stringlengths 1
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stringlengths 1
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value | MetricX-score
float64 -25
注意:此列表剛剛開始建設。 | Note: this list has just begun construction. | zh-en | -1.373158 |
由于这种可共享的特点,145型有时也被视为Eco2000系列的成员。 | Due to the shared features, the Class 145 was sometimes described as a member of the Eco2000 family. | zh-en | -1.134984 |
根據美國社區調查所做的調查顯示,菲律賓人在2007年到2008年間超過了日本人。 | According to surveys conducted by the American Community Survey showed that Filipinos overtook Japanese between 2007 and 2008. | zh-en | -0.959582 |
六月,暴力冲突将学生所处环境转变为大量工人。 | In June, violent clashes changed students environments to large concentrations of workers. | zh-en | -0.638145 |
虽然他有这些偏见和错误,威廉仍“一直被认为是最伟大的中世纪作家之一。 | Despite his biases and errors, William "has always been considered one of the greatest medieval writers." | zh-en | -0.06834 |
多数花在红军和空军上的钱用在战争机器。 | Most of the money spent on the Red Army and Air Force went for machines of war. | zh-en | -1.281816 |
该病毒是从一位定居在法国的喀麦隆妇女身上分离出的,她在2004年被诊断感染有HIV-1病毒。 | The virus had been isolated from a Cameroonian woman residing in France who was diagnosed with HIV-1 infection in 2004. | zh-en | -0.962819 |
激光预热能够正确地加热燃料——由2012年12月开始的实验确认这一点。 | That laser preheating is able to correctly heat the fuel — to be confirmed by experiments starting in December 2012. | zh-en | -1.381124 |
监督与政府改革委员会的一份报告发现,2002年11月布什政府修改了NCI网站。 | A report from the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform found that in November 2002 the Bush administration had altered the NCI website. | zh-en | -0.57221 |
俄罗斯被指控支持欧洲和美国的新民族主义运动。 | Russia has been accused of supporting new nationalist movements across Europe and in the United States. | zh-en | -0.044386 |
加拿大皇家海军在特殊场合仍然会提供朗姆酒配给; 通常由指挥官承担开销,并且浓度是150 Proof(75%)。 | The Royal Canadian Navy still gives a rum ration on special occasions; the rum is usually provided out of the commanding officer's fund, and is 150 proof (75%). | zh-en | -2.638958 |
他们死前的最后一句话通常是“谢谢你。 | Their last words before death are usually "thank you." | zh-en | -0.133503 |
”個人情況不盡相同,因此,8%的水平是一個指標,而不是設置在石頭上的規則。 | Circumstances vary for individuals, so the 8% level is an indicator, not a rule set in stone. | zh-en | -0.241078 |
他们签署他们列表上每个有两个核对标记的密钥,并确保指纹匹配。 | They sign each key on their list with 2 check marks and make sure that the fingerprints match. | zh-en | -2.093312 |
他们说,他们的音乐会决不是对切卡,共产主义或俄罗斯残酷的过去的致敬。 | They said their concert was by no means a tribute to the Cheka, communism, or Russia's brutal past. | zh-en | -1.002022 |
虽然联合国从来没有直接解决过关于建立正式的、规范的海洋名称的问题,但联合国有几个决议和声明与相关的话题有关。 | While the United Nations has never directly addressed the issue of establishing an official, standardized name for the sea, several resolutions and statements by the UN have had relevance to the topic. | zh-en | -0.447111 |
如超过三小时,系统就会不断提出警告,让游戏玩家不要继续玩下去。 | If it is more than three hours, the system will continue to warn the game players not to continue playing. | zh-en | -1.247152 |
起初,Bitbucket只提供对Mercurial项目的支持。 | Initially, Bitbucket only offered hosting support for Mercurial projects. | zh-en | -0.286028 |
) 終極滅絕(Weapons of Mass Extinction) 銀河系(Did a Black Hole Build the Milky Way? | "Did a Black Hole Build the Milky Way?". | zh-en | -12.574087 |
PTR-91的最知名而且最舊式的版本是PTR-91F。 | The best-known and oldest version of the PTR-91 rifle is the PTR-91F. | zh-en | -0.721633 |
这些数目巨大的开支纯粹是对帝国财政上的损失,就像那些涌入到意大利和十字军诸国的特别津贴一样,以及对1155-1156、1169以及1176年那些失败的远征事务上投入。 | A significant amount of this expenditure was pure financial loss to the Empire, like the subsidies poured into Italy and the crusader states, and the sums spent on the failed expeditions of 1155–1156, 1169, and 1176. | zh-en | -1.840782 |
2011年,俄罗斯和欧洲的业务部门合并到一个实体,总部设在莫斯科。 | European and Russian divisions merged into a single entity headquartered in Moscow. | zh-en | -0.39623 |
事件没有造成人员伤亡,但这幢40年历史的大楼遭受200万美元的火灾损失。 | No injuries were reported, but the forty-year-old building suffered US$2 million of fire damage. | zh-en | -0.857411 |
然而,已经对动物进行了许多研究。 | However, numerous studies have been conducted with animals. | zh-en | -0 |
美国最大的三个点污染源是三个最大的金矿。 | The three largest point sources for mercury emissions in the U.S. are the three largest gold mines. | zh-en | -0.759905 |
然而,委員會的大部分工作皆由史密斯主導,他親自主持了對所有關鍵證人的質詢。 | However, the work of the committee was very much dominated by Smith, who personally conducted the questioning of all of the key witnesses. | zh-en | -0.925151 |
根據文化、家庭以及社會結構,同性偏好常被發現於3至9歲。 | Depending on the culture, and family and social structures, same-sex preferences have been found to develop between 3 and 9 years old. | zh-en | -1.093404 |
最新版本 ISO 7001:2007 于2007年11月发布。 | The latest version, ISO 7001:2007, was published in November 2007. | zh-en | -0.370881 |
虽然这一侵略定义常常被反对诸如1999年科索沃战争和2003年伊拉克战争的人所引用,但在国际法下,它并不具有约束力。 | While this Definition of Aggression has often been cited by opponents of conflicts such as the 1999 Kosovo War and the 2003 Iraq War, it has no binding force in international law. | zh-en | -0.630492 |
设计工作于1918年9月完成,但至那时,它们已没有机会建造。 | Work on the design was completed by September 1918 but by then, there was no chance for them to be built. | zh-en | -1.090973 |
它们没有尾迹……它们移动得比我见到过的任何流星都要快”。 | There was no trails . . . they traveled faster than any shooting star I have ever seen." | zh-en | -1.997885 |
2013年的法案废除了1861年的法案,并将“破坏未出生的人类生命”定为犯罪。 | The 2013 act repealed the 1861 act and makes "destruction of unborn human life" a crime. | zh-en | -0.630955 |
在14世紀,帖木兒建造了許多宗教建築,包括Bibi-Khanym 清真寺。 | In the 14th-century, Tamerlane constructed many religious structures, including the Bibi-Khanym Mosque. | zh-en | -1.52906 |
“时间的秩序”于2001年二月在全球正式发行。 | "The Order of Time" was officially released and distributed worldwide in February 2001. | zh-en | -0.39354 |
在德意志犹太人中的宗教改革运动反映了这一状况。 | The religious reform movement among German Jews reflected this effort. | zh-en | -0.553409 |
这些国家其中譬如厄立特里亚,阿拉伯语是其中的一种官方语言,还有巴西和委内瑞拉,它们都有庞大而有影响力的阿拉伯社区。 | These are Eritrea, where Arabic is one of the official languages, as well as Brazil and Venezuela, which have large and influential Arab communities. | zh-en | -0.782614 |
该组织随后将部分工作从阿富汗转移到巴基斯坦,并在那里建立了他们的主要基地,为阿富汗妇女工作。 | The organization then moved parts of its work out of Afghanistan into Pakistan and established their main base there to work for Afghan women. | zh-en | -0.608751 |
在苏哈托总统的统治下,印度尼西亚企图解构所有可能威胁国内安全的组织和团体。 | Under President Suharto, Indonesia attempted to deconstruct organisations and groups that might represent an internal security threat. | zh-en | -0.530633 |
它是美国第二大农村地区,其72.11%的人口在农村地区,只在肯塔基州的第五届国会区之後。 | It is the second-most rural district in the United States, with 72.11% of its population in rural areas, behind only Kentucky's 5th congressional district. | zh-en | -0.784232 |
他计划并执行了对国家武装部队的几次袭击。 | He planned and executed several attacks on the State's armed forces. | zh-en | -0.307399 |
越南兒童妓女佔柬埔寨兒童妓女的三分之一,柬埔寨妓院僱用來自越南的女孩和婦女。 | Vietnamese child prostitutes make up one third of child prostitutes in Cambodia, and Cambodian brothels employ girls and women from Vietnam. | zh-en | -1.35743 |
AIDA32的继任者是Lavalys的商业化产品EVEREST。 | The successor of AIDA32 was the commercial Lavalys product 'Everest. | zh-en | -0.680526 |
没有基督徒,无论是西方的还是东方的,在法律上是被允许贩卖为奴的。 | No Christian, whether Western or Eastern, was permitted by law to be sold into slavery. | zh-en | -1.014925 |
來自哈薩克斯坦的大約1500波蘭人在此期間來到波蘭,經常以旅遊簽證到來。 | Roughly 1,500 Poles from Kazakhstan came to Poland during this period, often on tourist visas. | zh-en | -0.697423 |
第一个常务董事兼执行Aslam Azhar被大众评为是“巴基斯坦电视业之父”("father of Pakistan Television")。 | This first Managing Director and executive Aslam Azhar is widely considered to be the "father of Pakistan Television". | zh-en | -2.113451 |
不过, J.G.Harston的研究发现这里一共有8座山。 | However, a study by J.G.Harston found there to be eight. | zh-en | -1.871317 |
知识的积累和有效使用在经济的发展当中已经发挥了关键作用(Linden 2004)。 | The accumulation and efficient use of knowledge has played a central role in the transformation of the economy (Linden 2004). | zh-en | -0.378661 |
以其交易皆集於清晨,因名晓市。 | Together they recorded and released their debut, At Dawn. | zh-en | -6.87535 |
2013年3月,Saldana开始与意大利艺术家Marco Perego拍拖。 | In March 2013, Saldana began dating Italian artist Marco Perego. | zh-en | -0 |
广场集中了巴西政治与文化生活很大的一个部分。 | The square concentrated a great part of the political and cultural life of Brazil. | zh-en | -0.818506 |
他還說,返回的人將被關押在他們廢棄房屋附近的臨時營地。 | He also stated that those returning would be kept in temporary camps near their abandoned homes. | zh-en | -0.460108 |
1961年七月,NASA开始建造永久设施:太空飞行操作设施(SFOF)。 | In July 1961, NASA started the construction of the permanent facility, Space Flight Operations Facility (SFOF). | zh-en | -0.772413 |
苏维埃革命后,该酒店于1917年关闭。 | After the Soviet revolution, the hotel closed in 1917. | zh-en | -0.518708 |
柬埔寨的25個省都是人口販運的來源。 | All of Cambodia’s 25 provinces are sources for human trafficking. | zh-en | -0.203227 |
文件可以物理或电子方式分发(通过政府安全内联网(英语:Government Secure Intranet))。 | Papers may be distributed physically or electronically (via the Government Secure Intranet). | zh-en | -1.03366 |
Milkshape 3D可以导出多达70种文件格式。 | Milkshape 3D can export to over 70 file formats. | zh-en | -1.131014 |
另一方面,如果“马”并不意味着它所意味的东西,并且如果这对于马来说是个错误,那么牛就永远不可能被称为“马”。 | On the other hand, if "horse" did not mean that which it means, and if it were an error for horses, it would never be possible for a cow to be called "horse". | zh-en | -2.157998 |
多年来,这个演讲都被称为“总统的年度国会演讲”。 | For many years, the speech was referred to as "the President's Annual Message to Congress". | zh-en | -0.393062 |
她的母亲是一名家庭主妇和电脑分析师,现已退休。 | Her mother was a homemaker and a computer analyst and is now retired. | zh-en | -0.151714 |
通常使用几百到几千棵树,这取决于训练集的大小和性质。 | Typically, a few hundred to several thousand trees are used, depending on the size and nature of the training set. | zh-en | -0.808342 |
战争结束后,GSI公司继续其电子产品的生产。 | After the war GSI continued to produce electronics. | zh-en | -0 |
它也被众多Windows组件使用,包括Windows Update客户端和帮助和支持中心。 | It's also used by a number of Windows components including Windows Update client and Help and Support Center. | zh-en | -0.647786 |
SOBR亦存在于俄罗斯和许多前苏联国家。 | SOBR also exists in Russia and many other post-Soviet countries. | zh-en | -0.914485 |
2月底,警方将穆雷车上发现的物品归还给她的家人。 | At the end of February, the police returned the items found in Murray's car to her family. | zh-en | -0.51325 |
它支持加强与俄罗斯的关系,是唯一反对拉脱维亚加入北约的主要政治组织。 | It supports stronger ties with Russia and was the only major political organization to oppose Latvia's membership in NATO. | zh-en | -0.8908 |
短期內,新的織物開始出現;麻和棉花也都有各自特別的生產技術。 | In a short time, new fabrics began to appear; hemp and cotton each also had their own particular techniques of manufacture. | zh-en | -0.661804 |
Level-5 International America Facebook主页随后在同一天发布了该信息。 | Level-5 International America posted about it on their Facebook page later the same day. | zh-en | -0.498666 |
特別是當你不了解我們今天在技術和能力方面的位置,而是在我們前進的地方。 | Particularly when don’t understand just where we are today in terms of technology and capability, but where we are headed. | zh-en | -3.336915 |
抗议已经导致至少45人死亡,其中包括至少29人是在2011年2月25日“愤怒日”。 | They resulted in at least 45 deaths, including at least 29 on 25 February 2011, the "Day of Rage". | zh-en | -1.962183 |
只过了几分钟,Michael的头上就长了满了头发。 | After only a few minutes, Michael has grown a full head of hair. | zh-en | -0.68756 |
威尔把她带到海滩,在那里她向他透露她有一个儿子,他在她睡着的时候死了。 | Will drives her to the beach, where she reveals to him that she had a son and that he died while she was asleep. | zh-en | -2.638623 |
一般而言,豪斯多夫距離 dH(S,T) 可以是無限大的。 | In general, the Hausdorff distance dH(S,T) can be infinite. | zh-en | -0.916854 |
但 写-写-读 则是性能杀手。 | But write-write-read is a killer. | zh-en | -4.389022 |
所有其他考慮因素,包括兒童的福利和受害者的正義,都從屬於這些優先事項。 | All other considerations, including the welfare of children and justice for victims, were subordinated to these priorities. | zh-en | -0.512621 |
在較小的班級中生育孩子的父母也對其學校教育的各個方面給予更高的評價。 | Parents who had children in smaller classes also gave higher ratings to every aspect of their schooling. | zh-en | -1.647595 |
这是我生命中最重要的事情,创造事物。 | It's the most important thing in my life, making things. | zh-en | -0.71215 |
新月,每29或30天出现一次,在犹太教和其他一些信仰中是一个重要的被单独认可的时刻。 | The new moon, occurring every 29 or 30 days, is an important separately sanctioned occasion in Judaism and some other faiths. | zh-en | -0.668164 |
Minensuchboot(意为“扫雷艇”)这样的词语可以被表示为MINENSUCHBOOT、MINBOOT、MMMBOOT或MMM354。 | Words like Minensuchboot (minesweeper) could be written as MINENSUCHBOOT, MINBOOT, MMMBOOT or MMM354. | zh-en | -5.814025 |
她也在她兒子以外的電影中演出。 | She acted in films other than her son's. | zh-en | -0.364201 |
2012年晚些时候,OSF宣布已放弃收购Rockford健康系统的计划。 | Later in 2012, OSF announced that it had abandoned its plans to acquire Rockford Health System. | zh-en | -0.266146 |
不過,他當時並不知道此獨特品質的化學來源。 | He did not know the chemical source of this unique quality, however. | zh-en | -0.433829 |
經過多年的請求,Muse終於在2015.1版本中充分地發佈。 | After years of requests, Muse was finally made to be fully responsive in its 2015.1 release. | zh-en | -1.385478 |
自1969年起,美国国家环境保护局开始努力保护环境和人类健康。 | Since 1969, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been working to protect the environment and human health. | zh-en | -0.220864 |
迄今为止,已经有32部电影和几十部电视剧根据克里斯蒂的小说改编而成。 | To date, 32 films and dozens of television adaptations have been made based on Christie's novels. | zh-en | -0.267113 |
据他们说,他们是一个“文化团队”,他们“不战斗”,只“唱歌”。 | According to them, they are a "cultural team", and they "don't fight" but only "sing". | zh-en | -1.044446 |
它们更喜欢与民族主义的锡安主义政党的联盟,可能是因为这些政党更有兴趣加强以色列国家的犹太性质。 | They prefer coalitions with more nationalist Zionist parties, probably because these are more interested in enhancing the Jewish nature of the Israeli state. | zh-en | -0.807119 |
他也曾写过一部从穆罕默德崛起到1184年的圣地的历史,其中他使用亚历山大港的尤提丘斯(Eutychius of Alexandria)作为他的主要来源。 | He also wrote a history of the Holy Land from the time of Muhammad up to 1184, for which he used Eutychius of Alexandria as his main source. | zh-en | -1.272709 |
与欧洲高速交通相连的形象,以及活跃的政治响应对于地区经济发展更为重要。 | The image of a region being connected to the European high-speed transport and active political response are more important for regional economic development. | zh-en | -1.105839 |
1994 到 1997 年间,他担任顾问工作,擅长于工艺工程、作业基础管理和全面质量管理。 | Between 1994 and 1997, he worked as a consultant, specialising in Process engineering, Activity-Based Management and Total quality management. | zh-en | -0.779628 |
Windows Forms 2.0也有被支援,但沒有積極地被開發,因此,它在Mono的支援不完整。 | Windows Forms 2.0 is also supported, but not actively developed, and as such its support on Mono is incomplete. | zh-en | -0.782812 |
隨著當代網際網路在1990年代中期開始發展,美國的基督教天然主義變得比以往更有組織。 | With the beginning of the modern internet in the mid-1990s, Christian Naturism became much more organized in the U.S. than ever before. | zh-en | -2.586703 |
在玛德琳被驱逐出境后,她的船被中立水域的德国U型潜艇拦下。 | After Madeleine is deported, her ship is stopped by a German U-boat in neutral waters. | zh-en | -0.827235 |
不得将森林或其他植物作为攻击目标,除非它们被用于藏匿战斗员或其他军事目标。 | Forest and other plants may not be a target unless they are used to conceal combatants or other military objectives. | zh-en | -0.540671 |
为了与该服务器通信,Bill连接到其网络的HTTP代理。 | In order to communicate with the server, Bill connects to his network's HTTP proxy. | zh-en | -0.248622 |
影片还涉及到凯尔·里斯(安东·叶利钦),以及他如何成为了在第一部影片里的那个人。 | The film also involves Kyle Reese (Anton Yelchin) and how he became the man he was in the first film. | zh-en | -3.145272 |
许多扫描探针显微镜可以同时用几种相互作用来成像。 | Many scanning probe microscopes can image several interactions simultaneously. | zh-en | -0.803349 |
大多数金融专家同意一些最有效的投资策略涉及在股票和债券等广泛资产类别中进行多元化投资,而不是专注于可能会或可能不会成为“赢家”的特定证券。 | Most financial experts agree that some of the most effective investment strategies involve diversifying investments across broad asset classes like stocks and bonds, rather than focusing on specific securities that may or may not turn out to be "winners." | zh-en | -0.523848 |
Haml使用%标示一个HTML元素,而eRuby中使用<>。 | Haml also uses % to indicate a HTML element instead of <> as in eRuby. | zh-en | -0.553294 |
”根据一名幸存者的说法,“虽然他一直反对抗议活动,但他还是被杀害了”。 | According to one survivor, "even though he always opposed the protests, they still killed him." | zh-en | -0.704927 |
在卡齊蘭加國家公園,老虎在2007年殺死了20只犀牛。 | In Kaziranga National Park, tigers killed 20 rhinoceros in 2007. | zh-en | -0.805986 |
Subsets and Splits