A Good Read: Feels like Apocolypse Now in some ways. A good book with vivid imagery and character drew me in and I wanted to see where the story went.
A great first novel...: With the Piano Tuner, Daniel Mason has performed what all aspiring authors long to. This book became a best seller for obvious reasons. The story and plot lines are well thought out. The history presented within the book is fairly accurate. And, best of all, the story is a very original twist on a very old theme. Being a huge fan of Kerouac, I was very used to observing and identifying the conflicts the main character is presented with when faced with traveling long distances away from home, family, and friends. The conflicts here are similar. What makes the Piano Tuner worth reading is the descriptive language and vivid characters presented by Mason. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and look forward to more by the author.
Metropolitan Suite is SWEET!: As a fan of Larry Fast from his "Sequencer" album, I was even more delighted to hear this album. His arrangements are expanded beyond the mere emulation of symphony orchestration through the use of analog and digital synthesis, which offers seemingly boundless sonic possibilities. The musical pieces that are covered under the umbrella of "Metropolitan Suite" are truly tone poems that paint vivid mental pictures of city life during the early 20th century. The remaining pieces on the album are more upbeat, and yet still produce the excitement of mental imagery through Fast's creative use of electronic instrumentation. Only track eight, "West Side Nights," seems to lack a bit on the production end as it is not as tight as the rest of the album. On the whole a thoroughly enjoyable album that I will play over and over.
I Just Wish...: Amazon would use the true Original release date. I bought this on cassette in 1989. Was thrilled to find it on CD over a decade later, but the Amazon release date of 2005 (If I remember correctly) gives a different expectation of this and many other releases.
A must have book for people intertested in Software Testing: This book covers all the information you need for "testing and quality assurance for componenet-based software". If you are new to software testing or even you have already known some concepts of software testing, I would highly recommend that you read this book or use this book as your reference book.I have bought several software testing books. This book is really useful and helps me to do my testing research. Hence,I would like to grade this book as a "5 Stars" book.
I got a job due to this book: Hi All,I recommend this book for Software QA Testing.I got two jobs due to this book. Currently I am working in Regression andIntegration Testing department. This book is very helpful in the jobinterview also.This book includes all types of testing.
Excellent book on Software Testing and Quality Assurance: The authors have done an excellent job in explaining testing methodologies for component based software. Black Box and White Box testing methodologies have been explained particularly well.Test automation and automation tools are also covered in great detail. The book also describes integration testing, regression testing and performance testing quite well. Overall, this is one of the most comprehensive text books on this subject. I highly recommend it for both students and software professionals.
Live, Hard, Local: Local H's live cd packed with 17 live songs and 1 studio song.If you love Local H then you'll like their live playing. They don't sound the same live cuz they lack another guitarist/bassist but there sound and presence is felt with each and every song. And in the end you'll get a cover song of Britney Spears' "Toxic", it's a cacthy, heavy-riffed remix of her song. All in all you'll enjoy this song-packed cd
I can't believe I found this old TV series on VHS!: I have all of the Honeymooners episodes on VHS but I was missing this episode.So I checked Amazon and found it. Wow. Now I have the complete set.I'm very happy. This series is timeless and every time I watch it, I stilllaugh at Kramden, Alice, and Norton who is my favorite character.
Sins of the fathers . . . . .: I have a large library of Holocaust testimonies and I thought that reading this account would be a good counterpoint for me. And I was not disappointed. Prof Karres' account is factual, straightforward and unsentimental and should be required historical reading. When she says: "I am the offspring of a killer nation." (p. 280) you can accept by this stage in the book that this is not an self-pitying utterance but rather a realistic fear for the future, a fear for all Germans of her generation. Yes, the burden is onerous, and Prof Karres is careful nowhere to shirk it or thrust it under a carpet of I-wasn't-responsible. She paints her guilt bravely and vividly and the reader is awed and sometimes shocked, yes, by the extreme postwar hardships experienced by the ever-expanding and starving family but most importantly s/he is informed. I recommend this book highly to all WW2/Holocaust readers.
Address Unknown: This tiny book, more novella than full length, packs quite a punch. Told in the form of correspondence between two former business partners and friends, it works on the level of a darn good tale; a story of a moral failure and an equally disturbing revenge; a description of the rise of Naziism in Germany and how even an old friend could be seduced by its appeal; and the ending packs a wallop. It's not a book to "enjoy", but one you won't soon forget - if ever. Highly recommended.
An intriguing story of Nazi Germany: "Address Unknown," by Kathrine Kressman Taylor, was first published in "Story" magazine in 1938. This story (or short novel, if you prefer) is told in the form of letters between two characters: Max Eisenstein, an American Jew; and his friend Martin Schulse, a German who has returned home after having lived in the United States. The letters span the years 1932-34, and touch on the rise of Hitler and on the Shoah, or Holocaust.The 2001 Washington Square Press edition of the book contains a fascinating foreword by Charles Douglas Taylor, the author's son; he discusses the story's publication history and offers some biographical data on the author.I found this book to be an intriguing piece of fiction. The letters begin on a friendly note, but tension soon rises. There are also chillinging twists to the plot. Recommended reading, especially for those with an interest in fiction of the World War II and pre-war era.
Old person's review: I read this as a short story in high school. Way past my 50th reunion there, I still remember it and cannot wait to read it again!
Chilling Story of Nazis and Revenge: The relationship between two Germans -- one Gentile, the other Jewish -- quickly deteriorates with the rise of Hitler. The book, consisting entirely of trans-Atlantic correspondence, shows how seemingly normal people can be seduced by Fascism.When the newly enthusiastic Nazi cruelly betrays his longtime friend and business partner, it is not the end, only the beginning. An unforgiveable crime is punished with an extremely creative and deeply vindictive act of revenge that will stay with you long after the last page is read. Moving, frightening, and fast-paced, this novella has stood the test of time.
ATOMICO: This age documentary collection is a lot interesting, much spectacular one but is not spoken about things that normally are not found in turn. Recommended
Remembering this toy: I ordered this toy because it took me to my childhood and I have a display of old toys. This was in great condition.
A horrifying page turner: A tremendous look inside "The Hermit Nation".Chol-Hwan and his editor bring to life the hell on earth that is North Korea and it's brutal prison camps. The discriptive passages bring NK to life and his excellent use of imagery make you feel as if you're there with him, trying to keep warm through the long winters, or scratching for insects to nourish himself.The book outlines his Grandparents path from Japan to NK through his internment, to his escape to China and ultimately life in South Korea.I finished this book in three sittings and could barely put it down. One of the most compelling books I've ever read. Can't recommend it highly enough.
excellent.: this book was everything I hoped it would be. it was a sad story, but its words were not simlply used up in emotions. as I finished up the book, it really even inspired me to take action regarding north korea. how? that I don't know, but somehow. perhaps I should contact my congressman or find out about some agencies working with north korean refugees.the stories about the camp were horrifying at times and well-written about. the flow of the middle chapters was not perfect, but its content, not to mention the rest of the book, totally made up for it. the chapters at the very beginning and the very end were especially good, particularly his description of his "happy childhood in pyongyang" and adjusting to life in south korea. excellent book worth my time. if you have any kind of interest in east asia or north korea in particular, you should definitely read this.
A First Person Account of Life in a North Korean Labor Camp: This is a well written, first person account of life of a North Korean (DPRK) boy who grew up as the son of ethnic Koreans who moved to North Korea from Japan after World War II. The boy's grandfather makes an unknown mistake and the entire family is condemned to life at Yodok - a DPRK re-education or work camp. The grim stories of this young man struggling to survive and while surrounded by death and suffering gives the reader a first hand account of North Korean-style communism.The author, since his escape, has studied and become a journalist in South Korea, writing for the Choson Ilbo newspaper. You can find some fragments of this book in a few of his articles.I recommend this book for readers, students, and researchers interested in North Korea, human rights, communist ideology, history, or government. It may also be of interest to ethnic Koreans living outside Korea to understand the conditions of life in North Korea.
The Aquariums of Pyongyang: Ten Years in the North Korean Gulag: This book is must reading for those who do not believe and those who believe all of these horror stories coming out of North Korea. The book is written in great detail about the harsh conditions present in this North Korean concentration camp.
Horrific but true.....: The Aquariums of Pyongyang was one of the most difficult books I've ever read. Difficult in the way that it describes, first hand, the conditions of daily life in the North, not to mention the gulag.This book should be MANDATORY reading for all Americans, and for that matter for all residents of the western hemisphere who are unaware of the realities of North Korea. The human rights crisis taking place there demands that we all understand what is happening in this part of the world. This book does a great job of furthering that understanding.
Growing up in the North Korean Gulag: If one reads accounts by survivors of the Soviet gulag, as well as its earnest imitations in China and North Korea, the similarities are impossible to miss. Mr. Kang's account is special for the extreme rarity of books in English about North Korea's gulag, for the fact that Mr. Kang entered Yodok when he was a child and remained there until early adulthood, and for the fact that North Korea's labor camps are very much still in active operation.One very interesting facet of Mr. Kang's memoir is his description of his growing interest in Christianity. Ta Chen's recent 3-volume memoirs (Sounds of the River, Colors of the Mountain, and China's Son) have rather a similar tone: the brutality of the Chinese and North Korean Communist regimes made the Christian emphasis on brotherly love powerfully appealing to some of the young people who grew up at close range to the workings of communist governments.Well worth reading!
surprisingly good! Nicely written: I agree with the reviewer who said this book is somewhat poorly written (because of the translation from Korean to French to English), but in a sense that is the strength of the book. It gives it a raw, authentic feel. In a macabre way it is also humorous. Finally the short chapters make for good bedtime reading. Very nicely done book. It wets a perverse appetite to visit and see some of this for yourself.
Eye opening!: An in-depth portrayal of life in a North Korean concentration camp where entire families are incarcerated, from babies to aged adults.
A look into an insane regime & its effects on the average N Korean: I have recently become very interested in N Korea and what life is like for the average N Korean. This book is a horrifying treasure of information. The whole country seems to be one giant prison, whether or not one resides in one of its numerous concentration camps for political prisoners. I have to say that if we went to war with NK, I'm not so sure I'd be against it. The never-ending nightmare in which the average N Korean seems to live has to end!
Soul-stirring, eye-opening account of North Korean gulag: I would recommend this book for everyone. Whether or you like fiction or non-fiction, this man's autobiography is not to be missed.
Easy read, Hard reality.: An absolutely stirring and sobering story of life within the North Korean Gulag. I read the book and finished within a week and I'm a slow reader, my wife whizzed through it in 2 days. We were both speechless afterward. A testimony to the human spirit and the will to survive when everyone and everything around you says otherwise. Then President Bush was right, North Korea's Kim cult was and is truly evil.
Required Reading: In my opinion this book is on par with Alan Patton's "Cry the Beloved Country." It powerfully conveys the plight of foreign oppression with both empathy and clarity.Every US military officer, all federal politicians, diplomats, bureaucrats and personnel stationed in South Korea NEED TO READ THIS BOOK.The author's family willingly emigrated to North Korea. They had been quite wealthy, but felt ideologically drawn to seek North Korean citizenship. Ultimately they were imprisoned.Their experiences as related make it clear that the government of North Korea is by no means a true Marxist state, but has devolved into a cult of personality revolving around the ruling Kim family. No imperial government in history has been more repressive, exploitative or murderous of its people. North Korea's leader is truly evil. Its brainwashed citizens are at once victims and enablers that evil. Their plight is tragic.I cannot recommend this book highly enough!
A masterful book, by a worthy poet: This century Ecuador has given the world many great poets, like Jorge Enrique Adoum and Efrain Jadra Idrovo. But no other Ecuadorian poet has gained as much international fame as Jorge Carrera Andrade, the author of this book. In this book Jorge Carrera Andrade reflects on Spanish-American poetry. No other writer of Latin America is better capable of doing such a thing. Jorge Carrera Andrade examines Spanish-American poetry and all of its meanings, and the book's manner of teaching us about Spanish-American poetry reminds us that he was a professor of Spanish-American literature at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. Since Jorge Carrera Andrade was considered not only Ecuador's finest poet, but one of this century's foremost Spanish-language poets worldwide, it is fair to say that his reflections on Spanish-American poetry are a treasure that we should protect and cherish.
Different but good: If you like the blues and only blues you should pass on that one. But the former blueser-bluesrocker Joanna Connor did something different for her latest release. This is rock, funk, bluesy and on all directions. But the feeling is still present. The band play tight and Joanna plays with emotion like she used to do with her blues. Yep! Different but good.
Especially good choral movement.: This is another instance, I think, where Rafael Kubelik's live recording outshines his studio effort with the same (Bavarian Radio Symphony) orchestra. While there are performances to like in Kubelik's unusual Beethoven project on DG, a different orchestra for each symphony, this disc and the two Audite releases (2,6 on one, 4,5on the other) sound better and have much greater drive and impact. The final movement of this Beethoven's ninth is especially well done, with superior sound and performance to the previous studio effort.
Good for fat old bags too: I have been stalled on normal low carb for 2 years. Being what most of you would call OLD (over 60) my metabolism would make a turtle seem lightning fast. So I bought Lyle's book. I liked it because it is written for people to understand easily (even trolls), is easy to follow and makes sense with the science. I have been doing the diet now for about 3-4 weeks and have finally broken my stall and lost about 6 pounds. I can see this as an approach to maintenance as well as one can dip into this diet for a few days as needed and it is easy to tweak for individual needs. You may not agree with everything Lyle says, but hey, it works. Can't argue with that.
No Frills, All Results: The title tells it all. If you want to lose fat quickly, then Lyle McDonald will tell you how. And, perhaps more importantly, how to do it in a manner that minimizes muscle loss and maximizes the amount of fat that stays off once you end the diet.The text is clear, succinct, and at times even witty. You'll know, step-by-step, exactly what you have to do, and exactly why you're doing it.Be forewarned: the diet isn't for the faint of heart. But weightloss is never fun; it's hard work, and generally unpleasant. But it works. The results are, frankly, stunning, and the week-by-week (and often day-by-day) changes you'll see in the mirror make the difficulty worthwhile.
Delivers the goods: Lyle's title says it all. I lost the weight I wanted, and gained new insight into weight maintenance (having been an Atkins guys for several years now). The caveats I would have are first that the price is high, which I presume reflects small volumes or self-publishing. It was worth every penny for me, though. Second, I suspect you will get best results with the caffeine/ephedrine supplementation suggested.
Satisfied with purchase.: This book is full of great information. There is documented science to back up claims, and you will feel informed enough to make your own decisions whether this is the diet plan for you.
Great Book!: This diet works! The book is easy to understand, and the diet is simple to set up. There is also a chapter with helpful information for eating after you're done with the diet.
Lyle knows: Lyle knows his stuff very very well and he teaches you to! Get this book if you need to lean out really fast and are of higher bodyfat (above 10%) although it is the atkins diet for bodybuilders it produces very very real results!
The perfect gift for a newly-married couple: My husband bought this book for us several weeks before we were married. Fr. Weiser explains how we can truly live our Catholic heritage within our families and raise our children in the Faith. Attending Mass and obtaining religious instruction for our children is only a small part of what we can do to establish our children in the Faith; we must live it fully at home and realize every year the riches of our liturgical year. Every year I marvel at how there are more aspects of the liturgy I have yet to learn, and there is nothing I would wish to pass on to my children more. This book has provided invaluable suggestions in practical ways to teach the Church's liturgy to our children. We are so grateful that TAN Books and Publishers was able to republish this book.
Excellent tests- thoroughly prepared me for the exam: helped me in my course and the test. Some of the questions were a little harder than the actual but got me prepared.
good resource for adopting families or those who've been adopted: This book has applications for any Christian in understanding his/her own adoption as God's child. I plan to recommend this book to my friends, especially those that are adopting children into their family or who have been adopted into a family themselves. My favorite aspect of the book is the author's honesty about her own faith struggles in waiting on the Lord throughout the adoption process.
Madonna could have used this book: We hear about so-called designer adoptions involving Hollywood stars, and while the press they receive helps bring attention to the need for adoption, the truth is that there are many people who would like to know more about the actual experiences of real people. Kristin and Phil Wong were parents of two natural children when they made the decision to adopt two Korean boys. This is their story told from a Christian perspective, because it is important for anyone interested in adoption to know that it is an act of Christian love and not just a spur of the moment, politically correct thing to do in order to get good PR. I doubt if anyone reading this book will not be deeply touched by the experiences of the Wongs.
the Man Can Spin JAMS!!!: I have always dug GrandMaster Flash He is One of the Baddest Cats on a Turn-Table Ever.He blends so Many Jams together&never misses a Beat.I have most of these Songs already.they all work in this Flow.
Flash-a true master: Grandmaster Flash is truly the DJ of all time and he definitely proved it by releasing this breathtaking mix.A true pioneer and creator of "The Message". The guy was obviously light years ahead of everyone back then as well as today. This mix starts off with Flash's cool intro changing into Nu Shooz-I cant wait.The mixmaster includes The Fatback Band-I found Lovin' which had one of the tightest beats for 1984.Flash also includes monster tracks such as D-Train's you're the one for me,Indeep's Last night a Dj saved my life as well as Afrika Bambataas' Planet Rock where he adds some of his own scratching in a phenomenal way. I also had a chance to see him live in SF a few months ago and i honestly lost my mind. If you are into old school classics and can appreciate good music you have to buy this cd. A true classic with over 70 minutes of the best mixing and scratching. Flash is undoubtedly the best Dj of all time.
Richelieu and the French Monarchy: This is a concise introduction to the ministry of Cardinal Richelieu. While it has some small factual errors (such as dates of events) I recommend it highly to anyone starting to read about the period (note: you can't do better than Lloyd Moote's "Louis XIII, the Just" for works in English on Richelieu's King). It is also an engaging read for anyone with an established knowledge of the time, as C.V. Wedgwood has a good writing style, dry and pithy.
Eric Leebow: Thank you for an excellent guide for online shopping! If you are looking for great Internet guides for Kids & Family, High School, and College students, please check out the You Are Here Internet series!
Wow!: If you're tired of pop and hip-hop and all that other maintsteam monotony, give Sheva a try! Even if you don't understand the Hebrew and Arabic lyrics, it will be impossible not to be moved by the thrilling, exotic melodies! Listening to Sheva is a visit to the soul...I can't wait for their next U.S. tour!
Spiritual and Holy: This album will get to your soul and touch you in a powerful way. The words are holy, from the Jewish Tehillim, or psalms, and even if you don't understand them they bring you to a beautiful and spiritual place. I highly recommend Sheva and especially this album!
Outstanding: I was blown away by this album. It's ethnic, but inviting. Melodic with great biblical themes and tunes to die for.I can't wait for Amazon to start carrying 'Sheva' music. The Live show in Australia is also amazing, though not offered here to date.
Toshiba Phone Review: We have these phones at work. My original phone broke, so the phone company literally 2 stores down wanted to charge me $300 for a replacement - so I googled and found this phone on Amazon for an amazing price - Since I have gotten the phone its worked great and even it lasts for 2-3 years it is money well spent - I would recommend the phone if you have this specific system as we do at work -
Pure beauty.: I first heard of god speed you black emperor when the second disc of Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven was used for a modern dance piece in Seattle at a show called Blue Moves. I love the entire album and feel like it is dance movement captured in music.
Buy This Now!: ok, this is easily THE BEST album I have heard since Dark Side Of The Moon, which is still my favorite album. Godspeed creates music that is relaxing, yet haunting, yet uplifting. It's very odd, they can create a song that is depressing and sad, but be uplifting at the very same time. My favorite track on this album, and my current favorite song period, is Sleep. I recommend you not hear this track until you buy the album, this song alone is worth every lasy penny that you pay for the cd. It is unbelievable and I can't even begin to explain just how.......well, how god damn good it is, for real. I highly recommend this to fans of Mogwai and Sigur Ros. So, if you like any kind of spacey, relaxing, classical/rock music, I urge you to get in your car right this very moment, drive to your nearest record store, and pay whatever amount they are asking for it, it is worth whatever they are charging. Enjoy it!
Ever buy an Album that Just Kind of Blows You Away?: This is the album. I don't know if you call it an orchesteral masterpiece, but I would venture to say that this is a "very special album"What do I mean by this? I talked to my buddy Mario about this album after I had just finished disc one and he was not surprised by my statement "its a very special album."Very rarely do albums cause a completely sober person to be taken to another place or world, the listener is so drawn in by the complialtion of noises, sounds, and musical arrangements that one's heart actually begins to beat faster and slower as the music reaches its climax and then subsides only to begin another journey.I still don't know how the group can put together such an album, let alone rehearse it, but I am excited to say that this album is one that will change your opinion on the future of modern music.
Like a Dream: Found this at a library being sold for 50 cents. A good buy. It's like some kind of dreamscape to me, only slowed down from dreams' usual chaotivc nature and put under magnifying glass. The music seems to take me on a cosmic journy of sorts, probing through what seems to be the darkness and random memory snippets of a person's mind. it's the sound of your subconcious being drilled into and tossed around by some farming machine whose name escapes me.
amazing grace: wow, i'm stunned. I bought their other two discs when I saw them live about a year ago. They played a beautiful set, candles, movies and all. They played one piece there that wasn't on the other records. It had the melody of Amazing Grace, starting softly and then exploding as only Godspeed can. When I heard it on this record, I felt complete once again. This whole record is wonderful, but that is my favorite moment. You just have to hear it. It makes everything else just sound silly.
buy it for the 2nd disc: I think shiverneck hit the nail on the head when he said the second disk was amazing. It truly is. The reason being, I think, is that GYBE! gets down to business and talks a little about life instead of the anti-religious and political mumbo-jumbo.dont get me wrong, i am pretty liberal and not religious, but i dont much like music that talks about politics and tries to make a point so blatantly. The beginning of Storm is pretty good, and so is the very end. But static is pretty terrible.I like music about life. that delves into the little details and beauty. i cant describe it, but disc 2 is a must have. its filled with some of the most heartbreaking...and gorgeous music i have ever heard.
Darkness and air: If Stars of the lid represent light and water then Godspeed represent Darkness and air.This is music that can be intense and almost claustrophobic and then majestic and uplifting.Imagine the sort of music they would play in a Tibetan shopping mall in the year 2042.
Depressing yet comforting: when I listened to the track "sleep" I immediately was brought back to my childhood years because it's starts off with an old man talking about his younger years on Coney Island and how they slept on the beach and stuff. I was so happy, it made me all emotional, but it ended so sad!! things change, he said...they don't sleep on the beach anymore! I started to cry and for the entire cd I was on the verge of tears like Why?! Why don't they sleep on the beach?? This music is awesome,'s so sad and easy to listen to especially at nigth when you are alone.
incredible: I had no idea what I was in for when i first started this cd. I had not really listened to a lot of post rock before i got this cd, and I kinda pictured it to be just like Mogwai i guess. But about 5 minuets into the cd, I was in another world. The music was so incredible, so beautiful, and it just drew me in. Other then that, just read other reviews if u want to read more into it. If you are into post rock at all, then u will agree this is no doubt one of the best cd's in the genre. If you are new to it, I would suggest listening to something like Mogwai first, and if u like that then go straight out and pick up this cd. I never thought that one day I would be listening to anything this, because for so long all i was listening to was Nu-metal and rock. So I would encourage anyone to go out and give post-rock a chance. It is now my favorite type of music.
Picture this......: Moses climbs Mt. Sinai... God speaks to him... gives Moses the word...Moses is afraid, mystified, overjoyed, humbled...Moses comes back down the mountain, to face the world...with these two CD's in his hands...and woe, the word was mighty and true...
the apocalypse is nigh!: and when it comes, i'm going to put my lawn chair on the roof (just like in tv!), drink beer, and listen to this cd.
don't take great music for granted, buy this album!: This is the first Godspeed You Black Emperor album i've purchased and it is awe inspiring. Not quite classical music, but definitely sounding composed, this band makes their feelings felt without the need of a voice, except for those random samplings, including recordings of ARCO gas station announcements, and an old man telling his stories of NY. Perhaps the fact that most songs are over 15 minutes is the reason nobody's been brazen enough to play this on the radio. Radio is the lesser because of it. get this album, and throw your radio away.
Incredible music to listen to at any time: I came across GYBE by accident one day while surfing the net, and am extremely glad I did. I have both F#A# and this album and they're both incredible. Each song starts out very calm and mellow w/ awesome guitar, violin and cello riffs but builds to a cacophony of harmonious sounds. Great music for studying, chilling, or entertaining lady friends. Hope you enjoy it.
Very well made, functional and practical.: Stabila levels are the best available, and it pays to protect such a big investment. This case provides a way to transport and store all your levels in one safe, padded case. It's built like a tank, and I've seen these cases last 15 years. I highly recommend purchasing this case to keep and transport your levels.
Great Case: You went out and spent all that money on your levals, why wouldn't you spend the money to protect them and have them all in one place? I sling the strap over my sholder and off I go, my hands are still free to carry in my other tools.Dont have Stabila levals? well neither do I! I have the Johnson levals, but whats the dif? there all happy and secure in that case, and its the only one of its kind I know of, I would highly recomend this case
Best book on HTTP I've come across: This book is worth more than its weight in gold. The authors do a phenomenal job of describing the HTTP protocol in an interesting and accessible way. Throughout the book their immense experience with the protocol shines through. For anyone working in the field of web acceleration, caching, load balancing, etc, I can't recommend this book highly enough. BUY IT!
A great book: I find I'm often grabbing for this book at work, as are all of my co-workers. This is an extremely valuable book that illustrates how HTTP truly works. It is far more user-friendly than the HTTP specs, but contains just as much information.This should be required reading for anyone who writes web applications, and recommended reading for even anyone who writes web pages. In fact, get everyone to read it except for your grandmother, and you'll make the online world a better place.
Really good, but....: As its name states, this book is a defintive guide. It provides in depth coverage of all important HTTP information in use today, ranging from the basic communications protocol, to cache control, proxies, and security mechanisms. It's extremely well written in clear, easy to understand terms.The organization of the book is one reason I gave it only 4 stars instead of 5. Material on proxies, and especially cache control, was spread through the book, rather than being located in any one area. While the basics of these are important to understanding some of the considerations in writing an HTTP application, a different organizational structure may have suited the material better.This book is still a great teaching and reference book for learning HTTP, but if you are not planning on running your own HTTP server, especially a proxy or caching server, a lot of this book is overkill. I'm sure I'll be referring to it in the future for various other kinds of HTTP information.
Hardest working Team: This documentary is a non-sugar coated reality of the Tennessee Lady Vols and one of the most recognized and respected coach (Pat Summitt). It takes you through their games and inside the locker rooms, from half times, to practice time. From their struggles to their victory. Absolutely great, strongly recomend it.
Classic stories, immaculately translated.: Petrushevskaya has referred to Russia as "a land of female Homers". She presumably means two things: that everyday life in Russia is an epic journey in itself, and that Russian women have a particular gift for telling their stories.Petrushevskaya herself has an extraordinary sense of the importance of story-telling. These stories are not simply stories of everyday life in Russia during the seventies and eighties; they are stories about the importance of the stories we are all constantly telling: stories we tell in order to survive or to help others survive, stories we make up to protect ourselves from truth, stories we make up to protect others from truth, apparently banal stories that fail to conceal tragedy...
Abridged, but helpful for leanring Spanish: I bought this to practice my Spanish. It's a good way to improve your listening skills. It is most helpful if you already know the story of The Count of Monte Cristo.
The Trobador Of Israel In the Modern Ages.: It's not easy giving a short review on the work life of a man like Meir Ariel. his way with the Hebrew language was amazing. The way he wrote is like the way a man treats a woman he's in love with. This CD, which is a collection of his best work till the year 1991 can give one who is new to Meir Ariel's music a good idea of the rest of his work. In Israel he's considered to be one of the best poets of the modern times and beside writing to himself he wrote many songs to others.In order to fully understnad his songs, you have to know Hebrew, so you can understand it fully. But if you do, you'll enjoy every minute.
Amazon comes through again!: We've owned an AT&T 1772 Two-line Digital Answering System for approximately 15 years. Earlier this year it developed problems that couldn't be solved so I started researching for a replacement. We were looking for a new unit but most all the answering machines today are built-in with the phone and we didn't want that--we wanted an old-fashioned answering machine. The few answering machines I found didn't have all the features we were used to with the AT&T plus most all of them got less than desirable reviews from customers. Finally I found one rebuilt AT&T 1772 on Amazon; it was expensive but it certainly had everything we were looking for since it was exactly like what we'd been using for years. We ordered it from the source listed in Amazon, received it in a few days, and it has worked fine every since. We've had it about 3 months.
Very pleased with the AT&T 1772.: This is a pretty good answering machine. I've had this machine for MANY years. The only problem I seem to have lately is that if somemone calls on line 2 the machine won't always pick up. Also, the sound does not seem to be as crisp but I suppose that's bound to happen when it's over 10 years old. Great machine to have though for a small business with two lines. It's also great to be able to record four outgoing messages and not having to change them constantly.
best 3 dollars I have ever spent: this simple little device is absolutely amazing. I was very skeptical at first--couldn't believe something this inexpensive could actually work. I actually ordered a more complicated corn cutter thinking that this one was just a gimmick. But to my suprise, this little gadget worked quickly, easily, and cut the entire corn cob with one pass. No broken kernels, no husk, and from cob to plate in about 4 seconds.INCREDIBLE
back of book description: Rancher Wade Garrett's mail-order bride showed up with a boulder-sized bump on her head, an unrecognizable ID and a case of amnesia. Rachel O'Riley didn't know who she was- or that she'd agreed to a marriage in name only! But much to Wade's delight she didn't want a pretend marriage. Rachel wanted Wade to be a real husband to her, and he fell for his beautiful bride-to-be like a ton of bricks. And just when he knew waiting for their wedding night was going to be impossible, he uncovered a secret that changed everything... The woman in his arms wasn't Rachel O'Riley.
Great Action. See this movie.: This movie was one of Snipes best. I reccomend highly everyone see this movie.
this is simple-: Do yourself a favor. Make this essential purchase. Without a doubt the best CD of 2002. You'll be nostalgic about this one in ten years.
Great Stuff: This is the best new dance compilation I've bought in a long time. Its almost an alternate history of dance music: "What if rave never happened?" It's low-fi techno, quick and dirty with great poppy vocals and minimal production. If you're bored with progressive house and trance, definitely give this compilation a try. Its the first new genre that I've been at all excited about since 2-step garage first broke a few years ago.
Another Super Dance Hit from Speed!: "Breakin' Out to the Morning" would ultimately be Speed's last up-beat, dance hit they release that allowed them to re-capture the phenominal dance moves that made them so popular in Japan. The group would release one more single in the fall of 1999, the slower, R&B flavored, "Long Way Home," and then they would call it quits in early 2000. "Breakin' Out to the Morning" is a great, up tempo song that gets you moving. The second song, "Adam and Eve" is not their best, but also up tempo, and the third song is the solo project of lead singer, Eriko. This song is a great coupling with "Breakin'..." b/c it is also up-beat and fun. Eriko released two singles as 'B-sides' on Speed singles, but would finally release her own Maxi single, "Red Beat of My Life" in 2000. With the group now disbanded, all Speed fans should grab all the music that Speed created and enjoy!
A good new ablum of Speed.: I think the Sing that solo by Eriko is the best of the Ablum.This is a new challenge of her.
great product: can't tell if it makes a difference or not but I have peace of mind that i'm protecting my guitars from drying out
Good basic way to maintain proper humidity in a guitar.: I try to maintain the humidity in my guitars at around 45-50%. This inexpensive "sponge in a shell" does the trick.
Ok Humidifier: I have the "new" and "improved" Planet Waves humidifier. It is easy to use. I don't live in an overly dry house, and this humidifier does its job.My only complaint is that the sponge needs to be refreshed every other day. Either than means my house is dryer than I thought, or the sponge could hold more moisture. Not the products fault - most likely.The ease of use is what sold me on it, but I plan on trying an Oasis too to see which one works better.
Nice Product: Nicely designed and easy to use, but is a bit too small for my Fender acoustic. I'm still using it, however.
Very nice: Easy to use and works great. My guitar is going to be well taken care of from now on thanks to planet waves
Essential for any guitar player: I bought this guitar humidifier for my Taylor.I received exactly what I purchased and works as it should.This product has been recommended to me by many other guitar players around me.It is a simple design that fits perfectly between the strings.Easy to use because really all you have to do is moisturize the sponge and keep it in the plastic container.Price is good.
good: works well to keep you guitar happy in the winter. If you have a decent guitar and don't have one of these, you might as well get ready to throw the guitar away after a couple of winters. Better than those hose things.
much better than the previous version of Planet Waves humidifier: This new version, where the top flange snaps off to expose the sponge, is much easier to use than the old version. You can moisten the sponge quickly and easily without any syringe to annoy you or to lose. However, you CAN lose the top flange, and I think I finally did, somehow -- have not seen it in a while.Another benefit to this new model is that the body width -- and therefore the amount you have to displace your strings -- is less. that's good on all guitars but especially where strings are close, as on a 12-string. I've had several different types of humidifiers but now this is best I've found. (Honestly though the ones I admired most were the old plastic 35mm film film containers my friend drilled some holes in, stuffed with sponge, and would wet and toss into the guitar case. I really liked the price$ of those. . . ) Ellis
little shepher: this movie is very short only 25 min.i dot not recommend. esta pelicula dura muy poco no la recomiendo mucho
Minnetonka Moosehide Boat Moccasin: These moccasins are well made of high-quality materials. Construction is excellent, and the shoes are extremely comfortable. The only negative is that the sizing seems to be slightly off. I ordered size 12 and they seem to be about 1/2 size smaller.
Classic Hebrew Rock: One of the best classic Hebrew rock albums (but you gotta know Hebrew...). Some hints if you don't already know the content;Song 4 - An obvious attack on Arik Sharon (who would have known that he would be working so hard for peace, now?)Song 6 - The dramatization of the fall of the Israeli stock market, since the song states that "the messiah isn't coming" it caused no small commotion among the "da'atim".This is part of that genre that came out of the Nahal units, you can't go wrong with Shalom Hanoch, Arik Einstein, Eli Mohar, Yoni Rechter, Motti Caspi, et al.OK, so you don't know Hebrew? These albums make it worth the effort.
Excellent, visual approach to teaching kids to write reports: This approach is soooo much better than the outlining approach I learned over 30 years ago. I have no idea why it is so much easier for kids to fill in boxes than fill out an outline, but for some reason it is. My kids are writing basic reports quickly and easily and without the tears and frustration we had last fall. The method is easy to learn and use, and I highly recommend it.However, if you are more interested in teaching creative writing, then I wouldn't use this approach - in my view, 4-square is well suited to non-fiction reports and essays, but not for writing adventure stories, etc...
this rocks: This is the best writing curriculum ever! When I taught my daughter the first lessons, she responded, "That was school? I didn't even know we were doing school!" It's easy to teach, very visual, and makes the child feel like a writing pro with the first lesson.
i like it: it's a very good book to follow to teach my dajuughter how to write from the very beginning. I like it!
Does a better book on the subject exist?: This book is a must for all art lovers,from the serious professional, to the first-year student, to the hobbyist who paints for fun or enjoys the art museum.If you only have one book on art history and appreciation,let this be it.
Great!: My book came in the same condition as stated, and came much quicker than I expected!! (I live in Canada and expected it to get it within a month or so but received it in two weeks). I am very pleased with this experience.
Good book in giving concepts: If you did not have any other JSF books, this will be the first buy. Most codes are up to date (Others may not) and it illustrates the concept of JSF very clearly at the beginning. However, this is not true for further chapters. One of the reasons is that JSF is indeed more difficult to learn. Another reason is that the book lacks of practical examples to follow.Anyway, there is currently no other better choices for learners in JSF. Following online tutorials and articles are clearly not enough comparing to reading this book.
Nice book,examples should have been better: The book is nice in overall but the examples should be better.Core JSF is better and I recommend that one over this.
Excellent Introduction to JSF: Kito Mann does a great job introducing JavaServer Faces in this book. He breaks the book into parts that let the reader first learn about the architecture and fundamentals of JSF, then he gets into the UI side of JSF and finally to the application programming side of JSF. This format provides a nice way to go from easy to learn concepts to the detailed programming environment.I also feel the projecttrack example application that he builds through the book is an excellent way to get hands on with JSF. My only complaint is it is for JDK 1.4 and not JDK 1.5 but I sent an email to Kito and he is working on the upgraded content.
Only book you need on JSF: This book is great if you read all of it. It has a project similar to what you might encounter in the "real world". It gently leads you through the project development.You should not use this book as a "quick and dirty" way to get up to speed on JSF. If you try, you'll miss a lot of the fundamentals of JSF which could hold you back fromcustomizing your own pieces of JSF components. JSF was meant to be pluggable and highly customizable.The book offers an additional 4 chapters online which is a nice bonus. The additional chapters are not needed to fully understand JSF but could save you time if you needed tocode something similar to the chapter's example projects.With JSF In Action, I found everything I would need to program in JSF. I do not feel any need to go out and buy another book on JSF.