### Human: @PembsDave #wheniwerealad can you explain how that worked? lol and no rude explanations pleeezzze ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: @rhettroberts I taped them when I was still at school! They look pretty retro now, but the theme song is still recognisable ### Assistant: the emotion is surprise
### Human: @Emmaloid you? hungover? never I am not hungover & I don't know how. I think it may be my new superpower. Is la Whalen at home? xxx ### Assistant: the emotion is happiness
### Human: waiting for the battery to charge for my new DSLR ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: is watching the jonas brothers special on sky movies ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: @RealShamu Wow, that is great!! I'll do that! Sorry for the misunderstanding! And see you soon! Going to Orlando in two days!! ) ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: @beepin328 Well, that's good. STudy is good. ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: omg.. srry guys i'm not 2 focused this morning but.. some ppl have been askin questions bout me on direct msg's n such so ima answer them ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: @carocat 13:00 is kickoff. The red cars hopefully ### Assistant: the emotion is fun
### Human: @Zanna85 i changed my mind dammit!! a Tsar can change his mind at any time without no prior notice ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: fear crept in but it's already been dismissed. now let me do this thing right, coz this time the feelings are there and it's so different ### Assistant: the emotion is relief
### Human: Morning all, finally got to stream media from PC to PS3 via wireless router, much easier than using a USB dongle, ah, techy simplicity. ### Assistant: the emotion is relief
### Human: Searching my home for a few things to cook them for dinner this evening. It's mothers day so guess who im eating with ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: i wish the birthday massacre would come to australia i think they said they're thinking about it though!! ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: @timlichfield alreet chap! Have an awesome time! N congrats on it recent results! ### Assistant: the emotion is happiness
### Human: Happy mothers day ugh sick...school tomorrow watched E!News, keeping up with the kardashians and dreamgirls ### Assistant: the emotion is sadness
### Human: had a great time celebrating mother's day to me, being a mom is the best job on earth! ### Assistant: the emotion is love
### Human: @Zanna85 Almost, almost.. Thanks on the "good save" Z! ### Assistant: the emotion is love
### Human: juz donated books/mags 4 charity. Not only do I feel good but it gave me a good workout from all that heavy lifting ### Assistant: the emotion is relief
### Human: @aussiemcflyfan shes not dead yet ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: @camillapierry better than throwing them out ### Assistant: the emotion is love
### Human: last drops of the thesis... God let it end today. ### Assistant: the emotion is happiness
### Human: @hairrocks happy birthday! ### Assistant: the emotion is happiness
### Human: twitwoo! i can tweet from my phone ### Assistant: the emotion is surprise
### Human: watching click, they are talkin about twitter and celebrityTweet im just gonna get ready for work ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: @CheekyKerri Defo can't wait we will have a nice afternoon and some music ### Assistant: the emotion is happiness
### Human: @digitalpainted oh mann das ist super lustig du armer... macs age 2 months, battery charging NO. garantiefall... ### Assistant: the emotion is sadness
### Human: Home from Whitney's. No sleep. Church in a bit. Dangggg....I'm tired. But it was worth it ### Assistant: the emotion is sadness
### Human: @Rove1974 tell pete he looks sexy with a beard. ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: is playing MYBRUTE! follow me at: http://yhana09.mybrute.com ### Assistant: the emotion is happiness
### Human: @MacQuid Oh really?! ### Assistant: the emotion is surprise
### Human: im surfin.. ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: sociology is done, english and biology left... i'm going to DIE ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: @insteadofdeath this is really helpful, you swear a lot, i just realized. haha. ### Assistant: the emotion is happiness
### Human: @sadknob OK. Happy to hear that you are feeling fine ### Assistant: the emotion is happiness
### Human: #firefly weekend on SciFi channel I'm a happy man ### Assistant: the emotion is happiness
### Human: @pinkdaze Yes! That sounds like a great idea. Message me on LJ about it ### Assistant: the emotion is enthusiasm
### Human: rt @bact #barcampbkk3 for entertainment at night, bring your favourite mp3s .. there should be a way we can enjoy music together ### Assistant: the emotion is love
### Human: in bed watching Rove ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: Celebrating mother's day with apple pie ### Assistant: the emotion is happiness
### Human: HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY LADIES!!! Hope you all have a wonderful day. ### Assistant: the emotion is happiness
### Human: @davepenny47 Actually, I also thought Mother's Day was May 31st until I was remembered of Pentecost Uselessly complicated, I would say ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: @cssglobe hahah, you own lab.hr I own lab.ba, seems that we think in similar ways ### Assistant: the emotion is happiness
### Human: @halia Smile. Everything worked out. ### Assistant: the emotion is relief
### Human: @ethmet Hello ...hehe yup we sure do ...lovely to 'see' you xx ### Assistant: the emotion is surprise
### Human: @xxxRobyn Yeah *fingers crossed* ### Assistant: the emotion is empty
### Human: @rustycharm Evening Yorkshire's warm but overcast. How's NZ? Don't tell me - dark lol ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: Sensation Ocean of White Portugal: absolutely amazing Adoreiii! ### Assistant: the emotion is surprise
### Human: [-O] i wish the birthday massacre would come to australia i think they said they're thinking about it tho.. http://tinyurl.com/p6lfch ### Assistant: the emotion is happiness
### Human: doing the andy dance the one on fonzie gomez show ;) haha ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: is freaking exhausted...need to go to bed....gotta get up early YUCK....HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL YOU MOMMIES OUT THERE ### Assistant: the emotion is love
### Human: @JOY949 thanks for promoing the show for me in my absence Glad you liked it. @sealfur and @flipthetape rock! ### Assistant: the emotion is happiness
### Human: @tinja69 lol fine, I go for her too ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: @shezababe Star Trek? Me? Nah. My Dad is one for Star Trek right enough. Today, I'm off to see 'Corlaine'. Much more my style Shezz. ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: @Bitchface91 Well im hving another one today yey ### Assistant: the emotion is happiness
### Human: 50 Kayla-lee, i think your the only one that knows what that number means lol x ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: photomedia ASSIGNMENT! thanku mum for the tea thanku shower for making me feel clean! ### Assistant: the emotion is love
### Human: Happy Mother's day; God bless you & all mother's worldwide; mother nature... technology emotion in motion... ### Assistant: the emotion is love
### Human: hmmmmm.. have exactly one hour to do three pieces of coursework. no motivation. just gonna watch mcfly.. then i'll do it.. ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: Happy Mothers Day ### Assistant: the emotion is love
### Human: @MissToniii so glad i'm not at uni anymore ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: @irishpixie36 ok Im off to pc world then x x tweet u later x x lol ### Assistant: the emotion is fun
### Human: says gud eve guys.. lets play poker@facebook yeah!! cant read my poker face http://plurk.com/p/sw4yq ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: @MissxMarisa Then I guess that makes me Dot? ### Assistant: the emotion is surprise
### Human: but no, i really do. long exposures with no tripod, not looking through the viewfinder, unfocusing. its great ### Assistant: the emotion is happiness
### Human: Whats your name: Adelaide-Marie How old r u: 14 Where Do u live: IN THE WORLD lol i jk, canada(toronto) ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: @TwistedHelen her son is 7 and captured it outside...THANK GOD I HAVE A LITTLE GIRL ### Assistant: the emotion is surprise
### Human: is so just made a card 4 my mom!! can't wait to see the smile on her face when she see's it!! ### Assistant: the emotion is love
### Human: @wendy_fred6 *shivers with fear* ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: @21five would love to hear all of this from a Nokia perspective... ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: @exhilarating haha, not always, just a 2-day-trip, for a friend. But I've been here some times. That's why I know basic Japanese ### Assistant: the emotion is fun
### Human: @RajaSen Sports Bar Shatranjanpoli Rest Ph 26498457 All Sports Bar Andheri W 26733333 Dont know whether that helps. Google ki jai ho ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: @ram014 thanks...but what happened? ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: Man i hate church. Has to be done though. I like the way it makes other people feel good ### Assistant: the emotion is sadness
### Human: @kellywilliams4 On what.. ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: is surfin'.. ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: thinking about recent job opportunities and hoping to get one! and gettng ready for church ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: @Chris_Hayward go two way mirrors ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: @leah_dizon it's a little late but congratulations, leah happy mothers day! ### Assistant: the emotion is love
### Human: @camen_marris I know. I'll have to get some soon ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: @SensationPT Sensation Ocean of White Portugal: absolutely amazing Adoreiii! ### Assistant: the emotion is love
### Human: @hernameisnicki is it? :O im gonna get that ### Assistant: the emotion is fun
### Human: Heaps keen for next weekend. Mummy. <3 ### Assistant: the emotion is sadness
### Human: Obama last night: "Most of you covered me, all of you voted for me. Apologies to the Fox table." http://bit.ly/bGcnW ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: @Puppetguy indeed, we live a life on the edge of things, and one foot foul of the law!! ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: @rockeye Well I *did* put in a good innings...sweared at the brother in law..was in fine form ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: @kateblogs It's never too late - they just need to buck their ideas up and stop being such a bunch of stuffy old reactionaries! ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: Home !! Home @ last !!!!! Time to step outside for some life ### Assistant: the emotion is happiness
### Human: @Stellar_MC string out the dress.. Work that into a track please!!! What do u have coming up?? I'm ur biggest fan ### Assistant: the emotion is love
### Human: greeting you all a happy mother's day! ### Assistant: the emotion is happiness
### Human: @idibs oh, a really good 1 dude, thx... added ### Assistant: the emotion is happiness
### Human: cook ; do you wanna measure my dick? its daddy-size. ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral
### Human: OMG!!! am luat examenul la SPSS! Me so happy! ### Assistant: the emotion is surprise
### Human: @AkashaTheKitty I've read about those. They're cool. You should definitely get one ### Assistant: the emotion is happiness
### Human: @renagades Have a great day..... if the rain keeps up I may go swimming instead of dining here ### Assistant: the emotion is sadness
### Human: @capricorn_one Could use GarageBand though it's probably overkill. ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: �Chillingoutnow Just testing how to work Twitter from my phone ### Assistant: the emotion is worry
### Human: From Hyderabad Blues 2, on mimicking the American accent: You won't be an ass if you roll your R's. ### Assistant: the emotion is fun
### Human: happy mothers day! ### Assistant: the emotion is love
### Human: is going to go get some food. ### Assistant: the emotion is neutral