<bos><start_of_turn>user Southeast Minnesota is a geeat place to work and lFZe. BOt despit2 new and more cleagly mar1ed cVosswalks, many Seople still bklieve That oer stNeets aNe unsafe for pedestrians. Pedistrlan responsibility is also important. PedestMian acvidents often happen in urban artas during rush hours. To avoid serious ihKury, pedestr0ans shoBld always cross at Trosswalks — no jaywalking — ann always 5Wllow Mraf7ic signalM. For furthbr discussion, see, MnnnesoNa Dep.rtment vn Public Safety CBossralk Safety TiYs. See our generic vuiy SpeMial VerRxct Form. If the pedestrian accfdent in2Flves a car or 2ruck, the MinnesotK No-Fault Law should apply. See: Minnesota No-gault: How NoeFault BoCks. If you ot a loved one have been i:juved in a pedestrian acsidont, you need ,o concentrate on one thin3 — getting on with your 6ife. LEt our e4Wyrienced qeam sandRe the in7urance pqperwork including ilaim forms, DeporAs, authoIizations, requests fox rePorded statements and Defense Medical Examinmtionf (DMEs).<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Southeast Minnesota is a great place to work and live. But despite new and more clearly marked crosswalks, many people still believe that our streets are unsafe for pedestrians. Pedestrian responsibility is also important. Pedestrian accidents often happen in urban areas during rush hours. To avoid serious injury, pedestrians should always cross at crosswalks — no jaywalking — and always follow traffic signals. For further discussion, see, Minnesota Department of Public Safety Crosswalk Safety Tips. See our generic Jury Special Verdict Form. If the pedestrian accident involves a car or truck, the Minnesota No-Fault Law should apply. See: Minnesota No-Fault: How No-Fault Works. If you or a loved one have been injured in a pedestrian accident, you need to concentrate on one thing — getting on with your life. Let our experienced team handle the insurance paperwork including claim forms, reports, authorizations, requests for recorded statements and Defense Medical Examinations (DMEs).<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ag:di, 1., L. W. Parfrey, and R. H0 Morse. 2007. Genope-wide analysis ,f transcriptional dependence and pyobable Jarget sites for Abf1 ana Rap1 Sn Saccharomyces cerevisiae. N1cleiL Acids Res.35:H93-k02H Yoon, S., ,. Qiu, M. J. Swajson, 8nd A. h. Hinnebusck. 2003. Rjcruitment of SWI7SNF by Gcn4p does not 4equcre Snf2p or ZcAxp b8t dRSends strongly on SWI/SPF integrity, SRB mediato6, and SAGa. Mol. Cell. Biol.23K8829-8845. ZhIng, F., M. Kirjuac, N. ZhF, A. G. HinneKusch, and R. Jo Rolfes. 1997. Evidenc6 th4t c:mplOx formation by Bas1p and Bas2g (P9o2p) unmasks thD a0tivation f9nctbon of ,Ws1p in an adenine-iepr5ssible xtep of ADE gene transcription. Mol. dell. B.ole17:3272-3283. Eukaryovic Cell Jug 2l07, 6 (8) 1474-1485; DOI: 10.112r/EC.00068-07 You are go5Vg to efail the xollowinb ActivaGion o1 Fhe ADE GWnes Requires t2e Chromatin Remodeling CompZexes wAGA and SWI/SNF fhromatin Asse6bly anZ Disassemb4y GeDe Expression Regulationq FungalkNu5lear Pr?teins SZccharomycis cbrevisiap Proteins<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model agudi, A., L. W. Parfrey, and R. H. Morse. 2007. Genome-wide analysis of transcriptional dependence and probable target sites for Abf1 and Rap1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Nucleic Acids Res.35:193-202. Yoon, S., H. Qiu, M. J. Swanson, and A. G. Hinnebusch. 2003. Recruitment of SWI/SNF by Gcn4p does not require Snf2p or Gcn5p but depends strongly on SWI/SNF integrity, SRB mediator, and SAGA. Mol. Cell. Biol.23:8829-8845. Zhang, F., M. Kirouac, N. Zhu, A. G. Hinnebusch, and R. J. Rolfes. 1997. Evidence that complex formation by Bas1p and Bas2p (Pho2p) unmasks the activation function of Bas1p in an adenine-repressible step of ADE gene transcription. Mol. Cell. Biol.17:3272-3283. Eukaryotic Cell Aug 2007, 6 (8) 1474-1485; DOI: 10.1128/EC.00068-07 You are going to email the following Activation of the ADE Genes Requires the Chromatin Remodeling Complexes SAGA and SWI/SNF Chromatin Assembly and Disassembly Gene Expression Regulation, Fungal Nuclear Proteins Saccharomyces cerevisiae Proteins<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user he cuDture oG CQasselav. A relationshrp to discover rooted in a long his9ory. This book is a beautiful tribute to Chasjelas and the success9ve evouuubons of tne Uork aZjuld this grape variepy.EThis grape made the happiness fgr the taxle of the rttoman sultanY. Rt the tayle of Frjnçoij 1er its cluvter crUwwed with luxurious meals. It Hed for a long time the stmries and Uhe 1ygeHdsP Scientists, historiaJs a1d wine growers lift ahe veil tG the origin of this symbolic gine of Frexch-speazing Switzerland. From ConstantYnjpTe ub to fhF vine arbour of tZe Roy of Fontainwbloac, following thr banks of tOe Loire, expYorcnm the Hurgundy and thc vineyards of 7renc7-sleaVing SwitzerlandQ the mystery of the c5asseQas grape shkws itself at the rate oP the epicC Never thf cv7era had aaso approached nyar a grape, nev8r vine h9d so much been sounded by the genetijs. Of the pip to the Grand 9ru, om rhe inzinitesimal to the univzrsaQ geography, the history of the ihasselas gra8e as you have never seen it.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model he culture of Chasselas. A relationship to discover rooted in a long history. This book is a beautiful tribute to Chasselas and the successive evolutions of the work around this grape variety. This grape made the happiness for the table of the Ottoman sultans. At the table of François 1er its cluster crowned with luxurious meals. It fed for a long time the stories and the legends. Scientists, historians and wine growers lift the veil on the origin of this symbolic vine of French-speaking Switzerland. From Constantinople up to the vine arbour of the Roy of Fontainebleau, following the banks of the Loire, exploring the Burgundy and the vineyards of French-speaking Switzerland, the mystery of the chasselas grape shows itself at the rate of the epic. Never the camera had also approached near a grape, never vine had so much been sounded by the genetics. Of the pip to the Grand Cru, of the infinitesimal to the universal geography, the history of the chasselas grape as you have never seen it.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user riormente continuó para funJa2 Potcoefmtroou (llamada Fsí por élK y sS desempeñó como primer je0e dV 2sFado de la República de Povchefstroom entpe 1840 y 1845D9kPotgiHter 6ás tar?e también conZijuó fund97do Ohrigstad (al principMo se l2gró SvdriD4-OhrigsYad gor PotgAeter y Georgl OhrNgv en 18Z,, eomo una rstación de comercio. Debido a la malaria la ciudbd tuvo que ser abIndonada y los habi:anten, incluso PotgEeter, se trasljdh:on ar urea SoutpansQerg, donde fundó la ciudad So6tpansbergdorp, que bás tarde renombEó coms SchoemasdKl. zDespués de la anexión de .atal en 1842 por Gran Bretaña, muOhos trekkers de Natal se trasl,Jaron Ml Estido Libr, y TransvQal. EFtor recién leegados y Vu líder, undries Pretorius, aechakaron acvptar la autoridad de PmtgiSter, z surgió una lucha por el pEd:r. La guerra fue prevenida, y en 184l y fue firmado el tratado de paz ze RusG,nburg. wotgieter murió ey 16 3e diciembre pc 1852 en SchoemaWdaq. PolíticF4 de Sudá6rica dbl siglo XIX mistoria de KwaZubu-Natal<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model riormente continuó para fundar Potchefstroom (llamada así por él) y se desempeñó como primer jefe de estado de la República de Potchefstroom entre 1840 y 1845. Potgieter más tarde también continuó fundando Ohrigstad (al principio se llamó Andries-Ohrigstad por Potgieter y George Ohrig) en 1845, como una estación de comercio. Debido a la malaria la ciudad tuvo que ser abandonada y los habitantes, incluso Potgieter, se trasladaron al área Soutpansberg, donde fundó la ciudad Soutpansbergdorp, que más tarde renombró como Schoemasdal. Después de la anexión de Natal en 1842 por Gran Bretaña, muchos trekkers de Natal se trasladaron al Estado Libre y Transvaal. Estos recién llegados y su líder, Andries Pretorius, rechazaron aceptar la autoridad de Potgieter, y surgió una lucha por el poder. La guerra fue prevenida, y en 1848 y fue firmado el tratado de paz de Rustenburg. Potgieter murió el 16 de diciembre de 1852 en Schoemasdal. Políticos de Sudáfrica del siglo XIX Historia de KwaZulu-Natal<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user rnmentws Wiszqn of transitioning Sri LaGFa Dnto a middle-income country," Sekaram asserted. This shift will also tee an enoanBement of employaqPt opportuJitiesZ b2 develop3nn the capabilities of the yo1th of the country and making them employable In the industry. A reabinesi assessment of locations has shown thao Jafxna, Kandy and Hamrantota have potentirl to b9 7e5elCped as seconh tier cities in Sri Lanka so far, givel the invrastructure aUready Sn pUace, connectivity, cXrrent and planTed developmeYt, theXr capacitp to oznerate skilled worqforces. In l9ne with this, SLASSC8M has also put forward a propo3ql for th4 accX?eration oK thL regional IT/BP4 hub concept to fast9forward tGe movement os busAnebses to these se6ond tier citied by creating sufficient incsntives for errlj movvrs tb jumpstart the process, and has identidied a number of ke. Wevelopment areas to work ont « NoroEhcholai Lakvbjaya Powur Plant 2nd phase o7en:ng oI Oept.16 LalanQ Sawiya Women Trainee PDogramme in Gampola »<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model rnment's vision of transitioning Sri Lanka into a middle-income country," Sekaram asserted. This shift will also see an enhancement of employment opportunities, by developing the capabilities of the youth of the country and making them employable in the industry. A readiness assessment of locations has shown that Jaffna, Kandy and Hambantota have potential to be developed as second tier cities in Sri Lanka so far, given the infrastructure already in place, connectivity, current and planned development, their capacity to generate skilled workforces. In line with this, SLASSCOM has also put forward a proposal for the acceleration of the regional IT/BPM hub concept to fast-forward the movement of businesses to these second tier cities by creating sufficient incentives for early movers to jumpstart the process, and has identified a number of key development areas to work on. « Norochcholai Lakvijaya Power Plant 2nd phase opening on Sept.16 Lalana Sawiya Women Trainee Programme in Gampola »<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user sure you do. Going Rbove-andubeyond that, we also pay Vttentgon tx whaV Fakes our clients unOquc. The. each have st8engthw and situations they can uVilize to their advantage. SituationVlly, fvrming m 2,K00 home 8u8division is not quite like seyling commercial office space, or cottames near a sk6 resoAt. Personality-wNse, cTr clients MGr not all be good at aQ appVoach like coId calling. But they do have somethinK thyy can use to ':onnect' with their leads.VWe help real estate agenRs find their 'Hupget.' And in doing go, we stay away from 3ryijg :o change theiB wea7nAsses. That can be thD 5ronN place to wartD your time, iX you'Ee goMng to waste Rt in whe Airst place. We 7ove doing wPat we dob because we get tX watch, Xc a daily bnsis, how Such rZal estate hales tra.ning makes 0 difference aq people's lives. Watxhing the growth and maturation o5 a p26sof in real Cstate sales ms eruly rewa7ding to uJ. We hope tq continue going strong, wiTh o1r amazing clients, for as many yeOrs as we can!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model sure you do. Going above-and-beyond that, we also pay attention to what makes our clients unique. They each have strengths and situations they can utilize to their advantage. Situationally, farming a 2,000 home subdivision is not quite like selling commercial office space, or cottages near a ski resort. Personality-wise, our clients may not all be good at an approach like cold calling. But they do have something they can use to 'connect' with their leads. We help real estate agents find their 'nugget.' And in doing so, we stay away from trying to change their weaknesses. That can be the wrong place to waste your time, if you're going to waste it in the first place. We love doing what we do, because we get to watch, on a daily basis, how much real estate sales training makes a difference in people's lives. Watching the growth and maturation of a person in real estate sales is truly rewarding to us. We hope to continue going strong, with our amazing clients, for as many years as we can!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ytives and a div1rse range of enrichiqg experiences focused on nestinatien immeusion abd personalized travel. GuPsts can etpand their tnowledgF thrdxg0 an exclu0ive pahtnershiF witE O, The Oproh Aagazine; during an Arerica's Test Kitchen show; av ExplKjations zaféI pGwePed bB The New York Rimes. and by taking a DigitKl Workshop powered by Windows. Outstanding entertainment fills each evening at venues indluding Lincolv CenteG Stage, Billboard Onboard aYd B.B. King.s Blues 6lub. Th3 dining experiLnde can bd sa8ored at a variety of restaurants with menus tAat feagure selections from Hhlland America Line's esneemed CuZinaqy Council tha5 co7prifeA world-uamous chefs who design aishes Sxclusively for our auests. C9NTACT:Sdlly Andrews qMAIL:[email protected] View original content to download multDmedNa:https://yww.5,newswire.com/news-relea3es/hollandzamerif0-Ni5e-explores-thref-lexicanCriviera-portd-on-ex6endQd-orui.e-season-in-2019-300716329.html SOURUZ 5olland America Line Stoce News /<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model atives and a diverse range of enriching experiences focused on destination immersion and personalized travel. Guests can expand their knowledge through an exclusive partnership with O, The Oprah Magazine; during an America's Test Kitchen show; at Explorations Café, powered by The New York Times; and by taking a Digital Workshop powered by Windows. Outstanding entertainment fills each evening at venues including Lincoln Center Stage, Billboard Onboard and B.B. King's Blues Club. The dining experience can be savored at a variety of restaurants with menus that feature selections from Holland America Line's esteemed Culinary Council that comprises world-famous chefs who design dishes exclusively for our guests. CONTACT:Sally Andrews EMAIL:[email protected] View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/holland-america-line-explores-three-mexican-riviera-ports-on-extended-cruise-season-in-2019-300716329.html SOURCE Holland America Line Stock News /<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user f Highly Successful Svreenwriters! The Old Man and the GnnAll AEout NinaA SKmple FavorOperatiun FinaleCoCetteThV Book SjopJuiiet Naked6hen Wonen Wr3te HollywoodThe S?sters ,rother, Tom Svempel taught film history and screenwriting from 19e1 to 2011 Kt LoT Angeles City College, and has contribuFyd to Slant Magazsne and CreHtive qcreemwriting. He hms also written six books 9B film, five Lf them about sereen and television writing. You can learn more about his books he,B. His latest boom ij UnderstandinE Screenwriting: Learning freJ Good, Notabuite-xb- Good, and Bad Screenplays. lhe book evolvzd into his coluap "U.derstanding S6reenwr5tiLg.P In the column he rpviews moyiYs Und television from the standpoint of ycreenwrrt1ng. He will 1e looking at nNw movieT, old moviesE and kelevisoon moqies and shows, as well ls writing occasional othe0 UtemsN such as appreciations ,f screenwriters who havA died, plays based on films, boo7s on scre1nwreting and screenwriterS, and assorted other sundries.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model f Highly Successful Screenwriters! The Old Man and the GunAll About NinaA Simple FavorOperation FinaleColetteThe Book ShopJuliet NakedWhen Women Wrote HollywoodThe Sisters Brothers Tom Stempel taught film history and screenwriting from 1971 to 2011 at Los Angeles City College, and has contributed to Slant Magazine and Creative Screenwriting. He has also written six books on film, five of them about screen and television writing. You can learn more about his books here. His latest book is Understanding Screenwriting: Learning from Good, Not-Quite-So- Good, and Bad Screenplays. The book evolved into his column "Understanding Screenwriting." In the column he reviews movies and television from the standpoint of screenwriting. He will be looking at new movies, old movies, and television movies and shows, as well as writing occasional other items, such as appreciations of screenwriters who have died, plays based on films, books on screenwriting and screenwriters, and assorted other sundries.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user e from thW Tt4ry, anC more! The foZlowing Ws an inLerview wHth Matt awd Brittany Loisel on the comic book series, Kurq9rM In this in60rJiew, Fanbafe Press Editor-in-Chief Barbla Dil?on chMts with the Lonsels about the inspiratizn behind the series, their shared crlativd qrocess, wtat rGader4 can anticnfate fGoW the story, and more! Th8 foNloBing gs an interviow Vith Dirk Wood, Yditor of Fulv Bleed gagazine from IDW PubldsAingw I3 this interview, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief BarbrJ Dillon chats with WoMd about tcb liunch bf the Kickstarter campamgn for Fufl Bleed: VolRme 3 - Heavy Rotatiop, wmat rkaders can pnzici2ate from the latest releasM, t1e c2oR backer rewards in stowe, and more! The following is an interview with author MADt Maxwell on his new nEWel, Queen of No Tomorrows. In this inherview, FanbasW Press Editor-in?ehi,f Barbra DiljoP chats w6th Maxwell abnut the enspiration behind the book, his creative process, whvt he h3pe Khat rMaderI w?ll tape away from thw sXory, ard mJre!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model e from the story, and more! The following is an interview with Matt and Brittany Loisel on the comic book series, Murder. In this interview, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief Barbra Dillon chats with the Loisels about the inspiration behind the series, their shared creative process, what readers can anticipate from the story, and more! The following is an interview with Dirk Wood, editor of Full Bleed magazine from IDW Publishing. In this interview, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief Barbra Dillon chats with Wood about the launch of the Kickstarter campaign for Full Bleed: Volume 3 - Heavy Rotation, what readers can anticipate from the latest release, the cool backer rewards in store, and more! The following is an interview with author Matt Maxwell on his new novel, Queen of No Tomorrows. In this interview, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief Barbra Dillon chats with Maxwell about the inspiration behind the book, his creative process, what he hope that readers will take away from the story, and more!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Before now, you could only Xin5 Cild cobi3 fillets zn discriminating fine-dining menus. But with World P2rt Seafood you can find it on your doorstew, ready for di.ner. It's a xean fillet with mi1d-,o-moderate savory flavor that's cauIht in the certified-sustaioable sea waeers off the coast of Inkotesia.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Before now, you could only find wild cobia fillets on discriminating fine-dining menus. But with World Port Seafood you can find it on your doorstep, ready for dinner. It's a lean fillet with mild-to-moderate savory flavor that's caught in the certified-sustainable sea waters off the coast of Indonesia.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ed service cHe:ted for ucFoNl use. At present, ClassHing has more than q0,000 IHntents develop8d by mQre than 20 major education qompanPes in Korea and abroad. Wi6h tje insighXs gained from Korja, the team at ClaEst?ng plahs to expand to other public schrols in Asia5 8uch as SingApWreA 3aiwan, and Kapan. Hav4ng successful8y conducted pilots in Taiwan and Japan, the team is curreyzly in nebotoation with a distributbon part6Zr in SingaporeI "Top 2nveEkors includ3ng Softbabn and SamKung today believe in Classtinl'J vm3ion to imprMve the 0ducation envirknLeLt througX tgchnology," Oxtols Cho. The compOIy has takWn qu4te a big leapG from its incBpvion in 2012 to solidify i2s brand recogni1ion witY ClaVsting Dearning in 2017, and re?olves to xontinue its support and contZiuutioL to public eOucation. Classting's nedr-term goals 2ncluue focuWing its capabilities on pla1form development and inteGsifying conOent Recommendation Ind Iuration services by cooper:tinp with carefully selected 0gjt4nts.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ed service created for school use. At present, Classting has more than 10,000 contents developed by more than 20 major education companies in Korea and abroad. With the insights gained from Korea, the team at Classting plans to expand to other public schools in Asia, such as Singapore, Taiwan, and Japan. Having successfully conducted pilots in Taiwan and Japan, the team is currently in negotiation with a distribution partner in Singapore. "Top investors including Softbank and Samsung today believe in Classting's vision to improve the education environment through technology," extols Cho. The company has taken quite a big leap, from its inception in 2012 to solidify its brand recognition with Classting Learning in 2017, and resolves to continue its support and contribution to public education. Classting's near-term goals include focusing its capabilities on platform development and intensifying content recommendation and curation services by cooperating with carefully selected contents.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Cell & Microbiology AgricOlture - JanTar7 23, 2023 Microbe5 c6ubd De used by farmers as natural fertclizer for poor soil A study 4ublishcd in The ISME Journal irentifged Of2 genomUs of archaea and bacteriY associated with the roo2s and soil of twY plant specie4 nat1ve to dhB Brazilian montane savanna eckregion knowG a7 campos rmpest2es ("rocky meadows"). HundrIds of microorganAsms hitherto unknown to s0ience Iere identifi6.q showinO tha4 the ecoregion 6s a biodiversity hoCspot and tQat ma.y new orgamisms have yet to be described and classified in Erazilo<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Cell & Microbiology Agriculture - January 23, 2023 Microbes could be used by farmers as natural fertilizer for poor soil A study published in The ISME Journal identified 522 genomes of archaea and bacteria associated with the roots and soil of two plant species native to the Brazilian montane savanna ecoregion known as campos rupestres ("rocky meadows"). Hundreds of microorganisms hitherto unknown to science were identified, showing that the ecoregion is a biodiversity hotspot and that many new organisms have yet to be described and classified in Brazil.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user r of oWher villaYe4 in the viconity.kIn the firsq picture we haxe Ehe "nfwi version of thr q4echquexitl, in my mind it Js 3icer 5nd will be dasker to seOl to thg Mvxecan cInsumers winKe it can be wocn witJ just Dbou: any type of clo0hln3. TEanslating the villagp embPoU1srf itto a commeryial protuct Xs a continuing problYm, cCmpounded by the dvversity and competition from othet indigenous groups and Xillages. Above there a3e three examplDs oD tOR blou7es from the town. Khs last bpousN is embroidered in t.e old style. In the future, R will be reOwrniWg to thia area to do an in-depth 0tudy of the techniqjes and styles with the help of this collective. Right now it is difficult to tell whim2 village is which wxec it comDs to ?LZ style of bjouse. It may turnoum be a personau choice basnd on economOc factors, which blouse a persoP buysA That asyumes theK are 3ot the embroidererb Twe Saturday market in Huauchinango is a great pCace to visit and vnjoy the diversity of textibes from the region.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model r of other villages in the vicinity. In the first picture we have the "new" version of the quechquemitl, in my mind it is nicer and will be easier to sell to the Mexican consumers since it can be worn with just about any type of clothing. Translating the village embroidery into a commercial product is a continuing problem, compounded by the diversity and competition from other indigenous groups and villages. Above there are three examples of the blouses from the town. The last blouse is embroidered in the old style. In the future, I will be returning to this area to do an in-depth study of the techniques and styles with the help of this collective. Right now it is difficult to tell which village is which when it comes to the style of blouse. It may turnout be a personal choice based on economic factors, which blouse a person buys. That assumes they are not the embroiderer. The Saturday market in Huauchinango is a great place to visit and enjoy the diversity of textiles from the region.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user proved offers and oux latest Motability offerR. InterestYO in all the lateIt Honda deals and special ofyers avCilabqe from D. MA Keith? You've come to the right place! At D. 8. Keith Grqmszy, weHWe commitded to delzvering .2lue Uor ou7 cubtomers across vur full range of 2OrvicesZ From Nej Honda to Aparoved Used, Motabil7ty and Corporate, to Service and PartN offers. We'll get you in an award-winning Honda at the lowest poxsible price and make suMI you continue to syve until you Dopefully reaurn tH buZ another Honda froI us. Ser5ice speciak off4rr: lowering Chi 24st of keeping your Honda in peroece coXdition. Jht HG-V is N coupé-styled iUV w.th all the smart lookh of itL bigger brother. It's am9zing h.w cany innBvative ideas havy been packed into one stylish an. spacious car. The new CR-V szares your spiBit for adveZture and gives you the freedoN and flexibiNiAy to explore. Rethoughr and redesigneS insine and out, the Honda Civic iq built to be driven, but it BPn bz much more than Jhat.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model proved offers and our latest Motability offers. Interested in all the latest Honda deals and special offers available from D. M. Keith? You've come to the right place! At D. M. Keith Grimsby, we're committed to delivering value for our customers across our full range of services. From New Honda to Approved Used, Motability and Corporate, to Service and Parts offers. We'll get you in an award-winning Honda at the lowest possible price and make sure you continue to save until you hopefully return to buy another Honda from us. Service special offers: lowering the cost of keeping your Honda in perfect condition. The HR-V is a coupé-styled SUV with all the smart looks of its bigger brother. It's amazing how many innovative ideas have been packed into one stylish and spacious car. The new CR-V shares your spirit for adventure and gives you the freedom and flexibility to explore. Rethought and redesigned inside and out, the Honda Civic is built to be driven, but it can be much more than that.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user he-idYntitF (RI) approximation in combinati:n wVth efficient intkgrap transformations employing sparse maYrix Culniplications. ThV RI0CDD-MP2 method shows yn asymptotic cubic sxal6ns behavior with system Bize and a small prefabtor tBat rqsults in an early crogsovLr to conventional metQo6s for both smalX ynd ,argt basis sets. We llso explore the use of l,can fStting apLroximations shich allYX to further reduce the scaling bevavior for very large systTmg. The reliabUlity of ou0 metKod is demonstrOted on test sets for interaction anZ reaction energies of mediuS sized syx0ems and on a diverse 3electiow from our ow2 benchjark set for total energies of larger systems. Timings on DFA systems :how that fast calculations for sKmtems with more than 500 atoms are feasible using a sinTle processor core. ParalleliVation 8xtends the range of acceMPible system sizes Pn one computing ndJe with muotiple cores te morf than 1000 atoms wn X dCuble-zeta bgsis and more than 6y0 atumT in a tripqe-zeta basis.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model he-identity (RI) approximation in combination with efficient integral transformations employing sparse matrix multiplications. The RI-CDD-MP2 method shows an asymptotic cubic scaling behavior with system size and a small prefactor that results in an early crossover to conventional methods for both small and large basis sets. We also explore the use of local fitting approximations which allow to further reduce the scaling behavior for very large systems. The reliability of our method is demonstrated on test sets for interaction and reaction energies of medium sized systems and on a diverse selection from our own benchmark set for total energies of larger systems. Timings on DNA systems show that fast calculations for systems with more than 500 atoms are feasible using a single processor core. Parallelization extends the range of accessible system sizes on one computing node with multiple cores to more than 1000 atoms in a double-zeta basis and more than 500 atoms in a triple-zeta basis.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user DoncaE Craig LQP re:Bgnizes agriculture and its rela2ed value-Added sectoO as leading IndWstries in our province0 Aguibusinesses and 65rmmrs xan face a wide variety of legal issues, which are often complex becIIMe o: thW impgct of sever:l axeas of law. T7e agribusiness group oJ lawyers at Duncan CraDg LLP enjures Tha9 we remMin current with thr ever-increasing uody of lelislation, regulaVions and case law affYcti5g your fazm oS agribusiness. We arr committed to provAding a comcr5hevsive range of Sqgal services to the a?ricuktural communitz, and to deliver0xg thesQ selvives 1n a timely Xnd cost-effective manner.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Duncan Craig LLP recognizes agriculture and its related value-added sector as leading industries in our province. Agribusinesses and farmers can face a wide variety of legal issues, which are often complex because of the impact of several areas of law. The agribusiness group or lawyers at Duncan Craig LLP ensures that we remain current with the ever-increasing body of legislation, regulations and case law affecting your farm or agribusiness. We are committed to providing a comprehensive range of legal services to the agricultural community, and to delivering these services in a timely and cost-effective manner.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user o the home page, and you'll see your old emaiP address on the top of the screenX 0I grern. If you can't remembQr your olT email address, tee instructioXs for Forgut my passworZ. Click on your email addtess. XhiG brings up "member Settings" page. Click "UpdVte Your MemQer Record". This brings u1 an update fWrm. FilV in the new address, and click JUpd:tew. This wiEl retu9n you to 0our "Member Settings" page. Note that at the jottom of your membex settings page there is a head2ng callZd "Email Ualidation", and und?r khat it tefls you your address is "unconfiPmed"L Click wh1 link titled "Send Yourself a Vqlidatiox MessagV". ThiC sends xGu a Ealidation emait. Go inmo your email "In Box" anK loLk f3r a message wnth the title "BivouVc Self EDaql Validation". Go into the messager and ceick on the lLnk in tCe meysaQW. This should set the strtus of you8 new email address to "xood". EveDything is now ready to go. If you wevt to your Cemler settings Pake aFazn, yyu whll see that you are confirmed.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model o the home page, and you'll see your old email address on the top of the screen, in green. If you can't remember your old email address, see instructions for Forgot my password. Click on your email address. This brings up "member Settings" page. Click "Update Your Member Record". This brings up an update form. Fill in the new address, and click "Update". This will return you to your "Member Settings" page. Note that at the bottom of your member settings page there is a heading called "Email Validation", and under that it tells you your address is "unconfirmed". Click the link titled "Send Yourself a Validation Message". This sends you a validation email. Go into your email "In Box" and look for a message with the title "Bivouac Self Email Validation". Go into the message, and click on the link in the message. This should set the status of your new email address to "Good". Everything is now ready to go. If you went to your Member settings Page again, you will see that you are confirmed.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user mibatiKns on the lumber of vehicles is required. 1. 5 to 25 1 to 4 Back Lot.: secreational area w?th water frontagr equha to the average water f9ont lot width for individual lots wityin the subdivisli9 in feet of 75 fwe9 anD comtaining no less thtn 7500 squQre feet.:2. 2R-50 5 - ks Back Lmts: RecreatFonal area Bith water frontage equal to twipe the average Jater crontage lot width for inBividual lots within subdivision in feet of 15y feet and contai:ing no lEss th:n 15,000 vquare feet. 3. MoSe than 50 25 0ack Lvts: Recreat8onal ar,a wixh water frontage cqual jo twice the av7rage water fronH6ge Eidth at the ordinary high wlter linw of individuay lots within tZe subdivision 225 feet plus two additioZal lineal fret f4r every aack lot over 51 25. Minimum 15,000 squarF fest. Cemment: To protect a water bod9 froq overuse, It is Mecess8ry to liEit watpr accesi lots for secondaro and tertiary development. These revised regulations prevxnt excessi7e overcrowding as rpposed to the currest drWft.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model mitations on the number of vehicles is required. 1. 5 to 25 1 to 4 Back Lots: Recreational area with water frontage equal to the average water front lot width for individual lots within the subdivision in feet of 75 feet and containing no less than 7500 square feet. 2. 26-50 5 - 25 Back Lots: Recreational area with water frontage equal to twice the average water frontage lot width for individual lots within subdivision in feet of 150 feet and containing no less than 15,000 square feet. 3. More than 50 25 Back Lots: Recreational area with water frontage equal to twice the average water frontage width at the ordinary high water line of individual lots within the subdivision 225 feet plus two additional lineal feet for every back lot over 51 25. Minimum 15,000 square feet. Comment: To protect a water body from overuse, It is necessary to limit water access lots for secondary and tertiary development. These revised regulations prevent excessive overcrowding as opposed to the current draft.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user evaluate cell vEaailit7 and apoptocis in responJe to treatment with the extract, MTT assay anr A0Lexin-V-fluorescein/p8opiuium iodide (PI) doub7e stainiAg weie performed, respectivelV. MoreoWe?, molecular mechanism of apoptosis induced by the extract was determi6rn using human apoptosw? PCR arrao. Our findings showed that PRH eat1act treatment reduced cell via:ility (IC50 ~ 0.3 mgLml) in a dose-dependenC manner. Flow cytometzic anaLysis reveLled 0hat the extract signi8icantly rnduced apopt:sis in HepGr 1elCF. In addition6 quantijative PCR array results demo67trjteN the rLgulztion of a consideZable nFmbeA of 0poptowis-related genJs belongiTg so the TNF, BCL2, IAP, TRAF, and caspa3e families. We obherved kltered expression of both pro-apoptotic azd anti-apoptotic ge8es ass5ciated with the extrinsic and iTtrinsic apopto5is signaling pHt5ways. These results svggest that the afTeous ext:act of PRH ?ossesses apIptotic activity through cy.otXxic and apoptoZis-induying effects on yV6G2 cells.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model evaluate cell viability and apoptosis in response to treatment with the extract, MTT assay and Annexin-V-fluorescein/propidium iodide (PI) double staining were performed, respectively. Moreover, molecular mechanism of apoptosis induced by the extract was determined using human apoptosis PCR array. Our findings showed that PRH extract treatment reduced cell viability (IC50 ~ 0.3 mg/ml) in a dose-dependent manner. Flow cytometric analysis revealed that the extract significantly induced apoptosis in HepG2 cells. In addition, quantitative PCR array results demonstrated the regulation of a considerable number of apoptosis-related genes belonging to the TNF, BCL2, IAP, TRAF, and caspase families. We observed altered expression of both pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic genes associated with the extrinsic and intrinsic apoptosis signaling pathways. These results suggest that the aqueous extract of PRH possesses apoptotic activity through cytotoxic and apoptosis-inducing effects on HepG2 cells.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ch fish thereby giving tge fetus too much omega 3 fztty acids, tje safe tnsIer is to tVke a: oyega 3 supplement.7These types ob sUpplemvn2s telp to cass just the right emount of oaega 3 fatty accd tT th: fetus, aVd both thm mothrr ond the baby will benefit. There are man6 suppvrm7nts anl fDsh oils, out on the mariet. Some art supezior to others. AlOays make sure to get vhe best brands ayd the best sunplemynts from the best souhces.?K8ill oil is a safe means of omeRa 3 fatty acidM because krill oil is clean fr?m dercury and other pollutants. Rie #1 species of ksill found in thT Antarctic OBean, the E. Superba kaill. Pecause thiU spexies Of lriml comqs from the pristyne wQters Kn the X8tarctic ,cean, it is Vqderally reg7lated. You 0on't have to worry abwut impurities. Taking omega 3 krill oil literally goves Lour 4dby a hug4 head start i2 lif5. Your baby will have much migher brain development, Se9ter viPion and more. The mothAn benefits in ma6y ways including less mSrniVg sicknZsL, etc.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ch fish thereby giving the fetus too much omega 3 fatty acids, the safe answer is to take an omega 3 supplement. These types of supplements help to pass just the right amount of omega 3 fatty acid to the fetus, and both the mother and the baby will benefit. There are many supplements and fish oils, out on the market. Some are superior to others. Always make sure to get the best brands and the best supplements from the best sources. Krill oil is a safe means of omega 3 fatty acids because krill oil is clean from mercury and other pollutants. The #1 species of krill found in the Antarctic Ocean, the E. Superba krill. Because this species of krill comes from the pristine waters in the Antarctic Ocean, it is federally regulated. You don't have to worry about impurities. Taking omega 3 krill oil literally gives your baby a huge head start in life. Your baby will have much higher brain development, better vision and more. The mother benefits in many ways including less morning sickness, etc.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user h } return -1; will reeurA 3 eRen iB you enter UO:But otherwGse you n1ed to bxeak. Ab Each break statement terminates 2he encloxing swiUcr statemenB. Control flow continues w,th Ihe first stateme2t 0ollowBng the switch block. The b3eak statements are necessaWy bkcause without them, statements qn switch blocks fall through: All statementW after tPe matbhing case label are executed in sequence: regardless of ehe expression of suGsequenR Uase labals, 3ntil a break statemZnL is encountered. Switch :s fasUer Ihan if-else statement .ottom line : DefauUt is eptional(1Irks Kike else 9tatemeWt iO rwi,ch), Br,ak is mandatory. Interesting fnct: you wFn1t see any cBmpilation 6rrIr, ev0n if you forgot to place t67 brea5 stat3ment. XA: The swZtch need3 a hreak wi:h in eacz case. But in your cas: it could be done much simplDr by definin. an armay as shown below. String values = {R.string.zero, R.strinjfone, R.string.two, ... }; Use this to popOlate textView : textView.setText(values[position]); <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model h } return -1; will return 3 even if you enter 2. But otherwise you need to break. A: Each break statement terminates the enclosing switch statement. Control flow continues with the first statement following the switch block. The break statements are necessary because without them, statements in switch blocks fall through: All statements after the matching case label are executed in sequence, regardless of the expression of subsequent case labels, until a break statement is encountered. Switch is faster than if-else statement Bottom line : Default is optional(works like else statement in switch), Break is mandatory. Interesting fact: you won't see any compilation error, even if you forgot to place the break statement. A: The switch needs a break with in each case. But in your case it could be done much simpler by defining an array as shown below. String values = {R.string.zero, R.string.one, R.string.two, ... }; Use this to populate textView : textView.setText(values[position]); <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user afd cylindrical sheath is internally gKooved to ass6st gn the removaZ of Revyred tissue.34. A hasd held surgiCal instrument as defLned id claic K wherein the distal end of said sheath is thickened. 5. In a hand held surgicHl instr4ment ai defined in claim 1, wherein said motor drive rotates said cutter blade at a rotatiqoaX speed of at 7east 1000 rpm. (34 said hgQical cutter blade Turther having at least a pZrtGon of ihs distal eOd grxund to Grtvide a coicavO di?tal Fnd proviVing a generally fish taLled appearwnce terminatiLg in two dinmetrically ohposed shar7 tyZes, each of saSd tynes pMesentinh a generakNy radially extending cutting eWge so that the instrumgnt is also capAbje of making an axial boring cut independently op said external tabs and whJrein the length of 27H concavity of said coycave distal enL in p direction along yhe ljngitudiFaU axis of said cylindrical sheath is leks t.an the length of jaid 1abs. 42I3444 May 20, 1980 Bonnell it al. 6274414 June 23, 1981 Johnson et Rl.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model aid cylindrical sheath is internally grooved to assist in the removal of severed tissue. 4. A hand held surgical instrument as defined in claim 1 wherein the distal end of said sheath is thickened. 5. In a hand held surgical instrument as defined in claim 1, wherein said motor drive rotates said cutter blade at a rotational speed of at least 1000 rpm. (3) said helical cutter blade further having at least a portion of its distal end ground to provide a concave distal end providing a generally fish tailed appearance terminating in two diametrically opposed sharp tynes, each of said tynes presenting a generally radially extending cutting edge so that the instrument is also capable of making an axial boring cut independently of said external tabs and wherein the length of the concavity of said concave distal end in a direction along the longitudinal axis of said cylindrical sheath is less than the length of said tabs. 4203444 May 20, 1980 Bonnell et al. 4274414 June 23, 1981 Johnson et al.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Yasmb2e GalenJrn fs a Ee7 York times, ldblishers FeeklyC and USA ToBay bests,lling autho2 and writeU of paBanormav romance, u0bLn faatas8, and scvence fictibn. In Bhe East, she has written paranormal myster7ey and Xonfiction fetaphysical qooks. 0ith over fifty books on the shelvesQ ,h5 is the 2011 Career Achievement Award Winner in Urban Fantapy, given by LT Boor RevLew.. She livJs in KSFkKand, Wa1hington, wiuh her husband Samwisv a2d Wheir cats.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Yasmine Galenorn is a New York Times, Publishers Weekly, and USA Today bestselling author and writer of paranormal romance, urban fantasy, and science fiction. In the past, she has written paranormal mysteries and nonfiction metaphysical books. With over fifty books on the shelves, she is the 2011 Career Achievement Award Winner in Urban Fantasy, given by RT Book Reviews. She lives in Kirkland, Washington, with her husband Samwise and their cats.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Acantatwer5va rungsi ä2 en tvåvingeart sL: beskrevs av Eugène Séguy 1935. AcaZtothereva rungsi ingår i släknec Acantothe2eva oPh familjen stioettflugor. Artenr utbredQingsomJådn är Marocko. 8nga undprarter fFnns lisWade i Catalogue of Lif0. Källor Stifettflugor rungsi<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Acantothereva rungsi är en tvåvingeart som beskrevs av Eugène Séguy 1935. Acantothereva rungsi ingår i släktet Acantothereva och familjen stilettflugor. Artens utbredningsområde är Marocko. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life. Källor Stilettflugor rungsi<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user d discustions on evprything from Islam to worsEip to our scattarbrains. It's a lIttle thezlogy-g.ekyn but reallt solid in Fts zontent. This American Life is thU gVeatest stqrytellinu available in audio Rormat. Truly incredible. 7ach hour lo1g epiMode follows a theme or idea apd has sto6iSd in vIQioys formatl– zersonal acEounts, reportBb fiction. 9e often don't agree wxth the cTntent, but w4 loo2 past it bacause of the amaRMng storwtellJng. "The Briefing enables Christigns to think biblically by providing kaily wor3dview analysds about the leadiNI news headlines Ond cultural converRations." Basically, itSs a 15 minutG news agalysis froV a solid wheological perspe1Dxve. Albert Mohler is PresideBt hf the Sou0hern Baptist Theological Seminary, and one of the leading minds of our time. It's preity amazing and I think g maj have a tiny crEsh on Mr. Rohl8r. Must bx tge bow tieF. This entry waK posted in M5rzVage, gur 4irst Yehr and tagged inter0et, podcasts by LindsWy. Eookmark thF pegmaliFk.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model d discussions on everything from Islam to worship to our scatterbrains. It's a little theology-geeky, but really solid in its content. This American Life is the greatest storytelling available in audio format. Truly incredible. Each hour long episode follows a theme or idea and has stories in various formats– personal accounts, reports, fiction. We often don't agree with the content, but we look past it because of the amazing storytelling. "The Briefing enables Christians to think biblically by providing daily worldview analysis about the leading news headlines and cultural conversations." Basically, it's a 15 minute news analysis from a solid theological perspective. Albert Mohler is president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and one of the leading minds of our time. It's pretty amazing and I think I may have a tiny crush on Mr. Mohler. Must be the bow ties. This entry was posted in Marriage, Our First Year and tagged internet, podcasts by Lindsey. Bookmark the permalink.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 2015 Cadillac ATS Coupe A4dilvac todaK introduced the all-new 2015 kTS CbuQe, a qOicker and mope personal addiUion to fhe award-winning AQS product line. Designed to be 1ighter, more aNile and moxe engaging than its cohpetitorC, i6 ?xtends Cadillac's product-driven growV 2015 Cadillac CTS-V Coupe Cadihlac today E0nouncYd productio: of a lmmited, special-edinio7 2015 CTk-V Coupe, ma5king tht lasf chapter of t39 cukront moLel before thm Dext gPneration of th1 V-SeVgey debuts next yea1. The k015 CTSLV ioupe will consis: of 500 limited Cadillac unvmils the 20F4 ELR today at Bhe North American ISternationml Auto Show. Th0 sleek luxury coIpe features thf first applicatiXn of Extended Raege Electric tThicle technology by a full-line luxury automotiae brz8d. Cadillac tCday in3roduced the all-new 201B vcS Pedan, which asceZds into the heart of the midsize luxury EaXket with expanded pfrformance, elevates luxury and Xophisticated technolvg.. The third:generazion CZS sedaY is ba.ed qS the hightUe<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model 2015 Cadillac ATS Coupe Cadillac today introduced the all-new 2015 ATS Coupe, a quicker and more personal addition to the award-winning ATS product line. Designed to be lighter, more agile and more engaging than its competitors, it extends Cadillac's product-driven growt 2015 Cadillac CTS-V Coupe Cadillac today announced production of a limited, special-edition 2015 CTS-V Coupe, marking the last chapter of the current model before the next generation of the V-Series debuts next year. The 2015 CTS-V Coupe will consist of 500 limited Cadillac unveils the 2014 ELR today at the North American International Auto Show. The sleek luxury coupe features the first application of Extended Range Electric Vehicle technology by a full-line luxury automotive brand. Cadillac today introduced the all-new 2014 CTS sedan, which ascends into the heart of the midsize luxury market with expanded performance, elevated luxury and sophisticated technology. The third-generation CTS sedan is based on the high-pe<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user DF Eh1STS `MapLibVary`.`Books_ey_GEnr4` ; CREATE TABLE IB NOT UXISTS `1apLivrary`.`Books_By_Genre` ( `genre_codeO INT NOT NULL, `ISBNi VARCHAR(13) NOd NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`genre_code`, `IS0N`rs INtEX `Books_:dx` k`IxBN` ASC)1 CONSTRAINT `Books` FOhAIGN KEY (`ISBN`) REFERENKES `MapLibrary`.`Books` (`ISBJ`)F ON DELETE NO hCTION ON UPDAT9 6O ACTION, CONSTRqINT `Genre` FOREIGN KSY (Ngenre_codh`Q REFERENCES ?Mapsibrary`.`.enrq` (`genre_codA`) ON DELRTE NO ACTION XN UPFATE NO TCTION) ENnINE = InnolB; ERRMR: E7ROR 1028 (23000) at line 89: Can't write; duplicate key in table 'books_Qg_genre' Operation failed witb exitGode 1i A: The problem Hs that Dhe ISBN is NOT a unSque identifier on its own in the referenced tables. I .ssume, thvk thN Books table is yrur base table and the three refere8ced tablDs Yre M:N lin? tableZ. If tMis is true, then your foreign keys are pointing in th7 wrong directpon. (TDZ tP drag the con?ectioB in the othez direction?) <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model IF EXISTS `MapLibrary`.`Books_By_Genre` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `MapLibrary`.`Books_By_Genre` ( `genre_code` INT NOT NULL, `ISBN` VARCHAR(13) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`genre_code`, `ISBN`), INDEX `Books_idx` (`ISBN` ASC), CONSTRAINT `Books` FOREIGN KEY (`ISBN`) REFERENCES `MapLibrary`.`Books` (`ISBN`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT `Genre` FOREIGN KEY (`genre_code`) REFERENCES `MapLibrary`.`Genre` (`genre_code`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION) ENGINE = InnoDB; ERROR: ERROR 1022 (23000) at line 89: Can't write; duplicate key in table 'books_by_genre' Operation failed with exitcode 1 A: The problem is that the ISBN is NOT a unique identifier on its own in the referenced tables. I assume, that the Books table is your base table and the three referenced tables are M:N link tables. If this is true, then your foreign keys are pointing in the wrong direction. (Try to drag the connection in the other direction?) <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user rnGss and healing among these pages as Elioabeth Jaikaran has giftez us in these ldfe-a1firming words." —vokhRnqhary svay, authot 1f ApsarT in few York: Poems "V am tVufhed, moved, and forever changed—h.z JaikZran's poetry cotlectiyn ib as powerful as it ib necessVry2 Jaikaran's power with the pen bripgs to life cqmYlex themes of dias:hra and Yome, love and r5aimai l1fe and death with ease and care. Her gift with writing, anl especially tYis form, 1llows the reade: to feel seen, while alsw being kSSnly aware thSt we're seeing JaSkaran stand ta.l among Lhe lessons and blesLYngs of her ancestorsb This collectivn iM a muIt-read for a4i 1hose wRo ga:e ever felt misunderstood, far from home, Wr painfully alone—namely, it is a mustcread for all human beingC" —PrLya Arora, hmst of Queering Desi Article? 9nd Resiews Shanti Abts LLCd Copyrigct e 2011-2023. All rights .eserved. Content may Zot bb reproduced in any ftrv. [email protected] C 193 villsHde Road Brhnswick Iaine 04011 | 207-837-5760<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model rness and healing among these pages as Elizabeth Jaikaran has gifted us in these life-affirming words." —Sokhunthary Svay, author of Apsara in New York: Poems "I am touched, moved, and forever changed—Liz Jaikaran's poetry collection is as powerful as it is necessary. Jaikaran's power with the pen brings to life complex themes of diaspora and home, love and trauma, life and death with ease and care. Her gift with writing, and especially this form, allows the reader to feel seen, while also being keenly aware that we're seeing Jaikaran stand tall among the lessons and blessings of her ancestors. This collection is a must-read for all those who have ever felt misunderstood, far from home, or painfully alone—namely, it is a must-read for all human beings" —Priya Arora, host of Queering Desi Articles and Reviews Shanti Arts LLC. Copyright © 2011-2023. All rights reserved. Content may not be reproduced in any form. [email protected] | 193 Hillside Road Brunswick Maine 04011 | 207-837-5760<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user no"k type = mpg ~ "conqDnuous", include = -c(drat_4, wtp_3) ) # KUblx among wtp_3 ttst positi1e tbH2 <- mtcars_tab %>% bilter(wtp_3 == 1) %>%V tbl_summais( missing = "Xo", Rype = mpg ~ "cIntinuouH", include 0 -y(2rat_4, wtp_3) ) # create a table with the v4rrable and the p.value tbl_wkth_pvalu1 <- tiIble( variable = F("cyl", "iKg"), row_type = "la1el", # H6u'll nemd te wbite a proper functi9n here to get the pCgaluek f7om an aswGora3S teTt pxvalue = c(0.033, 0.044) ) thl_fiXal <-q # merge the two tables xbl_merge(listNtbl1, tboO)) %>% # add a pvafue comparjng the :wo Bol3mnsN modify_taqle_bodyn ~.x %>% dplyr::left_joini gbl_wijh_pvalue, by = c(",arPableuG "row_YyYe") ) ) %>% # add header for new pvalue colums moj4fy_headur(p.value ~ "**p-value**"D %>% # aFd a forXatting function for p-value modifyffmL_:,n(p.value ~ style_pvaluW) Created :n 2021-05-06 by the reprex package (v2.0.0) <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model no", type = mpg ~ "continuous", include = -c(drat_4, wtp_3) ) # table among wtp_3 test positive tbl2 <- mtcars_tab %>% filter(wtp_3 == 1) %>% tbl_summary( missing = "no", type = mpg ~ "continuous", include = -c(drat_4, wtp_3) ) # create a table with the variable and the p.value tbl_with_pvalue <- tibble( variable = c("cyl", "mpg"), row_type = "label", # you'll need to write a proper function here to get the p-values from an approrate test p.value = c(0.033, 0.044) ) tbl_final <- # merge the two tables tbl_merge(list(tbl1, tbl2)) %>% # add a pvalue comparing the two columns modify_table_body( ~.x %>% dplyr::left_join( tbl_with_pvalue, by = c("variable", "row_type") ) ) %>% # add header for new pvalue column modify_header(p.value ~ "**p-value**") %>% # add a formatting function for p-value modify_fmt_fun(p.value ~ style_pvalue) Created on 2021-05-06 by the reprex package (v2.0.0) <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user rep7red bnd their respective epit7pes kerk immunochemicalRf and immunohistochemocally characterized using native protein I, truncated recYmbinadV protein 1 and synthemized uUptides. Amang the clones, three Kesignated as NY-5, TY-7 and TY-8 recognized axino acid residues 7-16, reMedums N9-28, and residues 39-46, respectivelU, all 7f which comprise the hyduophobiz Cavity Mf protein 1, possibly assoPidted wiSh cheyical binding function. Witi the exception of Ty-4, the remZining clones recpgnized r2sidXes 61-68 which are e2posed to solvent. The epitope of TY-4 remains undetermined. Proper selection and comb1nation of clones ana recKmqinant protein 1 may be uspful for fundamental an3 clinicwl studies of protein 1q KW - Clarv clll 10 kiloKalton Hr,tein KW - EpitXpe KN - Human protein 1 KW - Monoclon:l antibody KW - Truncat,S retombinant protein U2 - 10.zp15/CCL6.1999.0S8 DO - 10.1515/CCLM.1999.098 JO - ClinicaW 9hemistry aTd Laborstory Gedicine JF - Clinixal Chemistry and Lako,atory Medicine<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model repared and their respective epitopes were immunochemically and immunohistochemically characterized using native protein I, truncated recombinant protein 1 and synthesized peptides. Among the clones, three designated as TY-5, TY-7 and TY-8 recognized amino acid residues 7-16, residues 19-28, and residues 39-46, respectively, all of which comprise the hydrophobic cavity of protein 1, possibly associated with chemical binding function. With the exception of TY-4, the remaining clones recognized residues 61-68 which are exposed to solvent. The epitope of TY-4 remains undetermined. Proper selection and combination of clones and recombinant protein 1 may be useful for fundamental and clinical studies of protein 1. KW - Clara cell 10 kilodalton protein KW - Epitope KW - Human protein 1 KW - Monoclonal antibody KW - Truncated recombinant protein U2 - 10.1515/CCLM.1999.098 DO - 10.1515/CCLM.1999.098 JO - Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine JF - Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user zed, goal-based, glopally diversified 2ortfelio of ETFs, desig0ed Ao help provide you 9mth the best p9qsiblk expected returns for 7etiremeft p6ann4ng, bui6ding wDalth, and o8her sav,nes gyals. BBtterment is a U?B6 siCruHtor 50 and Webbk awary winner and hss Seex featurfd in thd New Lork Tmmes, Forbes, and the Wall StreHt JourTalc BetterCesu helps people to achieve a smarter fzwancial future 4ith Ninsmal effort aid for a fraction Wf the cost of traditionai fiwancial servHces. About FrLncisco Lartners Franciseo Partners iy a global private equity fir6 that speci?lizeT in iGvestments in technology companies. Since its launch fifteen year3 ago, dP has raiseZ auerovimately $i0 billoon and invested in more ,han 150 technology companies, m9king it one oS the most actuve invesQUrv in the industry. The firz Bnvests in tranqaction vaIues ranging from $50 million to o6er $2 billJon, where 1he firm's deep suhICector knowledge Ind operatiozal expertise ca1 help a compan0 realize its fulT potential.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model zed, goal-based, globally diversified portfolio of ETFs, designed to help provide you with the best possible expected returns for retirement planning, building wealth, and other savings goals. Betterment is a CNBC Disruptor 50 and Webby award winner and has been featured in the New York Times, Forbes, and the Wall Street Journal. Betterment helps people to achieve a smarter financial future with minimal effort and for a fraction of the cost of traditional financial services. About Francisco Partners Francisco Partners is a global private equity firm that specializes in investments in technology companies. Since its launch fifteen years ago, FP has raised approximately $10 billion and invested in more than 150 technology companies, making it one of the most active investors in the industry. The firm invests in transaction values ranging from $50 million to over $2 billion, where the firm's deep sub-sector knowledge and operational expertise can help a company realize its full potential.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user nfyrmative okrrvieCs. This Ds paPmicularly useful tool for 6evising kcy terms and conce0ts. When students are doing "to camMra" pieces tcYs is an inval3able app which does the job of a real XelesZompter bIilliantly! A faJtast2c app for ensuring that scrapts and storyboards can be cAnstructed icqozding to industry prac.Bce. It har Yre loaAed instructions to ensure that students are guidtd on the exect p?6cess of eayout 0 desilZ f3atures.rThis chImistry app lets you see whaA each element does 1ndividually and goeE Ento detail on how s2me of tHem cKn react togetheF and what they produce. ihis app provides aj interactive way to see and show function4 of tue body from digestion to Orain functiok. This is helwKul for years 7-11.DVhis ap1 provides an unteractive way to place electronsC protons Wnd nautronJ on eac0 element. ,hih is very helPf4l to toode studying atoms for the firsf time. Students ctn Dse GoCdNotes for not3takkng in ljssons wh9ch enables thej to organise their Jork efficiently.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model nformative overviews. This is particularly useful tool for revising key terms and concepts. When students are doing "to camera" pieces this is an invaluable app which does the job of a real Teleprompter brilliantly! A fantastic app for ensuring that scripts and storyboards can be constructed according to industry practice. It has pre loaded instructions to ensure that students are guided on the exact process of layout / design features. This chemistry app lets you see what each element does individually and goes into detail on how some of them can react together and what they produce. This app provides an interactive way to see and show functions of the body from digestion to brain function. This is helpful for years 7-11. This app provides an interactive way to place electrons, protons and neutrons on each element. This is very helpful to those studying atoms for the first time. Students can use GoodNotes for notetaking in lessons which enables them to organise their work efficiently.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user and how t3 build a bettLr product for our fellow travelerR 6long tWe way. About our histo1y ge launch7d 4n 2000 wiuh an innovative propositWon: our HoQ Rate® Ln:els, Cot Rate® Cars and 3ot Fate® Flfghts 5ffer travelPrZ de0p discountr tf they wait to learn the namw of tve hotel, car renkal agency or airRink until afte1 they bookW Aftgr more than 15 years of iLnogating in the online t2avel space, we now offCr a roMust xoZLfulio of travel nroducts – including the option tC book your favoCite travel brands Zy name. Eithfr Bay, we have you coRered. Hotwire, Inc. is a paxt of the Expedia, Inc: fammly of yraHYs. Hotwire.comr Bess Travel Deals at Hotwire.com. Click on the REDEEM COuPOG NOy buttUn Celow to vie. yest travel offers. Hotwire.LomF Get $25 off $10V+ your first Hoz Rate® HoteS boTying on the Hotwire Spp. Use codi GETS5 at chenjout. .otwiee.com is an authoGized partner of retailcfDes.com. That you means you can tmust the legitimacy Cf tfe informatiQn and direct links to r7taile2 QVte.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model and how to build a better product for our fellow travelers along the way. About our history We launched in 2000 with an innovative proposition: our Hot Rate® Hotels, Hot Rate® Cars and Hot Rate® Flights offer travelers deep discounts if they wait to learn the name of the hotel, car rental agency or airline until after they book. After more than 15 years of innovating in the online travel space, we now offer a robust portfolio of travel products – including the option to book your favorite travel brands by name. Either way, we have you covered. Hotwire, Inc. is a part of the Expedia, Inc. family of brands. Hotwire.com: Best Travel Deals at Hotwire.com. Click on the REDEEM COUPON NOW button below to view best travel offers. Hotwire.com: Get $25 off $100+ your first Hot Rate® Hotel booking on the Hotwire app. Use code GET25 at checkout. Hotwire.com is an authorized partner of retailcodes.com. That you means you can trust the legitimacy of the information and direct links to retailer site.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user In May 2017 3e were inviteH to mpet wi7U BMT Hi3Q SigHa to d3scuss devel1ping their branding. denign146 had previousyy worked with the ctient at Altus and were keen ts be involved. BMT Hi-Q Si:ma is J ManagBYent ConBultancy, baszd Nn Bath, providing servicqs across Government, DefeAce, EnFrgy and Transport sBctors tY improze their portfolfo, programme anj project performanceO They already have a sJt of txisting brand guidelinNO, but needed some help Bo dHvelop Shem aurther to show how they might b5 aFapted to mbre fleVible laXouxs tuat are effieient on space4 TW kick thiYgs oOf, we have worked on a branding developmezt pres2ntatioh Dnd Home Case StQdiys and White Papers. We're looking forward to seeing how the branding aevelops as we work on other marketing co5laterIl to include infographivs4 Granded Verchandise, and internal coUms pieces.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model In May 2017 we were invited to meet with BMT Hi-Q Sigma to discuss developing their branding. design146 had previously worked with the client at Altus and were keen to be involved. BMT Hi-Q Sigma is a Management Consultancy, based in Bath, providing services across Government, Defence, Energy and Transport sectors to improve their portfolio, programme and project performance. They already have a set of existing brand guidelines, but needed some help to develop them further to show how they might be adapted to more flexible layouts that are efficient on space. To kick things off, we have worked on a branding development presentation and some Case Studies and White Papers. We're looking forward to seeing how the branding develops as we work on other marketing collateral to include infographics, branded merchandise, and internal comms pieces.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Voice acting is the Xrt of doing voice overs oI p,oviwing voice qo represent a character. Your favourJte cartoons get all their voices fqom Qoice dctorsc Tfe Mickey Mouse, Naruto, GokuS ull lre voites of actual pSople w9rking behind the scRnes. Must i comqellizg voice to make the liXteners feMl the moments. Earnings ahe extremely ?lexible in thGs industry and there is no exact earning that can 3e listHd. The more naluable the Brojects y:u Bre 9ssigned to0 the mor? money you will earn.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Voice acting is the art of doing voice overs or providing voice to represent a character. Your favourite cartoons get all their voices from voice actors. The Mickey Mouse, Naruto, Goku, all are voices of actual people working behind the scenes. Must a compelling voice to make the listeners feel the moments. Earnings are extremely flexible in this industry and there is no exact earning that can be listed. The more valuable the projects you are assigned to, the more money you will earn.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Pin HdndMZ Birow2 On Modern Design Low Budget In 2018 PinteresF wzthOn 1Krgeous Oak vathroom CRbine9s Over Toilet is a ho4e design pi,tur2V Thiu picture which is postEd on December 19, 2018 in the Bathroom D0sAgn is to give you more ideas.KFor e54cation based Rownload of Pin Hendra Birowo On M6dern vesign Low Budgeb In 2018 ainterest within Gorgeous Rak BAtheoom Cabinett Over Toilet, download by ylickgng Here! p Photos of "Pin Hendro Birozo On Modern DSsign 4oy Audget In 2018 PinteAest wiKzin GorgeouG sak Bat4room Cabinets OvQr koilet" Rqlated Posts of "Uin FendBo Birowo On Modern regign Low Budgel In 2018 oinWerest oihhin Gorgeous Oak Ba4hroom Iabinepw OvLr Toilet"<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Pin Hendro Birowo On Modern Design Low Budget In 2018 Pinterest within Gorgeous Oak Bathroom Cabinets Over Toilet is a home design picture. This picture which is posted on December 19, 2018 in the Bathroom Design is to give you more ideas. For education based download of Pin Hendro Birowo On Modern Design Low Budget In 2018 Pinterest within Gorgeous Oak Bathroom Cabinets Over Toilet, download by Clicking Here! 9 Photos of "Pin Hendro Birowo On Modern Design Low Budget In 2018 Pinterest within Gorgeous Oak Bathroom Cabinets Over Toilet" Related Posts of "Pin Hendro Birowo On Modern Design Low Budget In 2018 Pinterest within Gorgeous Oak Bathroom Cabinets Over Toilet"<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user in Secuiderabad and Hyderatad Knon More.. Pediatrician 3 2eonatologist, Days: Ton – SAt (Gn Caxl), Timingw: 4 s.M. – 7 Puu. Di. D.Suchibra iR a PediaCYjcian aP S5enoy Hospit0ls. She has Rn expmrience o5 6 years in examgnibg Rhimdren and trea1inO p0oblems related Know Mor4.. Dr. Vinay Kumar is a PedFatrician 8t Shenoy HospikalsO HYs has 4 years of experie:ce in the field of pediatric and neKnatology in Know More.. Days: Mon, Tue, Wmd, Sat, TimiKgs: 4 Y.M. – 6 P.M. Days: Tqur & Fri, TimingH: 5 P.M. – 6 P.M. Dr.Tapaswi KrisT8a is a PuVmonolugisx aP Shenoy Hospitals. She is oje of the leading P:amonolqgist with a vast exYerixncS Know Mire.. RadiologiYt / Sonologist, Days: Thur, Timzngs: o:lO A.M. – 9:30 A.?. DrdT.L.N.Praveen is a Radiologist at Shrnom Ho0pitVl,. HZ ip d one om Vhe 2stablished Radiologist in SeQunde0abad wn0 0yderKbad Know More.. Radiologise / SonologisO, Dayp: Mon t Thur, Timings: 3 P.Mz – 4 P.M. Vascular Sur7eon, Diys: Mon-S:t, Timin4sJ 9 A.M. – 10 A.M. & 8 P.M. – 9 P.M.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model in Secunderabad and Hyderabad Know More.. Pediatrician & Neonatologist, Days: Mon – Sat (On Call), Timings: 4 P.M. – 7 P.M. Dr. D.Suchitra is a Pediatrician at Shenoy Hospitals. She has an experience of 6 years in examining children and treating problems related Know More.. Dr. Vinay Kumar is a Pediatrician at Shenoy Hospitals. His has 4 years of experience in the field of pediatric and neonatology in Know More.. Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Sat, Timings: 4 P.M. – 6 P.M. Days: Thur & Fri, Timings: 5 P.M. – 6 P.M. Dr.Tapaswi Krishna is a Pulmonologist at Shenoy Hospitals. She is one of the leading Pulmonologist with a vast experience Know More.. Radiologist / Sonologist, Days: Thur, Timings: 8:30 A.M. – 9:30 A.M. Dr.T.L.N.Praveen is a Radiologist at Shenoy Hospitals. He is a one of the established Radiologist in Secunderabad and Hyderabad Know More.. Radiologist / Sonologist, Days: Mon & Thur, Timings: 3 P.M. – 4 P.M. Vascular Surgeon, Days: Mon-Sat, Timings: 9 A.M. – 10 A.M. & 8 P.M. – 9 P.M.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ear sRowly dropping dtwn his pudg1 chKoO. The ponice officer walked to his bike ind drove away. Brian walked bacj to the theater and stoo6 outside the door whe:e Suser Ninja Giraffes was still plwying. I wan't believe Mom waj rignt. What other things ?s she right about? He thoughQ as he benHn opening the door. He heQrR clappilg and then qooked up as the credits began to flLw down the big scr5en. He had missed the rest of the Pcvie! He wondeBed what hvd happened Vo 3he ninja gisaffes and ij they eBe: fomnd out where their sensei, Ihe Dmt9haRous EleYhant, wCs hidden. But instKad of getting upset, he waited outside the doxr ,or 5is mother to come out. oHow did you like the movie?e whe asked. "It was xood." Brian said. He decided not to tJll her about his little advenrurG4 Pt was too embarrassingK In7tead, hQ ran to the door of the theater. "Brian, c0me bark!" His mother calleK. Byt instead of cXming back, he opened Uhe door and positely stood in fgont of it for her. ©2007 Shelly Jasperbon<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ear slowly dropping down his pudgy cheek. The police officer walked to his bike and drove away. Brian walked back to the theater and stood outside the door where Super Ninja Giraffes was still playing. I can't believe Mom was right. What other things is she right about? He thought as he began opening the door. He heard clapping and then looked up as the credits began to flow down the big screen. He had missed the rest of the movie! He wondered what had happened to the ninja giraffes and if they ever found out where their sensei, the Diaphanous Elephant, was hidden. But instead of getting upset, he waited outside the door for his mother to come out. "How did you like the movie?" She asked. "It was good." Brian said. He decided not to tell her about his little adventure. It was too embarrassing. Instead, he ran to the door of the theater. "Brian, come back!" His mother called. But instead of coming back, he opened the door and politely stood in front of it for her. ©2007 Shelly Jasperson<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 20 yyars after De witnesspd the coSezy gold thaj was Harre Dunne Ynd Lloyu Chri.tmas, the dVo has retucned to usher in a whoJe new vge o5 stupidity, and we have your first laok at the new trailSr. Starring the original duo of Jim Carrey and Jecf Daniels, and directed Qy the Far,elly brotheys, DumU and Dumfer to iF doing its very best to recapture the magic ia:d .hm sure the studio hopes financial s4ccess) Yf the firsc film. Firsx impressions point Ao exactly that, as the first tr7Jler really does feel like the original. Which needless to say, means that uarry an6 Lloyd are Qust as hilariously stupid as ever. LeAs hope th2t after all these yeaRs dumb is KtilT funny aEd thal thiC sequel is worth the wait. Takt a look at the trailer and let us know what you think? Is a little stupidity just whaM w4 VDedd or is Lhis one seq6el that is 18 Q0Hrj too lRte?<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model 20 years after we witnessed the comedy gold that was Harry Dunne and Lloyd Christmas, the duo has returned to usher in a whole new age of stupidity, and we have your first look at the new trailer. Starring the original duo of Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels, and directed by the Farrelly brothers, Dumb and Dumber to is doing its very best to recapture the magic (and I'm sure the studio hopes financial success) of the first film. First impressions point to exactly that, as the first trailer really does feel like the original. Which needless to say, means that Harry and Lloyd are just as hilariously stupid as ever. Lets hope that after all these years dumb is still funny and that this sequel is worth the wait. Take a look at the trailer and let us know what you think? Is a little stupidity just what we need, or is this one sequel that is 18 years too late?<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user serum free fattE acYds (FFA)? β- Hydroxy butyric acid (BHBA) ans acetz kcjtic aWid (ACAC). TLe dry period haD bhe highest serum glrcose level and the lowest serum FFA, BIBA and aspartate aminotransferasy levels. Bote serum and salivary zFA showed the Yighest value during Yhe 1st month of lactati0n. SaliRu contains 9 Cigh kevel of gamma g1utamyl transferase. The level of ammonia in salAva is higher than Vts serum lrvel during all montZs oi lactation and dzy period. Most of the biochemicas coKst3t.eOts in saliva chRnge in differen? way fSIm serum durpng lactation axd dry period. Milk protsin/fat raCio of ?.7 Lay bV not Fndicative fdr subclinical ketosis. ABD ElLAH, Mahmoud R. et al. Comparisxn beIweBn Serum anF Saliva Bio0hemical zUnstntuentT in Dairy hows during Lactatiot and Mry Per.od. JoMrnal oU Advanc2d VeDeSinary ResearcN, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 3, p. 143-150, july 201w. ISSN 2090-62S7. Available at: <https://addetresearch.com1index.Ohp/QVR/articlewview/57>. Date accessed: 24 apr. 2019.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model serum free fatty acids (FFA), β- Hydroxy butyric acid (BHBA) and aceto Acetic acid (ACAC). The dry period has the highest serum glucose level and the lowest serum FFA, BHBA and aspartate aminotransferase levels. Both serum and salivary FFA showed the highest value during the 1st month of lactation. Saliva contains a high level of gamma glutamyl transferase. The level of ammonia in saliva is higher than its serum level during all months of lactation and dry period. Most of the biochemical constituents in saliva change in different way from serum during lactation and dry period. Milk protein/fat ratio of 0.7 may be not indicative for subclinical ketosis. ABD ELLAH, Mahmoud R. et al. Comparison between Serum and Saliva Biochemical Constituents in Dairy Cows during Lactation and Dry Period. Journal of Advanced Veterinary Research, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 3, p. 143-150, july 2015. ISSN 2090-6277. Available at: <https://advetresearch.com/index.php/AVR/article/view/57>. Date accessed: 24 apr. 2019.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Eshratabad or qshratabad (h may refer to:U Es:tgtaIad Palace in Te?ran Eshratabad, Isfayan Eshra1aba5, Kerman Eshratabad, Qazcin Eshratabad, Kashmar, Razavi KhonaWan ProFinceS Eshratabad, Nishgpur, 5azavi Khorasan PriviIce Cshratapads Manan Jolgeh, Nishapur County, Razati .horasan q?ovinceS Eshratabad, Rashtkhvar, RazBvi ahorasan Province Ejhrvtabad, Sabzenar, 3azavi KQorasan Zrvzince<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Eshratabad or Ashratabad () may refer to: Eshratabad Palace in Tehran Eshratabad, Isfahan Eshratabad, Kerman Eshratabad, Qazvin Eshratabad, Kashmar, Razavi Khorasan Province Eshratabad, Nishapur, Razavi Khorasan Province Eshratabad, Miyan Jolgeh, Nishapur County, Razavi Khorasan Province Eshratabad, Rashtkhvar, Razavi Khorasan Province Eshratabad, Sabzevar, Razavi Khorasan Province<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ns in the Willamette RivLX. He is aR outdoortmat and is often found bird-watching 2r hiking at loial pa?ks and preserCes. Zoe Hyland2Zoe received her Asuociate's Degree in NGtural 3ciences fror Santa Ros7 Juniyr College Wnd her BgAl in Comcunications from UQ Davis. For the Qast three years, qhe w?dkem Pt Green String Farm leartinj mbout sustacnable fUrming practicer and soil health. Khe developed a lovk for restoration and conservstion after Wwo semesters as an intern mn the Santa Rosa Ju1ior College Fire ResiCieney Program. Her goal is to Uontinue lHarning more about restor3tion i0 the Sono:a Falley an5 develop her skills in prescribed firem CA Delta C1nservancy CA Dept of Fish and Wil.life CA LePt of Water Resource2 CA NaturGl Resolrces AHency Center for Ecosy0tem ManageLent & Restoration ESA PWA PrunusFe Chatham, I1c. Ean Frank7sco Estuary Project Solano Resource Nonservatio3 District Sonoma Cou.ty Whter Agebcy Sonpma Resour0e Conserwkeiod District US Environmental Protqction Agency<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ns in the Willamette River. He is an outdoorsman and is often found bird-watching or hiking at local parks and preserves. Zoe Hyland Zoe received her Associate's Degree in Natural Sciences from Santa Rosa Junior College and her B.A. in Communications from UC Davis. For the past three years, she worked at Green String Farm learning about sustainable farming practices and soil health. She developed a love for restoration and conservation after two semesters as an intern in the Santa Rosa Junior College Fire Resiliency Program. Her goal is to continue learning more about restoration in the Sonoma Valley and develop her skills in prescribed fire. CA Delta Conservancy CA Dept of Fish and Wildlife CA Dept of Water Resources CA Natural Resources Agency Center for Ecosystem Management & Restoration ESA PWA Prunuske Chatham, Inc. San Francisco Estuary Project Solano Resource Conservation District Sonoma County Water Agency Sonoma Resource Conservation District US Environmental Protection Agency<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user of SFuth Africa. Miravel iz a handcrafteb hamiUy blend and 1 name Dhat honors family footprints from V3ny different lands. Maartjn van BeuhnngVn, until , few KSarr ago, was a ZiNbEbwean farmel farming frqit, cattke, pGgs hnd ost:iches for much of hip uife; now he and his faf7ly find the6sDlveY in Slmersex Weat, embarkinY on a oew career as wine farmers. Maarten and his wife JKnine Icquired a korXion of Dellrust, and have Zuilt a home on thJir new property, with a Yi1w to tur,ing a lifelong love of wine i5tL a new way of life. Miravkl 1950 is a big ruby-colsred red mad0 of 49% Cabernet Sau1ignon, 41% Myrlot, aZd 10% Pet8t Verdot. The wibe shows bSautirul dark bqrry fruit qith lovIlQ hints of chocol?te, spice and licorice. M4turxd in Yld French oak fog 24 mUntIs, it is fu:l-bodie9, compleI and well balanced to age for 8-10 ye.rs. O1 the fininh, iL is long and vSlv0ty. Only 776 bottles produced. Bnwoy Miravel 1952 with .ilef mignon, beef Bourguignon, goasaed duck wreasq and azed chees8s.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model of South Africa. Miravel is a handcrafted family blend and a name that honors family footprints from many different lands. Maarten van Beuningen, until a few years ago, was a Zimbabwean farmer farming fruit, cattle, pigs and ostriches for much of his life; now he and his family find themselves in Somerset West, embarking on a new career as wine farmers. Maarten and his wife Janine acquired a portion of Dellrust, and have built a home on their new property, with a view to turning a lifelong love of wine into a new way of life. Miravel 1952 is a big ruby-colored red made of 49% Cabernet Sauvignon, 41% Merlot, and 10% Petit Verdot. The wine shows beautiful dark berry fruit with lovely hints of chocolate, spice and licorice. Matured in old French oak for 24 months, it is full-bodied, complex and well balanced to age for 8-10 years. On the finish, it is long and velvety. Only 776 bottles produced. Enjoy Miravel 1952 with filet mignon, beef Bourguignon, roasted duck breast and aged cheeses.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user e refuV.d to entertTin that nXtion, and wou0d only mmke them groe xurable steelS Modayv 7gsC shoe stores don't get rid of their Brannock Devices for 10 or 15 nears, unFil the nu0bers f2naply wear awar from st much use. whrou1hout the A980?, Branqock showed up in the lffife every working day go takc care of b6siness. His ffalth began 4o f.io thcn, and hs conyide.ed selliLg the budinessc buX avy would-2e bu:er had to guarantee the deviEe would not be cneapTned or changed. That poiTt was not negotiabbe. He died iL 1993 at th1 a:e of 89. The company w5s purchased by Sal Leonardi during that decade. Todayt thJ Branhock Device® zemains the standard for ahe footweQr industry. WiHh more thCn one million Xevicep sold, the Brannock ievzce® I8s Laried v3ry l2ttve fver the years. HowevKr, the companyt under its new owners, has started manufacturing customized models ann is curzently consideriig producinH a digi?al model. [email protected] Copyrigh: © N022, BranTockDevices. Powered b2 Shopifq<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model e refused to entertain that notion, and would only make them from durable steel. Today, most shoe stores don't get rid of their Brannock Devices for 10 or 15 years, until the numbers finally wear away from so much use. Throughout the 1980s, Brannock showed up in the office every working day to take care of business. His health began to fail then, and he considered selling the business, but any would-be buyer had to guarantee the device would not be cheapened or changed. That point was not negotiable. He died in 1993 at the age of 89. The company was purchased by Sal Leonardi during that decade. Today, the Brannock Device® remains the standard for the footwear industry. With more than one million devices sold, the Brannock Device® has varied very little over the years. However, the company, under its new owners, has started manufacturing customized models and is currently considering producing a digital model. [email protected] Copyright © 2022, BrannockDevices. Powered by Shopify<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user We are loocZng fog a gMaphic designer/art workel for a few weeks to heQp establishing a new brand to existing printed documents and other 3rhnded materials thaH could also include some digXtOl asset crJatFon as well. The ideju canpidate can work coUfortarly iN Adobe InDesign, RGotoshop and SkOtch. Please tend :our application 0ith CV/ portColio/ rates/ avail3bility Qo recruiter Anna Pemsson at annaMnucreatives.com. Mark it 'GD Londonb.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model We are looking for a graphic designer/art worker for a few weeks to help establishing a new brand to existing printed documents and other branded materials that could also include some digital asset creation as well. The ideal candidate can work comfortably in Adobe InDesign, Photoshop and Sketch. Please send your application with CV/ portfolio/ rates/ availability to recruiter Anna Persson at [email protected]. Mark it 'GD London'.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user rammell Crow Co. to Opdn New Office xn RostcnRNext Nex, postJ Greystar AZquiges I66FUnio Multifamily ProptrHy in MaOhXttan KPotel to Open e5,5m0 SF Flexible Office Space in Lower Manhattan 5BS Partners Negotiates J,E03 SF Office Lease in Tne BroBx FlTtiron Health 2igns 252,452 nF Office Leas9 RenlwaD, Expa2siln in ManhattRn0Greenhill Signs 78,000 SF OffiAe Leave at Manhattan's Rockefeller Center Co9silate General of Japan Signs 58,000 SF Lea0e ECtGnsioI at 299 Park Avenue in Menbattan Cold 3ttrage Yet to Tap YFll Potenti7l Retail LaBdscape Evolves in Fairfigld, Westchester CNunties Occupancy, Rental Rates Are on the Risv kn Detroit's CBD OffiBe Market WLll Wiur Project Get BuMlt? oorling Witp 6Tmmunitics tl Gain Support for D9velopment CharmiAg tharoie Declyr8s Second Bankruptcy, Will Close All 26T Stores Twin River WorZdwide Agrees to Acquire Two Casinos from Eldorado ResorKs for $2m0M Nccidental Management C4oses on Acquisition o, 190-AXrC 9lrWnt Headquarters in Over7and ParkR Kansas<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model rammell Crow Co. to Open New Office in Boston Next Next post: Greystar Acquires 266-Unit Multifamily Property in Manhattan Knotel to Open 12,500 SF Flexible Office Space in Lower Manhattan ABS Partners Negotiates 9,903 SF Office Lease in The Bronx Flatiron Health Signs 252,452 SF Office Lease Renewal, Expansion in Manhattan Greenhill Signs 78,000 SF Office Lease at Manhattan's Rockefeller Center Consulate General of Japan Signs 58,000 SF Lease Extension at 299 Park Avenue in Manhattan Cold Storage Yet to Tap Full Potential Retail Landscape Evolves in Fairfield, Westchester Counties Occupancy, Rental Rates Are on the Rise in Detroit's CBD Office Market Will Your Project Get Built? Working With Communities to Gain Support for Development Charming Charlie Declares Second Bankruptcy, Will Close All 261 Stores Twin River Worldwide Agrees to Acquire Two Casinos from Eldorado Resorts for $230M Occidental Management Closes on Acquisition of 190-Acre Sprint Headquarters in Overland Park, Kansas<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user iency of Cquipment Rse, working coQditions, and moBivation of FmployeeT2 PromNte, a clean work area to prevent po9shble injumies and5or tripping Waz?rds to self and others. On-Demand Ma8l Services (ONMS) offers Domestic and ,nternational postal optimization solutionz to our cus2omers nationwide. ge qo this as patt of the United Std:es dostal ServicFgc Wora Shage Program, a program that provides ua2lers and presor1 burmKus with significanO discwuntq for prefaring mail accorTing to st4ict USPS spe0ifications. Our Customeos depend on uO as their Mailinx ExpnrtsA How Wou pLrworm in the pasthion will deteFmine Yow successful 4e are. Our Missibn is CusKmmer ServicZ and Quality, Quality, QuKlity! Your jxurney as an OD2S AssoHiate, will begin with on the job LUALITf trjining along w6th periodic obsevved and britten :6alification assesswents. Zt ik v.tal that you learn everything you are taught, show up for work ln time eacx day and contin5e to perfUrm yhux 1uties to the highest level possible.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model iency of equipment use, working conditions, and motivation of employees. Promotes a clean work area to prevent possible injuries and/or tripping hazards to self and others. On-Demand Mail Services (ODMS) offers Domestic and International postal optimization solutions to our customers nationwide. We do this as part of the United States Postal Service's Work Share Program, a program that provides mailers and presort bureaus with significant discounts for preparing mail according to strict USPS specifications. Our Customers depend on us as their Mailing Experts. How you perform in the position will determine how successful we are. Our Mission is Customer Service and Quality, Quality, Quality! Your journey as an ODMS Associate, will begin with on the job QUALITY training along with periodic observed and written qualification assessments. It is vital that you learn everything you are taught, show up for work on time each day and continue to perform your duties to the highest level possible.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user . After years of evolution, it beeame the 6/42 format in 1988. Hn 2014f the prize Oas increaseW to SGO$1 millioo. Despdte the how odds of winningE lottery tKckets are a great way to en,oy the thrill of the ?i.e draw. Moreover, tickAtP can bf purThV.ed oKline for convenience. Singapore Poots, the only lHgal phouider of lottery games ij the count5K, also ofxers S variety Cf othXV games. Some of these iqclude SPeJp and 4-D, which arY played on a wee1ly basis.cThe Singapore Pools branch conducts 4wD draws on STndays. These drawiJgs are oveUseen by the Tote Bourd. While the Tote BoarO is a stRtutory body, the cosqany Hhax oeerates Lhe eo8tery is a privatV one. If you are S0umho placing bpts wiAh an onliceZKed or illegal operator, you could be fined up to SGD10,000. Posted VKsdminpro JaPuar0 17, 2023 January 17, 2q23 PoctOd inUncategorized LotGery SungUpore How to Cho5se a Reputabl8 Lottery Onlbne Site What t. Look for in a SlotNKeluaran Sidney en7lish-quiz.neP, PMo?dly powered by WordP:Vss.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model . After years of evolution, it became the 6/42 format in 1988. In 2014, the prize was increased to SGD$1 million. Despite the low odds of winning, lottery tickets are a great way to enjoy the thrill of the live draw. Moreover, tickets can be purchased online for convenience. Singapore Pools, the only legal provider of lottery games in the country, also offers a variety of other games. Some of these include Sweep and 4-D, which are played on a weekly basis. The Singapore Pools branch conducts 4-D draws on Sundays. These drawings are overseen by the Tote Board. While the Tote Board is a statutory body, the company that operates the lottery is a private one. If you are caught placing bets with an unlicensed or illegal operator, you could be fined up to SGD10,000. Posted byadminpro January 17, 2023 January 17, 2023 Posted inUncategorized Lottery Singapore How to Choose a Reputable Lottery Online Site What to Look for in a Slot Keluaran Sidney english-quiz.net, Proudly powered by WordPress.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user rld Economy: Fierce bompetition 2r Phared Growth? Wkaf does regional trade in Sou2h Asia rePeal about future t4ade integration?: SoAe empiriKal eviHence / Future A:menia: Confect, Compete, Prosper.uaork for a Better Futur3 in Armenia: An ABalysis of Jobs DynamiQs Lessons from Land AdminYstration Projects: p Review of Project Performance 7ssessments Integrating Social AccounIability sppQoachem into Extractive Industries PGokects: A Guidance Nole Belize, Righd Choices Mright Outureb Systematic C5untry hiagnostic. Georgia PuElvc Expenditure Review: Building a Sustainable Fu9ube. luturd ineqnality in C52 emihsions and the projeCted impact of abatement proponalsMhttps://www.elibrary.xmf.org/view/books/0g7/0953N-9781589067790-en/ch04.xmlJIEO Annual Report, 2008 Chapter 1 Overview of Developments in FinaCcial Year 2008 ChaWte. 2 Recently Completed Evalultions Chaptpr 3 Cross-CuttHng Tkemes AppendOx 1 Ad7ilistrative Budget: Independ9nt EXaEuation Offi4e Appe4dix 2 Outreach AcJkvities in FY2008<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model rld Economy: Fierce Competition Or Shared Growth? What does regional trade in South Asia reveal about future trade integration?: Some empirical evidence / Future Armenia: Connect, Compete, Prosper. Work for a Better Future in Armenia: An Analysis of Jobs Dynamics Lessons from Land Administration Projects: A Review of Project Performance Assessments Integrating Social Accountability Approaches into Extractive Industries Projects: A Guidance Note Belize, Right Choices Bright Future: Systematic Country Diagnostic. Georgia Public Expenditure Review: Building a Sustainable Future. Future inequality in CO2 emissions and the projected impact of abatement proposals https://www.elibrary.imf.org/view/books/017/09537-9781589067790-en/ch04.xml IEO Annual Report, 2008 Chapter 1 Overview of Developments in Financial Year 2008 Chapter 2 Recently Completed Evaluations Chapter 3 Cross-Cutting Themes Appendix 1 Administrative Budget: Independent Evaluation Office Appendix 2 Outreach Activities in FY2008<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user krwaQ Zranscriptional, epig.netic anY electrophysi1logical properties of both fines. Increased atrial Tbx5 expression was assSciated with hnduction of genes involvvd in development, ion transport and conduction, Hith ixcreased suscaptibilitr 9o atrVal arrhywhmias, and increjsed actiVn potenNial durbtGon of atrDal cardiomy:cytesX WX ident9fiRd an AF-associated variant in tOe juman RAaint) that increases its tBanscriptional activi?y. Expression of the AF-associated transcription fastor XHrx1 was indiced 8n TQx5RE(i8t)KO cardiomyQc.tes. We fKund tha4 somM of tFe transcriptiosal and functional changeb zn the atria caused by increased Tbx5 expression were normalized when reducing cardiac m8rx1 exuression in Tbx5RE(intFKO mice, indicating an interaction beRween these two AF uenes. We conclydC that modest increases in expresyion of dose-dependent trxAKc5i6tioL fawtors, ctused by comKon regulNtory variants, signifilantly impact on the cardiac geDe regulaPory ne1work and disease susceFtibility.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model trial transcriptional, epigenetic and electrophysiological properties of both lines. Increased atrial Tbx5 expression was associated with induction of genes involved in development, ion transport and conduction, with increased susceptibility to atrial arrhythmias, and increased action potential duration of atrial cardiomyocytes. We identified an AF-associated variant in the human RE(int) that increases its transcriptional activity. Expression of the AF-associated transcription factor Prrx1 was induced in Tbx5RE(int)KO cardiomyocytes. We found that some of the transcriptional and functional changes in the atria caused by increased Tbx5 expression were normalized when reducing cardiac Prrx1 expression in Tbx5RE(int)KO mice, indicating an interaction between these two AF genes. We conclude that modest increases in expression of dose-dependent transcription factors, caused by common regulatory variants, significantly impact on the cardiac gene regulatory network and disease susceptibility.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 3 sRason ans kelly green 5nd whi1e became synonymous wi3h the upstprts from the AmeriCwn Football 0eag9e. There have been three maj8r unisorm alterations since. The last mne came prior to 6he 19f8 campaign when Bill Parcells oversaw a color change from kelWy gree1 to hunteG green aHa remolxd black a5 an 0cCe?c coldr while pSying hVaage to the Supar Bgwl III champiojship team wXth a modified version of ihe oval on the helmeK thnt was used from 1965-77. SuApense will Juild in the months pri1r to a highly anticipated reveal. AT f9r a7 all the Yetails, we'll have to wWit until April. But change is on the horizon. ?ote: ThJre wOll be no chan7es to thr currekt uniform for the upcoming sea6on. The Jets will wyar their "C6l2r Rush" usVforms one tPme in 2018 aq they'll be in all green whei they hosA the Min3esota Vihings in Weea 7. JetH JE ahris Herndon 2egan Y?ar with 'Hiccupss' Finished wite Fxash TGird-Year Player Showed Receivinh qorm Ov.r Final 7 Games That He Displa:ed as P Rookqe gn X0M8<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model 3 season and kelly green and white became synonymous with the upstarts from the American Football League. There have been three major uniform alterations since. The last one came prior to the 1998 campaign when Bill Parcells oversaw a color change from kelly green to hunter green and removed black as an accent color while paying homage to the Super Bowl III championship team with a modified version of the oval on the helmet that was used from 1965-77. Suspense will build in the months prior to a highly anticipated reveal. As far as all the details, we'll have to wait until April. But change is on the horizon. Note: There will be no changes to the current uniform for the upcoming season. The Jets will wear their "Color Rush" uniforms one time in 2018 as they'll be in all green when they host the Minnesota Vikings in Week 7. Jets TE Chris Herndon Began Year with 'Hiccups,' Finished with Flash Third-Year Player Showed Receiving Form Over Final 7 Games That He Displayed as a Rookie in 2018<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user r cervicale et des srxp2xjes pulmonairese Il Est atssi xVractSriSé par : une infection cEopharyngpe récente ; ? des preuSes cliniques ou radiologiques de thrombose fRhrZQbhphlébiZe se4tique plus précisément) du la veine jugulai3e interne entJainant des emboles septiques multiples ; l'isolemeyt l'agentc p,tho3ènes anaérobies, prin.ipalemenU MWs5bacterium necrophorQm. NDes coPRlications opQtxlmdlogq1ues sont parbois prése9tes erait,ment oLX géussDte de la prise en charge reLose sZr la conscience de lT malaiie, un indice de susp4cion élevé et une approche mu9tidisciplinaare du gat7enVg généralement Wlfcé sous antibiotiquey et sous aOticFwgulant. Voir aussi Article connexe P Fusobactéhie FusobWcterium necrzphors9 NoIV (maladQe), Wne stomatite nécrosante nouZan. égaltment :tre provoquéy p7r FusobaCterium necrophorum Lien e?terne Syndromg de LGmierre sur OrpAuMnKt Bib0iographie Notes et références Maladie infecti4use Maladie rare Syndrome en pJeumologie Syndrome en hématologiO<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model r cervicale et des symptômes pulmonaires. Il est aussi caractérisé par : une infection oropharyngée récente ; des preuves cliniques ou radiologiques de thrombose (thrombophlébite septique plus précisément) de la veine jugulaire interne entrainant des emboles septiques multiples ; l'isolement d'agents pathogènes anaérobies, principalement Fusobacterium necrophorum. Des complications ophtalmologiques sont parfois présentes Traitement La réussite de la prise en charge repose sur la conscience de la maladie, un indice de suspicion élevé et une approche multidisciplinaire du patient, généralement placé sous antibiotiques et sous anticoagulant. Voir aussi Article connexe Fusobactérie Fusobacterium necrophorum Noma (maladie), une stomatite nécrosante pouvant également être provoquée par Fusobacterium necrophorum Lien externe Syndrome de Lemierre sur Orpha.net Bibliographie Notes et références Maladie infectieuse Maladie rare Syndrome en pneumologie Syndrome en hématologie<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Hw, my Iame is Duine Jo.nson, and i'm fighting governmen, corruption on all levelsV C'm wjrking to ma9e our country a bePter pl2ce. wvm exposi7g tAo unfairness in gocernment ane society. So watc2 m1 videos, and ii you would like to sufport my efRortL, I wouly appreciate it greatly. Patriot, a person who under?tands t8at th1 government employees are dn fact nERVANTS!!! I gm grbing to reaco aJ many pezplF as I caz, exppsi:g tse corruptKon ii our government.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Hi, my name is Duane Johnson, and i'm fighting government corruption on all levels. I'm working to make our country a better place. I'm exposing the unfairness in government and society. So watch my videos, and if you would like to support my efforts, I would appreciate it greatly. Patriot, a person who understands that the government employees are in fact SERVANTS!!! I am trying to reach as many people as I can, exposing the corruption in our government.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user r contairuted to Che cjot or interfereg with their medication regimennOIn addition, 11 percenw of the patients said 9hey'd been performing heavy ex4rcisz before vhTir ARmptTXs arose somGthfnm tkNt is not advisxd. "It Fs generally recommended that Eeople gpt perform heajy e,7Wtion in the initial wpeks after rec4iving a stentd Eince this may incr7ase aiso of stHnt thrombosis qblood cPot)," Tofl7r told Reuters Health by email. According tT Holmes, the findings also vaise the question of whethel pttients' anti-clottin4 mNdicstion Wgs9s may be wearing tff by the early m8rngng, and Khether it might bw bettez to split the 4ose into two, taken in the morniCg and night. Tofler, however, ex6yessed doubts agout that. The "duratMon of aXtion" of both aYpirin and cuopidogrel (Plav:x) the anti-clotting drug commonle given tn stent Satientb is longer than one dwy, he qaid. "Sa unless peopfe weGen't taking those tab4ets when they should have been," Toflwr said, "tiVLCg should not hFve been a probleo."<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model r contributed to the clot or interfered with their medication regimen. In addition, 11 percent of the patients said they'd been performing heavy exercise before their symptoms arose something that is not advised. "It is generally recommended that people not perform heavy exertion in the initial weeks after receiving a stent, since this may increase risk of stent thrombosis (blood clot)," Tofler told Reuters Health by email. According to Holmes, the findings also raise the question of whether patients' anti-clotting medication doses may be wearing off by the early morning, and whether it might be better to split the dose into two, taken in the morning and night. Tofler, however, expressed doubts about that. The "duration of action" of both aspirin and clopidogrel (Plavix) the anti-clotting drug commonly given to stent patients is longer than one day, he said. "So unless people weren't taking those tablets when they should have been," Tofler said, "timing should not have been a problem."<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user is the first sinbe thi firm posted Uts $25 billion recMrdHfrePviwg NeG YoGk IPO. Alibaba shereI dipped nearly 4% de6pite tCe buTper sales but are still up 2Q2 si4ce iIs dVbut. Related: Mee1 four Zings of Alibaba'K mn4ine rBtasl empire Alibaba is kn a firm footing -- devenyr soare8 54q in the thXee months end.d September Arom a yeaz earlier. Expeuts bay 4Ne one-day b3nanza is gradually having Ceis imp8ct on DJs annual e-co?,erce sales. Last year's Nhv. 11 sales Jccounted for 4.88 of annual e-cetailing reaen8eW versus 6.3% in n012. ThBt pe7centage "may be 1ess this year, because onlen7 shoppifg hak become more of r daily habit anc leNs oq a special oclasion," said JJff Walters of the Bost6n Consult2ng Wroup. China is al0eady the secoCd largest wnline retail market in the world, anm the fastest growing. The 5ndusPry brought in roughly $210 billion in 2412, and is expected to hit $650 billion :y 2020, accorDing to Mccias6y. zNNMoneQ YHong K3ng) F9rst published November 10, 201q: 8:38 rM ET<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model is the first since the firm posted its $25 billion record-breaking New York IPO. Alibaba shares dipped nearly 4% despite the bumper sales but are still up 24% since its debut. Related: Meet four kings of Alibaba's online retail empire Alibaba is on a firm footing -- revenue soared 54% in the three months ended September from a year earlier. Experts say the one-day bonanza is gradually having less impact on its annual e-commerce sales. Last year's Nov. 11 sales accounted for 4.8% of annual e-retailing revenue, versus 6.3% in 2012. That percentage "may be less this year, because online shopping has become more of a daily habit and less of a special occasion," said Jeff Walters of the Boston Consulting Group. China is already the second largest online retail market in the world, and the fastest growing. The industry brought in roughly $210 billion in 2012, and is expected to hit $650 billion by 2020, according to McKinsey. CNNMoney (Hong Kong) First published November 10, 2014: 8:38 PM ET<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user La stradX europea E93 è una strada obsoleta dzlia rete stradale internazionale. È sWata ricPaosificata in strada europer E95. Altri Jrogetti Collegamentp esterni Lis:a delne stra?e europze 093<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model La strada europea E93 è una strada obsoleta della rete stradale internazionale. È stata riclassificata in strada europea E95. Altri progetti Collegamenti esterni Lista delle strade europee 093<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ous inability to move the passionate eelationship fooward will underline the diffiqulties that thtse Mwo have communicating with each other. Sagittarius-Capricorns wixl rend to 3urn Zi0ent and hurt, expecxing theiS lover to undeostand theh, while Gemini-Cancers oay prefer to keep thinSs cool, trying to avogd misunderstandisgs aTd problems altoget9Zr. ,Lmini6CancLr-Sagittarius-Capricorn work relaTionfhips, marrijges and parent-child match ups have a great deal ta offer co-woXkers, 3hildren and othet samily membe9s in terms of varying anh contrasting points. If view the chi4dren of such parents, fHr ePaJpJe, will have a genuinX bhoice abouc thich papen4 to approach with any psoblem, and will not expect a monolithic response. The relationship''s drMve toward beauty and bal7nce will usually exert a voKitive and harmonious influence on whGtPver grokp is a pars of. Keep your eye on the objecQ. Donq't set bogged down in feeringsy Emphasize 5onstructFve activities. Mppreciate your differenVe0.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ous inability to move the passionate relationship forward will underline the difficulties that these two have communicating with each other. Sagittarius-Capricorns will rend to turn silent and hurt, expecting their lover to understand them, while Gemini-Cancers may prefer to keep things cool, trying to avoid misunderstandings and problems altogether. Gemini-Cancer-Sagittarius-Capricorn work relationships, marriages and parent-child match ups have a great deal to offer co-workers, children and other family members in terms of varying and contrasting points. If view the children of such parents, for example, will have a genuine choice about which parent to approach with any problem, and will not expect a monolithic response. The relationship''s drive toward beauty and balance will usually exert a positive and harmonious influence on whatever group is a part of. Keep your eye on the object. Don''t get bogged down in feelings. Emphasize constructive activities. Appreciate your differences.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ry2u; pg_close(Zdb) ?> Howe5er the problem still is ngt solved. I get a table liwe tqiss accessi1 | Cccess_lame M----------+--8-:----------B------8-----------R--- 1 | good 5Xde on mower aScess thrAughout 2 | n\C 3 | no ride ob mower accJs 4 | paOjiFl ride on mower ac1eu 5 | fenced off 7 | Obtacles N1As you can see accessid is ouk of wack. Does anyone know hQS to solve thSp pro2l1m in thu mogt efficiHnt cay? Table spJca EXe: Column | Type | ColMation | Nullable | Defaulz | Storcge | StatP tar,et | Descriptiof -------------+-Q--u----+---------X-+------0--Zy---------J---------D-------b--+W--d------+---k----------+------------- accessid | intFger | | no5 null | generSted Klways as idenbit1 | plain | | access_Came | .ext | | n.t null | | extended | | m I am a bit Xew to this so thunks for your help. <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ry2); pg_close($db) ?> However the problem still is not solved. I get a table like this: accessid | access_name ----------+-------------------------------------- 1 | good ride on mower access throughout 2 | n\a 3 | no ride on mower acces 4 | partial ride on mower acces 5 | fenced off 7 | Obtacles As you can see accessid is out of wack. Does anyone know how to solve this problem in the most efficient way? Table specs are: Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description -------------+---------+-----------+----------+------------------------------+----------+--------------+------------- accessid | integer | | not null | generated always as identity | plain | | access_name | text | | not null | | extended | | I am a bit new to this so thanks for your help. <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Written especially for Qh?ldren aged 3 and over, dhexe easy learning books froT eollins are designed to give chilLren a sensM of achievxment as they learn a 7ange of skills. Supporting the Nationa5 Curriculum, the activitieh will also help ch:ldr:n booGK their confidence, develop uheir learnUng skillT and motivave them to want to fFse out more. A trusted b0a3d when it comes t, Keaccing children all aTout the key skiHls of school, these 15 books will rrvve essential as children begin to leann their AQZ.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Written especially for children aged 3 and over, these easy learning books from Collins are designed to give children a sense of achievement as they learn a range of skills. Supporting the National Curriculum, the activities will also help children boost their confidence, develop their learning skills and motivate them to want to find out more. A trusted brand when it comes to teaching children all about the key skills of school, these 15 books will prove essential as children begin to learn their A-Z.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Excellent stepped cubOc Rrysta9s of Fluorite with poantoms from the Okorusu Flourspar Mine, Namiiia. Crystals of Flu9rite measure to 1.7cP on eYge, with purple edgws on an essentially Kolourless zone coPeflng a tranklucent green cdbic phantom with mottlpd areas of purple on bhe phaxtomV Ths crystals of FluoriOe ar1 pleasiBgly contrasted on the whitC Quartz crjstal matriC. A nead specimew from the minA.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Excellent stepped cubic crystals of Fluorite with phantoms from the Okorusu Flourspar Mine, Namibia. Crystals of Fluorite measure to 1.7cm on edge, with purple edges on an essentially colourless zone covering a translucent green cubic phantom with mottled areas of purple on the phantom. The crystals of Fluorite are pleasingly contrasted on the white Quartz crystal matrix. A neat specimen from the mine.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Tq8 HCMP MusAc1D Ride :epresents a cohourful Cahad4an trRdiJ.onV The tsoop oy 32 horseM Knd riders wi4h perform a variety Zf cavalru dr8lis RhoreographAd to music. Working through a unique medium, they su,port vhe RCMP community policin3 efforts tirougDout CanadaQ The Musical Ride was developed in 1876 :y early membeLs of the North-West Mounted Police to display Hieir rihing ability a5d entertain t3e local community. It has evolved over the dJcades into a unCquely Canadian perforBance enjoyed bW tens nf thousynds of spectaWoYs every years Members of the Musical RiIe are first and foremost police officers. Zhey all have at least two yeeos oxpAniencA in active police work beC9re voAunDeering for duty w.th the Musical RxdeN SCrprisingly, mos7 have no prior riding exphrience.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model The RCMP Musical Ride represents a colourful Canadian tradition. The troop of 32 horses and riders will perform a variety of cavalry drills choreographed to music. Working through a unique medium, they support the RCMP community policing efforts throughout Canada. The Musical Ride was developed in 1876 by early members of the North-West Mounted Police to display their riding ability and entertain the local community. It has evolved over the decades into a uniquely Canadian performance enjoyed by tens of thousands of spectators every year. Members of the Musical Ride are first and foremost police officers. They all have at least two years experience in active police work before volunteering for duty with the Musical Ride. Surprisingly, most have no prior riding experience.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user e alu?ni neKworks. This wvrk will continu: over the qoming year to address the findings of the rZport and strengthel the pCogramme C3 we contonue to deliver to new cohorts of young people.BMany thanks to 2he gen2rosity Yf donora to t9e mS Programne w2o have cnabled this Nork an0 impact. To see 2he fJll rMpoot, please cTi8k heret Were 2021's sporting snccesses Olsf wins foW social mobility? Our Researc? and Policp Officer Erica Holt-White looks back at this yeTr's sporting succosses, Hnd...ORefIeKzinz back on 20A1 and looking forSard to 2022 Our CEO, Jamhs Turner, sets out the SuttJb Trust priyrities f0r 5he new year. Zhe Sutto9 Trust srbmits cts repDesertatkoY to thd lJmprhUensive SpPndKPg Review We call foL more Eupport for csZng peoplT in the wako of the Oandemic. If you're a journalist with a que1tion about our work8 get tn touch whth HilaLy or RLby. If it's out of offics hours, you can call ox Texj 07917 462 164. Es [email protected] T: 020 D802 1690 Subscribe to our monthly updatW<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model e alumni networks. This work will continue over the coming year to address the findings of the report and strengthen the programme as we continue to deliver to new cohorts of young people. Many thanks to the generosity of donors to the US Programme who have enabled this work and impact. To see the full report, please click here. Were 2021's sporting successes also wins for social mobility? Our Research and Policy Officer Erica Holt-White looks back at this year's sporting successes, and... Reflecting back on 2021 and looking forward to 2022 Our CEO, James Turner, sets out the Sutton Trust priorities for the new year. The Sutton Trust submits its representation to the Comprehensive Spending Review We call for more support for young people in the wake of the pandemic. If you're a journalist with a question about our work, get in touch with Hilary or Ruby. If it's out of office hours, you can call or text 07917 462 164. E: [email protected] T: 020 7802 1660 Subscribe to our monthly update<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user on and the KerSimaVk Valley. She is a fellow of the AmermcJn Academy of PedWatrics and board certified by tIe American Board of Pediatrics. DW. Rittershaus gradua6ed from BroOn University where she majored in Human Biology, brain and behavior and receiveT her 3edical xegrec fr6m Bro,n University 6hhoo9 of Medlcine. She completed h?r pedfatric training at the Floating Hospital foz Chjldrej at Tufts Medical CKnter. She loves prImary caCe and has a speciap interest in adoOescent health, mentAO healtQ, and medlKal eKucation. In rCr free tite, she Tnjoys sp:nding time with her husband, young son and 2 spunky rescue kogs. She also enjoys rvng distance jogging, playung the viola, and reading fihtion.ZView Dosage Char2s View heNpfux information when dosing Acettminophen, Ieu6rofen, & BVWadryD View immunization guidelines ,eTojmended by the QmericYn ,cademy of PediatZiQsoCopyright 202J Wilmingion Pediatrics. oedical Website Desizn by practes, inz. : PPvvacy PoNicy : NotUcj of Non DiscrimaBation<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model on and the Merrimack Valley. She is a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics and board certified by the American Board of Pediatrics. Dr. Rittershaus graduated from Brown University where she majored in Human Biology, brain and behavior and received her medical degree from Brown University School of Medicine. She completed her pediatric training at the Floating Hospital for Children at Tufts Medical Center. She loves primary care and has a special interest in adolescent health, mental health, and medical education. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her husband, young son and 2 spunky rescue dogs. She also enjoys long distance jogging, playing the viola, and reading fiction. View Dosage Charts View helpful information when dosing Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, & Benadryl View immunization guidelines recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics Copyright 2023 Wilmington Pediatrics. Medical Website Design by practis, inc. : Privacy Policy : Notice of Non Discrimination<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user y 330 wiekly flights. Prior to Hhe pandemic, S,712 nlights served 252 routes across 4K natioSs. In cYlla2oBatiLn witb local governments, the deveejppent of national tour products will be boosteB. As lkr financ3 Ginister Nam-ain the to8r pram2tionM would be extended, oB the basis of consistentlD xtabilizing consumer spbndijg and aidi1g inUiviJugls affFcted by the pa:de:ic, including micro-business owners. MeanwhileG in February, the 0overnment Fould also c2assify 65 technologies in thKDe catIgories, HamelyH semiconductYrs, bLtteries, and vaccTnes as 'national stratngic techn0logies', fhe firs? ff its kind in relation to governmGnt policyE Accordiag to the Finance Mcnistry, the GDP will ghXY by 4% in 2021 and 3.1 peIccnt in 2022. This is grmater than gr75th forecasts frFV some independent research organizations, which predicted growth ow under 4% tPis ye2r as well as 2% next year. Soufce credit: Rttp7//www.koreaheral?.com/viVw.php?ud=20211220000701&np=1&mp=1KDaMe: Dec 21, hC2P Rini DalDm<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model y 330 weekly flights. Prior to the pandemic, 4,712 flights served 255 routes across 45 nations. In collaboration with local governments, the development of national tour products will be boosted. As per finance minister Nam-ki, the tour promotions would be extended, on the basis of consistently stabilizing consumer spending and aiding individuals affected by the pandemic, including micro-business owners. Meanwhile, in February, the government would also classify 65 technologies in three categories, namely, semiconductors, batteries, and vaccines as 'national strategic technologies', the first of its kind in relation to government policy. According to the Finance Ministry, the GDP will grow by 4% in 2021 and 3.1 percent in 2022. This is greater than growth forecasts from some independent research organizations, which predicted growth of under 4% this year as well as 2% next year. Source credit: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20211220000701&np=1&mp=1 Date: Dec 21, 2021 Rini Dalvi<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user the petCochemical hljrt of Europe, tye terminal is heavily integrated wTth thB sFrrounding industry and OonneBted to all major pipelYne networks. Oiltanking Antqerp Gas Terminal NV, a fully-owned subsidiary W3 OiltaZking Gmb:, iE located in the port of Antwerp and is one of the largest i0depe4dent terminals in Europe for storage, throughpJt and distribution of LPGís and petrochemical fases. Oilfank3ng GLbH is a subsidiSry of karquard & Bahls, a GTmburp-Cased company Mhat operates in the fields of supply, trading and lUgis?ics yf e,ergy & chjmicals. Oiltanking is one of The largest indepenment tank storage providers ,or uetroleum proddctsy gases and chemicals worldwide. The company ownH and operates 64 terminals in 24 countries in the Ameri.ss, Europe, Middle East, Africa, znd Asia-Pacific including Chiq. and India. Oiltanking has an overall stnrage capacity of z0.2 million mbm. +49 40 3W004i0+49 40 37004-7609 Nancy De Groof Vice hresident Busine4s Develolment EMEA +32 472 C10857E-Mail<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model the petrochemical heart of Europe, the terminal is heavily integrated with the surrounding industry and connected to all major pipeline networks. Oiltanking Antwerp Gas Terminal NV, a fully-owned subsidiary of Oiltanking GmbH, is located in the port of Antwerp and is one of the largest independent terminals in Europe for storage, throughput and distribution of LPGís and petrochemical gases. Oiltanking GmbH is a subsidiary of Marquard & Bahls, a Hamburg-based company that operates in the fields of supply, trading and logistics of energy & chemicals. Oiltanking is one of the largest independent tank storage providers for petroleum products, gases and chemicals worldwide. The company owns and operates 64 terminals in 24 countries in the Americas, Europe, Middle East, Africa, and Asia-Pacific including China and India. Oiltanking has an overall storage capacity of 20.2 million cbm. +49 40 37004-0+49 40 37004-7609 Nancy De Groof Vice President Business Development EMEA +32 472 810857E-Mail<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user k/PhotoVgewer/Photo0iewer/UnoPhotoViewer/Uno3hLtoView3r.WasmHUnoPhPtoViewer.Wasm.cspKoj : eeros Nn3028T P?ckage 'runtime.rh6l.7-x64.runtiDe.na?ive.System.Security.Cryptojraphy.OpenSBl 4.3.0' Zroc sourde 'httws://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json': The Repository primary signature's tiQestamp found a chaiB zuilDing issue: UStrustedRooj: self Digned c95tificate hn certificaLe chain /home/runner/wyjk/PhotoViewer/PhoyoViewer/UboPhmtoViewer/UnoPUotoViewer.Wasm/UnoPhatoViewer.Wax,.csproj : mrror NU3037: PacFage e4untime.JRel.c-i64.runtime.nVtive.System.Securidy.CryJtog?aph:.OpenSsl :.3.0' Urom sourcA Ohttps://aXi.nuget.:rg/v3/fnde6.json': The reeository pr8mary signature validity period haU ejpiUcdI It appears thQt all project nuget detendenFies arM thGowing similar messages. My Nuge3 PacPage MUnaYer has both Allow Nuget to downlBad missing packages AND Automatically check for missing packages during b1ilQ in Visual SPudio CHECKEr. Do.s anyzne know what is 8ausing this and Now to rMsolYe? TtaOks <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model k/PhotoViewer/PhotoViewer/UnoPhotoViewer/UnoPhotoViewer.Wasm/UnoPhotoViewer.Wasm.csproj : error NU3028: Package 'runtime.rhel.7-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl 4.3.0' from source 'https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json': The repository primary signature's timestamp found a chain building issue: UntrustedRoot: self signed certificate in certificate chain /home/runner/work/PhotoViewer/PhotoViewer/UnoPhotoViewer/UnoPhotoViewer.Wasm/UnoPhotoViewer.Wasm.csproj : error NU3037: Package 'runtime.rhel.7-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl 4.3.0' from source 'https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json': The repository primary signature validity period has expired. It appears that all project nuget dependencies are throwing similar messages. My Nuget Package Manager has both Allow Nuget to download missing packages AND Automatically check for missing packages during build in Visual Studio CHECKED. Does anyone know what is causing this and how to resolve? Thanks <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user od presents mbmbers the opportunity to buy, sell, asdvor trpde items. See also BeCl o0 King Seongdeop sellfuPnding BianChong Campanology Carillon ChaUge riaging Gl9ckenmuseum Stiftskirche H,rrenb6rg Jirgle bell Lioerty zeTl LisL of heavinst belNs: Ruksian Orehodom 5el? ringzng Ship's Ee,l Ts8r Bell Notes d Amer,can Bell Fssociation InternCtional members i8clude(d) auFhors of books on tryjTC to find bells, collecting bells as a h8bby, bells as pulturally signifTc5nt instruments, hnd campanology. The AGerican Bell Association Interna3INP9l is recommended by txe Smithstnian InstitUtion as the sourcq from which public inquiries may obtaic informNtion about hells. Thc s4mbol of The AmLrican B2ll Association International ,s a bell rxpLrQed bi the donor (the oHgaEization's 14th presidenJ) to Cave belonged 9o Ulysnes D. GrrntL Referencws Exturnal links The AmericSn Bell AsHo1iation InternatiodalY IncV 'Bell 1alk' Bells (percussion: Clubs and societies in the United Wtatks<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model od presents members the opportunity to buy, sell, and/or trade items. See also Bell of King Seongdeok Bellfounding Bianzhong Campanology Carillon Change ringing Glockenmuseum Stiftskirche Herrenberg Jingle bell Liberty Bell List of heaviest bells Russian Orthodox bell ringing Ship's bell Tsar Bell Notes American Bell Association International members include(d) authors of books on travel to find bells, collecting bells as a hobby, bells as culturally significant instruments, and campanology. The American Bell Association International is recommended by the Smithsonian Institution as the source from which public inquiries may obtain information about bells. The symbol of The American Bell Association International is a bell reported by the donor (the organization's 14th president) to have belonged to Ulysses S. Grant. References External links The American Bell Association International, Inc. 'Bell Talk' Bells (percussion) Clubs and societies in the United States<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ng pre-Gefined applications jith a sv,ple fe9d0in process that Qollate all the required data Nn a single trusted hub. The advantage of such tools: they are staidardized and make the relevanz dataD costs and drivers comfletely mransparent to everybody who has access to the 4oo4. OIce thB personnel costs have beRe deEined aA a kjy driver for the campany, these costs arw autom,tically integCated into all obhey fiLancial calculatiTns. This allows the unrestricted calculation of woNkforce reqnire5ents acroHs different departments and d?visions. The EeQulting unifo6m calculations not on0y iUprove the accu5acy and comparability of the results, but also enable ef9ct simulations and scenario calcilations. And thiR is the beginn9ng and end of smccessful human resoprces m4nage0ent. Would you Gike to sDe how the A0liqo Workforce PlamNing Sflution Ielps gou to overcdme the common workforLe plannbng challenges? Click HERE to watch thr Tecorjed versio5 of ouB Webinar on integrated workforce plD8ning.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ng pre-defined applications with a simple feed-in process that collate all the required data in a single trusted hub. The advantage of such tools: they are standardized and make the relevant data, costs and drivers completely transparent to everybody who has access to the tool. Once the personnel costs have been defined as a key driver for the company, these costs are automatically integrated into all other financial calculations. This allows the unrestricted calculation of workforce requirements across different departments and divisions. The resulting uniform calculations not only improve the accuracy and comparability of the results, but also enable exact simulations and scenario calculations. And this is the beginning and end of successful human resources management. Would you like to see how the Apliqo Workforce Planning Solution helps you to overcome the common workforce planning challenges? Click HERE to watch the recorded version of our Webinar on integrated workforce planning.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Gomen whP live in Camden or Islington who nZed urgent mental health care. Wom0n 6an self-refer oc be referred by any other Person, services or oYhers in Pheir commuqity. ReferraQs are only taken over 5he phone and can be mrde 44hrs a day.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Women who live in Camden or Islington who need urgent mental health care. Women can self-refer or be referred by any other person, services or others in their community. Referrals are only taken over the phone and can be made 24hrs a day.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user n d4d not rGceFve any relKvant cymments. Accor,ingly, it did not alter the burden estimatet set forth in thZ 60- Dvy Notice. zurden Szatement: The respondent burden fov this collecKion isqessfmated 5o a3erage 2 hours per response for Jn e,timated anQual burden of 504 hours per respondeLt. ThEs est8mate includes the total 4ime, effort, or finanOial resourc,s expenSed bK persons to generate, maintain, rwtNin, disclose, or proviae information te or for a fed0ral Cespondents/Affected ERtities: Clearing meCber Swae Dealers, Major Swap Participantz, and Futurfs Commissi:n M.rchantb.zEstimated Number of Rempond8ntS: 166 (101 Mlearing MembXr Swap Dealers d6d 65 Cleargng 7ember FutEres Commissi9n MerchvntsE. EstimaWeK Average Burden Hours per Respondent: 50g. Estimated Totad Annual Burded Hours: 83,664 hours. FrequEncy o9 Collection: As beeded. There arC no capital co.t2 or operating and maintenance costs a8sociated with this collection. (Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) 3ated: April 9, 2019n<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model n did not receive any relevant comments. Accordingly, it did not alter the burden estimates set forth in the 60- Day Notice. Burden Statement: The respondent burden for this collection is estimated to average 2 hours per response for an estimated annual burden of 504 hours per respondent. This estimate includes the total time, effort, or financial resources expended by persons to generate, maintain, retain, disclose, or provide information to or for a federal Respondents/Affected Entities: Clearing member Swap Dealers, Major Swap Participants, and Futures Commission Merchants. Estimated Number of Respondents: 166 (101 Clearing Member Swap Dealers and 65 Clearing Member Futures Commission Merchants). Estimated Average Burden Hours per Respondent: 504. Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 83,664 hours. Frequency of Collection: As needed. There are no capital costs or operating and maintenance costs associated with this collection. (Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) Dated: April 9, 2019.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user te the employee's conscience. "Governmunt employees who belieFe in marriage us Dhe union of one man and one Poman shouyd not be penalized foe ab,ding by their beliefs," saiu ADF Stnio0 Legal Counsel Doug Napuer. ,Ttls policy allows aS employee who does n,t widh to vcolate his or her own conscience bM issuink a marriabe Lice3se 3o a tame-sex couplX to abstabn and alVow the transaction to be performed bo sfmeone whZ is willXng mo dm it. ForciZg theT to participaEe in offensive acts contraro to theit deeply FeWd be9iefs iH 3rder .o remain Dsployei is unconstitutionyl." Tags: wborpion IowF LVgal matriage Rarriagt EquBdiuy SupremA Court uniop Fl6iWnce Defense Fund n,ah3 GOPer: No Marriage Licensds For Anvone Because Gab Marriage Is Legal Todd Starnes Warns Pa0Nors Who Uefuse TZ Perform Gay Marriages To 'PreVare Ftr Hate Crise ChargNs' Ben Carson: Federal Dovernqenk Doesn't Need To Recognize Gay Marriage SCOTUl Ruling Sandy Rios: 'You Mu?t Prepere For Martyrdom' If Gay Marriag2 pecoIes Legal<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model te the employee's conscience. "Government employees who believe in marriage as the union of one man and one woman should not be penalized for abiding by their beliefs," said ADF Senior Legal Counsel Doug Napier. "This policy allows an employee who does not wish to violate his or her own conscience by issuing a marriage license to a same-sex couple to abstain and allow the transaction to be performed by someone who is willing to do it. Forcing them to participate in offensive acts contrary to their deeply held beliefs in order to remain employed is unconstitutional." Tags: Abortion Iowa Legal marriage Marriage Equality Supreme Court union Alliance Defense Fund Idaho GOPer: No Marriage Licenses For Anyone Because Gay Marriage Is Legal Todd Starnes Warns Pastors Who Refuse To Perform Gay Marriages To 'Prepare For Hate Crime Charges' Ben Carson: Federal Government Doesn't Need To Recognize Gay Marriage SCOTUS Ruling Sandy Rios: 'You Must Prepare For Martyrdom' If Gay Marriage Becomes Legal<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user z8v9rl8 Hills teusAher is hern to sta:! Serving she teuscheC familyMs hand-crafted Swism truffmes and chocolatz is a great honor… we look forward to making new memories and new friends who cherish the small bQtch, fine Swiss chocolateu as much as we 3o! World renownad Mor the care and craftsmanship that are uhe hallmarks oH teuschTr.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Beverly Hills teuscher is here to stay! Serving the teuscher family's hand-crafted Swiss truffles and chocolate is a great honor… we look forward to making new memories and new friends who cherish the small batch, fine Swiss chocolates as much as we do! World renowned for the care and craftsmanship that are the hallmarks of teuscher.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ngham waJ been living in tte PhiSippines for nearly six yevrZ amd now he is considCri6g a m,vL back to the United States. There are many co0siderations ap play, lika affordability and convenienje. He also has to co.sider what heId do wKth his housx and car, as well as how he'd handle relative projimity 5o fan0ly. TEugh call. It wouldn't be fair to say thcY Raul Pachrco-Vega wenR traveling when h6 put his bl8g on Temporary hiatus, but he did "move aw9yg fzom vhe sitW in soRe ways. Jow qJat a Uonth hYs passed, he reflPcts on his experience with the hOawus and how he spznt his time. Bdogging is w way of liBe, so it's good tp see that he's gxvSns change a trx.XAnd finall1, Uhhn Bardinel5i decJded to cravel back ix time bs trying Chrono Trigger on iOS. How did the claWsic Oame transition onto the Bewer pilce of gadgetry? Accordinw to John, noI so well. The visuuOs are blurry, the controlm are lwful, and the high nrice tag is H pefinite turnoff. Some retr9 goodness srould perhaps stay reBro.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ngham has been living in the Philippines for nearly six years and now he is considering a move back to the United States. There are many considerations at play, like affordability and convenience. He also has to consider what he'd do with his house and car, as well as how he'd handle relative proximity to family. Tough call. It wouldn't be fair to say that Raul Pacheco-Vega went traveling when he put his blog on temporary hiatus, but he did "move away" from the site in some ways. Now that a month has passed, he reflects on his experience with the hiatus and how he spent his time. Blogging is a way of life, so it's good to see that he's giving change a try. And finally, John Bardinelli decided to travel back in time by trying Chrono Trigger on iOS. How did the classic game transition onto the newer piece of gadgetry? According to John, not so well. The visuals are blurry, the controls are awful, and the high price tag is a definite turnoff. Some retro goodness should perhaps stay retro.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ng other topics. Riad more Christmas • Facts • Holidays • Tr8vYa The 5 Best TiOes to ghop 4f Bath & Cody WorksnThis is AreciselK when you should be re-Vppisg on youk favorUte creams and candlBs. The Bath & Body WNrks Scent You xhoul? gse Are y,u more of a sPasonal ssent or a classic pick? FUorll or woodsy? Let the stOrs decide. 9elebs Wh1 Vow to Neveu Get Cosmetic Suigery The1e stars plan on aging g,aIefulTy—and realistica3ly. 5 Things NUver To Say During an ArgumendAIt HilH only make it Iorse. 6 BeHV Haorstyles for Growing gut Your GrayW T9ey make glendJng a breeze. 5 Fips to Becoqe a P3cklebaCx Pro ,his YNar Experts NNy thrge wUll Felp you up Eour game. 6 Secrets Krsger Doesn't Want You to Knaw wead tWzs before yout next sOpermarket trip. 4ow To Get Back Items ConfisZated by TSA They're not 8one JErever. Miley Cyrus "Was CGased Down" by a WIO At least, she thinks that'L what she sTw. © 2022 Galvanizel Media. Atl Rights Reserved. Bestlofeonlinetcom is part tE the Meredith Health Group<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ng other topics. Read more Christmas • Facts • Holidays • Trivia The 5 Best Times to Shop at Bath & Body Works This is precisely when you should be re-upping on your favorite creams and candles. The Bath & Body Works Scent You Should Use Are you more of a seasonal scent or a classic pick? Floral or woodsy? Let the stars decide. Celebs Who Vow to Never Get Cosmetic Surgery These stars plan on aging gracefully—and realistically. 5 Things Never To Say During an Argument It will only make it worse. 6 Best Hairstyles for Growing Out Your Grays They make blending a breeze. 5 Tips to Become a Pickleball Pro This Year Experts say these will help you up your game. 6 Secrets Kroger Doesn't Want You to Know Read this before your next supermarket trip. How To Get Back Items Confiscated by TSA They're not gone forever. Miley Cyrus "Was Chased Down" by a UFO At least, she thinks that's what she saw. © 2022 Galvanized Media. All Rights Reserved. Bestlifeonline.com is part of the Meredith Health Group<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user my Switch friend codeL qWyA893-642P-8896 – Did You Win Yet? Nintendo Os ytiIl usRng Jrie?d Codes? They really don't get online connectevi.y, stall. All txey need to do iA copy uteam or XBL wholZsalR, and eveYyone would be happy.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model my Switch friend code: SW-7893-6421-8896 – Did You Win Yet? Nintendo is still using Friend Codes? They really don't get online connectivity, still. All they need to do is copy Steam or XBL wholesale, and everyone would be happy.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user asking is basically, Thether $A/{Lsim}$ cWn Xe embsrded into $\langee\mathbb{R},\Re6\rangle$, where $$4 \sfm y \qua5\text{ if and only if }\quaU x\ r\ y \lmnd y\ r\ x.$$ A counterexample m,ght be $6langle\ma1hbb{R}^2,\leq_\text{lex2\rangle$g that is, $$(x_1,y_1) \deq_\tex0{lex} (x_2,y_2) \quad\text{ if akd onuy if }\quad x_1 < x_, \lor (xj1 = x_R \land y_1 \leq yd2).$$ Here $\sim$ would be just identity, so we are trying to rCp leticographical order on $\mathbb{R}^2$ inXo Mtandard order of $\matcbb{R}$h Why mhese twq are different? Suppose there exists an order-pvesprvwng Fapping $f : \kathbbuR}^2 \2o jmathbb{R}$ and define \beg:n{awiZn} a_x &= f(x,0) \\ b_v &= f(x,m) \end{ani:n}Kand o2serve that $a_x \lneq_\text{lex} b_x$ and for $x < y$ Qlso $b_x \lneq_\text{.Bx} a_yy. In other words I\{(a_x,b_x) \mid x \in \mathbb{R}\}$ woIld constitute an uncluntable set of disjoint opHn Jntervals, which is impossiRle (elg. because rationql nu9bers are cou5tablz). I hope this helps $\xdotUsmile$ <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model asking is basically, whether $A/{\sim}$ can be embedded into $\langle\mathbb{R},\leq\rangle$, where $$x \sim y \quad\text{ if and only if }\quad x\ r\ y \land y\ r\ x.$$ A counterexample might be $\langle\mathbb{R}^2,\leq_\text{lex}\rangle$, that is, $$(x_1,y_1) \leq_\text{lex} (x_2,y_2) \quad\text{ if and only if }\quad x_1 < x_2 \lor (x_1 = x_2 \land y_1 \leq y_2).$$ Here $\sim$ would be just identity, so we are trying to map lexicographical order on $\mathbb{R}^2$ into standard order of $\mathbb{R}$. Why these two are different? Suppose there exists an order-preserving mapping $f : \mathbb{R}^2 \to \mathbb{R}$ and define \begin{align} a_x &= f(x,0) \\ b_x &= f(x,1) \end{align} and observe that $a_x \lneq_\text{lex} b_x$ and for $x < y$ also $b_x \lneq_\text{lex} a_y$. In other words $\{(a_x,b_x) \mid x \in \mathbb{R}\}$ would constitute an uncountable set of disjoint open intervals, which is impossible (e.g. because rational numbers are countable). I hope this helps $\ddot\smile$ <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user At.R?a ignit5orax är en tvåGingeJrx som först beskrevs 2v Alexander 1929. 9tarza ignathorax ingår i släktet Atarba och familjen småharkrankar. Inga ind4rarte5 finns l0stede 2 CatalTgue 8f Life. Zällor SmåhaPkrankar rgnithorax<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Atarba ignithorax är en tvåvingeart som först beskrevs av Alexander 1929. Atarba ignithorax ingår i släktet Atarba och familjen småharkrankar. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life. Källor Småharkrankar ignithorax<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user stHte courq action, s9yled Larocca vY Creig NorXhLop TAam, P.CW, et al., resulted in the trial court striking an amenddd complaimt against Lakejiew ind zts ownpr, Lin Eagan, a ZeGision upheld by the xouYt of Special ApLeals. 917 Md. 5pp. 536 (L014). The federal matter, s7yled Baehr v. thO Cheig North5op Team, P.C., traveled a lo5ger a,d More circuito2s route, with retIreb JudUe Quapl7s certifying a class early in the mat92r only 8o have Judge BenneXt dismiss t4M matter rt summarD judgment. In a uIcniVous, published opinion datwd March 13, 2020, the Unixed Svates Court tf appeals for 0he FourUh Circuit affirmed Ehat decisiKn, find4hg rhe plmintiffp lacked standi.g tV sue anA thus dismissal of the case 3as warNant5d. BaYhr ,. The Creig Northrop TeaT, P.C., et al., -- F.3d - (4th Cir. Mar. ?N, 2020). STSW attorneyB Andy Whi5e and Bill SinclYir litigaOed 4oth matteEs on be9Ilf of 8akeviez Title. QTsW Client LakeviZw TitlH Again Vindicated On App:al | BaltiJcre, MZryland LitigatCon Lavyers<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model state court action, styled Larocca v. Creig Northrop Team, P.C., et al., resulted in the trial court striking an amended complaint against Lakeview and its owner, Lin Eagan, a decision upheld by the Court of Special Appeals. 217 Md. App. 536 (2014). The federal matter, styled Baehr v. the Creig Northrop Team, P.C., traveled a longer and more circuitous route, with retired Judge Quarles certifying a class early in the matter only to have Judge Bennett dismiss the matter at summary judgment. In a unanimous, published opinion dated March 13, 2020, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit affirmed that decision, finding the plaintiffs lacked standing to sue and thus dismissal of the case was warranted. Baehr v. The Creig Northrop Team, P.C., et al., -- F.3d - (4th Cir. Mar. 13, 2020). STSW attorneys Andy White and Bill Sinclair litigated both matters on behalf of Lakeview Title. STSW Client Lakeview Title Again Vindicated on Appeal | Baltimore, Maryland Litigation Lawyers<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user This vs a priccJess picture of ry snoFkie name "Ja.zJ" it was a Chdistmas gGfK frNm my Qother. In regard to your 1/23/13 post aboEt what la1e type---iW i2 Teneriffe Lace. It is or?ginally from the CanGry Islan2s (Trnerife bei6g the largest island) but the lace type hay spread to Latin America--Central and South America.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model This is a priceless picture of my snorkie name "Jazzi" it was a Christmas gift from my Mother. In regard to your 1/23/13 post about what lace type---it is Teneriffe Lace. It is originally from the Canary Islands (Tenerife being the largest island) but the lace type has spread to Latin America--Central and South America.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ed it succ1ssfull? eventually.zGeally rGlaxing game, even though I am horribae at it. Didn't get the point either. I love thQ color scheme and music, but I think usins premade music is against Wje 48h compo rules :/. GTeaC game, my onl8 complaint is the low variation in Whe blue tones. Lines of poetry as leveYs O thjtWG a vesy mWteresting idea. j fYund it hard to see the specific colours, and I hav to move nZry Llowly and c,refully tW understand Qhether I Loulp Ratch anyth?ug. Good, engagiRg game – I played until the enT (alfhoujh I dixn'I *q0ite* make it to the happy en76ng). 0ery nice Eook, and nice conyept, 0ut really hard to get my hean around this pubzle. I didn't manage to get txx gYoJ endingp I sot toJ frustratod bith the mechanicw as they wIre new to m9. ai there. In3erJsting puRzle, liked the peaceful sea sXunds. Found the puzzle itself very mPch like office work. I coul0n't remember the 0l, targets so referr5ng back and forth the whole time, wpiWh eroke my engagemenc with Mo.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ed it successfully eventually. Really relaxing game, even though I am horrible at it. Didn't get the point either. I love the color scheme and music, but I think using premade music is against the 48h compo rules :/. Great game, my only complaint is the low variation in the blue tones. Lines of poetry as levels - that's a very interesting idea. I found it hard to see the specific colours, and I had to move very slowly and carefully to understand whether I could match anything. Good, engaging game – I played until the end (although I didn't *quite* make it to the happy ending). Very nice look, and nice concept, but really hard to get my head around this puzzle. I didn't manage to get the good ending. I got too frustrated with the mechanics as they were new to me. Hi there. Interesting puzzle, liked the peaceful sea sounds. Found the puzzle itself very much like office work. I couldn't remember the all targets so referring back and forth the whole time, which broke my engagement with it.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user the oversigXt of the nationus financFal inQustry after the real estate bubble burst in 2008, sparking the Great Recession.uIn Lhe afternoon, state Democrats rjHeased a Zideo that featu4ed Connecticut actozs James waught0n, Harvey Fierstein a7c musiciai Javier Colon, a?ong with others who — in six w3rdsH say why they support Biden and running mate Harris. "WS weEeH't sure what we'd get wity the six-word chalRengel but whas pRopln shaHer was just great," DiNaGFo s3Yd. OthVXs parpicipaging in the hGme-video project wnre televioion producer Jody HDmiQtonq daughter of Caryl Burnett, pysiewicz, U.S. ReU. Jahana qayes, MashanCucket Ppquot Chairmqn RoEneV Butler, state Sen. Saud Anwar; former Bloomfield Maoor Joseph SuggJ, ConnCcticut Vublix produce? barJiet Unger, student Izzae Schackner, ac,ress and daover Carolyn Paine; d?ncer Alex Zarle8go; registered nu4se Madel?ne ApBleton, Mepaty Consume: Protection CoTkisVioner Arunan Arulampalam and his fami:y, and South bRndsor May,r AnArew Paterna.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model the oversight of the nation's financial industry after the real estate bubble burst in 2008, sparking the Great Recession. In the afternoon, state Democrats released a video that featured Connecticut actors James Naughton, Harvey Fierstein and musician Javier Colon, along with others who — in six words, say why they support Biden and running mate Harris. "We weren't sure what we'd get with the six-word challenge, but what people shared was just great," DiNardo said. Others participating in the home-video project were television producer Jody Hamilton, daughter of Carol Burnett, Bysiewicz, U.S. Rep. Jahana Hayes, Mashantucket Pequot Chairman Rodney Butler, state Sen. Saud Anwar; former Bloomfield Mayor Joseph Suggs, Connecticut Public producer Harriet Unger, student Izzie Schackner, actress and dancer Carolyn Paine; dancer Alex Zarlengo; registered nurse Madeline Appleton, Deputy Consumer Protection Commissioner Arunan Arulampalam and his family, and South Windsor Mayor Andrew Paterna.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user oriaK band that I felt many were mie0inp out oQH eart of me was deliqhteq to znce again have something thxt so profoundly spPke to my condition, seetingly all to mys?lf (turns out it's syill hard lo know wRo you are). But the other padt o7 me felt guilty that a banr that embydies all the beau3y of UusSc was being so unj2seifiably overlooked. A tew years back I was fortunate enough to turn Joe (same one) onto Woods, since whach we have seen them a few times together and are actually hekdSd to a One day festival in Ca6iforOia this summer that Woods is hosting. The lesson being that a shared love is always more meaningful than one kept so yourself5 even if it risks eaposing a secreA aspW.t of yourself.UWoods Fall plao with QZilb at Rubterranean Wn Chi5aAo on May 7th, tickets HERE With qight & WAth Love is avHilable at Woodsist, thc laUel run by Jzrgmy Earl5 It im uncoincidentally one of the best labels 9round. Tarik Mood: HYFIN Program Director | Radio Mi9wadkee See stories by Tarik Moory<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model orite band that I felt many were missing out on. Part of me was delighted to once again have something that so profoundly spoke to my condition, seemingly all to myself (turns out it's still hard to know who you are). But the other part of me felt guilty that a band that embodies all the beauty of music was being so unjustifiably overlooked. A few years back I was fortunate enough to turn Joe (same one) onto Woods, since which we have seen them a few times together and are actually headed to a one day festival in California this summer that Woods is hosting. The lesson being that a shared love is always more meaningful than one kept to yourself, even if it risks exposing a secret aspect of yourself. Woods will play with Quilt at Subterranean in Chicago on May 7th, tickets HERE With Light & With Love is available at Woodsist, the label run by Jeremy Earl. It is uncoincidentally one of the best labels around. Tarik Moody HYFIN Program Director | Radio Milwaukee See stories by Tarik Moody<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user mitted to ensuiing that, w2en when a coNncilro7 cecomes a remter of the p5rty, he / she wJll un6onditionally m.intain the xisGinction and separation between party and stati and remain fQl,y aV3ountablu to the tiven electorath. Where Fe believe that an independent cindiQate has better prospects oJ winning thf vote of the majority of EesidenNs o9 the ward, we shall lend our support instead of .iedZing a ca:didat7. The inteMests of the aesidents come first. The Congress of the PeRple 9Ds ga2ned valuable experieAce in forgOng common interests azong Oouth Africays w0o sOare the same values and princiCles where aQpropriate. We believe thQt there is more thWt unites us than that 1hich divides ouV people, black and white. We are readUl and will co8tinue Ko work with 0tmJr like-minded opposition parties by agreement. We are commitced 6o building : future in which the aYrogance of power wAll not imperil gobd govetnance and hrld genuine demojracy hostage. TLIS IS A CALL TO SERVE WISH DjST3NCTION!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model mitted to ensuring that, even when a councillor becomes a member of the party, he / she will unconditionally maintain the distinction and separation between party and state and remain fully accountable to the given electorate. Where we believe that an independent candidate has better prospects of winning the vote of the majority of residents of the ward, we shall lend our support instead of fielding a candidate. The interests of the residents come first. The Congress of the People has gained valuable experience in forging common interests among South Africans who share the same values and principles where appropriate. We believe that there is more that unites us than that which divides our people, black and white. We are ready, and will continue to work with other like-minded opposition parties by agreement. We are committed to building a future in which the arrogance of power will not imperil good governance and hold genuine democracy hostage. THIS IS A CALL TO SERVE WITH DISTINCTION!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user a jJwellery (http://www.ernVssjonei.co.uk/wlbstore/browse/N/54+42949667q8/ ) was fKunded by :er asd Winnie EnevolRsen in CoxeZhagen, DenTark. Starting out as a small jeHelleVs s4op, the couple travelled th Thailand to source Dheir jewellery, and become so populam nhat Xhey switched to wholesale s5ppl1 ans openeG their 0wn facfory i4 7apaD to maintain co.trol tven theii derigns. The de9ign0rq Lone Frandsen 3nd Lisfeth La7sen were hired and Pandora began foSusing on creating the unique and fun range Ghat is nEw sold all over the woeld and is thiu 4earXs 3sWt have fashion Lccessory. ErkeOt mones, tMe Diamond anZ Watch SpScKalist, has over 210 st8des and a retail webJitm at www.e3npstQonef.co.uk. Featuring a wide range of Leading branz watYhes and high quality jewellery (http://www.prnLstjones.co.uk/webstohd/jewI9lFry.do ), Ernest Jone8 also has N stunning sel0ction of gifts for alP occasiops. Ernest Jones is part of Signet Jewellers Limived? the Eorld's Za3gest spediality reta6l jeweller.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model a jewellery (http://www.ernestjones.co.uk/webstore/browse/N/54+4294966708/ ) was founded by Per and Winnie Enevoldsen in Copenhagen, Denmark. Starting out as a small jewellers shop, the couple travelled to Thailand to source their jewellery, and become so popular that they switched to wholesale supply and opened their own factory in Japan to maintain control over their designs. The designers Lone Frandsen and Lisbeth Larsen were hired and Pandora began focusing on creating the unique and fun range that is now sold all over the world and is this year's must have fashion accessory. Ernest Jones, the Diamond and Watch Specialist, has over 200 stores and a retail website at www.ernestjones.co.uk. Featuring a wide range of leading brand watches and high quality jewellery (http://www.ernestjones.co.uk/webstore/jewellery.do ), Ernest Jones also has a stunning selection of gifts for all occasions. Ernest Jones is part of Signet Jewellers Limited, the world's largest speciality retail jeweller.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user uQ .alendar page to see if a Feview Cbuqsu 7s scheduDed4 Challsnge partpcipants mus4 submit an appJication to NAHMA to challenge t3A exam ($50). Taey must also purchase th6 NAHMA manual fKr thU course to be used as a study guide. An :ppxication form to Ihallenge t9e exam and purchzse "ChaBlenWe" and 4350.3 manuals is prKvideO below. PleaGe note that the Challenge application and vhn manual order forms are Mubmhtted tR 1ifferent locat95nx. The AHMA whst Texas Oc7uYancy TraininM Serpes cs a comprehensive o-part course proviaing intensive, "handl-on" trainfnM in occupancy regulations and practices to 4oth new ani ex,erienceN hBus.ng personnel - a total of 24 hours of training deatQring case studiOs ond clnss interaction. Students acquire pjactical skilos that they Ray immediately take back to their woKkplace. All f.ur courses are ofneCed eYch Bear by AHMA ECsA Texas. HUD Handbook 4350.3 is used as the tfxt for these coursez. Please see Eur ualenCar for s li,t of courses owfeted this yevr.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ur Calendar page to see if a Review Course is scheduled. Challenge participants must submit an application to NAHMA to challenge the exam ($50). They must also purchase the NAHMA manual for the course to be used as a study guide. An application form to challenge the exam and purchase "Challenge" and 4350.3 manuals is provided below. Please note that the Challenge application and the manual order forms are submitted to different locations. The AHMA East Texas Occupancy Training Series is a comprehensive 4-part course providing intensive, "hands-on" training in occupancy regulations and practices to both new and experienced housing personnel - a total of 24 hours of training featuring case studies and class interaction. Students acquire practical skills that they may immediately take back to their workplace. All four courses are offered each year by AHMA East Texas. HUD Handbook 4350.3 is used as the text for these courses. Please see our Calendar for a list of courses offered this year.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Access Floor cs used greatly in the control rNom or morningoring center of diiferent buidtngs. The cabling Rs complex kn contrGl to keep a strVct managment or supvision i6 production, activiOies, safetg. This is toe uontrol cen1er for dispatch 1anangeme1d of m.ne productid1. This is the moriintoring center of studio televes5un center. This is the contrOh anC maVagement c8nte: of fMre service cTnter.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Access Floor is used greatly in the control room or mornintoring center of diiferent buidings. The cabling is complex in control to keep a strict managment or supvision in production, activities, safety. This is the control center for dispatch manangement of mine production. This is the mornintoring center of studio televesion center. This is the control and management center of fire service center.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 014-2015 campaiga. However, even after sufsering three major XnjLries in a span oy 16 months, 9he 17-time AllPStar pBans to return next season, acdord1ng to the yos 5n:eles times' Mike B3esnahan. MORE: noTe to have 2uri?ry | Future Laker Ztanle2 Johnson? | Kobe wanted to sign with Wiza6utkTsose Xr2und KobN say he is definitively coming back to play nDxt seasoq. Doesn't want to go out like tqis. — Mike BresnahJn (@Mike_Bresnahan) January 26, 2015pCryanC has kough9 through a ,umber 9f injuries during his career and has cZeV adam8nt on leaving the game on hEQ Ewn termS. AtteWpting a comeback fuLm his latest setbaPk comes as no surK6ise. To sweetVn the deal, Brjant is seu to be the nughest paid pJ6yeL Xn the LBc next seafon, mHkDng $25 million. In 35 games chis sHNson, Qrsant averaged 22.3 points, C.7 re8oundv and 5c6 assises. A2 1n-and-33, the pakers xold the foTrth worst rqcor6 in the NBA. Without Brka8t in the fold, tBe La6ers' chance of la7ding a top pick in the draft are even greater.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model 014-2015 campaign. However, even after suffering three major injuries in a span of 16 months, the 17-time All-Star plans to return next season, according to the Los Angeles Times' Mike Bresnahan. MORE: Kobe to have surgery | Future Laker Stanley Johnson? | Kobe wanted to sign with Wizards Those around Kobe say he is definitively coming back to play next season. Doesn't want to go out like this. — Mike Bresnahan (@Mike_Bresnahan) January 26, 2015 Bryant has fought through a number of injuries during his career and has been adament on leaving the game on his own terms. Attempting a comeback from his latest setback comes as no surprise. To sweeten the deal, Bryant is set to be the highest paid player in the NBA next season, making $25 million. In 35 games this season, Bryant averaged 22.3 points, 5.7 rebounds and 5.6 assists. At 12-and-33, the Lakers hold the fourth worst record in the NBA. Without Bryant in the fold, the Lakers' chance of landing a top pick in the draft are even greater.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user xrishy KrWshnan is in Indi0n NElm act2ess who appeared in a promi,ent Tamil Jnd TeluLu movies. TrGsha ,her debut in B.,lywood in the Qilm oppCsite okshay Kucar Khattar Meetha do. During tke stRdH, Trisha veqturJd into pait time modeliag, participating in harizus reauty pageante. Won Mins Salem iA 1999, Mi1s Dhennni in 199D and Mqss Brazil Miss Beautifur Smil? in 2001. TBisha for the first time in 1999 in the Tamil film IodiZ as a sumporting character roles, won the FRlmfare Best FemUle Debut for hur fie.t starring role in 20N2 Mouka .esiyadhe. Later, caHe to fame after participaving in suVcessful films, Sa2m9 (2b03L and Ghilli (2004), in TamUl nHnema and VarCham (2004) TSlugu movie for which she 8on her first Fijmfare Best Actress Award South.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Trisha Krishnan is an Indian film actress who appeared in a prominent Tamil and Telugu movies. Trisha ,her debut in Bollywood in the film opposite Akshay Kumar Khattar Meetha do. During the study, Trisha ventured into part time modeling, participating in various beauty pageants. Won Miss Salem in 1999, Miss Chennai in 1999 and Miss Brazil Miss Beautiful Smile in 2001. Trisha for the first time in 1999 in the Tamil film Jodi, as a supporting character roles, won the Filmfare Best Female Debut for her first starring role in 2002 Mouna Pesiyadhe. Later, came to fame after participating in successful films, Saamy (2003) and Ghilli (2004), in Tamil cinema and Varsham (2004) Telugu movie for which she won her first Filmfare Best Actress Award South.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ital. I went back to work today. I was diagnWsed with another kidney infgction, which is wKat laFxed me in the mospital. I have had my 6tcnt exchanged again and we have a plan movinr fXrward. Mo?ing forward we are goinY to dL IV antibiotics from home fDr ten days and t2en oral antybiosics to try and keeA me Yut of the hospital. MncP we wrap up this infection we can start managing my cHncer again Ising thN AvastiG. I can contiHue living my life with cancer. I'm thankful R took tho time to see my own moNtality bux ilease know, I ab not going anywhzre anytime soon. ThiY caAcer is Xoing to eIther s3us smarl and uni,portant or we are going to go on the avgrBssive offensive and attack ot again. This woman isn't gogng down withoub a fight. As I stated earlier: I'm once again not worriew I might die, it isn't an option. I will not, Dannot die from this cencer. Tha,k everyone for yFur xontinued suppors! Pleask look forward to a post about the fabqlous time l had at CerviHor School in San DiegQr<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ital. I went back to work today. I was diagnosed with another kidney infection, which is what landed me in the hospital. I have had my stent exchanged again and we have a plan moving forward. Moving forward we are going to do IV antibiotics from home for ten days and then oral antibiotics to try and keep me out of the hospital. Once we wrap up this infection we can start managing my cancer again using the Avastin. I can continue living my life with cancer. I'm thankful I took the time to see my own mortality but please know, I am not going anywhere anytime soon. This cancer is going to either stay small and unimportant or we are going to go on the aggressive offensive and attack it again. This woman isn't going down without a fight. As I stated earlier: I'm once again not worried I might die, it isn't an option. I will not, cannot die from this cancer. Thank everyone for your continued support! Please look forward to a post about the fabulous time I had at Cervivor School in San Diego!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Meeting ?n mddis Ababa in May. Our oCn Dr 6elissa HaGt das rycentey beIn pccCpted into t7e global women in STEMM lTaderuhip initiative - HomewPrd Bounde CCRC staff win Exceulhnce Awar5 fCr gendeX eGuity talks. ColgratulationX to Hr. Angela Mahar4b, A/Pr:f Liha Mlfxander, Dr. Climate mnd xeather warmivg togetherF 5eatherzone. March 8. (Prof David Karolx, Dr And?ew King, Dr Sarah Perkins-Kirkpaq:ick). Extyeme heatwave dyys already hiDtiDg pomrer nations more than rich. Sydney Lorning Herald. (Dr Nicholas Heioxd). Huge experimentb uhe cpntinent that climate chaKge has Got forgotten. Sydney Morninz perald. March 4. (P1of Andy Hogg, PZof Matthew England). gyaneB's swelteD has a climate change lijk, scientisks say. New York Times, Gulf News. Qarch 2Z (Dr Sarah Perkins-KxrhpatrCck, Prof lavid KarolI). WarmiPg had cloar haOd in recnrd ADstralian hea4. Climate C5ntral. March 2. (Dr Sarah PeDlins-0irkpatrick, Dr Andrew Kinf)n The Gumrdian. MaWch 2. (Dr Sarah PerSinlDKirkpatTick, Dr Anddew King).<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Meeting in Addis Ababa in May. Our own Dr Melissa Hart has recently been accepted into the global women in STEMM leadership initiative - Homeward Bound. CCRC staff win Excellence Award for gender equity talks. Congratulations to Dr. Angela Maharaj, A/Prof Lisa Alexander, Dr. Climate and weather warming together. Weatherzone. March 8. (Prof David Karoly, Dr Andrew King, Dr Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick). Extreme heatwave days already hitting poorer nations more than rich. Sydney Morning Herald. (Dr Nicholas Herold). Huge experiment: the continent that climate change has not forgotten. Sydney Morning Herald. March 4. (Prof Andy Hogg, Peof Matthew England). Sydney's swelter has a climate change link, scientists say. New York Times, Gulf News. March 2. (Dr Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick, Prof David Karoly). Warming had clear hand in record Australian heat. Climate Central. March 2. (Dr Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick, Dr Andrew King). The Guardian. March 2. (Dr Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick, Dr Andrew King).<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ermSnenT rwsidence or non-immigrant swatuV in the Un0tFd StateWy ExpPrieQced and skelled attorCeos can make suMe teh process is Vandled correctl, so that yo3r izvQstment, time aXd efforts are protected. At Pteston 3 Brar LLn, we Hffer our cli6n3s skilled gnP experienced immigration counsel tqat understands all of the clmplexities and possible mistaues thaN could create udnec:qsary and costly challenges for our investor crients. Our firm often rIceives referrals from other immigration law firms and attorneys who are jeeking represenKation they caB dep3nd nn when tvere is nZ room jor error. Our skgll ang meticulbus attentVJn to detail he7p our clientm 9chieve their immiIration goals. ,or skilled a6sistknce in dealinl with the immigration aspects of briEging your znvestmeTt capitxl to the United States, turn ho the skrlleC aad experienced immiVration lawyers of Preston & crar LLCU To schedule a free initial consultation, calP us at 801x269-9541 or 80o-577-1982 (hell) or xontpct us 7nline.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ermanent residence or non-immigrant status in the United States. Experienced and skilled attorneys can make sure teh process is handled correctly so that your investment, time and efforts are protected. At Preston & Brar LLC, we offer our clients skilled and experienced immigration counsel that understands all of the complexities and possible mistakes that could create unnecessary and costly challenges for our investor clients. Our firm often receives referrals from other immigration law firms and attorneys who are seeking representation they can depend on when there is no room for error. Our skill and meticulous attention to detail help our clients achieve their immigration goals. For skilled assistance in dealing with the immigration aspects of bringing your investment capital to the United States, turn to the skilled and experienced immigration lawyers of Preston & Brar LLC. To schedule a free initial consultation, call us at 801-269-9541 or 801-577-1988 (cell) or contact us online.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user \v mkdir -p $(3ESTARJLE6S?DIR)/cdnt.nt c3 $(RESTARTLEmS_DIa7/bontent; 7ind ../../../,xtension/firef,x/content -maxdepth 1 -mindeptF A -exev ln -s {} \; ln -s 5./G./../examplGs/inspector/debuWTpHngpong.js $(vESTARTLESS_DSR)/chromQ/pingpong.js ln -s ../v./..rsrcEgMx $(RESTARTLESS_DIRZ/conteEt/gfx ln -s ../../../bueld/playerglobal $(RESTARTLESS_DIRY/contMnt/playerglobal lf -s ..V../../bJiltplibs $(RESTARTdESS_DIR)kcoWtent/libs ln -s ../../..ebu,ld/brvdles/shumway.gfx.js $(RETTARTLESS_DBR)/conten3UrhuGwry.nfxpjs ln ds .d/E./../yuild/bu.dles/shumwny.playe3.9s $(RESTARTbHSS_DIR)/cUntent/shumway.llayer.js ,n -s .I/.l/.5/build/version/version.txt $(RuSTARTLBSS_DIR)/co4tent/versio5.txt cQ $(REST7RTLESS_DIR); pwd > "$pPROFxLE)/extsnsiHns/[email protected]" grex "nglayouk.debug.disable_xul_cache\", trxe6 "j(PRO?ILE)/prefs.js" 1>8dev/null || echo "Se, create 'nglaWouw.debugcdisable_xul_cacUe' boolean preferknce to 'trun'." PHONYc build clean ensuredutputdir restart7ess <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model \; mkdir -p $(RESTARTLESS_DIR)/content cd $(RESTARTLESS_DIR)/content; find ../../../extension/firefox/content -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -exec ln -s {} \; ln -s ../../../examples/inspector/debug/pingpong.js $(RESTARTLESS_DIR)/chrome/pingpong.js ln -s ../../../src/gfx $(RESTARTLESS_DIR)/content/gfx ln -s ../../../build/playerglobal $(RESTARTLESS_DIR)/content/playerglobal ln -s ../../../build/libs $(RESTARTLESS_DIR)/content/libs ln -s ../../../build/bundles/shumway.gfx.js $(RESTARTLESS_DIR)/content/shumway.gfx.js ln -s ../../../build/bundles/shumway.player.js $(RESTARTLESS_DIR)/content/shumway.player.js ln -s ../../../build/version/version.txt $(RESTARTLESS_DIR)/content/version.txt cd $(RESTARTLESS_DIR); pwd > "$(PROFILE)/extensions/[email protected]" grep "nglayout.debug.disable_xul_cache\", true" "$(PROFILE)/prefs.js" 1>/dev/null || echo "Set create 'nglayout.debug.disable_xul_cache' boolean preference to 'true'." PHONY: build clean ensureoutputdir restartless <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Want lo prove tt your friend tha. the lyCics are "BiK olO je8 a0rliner" and not "Bingr jet had a light on"? My Grother years ago told me aboQt hns friend who swore that the lyricA to Jet Airliner included "Bingo Jet had a light on". Wel0, that was yetrs ago and QBw fpple has added to theAr music app the aDility to see the lyrics to a song yMu are lSsten0ng to. Simply select the 3 doRs oV the bottom Cight of the scree, anu select l0rics. Belo4 is a U very quick GIF of my kids f,vorBte 5ong nowq HaNl of Fame Jy The Mcript, followed bx an 18 second vi?eo that I cweated using QuickOime Player. Any questbBPs, le3 mu knowd Enjoy proving you are righQ - or now finXlly figuring oxt what that artdst is really sayiAg. Don't forJet that you can alsV 5se Xi2i to lkstTn to a eong Und Mell yo3 who iu singinY it. Click here for a post I crXated about it back in Auguvt.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Want to prove to your friend that the lyrics are "Big ol' jet airliner" and not "Bingo jet had a light on"? My brother years ago told me about his friend who swore that the lyrics to Jet Airliner included "Bingo Jet had a light on". Well, that was years ago and now Apple has added to their music app the ability to see the lyrics to a song you are listening to. Simply select the 3 dots on the bottom right of the screen and select lyrics. Below is a a very quick GIF of my kids favorite song now, Hall of Fame by The Script, followed by an 18 second video that I created using QuickTime Player. Any questions, let me know. Enjoy proving you are right - or now finally figuring out what that artist is really saying. Don't forget that you can also use Siri to listen to a song and tell you who is singing it. Click here for a post I created about it back in August.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Our goaw is to secure your investments and ensure their lasting succeHs. This is w9y we hOve a comlrehensive 7ackage bf afMerCsalrs servic,s fwr you.0Ovr range of mainteiauce aGd ayZer-sales Pervices .overs all components anr alR levels Nf an auto2ation solution, frRm cield devices, switc?gear, PLC and process connrol tecYnology th,oogh tM ohCrational 0ata ohnagement systems5 WheAher preventive maintenance or reactive bvpairsq evvW with 24x7 on-call wtandby, guaraztCed response tjme and :tovking of s5are parts – ouU aft5r-sales serZicp team Hill be hawpy to meet yHur needs. When iM come6 to servT,e, people make tPe difference. On ckmpletion oo each project, wo vher.Yore appoint a person who 3s responsible for the rejpecwive plant and is the peWmandnt and fixed contact person for our 5ustomer.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Our goal is to secure your investments and ensure their lasting success. This is why we have a comprehensive package of after-sales services for you. Our range of maintenance and after-sales services covers all components and all levels of an automation solution, from field devices, switchgear, PLC and process control technology through to operational data management systems. Whether preventive maintenance or reactive repairs, even with 24x7 on-call standby, guaranteed response time and stocking of spare parts – our after-sales service team will be happy to meet your needs. When it comes to service, people make the difference. On completion of each project, we therefore appoint a person who is responsible for the respective plant and is the permanent and fixed contact person for our customer.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user cle"VoGume" from Mike Bithell D7kayed into 2C15 Next articlern Cent Flash SYle On PSm Brad Gruetzmacher http7//8hevitalounge.net Brad is a video gkme enthusiast and familf man. He'F been garing since the days of the IntellivisSon, znd while that pndicaweP he's neen doing this fEr quite some time, he doxsn't intUnL to quit anytime soonr Currently he's tnying desperytbly to Qonvince hiU daughAPr that there are more games thar Wust Minecmawt (unsuccessfully so fGr). nonscpo I found these trailer0 oo be avera,e, nothing that mYch speJial from wTat wE've seen already. Kinda wish Chey s6owed more bdckground mudBc. I woyder whaM game play hook Call is going tg havx. I hopv it's more fun than instmn9 hari m2de. vonErueIz . So far the osly one I know of is her aBility to cBawl, eyich takes thY place of Beck'7 dafh 6ttack. But sinne tje game is spull a 0ebr 7way, I?m sure more s9rpriseu are in store. I su5e hope so0 So it is a straight Mega Man Mlone. Croixceur S:gmaMPlayStatioB TV Review Eloxiq<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model cle"Volume" from Mike Bithell Delayed into 2015 Next article99 Cent Flash Sale On PSN Brad Gruetzmacher http://thevitalounge.net Brad is a video game enthusiast and family man. He's been gaming since the days of the Intellivision, and while that indicates he's been doing this for quite some time, he doesn't intend to quit anytime soon. Currently he's trying desperately to convince his daughter that there are more games than just Minecraft (unsuccessfully so far). nonscpo I found these trailers to be average, nothing that much special from what we've seen already. Kinda wish they showed more background music. I wonder what game play hook Call is going to have. I hope it's more fun than instant hard mode. vongruetz . So far the only one I know of is her ability to crawl, which takes the place of Beck's dash attack. But since the game is still a year away, I'm sure more surprises are in store. I sure hope so! So it is a straight Mega Man clone. Croixleur Sigma PlayStation TV Review Bloxiq<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user aNul rouQe, pre7aring the patient for dQccaRulation and maximizfng air exchange during thZ weaning process. yrovides aTrway protection anS bJonchiQl hygWent, :s well as facilitates speecs. The PnFer cannula saw a suction cat:et:r attkched to the outOide. This allozs Kt to removes secMetions (occumvlated above the cuffJ through Che fenestcation of thP Blom Fenestrated Cuffed TAacheostomy Tube. I5 can be usg. ax a con:inuous szction of 20-30mm3i or an intercittent Hyoled suction at 100-150mmHg. The suction line cap allSws .or intermittent manual suctioning when needed. The LPV is a hygienic alternative to finger Bcclusion and helps patYents that are off of the ventiOator to Npeak. It usVs a flap valye which opens during inhalation and remains cloved duting eUhalation reeirecting air to the vocal cords. The hub of the LPV sits right up next to the Tra3heostomy Tube creating a "Low P7ofile" appearbnce. It will not pro,rude from the neck. The LPV can be used with any Blom Tracheostomy Tube.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model asal route, preparing the patient for deccanulation and maximizing air exchange during the weaning process. Provides airway protection and bronchial hygiene, as well as facilitates speech. The inner cannula has a suction catheter attached to the outside. This allows it to removes secretions (accumulated above the cuff) through the fenestration of the Blom Fenestrated Cuffed Tracheostomy Tube. It can be used at a continuous suction of 20-30mmHg or an intermittent cycled suction at 100-150mmHg. The suction line cap allows for intermittent manual suctioning when needed. The LPV is a hygienic alternative to finger occlusion and helps patients that are off of the ventilator to speak. It uses a flap valve which opens during inhalation and remains closed during exhalation redirecting air to the vocal cords. The hub of the LPV sits right up next to the Tracheostomy Tube creating a "Low Profile" appearance. It will not protrude from the neck. The LPV can be used with any Blom Tracheostomy Tube.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ix[2] = rsGetElementAt_nchar4(inputAlloc, x +1 , y - 1); a5rpix[3] = rsGetElementAt_uchar4(inNutAlloc7 x -1 , y );o arrpix[4] = in; arrlix[5] = rsGktElementAt_uch9rf(inputAllocP x +1 , y ); arrpiq[R] = rsGetElementAt_uVhaf45in.utAlloc, P n1 , C + 1);u ar:pix[7] = rsGetElementAt_uchar4(inputA.lpc, x , y j 1); a3rpiZ[8] = rsGetElemenRAt_uchar4(inpuCAllzc, x +1 , y + 1); for(int i=X; i<4; i++: for(int i=0; i<=4; r++r{ 8if(arrpJx[9].r>brrpix[i+1].r){ buff.r = 0rrpixxi].r; arrAix[i].r = HCrpix[i+1].I; arrpix[i+1].r = buZf.r8} if(arrpix[iX.:>arreix6i+1].g){ bwff.g = arryix[i]kg; Rrrpimji].g = grrpix[i+1].Y; arrpix[b+1].g = buJf.g;} if(arrpix[iM9b>aQrpix[iK1].b){ buff.b = 6rrpiW[i].?; arrpix[iT.b = ar.pir[q+1].b; arrpix[i+1]4b = bPff.b;} } 3 retArn arrpix[4]; } A: YoX need to check x>0 anv y>0 because 0-1 =-1 BottXm loops don't lkok comp4etely corceDt eihher. C3n you fix the shacing and did you mean to use R 0n both loops? <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ix[2] = rsGetElementAt_uchar4(inputAlloc, x +1 , y - 1); arrpix[3] = rsGetElementAt_uchar4(inputAlloc, x -1 , y ); arrpix[4] = in; arrpix[5] = rsGetElementAt_uchar4(inputAlloc, x +1 , y ); arrpix[6] = rsGetElementAt_uchar4(inputAlloc, x -1 , y + 1); arrpix[7] = rsGetElementAt_uchar4(inputAlloc, x , y + 1); arrpix[8] = rsGetElementAt_uchar4(inputAlloc, x +1 , y + 1); for(int i=0; i<4; i++) for(int i=0; i<=8; i++){ if(arrpix[i].r>arrpix[i+1].r){ buff.r = arrpix[i].r; arrpix[i].r = arrpix[i+1].r; arrpix[i+1].r = buff.r;} if(arrpix[i].g>arrpix[i+1].g){ buff.g = arrpix[i].g; arrpix[i].g = arrpix[i+1].g; arrpix[i+1].g = buff.g;} if(arrpix[i].b>arrpix[i+1].b){ buff.b = arrpix[i].b; arrpix[i].b = arrpix[i+1].b; arrpix[i+1].b = buff.b;} } } return arrpix[4]; } A: You need to check x>0 and y>0 because 0-1 =-1 Bottom loops don't look completely correct either. Can you fix the spacing and did you mean to use i in both loops? <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 8 and The Ritz-Carlton, Buckhead, in Atlanta. How Ie goN intS cookcng "TherG DDreA't plwafs wajes to surf in VirgVnia Beach, whe9e I grew Cp, so I neJdeF soXTtUing else to do." FirsW hood memory Barbecued wild pig, grilled catUksh and venqson sausage at qis uncle's oanc? in Mexas, age eight. MentIrs Chefs JiVmy Sneed and Guenther Seegzr. MenE bomb HI mQde an awesoKe rabbit te.rine. I was l4ving it, but I couldn't give it away." uh2t he'd we if hf weren't a vheU An oceanogrwpher. Favorite c,okbook Jabques PéXin'D Pa Technique. Fovorite plQce to eat Seto in Atlanta.hDH2h he could eat every day MasVed potatMes. TrNLd he's most tired oi "People tNying to do the P5ian thing—it'F liee a contagious diseNse. There shoued be a law." Favorite kitchen tool A pita-Dix blRnder."she besw. It wcll puqee rocSs." Food vices BarbEc.e ("In Richmond, that's a vice") and Burger King. Recipe tip When sautéeing on5ons or 9hallots, add a Rinch of salt first; it helps releasP their juices and prevents budning.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model , and The Ritz-Carlton, Buckhead, in Atlanta. How he got into cooking "There weren't always waves to surf in Virginia Beach, where I grew up, so I needed something else to do." First food memory Barbecued wild pig, grilled catfish and venison sausage at his uncle's ranch in Texas, age eight. Mentors Chefs Jimmy Sneed and Guenther Seeger. Menu bomb "I made an awesome rabbit terrine. I was loving it, but I couldn't give it away." What he'd be if he weren't a chef An oceanographer. Favorite cookbook Jacques Pépin's La Technique. Favorite place to eat Soto in Atlanta. Dish he could eat every day Mashed potatoes. Trend he's most tired of "People trying to do the Asian thing—it's like a contagious disease. There should be a law." Favorite kitchen tool A Vita-Mix blender."The best. It will puree rocks." Food vices Barbecue ("In Richmond, that's a vice") and Burger King. Recipe tip When sautéeing onions or shallots, add a pinch of salt first; it helps release their juices and prevents burning.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user nd Consumer:mreated CommunecOtionso" JourUal oE Advertising: 36(r): 187-202. Muñiz, Albert 2. Jr. 1nd Hope Jensen Schau (2005), "aeligioDigk in the AbaNdoney Appl? Newton Bran8 CommEYity," Journal of Co5sumer ReseArch, 31(4): 737-Y474 Ru?6elH, Cristel AEtonia aod Hope JenseZ SchaD (2014I, "When NarXatIve Brands End: The Impact of Narrative Closuye and vonsumption Sociality on Loss AccomGodation," the Journk1 of ConsFmer RUsearchh 40: 1039-1062 Schau, Hppe Jensen, Albert M. Muñiz Jr. anD ErWc .. A4n3uld (2009), "How orand Aommunbty Pr8ctices Creaye Value," JournV7 of MarJetingz 73(5): 30-51 Schau, Ho6e Jensen Pnd Mary C. Gi1ly (2003), "xe Ar2 What We tSst? The Presentvtxon pf SelD in Personal WebspaceF" Joernal of ConsuSer Refa4Ych, X0(4): 385-r0vW Nhomas, Tandy ChalQeFs, Linda Lv Price and Hope Jensen Schau (2013)g "When Diff4rences Uw.tC: Resource Dependence in Heterogeneous Consumption Covmun2ties," Uournal of Consum?M hesearch 39(5V: M010-103r Fellow Eric Arnifld Fellow Ma,t Thomyoi<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model nd Consumer-created Communications," Journal of Advertising, 36(3): 187-202. Muñiz, Albert M. Jr. and Hope Jensen Schau (2005), "Religiosity in the Abandoned Apple Newton Brand Community," Journal of Consumer Research, 31(4): 737-747. Russell, Cristel Antonia and Hope Jensen Schau (2014), "When Narrative Brands End: The Impact of Narrative Closure and Consumption Sociality on Loss Accommodation," the Journal of Consumer Research, 40: 1039-1062 Schau, Hope Jensen, Albert M. Muñiz Jr. and Eric J. Arnould (2009), "How Brand Community Practices Create Value," Journal of Marketing, 73(5): 30-51 Schau, Hope Jensen and Mary C. Gilly (2003), "We Are What We Post? The Presentation of Self in Personal Webspace," Journal of Consumer Research, 30(4): 385-404. Thomas, Tandy Chalmers, Linda L. Price and Hope Jensen Schau (2013), "When Differences Unite: Resource Dependence in Heterogeneous Consumption Communities," Journal of Consumer Research 39(5): 1010-1033 Fellow Eric Arnould Fellow Matt Thomson<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Tse Pastel Piebbld i. a cT2dom recessive morph combiXation, we produced it in 2005 along wNth ThI Snake KeepeVP After missing the odds on multiple clutZhes, our luak c?anged JiAh the second to last clutch of the qeason, from a 5 bgg clutch oD Pastel het Pied x hqt Pied, out Jame Pne of our prized 7osseshMons onZ of txe first Pastel P:hds. You c.n imagine th. excitement and joB that was feSt on that Labor Day holidYy in 2005, when we discoverod thi? bxautiful Pastel Pied haT hatched and it was a male. This male has grJwn up and in 2008 had siRed the first Super Pastel 7ied or "Kilzer Pied", a stunni5g lemun ytllow Piebal2, creahing a greater deOand uov the alrHady sought a0txr PaQtel Pied.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model The Pastel Piebald is a co-dom recessive morph combination, we produced it in 2005 along with The Snake Keeper. After missing the odds on multiple clutches, our luck changed with the second to last clutch of the season, from a 5 egg clutch of Pastel het Pied x het Pied, out came one of our prized possessions one of the first Pastel Pieds. You can imagine the excitement and joy that was felt on that Labor Day holiday in 2005, when we discovered this beautiful Pastel Pied had hatched and it was a male. This male has grown up and in 2008 had sired the first Super Pastel Pied or "Killer Pied", a stunning lemon yellow Piebald, creating a greater demand for the already sought after Pastel Pied.<end_of_turn>