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101 | He got outsmarted, his best friend met a new friend and he became his best friend and Alexander fell in some mud and no one helped him up. He is always wishing to go to Australia. The lesson in the book is, if you have a bad day, there will be lots of other good days.Christie likes the part when Alexander drew an invisible drawing. Yoko likes the part when Alexander got his foot caught in the elevator because he thinks it's funny. Jared does not like the book because he read it a lot and he is getting bored of it. The book reminded Christie and Jared about fighting with their sisters. The book reminded Yoko about the day he fell in some mud, just like Alexander did. They thought the book was funny, but they wished that it had colors so that the pictures would pop out.We recommend this book to everyone because everyone has a bad day once in a while. People who like funny comedy books will like this book. Jared also recommends this book to older sisters and brothers because it shows them how little sisters and brothers feel when they are cruel. Check out this book because it's for you! |
102 | First he went to sleep with gum in his mouth and it got in his hair. Then he tripped on a skateboard and dropped his sweater in the sink. His brothers got a toy from the cereal box, but Alexander didn't. Then he got pushed into the mud by his older brothers and they called him a cry baby. These are just some of the bad things that happen to Alexander. You'll have to read to find out the other bad things that happen to him!This is a great book because it has good pictures. My favorite part was when his brothers got striped shoes and Alexander got plain shoes because they were not being fair to him. This reminds me of my sisters because they are not fair to me.I highly recommend this cool story because it has awesome pictures. I recommend this book to people that like other Judith Viorst books. This story is for people of all ages because everyone has bad days! |
103 | This book is called Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, by Judith Viorst. This book is about Alexander and he has a bad day. Like when he left his sweater in the sink while the water was running and like when he did not get a toy in his cereal like Anthony and Nick did. Also when he got a cavity and his brothers did not. It felt like a bad day but it might be a good day tomorrow.I felt like I had a bad day like Alexander when I dropped my sweater in some place that was wet. That made me have a really bad day too. I thought it was really funny when Alexander showed his picture of an invisible castle and his friend had a really good picture of a boat. It was funny because Alexander just had a blank piece of paper and he said it was a picture. I recommend this book to kids that had a bad day because it can cheer them up and tell them that they're not the only one that had a bad day. I give this book four stars because it is a funny book for us to read, but not for Alexander! |
104 | This story is about Alexander having a terrible day. When he woke up, he had gum in his hair because he was sleeping with gum in his mouth. (So one lesson from this book is to never chew gum before bedtime). Alexander’s brothers had toys in their cereal boxes, and Alexander had no toys in his cereal box. Alexander does not like sitting in the middle in the car, and he had to. At the end of the story, he was dreaming about moving to Australia!Alexander has red hair. The book is funny, like when he drew an invisible castle. I felt bad for Alexander when he had no dessert in his lunch, but the other kids did. But I didn’t like character’s name though, Alexander, it’s too long.People will like this book because it is funny. I would read this book to David, my baby neighbor, who is two years old. Every time I read a book to him, he relaxes. |
105 | The book is about a boy named Alexander who had a very bad day. First he is at home. Next inside the car, then the cafeteria, then at the dentist, in the driveway, shoe store and post office. I think if he just listened he will have a good day. I like the book because the dentist said that he has cavities. I like this part because Alexander said he would be in Canada on Wednesday (when the dentist told him he'd have to come back). I thought that part was funny because I knew he didn't really have to go to Canada. When he got to the shoe store he had to get white sneakers. I like these parts because he was very angry. It was a little funny. My favorite part is that he had gum in his hair. When he had gum is in his hair, his hair was pointy and sticking out to the side and he said that that's what he gets for sleeping with gum in his hair.I recommend this book to ages 5 and up. |
106 | This book’s title is Alexander and the Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. I know that Alexander is having a bad day because it shows it in the illustrations. He wakes up with gum in his hair, then the first thing he does when he gets out of bed is trip on his skateboard. He also drops his sweater in the sink. The picture shows what he looks like in the morning when he is upset. It is a very funny picture. He needs to be more careful!I can make a connection because when I wake up and have a fight with my mom, I have a bad day too.I thought it was funny when Alexander got mad at his friend Paul because he said he wasn't his best friend anymore. He said he hoped the next time he got an ice-cream cone that it falls off and and lands in Australia!I hope that now you agree with me that Alexander and the Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day is a funny book!Sincerely,Ethan H. |
107 | This is a story about a mouse named Alexander and a wind-up mouse named Willy. Alexander, at first, wants to be a wind-up mouse like Willy because Willy sleeps in a warm bed. But when Alexander finds out that Willy was going to get thrown away, he went to the magic lizard so Willy could become a real live mouse. The lizard asked Alexander to find a purple pebble. And guess what he saw by the box that Willy was in? So Alexander picked up the purple pebble and went to the bush that the magic lizard was under, and wished that Willy the wind-up mouse turned into a real mouse. And when he went back to his mousehole, there was a real mouse, which was Willy.I think the story is great because the wind-up mouse turns into a real mouse by a magic lizard. And they happily ever after from then on.I recommend this book to kids that like cute mice. Even the pictures have cute mice like Alexander. Or maybe they are. |
108 | This is a book about a little mouse named Alexander. He lived in a house, in a mouse hole. The people living in the house chased Alexander whenever they saw him. One day when the family was out Alexander came out of the mouse hole. He found a toy mouse. "I'm Willy", said the toy mouse. Alexander and Willy became friends. Alexander wanted to go downstairs and eat crumbs. But Willy could not. He said he was a wind-up mouse and the only way for him to move was to wind him up. So they chatted instead. Willy told Alexander about a little girl named Annie. Willy slept with her. Everybody loved Willy. Soon Alexander came to love Willy too. One day Alexander asked if he could be a wind-up mouse too. Will he? Find out in Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse! I like the book because of the way Leo Lionni describes how Alexander and Willy have so much fun together. I think you should read this book because it's a great thing that Alexander wants to be loved like Willy. This book reminds me about my friend Hannah. She always tells me that she wants my hair. It is like when Alexander wants to be a wind-up mouse like Willy. Leo Lionni has written other books too. I think you should read those other books like An Extraordinary Egg, Swimmy, Fredrick, and Six Crows because they're all good books too. Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse is like Fredrick because they both have mice. |
109 | Then you’ll love this book. Alexander was born a prince, or so he thought. Then his mother Olympia shared an incredible secret. His real father was Zeus, Ruler of Gods. Alexander also conquered half of Persia’s land. This all happened in Europe, Asia, and Africa.Alexander is my favorite character because he conquered Asia. I like the book because it has lots of action and Alexander conquers. I like the pictures because they tell a lot about what’s happening.I think a history lover would love the book. I recommend that people who like history should read this book. I also think third through sixth grades should definitely read this book. |
110 | Did you ever have to move? He was angry and furious about it. He was cranky about it too. He wanted to move in with other people in his old neighborhood. Alexander says throughout the book, "I?m not - DO YOU HEAR ME? - going to move! "It reminds me, (Christian) of a feelings movie. Alexander shows his true unhappy feelings about moving. I (Ryan) like the part when he was hiding inside the pickle barrel. I (Sean) like this story because it reminds me of when I had to move. I didn?t want to move but now I?m happy I did. We recommend this book to kids and parents who don?t want to move but in the end they do. |
111 | This book is about a boy named Alexander who does not want to move. His family is packing, but Alexander says he doesn’t want to move. He doesn’t want to move because he thinks he will miss his friends and neighbors. Read this funny book to find out if Alexander will move or not.I like this book a lot because Alexander is very funny. My favorite part is when his brother says that Alexander could live at the zoo with all of the other animals. That part gave me a funny picture in my mind. This book reminds me of when my brothers and I have to move to new places because we move a lot.I recommend this book to people that move a lot with their families. I think 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders would love this book. |
112 | This story is about a kid who was rich for a day. He only had bus tokens. When his Grandma came over, she gave him a dollar. He wanted to spend it but his dad told him to save it for college. His brother told him to buy a new face with it at the downtown store. He bought bubble gum and then got mad because it stopped tasting good. He told his friend David he would give him a nickel for the bubble gum in his mouth. He made bets with his friends but lost. At the end of the day Alex had nothing.I recommend this story to all second graders. I like this book very much because it reminds me of myself. I remember when I started to earn and save money. It also reminds me of when my dad gave me my first dollar. |
113 | In this book, a boy named Alexander got a dollar from his visiting grandma and grandpa. He wanted to save the money for a walkie talkie, but Alexander ended up spending the money on other things. Some of the things he spent his money on were lots of bubble gum, making bets with his brothers, and renting a snake from his friend. Alexander also had to pay his dad for saying bad words and being mean to his brothers. Read this book to find out if Alexander made more money to buy his walkie talkie.We thought this book was interesting because it taught us all about money. Our favorite part was when Alexander was dreaming about how he would spend his money if he was rich. We thought that the illustrations were awesome, because they look like they were drawn into the book. People who like to spend or save money would like this book because throughout the whole book Alexander tries to save money, but ends up spending all of his money. We thought the book is way too difficult for second graders to read, because it has a lot of very long words in it. Adults and kids would like this book because adults could help kids read the harder words. |
114 | It’s about a dog that gets adopted by a girl named Ella and she names him Alfie. Ella’s mom has a baby and when it comes home Ella doesn’t play with Alfie anymore she only plays with the baby. Ella’s mom and dad are thinking about bringing Alfie back to the adoption center. I thought it was funny that Alfie was jealous. Sometimes when dogs are jealous they will do anything until they have you to themselves. This book reminds me of another book Sky the Unwanted Kitten because both animals might get taken away back to the adoption center. The books are by the same author, too. I think Alfie is cute. He is white. That is good camouflage for the winter. That’s why I think it’s a good book. I would recommend this book for grades 2nd to 4th. I think the book is more of a girl book because it is mainly about a girl, a baby, and a dog. The main reason I like it is because I’m a fan of dogs. |
115 | Alia Waking is written by Laura McCaffrey. She is my mom! The book is about a girl who wants to be a warrior woman, but does she really turn into one?Alia learns that there is more to being a warrior than bravery. A warrior needs to be strong and smart.In this book Alia captures two of her enemies with her best friend Ky. There is a problem though. She and Ky get into a fight about who is going to feed the prisoners.I think this book is good because it has lots of details about where they go and what they do. My favorite part is when they capture the enemies because it is exciting. I feel like I'm in the book when I read it because I'm like Alia. I have brown hair and I'm adventurous.I recommend this book to kids in second grade and older and to kids and adults who like adventure and mystery. |
116 | Alice and her sister were reading on the bank. Alice got tired after a while so she got off the tree branch and went on the grass. A white rabbit soon appeared. When Alice was chasing the white rabbit she fell right down in a hole. While she went after following for what seemed a long time, she chased the white rabbit into a hall of doors. All the doors were locked. She noticed a key on a very high table. Then she ate some treats she finds in a box which made her very tall. Then, she started to cry. Her tears filled the room with water. She ate more of those treats which make her small again.Once she gets out of the hall of doors she meets some very interesting people. A Cheshire cat, a Mad Hatter, a door mouse, and a Red queen who always yells "Off with Their Heads". The Red Queen challenges Alice to a game of croquet. Alice's head was still attached. The queen won, and Alice runs away being chased by the queen's card soldiers. Will Alice ever get home?I enjoyed reading this book because Alice took me on many adventures. Another reason why I enjoyed reading this book is because it taught me not to be afraid of dreaming. The last reason why I enjoyed this book is when Alice woke up and realized she was dreaming and she returned home. This book was very enjoyable.My favorite part is when the Mad Hatter ruined the white rabbit'[s clock that was two days late. Another interesting part is when Alice fell down when she met the queen. The queen was scared of Alice when she grew. My absolute favorite part of the book was when I realized that you can imagine anything. This book is really funny when Alice grew taller or smaller and had many great parts. This book was really funny because when Alice met all the characters they told her something different. Another reason why this book was funny is because Alice kept on chasing after the white rabbit with the clock. The characters in the story are strange and funny.I recommend this book to others because it is a funny book. I also recommend this book to others because there is always a problem with Alice and the characters. Finally, I recommend this book to others if you like interesting and adventurous stories. |
117 | There was a girl named Alice who wants to share her wonderful adventure with you. She was taking a history lesson and she went for a walk. As she was walking she found a white rabbit running. She followed him and that is when she fell in the hole. She ran after the rabbit into the wonderland. She had many wonderful adventures. She found herself floating in the sea and saw a dodo bird floating on a toucan. She kept walking where she met nasty giant flowers. They were being mean and calling her names. She ran away and she was trying to find her way back home. Read this book to find out what happens.I liked the story a lot. I loved Alice because she is very adventurous and not scared. I like the cat too, because he helped Alice in many ways. I did not like the Queen because she was very mean. I recommend the book because there are different characters and exciting things. All kids would like to read this book because Alice is very adventurous. |
118 | This is the original story of Alice and Wonderland. It was written by Lewis Carol in 1865. It begins with the classic story of a girl named Alice Kinsley. She was reading her sister’s book when she saw a white rabbit. She follows him and ends up falling down a well. She eats a cake that makes her small and she enters a place called Wonderland. In Wonderland she meets a series of weird characters. She meets a caterpillar that was very wise but crazy and a Red Queen who gets furious at people and says “off their heads!” One day the queen was missing her tarts and becomes furious. Who stole the queen’s tarts and how does Alice get home? Read this book and find out.I loved the book because it is very interesting and funny. For example, the Red Queen looks very weird and Alice gets very mad at the Mad Hatter because his sayings don’t make sense. There are many differences in this original story compared to other stories about Alice in Wonderland. For example, Alice falls down a well and not a hole and the Caterpillar is a girl in this story. I liked Alice because she is smart and risky. She tricks the queen by pretending to be someone else. My favorite part was when I read about the caterpillar. She said, “Whooo are youuu?” and was colored blue and purple. She reminds me of one of my friends because the caterpillar bosses Alice around and my friend sometimes tries to boss me around. I liked the illustrations because the pictures are amazing and colorful. The illustrations swoop down and it looks like rain is falling from everything. The Author, Lewis Carol, is very talented and also has a great imagination. I liked his book a lot.I recommend this book to kids 10 years of age and older because this book can be scary and hard to read. I also recommend this to kids who like fantasies and classic books. |
119 | It’s about an alien called Alien Alby. He lives with his pet Squeeble and they have lots of toys. Their favourite thing is the mud in the garden. They got into trouble for leaving muddy footprints in the house. My favourite part is when Alby tries to save his Squeeble from trouble because they are naughty and play in the mud but they are not allowed. My favourite character is Alien Alby's puppy because it’s very cute. The pictures in this book are funny and colourful. I think younger boys and girls would enjoy this book because it’s very funny and lots of funny things happen. |
120 | In the book, Alien Clones from Outer Space, by H.B Homzie, the main characters are Barton and Nancy. They are brother and sister. They work at a pet shop together.In the beginning, Barton and Nancy have clones of their own. Beta is Barton's clone and Gamma is Nancy's clone. Beta and Gamma are from outer space. In the middle, all of Barton's and Nancy's friend's think they are weird. They think they are weird because the clones are doing weird things. Everyone thinks the clones are them. Barton's and Nancy's clones take care of the pet shop. In the end, the clones lock Mrs. Schnauzer in a cage. They set all the animals free. Barton's and Nancy's mom and dad don't let them go to the Woptic concert.Will Nancy and Barton ever see Woptic in concert? Read this book to find out!I like this book because it is funny and makes me laugh. My favorite part was when the clones locked Mrs. Schnauzer in a cage. It was a funny thing and made me laugh. They are both very silly, they both like to laugh a lot. The book made me wonder how the clones get on Earth.If you like clones from outer space, this book is perfect for you. The clones in this book are funny. |
121 | “3, 2, 1, BLAST OFF!” You should go on an adventure like Amp and Zack in your library and try to find this book called Blast Off: Alien in my Pocket by Nate Ball.At the beginning of the book, a boy, Zack McGee, found an alien in his room. Zack was very frightened. The alien was tiny, blue, and of course a boy. Next, Zack gets bullied on the bus and finds out that Amp has mind powers. Then, Amp gets loose and Zack try’s to find him. Zack tried to find him by asking the teacher if he can go to the bathroom, but then he gets caught by the principal and misses class. Then, Zack, his friend Olivia, and Amp make a huge mess after school in the science lab, but they still get the pieces they need to fix Amp’s spaceship. Next, they get Amp’s spaceship fixed and were proud of themselves, but after he lifted off, Amp’s spaceship fell back toward Earth. Finally, Amp told them that his planet Erde wasn’t going to invade earth for about 119 days. My favorite part of this book was when Amp hypnotizes Max and makes him “kookoo”. This was my favorite part because of the funny things Max says. You can find out what Max says if you get the book. (P.S., it’s on chapter 7, titled “Bus Breakdown”). My favorite character is Olivia. She is my favorite because she seems like the boss and the brains of the story. As I was reading this book I felt excited. I felt excited because I always couldn’t wait to find out what was going to happen next like when the alien crashed onto Earth and I didn’t know if he’d get back to his planet. I recommend that everyone get this awesome book. It has good details and it’s very funny. I bet you will laugh at things throughout the book! |
122 | An alien has crash landed in Zack’s bedroom. It’s up to Zack to help Amp find his way back home. But where is home? This fantastic book, Alien in My Pocket: Blast Off is written by Nate Bell and illustrated by Mackey Pamintuan.This book is about an alien that crash lands into a boy’s bedroom. He is here to find out if his planet should attack Earth. He has weapons but they are not very scary weapons. When Zack realizes that the alien, Amp, is not dangerous, he wants to help him. Because of the time difference (1 day on planet Erde equals 119 days on Earth) the final decision is not made at the end of the book. My favorite character and the star of this book is an alien named Amp that fits inside a pocket. I like him because he also has the power of mind control. My favorite part of the book is when Zack’s friend Olivia has a periscope and spies on him while he is sleeping in his “unmentionables”. This was so funny and made me laugh. I felt excited when I read this book. It was exciting because it is full of adventure for Amp trying to decide what to do for his planet. If you like funny books, this book is for you! Alien in My Pocket will make you laugh and keep you wanting to read more. I highly recommend this book for anyone. I really enjoyed reading this book. |
123 | In this story, a space ship crashes through a boy's window and falls into his room. The boy's name in Rod. The aliens tell him that their ship is broken and that they need to stay with him for a while. Then one day, when Rod came home from school the aliens told him that a boy in his school named Billy Becker is really an alien criminal from outer space! The aliens said that they have been searching for him for a long time but never caught him. Rod reacts by yelling, "I'm going to get him!" In the ending there is a surprise! The illustrations are very good. The illustrator put a lot of detail into them. The only thing I didn't like about the pictures is that they were black and white. I would recommend this book to others because it is very interesting when the ship goes through the window and other things. I don't think girls would want to read this book because I don't think that girls would want to read about aliens. |
124 | Have you ever read "Aliens Don't Wear Braces"? It is a great book. But there are some weird grown-ups that are in Baily City. The Baily School students are going to try to find out if the art teacher really is an alien. You are going to have to find out yourself.I really liked the book because it had a lot of adventure. My favorite part was when the students tried to find out if Mrs. Zork was really an alien. I like to find out things too. There were no characters that I really liked because none of them were like me. I recommend that anyone who loves fiction read this book. It is really way out there. |
125 | Do you have a younger brother or sister? If you do, you should consider reading this book. In this book there is a silly little boy named Sam that really doesn’t get the world and does silly things. Sam’s sister, mom and dad don’t really get him either. By the end of the book, Sam gets the world because he has grown up. Even though he's grown up he still chooses to do bad things. For example, Sam throws fits and makes a disaster of his room by throwing toys EVERYWHERE!My favorite part is when Sam’s mom and dad told him that the water that flushes down the toilet goes into the ocean. The clouds then suck in that water and it comes down when it rains. So, Sam thought if he flushed a watch down the toilet it would rain watches! But, as you may have guessed, it didn’t. The toilet just got plugged! I also thought that this book was very entertaining, Sam does so many crazy things that it makes me want to read more. I think that older sisters and brothers that read this book will be grateful for the siblings that they have after reading about Sam! How about you?I recommend this book to older sisters or older brothers that think their younger sibling is trouble. They will be able to relate to what it feels like to have a younger brother or sister that acts a little crazy! People who do not have younger siblings may enjoy reading this book too because they will be happy they are an only child! |
126 | This book is about a mouse named Geronimo. He works at a newspaper factory. One morning he was at the coffee shop and he spilled his coffee. When he went to go and get a napkin he saw a pretty mouse. It was love at first sight. Later, he flies to an island that has never bean found before. It was so remote that in order to get there he has to go in an airplane, a jeep, and a speedboat. One night his nephew woke him up and he pointed to a cheesy looking butterfly. The butterfly led them to a cave, and flew through a hole. Only the nephew could fit through the hole. The hole led to a place that made them famous. Read the book to learn why that place is so important that Geronimo Stilton, the mouse adventurer, became famous. I liked this book because it has great colored pictures, and some of the pictures are in the middle of the sentences! The words change colors and fonts, and there are designs on every page. The wacky way the author has set up the pages makes it fun to read the book. I liked the character Trap. He is really silly. I'm silly too, that's why I like him. If you want to read a book that is very different from others you have read, I would recommend it for you. Some of the words are kind of hard, so I recommend it for third grade and up. |
127 | A mouse named Geronimo Stilton went to a diner to have breakfast, but when he was eating, another mouse spilled coffee on him. He was fuming! Then he turned around...and his jaw dropped. Geronimo was in love!I like the book because it was funny. It was funny because Geronimo did funny things to make Stephanie love him like when he put a bunch of chocolates in a box for Stephanie but his cousin ate them all. Geronimo got ran over by a trolley!I like the book because it was crazy. It was crazy because Geronimo was announcing that he was in love all the time! I recommend this book to my mom because she really likes funny stories. I recommend this book to my little brother and my little sister because they like fiction stories.I recommend this book to my friends because they might laugh through the whole story. |
128 | Let's cook together with Gladys! You will enjoy reading about her in All Four Stars by Tara Dairman.Gladys was a girl who loved to cook. But one day, she caught the kitchen on fire. When her parents learned of the fire she was banned from the kitchen for six months. The next day at school her assignment was to write about "what you want to do when you grow up?" After school, Gladys looked at a list of what you can't do and what you can do. Since cooking was on the can't do side, she started writing her assignment. She wrote…and she wrote...and she wrote...and after what seemed like forever, she finally finished. The assignment was a contest and a prize was to be published in the newspaper. All Gladys wanted was to be the winner of this writing assignment!There were many great events in this story. My favorite part of the book though was when the paper reporter asked Gladys to come to Classy Cakes and write a review. The paper’s regular critic was hurt. I liked this part because I was happy for her. A funny part was when she snuck into Classy Cakes and tasted their desserts. I couldn’t believe that she did that! The next day her parents let her cook again. Gladys was then able to write her review which was published in the paper. Gladys reminds me of myself. Her and I both get excited about things we like. To sum this book up, I recommend this book to girls 8 years old or older who want to follow their dreams!!! Go and find this book right away! |
129 | All The Places To Love is about a boy named Eli who tells about all the places that his family loves at their home in the country. Eli's grandmother shows him her favorite place. It is the river. Eli's mother shows him that her favorite place is the valley. His grandfather's favorite place is the farm. The field is Eli's father's favorite place. We liked All The Places to Love because the story reminded us of the times that we spend with our families. The illustrations were beautiful and looked real. The words of the story are fancy and interesting. One sentence filled with beautiful language was, "The river falling down over rocks, the hilltop where the blueberries grew." This book makes us feel happy.Eli wants to share all the special places with his new baby sister. We recommend this book to children and families who have favorite places. |
130 | Eli, the main character in this story is shown his future places to love by his family. His family shows him the barn, the river, the hayfields, and more. Eli realizes his individual place to love is the marsh because he finds lots of animals there and it is wet and soggy. If you want to know if Eli shares the places to love with other people in his family, read this book.We think the big idea of this story is that you should have at least one place to love and always remember it. I, Ariel, have one place to love. It is to sit on the grass and watch the sunset. I, Dylan, have a favorite place to love. It is in Indianapolis because my cousins live there and when I am with them I feel safe and happy. We think the paintings are fantastic and unbelievable because they make you feel like you are in the book and one of the characters. Our favorite part of this book is when Eli is born and he sees all the places to love because they are the first places he sees in his life and they are very important to him. This book makes us wonder what we saw first when we were born. We recommend this book to people of all ages because it is appropriate for everybody. We also recommend this book to people who have or don't have a place to love. If you don't have a place to love and read this book, you'll probably find a place to love. If you do have a place to love and you read this book, you will probably probably share it with someone you love. Since this book has a lot of poetic language, we recommend it to poets. If these recommendations fit your personality, read this book. |
131 | This story is about a girl named Amelia. Amelia writes in her notebook about things that happen to her in school. Before, she never cared how she looked but now she does. She used to think her sister Cleo made dumb faces to look smart, but now Amelia is doing that herself because a new girl named Charisse is in school and she thinks that Charisse is so cool. She even forgets about her real best friend, Carly, because of the new girl. Amelia makes funny faces to try to look cool in front of Charisse. She also wanted people to call her "Ah-mell-ya" because she thought it was cool. Amelia's friend gets mad at her because she's trying to be like Charisse. Now she's making funny phrases. Find out whether Carly and Amelia remain friends by reading this book. My favorite part was when Amelia was improving herself because she was doing really weird stuff to look perfect. She was even improving her words. The one character I liked was Charisse. She looks nice, acts nice, and is nice. She even has nice manners and has nice clothes. This book isn't like any other book I've read because it has lines on the pages and it is just like a journal or diary and has nice pictures in it. The pictures have bright colors in them. I recommend this book to mostly people who like journals or diaries or people who like to read diaries. Also, I think people who like to read about other peoples' lives would like it. |
132 | This is a picture book about a girl named Allie who loves basketball. She and her Dad head to the park, but the courts are already full. As she practicies, people keep telling her that basketball is really for boys. Read the book to see how she handles everything.My favorite part of the story is when Allie describes how her aunt won a basketball trophy. It reminds me of stories of when my Grandpa played basketball in college for Colorado State University. It made me happy to know that girls can play too.I recommend this book to people who like basketball, especially those girls that love to shoot hoops. |
133 | The book, Allie's Basketball Dream, took place in a park close to her home. The main character of the story was Allie. It was about a girl who got a ball for her birthday. Her dad took her to the park. Allie's dream was to be a basketball player. At the beginning of the book, she got a basketball from her dad and he took her to the basketball court. The problem in the book was people said that girls couldn't play basketball. The boys picked on her at the basketball court and made fun of her. My favorite part of the book was when she got the ball from her dad. This was my favorite part because she got it from her dad, and that showed that she was a good basketball player. I wish my dad would give me a basketball.The book reminded me of playing basketball with my friends. I really like to do that. I think you will enjoy this book because it has a good ending. |
134 | Kristen?s mom was having a baby in the middle of the night. Her parents drove off to the hospital, but ended up at the zoo. When her parents got home they asked Kristen if she wanted to see her new baby brother. She lifted up the blanket. It was an alligator. Kristen said, ?That?s not a people's baby.? So her parents went back to get her baby brother. Each time they brought back a different animal. Guess what Kristen does to get her baby brother back? I felt funny inside like someone was tickling me when the alligator bit the dad?s nose. I would like it if there was an Alligator Baby 2. I liked Kristen because she told her parents they brought the wrong kind of baby home. I liked the illustrations because they told me more about the story.I recommend this book to kids who like funny stories about animals. You should read this book because there are so many funny parts that will make you laugh. |
135 | Ally the Dolphin Fairy is a Rainbow Magic book. There are two girls named Kirsty and Rachel. They help fairies when something goes wrong in Fairyland. Ally, the dolphin fairy, is a sweet and kind fairy who helps Shannon the ocean fairy. In the book, Kirsty and Rachel help Ally. One day...read the book to find out what happens next!I liked this book because it was very exciting when Ally was trying to defeat Jack Frost and his goblins. This book reminds me of the Rescue Princesses series because those books also have adventures. I felt more curious as the book went on because there was a cliffhanger at the end of every chapter.I recommend this book for people who like fairies. Also, I think it would be best for kids K-4th grade. I don’t think 5th graders would be interested in it because it's probably for younger kids. |
136 | Do you like sad books that also can be funny? Then you would like the book Almost Home by Joan Bauer.To begin with, this book is about a girl named Lexi who lost her home because her family couldn’t pay the rent after her father died. Even though she lost her home but she did not lose her dream. She hung onto her new dream of getting a new home and for her mother to get out of the hospital. Her dog was the only one who kept her company during all of it. Eventually she lives with another family for a while. It is a hard life! In addition, I think that this is a good book because it has very interesting characters. My favorite is the dog Hush because he is the only one who kept her company when her dad dies and her mom gets put in the mental hospital. Another great character is the little girl that Lexi goes to live with because she offers to help her. An interesting part of the story is how Lexi changes during the book. She is very sad and lost at the beginning, but many things happen to give her a happy ending. But I don’t want to give it away!In conclusion, girls should read this book and I think it would be good for age 7 and up. This was one of my favorite books ever! |
137 | This story is about letters from the alphabet that go on an adventure. They go on a pencilship and go on their adventure. They went to mystery island and picked a souvenir. They got something that matches their letter. 'A' got a toy apple, and 'B' got a bouncy ball.I think my book was funny because there is no such thing as a pencilship. The book reminds me about my little sister because she is funny too. This book is the funniest book I have ever read because letters can't dance.I would tell someone to read this because they will like the book and they can learn about the alphabet. I would tell a second grader to read it. |
138 | Every night the letters tuck themselves into bed. Just for fun the letters say their names out loud. One night a little letter doesn't say its name. Who could it be? Little x is missing decided little a. Little x took a pencil and just flew away. But why? So this is the mystery and they all jumped on a pencil and took off. They zoomed over cities and towns just to find little x. They stopped at a castle and when they landed a heavy door creaked open. Captial I was there and wanted to know who was visiting the castle. Brave little b spoke up and said they were trying to solve the mystery of the missing little x. They tiptoed into the next room of the castle and found little x asleep. They wanted to rescue x but he didn't want to be rescued. Giant M gave them chicken soup and then burst out crying and gave them each a little going away gift. Just as the sun was setting they all flew away on the pencil and went home. When they got home Charlie wanted to use little x on his moms cake.I like this story because it reminds me of the alphabet. I also liked it because it was a mystery. I also like the very colorful pictures.I think anyone could read this book because it is very good and easy to read. It would also be good for moms and dads who want to teach their children their A-B-C's. |
139 | This book is about a monkey named Altoona Baboona that went up in a balloon. She was bored and was throwing peas with a spoon into the sink. She found a balloon and wanted to go up and see other cities. She went to see Mexico. Then she hears music and goes down there and sees a raccoon making music. She also sees a bird. She went up in the sky over the clouds that were raining. The balloon went down and Altoona Baboona remembers all the places she went and friends she met. I like when she was throwing peas because when I am bored, I throw peas. I like the pictures because they are colorful. I also like when she goes to Mexico because I want to go there. My favorite part is when she saw the loon because the water and the boat are there.People who want to go to Mexico and other places may like this book. If you want to go up in the clouds, you might like this book. |
140 | The book is about a girl named Amanda. She is a pig and it's her first day of school. Her brother already goes to school. When the bus arrived, Amanda got on. Amanda did not know anyone on the bus. But Amanda's brother almost knew everyone on the bus. She met a pig named Lollipop. Amanda and Lollipop became friends. They were even in the same class. Their teacher's name was Mrs. Flora Pig. Lollipop was shy but Amanda was not shy. Amanda was a happy girl.I like this book because it reminds me of my teacher Karen because this is a book about school. I also like this book because it's a friendship book. At first, Lollipop was sad but at the end Amanda got an idea that they could draw pictures of themselves and they traced themselves. The idea made Lollipop happy. Then both of them walked to the school bus.I think children who like school should read this book. |
141 | Well you found the right book. This book is all about 11 years old Amar’e Stoudemire and his two friends Mike and Deuce that love basketball. Trouble begins when high school students take over their home court. It’s time to fight back. The genre is nonfiction. I think the story was outstanding for basketball fans. The characters are funny and also basketball players. A connection to me is when I am funny because I am so funny with my jokes. Another is when I recommend this book to 8 to 12 year olds. I think others should read it because it tells about his life. The type of reader that would like this book is a basketball fan. The thing that might interest you is how Amar’e and his friends always stick with each other. Another is I when play basketball because how I fly by other players with my speed.I would recommend this book to 8 to12 year olds. There are134 pages in this book. I think others should read this book because it tells about his life. The type of reader that would like this book is a basketball fan. The thing that might interest you is how Amar’e and his friends always stick with each other. |
142 | This book is about a girl named Abby Hayes. She is in fifth grade. Abby has red curly hair. Abby is trying out for a play called Peter Pan. She wants to be Wendy so bad! In the end of the book, there is a happy ending.The theme of this story is that you don't always get what you want.My favorite part in this book was when Abby's teacher tells them what role they would be in the play. Abby was my favorite character because I like the way she acts. A unique thing about this book is the author writes in purple for Abby's journal entries.I recommend this book to people who like little drawings besides the words. I think that both boys and girls should read this book. |
143 | This book is about a girl named about Abby Hayes and how she is trying to become a soccer star and trying to figure out if she was adopted or not at the very same time. Read this book and find out!My favorite part was when Abby thought that her new writing teacher would be old and boring. But she was actually young and cool! She even wore bell bottoms and platform shoes! She became Abby's favorite teacher. Abby reminds me of well, me! I would like to become a soccer star too. I like to write in my journal, just like Abby writes in her journal.The thing that is special about this book is that Abby has journal entries throughout the book. They are handwritten in Abby's favorite color, purple pen!I recommend this book to people in grades two and up. I bet you will like this book if you like soccer or writing in a journal. |
144 | This book is about a girl named Abby. She wants to be a soccer star when she grows up. But she has to train really hard to get what she wants which is getting on the soccer team. She has to give up many things. All the time you are reading the book she is recording her daily events in her journal. At the same time Abby doesn't think she can get on the soccer team. Will she? Read the book to find out. I thought the story was good because it talks about soccer and I like soccer. Also, there are some parts that I like. One of them is when Ms. Bunder does creative writing with Abby's class. The characters I like in this story are Ms. Bunder because she is hip and pretty, and Jessica because she loves soccer like me and she is cool and really nice. You should read this book because if you like following your dreams this book is for you!!!!! If you like soccer you would also enjoy this book. The type of reader that would like this book would be someone who will never give up on something you really want. I recommend this book to ages 8 and up because it may be a little hard for kids 7 years old and below. |
145 | This book is called Look Before you Leap. It is from the series The Amazing Days of Abby Hayes. In this book there is a girl called Abby and she has nothing to do during the summer. So she wants to get a pet, but her super sib Alex is allergic to animals with fur. Also, their family is planning a vacation. But they can’t figure out what they want to do. If they don’t figure out what they want their vacation will be cancelled. Will their vacation be cancelled and will Abby get a pet? Read the book to find out.I really liked this book. I liked it because the author Anne Mazer makes the chapter headings into calendar pages since Abby loves calendars. Then Abby writes a sarcastic or funny sentence about what the calendar says. I also liked is book because Abby writes in her journal. She uses a different font for her journal so you know when she is writing in her journal. This book doesn’t have too many pictures, but there are some small ones. I like the pictures because they are funny. They are funny because they show what Abby imagines when a person says a funny sentence. That is why I really like this book.I would recommend this book to grade 2 to 4 because it can be tricky but also easy at times. This book is a girl book because it gives advice for a girl. That is why I recommend this book for second to fourth grade girls. |
146 | This is a book about a girl named Abby. Abby loves to play soccer with her friend Jessica. Abby loves to write in her diary. Abby really wants to be a soccer star. Read the book to find out if Abby becomes a soccer star!This book teaches a lesson about never giving up. In this book Abby didn't give up because she wanted to be a soccer star. She kept on practicing and trying her hardest.This book reminds me about a book called I, Amber Brown because Abby and Amber both want to get their ears pierced. My favorite characters are Abby and Jessica because Abby likes to write and I do too. Jessica likes to play soccer and I do too. I recommend this book to soccer players and kids in grades 3-6 because this book is good to read. I think that almost everybody in the world will this book. I liked the book I know you will too. |
147 | This book is about a girl who thinks she does not fit in with her family. Her name is Abby Hayes. Abby wants to be a soccer star, but she does not have confidence in herself. Will Abby really beome a soccer star? Read the book to find out.I liked how the author had Abby write in her journal with her purple pen. Abby's favorite color is purple. I also liked how Abby drew the purple people she was writing about with her purple pen.When I read the first couple of chapters I got really excited to see if Abby was going to be a soccer star. I really wanted her to be a soccer star. I liked Jessica because she was nice to Abby. Jessica is Abby's bestfriend. She was nice to everyone when she was soccer captain for the soccer team.I recommend this book because it is exciting. It's exciting because of the end. Abby finally realizes she fits in her family. I recommend this book to anyone who is in third grade or over. I think they will like it, especially if they like soccer. |
148 | Abby Hayes is a kid in fifth grade. She always thinks she doesn't have anything special about herself. Abby is always comparing herself to her supersibs (super siblings) Eva and Isabel. Abby loves purple she also writes in her journal with a purple pen. Abby wants to become a soccer star. Read the book to find out if Abby does become a soccer star.My two favorite parts are when Abby writes in her journal with her purple pen becasue it is realistic. I also liked the ending when she scored a lot of points in a soccer game because she didn't do that very often.I love the illustrations in the book. I like how they were drawn in purple because that's Abby's favorite color. I also liked them because it really looks like what Abby would look like to me.I felt worried when I read the book. I worried that Abby wouldn't really get to be such a good soccer player. I also felt proud when she did.I was really proud of her when she had her writing in the newspaper. I also felt happy that she kept a journal because I like them too.I recommend this book for first graders to fifth grader. I also think kindergarteners would like it if somebody read it to them. It is especially good for people who were having a hard time with soccer, but can do it now. |
149 | This story is about a girl named Abby. She has a brother named Alex, two sisters that are twins, a mom and dad. Abby has a best friend named Jessica. Abby wants to become a soccer star because she thinks that she does not have anything special about her. read the book to find out if Abby becomes a soccer star or not.I liked how the author did the journal entries in the book. They were written in purple because it was Abby's favorite color.My favorite character was Abby because she was caring and had a journal like me. For example, when her friend Natalie was sitting in the park she asked her if she wanted to play soccer.When I was reading the book I felt like I was there. When Abby was playing soccer I felt like I was too! Another time when she was talking to her family, like I do with my family. I felt like I was home with my family when I was reading that part.I recommend this book to 3-5 graders. I think they will like it. |
150 | Abby is very worried because she doesn't have any plans for summer vacation. Then Hannah says that she is going to a concert. There is one chance that Abby could go to the concert. If the people going with her leave early, Abby could go, and then she would have her summer plans. In the book, Abby's friend Wynter bites a little kid, then gets in trouble by the lifeguard! This book is so cool! "The Amazing Days with Abby Hayes: The Best is Yet to Come" is special to me because Abby is funny, nice, and happy! It makes me think of when me and my friends were doing a dance, and we couldn't think of any moves, like Abby couldn't think of any plans! My favorite part is when Abby shows how happy she is to her friends about her getting into 6th grade. The funny part is when Wynter bites a little kid, then gets in trouble by the lifeguard, then he goes straight home! This book is great for ages 5 and up. This book is super cool!! !The Amazing Days with Abby Hayes is a great book for 5 and up, though the book has no pictures, but little bits of illustrations as you go along. Wynter is weird, because she bit a little kid! Wynter is so funny!The book is very interesting. The book was so good the first time I read it, that I never wanted to stop reading it! When you read the blurb, you'll know the main idea right away! There are even notes that Abby wrote in the blurb! This story is very cool. You'll love this book!! |
151 | Click click! Do you want to read a book about dolphins? Well, I am going to tell you all about a book about them. The name of this book is Amazing Dolphins. The author is Sarah L. Thomson.To begin with, this book tells how dolphins are mammals that make noises to communicate. This is how dolphins signal each other and show their feelings. No dolphins sound the same. This book also tells how dolphins live underwater, but are able to breathe air through their blowholes. They eat fish and use echolocation, which is the sound of their clicking as it bounces off things, to find fish. The book has many facts like these about dolphins to show why they are amazing.My favorite part of the book was about how dolphins interact with each other. I even learned that they swim along touching fins as if they are holding hands. I also liked reading about how they help each other get air if one of the group is hurt and can't get to the surface to breathe. It’s interesting that they work together. I learned that dolphins get killed in fish nets every year, and that it is our responsibility to help save the dolphins. I think this is important for everyone to know, especially since we live in Florida.In conclusion, I would recommend this book for children, ages 5-9. It is informative and teaches in an easy to read way how cool dolphins are and how we need to protect them. |
152 | This book is great; I think you should read this book because it is hilarious! The illustrations are great. I learned something from this book. You should never sulk about something very stupid. When Nicholas gets done with dinner, he wants some chocolate ice cream, his favorite. There's none left. He sulks for a long time. Finally when a little girl asked him why he was sulking, he just suddenly stopped sulking. I felt that it was going to be very funny at first; but then Nicholas got mad. It was bad for Nicholas because he never stopped sulking. If you want something you don't always have to have it.People should read this book if they like funny stories. They learn that the little girl was the sister's daughter. |
153 | This book is about a tiger cub named Mallika. She is really hot tempered. One day her mom is teaching her and her brother to hunt. The story takes place in Ranthambhore National Park. In 1957 the park was declared a wildlife sanctuary. Throughout the book there are lessons to be learned about staying calm.I liked this book because it is about animals and I like animals. Mallika also reminded me of my self because I lose my temper sometimes. Mallika learns to control her anger. She realizes when she is angry that she gets into trouble. This book is part of a series. All of them have a lesson to be learned. This story taught me to control my temper.I recommend this book for Kindergarten through 2nd grade. I think anybody who likes tigers will like this book. There is a valuable lesson to be learned in this book. |
154 | The reason I chose this book is because I've never seen a girl feeling blue and I wanted to find out why Amber Brown is feeling blue. This author also wrote Amber Brown is Not a Crayon.Amber Brown's parents got divorced and she lives with her mom. Amber Brown loves her mom and she loves her dad, too. Sometimes she doesn't know who to pick. That's why she is feeling blue. Amber Brown has a babysitter and friend called Brenda. Amber Brown and Brenda pretend to drink water. Then they pretend to choke. They fall down on the floor. This is my favorite part because it's very funny.I do recommend this book because it's a great book. It's an easy book to read. The words are not hard to understand. It is good for second grade readers. |
155 | I like Amber Brown and that is why I chose to review the book Amber Brown Is Feeling Blue. Amber Brown is a fourth grade student. She is feeling blue because her parents are divorced and she has to decide who she will go with for Thanksgiving. My favorite part was when she made the decision to go to her dad's house because she hasn't seen him in a very long time. The book reminded me of the time when I had to make a decision to go on a field trip with my class, or go camping with my dad. I like Amber because she is funny and plays games with her friends.I recommend this book because Amber Brown is very cool. |
156 | Amber Brown visits her dad every summer because her mom spends summer with Max her boyfriend. This means that she gets to be with her friend Molly, one of her sister's Polly and her friend Dilan. The next day her dad came to pick her up. When she heard the door bell ring she said "It's dad, it's dad." When her mom opened the door they hugged.I like this book because it reminds me of my brother and ex sister-in-law. I love this book and I would recommend this book to people whose parents got divorced. It also reminds me of my cousin who had a boyfriend and now they broke up. I also think the illustrations were beautiful and they matched the story well. For example, the picture of Amber Brown's mom in California. The background of the picture really looked like California. I felt sad for Amber Brown because there were many changes in her family.Have you ever had to move from your family? Will Amber Brown have to move from her dad? Read the book to see if Amber's mom gets married to Max. |
157 | This story is about a little girl named Amber Brown who gets a class picture and it turns out to be a horrible thing. When she gets her own picture there are a lot of marks on it and you can?t really see the picture that much. Amber has to use a picture for her homework but the teacher will think that Amber drew on it and the teacher already said not to.I loved the book so much because it?s so interesting, like when she gets her picture and it turns out badly. The story has so much detail in it.The big ideas are what the story is mostly about. I think the book is very, very, good. I really liked the cover because it tells a lot of what is going to happen in the story. You should read this book if you like to read about stories that take place in school. |
158 | Amber Brown is a messy kid. Her best friend is a boy and his name is Justin and he is very neat. Amber and Justin share a ball made out of gum that they had for a long time. Amber and Justin had been friends for 4 years which is when they were in pre-school. Justin's mother had some bad news. Justin was moving. Amber and Justin were both really sad. One day, when Amber and Justin were on their way home, Amber started a hopping race and they hopped all the way home to Justin's house and Amber said, "I won, I won!" Justin stopped when he saw the "for sale" sign because it said "sold". Then they started a fight because Justin was moving and his mom was going to have a fit about the ball made of gum. So, he threw it out. Then it was the day when Justin was going to move. Amber felt really badly. They asked their teacher Mr. Cohen if they could go out in the hallway and talk. You should read this book find out if what happens.I think this is a good book because it's about two best friends and one has to go so the other one felt badly. I like books that have friendship in it because it reminds me of my friends. I liked the part at the end but I can't tell you what it is. I like Amber because she's kind of funny like when she said "I won, I won!" because the loser has to burp. And because she's also messy and she never cleans up her stuff. I think other people should read this book because it's about true relationships and one has to leave and the other one really felt badly. It's like when friends split apart and don't really talk. Kids who have best friends who have split apart and came back together will really like to read this book. |
159 | Amber Brown and her best friend are really good together. In class they sit next to each other in school. They help each other with fractions and spelling, and they always stick up for each other. But when Justin, her best friend, finds out he's moving everything changes.I think this book could help people if their best friend is moving. I moved and I think my best friend Kara in Michigan could read this book and remember all our memories. My favorite part of this story was when Amber got to talk to her dad who was in a different country. I like all of the Amber Brown books that I have read.I would recommend this book for someone else to read. I would recommend this book because it is a nice way of figuring out what to do when someone is moving. |
160 | This book is the story of a friendship between two third-graders. Amber Brown and Justin Daniels. They are very funny because Amber is messy and Justin is very neat. They do fun things together and have many special "rules" in their world. Can you believe that they save their gum?Most of this story takes place in school in Mr. Cohen's class. Both Amber and Justin are in the same class and even get to sit next to each other. They always help each other, mostly Justin helping Amber with her math, especially fractions. In Mr. Cohen's class, they get to take an imaginary trip to China.My favorite part of the book is when the class is having lunch in China. The parents volunteered and bought the class Chinese food to eat for lunch...including chopsticks. Amber Brown just could not get the hang of using two chopsticks, so instead, she just used one to "spear" her food and eat it. After Amber and Justin were finished with their lunch, they used their chopsticks to pretend to fence together.I loved reading this book because it was a funny story about two friends. I think this is a story for girls of all ages because the friendship between Amber and Justin just makes you feel happy inside your heart. |
161 | Amber Brown has a best friend named Justin, but when she finds out that he is moving to Alabama, it all goes down hill.Justin and Amber shared a wod of old, chewed bubble gum. Justin wants to throw away their gumball, but Amber wants to keep it. Justin would always help Amber with her math in school and now she wonders who will help her in math when Justin moves away. She has other friends in school, but Justin is her best friend. Sometimes she gets picked on because her last name is Brown.I liked this book because when friends move away this book helps you cope with that. My favorite part was when the class pretended they went to China and ate Chinese food. That would be really fun to do in my classroom. Amber Brown reminded me of myself because sometimes I get picked on by other kids and she was picked on because of her last name.I recommend this book to people who are sad about their best friend moving away. |
162 | Amber Brown is a third grader. Her best friend Justin Daniels helps her with fractions. They have sat next to each other since preschool. Their class pretends to travel around the world. Now their class is learning about China. Then Amber finds out that the Daniels are moving to Alabama. Amber helps Justin box his toys that he is keeping. Justin wants to throw way the abc (already been chewed) gum ball that they made together. But then Justin decides to give it to Amber before he goes to Alabama. They have a pizza party for Justin before he moves away and he and Amber keep in touch on the telelphone.I think this book was good for people that are moving. This book shows you how to cope with friends that are moving away. The illustrations in the book went well with the paragraphs. I like books that have pictures in them.My favorite part is when Justin decides to give the gum ball to Amber. I think when you have a friend and the two friends make something together, both want to keep it. Justin was so kind to let Amber keep the gum ball.I would recommend this book because it helps friends cope with friends that are moving to different cities, states, continents, and countries. |
163 | Amber Brown Is NOT a Crayon, by Paula Danziger is a spectacular book about girl named Amber who has a lot of things happening in her life. Amber’s parents are divorced and she is having a very tough time. She barely ever gets to see her dad because he now lives in Paris! Her best friend Justin is always there to cheer her up. The two have been together ever since Pre-k. But one day Justin tells Amber some terrible news… Justin is… read the book to find out! Well, what are you waiting for? Go read the book!In my opinion, Amber Brown Is NOT a Crayon is a great book. First of all, Amber is very funny but she has a lot of things to be scared of. For example, her parents are divorced and she wishes they would get back together. My favorite part was when Amber and Justin wrote together and one was really sloppy while the other was really neat. I like the character Amber because even when times get tough, she always finds a way to cheer herself up. Once, she looked at a huge gumball she and Justin made and that made her feel better.All in all Amber Brown Is NOT a Crayon is a great book for 4th grade to 6th graders. And I am happy to inform you it is a series. |
164 | The story is about Amber Brown's parents who got a divorce. Amber Brown was trying to get her father and her mother back in love. She got them back together at the bowling alley where she was bowling on a team.My favorite part of the story is when Amber Brown finally gets her parents back together. Amber Brown was upset that they got a divorce. Getting her parents back together gave the story a happy ending. I enjoyed the illustrations in this book. I thought they were very creative. When I read this book I felt like I was going to cry. The story reminded me of when my brother and I were fighting. We never talked to each other, but now we're nice to each other.I recommend this book to children who like bowling. I also recommend this book to children who may have parents that are getting divorced. |
165 | This story is about Amber Brown. She had a Dad and a Mom and they were divorced and you'll see why. She was bad in school and didn't bring her homework back because she was mad about her mom and dad being divorced. My favorite part was when she put her Barbie in her glass of milk. I liked the part when she got mad because she just hung up the phone and quit talking. I also liked the part where she said, "I, Amber Brown, being of sane mind. "My opinion is that her reaction is funny. She gets mad about everything. I like all of the Amber Brown books I have read so far.I think other kids should read this book because it if funny to read. I think other third graders would like it because I did and I am a third grader. |
166 | Amber Brown is not doing well in school. She is extremely furious! Amber's mom didn't even ask her if it was okay. You know what that feels like when your parents are divorced. Amber's dad is in London and she only gets to talk to him on the phone. There are two lessons to be learned in this story. One is, don't make life harder than it really is. Amber wanted to show her mom how angry she was, so she didn't do well in school and didn't bring in her homework. She also didn't behave well. She wasn't even trying. The other lesson is give people a chance. Amber didn't give Max a chance because she made herself not like Max. She thought her dad would not like her for liking Max. Amber ignored Max. She thought she was hurting him, but she was really hurting herself. Amber's mom says, "Amber it's so hard. I understand that sometimes it is very hard for a child to accept the fact that their parents are divorced." Soon, Amber goes out with her mom and Max. Amber BURST out and cries, "I don't like having to sit in restaurant with Max who I don't even like." Soon after that a project comes up and if Amber does well she will get credit from her teacher and her mom. But will it be enough credit?This story reminds us of when we had a fight with each other. It was just like Amber's fight with her mom. We ignored each other like they did. I (Alyssa) felt that Lauren didn't want to be my friend anymore because when I tried to talk to Lauren she would just walk away from me like when Amber tried so many time to get her mom's attention. We both liked Amber's character because she reminds us of our sisters. Both of our sisters get mad at our mom's a lot like Amber does. We felt bad for Amber because she was trying so hard to get her mom's attention. Like the lesson, she's making it harder for herself in school. We felt good for Amber because as the book went on she started to get more of her mom's attention. Like when Amber's mother realized that Amber had really missed her dad a lot. We both had a favorite part. My (Alyssa's) favorite part was when Amber's friend's brother put a Barbie doll in her cup. It was very funny because everybody at the table was making jokes about it. My (Lauren's) favorite part was when Amber pretended that a stuffed gorilla was Max and said really mean things to it. It was very funny. We really liked the illustrations. Because there are not many illustrations and they were not in color, they made an extra amazing picture in our minds. I (Alyssa) really like this book because it was really exciting. I (Lauren) really like this book because it kept me guessing. There was always a surprise. We recommend this book to 1st, 2nd , 3rd and 4th graders. They will enjoy this book because it is the right level and has a story they will understand. Kindergartners may not understand the story or lesson. It is too easy for 5th graders and up. Also, we recommend it to people whose parents are divorced so they know they are not alone. Also, they may learn not to do what Amber did. So, if you are like Amber you should find someone like you to talk to. If you can't, you can read, Amber Brown Wants Extra Credit! |
167 | The story is mostly about a girl named Amber Brown who is having trouble accepting her mom's new boyfriend, and she is having trouble in school. Amber is getting upset with her mother because her mom is spending more time with Max than with Amber. Things in school are getting out of control. Amber needs extra credit very badly. She starts talking to Max, and they start to get along. Max does some cooking with Amber. Now, Amber is excited to have him as her mom's boyfriend.The lesson learned from this story is that you shouldn't judge people too quickly. You should wait until you get to know them.This story was funny because it had a happy ending at the end of each chapter. I liked it because Amber made friends with Max.My favorite part of the story was when Amber put all odd ingredients in her recipe when she was cooking. That gave me quite a laugh!Amber changed in many ways because of her mom's boyfriend. Also her mom even said that Amber had never acted the way she was acting.I would recommend this book to one of my friends because they did not like their mother's boyfriend just like Amber. But in the end my friend started to like her mother's boyfriend just like Amber. That is why I would recommend this book to my friend. |
168 | Amber Brown is having trouble in school and trouble at home. Her mother has a fiancé that she just does not want to meet, she misses her dad, she's not doing well in school, and she doesn't know what to do. Amber Brown wants extra credit from her teacher because she is not doing well in her class. Her teacher tells her to do an extra credit project to show to the class. Amber decides to make brownies. She puts in all kinds of extra ingredients for the extra credit. She add some ingredients to her brownies that you never would think as an ingredient! She gives the brownies to her teacher and hopes for the best. Her mom makes her meet Max, her mom's fiancé, and it's just as bad as she thinks it will be. It's bad mostly because she misses her dad so much. Read this book to find out how Amber fixes her life.I liked this book because its true that it is hard to make brownies and it is hard to earn extra credit. The writer makes the story very life-like. The pictures in the book are sketches, but they are fun to look at. I did not like the character Max very much because sometimes I think he is mean to Amber. Once when Amber was talking to her dad she got mad, hung up, and went upstairs to look at her daddy-daughter book. I felt frustrated at this part and know I was really into the book because of how it is written!I would recommend this book to anyone who can relate to these issues, like having to work hard in school, earning extra credit, and having to deal with divorced parents. I think that kids who have to go through these issues would really be able to understand what Amber Brown is going through! There are funny parts in the book where I laughed and then parts of the book that I felt frustrated, just like real life. It's a really good book! |
169 | In this story two girls are trying to help a fairy get home to the fairyland palace. The girls are Rachel and Kirsty. The setting is at the beach. The evil Jack Frost is trying to destroy the Fairy Kingdom. Jack Frost is the evil king of frost. The girls have lockets with fairy dust inside them that the queen and king gave them. They can turn into fairies. Read on to find out if they can defeat the evil Jack Frost.My favorite part was when Rachel and Kirsty found Amber at the beach because about half of their mission was over. Amber is an orange fairy. Now all they had to do was defeat the evil Jack Frost. Amber was in a clam and they found sparkles flowing out of the clam, but they didn’t know that there was a fairy inside.When I read the book I felt excited. I felt excited to see if they were going to find a fairy or if it could just be some water in the clam. I felt interested when they looked inside the shell.I liked Rachel and Kirsty because they were courageous. They were also helpful and nice. They were brave enough to help the fairy get home.I recommend this book to people ages seven to fifteen and grades two through eight. I recommend this book to kids who like magical things. |
170 | The title of the book I read is "Amelia Bedelia 4 Mayor." The author is Herman Parrish. It is a funny, animated book. In the book, Amelia Bedelia did a lot of things that did not make sense because she did not really understand sometimes when people said something to her. From reading about her experiences, I learned how sometimes words sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings. So, the real meaning of what is being talked about may not be understood. This can confuse people. This is especially true if you are not careful and you are not clear when you talk. I learned also that sometimes when people say things and they are not understood that can make people do funny things if they do not understand what you are saying. I have never read a book like this before with this kind of humor. I really would like to read more books like this maybe by the same author. I was not bored by the book because it was so funny and easy to read. I liked the pictures in the book too. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, the reporters, the mayor and Amelia Bedelia were the main characters in the book. Another main point of the book was even some smart people are sometimes not understood or do not always understand what is being said. I read this book because some of my friends said it was a good book. I like to read books once in a while. I like reading books like Amelia Bedelia because they are fun and fun books are for me. |
171 | Mr. Rogers told Amelia Bedelia to run for mayor, so Amelia did what she was told, but she actually did run to the mayor's office. Then they laughed. A reporter said to throw her hat on the ring, but she threw it on the telephone as it rang, they shouted, "Hooray"! They put up a sign saying vote for Amelia Bedelia for mayor. It was a great story to read.My favortie part of the story is when Amelia Bedelia threw her hat on the telephone because it rang. My favorite character is Amelia Bedelia because she does everything she is told. I relate this story to my life because she likes to cook and I do too. The story has pictures which help tell the story because they put alot of details in the pictures.I think others should read this story because it is very funny and made me laugh. |
172 | She is very funny because she messes everything up. Mr. Rogers says that Mayor Thomas said he will cut taxes, but he raised taxes and he never does what he says. Mr. Rogers says that Amelia Bedelia should run for mayor's office. Will she run for Mayor or not? Is he kidding or is he serious? Read this book to find out.I enjoyed Amelia Bedelia 4 Mayor because it's funny. My favorite part was when Amelia Bedelia was supposed to make pancakes but she made cakes in pans. This book is enjoyable because it gave me a funny feeling. Amelia Bedelia is interesting because she messes everything up and does not realize it. I found this funny because a normal person would not do this.I recommend this book to people who like funny books and people who like to be entertained. People who love Grandpa stories will love Amelia Bedelia stories. I think this book is good for ages 5-9 because it is not too hard. |
173 | This book is about Amelia Bedelia and the baby. She doesn't know anything about how to take care of babies, but she thinks that she knows everything about babies. She has no idea what she is doing. The list said that she has to play with the baby and her toys. Instead she played with the toys by herself. Amelia Bedelia was supposed to feed the baby her milk, but she gave her coffee. She was supposed to give the baby the baby food, but she just gave her bacon.My favorite part was the part when Amelia Bedelia played with the baby's toys. It was funny because she's too old to play with toys. I thought that it was a good book because it is a funny book! It was funny because she doesn't know what she is doing. She was supposed to play with the baby, but instead she played by herself. This book is different than the other books about her because she babysits. I think some other books are better, like when she has the puppy, because I like puppies.I recommend this book because it is a great and funny book. I think that kindergartners, 1st graders, 2nd graders, 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders will like this book because it's funny. |
174 | Do you want to read a book about a babysitter taking care of a baby? Then this is a great book for you. Amelia Bedeila and the Baby is about a babysitter named Amelia Bedelia. She was very good at taking care of children but she was worried about if she could take care of babies, because she doesn’t know a thing about babies. When she went to Mrs. Lanes’s house she saw Missy on the playpen. Will she take good care of Missy? Will she do it in the wrong way or not? Then read this book to find out!! !My favorite part of the book was when Amelia Bedeila got a very nice compliment from Mrs. Lane. I loved this part because it reminded me of when I made a very special necklace and I gave it to my mom. She gave me a very special compliment. I know that my mom gave me a very nice compliment just like Mrs. Lane did to Amelia Bedelia in a very nice way. I think Amelia Bedeila is an interesting and a little bit funny character because she doesn’t know a thing about babies. I felt a little nervous because it is very, very, very, hard to babysit a baby for the very first time. I like this book because it is perfect for babysitting a baby for a first time. Amelia Bedelia and the Baby has illustrations that are a little funny. I recommend this book to people who like babies, their babysitter and people who babysit for a very first time. I think you should read this book because it could happen in your life some time. I hope you read this book! |
175 | It?s about when Amelia Bedelia gets asked to help in the wedding shower and she makes lots of mistakes. She thinks she is supposed to spray water on the people who are having the wedding. When Mrs. Rogers said to run over the table cloth with an iron and Amelia Bedelia stomps all over the tablecloth while holding an iron. Mr. Rogers said ice the fish but Amelia Bedelia puts icing on the fish and when everybody ate them they ate raw fish. The lesson is before you start a job you should understand most of it or you shouldn?t have a job at all. We think it?s a really funny book because Amelia Bedelia messes everything up. We loved the book so much, because it was really funny. Our favorite part is when Amelia puts icing on the fish when she was suppose to put the fish on top of ice to keep it cold and fresh. Our favorite character was Amelia Bedelia because she always makes lots of funny mistakes. It is similar to the other books in the series because they all have Mrs. Rogers and Mr. Rogers and Amelia Bedelia. We felt like our mouths were going to fall off, because Amelia Bedelia is so funny. I think she should not be a maid because she gets confused when she is told something to do like when she was told to prune the hedges. She put prunes on the bushes. That?s why I don?t want her to be my maid. |
176 | This book is part of a series of funny books written about a maid who tries to listen to directions from Mr. And Mrs. Rogers, but gets confused at what they mean. Amelia takes everything literally and gets mixed up easily. In this story they are at the Rogers? Mrs. Rogers is planning a bridal shower for her friend. Some of the chores Mrs. Rogers asks Amelia to do are ?run an iron over the tablecloth?, and ?scale the fish and ice them?. You can imagine what Amelia did!!! Mrs. Rogers told Miss. Alma that it was Tuesday night knitting class but it really was her surprise shower. She knew something was up when Amelia Bedelia sprayed her with the hose. This was my favorite part because Amelia thought that was what Mrs. Rogers meant when she said she was giving her a shower!! Peggy Parrish has written many Amelia Bedelia books. This is one of my favorites because I went to a bridal shower once. I liked reading this book and would recommend it if you like to laugh out loud. Amelia is a funny character and always gets confused following directions. I really liked that Amelia Bedelia did things wrong but she tried her best to do things right. If you enjoy humorous books this book is for you! |
177 | Have you ever heard of a person who has put chocolate icing on raw, non-scaled fish and measured them on a scale? Well, Amelia Bedelia has done all those things and tons more! Amelia Bedelia is a maid who works for Mr. and Mrs. Rogers. She is the wackiest character I have ever read about. She’s hilarious!!! First, Mr. Rogers gave Amelia Bedelia some fish and said, “Please scale them and ice them.” So Amelia Bedelia took them and measured them on a scale. Next, she iced them with chocolate icing! This is why I love Peggy Parish –She’s disgustingly funny! Next, Mrs. Rogers tells her to run over the tablecloth with an iron, so Amelia Bedila runs over it (with her legs) with an iron in her hand. Will Amelia Bedelia keep her job or will Mrs. Rogers fire her for all the things she’s gotten confused about? To find out, you’ll have to read! I liked Amelia Bedelia and the Surprise Shower because Peggy Parish is such a funny author. One time, Amelia Bedelia made sponge cake out of REAL (and I mean REAL) sponge. I had a really good image in my mind. (In Grandpa Comes to Visit by Rob Lewis.) He does everything wrong too. Once Grandpa made a discusting omelet with French fries in it. I wouldn’t want Amelia Bedelia as my maid because she does everything wrong, so your house would never get cleaned. Have you ever met someone who does the opposite of whatever his or her bosses tells them to do? Amelia Bedelia does everything wrong but she thinks she is doing a great job. Amelia Bedelia doesn’t get the expressions that her bosses put in the lists of things she has to do. I recommend this book to people who like funny characters that don’t understand anything. If you like the story “Grandpa at the Beach” and/or “Grandpa Comes to Visit” then you’ll definitely like the series Amelia Bedelia! |
178 | Does anyone in your family get things as mixed up as Amelia Bedelia? Actually, probably not! Amelia Bedelia is a super funny character who was asked to help set up a surprise shower that she was invited by Miss Alma. She was asked to ice the cupcakes. She was also asked to scale and ice the fish but she iced the fish with chocolate icing. Next, she was asked to prune the hedge but she took a box of prunes and put them on the hedge. Then she was asked to run over the tablecloth with an iron but Amelia Bedelia got the iron and she ran all over the table cloth. Then, Mrs. Roger asked them to put all the chopped flowers in a large silver bowl except she chopped them way too short but she still put them in a silver bowl. Then it was time for the surprise shower and the guests figured out that she did everything wrong! At first, they were surprised then they were mad and if you want to find out the ending, well, you would just have to read the book! I like the book Amelia Bedelia and the Surprise Shower because Amelia Bedelia does everything wrong and she is really funny. I also like the author’s writing style and illustrations. I love this book because it is funny in a good way. My favorite part of the story is when she puts prunes on the hedge and when she iced the fish. I like the character Amelia Bedelia because she is a super funny character. This book reminds me of the original book, Amelia Bedelia, because in that book, she also does everything wrong. It also reminds me of the book, Thank You Amelia Bedelia. I think that Thank You Amelia Bedelia is better than Amelia Bedelia and the Surprise Shower but I still think that this is an awesome book. This book reminds me when I went to my uncle’s anniversary except it was not as crazy and there was a lot more food at the anniversary I went to. One thing I still do not know is if Amelia Bedelia is purposely doing things wrong or if she did not know that she was doing things wrong. I think that the author is very funny because she makes the characters super funny and they are always doing things wrong in a funny way.If you like funny/silly books, this is the book for you. I think this book is for children in kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, fourth grade and fifth grade. If you like doing things wrong, I think this book would help you a lot. |
179 | This story is about Amelia Bedelia, Mr. and Mrs. Rogers were going camping and when they got there, they went fishing. Amelia Bedelia was with them and when she, saw the lake she decided to jump in it. She got very wet but had a good time. After her dip, she put on her clothes and they ate all the food they had brought. They had so much fun that it seemed like they had a party. If you want to know what happened to her don?t miss this Amelia Bedelia story.My favorite part of the story is when Amelia Bedelia jumped in the lake and she got wet. My favorite character is Amelia Bedelia because besides being funny she does almost everything wrong.This story does not bring back memories because. I have never gone camping, but some of friends have gone and told me that it is lots of fun.I love to read books about people who are funny like Amelia Bedelia. She? I recommend this book to second and third grade children |
180 | Once Amelia Bedelia was walking down the road with some groceries and looked in between the fence and saw some gloomy faces and guess what she did? She ran to her house, put the groceries on the table, and ran to the baseball field. Read the book and find out what she did.My favorite character was Amelia Bedelia, because she's very funny.This book reminds me of playing softball, because every time I stand up to the plate I remember what she did.I like this book, because it's very funny.I would recommend this book to people who like baseball and softball. |
181 | In this book Amelia Bedelia loves recess, But, when she does not get picked for a team she has different thoughts about sports. Will Amelia Bedelia change her mind about sports? Read the book to find out.I think this book is fantastic because it has lots of funny parts. It is a book that you just want to read and read and read. My favorite part is when Amelia Bedelia wins the medal for sports. I liked this part because it made me feel happy and proud of her. When I read this I felt happy. In this book it made me wonder if Amelia Bedelia will change her mind about sports. In this book Amelia Bedelia was my favorite character because she was a good friend and was always determined to do things.I recommend this book for 2nd to 4th grade and 7-10 years old. This might be too hard for kindergarten through 1st grade. If you like books that make you smile then this is the book for you. In this book Amelia Bedelia’s personality might interest you because she has a fun personality and fun spirit. |
182 | Then Amelia Bedelia Unleashed is the book for you! She has a bright imagination. She thinks of raining cats and dogs. She goes down a hill holding a leash and umbrella on a skate board and almost…Oops I told you too much already! Read the book to find out more!I think this book is funny because Ameila thinks about things people say in a really funny way. For example, one time she thought about it actually raining cats and dogs outside after someone said that. She is always thinking about funny things, just like I do. We both have bright, big imaginations. My favorite part of the book is when Amelia goes down a hill on a skate board with a dog on a leash with an umbrella. I was amazed by this part because Amelia has never skateboarded before! I think students in third to fourth grade should read Amelia Bedeila Unleashed because she is a funny girl and will make you laugh. If you like funny books than Amelia Bedelia Unleashed is the book for you! |
183 | They made a list of jobs for her. The first thing on the list said to change the towels in the bathroom. She changed them with the scissors. She made a pie to surprise the Rogers. When they came home Mr. Rogers went to wash his hands. Mrs. Rogers saw the towels and she was angry that her best towels were cut up. Even though Amelia Bedelia did many other things wrong they didn't fire her because she made the best lemon meringue pie.I like this book because I like Amelia Bedelia. I think it is funny. Amelia Bedelia does funny things.I would recommend this book to everyone who likes funny stories. |
184 | A man was with her. They were driving along and hit something. It was a stump. They popped a tire and slowed down. They had a flat tire. Oh, no!Read the book and find out the rest!I thought it was a good book, because it was funny. My favorite part was when she hit a stump and crashed. The book reminded me when I crashed.I recommend this book to boys and girls. Boys and girls in kindergarten and second grade and first, that read well. |
185 | Amelia Bedila goes camping with Mr. and Mrs. Rogers. Mr. Rogers told Amelia Bedila to catch a fish and she said there's one she jumped into the water and caught a big fish. But what Mr. Rogers meant was catch a fish with a net.My favorite part was when Amelia Bedila hit the road with a stick. What Mr. Rogers meant was hit the road as in go on the road. Characters that I liked where Amelia Bedila because she taped the road with a stick. And Mrs. Rogers because she said that's a big fish! But Mr. Rogers didn't like the fish. I thought the book was funny because Amelia Bedila hit the road with a stick. But Mr. Rogers meant was hit the road as in get in the car and go camping. I recommend this book to all the second graders in the world and ages 5 and up.This book has 59 pages. |
186 | I like the book because Amelia Bedelia thinks different than others just like this, she took the light bulbs and hung them up on the clothes hanger. Amelia Bedelia thought that change the towels meant cut the towels. My favorite part was when she dressed the chicken up as a English man. I like the book because it is funny and awesome, because Amelia Bedelia did things differently.My favorite character is Miss Rogers because she freaks out when Amelia Bedelia does things wrong. I recommend this book to second grade and fourth. I think that they will like this book a lot.There were 38 pages. |
187 | The characters in the book are Amelia Bedelia, Mrs. R, and Mr.R. It is a funny book. Amelia snips a towel. She bakes a pie but, that was weird, no one bakes a pie when I come. And she dusts with a special powder. Read the book to find out what happens next.The book was funny it was good. The name of the book is Amelia Bedelia and I really liked the book.My favorite character was Amelia Bedelia. She snipped a towel.She really didn't understand. My other favorite was Mrs. Roger because when she came back she got mad at Amelia Bedelia.My favorite part is when she dressed the chicken because she was funny.It was good and I really liked it because Amelia Bedelia is funny.My friend that would like the book is named is Ryan L. |
188 | Mrs. Rogers told Amelia Bedelia to do what the list said. Then she got in the car with Mr. Rogers She made pie then she got to work . The list said change the towels in the bathroom. She said why change them so she cut and cut and cut .Find out the rest. I like the book because it is funny. She used Mrs. Roger's powder on the furniture and took it and then threw it on the furniture .My favorite character was Amelia Bedelia because she dressed the chicken like an English chicken that was dead.My favorite part was when Amelia Bedelia made pie because she made good pie.The book reminded me when my sister was 9. Every time my Dad makes pie I almost eat the whole thing.My favorite character is Amelia Bedelia because she cut out the towels like Mr. Roger and Mrs. Roger's face.I recommend the book for everyone including parents to read to their kids. And kids to read to baby sisters or brother s.There are 64 pages. |
189 | This book is about Amelia Bedelia. She is a funny person who works as a maid for Mr. and Mrs. Rogers. The reason why she is funny is that she always does things wrong. One of the things that happened in the book was that Mr. Rogers told Amelia Bedelia to trim the steak and dress the chicken. While Mr. Rogers was gone, Amelia Bedelia put ribbons on the steak and dressed the chicken in boy?s clothes. When Mr. and Mrs. Rogers came home, they saw all the damage that she did? and they were mad! If you want to find out just what happened, you should read the book.I liked the book because it was funny. My favorite part was where Amelia Bedelia dressed the chicken in boy?s clothes. The book made me hungry because it had chicken, steak and pie. The drawings were not good because I can draw better. This book is hilarious, and clowns and people who like to laugh will like it. I would recommend this book to all people so that they can learn to laugh and not get mad at people if they do something wrong. I think that people who like to laugh will like all of the Amelia Bedelia books. |
190 | Do you like books that are funny? Amelia Bedelia is a lady who cleans people's houses. One day, Amelia Bedelia was going to Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers' house to clean. Mrs. Rodgers loves to be fancy and Mr. Rodgers loves to be handsome. The main problem is when Amelia Bedelia mixes everything up. You will have to read the book to find out. Do you think Amelia Bedelia will get fired or will she keep her job? You will have to read Amelia Bedelia to find out.I loved this book because Amelia Bedelia is unique. It is fun to see the way she thinks of stuff the way she does. My favorite part was when Amedlia Bedelia dressed the chicken. It was funny because she literally put clothes on the chicken and that is really absurd. I wonder what Amelia Bedelia feels when she mixes things up. But I think Amelia Bedelia is happy because she thinks she gets it right all the time. Because it has a lot of funny parts. If you are on an annoying subway ride, just grab this entertaining book! |
191 | The book, "Thank You Amelia Bedelia" was funny and interesting because Amelia Bedelia would do the opposite of what everybody says. In this book there is a girl named Amelia Bedelia, who is very funny. If you tell her to do something she would do it exactly how you say it, but a little bit different than how you want it to be done. There are four characters in this book. The main character is Amelia Bedelia who lives with Mr. and Ms. Rogers. The fourth character is great Aunt Myra who comes to visit. Amelia is there to help out with the chores in Mr. and Mrs. Rogers house. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers are married.Mr. and Mrs. Rogers get mad in the story because they told Amelia what to do, but she did not do the right things. Aunt Myra came to visit, and she was very hungry so they ate apple pie. The lesson of the book is to check on what people say so that you understand exactly what you're supposed to do.I like this book because it makes me laugh. My favorite part is when Mrs. Rogers said to string the beans. Amelia Bedelia really got string and tied the beans with string! I recommend this book to kids under first grade because I think kids would laugh and giggle because she does the funniest things, like separate the eggs in different places of the house! |
192 | I recommend the book “Amelia Bedelia” because she is funny. The book is about when Amelia Bedelia cleans the Rogers' house and messed up. Soon she doesn't know what to do so she makes lemon meringue pie. When Mr. and Mrs. Rogers came home, Mrs. Rogers was mad because Amelia did everything wrong. Then Mr. Rogers stuffed a piece of lemon Meringue pie in her mouth because she was about to fire Amelia Bedelia because she was steaming mad. This book is funny because she got confused with figures of speech. As an example, when Mr. Rogers told her to dress the chicken, she literally dressed the chicken with clothes. My favorite part is when she dressed the chicken. I also like when Mr. Rogers told her to draw the drapes when it got sunny out. So Amelia got a marker and drew the curtains instead of closing the curtains. I think you should read this book because it is a very good book. I recommend this book for people who like funny books. I also recommend this book for ages five through nine. |
193 | The Rogers want to throw a party for Amelia Bedelia to meet her family. So, Amelia Bedelia gets out her family album. She tells the Rogers about her family and they are all wacky. Then she calls all her aunts and uncles. She calls them and they all say "Yes! I liked this book because Amelia Bedelia does almost everything wrong and it made me laugh. My favorite part was when she called everybody over to the party because instead of inviting her family like she was supposed to, she invited the whole neighborhood. The best character is Amelia Bedelia because she does everything wrong - like calling the whole neighborhood. I recommend this book because it is really funny. |
194 | This is about a girl and a boy meeting. The girl tries to contact the boy but the boy is deaf. She starts trying to learn sign language so she can play with him.The author was trying to teach people sign language and make deaf people have more friends. My favorite part of the story was when the boy, Enzo, was launching rockets because I kind of like rockets. Amelia got allergic to an apricot and she couldn't breathe or talk. Amelia learned about sign language and what it feels like to be left out.I recommend the book because it can help you learn sign language and it can help you learn about being a good friend. Deaf people and non-deaf people would really like this book because it shows that people that don't know sign language could be friends with deaf people. |
195 | This story is about a little girl named Amelia who has a journal. She writes her thoughts in her notebook and draws in her notebook. One day her school caught on fire. The whole school was depressed about the situation. The school was depressed about the situation because the children thought that they could never go to school again. An old teacher named Ms. Rooney had a fit when she saw her sofa that used to be in the class. She had a yellow sofa with cherries on it. Now she has black patches and springs coming out. She was crying and was angry. If you want to find out what happened to the Ms. Rooney, and Amelia's school then read Amelia Writes Again. I enjoyed reading this book because it excites me. It excites me because of the things that Amelia does in the story. She says funny things about people like her classmates, her teachers, and her enemies in school. My favorite part was the look on Ms. Rooney's face. She had tears running off her face. She was crying because her sofa was burned. Ms. Rooney reminds me of my friend named Sarah because Sarah cries when she's angry. I think Sarah and other children should read this book because it is a funny and interesting book. I recommend this book because it is a good book to read and because it is funny. People who like trying to be like another person should read this book because they might learn that they can do stuff by themselves. |
196 | The story is about a girl whose name is Amelia who is moving to a new home. Her mother gave her a notebook for it to be like a journal, for her to write in along the way of the trip. Amelia was sad about leaving her school, her friends, and her beloved home. Along the way she has been writing about what has happened on the trip and what happened when they had gotten there She also sends postcards to her best friend Nadia. She made little comments of how her sister was behaving and what has been happening during her trip. She complained about what her sister was eating every time they came to a food place or restaurant. Amelia the curious, friendly, and sad girl wrote a lot about her friends, family and how everything was going. Amelia said that "Her sister had a jellyroll nose." Her sister read through her notebook and Amelia became very mad at her. Amelia was mad because her sister read it and Cleo, her sister, was mad at her for writing those mean and horrible things.This book reminds me of how I feel when my friends brother reads my diary. My favorite part in the story is when Amelia draws all the different noses and says her sister has a jellyroll nose. Also when Melissa, a girl in Amelia's new school, ate all the disgusting food in her lunch plate.The story teaches me that change is sad at first, but can some times be a good thing because Amelia had to move to a new school, but she was able to get used to the changes. The story reminds me of all the diaries I kept. The pictures show me little things that she kept from the hotel and things that she thinks up. I recommend this book for older kids who like to write and keep journals. |
197 | She wants to move back to her old house. At her new school she has very nice teachers but the cafeteria food is disgusting! Amelia is angry because her sister Cleo found a best friend before her, and hey that's no fair! She is also mad because she can't go to Nadia's birthday party. She thinks, "If I had a birthday party who would come?" Is Amelia moving back to her old house or not? Read this book and find out!We like the part when there is a picture of a letter to Nadia and it had an arrow pointing to it saying "De-liver De-letter De-sooner De-better" because it's very silly how instead of using "deliver the letter the sooner the better," she puts "De" in front of each word. We both like the part when Amelia uses the soap from the hotels. Eugenie says she used to do that on summer vacation. We think it is a very good book and Amelia is a very funny character. Celeste likes when Amelia's sister ate hamburgers and french fries every time they went to a restaurant because Amelia kept saying, "Boooooooring. "We recommend this book to people who have their own PRIVATE! TOP SECRET! In the book the paper even looks like real notebook paper. This book is hilarious. One example is when Amelia told her sister she's going to turn into a big fat hamburger. If you like to laugh, this book is definitely for you. |
198 | This book is about a little girl named Amelia who has to keep moving and going to different schools. She has to move because her family has to help farmers harvest their crops. Amelia doesn't like to move all the time. One day she had a dream. Her dream was to have a permanent home, a white house with blue shutters and a tree for shade.Amelia is kind of like me because my family has moved a few times. I have been to three different schools so I know how Amelia feels when she starts at a new school.What I liked about this book was that one time when Amelia was moving somewhere else she buried her treasures until she came back the next time. I felt happy that she buried her treasures because she could come back to them. I think Amelia was an interesting character. I liked how she was always thinking, planning, and dreaming about her future.I think the story will be enjoyed by 3rd-6th graders because everybody needs a place to call home and that is the message in this book. |
199 | Then you will love Grace Stirs it Up. The characters are Grace, Grace's bffs, Mr. Thomas, Mrs. Thomas, Grace's uncle, Grace's aunt, Grace's cousins and Grace's dog, Bon Bon. Before Grace goes to Paris, she does a business with her friends. On summer break Grace then goes to Paris. Grace gets to work at a bakery with her uncle. When Grace comes home from Paris, her cousin brings Grace the dog. Before Grace goes to Paris, Grace's grandma gives her a charm bracelet. Her cousin gives her a charm for her bracelet of her dog Bon Bon.I think you would like this book because it is funny. The reason I think this book is funny is because Grace spills strawberries all over the place. Another reason you would like this book is because there's a lot of details. For example, the author writes "When we reached the security guard we showed them our passports and boarding passes. Then mom removed her shoes and put them on the conveyor belt. From her shoulder bag, she removed her laptop and set it in the plastic bin on the conveyor belt." The author could have just said they put their stuff on it, but instead she wrote what they were putting on. Another reason I think you would like this because is because it is fun to read. When I am reading this book I am feeling like it is actually happening and I am visualizing the characters and the setting.I would recommend this book to second to fourth graders because it's a shorter chapter book. |
200 | My book was about a girl named Pam, and she had the best homing pigeons. A man named Arminger wanted to buy her pigeons, but Pam said no. She thought Arminger had stolen them, then she thought that Henry, a boy from school, had stolen them Arminger did not really steal the pigeons; he helped her finally figure out who really did take the pigeons.I like the book The Night Flyers because it’s about World War1. I really like learning about wars. My favorite part of the book was when Pam sneaked to Arminger’s house because I like to be sneaky. I like the illustration because they’re black and white.I recommend this book because it is about World War I. He would like the mystery, especially when they figured out who stole the pigeons. |
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