Hi , John ,John
Save your breath, he is out of earshot
John is too far away to hear
John is not too far away to hear
You only have water to serve?
This is not just water .It is imported mineral water.
yes. I only have water to serve
Yes. I only do not have water to serve
I see a book store has just opened on the main street.
It may be a new store , but the books are far from new.
the books in the new book store are old
The books in the new book store aren't old
Alice is spending a lot of time in the library lately.
She has got a paper to do and two final exams next week
Alice has to study a lot
Alice doesn't have to study a lot
it is going to cost a lot to change my car’s battery
why dont you just trade it in for a new one
get a new car
do not get a new car
We would go to Finland .kind of pack up my gloves and boots
I had been waiting for this for months
I am happy that the season has changed to winter
I am not happy that the season has changed to winter
:How did the game go the other night Did your team win?
Are you kidding. That would be a a nerd?
No. My team always loses.
No. My team always doesn't lose.
Dennis told us, he would like to play cards.
But then why does n’t he have free time to invite someone
I think Dennis does not really enjoy playing cards.
I do not think Dennis does not really enjoy playing cards.
Excuse me, I dont understand why flight 213 has been delayed.The weather seems fine now.
I am afraid that newyork has 3 times as much snow as it did here. It should be clear by morning though.
The plane cannot land in newyork because of bad weather
The plane can land in newyork because of bad weather
Take a look at this giftstore .Maybe we can find something to get Janet for her new house
Okay but remember we cant afford a lot
we should select an inexpensive gift
We shouldn't select an inexpensive gift
Are you still waiting for Bob?
I don’t know why I bother. The store wll be closed by the time we get there.
Are you still waiting for Bob?
I don’t know why I bother. The store wll be closed by the time we get there.
It is too late to get to the store.
It is not too late to get to the store.
Would you like to go with us for coffee a little later?
I am off caffine .Medical restriction.
No. I have to eliminate coffee from my diet.
No. I do not have to eliminate coffee from my diet.
Mary thinks high of it she got a research grant.
She shouldn’t have been everybody knows that she is brilliant
Mary shouldn’t have been suprised.
Mary should have been suprised.
Mind if I leave my umbrella here in the hallway?
Not at all. But first shake it outside .Would you?
No. But remove some water from the umbrella.
No. But do not remove some water from the umbrella.
according to this article , the former boxing champion is going to try again. He is coming out of his -with a third time
is a comeback at this age at all likely
I think he wont win.
I do not think he wont win.
Don’t you think that professor Mark’s tests are too difficult?
well I must had been. I was expecting past more than a passing grade in Biology.
yes. I must think that Professor Mark’s tests are too difficult.
Yes. I mustn't think that Professor Mark’s tests are too difficult.
Don’t you think that professor Mark’s tests are too difficult?
well I must had been. I was expecting past more than a passing grade in Biology.
professor Mark’s test was harder than I had anticipated.
Professor Mark’s test wasn't harder than I had anticipated.
It looks like we won’t have a quiet place to do all what we wanted to
Lets get going
I dont mind being in a noisy place.
I mind being in a noisy place.
Can you believe that I just had to pay 30 Bucks to get a haircut in Sunny hair?
You should rather try crazy cuts. It is only 15. But it will take a while to get an appointment
It is a higher rate.
It is not a higher rate.
Would you like some milk in your coffee?
Could you help Bob and me plan a surpise party for Meg?
What can I do?
Yes. I am glad to work on the party
Yes. I am not glad to work on the party
Lets charge for another mile.
I will try. But I am running out of steam.
I am getting tired.
I am not getting tired.
I cant read the service problem. Can you help me?
Neither can I.
It took me 5 days to drive down to Florida
5 days. I could have walked there in less time.
You are a very slow driver.
You aren't a very slow driver.
Excuse me. Did anybody find a black umbrella after the show. I kept it under my chair?
Ask Jack at the ticket counter, that’s where we turn in the lost and found items.
Yes. It might be with the ticket seller.
Yes. It mightn't be with the ticket seller.
I spent the whole weekend totally absorbed in this biography
And you still have not finished reading it.
It must be very long.
It mustn't be very long.
I can’t seem to find my photo album.
I think Mary is looking at it in the living room.
The photo album is in the living room
The photo album is not in the living room
Did you hear that Mary turned out that job?
The hours were convenient. But it was not enough to make the ends meet.
Yes. Mary refused the job because of low salary.
Yes. Mary did not refuse the job because of low salary.
Is there a bus I can get to the station.
You can't rely on it.
Yes. But it does not arrive on time.
Yes. But it doesn't not arrive on time.
Have you had a chance to wear your new shirt yet?
I have been trying to exchange it for a larger size.
No. It does not fit me well.
No. It doesn't not fit me well.
Did you call Carl to the concert?
I tried several times.
No. I could not reach him.
No. I couldn't not reach him.
Can I call you in a little while?
It's four in the morning... I'm going to go to sleep.
And marriage, does that get easier?
It's hard. We started going to a marriage counselor.
Did that help? Did you learn anything?
We established that we have no communication.
No. It did not help.
No. It did not not help.
It's bad is not it?
We should get you to the doctor.
Yes. It is bad.
Yes. It is not bad.
What brings you here?
I need. . . a worker.
I am here to get a worker.
I am not here to get a worker.
How does that sound?
About as bad as you smell!
It does not sound good.
It sounds good.
Is this where I get travelling papers?
It would be if we let you travel which we don’t so it isn’t.
Why do you think she wouldn't go to her own grandmother?
I do not know. I do not see what this has to do with me.
I don’t want to disclose my thought.
I want to disclose my thought.
You looked out for him?
He looked out for me. He taught me.
Listen, you got anything to sell? It is really hurting.
I can't get it.
Can I help you?
I'm in a bad place. I wanna turn myself in for treatment.
yes. I need treatment.
Yes. I do not need treatment.
Hey, what kind of bread is this on the patty melt, anyway?
Look on the menu. It explains everything.
the kind of the bread can be obtained from the menu.
The kind of the bread can't be obtained from the menu.
So is everything good, fellas?
I am panicked
Besides who has the money to procure a gram of coke?
I, my friend, can derive a gram of coke for a total cost to me of under one dollar.
I can.
I can't.
You did it?
I mean it's my theory that I did it. Under post-hypnotic suggestion. With an amnesia block so I wouldn't remember
Are you alone?
Dan and I had a fight and he split.
Hey, man, did this happen by accident or was it done deliberately? Like the cephscope.
It's hard to say.
No. It was not an accident.
No. It was an accident.
Hey, do you smell something, man? A clue? Some engine smell that --
Dog shit! Do you smell dog shit?
I dont have a clue
I have a clue
Hey, do you smell something, man? A clue? Some engine smell that --
Dog shit! Do you smell dog shit?
I smell something bad
I do not smell something bad
Did you say you were selling the house? Or was that me dreaming?
Shit, I hope it was you dreaming.
Yes I said I am selling the house.
Yes I did not say I am selling the house.
You're aware that Substance D is highly addictive, are you not?
You think I'm an addict?
I am aware of that.
I am not aware of that.
Does it mean that I'm crazy?
Crazy is not a psychiatric diagnosis, Fred.
I wonder, Bob, if you can handle my car?
It's an ordinary six cylinder.
Yes. I can.
Yes. I can't.
Is someone unable to breathe, sir?
It is, I believe, cardiac arrest.
You okay, Ernst?
I must've gagged. Did I pass out?
No. I am not okay.
No. I am okay.
Did I scare you? Heh heh.
I just did a freaky number, not like a fantasy trip, but... So I'm kinda.
Do you ever throw anything away?
Someday I'm gonna get married and I'm going to need all this stuff.
No . I dont throw away
No . I do notnt throw away
How much of what you've got did you buy and how much did you steal?
Buy? What do you mean "buy"?
All of this is stolen.
All of this is not stolen.
Hey, Donna, man, do you like cats?
Dripping little things. Moving along about a foot above the ground.
and I put my arm around you. I want to hold you, okay?
You're too ugly.
No. I dont want you to hold me.
No. I do notnt want you to hold me.
You sure this'll happen?
It's in the cards.
How large is the Maylar Microdot Corporation building?
Pathetic, soulless nitwits.
very small
Yeah, I wonder what a nark looks like?
It's like asking what an imposter looks like.
nark’s appearance is deceptive
Nark’s appearance is not deceptive
Will these go away? These gas gauges?
It's probably a functional impairment.
Do you have any agricultural background?
I used to work in an office
You have it, then?
I had to slit a few throats to get it.
Getting into trouble a little early today, aren't we Aladdin?
Trouble? You're only in trouble if you get caught
No. we are not getting into trouble
No. we aren't not getting into trouble
Oh, Prince Achmed. You're not leaving so soon, are you?
Good luck marrying her off!
Should I pay?
No one steals from my cart!
Yes. You have to pay.
Yes. You do not have to pay.
Is it that obvious?
Well, you do kinda stand out.
Yes. It is obvious.
Yes. It is not obvious.
And does Abu have anything else to say?
Well, uh, he wishes there was something he could do to help.
They've found me! They're after you?
My father must have sent them
So, how did it go?
I think she took it rather well.
It went well
It did not go well
You, uh, you do not want to go for a ride, do you?
Is it safe?
What have you done?
Trust me!
I have not done anything wrong
I have done anything wrong
Oh, hello. Are you guys here to look at the refrigerator?
We're here to look at the TV. Heh heh.
Can we watch your TV?
Y... Y... You're expelled! Get out!
Master, are you pointing
Have you finished sight-seeing?
Sorry. I should've come to see you first.
You have a ladder or trampoline or...?
You think it's that easy? That I am just going to hand you the secret to limitless power?
It does not matter.
It matters.
That kung fu stuff is hard work, right? Your biceps sore?
Um...I've had a long and rather disappointing day, so uh...yeah, I should probably get to sleep now.
Fur, I was gonna say fur.
Did you really say that ? So... how'd you get out of there alive?
I mean, I did not actually say that, but I thought it... in my mind.
You really believe I'm ready?
You are, Po.
You do not add some kind of special sauce or something?
do not have to. To make something special, you just have to believe it's special.
No. I don’t add.
No. I do notn’t add.
Did I scare him off?
This battle is between you and me.
That is how it's going to be?
That is how it must be.
Oh. So, um, I should...stop talking?
If you can
Should we repay you??
There is no charge for awesomeness, or attractiveness.
But Dad, did not you ever, I dunno, want to do something else?
When I was young and crazy.. I thought about running away and learning how to make tofu.
Yes. I did.
Yes. I did not do.
So... nothing's wrong?
Well, I did not say that.
Something is wrong
Something is not wrong
Did you clean your room?! The cleaning woman is coming today!
Then why do I need to clean?
Can't you work from home? Like a sociopath or children's book author?
Mom. I've spent my whole life here.
I dont want to work from home.
I want to work from home.
Is it for an artist?
It's for an accountant.
did you hear that song on the way in to work this morning?
Everything is Awesome? I love that song.
Is this really the best time to talk?
Well, so far…
You guys used to date regularly? Nice.
You're sure I'm not the Chosen One?
Emmet, your mother is the most powerful being in the universe.