Dataset Viewer
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22 values
include *.rst include *.txt include LICENSE include INSTALL include tox.ini include capabilities-data/dist/capabilities.json include src/escpos/capabilities.json recursive-include doc *.bat recursive-include doc *.ico recursive-include doc *.py recursive-include doc *.rst recursive-include doc *.txt recursive-include doc Makefile
#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys from setuptools import find_packages, setup base_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) src_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, "src") # When executing the, we need to be able to import ourselves, this # means that we need to add the src/ directory to the sys.path. sys.path.insert(0, src_dir) def read(fname): """read file from same path as""" return open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname)).read() setuptools_scm_template = """\ # coding: utf-8 # file generated by setuptools_scm # don't change, don't track in version control version = '{version}' """ setup( use_scm_version={ "write_to": "src/escpos/", "write_to_template": setuptools_scm_template, }, platforms="any", package_dir={"": "src"}, packages=find_packages(where="src", exclude=["tests", "tests.*"]), package_data={"escpos": ["capabilities.json"]}, entry_points={"console_scripts": ["python-escpos = escpos.cli:main"]}, )
********* Changelog ********* 2020-05-12 - Version 3.0a8 - "Only Slightly Bent" ------------------------------------------------- This release is the ninth alpha release of the new version 3.0. Please be aware that the API is subject to change until v3.0 is released. This release drops support for Python 2, requiring at least version 3.5 of Python. changes ^^^^^^^ - Drop support for Python 2 and mark in setuptools as only supporting 3.5 and upwards - remove badge - replace viivakoodi with python-barcode which is maintained - add configuration for Visual Studio Code - use pkg_resources for the retrieval of the capabilities.json contributors ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Romain Porte - Patrick Kanzler 2020-05-09 - Version 3.0a7 - "No Fixed Abode" --------------------------------------------- This release is the eight alpha release of the new version 3.0. Please be aware that the API is subject to change until v3.0 is released. This release also marks the point at which the project transitioned to having only a master-branch (and not an additional development branch). changes ^^^^^^^ - add Exception for NotImplementedError in detach_kernel_driver - update installation information - update and improve documentation - add error handling to image centering flag - update and fix tox and CI environment, preparing drop of support for Python 2 contributors ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Alexander Bougakov - Brian - Yaisel Hurtado - Maximilan Wagenbach - Patrick Kanzler 2019-06-19 - Version 3.0a6 - "Mistake not..." --------------------------------------------- This release is the seventh alpha release of the new version 3.0. Please be aware that the API is subject to change until v3.0 is released. changes ^^^^^^^ - fix inclusion of the capabilities-file - execute CI jobs also on Windows and macOS-targets - improve documentation contributors ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Patrick Kanzler 2019-06-16 - Version 3.0a5 - "Lightly Seared On The Reality Grill" ------------------------------------------------------------------ This release is the sixth alpha release of the new version 3.0. Please be aware that the API is subject to change until v3.0 is released. changes ^^^^^^^ - allow arbitrary USB arguments in USB-class - add Win32Raw-Printer on Windows-platforms - add and improve Windows support of USB-class - use pyyaml safe_load() - improve doc - implement _read method of Network printer class contributors ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Patrick Kanzler - Gerard Marull-Paretas - Ramon Poca - akeonly - Omer Akram - Justin Vieira 2018-05-15 - Version 3.0a4 - "Kakistocrat" ------------------------------------------ This release is the fifth alpha release of the new version 3.0. Please be aware that the API will still change until v3.0 is released. changes ^^^^^^^ - raise exception when TypeError occurs in cashdraw (#268) - Feature/clear content in dummy printer (#271) - fix is_online() (#282) - improve documentation - Modified submodule to always pull from master branch (#283) - parameter for implementation of nonnative qrcode (#289) - improve platform independence (#296) contributors ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Christoph Heuel - Patrick Kanzler - kennedy - primax79 - reck31 - Thijs Triemstra 2017-10-08 - Version 3.0a3 - "Just Testing" ------------------------------------------- This release is the fourth alpha release of the new version 3.0. Please be aware that the API will still change until v3.0 is released. changes ^^^^^^^ - minor changes in documentation, tests and examples - pickle capabilities for faster startup - first implementation of centering images and QR - check barcodes based on regex contributors ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Patrick Kanzler - Lucy Linder - Romain Porte - Sergio Pulgarin 2017-08-04 - Version 3.0a2 - "It's My Party And I'll Sing If I Want To" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This release is the third alpha release of the new version 3.0. Please be aware that the API will still change until v3.0 is released. changes ^^^^^^^ - refactor of the set-method - preliminary support of POS "line display" printing - improvement of tests - added ImageWidthError - list authors in repository - add support for software-based barcode-rendering - fix SerialException when trying to close device on __del__ - added the DLE EOT querying command for USB and Serial - ensure QR codes have a large enough border - make feed for cut optional - fix the behavior of horizontal tabs - added test script for hard an soft barcodes - implemented paper sensor querying command - added weather forecast example script - added a method for simpler newlines contributors ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - csoft2k - Patrick Kanzler - mrwunderbar666 - Romain Porte - Ahmed Tahri 2017-03-29 - Version 3.0a1 - "Headcrash" ---------------------------------------- This release is the second alpha release of the new version 3.0. Please be aware that the API will still change until v3.0 is released. changes ^^^^^^^ - automatically upload releases to GitHub - add environment variable ESCPOS_CAPABILITIES_FILE - automatically handle cases where full cut or partial cut is not available - add print_and_feed contributors ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Sam Cheng - Patrick Kanzler - Dmytro Katyukha 2017-01-31 - Version 3.0a - "Grey Area" --------------------------------------- This release is the first alpha release of the new version 3.0. Please be aware that the API will still change until v3.0 is released. changes ^^^^^^^ - change the project's license to MIT in accordance with the contributors (see python-escpos/python-escpos#171) - feature: add "capabilities" which are shared with escpos-php, capabilities are stored in `escpos-printer-db <>`_ - feature: the driver tries now to guess the appropriate codepage and sets it automatically (called "magic encode") - as an alternative you can force the codepage with the old API - updated and improved documentation - changed constructor of main class due to introduction of capablities - changed interface of method `blocktext`, changed behavior of multiple methods, for details refer to the documentation on ` <>`_ - add support for custom cash drawer sequence - enforce flake8 on the src-files, test py36 and py37 on travis contributors ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Michael Billington - Michael Elsdörfer - Patrick Kanzler (with code by Frédéric Van der Essen) - Asuki Kono - Benito López - Curtis // mashedkeyboard - Thijs Triemstra - ysuolmai 2016-08-26 - Version 2.2.0 - "Fate Amenable To Change" ------------------------------------------------------ changes ^^^^^^^ - fix improper API-use in qrcode() - change shebang to make it compatible with virtualenvs. - add constants for sheet mode and colors - support changing the linespacing contributors ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Michael Elsdörfer - Patrick Kanzler 2016-08-10 - Version 2.1.3 - "Ethics Gradient" ---------------------------------------------- changes ^^^^^^^ - configure readthedocs and travis - update doc with hint on image preprocessing - add fix for printing large images (by splitting them into multiple images) contributors ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Patrick Kanzler 2016-08-02 - Version 2.1.2 - "Death and Gravity" ------------------------------------------------ changes ^^^^^^^ - fix File-printer: flush after every call of _raw() - fix lists in documentation - fix CODE128: by adding the control character to the barcode-selection-sequence the barcode became unusable contributors ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Patrick Kanzler 2016-08-02 - Version 2.1.1 - "Contents May Differ" -------------------------------------------------- changes ^^^^^^^ - rename variable interface in USB-class to timeout - add support for hypothesis and move pypy3 to the allowed failures (pypy3 is not supported by hypothesis) contributors ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Patrick Kanzler - Renato Lorenzi 2016-07-23 - Version 2.1.0 - "But Who's Counting?" -------------------------------------------------- changes ^^^^^^^ - packaging: configured the coverage-analysis - GitHub: improved issues-template - documentation: add troubleshooting tip to network-interface - the module, cli and documentation is now aware of the version of python-escpos - the cli does now support basic tabcompletion contributors ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Patrick Kanzler 2016-06-24 - Version 2.0.0 - "Attitude Adjuster" ------------------------------------------------ This version is based on the original version of python-escpos by Manuel F Martinez. However, many contributions have greatly improved the old codebase. Since this version does not completely match the interface of the version published on PyPi and has many improvements, it will be released as version 2.0.0. changes ^^^^^^^ - refactor complete code in order to be compatible with Python 2 and 3 - modernize packaging - add testing and CI - merge various forks into codebase, fixing multiple issues with barcode-, QR-printing, cashdraw and structure - improve the documentation - extend support of barcode-codes to type B - add function to disable panel-buttons - the text-functions are now intended for unicode, the driver will automatically encode the string based on the selected codepage - the image-functions are now much more flexible - added a CLI - restructured the constants contributors ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Thomas van den Berg - Michael Billington - Nate Bookham - Davis Goglin - Christoph Heuel - Patrick Kanzler - Qian LinFeng 2016-01-24 - Version 1.0.9 -------------------------- - fix constant definition for PC1252 - move documentation to Sphinx 2015-10-27 - Version 1.0.8 -------------------------- - Merge pull request #59 from zouppen/master - Support for images vertically longer than 256 pixels - Sent by Joel Lehtonen <[email protected]> - Updated README 2015-08-22 - Version 1.0.7 -------------------------- - Issue #57: Fixed transparent images 2015-07-06 - Version 1.0.6 -------------------------- - Merge pull request #53 from ldos/master - Extended params for serial printers - Sent by ldos <[email protected]> 2015-04-21 - Version 1.0.5 -------------------------- - Merge pull request #45 from Krispy2009/master - Raising the right error when wrong charcode is used - Sent by Kristi <[email protected]> 2014-05-20 - Version 1.0.4 -------------------------- - Issue #20: Added Density support (Sent by [email protected]) - Added charcode tables - Fixed Horizontal Tab - Fixed code tabulators 2014-02-23 - Version 1.0.3 -------------------------- - Issue #18: Added quad-area characters (Sent by [email protected]) - Added exception for PIL import 2013-12-30 - Version 1.0.2 -------------------------- - Issue #5: Fixed vertical tab - Issue #9: Fixed identation inconsistence 2013-03-14 - Version 1.0.1 -------------------------- - Issue #8: Fixed set font - Added QR support 2012-11-15 - Version 1.0 ------------------------ - Issue #2: Added ethernet support - Issue #3: Added compatibility with libusb-1.0.1 - Issue #4: Fixed typo in
[metadata] name = python-escpos url = description = Python library to manipulate ESC/POS Printers long_description = file: README.rst license = MIT license_file = LICENSE author = Manuel F Martinez and others author_email = [email protected] maintainer = Patrick Kanzler maintainer_email = [email protected] keywords = ESC/POS, thermoprinter, voucher printer, printing, receipt classifiers = Development Status :: 4 - Beta Environment :: Console Intended Audience :: Developers License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License Operating System :: OS Independent Programming Language :: Python Programming Language :: Python :: 3 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8 Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules Topic :: Office/Business :: Financial :: Point-Of-Sale project_urls = Bug Tracker = Documentation = Release Notes = [options] python_requires = >=3.5 zip_safe = false include_package_data = true install_requires = pyusb>=1.0.0 Pillow>=2.0 qrcode>=4.0 pyserial python-barcode>=0.9.1,<1 setuptools six appdirs PyYAML argparse argcomplete future viivakoodi>=0.8 setup_requires = setuptools_scm tests_require = jaconv tox pytest!=3.2.0,!=3.3.0 pytest-cov pytest-mock nose scripttest mock hypothesis>4 flake8 sphinxcontrib-spelling>=5 [nosetests] verbosity=3 with-doctest=1 [flake8] exclude = .git,.tox,.github,.eggs,__pycache__,doc/,build,dist,capabilities-data,test,src/escpos/ max-line-length = 120 # future-imports = absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals # we are not there yet
formats: - pdf - epub requirements_file: doc/requirements.txt python: version: 3 setup_py_install: true
############################################################# python-escpos - Python library to manipulate ESC/POS Printers ############################################################# .. image:: :target: :alt: Continous Integration .. image:: :target: :alt: Code Coverage .. image:: :target: :alt: Documentation Status Description ----------- Python ESC/POS is a library which lets the user have access to all those printers handled by ESC/POS commands, as defined by Epson, from a Python application. The library tries to implement the functions provided by the ESC/POS-commandset and supports sending text, images, barcodes and qr-codes to the printer. Text can be aligned/justified and fonts can be changed by size, type and weight. Also, this module handles some hardware functionalities like cutting paper, control characters, printer reset and similar functions. Since supported commands differ from printer to printer the software tries to automatically apply the right settings for the printer that you set. These settings are handled by `escpos-printer-db <>`_ which is also used in `escpos-php <>`_. Dependencies ------------ This library makes use of: * `pyusb <>`_ for USB-printers * `Pillow <>`_ for image printing * `qrcode <>`_ for the generation of QR-codes * `pyserial <>`_ for serial printers * `python-barcode <>`_ for the generation of barcodes Documentation and Usage ----------------------- The basic usage is: .. code:: python from escpos.printer import Usb """ Seiko Epson Corp. Receipt Printer (EPSON TM-T88III) """ p = Usb(0x04b8, 0x0202, 0, profile="TM-T88III") p.text("Hello World\n") p.image("logo.gif") p.barcode('1324354657687', 'EAN13', 64, 2, '', '') p.cut() Another example based on the Network printer class: .. code:: python from escpos.printer import Network kitchen = Network("") #Printer IP Address kitchen.text("Hello World\n") kitchen.barcode('1324354657687', 'EAN13', 64, 2, '', '') kitchen.cut() Another example based on the Serial printer class: .. code:: python from escpos.printer import Serial """ 9600 Baud, 8N1, Flow Control Enabled """ p = Serial(devfile='/dev/tty.usbserial', baudrate=9600, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=1.00, dsrdtr=True) p.text("Hello World\n") p.qr("You can readme from your smartphone") p.cut() The full project-documentation is available on `Read the Docs <>`_. Contributing ------------ This project is open for any contribution! Please see `CONTRIBUTING.rst <>`_ for more information. Disclaimer ---------- None of the vendors cited in this project agree or endorse any of the patterns or implementations. Its names are used only to maintain context.
[tox] envlist = py35, py36, py37, py38, docs, flake8 [gh-actions] python = 2.7: py27 3.6: py36 3.7: py37 3.8: py38 [testenv] deps = nose jaconv coverage scripttest mock pytest!=3.2.0,!=3.3.0 pytest-cov pytest-mock hypothesis>4 python-barcode commands = pytest --cov escpos passenv = ESCPOS_CAPABILITIES_PICKLE_DIR ESCPOS_CAPABILITIES_FILE CI TRAVIS TRAVIS_* APPVEYOR APPVEYOR_* CODECOV_* [testenv:docs] basepython = python changedir = doc deps = sphinx>=1.5.1 setuptools_scm python-barcode sphinxcontrib-spelling>=5 commands = sphinx-build -W -b html -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees . {envtmpdir}/html [testenv:flake8] basepython = python # TODO add flake8-future # TODO add flake8-docstrings deps = flake8 commands = flake8
python-escpos ============= This library is available over pypi. So for most of the use-cases it should be sufficient to run ``` pip install python-escpos --user # add --pre if you want to install pre-releases ``` For more information please read the documentation at
************ Contributing ************ This project is open to any kind of contribution. You can help with improving the documentation, adding fixes to the code, providing test cases in code or as a description or just spreading the word. Please feel free to create an issue or pull request. In order to reduce the amount of work for everyone please try to adhere to good practice. The pull requests and issues will be prefilled with templates. Please fill in your information where applicable. This project uses `semantic versioning <>`_ and tries to adhere to the proposed rules as well as possible. Author-list ----------- This project keeps a list of authors. This can be auto-generated by calling `./doc/`. When contributing the first time, please include a commit with the output of this script in place. Otherwise the integration-check will fail. When you change your username or mail-address, please also update the `.mailmap` and the authors-list. You can find a good documentation on the mapping-feature in the `documentation of git-shortlog <>`_. Style-Guide ----------- When writing code please try to stick to these rules. PEP8 ^^^^ The entire codebase adheres to the rules of PEP8. These rules are enforced by running `flake8` in the integration-checks. Please adhere to these rules as your contribution can only be merged if the check succeeds. You can use flake8 or similar tools locally in order to check your code. Apart from that the travis-log and the check by Landscape will provide you with hints. GIT ^^^ The master-branch contains the main development of the project. A release to PyPi is marked with a tag corresponding to the version. Issues are closed when they have been resolved by merging into the master-branch. When you have a change to make, begin by creating a new branch from the HEAD of `python-escpos/master`. Please try to group your commits into logical units. If you need to tidy up your branch, you can make use of a git feature called an 'interactive rebase' before making a pull request. A small, self-contained change-set is easier to review, and improves the chance of your code being merged. Please also make sure that before creating your PR, your branch is rebased on a recent commit or you merged a recent commit into your branch. This way you can ensure that your PR is without merge conflicts. Docstrings ^^^^^^^^^^ This project tries to have a good documentation. Please add a docstring to every method and class. Have a look at existing methods and classes for the style. We use basically standard rst-docstrings for Sphinx. Test ^^^^ Try to write tests whenever possible. Our goal for the future is 100% coverage. We are currently using `nose` but might change in the future. You can copy the structure from other testcases. Please remember to adapt the docstrings. Further reading ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For further best practices and hints on contributing please see the `contribution-guide <>`_. Should there be any contradictions between this guide and the linked one, please stick to this text. Aside from that feel free to create an issue or write an email if anything is unclear. Thank you for your contribution!
<!-- Please feel free to delete any sections that aren't relevant. --> <!-- mark with x between the [ ] --> I have: - [ ] searched open and closed issues for duplicates ### Bug description ### Steps to reproduce - add your steps here - as a list - using hyphens ### Device info <!-- Replace examples with your info --> **Printer:** Manufacturer Model XVI <!-- since version 2.0.1 you can type 'python-escpos version' in your shell. Alternatively you could use '__version__' in module escpos. --> **python-escpos version:** 0.0.0 **python version:** 0.0 **operating system:**
### Contributor checklist <!-- mark with x between the brackets --> - [ ] I have read the CONTRIBUTING.rst - [ ] I have tested my contribution on these devices: * e.g. Epson TM-T88II - [ ] My contribution is ready to be merged as is ---------- ### Description
# This workflow will install Python dependencies, run tests and lint with a variety of Python versions # For more information see: name: Python package on: push: branches: [ master ] pull_request: branches: [ master ] jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: matrix: python-version: [3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8] steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: submodules: 'recursive' - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }} uses: actions/setup-python@v1 with: python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }} - name: Install dependencies run: | python -m pip install --upgrade pip pip install flake8 pytest tox tox-gh-actions if [ -f requirements.txt ]; then pip install -r requirements.txt; fi - name: Lint with flake8 run: | # stop the build if there are Python syntax errors or undefined names flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics # exit-zero treats all errors as warnings. The GitHub editor is 127 chars wide flake8 . --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=127 --statistics - name: Test with tox run: | tox env: ESCPOS_CAPABILITIES_FILE: /home/runner/work/python-escpos/python-escpos/capabilities-data/dist/capabilities.json
""" ESC/POS configuration manager. This module contains the implementations of abstract base class :py:class:`Config`. """ import os import appdirs import yaml from . import printer from . import exceptions class Config(object): """ Configuration handler class. This class loads configuration from a default or specificed directory. It can create your defined printer and return it to you. """ _app_name = 'python-escpos' _config_file = 'config.yaml' def __init__(self): """ Initialize configuration. Remember to add anything that needs to be reset between configurations to self._reset_config """ self._has_loaded = False self._printer = None self._printer_name = None self._printer_config = None def _reset_config(self): """ Clear the loaded configuration. If we are loading a changed config, we don't want to have leftover data. """ self._has_loaded = False self._printer = None self._printer_name = None self._printer_config = None def load(self, config_path=None): """ Load and parse the configuration file using pyyaml :param config_path: An optional file path, file handle, or byte string for the configuration file. """ self._reset_config() if not config_path: config_path = os.path.join( appdirs.user_config_dir(self._app_name), self._config_file ) try: # First check if it's file like. If it is, pyyaml can load it. # I'm checking type instead of catching exceptions to keep the # exception handling simple if hasattr(config_path, 'read'): config = yaml.safe_load(config_path) else: # If it isn't, it's a path. We have to open it first, otherwise # pyyaml will try to read it as yaml with open(config_path, 'rb') as config_file: config = yaml.safe_load(config_file) except EnvironmentError: raise exceptions.ConfigNotFoundError('Couldn\'t read config at {config_path}'.format( config_path=str(config_path), )) except yaml.YAMLError: raise exceptions.ConfigSyntaxError('Error parsing YAML') if 'printer' in config: self._printer_config = config['printer'] self._printer_name = self._printer_config.pop('type').title() if not self._printer_name or not hasattr(printer, self._printer_name): raise exceptions.ConfigSyntaxError( 'Printer type "{printer_name}" is invalid'.format( printer_name=self._printer_name, ) ) self._has_loaded = True def printer(self): """ Returns a printer that was defined in the config, or throws an exception. This method loads the default config if one hasn't beeen already loaded. """ if not self._has_loaded: self.load() if not self._printer_name: raise exceptions.ConfigSectionMissingError('printer') if not self._printer: # We could catch init errors and make them a ConfigSyntaxError, # but I'll just let them pass self._printer = getattr(printer, self._printer_name)(**self._printer_config) return self._printer
""" Image format handling class This module contains the image format handler :py:class:`EscposImage`. :author: `Michael Billington <[email protected]>`_ :organization: `python-escpos <>`_ :copyright: Copyright (c) 2016 Michael Billington <[email protected]> :license: MIT """ import math from PIL import Image, ImageOps class EscposImage(object): """ Load images in, and output ESC/POS formats. The class is designed to efficiently delegate image processing to PIL, rather than spend CPU cycles looping over pixels. """ def __init__(self, img_source): """ Load in an image :param img_source: PIL.Image, or filename to load one from. """ if isinstance(img_source, Image.Image): img_original = img_source else: img_original = # store image for eventual further processing (splitting) self.img_original = img_original # Convert to white RGB background, paste over white background # to strip alpha. img_original = img_original.convert('RGBA') im ="RGB", img_original.size, (255, 255, 255)) im.paste(img_original, mask=img_original.split()[3]) # Convert down to greyscale im = im.convert("L") # Invert: Only works on 'L' images im = ImageOps.invert(im) # Pure black and white self._im = im.convert("1") @property def width(self): """ Width of image in pixels """ width_pixels, _ = self._im.size return width_pixels @property def width_bytes(self): """ Width of image if you use 8 pixels per byte and 0-pad at the end. """ return (self.width + 7) >> 3 @property def height(self): """ Height of image in pixels """ _, height_pixels = self._im.size return height_pixels def to_column_format(self, high_density_vertical=True): """ Extract slices of an image as equal-sized blobs of column-format data. :param high_density_vertical: Printed line height in dots """ im = self._im.transpose(Image.ROTATE_270).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) line_height = 24 if high_density_vertical else 8 width_pixels, height_pixels = im.size top = 0 left = 0 while left < width_pixels: box = (left, top, left + line_height, top + height_pixels) im_slice = im.transform((line_height, height_pixels), Image.EXTENT, box) im_bytes = im_slice.tobytes() yield(im_bytes) left += line_height def to_raster_format(self): """ Convert image to raster-format binary """ return self._im.tobytes() def split(self, fragment_height): """ Split an image into multiple fragments after fragment_height pixels :param fragment_height: height of fragment :return: list of PIL objects """ passes = int(math.ceil(self.height/fragment_height)) fragments = [] for n in range(0, passes): left = 0 right = self.width upper = n * fragment_height lower = min((n + 1) * fragment_height, self.height) box = (left, upper, right, lower) fragments.append(self.img_original.crop(box)) return fragments def center(self, max_width): """In-place image centering :param: Maximum width in order to deduce x offset for centering :return: None """ old_width, height = self._im.size new_size = (max_width, height) new_im ="1", new_size) paste_x = int((max_width - old_width) / 2) new_im.paste(self._im, (paste_x, 0)) self._im = new_im
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Helpers to encode Japanese characters. I doubt that this currently works correctly. """ try: import jaconv except ImportError: jaconv = None def encode_katakana(text): """I don't think this quite works yet.""" encoded = [] for char in text: if jaconv: # try to convert japanese text to half-katakanas char = jaconv.z2h(jaconv.hira2kata(char)) # TODO: "the conversion may result in multiple characters" # If that really can happen (I am not really shure), than the string would have to be split and every single # character has to passed through the following lines. if char in TXT_ENC_KATAKANA_MAP: encoded.append(TXT_ENC_KATAKANA_MAP[char]) else: # TODO doesn't this discard all that is not in the map? Can we be sure that the input does contain only # encodable characters? We could at least throw an exception if encoding is not possible. pass return b"".join(encoded) TXT_ENC_KATAKANA_MAP = { # Maps UTF-8 Katakana symbols to KATAKANA Page Codes # TODO: has this really to be hardcoded? # Half-Width Katakanas '。': b'\xa1', '「': b'\xa2', '」': b'\xa3', '、': b'\xa4', '・': b'\xa5', 'ヲ': b'\xa6', 'ァ': b'\xa7', 'ィ': b'\xa8', 'ゥ': b'\xa9', 'ェ': b'\xaa', 'ォ': b'\xab', 'ャ': b'\xac', 'ュ': b'\xad', 'ョ': b'\xae', 'ッ': b'\xaf', 'ー': b'\xb0', 'ア': b'\xb1', 'イ': b'\xb2', 'ウ': b'\xb3', 'エ': b'\xb4', 'オ': b'\xb5', 'カ': b'\xb6', 'キ': b'\xb7', 'ク': b'\xb8', 'ケ': b'\xb9', 'コ': b'\xba', 'サ': b'\xbb', 'シ': b'\xbc', 'ス': b'\xbd', 'セ': b'\xbe', 'ソ': b'\xbf', 'タ': b'\xc0', 'チ': b'\xc1', 'ツ': b'\xc2', 'テ': b'\xc3', 'ト': b'\xc4', 'ナ': b'\xc5', 'ニ': b'\xc6', 'ヌ': b'\xc7', 'ネ': b'\xc8', 'ノ': b'\xc9', 'ハ': b'\xca', 'ヒ': b'\xcb', 'フ': b'\xcc', 'ヘ': b'\xcd', 'ホ': b'\xce', 'マ': b'\xcf', 'ミ': b'\xd0', 'ム': b'\xd1', 'メ': b'\xd2', 'モ': b'\xd3', 'ヤ': b'\xd4', 'ユ': b'\xd5', 'ヨ': b'\xd6', 'ラ': b'\xd7', 'リ': b'\xd8', 'ル': b'\xd9', 'レ': b'\xda', 'ロ': b'\xdb', 'ワ': b'\xdc', 'ン': b'\xdd', '゙': b'\xde', '゚': b'\xdf', }
from .capabilities import CAPABILITIES class CodePageManager: """Holds information about all the code pages (as defined in escpos-printer-db). """ def __init__(self, data): = data def get_all(self): return @staticmethod def get_encoding_name(encoding): # TODO resolve the encoding alias return encoding.upper() def get_encoding(self, encoding): return[encoding] CodePages = CodePageManager(CAPABILITIES['encodings'])
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This module contains the implementations of abstract base class :py:class:`Escpos`. :author: `Manuel F Martinez <[email protected]>`_ and others :organization: Bashlinux and `python-escpos <>`_ :copyright: Copyright (c) 2012-2017 Bashlinux and python-escpos :license: MIT """ import serial import socket import usb.core import usb.util from .escpos import Escpos from .exceptions import USBNotFoundError class Usb(Escpos): """ USB printer This class describes a printer that natively speaks USB. inheritance: .. inheritance-diagram:: escpos.printer.Usb :parts: 1 """ def __init__(self, idVendor, idProduct, usb_args=None, timeout=0, in_ep=0x82, out_ep=0x01, *args, **kwargs): # noqa: N803 """ :param idVendor: Vendor ID :param idProduct: Product ID :param usb_args: Optional USB arguments (e.g. custom_match) :param timeout: Is the time limit of the USB operation. Default without timeout. :param in_ep: Input end point :param out_ep: Output end point """ Escpos.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.timeout = timeout self.in_ep = in_ep self.out_ep = out_ep usb_args = usb_args or {} if idVendor: usb_args['idVendor'] = idVendor if idProduct: usb_args['idProduct'] = idProduct def open(self, usb_args): """ Search device on USB tree and set it as escpos device. :param usb_args: USB arguments """ self.device = usb.core.find(**usb_args) if self.device is None: raise USBNotFoundError("Device not found or cable not plugged in.") self.idVendor = self.device.idVendor self.idProduct = self.device.idProduct # pyusb has three backends: libusb0, libusb1 and openusb but # only libusb1 backend implements the methods is_kernel_driver_active() # and detach_kernel_driver(). # This helps enable this library to work on Windows. if self.device.backend.__module__.endswith("libusb1"): check_driver = None try: check_driver = self.device.is_kernel_driver_active(0) except NotImplementedError: pass if check_driver is None or check_driver: try: self.device.detach_kernel_driver(0) except NotImplementedError: pass except usb.core.USBError as e: if check_driver is not None: print("Could not detatch kernel driver: {0}".format(str(e))) try: self.device.set_configuration() self.device.reset() except usb.core.USBError as e: print("Could not set configuration: {0}".format(str(e))) def _raw(self, msg): """ Print any command sent in raw format :param msg: arbitrary code to be printed :type msg: bytes """ self.device.write(self.out_ep, msg, self.timeout) def _read(self): """ Reads a data buffer and returns it to the caller. """ return, 16) def close(self): """ Release USB interface """ if self.device: usb.util.dispose_resources(self.device) self.device = None class Serial(Escpos): """ Serial printer This class describes a printer that is connected by serial interface. inheritance: .. inheritance-diagram:: escpos.printer.Serial :parts: 1 """ def __init__(self, devfile="/dev/ttyS0", baudrate=9600, bytesize=8, timeout=1, parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, xonxoff=False, dsrdtr=True, *args, **kwargs): """ :param devfile: Device file under dev filesystem :param baudrate: Baud rate for serial transmission :param bytesize: Serial buffer size :param timeout: Read/Write timeout :param parity: Parity checking :param stopbits: Number of stop bits :param xonxoff: Software flow control :param dsrdtr: Hardware flow control (False to enable RTS/CTS) """ Escpos.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.devfile = devfile self.baudrate = baudrate self.bytesize = bytesize self.timeout = timeout self.parity = parity self.stopbits = stopbits self.xonxoff = xonxoff self.dsrdtr = dsrdtr def open(self): """ Setup serial port and set is as escpos device """ if self.device is not None and self.device.is_open: self.close() self.device = serial.Serial(port=self.devfile, baudrate=self.baudrate, bytesize=self.bytesize, parity=self.parity, stopbits=self.stopbits, timeout=self.timeout, xonxoff=self.xonxoff, dsrdtr=self.dsrdtr) if self.device is not None: print("Serial printer enabled") else: print("Unable to open serial printer on: {0}".format(str(self.devfile))) def _raw(self, msg): """ Print any command sent in raw format :param msg: arbitrary code to be printed :type msg: bytes """ self.device.write(msg) def _read(self): """ Reads a data buffer and returns it to the caller. """ return def close(self): """ Close Serial interface """ if self.device is not None and self.device.is_open: self.device.flush() self.device.close() class Network(Escpos): """ Network printer This class is used to attach to a networked printer. You can also use this in order to attach to a printer that is forwarded with ``socat``. If you have a local printer on parallel port ``/dev/usb/lp0`` then you could start ``socat`` with: .. code-block:: none socat -u TCP4-LISTEN:4242,reuseaddr,fork OPEN:/dev/usb/lp0 Then you should be able to attach to port ``4242`` with this class. Otherwise the normal usecase would be to have a printer with ethernet interface. This type of printer should work the same with this class. For the address of the printer check its manuals. inheritance: .. inheritance-diagram:: escpos.printer.Network :parts: 1 """ def __init__(self, host, port=9100, timeout=60, *args, **kwargs): """ :param host: Printer's hostname or IP address :param port: Port to write to :param timeout: timeout in seconds for the socket-library """ Escpos.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) = host self.port = port self.timeout = timeout def open(self): """ Open TCP socket with ``socket``-library and set it as escpos device """ self.device = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.device.settimeout(self.timeout) self.device.connect((, self.port)) if self.device is None: print("Could not open socket for {0}".format( def _raw(self, msg): """ Print any command sent in raw format :param msg: arbitrary code to be printed :type msg: bytes """ self.device.sendall(msg) def _read(self): """ Read data from the TCP socket """ return self.device.recv(16) def close(self): """ Close TCP connection """ if self.device is not None: self.device.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) self.device.close() class File(Escpos): """ Generic file printer This class is used for parallel port printer or other printers that are directly attached to the filesystem. Note that you should stay away from using USB-to-Parallel-Adapter since they are unreliable and produce arbitrary errors. inheritance: .. inheritance-diagram:: escpos.printer.File :parts: 1 """ def __init__(self, devfile="/dev/usb/lp0", auto_flush=True, *args, **kwargs): """ :param devfile: Device file under dev filesystem :param auto_flush: automatically call flush after every call of _raw() """ Escpos.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.devfile = devfile self.auto_flush = auto_flush def open(self): """ Open system file """ self.device = open(self.devfile, "wb") if self.device is None: print("Could not open the specified file {0}".format(self.devfile)) def flush(self): """ Flush printing content """ self.device.flush() def _raw(self, msg): """ Print any command sent in raw format :param msg: arbitrary code to be printed :type msg: bytes """ self.device.write(msg) if self.auto_flush: self.flush() def close(self): """ Close system file """ if self.device is not None: self.device.flush() self.device.close() class Dummy(Escpos): """ Dummy printer This class is used for saving commands to a variable, for use in situations where there is no need to send commands to an actual printer. This includes generating print jobs for later use, or testing output. inheritance: .. inheritance-diagram:: escpos.printer.Dummy :parts: 1 """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ """ Escpos.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self._output_list = [] def _raw(self, msg): """ Print any command sent in raw format :param msg: arbitrary code to be printed :type msg: bytes """ self._output_list.append(msg) @property def output(self): """ Get the data that was sent to this printer """ return b''.join(self._output_list) def clear(self): """ Clear the buffer of the printer This method can be called if you send the contents to a physical printer and want to use the Dummy printer for new output. """ del self._output_list[:] def close(self): pass _WIN32PRINT = False try: import win32print _WIN32PRINT = True except ImportError: pass if _WIN32PRINT: class Win32Raw(Escpos): def __init__(self, printer_name=None, *args, **kwargs): Escpos.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) if printer_name is not None: self.printer_name = printer_name else: self.printer_name = win32print.GetDefaultPrinter() self.hPrinter = None def open(self, job_name="python-escpos"): if self.printer_name is None: raise Exception("Printer not found") self.hPrinter = win32print.OpenPrinter(self.printer_name) self.current_job = win32print.StartDocPrinter(self.hPrinter, 1, (job_name, None, "RAW")) win32print.StartPagePrinter(self.hPrinter) def close(self): if not self.hPrinter: return win32print.EndPagePrinter(self.hPrinter) win32print.EndDocPrinter(self.hPrinter) win32print.ClosePrinter(self.hPrinter) self.hPrinter = None def _raw(self, msg): """ Print any command sent in raw format :param msg: arbitrary code to be printed :type msg: bytes """ if self.printer_name is None: raise Exception("Printer not found") if self.hPrinter is None: raise Exception("Printer job not opened") win32print.WritePrinter(self.hPrinter, msg)
import re from os import environ, path import pkg_resources import pickle import logging import time import six import yaml from tempfile import gettempdir import platform logging.basicConfig() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) pickle_dir = environ.get('ESCPOS_CAPABILITIES_PICKLE_DIR', gettempdir()) pickle_path = path.join(pickle_dir, '{v}.capabilities.pickle'.format(v=platform.python_version())) # get a temporary file from pkg_resources if no file is specified in env capabilities_path = environ.get('ESCPOS_CAPABILITIES_FILE', pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, 'capabilities.json')) # Load external printer database t0 = time.time() logger.debug('Using capabilities from file: %s', capabilities_path) if path.exists(pickle_path): if path.getmtime(capabilities_path) > path.getmtime(pickle_path): logger.debug('Found a more recent capabilities file') full_load = True else: full_load = False logger.debug('Loading capabilities from pickle in %s', pickle_path) with open(pickle_path, 'rb') as cf: CAPABILITIES = pickle.load(cf) else: logger.debug('Capabilities pickle file not found: %s', pickle_path) full_load = True if full_load: logger.debug('Loading and pickling capabilities') with open(capabilities_path) as cp, open(pickle_path, 'wb') as pp: CAPABILITIES = yaml.safe_load(cp) pickle.dump(CAPABILITIES, pp, protocol=2) logger.debug('Finished loading capabilities took %.2fs', time.time() - t0) PROFILES = CAPABILITIES['profiles'] class NotSupported(Exception): """Raised if a requested feature is not supported by the printer profile. """ pass BARCODE_B = 'barcodeB' class BaseProfile(object): """This represents a printer profile. A printer profile knows about the number of columns, supported features, colors and more. """ profile_data = {} def __getattr__(self, name): return self.profile_data[name] def get_font(self, font): """Return the escpos index for `font`. Makes sure that the requested `font` is valid. """ font = {'a': 0, 'b': 1}.get(font, font) if not six.text_type(font) in self.fonts: raise NotSupported( '"{}" is not a valid font in the current profile'.format(font)) return font def get_columns(self, font): """ Return the number of columns for the given font. """ font = self.get_font(font) return self.fonts[six.text_type(font)]['columns'] def supports(self, feature): """Return true/false for the given feature. """ return self.features.get(feature) def get_code_pages(self): """Return the support code pages as a ``{name: index}`` dict. """ return {v: k for k, v in self.codePages.items()} def get_profile(name=None, **kwargs): """Get the profile by name; if no name is given, return the default profile. """ if isinstance(name, Profile): return name clazz = get_profile_class(name or 'default') return clazz(**kwargs) CLASS_CACHE = {} def get_profile_class(name): """For the given profile name, load the data from the external database, then generate dynamically a class. """ if name not in CLASS_CACHE: profile_data = PROFILES[name] profile_name = clean(name) class_name = '{}{}Profile'.format( profile_name[0].upper(), profile_name[1:]) new_class = type(class_name, (BaseProfile,), {'profile_data': profile_data}) CLASS_CACHE[name] = new_class return CLASS_CACHE[name] def clean(s): # Remove invalid characters s = re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z_]', '', s) # Remove leading characters until we find a letter or underscore s = re.sub('^[^a-zA-Z_]+', '', s) return str(s) class Profile(get_profile_class('default')): """ For users, who want to provide their profile """ def __init__(self, columns=None, features=None): super(Profile, self).__init__() self.columns = columns self.features = features or {} def get_columns(self, font): if self.columns is not None: return self.columns return super(Profile, self).get_columns(font)
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Main class This module contains the abstract base class :py:class:`Escpos`. :author: `Manuel F Martinez <[email protected]>`_ and others :organization: Bashlinux and `python-escpos <>`_ :copyright: Copyright (c) 2012-2017 Bashlinux and python-escpos :license: MIT """ import qrcode import textwrap import six import time from re import match as re_match import barcode from barcode.writer import ImageWriter import os from .constants import ESC, GS, NUL, QR_ECLEVEL_L, QR_ECLEVEL_M, QR_ECLEVEL_H, QR_ECLEVEL_Q from .constants import QR_MODEL_1, QR_MODEL_2, QR_MICRO, BARCODE_TYPES, BARCODE_HEIGHT, BARCODE_WIDTH from .constants import BARCODE_FONT_A, BARCODE_FONT_B, BARCODE_FORMATS from .constants import BARCODE_TXT_OFF, BARCODE_TXT_BTH, BARCODE_TXT_ABV, BARCODE_TXT_BLW from .constants import TXT_SIZE, TXT_NORMAL from .constants import SET_FONT from .constants import LINESPACING_FUNCS, LINESPACING_RESET from .constants import LINE_DISPLAY_OPEN, LINE_DISPLAY_CLEAR, LINE_DISPLAY_CLOSE from .constants import CD_KICK_DEC_SEQUENCE, CD_KICK_5, CD_KICK_2, PAPER_FULL_CUT, PAPER_PART_CUT from .constants import HW_RESET, HW_SELECT, HW_INIT from .constants import CTL_VT, CTL_CR, CTL_FF, CTL_LF, CTL_SET_HT, PANEL_BUTTON_OFF, PANEL_BUTTON_ON from .constants import TXT_STYLE from .constants import RT_STATUS_ONLINE, RT_MASK_ONLINE from .constants import RT_STATUS_PAPER, RT_MASK_PAPER, RT_MASK_LOWPAPER, RT_MASK_NOPAPER from .exceptions import BarcodeTypeError, BarcodeSizeError, TabPosError from .exceptions import CashDrawerError, SetVariableError, BarcodeCodeError from .exceptions import ImageWidthError from .magicencode import MagicEncode from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod # abstract base class support from escpos.image import EscposImage from escpos.capabilities import get_profile, BARCODE_B @six.add_metaclass(ABCMeta) class Escpos(object): """ ESC/POS Printer object This class is the abstract base class for an esc/pos-printer. The printer implementations are children of this class. """ device = None def __init__(self, profile=None, magic_encode_args=None, **kwargs): """ Initialize ESCPOS Printer :param profile: Printer profile""" self.profile = get_profile(profile) self.magic = MagicEncode(self, **(magic_encode_args or {})) def __del__(self): """ call self.close upon deletion """ self.close() @abstractmethod def _raw(self, msg): """ Sends raw data to the printer This function has to be individually implemented by the implementations. :param msg: message string to be sent to the printer :type msg: bytes """ pass def _read(self): """ Returns a NotImplementedError if the instance of the class doesn't override this method. :raises NotImplementedError """ raise NotImplementedError() def image(self, img_source, high_density_vertical=True, high_density_horizontal=True, impl="bitImageRaster", fragment_height=960, center=False): """ Print an image You can select whether the printer should print in high density or not. The default value is high density. When printing in low density, the image will be stretched. Esc/Pos supplies several commands for printing. This function supports three of them. Please try to vary the implementations if you have any problems. For example the printer `IT80-002` will have trouble aligning images that are not printed in Column-mode. The available printing implementations are: * `bitImageRaster`: prints with the `GS v 0`-command * `graphics`: prints with the `GS ( L`-command * `bitImageColumn`: prints with the `ESC *`-command When trying to center an image make sure you have initialized the printer with a valid profile, that contains a media width pixel field. Otherwise the centering will have no effect. :param img_source: PIL image or filename to load: `jpg`, `gif`, `png` or `bmp` :param high_density_vertical: print in high density in vertical direction *default:* True :param high_density_horizontal: print in high density in horizontal direction *default:* True :param impl: choose image printing mode between `bitImageRaster`, `graphics` or `bitImageColumn` :param fragment_height: Images larger than this will be split into multiple fragments *default:* 960 :param center: Center image horizontally *default:* False """ im = EscposImage(img_source) try: if self.profile.profile_data['media']['width']['pixels'] == "Unknown": print("The media.width.pixel field of the printer profile is not set. " + "The center flag will have no effect.") max_width = int(self.profile.profile_data['media']['width']['pixels']) if im.width > max_width: raise ImageWidthError('{} > {}'.format(im.width, max_width)) if center: except KeyError: # If the printer's pixel width is not known, print anyways... pass except ValueError: # If the max_width cannot be converted to an int, print anyways... pass if im.height > fragment_height: fragments = im.split(fragment_height) for fragment in fragments: self.image(fragment, high_density_vertical=high_density_vertical, high_density_horizontal=high_density_horizontal, impl=impl, fragment_height=fragment_height) return if impl == "bitImageRaster": # GS v 0, raster format bit image density_byte = (0 if high_density_horizontal else 1) + (0 if high_density_vertical else 2) header = GS + b"v0" + six.int2byte(density_byte) + self._int_low_high(im.width_bytes, 2) +\ self._int_low_high(im.height, 2) self._raw(header + im.to_raster_format()) if impl == "graphics": # GS ( L raster format graphics img_header = self._int_low_high(im.width, 2) + self._int_low_high(im.height, 2) tone = b'0' colors = b'1' ym = six.int2byte(1 if high_density_vertical else 2) xm = six.int2byte(1 if high_density_horizontal else 2) header = tone + xm + ym + colors + img_header raster_data = im.to_raster_format() self._image_send_graphics_data(b'0', b'p', header + raster_data) self._image_send_graphics_data(b'0', b'2', b'') if impl == "bitImageColumn": # ESC *, column format bit image density_byte = (1 if high_density_horizontal else 0) + (32 if high_density_vertical else 0) header = ESC + b"*" + six.int2byte(density_byte) + self._int_low_high(im.width, 2) outp = [ESC + b"3" + six.int2byte(16)] # Adjust line-feed size for blob in im.to_column_format(high_density_vertical): outp.append(header + blob + b"\n") outp.append(ESC + b"2") # Reset line-feed size self._raw(b''.join(outp)) def _image_send_graphics_data(self, m, fn, data): """ Wrapper for GS ( L, to calculate and send correct data length. :param m: Modifier//variant for function. Usually '0' :param fn: Function number to use, as byte :param data: Data to send """ header = self._int_low_high(len(data) + 2, 2) self._raw(GS + b'(L' + header + m + fn + data) def qr(self, content, ec=QR_ECLEVEL_L, size=3, model=QR_MODEL_2, native=False, center=False, impl="bitImageRaster"): """ Print QR Code for the provided string :param content: The content of the code. Numeric data will be more efficiently compacted. :param ec: Error-correction level to use. One of QR_ECLEVEL_L (default), QR_ECLEVEL_M, QR_ECLEVEL_Q or QR_ECLEVEL_H. Higher error correction results in a less compact code. :param size: Pixel size to use. Must be 1-16 (default 3) :param model: QR code model to use. Must be one of QR_MODEL_1, QR_MODEL_2 (default) or QR_MICRO (not supported by all printers). :param native: True to render the code on the printer, False to render the code as an image and send it to the printer (Default) :param center: Centers the code *default:* False :param impl: Image-printing-implementation, refer to :meth:`.image()` for details """ # Basic validation if ec not in [QR_ECLEVEL_L, QR_ECLEVEL_M, QR_ECLEVEL_H, QR_ECLEVEL_Q]: raise ValueError("Invalid error correction level") if not 1 <= size <= 16: raise ValueError("Invalid block size (must be 1-16)") if model not in [QR_MODEL_1, QR_MODEL_2, QR_MICRO]: raise ValueError("Invalid QR model (must be one of QR_MODEL_1, QR_MODEL_2, QR_MICRO)") if content == "": # Handle edge case by printing nothing. return if not native: # Map ESC/POS error correction levels to python 'qrcode' library constant and render to an image if model != QR_MODEL_2: raise ValueError("Invalid QR model for qrlib rendering (must be QR_MODEL_2)") python_qr_ec = { QR_ECLEVEL_H: qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_H, QR_ECLEVEL_L: qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_L, QR_ECLEVEL_M: qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_M, QR_ECLEVEL_Q: qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_Q } qr_code = qrcode.QRCode(version=None, box_size=size, border=1, error_correction=python_qr_ec[ec]) qr_code.add_data(content) qr_code.make(fit=True) qr_img = qr_code.make_image() im = qr_img._img.convert("RGB") # Convert the RGB image in printable image self.text('\n') self.image(im, center=center, impl=impl) self.text('\n') self.text('\n') return if center: raise NotImplementedError("Centering not implemented for native QR rendering") # Native 2D code printing cn = b'1' # Code type for QR code # Select model: 1, 2 or micro. self._send_2d_code_data(six.int2byte(65), cn, six.int2byte(48 + model) + six.int2byte(0)) # Set dot size. self._send_2d_code_data(six.int2byte(67), cn, six.int2byte(size)) # Set error correction level: L, M, Q, or H self._send_2d_code_data(six.int2byte(69), cn, six.int2byte(48 + ec)) # Send content & print self._send_2d_code_data(six.int2byte(80), cn, content.encode('utf-8'), b'0') self._send_2d_code_data(six.int2byte(81), cn, b'', b'0') def _send_2d_code_data(self, fn, cn, data, m=b''): """ Wrapper for GS ( k, to calculate and send correct data length. :param fn: Function to use. :param cn: Output code type. Affects available data. :param data: Data to send. :param m: Modifier/variant for function. Often '0' where used. """ if len(m) > 1 or len(cn) != 1 or len(fn) != 1: raise ValueError("cn and fn must be one byte each.") header = self._int_low_high(len(data) + len(m) + 2, 2) self._raw(GS + b'(k' + header + cn + fn + m + data) @staticmethod def _int_low_high(inp_number, out_bytes): """ Generate multiple bytes for a number: In lower and higher parts, or more parts as needed. :param inp_number: Input number :param out_bytes: The number of bytes to output (1 - 4). """ max_input = (256 << (out_bytes * 8) - 1) if not 1 <= out_bytes <= 4: raise ValueError("Can only output 1-4 bytes") if not 0 <= inp_number <= max_input: raise ValueError("Number too large. Can only output up to {0} in {1} bytes".format(max_input, out_bytes)) outp = b'' for _ in range(0, out_bytes): outp += six.int2byte(inp_number % 256) inp_number //= 256 return outp def charcode(self, code="AUTO"): """ Set Character Code Table Sets the control sequence from ``CHARCODE`` in :py:mod:`escpos.constants` as active. It will be sent with the next text sequence. If you set the variable code to ``AUTO`` it will try to automatically guess the right codepage. (This is the standard behaviour.) :param code: Name of CharCode :raises: :py:exc:`~escpos.exceptions.CharCodeError` """ if code.upper() == "AUTO": self.magic.force_encoding(False) else: self.magic.force_encoding(code) @staticmethod def check_barcode(bc, code): """ This method checks if the barcode is in the proper format. The validation concerns the barcode length and the set of characters, but won't compute/validate any checksum. The full set of requirement for each barcode type is available in the ESC/POS documentation. As an example, using EAN13, the barcode `12345678901` will be correct, because it can be rendered by the printer. But it does not suit the EAN13 standard, because the checksum digit is missing. Adding a wrong checksum in the end will also be considered correct, but adding a letter won't (EAN13 is numeric only). .. todo:: Add a method to compute the checksum for the different standards .. todo:: For fixed-length standards with mandatory checksum (EAN, UPC), compute and add the checksum automatically if missing. :param bc: barcode format, see :py:meth:`.barcode()` :param code: alphanumeric data to be printed as bar code, see :py:meth:`.barcode()` :return: bool """ if bc not in BARCODE_FORMATS: return False bounds, regex = BARCODE_FORMATS[bc] return any(bound[0] <= len(code) <= bound[1] for bound in bounds) and re_match(regex, code) def barcode(self, code, bc, height=64, width=3, pos="BELOW", font="A", align_ct=True, function_type=None, check=True): """ Print Barcode This method allows to print barcodes. The rendering of the barcode is done by the printer and therefore has to be supported by the unit. By default, this method will check whether your barcode text is correct, that is the characters and lengths are supported by ESCPOS. Call the method with `check=False` to disable the check, but note that uncorrect barcodes may lead to unexpected printer behaviour. There are two forms of the barcode function. Type A is default but has fewer barcodes, while type B has some more to choose from. Use the parameters `height` and `width` for adjusting of the barcode size. Please take notice that the barcode will not be printed if it is outside of the printable area. (Which should be impossible with this method, so this information is probably more useful for debugging purposes.) .. todo:: On TM-T88II width from 1 to 6 is accepted. Try to acquire command reference and correct the code. .. todo:: Supplying pos does not have an effect for every barcode type. Check and document for which types this is true. If you do not want to center the barcode you can call the method with `align_ct=False`, which will disable automatic centering. Please note that when you use center alignment, then the alignment of text will be changed automatically to centered. You have to manually restore the alignment if necessary. .. todo:: If further barcode-types are needed they could be rendered transparently as an image. (This could also be of help if the printer does not support types that others do.) :param code: alphanumeric data to be printed as bar code :param bc: barcode format, possible values are for type A are: * UPC-A * UPC-E * EAN13 * EAN8 * CODE39 * ITF * NW7 Possible values for type B: * All types from function type A * CODE93 * CODE128 * GS1-128 * GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional * GS1 DataBar Truncated * GS1 DataBar Limited * GS1 DataBar Expanded If none is specified, the method raises :py:exc:`~escpos.exceptions.BarcodeTypeError`. :param height: barcode height, has to be between 1 and 255 *default*: 64 :type height: int :param width: barcode width, has to be between 2 and 6 *default*: 3 :type width: int :param pos: where to place the text relative to the barcode, *default*: BELOW * ABOVE * BELOW * BOTH * OFF :param font: select font (see ESC/POS-documentation, the device often has two fonts), *default*: A * A * B :param align_ct: If this parameter is True the barcode will be centered. Otherwise no alignment command will be issued. :type align_ct: bool :param function_type: Choose between ESCPOS function type A or B, depending on printer support and desired barcode. If not given, the printer will attempt to automatically choose the correct function based on the current profile. *default*: A :param check: If this parameter is True, the barcode format will be checked to ensure it meets the bc requirements as definged in the ESC/POS documentation. See :py:meth:`.check_barcode()` for more information. *default*: True. :raises: :py:exc:`~escpos.exceptions.BarcodeSizeError`, :py:exc:`~escpos.exceptions.BarcodeTypeError`, :py:exc:`~escpos.exceptions.BarcodeCodeError` """ if function_type is None: # Choose the function type automatically. if bc in BARCODE_TYPES['A']: function_type = 'A' else: if bc in BARCODE_TYPES['B']: if not self.profile.supports(BARCODE_B): raise BarcodeTypeError(( "Barcode type '{bc} not supported for " "the current printer profile").format(bc=bc)) function_type = 'B' else: raise BarcodeTypeError(( "Barcode type '{bc} is not valid").format(bc=bc)) bc_types = BARCODE_TYPES[function_type.upper()] if bc.upper() not in bc_types.keys(): raise BarcodeTypeError(( "Barcode '{bc}' not valid for barcode function type " "{function_type}").format( bc=bc, function_type=function_type, )) if check and not self.check_barcode(bc, code): raise BarcodeCodeError(( "Barcode '{code}' not in a valid format for type '{bc}'").format( code=code, bc=bc, )) # Align Bar Code() if align_ct: self._raw(TXT_STYLE['align']['center']) # Height if 1 <= height <= 255: self._raw(BARCODE_HEIGHT + six.int2byte(height)) else: raise BarcodeSizeError("height = {height}".format(height=height)) # Width if 2 <= width <= 6: self._raw(BARCODE_WIDTH + six.int2byte(width)) else: raise BarcodeSizeError("width = {width}".format(width=width)) # Font if font.upper() == "B": self._raw(BARCODE_FONT_B) else: # DEFAULT FONT: A self._raw(BARCODE_FONT_A) # Position if pos.upper() == "OFF": self._raw(BARCODE_TXT_OFF) elif pos.upper() == "BOTH": self._raw(BARCODE_TXT_BTH) elif pos.upper() == "ABOVE": self._raw(BARCODE_TXT_ABV) else: # DEFAULT POSITION: BELOW self._raw(BARCODE_TXT_BLW) self._raw(bc_types[bc.upper()]) if function_type.upper() == "B": self._raw(six.int2byte(len(code))) # Print Code if code: self._raw(code.encode()) else: raise BarcodeCodeError() if function_type.upper() == "A": self._raw(NUL) def soft_barcode(self, barcode_type, data, impl='bitImageColumn', module_height=5, module_width=0.2, text_distance=1, center=True): image_writer = ImageWriter() # Check if barcode type exists if barcode_type not in barcode.PROVIDED_BARCODES: raise BarcodeTypeError( 'Barcode type {} not supported by software barcode renderer' .format(barcode_type)) # Render the barcode to a fake file barcode_class = barcode.get_barcode_class(barcode_type) my_code = barcode_class(data, writer=image_writer) with open(os.devnull, "wb") as nullfile: my_code.write(nullfile, { 'module_height': module_height, 'module_width': module_width, 'text_distance': text_distance }) # Retrieve the Pillow image and print it image = my_code.writer._image self.image(image, impl=impl, center=center) def text(self, txt): """ Print alpha-numeric text The text has to be encoded in the currently selected codepage. The input text has to be encoded in unicode. :param txt: text to be printed :raises: :py:exc:`~escpos.exceptions.TextError` """ txt = six.text_type(txt) self.magic.write(txt) def textln(self, txt=''): """Print alpha-numeric text with a newline The text has to be encoded in the currently selected codepage. The input text has to be encoded in unicode. :param txt: text to be printed with a newline :raises: :py:exc:`~escpos.exceptions.TextError` """ self.text('{}\n'.format(txt)) def ln(self, count=1): """Print a newline or more :param count: number of newlines to print :raises: :py:exc:`ValueError` if count < 0 """ if count < 0: raise ValueError('Count cannot be lesser than 0') if count > 0: self.text('\n' * count) def block_text(self, txt, font=None, columns=None): """ Text is printed wrapped to specified columns Text has to be encoded in unicode. :param txt: text to be printed :param font: font to be used, can be :code:`a` or :code:`b` :param columns: amount of columns :return: None """ col_count = self.profile.get_columns(font) if columns is None else columns self.text(textwrap.fill(txt, col_count)) def set(self, align='left', font='a', bold=False, underline=0, width=1, height=1, density=9, invert=False, smooth=False, flip=False, double_width=False, double_height=False, custom_size=False): """ Set text properties by sending them to the printer :param align: horizontal position for text, possible values are: * 'center' * 'left' * 'right' *default*: 'left' :param font: font given as an index, a name, or one of the special values 'a' or 'b', referring to fonts 0 and 1. :param bold: text in bold, *default*: False :param underline: underline mode for text, decimal range 0-2, *default*: 0 :param double_height: doubles the height of the text :param double_width: doubles the width of the text :param custom_size: uses custom size specified by width and height parameters. Cannot be used with double_width or double_height. :param width: text width multiplier when custom_size is used, decimal range 1-8, *default*: 1 :param height: text height multiplier when custom_size is used, decimal range 1-8, *default*: 1 :param density: print density, value from 0-8, if something else is supplied the density remains unchanged :param invert: True enables white on black printing, *default*: False :param smooth: True enables text smoothing. Effective on 4x4 size text and larger, *default*: False :param flip: True enables upside-down printing, *default*: False :type font: str :type invert: bool :type bold: bool :type underline: bool :type smooth: bool :type flip: bool :type custom_size: bool :type double_width: bool :type double_height: bool :type align: str :type width: int :type height: int :type density: int """ if custom_size: if 1 <= width <= 8 and 1 <= height <= 8 and isinstance(width, int) and\ isinstance(height, int): size_byte = TXT_STYLE['width'][width] + TXT_STYLE['height'][height] self._raw(TXT_SIZE + six.int2byte(size_byte)) else: raise SetVariableError() else: self._raw(TXT_NORMAL) if double_width and double_height: self._raw(TXT_STYLE['size']['2x']) elif double_width: self._raw(TXT_STYLE['size']['2w']) elif double_height: self._raw(TXT_STYLE['size']['2h']) else: self._raw(TXT_STYLE['size']['normal']) self._raw(TXT_STYLE['flip'][flip]) self._raw(TXT_STYLE['smooth'][smooth]) self._raw(TXT_STYLE['bold'][bold]) self._raw(TXT_STYLE['underline'][underline]) self._raw(SET_FONT(six.int2byte(self.profile.get_font(font)))) self._raw(TXT_STYLE['align'][align]) if density != 9: self._raw(TXT_STYLE['density'][density]) self._raw(TXT_STYLE['invert'][invert]) def line_spacing(self, spacing=None, divisor=180): """ Set line character spacing. If no spacing is given, we reset it to the default. There are different commands for setting the line spacing, using a different denominator: '+'' line_spacing/360 of an inch, 0 <= line_spacing <= 255 '3' line_spacing/180 of an inch, 0 <= line_spacing <= 255 'A' line_spacing/60 of an inch, 0 <= line_spacing <= 85 Some printers may not support all of them. The most commonly available command (using a divisor of 180) is chosen. """ if spacing is None: self._raw(LINESPACING_RESET) return if divisor not in LINESPACING_FUNCS: raise ValueError("divisor must be either 360, 180 or 60") if (divisor in [360, 180] and (not(0 <= spacing <= 255))): raise ValueError("spacing must be a int between 0 and 255 when divisor is 360 or 180") if divisor == 60 and (not(0 <= spacing <= 85)): raise ValueError("spacing must be a int between 0 and 85 when divisor is 60") self._raw(LINESPACING_FUNCS[divisor] + six.int2byte(spacing)) def cut(self, mode='FULL', feed=True): """ Cut paper. Without any arguments the paper will be cut completely. With 'mode=PART' a partial cut will be attempted. Note however, that not all models can do a partial cut. See the documentation of your printer for details. :param mode: set to 'PART' for a partial cut. default: 'FULL' :param feed: print and feed before cutting. default: true :raises ValueError: if mode not in ('FULL', 'PART') """ if not feed: self._raw(GS + b'V' + six.int2byte(66) + b'\x00') return self.print_and_feed(6) mode = mode.upper() if mode not in ('FULL', 'PART'): raise ValueError("Mode must be one of ('FULL', 'PART')") if mode == "PART": if self.profile.supports('paperPartCut'): self._raw(PAPER_PART_CUT) elif self.profile.supports('paperFullCut'): self._raw(PAPER_FULL_CUT) elif mode == "FULL": if self.profile.supports('paperFullCut'): self._raw(PAPER_FULL_CUT) elif self.profile.supports('paperPartCut'): self._raw(PAPER_PART_CUT) def cashdraw(self, pin): """ Send pulse to kick the cash drawer Kick cash drawer on pin 2 or pin 5 according to default parameter. For non default parameter send a decimal sequence i.e. [27,112,48] or [27,112,0,25,255] :param pin: pin number, 2 or 5 or list of decimals :raises: :py:exc:`~escpos.exceptions.CashDrawerError` """ if pin == 2: self._raw(CD_KICK_2) elif pin == 5: self._raw(CD_KICK_5) else: try: self._raw(CD_KICK_DEC_SEQUENCE(*pin)) except TypeError as err: raise CashDrawerError(err) def linedisplay_select(self, select_display=False): """ Selects the line display or the printer This method is used for line displays that are daisy-chained between your computer and printer. If you set `select_display` to true, only the display is selected and if you set it to false, only the printer is selected. :param select_display: whether the display should be selected or the printer :type select_display: bool """ if select_display: self._raw(LINE_DISPLAY_OPEN) else: self._raw(LINE_DISPLAY_CLOSE) def linedisplay_clear(self): """ Clears the line display and resets the cursor This method is used for line displays that are daisy-chained between your computer and printer. """ self._raw(LINE_DISPLAY_CLEAR) def linedisplay(self, text): """ Display text on a line display connected to your printer You should connect a line display to your printer. You can do this by daisy-chaining the display between your computer and printer. :param text: Text to display """ self.linedisplay_select(select_display=True) self.linedisplay_clear() self.text(text) self.linedisplay_select(select_display=False) def hw(self, hw): """ Hardware operations :param hw: hardware action, may be: * INIT * SELECT * RESET """ if hw.upper() == "INIT": self._raw(HW_INIT) elif hw.upper() == "SELECT": self._raw(HW_SELECT) elif hw.upper() == "RESET": self._raw(HW_RESET) else: # DEFAULT: DOES NOTHING pass def print_and_feed(self, n=1): """ Print data in print buffer and feed *n* lines if n not in range (0, 255) then ValueError will be raised :param n: number of n to feed. 0 <= n <= 255. default: 1 :raises ValueError: if not 0 <= n <= 255 """ if 0 <= n <= 255: # ESC d n self._raw(ESC + b"d" + six.int2byte(n)) else: raise ValueError("n must be betwen 0 and 255") def control(self, ctl, count=5, tab_size=8): """ Feed control sequences :param ctl: string for the following control sequences: * LF *for Line Feed* * FF *for Form Feed* * CR *for Carriage Return* * HT *for Horizontal Tab* * VT *for Vertical Tab* :param count: integer between 1 and 32, controls the horizontal tab count. Defaults to 5. :param tab_size: integer between 1 and 255, controls the horizontal tab size in characters. Defaults to 8 :raises: :py:exc:`~escpos.exceptions.TabPosError` """ # Set position if ctl.upper() == "LF": self._raw(CTL_LF) elif ctl.upper() == "FF": self._raw(CTL_FF) elif ctl.upper() == "CR": self._raw(CTL_CR) elif ctl.upper() == "HT": if not (0 <= count <= 32 and 1 <= tab_size <= 255 and count * tab_size < 256): raise TabPosError() else: # Set tab positions self._raw(CTL_SET_HT) for iterator in range(1, count): self._raw(six.int2byte(iterator * tab_size)) self._raw(NUL) elif ctl.upper() == "VT": self._raw(CTL_VT) def panel_buttons(self, enable=True): """ Controls the panel buttons on the printer (e.g. FEED) When enable is set to False the panel buttons on the printer will be disabled. Calling the method with enable=True or without argument will enable the panel buttons. If panel buttons are enabled, the function of the panel button, such as feeding, will be executed upon pressing the button. If the panel buttons are disabled, pressing them will not have any effect. This command is effective until the printer is initialized, reset or power-cycled. The default is enabled panel buttons. Some panel buttons will always work, especially when printer is opened. See for more information the manual of your printer and the escpos-command-reference. :param enable: controls the panel buttons :rtype: None """ if enable: self._raw(PANEL_BUTTON_ON) else: self._raw(PANEL_BUTTON_OFF) def query_status(self, mode): """ Queries the printer for its status, and returns an array of integers containing it. :param mode: Integer that sets the status mode queried to the printer. - RT_STATUS_ONLINE: Printer status. - RT_STATUS_PAPER: Paper sensor. :rtype: array(integer) """ self._raw(mode) time.sleep(1) status = self._read() return status def is_online(self): """ Queries the online status of the printer. :returns: When online, returns ``True``; ``False`` otherwise. :rtype: bool """ status = self.query_status(RT_STATUS_ONLINE) if len(status) == 0: return False return not (status[0] & RT_MASK_ONLINE) def paper_status(self): """ Queries the paper status of the printer. Returns 2 if there is plenty of paper, 1 if the paper has arrived to the near-end sensor and 0 if there is no paper. :returns: 2: Paper is adequate. 1: Paper ending. 0: No paper. :rtype: int """ status = self.query_status(RT_STATUS_PAPER) if len(status) == 0: return 2 if (status[0] & RT_MASK_NOPAPER == RT_MASK_NOPAPER): return 0 if (status[0] & RT_MASK_LOWPAPER == RT_MASK_LOWPAPER): return 1 if (status[0] & RT_MASK_PAPER == RT_MASK_PAPER): return 2 class EscposIO(object): """ESC/POS Printer IO object Allows the class to be used together with the `with`-statement. You have to define a printer instance and assign it to the EscposIO class. This example explains the usage: .. code-block:: Python with EscposIO(printer.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0')) as p: p.set(font='a', height=2, align='center', text_type='bold') p.printer.set(align='left') p.printer.image('logo.gif') p.writelines('Big line\\n', font='b') p.writelines('Привет') p.writelines('BIG TEXT', width=2) After the `with`-statement the printer automatically cuts the paper if `autocut` is `True`. """ def __init__(self, printer, autocut=True, autoclose=True, **kwargs): """ :param printer: An EscPos-printer object :type printer: escpos.Escpos :param autocut: If True, paper is automatically cut after the `with`-statement *default*: True :param kwargs: These arguments will be passed to :py:meth:`escpos.Escpos.set()` """ self.printer = printer self.params = kwargs self.autocut = autocut self.autoclose = autoclose def set(self, **kwargs): """ Set the printer-parameters Controls which parameters will be passed to :py:meth:`Escpos.set() <escpos.escpos.Escpos.set()>`. For more information on the parameters see the :py:meth:`set() <escpos.escpos.Escpos.set()>`-methods documentation. These parameters can also be passed with this class' constructor or the :py:meth:`~escpos.escpos.EscposIO.writelines()`-method. :param kwargs: keyword-parameters that will be passed to :py:meth:`Escpos.set() <escpos.escpos.Escpos.set()>` """ self.params.update(kwargs) def writelines(self, text, **kwargs): params = dict(self.params) params.update(kwargs) if isinstance(text, six.text_type): lines = text.split('\n') elif isinstance(text, list) or isinstance(text, tuple): lines = text else: lines = ["{0}".format(text), ] # TODO check unicode handling # TODO flush? or on print? (this should prob rather be handled by the _raw-method) for line in lines: self.printer.set(**params) if isinstance(text, six.text_type): self.printer.text(u"{0}\n".format(line)) else: self.printer.text("{0}\n".format(line)) def close(self): """ called upon closing the `with`-statement """ self.printer.close() def __enter__(self, **kwargs): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): """ If :py:attr:`autocut <escpos.escpos.EscposIO.autocut>` is `True` (set by this class' constructor), then :py:meth:`printer.cut() <escpos.escpos.Escpos.cut()>` will be called here. """ if not (type is not None and issubclass(type, Exception)): if self.autocut: self.printer.cut() if self.autoclose: self.close()
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Magic Encode This module tries to convert an UTF-8 string to an encoded string for the printer. It uses trial and error in order to guess the right codepage. The code is based on the encoding-code in py-xml-escpos by @fvdsn. :author: `Patrick Kanzler <[email protected]>`_ :organization: `python-escpos <>`_ :copyright: Copyright (c) 2016 Patrick Kanzler and Frédéric van der Essen :license: MIT """ from builtins import bytes from .constants import CODEPAGE_CHANGE from .exceptions import Error from .codepages import CodePages import six class Encoder(object): """Takes a list of available code spaces. Picks the right one for a given character. Note: To determine the code page, it needs to do the conversion, and thus already knows what the final byte in the target encoding would be. Nevertheless, the API of this class doesn't return the byte. The caller use to do the character conversion itself. $ python -m timeit -s "{u'ö':'a'}.get(u'ö')" 100000000 loops, best of 3: 0.0133 usec per loop $ python -m timeit -s "u'ö'.encode('latin1')" 100000000 loops, best of 3: 0.0141 usec per loop """ def __init__(self, codepage_map): self.codepages = codepage_map self.available_encodings = set(codepage_map.keys()) self.available_characters = {} self.used_encodings = set() def get_sequence(self, encoding): return int(self.codepages[encoding]) def get_encoding_name(self, encoding): """Given an encoding provided by the user, will return a canonical encoding name; and also validate that the encoding is supported. TODO: Support encoding aliases: pc437 instead of cp437. """ encoding = CodePages.get_encoding_name(encoding) if encoding not in self.codepages: raise ValueError(( 'Encoding "{}" cannot be used for the current profile. ' 'Valid encodings are: {}' ).format(encoding, ','.join(self.codepages.keys()))) return encoding @staticmethod def _get_codepage_char_list(encoding): """Get codepage character list Gets characters 128-255 for a given code page, as an array. :param encoding: The name of the encoding. This must appear in the CodePage list """ codepage = CodePages.get_encoding(encoding) if 'data' in codepage: encodable_chars = list("".join(codepage['data'])) assert(len(encodable_chars) == 128) return encodable_chars elif 'python_encode' in codepage: encodable_chars = [u" "] * 128 for i in range(0, 128): codepoint = i + 128 try: encodable_chars[i] = bytes([codepoint]).decode(codepage['python_encode']) except UnicodeDecodeError: # Non-encodable character, just skip it pass return encodable_chars raise LookupError("Can't find a known encoding for {}".format(encoding)) def _get_codepage_char_map(self, encoding): """ Get codepage character map Process an encoding and return a map of UTF-characters to code points in this encoding. This is generated once only, and returned from a cache. :param encoding: The name of the encoding. """ # Skip things that were loaded previously if encoding in self.available_characters: return self.available_characters[encoding] codepage_char_list = self._get_codepage_char_list(encoding) codepage_char_map = dict((utf8, i + 128) for (i, utf8) in enumerate(codepage_char_list)) self.available_characters[encoding] = codepage_char_map return codepage_char_map def can_encode(self, encoding, char): """Determine if a character is encodeable in the given code page. :param encoding: The name of the encoding. :param char: The character to attempt to encode. """ available_map = {} try: available_map = self._get_codepage_char_map(encoding) except LookupError: return False # Decide whether this character is encodeable in this code page is_ascii = ord(char) < 128 is_encodable = char in available_map return is_ascii or is_encodable @staticmethod def _encode_char(char, charmap, defaultchar): """ Encode a single character with the given encoding map :param char: char to encode :param charmap: dictionary for mapping characters in this code page """ if ord(char) < 128: return ord(char) if char in charmap: return charmap[char] return ord(defaultchar) def encode(self, text, encoding, defaultchar='?'): """ Encode text under the given encoding :param text: Text to encode :param encoding: Encoding name to use (must be defined in capabilities) :param defaultchar: Fallback for non-encodable characters """ codepage_char_map = self._get_codepage_char_map(encoding) output_bytes = bytes([self._encode_char(char, codepage_char_map, defaultchar) for char in text]) return output_bytes def __encoding_sort_func(self, item): key, index = item return ( key in self.used_encodings, index ) def find_suitable_encoding(self, char): """The order of our search is a specific one: 1. code pages that we already tried before; there is a good chance they might work again, reducing the search space, and by re-using already used encodings we might also reduce the number of codepage change instructiosn we have to send. Still, any performance gains will presumably be fairly minor. 2. code pages in lower ESCPOS slots first. Presumably, they are more likely to be supported, so if a printer profile is missing or incomplete, we might increase our change that the code page we pick for this character is actually supported. """ sorted_encodings = sorted( self.codepages.items(), key=self.__encoding_sort_func) for encoding, _ in sorted_encodings: if self.can_encode(encoding, char): # This encoding worked; at it to the set of used ones. self.used_encodings.add(encoding) return encoding def split_writable_text(encoder, text, encoding): """Splits off as many characters from the begnning of text as are writable with "encoding". Returns a 2-tuple (writable, rest). """ if not encoding: return None, text for idx, char in enumerate(text): if encoder.can_encode(encoding, char): continue return text[:idx], text[idx:] return text, None class MagicEncode(object): """A helper that helps us to automatically switch to the right code page to encode any given Unicode character. This will consider the printers supported codepages, according to the printer profile, and if a character cannot be encoded with the current profile, it will attempt to find a suitable one. If the printer does not support a suitable code page, it can insert an error character. """ def __init__(self, driver, encoding=None, disabled=False, defaultsymbol='?', encoder=None): """ :param driver: :param encoding: If you know the current encoding of the printer when initializing this class, set it here. If the current encoding is unknown, the first character emitted will be a codepage switch. :param disabled: :param defaultsymbol: :param encoder: """ if disabled and not encoding: raise Error('If you disable magic encode, you need to define an encoding!') self.driver = driver self.encoder = encoder or Encoder(driver.profile.get_code_pages()) self.encoding = self.encoder.get_encoding_name(encoding) if encoding else None self.defaultsymbol = defaultsymbol self.disabled = disabled def force_encoding(self, encoding): """Sets a fixed encoding. The change is emitted right away. From now one, this buffer will switch the code page anymore. However, it will still keep track of the current code page. """ if not encoding: self.disabled = False else: self.write_with_encoding(encoding, None) self.disabled = True def write(self, text): """Write the text, automatically switching encodings. """ if self.disabled: self.write_with_encoding(self.encoding, text) return # See how far we can go into the text with the current encoding to_write, text = split_writable_text(self.encoder, text, self.encoding) if to_write: self.write_with_encoding(self.encoding, to_write) while text: # See if any of the code pages that the printer profile # supports can encode this character. encoding = self.encoder.find_suitable_encoding(text[0]) if not encoding: self._handle_character_failed(text[0]) text = text[1:] continue # Write as much text as possible with the encoding found. to_write, text = split_writable_text(self.encoder, text, encoding) if to_write: self.write_with_encoding(encoding, to_write) def _handle_character_failed(self, char): """Called when no codepage was found to render a character. """ # Writing the default symbol via write() allows us to avoid # unnecesary codepage switches. self.write(self.defaultsymbol) def write_with_encoding(self, encoding, text): if text is not None and type(text) is not six.text_type: raise Error("The supplied text has to be unicode, but is of type {type}.".format( type=type(text) )) # We always know the current code page; if the new codepage # is different, emit a change command. if encoding != self.encoding: self.encoding = encoding self.driver._raw( CODEPAGE_CHANGE + six.int2byte(self.encoder.get_sequence(encoding))) if text: self.driver._raw(self.encoder.encode(text, encoding))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ python-escpos enables you to manipulate escpos-printers """ __all__ = ["constants", "escpos", "exceptions", "printer"] try: from .version import version as __version__ # noqa except ImportError: # pragma: no cover raise ImportError( 'Failed to find (autogenerated) ' 'This might be because you are installing from GitHub\'s tarballs, ' 'use the PyPI ones.' )
#!/usr/bin/env python # PYTHON_ARGCOMPLETE_OK """ CLI This module acts as a command line interface for python-escpos. It mirrors closely the available ESCPOS commands while adding a couple extra ones for convenience. It requires you to have a configuration file. See documentation for details. """ import argparse try: import argcomplete except ImportError: # this CLI works nevertheless without argcomplete pass # noqa import sys import six from . import config from . import version # Must be defined before it's used in DEMO_FUNCTIONS def str_to_bool(string): """ Used as a type in argparse so that we get back a proper bool instead of always True """ return string.lower() in ('y', 'yes', '1', 'true') # A list of functions that work better with a newline to be sent after them. REQUIRES_NEWLINE = ('qr', 'barcode', 'text', 'block_text') # Used in demo method # Key: The name of escpos function and the argument passed on the CLI. Some # manual translation is done in the case of barcodes_a -> barcode. # Value: A list of dictionaries to pass to the escpos function as arguments. DEMO_FUNCTIONS = { 'text': [ {'txt': 'Hello, World!\n', } ], 'qr': [ {'content': 'This tests a QR code'}, {'content': ''} ], 'barcodes_a': [ {'bc': 'UPC-A', 'code': '13243546576'}, {'bc': 'UPC-E', 'code': '132435'}, {'bc': 'EAN13', 'code': '1324354657687'}, {'bc': 'EAN8', 'code': '1324354'}, {'bc': 'CODE39', 'code': 'TEST'}, {'bc': 'ITF', 'code': '55867492279103'}, {'bc': 'NW7', 'code': 'A00000000A'}, ], 'barcodes_b': [ {'bc': 'UPC-A', 'code': '13243546576', 'function_type': 'B'}, {'bc': 'UPC-E', 'code': '132435', 'function_type': 'B'}, {'bc': 'EAN13', 'code': '1324354657687', 'function_type': 'B'}, {'bc': 'EAN8', 'code': '1324354', 'function_type': 'B'}, {'bc': 'CODE39', 'code': 'TEST', 'function_type': 'B'}, {'bc': 'ITF', 'code': '55867492279103', 'function_type': 'B'}, {'bc': 'NW7', 'code': 'A00000000A', 'function_type': 'B'}, {'bc': 'CODE93', 'code': 'A00000000A', 'function_type': 'B'}, {'bc': 'CODE93', 'code': '1324354657687', 'function_type': 'B'}, {'bc': 'CODE128A', 'code': 'TEST', 'function_type': 'B'}, {'bc': 'CODE128B', 'code': 'TEST', 'function_type': 'B'}, {'bc': 'CODE128C', 'code': 'TEST', 'function_type': 'B'}, {'bc': 'GS1-128', 'code': '00123456780000000001', 'function_type': 'B'}, {'bc': 'GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional', 'code': '0000000000000', 'function_type': 'B'}, {'bc': 'GS1 DataBar Truncated', 'code': '0000000000000', 'function_type': 'B'}, {'bc': 'GS1 DataBar Limited', 'code': '0000000000000', 'function_type': 'B'}, {'bc': 'GS1 DataBar Expanded', 'code': '00AAAAAAA', 'function_type': 'B'}, ], } # Used to build the CLI # A list of dictionaries. Each dict is a CLI argument. # Keys: # parser: A dict of args for command_parsers.add_parser # defaults: A dict of args for subparser.set_defaults # arguments: A list of dicts of args for subparser.add_argument ESCPOS_COMMANDS = [ { 'parser': { 'name': 'qr', 'help': 'Print a QR code', }, 'defaults': { 'func': 'qr', }, 'arguments': [ { 'option_strings': ('--content',), 'help': 'Text to print as a qr code', 'required': True, }, { 'option_strings': ('--size',), 'help': 'QR code size (1-16) [default:3]', 'required': False, 'type': int, } ], }, { 'parser': { 'name': 'barcode', 'help': 'Print a barcode', }, 'defaults': { 'func': 'barcode', }, 'arguments': [ { 'option_strings': ('--code',), 'help': 'Barcode data to print', 'required': True, }, { 'option_strings': ('--bc',), 'help': 'Barcode format', 'required': True, }, { 'option_strings': ('--height',), 'help': 'Barcode height in px', 'type': int, }, { 'option_strings': ('--width',), 'help': 'Barcode width', 'type': int, }, { 'option_strings': ('--pos',), 'help': 'Label position', 'choices': ['BELOW', 'ABOVE', 'BOTH', 'OFF'], }, { 'option_strings': ('--font',), 'help': 'Label font', 'choices': ['A', 'B'], }, { 'option_strings': ('--align_ct',), 'help': 'Align barcode center', 'type': str_to_bool, }, { 'option_strings': ('--function_type',), 'help': 'ESCPOS function type', 'choices': ['A', 'B'], }, ], }, { 'parser': { 'name': 'text', 'help': 'Print plain text', }, 'defaults': { 'func': 'text', }, 'arguments': [ { 'option_strings': ('--txt',), 'help': 'Plain text to print', 'required': True, } ], }, { 'parser': { 'name': 'block_text', 'help': 'Print wrapped text', }, 'defaults': { 'func': 'block_text', }, 'arguments': [ { 'option_strings': ('--txt',), 'help': 'block_text to print', 'required': True, }, { 'option_strings': ('--columns',), 'help': 'Number of columns', 'type': int, }, ], }, { 'parser': { 'name': 'cut', 'help': 'Cut the paper', }, 'defaults': { 'func': 'cut', }, 'arguments': [ { 'option_strings': ('--mode',), 'help': 'Type of cut', 'choices': ['FULL', 'PART'], }, ], }, { 'parser': { 'name': 'cashdraw', 'help': 'Kick the cash drawer', }, 'defaults': { 'func': 'cashdraw', }, 'arguments': [ { 'option_strings': ('--pin',), 'help': 'Which PIN to kick', 'choices': [2, 5], }, ], }, { 'parser': { 'name': 'image', 'help': 'Print an image', }, 'defaults': { 'func': 'image', }, 'arguments': [ { 'option_strings': ('--img_source',), 'help': 'Path to image', 'required': True, }, { 'option_strings': ('--impl',), 'help': 'Implementation to use', 'choices': ['bitImageRaster', 'bitImageColumn', 'graphics'], }, { 'option_strings': ('--high_density_horizontal',), 'help': 'Image density (horizontal)', 'type': str_to_bool, }, { 'option_strings': ('--high_density_vertical',), 'help': 'Image density (vertical)', 'type': str_to_bool, }, ], }, { 'parser': { 'name': 'fullimage', 'help': 'Print a fullimage', }, 'defaults': { 'func': 'fullimage', }, 'arguments': [ { 'option_strings': ('--img',), 'help': 'Path to img', 'required': True, }, { 'option_strings': ('--max_height',), 'help': 'Max height of image in px', 'type': int, }, { 'option_strings': ('--width',), 'help': 'Max width of image in px', 'type': int, }, { 'option_strings': ('--histeq',), 'help': 'Equalize the histrogram', 'type': str_to_bool, }, { 'option_strings': ('--bandsize',), 'help': 'Size of bands to divide into when printing', 'type': int, }, ], }, { 'parser': { 'name': 'charcode', 'help': 'Set character code table', }, 'defaults': { 'func': 'charcode', }, 'arguments': [ { 'option_strings': ('--code',), 'help': 'Character code', 'required': True, }, ], }, { 'parser': { 'name': 'set', 'help': 'Set text properties', }, 'defaults': { 'func': 'set', }, 'arguments': [ { 'option_strings': ('--align',), 'help': 'Horizontal alignment', 'choices': ['left', 'center', 'right'], }, { 'option_strings': ('--font',), 'help': 'Font choice', 'choices': ['left', 'center', 'right'], }, { 'option_strings': ('--text_type',), 'help': 'Text properties', 'choices': ['B', 'U', 'U2', 'BU', 'BU2', 'NORMAL'], }, { 'option_strings': ('--width',), 'help': 'Width multiplier', 'type': int, }, { 'option_strings': ('--height',), 'help': 'Height multiplier', 'type': int, }, { 'option_strings': ('--density',), 'help': 'Print density', 'type': int, }, { 'option_strings': ('--invert',), 'help': 'White on black printing', 'type': str_to_bool, }, { 'option_strings': ('--smooth',), 'help': 'Text smoothing. Effective on >: 4x4 text', 'type': str_to_bool, }, { 'option_strings': ('--flip',), 'help': 'Text smoothing. Effective on >: 4x4 text', 'type': str_to_bool, }, ], }, { 'parser': { 'name': 'hw', 'help': 'Hardware operations', }, 'defaults': { 'func': 'hw', }, 'arguments': [ { 'option_strings': ('--hw',), 'help': 'Operation', 'choices': ['INIT', 'SELECT', 'RESET'], 'required': True, }, ], }, { 'parser': { 'name': 'control', 'help': 'Control sequences', }, 'defaults': { 'func': 'control', }, 'arguments': [ { 'option_strings': ('--ctl',), 'help': 'Control sequence', 'choices': ['LF', 'FF', 'CR', 'HT', 'VT'], 'required': True, }, { 'option_strings': ('--pos',), 'help': 'Horizontal tab position (1-4)', 'type': int, }, ], }, { 'parser': { 'name': 'panel_buttons', 'help': 'Controls panel buttons', }, 'defaults': { 'func': 'panel_buttons', }, 'arguments': [ { 'option_strings': ('--enable',), 'help': 'Feed button enabled', 'type': str_to_bool, 'required': True, }, ], }, { 'parser': { 'name': 'raw', 'help': 'Raw data', }, 'defaults': { 'func': '_raw', }, 'arguments': [ { 'option_strings': ('--msg',), 'help': 'Raw data to send', 'required': True, }, ], }, ] def main(): """ Handles loading of configuration and creating and processing of command line arguments. Called when run from a CLI. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='CLI for python-escpos', epilog='Printer configuration is defined in the python-escpos config' 'file. See documentation for details.', ) parser.register('type', 'bool', str_to_bool) # Allow config file location to be passed parser.add_argument( '-c', '--config', help='Alternate path to the configuration file', ) # Everything interesting runs off of a subparser so we can use the format # cli [subparser] -args command_subparsers = parser.add_subparsers( title='ESCPOS Command', dest='parser', ) # fix inconsistencies in the behaviour of some versions of argparse command_subparsers.required = False # force 'required' testing # Build the ESCPOS command arguments for command in ESCPOS_COMMANDS: parser_command = command_subparsers.add_parser(**command['parser']) parser_command.set_defaults(**command['defaults']) for argument in command['arguments']: option_strings = argument.pop('option_strings') parser_command.add_argument(*option_strings, **argument) # Build any custom arguments parser_command_demo = command_subparsers.add_parser('demo', help='Demonstrates various functions') parser_command_demo.set_defaults(func='demo') demo_group = parser_command_demo.add_mutually_exclusive_group() demo_group.add_argument( '--barcodes-a', help='Print demo barcodes for function type A', action='store_true', ) demo_group.add_argument( '--barcodes-b', help='Print demo barcodes for function type B', action='store_true', ) demo_group.add_argument( '--qr', help='Print some demo QR codes', action='store_true', ) demo_group.add_argument( '--text', help='Print some demo text', action='store_true', ) parser_command_version = command_subparsers.add_parser('version', help='Print the version of python-escpos') parser_command_version.set_defaults(version=True) # hook in argcomplete if 'argcomplete' in globals(): argcomplete.autocomplete(parser) # Get only arguments actually passed args_dict = vars(parser.parse_args()) if not args_dict: parser.print_help() sys.exit() command_arguments = dict([k, v] for k, v in six.iteritems(args_dict) if v is not None) # If version should be printed, do this, then exit print_version = command_arguments.pop('version', None) if print_version: print(version.version) sys.exit() # If there was a config path passed, grab it config_path = command_arguments.pop('config', None) # Load the configuration and defined printer saved_config = config.Config() saved_config.load(config_path) printer = saved_config.printer() if not printer: raise Exception('No printers loaded from config') target_command = command_arguments.pop('func') # remove helper-argument 'parser' from dict command_arguments.pop('parser', None) if hasattr(printer, target_command): # print command with args getattr(printer, target_command)(**command_arguments) if target_command in REQUIRES_NEWLINE: printer.text("\n") else: command_arguments['printer'] = printer globals()[target_command](**command_arguments) def demo(printer, **kwargs): """ Prints demos. Called when CLI is passed `demo`. This function uses the DEMO_FUNCTIONS dictionary. :param printer: A printer from escpos.printer :param kwargs: A dict with a key for each function you want to test. It's in this format since it usually comes from argparse. """ for demo_choice in kwargs.keys(): command = getattr( printer, demo_choice .replace('barcodes_a', 'barcode') .replace('barcodes_b', 'barcode') ) for params in DEMO_FUNCTIONS[demo_choice]: command(**params) printer.cut() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ ESC/POS Exceptions classes Result/Exit codes: - `0` = success - `10` = No Barcode type defined :py:exc:`~escpos.exceptions.BarcodeTypeError` - `20` = Barcode size values are out of range :py:exc:`~escpos.exceptions.BarcodeSizeError` - `30` = Barcode text not supplied :py:exc:`~escpos.exceptions.BarcodeCodeError` - `40` = Image height is too large :py:exc:`~escpos.exceptions.ImageSizeError` - `41` = Image width is too large :py:exc:`~escpos.exceptions.ImageWidthError` - `50` = No string supplied to be printed :py:exc:`~escpos.exceptions.TextError` - `60` = Invalid pin to send Cash Drawer pulse :py:exc:`~escpos.exceptions.CashDrawerError` - `70` = Invalid number of tab positions :py:exc:`~escpos.exceptions.TabPosError` - `80` = Invalid char code :py:exc:`~escpos.exceptions.CharCodeError` - `90` = USB device not found :py:exc:`~escpos.exceptions.USBNotFoundError` - `100` = Set variable out of range :py:exc:`~escpos.exceptions.SetVariableError` - `200` = Configuration not found :py:exc:`~escpos.exceptions.ConfigNotFoundError` - `210` = Configuration syntax error :py:exc:`~escpos.exceptions.ConfigSyntaxError` - `220` = Configuration section not found :py:exc:`~escpos.exceptions.ConfigSectionMissingError` :author: `Manuel F Martinez <[email protected]>`_ and others :organization: Bashlinux and `python-escpos <>`_ :copyright: Copyright (c) 2012-2017 Bashlinux and python-escpos :license: MIT """ class Error(Exception): """ Base class for ESC/POS errors """ def __init__(self, msg, status=None): Exception.__init__(self) self.msg = msg self.resultcode = 1 if status is not None: self.resultcode = status def __str__(self): return self.msg class BarcodeTypeError(Error): """ No Barcode type defined. This exception indicates that no known barcode-type has been entered. The barcode-type has to be one of those specified in :py:meth:`escpos.escpos.Escpos.barcode`. The returned error code is `10`. """ def __init__(self, msg=""): Error.__init__(self, msg) self.msg = msg self.resultcode = 10 def __str__(self): return "No Barcode type is defined ({msg})".format(msg=self.msg) class BarcodeSizeError(Error): """ Barcode size is out of range. This exception indicates that the values for the barcode size are out of range. The size of the barcode has to be in the range that is specified in :py:meth:`escpos.escpos.Escpos.barcode`. The resulting returncode is `20`. """ def __init__(self, msg=""): Error.__init__(self, msg) self.msg = msg self.resultcode = 20 def __str__(self): return "Barcode size is out of range ({msg})".format(msg=self.msg) class BarcodeCodeError(Error): """ No Barcode code was supplied, or it is incorrect. No data for the barcode has been supplied in :py:meth:`escpos.escpos.Escpos.barcode` or the the `check` parameter was True and the check failed. The returncode for this exception is `30`. """ def __init__(self, msg=""): Error.__init__(self, msg) self.msg = msg self.resultcode = 30 def __str__(self): return "No Barcode code was supplied ({msg})".format(msg=self.msg) class ImageSizeError(Error): """ Image height is longer than 255px and can't be printed. The returncode for this exception is `40`. """ def __init__(self, msg=""): Error.__init__(self, msg) self.msg = msg self.resultcode = 40 def __str__(self): return "Image height is longer than 255px and can't be printed ({msg})".format(msg=self.msg) class ImageWidthError(Error): """ Image width is too large. The return code for this exception is `41`. """ def __init__(self, msg=""): Error.__init__(self, msg) self.msg = msg self.resultcode = 41 def __str__(self): return "Image width is too large ({msg})".format(msg=self.msg) class TextError(Error): """ Text string must be supplied to the `text()` method. This exception is raised when an empty string is passed to :py:meth:`escpos.escpos.Escpos.text`. The returncode for this exception is `50`. """ def __init__(self, msg=""): Error.__init__(self, msg) self.msg = msg self.resultcode = 50 def __str__(self): return "Text string must be supplied to the text() method ({msg})".format(msg=self.msg) class CashDrawerError(Error): """ Valid pin must be set in order to send pulse. A valid pin number has to be passed onto the method :py:meth:`escpos.escpos.Escpos.cashdraw`. The returncode for this exception is `60`. """ def __init__(self, msg=""): Error.__init__(self, msg) self.msg = msg self.resultcode = 60 def __str__(self): return "Valid pin must be set to send pulse ({msg})".format(msg=self.msg) class TabPosError(Error): """ Valid tab positions must be set by using from 1 to 32 tabs, and between 1 and 255 tab size values. Both values multiplied must not exceed 255, since it is the maximum tab value. This exception is raised by :py:meth:`escpos.escpos.Escpos.control`. The returncode for this exception is `70`. """ def __init__(self, msg=""): Error.__init__(self, msg) self.msg = msg self.resultcode = 70 def __str__(self): return "Valid tab positions must be in the range 0 to 16 ({msg})".format(msg=self.msg) class CharCodeError(Error): """ Valid char code must be set. The supplied charcode-name in :py:meth:`escpos.escpos.Escpos.charcode` is unknown. Ths returncode for this exception is `80`. """ def __init__(self, msg=""): Error.__init__(self, msg) self.msg = msg self.resultcode = 80 def __str__(self): return "Valid char code must be set ({msg})".format(msg=self.msg) class USBNotFoundError(Error): """ Device wasn't found (probably not plugged in) The USB device seems to be not plugged in. Ths returncode for this exception is `90`. """ def __init__(self, msg=""): Error.__init__(self, msg) self.msg = msg self.resultcode = 90 def __str__(self): return "USB device not found ({msg})".format(msg=self.msg) class SetVariableError(Error): """ A set method variable was out of range Check set variables against minimum and maximum values Ths returncode for this exception is `100`. """ def __init__(self, msg=""): Error.__init__(self, msg) self.msg = msg self.resultcode = 100 def __str__(self): return "Set variable out of range ({msg})".format(msg=self.msg) # Configuration errors class ConfigNotFoundError(Error): """ The configuration file was not found The default or passed configuration file could not be read Ths returncode for this exception is `200`. """ def __init__(self, msg=""): Error.__init__(self, msg) self.msg = msg self.resultcode = 200 def __str__(self): return "Configuration not found ({msg})".format(msg=self.msg) class ConfigSyntaxError(Error): """ The configuration file is invalid The syntax is incorrect Ths returncode for this exception is `210`. """ def __init__(self, msg=""): Error.__init__(self, msg) self.msg = msg self.resultcode = 210 def __str__(self): return "Configuration syntax is invalid ({msg})".format(msg=self.msg) class ConfigSectionMissingError(Error): """ The configuration file is missing a section The part of the config asked for doesn't exist in the loaded configuration Ths returncode for this exception is `220`. """ def __init__(self, msg=""): Error.__init__(self, msg) self.msg = msg self.resultcode = 220 def __str__(self): return "Configuration section is missing ({msg})".format(msg=self.msg)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Set of ESC/POS Commands (Constants) This module contains constants that are described in the esc/pos-documentation. Since there is no definitive and unified specification for all esc/pos-like printers the constants could later be moved to `capabilities` as in `escpos-php by @mike42 <>`_. :author: `Manuel F Martinez <[email protected]>`_ and others :organization: Bashlinux and `python-escpos <>`_ :copyright: Copyright (c) 2012-2017 Bashlinux and python-escpos :license: MIT """ import six # Control characters # as labelled in NUL = b'\x00' EOT = b'\x04' ENQ = b'\x05' DLE = b'\x10' DC4 = b'\x14' CAN = b'\x18' ESC = b'\x1b' FS = b'\x1c' GS = b'\x1d' # Feed control sequences CTL_LF = b'\n' # Print and line feed CTL_FF = b'\f' # Form feed CTL_CR = b'\r' # Carriage return CTL_HT = b'\t' # Horizontal tab CTL_SET_HT = ESC + b'\x44' # Set horizontal tab positions CTL_VT = b'\v' # Vertical tab # Printer hardware HW_INIT = ESC + b'@' # Clear data in buffer and reset modes HW_SELECT = ESC + b'=\x01' # Printer select HW_RESET = ESC + b'\x3f\x0a\x00' # Reset printer hardware # (TODO: Where is this specified?) # Cash Drawer (ESC p <pin> <on time: 2*ms> <off time: 2*ms>) _CASH_DRAWER = lambda m, t1='', t2='': ESC + b'p' + m + six.int2byte(t1) + six.int2byte(t2) CD_KICK_DEC_SEQUENCE = lambda esc, p, m, t1=50, t2=50: six.int2byte(esc) + six.int2byte(p) + six.int2byte(m) + six.int2byte(t1) + six.int2byte(t2) CD_KICK_2 = _CASH_DRAWER(b'\x00', 50, 50) # Sends a pulse to pin 2 [] CD_KICK_5 = _CASH_DRAWER(b'\x01', 50, 50) # Sends a pulse to pin 5 [] # Paper Cutter _CUT_PAPER = lambda m: GS + b'V' + m PAPER_FULL_CUT = _CUT_PAPER(b'\x00') # Full cut paper PAPER_PART_CUT = _CUT_PAPER(b'\x01') # Partial cut paper # Beep BEEP = b'\x07' # Panel buttons (e.g. the FEED button) _PANEL_BUTTON = lambda n: ESC + b'c5' + six.int2byte(n) PANEL_BUTTON_ON = _PANEL_BUTTON(0) # enable all panel buttons PANEL_BUTTON_OFF = _PANEL_BUTTON(1) # disable all panel buttons # Line display printing LINE_DISPLAY_OPEN = ESC + b'\x3d\x02' LINE_DISPLAY_CLEAR = ESC + b'\x40' LINE_DISPLAY_CLOSE = ESC + b'\x3d\x01' # Sheet modes SHEET_SLIP_MODE = ESC + b'\x63\x30\x04' # slip paper SHEET_ROLL_MODE = ESC + b'\x63\x30\x01' # paper roll # Text format # TODO: Acquire the "ESC/POS Application Programming Guide for Paper Roll # Printers" and tidy up this stuff too. TXT_SIZE = GS + b'!' TXT_NORMAL = ESC + b'!\x00' # Normal text TXT_STYLE = { 'bold': { False: ESC + b'\x45\x00', # Bold font OFF True: ESC + b'\x45\x01' # Bold font ON }, 'underline': { 0: ESC + b'\x2d\x00', # Underline font OFF 1: ESC + b'\x2d\x01', # Underline font 1-dot ON 2: ESC + b'\x2d\x02' # Underline font 2-dot ON }, 'size': { 'normal': TXT_NORMAL + ESC + b'!\x00', # Normal text '2h': TXT_NORMAL + ESC + b'!\x10', # Double height text '2w': TXT_NORMAL + ESC + b'!\x20', # Double width text '2x': TXT_NORMAL + ESC + b'!\x30' # Quad area text }, 'font': { 'a': ESC + b'\x4d\x00', # Font type A 'b': ESC + b'\x4d\x00' # Font type B }, 'align': { 'left': ESC + b'\x61\x00', # Left justification 'center': ESC + b'\x61\x01', # Centering 'right': ESC + b'\x61\x02' # Right justification }, 'invert': { True: GS + b'\x42\x01', # Inverse Printing ON False: GS + b'\x42\x00' # Inverse Printing OFF }, 'color': { 'black': ESC + b'\x72\x00', # Default Color 'red': ESC + b'\x72\x01' # Alternative Color, Usually Red }, 'flip': { True: ESC + b'\x7b\x01', # Flip ON False: ESC + b'\x7b\x00' # Flip OFF }, 'density': { 0: GS + b'\x7c\x00', # Printing Density -50% 1: GS + b'\x7c\x01', # Printing Density -37.5% 2: GS + b'\x7c\x02', # Printing Density -25% 3: GS + b'\x7c\x03', # Printing Density -12.5% 4: GS + b'\x7c\x04', # Printing Density 0% 5: GS + b'\x7c\x08', # Printing Density +50% 6: GS + b'\x7c\x07', # Printing Density +37.5% 7: GS + b'\x7c\x06', # Printing Density +25% 8: GS + b'\x7c\x05' # Printing Density +12.5% }, 'smooth': { True: GS + b'\x62\x01', # Smooth ON False: GS + b'\x62\x00' # Smooth OFF }, 'height': { # Custom text height 1: 0x00, 2: 0x01, 3: 0x02, 4: 0x03, 5: 0x04, 6: 0x05, 7: 0x06, 8: 0x07 }, 'width': { # Custom text width 1: 0x00, 2: 0x10, 3: 0x20, 4: 0x30, 5: 0x40, 6: 0x50, 7: 0x60, 8: 0x70 } } # Fonts SET_FONT = lambda n: ESC + b'\x4d' + n TXT_FONT_A = SET_FONT(b'\x00') # Font type A TXT_FONT_B = SET_FONT(b'\x01') # Font type B # Spacing LINESPACING_RESET = ESC + b'2' LINESPACING_FUNCS = { 60: ESC + b'A', # line_spacing/60 of an inch, 0 <= line_spacing <= 85 360: ESC + b'+', # line_spacing/360 of an inch, 0 <= line_spacing <= 255 180: ESC + b'3', # line_spacing/180 of an inch, 0 <= line_spacing <= 255 } # Prefix to change the codepage. You need to attach a byte to indicate # the codepage to use. We use escpos-printer-db as the data source. CODEPAGE_CHANGE = ESC + b'\x74' # Barcode format _SET_BARCODE_TXT_POS = lambda n: GS + b'H' + n BARCODE_TXT_OFF = _SET_BARCODE_TXT_POS(b'\x00') # HRI barcode chars OFF BARCODE_TXT_ABV = _SET_BARCODE_TXT_POS(b'\x01') # HRI barcode chars above BARCODE_TXT_BLW = _SET_BARCODE_TXT_POS(b'\x02') # HRI barcode chars below BARCODE_TXT_BTH = _SET_BARCODE_TXT_POS(b'\x03') # HRI both above and below _SET_HRI_FONT = lambda n: GS + b'f' + n BARCODE_FONT_A = _SET_HRI_FONT(b'\x00') # Font type A for HRI barcode chars BARCODE_FONT_B = _SET_HRI_FONT(b'\x01') # Font type B for HRI barcode chars BARCODE_HEIGHT = GS + b'h' # Barcode Height [1-255] BARCODE_WIDTH = GS + b'w' # Barcode Width [2-6] # NOTE: This isn't actually an ESC/POS command. It's the common prefix to the # two "print bar code" commands: # - Type A: "GS k <type as integer> <data> NUL" # - TYPE B: "GS k <type as letter> <data length> <data>" # The latter command supports more barcode types _SET_BARCODE_TYPE = lambda m: GS + b'k' + six.int2byte(m) # Barcodes for printing function type A BARCODE_TYPE_A = { 'UPC-A': _SET_BARCODE_TYPE(0), 'UPC-E': _SET_BARCODE_TYPE(1), 'EAN13': _SET_BARCODE_TYPE(2), 'EAN8': _SET_BARCODE_TYPE(3), 'CODE39': _SET_BARCODE_TYPE(4), 'ITF': _SET_BARCODE_TYPE(5), 'NW7': _SET_BARCODE_TYPE(6), 'CODABAR': _SET_BARCODE_TYPE(6), # Same as NW7 } # Barcodes for printing function type B # The first 8 are the same barcodes as type A BARCODE_TYPE_B = { 'UPC-A': _SET_BARCODE_TYPE(65), 'UPC-E': _SET_BARCODE_TYPE(66), 'EAN13': _SET_BARCODE_TYPE(67), 'EAN8': _SET_BARCODE_TYPE(68), 'CODE39': _SET_BARCODE_TYPE(69), 'ITF': _SET_BARCODE_TYPE(70), 'NW7': _SET_BARCODE_TYPE(71), 'CODABAR': _SET_BARCODE_TYPE(71), # Same as NW7 'CODE93': _SET_BARCODE_TYPE(72), 'CODE128': _SET_BARCODE_TYPE(73), 'GS1-128': _SET_BARCODE_TYPE(74), 'GS1 DATABAR OMNIDIRECTIONAL': _SET_BARCODE_TYPE(75), 'GS1 DATABAR TRUNCATED': _SET_BARCODE_TYPE(76), 'GS1 DATABAR LIMITED': _SET_BARCODE_TYPE(77), 'GS1 DATABAR EXPANDED': _SET_BARCODE_TYPE(78), } BARCODE_FORMATS = { 'UPC-A': ([(11, 12)], "^[0-9]{11,12}$"), 'UPC-E': ([(7, 8), (11, 12)], "^([0-9]{7,8}|[0-9]{11,12})$"), 'EAN13': ([(12, 13)], "^[0-9]{12,13}$"), 'EAN8': ([(7, 8)], "^[0-9]{7,8}$"), 'CODE39': ([(1, 255)], "^([0-9A-Z \$\%\+\-\.\/]+|\*[0-9A-Z \$\%\+\-\.\/]+\*)$"), 'ITF': ([(2, 255)], "^([0-9]{2})+$"), 'NW7': ([(1, 255)], "^[A-Da-d][0-9\$\+\-\.\/\:]+[A-Da-d]$"), 'CODABAR': ([(1, 255)], "^[A-Da-d][0-9\$\+\-\.\/\:]+[A-Da-d]$"), # Same as NW7 'CODE93': ([(1, 255)], "^[\\x00-\\x7F]+$"), 'CODE128': ([(2, 255)], "^\{[A-C][\\x00-\\x7F]+$"), 'GS1-128': ([(2, 255)], "^\{[A-C][\\x00-\\x7F]+$"), # same as CODE128 'GS1 DATABAR OMNIDIRECTIONAL': ([(13,13)], "^[0-9]{13}$"), 'GS1 DATABAR TRUNCATED': ([(13,13)], "^[0-9]{13}$"), # same as GS1 omnidirectional 'GS1 DATABAR LIMITED': ([(13,13)], "^[01][0-9]{12}$"), 'GS1 DATABAR EXPANDED': ([(2,255)], "^\([0-9][A-Za-z0-9 \!\"\%\&\'\(\)\*\+\,\-\.\/\:\;\<\=\>\?\_\{]+$"), } BARCODE_TYPES = { 'A': BARCODE_TYPE_A, 'B': BARCODE_TYPE_B, } # QRCode error correction levels QR_ECLEVEL_L = 0 QR_ECLEVEL_M = 1 QR_ECLEVEL_Q = 2 QR_ECLEVEL_H = 3 # QRcode models QR_MODEL_1 = 1 QR_MODEL_2 = 2 QR_MICRO = 3 # Image format # NOTE: _PRINT_RASTER_IMG is the obsolete ESC/POS "print raster bit image" # command. The constants include a fragment of the data's header. _PRINT_RASTER_IMG = lambda data: GS + b'v0' + data S_RASTER_N = _PRINT_RASTER_IMG(b'\x00') # Set raster image normal size S_RASTER_2W = _PRINT_RASTER_IMG(b'\x01') # Set raster image double width S_RASTER_2H = _PRINT_RASTER_IMG(b'\x02') # Set raster image double height S_RASTER_Q = _PRINT_RASTER_IMG(b'\x03') # Set raster image quadruple # Status Command RT_STATUS = DLE + EOT RT_STATUS_ONLINE = RT_STATUS + b'\x01' RT_STATUS_PAPER = RT_STATUS + b'\x04' RT_MASK_ONLINE = 8 RT_MASK_PAPER = 18 RT_MASK_LOWPAPER = 30 RT_MASK_NOPAPER = 114
#!/usr/bin/python # Adapted script from Adafruit # Weather forecast for Raspberry Pi w/Adafruit Mini Thermal Printer. # Retrieves data from's API, prints current conditions and # forecasts for next two days. # Weather example using nice bitmaps. # Written by Adafruit Industries. MIT license. # Adapted and enhanced for escpos library by MrWunderbar666 # Icons taken from # Check out his github: from datetime import datetime import calendar import urllib import json import time import os from escpos.printer import Usb """ Setting up the main pathing """ this_dir, this_filename = os.path.split(__file__) GRAPHICS_PATH = os.path.join(this_dir, "graphics/climacons/") # Adapt to your needs printer = Usb(0x0416, 0x5011, profile="POS-5890") # You can get your API Key on and register a dev account. # Technically you can use any other weather service, of course :) API_KEY = "YOUR API KEY" LAT = "22.345490" # Your Location LONG = "114.189945" # Your Location def forecast_icon(idx): icon = data['daily']['data'][idx]['icon'] image = GRAPHICS_PATH + icon + ".png" return image # Dumps one forecast line to the printer def forecast(idx): date = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(data['daily']['data'][idx]['time'])) day = calendar.day_name[date.weekday()] lo = data['daily']['data'][idx]['temperatureMin'] hi = data['daily']['data'][idx]['temperatureMax'] cond = data['daily']['data'][idx]['summary'] print(date) print(day) print(lo) print(hi) print(cond) time.sleep(1) printer.set( font='a', height=2, align='left', bold=False, double_height=False) printer.text(day + ' \n ') time.sleep(5) # Sleep to prevent printer buffer overflow printer.text('\n') printer.image(forecast_icon(idx)) printer.text('low ' + str(lo)) printer.text(deg) printer.text('\n') printer.text(' high ' + str(hi)) printer.text(deg) printer.text('\n') # take care of pesky unicode dash printer.text(cond.replace(u'\u2013', '-').encode('utf-8')) printer.text('\n \n') def icon(): icon = data['currently']['icon'] image = GRAPHICS_PATH + icon + ".png" return image deg = ' C' # Degree symbol on thermal printer, need to find a better way to use a proper degree symbol # if you want Fahrenheit change units= to 'us' url = "" + API_KEY + "/" + LAT + "," + LONG + \ "?exclude=[alerts,minutely,hourly,flags]&units=si" # change last bit to 'us' for Fahrenheit response = urllib.urlopen(url) data = json.loads( printer.print_and_feed(n=1) printer.control("LF") printer.set(font='a', height=2, align='center', bold=True, double_height=True) printer.text("Weather Forecast") printer.text("\n") printer.set(align='center') # Print current conditions printer.set(font='a', height=2, align='center', bold=True, double_height=False) printer.text('Current conditions: \n') printer.image(icon()) printer.text("\n") printer.set(font='a', height=2, align='left', bold=False, double_height=False) temp = data['currently']['temperature'] cond = data['currently']['summary'] printer.text(temp) printer.text(' ') printer.text(deg) printer.text(' ') printer.text('\n') printer.text('Sky: ' + cond) printer.text('\n') printer.text('\n') # Print forecast printer.set(font='a', height=2, align='center', bold=True, double_height=False) printer.text('Forecast: \n') forecast(0) forecast(1) printer.cut() printer.control("LF")
"""Prints code page tables. """ import six import sys from escpos import printer from escpos.constants import CODEPAGE_CHANGE, ESC, CTL_LF, CTL_FF, CTL_CR, CTL_HT, CTL_VT def main(): dummy = printer.Dummy() dummy.hw('init') for codepage in sys.argv[1:] or ['USA']: dummy.set(height=2, width=2) dummy._raw(codepage + "\n\n\n") print_codepage(dummy, codepage) dummy._raw("\n\n") dummy.cut() print(dummy.output) def print_codepage(printer, codepage): if codepage.isdigit(): codepage = int(codepage) printer._raw(CODEPAGE_CHANGE + six.int2byte(codepage)) printer._raw("after") else: printer.charcode(codepage) sep = "" # Table header printer.set(font='b') printer._raw(" {}\n".format(sep.join(map(lambda s: hex(s)[2:], range(0, 16))))) printer.set() # The table for x in range(0, 16): # First column printer.set(font='b') printer._raw("{} ".format(hex(x)[2:])) printer.set() for y in range(0, 16): byte = six.int2byte(x * 16 + y) if byte in (ESC, CTL_LF, CTL_FF, CTL_CR, CTL_HT, CTL_VT): byte = ' ' printer._raw(byte) printer._raw(sep) printer._raw('\n') if __name__ == '__main__': main()
from escpos.printer import Usb # Adapt to your needs p = Usb(0x0416, 0x5011, profile="POS-5890") # Some software barcodes p.soft_barcode('code128', 'Hello') p.soft_barcode('code39', '1234')
from escpos.printer import Usb # Adapt to your needs p = Usb(0x0416, 0x5011, profile="POS-5890") # Print software and then hardware barcode with the same content p.soft_barcode('code39', '123456') p.text('\n') p.text('\n') p.barcode('123456', 'CODE39')
import sys from escpos.printer import Usb def usage(): print("usage: <content>") if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) != 2: usage() sys.exit(1) content = sys.argv[1] # Adapt to your needs p = Usb(0x0416, 0x5011, profile="POS-5890") p.qr(content, center=True)
# Climacons by Adam Whitcroft 75 climatically categorised pictographs for web and UI design by [@adamwhitcroft](!/adamwhitcroft). Visit the [Climacons]( website for more information. Visit [Adam Whitcroft on GitHub]( ## License You are free to use any of the Climacons Icons (the "icons") in any personal or commercial work without obligation of payment (monetary or otherwise) or attribution, however a credit for the work would be appreciated. **Do not** redistribute or sell and **do not** claim creative credit. Intellectual property rights are not transferred with the download of the icons.
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """tests for the File printer :author: `Patrick Kanzler <[email protected]>`_ :organization: `python-escpos <>`_ :copyright: Copyright (c) 2016 `python-escpos <>`_ :license: MIT """ import six import pytest from hypothesis import given, settings from hypothesis.strategies import text import escpos.printer as printer if six.PY3: mock_open_call = '' else: mock_open_call = '' @pytest.mark.skip("this test is broken and has to be fixed or discarded") @given(path=text()) def test_load_file_printer(mocker, path): """test the loading of the file-printer""" mock_escpos = mocker.patch('escpos.escpos.Escpos.__init__') mock_open = mocker.patch(mock_open_call) printer.File(devfile=path) assert mock_escpos.called mock_open.assert_called_with(path, "wb") @pytest.mark.skip("this test is broken and has to be fixed or discarded") @given(txt=text()) def test_auto_flush(mocker, txt): """test auto_flush in file-printer""" mock_escpos = mocker.patch('escpos.escpos.Escpos.__init__') mock_open = mocker.patch(mock_open_call) mock_device = mocker.patch.object(printer.File, 'device') p = printer.File(auto_flush=False) # inject the mocked device-object p.device = mock_device p._raw(txt) assert not mock_device.flush.called mock_device.reset_mock() p = printer.File(auto_flush=True) # inject the mocked device-object p.device = mock_device p._raw(txt) assert mock_device.flush.called @pytest.mark.skip("this test is broken and has to be fixed or discarded") @given(txt=text()) def test_flush_on_close(mocker, txt): """test flush on close in file-printer""" mock_open = mocker.patch(mock_open_call) mock_device = mocker.patch.object(printer.File, 'device') p = printer.File(auto_flush=False) # inject the mocked device-object p.device = mock_device p._raw(txt) assert not mock_device.flush.called p.close() assert mock_device.flush.called assert mock_device.close.called
from import assert_raises from escpos.printer import Dummy def test_printer_dummy_clear(): printer = Dummy() printer.text("Hello") printer.clear() assert(printer.output == b'')
#!/usr/bin/python """test the raising of errors with the error module :author: `Patrick Kanzler <[email protected]>`_ :organization: `python-escpos <>`_ :copyright: Copyright (c) 2017 `python-escpos <>`_ :license: MIT """ import pytest import escpos import escpos.exceptions def test_raise_error_wrongly(): """raise error the wrong way should reproduce """ with pytest.raises(AttributeError): raise escpos.Error("This should raise an AttributeError.") def tests_raise_error(): """raise error the right way""" with pytest.raises(escpos.exceptions.Error): raise escpos.exceptions.Error("This should raise an error.")
#!/usr/bin/python """tests for the text printing function :author: `Patrick Kanzler <[email protected]>`_ :organization: `python-escpos <>`_ :copyright: Copyright (c) 2016 `python-escpos <>`_ :license: MIT """ import pytest import mock from hypothesis import given, assume import hypothesis.strategies as st from escpos.printer import Dummy def get_printer(): return Dummy(magic_encode_args={'disabled': True, 'encoding': 'CP437'}) @given(text=st.text()) def test_text(text): """Test that text() calls the MagicEncode object. """ instance = get_printer() instance.magic.write = mock.Mock() instance.text(text) instance.magic.write.assert_called_with(text) def test_block_text(): printer = get_printer() printer.block_text( "All the presidents men were eating falafel for breakfast.", font='a') assert printer.output == \ b'All the presidents men were eating falafel\nfor breakfast.' def test_textln(): printer = get_printer() printer.textln('hello, world') assert printer.output == b'hello, world\n' def test_textln_empty(): printer = get_printer() printer.textln() assert printer.output == b'\n' def test_ln(): printer = get_printer() printer.ln() assert printer.output == b'\n' def test_multiple_ln(): printer = get_printer() printer.ln(3) assert printer.output == b'\n\n\n'
"""Test for the CLI """ import os import sys from scripttest import TestFileEnvironment from import assert_equals, nottest import escpos TEST_DIR = os.path.abspath('test/test-cli-output') DEVFILE_NAME = 'testfile' DEVFILE = os.path.join(TEST_DIR, DEVFILE_NAME) CONFIGFILE = 'testconfig.yaml' CONFIG_YAML = ''' --- printer: type: file devfile: {testfile} '''.format( testfile=DEVFILE, ) class TestCLI: """ Contains setups, teardowns, and tests for CLI """ @classmethod def setup_class(cls): """ Create a config file to read from """ with open(CONFIGFILE, 'w') as config: config.write(CONFIG_YAML) @classmethod def teardown_class(cls): """ Remove config file """ os.remove(CONFIGFILE) def setup(self): """ Create a file to print to and set up env""" self.env = None self.default_args = None self.env = TestFileEnvironment( base_path=TEST_DIR, cwd=os.getcwd(), ) self.default_args = ( 'python-escpos', '-c', CONFIGFILE, ) fhandle = open(DEVFILE, 'a') try: os.utime(DEVFILE, None) finally: fhandle.close() def teardown(self): """ Destroy printer file and env """ os.remove(DEVFILE) self.env.clear() def test_cli_help(self): """ Test getting help from cli """ result ='python-escpos', '-h') assert not result.stderr assert 'usage' in result.stdout def test_cli_version(self): """ Test the version string """ result ='python-escpos', 'version') assert not result.stderr assert_equals(escpos.__version__, result.stdout.strip()) @nottest # disable this test as it is not that easy anymore to predict the outcome of this call def test_cli_text(self): """ Make sure text returns what we sent it """ test_text = 'this is some text' result = *(self.default_args + ( 'text', '--txt', test_text, )) ) assert not result.stderr assert DEVFILE_NAME in result.files_updated.keys() assert_equals( result.files_updated[DEVFILE_NAME].bytes, test_text + '\n' ) def test_cli_text_inavlid_args(self): """ Test a failure to send valid arguments """ result = *(self.default_args + ( 'text', '--invalid-param', 'some data' )), expect_error=True, expect_stderr=True ) assert_equals(result.returncode, 2) assert 'error:' in result.stderr assert not result.files_updated
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import escpos.printer as printer import pytest @pytest.mark.parametrize("bctype,data", [ ('UPC-A', '01234567890'), ('UPC-A', '012345678905'), ('UPC-E', '01234567'), ('UPC-E', '0123456'), ('UPC-E', '012345678905'), ('EAN13', '0123456789012'), ('EAN13', '012345678901'), ('EAN8', '01234567'), ('EAN8', '0123456'), ('CODE39', 'ABC-1234'), ('CODE39', 'ABC-1234-$$-+A'), ('CODE39', '*WIKIPEDIA*'), ('ITF', '010203040506070809'), ('ITF', '11221133113344556677889900'), ('CODABAR', 'A2030405060B'), ('CODABAR', 'C11221133113344556677889900D'), ('CODABAR', 'D0D'), ('NW7', 'A2030405060B'), ('NW7', 'C11221133113344556677889900D'), ('NW7', 'D0D'), ('CODE93', 'A2030405060B'), ('CODE93', '+:$&23-7@$'), ('CODE93', 'D0D'), ('CODE128', '{A2030405060B'), ('CODE128', '{C+:$&23-7@$'), ('CODE128', '{B0D'), ('GS1-128', '{A2030405060B'), ('GS1-128', '{C+:$&23-7@$'), ('GS1-128', '{B0D'), ('GS1 DATABAR OMNIDIRECTIONAL', '0123456789123'), ('GS1 DATABAR TRUNCATED', '0123456789123'), ('GS1 DATABAR LIMITED', '0123456789123'), ('GS1 DATABAR EXPANDED', '(9A{A20304+-%&06a0B'), ('GS1 DATABAR EXPANDED', '(1 {C+:&23-7%'), ('GS1 DATABAR EXPANDED', '(00000001234567678'), ]) def test_check_valid_barcode(bctype, data): assert (printer.Escpos.check_barcode(bctype, data)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("bctype,data", [ ('UPC-A', '01234567890123'), # too long ('UPC-A', '0123456789'), # too short ('UPC-A', '72527273-711'), # invalid '-' ('UPC-A', 'A12345678901'), # invalid 'A' ('UPC-E', '01234567890123'), # too long ('UPC-E', '012345'), # too short ('UPC-E', '72527-2'), # invalid '-' ('UPC-E', 'A123456'), # invalid 'A' ('EAN13', '0123456789'), # too short ('EAN13', 'A123456789012'), # invalid 'A' ('EAN13', '012345678901234'), # too long ('EAN8', '012345'), # too short ('EAN8', 'A123456789012'), # invalid 'A' ('EAN8', '012345678901234'), # too long ('CODE39', 'ALKJ_34'), # invalid '_' ('CODE39', 'A' * 256), # too long ('ITF', '010203040'), # odd length ('ITF', '0' * 256), # too long ('ITF', 'AB01'), # invalid 'A' ('CODABAR', '010203040'), # no start/stop ('CODABAR', '0' * 256), # too long ('CODABAR', 'AB-01F'), # invalid 'B' ('NW7', '010203040'), # no start/stop ('NW7', '0' * 256), # too long ('NW7', 'AB-01F'), # invalid 'B' ('CODE93', 'é010203040'), # invalid 'é' ('CODE93', '0' * 256), # too long ('CODE128', '010203040'), # missing leading { ('CODE128', '{D2354AA'), # second char not between A-C ('CODE128', '0' * 256), # too long ('GS1-128', '010203040'), # missing leading { ('GS1-128', '{D2354AA'), # second char not between A-C ('GS1-128', '0' * 256), # too long ('GS1 DATABAR OMNIDIRECTIONAL', '01234567891234'), # too long ('GS1 DATABAR OMNIDIRECTIONAL', '012345678912'), # too short ('GS1 DATABAR OMNIDIRECTIONAL', '012345678A1234'), # invalid 'A' ('GS1 DATABAR TRUNCATED', '01234567891234'), # too long ('GS1 DATABAR TRUNCATED', '012345678912'), # too short ('GS1 DATABAR TRUNCATED', '012345678A1234'), # invalid 'A' ('GS1 DATABAR LIMITED', '01234567891234'), # too long ('GS1 DATABAR LIMITED', '012345678912'), # too short ('GS1 DATABAR LIMITED', '012345678A1234'), # invalid 'A' ('GS1 DATABAR LIMITED', '02345678912341'), # invalid start (should be 01) ('GS1 DATABAR EXPANDED', '010203040'), # missing leading ( ('GS1-128', '(' + ('0' * 256)), # too long ('GS1 DATABAR EXPANDED', '(a{D2354AA'), # second char not between 0-9 ('GS1 DATABAR EXPANDED', 'IT will fail'), # first char not '(' ]) def test_check_invalid_barcode(bctype, data): assert (not printer.Escpos.check_barcode(bctype, data))
import pytest from escpos.capabilities import get_profile, NotSupported, BARCODE_B, Profile @pytest.fixture def profile(): return get_profile('default') class TestBaseProfile: """Test the `BaseProfile` class. """ def test_get_font(self, profile): with pytest.raises(NotSupported): assert profile.get_font('3') assert profile.get_font(1) == 1 assert profile.get_font('a') == 0 def test_supports(self, profile): assert not profile.supports('asdf asdf') assert profile.supports(BARCODE_B) def test_get_columns(self, profile): assert profile.get_columns('a') > 5 with pytest.raises(NotSupported): assert profile.get_columns('asdfasdf') class TestCustomProfile: """Test custom profile options with the `Profile` class. """ def test_columns(self): assert Profile(columns=10).get_columns('sdfasdf') == 10 def test_features(self): assert Profile(features={'foo': True}).supports('foo')
#!/usr/bin/python """test the facility which enables usage of the with-statement :author: `Patrick Kanzler <[email protected]>`_ :organization: `python-escpos <>`_ :copyright: Copyright (c) 2016 `python-escpos <>`_ :license: MIT """ import escpos.printer as printer import escpos.escpos as escpos def test_with_statement(): """Use with statement""" dummy_printer = printer.Dummy() with escpos.EscposIO(dummy_printer) as p: p.writelines('Some text.\n') # TODO extend these tests as they don't really do anything at the moment
#!/usr/bin/python """verifies that the metaclass abc is properly used by ESC/POS :author: `Patrick Kanzler <[email protected]>`_ :organization: `python-escpos <>`_ :copyright: Copyright (c) 2016 Patrick Kanzler :license: MIT """ from import raises import escpos.escpos as escpos from abc import ABCMeta @raises(TypeError) def test_abstract_base_class_raises(): """test whether the abstract base class raises an exception for ESC/POS""" escpos.Escpos() # This call should raise TypeError because of abstractmethod _raw() def test_abstract_base_class(): """ test whether Escpos has the metaclass ABCMeta """ assert issubclass(escpos.Escpos, object) assert type(escpos.Escpos) is ABCMeta
import six import escpos.printer as printer from escpos.constants import TXT_NORMAL, TXT_STYLE, SET_FONT from escpos.constants import TXT_SIZE # Default test, please copy and paste this block to test set method calls def test_default_values(): instance = printer.Dummy() instance.set() expected_sequence = ( TXT_NORMAL, TXT_STYLE['size']['normal'], # Normal text size TXT_STYLE['flip'][False], # Flip OFF TXT_STYLE['smooth'][False], # Smooth OFF TXT_STYLE['bold'][False], # Bold OFF TXT_STYLE['underline'][0], # Underline OFF SET_FONT(b'\x00'), # Default font TXT_STYLE['align']['left'], # Align left TXT_STYLE['invert'][False] # Inverted OFF ) assert(instance.output == b''.join(expected_sequence)) # Size tests def test_set_size_2h(): instance = printer.Dummy() instance.set(double_height=True) expected_sequence = ( TXT_NORMAL, TXT_STYLE['size']['2h'], # Double height text size TXT_STYLE['flip'][False], # Flip OFF TXT_STYLE['smooth'][False], # Smooth OFF TXT_STYLE['bold'][False], # Bold OFF TXT_STYLE['underline'][0], # Underline OFF SET_FONT(b'\x00'), # Default font TXT_STYLE['align']['left'], # Align left TXT_STYLE['invert'][False] # Inverted OFF ) assert (instance.output == b''.join(expected_sequence)) def test_set_size_2w(): instance = printer.Dummy() instance.set(double_width=True) expected_sequence = ( TXT_NORMAL, TXT_STYLE['size']['2w'], # Double width text size TXT_STYLE['flip'][False], # Flip OFF TXT_STYLE['smooth'][False], # Smooth OFF TXT_STYLE['bold'][False], # Bold OFF TXT_STYLE['underline'][0], # Underline OFF SET_FONT(b'\x00'), # Default font TXT_STYLE['align']['left'], # Align left TXT_STYLE['invert'][False] # Inverted OFF ) assert (instance.output == b''.join(expected_sequence)) def test_set_size_2x(): instance = printer.Dummy() instance.set(double_height=True, double_width=True) expected_sequence = ( TXT_NORMAL, TXT_STYLE['size']['2x'], # Double text size TXT_STYLE['flip'][False], # Flip OFF TXT_STYLE['smooth'][False], # Smooth OFF TXT_STYLE['bold'][False], # Bold OFF TXT_STYLE['underline'][0], # Underline OFF SET_FONT(b'\x00'), # Default font TXT_STYLE['align']['left'], # Align left TXT_STYLE['invert'][False] # Inverted OFF ) assert (instance.output == b''.join(expected_sequence)) def test_set_size_custom(): instance = printer.Dummy() instance.set(custom_size=True, width=8, height=7) expected_sequence = ( TXT_SIZE, # Custom text size, no normal reset six.int2byte(TXT_STYLE['width'][8] + TXT_STYLE['height'][7]), TXT_STYLE['flip'][False], # Flip OFF TXT_STYLE['smooth'][False], # Smooth OFF TXT_STYLE['bold'][False], # Bold OFF TXT_STYLE['underline'][0], # Underline OFF SET_FONT(b'\x00'), # Default font TXT_STYLE['align']['left'], # Align left TXT_STYLE['invert'][False] # Inverted OFF ) assert (instance.output == b''.join(expected_sequence)) # Flip def test_set_flip(): instance = printer.Dummy() instance.set(flip=True) expected_sequence = ( TXT_NORMAL, TXT_STYLE['size']['normal'], # Normal text size TXT_STYLE['flip'][True], # Flip ON TXT_STYLE['smooth'][False], # Smooth OFF TXT_STYLE['bold'][False], # Bold OFF TXT_STYLE['underline'][0], # Underline OFF SET_FONT(b'\x00'), # Default font TXT_STYLE['align']['left'], # Align left TXT_STYLE['invert'][False] # Inverted OFF ) assert (instance.output == b''.join(expected_sequence)) # Smooth def test_smooth(): instance = printer.Dummy() instance.set(smooth=True) expected_sequence = ( TXT_NORMAL, TXT_STYLE['size']['normal'], # Normal text size TXT_STYLE['flip'][False], # Flip OFF TXT_STYLE['smooth'][True], # Smooth ON TXT_STYLE['bold'][False], # Bold OFF TXT_STYLE['underline'][0], # Underline OFF SET_FONT(b'\x00'), # Default font TXT_STYLE['align']['left'], # Align left TXT_STYLE['invert'][False] # Inverted OFF ) assert(instance.output == b''.join(expected_sequence)) # Type def test_set_bold(): instance = printer.Dummy() instance.set(bold=True) expected_sequence = ( TXT_NORMAL, TXT_STYLE['size']['normal'], # Normal text size TXT_STYLE['flip'][False], # Flip OFF TXT_STYLE['smooth'][False], # Smooth OFF TXT_STYLE['bold'][True], # Bold ON TXT_STYLE['underline'][0], # Underline OFF SET_FONT(b'\x00'), # Default font TXT_STYLE['align']['left'], # Align left TXT_STYLE['invert'][False] # Inverted OFF ) assert (instance.output == b''.join(expected_sequence)) def test_set_underline(): instance = printer.Dummy() instance.set(underline=1) expected_sequence = ( TXT_NORMAL, TXT_STYLE['size']['normal'], # Normal text size TXT_STYLE['flip'][False], # Flip OFF TXT_STYLE['smooth'][False], # Smooth OFF TXT_STYLE['bold'][False], # Bold OFF TXT_STYLE['underline'][1], # Underline ON, type 1 SET_FONT(b'\x00'), # Default font TXT_STYLE['align']['left'], # Align left TXT_STYLE['invert'][False] # Inverted OFF ) assert (instance.output == b''.join(expected_sequence)) def test_set_underline2(): instance = printer.Dummy() instance.set(underline=2) expected_sequence = ( TXT_NORMAL, TXT_STYLE['size']['normal'], # Normal text size TXT_STYLE['flip'][False], # Flip OFF TXT_STYLE['smooth'][False], # Smooth OFF TXT_STYLE['bold'][False], # Bold OFF TXT_STYLE['underline'][2], # Underline ON, type 2 SET_FONT(b'\x00'), # Default font TXT_STYLE['align']['left'], # Align left TXT_STYLE['invert'][False] # Inverted OFF ) assert (instance.output == b''.join(expected_sequence)) # Align def test_align_center(): instance = printer.Dummy() instance.set(align='center') expected_sequence = ( TXT_NORMAL, TXT_STYLE['size']['normal'], # Normal text size TXT_STYLE['flip'][False], # Flip OFF TXT_STYLE['smooth'][False], # Smooth OFF TXT_STYLE['bold'][False], # Bold OFF TXT_STYLE['underline'][0], # Underline OFF SET_FONT(b'\x00'), # Default font TXT_STYLE['align']['center'], # Align center TXT_STYLE['invert'][False] # Inverted OFF ) assert(instance.output == b''.join(expected_sequence)) def test_align_right(): instance = printer.Dummy() instance.set(align='right') expected_sequence = ( TXT_NORMAL, TXT_STYLE['size']['normal'], # Normal text size TXT_STYLE['flip'][False], # Flip OFF TXT_STYLE['smooth'][False], # Smooth OFF TXT_STYLE['bold'][False], # Bold OFF TXT_STYLE['underline'][0], # Underline OFF SET_FONT(b'\x00'), # Default font TXT_STYLE['align']['right'], # Align right TXT_STYLE['invert'][False] # Inverted OFF ) assert(instance.output == b''.join(expected_sequence)) # Densities def test_densities(): for density in range(8): instance = printer.Dummy() instance.set(density=density) expected_sequence = ( TXT_NORMAL, TXT_STYLE['size']['normal'], # Normal text size TXT_STYLE['flip'][False], # Flip OFF TXT_STYLE['smooth'][False], # Smooth OFF TXT_STYLE['bold'][False], # Bold OFF TXT_STYLE['underline'][0], # Underline OFF SET_FONT(b'\x00'), # Default font TXT_STYLE['align']['left'], # Align left TXT_STYLE['density'][density], # Custom density from 0 to 8 TXT_STYLE['invert'][False] # Inverted OFF ) assert(instance.output == b''.join(expected_sequence)) # Invert def test_invert(): instance = printer.Dummy() instance.set(invert=True) expected_sequence = ( TXT_NORMAL, TXT_STYLE['size']['normal'], # Normal text size TXT_STYLE['flip'][False], # Flip OFF TXT_STYLE['smooth'][False], # Smooth OFF TXT_STYLE['bold'][False], # Bold OFF TXT_STYLE['underline'][0], # Underline OFF SET_FONT(b'\x00'), # Default font TXT_STYLE['align']['left'], # Align left TXT_STYLE['invert'][True] # Inverted ON ) assert(instance.output == b''.join(expected_sequence))
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Image tests- Check that images from different source formats are correctly converted to ESC/POS column & raster formats. :author: `Michael Billington <[email protected]>`_ :organization: `python-escpos <>`_ :copyright: Copyright (c) 2016 `Michael Billington <[email protected]>`_ :license: MIT """ from escpos.image import EscposImage def test_image_black(): """ Test rendering solid black image """ for img_format in ['png', 'jpg', 'gif']: _load_and_check_img('canvas_black.' + img_format, 1, 1, b'\x80', [b'\x80']) def test_image_black_transparent(): """ Test rendering black/transparent image """ for img_format in ['png', 'gif']: _load_and_check_img('black_transparent.' + img_format, 2, 2, b'\xc0\x00', [b'\x80\x80']) def test_image_black_white(): """ Test rendering black/white image """ for img_format in ['png', 'jpg', 'gif']: _load_and_check_img('black_white.' + img_format, 2, 2, b'\xc0\x00', [b'\x80\x80']) def test_image_white(): """ Test rendering solid white image """ for img_format in ['png', 'jpg', 'gif']: _load_and_check_img('canvas_white.' + img_format, 1, 1, b'\x00', [b'\x00']) def test_split(): """ test whether the split-function works as expected """ im = EscposImage('test/resources/black_white.png') (upper_part, lower_part) = im.split(1) upper_part = EscposImage(upper_part) lower_part = EscposImage(lower_part) assert(upper_part.width == lower_part.width == 2) assert(upper_part.height == lower_part.height == 1) assert(upper_part.to_raster_format() == b'\xc0') assert(lower_part.to_raster_format() == b'\x00') def _load_and_check_img(filename, width_expected, height_expected, raster_format_expected, column_format_expected): """ Load an image, and test whether raster & column formatted output, sizes, etc match expectations. """ im = EscposImage('test/resources/' + filename) assert(im.width == width_expected) assert(im.height == height_expected) assert(im.to_raster_format() == raster_format_expected) i = 0 for row in im.to_column_format(False): assert(row == column_format_expected[i]) i += 1
#!/usr/bin/python """tests for panel button function :author: `Patrick Kanzler <[email protected]>`_ :organization: `python-escpos <>`_ :copyright: Copyright (c) 2016 `python-escpos <>`_ :license: MIT """ import escpos.printer as printer def test_function_panel_button_on(): """test the panel button function (enabling) by comparing output""" instance = printer.Dummy() instance.panel_buttons() assert(instance.output == b'\x1B\x63\x35\x00') def test_function_panel_button_off(): """test the panel button function (disabling) by comparing output""" instance = printer.Dummy() instance.panel_buttons(False) assert(instance.output == b'\x1B\x63\x35\x01')
import six import escpos.printer as printer from escpos.constants import GS def test_cut_without_feed(): """Test cut without feeding paper""" instance = printer.Dummy() instance.cut(feed=False) expected = GS + b'V' + six.int2byte(66) + b'\x00' assert(instance.output == expected)
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """tests for the non-native part of qr() :author: `Patrick Kanzler <[email protected]>`_ :organization: `python-escpos <>`_ :copyright: Copyright (c) 2016 `python-escpos <>`_ :license: MIT """ import pytest import mock from escpos.printer import Dummy from PIL import Image @mock.patch('escpos.printer.Dummy.image', spec=Dummy) def test_type_of_object_passed_to_image_function(img_function): """ Test the type of object that is passed to the image function during non-native qr-printing. The type should be PIL.Image """ d = Dummy() d.qr("LoremIpsum") args, kwargs = img_function.call_args assert isinstance(args[0], Image.Image) @pytest.fixture def instance(): return Dummy() def test_center(instance): instance.qr("LoremIpsum", center=True)
#!/usr/bin/python import escpos.printer as printer import pytest @pytest.fixture def instance(): return printer.Dummy() def test_soft_barcode_ean8(instance): instance.soft_barcode("ean8", "1234") def test_soft_barcode_ean8_nocenter(instance): instance.soft_barcode("ean8", "1234", center=False)
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """tests for the magic encode module :author: `Patrick Kanzler <[email protected]>`_ :organization: `python-escpos <>`_ :copyright: Copyright (c) 2016 `python-escpos <>`_ :license: MIT """ import pytest from import raises, assert_raises from hypothesis import given, example import hypothesis.strategies as st from escpos.magicencode import MagicEncode, Encoder from escpos.katakana import encode_katakana from escpos.exceptions import CharCodeError, Error class TestEncoder: """ Tests the single encoders. """ def test_can_encode(self): assert not Encoder({'CP437': 1}).can_encode('CP437', u'€') assert Encoder({'CP437': 1}).can_encode('CP437', u'á') assert not Encoder({'foobar': 1}).can_encode('foobar', 'a') def test_find_suitable_encoding(self): assert not Encoder({'CP437': 1}).find_suitable_encoding(u'€') assert Encoder({'CP858': 1}).find_suitable_encoding(u'€') == 'CP858' @raises(ValueError) def test_get_encoding(self): Encoder({}).get_encoding_name('latin1') class TestMagicEncode: """ Tests the magic encode functionality. """ class TestInit: """ Test initialization. """ def test_disabled_requires_encoding(self, driver): """ Test that disabled without encoder raises an error. :param driver: """ with pytest.raises(Error): MagicEncode(driver, disabled=True) class TestWriteWithEncoding: def test_init_from_none(self, driver): encode = MagicEncode(driver, encoding=None) encode.write_with_encoding('CP858', '€ ist teuro.') assert driver.output == b'\x1bt\x13\xd5 ist teuro.' def test_change_from_another(self, driver): encode = MagicEncode(driver, encoding='CP437') encode.write_with_encoding('CP858', '€ ist teuro.') assert driver.output == b'\x1bt\x13\xd5 ist teuro.' def test_no_change(self, driver): encode = MagicEncode(driver, encoding='CP858') encode.write_with_encoding('CP858', '€ ist teuro.') assert driver.output == b'\xd5 ist teuro.' class TestWrite: def test_write(self, driver): encode = MagicEncode(driver) encode.write('€ ist teuro.') assert driver.output == b'\x1bt\x0f\xa4 ist teuro.' def test_write_disabled(self, driver): encode = MagicEncode(driver, encoding='CP437', disabled=True) encode.write('€ ist teuro.') assert driver.output == b'? ist teuro.' def test_write_no_codepage(self, driver): encode = MagicEncode( driver, defaultsymbol="_", encoder=Encoder({'CP437': 1}), encoding='CP437') encode.write(u'€ ist teuro.') assert driver.output == b'_ ist teuro.' class TestForceEncoding: def test(self, driver): encode = MagicEncode(driver) encode.force_encoding('CP437') assert driver.output == b'\x1bt\x00' encode.write('€ ist teuro.') assert driver.output == b'\x1bt\x00? ist teuro.' try: import jaconv except ImportError: jaconv = None @pytest.mark.skipif(not jaconv, reason="jaconv not installed") class TestKatakana: @given(st.text()) @example("カタカナ") @example("あいうえお") @example("ハンカクカタカナ") def test_accept(self, text): encode_katakana(text) def test_result(self): assert encode_katakana('カタカナ') == b'\xb6\xc0\xb6\xc5' assert encode_katakana("あいうえお") == b'\xb1\xb2\xb3\xb4\xb5'
#!/usr/bin/python """very basic test cases that load the classes :author: `Patrick Kanzler <[email protected]>`_ :organization: `python-escpos <>`_ :copyright: Copyright (c) 2016 `python-escpos <>`_ :license: MIT """ import escpos.printer as printer def test_instantiation(): """test the instantiation of a escpos-printer class and basic printing""" instance = printer.Dummy() instance.text('This is a test\n')
#!/usr/bin/python import escpos.printer as printer from escpos.capabilities import Profile, BARCODE_B from escpos.exceptions import BarcodeTypeError, BarcodeCodeError import pytest @pytest.mark.parametrize("bctype,data,expected", [ ('EAN13', '4006381333931', b'\x1ba\x01\x1dh@\x1dw\x03\x1df\x00\x1dH\x02\x1dk\x024006381333931\x00') ]) def test_barcode(bctype, data, expected): """should generate different barcode types correctly. """ instance = printer.Dummy() instance.barcode(data, bctype) assert instance.output == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize("bctype,supports_b", [ ('invalid', True), ('CODE128', False), ]) def test_lacks_support(bctype, supports_b): """should raise an error if the barcode type is not supported. """ profile = Profile(features={BARCODE_B: supports_b}) instance = printer.Dummy(profile=profile) with pytest.raises(BarcodeTypeError): instance.barcode('test', bctype) assert instance.output == b'' @pytest.mark.parametrize("bctype,data", [ ('EAN13', 'AA'), ('CODE128', '{D2354AA'), ]) def test_code_check(bctype, data): """should raise an error if the barcode code is invalid. """ instance = printer.Dummy() with pytest.raises(BarcodeCodeError): instance.barcode(data, bctype) assert instance.output == b''
#!/usr/bin/python import escpos.printer as printer from escpos.exceptions import CashDrawerError import pytest def test_raise_CashDrawerError(): """should raise an error if the sequence is invalid. """ instance = printer.Dummy() with pytest.raises(CashDrawerError): # call with sequence that is too long instance.cashdraw([1,1,1,1,1,1])
from import assert_raises from escpos.printer import Dummy def test_line_spacing_code_gen(): printer = Dummy() printer.line_spacing(10) assert printer.output == b'\x1b3\n' def test_line_spacing_rest(): printer = Dummy() printer.line_spacing() assert printer.output == b'\x1b2' def test_line_spacing_error_handling(): printer = Dummy() with assert_raises(ValueError): printer.line_spacing(99, divisor=44) with assert_raises(ValueError): printer.line_spacing(divisor=80, spacing=86) with assert_raises(ValueError): printer.line_spacing(divisor=360, spacing=256) with assert_raises(ValueError): printer.line_spacing(divisor=180, spacing=256)
#!/usr/bin/python """tests for line display :author: `Patrick Kanzler <[email protected]>`_ :organization: `python-escpos <>`_ :copyright: Copyright (c) 2017 `python-escpos <>`_ :license: MIT """ import escpos.printer as printer def test_function_linedisplay_select_on(): """test the linedisplay_select function (activate)""" instance = printer.Dummy() instance.linedisplay_select(select_display=True) assert(instance.output == b'\x1B\x3D\x02') def test_function_linedisplay_select_off(): """test the linedisplay_select function (deactivate)""" instance = printer.Dummy() instance.linedisplay_select(select_display=False) assert(instance.output == b'\x1B\x3D\x01') def test_function_linedisplay_clear(): """test the linedisplay_clear function""" instance = printer.Dummy() instance.linedisplay_clear() assert(instance.output == b'\x1B\x40')
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