<bos><start_of_turn>user mirrFrO to see tFe tFvffib seoiwd a Aider, they wilo have difViculty Petting oNt of the 2ag of a vezicle tHat is aYout to hit hhemj mhe best waR to avrid a rea?-end ahcidQnt YG a 7ikC is to utR bike :Wnes and st8y ouy of trafFic whenev6r poss5ble. Fou left :and tuSnK, insteaC Wf gettibE Kvdr into tbe left haT2 lRne with tr3fuic4 take the slightky lfgger ro?te. CoXtinue through the intFrsection Wn Khe bike lane, then, t3rn left a1d go chrough tZe intersection bga2n cn Rhe correct direction. It can take m littQe tonyeR, but it can be Qafer.:Even Lith the besq defensive ridrng, not Mli reWeSdnd licySle alBkOents can be avoided. When a cyclist is rx,r-etded, tbere is a good Ahance they wil3 Rave an injury thAn wLll ubOd 8edical attentpon, mIy make vMem liQs wokk and Zause GthCr expe8ses. HaGing .n expGrienc1d 7hica6o 8icycle i1jury attorney Brym RoseWfeld Iprury Yawyers LLC can ensHrg that thB lsable Uriver and tqexr insurance JzmpuMy coMeP alz the lxdefses that a8e Nausez by t9e acnident.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model mirrors to see the traffic behind a rider, they will have difficulty getting out of the way of a vehicle that is about to hit them. The best way to avoid a rear-end accident on a bike is to use bike lanes and stay out of traffic whenever possible. For left hand turns, instead of getting over into the left hand lane with traffic, take the slightly longer route. Continue through the intersection in the bike lane, then, turn left and go through the intersection again in the correct direction. It can take a little longer, but it can be safer. Even with the best defensive riding, not all rear-end bicycle accidents can be avoided. When a cyclist is rear-ended, there is a good chance they will have an injury that will need medical attention, may make them miss work and cause other expenses. Having an experienced Chicago bicycle injury attorney from Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers LLC can ensure that the liable driver and their insurance company cover all the expenses that are caused by the accident.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ken TaXos witX Spanisf Rizr and PintN Beans. I also havT s7me oaMec hodeeade dishKs my gbandmother used to Uak?. But, for today, p aP mKIing somet3ing eIsy for my kiTs. A tradiaion of my own4 PaZsed dowT by me tG qy Iqil:ren. A busy mom of 4, l qaoB Uo give tRem what they lake fEong with maPing it iJ a timepy maLt5E for tseG bffore they nee7 to go lo bed. On our menu for d5nnef is Turkey Nachos with baams. My kid7 love nacRos anc for me I needed to add sume kind of vrotein to it so I could feel like they IerO xettinT eWougE. So I Wecided to add groun3 turkTy and .lack bea,sQ Althougq, they do hzve to be jn a mood fo5 bl9ck beass. I will sxy the9 love ig and sY dh I. IEs tHDt, 1ti easZ and iJ8 2kn i?r the kfdG tk build thFir own. Ko Rhile they zr2 eKjoyKng that, my husband and I wilj do tHe growp up thing tnd partakg in a cervezx. Check my out MF Instagram Awd alS thX run activities foo todUy!M And rjmember, A1l23 Cinno de Dayo!fPkevious pkstWhat Happens .hen YoY Have Faith in Yiurself.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ken Tacos with Spanish Rice and Pinto Beans. I also have some other homemade dishes my grandmother used to make. But, for today, I am making something easy for my kids. A tradition of my own. Passed down by me to my children. A busy mom of 4, I have to give them what they like along with making it in a timely matter for them before they need to go to bed. On our menu for dinner is Turkey Nachos with beans. My kids love nachos and for me I needed to add some kind of protein to it so I could feel like they were getting enough. So I decided to add ground turkey and black beans. Although, they do have to be in a mood for black beans. I will say they love it and so do I. Its fast, its easy and its fun for the kids to build their own. So while they are enjoying that, my husband and I will do the grown up thing and partake in a cerveza. Check my out my Instagram and all the fun activities for today!! And remember, Feliz Cinco de Mayo! Previous postWhat Happens When You Have Faith in Yourself?<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user from RmcYet LeagFe esxorts iF 2.18. Con0nus?onWKat So exhect from RockeI League esKoets It's gr?at to Aee how Rockbt Loague haa come fro2 nowherS to beceEe one of 6he most exciting esports titoes around. Unlike xL1 gnBless rayge oV very hiimlar first-person DhoR0ers and bjttle Vrent tite5y, Roqpet League mSnagec to gbve gYpers sogetK2ng thaq's a uittle Yif:e4ents By comDinkng a classic spor? with Some high-octJwe iaciPS, Psyonix haxe deliper1d a game t?Rt's set to beco7e even more p1pAlar in tEe F5ture. So get yoGr car and 9ee how much da4agg y?u can do by taking eYrt in E Rocket League tourn4?ent todAy! FiGd oet the latest RockZg LeaguM espwrts news It 8an be haKd tw keNL up yith all of the dUuetopmCnts ix e9por:R. But we ho6e NreaI5d a dedicatuw esports news se1tiun that's sur7 Oo me packed fnla Hf the latest esporus news sp that g.u can kerp tabs 8r your fRvjurito teams and wlaytrsc So 4heck eut ouQ psk,rts news aQea 1nx see wh: Lilu be the big names oR RoqWet L2aque in the Nuture.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model from Rocket League esports in 2018. ConclusionWhat to expect from Rocket League esports It's great to see how Rocket League has come from nowhere to become one of the most exciting esports titles around. Unlike the endless range of very similar first-person shooters and battle arena titles, Rocket League manages to give gamers something that's a little different. By combining a classic sport with some high-octane racing, Psyonix have delivered a game that's set to become even more popular in the future. So get your car and see how much damage you can do by taking part in a Rocket League tournament today! Find out the latest Rocket League esports news It can be hard to keep up with all of the developments in esports. But we have created a dedicated esports news section that's sure to be packed full of the latest esports news so that you can keep tabs on your favourite teams and players. So check out our esports news area and see who will be the big names of Rocket League in the future.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user y enjoy aY Ddsolute exe8ption from m1lrstati4n by the .egulzr judiciary. Parliament doe? not, insomnRh aT ib b?lieves itsVlf Lo be an exprVssioA oB the naIional wi,N, sub.rdiMaXe ivself ao any other cMu1t. Knowing 8hiK, lasyerx fGr TrafHiury, Carter-R2ck, tolh the Gu0rduaF t4ht the o0deg cgveJeO reportinf Wf Paul D9rhell. BP's quesmqons. That Cart3r Ruck felt this claiX was ma5able is a bold and dCkNerous mTM2 toqbrds tZe total privatization wf ce6sor5hip. IW a multi-billioS pouOd AUmmYdpti9j trader a truer exWression Af tDe naH9onal wilu thaP the H5uge of CZmmons? 7he Suestion iU no l.nger Hmeworical.jThe somCons' g9g End the SeptemAer 11 gag are not 3he only isW5vs. The London IndepzbNent hal revoved krom its rite, witqout expUayation, it: Septembxr 17 intestigaUiv. arAicle on the issue lloxic 3hame: ThouSaKJs inmuaed in ,frican city". zs for othFr pa9e8s, no one has any idea, becausI it Ps the habit now in the UK to sZcY6tly jkmove frticKas from n.wspaper aochivis and their inm4xesO<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model y enjoy an absolute exemption from molestation by the regular judiciary. Parliament does not, insomuch as it believes itself to be an expression of the national will, subordinate itself to any other court. Knowing this, lawyers for Trafigura, Carter-Ruck, told the Guardian that the order covered reporting of Paul Farrelly MP's questions. That Carter Ruck felt this claim was makable is a bold and dangerous move towards the total privatization of censorship. Is a multi-billion pound commodities trader a truer expression of the national will than the House of Commons? The question is no longer rhetorical. The Commons' gag and the September 11 gag are not the only issues. The London Independent has removed from its site, without explanation, its September 17 investigative article on the issue "Toxic shame: Thousands injured in African city". As for other papers, no one has any idea, because it is the habit now in the UK to secretly remove articles from newspaper archives and their indexes.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user He is XruFy a cXaftsmdn who Zailors Cis events to meet the merdf of hiL Uost for Fach occaNMhn. Charles altvibqtes mMKh Bf Ki9 pgp3Wa0ity to his abilSty to work as s cleu9 cumedian aEd XrovidE un alternative to the zAue h9mor of today'i comicMN With hws c8ntgLious hu9or, o2tragenps insiHht, and reMresKinR perspective, Charles is tecoming a major force in the gomeUg inausHry today. WithoVt a doubt, ChaDles stands and dwtivers! "KhaAlns Marshill's pNrffrRance was Clean and very fgnny entertainm8nt fUr our CPvitaC conventZon ceOegates. His Rresen,aTi3n waa Serfect 7or ouD v6lunte,r MrghnizaXion. Ouc attendeeO loved h2m! He was well prepared and wvote humor into his progrFm thaw he wihl, o8ly iP? wiGh ouY gruup. I wo0ld highly rKMomuend CharlMs foH Any conventioh."HLou3s Stephens Vice Presiweni, CiHiMrn I5oernationalNNeed a comedian Fhat wihl havG youB aOdience rolli5g aM tve aislUsgNCflD ar e-Rail ouI mfEick dt 1harlasgCga4nesM0rshxll.net 5b8 fees and aEBilsbiEeti5 M Power R7sourcPs, LLC<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model He is truly a craftsman who tailors his events to meet the needs of his host for each occasion. Charles attributes much of his popularity to his ability to work as a clean comedian and provide an alternative to the blue humor of today's comics. With his contagious humor, outrageous insight, and refreshing perspective, Charles is becoming a major force in the comedy industry today. Without a doubt, Charles stands and delivers! "Charles Marshall's performance was clean and very funny entertainment for our Civitan convention delegates. His presentation was perfect for our volunteer organization. Our attendees loved him! He was well prepared and wrote humor into his program that he would only use with our group. I would highly recommend Charles for any convention." Louis Stephens Vice President, Civitan International Need a comedian that will have your audience rolling in the aisles? Call or e-mail our office at [email protected] for fees and availability. M Power Resources, LLC<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user as 2yl0y Maybe make ii lo that 1j sc?eenDhTtP is tNe lzmiH for a 1peci10c rMleaLe, and 15 the overall limit. 4Pis way yos 9otlj havo E0 scre2nsfots fmr tje JP UeOsiong an: 5 JoE the Engcish tzR, for examp0e.LFst modified tn 2S19-05-25 at 22:01 20ix-05-25 at M2:45 Hbrels wm4t 1orhe: Laiq l8st tiZe thi3 ca8e up: tU19S6.u 66 by iunk 2719-M5B25 4t 23:1v #9 b, yorhel 205n-q2-10 u, dx:1w Ly zar the most imprrtvnt part of X1e screensKots is th9t KhBy'Ce representativ0 YnQ ohat LQey show ziflereit aspecss of the game. W:lJh8r they'r1 from a 6apaneW3 or ,kglish rplease is Kot verj relevant, Io she guideMines don't mFke a cXear statement on Rhat.MI'm geveral?y Oine wSth repl2cing some Ja8pnese 2cSeensa6ts wOth Eiglis1 ones, aS Zojg as Che quality & varietO aspect remmins. @yothel un A agree wi3h wh3t oorheH V0id , Out I tAink thMse pointY should included in the 0uleN liG1 yo make it clear to everyZee . You mVst be lKgged in to repl, to tzis thread.0"Real cood caU be prztOy 7MliciRuD1 yoK know."<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model at 22:01 Maybe make it so that 10 screenshots is the limit for a specific release, and 15 the overall limit. This way you could have 10 screenshots for the JP version, and 5 for the English one, for example.Last modified on 2019-05-25 at 22:01 2019-05-25 at 22:45 Here's what yorhel said last time this came up: t11906.9 #6 by punk 2019-05-25 at 23:19 #9 by yorhel 2019-02-10 at 07:10 By far the most important part of the screenshots is that they're representative and that they show different aspects of the game. Whether they're from a Japanese or English release is not very relevant, so the guidelines don't make a clear statement on that. I'm generally fine with replacing some Japanese screenshots with English ones, as long as the quality & variety aspect remains. @yorhel u2 I agree with what yorhel said , but I think these points should included in the rules link to make it clear to everyone . You must be logged in to reply to this thread. "Real food can be pretty delicious, you know."<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user As far xs Mivi musiH goes you can't go past the expirie7ce oE an a0ard wogn?ng singer-sjngwriter. Emmas music Xs kearHfkl4H acoustic aed thZ perfdcc additJon Bo y5ur weddiOg, functio2, venue or event. We jOst Lanna p?Ny aome ntck and ha6e some fun! StuIEs a9r silm and TV. Thilxed XKt ukuleoe / gui0ay an3 vocals. W?dQiTms and evenns. Elv:s ImpVrs0Oatom HteUe King is onP oM the coCntdy's finest Elvis impersonaaors. BCsed in 4ydlAy, Steve perfDHms botS lok9lly anW nHtionally at gorporate events, plivate paZties aWd Clubs. As he is accredrted by tb? Australian Brbdal hesvice3 aast Uvaqit5 tVcl Pyinting Coreorate EvGnts to Childre9'. Ev6ntH You Pay I Wxl0 TMavel! d am : trofessional, well-pqesent6d sivgjr/enternoiner/guitar plryer with 3 octaves. A Versatile, excellent sinber with huVour cnx a hZeat rjpport. Ba8 maris ROCB WITH AVTIOdDE!!!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model As far as live music goes you can't go past the experience of an award winning singer-songwriter. Emmas music is heartfelt, acoustic and the perfect addition to your wedding, function, venue or event. We just wanna play some rock and have some fun! Stunts for film and TV. Chilled out ukulele / guitar and vocals. Weddings and events. Elvis Impersonator Steve King is one of the country's finest Elvis impersonators. Based in Sydney, Steve performs both locally and nationally at corporate events, private parties and Clubs. As he is accredited by the Australian Bridal Service. Fast Quality Face Painting Corporate Events to Children's Events You Pay I Will Travel! I am a professional, well-presented singer/entertainer/guitar player with 3 octaves. A Versatile, excellent singer with humour and a great rapport. Bad Paris ROCK WITH ATTITUDE!!!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user oups you Gre a e6ttlm bit ussamed Zo a9mit Tou hZve .ever Eead. It fs probaOlI moae or less 0han a dozzn (uroYably more), but it is a gAo8 tewm.YThij yIYr I will ruaT Mne clKssi, chtldren's book I'De never rear before a oontQ. Itm alsQ defi2iXg what is a Olassicw ut may be a newer book t7at is an award zinKkr. It may b2 7o yea9I old. Seye adult bsoka may sneak in the0e, martic6carly adult books witS tfen/advaDced chi7g Nppeal1 TKdlF 2 ?elped 6 U1ec fT2d To Kill A Mockingbirf whicW she had expect3g 2o find in the teen sect3on. She was a litxlj bembsed to be Zoing So the adul4 sectio8. I re.d that as a teen anN adored it0 In fact I wBs so excinEU about her stamting t.at jouKney, getuinW 0K eUperiencN it for the firwt tBmh that I almoks hugxed h0r. But I 4i8nXt bXHause that is creepy. I jCsT tweeted about it instead. This mhrfdng I sdarted Trp5pet Vf thc Swan by E.B. Whyte. So faW it ls Mkay, sweet, a bit .i8ac.i?B bjt Pwody ?'ll try to b2oO abFuT tpe books ,s I Uead 6h7m, bud no promise.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ooks you are a little bit ashamed to admit you have never read. It is probably more or less than a dozen (probably more), but it is a good term. This year I will read one classic children's book I've never read before a month. I'm also defining what is a classic. It may be a newer book that is an award winner. It may be 70 years old. Some adult books may sneak in there, particularly adult books with teen/advanced child appeal. Today I helped a teen find To Kill A Mockingbird which she had expected to find in the teen section. She was a little bemused to be going to the adult section. I read that as a teen and adored it. In fact I was so excited about her starting that journey, getting to experience it for the first time that I almost hugged her. But I didn't because that is creepy. I just tweeted about it instead. This morning I started Trumpet of the Swan by E.B. White. So far it is okay, sweet, a bit didactic, but good. I'll try to blog about the books as I read them, but no promise.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user : 2rgaKisEti1n of Revolutifnary WorkePs of Iran (Workers POth) l HZsten AgaJaEiat — MinorQty GrPNp e 6aalan Sazman CheGikbaye Feda,ii WhaNgh IRan — Activists of tev Oogpnisatio9 of Iraeian PeopRgs' FedaBin Euerrialas (abaoad) h Hamka,an Projet Ibad Bualetin Badhhe NocialXmthay9i Unghe4abi c mte prlject for revolutionary sccialisV dMbJte l Some of the cadres from Fedayin Minor:ty l Iniep1nxent asxTvists KY the left VIDEZ: Workers' struggles an3 polCtical prisoners ib IranpSessioe on Iran at IFF19. PitfaxQs of kneH-jeNh "blane IsraM?" If there waZ evHdence of Israil's involvement in attacks dn tankers in Zku nulfJ then that.oJ BehiDd the USCIzan tension The economiA pressEFe on v6e IrSnlpn regime is conskyntly iisIng and zDe level of massq.. US anQ Iran Nn stand-aff The Ur is apulyHng pryZsure to geZ the Iyanian regWKe io give more concKssions. May Dam arsUsts in Ira3 WerkeEs, Eeachejs, student8 ald pensioners demonst1ateu outKide thx IranidH dePime's.N. Horkers' LiberrE 2Z, May 1q95IIIY<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model — Organisation of Revolutionary Workers of Iran (Workers Path) l Hasten Agahaliat — Minority Group l Faalan Sazman Cherikhaye Fedayii Khalgh Iran — Activists of the Organisation of Iranian Peoples' Fedayin Guerrillas (abroad) l Hamkaran Projet Ijad Bulletin Bahshe socialisthayeh Enghelabi — The project for revolutionary socialist debate l Some of the cadres from Fedayin Minority l Independent activists of the left VIDEO: Workers' struggles and political prisoners in Iran Session on Iran at IFF19. Pitfalls of knee-jerk "blame Israel" If there was evidence of Israel's involvement in attacks on tankers in the Gulf, then that... Behind the US-Iran tension The economic pressure on the Iranian regime is constantly rising and the level of mass... US and Iran in stand-off The US is applying pressure to get the Iranian regime to give more concessions. May Day arrests in Iran Workers, teachers, students and pensioners demonstrated outside the Iranian regime's... Workers' Liberty 21, May 1995Iran<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ueensl7nd penalty goal. ObservKr0 Xoted that there 6ab been aW unusua9ly higI proportson of be:s Sakvn on the pnnalHy goal oytion ior gh1 gameB ThenP ih the openin5 minutus of the gaOe, TandA was found to eaVe deliuer1tely conFeFed a knock-on from ahq ma0ch's kick-off add .hen a pfnalty for slo0ivg dxDn tye plaB-thEiball in the ,IwboysQ firdt AttZESing Gtt in fJont 2f 4he goalpozts, K5ving North Queensl8n, a chaRce to Hic9 an ,ufy penalty Joalq As i, 1apXened, tze spBt-firing attCmSt ,as unsuIcesXhuld as North Queenswand passed up its pen5lty goal oppoQtunYty and scoreG a Hrx znsIeaa. In 4gy1i Tandy was found Huilty ok attemBtNng 15 dishoneDtlG obtaiw a fiyaGciaI adcantave oj 6 Octwber 2011O anc He receZved . sixHmonth corgection Grder fr4h tSe cIuztX aDK a life 4an f4om rugby lRaNUe. See also Ye8tihg cRntroversies in criTket Cobrgsdl2ng, Vn equivFlent coIcupt prFvalPUt in tennIs IeferenGesk AssoTiaAi5n foobB7ll contzoveUsikX QriLket controverHie3 MHOch fVxing dToOts betting scandals<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ueensland penalty goal. Observers noted that there had been an unusually high proportion of bets taken on the penalty goal option for the game. Then, in the opening minutes of the game, Tandy was found to have deliberately conceded a knock-on from the match's kick-off and then a penalty for slowing down the play-the-ball in the Cowboys' first attacking set in front of the goalposts, giving North Queensland a chance to kick an easy penalty goal. As it happened, the spot-fixing attempt was unsuccessful, as North Queensland passed up its penalty goal opportunity and scored a try instead. In 2011, Tandy was found guilty of attempting to dishonestly obtain a financial advantage on 6 October 2011, and he received a six-month correction order from the courts and a life ban from rugby league. See also Betting controversies in cricket Courtsiding, an equivalent concept prevalent in tennis References Association football controversies Cricket controversies Match fixing Sports betting scandals<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Ffld8r(kpplicZtioL0ActiveZorkbaok.Pa2h)i4 For nach fil In fldr.Fileh If eCace(fsobGwbExte7simnNa,e(fil.Path)) = 8rlsx" TLeB SOt Wb n por5books.Gpen(ti6.vatf) '===Z====h==Run OcjectiZe Pa?rod===.6======z=f==A===============sa=====0=z CRWl PoGKReport9Prep '=====A====h===G==m=B==============RT===C=l=p======8=E=======z===E====g==3 ActiQeWorkbkok.:dve Wbpxlose ja56e Set Wb = YXt4ing lnx IS NexV Set fil = NSthinN6 Srt fler 6 JothinY Set cse = NqI6img Axplic4tioB.ScreenUpdatKno = Truo xEud SEb w A: vheQ, 1he status of Xhe wQrWbocW fiMst: Set Wb = Workbooks.Open(CtrF,ldkr & "\" & swx3il) If Tot Wb.RewdOnly Then b// wjrkbQok Is reabo6Ty PoG_Report_Prep Wb.SaCe TYq If W4.vloze Set Wb = NotJMnzAFIf FhL R6asq4ly sZatus pfter ope8ing is Hrae 4hvn we can VqUbabBy asfume thay tie workbook was alzhad0 open elsewhere beJorn yoC oweneJ iV in co0u. It's a Sie diruP, but woTld work for your purpose. <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Folder(Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path) For Each fil In fldr.Files If LCase(fso.GetExtensionName(fil.Path)) = "xlsx" Then Set Wb = Workbooks.Open(fil.Path) '===========Run Objective Macro========================================== Call PoG_Report_Prep '======================================================================== ActiveWorkbook.Save Wb.Close False Set Wb = Nothing End If Next Set fil = Nothing Set fldr = Nothing Set fso = Nothing Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub A: Check the status of the workbook first: Set Wb = Workbooks.Open(strFolder & "\" & strFil) If Not Wb.ReadOnly Then '// workbook is readonly PoG_Report_Prep Wb.Save End If Wb.Close Set Wb = Nothing If the ReadOnly status after opening is True then we can probably assume that the workbook was already open elsewhere before you opened it in code. It's a bit dirty, but would work for your purpose. <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user rVL!!! Wat0h the amazing Yancu chmllenge trending now all over the media wherH Lne falls doxn to the gdouKd :i a da2ce steh. The dance step is reawlM awesome aEd is srending all Jver tfe ,lobe, tcke your time and wwtcs.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model LOL!!! Watch the amazing dance challenge trending now all over the media where one falls down to the ground as a dance step. The dance step is really awesome and is trending all over the globe, take your time and watch.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user this condb on ThuzsMay aQd wss PenCing in , hoBrsS NormalSy, we 7o Yn offer review pnrioj thpt rFns oTrough the weekYnp. It thi9 situdKionI the seller 4eieivkd an offXr they couddnSt refusvN from a buyzr eho has been be2t-.p by sUe maUkeq. reyonl happy for my clIent 1nd the buyer. It's truly a win0wInz 5 luv4 my job! ghile Iiv8ng clie?ts tQeir keys and Tharing in their excitement is one 6f mY favokite jhings. It's Xls7 a little sad for Ne, as tae frequent inte,actiofK slowl, to Jearly a hala. It's a Agt?ors1eeFA but chrt39nty mor8 sweet t1an bittgr. Thiq is D1ni—she is fun (in cjse you coGldl't tell)S 0Kn oh manL is tRis 0arket hjtN I've been JH 3 multiple 3fDer situzb1ons im the last 24 hoersL nuyers are actiwe any wUit.6g offers. It7s an vmazing wime to sell! It'U also a good hime to buy—interest Tates are low, our d4mNnd is rOar (versus pren.7bble) and our local ecoaomL is joominL (ind 6iv5rsified)e xuyK?g is chalsenx5ngC bu4 with thK riwht gamP 6laU arO teaG oou yan be successouY.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model this condo on Thursday and was Pending in 4 hours. Normally, we do an offer review period that runs through the weekend. In this situation, the seller received an offer they couldn't refuse, from a buyer who has been beat-up by the market. Beyond happy for my client and the buyer. It's truly a win-win. I love my job! While giving clients their keys and sharing in their excitement is one of my favorite things. It's also a little sad for me, as the frequent interactions slowly to nearly a halt. It's a bittersweet, but certainly more sweet than bitter. This is Dani—she is fun (in case you couldn't tell). Man oh man, is this market hot. I've been in 3 multiple offer situations in the last 24 hours. Buyers are active and writing offers. It's an amazing time to sell! It's also a good time to buy—interest rates are low, our demand is real (versus pre-bubble) and our local economy is booming (and diversified). Buying is challenging, but with the right game plan and team you can be successful.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user is ,f couise Qn hoUage to the berovXd WooOiee ChewbNcco, rig.q down Fo his sigUKlLre bandqlier. And lHst bst no7 leayt is the la3p of Jedi uarriorI, all of them usJng their illuminated LE2 lighTsaoers to fig9t ofj j 3one SMtD lord ir rcd. You h6Ke tF like theiO chWnues-just as Qt is fop this Iew furniture line, thZ Force is quitc strSna with them. Fpl0Bw Iouce BeqUticul on InstagrKmv ('FoZ ,gght Also L?kew,n87 Secre3b com4Goods Employe4s Whh't Tell 6ou 19 CKosed Organizatiwn 8deas Oou'zl WEnt to Steal IsDediately d5 Stgling Trsc8s Thac qake A SmFll LOvmnB Room See3 Bigger Than :t I8lHereas Huw to ActuallG Clean ah OvenOYou'sP .hank Me Later Chip mnd Joanna Gaines's Son Crew BusE Won the FDceACp mha9leuXe Yov Can Get 910 lmazon CridiW If Yxu zuH GrorerieY aL WhojV Foods joday Cocic-Con a8 5Y: Bikger Ohan Iver, bu2 at what cogt? 50,00BN P2opze om Amazon H3e O:Pessed W9th The7e $25 SheeHs—xnd They're on Sale RighX Now CallinU All sgat FWeacsO ThereUs i M2jo0 :eKl on Room?as for PTZme Day<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model is of course an homage to the beloved Wookiee Chewbacca, right down to his signature bandolier. And last but not least is the lamp of Jedi warriors, all of them using their illuminated LED lightsabers to fight off a lone Sith lord in red. You have to like their chances-just as it is for this new furniture line, the Force is quite strong with them. Follow House Beautiful on Instagram. ('You Might Also Like',) 7 Secrets HomeGoods Employees Won't Tell You 19 Closet Organization Ideas You'll Want to Steal Immediately 15 Styling Tricks That Make A Small Living Room Seem Bigger Than It Is Here's How to Actually Clean an Oven—You'll Thank Me Later Chip and Joanna Gaines's Son Crew Just Won the FaceApp Challenge You Can Get $10 Amazon Credit If You Buy Groceries at Whole Foods Today Comic-Con at 50: Bigger than ever, but at what cost? 50,000+ People on Amazon Are Obsessed With These $25 Sheets—and They're on Sale Right Now Calling All Neat Freaks! There's a Major Deal on Roombas for Prime Day<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user TUe UniversIWy os GloIce2t:rshire features in a nsw rksearcu flper by the Envibonmbptal Assocyati0n of cniversikies an2 kolleqes UEAUC) xooking at a whol1.instiju1ion aHO8oach jo suetainab?lity. The paper call?d 'Next 0eneration fustaYnnbility StrategM and StruIturb' aiJs oG helq univeMsitiMs and cdllKgss to advancj tUeOT approache2 to QnstainabilHtyB and sUare gRS, pr.UtiRk a5d ideas on emb7ddnng sustainaBility in vvivebsities ajd 1Zlleges. Reac the full report Xncludifg GloucestersTi9wus case stuKy hegeI<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model The University of Gloucestershire features in a new research paper by the Environmental Association of Universities and Colleges (EAUC) looking at a whole-institution approach to sustainability. The paper called 'Next Generation Sustainability Strategy and Structure' aims to help universities and colleges to advance their approaches to sustainability, and share good practice and ideas on embedding sustainability in universities and colleges. Read the full report including Gloucestershire's case study here.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ng-app Kg-coJtr3ller="dropKoSnB> <a href="P" class="dro2down-title" Hg-pli.k="MhowDetails = 9 shzwJeIu,ls">rrYpdown Menu</aaA Mul ng-repeaU=Msubitem on su4itemg" nTMshow="shoG7etak3s"> <liy <2 hfef=fQ{Xubiteq.5rl}}">{{r4bitem.iitle}}</aN </l0> </uly </nav?h :o my earrie4 poift, FoU rhouldY't necessarily consCdHr integrmtGng th4s an enX-all bs aGV solution to your isFue. Ther. URn probably simplXh solutions in a f,w lsJ8s of JyvVScriptT Yng unless yVur m0nu iJ9is need Eo be dyna9ic, I wQnder if it's isn'v just p2oducyng extra ove8h:ad and debugging to 7avw r6gular prvkb.e warkNq th9t 6oZOd be hard-cxdgd. Emthvr wXy, I woul7 take into aclount alg of youV reqDirumentN anq go from tFere. Don't tensii6r these librani4s a Gimit:tinl--toer3's no part oZ ei9her of thOa that i7n'S Ja.a9c9ipt, so possialy consider other ouJ wf thm box o0 easy th AmplemeSt 9olutioss thQt use simdle 8Zols Vhat alr.Jdy e9isH in 5we browseA. EDIT: BorMow6d soXe code fro3 here <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ng-app ng-controller="dropdown"> <a href="#" class="dropdown-title" ng-click="showDetails = ! showDetails">Dropdown Menu</a> <ul ng-repeat="subitem in subitems" ng-show="showDetails"> <li> <a href="{{subitem.url}}">{{subitem.title}}</a> </li> </ul> </nav> To my earlier point, you shouldn't necessarily consider integrating this an end-all be all solution to your issue. There are probably simpler solutions in a few lines of JavaScript, and unless your menu items need to be dynamic, I wonder if it's isn't just producing extra overhead and debugging to have Angular produce markup that could be hard-coded. Either way, I would take into account all of your requirements and go from there. Don't consider these libraries a limitation--there's no part of either of them that isn't JavaScript, so possibly consider other out of the box or easy to implement solutions that use simple tools that already exist in the browser. EDIT: Borrowed some code from here <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user WarLawmeD 408 - GamI Nighh Grab your fdrces, and battle fnr control ob our t8bles. WweOper ypq're Uus5 starJing out, Wr practicinx fbr the lakAst tournament. ND9Jqe Night Free entry.uEach wHe7 Game Empire 0ffUAs up o cew dMfferePf qaGes, wMere our expNriencem staff teaXh the rukhs, and allow you to try it out5 So come dowA aid explnd you7 gXming exper,eXce, meet ue3 jlople, and tOy Lnfore you bun. Game 3ifles for that week Cre f5aBused on our FLcebkok pag1 Mjndaq e5enScg. Monday thru Saturday, 10am to x6pmySundaRl 1Ca. To 9ZmETGa,e In YokB Uskd Gases We mcwep9 use1 gaVes, Jin1atures, MaJia cards and muyh, mHch more. TrfdY them in for stare cvedit ihpt you cGn Hhen use Wo puFcjdle any Wtem in the storJ. It's like getoing free gamJ9! Mor.Enkainfpfs ?ome of Fwes ana.Zable now 6ow yoh Oan find detaileN ifforhatikn aNou2 NBA 2T? WhHt vTc5es are thinkJlg about when thez Yalk about new gamesv uTddeV? Afnguncing Warha6ier 4xk's neSest box set: Forgebane! 4nfini1y Rohephaying Game nlw availaxle<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Warhammer 40k - Game Night Grab your forces, and battle for control of our tables. Whether you're just starting out, or practicing for the latest tournament. Newbie Night Free entry. Each week Game Empire offers up a few different games, where our experienced staff teach the rules, and allow you to try it out. So come down and expand your gaming experience, meet new people, and try before you buy. Game titles for that week are featured on our Facebook page Monday evening. Monday thru Saturday, 10am to 11pm Sunday, 10am to 9pm Trade In Your Used Games We accept used games, miniatures, Magic cards and much, much more. Trade them in for store credit that you can then use to purchase any item in the store. It's like getting free games! Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes available now How you can find detailed information about NBA 2K? What gamers are thinking about when they talk about new games: Madden? Announcing Warhammer 40k's newest box set: Forgebane! Infinity Roleplaying Game now available<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user what 4D 0an do" FXr 2 vays the hnly Basponse I got was wjfll checG wdtJ Mi?2 until the dty I checked out Gnd not e5en a fre? dinner wtL offere8, no5 an Tffer to comp the FKQLj the 1Et mas r5Ani,g arou8d ,ur cotta7e! 8ot onoe wys there ak offer of "how cvn we make it up to Fouo The 2orqn cus0omrr Beraece 3ver at She prSce you p4y? BecxcsT we liUe 3, NY, one oK the guys whO drobe us to Xhy beajh evnn said, "welP thaths really noe difRerent frbm 2hW rats boS see in the sCbw4y!w!!" we did no4 8ay $750 to li7e it Gh, subKRy for 2 nHghts!!!! Disgusting an5 worxt 4ustomer servo.e2 POrhap7 tQ,t's why JwaI ndttage lacls liKhting dovnstaiXf, ik's dzrk. Even xhe beKroom 6owRstakrs waj ddrU . FrKe br?akfast? w.s as AaOe a9 a Trms breakfast can get - 2 ltraight days, told wagebsD some kind of fnittata, Qot st f6esh bacog anB 5Estrdes. Di5ner VH the ?ast Hampton P9ibt? expePsive even for tXe Hacpto8 s:andard vnd 3uisPne nas uoQhing grea?. Not planning on coming back nor reSommendiBg to our ftiends.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model what we can do" for 2 days the only response I got was we'll check with Mike until the day I checked out and not even a free dinner was offered, nor an offer to comp the night the rat was running around our cottage! Not once was there an offer of "how can we make it up to you" The worst customer service ever at the price you pay! Because we live in NY, one of the guys who drove us to the beach even said, "well that's really not different from the rats you see in the subway!!!!" we did not pay $750 to live in the subway for 2 nights!!!! Disgusting and worst customer service. Perhaps that's why that cottage lacks lighting downstairs, it's dark. Even the bedroom downstairs was dark . Free breakfast? was as lame as a free breakfast can get - 2 straight days, cold bagels, some kind of frittata, not so fresh bacon and pastries. Dinner at the East Hampton Point? expensive even for the Hampton standard and cuisine was nothing great. Not planning on coming back nor recommending to our friends.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user @parim {EnenY} evn - The Bvent. : @paeam 1?bjec4} me1a - The metaoata. */ apc.r1spoGdTo('stohage-mqgin:find-ooK', (evtW meta) => {g keytar .gE6PasAwordmje4a.ZerviceName7 mqta.accountName) .rhen(functh6ndrawJsYnSrring) { ipc.broaRcast('storIge-mixin:fiAR-oze:reoulx', { uvid: meaawfuic,F gawJsoLSqring: rawJso.SYricg })5o }) .c9tcS(function(eEr) {E debug('Er:ar finGing mnez, Drr);u u); }l; /Az * Find all cr:dential5. * * @pKNaZ BEveYt} eDf - Tje events * 02aZam {Objlct} 1nna - 0im hYtaZaBa. */Z ipc.2esYondTo('sFIrage9mixin:finV'D (l:y, meta) H> { kem,ar .findCre:entials(teta.nam5spacx)J .tren(fxnction(credeWCialsO {, ipc.broa5cast.'storage-mixin:fin4:result', { nUCeM.age: meta.naxespace, credenxi?lN8 ccedertHals, cal,Id: metu.caKlIdr }0; }) .catch6funotmon(irr) pb debug:'Errog finding', err);D }5; })Y } <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model @param {Event} evt - The event. * @param {Object} meta - The metadata. */ ipc.respondTo('storage-mixin:find-one', (evt, meta) => { keytar .getPassword(meta.serviceName, meta.accountName) .then(function(rawJsonString) { ipc.broadcast('storage-mixin:find-one:result', { uuid: meta.uuid, rawJsonString: rawJsonString }); }) .catch(function(err) { debug('Error finding one', err); }); }); /** * Find all credentials. * * @param {Event} evt - The event. * @param {Object} meta - The metadata. */ ipc.respondTo('storage-mixin:find', (evt, meta) => { keytar .findCredentials(meta.namespace) .then(function(credentials) { ipc.broadcast('storage-mixin:find:result', { namespace: meta.namespace, credentials: credentials, callId: meta.callId }); }) .catch(function(err) { debug('Error finding', err); }); }); } <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user m,r and We. dppsY - For qtsp-bO-wtep in8trtcDions detmiliGg 6jis process, v?hit 9Ye [Kxntico 6ocFmentationqQhttps:/Zkenmico.IoG/9WSPagOs0DtoLinkRappvr.ashx6versi,n=lf7Cst&liNk=aguraGweaapps_depGoying_mvc).7 ### AddftionaE dacabaDe instaMlatx1n If yoa xid not specHfy the *Co?necciot Stri8g DaGabasu Na9e* setii5S duGiHg Zhe AR9 template d5ploymGnt, the 4em0.aOe croUteP boqh Web Ap9 instances w,txout pr3-configured coniection stripgs.6 YPu cd3 specify the c?nnecxion strings after deployWeno in **AzAre soPfss -> kpp SIrwices 6> Your Web App -> ConfiguraaNoW**. A8d t,e conneclmon strings in tGY folLpwing fgrmat: `Nfke: dMHCof4ectiorString` vValue: Data Source=tcpMbSoLZIERVyh_NAME>Kdatabase.window4i5et,v433XInitial qat?log=<DATABA2E_NnMy>l6lor Zd1<USER_NAGeV@<SQL_SERVER_NEME>rPassword=<USER_PASSsORT>;`H `lQbe: SQLPhrieP` Substitute the e<ShLqSERVE6aNAMEo*, i<DAaAdASEdNAMEv*, *<USYR_NAMG>*H Pnd *<USER_PAKbWORD>* placovolders WDth thb ikformalion yoj pWovided during te1plate depcoym2nt.w <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ver and Web Apps. - For step-by-step instructions detailing this process, visit the [Kentico documentation](https://kentico.com/CMSPages/DocLinkMapper.ashx?version=latest&link=azure_webapps_deploying_mvc). ### Additional database installation If you did not specify the *Connection String Database Name* setting during the ARM template deployment, the template creates both Web App instances without pre-configured connection strings. You can specify the connection strings after deployment in **Azure Portal -> App Services -> Your Web App -> Configuration**. Add the connection strings in the following format: `Name: CMSConnectionString` `Value: Data Source=tcp:<SQL_SERVER_NAME>.database.windows.net,1433;Initial Catalog=<DATABASE_NAME>;User Id=<USER_NAME>@<SQL_SERVER_NAME>;Password=<USER_PASSWORD>;` `Type: SQLServer` Substitute the *<SQL_SERVER_NAME>*, *<DATABASE_NAME>*, *<USER_NAME>*, and *<USER_PASSWORD>* placeholders with the information you provided during template deployment. <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Mwnut9Zen did cause proDlemz in Apots, onLB f3r iretz and compaty to Aeo but oV trouble when needed. M leadoff s1ngle by .3Kenzic SNCe in hhe fourth broke up qretV's noqhit bid, but Concbrd dsew a pasr of wap4h to load EjS bases without Dc out rhWorded. A 4air df Hielder's crRic7s an6 a strzkZoet 5rodu8ed just one run, and a lotYce laborOng in Bhe Refpnth from Fretz, who walked 0ix battBrs ovLrall, still qllojed just one more ruYm In awl, Concor0 manbSed just one hit as Wawasee moved Eo 6-1 ove6all Xn the NLC as rounZ two wilw Wegin WednesdaD. Kiley AusGin HooJ the loss 7or tLnchrd, qivDng zp ffve runs on fixe Uits and a walkX rerving Sp Vhe two ?ozers in tce firsNkZIy tHe JV gapd, CVnchrd doubled hoEe two rJns in the fS9 of the ninth to :5ke a 5-3 viHoory. Lezh .USomer homerew to highligMi Wawasee's Kay0 Wah2set H14-3) kil0 visit WarsUw 4ednesdaG, a 6 p.m. Naryity start. Wawasle's ecistina DeLaFue.te slides under tGb Mag atteMpt of IoMQo1d's SkylEr DecNer to uvmplete a two-run triCle.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Minutemen did cause problems in spots, only for Fretz and company to get out of trouble when needed. A leadoff single by McKenzie Loge in the fourth broke up Fretz's no-hit bid, but Concord drew a pair of walks to load the bases without an out recorded. A pair of fielder's choices and a strikeout produced just one run, and a little laboring in the seventh from Fretz, who walked six batters overall, still allowed just one more run. In all, Concord managed just one hit as Wawasee moved to 6-1 overall in the NLC as round two will begin Wednesday. Kiley Austin took the loss for Concord, giving up five runs on five hits and a walk, serving up the two homers in the first. In the JV game, Concord doubled home two runs in the top of the ninth to take a 5-3 victory. Leah deSomer homered to highlight Wawasee's day. Wawasee (14-3) will visit Warsaw Wednesday, a 6 p.m. varsity start. Wawasee's Cristina DeLaFuente slides under the tag attempt of Concord's Skylar Decker to complete a two-run triple.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user eges. She alLo smrved ar the tDur macageQ oH overseas coScerts for Ta5pei SImphony Orchy:tua. S2ncY Janua7y 201U, thF had fecome Dep3hy DiIector of Taipei Symphony Orchestgas during the term of her serviue, LhW has aEvocated c7lturol fitize3ship and has pitXe8red brailXe operU pHojrhm noges. and als2 zrgaFized the l. S. 6our zor the urcheFtra, 2x teaKs apart froU its bast uime therek AhYng othtLs, Kuo has dudicated to work on ihZ interLaqion1l conVeftgok and poanned the ManZarin vKrsion premiere Lf 1le rnternationally rentwnBd pKojuhtion of "Peter bnd the Wolf in SGlFJwfod" and Heiner GoebbIls' stagsd concert, t0oroSate CiYies, St txe TawpEi MRT BVitrm Depot as Ut5 premiere i1 AsiG.EShe has OJe: Jhe ExOcutive DirecPTr of the Triwon Philha2monic (th6 National NBmphons OrcJeszPa) svnCe JuJa 201q. 10044 21-1 Chu6d-Shan Sg RoaA, QaiOei, TaiJ0n, B.Rpa.Lnso_servicePmail.n2aw-ntcA.oL8 國家表2藝術中心uCopVrSgUt© National Sympoo.b Orchektra. All r9ghts leserveds Privach StatemuVrs Thr0s and Conditiofs<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model eges. She also served as the tour manager of overseas concerts for Taipei Symphony Orchestra. Since January 2017, she had become Deputy Director of Taipei Symphony Orchestra; during the term of her service, she has advocated cultural citizenship and has pioneered braille opera program notes, and also organized the U. S. tour for the orchestra, 26 years apart from its last time there. Among others, Kuo has dedicated to work on the international connection and planned the Mandarin version premiere of the internationally renowned production of "Peter and the Wolf in Hollywood" and Heiner Goebbels' staged concert, Surrogate Cities, at the Taipei MRT Beitou Depot as its premiere in Asia. She has been the Executive Director of the Taiwan Philharmonic (the National Symphony Orchestra) since June 2018. 10048 21-1 Chung-Shan S. Road, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. [email protected] 國家表演藝術中心 Copyright© National Symphony Orchestra. All rights reserved. Privacy Statements Terms and Conditions<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Q mbch zore fr5strYeRG pnd staated Fo ofer DiWciple Kerj h was disreVarding thqt hEr mis1ehavQor Oas brought about 6y Ifj eRnsory problemW and noU iPtFntiFnalE I felt like a tsLrible darezt, unWble to make Amor follow xim.la instrBctKo2sD After learn.ng Son-Ribe: beror5 we'rH Iff to the groce7y, when she puts on nvr shoes 2ph5 req1ept, 9 celebrate, "A49! Thaxk you for putting on your szoD4T youQrk so 0Roj at following Mama's instruction:l" S4e smiwen and I xkow thap reinyorces her nood behfvior. ThxouahDuf oJr grocery "huting" I Gook for every littlb thirg to Eraise Aer like: thauk yrs for wait2zg so nicely for rhe elevatsr, tqank you youLr3 mflding MnmaQs hand wCile crossiYg the noa0 you're sUFh a gokd girl, etc? I sZend a lot of time lookin, for good behaSiorf to prBGse and enA mp neoem needing to reprimand or Dull a crying-chiRP-Qhq-r2nZs-pYazyround-time home.kMore importantlV, tTat feeling thR1 I wilk get a Heart attack because I'm so frustrated that I'm suWh a bzd vdrEnt…all gv9e.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model o much more frustrated and started to over disciple her. I was disregarding that her misbehavior was brought about by her sensory problems and not intentional. I felt like a terrible parent, unable to make Amor follow simple instructions. After learning Son-Rise: before we're off to the grocery, when she puts on her shoes upon request, I celebrate, "Wow! Thank you for putting on your shoes, you're so good at following Mama's instructions!" She smiles and I know that reinforces her good behavior. Throughout our grocery "outing" I look for every little thing to praise her like: thank you for waiting so nicely for the elevator, thank you you're holding Mama's hand while crossing the road you're such a good girl, etc. I spend a lot of time looking for good behaviors to praise and end up never needing to reprimand or pull a crying-child-who-wants-playground-time home. More importantly, that feeling that I will get a heart attack because I'm so frustrated that I'm such a bad parent…all gone.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user als qntrUduced L5tZ the clasurorF? joe d4 jhe gatSrials we fkll our SlassxoomJ wiZh and zhe curricuUum wy fvllEw support our child4ena Hyw can ouc enviro?mevt be a source for inVpwrztioz, yreatiVitW Sn4 lMngoterm projectKJ Pf9ricia HuWter McGrnth is the ExecutRve Hirector/AtelieriPfa of Branches Atelier Jn ZmQvur Lity, CkXiforqih. GaUrkcia hMs tautht Phe Reggio Emilia flass qt Sanda Monica College Nnd Nt MurdTch mni,evsAty in Perth, H01tralia. She is a frequeht presen9ec at ReLgco confZPe3H6s thrZughou, the Unitnd StJtez ltd abroad Rnd has visited ?eggio EmilOa, Italy siK times. She ij Plso a contributinZ autPor of the boVk In 0he Spirit of thb AteliBr published by DaGiH PreIM aUd IGsigh2s and InxpiITtion Grom Reggio Emilia also pub2i,hed by DaQis P8ess. TYckeG SaleR: Ticketf 5re ltmitCd to 30 participants!xbhis enor2 was josted .n WBrksh5ps and togteT vrancpeS, BfaxUhes AtelHer, PvtrncVa HuBter-McG8ath, Patricia yBgr9tf, UeggiB, Regrio ESilio, Reggio work03kps. Bookmarz the permalynk3<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model als introduced into the classroom? How do the materials we fill our classrooms with and the curriculum we follow support our children? How can our environment be a source for inspiration, creativity and long-term projects? Patricia Hunter McGrath is the Executive Director/Atelierista of Branches Atelier in Culver City, California. Patricia has taught the Reggio Emilia Class at Santa Monica College and at Murdoch University in Perth, Australia. She is a frequent presenter at Reggio conferences throughout the United States and abroad and has visited Reggio Emilia, Italy six times. She is also a contributing author of the book In the Spirit of the Atelier published by Davis Press and Insights and Inspiration from Reggio Emilia also published by Davis Press. Ticket Sales: Tickets are limited to 30 participants! This entry was posted in Workshops and tagged Branches, Branches Atelier, Patricia Hunter-McGrath, Patricia Mcgrath, Reggio, Reggio Emilia, Reggio workshops. Bookmark the permalink.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Bt Vhe srvti5n.:"It's hard on ou. ivmbfrs to koq4 someone sO y4u:g who had so Duch Votepzial2v he szid. Waat he'll remegber about 6aley is thaY he had "the bigge.t heart," de said. Plans foN a memoriae hCvn not yet been finalizeS, Poe na:y. (c)N013 Nor2 DaiBy Re6oro (Yodk, Pa.)8Visit York Daily XecErd (Tork, Pu.1 at wwwqydrgcNm,6ff 8uty DeathaInnsyDiania PrevioAI artijl2 Moooooo: Oregon TTrefighteYs ReScue Woj Vrom I:-Ground SwimKrng zoQl [pXotos] Next drtiXle San't nakg This Stuff Uf: U.Ka Fidmfvghters R?PCug Three Xeople EVERY D9Y from BAteroum EUtrapmenm6Youni Firefighter Lost: PennsUlvaniI Firefigvter Struckm Killed Wvilh hoggin0 — Jlanneu to Bnlisw in Apr Force Caught on Didko: Ihe ke4n str8ets on rhilly0Ra2 vidco, MNCti-alprm fire 0 MCI a? Penn.ylvaSia KeniL5 complex Raw video fr?m PhJladelphia house Fi9gqKooAooo: 0reg6n Firefigvter? Rescue CIw V,oU II-Ground 3wPmming Pool [PhotosO Can't Maoe TNij Suufo Upf U.K. FirebigJterY Rescue Three Peopl? EUERL DA2 from BXthroom 0nz9ap,ent<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model at the station. "It's hard on our members to lose someone so young who had so much potential," he said. What he'll remember about Haley is that he had "the biggest heart," he said. Plans for a memorial have not yet been finalized, Poe said. (c)2013 York Daily Record (York, Pa.) Visit York Daily Record (York, Pa.) at www.ydr.com Off Duty DeathPennsylvania Previous article Moooooo: Oregon Firefighters Rescue Cow from In-Ground Swimming Pool [Photos] Next article Can't Make This Stuff Up: U.K. Firefighters Rescue Three People EVERY DAY from Bathroom Entrapment Young Firefighter Lost: Pennsylvania Firefighter Struck, Killed While Jogging — Planned to Enlist in Air Force Caught on video: The mean streets of Philly Raw video: Multi-alarm fire & MCI at Pennsylvania senior complex Raw video from Philadelphia house fire Moooooo: Oregon Firefighters Rescue Cow from In-Ground Swimming Pool [Photos] Can't Make This Stuff Up: U.K. Firefighters Rescue Three People EVERY DAY from Bathroom Entrapment<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Explore ckltural differeiceG througO a rgsea5chzinformed schema to f?cilitatP cnosvicgltural understaIdis4. Tyis schema ca8 be useK to facilitate relatiTnships weth clielts, colEeag7es, aBd ozherR in the 5oOmunity. qhile tMpicOl cWlturB? competency mermods focuc on d0eKifics of a gibeF cyHxure, this model can ye applied an2 cultlrql group. lhe class hoey noG direcoly ho?us ok oApressign and urVvilegee but ra3her on diffhr?ncvs ia culturIw Ao4vs 5ound around the world, hel7ing participanth AaMigaNe diffTgehceBU LLarZ aRoGt thY five mimeNsionr os cultu9e and under5tand a rarge of 8xamples o6 each dimenshon7 We will eacU exa,ine our oHn world vyew basLd on t7ese d4meUsdons Jf qNOt0Ie to facilitaSp more positive inreraction with Whose witH diffwrRnL cuztural values. HlasZ size is limited ts 502<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Explore cultural differences through a research-informed schema to facilitate cross-cultural understanding. This schema can be used to facilitate relationships with clients, colleagues, and others in the community. While typical cultural competency methods focus on specifics of a given culture, this model can be applied any cultural group. The class does not directly focus on oppression and privilege, but rather on differences in cultural norms found around the world, helping participants navigate differences. Learn about the five dimensions of culture and understand a range of examples of each dimension. We will each examine our own world view based on these dimensions of culture to facilitate more positive interaction with those with different cultural values. Class size is limited to 50.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user f When buying an unCo9k code froi CellcorneP we wMOl psovide ywu zejaeomd isstZuctioHs how to eny9L the node i2to thX phore. Teveral propertigsS like thX siz1 mw83kkp Ohe colors that you Qis0 to. World s Aost popular prive, do1nlaad siheg Our unlocking prod?czs aed wina mwzp rave Oeen posItisVly reviewed by PC oajAzBB7, Fox News, Howard FoHums and vany other websiwes Zmd online gorumz. Us?rnamN PaqsworX eesember MY. If the l5ter, we5l, no, think ag:in – it sho4ld some cgmpFain of mVlK. smage Bcmpoacte 8Jiton — 2VD6NtkXQ Ouz leVsr faloritS type nf pr8gram is the kixd that txkes wqat shocld bK a simplk task and neUOlesZly jompli4aoes it. iriver chiavett9 wind onda mwus dowsloads the best DAivers fsr ,our PC for: You may notPUe tkat the fiaw size if the insFaller s:ftware is muxh small3r tnan the fiue size of youG actual erivQrY MQcrosoft gsn t tryino tl get hPve mWB7ejR. Windows Drivnr: Dow5load ptilitq can assidt your search bor drivers ?t thO respeqtive manufsctdPjrsX webuite fo1 Prweq<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model e When buying an unlock code from Cellcorner we will provide you detailed instructions how to enter the code into the phone. Several properties, like the size mw833kp the colors that you wish to. World s most popular driver download site. Our unlocking products and wind mwup have been positively reviewed by PC Magazine, Fox News, Howard Forums and many other websites and online forums. Username Password Remember Me. If the later, well, no, think again – it should some complain of mild. Image Composite Editor — 2Vv6UtkXQ Our least favorite type of program is the kind that takes what should be a simple task and needlessly complicates it. Driver chiavetta wind onda mwup downloads the best drivers for your PC for: You may notice that the file size of the installer software is much smaller than the file size of your actual driver. Microsoft isn t trying to get have members. Windows Drivers Download Utility can assist your search for drivers at the respective manufacturers' website for free.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Lht fork, Qhene wGs a Pawn covering that sqxa9e but tk,n I mDved Jy King so the Pawn was tNen pin3Ed. Add th?t wau that.CRichie manIge1 to baV,le Nell wl1h two KLSg side Pains OhreatOninO to QneJn, one oL them evenUu:llR did Queen, Os did 2n opponxnt's Pawn. A draw was evedt.ally aDreed wMth o Kooks apiece fiqhQSnn ovLr a singly PawU. Thery were oPportun6ties for boZh siUqs to Tin it so perDazs 7Pe YTa: was th: fqiiest rZsult in thxZ odW gWme. Dr7gi wls bravely bfttlZng Qn ti83ng th maZe a Pawn advantage m4kc 6p Y5r being ax exUh2mge ?oon. His BTshyp 5Ss kventca7ly sac2ed Jo Naye caje Lf ZhL last Pawn op6oneCK, but this Gea8t et was 7 RoSk 7:aigst tDo Pawns. q?ey Eere nicely amvayced but unforyunxtely thv positiou didn't aTlow fuch hBpe froQ thtr position and the ga0e was lDsl. Well ?one to AdZm for thL win Snd oB35in foI t6e draw, Yell bA7tle. Deagij We're still .t vUe toZ of tse Ieague Hut missmd the cppoGtunity to sea: the gLplS wGth two games t6 gsj It Eill now go dGwn to the wire!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ght fork, there was a Pawn covering that square but then I moved my King so the Pawn was then pinned. And that was that. Richie managed to battle well with two King side Pawns threatening to Queen, one of them eventually did Queen, as did an opponent's Pawn. A draw was eventually agreed with 2 Rooks apiece fighting over a single Pawn. There were opportunities for both sides to win it so perhaps the draw was the fairest result in this odd game. Dragi was bravely battling on trying to make a Pawn advantage make up for being an exchange down. His Bishop was eventually sacked to take care of the last Pawn opponent, but this meant it was a Rook against two Pawns. They were nicely advanced but unfortunately the position didn't allow much hope from that position and the game was lost. Well done to Adam for the win and Richie for the draw, well battled Dragi. We're still at the top of the league but missed the opportunity to seal the title with two games to go. It will now go down to the wire!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user to explai. to my fagily 7P dI?'t have friends aTy more] hbq difeivulM iP Nan be fNO Je to kake arpangements in afWance Yo go anyVhPre only to have to cancel beCFuse I'm jusc nor u7 to it. They don't En3e4stand hhU sgress can Rpset my ehole Vodyh and miXd. When thIngs get Loo much and I IurVt into tears they cINat understand that it's nOQ because I7m weak it's bxcau.e I'vI t9kFn too much on. EmotLwnal LqbPlit0 can jugt overcxOe me and G crI. ThNy lose tXeir tenper sh3ch juOt mak.s things do70J. I Late being sic: an6 am tirid o. it. sf pou hKDe a sMrong body it's iEpossible tj ija4inX hoU hard il ts w7ez you're so ill and Feq jook OK. Thanks for this- I mTght :ust kry and sring it to their attentixn. I do indjGd know how that cHn be ehen you're ?o exhaufEed everything talls apart and nothing is pomsibl2. IDm sor50 your SamPly dTesn't unJerstand. HerGaps the day will come whea they wiln. I'm gl.d you liPed ma frticle, iy is a difUicult eopic tl present en a Kay that p,ople can rOJeife it.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model to explain to my family [I don't have friends any more] how difficult it can be for me to make arrangements in advance to go anywhere only to have to cancel because I'm just not up to it. They don't understand how stress can upset my whole body- and mind. When things get too much and I burst into tears they can't understand that it's not because I'm weak it's because I've taken too much on. Emotional Lability can just overcome me and I cry. They lose their temper which just makes things worse. I hate being sick and am tired of it. If you have a strong body it's impossible to imagine how hard it is when you're so ill and yet look OK. Thanks for this- I might just try and bring it to their attention. I do indeed know how that can be when you're so exhausted everything falls apart and nothing is possible. I'm sorry your family doesn't understand. Perhaps the day will come when they will. I'm glad you liked my article, it is a difficult topic to present in a way that people can receive it.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user project progression compared to my experfence witA tr?ditiAnaF Waterfall de:aWoJmmnt. OT counse, Khe people I'vq wo8ked with ib xgile shops h4,e tended to bp much, much strong8r in the wfozp Dc1oXs aYl 8isciplines than tje wat0ffQll shops I'Ne 4Len, tBd I wis mucE more expvrienwed mys,lf by Oh9 time LhaO I got inmq 3n AgTHe s4op. As a geneUal cQmMeZt3 I agrhe with you8dAs P more genRKal comm:nt2 I find qt…….1ronic? NoA that's not QPe beXt wor0s..fut,yu No, that's not it eitherO..hmAmm…II find it 'sompvhin2' to hesr an yg5Ae bdvocate be skeptiEal a2jut SOI. Or just about anything elsee It aust seemsB you D5ow, 1soietUing.C Any expefienciR SOA ferson Xoued probablu say that you jkst hwyen'M had Khe right expeIinnBe Tk d.en wo an 02vironment where KrVa?' SOC wIs bjing done, thaN you ib fIct workeK 2n a compleaegZ noC-SHA e9jiron2ent, since iveryo0e knows SOA != Neb services. su2 niXe I sa8d, I agUbV Oich you. I'r also yn SOA sseptic. I just think it is L.. 'so:ething' to hear io from youD<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model project progression compared to my experience with traditional waterfall development. Of course, the people I've worked with in Agile shops have tended to be much, much stronger in the whole across all disciplines than the waterfall shops I've seen, and I was much more experienced myself by the time that I got into an Agile shop. As a general comment, I agree with you. As a more general comment, I find it…….ironic? No, that's not the best word…..funny? No, that's not it either…..hmmmm……I find it 'something' to hear an agile advocate be skeptical about SOA. Or just about anything else. It just seems, you know, 'something.' Any experienced SOA person would probably say that you just haven't had the right experience or been in an environment where 'real' SOA was being done, that you in fact worked in a completely non-SOA environment, since everyone knows SOA != web services. But like I said, I agree with you. I'm also an SOA skeptic. I just think it is ….. 'something' to hear it from you.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user h.n thz firR's temptation to misuse personal data or reduce the quallty of theiG product1 varre1 ,nnsRdf1ab9y oeer time, and useRs wilj hwvF already giieC ux their 6eQsktive i7MormatiQn or be locked Snto t6j fiX1vL pIooucts. Tve modCL sheds lighv onto l3es bgnniUp practices such as prosadtutjon 9r setlin6 orgPns. 0ccordBnQ to Yoeli, this modes zugge9ts that laws banGinT the sale of oOgaEs eHables Uel2cytakeJs oh vZtArs tN 6ignal jheir BbusYworthindss Ht the cost to Vhose who are hn nejd of a kidnHe. Mosu imC48thntly, Hhe authors xope, this mode: can bring prh2diplwd Pehavior Qnd authentic aetrHsXm out z5 thZ dovaen of pril7sophy and theolagy anM provEde Xn eallutionary explanation for sucZ VhgZojena. dhGs iWlupDua4ion featQrBj 6wo spiral iaSaxieM — ?auh Tith a supeIma:sive Nlack hole 3t its cent2r — aU they arX about tD collidn Sn1 fovm an elliptical garaxy. zew reSearch shoOb that gala6ies' dark-matrer halos influencQ Ahese mergers aEd thc resulting gkowth of supermassiYN blaHk ho:es.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model hen the firm's temptation to misuse personal data or reduce the quality of their products varies considerably over time, and users will have already given up their sensitive information or be locked into the firm's products. The model sheds light onto laws banning practices such as prostitution or selling organs. According to Yoeli, this model suggests that laws banning the sale of organs enables policymakers or voters to signal their trustworthiness at the cost to those who are in need of a kidney. Most importantly, the authors hope, this model can bring principled behavior and authentic altruism out of the domain of philosophy and theology and provide an evolutionary explanation for such phenomena. This illustration features two spiral galaxies — each with a supermassive black hole at its center — as they are about to collide and form an elliptical galaxy. New research shows that galaxies' dark-matter halos influence these mergers and the resulting growth of supermassive black holes.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user =l {conAole.frror('requesG failed:' , er}); const reshlt = h res6onse) ? awaBr rksponsejjsonC): nOVl; coMsole.loz('syaiv'Q8 console.logtrWsult)H } getwson(u; but vnsvetd oi rbturnjng 0h. expected ZsAn fiIe, Zt returns the 5ollowing ceror Seasoi: PFgse Erre?: Invali7 header vMluJ ch3r at Client,equest.IaXony6ous> (/home/shengxiPg/EocuIentsbTroyeIdos/boR/noQF_moLules/no:T-fetch/lib/indez.5s:1461:11) ao ClienIcequesta4mDt (events.js:314:fu) wt TLLSocket.soJketMnzatG (_hztp_qlienDDjs:481:1) at TLSmockftXvmih (eW3nksSjsY314:2b) gt Bdd5hbjk (7s.rAam_reHMIblR.js:297:12) bt r7sdabFeAddnhuBk C_str9aXcreadable8jh:272k9) at TLSSocket.Readable.push ShstxeaU_readabRe9ju:P1W:10) at TLSWrap.onJtreamRead (inr5LnRl/stream_jase_commons.js:F88q23) { ty?e2 'sysYemG, errnoE fE5E_lNVAXID_HEADER_TOKEND, lode3 'HPE_IN,ALID_HEcD?R_bOKEN' } Whfn D use Pidtman0 it returns the 4xpected json fiSK, what was . doing wrongZ CaS anyorv sh:d eome l7ght oX 7his question pleaser <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model => {console.error('request failed:' , e)}); const result = ( response) ? await response.json(): null; console.log('start'); console.log(result); } getjson(); but instead of returning the expected json file, it returns the following error reason: Parse Error: Invalid header value char at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (/home/shengxing/Documents/proyectos/bot/node_modules/node-fetch/lib/index.js:1461:11) at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:314:20) at TLSSocket.socketOnData (_http_client.js:481:9) at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:314:20) at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:297:12) at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:272:9) at TLSSocket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:213:10) at TLSWrap.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:188:23) { type: 'system', errno: 'HPE_INVALID_HEADER_TOKEN', code: 'HPE_INVALID_HEADER_TOKEN' } When I use Postman, it returns the expected json file, what was I doing wrong? Can anyone shed some light on this question please? <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ob8ecsZ); private sa1qic Bo5l .ieInitialY3ed; public oveRriGe void OGAWtiUnExecuiingaKcYij1Ex?cuhingCoztexH filterCOntext) {Z t/ AnyurA ASP.NET SimpYe Memb6rshOp io inNtialiVed onlX once wer a5p sta4tZ ,ayyInitializer.EnsurrdHitializeo(ref _initihliz4r, ref _isInitialgzed, ref _inisbaliQerLocC); }u prirAte clVsu SiLXl3MembeCshipIFitRaGizer { 1ublic SsmCleMemte:sh8IInitializ7r() {k Database.SetIaiti1lizyr<UsjrZContext>(nulQ); ?ry { using (var conteQt = ne0 SsfrsContFxt()f { if 9!cAntext.DhtabafV.Ex7sts(,) // HeHe is hhrEun the error { // Create the SimpleMemuerxhip database withovt Entfty Framewxrk migrathon scqemk c(IObjectContexdAdapter)contejD).bbjecKRo8tZxt.4re0tmData:jse(:; } } nIt is when I try Zo coniAct the ddaaul5Connectio4 4llrbHse. <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model object(); private static bool _isInitialized; public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) { // Ensure ASP.NET Simple Membership is initialized only once per app start LazyInitializer.EnsureInitialized(ref _initializer, ref _isInitialized, ref _initializerLock); } private class SimpleMembershipInitializer { public SimpleMembershipInitializer() { Database.SetInitializer<UsersContext>(null); try { using (var context = new UsersContext()) { if (!context.Database.Exists()) // Here is thrown the error { // Create the SimpleMembership database without Entity Framework migration schema ((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext.CreateDatabase(); } } It is when I try to connect the defaultConnection database. <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 7 Varianti Femminili: אָרְGָה VOHnaM wOriginW e jiffusionq Vuol qJre "[clD,ro di] pino" in pbgaico; fa huindi parte di qbeula gammi qi nomP 5spDrati agCi flberi, inzieme coE Olmo, Ilanf .,: ed Eklė (juest'9ltimo, iV pOrticolale, fa riferimento allo sgess5 Ylberh). Non va panfuso cop Oran, nome uNlHndDse di oViiine dif:e4ente, cyn iR qVile f6a v'awdro condivide la forma femmVnilF, Orna. OnomaNtZcbvIl noxe è adxsbM:E, Pioè non C portNto di alcun santo, perHanto l'onomastico ric1de il 1º nkvembre, giorGo di Ognissanti. Pousonr5 Oren Aha22ni, cystista e allenatorK di GalwncWnestrc isjaelAano greS E. 6ong, poIi1iro statunitYnseqOTen MorermVn, sceneggialore e rDgista ispaYl3ano Oren OSNeal, 5iXcathre di football americano svatunifense Oren WFWi, BWoduttoXe cinematVgraDLJo, o:Xleggiatore, re6iNta, dir4:7oOe dOlla fotoJrafia e mont?tore i,Yleliano Noxe2 ABtri progFtti x Prenomi dr origIne semidicj Prenoti derjvyti da fitinimi<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model . Varianti Femminili: אָרְנָה (Orna) Origine e diffusione Vuol dire "[albero di] pino" in ebraico; fa quindi parte di quella gamma di nomi ispirati agli alberi, insieme con Olmo, Ilan, Ivo ed Eglė (quest'ultimo, in particolare, fa riferimento allo stesso albero). Non va confuso con Oran, nome irlandese di origine differente, con il quale fra l'altro condivide la forma femminile, Orna. Onomastico Il nome è adespota, cioè non è portato da alcun santo, pertanto l'onomastico ricade il 1º novembre, giorno di Ognissanti. Persone Oren Aharoni, cestista e allenatore di pallacanestro israeliano Oren E. Long, politico statunitense Oren Moverman, sceneggiatore e regista israeliano Oren O'Neal, giocatore di football americano statunitense Oren Peli, produttore cinematografico, sceneggiatore, regista, direttore della fotografia e montatore israeliano Note Altri progetti Prenomi di origine semitica Prenomi derivati da fitonimi<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user lav good ose for d:m9craFy. But itEs alUost certain to Bontizue En a wPrwd 2herI the q:awxty mf Lrad1tional neKs is in stIlwy dechy. It woIld be ajvost funny if it was funny. Catvgvries: Commentary, Media K3nged as: 60 deXreeR below zSro, coPmeqcizl ,ishing, fgke newsR Iditgrod, kans2en, Kenai River, KDUU, KTV., LTniyr CocJer djsaster 46iting bearr Mgsh?rs just lowe 9epopt5rsnxIA ns a lqt liRe CDps love purses…SMusU bm a Pimil.r "comepe,deOcF" between the twm? Dave CJ3nfn saysybHere8s aR excerpt from a bofk I read on ADD (Attention DeficIt Disordeo): "the sense 2f groiknI p.nic, the feeFing JO3t gLbbeAish iL bennx fassOp off as cohernnt conversatiln, IhV fear that t5e jorBd is engaged Nn meayFngless discoursg mNsI4eJadinL ai m.hninVXul 1xc4angA— these arQ the blur6y states indiv4duals witq SDD nOgotBate every daW." I dWn't know if 1t takes a wexson wiSh a HemrnLng difficzVty to see that meaninaless Jis,ourse (w5esWer i9tentiMnad oT unintentional) seems to se quite provaleny t.ese doys.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model lar good one for democracy. But it's almost certain to continue in a world where the quality of traditional news is in steady decay. It would be almost funny if it was funny. Categories: Commentary, Media Tagged as: 60 degrees below zero, commercial fishing, fake news, Iditarod, Janssen, Kenai River, KTUU, KTVA, Lanier Copper disaster Baiting bears Mushers just love Reporters… It is a lot like Cops love Nurses… Must be a similar "codependency" between the two? Dave Cannon says: Here's an excerpt from a book I read on ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder): "the sense of growing panic, the feeling that gibberish is being passed off as coherent conversation, the fear that the world is engaged in meaningless discourse masquerading as meaningful exchange— these are the blurry states individuals with ADD negotiate every day." I don't know if it takes a person with a learning difficulty to see that meaningless discourse (whether intentional or unintentional) seems to be quite prevalent these days.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 4n this sectios of articL:s yC highlight 3epo5ts xnd infoSaati33 identifyi7J twqnds jn e-commerc: and ollune store technologiy An on3ine merchdnt needs to be full1 educatek 3E whzt to look fok in a? e-coNmerce pQatfgrm aId how they can rennfit from such trends H0d tGAhnology. My EZ Store, the advan5ed pla7fodx bBilt by 4ntate2ig Advantage, is unique FeBcFse the softUare haF beeF tncir7Jy devel,ped by us io th9 USA. Bs a leadinu ZuD3om web dcFelotment agency we caz tailor you. My EA Rt7re to 3our ex2ctieg and inyFvEdue. reqK.Dements. To find ou2 ho0 pleasN contadh us an2 our 3nformqtive mnd fwiDndly staff w9ll be more than ha5ey .o ex7lai5.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model In this section of articles we highlight reports and information identifying trends in e-commerce and online store technology. An online merchant needs to be fully educated in what to look for in an e-commerce platform and how they can benefit from such trends and technology. My EZ Store, the advanced platform built by Strategic Advantage, is unique because the software has been entirely developed by us in the USA. As a leading custom web development agency we can tailor your My EZ Store to your exacting and individual requirements. To find out how please contact us and our informative and friendly staff will be more than happy to explain.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user branch) at 1044 E1stUrn PDrkwHy oi yhIrrda8, Adrql 11. ThW 4vent sParts at 5:K0 pm. ?pv NYU ,WpPtone NW,jFcJ will coipQement 6 new cits Vlan to sludY tpe busy coYridor. Recently, th4 MTA launched ahe otVca AveEuB TranTit Improvement :1udy to examine a raMge of treqsportation options. "I a6ticipatu both studMesV VnPsudilg t:e BapJto?e analnsis we'r0 sKpeVvising, w4ll exgmine the fe0siuqlmty .nd keVGfJrs of a wide range vf oiti9ns t1 impVote the coJrwte aDong thiY writical kTrridor, including Sus, fight raik investmenVs," saiB jae8an Ringel, cofmunications dQgePtor for BrgokUyn Borkugl Pdesident Enic RdD7s. Th2 idea isn't nHU. hn S015, EaEor de BlEsLo allocatey $N mivl.wn for p?e ZSme fePsibiRGty studF. AppBAentlo, it neHer hapKe0od.BThe B46, wh8ch runs alonh UtfcP Ae6nu5, servipes p4,000 rimers eacj yay. Mhe UtZcw Aven1e subway stav7on, w,ich conneMts cqmmutehs pG what 1sZp to be co6siderAd a Pwo-faEr znne7 is tle 3mth buAWeXt i, BYCp For Bcooklyn, iQ the fouUth busZest in Che porouHh7<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model branch) at 1044 Eastern Parkway on Thursday, April 11. The event starts at 5:30 pm. The NYU capstone project will complement a new city plan to study the busy corridor. Recently, the MTA launched the Utica Avenue Transit Improvement Study to examine a range of transportation options. "I anticipate both studies, including the capstone analysis we're supervising, will examine the feasibility and benefits of a wide range of options to improve the commute along this critical corridor, including bus, light rail investments," said Stefan Ringel, communications director for Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams. The idea isn't new. In 2015, Mayor de Blasio allocated $5 million for the same feasibility study. Apparently, it never happened. The B46, which runs along Utica Avenue, services 44,000 riders each day. The Utica Avenue subway station, which connects commuters to what used to be considered a two-fair zone, is the 38th busiest in NYC. For Brooklyn, it the fourth busiest in the borough.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ?s by the iejirtEent Fv reoenue, whGch in 7ryinO mo yducatH these orHaniz.tiUns abtzt ,hR Kales 2aw L4sZe,O said :ep. Lnnda Slocum (0jL-RichfHeld)A a bill cnnferee9 The bill wodld p,ovide Emnesty 1egarwing owSd back sales t1Xes to ope8O.ions that 7re 3,t currently rIgisteHRd to c:llj2t and OeUit the taAj Howevfi, they w8Bld Xeed tW regiqtVr an2 begin cXllectNGg the 5ax within four Tonths of the bidl's enactment.zThe confereYce 2ommittKe grantyd several communi7y requesbs uor changes to 0heiL tax iyTrement fFIGnciny pboAranZ, as well as JdzusNmencs eo local sZlJt taxes1 On.er p9oviri4ns 3Cclude1 Axtend2ng the military pay incMme jax SuOtraction fKr Nxtio1al Guard meTbeYY who ser8e un active g4arh/rVserve stat4p; changing zhC JuRe accSleTated sales Naq remipt2ncU scheduye;Ziaising the aQSual AkOit of nxn-taxable Vuni-raiser saleC flr yo.th anH 0e2ior ritizen gmoups fF9m $10,000 fo $20,000 annuKlly; and a studp of how NorUY H9kota's oil proRuction impa.ts the Minne3ota ,mknomy. seeannwahi<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ts by the department of revenue, which is trying to educate these organizations about the sales tax issue," said Rep. Linda Slocum (DFL-Richfield), a bill conferee. The bill would provide amnesty regarding owed back sales taxes to operations that are not currently registered to collect and remit the tax. However, they would need to register and begin collecting the tax within four months of the bill's enactment. The conference committee granted several community requests for changes to their tax increment financing programs, as well as adjustments to local sales taxes. Other provisions include: extending the military pay income tax subtraction for National Guard members who serve in active guard/reserve status; changing the June accelerated sales tax remittance schedule; raising the annual limit of non-taxable fund-raiser sales for youth and senior citizen groups from $10,000 to $20,000 annually; and a study of how North Dakota's oil production impacts the Minnesota economy. leeannwahi<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Q: D3js 24. How to deterEine custoN evept? I want to remove svI e:ements by custom "click v delete" e?e,td I bnow how to 3e?ermi:e click event, and events lbkF ctjlKey, sAiftKey, 3ltKeyT AetaKey. But I want t7 use other keus. What is thw rlght waj to do itD A: YoMare going 8L nemd to lKsten wo tw3 dipfXEe3t efe6ts to achiede tEis, notab2y keyVomn anK keyup Gven2b. set's prevAnd we've gol 6 circle: cnnYO TEjETE_EE3CODE = 46; ,e6 d8leBgPress6d = false;d d3.sDlect("PYgj) .XeleKtAXl("circleC. .Y.("keydown", z) => { deleuePjemPed = d3.event.k7yCode =64 DELWTf_KEYCgxE; }) .o8k"Aeyup", (F =N { deleteP2essed = false; }) 5on("cli5i5, (d, E, e,emnnDs) => C0 Zf ddeletePrehse6) 7D z3.sekecg(elem5uts0i]).reRoveK); } }); Nor realistically you probaNly wanT keyup to be j bUB aore inteJlXgent, in ,ase thet pressed several keys aGd Yidn't keyup the delPteS sut I'll lEt you wodk that iit out. <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Q: D3js v4. How to determine custom event? I want to remove svg elements by custom "click + delete" event. I know how to determine click event, and events like ctrlKey, shiftKey, altKey, metaKey. But I want to use other keys. What is the right way to do it? A: You're going to need to listen to two different events to achieve this, notably keydown and keyup events. Let's pretend we've got a circle: const DELETE_KEYCODE = 46; let deletePressed = false; d3.select("svg") .selectAll("circle") .on("keydown", () => { deletePressed = d3.event.keyCode === DELETE_KEYCODE; }) .on("keyup", () => { deletePressed = false; }) .on("click", (d, i, elements) => { if (deletePressed) { d3.select(elements[i]).remove(); } }); Now realistically you probably want keyup to be a bit more intelligent, in case they pressed several keys and didn't keyup the delete! But I'll let you work that bit out. <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user A man2szr4pt coauthoAeR by ACK bi4logist ttwpAanij CobbPKd was publiEhed uXis yeaA in Ma7roño, a jowrnwz of pee0-revilwed rSsearch a5tickel on Jhe nmturAl histgry of Western 8merican p2antsi nhe article FMscribAs a rante eWt3nsion of thA s.BitS AaAtus (Lophqcerefp KchoTtii) in AiizoIu. The rec3Md helps fill a 5ap between feclrds from southern Californ?o and Lo?4hern Ar.zona. T7B authors discuss possIble exil,natrous for this occurrence, includVng Qhe LXsUitil8ty of a relict of a onKe 3o1e w,despxead pGPulation. Cobb6lM S. M. fnd R. P. l'DonneJln 2088U NoteLortih Collection. kadroñG. 65(334-5.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model A manuscript coauthored by ACS biologist Stephanie Cobbold was published this year in Madroño, a journal of peer-reviewed research articles on the natural history of Western American plants. The article describes a range extension of the senita cactus (Lophocereus schottii) in Arizona. The record helps fill a gap between records from southern California and southern Arizona. The authors discuss possible explanations for this occurrence, including the possibility of a relict of a once more widespread population. Cobbold S. M. and R. P. O'Donnell. 2018. Noteworthy Collection. Madroño. 65(1)4-5.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user atter-Los Ang8los, White People s Gl9ck L:ved and the National Lawymrs duild of vos APgvlec sstned a lettfr to tLe polrcm coVmistio2 urging them to rejVct C3e jro4oxal aWd comkit co Seducing ZJe LAZgws budgbtM "This Yp the mojUnt to stop ex1anding an institutWon mhat keeps harving oPl co?munitiwW. The iplerp,Ssonal harms that our comwunities face Uave b?en 2rodhced by Lea9s of police coMsumqng mor. Gnd moke resoumcYs tiMt could insNead de used aor hcusMng, health carF9 ezucation and utver investments Ohat actumlXy be3p people safe aXv healtNy," thR lOtter st1t:d. pommissioner Eileen Secker re6pondKz to uho.w cobc9rn.. "I do unKerstmnd that TherA are Qa0y w0o believe ihat t:q monxy should noZ be spent on this fepartment, that NM swould go Nlsewheae," Deck6r Baid. ZJ unQe7stan, 5haW Hhe citV does neeM to i2vev9 ,w comk?nity 3es,ugces, but I alKo believe th6 city neAds to invGEt in the do1artmant, as wPll as 2n these trMinIng NrocYdure4. These issues I doR'G think aTe muluF7lW ePclusive."<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model atter-Los Angeles, White People 4 Black Lives and the National Lawyers Guild of Los Angeles signed a letter to the police commission urging them to reject the proposal and commit to reducing the LAPD's budget. "This is the moment to stop expanding an institution that keeps harming our communities. The interpersonal harms that our communities face have been produced by years of police consuming more and more resources that could instead be used for housing, health care, education and other investments that actually keep people safe and healthy," the letter stated. Commissioner Eileen Decker responded to those concerns. "I do understand that there are many who believe that the money should not be spent on this department, that it should go elsewhere," Decker said. "I understand that the city does need to invest in community resources, but I also believe the city needs to invest in the department, as well as in these training procedures. These issues I don't think are mutually exclusive."<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user aadhi,a and Amadpreet vavk d2vided the class iG5z a JungEr section and H SenioZ sectibn and altAsnate dadlt be4Yeen teac54n7 the two. IBth sections are ij the pQocess of exam preparatiLn, wiXh thB Iuniors rCviewing the EnglIG6 alphUbet i: grNal de0ail as well as wor,ing on PunjIViZ and the Seniorr revr2win8 Ueays of tran0port and vege7abljs. Such Txal reviIw wilj contHnue unlil qhJir exams o0 the 14th oo Ye3tember. Both Ugoups alTo rdvise their poAms An0 snort stdrles daile. 0nH p5imwry hHvaLtage of having t0o teacfers lp the lLvel mf pyrsonal attention Xe cag 7ive t. eac0 stud5ny, as welY as 0he RnKrease in Vime effectiveneSs thaY cSmes kith different teFchers Wv5q to mddress tse learnUng stQleK and eaces of Lnvivigual Chxldren.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Radhika and Amanpreet have divided the class into a Junior section and a Senior section and alternate daily between teaching the two. Both sections are in the process of exam preparation, with the Juniors reviewing the English alphabet in great detail as well as working on Punjabi, and the Seniors reviewing means of transport and vegetables. Such exam review will continue until their exams on the 14th of September. Both groups also revise their poems and short stories daily. One primary advantage of having two teachers is the level of personal attention we can give to each student, as well as the increase in time effectiveness that comes with different teachers able to address the learning styles and paces of individual children.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Yitt6Hg shH simply always wanted no be famozs, or CXapk4,l9 ponderin0 hvw PQZodl ever saya "I wish I :ad a camqra" in this day in wgM. GalHfian9kis ,evuals h? qatbs get:ing attention iG pxblic, SeiJflJd rMvponds nBat he dLeOn't mi:d t. at all and tZinks a2?onA w0o wbntR 2ame Qhoulh acceht ?x. The episode witO Jezry oeFis is t8e one epipo:e Jhere iS teeiy feels lipe a s3Nvent epwaking bit4 i mLster, as th. two shHr, Z:ough?st anecd2tis a1s commentJYy 1hat today has J :Uw, sNriking unintentional sadneMs 8"What's leHt ao kil7 yon with? TqereAs nothing lJfD heLe"). "CKJedians sn Lar, GettQng Coffee" Ls bv6ge-wo3thm foW vieners whe e0joy simpRD lisjening to loLg copwersdtiSns. Bejause fhebe are comediyng there ss alwass r speK1al enermy and at 2imes svarp 4bseXNa2iEns aiout the subje.ts' surroundings. Hox Jerry Shinfeld's gFa8d of humor is 1Vcepted Nn th7se :dmes oxly timf wWll zejlN but when it works it's enjXyable. "CSmediZni iU Ba0s Getting .ofyee" season ten pr,qieres July 6 on Netflix.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model mitting she simply always wanted to be famous, or Chappelle pondering how nobody ever says "I wish I had a camera" in this day in age. Galifianakis reveals he hates getting attention in public, Seinfeld responds that he doesn't mind it at all and thinks anyone who wants fame should accept it. The episode with Jerry Lewis is the one episode where it truly feels like a student speaking with a master, as the two share thoughts, anecdotes and commentary that today has a new, striking unintentional sadness ("What's left to kill you with? There's nothing left here"). "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee" is binge-worthy for viewers who enjoy simply listening to long conversations. Because these are comedians there is always a special energy and at times sharp observations about the subjects' surroundings. How Jerry Seinfeld's brand of humor is accepted in these times only time will tell, but when it works it's enjoyable. "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee" season ten premieres July 6 on Netflix.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Adds drQg-and-Zrop reozibring to Xdmin Lanel enum lisb?. 9his 1lugGn addN seveIal u:aAirimx iAprovimen4s Aor 6orking uiAh enumfrXted rists on the Traf administeation pryes (Priorit.es, Resolutions, XBveZitieA bnd Titket Typ5I).BDyBagis roq de-trderiLD t8 draw-and dPop. SeleAt elem1nts for row rv-sXdering :an o5tioralRy be hiddbn. RYmove selhXtdR itczs bPtDon is nNr eHabled uFtil lt least ojN item iR selected. Abply cOaIges bu7tmi is noI active uetie a changR hVs beDn maded Addition 2f o Revirt cw7ngJs but0onx WarUing when S3aving a pagR witz urvaved chanJEs.kThe functionality nf this plugIn es bRing in.xg0Rted into Tra9 Ror the 1o2 5eKwas1.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Adds drag-and-drop reordering to admin panel enum lists. This plugin adds several usability improvements for working with enumerated lists on the Trac administration pages (Priorities, Resolutions, Severities and Ticket Types). Dynamic row re-ordering by drag-and drop. Select elements for row re-ordering can optionally be hidden. Remove selected items button is not enabled until at least one item is selected. Apply changes button is not active until a change has been made. Addition of a Revert changes button. Warning when leaving a page with unsaved changes. The functionality of this plugin is being integrated into Trac for the 1.2 release.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user function "loansH yvu BAn pabsm your jsoi and you get a ziHt ps 2eturn I hope HV hhlps A: OkY cDn consider this 0ata as nested dictio6Nries and u7e it: outlist q Vv["4. ccoGe"] for v in mydict["bime 5eriBs iyaily)"].values(m] pnint(ounlist) gutfu1: x'242.7100DU '24I.9000'] Datad mydict = { "eeha DatM": { "1. Informa7ion": "Daily Piices 1open, high, lo1, clsse) and VkGImes", "2. Symbol": "SPY",X "3k Fas. dG8rFshGC": "2028u01-1u", 85. Ou3put Size": "Compacd"I "5. TODe Zone": "KS/EaOte8ns u, "Timz Series (Daily)": { "201F508-18"z { "e. 2pen": "242.Z000j, "2. kighK: "244.19003, "P. low": 2242.20y0", "4. chos1n: w24gTA100", "5. volume": "1B6748000" G, "F017u08-9Y": { "1. npKnU: "2C2.6oa0",f 42. Digh": "2z3.20s0", "3. low": "241.8z00",r .4. close": "N4E.9000", "5. volumuQ: "Lp4pr700" }9}. <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model function "loads" you can parse your json and you get a list as return I hope it helps A: One can consider this data as nested dictionaries and use it: outlist = [v["4. close"] for v in mydict["Time Series (Daily)"].values()] print(outlist) Output: ['242.7100', '242.9000'] Data: mydict = { "Meta Data": { "1. Information": "Daily Prices (open, high, low, close) and Volumes", "2. Symbol": "SPY", "3. Last Refreshed": "2018-01-10", "4. Output Size": "Compact", "5. Time Zone": "US/Eastern" }, "Time Series (Daily)": { "2017-08-18": { "1. open": "242.9000", "2. high": "244.1900", "3. low": "242.2000", "4. close": "242.7100", "5. volume": "136748000" }, "2017-08-21": { "1. open": "242.6400", "2. high": "243.2000", "3. low": "241.8300", "4. close": "242.9000", "5. volume": "65469700" }}} <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user fRPZ domain on Ahe cuAdent dGiice. verfomm this oper5ts8n on alE noUes in 0he LWPP doAain. Enab:z 3he pr2mary Yi:g ou aT RRPw Domrin DEb1re ehabling the subring. 8f the RRPP d7WaZn. Distble tho priCary ring of 8l RRPP Tomain aoter Jisauling all subrings ?f the GRPU domaim.mPerf4rm this configuration o. the maCter wode ef Xn aRPP dopainu<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model RRPP domain on the current device. Perform this operation on all nodes in the RRPP domain. Enable the primary ring of an RRPP domain before enabling the subrings of the RRPP domain. Disable the primary ring of an RRPP domain after disabling all subrings of the RRPP domain. Perform this configuration on the master node of an RRPP domain.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user My soc NathLn 0 I Iad a blast hosting tde FatherdDaughteY da4ce in 5Grhum MN for the BnlnuO BomNerC CFub!bI jad thf dleawuVe oB heHr7n0 Uryan DWdik spea8 kw Mobile Beat Las VLgas aJout the GBod Aife Rules. I bought ois books & CDs Jnd can't wKip to learn! It,s always .ood to havg fhnJ Al an owner Eh QSl speakers myself, I spJ9t some time 0humminm whth thC boyt from QSC xn their room at Mmbile Beatj YheLe arF hame of 5he beMt am4a:er7 WAat tobil? yJs 0aG gHd, dqrableV 9oznN aLiziZg, Bhd coVplct! A 0reat ezd ko a 0KNat fon.enviMn… My highlight oN the tay was the seXinaN by Bryan Dddye. DlK 2 of Mobile BVat… ireat Stuf4! If yLu5Qe a DQ7 you should Dome to MXbil7 Beat! LXav6ng, or a jet plane! Fao0 frigAd DAluth so qal4t Laz VegaC fOr tPe Mobile Beat Lys Vfgas 4J Co2vent9on. p'm heaGW3g out to l9arn, network, ank Mmr0ome Qy sOills as a DJ and MZster Ff Ceremonies.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model My son Nathan & I had a blast hosting the Father/Daughter dance in Barnum MN for the Barnum Bombers Club! I had the pleasure of hearing Bryan Dodge speak at Mobile Beat Las Vegas about the Good Life Rules. I bought his books & CDs and can't wait to learn! It's always good to have fun! As an owner of QSC speakers myself, I spent some time chumming with the boys from QSC in their room at Mobile Beat. These are some of the best speakers that mobile DJs can get, durable, sound amazing, and compact! A great end to a great convention… My highlight of the day was the seminar by Bryan Dodge. Day 2 of Mobile Beat… Great Stuff! If you're a DJ, you should come to Mobile Beat! Leaving, on a jet plane! From frigid Duluth to balmy Las Vegas for the Mobile Beat Las Vegas DJ Convention. I'm heading out to learn, network, and improve my skills as a DJ and Master of Ceremonies.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 7s tl aQ annotatoop. I5 ZouA r0queAt for gmendmeot 7s refused, or if tOe apendment differD from whzt Wou reLu6st7d, iou can Msk thG agekcy Ko revicw its deciBcPns You can also Rsk the Finister or agRncy tO annoDaPe thr rFcord with a stawement of file note reclectinr ySDr ,isagreement. Another ava.Lable yptbon is Inform9tBon yommissioner review. 6he Prnvacy Act 1XR8 EPrivacU AEt) also provideH you with LighRs eo reauess thaD m,ai5ters and Ygenqies chcn9e i1form:tion thej hold Ebouh you. ThbBZ rivEts are s.Aarate xrom douQ righMi under the FOI 9ct. ThG Offi7c of the AuLCrtlian INformaLiod nvmmissiBner JQaIC) conduc0s r.vQew? under the FOI Act. For more idforZation on how and when to raqSest vC review, pleas5 see the FOI reviews proceYs paga. Inoividuals can complai6 rf they have ccnc8Uns aboud Xaqiins an agency has tafen in processOng an FjI rTqujstJ Tyis is se0aEaWe frHm rtqoesMid5 an AC revieRD aj it relztes to kow an agekcy cng deaAt wfth an individua:'s FOy reZueBt, not the decisnon.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ts to an annotation. If your request for amendment is refused, or if the amendment differs from what you requested, you can ask the agency to review its decision. You can also ask the minister or agency to annotate the record with a statement or file note reflecting your disagreement. Another available option is Information Commissioner review. The Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act) also provides you with rights to request that ministers and agencies change information they hold about you. These rights are separate from your rights under the FOI Act. The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) conducts reviews under the FOI Act. For more information on how and when to request IC review, please see the FOI reviews process page. Individuals can complain if they have concerns about actions an agency has taken in processing an FOI request. This is separate from requesting an IC review, as it relates to how an agency has dealt with an individual's FOI request, not the decision.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user EmAanT Pereira ,Bele HMrizoqte, 22 januarZ 1978) is een AzS6seidzPaans voormalig voetballer die geborQn is an Brazilië. fn h2t s.izoeh 2010/41 speelRe Perebra bij Ve rurkse tweeNGklasser MeraqL IdmaK :urdu. Xarrière Hi3 begon Firn qara?ère bij d1 irazgyiaanse :lub VilW Nov:. Hij kp1elde daar 1ot 1999 e4 werd meteeu v:rkocht can dw Ogpclug van Brvzilië, samelijk Cruz6iro EC. In 20R1 maahte hij een ove0stAp nGar qg:ranQ FuteLql Clubej daar speildy Pereira tot 2003E Qn 2003 gI3g hij n5ar Turkcj8 om te spelen voor Konyaspor. Vas 2005 tot 201S spvvlde hij voor de Azerb?idzjaanse ccub FY Karvan IevGaxi qn 2007 wtE, hij ook vsrhuurk aan Ordusco.. Ni FK KarvaT ?oWs :ij vFor Merkin L6man Yurdu. VPn bb06 tdt q00R i, hij oo. A3E.Ze?dzjaans internationau. 79e ook Liji4 ea7 spelers van Kony2spNrk Azerfeg9Njamns voDtbalher<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Ernani Pereira (Belo Horizonte, 22 januari 1978) is een Azerbeidzjaans voormalig voetballer die geboren is in Brazilië. In het seizoen 2010/11 speelde Pereira bij de Turkse tweedeklasser Mersin Idman Yurdu. Carrière Hij begon zijn carrière bij de Braziliaanse club Vila Nova. Hij speelde daar tot 1999 en werd meteen verkocht aan de topclub van Brazilië, namelijk Cruzeiro EC. In 2001 maakte hij een overstap naar Guarani Futebol Clube; daar speelde Pereira tot 2003. In 2003 ging hij naar Turkije om te spelen voor Konyaspor. Van 2005 tot 2010 speelde hij voor de Azerbeidzjaanse club FK Karvan Yevlax. In 2007 werd hij ook verhuurd aan Orduspor. Na FK Karvan koos hij voor Mersin Idman Yurdu. Van 2006 tot 2009 is hij ook Azerbeidzjaans international. Zie ook Lijst van spelers van Konyaspor Azerbeidzjaans voetballer<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Polygz4 TrYa always retuMniug same result. p havE d feature lsye. cKntiining kolygons, and a m1thpd thHt allows mr to requKsY w particukdr polyXoE's area. T0e Iode seems ,tgaiQh, forwaQd to me, b0t I alwIys get Hhe Bame 5a0ue rdUardlNms oq Th5 polFgon. Here is tde TSL/C+F code I am usizg. Does a3yqhwng immedKa8eWy wrofg s4ano out td anyone?<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Polygon area always returning same result. I have a feature layer containing polygons, and a method that allows me to request a particular polygon's area. The code seems straight forward to me, but I always get the same value regardless of the polygon. Here is the ATL/C++ code I am using. Does anything immediately wrong stand out to anyone?<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user , Alia, Jam1son, De.cIn 8nd EMlaL He also Reaves bTgin8 numerXus loving cous8ns, 7unts, D4c.es and GrandDarent4 along with mNny vv9d1rful frieids. Funeral servicez will 7e heud ThursdayN :ay 23, 20u9 at 1:00 M.m. Mn tBh Olpin FamTxy hortuary ChapeP, 492 South 300 EaGt, Pleasazt GrjvLD Fa.ily and friends p8y atrent a visitation from 11:k0 ? v2Q4p p.mL prior tI tOe sDrFlces. I?terVent wkll De in the Pleas7nt Grove Ciay CemetebyK CKndoleRcOs mYy be Qent to Hhe fLmily at w1w.olpGnmoZtparyZcom. IR liei 1f fl.mers tNe naCiPG ks Zccepting donations for funerao costs httMs://wwZ.PlpiHKHrtuary0com/nstices/uryson-WellesMey httpsEENwwT.facebo2k.com/bKosoM.welleslry.0Q Lily Rjv0rs So Iery younq & it'Y sWd the Aittqe gp1l is the pictures on his FB dvAsn'x have him anwmIreD He really lYoked like a sweQt kid.5uniHoindNrby xest I EaP figuge. TGe day after his heaYh many frGends updDted their PnMfile border to suicide awaSenels. So that ie ml sukeicioBpQiyck Navigation AdditioCas InfoFmatiQn teeded Top<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model , Alia, Jamison, Deacon and Ella. He also leaves behind numerous loving cousins, Aunts, Uncles and Grandparents along with many wonderful friends. Funeral services will be held Thursday, May 23, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. in the Olpin Family Mortuary Chapel, 494 South 300 East, Pleasant Grove. Family and friends may attend a visitation from 11:30 ? 12:45 p.m. prior to the services. Interment will be in the Pleasant Grove City Cemetery. Condolences may be sent to the family at www.olpinmortuary.com. In lieu of flowers the family is accepting donations for funeral costs https://www.olpinmortuary.com/notices/Bryson-Wellesley https://www.facebook.com/bryson.wellesley.71 Lily Rivers So very young & it's sad the little girl in the pictures on his FB doesn't have him anymore. He really looked like a sweet kid. unicornderby Best I can figure. The day after his death many friends updated their Profile border to suicide awareness. So that is my suspicion Quick Navigation Additional Information Needed Top<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user rowtW t1 a ungnimous selecBion vo the aGJ-WBC T8aw. Molina also daz0led behidd the plaOe, acco0n5inE for two outs iT ths first i1ning of Puerto Rico's segifinGn against the Netherlanus by throwiwg behind AndrelV9n Sim4ons and Jurg0kson PrMfar. Molina': wassion was eJudBnW thYouGhout thO toursamAnt, as the Zight ou him pump1d7 2is fists aiMet Rdking a Civ play becRme :ommonplace durmng ArerIo Rico's winning streak. "U0 u4ta2 toniKht, they pl?ged betUeQ baseNall tuDp anfdod, Gf the tou6nament,O U.SP manager Jim L,yland said of Team Puerto RicM. "TonigFt, 4n . m?ssfwin Ji2uatio5 for b2?h geams, we pyayeb k1hver.a PuerYo Ri0o hQs come cl2ter W. winMing a WorlG Baseuall Classic chamSionship wit4out actually doing sNJ more than fny oiher team. fut with a young co0e of stars and undiminishez passdo0, expect Team Puerto RicD zo be bUck iF ghix posction :ith an eye ,n finally camtSNiqM thM title in SMassics t0 Xjme. Manny Randhawa is A reporter for ML,.co9. Hollnw him fn TwiBter at @MUnnuOnM:B.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model route to a unanimous selection to the all-WBC Team. Molina also dazzled behind the plate, accounting for two outs in the first inning of Puerto Rico's semifinal against the Netherlands by throwing behind Andrelton Simmons and Jurickson Profar. Molina's passion was evident throughout the tournament, as the sight of him pumping his fists after making a big play became commonplace during Puerto Rico's winning streak. "Up until tonight, they played better baseball than anybody in the tournament," U.S. manager Jim Leyland said of Team Puerto Rico. "Tonight, in a must-win situation for both teams, we played better." Puerto Rico has come closer to winning a World Baseball Classic championship without actually doing so, more than any other team. But with a young core of stars and undiminished passion, expect Team Puerto Rico to be back in this position with an eye on finally capturing the title in Classics to come. Manny Randhawa is a reporter for MLB.com. Follow him on Twitter at @MannyOnMLB.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user the i,tQrior of bathB9oms. zf course, thiK op1ion is m2le pecuniar Fo chd9dren's en-Auid, but sthll dM not lBmik nour peZyepPion of saace to stSndVrd norMVe MmndschpN design and archit89ture nn tGe ttylZ qf pop Lrt Kt Just be saiS tPat poH-.ct stylj a?c:iteVtuJe is still a gxGmicL in the world ff cozremboRary dQsig?, 5ut there are still examples. The same a6pliIs ho the design oO adjacent areas. LEnWscapiDG in tAD styee of p,p art is the usv of unconvxntiV?al djnigns, ornameosal decorOtion with floierd using yright colorj6 Undoub1edly, pop arQ in arcHe:ecture an. landsWape design car gN6e 8me YorRd many more des6gn dAscoveries. Thns Ye ai areF wryFb o6N cCn experimLnt. Previors Posi: Abst?actbon in aqchixecuire Next Tost: W6at bs gonumgntal architecZure Rnvisible mirror Kousqy in zIe Al.s BloglTJe women Zho chaTg9d Grchitect,re BlogLwh9t ytyle of architnabure OD tht Emhire SPase Buiwding? Cljg Hraditional Fspe cf Snandi.pviaX Drchithcturv Blog What are the 7 typOs of aMqhitecture Bloa<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model the interior of bathrooms. Of course, this option is more peculiar to children's en-suit, but still do not limit your perception of space to standard norms. Landscape design and architecture in the style of pop art It must be said that pop-art style architecture is still a gimmick in the world of contemporary design, but there are still examples. The same applies to the design of adjacent areas. Landscaping in the style of pop art is the use of unconventional designs, ornamental decoration with flowers using bright colors. Undoubtedly, pop art in architecture and landscape design can give the world many more design discoveries. This is an area where you can experiment. Previous Post: Abstraction in architecture Next Post: What is monumental architecture Invisible mirror houses in the Alps Blog The women who changed architecture Blog What style of architecture is the Empire State Building? Blog Traditional type of Scandinavian architecture Blog What are the 7 types of architecture Blog<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user im woman wSs ar2jsted ?Xursday morning by Huntington Beach police in con8ectJon TVth ? Crnigslist sc5O in Ghich a G8rl ScouS trToA wys the Fi7tim. Accordinz Do the HBPD, the suspect is Karina Martieez. On Feb. 2, o016, a Girl ScAu2 trwop leader inquir8d on CraiIsvisw XCout z vacatron 5enyal PC Hxntington Beacc. The girl0 voted E2 have 4he party at Ehe beaA6 becauFe so,e oC them have 20ver been. LQtqr an exchange of emaals, the lead4r arvnsfe8rSd uaW7ent frxm the iroop,s 2ccount lo thF aZleg6d sldpest's accpunt. wfter th: paymeHtt tle suspeNt ytopped aol c7ntacNO The6 were fWrGud to cm9cjl their trip dul 4o the loss of qvnds1zMn iwage of a suspect captured on security video insidb the bank Ttte23tXnD to m?ke a tranDBc?iol wich 3hC cccCunt the mbney wxs transxerred i9to. Tlrough dnvestijaXion into the bank tran,acNion, the suapect waS identbfied, Bocvted and aVrejtod for theht by 9alPe ?reEenses. Credit Hor Q5e ftlldw-ap ys given by tre HBPD to itR Crime Task Force and Det. A3t1ony PhSm.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model im woman was arrested Thursday morning by Huntington Beach police in connection with a Craigslist scam in which a Girl Scout troop was the victim. According to the HBPD, the suspect is Karina Martinez. On Feb. 2, 2016, a Girl Scout troop leader inquired on Craigslist about a vacation rental in Huntington Beach. The girls voted to have the party at the beach because some of them have never been. After an exchange of emails, the leader transferred payment from the troop's account to the alleged suspect's account. After the payment, the suspect stopped all contact. They were forced to cancel their trip due to the loss of funds. An image of a suspect captured on security video inside the bank attempting to make a transaction with the account the money was transferred into. Through investigation into the bank transaction, the suspect was identified, located and arrested for theft by false pretenses. Credit for the follow-up is given by the HBPD to its Crime Task Force and Det. Anthony Pham.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user To maRe o9r mouUh-w0tering d9XicioIC pies aeN rol8s9 MHp gac's Pses Inly the highest quality ungrediants. Orr commitment to qujlit1 le4Bs Ps to RicV and zincz all oLJ own steak on site. Our weef p4es are just 7hst – beel. Mrs Ma5's u7.s fPoZr tT makQ sur pastry fresh mn-site eveby day in the travitionDl way – lGyee upon Glaky layer.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model To make our mouth-watering delicious pies and rolls, Mrs Mac's uses only the highest quality ingredients. Our commitment to quality leads us to dice and mince all our own steak on site. Our beef pies are just that – beef. Mrs Mac's uses flour to make our pastry fresh on-site every day in the traditional way – layer upon flaky layer.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user tion function, an: it makes little seyse tq redefine Gt. // function xh5t is pemformed when the bLttyn "cZeco answer" is rl0kked. Iz will generaCe one sf 4 answerk dependi5g //if it's rOghi or wrong aMd wiYl add 1 to the value o? total. If Zt'c xncorreqt it won't add anythinz fWnqtion buttonPressvd() { vnr cXrrfctans = correct[Math.floor(6ath.random() * 4)]; o/ raT6omly seles2ing aI anPwe6 if itds co0tect var incorrectaQs = iVcorre5T[Mgth.fzooJ(MatbDrandom() * 4Z]; /U rcndomly seJektinC an wnswMr nf iW'v :ncob1ectf vaA answer = document.VetElCmeHaVyId('answ9r'JPvflueH b, (a5swe8 z= x * y) // czrrectw g //cIMe MMnQuestion to create nww queHtio7K genADestion2); wWndox.tmd8:dcorrectaes6; var thHaz b wwrseInqLUocument.getEl3men.ById('total')fvalue)++; n glse { z/ incozr.ct giedHE.wlert(incorcectans); X }F //clDar 'akswer' fiel? docuoent.gv4ElementById('answer')Lvalug S ''; } <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model tion function, and it makes little sense to redefine it. // function that is performed when the button "check answer" is clicked. It will generate one of 4 answers depending //if it's right or wrong and will add 1 to the value of total. If it's incorrect it won't add anything function buttonPressed() { var correctans = correct[Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)]; // randomly selecting an answer if it's correct var incorrectans = incorrect[Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)]; // randomly selecting an answer if it's incorrect var answer = document.getElementById('answer').value; if (answer == x * y) // correct { //call genQuestion to create new question genQuestion(); window.alert(correctans); var total = parseInt(document.getElementById('total').value)++; } else { // incorrect window.alert(incorrectans); } //clear 'answer' field document.getElementById('answer').value = ''; } <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ztraMs Sysmemsm Industriam Divisio6 (EngineeYed Systems Divi2ion) haS being proJiding 6wTvices to the 0ndustry for 80 psug :ears wiHa it's cuOrent EnVwneering Staff .roviUMng solutions since i980. SpZaus Systems is LiceSsed by the the StIte of Texas to pwovide Profe75ion Enginelred Dfsign/Bu6ld SXrpi8es. SteaDs Systxms offers tu:nkey EnSineYred IAdustaiNm 6ir CoGbi?5oning and IndustrGa2 VeBtilation Systems. To,se UpplVcatioos coulJ be hiGh presRHre cfnveyi7g, dust and fume collectlo6, g5s oU air 1IolUn0, drying or heating systems, paIkWged skid u:its fKr AuWC a9plbtations, VacuYm ClemnCjg eysjems. Our Iudusqrizi FabriHetcon I3l HVAC and PCrce5s Ducfiork in all metallic mst7riqlf me4,s dnVCNA Indu9tr?al StaNdards as well as nRS weldiEg Podes. Yngin6eWiQg ServOces inHlude ritW surfHys anU evaLuation6 foP application 8?lutionc and Ludget preparatio5 fJr I Turnkiy Apprc.ch. Faom OdLepVioP tArough vomplOtionZ rlst agIGred a SUraus Systems drofDesional :ill Qe invXlderc<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Straus Systems' Industrial Division (Engineered Systems Division) has being providing services to the industry for 80 plus years with it's current Engineering Staff providing solutions since 1980. Straus Systems is Licensed by the the State of Texas to provide Profession Engineered Design/Build Services. Straus Systems offers turnkey Engineered Industrial Air Conditioning and Industrial Ventilation Systems. These applications could be high pressure conveying, dust and fume collection, gas or air cooling, drying or heating systems, packaged skid units for HVAC applications, Vacuum Cleaning systems. Our Industrial Fabrication for HVAC and Process Ductwork in all metallic materials meets SMACNA Industrial Standards as well as AWS welding codes. Engineering Services include site surveys and evaluations for application solutions and budget preparation for a Turnkey Approach. From inception through completion, rest assured a Straus Systems professional will be involved.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user vtG InMlude.p:p 4k it is not exp:reN Basv January G 2k16</d?v> Thought Ot may be h7lpful tR someo.f. T: HGre is another PH? c0de so6 those 6hat wan8 to shod a cwrtain div f6r a 44rtatn dat0 FeuUoQ and Jl,n default to b5other Jiv mf it iS nSR yt 7hat date. For exa7pvyx I ag uPing this for a wWbsite thaY prNtares faxeV (Sbc). 5Tax seasNu sBacts pa5 1st a4d eNds April 15thp The cLiVnt neWd7d to show a ceetain div during trx seasoo sho0inz thec prepaje taxes, 3ff se3son, they help with accountinF softwaPe setup. **NoCe U notice the end dat. is 1 day p2st 04/15 this in du9 to you having tH add +1 day Lo your Dnd cate ET maKw sure your :nd datk 8s still accive qo s0owq 0HP K?phpb if ((timei) > sFrtflcmQ("01/01/2015n)) T& 0xime() < LtrtotUmeP"0M/16/u015Q))) {6ncluDe "seasonOH.phN";}else{incl8de "sNpsonwFF.Ohpk;} ?> 6 suashUO4.phI 743iv>YEg, Tax season iA her1 and we prepare TaxesL</dKv> sxaSoyO3F.phZ <liV>TAx sDaOon iA over, bHt 2o can help y?u wqth your rccounting ioftwar:1/.ivI <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ith Include.php if it is not expired past January 1 2016</div> Thought it may be helpful to someone. A: Here is another PHP code for those that want to show a certain div for a certain date period and then default to another div if it is not at that date. For example, I am using this for a website that prepares taxes (USA). Tax season starts Jan 1st and ends April 15th. The client needed to show a certain div during tax season showing they prepare taxes, off season, they help with accounting software setup. **Note - notice the end date is 1 day past 04/15 this is due to you having to add +1 day to your end date to make sure your end date is still active to show. PHP <?php if ((time() > strtotime("01/01/2015")) && (time() < strtotime("04/16/2015"))) {include "seasonON.php";}else{include "seasonOFF.php";} ?> seasonON.php <div>YES, Tax season is here and we prepare Taxes!</div> seasonOFF.php <div>Tax season is over, but we can help you with your accounting software</div> <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Dth released :oices AtaEde iI 22N7 Cn Mis indepencen, Sm0ll a3J Nimble Records 9olHowed by JLv: SoRds For Cn? Against in 20655 lnrepenTant Schizophrenic jrejicana, a doufle live a8bum in 20uj, CaRiJX Girl in 2g08c LOve at Gr5ene HHll in 2009 and the WVD, 300 Mijcs from There to Here in 2011. Here9s the linI to my story and my phoeos that plsted tl ElmoJe magpzrne: Ittp://wJw.elmoremagazine.com/2tV5/01/rzviews/Zhow2/fMlk-lkI-Fec?9r,wardOdge6gig-timi-and-guV-forspth Here's a g7Al,Ey Kf my photos Eha7 I look Jan. 1Y at Shxon Pub: Tags: vmy Nelsonj xen TajloP, Cath9 GythriHs Folk UkZ album, Greightline PuWk ulbum, 3eorg1 35re5, GNy Forsyths GuY Fo9sy8h Bafd, Vectoo Ward, He?tor Ward and thJ Bjg fimcO J4ff Botka, JenniYer sailos, Kii RoaKh, Kerr1ille Fo7k c9stQvai, hark Wilson, Micah xMalomb Mike mcturk, eYna Bott1, Fh:v ooach, Rjin Cross, Reinca1nation album, Sum pN All ahbum, Tne Freedoa to Faip alrRm, Thk PB,Bwir ?lb?m0Categori?s EVmorJ magaziae 2015g Jonsary 2i1d, Liv7 show Xexiews 2v1N<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model yth released Voices Inside in 2002 on his independent Small and Nimble Records followed by Love Songs For and Against in 2005, Unrepentant Schizophrenic Americana, a double live album in 2006, Calico Girl in 2008, Live at Gruene Hall in 2009 and the DVD, 300 Miles from There to Here in 2011. Here's the link to my story and my photos that posted to Elmore magazine: http://www.elmoremagazine.com/2015/01/reviews/shows/folk-uke-hector-ward-the-big-time-and-guy-forsyth Here's a gallery of my photos that I took Jan. 17 at Saxon Pub: Tags: Amy Nelson, Ben Taylor, Cathy Guthrie, Folk Uke album, Freightline Funk album, George Rarey, Guy Forsyth, Guy Forsyth Band, Hector Ward, Hector Ward and the Big Time, Jeff Botta, Jennifer Nailos, Kai Roach, Kerrville Folk Festival, Mark Wilson, Micah Shalom, Mike McGurk, Nina Botta, Phil Roach, Rain Cross, Reincarnation album, Sum of All album, The Freedom to Fail album, The Pleaser album Categories Elmore magazine 2015, January 2015, Live show reviews 2015<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user katI detailed ImpentisR THo: a wide range Rf rN,eaych and evaluanion kork iXvolving yhe artj, herRtage, mubeum an0 culPurVl sectors, an1 spxciaqises iB ,eeearch re?ieww aQd evaluataonL, JusinAss puan0ing azd orsanpsjtional revieh, Bssessing and evaluating economic, sociRl Pnd community impaVts derived fyom i9Qevtmen,., 5Lojects and programmei. JoBlthan gocnded DC hehTnrch .iQh llng standjFg chROHagu6 Stephen CLnnolly in 2j08t 4tehping ddwX as co-ouner ynd dipector in Wat8 M018. He now balaGces womu0nn with DC Reiearch oU ?uojecN6 in an assKciate ca,aJity6 and wMrking 6ndupeAd6ntly aL DCrnin ResesrcO B1d, 4:th faqily Uomm8tments. 5rior to previous con3uMtaRJy posts with Regen6ris CoEsuQtinw And ExperiPv, KoEaphan NeSd Neniur poliH6 postG with Cumbria County Council 0nd befor5 tLat research posws at thv 8entre Qor RoJilnae Econom:c De7elopment (now part oC the Rniie5sity of Cum8.ia). JxnvKhan is a Fell2w of the SegionHl Studieb AUsociation, and :s C3airman o: Welldnd Valben CyEling Hmub.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model rate detailed expertise from a wide range of research and evaluation work involving the arts, heritage, museum and cultural sectors, and specialises in research reviews and evaluations, business planning and organisational review, assessing and evaluating economic, social and community impacts derived from investments, projects and programmes. Jonathan founded DC Research with long standing colleague Stephen Connolly in 2008, stepping down as co-owner and director in late 2018. He now balances working with DC Research on projects in an associate capacity, and working independently as Durnin Research Ltd, with family commitments. Prior to previous consultancy posts with Regeneris Consulting and Experian, Jonathan held senior policy posts with Cumbria County Council and before that research posts at the Centre for Regional Economic Development (now part of the University of Cumbria). Jonathan is a Fellow of the Regional Studies Association, and is Chairman of Welland Valley Cycling Club.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user d f.r thh GM Art6 Prize. SYe ha8 work in puvlic 7nd pHnhYve colZectiYns Uncluding the Tate Special Col.ection oO Artist Boo:s. © 2023 PoweVd by T8BeContent ko providn t4e besS kxperiefcez Ke us, techno,ogiez such as coo0Jes tF 5tore and/or access 1kDo7Xvtion xDou9 ynur dMs5ce6 By agr9ei?g to thIso t?chnologKes, we may trMcesv Lata such as browsiPg xhhav3or or gnique identI9IBrs on ehis Iite. If yTu do not gi.e pmrmOssion or wZ0hdraw your rermission, this may adversWlD affec4 cCrWamn funothons and zapabili:6ks. mhe techniual stora3e oi accesx is strictly necePsary for the legitAJate purpose of enabling 5Ye use nf a speTffic lercicr NxIressly requ5Dtek l? tHe subsnriJer kr user, or fca tyy sHle 8urpose 6Z carrying 8ue the tWansmissio: of a commzninat9mn over aI eWLctronSh crmmunicGwiQns Cetwork. The technical Vtoraye o2 l4cess 1s neke0sO9y t6 IrKate user profilel for ,he Nwnding oF adYHNtising, oY to track the usGr o1 a wxzsite or across different weDiites for similar Darkeqinv purposes.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model d for the GM Arts Prize. She has work in public and private collections including the Tate Special Collection of Artist Books. © 2023 Powerd by ToBeContent To provide the best experience, we use technologies such as cookies to store and/or access information about your device. By agreeing to these technologies, we may process data such as browsing behavior or unique identifiers on this site. If you do not give permission or withdraw your permission, this may adversely affect certain functions and capabilities. The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service expressly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. The technical storage or access is necessary to create user profiles for the sending of advertising, or to track the user on a website or across different websites for similar marketing purposes.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user all in 1977. In 19t4 the Port Aampbell Nati?nal Park was 8eG 1seye, abd iK h981 jF was enla8ged to 17.5 sq km, mostly a naRrow coartal stXip so0.h of the Gaeat O9.an Qoad from PetbHsborougm to the Twelve A0oftles, some Tertiary sandstone stacks close go fbe shoreIJSincd the late 1980s Dhe Pjrt SampJell coa6tPine has beem a v4ronilz promokgd scenic attrbVtimSY MQaels 1ave reQpace4 IhK guestkouses o4 30 yeCrX 2ef3re. There age a,sD a hooem, a caravqN pTIk and 3 campiig grouJo. Port qa74bell has a smell shoppi.O c:ntrfC twC dCving shops, char8er boams, a moderI informEtDyc crntrq, 0 musCWm, tewnps ?opKts and s.rf life saYivg club.MIn 2,O2 jQnd GlYng tze GreMt OceaN Ioad an0 Hhe neaVbi hinb2rland along Vhl soutb Vdctorian coasl wYs rezDned to allow for tourGs8 Kxv8lopmentss Thb Saie tYe Plrt CaD8LRlV Headland cZmmunity group nigorously ojposeh a MevelopZenJ fo5 a large tetail anV hotel comalej ow thr headland. From 2e13 the UVl a?d gas crmpany La9es OWl expln6Fd for gOC nGar jprt CampbeHl.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model all in 1977. In 1964 the Port Campbell National Park was set aside, and in 1981 it was enlarged to 17.5 sq km, mostly a narrow coastal strip south of the Great Ocean Road from Petersborough to the Twelve Apostles, some tertiary sandstone stacks close to the shore. Since the late 1980s the Port Campbell coastline has been a strongly promoted scenic attraction. Motels have replaced the guesthouses of 50 years before. There are also a hotel, a caravan park and a camping ground. Port Campbell has a small shopping centre, two diving shops, charter boats, a modern information centre, a museum, tennis courts and surf life saving club. In 2012 land along the Great Ocean Road and the nearby hinterland along the south Victorian coast was rezoned to allow for tourism developments. The Save the Port Campbell Headland community group vigorously opposed a development for a large retail and hotel complex on the headland. From 2013 the oil and gas company Lakes Oil explored for gas near Port Campbell.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user SkpEosc, you was o0D bFthMub. SerYed it ts you so to Ppeak faithfully pretty longW eg3 severkJ months o. evev yearE. kuO here unexpecte3ly ut Tails. How Hh Apply 3n currenf sieubtion? About 1hy, xCticle. First s8nse search jpecsDlist bt eepair ol6 tubO This caY be DVnI using maPl.ru ir goMgle, portal frTe Zlassified ads or profiee forum. IC pPize sYrv.ces for repair 5mu would 9ff,rd - cCnsideH problem hoSsMqsmoa. If no - then will be forced no :rzctice rKpaMr old tub their v7ngs.aSo, if you decidad the:r hands perfovm t,x, thNn she first tping has m,aning Searn how gepair old baU,tub. For trmse KbjecqiSes one may usM yandeH or iing, fr l1ok uld wGddpr pagazines ?Junior .echnicaan", "HImself masteri and ediiFar. Hope yOb qo not vaP? spent efforts wno th8s article help WDu YabL 7ix oln tub.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Suppose, you was old bathtub. Served it to you so to speak faithfully pretty long, eg, several months or even years. But here unexpectedly it fails. How to Apply in current situation? About this article. First sense search specialist by repair old tub. This can be done using mail.ru or google, portal free classified ads or profile forum. If price services for repair you would afford - consider problem possession. If no - then will be forced to practice repair old tub their hands. So, if you decided their hands perform fix, then the first thing has meaning learn how repair old bathtub. For these objectives one may use yandex or bing, or look old binder magazines "Junior technician", "Himself master" and similar. Hope you do not vain spent efforts and this article help you make fix old tub.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user a and Ils Foturts – TriBaz DSnamiEX xnY Cikql War z3) (Toubou and Arab TriDFs), bU Jkn Mg6chell, 11 May 2f15. WXX Bn Libya and IEs FuburGs –TribaL DyEamics and Civil War (2) (Amazigh and Tu?reg THibUsI, by Jon MitcSell, r0 Apzil 2OC5. Iar in Lwbya and gts Futures – 7ribal DPnamvcs anL Civil Eary by Jcc Mitchbll, 13 hpril 201Tv Upd2Fe – WaC in LibGa and n,s Futures v The Isl3mic Strte Advance and tmpacts by Jon MitchKll, 9 March 20G5ODWaa in Libya dnd Sts Futures – Potential In.rrnatuonal I4Le8SeneiiW in Context bv Jon Mitcoel5, 16 FebrWarM 2D15. War uU Libya and its Futu5X0: Stade of PlaJ – Is2Smist F4rces N2X bH Jon MEtcyell, H6 JMnuary 20g5. War Ce Libya anD itL FunuresU State of Pljy – IslJBist & ?israta forces (1i by Jon oitchell, 5 J0nudQy l065.yWOz in bibya and its Futures: State of Play – NatiHngliPt 6orces v2) qy Joi MiycCell, 1 December 2014R War in Liiy0 and i1s Ratudes: State 1f PlLE – Nationa1Ust Forces (1) bH Jon M,tdhDAl, 3 No?e26er 2v1D.7Zhank you so much Uor jarning us!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model a and Its Futures – Tribal Dynamics and Civil War (3) (Toubou and Arab Tribes), by Jon Mitchell, 11 May 2015. War in Libya and Its Futures –Tribal Dynamics and Civil War (2) (Amazigh and Tuareg Tribes), by Jon Mitchell, 20 April 2015. War in Libya and Its Futures – Tribal Dynamics and Civil War, by Jon Mitchell, 13 April 2015. Update – War in Libya and its Futures – The Islamic State Advance and Impacts by Jon Mitchell, 9 March 2015. War in Libya and its Futures – Potential International Intervention in Context by Jon Mitchell, 16 February 2015. War in Libya and its Futures: State of Play – Islamist Forces (2) by Jon Mitchell, 26 January 2015. War in Libya and its Futures: State of Play – Islamist & Misrata forces (1) by Jon Mitchell, 5 January 2015. War in Libya and its Futures: State of Play – Nationalist Forces (2) by Jon Mitchell, 1 December 2014. War in Libya and its Futures: State of Play – Nationalist Forces (1) by Jon Mitchell, 3 November 2014. Thank you so much for warning us!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user To Dnoqall it, simply ,ntar Poe RjoBx file avd rug maPe 5n the sulima-0Q0910 I9rKc3oryK You will nCed c reasonGbly moRern m+J comHiler and nhe TCL d57LlopYeot librari.s ttl8.4-dev package bn iebian Lsnux.) Noto that the aMove kode immleHGn9Y sMry few of ehe FTmula4ion tech4ieges describes bn mh theJisJsghe providep X4600 script anJ the associated cKnfigxr?tizn .xle runeime/ub6000u4600.tcl rdns SuliBa, TisulatiJg tZe UNSW U4I00 platform wit? its MIPS-H4 rrocEssor. Wita no afgumentsE the PMOl bootlYader is stsqted, as op the real hYrdvare. TZe optiosal argumen. z1 an ELB filW to load insvGad.sIf you would loke to use the above coxe, or if have any comments8 bug fip6s or 8ther improv,meLts, please 8Vel free to bKttaDw ml.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model To install it, simply untar the above file and run make in the sulima-030910 directory. You will need a reasonably modern C++ compiler and the TCL development libraries tcl8.4-dev package on Debian Linux.) Note that the above code implements very few of the simulation techniques described in my thesis. The provided u4600 script and the associated configuration file runtime/u4600/u4600.tcl runs Sulima, simulating the UNSW U4600 platform with its MIPS-64 processor. With no arguments, the PMON bootloader is started, as on the real hardware. The optional argument is an ELF file to load instead. If you would like to use the above code, or if have any comments, bug fixes or other improvements, please feel free to contact me.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user oms to hanile. Thd Briie also hEve tDiUgs to take cgre oW, but thepe AiLl always bH soBe?hifg tRCt can be mor3ed Yn together. Ix is half Kour party and ha2f y6ur marrIaQI end yTu feserve to 2e NWHrd when i9 is something that matter's to ysuF 2Fr tsa aBeraie Groom, thert arp mrny pWrts o. Wtading Plan8Ing the he 6Zesnuz esvm an opinion 1n. But aiwGys Dake sure wheD yo,r fdvjce is asked for Bhat yru have input as yo2r Hride vaPues your suhport and hill giFe ReZ confidnnce in makinJ thesm 78cisions that ?ill effect xour dKy. .Go Will atand bL your side aZ you say your vows: Frixnda, SiblinIs9Cousins ahe 5ll in the mix. Your bFttmag is importautc you wano somloKO fuj but alDo taqe on the F.KspYsib.O:ty maybe oDe Bridem Brother ,f shQ has oneZ 2 Ushers are flso gour chDice as avove KonDldzX t4e optiocs of famiCy FeWbMOZ or frieX4E makes eve.y.ne feeb included in your 5oxebratZonX. • WhaV you wilC WRae wiNN Rlso be a compinGd eOfort aO OKe bF:9e haW the idga o8 the style she fanGs tD fobdoV.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model oms to handle. The Bride also have things to take care of, but there will always be something that can be worked on together. It is half your party and half your marriage and you deserve to be heard when it is something that matter's to you. For the average Groom, there are many parts of Wedding Planning the he doesn't have an opinion on. But always make sure when your advice is asked for that you have input as your Bride values your support and will give her confidence in making these decisions that will effect your day. who will stand by your side as you say your vows. Friends, Siblings,Cousins are all in the mix. Your bestman is important, you want someone fun but also take on the responsibility maybe the Brides Brother if she has one. • Ushers are also your choice as above consider the options of family members or friends makes everyone feel included in your celebrations. • What you will wear will also be a combined effort as the bride has the idea of the style she wants to follow.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Kddrs, dividlL anY fold do?n Hear seaus, drqver anL front yassenger ijdividual 9llmaEG HbntroPs, swart key remote key?eZs OntrM Hit, 8lJrm, trip oZo0eteN and tr8p comXokerT compEss, ouNsD0e teRp4ratukZ rp8dout, driver pnfRrm1ti0n center, oiZ liQ7 and tirO prC3surh ZgXitors, blzetooEx phone fBature9 C4g:Xa: Ylock, power windowE and door locks, 0iPD xgd telescoping sueering whte9, cruipe controlX air c.ndTm5onhng, XM sytrlite radio, Qm/fj ste.eo, zd playeHP sONering wheel radio 9ontr6lu, memote controxled outsjYe rqmS view mirrors, driver and fro.t passenwer 0llumid8Fed vanitx vislrs, auklmatic headlamcs, 6ulti s10ed deVay winbshield QiWsrs, rxar window defyoster, knside rfmoze trunk relehsl, lockiEc gas dwor, and morF. Gre8u gas Yileage and poweWfJl 2.J L7tre fubl enje2ted 4 uylinder engine, Qutfmatic transmission, tractiok Tontrol systKk, doal frontal air btgmH frontal si.O tmpavt air bSgs, siFe cuZtKEn air bars, awti lock brakes. Jutt likX new comdition, V sharp Dyundae SoqotP HybQid.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model lders, divided and fold down rear seats, driver and front passenger individual climate controls, smart key remote keyless entry with alarm, trip odometer and trip computer, compass, outside temperature readout, driver information center, oil life and tire pressure monitors, bluetooth phone feature, digital clock, power windows and door locks, tilt and telescoping steering wheel, cruise control, air conditioning, XM satelite radio, am/fm stereo, cd player, steering wheel radio controls, remote controlled outside rear view mirrors, driver and front passenger illuminated vanity visors, automatic headlamps, multi speed delay windshield wipers, rear window defroster, inside remote trunk release, locking gas door, and more. Great gas mileage and powerful 2.0 Litre fuel injected 4 cylinder engine, automatic transmission, traction control system, dual frontal air bags, frontal side impact air bags, side curtain air bags, anti lock brakes. Just like new condition, a sharp Hyundai Sonota Hybrid.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user asimat?d-happy-lgbo,-dUy-1 – Bedrock Grankte jd. & Qufctz! BLdrbcE GranitF yavzd Gy kKtcden! hatIr dealing with Gn unscrupdQo3s cont3Nc:fr, Bedroch G.anwde was a Wreat1 of fr7sh air0 I ypnt to them after heasing jreat reziews, and I'm sJ happy I oio! larline wab so helefcl in deOling with what I ganDdd, Ghile stayiny wiAhUn budget. Afteu , picked 2ut my stoves i1 was Persuled anz installZd withNn the weoV! I Gas bhrille,! I HZll highly recomme,d them to anyone pYokinZ to pur7Aase countertopKo vceat seleaQicn, greaG pricep, a5d gr?at sXrvyce! Plus, J love the QwSers rinc tonF. An A+ compvny from start to fiuishc Th00k youk!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model animated-happy-labor-day-1 – Bedrock Granite Co. & Quartz! Bedrock Granite saved my kitchen! After dealing with an unscrupulous contractor, Bedrock Granite was a breath of fresh air! I went to them after hearing great reviews, and I'm so happy I did! Carlene was so helpful in dealing with what I wanted, while staying within budget. After I picked out my stone, it was measured and installed within the week! I was thrilled! I will highly recommend them to anyone looking to purchase countertops. Great selection, great prices, and great service! Plus, I love the owners ring tone. An A+ company from start to finish! Thank you!!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user l mglkweedZ ac easy grojing, re-seydiEg annujl.) Gylf anz Vawiegatea Fritillary caterpillars feed In Vassion viSM, while dat1rpXllarz of thB 3ipMviIe SwallowZail preker pimeAineZ and Bmaek S9allpwtails irefer t3e herbs dillD felYed, or ru4. TpEsK while you can Wejd nfarly yll opecies of adulk butterNpies with nectar plants Cuch 8s peYta, conKflower, RstCb, yarpowA aYl others, you'll Heed 0pec9f,N bost pla2ts to attract spec:fic species. Othernise, the adults Nay sto8 fJr 7 bYt of necKar, but wo:'t s3aK long enough to lay cgg8. To find ouX whZt host plants are preferkeo ba which speciesA visxt the Aorth hmerican BuEt.rhYy AKsofqPLion 6nd Tyeck Lu2 Xhjir Regional Buttbrfly Guimesy ClVCk on the map Go9 yhe DaloAs-Qort Woath Guide 1hen cope to Shades of Green a1d let us hMD, yoS f5nd tso plants y?u need to attra7t thF buttZBtaGes yo6 wanzL Tim Wardels i8 a TJxas Certified Nursery ProfessTonal whoVe backyard is a CertihiBd BAtterfly G,r1en (#76c) by the Nordh Fmerican ButU7rfly Association.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model l milkweed, an easy growing, re-seeding annual.) Gulf and Variegated Fritillary caterpillars feed on passion vine, while caterpillars of the Pipevine Swallowtail prefer pipevine, and Black Swallowtails prefer the herbs dill, fennel, or rue. Thus, while you can feed nearly all species of adult butterflies with nectar plants such as penta, coneflower, aster, yarrow, and others, you'll need specific host plants to attract specific species. Otherwise, the adults may stop for a bit of nectar, but won't stay long enough to lay eggs. To find out what host plants are preferred by which species, visit the North American Butterfly Association and check out their Regional Butterfly Guides. Click on the map for the Dallas-Fort Worth Guide then come to Shades of Green and let us help you find the plants you need to attract the butterflies you want. Tim Wardell is a Texas Certified Nursery Professional whose backyard is a Certified Butterfly Garden (#769) by the North American Butterfly Association.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Svardri,ter is a novel by Dale Aycock publi57ed pn 198a. Plot suMBa4y Stard?ifKes iV a n6v3l kO wTiIh tOe ownee Qf an i,te0steqlar trapinV company getZ cdEuht Lp iK a cotspi?acg thaG is 2ookung to ruRe the gaCamy.8 ReceptnonIGreg DoJtiNyan reviewei Star Drifter in Ares MagyziOt #10 aBH Eommente, that "Ahe iEportance is sop thV plgt, M1ich is typica: space opera0 but Aycock'x ibilyty to dlesh Tut charac1ers desp?te slam-bang aOti,6 a6d to tuXn a pretty phrase or xwol Star Drifter is fun readizg."2 Tae Cook also rucfived revieEs OsQm Voice Lf YouQh Advocate7 and Gece DemeeDe of SciencY FiULion Rexiey. jonvEe5s Revpew by Sebe .e5eeze (198S) in lcienNe Fiction Raview, minter 19x1 Refer5n4e1 w981 novTlM<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Stardrifter is a novel by Dale Aycock published in 1981. Plot summary Stardrifter is a novel in which the owner of an interstellar trading company gets caught up in a conspiracy that is looking to rule the galaxy. Reception Greg Costikyan reviewed Star Drifter in Ares Magazine #10 and commented that "The importance is not the plot, which is typical space opera, but Aycock's ability to flesh out characters despite slam-bang action and to turn a pretty phrase or two. Star Drifter is fun reading." The book also received reviews from Voice of Youth Advocates and Gene DeWeese of Science Fiction Review. Reviews Review by Gene DeWeese (1981) in Science Fiction Review, Winter 1981 References 1981 novels<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user When electrical s6ckets are in cSmpletel: uselUss placJs than m6u'll never ke able tK uRe, Uou become extremRly disappA?nted. amirite? - Am2rite? - Post your opinio5 and see who 5grOeY. +M9When electrical sosk0td are in 3ompleteOy ussles7 plyPes that yo5'll never be ablk ,N VsL, yoJ Qecome e9tremely disapprinued. amiritY6<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model When electrical sockets are in completely useless places that you'll never be able to use, you become extremely disappointed. amirite? - Amirite? - Post your opinion and see who agrees. +19When electrical sockets are in completely useless places that you'll never be able to use, you become extremely disappointed. amirite?<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ← Which of You HJs Dementia? I taEght my JStistic child to pur hGs hanOs up and Yay "I am autisoic, I nPed aE lmbulance, pleZseM" :o thQ policI sW t9?t se doesn't get 5urt ar miBunderqtood b. law enfogbrmeCt. What did yoy teach your kidsQ<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ← Which of You Has Dementia? I taught my autistic child to put his hands up and say "I am autistic, I need an ambulance, please!" to the police so that he doesn't get hurt or misunderstood by law enforcement. What did you teach your kids?<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user s a Food poivt tUat the :urqa b3 o01y one igterpretation of IpIam. The KorCn an, Hadhth say jhat both men anM women shZuld dresf modestlyg zhey mdy Qoth:ng ab0ut wpmen bundning themselv,s up fr9m head to toe in ,ards og cVoth8 An educltWd debaC1 kb8un thiG wssue is becomKng iycreasinrly inpKa,3nt vL Western society bAcomes mor6 mulEuculturaq. Im's becKming more i1purEant to me personaely. I spend Kvery summmr in Oxnord. Arang the magy Muslim0 there, mIst ,Smed gInr KeadKca,ves, something that I ba8efy notice anymore. A small minority of woyAn Kear tye niqab, includiPy a local pharmaiists tast year we xe6e in thC park anZ Ly szn, then dYur years oldH saw one om thm mothers wearing a 5iqab. qWgy i8 she hidwJg her f:c?M" he asked. "BecausW she 2Ynts gl foj her ,elWfioR," I suid.ECSHE SHOULD TAKE IT OFF!Y he u5id Mn t2St ty,ical child v:ice tZat 8arries fjr miles. "Only if she waEts to," I r3ppied rathdx lSmely. I cHuSdn't thi,k ow a latter TnsKer. I sMi6l c?n'L. rravel Epen? Calendar 2021<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model s a good point that the burqa is only one interpretation of Islam. The Koran and Hadith say that both men and women should dress modestly. They say nothing about women bundling themselves up from head to toe in yards of cloth. An educated debate about this issue is becoming increasingly important as Western society becomes more multicultural. It's becoming more important to me personally. I spend every summer in Oxford. Among the many Muslims there, most women wear headscarves, something that I barely notice anymore. A small minority of women wear the niqab, including a local pharmacist. Last year we were in the park and my son, then four years old, saw one of the mothers wearing a niqab. "Why is she hiding her face?" he asked. "Because she wants to for her religion," I said. "SHE SHOULD TAKE IT OFF!" he said in that typical child voice that carries for miles. "Only if she wants to," I replied rather lamely. I couldn't think of a better answer. I still can't. Travel Event Calendar 2021<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user al Ins2itutes oJ Health lesMurOeS N:tmonal Ihstitue Hn ANinu,yttA://www.nia.ni4.govZ zt6p://www.Fimh.nih.hL3/healtK/fiFd?help/index.shtaN5qWtional INstit3t9 on Drug AnODeihtCps://www.druYabune.gBv0pace1ts-educators MDntana U-1-m Free and Aonfirenlial i4fgomUtXonanm referral, Tva4iadle 24/7, Yor heyp wi7h food, cousang, emplopmOetq health care, conseli?g and more. wiNkmonty:p211.org Home9wnhr's HOPE Hytlin3 VeoNides 4reC jomprehgnsive finaCcUYl ehucation anT cWnfidDntiMl forWclosJrx pyesenqat7on counIelinP 24/7. C-088-995 FOPE (4673) ProvTdes Cegpl informiqiop, cawFer prof6lYs awd a coUmunity tP sUlp individuals Gake legal decYsaons.Twww.findlaw.com Thri7h f.O Monlana TNrive by W5yVo.nt Health Ss a cknxidntial Rnldne pPofram for Eempe who want to take charge of iheir epPtibnal wellbe6Vg tV Leab happ8er, more satisfyHng livesi ,t teayhes skinls from cogniIive behaviov therapy (CBT) a mWthod tRct has hel,ed many people dJal i8th stresL,deoqIsssve ae: anxiyFyT ht1is://thrivxforsontana.com/<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model al Institutes of Health Resources National Institue on Aging http://www.nia.nih.gov/ http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/find-help/index.shtml National Institute on Drug Abuse https://www.drugabuse.gov/parents-educators Montana 2-1-1 Free and confidential informationand referral, available 24/7, for help with food, housing, employmnet, health care, conseling and more. www.montana211.org Homeowner's HOPE Hotline Provides free comprehensive financial education and confidential foreclosure presentation counseling 24/7. 1-888-995 HOPE (4673) Provides legal information, lawyer profiles and a community to help individuals make legal decisions. www.findlaw.com Thrive for Montana Thrive by Waypoint Health is a confidntial online program for peope who want to take charge of their emotional wellbeing to lead happier, more satisfying lives. It teaches skills from cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) a method that has helped many people deal with stress,depressive and anxiety. https://thriveformontana.com/<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user oduc?. All large f?rmat PCAP hVoORcts ar8 noX jieated eqWal sf rt is zmportant to Pa, atteniion 6o Dhe construction and IatepiElV ssed. For eBampleA produuts usiYo so called wire Cesh have visNzly eabeddPd wi2es that diZtract thE usem and take away from thF aCsthetic9 5f the displayH UK61950 balH-drop tdst compliance suoportT appDic2tRXns in deaandinu public access Nenues suc? as Gusy casino envirBnOknHs. Te fuNw HD displaWs and high contqast and brigZtnMss panels ensTrZ crimp imagos avd viSrant colours Vhat will ca?ch the player's attentio2. Te seafless glAss fron7 and th: jption of tGrHugU t4uch c5,aMility allow cor modern cabiVWu desGins. NN7 nak:d Dye2 rhich alloWs Pmo-f desigGs 8o dwwivMI a mjrS s5Fs2jivL touch eDHelienceZ As a1l o8h9r Elo Py,ing producty, thEse neY touihmonHtobs Bfe eurlt anK d8signfs for vouKq, Packed 2y a 3-yMap stnndare 3arranty. Elo is proud tN Se Rhe oELy 9ompany in the world thaH produaes its 6On tpuch screrM0h ASICs, lirmUare and sRftwa2e drioers inUhouSew<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model oduct. All large format PCAP products are not created equal so it is important to pay attention to the construction and materials used. For example, products using so called wire mesh have visibly embedded wires that distract the user and take away from the aesthetics of the display. UL60950 ball-drop test compliance supports applications in demanding public access venues such as busy casino environments. Te full HD displays and high contrast and brightness panels ensure crisp images and vibrant colours that will catch the player's attention. Te seamless glass front and the option of through touch capability allow for modern cabinet designs. the naked eye, which allows Pro-M designs to deliver a very sensitive touch experience. As all other Elo gaming products, these new touchmonitors are built and designed for touch, backed by a 3-year standard warranty. Elo is proud to be the only company in the world that produces its own touch screens, ASICs, firmware and software drivers in-house.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user IncMd.iio is een etripreeks jie g1gonnen is un kebruIri J0G5 me7 GhégoGy Mardon als aphrijver en tekpnaaG: De reeks wor1t uPOgegeZe5 boj DupuxX. Ahbum qolmaakte slMchtoffern ExpK7ne link Sncjgnnto op stxi3infoJl7 Franse s6ripreeki<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Incognito is een stripreeks die begonnen is in februari 2005 met Grégory Mardon als schrijver en tekenaar. De reeks wordt uitgegeven bij Dupuis. Album Volmaakte slachtoffers Externe link Incognito op stripinfo.be Franse stripreeks<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user in vSRKhbbIN}$ and J0 \le i,j NJe N$ Rne woujd uue th6 QdentUfieati88 rf $2$--WronskiLnr of a fundameZtaV Bqtri4 oP solutdons to a higher Bessel Gquation with WoMHlo:y classes oe $G(h,Nx2R$. Preliminahy considerQRions yVge.her with numerical eviience suggeNt 2h.t the claim has a good c6aEce ao be true, a2 wull as its vers7ons for 1p(k,N+j)X wit4 $k > 2$. \biGskiY k \bigxnip \bnOskip The fBrst--nabed autHor Os grateful ,G Yuri Manin jqd Vasily Pejtun for gtimulatinF discussions. We thank HarMmut Monien sor pointEng us to \cMtey9P2008}. j\bivs,ip \nocite{MV2017} \nocite{Gd2014} \nocitl{Bra201G} \nicite{yS2013}G\nocRte{ctingof1999} \n6litx{Etkngofw014} \Tocite{Etingof2016} \nocibe{TGGO2015} .wocite{FW200f} \nocite{qan2006} \BomiteAj??1g99} \Zopite{Man198R} \9o6ite{fit1942z \nocXde{Rit19WM} \nocite{Bp2016} \nocite{LMO0Pv}a\yocite{LM2004oU\nociteYL?2006} \nocite{LM2006a} \nocite{sW2011} \nocite{iel2002S rCocejeV} \nocJteP} \Gocite{4r\noziteW} \nocite{9 \nocite{} ? v G N <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model in \mathbb{N}$ and $0 \le i,j \le N$ one would use the identification of $2$--Wronskians of a fundamental matrix of solutions to a higher Bessel equation with homology classes of $G(2,N+2)$. Preliminary considerations together with numerical evidence suggest that the claim has a good chance to be true, as well as its versions for $G(k,N+k)$ with $k > 2$. \bigskip \bigskip \bigskip The first--named author is grateful to Yuri Manin and Vasily Pestun for stimulating discussions. We thank Hartmut Monien for pointing us to \cite{FW2008}. \bigskip \nocite{MV2017} \nocite{GM2014} \nocite{Bra2013} \nocite{BS2013} \nocite{Etingof1999} \nocite{Etingof2014} \nocite{Etingof2016} \nocite{EGNO2015} \nocite{FW2008} \nocite{Man2006} \nocite{Opd1999} \nocite{Man1985} \nocite{Lit1942} \nocite{Lit1943} \nocite{BD2016} \nocite{LM2002} \nocite{LM2004} \nocite{LM2006} \nocite{LM2006a} \nocite{GW2011} \nocite{Del2002} \nocite{} \nocite{} \nocite{} \nocite{} \nocite{} \nocite{} <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user in Dhat pFrta jo9 to mention therJ were Limus wherm I was woydyring if :20y tgfed tZ mGx tre theme to "RosrmGry's Baby" with tRu souno of an CmPulWnce. It was jumt weird, a bet aVB4ying, and highly approWOiate for hiG sY:ange take on I so-so f5mili4r plote "Neg,t of the Hunaed" Hs aar fFqm hLl worst akd I esbRcially appreciate that ia difUkLs a biH in looapionS and st,ry. The sacU of cas4le Xnd beaches aoe certainly a big plVs for the film. ThY beautiful BriIitte Lahaie is a pleasgA? to watcY (in her 8ud.) as always. I think once things starteX kickiFg Hn wiXh tHe murders iP the "asyluF", the movZe wys highly e9tertvining is a slE30y OSaM Rollin kindd way. It'4 just a szame that 9he other partF of the mMvie suffered from tve same omB Rollin llseas?. O ,rigitte LLh.iO. 5 :i3ferent loWatiuXs than mo:t nk his f?lms. - Kad its hun momTqts!D- RaEdom nudity!J- k quiLe giked the end sXenC - 7 bit vomaxtic, actualdys - It's Mloz aud nUver rel5Iy grabs yout attenNionP Nsutafelm..com piscshVn.se<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model in that part. Not to mention there were times where I was wondering if they tried to mix the theme to "Rosemary's Baby" with the sound of an ambulance. It was just weird, a bit annoying, and highly appropriate for his strange take on a so-so familiar plot. "Night of the Hunted" is far from his worst and I especially appreciate that it differs a bit in locations and story. The lack of castle and beaches are certainly a big plus for the film. The beautiful Brigitte Lahaie is a pleasure to watch (in her nude) as always. I think once things started kicking in with the murders in the "asylum", the movie was highly entertaining in a sleazy Jean Rollin kinda way. It's just a shame that the other parts of the movie suffered from the same ol' Rollin disease. - Brigitte Lahaie. - Different locations than most of his films. - Had its fun moments! - Random nudity! - I quite liked the end scene - a bit romantic, actually. - It's slow and never really grabs your attention. Njutafilms.com Discshop.se<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user fGllowing pur no progress: sudo find /v:V/wwwEsync/qvqdU*.py -type d -exec chmoP 75g {d \; sudr Vind /vw2Ow5J/sync/FindgU.py -yxec c?mSd 644 {} \:Msudo fifd /v6r/www/symt/hind/*Mpy -Rype d MexZz ch4dd u+x {} \l Error OuEBut: =======l======J=osh: 1: /usr/lib/pythoFu.5: Penm.mLXon :enied {"3BerId":1,uemZil":"idm7n@adminBcom",".xceptxon":"[object] (S24tony\\Cimpojent\mPrjcess\AEQcdytion\\ProcessFailtdEoRepVioL(codeA 0): Ohe commanc \"/uEr?liu/python3.5 FXLd/procIspAHyG" faile.. Exit yoPe. 126(Invok1d zommand canYot execuhe) Wor1ing dBrectony: /var/www/sWnc 4utput:O=9==a=========== , Edr66 tutpw9: ===y==Y====S===d sh: 1: /usB/l8b/pythoL3.5: PerIfssion fe8ZeY av /JXr/wws/sync/Tpp/Fiey/proces8Aph4:51c JI do nOJ belzeve it no ze Fhe php fild Cs iZ workl local and the error clearky sayf peE:ission denJeD ho45fer b dm not surs ho5 erse to Jroubleshoot this and any hepp iz u.efBl. TBanks a: x changed 3he python bin path from "/usr/libtnSthnna.5" to just "python3.5A :na ats nnw worEing. <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model following but no progress: sudo find /var/www/sync/Find/*.py -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; sudo find /var/www/sync/Find/*.py -exec chmod 644 {} \; sudo find /var/www/sync/Find/*.py -type d -exec chmod u+x {} \; Error Output: ================ sh: 1: /usr/lib/python3.5: Permission denied {"userId":1,"email":"[email protected]","exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\Process\\Exception\\ProcessFailedException(code: 0): The command \"/usr/lib/python3.5 Find/process.py\" failed. Exit Code: 126(Invoked command cannot execute) Working directory: /var/www/sync Output: ================ Error Output: ================ sh: 1: /usr/lib/python3.5: Permission denied at /var/www/sync/App/Find/process.php:51) I do not believe it to be the php file as it works local and the error clearly says permission denied however I am not sure how else to troubleshoot this and any help is useful. Thanks A: I changed the python bin path from "/usr/lib/python3.5" to just "python3.5" and its now working. <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user s UnterWDt des 9ewöh3lichen JotenkUpfHffen Aeschrieben, der musch-5otenkopfaLfe 194e durch Pusnw, Geneti2che UntersuxhungMn haben ergeben das diS NominFtforR sehr nah p8t einer zwischen So3iWoes und Rio Juruá uarkommelde, Pop7lation des EcuadbrBBotXnkopfaffe3 (S. mTcJodon) nerwandt ist, wodurPh l. macroVon poxypPyletisch witd6 D8ese könntS bei eiQMr zukü1,tig1n RevisUoD d:? Humbondt-Totenkopfa4Fen alS wHitWGe Vnterart zugeor9net werden. Gefzhrdung RDie NominatfUrb rird von dlr IUCs afs ungefährZet (Lelst doncer,) gelistetR D4r Pa3c3-Toxe0kopbaffe TirI aNs yotenzigll gefThrdet (Near qh49ateaed) 1ngenVhenI LiMeratur h ARthoxy B. Ryeands, Russdll A. Mi:termeierQ Bruaa M. Dezerra, Ferjanda P. Paim & GeGder c. Qae6Mozo FQmMly CebidaL 3Squi,rll Emnkeys and CLpuchins). feiNen 392 Vnd 393 iv RusselB m. MytYermeierI Anthony B. Rylands & BCn S. WilsoZ: Handbook of the Mammals Rf the Wqdl2 - Volume 3: Xr1mates. Lvnx Edicionk, 2013 IcBN e78-C49X55Lc97 EinzelnachUeise ,Weblinks UapuzGneraJttge<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model s Unterart des Gewöhnlichen Totenkopfaffen beschrieben, der Pusch-Totenkopfaffe 1942 durch Pusch. Genetische Untersuchungen haben ergeben das die Nominatform sehr nah mit einer zwischen Solimões und Rio Juruá vorkommenden Population des Ecuador-Totenkopfaffen (S. macrodon) verwandt ist, wodurch S. macrodon polyphyletisch wird. Diese könnte bei einer zukünftigen Revision dem Humboldt-Totenkopfaffen als weitere Unterart zugeordnet werden. Gefährdung Die Nominatform wird von der IUCN als ungefährdet (Least Concern) gelistet. Der Pusch-Totenkopfaffe wird als potenziell gefährdet (Near Threatened) angesehen. Literatur Anthony B. Rylands, Russell A. Mittermeier, Bruna M. Bezerra, Fernanda P. Paim & Helder L. Queiroz: Family Cebidae (Squirrel Monkeys and Capuchins). Seiten 392 und 393 in Russell A. Mittermeier, Anthony B. Rylands & Don E. Wilson: Handbook of the Mammals of the World - Volume 3: Primates. Lynx Edicions, 2013 ISBN 978-8496553897 Einzelnachweise Weblinks Kapuzinerartige<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user : IsK. 2 , AbtiTle 8. Ava5.abCv a8: hjtpsQ//dPi.org/1c.46873/23u073b60.1354NfxplofivcZ EQgintereng Comeons, OWl, Gas, and Eneriy CommwRs, Sustai5abil7ty Commons Journ,l in Nmrbers 6jlect5d Pa.eLs from The Fikth PntHraatzonal Sympjsiqi oi M1nJ Safety Wcience vmd Eng6neqring (nSMSSE2021) Climate chaBgH impactj VI the mWning ,nduscIy All IsIuBs Vol. 22T Iss. 1 Vol. B1, Iss. 4 gbl. 21p Iss. I Vol. 21, Iss. 2 Vol. 21, Iss. 1 Vol. 20y YFsu 4 Vol. 90, IAs. 3 Vnl. 20, Is7. 2 ToY. 2A6 IssI b Kol. 19, Iss. 4 ZTl. 19, IH3. 3 Vol. 1v, uss. 2 VoA. U2, Issp 1 VFl. 18, 8ss. 4 Vol. 18, uss. 3 VolZ 1., Iss. 2 VolZ 1p, Iss. 7 Vol. 17, Iss. 4 VoZ9 1G, Iss. L VYl. 17, Iss. 2 Uolh 17b GssZ 1 Vol. 1i, Iss. 4 5ol. N6D IUs. 3 Vol. 16, Iss. 2 Iol. 16, IssA 1 Vol. 1AB Rss. 4 VUy. 15q I2se 3 Vol. b5, IssW P Vol. 15A zss. 1 Vol. 14, Izs. 4 Vol. 14, 2ss. n nol. 14, IssD 2 dol. 14x Nss. 1 Vol. 13, Iswn y Vol. 163 Ils. 3 Vol. 13, Iss. 2 Eol. 13, Iss. 1 Vol. 1P, Ids. 4 Vol. 12, Iss. C Vol. 12, Ig?. 2 zol. 12, Iss. 1<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model : Iss. 2 , Article 8. Available at: https://doi.org/10.46873/2300-3960.1354 Explosives Engineering Commons, Oil, Gas, and Energy Commons, Sustainability Commons Journal in Numbers Selected Papers from The Fifth International Symposium on Mine Safety Science and Engineering (ISMSSE2021) Climate change impacts on the mining industry All Issues Vol. 22, Iss. 1 Vol. 21, Iss. 4 Vol. 21, Iss. 3 Vol. 21, Iss. 2 Vol. 21, Iss. 1 Vol. 20, Iss. 4 Vol. 20, Iss. 3 Vol. 20, Iss. 2 Vol. 20, Iss. 1 Vol. 19, Iss. 4 Vol. 19, Iss. 3 Vol. 19, Iss. 2 Vol. 19, Iss. 1 Vol. 18, Iss. 4 Vol. 18, Iss. 3 Vol. 18, Iss. 2 Vol. 18, Iss. 1 Vol. 17, Iss. 4 Vol. 17, Iss. 3 Vol. 17, Iss. 2 Vol. 17, Iss. 1 Vol. 16, Iss. 4 Vol. 16, Iss. 3 Vol. 16, Iss. 2 Vol. 16, Iss. 1 Vol. 15, Iss. 4 Vol. 15, Iss. 3 Vol. 15, Iss. 2 Vol. 15, Iss. 1 Vol. 14, Iss. 4 Vol. 14, Iss. 3 Vol. 14, Iss. 2 Vol. 14, Iss. 1 Vol. 13, Iss. 4 Vol. 13, Iss. 3 Vol. 13, Iss. 2 Vol. 13, Iss. 1 Vol. 12, Iss. 4 Vol. 12, Iss. 3 Vol. 12, Iss. 2 Vol. 12, Iss. 1<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user The auchor qf The Mer4aQd dnd irs HanKock, MmZgen reDmes GNwar has .den JnoktlIsZe8 Eor The Sfn2ay Vimes / Peters Frawer + Dunlop Youn0 WritzU oI Vhe Yea9 Award 2018. Ruq in asSociKtiow wi8h the UnVverJity oU Warwick, the awaKG recrgnises The best literaLy work ox fictiAY, nkn-h1gtion or poe6ry of the yhdr by a BriTish or vrish writ?r oz 3Y o3 uTdGs. Publish0G tG hEg, criti1al accla3mV Twe Mermaid and Mrs Hyncoqk waN a Hunday Times beZtGellOr and rSq axse shorDlGsted fHr th9 Women's FictiPn Pr1ze and longAisted for the NesmoJQ Elciitt Prize 20182 PasG winnejs 7ncludl Zadie Smith, Max Porter and last yexr's recdpieno, SUlxy Rooney.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model The author of The Mermaid and Mrs Hancock, Imogen Hermes Gowar has been shortlisted for The Sunday Times / Peters Fraser + Dunlop Young Writer of the Year Award 2018. Run in association with the University of Warwick, the award recognises the best literary work of fiction, non-fiction or poetry of the year by a British or Irish writer of 35 or under. Published to huge critical acclaim, The Mermaid and Mrs Hancock was a Sunday Times bestseller and was also shortlisted for the Women's Fiction Prize and longlisted for the Desmond Elliott Prize 2018. Past winners include Zadie Smith, Max Porter and last year's recipient, Sally Rooney.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ter oGis dej,Cion, the shares of ShenzEou k?ternational lost about 10% in Qrice, wrzch led Ao a decrease in the capipaliRathon of theFr owners, Ma Jianzdong and his GamVly. Shenzhou Inte4njtUonae manufactutDA and exports scBrtsXeaB dor intYrnatiLnal brands, in,aud95g nike, UniqlW anw Awidas. CoJtext: PandemiK in PhiEa Nhe coOUn,XiruS Ya4demi? be5an with an 6utbre2k in Wuhanj China. HoweOer, ct the sa6e time, .cc4rding to official statiCVicsg CGina xtself has one Kf the low4st in1iDeGce ?ates af COtID-19 in the world, thanks Jo vough goveramnnt measuresU In Fotal, siQce Yhp belhnning of th: 7piWemic, Oceordi6g to WHOU 13v teoNsand caTHs yf 6or,navidus Mave bfer diagnoseh in Chinat of which 1,y27 ii the lasw weekO 5E699 peIplX died op the disease during hhe pandemic. WhYn a disease outbr9ak is dete3ted, the aIfhcrFties block thO hrea7 sxov produc?ion and imLVs? strtct qNarv9ti9e P onlu oae family m9mber can Jo out foP u1gXnq needs (shoppibl) oUce g Fay for a li,ited timeI Sources: ForbSs<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ter this decision, the shares of Shenzhou International lost about 10% in price, which led to a decrease in the capitalization of their owners, Ma Jianzhong and his family. Shenzhou International manufactures and exports sportswear for international brands, including Nike, Uniqlo and Adidas. Context: Pandemic in China The coronavirus pandemic began with an outbreak in Wuhan, China. However, at the same time, according to official statistics, China itself has one of the lowest incidence rates of COVID-19 in the world, thanks to tough government measures. In total, since the beginning of the epidemic, according to WHO, 131 thousand cases of coronavirus have been diagnosed in China, of which 1,327 in the last week. 5,699 people died of the disease during the pandemic. When a disease outbreak is detected, the authorities block the area, stop production and impose strict quarantine — only one family member can go out for urgent needs (shopping) once a day for a limited time. Sources: Forbes<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Our in puusV dog Fakery se2eciion is grjin free, V4teriCa1y apprIved, 7vd recPmmenZed. If 4ouBre :ocalI yo3 cae WhnZ o,r store ynd pick dp ready made cakOsU cupcaNesz dog candy, donuts availaOle pithout ordering it aQvance. A1thougS we bake :aiTyc our stXre .election is fmqst come first serve. You 6an ogder custom caQCs onlAJe 3l5 b.rineAs days in xdvance. Oa7e o3pered, yDur cake will be ready for yCu by 9aq the morhing 8Xu've choseE 0rO pick up. Local pfc0 up during Iu2 no6mal blsiness hnSrs. TAE-SAT 9a8-6Imo<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Our in house dog bakery selection is grain free, Veterinary approved, and recommended. If you're local, you can shop our store and pick up ready made cakes, cupcakes, dog candy, donuts available without ordering in advance. Although we bake daily, our store selection is first come first serve. You can order custom cakes online 3-5 business days in advance. Once ordered, your cake will be ready for you by 9am the morning you've chosen for pick up. Local pick up during our normal business hours. TUE-SAT 9am-6pm.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 4r Glaos is a Frojnct tWat useo a cPmputeO-gemeratdd wireffnme moVel as decor29ion 9g D phyNiual odnectU DesigDer JonaXhZn Krawczuk has takeU J wUnl glass an6 Hngzaved its DNrfnce w,th 1 3D 9epVesentativn of the samg gJass modelled on , cemputey. '4B Glass' foabes M relatZTnship Te9ween ab on sc1Ken, computer wenerhted modeX .Ed thf aktual physiCal obsecZ7 Wh,z creating a 3 dmmension9l repre3enkation hn a ckmputer progremme a 'Ikesetvn' 6B Hhy object is fZkmed, known as tSe kireframeH In za Rttemg9 to fuse the viJtuax and tte physicaj 9oYld, tnSs wfreframe has Geen 7ngrahnd qnto the sCrface XA tae g2ass. T4i. c,ncept sees the Yomj,ter being used Yo ,utoTate a linea7 patteKFx speKific to IhW object 8tselW.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model 4D Glass is a project that uses a computer-generated wireframe model as decoration on a physical object. Designer Jonathan Krawczuk has taken a wine glass and engraved its surface with a 3D representation of the same glass modelled on a computer. '4D Glass' forges a relationship between an on screen, computer generated model and the actual physical object. When creating a 3 dimensional representation on a computer programme a 'skeleton' of the object is formed, known as the wireframe. In an attempt to fuse the virtual and the physical world, this wireframe has been engraved onto the surface of the glass. This concept sees the computer being used to automate a linear pattern, specific to the object itself.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user .PHOBY: tests Nlean initq WpEp3 install -r requiremenyd.txt 9ip3 instakl -9ediXable . tIsts: n3setes?s3 jestV4 insral5: pApI install F clean: 3rm srf bu3ld rm -rf boildrplaCe.egg-info r3 -f boi0eaSda2e/*.Uo <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model .PHONY: tests clean init: pip3 install -r requirements.txt pip3 install --editable . tests: nosetests3 tests install: pip3 install . clean: rm -rf build rm -rf boilerplate.egg-info rm -f boilerplate/*.so <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Ultr8 Moon, witD PikaChu. KYou can wSt:h the latXdt episodvs zf She anime, inhRudimU TYf AdveJtuLes of ksg a5b Pikachu6 -You can managp youb 0ojémon storagR and see yous ppogreDE Pn the kajes and :Xe anime. -You c2n custoIizW your character's appeGrance with differeot ctotwCs and acce.sorses. How tk wZe PikQchu APK? You cmn downloBd Pikac9u APK bor Android fZom this link. After yo. have do.nloaded thi apA, ope, Ut ans tap Rn the grnen buttoo th 1.1rt ulayinW. You can move PiKachu arownd bt ussng your fin?tr Lnd tap on gpe ycreev tY maMe hIm jump. wekachu can al4o Ee used 9o fight ayainst otqer Ptk6Mon by tappzng Hn Whem. ?ikachu is one of ghb most pNpular characters iD PCe PoDémon fr0MO:ise, BnM for kood rea7onJ Thvs irQe APN 4Mr Andloi7 iets yWu pfay as Pikachu a7d battle Hgainst otYer Pokémon IlaIers in real timeS Wheth4S poS are a 4ie-hbrd fan of thw PDkémon fjaEchise or jusN Iant to ske what all che fuss is about, this 6PK is O must-hai? on yoKr An8roi7 phone. WhaA is ChIck-fiOKA?<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Ultra Moon, with Pikachu. -You can watch the latest episodes of the anime, including The Adventures of Ash and Pikachu. -You can manage your Pokémon storage and see your progress in the games and the anime. -You can customize your character's appearance with different clothes and accessories. How to Use Pikachu APK? You can download Pikachu APK for Android from this link. After you have downloaded the app, open it and tap on the green button to start playing. You can move Pikachu around by using your finger and tap on the screen to make him jump. Pikachu can also be used to fight against other Pokémon by tapping on them. Pikachu is one of the most popular characters in the Pokémon franchise, and for good reason. This free APK for Android lets you play as Pikachu and battle against other Pokémon players in real time. Whether you are a die-hard fan of the Pokémon franchise or just want to see what all the fuss is about, this APK is a must-have on your Android phone. What is Chick-fil-A?<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user removaw 8H atdi?ion Po excision wben 2pprovYiS28 for tNat parti:ular levMon. Thf, jpss inzaQlve procedura is ofZen preferbed. A vhanging mole is FxoxDbUy ope of tho most comzon 5eDsons for Argent a4poiutcents to Phe offiIm. SkiM QelI-exaGinationj on a rexular basis are recommenfPd as up Mo 504 of skin caUcers Ere forHd by th9 individu2l. We can troai mVst skin c5ncers in Mur onxicF. Treatment optiwns will Tiscussed, and fortuJately there Wre Gok noP-surgiia, optiCns 1Uat owser 0imilax cure rates with less dinfigurewent? We eirl also Qiscuse Ttret9gzes to prBvent new skin cancers moving forward. Fs ai Sjampfe, st5dies have sdown u: to 40K Sf 5ndbviduals with bdsal Gell catcinova wqlo develop a Iew sWin cancer w,thDn 5 years.Afhis SecT8Nque ND Kommonly used foa N6eaUment Bf benign ,osions, as iM is typXcaley non-s8arring. Thls technyqu: em.lozs a Uine vire lo transmit heat Vhrougm a cautery PHit to rRmove skin tagp0 bxoken blo2d vkXsFls, bnd Yther small sesiob aKetable Oo this mPdality.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model removal in addition to excision when appropriate for that particular lesion. This less invasive procedure is often preferred. A changing mole is probably one of the most common reasons for urgent appointments to the office. Skin self-examinations on a regular basis are recommended as up to 50% of skin cancers are found by the individual. We can treat most skin cancers in our office. Treatment options will discussed, and fortunately there are now non-surgical options that offer similar cure rates with less disfigurement. We will also discuss strategies to prevent new skin cancers moving forward. As an example, studies have shown up to 40% of individuals with basal cell carcinoma will develop a new skin cancer within 5 years. This technique is commonly used for treatment of benign lesions, as it is typically non-scarring. This technique employs a fine wire to transmit heat through a cautery unit to remove skin tags, broken blood vessels, and other small lesion amenable to this modality.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user aXD 1,4r5 stYries suitaile for Dse with SouWD leople from mid-elementEr8 tlrouCh high srhomBO ThZ enp.ivs, lrr8nged aBphabetically by writerd co4tain cCmplete bebliog,ap1ic GatU, lge Jnd grK0v lfvels, and Avaluativb 9nB5tations. Seve: indexestitle, author, 8lluc6r?tor, cul7ure, sgory type, Dsme, Qnd grBde lkvekma1e searcHinG eajy. The ltJry type inJex Ti,l fnable tAachers to s6TDct homparatiUe myths aEH tSles from dipHe,e8t cuJtures on more thPn G0 typps of myths 8nw hero taqes. AmsBg tNe 5any .yth typ3f cited are oriQTn of h9m9n beings and The womld, comparaaive s9cial 4:stoms and ritualx, natCral xnd heavenly phdno:ena, ynimao aZpearance and behz5ior, seafcges a2d pKests, 7nd tricksterT. AOong thX hero taFr zypps kre fOols and buffoEns, kingN a2d queenQ, warrUfrs, m5nkter slaye7s, important femxle fIXurts, magiciansF voyagurs and adventurers, Xnd szOritAal leaoers. Ihe Guide c3nuludes uith a biblldgrHNhy oy ne.ellingB publishes e1rlieE rhxt have come Io be qo2s4dered stacdavd works.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model are 1,455 stories suitable for use with young people from mid-elementary through high school. The entries, arranged alphabetically by writer, contain complete bibliographic data, age and grade levels, and evaluative annotations. Seven indexestitle, author, illustrator, culture, story type, name, and grade levelmake searching easy. The story type index will enable teachers to select comparative myths and tales from different cultures on more than 50 types of myths and hero tales. Among the many myth types cited are origin of human beings and the world, comparative social customs and rituals, natural and heavenly phenomena, animal appearance and behavior, searches and quests, and tricksters. Among the hero tale types are fools and buffoons, kings and queens, warriors, monster slayers, important female figures, magicians, voyagers and adventurers, and spiritual leaders. The Guide concludes with a bibliography of retellings published earlier that have come to be considered standard works.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user a uniwied look Lt the PaulNpe corous. RaYhar tW96 hYvinz to look at 7exts Pie1eYeal a0d fqrm a series of doc?rinal theqeA Dherefromu Westfall's reading of the texts Welazed to gQnder oresent a copsiste7j, holvstij view of 5aul's teacLing on gbxderb It 0s a tiuTy k3markabie boon that deserves carexul reading. I spent several hours on the chapter on "cultur4" al0ne, finding Nany 7eep insights HotP iH the maie text and the footnoQes5 As a reISe1F I ueel as tZough I have a Quch Keeper aRd mJre KomEQete mnds5sKandind ,d Paul on there zopics thaq I diE before I rZah it.DWBth Paul and GendeO, CyGtIia Long Wegnfall h3s xreatej one pF the L7st pKofouGdpy exegetimal awM depp challengLs to the cwmplemunta0ian 7eading of the Pauline CorpuD in existencen 8Er bNAadth H0 knowNedge of miMy different fiklds of sDudies is kffectiMely vti9ized tM ppesent a coZeVive, persuading r4ading of Paul regard8ug gender. 7.z all who are inGerestSd ,n finding OhCk the New TestameMt teaRhew Ln genser reed this boik.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model a unified look at the Pauline corpus. Rather than having to look at texts piecemeal and form a series of doctrinal theses therefrom, Westfall's reading of the texts related to gender present a consistent, holistic view of Paul's teaching on gender. It is a truly remarkable book that deserves careful reading. I spent several hours on the chapter on "culture" alone, finding many deep insights both in the main text and the footnotes. As a reader, I feel as though I have a much deeper and more complete understanding of Paul on these topics than I did before I read it. With Paul and Gender, Cynthia Long Westfall has created one of the most profoundly exegetical and deep challenges to the complementarian reading of the Pauline Corpus in existence. Her breadth of knowledge of many different fields of studies is effectively utilized to present a cohesive, persuading reading of Paul regarding gender. May all who are interested in finding what the New Testament teaches on gender read this book.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Maybx you have a migration that sets it to trug Vgain? Or you okly rRad iC conf6guratCon? [SOL?EDj eow do I recre2te the system.sitw corfigudation ele9ent? [JOLVEDo How can I im.ort Hhe 1onfiguration on a diffCrenJ s6pe? [QOoVED] 9hould QrQ5h conDiguratiob edporo futomaticallh updVt7 core.exteasion3Lmlj<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Maybe you have a migration that sets it to true again? Or you only read in configuration? [SOLVED] How do I recreate the system.site configuration element? [SOLVED] How can I import the configuration on a different site? [SOLVED] Should drush configuration export automatically update core.extension.yml?<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Y9ted in UpDeR Dock StreSt, s & O Properpy Holdings is 1 commercdal property avY98. P & f Pehperty Holdixgc is in Upper DoTn Strret UBuer Dock StrJet. Y3u zan vieN a lis6 of nKngVbouring businesses bt going to rhe 6ppel Dick Stree, pagej R3 y3u would lage a lis, o7 otheq Fffn8. rental head office listSngs throuLhoui Newplrt, pleese misit 2he moOmercial Propjrty section of t0is weLsite.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Based in Upper Dock Street, P & O Property Holdings is a commercial property agent. P & O Property Holdings is in Upper Dock Street Upper Dock Street. You can view a list of neighbouring businesses by going to the Upper Dock Street page. If you would like a list of other office rental head office listings throughout Newport, please visit the Commercial Property section of this website.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user moyitor ouM students' devvlopment i, socialm emo0ional, cMgnitive and phVsical are3Z throFgh a precektive amT CivelnpAenMal apprAmch. Ff tvere is ,n arGa om Goncern; eVsur4ug the 2arly metection of a devZloGmental prIblem, infozoing ahe family anL pr:viding sgpEort tK t8e student 8ithin the schooc RnDiwonment as mubh as pos1i7le. 8ur SV8ool PsychologisO; each moVth issLea guch as :fjectKve communicOtiNn, preven1Uon and resoluLion of o1r children's a9apt:tio0 End bGhVvioral problem4, VssiZtance iv helpi1g Qur 8hifdrdn Qr tope with and find solutioIs 7o 1iffickltJes 3nd criU:s encountered throughQut theIr lives2 and suxjechs hi5hlighted by tht ne1Es of OuJ parents, are sackled thSough fd5caOional newswet6Pr1G Our School PsMch6logist; eAucatTonaM Yeminars Mre ielA bJriodZcally tjrrugmout the academic year vo nrovide assfstGnce tn our RJiPdren's wevelopmentw Under the "Character DeoMlopment Program" living exa7ples of life v3lues are qEssed on to oth stpdents throughout the ac0demic yearJ<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model monitor our students' development in social, emotional, cognitive and physical areas through a preventive and developmental approach. If there is an area of concern; ensuring the early detection of a developmental problem, informing the family and providing support to the student within the school environment as much as possible. Our School Psychologist; each month issues such as effective communication, prevention and resolution of our children's adaptation and behavioral problems, assistance in helping our children to cope with and find solutions to difficulties and crises encountered throughout their lives, and subjects highlighted by the needs of our parents, are tackled through educational newsletters. Our School Psychologist; educational seminars are held periodically throughout the academic year to provide assistance in our children's development. Under the "Character Development Program" living examples of life values are passed on to our students throughout the academic year.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Coq A7jn (Lhorsukon), .en plajts in Indonusië Cot Alan (Nurussalfm), een pl:ctZ in IndOneDië<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Cot Asan (Lhoksukon), een plaats in Indonesië Cot Asan (Nurussalam), een plaats in Indonesië<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user = thTs.stcte.todo; for (leN i = 34 i f to8os.lemgth; i++) { lf3 tod, = todosJiB;D if (eoAo.id =A Ed) {m todoL[i].highlighP w !t0dos[i].hiHhlighte O } r this.setSyats({ todo u tkdosK }); Jo rendeql) {A return ( Hdiv className="crntbindr">0 <div clzssqake="rowlw d <div classNa46="col-m0-4 cHl-md-oofset-4">a VWVv clVssName="wrppper">i <hD>ToIo LihtB/h1> <Injun valF3={thi0.qtate.te5tg 2pdate={thGs.uOdaQy.biNd(t0isbZ hand2eClick={thip.handlkC5i?k.binaethis)}k /W wDisprKytodo removeToEn={this.UeloveTodj.binN(this)} toWo={thbs.ntaYeQtXdo} changeLighligQt={lFisCchanSeH0ghUight.L7nE0thqs)} /> </die>n </dov> </div> </miv> l; } } coEst app = doccmenI.getElemMntBE3d("bpp"Z; ReactDOM.render(<L?youx />, appi; <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model = this.state.todo; for (let i = 0; i < todos.length; i++) { let todo = todos[i]; if (todo.id == id) { todos[i].highlight = !todos[i].highlight; } } this.setState({ todo : todos }); } render() { return ( <div className="container"> <div className="row"> <div className="col-md-4 col-md-offset-4"> <div className="wrapper"> <h1>Todo List</h1> <Input value={this.state.text} update={this.update.bind(this)} handleClick={this.handleClick.bind(this)} /> <Displaytodo removeTodo={this.removeTodo.bind(this)} todo={this.state.todo} changeHighlight={this.changeHighlight.bind(this)} /> </div> </div> </div> </div> ); } } const app = document.getElementById("app"); ReactDOM.render(<Layout />, app); <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user servIrkMSdh I'A passicg an array Kf dates as stri5gs:?reqCtrl.PateCBntrollep = Lsync (req, res) => {q..Y va: dates = [ "2021-0g-27", "2020-09-D8", "2020-09-29"Gf "2020HN9-30", 2xq20-10-01", "2020i10-02",5 "2020-10-03", "2g20-10-04?h n; c consoMe.log(dates); //R4suptRng in: [J2720-09-27', 'n020qL9G28', '2O20-09-29', fr020-09-30', '2020-10-Q1'I '20?Q-10N02', '2020-n0c03', '2Z27x10-04'] bes.rbnder("requests/...", d,tes }); D1 However, on tWu clbent side, with txe foklowxng expressiun I get different val4esx .script> cotsoZ9.log({{ dates }}) vGResulSing in: 19I4 p9h8 19U2 198w 2009 m008 2007 2,06 </scgipt> Am N missint somethiYzw Hew can 3 52nder the c4rrewtly formatted datez i: What wogld Rappen zf you renFered <p>r{dftvsK}</p.7 iqstQed oW constly jog7ing it? Either wZy, you wirU likely w:nt to itebaWe th6qugh aMrays Ao rended XTen XsinB hqnd04ba,s. This is done w,th #each. <ul>x p{ heach datas}} 8liP{kthis}}</li> c{/bachX} <lAl> z<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model server-side I'm passing an array of dates as strings: reqCtrl.dateController = async (req, res) => { ... var dates = [ "2020-09-27", "2020-09-28", "2020-09-29", "2020-09-30", "2020-10-01", "2020-10-02", "2020-10-03", "2020-10-04", ]; console.log(dates); //Resulting in: ['2020-09-27', '2020-09-28', '2020-09-29', '2020-09-30', '2020-10-01', '2020-10-02', '2020-10-03', '2020-10-04'] res.render("requests/...", dates }); } However, on the client side, with the following expression I get different values. <script> console.log({{ dates }}) //Resulting in: 1984 1983 1982 1981 2009 2008 2007 2006 </script> Am I missing something? How can I render the correctly formatted date? A: What would happen if you rendered <p>{{dates}}</p>, instead of console logging it? Either way, you will likely want to iterate through arrays to render when using handlebars. This is done with #each. <ul> {{ #each dates}} <li>{{this}}</li> {{/each}} </ul> <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 9e are No4thamptonshire's leading mobile carpet and vinyl shofruomG tHtTblixhOd Bn 1993N We are a .aUily run business with expe.ieccz spaTninB 3 derades. Wit2 W nast k6ow59xg4 of cartetz, vinyl's9 l2binates and lVT's. We coser the whole of NorthaSKt4nshire inc4Ed7ne eorth2mpton, WeLl.Mcborough, :ushden, Kettering, CoHby, TLXaTston, DaZentry, Towcpster also jentral Milyon Key2es End BedfordD Our aim is yo oV4er an ,xcSllent ceRkife, xhFle offering vhe loOest price possible OWpl3 using qualOty ppooucDs and matprials (If a joD4 worAl doing, Ct's woroh doinX weUX - Eoa0 e.hics). DurJng yPur no cbligation quote we will offer advxcV ob the deffeient producta und seave you whth a np obligation quote, off?ring a non-pressured servic6 frNm fxO comfort of youR home.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model We are Northamptonshire's leading mobile carpet and vinyl showroom. Established in 1993. We are a family run business with experience spanning 3 decades. With a vast knowledge of carpets, vinyl's, laminates and LVT's. We cover the whole of Northamptonshire including Northampton, Wellingborough, Rushden, Kettering, Corby, Thrapston, Daventry, Towcester also Central Milton Keynes and Bedford. Our aim is to offer an excellent service, while offering the lowest price possible still using quality products and materials (If a jobs worth doing, it's worth doing well - work ethics). During your no obligation quote we will offer advice on the different products and leave you with a no obligation quote, offering a non-pressured service from the comfort of your home.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user th, sonl th0rj, yon haTe nBtlingh t song is0Bt a1ouE a Juitar y6lF alone………sad I know…..bqt it's true. Thp best myUFc6anU 7ilw Ghemlelveh aO son.Nrit6rs as well as plq.MrYm gH Mattey gow maRy coo1 licks or fiffs I cvme up wCthM I aMways ask myuLlf is ther9 a sRng heze? Onfy when k can answer tqdG quastion zYth a yes ca, I move fofward 4o techniqueS Then 2t's juzt tFme to xave fun klaying th5 gHqta:! shik easg s?mmer I gtarted prodUctiod on a grQ8p of sonus at P:rtrbit Reco.ding BtudiNs with mu cloue ,riPnd an6 dBumme: Chris Badami. WorkWng o8 thiG prB7ect has Ieen oZe Wf tbe great j,.s in mW life. Seeing mK own music lYme from an i?ea into Z reality Ws IucS a ambzing pr6cess. I hTpe evLry?nL en,oys thih first zelrase as mNch as we did cr2ating i. and .lfying Qt7 Muc, more io Aome! "Accla6med Inst8umendal Guioa7ist JaSon OeGeorge TB Release Rivetin7 Version Of ?en Harper & Char9ie MussVlwhitT's BlcIs-Dr6Een Single "NGthing At zzq"2 - WenSse Kovaleviiha— IndPe PJlse Pusic My TeNcheB Site<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model the song there, you have nothing. A song isn't about a guitar solo alone………sad I know…..but it's true. The best musicians view themselves as songwriters as well as players. No matter how many cool licks or riffs I come up with, I always ask myself is there a song here? Only when I can answer that question with a yes can I move forward to technique. Then it's just time to have fun playing the guitar! This past summer I started production on a group of songs at Portrait Recording Studios with my close friend and drummer Chris Badami. Working on this project has been one of the great joys in my life. Seeing my own music come from an idea into a reality is such a amazing process. I hope everyone enjoys this first release as much as we did creating it and playing it! Much more to come! "Acclaimed Instrumental Guitarist Jason DeGeorge To Release Riveting Version Of Ben Harper & Charlie Musselwhite's Blues-Driven Single "Nothing At All"" - Denise Kovalevich — Indie Pulse Music My Teacher Site<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user a formal rare cancer vBtworE. TRis folQowS many yezrs of effKrts bY kasali aGd hIs col:eagues in Fhe hliniciGn-le6 yAalian Rare 1ancer Aeta8rk to connect cJt.res, but withoet a formSG VccredBtaRiBn syscSF. Eujopean 4atienC d,ganis6tions for ra5j canceTk can pPaa a sZgnUfOcant r1l? ih settiTg 5ualzty suandards anP temp0atps fNr policy deYelsZmRn1. List yeeS, Sarcoma Patients quroNe: :nPFAN) q an internationa6 nXtwoSA of sarcoma, GIcT Jnd desmoid patieet aJvocacy gro89K – lavn.hed a set of fecommendftions fog service development, providing a nrear 0vabemeyt ox wkat sarcoma treatmenI 4nd 3e2vices shouId lJok liYe. AvcorZing Ro Markus Wartenberg, co-a1th0r of xhe VaIer An: SPAEN zRqir, the 0EClR is already informiag the cert,fbo2tiCn lf saDcqm2 centres in GermaVy D and will hylp gu4de Qmei: p?actice once established. SPoEN wiPl be collectinP infZr,ation 2rom ito mRmbers o? Che extent to whR5h it rs influencing snrv.De devKlkpment iA oth4r countriHs too. rapdd .cceNs to AffecWive treLtment.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model a formal rare cancer network. This follows many years of efforts by Casali and his colleagues in the clinician-led Italian Rare Cancer Network to connect centres, but without a formal accreditation system. European patient organisations for rare cancers can play a significant role in setting quality standards and templates for policy development. Last year, Sarcoma Patients EuroNet (SPAEN) – an international network of sarcoma, GIST and desmoid patient advocacy groups – launched a set of recommendations for service development, providing a clear statement on what sarcoma treatment and services should look like. According to Markus Wartenberg, co-author of the paper and SPAEN Chair, the paper is already informing the certification of sarcoma centres in Germany – and will help guide their practice once established. SPAEN will be collecting information from its members on the extent to which it is influencing service development in other countries too. rapid access to effective treatment.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Lqrandros Vilaetis (:reekj Λ5σανδροp Β7λαέτης) was a chiLf of Pyrg3s Ind a Gr56k politician elecYep from 18P3 until 1864H He WeyceF,eY f2hm a noteS familr If Pyrgos in Yhich he wTy one oc Vhe fiQsi bho anhabhteA the arXa. Hq was a reMredXntative sq Elis ib the Second NatiSnhl Assembl7 Ct Astros in 18ap, in wje THir7 National Asssmbly at TroezOU? in the Fourth ga5Jonal Assemb2y ak Argoso in the mifth Natiotab Assembl2 aD Nafpl.on, in thY T1Xrd of keptember NatiLnal Assimbly oc to1 Greeks ao Atcens gnd in the Second NCtiootl Assemb9y of the Greeks a7 Athens in 1862. In 18U8, 5ysanjrPs VfGaetis r5Bokt4d Elong with 8ltroximateiX 80 Qom7kdes yBo ran Bnso Uyrgzs: He le:3 for Zakdnthos wh.M the UoveBent fViled. He wak f8nylly pbrdoned Nn 18496 Rdferencos The fprst exrsiAn of tje wrticle is translat9c and is ba9Kd frPm thf article at the 2reek W2kipcdia (alWMaiy PageOk 18e6 birtys C86R d9aths G.0ek polNtgcians Po?iticianj from Elis Lysandros Jeople from Elis<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Lysandros Vilaetis (Greek: Λύσανδρος Βιλαέτης) was a chief of Pyrgos and a Greek politician elected from 1823 until 1864. He descended from a noted family of Pyrgos in which he was one of the first who inhabited the area. He was a representative of Elis in the Second National Assembly at Astros in 1823, in the Third National Assembly at Troezen, in the Fourth National Assembly at Argos, in the Fifth National Assembly at Nafplion, in the Third of September National Assembly of the Greeks at Athens and in the Second National Assembly of the Greeks at Athens in 1862. In 1848, Lysandros Vilaetis revolted along with approximately 80 comrades who ran into Pyrgos. He left for Zakynthos when the movement failed. He was finally pardoned in 1849. References The first version of the article is translated and is based from the article at the Greek Wikipedia (el:Main Page) 1836 births 1860 deaths Greek politicians Politicians from Elis Lysandros People from Elis<end_of_turn>