What area of Minneapolis contains a notable number of Somalis?
Is Bartter syndrome inherited ?
This condition is inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern, which means both copies of the gene in each cell have mutations. The parents of an individual with an autosomal recessive condition each carry one copy of the mutated gene, but they typically do not show signs and symptoms of the condition.
What word is not defined in the Constitution?
What is (are) Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome ?
Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome is a genetic condition characterized by the dramatic, rapid appearance of aging beginning in childhood. Affected children typically look normal at birth and in early infancy, but then grow more slowly than other children and do not gain weight at the expected rate (failure to thrive). They develop a characteristic facial appearance including prominent eyes, a thin nose with a beaked tip, thin lips, a small chin, and protruding ears. Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome also causes hair loss (alopecia), aged-looking skin, joint abnormalities, and a loss of fat under the skin (subcutaneous fat). This condition does not disrupt intellectual development or the development of motor skills such as sitting, standing, and walking. People with Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome experience severe hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis) beginning in childhood. This condition greatly increases the chances of having a heart attack or stroke at a young age. These serious complications can worsen over time and are life-threatening for affected individuals.
What major event did The Times reluctantly support in the nineteenth century despite being initially opposed?
Irish Potato Famine
What is the Sangha?
the Buddhist community
What did the Greeks call Neptune?
How many deaths were associated with HIV/AIDS in Namibia in 2003?
What's the other name for "disseminated tuberculosis"?
miliary tuberculosis
What actions of the UN also helped them improve their results during the war?
the UN forces brought heavier equipment
What is Miami's world rank in terms of how impressive its skyline is?
What percentage of Dell electronics from the previous seven years were recycled?
For which decade, did Beyonce have more top ten songs than any other woman?
Is Peters plus syndrome inherited ?
This condition is inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern, which means both copies of the gene in each cell have mutations. The parents of an individual with an autosomal recessive condition each carry one copy of the mutated gene, but they typically do not show signs and symptoms of the condition.
What are the genetic changes related to benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis ?
Mutations in the ATP8B1 gene cause benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis type 1 (BRIC1), and mutations in the ABCB11 gene cause benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis type 2 (BRIC2). These two genes are involved in the release (secretion) of bile, a fluid produced by the liver that helps digest fats. The ATP8B1 gene provides instructions for making a protein that helps to control the distribution of certain fats, called lipids, in the membranes of liver cells. This function likely plays a role in maintaining an appropriate balance of bile acids, a component of bile. This process, known as bile acid homeostasis, is critical for the normal secretion of bile and the proper functioning of liver cells. Although the mechanism is unclear, mutations in the ATP8B1 gene result in the buildup of bile acids in liver cells. The imbalance of bile acids leads to the signs and symptoms of BRIC1. The ABCB11 gene provides instructions for making a protein called the bile salt export pump (BSEP). This protein is found in the liver, and its main role is to move bile salts (a component of bile) out of liver cells. Mutations in the ABCB11 gene result in a reduction of BSEP function. This reduction leads to a decrease of bile salt secretion, which causes the features of BRIC2. The factors that trigger episodes of BRIC are unknown. Some people with BRIC do not have a mutation in the ATP8B1 or ABCB11 gene. In these individuals, the cause of the condition is unknown.
Which casino tycoon participated in the torch relay event?
Stanley Ho.
How many people are affected by cartilage-hair hypoplasia ?
Cartilage-hair hypoplasia occurs most often in the Old Order Amish population, where it affects about 1 in 1,300 newborns. In people of Finnish descent, its incidence is approximately 1 in 20,000. Outside of these populations, the condition is rare, and its specific incidence is not known. It has been reported in individuals of European and Japanese descent.
In what direction is wood often sawn so that a knot appears as a solid circle that the grain flows around?
What type of snakes are common in Gash Barka?
What is the maximum amount of video a SVCD can properly hold?
100 minutes
What is (are) Nutrition for Early Chronic Kidney Disease in Adults ?
As blood pressure rises, the risk of damage to the arteries, heart, brain, and kidneys increases. Controlling blood pressure through healthy food choices and regular physical activity can delay or prevent the development of CKD. Blood pressure is expressed as two numbers. The top number represents the force of the blood pushing against the artery walls when the heart beats. The lower number represents the pressure between beats. Normal blood pressure is below 120/80 millimeters of mercury (mmHg). People with CKD should try to keep their blood pressure below 140/90 mmHg. Following a meal plan can help control blood pressure and protect the kidneys. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute supported research that compared a typical American diet with the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) eating plan, which is lower in saturated fat, cholesterol, and total fat and emphasizes eating fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy foods. People who followed the DASH eating plan were able to reduce their blood pressure much more than those who ate a typical diet. The DASH eating plan also includes whole grain products, fish, poultry, and nuts. Limiting sodium, or salt, is another important feature of the plan. A dietitian can help find low-salt or salt-free alternatives to foods that are high in salt.
What do all genes contain that is required for their expression?
a regulatory sequence
What are the genetic changes related to Baraitser-Winter syndrome ?
Baraitser-Winter syndrome can result from mutations in either the ACTB or ACTG1 gene. These genes provide instructions for making proteins called beta ()-actin and gamma ()-actin, respectively. These proteins are active (expressed) in cells throughout the body. They are organized into a network of fibers called the actin cytoskeleton, which makes up the cell's structural framework. The actin cytoskeleton has several critical functions, including determining cell shape and allowing cells to move. Mutations in the ACTB or ACTG1 gene alter the function of -actin or -actin. The malfunctioning actin causes changes in the actin cytoskeleton that modify the structure and organization of cells and affect their ability to move. Because these two actin proteins are present in cells throughout the body and are involved in many cell activities, problems with their function likely impact many aspects of development, including neuronal migration. These changes underlie the variety of signs and symptoms associated with Baraitser-Winter syndrome.
To what style of poet does Seattle consider itself home?
performance poets
What percentage of the Florida population in 2010 was Hispanic
Hispanic or Latino ancestry ancestry accounted for 22.5% (4,223,806) of Florida's population
What are poultry eggs used for aside from consumption?
Many vaccines to infectious diseases can be grown in fertilised chicken eggs.
Since the 1970s, what is the only type of note that has remained in circulation?
Federal Reserve Note
Is Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome inherited ?
This condition is inherited in an X-linked recessive pattern. A condition is considered X-linked if the mutated gene that causes the disorder is located on the X chromosome, one of the two sex chromosomes. In males (who have only one X chromosome), one altered copy of the gene in each cell is sufficient to cause the condition. In females (who have two X chromosomes), a mutation must be present in both copies of the gene to cause the disorder. Males are affected by X-linked recessive disorders much more frequently than females. A characteristic of X-linked inheritance is that fathers cannot pass X-linked traits to their sons. In X-linked recessive inheritance, a female with one altered copy of the gene in each cell is called a carrier. She can pass on the mutated gene, but usually does not experience signs and symptoms of the disorder. Carriers of SLC16A2 mutations have normal intelligence and do not experience problems with movement. Some carriers have been diagnosed with thyroid disease, a condition which is relatively common in the general population. It is unclear whether thyroid disease is related to SLC16A2 gene mutations in these cases.
What to do for Inguinal Hernia ?
Researchers have not found that eating, diet, and nutrition play a role in causing inguinal hernias. A person with an inguinal hernia may be able to prevent symptoms by eating high-fiber foods. Fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are high in fiber and may help prevent the constipation and straining that cause some of the painful symptoms of a hernia. The surgeon will provide instructions on eating, diet, and nutrition after inguinal hernia surgery. Most people drink liquids and eat a light diet the day of the operation and then resume their usual diet the next day.
When was the Nonprofit Sector and Community Solutions Act adopted?
What are the treatments for dihydropyrimidinase deficiency ?
These resources address the diagnosis or management of dihydropyrimidinase deficiency: - Genetic Testing Registry: Dihydropyrimidinase deficiency These resources from MedlinePlus offer information about the diagnosis and management of various health conditions: - Diagnostic Tests - Drug Therapy - Surgery and Rehabilitation - Genetic Counseling - Palliative Care
What is (are) Infertility ?
Infertility means not being able to become pregnant after a year of trying. If a woman can get pregnant but keeps having miscarriages or stillbirths, that's also called infertility. Infertility is fairly common. After one year of having unprotected sex, about 15 percent of couples are unable to get pregnant. About a third of the time, infertility can be traced to the woman. In another third of cases, it is because of the man. The rest of the time, it is because of both partners or no cause can be found. There are treatments that are specifically for men or for women. Some involve both partners. Drugs, assisted reproductive technology, and surgery are common treatments. Happily, many couples treated for infertility go on to have babies. NIH: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
When were these 30 sworn in?
August 2007
In addition to coniferyl alcohol, what other alcohol is in hardwood lignin?
Is hypokalemic periodic paralysis inherited ?
This condition is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern, which means one copy of the altered gene in each cell is sufficient to cause the disorder.
How to diagnose Roberts syndrome ?
How is Roberts syndrome diagnosed? The diagnosis of Roberts syndrome is suspected in individuals with the following: Prenatal growth delay ranging from mild to severe. Average birth length and weight is typically below the third percentile in most affected infants. Limb malformations including bilateral, symmetric tetraphocomelia (phocomelia of all 4 limbs) or hypomelia (underdevelopment of the limbs) caused by mesomelic shortening (shortening of the middle part of the limb). Upper limbs are typically more severely affected than lower limbs. Other limb malformations include oligodactyly with thumb aplasia (lack of formation) or hypoplasia (underdevelopment), syndactyly, clinodactyly, and elbow and knee flexion contractures (inability to fully straighten the arms and legs). Craniofacial abnormalities including bilateral cleft lip and/or palate, micrognathia (small jaw), hypertelorism (widely-spaced eyes), exophthalmos (bulging eyes), downslanting palpebral fissures, malar hypoplasia (underdeveloped cheek bones), hypoplastic nasal alae, and ear malformations. The diagnosis of Roberts syndrome relies on a cytogenetic blood test of individuals with the above features. Cytogenetic testing would show the characteristic chromosomal abnormalities that are present in individuals with the condition. Is genetic testing available for Roberts syndrome? Genetic testing is currently available for Roberts syndrome. GeneTests lists the names of laboratories that are performing genetic testing for Roberts syndrome. To view the contact information for the clinical laboratories conducting testing click here. To access the contact information for the research laboratories performing genetic testing, click here. Please note: Most of the laboratories listed through GeneTests do not accept direct contact from patients and their families; therefore, if you are interested in learning more, you will need to work with a health care provider or a genetics professional.
What affect did this favoring of northern dialects have on other dialects?
detriment of others
On what day did U.S> planes located Ozawa's fleet?
Why is it often not worth bothering to identify an infectious agent?
greatly outweighed by the cost
What are the symptoms of Isolated growth hormone deficiency type 3 ?
What are the signs and symptoms of Isolated growth hormone deficiency type 3? The Human Phenotype Ontology provides the following list of signs and symptoms for Isolated growth hormone deficiency type 3. If the information is available, the table below includes how often the symptom is seen in people with this condition. You can use the MedlinePlus Medical Dictionary to look up the definitions for these medical terms. Signs and Symptoms Approximate number of patients (when available) Chronic otitis media - Conjunctivitis - Delayed skeletal maturation - Diarrhea - Encephalitis - Enteroviral dermatomyositis syndrome - Enteroviral hepatitis - Epididymitis - Growth hormone deficiency - Hearing impairment - Meningitis - Panhypogammaglobulinemia - Pneumonia - Prostatitis - Pyoderma - Recurrent bacterial infections - Recurrent enteroviral infections - Recurrent urinary tract infections - Septic arthritis - Short stature - Sinusitis - X-linked recessive inheritance - The Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) has collected information on how often a sign or symptom occurs in a condition. Much of this information comes from Orphanet, a European rare disease database. The frequency of a sign or symptom is usually listed as a rough estimate of the percentage of patients who have that feature. The frequency may also be listed as a fraction. The first number of the fraction is how many people had the symptom, and the second number is the total number of people who were examined in one study. For example, a frequency of 25/25 means that in a study of 25 people all patients were found to have that symptom. Because these frequencies are based on a specific study, the fractions may be different if another group of patients are examined. Sometimes, no information on frequency is available. In these cases, the sign or symptom may be rare or common.
Which two of Victoria's daughters also were carriers for the blood clotting disorder?
Alice and Beatrice
What is (are) Developmental Dyspraxia ?
Developmental dyspraxia is a disorder characterized by an impairment in the ability to plan and carry out sensory and motor tasks. Generally, individuals with the disorder appear "out of sync" with their environment. Symptoms vary and may include poor balance and coordination, clumsiness, vision problems, perception difficulties, emotional and behavioral problems, difficulty with reading, writing, and speaking, poor social skills, poor posture, and poor short-term memory. Although individuals with the disorder may be of average or above average intelligence, they may behave immaturely.
How many government operated radio stations exist in the Somaliland region?
To whom did Herschel present his work on infrared radiation?
the Royal Society of London
What short story inspired the name Hildebrand Rarities and Antiques?
The Hildebrand Rarity
What does tars mean?
fear, respect
What is the outlook for Essential Thrombocythemia ?
Certain factors affect prognosis (chance of recovery) and treatment options for essential thrombocythemia. Prognosis (chance of recovery) and treatment options depend on the following: - The age of the patient. - Whether the patient has signs or symptoms or other problems related to essential thrombocythemia.
When did Bozize finally attempt his coup?
March 2003
How many people are affected by Prostate Cancer ?
Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer among American men. It is a slow-growing disease that mostly affects older men. In fact, more than 60 percent of all prostate cancers are found in men over the age of 65. The disease rarely occurs in men younger than 40 years of age.
What is sexual identity defined as?
individual's conception of themselves
At what age did Napoleon receive command of the Army of Italy?
What job did Steven Spielberg's father have?
electrical engineer
What did the Legend of Zelda require in certain instances to kill enemies?
Famicom microphone
What are the genetic changes related to CASK-related intellectual disability ?
CASK-related intellectual disability, as its name suggests, is caused by mutations in the CASK gene. This gene provides instructions for making a protein called calcium/calmodulin-dependent serine protein kinase (CASK). The CASK protein is primarily found in nerve cells (neurons) in the brain, where it helps control the activity (expression) of other genes that are involved in brain development. It also helps regulate the movement of chemicals called neurotransmitters and of charged atoms (ions), which are necessary for signaling between neurons. Research suggests that the CASK protein may also interact with the protein produced from another gene, FRMD7, to promote development of the nerves that control eye movement (the oculomotor neural network). Mutations in the CASK gene affect the role of the CASK protein in brain development and function, resulting in the signs and symptoms of CASK-related intellectual disability. The severe form of this disorder, MICPCH, is caused by mutations that eliminate CASK function, while mutations that impair the function of this protein cause the milder form, XL-ID with or without nystagmus. Affected individuals with nystagmus may have CASK gene mutations that disrupt the interaction between the CASK protein and the protein produced from the FRMD7 gene, leading to problems with the development of the oculomotor neural network and resulting in abnormal eye movements.
What are the treatments for Cornelia de Lange syndrome ?
These resources address the diagnosis or management of Cornelia de Lange syndrome: - Gene Review: Gene Review: Cornelia de Lange Syndrome - Genetic Testing Registry: De Lange syndrome - MedlinePlus Encyclopedia: Autism - MedlinePlus Encyclopedia: Microcephaly These resources from MedlinePlus offer information about the diagnosis and management of various health conditions: - Diagnostic Tests - Drug Therapy - Surgery and Rehabilitation - Genetic Counseling - Palliative Care
What are the symptoms of Schimke immunoosseous dysplasia ?
What are the signs and symptoms of Schimke immunoosseous dysplasia? Schimke immunoosseous dysplasia is characterized by short stature, kidney disease, and a weakened immune system. In people with this condition, short stature is caused by flattened spinal bones (vertebrae), resulting in a shortened neck and trunk. Adult height is typically between 3 and 5 feet. Kidney (renal) disease often leads to life-threatening renal failure and end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Affected individuals also have a shortage of certain immune system cells called T cells. T cells identify foreign substances and defend the body against infection. A shortage of T cells causes a person to be more susceptible to illness. Other features frequently seen in people with this condition include an exaggerated curvature of the lower back (lordosis); darkened patches of skin (hyperpigmentation), typically on the chest and back; and a broad nasal bridge with a rounded tip of the nose. Less common signs and symptoms of Schimke immuno-osseous dysplasia include an accumulation of fatty deposits and scar-like tissue in the lining of the arteries (atherosclerosis), reduced blood flow to the brain (cerebral ischemia), migraine-like headaches, an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), decreased numbers of white blood cells (lymphopenia), underdeveloped hip bones (hypoplastic pelvis), abnormally small head size (microcephaly), a lack of sperm (azoospermia) in males, and irregular menstruation in females. In severe cases, many signs of Schimke immuno-osseous dysplasia can be present at birth. People with mild cases of this disorder may not develop signs or symptoms until late childhood. The Human Phenotype Ontology provides the following list of signs and symptoms for Schimke immunoosseous dysplasia. If the information is available, the table below includes how often the symptom is seen in people with this condition. You can use the MedlinePlus Medical Dictionary to look up the definitions for these medical terms. Signs and Symptoms Approximate number of patients (when available) Anemia 90% Cellular immunodeficiency 90% Depressed nasal bridge 90% Glomerulopathy 90% Intrauterine growth retardation 90% Lymphopenia 90% Melanocytic nevus 90% Microdontia 90% Nephrotic syndrome 90% Proteinuria 90% Short neck 90% Thrombocytopenia 90% Cafe-au-lait spot 50% Abnormal immunoglobulin level - Abnormality of T cells - Arteriosclerosis - Astigmatism - Autosomal recessive inheritance - Bulbous nose - Coarse hair - Disproportionate short-trunk short stature - Fine hair - Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis - High pitched voice - Hypermelanotic macule - Hypertension - Hypoplasia of the capital femoral epiphysis - Lateral displacement of the femoral head - Lumbar hyperlordosis - Motor delay - Myopia - Neutropenia - Opacification of the corneal stroma - Osteopenia - Ovoid vertebral bodies - Platyspondyly - Protuberant abdomen - Recurrent infections - Renal insufficiency - Shallow acetabular fossae - Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia - Thoracic kyphosis - Thyroid-stimulating hormone excess - Transient ischemic attack - Waddling gait - The Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) has collected information on how often a sign or symptom occurs in a condition. Much of this information comes from Orphanet, a European rare disease database. The frequency of a sign or symptom is usually listed as a rough estimate of the percentage of patients who have that feature. The frequency may also be listed as a fraction. The first number of the fraction is how many people had the symptom, and the second number is the total number of people who were examined in one study. For example, a frequency of 25/25 means that in a study of 25 people all patients were found to have that symptom. Because these frequencies are based on a specific study, the fractions may be different if another group of patients are examined. Sometimes, no information on frequency is available. In these cases, the sign or symptom may be rare or common.
In the 5th century what was the capital of the Western Roman Empire?
How many boarding bridges does Brasilia's airport have?
What is (are) Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome ?
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome is a severe form of epilepsy. Seizures usually begin before 4 years of age. Seizure types, which vary among patients, include tonic (stiffening of the body, upward deviation of the eyes, dilation of the pupils, and altered respiratory patterns), atonic (brief loss of muscle tone and consciousness, causing abrupt falls), atypical absence (staring spells), and myoclonic (sudden muscle jerks). There may be periods of frequent seizures mixed with brief, relatively seizure-free periods. Most children with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome experience some degree of impaired intellectual functioning or information processing, along with developmental delays, and behavioral disturbances. Lennox-Gastaut syndrome can be caused by brain malformations, perinatal asphyxia, severe head injury, central nervous system infection and inherited degenerative or metabolic conditions. In 30-35 percent of cases, no cause can be found.
What are the symptoms of Mosaic trisomy 8 ?
What are the signs and symptoms of Mosaic trisomy 8? The facial features are usually mild and can include elongation of the skull (scaphocephaly), prominent forehead, widely-spaced eyes, deeply set eyes, broad upturned nose, micrognathia, and ear abnormalities. Additional features can include: agenesis of the corpus callosum, highly arched or cleft palate, short and large neck, high stature, elongated thin trunk, and narrow shoulders and pelvis. Kidney and cardiac abnormalities are frequent. Camptodactyly, stiff joints, absent malformed kneecap, vertebral malformations such as scoliosis, as well as eye abnormalities also commonly observed. Most affected individuals have moderate intellectual disabilities (IQ between 50 and 75), with some people having a normal intelligence. There is no correlation between the percentage of trisomic cells and the severity of the intellectual deficit. Mosaic trisomy 8 also seems to predispose to Wilms tumors, myelodysplasias, and myeloid leukemia. The Human Phenotype Ontology provides the following list of signs and symptoms for Mosaic trisomy 8. If the information is available, the table below includes how often the symptom is seen in people with this condition. You can use the MedlinePlus Medical Dictionary to look up the definitions for these medical terms. Signs and Symptoms Approximate number of patients (when available) Abnormality of chromosome segregation 90% Cognitive impairment 90% Abnormality of pelvic girdle bone morphology 50% Abnormality of the antihelix 50% Abnormality of the ribs 50% Abnormality of the shoulder 50% Anteverted nares 50% Camptodactyly of finger 50% Deep palmar crease 50% Deep plantar creases 50% Deeply set eye 50% Dolichocephaly 50% Frontal bossing 50% Hypertelorism 50% Large earlobe 50% Limitation of joint mobility 50% Long face 50% Low-set, posteriorly rotated ears 50% Narrow chest 50% Opacification of the corneal stroma 50% Patellar aplasia 50% Scoliosis 50% Strabismus 50% Vertebral segmentation defect 50% Vesicoureteral reflux 50% Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the corpus callosum 7.5% Cleft palate 7.5% Cryptorchidism 7.5% Deviation of finger 7.5% Hearing impairment 7.5% Hypopigmented skin patches 7.5% Irregular hyperpigmentation 7.5% Short neck 7.5% Short stature 7.5% Tall stature 7.5% The Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) has collected information on how often a sign or symptom occurs in a condition. Much of this information comes from Orphanet, a European rare disease database. The frequency of a sign or symptom is usually listed as a rough estimate of the percentage of patients who have that feature. The frequency may also be listed as a fraction. The first number of the fraction is how many people had the symptom, and the second number is the total number of people who were examined in one study. For example, a frequency of 25/25 means that in a study of 25 people all patients were found to have that symptom. Because these frequencies are based on a specific study, the fractions may be different if another group of patients are examined. Sometimes, no information on frequency is available. In these cases, the sign or symptom may be rare or common.
Who supervised the Gibson F-5's replication?
Gibson acoustician Lloyd Loar
What language was used for writing and by the Catholic Church instead of the language "of the people"?
Which critic said that the post-punk period was open to any possibilities as far as music went?
Nicholas Lezard
When did "Operation Detachment" occur?
February 1945
What did Popper believe were at the heart of religious disagreements, and should not be the cause of as much conflict as they are?
After the war, Sergei Korolev was known under what title?
USSR's chief rocket and spacecraft engineer
What is one of the great agricultural challenges that farmers face?
The control of associated biodiversity
Who starred in Johann Mouse?
Tom and Jerry
What are the symptoms of Retroperitoneal fibrosis ?
What are the symptoms of retroperitoneal fibrosis? Early symptoms of retroperitoneal fibrosis may include: Dull pain in the abdomen that increases with time Swelling of one leg Decreased circulation in the legs leading to pain and discoloration Late symptoms of retroperitoneal fibrosis may include: Decreased urine output Total lack of urine (anuria) Nausea, vomiting, changes in thinking caused by kidney failure and the resulting build-up of toxic chemicals in the blood. Severe abdominal pain with hemorrhage due to ischemic bowel
When was a good green vegetal dye finally produced?
16th century
What are the treatments for Noonan syndrome 1 ?
How might Noonan syndrome be treated? Management generally focuses on the specific signs and symptoms present in each person. Treatments for the complications of Noonan syndrome (such as cardiovascular abnormalities) are generally standard and do not differ from treatment in the general population. Developmental disabilities are addressed by early intervention programs and individualized education strategies. Treatment for serious bleeding depends upon the specific factor deficiency or platelet abnormality. Growth hormone treatment increases growth velocity. More detailed information about treatment for Noonan syndrome can be viewed on the GeneReviews Web site.
Who is at risk for Vesicoureteral Reflux? ?
Vesicoureteral reflux is more common in infants and young children, but older children and even adults can be affected. About 10 percent of children have VUR.1 Studies estimate that VUR occurs in about 32 percent of siblings of an affected child. This rate may be as low as 7 percent in older siblings and as high as 100 percent in identical twins. These findings indicate that VUR is an inherited condition.2
What group discovered COBOL?
Database Task Group
What is (are) epidermolysis bullosa with pyloric atresia ?
Epidermolysis bullosa with pyloric atresia (EB-PA) is a condition that affects the skin and digestive tract. This condition is one of several forms of epidermolysis bullosa, a group of genetic conditions that cause the skin to be fragile and to blister easily. Affected infants are often born with widespread blistering and areas of missing skin. Blisters continue to appear in response to minor injury or friction, such as rubbing or scratching. Most often, blisters occur over the whole body and affect mucous membranes such as the moist lining of the mouth and digestive tract. People with EB-PA are also born with pyloric atresia, which is an obstruction of the lower part of the stomach (the pylorus). This obstruction prevents food from emptying out of the stomach into the intestine. Signs of pyloric atresia include vomiting, a swollen (distended) abdomen, and an absence of stool. Pyloric atresia is life-threatening and must be repaired with surgery soon after birth. Other complications of EB-PA can include fusion of the skin between the fingers and toes, abnormalities of the fingernails and toenails, joint deformities (contractures) that restrict movement, and hair loss (alopecia). Some affected individuals are also born with malformations of the urinary tract, including the kidneys and bladder. Because the signs and symptoms of EB-PA are so severe, many infants with this condition do not survive beyond the first year of life. In those who survive, the condition may improve with time; some affected individuals have little or no blistering later in life. However, many affected individuals who live past infancy experience severe medical problems, including blistering and the formation of red, bumpy patches called granulation tissue. Granulation tissue most often forms on the skin around the mouth, nose, fingers, and toes. It can also build up in the airway, leading to difficulty breathing.
Who used tuple calculus to show the functionality of databases?
How many people are affected by Adams-Oliver syndrome ?
Adams-Oliver syndrome is a rare disorder; its prevalence is unknown.
How many casinos are there in Atlantic City today?
Do you have information about Medicaid
Summary : Medicaid is government health insurance that helps many low-income people in the United States to pay their medical bills. The Federal government sets up general guidelines for the program, but each state has its own rules. Your state might require you to pay a part of the cost for some medical services. You have to meet certain requirements to get Medicaid help. These might involve - Your age - Whether you are pregnant, disabled, or blind - Your income and resources - Whether or not you are a U.S. citizen or, if not, what your immigration status is Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
What illnesses did Gaddafi claim would afflict invading colonialists?
malaria and sleeping sickness
How much does Vanguard plan to spend in capital investment?
$500 M
What was Libya's GDP in 1969?
$3.8 billion
What are the treatments for Diabetic Retinopathy ?
Yes. Both treatments are very effective in reducing vision loss. People with proliferative retinopathy can reduce their risk of blindness by 95 percent with timely treatment and appropriate follow-up care. Although both treatments have high success rates, they do not cure diabetic retinopathy. Once you have proliferative retinopathy, you always will be at risk for new bleeding. You may need treatment more than once to protect your sight.
When did South Africa occupy Namibia?
How many people are affected by Lafora progressive myoclonus epilepsy ?
The prevalence of Lafora progressive myoclonus epilepsy is unknown. Although the condition occurs worldwide, it appears to be most common in Mediterranean countries (including Spain, France, and Italy), parts of Central Asia, India, Pakistan, North Africa, and the Middle East.
What are the symptoms of Dopa-responsive dystonia ?
What are the signs and symptoms of Dopa-responsive dystonia? The most common form of dopa-responsive dystonia (DRD) is autosomal dominant DRD (caused by a mutation in the GCH1 gene). This form of DRD is usually characterized by childhood-onset dystonia that may be associated with parkinsonism at an older age. The average age of onset is 6 years, and females are 2-4 times more likely than males to be affected. Symptoms usually begin with lower limb dystonia, resulting in gait problems that can cause stumbling and falling. Symptoms are often worse later in the day, a phenomenon known as diurnal fluctuation. In rare cases, the first symptom may be arm dystonia, tremor of the hands, slowness of movements, or cervical dystonia. This form of DRD usually progresses to affect the whole body, and some people also develop parkinsonism. Depression, anxiety, sleep disturbances and obsessive-compulsive disorder have been reported in some people. Intellectual function is normal. Those with onset at older ages tend to be more mildly affected. Another form of DRD is due to a rare condition called sepiapterin reductase deficiency, which is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. This form of DRD is also characterized by dystonia with diurnal fluctuations, but also affects motor and cognitive development. Onset usually occurs before the first year of life. Sleep disturbances and psychological symptoms (anxiety, irritability) are common later in childhood. A third form of DRD is autosomal recessive DRD, also called tyrosine hydroxylase deficiency. This form is characterized by a spectrum of symptoms, ranging from those seen in the autosomal dominant form to progressive infantile encephalopathy. Onset is usually in infancy. Intellectual disability, developmental motor delay, and various other features may be present. The Human Phenotype Ontology provides the following list of signs and symptoms for Dopa-responsive dystonia. If the information is available, the table below includes how often the symptom is seen in people with this condition. You can use the MedlinePlus Medical Dictionary to look up the definitions for these medical terms. Signs and Symptoms Approximate number of patients (when available) Gait disturbance 90% Hypertonia 90% The Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) has collected information on how often a sign or symptom occurs in a condition. Much of this information comes from Orphanet, a European rare disease database. The frequency of a sign or symptom is usually listed as a rough estimate of the percentage of patients who have that feature. The frequency may also be listed as a fraction. The first number of the fraction is how many people had the symptom, and the second number is the total number of people who were examined in one study. For example, a frequency of 25/25 means that in a study of 25 people all patients were found to have that symptom. Because these frequencies are based on a specific study, the fractions may be different if another group of patients are examined. Sometimes, no information on frequency is available. In these cases, the sign or symptom may be rare or common.
What gun did the Royal Navy start using?
4.5-inch (114 mm) gun in a twin turret
If Neptune was formed from instabilities within the original protoplanetary disc, what was it not formed by?
core accretion
What Arkansas city's metro area extends into Oklahoma?
Fort Smith
What are the symptoms of Problems with Smell ?
A Reduced Sense of Smell There are several types of smell disorders depending on how the sense of smell is affected. People who have smell disorders experience either a loss in their ability to smell or changes in the way they perceive odors. Some people have hyposmia, which occurs when their ability to detect certain odors is reduced. This smell disorder is common in people who have upper respiratory infections or nasal congestion. This is usually temporary and goes away when the infection clears up. If You Can't Detect Odor at All Other people can't detect odor at all, which is called anosmia. This type of smell disorder is sometimes the result of head trauma in the nose region, usually from an automobile accident or chronic nasal or sinus infections. It can sometimes be caused by aging. In rare cases, anosmia is inherited. If Your Sense of Smell Is Distorted Sometimes a loss of smell can be accompanied by a change in the perception of odors. This type of smell disorder is called dysosmia. Familiar odors may become distorted, or an odor that usually smells pleasant instead smells foul. Sometimes people with this type of smell disorder also experience headaches, dizziness, shortness of breath, or anxiety. Still others may perceive a smell that isn't present at all, which is called phantosmia. Questions To Ask Yourself If you think you have a problem with your sense of smell, try to identify and record the circumstances at the time you first noticed the problem. Ask yourself the following questions: - When did I first become aware of it? - Did I have a cold or the flu? - Did I have a head injury? - Was I exposed to air pollutants, pollens, pet dander, or dust to which I might be allergic? - Is this a recurring problem? - Does it come at any special time, like during the hay fever season? When did I first become aware of it? Did I have a cold or the flu? Did I have a head injury? Was I exposed to air pollutants, pollens, pet dander, or dust to which I might be allergic? Is this a recurring problem? Does it come at any special time, like during the hay fever season? Bring this information with you when you visit your physician. Also, be prepared to tell him or her about your general health and any medications you are taking. Talking With Your Doctor Diagnosis by a doctor is important to identify and treat the underlying cause of a potential smell disorder. Your doctor may refer you to an otolaryngologist, a specialist in diseases of the ear, nose, and throat. An accurate assessment of a smell disorder will include, among other things, - a physical examination of the ears, nose, and throat - a review of your health history, such as exposure to toxic chemicals or injury, and - a smell test supervised by a health care professional. a physical examination of the ears, nose, and throat a review of your health history, such as exposure to toxic chemicals or injury, and a smell test supervised by a health care professional. Tests for Smell Disorders Some tests measure the smallest amount of odor you can detect. You also may receive a "scratch and sniff" test to determine how well you can identify various odors from a list of possibilities. In this test, the odor is embedded in a circular pad on a piece of paper and released when scratched. In this way, doctors can determine whether a person has a decreased ability to smell (hyposmia), the inability to detect any odors (anosmia), or another kind of smell disorder. In some cases, your doctor may need to perform a nasal examination with a nasal endoscope, an instrument that illuminates and magnifies the areas of the nose where the problem may exist. This test can help identify the area and extent of the problem and help your doctor select the right treatment. If your doctor suspects that upper regions of the nose and nasal sinuses that can't be seen by an endoscope are involved, he or she may order a specialized X-ray procedure, usually a CT scan, to look further into the nose and sinuses. When to See the Doctor If you think you have a smell disorder, see your doctor. Diagnosis of a smell disorder is important because once the cause is found, your doctor may be able to treat your smell disorder. Many types of smell problems are reversible, but if they are not, counseling and self-help techniques may help you cope.
What is an aspect of a visit to the Rotunda for the Charters of Freedom?
no lines
During what war was the island used as a Royal Navy station?
World War II
On what days does the minibus take people into Jamestown?
In what year was San Diego rated as the country's best densely populated city for cycling?
Queen's Sheer Heart Attack reached what number on the United Kingdom charts?
In what area of Greenland can glaciers move 20-30m per day?
Jakobshavn Isbræ
What was ceded to Namibia in 1994?
Walvis Bay
What is (are) Acromegaly ?
Acromegaly is a hormonal disorder that results from too much growth hormone (GH) in the body. The pituitary, a small gland in the brain, makes GH. In acromegaly, the pituitary produces excessive amounts of GH. Usually the excess GH comes from benign, or noncancerous, tumors on the pituitary. These benign tumors are called adenomas. Acromegaly is most often diagnosed in middle-aged adults, although symptoms can appear at any age. If not treated, acromegaly can result in serious illness and premature death. Acromegaly is treatable in most patients, but because of its slow and often "sneaky" onset, it often is not diagnosed early or correctly. The most serious health consequences of acromegaly are type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, increased risk of cardiovascular disease, and arthritis. Patients with acromegaly are also at increased risk for colon polyps, which may develop into colon cancer if not removed. When GH-producing tumors occur in childhood, the disease that results is called gigantism rather than acromegaly. A child's height is determined by the length of the so-called long bones in the legs. In response to GH, these bones grow in length at the growth platesareas near either end of the bone. Growth plates fuse after puberty, so the excessive GH production in adults does not result in increased height. However, prolonged exposure to excess GH before the growth plates fuse causes increased growth of the long bones and thus increased height. Pediatricians may become concerned about this possibility if a child's growth rate suddenly and markedly increases beyond what would be predicted by previous growth and how tall the child's parents are.
What was Canada's tenth province?
Who were the first English Freemasons in France?
lodges of expatriates and exiled Jacobites
Is Y chromosome infertility inherited ?
Because Y chromosome infertility impedes the ability to father children, this condition is usually caused by new deletions on the Y chromosome and occurs in men with no history of the disorder in their family. When men with Y chromosome infertility do father children, either naturally or with the aid of assisted reproductive technologies, they pass on the genetic changes on the Y chromosome to all their sons. As a result, the sons will also have Y chromosome infertility. This form of inheritance is called Y-linked. Daughters, who do not inherit the Y chromosome, are not affected.