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Our commitment will remain solid
Translated by Abdul Hassib
Colonel Tom Kalinse the spokesperson of ISAF force in the joint conference of coalition force and ISAF force said,” we don’t renounce from the cooperation with the government of Afghanistan in the field of better supplying of security and stability in the country, our commitment will remain solid to people of Afghanistan achieve the opportunity to live in calm and peace full situation of live.” Based on the report of Rah-e Nijat correspondent he gave the report from a joint operation with Afghan national army in the Asmar district of Kuner province and added,” four persons from the providers of equipments and facilities to Taliban in this region killed include of the person which were in the leader ship of this group, and four other persons arrested in the accusation of share ness and part to the terrorist attacks in this province.” Based on the speeches of Kalinse,” one child killed and one woman injured in this operation and many ammunition and arms arrested by coalition force.” In this conference like wise Toby Jukman the chief of press operation of ISAF has started to the explanation of ISAF activities in the last week and added,” ISAF did more than thousands patrol in the last week which majority of them executed jointly with Afghan national security force. He read the inauguration of the UN office in the Qalat district of Zabul province as the convincer and hope full measure and added,” I hope that the inauguration of this office in this region will be able to cause the creation of other organs which serve for the reconstruction and supplying of security in Afghanistan. Jukman by the hint to this theme that more than eleven thousands of ammunitions and arms has been annihilated by ISAF troops in Farah province asserted,” the founding of four schools and one clinic executed by the PRT team of ISAF troops in Herat province.” He informed from the killing of one civilian person from ISAF troops in the continuation of the session and he added,” this fire occurred by mistake and the killing of him is the effective incidents which I assert my deepest mourn to the family of him.
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
Luck of female actress in Afghanistan is a main problem for cinema’s artists. More artists of Afghanistan says, obligate for recruitment of actress, travel to Tajikistan, India or other countries. In these last, several movies that broadcast in Afghanistan, female actress were came from other countries to Afghanistan in playing film and some times men by themselves played a woman’s role. Hashmat Khan, artist movie by the name of Bahar Omid that in that one Tajikestani woman played an actress role and said, more than time in continuation of Bahar Omid movie, allocated himself in research of female actress. Hashmat Khan says, i was in a searching of a girl in more big cities of Afghanistan for 14 moths, that can play the main role in Bahar Omid movie. He said that, we announced from sources but unfortunitly no girl present that play in in Bahar Omid’s movie. But why Afghanistan cinema are faced with luck of women actress? Some of the artists say, causes of abstinence of women from cinema, is fear from future and happiness, that according to their trust exist in our society. But to this situation, Sadiq Barmak chef of afghan film, issues of luck of women actress in Afghanistan cinema calls naturally. Mr. Barmak says that in past other country areas were also faced with luck of female actress and by the passage of time this problems solved. Mr. Barmak trusts that problem of luck of female actress in Afghanistan cinema is also an object that by the passage of time will solve. Some condition of them is also their family or terms of security caused the main obstacle for youths which are interested in cinema. Some of the young girls says, in spite of fact very interest in cinema, due to social condition we can’t select this skill as out carrier. But in spit of this, girls are in Afghanistan that by saying of themselves courage and come to cinema and they are not regret from this selection. Barishna Bahar actress of country, came to cinema after taliban’s regime. And up to now played role in 22 short and long movies. Razai Mohibi, young actor of country is in this trust that presents of women actress in Afghanistan cinema in last year become much. He says, that Afghanistan cinema is face with a lot of problems. Mr. Mohibi says, that more females from playing in movies have fear. Even several times occur that women plays role in short movie after she killed. This action by it self deprive women from coming to cinema.
5 people were released yesterday from Guatanao’s Jail
translated by Atif MOhmandzai
5 Afghanistan decent that are resident of different provinces, yesterday released from Guatanamo’s jail. These people were released due to this commission’s effort. Added, Haji Nasratullah Khan s/o Ghulam Khan resident of Sorobi Kabul province, Syed Mohammad S/o Sheer Khan resident of Shahi Kot, Paktia province, Haji Noorullah S/o Haji Abdullah resident of Andokhoi district of Faryab province, Akhtar Mohammad S/o Syed Khan resident of Sarkano district of Konal province and Ahsan S/o Syed Mohammad Zoi resident of Baghran district of Helmand are released people.
Nation expects that one moment of their children must not misspent in the school.
Translated by Abdul Hassib
Dr, Hanif Atmar minister of education ministry said about the secondary curriculum in the international work shop,” we could provide the secondary school’s curriculum 80-90% but this is more less than the expects of people because the nation expect that one minute of their children misspent in the schools. Based on the report of Rah-e Nijat correspondent he understand the target of the new curriculum as the fostering of faith full and hones persons, and the person who love his home land and compatriot, knowledgeable persons and professional persons and he asserted,” the function of education ministry is not this to impose the values but the function of it is the providing of the values which people expect them.” Atmer declared the forecasted time for the providing of this curriculum from one year to 1.5 year. Abdul Nabi the chief of translation and publications of education ministry by the emphasize on the theme which says that while we can increase the quality of education ministry that we will provide good curriculum for our education he added,” we must to make the curriculum which will be assumable to the people of the country from the social aspect and will use full from political aspect and executable from the economical aspect.’ According to the speeches of him,” school has founded in the Amir Sher Ali Khan period for the first time and the first national curriculum made in 1330 for the first time.” It is mentionable that the targets of this 12 days workshop declared as follow, the revise and reforms in the providing of curriculum for the secondary school, the asses of the articles of ratified curriculum in the secondary schools, the finding and asses of good method toward dismantling of the ratified articles in the school books and the improving of the facilities and reforming in the curriculum process in Afghanistan. This is the time which based on the speeches of education minister they need more than 1.5 milliard dollars for the recuperation of the education situation in all over the country.
Minister of water and electricity visit from Sultan Mohmood Dam
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
Mohammad Ismail Khan minister of water and electricity with one worker corp. last day went to Ghazni province. Minister of water and electricity respect to servey from proceeding of Ghazni province reconstruction and building of Sultan Mahmood Dam, enter to that province. Sultan Mahmood water dam that locates in 40km, northwest of Ghazni province capital. Last year due to water slept and not focusing of authorities destroyed. And from destroyed area of this dam, was a big loss for farmers of this province. And more than 200 hector land are remain from agriculture due to destruction of this dam. In a report of Rahi Najat reporter, Ismail Khan minister of water and electricity during visiting from reconstruction of Sultan Mahmood Dam said, up to now 700 thousands $ are spent in this dam and for the end of this project need for 2 million $. It is in the time that resident of Ghazni province have objection in not present of electricity in the province and called cause of this the not focusing of government in this issue. During this week it is the second minister that visits from Ghazni province. Have to say that, the first stage of this dam has completed and inaugurated by Mohammad Ismail Khan minister of water and electricity. Have to say that, construction money of this dam paid from World Bank.
Moqur district ignited
Translated by Abdul Hassib
The district building of Moqur district of Ghazni province ignited last night from the opponents of the government. Abdul Ali Facory the spokes person of Ghazni province meanwhile of the confirm of this reports to the Rah-e Nijat correspondent said,” one groups of opponents of government attacked on this building last night which in the consequence of this attack the clerk of the mentioned district court killed and two other persons from the police force injured. He hinted,” this incident occurred in the around 12:30 last night and we don’t have bonds and witnesses for the determining of the invaders. The spokes person of Ghazni province claimed that one of these cars is from the group which they wage to the kidnap in this district many days before. Like wise based on the speeches of this source,’ the opponents of government ignited one car from the officials of this building and two other cars which were in the parking of this district but there is no report from the causalities of government opponents in this attack. It is mentionable that four children killed and two other children injured in the track of explosion of one bomb in the Sokh Day region of this province last day. Based on the speech of Facory this rocket was from remain ammunitions of the war period which buried in the dust.”
Homosexuality in Baghlan province
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
In Baghlan province from the past 13-18 years old boys keeping as a child-abuse. In the named province kept boys by wearing female’s cloth, dancing for the Dambora (a kind of afghan musical instrument) in the music ceremony, boys are kidnap by authorities from one area to another area and after they work on them that make him ready for music ceremony, but there is some boys that due to their intoziazom they do this things, they escape from home, after live with a person as a child-abuse (homosexuality) boys in those homes that they are keeping, they are living as a home member, for this that give a son name to him, but due to this, from boy use sexual interrupt. “Your white like a bread – your soft like a cotton” “ your talks are going on us- like a commander’s order.” This is a sang song in boys party, that accompany with Dambora and Ghazkay and the boy danced in that time that he wore a femal’s cloth and had a bell in feet. The boy hided his face with a rail in first of the dancing , and the on lookers that was saying, “hey boy, hey boy I die for you.” And he slowly slowly picked up the rail from his face. Some on lookers which has 100 or 500 afghan in his one hand and other hand had cigarette, rounded money from his head. Sometimes it also occur that in the named parties the boys dancing become competition and in the end in one boy’s wining the competition finishes. In Baghlan province in new city of Godano village one 35 years old Sarkhel says, “in my brother’s wedding a dancing compotation occur among kept boys, that in the end Baghlan boys won.” The central Baghlan Laysee the student of 12th grade, 22 years old Nooridin said, when there is no boys dancing in the parties than out upset from the party. In Polikhomry province one kept boy that has long hair, black eyes and nice circle face, looked nice, he deprive from saying of his name and his owner’s name and said if the commander know about this, he will kill me. The named boy said, I flee in Rabani government from Lakan Khelo village in Nahrain district, the boys says, in that time he was 13 years of and bring with him to central Baghlan and kept him in a locked and dark room for three years that coulden’t see the sun. and after that teach him dancing by beating and danced him in a parties. The boy added that from I lived together with commanders family and the named commander wife called him son and commander slept him with himself from the night in his room and did every thing. Keeping of boys in some areas of northeast province are custom from past. But after fall down of Najeebullah government that commonder become in power in some areas, the keeping of boys become more. Some commanders kept boys as a competition which had between, for this that even attack on each other. One resident of Baghlan city which disarmed by DDR that deprive from mentioning his name said, that keeping of boys in their term became competition. The named commander said, in that time my boy kidnapped by other commander that I can’t mention his name because he has power in area. Human right assigned Haji Abdul Ahad said about keeping of new youths in Baghlan province, keeping of boys was a custom but now the government Has gotten some authority and keeping of boys are less now. General Meer Alam security commander of Baghlan province said that, he nabbed several people in this crime that 27 people are in the jail about this case. Jailer of Baghlan province Samonawal Abdul Rasool said, in date November 13, 2004 in Zorkhar from Khaliq Palang’s home that made a party of homosexuality in his son’s penis-cutting ( a kind of Muslim tradition when their son burn, they cut their penis) the security commander of Baghlan province captured 27 people that still also in the jail with them that till now the cod haven’t decided. Jailer of Baghlan province Samonawal Abdul Rasool didn’t accept in order to meet the prisoners, he apologised. Security commander of Baghlan province General Meer Alam said, in Baghlan province now people are afraid from government homosexuality become less 80% and Inshallah in several years every thing will be ok.
Two Taliban militants killed in Ghor province
Translated by Abdul Hassib
Shah Jahan Nori the chief Ghor province police declared: ,” two Taliban militants killed and four of them injured in the track of their attack on the security force and police of Ghor province” He added in the interview with the correspondent in Monday,” Taliban entered to Ghor province from the way of Helmand province in the east of the country. Helmand is one the four insecure and instable province of Afghanistan which were the witness of bloody toll wars between Taliban, government forces of Afghanistan and foreign soldier stationed in this province. 900 persons which majority of them were Taliban have been killed in the breaking outs of Afghanistan east in the current year.
The current educational year is coming up to the end along with a range of problems like other years. A month ago the cold area schools of the country were shut for a month-long vacation after the examinations due to the hot weather. The students were busy in different activities in remote areas, bu
translated by: Hamid Stanikzai note: has been taken from Morsal Magazine
The current educational year is coming up to the end along with a range of problems like other years. A month ago the cold area schools of the country were shut for a month-long vacation after the examinations due to the hot weather. The students were busy in different activities in remote areas, but some of them were busy in passing their time in cinemas and video game clubs instead of having any useful arrangements. This is quite oblivious that in the child’s healthy bring up, the parents have the key role and this is their responsibility to brought up their children efficiently and sympathetically. Although, some problems such as economical and social exist in our society that undoubtedly, most of the families are scuffled with and they are suffering from them and these problems are not null regarding the education and healthy brought up of the children. There rises the question that how many of parents thought of prepared fine arrangements for their children? And if they have just contented themselves that, vacation is for entertainment and rest, let them to spend their happy anywhere they want! Children and boys that makes the future of the society should be taken care after, despite the facts that there lay a lot economical problems for the families and most of the youth used to take the advantage of the vacation and they used sell plastic bags, cigarettes, water and some other things. They did these jobs because of poor economy of the family, if they were provided the life facilities as like the other countries, they would not have to work, unfortunately, the country and the nation is stricken by war and the negative affects are still felt in the society. In our country, a lot of women got widow and their children are without guardianship. Those who does not have hoses, food and the government does not help them, how will they be able to educate? They have work or beg for a loaf from early morning up to the evening in bazaars and streets, from the other hand the government has not taken any appropriate measures for a healthy brought up of the children and youth. This is necessary, the ground shall be paved for the youth and the children for healthy arrangements and the public media and public entertainment places shall be involved in it. The parents, regarding the conditions of the society should pay attention to bring up healthy children. As we witness, there are many negative aspects of war in our society that if the parent ignore them, this will have critical results and they will not be able to compensate it easily. Now, in our society, there are conditions that they have deviated our youth and teenagers and they are engaged in some crimes such drug abuse, theft and some other immoral crimes. In prevention of these negative actions the parents have key role, as well as the ministry of education, higher studies, the ministry of information, culture and youth and other educational institutions are responsible to provide useful and affective programs to positively affect the the children and the youth, beside these stockholders the government and some NGOs are obliged to initiate such courses that the children and the youth take advantage of both literacy and some professions which can positively help for the family economy.
Change in geographical location and its affects on the circumstances of press
translated by: Hamid Stanikzai
Once a time the writers had divided Afghanistan into many cultural divisions and the had researched the specification, capabilities and tendency of each of the division as well as they had highlighted the cultural backwardness and halts of each division. At the present time, although there are many publications in each province that each province has its own specifications, within the publication those who have gained a good name for the publication are those who have produced a real picture from the region. From this point of view, some publications may have weak stories and the reason may be the existence of a large number publication but fewer writers but we have successful publications among them that they have a lot of readers throughout the provinces. If we have a glance at the lack of writers has not disqualified the papers but the wide world of internet and it’s referring to the writers which have kept its standard with the previous appearance. Although, standardization is difficult but the publications shall release stories which are useful for the people and research the halts in today’s world and the reasons of poor economical, cultural and art condition and lead the youth to a bright future. This is Hossey presenting to you from Kandahar, this is not a small fact of geographical location change. Hence if Hosey is released it will be printed from Kandahar, although there are some other publications such as Shkola, Hoad, Marwand, Tanda, Sor-Ghar, Tolo-is a eAfghan and some others but still there a need for some more, why this region has been stricken in most fields which needs a basic rehabilitation and the rehabilitation must start from zero. The very local publications shall accelerate the mind make up, cultural development, economical investment and art. We have endeavoured to keep Hossey not to decline from its prestige but still some changes can be found in it, why if there is a green lamp in a room, anybody who enters to the room will highlighted by green rays. Now as Hossey belongs to Kandahar there may be a lot of changes in it and the changes may have positive and negative aspects. We believe that we will be faced with a lot of challenges, threats, problems, halts and other sufferings, as well as we may have more problems in printing and we may not be able to keep our relationship with writers who are abroad our attempts may focus on keeping with our colleague writers, and we beg the Lord to award us with successes.
Rehabilitation shall be extended to villages and rural Afghanistan
translated by: Hamid Stanikzai
No one can miss out the fact that, the rehabilitation activities were concentrated only in big cities therefore there has been quite a long distance between cities and villages and it has created a lot of cultural, economical and social negative affects. If the government does not underline the ways to remove the distance between villages and cities as soon as possible the remoteness will extend its roots and then the results will be so heavy to be easily compensated. To remove the distance, in our opinion, the most affective way is to extend the rehabilitation activities to rural areas. The national unity program is running very well in a large number of villages in Afghanistan and now this time, that the government collect the experiences of the accomplished projects and based on the evaluation of these projects offers a new movement to the rehabilitation work in the villages. We shall not forget an important point that despite economical advantage the extension of the rehabilitation process to the rural areas has deep political and military values and the rehabilitation should be accelerated, affective and successful. Therefore the government and the international community shall acknowledge that the rehabilitation and development of villages is the most important issues in the regime making process. we hope that either the central government, the governors, provincial councils recognize the rehabilitation of the villages as a priority and to enlist it in the their mortal agenda.
The houses in old Kabul will be reconstructed
Translated by: Hamid Stanikzai
Bakhtar News Agency: the representative of people of Kabul first district asked the president in meeting for the license to rebuild the house. In the meeting Saied Hussain Parwezi, Mohammad Mehdi Shaikhzada and Ahmad Jan spoke in behalf of others. They voiced problems about portable water, places to store commercial goods in it and the crowds created by trucks and road block issues and they asked the government to solve their problem. While the president listened to the elders of Kabul first district elders, he issued the license for their houses to be rebuilt. In the meeting the minister of urban development and Kabul mayor were also presented. The residents were asked to preserve the old style architecture and design. Thus in the meeting a decision was made that the ministry of urban development should initiate a program for the old Kabul reconstruction that all, road and other city facilitates shall taken in mind to be solved and the program shall be transmitted to Kabul municipality.
The electricity from abroad can not solve the problem
Translated by: Hamid Stanikzai
Electricity is one of the most important needs of today’s civilized world. During the last years of Zahir Shah’s kingdom and at the time of martyred Mohammad Dawoon presidency, to enhance the capacity of the hydropower of Kela Gai, Band-e Sama, Kokcha and Kajaki the work started in Bakhshabad of Farah and some other small and big very important projects which could be counted as an important step in the sector of power production. The coup of April and following during the aggression of red army, most of the equipment of these projects were looted by the red army soldiers and were transferred to the former Soviet Union. After the defeat of the red army, the interpersonal fighting continued and after the Bonn conference when the power was submitted to Hamid Karza after so long time the ground was paved to think of the rehabilitation of the country especially the power sector. As well during the late five years there has not been a significant step taken foreword in regarding electricity production but they are trying to solve the problem of the electricity by buying and importing it from the enamouring northern countries. It seems that the Energy and electricity authorities do not have a national program to utilize national resources and they want to solve the problem electricity by buying it from the neighbouring countries Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. They will import power from Tajikistan to Kundoz, Baghlan, Takhar and Badakhshan provinces and from Turkmanisan Heart, Andkhoi, Fariab, Shebrghan and Sar-e Pul and the problems will be solved. Eng. Monsef has also said that the southern provinces will given from the imported electricity of neighbouring northern countries as well as the hydropower of these provinces will rehabilitated. This is just a shallow word and they want to cheat the residents of the southern provinces. These residences are the hunt of an international conspiracy and from the other hand and each day tens of people die not only by the terrorists but by the coalition forces too. The events in Kanadahar and Helmand and lately in Paktika that twelve national police personals were killed are best examples and again a convoy is sent to investigate about it and by any coalition forces general forgiveness will be contented and they will put an end into it. Mr. Monsef has said for the residence of the southern Afghanistan their own hydropwers will be rehabilitated; let us ask Mr. Monsef on which one hydropower they are busy working on? And the above-mentioned hydropower is how much rehabilitated? Right now large amounts of money are donating to the country and if the hydropower is not rehabilitated now then when will it be rehabilitated? They claim that this hydropower needs survey and masterplan and can not be rehabilitated soon! The question raises here that: during four-five years a survey can not be conducted but the electricity can be imported from neighbouring countries to Kundoz, Mazar, Badakhshan , Samangan and other provinces? This neither needs survey nor a master plan? Ismaeil Khan was selected as the water and energy minister in the cabinate we got happy why he is a Mujahid and sympathetic he will serve the nation and the nation will taste his sympathy and national feelings, he not only did not turn up to southern and south eastern Afghanistan but even he did not turn up to the eight district of Kabul city that mostly Pashtons are living in it if the residents of Kabul eight district want to have a meeting with him then they will not be able to meet him in months. This is the example of the government’s a balanced development process. this is another fact that, when during the Taliban when there was conflict between two countries the Uzbekistan cut the electricity on Mazar residents in the cold winter. It can possibly happen in the future again, if the energy ministry authorities and the International NGOs want Afghanistan to be self-sustained then they should rehabilitate resume the Salma, Kokcha, Kajaki, Kunar and some other projects which were delayed after Dawood Khan.
The peace is in absurd of the people’s mind and brains
Translated by: Hamid Stanikzai
In a democratic society the government of the people rules on the people, indeed in such a society the expectation of the people are fulfilled. They ways get open for a comfortable life and there are hopes of positive changes and deep movements. The people rush to help their government and if such collaboration does not exist between the government and the peole then nation does not back the government. The process of absorbing the thoughts, minds and brains of the people does not develop. And if the representative of all sects are not involved in the political process it means our all efforts will of no use and always all efforts of rehabilitation will be the hunt of terrorist activities. They people will always experience the brutal killings, the schools and public places burning and some other human disasters and grief events. The looting of land and other personal and public wealth will be continued. This is needed that all these abnormalities shall be solved as a year ago the process of the national unity was initiated by the government a year ago urgent measures shall be taken to halt all the internal and external mafia conspiracies against our country and they shall all be punished hard and with those who are opposing the current process shall the negotiation be open to them and the understanding of sincerity shall be followed up with them. The unemployment and housing problems should be solved. This is not enugh to take someone’s weapone and tell ok thanks, go and live in your ruins but there must be a national strategy for such kind of returnees and they must be behaved will and helped a lot their problems of housing and unemployment shall be solved and the should provoked to dialogue with other colleagues and call them for peace process. in this way most of the oppositions will happily join the peace process and they will cut off from the oppositions and join the government they will start the peaceful life with along with other Afghans and the will take an active part in reconstruction of the country. Tom Konikz the special representative of the United Nations in Afghanistan has clearly said from narrated from the former UN representative that not allowing the Taliban even the moderate Taliban in Bonn political process was a great mistake. In the result of the prevention of those political circles whose illegal interests were in danger by letting the Taliban to join the peace process and they used think to lose power in bringing about such a wide range government. The same circles still create halts for the activities of the national unity program. This is the reason that some angry Afghans are used by some intelegence circles of some the neighbouring countries they are trained and fed up by them and then they are sent to Afghanistan for terrorist activities and now they have changed to a big problem and a headache to the government. It means the in Afghanistan the peace can not be bring by force and by gun the government shall try to absorb the cooperation of the nation as well as their brains and minds and their wishes are fulfilled. They process of national peace and unity program shall be accelerated and then the security will come about and the country will be stabilized. Therefore the country will take steps toward development and progress and soon will be find its place among the well-=known countries of the world.
Holland is steady on its promises to Afghanistan
Translated by: Hamid Stanikzai
Bakhtar new Agency: the prime minister of Holland said in a news conference with Hamid Karzai that combat against the terrorism is the main reason for our gathering here. He added our country is the sign of the political and economical defence development diplomacy, for this reason our forces have stationed in Orozgan to secure the region as the resident demands and desires as well as they will endeavour in the development of the province. In a question he said the security has direct links with those who come from Pakistan this is a fact and our duty is to help the Afghan forces to ensure security and the matter of the Pakistan interference shall be solved through Afghanistan and Pakistan joint negotiations and he international community mediation. The Afghan president thanked the the prime minister on behalf of their services to Afghanistan and added that Holland is among those top countries which have helped our country a lot within last four years. Holland has helped Afghanistan 350 million Dollars for its budget and at the moment 1500 soldiers are stationed in Orozgan to ensure the security. The president said that he hope Afghanistan will be able to handle more rule in ensuring the security after some time. Strengthening our military potential we hope to play the key role in ensuring security in our country he said. In an answer to a question regarding the alleged talks between the Taliban and the NATO he said we do not know about it. If such negotiations have taken place they without the government agreements are fulfilled. The president added that the government has already negotiated with those Taliban whom are Afghans and they love peace and their country and at the moment the commission of strenthing peace under the leadership of Sbghatulah Mojadadi is engaged in talks with the Taliban to return them home. He stressed Afghanistan will negotiate with those elements that are the servants of others and by their help they kill people burn schools and clinics. In a question of the western press about the weak acts of the government the president said that: since some time the press media has started to propaganda against the government of Afghanistan
Insecurity is the main reason of diseases and death
translated by: Hamid Stanikzai note: taken from Morsal magazine
It is mostly believed that insecurity is the mother of all problems in our country and this abolishing disaster is not halted throughout the country by the support of the people, no rehabilitation program could be implemented, economic and ivestment development will not possibly be accomplished by internal and external capitalists, trading will decline, the education sector losing the teachers by killing will face new challenges, the civil society rights will be eliminated and so …. One of the negative affects of the late insecurity has been the survival of the diseases which have being immobilizing by the great amounts of the international community donations. If our children are not protected by the necessary vaccines, with the poor life condition the people have (70% of the population live under the line considered to be the line of poverty) they will be soon be addicted by various diseases that either they will die or be disabled. The many years endeavour of the international community to eradicate the polio had come to the last stage, but the five-year sovereignty of Taliban and their hostility against the international health institution caused that the vaccine was not carried out in many villages and 26 cases of the disease were observed this year. Low life level in general and the loss of hygiene and a standard ecological condition, outbreak of biotic (microbus) diseases all over the country is increasing day by day. Addiction of 1.6 million people with liver virus (hepatise) that only the government is ale to vaccinate the children under two against the virus, is of great concern. The disease that can be transferred in a high speed and attacks one of most important part of the human body is transferred in high speed due the hygienic inaudibility in most populated areas, 10% of Pakistan and India population is addicted with this disease. War, conflicts and insecurity has caused many of the arteries of life to be deactivated and poverty and disease are threatening our people, therefore one out of each three children is addicted by malnutrition. Everyday 500-700 children under seven die from digest ional diseases and during each hour two mothers die during child delivery. 70% of mothers are addicted by tuberculoses. These all shows that our people’s social condition is a very bad condition despite the fact that the more than hundred of children are blown up by land mines and more than three thousand people have died due to terrorist attacks and during security forces military operations and intimately, one million people are addicted by drug, out of which only sixty thousand heroine addicted are living in Kabul. Outbreak of diseases and deaths that have roots to the insecurity, economical, social and cultural problems, have links as ranges one to another and if these are not solved in a parallel activity, we will impossibly be ale to control the. The data and statistics show that our people live in a very low condition and they are threatened directly by death. Only the ministry of Public Health is not able to handle all these problems and all the stakeholders and related institutions should give hand to dry the roots of the problems, specifically, the public media shall reduce the cultural problems by evaluating and giudence and the nation, as a whole and main structure of the society in collaboration with the government and the international society shall enterprise to solve their requirements.
Wants and Wishes
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
Ahmad Navid student of 12th class: I am happy that exams pass in a good way and personally me before approaching of exam I got ready, thus I know that I can’t get ready in exam’s night and it is impossible to lapse four months lessons in one night, fortunately I win the good position. My saying is this for brothers and sisters pupil that feel exam every day and always have preparation for exam. And never be in think of cheating in examination, thus cheating shows like this that he or she didn’t get anything from the lesson. Today’s lesson and information is reserve in our mind, and we should use from it till last age of us. Sofi Mohammad Zahir, servant of Mosque: Dears parents aside of this have the responsibility of working and try and effort in education of their sons, decorate them in obligations and sunnahs of Prophet “peace be upon him” and guide them in their daily life that how prosperity have manners and Islamic tradition. And officious from them. Zubair Zaki worker of Kabul Bank: Humans aside, that thing their daily expenditures, also think about saving amount of money. I am not as a bank employee, as a resident of this city, I want to say to my compatriots that today’s saving secure your tomorrow. Bori Sardar Sing: We are moving house to house having our goods in back, I want to say to municipality, that get serious esteem in controlling of houses. In this case owners of houses also don’t justice about this. I have a gorcery shop and I find daily 200 or 300 but I give the rent of house in a dollar ($) that this is very difficult for me. My children are studying in a school their expenditures are also on me. Mohammad Merwise: in this hot days residents of Kabul pass their days without electricity, one time ministry of water and electricity announce that, electricity is given to private companies and sometimes pointed in not existence of water and sometimes excuses about destruction of dams, this sprink was very difficult for residents of Kabul, because according to this year respect to past years the electricity if very bad, if it continue like this I trust that people trust will less on government, government should more focus on the problems, because people are poor they don’t have enough money to use from Generators.
Every place of Afghanistan is my Inn
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
Orizgan province locates in central of country, from north with Ghor and Bamyan province and from north with Kandahar and Zabel province from east with Ghazni province and from east with Helmand and Ghor province is in connection length of this province in limit of 34 thousands km square and it’s capital is Treenikot that has 470 km distance from Kabul. Orizgan has 8 districts and 756 villages. Nothing see in speciality of Orzgan city. In the past was not focusing in the building of this city. Crops lines in this city is very limited, maybe the large number of people haven’t seen the Trenkot city yet, till end of their life. Orizgan is still one of the deprive provinces of country, in this province in the past no magazine is published.
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
Jozjan province from east with Balkh province and from west with Faryab province and from north with Turkmenistan and from south with Ghor and Bamyan province is in connection. Capital of this province is Shobarqan, that have 584km distance from Kabul. Length of Jozjan is in limit of 24700km square. Jozjan have 5 districts and 6 sub districts and has 402 villages. Shoborghan city till 1886 just residence of Ozbak doesn’t have any other today’s tribe. Shoborghan in a year 1937 started to construction and in the year 1961 become the central of province. With aspering of Shoborghan-Mazar-e-Sharif road in year 1970 has found more brightness. Importance of Shoborghan city from the time become clear that in the year 1958 in near of it, discovered the large source of Gas and started to extraction. That this order became causes of coming of farmer specialists, for extraction of Gas in a city. In revolt era, Shobroghan city and Mazar-e-Sharif covered from destruction. Rug and million of Shobroghan city is very popular.
Badakhshan province
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
Badakhshan province locate in northwest that from north with Tajikistan country, from south with Konar , Laghman and Kapesa provinces, from east with Tajikistan and China and from west with Takhar province is in connection. Measurement of it is 42600 km square. Faiz Abad is the capital of this province that has 588km distance from Kabul. And due to non-existance of government focus still overland transportation of this rich (in natural resources) province doesn’t have any brightness. Badakhshan province have 5 districts and 7 sub districts and 596 villages. Badakhshan have a bright future due to this that mines of gold, garnet, azure and …………. Are available. In this province.
Who is the culprit/ accused?
Translated by Abdul Hassib
Two seminars held by attend of the local and central officials of country in Kabul last week, but the messages and statements both were defeat. All the governors and the local commanders and the commanders of head quarter of the province assessed their un success because of the lake of the sound administration in the session and the intercourses which they had with the responsible s and government high ranks in the seminar in Kabul, and asses the recuperate of their affairs in the making of sound administrations. Governors accused the central officials in the accusation of the breaking the works and codes based on their own and private nods, issuing of the illegal decrees and none cooperation of them with the provinces, but contrary the central officials spoke from the inefficiency and debility of the local officials. Any way the thing and opinion which has been ousted from these intercourses say from the story of the following pet defeats: Like wise the defeat of the government in the straggling against narcotics also declared in one other conference, the insecurity, exploitation of the terrorist from the cultivation and the trafficking of narcotics, and the none cooperation of international community in this sphere specially the lake of altercated cultivation to the formers, are read as the big and basic agents of this defeat from president Hamed Karzai. President clearly acknowledged that government defeat in the straggling against narcotics. So based on this confession of him, in spite that the sharing of him in such session which the result of it is not some thing else with out the confession of defeat, is pet for him but he shame to share in such sessions as well. By the way the fact which all the people of our country have trust on it is this that government has defeated in the straggling and annihilation of the narcotics in the country in four years of its royal. If there agents will be something else and the culprits will be some one or some groups else, don’t have different for the people it means that it is indifferent for the people that if some agents will exist in this un success or some one or some groups will be the culprit of this defeats, because these are the people who repair the breaches of it if the local commanders would be the culprit of the central officials, these people are who punish from police and by the way of bribery they hack to the economical situation of these people so ultimately these are the people who lost their rights from the way of the courts and pillage from some groups of people, so it is the same either the government or the international community had inaudibility in the execution of their functions. In any way the bad phenomena of narcotics always destruct and annihilate the honour of this nation, narcotics invigorate the terrorist against the society and infect a generation to this bad phenomena or narcotics abduct the new generation to the throat of addict. People are in this thought, what will be their dispensation in the battle field of the central tyrants, local commanders, government and the international community? Is there any one else to defeat in this war or win this war with out the people of Afghanistan? It seems, the accusation of both sides is prosperous of facts and truths, no side is culprit and no side is innocent. So it will be better that the international community, government, local commanders and central official realize their debilities and strategic trespasses in the place that they accuse each other and honestly and faith fully try for the creation of tide and reforming of them selves, and the rescuing of the people from this agonising situation will be possible just by the honest, crucial and serious work and cooperation of all the sides which have part in this field.
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
Badghez province locate in northwest of country. From north with Torkmanistan country and from south and west with Heart province from east with Faryab and Ghor province has connection. Measurement of this province is 23000 km square and capital of it is Qalayi Now that have 1094km distance from Kabul. Badghez province has 4 districts 1 sub-districts and 358 villages. Qalayi Now city in a year 1973 had 448 shops and 11 inns. That today discovered a lot. Badghes is one of the provinces that always faced with famine of foot and people of it saw a lot of bad days in the past. Badghez province due to good location of bordery and much lands can to become as a habitable and agricultural area soon, especially Halqawi road of country that in a innovation condition. It passes on this province that without doubt changes will occur in this province.
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
Kondoz province from east with Takhar province and from west with Samangan province, from north with Tajikistan and from south with Baghlan province is in connection. Measurement of this province is 7400km square and capital of this province is Dondoz city which has 327km distance from Kabul. This province has 5 districts, one sub-districts and 598 villages. Sher Khan border one of the trade borders of country locate in this province. Kondoze province locate in a smooth sandy and between the rivers of Amo. Habitable state of it is prosperous from historical habitable. Kondoz is a rich province (in natural resources), That by it self rests under focusing of farmer government.
Second national conference of straggling against narcotics
Translated by Abdul Hassib
Hamed Karzai president of Afghanistan government with the declaring of the un success of the straggling against narcotics program, protested on the international community aids in this fields. The second national conference of straggling against narcotics held from the ministry of the straggling against narcotics by the attend of amount of the cabinet members, governors and security commanders of all over the country, delegations of the international cooperation for the straggling against narcotics and some of the members of national soviet last Tuesday in the Loya Jirga tint. The first national conference of straggling against narcotics held in the December of 2004, the codes of straggling against narcotics ratified in the December of 2005 and also the draft of the national strategy narcotics control ratified in the January of 2005. The second national conference of the straggling against narcotics held in the targets of creation of solidarity and invigoration of the activities in the straggling against narcotics for the providing the targets of national strategy in the straggling against narcotics. President with the declaring of this declaration which the programs of straggling against narcotics didn’t have use full and inbuilt achievements in the straggling against narcotic said,” I am not pleasure from the situation which he attend in this conference.” President Karzai by the stating of this that the international community’s aids were not effective in this field added,” we hope from the international community that their aids should not be indifference and surface, we are not satisfy from these aids, if it resolved that the problems of the Afghan people going to be solved in the field of straggling against narcotics so the altercate cultivation should be paid for the afghan farmer. It mean that if they want to annihilate the cultivation of the farmers they must to pay some aids for them. President read the cultivating and trafficking of narcotics as the best agent of the insecurity in the country which terrorist wage to the sabotage action by the utilizing from the money of the narcotics in the country. President Karzai emphasized that Afghanistan has crucial decision to annihilate the cultivation of the poppy from the region, either the international aids will increase or wont increase. Because opium caused insecurity in the country and profane of Afghanistan in the abroad countries. The chief of Loya Jirga and the minister of straggling against narcotics and some other members of the session discourse in this conference as well. The ministry of straggling against narcotics declared the best agent of the increasing of poppy cultivation in the country as the inaudibility of the international community in their pledges in the field of cooperation with the farmers and insecurity. Based on the report of united nation which it resolved that it will broadcast sonly,” the dimension of poppy cultivation increased 40% in the compare with past years. 4200 ton opium produced last year in Afghanistan.”
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
Logar province from east with Nangarhar and Paktia, from west with Wardak province, from North with Kabul, and from south with Paktia province is in connection. Measurement of this province is 4500km square and capital of it is Pali Alam that has 84km distance from Kabul. Logar province has 3 districts and two sub-districts and 338 villages. Widithwise of this province for planting of vegetables, plants and fruits are available. And a lot of Jungles are exists in side of it.
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
Mashrano Jirga in yesterday’s conference due to accident in Konar province that caused the killing of 8 people, have sentenced. From commanders of NATO powers and coalition wanted answer about this to questions of Senators. Public ceremony of Mashrano Jirga was held yesterday in chairmanship of professor Sobghatullah Mojadidi minister of Mashrano Jirga. In ceremony Haji Sakhi Senator of Konar province, case of killing of 8 people, privately residents of Shegal district was presented by coalition forces to ceremony in a saying of Koran’s senator 7 people from residents of Shegal district of that province last night 25th of August was busy in a Jirga in a apartment of a person by the name of Alam Zeer for solving of litigation, that killed by solders of coalition forces in this accident one woman wounded. Memebers of Mashrano Jirga objected that, it is several times that coalition forces due to incorrect news they bombardment the area. Commanders of international coalition forces and commanders of NATO was invited to a Mashrano Jirga till answer their questions.
The work of Bamyan air port street reconstruction incepted
Translated by Abdul Hassib
The pragmatic work of Bamyan airport street reconstruction started by the cutting of ribbon from president in the around 11’o clock of Sunday 27 August of 2006. in the session which was held about this ceremony in the Maidan Shahre capital of Maidan Wardak, in spite of president, Ostad Khalili the second deputy of president, minister of public affairs, minister of rural rehabilitation and development, minister of public health, Mohammad Faroq Wradak the envoy of president in the parliament affairs and the chief or affairs administration, amount of parliament members, members of the provincial soviet of Bamyan and Miadan, governors of both provinces and amount of residents of both provinces, correspondents and the ambassadors of , Turkish, Italy, and China attended. President mean while of the assertion of pleasure for providing of his ancestor ambition for the reconstruction of this road, asserted hope that the work of this street should precede according to the plane and infrastructures in his small discourse, and hope that the responsible of this project will be able to rid the work of this street according to the forecast plan. He added,” I gave the order of the survey from the other new streets in this way up to the time which other provinces like, Miadan, Bamyan, Daykondi, Ghor and Herat also take benefits from the existence of the asphalted streets. And with the construction of these streets and mean while of the complete of round streets the central streets will also construct and after them we will start the work of the streets which connect, north to south and east and west from the way of centre it means that we will start to the construction of those roads which will be able to connect north to south east and west from the way of capital. President said,” I had seen minister of financial affairs before he came here which he reverted from Flipin and gave the accord report of the Flipin in the field of the construction of Bamyan – Yakawlang street , he felicitate this project to the residents of these provinces as well.” Based on the speeches of the public affairs minister which he discourse in this ceremony,” this project will rid into two years and include about 136km streets into two periods. The first term of it is 54km which starts from the Miadan Shahre and includes the way of Ba’alawa, many bridges and the wall of one gallery in the climax of Oney. The minister of public affairs said,” with the special attention which president and his deputy have in this field the ministry of public affairs promise that will start the second term of if before the conclusion of the first one.”
10 warlords of country kill in Islam Qala
translated by Atif Mohamandzai
10 warlords of country last night gun down by police and coalition forces in Helmand province district of Islam Qala. Security commander of Helmand province Nabi Jan said in approving of this news said to Bakhtar agency. Enemies attacked yesterday on Islam Qala district that face with hard resistance of police and coalition forces and due to this killed 10 enemies. In expressing of this didn’t occur any injury to National police and coalition forces. In this fighting coalition forces also used from air forces.
Again killing of the innocent people.
Translated by Abdul Hassib
Eight women include one child killed in the martyred of the bomb attacks of America in the east of the Kunar province of country on Thursday, the American force hasn’t given any opinion about this incidents, but the president of our country Hamed Karzai has shown his reaction more harsh than the past incidents and the made a delegation for the asses of this incident. Up to the place which this incident depend to the crucial and serious reaction of the president we must to hint that it doesn’t have any value before the persons who render these actions and they will take easy all these assertions of the president in this sphere. Like wise many days before ten members of the national police exposed the air bombing attacks of American force and martyred and our president told,” he is so harsh on the occurrence of this incident but what will receive from his harshness and anger to the pain full people? People haven’t forgotten the remembrance of the painful, agonising and grief full incidents yet, and as we know that president became angry and harsh full in all these incidents and made a delegation for the asses of the incident but basically it is not clear that investigations have been done on them or not? If there would be some investigation from this kind of incidents as well the result of it didn’t broadcast, because president cant see him self to the position which will be able to plead from the blood of his compatriots. So in a brief resulting we know this theme that the getting angry and asserting of anger and harsh ness from president in this field is just for the preservation of his guise and cannot render some thing for the killing of the innocent people of our county it means that he cannot plead from the blood of innocent residents of our country. In the conclusion we must to crucially hint to this point that if the situation will prolong in the manual or method and the innocent people of our country expose to the land and air attacks of these forces every day and kill, so the line of the government opponents must to increase day by day because people must to join with them. By the contemplate of the thing which we said, if the killing of the innocent people is not harsh and illegal for the western people at least they must to think that in this rang the situation of the country is going to became more critical day by day in Afghanistan and on that time the anger of president will not be able to solve any kind of problems.
The Killed People In Shegel District Of Konar Was Belong To Alqaida
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
Spokesman of coalition forces yesterday again said with emphasis that the killed people in Shegal district of Konar were related to Alqaida and noticed a serious danger to coalition forces. In a report of Bakhtar agency, Tom Clans that yesterday morning speech in a speaking conference said, Alam Zeer with other 7 people killed in beginning of Thursday morning 25th august. Called, related to Hazb-e-Gulbadin that in collusion with Alqaida members was busy in dangerous program. He said in a emphasis that Alam Zeer counted was one serious danger for security and coalition forces. Statements of Tom Clans form in a time that Mashrano Jirga in their yesterday’s ceremony, report of senator Sakhi senator of Konar province connection to Shegal’s accident has listened and the named senator claim coalition forces that it the several time that coalition forces put under goal the non military people. Mashrano Jirga invited commander of coalition forces and NATO for answering. Spokesman of coalition forces about yesterday’s ceremony said that, till now about this we haven’t found any official documents. Whenever this issue officially in under progress that time we will decide. Due to one other news: International coalition forces under order of America says, in a result of one military operation in Orizgan province 15 warlords were killed. Tom Clans spokesman of coalition forces said in a speaking conference in Kabul that one welknown Taliban commander also killed among them. This operation completed in valley’s of central province of Orzgan and in a saying of spokesman of coalition forces, the killed people was busy in a operation against local people of Afghanistan and coalition forces. Contemporaneous local authorities in Helmand province says, 10 warlords were killed due to operation in the province. Nabji Jan security commander of Helmand said, that this accident happened in Mosa Qala district of Helmand province. Taliban calims that in this operation nothing happened to their forces. In the current time defence ministry says, one British solder killed by beating of bullet in north of Helmand province, this is the 8th solder of British that killed in during one month in Afghanistan. In a situation that, causality of British army in this country from year 2001 till now reach to 21 people. British forces in leadership guidance of NATO, finally commendatory of military operation got in it’s responsibility and in the current time 5000 British solders are present in Afghanistan.
4800 ton grapes exported to Russia from Herat province.
Translated by Abdul Hassib
4800 tons grapes exported from the way of Iran to Russia from Herat province. Based on the speeches of Sher Ahmad Ahmady the principle of the floating office of the agriculture presidency of Herat,” in the consequence of a contract among the Ahmad Shah corporation and Russia 4800 tons grapes exported to Russia by the attend of the delegation s of the Herat farmers. Based on the speeches of Mr. Ahmadi,” it resolved that 2000 tons of grapes will export to the Arabian countries according to the agreement which we had with an Indian entrepreneur. He also said that about 1000 tons of sultana/raisins from this region and about 15000 tons grapes is ready to export from this region to the foreign countries. This is in the time which the dry fruit and fruit were the parts of exports of Afghanistan to foreign countries in the last year and had effective role in the economic growth of Afghanistan, which during the war the gardens of the country envisaged to the problems like other economical bases, and effect from the drought and other problems in the country.
The operation did not finish yet for Osama bin laden
transalated by hamid safi
The spokes man for the white house to the press said the assertions of democrats faction on purpose of searching Osama bin laden is completely wrong we did not gave up for searching him and it is continue. The senator of democrat with an attack on president of America said after five years from the 11th September Alqaeeda became larger. The terrorist activities enhanced in all over the world and the president post bonded the operation to arrest Osama bin laden. The spokes man of white house said these assertions are completely inaccurate and CIA has just made some changes in its programmes.
What is happening in Takhar Province
transalated by hamid safi
Shilla an 18 years old died on be half of her brother harshness’s and up to end she remained accused even though her crime did not proof yet. Yes she died and no one asked why after her death her family announced it is a commit suicide but why no one knows. Just it says that his brother had doubts or her. The police just admitted the local’s sayings and he did nothing and arrested her parents. The human rights for women affairs of Takhar province announced harshness increased against women day by day and did nothing else. The organizations didn’t do accurate activities to this issue. The employees of Malalai magazine urged the authorities and especially the human rights for women in the province to investigate about her death and arrest those who did this to her and inform the Malalai magazine as well.
There will be pressure on the borders
transalated by hamid safi
It is said that soon 500 American soldiers will formed in Kunar province near the borders of Afghanistan and Pakistan for processing this politics. But the question is does by forming the American soldiers between Afghanistan and Pakistani borders to stop coming and goings of alqaeeda and Taliban? If we consider very deeply Pakistan formed 80000 of its soldiers in Afghanistan borders but still they are not able to stop alqaaeda and Taliban. The borders of Afghanistan and Pakistan contain of mountains, valleys, jungles and huge disserts and controlling of them is not easy. Only in the area of free tribes of waziristan1200 official well known ways exists for cars and to go on feet and it is not easy for Americans or any other forces to control. Beside these well known ways there are many other ways exist and people illegally imports and exports goods. According to a frontier affairs authority controlling of the illegal ways across the borders consists of 2000 kilometres especially in Kunar, Badakhshan, Ningarhar, Paktica and it is not easy. If the Americans control some area of the mountains and climax the terrorists are able to carry out a caravan about150 meters away from them with out the Americans attention. The Zabul and Kandahar borders have a mountaineer’s ways and some borders consist of hot desserts and the collation forces even in 24 hours can’t pass it. Zabul, Kandar, Hlmand and Nimroz are out of leadership of Americans NATO is responsible for those provinces because it is said that Americans will take responsibly of the east and they will started from Kunar province. The American forces in the year of 2001 attacked on the torah bora to finish all the remaining of Taliban and alqaaeeda but with all their powers couldn’t arrest Osama bin laden and he escaped. The intelligence of America announced at that time that they heard the voice of Osama bin laden from there. There are lots of places in Kunar as well which is not easy to control. At the moment it is said that leaders of Taliban exists in Kunar province. The ABC television of American informed that Pakistani intelligence arrested a well know commander of Taliban who knows about the hidden places of Osama bin laden , Mulla Omar , Aiman ulzawahir and others well know commanders of alqeeda and Taliban and it is possible that they are hidden in the passes ways of Kunar. So at this case we can say it will not very easy to control the Afghanistan and Pakistani borders.
The Taliban fighters come from Pakistan to Afghanistan.
transalated by hamid safi
Afghanistan is an independent country and it will be independent in the internal affairs and this is none of business of other countries. Kabul: the prime minister of Holland who is currently in Afghanistan announced that Taliban fighters come form Pakistan to Afghanistan. The prime minister of Holland yesterday after the meeting with Hamid karzai in a joined press in Kabul said at the moment Taliban comes and go from Pakistan continuing fight will be useless against them. He emphasised the world society has responsibility to struggle against terrorism and to help the Afghanistan government and for these purposes enhancements of connection between Afghanistan and Pakistani governments are important. The Holland minister said my country is ready for its cooperation. If the world society doesn’t struggle against terrorism then they have to wait and see these situations in their own countries. He also award about its 1500 soldiers to Uruzgan province. It is also in considered working on renovation as well. He emphasised that air forces of Afghanistan will energise too. Hamid karzai about the west press said they published in the recent days Afghanistan the methods of struggling against terrorism have some problems those problems effected to propaganda against me he emphasised that Afghanistan is an independent country and it doesn’t give permissions to others to interfere in it. A few west press reports said that in the resent days Hamid karzai is losing his reputation because of his government has changed into useless. He said Afghanistan was hidden captured by some foreign countries but the public did not accept that government. Karzai emphasised Afghanistan is an independent country now and we are thanks full form the world society but it doesn’t mean that Afghanistan is handing over. He about the meeting of NATO with Taliban said the Afghanistan government doesn’t know about that but the Afghanistan government will help those who want to join the government. Karzai emphasised the Afghanistan government will never do meetings with those who tries to burn schools, health centres and killing of people.
Talban burned the building Ghazni district
transalated by hamid safi
30 members of Taliban were searching the cars in kabul-kandahar roads. Taliban attacked on the district building and killed tow men and burned the district building. According to the Ghazni authorities late yesterday night Taliban attacked and killed tow workers of the district building and burned all the archive documents. Also Taliban yesterday searched the cars on Kabul-kandahar roads.
The enhancement of women in the Amanullah kingdom
transalated by hamid safi
On the basis of struggling for afghan rights, one of the rudeness of the struggling of freedom from England troops in 1919. The Independence Day is one of the greatest historical moments of the afghan nationals. And keeping this historical moment is every ones obligation because the independence is the valuable thing from our elders to struggle against the English troops. The name of king Amanullah will never connived about the Independence Day. The impendence day effected very well for improvement of social projects in the country, the psychology of majesty Amanullah, Mamood and queen Soraya for improvement of country with education and especially women are not possible and they were very interested for this shell to become educated to get the independence in their hands. They followed huge plans as follows. Enhancement of women in the social affairs: the majesty king Amanuallah on the contrary with his elders cancelled and announced to free the numbers of women which his father gathered in a house for sex and ordered from today no one has the right to deal with ladies like that. The king and his wife with cooperation of each other paved the way for education for women it means officially they started a girl’s school. Amanullah beside the M|adrasas and schools for boys he established a girls school for the first time in Kabul Afghanistan towards expansion of growth of women and in the inauguration day the queen Soraya mad an speech as follows: thanks dear God today we are opening a girls school in the shadow of majesty Amanullah and it is a great day. I am hopeful that the children of this country become experts and help towards religion and nation very hard it is clear for all audience that learning is must for boys and girls and by helping of the kind Amanullah and his minister Mr. Solaiman we have established this school. After the inauguration ceremony she gave some stationery to the girls who registered and wanted to study in the school. When the social activities of women started very soon queen Soray and her mother established another school on their own money, it was a high school. The number of students reached up to 800 students. And now we call it the Malalai high school. In Inauguration day many girls were attending the ceremony. The girls were wearing black rails and they were singing the national song and appreciated the coming of majesty Amanulllah and more than him they appreciated the queen and she made an speech and started like this. (thanks God and many thanks to God that in this short period of time and by helping of kind Amanullah we started this school and it give many meaning to us so we hope in the near future we will have bright future like having primary school and now this is a high school. This school counted very important and the scholars know the prize of this. The females students when they became educated they will solve their problems and they will work side by side of men. The king Amanullah and queen Soraya were paying attention on the education of youths inside the country and even the students went to foreign countries for higher education. Seeking and hard working towards becoming educated and going to schools for girls reached to high stage in the kingdom of Amanullah and on be half of queen Soraya it was highly appreciated and maintained by her and by her hard working the scholars of education ministry made some good and effective changes in the government principles. Even though people opinions on the basis of life for Tarzi his wife and his daughters were highly appreciated from the beginning and especially in the Kingdome of Amanullah they reached to high level. They were counting the needs of social very impassibly and they suggested for a private broadcast for women and it was approved. Then they started the broadcast it is clear that these magazines established for wemen education. In this magazine many different articles were published, and the most articles were for women health, attitude, cooking, tailors and urbanizing the children. More over the magazine introduced the social affairs of the world society. We obviously can say all the articles were about women affairs and mostly in complaining figures and for these reasons this publications were the number one in that time, and in these publications introduced the state of freedom for women on basis of Islam if any one is a Muslim then no one can buy or sell them. At the end we can say the programmes of majesty Amanullah was the greatest attitude in the country especially for women situations like for the first time women went to school and had governmental jobs and some girl went to study in the foreign countries. Like this many more huge activities took place toward expansion of women affairs day by day.
NATO took the leadership of the west
transalated by hamid safi
NATO took responsibility of struggling against terrorism in sixth provinces of west Daykundi, Uruzgan , Zabul , Kandahar, Hilmand and Nimroz these are the west provinces that NATO took responsibility against anti governmental forces. Before NATO the Americans were responsible to take care of the mentioned providences. After summiting these areas to NATO the Americans are going to be the responsible of the east. The formations in the leading of theses places made some changes in struggling strategy against anti government forces. NATO announced after taking leadership of the west they will work for rehabilitations and they will continue struggling against terrorism under control of the president Hamid karzai. The coalition forces were not under control of Afghanistan government. They claimed to continue their operations with cooperation of local governmental authorities but when searching of the houses started and people complained the local authorities they reject and they were not informed. Americans with submitting the leadership of six west provinces to NATO their operations were became very less. And it became to have a new strategy against the anti governmental armed forces of afghani and Alqaeeda in the east provinces. They announce that their soldiers are contorting the borders to see coming and going of irresponsible people and will help the security.
Fight and renovation are tow necessary commands in Afghanistan
transalated by hamid safi
Renovation will help afghans to see exists of collation forces in these five years. If we pay attention on the army and don’t consider the renovation there will be not good results. Washington: according of the assertions of the navy commander of the united states and high ranking of NATO organization with having the responsibility of security all over the country NATO must show its resistance and decisions into show. The NATO commander in a press conference in Pentagon said our clashes are with very dangerous Taliban groups and dreg smugglers. The NATO forces emphasise on the renovations. He said with renovation we will help afghans to see exists of collation forces in the past five years. He mentioned that he is leading tow main principles first one don’t make enemies and the second one is don’t do something bad for others. NATO commander said our clashes are with very dangerous and furies people. He added these people are including of Taliban members but also dreg smugglers and criminals as well. He asserted it is a strategic moment in the west factor of Afghanistan. This is the time that we must put decisions and resistance into the show. Of course the enemy wants to know is the NATO can resists and fight? And up to now we showed them yes we can fight and resist. NAOT commander said establishing of free registrar Afghanistan is only to use army. The victory which comes out from the fighting must be with renovation and on the other hand if the army fight and we don’t pay attention on the renovation then the result will be not good. NATO commander announced the factors that we are emphasized are establishing of environment and security struggling against dregs, struggling with criminals, corruptions and fight with Alqaeeda activities and Taliban. He added NATO emphasizes towards registrar and world society to go as fast as it is moving now. He asserted there will be benefit if we do our progress in the west provinces which we are doing now drawn to a forming of good changes in the lives of people.
Ustad Muhammad Zaman Muzamel in an interview with Eslah-e Millie Weekly
Ahamd Zia Rahimzai
Translated by: Hamid Stanikzai note: has been taken from Eslah-e Millie weekly
• In the history of Afghanistan the best of all wars was the war of independent of Amanullah Khan. • Our people are not as much foolish as to be cheated a hundred percent by the enemy’s propaganda. • The intelligentsia in our country pay less attention to the Islamic history, therefore they can not grow roots. Note: the name of Muhammad Zaman Muzamel is well-known in the press and media of Afghanistan, he is one of the outstanding personalities of Jehad and combat against Russians and the press and political mien of immigration environment, despite many articles, digests and researches, and he has also compiled a few books about Afghanistan. The Eslah-e Milli weekly wanted to have an exclusive interview on the occasion of the 87th anniversary of the independence of Afghanistan and the reign of independence of Amanullah Khan and the war of independence, hereby we present the interview to our readers. The administration of the Eslah-Milli hopes the reader to send their opinions and comments in this regard in order to use you comments and feed them into more research about the historical events of Afghanistan. Email: [email protected] Question: an important chapter of the history of Afghanistan starts from the assassination of Amir Habibulah Khan but after that, all the books in the history have been unable to name the identity of the killer, in your opinion, who was the killer of the Amir and what was the reason of the killing? “Praise is to the God who is the foster of both of the universes and greetings to his prophet (PBUH) Mohammad and his companions”. Although the opportunities somehow are spent in Afghanistan each year that there only remains sorrows form the events to the man but I thank the Milli Eslah weekly to have given me the opportunity to talk about above-mentioned event and the developments after that. Initially, in Afghanistan, the conflicts between the Sadozo and Mohammadzo and the interpersonal conflicts among the Sadozo tribes remained a dangerous culture as a heritage to Afghanistan and this culture is the culture of adaptability with alien to take power and this is a very weak culture and sorrowfully it still runs in Afghanistan. this is so important in Afgghanistan and secondly, there another bad culture appeared in Sadozo Family reign that one king was extremely cruel and despotic and the next king was a little bit easy and smooth in order to have lessened the pressure of the former king. In the country, Amir Abdurahamn Khan continued his sovereignty in the result of adaptability with aliens and he ran the whip of despotism cruelly and when he died away naturally, Amir Habibulah Khan his son came to power. As Habibulah Kahan had a mien of jollity, he inherited compatibility and the part of the work that his father was about to unite the country Habibulah inherited it as jollity. In this way, in Habibulah’s reign those who bore the cruelty of Abdurahamn Khan, they got a relatively opportunity to react, or we can say by other words that, those movements which had started the reaction against this family came to the stage of completing, therefore the jollification engagements of Habibulah paved the ground for them and they reacted by turn. Therefore in this stage there was a movement of constitutional which appeared as an reaction to the despotic move of Habibullah’s father but Habibullah did not stay idle against that and he reacted against it. Meanwhile, there was another revolutionize that it was the return of Kudel Khan family to Afghanistan who spent in exile in Syria, a very important character of the family was Mahmood Tarzi. Mahmood Tarzi, himself had less or more his own opinions but his daughter Queen Thuraya (the queen of Amanullah) had studied Christian schools and her opinions differed with the culture of Afghanistan, despite it, another movement outburst and that was the constitutional movement of the court. The constitutional movements outside the court were beaten brutally by Amir Habibulah but the movement inside the court was remained and developed. Amanullah, himself was a meaningful Sardar (a term given to the sons of the royal family) and he had a key role inside the court constitutional movement. At last for the Britishes, the extreme servant like services of Habibullah did not match with the brevity, grace, freedom and culture of this country and it had reached to a graceless stage, this was the time that the first world was going on and a convoy in the leadership of a Turkish jointed the Germans and they reached an agreement in behalf of the Osmani Khalif that at the same time they will start reaction with against the Russians invasion, as well as another convoy of the Indian Muslims arrived in Kabul and the Germans had the promise of 25000 riffles to Afghanistan, but these convoys had not crossed the Afghan border out that Habibulah send all the details of the plans and the information to the British governor of India and he halted the plan. This was that all the court members knew about it they knew how much this country is engaged in adaptabilities against the Muslim world! When the developments came to this stage the constitutional movement under the leadership of Amanullah designed the plan of the death of the Amir. They carried out the plan in a way that mostly the enemies of Amanullah’s family were engaged in the plot and this is the reason the mostly the people mention Nadir Khan’s involvement in the case too. Anyhow, the plan succeeded and Amanullah came to power. Question: the party of the constitutionals you pointed out to, some other Sardars such as Nasrullah Khan and Enayatullah Khan were also in it and this is said that they had an agreement and owe on the Holy Quraan jointly signed by them, in your opinion, to what extension Amanullah was involved in the plan? in the world of politics there are a lot Suspicions and as further as I know, I think Amanullah had a key role in the killing of Habibulah. Why? After Habibulah’s death nothing important happened and no important investigation which could be done for the assassination of the ruler of a county, did not take place ad the network of the killers was not found at that time or even after that. This is an exact word with no doubts. Questions: after Amanullah’s take over, the third Afghan-British war is another historical chapter in the history that Afghanistan gained political independence and this what that some historians points to it, and there was anarchism in the battle field and there was no similarity of thoughts between Kabul and the front-lines, what is your opinion about it? Answer: the statesmen make mistakes, the first stage and the last stage of their political life does not match together, the regional and the international developments also have influence on the events but Amanullah’s take over such as a prince that, indeed Amanullah had goodwill in his personality, his action of declaration of independence and the first years of his reign match with the feelings of a pious Afghan, undoubtedly, he was a religious man and loved freedom, the anarchism which occurred in the battlefield is oozing from the texture of the Afghans, secondly, very soon after his take over he immediately took action towards the declaration of independence and he did not spent such an elementary stage to be prepared for and this the habit of every Afghan ruler whether there is a military or a political challenge they immediately take action. Amanulah also repeated the mistake, therefore in such conditions that the third Afghan-Anglo war started and the war was imposed on Afghan side, so that the British did not accept the independence of Afghanistan and they prepared for war and in such short time preparation for war was out of the reach of Amanulah’s government and the anarchism was a natural phenomenon in the battle field. And when the battle ended by getting the independence this was a significant result of the war deficiencies in battle field are not important, the truth is that among all wars the Amanullah’s war for freedom was the best of all, there were wars before this with the British but they had bad results, the result of the second Afghan-Anglo war was worse than the first one. The war that it brought dignity to Afghans was the very war. This is a separate issue that the last stages of Aamanullah’s reign had its own facts and conditions and he faced with difficulties. Question: during the war of independence, the constitutional movement of the court as you termed, how much was engaged in the war? Answer: initially, Afghanistan is country that the characters are of great accountability here, I think if you do not start from the top from the bottom (subordinate) you will bear loses and damages. Based on this reason, the republic government of Dawood also started from the court personal, it was a great transition and much people participated in it but the central role belonged to Dawood Khan, and if sometimes the people thought without having a specified individual or in the obscene of an individual, there have been a lot of problems for them. Therefore naturally, Afghanistan was a backwarede country at the time and this is a natural fact that if, there was not Amanullah and his environment and not to tell them the word of freedom and not to stand firmly against them, and if the infrastructure of the movement was not strong, at the level of the nation the action of independence may could fail and it may not bring about as much good results as it did and in each conflict, our people mostly depend on the court and on the power. When a deed starts from the court there a good balance can be seen and it passes all the stages to come to conclusion in the best way, therefore we can exactly say that Amanullah and his environment had a key role in the independent war. They, themselves (the court) had observed the mistakes of Habibulah everyday and these mistakes mostly affected the court environment than the common people. That was a very bad milestone in the history of Afghanistan and the world. I think that the conditions at the beginning of the twentieth century were the same as in the beginning of the twenty first century, at that time the British started a graceless invasion and the Muslims were not comfort in any part of the world, it overthrew the Khalif of Turkey, and the darkness stretched on the Muslims, at the moment you can see that in Muslim world there are four-five wars by the so-called names and you see the courtier governments of the Islamic world have given hand to others to beat the Muslim world, Muslims are killed and the economy of Muslims is ruined and the reason for being blame also rests in the Muslim world and they have initiated the name terrorism for this purpose. We observe it everyday in our own country, sometimes in Zabul sometimes in Helman and sometimes in another province in the result of the ISAF forces bombardment dozen of people are killed, what will be the end of this? It requires thinking about it. That stage was a bitter stage as the late one, indeed Amanullah Khan did a great work at that stage. Question: as you mentioned that the Amanulah’s deed of independence was a great achievement but during his sovereignty there were some problems and he did not succeed to accomplish the hopes of the nation, in your opinion, what were the greatest mistakes of Amanullah and their future affects? Answer: Amanullah achieved the independence in such a time that from one hand the most powerful centre of the world, the Islamic Khalifate of Turkey was overthrowing in Turkey that it practically fell down during Amanullah, believe that, at the time the scholars got together in Al-Azhar University of Egypt discussing the fall of the Islamic Khalifate and that this was the religious obligation of the Muslims to establish the Islamic Khalifate and now no one is an efficient character but Amanullah why he has achieved independence and the discuss was going on to select Amanullah as the Khalif, sorrowfully Amanullah as a young king in opposintion to the British and then after the war was caught in such conflicts that he did not have anything for future resistance and for the leadership of the nation, he was caught in a very big rivalry, a poor nation and a regime that does not have anything and stood either against Russia that two treaties were imposed on him and also was involved in conflict with the British. At the beginning Aamnullah was not far away from religion, in the family of Sadozo Aamnullah was the only one to have a great amount of religious information, he used to spoke in Eidgah mosque to the people and assisted the Mujahideen of Bukhara heartedly and he used to support them but he was caught in bad conditions, on one side the Soviet Union as a super power was approaching and on the side was the British involved actively in war with him. He commited some mistakes and may be any young ruler does the mistakes, he wanted to modernize the country but yet he had not made the minds of the religious scholars, he took some steps in this regard but the people reacted and Amannullah countered to the reaction of the people and this made Amanullah not to be one of the pious statesman, he spoke in a way and he did certain programs that practically Amanullah was considered to be a non-Muslim ruler and I think these all came from his youth and his problems. He was in a very difficult stage he wanted to modernize the country and turn it to a power but before making the minds of the people he did some programs that his second queen Thuraya had an open hand in his programs and this was his mistake. Thus, the British also had a key role in it, the presentation he gave and was countered by the reaction of the Mullahs and the programs he accomplished was sabotaged by the British. Believe me, the anti-Islam actions during the late Mujahidden government up to the current government in all these three governments were much more than that of the Amanullah’s government but at that time the Mullah was a natural Mullah but now Mullah is adaptable, the Mullah of that time was not able to analysis the issues well therefore Amanullah was in conflict but todays Mullah does not want to be caught in conflict. I believe that now there is a lot of ruthlessness and disgrace ness than Amanullah’s time. But his own reactions created the problems. Anyhow, this is the mistake, undoubtedly Amanullah Khan was such a king who won the independence he did not analysis the thoughts and the conditions of his society to fulfil he policies, therefore something happened that he remained a culture to his nation after his demise. What Amanullah did, was repeated twice or for three times during the late forty years and still it is going on, instead of making programs, the TV channels that provoke the youth and the young journalists, they do not think of the conditions of their own society, I think the very issues strengthen the resistance in the south and they are the main characters who strengthen the resistance in the south against the current government. Question: Amanullah’s deeds caused some armed risings that according to some historians such as Ghulam Mohammad Ghubar as well as the authorities of the late government criticize the interferences of the British in provoking and stimulating them, what are your opinions about it? Answer: I respect Ghulam Mohammad Ghubar as a historian, but Ghubar is a part of the modern caravan of that time and still is indifferent for the minds, conditions and environment of his nation. If you ask the people they still say that the neighbours interfere in our country, I say this a natural issue and there are interferes all countries interfere then the British shall be the first to interfere but the truth is that what did Amanullah do dring his last stage of the government? And without preparing the ground for them anyone who does such things naturally the reaction of the people will be like what happened. The reaction of the people differs from the interference of aliens; our people are not as much foolish as to be cheated 100% by the propaganda of the others. These 25% interferences are affective. But 75% the government itself is blame, and the government is not able to prepare itself then it blames the others. If Amanullah had gone gradually and step by step those reactions could not occur. How can there be reactions against a king who won the independence for the country, when Amanullah declared the independence the people voluntarily fought for the country, how can the people then stand in front of such a king? This book (Ghubar’s book) sorrowfully has the mistake. It can be that Ghubar may have communist ideology in his youth, and the analysis can ooze from those thoughts and in his book he tries to omit the religious depth in the country. I say not only it happened during Aamnullah but were repeated during the Khalq and Parcham (two communist branches of right and left of people democratic party of Afghanistan) and lets for a hundred times test this in our country, our people do not try to find out who did this, but they do not want the religion to be disregarded, despite the fact that the religious enthusiasm has become weak nowadays. I believe that the operation which is going on in the south is 30 % Pakistan’s role but 70% are the Afghans themselves who want to resist the government. The civilized sect of our country that has less relationship with religion try to be indifferent for the religious history of Afghanistan, they have hostility against the religion and I believe that they can not organize roots in the country. Question: We get to the conclusion that, the risings against Amanullah although were not empty of foreign interference but were movements against the king’s deeds? Answer: yes! We can accept 20-25 % foreign interference the rest was all the sensitivities of the people. I do not say that the reaction was right but I say that it was the national sensitivities of the people, if term it right or wrong it will come out by time and it does not need my judgement if I was asked to judge in my opinion better to have had negotiated with Amanullah and the reaction could be delayed for some time, instead of declaring the Jihad better to have reached an understanding. Therefore our rulers always take immediate actions and our nation reacts soon. Question: How much do you positively evaluate the stance of Amanullah and that of the late government’s? Answer: I think the great loss of Amanullah was that he lacked national experiences, 50% of the loss relates to him and the other half related to his environment which was made by Mahmood Tarzi and as a metal wall it kept Amanullah away from his people, until the time that all the people had stood against him he had not comprehended the situation, and no one let him to understand that the people are rising and one of those personals was Mahmood Tarzi. Any time when there words of the people’s dissatisfaction, the people are disappointed! He would be opposed. The father of Musa Shafiq told about it in the Loya Jirga of Paghman that “the people worry about your programs from the religion point of view”, but Mahmood Tarzi interfered and said that there are certain circles who oppose, this is not so much important then we see that Mahmood Tarzi was the one who Amanullah trusted him a lot and the very trust took Amanullah to a very critical stage that its compensation was not easy. Why the Afghan nation is a nation it just lose the trust on someone and as the recent war of Lebonan wen 130 bridges broke down then how will the ruler be able to go to the nation. Amanullah, stood in the crossroad and as a sincere Sardar said that (there is no other God but Allah and Mohammd is his messenger), I am a Muslim but a Dari speaker Kabuli told him after that, “now you saw its power”. Amanullah did the great work for the nation at the first stage of his rule and that was freedom and another one at the end that when he went to Kandahar after a slight move then he did not stand against the nation and he left the power. This was the greatness of Amanullah when he found the situation different, he did not want the nation to get busy with him. He did not want the war to be started and the great commander of the nation shall fight his nation. This was a greatness and no one did it, it means that some feel shy who had fought against the Russians then why shal he fight against Afghan parties, but Amanullah was a Sardar and he know the conceptions of nobility and dignity, he knew that I m the hero of the freedom why should stand against my nation? I think this was a great sacrifice, unless this weak nation who is fighting one to each other he fights them for thirty years. And he was not sheep hearted why he had a great example of heroism, he did the greatness and left the nation o its own condition and went. Question: how much similarity you see with the conditions after the fall of Amanullah with the condition of today? Answer: the history of our country has a lot similar chapters, our statesmen and the intelegensia when they have planned to modernize the country they came to the country in two –three cycles but I think they did not learn from the previous period and they repeated the mistakes again and this is so much sorrowful and those who want to preserve the religion and culture on this country they should preserve the past time and its ranges. In our country, during Amanullah, if the people made small pretexts from such small words such as making the women to show their face to the public to big conflicts, at the present time the religious people make pretexts from so small words and turn them to serious disturbances to the government, here someone inspects people for their beard, there someone inspects for a cassette in the case that in this country very big things are damaged, these all can be reformed by commendations after a change. We bore damages in repeating such experiences e.g. as a nation we faithful to a signal word as a nation that had a strong hate against the aliens and still we have the nation with the 50% of the previous specifications. As a last question: some analysis that, when our people are engaged in a war with aliens the act affectively n unity but in the field of politics they can not get the advantages in what extension do you agree this? Answer: it can be analysed in two three ways, fundamentally this is a right word, the experience showed that Amanullah won the war and after that he faced with problems and it had a religious aspect, the Talib came here, the world, Pakistan, the Persian gulf countries, the nation and in the recent government two third of the people recognized the Talib, Ustad Rabani send them money, Ustad Sayaf had links with them, Abdul Haq and Karzai took part in there commissions but when the Taliban came to power the Taliban could not understood the people they fought the Mujahedeen for nothing and in the result of war they lost everything. I think that when Afghans want to do a great order they want to do it under the rays of religion and culture and they spend the cycles but when they come to power then they are faced with problems. Regime is such a thing the people take in mind 50% of the national values and 50% the values of the neighbouring countries and the remote world, how to make a regime and how to take steps, sorrowfully, when our nation reaches the success they want things 100% for themselves, they think that it does not belong to the neighbours and they do not know why should they observe the demands of the neighbours and then they take such steps that the neighbours and the other world find their way through them and this the above-mention 25% and the rest 70% they use their own dissatisfaction. Therefore the reason that the governments fail here is that they do not observe the regional and the international conditions. For this reason, America, Russia and British made the Mujahideen to fight against each other and they fought as much hard as they still can not spoke of the truth (the outer world made us to fight) to the nation. Sorrowfully, still our leaders call them the wisest people of the world and they think that they have never committed a mistake, why do they fight the countryman? They better know that how America and Russia did made us to fight each other and they hide it from the nation because they will never have dignity but if they confess, the future generations may forgive them. Anyhow, this is a great problem in our country that our educated and civilized sect of the nation are not sincere, they do not want to preserve the bitter experiences in the history to be an example for the others. E.g. the Russian communists confessed and accepted defeat but our communists does not accept their mistake, the Mujahideen came to power and they committed same mistakes as the communists but we did not hear a manly confess from them, after that the Talib and now this regime, each one did mistakes by turn and they do not know that these mistakes takes their lives, and if they do not commit mistakes or if they commit mistakes and confess and accept the their mistakes it will cause our new generation to find a solution and this is a great mistake in our country that the statesmen never confess on their mistakes.
in basis of air strike of NATO in Hilmand 13 Taliban fighters died.
transalated by hamid safi
Lashgar ga: the NATO forces and national security locals said 13 Taliban fighters in a fresh air stick clash were killed. A spokes man of NATO on Friday said with an air strike of NATO forces on a caravan of Taliban in Hilmand at least seven Taliban was died. According to this spokes man Taliban were preparing to attack on Hilmand province. Zabul police said on the Friday six Taliban in a long clash were killed. Also Taliban attack to a residence house and killed one civilian and tow soldiers were injured.
Is NATO going to fail in its historical moment?
transalated by hamid safi
Is NATO set up in the failure stage? Is NATO in its first chore out of its borders which can’t resists in hot weathers of Hilaman, Daykundy, kandahar, Zabul and Uruzgan provinces to defeat Alqaaeda and Taliban? Does NATO know what situation Daykundi has and set its one of the operation centres in Daykundi? A few days a go in continues year when we went to the submission of the leaders ship with an army helicopter which consists of a French and an Afghan reporters I asked the commander of NOTA the following questions. I asked the chief commander are you sure that the anti governmental forces exists in Daykundi provience and NATO wants to have operations in there? In that situation a very bad voice of the army helicopters the chief commander said we have information that the Alqaeeda and Taliban enhanced in Daykundi province. He continued while the temperature was over 40 and he was swatting NATO in its first mission out of its borders will win. On that situation almost 45 to 50 minutes way from Kabul to Kandahar I did not have any chance to ask questions from the chief commander of NATO who has British nationality. During the flight I took notice of tiredness of commander’s guards. I was watching the American spokes man of ISAF and NATO who had closed his eyes and swatting. After 50 minutes trip we reached to another very hot place. I even though wanted to go alone but a guard was leading me and other tow reporters. The submission ceremony started near the air port in a very hot weather. We entered to very hot place. There were already many reporters. Ambassadors of United States, England and Canadian, The governors of Zabul, Kandahar and Hilmand were there. I asked from Kandahar governor that because of insecurity do you sleep in PRT building. He did not answer the kandahar governor just said I don’t want to answer this question. The unasked answer memorized me the situation which had happened few months ago that I asked this gentleman that in Kandahar money gives for destroying the pope fields but it is planting and smuggling in Kandahar what do u say about this? He said the same thing I don’t want to answer this question. The governor has decided that he will never answer my questions. The ceremony started. It was accurate that the defence minister of Afghanistan, leaders of Unites States forces and also NATO for the aspects of hot weather will talked very fast and wants the ceremony finish very soon. The sentences start. I was watching the Afghanistan defence minister wearing the army uniform which was for the first time for me to see him in army uniform and it is obvious he wear it because he did not have another choice. I noticed that the coalition, NATO, ISAF and afghan forces that have specific chores for the official submission of the leadership are tired. While the army authorities were speaking I saw the soldiers can’t resist the hot weather. One of them who had American flag on his shoulder wanted to leave the row it means he was tired of the hot weather. I was taking notice of the incardinating of soldiers and I was imagining these soldiers will not be able to resist in the hot weathers except one thing that they can do is to stay at the army camps and spend the huge money which sanctioned from their parliaments. The ceremony ended. After a few hours we started our journey back to Kabul by that army helicopter that we had gone to. On the way I did not ask any question from NATO chief commander. He was sleeping it means he was so tired because of the hot weather. After one day we heard that a NATO soldier was killed and after tow days another one and up to now 10 soldiers were killed in the west provinces and NATO couldn’t achieved any goals yet but they clearly back warded as well. It might be an historical back warded for the first time for NATO out of its borders. A few days ago the representative of head advisor of United Nations mentioned a major defeat of NATO. A clear back ward that we must asked to invite Taliban in Germany’s session. These assertions of representative of head advisor of United Nations might be the biggest alls of the international authorities in these past years. Today the English troop’s commander in Afghanistan said that English soldiers are in worst conflict in the past 60 years. The NATO commander added that the English troops in Afghanistan are facing the longest and the worst fights after the Second World War. He said to the reporters the English troops are in worst and longest fight and I think this current situation is much worsens from the Korea fights in year 1952 and 1939 and completely uncommon. He added some English troops back warded from some parts of the Hilaman province and national army took place instead of them. The internal commission press according to informing recourses of England wrote that 40 up to50 thousands of NATO forces needed to control the Hilmand province. These assertions showed that NATO must leave the country and go back. If NATO will not be able to reach to winter season we can say NATO is facing its historical defeat in Afghanistan. So we are hopeful to Afghanistan national army will do their responsibilities for the security of public.
Death of children
transalated by hamid safi
In our country the average of child death are very huge and because of lack of health centres in the most villages of our country, lack of food and effective fruits for pregnant mothers, lack of birth centres in most places of Afghanistan, lack of food and medicines, malnutrition of children and diarrhoea and etc effected that daily 500 up to 700 our child are dying. Averages of deaths for children are unnatural and furious. Sometimes in hot weathers and some times in cold winter weather we hear the huge death of children which make us very depressed and it is painful for all the human beings. For the countries like Afghanistan which had passed three decades of war the average of childes death are extraordinary shameful. Poverty which follows and threats many families to bad effects for children and it cause the children to die, and epidemic diseases are very enhance in our country.
The industrial company of Jabil Saraj turned over to private sector
transalated by hamid safi
Today in mine ministry a private sector company won the competition and leased the Jabil Saraj cement factory for the period of 30 years. According to Rahi najat reporter the mine minister had a speech a bout the factories situation said this company was established 45 years a go and it doesn’t have any production. He said with a free competition the company of Handi golden won the competition. He added with turning over of the company to private sector the production of this company must increase to one million ton every year after renovation. He pointed about the participation tow companies by the names of Jawed limited and Wadig zai limited and a foreign company and added for the transparency and more information on this issue running over of this cement company we put adds and announced and tow afghani companies with one foreign company presented for this job. But foreign company won the competition and today in front of reporters and deputies of the ministries we are announcing. The minister of mine about participation said we put one million dollar for this project if the company are not able to run it then we can take our losses form that amount of money and in one year we will take 800 thousands dollars for the leasing this company with all its material and government will receive 8 up to 9 million dollars each year. He also announced about selling one million dollar raw material to this company and added on first six months of the starting contract we will not take fair for the company and the company must developed and within three years there must be build a new company fully modernize beside this one and after three years their production has to increase up to one million ton cement each year.
Three rocket were launched into fifth district of Kabul
transalated by hamid safi
The spokes man of interior ministry today in the morning informed about three fire rockets in fifth district of Kabul. The press office of interior ministry in a phone conversation to Rahi Najat reporter said this evidence happened today about 4 or 5 in the morning. According to interior ministry reports no one has killed only the classes of windows have broken and a car damaged.
NATO forces killed a soldier and six were injured
transalated by hamid safi
The press office of ISAF forces in a conference announced that NATO forces killed a governmental soldier in the west and six soldiers are injured. In this announcement that today broadcasted it is written these soldiers were killed and injured while they were not paying attention of NATO’s warnings. They were on a truck in Zhiri district of Kandahar and they were getting very close to the NATO’s base. This announcement added after the evidence it became specific that those were the local security forces of Afghanistan. The ISAF in an announcement emphasised 40 minutes after the causality a non army car with tow people inside it were getting close to the NATO’s base and its driver did not pay attention for the warnings and it was getting closer and after firing of NATO forces they injured. All these injured were carried by a helicopter to the army hospital of NATO in the west for treatments. A group of ISAF and local security forces are investigating to fined out the main reason of these firings.
Children are future builders
transalated by hamid safi
Not to pay attention to children who are the trees of future. If we pay attention of the children we let them to become educated and prepare them from miseries then the future will be full of graces for the coming generations or in the contrary poverty, unfortunate and back warden will continue and the new generation will be effective in a very bad situation. Children and youths are the effective parts of social lives and can change the directions very fast into good or bad factors. The families and social situation form this that its child goes to right or wrong way. On basis the families and social situation is good then the children will go to the same directions and on the contrary if the social and families are not well educated then the child not even goes to wrong directions there it will great more problems for its family, social and public. Urbanizing of the children in our society that we have lack of it is really very important and it put the families into huge challenges. Paying attention and urbanization and health issues of them are very big problems of the families.
Deliveries of babies
transalated by hamid safi
With all the poverty that our country faces mostly the families don’t have specific programmes to birth a child culture and irresponsibility on this issue is our main problems. Even though there are some effective treatments for preventing of deliveries in short periods. But mothers and fathers did not pay attention in this issue and that is why mothers get pregnant. The unplanned deliveries not just puts mother to sickness it also brings poverty like food, clothes and on basis of education to the children which submits misbehaved children to the society. These children will not be able to find their needs in the future or work for the bitterness of the society. The gauge shoes that every half an hour mothers delivers a baby in our country and it is because of irresponsibility’s of mothers and fathers. More over the problems that we don’t have doctors and delivery centres in most parts of the country. The deliveries cause’s mothers to lack of energy and disability and after one or tow deliveries mothers can’t deliver any more child and have to die nothing else. In this issue the men have harshest attitude and some men think that mothers are the machinery to produce babies. They want their children must to complete a dozen and they don’t prevent and don’t pay attention. They pretend they are living in the past centuries and they don’t have any knowledge of the modern society.
America released five prisoners of Quintana of Afghanistan nationality
transalated by hamid safi
The defence ministry of United States on Saturday announced that fine prisoners of the Quintana jail carried to Afghanistan. The reports which came from the Washington on its internet side of news did not mention the names of the prisoners. In this report it is said after reanalysis one hundred and twenty prisoners will be carried and released to their countries In past June after committing suicide of the three prisoners and immorality of United States forces against prisoners fourteen UAE prisoners will be released and will carried to their countries. According total announces on be half of Pentagon 315 prisoners were released up to now.
The women situation in aspects of economic is very weak
transalated by hamid safi
Deputy of presidency for deployment economics of women affairs in an exclusive meeting to the Rarhi Najat reporter said the women situations in every aspects especially in aspect of economy is very weak. He was making a speech during three-day workshop for enhancement of economic hoods for women while there were many presidents and deputies of providential for deployment of women economy affairs were among the audience. With calling of the participation for women economy of Afghanistan there are programs that we have to work on that for this part of women difficulties and through this work shop we are intending to enhance the hoods of women activities. By implementing of women economical activities we will develop the surface of women economy in all over the country. The deputy counted these programs same to the London sanctioned programs and mention we are hopeful according to London programmes we will be able to enhance 20% percents of women activities in Afghanistan. According to his saying last year they had tow work shops for enhancement of women hoods that he counted the results beneficial. We have practical programs and it is ready to implement.
Five kids were born at the same time form a mother
transalated by hamid safi
Ghazni: a 35 years old woman born five Childs. One of her sons died after a few minutes and the rest childs are fine. According to Ghazni doctors form five Childs tow of them were boys and three of them were girl. One of the boys died after the delivery but the others are having better situation. Doctors said the lady is a Khokyani district residence and her new Childs weights are less than tow kilo grams. She reached to nice children now.
Leader of Maidan Wardak provincial Shora, Haji Mohammad Hazrat Janan
translated by Atif Mohamandzai
OUR WORK IS GOING ON IN GOVERNOR’S DECISION AND GUIDANCE Up to an limit we reach the problems of tribe to ears of authorities. Q- Do you have any problem about provincial tasks to you or not, if there is, than did you get any action in dispel of that? A- in task of provincial Shora that some tasks are exist in front of provincial Shora that is law’s incomplete that in the named law, tasks and rights don’t clear much, provincial Shora in a country is a new phenomenon that our compatriots and governmental authorities are not much familiar with it. And we for solving of this problem render our request to Mashrano Jirga and Wolisi Jirga and we have in a think that in upcoming soon time the condition of provincial Shora law and Maidan Wardak in responsible administrations, districts and poor people problems said to president and member of cabinet. Q- about working of provincial authorities how much is your discernment, and there is requests about this or not? A- with provincial authorities about working discernment is contentmentable , administration of provincial Shora servant shovel before attired in focusing of province position, those scholars and leaders which come in the province for consulting or their environmental problems we are very appreciating them. And invite us from side of governor in PCB, Dayag prevention of drug, and reconstruction ceremonies. We discussed with health, education, agriculture water and electricity and they gave information about their done work and discovery plan and problems. Q- till now you did the countable work and what is your plan for future. A- it was the first step of our working and we had a lot of problems in dispite of this those works which provincial Shora done, it is following. Our all delegations were present in service to government and poor peoples. Provincial Shora it’s districts and tribes problems reach to authorities and help with the numbers of people help in responsible administration of province. Minister of education and scholars participation we meet and requests with minister of education, that from side of minister construction of one teacher’s college some religious schools professional Laycee and promised the dating of pit in all schools. And also meeting with Turkish PRT team we put the responsibility of reconstruction on it. In resulting of requesting, big promise in cooperation in schools, agriculture, dams, bridges and electricity. Residencial numbers problems of 99 Maidan Khar families in compassion and guidance of governor we solved with municipality and also we rende the want of shopkeepers to Municipality that in result Anayatullah Rasoli municipal of Maidan Khar gave place in legal price to all shopkeepers.
Prosecution operation of Bin Ladin is not end
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
Tony Inso spokesman of republic America said to the reporters that members of Hezb-e-Democrate, based on this that Bush’s government deserted from prosecution of Osama Bin Ladin, completely wrong and this operation is not deserted. Hari Red, democrate senator with attack said to Bush government. 5 years after from 11 September Alqaida inter as a big operational network. Attacking of terrosist in all over the world increases. And republic president that had operation in capturing of Bin Ladin, he accessioned. Asno said, these statements are completely wrong and CIA is busy in coordination and therefore, created changes in this program.
Foreign policy of Afghanistan is going to which way?
translated by Atif MOhmandzai
Wolisi Jirga of Afghanistan travelling through ceremony that dated 19, august 2006, with issuance of announcement, supported from fighting of Libnan people against Israel. Praised that, due to this announcement that issued from side of international commission affair of Wolisi Jirga. Seriously adjudged violations of cruel Israel against People of Philistine and Libnan. Delegations of Wolisi Jirga want the release of selected members of Philistine’s parliament and members of government cabinet of Philistine that was against all international balance from side of cruel solders of Israeli captured and punish them. Issued announcement from side of Wolisi Jirga show good feel’s of parliament members of Afghanistan about one acute and fundamental issue of Islam world. But much regret place of this, that Afghanistan government especially ministry of foreign affair sit silent in a cruel violation on Muslim people of Libnan and Philistine, and doesn’t show any reaction against. But with a lot of regret ministry of foreign affairs and total governmental apparatus of country, didn’t get the feel of their people and always cover his eyes from issues, and basic problems of Islamic countries. Even though Dr. Rangeen Dadfar Spanta foreign minister of country, during giving of confidence votes from Wolisi Jirga, he emphasised, during expressing of working tasks and foreign policy of country with near relation with Islam world. But that things that today can see, the expressed issues during giving of confidence vote from parliament was limited to that stage and enough. And there is no scarve in implementation of that. Today that we can see that the current government focusing to have connection with powerful countries of western world.
Gangsters attack of wedding place with gerund
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
Hamid Karzai president of Islamic republic Afghanistan, terrorist action in Lashkarga city, Helmand province that casused 17 stranger compete riots killed, was seriously condemned. And divulging condolence to their family. In a report of Bakhtar agency, in press announcement that deployed by spokesman of republic presidency office, said, “enemeies of afghan people yesterday noon with conclusion of terrorist attack in one crowed bazaar of Lashkarga city that caused the martyrdom of 17 people and injured of 48 other stranger compatriots. Hamid Karzai with divulging of deep sadness said, killing and wounded of innocent people in Bazars and shops nothing just have enimity with happensness and stability nothing else. Enemies want to put in fear the people of Afghanistan in order to don’t work and activity. Republic minister said, Afghanistan people have a high ambition and from (like a slaughtered animal) effort of country enemies will never fall in fear.
Gangsters attack of wedding place with gerund
translated by Atif MOhmandzai
Armed unknown people in Sabri area district of Yaqobi Khost province in a apartment that there was a wedding party, hurled gerund. Colonal Yaqob chef of criminal security commandery of Khost province yesterday said, to Bakhtar agency, that in this accident one person killed and 13 people were wounded, but local Doctors of Khost hospital says, that 22 injured are carried here. One of the doctors by the name of Mohammad Wali Nori said the numbers of wouned people more. He said the condition of two wounded people are very bad, and they are in emergency department in comma condition. Mohammad Gul one of the resident of the area said to Bakhtar agency, that music program was continue from night in a apartment, that by some unknown people hurled genud on them. He said, the population of Taliban in this area is much, it is possible that this action have been done by Taliban.
Hamid Karzai condemned the terrorist attack in Lashkarga
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
Hamid Karzai president of Islamic republic Afghanistan, terrorist action in Lashkarga city, Helmand province that casused 17 stranger compete riots killed, was seriously condemned. And divulging condolence to their family. In a report of Bakhtar agency, in press announcement that deployed by spokesman of republic presidency office, said, “enemeies of afghan people yesterday noon with conclusion of terrorist attack in one crowed bazaar of Lashkarga city that caused the martyrdom of 17 people and injured of 48 other stranger compatriots. Hamid Karzai with divulging of deep sadness said, killing and wounded of innocent people in Bazars and shops nothing just have enimity with happensness and stability nothing else. Enemies want to put in fear the people of Afghanistan in order to don’t work and activity. Republic minister said, Afghanistan people have a high ambition and from (like a slaughtered animal) effort of country enemies will never fall in fear.
in one suicide attack in Lashkarga province 17 people were killed and 47 people were wounded
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
In Lashkarga city of Helmand province yesterday noon 17 people in time Martyred and 47 people were wounded that a sucide attack happened in Market of Bazaar, Laskarga’s emergency hospital called the condition of these 17 person bad. Nabi Jan Mullah Khel security commander of Helmand province in a information, that the attackers identity still didn’t recognize but in this accident including of sucide attacker 17 people were martyred and 47 people were wounded. Chef of press office of ministry of interior affair said in the approving the news to Bakhtar agency, in the wounded people 15 people of them are children. The wounded people are carried out to the emergency hospital and doctors called the health condition of these 17 people are bad.
Divulging condolence
translated by Atif MOhmandzai
Hamid Karzai president of Islamic republic of Afghanistan expressed his condolence about falling of American passengers airplane that killed 49 people. In a report of Bakhtar agency, press office of republic presidency in spreading of announcement wrote about this. This passengers airplane Sunday with 50 passengers and servants after fly of some moment fall in Kantaki, locates in east of united state of American. That without one person all the passengers were killed, president of Afghanistan in delegation of afghan people divulged his condolence to families of martyrdom united state of America.
The three bases of government completed
Translated by Abdul Hassib
 Holding of Loya Jirga, ratification of constitution, the electing of president and the formation of national soviet were the best and highest paces and experience of our country which have shown that Afghanistan put solid paces toward supplying of democracy and certainty and strengthening of people sovereignty.  Security and peace are not the tasks to can achieve them by the ethical statements in such a full of riot world. Afghanistan must be prosperous of power full and arm with the aspiration of home loving national army to that the past pets should not be repeated back.  We want to guide or propel our country toward the new technology of the world and we want to have improved and develop country for the people of our country. The parliament of Afghanistan solemnly held in the 18December 2005 in the country. The first session of the country parliament has been held after three months and cause that the envoys of our country people gather to gather under one umbel and could award legitimate to the sovereignty of government and could complete three bases like legalizing force, executive force and judicial of the Islamic Republic government of Afghanistan. With the formation of parliament in Afghanistan all the articles of Bon agreement has been executed and this agreement is going to join with the old history of Afghanistan. The first solemn session of parliament held by attend of Deck Chiny the deputy of America presidency, general Mak Kol the envoy of the vice president of England, Shorwader the envoy of European united parliament, Sarda Mohammad the envoy of Pakistan, Jan Mery Jenalo, the deputy of head advisor of united nation in the peace affairs and the ambassadors of the foreign countries in spit of the attend of the Afghanistan parliament envoys and the country personalities. The national soviet of Afghanistan forms from the envoys of parliament (Wolsi Jirga, lower house) and the advisor’s soviet (Mishrano Jirga). According to the constitution of the country 249 envoys of lower house (Wolsi Jirga) in the parliament election elected by the straight voting of people which they could be able to find way in the parliament. The members of consulting soviet or ( Mishrano Jirga) is form from 102 persons which from this amount 34 of them are the elected envoys of the provinces, from this amount 34 of them are from the elected envoys of the districts and the 34 remain persons of the are those persons who elect by president of country. President Hamed Karzai in the inauguration ceremony of parliament in the recitation of one important statement presented a report from the acts of the government in the past four years and the economical, security and the social situation of our country to the envoys of lower house. In the continuation of reports president of our country hinted to the aspirations, faiths, and targets of our government in the future for each aspects in the country that we can say the forth coming readiness of government is in the economical, security,, social, political and foreign relations. For the importance of the statement we mention briefly from the statement: Dear guests Ladies and gentlemen: We inaugurate the first legalizing period of the national soviet of Islamic Republic government of Afghanistan in the name of God and by the hope of pleasure and proud full Afghanistan in the future. I am grade full from great God which gave this opportunity for our nation to be magistrate on their dispensation. This assembles and the scar of the proud of the Afghanistan people for the retake of their sovereignty count as the compassion of God in the people of our country. The men and women of our country proud full and solid stead for plead from their home land and religion in the long periods of history. People of our country rescued the dispensation of the country history from annihilation, this water and dust have many yeas or long legged and it will remain for along time in the future as well. Excellency envoys of Afghanistan people! The three bases of Afghanistan in the gleam of constitution has been completed after the formation of national soviet in this country. This is the place of this that we must to remember those men and women who provide this historic opportunity for us by the devotion of their sweet bodies. Dear attorneys! The completing of the three bases doesn’t mean the rendering of all the affairs. There are more difficult responsibilities in the precursor which that one is the diagnosing of the disposals and inception of the responsibility in the rendering of these three bases faithfully. In this important point of history in the country, the role of the national soviets as the legalizing force and the expressing of democracy is risk full and important. The political organs of our country must to flourish their faith and honesty for the government of our country. The sound competition among the political bases and organs for the serving to their people is use full for the people of this country. But the basic honesty for the government of Afghanistan, government in the concept of people, territory and people sovereignty is not the base which could be able to renounce from it. Cooperation, competitions, and more endeavours must be done for the government to reach to the top of serving for the people of the country. The competition in the diverse varieties for the reaching to the best way, for the owing of the independence election rights to the people of our country will cause the society and political society to be sound. In this place we want to give confident to the people and you envoys of the people which the government know it self as the server of the society and obedient of the codes and respect to the decision of the government bases. The invigoration of the three bases of government, expansion of squadron based on the codes and riding to interfere of terrorist, breaking the codes; corruption and victory on the poverty are most difficult affairs. We cannot solve the current problems with out the solidarity among the government organs and with out utilizing from the national and international facilities. Excellency attorneys! The government squadron had annihilated when the primary government of Afghanistan created, the political, economical, social, and cultural basements of Afghanistan had annihilated. The country had divided between arm groups, some of regions in the country had illegal executions, the anarchy was going on in the administration squadron, the ways had destroyed, there were not sanitation services and the situation of the education ministry was ultra conservative, the cash of the government was empty, and the national treasure lost its concept and in such a situation the primary administration of Afghanistan under took the political leader ship of our country. We has been tried to materialize the articles of the Bon conference since the start days of the government in Afghanistan. This agreement had two side promise: which from side of Afghanistan was this that Afghanistan pave the way of the tasks execution from international community was this that international community cooperate us in the fields of, military, security, economy and policy. Afghanistan has had following successes by the cooperation of international community for the past four years: 1. endeavours for the making of legal squadron in the country: the formation of Loya Jirga for the sharing of people in their political live was the first step and after that the ratification of the constitution and the formation of the Loya Jirga for the ratification of constitution in the way of legal and basic government was another power full and basic measure and endeavour of us in the political fields. With the ratification of the constitution the legitimate of squadron registered according to expects of people. Constitution determined our political, rights squadron frame and according to this constitution Afghanistan could be able to have a people partiality squadron and wake up from the under of the dust and stand on its feet. Government ratified some of codes for the completion of some empty place (necessities) in the inception of its affairs and issued some legalizing decrees as well. This task has been done for the legitimate of the executions of government which according to the theorems/verdicts of the constitution, all those ratified codes and decrees will sonly offer to the national soviet. The presidential election and the formation of the national soviet were two other success full experience for the supplying of democracy in the country and showed that Afghanistan put big and success full paces toward the supplying and invigoration of the people sovereignty in the country. 2. in the fields of security and peace: the collection of guns, disarmament of the armed persons or groups and the reverting of them back to their civil live from one side and from other side the urbanizing of national army and national police and security force were the important tasks which might be accomplished or might be materialized. Faith full national army, national police and security force for the constitution had created, we has instructed 34591 persons for the national army, 50000 for national police and security force up to now. The humanitarian and sensitive qualities of security force expanded and they became equip from the technical aspect as well and the leader ship and the administrations of them also recuperated. 3. Education: we had clear successes during the past four years in the education fields, there are 6.5 millions of sons and daughters are register in the schools and other education bases which from this amount 35% of them are girls. One high education base of us hadn’t been activated when Taliban regime disrupted, but right now there are 19 high education bases in the country which from this amount about ten of them are varsities. 4. Human rights, the rights of women and status society: Afghanistan was the country of prison, torture and destruction, code didn’t have sovereignty. There were opposition with majorities and the women were not attending to the society and policy. The human and status rights of all the residents of country are safe according to the constitution. The human right commission and other national and international organizations asses the human rights in the country and have independence in their activities in the country, we have independent presses today about 300 presses have broadcasting in the country, five TV stations and about more than ten Radio stations have activity in the country, more than ten organizations of status society are active in the country, the advent of the status society is the scar of being sound of the social policy. 5. in the fields of economy, fiscal policy and social affairs: the creation of a national economy has location to the top of the government priorities, the founding of a governmental economy in the independent bazaar of economy is a difficult function the lake of security for the capitalists and the incumbencies of bureaucracy and other themes all cause that the interior and foreign capitalists must act very safely in the field of investment, and from other side the culture and hope to the government caused that the bent to the personal and private initiatives decrease, and from other side the lake of necessity bases and other things caused that the affairs must precede very slowly in the field. The reticulations and the ways which were as the invigorator of he economy has been destroyed during the past three decades of war, the electracy reticulations, water reticulation and other reticulations which were important and basic for invigoration of economy in the country has been annihilated so in so in spit of all these agonies the economic growth during the past four years were satisfactory. Afghanistan had 29% in 2002, 18% in 2003, 8% in 2004 economical growth and we hope that our country will be able to have 13% economical growth in this year in our country. We must to add that in spit of high surface of economical growth in the country but the amount of inflation is low. The reconstruction of this decoyed economy is more difficult than it thought. We could be able to draft the reconstruction and renovation of the 4057km high ways reticulations programs of our country which from this amount 1743 km of it has been asphalted, and from this amount about 6620km of the highways of the country gravelled, the connecting of the electracy of some highways and borders regions of county found certainty with the neighbouring countries of that highway, the survey of some power reticulations has been started. The clown growth of the country under the program of national solidarity is the one of the government works priorities, in this field about 13 villages are comprise of national solidarity program. To bring the national treasure under the control, the rid of the account which was notorious under the name of decision stance of president and the creation of modern budged based on the scientific equalizations are the other rendered affairs from the government of the country. Money was in the same situation four years before, money had diverse values in the rotation situation of that period and people usually used from foreign moneys on that time in their deals, for the concluding of this situation the program of money has been taken on the hands, and the program of the money reforms was the most success program of the government, the reform of the money and float of a power full money is the basic pillar of the economy in the country, money of Afghanistan is a solid in the region which the values of it hasn’t assumed inbuilt changes in the opposite of the familiar moneys of the world like dollar and euro since its creation. The empty which we had appropriated that, fortunately it has 1.5 milliard dollars right now. In spit of all these endeavours government tried to heed to the social problems of people as well, the returning of 4.5 millions refugees back to their country is the source which we can hope on it but the providing of the sanitation, house and instructive facilities is not easy, government has taken the program of the dividing of land and houses for the half million of these refugees, house and lands has been divided for 25000 families in the 28 provinces, during these four years in spit that we deterrent from the obligatory travels and becoming refugee but the replaced persons reverted back to their place of born it means to their home land because of better social and security situation. In the time that about 9% of the country people were under the sanitation cover in the 2004, today 77% of our people are under the sanitation cover, in the current year about 4325 sanitation base, 661 basic sanitation centres, 413 exclusive sanitation centres, 66 hospitals in the districts, 33 provincial hospitals and 13 diagnostic hospitals have been created and inaugurated. 6. The foreign policy and international relations; the first step in this field was the ousting of Afghanistan from international isolation. We were isolated country and with international relations, tiding of the diplomatic relations of Afghanistan with other countries, and the reversion of the Afghanistan back to the international policy were the themes which we were envisaged with, during three decades Afghanistan just may not be owner of the private international relations but it self might improve in this policy. The having of the active and positive foreign policy as the peace full and trustable country in the frame of united nation and other accepted agreement s of the international countries are from the basic themes of foreign policy of our country. We have good relations with our neighbouring countries, and the people of Afghanistan extremely are the grade full of their neighbouring countries from maintain of them in the command of Afghanistan reconstruction and straggling against terrorist in the region. The Islamic republic of Pakistan helps us in the reconstruction field in our country, and these two countries jointly straggle against terrorist and it is clear that is impossible to achieve victory alone in this field. The dimension of the economical exchanges has been increased unprecedented, the exports of Pakistan is 1200 million dollars annual in our country, and I wish that the relation of these two countries will expand based on the reciprocal respect pillars, brother hood , same ship, none interfering in the interior affairs of each other. Our relation with the Islamic republic government of Iran, are the relations based on the, good neighbouring roles, none interfering in the interior affairs of each other and collaboration in the economical and cultural fields of each other and we appreciate the maintain of this country in the reconstruction and the straggling against terrorist in this country. Our relation with the united state if America is based on the, friend ship role, reciprocal cooperation and respect, are the relations who are strategic relations which it has special values and importance for us. This relation expands daily in the frame of jointly straggle against terrorist and changing of Afghanistan into a peace strategic curl/circle in the region. Afghanistan and united state of America has same stance in the fields of straggle with terrorism, creation of economy in an independence bazaar, growth of democracy, observe of human rights and diverse other themes like this. The declaration of the long strategic cooperation of united state of America with Afghanistan shows that the relations between these two countries are prosperous from special values and importance. Our relations with the European countries and Japan are the brother ship and deep relations, these countries has maintained from us in the fields of strengthening of government, creation of national economy, reintegration of security and other redundant spheres. The signing of the strategic collaboration declaration with European institutions, the signing of the long collaboration declaration with England and the endeavours for the access to the expanded strategic cooperation of NATO, are the prosperous of special values and importance for the access to security and expansion of legged economy in our country. The republic government of India is the historical friend of Afghanistan, the 550 million dollars aid of this country for the reconstruction of Afghanistan is the verifier of the legged friend ship of this country with Afghanistan. Afghanistan has ancestor relation with the people of the republic of China, this country cooperated redundant aids for the reconstruction of our country, we expect to expand these relation more and more, the republic government of China is a big Asia power which has bright future, so the consolidation of our relation with this country is prosperous of special importance and values for us and for our country. Our relation with the other neighbouring and region countries like, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan are friendly. We prolong our ancestor relation with Turkish we are the part of Islam world which we don’t assume disunity from each other. The expansion of our political relations with all Islamic countries and Arabian countries are in the top of our foreign centre of policy. Afghanistan expects their relations with Russia federation to be legged based on the good and brother hood relations. Afghanistan is the owner of a honourable position and location in the international organization. We are the owner of our own position and location in the united nation and in the Islamic conferences. Afghanistan is the member of regional cooperation countries (ECO), is the member of regional economical cooperation organization in the meddle Asia (KRECK), we are so pleasure that our country could be able to achieve the member ship of the regional cooperation organization of the south Asia. Dear envoys! In spite of all these success there are many long way for the creation of a secure and peace full and selfish Afghanistan so we must try more and we must to work indefatigably to achieve these targets. We must to be ready for many more victimize for the preservation of independence, national sovereignty and freedom. I confirm here in front of all the people’s envoy that in spite of all these success we haven’t provided all the legal expects of our people during the past four years. Let me to mention the issues which will be remain to the work policies of the government in the future and I will prolong me endeavours for the materializing of them. Plead from the high and auspicious values of our culture and the development of the status and social independence: Plead from the auspicious religion of Islam values and the strengthening of our own culture is in our infrastructures. The values of the Islam religion in the expansion of the ethical roles have been accepted in the brightness and we have full interest for the development of our culture. The preservation of the relics and the straggling against the illegal digs of the ancestor sits and the straggling against the trafficking of the relics are in the circle of our cultural policy. The paving of the ground for the sharing of the people in the political affairs of the country for consolidation of the political squadron and the development of the codes in the status society are the basic responsibilities and functions of the government. The supplying of the political and social independence in the frame of code is the function of the government. The preservation of the independence for the political functions, social factions, political organizations and the classic institutions for the squadron of the people partiality is the first condition for the government; government must to expand the legal ground of the developments of these bases. Straggling against terrorism: Terrorism is the problem of our country in the present time as well. The annihilation of them will be absurd if we don’t start straggling against the source of them which they create from that place. The rout of terrorism is foreign in Afghanistan; Afghanistan will be not the house of terrorism after this and by the cooperation of great God it will not change to the battle field of the foreign wars. Straggling against narcotics. The straggling against poppy cultivation, production and trafficking of the narcotics has vital value for the people of our country Afghanistan. The economy of the narcotics is a criminal economy which deterrent the development of national economy and the hostiles of the country urbanize from the money of the it. We promise in front of Afghanistan people and international community that we straggle against this calamity crucially because this is the verdict of our religion, and the straggling against this phenomena precede in vast program because of the national benefits and the pleasure of the next generation of our country. Straggling against corruption for the increasing of administration qualities: One the basic and important function of the people server government is the providing of a server and transparent administration under the roles of codes. Unfortunately the administration corruption has been expanded during the past four years with lots of disruptions. Corruption has diverse varieties like: bribe, abuse, the looting of national treasures, abuse from the government rank, ethical partiality, and the side’s partiality. ECT Government was not succeed in this field, up to the time which we will not be able to draw the circle of the corruption our endeavours wont have positive results in this sphere it means that up to the time which we wont be able to eradicate corruption from the administrations our endeavours will not have positive result in the administration reforms. Excellency attorneys! The straggling against administration corruption and the social reform will not be able to occur soon and easy, we need time for the materializing of this process, this function need the cooperation of all government organs, security organs, judicial, legalizing force, executive force and people of our country. People and government organs cooperate each other and annihilate the administrative corruption from the administrations and straggle against this phenomena crucially, there are many hope that the administration should be rescued from this disaster. National economic development, vacancy and the straggling against poverty: Our country is from the poor countries, the income of our people are so less, profound compatriots of us don’t have job, the people who have job as well their income is as less as they can not solve their own problems. All the endeavours of the government is concentrate for the eradication of poverty toward the creation of a pacific and fortune live for the people of our country. It is mentionable that the foreign aids paved the way of some reconstructions and the jobs, but it can not make capitalist our country, from the way of interior and foreign convince for the investment, jobs increase, and the fortunes and incomes will increase and on that time people will become capitalist. We want that government must not be the one which provide the way of job but the private bazaars and the businesses must to pave the expanded way of job for our people, government must ward the rights deterrents and prevent from corruption. International community cooperated a lot with Afghanistan, we are grade full from these aids, but we must to say that just 22% of this budged spent from government, we want that international community spent most of their aids from the government sources. Government has the responsibility to give accounting for people of the country and international community. We try to develop the industry by convince of local industries and increase the ground of remaining of the local industries. Afghanistan has profound facilities for the development of the agriculture and husbandry. The strengthening of this source is inbuilt as the central circle of economy in Afghanistan; we contemplate necessity measure for the expansion and the development of the agriculture and husbandry spheres. The creation of the power apparatuses has special importance for us for the uplift of the people’s live surfaces and for the development of the industries by the contemplation of the natural economic necessities of our country. The election of one legal and wise policy for the supplying of power and development of agriculture and husbandry and the legal utilizing from the existed waters is necessary in the country. Government must to try for the providing of needed power by contemplates of the environments facilities. The expansion of the ways and the connecting of them has vital and important role in the development of economy in the country, we profoundly try to this task should be materialized. The national development strategy clears the fully lines of the economical, social, and political and security themes. Government of Afghanistan profoundly try to materialize this strategy. The theme of refugees and the placing of them: The refugees which return back to the country have diverse qualities, some of them are capitalists which they can make private business for them selves and can dismantle their money to the private businesses. Some of them have professional and scientific fortunes and some of them learned some skills in the time which they were refugees. Some of our juvenilities prolonged their high educations in the agonising and difficult situation of refugee these juvenilities must convince to return back to their country. The shortage of the human skill and experiences will annihilate by the returning of them back to their country, I crucially expect from the knowledgeable Afghans who are the residents of the foreign countries to return back to their country and take part in the reconstruction of their country. We will spend more of our endeavours to provide the rights of the Afghan refugees in the host countries as the international dimension. The political envoys of country have this responsibility to preserve the rights of those Afghans who are in the foreign countries by the reading of the international codes. The attend of the refugee workers in the out the country is a maker phenomena, which we must to use from this opportunity for the development of our country economy and we must to elect a good and use full policy for the tiding of this job. Strengthening of human qualities, instruction and education: The improved experience of the world countries shows that the improvement and development is just possible by the educated and knowledgeable persons. In the Malaysia, India and other countries of the east of Asia the developments and improvement which has been done in the technical and economical fields are all from the track of instruction and education development in these countries. The education must develop equally in all parts of the country; Afghanistan must to find the ability to solve their problems by their own educated and knowledgeable persons of the country. For certainty of this ambition we expand the instruction of the teacher in the country and we try for the providing of better live for teacher in the country in the side of their instruction. The work on the providing of new curriculum has been started and this curriculum will be according to expect of education in the time. In the side of the endeavours for the development of education we try to divide the educational burses in all the provinces in the justice shape and also we try to instruct the student in the shape that they will be able to find job in the government and private organizations after the graduation from the education organizations. By the heed to the economical development of our country from our views the professional instructions need more heed from us, Afghanistan need for the professional and expert workers right now, but the mount of our professional and expert worker are less, the education squadron of Afghanistan must have serious heed in this sphere. Security policy and plead from the country: Security is not just the theme pf military, while our country will be able to be the owner of full security in the time which our people either will be released from the evil of each kind of terror and terrorism or at least will be the owner the social supply. We greet the security as a part of our defensive policy and also as the part of social policy. The full lean to the military tools is not legal and wise policy. The policy of the peace consolidate must prolong in our country, the policy of the peace consolidate is the giving of the opportunity for those compatriots which they want to renounce from sabotage in the country, we must not barrier the way of reversion of our compatriots to their peace full live. In this part of my speech I expect from those persons who love the culture, religion people and the land of Afghanistan to join to the peace process up to the time which they will be able to release from the evil of foreigner’s colony. Peace and security is not the thing to we can achieve that by the ethical assertion in such full of riot world. Afghanistan must be the prosperous of as power full and armed with home loving force as the pet experiences of past should not repeat. The having of a power full force is not just adequate, more than this our security and defensive force of our country must know that they are the soldiers of the republic and the defender of Afghanistan water and dust. The basic aspirations of Afghan national army must not change by the preferring of the national benefits for the factional, ethnical, regional knots and other knots which cause strife in some affairs of the country. The agonising experience of three years aggression of foreigners and the destruction of the drafted plans of the Afghanistan army in the hand of the foreign counties could be able to merely pave the ground of the annihilation of Afghanistan national army aspirations and ambition before the people who waged to this task. The creation of the land, air, infantry, cavalry, and marine force to can plead from the borders of the country is necessary for our country. Government will spend all its endeavours in these fields. The supplying of security in our country and plead from the independence of our compatriots is the responsibility of our security force. Security force must not have behaviour as the lies of the government in front of our people. People are the owner of the government and the owner of political power. The straggling against harshness, straggling against torture, straggling against harm of our people are the agents of the legitimate of the government and state of our country. Foreign policy: The foreign policy of Afghanistan is based on the observing of none interfering to the interior affairs of other countries roles, peace full soling strife s, and the assuming of the other country’s national sovereignty rights and territorial integrity. Afghanistan is agreed with the circle of united nation, the international declaration of human rights and other international agreements of two side and multi partite. The friendship and cooperation policy is solid in our country based on the respect to the national sovereignty rights and territorial integrity rights of the countries. The fact of the improved world is this that world become small daily and in such world the place and time takes another meaning and concept to them selves. The cultures approaching to each other. So in such a world the interior and foreign policy of our country must be solid based on the facts. We cannot just expose to the civilization strife and know the foreign cultures as the hostile of our country and people but we want to find our place to the globalization process aware full. Today Afghanistan is the country which many foreign countries with diverse cultures and trusts cooperate Afghanistan in the reconstruction and security of it. From my view these aids are civilizations. The collaboration of international community and the share ness of international community to the peace process is a big experience for us toward strengthening of the same living and discernment among the world countries in our country. We know this historic opportunity that we must to collect all the experiences from this opportunity and flourish to the inhabitants of the world. The foreign policy of as founded based on the following bases: faithfulness and none assuming of agony for the families of Islamic countries, the strategic cooperation with the east countries, faith full ness to the legged friendship and trust on the vital benefits of the region countries. The holding of he Bon conference for the legged cooperation with Afghanistan has had important value and importance after the rid of its dimension. Afghanistan had vital role in the determining of the agenda and argues in this conference. Our endeavours will be this that the regional aids must expand more and more in our region. The cooperation conference which has been held by attend of eight countries in February of 2006 was the first big measures for the expansion of the regional aids in the region. Afghanistan with the awareness from its international responsibilities will prolong to its foreign policy for the approaching to the inhabitants of the world and the consolidation of the peace process. Revert of Afghanistan into the international policy and the ousting of the Afghanistan from the isolation is the biggest achievement of the people of this independent patriot during past four years. Afghanistan is in the trust the basing of the profound economical aids in the region is the best way to approach among the region countries. The cultural and economical problems, the needing of straggling against exist risks and the necessary needs, being back warded from the globalization, are all the themes which they obligate us to put crucial paces in these spheres. I ma in this trust that we and region must to put big paces toward economical aids. I hope that one time will receive that our children live in one region and have unity with each other. Respectable attorneys: The success of our people is the yield of the devotion of people and their aspirations based on the having a peace full and stable Afghanistan. Our people stand for the plead from the peace process, creation of national government and consolidation of stability with honesty and faith fully and the international community friendly support from our endeavours in these spheres. It seems necessity that we must to friendly be grade full from all the countries which they stand in the sides of us in these spheres. Respectable attorneys! We want to guide our country toward developed civilization of the improved world. We must to provide an improved country for the pillars of the country people aspirations. Having of power full, peace full, stable and secure Afghanistan is a historical responsibility which we under took that in front of our God, history and people, the owing and materializing of this responsibility wants honesty, devotion and endeavours from us, this responsibility will not materialized if we don’t greet our love to the land and religion the most important love than all loves. We wish that red, green and black flag of our country must to have moving in the all over the country, and the residents of this country will be united for the reconstruction, renovation and making of this country away from the ethical partiality, regional partiality. We Afghans have the rights to stand with a giddy head and with elation in front of inhabitants of the world and say that this elated Afghanistan picked up its head from the under of the aggression and menace ashtray, we have the rights to declare for those once who are trying to annihilate Afghanistan that this land and country will leave alive up to end.
Taliban claimed the killing of 13 coalition forces in Nuristan province
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
These solders killed in Pachat Nomi area of Kamdish district (Taliban) Taliban claimed the killing of 13 coalition forces in Nuristan province. Taliban’s spokesman Dr. Mohammad Hanif said to new sources, that yesterday in Pechat area Taliban attack on coalition forces caravan and after a fighting happened that killed 13 coalition forces. Coalition forces rejected this claim of Taliban and says, in fighting two Taliban were killed. The named also gave the attack new, in Pala Gosh of Laghman and Rastaq of Takhar district, but coalition forces are rejecting again.
The failure of Americans
Translated by: Hamid Stanikzai was given by filex
This is natural, when the human reaches to the last stage of hopelessness, he welcomes a decisive reaction and he does what that is not worthy to be done, for the very reason that the misbehaviour and cruelty of the American soldiers had come to its last stage, this is quite obvious that for the prisoners the death seemed better and more graceful than life. Why? There is nothing to be more dangerous beyond the death and this was what that the prisoners had accepted manfully for themselves. The American investigators eagerly wanted the prisoners to obey them as much as to be the mean of plays and games. They wanted the prisoners not to dare to defend themselves, their religion and dignity or to argue and debate with the soldiers and the investigators, they wanted the prisoner to accept as much abjectness and hard life and shoulder it as not have the right of complain or expressing anger and that they shall recognize any deed of the soldiers and investigators as their rightful duty of Americans and to describe their illegal and cruel behaviour as their constitution and they shall not find a deficit and a deficiency in it. They expected that, whatever the soldier and the investigator wants argument about it is of no use even if it was the decision of the high rank personalities or of the soldiers and investigators. Praise to God that these all were carried out but not as they expected. The poor prisoners bore a lot of harnesses but they did not let the dreams of Americans to come to be true and they were not given the apportunity to fulfil it heartedly. There was the distribution the Bible in Kandahar and Bagram and were calling for to convert to Christianity and there were some other small thesis to explain the Bible in details but everything failed, the prisoners covertly call them to accept the pious religion of Islam and praise be to the God that by my endeavour and summons two American soldiers were accepted by God and they entered Islam, they accepted Islam but they hid everything in their hearts, they promised to quit the American military service, for the reason that, lately the soldiers were frightened and they adopted to behave well and they termed it they only reason for their safety and they conducted it. Although the officers used to prevent the soldiers to speak with the prisoners or behave well and the officers would watch the soldiers but we were provided a chance to call them to Islam, I am so anxious to meet those brothers who entered Islam in freedom once in my life, I mean that the soldiers with their firm reaction and stance made impatient the other American soldiers and investigators that the investigators start in on to supplicate and the soldiers wept and the reason was that the soldier will feel himself a damned, cruel and a low bred feast and the investigators whose objective was to get information from the prisoners failed to get to their goals. In each hardness and suffer the prisoners expected the God to be awarded by his mercy and the life was nothing for them but being in the cages. Whatever action which was done in term prisoners’ defence, were insult, abjectness but in the outer world meant shamelessness, at the global level in order to oppress the prisoners they used to nude the sexual organs of the prisoners but still this was not affective to take advantage of during the investigations, therefore the only chance that the American investigators had, was the death penalty but this was also difficult and a dangerous action for them in international level, or to soften their stance and manner and this was possible and a deed of dignity but it seemed difficult too, whether to understand and listen to them and, or behave well those whom they introduced to the world as human eater terrorists. Therefore they wished the abjectness, disgrace, insult and suffer for them this meant for Americans as a gulp of poison but was easier than death. Gradually, they adopted this way of manner, even at the commence of Guantanamo when I asked one of the soldiers for something, he responded to me in way as he was giving examples and he told me that when you ask for something, you should not look at me up and you are not to speak with me loudly and when asking something you should have your hands down. I told that these are the regulations to obey! He told me that this is my law! At last we came to the conclusion that, in each word saying “sir” and “please” was necessary. At the commence of Guantanamo, when an officer was about to enter a block, the prisoners were obliged to be quiet in order to respect him, but at the last stages of Guantanamo when a general used to come to a building block he would be as much depressed as he may was in the first line of the battle field and he would guess it as a big bravery. We come to the conclusion that the late smooth and soft manner of Americans did not mean sympathy or respect to humanitarian norms but it meant failure and defeat a Bush termed the martyrdom of the three oppressed prisoners as combat and ideological war. Here, if we search the issue little deeply then there are bad results for cruelty and oppression, as they regard cruelty and illegal manner their rightful moral. Possibly, they may be regretful of their deeds, as I mentioned before, presently, the American authorities has confessed that Guantanamo jail and keeping and torture the Muslims in it was a mistake of the government of America. I think that expressing regret over this is of no use and I think that in the upcoming future the bad affects o f Guantanamo and similar deeds in other American prisons will turn to a shameless and difficult problem for America and that is the breach of the national and international humanitarian norms. This may also be a possible that they may be regretful and disappointed by the clarification of deeds by the writings of a writer and they may count it as real danger for their interests but it will of no use for them, with this they may make an attempt to attack another article of the international human rights norms and that is the freedom of expression and if they violate this fact by their servants they, themselves may bear the responsibility. Anyhow, I believe that they, themselves know much about their cruelties and a decisive reaction of the prisoners may cause them to face another confusion, I remember the joke the early people used to do, “a strong man was fighting a weak one and as the strong man was superior, he necked out the weak man and he sat over on his stomach and was crying loudly, a third man asked him: Man! You are stronger than this man and you have nicked him out and he can not release himself from you then, why are you crying? The strong man replied crying that, this is right that I am stronger than him, but the blow of the weak is mostly so strong and firm because of an extreme disappointment and sometimes the blow of a weak can be a deadly blow, and now I am scared that if I leave him go and as he is able to combat against me then I may possibly face a deadly blow by him therefore I am crying for the future possible blow and I am scared for that. The same story matches with America because it has necked out a weak and is scared of a deadly blow and now she had lost the right way and that on which part of its body it will take the blow? Anyhow, I confirm the defeat of America against Guantanamo prisoners, I predict the same result for a fight between a strong man and a weak man, because the power can not bring about a result but dead, espically, when the power is used but someone is still disappointed. God knows better!
Some of government officials became demurral
Translated by Abdul Hassib
One of the best agents that government of Afghanistan became discredit before the people of the country and international community and its role decreased, is administrative corruption in the government administrations which the involve of it expands and becomes terrible by the course of time (daily). The debility of the government administration and the corruption in the administration caused that the international aids abuse from the traffickers of the narcotics and the administration corruption, bribery, despotic, injustice increased in the government apparatus. Many theorem exported from the high ranks of the government and many decision have been taken for the eradication of the administrative corruption but in the implement they had no effect in the annihilation of corruption from the administrations. Because based on the reprisal of some aware people that the high ranks of the government themselves became demurral and have straight role in the expansion of this phenomena, and up to the time which these high ranks have the leader ship of the government affairs it is impossible that the straggling against administrative corruption give any result or will be succeed. Government again gave the responsibility of the annihilation of the administrative corruption to those leaders that their own administration are notorious of the administrative corruption specially bribery. Supreme court, head quarter, and administration reform are the offices that the bribery changed to a culture in these administrations based on the speeches of some people. It has no result and it will be better that those leader and high ranks of the government which have started their works in the field of annihilation of corruption from administration, they should start the reforms in their own administrations first of all and then they will be able to reform other administration. In our trust up to the time which the supreme court must not refurbish fully and they wont resolve the high ranks of this court, we must not have prospect of the reforms in the other administrations.
Ten armed Taliban killed in Helmand province.
Translated by Abdul Hassib
About ten pugnacious Taliban killed in Musa Qala district of Helmand province last night. General Nabi Jan Mullah Khil the commander of the head quarter of Helmand said in this field that one group of Taliban attacked on Musa Qala district last night which they exposed to the reciprocal attack of national army and NATO force and ten persons of them killed which their died s are still in the battle field. He said,” government forces didn’t have causalities in the breaking out.” From other side Qari Yousuf the spokesperson of Taliban doesn’t assume this that their Taliban killed in Musa Qala district. He said to the Pajwak Afghan news agency in a phone call from un particular place,” government killed civilians in this war and right now they determined them as Taliban.” It is mentionable that government officials informed from the killing of 13 pugnacious Taliban in Musa Qala district of Helmand province last day (yesterday)
The pale presence of women in the cabinet
Ustad Ezami
Translated by: Hamid Stanikzai note: taken from Wrekht magazine
Form the first day, when the new cabinet members were introduced to the parliament to get the vote of confidence, there were some objections from certain political and social circles that stance of the women has become paled in the cabinet and the role of the women in key posts and big policies has been missed out. The objections were heard mostly in the circle of the sect of women in government departments and social institutions and even in the parliament by uttering the slogan of the equity of rights of man and women they voiced their objection about the consist of the cabinet and presence of one woman and that one for the post of the ministry of women affairs. In coincide to the objections, some staff members of some of the NGOs based on the commitments of the government of Afghanistan in Bonn, Tokyo and Berlin conferences and specifically the late undertaking of the government in the London conference which is well-know as the national development strategy of Afghanistan, joined with the objection of the sister and they pressed on the government to expand the presence and the role of women in the cabinet. In this direction, some of our sisters who have the arrogance of the membership of the parliament, on the very commence of the introduction of the cabinet in a separate meeting with president Hamid Karzai expressed their concerns over the pale presence of women in the cabinet and they stressed on the expansion of the presence of women in the cabinet. The president termed the pale presence of women in the cabinet and not awarding the key ministries to women, in the result of the tininess of the cabinet and, women problems on handling the house affairs and loss of female experts in the society, thus he noted that due to the loss of experts and highly educated women in law and religious studies no woman was proposed on the leadership council on the high court. Despite a detailed understanding of the president with the convoy of the women council of the parliament, some of our sisters were not satisfied and base on the interview of the president with paper of Ershadul-Naswaan in which he had presented that: “many of the pious verses of the holy Quraan stress on the equity of the nature of woman and man in similar conditions in attaining to high ranks” and that it has never recognized the deeds of physiological gender and some other indifferences and social responsibilities as halts on the evolution of the female progress, but it brings both of the genders in a single line. Some of the women claim that there are highly educated and capable women in the society whether in the past or at present but if they are provided with the opportunity to bring about their hidden aptitudes and capabilities into practice and they are presented in the scene. According to them the ministry of women affairs and tens of NGOs have worked to enhance the and promote the capabilities of women within last four years and they have trained active women cadres through holding seminars, courses and workshops and that if someone omit these powers talent it will be an oppression against the Afghan women. There are no doubts that man and woman are two fruitful branches of the corpulent tree of humanity and based on the friendship of these two facts the man gets the chance of permanence and reform. Form the morality and observation of the human generosity point of view there is no difference between man and the woman, the religion of Islam as the last divined religion has granted the most rights and the highest place to the woman and it does not recognize old and commonplace customs against woman, but today, some of the women in our society go beyond the limits and as an objection they want to revenge from the previous narrow-minded regimes and they demand for their privileges and rights as equal to women in west. But they do not know that they are living in the traditional society of Afghanistan, the society in which 99% of the people believe the religious thoughts and whatever is against religion they think it as aberration. This is right that Islam has granted the women generosity, personality, privileges and rights but they are in Limitation of a frame. The rights and freedom of a woman in an Islamic society differs from that in a non-Muslim society, the women in our socirty shall not follow the examples of the women in a non-Muslim society. Of course the shall attain their rights under the lights of the religion and the observation of mental and identical facts of the Afghan society. Some times before, there was a workshop in this regard on of the foreign experts who was the leading personalities of gender equity said: the western societies have progressed three hundred years forward than the Afghan society from the science, technology and gender point of view but despite the fact there are not more then two or three women in the western society cabinets. The participants of the workshop asked the expert: in spite of the fact that the western societies are forwarded 300 years than Afghanistan, then why have they made a lot of voices that the women in Afghanistan are not given key posts? The participants said that: she answered abstractly: the men in western society do not let the women to occupy half part of the seats of the cabinet. The participants said: when the term of the equity of gender is faced with such destiny then how can they expect the saying of the equity of man and woman in such a society like Afghanistan that the doors of schools have been opened after three decades of war? In our neighbouring countries such as Iran, Pakistan and … the presence of women in the cabinet and other key posts is not more than Afghanistan despite the fact that these countries are in better condition than Afghanistan, therefore, my consultation to those women who makes complains of the weak presence of women in the cabinet and in other key posts is that to be persuaded with what that has been done and they should take appropriate steps in attention to the religious and social values of our country and they should change their mind regarding the demand half part of the cabinet seats and they should be busy on their previous task that there is the welfare of our country and that of our government.
America take the mouth Pakistan sack in the Afghanistan themes
Traslated by Abdul Hassib
According to the reports of the medias, the deputy minister of the Harland after the meeting of the their soldiers in Uruzgan province declared clearly last Saturday in the country that the security alienate in this province by the armed persons who enter from the borders of the Pakistan in this province. But general ABZ the general leader of American troops in meddle east after his tripe from Islamabad to Bagram airport said,” Pakistan hasn’t had any interfere to the interior affairs of Afghanistan yet and he don’t have the trust that Pakistan helps armed Taliban.” This assertion of the American soldier’s leader was in the time that the intelligence circles of Pakistan organize ignorance and slave Taliban for the alienate of stability in Afghanistan and attach hundreds of Taliban after the instruction to our country. In spit that some official of America read the Pakistan as the best culprit of the bad situation in the country by the interferes which Pakistan has in the interior affairs of Afghanistan but as it was necessary, a crucial and serious decision hasn’t taken about Pakistan and it cooperation with the Taliban, organizing of the Taliban, military instruction of Taliban from Pakistan, from America that will be able to make the dispensation of this action, and the connivance and renounce has been done against the interfere of Pakistan to the interior affairs of Afghanistan based on some unknown pretexts and agents. Even based on the view of some political experts that they say that America take the mouth of the sack with Pakistan in some cases of Afghanistan and shows to them green lamps every day to the graphic criminal Taliban and organized groups of Taliban from Pakistan find the rout of ascending in the country it means that America help Pakistan in the instruction of Taliban and attaching of them to Afghanistan. The development of political themes shows that the western people want to enter Taliban soldiers in the formation of the government from one of the ways. But they don’t know that the Muslim people of Afghanistan haven’t forgotten the crimes, despotic, and disloyalty which Taliban did against their people and their religion yet. Actually the entering of Taliban and the slaves of Pakistan to the government formation will be accompanied with the straggles and the strife of the people of Afghanistan. If America has the decision to straggle against terrorist and she want to supply security in the country and regions of Afghanistan, don’t just influence Pakistan which all sabotages in the regions of Afghanistan and world lead and organize from this country, but they must to know this country as terrorist and the assistance of terrorist and take pitch from this country. We have the trust that if Pakistan convict from the international society as terrorist and they will conflict with it, the security and stability will sonly supply in the regions of Afghanistan and the world.
An explosion claimed 17 kills, 47 injures in Helmand province
Translated by Abdul Hassib
At least 17 killed and 47 injured in the track of one suicide attack in Lashkar Gah district capital of Helmand province. Haji Mohaiudin the spokes person of Helmand province said,” this attack occurred in around 12:00 o’clock in the Khano Market of Lashkar Gah district of Helmand province. Based on the speeches of the Mr. Mohaiudin,” 47 other persons injured in this attack which the victims were all the innocent residents of this district.” Qari Yousuf who introduced himself as the spokesperson of Taliban under took this attack and said,” this attack was emerge from a bomb which has been controlled from far way”. The present witnesses say,” they saw died of the suicide person which he was dressed with the military clothes.’ Sever security bases has been started in this district after this attack and police started the roam with the overseer cars.. This was the highest amount of the causalities from the suicide attacks in the recent years. Based on the speech of the Helmand province spokesperson that the target of the attacker was Khan Mohammad the former commander of the provincial head quarter of this province who doesn’t have military job right now. Based on the report of some sources the amount of kills included ten children as well.
We condemn the stories of some of the Western papers
Translated by: Hamid Stanikzai
From some time in the past, the press media of foreign countries specifically a number of the western papers has began writing some stories that neither they match with realities nor with the principals of journalism and morals. New York Times ad Washington Post accuse some of the members of our leadership of involving in the production and smuggle of drug, thus the papers has accused president Karzai administration of indifferences. This is not the first time that these papers release irresponsible stories about Afghanistan. New York Times had accused some of the cabinet members of drug smuggling and production and had given the names of some of the members among them was the name of Mohammad Arif Noorzai now the first secretary of the parliament; soon after that the paper said that the released stories were not true and it apologized officially from Mohammad Arif Noorzai. The papers have not offered any evidences or documents to prove the accusations even the papers have names some specific persons to be involved with the accused government members and this is an obvious violation from the journalistic norms. Indeed, the combat against drug is one the government and president Karzai’s priorities and to carry out an affective struggle against drug the specified ministry has been organized. Sometimes ago, the second international conference of combat against drug was held in Kabul and in the seminar president Karzai stressed on the affective values of the combat against drug, but it is about time they drew the attention of the international society towards their commitments they had with Afghan farmers but they did not fulfil them, instead of releasing baseless accusations. It was about time the papers drew the attention of the government for their responsibilities in decreasing the demand of drug instead accusing Afghan government members. In additional, if these papers have any documents and evidence there are they, they should offer it, therefore the Washington Post and the New York Times should hear by open ears that such kinds of accusations mean insult to the leadership of an independent and arrogant country and nothing else and the Afghan nation can tolerate homelessness, hunger, problems and suffers but it can not tolerate insults against their country and national leadership.
Burning the schools is a dreadful action
Translated by: Hamid Stanikzai
In the south in south-eastern Afghanistan the destructive deeds and attacks of the enemies of Afghanistan and the terrorism has increased and it has caused the hate of people to be increased to them and they condemn the anti-Islamic, anti-humanitarian and anti-development deeds of them. Regarding this issue a report released by UNICEF says that in Afghanistan, comparing to last year at the same time attacks on schools, burning schools and other public places have increased comparing to last year. A statistic shows that in the current year there have been 11 bomb blasts in schools and 50 schools have been burned, 37 times the teachers have been threatened and a number of teachers and students who did not want to leave the schools have been killed. This is to be noted here that the United Nations agency of UNICEF has a joint mortal strategy with the ministry of education to safeguard the schools, students and teachers and when the strategy is practices the schools will be saved. They minister of education has also presented that within one year 208 schools have been shut, 124 schools have been burnt and 41 teachers who are the lumps of education have been killed and in 15 provinces the teachers and students have threatened. The statistic show that in the provinces more attention will be paid to safeguarding of schools and therefore the teachers and students will be able to go to schools confidently and to reach the objective some village and local councils will be organized, the people will be provoked to make groups to defend the schools. Another attempt will be made to use the advices of the Ulema and the elders and well-known characters of the people to cooperate regarding school safety. Those local scholars who are to be deployed to guard the schools will be helped financially. Safeguarding the schools shall be accepted as a religious, social and moral job, the schools which are part of the public wealth it shall be the job of each individual to safeguard it. The schools train the young cadres of the country therefore this is a need to take appropriate steps to safeguard them till then our country is changed to a centre of science, it shall be flourished and prosperous and our people shall be apparelled by science in order to be able to compete with other countries. Education is brightness and with this brightness each span of the country shall be enlightened and all the nation shall take advantage of education.
Britain soldiers consumer their equipments more than their need in Afghanistan
Translated by Abdul Hassib
The Telegraph news paper of England informed yesterday,” the Britain soldiers in Afghanistan spent their rockets and other military equipments more than expect in the country. This newspaper writes: one Unknown Soldier forecast that the military equipments of the Britain soldiers will finish in the start of this winter in the time that it was resolved that their military equipments must finish in the next spring. The news paper adds: 8 helicopters fly daily in the time which it was resolved that 6 helicopters must fly daily. Based on the writes of the news paper: the helicopters exposed to the gun fire of Taliban but none of them saw inbuilt losses from the gun fire of Taliban. It says that the Britain soldiers will expect of cooperation from their defence ministry of their country and the defence ministry must to expect more money from the government of Britain. But the defence ministry of Britain refuted these assertions and said that there is no problems exist in the supporting of their soldiers in Afghanistan.
World bank to pay political insurance for investment in Afghanistan.
Translated by Abdul Hassib
It resolved that World Bank is going to pay political insurance for those capitalists which invest in Afghanistan. The target of this insurance is insurance of those entrepreneurs which their investment effect from the political movements and this bank is the responsible of the owing of these losses. The guarantee and support section from investment office of this bank MIGA held one day seminar under the leader ship of the Mr. Awren by the attend more than ten trade men for the more understanding and awareness of the entrepreneurs in this field in Mazar province. Mr. Awren the responsible of the investment office of this bank in the time that he read the political insurance for the benefit of capitalists said,” our target is support from the investment of the entrepreneurs, we pay political insurance for the local capitalist in the situation which they will have foreign assistance, if the entrepreneurs loss their fortunes in the track of political problems after ward the world bank is the responsible to give the losses of them.” He added,” entrepreneurs must pay some money as their reference annual for the world bank toward their acceptance in this process which for one million dollars they must to pay more than 20000 dollars for the world bank. Eshaq Sarwary the vindicator/ state accountant of Balkh province in the time which he read this measure as the biggest measure toward the growth of the investment in Afghanistan said for Pajwak Afghan news agency,” we had all the thing like investment in the country but the thing which we didn’t have was the lake of such company which support from our entrepreneur and pay insurance for them.” It mentioned in the 10th article of constitution that government convince the private investments and private businesses based on the economical squadron of independent bazaar according to the verdicts of the codes and they support and guarantee their safety. Haji Shafiq one of entrepreneurs of Balkh province which spoke from his registering in the next future to this company said to Pajwak Afghan news agency,” this system is very good for us and the entrepreneurs, because our money will not waste so we invest but in the track of war all our fortunes waste and annihilate which this bank is the responder of it.” According to the information responsible of this bank, the insurance system pay the money which wastes or annihilate from the track of war or political themes but is not the responsible of the owing of those losses which has been occurred from the track of natural themes it means that this bank and the system of this bank will not pay those fortunes of the entrepreneurs which will annihilate or waste from the natural problems. Based on the speech of Mr. Awren,” Mazar is the second province after Jilalabad which such kind of seminars held for the more awareness of the entrepreneurs in this province and it resolved that such a seminar will hold in Herat province as well in the next time. In another subsidence, Nazar Mohammad Tabe’a the general head of the incumbencies of the financial affairs ministry expect from the entrepreneurs of Balkh and Mazar province to take part in the three incumbencies which are like (exports of dry fruits, natural goads, and chemical fertilizers) which have changes from the government part to private part, in a meeting which he had with entrepreneurs of Balkh and Mazar in Mazar province. Tabe’a said,” these three government incumbencies disbanded and they expect from the entrepreneurs to take part in the free competition of these incumbencies. He added,” the Balkh entrepreneurs must to take part in the free competition of these three incumbencies like other entrepreneurs in the next future and take one of them to will be able to invigorate the economy of Afghanistan in the future.
Police arrest some opium
Translated by Abdul Hassib
26kg opium arrested in the Achin district of Nangarhar province yesterday. The achieved news from Nangarhar says,” police officers and the security force of our country arrested 26 kg opium from the Achin districts of Nangarhar province yesterday.” Haji Abdul Qadir the governor of Achin district said in this sphere that the achieved opium arrested from two persons who were the traffickers of the narcotics but the traffickers succeed to escape from the incident sit it means that when the opium arrested the traffickers of these achieved narcotics escaped. Achin is the district of Nangarhar where opium produced more and traffic more from this district it means that the production and the trafficking of the narcotics is profound and redundant in this district of Nangarhar province in the country.
Health facilities level swell
Translated by: Hamid Stanikzai
Article 52 of the constitution of the country underlines the responsibilities of the government about health, “according to the law, the government provide free health facilities, for preventing the diseases and free treatment to all individuals”. Within the five years a lot of work have been done in the ground of health. According to the authorities of the ministry of public health 1195 hospitals are active throughout the country and all hospitals are concluded from the capital to the provinces and the districts hospitals. 50% of these hospitals and health centres have constructed newly and the other 50% have been reconstructed. There are 17 local hospitals, 33 provincial hospitals, 66 district hospitals, 413 big health centres and 666 basic health centres. The data shows that in the ground of health there have been good improvement and we welcome it but we shall not be contented for that and within the past five years all the achievements, deficiencies and successes shall be researched and based on these researches the strategy of the following years shall be made. Afghanistan is still one of the countries that its health services are in a low level comparing to the international standards. Death among mothers is in a high level and death level in children is also up. The level of prevention of diseases is low and a lot children and even elders lose their lives due to diarrhoea, most of the people can not reach to the hospitals and they die on their way to health centres, in remote areas most of the people are deprived from health facilities, in order to solve these problems there must be initiated a strategy which is based on the balance and on the strategy the remote places shall be given the priority where health facilities services are too low. There are reports that in some of remote areas there have been constructed good buildings, unfortunately, there is no medical personals to work in these newly built buildings, therefore the training of medical staff shall place a top of the strategy, those hospitals which exist in the capital and in the provinces shall be provide with good medical personal and shall be equipped with modern equipments and we shall endeavour that the people should not go abroad for some slight disease, but now most of the need to go abroad even for some small laboratory check ups, as the other fields of life we shall save our country not to be dependent on abroad from the health point of view, despite the fact that there is no other country in the world not to be in need of medical services to another country, even the progressed countries are in need of health to other countries, but at least we shall do something to prepare treatment some common diseases and we shall try to standardize the health services to the international level.
Bomb planters in London relate to Alqaida
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
Pakistan government claimed that, people which are arrested here about bombing in London airport, they are related to Alqaida group in Afghanistan. Mrs. Tasnim Aslam, ministry of foreign affair spokesman of this country, Sunday said in her speech, sources are in hand that relation of these captured people approved the with Alqaida group in Afghanistan. This subject gets world vast and dimensions to itself. Mrs Aslam said, Rashid Raoof British decent that has Pakistan originality, captured in title of a key of conspiracy of bombings. She said in this speech, conspiracy of this international terrorist network that was about to planted in British planes, obtained by collective cooperation of information organizations of Pakistan, British and America. Spokesman of ministry of foreign affairs of Pakistan also said, captures in 9 and 10 August in London the information which already given to British authorities, accomplished. He added, that international cooperation and solidarity about this will continue. Spokesman of Pakistan’s ministry of foreign affair emphasised. Pakistan as well in world fighting against terrisom will undertaker. said it is that some of diplomatic in Islamabad see about this issue with doubt and hesitation and persuade that this artificial draft for decreasing of crimes of Israel regime is in Libnan and Philistine.
Less worker and unsuccessful ministers, why they don’t Interpellate?
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
25 ministers that the current cabinet all they got confidence votes from Shora-e-Milli ceremony, ceremony that is still young, and not reach to bake and also accused a problem by the name of non-existence of management. This that up to which limit this accusation is chimerical and real, has worked that has in several work’s day and this can work property for observation of that done work. Accusation that in non-existence of positive work that Shora-e-Milli is register in that is need to survey but this accusation that to cabinet and to especial particular ministries registered is task of Shora-e-Milli ceremony that ripeness to it. But it can see that this ceremony forget this task of it. Minister that his ministry doesn’t has income should inerpellate and this is one of the task of Shora-e-Milli. Minister which it’s embasager doesn’t work good in out of the country, ministers which it’s governors don’t work good in provinces, ministries that it’s deputies, advisors and presidents don’t have working achievement and did not work good, ministers of that should interpellate from National Shora-e-Milli ceremony. Not this that they come in a exhibition form in national shora-e-Milli ceremony and after serve of nut and pistachio and tea again setting on to ministries and this change to a real that one minister and even doesn’t have any achievement, can to stay minimum for five years as a minister of that ministry. Governments working in past five years didn’t have connived achievement but more minister of that instead of dismiss, replaced in ministries of subsequent. Security, work, economic, energy and water, calmative is one of the cases that in passage of 5 year from Bin conference, people suffereing from absences of it. But it is in condition that every one of these cases, ministries have wide and length and that have million dollar consumption. Now if ministry with consumption of million dollar in annual and with a aim of paying to one of the following case after 5 years don’t have positive and important achievement to which source should to work that turpith to it’s done work and give account from the responsible? The gave this right to Shora-e-Milli ceremony. But in passages of months from begin work to this ceremony and non-existance of positive and important achievement. Insecurity in excessiveness of ministries, ministries of labour and social affairs and economic for non-existance of focus for jobless problem and non-existance of economic development, ministry of water and energy for non-existance of water and energy development and drinking water, ministry of agriculture and foot for not focusing on agriculture production, is one of the important ministries that didn’t have positive and important achievement in their work in past 5 years. With a focus to amportance of the following case and non-existance of job and achievement of mentioned ministries in this case the useless and unsecessful ministers have to interpellate from side of Shora-e-Milli ceremony, but still didn’t happen this accident.
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
Hundreds resident of Faryab province in objection to saying of interior minister that said, Hezb-e-Milli Islami should null. They demonstrated. These people als0 want the dismiss of Zarar Ahmad Maqbal from ministry of interior affair. Contemporaneous international relief organizations minimum decrease their human activities in Faryab province and foreign employee carried them self to quest house of united nation organizations till in harshness day, can easily carry them out from this province, the numbers of women were also in this demonstration. Some days before, in bloody fighting between loyal forces to General Abdul Rashid Dostom and general Abdul Malik in Kata Qalayi Faryab province, interior minister request from justice minister to disarmed the counterpart parties. With this that, general Dostam in sinew of towness occupation in Afghanistan government, officially dismissed from presidency of Hazb-e-Janbish Milli Afghanistan but this party still loyal with General Abdul Rasheed Dostom.
NATO changes it’s strategy in Afghanistan
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
In case of insecurity have to circumstance more work from government. Thus coalition forces and NATO are not able to go to all districts and see the problems from near. For distruction of drug and insecurities need a strong government and powerful army, government have to prepare altercate support to poppies farmer, Chaten wisdom, senior delegation of unmilitary affair of NATO in Afghanistan says, increasing of insecurity in some areas of this country, in strategy NATO in Afghanistan changes appear. Mr. Chaten talked in last day of his operation in Kabul to journalists said, that condition of Afghanistan respect to other years became bad and said, that now warlords Taliban inter to a new strategy in a fighting. Chaten said, that with focus with this condition, NATO decide to change it’s strategy in Afghanistan, it is not reason of failness of NATO international program in Afghanistan? He said, these plans are not fail but in proformance of it need to more work. Mr. Chaten said, according to my opinion in this case should more worked from Afghanistan, thus NATO and coalition forces are not able to go to all provinces and see the problems from near. He said, in this case government need a strong army, government have to altercate support to poppies farmer. Therefore, that Afghanistan government and world society revise in their strategy. Delegation of unmilitary NATO in Afghanistan contemporience informed one long agreement it resolved that in upcoming soon sign between afghanistgan government and NATO. Mr. Chanten in a copy from chef of NATO said, this agreement shows the active activities of NATO in Afghanistan.
Demonstrators expect to resolve of Nuristan governor
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
The number of Nuristan province people demonstrated against the governor of that province. People have objected in slowing working of reconstruction, corruption and insecurity in this province. Demonstrators expect to resolving of Tamim Nuristani governor’s of that province. One of demonstrators said, Mr. Nuristani during his work can’t to prevent from corruption and make fast the reconstruction program of this province. Demonstrators claimed to tension the governor of Nuristan province. But spokesman of Nuristan governor rejected the demonstration against the governor of that province. Before as well a report spread in based of people’s demonstration. They expect changes in position of province and other parts of that province.
One group of weapon thief and American military equipment, capture
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
Police apprehended one person in accusation of steeling and smuggling of kit of weapons and equipment of American captured. Alisha Paktiawal chef criminal of security base of Kabul province said, in a current time three people from members of this group with two container of military equipment related to American have captured. Source said, the apprehended people were worker of transport private company. In a saying of chef of security base of Kabul province they carried equipments and weapons from airport of to military bases of American in different provinces. Due to saying of chef of criminal, the numbers of equipments and weapons reach to two containers. Before as well information due to lost of some of the military equipments from side of American said to police.
Three Iran decent nab in Kandahar province
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
Three Irani decent that invited people of Kandahar to Jihad against foreign troops, they were nabbed by authorities of that province. One person from person from responsilb of national security presidency , during saying of this news said to Bakhtar agency, the nabbed people with Jamatul Islamic in leadership of Molawi Abdul Wahab have connection. Due to information of source this Iran resident that captured last week, they settled in Kandahar and Heart province, courage people Jihad against foreign troops in Afghanistan. In a saying of source these three people by the name of Abdul Ghani, Mohammad Rafi and Abdul Majeed. Residents of bordry area of Balochistan, Iran. And in preliminary investigation accepted their crime. During last four years, the numbers of Pakistan residents in accusation of in doing of activities against Afghanistan government arrested in side of the country.
Two districts of Paktiya positioned under rocked attack
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
Unknown armed people, yesterday night positioned district of Dand Patan province of Paktiya and Khogyani district of Ghazni province under rocked attack that in cause of that one mosque and one schools damaged. General Mati Ullah Rahmani chef of security base of Paktiya province said to Pazwak afghan agency, that last night 6 fire of rocked crashed on district of Dand Patan, that three fire of them are not exploded, but two fire of it crashed near school and one of the other crashed in Mosque. General Rahmani said, that in this attack one mosque martyred and glasses of school broke down. Din Mohammad Darwish minister of youth culture of Paktiya province also approved the rocked attack but didn’t say about the it’s destruction. Also three rocked crashed with based of coalition forces in district of Dand Patan that in a saying of General Rahmani, the mentioned attack didn’t have any casualty. He responsibled the enemies of this country in attack. From other hand last night, 6 rocked crashed in Khogyani district of Ghazni province that in a saying of Abdul Ali Fakori spokesman of Ghazni governor, the mentioned attack didn’t have any casualty. But Lal Aqa one of the resident of that area said, that two rocked crashed in buildings of district and effect the building.
in Helmand bomb explosion two police kill.
translated by Atif Mohmandzai
We done the explosion and 6 police officers were killed (Taliban spokesman) in Helmand bomb explosion two police officers were killed. In a saying security authorities of Helmand province, police officers killed due to explosion of remot control bomb, they were going from one place to another place in patrol time. Spokesman of Taliban said to new sources, that in this explosion we killed 6 police officers and their cars are destroyed.
Those who don’t observe the specify cycle of deliveries.
transalated by hamid safi
Those who don’t observe the specify cycle of deliveries. Childe mostly grown in childhood and the farmers are at the first step mothers and then fathers. It has been seen that mother are not interested to feed the child by mother’s milk and on the first day of the child birth mothers are starting to feed the child from artificial milks. Even on the third fist days after deliveries which mother’s milk is very important and effective for growth of child in its future on basses of physical and mentality growth? Sacking of the mothers chest on be half of babies in the next tow years completes the child growth. The unplanned pregnancies and sharing the rights of a child to another child is effecting very dangerous for the child this is the matter that mostly no one pay attention for that. Especially mothers who are working out the houses in the offices and so on and in some figures they are just showing irresponsibility. And there are not place to feed the children by mother’s milk and childes gets punishment of that. If mothers and fathers want to birth a child they have the responsibility to do not forget about looking after and scientific aspects of their children. Unfortunately from ever aspects our children are facing malnutrition. The effects are because of poverty of the families in our society. In a society that 70 percents of mothers are having tuberculoses how we can wait to have healthy babies in our society. With the corruptions that magistrate in our offices there are aids for poor children on be half world society they are not giving to the real poor children of the society. While there are many announcements had been published in the news papers and televisions.
Bribe and administrative corruption in the east provinces of country
Translated by Abdul Hassib
Bribe and administrative corruption caused dishearten of the people from the government, some of the people are concern and doubtful about expansion of bribery and clarify of the bribery in their affairs and some of them accuse the high ranks of the government for the prolonging of bribery and administrative corruption. In this time, lake of adequate salary for the government employees, existence of the illegal demurral persons who abuse their ranks, the slowly process of the administration reforms, the lake of a use full oversee, are the best agents of the administrative corruption and bribery in the government administrations specially in the east terrains of the country before some people of the country. Mohammad Nader Ahmady the advocate in the office of Madica Mandial says,” the bribery is still inbuilt in the administrations which expects from the officials of the administrations in the diverse varieties but the government can rid this disapproval habit by taking of crucial and serious decision and effective prosecution and oversee from this situation.” Jawed Norzad from the cultural of Herat province says,’ the lake of the government employee salary caused that they should expect bribe for the increasing of their salary and for achievement of more money for the more effects on their economy.” He adds.” If government would be able to increase the salaries of its employee to be adequate for the prolonging of their live on that time the necessity to expect bribe will not see among the employees of the government and even on that time government will be able to deterrent from this phenomena.” In this time Sayed Hosain Anwary the governor of Herat province confirm existence of administrative corruption in the government administration and says,” we have seized about five person in the accusation of bribery in this year which this amount include chief of Herat traffic which he expected 12 thousand dollars for the precede of the work program of one Taxi corporation between Iran and Afghanistan” Based in the assertions of Herat governor,” the chief of this province traffic read the agent of this money expect from the chief of the Taxi corporation as the division of this money among the governor, commanders of provincial head quarter and him self it means that he said that when I would be able to achieve this money on that time I would divide that money among the governor of this province, commanders of the provincial head quarter of this province and I would take my part from this money and this assertion of him caused that governor himself enter to this action and took a measure for the seizing of the chief of this province traffic.” He also gave the report of the seizing of commander of provincial head quarter of this province in the accusation of economical abuse/misuse, illegal activities and the transmission of the relics from this province and kidnapping of the children and trafficking of them to the foreign countries from the borders of the country and also he gave the report of the seizing of one police from the provincial head quarter of this province in the accusation of bribery from one women for the taking of passport to her and said,” the conflict of the government will prolong with such kinds of people which float administrative corruption and bribery in the government administrations.” He read the cooperation of the people in the explanation of the agents of bribery, administrative corruption, control and over see of such people effective and added,” people had straight role in the discovering of some corruption issues.” Despite of this, Dr. Mohammad Hasan one of the experts and trustable says,” the execution of such actions are not adequate in the annihilation of administrative corruption, bribery is as expanded in the administrations as some appointed in the high ranks of the government by the paying of some large amount of money, and they don’t contemplate competency in the appointing of the high rank official of government. Abdul Qader Herawy the chief of proposal office of independent commission of administrative reforms confirmed the bribery and administrative corruption and read the expectation of bribe and administrative corruption emerge from the lake of faith and honesty of bribee in their religions and sects, adema of prices of goads and the shortage of employee salaries. He adds,” an separate office under the title of the prevent and decrease of administrative corruption and bribery has been founded recently and this office asses the affairs of Ghor, Farah, Badghis, Herat administrations and attach the reports to the centre of country, and this office decide to precede the recruit of this office in the free competition and according to the educational bonds and work experience. But Bike Mohammad the delegation of the interior affairs ministry’s administration deputy office know the agents of administrative corruption and bribery emerge from the lake of tide in the administrations and the inefficiency of the government ranks and says,” government will precede a tide program of administration reforms in a tide shape up to the time that it will be able to float competency in the administrations it means that in the recruit of the employees in the administrations they must to contemplate competency.” The assertions of the government high rank based on the existence of corruption in the administrations and the decision of the government for the eradication of bribery and corruption from administrations while tilted that Eaderen Adward the spokesperson of the united nation delegation office in Afghanistan declared,” the increasable infect of the high ranks of government in the bribery and corruption in the administrations menace national sovereignty and security in the country.” In this time he said,” the prolonging of the bribery and corruption in the government apparatus will culminate the decreasing of the sovereignty of the government in the centre and the far flung region of the country.”
The press effects on the children
transalated by hamid safi
The press has extraordinary effects on the children. The picture broadcasts are very effective for the children. The published press are has very good effects for the children. The television programme which prepares and broadcasts for advertisement mostly effects very bad on the children mind. Those movies and songs which is broadcasting on foreign channels most of them are only propaganda and harshness of fights and has nothing else. The family with out paying tension leave the children to see these programmes and on the second day they are practising those criminal actions. There on not exclusives programs for the children and if there are some they are all back warded and ineffective. There is also lack of exclusive programmes on the published press. The Anis publication organisation publishes its tow pages exclusively of the children and it is very effective for the children. The national television also has exclusive programmes for children and they are very effective for children behaviours. And the international radio of BBC broadcasts a programme bye the name of (when u grow you will understand). The other channels don’t have exclusive programmes and they are broadcasting the programmes to run their business in spite of this with coordinating we can broadcast many good programs which will be effective. With many illus we can say there are many channels and with all the possibilities did not do any good effects
The harsh ness dimension against women in Balkh is in high Surface.
Translated by Abdul Hassib
In spit of the endeavours which has been done from government and international organizations for the annihilation of the harsh ness against women in the province of the country but Feriba Majeed the chief of women affairs says that the graphic of harsh ness against women in Balkh province shows a high dimension it means that the harsh ness against women in Balkh is in the high surface. Mrs Majeed says,” the harsh ness against women were redundant in the past and on that time these kinds o harsh ness were a simple command among the people, but the women found their ability to plead from their lost rights slightly by the creation of the defensive bases from the rights of women and the awareness of women from their rights”. Harsh ness or destiny and dispensation! Zubaida is a women which live in Mazar knows the harsh ness which do from the men of their family against them as a simple command and graft this harsh ness to the destiny of one woman and says,” some of the women are fortunate which don’t expose to the conflict and hit from the men of their family, but the women who expose to the harm and harsh ness from their husband and mothers in law, God has written this to their destiny from start of their live.” But these assertion of this woman is a clear fact in our society which actually this is a disrupted tradition and float which has been hung to the Afghani culture it means that the harsh ness and the bad behaviour which men have for their women and the women of one family expose to the harm and harsh ness of their husbands and the mothers in law is disrupted tradition which has been taken place in the culture of Afghanistan. In a such situation women of this society have trust to the respect of men and the elders and are the observer of illegal affairs even that affairs are in the opposition with them or be illegal according to the roles of their religion and sect it means that women in this society of Afghanistan follow and observe the affairs which their family, husband and their elders say even that work would be opposite of their religion rates or would be the opposite of the human rights and women rights because of the respect phenomena to the elders and men of their family. The harsh ness process against women are generally secret and majority women have shame from the harsh ness which is done on them from their men and they shame from the expressing of their situations which they have among their families and they can not say any thing in the field of the harshness against them and they become quiet. Some limit women are which they can appeal to the rights bases of the women and complain from the harshness which is done against them. This behaviour of women has been changed to a rate and if one woman brief others from the harshness and bad behaviour which her family do against her that woman will accuse to be grace less and shame less from other women, so it means that good woman is the woman which sustain each kind of illegal harsh ness and despotic which is done from her elders of the family and her husband. But this process has been decreased up to some dimensions by the creation of schools and the activities of the medias and by the understanding of the people in this field but the harsh ness and bad behaviour against women in the districts, provinces and the villages of our country still continuing and it hasn’t finished yet. Mrs. Majeed says about the harsh ness against women,” the harshness was in the secret shape in the past and women didn’t have a source to complain about the harshness and from other side the harshness against women has changed to a rate among the people of our country.” Blood money and altercate! One of the clear fact of the society which chief of women affairs assessed and was the witness of one these facts is the harshness against one 22 old woman which the behaviour of her family and her husband is like a prisoner and if we see her we will think that she is a prisoner. She was as a prisoner many times in the house of her husband and they tided her hands and the stick that in the wall for the deterrent from the escape of her. This young woman which doesn’t have normal spirit situation and do some illegal and abnormal movements with her hands always expect died from God and she is in the aspiration to die and she has bent to commit suicide it means that she always have the expect to kill her self. While her father killed in the family strife and she was a child she completely remember that incident and when her brother killed her cousin in the altercation of her father blood also completely remember, and know that incident as the agent of her and her family agony and that moments were the disasters which advent its face in the current live of them, after the killing of her cousin they escape to Iran, and while they return back to their country after 14 years vagrancy and agony time far from their land and home land her uncle captivated her and in the pretext that he make her as a attorney for the land and grounds of her father and took her as an altercate and blood money (is a kind of tradition in the villages of Afghanistan that when some kill other one so on that time the accused must give one girl under the title of BAD to the family of the victim) and didn’t made her as the attorney of her father ‘s lands. And after that he engaged her to his 15 old son obligatory it means that by force her uncle engaged her to her cousin which was 15 years old and they carry her to the Kishindih district of Balkh and they expose her to the conflict and hit every day because of their son’s revenge and for the deterrent of her escape the always keep her in the house and tided her with stack. This was a small part of harsh ness against this good and innocent creature which has been done against this woman. The harshness against women is not the theme that just government none government organizations try to annihilate these harshness against women but all the international organizations and base try to eliminate the harshness against women in our country, and also international community take some programs in the diverse part of the country for the elimination of the harshness against women in Afghanistan. But for the elimination of the harshness against women must have crucial programs and have basic acts against them.
The deputy responsible of children-magazine said
transalated by hamid safi
The facilities that the ministry of information and cultural gave us are not enough. If some one wants to do something good for children needs huge campaign and well facilities, even though |Anis Children-Magazine has less possibilities in its hands but even with less possibilities are able to better things which expects from it. He said currently we don’t have confident computers and computer workers and the publication which have are all because of good averts and tries of the employees that in the aspects of technical give good answers for the children. If we have good printers and computers we might prepare interesting colour articles. The Children-Magazine has a historical background and in the past had article in inside Anis magazines. Free publications also have article for children like Rangeen Kaman, Shogofaha but in the stage of government only Anis Children-Magazine works for children. He added if we think deeply the children are the shell which makes future society. If we pay attention for them in the beginning and we have good publications and propagandas and light their opinions from every aspect it is clear that in the future they will be good people for the society and they will serve the nations. As much more publications and propagandas that much would be better for children because children minds are like a white papers and they save everything fast and better. As much increasing of positive propagandas in order they will affect the personalities of the children positively and they will become the medicine to cure our society. Publications which have good and effective articles for the children while they are reading the articles they are imagining themselves instead of the characters and they want to implement those activities. He said there are many programmes on the television which is about their own goals not for urbanization of children. He named the Arian Television which has good programs for the children but Afghan Television did not pay attention for this purpose and it is avoiding the youths and children. He said pictured programs have good effects on the children when the children see their pictures on the television and magazines they are becoming very happy and these help them to work harder. When they see themselves on the televisions the count a personality for themselves and find themselves between people. All the publications must have cartoon networks and training programmes to broadcast and to improve the information of the children.
Illegal house’s construction and lake of government heed.
Translated by Abdul Hassib
Majority people obligated for the leaving of their house and nests in the track of war in the past years and disposed live in the neighbouring and far flung countries out of Afghanistan. The population of country has been increased severely in the three recent years and the returning of refugees back to their country envisaged the living situation in the country regions. Lake of government heed to the dividing of the land to the people of the country paved the way of illegal houses reconstruction. Pul-I Khumri the capital of Baghlan province is the city which has been exposed to the crowd and confiscation of the tyrants because of the increasing of its population. Based on the assertions of Abdul Qadir Hotaki one of the residents of this city,” a part of Shashsad Coti garden which depended to municipality of this city divided to the tyrants and the relations of the government in the start point of the interim government in this city of the country from the high ranks of the government in this city and these land were one of the picnic and side seeing points and sit of the people of this city. The lands in the sits of the Farhat hill, Kargar valley and other hills of this city has been exposed to pillage and confiscate of the tyrants in this region, and if the government wont be able to make a project for the construction of houses for the people of country this situation will increase and the construction of the illegal houses will prolong in this shape and process. The existence of corruption and bribery in the government apparatus is one the other agent that people claim possession on the land of government in this city it means that the administration corruption and bribery in the administration of the government in this city caused that they people would be able to find the grit to construct illegal house on the government properties and claim that these land are the properties of us. Like that the construction of illegal houses in the Chil Kapa village of Kilagay valley caused some problems and strife among Sarkhani and Akakhil and Naseri ethnics that if government will be inefficient in this field it will cause the ethnical and tribal problems and skittish s in this region that on that time government will not be able to deterrent these problems among the tribes and ethnics of this region. Based on the assertion of Abdul Basir,” those people which neither have the ability to buy houses nor they have the ability to construct illegal houses, they are in the prospect of land that government divide that for them in the future but their prospect is not legal because government in spit to divide lands to the poor people why they don’t sell that and appropriate the money of them and buy cars for their selves. He says,” I hope that government will take the programs of rural development and start the dividing of land for the housing of those people who don’t have the ability to buy houses for their selves, which from one side they will not be able to alienate the tide of the city and from other side people become the owner of houses. Abdul Hakim is one of the refugees who returned back to his country and doesn’t have house to live with his family said,” the project of Khowaja Alwan valley which was resolved that construct for the returnees and refugees but unfortunately that land also divided to the tyrants and the relatives of the government, and they divided the land to those people who have government disposal and a rank in the government or for those persons who were the relatives of the government high ranks, and if the government has a crucial oversee and control from the division of these land it will see and become clear that a minority part of the refuges has been given place to this land and these are those refugees which have relations with the high ranks of the government and they gave them place to the land which has no value. The lands which are located in the key location of these lands, majority of them has been sold by the high ranks of the government. One other project has agreed in the Chim Qala and central Baghlan for the returnees and refuges which these lands also divided by the local commanders and high ranks of the government to the relatives. They had never divided lands for those people who need this land and for the deserve people of our country. The prolonging of this process and lake of government heed to this theme will caused that the tyrants and the high ranks of the government will find houses and land but those oppressed people which envisaged to diverse problems because of lake of house they will remain to their situations and will never find houses and will always suffer from the lake of houses.
Te presidents of Afghanistan and Pakistan will have a meeting.
hamid safi
This is the very first meeting of NATO crop which attends in this meting. Islamabad: the combine meeting between Afghanistan, Pakistan, USA and NATO will take place on 2nd of August. According to Waqt news paper (urdo Pakistani language) news paper this meeting will be held for analyses and straggling against Alqaeeda and Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Genatrl Hassan the deputy of Pakistani army forces will be chief crop for this meeting. According to Waqt urdu news paper the envoy of NATO forces based in Kabul will participate on this meeting for the very first time which is a combine commission of Afghanistan, Pakistan, United Nations and NATO. Nawahi Waqat wrote an Afghan general will join this meeting as well. The purpose of holding this meeting is to stop the Taliban activities and its enhancement on the south of Afghanistan day by day. In this meeting there will discussions and annualises about the problems of tribal areas of west and North Waziristan.
Afghanistan, connect high way for tourism
Translated by Abdul Hassib
The tourism tradition has been changed to an important economical source. Today the countries which have interesting tourist sources by the using of that source they provide good beautiful places for the tourists it means that they provided that sources as the flourish and exhibition place for the world tourists by the relevant facilities that country have. The incomes emerge from this command reach to the millions dollars. Afghanistan is the country which is prosperous of these interesting places. The insecurity and war caused these interesting places to envisage to annihilation and the tradition of tourism has been annihilated from this country. For the more awareness about the tourist tradition situation we sought the opinions of Mr. Nasrullah Stanikzai and he says,” Afghanistan under the title of ancestor and full do relics country is the owner of multi interesting place for the absorbing of tourists.” Afghanistan, more over of the relics is prosperous of good natural sources as well which it self help for the absorbing of the tourists and inhabitants of the world. From other side war leave the place and relics from it self that can be interesting for the tourists. The geographic location of Afghanistan under the title of transit country is a good high way for the connecting of tourists, and this location of Afghanistan added to the values of this phenomena. In the continuation of this speech the deputy of the tourism ministry said,” from tourism we can use in the field of understanding our culture and by tourism we can bring inbuilt changes to our culture. The entering of the inhabitants of the world and the reading of the relics can have an inbuilt and important role in the introducing of our culture. Mr. Stanikzai said about the economical importance of tourism,” the tourist tradition have redundant national incomes and this command help us in the field of paving the ground for work and ward of the poverty and idleness from our country. He says,” we registered and entered about 120 organization of tourist services and about 40000 tourist visa has imported which the income emerge from that was about half million dollars in the past years. The deputy of the tourism and culture and juvenilities ministry, about the professional instructions in this ministry said,” we could put the stone of the basement of the tourism institute which it self help us in the increasing of our work quality in the country. We could be able to achieve those of our places and delegation offices which had been confiscated by the power men and tyrants in this period and we signed many contracts of the cooperation with the tourist organization. He mentioned the holding of the international festival in New Delhi of India and the holding of out 11 exhibition places in all around the country as the biggest achievements of deputy office of tourism and culture ministry.
Children environment
hamid safi
Children environment: After the specific period that children pass they are slowly opening eyes to see what is in their environment and social personality starts. Then the children pass many different events up to the admission for schools. When the second baby born after the previous baby then the fist child goes to deprivation of importance for its parents and always orders come on the child to do not touch the new baby’s material or even don’t come closer to the new baby. Mothers and fathers start to love for the new baby and this action hits very sharply the old child and just harshness and revenge nothing else starts on the child’s mind. This child becomes pessimistic for every thing and mostly for the new baby in every aspect. The old child continuous her or her jealousy and most children go to become calm and miserable for the rest of his childhood. Fathers some times to show his love are going to buy artificial guns or planes made by plastic and form that time they become impolite. When they go to school fear follows them because of teacher’s anger they want to make excuses to not go to schools and sometimes they don’t go to school with out informing their parents. Even they pretend that they are going to schools.
Basir student of class seven to the reporter of Anise said
hamid safi
The Anis magazine publishes an exclusive colour magazine in the name of (CHILD of the MONTH). This magazine is very beneficial and effective for the children and youths because it opens the mind of the children and gives hopes for activities. Anise magazine is one in only in Kabul city which publishes such a magazine. It has different factors like entertainment and information. I am the reporter of Anis children-magazine and I am trying to prepare interesting articles for my magazine. I make ready pictures and interviews of children and I publish good poems into the magazine and then I share them into following schools (Abdul Dawi, Alfate and Haji Abudul Qadir high schools). Magazines are very effective and have well roll for enhancement of children and youths knowledge and information. And for this purpose the families love the children-magazine
The deputy responsible of weekly mail said
hamid safi
The shell that all our future hopes and wishes related to is children a nation must invest on its children because children are the builders of the society. She said three decades of war back warded our country from every aspect of lives and a generation left illustrated. This generation is called war ravaged. We can’t count to much on them then we must to invest on youths and children. But as fore we see unfortunately no any publication or government nor any organization invested for this shell. In every step of Kabul we can see a publication centres but for aspects of children less attention as been given and most of the publications don’t have anything for children or if thy have something for children are very less and those are comic pictures and stories. The publication centres are responsible for reforming of the society. If the publications pay attention for everything except children their chores will stay uncompleted. When a picture of a child publishes in a news papers or on television he or she does proud of himself or herself and understands that he or she has value in the society because his/her pictures and opinion published in the news paper and on the television. The children think a lot on that and want to grow more. On some aspect children give better ideas than elders. Then it is elder’s responsibility to pay attention what children have said if avoid what they have said next time even if the have good ideas they won’t say and they will stay behind. Their self reliability gets weak and weaker. She added the publications stayed behind for urbanization and training programs. Except movies and cartoons they don’t have anything to broadcast for children. Some children have good talents if they don’t implement that it will stay hidden. The society is like a building that children form its bases if the bases are good and powerful then the future will be confident. If the children stay like this in the future as well then we must not wait for good future.
What is democracy?
Mohammad Azim Olfat
Translated by Abdul Hassib the name of the news paper is Payam-e Jawan and this is a monthly news paper
Democracy is a foreign word which entered in the English language from a French word under the name of democrati in 16th century. This word has been formed in the Aten city of the Yonan which the meaning of this is people partiality or the people government for people. Democracy is a scientific opinion and also is a political complicated and wrapped squadron for the administration of the society. The squadron and the system of democracy is the result of the perseverance and the work and experience of thousands years past generation of human. Human has exposed diverse systems and experiences to argue since its creation for the tiding tide in the society and human social justice, and one of the good achievements and effects which is approval, acceptable and has found human quality among the humans of the society is the democracy phenomena, or that is to say democracy is the way of the society organizing in the condition that will assume all the need s and necessities of the society with out connection with harshness resolution in the society. Scientist and knowledgeable persons presented many definitions from democracy which in deed the presenting of a particular definition for democracy is not a simple work like: Make Farson defined democracy as follow: democracy is a political squadron which by this the power impose on the social persons and groups. Or in the book of the political cultural science defined from democracy as follow: democracy is a kind of government which the particular agent of it is the declaration of the minority identity on majority and the legalizing of the equal independence rights of the human in the society. From my view the government regime which is emerging from nation can be a good respond for the question that says what democracy is. We can say that democracy is people government to people, the government which will be responder in the all aspect of the people live of the society, and will be the guarantor of preservation of God sent rights of the people in the society in the frame of constitution of that society
22 Taliban were killed in Uruzgan province
hamid safi
NATO spokesman: The killed ones were implementing an operation against national and coalition forces. Kabul: the coalition forces announced that fifteen armed Taliban fighters were killed in Uruzgan providence. The spokes man of NATO in press conference in Kabul said a well know commander of Taliban is among the death. This operation took place in Uruzgan province and according to the NATO spokes man they were implementing an operation against government forces. Mean while the local authorities in Helmand said ten Taliban soldiers were killed by a coalition operation in this province. The chief of local security forces of Helmand said this operation took place in Islam-e Qala of this province. Taliban claimed in this clash nothing happened to the Taliban forces. Meanwhile the defence ministry of Afghanistan said a British soldier was killed in north province of Helmand.
Government to sever its straggles
Translted by Abdul Hassib
Karim Rahimi after the one week delay in the weekly conferences of their presses in the ministry of culture, tourism, and juvenilities said,” government sever its straggling against administrative corruption and the cultivation of the poppy in the country. The spokesperson of government with the hint to the crucial and serious hit of government in opposite of administrative corruption said,” government formed a joint commission under the leader ship of Abdul Salam Azimi chief of judicial , by the attend of general attorney, justice minister, the chiefs of the justice and court and the administrative reforms and the straggling against administrative corruption commission of the Wolsi Jirga administrative office, the commission of the oversee on the complains Wolsi Jirga and Mishrano Jirga, chief of affairs office, secretors of ministers, chief of straggling against corruption and administrative crimes, advisor of president in the fiscal affairs and controlling, and also deputy of fiscal affairs ministry, and appointed them to ratify the acts strategy of administration reforms and straggling against narcotics with the drafting of pragmatic long, middle, and short term plans and after that they must to give the report of the result of their actions to president. By the hint to the yesterday’s session of the cabinet by the attend of Abdul Jabar general attorney of country, he said,” the general attorney of the country present the reports of his acts in the straggling against narcotics for president in the yesterday’s session of government cabinet and president gave him particular disposals to act crucially and seriously in the annihilation of the corruption and administrative crimes in the each surfaces that they are even in the government apparatus and administration, private sectors, government organizations, none government organizations, and international organizations which have cooperation with us, and have crucial and serious behaviour against them, which in the report of the general attorney of country, the responsibilities which has been given from the presidency to the justice ranks of country also exist. In the continuation he added,” president gave command to the general attorney of the country to start the better acts in the annihilation of the corruption from his self up to the time that this presidency will change to and effective and centre in the way of straggling against administrative corruption.’ The spokesperson of the government pretend the straggling against corruption and narcotics and poppy cultivation as the world straggle and said,” this problem is an international problem, according to the survey which did about 1% of the incomes from selling and trafficking narcotics is given to the farmers of poppy and the international traffickers, brokers and the narcotics traffickers appropriate the rest of the income from selling of narcotics and international community must to help us in the field of straggling against international traffickers of narcotics. By the hint the opposition of the opinion of government and international community in the straggling against narcotics he said,’ the opposition of us with international community in the type of straggling against the farmers of poppy and we know the altercation cultivation as the best way for the annihilation of the poppy cultivation and we know this way as a relevant way in this field, and the provision of the altercate support is the infrastructures of the government but the international community have another ways for this straggling. Karim Rahimi by the refuting of existence of list of the chiefs and high ranks of government which have hand in the trafficking of narcotics said,” there is no list or schedule of the names of the chiefs and other ranks of government to have hand in the trafficking of narcotics and we don’t have proves as well to convict the high ranks of the government and to tell them that you have hand in the trafficking of narcotics and seize them, and for the seizing of such persons we must to have strong and particular bonds and sources which we will be able to seize them other wise we can not.
Two person kill in suicide attack in Kandahar
Translated by Abdul Hassib
The local commanders in the south of the country declared,” one Afghan security soldier and one civilian killed in the track of one suicide attack today morning in Kandahar province. Based on the declaration of these officials,” this attacks while occurred that the driver of the suicide car approached his car toward the convoy of Afghan security force and international NATO force and after that the car exploded. Based on the speeches of these rank,” NATO force didn’t effect from the attack which occurred near to Kandahar province. It is mentionable that 17 civilian killed and 47 of them injured in suicide attack in Helmand province yesterday.
More than 2.5 million persons are envisage to lake of food
Translted by Abdul Hassib
Karim Khalili the second deputy of president in the conference which held for the problem of drought in the agriculture ministry said,” according to the survey which has been done by the government of Afghanistan and international community, more than 2.5 millions of our people envisage to the lake of water and food because of the recent droughts which occurred in our country.” More over of terrorism and narcotics in the country he read the drought and its negative result of it in the future as the other problem in our country and said,” if this problem will not annihilate the ground of the poppy cultivation and the terrorism will expand in our country and the activities of terrorist and the cultivation of poppy will increase in our country. Khalili read the recent floods in the eleven province of the country as another big problem and expect from the international community to help government from money and technical fields in the giving of the relief cooperation and food for those people who effected from the flood by the contemplation of the forthcoming winter and the existed problems of it. Also Obaidullah Ramin minister of agriculture and husbandry ministry by the confirmation of this theme that we have lake of 1.2 ton wheat this year in the conference said,” for the warding/solving of this problem we need 76.4 million dollars. Minister of public health by the declaration of this that we distributed more than 96 million tons drugs, cloths, blanket and clorine to those families who effected from the flood, added,” our pockets are empty right now and we are needy of international aids. Like wise Ehsan Ziya minister of rural rehabilitation and development said,” we need to prompt aids in the field of providing tent, blanket and the reconstruction of the vulnerable sits specially their streets and the houses which effected from flood. In the continuation the deputy of UNAMA head advisor declared,” from the 76.4 millions of offered aids which government expected from the international community about 37.1 millions of it achieved which form about 47% expect of Afghanistan from international community. He declared the countries of, America, France, Japan, Holland, Bilgime and united nation as the countries which fund these aids to Afghanistan.
Breaking out in Giro district of Ghazni province
Translated by Abdul Hassib
Five persons from the opposite groups of government injured in an armed breaking out in Giro district of Ghazni province. Abdul Ali Facory governor of Ghazni mean while of confirmation of this report said,” five people from the opposite groups of government injured and two motor cycles of them achieved in the breaking out among the Afghan security force and opposite groups of government which occurred in the noon of today. But from other side Taliban claim that their pugnacious persons didn’t effect from this breaking out but two persons from Afghan national police killed in this combat, and their motor cycles because of some technical problems arrested by police.”
15 section of culture and tourism presidency activated in Herat province
Translated By Abdul Hassib
The chief of culture and tourism and juvenility presidency of Herat says,” 15 sections relevant of this presidency activated in Herat province. Based on the report of Bakhter news agency he said,” he introduced the collection of 2150 relics for the museum and archive like, coin, mud and wield dishes and the writing examples, the publishing of six books from poets and the authors of this province, the holding of four exhibitions of arts, embroidery/ drawing, penmanship, engraving, sculpture, photography and minatory in Kabul and Herat as the biggest achievement of this presidency.” Based on the speeches of him the sections of, Radio Television, Bakhter news agency, Etifaqulislam news paper, library, museum, archive, national gallery, Afghan film, and the historic bases and juvenilities all are busy with their affairs in this presidency. The national TV of country have five hours program in Herat province and the people of this province have access to the programs of TOLO and Ariana TVs as well. Based on the speeches of chief of culture and juvenility and tourism presidency of this province,” people of this province have access to the national TV programs from another channel in this province. Based on the speeches of him the programs of TV in this province are the handicraft of the local experts and actor of this province. Based on the speeches of him about 11 cultural institutes are active in the frame of culture and juvenilities presidency in this province and the actors of the theatre and the cinema of this province provided good and interesting films in this province.