.setData(value) def fdel(self): self.setData(None) return locals() class Media(nbxmpp.Node): def __init__(self, media_tag): nbxmpp.Node.__init__(self, node=media_tag) @nested_property def uris(): """ URIs of the media element. """ def fget(self): return map(Uri, self.getTags('uri')) def fset(self, values): fdel(self) for uri in values: self.addChild(node=uri) def fdel(self): for element in self.getTags('uri'): self.delChild(element) return locals() class BooleanField(DataField): @nested_property def value(): """ Value of field. May contain True, False or None """ def fget(self): v = self.getTagData('value') if v in ('0', 'false'): return False if v in ('1', 'true'): return True if v is None: return False # default value is False raise WrongFieldValue def fset(self, value): self.setTagData('value', value and '1' or '0') def fdel(self, value): t = self.getTag('value') if t is not None: self.delChild(t) return locals() class StringField(DataField): """ Covers fields of types: fixed, hidden, text-private, text-single """ @nested_property def value(): """ Value of field. May be any unicode string """ def fget(self): return self.getTagData('value') or u'' def fset(self, value): assert isinstance(value, basestring) if value == '' and not self.required: return fdel(self) self.setTagData('value', value) def fdel(self): try: self.delChild(self.getTag('value')) except ValueError: # if there already were no value tag pass return locals() class ListField(DataField): """ Covers fields of types: jid-multi, jid-single, list-multi, list-single """ @nested_property def options(): """ Options """ def fget(self): options = [] for element in self.getTags('option'): v = element.getTagData('value') if v is None: raise WrongFieldValue l = element.getAttr('label') if not l: l = v options.append((l, v)) return options def fset(self, values): fdel(self) for value, label in values: self.addChild('option', {'label': label}).setTagData('value', value) def fdel(self): for element in self.getTags('option'): self.delChild(element) return locals() def iter_options(self): for element in self.iterTags('option'): v = element.getTagData('value') if v is None: raise WrongFieldValue l = element.getAttr('label') if not l: l = v yield (v, l) class ListSingleField(ListField, StringField): """ Covers list-single field """ def is_valid(self): if not self.required: return True if not self.value: return False return True class JidSingleField(ListSingleField): """ Covers jid-single fields """ def is_valid(self): if self.value: try: helpers.parse_jid(self.value) return True except: return False if self.required: return False return True class ListMultiField(ListField): """ Covers list-multi fields """ @nested_property def values(): """ Values held in field """ def fget(self): values = [] for element in self.getTags('value'): values.append(element.getData()) return values def fset(self, values): fdel(self) for value in values: self.addChild('value').setData(value) def fdel(self): for element in self.getTags('value'): self.delChild(element) return locals() def iter_values(self): for element in self.getTags('value'): yield element.getData() def is_valid(self): if not self.required: return True if not self.values: return False return True class JidMultiField(ListMultiField): """ Covers jid-multi fields """ def is_valid(self): if len(self.values): for value in self.values: try: helpers.parse_jid(value) except: return False return True if self.required: return False return True class TextMultiField(DataField): @nested_property def value(): """ Value held in field """ def fget(self): value = u'' for element in self.iterTags('value'): value += '\n' + element.getData() return value[1:] def fset(self, value): fdel(self) if value == '': return for line in value.split('\n'): self.addChild('value').setData(line) def fdel(self): for element in self.getTags('value'): self.delChild(element) return locals() class DataRecord(ExtendedNode): """ The container for data fields - an xml element which has DataField elements as children """ def __init__(self, fields=None, associated=None, extend=None): self.associated = associated self.vars = {} if extend is None: # we have to build this object from scratch nbxmpp.Node.__init__(self) if fields is not None: self.fields = fields else: # we already have nbxmpp.Node inside - try to convert all # fields into DataField objects if fields is None: for field in self.iterTags('field'): if not isinstance(field, DataField): ExtendField(field) self.vars[field.var] = field else: for field in self.getTags('field'): self.delChild(field) self.fields = fields @nested_property def fields(): """ List of fields in this record """ def fget(self): return self.getTags('field') def fset(self, fields): fdel(self) for field in fields: if not isinstance(field, DataField): ExtendField(extend=field) self.addChild(node=field) def fdel(self): for element in self.getTags('field'): self.delChild(element) return locals() def iter_fields(self): """ Iterate over fields in this record. Do not take associated into account """ for field in self.iterTags('field'): yield field def iter_with_associated(self): """ Iterate over associated, yielding both our field and associated one together """ for field in self.associated.iter_fields(): yield self[field.var], field def __getitem__(self, item): return self.vars[item] def is_valid(self): for f in self.iter_fields(): if not f.is_valid(): return False return True class DataForm(ExtendedNode): def __init__(self, type_=None, title=None, instructions=None, extend=None): if extend is None: # we have to build form from scratch nbxmpp.Node.__init__(self, 'x', attrs={'xmlns': nbxmpp.NS_DATA}) if type_ is not None: self.type_=type_ if title is not None: self.title=title if instructions is not None: self.instructions=instructions @nested_property def type_(): """ Type of the form. Must be one of: 'form', 'submit', 'cancel', 'result'. 'form' - this form is to be filled in; you will be able soon to do: filledform = DataForm(replyto=thisform) """ def fget(self): return self.getAttr('type') def fset(self, type_): assert type_ in ('form', 'submit', 'cancel', 'result') self.setAttr('type', type_) return locals() @nested_property def title(): """ Title of the form Human-readable, should not contain any \\r\\n. """ def fget(self): return self.getTagData('title') def fset(self, title): self.setTagData('title', title) def fdel(self): try: self.delChild('title') except ValueError: pass return locals() @nested_property def instructions(): """ Instructions for this form Human-readable, may contain \\r\\n. """ # TODO: the same code is in TextMultiField. join them def fget(self): value = u'' for valuenode in self.getTags('instructions'): value += '\n' + valuenode.getData() return value[1:] def fset(self, value): fdel(self) if value == '': return for line in value.split('\n'): self.addChild('instructions').setData(line) def fdel(self): for value in self.getTags('instructions'): self.delChild(value) return locals() class SimpleDataForm(DataForm, DataRecord): def __init__(self, type_=None, title=None, instructions=None, fields=None, \ extend=None): DataForm.__init__(self, type_=type_, title=title, instructions=instructions, extend=extend) DataRecord.__init__(self, fields=fields, extend=self, associated=self) def get_purged(self): c = SimpleDataForm(extend=self) del c.title c.instructions = '' to_be_removed = [] for f in c.iter_fields(): if f.required: # add <value> if there is not if hasattr(f, 'value') and not f.value: f.value = '' # Keep all required fields continue if (hasattr(f, 'value') and not f.value and f.value != 0) or ( hasattr(f, 'values') and len(f.values) == 0): to_be_removed.append(f) else: del f.label del f.description del for f in to_be_removed: c.delChild(f) return c class MultipleDataForm(DataForm): def __init__(self, type_=None, title=None, instructions=None, items=None, extend=None): DataForm.__init__(self, type_=type_, title=title, instructions=instructions, extend=extend) # all records, recorded into DataRecords if extend is None: if items is not None: self.items = items else: # we already have nbxmpp.Node inside - try to convert all # fields into DataField objects if items is None: self.items = list(self.iterTags('item')) else: for item in self.getTags('item'): self.delChild(item) self.items = items reported_tag = self.getTag('reported') self.reported = DataRecord(extend=reported_tag) @nested_property def items(): """ A list of all records """ def fget(self): return list(self.iter_records()) def fset(self, records): fdel(self) for record in records: if not isinstance(record, DataRecord): DataRecord(extend=record) self.addChild(node=record) def fdel(self): for record in self.getTags('item'): self.delChild(record) return locals() def iter_records(self): for record in self.getTags('item'): yield record # @nested_property # def reported(): # """ # DataRecord that contains descriptions of fields in records # """ # def fget(self): # return self.getTag('reported') # def fset(self, record): # try: # self.delChild('reported') # except: # pass # # record.setName('reported') # self.addChild(node=record) # return locals()
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ # Copyright (c) 2016 Google, Inc # Written by Simon Glass <[email protected]> # # Test for the fdt modules import os import sys import tempfile import unittest from dtoc import fdt from dtoc import fdt_util from dtoc.fdt import FdtScan from patman import tools class TestFdt(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(self): self._binman_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) self._indir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='binmant.') tools.PrepareOutputDir(self._indir, True) @classmethod def tearDownClass(self): tools._FinaliseForTest() def TestFile(self, fname): return os.path.join(self._binman_dir, 'test', fname) def GetCompiled(self, fname): return fdt_util.EnsureCompiled(self.TestFile(fname)) def _DeleteProp(self, dt): node = dt.GetNode('/microcode/update@0') node.DeleteProp('data') def testFdtNormal(self): fname = self.GetCompiled('034_x86_ucode.dts') dt = FdtScan(fname) self._DeleteProp(dt) def testFdtNormalProp(self): fname = self.GetCompiled('045_prop_test.dts') dt = FdtScan(fname) node = dt.GetNode('/binman/intel-me') self.assertEquals('intel-me', val = fdt_util.GetString(node, 'filename') self.assertEquals(str, type(val)) self.assertEquals('me.bin', val) prop = node.props['intval'] self.assertEquals(fdt.TYPE_INT, prop.type) self.assertEquals(3, fdt_util.GetInt(node, 'intval')) prop = node.props['intarray'] self.assertEquals(fdt.TYPE_INT, prop.type) self.assertEquals(list, type(prop.value)) self.assertEquals(2, len(prop.value)) self.assertEquals([5, 6], [fdt_util.fdt32_to_cpu(val) for val in prop.value]) prop = node.props['byteval'] self.assertEquals(fdt.TYPE_BYTE, prop.type) self.assertEquals(chr(8), prop.value) prop = node.props['bytearray'] self.assertEquals(fdt.TYPE_BYTE, prop.type) self.assertEquals(list, type(prop.value)) self.assertEquals(str, type(prop.value[0])) self.assertEquals(3, len(prop.value)) self.assertEquals([chr(1), '#', '4'], prop.value) prop = node.props['longbytearray'] self.assertEquals(fdt.TYPE_INT, prop.type) self.assertEquals(0x090a0b0c, fdt_util.GetInt(node, 'longbytearray')) prop = node.props['stringval'] self.assertEquals(fdt.TYPE_STRING, prop.type) self.assertEquals('message2', fdt_util.GetString(node, 'stringval')) prop = node.props['stringarray'] self.assertEquals(fdt.TYPE_STRING, prop.type) self.assertEquals(list, type(prop.value)) self.assertEquals(3, len(prop.value)) self.assertEquals(['another', 'multi-word', 'message'], prop.value)
from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import division from __future__ import absolute_import import unittest from jnius import autoclass class PassByReferenceOrValueTest(unittest.TestCase): def _verify(self, numbers, changed): for i in range(len(numbers)): self.assertEqual(numbers[i], i * i if changed else i) def _verify_all(self, numbers, changed): for n, c in zip(numbers, changed): self._verify(n, c) def test_single_param_static(self): VariablePassing = autoclass('org.jnius.VariablePassing') # passed by reference (default), numbers should change numbers = list(range(10)) VariablePassing.singleParamStatic(numbers) self._verify(numbers, True) # passed by reference, numbers should change numbers = list(range(10)) VariablePassing.singleParamStatic(numbers, pass_by_reference=True) self._verify(numbers, True) # passed by value, numbers should not change numbers = list(range(10)) VariablePassing.singleParamStatic(numbers, pass_by_reference=False) self._verify(numbers, False) def test_single_param(self): VariablePassing = autoclass('org.jnius.VariablePassing') variablePassing = VariablePassing() # passed by reference (default), numbers should change numbers = list(range(10)) variablePassing.singleParam(numbers) self._verify(numbers, True) # passed by reference, numbers should change numbers = list(range(10)) variablePassing.singleParam(numbers, pass_by_reference=True) self._verify(numbers, True) # passed by value, numbers should not change numbers = list(range(10)) variablePassing.singleParam(numbers, pass_by_reference=False) self._verify(numbers, False) def test_multiple_params_static(self): VariablePassing = autoclass('org.jnius.VariablePassing') # passed by reference (default), all numbers should change numbers = [list(range(10)) for _ in range(4)] VariablePassing.multipleParamsStatic(*numbers) self._verify_all(numbers, [True] * 4) # passed by reference, all numbers should change numbers = [list(range(10)) for _ in range(4)] VariablePassing.multipleParamsStatic(*numbers, pass_by_reference=True) self._verify_all(numbers, [True] * 4) # passed by value, no numbers should change numbers = [list(range(10)) for _ in range(4)] VariablePassing.multipleParamsStatic(*numbers, pass_by_reference=False) self._verify_all(numbers, [False] * 4) # only the first set of numbers should change numbers = [list(range(10)) for _ in range(4)] VariablePassing.multipleParamsStatic(*numbers, pass_by_reference=[True, False]) self._verify_all(numbers, [True, False, False, False]) # only the first set of numbers should not change numbers = [list(range(10)) for _ in range(4)] VariablePassing.multipleParamsStatic(*numbers, pass_by_reference=[False, True]) self._verify_all(numbers, [False, True, True, True]) # only the odd sets of numbers should change numbers = [list(range(10)) for _ in range(4)] changed = (True, False, True, False) VariablePassing.multipleParamsStatic(*numbers, pass_by_reference=changed) self._verify_all(numbers, changed) # only the even sets of numbers should change numbers = [list(range(10)) for _ in range(4)] changed = (False, True, False, True) VariablePassing.multipleParamsStatic(*numbers, pass_by_reference=changed) self._verify_all(numbers, changed) def test_multiple_params(self): VariablePassing = autoclass('org.jnius.VariablePassing') variablePassing = VariablePassing() # passed by reference (default), all numbers should change numbers = [list(range(10)) for _ in range(4)] variablePassing.multipleParams(*numbers) self._verify_all(numbers, [True] * 4) # passed by reference, all numbers should change numbers = [list(range(10)) for _ in range(4)] variablePassing.multipleParams(*numbers, pass_by_reference=True) self._verify_all(numbers, [True] * 4) # passed by value, no numbers should change numbers = [list(range(10)) for _ in range(4)] variablePassing.multipleParams(*numbers, pass_by_reference=False) self._verify_all(numbers, [False] * 4) # only the first set of numbers should change numbers = [list(range(10)) for _ in range(4)] variablePassing.multipleParams(*numbers, pass_by_reference=[True, False]) self._verify_all(numbers, [True, False, False, False]) # only the first set of numbers should not change numbers = [list(range(10)) for _ in range(4)] variablePassing.multipleParams(*numbers, pass_by_reference=[False, True]) self._verify_all(numbers, [False, True, True, True]) # only the odd sets of numbers should change numbers = [list(range(10)) for _ in range(4)] changed = (True, False, True, False) variablePassing.multipleParams(*numbers, pass_by_reference=changed) self._verify_all(numbers, changed) # only the even sets of numbers should change numbers = [list(range(10)) for _ in range(4)] changed = (False, True, False, True) variablePassing.multipleParams(*numbers, pass_by_reference=changed) self._verify_all(numbers, changed) def test_contructor_single_param(self): VariablePassing = autoclass('org.jnius.VariablePassing') # passed by reference (default), numbers should change numbers = list(range(10)) variablePassing = VariablePassing(numbers) self._verify(numbers, True) # passed by reference, numbers should change numbers = list(range(10)) variablePassing = VariablePassing(numbers, pass_by_reference=True) self._verify(numbers, True) # passed by value, numbers should not change numbers = list(range(10)) variablePassing = VariablePassing(numbers, pass_by_reference=False) self._verify(numbers, False) def test_contructor_multiple_params(self): VariablePassing = autoclass('org.jnius.VariablePassing') # passed by reference (default), all numbers should change numbers = [list(range(10)) for _ in range(4)] variablePassing = VariablePassing(*numbers) self._verify_all(numbers, [True] * 4) # passed by reference, all numbers should change numbers = [list(range(10)) for _ in range(4)] variablePassing = VariablePassing(*numbers, pass_by_reference=True) self._verify_all(numbers, [True] * 4) # passed by value, no numbers should change numbers = [list(range(10)) for _ in range(4)] variablePassing = VariablePassing(*numbers, pass_by_reference=False) self._verify_all(numbers, [False] * 4) # only the first set of numbers should change numbers = [list(range(10)) for _ in range(4)] variablePassing = VariablePassing(*numbers, pass_by_reference=[True, False]) self._verify_all(numbers, [True, False, False, False]) # only the first set of numbers should not change numbers = [list(range(10)) for _ in range(4)] variablePassing = VariablePassing(*numbers, pass_by_reference=[False, True]) self._verify_all(numbers, [False, True, True, True]) # only the odd sets of numbers should change numbers = [list(range(10)) for _ in range(4)] changed = (True, False, True, False) variablePassing = VariablePassing(*numbers, pass_by_reference=changed) self._verify_all(numbers, changed) # only the even sets of numbers should change numbers = [list(range(10)) for _ in range(4)] changed = (False, True, False, True) variablePassing = VariablePassing(*numbers, pass_by_reference=changed) self._verify_all(numbers, changed)
from setuptools import setup setup( name = 'mcnotify', version = '1.0.1', author = 'Shusui Moyatani', author_email = '[email protected]', url = '', license = ['MIT'], description = 'Minecraft status notifier', scripts = ['scripts/mcnotify_update'], install_requires = ['mcstatus>=2.1'], )
import collections import nltk.classify.util, nltk.metrics from nltk.classify import NaiveBayesClassifier from nltk.classify import DecisionTreeClassifier from nltk.corpus import CategorizedPlaintextCorpusReader from sklearn import svm from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC import string from tabulate import tabulate corpus_root1='/Users/tianhan/Dropbox/Advanced_big_data_Project/aclImdb/train' train=CategorizedPlaintextCorpusReader(corpus_root1,r'(pos|neg)/.*\.txt',cat_pattern=r'(pos|neg)/.*\.txt') corpus_root2='/Users/tianhan/Dropbox/Advanced_big_data_Project/aclImdb/test' test=CategorizedPlaintextCorpusReader(corpus_root2,r'(pos|neg)/.*\.txt',cat_pattern=r'(pos|neg)/.*\.txt') def evaluate_classifier_Naive(featx): train_negids = train.fileids('neg') train_posids = train.fileids('pos') test_negids = test.fileids('neg') test_posids = test.fileids('pos') train_negfeats = [(featx(train.words(fileids=[f])), 'neg') for f in train_negids] train_posfeats = [(featx(train.words(fileids=[f])), 'pos') for f in train_posids] test_negfeats = [(featx(test.words(fileids=[f])), 'neg') for f in test_negids] test_posfeats = [(featx(test.words(fileids=[f])), 'pos') for f in test_posids] trainfeats = train_negfeats + train_posfeats testfeats = test_negfeats + test_posfeats Naive_classifier = NaiveBayesClassifier.train(trainfeats) refsets = collections.defaultdict(set) testsets_Naive = collections.defaultdict(set) for i, (feats, label) in enumerate(testfeats): refsets[label].add(i) observed_Naive = Naive_classifier.classify(feats) testsets_Naive[observed_Naive].add(i) accuracy1 = nltk.classify.util.accuracy(Naive_classifier, testfeats) pos_precision1 = nltk.metrics.precision(refsets['pos'], testsets_Naive['pos']) pos_recall1 = nltk.metrics.recall(refsets['pos'], testsets_Naive['pos']) neg_precision1 = nltk.metrics.precision(refsets['neg'], testsets_Naive['neg']) neg_recall1 = nltk.metrics.recall(refsets['neg'], testsets_Naive['neg']) Naive_classifier.show_most_informative_features(50) return(['NaiveBayes',accuracy1,pos_precision1,pos_recall1,neg_precision1,neg_recall1]) def evaluate_classifier_SVM(featx): train_negids = train.fileids('neg') train_posids = train.fileids('pos') test_negids = test.fileids('neg') test_posids = test.fileids('pos') train_negfeats = [(featx(train.words(fileids=[f])), 'neg') for f in train_negids] train_posfeats = [(featx(train.words(fileids=[f])), 'pos') for f in train_posids] test_negfeats = [(featx(test.words(fileids=[f])), 'neg') for f in test_negids] test_posfeats = [(featx(test.words(fileids=[f])), 'pos') for f in test_posids] trainfeats = train_negfeats + train_posfeats testfeats = test_negfeats + test_posfeats classifier = nltk.classify.SklearnClassifier(LinearSVC()) SVM_classifier = classifier.train(trainfeats) refsets = collections.defaultdict(set) testsets_SVM = collections.defaultdict(set) for i, (feats, label) in enumerate(testfeats): refsets[label].add(i) observed_SVM = classifier.classify(feats) testsets_SVM[observed_SVM].add(i) accuracy2 = nltk.classify.util.accuracy(classifier, testfeats) pos_precision2 = nltk.metrics.precision(refsets['pos'], testsets_SVM['pos']) pos_recall2 = nltk.metrics.recall(refsets['pos'], testsets_SVM['pos']) neg_precision2 = nltk.metrics.precision(refsets['neg'], testsets_SVM['neg']) neg_recall2 = nltk.metrics.recall(refsets['neg'], testsets_SVM['neg']) return(['SVM',accuracy2,pos_precision2,pos_recall2,neg_precision2,neg_recall2]) def evaluate_classifier_Decision(featx): train_negids = train.fileids('neg') train_posids = train.fileids('pos') test_negids = test.fileids('neg') test_posids = test.fileids('pos') train_negfeats = [(featx(train.words(fileids=[f])), 'neg') for f in train_negids] train_posfeats = [(featx(train.words(fileids=[f])), 'pos') for f in train_posids] test_negfeats = [(featx(test.words(fileids=[f])), 'neg') for f in test_negids] test_posfeats = [(featx(test.words(fileids=[f])), 'pos') for f in test_posids] trainfeats = train_negfeats + train_posfeats testfeats = test_negfeats + test_posfeats train_negcutoff = len(train_negfeats)*1/100 train_poscutoff = len(train_posfeats)*1/100 trainfeats_Decision = train_negfeats[:train_negcutoff] + train_posfeats[:train_poscutoff] DecisionTree_classifier = DecisionTreeClassifier.train(trainfeats_Decision) refsets = collections.defaultdict(set) testsets_Decision = collections.defaultdict(set) for i, (feats, label) in enumerate(testfeats): refsets[label].add(i) observed_Decision = DecisionTree_classifier.classify(feats) testsets_Decision[observed_Decision].add(i) accuracy3 = nltk.classify.util.accuracy(DecisionTree_classifier, testfeats) pos_precision3 = nltk.metrics.precision(refsets['pos'], testsets_Decision['pos']) pos_recall3 = nltk.metrics.recall(refsets['pos'], testsets_Decision['pos']) neg_precision3 = nltk.metrics.precision(refsets['neg'], testsets_Decision['neg']) neg_recall3 = nltk.metrics.recall(refsets['neg'], testsets_Decision['neg']) return(['DecisionTree',accuracy3,pos_precision3,pos_recall3,neg_precision3,neg_recall3]) def word_feats(words): return dict([(word, True) for word in words]) table1 = [] table1.append(evaluate_classifier_Naive(word_feats)) table1.append(evaluate_classifier_SVM(word_feats)) table1.append(evaluate_classifier_Decision(word_feats)) print('Single word features:') print(tabulate(table1, headers=["Classifier","Accuracy","Positive precision", "Positive recall", "Negative precision", "Negative recall"])) import itertools from nltk.collocations import BigramCollocationFinder from nltk.metrics import BigramAssocMeasures def bigram_word_feats(words, score_fn=BigramAssocMeasures.chi_sq, n=200): words_nopunc = [word for word in words if word not in string.punctuation] bigram_finder = BigramCollocationFinder.from_words(words_nopunc) bigrams = bigram_finder.nbest(score_fn, n) return dict([(ngram, True) for ngram in itertools.chain(words_nopunc, bigrams)]) table2 = [] table2.append(evaluate_classifier_Naive(bigram_word_feats)) table2.append(evaluate_classifier_SVM(bigram_word_feats)) table2.append(evaluate_classifier_Decision(bigram_word_feats)) print('Bigram word features:') print(tabulate(table2, headers=["Classifier","Accuracy","Positive precision", "Positive recall", "Negative precision", "Negative recall"]))
Sentiment Analysis /
''' Created on Jun 12, 2014 Modified on Jun 16, 2014 Version 0.03 @author: [email protected] A simple Python Program to scrape the BBC News website for content. ''' from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import os, sys, csv import urllib2 import datetime # Define current path for the Script currentPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath("__file__")) # Get the BBC News Website to a Variable webpage = urllib2.urlopen("") soup = BeautifulSoup(webpage) # Define and output the raw HTML to a local file for reference outputTxt = currentPath + '/BBC_news.html' with open(outputTxt, "w") as f: f.write(soup.prettify("utf-8")) f.close() # Create writer object # writer = csv.writer(outputTxt, delimiter='|') # Find the Block Main Navigation divNavMain = soup.find("ul", {"id":"blq-nav-main"}) #print divNavMain.prettify("utf-8") # Pull out the navigation elements from the blq-nav-main list divElements = divNavMain.find_all("a") # for i in divElements: # print i.a # print i.href divListMain = divNavMain.find_all("li") for i in divListMain: print i.a # print i.prettify("utf-8") # Get Main Contents of the Page divMain = soup.find("div", {"id":"main-content"}) # Get Page Last Update Date & Time divUpdateSpan = soup.find("div", {"class":"index-date"}) divUpdateDate = divUpdateSpan.find("span", {"class":"date"}) divUpdateTime = divUpdateSpan.find("span", {"class":"time"}) print divUpdateDate.get_text() + ' ' + divUpdateTime.get_text() print outputTxt ts ="%H:%M:%S") ds ="%Y-%m-%d") # Output to File Header with open('Update.txt', "a") as f: f.write(ds + '|' + ts + '|' + divUpdateDate.get_text() + '|' + divUpdateTime.get_text() + '|' + soup.title.get_text() +'\n') f.close()
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) 2013, Phillip Gentry <[email protected]> # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <>. ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.0', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: github_hooks short_description: Manages github service hooks. description: - Adds service hooks and removes service hooks that have an error status. version_added: "1.4" options: user: description: - Github username. required: true oauthkey: description: - The oauth key provided by github. It can be found/generated on github under "Edit Your Profile" >> "Applications" >> "Personal Access Tokens" required: true repo: description: - "This is the API url for the repository you want to manage hooks for. It should be in the form of: Note this is different than the normal repo url." required: true hookurl: description: - When creating a new hook, this is the url that you want github to post to. It is only required when creating a new hook. required: false action: description: - This tells the githooks module what you want it to do. required: true choices: [ "create", "cleanall", "list", "clean504" ] validate_certs: description: - If C(no), SSL certificates for the target repo will not be validated. This should only be used on personally controlled sites using self-signed certificates. required: false default: 'yes' choices: ['yes', 'no'] content_type: description: - Content type to use for requests made to the webhook required: false default: 'json' choices: ['json', 'form'] author: "Phillip Gentry, CX Inc (@pcgentry)" ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Example creating a new service hook. It ignores duplicates. - github_hooks: action: create hookurl: user: '{{ gituser }}' oauthkey: '{{ oauthkey }}' repo: # Cleaning all hooks for this repo that had an error on the last update. Since this works for all hooks in a repo it is probably best that this would be called from a handler. - github_hooks: action: cleanall user: '{{ gituser }}' oauthkey: '{{ oauthkey }}' repo: '{{ repo }}' delegate_to: localhost ''' try: import json except ImportError: try: import simplejson as json except ImportError: # Let snippet from module_utils/ return a proper error in this case pass import base64 def _list(module, hookurl, oauthkey, repo, user): url = "%s/hooks" % repo auth = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (user, oauthkey)).replace('\n', '') headers = { 'Authorization': 'Basic %s' % auth, } response, info = fetch_url(module, url, headers=headers) if info['status'] != 200: return False, '' else: return False, def _clean504(module, hookurl, oauthkey, repo, user): current_hooks = _list(hookurl, oauthkey, repo, user)[1] decoded = json.loads(current_hooks) for hook in decoded: if hook['last_response']['code'] == 504: # print "Last response was an ERROR for hook:" # print hook['id'] _delete(module, hookurl, oauthkey, repo, user, hook['id']) return 0, current_hooks def _cleanall(module, hookurl, oauthkey, repo, user): current_hooks = _list(hookurl, oauthkey, repo, user)[1] decoded = json.loads(current_hooks) for hook in decoded: if hook['last_response']['code'] != 200: # print "Last response was an ERROR for hook:" # print hook['id'] _delete(module, hookurl, oauthkey, repo, user, hook['id']) return 0, current_hooks def _create(module, hookurl, oauthkey, repo, user, content_type): url = "%s/hooks" % repo values = { "active": True, "name": "web", "config": { "url": "%s" % hookurl, "content_type": "%s" % content_type } } data = json.dumps(values) auth = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (user, oauthkey)).replace('\n', '') headers = { 'Authorization': 'Basic %s' % auth, } response, info = fetch_url(module, url, data=data, headers=headers) if info['status'] != 200: return 0, '[]' else: return 0, def _delete(module, hookurl, oauthkey, repo, user, hookid): url = "%s/hooks/%s" % (repo, hookid) auth = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (user, oauthkey)).replace('\n', '') headers = { 'Authorization': 'Basic %s' % auth, } response, info = fetch_url(module, url, data=data, headers=headers, method='DELETE') return def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( action=dict(required=True, choices=['list','clean504','cleanall','create']), hookurl=dict(required=False), oauthkey=dict(required=True, no_log=True), repo=dict(required=True), user=dict(required=True), validate_certs=dict(default='yes', type='bool'), content_type=dict(default='json', choices=['json', 'form']), ) ) action = module.params['action'] hookurl = module.params['hookurl'] oauthkey = module.params['oauthkey'] repo = module.params['repo'] user = module.params['user'] content_type = module.params['content_type'] if action == "list": (rc, out) = _list(module, hookurl, oauthkey, repo, user) if action == "clean504": (rc, out) = _clean504(module, hookurl, oauthkey, repo, user) if action == "cleanall": (rc, out) = _cleanall(module, hookurl, oauthkey, repo, user) if action == "create": (rc, out) = _create(module, hookurl, oauthkey, repo, user, content_type) if rc != 0: module.fail_json(msg="failed", result=out) module.exit_json(msg="success", result=out) # import module snippets from ansible.module_utils.basic import * from ansible.module_utils.urls import * if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# basic plugin # example by Ryan Gaus # from from base import * """ A sample parser, that should explain everything nicely """ class sample_parser(parser): # tells the main program if it should use this plugin to parse its query # the query is contained within self.query def validate(self): return "sample" in self.query # the real code of the plugin, this should parse the incoming # query (again, self.query) and return status information def parse(self, parent): # the response self.resp["text"] = "This is a sample response!" # an id: give your plugin a unique one, it is used to distinguish # which plugins made queries self.resp["type"] = "sample" # the query went fine! Also, STATUS_ERR for a general error, or # STATUS_NO_HIT if the program couldn't find what it was looking for self.resp["status"] = STATUS_OK # return the query return self.resp
import warnings from chempy.util.testing import requires from chempy.units import units_library from ..water_diffusivity_holz_2000 import water_self_diffusion_coefficient as w_sd def test_water_self_diffusion_coefficient(): warnings.filterwarnings("error") assert abs(w_sd(273.15 + 0.0) - 1.099e-9) < 0.027e-9 assert abs(w_sd(273.15 + 4.0) - 1.261e-9) < 0.011e-9 assert abs(w_sd(273.15 + 10) - 1.525e-9) < 0.007e-9 assert abs(w_sd(273.15 + 15) - 1.765e-9) < 0.006e-9 assert abs(w_sd(273.15 + 20) - 2.023e-9) < 0.001e-9 assert abs(w_sd(273.15 + 25) - 2.299e-9) < 0.001e-9 assert abs(w_sd(273.15 + 30) - 2.594e-9) < 0.001e-9 assert abs(w_sd(273.15 + 35) - 2.907e-9) < 0.004e-9 try: w_sd(1) except UserWarning: pass # good warning raised else: raise warnings.resetwarnings() @requires(units_library) def test_water_self_diffusion_coefficient__units(): from chempy.units import allclose, linspace, default_units as u unit = u.m ** 2 / u.s assert allclose( 1e9 * w_sd(298.15 * u.K, units=u), 2.299 * unit, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-8 * unit ) assert allclose( 1e9 * w_sd(linspace(297, 299) * u.K, units=u), 2.299 * u.m ** 2 / u.s, rtol=5e-2, atol=1e-2 * unit, )
# Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Build input pipelines that span TPU pods for optimal performance. It's common to batch sequences according to their length. Unfortunately, a naive scaling of such an input pipeline across a pod will result in each host choosing the sequence length bucket independently. Concretely, host A may select sequences of a short length, while host B may select sequences of a very long length. Because every step involves a blocking all-reduce phase, host A must wait for host B. The input pipeline designed within synchronizes the hosts such that they all select a sequence length bucket of the same length, resulting in up to 50% performance improvements across large TPU pod slices. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import time import tensorflow as tf from import multi_device_iterator_ops from tpu import low_level_runner from tpu.utils import vocab_utils class DistributedPipeline(tf.train.SessionRunHook): """DistributedPipeline encapsulates constructing the distributed pipeline. We use a class because we need to construct the pipeline in a graph managed by [TPU]Estimator. As a result, we cannot pre-construct it using a normal function, as Estimator wants to manage the graph itself. We use a class because we need to capture the initializer and pass it to the train call to TPUEstimator while simultaneously passing ourselves as the input function. """ def __init__(self, hparams, num_hosts): """Constructs a DistributedPipeline. Args: hparams: The hparams object for this model. num_hosts: The number of hosts in the slice of the TPU pod. Throws: ValueError: If the passed values are invalid. """ self._hparams = hparams self._num_hosts = num_hosts self._iterator = None self._outputs = None global_batch_size = hparams.batch_size if global_batch_size % num_hosts != 0: raise ValueError( "global_batch_size (%s) must be a multiple of num_hosts (%s)" % (global_batch_size, num_hosts)) def after_create_session(self, session, coord): del coord start = time.time()"Initialized multi-host dataset iterators in %d seconds", time.time() - start) def iterator(self): return self._iterator def __call__(self, params): if not self._outputs: self._iterator = _make_distributed_pipeline(self._hparams, self._num_hosts) self._outputs = self._iterator.get_next() if "context" in params: current_host = params["context"].current_input_fn_deployment()[1] elif "dataset_index" in params: current_host = params["dataset_index"] else: raise ValueError('Expect "context" or "dataset_index" in params.') return self._outputs[current_host] def _make_distributed_pipeline(hparams, num_hosts): """Makes the distributed input pipeline. make_distributed_pipeline must be used in the PER_HOST_V1 configuration. Note: we return both the input function and the hook because MultiDeviceIterator is not compatible with Estimator / TPUEstimator. Args: hparams: The hyperparameters to use. num_hosts: The number of hosts we're running across. Returns: A MultiDeviceIterator. """ # TODO: Merge with the original copy in # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda,line-too-long global_batch_size = hparams.batch_size if global_batch_size % num_hosts != 0: raise ValueError( "global_batch_size (%s) must be a multiple of num_hosts (%s)" % (global_batch_size, num_hosts)) # Optionally choose from `choose_buckets` buckets simultaneously. if hparams.choose_buckets: window_batch_size = int(global_batch_size / hparams.choose_buckets) else: window_batch_size = global_batch_size per_host_batch_size = global_batch_size / num_hosts output_buffer_size = global_batch_size * 50 resolver = low_level_runner.get_resolver(hparams) if resolver: job_name = resolver.get_job_name() or hparams.tpu_job_name or "tpu_worker" if hparams.master == "local": job_name = "localhost" with tf.device("/job:%s/task:0/cpu:0" % job_name): # From src_file = "%s.%s" % (hparams.train_prefix, hparams.src) tgt_file = "%s.%s" % (hparams.train_prefix, hparams.tgt) src_vocab_file = hparams.src_vocab_file src_vocab_table, tgt_vocab_table = vocab_utils.create_vocab_tables( src_vocab_file) src_dataset = tgt_dataset = # Define local variables that are parameters in iterator_utils.make_input_fn sos = hparams.sos eos = hparams.eos random_seed = hparams.random_seed num_buckets = hparams.num_buckets src_max_len = hparams.src_max_len tgt_max_len = hparams.tgt_max_len num_parallel_calls = 100 # constant in skip_count = None # constant in reshuffle_each_iteration = True # constant in filter_oversized_sequences = True # constant in # From src_eos_id = tf.cast(src_vocab_table.lookup(tf.constant(eos)), tf.int32) tgt_sos_id = tf.cast(tgt_vocab_table.lookup(tf.constant(sos)), tf.int32) tgt_eos_id = tf.cast(tgt_vocab_table.lookup(tf.constant(eos)), tf.int32) src_tgt_dataset =, tgt_dataset)) if skip_count is not None: src_tgt_dataset = src_tgt_dataset.skip(skip_count) def map_fn_1(src, tgt): src = tf.string_split([src]).values tgt = tf.string_split([tgt]).values src_size = tf.size(src) tgt_size = tf.size(tgt) size_ok_bool = tf.logical_and(src_size > 0, tgt_size > 0) if filter_oversized_sequences: oversized = tf.logical_and(src_size < src_max_len, tgt_size < tgt_max_len) size_ok_bool = tf.logical_and(size_ok_bool, oversized) if src_max_len: src = src[:src_max_len] if tgt_max_len: tgt = tgt[:tgt_max_len] return (src, tgt, size_ok_bool) src_tgt_bool_dataset = map_fn_1, num_parallel_calls=num_parallel_calls) src_tgt_bool_dataset = src_tgt_bool_dataset.filter( lambda src, tgt, filter_bool: filter_bool) def map_fn_2(src, tgt, unused_filter_bool): src = tf.cast(src_vocab_table.lookup(src), tf.int32) tgt = tf.cast(tgt_vocab_table.lookup(tgt), tf.int32) # Create a tgt_input prefixed with <sos> and a tgt_output suffixed with <eos>. tgt_in = tf.concat(([tgt_sos_id], tgt), 0) tgt_out = tf.concat((tgt, [tgt_eos_id]), 0) # Add in sequence lengths. src_len = tf.size(src) tgt_len = tf.size(tgt_in) return src, tgt_in, tgt_out, src_len, tgt_len # Convert the word strings to ids. Word strings that are not in the # vocab get the lookup table's default_value integer. src_tgt_dataset = map_fn_2, num_parallel_calls=num_parallel_calls) def map_fn_3(src, tgt_in, tgt_out, src_len, tgt_len): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring # Pairs with length [0, bucket_width) go to bucket 0, length # [bucket_width, 2 * bucket_width) go to bucket 1, etc. Pairs with length # over ((num_bucket-1) * bucket_width) words all go into the last bucket. if src_max_len: bucket_width = (src_max_len + num_buckets - 1) // num_buckets else: bucket_width = 10 # Bucket sentence pairs by the length of their source sentence and target # sentence. bucket_id = tf.maximum(src_len // bucket_width, tgt_len // bucket_width) return tf.to_int64(tf.minimum( num_buckets, bucket_id)), src, tgt_in, tgt_out, src_len, tgt_len src_tgt_dataset = map_fn_3, num_parallel_calls=num_parallel_calls) src_tgt_dataset = src_tgt_dataset.prefetch(output_buffer_size) src_tgt_dataset = src_tgt_dataset.cache() src_tgt_dataset = src_tgt_dataset.shuffle( output_buffer_size, random_seed, reshuffle_each_iteration).repeat() # Bucket by source sequence length (buckets for lengths 0-9, 10-19, ...) def batching_func(x): return x.padded_batch( window_batch_size, # The first three entries are the source and target line rows; # these have unknown-length vectors. The last two entries are # the source and target row sizes; these are scalars. padded_shapes=( tf.TensorShape([]), # key tf.TensorShape([src_max_len]), # src tf.TensorShape([tgt_max_len]), # tgt_input tf.TensorShape([tgt_max_len]), # tgt_output tf.TensorShape([]), # src_len tf.TensorShape([])), # tgt_len # Pad the source and target sequences with eos tokens. # (Though notice we don't generally need to do this since # later on we will be masking out calculations past the true sequence. padding_values=( tf.to_int64(0), # key src_eos_id, # src tgt_eos_id, # tgt_input tgt_eos_id, # tgt_output 0, # src_len -- unused 0), # For TPU, must set drop_remainder to True or batch size will be None drop_remainder=True) # tgt_len -- unused def key_func(key, unused_1, unused_2, unused_3, unused_4, unused_5): return key def reduce_func(unused_key, windowed_data): return batching_func(windowed_data) if num_buckets > 1: batched_dataset = src_tgt_dataset.apply( key_func=key_func, reduce_func=reduce_func, window_size=window_batch_size)) else: batched_dataset = batching_func(src_tgt_dataset) batched_dataset = lambda unused_key, src, tgt_in, tgt_out, source_size, tgt_in_size: ( {"source": src, "target_input": tgt_in, "target_output": tgt_out, "source_sequence_length": source_size, "target_sequence_length": tgt_in_size})) re_batched_dataset = batched_dataset.unbatch().batch( int(per_host_batch_size), drop_remainder=True) output_devices = [ "/job:%s/task:%d/cpu:0" % (job_name, i) for i in range(num_hosts) ] options = options.experimental_optimization.filter_fusion = True options.experimental_optimization.map_and_filter_fusion = True re_batched_dataset = re_batched_dataset.with_options(options) multi_device_iterator = multi_device_iterator_ops.MultiDeviceIterator( dataset=re_batched_dataset, devices=output_devices, max_buffer_size=10, prefetch_buffer_size=10, source_device=("/job:%s/task:0/cpu:0" % job_name)) return multi_device_iterator
# ############################################################################ # OSIS stands for Open Student Information System. It's an application # designed to manage the core business of higher education institutions, # such as universities, faculties, institutes and professional schools. # The core business involves the administration of students, teachers, # courses, programs and so on. # # Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Université catholique de Louvain ( # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of this license - GNU General Public License - is available # at the root of the source code of this program. If not, # see # ############################################################################ from django.test import SimpleTestCase from base.utils import operator class TestIsYearLower(SimpleTestCase): def test_should_return_false_when_base_year_is_none(self): self.assertFalse( operator.is_year_lower(None, 2025) ) def test_should_return_true_when_year_to_compare_to_is_none(self): self.assertTrue( operator.is_year_lower(2029, None) ) def test_should_return_true_when_base_year_is_inferior_to_other_year(self): self.assertTrue( operator.is_year_lower(2017, 2029) ) def test_should_return_false_when_base_year_is_equal_to_other_year(self): self.assertFalse( operator.is_year_lower(2017, 2017) ) def test_should_return_false_when_base_year_is_greater_to_other_year(self): self.assertFalse( operator.is_year_lower(2019, 2017) )
import glob import os import sys from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List from warnings import warn import setuptools # type: ignore from . import api from .settings import DEFAULT_CONFIG class ISortCommand(setuptools.Command): # type: ignore """The :class:`ISortCommand` class is used by setuptools to perform imports checks on registered modules. """ description = "Run isort on modules registered in setuptools" user_options: List[Any] = [] def initialize_options(self) -> None: default_settings = vars(DEFAULT_CONFIG).copy() for key, value in default_settings.items(): setattr(self, key, value) def finalize_options(self) -> None: """Get options from config files.""" self.arguments: Dict[str, Any] = {} # skipcq: PYL-W0201 self.arguments["settings_path"] = os.getcwd() def distribution_files(self) -> Iterator[str]: """Find distribution packages.""" # This is verbatim from flake8 if self.distribution.packages: # pragma: no cover package_dirs = self.distribution.package_dir or {} for package in self.distribution.packages: pkg_dir = package if package in package_dirs: pkg_dir = package_dirs[package] elif "" in package_dirs: # pragma: no cover pkg_dir = package_dirs[""] + os.path.sep + pkg_dir yield pkg_dir.replace(".", os.path.sep) if self.distribution.py_modules: for filename in self.distribution.py_modules: yield "" % filename # Don't miss the file itself yield "" def run(self) -> None: arguments = self.arguments wrong_sorted_files = False for path in self.distribution_files(): for python_file in glob.iglob(os.path.join(path, "*.py")): try: if not api.check_file(python_file, **arguments): wrong_sorted_files = True # pragma: no cover except OSError as error: # pragma: no cover warn(f"Unable to parse file {python_file} due to {error}") if wrong_sorted_files: sys.exit(1) # pragma: no cover
from import Broker class FailOverConfigurationBroker(Broker): controller = "fail_over_configurations" def get_config(self, **kwargs): """Get the failover configuration for the specified unit. **Inputs** | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` False | ``default:`` None :param unit_id: Unit ID. While not set in OC environment, the API request returns the failover configuration of all units. :type unit_id: Integer **Outputs** | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` False | ``default:`` None :return failover_progress: The id of the failover action output file. :rtype failover_progress: String | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` False | ``default:`` None :return fail_over_configuration: Text (json,xml or csv) interpretation of current failover configuration. :rtype fail_over_configuration: String | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` False | ``default:`` None :return sync_ok: Success indicator of sync to neighbour operation. :rtype sync_ok: Boolean """ return self.api_request(self._get_method_fullname("get_config"), kwargs) def action_status(self, **kwargs): """Shows failover action progress for specified unit. **Inputs** | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` False | ``default:`` None :param unit_id: Unit ID. Should be specified in OC/Collector environment. Default value is 0. :type unit_id: Integer | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` True | ``default:`` None :param id: The id of the session output file. :type id: String | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` False | ``default:`` None :param read: File offset to show :type read: Integer **Outputs** | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` False | ``default:`` None :return read: Offset in bytes from the start of the file, to be used in the next get_progress call, in order to retrieve the next lines of the output. :rtype read: Integer | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` False | ``default:`` None :return output: Result of the failover action. :rtype output: String | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` False | ``default:`` None :return status: Status of the remaining output data to dump: 0 - no data to dump, 1 - more data is available :rtype status: Integer """ return self.api_request(self._get_method_fullname("action_status"), kwargs) def action(self, **kwargs): """Performs the failover action (enable or disable) for the specified unit. **Inputs** | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` False | ``default:`` None :param unit_id: Unit ID. Should be specified in OC/Collector environment. Default value is 0. :type unit_id: Integer | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` False | ``default:`` None :param name: Failover action name, possible values: 'enable', 'disable' :type name: String **Outputs** | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` False | ``default:`` None :return failover_progress: The internal id of the failover action progress. :rtype failover_progress: String """ return self.api_request(self._get_method_fullname("action"), kwargs) def failover(self, **kwargs): """Switches the specified unit to the secondary role. **Inputs** | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` False | ``default:`` None :param unit_id: Unit ID. Should be specified in OC/Collector environment. Default value is 0. :type unit_id: Integer **Outputs** | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` False | ``default:`` None :return status: Text (json,xml or csv) interpretation of the operation result. Contains just unit_id and current status. :rtype status: String """ return self.api_request(self._get_method_fullname("failover"), kwargs) def set_config(self, **kwargs): """Sets the failover configuration for the specified unit. **Inputs** | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` False | ``default:`` None :param unit_id: Unit ID. Should be specified in OC/Collector environment. Default value is 0. :type unit_id: Integer | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` False | ``default:`` None :param primary_index: Primary index. It indicates who is primary now (1-first, 2-second). :type primary_index: Integer | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` False | ``default:`` None :param virtual_ip: Virtual IP address. :type virtual_ip: String | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` False | ``default:`` None :param virtual_hostname: Virtual hostname. :type virtual_hostname: String | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` False | ``default:`` None :param replication_direct_connect: Indicates if replication uses a direct connection through HA port. Default value is true. :type replication_direct_connect: Boolean | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` False | ``default:`` None :param replication_port: Replication port. Required for non direct connection replication. :type replication_port: Integer | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` False | ``default:`` None :param first_replication_ip: First replication IP. Required for non direct connection replication. :type first_replication_ip: String | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` False | ``default:`` None :param first_management_ip: First management IP. Required for secondary peer. :type first_management_ip: String | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` False | ``default:`` None :param first_management_hostname: First management hostname. Required for secondary peer. :type first_management_hostname: String | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` False | ``default:`` None :param first_replication_subnet: First replication subnet. Required for non direct connection replication. :type first_replication_subnet: String | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` False | ``default:`` None :param second_replication_ip: Second replication IP. Required for non direct connection replication. :type second_replication_ip: String | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` False | ``default:`` None :param second_management_ip: Second management IP. Required for secondary peer. :type second_management_ip: String | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` False | ``default:`` None :param second_management_hostname: Second management hostname. Required for secondary peer. :type second_management_hostname: String | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` False | ``default:`` None :param second_replication_subnet: Second replication subnet. Required for non direct connection replication. :type second_replication_subnet: String **Outputs** | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` False | ``default:`` None :return fail_over_configuration: Text (json,xml or csv) interpretation of current failover configuration for the specified unit. :rtype fail_over_configuration: String | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` False | ``default:`` None :return sync_ok: Success indicator of sync to neighbour operation. :rtype sync_ok: Boolean """ return self.api_request(self._get_method_fullname("set_config"), kwargs) def status(self, **kwargs): """Get detailed failover replication and connection status for the specified unit. **Inputs** | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` False | ``default:`` None :param unit_id: Unit ID. Should be specified in OC/Collector environment. Default value is 0. :type unit_id: Integer **Outputs** | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` False | ``default:`` None :return status: JSON structure with the status information. :rtype status: String """ return self.api_request(self._get_method_fullname("status"), kwargs) def reset_config_for_collector(self, **kwargs): """Drop failover collector on the collector to re-fetch it next time failover preferences are opened **Inputs** | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` False | ``default:`` None :param unit_id: Unit ID. Should be specified in OC/Collector environment :type unit_id: Integer **Outputs** | ``api version min:`` None | ``api version max:`` None | ``required:`` False | ``default:`` None :return status: Status of the operation :rtype status: String """ return self.api_request(self._get_method_fullname("reset_config_for_collector"), kwargs)
import libtorrent as lt from core.torrent import Torrent from core.export import create_exporter class Session(lt.session): """Libtorrent Session wrapper. This class provides several methods around the libtorrent session class. """ # Create export decorator export = create_exporter() def __init__(self, config): """Constructs a torrent session from a ConfigObj.""" super(Session, self).__init__(config["libtorrent"]) @export def listen_on(self, port_min, port_max): ''' Instructs libtorrent to listen on a port. Params: - port_min - port_max ''' if port_min > port_max: raise ValueError("Min port has to be higher then or equal to max port") super(lt.session, self).listen_on(port_min, port_max) def find_torrent(self, info_hash): """Looks for a torrent with the given info-hash. Returns None otherwise. """ info_hash = string_to_hash(info_hash) torrent = super(Session, self).find_torrent(info_hash) if torrent.is_valid(): return Torrent.create(torrent) else: return None def get_torrents(self): """Returns a list of all the torrents currently in the session.""" torrents = super(Session,self).get_torrents() return [ Torrent.create(t) for t in torrents ] @export def get_torrents_export(self): """Returns a list of the info-hashes of all the torrents currently in the session.""" torrents = self.get_torrents() return [ t.info_hash() for t in torrents ] def add_torrent(self, params): """Add a torrent to the session. Params: - params: dictionary containing all parameters """ torrent = super(Session, self).add_torrent(params) if torrent.is_valid(): return Torrent.create(torrent) else: return None @export def add_torrent_export(self, params): """See add_torrent.""" torrent = self.add_torrent(params) if torrent: return torrent.info_hash() else: return None @export def is_listening(): """Checks whether or not the session has successfully opened a listening port.""" return super(Session,self).is_listening() @export def listen_port(): """Returns the port we ended up listening on.""" return super(Session,self).listen_port()
""" Objects for dealing with Laguerre series. This module provides a number of objects (mostly functions) useful for dealing with Laguerre series, including a `Laguerre` class that encapsulates the usual arithmetic operations. (General information on how this module represents and works with such polynomials is in the docstring for its "parent" sub-package, `numpy.polynomial`). Constants --------- - `lagdomain` -- Laguerre series default domain, [-1,1]. - `lagzero` -- Laguerre series that evaluates identically to 0. - `lagone` -- Laguerre series that evaluates identically to 1. - `lagx` -- Laguerre series for the identity map, ``f(x) = x``. Arithmetic ---------- - `lagmulx` -- multiply a Laguerre series in ``P_i(x)`` by ``x``. - `lagadd` -- add two Laguerre series. - `lagsub` -- subtract one Laguerre series from another. - `lagmul` -- multiply two Laguerre series. - `lagdiv` -- divide one Laguerre series by another. - `lagval` -- evaluate a Laguerre series at given points. - `lagval2d` -- evaluate a 2D Laguerre series at given points. - `lagval3d` -- evaluate a 3D Laguerre series at given points. - `laggrid2d` -- evaluate a 2D Laguerre series on a Cartesian product. - `laggrid3d` -- evaluate a 3D Laguerre series on a Cartesian product. Calculus -------- - `lagder` -- differentiate a Laguerre series. - `lagint` -- integrate a Laguerre series. Misc Functions -------------- - `lagfromroots` -- create a Laguerre series with specified roots. - `lagroots` -- find the roots of a Laguerre series. - `lagvander` -- Vandermonde-like matrix for Laguerre polynomials. - `lagvander2d` -- Vandermonde-like matrix for 2D power series. - `lagvander3d` -- Vandermonde-like matrix for 3D power series. - `laggauss` -- Gauss-Laguerre quadrature, points and weights. - `lagweight` -- Laguerre weight function. - `lagcompanion` -- symmetrized companion matrix in Laguerre form. - `lagfit` -- least-squares fit returning a Laguerre series. - `lagtrim` -- trim leading coefficients from a Laguerre series. - `lagline` -- Laguerre series of given straight line. - `lag2poly` -- convert a Laguerre series to a polynomial. - `poly2lag` -- convert a polynomial to a Laguerre series. Classes ------- - `Laguerre` -- A Laguerre series class. See also -------- `numpy.polynomial` """ import numpy as np import numpy.linalg as la from . import polyutils as pu import warnings from .polytemplate import polytemplate __all__ = ['lagzero', 'lagone', 'lagx', 'lagdomain', 'lagline', 'lagadd', 'lagsub', 'lagmulx', 'lagmul', 'lagdiv', 'lagpow', 'lagval', 'lagder', 'lagint', 'lag2poly', 'poly2lag', 'lagfromroots', 'lagvander', 'lagfit', 'lagtrim', 'lagroots', 'Laguerre', 'lagval2d', 'lagval3d', 'laggrid2d', 'laggrid3d', 'lagvander2d', 'lagvander3d', 'lagcompanion', 'laggauss', 'lagweight'] lagtrim = pu.trimcoef def poly2lag(pol) : """ poly2lag(pol) Convert a polynomial to a Laguerre series. Convert an array representing the coefficients of a polynomial (relative to the "standard" basis) ordered from lowest degree to highest, to an array of the coefficients of the equivalent Laguerre series, ordered from lowest to highest degree. Parameters ---------- pol : array_like 1-D array containing the polynomial coefficients Returns ------- c : ndarray 1-D array containing the coefficients of the equivalent Laguerre series. See Also -------- lag2poly Notes ----- The easy way to do conversions between polynomial basis sets is to use the convert method of a class instance. Examples -------- >>> from numpy.polynomial.laguerre import poly2lag >>> poly2lag(np.arange(4)) array([ 23., -63., 58., -18.]) """ [pol] = pu.as_series([pol]) deg = len(pol) - 1 res = 0 for i in range(deg, -1, -1) : res = lagadd(lagmulx(res), pol[i]) return res def lag2poly(c) : """ Convert a Laguerre series to a polynomial. Convert an array representing the coefficients of a Laguerre series, ordered from lowest degree to highest, to an array of the coefficients of the equivalent polynomial (relative to the "standard" basis) ordered from lowest to highest degree. Parameters ---------- c : array_like 1-D array containing the Laguerre series coefficients, ordered from lowest order term to highest. Returns ------- pol : ndarray 1-D array containing the coefficients of the equivalent polynomial (relative to the "standard" basis) ordered from lowest order term to highest. See Also -------- poly2lag Notes ----- The easy way to do conversions between polynomial basis sets is to use the convert method of a class instance. Examples -------- >>> from numpy.polynomial.laguerre import lag2poly >>> lag2poly([ 23., -63., 58., -18.]) array([ 0., 1., 2., 3.]) """ from .polynomial import polyadd, polysub, polymulx [c] = pu.as_series([c]) n = len(c) if n == 1: return c else: c0 = c[-2] c1 = c[-1] # i is the current degree of c1 for i in range(n - 1, 1, -1): tmp = c0 c0 = polysub(c[i - 2], (c1*(i - 1))/i) c1 = polyadd(tmp, polysub((2*i - 1)*c1, polymulx(c1))/i) return polyadd(c0, polysub(c1, polymulx(c1))) # # These are constant arrays are of integer type so as to be compatible # with the widest range of other types, such as Decimal. # # Laguerre lagdomain = np.array([0,1]) # Laguerre coefficients representing zero. lagzero = np.array([0]) # Laguerre coefficients representing one. lagone = np.array([1]) # Laguerre coefficients representing the identity x. lagx = np.array([1, -1]) def lagline(off, scl) : """ Laguerre series whose graph is a straight line. Parameters ---------- off, scl : scalars The specified line is given by ``off + scl*x``. Returns ------- y : ndarray This module's representation of the Laguerre series for ``off + scl*x``. See Also -------- polyline, chebline Examples -------- >>> from numpy.polynomial.laguerre import lagline, lagval >>> lagval(0,lagline(3, 2)) 3.0 >>> lagval(1,lagline(3, 2)) 5.0 """ if scl != 0 : return np.array([off + scl, -scl]) else : return np.array([off]) def lagfromroots(roots) : """ Generate a Laguerre series with given roots. The function returns the coefficients of the polynomial .. math:: p(x) = (x - r_0) * (x - r_1) * ... * (x - r_n), in Laguerre form, where the `r_n` are the roots specified in `roots`. If a zero has multiplicity n, then it must appear in `roots` n times. For instance, if 2 is a root of multiplicity three and 3 is a root of multiplicity 2, then `roots` looks something like [2, 2, 2, 3, 3]. The roots can appear in any order. If the returned coefficients are `c`, then .. math:: p(x) = c_0 + c_1 * L_1(x) + ... + c_n * L_n(x) The coefficient of the last term is not generally 1 for monic polynomials in Laguerre form. Parameters ---------- roots : array_like Sequence containing the roots. Returns ------- out : ndarray 1-D array of coefficients. If all roots are real then `out` is a real array, if some of the roots are complex, then `out` is complex even if all the coefficients in the result are real (see Examples below). See Also -------- polyfromroots, legfromroots, chebfromroots, hermfromroots, hermefromroots. Examples -------- >>> from numpy.polynomial.laguerre import lagfromroots, lagval >>> coef = lagfromroots((-1, 0, 1)) >>> lagval((-1, 0, 1), coef) array([ 0., 0., 0.]) >>> coef = lagfromroots((-1j, 1j)) >>> lagval((-1j, 1j), coef) array([ 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j]) """ if len(roots) == 0 : return np.ones(1) else : [roots] = pu.as_series([roots], trim=False) roots.sort() p = [lagline(-r, 1) for r in roots] n = len(p) while n > 1: m, r = divmod(n, 2) tmp = [lagmul(p[i], p[i+m]) for i in range(m)] if r: tmp[0] = lagmul(tmp[0], p[-1]) p = tmp n = m return p[0] def lagadd(c1, c2): """ Add one Laguerre series to another. Returns the sum of two Laguerre series `c1` + `c2`. The arguments are sequences of coefficients ordered from lowest order term to highest, i.e., [1,2,3] represents the series ``P_0 + 2*P_1 + 3*P_2``. Parameters ---------- c1, c2 : array_like 1-D arrays of Laguerre series coefficients ordered from low to high. Returns ------- out : ndarray Array representing the Laguerre series of their sum. See Also -------- lagsub, lagmul, lagdiv, lagpow Notes ----- Unlike multiplication, division, etc., the sum of two Laguerre series is a Laguerre series (without having to "reproject" the result onto the basis set) so addition, just like that of "standard" polynomials, is simply "component-wise." Examples -------- >>> from numpy.polynomial.laguerre import lagadd >>> lagadd([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4]) array([ 2., 4., 6., 4.]) """ # c1, c2 are trimmed copies [c1, c2] = pu.as_series([c1, c2]) if len(c1) > len(c2) : c1[:c2.size] += c2 ret = c1 else : c2[:c1.size] += c1 ret = c2 return pu.trimseq(ret) def lagsub(c1, c2): """ Subtract one Laguerre series from another. Returns the difference of two Laguerre series `c1` - `c2`. The sequences of coefficients are from lowest order term to highest, i.e., [1,2,3] represents the series ``P_0 + 2*P_1 + 3*P_2``. Parameters ---------- c1, c2 : array_like 1-D arrays of Laguerre series coefficients ordered from low to high. Returns ------- out : ndarray Of Laguerre series coefficients representing their difference. See Also -------- lagadd, lagmul, lagdiv, lagpow Notes ----- Unlike multiplication, division, etc., the difference of two Laguerre series is a Laguerre series (without having to "reproject" the result onto the basis set) so subtraction, just like that of "standard" polynomials, is simply "component-wise." Examples -------- >>> from numpy.polynomial.laguerre import lagsub >>> lagsub([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3]) array([ 0., 0., 0., 4.]) """ # c1, c2 are trimmed copies [c1, c2] = pu.as_series([c1, c2]) if len(c1) > len(c2) : c1[:c2.size] -= c2 ret = c1 else : c2 = -c2 c2[:c1.size] += c1 ret = c2 return pu.trimseq(ret) def lagmulx(c): """Multiply a Laguerre series by x. Multiply the Laguerre series `c` by x, where x is the independent variable. Parameters ---------- c : array_like 1-D array of Laguerre series coefficients ordered from low to high. Returns ------- out : ndarray Array representing the result of the multiplication. Notes ----- The multiplication uses the recursion relationship for Laguerre polynomials in the form .. math:: xP_i(x) = (-(i + 1)*P_{i + 1}(x) + (2i + 1)P_{i}(x) - iP_{i - 1}(x)) Examples -------- >>> from numpy.polynomial.laguerre import lagmulx >>> lagmulx([1, 2, 3]) array([ -1., -1., 11., -9.]) """ # c is a trimmed copy [c] = pu.as_series([c]) # The zero series needs special treatment if len(c) == 1 and c[0] == 0: return c prd = np.empty(len(c) + 1, dtype=c.dtype) prd[0] = c[0] prd[1] = -c[0] for i in range(1, len(c)): prd[i + 1] = -c[i]*(i + 1) prd[i] += c[i]*(2*i + 1) prd[i - 1] -= c[i]*i return prd def lagmul(c1, c2): """ Multiply one Laguerre series by another. Returns the product of two Laguerre series `c1` * `c2`. The arguments are sequences of coefficients, from lowest order "term" to highest, e.g., [1,2,3] represents the series ``P_0 + 2*P_1 + 3*P_2``. Parameters ---------- c1, c2 : array_like 1-D arrays of Laguerre series coefficients ordered from low to high. Returns ------- out : ndarray Of Laguerre series coefficients representing their product. See Also -------- lagadd, lagsub, lagdiv, lagpow Notes ----- In general, the (polynomial) product of two C-series results in terms that are not in the Laguerre polynomial basis set. Thus, to express the product as a Laguerre series, it is necessary to "reproject" the product onto said basis set, which may produce "unintuitive" (but correct) results; see Examples section below. Examples -------- >>> from numpy.polynomial.laguerre import lagmul >>> lagmul([1, 2, 3], [0, 1, 2]) array([ 8., -13., 38., -51., 36.]) """ # s1, s2 are trimmed copies [c1, c2] = pu.as_series([c1, c2]) if len(c1) > len(c2): c = c2 xs = c1 else: c = c1 xs = c2 if len(c) == 1: c0 = c[0]*xs c1 = 0 elif len(c) == 2: c0 = c[0]*xs c1 = c[1]*xs else : nd = len(c) c0 = c[-2]*xs c1 = c[-1]*xs for i in range(3, len(c) + 1) : tmp = c0 nd = nd - 1 c0 = lagsub(c[-i]*xs, (c1*(nd - 1))/nd) c1 = lagadd(tmp, lagsub((2*nd - 1)*c1, lagmulx(c1))/nd) return lagadd(c0, lagsub(c1, lagmulx(c1))) def lagdiv(c1, c2): """ Divide one Laguerre series by another. Returns the quotient-with-remainder of two Laguerre series `c1` / `c2`. The arguments are sequences of coefficients from lowest order "term" to highest, e.g., [1,2,3] represents the series ``P_0 + 2*P_1 + 3*P_2``. Parameters ---------- c1, c2 : array_like 1-D arrays of Laguerre series coefficients ordered from low to high. Returns ------- [quo, rem] : ndarrays Of Laguerre series coefficients representing the quotient and remainder. See Also -------- lagadd, lagsub, lagmul, lagpow Notes ----- In general, the (polynomial) division of one Laguerre series by another results in quotient and remainder terms that are not in the Laguerre polynomial basis set. Thus, to express these results as a Laguerre series, it is necessary to "reproject" the results onto the Laguerre basis set, which may produce "unintuitive" (but correct) results; see Examples section below. Examples -------- >>> from numpy.polynomial.laguerre import lagdiv >>> lagdiv([ 8., -13., 38., -51., 36.], [0, 1, 2]) (array([ 1., 2., 3.]), array([ 0.])) >>> lagdiv([ 9., -12., 38., -51., 36.], [0, 1, 2]) (array([ 1., 2., 3.]), array([ 1., 1.])) """ # c1, c2 are trimmed copies [c1, c2] = pu.as_series([c1, c2]) if c2[-1] == 0 : raise ZeroDivisionError() lc1 = len(c1) lc2 = len(c2) if lc1 < lc2 : return c1[:1]*0, c1 elif lc2 == 1 : return c1/c2[-1], c1[:1]*0 else : quo = np.empty(lc1 - lc2 + 1, dtype=c1.dtype) rem = c1 for i in range(lc1 - lc2, - 1, -1): p = lagmul([0]*i + [1], c2) q = rem[-1]/p[-1] rem = rem[:-1] - q*p[:-1] quo[i] = q return quo, pu.trimseq(rem) def lagpow(c, pow, maxpower=16) : """Raise a Laguerre series to a power. Returns the Laguerre series `c` raised to the power `pow`. The argument `c` is a sequence of coefficients ordered from low to high. i.e., [1,2,3] is the series ``P_0 + 2*P_1 + 3*P_2.`` Parameters ---------- c : array_like 1-D array of Laguerre series coefficients ordered from low to high. pow : integer Power to which the series will be raised maxpower : integer, optional Maximum power allowed. This is mainly to limit growth of the series to unmanageable size. Default is 16 Returns ------- coef : ndarray Laguerre series of power. See Also -------- lagadd, lagsub, lagmul, lagdiv Examples -------- >>> from numpy.polynomial.laguerre import lagpow >>> lagpow([1, 2, 3], 2) array([ 14., -16., 56., -72., 54.]) """ # c is a trimmed copy [c] = pu.as_series([c]) power = int(pow) if power != pow or power < 0 : raise ValueError("Power must be a non-negative integer.") elif maxpower is not None and power > maxpower : raise ValueError("Power is too large") elif power == 0 : return np.array([1], dtype=c.dtype) elif power == 1 : return c else : # This can be made more efficient by using powers of two # in the usual way. prd = c for i in range(2, power + 1) : prd = lagmul(prd, c) return prd def lagder(c, m=1, scl=1, axis=0) : """ Differentiate a Laguerre series. Returns the Laguerre series coefficients `c` differentiated `m` times along `axis`. At each iteration the result is multiplied by `scl` (the scaling factor is for use in a linear change of variable). The argument `c` is an array of coefficients from low to high degree along each axis, e.g., [1,2,3] represents the series ``1*L_0 + 2*L_1 + 3*L_2`` while [[1,2],[1,2]] represents ``1*L_0(x)*L_0(y) + 1*L_1(x)*L_0(y) + 2*L_0(x)*L_1(y) + 2*L_1(x)*L_1(y)`` if axis=0 is ``x`` and axis=1 is ``y``. Parameters ---------- c: array_like Array of Laguerre series coefficients. If `c` is multidimensional the different axis correspond to different variables with the degree in each axis given by the corresponding index. m : int, optional Number of derivatives taken, must be non-negative. (Default: 1) scl : scalar, optional Each differentiation is multiplied by `scl`. The end result is multiplication by ``scl**m``. This is for use in a linear change of variable. (Default: 1) axis : int, optional Axis over which the derivative is taken. (Default: 0). .. versionadded:: 1.7.0 Returns ------- der : ndarray Laguerre series of the derivative. See Also -------- lagint Notes ----- In general, the result of differentiating a Laguerre series does not resemble the same operation on a power series. Thus the result of this function may be "unintuitive," albeit correct; see Examples section below. Examples -------- >>> from numpy.polynomial.laguerre import lagder >>> lagder([ 1., 1., 1., -3.]) array([ 1., 2., 3.]) >>> lagder([ 1., 0., 0., -4., 3.], m=2) array([ 1., 2., 3.]) """ c = np.array(c, ndmin=1, copy=1) if c.dtype.char in '?bBhHiIlLqQpP': c = c.astype(np.double) cnt, iaxis = [int(t) for t in [m, axis]] if cnt != m: raise ValueError("The order of derivation must be integer") if cnt < 0: raise ValueError("The order of derivation must be non-negative") if iaxis != axis: raise ValueError("The axis must be integer") if not -c.ndim <= iaxis < c.ndim: raise ValueError("The axis is out of range") if iaxis < 0: iaxis += c.ndim if cnt == 0: return c c = np.rollaxis(c, iaxis) n = len(c) if cnt >= n: c = c[:1]*0 else : for i in range(cnt): n = n - 1 c *= scl der = np.empty((n,) + c.shape[1:], dtype=c.dtype) for j in range(n, 1, -1): der[j - 1] = -c[j] c[j - 1] += c[j] der[0] = -c[1] c = der c = np.rollaxis(c, 0, iaxis + 1) return c def lagint(c, m=1, k=[], lbnd=0, scl=1, axis=0): """ Integrate a Laguerre series. Returns the Laguerre series coefficients `c` integrated `m` times from `lbnd` along `axis`. At each iteration the resulting series is **multiplied** by `scl` and an integration constant, `k`, is added. The scaling factor is for use in a linear change of variable. ("Buyer beware": note that, depending on what one is doing, one may want `scl` to be the reciprocal of what one might expect; for more information, see the Notes section below.) The argument `c` is an array of coefficients from low to high degree along each axis, e.g., [1,2,3] represents the series ``L_0 + 2*L_1 + 3*L_2`` while [[1,2],[1,2]] represents ``1*L_0(x)*L_0(y) + 1*L_1(x)*L_0(y) + 2*L_0(x)*L_1(y) + 2*L_1(x)*L_1(y)`` if axis=0 is ``x`` and axis=1 is ``y``. Parameters ---------- c : array_like Array of Laguerre series coefficients. If `c` is multidimensional the different axis correspond to different variables with the degree in each axis given by the corresponding index. m : int, optional Order of integration, must be positive. (Default: 1) k : {[], list, scalar}, optional Integration constant(s). The value of the first integral at ``lbnd`` is the first value in the list, the value of the second integral at ``lbnd`` is the second value, etc. If ``k == []`` (the default), all constants are set to zero. If ``m == 1``, a single scalar can be given instead of a list. lbnd : scalar, optional The lower bound of the integral. (Default: 0) scl : scalar, optional Following each integration the result is *multiplied* by `scl` before the integration constant is added. (Default: 1) axis : int, optional Axis over which the integral is taken. (Default: 0). .. versionadded:: 1.7.0 Returns ------- S : ndarray Laguerre series coefficients of the integral. Raises ------ ValueError If ``m < 0``, ``len(k) > m``, ``np.isscalar(lbnd) == False``, or ``np.isscalar(scl) == False``. See Also -------- lagder Notes ----- Note that the result of each integration is *multiplied* by `scl`. Why is this important to note? Say one is making a linear change of variable :math:`u = ax + b` in an integral relative to `x`. Then .. math::`dx = du/a`, so one will need to set `scl` equal to :math:`1/a` - perhaps not what one would have first thought. Also note that, in general, the result of integrating a C-series needs to be "reprojected" onto the C-series basis set. Thus, typically, the result of this function is "unintuitive," albeit correct; see Examples section below. Examples -------- >>> from numpy.polynomial.laguerre import lagint >>> lagint([1,2,3]) array([ 1., 1., 1., -3.]) >>> lagint([1,2,3], m=2) array([ 1., 0., 0., -4., 3.]) >>> lagint([1,2,3], k=1) array([ 2., 1., 1., -3.]) >>> lagint([1,2,3], lbnd=-1) array([ 11.5, 1. , 1. , -3. ]) >>> lagint([1,2], m=2, k=[1,2], lbnd=-1) array([ 11.16666667, -5. , -3. , 2. ]) """ c = np.array(c, ndmin=1, copy=1) if c.dtype.char in '?bBhHiIlLqQpP': c = c.astype(np.double) if not np.iterable(k): k = [k] cnt, iaxis = [int(t) for t in [m, axis]] if cnt != m: raise ValueError("The order of integration must be integer") if cnt < 0 : raise ValueError("The order of integration must be non-negative") if len(k) > cnt : raise ValueError("Too many integration constants") if iaxis != axis: raise ValueError("The axis must be integer") if not -c.ndim <= iaxis < c.ndim: raise ValueError("The axis is out of range") if iaxis < 0: iaxis += c.ndim if cnt == 0: return c c = np.rollaxis(c, iaxis) k = list(k) + [0]*(cnt - len(k)) for i in range(cnt) : n = len(c) c *= scl if n == 1 and np.all(c[0] == 0): c[0] += k[i] else: tmp = np.empty((n + 1,) + c.shape[1:], dtype=c.dtype) tmp[0] = c[0] tmp[1] = -c[0] for j in range(1, n): tmp[j] += c[j] tmp[j + 1] = -c[j] tmp[0] += k[i] - lagval(lbnd, tmp) c = tmp c = np.rollaxis(c, 0, iaxis + 1) return c def lagval(x, c, tensor=True): """ Evaluate a Laguerre series at points x. If `c` is of length `n + 1`, this function returns the value: .. math:: p(x) = c_0 * L_0(x) + c_1 * L_1(x) + ... + c_n * L_n(x) The parameter `x` is converted to an array only if it is a tuple or a list, otherwise it is treated as a scalar. In either case, either `x` or its elements must support multiplication and addition both with themselves and with the elements of `c`. If `c` is a 1-D array, then `p(x)` will have the same shape as `x`. If `c` is multidimensional, then the shape of the result depends on the value of `tensor`. If `tensor` is true the shape will be c.shape[1:] + x.shape. If `tensor` is false the shape will be c.shape[1:]. Note that scalars have shape (,). Trailing zeros in the coefficients will be used in the evaluation, so they should be avoided if efficiency is a concern. Parameters ---------- x : array_like, compatible object If `x` is a list or tuple, it is converted to an ndarray, otherwise it is left unchanged and treated as a scalar. In either case, `x` or its elements must support addition and multiplication with with themselves and with the elements of `c`. c : array_like Array of coefficients ordered so that the coefficients for terms of degree n are contained in c[n]. If `c` is multidimensional the remaining indices enumerate multiple polynomials. In the two dimensional case the coefficients may be thought of as stored in the columns of `c`. tensor : boolean, optional If True, the shape of the coefficient array is extended with ones on the right, one for each dimension of `x`. Scalars have dimension 0 for this action. The result is that every column of coefficients in `c` is evaluated for every element of `x`. If False, `x` is broadcast over the columns of `c` for the evaluation. This keyword is useful when `c` is multidimensional. The default value is True. .. versionadded:: 1.7.0 Returns ------- values : ndarray, algebra_like The shape of the return value is described above. See Also -------- lagval2d, laggrid2d, lagval3d, laggrid3d Notes ----- The evaluation uses Clenshaw recursion, aka synthetic division. Examples -------- >>> from numpy.polynomial.laguerre import lagval >>> coef = [1,2,3] >>> lagval(1, coef) -0.5 >>> lagval([[1,2],[3,4]], coef) array([[-0.5, -4. ], [-4.5, -2. ]]) """ c = np.array(c, ndmin=1, copy=0) if c.dtype.char in '?bBhHiIlLqQpP': c = c.astype(np.double) if isinstance(x, (tuple, list)): x = np.asarray(x) if isinstance(x, np.ndarray) and tensor: c = c.reshape(c.shape + (1,)*x.ndim) if len(c) == 1 : c0 = c[0] c1 = 0 elif len(c) == 2 : c0 = c[0] c1 = c[1] else : nd = len(c) c0 = c[-2] c1 = c[-1] for i in range(3, len(c) + 1) : tmp = c0 nd = nd - 1 c0 = c[-i] - (c1*(nd - 1))/nd c1 = tmp + (c1*((2*nd - 1) - x))/nd return c0 + c1*(1 - x) def lagval2d(x, y, c): """ Evaluate a 2-D Laguerre series at points (x, y). This function returns the values: .. math:: p(x,y) = \\sum_{i,j} c_{i,j} * L_i(x) * L_j(y) The parameters `x` and `y` are converted to arrays only if they are tuples or a lists, otherwise they are treated as a scalars and they must have the same shape after conversion. In either case, either `x` and `y` or their elements must support multiplication and addition both with themselves and with the elements of `c`. If `c` is a 1-D array a one is implicitly appended to its shape to make it 2-D. The shape of the result will be c.shape[2:] + x.shape. Parameters ---------- x, y : array_like, compatible objects The two dimensional series is evaluated at the points `(x, y)`, where `x` and `y` must have the same shape. If `x` or `y` is a list or tuple, it is first converted to an ndarray, otherwise it is left unchanged and if it isn't an ndarray it is treated as a scalar. c : array_like Array of coefficients ordered so that the coefficient of the term of multi-degree i,j is contained in ``c[i,j]``. If `c` has dimension greater than two the remaining indices enumerate multiple sets of coefficients. Returns ------- values : ndarray, compatible object The values of the two dimensional polynomial at points formed with pairs of corresponding values from `x` and `y`. See Also -------- lagval, laggrid2d, lagval3d, laggrid3d Notes ----- .. versionadded::1.7.0 """ try: x, y = np.array((x, y), copy=0) except: raise ValueError('x, y are incompatible') c = lagval(x, c) c = lagval(y, c, tensor=False) return c def laggrid2d(x, y, c): """ Evaluate a 2-D Laguerre series on the Cartesian product of x and y. This function returns the values: .. math:: p(a,b) = \sum_{i,j} c_{i,j} * L_i(a) * L_j(b) where the points `(a, b)` consist of all pairs formed by taking `a` from `x` and `b` from `y`. The resulting points form a grid with `x` in the first dimension and `y` in the second. The parameters `x` and `y` are converted to arrays only if they are tuples or a lists, otherwise they are treated as a scalars. In either case, either `x` and `y` or their elements must support multiplication and addition both with themselves and with the elements of `c`. If `c` has fewer than two dimensions, ones are implicitly appended to its shape to make it 2-D. The shape of the result will be c.shape[2:] + x.shape + y.shape. Parameters ---------- x, y : array_like, compatible objects The two dimensional series is evaluated at the points in the Cartesian product of `x` and `y`. If `x` or `y` is a list or tuple, it is first converted to an ndarray, otherwise it is left unchanged and, if it isn't an ndarray, it is treated as a scalar. c : array_like Array of coefficients ordered so that the coefficient of the term of multi-degree i,j is contained in `c[i,j]`. If `c` has dimension greater than two the remaining indices enumerate multiple sets of coefficients. Returns ------- values : ndarray, compatible object The values of the two dimensional Chebyshev series at points in the Cartesian product of `x` and `y`. See Also -------- lagval, lagval2d, lagval3d, laggrid3d Notes ----- .. versionadded::1.7.0 """ c = lagval(x, c) c = lagval(y, c) return c def lagval3d(x, y, z, c): """ Evaluate a 3-D Laguerre series at points (x, y, z). This function returns the values: .. math:: p(x,y,z) = \\sum_{i,j,k} c_{i,j,k} * L_i(x) * L_j(y) * L_k(z) The parameters `x`, `y`, and `z` are converted to arrays only if they are tuples or a lists, otherwise they are treated as a scalars and they must have the same shape after conversion. In either case, either `x`, `y`, and `z` or their elements must support multiplication and addition both with themselves and with the elements of `c`. If `c` has fewer than 3 dimensions, ones are implicitly appended to its shape to make it 3-D. The shape of the result will be c.shape[3:] + x.shape. Parameters ---------- x, y, z : array_like, compatible object The three dimensional series is evaluated at the points `(x, y, z)`, where `x`, `y`, and `z` must have the same shape. If any of `x`, `y`, or `z` is a list or tuple, it is first converted to an ndarray, otherwise it is left unchanged and if it isn't an ndarray it is treated as a scalar. c : array_like Array of coefficients ordered so that the coefficient of the term of multi-degree i,j,k is contained in ``c[i,j,k]``. If `c` has dimension greater than 3 the remaining indices enumerate multiple sets of coefficients. Returns ------- values : ndarray, compatible object The values of the multidimension polynomial on points formed with triples of corresponding values from `x`, `y`, and `z`. See Also -------- lagval, lagval2d, laggrid2d, laggrid3d Notes ----- .. versionadded::1.7.0 """ try: x, y, z = np.array((x, y, z), copy=0) except: raise ValueError('x, y, z are incompatible') c = lagval(x, c) c = lagval(y, c, tensor=False) c = lagval(z, c, tensor=False) return c def laggrid3d(x, y, z, c): """ Evaluate a 3-D Laguerre series on the Cartesian product of x, y, and z. This function returns the values: .. math:: p(a,b,c) = \\sum_{i,j,k} c_{i,j,k} * L_i(a) * L_j(b) * L_k(c) where the points `(a, b, c)` consist of all triples formed by taking `a` from `x`, `b` from `y`, and `c` from `z`. The resulting points form a grid with `x` in the first dimension, `y` in the second, and `z` in the third. The parameters `x`, `y`, and `z` are converted to arrays only if they are tuples or a lists, otherwise they are treated as a scalars. In either case, either `x`, `y`, and `z` or their elements must support multiplication and addition both with themselves and with the elements of `c`. If `c` has fewer than three dimensions, ones are implicitly appended to its shape to make it 3-D. The shape of the result will be c.shape[3:] + x.shape + y.shape + z.shape. Parameters ---------- x, y, z : array_like, compatible objects The three dimensional series is evaluated at the points in the Cartesian product of `x`, `y`, and `z`. If `x`,`y`, or `z` is a list or tuple, it is first converted to an ndarray, otherwise it is left unchanged and, if it isn't an ndarray, it is treated as a scalar. c : array_like Array of coefficients ordered so that the coefficients for terms of degree i,j are contained in ``c[i,j]``. If `c` has dimension greater than two the remaining indices enumerate multiple sets of coefficients. Returns ------- values : ndarray, compatible object The values of the two dimensional polynomial at points in the Cartesian product of `x` and `y`. See Also -------- lagval, lagval2d, laggrid2d, lagval3d Notes ----- .. versionadded::1.7.0 """ c = lagval(x, c) c = lagval(y, c) c = lagval(z, c) return c def lagvander(x, deg) : """Pseudo-Vandermonde matrix of given degree. Returns the pseudo-Vandermonde matrix of degree `deg` and sample points `x`. The pseudo-Vandermonde matrix is defined by .. math:: V[..., i] = L_i(x) where `0 <= i <= deg`. The leading indices of `V` index the elements of `x` and the last index is the degree of the Laguerre polynomial. If `c` is a 1-D array of coefficients of length `n + 1` and `V` is the array ``V = lagvander(x, n)``, then ``, c)`` and ``lagval(x, c)`` are the same up to roundoff. This equivalence is useful both for least squares fitting and for the evaluation of a large number of Laguerre series of the same degree and sample points. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Array of points. The dtype is converted to float64 or complex128 depending on whether any of the elements are complex. If `x` is scalar it is converted to a 1-D array. deg : int Degree of the resulting matrix. Returns ------- vander: ndarray The pseudo-Vandermonde matrix. The shape of the returned matrix is ``x.shape + (deg + 1,)``, where The last index is the degree of the corresponding Laguerre polynomial. The dtype will be the same as the converted `x`. Examples -------- >>> from numpy.polynomial.laguerre import lagvander >>> x = np.array([0, 1, 2]) >>> lagvander(x, 3) array([[ 1. , 1. , 1. , 1. ], [ 1. , 0. , -0.5 , -0.66666667], [ 1. , -1. , -1. , -0.33333333]]) """ ideg = int(deg) if ideg != deg: raise ValueError("deg must be integer") if ideg < 0: raise ValueError("deg must be non-negative") x = np.array(x, copy=0, ndmin=1) + 0.0 dims = (ideg + 1,) + x.shape dtyp = x.dtype v = np.empty(dims, dtype=dtyp) v[0] = x*0 + 1 if ideg > 0 : v[1] = 1 - x for i in range(2, ideg + 1) : v[i] = (v[i-1]*(2*i - 1 - x) - v[i-2]*(i - 1))/i return np.rollaxis(v, 0, v.ndim) def lagvander2d(x, y, deg) : """Pseudo-Vandermonde matrix of given degrees. Returns the pseudo-Vandermonde matrix of degrees `deg` and sample points `(x, y)`. The pseudo-Vandermonde matrix is defined by .. math:: V[..., deg[1]*i + j] = L_i(x) * L_j(y), where `0 <= i <= deg[0]` and `0 <= j <= deg[1]`. The leading indices of `V` index the points `(x, y)` and the last index encodes the degrees of the Laguerre polynomials. If ``V = lagvander2d(x, y, [xdeg, ydeg])``, then the columns of `V` correspond to the elements of a 2-D coefficient array `c` of shape (xdeg + 1, ydeg + 1) in the order .. math:: c_{00}, c_{01}, c_{02} ... , c_{10}, c_{11}, c_{12} ... and ``, c.flat)`` and ``lagval2d(x, y, c)`` will be the same up to roundoff. This equivalence is useful both for least squares fitting and for the evaluation of a large number of 2-D Laguerre series of the same degrees and sample points. Parameters ---------- x, y : array_like Arrays of point coordinates, all of the same shape. The dtypes will be converted to either float64 or complex128 depending on whether any of the elements are complex. Scalars are converted to 1-D arrays. deg : list of ints List of maximum degrees of the form [x_deg, y_deg]. Returns ------- vander2d : ndarray The shape of the returned matrix is ``x.shape + (order,)``, where :math:`order = (deg[0]+1)*(deg([1]+1)`. The dtype will be the same as the converted `x` and `y`. See Also -------- lagvander, lagvander3d. lagval2d, lagval3d Notes ----- .. versionadded::1.7.0 """ ideg = [int(d) for d in deg] is_valid = [id == d and id >= 0 for id, d in zip(ideg, deg)] if is_valid != [1, 1]: raise ValueError("degrees must be non-negative integers") degx, degy = ideg x, y = np.array((x, y), copy=0) + 0.0 vx = lagvander(x, degx) vy = lagvander(y, degy) v = vx[..., None]*vy[..., None, :] return v.reshape(v.shape[:-2] + (-1,)) def lagvander3d(x, y, z, deg) : """Pseudo-Vandermonde matrix of given degrees. Returns the pseudo-Vandermonde matrix of degrees `deg` and sample points `(x, y, z)`. If `l, m, n` are the given degrees in `x, y, z`, then The pseudo-Vandermonde matrix is defined by .. math:: V[..., (m+1)(n+1)i + (n+1)j + k] = L_i(x)*L_j(y)*L_k(z), where `0 <= i <= l`, `0 <= j <= m`, and `0 <= j <= n`. The leading indices of `V` index the points `(x, y, z)` and the last index encodes the degrees of the Laguerre polynomials. If ``V = lagvander3d(x, y, z, [xdeg, ydeg, zdeg])``, then the columns of `V` correspond to the elements of a 3-D coefficient array `c` of shape (xdeg + 1, ydeg + 1, zdeg + 1) in the order .. math:: c_{000}, c_{001}, c_{002},... , c_{010}, c_{011}, c_{012},... and ``, c.flat)`` and ``lagval3d(x, y, z, c)`` will be the same up to roundoff. This equivalence is useful both for least squares fitting and for the evaluation of a large number of 3-D Laguerre series of the same degrees and sample points. Parameters ---------- x, y, z : array_like Arrays of point coordinates, all of the same shape. The dtypes will be converted to either float64 or complex128 depending on whether any of the elements are complex. Scalars are converted to 1-D arrays. deg : list of ints List of maximum degrees of the form [x_deg, y_deg, z_deg]. Returns ------- vander3d : ndarray The shape of the returned matrix is ``x.shape + (order,)``, where :math:`order = (deg[0]+1)*(deg([1]+1)*(deg[2]+1)`. The dtype will be the same as the converted `x`, `y`, and `z`. See Also -------- lagvander, lagvander3d. lagval2d, lagval3d Notes ----- .. versionadded::1.7.0 """ ideg = [int(d) for d in deg] is_valid = [id == d and id >= 0 for id, d in zip(ideg, deg)] if is_valid != [1, 1, 1]: raise ValueError("degrees must be non-negative integers") degx, degy, degz = ideg x, y, z = np.array((x, y, z), copy=0) + 0.0 vx = lagvander(x, degx) vy = lagvander(y, degy) vz = lagvander(z, degz) v = vx[..., None, None]*vy[..., None, :, None]*vz[..., None, None, :] return v.reshape(v.shape[:-3] + (-1,)) def lagfit(x, y, deg, rcond=None, full=False, w=None): """ Least squares fit of Laguerre series to data. Return the coefficients of a Laguerre series of degree `deg` that is the least squares fit to the data values `y` given at points `x`. If `y` is 1-D the returned coefficients will also be 1-D. If `y` is 2-D multiple fits are done, one for each column of `y`, and the resulting coefficients are stored in the corresponding columns of a 2-D return. The fitted polynomial(s) are in the form .. math:: p(x) = c_0 + c_1 * L_1(x) + ... + c_n * L_n(x), where `n` is `deg`. Since numpy version 1.7.0, lagfit also supports NA. If any of the elements of `x`, `y`, or `w` are NA, then the corresponding rows of the linear least squares problem (see Notes) are set to 0. If `y` is 2-D, then an NA in any row of `y` invalidates that whole row. Parameters ---------- x : array_like, shape (M,) x-coordinates of the M sample points ``(x[i], y[i])``. y : array_like, shape (M,) or (M, K) y-coordinates of the sample points. Several data sets of sample points sharing the same x-coordinates can be fitted at once by passing in a 2D-array that contains one dataset per column. deg : int Degree of the fitting polynomial rcond : float, optional Relative condition number of the fit. Singular values smaller than this relative to the largest singular value will be ignored. The default value is len(x)*eps, where eps is the relative precision of the float type, about 2e-16 in most cases. full : bool, optional Switch determining nature of return value. When it is False (the default) just the coefficients are returned, when True diagnostic information from the singular value decomposition is also returned. w : array_like, shape (`M`,), optional Weights. If not None, the contribution of each point ``(x[i],y[i])`` to the fit is weighted by `w[i]`. Ideally the weights are chosen so that the errors of the products ``w[i]*y[i]`` all have the same variance. The default value is None. Returns ------- coef : ndarray, shape (M,) or (M, K) Laguerre coefficients ordered from low to high. If `y` was 2-D, the coefficients for the data in column k of `y` are in column `k`. [residuals, rank, singular_values, rcond] : present when `full` = True Residuals of the least-squares fit, the effective rank of the scaled Vandermonde matrix and its singular values, and the specified value of `rcond`. For more details, see `linalg.lstsq`. Warns ----- RankWarning The rank of the coefficient matrix in the least-squares fit is deficient. The warning is only raised if `full` = False. The warnings can be turned off by >>> import warnings >>> warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RankWarning) See Also -------- chebfit, legfit, polyfit, hermfit, hermefit lagval : Evaluates a Laguerre series. lagvander : pseudo Vandermonde matrix of Laguerre series. lagweight : Laguerre weight function. linalg.lstsq : Computes a least-squares fit from the matrix. scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline : Computes spline fits. Notes ----- The solution is the coefficients of the Laguerre series `p` that minimizes the sum of the weighted squared errors .. math:: E = \\sum_j w_j^2 * |y_j - p(x_j)|^2, where the :math:`w_j` are the weights. This problem is solved by setting up as the (typically) overdetermined matrix equation .. math:: V(x) * c = w * y, where `V` is the weighted pseudo Vandermonde matrix of `x`, `c` are the coefficients to be solved for, `w` are the weights, and `y` are the observed values. This equation is then solved using the singular value decomposition of `V`. If some of the singular values of `V` are so small that they are neglected, then a `RankWarning` will be issued. This means that the coefficient values may be poorly determined. Using a lower order fit will usually get rid of the warning. The `rcond` parameter can also be set to a value smaller than its default, but the resulting fit may be spurious and have large contributions from roundoff error. Fits using Laguerre series are probably most useful when the data can be approximated by ``sqrt(w(x)) * p(x)``, where `w(x)` is the Laguerre weight. In that case the weight ``sqrt(w(x[i])`` should be used together with data values ``y[i]/sqrt(w(x[i])``. The weight function is available as `lagweight`. References ---------- .. [1] Wikipedia, "Curve fitting", Examples -------- >>> from numpy.polynomial.laguerre import lagfit, lagval >>> x = np.linspace(0, 10) >>> err = np.random.randn(len(x))/10 >>> y = lagval(x, [1, 2, 3]) + err >>> lagfit(x, y, 2) array([ 0.96971004, 2.00193749, 3.00288744]) """ order = int(deg) + 1 x = np.asarray(x) + 0.0 y = np.asarray(y) + 0.0 # check arguments. if deg < 0 : raise ValueError("expected deg >= 0") if x.ndim != 1: raise TypeError("expected 1D vector for x") if x.size == 0: raise TypeError("expected non-empty vector for x") if y.ndim < 1 or y.ndim > 2 : raise TypeError("expected 1D or 2D array for y") if len(x) != len(y): raise TypeError("expected x and y to have same length") # set up the least squares matrices in transposed form lhs = lagvander(x, deg).T rhs = y.T if w is not None: w = np.asarray(w) + 0.0 if w.ndim != 1: raise TypeError("expected 1D vector for w") if len(x) != len(w): raise TypeError("expected x and w to have same length") # apply weights. Don't use inplace operations as they # can cause problems with NA. lhs = lhs * w rhs = rhs * w # set rcond if rcond is None : rcond = len(x)*np.finfo(x.dtype).eps # scale the design matrix and solve the least squares equation scl = np.sqrt((lhs*lhs).sum(1)) c, resids, rank, s = la.lstsq(lhs.T/scl, rhs.T, rcond) c = (c.T/scl).T # warn on rank reduction if rank != order and not full: msg = "The fit may be poorly conditioned" warnings.warn(msg, pu.RankWarning) if full : return c, [resids, rank, s, rcond] else : return c def lagcompanion(c): """ Return the companion matrix of c. The usual companion matrix of the Laguerre polynomials is already symmetric when `c` is a basis Laguerre polynomial, so no scaling is applied. Parameters ---------- c : array_like 1-D array of Laguerre series coefficients ordered from low to high degree. Returns ------- mat : ndarray Companion matrix of dimensions (deg, deg). Notes ----- .. versionadded::1.7.0 """ accprod = np.multiply.accumulate # c is a trimmed copy [c] = pu.as_series([c]) if len(c) < 2: raise ValueError('Series must have maximum degree of at least 1.') if len(c) == 2: return np.array(1 + c[0]/c[1]) n = len(c) - 1 mat = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=c.dtype) top = mat.reshape(-1)[1::n+1] mid = mat.reshape(-1)[0::n+1] bot = mat.reshape(-1)[n::n+1] top[...] = -np.arange(1,n) mid[...] = 2.*np.arange(n) + 1. bot[...] = top mat[:,-1] += (c[:-1]/c[-1])*n return mat def lagroots(c): """ Compute the roots of a Laguerre series. Return the roots (a.k.a. "zeros") of the polynomial .. math:: p(x) = \\sum_i c[i] * L_i(x). Parameters ---------- c : 1-D array_like 1-D array of coefficients. Returns ------- out : ndarray Array of the roots of the series. If all the roots are real, then `out` is also real, otherwise it is complex. See Also -------- polyroots, legroots, chebroots, hermroots, hermeroots Notes ----- The root estimates are obtained as the eigenvalues of the companion matrix, Roots far from the origin of the complex plane may have large errors due to the numerical instability of the series for such values. Roots with multiplicity greater than 1 will also show larger errors as the value of the series near such points is relatively insensitive to errors in the roots. Isolated roots near the origin can be improved by a few iterations of Newton's method. The Laguerre series basis polynomials aren't powers of `x` so the results of this function may seem unintuitive. Examples -------- >>> from numpy.polynomial.laguerre import lagroots, lagfromroots >>> coef = lagfromroots([0, 1, 2]) >>> coef array([ 2., -8., 12., -6.]) >>> lagroots(coef) array([ -4.44089210e-16, 1.00000000e+00, 2.00000000e+00]) """ # c is a trimmed copy [c] = pu.as_series([c]) if len(c) <= 1 : return np.array([], dtype=c.dtype) if len(c) == 2 : return np.array([1 + c[0]/c[1]]) m = lagcompanion(c) r = la.eigvals(m) r.sort() return r def laggauss(deg): """ Gauss-Laguerre quadrature. Computes the sample points and weights for Gauss-Laguerre quadrature. These sample points and weights will correctly integrate polynomials of degree :math:`2*deg - 1` or less over the interval :math:`[0, \inf]` with the weight function :math:`f(x) = \exp(-x)`. Parameters ---------- deg : int Number of sample points and weights. It must be >= 1. Returns ------- x : ndarray 1-D ndarray containing the sample points. y : ndarray 1-D ndarray containing the weights. Notes ----- .. versionadded::1.7.0 The results have only been tested up to degree 100 higher degrees may be problematic. The weights are determined by using the fact that .. math:: w_k = c / (L'_n(x_k) * L_{n-1}(x_k)) where :math:`c` is a constant independent of :math:`k` and :math:`x_k` is the k'th root of :math:`L_n`, and then scaling the results to get the right value when integrating 1. """ ideg = int(deg) if ideg != deg or ideg < 1: raise ValueError("deg must be a non-negative integer") # first approximation of roots. We use the fact that the companion # matrix is symmetric in this case in order to obtain better zeros. c = np.array([0]*deg + [1]) m = lagcompanion(c) x = la.eigvals(m) x.sort() # improve roots by one application of Newton dy = lagval(x, c) df = lagval(x, lagder(c)) x -= dy/df # compute the weights. We scale the factor to avoid possible numerical # overflow. fm = lagval(x, c[1:]) fm /= np.abs(fm).max() df /= np.abs(df).max() w = 1/(fm * df) # scale w to get the right value, 1 in this case w /= w.sum() return x, w def lagweight(x): """Weight function of the Laguerre polynomials. The weight function is :math:`exp(-x)` and the interval of integration is :math:`[0, \inf]`. The Laguerre polynomials are orthogonal, but not normalized, with respect to this weight function. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Values at which the weight function will be computed. Returns ------- w : ndarray The weight function at `x`. Notes ----- .. versionadded::1.7.0 """ w = np.exp(-x) return w # # Laguerre series class # exec(polytemplate.substitute(name='Laguerre', nick='lag', domain='[-1,1]'))
__author__ = 'kiruba' import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import itertools from matplotlib import rc from spread import spread import meteolib as met import evaplib from bisect import bisect_left, bisect_right from scipy.optimize import curve_fit import math import scipy as sp from datetime import timedelta import matplotlib as mpl # latex parameters rc('font', **{'family': 'sans-serif', 'sans-serif': ['Helvetica']}) rc('text', usetex=True) plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.rc('font', family='serif', size=18) # Weather file weather_file = '/media/kiruba/New Volume/ACCUWA_Data/weather_station/smgollahalli/corrected_weather.csv' # Rain file rain_file = '/media/kiruba/New Volume/ACCUWA_Data/weather_station/smgollahalli/corrected_rain.csv' # convert to pandas dataframe weather_df = pd.read_csv(weather_file, sep=',', header=0) # set index date_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' weather_df['Date_Time'] = pd.to_datetime(weather_df['Date_Time'], format=date_format) weather_df.set_index(weather_df['Date_Time'], inplace=True) # sort based on index weather_df.sort_index(inplace=True) # drop date time column weather_df = weather_df.drop('Date_Time', 1) # print weather_df.head() # Rain data frame rain_df = pd.read_csv(rain_file, sep=',', header=0) # set index rain_df['Date_Time'] = pd.to_datetime(rain_df['Date_Time'], format=date_format) rain_df.set_index(rain_df['Date_Time'], inplace=True) # sort based on index rain_df.sort_index(inplace=True) # drop date time column rain_df = rain_df.drop('Date_Time', 1) # print rain_df.head() # rain_df.to_csv('/media/kiruba/New Volume/ACCUWA_Data/weather_station/smgollahalli/rain_corr.csv') # create daily value rain_daily_df = rain_df.resample('D', how=np.sum) rain_daily_df.to_csv('/media/kiruba/New Volume/ACCUWA_Data/weather_station/smgollahalli/rain_daily_corr.csv') # create average daily weather weather_daily_df = weather_df.resample('D', how=np.mean) weather_daily_df = weather_daily_df.join(rain_daily_df, how='left') """ Evaporation from open water Equation according to J.D. Valiantzas (2006). Simplified versions for the Penman evaporation equation using routine weather data. J. Hydrology 331: 690-702. Following Penman (1948,1956). Albedo set at 0.06 for open water. Input (measured at 2 m height): - airtemp: (array of) daily average air temperatures [Celsius] - rh: (array of) daily average relative humidity [%] - airpress: (array of) daily average air pressure data [Pa] - Rs: (array of) daily incoming solar radiation [J/m2/day] - N: (array of) maximum daily sunshine hours [h] - Rext: (array of) daily extraterrestrial radiation [J/m2/day] - u: (array of) daily average wind speed at 2 m [m/s] - Z: (array of) site elevation [m a.s.l.], default is zero... Output: - E0: (array of) Penman open water evaporation values [mm/day] """ """ air pressure (Pa) = 101325(1-2.25577 10^-5 h)^5.25588 h = altitude above sea level (m) mean elevation over watershed = 803.441589 m Elevation at the check dam = 799 m """ z = 799 p = (1-(2.25577*(10**-5)*z)) air_p_pa = 101325*(p**5.25588) # give air pressure value weather_daily_df['AirPr(Pa)'] = air_p_pa """ Sunshine hours calculation 591 calculation - lat = 13.260196, long = 77.5120849 floor division(//): """ #select radiation data separately sunshine_df = weather_df[['Solar Radiation (W/mm2)']] # give value 1 if there is radiation and rest 0 sunshine_df['sunshine hours (h)'] = (sunshine_df['Solar Radiation (W/mm2)'] != 0).astype(int) # gives 1 for true and 0 for false # print sunshine_df.head() #aggregate the values to daily and divide it by 2 to get sunshine hourly values sunshine_daily_df = sunshine_df.resample('D', how=np.sum) // 2 # // floor division sunshine_daily_df = sunshine_daily_df.drop(sunshine_daily_df.columns.values[0], 1) # print sunshine_daily_df.head() weather_daily_df = weather_daily_df.join(sunshine_daily_df, how='left') """ Daily Extraterrestrial Radiation Calculation(J/m2/day) """ def rext_calc(df, lat=float): """ Function to calculate extraterrestrial radiation output in J/m2/day Ref: :param df: dataframe with datetime index :param lat: latitude (negative for Southern hemisphere) :return: Rext (J/m2) """ # set solar constant [MJ m^-2 min^-1] s = 0.08166 #convert latitude [degrees] to radians latrad = lat*math.pi / 180.0 #have to add in function for calculating single value here # extract date, month, year from index date = pd.DatetimeIndex(df.index).day month = pd.DatetimeIndex(df.index).month year = pd.DatetimeIndex(df.index).year doy = met.date2doy(dd=date, mm=month, yyyy=year) # create day of year(1-366) acc to date l = sp.size(doy) if l < 2: dt = 0.409 * math.sin(2 * math.pi / 365 * doy - 1.39) ws = sp.arccos(-math.tan(latrad) * math.tan(dt)) j = 2 * math.pi / 365.25 * doy dr = 1.0 + 0.03344 * math.cos(j - 0.048869) rext = s * 1440 / math.pi * dr * (ws * math.sin(latrad) * math.sin(dt) + math.sin(ws) * math.cos(latrad) * math.cos(dt)) #Create dummy output arrays sp refers to scipy else: rext = sp.zeros(l) dt = sp.zeros(l) ws = sp.zeros(l) j = sp.zeros(l) dr = sp.zeros(l) #calculate Rext for i in range(0, l): #Calculate solar decimation dt(d in FAO) [rad] dt[i] = 0.409 * math.sin(2 * math.pi / 365 * doy[i] - 1.39) #calculate sunset hour angle [rad] ws[i] = sp.arccos(-math.tan(latrad) * math.tan(dt[i])) # calculate day angle j [radians] j[i] = 2 * math.pi / 365.25 * doy[i] # calculate relative distance to sun dr[i] = 1.0 + 0.03344 * math.cos(j[i] - 0.048869) #calculate Rext dt = d(FAO) and latrad = j(FAO) rext[i] = (s * 1440.0 / math.pi) * dr[i] * (ws[i] * math.sin(latrad) * math.sin(dt[i]) + math.sin(ws[i])* math.cos(latrad) * math.cos(dt[i])) rext = sp.array(rext) * 1000000 return rext weather_daily_df['Rext (J/m2)'] = rext_calc(weather_daily_df, lat=13.260196) """ wind speed from km/h to m/s 1 kmph = 0.277778 m/s """ weather_daily_df['Wind Speed (mps)'] = weather_daily_df['Wind Speed (kmph)'] * 0.277778 """ Radiation unit conversion """ weather_daily_df['Solar Radiation (J/m2/day)'] = weather_daily_df['Solar Radiation (W/mm2)'] * 86400 """ Pot Evaporation calculation """ airtemp = weather_daily_df['Air Temperature (C)'] hum = weather_daily_df['Humidity (%)'] airpress = weather_daily_df['AirPr(Pa)'] rs = weather_daily_df['Solar Radiation (J/m2/day)'] sun_hr = weather_daily_df['sunshine hours (h)'] rext = weather_daily_df['Rext (J/m2)'] wind_speed = weather_daily_df['Wind Speed (mps)'] weather_daily_df['Evaporation (mm/day)'] = evaplib.E0(airtemp=airtemp, rh=hum, airpress=airpress, Rs=rs, N=sun_hr, Rext=rext, u=wind_speed, Z=z ) """ Plot Evaporation """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11.69, 8.27)) plt.plot_date(weather_daily_df.index, weather_daily_df['Evaporation (mm/day)'], '-g', label='Evaporation (mm/day)') plt.ylabel(r'\textbf{Evaporation ($mm/day$)}') fig.autofmt_xdate(rotation=90) plt.title(r"Daily Evaporation for Check Dam - 591", fontsize=20) plt.savefig('/media/kiruba/New Volume/ACCUWA_Data/python_plots/check_dam_591/evaporation_591') """ Check dam calibration """ # Polynomial fitting function def polyfit(x, y, degree): results = {} coeffs = np.polyfit(x, y, degree) results['polynomial'] = coeffs.tolist() #r squared p = np.poly1d(coeffs) yhat = p(x) ybar = np.sum(y)/len(y) ssreg = np.sum((yhat-ybar)**2) sstot = np.sum((y-ybar)**2) results['determination'] = ssreg/sstot return results #check dam calibration values y_cal = [10, 40, 100, 160, 225, 275, 300] x_cal = [2036, 2458, 3025, 4078, 5156, 5874, 6198] a_stage = polyfit(x_cal, y_cal, 1) # coefficients of polynomial are stored in following list coeff_cal = a_stage['polynomial'] ## Read check dam data block_1 = '/media/kiruba/New Volume/ACCUWA_Data/check_dam_water_level/2525_008_001.CSV' water_level_1 = pd.read_csv(block_1, skiprows=9, sep=',', header=0, names=['scan no', 'date', 'time', 'raw value', 'calibrated value']) water_level_1['calibrated value'] = (water_level_1['raw value']*coeff_cal[0]) + coeff_cal[1] # in cm # convert to metre water_level_1['calibrated value'] /= 100 #change the column name water_level_1.columns.values[4] = 'stage(m)' # create date time index format = '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S' # change 24:00:00 to 23:59:59 water_level_1['time'] = water_level_1['time'].replace(' 24:00:00', ' 23:59:59') water_level_1['date_time'] = pd.to_datetime(water_level_1['date'] + water_level_1['time'], format=format) water_level_1.set_index(water_level_1['date_time'], inplace=True) # drop unneccessary columns before datetime aggregation water_level_1.drop(['scan no', 'date', 'time', 'raw value'], inplace=True, axis=1) #aggregate daily water_level_1 = water_level_1.resample('D', how=np.mean) # print water_level_1 block_2 = '/media/kiruba/New Volume/ACCUWA_Data/check_dam_water_level/2525_008_002.CSV' water_level_2 = pd.read_csv(block_2, skiprows=9, sep=',', header=0, names=['scan no', 'date', 'time', 'raw value', 'calibrated value']) water_level_2['calibrated value'] = (water_level_2['raw value']*coeff_cal[0]) + coeff_cal[1] # in cm # convert to metre water_level_2['calibrated value'] /= 100 #change the column name water_level_2.columns.values[4] = 'stage(m)' # create date time index format = '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S' # change 24:00:00 to 23:59:59 water_level_2['time'] = water_level_2['time'].replace(' 24:00:00', ' 23:59:59') water_level_2['date_time'] = pd.to_datetime(water_level_2['date'] + water_level_2['time'], format=format) water_level_2.set_index(water_level_2['date_time'], inplace=True) # drop unneccessary columns before datetime aggregation water_level_2.drop(['scan no', 'date', 'time', 'raw value'], inplace=True, axis=1) #aggregate daily water_level_2 = water_level_2.resample('D', how=np.mean) # print water_level_2 block_3 = '/media/kiruba/New Volume/ACCUWA_Data/check_dam_water_level/2525_008_003.CSV' water_level_3 = pd.read_csv(block_3, skiprows=9, sep=',', header=0, names=['scan no', 'date', 'time', 'raw value', 'calibrated value']) water_level_3['calibrated value'] = (water_level_3['raw value']*coeff_cal[0]) + coeff_cal[1] # in cm # convert to metre water_level_3['calibrated value'] /= 100 #change the column name water_level_3.columns.values[4] = 'stage(m)' # create date time index format = '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S' # change 24:00:00 to 23:59:59 water_level_3['time'] = water_level_3['time'].replace(' 24:00:00', ' 23:59:59') water_level_3['date_time'] = pd.to_datetime(water_level_3['date'] + water_level_3['time'], format=format) water_level_3.set_index(water_level_3['date_time'], inplace=True) # drop unneccessary columns before datetime aggregation water_level_3.drop(['scan no', 'date', 'time', 'raw value'], inplace=True, axis=1) #aggregate daily water_level_3 = water_level_3.resample('D', how=np.mean) # print water_level_3 # bloack 4 block_4 = '/media/kiruba/New Volume/ACCUWA_Data/check_dam_water_level/2525_008_004.CSV' water_level_4 = pd.read_csv(block_4, skiprows=9, sep=',', header=0, names=['scan no', 'date', 'time', 'raw value', 'calibrated value']) water_level_4['calibrated value'] = (water_level_4['raw value']*coeff_cal[0]) + coeff_cal[1] # in cm # convert to metre water_level_4['calibrated value'] /= 100 #change the column name water_level_4.columns.values[4] = 'stage(m)' # create date time index format = '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S' # change 24:00:00 to 23:59:59 water_level_4['time'] = water_level_4['time'].replace(' 24:00:00', ' 23:59:59') water_level_4['date_time'] = pd.to_datetime(water_level_4['date'] + water_level_4['time'], format=format) water_level_4.set_index(water_level_4['date_time'], inplace=True) # drop unneccessary columns before datetime aggregation water_level_4.drop(['scan no', 'date', 'time', 'raw value'], inplace=True, axis=1) #aggregate daily water_level_4 = water_level_4.resample('D', how=np.mean) water_level = pd.concat([water_level_1, water_level_2, water_level_3, water_level_4], axis=0) weather_daily_df = weather_daily_df.join(water_level, how='left') """ Remove Duplicates """ # check for duplicates # df2 = dry_weather.groupby(level=0).filter(lambda x: len(x) > 1) # print(df2) weather_daily_df['index'] = weather_daily_df.index weather_daily_df.drop_duplicates(subset='index', take_last=True, inplace=True) del weather_daily_df['index'] weather_daily_df = weather_daily_df.sort() """ Stage Volume relation estimation from survey data """ # neccessary functions def pairwise(iterable): """s -> (s0,s1), (s1,s2), (s2,s3), ...""" a, b = itertools.tee(iterable) next(b, None) return itertools.izip(a, b) #function to create stage volume output def calcvolume(profile, order, dy): """ Profile = df.Y1,df.Y2,.. and order = 1,2,3 :param profile: series of Z values :param order: distance from origin :param dy: thickness of profile in m :param dam_height: Height of check dam in m :return: output: pandas dataframe volume for profile """ # print 'profile length = %s' % len(profile) results = [] for stage in dz: water_area = 0 for z1, z2 in pairwise(profile): delev = (z2 - z1) / 10 elev = z1 for b in range(1, 11, 1): elev += delev if stage > elev: # print 'elev = %s' % elev water_area += (0.1 * (stage-elev)) # print 'order = %s and dy = %s' %(order, dy) # print 'area = %s' % water_area calc_vol = water_area * dy # print 'calc vol = %s' % calc_vol results.append(calc_vol) # print 'results = %s' % results # print 'results length = %s' % len(results) output[('Volume_%s' % order)] = results #input parameters base_file_591 = '/media/kiruba/New Volume/r/r_dir/stream_profile/new_code/591/base_profile_591.csv' check_dam_no = 591 check_dam_height = 1.9 # m df_591 = pd.read_csv(base_file_591, sep=',') df_591_trans = df_591.T # Transpose no_of_stage_interval = check_dam_height/.05 dz = list((spread(0.00, check_dam_height, int(no_of_stage_interval), mode=3))) index = [range(len(dz))] # no of stage intervals columns = ['stage_m'] data = np.array(dz) output = pd.DataFrame(data, index=index, columns=columns) # print(df_591_trans) # print len(df_591_trans.ix[1:, 0]) ### Renaming the column and dropping y values y_name_list = [] for y_value in df_591_trans.ix[0, 0:]: y_name_list.append(('Y_%d' %y_value)) df_591_trans.columns = y_name_list # print df_591_trans y_value_list = df_591_trans.ix[0, 0:] # print y_value_list # drop the y values from data final_data = df_591_trans.ix[1:, 0:] # print final_data #volume calculation for l1, l2 in pairwise(y_value_list): calcvolume(profile=final_data["Y_%d" % l1], order=l1, dy=int(l2-l1)) output_series = output.filter(regex="Volume_") # filter the columns that have Volume_ output["total_vol_cu_m"] = output_series.sum(axis=1) # get total volume # print output # select only stage and total volume stage_vol_df = output[['stage_m', "total_vol_cu_m"]] """ Select data where stage is available, Remove Overflowing days """ weather_stage_avl_df = weather_daily_df[min(water_level.index):max(water_level.index)] # weather_stage_avl_df = weather_stage_avl_df[weather_stage_avl_df['stage(m)'] < 1.9] # assumption cutoff stage to be 14 cm below which data is not considered reliable # weather_stage_avl_df = weather_stage_avl_df[weather_stage_avl_df['stage(m)'] > 0.05] # weather_stage_avl_df = weather_stage_avl_df[weather_stage_avl_df['change_storage(cu.m)'] > 0] # print weather_stage_avl_df['stage(m)'] """ Convert observed stage to volume by linear interpolation """ # set stage as index stage_vol_df.set_index(stage_vol_df['stage_m'], inplace=True) # function to find containing intervals def find_range(array, ab): if ab < max(array): start = bisect_left(array, ab) return array[start-1], array[start] else: return min(array), max(array) # print weather_stage_avl_df.head() water_balance_df = weather_stage_avl_df[['Rain Collection (mm)', 'Evaporation (mm/day)', 'stage(m)']] # print find_range(stage_vol_df['stage_m'].tolist(), max(water_balance_df['stage(m)'])) water_balance_df['volume (cu.m)'] = 0.000 for index, row in water_balance_df.iterrows(): obs_stage = row['stage(m)'] # observed stage x1, x2 = find_range(stage_vol_df['stage_m'].tolist(), obs_stage) x_diff = x2-x1 y1 = stage_vol_df['total_vol_cu_m'][x1] y2 = stage_vol_df['total_vol_cu_m'][x2] y_diff = y2 - y1 slope = y_diff/x_diff y_intercept = y2 - (slope*x2) water_balance_df['volume (cu.m)'][index.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] = (slope*obs_stage) + y_intercept # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11.69, 8.27)) # plt.plot_date(water_balance_df.index, water_balance_df['volume (cu.m)'], '-g') # plt.hlines(stage_vol_df['total_vol_cu_m'][1.9], min(water_balance_df.index), max(water_balance_df.index)) # plt.title('before overflow correction') """ Overflow """ full_vol = stage_vol_df['total_vol_cu_m'][1.9] print full_vol water_balance_df['overflow(cu.m)'] = 0.000 for index, row in water_balance_df.iterrows(): obs_vol = row['volume (cu.m)'] if obs_vol > full_vol: # print obs_vol water_balance_df['overflow(cu.m)'][index.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] = obs_vol - full_vol water_balance_df['volume (cu.m)'][index.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] = full_vol water_balance_df['stage(m)'][index.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] = 1.9 # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11.69, 8.27)) # plt.plot_date(water_balance_df.index, water_balance_df['volume (cu.m)'], '-g') # plt.hlines(stage_vol_df['total_vol_cu_m'][1.9], min(water_balance_df.index), max(water_balance_df.index)) # plt.title('after overflow correction') """ Stage vs area linear relationship """wrong_date_time.append(wrong_time) stage_area_df = pd.read_csv('/media/kiruba/New Volume/ACCUWA_Data/Checkdam_water_balance/591/cont_area.csv', sep=',', header=0, names=['sno', 'stage_m', 'total_area_sq_m']) stage_area_df.drop('sno', inplace=True, axis=1) # set stage as index stage_area_df.set_index(stage_area_df['stage_m'], inplace=True) # print max(water_balance_df['stage(m)']) # print find_range(stage_area_df['stage_m'].tolist(), max(water_balance_df['stage(m)'])) #create empty column water_balance_df['ws_area(sq.m)'] = 0.000 for index, row in water_balance_df.iterrows(): obs_stage = row['stage(m)'] # observed stage x1, x2 = find_range(stage_area_df['stage_m'].tolist(), obs_stage) x_diff = x2-x1 y1 = stage_area_df['total_area_sq_m'][x1] y2 = stage_area_df['total_area_sq_m'][x2] y_diff = y2 - y1 slope = y_diff/x_diff y_intercept = y2 - (slope*x2) water_balance_df['ws_area(sq.m)'][index.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] = (slope*obs_stage) + y_intercept """ Evaporation Volume estimation """ water_balance_df['Evaporation (cu.m)'] = (water_balance_df['Evaporation (mm/day)'] * 0.001) * water_balance_df['ws_area(sq.m)'] """ change in storage """ #assume 0 initially water_balance_df['change_storage(cu.m)'] = 0.000 #change in storage is today minus yesterday volume for d1, d2 in pairwise(water_balance_df.index): if d2 > d1: diff = (d2-d1).days if diff == 1: water_balance_df['change_storage(cu.m)'][d2.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] = water_balance_df['volume (cu.m)'][d2.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] - water_balance_df['volume (cu.m)'][d1.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] # print water_balance_df # water_balance_df = water_balance_df[water_balance_df['change_storage(cu.m)'] < 0] def plot_date(dataframe, column_name): """ :param dataframe: :param column_name: :type column_name:str :return: """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11.69, 8.27)) p = plt.plot(dataframe.index, dataframe[column_name], 'b-', label=r"%s" % column_name) plt.hlines(0, min(dataframe.index), max(dataframe.index), 'r') plt.legend(loc='best') fig.autofmt_xdate(rotation=90) return p a = plot_date(water_balance_df, 'change_storage(cu.m)') # #create average stage for two days water_balance_df['average_stage_m'] = 0.000 for d1, d2 in pairwise(water_balance_df.index): diff = abs((d2-d1).days) if diff == 1: water_balance_df['average_stage_m'][d2.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] = (water_balance_df['stage(m)'] [d2.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] + water_balance_df['stage(m)'] [d1.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')])/2 # print water_balance_df.head() # print water_balance_df """ Separate inflow and no inflow days """ dry_water_balance_df = water_balance_df[water_balance_df['change_storage(cu.m)'] < 0] rain_water_balance_df = water_balance_df[water_balance_df['change_storage(cu.m)'] > 0] # b = plot_date(dry_water_balance_df, 'change_storage(cu.m)') """ Calculate infiltration """ # calculate infiltration dry_water_balance_df.to_csv('/media/kiruba/New Volume/ACCUWA_Data/Checkdam_water_balance/591/dry_wb_check.CSV') # print dry_water_balance_df.head() # dry_water_balance_df['infiltration(cu.m)'] = 0.000 delta_s = dry_water_balance_df['change_storage(cu.m)'] evap = dry_water_balance_df['Evaporation (cu.m)'] outflow = dry_water_balance_df['overflow(cu.m)'] # for t1, t2 in pairwise(dry_water_balance_df.index): # diff = abs((t2-t1).days) # if diff == 1: # print t1, t2 # dry_water_balance_df['infiltration(cu.m)'][t1.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] = -1*(delta_s[t2.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] + evap[t2.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] + outflow[t2.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')]) # # for index, row in dry_water_balance_df.iterrows(): # if index > min(dry_water_balance_df.index): # t_1 = index - timedelta(days=1) # if t_1 < max(dry_water_balance_df.index): # diff = abs((index-t_1).days) # if diff == 1: # print index # # print t_1 # dry_water_balance_df['infiltration(cu.m)'][index.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] = -1*(delta_s[index.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] + evap[t_1.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] + outflow[t_1.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')]) # print row dry_water_balance_df['infiltration(cu.m)'] = -1.0*(evap + outflow + delta_s) # print dry_water_balance_df.head() # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11.69, 8.27)) # plt.plot(dry_water_balance_df['average_stage_m'], dry_water_balance_df['infiltration(cu.m)'], 'bo') # """ Dry infiltration vs rainfall """ fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(11.69, 8.27)) # fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.8) line1 =, water_balance_df['Rain Collection (mm)'], 0.35, label=r'Rainfall(mm)') plt.gca().invert_yaxis() ax1.xaxis.tick_bottom() ax1.yaxis.tick_left() for t1 in ax1.get_yticklabels(): t1.set_color('b') # plt.legend(loc='upper left') ax2 = ax1.twinx() cmap, norm = mpl.colors.from_levels_and_colors([0, 0.05, 1, 1.5, 2.0], ['red', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue']) line2 = ax2.scatter(dry_water_balance_df.index, dry_water_balance_df['infiltration(cu.m)'], label='Infiltration (cu.m)', c=dry_water_balance_df['stage(m)'], cmap=cmap, norm=norm) plt.hlines(0, min(dry_water_balance_df.index), max(dry_water_balance_df.index)) ax2.xaxis.tick_bottom() ax2.yaxis.tick_right() for t1 in ax2.get_yticklabels(): t1.set_color('r') # plt.legend(loc='upper right') # fig.autofmt_xdate(rotation=90) # fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.8) ax3 = ax2.twiny() line3 = ax3.plot(water_balance_df.index, water_balance_df['Evaporation (cu.m)'], '-g', label='Evaporation (cu.m)' ) ax3.tick_params(axis='x', which='both', top='off', bottom='off', labeltop='off') # ax3.xaxis.tick_bottom() ax3.yaxis.tick_right() fig.autofmt_xdate(rotation=90) # lns = line1+line3 # labs = [l.get_label() for l in lns] # ax3.legend(lns, labs, loc='upper center', fancybox=True, ncol=3, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.15)) # ax3.set_xlim([min(dry_water_balance_df.index), max(dry_water_balance_df.index)]) fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.8) cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.85, 0.50, 0.05, 0.3]) #first one distance from plot, second height # cax, kw = mpl.colorbar.make_axes([ax for ax in ax1.flat()]) cbar = fig.colorbar(line2, cax=cbar_ax)'Stage (m)') plt.savefig('/media/kiruba/New Volume/ACCUWA_Data/python_plots/check_dam_591/dry_rain_infiltration_stage_591') """ Fitting exponential function """ # stage_cal = dry_water_balance_df['stage(m)'] stage_cal = dry_water_balance_df['average_stage_m'] inf_cal = dry_water_balance_df['infiltration(cu.m)'] def func(h, alpha, beta): return alpha*(h**beta) popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, stage_cal, inf_cal) print popt print pcov # print np.diag(pcov) print np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov)) # plot stage_cal_new = np.linspace(min(stage_cal), max(stage_cal), 50) inf_cal_new = func(stage_cal_new, *popt) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11.69, 8.27)) plt.plot(stage_cal, inf_cal, 'bo', label=r'Observation') plt.plot(stage_cal_new, inf_cal_new, 'r-', label='Prediction') plt.vlines(1.9, 0, max(inf_cal), 'g') plt.hlines(0, min(stage_cal), max(stage_cal), 'y') plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.xlabel(r'\textbf{Stage} (m)') plt.ylabel(r'\textbf{Infiltration} ($m^3/day$)') plt.title(r"No inflow day's stage - infiltration relationship for 591 check dam") plt.text(x=0.15, y=40, fontsize=15, s=r'$Infiltration = {0:.2f}{{h_{{av}}}}^{{{1:.2f}}}$'.format(popt[0], popt[1])) plt.savefig('/media/kiruba/New Volume/ACCUWA_Data/python_plots/check_dam_591/stage_inf_exp_dry_591') # # print dry_water_balance_df # print dry_water_balance_df[dry_water_balance_df['infiltration(cu.m)'] < 0] # plot rainfall vs stage fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(11.69, 8.27)), water_balance_df['Rain Collection (mm)'], 0.35, color='b', label=r'Rainfall(mm)') plt.gca().invert_yaxis() for t1 in ax1.get_yticklabels(): t1.set_color('b') ax1.set_ylabel('Rainfall(mm)') plt.legend(loc='upper left') ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax2.plot_date(water_balance_df.index, water_balance_df['stage(m)'], 'r', label='stage (m)') for t1 in ax2.get_yticklabels(): t1.set_color('r') plt.legend(loc='upper right') fig.autofmt_xdate(rotation=90) # """ Rainy day infiltration """ rain_water_balance_df['infiltration(cu.m)'] = popt[0]*(rain_water_balance_df['average_stage_m']**popt[1]) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11.69, 8.27)) plt.plot(rain_water_balance_df['average_stage_m'], rain_water_balance_df['infiltration(cu.m)'], 'bo', label='Predicted Infiltration' ) # plt.vlines(1.9, 0, 100, 'g') # plt.xlim([-1, 2.0]) # plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.xlabel(r'\textbf{Stage} (m)') plt.ylabel(r'\textbf{Infiltration} ($m^3/day$)') plt.title(r"Inflow day's stage - infiltration relationship for 591 check dam") """ Inflow calculation """ # print dry_water_balance_df.head() dry_water_balance_df['status'] = 'D' rain_water_balance_df['status'] = 'R' # dry_water_balance_df = dry_water_balance_df.drop(['Evaporation (mm/day)', 'ws_area(sq.m)'], inplace=True, axis=1) # rain_water_balance_df = rain_water_balance_df.drop(['Evaporation (mm/day)', 'ws_area(sq.m)'], inplace=True, axis=1) # merged_table = dry_water_balance_df.join(rain_water_balance_df, how='right') # print rain_water_balance_df.head() dry_water_balance_df.to_csv('/media/kiruba/New Volume/ACCUWA_Data/Checkdam_water_balance/591/dry_wb.CSV') rain_water_balance_df.to_csv('/media/kiruba/New Volume/ACCUWA_Data/Checkdam_water_balance/591/rain_wb.CSV')
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from . import _glyph_functions as gf from .models import Axis, Grid, GridPlot, Legend, LogAxis, Plot from .plotting_helpers import ( _list_attr_splat, _get_range, _get_axis_class, _get_num_minor_ticks, _process_tools_arg ) # extra imports -- just things to add to 'from plotting import *' from .document import Document from .models import ColumnDataSource from .session import Session from .io import ( curdoc, cursession, output_file, output_notebook, output_server, push, reset_output, save, show, gridplot, hplot, vplot) # Names that we want in this namespace (fool pyflakes) (GridPlot, Document, ColumnDataSource, Session, cursession, gridplot, show, save, reset_output, push, output_file, output_notebook, output_server, vplot, hplot) DEFAULT_TOOLS = "pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,save,resize,reset,help" class Figure(Plot): ''' A subclass of :class:`~bokeh.models.plots.Plot` that simplifies plot creation with default axes, grids, tools, etc. ''' __subtype__ = "Figure" __view_model__ = "Plot" def __init__(self, *arg, **kw): tools = kw.pop("tools", DEFAULT_TOOLS) x_range = kw.pop("x_range", None) y_range = kw.pop("y_range", None) x_axis_type = kw.pop("x_axis_type", "auto") y_axis_type = kw.pop("y_axis_type", "auto") x_minor_ticks = kw.pop('x_minor_ticks', 'auto') y_minor_ticks = kw.pop('y_minor_ticks', 'auto') x_axis_location = kw.pop("x_axis_location", "below") y_axis_location = kw.pop("y_axis_location", "left") x_axis_label = kw.pop("x_axis_label", "") y_axis_label = kw.pop("y_axis_label", "") super(Figure, self).__init__(*arg, **kw) self.x_range = _get_range(x_range) self.y_range = _get_range(y_range) x_axiscls = _get_axis_class(x_axis_type, self.x_range) if x_axiscls: if x_axiscls is LogAxis: self.x_mapper_type = 'log' xaxis = x_axiscls(plot=self) xaxis.ticker.num_minor_ticks = _get_num_minor_ticks(x_axiscls, x_minor_ticks) axis_label = x_axis_label if axis_label: xaxis.axis_label = axis_label xgrid = Grid(plot=self, dimension=0, ticker=xaxis.ticker); xgrid if x_axis_location == "above": self.above.append(xaxis) elif x_axis_location == "below": self.below.append(xaxis) y_axiscls = _get_axis_class(y_axis_type, self.y_range) if y_axiscls: if y_axiscls is LogAxis: self.y_mapper_type = 'log' yaxis = y_axiscls(plot=self) yaxis.ticker.num_minor_ticks = _get_num_minor_ticks(y_axiscls, y_minor_ticks) axis_label = y_axis_label if axis_label: yaxis.axis_label = axis_label ygrid = Grid(plot=self, dimension=1, ticker=yaxis.ticker); ygrid if y_axis_location == "left": self.left.append(yaxis) elif y_axis_location == "right": self.right.append(yaxis) tool_objs = _process_tools_arg(self, tools) self.add_tools(*tool_objs) def _axis(self, *sides): objs = [] for s in sides: objs.extend(getattr(self, s, [])) axis = [obj for obj in objs if isinstance(obj, Axis)] return _list_attr_splat(axis) @property def xaxis(self): """ Splattable list of :class:`~bokeh.models.axes.Axis` objects for the x dimension. """ return self._axis("above", "below") @property def yaxis(self): """ Splattable list of :class:`~bokeh.models.axes.Axis` objects for the y dimension. """ return self._axis("left", "right") @property def axis(self): """ Splattable list of :class:`~bokeh.models.axes.Axis` objects. """ return _list_attr_splat(self.xaxis + self.yaxis) @property def legend(self): """Splattable list of :class:`~bokeh.models.annotations.Legend` objects. """ legends = [obj for obj in self.renderers if isinstance(obj, Legend)] return _list_attr_splat(legends) def _grid(self, dimension): grid = [obj for obj in self.renderers if isinstance(obj, Grid) and obj.dimension==dimension] return _list_attr_splat(grid) @property def xgrid(self): """ Splattable list of :class:`~bokeh.models.grids.Grid` objects for the x dimension. """ return self._grid(0) @property def ygrid(self): """ Splattable list of :class:`~bokeh.models.grids.Grid` objects for the y dimension. """ return self._grid(1) @property def grid(self): """ Splattable list of :class:`~bokeh.models.grids.Grid` objects. """ return _list_attr_splat(self.xgrid + self.ygrid) annular_wedge = gf.annular_wedge annulus = gf.annulus arc = gf.arc asterisk = gf.asterisk bezier = gf.bezier circle = circle_cross = gf.circle_cross circle_x = gf.circle_x cross = gf.cross diamond = gf.diamond diamond_cross = gf.diamond_cross image = gf.image image_rgba = gf.image_rgba image_url = gf.image_url inverted_triangle = gf.inverted_triangle line = gf.line multi_line = gf.multi_line oval = gf.oval patch = gf.patch patches = gf.patches quad = gf.quad quadratic = gf.quadratic ray = gf.ray rect = gf.rect segment = gf.segment square = gf.square square_cross = gf.square_cross square_x = gf.square_x text = gf.text triangle = gf.triangle wedge = gf.wedge x = gf.x def scatter(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Creates a scatter plot of the given x and y items. Args: x (str or seq[float]) : values or field names of center x coordinates y (str or seq[float]) : values or field names of center y coordinates size (str or list[float]) : values or field names of sizes in screen units marker (str, optional): a valid marker_type, defaults to "circle" color (color value, optional): shorthand to set both fill and line color source (:class:`~bokeh.models.sources.ColumnDataSource`) : a user-supplied data source. If none is supplied, one is created for the user automatically. **kwargs: :ref:`userguide_styling_line_properties` and :ref:`userguide_styling_fill_properties` Examples: >>> p.scatter([1,2,3],[4,5,6], fill_color="red") >>> p.scatter("data1", "data2", source=data_source, ...) """ markertype = kwargs.pop("marker", "circle") if markertype not in _marker_types: raise ValueError("Invalid marker type '%s'. Use markers() to see a list of valid marker types." % markertype) # TODO (bev) make better when plotting.scatter is removed conversions = { "*": "asterisk", "+": "cross", "o": "circle", "ox": "circle_x", "o+": "circle_cross" } if markertype in conversions: markertype = conversions[markertype] return getattr(self, markertype)(*args, **kwargs) def figure(**kwargs): ''' Create a new :class:`~bokeh.plotting.Figure` for plotting, and add it to the current document. Returns: Figure ''' if 'plot_width' in kwargs and 'width' in kwargs: raise ValueError("figure() called but both plot_width and width supplied, supply only one") if 'plot_height' in kwargs and 'height' in kwargs: raise ValueError("figure() called but both plot_height and height supplied, supply only one") if 'height' in kwargs: kwargs['plot_height'] = kwargs.pop('height') if 'width' in kwargs: kwargs['plot_width'] = kwargs.pop('width') fig = Figure(**kwargs) curdoc()._current_plot = fig if curdoc().autoadd: curdoc().add(fig) return fig _marker_types = [ "asterisk", "circle", "circle_cross", "circle_x", "cross", "diamond", "diamond_cross", "inverted_triangle", "square", "square_x", "square_cross", "triangle", "x", "*", "+", "o", "ox", "o+", ] def markers(): """ Prints a list of valid marker types for scatter() Returns: None """ print("Available markers: \n - " + "\n - ".join(_marker_types)) _color_fields = set(["color", "fill_color", "line_color"]) _alpha_fields = set(["alpha", "fill_alpha", "line_alpha"])
from __future__ import print_function # Functions to import and export MT EDI files. from SimPEG import mkvc from scipy.constants import mu_0 from numpy.lib import recfunctions as recFunc from .data_utils import rec_to_ndarr # Import modules import numpy as np import os, sys, re class EDIimporter: """ A class to import EDIfiles. """ # Define data converters # Convert Z[mV/km/nT] (as in EDI)to Z[V/A] SI unit _impUnitEDI2SI = 4 * np.pi * 1e-4 # ConvertZ[V/A] SI unit to Z[mV/km/nT] (as in EDI)_ _impUnitSI2EDI = 1.0 / _impUnitEDI2SI # Properties filesList = None comps = None # Hidden properties _outEPSG = None # Project info _2out = None # The projection operator def __init__(self, EDIfilesList, compList=None, outEPSG=None): # Set the fileList self.filesList = EDIfilesList # Set the components to import if compList is None: self.comps = [ "ZXXR", "ZXYR", "ZYXR", "ZYYR", "ZXXI", "ZXYI", "ZYXI", "ZYYI", "ZXX.VAR", "ZXY.VAR", "ZYX.VAR", "ZYY.VAR", ] else: self.comps = compList if outEPSG is not None: self._outEPSG = outEPSG def __call__(self, comps=None): if comps is None: return self._data return self._data[comps] def importFiles(self): """ Function to import EDI files into a object. """ # Constants that are needed for convertion of units # Temp lists tmpStaList = [] tmpCompList = ["freq", "x", "y", "z"] tmpCompList.extend(self.comps) # List of how to "rotate/shift" the data to comply with shift_list = [["xx", "yy"], ["xy", "yx"], ["yx", "xy"], ["yy", "xx"]] # Make the outarray dtRI = [(compS.lower().replace(".", ""), float) for compS in tmpCompList] # Loop through all the files for nrEDI, EDIfile in enumerate(self.filesList): # Read the file into a list of the lines with open(EDIfile, "r") as fid: EDIlines = fid.readlines() # Find the location latD, longD, elevM = _findLatLong(EDIlines) # Transfrom coordinates transCoord = self._transfromPoints(longD, latD) # Extract the name of the file (station) EDIname = EDIfile.split(os.sep)[-1].split(".")[0] # Arrange the data staList = [EDIname, EDIfile, transCoord[0], transCoord[1], elevM[0]] # Add to the station list tmpStaList.extend(staList) # Read the frequency data freq = _findEDIcomp(">FREQ", EDIlines) # Make the temporary rec array. tArrRec = (np.nan * np.ones((len(freq), len(dtRI)))).view(dtRI) tArrRec["freq"] = mkvc(freq, 2) tArrRec["x"] = mkvc(np.ones((len(freq), 1)) * transCoord[0], 2) tArrRec["y"] = mkvc(np.ones((len(freq), 1)) * transCoord[1], 2) tArrRec["z"] = mkvc(np.ones((len(freq), 1)) * elevM[0], 2) for comp in self.comps: # Deal with converting units of the impedance tensor if "Z" in comp: unitConvert = self._impUnitEDI2SI else: unitConvert = 1 # Rotate the data since EDI x is *north, y *east but Simpeg # uses x *east, y *north (* means internal reference frame) key = [ comp.lower().replace(".", "").replace(s, t) for s, t in shift_list if s in comp.lower() ][0] tArrRec[key] = mkvc(unitConvert * _findEDIcomp(">" + comp, EDIlines), 2) # Make a masked array mArrRec = rec_to_ndarr(tArrRec), mask=np.isnan(rec_to_ndarr(tArrRec)) ).view(dtype=tArrRec.dtype) try: outTemp = recFunc.stack_arrays((outTemp, mArrRec)) except NameError: outTemp = mArrRec # Assign the data self._data = outTemp # % Assign the data to the obj # nOutData=length(; #,:) =; def _transfromPoints(self, longD, latD): # Import the coordinate projections try: import osr except ImportError as e: print( ( "Could not import osr, missing the gdal" + "package\nCan not project coordinates" ) ) raise e # Coordinates convertor if self._2out is None: src = osr.SpatialReference() src.ImportFromEPSG(4326) out = osr.SpatialReference() if self._outEPSG is None: # Find the UTM EPSG number Nnr = 700 if latD < 0.0 else 600 utmZ = int(1 + (longD + 180.0) / 6.0) self._outEPSG = 32000 + Nnr + utmZ out.ImportFromEPSG(self._outEPSG) self._2out = osr.CoordinateTransformation(src, out) # Return the transfrom return self._2out.TransformPoint(longD, latD) # Hidden functions def _findLatLong(fileLines): latDMS = np.array( fileLines[_findLine("LAT=", fileLines)[0]].split("=")[1].split()[0].split(":"), float, ) longDMS = np.array( fileLines[_findLine("LONG=", fileLines)[0]].split("=")[1].split()[0].split(":"), float, ) elevM = np.array( [fileLines[_findLine("ELEV=", fileLines)[0]].split("=")[1].split()[0]], float ) # Convert to D.ddddd values latS = np.sign(latDMS[0]) longS = np.sign(longDMS[0]) latD = latDMS[0] + latS * latDMS[1] / 60 + latS * latDMS[2] / 3600 longD = longDMS[0] + longS * longDMS[1] / 60 + longS * longDMS[2] / 3600 return latD, longD, elevM def _findLine(comp, fileLines): """ Find a line number in the file""" # Line counter c = 0 # List of indices for found lines found = [] # Loop through all the lines for line in fileLines: if comp in line: # Append if found found.append(c) # Increse the counter c += 1 # Return the found indices return found def _findEDIcomp(comp, fileLines, dt=float): """ Extract the data vector. Returns a list of the data. """ # Find the data headLine, indHead = [ (st, nr) for nr, st in enumerate(fileLines) if, st) ][0] # Extract the data nrVec = int(headLine.split("//")[-1]) c = 0 dataList = [] while c < nrVec: indHead += 1 dataList.extend(fileLines[indHead].split()) c = len(dataList) return np.array(dataList, dt)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################### # # GetTags # Retrieves a list of all tags and the number of bookmarks that use them. # # Python versions 2.6, 2.7, 3.x # # Copyright 2014, Temboo Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, # either express or implied. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. # # ############################################################################### from temboo.core.choreography import Choreography from temboo.core.choreography import InputSet from temboo.core.choreography import ResultSet from temboo.core.choreography import ChoreographyExecution import json class GetTags(Choreography): def __init__(self, temboo_session): """ Create a new instance of the GetTags Choreo. A TembooSession object, containing a valid set of Temboo credentials, must be supplied. """ super(GetTags, self).__init__(temboo_session, '/Library/Delicious/GetTags') def new_input_set(self): return GetTagsInputSet() def _make_result_set(self, result, path): return GetTagsResultSet(result, path) def _make_execution(self, session, exec_id, path): return GetTagsChoreographyExecution(session, exec_id, path) class GetTagsInputSet(InputSet): """ An InputSet with methods appropriate for specifying the inputs to the GetTags Choreo. The InputSet object is used to specify input parameters when executing this Choreo. """ def set_Password(self, value): """ Set the value of the Password input for this Choreo. ((required, password) The password that corresponds to the specified Delicious account username.) """ super(GetTagsInputSet, self)._set_input('Password', value) def set_Username(self, value): """ Set the value of the Username input for this Choreo. ((required, string) A valid Delicious account username.) """ super(GetTagsInputSet, self)._set_input('Username', value) class GetTagsResultSet(ResultSet): """ A ResultSet with methods tailored to the values returned by the GetTags Choreo. The ResultSet object is used to retrieve the results of a Choreo execution. """ def getJSONFromString(self, str): return json.loads(str) def get_Response(self): """ Retrieve the value for the "Response" output from this Choreo execution. ((xml) The response returned from Delicious.) """ return self._output.get('Response', None) class GetTagsChoreographyExecution(ChoreographyExecution): def _make_result_set(self, response, path): return GetTagsResultSet(response, path)
import datetime import lxml.etree import lxml.builder NS = { 'container': 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:container', 'opf': '', 'ops': '', 'dc': '', 'ncx': '', 'html': '', } RNS = {v: k for k, v in NS.items()} E = {k: lxml.builder.ElementMaker(namespace=v, nsmap=NS) for k, v in NS.items()} def getxmlattr(tag, attr): if ':' in attr: ns, attr = attr.split(':', 1) return tag.get('{' + NS[ns] + '}' + attr) else: try: return tag.attrib[attr] except KeyError: qname = lxml.etree.QName(tag.tag) return tag.get('{' + RNS[qname.namespace] + '}' + attr) def ns(name): if ':' in name: ns, name = name.split(':', 1) return '{' + NS[ns] + '}' + name else: return name def parse_date(d): for p, l in ( ('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', 20), ('%Y-%m-%d', 10), ('%Y-%m', 7), ('%Y', 4), ): if len(d) == l: return datetime.datetime.strptime(d, p)
""" NOTE: Since a documented API is nowhere to be found for Huomao; this plugin simply extracts the videos stream_id, stream_url and stream_quality by scraping the HTML and JS of one of Huomaos mobile webpages. When viewing a stream on, the base URL references a room_id. This room_id is mapped one-to-one to a stream_id which references the actual .flv video. Both stream_id, stream_url and stream_quality can be found in the HTML and JS source of the mobile_page. Since one stream can occur in many different qualities, we scrape all stream_url and stream_quality occurences and return each option to the user. """ import re from streamlink.plugin import Plugin from streamlink.plugin.api import http from import HTTPStream # URL pattern for recognizing inputed / URL. url_re = re.compile(r""" (http(s)?://)? (www\.)? huomao (\.tv|\.com) /(?P<room_id>\d+) """, re.VERBOSE) # URL used to retrive the stream_id, stream_url and stream_quality based of # a room_id. mobile_url = "{0}" # Pattern for extracting the stream_id from the mobile_url HTML. # # Example from HTML: # <input id="html_stream" value="efmrCH" type="hidden"> stream_id_pattern = re.compile(r'id=\"html_stream\" value=\"(?P<stream_id>\w+)\"') # Pattern for extracting each stream_url, stream_quality_url and a prettified # stream_quality_name used for quality naming. # # Example from HTML: # "2: ''+stream+'_720/playlist.m3u8'" stream_info_pattern = re.compile(r""" [1-9]: \s+ '(?P<stream_url>(?:\w|\.|:|-|/)+) '\+stream\+' (?P<stream_quality_url>_?(?P<stream_quality_name>\d*)) /playlist.m3u8' """, re.VERBOSE) class Huomao(Plugin): @classmethod def can_handle_url(self, url): return url_re.match(url) def get_stream_id(self, html): """Returns the stream_id contained in the HTML.""" stream_id = if not stream_id: self.logger.error("Failed to extract stream_id.") return"stream_id") def get_stream_info(self, html): """Returns a nested list of different stream options. Each entry in the list will contain a stream_url, stream_quality_url and stream_quality_name for each stream occurence that was found in the JS. """ stream_info = stream_info_pattern.findall(html) if not stream_info: self.logger.error("Failed to extract stream_info.") # Rename the "" quality to "source" by transforming the tuples to a # list and reassigning. stream_info_list = [] for info in stream_info: if not info[2]: stream_info_list.append([info[0], info[1], "source"]) else: stream_info_list.append(list(info)) return stream_info_list def _get_streams(self): room_id ="room_id") html = http.get(mobile_url.format(room_id)) stream_id = self.get_stream_id(html.text) stream_info = self.get_stream_info(html.text) streams = {} for info in stream_info: streams[info[2]] = HTTPStream(self.session, info[0] + stream_id + info[1] + ".flv") return streams __plugin__ = Huomao
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Process tasks in several modes.""" import logging from .. import config LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def serial(named_tasks, arg): """Serial calls.""" results = {} for name, task in named_tasks: try: results[name] = task(arg) except: # pragma: no cover LOGGER.debug("No result in 'serial' for %s[%s](%s)", task, name, arg) results[name] = None return results def parallel(named_tasks, arg): """Threaded calls.""" from threading import Thread results = {} def _worker(name, task, arg): try: results[name] = task(arg) except: # pragma: no cover LOGGER.debug("No result in 'parallel' for %s[%s](%s)", task, name, arg) results[name] = None for name, task in named_tasks: t = Thread(target=_worker, args=(name, task, arg)) t.start() t.join(config.THREADS_TIMEOUT) return results def multi(named_tasks, arg): """Multiprocessing: using several cores (if available).""" from multiprocessing import Process, Queue results = {} q = Queue() def _worker(name, task, arg, q): try: # pragma: no cover q.put((name, task(arg))) except: # pragma: no cover LOGGER.debug("No result in 'multi' for %s[%s](%s)", task, name, arg) q.put((name, None)) for name, task in named_tasks: p = Process(target=_worker, args=(name, task, arg, q)) p.start() p.join(config.THREADS_TIMEOUT) q.put('STOP') while True: el = q.get() if el == 'STOP': break results[el[0]] = el[1] return results
__all__ = ['savetxt', 'loadtxt', 'genfromtxt', 'ndfromtxt', 'mafromtxt', 'recfromtxt', 'recfromcsv', 'load', 'loads', 'save', 'savez', 'packbits', 'unpackbits', 'fromregex', 'DataSource'] import numpy as np import format import cStringIO import os import itertools import warnings from operator import itemgetter from cPickle import load as _cload, loads from _datasource import DataSource from _compiled_base import packbits, unpackbits from _iotools import LineSplitter, NameValidator, StringConverter, \ ConverterError, ConverterLockError, ConversionWarning, \ _is_string_like, has_nested_fields, flatten_dtype, \ easy_dtype _file = file _string_like = _is_string_like def seek_gzip_factory(f): """Use this factory to produce the class so that we can do a lazy import on gzip. """ import gzip, new def seek(self, offset, whence=0): # figure out new position (we can only seek forwards) if whence == 1: offset = self.offset + offset if whence not in [0, 1]: raise IOError, "Illegal argument" if offset < self.offset: # for negative seek, rewind and do positive seek self.rewind() count = offset - self.offset for i in range(count // 1024): % 1024) def tell(self): return self.offset if isinstance(f, str): f = gzip.GzipFile(f) = new.instancemethod(seek, f) f.tell = new.instancemethod(tell, f) return f class BagObj(object): """ BagObj(obj) Convert attribute lookups to getitems on the object passed in. Parameters ---------- obj : class instance Object on which attribute lookup is performed. Examples -------- >>> class BagDemo(object): ... def __getitem__(self, key): ... return key ... >>> demo_obj = BagDemo() >>> bagobj = >>> bagobj.some_item 'some_item' """ def __init__(self, obj): self._obj = obj def __getattribute__(self, key): try: return object.__getattribute__(self, '_obj')[key] except KeyError: raise AttributeError, key class NpzFile(object): """ NpzFile(fid) A dictionary-like object with lazy-loading of files in the zipped archive provided on construction. `NpzFile` is used to load files in the NumPy ``.npz`` data archive format. It assumes that files in the archive have a ".npy" extension, other files are ignored. The arrays and file strings are lazily loaded on either getitem access using ``obj['key']`` or attribute lookup using ``obj.f.key``. A list of all files (without ".npy" extensions) can be obtained with ``obj.files`` and the ZipFile object itself using ````. Attributes ---------- files : list of str List of all files in the archive with a ".npy" extension. zip : ZipFile instance The ZipFile object initialized with the zipped archive. f : BagObj instance An object on which attribute can be performed as an alternative to getitem access on the `NpzFile` instance itself. Parameters ---------- fid : file or str The zipped archive to open. This is either a file-like object or a string containing the path to the archive. Examples -------- >>> from tempfile import TemporaryFile >>> outfile = TemporaryFile() >>> x = np.arange(10) >>> y = np.sin(x) >>> np.savez(outfile, x=x, y=y) >>> >>> npz = np.load(outfile) >>> isinstance(npz, True >>> npz.files ['y', 'x'] >>> npz['x'] # getitem access array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) >>> npz.f.x # attribute lookup array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) """ def __init__(self, fid): # Import is postponed to here since zipfile depends on gzip, an optional # component of the so-called standard library. import zipfile _zip = zipfile.ZipFile(fid) self._files = _zip.namelist() self.files = [] for x in self._files: if x.endswith('.npy'): self.files.append(x[:-4]) else: self.files.append(x) = _zip self.f = BagObj(self) def __getitem__(self, key): # FIXME: This seems like it will copy strings around # more than is strictly necessary. The zipfile # will read the string and then # the format.read_array will copy the string # to another place in memory. # It would be better if the zipfile could read # (or at least uncompress) the data # directly into the array memory. member = 0 if key in self._files: member = 1 elif key in self.files: member = 1 key += '.npy' if member: bytes = if bytes.startswith(format.MAGIC_PREFIX): value = cStringIO.StringIO(bytes) return format.read_array(value) else: return bytes else: raise KeyError, "%s is not a file in the archive" % key def __iter__(self): return iter(self.files) def items(self): """ Return a list of tuples, with each tuple (filename, array in file). """ return [(f, self[f]) for f in self.files] def iteritems(self): """Generator that returns tuples (filename, array in file).""" for f in self.files: yield (f, self[f]) def keys(self): """Return files in the archive with a ".npy" extension.""" return self.files def iterkeys(self): """Return an iterator over the files in the archive.""" return self.__iter__() def __contains__(self, key): return self.files.__contains__(key) def load(file, mmap_mode=None): """ Load a pickled, ``.npy``, or ``.npz`` binary file. Parameters ---------- file : file-like object or string The file to read. It must support ``seek()`` and ``read()`` methods. If the filename extension is ``.gz``, the file is first decompressed. mmap_mode: {None, 'r+', 'r', 'w+', 'c'}, optional If not None, then memory-map the file, using the given mode (see `numpy.memmap`). The mode has no effect for pickled or zipped files. A memory-mapped array is stored on disk, and not directly loaded into memory. However, it can be accessed and sliced like any ndarray. Memory mapping is especially useful for accessing small fragments of large files without reading the entire file into memory. Returns ------- result : array, tuple, dict, etc. Data stored in the file. Raises ------ IOError If the input file does not exist or cannot be read. See Also -------- save, savez, loadtxt memmap : Create a memory-map to an array stored in a file on disk. Notes ----- - If the file contains pickle data, then whatever is stored in the pickle is returned. - If the file is a ``.npy`` file, then an array is returned. - If the file is a ``.npz`` file, then a dictionary-like object is returned, containing ``{filename: array}`` key-value pairs, one for each file in the archive. Examples -------- Store data to disk, and load it again: >>>'/tmp/123', np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])) >>> np.load('/tmp/123.npy') array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) Mem-map the stored array, and then access the second row directly from disk: >>> X = np.load('/tmp/123.npy', mmap_mode='r') >>> X[1, :] memmap([4, 5, 6]) """ import gzip if isinstance(file, basestring): fid = _file(file, "rb") elif isinstance(file, gzip.GzipFile): fid = seek_gzip_factory(file) else: fid = file # Code to distinguish from NumPy binary files and pickles. _ZIP_PREFIX = 'PK\x03\x04' N = len(format.MAGIC_PREFIX) magic =, 1) # back-up if magic.startswith(_ZIP_PREFIX): # zip-file (assume .npz) return NpzFile(fid) elif magic == format.MAGIC_PREFIX: # .npy file if mmap_mode: return format.open_memmap(file, mode=mmap_mode) else: return format.read_array(fid) else: # Try a pickle try: return _cload(fid) except: raise IOError, \ "Failed to interpret file %s as a pickle" % repr(file) def save(file, arr): """ Save an array to a binary file in NumPy ``.npy`` format. Parameters ---------- file : file or string File or filename to which the data is saved. If the filename does not already have a ``.npy`` extension, it is added. arr : array_like Array data to be saved. See Also -------- savez : Save several arrays into a ``.npz`` compressed archive savetxt, load Notes ----- For a description of the ``.npy`` format, see `format`. Examples -------- >>> from tempfile import TemporaryFile >>> outfile = TemporaryFile() >>> x = np.arange(10) >>>, x) >>> # only necessary in this example (with tempfile) >>> np.load(outfile) array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) """ if isinstance(file, basestring): if not file.endswith('.npy'): file = file + '.npy' fid = open(file, "wb") else: fid = file arr = np.asanyarray(arr) format.write_array(fid, arr) def savez(file, *args, **kwds): """ Save several arrays into a single, compressed file in ``.npz`` format. If keyword arguments are given, the names for variables assigned to the keywords are the keyword names (not the variable names in the caller). If arguments are passed in with no keywords, the corresponding variable names are arr_0, arr_1, etc. Parameters ---------- file : str or file Either the file name (string) or an open file (file-like object) If file is a string, it names the output file. ".npz" will be appended to the file name if it is not already there. args : Arguments Any function arguments other than the file name are variables to save. Since it is not possible for Python to know their names outside `savez`, they will be saved with names "arr_0", "arr_1", and so on. These arguments can be any expression. kwds : Keyword arguments All keyword=value pairs cause the value to be saved with the name of the keyword. See Also -------- save : Save a single array to a binary file in NumPy format. savetxt : Save an array to a file as plain text. Notes ----- The ``.npz`` file format is a zipped archive of files named after the variables they contain. Each file contains one variable in ``.npy`` format. For a description of the ``.npy`` format, see `format`. Examples -------- >>> from tempfile import TemporaryFile >>> outfile = TemporaryFile() >>> x = np.arange(10) >>> y = np.sin(x) Using `savez` with \\*args, the arrays are saved with default names. >>> np.savez(outfile, x, y) >>> # only necessary in this example (with tempfile) >>> npz = np.load(outfile) >>> npz.files ['arr_1', 'arr_0'] >>> npz['arr_0'] array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) Using `savez` with \\*\\*kwds, the arrays are saved with the keyword names. >>> outfile = TemporaryFile() >>> np.savez(outfile, x=x, y=y) >>> >>> npz = np.load(outfile) >>> npz.files ['y', 'x'] >>> npz['x'] array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) """ # Import is postponed to here since zipfile depends on gzip, an optional # component of the so-called standard library. import zipfile # Import deferred for startup time improvement import tempfile if isinstance(file, basestring): if not file.endswith('.npz'): file = file + '.npz' namedict = kwds for i, val in enumerate(args): key = 'arr_%d' % i if key in namedict.keys(): raise ValueError, "Cannot use un-named variables and keyword %s" % key namedict[key] = val zip = zipfile.ZipFile(file, mode="w") # Stage arrays in a temporary file on disk, before writing to zip. fd, tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='-numpy.npy') os.close(fd) try: for key, val in namedict.iteritems(): fname = key + '.npy' fid = open(tmpfile, 'wb') try: format.write_array(fid, np.asanyarray(val)) fid.close() fid = None zip.write(tmpfile, arcname=fname) finally: if fid: fid.close() finally: os.remove(tmpfile) zip.close() # Adapted from matplotlib def _getconv(dtype): typ = dtype.type if issubclass(typ, np.bool_): return lambda x: bool(int(x)) if issubclass(typ, np.integer): return lambda x: int(float(x)) elif issubclass(typ, np.floating): return float elif issubclass(typ, np.complex): return complex else: return str def loadtxt(fname, dtype=float, comments='#', delimiter=None, converters=None, skiprows=0, usecols=None, unpack=False): """ Load data from a text file. Each row in the text file must have the same number of values. Parameters ---------- fname : file or str File or filename to read. If the filename extension is ``.gz`` or ``.bz2``, the file is first decompressed. dtype : dtype, optional Data type of the resulting array. If this is a record data-type, the resulting array will be 1-dimensional, and each row will be interpreted as an element of the array. In this case, the number of columns used must match the number of fields in the data-type. comments : str, optional The character used to indicate the start of a comment. delimiter : str, optional The string used to separate values. By default, this is any whitespace. converters : dict, optional A dictionary mapping column number to a function that will convert that column to a float. E.g., if column 0 is a date string: ``converters = {0: datestr2num}``. Converters can also be used to provide a default value for missing data: ``converters = {3: lambda s: float(s or 0)}``. skiprows : int, optional Skip the first `skiprows` lines. usecols : sequence, optional Which columns to read, with 0 being the first. For example, ``usecols = (1,4,5)`` will extract the 2nd, 5th and 6th columns. unpack : bool, optional If True, the returned array is transposed, so that arguments may be unpacked using ``x, y, z = loadtxt(...)``. Default is False. Returns ------- out : ndarray Data read from the text file. See Also -------- load, fromstring, fromregex : reads Matlab(R) data files Examples -------- >>> from StringIO import StringIO # StringIO behaves like a file object >>> c = StringIO("0 1\\n2 3") >>> np.loadtxt(c) array([[ 0., 1.], [ 2., 3.]]) >>> d = StringIO("M 21 72\\nF 35 58") >>> np.loadtxt(d, dtype={'names': ('gender', 'age', 'weight'), ... 'formats': ('S1', 'i4', 'f4')}) array([('M', 21, 72.0), ('F', 35, 58.0)], dtype=[('gender', '|S1'), ('age', '<i4'), ('weight', '<f4')]) >>> c = StringIO("1,0,2\\n3,0,4") >>> x, y = np.loadtxt(c, delimiter=',', usecols=(0, 2), unpack=True) >>> x array([ 1., 3.]) >>> y array([ 2., 4.]) """ user_converters = converters if usecols is not None: usecols = list(usecols) isstring = False if _is_string_like(fname): isstring = True if fname.endswith('.gz'): import gzip fh = seek_gzip_factory(fname) elif fname.endswith('.bz2'): import bz2 fh = bz2.BZ2File(fname) else: fh = file(fname) elif hasattr(fname, 'readline'): fh = fname else: raise ValueError('fname must be a string or file handle') X = [] def flatten_dtype(dt): """Unpack a structured data-type.""" if dt.names is None: # If the dtype is flattened, return. # If the dtype has a shape, the dtype occurs # in the list more than once. return [dt.base] * int( else: types = [] for field in dt.names: tp, bytes = dt.fields[field] flat_dt = flatten_dtype(tp) types.extend(flat_dt) return types def split_line(line): """Chop off comments, strip, and split at delimiter.""" line = line.split(comments)[0].strip() if line: return line.split(delimiter) else: return [] try: # Make sure we're dealing with a proper dtype dtype = np.dtype(dtype) defconv = _getconv(dtype) # Skip the first `skiprows` lines for i in xrange(skiprows): fh.readline() # Read until we find a line with some values, and use # it to estimate the number of columns, N. first_vals = None while not first_vals: first_line = fh.readline() if first_line == '': # EOF reached raise IOError('End-of-file reached before encountering data.') first_vals = split_line(first_line) N = len(usecols or first_vals) dtype_types = flatten_dtype(dtype) if len(dtype_types) > 1: # We're dealing with a structured array, each field of # the dtype matches a column converters = [_getconv(dt) for dt in dtype_types] else: # All fields have the same dtype converters = [defconv for i in xrange(N)] # By preference, use the converters specified by the user for i, conv in (user_converters or {}).iteritems(): if usecols: try: i = usecols.index(i) except ValueError: # Unused converter specified continue converters[i] = conv # Parse each line, including the first for i, line in enumerate(itertools.chain([first_line], fh)): vals = split_line(line) if len(vals) == 0: continue if usecols: vals = [vals[i] for i in usecols] # Convert each value according to its column and store X.append(tuple([conv(val) for (conv, val) in zip(converters, vals)])) finally: if isstring: fh.close() if len(dtype_types) > 1: # We're dealing with a structured array, with a dtype such as # [('x', int), ('y', [('s', int), ('t', float)])] # # First, create the array using a flattened dtype: # [('x', int), ('s', int), ('t', float)] # # Then, view the array using the specified dtype. try: X = np.array(X, dtype=np.dtype([('', t) for t in dtype_types])) X = X.view(dtype) except TypeError: # In the case we have an object dtype X = np.array(X, dtype=dtype) else: X = np.array(X, dtype) X = np.squeeze(X) if unpack: return X.T else: return X def savetxt(fname, X, fmt='%.18e', delimiter=' '): """ Save an array to a text file. Parameters ---------- fname : filename or file handle If the filename ends in ``.gz``, the file is automatically saved in compressed gzip format. `loadtxt` understands gzipped files transparently. X : array_like Data to be saved to a text file. fmt : str or sequence of strs A single format (%10.5f), a sequence of formats, or a multi-format string, e.g. 'Iteration %d -- %10.5f', in which case `delimiter` is ignored. delimiter : str Character separating columns. See Also -------- save : Save an array to a binary file in NumPy ``.npy`` format savez : Save several arrays into a ``.npz`` compressed archive Notes ----- Further explanation of the `fmt` parameter (``%[flag]width[.precision]specifier``): flags: ``-`` : left justify ``+`` : Forces to preceed result with + or -. ``0`` : Left pad the number with zeros instead of space (see width). width: Minimum number of characters to be printed. The value is not truncated if it has more characters. precision: - For integer specifiers (eg. ``d,i,o,x``), the minimum number of digits. - For ``e, E`` and ``f`` specifiers, the number of digits to print after the decimal point. - For ``g`` and ``G``, the maximum number of significant digits. - For ``s``, the maximum number of characters. specifiers: ``c`` : character ``d`` or ``i`` : signed decimal integer ``e`` or ``E`` : scientific notation with ``e`` or ``E``. ``f`` : decimal floating point ``g,G`` : use the shorter of ``e,E`` or ``f`` ``o`` : signed octal ``s`` : string of characters ``u`` : unsigned decimal integer ``x,X`` : unsigned hexadecimal integer This explanation of ``fmt`` is not complete, for an exhaustive specification see [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] `Format Specification Mini-Language < format-specification-mini-language>`_, Python Documentation. Examples -------- >>> savetxt('test.out', x, delimiter=',') # X is an array >>> savetxt('test.out', (x,y,z)) # x,y,z equal sized 1D arrays >>> savetxt('test.out', x, fmt='%1.4e') # use exponential notation """ if _is_string_like(fname): if fname.endswith('.gz'): import gzip fh =, 'wb') else: fh = file(fname, 'w') elif hasattr(fname, 'seek'): fh = fname else: raise ValueError('fname must be a string or file handle') X = np.asarray(X) # Handle 1-dimensional arrays if X.ndim == 1: # Common case -- 1d array of numbers if X.dtype.names is None: X = np.atleast_2d(X).T ncol = 1 # Complex dtype -- each field indicates a separate column else: ncol = len(X.dtype.descr) else: ncol = X.shape[1] # `fmt` can be a string with multiple insertion points or a list of formats. # E.g. '%10.5f\t%10d' or ('%10.5f', '$10d') if type(fmt) in (list, tuple): if len(fmt) != ncol: raise AttributeError('fmt has wrong shape. %s' % str(fmt)) format = delimiter.join(fmt) elif type(fmt) is str: if fmt.count('%') == 1: fmt = [fmt, ]*ncol format = delimiter.join(fmt) elif fmt.count('%') != ncol: raise AttributeError('fmt has wrong number of %% formats. %s' % fmt) else: format = fmt for row in X: fh.write(format % tuple(row) + '\n') import re def fromregex(file, regexp, dtype): """ Construct an array from a text file, using regular expression parsing. The returned array is always a structured array, and is constructed from all matches of the regular expression in the file. Groups in the regular expression are converted to fields of the structured array. Parameters ---------- file : str or file File name or file object to read. regexp : str or regexp Regular expression used to parse the file. Groups in the regular expression correspond to fields in the dtype. dtype : dtype or list of dtypes Dtype for the structured array. Returns ------- output : ndarray The output array, containing the part of the content of `file` that was matched by `regexp`. `output` is always a structured array. Raises ------ TypeError When `dtype` is not a valid dtype for a structured array. See Also -------- fromstring, loadtxt Notes ----- Dtypes for structured arrays can be specified in several forms, but all forms specify at least the data type and field name. For details see `doc.structured_arrays`. Examples -------- >>> f = open('test.dat', 'w') >>> f.write("1312 foo\\n1534 bar\\n444 qux") >>> f.close() >>> regexp = r"(\\d+)\\s+(...)" # match [digits, whitespace, anything] >>> output = np.fromregex('test.dat', regexp, [('num', np.int64), ('key', 'S3')]) >>> output array([(1312L, 'foo'), (1534L, 'bar'), (444L, 'qux')], dtype=[('num', '<i8'), ('key', '|S3')]) >>> output['num'] array([1312, 1534, 444], dtype=int64) """ if not hasattr(file, "read"): file = open(file, 'r') if not hasattr(regexp, 'match'): regexp = re.compile(regexp) if not isinstance(dtype, np.dtype): dtype = np.dtype(dtype) seq = regexp.findall( if seq and not isinstance(seq[0], tuple): # Only one group is in the regexp. # Create the new array as a single data-type and then # re-interpret as a single-field structured array. newdtype = np.dtype(dtype[dtype.names[0]]) output = np.array(seq, dtype=newdtype) output.dtype = dtype else: output = np.array(seq, dtype=dtype) return output #####-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #---- --- ASCII functions --- #####-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def genfromtxt(fname, dtype=float, comments='#', delimiter=None, skiprows=0, skip_header=0, skip_footer=0, converters=None, missing='', missing_values=None, filling_values=None, usecols=None, names=None, excludelist=None, deletechars=None, autostrip=False, case_sensitive=True, defaultfmt="f%i", unpack=None, usemask=False, loose=True, invalid_raise=True): """ Load data from a text file, with missing values handled as specified. Each line past the first `skiprows` lines is split at the `delimiter` character, and characters following the `comments` character are discarded. Parameters ---------- fname : file or str File or filename to read. If the filename extension is `.gz` or `.bz2`, the file is first decompressed. dtype : dtype, optional Data type of the resulting array. If None, the dtypes will be determined by the contents of each column, individually. comments : str, optional The character used to indicate the start of a comment. All the characters occurring on a line after a comment are discarded delimiter : str, int, or sequence, optional The string used to separate values. By default, any consecutive whitespaces act as delimiter. An integer or sequence of integers can also be provided as width(s) of each field. skip_header : int, optional The numbers of lines to skip at the beginning of the file. skip_footer : int, optional The numbers of lines to skip at the end of the file converters : variable or None, optional The set of functions that convert the data of a column to a value. The converters can also be used to provide a default value for missing data: ``converters = {3: lambda s: float(s or 0)}``. missing_values : variable or None, optional The set of strings corresponding to missing data. filling_values : variable or None, optional The set of values to be used as default when the data are missing. usecols : sequence or None, optional Which columns to read, with 0 being the first. For example, ``usecols = (1, 4, 5)`` will extract the 2nd, 5th and 6th columns. names : {None, True, str, sequence}, optional If `names` is True, the field names are read from the first valid line after the first `skiprows` lines. If `names` is a sequence or a single-string of comma-separated names, the names will be used to define the field names in a structured dtype. If `names` is None, the names of the dtype fields will be used, if any. excludelist : sequence, optional A list of names to exclude. This list is appended to the default list ['return','file','print']. Excluded names are appended an underscore: for example, `file` would become `file_`. deletechars : str, optional A string combining invalid characters that must be deleted from the names. defaultfmt : str, optional A format used to define default field names, such as "f%i" or "f_%02i". autostrip : bool, optional Whether to automatically strip white spaces from the variables. case_sensitive : {True, False, 'upper', 'lower'}, optional If True, field names are case sensitive. If False or 'upper', field names are converted to upper case. If 'lower', field names are converted to lower case. unpack : bool, optional If True, the returned array is transposed, so that arguments may be unpacked using ``x, y, z = loadtxt(...)`` usemask : bool, optional If True, return a masked array. If False, return a regular array. invalid_raise : bool, optional If True, an exception is raised if an inconsistency is detected in the number of columns. If False, a warning is emitted and the offending lines are skipped. Returns ------- out : ndarray Data read from the text file. If `usemask` is True, this is a masked array. See Also -------- numpy.loadtxt : equivalent function when no data is missing. Notes ----- * When spaces are used as delimiters, or when no delimiter has been given as input, there should not be any missing data between two fields. * When the variables are named (either by a flexible dtype or with `names`, there must not be any header in the file (else a ValueError exception is raised). * Individual values are not stripped of spaces by default. When using a custom converter, make sure the function does remove spaces. Examples --------- >>> from StringIO import StringIO >>> import numpy as np Comma delimited file with mixed dtype >>> s = StringIO("1,1.3,abcde") >>> data = np.genfromtxt(s, dtype=[('myint','i8'),('myfloat','f8'), ('mystring','S5')], delimiter=",") >>> data array((1, 1.3, 'abcde'), dtype=[('myint', '<i8'), ('myfloat', '<f8'), ('mystring', '|S5')]) Using dtype = None >>> # needed for StringIO example only >>> data = np.genfromtxt(s, dtype=None, names = ['myint','myfloat','mystring'], delimiter=",") >>> data array((1, 1.3, 'abcde'), dtype=[('myint', '<i8'), ('myfloat', '<f8'), ('mystring', '|S5')]) Specifying dtype and names >>> >>> data = np.genfromtxt(s, dtype="i8,f8,S5", names=['myint','myfloat','mystring'], delimiter=",") >>> data array((1, 1.3, 'abcde'), dtype=[('myint', '<i8'), ('myfloat', '<f8'), ('mystring', '|S5')]) An example with fixed-width columns >>> s = StringIO("11.3abcde") >>> data = np.genfromtxt(s, dtype=None, names=['intvar','fltvar','strvar'], delimiter=[1,3,5]) >>> data array((1, 1.3, 'abcde'), dtype=[('intvar', '<i8'), ('fltvar', '<f8'), ('strvar', '|S5')]) """ # if usemask: from import MaskedArray, make_mask_descr # Check the input dictionary of converters user_converters = converters or {} if not isinstance(user_converters, dict): errmsg = "The input argument 'converter' should be a valid dictionary "\ "(got '%s' instead)" raise TypeError(errmsg % type(user_converters)) # Initialize the filehandle, the LineSplitter and the NameValidator if isinstance(fname, basestring): fhd = elif not hasattr(fname, 'read'): raise TypeError("The input should be a string or a filehandle. "\ "(got %s instead)" % type(fname)) else: fhd = fname split_line = LineSplitter(delimiter=delimiter, comments=comments, autostrip=autostrip)._handyman validate_names = NameValidator(excludelist=excludelist, deletechars=deletechars, case_sensitive=case_sensitive) # Get the first valid lines after the first skiprows ones .. if skiprows: warnings.warn("The use of `skiprows` is deprecated.\n"\ "Please use `skip_header` instead.", DeprecationWarning) skip_header = skiprows # Skip the first `skip_header` rows for i in xrange(skip_header): fhd.readline() # Keep on until we find the first valid values first_values = None while not first_values: first_line = fhd.readline() if first_line == '': raise IOError('End-of-file reached before encountering data.') if names is True: if comments in first_line: first_line = ''.join(first_line.split(comments)[1]) first_values = split_line(first_line) # Should we take the first values as names ? if names is True: fval = first_values[0].strip() if fval in comments: del first_values[0] # Check the columns to use if usecols is not None: try: usecols = [_.strip() for _ in usecols.split(",")] except AttributeError: try: usecols = list(usecols) except TypeError: usecols = [usecols, ] nbcols = len(usecols or first_values) # Check the names and overwrite the dtype.names if needed if names is True: names = validate_names([_.strip() for _ in first_values]) first_line = '' elif _is_string_like(names): names = validate_names([_.strip() for _ in names.split(',')]) elif names: names = validate_names(names) # Get the dtype if dtype is not None: dtype = easy_dtype(dtype, defaultfmt=defaultfmt, names=names) names = dtype.names # Make sure the names is a list (for 2.5) if names is not None: names = list(names) if usecols: for (i, current) in enumerate(usecols): # if usecols is a list of names, convert to a list of indices if _is_string_like(current): usecols[i] = names.index(current) elif current < 0: usecols[i] = current + len(first_values) # If the dtype is not None, make sure we update it if (dtype is not None) and (len(dtype) > nbcols): descr = dtype.descr dtype = np.dtype([descr[_] for _ in usecols]) names = list(dtype.names) # If `names` is not None, update the names elif (names is not None) and (len(names) > nbcols): names = [names[_] for _ in usecols] # Process the missing values ............................... # Rename missing_values for convenience user_missing_values = missing_values or () # Define the list of missing_values (one column: one list) missing_values = [list(['']) for _ in range(nbcols)] # We have a dictionary: process it field by field if isinstance(user_missing_values, dict): # Loop on the items for (key, val) in user_missing_values.items(): # Is the key a string ? if _is_string_like(key): try: # Transform it into an integer key = names.index(key) except ValueError: # We couldn't find it: the name must have been dropped, then continue # Redefine the key as needed if it's a column number if usecols: try: key = usecols.index(key) except ValueError: pass # Transform the value as a list of string if isinstance(val, (list, tuple)): val = [str(_) for _ in val] else: val = [str(val), ] # Add the value(s) to the current list of missing if key is None: # None acts as default for miss in missing_values: miss.extend(val) else: missing_values[key].extend(val) # We have a sequence : each item matches a column elif isinstance(user_missing_values, (list, tuple)): for (value, entry) in zip(user_missing_values, missing_values): value = str(value) if value not in entry: entry.append(value) # We have a string : apply it to all entries elif isinstance(user_missing_values, basestring): user_value = user_missing_values.split(",") for entry in missing_values: entry.extend(user_value) # We have something else: apply it to all entries else: for entry in missing_values: entry.extend([str(user_missing_values)]) # Process the deprecated `missing` if missing != '': warnings.warn("The use of `missing` is deprecated.\n"\ "Please use `missing_values` instead.", DeprecationWarning) values = [str(_) for _ in missing.split(",")] for entry in missing_values: entry.extend(values) # Process the filling_values ............................... # Rename the input for convenience user_filling_values = filling_values or [] # Define the default filling_values = [None] * nbcols # We have a dictionary : update each entry individually if isinstance(user_filling_values, dict): for (key, val) in user_filling_values.items(): if _is_string_like(key): try: # Transform it into an integer key = names.index(key) except ValueError: # We couldn't find it: the name must have been dropped, then continue # Redefine the key if it's a column number and usecols is defined if usecols: try: key = usecols.index(key) except ValueError: pass # Add the value to the list filling_values[key] = val # We have a sequence : update on a one-to-one basis elif isinstance(user_filling_values, (list, tuple)): n = len(user_filling_values) if (n <= nbcols): filling_values[:n] = user_filling_values else: filling_values = user_filling_values[:nbcols] # We have something else : use it for all entries else: filling_values = [user_filling_values] * nbcols # Initialize the converters ................................ if dtype is None: # Note: we can't use a [...]*nbcols, as we would have 3 times the same # ... converter, instead of 3 different converters. converters = [StringConverter(None, missing_values=miss, default=fill) for (miss, fill) in zip(missing_values, filling_values)] else: dtype_flat = flatten_dtype(dtype, flatten_base=True) # Initialize the converters if len(dtype_flat) > 1: # Flexible type : get a converter from each dtype zipit = zip(dtype_flat, missing_values, filling_values) converters = [StringConverter(dt, locked=True, missing_values=miss, default=fill) for (dt, miss, fill) in zipit] else: # Set to a default converter (but w/ different missing values) zipit = zip(missing_values, filling_values) converters = [StringConverter(dtype, locked=True, missing_values=miss, default=fill) for (miss, fill) in zipit] # Update the converters to use the user-defined ones uc_update = [] for (i, conv) in user_converters.items(): # If the converter is specified by column names, use the index instead if _is_string_like(i): try: i = names.index(i) except ValueError: continue elif usecols: try: i = usecols.index(i) except ValueError: # Unused converter specified continue converters[i].update(conv, locked=True, default=filling_values[i], missing_values=missing_values[i],) uc_update.append((i, conv)) # Make sure we have the corrected keys in user_converters... user_converters.update(uc_update) miss_chars = [_.missing_values for _ in converters] # Initialize the output lists ... # ... rows rows = [] append_to_rows = rows.append # ... masks if usemask: masks = [] append_to_masks = masks.append # ... invalid invalid = [] append_to_invalid = invalid.append # Parse each line for (i, line) in enumerate(itertools.chain([first_line, ], fhd)): values = split_line(line) nbvalues = len(values) # Skip an empty line if nbvalues == 0: continue # Select only the columns we need if usecols: try: values = [values[_] for _ in usecols] except IndexError: append_to_invalid((i, nbvalues)) continue elif nbvalues != nbcols: append_to_invalid((i, nbvalues)) continue # Store the values append_to_rows(tuple(values)) if usemask: append_to_masks(tuple([v.strip() in m for (v, m) in zip(values, missing_values)])) # Strip the last skip_footer data if skip_footer > 0: rows = rows[:-skip_footer] if usemask: masks = masks[:-skip_footer] # Upgrade the converters (if needed) if dtype is None: for (i, converter) in enumerate(converters): current_column = map(itemgetter(i), rows) try: converter.iterupgrade(current_column) except ConverterLockError: errmsg = "Converter #%i is locked and cannot be upgraded: " % i current_column = itertools.imap(itemgetter(i), rows) for (j, value) in enumerate(current_column): try: converter.upgrade(value) except (ConverterError, ValueError): errmsg += "(occurred line #%i for value '%s')" errmsg %= (j + 1 + skip_header, value) raise ConverterError(errmsg) # Check that we don't have invalid values if len(invalid) > 0: nbrows = len(rows) # Construct the error message template = " Line #%%i (got %%i columns instead of %i)" % nbcols if skip_footer > 0: nbrows -= skip_footer errmsg = [template % (i + skip_header + 1, nb) for (i, nb) in invalid if i < nbrows] else: errmsg = [template % (i + skip_header + 1, nb) for (i, nb) in invalid] if len(errmsg): errmsg.insert(0, "Some errors were detected !") errmsg = "\n".join(errmsg) # Raise an exception ? if invalid_raise: raise ValueError(errmsg) # Issue a warning ? else: warnings.warn(errmsg, ConversionWarning) # Convert each value according to the converter: # We want to modify the list in place to avoid creating a new one... # if loose: # conversionfuncs = [conv._loose_call for conv in converters] # else: # conversionfuncs = [conv._strict_call for conv in converters] # for (i, vals) in enumerate(rows): # rows[i] = tuple([convert(val) # for (convert, val) in zip(conversionfuncs, vals)]) if loose: rows = zip(*(map(converter._loose_call, map(itemgetter(i), rows)) for (i, converter) in enumerate(converters))) else: rows = zip(*(map(converter._strict_call, map(itemgetter(i), rows)) for (i, converter) in enumerate(converters))) # Reset the dtype data = rows if dtype is None: # Get the dtypes from the types of the converters column_types = [conv.type for conv in converters] # Find the columns with strings... strcolidx = [i for (i, v) in enumerate(column_types) if v in (type('S'), np.string_)] # ... and take the largest number of chars. for i in strcolidx: column_types[i] = "|S%i" % max(len(row[i]) for row in data) # if names is None: # If the dtype is uniform, don't define names, else use '' base = set([c.type for c in converters if c._checked]) if len(base) == 1: (ddtype, mdtype) = (list(base)[0], np.bool) else: ddtype = [(defaultfmt % i, dt) for (i, dt) in enumerate(column_types)] if usemask: mdtype = [(defaultfmt % i, np.bool) for (i, dt) in enumerate(column_types)] else: ddtype = zip(names, column_types) mdtype = zip(names, [np.bool] * len(column_types)) output = np.array(data, dtype=ddtype) if usemask: outputmask = np.array(masks, dtype=mdtype) else: # Overwrite the initial dtype names if needed if names and dtype.names: dtype.names = names # Case 1. We have a structured type if len(dtype_flat) > 1: # Nested dtype, eg [('a', int), ('b', [('b0', int), ('b1', 'f4')])] # First, create the array using a flattened dtype: # [('a', int), ('b1', int), ('b2', float)] # Then, view the array using the specified dtype. if 'O' in (_.char for _ in dtype_flat): if has_nested_fields(dtype): errmsg = "Nested fields involving objects "\ "are not supported..." raise NotImplementedError(errmsg) else: output = np.array(data, dtype=dtype) else: rows = np.array(data, dtype=[('', _) for _ in dtype_flat]) output = rows.view(dtype) # Now, process the rowmasks the same way if usemask: rowmasks = np.array(masks, dtype=np.dtype([('', np.bool) for t in dtype_flat])) # Construct the new dtype mdtype = make_mask_descr(dtype) outputmask = rowmasks.view(mdtype) # Case #2. We have a basic dtype else: # We used some user-defined converters if user_converters: ishomogeneous = True descr = [] for (i, ttype) in enumerate([conv.type for conv in converters]): # Keep the dtype of the current converter if i in user_converters: ishomogeneous &= (ttype == dtype.type) if ttype == np.string_: ttype = "|S%i" % max(len(row[i]) for row in data) descr.append(('', ttype)) else: descr.append(('', dtype)) # So we changed the dtype ? if not ishomogeneous: # We have more than one field if len(descr) > 1: dtype = np.dtype(descr) # We have only one field: drop the name if not needed. else: dtype = np.dtype(ttype) # output = np.array(data, dtype) if usemask: if dtype.names: mdtype = [(_, np.bool) for _ in dtype.names] else: mdtype = np.bool outputmask = np.array(masks, dtype=mdtype) # Try to take care of the missing data we missed if usemask and output.dtype.names: for (name, conv) in zip(names or (), converters): missing_values = [conv(_) for _ in conv.missing_values if _ != ''] for mval in missing_values: outputmask[name] |= (output[name] == mval) # Construct the final array if usemask: output = output.view(MaskedArray) output._mask = outputmask if unpack: return output.squeeze().T return output.squeeze() def ndfromtxt(fname, **kwargs): """ Load ASCII data stored in a file and return it as a single array. Complete description of all the optional input parameters is available in the docstring of the `genfromtxt` function. See Also -------- numpy.genfromtxt : generic function. """ kwargs['usemask'] = False return genfromtxt(fname, **kwargs) def mafromtxt(fname, **kwargs): """ Load ASCII data stored in a text file and return a masked array. For a complete description of all the input parameters, see `genfromtxt`. See Also -------- numpy.genfromtxt : generic function to load ASCII data. """ kwargs['usemask'] = True return genfromtxt(fname, **kwargs) def recfromtxt(fname, **kwargs): """ Load ASCII data from a file and return it in a record array. If ``usemask=False`` a standard `recarray` is returned, if ``usemask=True`` a MaskedRecords array is returned. Complete description of all the optional input parameters is available in the docstring of the `genfromtxt` function. See Also -------- numpy.genfromtxt : generic function Notes ----- By default, `dtype` is None, which means that the data-type of the output array will be determined from the data. """ kwargs.update(dtype=kwargs.get('dtype', None)) usemask = kwargs.get('usemask', False) output = genfromtxt(fname, **kwargs) if usemask: from import MaskedRecords output = output.view(MaskedRecords) else: output = output.view(np.recarray) return output def recfromcsv(fname, **kwargs): """ Load ASCII data stored in a comma-separated file. The returned array is a record array (if ``usemask=False``, see `recarray`) or a masked record array (if ``usemask=True``, see `ma.mrecords.MaskedRecords`). For a complete description of all the input parameters, see `genfromtxt`. See Also -------- numpy.genfromtxt : generic function to load ASCII data. """ case_sensitive = kwargs.get('case_sensitive', "lower") or "lower" names = kwargs.get('names', True) if names is None: names = True kwargs.update(dtype=kwargs.get('update', None), delimiter=kwargs.get('delimiter', ",") or ",", names=names, case_sensitive=case_sensitive) usemask = kwargs.get("usemask", False) output = genfromtxt(fname, **kwargs) if usemask: from import MaskedRecords output = output.view(MaskedRecords) else: output = output.view(np.recarray) return output
#!/usr/bin/env python2 from __future__ import print_function import os import os.path import pkgutil import shutil import sys import tempfile __all__ = ["version", "bootstrap"] _SETUPTOOLS_VERSION = "18.2" _PIP_VERSION = "7.1.2" # pip currently requires ssl support, so we try to provide a nicer # error message when that is missing ( _MISSING_SSL_MESSAGE = ("pip {} requires SSL/TLS".format(_PIP_VERSION)) try: import ssl except ImportError: ssl = None def _require_ssl_for_pip(): raise RuntimeError(_MISSING_SSL_MESSAGE) else: def _require_ssl_for_pip(): pass _PROJECTS = [ ("setuptools", _SETUPTOOLS_VERSION), ("pip", _PIP_VERSION), ] def _run_pip(args, additional_paths=None): # Add our bundled software to the sys.path so we can import it if additional_paths is not None: sys.path = additional_paths + sys.path # Install the bundled software import pip pip.main(args) def version(): """ Returns a string specifying the bundled version of pip. """ return _PIP_VERSION def _disable_pip_configuration_settings(): # We deliberately ignore all pip environment variables # when invoking pip # See for details keys_to_remove = [k for k in os.environ if k.startswith("PIP_")] for k in keys_to_remove: del os.environ[k] # We also ignore the settings in the default pip configuration file # See for details os.environ['PIP_CONFIG_FILE'] = os.devnull def bootstrap(root=None, upgrade=False, user=False, altinstall=False, default_pip=True, verbosity=0): """ Bootstrap pip into the current Python installation (or the given root directory). Note that calling this function will alter both sys.path and os.environ. """ if altinstall and default_pip: raise ValueError("Cannot use altinstall and default_pip together") _require_ssl_for_pip() _disable_pip_configuration_settings() # By default, installing pip and setuptools installs all of the # following scripts (X.Y == running Python version): # # pip, pipX, pipX.Y, easy_install, easy_install-X.Y # # pip 1.5+ allows ensurepip to request that some of those be left out if altinstall: # omit pip, pipX and easy_install os.environ["ENSUREPIP_OPTIONS"] = "altinstall" elif not default_pip: # omit pip and easy_install os.environ["ENSUREPIP_OPTIONS"] = "install" tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: # Put our bundled wheels into a temporary directory and construct the # additional paths that need added to sys.path additional_paths = [] for project, version in _PROJECTS: wheel_name = "{}-{}-py2.py3-none-any.whl".format(project, version) whl = pkgutil.get_data( "ensurepip", "_bundled/{}".format(wheel_name), ) with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, wheel_name), "wb") as fp: fp.write(whl) additional_paths.append(os.path.join(tmpdir, wheel_name)) # Construct the arguments to be passed to the pip command args = ["install", "--no-index", "--find-links", tmpdir] if root: args += ["--root", root] if upgrade: args += ["--upgrade"] if user: args += ["--user"] if verbosity: args += ["-" + "v" * verbosity] _run_pip(args + [p[0] for p in _PROJECTS], additional_paths) finally: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir, ignore_errors=True) def _uninstall_helper(verbosity=0): """Helper to support a clean default uninstall process on Windows Note that calling this function may alter os.environ. """ # Nothing to do if pip was never installed, or has been removed try: import pip except ImportError: return # If the pip version doesn't match the bundled one, leave it alone if pip.__version__ != _PIP_VERSION: msg = ("ensurepip will only uninstall a matching version " "({!r} installed, {!r} bundled)") print(msg.format(pip.__version__, _PIP_VERSION), file=sys.stderr) return _require_ssl_for_pip() _disable_pip_configuration_settings() # Construct the arguments to be passed to the pip command args = ["uninstall", "-y", "--disable-pip-version-check"] if verbosity: args += ["-" + "v" * verbosity] _run_pip(args + [p[0] for p in reversed(_PROJECTS)]) def _main(argv=None): if ssl is None: print("Ignoring ensurepip failure: {}".format(_MISSING_SSL_MESSAGE), file=sys.stderr) return import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="python -m ensurepip") parser.add_argument( "--version", action="version", version="pip {}".format(version()), help="Show the version of pip that is bundled with this Python.", ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", action="count", default=0, dest="verbosity", help=("Give more output. Option is additive, and can be used up to 3 " "times."), ) parser.add_argument( "-U", "--upgrade", action="store_true", default=False, help="Upgrade pip and dependencies, even if already installed.", ) parser.add_argument( "--user", action="store_true", default=False, help="Install using the user scheme.", ) parser.add_argument( "--root", default=None, help="Install everything relative to this alternate root directory.", ) parser.add_argument( "--altinstall", action="store_true", default=False, help=("Make an alternate install, installing only the X.Y versioned" "scripts (Default: pipX, pipX.Y, easy_install-X.Y)"), ) parser.add_argument( "--default-pip", action="store_true", default=True, dest="default_pip", help=argparse.SUPPRESS, ) parser.add_argument( "--no-default-pip", action="store_false", dest="default_pip", help=("Make a non default install, installing only the X and X.Y " "versioned scripts."), ) args = parser.parse_args(argv) bootstrap( root=args.root, upgrade=args.upgrade, user=args.user, verbosity=args.verbosity, altinstall=args.altinstall, default_pip=args.default_pip, )
from .predicate import Predicate from .report import Report __author__ = 'Mikael Vind Mikkelsen' __maintainer__ = 'Alexander Brandborg' class ColumnNotNullPredicate(Predicate): """ Predicate for asserting that nulls do not exist in the columns of a table """ def __init__(self, table_name, column_names=None, column_names_exclude=False): """ :param table_name: name of the table we are testing. Can be given as a list of tables if we want a join. :param column_names: set of column names :param column_names_exclude: bool indicating if all columns not in column_names should instead be used in the assertion. """ if isinstance(table_name, str): self.table_name = [table_name] else: self.table_name = table_name self.column_names = column_names self.column_names_exclude = column_names_exclude def run(self, dw_rep): """ Runs SQL to return all rows containing null. :param dw_rep: A DWRepresentation object allowing us to access DW :return: Report object to inform whether assertion held """ # Gets the columns to concern chosen_columns = self.setup_columns(dw_rep, self.table_name, self.column_names, self.column_names_exclude) # Generates and runs SQL for finding rows with null null_condition_sql = (x + " IS NULL" for x in chosen_columns) pred_sql = " SELECT * " + \ " FROM " + " NATURAL JOIN ".join(self.table_name) + \ " WHERE " + " OR ".join(null_condition_sql) cursor = dw_rep.connection.cursor() cursor.execute(pred_sql) query_result = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() # Create dict, so that attributes have names names = [t[0] for t in cursor.description] dict_result = [] for row in query_result: dict_result.append(dict(zip(names, row))) # If any rows were fetched. Assertion fails if not dict_result: self.__result__ = True return Report(result=self.__result__, predicate=self, tables=self.table_name, elements=dict_result, msg=None)
#!/usr/bin/env python import unittest import shutil import os import subprocess import sys from distutils.version import StrictVersion def run(command): """ run shell command & return unix exit code """ process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = process.communicate() return(err, process.returncode) class _01_CheckEnv(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.path_contents = [] for _ in os.environ['PATH'].strip(':').split(':'): if os.path.isdir(_): self.path_contents += os.listdir(_) self.python_contents = [] for _ in os.environ['PYTHONPATH'].strip(':').split(':'): if os.path.isdir(_): self.python_contents += os.listdir(_) def test_class(self): self.assertTrue( '' in self.path_contents, msg="""\n\n'' not found in PATH environmental variable.\nMake sure '/path/to/MIDAS/scripts' has been added to your PATH:\nexport PATH=$PATH:/path/to/MIDAS/scripts""" ) self.assertTrue( 'midas' in self.python_contents, msg="""\n\n'midas' not found in PYTHONPATH environmental variable.\nMake sure '/path/to/MIDAS' has been added to your PYTHONPATH:\nexport PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/MIDAS""" ) self.assertTrue( 'MIDAS_DB' in os.environ, msg="""\n\n'MIDAS_DB' environmental variable not set.\nSet this variable and rerun the test:\nexport MIDAS_DB=/path/to/midas_db_v1.1""" ) class _02_ImportDependencies(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.failures = [] try: import numpy except Exception: self.failures.append('numpy') try: import pandas except Exception: self.failures.append('pandas') try: import pysam except Exception: self.failures.append('pysam') try: import midas except Exception: self.failures.append('midas') try: import Bio.SeqIO except Exception: self.failures.append('Bio.SeqIO') def test_class(self): self.assertTrue(len(self.failures)==0, msg="""\n\nThe following dependencies failed to import: %s.\nMake sure that dependencies have been properly installed""" % str(self.failures)) class _03_CheckVersions(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.modules = ['numpy', 'pandas', 'pysam', 'Bio.SeqIO'] self.installeds = [module.__version__ for module in map(__import__, self.modules)] self.requireds = ['1.7.0', '0.17.1', '0.8.1', '1.6.2'] def test_class(self): for module, installed, required in zip(self.modules, self.installeds, self.requireds): if len(installed.split('.')) > 3: installed = '.'.join(installed.split('.')[0:3]) self.assertTrue( StrictVersion(installed) >= StrictVersion(required), msg="""\n\nImported library '%s %s' is out of date. Required version is >= %s""" % (module, installed, required) ) class _04_HelpText(unittest.TestCase): def test_class(self): commands = [ ' -h', ' species -h', ' genes -h', ' snps -h', ' -h', ' species -h', ' genes -h', ' snps -h'] for cmd in commands: err, code = run(cmd) self.assertTrue(code==0, msg=err) class _05_RunSpecies(unittest.TestCase): def test_class(self): command = ' species ./sample -1 ./test.fq.gz -n 100' err, code = run(command) self.assertTrue(code==0, msg=err) class _06_RunGenes(unittest.TestCase): def test_class(self): command = ' genes ./sample -1 ./test.fq.gz -n 100 --species_id Bacteroides_vulgatus_57955' err, code = run(command) self.assertTrue(code==0, msg=err) class _07_RunSNPs(unittest.TestCase): def test_class(self): command = ' snps ./sample -1 ./test.fq.gz -n 100 --species_id Bacteroides_vulgatus_57955' err, code = run(command) self.assertTrue(code==0, msg=err) class _08_MergeSpecies(unittest.TestCase): def test_class(self): command = ' species ./species -i ./sample -t list' err, code = run(command) self.assertTrue(code==0, msg=err) class _09_MergeGenes(unittest.TestCase): def test_class(self): command = ' genes ./genes -i ./sample -t list --species_id Bacteroides_vulgatus_57955 --sample_depth 0.0' err, code = run(command) self.assertTrue(code==0, msg=err) class _10_MergeSNPs(unittest.TestCase): def test_class(self): command = ' snps ./snps -i ./sample -t list --species_id Bacteroides_vulgatus_57955 --all_samples --all_sites --max_sites 10000' err, code = run(command) self.assertTrue(code==0, msg=err) class _11_SNPdiversity(unittest.TestCase): def test_class(self): command = ' snps/Bacteroides_vulgatus_57955' err, code = run(command) self.assertTrue(code==0, msg=err) class _12_CallConsensus(unittest.TestCase): def test_class(self): command = ' snps/Bacteroides_vulgatus_57955' err, code = run(command) self.assertTrue(code==0, msg=err) class _13_CompareGeneContent(unittest.TestCase): def test_class(self): command = ' genes/Bacteroides_vulgatus_57955' err, code = run(command) self.assertTrue(code==0, msg=err) class _14_QueryByCompound(unittest.TestCase): def test_class(self): command = ' -i sample -t list -c C00312' err, code = run(command) self.assertTrue(code==0, msg=err) class _15_BuildDB(unittest.TestCase): def test_class(self): command = 'tar -zxvf genomes.tar.gz' err, code = run(command) command = ' genomes genomes.mapfile db --threads 10' err, code = run(command) self.assertTrue(code==0, msg=err) if __name__ == '__main__': try: dir_name = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) os.chdir(dir_name) unittest.main(exit=False) for dir in ['sample', 'species', 'genes', 'snps', 'genomes', 'db']: shutil.rmtree(dir) except: print("") for dir in ['sample', 'species', 'genes', 'snps', 'genomes', 'db']: if os.path.exists(dir): shutil.rmtree(dir)
""" Vamos a construir una pila LIFO last in first out. Vamos a crear unas funciones para manejar dicha pila. Estas funciones serán: introduce(pila, x) Añadimos un elemento al final de la pila saca(pila) Devolvemos el último elemento de la pila (si la pila está vacía, devuelve None vacia(pila) Devuelve un boolean, true = pila vacía """ def introduce(lifo, elem): """ Añadimos elem al final de lifo :param lifo: :param elem: :return: """ lifo.append(elem) def saca(lifo): """ Devuelve el último elemento de lifo. Si está vacía devuelve NoneType :param lifo: :return: """ if vacia(lifo): # Comprobamos si lifo está vacía return None else: return lifo.pop() def vacia(lifo): """ Devuelve True si lifo está vacía. En caso contrario devuelve False :param lifo: :return: """ return len(lifo) == 0 # True si la longitud es 0, False en cualquier otro caso
#!/usr/bin/env python ''' Affichage de la webcam Usage: [<video source>] ''' # Librairies import cv2 import sys # Programme # Recuperation de l'argument try: fn = sys.argv[1] except: fn = 0 # Creation de la fenetre cv2.namedWindow('Webcam') # Demarrage de la webcam cap = cv2.VideoCapture(fn) # Capture while True: flag, img = cv2.imshow('Webcam', img) ch = cv2.waitKey(5) if ch == 27: break # Fin du programme cv2.destroyAllWindows()
# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== # pylint: disable=protected-access """Functions that save the model's config into different formats. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from tensorflow.python.keras.saving.saved_model import json_utils from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import keras_export # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top try: import yaml except ImportError: yaml = None # pylint: enable=g-import-not-at-top @keras_export('keras.models.model_from_config') def model_from_config(config, custom_objects=None): """Instantiates a Keras model from its config. Usage: ``` # for a Functional API model tf.keras.Model().from_config(model.get_config()) # for a Sequential model tf.keras.Sequential().from_config(model.get_config()) ``` Args: config: Configuration dictionary. custom_objects: Optional dictionary mapping names (strings) to custom classes or functions to be considered during deserialization. Returns: A Keras model instance (uncompiled). Raises: TypeError: if `config` is not a dictionary. """ if isinstance(config, list): raise TypeError('`model_from_config` expects a dictionary, not a list. ' 'Maybe you meant to use ' '`Sequential.from_config(config)`?') from tensorflow.python.keras.layers import deserialize # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top return deserialize(config, custom_objects=custom_objects) @keras_export('keras.models.model_from_yaml') def model_from_yaml(yaml_string, custom_objects=None): """Parses a yaml model configuration file and returns a model instance. Usage: >>> model = tf.keras.Sequential([ ... tf.keras.layers.Dense(5, input_shape=(3,)), ... tf.keras.layers.Softmax()]) >>> try: ... import yaml ... config = model.to_yaml() ... loaded_model = tf.keras.models.model_from_yaml(config) ... except ImportError: ... pass Args: yaml_string: YAML string or open file encoding a model configuration. custom_objects: Optional dictionary mapping names (strings) to custom classes or functions to be considered during deserialization. Returns: A Keras model instance (uncompiled). Raises: ImportError: if yaml module is not found. """ if yaml is None: raise ImportError('Requires yaml module installed (`pip install pyyaml`).') # The method unsafe_load only exists in PyYAML 5.x+, so which branch of the # try block is covered by tests depends on the installed version of PyYAML. try: # PyYAML 5.x+ config = yaml.unsafe_load(yaml_string) except AttributeError: config = yaml.load(yaml_string) from tensorflow.python.keras.layers import deserialize # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top return deserialize(config, custom_objects=custom_objects) @keras_export('keras.models.model_from_json') def model_from_json(json_string, custom_objects=None): """Parses a JSON model configuration string and returns a model instance. Usage: >>> model = tf.keras.Sequential([ ... tf.keras.layers.Dense(5, input_shape=(3,)), ... tf.keras.layers.Softmax()]) >>> config = model.to_json() >>> loaded_model = tf.keras.models.model_from_json(config) Args: json_string: JSON string encoding a model configuration. custom_objects: Optional dictionary mapping names (strings) to custom classes or functions to be considered during deserialization. Returns: A Keras model instance (uncompiled). """ config = json_utils.decode(json_string) from tensorflow.python.keras.layers import deserialize # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top return deserialize(config, custom_objects=custom_objects)
from django.contrib import admin import models # Register your models here.
import logging from collections import defaultdict from django.utils import six from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe from .base import ( Node, Template, TemplateSyntaxError, TextNode, Variable, token_kwargs, ) from .library import Library register = Library() BLOCK_CONTEXT_KEY = 'block_context' logger = logging.getLogger('django.template') class ExtendsError(Exception): pass class BlockContext(object): def __init__(self): # Dictionary of FIFO queues. self.blocks = defaultdict(list) def add_blocks(self, blocks): for name, block in six.iteritems(blocks): self.blocks[name].insert(0, block) def pop(self, name): try: return self.blocks[name].pop() except IndexError: return None def push(self, name, block): self.blocks[name].append(block) def get_block(self, name): try: return self.blocks[name][-1] except IndexError: return None class BlockNode(Node): def __init__(self, name, nodelist, parent=None):, self.nodelist, self.parent = name, nodelist, parent def __repr__(self): return "<Block Node: %s. Contents: %r>" % (, self.nodelist) def render(self, context): block_context = context.render_context.get(BLOCK_CONTEXT_KEY) with context.push(): if block_context is None: context['block'] = self result = self.nodelist.render(context) else: push = block = block_context.pop( if block is None: block = self # Create new block so we can store context without thread-safety issues. block = type(self)(, block.nodelist) block.context = context context['block'] = block result = block.nodelist.render(context) if push is not None: block_context.push(, push) return result def super(self): if not hasattr(self, 'context'): raise TemplateSyntaxError( "'%s' object has no attribute 'context'. Did you use " "{{ block.super }} in a base template?" % self.__class__.__name__ ) render_context = self.context.render_context if (BLOCK_CONTEXT_KEY in render_context and render_context[BLOCK_CONTEXT_KEY].get_block( is not None): return mark_safe(self.render(self.context)) return '' class ExtendsNode(Node): must_be_first = True context_key = 'extends_context' def __init__(self, nodelist, parent_name, template_dirs=None): self.nodelist = nodelist self.parent_name = parent_name self.template_dirs = template_dirs self.blocks = { n for n in nodelist.get_nodes_by_type(BlockNode)} def __repr__(self): return '<ExtendsNode: extends %s>' % self.parent_name.token def find_template(self, template_name, context): """ This is a wrapper around engine.find_template(). A history is kept in the render_context attribute between successive extends calls and passed as the skip argument. This enables extends to work recursively without extending the same template twice. """ # RemovedInDjango20Warning: If any non-recursive loaders are installed # do a direct template lookup. If the same template name appears twice, # raise an exception to avoid system recursion. for loader in context.template.engine.template_loaders: if not loader.supports_recursion: history = context.render_context.setdefault( self.context_key, [context.template.origin.template_name], ) if template_name in history: raise ExtendsError( "Cannot extend templates recursively when using " "non-recursive template loaders", ) template = context.template.engine.get_template(template_name) history.append(template_name) return template history = context.render_context.setdefault( self.context_key, [context.template.origin], ) template, origin = context.template.engine.find_template( template_name, skip=history, ) history.append(origin) return template def get_parent(self, context): parent = self.parent_name.resolve(context) if not parent: error_msg = "Invalid template name in 'extends' tag: %r." % parent if self.parent_name.filters or\ isinstance(self.parent_name.var, Variable): error_msg += " Got this from the '%s' variable." %\ self.parent_name.token raise TemplateSyntaxError(error_msg) if isinstance(parent, Template): # parent is a django.template.Template return parent if isinstance(getattr(parent, 'template', None), Template): # parent is a django.template.backends.django.Template return parent.template return self.find_template(parent, context) def render(self, context): compiled_parent = self.get_parent(context) if BLOCK_CONTEXT_KEY not in context.render_context: context.render_context[BLOCK_CONTEXT_KEY] = BlockContext() block_context = context.render_context[BLOCK_CONTEXT_KEY] # Add the block nodes from this node to the block context block_context.add_blocks(self.blocks) # If this block's parent doesn't have an extends node it is the root, # and its block nodes also need to be added to the block context. for node in compiled_parent.nodelist: # The ExtendsNode has to be the first non-text node. if not isinstance(node, TextNode): if not isinstance(node, ExtendsNode): blocks = { n for n in compiled_parent.nodelist.get_nodes_by_type(BlockNode)} block_context.add_blocks(blocks) break # Call Template._render explicitly so the parser context stays # the same. return compiled_parent._render(context) class IncludeNode(Node): context_key = '__include_context' def __init__(self, template, *args, **kwargs): self.template = template self.extra_context = kwargs.pop('extra_context', {}) self.isolated_context = kwargs.pop('isolated_context', False) super(IncludeNode, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def render(self, context): """ Render the specified template and context. Cache the template object in render_context to avoid reparsing and loading when used in a for loop. """ try: template = self.template.resolve(context) # Does this quack like a Template? if not callable(getattr(template, 'render', None)): # If not, we'll try our cache, and get_template() template_name = template cache = context.render_context.setdefault(self.context_key, {}) template = cache.get(template_name) if template is None: template = context.template.engine.get_template(template_name) cache[template_name] = template values = { name: var.resolve(context) for name, var in six.iteritems(self.extra_context) } if self.isolated_context: return template.render( with context.push(**values): return template.render(context) except Exception: if context.template.engine.debug: raise template_name = getattr(context, 'template_name', None) or 'unknown' logger.warning( "Exception raised while rendering {%% include %%} for " "template '%s'. Empty string rendered instead.", template_name, exc_info=True, ) return '' @register.tag('block') def do_block(parser, token): """ Define a block that can be overridden by child templates. """ # token.split_contents() isn't useful here because this tag doesn't accept variable as arguments bits = token.contents.split() if len(bits) != 2: raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' tag takes only one argument" % bits[0]) block_name = bits[1] # Keep track of the names of BlockNodes found in this template, so we can # check for duplication. try: if block_name in parser.__loaded_blocks: raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' tag with name '%s' appears more than once" % (bits[0], block_name)) parser.__loaded_blocks.append(block_name) except AttributeError: # parser.__loaded_blocks isn't a list yet parser.__loaded_blocks = [block_name] nodelist = parser.parse(('endblock',)) # This check is kept for backwards-compatibility. See #3100. endblock = parser.next_token() acceptable_endblocks = ('endblock', 'endblock %s' % block_name) if endblock.contents not in acceptable_endblocks: parser.invalid_block_tag(endblock, 'endblock', acceptable_endblocks) return BlockNode(block_name, nodelist) @register.tag('extends') def do_extends(parser, token): """ Signal that this template extends a parent template. This tag may be used in two ways: ``{% extends "base" %}`` (with quotes) uses the literal value "base" as the name of the parent template to extend, or ``{% extends variable %}`` uses the value of ``variable`` as either the name of the parent template to extend (if it evaluates to a string) or as the parent template itself (if it evaluates to a Template object). """ bits = token.split_contents() if len(bits) != 2: raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' takes one argument" % bits[0]) parent_name = parser.compile_filter(bits[1]) nodelist = parser.parse() if nodelist.get_nodes_by_type(ExtendsNode): raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' cannot appear more than once in the same template" % bits[0]) return ExtendsNode(nodelist, parent_name) @register.tag('include') def do_include(parser, token): """ Loads a template and renders it with the current context. You can pass additional context using keyword arguments. Example:: {% include "foo/some_include" %} {% include "foo/some_include" with bar="BAZZ!" baz="BING!" %} Use the ``only`` argument to exclude the current context when rendering the included template:: {% include "foo/some_include" only %} {% include "foo/some_include" with bar="1" only %} """ bits = token.split_contents() if len(bits) < 2: raise TemplateSyntaxError( "%r tag takes at least one argument: the name of the template to " "be included." % bits[0] ) options = {} remaining_bits = bits[2:] while remaining_bits: option = remaining_bits.pop(0) if option in options: raise TemplateSyntaxError('The %r option was specified more ' 'than once.' % option) if option == 'with': value = token_kwargs(remaining_bits, parser, support_legacy=False) if not value: raise TemplateSyntaxError('"with" in %r tag needs at least ' 'one keyword argument.' % bits[0]) elif option == 'only': value = True else: raise TemplateSyntaxError('Unknown argument for %r tag: %r.' % (bits[0], option)) options[option] = value isolated_context = options.get('only', False) namemap = options.get('with', {}) return IncludeNode(parser.compile_filter(bits[1]), extra_context=namemap, isolated_context=isolated_context)
import oyaml as yaml import sys import configargparse parser = configargparse.ArgumentParser(auto_env_var_prefix="INIT_") parser.add_argument("--config-path", help="path to the configuration.yml file", default="/opt/opencga/conf/configuration.yml") parser.add_argument("--client-config-path", help="path to the client-configuration.yml file", default="/opt/opencga/conf/client-configuration.yml") parser.add_argument("--storage-config-path", help="path to the storage-configuration.yml file", default="/opt/opencga/conf/storage-configuration.yml") parser.add_argument("--search-hosts", required=True) parser.add_argument("--clinical-hosts", required=True) parser.add_argument("--cellbase-mongo-hosts", required=False, help="A CSV list of mongodb hosts which are running the cellbase database") parser.add_argument("--cellbase-mongo-hosts-password", required=False, help="The password for the cellbase mongo server provided in '--cellbase-mongo-hosts'") parser.add_argument("--cellbase-mongo-hosts-user", required=False, help="The username for the cellbase mongo server provided in '--cellbase-mongo-hosts'") parser.add_argument("--cellbase-rest-urls", required=False, help="A CSV list of cellbase rest servers hosting the cellbase service") parser.add_argument("--catalog-database-hosts", required=True) parser.add_argument("--catalog-database-user", required=True) parser.add_argument("--catalog-database-password", required=True) parser.add_argument("--catalog-search-hosts", required=True) parser.add_argument("--catalog-search-user", required=True) parser.add_argument("--catalog-search-password", required=True) parser.add_argument("--rest-host", required=True) parser.add_argument("--grpc-host", required=True) parser.add_argument("--batch-execution-mode", required=True) parser.add_argument("--batch-account-name", required=True) parser.add_argument("--batch-account-key", required=True) parser.add_argument("--batch-endpoint", required=True) parser.add_argument("--batch-pool-id", required=True) parser.add_argument("--batch-docker-args", required=True) parser.add_argument("--batch-docker-image", required=True) parser.add_argument("--batch-max-concurrent-jobs", required=True) parser.add_argument("--hbase-ssh-dns", required=True) parser.add_argument("--hbase-ssh-user", required=True) parser.add_argument("--hbase-ssh-pass", required=True) parser.add_argument("--hbase-ssh-remote-opencga-home", required=True) parser.add_argument("--health-check-interval", required=True) parser.add_argument("--save", help="save update to source configuration files (default: false)", default=False, action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() ############################################################################################################## # Load storage configuration yaml ############################################################################################################## with open(args.storage_config_path) as f: storage_config = yaml.safe_load(f) # Inject search hosts search_hosts = args.search_hosts.replace('\"','').split(",") for i, search_host in enumerate(search_hosts): if i == 0: # If we are overriding the default hosts, # clear them only on the first iteration storage_config["search"]["hosts"].clear() storage_config["search"]["hosts"].insert(i, search_host.strip()) # Inject clinical hosts clinical_hosts = args.clinical_hosts.replace('\"','').split(",") for i, clinical_host in enumerate(clinical_hosts): if i == 0: # If we are overriding the default hosts, # clear them only on the first iteration storage_config["clinical"]["hosts"].clear() storage_config["clinical"]["hosts"].insert(i, clinical_host.strip()) # Inject cellbase database has_cellbase_mongo_hosts = args.cellbase_mongo_hosts is not None and args.cellbase_mongo_hosts != "" if has_cellbase_mongo_hosts: cellbase_mongo_hosts = args.cellbase_mongo_hosts.replace('\"','').split(",") for i, cellbase_mongo_host in enumerate(cellbase_mongo_hosts): if i == 0: # If we are overriding the default hosts, # clear them only on the first iteration storage_config["cellbase"]["database"]["hosts"].clear() storage_config["cellbase"]["database"]["hosts"].insert(i, cellbase_mongo_host.strip()) storage_config["cellbase"]["database"]["options"]["authenticationDatabase"] = "admin" storage_config["cellbase"]["database"]["options"]["enableSSL"] = True storage_config["cellbase"]["database"]["user"] = args.cellbase_mongo_hosts_user storage_config["cellbase"]["database"]["password"] = args.cellbase_mongo_hosts_password storage_config["cellbase"]["preferred"] = "local" # Inject cellbase rest host, if set if args.cellbase_rest_urls is not None and args.cellbase_rest_urls != "": cellbase_rest_urls = args.cellbase_rest_urls.replace('\"', '').split(",") if len(cellbase_rest_urls) > 0: for i, cellbase_url in enumerate(cellbase_rest_urls): if i == 0: # If we are overriding the default hosts, # clear them only on the first iteration storage_config["cellbase"]["hosts"].clear() storage_config["cellbase"]["hosts"].insert(i, cellbase_url.strip()) # If we have cellbase hosts set the annotator to the DB Adaptor if has_cellbase_mongo_hosts: storage_config["variant"]["options"]["annotator"] = "cellbase_db_adaptor" else : storage_config["variant"]["options"]["annotator"] = "cellbase_rest" # Inject Hadoop ssh configuration for _, storage_engine in enumerate(storage_config["variant"]["engines"]): if storage_engine["id"] == "hadoop": storage_engine["options"][""] = "ssh" storage_engine["options"][""] = args.hbase_ssh_dns storage_engine["options"][""] = args.hbase_ssh_user storage_engine["options"][""] = args.hbase_ssh_pass #storage_engine["options"][""] = args.hadoop_ssh_key # TODO instead of password storage_engine["options"][""] = args.hbase_ssh_remote_opencga_home ############################################################################################################## # Load configuration yaml ############################################################################################################## with open(args.config_path) as f: config = yaml.safe_load(f) # Inject catalog database catalog_hosts = args.catalog_database_hosts.replace('\"','').split(",") for i, catalog_host in enumerate(catalog_hosts): if i == 0: # If we are overriding the default hosts, # clear them only on the first iteration config["catalog"]["database"]["hosts"].clear() config["catalog"]["database"]["hosts"].insert(i, catalog_host.strip()) config["catalog"]["database"]["user"] = args.catalog_database_user config["catalog"]["database"]["password"] = args.catalog_database_password config["catalog"]["database"]["options"]["enableSSL"] = True config["catalog"]["database"]["options"]["authenticationDatabase"] = "admin" # Inject search database catalog_search_hosts = args.catalog_search_hosts.replace('\"','').split(",") for i, catalog_search_host in enumerate(catalog_search_hosts): if i == 0: # If we are overriding the default hosts, # clear them only on the first iteration config["catalog"]["searchEngine"]["hosts"].clear() config["catalog"]["searchEngine"]["hosts"].insert(i, catalog_search_host.strip()) config["catalog"]["searchEngine"]["user"] = args.catalog_search_user config["catalog"]["searchEngine"]["password"] = args.catalog_search_password # Inject execution settings config["analysis"]["index"]["variant"]["maxConcurrentJobs"] = int(args.batch_max_concurrent_jobs) config["analysis"]["execution"]["id"] = args.batch_execution_mode config["analysis"]["execution"]["options"] = {} config["analysis"]["execution"]["options"]["azure.batchAccount"] = args.batch_account_name config["analysis"]["execution"]["options"]["azure.batchKey"] = args.batch_account_key config["analysis"]["execution"]["options"]["azure.batchUri"] = args.batch_endpoint config["analysis"]["execution"]["options"]["azure.batchPoolId"] = args.batch_pool_id config["analysis"]["execution"]["options"]["azure.dockerImageName"] = args.batch_docker_image config["analysis"]["execution"]["options"]["azure.dockerArgs"] = args.batch_docker_args # Inject healthCheck interval config["healthCheck"]["interval"] = args.health_check_interval ############################################################################################################## # Load client configuration yaml ############################################################################################################## with open(args.client_config_path) as f: client_config = yaml.safe_load(f) # Inject grpc and rest host client_config["rest"]["host"] = args.rest_host.replace('"','') client_config["grpc"]["host"] = args.grpc_host.replace('"','') # Running with --save will update the configuration files inplace. # Without --save will simply dump the update YAML to stdout so that # the caller can handle it. # Note: The dump will use the safe representation so there is likely # to be format diffs between the original input and the output as well # as value changes. if == False: yaml.dump(storage_config, sys.stdout, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True) print("---") # Add yaml delimiter yaml.dump(config, sys.stdout, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True) print("---") # Add yaml delimiter yaml.dump(client_config, sys.stdout, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True) else: with open(args.storage_config_path, "w") as f: yaml.dump(storage_config, f, default_flow_style=False) with open(args.config_path, "w") as f: yaml.dump(config, f, default_flow_style=False) with open(args.client_config_path, "w") as f: yaml.dump(client_config, f, default_flow_style=False)
__doc__ = """Random number array generators for numarray. This package was ported to numarray from Numeric's RandomArray and provides functions to generate numarray of random numbers. """ from RandomArray2 import *
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import urllib.request.Request as Request req = Request('', headers = {}, method = 'GET' ) with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as f: print'utf-8')
# Download the Python helper library from from import TwilioTaskRouterClient # Your Account Sid and Auth Token from account_sid = "ACXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" auth_token = "your_auth_token" workspace_sid = "WSXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" taskqueue_sid = "WQXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" client = TwilioTaskRouterClient(account_sid, auth_token) taskqueue = client.task_queues(workspace_sid).get(taskqueue_sid) print(taskqueue.friendly_name)
from math import log """ -- Various average (means) algorithms implementation -- See: -- Returns the sum of a sequence of values """ #Calculates the arithmetic mean of the list numbers and returns the result def arithmetic_mean(numbers): return float(sum(numbers))/len(numbers) #Calculates the geometric mean of the list numbers def geometric_mean(numbers): product=1 for num in numbers: product*=num return pow(product,1.0/len(numbers)) #Calculates the harmonic mean of the list numbers def harmonic_mean(numbers): return float(len(numbers))/sum([1.0/num for num in numbers]) #Calculates the quadratic mean of the list numbers def quadratic_mean(numbers): return ((1.0/len(numbers))*sum([num*num for num in numbers]))**.5 # Calculates the generalized mean of the list numbers according to the # given power def generalized_mean(numbers,power): return (( 1.0/len(numbers))*sum([num**power for num in numbers]))**(1.0/power) # Calculates weighted sum where weights and values are two list with equal number # of elements def weighted_mean(values,weights): if(len(values)!= len(weights)): print("List lengths don't match") else: sumup=0 for counter,number in enumerate(values): sumup+=number*weights[counter] return float(sumup)/sum(weights) # Calculates midrange_mean def midrange_mean(values): return 0.5*(min(values)+max(values)) # Calculates midrange_mean def energatic_mean(values): sumup=sum([10**(num/10.0) for num in values]) return 10*log((1.0/len(values))*sumup, 10) def main(): values =[1,2,3,4,5] weights = [0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.2] flag =True if(arithmetic_mean(values)!=3): flag = False elif(geometric_mean(values)!=2.605171084697352): flag = False elif(harmonic_mean(values)!=2.18978102189781): flag = False elif(quadratic_mean(values)!=3.3166247903554): flag = False elif(generalized_mean(values,1)!=arithmetic_mean(values)): flag = False elif(weighted_mean(values,weights) != 3.3): flag = False elif(midrange_mean(values)!=3): flag = False elif(energatic_mean(values)!= 3.2276678141732704): flag = False print("Test is"+(" Successful"if(flag) else" Unsuccessful")) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# (C) British Crown Copyright 2013 - 2018, Met Office # # This file is part of cartopy. # # cartopy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # cartopy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with cartopy. If not, see <>. """ Tests for the Transverse Mercator projection, including OSGB and OSNI. """ from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) import numpy as np import as ccrs class TestTransverseMercator(object): def setup_class(self): self.point_a = (-3.474083, 50.727301) self.point_b = (0.5, 50.5) self.src_crs = ccrs.PlateCarree() def test_default(self): proj = ccrs.TransverseMercator() res = proj.transform_point(*self.point_a, src_crs=self.src_crs) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(res, (-245269.53180633, 5627508.74354959)) res = proj.transform_point(*self.point_b, src_crs=self.src_crs) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(res, (35474.63566645, 5596583.41949901)) def test_osgb_vals(self): proj = ccrs.TransverseMercator(central_longitude=-2, central_latitude=49, scale_factor=0.9996012717, false_easting=400000, false_northing=-100000, globe=ccrs.Globe(datum='OSGB36', ellipse='airy')) res = proj.transform_point(*self.point_a, src_crs=self.src_crs) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(res, (295971.28667707, 93064.27666368)) res = proj.transform_point(*self.point_b, src_crs=self.src_crs) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(res, (577274.98380140, 69740.49227181)) def test_nan(self): proj = ccrs.TransverseMercator() res = proj.transform_point(0.0, float('nan'), src_crs=self.src_crs) assert np.all(np.isnan(res)) res = proj.transform_point(float('nan'), 0.0, src_crs=self.src_crs) assert np.all(np.isnan(res)) class TestOSGB(object): def setup_class(self): self.point_a = (-3.474083, 50.727301) self.point_b = (0.5, 50.5) self.src_crs = ccrs.PlateCarree() self.nan = float('nan') def test_default(self): proj = ccrs.OSGB() res = proj.transform_point(*self.point_a, src_crs=self.src_crs) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(res, (295971.28667707, 93064.27666368)) res = proj.transform_point(*self.point_b, src_crs=self.src_crs) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(res, (577274.98380140, 69740.49227181)) def test_nan(self): proj = ccrs.OSGB() res = proj.transform_point(0.0, float('nan'), src_crs=self.src_crs) assert np.all(np.isnan(res)) res = proj.transform_point(float('nan'), 0.0, src_crs=self.src_crs) assert np.all(np.isnan(res)) class TestOSNI(object): def setup_class(self): self.point_a = (-6.826286, 54.725116) self.src_crs = ccrs.PlateCarree() self.nan = float('nan') def test_default(self): proj = ccrs.OSNI() res = proj.transform_point(*self.point_a, src_crs=self.src_crs) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal( res, (275614.26762651594, 386984.206429612), decimal=0 if ccrs.PROJ4_VERSION < (5, 0, 0) else 6) def test_nan(self): proj = ccrs.OSNI() res = proj.transform_point(0.0, float('nan'), src_crs=self.src_crs) assert np.all(np.isnan(res)) res = proj.transform_point(float('nan'), 0.0, src_crs=self.src_crs) assert np.all(np.isnan(res))
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import requests, bs4 ROOT_URL = "" def get_response(id):#str rs = requests.get(ROOT_URL%id) if rs.ok: return bs4.BeautifulSoup(rs.text) return None def parser_dns_prefetch(bs):#BeautifulSoup all_dns = bs.find_all('link', rel = 'dns-prefetch') if len(all_dns) is 0: return None rs = [] for dns_tag in all_dns: if not dns_tag.attrs.has_key('href'): continue rs.append('http:' + dns_tag.get('href')) return rs def parser_urls(bs):#BeautifulSoup rs_spec_items = bs.find_all('div', 'spec-items') if len(rs_spec_items) is 0: return {} spec_items = rs_spec_items[0] rs_ele = spec_items.find_all('img') images = {} for ele in rs_ele: if ele.attrs.has_key('data-url') and ele.attrs.has_key('data-img'): images[ele.attrs.get('data-url')] = ele.attrs.get('data-img') return images
from aimacode.planning import Action from import Problem from aimacode.utils import expr from lp_utils import decode_state class PgNode(): ''' Base class for planning graph nodes. includes instance sets common to both types of nodes used in a planning graph parents: the set of nodes in the previous level children: the set of nodes in the subsequent level mutex: the set of sibling nodes that are mutually exclusive with this node ''' def __init__(self): self.parents = set() self.children = set() self.mutex = set() def is_mutex(self, other) -> bool: ''' Boolean test for mutual exclusion :param other: PgNode the other node to compare with :return: bool True if this node and the other are marked mutually exclusive (mutex) ''' if other in self.mutex: return True return False def show(self): ''' helper print for debugging shows counts of parents, children, siblings :return: print only ''' print("{} parents".format(len(self.parents))) print("{} children".format(len(self.children))) print("{} mutex".format(len(self.mutex))) class PgNode_s(PgNode): ''' A planning graph node representing a state (literal fluent) from a planning problem. Args: ---------- symbol : str A string representing a literal expression from a planning problem domain. is_pos : bool Boolean flag indicating whether the literal expression is positive or negative. ''' def __init__(self, symbol: str, is_pos: bool): ''' S-level Planning Graph node constructor :param symbol: expr :param is_pos: bool Instance variables calculated: literal: expr fluent in its literal form including negative operator if applicable Instance variables inherited from PgNode: parents: set of nodes connected to this node in previous A level; initially empty children: set of nodes connected to this node in next A level; initially empty mutex: set of sibling S-nodes that this node has mutual exclusion with; initially empty ''' PgNode.__init__(self) self.symbol = symbol self.is_pos = is_pos self.literal = expr(self.symbol) if not self.is_pos: self.literal = expr('~{}'.format(self.symbol)) def show(self): '''helper print for debugging shows literal plus counts of parents, children, siblings :return: print only ''' print("\n*** {}".format(self.literal)) def __eq__(self, other): '''equality test for nodes - compares only the literal for equality :param other: PgNode_s :return: bool ''' if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return (self.symbol == other.symbol) \ and (self.is_pos == other.is_pos) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.symbol) ^ hash(self.is_pos) class PgNode_a(PgNode): '''A-type (action) Planning Graph node - inherited from PgNode ''' def __init__(self, action: Action): '''A-level Planning Graph node constructor :param action: Action a ground action, i.e. this action cannot contain any variables Instance variables calculated: An A-level will always have an S-level as its parent and an S-level as its child. The preconditions and effects will become the parents and children of the A-level node However, when this node is created, it is not yet connected to the graph prenodes: set of *possible* parent S-nodes effnodes: set of *possible* child S-nodes is_persistent: bool True if this is a persistence action, i.e. a no-op action Instance variables inherited from PgNode: parents: set of nodes connected to this node in previous S level; initially empty children: set of nodes connected to this node in next S level; initially empty mutex: set of sibling A-nodes that this node has mutual exclusion with; initially empty ''' PgNode.__init__(self) self.action = action self.prenodes = self.precond_s_nodes() self.effnodes = self.effect_s_nodes() self.is_persistent = False if self.prenodes == self.effnodes: self.is_persistent = True def show(self): '''helper print for debugging shows action plus counts of parents, children, siblings :return: print only ''' print("\n*** {}{}".format(, self.action.args)) def precond_s_nodes(self): '''precondition literals as S-nodes (represents possible parents for this node). It is computationally expensive to call this function; it is only called by the class constructor to populate the `prenodes` attribute. :return: set of PgNode_s ''' nodes = set() for p in self.action.precond_pos: n = PgNode_s(p, True) nodes.add(n) for p in self.action.precond_neg: n = PgNode_s(p, False) nodes.add(n) return nodes def effect_s_nodes(self): '''effect literals as S-nodes (represents possible children for this node). It is computationally expensive to call this function; it is only called by the class constructor to populate the `effnodes` attribute. :return: set of PgNode_s ''' nodes = set() for e in self.action.effect_add: n = PgNode_s(e, True) nodes.add(n) for e in self.action.effect_rem: n = PgNode_s(e, False) nodes.add(n) return nodes def __eq__(self, other): '''equality test for nodes - compares only the action name for equality :param other: PgNode_a :return: bool ''' if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return ( == \ and (self.action.args == other.action.args) def __hash__(self): return hash( ^ hash(self.action.args) def mutexify(node1: PgNode, node2: PgNode): ''' adds sibling nodes to each other's mutual exclusion (mutex) set. These should be sibling nodes! :param node1: PgNode (or inherited PgNode_a, PgNode_s types) :param node2: PgNode (or inherited PgNode_a, PgNode_s types) :return: node mutex sets modified ''' if type(node1) != type(node2): raise TypeError('Attempted to mutex two nodes of different types') node1.mutex.add(node2) node2.mutex.add(node1) class PlanningGraph(): ''' A planning graph as described in chapter 10 of the AIMA text. The planning graph can be used to reason about ''' def __init__(self, problem: Problem, state: str, serial_planning=True): ''' :param problem: PlanningProblem (or subclass such as AirCargoProblem or HaveCakeProblem) :param state: str (will be in form TFTTFF... representing fluent states) :param serial_planning: bool (whether or not to assume that only one action can occur at a time) Instance variable calculated: fs: FluentState the state represented as positive and negative fluent literal lists all_actions: list of the PlanningProblem valid ground actions combined with calculated no-op actions s_levels: list of sets of PgNode_s, where each set in the list represents an S-level in the planning graph a_levels: list of sets of PgNode_a, where each set in the list represents an A-level in the planning graph ''' self.problem = problem self.fs = decode_state(state, problem.state_map) self.serial = serial_planning self.all_actions = self.problem.actions_list + self.noop_actions(self.problem.state_map) self.s_levels = [] self.a_levels = [] self.create_graph() def noop_actions(self, literal_list): '''create persistent action for each possible fluent "No-Op" actions are virtual actions (i.e., actions that only exist in the planning graph, not in the planning problem domain) that operate on each fluent (literal expression) from the problem domain. No op actions "pass through" the literal expressions from one level of the planning graph to the next. The no-op action list requires both a positive and a negative action for each literal expression. Positive no-op actions require the literal as a positive precondition and add the literal expression as an effect in the output, and negative no-op actions require the literal as a negative precondition and remove the literal expression as an effect in the output. This function should only be called by the class constructor. :param literal_list: :return: list of Action ''' action_list = [] for fluent in literal_list: act1 = Action(expr("Noop_pos({})".format(fluent)), ([fluent], []), ([fluent], [])) action_list.append(act1) act2 = Action(expr("Noop_neg({})".format(fluent)), ([], [fluent]), ([], [fluent])) action_list.append(act2) return action_list def create_graph(self): ''' build a Planning Graph as described in Russell-Norvig 3rd Ed 10.3 or 2nd Ed 11.4 The S0 initial level has been implemented for you. It has no parents and includes all of the literal fluents that are part of the initial state passed to the constructor. At the start of a problem planning search, this will be the same as the initial state of the problem. However, the planning graph can be built from any state in the Planning Problem This function should only be called by the class constructor. :return: builds the graph by filling s_levels[] and a_levels[] lists with node sets for each level ''' # the graph should only be built during class construction if (len(self.s_levels) != 0) or (len(self.a_levels) != 0): raise Exception( 'Planning Graph already created; construct a new planning graph for each new state in the planning sequence') # initialize S0 to literals in initial state provided. leveled = False level = 0 self.s_levels.append(set()) # S0 set of s_nodes - empty to start # for each fluent in the initial state, add the correct literal PgNode_s for literal in self.fs.pos: self.s_levels[level].add(PgNode_s(literal, True)) for literal in self.fs.neg: self.s_levels[level].add(PgNode_s(literal, False)) # no mutexes at the first level # continue to build the graph alternating A, S levels until last two S levels contain the same literals, # i.e. until it is "leveled" while not leveled: self.add_action_level(level) self.update_a_mutex(self.a_levels[level]) level += 1 self.add_literal_level(level) self.update_s_mutex(self.s_levels[level]) if self.s_levels[level] == self.s_levels[level - 1]: leveled = True def add_action_level(self, level): ''' add an A (action) level to the Planning Graph :param level: int the level number alternates S0, A0, S1, A1, S2, .... etc the level number is also used as the index for the node set lists self.a_levels[] and self.s_levels[] :return: adds A nodes to the current level in self.a_levels[level] ''' # TODO add action A level to the planning graph as described in the Russell-Norvig text # 1. determine what actions to add and create those PgNode_a objects # 2. connect the nodes to the previous S literal level # for example, the A0 level will iterate through all possible actions for the problem and add a PgNode_a to a_levels[0] # set iff all prerequisite literals for the action hold in S0. This can be accomplished by testing # to see if a proposed PgNode_a has prenodes that are a subset of the previous S level. Once an # action node is added, it MUST be connected to the S node instances in the appropriate s_level set. self.a_levels.append(set()) for a in self.all_actions: node = PgNode_a(a) parents = set() satisfiable = [ False for n in range(len(node.prenodes)) ] ii = 0 for p in node.prenodes: for s in self.s_levels[level]: if p == s: satisfiable[ii] = True parents.add(s) break ii = ii+1 if all(satisfiable): self.a_levels[level].add(node) node.parents = parents def add_literal_level(self, level): ''' add an S (literal) level to the Planning Graph :param level: int the level number alternates S0, A0, S1, A1, S2, .... etc the level number is also used as the index for the node set lists self.a_levels[] and self.s_levels[] :return: adds S nodes to the current level in self.s_levels[level] ''' # TODO add literal S level to the planning graph as described in the Russell-Norvig text # 1. determine what literals to add # 2. connect the nodes # for example, every A node in the previous level has a list of S nodes in effnodes that represent the effect # produced by the action. These literals will all be part of the new S level. Since we are working with sets, they # may be "added" to the set without fear of duplication. However, it is important to then correctly create and connect # all of the new S nodes as children of all the A nodes that could produce them, and likewise add the A nodes to the # parent sets of the S nodes self.s_levels.append(set()) for a in self.a_levels[level-1]: for p in a.action.effect_add: self.s_levels[level].add(PgNode_s(p,True)) for n in a.action.effect_rem: self.s_levels[level].add(PgNode_s(n,False)) for a in self.a_levels[level-1]: children = set() for s in self.s_levels[level]: if s in a.effnodes: children.add(s) a.children = children def update_a_mutex(self, nodeset): ''' Determine and update sibling mutual exclusion for A-level nodes Mutex action tests section from 3rd Ed. 10.3 or 2nd Ed. 11.4 A mutex relation holds between two actions a given level if the planning graph is a serial planning graph and the pair are nonpersistence actions or if any of the three conditions hold between the pair: Inconsistent Effects Interference Competing needs :param nodeset: set of PgNode_a (siblings in the same level) :return: mutex set in each PgNode_a in the set is appropriately updated ''' nodelist = list(nodeset) for i, n1 in enumerate(nodelist[:-1]): for n2 in nodelist[i + 1:]: if (self.serialize_actions(n1, n2) or self.inconsistent_effects_mutex(n1, n2) or self.interference_mutex(n1, n2) or self.competing_needs_mutex(n1, n2)): mutexify(n1, n2) def serialize_actions(self, node_a1: PgNode_a, node_a2: PgNode_a) -> bool: ''' Test a pair of actions for mutual exclusion, returning True if the planning graph is serial, and if either action is persistent; otherwise return False. Two serial actions are mutually exclusive if they are both non-persistent. :param node_a1: PgNode_a :param node_a2: PgNode_a :return: bool ''' if not self.serial: return False if node_a1.is_persistent or node_a2.is_persistent: return False return True def inconsistent_effects_mutex(self, node_a1: PgNode_a, node_a2: PgNode_a) -> bool: ''' Test a pair of actions for inconsistent effects, returning True if one action negates an effect of the other, and False otherwise. HINT: The Action instance associated with an action node is accessible through the PgNode_a.action attribute. See the Action class documentation for details on accessing the effects and preconditions of an action. :param node_a1: PgNode_a :param node_a2: PgNode_a :return: bool ''' # TODO test for Inconsistent Effects between nodes for e1 in node_a1.effnodes: for e2 in node_a2.effnodes: if e1.symbol == e2.symbol and e1.is_pos != e2.is_pos: return True return False def interference_mutex(self, node_a1: PgNode_a, node_a2: PgNode_a) -> bool: ''' Test a pair of actions for mutual exclusion, returning True if the effect of one action is the negation of a precondition of the other. HINT: The Action instance associated with an action node is accessible through the PgNode_a.action attribute. See the Action class documentation for details on accessing the effects and preconditions of an action. :param node_a1: PgNode_a :param node_a2: PgNode_a :return: bool ''' # TODO test for Interference between nodes for e1 in node_a1.effnodes: for e2 in node_a2.prenodes: if e1.symbol == e2.symbol and e1.is_pos != e2.is_pos: return True for e1 in node_a1.prenodes: for e2 in node_a2.effnodes: if e1.symbol == e2.symbol and e1.is_pos != e2.is_pos: return True return False def competing_needs_mutex(self, node_a1: PgNode_a, node_a2: PgNode_a) -> bool: ''' Test a pair of actions for mutual exclusion, returning True if one of the precondition of one action is mutex with a precondition of the other action. :param node_a1: PgNode_a :param node_a2: PgNode_a :return: bool ''' # TODO test for Competing Needs between nodes for e1 in node_a1.parents: for e2 in node_a2.parents: if e1.is_mutex(e2): return True return False def update_s_mutex(self, nodeset: set): ''' Determine and update sibling mutual exclusion for S-level nodes Mutex action tests section from 3rd Ed. 10.3 or 2nd Ed. 11.4 A mutex relation holds between literals at a given level if either of the two conditions hold between the pair: Negation Inconsistent support :param nodeset: set of PgNode_a (siblings in the same level) :return: mutex set in each PgNode_a in the set is appropriately updated ''' nodelist = list(nodeset) for i, n1 in enumerate(nodelist[:-1]): for n2 in nodelist[i + 1:]: if self.negation_mutex(n1, n2) or self.inconsistent_support_mutex(n1, n2): mutexify(n1, n2) def negation_mutex(self, node_s1: PgNode_s, node_s2: PgNode_s) -> bool: ''' Test a pair of state literals for mutual exclusion, returning True if one node is the negation of the other, and False otherwise. HINT: Look at the PgNode_s.__eq__ defines the notion of equivalence for literal expression nodes, and the class tracks whether the literal is positive or negative. :param node_s1: PgNode_s :param node_s2: PgNode_s :return: bool ''' # TODO test for negation between nodes return (node_s1.symbol == node_s2.symbol) and (node_s1.is_pos != node_s2.is_pos) def inconsistent_support_mutex(self, node_s1: PgNode_s, node_s2: PgNode_s): ''' Test a pair of state literals for mutual exclusion, returning True if there are no actions that could achieve the two literals at the same time, and False otherwise. In other words, the two literal nodes are mutex if all of the actions that could achieve the first literal node are pairwise mutually exclusive with all of the actions that could achieve the second literal node. HINT: The PgNode.is_mutex method can be used to test whether two nodes are mutually exclusive. :param node_s1: PgNode_s :param node_s2: PgNode_s :return: bool ''' # TODO test for Inconsistent Support between nodes for a1 in node_s1.parents: for a2 in node_s2.parents: if not a1.is_mutex(a2): return False return True def h_levelsum(self) -> int: '''The sum of the level costs of the individual goals (admissible if goals independent) :return: int ''' level_sum = 0 # TODO implement goals = { } for g in self.problem.goal: goals[PgNode_s(g,True)] = -1 for ii in range(len(self.s_levels)): for g in goals: if g in self.s_levels[ii] and goals[g] == -1: goals[g] = ii for g in goals: level_sum = level_sum + goals[g] if goals[g] == -1: return float("inf") return level_sum
"""tf.size(input, name = None) 解释:这个函数是返回input中一共有多少个元素。 使用例子:""" import tensorflow as tf sess = tf.Session() data = tf.constant([[[1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2]], [[3, 3, 3], [4, 4, 4]]]) print( d = tf.size(data) print( # 12 """输入参数: ● input: 一个Tensor。 ● name:(可选)为这个操作取一个名字。 输出参数: ● 一个Tensor,数据类型是int32。"""
import pytest from transporter import create_app, redis_store @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def app(request): """Session-wide test `Flask` application.""" settings_override = { 'TESTING': True, # 'SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI': TEST_DATABASE_URI, } app = create_app(__name__, config=settings_override, template_folder='../templates') redis_store.init_app(app) # Establish an application context before running the tests. ctx = app.app_context() ctx.push() def teardown(): ctx.pop() request.addfinalizer(teardown) return app # @pytest.fixture(scope='session') # def db(app, request): # """Session-wide test database.""" # if os.path.exists(TESTDB_PATH): # os.unlink(TESTDB_PATH) # # def teardown(): # _db.drop_all() # os.unlink(TESTDB_PATH) # # = app # _db.create_all() # # request.addfinalizer(teardown) # return _db