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chinese_traditional | 暗度陈仓
成语释义: | 指正面迷惑敌人,而从侧翼进行突然袭击。亦比喻暗中进行活动。陈仓,古县名,在今陕西省宝鸡市东,为通向汉中的交通孔道。
成语出处:《史记·高祖本纪》……项王使卒三万人从,楚与诸侯之慕从者数万人,从杜南入蚀中。去辄烧绝栈道,以备诸侯盗兵袭之,亦示项羽无东意……八月,汉王用韩信之计,从故道还,袭雍王章邯—迎击汉陈仓,雍兵败,… | In the words of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the Qur’an, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: ‘The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: ‘The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: ‘The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: ‘The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: ‘The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: ‘The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: ‘The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: ‘The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: ‘The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: ‘The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: ‘The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: ‘The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: ‘The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: ‘The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: ‘The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: ‘That is the Prophet Muhammad (p | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 家有敝帚,享之千金
这句话的意思是什么? | 敝帚破扫帚;享供奉。自家的破扫帚被认为价值千金。比喻自己的东西即使不好也倍觉珍贵。有时用于自谦。
成语出处:汉·班固《东观汉记·光武帝纪》帝闻之,下诏让吴汉副将刘禹曰‘城降,婴儿老母,口以万数,一旦放兵纵火,闻之可谓酸鼻。家有敝帚,享之千金。禹宗室子孙,故尝更职,何忍行此!’ | The Lord said to them, “They are worshipers of the wicked, and the wicked are worshipers of the wicked, and the wicked are worshipers of the wicked, and the wicked are worshipers of the wicked, and the wicked are worshipers of the wicked, and the wicked are worshipers of the wicked.” | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 这个词语是什么意思?别风淮雨
答案: | 这是列风淫雨的误写,因别和列、淮与淫字殂相似。后称书籍中因错别字而以讹传讹为别风淮雨。
成语出处:南朝梁·刘勰《文心雕龙·练字》《尚书大传》有‘别风淮雨’,《帝王世纪》云‘列风淫雨’。‘别’‘列’、‘淮’‘淫’字似潜移。‘淫’‘列’义当而不奇,‘淮’‘别’理乖而新异。 | This is the misunderstanding of the book, because it is not the same as the word of the book, and it is the same as the word of the book, because the word of the book is wrong and the word of the book is wrong, and the word of the book is wrong, and the word of the book is wrong, and the word of the book is wrong, and the word of the book is wrong. | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 这个词语是什么意思?画龙点睛
答案: | 原形容梁代画家张僧繇作画的神妙。后多比喻写文章或讲话时,在关键处用几句话点明实质,使内容生动有力。
成语出处:唐·张彦远《历代名画记·张僧繇》金陵安乐寺四白龙不点眼睛,每云‘点睛即飞去。’人以为妄诞,固请点之。须臾,雷电破壁,两龙乘云腾去上天,二龙未点眼者见在。 | The original description of the Liaoning painter Zhang Moong'o's wonderful painting. After many metaphors writing articles or speech, in the key words, point the substance, make the content lively and powerful. The word comes from: Don Zhang Long, "The ancient name of the painting, Zhang Moong'o's" Zhang Moong'o's Golden Liaoning Temple, the four white dragons do not touch the eyes, each cloud "point the eye is flying." | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 这句话的含义是什么:独有千古 | 具有流传久远的价值;具有独特的专长或优点。同独有千秋。
成语出处:清·翁方纲《石洲诗话》卷七唐之李义山(李商隐)、宋之黄涪翁(黄庭坚),皆杜法也。先生撮在此一首中,真得其精微矣。方翁(陆游)、道园(虞集)皆未尝有此等议论,即使不读遗山诗集,已自可以独有千古矣。 | In the Qur’an, the Qur’an says: “The Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后是什么意思? | 螳螂正要捉蝉,不知黄雀在它后面正要吃它。比喻目光短浅,只想到算计别人,没想到别人在算计他。
成语出处:《庄子·山木》睹一蝉,方得美荫而忘其身,螳螂执翳而搏之,见得而忘其形;异鹊从而利之,见利而忘其真。汉·韩婴《韩诗外传》螳螂方欲食蝉,而不知黄雀在后,举其颈欲啄而食之也。 | He will not bear the wrath, but he will bear the wrath, and the wrath will bear the wrath, and the wrath will bear the wrath, and the wrath will bear the wrath, and the wrath will bear the wrath, and the wrath will bear the wrath. | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 鹅湖之会
这个成语的意思是什么? | 比喻具有开创性的辩论会。
成语出处:南宋淳熙二年(1175年)在信州(今江西上饶)鹅湖寺举行的一次著名的哲学辩论会。由吕祖谦邀集,意图调和朱熹和陆九渊两派争执。实质上是朱的客观唯心主义和陆的主观唯心主义的一场争论。它是中国哲学史上一次堪称典范的学术讨论会,首开书院会讲之先河。 | A pioneering discussion of philosophy. Source: A famous philosophical debate held in the Song Song Tzu II (1175) at the Guangzhou Temple in Xinjiang (now Xinjiang West). Invited by Lu Zhu, the intention and the dispute between Zhu and Zhu Nuan are essentially a discussion between Zhu's objective idealism and the subjective idealism of the land. It is a model academic discussion in the history of Chinese philosophy, the first bookroom to speak. | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 望风而靡的含义是什么? | ①见对方的威势就服服帖帖。形容畏惧之状。②望见对方就为之折服倾倒。形容钦敬之状。③形容军无斗志。同望风披靡。
成语出处:《汉书·杜周传》天下莫不望风而靡,自尚书近臣皆结舌杜口,骨肉亲属莫不股栗。唐·陈子昂《堂弟孜墓志铭》是以乡里长幼,望风而靡;邦国贤豪,闻名而悦服。 | 1 See the power of each other to submit to the Testimonials. describe the fear of the character. 2 See the other person to overcome them. 3 Describe the reverence of the army. 3 Describe the fighting of the army. 3 The word comes from the words: "The Han Book of the Week" and "The Book of the Week" and "The Book of the Year" and "The Book of the Year" and "The Book of the Year" and "The Book of the Year" and "The Book of the Year" and "The Book of the Year" and "The Book of the Year" and "The Book of the Year". | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 这句话的含义是什么:纸上谈兵 | 在纸面上谈论打仗。比喻空谈理论,不能解决实际问题。也比喻空谈不能成为现实。
成语出处:《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》记载战国时赵国名将赵奢之子赵括,年轻时学兵法,谈起兵事来父亲也难不倒他。后来他接替廉颇为赵将,在长平之战中。只知道根据兵书办,不知道变通,结果被秦军大败。 | In the paper, talking about the war. The theory of the analogue talk, can not solve the actual problems. It can not become a reality. The word comes from: "Scenario.Jimpei is like a list" recorded in the war country when Zhao named Zhao Luo's son Zhao Zhang, when he was young, learned the law of the military, and the father of the military was difficult to defeat him. | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 塞翁失马的意思是什么? | 塞边界险要之处;翁老头。比喻一时虽然受到损失,也许反而因此能得到好处。也指坏事在一定条件下可变为好事。
成语出处:《淮南子·人间训》近塞上之人有善术者,马无故亡而入胡。人皆吊之。其父曰‘此何遽不为铬?’居数月,其马将胡骏马而归。人皆贺之。…故福之为祸,祸之为福,化不可极,深不可测也。 | The Qur’an says, “The people who are in the midst of the Qur’an are in the midst of the midst of the Qur’an, and the people who are in the midst of the midst of the Qur’an are in the midst of the midst of the midst of the Qur’an, and the people who are in the midst of the midst of the midst of the Qur’an are in the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst.” | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 盲翁扪籥
这个成语的意思是什么? | 比喻只凭片面了解或局部经验就对事物妄加判断。
成语出处:宋·苏轼《日喻》生而眇者不识日,问之有目者。或告之曰‘日之状如铜槃。’扣槃而得其声。他日闻锺以为日也。或告之曰‘日之光如烛。’扪烛而得其形,他日揣籥以为日也。日之与锺籥亦远矣,而眇者不知其异,以其未尝见而求之人也。 | The Qur’an says: “The day of the day is the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day.” | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 下面词语是什么意思:不以为意 | 不把它放在心上。表示对人、对事抱轻视态度。
成语出处:《三国志·吴书·陆凯传》定大恨凯,思中伤之,凯终不以为意,乃心公家,义形于色,表疏皆指事不饰,忠恳内发。北魏·杨衒之《洛阳伽蓝记·秦太上君寺》临淄官徒有在京邑,闻怀砖慕势,咸共耻之,唯崔孝忠一人不以为意。 | Thus, in the words of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit. | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 杳如黄鹤的意思是什么? | 杳无影无声;黄鹤传说中仙人所乘的鹤。原指传说中仙人骑着黄鹤飞去,从此不再回来。现比喻无影无踪或下落不明。
成语出处:南朝梁·任昿《述异记》荀瓌憩江夏黄鹤楼上,望西南有物飘然降自云汉,乃驾鹤之宾也。宾主欢对辞去,跨鹤腾空,眇然烟灭。唐·崔灏《黄鹤楼》诗黄鹤一去不复返,白云千载空悠悠。 | The Qur’an says, “The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says. | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 众盲摸象
这个词语是什么意思? | 许多瞎子摸象,摸到象腿的说象一根柱子,摸到象身子的说象一堵墙,摸到象尾的说象一条蛇,互相争论不休。比喻看问题以偏概全。
成语出处:《大般涅槃经》三二其触牙者即言象形如芦菔根,其触耳者言象如箕,其触头者言象如石,其触鼻者言象如杵,其触脚者言象如木臼,其触脊者言象如床,其触腹者言象如畒,其触尾者言象如绳。 | Many blind people touch a column like a leg, touch a wall like a body, touch a serpent like a tail, and argue with one another. The parable of the question is in the form of a parable. The words of the Nirvana are: The Three-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two-Two. | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 禁中颇牧
这句话的意思是什么? | 比喻宫廷侍从官中文才武略兼备者。
成语出处:廉颇、李牧皆战国时赵国守边御敌之良将。唐宣宗时,党项扰河西,翰林学士毕謕上破羌条陈甚悉,帝大悦,曰吾将择能帅者,孰谓颇牧在吾禁署,卿为朕行乎!于是拜謕为邠宁节度使、河西供军安抚使。謕于任内多所建树。事见《新唐书·毕謕传》。 | The Qur’an says, “The Qur’an says, “The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, and the Qur’an is the Qur’an. | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 这句话的含义是什么:丰姿绰约 | 丰姿风姿,风度姿态。绰约柔美的样子。形容女子体态柔美,神采飘逸。同丰神绰约。
成语出处:清·曾朴《孽海花》第七回 一回头时,却见那轿子里坐着个十四五岁的不长不短、不肥不瘦的女郎,面如瓜子,脸若桃花,两条欲蹙不蹙的蛾眉,一双似开非开的凤眼,似曾相识,莫道无情,正是说不尽的体态风流,丰姿绰约。 | The seventh, the seventh, the seventh, the seventh, the seventh, the seventh, the seventh, the seventh, the seventh, the seventh, the seventh, the seventh, the seventh, the seventh, the seventh, the seventh, the seventh, the seventh, the seventh, the seventh, the seventh, the seventh, the seventh, the seventh, the seventh, the seventh, the seventh, the seventh, the seventh, the seventh, the seventh, the seventh, the seventh, the seventh, the seventh, and the last. | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 摇尾涂中的含义是什么? | 比喻自由自在地生活。曳尾,犹摇尾。
成语出处:战国时,楚王派大夫去请庄子做官,庄子对楚大夫说听说楚国有神龟,死去已三千年,现在把它用匣子装起来藏在庙堂之上。你看此龟是留下骨头让人珍藏好呢,还是活着曳尾于泥涂中好?大夫说当然是活着曳尾于涂中好。庄子说那末我将曳尾于涂中。见 | In the words of the word, when the war king sent the doctor to ask the Suns to be the officer, the Suns told the Suns to the Suns that the Suns had a turtle, and died for three thousand years, and now put it in a box and hid it above the temple. | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 这个词语是什么意思?礼先壹饭
答案: | 指在礼节上自己年岁稍长。壹饭,犹言一顿饭,喻指极短的时间。也指在礼节上先有恩惠与人。
成语出处:《国语·越语上》句践对曰‘昔天以越予吴,而吴不受命,今天以吴予越,越可以无听天之命而听君之令乎?吾请达王甬句东,吾与君为二君乎!’夫差对曰‘寡人礼先壹饭矣。’亦作礼先一饭。 | In the Qur’an, the Qur’an says, “The people of the Qur’an are the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the people of the Qur’an, the people of the people of the Qur’an, the people of the people of the people of the Qur’ | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 东观续史是什么意思? | 东观汉代官家藏书的地方。原指汉代女史学家班昭奉诏就东观续成其兄班固没有完成的《汉书》。后用以指女子才学高深。
成语出处:《后汉书·曹世叔妻传》扶风曹世叔妻者,同郡班彪之女也,名昭,字惠班,……兄固著《汉书》,其八表及天文志未及竟而卒,和帝诏昭,就东观藏书阁踵而成之。 | In the book of the Hebrews, the Holy Spirit is the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit. | {
"major": [
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 文君司马
这个词语是什么意思? | 后指相爱的情人或夫妻。
成语出处:《史记·司马相如列传》载汉代辞赋家司马相如,在宴席上以琴音挑动临邛富商卓王孙寡居的女儿卓文君;文君夜奔相如,与之结为夫妇。卓王孙不认这门亲事,司马相如与卓文君开了个酒馆,文君当炉卖酒,相如穿着犊鼻裤与奴仆一道洗器皿,卓王孙感到耻 | In the words of the story, “The Lord of the Nations is the Lord of the Nations, the Lord of the Nations, the Lord of the Nations, the Lord of the Nations, the Lord of the Nations, the Lord of the Nations, the Lord of the Nations, the Lord of the Nations, the Lord of the Nations, the Lord of the Nations, the Lord of the Nations, the Lord of the Nations, the Lord of the Nations, the Lord of the Nations, the Lord of the Nations, the Lord of the Nations, the Lord of the Nations, the Lord of the Nations, the Lord of the Nations, the Lord of the Nations, the Lord of the Nations, the Lord of the Nations, the Lord of the Nations, the Lord of the Nations, the Lord of the Nations, the Lord of the Nations, the Lord of the Nations, the Lord of the Nations, the Lord of the Nations, the Lord of the Nations, the Lord of the Nations. | {
"major": [
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 这个词语是什么意思?巾国英雄
答案: | 巾国即巾帼,古代妇女配戴的头巾和发饰,后借指妇女。指女子中的英雄。亦作巾帼英雄。
成语出处:范克明《张学良传·郭松龄》原来,是由于有超人胆识,被誉为‘巾国英雄’的韩淑秀‘不顾风险,冒死拦截刑车,陈述郭松龄是他的未婚夫,归奉完婚,根本没有参加革命党的事,因此郭才未遭杀害’并应聘当了张作霖的教训队的教官。 | In the words of Van Kamm, the ancient women wore the towels and haircuts, and referred to the women, referring to the heroes of the women, also as the heroes of the towels. In the words of Van Kamm, "Zhang, the good story of Zhang, Gu Matsun," was originally because of the super-human sense, known as "Heroes of the country", and was named "Under the risk, risking to death, intercepting the car, stating that Gu Matsun is his fiancé, dedicated to the marriage, and did not participate in the revolutionary party, so Gu Matsun was not killed" and was hired as a teacher of the teaching team of Zhang. | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 这句话的含义是什么:醉吐相茵 | 后以这一典故喻指宽以待人必然会有好的回报。
成语出处:典出《汉书·丙吉传》吉驭吏耆酒,数逋荡,尝从吉出, 醉欧丞相车上。西曹主吏白欲斥之,吉曰‘以醉饱之失去士,使此人将复何所容?西曹地忍之,此不过汙丞相车茵耳。’遂不去也。此驭吏为边郡人,熟悉边事,后来为防务工作提出切实有用的建议。 | In the book of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: ‘The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: ‘The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: ‘The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: ‘The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: ‘The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: ‘The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: ‘The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: ‘The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: ‘The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: ‘The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: ‘The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: ‘The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: ‘The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). | {
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 梅妻鹤子
这个成语的意思是什么? | 以梅为妻,以鹤为子。比喻清高或隐居。宋·林逋隐居西湖孤山,植梅养鹤,终生不娶,人谓梅妻鹤子。
成语出处:宋·沈括《梦溪笔谈·人事二》林逋隐居杭州孤山,常畜两鹤,纵之则飞入云霄,盘旋久之,復入笼中。逋常泛小艇,游西湖诸寺。有客至逋所居,则一童子出应门,延客坐,为开笼纵鹤。良久,逋必棹小船而归。盖尝以鹤飞为验也。 | In the Qur’an, the Qur’an says: “The people of the Qur’an are the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the Qur’an, the people of the people of the Qur’s. | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 下面词语是什么意思:白衣公卿 | 古时指进士。唐代人极看重进士,宰相多由进士出身,故推重进士为白衣卿相,是说虽是白衣之士,但享有卿相的资望。
成语出处:五代·王定保《唐摭言·卷一·散序进士》缙绅虽位极人臣,不由进士者,终不为美,以至岁贡常不减八九百人,其推重谓之‘白衣公卿’,又曰‘一品白衫’。 | The ancient times referred to the enter. the Tang people greatly regarded the enter, the Prime Minister many by the enter from, so pushed the enter to the White Dress Lord, is to say, although the white garment, but enjoying the Lord's pleasure. The word comes from: Five generations of the king determined to "The Dong Proverbs, Volume One, and the spread of the enter," although a great man, not by the enterers, not for the beauty, until the age of honour is not reduced to eight hundred, the weight of which is called "the White Dress Lord," and says "a white shirt." | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 一人善射,百夫决拾
成语释义: | 古谚语,意思是为将者善战,其士卒亦必勇敢无前。亦比喻凡事为首者倡导于前,则其众必起而效之。
成语出处:《国语·吴语》夫申胥、华登简服吴国志士于甲兵,而未尝有所挫也。夫一人善射,百夫决拾,胜未可成也。韦昭注决,勾弦。拾,捍。言申胥、华登善用兵众必化之;犹一人善射,而百夫竞著决拾而效之。 | The Qur’an says, “The good war is for those who are good at war, and their disciples will have no courage, and they will have no power before them, and they will have no power before them, and they will have no power before them, and they will have no power before them, and they will have no power over them, and they will have no power over them, and they will have no power over them.” | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 捉襟露肘
成语释义: | 指整一整衣襟就露出肘子。形容衣衫褴褛。引申为顾此失彼,处境困难。亦形容书法生动而有气势。同捉衿见肘。
成语出处:清·薛雪《一瓢诗话》分题拈韵,诗家之厄也……一遭窍,未免捉襟露肘。清·西周生《醒世姻缘传》第七十一回童七道‘咱实得百十两银接接手才好哩;要不,也就捉襟露肘了。’ | In the words of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 狗血淋头
这个成语的意思是什么? | 旧时迷信说法,谓狗血淋在妖人头上,就可使其妖法失灵。后形容骂得很凶,使被骂者如淋了狗血的妖人一样,无言以对,无计可施。
成语出处:明·施耐庵《水浒全传》第五十三回马知府道‘必然是个妖人!’教去取些法物来。牢子、节级将李逵捆翻,驱下厅前草地里,一个虞候掇一盆狗血没头一淋。 | The old supernatural saying, as the dog bleed on the head of the devil, can make his devil failed. Then described as a murder, so that the accused as the dog blood devil, without a word right, can be counted. The word comes out: Mean Schneemann "Water All Over" Fifty-three times the Ma Sage House said, "I must be a devil!" to teach to pick up some magic stuff. | {
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 日程月课的含义是什么? | 每日每月按一定的程序课试。形容因循守旧,无所创新。
成语出处:清·莫友芝《〈巢经堂诗钞〉序》[子尹]不肯以诗人自居。当其兴到,顷刻千言;无所感触,或经时不作一字,又脱稿不自收拾,子弟钞存十之三四而已。而其盘盘之气,熊熊之光,浏漓顿挫,不主故常,以视近世日程月课,楦酿篇牍,自张风雅者,其贵贱何如也? | Every month, according to a certain program, the course is described because of the old, no innovation. The word comes from: Qing Moomin Zee "The Nest of the Poetry" Order [Yun] refuses to live with the poet. When he comes, he spoke a thousand words; he touched nothing, or he did not say a word, and he did not write himself, and his son had ten-fourths of the money. | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 下面词语是什么意思:尺二秀才 | 旧时用以讥讽写俗字的书生。尺二即指当时眒字的俗体尽字。
成语出处:宋·孙奕《履斋示儿编·文说·声画押韵贵乎审》诚斋先生杨公考玄南漕试,……先生见卷子上书‘眒’字作‘尽’,必欲摈斥。考官乃上庠人,力争不可。先生云‘明日揭榜,有喧传以为场屋取得个尺二秀才,则吾辈将胡颜?’竟黜之。 | In the Old Testament, the Scriptures were written in the words of the Scriptures, and the Scriptures were written in the words of the Scriptures, and the Scriptures were written in the words of the Scriptures, and the Scriptures were written in the words of the Scriptures, and the Scriptures were written in the words of the Scriptures, and the Scriptures were written in the words of the Scriptures. | {
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 酒酸不售的含义是什么? | 酒已经变酸了,依然卖不出去。原比喻奸臣阻拦了有学问、有贤德的人为国家效力,使国君受到蒙蔽。后比喻经营无方或办事用人不当。
成语出处:《韩非子·外储说右上》宋人有酤酒者,……著然不售,酒酸,怪其故,问其所知,问长者杨倩,……曰‘狗猛则酒何故而不售?’曰‘人畏焉。……,而狗迎龁之,此酒所以酸而不售也。 | The wine has become acid, still can not sell out. The original metaphor of the lord hindered the scholar, the wise man for the state effect, so that the king was obscured. Then the metaphor of the business without a side or office employer is inappropriate. The phrase comes from: "Han Phi子; foreign reserve said on the right" Song people have alcoholics,... obviously not selling, alcoholic acid, blame for what they know, asked the elders, Yang Yin,... said, "Why dogs are not selling wine?" said, "People are frightened."..., and the dogs are welcomed, this wine is acid and not sold too. | {
"major": [
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 保残守缺
这句话的意思是什么? | ①指汉代今文经学派儒生墨守残缺不全的今文经典而拘执一家之言。后常用以比喻泥古守旧,不知改进。②指保藏残缺的古籍文献。
成语出处:《汉书·刘歆传》信口说而背传记,是末师而非往古……犹欲保残守缺,挟恐见破之私意,而无从善服义之公心,或怀妒嫉,不考情实,雷同相从,随声是非,抑此三学。 | The Qur’an says: “The Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, and the Qur’an is the Qur’an.” | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 这个词语是什么意思?飘茵落溷
答案: | 随风而落,有的飘在茵席上,有的落在粪坑里。比喻由于偶然的机缘而有富贵贫贱的不同命运。也指女子堕落风尘。
成语出处:《梁书·儒林传·范缜》人之生譬如一树花,同发一枝,俱开一蒂,随风而堕,自有拂帘幌坠于茵席之上,自有关篱墙落于粪溷之侧。坠茵席者,殿下是也;落粪溷者,下官是也。 | In the Qur’an, the Qur’an says, “The people of the Qur’an are like a tree, a branch of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, a tree of a tree, and a | {
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 这个词语是什么意思?白衣卿相
答案: | 古时指进士。唐代人极看重进士,宰相多由进士出身,故推重进士为白衣卿相,是说虽是白衣之士,但享有卿相的资望。
成语出处:五代·王定保《唐摭言·卷一·散序进士》缙绅虽位极人臣,不由进士者,终不为美,以至岁贡常不减八九百人,其推重谓之‘白衣公卿’,又曰‘一品白衫’。 | The ancient times referred to the enter. the Tang people greatly regarded the enter, the Prime Minister many by the enter from, so pushed the enter to the White Dress Lord, is to say, although the white garment, but enjoying the Lord's pleasure. The word comes from: Five generations of the king determined to "The Dong Proverbs, Volume One, and the spread of the enter," although a great man, not by the enterers, not for the beauty, until the age of honour is not reduced to eight hundred, the weight of which is called "the White Dress Lord," and says "a white shirt." | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 伏龙凤雏
这句话的意思是什么? | 伏龙(卧龙)诸葛孔明。凤雏庞士元。两人都是汉末三国时期著名的谋略家,军事家。后指隐而未现的有较高学问和能耐的人。
成语出处:《三国志·蜀志·诸葛亮传》裴松之注引《襄阳记》刘备访世事于司马德操。德操曰‘儒生俗士,岂识时务?识时务者在乎俊杰。此间自有伏龙、凤雏。’备问为谁,曰‘诸葛孔明、庞士元也。’ | The two were the famous scholars and military officers of the three days of the Hindu period, and the people who had a higher education and skill were the hidden ones who had no knowledge and ability to do so. The words came from the words: “Three Nations, Three Nations, Three Nations, Three Nations, Three Nations, Three Nations, Three Nations, Three Nations, Three Nations, Three Nations, Three Nations, Three Nations, Three Nations, Three Nations, Three Nations, Three Nations, Three Nations, Three Nations, Three Nations, Three Nations, Three Nations, Three Nations, Three Nations, Three Nations, and Three Nations.” | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 这个词语是什么意思?日渐月染
答案: | 濡浸润。染熏染。天长日久地渐渐熏染。指受外界事物的影响而发生逐渐的变化。同日濡月染。
成语出处:宋·程珌《丙子轮对札子》招之得其地矣,又当各分其屯,无杂官军,盖一与之染,则日渐月染,尽成弃甲之人,不幸有警,则彼此相持,莫肯先进;一有微功,则彼此交集,反戈自戕,岂暇向敌哉。 | In the morning of the day, when the heavens were shaken, the moon was shaken, and the moon was shaken, and the moon was shaken, and the moon was shaken, and the moon was shaken, and the moon was shaken, and the moon was shaken, and the moon was shaken, and the moon was shaken, and the moon was shaken, and the moon was shaken. | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 班荆道旧
这个成语的意思是什么? | 指朋友相遇于途,铺荆坐地,共叙情怀。后泛指朋友相遇,共叙离情。亦作班荆道故。
成语出处:典出《左传·襄公二十六年》楚伍参与蔡太师子朝友,其子伍举与声子相善……伍举奔郑,将遂奔晋。声子将如晋,遇之於郑郊,班荆相与食,而言复故。杜预注班,布也。布荆坐地,共议归楚,事朋友世亲。 | In the words of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 成语释义:画荻和丸
含义: | 用以称赞母亲教子有方。同画荻丸熊。
成语出处:宋·欧阳修幼时,母郑氏以荻画地教子读书。唐·柳仲郢幼嗜学,母韩氏用熊胆和制丸子,使郢夜咀咽以提神醒脑。郭沫若《虎符》附录《写作缘起》但要写母爱,在儿女小的时候容易表现,如推干就湿、画荻和丸之类,都是儿女小时的事。 | In the words of Song, when the mother of Zhang was a child, Zheng’s mother taught her children to read. Don Liu Zhang’s mother used the bear’s chest and the pellet to chew the night to remind God of her awakening. Guo Pu’o “Tiger” is an attachment to the book “Writing to the Mother” but to write mother’s love, in the child’s childhood easy to express, such as dry dry, dried, painted and rolled, are children’s hours. | {
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 退食从容
这个词语是什么意思? | 指官吏品行节俭正直,仪容从容自得,可为楷模。
成语出处:语出《诗·召南·羔羊》退食自公,委蛇委蛇。郑玄笺退食,谓减膳也。自,从也。从于公,谓正直顺于事也。委蛇,委曲自得之貌。节俭而顺心志定,故可自得也。朱熹集传南国化文王之政,在位皆节俭正直,故诗人美其衣服有常,而从容自 | In the Qur’an, the Qur’an says: “The Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an is the Qur’an, and the Qur’an is the Qur’an. | {
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 这句话的含义是什么:入室操戈 | 操拿;戈古代象矛的武器。到他的屋里去,拿起他的武器攻击他。比喻引用对方的论点反驳对方。
成语出处:《后汉书·郑玄传》任城何休好《公羊》学,遂著《公羊墨守》、左氏膏肓》、《谷梁废疾》。玄乃‘发《墨守》、针《膏肓》、起《废疾》’。休见而叹曰‘康成入吾室,操吾戈以伐我乎?’ | In the words of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). | {
"major": [
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 楚囚相对是什么意思? | 形容人们遭遇国难或其他变故,相对无策,徒然悲伤。
成语出处:南朝·宋刘·义庆《世说新语·言语》过江诸人,每至美日,辄相邀新亭,藉卉饮宴。周侯(周顗)中坐而叹曰‘风景不殊,正自有山河之异!’皆相视流泪。唯王丞相(王导)愀然变色曰‘当共戮力王室,克复神州,何至作楚囚相对!’ | The people are described as suffering from national disasters or other disasters, relatively unhelpful, and in vain sadness. The word comes from the South Korean dynasty, Song Liu, Yixing, "The world speaks new language, language" and people pass through the river, each to the great day, invite the new pond, by the flowers, drink a banquet. | {
"major": [
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 成语释义:八方呼应
含义: | 呼应彼此声气相通。泛指周围、各地。形容各方面互通声气,互相配合。
成语出处:余秋雨《寂寞天柱山》三我认为,天柱山之所以能给古人一种居家感,一个比较现实的原因是它地处江淮平原,四相钩连,八方呼应,水陆交通畅达,虽幽深而无登高之苦,虽奇丽而无柴米之匮,总而言之,既宁静又方便。 | In the words of the Qur’an, the Qur’an says: “The Qur’an says: ‘The Qur’an says: ‘The Qur’an says: ‘The Qur’an says: ‘The Qur’an says: ‘The Qur’an says: ‘The Qur’an says: ‘The Qur’an says: ‘The Qur’an says: ‘The Qur’an says: ‘The Qur’an says: ‘The Qur’an says: ‘The Qur’an says: ‘The Qur’an says: ‘The Qur’an says: ‘The Qur’an says: ‘The Qur’an says: ‘The Qur’an says: ‘The Qur’an says: ‘The Qur’an says: ‘The Qur’an says: ‘The Qur’an says: ‘The Qur’an says: ‘The Qur’an says: ‘The Qur’an says: ‘The Qur’an says: ‘The Qur’an says: ‘The Qur’an says: ‘The Qur’an says: ‘The Qur’an says: ‘The Qur’an says: ‘The Qur’an says: ‘The Qur’an says: ‘The Qur’s Qur’ is a | {
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] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 这句话的含义是什么:青史标名 | 青史史书。标记下。在史书上记下姓名。比喻在历史上留下好的名声。亦作青史留名、青史传名、青史名留、青史流芳。
成语出处:明·方汝浩《禅真逸史》第三十六回众将军年虽弱冠,各负雄才,文武兼通,正堪为朝廷之股肱,庙廊之梁栋。今能顺天知命,解甲而降,准拟青史标名,流芳千古。 | In the history of the book, the name is written in the book of history, the likeness to the good reputation in the history, also as the name of the history, the name of the history, the name of the history, the name of the history, the name of the history, the name of the history, the name of the history, the name of the history, the name of the history, the name of the history, the name of the history, the name of the history, the name of the history, the name of the history, the name of the history, the name of the history, the name of the temple, the building of the temple, the temple of the temple, the name of the temple, the name of the temple, the name of the temple, the name of the temple, and the name of the temple. | {
"major": [
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 意兴索然
成语释义: | 索然全无,空尽。兴致全无。形容一点兴致也没有。亦作兴致索然。
成语出处:《东周列国志》第七十一回景公意兴索然。左右问曰‘将回宫乎?’景公曰‘可移於梁邱大夫之家。’清·蒲松龄《聊斋志异·仙人岛》绿云顾父曰圣人无字门人者,‘孝哉……’一句,即是人言。王闻之,意兴索然。 | In the words of the seven-first edition of the Qur’an, “The Lord of the world,” “The Lord of the world,” “The Lord of the world,” “The Lord of the world,” “The Lord of the world,” “The Lord of the world,” “The Lord of the world,” “The Lord of the world,” “The Lord of the world,” “The Lord of the world,” “The Lord of the world,” “The Lord of the world,” “The Lord of the world,” “The Lord of the world,” “The Lord of the world,” “The Lord of the world,” “The Lord of the world,” “The Lord of the world,” “The Lord of the world,” “The Lord of the world,” “The Lord of the world,” “The Lord of the world,” “The Lord of the world,” “The Lord of the world,” “The Lord of the world,” “The Lord of the world,” “The Lord of the world,” “The Lord of the world,” “The Lord of the world.” | {
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 天女散花的意思是什么? | 原为佛教故事天女散花以试菩萨和声闻弟子的道行,花至菩萨身上即落去,至弟子身上便不落。后多形容抛洒东西或大雪纷飞的样子。
成语出处:《维摩经·观众生品》时维摩诘室有一天女,见诸大人闻所说说法,便现其身,即以天华散诸菩萨、大弟子上,华至诸菩萨即皆堕落,至大弟子便著不堕。一切弟子神力去华,不能令去。 | The Buddhist story of the Buddhist women spread flowers to the prayer of the Buddha and the voice of the disciples, flowing to the Buddha and falling on the disciples and not falling on the disciples.The words come from the word: "Vimor Quran, the audience livelihood" when the Vimor room was a woman, seeing the adults hear what they said, appeared in their body, that is, the sky spread the Buddha and the great disciples, the Buddha and the great disciples are fallen, and the great disciples are not fallen. | {
"major": [
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 托骥之蝇
这个词语是什么意思? | 喻指追随贤能之后而得以显名的人。
成语出处:《后汉书·隗器传》帝报以手书曰‘慕乐德义,思相结纳……数蒙伯乐一顾之价,而苍蝇之飞,不过数步,即托骥尾,得以绝群。’李贤注张敞书曰‘苍蝇之飞,不过十步,自托骐骥之尾,乃腾千里之路。然无损于骐骥,得使苍蝇绝群也,’见敞传。 | The Qur’an says: “The Qur’an says, “The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says.’” | {
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] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 这句话的含义是什么:今日有酒今日醉 | 比喻过一天算一天。也形容人只顾眼前,没有长远打算。同今朝有酒今朝醉。
成语出处:茅盾《狂欢的解剖》他们这种‘自信’,这种‘有前途’的自觉,就使得他们的要求快乐跟罗马帝国衰落时代的有钱人的纵乐完全不同,那时罗马的有钱人感得大难将到而又无可挽救,于是‘今日有酒今日醉’了。 | A day is a day, a day is a day, a day is a day, a day is a day, a day is a day, a day is a day, a day is a day, a day is a day, a day is a day, a day is a day, a day is a day, a day is a day, a day is a day, a day is a day, a day is a day, a day is a day, a day is a day, a day is a day, a day is a day, a day is a day, a day is a day, a day is a day, a day is a day, a day is a day, a day is a day. | {
"major": [
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 成语释义:离经畔道
含义: | ①指思想、言行背离儒家经典和规范。②指背离占统治地位的思想和行为规范。
成语出处:元·费唐臣《贬黄州》第一折且本官志大言浮,离经畔道,见新法之行,往往行诸吟咏。清·李百川《绿野仙踪》第七回子真不待教而诛之人也!吾房中师弟授受,绍闻知之统,继精一之传,岂可以容离经畔道之人哉! | 1 refers to the thought, the word, and the conduct of the Confucian classics and norms. 2 refers to the rule of thought and conduct of the rule of conduct. The word originates from the word of the former Fyodorus, the first and the most important word of the kingdom, the passage of the river, the passage of the new law, and often the chant. | {
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 曲突徙薪
这句话的意思是什么? | 曲弯;突烟囱;徒迁移;薪柴草。把烟囱改建成弯的,把灶旁的柴草搬走。比喻事先采取措施,才能防止灾祸。
成语出处:《汉书·霍光传》臣闻客有过主人者,见其灶直突,傍有积薪。客谓主人,更为曲突,远徙其薪,不者且有火患,主人嘿然不应。俄而家果失火,邻里共救之,幸而得息。 | In the Qur’an, the Qur’an says, “The people who are in the Qur’an are in the midst of the Qur’an, and the people who are in the midst of the Qur’an are in the midst of the Qur’an, and the people who are in the midst of the Qur’an are in the midst of the Qur’an, and the people who are in the midst of the Qur’an are in the midst of the Qur’an.” | {
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 金字招牌
这句话的意思是什么? | 旧时店铺为显示资金雄厚而用金箔贴字的招牌。现比喻高人一等可以炫耀的名义或称号。也比喻名誉好。
成语出处:清·曾朴《孽海花》第二十五回珏斋郻只出使了一次朝鲜,办结了甲申金玉均一案,又曾同威毅伯和日本伊滕博文定了出兵朝鲜彼此知会的条约,总算一帆风顺,文武全才的金字招牌,还高高挂着。 | In the old days, shops showed the strong money and stamped with gold stamps. The name or title of the highest people can be shown in the present day. It is also a good example of the reputation. The word comes from: Qing·Ying·Pak "Yong-Flu" twenty-fifth time only made a North Korea, the case was done, and the treaty was agreed with Wei Wei Wei Wei and Japan Ethen Boon, and the treaty was concluded with the North Korean military, and finally the gold sign of the greatest literature, also high. | {
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] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 下面词语是什么意思:荒淫无道 | 荒淫淫乱无度,贪恋酒色。无道不讲或不行道义。多指君主生活糜烂,重用奸佞,残害忠良,奴役百姓。
成语出处:明·罗贯中《三国演义》第一百九回今主上荒淫无道,亵近娼优,听信谗言,闭塞贤路其罪甚于汉之昌邑,不能主天下。吾谨按伊尹、霍光之法,别立新君,以保社稷,以安天下,如何? | The Lord of the Nations says, “There is no mercy, no mercy, no mercy, no mercy, no mercy, no mercy, no mercy, no mercy, no mercy, no mercy, no mercy, no mercy, no mercy, no mercy, no mercy, no mercy, no mercy, no mercy, no mercy, no mercy, no mercy, no mercy, no mercy, no mercy, no mercy, no mercy, no mercy, no mercy.” | {
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 家有弊帚,享之千金的含义是什么? | 弊帚破扫帚;享供奉。自家的破扫帚被认为价值千金。比喻自己的东西即使不好也倍觉珍贵。有时用于自谦。
成语出处:汉·班固《东观汉记·光武帝纪》帝闻之,下诏让吴汉副将刘禹曰‘城降,婴儿老母,口以万数,一旦放兵纵火,闻之可谓酸鼻。家有弊帚,享之千金。禹宗室子孙,故尝更职,何忍行此!’ | The worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship of the worship. | {
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 下面词语是什么意思:飘茵堕溷 | 比喻由于偶然的机缘而有富贵贫贱的不同命运。亦多指女子堕落风尘。
成语出处:《梁书·儒林传·范缜》子良(竟陵王萧子良)问曰‘君不信因果,世间何得有富贵,何得有贱贫?’缜答曰‘人之生譬如一树花,同发一枝,俱开一蒂,随风而堕,自有拂帘幌坠于茵席之上,自有关篱墙落于粪混之侧。坠茵席者,殿下是也;落粪溷者 | The Qur’an says, “The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says, ‘The Qur’an says. | {
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] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 大题小做是什么意思? | 把大题目作成小文章。比喻把重大的问题当做小事情来处理。
成语出处:周作人《鬼的生长》但是千百年来已非一日,载籍浩如烟海,门外摸索,不得象尾,而且鬼界的问题似乎也多得很,尽够研究院里先生们一生的检讨,我这里只提出一个题目,即上面所说的鬼之生长,姑且大题小做,略陈管见,仁候明教。 | In the words: “The growth of ghosts” but for thousands of years has not been a day, the history of ghosts is like a smoke sea, the outside of the door is not to look, and the ghosts seem to be a lot of problems, as much as the life of the researchers in the Institute review, I here only put forward a topic, namely, the growth of ghosts, the big and small, the little and the little, the gentle and the good. | {
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 犁生髐角
成语释义: | 指杂色牛生纯赤色、角周正的小牛。比喻劣父生贤明的儿女。
成语出处:语出《论语·雍也》子谓仲弓,曰‘犁牛之子髐且角,虽欲勿用,山川其舍诸?’邢昺疏杂文曰犁。髐,纯赤色也。角者,角周正也。舍,弃也。诸,之也。仲弓父贱人而行不善,故孔子称谓仲弓,……言仲弓父虽不善,不害于子之美也。 | The word of the Lord is the word of the Lord, and the word of the Lord is the word of the Lord, and the word of the Lord is the word of the Lord, and the word of the Lord is the word of the Lord, and the word of the Lord is the word of the Lord. | {
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] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 成语释义:随珠和璧
含义: | 随侯珠与和氏璧的并称。泛指珍宝或珍宝中的上品。事见《韩非子·和氏》、《淮南子·览冥训》。
成语出处:传说古代随国姬姓诸侯见一大蛇伤断,以药敷之而愈;后蛇于江中衔明月珠以报德,因曰随侯珠,又称灵蛇珠。楚人卞和于荆山得一璞玉,先后献给武王、文王,均以为石,和以欺君罪被砍断两足;成王登位,使人剖璞,果得夜光宝玉,因命之曰和氏璧。 | In the Qur’an, the Qur’an says: “The Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur | {
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] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 颠颠倒倒的含义是什么? | ①指神思迷糊错乱。②指事情不顺或言行无条理,不可置信。
成语出处:《朱子全书》卷六向时有一截学者贪多务得,要读《周礼》、诸史、本朝典故,一向尽要理会,得许多没紧要底工夫,少刻,自己都恁自地颠颠倒倒,没顿放处。《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十七彼此夙缘,颠颠倒倒,皆非偶然也。 | 1 refers to the mystery of obscurity. 2 refers to the things are not suitable or the words are not orderly, unbelievable. The word comes from: The Zhuo whole book, six times there are scholars who have a lot of work, to read the Week, the history, the scriptures of this dynasty, always take into account, have a lot of hard work, a few moments, themselves turn back from the ground, and not leave the place. | {
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 董狐直笔的意思是什么? | 董狐春秋时晋国的史官。直笔根据事实,如实记载。指敢于秉笔直书,尊重史实,不阿权贵的正直史家。
成语出处:《左传·宣公二年》载赵穿杀晋灵公,身为正卿的赵盾没有管,董狐认为赵盾应负责任,便在史策上记载说赵盾弑其君。为赵盾所杀。后孔子称赞说董狐,古之良史也,书法不隐。 | In the words of Zhao Zhao, “Thanks to the people of the world, and the people of the world, and the people of the world, and the people of the world, and the people of the world, and the people of the world, and the people of the world, and the people of the world, and the people of the world, and the people of the world, and the people of the world, and the people of the world, and the people of the world, and the people of the world, and the people of the world, and the people of the world, and the people of the world.” | {
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] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 下面词语是什么意思:十八层地狱 | 层重。地狱佛教、基督教等指死后灵魂受苦的地方。迷信认为人在生时为非作恶,死后进入十八层地狱,不得翻身。比喻悲惨的报应。
成语出处:明·凌濛初《初刻拍案惊奇》卷三十五我赖了你的,我堕十八层地狱。明·冯梦龙《喻世明言》第九卷分明是十八层地狱的苦鬼,直升到三十三天去了。 | In the words of Buddhism, Christianity, and other religions, the soul suffers after death. The superstition believes that people are born for evil, and after death they enter the eighteenth level of hell, and cannot turn. The tragic repentance of the metaphor is the origin of the word: "The first shot of the case is surprising" Volume 35 I rely on you, I fell in the eighteenth level of hell. | {
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 过河卒子的含义是什么? | 象棋规则中卒子只能向前,不能后退,过了河之后可以横着走,威力更大。比喻只能前进,不能后退。
成语出处:刘绍棠《狼烟》二十四花言巧语蒙哄不了二位老人家,甜言蜜语也迷惑不了二位老人家,于是心慌意乱,闭上眼睛,手捧着怦怦乱跳的胸口,失悔自己的冒险进城,然而已经骑虎难下,只有做一名过河卒子了。 | Chess rules can only go forward, can not go back, can pass the river after walking, the power is greater. The metaphor can only go forward, can not go back. The word comes from: Liu Shao Feng "wolf smoke" twenty-four words can not trick two elderly men, sweet words can not trick two elderly men, so the heart panicked, closed eyes, hand with the chest of the chest, disappointed of their adventure into the city, but has been ridden by the tiger difficult, only one has done a river. | {
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] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 这句话的含义是什么:蜂窠蚁穴 | 比喻占据的地方极为窄小,借以对偏安一隅的地方势力的蔑称。
成语出处:宋·曾憊《类说·见闻录·胡讷》开宝八年,王师围金陵。朝廷殿试《桥梁渡长江赋》、《习水战诗》;江南亦试《王德惟亲赋》、《谈笑却秦诗》。太祖笑曰‘江南畜文臣武将,迨同飞走,岂不知中原有真主耶?’赵普曰‘蜂窠蚁穴不足挂圣虑。’ | The parable is very narrow, because of the contempt of the local forces of a corner of paranoia. The word originates from the words: Song, had a hard time in the "Classic, Seeing, and Hue" for eight years, and the prince surrounded the gold river. The kingdom tested the "Bridge, Passing the Long River", the "Train of the Water" and the "King of the One" and the "King of the One" and the "Tai Zhu" and the "Tai Zhu" and the "Juan Zhu" and "Juan Zhu" and "Juan Zhu" and "Juan Zhu" and "Juan Zhu" and "Juan Zhu" and "Juan Zhu" and "Juan Zhu" and "Juan Zhu" and "Juan Zhu" and "Juan Zhu" and "Juan Zhu" and "Juan Zhu" and "Juan Zhu" and "Juan Zhu" and "Juan Zhu" and "Juan Zhu" and "Juan Zhu" | {
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 封胡羯末
这句话的意思是什么? | 均为兄弟的小名封指谢韶,胡指谢朗,羯指谢玄,末指谢川。后用以称美兄弟子侄之辞。
成语出处:《晋书·列女传·王凝之妻谢氏》(谢道韫)初適凝之,还,甚不乐。安曰‘王郎,逸少子,不恶,汝何恨也?’答曰‘一门叔父有阿大(谢尚)、中郎(谢据);群从兄弟复有封胡羯末,不意天壤之中乃有王郎!’ | He said, “But the brother of the brother, the brother of the brother of the brother of the brother of the brother of the brother of the brother of the brother of the brother of the brother of the brother of the brother of the brother of the brother of the brother of the brother of the brother of the brother of the brother of the brother of the brother of the brother of the brother of the brother of the brother of the brother of the brother of the brother of the brother of the brother of the brother.” | {
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 为蛇画足
这个词语是什么意思? | 比喻做事节外生枝,不但无益,反而害事。
成语出处:《战国策·齐策二》楚有祠者,赐其舍人卮酒。舍人相谓曰‘数人饮之不足,一人饮之有余;请画地为蛇,先成者饮酒。’一人蛇先成,引酒且饮之,乃左手持卮,右手画蛇,曰‘吾能为之足。’未成,一人之蛇成,夺其卮曰‘蛇固无足,子安能为之 | In the words of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), “The one who has a cave, gives him a drink, and the one who has no drink, and one who has no drink, and the one who has no drink, and the one who has no drink, and the one who has no drink, and the one who has no drink, and the one who has no drink, and the one who has no drink, and the one who has no drink, and the one who has no drink, and the one who has no drink, and the one who has no drink, and the one who has no drink, and the one who has no drink, and the one who has no drink, and the one who has no drink, and the one who has no feet, and the one who has no feet, and the one who has no feet, and the one who has no feet, and the one who has no feet.” | {
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] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 断杼择邻
这个成语的意思是什么? | 孟母为了教育孟子不要中途荒废学业,用被割断的纱不成布来做比喻;孟母三迁居处,选择良好的环境,来影响孟子的成长。
成语出处:汉·刘向《列女传·母仪传》孟子之少也,既学而归,孟母方绩,问曰‘学何所至矣?’孟子曰‘自若也。’孟母以刀断其织。孟子惧而问其故,孟母曰‘子之学,若吾断斯织也。’ | In order to educate the monkey, the monkey did not abandon the school, and did not use the cut-off veil to make a parable; the monkey moved to the place where she had a good environment, to influence the growth of the monkey.The word came from the word: "Han Liu to the "Lehn Gospel of the Mother" the monkey's less, both learned and returned, and the monkey's performance, said: "What is the school?" the monkey said: "If I'm too." | {
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 又红又专
这个词语是什么意思? | 具有无产阶级的世界观,又掌握专业知识和专门技术。
成语出处:邓小平《在全国科学大会开幕式上的讲话》绝大多数科学技术人员热爱党、热爱社会主义,努力同工农兵相结合,满腔热情地对待自己从事的科学技术工作,作出了成绩……就整个说来,不愧是我们工人阶级自己的又红又专的科学技术队伍。 | With a proletarian worldview, and with expertise and specialized technology. Source: Deng Xiaoping, "The speech at the opening ceremony of the National Scientific Congress", the vast majority of scientific and technological personnel love the party, love socialism, strive to combine with the workers and peasants, with enthusiasm to the scientific and technological work they are engaged in, achieved achievements... In the whole, it is our own red and specialized scientific and technological team of the working class. | {
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 高悬秦镜
成语释义: | 秦镜秦始皇时的能照见人心善恶的镱子。高挂能照见人心善恶的镜子。后用以比喻官吏断案公正,执法严明。
成语出处:晋·葛洪《西京杂记》第三卷(咸阳宫)有方镜,广四尺,高五尺九寸……人有疾病在内则掩心而照之,则知病之所在。又女子有邪心,是胆张心动。秦始皇常以照宫人,胆张心动者则杀之。 | In the words of Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Qin Q | {
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chinese_traditional | 盲翁扪钥
这个词语是什么意思? | 比喻只凭片面了解或局部经验就对事物妄加判断。亦作盲翁扪籥。
成语出处:宋·苏轼《日喻》生而眇者不识日,问之有目者。或告之曰‘日之状如铜盘。’扣盘而得其声。他日闻锺以为日也。或告之曰‘日之光如烛。’扪烛而得其形,他日揣钥以为日也。日之与锺钥亦远矣,而眇者不知其异,以其未尝见而求之人也。 | The parable is that the one who knows only one part of the knowledge or part of the experience judges the things, and the one who is blind is the one who says, “The day of the day is the day of the day, the day of the day is the day of the day, the day of the day is the day of the day, the day of the day is the day of the day, the day of the day is the day of the day, the day of the day is the day of the day, the day of the day is the day of the day, and the day of the day is the day of the day, and the day of the day is the day of the day, and the day of the day is the day of the day, and the day of the day is the day of the day, and the day of the day of the day is the day of the day. | {
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] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 改梁换柱
成语释义: | 比喻玩弄手法,暗中改变事物的内容或事情的性质。
成语出处:郭沫若《文艺论集读·梁任公〈墨子新社会之组织法〉》便是胡適和梁任也都很知道他这种宗教的循环论证不足以满足我们近代人的要求,所以极力在用改梁换柱的方法,要把他的根本观念改移到另一个较为好看一点的节目上去。 | The metaphoric play, the secret change of the content of things or the nature of things. Source: Guo Boo If the "Literature Theory Collection Read · Liang Yong-hoo "The Organization Law of the New Society of Mucos " is Hu Hu Hu and Liang also know that his kind of religious circular argument is not enough to meet the requirements of our modern people, so the great effort in the use of the reforming method, to change his fundamental ideas to another program that looks a little better. | {
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] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 成语释义:望帝啼鹃
含义: | 相传战国时蜀王杜宇称帝,号望帝,为蜀治水有功,后禅位臣子,退隐西山,死后化为杜鹃鸟,啼声凄切。后常指悲哀凄惨的啼哭。
成语出处:元·关汉卿《窦娥冤》若没些儿灵圣与世人传,也不见得湛湛清天。我不要半星血红尘洒,都只在八尺旗枪素练悬。等他四下里皆瞧见,这就是咱苌弘化碧,望帝啼鹃。 | The king said, “The Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the earth.” | {
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] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 断织之诫
成语释义: | 孟子的母亲用割断织布机上的纱,使机上的纱不能成布的损失来告诫中途放弃学业的儿子。后用这个故事告诫中途辍学的人。
成语出处:汉·刘向《列女传·母仪传》孟子之少也,既学而归,孟母方绩,问曰‘学何所至矣?’孟子曰‘自若也。’孟母以刀断其织。孟子惧而问其故,孟母曰‘子之学,若吾断斯织也。’ | The mother of Menon used to cut the veil on the weaving machine, so that the veil on the plane could not be made of the loss to warn the son of the middle way to abandon the school. Then the story used to warn the middle way leaving the school. The word comes from the word: Han Liu to the “Lehn Gospel of the Mother” Menon also, both learned and returned, Menon mother performance, said: “What is the school?” Menon said: “If I break the tissue too.” | {
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] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 御沟红叶
成语释义: | 御沟流经宫苑的河道。指红叶题诗的故事,后用以比喻男女奇缘。亦作御沟流叶、红叶之题。
成语出处:唐·孟棨《本事诗》记载,顾况在洛阳游苑中,流水上得大梧叶,上有宫女题诗,顾况次日也于上游题诗叶上,泛于波中,以此传情。又一说,题诗宫女名韩翠苹,诗为于祐所得,于又题诗为韩所得,韩、于最终成为夫妻。 | The Qur’an says, “The Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’ | {
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 跑龙套
成语释义: | 原指戏曲中拿着旗子做兵卒的角色,后比喻在人手下做无关紧要的事。
成语出处:沈从文《跑龙套》跑龙套在戏台上象是个无固定任务角色,姓名通常不上海报,虽然每一出戏文中大将或寨主出场,他都得前台露面打几个转,而且要严肃认真,不言不笑,凡事照规矩行动,随后才必恭必敬的分站两旁。 | In the original play, the role of the flag as a soldier, after the likeness to the person under the hand does not matter. The word comes from the word "run dragon suit" running dragon suit on the theater as a role without a fixed task, the name is usually not Shanghai newspaper, although every play in the play, the general or the master appeared, he had to appear in the front of the table a few turns, and to be serious, not to laugh, everything according to the rules of action, then must be respectful of the two sides. | {
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] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 扪参历井的意思是什么? | 参、井,皆星宿名,分别为蜀秦分野。指自秦入蜀途中,山势高峻,可以摸到参、井两星宿。形容山势高峻,道路险阻。亦形容世路艰难。
成语出处:唐·李白《蜀道难》诗扪参历井仰胁息,以手抚膺坐长叹。宋·王铚《王公四六话》邓温伯知成都谢上表云‘扪参历井,敢辞蜀道之难;就日望云,愈觉长安之远。’自后凡官两川者,谢表相承用此一联。 | The mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, | {
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] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 伈伈睍睍
这个成语的意思是什么? | 伈伈小心恐惧的样子。睍睍也作伣伣,眼睛不敢睁大的样子。小心害怕或低声下气的样子。
成语出处:唐·韩愈《祭鳄鱼文》刺史虽驽弱,亦安肯为鳄鱼低首下心,伈伈睍睍,为民吏羞,以偷活于此耶?《明史·邹智传》及与议事,又唯诺惟谨,伈伈伣伣,若有所不敢,反不如一二俗吏足以任事。此陛下所为疑也,臣窃以为过矣。 | “They are the people who are in fear, and the people who are in fear, and the people who are in fear, and the people who are in fear, and the people who are in fear, and the people who are in fear, and the people who are in fear, and the people who are in fear, and the people who are in fear, and the people who are in fear, and the people who are in fear, and the people who are in fear, and the people who are in fear, and the people who are in fear, and the people who are in fear, and the people who are in fear, and the people who are in fear, and the people who are in fear, and the people who are in fear, and the people who are in fear, and the people who are in fear, and the people who are in fear, and the people who are in fear.” | {
"major": [
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 逍遥事外
这个词语是什么意思? | ①指犯法者没有受到法律制裁。亦泛指做坏事或与坏事有牵连的人不受追查。②指置身事外,毫不关心。
成语出处:清·包世臣《致广东按察姚中丞书》首祸正凶,逍遥事外。鲁迅《花边文学·女人未必多说谎》关于杨妃,禄山之乱以后的文人就都撒着大谎,玄宗逍遥事外,倒说是许多坏事情都由她。 | 1 The offenders are not punished by the law, but also those who do bad things or are associated with bad things are not pursued. 2 The offenders are not concerned with the matter, and the words come from the word: Qing Bose, "To Guangdong, according to the Yuan-Zi Jia-cheng book, the first offenders are wronged, and the offenders are wronged." | {
"major": [
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 岁在龙蛇的含义是什么? | 岁,岁星;龙,指辰;蛇,指巳。后指命数当终。
成语出处:《后汉书·郑玄传》五年春,梦孔子告之曰‘起,起,今年岁在辰,来年岁在巳。’既寤,以谶合之,知当命终,有顷寝疾。李贤注北齐刘昼《高才不遇传》论玄曰‘辰为龙,巳为蛇,岁至龙蛇。贤人嗟,玄以谶合之’,盖谓此也。 | In the Qur’an, the Qur’an says, “The Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 成语释义:见素抱朴
含义: | 老子提出的治国的三项具体措施之一。是说要推举圣人,实行法治,即用无为之治取代有为之治。对应于绝圣弃智。
成语出处:《老子》曰见素抱朴。老子《道德经》新解见现,呈现,推出。素没有染色的生丝。这里比喻品质纯洁、高尚的圣人。朴没有加工的原木。这里比喻合乎自然法则的社会法律。。见素抱朴、绝学无忧、少私寡欲是老子提出的治国的三项具体措施。 | One of the three concrete measures of the kingdom proposed by the old son is to promote the saints, to practice the rule of law, that is, to replace the rule of the unjust with the rule of the unjust. The word comes from the word: “The old son” says “the old son” is “the moral book” is newly interpreted, presented, and launched. There are three concrete measures for the rule of the kingdom proposed by the old son. | {
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 成语释义:直上直下
含义: | ①上下一贯。②从上到下,从头到脚。③形容陡直。
成语出处:《朱子全书》卷四凡事都分做两边,是底放一边,非底放一边。是底是天理,非底是人欲。是即守而勿失,非即去而不留此治一身之法也。治一家则分别一家之是非,治一邑则分别一邑之邪正,推而一州一路以至天下,莫不皆然此~之道。 | 2 From the top to the bottom, from the head to the foot. 3 The word comes from the word: "The Book of Zhuo" is divided into four parts, the bottom is one side, not the bottom is one side. The bottom is God, not the bottom is man's desire. is the right to keep and not lose, not the right to go and not to leave this rule of the body, the rule of the family is the right of the family, the rule of the town is the wrong of the city, and the rule of the city is the right of the country, and the rule of the city is the right of the country. | {
"major": [
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 箕山之节
这个词语是什么意思? | 箕山古代传说唐尧时的隐士许由、巢父隐居的地方。节名节,节操。指归隐以保全节操。旧时用以称誉不愿在乱世做官的人。亦作箕山之志、箕山之操。
成语出处:《吕氏春秋·求人》昔尧朝许由于沛泽之中,曰‘……请属天下于夫子。’许由辞曰‘为天下之不治与?而既已治矣。自为与?啁噍巢于林,不过一枝;偃鼠饮于河,不过满腹。归已君乎!恶用天下?’遂之箕山之下,颖水之阳,耕而食,终身无经天下之色。 | In the Old Testament, the Qur’an says, “The people of the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 天保九如
成语释义: | 天保《诗经·小雅》中的篇名;九如该诗中连用了九个如字,有棕福寿延绵不绝之意。旧时祝寿的话,棕福寿绵长。
成语出处:《诗经·小雅·天保》天保定尔,以莫不兴。如山如皋,如冈如陵,如川之方至,以莫不增……如月之恒,如日之升,如南山之寿,不骞不崩,如松柏之茂,无不尔或承。 | Nine of the nine verses of the Qur’an are written in the Qur’an, and nine of the nine are written in the Qur’an, and nine are written in the Qur’an, and nine are written in the Qur’an, and nine are written in the Qur’an, and nine are written in the Qur’an, and nine are written in the Qur’an. | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 孤鸾照镜的意思是什么? | 比喻无偶或失偶者对命运的伤悼。
成语出处:南朝宋范泰《鸾鸟诗》序羪宾王结羋峻祁之山,获一鸾鸟。王甚爱之,欲其鸣而不能致也。乃饰以金樊,飨以珍羞,对之愈戚,三年不鸣。其夫人曰‘尝闻鸟见其类而后鸣,何不悬镜以映之?’王从其言。鸾睹形感契,慨然悲鸣,哀响中霄,一奋而绝。 | In the Qur’an, the Qur’an says, “The people of the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the mountains | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 成语释义:参前倚衡
含义: | 意指言行要讲究忠信笃敬,站着就仿佛看见忠信笃敬四字展现于眼前,乘车就好象看见这几个字在车辕的横木上。泛指一举一动,一。
成语出处:《论语·卫灵公》子张问行,子曰‘言忠信,行笃敬,虽蛮貊之邦,行矣。言不忠信,行不笃敬,虽州里,行乎哉?立则见其参於前也,在舆则见其倚於衡也,夫然后行。’子张书诸绅。 | As for the words of the Qur’an, “That is the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the | {
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 鸠集凤池是什么意思? | 鸠斑鸠,比喻凡才;集聚集;凤池凤凰池的简称,为皇帝禁苑中的池沼,是中书省所在的地方。比喻庸才居要位。
成语出处:《资治通鉴·唐纪则天后圣历二年》内史王及善虽无学术,然清正难夺,有大臣之节。胡三省注《朝野佥载》曰‘王及善才行庸猥,风神钝浊,为内史时,人号为鸠集凤池。’ | In the Qur’an, the Qur’an says: “The Qur’an is the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an and the Qur | {
"major": [
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 诟龟呼天
这个成语的意思是什么? | 原意为占卜不吉,对占卜器具及天辱骂呼叫。引申为对不幸命运的呼号。
成语出处:《浅论儒家的孝道·再兴国学》八十多年前,时人发愤于国之积弱,诟龟呼天。一批深受西学影响又急欲救亡图强的激进青年,以胡适、陈独秀为主将,发起了一场中国近代以来反孔非儒的高潮——‘五四新文化革命运动’。 | The origin of the name is Zombie, the call to Zombie tools and the humiliation of heaven. The call to the unfortunate fate. The word comes from: "Ashore about the Jews'孝道; rejuvenation of the country" more than eighty years ago, when people were angry at the weakness of the country, the turtle cried to the sky. A group of radical youths deeply influenced by western culture and eager to save the death of the Tiger, with Hu Jing, Chen Singh as the master, initiated a Chinese anti-Chu Feng highlight since modern times - the "Five-Four New Cultural Revolution Movement." | {
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] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 下面词语是什么意思:呵欠连天 | 呵欠困倦时往往情不自禁地张开大口吸气的现象。不断的打哈欠。①形容尚未睡醒。②比喻非常疲倦的样子。亦作哈气连天。
成语出处:①明·凌濛初《初刻拍案惊奇》卷六春花也为起得早了,在小师父房里打盹,听得家主婆叫响,呵欠连天,走到面前。②又卷一众人都被风颠得头晕,个个是呵欠连天,不肯同去。 | In fact, it is not possible to have a single person, but it is not possible to have a single person, but it is not possible to have a single person, but it is not possible to have a single person, but it is not possible to have a single person, but it is not possible to have a single person. | {
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 仙山楼阁
成语释义: | 指仙人所居住的仙境。多用于形容奇异不凡或美妙空幻的境界或景象等。
成语出处:《史记·封禅书》自威(齐威王)、宣(齐宣王)、燕昭使人入海求蓬莱、方丈、瀛洲。此三神山者,其傅在勃海中……盖尝有至者,诸仙人及不死之药皆在焉。其物禽兽咀,而黄金银为宫阙。未至,望之如云;及到,三神山反居水下。临之,风辄引去, | In the Qur’an, the Qur’an says, “The Qur’an is the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur’an, the Qur | {
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] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 下面词语是什么意思:一人得道,鸡犬升天 | 一个人得道面仙,全家连鸡、狗也都随之升天。比喻一个人做了官,和他有关系的人也都跟着得势。
成语出处:汉·王充《论衡·道虚》淮南王学道,招会天下有道之人,倾一国之尊,下道术之士,是以道术之士并会淮南,奇方异术,莫不争出。王遂得道,举家升天,畜产皆仙,犬吠于天上,鸡鸣于云中。 | A man is given the word, and the whole family, even chickens, and dogs, ascend to the heavens. The example of a man is the official, and the people with whom he has a relationship are also followed by the word. The word comes from the word: Han King, the king of Huangnan, the king of Huangnan, the king of Huangnan, the king of Huangnan, the king of Huangnan, the king of Huangnan, the king of Huangnan, the king of Huangnan, the king of Huangnan, the king of Huangnan, the king of Huangnan, the king of Huangnan, the king of Huangnan, the king of Huangnan, the king of Huangnan, the king of Huangnan, the king of Huangnan, the king of Huangnan, the king of Huangnan. | {
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 这句话的含义是什么:佛高一尺,魔高一丈 | 原为佛家告诫修行者,要警惕外界诱惑。佛,指佛法;魔,指魔法。后用以比喻一方势力(多指正义的)增长,与之对立的另一方势力(多指非正义的)则加倍增长。
成语出处:明·李贽《与梅衡湘书》‘佛高一尺,魔高一丈。’昔人此言,只要人知有佛即有魔,如形之有影,声之有响,必然不相离者。 | The Buddha warned the practitioners to be careful of external temptations, the Buddha referred to Buddha and the Devil referred to magic, and then used as a metaphor for the growth of one side of the power (many indicate justice), and the opposite side of the power (many indicate injustice) increased by double. | {
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] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 成语释义:随波逐浪
含义: | ①颠沛的样子。②谓同行同止。③随着波浪飘荡。④犹言随波逐流,随大流。
成语出处:①唐·白居易《浪淘沙》词之六随波逐浪到天涯,迁客西还有几家。②元·孟汉卿《魔合罗》第三折详察这生分女作歹为非,更和这忤逆男随波逐浪。③明·罗贯中《三国演义》第七四回七军乱窜,随波逐浪者,不计其数。 | In the first verse of the Qur’an, the Qur’an says: “The Qur’an is the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an of the Qur’an, the Qur’an and the Qur’an of the Qur’ | {
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 一尘不染的含义是什么? | 原指佛教徒修行时,排除物欲,保持心地洁净。现泛指丝毫不受坏习惯,坏风气的影响。也用来形容非常清洁、干净。
成语出处:唐·释道世《法苑珠林》若菩萨在乾土山中经行,土不著足,随岚风来,吹破土山,令散为尘,乃至一尘不著佛身。宋·张耒《腊月小雪后圃梅开》一尘不染香到骨,姑射仙人风露身。 | The Buddhist practitioner said that when the Buddhists practiced, they excluded material desires, and kept their hearts clean. Now the Panda is not affected by bad habits and bad weather, and is also used to describe the very clean and clean. The word comes from the words: "Dang Freud" "Fang Yoon" If the Buddha went through the dry mountains, the earth did not hold his feet, followed by the wind, blowed the mountains, dispersed into dust, and not even dusted by the Buddha. | {
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 这个词语是什么意思?三兽渡河
答案: | 佛教以兔、马、象三兽渡河入水之深浅,喻小、中、大三乘证道之高下。后泛指修行。
成语出处:《优婆塞戒经·三种菩提品》善男子,如恒河三兽俱渡兔、马、香象。兔不至底,浮水而过;马或至底,或不至底;象则尽底°河水者,即是十二因缘河也。声闻渡时,犹如彼兔;缘觉渡时,犹如彼马;如来渡时,犹如香象,是故如来得名为佛。 | The Buddhist Buddhism is the rise of the rabbit, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse, horse. | {
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"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 周游列国
这句话的意思是什么? | 周游全都走到,游遍。原指孔丘带着他的学生周游当时的许多国家,希望得到重用,以便推行儒家的政治主张。后指走遍各地。
成语出处:曹余章《上下五千年·孔子周游列国》孔子的学生说‘鲁君不办正事,咱们走吧!’打那以后,孔子离开鲁国,带着一批学生周游列国,希望找个机会实行他的政治主张。 | In fact, it is not possible to see any of the people who are in the world, but the people who are in the world, who are in the world, who are in the world, who are in the world, who are in the world. | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 明修栈道,暗度陈仓
成语释义: | 指刘邦将从汉中出兵攻项羽时,故意明修栈道,迷惑对方,暗中绕道奔袭陈仓,取得胜利。陈仓,古县名,在今陕西省宝鸡市东。
成语出处:元·无名氏《暗度陈仓》第二折着樊哙明修栈道,俺可暗度陈仓古道。这楚兵不知是智,必然排兵在栈道守把。俺往陈仓古道抄截,杀他个措手不及也。 | In the words of the Lord, when the people of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom. | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 这句话的含义是什么:以夷攻夷 | 使夷人自相攻伐。本是封建统治阶级对少数民族实行的一种民族分化政策。晚清时,亦指利用西方的科学技术来对付资本主义国家的侵略。
成语出处:《汉书·晁错传》以蛮夷攻蛮夷,中国之形也。颜师古注不烦华夏之兵,使其同类互相攻击也。《明史·李材传》给事中唐尧钦等亦言‘材以夷攻夷,功不可泯。’ | In the words of the Hebrews, “The people of Israel are the people of Israel, and the people of Israel are the people of Israel, and the people of Israel are the people of Israel, and the people of Israel are the people of Israel, and the people of Israel are the people of Israel.” | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 卓绝千古
这个词语是什么意思? | 卓绝程度达到极点,超过一切。超过以往的一切人。
成语出处:唐·李白《溧阳濑水贞义女碑铭》子胥始东奔勾吴,月涉星遁。或七日不火,伤弓于飞。逼迫于昭关,匍匐于濑者。舍车而徒,告穷此女。目色以臆,授之壶浆。全人自沉,形与口灭。卓绝千古,声凌浮云。激节必报之仇,雪诚无疑之地。难乎哉! | “They are the sons of the Lord, and the sons of the Lord, and the sons of the Lord, and the sons of the Lord, and the sons of the Lord, and the sons of the Lord, and the sons of the Lord, and the sons of the Lord, and the sons of the Lord, and the sons of the Lord, and the sons of the Lord, and the sons of the Lord, and the sons of the Lord, and the sons of the Lord, and the sons of the Lord, and the sons of the Lord, and the sons of the Lord, and the sons of the Lord, and the sons of the Lord, and the sons of the Lord, and the sons of the Lord, and the sons of the Lord, and the sons of the Lord, and the sons of the Lord, and the sons of the Lord, and the sons of the Lord, and the sons of the Lord, and the sons of the Lord, and the sons of the Lord, and the sons of the Lord, and the sons of the Lord, and the Lord of the Lord, and the Lord of the Lord.” | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 下面词语是什么意思:惊肉生髀 | 惊叹久处安逸,不能有所作为。
成语出处:《三国志·蜀志·先主传》裴松之注引晋司马彪《九州春秋》备住荆州数年,尝于表刘表坐起至厕,见髀里肉生,慨然流涕。还坐,表怪问备,备曰‘吾常身不离鞍,髀肉皆消。今不复骑,髀里肉生。日月若驰,老将至矣,而功业不建,是以悲耳。’ | Thus, the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe of the tribe. | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 琼岛春云的含义是什么? | 即琼华岛。明代北京八景之一。亦指北京十景之一。
成语出处:明·蒋一葵《长安客话·积水潭》海子东浒有琼华岛,亦永乐间赐名。岛之阳为广寒殿,乔松古桧,烟云缭绕。京师八景有‘琼岛春云’,谓此。明·王洪《北京八咏》有《琼岛春云》诗。明·李东阳《京都十景》诗之一有《琼岛春云》。 | In the eighth sight of Beijing, the eighth sight of Beijing is one of the eight sights of Beijing, and the eighth sight of Beijing is one of the eight sights of Beijing. In the eighth sight of Beijing, the eighth sight of Yangtze is “Juan Island Spring”, which means “Juan Island Spring”, which is the eighth sight of Yangtze, and the eighth sight of Yangtze is “Juan Island Spring”. | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 以子之矛,攻子之盾
成语释义: | 子对别人的称呼;矛进攻敌人的刺击武器;盾保护自己挡住敌人刀箭的牌。比喻拿对方的观点、方法或言论来反驳对方。
成语出处:《韩非子·难一》楚人有鬻榡与矛者,誉之曰‘吾榡之坚,莫能陷也。’又誉其矛曰‘吾矛之利,于物无不陷也。’或曰‘以子之矛陷子之榡何如?’其人弗能应也。 | The son of the other people calls; the spider attacks the enemy's assault weapons; the shield protects himself against the enemy's arrow cards.The spider uses the other's views, methods or words to refute each other.The speech comes from the word: "Han Fiyun, difficult one," "The spider has a spider and a spider," and the spider says, "I can't get a spider." | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 加油添酱的意思是什么? | 为夸张或渲染的需要,在叙事或说话时增添原来没有的内容。同加油添醋。
成语出处:清·坑余生《续济公传》第九十七回太后方要开言,又是泪珠直滚,觉得心中一股又酸又苦的闷气,把个喉咙抵住,要想说一个字,都说不出来。刚好周选待加油添酱的,便说皇上怎样不孝,怎样把懿旨吊销。 | In order to exaggerate or render the need, add the original content when telling or speaking. Add the oil and the jealousy. The word source: Qing and the mouth of the rest of the life of the "Third Meal Communion" 97th time too late to speak, and the tears roll straight, feeling a heart of acid and bitter sorrow, hold a throat, want to say a word, can not say. | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 这句话的含义是什么:辨日炎凉 | 古代传说中辩论太阳离地远近的故事。后以之形容兒童的聪明早慧。
成语出处:《列子·汤问》孔子东游,见两小兒辩斗。问其故,……一兒曰‘日初出,大如车盖,及日中,则如盘盂此不为远者小而近者大乎?’一兒曰‘日初出,沧沧凉凉;及其日中,如探汤此不为近者热而远者凉乎?’孔子不能决也。 | In the ancient legends, the story of the sun is discussed in the distance from the earth, and the child is described in the early wisdom of the child.The word comes from the Confucius, and the two young children are arguing.The question is why the son said, "The day of the day, the day of the day, is as big as the roof of the car, and the day of the day, is as big as the day of the little and the nearer, and the day of the morning, and the day of the cold, and the day of the cold, and the day of the cold, and the day of the cold, and the day of the cold, and the day of the cold." | {
"major": [
"minor": [
} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
chinese_traditional | 成语释义:十八般武艺
含义: | ①使用十八般兵器的本领。亦泛指多种武艺。②比喻多种技能。
成语出处:元·杨梓《敬德不伏老》第一折凭着俺十八般武艺,定下了六十四处征尘。明·施耐庵《水浒传》第二回史进每日求王教头点拨十八般武艺,一一从头指教。那十八般武艺?矛锤弓弩铳,鞭锏剑链挝,斧钺并戈戟,牌棒与枪叉。 | In the 18th century, the 18th century was the first century in which the 18th century was the first century in which the 18th century was the first century in which the 18th century was the first century in which the 18th century was the first century in which the 18th century was the first century in which the 18th century was the first century in which the 18th century was the first century in which the 18th century was the first century in which the 18th century was the first century in which the 18th century was the first century in which the 18th century was the first century in which the 18th century was the first century in which the 18th century was the first century in which the 18th century was the first century in which the 18th century was the first century. | {
"major": [
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} | [
] | 暂无元数据信息 | human | true | 暂无版权及作者信息 |
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