Did Councilman Try to File False Form to Hide Fact He Gave Tickets to Wife of Santa Ana Police Union President? Gerry Serrano (left), President of the Santa Ana Police Officers Association, with Serina (right), his wife, at an event in Newport Beach in 2017. By DUANE ROBERTS Editor & Publisher In 2019, when Gabriel San Roman, a former investigative journalist for the defunct-OC Weekly, reviewed more than 1,539 ticket disclosure forms—Form 802s as they are called—to see who received the thousands of dollars worth of tickets the city got each year from Angel Stadium and Honda Center, he noticed an unusual practice: some council members were trying to avoid publicly disclosing the identity of persons they were really giving tickets to by reporting that they gave them to their spouse instead. For example, San Roman discovered that then-Councilman Jordan Brandman had given city-owned tickets valued at $900 to Carrie Nocella, a lobbyist for The Walt Disney Company. But on the Form 802 that was filed, he stated those tickets were meant for Tom Nocella, her husband. Brandman had a ready-made excuse. “Tom is a longtime Anaheim resident,” he said. “Like all other council members, I regularly recognize numerous residents, community groups and city employees by behesting them tickets …” Unfortunately for Brandman, that same rationale can’t be used to explain why, according to two Form 802s filed earlier this year, he handed out $1,230 worth of Angels tickets to Suzanne Bilodeau. Besides the fact Suzanne has lived in Orange for almost thirty years, her husband is Denis Bilodeau, a close friend of Brandman’s. Both served together on the Board of Directors of the Orange County Water District for several years before the latter resigned from his seat on the Anaheim City Council in August. Likewise, when The Anaheim Investigator learned that Councilman Avelino Valencia III gave two Angels tickets valued at $410 to Serina Serrano, a resident of Garden Grove, we looked at who her spouse is to fully understand the reason why she got them. Serina is married to Gerry Serrano, president of the Santa Ana Police Officers Association. As we have previously reported, both Gerry and his union made $2,850 in campaign contributions to the “Valencia for City Council 2020” committee last year. But documents The Investigator obtained under the California Public Records Act show Valencia may have tried to go further than this. An earlier Form 802 the councilman submitted offers prima facie evidence suggesting he made an attempt to hide Serina’s identity from public disclosure by using Serina Porras, her maiden name, instead of Serina Serrano, her married (and legal) one. If this form had been officially filed with the city under her maiden name, it would have been much harder to link her to Gerry. Screenshot of the withdrawn Form 802 with Serina’s maiden name. However, Valencia eventually had to withdraw that Form 802 and replace it with a new one which used her legal name. Why? When Serina had a problem downloading Angels tickets to a wallet on her smartphone, she questioned city staff about emails being sent which made reference to her maiden name. “Why is it addressed Serina Porras?” she asked Luiz Torres, a city council assistant who works for Valencia. “I haven’t used that last name in over 23 years. So it doesn’t reflect on any of my ID’s.” Serina asking why her maiden name is being used. In a followup message, Torres told Serina that he got this information directly from the councilman. “I was unaware that we had your old name filed,” he typed. But in a stunning admission, he acknowledged to Serina he knew what her legal name was: “Frankly, I used Serina Serrano for this email thread because that was your apparent name based on your email address.” Indeed, The Investigator has an unredacted copy of her personal email address and can confirm he was using it to communicate with her. Though Torres would later claim Valencia was “unaware of the name change,” all of this begs the question of how he knew Serina’s maiden name was Porras? Furthermore, the councilman himself most likely provided his city council assistant with her personal email address. Wouldn’t it be reasonable to assume since that email has Serrano as her last name, that’s how she identifies herself? Perhaps it should be noted she uses it as a last name on all of her identifiable social media accounts as well. Under California state law, there are criminal statutes—specifically Penal Code 115—which make it a crime to file a false Form 802 with a government agency. For example, if a person knowingly files a document that contains inaccurate information, they could face a felony charge. However, a document has to have been officially filed with an agency before a prosecution can take place. That didn’t happen in this situation. The Form 802 in question was withdrawn and quickly replaced with a corrected version. Regardless of what Valencia was trying to do, he definitely had a motive to conceal his ties to Gerry Serrano. Not only has the latter been a controversial and divisive figure in Santa Ana politics, but he has been subject of multiple investigations into alleged misconduct by local, state, and federal authorities–including reportedly being the target of a grand jury probe. The councilman’s squeaky-clean image would undoubtedly be tarnished if he was caught handing out tickets to such a troubled individual. For matter of record, The Investigator emailed Valencia approximately three times requesting comment for this article. We wanted to know the reason why he felt motivated to use Serina’s maiden name on the original Form 802 he submitted, then later withdrew due to her questioning why it was being used. We were hoping that his reply would put our concerns about this matter to rest. But so far, the dapper councilman from District 4 hasn’t bothered responding to any of the messages we sent him. Share this: Twitter LinkedIn Reddit More Print Tumblr Like this: Like Loading... Posted in Anaheim City Council, Angel Stadium, California Public Records Act, Carrie Nocella, City of Anaheim, City of Orange, City of Santa Ana, Denis Bilodeau, District 4, Form 802, Gabriel San Román, Gerry Serrano, Honda Center, Jordan Brandman, Luiz Torres, OC Weekly, Orange County Water District, Penal Code 115, Santa Ana Police Officers Association, Serina Porras, Serina Serrano, Suzanne Bilodeau, The Walt Disney Company, Tickets, Tom Nocella and tagged Anaheim City Council, Angel Stadium, Angels Baseball, Avelino Valencia III, California Public Records Act, Carrie Nocella, City of Anaheim, City of Orange, City of Santa Ana, Denis Bilodeau, District 4, Form 802, Gabriel San Roman, Gerry Serrano, Honda Center, Jordan Brandman, Luiz Torres, OC Weekly, Orange County Water District, Penal Code 115, Santa Ana Police Officers Association, Serina Porras, Serina Serrano, Suzanne Bilodeau, The Walt Disney Company, Tickets, Tom Nocella | Leave a comment Post Navigation My Tweets We need your support! Will you make a small $5 gift today? Your contribution will allow The Anaheim Investigator to keep delivering hard-hitting investigative journalism that’s open for everyone to see! Nobody covers Anaheim City Hall like like we do. That's why your support is so important to us!
Did Councilman Try to File False Form to Hide Fact He Gave Tickets to Wife of Santa Ana Police Union President? Gerry Serrano (left), President of the Santa Ana Police Officers Association, with Serina (right), his wife, at an event in Newport Beach in 2017. By DUANE ROBERTS Editor & Publisher In 2019, when Gabriel San Roman, a former investigative journalist for the defunct-OC Weekly, reviewed more than 1,539 ticket disclosure forms—Form 802s as they are called—to see who received the thousands of dollars worth of tickets the city got each year from Angel Stadium and Honda Center, he noticed an unusual practice: some council members were trying to avoid publicly disclosing the identity of persons they were really giving tickets to by reporting that they gave them to their spouse instead. For example, San Roman discovered that then-Councilman Jordan Brandman had given city-owned tickets valued at $900 to Carrie Nocella, a lobbyist for The Walt Disney Company. But on the Form 802 that was filed, he stated those tickets were meant for Tom Nocella, her husband. Brandman had a ready-made excuse. “Tom is a longtime Anaheim resident,” he said. “Like all other council members, I regularly recognize numerous residents, community groups and city employees by behesting them tickets …” Unfortunately for Brandman, that same rationale can’t be used to explain why, according to two Form 802s filed earlier this year, he handed out $1,230 worth of Angels tickets to Suzanne Bilodeau. Besides the fact Suzanne has lived in Orange for almost thirty years, her husband is Denis Bilodeau, a close friend of Brandman’s. Both served together on the Board of Directors of the Orange County Water District for several years before the latter resigned from his seat on the Anaheim City Council in August. Likewise, when The Anaheim Investigator learned that Councilman Avelino Valencia III gave two Angels tickets valued at $410 to Serina Serrano, a resident of Garden Grove, we looked at who her spouse is to fully understand the reason why she got them. Serina is married to Gerry Serrano, president of the Santa Ana Police Officers Association. As we have previously reported, both Gerry and his union made $2,850 in campaign contributions to the “Valencia for City Council 2020” committee last year. But documents The Investigator obtained under the California Public Records Act show Valencia may have tried to go further than this. An earlier Form 802 the councilman submitted offers prima facie evidence suggesting he made an attempt to hide Serina’s identity from public disclosure by using Serina Porras, her maiden name, instead of Serina Serrano, her married (and legal) one. If this form had been officially filed with the city under her maiden name, it would have been much harder to link her to Gerry. Screenshot of the withdrawn Form 802 with Serina’s maiden name. However, Valencia eventually had to withdraw that Form 802 and replace it with a new one which used her legal name. Why? When Serina had a problem downloading Angels tickets to a wallet on her smartphone, she questioned city staff about emails being sent which made reference to her maiden name. “Why is it addressed Serina Porras?” she asked Luiz Torres, a city council assistant who works for Valencia. “I haven’t used that last name in over 23 years. So it doesn’t reflect on any of my ID’s.” Serina asking why her maiden name is being used. In a followup message, Torres told Serina that he got this information directly from the councilman. “I was unaware that we had your old name filed,” he typed. But in a stunning admission, he acknowledged to Serina he knew what her legal name was: “Frankly, I used Serina Serrano for this email thread because that was your apparent name based on your email address.” Indeed, The Investigator has an unredacted copy of her personal email address and can confirm he was using it to communicate with her. Though Torres would later claim Valencia was “unaware of the name change,” all of this begs the question of how he knew Serina’s maiden name was Porras? Furthermore, the councilman himself most likely provided his city council assistant with her personal email address. Wouldn’t it be reasonable to assume since that email has Serrano as her last name, that’s how she identifies herself? Perhaps it should be noted she uses it as a last name on all of her identifiable social media accounts as well. Under California state law, there are criminal statutes—specifically Penal Code 115—which make it a crime to file a false Form 802 with a government agency. For example, if a person knowingly files a document that contains inaccurate information, they could face a felony charge. However, a document has to have been officially filed with an agency before a prosecution can take place. That didn’t happen in this situation. The Form 802 in question was withdrawn and quickly replaced with a corrected version. Regardless of what Valencia was trying to do, he definitely had a motive to conceal his ties to Gerry Serrano. Not only has the latter been a controversial and divisive figure in Santa Ana politics, but he has been subject of multiple investigations into alleged misconduct by local, state, and federal authorities–including reportedly being the target of a grand jury probe. The councilman’s squeaky-clean image would undoubtedly be tarnished if he was caught handing out tickets to such a troubled individual. For matter of record, The Investigator emailed Valencia approximately three times requesting comment for this article. We wanted to know the reason why he felt motivated to use Serina’s maiden name on the original Form 802 he submitted, then later withdrew due to her questioning why it was being used. We were hoping that his reply would put our concerns about this matter to rest. But so far, the dapper councilman from District 4 hasn’t bothered responding to any of the messages we sent him. Share this: Twitter LinkedIn Reddit More Print Tumblr Like this: Like Loading... Posted in Anaheim City Council, Angel Stadium, California Public Records Act, Carrie Nocella, City of Anaheim, City of Orange, City of Santa Ana, Denis Bilodeau, District 4, Form 802, Gabriel San Román, Gerry Serrano, Honda Center, Jordan Brandman, Luiz Torres, OC Weekly, Orange County Water District, Penal Code 115, Santa Ana Police Officers Association, Serina Porras, Serina Serrano, Suzanne Bilodeau, The Walt Disney Company, Tickets, Tom Nocella and tagged Anaheim City Council, Angel Stadium, Angels Baseball, Avelino Valencia III, California Public Records Act, Carrie Nocella, City of Anaheim, City of Orange, City of Santa Ana, Denis Bilodeau, District 4, Form 802, Gabriel San Roman, Gerry Serrano, Honda Center, Jordan Brandman, Luiz Torres, OC Weekly, Orange County Water District, Penal Code 115, Santa Ana Police Officers Association, Serina Porras, Serina Serrano, Suzanne Bilodeau, The Walt Disney Company, Tickets, Tom Nocella | Leave a comment Post Navigation My Tweets We need your support! Will you make a small $5 gift today? Your contribution will allow The Anaheim Investigator to keep delivering hard-hitting investigative journalism that’s open for everyone to see! Nobody covers Anaheim City Hall like like we do. That's why your support is so important to us!
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If you work with Secure Shell, you will definitely want to check out the following tips to harden SSH on your ubuntu server. Working as a Ubuntu server administrator, you are more likely to use Secure Shell (SSH) for remote access to the server. As the name suggest SSH is relatively a secure protocol. However, we can make it more secure with a few steps. The aim of this article is to help you better lock down the SSH server. Don’t Permit Empty Passwords Permit Empty Passwords Firstly, make sure user accounts without passwords are not able to login. Some server administrators can create standard system users without a password. By default, SSH is configured to permit empty password. Now, open the SSH daemon configuration file with the following command: sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config Find the line with #PermitEmptyPasswords no Remove the comment as shown below: PermitEmptyPasswords no Save the configuration and restart the SSH server with the command below: sudo systemctl restart sshd Limit Max Authentication Attempts Max Authentication Attempts Frankly speaking, the best approach to preventing brute force attacks on your server is to limit the login attempts. To limit the number of attempts on login locate. #MaxAuthTries 6 Uncomment it as shown below: MaxAuthTries 3 Set Idle Timeout Interval Idle Timeout Interval Consequently, the idle timeout is how long an SSH session is allowed to be idle. However, when the timeout is set, the SSH connection will be broken whenever the time passes. By default, this option is disabled. In fact, I will enable the idle timeout and set the timeout to four minutes (240 seconds). Now, locate the line with: #ClientAliveInterval 0 #ClientAliveCountMax 3 And, uncomment the line as shown below: ClientAliveInterval 240 ClientAliveCountMax 3 Disable Root Login Disable Root Login To explain, the root account has the sudo privilege associated with it and it can dangerous if an unauthorized person has access to it. However, connecting to the server with an account that has the sudo privilege. Also, the sudo should be setup properly. On the other hand, let’s disable root login via SSH. In the SSH configuration, find the line with: PermitRootLogin yes Replace it with: PermitRootLogin no Change SSH Ports Change SSH Ports One other way to harden SSH is to change the default port. Thus, SSH runs on port 22 as by default. Mostly, hackers will target the default port. Changing it might prevent them from targeting you. It is not necessary to change the port but it is also a security measure to the hardening SSH server. In the configuration find the line with: Port 22 Then, change the port to another port like 2019 Port 2019 Whitelist SSH Users It is best to limit users allowed to login to the SSH server. Meaning only users in the list will be allowed to login to the server. And every other user will be denied access. Assuming, we want to allow john to login remotely through SSH. Add the line below to the configuration file. AllowUsers john Well, don’t forget to add your username to the list of AllowUsers. Fail2Ban Fail2Ban Configuration This software scans your logs and temporarily ban IPs with suspicious activities. To install it run the command below: sudo apt-get install fail2ban Once installed, make a copy of the configuration file as shown below. cp /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf /etc/fail2ban/jail.local Then, open your copy of the fail2ban configuration file nano /etc/fail2ban/jail.local Look for the line that starts with [sshd] and uncomment enable = true and edit it as shown below: [sshd] enabled = true port = ssh logpath = %(sshd_log)s Now restart fail2ban with the command below: systemctl restart fail2ban Accordingly, Fail2ban will now start monitoring your SSH logs for possible suspicious activities and then temporarily ban the source IP. I also have an article on how to configure denyhosts on ubuntu. You might want to check it out. Disable X11Forwarding This article is meant for use with remote servers. In other words, there is no need to use GUI on a remote server. Apparently, this allows any other user to tunnel GUI applications via SSH. So disable X11 forwarding on the remote server. In the SSH configuration file /etc/ssh/sshd_config. Find the line: X11Forwarding yes And replace yes with no as shown below: X11Forwarding no Use SSH Keys Apparently, you can SSH into the server with a username and password but with that, someone can brute force into the server. So, SSH keys can be used instead of passwords. Generate SSH Key Pair Now, let’s generate our encryption keys that come in pairs. Public and Private key. To generate the keys, run the following command on the machine that will be used to SSH into the server. ssh-keygen Well, you will be asked to enter passphrase to protect the keys. But, you can keep blank if you think it is not necessary. Truly speaking, unprotected private SSH keys can be used to access the server by anyone in possession of that key. Share Your Public Key Use ssh-copy-id to copy your public key to the server. ssh-copy-id [email protected] You have changed your SSH port. Assuming, your SSH port is 2019 use the command below. Make sure you change the IP to the IP of your server. ssh-copy-id -p2019 [email protected] Afterward, try accessing the server via SSH with the following command: ssh [email protected] You may be asked to enter your passphrase. Thus, if you setup the passphrase during the key generation. If the command runs successfully, you should see a message similar to the one below: The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is ff:fd:d8:f9:66:f6:73:84:e1:56:cf:d6:ff:ff. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? Your answer should be yes and you should access the server without entering a password. Disable Password Authentication Eventually, we can now disable password authentication on the server. Since we have established SSH keys authentication. Open the SSH configuration file and find the line: PasswordAuthentication yes Then, change it to: PasswordAuthentication no Displaying Banner Usually, banners are some form message or a statement saying “unauthorized access is not allowed”. Sometimes, the banner message contains legalese which turns to warn or scare hackers. Frankly speaking, this doesn’t add any security to the system, because anyone who manages to access your system won’t care about the warning sign but it might give the hacker a chuckle. By default, banners are disabled on Ubuntu 18.04. Banners are normally displayed before authentication meaning anyone trying to SSH into the server will see the banner. Well, to see the banner you need to enable PasswordAuthentication. To add a banner, edit the SSH configuration file and then uncomment: #Banner /etc/ After that, try accessing the server if a wrong user account: ssh [email protected] You will receive feedback similar to the one below: Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS [email protected]’s password: Apparently, you can customize this message by editing /etc/ file. nano /etc/ ########################################################### # Welcome to # # # # Note that All connections are recorded and monitored # # # # Disconnect IMMEDIATELY if you are unauthorized user! # # # ########################################################### This message will make the hacker think of what he/she is doing before messing around. Conclusion Hopefully, you have found this article a bit helpful on how to harden SSH on your server. There is much more to learn about SSH. Share this: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Tumblr Pinterest Email Telegram Like this: Like Loading... 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This article will focus on how to install and configure denyhosts on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. A short […] Written by Clemence Ayekple December 27, 2018 May 27, 2019 System Administration How to Set or Change System Hostname in Linux If you’ve worked as a system admin for any length of time, you’ve probably run into a situation where you have to change the hostnames on your server to match some corporate naming convention, but you can’t have downtime either. So the question is how do you change the hostname without rebooting the server? Luckily, for […] Written by Clemence Ayekple May 15, 2018 September 24, 2018 System Administration How To Set Up mod_rewrite for Apache on Ubuntu Introduction In this tutorial, we learn how to use mod_rewrite module to manage URL rewrites using Apache2. The module allows us to rewrite URLs in a fashionable, that is converting URLs to human-readable paths. Just think of the last time you visited a blog site to read an article, looking for that particular article to […] Written by Clemence Ayekple May 14, 2018 May 14, 2018 Next No Comments Leave a comment Cancel Comments to: Quick Tips to Harden SSH on Ubuntu Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Attach images - Only PNG, JPG, JPEG and GIF are supported. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Post comment Loading Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. 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Although Steve Jobs described the iPhone as the “best iPod [Apple] ever made” back in January 2007, I have to say I’m not sure. I previously owned a 2nd generation nano, and loved it. Light, easy to use… OK the screen was tiny and the capacity was limited, but it did the job. The iPhone has that nice big screen with video playback going for it, and now it also has the new (and very, very cool) Genius playlist feature. Just a small number of issues, then… No search? the 2G nano had search! Am I missing something? No ability to read the notes for podcasts. On the nano I could press the button to cycle through time / cover art / lyrics or info display, and on the iPhone I get lyrics or the “back” of the album cover. Nothing useful for podcasts. The time slider is way too difficult to control with a finger. On a longer podcast, say over an hour, skipping over a minute or two of the duration is almost impossible. The click wheel definitely wins there. Finally, and most annoyingly: no external skip / pause control. I have to take the phone out of my pocket, potentially unlock the screen, and then skip to the next track. Really not the best idea when travelling on the London Underground (“that’s right folks, I have a 3G iPhone, please mug me at the next station”). OK – time for a confession here. I never unpacked the iPhone headphones until last week. I didn’t realise that they have a mic on the wire with a click switch which gives the forward/back/pause control. Why? Because I’m so used to the poor audio quality of the Apple earbuds that I switched to Shure ones several months ago and I’ve been using them since. So it seems to me that what is needed is some kind of cable which can fit in between third-party headphones and the iPhone’s headphone socket with an external switch on them. I think the iPhone is an awesome device, but for me, it just isn’t the best iPod I’ve ever had. Technorati Tags: iPhone,iPod,Apple,nano,touch,headphones,audio Rate this: Like it? Share it - Tweet Share on Tumblr Email Like this: Like Loading... This entry was posted in 24924 and tagged Apple, audio, headphones, iphone, iPod, nano, touch. Bookmark the permalink. ← Dogear Nation housekeeping Filtering photos from a feed → 11 responses to “iPhones, iPods, headphones” Andy C | September 18, 2008 at 15:43 | Reply If I ever have to get my iTouch out on the tube to skip some errant musical choice, I am almost tempted to shout to the muggers: ‘Listen – it’s not an iPhone, it’s an iTouch !’ LikeLike george | September 18, 2008 at 17:05 | Reply I don’t use my iPhone as an iPod at all. I’ve tried, but it’s just become too much for me to have to remember the adapter for my awesome Sony earbuds (yeah, pre-3G iPhone with stupid recessed headjack). Also, the iPhone is an 8G which is not enough for me. Too much hassle having to re-load and update contents all the time. I just use it now as a phone, for internet etc, and for apps. Call me spoiled, but it actually angers me that I need to carry an 80G classic too just to satisfy my music and video needs. I look forward to the day of an affordable iPhone with loads of storage. LikeLike Per Henrik Lausten | September 18, 2008 at 18:07 | Reply Andy, that “some kind of cable” you are looking for is available. Just do a google for iPhone adapter. There is even a Shure iPhone adapter in the Apple store. LikeLike Andy Piper | September 18, 2008 at 19:13 | Reply Well that will teach me to do my research! Thanks Per. I need to check those adapters out in more detail (the Shure one is pretty expensive!) LikeLike Jean-Francois Arseneault | September 19, 2008 at 22:20 | Reply As the Touch 2G is on its way to my home, I’m tempted to try the upcoming Apple ‘shure-alike’ in-ear ones, which include the mic. Regarding the real Shure ones, I’ve always had a problem paying more for earphones than the MP3 player itself, but maybe there’s something I don’t get 🙂 LikeLike Per Henrik Lausten | September 21, 2008 at 11:18 | Reply What adapter did you buy then? LikeLike Andy Piper | September 21, 2008 at 18:38 | Reply I ended up with a Griffin SmartTalk – it’s a nice compact adapter at the iPhone end, and the cable itself is very thin and light (more like a fabric cord) so I can keep that coiled up without adding much to the length of the overall headphone cable. Some of the other options were either expensive (Shure) or expected you to plug your existing headphones directly into another adapter on the end of the iPhone, adding to the bulk. LikeLike Andy Feltham | September 22, 2008 at 8:15 | Reply Hey Andy, one tip that i found particularly useful is if you press the home button twice in quick succession then you get different behaviours depending on where you are on the phone at the time. If the phone is off the result is a set if iPod controls on the unlock screen that allow you to pause or advance the track without unlocking the device. Its really useful, especially if you have a keycode. You can configure this feature from Settings -> General -> Home button to make sure iPod Controls is on. LikeLike Benjamin | September 22, 2008 at 8:30 | Reply And what about to do lists? They seem to have gone too 😦 LikeLike Andy Piper | September 22, 2008 at 20:07 | Reply Andy – aha – I’d seen controls appear sometimes, but wasn’t sure if this was a bug! D’oh. I do have that option set. Now I know what is going on. Benjamin – to do lists? You mean, they are on the nano but not on the iPhone or Touch? LikeLike Russell Bonner | December 28, 2008 at 11:18 | Reply Andy, thanks for posting this some months back. Very helpful. Being new to the iPhone, I never realised that the standard mic doubles as a ‘click’ mechanism either. Maybe I skipped the documentation. Anyway, I’ve ordered some new headphones (always liked Sennheisers for my iPod), but at least I now know what features I’m after. Thanks again. LikeLike Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here... Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email (required) (Address never made public) Name (required) Website You are commenting using your account. ( Log Out / Change ) You are commenting using your Google account. ( Log Out / Change ) You are commenting using your Twitter account. ( Log Out / Change ) You are commenting using your Facebook account. ( Log Out / Change ) Cancel Connecting to %s Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Δ About the author Andy Piper social bridgebuilder | photographer | techie | speaker | podcaster Developer Advocate @ Twitter Follow @andypiper Disclaimer The postings on this site are my own. 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I just finished reading Blake J. Harris’s Console Wars, about Sega’s war with Nintendo for dominance in the home console market during the Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis era, and my mind is tingling with nostalgia. Like many videogame-loving kids during that time period, my parents were only willing to buy me one console (and only after months of pleading and a hefty price drop). Having been a proud owner of an NES, the choice for me was clear, especially because, as the book points out, Sega didn’t really start offering much to entice players to switch allegiance until the Sonic games came around. So I was team Nintendo all the way, a willing participant (or consumer pawn) in this ‘war.’ There were times when my loyalty wavered just a bit, though, and the Mortal Kombat blood debacle was one of them. I was used to playing the arcade version of the game at a corner store near my house, and the idea of a watered-down, blood-free version did not sit well with ten year old Joey. I also remember gazing longingly at the screenshots of the Genesis version of Jurassic Park and wishing my SNES version looked as gorgeous. Genesis SNES There’s something to be said for the SNES version of Jurassic Park combining third person overhead segments and first person interior segments, especially given that the latter made good use of the SNES’s Mode 7 capabilities. But when you’re eleven years old and in love with the superb special effects of the Jurassic Park movie, you want your digital dinos to look as close to the ‘real thing’ as possible, and Genesis delivered in that department. Aside from spurring a stroll down memory lane, the book prompted me to reflect on my experience as an observer of an ever-changing home console scene. In the late 70s (not that I was alive yet), Atari was huge. Untouchable. Until they weren’t (and they really, really weren’t). Nintendo owned 95% of the home console market during the NES’s reign in the mid-late 80s, and they too seemed invincible, until they weren’t. I would argue that they ‘won’ the SNES vs Genesis war, but not before losing a huge portion of the market to Sega. It seemed unimaginable that the generation after that would be anything but Sega vs Nintendo: Round 2 (well, Round 3, technically), but Sony changed everything with the introduction of the first PlayStation. The Sega Saturn was not very powerful and didn’t have much support in the software department, so it basically came down to Nintendo’s N64 and the PlayStation. The likely victor seemed obvious at the time. The N64 was (arguably) twice as powerful, produced 3D worlds that really felt expansive, had an innovative controller that introduced sensitive joysticks and rumble, launched at $100 less than the PlayStation had, and Nintendo’s first party games remained among the best on the market. But they lost. It’s a fact we take for granted now, but it bordered on unbelievable at the time. It wasn’t Sega that slayed Nintendo, it was Sony who knocked them both down to size. Sony, who (as the book describes in some detail) had been on the verge of handing their original PlayStation design over to Nintendo and, later, Sega, before dumb corporate politics got in the way. But how? Well, Sega had a lot to do with it. Nintendo had an iron grip on the industry in the 80s and placed strict restrictions on how many games developers could release, and then monitored the quality of these games closely (which saved the market from collapsing in a heap of crap, as it had done in the 70s). To convince those same developers to make games for their Genesis, Sega promised far less restrictive control. While it didn’t help them outright win their war with Nintendo, it did change how business was done in the market and freed developers to seek more than one place to publish their games. While Nintendo failed to learn from this, continuing with expensive (but tightly controlled) cartridge manufacturing, closely monitoring third party output, etc., Sony capitalized on it and made their console easy and cheap to develop for, welcoming companies to produce games more freely than Nintendo had. This quantity over quality approach eventually resulted in a glut of poorly made, ugly, or buggy games, but PlayStation owners enjoyed the freedom of a vast library of games which Nintendo just did not have. And of course there was marketing and the perception that the PlayStation was for adults and the N64 for kids, and plenty of other of factors that contributed to the outcome. But Sony won in a big way. They won in an even bigger way with the PS2, leaving Nintendo’s GameCube and Microsoft’s newly-christened Xbox to fight for second place. But in a huge upset the following generation, the Xbox 360 dominated against the PS3, and Nintendo’s Wii outsold both of them quite handily. In the current generation, it’s all mixed up again. Nintendo’s Wii U is a distant echo, and the PS4 is once again Sony’s claim to home console dominance. I probably didn’t need to regurgitate all of that, but it’s, in part, what’s been running through my head lately. It’s been hard to determine which console or company will be the victor of any particular generation’s ‘war.’ But what really struck me is this: going all the way back to the NES versus the Sega Master System, consoles seemed to offer something noticeably different than their competition. SNES games looked different than Genesis games. You’d never mistake an N64 game for a PlayStation game. GameCube games were distinct from Xbox games. With the Xbox 360 and PS3, the lines began to blur, and now it seems as if having a home console that boasts any kind of obvious technological advantage is increasingly unlikely. The Wii changed the landscape a lot, forcing Sony and Microsoft to invest in exploring motion control and other avenues of expanding gameplay beyond the controller. So is this generation going to be defined by PlayStation’s virtual reality and Microsoft’s augmented reality? What about next generation? Microsoft’s openness to cross-platform play with the PS4 was shocking, but could it be indicative of something more? Research and development of console hardware is incredibly costly, but game publishing is lucrative. Could Microsoft plan on moving strictly to Windows gaming in the future, developing and publishing games for the PS4 on the side? I know that people say similar things every generation (Nintendo has been on the verge of giving up the hardware game for 20 years, according to these people), but it’s becoming increasingly hard to not only imagine how consoles from two companies will define themselves in relation to one another, but how they will differ from a moderately priced PC. Those distinctions were easy to make in the past, but other than peripherals or interface or services, I have a hard time believing the next Xbox and PS will be very different at all, in terms of hardware. And if I were looking at having to invest hundreds of millions of dollars to keep up in that race, only to potentially ‘lose’ another round, I might think about other, less risky avenues to stay in the market. This is all amatuer speculation, of course, and this generation still has plenty of potential surprises in store, I’m sure. But it’s fun to think about this stuff. And you never know what will happen. You might not have ever convinced 12 year old Joey that he would one day buy Sonic Adventure 2 for a Nintendo console, or buy an issue of Nintendo Power with Sonic on the cover, or play a Nintendo fighting game with Sonic as a playable character, or own a Sonic figure with a Nintendo copyright stamped on the bottom. But here we are. What a time to be alive. Author Joey CrundwellPosted on August 2, 2016 May 20, 2017 Tags Blake Harris, Console Wars, Microsoft, Nintendo, Sega, SonyLeave a comment on War Never Changes Farewell, Xbox (Petty Squabbles with a Giant) This has the distinct possibility of running away with me, but I really will do my best to keep it short. Ish. Short-ish, because there’s a lot to tell. Essentially, I bought a song bundle for Rock Band 2 in 2009 and was unable to download it on my Xbox One to play it in my newly purchased Rock Band 4. I am, according to all available sources, supposed to be able to access all previously purchased downloadable content for the game as long as it’s on the same family of consoles (which it is, with both being Xbox). All of the other songs I’d purchased on the 360 downloaded just fine but this specific bundle did not, so I figured there must be some kind of problem with the content or my account. After speaking with three online chat representatives, one phone rep, a series of Xbox Twitter support reps, two Xbox Support Forum reps, and the game’s publisher (Harmonix, via email), their ultimate conclusion is that I must be lying (or humbly mistaken). I’ll break it down: Chat rep 1 (Reyan E., July 5): He had me check my Microsoft account purchase history via web browser, but when I revealed that it only went back to purchases made after 2013, he asked me to check the same information through my 360. I didn’t have access to it so I told him I’d check it later in the day and contact them back. Chat rep 2 (Leo, July 5): I informed him that my 360 purchase history shows the same information that my browser-accessed account does: it lists them as “recent” purchases and only goes back to 2013. He told me that I should contact Harmonix because “all the songs are coming form the Harmonix servers and we do not have a direct access to it.” So I emailed Harmonix support (July 5) and explained the situation. They responded with: “Unfortunately if Microsoft can not confirm the Export Licences have been previously purchased on your account, under the same GamerTag which you are using for Rock Band 4, then there is nothing further we can do. Harmonix has no way to reference any personal information stored in your first-party account, as this information is handled exclusively by Microsoft.” Chat rep 3 (Jake G., July 6): After again asking me to check my purchase history in a few different ways and confirming that I can’t see it (or other DLC I purchased around the same time), he instructed me to delete my profile on my Xbox One, reset my console, and reboot my router and modem before reloading my profile and attempting to download the material again. “I can assure you that everything will work fine,” he said. I expressed doubt because if it was indeed a DNS issue then I wouldn’t have been able to download the other songs: “It seems weird that I would be able to download the other songs and not this set, but I’m willing to try anything at this point,” I said. But he assured me, “I’m very positive that this process will resolve the issue that we have today,” and added “I will also make sure to send you follow-ups through email moving forward.” Side quest: rebooting my router caused it to experience a hardware failure, so it was completely unusable. It was still under warranty, so I was able to get a replacement sent to me by the manufacturer, but I had to wait for it to arrive before trying the last step of Jake’s fix. The router arrived July 11th and I tried loading my profile and accessing the content on my Xbox One the next day. It didn’t work. At this point I was getting frustrated at having to constantly provide the same information and being given solutions that didn’t work, and having to replace my router in the middle of it didn’t help. I was feeling betrayed and disappointed, but I wanted new songs for Rock Band 4 so I (perhaps foolishly, in hindsight) bought $60 worth of new downloadable songs for it. We’ll come back to that later. After a busy few days of doing other things, I got around to calling Xbox Support, hoping that speaking to someone might yield better results. Phone rep (MJ, July 19): It was around a 45 minute call, during which he asked me to check my purchase history again, checked it on his end, and consulted an “escalation team.” They concluded it was a backwards compatibility issue. I calmly disagreed, because it has been available for purchase on the Xbox One since October 2015, thus people have been able to download it and play it on both systems since then. He insisted that it must be the issue and said that their engineers would be working to fix it. Less calmly (especially because I began the conversation politely and meekly saying that I was becoming frustrated by this whole ordeal) I disagreed, because I was able to download and play other songs that I had accessed on the 360 just fine, and if it were an issue with compatibility I would not be able to access any of the songs. He again insisted that it was an issue of compatibility, at which point I became enraged. I didn’t curse or yell, but I took a few breaths before explaining that I was staring at the content in the Xbox Live store on my Xbox One as we spoke, and it was available for purchase, and if I purchased it right now I would be able to play it like other people have been doing since October of 2015, and that if it were a compatibility issue that would not be the case. He took a few breaths of his own before again saying it was a compatibility issue, so I asked him if there was someone I could speak to elevate this or complain to that it wasn’t being resolved. He told me I could go to the Xbox Support Forums to complain. When I hung up with him my hands were literally shaking with anger. I am not a confrontational person, especially because many times I question myself and wonder if I might be in the wrong, but in this case I was certain that I was right, so being repeatedly asked to provide proof (that seemingly doesn’t exist) or given fixes that just waste my time and don’t work, I felt defeated and powerless. I was being denied any actual solutions and I couldn’t do anything about it, aside from posting about it on Facebook to my meager 275 friends. After the call, the same day, I tweeted: The Xbox Support Twitter team responded with “@Losperman We’d be happy to help, though we could use more info. Could you please follow & DM @Xboxsupport with your Gamertag? ^EZ” They directed me to yet another site where I could check what content I had previously purchased using my Xbox 360 and asked me to send them pictures of what I saw. I showed them these: …along with a screenshot of the last item shown on my Microsoft “recent purchases” page, which was in 2013. The first picture above shows “All” of my Xbox 360 purchases, which you’ll note is completely empty. The second picture shows what appears when I click on the “Full Games” category. This does indeed show games that I bought on the 360 going back to the very first game I purchased. So already it seems like there’s an issue with their record keeping. If I look at “All Items” (first picture), the games that show up when I look at “Full Games” should be there, but they’re not. Likewise, when I click on other categories like “Avatars,” “Game Demos,” and “Gamer Pic,” items that I purchased dating back to when I first got my 360 show up. There is one category that shows nothing, though, and that’s picture 3, “Game Addon,” aka DLC. I purchased quite a lot of DLC with my Xbox 360, including all of the Rock Band songs that I was successfully able to access on my Xbox One. Some of the DLC that fails to appear on that site shows up on Microsoft’s billing site, which I’d sent them a screenshot of. So there is direct evidence of their record keeping being sketchy. The Microsoft billing site shows that I bought some Rock Band songs after 2013 and I can access them on my Xbox One, but this site shows that I never purchased any DLC on my 360, for Rock Band or otherwise. They suggested that I might have bought it under another account. I explained that I only have one account, and I used Microsoft Points to make the purchase, which are tied directly to my account. They replied with: “Since the items that you are looking to download did not show up on that list it would be best to contact our phone/chat team for more support.” Yes. They referred me to the team who led me to tweet my frustration in the first place. In the end, they concluded: “We can definitely take down all the info you’ve provided to make sure we are keeping an eye out for any other possible solutions, we just did not want to promise anything we couldn’t follow through on.” This response was probably the apex of my already exceedingly breached anger and anxiety. After speaking to three chat reps, a phone rep, and four Twitter reps (direct messages were signed with initials), their response was that they would “keep an eye out for any other possible solutions.” There is a possible solution that they can enact. They can give me a code for the DLC that I purchased. But they would only do that if they believed that I’d actually purchased it at some point. If they believe I’m lying and trying to get $18 worth of DLC from them for free, they would keep asking me to find proof, despite their own web sites proving inconsistent in being able to help me do that. So I tweeted: A rep DMed me after that, saying “Definitely not implying you are lying or anything, truly hope you don’t feel that way.” But how can I not? If they believed I was telling the truth and I had actually purchased the content and just wasn’t able to access it on my Xbox One, they would give me access to it by crediting my account with it or providing me with a code that would allow me to download it. I’m not asking for anything more. If I get pickles on my Big Mac, despite asking otherwise, I don’t ever bring it back, and if I do I don’t demand for them to throw in a free order of fries because they messed up. I don’t like being ‘that guy.’ I hate being the source of someone’s annoyance or embarrassment. But if I didn’t get a Big Mac that I ordered, I would ask for it. I would expect it to be provided for me if I paid for it. If I was told they would “keep an eye out for it,” I’d be pretty upset. And I am. At the beginning of this series of DMs on Twitter, I posted a thread at the Xbox Support Community, where the phone rep suggested I go to complain ( I explained the situation and detailed my grief, ending my post with “I apologize for the lengthy post, but as I said, I am incredibly frustrated with how this has been handled and I’m not sure where I can go to vent, since it doesn’t seem like my issue is going to be resolved.” After a community member tried to offer help, a staff member actually responded and after the other reps had repeatedly danced around directly claiming that I did not own the content, she said it outright: “Unfortunately, if you are unable to locate Peal Jam’s Ten DLC in your purchase history that would indicate that you may not own said content.” She suggested, like one of the Twitter reps, that it might have been purchased under another account on the same console. I explained that it almost certainly wasn’t, due to the reasons I’ve already stated, and pointed out that there is plenty of content that I bought prior to 2013 (when my recent purchase history ends, according to their records) that I can access fine, so the logic that the content not being on that list means that I don’t own it doesn’t hold water. A different staff member responded and asked me, again, for the maybe twelfth or fourteenth or twentieth time, to check my purchase history. If it was there, he said, I would have to go to Harmonix’s support forum and ask for help. If it wasn’t there it “would indicate your Xbox Live account may not own the appropriate license.” If you’ve read this far, or even skimmed, I hope that you can understand how maddening it might be to have that be their final resolution. If my official Microsoft purchase history, which only shows me purchases made in and after 2013, doesn’t show me something that I bought in 2009, then I must not own it. With that logic, I don’t own the games and DLC that I purchased prior to 2013 and have already transferred to my Xbox One. The insinuation is pretty clear: I’m either an idiot who somehow mistakenly bought DLC for myself under another person’s account (that I don’t have access to), or I’m lying about having ever purchased the content and am just trying to get them to give it to me for free or perhaps trying to get them to just give me the funds to buy it again. Either way, I want to do some math really quick. I own an Xbox, an Xbox 360, and an Xbox One. I bought them fairly close to their release windows. The original Xbox was $300. The 360 Elite was $479, but I got it on sale for around $350. The Xbox One bundle I got was $400. Total spent on consoles: $1,050. Not counting controllers that came with the systems, I own two Xbox controllers, four Xbox 360 controllers, and one Xbox One controller. In each case the controllers were around $50, but I might have gotten a couple of them on sale (though controller sales are much more rare than game sales), so I will put them at $45 each. Total spent on controllers: $315. I have 19 Xbox games, but I am pretty sure I bought four of them used. I won’t count those, because the money I paid probably didn’t go to Microsoft. So I have 15 games, and they were $50 brand new at the time. I probably got some on sale, so let’s just say $40 each. That’s $600. I own 89 Xbox 360 games, which is not surprising when you consider that it was one of my favorite consoles of all time. By that point I very rarely bought used games because I became tired of GameStop and its tactics, and I liked the idea of supporting game developers. And I discovered I do remember buying one of them from a pawn shop, but I’ll play it safe and say I got four used. That’s 85 games, brand new. Games were $60 at this point, but I got a lot of them on sale. So let’s say $45 on average. That’s $3,825. I bought some collector’s editions on day one, though (the Batman: Arkham games, Gears of War 3, all BioWare games), and some of them were $100 or more. Let’s play it safe and say I bought eight CE games, and I paid an extra $30 each for them. That’s an additional $240. In total, that’s $4,065. I own five Xbox One games. I paid full price for all but one of them, which I got on sale for $35. So that’s $275. I bought the full band kit for Rock Band and Rock Band 4. In both cases I paid the same, actually: $170. If I subtract the estimated $45 for each game, that’s $250. In total, I’ve spent around $5,190 on games across three platforms. Downloadable content is much harder to guess. I’ve bought a few avatar accessories, wallpapers, downloadable games like Uno, the Penny Arcade games, and Pac-Man: Championship Edition. I’ve bought a lot of Rock Band songs. A lot. Aside from the Pearl Jam songs that started this whole thing, I’ve bought more than an album’s worth of Foo Fighters songs, No Doubt’s Tragic Kingdom album and additional song pack, song packs from Nine Inch Nails, Smashing Pumpkins, David Bowie, Queen, and more. And, of course, there’s the $60 that I mentioned earlier, just a few days ago. In all, I’d say $500 is a very conservative figure. But I want to be fair, so I’ll go with that. And let’s not forget Xbox Live membership. I don’t recall jumping on board with the original Xbox, but I got a Gold account right after getting my 360 and have been an active member since with virtually no gaps. So that’s $50 a year since 2007, or $500. Consoles: $1,050 Controllers: $315 Games: $5,190 Downloadable content: $500 Xbox Live: $500 Total: $7,555. This is not including tax, and not including other Microsoft products, like operating systems, Office, PC games, etc. On Xbox products I’ve spent $7,555. At least. So for Xbox Support to consistently act like I must be mistaken in having purchased this or, worse, like I’m lying and trying to get free downloadable content, is repulsive. That might be a strong word, but I choose it decidedly. I can’t explain why their system of record keeping does not allow me to see purchases I’ve made before 2013. Neither can they, as they have offered no explanation for that. So it comes down to my memory and the logic surrounding why I would have been the one to purchase the material, and them claiming that I must surely be mistaken if I can’t currently access it. Their fix, you’ll remember, is not a fix at all. It’s that they’ll “keep an eye out for any other possible solutions.” Like the rep who promised two weeks ago that he would follow up with me and has failed to do so, I doubt I’ll hear back from them. These last few days have been rough. The anger and helplessness that I feel distract me even when I’m not actively thinking about it. I’ve spent hours chatting, emailing, talking, messaging, and posting about this and I have nothing to show for it. I’ve been fighting for $18 after having spent over 400 times that amount on Xbox products. These are hours I’ll never get back. For what? For what, indeed. Part of what’s been making this such a trying time is the questions that tangle throughout my brain at all times of day. Why is this a big deal? Is it even worth it? Would other people fight over something so small? Are you being petty? Is this trivial? Are your friends judging you for this? Maybe you should just drop it. But I can’t. Sure, it’s only $18. But Microsoft makes a lot of money from people like me, and when we buy things from them we enter into an agreement. I give them money, they give me something in return. In this case, I gave them $18 for access to digital material across platforms. I’m not getting that, and my time is being wasted every time I am told to check my purchase history again and again, and never given an explanation for why my purchase history is incomplete on their end. As I said previously, I was never expecting a “we’re sorry, here’s a gift card that will cover the content and then some.” I didn’t want a handout, I just wanted what I paid for. I still don’t want any extras. At this point I don’t even know if I want the damn content that I was fighting for. After spending years supporting a company with my money, time, and public opinion, it’s physically painful to be treated like this. I feel sick when I think about it too much. I get headaches. I’m not being dramatic. I’m not a hypochondriac. It’s just what life has been these last few days. In my response to their message in which they said they’ll “keep an eye out for any other possible solutions,” I told them that I won’t support their products until I get a resolution. I have been a gamer since my earliest memories, and I have almost every home console ever released. I may have had favorites, but my allegiance has always been to myself and my desire to experience it all. I don’t see why I should support a company that doesn’t support me. I was planning on buying another $50 worth of Rock Band DLC this week but I’ve been holding off. I think I’ll pass. And I’ll pass on new Xbox One games, and Xbox Live, and HoloLens, and their next console. They can keep their $18 if they truly feel it’s worth it. Author Joey CrundwellPosted on July 22, 2016 May 20, 2017 Tags Harmonix, Microsoft, Rock Band, XboxLeave a comment on Farewell, Xbox (Petty Squabbles with a Giant) Currently Playing Follow me on Twitter My Tweets Currently Reading Blogs I Follow Search for: Search Home Post Archive About Me Top 25 Podcast Twitter Facebook A New Game Plus Create a website or blog at The Reavis Companion Blogging with Dragons Geek life, it's like real life, but with dragons. 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WELCOME to Walnut Forest Wedding Videographer! We serve Eubank Acres, Villa Siesta Retirement Village, Coxville, Dessau, Dessau Fountains, Idyle Hour Acres, Waters Park, Kings Village, Harris Branch, Wells Branch, and all points in between. An Honest Tune can produce virtually any video production you might need! Weddings, special events, and business or corporate videos are our specialties! Whether your need is a TV commercial or training video, or you are planning a wedding or other special event, such as a dance recital, sporting event, or anniversary party, Strength Star video can provide you with the highest quality video, all at a price you can afford. Wedding Videographer in Walnut Forest Texas Our 20 years of video production experience guarantees that you will receive the finest quality and service. We can also handle all of your video duplication needs, whether you need 1 or 1000 copies! Strength Star Video also specializes in “rescuing” important video memories, such as your wedding that your “Uncle Joe” shot with his home camcorder. We can edit any special video, and add graphics, titles, and other beautiful special effects. We invite you to “tour” our website by clicking on the links above. If you would like more information about any of our services, please feel free to call us, or you can e-mail us by using our convenient “on-line” form. Budget Walnut Forest Event Videographer Because the idea of videotaping a wedding was still a new concept, it was impossible to get enough work to maintain a full time status. For this reason my wife and I held down full time jobs and operated our video business on weekends. My professional career has been broadcast radio and television. Our fulltime jobs took us to a number of different towns across the United States. Then, in 1992, we landed in Walnut Forest, Texas. A quite little town only 75 miles southwest of Austin. Realizing that Walnut Forest was geographically located in the middle of the Austin, Dallas and Houston markets, I decided to really go after the wedding business in these three areas. It wasn’t long before Strength Star Video, now Bridal Videos, was thriving in the wedding video industry. Walnut Forest Wedding Photography & Videography In the mid to late nineties, the wedding video industry would under go a revolutionary change. All of a sudden, video was no longer a luxury but rather a necessity. Never again would video play second fiddle to photography. Brides began to realize the irreplaceable, priceless moments being caught on video with sound. The industry would under go another major change at the same time. Digital, DVD, Streaming Video and live web casting began to change the whole concept of wedding videos. It became apparent that in order to compete in this ever changing media, Strength Star Video had to find a way to become full time, and we did. In 2000, we reinvested in our company and purchased broadcast quality digital equipment capable of producing the best looking video possible. Our quality shows how emerging technology has changed the capabilities, and ultimately the role, of professional wedding videographers. Today, we are 100% full time and fully digital using Sony DSR-300 cameras and we edit on a nonlinear computer system. We are fully DVD capable and can offer our final product in a number of different formats. We do not, as so many videographers do, produce odd jobs during the week to supplement our wedding business. We do weddings and that’s it! We will spend, on average, 25-30 hours editing each wedding we shoot. So, as you can see, in order to give our brides a video of a lifetime, we must give you all of our attention, and we do! All of Our Walnut Forest Packages Include: Opening Graphics We begin your video with special graphics including the names of the bride and groom, date, time and location of wedding. We then dissolve to an outside shot of the church or wedding location. Wedding Ceremony Video Multi-camera coverage captures the essence of your wedding service. We will use one camera near the bride and groom for close-up shots to be cherished forever. A second camera is positioned in the back of the church for full wide shots of the entire wedding party. Colors are rich and vibrant. Using wireless microphones, sounds are clear and preserved indefinitely. Reception for your Texas wedding Your reception celebrates the most important event in your life. The bride and groom’s arrival at the reception, the beautiful decorations, cutting of the cake, intimacy of the first dance, father-daughter dance, garter and bouquet toss, the music and the food. All of the planning, all of the details, are your personal signature. Walnut Forest Wedding Highlight Montage A dramatic 5-8 minute story of the highlights of your wedding day including your ceremony and reception. This is artistry in slow motion set to the music of your choice with full closing credits, including the names of your entire wedding party.
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Bengaluru (Karnataka) [India], September 20 (ANI/PRNewswire): Bengaluru-based Hatti Kaapi, India's fastest growing and most loved authentic coffee brand, has announced INR100 million (Rs 10 crores) in a 'Pre A series' round funding today led by BlueWolf Capital, Investribe, Kochi Holdings an
Abu Dhabi [UAE], September 24 (ANI): Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) opening batsman Venkatesh Iyer has impressed one and all with his hitting ability in the ongoing Indian Premier League (IPL) 2021 season, and he has now revealed that his style is inspired by none other than former India skippe Read More MI looking after needs of Team India as well, Hardik getting close Updated : 2 months, 1 week ago IST Abu Dhabi [UAE], September 24 (ANI): Mumbai Indians bowling coach Shane Bond has said that the franchise is also looking at the needs of Team India when managing the workload of all-rounder Hardik Pandya. Read More IPL 2021: De Kock's 55-run knock help MI post 155/6 against KKR Updated : 2 months, 1 week ago IST Abu Dhabi [UAE], September 23 (ANI): Quinton de Kock's 55-run knock helped Mumbai Indians post 155/6 against Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) in an Indian Premier League (IPL) encounter here at the Sheikh Zayed Stadium on Thursday. Read More IPL 13: Would love to open for Mumbai Indians if given opportunity Updated : 1 year, 2 months ago IST Abu Dhabi [UAE], September 24 (ANI): After playing a gutsy knock against Kolkata Knight Riders, Mumbai Indians batsman Suryakumar Yadav said he "would love" to open the batting if given the opportunity. Read More IPL 13: Mumbai Indians set target of 196 runs for KKR Updated : 1 year, 2 months ago IST Abu Dhabi [UAE], September 23 (ANI): Skipper Rohit Sharma's half-century and Suryakumar Yadav's gutsy innings helped Mumbai Indians (MI) post a total of 195 runs in their allotted 20 overs against Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) at the Sheikh Zayed Stadium here on Wednesday. Read More IPL 13: KKR win toss, opt to bowl first against Mumbai Indians Updated : 1 year, 2 months ago IST Abu Dhabi [UAE], September 23 (ANI): Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) have won the toss and elected to bowl first against Mumbai Indians (MI) at the Sheikh Zayed Stadium here on Wednesday. Read More MI vs KKR: Whosoever bats well will win Eliminator 2, believes Cou Updated : 4 years, 3 months ago IST Bengaluru (Karnataka) [India], May 18 (ANI): Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) bowler Nathan Coulter-Nile believes batting would be pivotal in their upcoming playoff encounter against Mumbai Indians on a "slow, low track" of M. Chinnaswamy Stadium, Bengaluru.
— All Posts, Forgiveness in God, God's Love, Gods Safety Protection, LITD, Living in Dangerous Times, Our Authority in God, Spiritual Growth — LIDT: Don’t Stay Down 17 November 2021 All of us are subject to the same devil. He is just like God in that he (the devil) is no respecter of persons. He doesn’t show favoritism. He is an equal opportunity devil – he comes to steal from, kill and destroy everyone. (John 10:10a) That enemy comes to enact John 10:10a any way… Read More LIDT: Don’t Stay Down — All Posts, God is Good, God's Love, Gods Safety Protection, LITD, Living in Dangerous Times, protection — LITD: Pray Without Ceasing? 4 November 2021 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing. ♥ I often hear people question, “How on earth can I pray without ceasing? It’s impossible! I have a life! I have a job! I have a family! I can’t pray all the time!” This scripture doesn’t mean “get on your knees and pray” all the time or “go… Read More LITD: Pray Without Ceasing? — All Posts, God is Good, God's Love, Gods Safety Protection, LITD, Living in Dangerous Times, protection, Read Bible, Spiritual Growth, Trust God, Wisdom of God — LIDT: God, the Great… I Was?? 28 October 2021 I read something the other day. I thought it was perfect for these posts about living in dangerous times. There are so many scriptures that begin, “I AM…” then something like, “…the Lord that healeth thee.” A few others: >Do not fear, for I AM with you; >I AM the Lord, I have called you… Read More LIDT: God, the Great… I Was?? — All Posts, Forgiveness in God, God's Love, Gods Safety Protection, LITD, Living in Dangerous Times, Our Authority in God, Plan of God, protection, Read Bible, Spiritual Growth, Wisdom of God — LIDT: You Are Forgiven: Yes, Even From THAT 22 October 2021 Growing up, and even on into my adult years, I was always aware that I wasn’t “enough” – holy enough, good enough, perfect enough, worthy enough, anything enough. When I got saved at 12, I knew I was going to heaven, but. Nothing could get rid of the feeling of not being good enough, clean… Read More LIDT: You Are Forgiven: Yes, Even From THAT — All Posts, Authority in God, Gods Safety Protection, LITD, Living in Dangerous Times, protection, Spiritual Growth, Wisdom of God — LIDT: Don’t Do It Afraid 14 October 2021 2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV) For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. Do you realize that fear is a spirit? It comes to rob you of your peace of mind. It comes to convince you that you are afraid because you FEEL… Read More LIDT: Don’t Do It Afraid Posts navigation Older posts Ministry Magazine (coming soon) Recent Posts Don’t Sink Your Future 2021: Thankful LIDT: Don’t Stay Down God Makes It Easy to Say “I Was Wrong” LITD: Pray Without Ceasing? 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Acts 16:31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. 1 John 5:13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. Search for: Meta Log in Entries feed Comments feed You are welcome to link back to Anointed Word Ministries but please do not copy the content and/or print it without permission. Anointed Word Ministries is a Trademarked name. . All photographs, unless otherwise noted, are the Owner’s property (most via and may not be copied or used. Buy your own. Credit for the photo artist are (or will be) at the bottom of each post.
More folks are getting interested in online wedding brides and on the complete internet wedding ceremony offers. That is perhaps as a result of many benefits that include them, which range from the obvious ease that comes with these to the ability to contain your own personal photos taken by a photographer as well as the ability to select through such a wide range of options through the ceremony on its own… It is a whole package which is so easy to use. You don’t have to fight with the photographers in the local place, or even fight with the list of venues available. It can become done from your own home computer. Not just that, but it’s totally legal to do might be found and is a great deal of within the sphere of probability. Some brides to be still wish to meet up with their fiance in person ahead of all is said and performed and this is certainly where snail mail order birdes-to-be really enter into their own. It is now very convenient to simply take a moment with your fiance and distribute the necessary paperwork to you both. You may have very specific concerns about wedding ceremony, or maybe you want to arrange for a photo with the deliver order bride-to-be from latinas wives one of her many shoots. No more lost time, no more hassle, simply straight forward communication with the individual that will be making your life easier. There is the disadvantage off the cost of getting together with up with your mailbox order new bride, which is again easily conquer if you understand the right people and go with an organization that offers an affordable service. The disadvantage of the corporations that you do organization with straight nonetheless, is the same as for the company. They will charge you a fee for their product. In most cases even though, the fees are not unreasonable and are frequently comparable to how bridal agent would command. Mail purchase brides best idea although just be prepared for what comes with the program. For your new chance not to be alone who choose to get betrothed through this route, it is advisable to be aware of a couple of things. A lot of mail purchase brides will allow developed men to become guests at their marriages. The ladies who are less picky about the persons they allow to be at all their weddings definitely will happily enable almost anyone to visit their reception. The ladies who all are not willing to skimp in this area may well much better off sticking to traditional events when it comes to the weddings. A large number of western guys are uncomfortable going to marriage ceremonies because they will feel that they may be judged by the women who attend them. This is not always the case and in some cases, the men will be welcomed to participate on the ceremony or even take part in the receptions. The reason why brides to be choose to wed through an organization is so that their wedding ceremonies will probably be judged based upon solely about who they are mainly because individuals. Whether they choose to come with an arranged marital relationship or certainly not is completely up to these people. As you can see, there are plenty of choices when it comes to the types of relationships that can be officiated. Although many brides today opt to get married to through a service that is given by a company on the web, it is still important to keep in mind that the type of relationship that you have will still be largely based upon your personal beliefs and personal preferences. Just because a bride-to-be chooses to wed on the web does not mean that she has made the decision for this reason alone. Leave a Comment Cancel reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. SEARCH Recent Posts 3 Modi efficaci per Consultare uomini e Get Lui parlare Indietro Just what Texts Work to transmit to Girls? Legit Adult Website Sites on Gay Web Site Best Gays Hookup Site – Gay Local Hookup Il motivo per cui essere moderato sarà il cosa peggiore per il tuo internet dating Recent Comments A WordPress Commenter on Hello world! Richard Arics on Divided Deep darkness multiply Adam Gilcrist on Divided Deep darkness multiply Adam Arics on Fish moving blessed was let he bearing created David Milan on Fish moving blessed was let he bearing created Who we are? African Network for the Prevention and Protection Against Child Abuse and Neglect (ANPPCAN)–Ethiopia is a non-profit, non-religious and non-political Ethiopian resident NGO.
Allyson Schrier of Thriving with Dementia talks about the background becoming a 2020 Maude’s Awards Awardee. She works at Project ECHO Dementia, a program of the Memory and Brain Wellness Center Clinic at the University of Washington. Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) Dementia is a learning model in which front-line care providers from around the state of Washington meet in a web-based virtual conference room with an interdisciplinary panel of experts in memory loss and dementia. A brief 15-minute didactic is followed by an hour of case-based learning where everyone at the table is both a teacher and a learner. 6s1Dm5jFxsuQdDP4S1en Answers For Elders Radio Show Episode 617 · 8 months ago SHARE THIS EPISODE Facebook Twitter Email LinkedIn WhatsApp Episode 617 · 8 months ago Maude's Awards 2020 Awardee Allyson Schrier ABOUT THIS EPISODE Allyson Schrier of Thriving with Dementia talks about the background becoming a 2020 Maude’s Awards Awardee. She works at Project ECHO Dementia, a program of the Memory and Brain Wellness Center Clinic at the University of Washington. Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) Dementia is a learning model in which front-line care providers from around the state of Washington meet in a web-based virtual conference room with an interdisciplinary panel of experts in memory loss and dementia. A brief 15-minute didactic is followed by an hour of case-based learning where everyone at the table is both a teacher and a learner. 6s1Dm5jFxsuQdDP4S1en In-Stream Audio Search NEW Search across all episodes within this podcast Episodes (554) Episode 712 · 1 month ago Medicare Answers, part 4 with Jim Koewler In this hour, Elder Law and special needs attorney Jim Koewler answers questions about the daunting world of Medicare. This segment focuses on Part D, the prescription drug coverage. Play Download Share SHARE THIS EPISODE Facebook Twitter E-mail LinkedIn WhatsApp Episode 711 · 1 month ago Medicare Answers, part 3 with Jim Koewler In this hour, Elder Law and special needs attorney Jim Koewler answers questions about the daunting world of Medicare. Medicare pays 80% of covered costs, and this segment focuses on how you choose to pay for the remaining 20%, clarifying the differences between Medicare Advantage and the supplement program. Play Download Share SHARE THIS EPISODE Facebook Twitter E-mail LinkedIn WhatsApp Episode 710 · 1 month ago Medicare Answers, part 2 with Jim Koewler In this hour, Elder Law and special needs attorney Jim Koewler answers questions about the daunting world of Medicare. This segment focuses on the differences between the various parts - A, B, C, and D, the big four parts of Medicare. Part A is free if you paid into it while working, and covers 80% of hospitalization costs with a 0 premium. Part B covers non-admission-related hospital costs such as visits by doctors and specialists, paid for with a deduction from social security payments. Part C are advantage plans, which if you elect one would replace your Part A and B options and includes Part D features, covering a lot but not necessarily covering it well. Part D is prescription drug coverage. Play Download Share SHARE THIS EPISODE Facebook Twitter E-mail LinkedIn WhatsApp Episode 709 · 1 month ago Medicare Answers, part 1 with Jim Koewler In this hour, Elder Law and special needs attorney Jim Koewler answers questions about the daunting world of Medicare. This segment provides an overview of Medicare, the Federally-funded health insurance for people 65 or over. If you're approaching your 65th birthday, start thinking about this: you can sign up three months prior to and up to three months after your birthday. Don't miss that magic window, at it results in getting an annual late-fee penalty, and you might not be able to get the health insurance that you want to go with your Medicare. Medicare covers 80% of covered health costs; vision and dental aren't covered unless they're considered medical treatments.
Anthem In. Case Management Jobs - Nurse Care Manger I, II (job Family) in Hialeah, Florida, United States Anthem In. Case Management Jobs Job Information Anthem, Inc. Nurse Care Manger I, II (job Family) in Hialeah, Florida Description SHIFT: Day Job SCHEDULE: Full-time Your Talent. Our Vision. At Anthem, Inc., it’s a powerful combination, and the foundation upon which we’re creating greater access to care for our members, greater value for our customers, and greater health for our communities. Join us and together we will drive the future of health care. This is an exceptional opportunity to do innovative work that means more to you and those we serve at one of America's leading health care companies and a Fortune Top 50 Company. Nurse Care Manager I, II,.(Job Family) Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-11pm EST(standard hours of operation) * evening shifts maybe required. Bonus: 2k Please note: this position may be filled at either the Nurse Care Manager I, II or Sr. level. The hiring manager will determine level, based on the candidate’s experience and background. Responsible for collaborating with healthcare providers and/or consumer to drive personalized health management and improve health outcomes for optimal consumers. Performs care management activities within the scope of licensure for members with complex and chronic care needs. Primary duties may include, but are not limited to: • Ensures medically appropriate, high quality, cost effective care through assessing the medical necessity of inpatient admissions and extensions of stay, outpatient services, out of network services, and appropriateness of treatment setting and level of care. • Partners with physician clinical reviewers and/or medical directors to interpret appropriateness of care, intervention planning, and general clinical guidance. • Collaborates with providers to assess consumer needs for early identification of and proactive planning for discharge. • Conducts clinical assessment to develop goals that address individual needs in order to develop and implement a care plan. • Monitors and evaluates effectiveness of the care management plan and modifies as necessary. Qualifications The health of our associates and communities is a top priority for Anthem. We require all new candidates to become vaccinated against Covid-19. All offers of employment are conditioned on completion of a background check, including COVID-19 vaccination verification. If you are not vaccinated, your offer will be rescinded unless you provide – and Anthem approves – a valid religious or medical explanation as to why you are not able to get vaccinated that Anthem is able to reasonably accommodate. Anthem will also follow all relevant federal, state and local laws. Nurse Care Manager I Minimum Requirements: Requires minimum of 3 years of acute care clinical experience; or any combination of education and experience, which would provide an equivalent background. Current, unrestricted RN license in applicable state(s) required. Multi-state licensure is required if this individual is providing services in multiple states. Preferred Qualifications: Home health/discharge planning experience preferred. AS or BS in nursing preferred. Certification as a Case Manager is preferred. Nurse Care Manager II Minimum Requirements: • Requires minimum of 3 years of acute care clinical experience, condition specific clinical experience, home health/discharge planning experience and a minimum of 1 year in a Nurse Care Mgr I role or equivalent experience; or any combination of education and experience, which would provide an equivalent background. • Current, unrestricted RN license in applicable state(s) required. Multi-state licensure is required if this individual is providing services in multiple states. Preferred Qualifications: • AS or BS in nursing preferred. • Certification as a Case Manager is preferred. • Participation in the American Association of Managed Care Nurses preferred. • Prior managed care experience preferred. • Knowledge of medical management process and ability to interpret and apply member contracts, member benefits, and managed care products strongly preferred. 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Thanks for that! I agree, I’ve self-published a few eBooks and am currently writing my first traditionally-published book, too. But I’m doing it more for the exposure, not the money (which of course, is there, but perhaps not enough to create a full-time sustainable income.) Anthony Moore Writer for CNBC, Business Insider, Fast Company, Thought Catalog, Yahoo! Finance, and you. Come say hey. Follow 21 1 21 21 1 More from Anthony Moore Follow Writer for CNBC, Business Insider, Fast Company, Thought Catalog, Yahoo! Finance, and you. Come say hey.
« Gentrification, Control and the Fate of Pigtown: What's In a Name? | Main | The Move: Slow Posting » Downtown Living: What's Good for the Flatlander Is Good for the Ridgerunner Ed Rendell was in town the other day. And here's what he had to say to a reporter: “If a downtown is to come back, we need people to live downtown.” Only he wasn't in Pittsburgh. And he wasn't in Philly. Erie? Scranton? Harrisburg? Nope. The governor was in Elk County. St. Mary's, to be exact. The home of Straub beer. And he came with a check. A big one. So what does St. Mary's get? During a ceremony held in the Depot Street parking lot, the future site of downtown development, Rendell said the funds will help complete an essential component of the multifaceted project. The $4 million has been earmarked to help the city construct a three-level, 625-space parking garage on the site of the Industrial Steel building, which will later be relocated. ... The intermodal center will occupy half of the first level of the garage, which will have a higher ceiling to provide access for buses to enter the facility. There will be five buses owned and operated by the Elk County Transit Authority located at the facility. But that's not all: The project will help transform the downtown with the inclusion of Marien Stadt Place, a 24-unit senior living apartment complex which will offer affordable housing to those 62 years of age and older. The center has received approximately $2.8 million in funding. So it turns out transit and downtown residential are not only the perfect answers for disparate cities like Baltimore and Pittsburgh. It works for St. Mary's, too. I hope so. But there are certainly some challenges. First of all, I am not all that sure that anyone ever lived downtown there. Moreover, St. Mary's is small enough that if you don't live downtown, you are probably in pretty easy walking distance. There are some places further afield, but generally speaking, people living in these towns can walk to church. If they want to. (Most don't want to.) If you think it's hard to get suburbanites onto transit, try people who live in the woods. I mean, the population density is pretty low. And it would be hard to imagine a whole lot of people heading to any one given destination at any given time. Or a convenient central pick-up spot for all of them even if they did all want to take the bus. Unless of course they all drive to the parking garage. Which sort of defeats the purpose, no? In the past, "transit" has meant buses for old people. Given the construction of the new living facility for old people, perhaps that's still the case. And about those old people: The new housing rings in at just about $100,000 per unit. That makes it some of the most expensive housing in the region, I would think. You can raise seven or eight kids in a house that costs $60,000 in Ridgway. St. Mary's is pricier, but still. One hundred grand is a lot. Oh well, at least this will go a little ways towards dispelling the long-held rural belief that cities get all the tax money. (I stress "a little ways." And don't bash me. I'm just reporting on long-held beliefs.) Oh, and the 625-spot parking garage: Approximately 14,000 people live in St. Mary's. Do a little math... Carry the one... So on a per capita basis, this is roughly equivalent to a 13,000-spot garage in Pittsburgh. July 26, 2006 at 12:36 PM | Permalink Comments Sam, Are you bringing stuff like this up to turn this into a joke or something? This really is a small town and is not too relevant at all to the issue in major cities. I just don't know this town at all, but thousands of American towns have been hollowed out by similar proccesses of erosion to what has happened in a lot of the Bigger cities. But, places like Pittsburgh are actual cities and potentially could compete well against thier suburbs. Posted by: John Morris | July 26, 2006 at 08:37 PM John, I only wish it were a joke. But to be clear, my point is not that St. Marys and Pittsburgh are the same. To the contrary. They are emphatically not the same. My point is a larger one that I guess goes back to that old saw: When the only tool you have is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail. And in my view, the government is almost always a "one tool" workman. It does what's popular. Which is why the plan for St. Marys looks so much like the one for Pittsburgh, which looks so much like the one for Baltimore, etc. Do you know that Bedford has a convention center? I think they are planning one for Warren, PA, too. Or at least they were. Why? Because that's what planners were doing at the time. That is not to say that there are no hammers and no nails. Maybe downtown residential plus transit is the answer for Pittsburgh. I am very open to that. But I think it is also important to point out that government probably didn't arrive at that after slow deliberation. It arrived at that answer because that's the answer that is popular at the moment. Talking about downtown plays well. So that's where the checks are going. In the same way that the checks went to parkways and bypasses in the 50s and 60s. I guess the new answer is better. But for how long? I can only assume that some highway projects were good ideas. But that morphed into some kind of mania. Which was destructive. And I fear that is going to happen with the new hammer. Right now, the government is footing the bill for hundreds and hundreds of downtown apartments, despite the fact that the market won't support them. Maybe that is just putting things on an even playing field with the suburbs. But don't you think thay are going to keep going? Hundreds and hundreds. More an more and more condos. Overkill. In a city that is losing population. They always do that. Whether it's with hotel rooms or convention center seats or office space. They always pound it into the dirt. And we lose hundreds of millions into the abyss. And then we're left to sort out the mess. (Look at Baltimore, which is not just subsidizing a hotel for the convention center, but building it. For $305 million. Because no hotel company thinks it will make money.) Oy. Posted by: Sam M | July 27, 2006 at 04:50 AM Sam, Yes, I understand your point. There is a fad for this kind of thing and not a good reason for it in most of these little places. Sad to say but sprawl has likely damaged small town America in a way it is not likely to recover from. But, for Pittsburgh, the situation is very different. This is a potential city and I think that it has to start enbracing that path. I have a post on my "unmedicated" blog about some of the regional data. Unless the facts have changed recently, Pittsburgh's problems are more closely related to housing distribution than jobs. I think during the 1990's the city actually gained jobs. The major problem has been the loss of residents which has been staggering. I am suprised at how many jobs remain considering that. I hope you start doing some posts on the issues relating to taxes and services in the region. I am not an expert but, it seems like the city is providing a lot of jobs at a "loss" to people who don't much in taxes into the city. So many of the main employers are either government or non profit and some of the bigger private one have struck deals. Also, it seems pretty evident that the city would be losing it's retail to it's suburbs, which it has. I do always bring up NY, because NY also was undermined by these trends and severely injured. But it fought back by becoming more of a city, more dense and more diverse and more urban. That's how it kept it's shopping and everything. Posted by: John Morris | July 27, 2006 at 05:15 AM Well, I have to agree with you that this city has an extraordinary amount of vacant housing, and therefore does not need to subsidize the kind of building the city is proposing. Developmentwise, the main thing Pittsburgh needs to do is go back to being itself - a livable regional city characterized by topography and neighborhoods, with a few powerhouse institutions. If the city simply focuses on being cheap and easy to live in, with its own distinct character, and with decent jobs available, it will gather transplants. Shoot, the quality and price of the existing city housing is in itself enough to make many people I know think twice. You mention jobs, and the talk from the city leadership is about tech sector jobs - basically leverage the presence of UPMC, CMU, and the manufacturing infrastructure as the three pillars of a tech-centered economy. I work at a biotech startup, so my bias is towards funding startups. The region has an incredibly conservative view of investment, and is basically unwilling to take any real risks on getting companies out of the gate. Many startups will fail, and you have to deal with that. So if the question is trying to build our way to growth or trying (and often failing) to launch companies for growth, count me strongly in favor of the latter. That stuff is not popular, because economic development money quickly gets intensely political, and the government is indeed picking winners, but if the somebody doesn't make the business climate here more favorably, it'll be a long slog. Posted by: Eric E | July 27, 2006 at 07:26 AM Does anyone want to comment on or dispute my point about housing distribution? There is going to be a huge UPMC children's hospital near me in Lawrenceville. If the current pattern holds, I don't think that many of those people will be living in the city. This is a problem. Posted by: John Morris | July 27, 2006 at 08:46 AM JM sez: "So many of the main employers are either government or non profit and some of the bigger private one have struck deals." Watch out, Sam. He has you in his sights. As for Ed's startup analysis...they're like crops on a farm. Only about half of what you plant will grow...but if you don't plant anything, nothing will grow. we need to start planting more crops more often. And as for JM's concern about employees at the new Children's not living in the city, so what? I'll say it again and again and again...i don't frequent most of the big box stores around me and i shop at a locally owned grocery in bellevue...a big chunk (probably more than I want to know) of my discretionary income ends up in the city...and what's the problem with that? tonight when my family of four eats at tessaro's do you think the owner will care where i live? i've yet to see a sign that says...suburbanites keep out (though i haven't rolled past JM's gallery this week to see if he's checking proof of residency). considering that JM claims he's not making much money, i'm guessing that he's not paying much city income tax...or spending much around lawrenceville to support his fellow merchants...and oh yeah, when you do spend some many, JM, make sure that each and every business is locally know, you really shouldn't buy at wendy's or CVS or any place an outside corporation has a piece of. and since the county assessment web site doesn't list JM as the owner of his gallery, he's not paying property you best stay off those county roads when you travel...and you know better than to lay any rubber on all those suburban streets you didn't help pay for. and let's take this silly argument (if you don't live here, you're not welcome) a step or two further to its ridiculous extreme...should JM be limited to Lawrenceville in whatever he does? Since he lives in lawrenceville, should he be permitted to shop/eat/buy in sq. hill or shadyside or bloomfield just because they're within the city limits but outside the borders of his neighborhood? after all, those are the communities that they've made and support. if that's the case, then pittsburgh is fair game for allegheny suburbanites, since the city is part of the county. and you can stretch that argument to cover the fact that pittsburgh is open to anyone in the state, country, continent, hemisphere, the world (and maybe beyond, because JM does seem to orbit on a different level than most) come JM, this isn't the balkans. broaden your viewpoint beyond your amazingly narrow vision. Posted by: sean mcdaniel | July 27, 2006 at 09:43 AM I would like to have a conversation here about issues like taxes and revenues. It is obviously very relevant as to whether people are living here in terms of the cities tax base. Also whether or not you are shopping in Big box stores and malls, someone clearly is. The fact that the city is always close to bankruptcy does indicate that a problem exists. Posted by: John Morris | July 27, 2006 at 10:53 AM I would like to have a conversation here about issues like taxes and revenues. It is obviously very relevant as to whether people are living here in terms of the cities tax base. Also whether or not you are shopping in Big box stores and malls, someone clearly is. The fact that the city is always close to bankruptcy does indicate that a problem exists. Posted by: John Morris | July 27, 2006 at 10:53 AM of course, if i'm not shopping at best buy or sam's club or ikea or target or borders (sorry, it's a big box and therefore worthy of scorn) someone else is...and a lot of them are city residents of all income brackets who flock to the suburbs to spend their money at those places. you know, if you don't put these stores in the n. hills or monroeville or robinson twp., they'll plop them down in east liberty, right next to home depot, whole foods and walgreens. hell, one could even up in downtown (oh, that's right barnes and nobles and burlington are already there! the invasion has started) as for the tax issue, since you don't pay a county property tax, should you be entitled to use county facilities, such as north and south parks? should you be able to ride a bus...after all, it is the Port Authority of Allegheny County that operates the transit system here. so those buses and trolleys that carry people out of the city are really serving everyone and taking them to and from destinations that never cross the city limits. The point is the transit system is here for all county residents, not just for pittsburghers. You're pretty good at ducking issues...such the ethics of makikng money of corrupt real estate deal in india...just once try to answer question about how you figure out your stance on a subject without bringing up another issue to deflect the point. Posted by: sean mcdaniel | July 27, 2006 at 11:07 AM sorry about the missing words in the last rant...maybe it's too early for rolling rock...and don't worry, no drinking and driving here...but maybe drinking and thinking is every bit as dangerous. Posted by: sean mcdaniel | July 27, 2006 at 11:22 AM Sean, You are the one defending the current situation, which is a donut type city, with two centers of main employment, surrounded by huge empty gaps and the by a thin sprawl in which over 40% of workers with jobs in the city live out of town and as you said most city residents have to do a lot of thier shopping out of town. It really is your job here to show how this can work. In this case, I mean numbers and facts. I know you think this might be fine on some regional level ( although since the region is losing residents I have doubts ) But, how do you think the city itself can go on like this. Why do you think the city is in financial trouble? Posted by: John Morris | July 27, 2006 at 12:58 PM JM: pittsburgh, the city, has lost a tremendous amount of people over the last 45 years. the decline started even before the demise of big steel. unless we discover gold and diamonds in the allegheny river during the north shore connector construction, the population's never going to reach the 600,000 again. but overall, the metropolitan population hasn't dropped much during the same period. so let's accept the fact that unless you force the suburbanites to move within the city limits, the situation is going to stay as it is...and really, even if the price of gas skyrockets to $6 a gallon, it's a situation that can long people don't see this as an us against them battle. as much as i joust with same, i never got the impression that he thinks the suburbs are malignant. sure, he doesn't seem to like the mcmansions. and i'm no fan of them either. (in fact, i'm obsessed with skinny house that don't seem any wider than 10 feet yet stretch seemingly without end to front and back) so the issue is to figure how is the co-existence of city and suburbs. sam and jon potts don't like subsidies. that's their point. but they don't view people as less worthy based on where they live. trust me, you can find plenty of people from shadyside and squirrel hill who think that people who live in lawrenceville are near the bottom of the barrel. your attitude that suburbanites are scum is as distasteful as those people in cranberry who think that all city resident are sex crazed, crack addict welfare mothers or baby-stealing car jackers. neither view is true. even worse, you have no sense of humor about any of this. i've asked before...what made you think that you would be an instant success here? and what made you think that you couldn't be an utter matter how hard you tried? i'm hoping you had a goal somewhere between those two extremes (and certainly closer to the success side). but did you have a plan for the long, hard fight to succeed? for christ sake, can you name one mayor of any US city who thumbs his nose at the suburbs surrounding his city? Posted by: sean mcdaniel | July 27, 2006 at 02:12 PM sam, you should have a radio talk really start the conversation roiling. by the way, if st. mary's has 14,000 resident and a 625 space garage...that's 22.4 spaces per person. and if pittsburgh has let's say, 200,000 we'd have a garage with 4,480,000. now let's do nyc's 8 million residents by 22.4 and you'd have more than one space per every licensed driver in the US. New York New York, the bronx is up and the parking's all around. Posted by: sean mcdaniel | July 27, 2006 at 02:25 PM To my knowledge all NY mayors have pretty much done that. It's always a huge issue when the NJ Giants win a Super Bowl whether there will be a parade. If there is a ceromony it's pretty half assed. Could we get back to the subject of the cash relationship/ taxes/ shopping etc... I think that the fact that the suburban folks seem to always advocate more parking or things like taxpayer funded stadiums and roads that seem to benefit them at the expense of the city is a rub. Can we bring up D.C. as a case study. It acts as the job hub for that whole region and the reason for all the growth around it and yet it doesn't seem to get much in return for doing that. Posted by: John Morris | July 27, 2006 at 03:05 PM the reason the NYC mayors slightly snub the giants is that they use NY in their name and to play in another state. new jersey isn't a suburb. it's one of the original 13 states of this nation. as for the mayoral snub, the same might happen here if the steelers moved to steubenville, ohio, and still called themselves the pittsburgh steelers. funny thing is, i've seen more than a few mayors in tourism ads for NYC. and they weren't telling me to go home. no one's ever had a problem with celebrating an Islanders' Stanley Cup though, even if they play outside the city limits. DC is an entirely separate issue. it really doesn't/can't operate by the same rules as other cities. as for the non-benefits seems that more and more formerly "bad" DC neighborhoods are getting pretty damn trendy...and expensive. you ever look at real estate prices there? have you been there recently? there's a lot going on in a lot of places. then again, too bad it's just a tourist town. you know, that lincoln memorial and reflecting pool really are a great waste of urban space. and how many condos could you put in the washington monument. seriously, all those museums and monuments, funded by tax dollars no less, festering of valuable city land. Posted by: sean mcdaniel | July 27, 2006 at 06:54 PM and i'll ask again...since you don't pay county property taxes, should you be permitted to ride the county transit system...or swim in a county pool...or see a concert at a county park...or drive, ride, walk on a county road? well? Posted by: sean mcdaniel | July 27, 2006 at 06:56 PM "So many irrelevant things have been tried there, so ambitiously," she wrote in 1969. Instead of spending money on creating new businesses, she said, the city had devoted capital "to manipulating the people of Pittsburgh and to immensely expensive urban-renewal and highway programs that have not helped the economy at all." Jane Jacobs, on Pittsburgh in 1969. Little has changed, unfortunately. Posted by: sheel | July 27, 2006 at 09:37 PM Pittsburgh, gets mentioned on so many pages in "The Death and Life of Great American Cities". It's the object lesson on how to wreck a town. Posted by: John Morris | July 28, 2006 at 04:37 AM guess i better read jane jacobs' book. along with atlas shruggged it seems to hold an esteemed spot in the library of wet dreams for big thinkers on urban issues. Posted by: sean mcdaniel | July 28, 2006 at 05:16 AM JM: please check this link to the NY Times. it's the reason you can't afford manhattan or the outer boroughs anymore. and if pittsburgh developes the way you see fit, you'll be moving on to Iowa City soon. Yes, it is a city. Would they be allowed to but the actual word in the town's name if not? Wouldn't that be false advertising? Posted by: sean mcdaniel | July 28, 2006 at 05:19 AM I have read that article. To be honest, what happened in NY was a bit of cold justice. To a large extent the white middle class, fled NY for suburbia in the 1960's and 70's and now they for the most part can't afford to move back. The people who stuck it out and the people who came in and were smart enough to by something made a total killing. I think the article shows an emerging trend which is that solid fuctional cities are highly desirable and increasingly are becoming enclaves of the super rich. Posted by: John Morris | July 28, 2006 at 06:01 AM well, i don't see you or me living in that new city...maybe one day you'll be happy to say that you laid the ground work for the stock broker you bought your landlord's building and booted you out. it's kind like being the first guys to land on omaha beach on d-day...most of them got gunned down right away...but they helped pave the way for the final outcome...if pittsburgh develops the way you think it'll be a casualty. and seriously stop with the scum routine. it's not that appealing. someday you may be forced to live in a suburb (you'll run out of cities to move to) when the rich push you out of the city. what you fear the most might meet you halfway. Posted by: sean mcdaniel | July 28, 2006 at 06:16 AM Sean, The main reason for that trend is supply and demand. If many cities in the country became normal fuctional convenenient cities than this would not be a problem. The problem has emerged because there are only a few cities in America that are even close to functioning as cities and now they are too popular. Pittsburgh, could be a nice integrated and functional city but I guess it would rather be a parking lot. I think that having this conversation in America today shows is that the memory of what cities were and how they functioned has been lost. To my knowledge this is largely an American problem. This is why, I think that the emerging centers for emerging American artist's will be in Europe. It's pretty common to hear about artists moving to Germany now. I think that Philly has a good shot at becoming a great city, but after that there just isn't much left. Posted by: John Morris | July 28, 2006 at 06:36 AM Sean, Yes, I will be a casualty. But I will have tried to do the right thing. Posted by: John Morris | July 28, 2006 at 06:39 AM and how am i doing the wrong thing? you never seem to explain that all too well. do you like baseball? if so you know that derek jeter and jack wilson are both major league shortstops. but jeter is a superstar for the yankees. wilson is a standout with the pirates. jeter will land in the hall of fame...even if he quit today. wilson will enjoy his visits to cooperstown to see jeter's plaque. all that being said, jack wilson is a cut above the rest of his who played in little league or even high school, college or the minor league (no, i never progress beyond little league, and actually didn't progress much there either. it took me four years to get my first hit.) maybe you see what i'm getting york is a superstar...and pittsburgh is good (at least i think so) but could be better. you can't hold NYC or SF as comparisons to our town.
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An exceptional pendant for an exceptional woman! Add to cart Add to Wishlist Silver Pearl Pendant P01796S 47,15 zł An eccentric sterling silver pendant with a genuine pearl. A beautiful high lustre white or black pearl is suspended in the heart of a floral design with sparkling zircons. The pendant is made of the highest quality rhodium plated silver. Add to cart Add to Wishlist Gold Pearl Pendant FP01G 4 461,79 zł A sensuously beautiful gold pendant with a perfect champagne South Sea pearl. Australian pearls are extremely precious and rarely seen. The shimmering diamonds and rubies set above the balancing pearl also add to the luxurious look. Add to cart Add to Wishlist Silver pendant with pearl IP1050S 56,91 zł Elegant silver pendant with a BIWA freshwater pearl. Sparkling zircons complete the whole. It will emphasize your shine and add charm. For every occasion. Add to cart Add to Wishlist Gold pendant with South Sea pearl PSS136G 13 658,54 zł An exquisite gold pendant with a beautiful cultured South Sea pearl. A huge pearl with a perfectly spherical shape and a wonderful very strong lustre. 15mm Australian pearl which is impossible to pass by indifferently. Add to cart Add to Wishlist Gold pendant with black Tahiti pearl... 4 217,89 zł Subtle gold pendant with a perfect, unique Tahiti pearl. Beautiful, shiny diamonds add charm to the whole. You will feel unbelievably beautiful in the company of such jewellery. Add to cart Add to Wishlist Gold pendant with black Tahiti pearl... 1 512,20 zł A sensual, avant-garde gold pendant with a perfect, rare, unique Tahiti pearl. Their incomparably beautiful colour is the result of the work of nature itself. At the foot of the shimmering sapphires is a balancing pearl. Add to cart Add to Wishlist Silver pendant with pearl YA-P420 52,85 zł Extremely subtle and delicate pendant with freshwater pearl without Biwa nucleus. Suitable for special occasions as well as everyday wear. Add to cart Add to Wishlist Silver pendant with pearl P01799S 97,56 zł Avant-garde silver pendant with a BIWA freshwater pearl. Surrounded by encircling cubic zirconia which add sparkle to the whole. Suitable for any special occasion. Add to cart Add to Wishlist Sterling Silver Pendant with Real Pearl... 89,43 zł Stunningly beautiful silver pendant with a pearl. Real white pearl with a high luster is surrounded by dozens of shiny zircons which will illuminate your outfit in a spectacular way. The pendant is made of the highest quality rhodium plated silver. Add to cart Add to Wishlist Srebrna zawieszka z perłą P1801011SL 56,10 zł A delicate sterling silver pendant with a dark freshwater pearl without a BIWA nucleus. Suitable for any occasion. Add to cart Add to Wishlist Silver pendant with pearl IP548S 45,53 zł Silver pendant with freshwater pearl without Biwa nucleus. Add to cart Add to Wishlist Gold pendant with pearl and rubies FP064G 2 109,76 zł An exceptionally beautiful gold pendant with a white freshwater pearl without a BIWA nucleus. Surrounding the flawlessly beautiful pearl is a brilliant ruby floral petal design.
All StatesAlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrict Of ColumbiaFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOhioOklahomaPuerto RicoOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyomingArmed ForcesArmed Forces PacificArmed Forces AmericaAmerican SamoaFederated States of MicronesiaGuamMarshall IslandsNorthern Mariana IslandsPalauVirgin Islands Search Phone Number Search People Search Phone Lookup Background Check Arrest Records Address Lookup FAQ Contact Sign In Arrest Records Search Find Jail and Inmate Records, Felonies, Citations, Mugshots, Background Checks, Contact Info and More! 0% Verifying Protocol For Anonymous Access... START HERE - Try searching yourself, a friend, relative, neighbor, date, or a celebrity First Name Last Name City All StatesAlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrict Of ColumbiaFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOhioOklahomaPuerto RicoOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyomingArmed ForcesArmed Forces PacificArmed Forces AmericaAmerican SamoaFederated States of MicronesiaGuamMarshall IslandsNorthern Mariana IslandsPalauVirgin Islands Search This connection is secured 35,583,311 Searches This Year How to Find Arrest Records provides instant access to online arrest records in an easy-to-read report. Online arrest records will show if the arrest was for a business violation, drug or alcohol related, for a violent crime, from theft or robbery, or was a traffic-related incident. Please keep in mind that an arrest does not constitute guilt. People can be arrested if suspected of a crime, and arrest records are always made after someone is detained by a police officer. But remember that guilt can only be determined by a court of law. Access Arrest Records Instantly Our arrest records show in-depth, relevant information on those who have been arrested, and each report details the exact offense, the name of the individual who committed the offense and where the arrest took place. Offense date The offense date shows exactly when the arrest occurred, rather than a date of a conviction. The date can help you determine how long ago the incident occurred, which can be used to decide whether or not the person in question is a threat in any manner. Full name The arrest records display the entire name of the individual who was arrested. By being able to determine the full name, you can avoid mistaking an arrest of someone else under the same name. County and state Each arrest record also details the county and state in which the arrest took place. This piece of information can help shed light on exactly why the person may have been arrested in addition to where they may have resided previously. What Makes Our Search Unique After a quick Google search, you might come across a variety of different arrest record searches, and it can be hard to determine which ones provide reliable, accurate results and which ones are more or less a scam. The following is what sets CheckPeople apart from other arrest record searches. In-depth information Perhaps the best feature of our arrest records search is that it reveals detailed information about a person's arrest. In addition to the full name, offense date and location of the arrest, our records show the category of the charge and the court name, along with other interesting insights. Reliable results All of our arrest records are completely reliable and we only pull from trusted sources. Each and every arrest record presented in our reports reflect exactly what is displayed on official court documents, which means you never have to worry about dishonest results when using our service. Excellent support If for any reason there is an issue while using our service, we are here to help you get to the bottom of the problem with the results. While we take great pride in providing a service honest results without error, we are here to answer any questions if a problem does arise on our end. Keep Yourself and Loved Ones Safe One of the main reasons people decide to use our service is to keep themselves and the ones they love safe. The following are several reasons to consider using our arrest records search, although there are many other times when our reports can prove beneficial. Learn more about a date One of the most nerve-wracking experiences we go through in life is going on a first date with someone we barely know. It can be helpful to know if the individual has ever been arrested for a suspect crime, which should shed some life on their lifestyle habits and the type of perhaps they are likely to be. Find out if a neighbor is safe New neighbors can raise a lot of questions, especially if there is anything odd about their behavior. When a new neighbor moves in – or you move into a new neighborhood – it can be good to find out if the new neighbors have a history of arrests or a clean criminal history. Check on your child's friends When your teenage children begin to hang out with new friends, it is only natural to wonder if your child is safe or if they are a bad influence. You can use our arrest record reports to find out if one of your children's new friends have a history of arrests and keep your child safe. Ensure Your Records Are Accurate It can be difficult to know whether or not an online arrest record search is giving you legitimate information. To ensure your records are accurate, it is important to go with our trusted, reliable arrest records search, which only relies on the most official sources possible. We use reliable sources All of the arrest records we display in our reports are from trusted sources and are official records. Therefore, you can stay safe and know that you are not receiving faulty information, misleading you on a person's arrest record history. We go into depth with our results In each one of the arrest records provided in our reports, we display detailed information on the exact nature of the arrest, including the exact court that handled the arrest. Therefore, you can easily crosscheck our information and you will find on every occasion that we provide accurate results. Protect against identity theft Since our records are 100 percent reliable, you do not ever have to worry about a dishonest record. Therefore, if there is an arrest record you know is not accurate, it may be an issue of identity theft, and knowing this allows you to take the proper action to have the record removed. Frequently Asked Questions What is included in an online arrest record? An arrest record is different from a background check because it simply shows if the subject has ever been arrested. Again, it does not indicate guilt. An arrest record might include all or some of the following: THE SUBJECT'S CHARGE OR OFFENSE THE CATEGORY OF THE CHARGE OR OFFENSE THE SOURCE OF THE ARREST RECORD THE STATE THE SOURCE COMES FROM THE FIRST, MIDDLE, AND LAST NAMES OF THE SUBJECT THE DATES OF THE CHARGES OR OFFENSES THE LOCATION WHERE THE CRIME OCCURRED THE TYPE OF CASE AND THE CASE NUMBER THE NAME OF THE COURT INVOLVED Can anyone view online arrest records? Signed into law in 1967, the Freedom of Information Act gives all Americans access to public records, with some exceptions. People can view all arrest records, except those that are still active or are pending. Some states will also exclude arrest information when the subject is acquitted, expunged, or released because of lack of charges. Is it free to view online arrest records? Arrest records often include sensitive information, so fees may be involved with viewing them. There are usually three ways to look up arrest records: in person at a courthouse or county building, by request, and online. Viewing arrest records in person often costs money, as county clerks charge administration fees. Through the Freedom of Information Act, the FBI can provide specific records for a fee. Out of all available options, viewing records online is the best way to receive arrest records. provides unlimited online arrest record searches for one low monthly fee. What should I use online arrest records for? You can use online records for a number of useful reasons, and it can help you understand more about a person in whom you have serious questions or concerns. One of our main intentions in providing the arrest records search is to help our users and their loved ones stay safe and avoid potential danger, which can come in many different forms. The following are several individuals in whom an arrest records search may prove useful: DATES OR NEW RELATIONSHIPS FAMILY MEMBERS YOURSELF CLASSMATES FRIENDS INMATES It is important to remain responsible and respect the privacy of others, but using our service with good intentions is a great way to stay safe and know what to expect when dealing with individuals who you are not completely familiar with. What if I find an incorrect arrest record about myself? If you find an arrest record that looks like it belongs to you, be sure to check the following to make sure it is actually yours: DATE OF BIRTH SPELLING OF ALL NAMES PLACE OF BIRTH PLACE OF RESIDENCE If the above elements match your personal information, take a look at your credit report to make sure your identity has not been stolen or manipulated. If you suspect that someone is impersonating your identity, you can file a police report. Search Millions of Records Instantly! Our search tool gives you access to billions of public databases to uncover arrest records, criminal records, DUI/DWI felonies, and much more! Our service is designed to help you stay safe from potential threats you or your loved ones may come across on a daily basis, such as a neighbor with a criminal history, one of your child's friends who has a DUI on their record or a potential dating partner who is actually married. Regardless of the exact purpose for which you decide to use our service, we hope you stay safe and find use out of doing so. The days of visiting the local county clerk are over, and instead, you can simply join CheckPeople today! Table of Contents Access Arrest Records Instantly Offense date Full name County and state What Makes Our Search Unique In-depth information Reliable results Excellent support Keep Yourself and Loved Ones Safe Learn more about a date Find out if a neighbor is safe Check on your child's friends Ensure Your Records Are Accurate We use reliable sources We go into depth with our results Protect against identity theft Frequently Asked Questions What is included in an online arrest record? Can anyone view online arrest records? Is it free to view online arrest records? What should I use online arrest records for? What if I find an incorrect arrest record about myself? Search Millions of Records Instantly! Search millions of records today! Our search tool gives you access to billions of public databases to uncover arrest records, criminal records, DUI/DWI felonies, and much more! Forget visiting the local county clerk and join CheckPeople today! join now! Notice The website you're about to access contains real criminal & public records (felonies, sex crimes, mugshots, misdemeanors, police records, etc.), hidden social media profiles, address history, phone numbers, court documents and MUCH more.Some of the information you find could be overwhelming! Make sure to keep this in mind and prepare for the unexpected. By closing this pop up you agree to not use our service or the information provided to make decisions about consumer credit checks, employment screening, insurance screening, tenant screening, educational screening, etc. CheckPeople does not provide consumer reports and is not a "Consumer Reporting Agency" or "CRA" as that term is defined under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, or "FCRA". Continue People Search A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Contact Information [email protected] Toll Free: 1-800-267-2122 Excellent Product & Support! Services People Search Directory Background Checks People Search Reverse Phone Lookup Public Records Get Help Blog FAQs Glossary Do's & Dont's Customer Support Why CheckPeople Do Not Sell My Information Quick Links Phone Number Search Free People Search Arrest Records Criminal Background Checks Sitemap exists to help you have instant access to criminal records & background checks. We believe everyone has the right to search for public records easily. is not a consumer reporting agency under the Fair Credit Reporting Act guidelines. To learn more, please read our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
The first step is installing the app. For Givt to work effectively, it’s important that you enable Bluetooth and have a working internet connection. Just as easy Then register yourself by filling in your information and signing a mandate. You’re ready to give! Open the app, select an amount, and scan a QR-code, move your phone towards the collection bag or basket or select a goal from the list. Your chosen amount will be saved, withdrawn from your account and distributed to the church or collecting foundation. No internet connection? If you don’t have an internet connection when making your donation, the donation will be sent at a later time when you re-open the app. For example, when you are at home and you are using WiFi. Where can I give with Givt? More and more organisations You can use Givt in all organisations that are registered with us. More organisations are joining every week, you can see the latest overview at Not registered yet? If your organisation is not affiliated with Givt yet, please contact us at 020 3790 8068 or [email protected] Why is my e-mail address needed? To give effectively with Givt, you’ll need a Givt-account. Your e-mail address is key in this, because you will need it later on if you, for example, would like to receive an annual overview of your donations for your tax declaration and if you need support. Download the Givt app and finish your registration. After registration, your donations can be processed. More information about Givt? Givt is a product of Givt Ltd We are located on and Suite 2A, Blackthorn House, St Pauls Square. For questions or complaints you can reach us via 020 3790 8068 or [email protected] We are registered with Companies House under number 11396586 Thanks for your donation to De Pijler Lelystad. Download the Givt app, finish your registration and enjoy giving. Thanks for your donation to De Pijler Lelystad. We will now send an e-mail to Download the Givt app and finish your registration. After registration, your donations can be processed. Do you have questions about Givt? How does Givt work? The first step The first step is installing the app. For Givt to work effectively, it’s important that you enable Bluetooth and have a working internet connection. Just as easy Then register yourself by filling in your information and signing a mandate. You’re ready to give! Open the app, select an amount, and scan a QR-code, move your phone towards the collection bag or basket or select a goal from the list. Your chosen amount will be saved, withdrawn from your account and distributed to the church or collecting foundation. No internet connection? If you don’t have an internet connection when making your donation, the donation will be sent at a later time when you re-open the app. For example, when you are at home and you are using WiFi. Where can I give with Givt? More and more organisations You can use Givt in all organisations that are registered with us. More organisations are joining every week, you can see the latest overview at Not registered yet? If your organisation is not affiliated with Givt yet, please contact us at 020 3790 8068 or [email protected] Why is my e-mail address needed? To give effectively with Givt, you’ll need a Givt-account. Your e-mail address is key in this, because you will need it later on if you, for example, would like to receive an annual overview of your donations for your tax declaration and if you need support. Download the Givt app and finish your registration. After registration, your donations can be processed. More information about Givt? Givt is a product of Givt Ltd We are located on and Suite 2A, Blackthorn House, St Pauls Square. For questions or complaints you can reach us via 020 3790 8068 or [email protected]
asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether the standard wage paid to the labourers at Devonport in Government employ is £1 1s. per week for forty-eight hours, or at the rate of 5¼d. per hour; whether he is aware that the firm of John Brown and Company, of Clydebank, are employing labourers on the "Indefatigable" at the rate of £1 2s. 6d. for fifty-four hours; and whether he will make inquiries into this matter and, if necessary, induce this firm to pay the recognised rate of 5¼d. per hour to their labourers in the future, and further request this firm to repay to their labourers the amounts the firm have held back, amounting to 1s. per week, for the number of weeks such labourers have been in the firm's employ, which it is necessary this firm should pay in order to fully comply with the Fair Wages Clause of this House? § Mr. McKENNA The reply to the first part of the question is in the affimative. With regard to the remainder of the question, inquiries are being made on the subject.
434 Click to copy Click to copy Related topics Keith Lamont Scott Events U.S. News AP Top News Oklahoma 10 Things to Know for Friday By The Associated PressSeptember 23, 2016 GMT 1 of 2 Edgardo Colon picks up his gas container after filling it with diesel for his generator, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Thursday, Sept. 22, 2016. Repair crews on Thursday worked to restore electricity to Puerto Rico’s 3.5 million people after a fire at a power plant on Wednesday afternoon blacked out the entire U.S. territory. (AP Photo/Carlos Giusti) 1 of 2 Edgardo Colon picks up his gas container after filling it with diesel for his generator, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Thursday, Sept. 22, 2016. Repair crews on Thursday worked to restore electricity to Puerto Rico’s 3.5 million people after a fire at a power plant on Wednesday afternoon blacked out the entire U.S. territory. (AP Photo/Carlos Giusti) Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that will be talked about Friday: 1. OKLAHOMA OFFICER CHARGED IN MAN’S DEATH Prosecutors in Tulsa charge a white police officer who fatally shot an unarmed black man on a city street with first-degree manslaughter. 2. WHAT’S LATEST SETBACK FOR YAHOO The beleaguered company says hackers stole personal information from 500 million of its user accounts — believed to be the biggest digital break-in at an email provider. 3. POLICE DECLINE TO RELEASE VIDEO OF SHOOTING ADVERTISEMENT The chief in Charlotte, North Carolina, says releasing police dashcam and body camera footage of the killing of 43-year Keith Lamont Scott could undermine the investigation. 4. HOW TRUMP’S CAMP IS ADDRESSING WORRIES ABOUT HIS TEMPERAMENT The GOP candidate’s advisers are urging him to keep his cool if Clinton tries to get under his skin in next week’s first presidential debate. 5. DIPLOMACY OVER SYRIA AT IMPASSE Violence in the war-torn nation flares anew and the relationship between the U.S. and Russia in the conflict appears to reach a new low. 6. WHO’S REACHING OUT TO LONGTIME FOE Prime Minister Netanyahu invites Palestinian Authority President Abbas to address Israel’s parliament — and offers in turn to appear before the Palestinian legislature. 7. US GOVERNMENT SEVERS TIES WITH FOR-PROFIT COLLEGES ACCREDITOR The decision could force schools to close and threaten financial aid to hundreds of thousands of students. 8. WHY NEARLY ALL OF PUERTO RICO WENT DARK A fire at a power plant sets off an outage across the aging utility grid, leaving most of the island’s 3.5 million people without service. 9. MIA FARROW’S SON DIES BY SUICIDE Thaddeus Farrow, 27, had contracted polio and was paralyzed from the waist down. He was adopted by the actress in the mid-1990s. 10 WHICH COLLEGE FOOTBALL TEAMS ARE ADJUSTING EXPECTATIONS It’s not yet October, but Mississippi, Oklahoma and Notre Dame — all ranked in the Top 15 at the season’s start — have each already lost two games.
435 Click to copy Click to copy Related topics College football Entertainment Sports Athens Football Georgia Georgia Bulldogs football Adam Anderson Georgia’s Anderson charged with rape, maintains innocence By CHARLES ODUMNovember 11, 2021 GMT Florida running back Dameon Pierce (27) rushes for yardage past Georgia linebackers Adam Anderson (19) and Quay Walker (7) during the second half of an NCAA college football game, Saturday, Oct. 30, 2021, in Jacksonville, Fla. (AP Photo/Phelan M. Ebenhack) Florida running back Dameon Pierce (27) rushes for yardage past Georgia linebackers Adam Anderson (19) and Quay Walker (7) during the second half of an NCAA college football game, Saturday, Oct. 30, 2021, in Jacksonville, Fla. (AP Photo/Phelan M. Ebenhack) ATLANTA (AP) — Georgia outside linebacker Adam Anderson was booked at the Athens-Clarke County jail Wednesday night after being charged with rape. Anderson’s attorney, Steve Sadow, said in a statement released to The Associated Press on Wednesday night that Anderson “voluntarily surrendered” at the Athens-Clarke County Sherriff’s office. Jail records show Anderson was booked at 7:45 p.m. “Adam is innocent of the charge brought against him and intends to vigorously defend himself in court,” Sadow said in the statement. “He will seek release on bond. Once again, Adam hopes and prays that the UGA community and the public keep an open mind and afford him the presumption of innocence that the law demands.” Anderson was suspended by Georgia last week while being investigated by Athens-Clarke County Police for the alleged rape. ADVERTISEMENT After Sadow made an unsuccessful appeal for Anderson’s suspension to be lifted as he was not yet charged, Anderson did not play in No. 1 Georgia’s 43-6 win over Missouri last week and remains under suspension for Saturday’s game at Tennessee. According to an Athens-Clarke County Police incident report released last week, a 21-year-old woman reported the alleged rape Oct. 29. According to the incident report, the woman said she went to an Athens residence on Oct. 29 after having some drinks and woke up on a bed while Anderson was having sexual intercourse with her. The woman told officers the sex was not consensual and that she was able to leave the residence. Anderson is a key player on Georgia’s defense. He leads the team with five sacks and is tied for fifth with 32 tackles. As part of a statement he released on Thursday, Georgia coach Kirby Smart said ”... we don’t comment on law enforcement matters, but I’ve been clear about the high standards we have for our student-athletes on and off the field. I will be working closely with our administration to ensure we cooperate fully with all law enforcement and campus protocols.” ___ More AP college football: and Sign up for the AP’s college football newsletter:
MILWAUKEE (AP) — A QAnon supporter accused of attacking two U.S. Army reservists in a Milwaukee suburb earlier this year was sentenced Thursday to 14 months in federal prison. Prosecutors say Ian Alan Olson, of Nashotah, drove a car spray-painted with QAnon slogans to the Wisconsin Army Reserve Center in Pewaukee on March 15 and shouted, “This is for America” before firing two or three paintball rounds at the soldiers. His gun then jammed. The rounds did not hit the reservists, who initially believed Olson was holding a real firearm. One of the servicemen tackled Olson and held him to the ground until police arrived, investigators said. The QAnon movement is centered on the baseless belief that former President Donald Trump was fighting a cabal of Satan-worshipping, child sex trafficking cannibals, including “deep state” enemies, prominent Democrats and Hollywood elites. ADVERTISEMENT Federal court documents accuse Olson of telling jail staff after he was arrested that he had just returned from Washington D.C., where he failed to deliver his message. He allegedly said he would cause a “mass casualty” event and that people would remember his name.
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) _ The winning numbers in Sunday afternoon’s drawing of the Florida Lottery’s “Pick 4 Midday” game were:
438 Click to copy Press release content from Newswire. The AP news staff was not involved in its creation. Click to copy Related topics Technology Lifestyle Business Pets Artificial intelligence Pet care Newswire Kansas City PRESS RELEASE: Paid content from Newswire Press release content from Newswire. The AP news staff was not involved in its creation. Scollar Personalizes Pet Food Selection Using Artificial Intelligence October 28, 2021 GMT Scollar logo with Kido trademark image Scollar logo with Kido trademark image KANSAS CITY, Mo. - October 28, 2021 - ( ) Pet tech company Scollar is personalizing pet care using artificial intelligence. The Kansas City-based company created the first AI engine that delivers personalized product suggestions using detailed information owners share about their pets. Initially, Scollar will provide personalized food suggestions for dogs and cats. One of the most important decisions a pet parent makes is what food to feed their pet. Yet people are faced with hundreds of choices for pet food, leaving them overwhelmed and confused. The packaging shows healthy-looking animals, appealing colors, and confidence-boosting nutritional claims. However, in recent years, consumer trust in brands has been eroded with news that grain-free foods cause dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) in dogs and toxins in some pet food caused it to be recalled. ADVERTISEMENT Like humans, each pet is different and requires suggestions that take that pet’s unique characteristics into consideration. Scollar’s personalized pet care means consumers can now get pet food suggestions based on a combination of breed and age of their pet, living environment, lifestyle, and specific issues their pets struggle with. Scollar CEO Lisa Tamayo, says “Transparency and personalization are now very important to people, which extends to every member of their family, including their pets. We believe personalized pet care will lead to healthier and happier pets and are thrilled to offer it to our customers.” Scollar’s personalization AI engine gathers data from millions of real-world experiences of dogs and cats to make connections between breeds, issues, and foods. The Scollar AI makes individualized food suggestions using this detailed data. The Scollar team closes the loop by following up to make sure the personalized food suggestions worked. Their goal is building a strong relationship of trust with the consumer and ensuring the Scollar AI engine suggestions result in the very best personalized pet care. Getting personalized food suggestions is fast and easy. Consumers simply go to the Scollar website and enter information about their pet into a short quiz. Within minutes, they receive an email with the top food suggestions personalized to their pet. The consumer can buy any of the recommended products right from Scollar’s marketplace for home delivery. And Scollar will even link the consumer to retailers for foods they don’t carry. # # # About Scollar: ADVERTISEMENT Scollar, Inc. is an animal health technology company based in Kansas City, Missouri. The company has innovated an open platform ecosystem that includes an AI-driven marketplace of products and services. Scollar’s vision is to use technology to make exceptional animal care available to everyone.
I see the list of restaurants near my current location. How do I find restaurants near another place I want to visit? : Apps Help Apps Help Welcome Login Home Solutions How can we help you today? Enter your search term here... Search New support ticket Check ticket status Solution home Wine Spectator Apps: Technical and Account Support Restaurant Awards App I see the list of restaurants near my current location. How do I find restaurants near another place I want to visit? Print Modified on: Fri, 12 Aug, 2016 at 2:51 PM The Restaurant Awards app defaults to first showing you restaurants near your current location. Tap the bar at the top of the page that says "Restaurants near Current Location." That will call up additional search options. There are two search bars. In the top bar, you can enter criteria such as restaurant name, cuisine (eg. French, Chinese) or wine strength (eg. Burgundy, Chile) if you want to narrow your results. Or you can leave this blank and focus only on location. In the second bar, after the toggle that says "near," you can enter any specific address, city or other location. (If you want to search within the borders of a state or country, for best results, switch the toggle to "within" and enter the name.) As a shortcut, our app will automatically suggest matching locations in a list below the search bar. If you see the correct match, tap the name to select it.
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Sprawling over 20 acres of land, dotted with Ashoks and Gulmohars, Army Public School, Nehru Road, Lucknow or LAPS as we fondly call it, originated from the lap of an Army School which was established in 1981 to meet the educational requirements of the children of Army Personnel stationed at Lucknow.
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Home > Schools & Departments > Loyola Schools > School of Social Sciences > Development Studies Dept. > Development Studies Faculty Publications > 32 Development Studies Faculty Publications Title Foregrounding the Study of Generations in Education Research: The Case of Filipino Students and the Isolated Generation Authors Jayeel Cornelio, Ateneo de Manila UniversityFollow Document Type Article Publication Date 2011 Abstract Despite its immediate relevance to understanding contemporary students, the study of generations has not been fully employed in education research. Setting a potential agenda for Reformare, this article proposes that a novel approach to advancing education research is by drawing from the insights of the sociology of generations. Specifically, the agenda being put forward is about discerning generational consciousness or how young people today perceive and understand their cohort. Such consciousness can then be employed to problematize and assess contemporary issues of education. This proposition is illustrated using empirical material drawn from interviews with Filipino undergraduate students. From their nuances concerning family restructuring, economic vulnerability, and political detachment, a case can be made that my informants belong to an isolated generation. Based on these ideas, the article ends with directions for potential investigation by education researchers and practitioners. Recommended Citation Cornelio, J. (2011). Foregrounding the Study of Generations in Education Research: The Case of Filipino Students and the Isolated Generation. Reformare, Journal of Educational Research, 1(1).
All of DHS Digital ArchiveCollections & ArtifactsBy Issue DateAuthorsTitlesSubjectsThis ArtifactBy Issue DateAuthorsTitlesSubjects My Account Login Dennis Historical Society Website Dennis Historical Society Email [email protected] Address PO box 607 So. Dennis, MA, 02660 Phone 508-385-2232 Archive is funded By Town of Dennis Community Preservation Grants Contact Us | Send Feedback   Copyright Notice This Archive and its content is copyrighted by the Dennis Historical Society, Inc., or by individuals and other contributors or may be subject to copyright if not in the public domain. This copyright extends to the Dennis Historical Society, Inc.'s successors and assigns. Exceptions are contained below. All rights reserved. Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited other than you may print or download to a local hard disk extracts only for your personal and non-commercial use. You may not, except with our express written permission, distribute or commercially exploit the content. Nor may you transmit it or store it in any other website or other form of electronic retrieval system.
One-hundred-sixty students at a public elementary school in Uruguay have been the latest recipients of the "One Laptop Per Child" (OLPC) project, according to an AP report. Being the only public elementary school in a community of 1,300 people, children who have never used computers are now being exposed to the digital age. "The power of these machines is impressive," said the school's principal, Marcelo Galain, noting the laptops' promised 12hr battery life. He added that students got their computers a day ahead of a national holiday, but went on their day off to school to start using them. There were, however, a few technical glitches getting the computers up and running. Though none of the teachers had much experience with computing, they quickly realized that children with a tilde in their names had problems logging on. The bug was quickly fixed, though. Designed for children, the computers boast extremely low electricity consumption, a pulley for hand-generated power, 1GByte of flash memory, built-in wireless networking and a screen with indoor and outdoor reading modes. "The laptops all talk to each other automatically, have voice chat, file sharing and all that can be done between laptops without Internet," said Walter Bender, president of software for the OLPC project. "If any laptop has access to the Internet all can share it." Bender added that the machines come loaded with children's books in local languages, along with encyclopedias and other learning tools. The OLPC project, which hopes to put low-cost portable PCs in the hands of children in developing countries, is still in a pilot phase and has reached one school in Nigeria and another in Thailand. The ambitious non-profit project was launched in 2005 by Nicholas Negroponte, then-director of the media lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "There are 1 billion school-age children in the developing world and most don't have an opportunity to learn," said Bender. "We're trying to go where there's an education gap, as technology happens to be a vehicle to bridge that gap." The laptops currently cost about $175, though the project targets to drop the price to $100 once the machines are mass-manufactured. Bender said he even hopes the price might be driven down "some day" to $50 each. And while the first computers to Uruguay were donated, the rest will be bought by the government, which has budgeted $15 million for the program. A final agreement, however, is still pending. Other countries that have expressed interest include Argentina, Brazil, Cambodia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Egypt, Ethiopia, Libya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia, Rwanda and Thailand. Related Articles Editor's Choice China firm eyes One Laptop per Child project Thai kids to test One Laptop Per Child machines Related Articles Editor's Choice Industrial semi company rankings shift Wearable toy takes full advantage of kids' imaginations IoT gets industry's first sensor-to-cloud hardware platform 44W silicon switch cuts power, size for cellular systems High-conductive thermoplastic mat'l advances 3D printing Semiconductor industry to undergo a paradigm shift? DIN rail power supplies for industrial apps support up to 96W Tiny 4K imaging device to brighten up optoelectronics space Didi gives Apple a lift: $1B buys ticket for ride-sharing 3.5A switching regulator targets automotive, industrial space votes: ? Add to Favorites Fujitsu ultramobile PC adopts Intel ... Handy tips on embedded software deve... Article Comments - One Laptop Per Child reaches classro... Username: Visitor(To avoid code verification, simply login or register with us. It is fast and free!)
Tim Ellis at the Seattle Bubble blog sent me an email along with an interesting map of data on Case Shiller 20 metropolitan housing market index in Tableau form. Please give the table a few seconds to load. Hover over any of the 20 cities to see decline from peak. For Tim’s post Friday Flashback: Case-Shiller Home Price Losses Mapped Tim pointed out one amusing post by Greg Swan at BloodHoundBlog. I am going to post a larger snip. Please consider 21 reasons to bank on the Phoenix real estate market written July 21, 2006. HousingPanic, a particularly vitriolic BubbleBlog — which is saying something — asks: Realistically, how overvalued are Phoenix home prices? Obviously, I consider this a profoundly silly question, but to lurk among the BubbleBloggers and their seething commentariat is to acquire an education in a slice of America invisible from this side of the sewer gratings. Notwithstanding the idiotic economic analysis, which is really no worse than the static-market fallacies paraded as profundities in the pages of the Arizona Republic, these sites — and not just HousingPanic — are infested with a cult-like fever to inflict suffering — at second hand, to be sure — on people who are in fact guilty of nothing except failing to have drunk the BubbleBlogger KoolAde. That’s all one. I don’t care. The whole of the last century was dominated by the bad behavior of viciously angry wretches, but look where it got them. The BubbleBloggers will someday bawl balefully in private, but they will never, ever admit that they have been very publicly very foolish. You will know and I will know and in the secret chambers of their hearts they will know they were wrong all along. But as long as you don’t hold your breath waiting for that contrite admission of error, you should be fine. Here’s where I do start to care. Whenever the subject of Phoenix comes up in a BubbleBlog, the assembled Brown Shirts pile on, for whatever reason. … Which brings me back to HousingPanic’s question. We keep our own home sales price statistics, so we have no doubt that values are down from their high in December. How much? Right now, about 4%. Could they go lower? Certainly. Will they drop by the huge amounts HousingPanic and his flying monkeys seem to yearn for? This seems very unlikely. What seems much more likely is that Phoenix will recover from the hangover of last year’s buying binge and get back to a steady rate of growth — historically 6% a year. The reason this should happen is very simple: Population growth. … Greg Swan, super Phoenix bull drones on with 21 preposterous reasons why Phoenix will not crash. All of his reasons were rebutted at the time and in detail by myself and others so many times and in so many places, I could fill up pages listing them. To name a single name, Professor Piggington was among the first with a complete analysis, not of Phoenix per se, but a thorough, and sound analysis why the population argument did not hold up. I posted my own chart of where the bubble was on March 26, 2005 in It’s a Totally New Paradigm San Diego Home Prices (with thanks to piggington) The first chart above is mine. I added the annotations on the second chart, created by Professor Piggington. Here is my favorite quote at the time. Gregory J. Heym, the chief economist at Brown Harris Stevens, is not sold on the inevitability of a downturn. He bases his confidence in the market on things like continuing low mortgage rates, high Wall Street bonuses and the tax benefits of home ownership. “It is a new paradigm” he said. I have updated that chart many times over the years, including Collapse Of The “Ownership Society” August 16, 2009. I need to move the arrow another notch. We now have the truth. It was not a “new paradigm”. Price-to-rent and price-to-wage matters. Doug Swan “Notwithstanding the idiotic economic analysis, which is really no worse than the static-market fallacies paraded as profundities in the pages of the Arizona Republic, these sites — and not just HousingPanic — are infested with a cult-like fever to inflict suffering — at second hand, to be sure — on people who are in fact guilty of nothing except failing to have drunk the BubbleBlogger KoolAde. … Right now, [prices are about 4% lower]. Could they go lower? Certainly. Will they drop by the huge amounts HousingPanic and his flying monkeys seem to yearn for? This seems very unlikely.” Who’s the Flying Monkey? It was Greg Swan’s self-serving economic analysis and hype (and tens of thousands of other Realtors as well) that helped lure dumb speculators into “can’t lose” Phoenix. Prices are now 54.7% off the peak in June 2006. Greg Swan called housing bears “flying monkeys” right as his area peaked. I believe congratulations are in order. It’s not easy to be that boldly inept. Addendum: Reader Ron asks … “I am very interested in the Phoenix housing data, however given the commentary below I cannot tell either context or time frame. Is Phoenix improving or declining? I cannot tell from your article. Can you elaborate in terms and time frame that would explain?” Hello Ron Phoenix may easily be close to the bottom given the drop. However, I would not expect significant appreciation for years even IF it is at the bottom. That holds true for any area bottoming. I think parts of Florida have probably bottomed as well, but prices could easily stagnate for a decade. In general, the last bubble is not reblown for decades. Look at the Nasdaq or better yet, the Nikkei. If you are thinking of moving to and living in Phoenix, I believe the worst of the decline is over. However, if you are thinking about the rental market, you need to be very careful if you do not know what you are doing. Please see Phoenix Property Scam Targets Australian and New Zealand Buyers for details. I strongly suggest not attempting to manage property from a distance. Mike “Mish” Shedlock Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List Mike “Mish” Shedlock is a registered investment advisor representative for SitkaPacific Capital Management. Sitka Pacific is an asset management firm whose goal is strong performance and low volatility, regardless of market direction. Visit to learn more about wealth management and capital preservation strategies of Sitka Pacific. Share this: Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window) Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window) Click to print (Opens in new window) Like this: Like Loading... About Mish Mike "Mish" Shedlock is a registered investment advisor representative for SitkaPacific Capital Management. 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The subcommittee met, pursuant to call, at 10:00 a.m. in Room H-313, The Capitol, Hon. John Linder [chairman of the subcommittee] presiding. Present: Representatives Linder, Sessions, Reynolds, Dreier, and Hall. Also present: Representatives Goss, Hastings, and Myrick. Mr. Linder. The meeting of the subcommittee will come to order. Today this subcommittee will examine institutional issues relating to congressional oversight and a number of roadblocks encountered in the process. Congress must be able to carry out effective oversight to deter waste and abuse and ensure that executive policies reflect the public interest. Unfortunately, when Congress directs its oversight at the executive branch, agencies frequently assert questionable rights to shield information Congress deems essential to carry out its oversight function. This subcommittee, which has jurisdiction over institutional issues such as implementation of rules and prerogatives of the House, will hear from five distinguished chairmen who will offer their insights into the oversight process. They will explain some of the problems that their committees have encountered from the executive branch and we will begin a dialogue about how to more effectively conduct oversight and protect institutional privileges and prerogatives. This is the first of several hearings we will hold reviewing congressional oversight. I expect that we will hear testimony about the Department of Justice, not because of any particular animosity toward the Department, but because oversight of the Department poses some of the most interesting and problematic aspects of oversight. The Department also often dictates the extent to which other departments and agencies comply with requests. Let me say at the outset that I appreciate the difficult oversight work that these chairmen do. Program oversight and investigations are time consuming and often without immediate political or policy reward. Every chairman before us today has faced intense media scrutiny while conducting their important oversight work, and I commend them all. Every Member of Congress should be interested in ensuring efficient and effective governmental operations. It is the responsibility of Congress to improve the efficiency of government operations, protect and prevent waste and abuse, and ensure that executive policies reflect the public interest, and prevent executive encroachment on legislative authority and prerogatives. These bipartisan goals may be accomplished through congressional oversight. In an effort to accomplish these goals, Speaker Hastert and Chairman Dreier have asked that the Congressional Research Service conduct a series of bipartisan oversight workshops for Members and staff in order to improve Congress' ability to conduct oversight. Two of these sessions have already been held, and the third will be held on Monday, July 26. This hearing will build on those bipartisan sessions by exploring current issues facing committees and will allow us to focus on ways to improve oversight. Oversight is one of the most important constitutional functions of Congress. The history of congressional oversight includes the failed St. Clair expedition in 1792 through Teapot Dome, Watergate, Iran-Contra and Whitewater. In affirming the Congress' oversight powers, the Supreme Court in McGrain v. Daugherty stated that "the power of inquiry, with process to enforce it, is an essential and appropriate auxiliary to the legislative function." The court also observed that "A legislative body cannot legislate wisely or effectively in the absence of information respecting the conditions which the legislation is intended to affect or change." Congressional oversight is integral to the checks and balances inherent in our system of government in which one branch serves as a counterbalance to the excesses of the other. The duty of the legislature, John Stuart Mill wrote in Consideration of Representative Government, is "to watch and control the government; to throw the light of publicity on its acts; to compel a full exposition and justification of all of them which any one considers questionable; to censure them if found condemnable." Woodrow Wilson stated, "Quite as important as legislation is vigilant oversight of administration." Because Wilson believed "that the only really self-governing people is that people which discusses and interrogates its administration," he concluded that "the informing function should be preferred to its legislative function." It is for these reasons that oversight, particularly oversight of the Department of Justice, is critical. We are not the first to inquire into the deeds or misdeeds of the Department. One need not go far back in history to recall then-Chairman Dingell's investigation into the Department's environmental crimes program. It is worth noting that the Attorney General and the Associate Attorney General Webster Hubbell permitted the staff of the Commerce Committee to interrogate line prosecutors for that Dingell investigation. The Science Committee's Rocky Flats investigation and Iran-Contra both brought the Department of Justice under the congressional microscope. Then-Chairman Brooks, in the early 1990s, battled the Department over his INSLAW investigation. Opposition to congressional oversight is not a new phenomenon either. However, the Justice Department in recent years has been particularly uncooperative with congressional and other investigators. The Department has a long-standing policy in sharing information with congressional committees which, in their view, may adversely impact ongoing investigations. As a strong supporter of law enforcement, I am sympathetic to this view. However, when the Department's policy is so strained that it invents unfounded legal arguments such as the protective function privilege, the Department loses credibility with the Congress and the American people. In the McGrain case, the Supreme Court focused specifically on Congress's authority to study "charges of malfeasance and nonfeasance in the Department of Justice." The court noted with approval that "the subject to be investigated" by the congressional committee "was the administration of the Department of Justice, whether its function were being properly discharged or were being neglected or misdirected, and particularly whether the Attorney General and his assistants were performing or neglecting their duties in respect of the institution and prosecution or proceedings to punish crimes." It is clear, then, that the Congress has the legal authority to demand the production of information necessary for Congress to properly discharge its oversight responsibility and that the Justice Department is subject to such oversight. Congress must remain vigilant in its oversight of all executive branch agencies. Former Chairmen Dingell and Brooks and former House General Counsels Ross and Brandt firmly advocated and implemented Congress' oversight responsibility. The American people should be concerned about prosecutorial misconduct and should be confident that the Congress will review such cases to ensure that it does not happen repeatedly. If Congress wants explanations or answers about such conduct, it should not be met with platitudes about policy, prosecutorial discretion, or privileges. Congress and the American people deserve answers to such important questions. The potential for abuse in the administration of justice is great, and Congress must remain vigilant with its oversight. Finally, I want to comment on the new post-independent counsel era we now are entering. Recently, a number of Republican and Democrat commentators criticized Congress for delegating its oversight responsibility to independent counsels. Now, with the expiration of the independent counsel statute, the Attorney General has promulgated regulations governing the appointment, conduct and removal of special counsels. The regulations place special counsels clearly under the control of an Attorney General. How can Congress be assured that special counsels are independent? How can the American people be assured that undue political influence is not being brought to bear against special counsels? If the Attorney General refused to answer questions about the appointment of special counsels, the same way that she refused to answer questions about independent counsels, how can Congress be assured that impartial justice will be done? In addition, one Member of Congress recently criticized Congress for its oversight relating to the Department of Energy's nuclear labs. Congress must remain vigilant, because it will be blamed when things go wrong. Congress must continue to exert watchfulness over programs and agencies within their jurisdiction. Because Congress' constitutional oversight function is implicit in our tripartite system of government, Congress must, more than ever, properly meet its lawmaking and informing responsibility. The subcommittee hearing offers an opportunity to review not only the congressional oversight function that serves as a vital tool for keeping the Nation free, but also the inherent dangers of permitting agencies to impede the work of Congress. [The statement of Mr. Linder follows:] ******** INSERT 1-1 ******** Mr. Linder. I am happy now to begin to hear from our Chairs and their experiences with Congressional oversight. I am sorry, the Chair recognizes Mr. Hall. Mr. Hall. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I do have a statement. I would like to submit it as part of the record. I am not going to read the whole statement. There are two or three paragraphs I would like to read. I will just start off by saying that the success of congressional oversight should be determined by how well we evaluate the laws that we pass and whether that oversight results in new legislation, including changes in existing law. In addition, we need to be concerned about basic process. Is our oversight cost-effective, and can we expect the results of a particular investigation to justify the money spent? Are the rights of the witnesses protected? The authority to investigate is an awesome power and subject to abuse. We must not forget that some of the darkest moments in Congress were the result of overzealous execution of the oversight responsibility. Is oversight conducted on a bipartisan basis? This is especially important when investigations take on an adversarial tone, as they must from time to time; but without bipartisan support, oversight takes on, unfortunately, political tones that discredit the oversight process in the House. That is all I am going to read, Mr. Chairman. I am glad that you are having this hearing. I am concerned that what Congress needs to do and do it well is oversight, but what I see so much is investigations; and I see investigations so partisan. When I go back home, people always say to me, Why can't you guys get together? Why can't the Members of Congress on both sides get together and work together? Over the past few years, it just looks so investigatory, which relates to what this this committee hearing is all about today. Oversight is one of the things that we can do best - to evaluate our laws, evaluate our agencies. How are they doing? I know that is part of oversight. I just hope that through this hearing we can get to the point where we can be a lot more bipartisan in the way that we investigate, the way we look at agencies, the way we look at our government. It doesn't seem to be that way. So I am very thankful for the chance to be here. As you know, this is a busy day. I am carrying several bills for the Rules Committee on the floor, so from time to time I will be coming in and out of the committee. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Linder. Thank you very much. [The statement of Mr. Hall follows:] ******** INSERT 1-2 ******** Mr. Linder. Chairman Dreier. Mr. Dreier. Well, thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. I want to congratulate you and Mr. Hall for holding what I think is clearly one of the most important hearings that we will deal with in this Congress. I think that Mr. Hall is in large part correct, that a lot of time has been expended in the past on political oversight. But at the beginning of the 106th Congress, Speaker Hastert and I sat down and talked about the great importance of policy and programmatic oversight and the fact that our constitutional responsibility really does move us, should move us in that direction. That is why, again, this hearing is so important. By examining some of the toughest examples of oversight, we are able to learn about and improve the oversight system that is something we all hope very much to accomplish today. As I said, the Speaker and I have spent a great deal of time on this. We are committed to improving and emphasizing this issue of, as you say, Tony, programmatic oversight. That is why we jointly asked the Congressional Research Service to conduct bipartisan, oversight training for congressional staff. Two of our sessions have already been held on that, and the third will be held on the 26th of July, and so far, the reports that we have gotten have indicated a great deal of success. In fact, I would like to ask unanimous consent at this point, Mr. Chairman, to include the letters that we had with the Congressional Research Service included in the record Mr. Linder. Without objection. [The information follows:] ******** COMMITTEE INSERT ******** Mr. Dreier. As our first workshop pointed out, we had our former colleague, Lee Hamilton, who is obviously a very, very respected former Member, he was Chairman of what used to be called the Foreign Affairs Committee, now proudly called the International Relations Committee, and he also chaired the Iran-Contra Committee. Frankly, he was involved in some of those other investigations, Tony, that may have been a little politically motivated in the past. At that meeting he addressed the attendees, and I would ask unanimous consent to include Chairman Hamilton's statement in the record at this point Mr. Linder. Without objection follows:] ******** COMMITTEE INSERT ******** Mr. Dreier. Then I would like to highlight a couple of the items that he raised. He said, "Oversight is designed to throw light on the activities of government. It can protect the country from the imperial presidency and from bureaucratic arrogance. It can expose and prevent misconduct and maintain a degree of constituency influence in an administration. The responsibility of oversight is to look into every nook and cranny of governmental affairs. Oversight is designed to look at everything the government does, expose it, and put the light of publicity to it. It reviews, monitors and supervises the execution and implementation of public policy to assure that the laws are faithfully executed." Now, let me say that bipartisanship is something that we have been seeking, and we all know that Lee Hamilton is a Democrat, and I will say that he is one who believes very strongly in this. And in the memo that we had in preparing us for this hearing today, I think there were a number of very important quotes, not only pointing to the Supreme Court, but -- and you have covered a couple of them, Mr. Chairman, but I want to say that I think that Woodrow Wilson said it very well when he said, "Quite as important as legislation is vigilant oversight of administration." Because Wilson believed, and I quote, "the only really self-governing people is that people which discusses and interrogates its administration." And he concluded that "the informing function of Congress should be preferred to its legislative function." So I think that so often we believe that we are simply lawmakers here, but we have a very, very important responsibility that we cannot ignore. We have very distinguished, we have a couple of very powerful committee chairmen sitting before us and a couple of equally powerful subcommittee chairmen who are going to talk about this issue. We have information that has come to the forefront just today in the Washington Post in an article that we have seen about problems that exist at the Justice Department. So I am happy that we in the 106th Congress are trying to pursue in a bipartisan way this issue of policy and programmatic oversight, and I look forward to the testimony of our very distinguished colleagues. Mr. Linder. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. [The statement of Mr. Dreier follows:] ******** INSERT 1-3 ******** Mr. Linder. Mr. Hastings. Mr. Hastings. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I too look forward to the testimony of our witnesses that we have here today. If there is one thing that I have heard in my short time in Congress over and over from my constituents, it kind of follows the vein of, What about this action that happened? Why did that happen and what are you doing about it? And what about this action? And so forth. Of course, I explain to them that our responsibility is to make the law and the executive branch's responsibility is obviously to carry out that law. But at some time, there has to be some accountability as to if they are following it as it is -- as we pass them, as we thought the intent was. So I look forward to hearing the testimony, particularly one of the subcommittee chairmen that I have worked with of oversight of some Federal activities in my area, Mr. Barton. So I look forward to this testimony. I might make one other observation, and this is I think maybe an appropriate time to say this, because we -- this committee does have some responsibility on the budget process. I have long been an advocate of biennial budgets because that would give us an opportunity in the second half of a congressional session to have more oversight without having the pressures of the budget in order to get that done. So with that, Mr. Chairman, I thank you for the time and I yield back, and I look forward to the testimony. Mr. Linder. Thank you. [The information follows:] ******** COMMITTEE INSERT ******** Mr. Linder. Mrs. Myrick. Mrs. Myrick. Thank you. I want to thank all of you who have agreed to come and testify this morning. I think it is extremely crucial that we hear what you have to say, because you have been experiencing it. I also get a lot of questions at home on why doesn't Congress do this? Why doesn't Congress do that? This is happening, you haven't looked at this, you haven't looked at that. I think people really do realize the importance of oversight, even though they really don't know what it is. I would just say that I am looking forward to your testimony and we hope some good things come out of this. Mr. Linder. Mr. Sessions. Mr. Sessions. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I am pleased to join my fellow members of the Rules Committee today in welcoming the five distinguished committee chairmen impaneled before us, and I look forward to their testimony. The issue at hand, congressional oversight of the executive branch, often solicits strong feelings from Members of Congress. Many Members have experienced frustration in getting accurate information and data in a timely manner from administration agencies. Some believe the administration delays responding to requests from certain Members of Congress for political reasons. I perhaps am one of those. I experienced myself problems in dealing with the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. Both agencies have not responded to letters which I have sent and resent and resent and made repeated calls. In December of last year, I wrote a letter to Mr. John Magaw, Director of the BATF, requesting a copy of their Operation Snapshot. BATF asserted that this study showed that pawn store customers were far more likely to be prohibited from possessing guns than customers of other Federal firearm licensees. I received no response to my December request for a copy of the study. I wrote again in February. Again, no response. Not even a letter acknowledging my request. Not at all. You may recall last month I offered a reasonable amendment to the juvenile justice bill that required pawn stores to do a background check before returning a gun to its owner. This reasonable amendment required a background check to be done only when the gun was held for a year or longer. The amendment passed with bipartisan support. When my amendment came to the floor for debate, I was confronted by opponents to the measure who were quoting statistics from BATF, statistics from the very study which I requested, statistics from the study which BATF would not provide to me. One opponent to my amendment said authoritatively that this BATF study showed that 5.4 percent of pawn store customers were prohibited from possessing guns. In the meantime, I was left to wonder how on earth I could refute these statistics. How could I challenge the methodology of the study? My opponents were all quoting this study, and I could not even get a copy. In my opinion, a copy of the information that was used that my opponents were privy to, I was denied. I believe that it was done for political purposes, and further, I believe that it would be a serious breach or violation of the ethics of the Treasury Department. I intend to further pursue the matter but would be interested in hearing about how you think this should be approached. This week, after the juvenile justice bill and my amendment were considered on the floor, yet curiously just before this hearing on oversight of executive branch agencies such as BATF, I finally received a reply from Director Magaw. He writes, "The Operation Snapshot study is in the process of being finalized and will be made available to all interested parties once it is completed. We will send you a copy at that time." My first reaction was to question why would it take 7 months to reply to me that the study is not complete. Then I thought back to the battle on the House floor over my amendment. How could opponents of my amendment be quoted from a study that was not yet complete? How could the administration support increasing regulations based upon numbers and statistics that are incomplete? The bottom line is that I believe that there are inconsistencies that we find from this administration, not only from the Department of Justice, but other agencies where, based upon political reasons, we are being denied, as Members of Congress who are considering realistic and very important issues of this country, we are being denied the opportunity not only to discuss these issues, but being treated fairly. I hope that part of what this oversight hearing is about today is to reinforce that there are Members of Congress, like myself, that have sincere problems that we wish to deal with, and I believe that the light of day will prove to be a good disinfectant for this problem. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. [The information follows:] ******** COMMITTEE INSERT ******** Mr. Linder. Mr. Reynolds. Mr. Reynolds. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I would like to thank the panel for participating this morning in this very important hearing. As a freshman, I have had limited exposure to congressional oversight of Federal agencies, but I can tell you I have already been here long enough to come across difficulties with Federal departments in the past 7 months. One of the most startling issues in my district involves both the Interior and the Justice Departments. These departments, particularly Justice, got involved in a dispute that goes back some 200 years between the Cayuga Indian Nation and New York State. The dispute is over 64,000 acres of land. The original suit was filed by the Cayuga Indians in 1980, and 11,000 residents have spent the last 19 years terrified that they may lose their very homes from this 200-year-old dispute. The Justice Department's involvement is not only inappropriate, but it has been significantly slowing down the entire proceedings and has had a negative impact on innocent landowners. In my experience, the agencies have overstepped their bounds and they have been unavailable, unresponsive, and unapologetic to the Congress and to the public. That has to change in order for our government to function efficiently or, in some cases, to function at all. Again, I would like to thank the chairmen here, and I look forward to their testimony, and I know that they will have expert presentations on this subject. Mr. Linder. Thank you very much. Mr. Sessions. Mr. Sessions. Mr. Chairman, I would like to ask unanimous consent that some information that I had concerning letters and other information that I discussed be submitted for the record. Mr. Linder. Without objection. [The information follows:] ******** COMMITTEE INSERT ******** Mr. Sessions. Thank you. Mr. Linder. Now I would like to ask the four Chairs, Mr. Barton, Mr. Hoekstra, Mr. Hyde and Mr. Burton, to take seats at the witness table, please. Because of scheduling urgencies, I am going to ask the gentleman from Texas, who has another committee meeting roughly at the same time, to begin; and we will ask each of you to make your statements and then we will ask questions. And I understand, Mr. Barton, you may have to leave. The gentleman may proceed. STATEMENT OF THE HON. JOE BARTON, A REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS FROM THE STATE OF TEXAS Mr. Barton. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I thank the other members of the rules subcommittee for holding this hearing on this issue. Let me put this in context. In 1995 the Republicans became the Majority for the first time in 40 years; I became the oversight subcommittee Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee, the position that Congressman Dingell of Michigan held. He had been double-hatted. He was Chairman of the full committee and also subcommittee Chairman. The records were somewhat hard to determine, but we were able to ascertain that Chairman Dingell on his oversight subcommittee staff had over 40 direct employees, and approximately 100, perhaps more, detailees. To put that in context, at the zenith of my chairmanship, we had approximately 12 direct employees and 2 detailees to do oversight over approximately 40 percent of the Federal Government. I don't believe that anybody would say that Congressman Dingell was lax in his oversight responsibilities. So Chairman Bliley of the full committee and myself, as Chairman of the subcommittee, had big shoes to fill and we tried to do it in an effective way. I am going to talk about three specific cases we did at the staff level. We probably did several hundred investigations in the 4 years I was Chairman. We had approximately 100 hearings. We had hundreds of witnesses appear, and in only one or two cases did we resort to subpoena power to get the documents that we needed. With one exception, I think all of our investigations would be construed to be bipartisan, and also to be fact-based with either no political overtones, or minimal political overtones. The first case I am going to specifically refer to deals with the Environmental Protection Agency and it deals with a program within that agency -- the diesel engine certification program. That is hardly a political investigation. We began our review in late 1997 out of a concern that there may have been attempts by the manufacturer to circumvent Federal emission standards, and that the EPA may have been asleep at the wheel. For a year, we put off certain aspects of our investigation at the request of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Justice Department based on their representation that our inquiries might negatively impact pending enforcement actions. However, after the EPA, Justice, and the manufacturers entered into a settlement agreement in October of 1998, Justice continued to block our attempts to interview the EPA personnel. In one moment of unusual candor, EPA acknowledged to the staff of my subcommittee that the administration's concern was that our investigation might uncover information embarrassing to its settlement position. Eventually, the EPA did permit us to interview the program personnel, despite a memorandum from the Justice Department advising the EPA against it. To this day, I question the judgment of the Justice Department in continuing to advocate an obstructionist and extreme position. If the Justice Department had had its way, our investigation would have been delayed indefinitely. And, if that same Justice Department theory were to be applied across the board, virtually every congressional oversight activity could be negatively affected, since there are very few executive branch actions that are insulated from the potential of future litigation. So that is case number one, dealing with the EPA. The second case is a request that I made to the Justice Department in March of 1996 to investigate a matter that I had reason to believe, and still to this day continue to believe, constituted perjury before my subcommittee. And in support of that request, I enclosed a committee staff report detailing the evidence that led us to believe that a senior Food and Drug Administration, or FDA official, a gentleman by the name of Mitch Zeller, committed perjury at hearings before the subcommittee on November the 15th and December the 5th, 1995. Let me say, Mr. Chairman, that all testimony on the oversight subcommittee of the Energy and Commerce Committee is taken under oath, that we require them to hold up their hands and swear an oath that they are telling the truth, the entire truth and nothing but the truth so help them God. So help them God. So we don't have any of this, where you can claim that you are not sworn to tell the truth or be under oath before the oversight subcommittee. The facts of the case are laid out in my prepared remarks, but let me briefly state them, if I can. Mr. Zeller came before the committee and testified about certain documents that he had been given by an outside counsel who was involved in litigation with the FDA on a device called a pedicle screw, and this -- these documents were under a court order to be sealed as confidential. One of the documents, which I never saw, was a book, apparently 3 inches thick, that stated on the front in big letters, "Confidential Court Order," you know, subject to all kind of things. It was obviously well-marked. We requested these documents. The FDA refused to give us the documents on the grounds that they were subject to a protective order, okay. We then held two hearings during which Mr. Zeller testified about these documents. Months later, when the subcommittee received the documents that initially had been withheld by the FDA, there were notable conflicts between the documents and the testimony that Mr. Zeller gave at our hearing under oath. In particular, the documents contradicted Mr. Zeller's testimony that he did not know at the time that the documents he received in June of 1995 were covered by a protective order. Now, I want to emphasize, under oath, when requested by myself, Mr. Cox of California, and several other members of the subcommittee, Mr. Zeller admitted that he had the documents; he admitted that he read the documents. There was even a personal note from the person who sent him the documents in which he was saluted on a first name basis. But he continued to state that he did not know they were subject to a protective order. Now, if we had these documents before us today, every member of this subcommittee of the Rules Committee could clearly tell that these documents were subject to a protective order of the court. Mr. Zeller testified that the documents he received were stamped "confidential," he testified that he used the documents. So when he said that he didn't know that they were under seal or he didn't know that they were protected by the court order, I don't believe that Mr. Zeller's testimony was credible. Mr. Zeller also testified that he did not have any previous dealings with the person who sent him the documents, a gentleman by the name of Coale, C-O-A-L-E, or know that he would be receiving the documents in advance, statements that also appear to be false. The cover letter to Mr. Zeller enclosing the documents contain a salutation that read, "Dear Mitch." It stated, and I quote, "The enclosed is the material that we spoke of." The personal salutation implies to me a preexisting relationship. And the statement "we spoke of earlier" suggests to me that Mr. Zeller knew that he would be receiving the documents and the subject matter of those documents, and that he did have a previous relationship in dealing with Mr. Coale. My request to the Attorney General to investigate this alleged perjury was referred to the public integrity section. On May 8, 1996, we brought additional information about another related, what we claim to be a false statement, to the attention to the Department of Justice; this time, a clearly false statement in a judicial brief filed by the Department on behalf of the FDA to the effect that the FDA's Office of General Counsel had been given access to these protective order documents. In other words, it appeared that, at the same time the Justice Department, on behalf of the FDA, was asking written permission from the court to receive and use documents subject to a protective order, FDA was trying to cover up the fact that it had already received and used some of these very same documents subject to that very same protective order. In August of 1996, the Department of Justice summarily decided not to proceed further with my formal request for an investigation of that matter. The Department's declination letter did not even address the question raised by my May 8 letter request to investigate a possible false statement to the Department. The Department gave the committee only minimal information about the Department of Justice's efforts. We were told that perjury -- and the committee will like this answer -- we were told that perjury is an extremely difficult crime to prosecute, and that there was insufficient evidence to prosecute. As far as I can tell, all the Justice Department did for over 4 months was review my referral and request materials from the FDA. Neither I nor the committee staff was provided specific information about whether the Justice Department attempted to interview Mr. Coale or FDA officials connected with this matter. We were given no written report or any indication that the referral was investigated with any degree of energy or thoroughness. By contrast, in 1990, the U.S. Attorney prosecuted and convicted an FDA official for lying about whether he had had lunch with industry representatives. A few years later, a senior FDA official testifies before my subcommittee that he received and used documents that were clearly marked confidential, subject to protective order, and he knew that they were confidential, but denied that he knew the documents were subject to a protective order, and the same Justice Department does nada, nothing, zip. That testimony is similar to someone who receives a box stamped "Dangerous: Radioactive Material" and testifies that he knew the box was dangerous, but not radioactive. The testimony was inherently preposterous and justified a further vigorous investigation by the Department of Justice about perjury before Congress. Justice's inaction and its refusal to provide any detailed explanation to my subcommittee was, I believe, and is, I believe, simply inexcusable. So that deals with the FDA. The first case was the EPA, the second case is the FDA. Now, let's try one more case. I want to say right on the top, this case does have political overtones. I don't believe the other did two did, but this one does. The third case involves a criminal referral to the Justice Department by myself, a subcommittee Chair, and full committee Chairman Tom Bliley on a matter that is known in the public today as the Portals, after the name of a private building that the Federal Communications Commission recently moved into after years of refusing to do so. My subcommittee investigation uncovered a complex web of influence peddling and questionable, to put it mildly, million dollar payments, of secret meetings and curious government actions all relating to this project. At the end of the investigation, we determined that the evidence was sufficient to refer the matter to the Justice Department for criminal investigation of several prominent individuals, including James Sasser, who was currently Ambassador to China for the United States of America and a former Senator from Tennessee; Mr. Peter Knight, who is a top fund-raiser for Vice President Gore and President Clinton; and Mr. Franklin Haney, who is a private developer in Tennessee who is a close friend of the Vice President's and a top contributor also to Democratic causes and, if the Justice Department itself is to be believed, a very questionable Clinton-Gore fund-raiser. The Justice Department does have an investigation of Mr. Haney in which he is currently under indictment, I believe, for over 30 counts of campaign finance law violations. The subcommittee staff prepared a lengthy, detailed, and fact-based report based on testimony and interviews with dozens of individuals and review of thousands of documents. That report was sent to Attorney General Reno for her review on December 15, 1998. As that report exhaustively set forth, we found that Mr. Haney paid Mr. Knight and Mr. Sasser $1 million each upon the successful closing of the Portals transaction in which the Federal Government agreed to specific lease changes sought by Mr. Haney as a condition for his financing of the Portals building. We believed then, as I continue to believe now, that the report set forth specific and credible evidence warranting further investigation as to whether Mr. Haney and his representatives may have violated Federal laws in connection with these fee arrangements; in particular, a Federal law against contingency fees on Federal contracts. The report also contained evidence suggesting that the same individuals may have made false statements under oath before the subcommittee concerning these arrangements and their efforts to influence Federal officials. In the specific case of Peter Knight, who was a covered official under the Independent Counsel Act, we indicated our belief to the Attorney General of the United States of America that there was, and I quote, "specific and credible information warranting a preliminary investigation into whether an independent counsel should be appointed to review this matter." Under that act, the burden of the Attorney General is clear. If the Attorney General cannot say with certitude, and within 30 days, that the information provided is not specific or from a credible source, the Attorney General must proceed with a preliminary investigation under the act. However, on the 30th day, the committee received a cursory response from the Justice Department stating that the Department's own investigation had previously determined, apparently prior to even receiving or reviewing our referral, that Mr. Knight's $1 million payment was not an illegal contingency fee, and therefore it would not begin a preliminary inquiry under the Independent Counsel Act. The Department's response raises many procedural and substantive red flags. First, the response -- which notably never said whether the specific pieces of evidence contained in the referral met the minimal triggering threshold under the Act -- appears to indicate that such an analysis were not even performed by the Department. Instead, it appears that the Department simply relied upon a prior investigation internally and its own judgment that the $1 million payment was not a contingency fee, and interpreted our evidence to conform with its initial determination. Second, the response indicates that the Department reached a conclusion on the facts that the payment was not a contingency fee as opposed to making a statutorily required finding whether the referral contained specific and credible evidence warranting a further investigation. Third, the Department appears to resolve disputed credibility issues in Mr. Knight's favor, based on unidentified, and I quote, "other evidence" gathered by the Department's task force -- a weighing of evidence that I believe the act requires to be left to an independent counsel. Finally, the Department's apparent conclusion that the $1 million payment was not an unlawful contingency fee did not resolve all of the perjury referrals on Mr. Knight, an obvious error that indicates the lack of serious attention to our referral. On the substance of the Attorney General's decision, let me briefly state that I, along with others knowledgeable about the referral and the workings of the Act, find it virtually impossible to believe that the referral failed to meet -- failed to set forth specific and credible information against Mr. Knight, warranting further review under the Independent Counsel Act. The referral contained testimony of individuals with personal knowledge of the matter, backed by corroborative documentation that generally went unchallenged by Mr. Knight and Mr. Haney. Although Mr. Knight claimed that his $1 million payment was a flat fee for years of work on dozens of projects for Mr. Haney from 1995 through 1998, the committee heard testimony and received documentary evidence, all of which was provided to the Department, clearly indicating the opposite. In order to give the subcommittee a sense of how incredible the Attorney General's response to our referral truly was, I have recounted in my formal, lengthy statement, some of the key evidence contained in our referral and I would be glad to answer questions about that. So let me simply say in closing, we understand there is going to be a natural tension between the executive branch and the legislative branch. That is institutional, and that is normal. I would say in the case of the Clinton administration, there is an endemic attitude that there should be no cooperation with the Congress, and in the case specifically of the Justice Department, I think they have gone above and beyond the call of duty in trying to stonewall at least the Subcommittee -- that I was the Chairman of -- on Oversight and Investigations of the Commerce Committee. I have lots of more documentation and I will put that in the record, Mr. Chairman. But I appreciate the opportunity to testify on these specific cases. Mr. Linder. We thank you very much. We may be sending some questions to you because we understand you can't return. [The statement of Mr. Barton follows:] ******** INSERT 1-4 ******** Mr. Linder. I think we have time for one more before we vote which will be at 5 minutes on the hour. Mr. Hoekstra. STATEMENT OF THE HON. PETE HOEKSTRA, A REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS FROM THE STATE OF MICHIGAN Mr. Hoekstra. I thank the Chairman and the committee for having this hearing today. I just want to begin with, to set the record straight, I think our subcommittee and a number of other subcommittees have done a lot of work, which is more than what would be called political investigation. Early in 1997, we embarked on a process on our subcommittee to take a look at all of the education programs. We found over 700 education programs administering over 39 different agencies and issued a report called "Education at a Crossroads." That report is now the framework for an education agenda working its way through the House of Representatives. Within the next 3 weeks, we will issue a report called "The American Worker Project," which is the first comprehensive look at American labor law, and we believe that this will then set the framework for a legislative agenda on how to reform American labor law and get it ready for the next millennium so that our workers will be competitive on a global basis. But the investigation that I want to focus on this morning is the work that we did on the Teamsters during the last Congress. How does Congress get involved with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters? We became involved with the Teamsters because in 1996, there was an election. The International Brotherhood of Teamsters had a national election for President. The interesting thing about this election was that it was funded by the American taxpayer. It was funded to the tune of $20 million that the American taxpayer footed for a failed election, and we were asked at that point in time to do an investigation as to what happened in that election and why, when we spent that kind of money, we couldn't run a fair election. It goes back to the report issued by the court-appointed election officer in August 1997. She overturned the election because she found that the campaign of the incumbent President, Ron Carey engaged in a quote ‘complex network of schemes,’ end of quote, to launder Union treasury funds and other prohibited contributions through various organizations back into the Carey campaign. The interesting thing is to take a look at who participated in this: Citizen Action, the National Council of Senior Citizens, Project Vote, the AFL-CIO, the DNC, and the Clinton-Gore 1996 campaign. These were agencies and organizations that had a direct political agenda, and a number of these received funds from Congress. From the outset, we ran into a number of things that were problematic, the first of which was that we did not have Minority support. The Minority focused on procedural issues and personal attacks in an effort to change the subject. The bottom line is what I think the Chairman started with. For an investigation to be truly effective and credible, there must be cooperation on both sides of the aisle. If there is not, the Minority or one of the parties involved can do a lot to slow down an investigation, which is what happened in our case. Our investigation was also limited because several important witnesses asserted their Fifth Amendment privileges against self-incrimination and refused to testify. In addition, the Teamsters, and when I am talking about the Teamsters, I want to reinforce that I am talking about the administration of Ron Carey and not the administration that is currently in place that was elected in a genuine election, in a fair election. But the previous administration took a confrontational position and was generally uncooperative. Their lawyers asserted numerous privileges and withheld many documents; that is, until they were threatened with contempt. They produced other documents that were redacted of any but the most meaningless information. The Teamsters also refused to allow interviews of their employees and agents. Ultimately, our investigation was granted deposition authority and we were able to speak with uncooperative witnesses. However, it was a long and complicated process and, as the Chairman notes, it culminated with a vote on the floor of the House to get this power. As soon as we were provided with the necessary tools, the Teamsters were suddenly much more cooperative and insisted that their appearances be voluntary and without subpoena. I really think that the Rules Committee ought to consider providing deposition authority to all oversight subcommittees as part of the standing Rules of the House of Representatives. The subcommittee's efforts to investigate the Teamsters election misconduct was also limited in deference to requests made by the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York. On numerous occasions, the subcommittee refrained from questioning witnesses and pursuing certain areas of inquiry at the request of the Southern District. The Southern District did not want their criminal investigations to be tainted, and the subcommittee respected their wishes. In practical terms, the Department of Justice objected to the subcommittee pursuing any investigation of the alleged contribution swap schemes. My experience in working with the Department of Justice is that it is a one-way street when it comes to interacting with congressional investigations. We share information with them; they shroud everything in a veil of secrecy. Either their information involves restricted grand jury material or it involves an open criminal matter. DOJ seems to overplay what information involves an open case and apparently will not provide Congress with any information on any issue that they might investigate somewhere down the line. I think that, in summary, my interaction with the Department of Justice was probably the most frustrating. When I take a look at the evidence that was laid out and the guilty pleas early on in the investigation, the organizations that were involved and our action over the year, the year-and-a-half that we investigated this, and how we cooperated with the Justice Department, and then to see what has happened in that year-and-a-half and in the year since that, there has been no activity out of the Justice Department which would have justified the restraints and the straitjacket that they put on our subcommittee. They wouldn't share information with us, even within the last few months. They wouldn't come and testify in front of our subcommittee about what went wrong in the first election, what went right in the second election; and how government supervision of labor unions operating under consent decrees works in general. You know, I think that the Rules Committee and Congress needs to reach a better understanding and accommodation with an uncooperative Justice Department about what is the rightful information that Congress should have access to, because in a case like this, the Justice Department can and did stop, I think, a number of legitimate avenues of investigation which should have been pursued and which now, a year later, I believe and suspect that they never fully followed. I am hopeful that this committee and that this exercise can lead to a better understanding of Congress and the Justice Department about what information is rightfully ours. There is a long list of people and organizations that were implicated that have not been dealt with -- the Democratic National Committee, various unions, Citizen Action, Project Vote, the National Council of Senior Citizens -- these are all legitimate areas of investigation for Congress, and I do not believe they have been fully examined by the Justice Department. That is my testimony. I will go vote and come back and answer any questions that you have at that time. Mr. Linder. Please do. You have a couple of minutes. We will be in recess for just a few minutes until the next Chairman gets here. [The statement of Mr. Hoekstra follows:] ******** INSERT 1-5 ******** [Recess.] Mr. Linder. The committee will reconvene. I am now pleased to hear from the gentleman from Alaska, the Chairman of the Resources Committee. STATEMENT OF THE HON. DON YOUNG, A REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS FROM THE STATE OF ALASKA Mr. Young. Thank you, sir. Mr. Chairman, members of the subcommittee, this hearing is an excellent idea. I want to compliment you. I will offer a few observations based on my committee's experience with the Department of Justice lawyers as we aggressively conduct our oversight. Mr. Chairman, it is my feeling that the Justice Department is out of control. At first blush, you may not think that the Committee on Resources would have too much interaction with Justice. The Department of the Interior is the primary agency we oversee. But on about fifty percent of our full committee oversight, we end up devoting substantial time and energy arguing with what must be every lawyer in the Department of Justice about getting information we need for our oversight projects. We win the arguments 99 percent of the time. But then we face the same Justice lawyers who raise the same issues that they delayed us with on the prior oversight request. I have resorted to issuing numerous subpoenas to top Justice officials, Janet Reno, Eric Holder and others, so we can get documents and records that show waste, fraud, and abuse by the Clinton administration officials. In the vast majority of cases, documents that are withheld show poor judgment or embarrass this administration. Very few valid rationales exist for withholding the information that we request, but they do so over and over and over again. The generic excuse we hear all the time is that the Department has a "longstanding policy that prohibits them from turning over information to the committee because it is or could be the subject of litigation against the United States." I just don't buy that broad excuse. Because nearly every bad government decision could result in a lawsuit, we could only investigate good decisions, and good decisions are in short supply recently. Here are a few examples of what I am telling the subcommittee: Investigation of a $1.6 billion timber contract cancellation. Here we are conducting oversight on whether the Clinton-Gore administration breached a timber contract in Alaska. That decision threw 1,500 people in my State out of their family wages. It exposed American taxpayers to damages of $1.6 billion. It is a typical Clinton political decision that costs jobs, costs taxpayers and hurts the public forests. We launched an oversight review on the matter by requesting that the Secretary of Agriculture provide us with certain records from the Forest Service and from his predecessor's office. We are trying to determine the legitimacy of the basis for the cancellation and why this administration so callously exposed taxpayers to a contract breach claim totaling about half of the agency's annual budget. The company that held contract had sued the government for breach of contract, so the matter was in litigation. That was Justice's excuse to engage and delay our document request for 3 months. They pulled their whole team of lawyers off the case just to fight us on turning over anything to us. They claimed privileges that do not apply to Congress. They failed to promptly respond to requests for information and records. I finally issued a subpoena to the Attorney General and then she came to visit me in my office. We had a nice talk and she basically agreed to turn over everything we wanted, and I gave her assurances that we would not release certain material for a period of time. But within 24 hours, her staff reneged on giving us much of the material. The Attorney General is in partial default of the subpoena. My staff is reviewing what Justice did give us. I plan to bring this matter before the committee again to deal with the default. As it stands now, however, the chief law enforcement officer of the land is not complying with the law. There are a whole host of other issues where the Department of Justice stands between the committee's search for truth and our oversight obligations under the House rules. As you know, we have an obligation under rule 10(2)(b) to "review and study on a continuing basis" all laws within our jurisdiction, the organization and operation of agencies within our jurisdiction, and circumstances showing that new laws are needed. The Committee on Resources has very aggressively undertaken that responsibility which may be why we have so frequently clashed with the Department of Justice. We have the case of the Tucson Rod and Gun Club. Justice cancels meetings between the committee investigators and the Forest Service. They directed the Service not to participate in a meeting that the committee's chief investigator had arranged and flown across the country to attend. Justice gave no consultation, no warning, no indication that they would meddle in our investigation of why a public land gun range had been wrongly closed -- until we received a copy of their letter to the Forest Service canceling our meeting. This is not just arrogance, it is brazen arrogance grounded on longstanding policy not to allow the meeting because it involved ongoing litigation. We had have the Warner Creek environmental protest. We have another investigation into the events that allowed environmentalist protesters -- they are very close to this Administration -- to illegally occupy a national forest and destroy property there for 11 months. We have a task force looking into the matter now. There was a videotape of the actual raid to remove the protestors. We requested a copy of it for the committee. This tape had been shown to numerous outside parties, aired for the media, and had been provided in criminal discovery to defendants. There was no legal authority cited for withholding the tape. I have subpoenaed the tape, and Justice ultimately complied with my request, weeks later. We have the U.S. Marshals Service, charged by statute with serving subpoenas. Generally they are helpful, except when it comes to serving officials in the Department of Justice. Several times they refused to serve Justice officials. They told us their "longstanding practice" is that they would not service Justice officials because the Marshals were part of the Department of Justice. I had to write them a letter that spelled out their legal obligation to ses. They ultimately changed their longstanding practice. The FBI briefing in U.S. territories. We took a delegation of House Members to the territories in the Pacific last year. I arranged briefings for our delegation with all of the Federal bureaus and agencies. Every agency that was invited, except for the FBI, showed up for the briefing. I walked down the hall to the FBI office to remind them that they were supposed to send a representative to the meeting to discuss these issues. I have never been faced with such personal arrogance by a Federal agency official. This gentleman flatly refused to join our meeting. I did receive an apology letter from the director, but again, some unwritten, longstanding policy was cited for the FBI as a reason for failure for the agent to even attend our meetings. Department Policies on Employees Receiving Payments From Outside Sources. A DOI and a Department of Energy employee received $350,000 each from an outfit called the Project on Government Oversight, a so-called watchdog group. This group is a group, external to the government, that paid government employees who had have been trying to fix the oil royalty problem for years within the bureaucracy. I had never heard of such a thing before -- an outside group with an agenda paid a government employee a third of a million dollars each because they worked to further their agenda. We made document requests and issued subpoenas for records to the Department of Interior and again and again were met with Justice Department objections. Because the Interior IG was conducting a criminal investigation of the matter, "longstanding policy" supposedly prevented them from turning over much information to the committee investigators. We are still fighting this one. Mr. Chairman, I could go on. We have an additional six other investigations right now. Let me close by saying I would be happy to review the rule change to eliminate this problem with the Department of Justice. They are preventing, my committee, and other committees from the oversight which we are charged to do, we are required to do so under the Constitutional and Rules of the House. We must bring a halt to the stonewalling by this administration. There have been certainly six administrations since I have been in this Congress and this is the worst of all that I have ever been faced with. They did not cooperate, they ignore the constitutional law, they ignore the Congress, and in fact thumb their noses. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Linder. Thank you, Mr. Young. [The statement of Mr. Young follows:] ******** INSERT 1-6 ******** Mr. Linder. Mr. Burton. STATEMENT OF HON. DAN BURTON, A REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS FROM THE STATE OF INDIANA Mr. Burton. Let me preface my remarks by saying I apologize for having such a lengthy report. It is actually much longer than my statement is going to be, and I will submit that for the record, if that is all right. Mr. Linder. Without objection. [The information follows:] ******** COMMITTEE INSERT ******** Mr. Burton. I wanted to comment briefly on an article that was in the Washington Post this morning on the front page. The last paragraph said: ‘meanwhile, the FBI's National Security Division balked at passing along intelligence information to the Justice Department task force investigating the 1996 campaign fund-raising.’ This intransigence -- this is according to the IG over there at the Justice Department -- this intransigence, according to the report, ultimately stymied a key criminal investigation. I don't know for sure why Director Louis Freeh and his subordinates at the FBI might not have given all the information to the Justice Department, but I have a suspicion. And the suspicion is that they were afraid that some of the very important issues that they were investigating relating to national security and other issues might be leaked by the Justice Department itself to people in the White House who may have been involved. And for that reason, I think the FBI in many cases is very concerned about the security of their investigation. I want to tell you personally, I have worked with Louis Freeh now for about 3 years, and I think he is doing his dead level best to be a good Director at the FBI. And I am convinced Chuck La Bella, who was the head of the campaign financing task force, was trying to do the best job possible. Both of them appeared before my committee and suggested that there should have been an independent counsel appointed to investigate the campaign contribution scandal. And the Justice Department and Janet Reno in particular, the Attorney General, would not adhere to what they thought the law required, and we are talking not only about Mr. La Bella, who headed the task force, Mr. Freeh, who is the FBI Director, but also Mr. DeSarno, who was the agent in charge of the investigation for the FBI. So I would just like to say from my experience that Louis Freeh, the Director of the FBI, and Chuck La Bella, the head of the task force, did their dead level best to provide the kind of investigation that this country would require. And the big problem, as far as that campaign finance investigation, was and is Janet Reno and the Justice Department. Now, with that, I will go into my prepared statement, and I hope that you will bear with me because it is quite lengthy. Shortly after I became chairman of the Committee on Government Reform, as you know, I began an investigation of campaign fund-raising irregularities. Today I will not go into the findings of that investigation, but, instead, I will share some of my insights into how the Justice Department has failed to do its job and how the Attorney General Janet Reno and her political appointees have placed roadblocks in front of my committee. And you have heard other committee chairmen talk about the stonewalling. I want to tell you, it is unbelievable. What began as an inquiry into illegal campaign fund-raising has now become, in part, oversight of the Justice Department's failure to do the business of the American people. Before I summarize my findings, I would like to note my concern over the end of the independent counsel law. The independent counsel law was not perfect, it had its flaws, but we have far more serious problems now that it has expired. What happens when an Attorney General must investigate her boss, the President of the United States, or a political party? Remember, in the campaign fund-raising scandal, the main targets were not only higher-ranking government officials, but also the people who ran a political party. The party itself was directly implicated, the Democratic Party, and the Attorney General's professional career was primarily as an elected official of the Democratic Party. There could conflict of interest, and that is precisely what FBI Director Louis Freeh and Chief Prosecutor La Bella told the Attorney General. They told her in no uncertain terms there should be an independent counsel. In my view, there is no way that the head of the Justice Department can investigate her boss and her political party and maintain the confidence of the American people. By conducting what has clearly been a failed investigation, Janet Reno further eroded the people's respect for the Department of Justice and, in my view, justice itself. In my view, this is the Attorney General's legacy. Through incompetence and partisan zeal, she has managed to bring the Justice Department to shame and disrepute. Confidence in the Department's ability to work for the American people is at an all-time low, and my colleagues have told you the same thing. And I haven't talked to any of them about this. In the next few weeks, I will introduce legislation to create a bipartisan panel to choose a pool of qualified individuals who can be called upon to serve as Justice Department special prosecutors. This process will avoid the constitutional problems of the independent counsel law, but it will permit individuals from outside the administration to supervise sensitive Justice Department investigations. In other words, it will eliminate the possibility that an Attorney General can investigate her boss or protect her boss, the President. Now, let me summarize my concerns with the Justice Department and Attorney General Reno. And before I start, though, let me play a tape, and I hope my colleagues can see this tape. I think it is a very good introduction as to how the Justice Department operates. Mr. Linder. Please turn the lights down. Mr. Burton. This is Mr. Chuck La Bella, who is the task force head of the investigation. [Videotape played.] Mr. Burton. Now, I hope my colleagues will really focus on that. We were charged with the responsibility of investigating the campaign finance scandal. Chuck La Bella was the head of the task force appointed by the Attorney General for that job. And Mr. La Bella wanted to cooperate and work with us. I called him and asked him to return my call, and one of the chief lieutenants of Janet Reno called him right after I called saying, don't talk to Dan Burton under any circumstances. Now, that is obstruction of Justice, as far as I am concerned, because we speak for the people in the Congress, and we were conducting an investigation, and the Justice Department was deliberately trying to keep us from talking to Mr. La Bella. Now, I want to cite some examples of why I am very concerned. First, I am well aware that the Department obstructed investigations prior to my tenure as chairman of the Government Reform Committee. At the beginning of the Clinton administration, the de facto head of the Justice Department, Mr. Webb Hubbell, who was convicted and went to jail, had boxes of Whitewater evidence in his basement while his staff was trying to decide what to do with criminal referrals that depended on the very evidence that Hubbell was withholding. When Michael Dukakis said that a fish rots from the head down, he must have had Janet Reno's Justice Department in mind. Second, throughout Chairman Clinger's tenure, the Justice Department repeatedly stonewalled him. The Travelgate investigation was maintained as an open case, even after a criminal trial completely exonerated Travel Office Director Billy Dale. They still wouldn't give Congress information because they said it was an open case, and he had been exonerated. These delays needlessly hampered Chairman Clinger's efforts. In fact, that is a recurring pattern. The Department keeps investigations open long after it has stopped doing any work and then tells Congress that it can't cooperate because the investigation is ongoing. And I believe there are a number of cases right now that are being held open, that they are ready to close, simply because they don't want Members of Congress to have access to information regarding those investigations. Third, when Chuck La Bella and Louis Freeh recommended the appointment of an independent counsel, Janet Reno took the political low road. She sided with her boss and her party and her political operatives. To this day, I imagine that she doesn't even care about the damage that decision has caused to the Department's reputation. I have read parts of the Freeh and La Bella memos myself, and I can tell you that what they said was really troubling. Janet Reno's political staff was using a higher threshold for senior White House political staff than for other citizens. This is what Mr. La Bella said, and I think I am quoting him pretty accurately: ‘The task force has commenced criminal investigations of noncovered persons based only on a wisp of information.’ They started investigations when there was just a wisp of information on people that weren't really important. He continued by noting that the threshold was much, much higher for Clinton administration political appointees. So they had one standard for people that weren't high in the Clinton administration, and another for the Clinton administration officials themselves. It is also clear that investigations would have commenced much earlier if the people under scrutiny were not White House officials. Again, here is what La Bella said: ‘If these allegations involve anyone other than blank’ -- and you can imagine who he is talking about ‘if these allegations involved anyone other than blank, an appropriate investigation would have commenced months ago without hesitation.’ I want you to keep Mr. La Bella's concerns on this point in mind in a few minutes when I talk about how Janet Reno's politicos allowed Charlie Trie a major opportunity to destroy evidence. They let Charlie Trie destroy evidence when they refused to authorize a search warrant, even though they had evidence that his employees were destroying documents. In addition, the Department went through legal contortions to avoid moving forward on investigating those at the highest levels. Again, here is what La Bella actually said in his memo: ‘The contortions’ -- listen to this - ‘The contortions that the Department has gone through to avoid investigating these allegations are apparent.’ So he is saying the Justice Department went through contortions to avoid the law and avoid investigating. As I said before, I am deeply troubled by the use of the double standard with which the political colleagues of the Attorney General are getting the benefit of more lenient investigations. Let's not beat around the bush here. Taken as a whole, these are allegations of corruption. When you fail to investigate members of your own political party, or when you apply different standards to administration officials than to other citizens, and when you go through contortions, as Mr. La Bella said, to avoid investigating members of your party, then you are behaving corruptly. And I say that of the Attorney General. And that is why I have called for her resignation in the past. La Bella and Freeh concluded that an independent counsel was necessary, before our committee. In return, Attorney General Reno's political staff overruled and belittled them, and they continue to belittle Mr. Freeh to this day. Even though all agreed that he was the most qualified candidate, Chuck La Bella, who was the task force chief, was even denied the U.S. attorney position in San Diego. Janet Reno overruled Freeh and La Bella and continued giving preferential treatment to her political allies. He was in line to be the U.S. attorney in San Diego, and because he wrote that memo, and because he testified before our committee, they passed over him to a subordinate and gave them the U.S. attorney position. That is the kind of threat that they hold over people's heads. If you don't go along, you won't get what you are entitled to. Although Washington is a town where the President debates the meaning of the word "is," where I come from, failure to apply the law evenhandedly and giving your political allies special treatment is corruption. Fourth, speaking of corruption, over a year ago, we gave information to the Justice Department about a friend of the Attorney General's. This information alleges that the Attorney General's friend illegally obtained sensitive classified information from the Justice Department. According to the information received by the committee, this friend of the Attorney General even suggested paying money to a Justice Department employee who helped obtain some of the illegal information. One document we have says that the person the author talked to confirmed that Steel Hector was hired due to the relationship with the Attorney General. Steel Hector is a big Miami law firm where the Attorney General once worked. The memo goes on to point out that Reno and the sister of the lawyer hired are good friends. Other documents indicate that the Department changed the policy related to release of information so that this person could help her client. This policy change, according to one memo obtained by the committee, was made personally by the Attorney General. Still another document talks about a confidential and reliable source within the Justice Department, and still another memo obtained by the committee states that the confidential source within the Department would not come forward publicly due to her pension that may be at risk if she was exposed. She added an offer that may have been made as to severance pay by the client if that resulted. Then here is the lawyer who is the friend of the Attorney General. Janet Reno has steadfastly refused to investigate her friend. Again, I believe, this is corruption. Fifth, on a related note, Janet Reno's political appointees dropped the ball completely when it came to prosecuting a Democratic fund-raiser who raised illegal campaign money in Venezuela. To make matters worse, her political appointees have interfered with our investigation of this matter. Last winter, we asked the Justice Department to provide information for this investigation on DEA policies relating to computer access. For 6 months -- 6 months -- a Justice Department official refused to provide this information claiming the DEA would not provide it to him. Just 2 days ago, we found out that the DEA had never been informed that the committee wanted this information. As soon as the DEA found out about the committee's request, they worked to give us an answer, but in the meantime the Justice Department kept the committee from finding out critical information for 6 months. Is it a coincidence that this information relates to our investigation of a Democratic fund-raiser from Miami? And I want to tell you, regarding this campaign money in Venezuela, the district attorney in New York, a Democrat, contacted the Justice Department and thought that this should be investigated, this man should be prosecuted, and there should be a complete and thorough investigation of this after Mr. Morganthau contacted the Justice Department, the department let the statute run out on that so that they couldn't pursue it. Sixth, let's talk about the Department's handling of the Charlie Trie investigation. Campaign task force investigators knew that Trie's bookkeeper was destroying documents relating to Trie. The FBI saw people that worked for Trie destroying documents when he was under investigation. The FBI asked the Justice Department for a search warrant. FBI agents were even sent to Little Rock to execute the search warrant, but Janet Reno's hand-picked political advisors turned down the search warrant request, even though the Department knew documents were being destroyed. Months went by before the search took place, and I just wonder if the Attorney General is proud of the head start that she gave Mr. Trie, because it gave him and his colleagues a lot of time to destroy very valuable documents that were relevant to the investigation. It is hard to know sometimes whose interest Attorney General Reno is really representing. It is impossible to leave out the slap on the wrist that the Justice Department has agreed to give both Charlie Trie and John Huang. The Department has promised them no prison time at all: maybe some community service time, but no prison time. The Justice Department even promised to give John Huang back his voting rights. When U.S. attorneys outside of Washington, D.C. have prosecuted conduit contributors recently, they have managed to get prison time or at the very least home incarceration. Why the kid-gloves treatment for Presidential friends like Mr. Huang and Mr. Trie? And Mr. Huang and Mr. Trie were involved in so many of the conduit contributions that we are aware of. Much of that money that came to the Democrat National Committee was returned had John Huang's name all over it. Charlie Trie was the solicitor. Yet they were given nothing but community service time while people who did a lot less were prosecuted. Eighth, I also wonder what happened to the Attorney General's promised investigation of leaks within the Department. I have yet to hear her condemn her employees who leaked material damaging to the campaign finance investigation. I intend to ask for all records relating to these so-called investigations. When the White House accused Independent Counsel Starr of leaks, the Justice Department went to work investigating him vigorously. When the Attorney General's political people run interference for the Administration, the Department is noticeably silent. This Justice Department investigates if there is a political benefit, but it is silent when real crimes have been committed. Ninth, turning to national security, it was the Attorney General's political staff who reviewed search warrant requests for records at Los Alamos, where all of our nuclear secrets were given to the Communist Chinese. It appears that her political people weren't really all that concerned with national security. The FBI tried to get permission for wiretaps on Wen Ho Lee three times. He is the major suspect of the espionage. They wanted to find out if he was passing information to the Communist Chinese that would endanger the security of every man, woman and child in this country. The FBI was turned down not once, but three times on that search warrant and wiretap. To my knowledge, that is the first time in history where espionage has been alleged and the Justice Department has denied the FBI search warrants on wiretaps. Tenth, one of the greatest hurdles facing the Committee is the routine failure by the Department to produce documents in a timely manner. Earlier I mentioned a specific example involving DEA documents. The excuses are endless. And the Department hides behind legally unsupportable readings of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure. At all times the Department has behaved as though it was defense counsel for the President of the United States and not a servant of the Constitution and the American people. Eleventh, when law and politics collide, the political appointees at the Justice Department seem to ignore the law. Take for instance an anecdote from the recent Bob Woodward book. In May of 1996, White House counsel Jack Quinn was voted in contempt of Congress by my Committee for a failure to turn over subpoenaed documents. This is what Mr. Woodward says in his book: ‘Quinn was confident he wouldn't be sent to jail if we held him in contempt. Lawyers in the Justice Department had assured him they would not prosecute, even if the full House of Representatives cited him for contempt.’ That is collusion with the White House. How many layers of corruption does this statement reveal? First, Justice Department lawyers decided they would simply ignore the law, that they would do a favor for the President's lawyer. Then they told Jack Quinn what they had already decided. I will bet that there are a lot of criminal defendants and defense attorneys who would like that sort of help from the Justice Department. Twelfth, in August of 1998, Committee investigators interviewed Jack Ho. Jack Ho helped one of Charlie Trie's associates funnel $25,000 in foreign money to the DNC. In the course of interviewing Ho, Committee staff learned that Ho had never been contacted by the Justice Department. After the Committee informed the Justice Department of Ho's existence, the Department scrambled to interview him. Mr. Ho later told the committee that in the course of his Justice Department interview, investigators told him that he did not have to cooperate with Congress and our Committee. Not only does the Justice Department obstruct us, the Attorney General's people have gone out of their way to tell others not to cooperate with us. Thirteenth, when we asked to talk to lawyers at the Department of Justice who could shed some light on why the Attorney General's advisors decided to let the statute of limitations expire on Florida fund-raiser Charles Intriago, we were given a stiff arm. Five years ago, when Democrat Chairman Dingell wanted to talk to the same types of lawyers, he was given full access. Once again, just like the flip-flop over supporting and then opposing the independent counsel statute and the use of different standards for top White House officials, I wonder why the Attorney General makes decisions to benefit Democrats and changes her policies or mind when she is investigating Democrats. Janet Reno has run the most politicized Justice Department since the Teapot Dome scandal of the 1920s. This Department, in my opinion, might even be worse. The legacy she will leave is one of public cynicism and professional frustration. There have been times that even the FBI hasn't been able to trust the Attorney General's political staff, and I submit to you that may be why you read what you read in the Washington Post this morning. I, for one, think there should be a major housecleaning and that someone of the stature of FBI Director Freeh or Mr. La Bella, both are men of stature, should be put in charge of the Department to restore the integrity that has been lost over the last 6 years. And for me, it couldn't happen a minute too soon. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Linder. I thank the gentleman. [The statement of Mr. Burton follows:] ******** INSERT 2-1 ******** Mr. Linder. It is my understanding that Mr. Kanjorski has time concerns, and Mr. Hyde, with his typical grace, has agreed to sit back and let him take the next spot. Mr. Hyde. He may even have my seat. Mr. Kanjorski. Thank you very much, Mr. Hyde. Mr. Linder. Thank you, Mr. Hyde. Welcome. STATEMENT OF HON. PAUL KANJORSKI, A REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS FROM THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA Mr. Kanjorski. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and members of the committee. I am pleased to respond to the request of the Chairman to testify on what I was led to understand was cooperation, comity, and confrontation in the nature of oversight of the executive branch. Having sat through some of the last testimony, I think we could strike at least two of those words. Mr. Chairman, I have had the occasion over the 15 years of my service in Congress to observe oversight operations of the various committees of the House. First, may I say, by definition, clearly the 106th Congress has been the most tortuous, probably for several reasons that I think I can imagine, and I imagine the full committee can imagine. We have now elevated ourselves into a contest in political advantage to such an extent that we have reached out and used every arm of government and every arm of our institution, and probably are, in some instances willing to prostitute the Constitution to which we took an oath of office. I think that is unfortunate. I do not hang that on the Majority or the Minority singularly. It probably is a tit for tat. As a matter of fact, last week, traveling across America, I had the occasion to spend some time deliberating, and it struck me that in most instances in the past, the Congress has acted as a representative of the people and forged high public policy. We hold most things that we do in the consideration of what would be best in the nature of public policy. Today I daresay that regardless of what proposition is put forth by either side of the aisle, the other side of the aisle immediately says, ‘no’, in response, and puts a contrary position in place. A position that is sometimes not even consistent with their own basic philosophy or ideology is constructed simply as a reactive step in this high emotional climate in which we find ourselves. It seems to me that the important thing is to see how we can step back and do the people's business, and quite frankly, I want to take 2 minutes to respond to the prior testimony of Mr. Burton. I have had the occasion to serve on Mr. Burton's committee through the entire 105th Congress and 106th Congress. I have got to tell you that I have never before then experienced a determination by the Majority or the Chairman of that committee to arrive at a conclusion and then attempt to find the facts. It is rather astounding, to tell you the truth. I understand his frustration. He did not find the facts. He did not get to the ultimate goal that he wanted to attain, and it frustrated him greatly. It also destroyed the comity and the cooperation of that committee to a large extent, and, frankly, at this point I am not sure that the oversight committee of the House of Representatives, as presently constituted, can really carry on any oversight at all with any faith on either side of the aisle that we are pursuing a public policy end for the good of the people, as opposed to the benefit of political partisanship. I think that is very unfortunate, and in light of that I looked back and I tried to come up with some key rules for oversight. I found that a good, former colleague of ours, Dennis Eckart of Ohio, had four rules that he tried to apply, and the rules were very simple. One, do your homework and be properly prepared knowing all of the facts. Before we charge a committee to make an investigation or ride off into a challenge, we should make ourselves aware of all of the facts available. Secondly, the facts should determine the agenda. One cannot let the political agenda drive the facts. Clearly, rule number two was the most grievously violated rule in the campaign finance investigation. There was a determination to fit those facts into a political agenda, regardless of what the facts indicated. Thirdly, carefully guard the integrity and the credibility of the investigation. A congressional investigation may be a political event, but it cannot be partisan. I think anyone, as impartial as we could all attempt to be, or as objective as we could attempt to be, would have to say that clearly an investigation as carried on by the oversight committee over the last year has been probably as partisan as any investigation we have ever seen. Partisanship colored the entire investigation, lost the cooperation of the Minority, and, quite frankly, I think, in some instances, it embarrassed some of the members of the Majority. Four, respect the process and participants. Keep in mind that when all is said and done, the public confidence and credibility of your report is directly related to the perception that everyone had their fair day in the hearing room. That was so clearly not done. There was a refusal to allow witnesses that would have established facts that were being chased down that did not exist. There was a misconstruction of what facts were put out on the table or narrowly channeling those facts to allow the drawing of conclusions that were not warranted. It was an unfortunate experience. But from it, I think I have learned one fundamental lesson. Never will I sit on a committee of the House of Representatives and vote the subpoena power to a Chairman alone without a vote of the committee. I saw that happen in many instances causing grave damage to private American citizens. A Chinese American professor at Georgetown University had his entire life disrupted because the committee was so eager to issue a subpoena. They did not find out it was the right name and the wrong person, and it really caused unusual disturbance in the gentleman's life. Exercising probably the most extraordinary power of government, to subpoena, where we cast aside all protections of individuals and subject them to the full might of this great government and this great Congress, and, then, not to take all the precautions necessary to protect their rights and limit their exposures, I think, would contrast some hearings that I have had. I do not, however, want necessarily to make that comparison. All I will say is that it strikes me that the committee that I am talking about, and the investigation that Mr. Burton has just testified to, ultimately issued 758 subpoenas, 684 for documents and 74 for witnesses. We obtained more than a million and a half pages of documents from the executive branch and other sources. I was not certain that there were that many people down there who had time to write, but apparently they filed a million and a half pages, and they gave them to this committee. I can tell you I do not think there was anybody on that committee that had enough time to read them. So, what we did was cause great exacerbation in pursuit of the goal of making it appear that this administration, or this Justice Department, was engaged in some scandal or corrupt activity when, in fact, I am not certain what the legislative purpose of the investigation ultimately was. No legislation, a recommendation for campaign finance reform, has come out of it. No effort was undertaken in the beginning to define what the intention of the committee was. The investigations that were carried out by our committee were rather superficial and not professionally performed. In the meantime, there were other properly and legally constituted structures and institutions of this government that were carrying on for prosecution purposes these very investigations. Ultimately, it was my conclusion that those of us who served, whether in the Majority or the Minority on that committee, were embarrassed for our service. We appeared to the American people to be zealots, not possessed of all the facts and information, and certainly not sensitive to the rights and the responsibilities of the witnesses and the people being investigated, and to the processes of the House of Representatives. I think this institution suffered greatly as a result. On that basis, I would recommend this committee seriously look into the reforming of rule 11 of the House in regard to the issuance of subpoenas, and only under a vote of the entire House of Representatives ever empower a chairman again to issue subpoenas solely on his own power, if essential. To my own knowledge, over the last 15 years I have served here, I have never seen a real need for that. I think this all came about because politics was a driving force. I have sat here for the last 6 years in Congress and watched something start out called Whitewater that possessed the attention of the Banking Committee for months. Then, when the potato did not seem to have any more heat in it, and it could not be tossed around, that closed down with a whimper and nothing came of it. And then we moved over to the oversight committee. There was Filegate, and nothing ever came of Filegate. There was Travelgate, and nothing ever came of Travelgate. Then there was a campaign finance investigation, and nothing ever came of campaign finance reform. We did have a special counsel that discovered a grave indiscretion of the President of the United States involving his personal life, and that did ultimately get resolved, but it had nothing to do with the official duties of the President, nor any corrupt act of an Attorney General or any Cabinet officer of the President of this United States. I do not like to compare one administration to the other, because I do not think that is our role. But anyone to sit here before this committee of Congress and assert that this administration or this Justice Department is the most corrupt that ever existed, or comparing it to Teapot Dome, only speaks to the lack of historical perspective on the part of the witness. Anyone that knows Janet Reno may disagree with her judgments, but I do not think they have any right to attack her integrity or disagree with her integrity. Even I, on occasion, have taken exception to some of her judgments. As a result of the successful prosecutions, none, to my knowledge, out of Whitewater, Filegate, Travelgate or campaign finance reform have moved into the Office of the President nor anything directly related to the President or Vice President of the United States, or any of their immediate appointees, and particularly nothing touching on their official function. These are all peripheral issues. Some people were caught making bad mortgages that were friends of the President in Arkansas, but they had no direct relationship to him and were really not the objects, nor should they ultimately have been the objects, of the investigation. But quite frankly, we have gone through 6-1/2 years of tortuous investigations and restrictions on the Office of the President. I think that this disturbing element will result in continuing future activities in politics in the United States. 6-1/2 years: it is almost like the insane man who has been examined by a psychiatrist and determined to be sane. He is about the only one of us that can assert his sanity. This administration, having been so thoroughly investigated for 6-1/2 years, can literally represent that it is one of the least corrupt administrations in the history of the United States, not the most. I know, however, the negative perception will not change because people have gathered and the words "scandal" and "corruption" are so willingly used by Mr. Burton. I respect the fact that my good friend Dan is not a lawyer. But, he certainly does jump off to conclusions without facts and without logical analysis to justify those conclusions. I would just temper him on that, not that you have to be a lawyer to be a chairman of this committee, but I think we should all be cautious before we label an American citizen or an official of this government as having committed a crime or attacking their personal integrity unless we have absolutely the facts sufficient to cause a conviction on that charge. I do not think those facts exist, and if they do exist, the Chairman has not brought them out or forwarded them on to any proper institution to proceed with the legal processes that our laws allow. Finally, Mr. Chairman, I would like to say that I think there is a role for oversight. I think it is one of our biggest roles. I think the lack of good oversight is one of the greatest failings of this Congress. We always want to jump on the opportunity to pass a law to solve all problems, but few of us are willing to do the detailed and deep work, and to do the study and the analysis of how laws are acting and how they are being carried out. I think it would be very important, and it is very important, for this committee to step back for a moment and say, let us have some cooperation, some comity, and let us exercise proper congressional oversight of the executive branch of government and help make this government work more efficiently and more effectively, not for the Republicans, not for the Democrats, but for the people we represent, the American people. Thank you. Mr. Linder. Thank you, Mr. Kanjorski. [The information follows:] ******** COMMITTEE INSERT ******** Mr. Linder. I understand you have some time constraints. Would you respond to some written questions for us? Mr. Kanjorski. Absolutely, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Linder. Thank you very much. [The information follows:] ******** COMMITTEE INSERT ******** Mr. Linder. Mr. Hyde. Mr. Burton. Mr. Chairman, while Mr. Hyde is coming up, during the question and answer period, may I make some responses? Mr. Linder. I don't think we need to debate this. Let's try and move forward on the rule issues. Mr. Burton. Okay. Mr. Hyde. May I proceed? Mr. Linder. Yes. STATEMENT OF HON. HENRY HYDE, A REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS FROM THE STATE OF ILLINOIS Mr. Hyde. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. It has been a fascinating morning. I think it has been an interesting morning. Very briefly, Mr. Kanjorski has some very salient points. You ought to let the facts drive investigations, but how do you get the facts? If you get stonewalled, stonewalling isn't so bad. Then you can find a way to dig under it or go around it, but it is when they aggressively obstruct that it becomes even tougher. So getting the facts is the predicate to an investigation, I agree, but trying to get the facts out of this administration is some trick. Secondly, I heard Mr. Kanjorski talk about the pursuit of the President on his -- some private conduct. Judge Susan Webber Wright did not find him in contempt on any private conduct. That was overt conduct. We did not proceed against him for any private conduct, but for perjury, obstruction of justice, and those were overt felonies, not private conduct. That is the ongoing spin, and it still is spinning, but it isn't so. I will eschew my preliminary remarks. We all know how important oversight is. Actually, it is an important function of Congress. We cannot legislate unless we do it based on information. Again, Mr. Kanjorski is quite correct. We need information, and if we can't get it from the agencies who possess it, we are frustrated, we cannot do our job. So it is very important. Now, it is my opinion, and I have been here a few years, that the Department of Justice doesn't view congressional oversight with that benign a view. On the contrary, they have made a regular practice of delaying, ignoring or rejecting legitimate congressional requests for information. I experienced this most dramatically last Congress when the committee held oversight hearings to examine the Department of Justice's handling of the campaign finance investigation. Members of the committee were quite simply denied answers to nearly every question that was asked. Within a few days, some of the information we sought was made available to the press and became common knowledge, but it was never officially available for the committee and the Congress. Several members of the committee were promised prompt and complete answers in writing to several other questions that the Attorney General could not answer, and despite repeated requests for follow-up and demands for the information, the Department took more than 5 months to even respond to some of our questions. Most of these responses were inadequate and failed to answer the questions posed. Now, the Department has been increasingly aggressive in lobbying against legislation that it opposes. I believe the Department has often crossed the fine line between offering its advice and consultation on legislation when requested and actively lobbying against the legislation. In the summer of 1997, I proposed to amend the Commerce, Justice and State appropriations bill with a provision that would allow any citizen, any citizen, who was criminally prosecuted but found innocent to recover attorney's fees where the judge determined that the government acted frivolously, vexatiously or in bad faith. That is a simple proposal. If you are prosecuted in bad faith, you should at least have the opportunity to recover your financial costs. The Department of Justice fought strenuously against my proposal and vowed to convince the President to veto the funding bill, the whole bill, if my provision were a part of it. That struck me as odd. I can understand why a Federal prosecutor who may have acted unscrupulously would oppose the provision, but how could the Department, this institution of government, oppose a provision aimed at preventing the government from acting frivolously, vexatiously or in bad faith in a prosecution that could wrongfully deprive a citizen of his liberty or even his life? They didn't just oppose it, they pulled out all the stops. Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder called the provision ‘drastic legislation’ and claimed that ‘people like John Gotti, John Hinckley and John DeLorean could wind up with big taxpayer checks.’ He went on to say it will handcuff prosecutors and could cost the taxpayers a fortune in high-stakes payoffs to America's Most Wanted. From the sound of Mr. Holder's rhetoric, this provision meant the end of the criminal justice system as we know it. Nonetheless, in November of 1997, the House passed the provision by a bipartisan vote of 340 to 84, and the President signed the bill. Soon after the bill went into effect, the Acting Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division and the Deputy Attorney General sent a memo to all U.S. attorneys explaining the new provision and essentially explaining how to undermine this new law. We have had similar experiences with legislation requiring Federal prosecutors to comply with State and Federal court ethics rules and reforming our civil asset forfeiture laws. The last provision recently passed in the House by a vote of 375 to 48, but we face an uphill battle in the Senate where the Department has focused its lobbying efforts. I think we all feel the Department should spend more time responding to requests for information and less time in active opposition to our legislation. The Department has talked a great deal about how important congressional oversight is, but as you have heard today, that is all windup and no pitch. Even more disturbing, the Department of Justice seems to have become a model of noncompliance with congressional oversight. As some of the earlier testimony today indicated, in some cases the Department has stepped into disputes and recommended against compliance with congressional requests to other departments or agencies in the executive branch. Such aggressiveness and noncooperation could be interpreted as political or partisan, but I believe the problem is one of attitude and goes much deeper. The Department often acts as though it is above the law, especially where congressional oversight is concerned. On many occasions, the Department quotes its internal policies and practices as reasons for not complying with legitimate oversight requests. They have defended their recalcitrance with tortured interpretations of rule 6(e) or even novel claims of government privileges. Each of the chairmen here today is familiar with the Department's often-stated claim that compliance with oversight requests would interfere with an ongoing criminal investigation. In many cases, there is nothing, there is no amount of accommodation the committee can propose to overcome that objection. As you decide whether the Department has considered itself above congressional oversight, please don't take my word for it. I wouldn't expect that. Listen to what the Department itself has said. Michael Shaheen, who headed the Department's Office of Professional Responsibility from its inception in 1993 to 1997, said, and I quote, "There is no other department that is viewed with comparable terror or fear because there is no other department that by itself can put you in jail or take your life, liberty or property from you. The Department has the FBI and other agencies. It has become a Leviathan in the minds of a lot of people because it is so big and imponderable. I think it is correct to say that no outsider is capable of oversight." That is an incredible statement. The man who is responsible for ensuring that the Department lawyers act ethically and responsibly is concluding the Department is just too powerful to be accountable to outsiders; that is, Congress and the courts. This wasn't a boast. It was made in good faith and with good intention, but that only makes it more incredible. The cold hard truth is this has become a way of thinking in the Department. In short, congressional requests, legitimate requests for information, are too often dismissed or ignored. We in the House are held accountable every 2 years. That is one of the primary reasons we must take seriously our responsibility to oversee those who think they are not accountable. One of the reasons I ran for Congress, one of the reasons I studied and practiced law to become a lawyer, was to try and remedy injustice wherever I could. Everyone is entitled to their due. Justice means not being cheated, not being defrauded, and it sure means not being pushed around. I have come to learn some people do get pushed around, and even by their government. I was very late in coming to that realization, but I learned that people in government exercising enormous power are human beings, and, like everyone else, capable of error and capable certainly of arrogance. Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac, Henry Kissinger said. These people who exercise this power -- and when it is the government it is limitless -- are capable of hubris, they are capable of overreaching, and on very infrequent occasions they push people around. So when such injustice happens, it is doubly frustrating when citizens have no other place to turn. If the government, your last resort, is your oppressor, you have no remedy. This is especially true of the Department of Justice, which can take your life, take your liberty, take your property. The Department of Justice employs more than 120,000 people and has an annual budget in excess of $18 billion. That is five times the budget for the entire Federal judiciary and more than seven times the amount appropriated for the Congress, both the House and the Senate. We appropriated that money. We have empowered the Department, and it is our responsibility to ensure the Department is accountable to the public. The same group we are responsible for and to, so are they. That accountability can only come through our oversight. In closing, I want to say I strongly support the Department of Justice and its mission. I strongly support and admire and respect the thousands of employees who do their work and do it well and are underpaid and overworked. I deeply respect the work they do. That is why I feel so strongly about the Department complying with legitimate - legitimate - congressional requests. I am afraid when the Department loses its credibility with this Congress and the American people, as I am afraid the whole government is losing its credibility, we are in serious trouble. I don't think we can be indifferent to this, and we mustn't let it continue, and I thank you. Mr. Linder. Thank you, Mr. Hyde. [The statement of Mr. Hyde follows:] ******** INSERT 2-2 ******** Mr. Linder. I just have a few questions from the panel, and then Mr. Frank will come and testify next. Mr. Hyde, in Cobell v. Babbitt, the class action suit revolved around the Indian Trust Funds. Judge Lamberth noted that on many occasions he took the Department of Justice's word during the discussions, and at the end he said -- more shocking, he said, is that the Court's trust in the Justice Department was misplaced. They lied to him. What is the remedy? Mr. Hyde. The remedy is having people who run the Justice Department impose sanctions on any one of their employees who lies, especially to a Federal judge in a court proceeding. That ought to be beyond toleration. The Attorney General ought to act on it promptly. If the Attorney General refuses to act on something like that, that is something, I think, that would call for an intense discussion between the Judiciary and Appropriations Committee and the Department of Justice Mr. Linder. Mr. Hoekstra, you on a couple of occasions needed to come to get special rules provided for your investigation. Mr. Hoekstra. That is right Mr. Linder. Is there anything that you would like to suggest might be changed in the rules so that you don't have to come back to Rules Committee, just complete the investigation? Mr. Hoekstra. Well, the one that I mentioned in the testimony was that the subcommittee -- or that committee chairmen would have the deposition subpoena authority in the rules at the beginning of the year. We found, very much to the credit of the Rules Committee and the House, that as we did our investigation into the Teamsters, that prior to getting the special rules in place and getting them approved by the House, we had to build up a track record of why they were necessary. Well, you know, you start an investigation, a special investigation, you have to hire staff, you have to get the funds, you begin the work, and then to build the track record means that you are going through a 3- to 6-month process before you can actually create the compelling case for why those rules were necessary. And I believe that those are rules that you can give -- that should be given immediately if you expect an oversight subcommittee to be effective. The other rule that I think that the Rules Committee should take a look at is the rule that -- or the process where if someone is held in contempt of Congress, the Senate, I believe, has a process in place where the Senate then will take that through the courts. The House will rely on the Justice Department to put that through the courts or to follow up on our contempt citation. I think the House ought to seriously consider taking a look at the Senate provision and seeing if that is a more appropriate way of doing it. If we believe that someone is actually in contempt of the House, we should take the responsibility for then moving that through the courts and not moving it somewhere else into the executive branch in the hope that they agree with us and that they will aggressively pursue it. So I think those are two changes that we should take a look at Mr. Linder. Mr. Burton, I think you also had problems with rules changes in your investigation; did you not? Mr. Burton. Well, we asked for deposition authority, and we were granted that. I think deposition authority is extremely important when you are conducting any kind of investigation. I am not so sure that there shouldn't be a rules change that allows any committee that is exercising oversight to do the same thing. May I just say one more thing real quickly? Mr. Linder. Sure. Mr. Burton. I don't want to get into a discussion or debate, but the statement I made is based upon bank records and facts, and instead of attacking what I have said, it inevitably comes back to an attack on me and my credibility as chairman. And that does bother me. One of the reasons that we have not been able to complete our investigation is we have had 121 people, which is unparalleled in American history, take the Fifth Amendment or flee the country. Cases also have been held open at the Justice Department, I believe, that should have been closed, but by remaining open, they have precluded the possibility of bringing these people before the Committee because they can still exercise their Fifth Amendment privilege. If the Justice Department would close those cases, we believe we could force them to come and testify, but unfortunately the Justice Department is holding those cases open ad infinitum, and we can't get to those people. That is why I feel so frustrated, and that is why I made the statements that I did today. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Linder. Mr. Young, some observed that while the Justice Department refuses to share information with the Congress, some of that very information winds up on the front pages of the paper. And I believe The Washington Post editorial had some of that information relating to a Resources Committee investigation fairly recently. What does that do to your investigation? Mr. Young. Well, it destroys an investigation, and I have to say one thing. I will say this Justice Department, without any reservation, I think -- I will say it not as -- I have been here longer than Mr. Kanjorski has been. I have been here 27 years. I have worked with six administrations, and this is probably the worst Justice Department in responding to the Congress in the responsibility of oversight. But saying that, I agree with Mr. Hoekstra. I think we have to get outside of the Justice Department when it comes to pursuing subpoenaing witnesses. I don't know whether we could do it through the courts, but somehow that has to happen because what is happening to us, we subpoenaed an individual. They claimed that it -- this was a line attorney within the Justice Department, and she would not be allowed to appear before the committee. We had the subpoena. They would not allow her to appear. It was shown that, in fact, they falsely identified her, and we did have her before the committee, and she did give her testimony. But I will tell you I do believe there has been a lot of leaks out of this Department that have tried to destroy any type of investigation and get to the bottom of the problem. And I will also say that, as I say, under all the administrations, the use of regulatory law or executive order and the people involved establish an agenda that goes beyond their role, which is really the role of the Congress, is unparalleled. This has been one of the most amazing things I have ever seen in my life. So I would like to suggest, as we change this, and you can say all you want, oversight is our responsibility to make sure the agency which we have responsibility to oversee operates lawfully, legally and correctly for the American people. I don't believe this has happened. I think the Interior Department is probably in the worst shape it has ever been in. They have misused their powers. They have misused the land, the trust funds, for instance; the one I am really interested in. Mr. Babbitt's involvement in that, it is a criminal act. Now, I will say we are going to continue to pursue it. We are going to continue to do what we have to do. It is a very difficult row to hoe because the Justice Department, frankly, doesn't want it to happen. And they don't care about justice. They care about protecting their party. I have lived through John Dingell. He is my dear friend. He, when they are -- your party was in power, they subpoenaed people, they went -- the Justice Department agreed with them. They never stonewalled them even with George Bush and Jerry Ford and Richard Nixon, and Jimmy Carter. This administration is the one that stonewalls, and that is not justice because it is affects the people which I work with and represent. I am not picking on individuals in the private sector. I am picking on people that have done illegal things within the Department of Interior Mr. Linder. Mr. Hyde, some time ago, the Georgia Legislature passed a law saying that agencies of government using taxpayers' funds may not lobby specific bills. What do you think of that idea? Mr. Hyde. Well, that is a concern I have. I think the Justice Department has a point of view that they are entitled to express. We need to know where the Department stands on this or that legislation, but when they actively lobby, I think they have crossed a line. I don't think government agencies should lobby. They should provide information. I admit that is a fine line, but I think that is appropriate. Mr. Linder. Thank you. Chairman Dreier. Mr. Dreier. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. Thank you all very much for your thoughtful remarks and for spending the time and effort that you put into this. I wanted to follow on just one point that Don raised. And I suppose I should probably raise this with you, Henry, and that is apparently both Janet Reno and Webb Hubbell in the early part of their administration, when the Democrats were in control of this place, were extraordinarily accommodating in dealing with this issue, which I believe is a priority, programmatic and policy oversight, and I have underscored that. I mean, that is one of the things that Speaker Hastert and I discussed at the outset. We had to pursue programmatic and policy oversight. So when it came to that, there was an environmental crimes program, and it was entitled Damaging Disarray, and both Webb Hubbell and Janet Reno were very, very warm in extending invitations to have the legislative branch look closely at that. To what do you attribute the fact that there has been, quite frankly, based on everything I have read, quite a bit of recalcitrance in allowing for the legislative branch to raise similar questions? Mr. Hyde. I just think, regardless of the administration, there is always going to be a tension between an agency, a department of government, and Congress. We are viewed as an annoyance, unprofessional, headline-hunting. We just are not exactly welcomed into the bosom of any governmental agency Mr. Dreier. The concern I have is that Don was indicating that in, I guess, the first 2 years of the administration, when we saw the President's party controlling the Congress, that tension was not nearly as great as it has been Mr. Hyde. Well, I think there was a symbiosis between the Congress and the White House. They were on the same page of the same hymn book. When it becomes adversarial, then people's backs get up, and there is a resistance. I think it is human. I think it is natural. I think it has gotten out of hand, too. Nobody thinks everyone is moving from base motives. I know in our long and much lamented impeachment inquiry, I did my level best, I wracked my brain to try and be fair, but we were attacked and criticized, and the polarization was total. It was harmful, and I think it still lingers, unfortunately. Mr. Young. David, I would just like to -- personally, my opinion, and Henry is absolutely correct, when we took control, this administration decided to do things without the concurrence of Congress. They did it through executive order. They set policy that was done by regulatory action, and circumventing the Congress, and we believe that many times it was done illegally, that that is the role of the Congress. I think there is collusion with the Justice Department; that they have decided, all right, if we do this, what will be the result? The result will be zero because the Justice Department -- although something illegally has occurred, the Justice Department will not pursue the illegality of that action, knowing full well that over a period of time their term is over. On this -- I am not being partisan. It just disturbs me because when they do that, they are circumventing our due process. I mean, what we have been trying to do, we did it with Escalante, we are doing with Warner Creek -- show the Department of Interior, through the influence of the White House directly, has circumvented the constitutional authority of this Congress. Now, that is against the law, and they have decided to make this an issue that when they are out of office, it will be too late to do anything about it, and they will have achieved their goals outside the legislative process. I think they have done this in collusion. I think this is a sit-down, war-room action that they have put together. And I know Dan's frustration. This is not about Democrats and Republicans. This is about a policy being set by the executive branch which is only within the authority of the Congress Mr. Dreier. I think it is a very important point to make. I mean, I think that the tension to which Henry referred is something the framers really wanted in this struggle between the executive and legislative branches. So I don't think there is anything particularly wrong about that. One of the questions that I have to follow up on that, though, is that, I mean, is it true that we have seen really a shift for the use of executive privilege really from the Department of Justice, in fact, to the White House? Mr. Hyde. Did you say executive privilege? Mr. Dreier. Yes. Mr. Hyde. Well. Mr. Linder. Executive orders? Mr. Dreier. Executive privilege, really. Mr. Hyde. Executive privilege was claimed by several people in several circumstances where I think it was very important. In fact, that was -- we considered that as an abuse of office, but we decided not to make it a count in our Articles of Impeachment. But, yes, I think executive privilege is a narrow doctrine and a good one and that it was abused. Mr. Dreier. Thank you all very much. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Linder. Mr. Hall. Mr. Hall. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Just to start off, I want to say to Mr. Barton, who was here a little while ago, who referred to Mr. Franklin Haney. Mr. Barton said that Mr. Haney was charged with certain campaign violations, but he failed to say that Mr. Haney was acquitted. I think if we are going to say that somebody is challenged and charged, that we also ought to say that he is also acquitted. Secondly, our own Rules of the House of Representatives are spelled out and they are pretty clear as to what we are supposed to do as far as oversight. It says that the general oversight responsibilities are to analyze, appraise, and evaluate the Federal laws, to assist in enacting new or additional legislation. We should look for changes or for additional legislation, or look at the organization and operations of Federal agencies. And it goes on and on and on. I guess the problem that I have is that it seems so much of our investigations in the past few years have really been one-sided and haven’t been as much oversight as we really have the ability to direct. All of you have talked about the tension that is between the administration and the legislature, and that is the way it is, that is the way it was set up. I think it is a good tension, because we have a good set of checks and balances in our government. But I am concerned about the tension between members of the legislature, Republicans and Democrats, and that tension is something that -- it should be us investigating and having oversight against whatever administration is in power, Republican or Democrat, we shouldn't be against one another. And I am so very concerned about partisanship costs of these investigations, the lack of bringing Democrats into the whole process. The Cox report was an exception. That was a good report. It was critical of the administration, it was critical of past administrations. We had Republicans and Democrats that joined to support it. It received a lot of good publicity. It was bipartisan in nature. There will be changes that come as a result of it. It is a good thing. I am concerned about the tensions between the Republicans and Democrats in the Congress. Mr. Hyde. May I just respond to this question? Mr. Burton. I would like to as well. Do you want to go first? Mr. Hyde. I just have something very short and simple, if not sweet to say. Our good friend Barney Frank, who I think is here -- Mr. Linder. He stepped out. Mr. Hyde. Did he? Well, he was quoted in The Washington Post this among, along with leader Gephardt, on the question of cooperation with us. And the Gephardt Doctrine apparently is not to cooperate so that we become a do-nothing Congress, and therefore it is easier for the Democrats to regain power and take over the Majority, which is the summa bonhomie, the highest good take power. Mr. Frank made an amplifying comment that we don't have to legislate. Now, how would you suggest, Tony, that we react to that? How can we draw you guys out to make you want to cooperate with us and make you want to pass legislation that we might get some credit for? But you, too, tell us what you to do. Mr. Hall. All right. I remember when the Democrats were in the Majority, I was Chairman of the Select Committee on Hunger. We didn't have legislative authority, but we had oversight authority. We looked over the Agriculture Department, AID, hunger programs, programs dealing with health and all kinds of programs dealing with poor people in our own country and overseas. My committee was a very bipartisan committee. I was the first committee in those days to offer the Republicans at least one-third of the budget. We never had a disagreement in open. My co-chairman, or the Vice Chairman at the time was a fellow by the name of Bill Emerson, a good friend of all of us, who has passed away, a great man. We were very good friends, whenever we had a problem, we worked it out behind the scenes. We never had a partisan problem. We passed many pieces of legislation as a result of our oversight. We analyzed laws affecting our foreign policy and agriculture programs. We worked it out. We were bi-partisan, we never had a fight, we passed laws. We analyzed. And this committee, even though it is not in existence today, got more awards in the Congress than any other committee that I can remember in any Congress. We led with all the conscience of the Congress. And it is not because I was Chairman, it had to do with the relationship that was built up between Republicans and Democrats. And that is how we did that. Mr. Linder. Will you yield on that? Mr. Hall. I would be glad to yield. Mr. Linder. What you are saying is that because the Minority members were willing to work with you and cooperate? Mr. Hall. They were willing to work with us, but you have got to remember that the party in power then in the White House was Republican, and we worked together. That is the same kind of situation that we have today, except it is reverse: Republicans are in power in the Congress, Democrats control the White House. What I am saying is my people back home, Republicans and Democrats, have come to me about these investigations and said, When are you people going to get together, when is the Republican Party going to stop appearing to look so vindictive and mean and spending all of this money? What are the results? Where are results coming from? Mr. Burton. I recall as a young man when Howard Baker, during the Watergate hearing, said of the President, a member of his own political party: ‘What did he know, and when did he know it.’ We have never had that kind of response in our investigation from the Democrat minority. There appears to be a different attitude, and I wish it weren't so. I think you are a very good man, Tony. I have worked with you in the past. I have watched you. I have watched you work on hunger issues. But a lot of our colleagues are not as amenable to working together as you are. Let us talk about the cost and duration, because I think it is a very important point. The White House blocked us for months and months and months from getting documents. The chief counsel of the President, Charles Ruff, came to my office and told me they were not going to claim executive privilege, and then later he said they were going to claim executive privilege. He said they were going to give us all the documents that we wanted, and he didn't until I told him I was going to hold him in contempt of Congress. And then he said: ‘Okay, we are going to give you everything you want.’ He gave us 10 or 12 boxes of documents and said that was everything, and 4 months later, we got more boxes of documents. Everything was being dragged out and dragged out and dragged out. I don't want to talk about the Lewinsky matter, but if you will recall in that particular case, the stonewalling by the White House that went on caused additional expense to the taxpayers of this country, because the White House was lying and withholding of information. That is the same thing we experienced in our investigation. If we had cooperation, that would never have occurred. Now let me just say one more thing regarding the oversight and the problem we have had with the Attorney General and the Justice Department. Oversight would be minimized if we had cooperation with agencies: particularly the Justice Department. If they would work with us to have witnesses testify, we wouldn't have this problem. But we have had 121 people take the Fifth Amendment or flee the country. And they have kept cases open, I am confident well beyond when they knew they were going to be closed, simply to keep us from getting at those witnesses. Now, when you have that kind of a problem, there is that tension within the Committee, and between the agency and the Committee. And that is the reason I think there is a lot of this acrimony. I would like to see it go away, but I don't think it is going to away until everybody starts really trying to work for proper administration of Justice and getting to the bottom of these things. And, finally, I would like to sit down with you and show you bank records that show that the Democrat National Committee still has hundreds of thousands of dollars in contributions that should be returned. These were illegal conduit contributions that the DNC are still keeping and have not returned. And the DNC is not cooperating. And I can't get the Minority to work with us on that. Mr. Hall. Dan, I am not on your committee, so I can't speak to these particular issues specifically. Mr. Burton. Right. Mr. Hall. But when I see you and I read about you in the paper and I hear about you in the committee hearings and I watch it, I don't get the impression there is anything that your committee, relative to working with Democrats -- are there two or three things that Republicans and Democrats have worked together on in the past, let us say, year? Mr. Burton. Oh, sure; right now. We are working on a bill right now -- you were talking about campaign finance reform. I have got a bill that has Democrat co-sponsors that is going to make it a much more severe penalty for people to be involved in conduit contributions. I think everybody in both parties agree with that. Illegal campaign contributions coming through a conduit should be a felony. And there should be more civil penalties. This is a bipartisan bill. Mr. Hall. Dan, you also, in my opinion, you represent me. I am part of the Congress, and you represent the constituency, you represent the country. When you are out in public, you are representing my wishes, too, of wanting to be able to do something for this country. And when you appear and look so tough and so vindictive towards an opposition party, you create a tension in this Congress and among the people out there that disgusts our constituents. And I don't want you to do that; you represent me too. I want you to be the kind of person that is tough and fair, and I want you to do everything you can to reach out. Mr. Burton. I don't want to get into a long dialogue -- Mr. Linder. We are getting pretty far afield. Mr. Burton. Let me just respond. I think this point should be made. If the administration of justice is being done properly, you will hear me praising. Today you heard me praise Louie Freeh and Chuck La Bella. I think they are two very fine men who did a good job. If I see an obstruction of justice by the Attorney General herself, I think it is incumbent upon me, as your representative and the representative of the people, to make sure that justice is administered properly and those who don't do it are taken to task. And if that is being vindictive, then so be it. Mr. Young. I want to say one thing. Do you want to stop this? I don't have that problem, you know. I work pretty well with everybody, very successful in my committee. But I also remember how I was treated when I was in the Minority. I wasn't ever consulted, I was never worked with. And I have not yet had anybody on my side of the aisle say, yes, the Department of Interior is doing anything right; on the other side, I have not had anybody say it is doing anything wrong. My job as the Chairman is to protect the people of the country when it comes to, I think, executive orders that go beyond the control of the Congress, of which you are part. If you really want to get serious about this, Mr. Chairman, you want to make it more healthy, shut that dumb TV off. And I say that in many respects. I mean, dead serious, that has caused -- I was here before -- it has caused us more animosity towards one another, because every morning we have these 1-minute speeches, and we throw a bomb this way and you throw a bomb this way. How can you work with people after you say you are no damn good? That is what I am saying. Mr. Hall. We should put those 1-minutes at the end of the day. Mr. Young. At the end of the day. Mr. Linder. Tony and I have both signed that letter to Bill Archer. Mr. Young. That way, people are gete to go. May I be excused? Mr. Linder. Surely. Mr. Goss, do you have any questions? Mr. Hastings. I don't want to ask. Mr. Goss. Doc was previous to me. Mr. Hastings. Don, I appreciate your testimony. You alluded several times about when you were asking for information from the Department about their longstanding practices, and others of you said the same thing. I just wondered, two questions: First of all, what were some examples of the longstanding practices by which they wouldn't give you information, number one? And number two, when you were here in other administrations, did you experience the same, you know, the same excuses or same reasons? Mr. Young. Well, actually, Mr. Hastings, everything we hear from them, when they say they can't respond to our inquiry, is to say that there is a criminal investigation. Well, I will be honest with you; I am not investigating anything that isn't criminal. But they use that as an excuse: We can't give you the information because there is a criminal investigation, and they just delay it and delay it and delay it. And I, very frankly, sometimes find out that they are doing it to just to keep me from achieving my goal, and that is the primary, the people that have broken the law. And if I can trace that to the top man, I am going to do it. But I believe that a lot of these things that have occurred have no reason to occur other than stonewall, and that is my, you know, my real problem. Mr. Hastings. The second part of that, then, is -- obviously you were in the Minority situation when we had other administrations in power, but did you experience the same thing, or did the committee in general experience those same -- Mr. Young. No. The ones I can remember of the investigations, there was a total cooperation, I mentioned this with the George Bush, you know, all of the other ones, total cooperation. I will admit sometimes I wasn't informed of what was going on by the Chairman. He accuses me of the same thing right now. I try to do my best to inform him. But most of the investigations when I was in the Minority were not directed at the agencies, but more directed to private sector, and they used a lot of things, I think at that time, incorrectly. And some of it was correct; the use of subpoenas were done all the time. But they did not investigate the agencies as much as I am doing, because again I am saying this administration has used the executive order so many times and regulatory law so many times in interpretation against the will of the Congress -- and that is our role; no agency should run rampant and not be held responsible by this Congress. If we don't do that job, then we are not doing what we must to uphold the Constitution. The people can't do it. I mean, it has got to be us, and that is really what I am running into right now. And I want to continue this pursuit, and I do have to go. Mr. Hastings. If others could respond. Pete. Mr. Hoekstra. I just wanted to build on what Mr. Young has said. What is the impact of the Justice Department's taking that kind of behavior? As we went through the Teamsters, we heard it all over and over and over -- You can't talk to this person; we can't give you these records; we don't want you to have this person testify because there is a potential for litigation; there is an ongoing criminal investigation. A year and a half later, nothing has happened. So what this now tells me is that either they didn't find anything or they are not prosecuting or whatever, but the next time we go through a similar case and the Justice Department comes back and says there is a potential for litigation or an ongoing investigation, that doesn't automatically stop our effort. We at that point as Chairmen have to make a decision as to whether we are going to honor their request or not. What they are doing is, they are losing their credibility with us that there is actually an ongoing investigation that has any credibility that we should honor their request. So in the future, I am going to be much more questioning when they come to me and say, Pete, you can't do that, you are going to jeopardize an investigation. It is going to be kind of like we have been there, done that; and the last time you came to me with that and you raised that flag, you didn't do anything and you never delivered. I may just go ahead this time, because you don't have any credibility with me anymore, and I would rather move ahead with my investigation, because in the past, when you have slowed mine down, you have never delivered or followed up. That is the risk that they are running. Mr. Hastings. Okay. Dan, you were, from body language, ready to respond. Mr. Linder. Turn on your mike. Mr. Burton. I won't belabor the point. I will just say ditto to what both my colleagues have just said. The Justice Department has stonewalled our Committee and 121 people have taken the Fifth. In the next few weeks there might be some evidence to the effect that shows that the Justice Department is deliberately keeping cases open so Congress cannot exercise its oversight responsibilities. And if that is the case, then I think that is definitely obstruction of justice, and they should be held accountable. But there is no question, I think all of us have said the same thing, that the Justice Department hides behind 6(e) material, grand jury material. They hide behind investigations that are allegedly ongoing, and they keep us from doing our job. Mr. Hastings. Thank you. Mr. Linder. Mr. Sessions. Mr. Sessions. Thank you, Chairman. I have sat through the testimony this morning of not only Mr. Kanjorski, but also my colleague Mr. Hall, and I think very good points have been made on both sides. Just to let Mr. Hall know, as a freshman I have sat in the very first meeting of Government Reform and Oversight with Mr. Burton, and from day one, day one, a decision was made to make personal attack personally Dan Burton, and this has continued today. And when someone is constantly personally attacked by the other side, that is an indication to me of an unwillingness to work together. What I have heard today seems like a denial of history, we have been led to believe that there were not some 900 FBI files in the personal residence of the President and the First Lady. No wonder we have never been able to resolve that matter. No one will tell the truth. No one when they raise their hands will admit to what they did. It is a mockery of Justice. We saw the President of the United States, in a sham explanation to the American people, openly lied. He calls it not telling the truth. It is a lie. The American people are sick and tired of people when they raise their hand, intentionally misleading and lying to people. As a member of the Government Reform and Oversight Committee, day after day I was disappointed to see how the Department of Justice would encourage people not to participate with us. We had the director of the FBI and Mr. La Bella, Mr. Freeh and Mr. La Bella openly come to us and explain beyond a reasonable doubt not only their view of the law, but what thought process they had. The Attorney General showed up and would not discuss her thought process with us, what was the advice she received, and why this might not be pertinent. One of the questions I have: Is it possible for us to develop a process that even the most sensitive information could be explained and discussed appropriately with full disclosure, openly and honestly, between the administration and the appropriate leadership either of the House of Representatives and the Senate or of committees? I believe that as Chairman of the Intelligence Committee, Porter Goss should be privy to the most sensitive information that our country has. I believe that as Chairman of the Judiciary committee and the Ranking Member, that they should be privy to the most sensitive information of ongoing investigations and the thought processes that are going on in the Department of Justice. Yes, they should have an obligation not to disclose that information and, yes, it should be put in a way where they can provide information without allowing them to co-opt with the Attorney General. But if we do not allow ourselves or have the ability to hear forthrightly, to gain the information, or if we are blocked from that information because someone who might be in an official capacity appears to have an upper hand because they are the upholder of the law, as though we would not be concerned about it, I think is a mistake. I hope that what we are able to do today is to look very carefully at the instances that have been brought up by I think well-meaning, honest Members of Congress. Dan Burton, Mr. Hyde, and Mr. Hoekstra represent me also. But the integrity of this institution, the ability that we have to work through the most sensitive and difficult problems without being stonewalled and lied to and accused for political purposes of trying to find the truth should not be a casualty today. I, like you, Mr. Hall, and my colleagues that are in this room, understand that if we cannot make this system work, that the American public will not trust us, and they will seek something else. This is simply an experiment; that is what constitutional law is all about, but it requires forthrightness on all sides, not just two sides, but three or four, if that is how big the triangle or the square might be. And I believe that these hearings today have beyond any reasonable doubt proven that we have a problem, that we have a problem when honest, legitimate people are attempting to ask questions and political charades and innuendos are thrown at people. I don't admire it, and I don't like it. And the day that a gentleman like Mr. Goss asks questions about our national security or Mr. Dicks, whether there be a Republican President or a Democrat President, and they cannot find out the truth and to appropriately make decisions, then I think that freedom has been jeopardized. I hope that we can through this process work clearly and carefully so that we avoid problems in the future, rather than this being just another hearing that we disagree because we are on two different sides, because of some political mission that Republicans are on. I believe that the American public knows the truth and they want from us to get it. Thank you. Mr. Linder. Thank you. [The information follows:] ******** INSERT 3-1 ******** Mr. Linder. Mr. Goss. Mr. Goss. Thank you. I assure my friend from Texas that we do our best to stay on top of the oversight in the Intelligence Committee, and we do it on a bipartisan basis. I think Mr. Hall would agree and we have had a great deal of success, but I would admit to considerable frustration with the Department of Justice on investigations which I think they are taking advantage of in order to not discuss with us matters which I think are our within purview. I can mention some active espionage cases that are ongoing, names that we would be aware of -- Chung, Huang, Hsia, Trie -- that I believe that there is active espionage involved in some matters that we need to know about, and it may be wrong, but I need to know about it. [The information follows:] ******** INSERT 2-1 ******** Mr. Sessions. Counterintelligence is a matter that has recently caught our attention in the Cox report. And the Cox report did work on a bipartisan basis and the results of the Cox committee, Cox-Dicks committee was unanimous, it was bipartisan, it was a pretty good report. I will say, however, it was not an easy berth to get from the decision we made unanimously on a bipartisan basis to what we were able to tell the public. And I think part of that goes to the problems we are having disclosing information to the public, that is rightly to the public, because the administration, for one reason or another, is not of the same mind that the public should have all of that information, and that is a curious and serious problem. I know this to be true. I know that in the Clonin Avenue Detention Center a few years ago, there was a willful deceit of an oversight committee of Congress not to reveal the truth, but not only not to reveal the truth, but to conduct a charade to hide an activity that the Department had taken. It had to do with immigration and the question of the overloaded Clonin Detention, trying to deceive a congressional delegation. Now, finally, a whistle was blown on that, and belatedly some action was taken. I know there were other matters that were taken that I had apologies from very high levels of members working in the Department of Justice for matteet timely, full, and accurate response. And the way it was handled was that members of the administration when confronted finally said, You know, we have looked into that and there is absolutely no reason that we owe you an apology. So I know there have been troubles, and some of them I will put down to, well, there is an awful lot of water that goes over the dam in government business and people in responsible positions can't possibly know it all. And the question I would address to the panel is this question that no matter how good the effort is at bipartisanship, loyal opposition as we have has operated in a democracy. I would ask this question. I think we all understand in a political world there is sun shining and that we want to put our best foot forward, but I would ask the question: When does putting your best foot forward become willfully deceiving the American public with misinformation, disinformation or omission of information? I don't know that we have made that decision or that standard. And I think that is the problem we have. I can well understand that somebody wants to tell me a piece of information that puts them in the best possible light, the best political consequences, but I cannot accept the fact that somebody will come out and try and hide information or mislead me when they are speaking from an official public position. I wonder how -- I will give a specific on that. I wonder how the President of the United States could come forward on March 19th, after all of the discussion about the Cox report and say, What security problem at Los Alamos? That is a hard question for me to understand. Why would the President shake his finger and say to the American people this is what it is, when he probably knows this is what it isn't? I think that is a serious problem. And I think it flows down through our relations through several agencies. My portfolio goes into several agencies, as you know. And I am concerned that we are getting in the position of habitually getting used to spin and hype and exaggeration and accepting it, and truth is a casualty. And I think that is totally unacceptable. I think it is demeaning to Americans, I think it is demeaning to the institutions that we represent, and I think it is demeaning to the people that we represent, and I think for that reason this is a useful hearing. I don't want this hearing to be considered as a piling on. I am not speaking of it that way because I don't want to talk party partisan politics. I want to talk about the narrative truth. And I don't think there is anybody more senior or respected in this institution than Mr. Hyde, who has a position of responsibility, who has dealt across the board. And I would very much regard a judgment from you on if you can discern between what is allowable spin, putting your best foot forward, and what is going over the line? Mr. Hyde. I thought long and hard about the generic problem we all confront today. If everybody was Tony Hall, this would be the smoothest operating Rolex you ever saw, because I know where Tony's heart is. If political power is the ultimate goal, not doing good for America, not walking down the stairs of the Capitol for the last time saying, I did some good, I made the community a little better, I pulled my weight -- but political power, if that is the ultimate goal, then whatever you do to attain that political power can't be too bad, including lying, including covering up. And I am afraid political power is the ultimate goal of too many people rather than the notion that you came here to do some good. And I think that is the problem. People's goals are not as lofty or as idealistic as they should be, and the only thing we are getting out of it is cynicism, massive public cynicism. And this great experiment, this representative democracy is going to founder, because good people aren't going to want to serve in it. That is my analysis of where we are, and where some of us are on two different tracks. Some of us would like to work, have to work -- nobody had to work with Democrats more than I did, because I needed a two-thirds vote in the Senate for removal. I couldn't get any Democrats, I could not get any Democrats. And I would have done contortions, I would have done one-finger pushups, I would have tried -- well, I thought about it. But it just wasn't to be, because it was a struggle for power, it was to protect the administration and circle the wagons, and anybody who wants to bring this down is an enemy of the people. And that is what happened. Truth became the enemy. Anything to keep that power was okay, and that is wrong. Mr. Linder. Porter, anything else? Mr. Goss. No. What you are saying to me is this basically is an individual matter of honor, and I suspect that is right. Mr. Hyde. Right. In the end, that is true. Mr. Goss. Well, maybe that is the basis of the success of our democracy. Mr. Hyde. And good leadership on both sides can help persuade people to act honorably. Mr. Goss. I would agree with that. Mr. Burton. Can I make one brief comment -- Mr. Goss. If the Chairman will allow. Mr. Burton. -- In response to your question? I think the record shows, regarding Los Alamos, and you brought that particular case up in nuclear theft, that in late 1996 and possibly even 1995, Mr. Berger, head of the National Security Council, knew about the espionage. He had been informed about it, we know that from our investigation, and he advises the President on national security matters. It is inconceivable to me that he would not have gone right into the Oval Office and said there is a problem at Los Alamos. But the President said up until just a short time ago, as far as he knew there was no espionage or threat to our security from nuclear theft. Mr. Berger - who told the Cox committee that he didn't know about it at that time - said he had made a mistake, he made a misstatement, and that he did know about it in late 1996. Later it was said by the head of the Department of Energy, Mr. Richardson, that the President knew about this in early 1997. Now, the credibility of the entire government is at stake when those misstatements are made, because they are perceived as out-and-out lies, and we are talking about national security. The reason I am so upset, Tony, about a lot of things that are going on, is because I believe after our investigation for 2 years -- and I am not trying to be acrimonious or partisan now -- I believe that the Administration knew about the illegal campaign contributions coming in. Now I believe they knew at the same time there was espionage going on, and it bothers me this was going on and there apparently was nothing being done. If campaign contributions are coming in from illegal foreign sources in China, and at the same time there is espionage, that is very troubling; and the American people have a right to be concerned. And I think we as members who are investigating these things have a right to be concerned as well. Mr. Linder. Thank you all. You have been helpful with your testimony, and generous with your time. We are grateful. Thank you. Mr. Hyde. Thank you for having these hearings. Mr. Linder. Mr. Frank, thank you for your patience. It has been a long line, and we are happy to have you here. STATEMENT OF THE HON. BARNEY FRANK, A REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS FROM THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS Mr. Frank. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I welcome the chance -- Mr. Linder. Put your mike up. Mr. Frank. What is that? I welcome the chance to address these subjects because as a member of both the Banking and Judiciary Committees, I have been a participant in many of these matters, and I don't recognize what I have been hearing. I guess as I listened to this repetition of accusations disproven, I am reminded of the old saying in Washington: "Where there is smoke, there are politicians with a smoke machine." And I think we are in the midst of a big smoke machine. I, for instance, heard the gentleman from Texas, when I came back in, talking about the FBI files being in the White House residence. Kenneth Starr, hardly partisan of the administration, announced after the election, conveniently, that there was nothing to link Bill Clinton to that whatsoever. In fact, I asked Mr. Starr at what point he decided that the President was exonerated from involvement with the FBI files. He said, well, there was never a moment at which we exonerated him because there was never a prior moment at which he was in any way implicated. Many of these issues were in fact investigated, some of the things that have been talked about, by Kenneth Starr. And I think what you have here is some frustration that Kenneth Starr found, contrary to the views of some who have testified earlier, that Vincent Foster tragically killed himself, that he wasn't nefariously done away with in some fashion. That was a deeply held view of some responsible officials, and Kenneth Starr, among everybody else who investigated it, said no, he committed suicide. Ken Starr said with regard to the FBI files in the Travel Office, there was no basis for any accusations against the President. In terms of congressional oversight, I was on the Banking Committee in 1994 when we had a hearing chaired by then-Chairman Gonzalez. The Republicans said that this was an inadequate hearing. And so when the Republicans took over, they had a new hearing, chaired by Mr. Leach, and went thoroughly into Whitewater. It was a very long investigation, and a week-long hearing. And do you know what that report concluded, Mr. Chairman? If you do, you are psychic, because there was no report. The Banking Committee, under the Republicans in 1995, having used the fullest subpoena powers and everything else to investigate Whitewater and to try to prove something on the administration, followed the old principle, "If you have nothing bad to say, don't say anything," because this committee never filed a report. What you have here is an understandable frustration and a failure to bring things up, and it wasn't because of stonewalling -- I don't know if Mr. Hyde is still here. I was somewhat surprised that he cited me and something I said as a an example of why he couldn't reach out to Democrats. My recollection when he wanted to move the civil asset forfeiture bill was that he didn't think my attitude was much of an obstacle. My recollection was that we cooperated, perhaps he thought it wasn't cooperation, I certainly thought it was. I do agree with regard to some of the fundamental issues involving the role of government, compromise is unlikely, and those genuine philosophical issues ought to be carried to the public. But I would be disappointed to have the record that we have in the Judiciary Committee and the intellectual property field and civil asset forfeiture, or a number of other areas, characterized as one of noncooperation. I can think of no case where I was asked to cooperate in a legislative issue where there were not fundamental ideological obstacles to an agreement, where cooperation didn't go forward. And it is in that case that I want to just specifically address the Justice Department. Janet Reno in my experience is a woman of enormous integrity. She can sometimes be difficult for people to get along with. Indeed, it is ironic that she is probably not in the best of repute with some of people in the White House precisely because she has been unwillingly to accommodate them in every case. But the suggestion that she is involved in cover-ups or is obstructing Justice seems to me terribly unjustified. And I do want to recall that in October of 1997, the House Judiciary Committee had an all-day hearing with Attorney General Reno, based on a letter that was sent -- this was the basis for impugning her integrity for failing to appoint an independent counsel. And it failed miserably, I think, to make the case. Not surprising, for example, on page 12 of that letter, one of the suggestions was that because people from Paraguay had given campaign contributions when the White House denounced a potential military coup against the President of Paraguay, that that was a sign of political corruption. The notion that when an administration says an elected official, president, should not be thrown out by the military, that that is somehow corruption, did not rise to a serious level, and it wasn't treated seriously. One of the arguments was when the President in 1996 declared -- this is in the letter, this is the basis on which Ms. Reno's refusal to appoint independent counsel was challenged -- when the President in 1996 declared a substantial area in Utah to be a national monument, it was a very controversial. A Democratic Member of the House may well have lost a seat over that -- Mr. Orton. It was a controversial thing. But it was a request that the President acceded to that had long been made by an environmentalist. This was a major issue about declaring that part of Utah to be a national monument, and the letter suggested that this was really corruption, because it was really motivated by the need to protect the coal deposits of the Riadys. And when the President takes an action of national significance involving an environmental matter that had long been debated and asked for by environmentalists, when Ms. Reno was asked to appoint independent counsel because this was really a secret plot just to protect the coal deposits of the Riadys, it got no serious attention, nor did it deserve any. There was also extortion of campaign contributions. This is from the letter of September 3rd, 1997, which represented the best effort to document this. It says, well, maybe Mr. Gore was guilty of extortion. Another donor recalled Gore phoning in saying, I have been tasked with raising 2 million, and you are on my list. The donor said he felt pressured by the Vice President's sales pitch. Yet another major business figure said he was solicited by Gore and said there were elements of a shakedown. "It was awkward. The Vice President has real power, and when he asked me for money, he gave me no choice. I have so much business that touches on the Federal Government." There is no allegation in any of this that the Vice President did anything more than ask for money, and the man said well, the Vice President has got power, and I have got business before the government. Not many committee chairs would go unindicted if this was the standard. I mean the hypocrisy of this is just overpowering. The fact is that the Vice President, like almost every other elected official in this city, asked people for money, some of whom have business before the government; and on that and nothing else, on no suggestion that there was anything other than a request, that was grounds for asking an independent counsel. And then there was the famous phone call that the Vice President made, and if, in fact, everybody in the Capitol who had ever used a telephone in the Capitol to ask for money were to be thrown in prison, we would, I assume, be now meeting somewhere in a Federal penitentiary and the press could come and interview us on visiting day. Again, the hypocrisy of saying that justifies an independent counsel is overpowering. What we have here, I think, is political frustration. People have tried very hard to get the President, and I have to say -- the gentleman from Texas is not here -- he decried the political, the personal attack on Mr. Burton. The notion that personal attack had been one-sided on this is, of course, bizarre, including some of the language that has been used about the President. From 1995 on, there has been an effort of using the full panoply of congressional powers. We have had Mr. Starr fully investigated. Mr. Starr had no obstacles placed on him by Congress. Indeed we couldn't place any obstacles on him by Congress. He came up with nothing on Whitewater and nothing on the FBI files and nothing on the Travel Office. I mean, those are the ones that I know most about. I would ask to put in the record the letter from the Judiciary Committee Majority of September 3rd, 1997, which is their best effort to show that there is a case for an independent counsel, and it is silly. [The information follows:] ******** INSERT 3-2 ******** He opposed a military coup in Paraguay. He declared a national monument in Utah. The Vice President actually asked someone for money. These are the standards by which you impugn the integrity of the Attorney General. I think it is clearly partisan, and I regret this. And I would just say, finally, I do think oversight is important. There are times I have been critical of the administration, but you discredit oversight when it is so blatantly political. And I think, in fact, our ability to engage in effective oversight has been undercut not by obstruction, but by obsession, by transforming the legitimate oversight function into this crusade to get the President, and what we now have is the frustration that it has boiled over because it has been unsuccessful. Mr. Linder. I am going to yield to Tony Hall right now because he has got a time constraint; he would like to ask some questions. Mr. Hall. Mr. Hall. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I want to thank Mr. Frank for being here. He has been on two important committees that have been involved in investigations and oversight. Of the money that has been spent, Mr. Frank, I don't know the actual numbers, but just on the committees that you have served on in the last couple of years, let us say in the last 6 years, how much money has been spent on the various investigations? Mr. Frank. Well, I would say obviously between the Banking and the Judiciary Committees, it is in the well over $100,000 -- of course, that throws in the appeal. But even if you set that aside, because we may have -- we had the Starr report which goes on that -- it is -- I would say this. More money has been spent in trying to prove that the President committed crimes in both of those two committees, or enforcing investigations, than on any other single subject, including the kind of oversight I would like to see of the Immigration Service, et cetera, et cetera. Clearly it has been a major preoccupation of the Judiciary Committee. On the Banking Committee, I will say this. It was in 1994 in the Banking Committee under the Democrats, because the Republicans asked for it, and then it was in 1995, Mr. Leach, whose committee has jurisdiction over Federal banking regulation and thus Whitewater and all of its related applications, after the lack of success in trying to find something negative in 1995, pretty much left it alone. So the Banking Committee has not really done much on this in 1995. The Judiciary Committee has from time to time continued to deal with it. Mr. Hall. What action -- of all of these millions of dollars that have been spent, there has been a figure that has been thrown around by a number of our colleagues to the tune of about $17 million over the past 6 years on investigations. Mr. Frank. I assume that would include the independent counsel? Mr. Hall. Yes. And as far as the investigations in Travelgate, Whitewater, have there been any results that have come from that? Mr. Frank. Well, the one result I can see has been the -- and it has really been Mr. Starr and nobody else -- it has been the periodic indictment of Webster Hubbell. Mr. Starr has had this view that when in doubt, indict Webster Hubbell to give the indication of activity, and he has several times indicted him. He did send him to prison once for things that Mr. Hubbell did, things he should not have done, long before he was a member of this administration. I mean, the conviction of Mr. Hubbell affected matters involving a private law firm and money he stole from his partners in that law firm long before Bill Clinton was President of the United States. Other than that, with regard to the Travel Office and the FBI files, those were people fired in the FBI office. They should have been fired; they misbehaved. But remember Ken Starr was the one that looked into that as Whitewater -- he started out with Whitewater; he had the FBI files and the Travel Office. In terms of people serving in the Clinton administration, in terms of any criminal charges, the answer was nothing. And as I said, the Banking Committee in 1995, which had a full investigation of the Whitewater situation, never even made a report on it. So I am aware of no results here. And it is true we looked at the campaign finance and the Judiciary Committee, but apparently their conclusion there was the only problems were enforcement. The laws were fine, because people didn't think we should do anything about changing the law or tightening the law in any way. Mr. Hall. Do you think we need to change any rules? We have rules saying that the standing committees have the ability to look at the laws, have oversight over the agencies, have hearings, change the laws? Why don't we just do oversight and investigate the agencies? Mr. Frank. Frankly, I think in some cases oversight that is policy-related took second place to this obsession, as I said, with trying to find out things that weren't wrong. I am not aware of any changes you can make that would increase this. Indeed, you know, there are some areas, by the way, in policy grounds, as with Mr. Hyde, I think one of the inadvertent contributions Kenneth Starr made to America is that he had made it possible to deal with prosecutorial excess. A political climate exists to curb prosecutorial excess that didn't before, and prosecutorial excess includes the prosecutors that work for the U.S. justice Department. And I have collaborated with others in the House on trying to curb excess by the current Justice Department as well as others. But beyond that, I don't see any great obstacles. In fact I will say with regard to some of the investigations, not the Judiciary, but I do think in the Government Reform investigation, I heard stories of repeated, lengthy depositions of individuals, frankly, which seem to me to be examples of investigatorial excess against which I would like to protect people. Mr. Hall. Why do you think people, our constituents, over the past few years have stopped us on the street and said to us, when are you going to start getting together? When are the Republicans and Democrats going to start working together? Why is the Majority party so vindictive? Why are you spending this kind of money to investigate? What results are coming out of it? Mr. Frank. Well, I think there is a confusion about where there should be conflict and where there shouldn't be. I want to say -- and, again, I do believe on fundamental issues of public policy -- whether Medicare should be contracted or expanded, whether there should be a big tax cut or instead an expansion of funding in areas involving education and the environment, the issues such as abortion -- those are legitimate public policy issues, and there ought to be debate about those. And I am not a great fan of compromise for its own sake and in some cases I think when the elected officials are closely divided, our job is to frame the issues in debate and put them to voters to decide. But what happens is instead people don't like -- and I think like this -- people are sometimes uncomfortable debating principle and debating philosophy. They feel that they will do better if they can prove that the other side is a bad guy. Now, I have to say that happens on both sides. I disagreed with Mr. Sessions' suggestion that this was a one-sided set of personal attacks, say, on Mr. Burton. There have been personal attacks equally made on all sides, and I think unfortunately. But people would rather -- I think people feel that they get better leverage in an argument if they can prove that somebody is immoral and evil and crooked than if their ideas are wrong, it is easier to debate peoples' failings. But the public, I think correctly, says that is just not the case, especially when it appears to be a double standard. Now Mr. Hyde said, correctly, there are inevitable executive-legislative tensions, but some of what I have heard today, frankly, were accusations against the Clinton administration for acting as any other administration does. And I think when people see a kind of a double standard, they get upset. I also believe that the public says at some point, enough. I mean, I don't know how many investigations it is going to take of poor Vincent Foster's suicide before people let it alone. People were chewing on Whitewater since 1994, when we had the beginning of the Fiske investigation, and people, I think, begin to say, Look, at some point you have to accept that you are not going to be able to find anything. So I think it is the preference for personal attacks over philosophical debate that unfortunately exists on both sides; but in this particular case, particular obsession with getting Bill Clinton, and the less successful people were in getting something on him, the more driven they were, and I think that turned the public off. Frankly, I think there was -- it will now turn out that Bill Clinton was never more popular than when people were trying hardest to get him. I think the President's popularity has decreased since impeachment was over. He may be secretly hoping there will be more hearings like this, because he did better when he could appear to be the victim, when whatever misbehavior he engaged in was overshadowed in the public's mind by what appeared to them to be the greater transgressions of the inquisitors. Mr. Hall. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Linder. Thank you, Mr. Hall. I agree that the personal attacks versus the debate on principle is overcome. I look back at 75 charges filed in the ethics committee against Newt Gingrich, trying to discredit him and some of that work. I will say this, Mr. Frank, about your seemingly cavalier attitude about 900 files in the White House and nothing was done about it. The Republican Justice Department put Chuck Colson in jail for having one, inappropriately holding one FBI file; and the White House and this Justice Department did not find that 900 of them taken in there were worthy of an investigation. Mr. Frank. Excuse me; no, you are wrong. It is not -- it wasn't the Justice Department. It was Kenneth Starr. First of all -- Mr. Linder. No, no, I am comparing it with the Republican Justice Department in the seventies. Mr. Frank. I understand that. But, no, you are wrong for saying it was the Justice Department. The matter of the FBI files was turned over to Ken Starr for investigation. The decision not to take any action was Kenneth Starr's. I will say I take exception to you saying I was cavalier about it. I said, I specifically remember this, that a couple of people were fired because of that and should have been, it was inappropriate. There was a difference between these files and Colson. Mr. Colson had that file for the specific purpose of doing damage to the individual, Mr. Rosenberg. There was no finding that anybody did any damage to individuals there. In any case, whether you agree with the findings or not, the FBI file matter was given by the Attorney General to Kenneth Starr, and your quarrel with the results of the investigation into the FBI files is not with Janet Reno but with Kenneth Starr, because he as the independent counsel was consigned that by Janet Reno. He is the one that said there is nothing to implicate the President, and he is the one who decided not to take any action of a criminal sort against anybody else, not the Justice Department. Mr. Linder. Mr. Goss. Mr. Goss. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Frank, I am very pleased you are here to help us out. I want to get back to the subject more at hand, and it seems part of our problem is that we are getting caught up in the finger-pointing and the partisanship here on the Hill, and then there is the problem of friction and the tension between the executive branch and the legislative branch, which the Founding Fathers put in there for I think good and adequate reasons. So let us go to an impartial third-party party observer, the Judiciary. Let us go to the judge's side of it and get presumably an impartial view of some of the things that are going on in the Justice Department. I am going to read from a case -- American Physicians and Surgeons Versus Hillary Rodham Clinton -- and the judge wrote, and I would like your views on this judge, at least his opinion, "This court found that the government's discovery tactics were 'preposterous,' 'incomplete' and 'inadequate.' It is clear that the decisions here were made at the highest levels of government, and that the government itself is -- and should be -- accountable when its officials run amok. Most shocking to this court, and deeply disappointing, is that the Department of Justice would participate in such conduct. This kind of conduct is reprehensible, and the government must be held accountable for it." [The information follows:] ******** INSERT 3-3 ******** Mr. Goss. Now, presumably, we are part of the accountability process with our oversight. Do you feel that a judge making a statement like that about a judicial process, where obviously something has gone wrong with the system of Justice in our country because it has apparently been inappropriately dealt with by the executive branch, is something we should overlook? Mr. Frank. Oh, no, not at all. I am glad we have independent judges that do that. And from time to time -- Mr. Goss. No, I didn't say independent judge. I said judge. Mr. Frank. You object because I said independent judge rather than judge. I don't understand the basis of that objection. Mr. Goss. I want to make sure you are not equivocating what kind of judge. I mean this is an appointed judge -- Mr. Frank. What kind of hair-splitting are you getting into, Porter? Mr. Goss. This is a specific judge. Mr. Frank. I must say your argument you want to rise above partisanship is undercut by that kind of hair-splitting. I was saying that I -- you said we have an impartial branch, the Judiciary. I was trying to be silly. I did not realize you were in the mood for that. Mr. Frank. What I said was I am glad we have an independent judge that did this. And when you take exception to my calling the judge independent, I don't know what that means. Is it a dependent judge? Was it a codependent judge? Did the judge have an enabler there on the bench? What are you talking about? But the answer is, I am glad we have judges who are able in specific cases to step in. If that had to do with the failure to open up the process during the health plan, I think the administration made a serious mistake there, and I am glad the judge rebuked them. Mr. Goss. Okay. That is the point that we are trying to get at. When the executive branch, any executive branch, through any administration, tries to derail or manage or shape a process of Justice to their advantage, to the advantage of that administration, it appears there has got to be accountability, and it would appear that that would be the job of this institution, the legislative branch that has oversight and legislative capabilities. When that is frustrated willfully by the branch known as the executive branch or by top leaders in the executive branch, that would appear to warrant the attention of the Congress of the United States on behalf of the people. Would you agree with that? Mr. Frank. I thought I already had, but I will be glad to repeat that. Yes, and that has been the case, in my experience, throughout all of the three administrations I have been here. As I said, I thought Mr. Hyde was right, that there was this inherent tension between the two. I must say the first time I encountered the notion that the administration could block any sanction came under the Reagan administration. There was an investigation into the environmental protection administration involving Ann Gorsuch and others, and the Congress was voting a contempt citation, in fact, I think did vote a contempt citation, and the Justice Department, under President Reagan, announced that this contempt citation would have no meaning because it was entirely a matter of prosecutorial discretion as to whether or not any prosecution would take effect. And indeed what -- an interesting case, the Justice Department went to court under William French Smith in a case which was curiously titled United States of America v. The House of Representatives, making us, I suppose, kind of a voluntary association, in which the Justice Department under President Reagan sought to enjoin the House of Representatives from going forward. And the judge, an independent judge, I hesitate to note, threw it out, and I am glad that he did. So, yes, I think when the executive, whether it is the Reagan or the Bush or the Clinton or the Carter or any administration, seeks to frustrate an investigation, that is legitimately a cause for us to do whatever we can to prevent that. Mr. Goss. I guess we can agree that all judges are independent unless proven otherwise, and if you mean it in that sense, that is fine. Let me continue. Just to make sure this wasn't one isolated incident, you mentioned that, well, there was a case about health care, let me give you another case, a different time. This time February 22nd, 1999, Cobell v. Babbitt. I believe the Chairman has referred to this in part. Let me again quote to you some of the judge's statement: "The way in which the defendants," this would be the Justice Department, "have handled this litigation up to the commencement of this contempt trial is nothing short of a travesty. The defendants decided to begin a campaign of stonewalling and strained interpretations of the court's orders in a desperate attempt to avoid the penalties that they deserved. The court is deeply disappointed that any litigant would fail to obey orders for production of documents, and then conceal and cover up that disobedience with outright false statements that the court then relied upon. But when the litigant is the Department of Justice, the misconduct is all the more troubling. The institutions of our Federal Government cannot be trusted," et cetera. That to me is a very troubling statement. Mr. Frank. I agree with you. Mr. Goss. Thank you very much. Mr. Linder. Mr. Hastings. Mr. Hastings. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I have to say I always appreciate watching and hearing our witness when he is on the floor and testifying. His quick mind is something to behold. So I will say that. But what I want to ask you, Barney, is something that was alluded to and then testified by some of the committee chairmen that were here. Don Young talked about some excuses that were used by some of the agencies, longstanding practices, why we can't bring thus and so to the committee. Other of the chairmen mentioned exactly the same thing. The response -- so I asked about that. I said, what are these longstanding practices? They typically had to do with litigation or grand jury or something like that, which, of course, is legitimate, to which Peter Hoekstra responded by saying, well, this is -- it is these sort of things which I respect, but which, at the end of the day over a period of time, when there is nothing resolved in these inquiries, that causes a distrust, at least from his part, from the oversight standpoint. Now, the question, I guess, is, and I would like to have your observations on this, how do we overcome that? Because the separation of powers, to me, implies that nobody is higher than others, but yet in a response like this, it appears that in this case the executive branch is -- what this agency is saying, we are higher, and we are not going to do anything to respond to what your oversights are. Mr. Frank. Two things. First of all, I completely disagree with this administration and the Bush and Reagan and other administrations when they argue that they can't comment on something because it is under litigation. That is just nonsense. That is what lawyers say when they don't want to say something. You have to separate out. I do believe that the secrecy of grand jury testimony is important. Remember, there is something unique about the grand jury. The grand jury is the only part of our system where it is not a fair shake. I mean, everything else we do is adversarial. There is a trial, and there is a defense and a prosecution, or a defense and a plaintiff. Here we have equal debate. In the grand jury, there is only the prosecutor, and I think we have made a decision to give the prosecutor advantages in the grand jury setting that we don't anywhere else, in return for keeping it secret. But when you get to the broader question, and I have found this with administrations -- and again, my only difference would be if people said, oh, this is a problem of the Clinton administration. It is a problem with all executive branches. Yes, it is a problem of the Clinton administration and the Bush administration and the Reagan administration. I first encountered it when James Watt told us in the old, what was called the government operations, that he couldn't testify about some conversation he had with the Department solicitor because of the attorney/client privilege. I said, well, wait a minute. The attorney/client privilege protects the attorney. You are the client. What are you talking about? And then they would say, well, it is under -- we can't discuss this because it is being litigated. Except if you look at any administration, the Clinton administration, the Reagan administration, if something is under litigation and they want to talk about it, they do. They only use this excuse when it is not. There is no reason whatsoever why you can't talk about something because it is under litigation. So I agree, that is a problem. But here is the secondary problem. You are right, we should be able to compel them. The problem is that until fairly recently the notion was that if you refuse to give Congress information when the appropriate procedures were followed, you could cite someone for contempt. But you have to go back to this situation involving Gorsuch where the Reagan administration promulgated for the first time, to my knowledge, the notion that prosecutorial discretion meant that an administration, if it chose not to prosecute a contempt citation criminally, had the absolute right not to do that. Now, the Clinton administration in this seems to be fully at one with the Reagan administration. They like that idea fine, and that is the dilemma we have. Under that notion of complete prosecutorial discretion, there is no way to bring in the third party, the judicial system, to arbitrate the dispute. So in that case, whoever has the information wins. And I -- that is a -- I mean, people haven't focused on that enough. That was a big change. The assumption always was that if there was a dispute between the President and the Congress about access to information, it would go to a neutral third party, and then the Reagan administration said, no, it doesn't, because of prosecutorial discretion. And the Clinton administration has bought into that. Maybe what we should be doing is saying, okay, prosecutorial discretion applies, and we can't do a criminal contempt citation, but perhaps we should -- this was something I once thought about and then sort of dropped -- we ought to put into effect a civil proceeding whereby when there is a dispute over information, we can get it to court, and you get around the prosecutorial discretion thing because it would be civil and not criminal. And that, I would very much think, would be a source of bipartisan, legislative interest; that is, because you have got a good issue here. Congress wants information the executive branch says there is a legitimate reason for not sending. There needs to be a procedure whereby that could be sent to a third party for a dispute, and I agree that all administrations tend to withhold, and we ought to figure out a way to try to break that logjam because what has historically been the way that we thought we could get to court was a criminal contempt citation, and that has been gone for the last 15 years Mr. Hastings. You said you thought about it and then dropped it. Why did you drop that thought? Mr. Frank. Something else came up. Literally, I remember thinking about it at one point, and then something else interceded. But I would be willing to work on people again to do it and do it right away. Mr. Hastings. One other thing that I mentioned, and this is probably more for clarification than anything else, you were in and out of the testimony that was going on by others, and when you came in your remarks were such, at least what I heard, that a lot of this is driven by partisanship. And we, Republicans and Democrats, do have a difference of opinion. But on the other hand, if one side is driving something by partisanship, then it would be logical, it seems to me, to assume that the other side in response would be driving their decision by partisanship also. Mr. Frank. Yes. Mr. Hastings. Would you conclude then -- Mr. Frank. Absolutely. Mr. Hastings. -- If A is right in your case and B is right in the other case, then we have the same frustrations? Mr. Frank. Partisanship generally begets partisanship. No matter what we voted on the Ten Commandments and the National Day of Prayer, Fasting and Humiliation, other-cheek-turning is not one of the major practices in this city. Mr. Hastings. Thank you. Mr. Linder. Mr. Sessions. Mr. Sessions. I have no questions, Chairman. Thank you. Mr. Linder. Thank you, Mr. Frank. Let me just point out one thing about all the investigations going on. It has been estimated that there were 500 investigations undertaken in the first century and a half of our Nation's history. In the 90th Congress, which is the first 2 years of the Nixon administration, there were 496 investigations in that Congress of the Nixon administration. Mr. Frank. Right. Now, the only thing I would say is this, Mr. Chairman: In the case of the Clinton administration, there was a tendency to take the large number of investigations as a criticism of the executive branch. You seem to be suggesting in this case that it is the Congress' fault. Mr. Linder. I will say Congress does an awful lot of investigating. Mr. Frank. Right, in both cases. And you would also agree that the fact that Congress investigates a lot does not necessarily justify an inference that the administration being investigated deserved to be investigated?
Photographs and plans of St. Paul's cathedral, Calcutta, and newspaper cuttings of obituaries of Canon Stuart Photographs and plans of St. Paul's cathedral, Calcutta, and newspaper cuttings of obituaries of Canon Stuart, 1919-1934. Shelfmark: MS. Eng. hist. b. 217 Extents: 16 Leaves Dates: 1919-1934 Filtered By Indexed subjects: Books X Indexed subjects: 20th century X Indexed subjects: Calcutta (India) X Powered by ArchivesSpace | Accessibility | Privacy Policy | Terms of use | New additions | Contact us
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Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey, 1792-1871 (1st Baronet | Scottish geologist) | University of Edinburgh Archive and Manuscript Collections Skip to main content Toggle navigation Repositories Collections Digital Materials Unprocessed Material Subjects Names Search The Archives Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey, 1792-1871 (1st Baronet | Scottish geologist) Person Staff Only Dates Existence: 22 February 1792- 22 October 1871 Sir Roderick Impey Murchison ( 1792-1871), developed the modern classification of the Palaeozoic period, through his research emphasising biostratigraphy; the deposition of strata indicated by fossils. In the course of his career he successively defined the Silurian, Devonian and Permian strata, which replaced Greywacke and Coal Measures in the scientific literature. After serving with the army in the Peninsula War and a period of time pursuing his interest in hunting, the independently wealthy Murchison began attending lectures at the Royal Institution. In 1825 he joined the Geological Society of London. Shortly afterwards he read the society his first paper, on the geology of parts of Sussex, Hampshire and Surrey. In the following five years Murchison made field explorations to Scotland, France, and the Alps with either Adam Sedgwick or Charles Lyell. In 1831 he began a study of the Early Palaeozoic rocks in South Wales. These studies were the basis of his defining work The Silurian System, ( 1839) . Further geological research in south western England and the Rhineland, in collaboration with Adam Sedgwick, defined the Devonian System. Russian field expeditions, in conjunction with French colleagues, became the basis for the definition of the Permian System. These expeditions also resulted in his works The Geology of Russia in Europe, ( 1845) and The Ural Mountains, ( 1845) . Successive editions of his expanded treatise on the Silurian System, Siluria, ( 1854) (5th ed. 1872) were also prepared. Latterly he became interested in encouraging geographical exploration and colonialism. Murchison was president of the Geological Society of London in both 1831-1832 and 1842-1843 and became long term president of the Royal Geographical Society in 1844. As one of the founders of the British Association he was elected president for 1846. He was knighted in 1846 and also awarded the Russian Order of St. Stanislaus of the 1st Class. Appointments as director general of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, and director of the Government School of Mines and the Museum of Economic Geology, London, followed in 1855. From 1863-1871 he was Patron of the Edinburgh Geological Society during which time he was raised to a Baronet. In 1871 he founded a Chair of Geology and Mineralogy at the University of Edinburgh. Found in 1 Collection or Record: Correspondence: John Phillips to Frederick William Rudler, 1845-1901 Sub-Series Identifier: Coll-74/12/18 Scope and Contents The Correspondence: John Phillips to Frederick William Rudler sub-series consists of: 40 letters, alphabetically arranged (1845-1901) Dates: 1845-1901 Found in: Edinburgh University Library Special Collections / Coll-74, Papers of Sir Archibald Geikie / Correspondence of Sir Archibald Geikie (H-S) More about 'Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey, 1792-1871 (1st Baronet | Scottish geologist)' External Documents LC VIAF Filtered By Subject: Australia X Subject: Professional Interaction X Subject: Coastal Landforms X Privacy & Cookies | Takedown Policy | Licensing & Copyright | Accessibility | Centre for Research Collections | LHSA | Contact us at [email protected]
Friends Neighborhood Guild is a social welfare agency established by Hicksite Quakers in 1879 to serve the Poplar section of North Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It began as a volunteer organization for immigrant children and evolved into a settlement house and community center. This collection primarily contains early records of Friends Neighborhood Guild, and also the records of two related Quaker societies, the Friendly Settlement Association and the Spring Street Mission.
Abstract Hannah Clothier Hull (1872-1958), was one of the founders of the Woman's Peace Party and the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. She served as a national officer of the WILPF for nearly forty years. Hull was also active in other social reform movements. A member of a well-to-do Quaker family, Hannah Clothier graduated from Swarthmore College in 1891. She first worked at a Philadelphia settlement house and then entered the graduate program in social work at Bryn Mawr College....
Gregory, Lady Victoria Alexandrina Maria Louisa Welby- (1837-1912) Lady Welby, philosopher, 10 results 10 Sidgwick, Henry (1838–1900), philosopher, 2 results 2 Martineau, James (1805–1900) Unitarian minister, 2 results 2 Latham, Marianne Frances (1839-1926) née Bernard, mistress of Girton, 2 results 2 Bryce, James (1838-1922) Viscount Bryce of Dechmont, politician, 1 results 1 Seeley, Sir John Robert (1834–1895) Knight, historian, 1 results 1 Podmore, Frank (1856-1910) psychical researcher, 1 results 1 Enfield, Edward (1811-1880) philanthropist, 1 results 1 Green, Thomas Hill (1836-1882) philosopher, 1 results 1 Paul, Charles Kegan (1828-1902) publisher, 1 results 1 Name All Patterson, Arthur John (1835-1899) author, 51 results 51 Sidgwick, Eleanor Mildred (1845-1936) Principal of Newnham College Cambridge, 23 results 23 Sidgwick, Henry (1838–1900), philosopher, 17 results 17 Bryce, James (1838-1922) Viscount Bryce of Dechmont, politician, 10 results 10 Young, Edward Mallet (1839-1900) Head Master of Sherborne School, 8 results 8 Medveczky, Frigyes (1856-1914) philosopher and educationalist, 7 results 7 Sidgwick, Arthur (1840–1920), educationist and classical scholar, 5 results 5 Myers, Frederic William Henry (1843–1901), psychical researcher and essayist, 4 results 4 Strachey, John St. Loe Strachey (1860-1927) editor and proprietor of the Spectator, 4 results 4 Lánczy, Gyula (1850–1911) historian and politician, 4 results 4 Level of description All Part, 115 results 115 Showing 115 results Archival description Additional Manuscripts c Part Advanced search options Find results with: and or not in Any field Title Archival history Scope and content Extent and medium Subject access points Name access points Place access points Genre access points Identifier Reference code Digital object text Finding aid text Creator Any field except finding aid text Add new criteria And Or Not Limit results to: Top-level description Additional Manuscripts c Filter results by: Level of description Class Collection File Fonds Item Part Series sub-fonds sub-series sub-sub-fonds sub-sub-series Subfonds Subseries Digital object available Yes No Finding aid Yes No Generated Uploaded Copyright status Public domain Under copyright Unknown General material designation Architectural drawing Cartographic material Graphic material Moving images Multiple media Object Philatelic record Sound recording Technical drawing Textual record Top-level descriptions All descriptions Filter by date range: Start End Overlapping Exact Use these options to specify how the date range returns results. "Exact" means that the start and end dates of descriptions returned must fall entirely within the date range entered. "Overlapping" means that any description whose start or end dates touch or overlap the target date range will be returned. Print preview View: Sort by: Identifier Date modified Title Relevance Reference code Start date End date Direction: Ascending Descending Letter from Lady Victoria Welby-Gregory to Nora Sidgwick Add to clipboard ADD.MS.c/105/45/1 Part 11 Feb 1906 Part of Additional Manuscripts c States that 'having so long and so eagerly looked out for any request for "letters"' the appearance of a notice in Macmillan's Magazine of the impending appearance of a memoir with Henry Sidgwick's letters has come as somewhat of a shock to her. Begs Nora's forgiveness if she has sent any of the enclosed letters [105/45/2-5], but Miss C[arter] does not remember copying them. If she ever tries 'to give some sketch of the inception' of her work on "Significs" she would certainly have to refer to Henry 'as being one of its first and greatest promoters'. Refers to the accompanying letters, and also to the assistance Henry gave her in conversation on the matter. She will be sorry if none of the letters appeared in the memoir. She has often lately longed to tell Henry 'of the abounding signs that the young world is beginning to see...that the key to one of the greatest of the human positions has been lost and must be found'; predicts that she will not live to see the result of such finding, but that it is enough to be allowed to help 'even so little or badly towards it'. Adds that there are many more short letters, but that they are chiefly about dates or places etc. Accompanied by envelope, addressed to Nora Sidgwick at Newnham College, with MS notes in Nora's hand: 'Lady Welby/Copies of letters from Henry/Received too late to be considered for Memoir'. Letter from M. F. Latham to Nora Sidgwick Add to clipboard ADD.MS.c/104/44/1 Part [after Aug 1900?] Part of Additional Manuscripts c She and her family 'always considered Mr Sidgwick, when [they] were all young together, as the most lively, interested talker' they knew. Remembers a visit he made to them as an undergraduate [in 1858], when he stayed some time, 'joined in everything the family did, and... made everything he joined in more amusing'. He suggested they 'should get up Tableau vivants'', proposing 'Sleeping Beauty' for her, and saying that Miss Tawney - her sister-in-law - 'would do excellently for the beauty.' Relates another incident during the same visit in which she went to the drawing room to help her mother receive some callers 'and saw at the other end of the room Mr. Sidgwick asleep in an easy chair, dressed in an Afghan costume of white felt belonging to [her] father, and wearing the fur cap belonging to it', with a sleeping kitten asleep on top. Declares that he was such a charming visitor, 'always amusing and always making himself at home with [them].' Latham, Marianne Frances (1839-1926) née Bernard, mistress of Girton Letter from E. Enfield to Henry Sidgwick Add to clipboard ADD.MS.c/93/124/1 Part 1 Dec 1868 Part of Additional Manuscripts c Claims that he is having difficulty in collecting 'the opinions and emendations of all interested in the welfare of the Univers[ity]. Mentions that he gave Mr Martineau a copy of Sidgwick's alterations, of which he approves and adds 'a suggestion of another'. Asks Sidgwick to look at it and return it to him with comments. Mentions that he has received Sidgwick's note and enclosure that morning, and assures him that he will introduce the corrections mentioned Enfield, Edward (1811-1880) philanthropist MS list: 'Sunday numbers of the Spectator containing contributions by Henry Sidgwick' Add to clipboard ADD.MS.c/97/1/1 Part [1905?] Part of Additional Manuscripts c Letter from Henry Sidgwick to A.J. Patterson Add to clipboard ADD.MS.c/98/1/1-2 Part [17] Jul 1882 Part of Additional Manuscripts c Offer to Patterson and [Gyula?] Lanczy of rooms in Trinity College during the vacation. Copy letter from Henry Sidgwick to Lady Victoria Welby-Gregory Add to clipboard ADD.MS.c/105/45/10 Part Feb 1906? Part of Additional Manuscripts c Typewritten copy of letter dated 31 January 1896. Apologises for not having written to her sooner with reference to her article in Mind on ' Significs'; explains that he has been very busy. Adds that he has delayed to write partly because he does not have any useful suggestions on the question of 'a Paper for the International Congress of Psychology'. Declares that he believes that the question 'is mainly one for logicians rather than psychologists and that it will not be very easy to find a mode of treatment which will make it an altogether appropriate topic for a Psychological Congress'. Suggests ' Interpretation as a psychological process' or some similar phrase as the title of her paper. Observes that she does not include psychology 'on p.25 - among the list of studies that has a peculiar meaning term correlated with it', and remarks that he thinks that there would be 'some interest in working out the characteristics of Interpretation as a psychological process'. Gregory, Lady Victoria Alexandrina Maria Louisa Welby- (1837-1912) Lady Welby, philosopher Printed article attributed to Henry Sidgwick: 'Mr. Spencer's Principles of Psychology', extracted from the Spectator Add to clipboard ADD.MS.c/97/1/10-11 Part 21 Jun 1873 Part of Additional Manuscripts c Note in pencil [in Nora Sidgwick's hand?]: 'By Henry Sidgwick according to [J] St Loe Strachey'. Letter from Henry Sidgwick to A.J. Patterson Add to clipboard ADD.MS.c/98/10/1-2 Part 18 Jul 1886 Part of Additional Manuscripts c Invites Patterson to dine with him at the Midland Hotel the following day at 7.30pm. Letter from Henry Sidgwick to A.J. Patterson Add to clipboard ADD.MS.c/98/11/1-2 Part 29 Jul 1886 Part of Additional Manuscripts c Promises to do his best to give Dr Frefort 'the latest academic ideas' if Patterson sends him to Sidgwick with an introduction. Warns that, being in the vacation, he will have to take his chance of finding people there. States that he does not know any else here whom Patterson knows, except Sedley Taylor. Suggests that, through Bryce, he might find out who there is at Oxford to help him. (2 docs) Printed review attributed to Henry Sidgwick: 'Professor Cairnes's Political Essays', extracted from the Spectator Add to clipboard ADD.MS.c/97/1/12 Part 8 Nov 1873 Part of Additional Manuscripts c Note in penci [in Nora Sidgwick's hand?]: 'Said by [J] St Loe Strachey to be by Henry Sidgwick'. Letter from Henry Sidgwick to A.J. Patterson Add to clipboard ADD.MS.c/98/12/1 Part 13 Aug 1886 Part of Additional Manuscripts c States that '4 [Petofis] and 2 Finnish volumes have arrived...but the paper book with the title "[Augol] [ ]" has not appeared nor the "two German "books" nor is the "case of the Latin dictionary" clear to [him]!' Postcard from Henry Sidgwick to A.J. Patterson Add to clipboard ADD.MS.c/98/12/2 Part [14] Aug 1886 Part of Additional Manuscripts c Postcard confirming arrival of Latin [and] Magyar dictionary and [Augol] [ ]. Printed review attributed to Henry Sidgwick: 'Messrs. Green' and Grose's Hume ', extracted from the Spectator Add to clipboard ADD.MS.c/97/1/13-14 Part 27 Mar 1875 Part of Additional Manuscripts c Note in pencil [in Nora Sidgwick's hand?]: 'Said by St Loe Strachey to be by H. Sidgwick.' Letter from Henry Sidgwick to A.J. Patterson Add to clipboard ADD.MS.c/98/13/1-2 Part 9 Apr 1887 Part of Additional Manuscripts c Explains the delay in replying to Patterson's letter as being due to 'a difficulty about finding appropriate topics of Consolation - suitable to the unfortunate situation, private and public, which [his] letter depicts.' States that the prevailing idea [in England] is that there is to be no war; and 'that Russia is to have her way in Bulgaria...' Believes that Patterson's colleagues 'will be spared the necessity of going into military quarters', and reports that now 'there appear to be the first mutterings of another scare about Affghanistan [sic].' In relation to Patterson's private troubles, i.e., the small size of his class, states that at Oxford and Cambridge they 'are beginning to consider that it is rather in a Professor's favour if he only gets a small class: it is a sign that his loyalty to his subject is too strong to allow him to degrade it by popularizing it.' In relation to his other problem, i.e., the length of time his lectures take and the fact that he has been called upon to lecture on English literature, to which task he feels himself inadequate, Sidgwick charges Patterson with being 'the laziest of men', but someone who, when he makes up his mind to do some work, 'is very exacting in its thoroughness'. Asks if he would like 'an opportunity of getting out of [his] position'. Reports that in England they 'are keeping her Majesty's jubilee in a rather unjubilant frame of mind.' Refers to the state of things in Ireland in negative terms, and to Gladstone, who is 'agitating for Parnell with the reckless impetuosity of his [in every sense] green old age'. Admits to being doubtful about his brother-in-law's [A.J. Balfour] prospects in relation to coercion, the failure of which will cause his career to be a failure. Predicts that if it succeeds 'the "left wing" of the patriots are likely to dynamite him.' Asks Patterson to send some more news of himself. Tells him that Mrs Sidgwick send her kind remembrances. With envelope. (2 docs) Letter from Henry Sidgwick to A.J. Patterson Add to clipboard ADD.MS.c/98/14/1-2 Part 23 May 1887 Part of Additional Manuscripts c Explains the delay in replying to Patterson's letter as being due to Sidgwick's wish 'to consult [Coutts?] Trotter and some other discreet and experienced person before expressing [his view].' Reports that he has discussed the first of Patterson's queries with Trotter and Michael Foster, and they have all agreed that it is highly unlikely that any publisher would be found who will pay anything to a translator of Mr Loczi Loczy Lajos's book, but that a publisher - perhaps Macmillan - might be found who would 'take the risk of the book, if a translation were offered him gratis'. Suggests that he make an application on the subject to the Geographical Society. Offers to apply to the latter society through Francis Galton; asks him to send any notices which may have appeared of it. Asks him to tell him the general character and drift of the article [ ] [ ] II. Explains that the good reviews tend not to publish translated articles, unless those by foreign authors already known to the English public. Expressed his regret that Mrs Patterson 'is not yet re[ ] to Magyar society. Printed tribute to Professor Cairnes, attributed to Henry Sidgwick, extracted from the Spectator Add to clipboard ADD.MS.c/97/1/15-16 Part 31 Jul 1875 Part of Additional Manuscripts c Note in pencil [in Nora Sidgwick's hand?] that according to St Loe Strachey it was Henry Sidgwick who wrote the article. Letter from Henry Sidgwick to A.J. Patterson Add to clipboard ADD.MS.c/98/15/1-2 Part 26 Jun 1886 Part of Additional Manuscripts c In reply to Patterson's question, Sidgwick doubts that any English magazine will be eager to take a translation of an article on the emperor Joseph, unless the article were by a foreign author already known to the English public. Suggests that Patterson's friend send his article to the 'Contemporary, or the Westminister Review'. Offers to act as intermediary if the article is to be sent to the Contemporary Review. Offers his sympathy for Patterson's domestic troubles. Letter from Henry Sidgwick to A.J. Patterson Add to clipboard ADD.MS.c/98/16/1-2 Part 24 Nov 1887 Part of Additional Manuscripts c Sympathises with Patterson with regard to his 'misfortunes'. Asks him to tell G[yula?] Lanczy that, on consultation with Seeley, the Regius Professor of History, they are in agreement that Smyth's Lectures on the French Revolution 'is now a quite antiquated book', and not worth buying for the Kolosvár [now Cluj-Napoca] Library. Reports that Seeley had never hear of Professor Miller's History Philosophically illustrated, and that he [Sidgwick] thinks that it too 'was rather passé.' Reports that he cannot find the essay of Patterson's friend and colleague [Frigyes?] Medveczky; asks him to tell him the title, and he will try to read it in some library. Undertakes to try 'to secure the favourable notice of "Mind" for Dr Pickler's [Gyula Pickler?] essay', and asks Patterson to forward the translation to him. Reports that they are 'on tenterhooks, expecting some continental explosion and a conflagration of [ ] extent'. Printed letter from Henry Sidgwick on 'The Eton Dispute' [over the dismissal of Oscar Browning], extracted from the Spectator Add to clipboard ADD.MS.c/97/1/17-18 Part 27 Nov 1875 Part of Additional Manuscripts c Letter from Henry Sidgwick to A.J. Patterson Add to clipboard ADD.MS.c/98/17/1-2 Part 8 Mar 1888 Part of Additional Manuscripts c Reports that he has found Medveczky's essay, but has not yet had time to read it. Undertakes to read it soon. Reports that he has been suffering from sleeplessness for some months, which has led him 'to make a rigid rule of abstinence from all reading after dinner which leads to hard thinking.' Refers to the '"ultra-continental" climate of Pest over the last few weeks', and describes the recent weather in England. Declares that he has been 'rather gloomy lately on various grounds, including the ageing process. Confesses that [Coutts] Trotter's death especially moved him. Declares that his loss 'is all the more irreparable at this crisis, as [Trinity College is] passing thourhg a period of financial distress from the fall in rents'. Undertakes to send some '"in memoriam"' articles that have been written about him by colleagues. Refers to the war 'in [Patterson's] region' and to the slim prospects of peace. States that a European war would be an advantage to England 'in the way of distracting [their] attention from the Irish problem which much wants letting alone'. Letter from Henry Sidgwick to F.W.H. Myers Add to clipboard ADD.MS.c/100/176 Part [25 Jun 1900] Part of Additional Manuscripts c Sends [back] Myers two books [not included]; judges Helplessness of Miss Pick [a short story in Odd Issues, by Samuel Squire Sprigge] to be 'quite firstrate'. Declares that the actual date of their departure from London is rather uncertain, but reports that his convalescence 'is supposed to be steady'. States that the letter is the first written with his own hand [since his operation]. Letter from T. H. Green to Henry Sidgwick Add to clipboard ADD.MS.c/94/18 Part 28 Dec [1868?] Part of Additional Manuscripts c Announces that he is willing to write an essay on dogma 'and shall be proud for it to appear in company with discourses by Martineau and [Tayler]'. Thinks it possible that Jowett could be persuaded to write. In relation to the latter, remarks on his faith, and relationship with the Church of England, and on his work on Plato. Advises Sidgwick to get in contact with him directly [see letter from Jowett 94/67?]. Suggests H. B. Wilson as an author of an essay. Believes it to be very important 'that religious men, who have broken with dogmatic [Christ]ianity as dogmatic, should come to some mutual understanding, so as to have a chance of reorganizing worship and religious beneficence when the present fabrics break up'. Expresses his wish to join Sidgwick's association. Gives his views on the form it should take, e.g., that it should be 'definitely Theistic' and that it should adopt as its basis the Nicene Creed, 'leaving out the "Virgin Mary", "Pontius Pilate", and the "third day". and everywhere substituting the present tense for the past or future.' Informs him that he has been staying there [in the Isle of Wight] for nearly a fortnight, and shall leave 'on Wednesday'. From 2 to 9 January 'shall be at Birkin Ferrybridge, Normanton'. Announces that he may be in London on the evening of 11 January to go to a club in Spring Gardens. Asks Sidgwick to recommend a suitable hotel in London. Green, Thomas Hill (1836-1882) philosopher Letter from Henry Sidgwick to A.J. Patterson Add to clipboard ADD.MS.c/98/18/1-2 Part [16] Mar 1889 Part of Additional Manuscripts c Apologises for having neglected Patterson's letter, 'especially the business at the end for [Patterson's] pedagogical friend [Frigyes Medveczky]'. Declares that as he knows nothing about fortnight programmes, he had decided to wait till his brother Arthur came to see him, as the latter 'is in intimate relations with many schoolmasters.' Explains that Arthur was prevented from coming by a [feverish] cold, and states that he is endeavouring to obtain what Patterson's friend wants 'by the next best channel.' Regrets not being able to do more for Medveczky. Believes that he would have got much information 'from D.B.' States that he has lost sight of [William?] Ralston for many years, but would be glad to meet him. Regrets to hear Patterson complain about the burden of work, and declares that his experience 'is all in favour of writing out lectures', which not only saves trouble, but also tends to make the lectures better. Asks after Patterson's politics. Refers towards their drift towards Dualism or Federalism. Believes that, 'owing to the fiasco of the "Times" the drift will be apparently very decided for a few months.' Declares that 'the chief hope of the Unionist cause lie in the chapter of accidents.' Observes that they in England are so engrossed in their own affairs that they only spare a mild interest for [Servia], and the apparently growing success of Russia. Believes that the latter will win in South-Eastern Europe. Declares that they are all delighted with Bryce's book, and asks Patterson whether he had heard of Bryce's engagement to Miss Ashton of Manchester. . Letter from Henry Sidgwick to his mother Add to clipboard ADD.MS.c/99/180 Part [Nov-Dec 1874?] Part of Additional Manuscripts c Doesn't expect 'the "general public" ' to read much of his book [Methods of Ethics]. Claims that the point of it is that 'it treats in a technical and precise manner questions which are ordinarily discussed loosely and popularly.' Claims to be now 'very jolly and sufficiently idle', and awaits the reviews. Reports that Arthur has asked him to go to Rugby 'on the 2d'. States that he shall have to go away 'on the 7th' or earlier. Wishes to have a long talk with his mother, and suggests that he might go to her from Cheltenham 'on Friday [the first] and go on to Rugby the next day.' Asks if this arrangement would suit her. Letter from Henry Sidgwick to F.W.H. Myers Add to clipboard ADD.MS.c/100/184 Part 25 Jan [1879] Part of Additional Manuscripts c States that he has wanted to write to Myers since he and Nora went back to Cambridge [after his mother's funeral], but claims that he finds it difficult to write 'not from painfulness of feeling', since his mother's death 'seems really a release, but from perplexity and mingledness.' Writes that he feels as if he had 'reached the summit of the Pass of Life: behind the old memories from infancy, unrolled like a map, and before the strange world of "the majority" near though in a mist, at which [he is] forced to gaze. And more than ever the alternatives of the Great Either-Or seem to be Pessimism or Faith'. Reports that Nora was away 'all the time at Terling'. States that, although she was not seriously ill, he had been worried about her, but she considers herself quite well now. Printed letter from Henry Sidgwick on 'The Women's Franchise', extracted from the Spectator Add to clipboard ADD.MS.c/97/1/19 Part 28/31 May 1884 Part of Additional Manuscripts c Letter from Henry Sidgwick to A.J. Patterson Add to clipboard ADD.MS.c/98/19/1-2 Part 27 Dec 1889 Part of Additional Manuscripts c Explains that the delay in answering Patterson's letter was due to his busy schedule. Regrets to find his missive 'so sad in tone'. Reports that he is 'living personally a very happy life, - having congenial work, a faultless wife, and a constitution that does not seem to be going to break down just yet'. Predicts, however, that he will not reach the age of seventy. As regards public affairs, declares that he shares 'to the full the general disillusionment of political idealists', probably more acutely because he is at present 'trying to finish a book on the Theory of Politics'. States that he is unable to answer Patterson's question about Ossian, but undertakes to find out the answer to it if he has an opportunity. Announces that, apart from the Elements of Politics and university work, his main interest at present 'is the illdefined subject known as "Psychical Research"'. Remarks that Patterson's friend Medveczky 'had to hear something of [the concept] at the Congress of Experimental Psychology' at which Sidgwick and he met in Paris the previous August. Refers to the 'remarkable success' of Bryce's book, [The American Commonwealth] and to 'the action for libel brought against him by "Oakley Hall" of New York notoriety'. Asks Patterson if he has had the influenza, and what he thinks of the value of 'the pacific assurances circulating in European journalism.' Asks if there is really going to be no war 'because every one is afraid of it', and if 'that excellent patch-work, the Austro-Hungarian monarchy 'is coming unsewn'. Asks him his opinion of Home Rule in Wales. Letter from M.F. Latham to [ ] Marshall. Add to clipboard ADD.MS.c/104/44/2 Part 15 Mar [ ] Part of Additional Manuscripts c Thanks Marshall for [sending her a letter from F.W.H. Myers], and says that she now understands something of what she [Marshall] described 'of a "thrill" from [ ] Mr. Myers' style'. Is surprised at what Myers says 'about H Sidgwick's ways in youth', as she and her family always considered him 'as the most lively interested talker [they] knew, interested in discussing anything and everything.' Recalls one of his visits as an undergraduate, when he joined in everthing the family did, and they considered that he made everything he took part in more amusing. Refers also to his organising of discussions on wet days, and how he would sometimes be the only outsider among a large family group. Says that she noticed when she came to Cambridge that 'he was altered, quiet, apparently absorbed in thought and though he was always responsive he no longer started things as of old'; 'this would be about the time when he was much occupied with university reforms as well as women's education and other social reforms.' Adds that he was always delightful to meet, and recalls 'with gratitude the letter, alluding to old times', that he wrote to her when her mother died. Latham, Marianne Frances (1839-1926) née Bernard, mistress of Girton Extract from the Spectator, including the review 'Mr Roden Noel's Poems', attributed to Henry Sidgwick Add to clipboard ADD.MS.c/97/1/2 Part 13 Feb 1869 Part of Additional Manuscripts c Letter from J. R. Seeley to E. Enfield. Add to clipboard ADD.MS.c/93/124/2 Part 21 Mar [1868?] Part of Additional Manuscripts c Discusses Enfield's plans for the Christian Union, which he considers insufficient. Points out the apparent inconsistency between Enfield's own principle of leaving existing religious organisations alone and placing them all under a common Christian organisation, and his proposal to aid persons 'who in different sects are struggling to widen the terms of admission'. Gives his own view on sects. Agrees with Mr Martineau 'in almost all that he says' and believes, like the latter, of the importance of having 'a symbol of the common Christianity that runs through the sects'. Refers to Enfield's plans to bring out a series of tracts as a means of spreading opinion; suggests that a magazine might be more effective. Refers to an essay that he wrote in W.L. Clay's Essays on Church Policy [1868], in which he tried to demonstrates the common aspects of all sects. Discusses Christianity and Christian morality. Maintains that Enfield's plan contain too many 'negations', and thinks that the test of it will be inducing men like Mr [F. D.?] Maurice or Mr [John Llewellyn?] Davies to sympathise with its ideas.
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Bad Economy: Mass Protest Looms If Central Bank Governor, Emefiele Fails To Resign In Seven Days – Group Warns - - Nigeria news. News Arewa Politics Business Entertainment Sport Hausa Connect with us – Nigeria news. Bad Economy: Mass Protest Looms If Central Bank Governor, Emefiele Fails To Resign In Seven Days – Group Warns News Arewa Politics Business Entertainment Sport Hausa Business Bad Economy: Mass Protest Looms If Central Bank Governor, Emefiele Fails To Resign In Seven Days – Group Warns Published 3 weeks ago on November 16, 2021 By Khad Muhammed Share Tweet A civil society, the Nigerian Youth Initiative for Good Governance, has called for the removal of the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Mr Godwin Emefiele, over the nation’s poor economy under his watch. The group also accused him of incompetence and pitiable handling of monetary and fiscal policies which have worsened the nation’s economy with proofs in inflation, weakened naira among other economic defects. NYIGG threatened to mobilise Nigerians to stage a protest in the next seven days if Emefiele fails to resign voluntarily. The call was made in a statement delivered at the world press conference by the group on Monday signed by the group’s convener and national coordinator, Adeyemi Lukman Owolabi, on Monday. A copy of the statement which was obtained by SaharaReporters partly stated, “How can a man who claims to be a renowned economist on inauguration as CBN Governor meet the Naira exchange rate at N155 to a dollar and as at today is N570 to a dollar? This shows that his monetary and fiscal policies are nothing to write home about.” “The current state of our nose-diving economy calls for the concern of all. The leadership of Nigerian Youth Initiative for Good Governance (NTIGO) hereby calls for immediate removal of Mr Godwin Emefiele the Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria for gross incompetency due to his inability to save the Nigerian economy from further failure as indicated through his ineptitude to provide viable economy, price control, a strong naira and a stable exchange rate. “He may choose to voluntary resign because we will be left with no choice than to mobilise Nigeria masses that are at the receiving ends of his failed monetary policy and financial mismanagement to occupy CBN until his removal is effected in the next seven days,” the statement further read partly.
El gobernador de Mendoza, Francisco «Paco» Pérez, confimó este martes al demócrata y ex intendente de Luján, Omar Parisi, como el nuevo titular del Instituto Provincial de la Vivienda. Los cargos del directorio, fueron repartidos entre los jefes comunales de mayor peso. Este martes, el gobernador de la provincia, Francisco Pérez, confirmó al demócrata Omar Parisi, al frente del Instituto Provincial de la Vivienda (IPV), mientras que los cargos del directorio, fueron repartidos entre los jefes comunales de más peso en el justicialismo. De esta manera quedaron en el consejo, el ex presidente del IPV, Carmelo Simó, el jefe comunal de San Martín, Jorge Giménez, colocó al ingeniero José Miguel Gómez, los hermanos Emir y Omar Félix, introdujeron a Eduardo Pérez, mientras que el ex senador Manuel Moreno Serrano, que le responde al jefe comunal de Guaymallén Alejandro Abraham, también integrará el Consejo como vocal. Etiquetas Francisco Pérez gobernador Francisco Perez Instituto Povincial de la Vivienda ipv Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Print Telegram Artículo anteriorSe suicidó el Subsecretario de Comercio Exterior durante la cumbre del Mercosur Artículo siguienteColecta Solidaria a beneficio del Hogar San Martín de Tours ARG07 Artículo relacionadosMás del autor «Los tripulantes del submarino ARA San Juan están todos muertos» dijo Aguad Vandenbroele no respondió preguntas y se remitió a la declaración como arrepentido El Senado aprobará mañana los pliegos de los senadores electos 1572 Comentarios 인천출장 1 diciembre, 2021 At 11:32 pm Pretty! This has been a really wonderful post. Thanks for providing these details. Responder 강남출장마사지 1 diciembre, 2021 At 8:45 pm bookmarked!!, I really like your blog! Responder 강남출장안마 1 diciembre, 2021 At 7:51 pm Itís nearly impossible to find educated people in this particular topic, however, you sound like you know what youíre talking about! Thanks Responder 인천출장안마 30 noviembre, 2021 At 11:12 pm Greetings! Very useful advice within this post! It’s the little changes which will make the biggest changes. Thanks a lot for sharing! Responder 먹튀검증 23 noviembre, 2021 At 9:20 pm Pretty! This has been an incredibly wonderful article. Thank you for providing these details. Responder 인천출장 18 noviembre, 2021 At 2:00 pm You’re so awesome! I do not think I’ve read a single thing like this before. So great to discover someone with some original thoughts on this topic. Really.. many thanks for starting this up. This web site is one thing that is required on the web, someone with a little originality! Responder 인천출장마사지 17 noviembre, 2021 At 7:05 pm Greetings! Very useful advice in this particular post! It is the little changes that produce the most significant changes. Thanks for sharing! Responder 광주출장 4 noviembre, 2021 At 7:26 pm This is a great tip particularly to those fresh to the blogosphere. Brief but very precise informationÖ Thank you for sharing this one. A must read post! Responder 먹튀검증 24 octubre, 2021 At 2:38 am This is a very good tip particularly to those fresh to the blogosphere. Simple but very precise infoÖ Many thanks for sharing this one. A must read article! Responder 먹튀검증사이트 23 octubre, 2021 At 11:13 am Good site you have got here.. Itís difficult to find quality writing like yours these days. I honestly appreciate people like you! Take care!! Responder 출장마사지 21 octubre, 2021 At 8:50 pm Your style is really unique in comparison to other people I’ve read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this web site. Responder 청주출장마사지 17 octubre, 2021 At 6:52 am You are so interesting! I do not suppose I’ve truly read something like this before. So wonderful to find somebody with some genuine thoughts on this issue. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This website is one thing that’s needed on the web, someone with a little originality! Responder 청주출장안마 17 octubre, 2021 At 5:35 am After I initially left a comment I seem to have clicked the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and from now on each time a comment is added I receive 4 emails with the same comment. There has to be an easy method you are able to remove me from that service? Thanks a lot! Responder 청주출장안마 6 octubre, 2021 At 6:02 am When I initially left a comment I appear to have clicked the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and from now on whenever a comment is added I get 4 emails with the exact same comment. Perhaps there is a way you can remove me from that service? Cheers! Responder 청주출장 28 septiembre, 2021 At 7:42 pm I blog frequently and I genuinely thank you for your information. This great article has truly peaked my interest. I will book mark your site and keep checking for new information about once a week. I subscribed to your Feed as well. Responder 토토사이트 10 septiembre, 2021 At 12:40 am Your style is unique in comparison to other people I’ve read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this web site. Responder 패스출장 8 septiembre, 2021 At 1:44 pm Greetings! Very helpful advice within this post! It is the little changes that will make the largest changes. Thanks for sharing! Responder 천안출장 5 septiembre, 2021 At 1:06 am Your style is really unique compared to other people I’ve read stuff from. Thank you for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this blog. Responder 대구마사지 2 septiembre, 2021 At 7:57 am Good information. Lucky me I recently found your blog by chance (stumbleupon). I have saved as a favorite for later! Responder 출장마사지 29 agosto, 2021 At 6:09 pm After I initially left a comment I seem to have clicked the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and from now on whenever a comment is added I receive 4 emails with the same comment. Perhaps there is an easy method you can remove me from that service? Thank you! Responder 먹튀검증업체 29 agosto, 2021 At 12:32 pm Hi, I believe your blog could possibly be having internet browser compatibility problems. Whenever I take a look at your site in Safari, it looks fine but when opening in IE, it’s got some overlapping issues. I simply wanted to give you a quick heads up! Besides that, wonderful site! Responder 먹튀커뮤니티 29 agosto, 2021 At 4:36 am I’m very happy to uncover this great site. I wanted to thank you for ones time for this particularly fantastic read!! I definitely savored every part of it and I have you book marked to check out new things on your blog. Responder 먹튀커뮤니티 26 agosto, 2021 At 6:05 pm I would like to thank you for the efforts you’ve put in penning this blog. I really hope to check out the same high-grade content by you later on as well. In fact, your creative writing abilities has inspired me to get my own, personal site now 😉 Responder 강남출장마사지 24 agosto, 2021 At 7:45 pm Your style is so unique compared to other people I have read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I’ll just book mark this web site. Responder Leesa Juvera 24 agosto, 2021 At 2:01 pm Howdy, would you brain letting me know which World wide web host you’re employing? I’ve loaded your website in 3 completely different World wide web browsers, and I need to say this web site masses a great deal quicker then most. Can you suggest a very good internet hosting provider at a reasonable price? Responder 광주출장마사지 24 agosto, 2021 At 4:59 am Everything is very open with a really clear description of the issues. It was definitely informative. Your website is very useful. Thanks for sharing! Responder 먹튀검증사이트 23 agosto, 2021 At 12:19 pm There’s certainly a lot to learn about this subject. I really like all the points you made. Responder kèo nhà cái 23 agosto, 2021 At 11:52 am F*ckin’ amazing issues here. I am very happy to look your post. Thanks a lot and i’m having a look forward to contact you. Will you please drop me a mail? Responder 먹튀검증 23 agosto, 2021 At 2:13 am Hello there! This blog post couldnít be written much better! Going through this post reminds me of my previous roommate! He continually kept talking about this. I most certainly will send this article to him. Fairly certain he’s going to have a great read. I appreciate you for sharing! Responder 토토사이트 21 agosto, 2021 At 11:20 pm Good post. I learn something new and challenging on blogs I stumbleupon on a daily basis. It’s always useful to read articles from other writers and use something from their sites. Responder 먹튀검증사이트 21 agosto, 2021 At 6:24 am Good article! We are linking to this great post on our site. Keep up the good writing. Responder 인천출장마사지 21 agosto, 2021 At 12:12 am Spot on with this write-up, I actually believe this website needs a great deal more attention. Iíll probably be back again to read more, thanks for the information! Responder 먹튀검증 20 agosto, 2021 At 1:20 pm Aw, this was an extremely nice post. Taking the time and actual effort to create a really good articleÖ but what can I sayÖ I put things off a lot and never manage to get anything done. Responder 인천출장 20 agosto, 2021 At 7:12 am Hi, I do think this is an excellent website. I stumbledupon it 😉 I’m going to come back yet again since i have book marked it. Money and freedom is the greatest way to change, may you be rich and continue to help other people. Responder 인천출장안마 20 agosto, 2021 At 6:49 am Excellent post! We are linking to this particularly great post on our site. Keep up the good writing. Responder 인천출장 20 agosto, 2021 At 12:53 am This is a topic that is near to my heart… Thank you! Where are your contact details though? Responder 먹튀검증 18 agosto, 2021 At 6:58 am Having read this I thought it was really informative. I appreciate you finding the time and effort to put this short article together. I once again find myself spending way too much time both reading and leaving comments. But so what, it was still worth it! Responder 인천출장 17 agosto, 2021 At 8:16 pm Excellent blog post. I definitely love this website. Continue the good work! Responder 먹튀검증 17 agosto, 2021 At 7:56 pm I used to be able to find good info from your blog posts. Responder 인천출장 17 agosto, 2021 At 4:18 am I truly love your blog.. Pleasant colors & theme. Did you create this website yourself? Please reply back as Iím trying to create my own site and would love to find out where you got this from or just what the theme is named. Thank you! Responder 토토사이트 16 agosto, 2021 At 5:00 pm I absolutely love your site.. Pleasant colors & theme. Did you create this site yourself? Please reply back as Iím attempting to create my own personal website and would like to learn where you got this from or just what the theme is called. Thanks! Responder Meta Spartichino 16 agosto, 2021 At 1:40 am Keep working ,impressive job! Responder 토토사이트 15 agosto, 2021 At 8:50 pm Everything is very open with a really clear description of the challenges. It was definitely informative. Your site is very useful. Many thanks for sharing! Responder 인천출장안마 15 agosto, 2021 At 4:27 am Hello there! I could have sworn Iíve visited this website before but after looking at a few of the posts I realized itís new to me. Regardless, Iím certainly pleased I stumbled upon it and Iíll be book-marking it and checking back frequently! Responder 인천출장안마 14 agosto, 2021 At 5:28 pm The very next time I read a blog, I hope that it does not disappoint me as much as this one. I mean, Yes, it was my choice to read, but I really believed you would probably have something useful to talk about. All I hear is a bunch of moaning about something that you can fix if you were not too busy looking for attention. Responder 서울출장마사지 14 agosto, 2021 At 6:36 am Howdy! I could have sworn Iíve been to this website before but after browsing through some of the articles I realized itís new to me. Anyways, Iím certainly delighted I came across it and Iíll be book-marking it and checking back often! Responder 부천출장안마 13 agosto, 2021 At 11:46 am Having read this I believed it was really informative. I appreciate you taking the time and effort to put this article together. I once again find myself personally spending a lot of time both reading and leaving comments. But so what, it was still worthwhile! Responder 강남출장마사지 13 agosto, 2021 At 1:29 am Spot on with this write-up, I really believe this site needs a great deal more attention. Iíll probably be returning to see more, thanks for the info! Responder 먹튀검증사이트 12 agosto, 2021 At 11:27 pm Everything is very open with a really clear clarification of the issues. It was really informative. Your website is useful. Thank you for sharing! Responder 강남출장안마 12 agosto, 2021 At 2:57 am May I simply just say what a relief to discover someone that really understands what they’re discussing on the internet. You actually understand how to bring an issue to light and make it important. A lot more people have to read this and understand this side of the story. I was surprised you’re not more popular given that you definitely have the gift. Responder 콜라출장 12 agosto, 2021 At 2:35 am Excellent article. I’m going through many of these issues as well.. Responder 먹튀검증사이트 11 agosto, 2021 At 8:49 pm Hello, I think your web site could be having browser compatibility issues. When I look at your website in Safari, it looks fine but when opening in I.E., it’s got some overlapping issues. I simply wanted to provide you with a quick heads up! Apart from that, fantastic website! Responder 먹튀검증 11 agosto, 2021 At 6:58 am Hey there! I just would like to offer you a big thumbs up for your great info you have right here on this post. I am returning to your website for more soon. Responder Bruce 11 agosto, 2021 At 4:00 am Aw, this was a very nice post. In idea I wish to put in writing like this additionally taking time and actual effort to make an excellent article however what can I say I procrastinate alot and under no circumstances appear to get one thing done. Responder Rosemarie Sessions 11 agosto, 2021 At 12:08 am As I site possessor I believe the content material here is rattling fantastic , appreciate it for your efforts. You should keep it up forever! Best of luck. Responder 인천출장마사지 10 agosto, 2021 At 3:00 pm Spot on with this write-up, I truly believe that this site needs much more attention. Iíll probably be returning to read more, thanks for the information! Responder 인천출장마사지 10 agosto, 2021 At 9:06 am Next time I read a blog, Hopefully it won’t disappoint me as much as this particular one. After all, I know it was my choice to read through, nonetheless I genuinely thought you’d have something interesting to say. All I hear is a bunch of moaning about something you can fix if you were not too busy looking for attention. Responder 인천출장안마 10 agosto, 2021 At 8:52 am Itís difficult to find well-informed people in this particular subject, however, you sound like you know what youíre talking about! Thanks Responder 인천출장마사지 10 agosto, 2021 At 7:32 am You are so cool! I do not suppose I’ve truly read through anything like this before. So wonderful to find another person with a few original thoughts on this topic. Really.. many thanks for starting this up. This website is something that is needed on the internet, someone with a bit of originality! Responder 인천출장마사지 10 agosto, 2021 At 5:50 am Oh my goodness! Incredible article dude! Many thanks, However I am having difficulties with your RSS. I donít understand why I am unable to subscribe to it. Is there anyone else getting similar RSS problems? Anyone who knows the answer will you kindly respond? Thanx!! Responder 인천출장안마 9 agosto, 2021 At 10:30 pm I was able to find good info from your blog articles. Responder 인천출장안마 9 agosto, 2021 At 7:56 pm An intriguing discussion is worth comment. I do think that you need to write more about this subject matter, it might not be a taboo matter but typically people do not speak about these topics. To the next! All the best!! Responder 인천출장마사지 9 agosto, 2021 At 4:00 pm A fascinating discussion is definitely worth comment. I think that you need to publish more about this subject matter, it may not be a taboo matter but typically folks don’t talk about these topics. To the next! Kind regards!! Responder 인천출장마사지 9 agosto, 2021 At 10:59 am A motivating discussion is worth comment. I believe that you should write more about this subject matter, it might not be a taboo subject but generally folks don’t talk about such topics. To the next! Best wishes!! Responder Darryl Hallum 9 agosto, 2021 At 4:42 am Pretty section of content. I just stumbled upon your blog and in accession capital to assert that I acquire actually enjoyed account your blog posts. Anyway I will be subscribing to your feeds and even I achievement you access consistently quickly. Responder Sammie Croney 9 agosto, 2021 At 12:49 am I just couldn’t depart your website prior to suggesting that I actually enjoyed the standard information a person provide for your visitors? Is going to be back often to check up on new posts Responder 평택출장마사지 9 agosto, 2021 At 12:14 am There’s definately a lot to know about this subject. I really like all of the points you made. Responder 평택출장안마 9 agosto, 2021 At 12:07 am A fascinating discussion is definitely worth comment. I do think that you ought to write more on this topic, it might not be a taboo matter but usually people don’t discuss these issues. To the next! All the best!! Responder 평택출장 8 agosto, 2021 At 10:49 pm This is the right site for everyone who wants to understand this topic. You know a whole lot its almost hard to argue with you (not that I really would want toÖHaHa). You definitely put a brand new spin on a topic which has been written about for ages. Great stuff, just great! Responder 평택출장마사지 8 agosto, 2021 At 10:04 pm Next time I read a blog, Hopefully it does not disappoint me just as much as this one. I mean, Yes, it was my choice to read, nonetheless I really thought you would have something useful to talk about. All I hear is a bunch of whining about something that you can fix if you weren’t too busy looking for attention. Responder 온라인바둑이 8 agosto, 2021 At 5:31 pm Way cool! Some extremely valid points! I appreciate you penning this article and also the rest of the website is really good. Responder 평택출장안마 8 agosto, 2021 At 4:30 pm You’ve made some really good points there. I checked on the web for additional information about the issue and found most individuals will go along with your views on this site. Responder 온라인바둑이 8 agosto, 2021 At 2:46 pm Itís hard to find well-informed people in this particular subject, however, you sound like you know what youíre talking about! Thanks Responder 평택출장 8 agosto, 2021 At 3:57 am Spot on with this write-up, I actually believe that this website needs a great deal more attention. Iíll probably be returning to see more, thanks for the advice! Responder 평택출장마사지 8 agosto, 2021 At 12:08 am Hi there! This blog post could not be written much better! Going through this post reminds me of my previous roommate! He constantly kept preaching about this. I will forward this post to him. Pretty sure he’ll have a very good read. I appreciate you for sharing! Responder 평택출장 7 agosto, 2021 At 7:09 pm After looking into a handful of the articles on your blog, I really appreciate your way of blogging. I book marked it to my bookmark website list and will be checking back soon. Take a look at my web site too and let me know how you feel. Responder 평택출장 7 agosto, 2021 At 12:57 am [email protected] Responder 평택출장 6 agosto, 2021 At 4:45 am [email protected] Responder 바둑이사이트 6 agosto, 2021 At 12:58 am Hi! I could have sworn Iíve been to this blog before but after browsing through some of the articles I realized itís new to me. Nonetheless, Iím definitely pleased I discovered it and Iíll be book-marking it and checking back regularly! Responder 평택출장마사지 5 agosto, 2021 At 11:35 pm [email protected] Responder Oil Change Quincy MA 5 agosto, 2021 At 10:31 pm Wonderful paintings! This is the type of info that are supposed to be shared across the internet. Disgrace on Google for no longer positioning this publish upper! Come on over and visit my website . Thanks =) Responder 평택출장안마 5 agosto, 2021 At 1:29 pm [email protected] Responder 먹튀검증 5 agosto, 2021 At 1:02 pm This website definitely has all of the information I needed concerning this subject and didnít know who to ask. Responder 평택출장 5 agosto, 2021 At 9:29 am [email protected] Responder 먹튀사이트 5 agosto, 2021 At 9:00 am I blog often and I really thank you for your content. Your article has really peaked my interest. I am going to take a note of your blog and keep checking for new information about once a week. I subscribed to your RSS feed too. Responder 평택출장안마 5 agosto, 2021 At 8:18 am [email protected] Responder Social Media Marketing 5 agosto, 2021 At 3:47 am You can definitely see your expertise in the work you write. The arena hopes for even more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to mention how they believe. At all times follow your heart. Responder 먹튀검증사이트 4 agosto, 2021 At 11:59 pm You have made some really good points there. I looked on the internet for more information about the issue and found most individuals will go along with your views on this web site. Responder Charline Axtell 4 agosto, 2021 At 9:05 pm Heya i’m for the first time here. I came across this board and I find It really useful & it helped me out a lot. I hope to give something back and aid others like you aided me. Responder 먹튀 4 agosto, 2021 At 5:56 pm This is a topic that is close to my heart… Take care! Where are your contact details though? Responder 평택출장마사지 4 agosto, 2021 At 3:02 pm [email protected] Responder 사설바둑이 4 agosto, 2021 At 10:28 am Pretty! This was a really wonderful post. Thank you for providing these details. Responder 사설바둑이 4 agosto, 2021 At 9:46 am This is the right website for anybody who wants to find out about this topic. You know so much its almost hard to argue with you (not that I personally will need toÖHaHa). You certainly put a fresh spin on a topic that has been discussed for ages. Wonderful stuff, just great! Responder 평택출장안마 4 agosto, 2021 At 8:14 am [email protected] Responder 바둑이 4 agosto, 2021 At 8:14 am Hi, I do think this is an excellent website. I stumbledupon it 😉 I may return yet again since i have book marked it. Money and freedom is the greatest way to change, may you be rich and continue to guide others. Responder 평택출장마사지 4 agosto, 2021 At 2:15 am [email protected] Responder 먹튀검증 4 agosto, 2021 At 1:31 am I blog quite often and I truly appreciate your information. This great article has truly peaked my interest. I will bookmark your blog and keep checking for new details about once per week. I opted in for your Feed as well. Responder 평택출장안마 4 agosto, 2021 At 12:07 am [email protected] Responder 평택출장안마 3 agosto, 2021 At 10:46 pm [email protected] Responder 먹튀검증 3 agosto, 2021 At 9:40 pm This is the perfect site for anybody who hopes to understand this topic. You realize so much its almost hard to argue with you (not that I actually will need toÖHaHa). You definitely put a brand new spin on a topic that’s been discussed for ages. Excellent stuff, just wonderful! Responder 바둑이사이트 3 agosto, 2021 At 8:37 pm Great post. I am facing a few of these issues as well.. Responder 바둑이 3 agosto, 2021 At 8:04 pm Way cool! Some very valid points! I appreciate you penning this write-up and also the rest of the website is very good. Responder 바둑이 3 agosto, 2021 At 3:02 pm You should be a part of a contest for one of the highest quality websites on the web. I will recommend this site! Responder 평택출장마사지 3 agosto, 2021 At 12:07 pm [email protected] Responder click here 2 agosto, 2021 At 5:00 pm We’re a gaggle of volunteers and starting a brand new scheme in our community. Your site offered us with helpful information to work on. You have done a formidable process and our whole community shall be thankful to you. Responder click here 2 agosto, 2021 At 1:19 pm Hello, i feel that i saw you visited my blog thus i came to go back the desire.I’m attempting to find things to enhance my website!I guess its adequate to make use of a few of your concepts!! Responder 사설바둑이 2 agosto, 2021 At 1:08 pm bookmarked!!, I love your site! Responder Arnold Decius 2 agosto, 2021 At 10:10 am I was suggested this web site by my cousin. I am not sure whether this post is written by him as nobody else know such detailed about my problem. You’re wonderful! Thanks! Responder Britteny Reavely 2 agosto, 2021 At 6:20 am Hey! I know this is kinda off topic however , I’d figured I’d ask. Would you be interested in exchanging links or maybe guest writing a blog article or vice-versa? My site covers a lot of the same subjects as yours and I feel we could greatly benefit from each other. If you are interested feel free to send me an e-mail. I look forward to hearing from you! Fantastic blog by the way! Responder 일산출장마사지 2 agosto, 2021 At 3:56 am Hello there! This blog post couldnít be written any better! Looking at this post reminds me of my previous roommate! He continually kept talking about this. I most certainly will forward this article to him. Pretty sure he’ll have a great read. Thank you for sharing! Responder Dorothea Rhump 2 agosto, 2021 At 3:45 am I’m still learning from you, as I’m making my way to the top as well. I absolutely love reading everything that is posted on your blog.Keep the aarticles coming. I enjoyed it! Responder miami pre construction for sale 2 agosto, 2021 At 2:05 am Of course, what a splendid website and revealing posts, I definitely will bookmark your website.Have an awsome day! Responder 일산출장 1 agosto, 2021 At 5:43 pm Good post. I learn something totally new and challenging on blogs I stumbleupon on a daily basis. It’s always helpful to read articles from other writers and practice a little something from other sites. Responder 일산출장마사지 1 agosto, 2021 At 2:37 pm Hello there! This post couldnít be written any better! Going through this article reminds me of my previous roommate! He constantly kept talking about this. I’ll send this information to him. Pretty sure he’ll have a great read. Many thanks for sharing! Responder 먹튀검증 1 agosto, 2021 At 1:02 pm I love it when individuals come together and share thoughts. Great blog, continue the good work! Responder 일산출장마사지 1 agosto, 2021 At 12:17 pm I seriously love your site.. Great colors & theme. Did you develop this amazing site yourself? Please reply back as Iím attempting to create my very own site and would like to know where you got this from or just what the theme is named. Thanks! Responder 일산출장 1 agosto, 2021 At 9:17 am Excellent post. I’m facing a few of these issues as well.. Responder 일산출장마사지 1 agosto, 2021 At 6:04 am That is a really good tip particularly to those fresh to the blogosphere. Short but very precise infoÖ Thanks for sharing this one. A must read post! Responder 일산출장안마 1 agosto, 2021 At 2:20 am Pretty! This has been an incredibly wonderful post. Many thanks for providing this information. Responder 일산출장안마 1 agosto, 2021 At 12:07 am Pretty! This was an extremely wonderful article. Many thanks for providing these details. Responder 일산출장안마 31 julio, 2021 At 6:56 pm You are so awesome! I do not think I have read through anything like that before. So wonderful to find someone with a few genuine thoughts on this subject. Really.. thank you for starting this up. This site is one thing that’s needed on the web, someone with a little originality! Responder 일산출장안마 31 julio, 2021 At 4:37 pm Howdy! This post couldnít be written any better! Looking at this post reminds me of my previous roommate! He constantly kept preaching about this. I most certainly will forward this post to him. Fairly certain he’s going to have a good read. Many thanks for sharing! Responder 일산출장 31 julio, 2021 At 2:51 pm After looking at a handful of the blog posts on your web site, I really like your technique of blogging. I bookmarked it to my bookmark website list and will be checking back in the near future. Please visit my web site as well and tell me how you feel. Responder 일산출장 31 julio, 2021 At 12:07 pm I must thank you for the efforts you have put in writing this site. I am hoping to view the same high-grade content from you later on as well. In fact, your creative writing abilities has inspired me to get my own, personal site now 😉 Responder 일산출장마사지 31 julio, 2021 At 8:48 am Hi, I do think this is an excellent web site. I stumbledupon it 😉 I am going to come back once again since I book marked it. Money and freedom is the best way to change, may you be rich and continue to guide others. Responder 일산출장안마 31 julio, 2021 At 7:28 am Your style is really unique compared to other people I have read stuff from. Thank you for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I will just book mark this blog. Responder 일산출장마사지 31 julio, 2021 At 1:11 am Can I simply just say what a relief to uncover a person that actually knows what they’re discussing on the web. You actually understand how to bring an issue to light and make it important. A lot more people have to look at this and understand this side of your story. It’s surprising you’re not more popular given that you most certainly have the gift. Responder 일산출장마사지 30 julio, 2021 At 9:32 pm After exploring a handful of the blog posts on your web page, I truly appreciate your way of blogging. I bookmarked it to my bookmark webpage list and will be checking back soon. Take a look at my website too and let me know how you feel. Responder 일산출장 30 julio, 2021 At 6:08 pm Pretty! This was an incredibly wonderful article. Thank you for supplying this info. Responder 일산출장 30 julio, 2021 At 5:40 pm I blog often and I genuinely appreciate your content. This article has truly peaked my interest. I will take a note of your blog and keep checking for new information about once a week. I subscribed to your Feed as well. Responder Jami Schindel 30 julio, 2021 At 7:38 am F*ckin’ remarkable issues here. I’m very satisfied to see your post. Thank you a lot and i am looking forward to touch you. Will you kindly drop me a mail? Responder Christian Chain 30 julio, 2021 At 2:50 am I am extremely impressed with your writing skills as well as with the layout on your weblog. Is this a paid theme or did you modify it yourself? Anyway keep up the nice quality writing, it’s rare to see a nice blog like this one today.. Responder 인천출장 29 julio, 2021 At 6:45 pm Pretty! This was a really wonderful post. Many thanks for providing these details. Responder wszywka alkoholowa krakow 29 julio, 2021 At 5:34 pm This is very interesting, You are a very skilled blogger. I have joined your feed and look forward to seeking more of your excellent post. Also, I’ve shared your web site in my social networks! Responder 먹튀검증 29 julio, 2021 At 4:06 pm I was able to find good information from your content. Responder 먹튀검증사이트 29 julio, 2021 At 1:58 pm An impressive share! I have just forwarded this onto a friend who had been conducting a little homework on this. And he actually ordered me lunch because I discovered it for him… lol. So let me reword this…. Thank YOU for the meal!! But yeah, thanx for spending some time to talk about this subject here on your internet site. Responder 먹튀사이트 29 julio, 2021 At 11:12 am Hello! I simply want to give you a big thumbs up for the great information you have got here on this post. I am returning to your web site for more soon. Responder 인천출장마사지 29 julio, 2021 At 10:31 am Oh my goodness! Amazing article dude! Many thanks, However I am going through difficulties with your RSS. I donít understand why I am unable to subscribe to it. Is there anyone else having similar RSS problems? Anyone who knows the answer can you kindly respond? Thanks!! Responder visit 29 julio, 2021 At 7:03 am I’m still learning from you, while I’m making my way to the top as well. I absolutely enjoy reading all that is posted on your site.Keep the tips coming. I loved it! Responder viagra 29 julio, 2021 At 6:35 am Apple now has Rhapsody as an app, which is a great start, but it is currently hampered by the inability to store locally on your iPod, and has a dismal 64kbps bit rate. If this changes, then it will somewhat negate viagra this advantage for the Zune, but the 10 songs per month will still be a big plus in Zune Pass’ favor. Responder 인천출장안마 29 julio, 2021 At 3:57 am Iím impressed, I have to admit. Rarely do I encounter a blog thatís equally educative and amusing, and let me tell you, you have hit the nail on the head. The issue is something not enough men and women are speaking intelligently about. I’m very happy that I came across this in my hunt for something regarding this. Responder 먹튀검증사이트 29 julio, 2021 At 2:58 am You’ve made some really good points there. I looked on the web to find out more about the issue and found most people will go along with your views on this web site. Responder 먹튀검증 29 julio, 2021 At 1:57 am Very nice article. I definitely love this website. Thanks! Responder 먹튀검증 29 julio, 2021 At 1:32 am Aw, this was an extremely nice post. Taking the time and actual effort to produce a really good articleÖ but what can I sayÖ I put things off a whole lot and don’t manage to get anything done. Responder 먹튀검증 29 julio, 2021 At 1:02 am Hi, I do think this is an excellent site. I stumbledupon it 😉 I’m going to come back once again since I book marked it. Money and freedom is the greatest way to change, may you be rich and continue to help other people. Responder 먹튀검증 28 julio, 2021 At 11:50 pm You’ve made some decent points there. I checked on the net for additional information about the issue and found most people will go along with your views on this site. Responder 인천출장안마 28 julio, 2021 At 11:15 pm I could not refrain from commenting. Perfectly written! Responder 먹튀검증업체 28 julio, 2021 At 10:01 pm The very next time I read a blog, Hopefully it does not disappoint me just as much as this particular one. I mean, Yes, it was my choice to read, nonetheless I really thought you’d have something helpful to talk about. All I hear is a bunch of complaining about something you could possibly fix if you were not too busy looking for attention. Responder 먹튀검증업체 28 julio, 2021 At 9:35 pm Good day! I could have sworn Iíve visited this website before but after looking at a few of the posts I realized itís new to me. Anyways, Iím definitely happy I discovered it and Iíll be bookmarking it and checking back frequently! Responder 먹튀사이트 28 julio, 2021 At 8:46 pm I want to to thank you for this fantastic read!! I absolutely loved every little bit of it. I have you book marked to check out new things you postÖ Responder 인천출장안마 28 julio, 2021 At 8:33 pm Very good blog post. I absolutely appreciate this website. Thanks! Responder 인천출장안마 28 julio, 2021 At 8:20 pm Spot on with this write-up, I honestly believe that this website needs a great deal more attention. Iíll probably be returning to read more, thanks for the info! Responder 인천출장 28 julio, 2021 At 5:55 pm I used to be able to find good info from your content. Responder 먹튀검증 28 julio, 2021 At 4:48 pm Right here is the perfect site for everyone who wants to find out about this topic. You understand a whole lot its almost hard to argue with you (not that I actually would want toÖHaHa). You certainly put a new spin on a topic that has been written about for ages. Excellent stuff, just excellent! Responder 인천출장마사지 28 julio, 2021 At 3:22 pm Way cool! Some extremely valid points! I appreciate you writing this write-up and the rest of the website is really good. Responder 인천출장마사지 28 julio, 2021 At 1:39 pm Excellent post. I will be going through some of these issues as well.. Responder 먹튀사이트 28 julio, 2021 At 12:59 pm Very good info. Lucky me I discovered your site by accident (stumbleupon). I’ve book-marked it for later! Responder 인천출장마사지 28 julio, 2021 At 11:41 am Way cool! Some extremely valid points! I appreciate you penning this write-up and also the rest of the site is also very good. Responder 먹튀검증 28 julio, 2021 At 9:17 am You have made some really good points there. I looked on the web for additional information about the issue and found most people will go along with your views on this web site. Responder 먹튀검증 28 julio, 2021 At 8:28 am You need to take part in a contest for one of the best sites online. I am going to recommend this website! Responder 인천출장마사지 28 julio, 2021 At 8:02 am An interesting discussion is worth comment. I do believe that you should publish more on this subject, it may not be a taboo matter but typically people do not talk about such issues. To the next! All the best!! Responder 인천출장 28 julio, 2021 At 6:42 am When I originally commented I appear to have clicked the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and now whenever a comment is added I get 4 emails with the exact same comment. There has to be a way you are able to remove me from that service? Thanks! Responder 인천출장마사지 28 julio, 2021 At 2:50 am I quite like reading through a post that can make people think. Also, thank you for allowing me to comment! Responder 인천출장마사지 28 julio, 2021 At 2:06 am I wanted to thank you for this excellent read!! I definitely enjoyed every little bit of it. I have you book-marked to look at new stuff you postÖ Responder 인천출장안마 27 julio, 2021 At 10:41 pm Greetings! Very useful advice within this post! It is the little changes that produce the biggest changes. Many thanks for sharing! Responder 먹튀검증사이트 27 julio, 2021 At 7:32 pm Good post. I’m facing many of these issues as well.. Responder 먹튀검증사이트 27 julio, 2021 At 4:27 pm Excellent web site you have got here.. Itís difficult to find excellent writing like yours these days. I seriously appreciate individuals like you! Take care!! Responder 용인출장안마 27 julio, 2021 At 9:34 am The very next time I read a blog, Hopefully it won’t disappoint me just as much as this one. After all, Yes, it was my choice to read, nonetheless I really thought you would have something helpful to talk about. All I hear is a bunch of complaining about something you can fix if you were not too busy looking for attention. Responder 인천출장마사지 27 julio, 2021 At 8:43 am I could not refrain from commenting. Perfectly written! Responder 인천출장안마 27 julio, 2021 At 5:51 am Your style is so unique compared to other people I have read stuff from. Thank you for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I will just book mark this web site. Responder 인천출장안마 27 julio, 2021 At 4:41 am This is a good tip especially to those new to the blogosphere. Short but very precise informationÖ Thanks for sharing this one. A must read article! Responder 용인출장마사지 27 julio, 2021 At 4:18 am Hello there! I could have sworn Iíve visited this web site before but after looking at many of the articles I realized itís new to me. Anyways, Iím certainly delighted I found it and Iíll be book-marking it and checking back often! Responder 용인출장안마 26 julio, 2021 At 10:17 pm Iím amazed, I must say. Seldom do I encounter a blog thatís equally educative and engaging, and without a doubt, you have hit the nail on the head. The problem is an issue that too few folks are speaking intelligently about. I am very happy I stumbled across this during my search for something relating to this. Responder Miami Waterfront Homes 26 julio, 2021 At 8:00 pm Wow! Thank you! I constantly wanted to write on my blog something like that. Can I take a portion of your post to my blog? Responder 강남안마방 26 julio, 2021 At 7:30 pm I love it whenever people get together and share opinions. Great blog, keep it up! Responder 먹튀검증업체 26 julio, 2021 At 4:51 pm Your style is very unique compared to other people I have read stuff from. Thank you for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I’ll just book mark this web site. Responder 먹튀사이트 26 julio, 2021 At 4:35 pm I was able to find good info from your content. Responder Superheater tubing price 26 julio, 2021 At 12:47 pm Carbon steel is a lot more generally used than any other metal, and has actually long been appreciated for its flexibility as well as affordable. Federal Steel stocks a total option of carbon Responder 용인출장마사지 26 julio, 2021 At 7:30 am Way cool! Some extremely valid points! I appreciate you writing this post and the rest of the website is very good. Responder 용인출장마사지 26 julio, 2021 At 6:10 am I was extremely pleased to uncover this great site. I want to to thank you for your time due to this wonderful read!! I definitely really liked every bit of it and I have you book marked to look at new stuff in your blog. Responder 용인출장마사지 26 julio, 2021 At 5:52 am This website was… how do I say it? Relevant!! Finally I have found something which helped me. Appreciate it! Responder Houston 26 julio, 2021 At 5:01 am Nice blog here! Also your website loads up fast! What host are you using? Can I get your affiliate link to your host? I wish my web site loaded up as fast as yours lol Responder Lissa Olien 26 julio, 2021 At 2:00 am Undeniably imagine that that you stated. Your favourite reason appeared to be on the internet the easiest thing to remember of. I say to you, I definitely get annoyed at the same time as people consider concerns that they just do not realize about. You controlled to hit the nail upon the highest as smartly as outlined out the whole thing without having side effect , other folks could take a signal. Will probably be back to get more. Thanks Responder miami pre construction for sale 26 julio, 2021 At 12:15 am I don’t even know how I ended up here, but I believed this publish was great. I do not know who you might be however definitely you’re going to a famous blogger in the event you aren’t already 😉 Cheers! Responder Garret 26 julio, 2021 At 12:08 am I’m not sure exactly why but this site is loading incredibly slow for me. Is anyone else having this issue or is it a issue on my end? I’ll check back later and see if the problem still exists. Responder 인천출장마사지 25 julio, 2021 At 5:36 pm An intriguing discussion is definitely worth comment. There’s no doubt that that you ought to write more on this subject, it may not be a taboo subject but generally people don’t discuss such subjects. To the next! Best wishes!! Responder 용인출장안마 25 julio, 2021 At 5:23 pm An outstanding share! I have just forwarded this onto a friend who has been conducting a little homework on this. And he in fact bought me dinner due to the fact that I stumbled upon it for him… lol. So allow me to reword this…. Thanks for the meal!! But yeah, thanks for spending some time to discuss this subject here on your web page. Responder Luciano 25 julio, 2021 At 12:28 pm I am constantly looking online for articles that can facilitate me. Thanks! Responder 먹튀검증사이트 25 julio, 2021 At 9:22 am You need to take part in a contest for one of the highest quality websites on the net. I’m going to highly recommend this website! Responder Harris 25 julio, 2021 At 8:41 am Hi! I just wanted to ask if you ever have any issues with hackers? My last blog (wordpress) was hacked and I ended up losing several weeks of hard work due to no back up. Do you have any solutions to protect against hackers? Responder 인천출장마사지 25 julio, 2021 At 7:58 am Right here is the right blog for anybody who wishes to understand this topic. You know a whole lot its almost tough to argue with you (not that I personally would want toÖHaHa). You certainly put a fresh spin on a topic that has been written about for a long time. Wonderful stuff, just excellent! Responder 인천출장마사지 25 julio, 2021 At 7:14 am Iím amazed, I must say. Rarely do I encounter a blog thatís both educative and entertaining, and let me tell you, you have hit the nail on the head. The issue is an issue that too few men and women are speaking intelligently about. I’m very happy I found this during my hunt for something relating to this. Responder 용인출장안마 25 julio, 2021 At 6:26 am When I originally commented I seem to have clicked on the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and from now on every time a comment is added I recieve 4 emails with the exact same comment. There has to be a way you can remove me from that service? Appreciate it! Responder 안산출장마사지 25 julio, 2021 At 3:03 am I’d like to thank you for the efforts you’ve put in penning this blog. I am hoping to see the same high-grade blog posts by you in the future as well. In fact, your creative writing abilities has encouraged me to get my own site now 😉 Responder 안양출장마사지 24 julio, 2021 At 6:34 pm A motivating discussion is definitely worth comment. I do think that you need to write more on this issue, it may not be a taboo subject but generally people do not talk about these issues. To the next! Kind regards!! Responder Huey Kobza 24 julio, 2021 At 12:30 pm I like what you guys are usually up too. This kind of clever work and exposure! Keep up the wonderful works guys I’ve you guys to our blogroll. Responder 시흥출장안마 24 julio, 2021 At 11:48 am I absolutely love your site.. Excellent colors & theme. Did you build this web site yourself? Please reply back as Iím hoping to create my very own site and would love to find out where you got this from or just what the theme is called. Thank you! Responder 강남안마 24 julio, 2021 At 9:55 am Pretty! This has been an incredibly wonderful article. Thanks for providing these details. Responder 수원출장안마 24 julio, 2021 At 4:18 am Very good info. Lucky me I found your site by accident (stumbleupon). I have book marked it for later! Responder 먹튀사이트 23 julio, 2021 At 10:13 pm After checking out a handful of the blog articles on your website, I seriously appreciate your technique of blogging. I saved it to my bookmark site list and will be checking back soon. Take a look at my web site too and tell me how you feel. Responder 먹튀검증 23 julio, 2021 At 8:27 pm There is definately a great deal to know about this topic. I like all of the points you have made. Responder 서울출장마사지 23 julio, 2021 At 6:17 pm Having read this I thought it was rather enlightening. I appreciate you spending some time and energy to put this informative article together. I once again find myself spending a significant amount of time both reading and leaving comments. But so what, it was still worthwhile! Responder 부천출장안마 23 julio, 2021 At 2:37 pm I need to to thank you for this very good read!! I absolutely enjoyed every little bit of it. I have got you saved as a favorite to check out new things you postÖ Responder Sears Appliance Repair Charlotte NC 23 julio, 2021 At 2:27 pm Good – I should definitely pronounce, impressed with your site. I had no trouble navigating through all the tabs and related information ended up being truly simple to do to access. I recently found what I hoped for before you know it at all. Reasonably unusual. Is likely to appreciate it for those who add forums or anything, website theme . a tones way for your client to communicate. Excellent task.. Responder 분당출장안마 23 julio, 2021 At 11:01 am I couldnít resist commenting. Perfectly written! Responder Caren Gilder 23 julio, 2021 At 9:29 am Hey There. I found your weblog using msn. This is an extremely neatly written article. I’ll be sure to bookmark it and return to read extra of your helpful info. Thanks for the post. I’ll definitely comeback. Responder 먹튀검증 23 julio, 2021 At 9:10 am That is a great tip particularly to those new to the blogosphere. Simple but very precise informationÖ Thanks for sharing this one. A must read post! Responder 먹튀검증커뮤니티 23 julio, 2021 At 8:59 am Spot on with this write-up, I truly believe this web site needs a great deal more attention. Iíll probably be returning to read more, thanks for the advice! Responder 먹튀검증 23 julio, 2021 At 6:30 am This is a topic that is near to my heart… Best wishes! Where are your contact details though? Responder 먹튀검증사이트 23 julio, 2021 At 3:05 am Itís difficult to find knowledgeable people for this subject, however, you seem like you know what youíre talking about! Thanks Responder Tommy Asante 23 julio, 2021 At 1:32 am Thank you for the auspicious writeup. It in fact was a amusement account it. Look advanced to far added agreeable from you! By the way, how could we communicate? Responder Charlotte Appliance Repair Service 22 julio, 2021 At 11:59 pm Do you have a spam issue on this website; I also am a blogger, and I was wondering your situation; many of us have developed some nice practices and we are looking to trade techniques with others, please shoot me an email if interested. Responder 먹튀검증업체 22 julio, 2021 At 10:42 pm Pretty! This has been an incredibly wonderful post. Many thanks for supplying this information. Responder 먹튀 22 julio, 2021 At 8:50 pm Oh my goodness! Incredible article dude! Thanks, However I am experiencing issues with your RSS. I donít know the reason why I cannot join it. Is there anybody getting identical RSS problems? Anyone who knows the answer will you kindly respond? Thanks!! Responder 먹튀 22 julio, 2021 At 8:33 pm Aw, this was an exceptionally nice post. Taking a few minutes and actual effort to create a good articleÖ but what can I sayÖ I procrastinate a lot and never seem to get nearly anything done. Responder 먹튀검증커뮤니티 22 julio, 2021 At 6:13 pm When I originally left a comment I appear to have clicked on the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and from now on each time a comment is added I receive four emails with the same comment. Perhaps there is an easy method you are able to remove me from that service? Thank you! Responder 김포출장마사지 22 julio, 2021 At 3:48 pm Greetings! Very helpful advice in this particular article! It is the little changes that produce the largest changes. Many thanks for sharing! Responder 동탄출장마사지 22 julio, 2021 At 3:48 pm Great info. Lucky me I recently found your blog by chance (stumbleupon). I’ve saved as a favorite for later! Responder 먹튀검증업체 22 julio, 2021 At 3:03 pm Hi there, I think your blog may be having browser compatibility problems. Whenever I look at your website in Safari, it looks fine however, when opening in Internet Explorer, it’s got some overlapping issues. I simply wanted to give you a quick heads up! Besides that, fantastic blog! Responder 먹튀검증 22 julio, 2021 At 12:28 pm That is a very good tip especially to those fresh to the blogosphere. Short but very accurate infoÖ Thanks for sharing this one. A must read post! Responder 먹튀검증 22 julio, 2021 At 12:19 pm I love it whenever people come together and share ideas. Great site, stick with it! Responder 먹튀검증 22 julio, 2021 At 11:44 am Your style is really unique in comparison to other people I’ve read stuff from. Thank you for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this web site. Responder 광명출장안마 22 julio, 2021 At 10:06 am Nice post. I learn something new and challenging on blogs I stumbleupon everyday. It’s always exciting to read articles from other authors and practice something from their sites. Responder 먹튀검증업체 22 julio, 2021 At 9:42 am Howdy! This post could not be written any better! Looking through this post reminds me of my previous roommate! He constantly kept preaching about this. I’ll send this post to him. Fairly certain he will have a good read. Thanks for sharing! Responder 먹튀사이트 22 julio, 2021 At 9:27 am I quite like reading an article that can make people think. Also, thanks for permitting me to comment! Responder 먹튀사이트 22 julio, 2021 At 8:28 am You ought to take part in a contest for one of the finest blogs online. I most certainly will highly recommend this site! Responder Noella Egar 22 julio, 2021 At 7:10 am I have been surfing on-line more than 3 hours as of late, yet I never discovered any fascinating article like yours. It is beautiful value sufficient for me. In my opinion, if all site owners and bloggers made just right content as you did, the web shall be a lot more useful than ever before. Responder 강남출장마사지 22 julio, 2021 At 5:23 am Good site you have got here.. Itís difficult to find excellent writing like yours these days. I really appreciate individuals like you! Take care!! Responder 출장안마 21 julio, 2021 At 10:11 pm I blog quite often and I genuinely appreciate your information. The article has really peaked my interest. I will take a note of your blog and keep checking for new information about once a week. I opted in for your RSS feed as well. Responder 먹튀검증사이트 21 julio, 2021 At 7:18 pm This website definitely has all of the info I needed about this subject and didnít know who to ask. Responder 먹튀검증 21 julio, 2021 At 4:27 pm May I just say what a relief to discover someone that really understands what they’re discussing on the net. You definitely understand how to bring an issue to light and make it important. More people must check this out and understand this side of your story. It’s surprising you’re not more popular given that you surely have the gift. Responder Yadira Linzey 21 julio, 2021 At 11:40 am Hello would you mind letting me know which web host you’re working with? I’ve loaded your blog in 3 different browsers and I must say this blog loads a lot quicker then most. Can you recommend a good internet hosting provider at a honest price? Kudos, I appreciate it! Responder 먹튀검증 21 julio, 2021 At 11:36 am Good info. Lucky me I recently found your website by accident (stumbleupon). I’ve saved it for later! Responder 출장마사지 21 julio, 2021 At 11:20 am Greetings! Very helpful advice in this particular post! It is the little changes which will make the largest changes. Thanks a lot for sharing! Responder 먹튀검증커뮤니티 21 julio, 2021 At 11:08 am I’d like to thank you for the efforts you’ve put in writing this site. I am hoping to see the same high-grade content by you later on as well. In fact, your creative writing abilities has motivated me to get my very own website now 😉 Responder Ian Kadish 21 julio, 2021 At 4:23 am Hi! I’ve been reading your blog for a while now and finally got the bravery to go ahead and give you a shout out from Lubbock Texas! Just wanted to tell you keep up the excellent job! Responder Mikel Hinsley 20 julio, 2021 At 4:27 am WONDERFUL Post.thanks for share..extra wait .. … Responder 먹튀검증커뮤니티 20 julio, 2021 At 3:38 am Iím impressed, I must say. Seldom do I come across a blog thatís equally educative and entertaining, and let me tell you, you’ve hit the nail on the head. The problem is something that not enough folks are speaking intelligently about. Now i’m very happy that I stumbled across this in my hunt for something concerning this. Responder 먹튀사이트 20 julio, 2021 At 3:32 am Hi! I could have sworn Iíve visited your blog before but after browsing through many of the articles I realized itís new to me. Regardless, Iím certainly delighted I found it and Iíll be bookmarking it and checking back often! Responder login 19 julio, 2021 At 4:36 pm you’re really a good webmaster. The web site loading speed is amazing. It seems that you are doing any unique trick. Moreover, The contents are masterpiece. you have done a great job on this topic! Responder 먹튀검증 19 julio, 2021 At 9:57 am Oh my goodness! Incredible article dude! Thank you so much, However I am going through problems with your RSS. I donít understand the reason why I am unable to subscribe to it. Is there anyone else having similar RSS problems? Anybody who knows the solution will you kindly respond? Thanx!! Responder 먹튀사이트 19 julio, 2021 At 9:09 am I really love your blog.. Pleasant colors & theme. Did you make this web site yourself? Please reply back as Iím looking to create my very own website and would love to learn where you got this from or just what the theme is named. Many thanks! Responder 먹튀검증업체 19 julio, 2021 At 5:44 am You made some good points there. I checked on the internet to learn more about the issue and found most individuals will go along with your views on this web site. Responder 먹튀검증사이트 19 julio, 2021 At 4:31 am I really love your blog.. Excellent colors & theme. Did you make this website yourself? Please reply back as Iím hoping to create my very own site and want to learn where you got this from or what the theme is called. Cheers! Responder Pat Rasico 19 julio, 2021 At 4:22 am Would you be considering exchanging links? Responder 먹튀검증 19 julio, 2021 At 1:03 am There’s definately a great deal to know about this subject. I love all of the points you have made. Responder Shaquana Cassens 19 julio, 2021 At 1:02 am With havin so much content do you ever run into any problems of plagorism or copyright violation? My blog has a lot of unique content I’ve either created myself or outsourced but it appears a lot of it is popping it up all over the internet without my agreement. Do you know any techniques to help reduce content from being ripped off? I’d definitely appreciate it. Responder 먹튀검증사이트 19 julio, 2021 At 12:52 am Can I simply say what a comfort to discover someone who actually knows what they’re talking about on the net. You definitely understand how to bring an issue to light and make it important. A lot more people ought to look at this and understand this side of the story. I was surprised you’re not more popular because you definitely have the gift. Responder 먹튀검증 18 julio, 2021 At 10:10 pm I’m very happy to uncover this web site. I want to to thank you for your time just for this fantastic read!! I definitely savored every bit of it and i also have you book marked to see new stuff in your blog. Responder 먹튀검증 18 julio, 2021 At 8:54 pm Itís hard to find knowledgeable people about this topic, however, you seem like you know what youíre talking about! Thanks Responder 먹튀사이트 18 julio, 2021 At 3:59 pm Good blog post. I definitely appreciate this site. Continue the good work! Responder 먹튀검증업체 18 julio, 2021 At 8:55 am Hi! I just wish to offer you a huge thumbs up for your excellent info you have got here on this post. I will be returning to your website for more soon. Responder 먹튀검증사이트 18 julio, 2021 At 8:51 am Very good post! We will be linking to this particularly great article on our site. Keep up the good writing. Responder 먹튀검증업체 18 julio, 2021 At 8:26 am Next time I read a blog, Hopefully it doesn’t fail me as much as this particular one. After all, Yes, it was my choice to read, but I genuinely thought you would probably have something interesting to talk about. All I hear is a bunch of complaining about something that you can fix if you were not too busy looking for attention. Responder 먹튀검증커뮤니티 18 julio, 2021 At 6:52 am Spot on with this write-up, I seriously believe this site needs far more attention. Iíll probably be back again to read through more, thanks for the information! Responder 출장안마 18 julio, 2021 At 6:27 am Spot on with this write-up, I truly believe this site needs far more attention. Iíll probably be returning to see more, thanks for the info! Responder 출장마사지 18 julio, 2021 At 3:15 am Hi there! I simply would like to give you a huge thumbs up for the excellent information you’ve got here on this post. I will be returning to your web site for more soon. Responder 콜라출장 18 julio, 2021 At 2:47 am Itís difficult to find well-informed people for this topic, but you sound like you know what youíre talking about! Thanks Responder 먹튀검증커뮤니티 18 julio, 2021 At 2:44 am Howdy! This blog post could not be written any better! Looking through this article reminds me of my previous roommate! He always kept preaching about this. I am going to forward this information to him. Pretty sure he will have a very good read. Many thanks for sharing! Responder 먹튀검증 17 julio, 2021 At 11:23 pm Hi, I do think this is an excellent site. I stumbledupon it 😉 I’m going to return once again since I saved as a favorite it. Money and freedom is the best way to change, may you be rich and continue to help other people. Responder 먹튀사이트 17 julio, 2021 At 10:51 pm Way cool! Some very valid points! I appreciate you writing this article and also the rest of the site is also really good. Responder 먹튀검증커뮤니티 17 julio, 2021 At 8:29 pm Hi, I do believe this is a great site. I stumbledupon it 😉 I may return yet again since I bookmarked it. Money and freedom is the best way to change, may you be rich and continue to guide others. Responder 먹튀검증커뮤니티 17 julio, 2021 At 12:16 pm Good article. I’m facing many of these issues as well.. Responder 먹튀검증 16 julio, 2021 At 9:43 pm I could not refrain from commenting. Well written! Responder 전주출장안마 16 julio, 2021 At 7:54 pm Everything is very open with a very clear description of the challenges. It was definitely informative. Your site is very helpful. Many thanks for sharing! Responder 먹튀검증업체 16 julio, 2021 At 4:01 pm I have to thank you for the efforts you have put in penning this blog. I’m hoping to check out the same high-grade content from you later on as well. In fact, your creative writing abilities has inspired me to get my very own blog now 😉 Responder 먹튀 검증 16 julio, 2021 At 11:14 am You have made some really good points there. I checked on the web for additional information about the issue and found most people will go along with your views on this site. Responder 먹튀검증사이트 16 julio, 2021 At 7:45 am Iím impressed, I have to admit. Rarely do I come across a blog thatís both educative and amusing, and without a doubt, you have hit the nail on the head. The problem is an issue that not enough men and women are speaking intelligently about. I’m very happy that I came across this in my search for something relating to this. Responder 먹튀검증업체 16 julio, 2021 At 7:31 am I must thank you for the efforts you have put in penning this website. I really hope to view the same high-grade content from you in the future as well. In fact, your creative writing abilities has inspired me to get my own, personal blog now 😉 Responder 먹튀 검증 16 julio, 2021 At 2:37 am Hello! I could have sworn Iíve been to this web site before but after looking at some of the articles I realized itís new to me. Anyways, Iím certainly happy I stumbled upon it and Iíll be bookmarking it and checking back regularly! Responder 먹튀 검증 16 julio, 2021 At 2:28 am I wanted to thank you for this excellent read!! I absolutely loved every little bit of it. I have you book marked to look at new stuff you postÖ Responder Shaniqua Schoener 16 julio, 2021 At 2:22 am Good day! This is kind of off topic but I need some help from an established blog. Is it difficult to set up your own blog? I’m not very techincal but I can figure things out pretty quick. I’m thinking about creating my own but I’m not sure where to start. Do you have any ideas or suggestions? Thanks Responder 먹튀검증커뮤니티 15 julio, 2021 At 11:50 pm This site certainly has all of the information I needed concerning this subject and didnít know who to ask. Responder 대구출장마사지 15 julio, 2021 At 10:30 pm Your style is really unique compared to other people I’ve read stuff from. Many thanks for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I will just book mark this blog. Responder 먹튀 검증 15 julio, 2021 At 6:33 pm Hello! I could have sworn Iíve visited your blog before but after going through many of the posts I realized itís new to me. Regardless, Iím certainly happy I discovered it and Iíll be bookmarking it and checking back frequently! Responder Douglas Fallows 15 julio, 2021 At 12:10 pm I’ve been surfing online more than 3 hours today, yet I never found any interesting article like yours. It’s pretty worth enough for me. Personally, if all site owners and bloggers made good content as you did, the web will be much more useful than ever before. Responder 대구출장마사지 15 julio, 2021 At 9:48 am This site was… how do I say it? Relevant!! Finally I have found something which helped me. Kudos! Responder 대구출장마사지 15 julio, 2021 At 7:08 am Itís difficult to find knowledgeable people about this subject, but you seem like you know what youíre talking about! Thanks Responder 진주출장안마 14 julio, 2021 At 11:06 pm Way cool! Some very valid points! I appreciate you writing this post plus the rest of the site is really good. Responder 10 Best Porn Services 14 julio, 2021 At 9:12 pm Applause for doing the research on the material you present, therefore guaranteeing the high level of quality. Responder 우리 카지노 14 julio, 2021 At 2:33 am A motivating discussion is worth comment. I do think that you need to publish more about this topic, it might not be a taboo subject but generally people don’t speak about such issues. To the next! Cheers!! Responder 우리 카지노 13 julio, 2021 At 10:33 pm This is a topic which is near to my heart… Thank you! Where are your contact details though? Responder 카지노 13 julio, 2021 At 4:37 pm You made some really good points there. I looked on the internet to find out more about the issue and found most individuals will go along with your views on this website. Responder 우리카지노 13 julio, 2021 At 12:18 pm You are so cool! I don’t think I have read through something like that before. So good to discover someone with some unique thoughts on this topic. Really.. thanks for starting this up. This web site is one thing that is required on the web, someone with some originality! Responder 우리 카지노 13 julio, 2021 At 3:38 am Hi! I just want to give you a big thumbs up for the great information you’ve got right here on this post. I’ll be returning to your web site for more soon. Responder 우리카지노 13 julio, 2021 At 12:20 am This website really has all the information I needed about this subject and didnít know who to ask. Responder 파워볼 사이트 12 julio, 2021 At 11:59 pm This site was… how do I say it? Relevant!! Finally I have found something which helped me. Appreciate it! Responder 파워볼사이트 12 julio, 2021 At 10:13 pm I really like it when individuals come together and share opinions. Great site, continue the good work! Responder 카지노 12 julio, 2021 At 10:00 pm Itís difficult to find educated people on this topic, but you sound like you know what youíre talking about! Thanks Responder 파워볼사이트 12 julio, 2021 At 7:55 pm You should be a part of a contest for one of the finest blogs on the net. I’m going to recommend this blog! Responder see this page 12 julio, 2021 At 7:50 pm I simply want to say I am all new to blogging and certainly loved you’re web blog. Likely I’m going to bookmark your site . You really have excellent articles. Appreciate it for sharing your blog site. Responder visit 12 julio, 2021 At 6:15 pm Hmm is anyone else having problems with the images on this blog loading? I’m trying to determine if its a problem on my end or if it’s the blog. Any responses would be greatly appreciated. Responder 파워볼 사이트 12 julio, 2021 At 5:36 pm Wonderful article! We are linking to this great post on our website. Keep up the good writing. Responder 파워볼 사이트 12 julio, 2021 At 4:29 pm Way cool! Some extremely valid points! I appreciate you penning this article plus the rest of the website is extremely good. Responder 파워볼 12 julio, 2021 At 10:02 am I was able to find good advice from your articles. Responder 파워볼사이트 12 julio, 2021 At 8:30 am There is certainly a great deal to know about this issue. I really like all the points you have made. Responder Garret Diebold 12 julio, 2021 At 8:14 am I have been surfing online more than 3 hours today, yet I never found any interesting article like yours. It is pretty worth enough for me. Personally, if all site owners and bloggers made good content as you did, the internet will be much more useful than ever before. Responder 파워볼 11 julio, 2021 At 8:53 pm Good post. I learn something totally new and challenging on blogs I stumbleupon everyday. It’s always exciting to read articles from other writers and practice a little something from other sites. Responder read this 11 julio, 2021 At 8:19 pm My brother suggested I might like this blog. He was totally right. This post actually made my day. You can not imagine simply how much time I had spent for this info! Thanks! Responder Zobacz! 11 julio, 2021 At 8:11 pm I think this is among the most significant info for me. And i’m glad reading your article. But should remark on some general things, The website style is wonderful, the articles is really great : D. Good job, cheers Responder 파워볼 11 julio, 2021 At 7:27 pm Hi! I simply would like to offer you a big thumbs up for your excellent information you’ve got right here on this post. I will be returning to your site for more soon. Responder 우리 카지노 11 julio, 2021 At 3:16 pm I really love your site.. Pleasant colors & theme. Did you develop this web site yourself? Please reply back as Iím planning to create my own personal site and would love to find out where you got this from or just what the theme is called. Appreciate it! Responder 창원출장안마 11 julio, 2021 At 2:33 pm I like it when folks come together and share ideas. Great website, continue the good work! Responder Zobacz! 11 julio, 2021 At 12:11 pm I loved as much as you will receive carried out right here. 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Responder Postknight Cheat 10 julio, 2021 At 12:13 am It is a truth globally accepted that adventure games are the best kind of game to play on your mobile phone. But what happens if you’re stuck on a particular game level and can’t obtain enough game resources to successfully pass it? The answer is simple, use our totally free game hacks to produce countless coins, gems, money, or whatever resource you need to have in your beloved adventure mobile game! By utilizing our cloud-based cheats for all popular adventure mobile games, there will be no preventing you from overshadowing your friends’ high scores effortlessly. Use our adventure game hacks today absolutely free! Responder Sprawdz 9 julio, 2021 At 8:19 pm Hi there, just became alert to your blog through Google, and found that it is really informative. I?m going to watch out for brussels. I will appreciate if you continue this in future. Many people will be benefited from your writing. Cheers! Responder 부산출장안마 9 julio, 2021 At 8:18 pm Aw, this was an extremely good post. Spending some time and actual effort to generate a great articleÖ but what can I sayÖ I procrastinate a whole lot and don’t manage to get anything done. Responder rodcellspanish wordpress 9 julio, 2021 At 12:09 pm I have been surfing online more than 3 hours today, yet I never found any interesting article like yours. It is pretty worth enough for me. In my view, if all webmasters and bloggers made good content as you did, the internet will be a lot more useful than ever before. Responder click here 9 julio, 2021 At 10:57 am Hey! Do you know if they make any plugins to help with SEO? I’m trying to get my blog to rank for some targeted keywords but I’m not seeing very good results. If you know of any please share. Cheers! Responder 먹튀검증커뮤니티 9 julio, 2021 At 10:54 am Great web site you’ve got here.. Itís difficult to find high quality writing like yours nowadays. I seriously appreciate individuals like you! Take care!! Responder Porter Truell 9 julio, 2021 At 6:54 am Normally I don’t read post on blogs, however I would like to say that this write-up very forced me to try and do it! Your writing style has been surprised me. Thanks, very great post. Responder 먹튀검증 9 julio, 2021 At 6:50 am Good article! We are linking to this great post on our site. Keep up the good writing. Responder 대구출장마사지 9 julio, 2021 At 5:59 am Saved as a favorite, I really like your site! Responder 대구출장마사지 9 julio, 2021 At 3:18 am Everyone loves it when folks get together and share opinions. Great blog, stick with it! Responder 대구출장마사지 8 julio, 2021 At 11:04 pm You need to take part in a contest for one of the finest sites on the web. I’m going to recommend this blog! Responder 8 julio, 2021 At 9:21 pm I have been surfing online more than 3 hours today, yet I never found any interesting article like yours. Its pretty worth enough for me. Personally, if all site owners and bloggers made good content as you did, the internet will be a lot more useful than ever before. Responder visit 8 julio, 2021 At 8:07 pm Very nice article and straight to the point. I am not sure if this is actually the best place to ask but do you people have any thoughts on where to get some professional writers? Thanks 🙂 Responder 대구출장마사지 8 julio, 2021 At 2:56 pm You’ve made some good points there. I looked on the internet to find out more about the issue and found most individuals will go along with your views on this web site. Responder read 8 julio, 2021 At 11:45 am I have been checking out a few of your articles and i must say nice stuff. I will make sure to bookmark your blog. Responder 8 julio, 2021 At 9:31 am Wow! This blog looks just like my old one! It’s on a entirely different topic but it has pretty much the same layout and design. Excellent choice of colors! Responder 918kiss apk 8 julio, 2021 At 7:29 am What’s up, just wanted to tell you, I loved this article. It was helpful. Keep on posting!| Responder 양산출장마사지 8 julio, 2021 At 7:22 am Oh my goodness! Amazing article dude! Thanks, However I am encountering issues with your RSS. I donít know the reason why I can’t join it. Is there anyone else having similar RSS problems? Anybody who knows the solution will you kindly respond? Thanks!! Responder 파워볼 7 julio, 2021 At 1:54 pm I blog often and I truly appreciate your information. The article has truly peaked my interest. I’m going to take a note of your website and keep checking for new details about once a week. I opted in for your RSS feed too. Responder 7 julio, 2021 At 1:26 pm Heya im for the first time here. I came across this board and I find It really useful & it helped me out much. I hope to give something back and aid others like you helped me. Responder 7 julio, 2021 At 12:15 pm Heya im for the first time here. I came across this board and I find It really useful & it helped me out much. I hope to give something back and aid others like you aided me. Responder Lloyd Mannebach 7 julio, 2021 At 8:23 am Keep working ,impressive job! Responder aplikasi 918kiss download 7 julio, 2021 At 4:23 am Amazing! This blog looks just like my old one! It’s on a totally different topic but it has pretty much the same page layout and design. Wonderful choice of colors!| Responder Arkanoid 3D Cheat 7 julio, 2021 At 3:05 am The best action mobile games are the ones that will keep you engaged for hours. They need talent, strategy, and luck to become a professional. With so much invested in these games, it’s no surprise people need to cheat their way through them! So we provide a terrific working solution just for you! You don’t need to play by the rules ever again! Discover how you can earn millions of resources with our online game hacks. Responder 먹튀사이트 6 julio, 2021 At 11:04 pm Good day! I just wish to give you a huge thumbs up for your great information you have here on this post. I am returning to your web site for more soon. Responder 먹튀사이트 6 julio, 2021 At 4:37 pm Excellent blog you’ve got here.. Itís difficult to find quality writing like yours these days. I truly appreciate people like you! Take care!! Responder 먹튀사이트 6 julio, 2021 At 1:11 pm This is a topic that’s near to my heart… Thank you! Exactly where are your contact details though? Responder 먹튀검증 6 julio, 2021 At 11:48 am I blog frequently and I truly appreciate your content. This article has really peaked my interest. I am going to bookmark your website and keep checking for new information about once a week. I opted in for your RSS feed too. Responder 6 julio, 2021 At 10:42 am Ill immediately grab your rss as I can not find your e-mail subscription link or newsletter service. Do you’ve any? Kindly let me know in order that I could subscribe. Thanks. Responder 먹튀검증 6 julio, 2021 At 10:34 am I blog quite often and I genuinely thank you for your content. The article has really peaked my interest. I will book mark your site and keep checking for new information about once per week. I opted in for your Feed too. Responder 먹튀 6 julio, 2021 At 8:49 am Spot on with this write-up, I really believe that this amazing site needs much more attention. Iíll probably be returning to see more, thanks for the information! Responder 먹튀검증커뮤니티 6 julio, 2021 At 7:16 am You made some decent points there. I looked on the web to learn more about the issue and found most people will go along with your views on this site. Responder 먹튀검증업체 6 julio, 2021 At 6:41 am I’m more than happy to find this great site. I want to to thank you for your time due to this fantastic read!! I definitely appreciated every part of it and i also have you book-marked to see new information on your site. Responder 먹튀사이트 6 julio, 2021 At 3:08 am Saved as a favorite, I like your website! Responder read 6 julio, 2021 At 12:20 am It is the best time to make some plans for the future and it is time to be happy. I have read this post and if I could I want to suggest you some interesting things or tips. Perhaps you could write next articles referring to this article. I desire to read more things about it! Responder Monica Auker 6 julio, 2021 At 12:11 am I’m not sure why but this site is loading incredibly slow for me.Is anyone else having this problem or is it a issue on myend? I’ll check back later and see if the problem still exists. Responder 5 julio, 2021 At 11:13 pm You are a very capable individual! Responder vingle deskdesirespa 5 julio, 2021 At 4:32 pm you are really a good webmaster. The site loading speed is amazing. It seems that you’re doing any unique trick. Also, The contents are masterwork. you have done a excellent job on this topic! Responder 먹튀검증 5 julio, 2021 At 3:28 pm You ought to take part in a contest for one of the greatest blogs online. I will recommend this site! Responder 5 julio, 2021 At 3:19 pm Hey there! I just wanted to ask if you ever have any issues with hackers? My last blog (wordpress) was hacked and I ended up losing several weeks of hard work due to no backup. Do you have any methods to prevent hackers? Responder 먹튀검증업체 5 julio, 2021 At 1:47 pm Iím amazed, I must say. Seldom do I encounter a blog thatís both equally educative and interesting, and let me tell you, you have hit the nail on the head. The issue is something which too few people are speaking intelligently about. I’m very happy I came across this in my hunt for something concerning this. Responder 918kiss apk 5 julio, 2021 At 5:43 am Woah! I’m really loving the template/theme of this site. It’s simple, yet effective. A lot of times it’s difficult to get that «perfect balance» between user friendliness and visual appeal. I must say that you’ve done a great job with this. In addition, the blog loads very quick for me on Firefox. Exceptional Blog!918KISS| Responder 먹튀 5 julio, 2021 At 5:23 am I blog frequently and I truly appreciate your information. This great article has really peaked my interest. I am going to book mark your site and keep checking for new details about once a week. I subscribed to your RSS feed too. Responder 먹튀검증 5 julio, 2021 At 5:02 am An interesting discussion is worth comment. I do believe that you should write more about this subject, it might not be a taboo subject but typically people do not discuss such issues. To the next! All the best!! Responder 먹튀사이트 4 julio, 2021 At 11:02 pm Way cool! Some very valid points! I appreciate you writing this post and the rest of the site is also very good. Responder vingle deskdesirespa 4 julio, 2021 At 9:22 pm I know this if off topic but I’m looking into starting my own blog and was wondering what all is needed to get set up? I’m assuming having a blog like yours would cost a pretty penny? I’m not very internet savvy so I’m not 100 positive. Any recommendations or advice would be greatly appreciated. Cheers Responder vingle net deskdesirespa 4 julio, 2021 At 8:19 pm Hey just wanted to give you a quick heads up. The words in your content seem to be running off the screen in Chrome. I’m not sure if this is a format issue or something to do with browser compatibility but I thought I’d post to let you know. The design and style look great though! Hope you get the issue fixed soon. Kudos Responder 먹튀검증업체 4 julio, 2021 At 6:57 pm There’s definately a lot to learn about this issue. I like all of the points you’ve made. Responder 먹튀사이트 4 julio, 2021 At 12:05 pm Good article! We are linking to this particularly great post on our website. Keep up the good writing. Responder 먹튀검증 4 julio, 2021 At 11:35 am bookmarked!!, I like your blog! Responder 먹튀검증 4 julio, 2021 At 4:05 am This site was… how do you say it? Relevant!! Finally I’ve found something which helped me. Thanks a lot! Responder 10 Best Porn Services 3 julio, 2021 At 9:20 pm Good post, I really enjoyed it! Can you come up with more in a later post, such that you can expand a bit further? Responder 먹튀검증 3 julio, 2021 At 7:34 pm I used to be able to find good info from your blog posts. Responder 먹튀검증사이트 3 julio, 2021 At 6:20 pm Howdy, I do believe your site could possibly be having browser compatibility problems. When I look at your site in Safari, it looks fine however when opening in I.E., it has some overlapping issues. I simply wanted to provide you with a quick heads up! Besides that, excellent site! Responder 먹튀검증업체 3 julio, 2021 At 5:09 pm Way cool! Some extremely valid points! I appreciate you writing this write-up and the rest of the site is very good. Responder 먹튀검증 3 julio, 2021 At 6:29 am Excellent blog you’ve got here.. Itís hard to find excellent writing like yours nowadays. I truly appreciate people like you! Take care!! Responder 먹튀검증 3 julio, 2021 At 5:58 am This page truly has all of the information and facts I needed about this subject and didnít know who to ask. Responder 거제출장안마 2 julio, 2021 At 8:28 pm Very good article. I definitely appreciate this site. Thanks! Responder 먹튀검증업체 2 julio, 2021 At 2:05 pm A motivating discussion is definitely worth comment. I do believe that you need to write more about this issue, it may not be a taboo subject but generally folks don’t discuss such topics. To the next! Many thanks!! Responder 먹튀검증 2 julio, 2021 At 12:53 pm You need to be a part of a contest for one of the best sites on the net. I’m going to recommend this blog! Responder 포항출장안마 2 julio, 2021 At 11:53 am I’m more than happy to uncover this great site. I need to to thank you for your time for this fantastic read!! I definitely enjoyed every bit of it and i also have you bookmarked to see new stuff in your blog. Responder 대구출장마사지 2 julio, 2021 At 7:30 am This is the perfect site for everyone who wants to find out about this topic. You realize so much its almost tough to argue with you (not that I actually would want toÖHaHa). You definitely put a brand new spin on a subject which has been written about for a long time. Wonderful stuff, just excellent! Responder 창원출장 2 julio, 2021 At 5:31 am I blog quite often and I genuinely appreciate your content. The article has really peaked my interest. I am going to take a note of your site and keep checking for new information about once a week. I subscribed to your RSS feed as well. Responder 먹튀검증커뮤니티 2 julio, 2021 At 2:03 am Everything is very open with a really clear clarification of the issues. It was really informative. Your site is useful. Many thanks for sharing! Responder 먹튀검증업체 1 julio, 2021 At 5:54 pm I like reading through an article that will make men and women think. Also, many thanks for allowing me to comment! Responder 먹튀사이트 1 julio, 2021 At 2:08 pm After looking into a few of the blog articles on your web page, I seriously like your technique of blogging. I bookmarked it to my bookmark website list and will be checking back soon. Take a look at my web site as well and tell me what you think. Responder 울산출장안마 1 julio, 2021 At 11:25 am The next time I read a blog, Hopefully it does not disappoint me just as much as this particular one. After all, Yes, it was my choice to read through, however I really believed you’d have something useful to say. All I hear is a bunch of complaining about something you could fix if you were not too busy seeking attention. Responder 김해출장 1 julio, 2021 At 3:05 am I was very pleased to find this web site. I wanted to thank you for ones time for this particularly fantastic read!! I definitely savored every bit of it and I have you bookmarked to look at new things in your blog. Responder 먹튀사이트 1 julio, 2021 At 2:02 am Aw, this was a very good post. Taking the time and actual effort to make a great articleÖ but what can I sayÖ I procrastinate a lot and never seem to get nearly anything done. Responder 먹튀검증커뮤니티 1 julio, 2021 At 12:55 am This is a topic which is near to my heart… Many thanks! Exactly where are your contact details though? Responder Theodora Candler 30 junio, 2021 At 11:53 pm magnificent submit, very informative. I ponder why the opposite specialists of this sector do not notice this. You should continue your writing. I am confident, you’ve a huge readers’ base already! Responder credit one bank credit card checks 30 junio, 2021 At 10:47 pm I do agree with all the ideas you’ve presented in your post. They are really convincing and will certainly work. Still, the posts are too short for beginners. Could you please extend them a little from next time? Thanks for the post. Responder credit one bank convenience checks 30 junio, 2021 At 9:34 pm Really enjoyed this post, is there any way I can get an email sent to me whenever there is a fresh post? Responder credit one bank convenience check 30 junio, 2021 At 6:00 pm F*ckin tremendous things here. Im very glad to see your post. Thanks a lot and i’m looking forward to contact you. Will you please drop me a e-mail? Responder 먹튀검증사이트 30 junio, 2021 At 5:47 pm Hello there! I could have sworn Iíve visited this website before but after going through some of the posts I realized itís new to me. Nonetheless, Iím certainly happy I stumbled upon it and Iíll be book-marking it and checking back often! Responder 제주호빠 30 junio, 2021 At 9:42 am May I just say what a relief to find someone that truly understands what they’re talking about on the net. You actually know how to bring a problem to light and make it important. More and more people must look at this and understand this side of the story. It’s surprising you are not more popular given that you certainly possess the gift. Responder 먹튀검증 30 junio, 2021 At 8:32 am I really like looking through an article that will make men and women think. Also, thank you for allowing for me to comment! Responder 먹튀검증 30 junio, 2021 At 8:22 am I blog often and I seriously appreciate your content. Your article has really peaked my interest. I’m going to bookmark your website and keep checking for new details about once per week. I opted in for your Feed as well. Responder 먹튀검증 30 junio, 2021 At 8:19 am Hi, I think your site may be having web browser compatibility issues. Whenever I look at your blog in Safari, it looks fine however, when opening in IE, it’s got some overlapping issues. I simply wanted to provide you with a quick heads up! Aside from that, fantastic site! Responder Valentin 30 junio, 2021 At 2:52 am Hello. magnificent job. I did not imagine this. This is a impressive story. Thanks! Responder Burl 29 junio, 2021 At 11:55 pm Nice blog here! Also your website loads up very fast! What host are you using? Can I get your affiliate link to your host? I wish my web site loaded up as quickly as yours lol Responder 포항출장안마 29 junio, 2021 At 11:11 pm Way cool! Some very valid points! I appreciate you writing this article and also the rest of the site is extremely good. Responder 먹튀검증 29 junio, 2021 At 10:38 pm Great article! We are linking to this particularly great content on our site. Keep up the great writing. Responder 먹튀검증 29 junio, 2021 At 10:27 pm After I initially left a comment I seem to have clicked the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and now whenever a comment is added I recieve four emails with the exact same comment. Perhaps there is an easy method you can remove me from that service? Many thanks! Responder 먹튀 29 junio, 2021 At 10:10 pm An interesting discussion is worth comment. I believe that you need to publish more about this subject matter, it might not be a taboo subject but typically folks don’t talk about these subjects. To the next! Kind regards!! Responder 먹튀검증 29 junio, 2021 At 5:59 pm Having read this I thought it was really enlightening. I appreciate you taking the time and effort to put this information together. I once again find myself personally spending way too much time both reading and posting comments. But so what, it was still worth it! Responder 먹튀검증 29 junio, 2021 At 4:21 pm I blog frequently and I really appreciate your information. Your article has really peaked my interest. I will take a note of your website and keep checking for new information about once per week. I subscribed to your Feed too. Responder 창원출장 29 junio, 2021 At 11:14 am A motivating discussion is worth comment. I do think that you should write more about this topic, it might not be a taboo matter but usually people do not speak about these issues. To the next! Cheers!! Responder 먹튀검증 29 junio, 2021 At 1:30 am This is a topic that’s close to my heart… Best wishes! Exactly where are your contact details though? Responder Trina Siegel 28 junio, 2021 At 11:22 pm What’s Happening i am new to this, I stumbled upon this I have discovered It positively helpful and it has helped me out loads. I hope to give a contribution & aid different users like its aided me. Great job. Responder 창원출장 28 junio, 2021 At 10:00 pm Iím impressed, I have to admit. Seldom do I come across a blog thatís both equally educative and engaging, and without a doubt, you have hit the nail on the head. The issue is something not enough people are speaking intelligently about. I’m very happy that I stumbled across this during my search for something concerning this. Responder Vernetta Szesterniak 28 junio, 2021 At 3:35 pm Outstanding post but I was wanting to know if you could write a litte more on this subject? I’d be very grateful if you could elaborate a little bit more. Many thanks! Responder 울산출장안마 28 junio, 2021 At 3:26 pm Howdy! I could have sworn Iíve visited your blog before but after going through some of the posts I realized itís new to me. Anyways, Iím certainly happy I found it and Iíll be bookmarking it and checking back often! Responder 먹튀 28 junio, 2021 At 3:24 am Hi there! This article could not be written any better! Looking through this post reminds me of my previous roommate! He always kept preaching about this. I’ll forward this article to him. Fairly certain he’ll have a very good read. Thank you for sharing! Responder 부산출장마사지 27 junio, 2021 At 11:51 pm Hello! I simply want to offer you a huge thumbs up for the excellent info you have right here on this post. I am coming back to your web site for more soon. Responder 먹튀검증사이트 27 junio, 2021 At 4:29 pm Can I simply say what a comfort to find a person that truly knows what they’re discussing online. You certainly understand how to bring an issue to light and make it important. More and more people should check this out and understand this side of your story. I was surprised that you’re not more popular since you most certainly have the gift. Responder 대구출장마사지 27 junio, 2021 At 4:29 am An intriguing discussion is definitely worth comment. There’s no doubt that that you should write more about this topic, it might not be a taboo matter but generally folks don’t talk about such issues. To the next! All the best!! Responder 대구출장마사지 27 junio, 2021 At 4:24 am Pretty! This was an extremely wonderful post. Many thanks for supplying this info. Responder read this 26 junio, 2021 At 10:35 pm Hi there! Do you use Twitter? I’d like to follow you if that would be ok. I’m undoubtedly enjoying your blog and look forward to new posts. Responder milestone apply 26 junio, 2021 At 8:41 pm I will immediately grab your rss as I can not find your email subscription link or newsletter service. Do you have any? Please let me know so that I could subscribe. Thanks. Responder Jimmie 26 junio, 2021 At 6:32 pm Hi! Someone in my Myspace group shared this website with us so I came to look it over. I’m definitely loving the information. I’m bookmarking and will be tweeting this to my followers! Wonderful blog and terrific design. Responder 대구출장마사지 26 junio, 2021 At 1:33 pm Very good article! We are linking to this particularly great content on our site. Keep up the good writing. Responder 대구출장마사지 26 junio, 2021 At 6:58 am Spot on with this write-up, I really believe this site needs a lot more attention. Iíll probably be returning to read more, thanks for the advice! Responder 출장 26 junio, 2021 At 12:05 am I was able to find good info from your blog posts. Responder 출장 25 junio, 2021 At 7:41 pm I was extremely pleased to discover this website. I need to to thank you for ones time for this particularly fantastic read!! I definitely liked every little bit of it and I have you bookmarked to check out new things on your website. Responder 부산출장 25 junio, 2021 At 6:28 pm Everything is very open with a very clear clarification of the issues. It was really informative. Your website is useful. Thank you for sharing! Responder 출장마사지 25 junio, 2021 At 3:00 pm Pretty! This was an extremely wonderful article. Many thanks for supplying these details. Responder 출장마사지 25 junio, 2021 At 2:04 pm I would like to thank you for the efforts you have put in penning this site. I’m hoping to see the same high-grade content by you in the future as well. In fact, your creative writing abilities has inspired me to get my own blog now 😉 Responder 부산출장 25 junio, 2021 At 2:02 pm Having read this I believed it was very enlightening. I appreciate you finding the time and energy to put this short article together. I once again find myself spending a significant amount of time both reading and leaving comments. But so what, it was still worth it! Responder 출장마사지 24 junio, 2021 At 8:52 pm Very nice article. I certainly love this website. Stick with it! Responder 출장마사지 24 junio, 2021 At 12:47 pm This blog was… how do you say it? Relevant!! Finally I’ve found something that helped me. Thank you! Responder Maryjane Sledge 24 junio, 2021 At 6:04 am It’s truly a great and useful piece of info. I’m glad that you simply shared this helpful information with us. Please stay us informed like this. Thank you for sharing. Responder 출장마사지 24 junio, 2021 At 4:11 am I was able to find good information from your articles. Responder 출장 24 junio, 2021 At 3:47 am May I simply say what a relief to discover someone that truly knows what they are discussing online. You definitely realize how to bring an issue to light and make it important. More and more people really need to check this out and understand this side of the story. I was surprised that you aren’t more popular because you certainly possess the gift. Responder 출장마사지 24 junio, 2021 At 3:07 am After looking at a number of the blog posts on your web page, I really appreciate your way of blogging. I saved it to my bookmark website list and will be checking back soon. Please check out my web site as well and let me know what you think. Responder 부산출장 24 junio, 2021 At 2:09 am Can I simply just say what a comfort to find a person that really knows what they’re talking about over the internet. You definitely understand how to bring an issue to light and make it important. A lot more people must check this out and understand this side of your story. I can’t believe you are not more popular because you most certainly have the gift. Responder Sprawdz 24 junio, 2021 At 2:08 am Hi, i think that i saw you visited my website so i came to ?return the favor?.I am attempting to find things to enhance my website!I suppose its ok to use a few of your ideas!! Responder 부산 출장마사지 23 junio, 2021 At 8:47 pm You are so interesting! I don’t think I’ve read a single thing like this before. So wonderful to discover someone with unique thoughts on this subject. Really.. many thanks for starting this up. This web site is something that is needed on the internet, someone with a little originality! Responder 부산 출장안마 23 junio, 2021 At 6:28 pm Nice post. I learn something new and challenging on blogs I stumbleupon every day. It will always be interesting to read through articles from other authors and practice a little something from their websites. Responder Zobacz! 23 junio, 2021 At 6:01 pm Wow, superb blog layout! How long have you been blogging for? you make blogging look easy. The overall look of your site is great, as well as the content! Responder 23 junio, 2021 At 3:19 pm Wow, this paragraph is nice, my younger sister is analyzing these things, so I am going to convey her. Responder 출장안마 23 junio, 2021 At 2:43 pm Spot on with this write-up, I actually believe that this site needs a great deal more attention. Iíll probably be returning to read through more, thanks for the info! Responder 먹튀검증 23 junio, 2021 At 12:28 pm Way cool! Some very valid points! I appreciate you penning this write-up plus the rest of the website is really good. Responder 출장마사지 23 junio, 2021 At 10:47 am May I simply just say what a relief to discover somebody who really understands what they’re discussing over the internet. You certainly know how to bring an issue to light and make it important. A lot more people should read this and understand this side of your story. It’s surprising you’re not more popular given that you most certainly possess the gift. Responder 출장안마 23 junio, 2021 At 9:52 am Good post. I learn something new and challenging on sites I stumbleupon on a daily basis. It will always be useful to read content from other authors and use a little something from other web sites. Responder 먹튀검증 23 junio, 2021 At 9:40 am Hi there! This post couldnít be written any better! Looking through this article reminds me of my previous roommate! He continually kept talking about this. I’ll forward this article to him. Pretty sure he’s going to have a good read. I appreciate you for sharing! Responder Freeman Randleman 23 junio, 2021 At 8:10 am What i do not understood is if truth be told how you’re no longer really much more smartly-preferred than you may be right now. You’re so intelligent. You know therefore significantly with regards to this topic, made me personally believe it from so many numerous angles. Its like men and women are not interested except it is something to accomplish with Girl gaga! Your individual stuffs excellent. All the time care for it up! Responder Hong Solid 23 junio, 2021 At 4:35 am Greetings from Florida! I’m bored to tears at work so I decided to browse your site on my iphone during lunch break. I enjoy the knowledge you present here and can’t wait to take a look when I get home. I’m surprised at how quick your blog loaded on my mobile .. I’m not even using WIFI, just 3G .. Anyhow, very good blog! Responder 토토사이트 23 junio, 2021 At 4:25 am You have made some decent points there. I looked on the net for additional information about the issue and found most individuals will go along with your views on this site. Responder 먹튀검증 23 junio, 2021 At 2:08 am Iím impressed, I have to admit. Seldom do I encounter a blog thatís equally educative and engaging, and let me tell you, you’ve hit the nail on the head. The issue is something not enough folks are speaking intelligently about. I’m very happy I stumbled across this in my search for something concerning this. Responder Zobacz! 22 junio, 2021 At 11:21 pm It’s the best time to make some plans for the future and it’s time to be happy. I have read this post and if I could I want to suggest you some interesting things or suggestions. Maybe you could write next articles referring to this article. I want to read even more things about it! Responder 케이출장 22 junio, 2021 At 8:53 pm Having read this I believed it was very enlightening. I appreciate you taking the time and energy to put this informative article together. I once again find myself spending way too much time both reading and posting comments. But so what, it was still worth it! Responder 먹튀검증커뮤니티 22 junio, 2021 At 4:37 pm You’ve made some really good points there. I looked on the net for more info about the issue and found most people will go along with your views on this website. Responder 출장마사지 22 junio, 2021 At 3:53 pm Very good post! We will be linking to this great post on our website. Keep up the good writing. Responder 케이출장 22 junio, 2021 At 11:13 am This is a topic that is near to my heart… Cheers! Where are your contact details though? Responder 출장 21 junio, 2021 At 5:30 pm Saved as a favorite, I really like your blog! Responder 먹튀검증 21 junio, 2021 At 4:15 pm An interesting discussion is worth comment. I believe that you need to write more on this issue, it might not be a taboo matter but typically people do not speak about these topics. To the next! All the best!! Responder Noah Lestage 21 junio, 2021 At 11:24 am Hello there! Quick question that’s completely off topic. Do you know how to make your site mobile friendly? My blog looks weird when viewing from my iphone 4. I’m trying to find a theme or plugin that might be able to resolve this problem. If you have any suggestions, please share. Appreciate it! Responder Basil Ealy 21 junio, 2021 At 5:09 am Thanks for sharing excellent informations. Your site is so cool. I am impressed by the details that you have on this web site. It reveals how nicely you understand this subject. Bookmarked this website page, will come back for more articles. You, my pal, ROCK! I found simply the information I already searched everywhere and simply could not come across. What a great website. 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Responder Zobacz! 20 junio, 2021 At 7:10 pm I’m extremely impressed with your writing skills and also with the layout on your blog. Is this a paid theme or did you customize it yourself? Anyway keep up the nice quality writing, it?s rare to see a nice blog like this one these days.. Responder 울산출장마사지 20 junio, 2021 At 5:38 pm Good post. I learn something totally new and challenging on blogs I stumbleupon every day. It will always be helpful to read through content from other authors and practice a little something from other websites. Responder 메이저사이트 20 junio, 2021 At 5:06 pm Oh my goodness! Awesome article dude! Thank you, However I am going through problems with your RSS. I donít understand the reason why I can’t subscribe to it. Is there anybody else having identical RSS problems? Anybody who knows the answer will you kindly respond? Thanks!! Responder 부산출장 20 junio, 2021 At 2:38 pm Nice post. I learn something new and challenging on sites I stumbleupon every day. It’s always exciting to read through articles from other authors and practice a little something from their sites. Responder 먹튀 20 junio, 2021 At 1:40 pm Oh my goodness! Impressive article dude! Thanks, However I am having difficulties with your RSS. I donít understand why I can’t join it. Is there anybody having identical RSS problems? Anyone who knows the solution can you kindly respond? Thanks!! Responder Sprawdz 20 junio, 2021 At 9:43 am I think this is among the most important info for me. And i’m glad reading your article. But wanna remark on few general things, The website style is perfect, the articles is really great : D. Good job, cheers Responder 토토사이트 20 junio, 2021 At 9:11 am An intriguing discussion is definitely worth comment. There’s no doubt that that you ought to publish more on this subject matter, it might not be a taboo subject but usually folks don’t speak about such topics. To the next! Cheers!! Responder Alfred 20 junio, 2021 At 1:51 am Do you mind if I quote a couple of your posts as long as I provide credit and sources back to your blog? My blog is in the very same area of interest as yours and my visitors would certainly benefit from a lot of the information you present here. Please let me know if this ok with you. Thank you! Responder Zobacz! 20 junio, 2021 At 1:43 am Hey There. I found your blog using msn. This is an extremely well written article. I?ll make sure to bookmark it and return to read more of your useful info. Thanks for the post. I?ll certainly comeback. Responder Zobacz! 19 junio, 2021 At 5:20 pm Definitely believe that which you said. Your favorite reason seemed to be on the net the simplest thing to be aware of. I say to you, I certainly get annoyed while people think about worries that they plainly don’t know about. You managed to hit the nail upon the top as well as defined out the whole thing without having side effect , people can take a signal. Will probably be back to get more. Thanks Responder 대구출장 19 junio, 2021 At 4:50 pm There is certainly a lot to know about this topic. I love all the points you made. Responder 카지노사이트 19 junio, 2021 At 2:24 pm Very nice post. I absolutely appreciate this website. Stick with it! Responder 출장안마 19 junio, 2021 At 2:06 pm Aw, this was a really good post. Spending some time and actual effort to make a top notch articleÖ but what can I sayÖ I put things off a lot and don’t seem to get anything done. Responder Zobacz! 19 junio, 2021 At 8:49 am I do not even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was good. I don’t know who you are but definitely you’re going to a famous blogger if you are not already 😉 Cheers! Responder 카지노 사이트 19 junio, 2021 At 5:23 am Howdy! I simply wish to offer you a big thumbs up for the excellent information you’ve got here on this post. I am returning to your web site for more soon. Responder 카지노사이트 19 junio, 2021 At 3:10 am Way cool! Some extremely valid points! I appreciate you penning this article and also the rest of the website is also very good. Responder 창원출장안마 19 junio, 2021 At 2:04 am Oh my goodness! Impressive article dude! Thanks, However I am going through troubles with your RSS. I donít understand why I can’t subscribe to it. Is there anybody else having identical RSS problems? Anyone that knows the solution will you kindly respond? Thanks!! Responder Zobacz! 19 junio, 2021 At 1:19 am Hey There. I found your blog using msn. This is an extremely well written article. I will make sure to bookmark it and come back to read more of your useful information. Thanks for the post. I will definitely return. Responder 포항출장 19 junio, 2021 At 1:14 am Excellent article. I definitely appreciate this website. Stick with it! Responder 우리카지노 18 junio, 2021 At 10:07 pm You made some good points there. I looked on the internet to learn more about the issue and found most individuals will go along with your views on this site. Responder 우리카지노 18 junio, 2021 At 9:54 pm Greetings! Very helpful advice within this article! It is the little changes that make the biggest changes. Many thanks for sharing! Responder 카지노사이트 18 junio, 2021 At 9:17 pm That is a great tip particularly to those new to the blogosphere. Simple but very accurate informationÖ Appreciate your sharing this one. A must read article! Responder 카지노사이트 18 junio, 2021 At 7:56 pm This excellent website truly has all of the information I needed about this subject and didnít know who to ask. Responder 우리 카지노 18 junio, 2021 At 6:38 pm Great article! We are linking to this great article on our website. Keep up the good writing. Responder 우리 카지노 18 junio, 2021 At 5:50 pm Itís hard to find knowledgeable people on this topic, but you seem like you know what youíre talking about! Thanks Responder Zobacz! 18 junio, 2021 At 2:32 pm Hello there, You’ve done a fantastic job. I?ll definitely digg it and personally recommend to my friends. I’m confident they’ll be benefited from this site. Responder Leon Magpuri 18 junio, 2021 At 2:28 am Your house is valueble for me. Thanks!… Responder Janis Littlewood 18 junio, 2021 At 2:01 am Nice blog! Is your theme custom made or did you download it from somewhere? A theme like yours with a few simple adjustements would really make my blog jump out. Please let me know where you got your design. With thanks Responder 울산출장 18 junio, 2021 At 1:59 am Excellent site you have here.. Itís difficult to find high-quality writing like yours these days. I honestly appreciate individuals like you! Take care!! 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Responder 경산출장안마 16 junio, 2021 At 5:50 am I would like to thank you for the efforts you’ve put in writing this website. I am hoping to see the same high-grade content by you in the future as well. In fact, your creative writing abilities has encouraged me to get my own blog now 😉 Responder Carlos Willson 16 junio, 2021 At 2:29 am I would like to thank you for the efforts you have put in writing this web site. I’m hoping the same high-grade blog post from you in the upcoming also. Actually your creative writing skills has inspired me to get my own site now. Really the blogging is spreading its wings rapidly. Your write up is a good example of it. Responder 파워볼 사이트 16 junio, 2021 At 12:53 am Right here is the right site for anyone who hopes to find out about this topic. You realize a whole lot its almost tough to argue with you (not that I really would want toÖHaHa). You definitely put a brand new spin on a topic that has been discussed for decades. Great stuff, just great! 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All the best!! Responder 경주출장안마 15 junio, 2021 At 4:20 am Oh my goodness! Incredible article dude! Thank you, However I am experiencing difficulties with your RSS. I donít know why I can’t join it. Is there anybody else getting the same RSS problems? Anyone who knows the answer will you kindly respond? Thanks!! Responder 파워볼사이트 15 junio, 2021 At 4:07 am Way cool! Some very valid points! I appreciate you penning this write-up and also the rest of the website is extremely good. Responder 파워볼 사이트 15 junio, 2021 At 2:10 am Way cool! Some very valid points! I appreciate you writing this write-up and also the rest of the site is extremely good. Responder Russell Huett 15 junio, 2021 At 1:49 am hi!,I like your writing so much! share we communicate more about your article on AOL? I need an expert on this area to solve my problem. May be that’s you! Looking forward to see you. 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I’m trying to get my blog to rank for some targeted keywords but I’m not seeing very good gains. If you know of any please share. Kudos! Responder 파워볼 전용 사이트 6 junio, 2021 At 10:25 pm bookmarked!!, I really like your site! Responder Sal Murguia 6 junio, 2021 At 3:58 pm Great blog! Is your theme custom made or did you download it from somewhere? A theme like yours with a few simple adjustements would really make my blog jump out. Please let me know where you got your theme. Thanks a lot Responder 파워볼사이트 6 junio, 2021 At 9:40 am Everything is very open with a clear description of the challenges. It was truly informative. Your website is very helpful. Thank you for sharing! Responder 파워볼 최상위사이트 6 junio, 2021 At 7:09 am Hi! I simply wish to offer you a huge thumbs up for the great info you’ve got here on this post. I will be coming back to your website for more soon. 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IF A MASSIVE WILDFIRE was roaring towards your home, and you were told to evacuate, would you? A surprising number wouldn’t. As crews fought — unsuccessfully, in large part — to save Monte Lake from the massive 45,000-hectare White Rock Lake fire during the past two days, evacuation alerts turned into evacuation orders. And some people stayed home. That’s a problem. The police, wildfire personnel and local fire department volunteers tasked with convincing reluctant residents to leave are not only taken away from other work, but are put in danger themselves as wildfire closes in. Since Thursday night, authorities have practically been begging property owners to pack up and get out when they’re told. Public Safety Minister Mike Farnworth got quite testy about it Friday. “These brave firefighters very nearly paid with their lives,” he said of the Monte Lake situation. “By any measure, this is completely unacceptable.” Read More >> Mel Rothenburger is a former mayor of Kamloops and a retired newspaper editor. He is a regular contributor to CFJC, publishes the opinion website, and is a director on the Thompson-Nicola Regional District board. He can be reached at [email protected]. Share this: Twitter Print Facebook Pinterest LinkedIn Email Like this: Like Loading... Monte Lake Wildfires About Mel Rothenburger (8573 Articles) is a forum about Kamloops and the world. It has more than one million views. Mel Rothenburger is the former Editor of The Daily News in Kamloops, B.C. (retiring in 2012), and past mayor of Kamloops (1999-2005). At he is the publisher, editor, news editor, city editor, reporter, webmaster, and just about anything else you can think of. He is grateful for the contributions of several local columnists. This blog doesn't require a subscription but gratefully accepts donations to help defray costs.
Home » Browse All Collections » Arminda Collections » Whitman College and Northwest Archives » Whitman College Coronavirus Stories Collection Whitman College Coronavirus Stories Collection In collaboration with students in Library 160: Documentation and Representation in Archives, the Whitman College and Northwest Archives created the Whitman Coronavirus Stories Project to capture the Whitman community’s experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. In March 2020, Whitman classes were moved online for the remainder of the semester. The project aims to document how students, faculty and staff are impacted as they work, teach and learn from home, and practice social distancing. The goal is to collect the stories, experiences, and evidence of our changed lives, both the painful and difficult, and the unexpectedly beautiful and hopeful. Academic, creative, artistic or reflective submissions are encouraged and accepted. To read more about the project and how to participate, visit our website: We invite continued submissions of stories to this project. To make a submission, click here. Searching as Anonymous (not verified) 2 items [showing 1 - 2] List Grid RelevancyTitleRecentDate Newest to OldestCreator(s) Sort Submit Collection Whitman College Coronavirus Stories Collection (2) Subjects and Keywords COVID-19 (2) Log In to make restricted access items visible Title: Email about moving during the pandemic Creator(s): Sassara, Katy Date: April 29, 2020 Description: An email sent to Windermere Property Management about procedures around moving into a new rental during the pandemic.
Prussian Butcher Private August Kellner, E Troop, 7th Cavalry – Killed in Action | Army at Wounded Knee Army at Wounded Knee A blog dedicated to documenting through primary sources, the Army's actions at Wounded Knee Skip to content Home Army Leadership on Wounded Knee Fighting 7th Officers Gallantry in Action Last Full Measure Wounded Knee Investigation Hunting for Big Foot ← Sergeant Albert Walter McMillan, E Troop, 7th Cavalry – Conspicuous Gallantry Investigation of Acts of Gallantry, Heroism, or Fortitude → Prussian Butcher Private August Kellner, E Troop, 7th Cavalry – Killed in Action Posted on November 8, 2014 by Sam Russell Private August Kellner was a twenty-nine-year-old Prussian immigrant three months into his second five-year enlistment when he was shot in the head at Wounded Knee. He was one of two soldiers in Captain Ilsley’s E Troop to be killed that day, while engaged with Lakota that were firing from concealed positions within the ravine in which the survivors of the initial melee had sought refuge. One of Kellner’s non-commissioned officers, Sergeant Albert W. McMillan, mentioned Kellner’s death in a deposition that McMillan provided for the purpose of documenting two other troopers’ gallant conduct, “Private Kellner Troop “E” 7th Cavalry, the skirmisher on his [Lieutenant Sickel’s] right had been shot by one of the Indians concealed in the above mentioned pocket. I was the skirmisher on Lieut Sickel’s left about 5yds distant from him.”[1] Kellner’s troop commander inventoried his personal effects, disposed of them through a council of administration probably by selling them to soldiers in the troop, and sent the monies along with retained pay and pay for clothing not drawn–in all about thirty-eight dollars–to the Adjutant General’s Office in Washington. The soldier’s mother, Frau Heline Kellner, almost certainly received her son’s monies at her home in Germany where she filed for a pension on 21 March 1891.[2] August Keller came to America aboard the Hamburg-America Line steamship Gellert.[3] August Kellner was born about 1861 in the small village of Klein Schönwalde on the Baltic Sea, which at that time was in the district of Stralsund in the Prussian province of Pomerania, what today is known as Groß-Schönwalde, Ostvorpommern, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. All that is recorded of his family is that his mother’s name was Heline. By the early 1880s Kellner was working as a fleischer or butcher in the city of Schwerin about 175 kilometers west of his birthplace. Kellner left his homeland in May 1883 when he made his way to Hamburg, boarded the steamship Gellert, and traveled up the Elbe River into the North Sea and across the Atlantic arriving in New York Harbor on 12 June.[4] Kellner enlisted in the Army at Fort Snelling, Minnesota, on 8 July 1885, again listing his occupation as a butcher. The twenty-four-year-old German emigrant stood just under five feet, five inches with grey eyes, light hair, and a fair complexion. He was assigned to H Troop, 7th Cavalry under the command of Captain Charles C. DeRudio where he served in the Dakota Territory at Forts Yates and Meade. Kellner completed his five-year enlistment on 7 July 1890 at Fort Sill, Indian Territory. He traveled to Germany and likely visited his mother before returning to America in August. On 19 September Kellner made his way to Fort Leavenworth where he enlisted again this time in E Troop, 7th Cavalry. Little more than two months later he arrived with his troop at the Pine Ridge Agency on that winter’s fateful campaign in which he lost his life.[5] Following his death at Wounded Knee, August Kellner was buried along with twenty-nine of his comrades in a makeshift cemetery next to the Episcopal church at the Pine Ridge Agency. He was recorded as being interred in grave number 14.[6] William Richardson Cross’s photograph of the soldiers’ graves at Pine Ridge in January 1891. The graves were initially marked with numbered boards. Kellner’s grave number 14 is pictured on the back left.[7] More than fifteen years later his and his fellow fallen troopers’ remains were exhumed from South Dakota and returned to Fort Riley, Kansas, where they were reburied in the post cemetery. Private August Kellner is buried in the Fort Riley Post Cemetery.[8] Endnotes: [1] Omaha Daily Bee, January 1, 1891, 1; Adjutant General’s Office, Medal of Honor file for Mosheim Feaster and Thomas Sullivan, Principal Record Division, file 3466, Record Group: 94, Stack area: 8W3, Row: 7, Compartment 30, Shelf: 2. Research conducted by Vonnie S. Zullo of The Horse Soldier Research Service. [2] National Archives, Adjutant General’s Office,Final Statements, 1862-1899, “Kellner, August,” at Fold3, accessed 8 Nov 2014; National Archives and Records Administration, U.S., Civil War Pension Index: General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934 [database on-line], Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2000. [3] Norway-Heritage Hands Across the Sea ( accessed 8 Nov 2014. [4] Staatsarchiv Hamburg, Hamburg, Deutschland, Hamburger Passagierlisten, Volume: 373-7 I, VIII A 1 Band 048 C, Page: 898, Microfilm No.: K_1729;, New York, Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 [database on-line], Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010, Year: 1883, Arrival: New York, New York, Microfilm Serial: M237, 1820-1897, Microfilm Roll: Roll 466, Line: 6, List Number: 733; , [5], U.S. Army, Register of Enlistments, 1798-1914 [database on-line], Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2007, 1885-1890, image 578, line 218 and image 626, line 212; Staatsarchiv Hamburg, Hamburg, Deutschland, Hamburger Passagierlisten, Volume: 373-7 I, VIII B 1 Band 084, Page: 0, Microfilm No.: S_13159.; New York, Passenger Lists, 1820-1957, Year: 1890; Arrival: New York, New York; Microfilm Serial: M237, 1820-1897, Microfilm Roll: Roll 553, Line: 49, List Number: 1188. [6] Adjutant General’s Officer, “7th Cavalry, Troop E, Jan. 1885 – Dec. 1897,” Muster Rolls of Regular Army Organizations, 1784 – Oct. 31, 1912, Record Group 94, (Washington: National Archives Record Administration). [7] William R. Cross, photo., “Graves of Soldiers who were killed at battle of Wounded Knee, Dec. 29th, 1890, Pine Ridge Agency, S. D., 30 in number,” . [8] Jana Mitchell, photo., “August Kellner,” FindAGrave ( accessed 8 Nov 2014. Citation for this article: Samuel L. Russell, “Prussian Butcher Private August Kellner, E Troop, 7th Cavalry – Killed in Action,” Army at Wounded Knee (Sumter, SC: Russell Martial Research, 2013-2015,, updated 15 Dec 2014, accessed date __________. Share this: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn More Print Email Pocket Reddit Tumblr Pinterest Like this: Like Loading... Related About Sam Russell I am a fifth-generation retired Army officer with twenty-nine years of commissioned service. I have been researching the frontier Army for over eighteen years and am interested in documenting the lives of the soldiers that participated in the battle of Wounded Knee using primarily official reports, diaries, letters, newspaper articles and other primary source documents. My interest in Wounded Knee stems from my kinship to one of the principal participants. I am the great-great-grandson of Samuel M. Whitside, who was a major and battalion commander at the battle. I welcome and encourage comments on posts and pages and am always interested in any new primary sources. If you have copies of letters, diaries, etc, from participants and are willing to share, please contact me. Disclaimer: The views expressed in this blog are strictly my own, and should in no way be construed as official Army or U.S. Government positons. View all posts by Sam Russell → This entry was posted in Casualties, Enlisted and tagged 7th Cavalry, 7th Cavalry Regiment (United States), Battle of Wounded Knee, Big Foot, Killed in Action, Medal of Honor, Pine Ridge, Pine Ridge Agency, Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, Sioux, Wounded Knee, Wounded Knee Creek, Wounded Knee Massacre. Bookmark the permalink. ← Sergeant Albert Walter McMillan, E Troop, 7th Cavalry – Conspicuous Gallantry Investigation of Acts of Gallantry, Heroism, or Fortitude → 5 Responses to Prussian Butcher Private August Kellner, E Troop, 7th Cavalry – Killed in Action Lady Griffiths says: November 8, 2014 at 6:19 pm Are you going to make a book of all of this, or just continue as a blog. I am enjoying the history Regards Susan Sent from my iPad > LikeLike Reply Lady Griffiths says: November 8, 2014 at 9:47 pm I can’t seem to get my suggestions re the latest blog to you. But please scratch all the “likely” in the first two paragraph and substitute, probably, most likely and could have . Regards Susan Sent from my iPad > LikeLike Reply Sam Russell says: November 10, 2014 at 8:31 am Lady Griffiths… I greatly appreciate your taking the time to read and comment on my postings, and am thankful for your input as I crank out these short essays. I do intend to cobble all of this together as a book one day, but am content to churn it out as a blog until such time as I believe I have completed my research. I thoroughly enjoy the research, but the writing I find a bit tedious. After more than a decade, I had amassed piles of research material but had yet to begin writing. I began my blog last year as a forcing function to write. I recently downloaded a Kindle version of your book, Pocahontas, and have enjoyed it immensely. LikeLike Reply Sven Oliver Roth says: December 16, 2014 at 6:00 pm Hello Sam, interesting story! I just wanted to drop you a line on two things I noticed which are probably not quite right. Greifswald is located at the Baltic Sea (I go there for summer vacation each year with my family). The Black sea is a different matter. My grandfather from Hamburg was stationed there on the Crimean Peninsula with the Kriegsmarine (the city of Inkarman of Charge of the Light Brigade fame), and that’s at least 2,000 miles away from the Baltic Sea. The name Heline also doesn’t sound right. I doubt that name exists at all. It would rather be Helene. a rather common name. Great page and best regards! Sven LikeLike Reply Sam Russell says: December 16, 2014 at 7:11 pm Sven… Thank you for taking the time to comment, and for pointing out my glaring error. I’ll blame it on my typing rather than my knowledge of European geography. Anyway, I have corrected the post, and have you to thank for the correction. I enjoy your posts and comments on OIW. Sam LikeLike Reply Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here... Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email (required) (Address never made public) Name (required) Website You are commenting using your account. ( Log Out / Change ) You are commenting using your Google account. ( Log Out / Change ) You are commenting using your Twitter account. ( Log Out / Change ) You are commenting using your Facebook account. ( Log Out / Change ) Cancel Connecting to %s Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Sam Russell Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Join 236 other followers Email Address: Subscribe COL Russell's latest book on Amazon Sting of the Bee: A Day-By-Day Account of Wounded Knee And The Sioux Outbreak of 1890--1891 as Recorded in The Omaha Bee Wounded Knee, as it was first reported, and, as you’ve never read it. A sensational contemporary view of the events surrounding the Sioux outbreak of 1890 and 1891 that violently climaxed at Wounded Knee, South Dakota. These articles from the Omaha Bee represent some of the most widely read and published correspondence of that sanguinary winter. Until now, Will Cressey’s on-scene dispatches have never appeared under a single cover. Step back 125 years into the past and experience the exhilaration and anguish that was the sting of the Bee. Cite Your Sources This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License. To cite an article from this blog use the following citation: Samuel L. 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For almost 30 years (yikes!) I’ve been making small stained glass suncatchers with pressed flowers. These have always been very popular in the stores and craft shows I’ve sold at. Yet for some reason I’ve never put them up on Etsy – until now 🙂 They are made with a 2″ square clear beveled glass with a piece of pretty colored stained glass behind it. The real pressed flowers are arranged between the two layers of glass and fully soldered around the edges. I choose a variety of flowers which are thin but pretty: larkspur, delphinium, verbena, baby’s breath, baby marigold and a few others that give my work color and texture. Years ago I made 80 of these for my own wedding favors; all last minute of course, staying up until 2 am two nights before my wedding to get them all done! It was worth it as everyone enjoyed them so much. In fact, I’ll visit people’s homes and still see them hanging in their house and looking great – 22 years later! Yes, real flowers do fade over time but it seems to add to their vintage look and doesn’t detract from their beauty. If you’d like to check them out, click here to view. I’m selling them either individually ($10 with free shipping) or in groups of three ($25 with free shipping). If you’d like a particular combination of flower and color I can do that for you! You can contact me through my contact page or via Etsy. Thanks and Enjoy!
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IndieCade, the four-day festival known as the Sundance of games, announced the eclectic winners of three awards on Sunday night in Culver City, Calif. The Developers Choice Award, in which game producers honored their own, was given to Killer Queen Arcade, a 10-player game housed within two old-school arcade cabinets and inspired by predecessors like Joust and Mario Bros. The Media Choice Award went to TowerFall, an archery game played in a virtual arena and made for the Ouya console. And the Audience Choice Award went to Slash Dash, a strategic, capture-the-flag game in which you play a ninja. Quadrilateral Cowboy, a game about hacking, won IndieCade’s Grand Jury Award at an event on Thursday at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles. Manveer Heir, a jury member, noted that while Quadrilateral Cowboy evoked nostalgia for computer hacking’s early days, it was the “twists on that simple concept” that made it “thoroughly entertaining, engaging and well-executed.” Contemplating his award, Brendon Chung of Blendo Games said, “I’m still a guy who makes games to entertain myself and friends, so receiving such an award from peers I’ve long admired was something I never dreamed of.” Mr. Chung plans to self-publish Quadrilateral Cowboy. The jury for the seventh IndieCade festival also gave two awards to Kentucky Route Zero, an adventure that showcases odd but rich characters who crop up on the road. The Special Recognition Award was given to a hypertext compilation called Porpentine’s Twine Compilation. Naomi Clark, a jury member, explained that during works like Cyberqueen and Howling Dogs, Porpentine “pushed the limits” of the hypertext medium “with words that read like poetry and dance like animated characters.” Beginning in mid-December, the Museum of the Moving Image in Astoria, Queens, and IndieCade will present “Indie Essentials: 25 Must-Play Video Games,” an exhibition of 25 playable, independently produced games. Among the selections on display will be IndieCade winners. What's Next Loading... Previous Post Bryan Cranston Is Headed to Broadway Next Post ‘Doctor Who’ Star Takes a Stab at ‘American Psycho’ Musical About ArtsBeat, a blog about arts and culture, has been archived. LOOKING FOR TV RECAPS? Find our latest recaps and our full archive here. TV Recaps 'Better Call Saul' 'Blindspot' 'Boardwalk Empire' 'Broadchurch' 'Downton Abbey' 'Empire' 'Fargo' 'Fear the Walking Dead' 'Game of Thrones' 'Girls' 'Gotham' 'Halt and Catch Fire' 'Hannibal' 'Homeland' 'House of Cards' 'I Am Cait' 'Justified' 'Mad Men' 'Masters of Sex' 'Narcos' 'Orange Is the New Black' 'Orphan Black' 'Outlander' 'Penny Dreadful' 'Poldark' 'Scream Queens' 'Silicon Valley' 'Sleepy Hollow' 'The Affair' 'The Americans' 'The Good Wife' 'The Knick' 'The Leftovers' 'The Newsroom' 'The Walking Dead' 'True Blood' 'True Detective' 'Veep' 'Wolf Hall' Archive Select Month June 2016 May 2016 April 2016 March 2016 February 2016 January 2016 December 2015 November 2015 October 2015 September 2015 August 2015 July 2015 June 2015 May 2015 April 2015
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Get Details Gyratory Crusher an overview ScienceDirect Topics The gyratory crusher shown in Figure 2.6 employs a crushing head, in the form of a truncated cone, mounted on a shaft, the upper end of which is held in a flexible bearing, whilst the lower end is driven eccentrically so as to describe a circle. The crushing action takes place round the whole of the cone and, since the maximum movement is at the bottom, the characteristics of the machine are ... Get Details Iron Ore Crusher Market Business Analysis CAGR Jul 29, 2021 Pune, Maharashtra, India, July 29 2021 (Wiredrelease) MarketResearch.Biz –:The Latest intelligence report published by MRFactors with the title “Iron Ore Crusher Market Outlook to 2030“. A ... 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Built from the frames of three dangerous robot battle machines, the unstoppable Iron Crusher is a force to be reckoned with at the top of Sentai Mountain.With its reinforced armor and powerful weaponry, it has been programmed with ... Get Details Weston 4 Gallon Fruit and Wine Press Blocks YUDA Upgraded Manual Fruit Wine Press W/ 8 Blocks 100% Nature Oak, Cider Apple Grape Berries Crusher Juice Maker (4.75 Gallon) 4 $115.99 $ 115 . 99 SQUEEZE master Fruit Wine Cider Press - Solid Wood Basket- 4.75 Gallon/18L-T Handle Bar-More Stable,Apple Grape Crusher for Juice Maker,Kitchen 50 Get Details How to Crush Pills Safely and Correctly Verywell Health Aug 02, 2021 Pill Crusher . The easiest way to crush pills is to use a pill crusher. The gadget works by reducing the pill into a fine, powdery substance to be mixed with food or a beverage. Using a pill crusher is simple and requires little physical effort. 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Get Details 12.5 Iron And Steel Production Iron Production - Iron is produced in blast furnaces by the reduction of iron bearing materials with a hot gas. The large, refractory lined furnace is charged through its top with iron as ore, pellets, and/or sinter; flux as limestone, dolomite, and sinter; and coke for fuel. Iron oxides, coke and fluxes react with the Get Details Crushing Machines amp Plants at Best Price in India Spring Cone Crusher: Spring cone crusher consist of frame, transmission device, hollow eccentric shaft, bowl-shaped bearing, crushing cone, springs and hydraulic pressure station for adjusting discharge opening. During operation, the motor drives the eccentric shaft …
By: Scott McLennan Filed Under: Featured, Review, Rock Tagged: David Mason, Hot Tuna, Jack Casady, Jorma Kaukonen, Scott McLennan, The Wilbur Poetry Review: “Davey McGravy” — Real Grief, Real Imagination Part of the maturity of Davey McGravy is how, though each poem has its own shape, each is a necessary part of the whole. By: Marcia Karp Filed Under: Books, Featured, Review Tagged: Davey McGravy, David Mason, Paul Dry Books, Poetry Primary Sidebar Search Search this website Popular Posts Classical Music CD Review: Hensel & Mendelssohn String Quartets This is an album of real spirit and vigor, a mix of the... posted on November 13, 2021 Rock Concert Review: Bob Dylan X 2 — Performing in Boston and Providence At 80 years old, Bob Dylan sounds imperturbable and fie... posted on November 28, 2021 Book Review: “The Anomaly” — We Know Less Than We Think The Anomaly is an entertaining philosophical critique... posted on November 20, 2021 Film Review: “Belfast’ — Black and White and Rosy All Over Belfast is overly sentimental and drenched if not drown... posted on November 16, 2021 Opera Review: “Eurydice” – Not a Love Story But a Father-Daughter Dirge Forget romance. Forget chemistry. Forget star-crossed l... posted on November 27, 2021 Social Follow us: Follow the Conversation peter j veneto December 3, 2021 at 11:24 am on Film Review: “The Feast” — Eating the Richexcellent read. Tamara December 2, 2021 at 9:54 pm on Film Commentary: “The Bishop’s Wife” — Realistic Christmas SentimentYour comments made me smile! Its nice to see people appreciating such a fine movie. It's one of my favorites!... Polly Brown December 2, 2021 at 4:21 pm on Concert/Stream Review: A Far Cry’s “Emergence” — Typically EclecticSuch a pleasure to discover and read this review, of a concert I've just streamed for a third time --... Rose December 2, 2021 at 7:52 am on Film Review: “Come True” — Sleepless in CanadaAbsolutely the worst movie in 2021! Especially the creepy grown man sleeping with a girl who looks at most, 15,... Tom Connolly December 2, 2021 at 4:01 am on Book Commentary/Review: Imagine There Are No Negative Reviews — It’s Not So Easy If You TryI agree with what Bill Marx says 100%. I reject the use of Daniel Mendelsohn as a model. He represents... Footer About Us Advertising/Underwriting Syndication Media Resources Editors and Contributors We Are Boston’s online arts magazine since 2007. Powered by 70+ experts and writers. 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For professional singers who often need music transposed on short notice, it is a real luxury to be able to rely on the speed, skill, and accuracy of a professional like Dr. Jonathan Edward Mann. RENÉE FLEMING (photo: Andrew Eccles) Art Song Transpositions provides a fantastic service: accurate, affordable and timely. I highly recommend it! KURT OLLMANN I am very grateful to have found Dr. Jonathan Mann’s Art Song Transpositions. Not only is the pricing model inspired, but I have also found the transposition work exemplary. I have no hesitation in recommending the service, with gratitude, to everyone. JULIUS DRAKE Jonathan offers easily legible and totally accurate transpositions of the art song repertory at an unbelievably reasonable price. Kudos for such a valuable service!
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The depth of God’s love is unfathomable, far beyond your ability to fully comprehend. Yet God’s love is also intimately personal, experienced through your relationship with Jesus Christ. You live every day between these two touchpoints of divine love. When you are tempted to make God too small, God reminds you that divine love is far more expansive than you are giving God credit for. When you wonder how God can possibly care about you in the vastness of the universe, God reminds you that divine love died to save, heal and transform in such a powerful way that you think you matter more than anyone else ever has. In a world that seems to have been reduced to stark either-or choices, God’s love is always both-and. Share this: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Print Email English Afrikaans Albanian Amharic Arabic Armenian Azerbaijani Basque Belarusian Bengali Bosnian Bulgarian Catalan Cebuano Chichewa Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) Corsican Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Esperanto Estonian Filipino Finnish French Frisian Galician Georgian German Greek Gujarati Haitian Creole Hausa Hawaiian Hebrew Hindi Hmong Hungarian Icelandic Igbo Indonesian Irish Italian Japanese Javanese Kannada Kazakh Khmer Korean Kurdish (Kurmanji) Kyrgyz Lao Latin Latvian Lithuanian Luxembourgish Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian Myanmar (Burmese) Nepali Norwegian Pashto Persian Polish Portuguese Punjabi Romanian Russian Samoan Scottish Gaelic Serbian Sesotho Shona Sindhi Sinhala Slovak Slovenian Somali Spanish Sudanese Swahili Swedish Tajik Tamil Telugu Thai Turkish Ukrainian Urdu Uzbek Vietnamese Welsh Xhosa Yiddish Yoruba Zulu Archives December 2021 November 2021 October 2021 September 2021 August 2021 July 2021 June 2021 May 2021 April 2021 March 2021 February 2021 January 2021 December 2020 November 2020 October 2020 September 2020 August 2020 July 2020 June 2020 May 2020 April 2020 March 2020 February 2020 January 2020 December 2019 November 2019 October 2019 September 2019 August 2019 July 2019 June 2019 May 2019 April 2019 March 2019 February 2019 January 2019 December 2018 November 2018 October 2018 September 2018 August 2018 July 2018 June 2018 May 2018 April 2018 March 2018 February 2018 January 2018 December 2017 November 2017 October 2017 September 2017 August 2017 July 2017 June 2017 May 2017 April 2017 March 2017 February 2017 January 2017 December 2016 November 2016 October 2016 September 2016 August 2016 July 2016 June 2016 May 2016 April 2016 March 2016 February 2016 January 2016 December 2015 November 2015 April 2015 Creating vital congregations that make disciples of Jesus Christ, who make disciples equipped and sent to transform lives, communities and the world!
× Close COVID-19 Update Jeffco and Tri County public health departments are requiring masks to be worn in indoor... Home About News and Events Events Calendar Share Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn Community Events Government Meetings Tuesday June 22 2021 Commmunity Event Calendar You're Looking at Past Events. If you want to see current events, check out the December 2021 calendar. May 2021 Jun 21 2021 Jun 23 2021 Jul 2021 8:00am 9:00am [9:00am] Mad Science Camps: Krazzy Crime lab Description: Full day as well as half day This program explores the ins and outs of forensic science and encourages creative thinking and analytical skills as campers work together to solve a series of mock crime scenes. Campers will also explore secret communications, security systems and spy gadgets! If you've ever wanted to be a police officer, secret agent or a CSI, this is the camp for you! 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm Upcoming Events Community Events Dec 4th, 9:00am Warder Elementary Holiday Craft/Vendor Fair Homemade Crafts and Goods, Vendor Items, Food Trucks. Free Admission with Non-Perishable Donation to Dec 6th, 6:00pm Business Meeting The meeting will be held in City Hall Council Chambers. The agenda for this meeting will be posted Dec 9th, 12:00pm Sales and Use Tax Class The City of Arvada Revenue team is offering a free class on collecting and reporting Sales and Use Tax. Dec 13th, 6:00pm City Council Regular Workshop The meeting will be held in City Hall Council Chambers. The agenda for this meeting will be posted on Government Meetings Dec 6th, 6:00pm Business Meeting The meeting will be held in City Hall Council Chambers. The agenda for this meeting will be posted Dec 9th, 6:00pm Virtual Neighborhood Meeting for Proposed Development This notice is to inform you of an upcoming opportunity to participate in a virtual neighborhood meeting Dec 9th, 5:30pm Liquor Licensing Meeting The Arvada Liquor Licensing Authority generally meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. Information Dec 13th, 6:00pm City Council Regular Workshop The meeting will be held in City Hall Council Chambers. 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Arya Gurukul is one of the AryaGlobal schools, a group started 29 years ago with St. Mary’s High School in Kalyan, Mumbai. This initiative is pioneered and managed by Mrs. Neelam and Mr. Bharat Malik. Read More... Mandatory Public Disclosure QUICK LINKS Honour Society Alumni Career Calendar POCSO & PTA School Programme CBSE Guidelines for Differently Abled Candidates for Class X & XII Privacy, Terms and Refund Policy PDF Links Amitam Magazine Transfer Certificate Sample Student Strength Arya Gurukul Calendar 2021-22 Declaration Letter Book List PTA GUIDELINES & FEE FIXATION Contact Us Vidyanagari, Nandivali Village, Shri Malang Road, Kalyan (E) 421 306 Phone: 022 494 355 75 Email: [email protected] © Copyright 2021 AryaGurukul | All Rights Reserved | Powered by KeyFrame Media. InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube SECURITY IS NOTHING BUT AN ILLUSION Dear parents, Please read this, be vigilant, smart and take care of our future citizens of India and contribute to nation-building. SECURITY IS NOTHING BUT AN ILLUSION PARENTS SHOULD BE THE FIREWALL BETWEEN THEIR CHILD AND CYBERSPACE. WHY???? HOW???? WHEN???? WHERE???? Just about everyone is online these days, including the vast majority of teens and a growing number of young children. Whether by surfing the web, watching a video, texting, using a smartphone app or playing a game, chances are you are “connected” whenever you are using one of your digital devices. There are tremendous benefits to young people being online, but – for them and the rest of us – there are also some device and network security risks, both digital and social. The digital kind involves software that jeopardizes the security of devices and the data on them. The social kind often referred to as “social engineering,” is when people are tricked into putting their privacy and security at risk. Although there can never be a 100% guarantee of safety and security online or offline, there are things a parent and their ​child can do that can greatly reduce the chances of something going wrong. In the era of Internet of Things, most end-user activities are dependent on internet communication in some sort. There are various merits and demerits of using the internet. Therefore, one should be aware of it by understanding its demerits properly. As the Internet is also utilized by people who do not have good intentions all the time but also by people who intend to harass, harm, and activities of cyberbullying other people. By using the Internet, one wants to be aware of good cyber ethics to defend themselves and others. Internet users have the proper right to utilize the Internet securely and to set their own limits. One must be smart, responsible and safeguard themselves and their kids by monitor kids online as well as in real life. While I have come across multiple instances, in which it is the either outwitting technological smartness or lack of cyberspace awareness of the child that unintentionally jeopardizes the entire family and relations around the child. It is highly important to realize that PARENTS SHOULD BE THE FIREWALL BETWEEN THEIR CHILD AND CYBERSPACE.
Novotel Sriracha & Koh Si Chang Marina Bay opens first phase of its dual-location hotel on the Gulf of Thailand The 275-room hotel comprises the main Ocean Building in Sriracha and Island Building on Koh Si Chang - Asean Food Travel Light Home About Us AFT AWARDS 2021 PR Newswire Contact Us Home About Us AFT AWARDS 2021 PR Newswire Contact Us Light Home About Us AFT AWARDS 2021 PR Newswire Contact Us Categories Awards (1) Event & News (28) Featured (1) Food & Beverages (42) Indulge (3) Personalities (4) Special Offers (3) Travel & Attractions (29) Indulge Novotel Sriracha & Koh Si Chang Marina Bay opens first phase of its dual-location hotel on the Gulf of Thailand The 275-room hotel comprises the main Ocean Building in Sriracha and Island Building on Koh Si Chang March 16, 2020 / No Comments The much-anticipated opening of Accor’s Novotel Sriracha & Koh Si Chang Marina Bay offers business and leisure travellers the opportunity to enjoy the ocean views of Sriracha and island paradise retreat on Koh Si Chang. Nestled along the east coast of the Gulf of Thailand, the main hotel building in Sriracha comprises 235 rooms. Another 40 guest rooms, including 16 villas will open on Koh Si Chang later this March, complete with private pier and speedboat services to shuttle guests between the two locations. The new sea front hotel is conveniently situated between Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi International Airport and Pattaya’s U-Tapao Rayong-Pattaya International Airport. With both major aviation hubs within an easy one-hour drive away, Novotel Sriracha & Koh Si Chang Marina Bay is poised to become the accommodation of choice for business and leisure travellers in this charming town of Chonburi Province. “Located halfway between Bangkok and Pattaya, Sriracha has often been overlooked in favour of its bigger neighbouring cities. With the opening of the unique, two-location Novotel Sriracha & Koh Si Chang Marina Bay, we look forward to sharing this destination with travellers, whether they are visiting on business or leisure,” said Patrick Basset, Chief Operating Officer of Accor, Upper Southeast & Northeast Asia and the Maldives. The hotel offers convenient access to Laem Chabang and the Eastern Seaboard industrial estates as well as top leisure destinations. Novotel Sriracha & Koh Si Chang Marina Bay is indeed perfectly positioned for guests to enjoy a range of lifestyle pursuits including top-ranked golf courses, the Khao Kheow Zoo and offshore islands such as Koh Loy and Koh Si Chang. “Novotel Sriracha & Koh Si Chang Marina Bay is the latest addition to the charming town of Sriracha. Travellers to the island can look forward to the perfect weekend getaway and discover the beautiful seafront destination near Bangkok,” said Jean Pascal Bernet, General Manager of Novotel Sriracha & Koh Si Chang Marina Bay. With 275 combined rooms, suites and villas featuring the perfect blend of natural and contemporary design, modern amenities including a multimedia connectivity panel, free high-speed Wi-Fi internet access, free digital newsstand service and a 55″ smart TV. Other in-room comforts include a working desk, rain shower, in-room safety box, fully stocked mini bar, and ironing facilities. The 235 rooms in the main Sriracha Building feature bright and airy aesthetics and cleverly designed spaces with sliding doors that open up to the living area. Ideal for families, the 61 sqm Family Suite features a king size bed with bunk beds, spacious living area and a freestanding bathtub. The 65 sqm Marina Bay Suite is perfect for larger families and friends travelling for a weekend getaway. The design at Koh Si Chang is styled with a warm tropical palette with accents of rich wood and darker hues. Its 40 guest rooms in the Island Building range from a spacious 32 sqm Island Deluxe Room with an oversized day bed and lounge area to a roomy 73 sqm Island Marina Bay Pool Villa with two bedrooms and a private pool. Culinary delights at Novotel Sriracha & Koh Si Chang Marina Bay can be enjoyed at the hotel’s two restaurants. The Food Exchange, is a stylish, modern and contemporary seafront all-day dining serving flavourful food inspired by local and international recipes. For something a little more romantic overlooking the sea, The Oriental serves a range of Cantonese specialties including Beijing roast duck and Sai Kung style steamed snow fish. The hotel is also home to three bars, including the Gourmet Bar, a friendly eating and drinking space at lobby level serving a range of house wines, cocktails and light snacks. Tempting tidbits and refreshing drinks are also served at the Pool Bar. To enjoy daily showings of the sun setting over the sea, tantalizing cocktail in hand, the best seats are at the magnificent Silver Moon Rooftop Bar. Fitness enthusiasts can enjoy 24-hour access to In Balance Fitness Centre in both buildings with free weights and cardio machines to invigorate before or after a day well spent. As part of its holistic approach to wellness, the seafront swimming pool provides a refreshing morning or evening swim while the spa offers a range of massage and facial treatments to rejuvenate both mind and body. On-site conveniences for business travellers include a Web Corner and a Premier Lounge for guests staying in the Premier Deluxe rooms and suites. Families travelling with young children can enjoy a range of board games and fun activities available in the Kids Room. The hotel features five meeting and event spaces that can host up to 250 guests for weddings and corporate events. On Koh Si Chang, the 50 sqm meeting room featuring floor to ceiling windows with natural light can host up to 30 guests for small meetings. To celebrate its launch, Novotel Sriracha & Koh Si Chang Marina Bay is offering a special rate from now until March 31, 2020. Guests can book a Superior Room night stay at THB 2,435++ per night with breakfast for two. For more information, please visit For general enquiries and reservations, please send an email to [email protected], or contact +66 (0) 33 265 888. High Resolution Images: CLICK HERE About Novotel Novotel Hotels, Suites & Resorts offers destination hotels designed as comforting and energizing places where guests can ‘press pause’ and take time to enjoy the moments that really matter. The brand’s wide array of hotels, suites and resorts offer a multitude of services for business and leisure guests alike, including spacious, modular rooms with natural and intuitive design; 24/7 catering with nutritious choices; dedicated meeting spaces; attentive and proactive staff; family zones for the youngest guests; multi-purpose lobbies; and accessible fitness centers. Novotel, which has over 530 locations in more than 60 countries is part of Accor, a world-leading augmented hospitality group offering unique experiences in 5000 hotels and residences across 110 countries.
There is a fantastic book written by notable Neurologist, Guy Leschziner, that gave me an even deeper appreciation for what we know and don’t know about the human mind, called The Nocturnal Brain: Tales of Nightmares and Neuroscience. It has been almost a year since I have closed the covers, so I sadly cannot recount many details, but one particular section hit me a little heavier than others: Circadian Rhythm. This subject revealed to me the revelation that opened a new door to my understanding of my own nocturnal mind- my circadian rhythm was attuned to a different universe from the time I reached puberty to well into my late twenties. During that extremely complex period of my life, my body naturally wanted sleep from FOUR AM to NOON. But school, the workplace, church, and the world in general is not built for this particular time slot. One cannot be expected to live the average life of a single parent, being responsible daily as the hardworking adult you are, when you run on those fumes from a natural occurring alignment of your natural sleeping rhythm which is comparable to, say, that of an owl’s. Rather than researching this topic and learning ways to make adjustments and cope, I instead would slightly alter the pattern, usually falling asleep around 2 a.m. and getting up around 7 but still snoozing until 7:15 and then waking up in a panic to unrealistically rush through the preparation of my day, which includes taking my daughter to school. Rather than being a normal, alert- “Oh everything is just great, yes! I have already had my cup of coffee!” type of successful person, I was groggy, unhappy (I hate rushing and feeling late/unprepared), and working on my coffee while doing five things at once in order to leave the house with just enough time to speed across town and barely make it to work on time. Not the best way to engage in a delightful, encouraging, pre-activity filled day pep talk with your elementary school aged child. Sorry, child. (This is something we have both actively worked on and majorly improved upon since, so… hooray.) The problem is, we spent years like this. I would say I suffered greatly in high school because of this. I slept on my desk through many classes when I had grown up being a model student. To everyone else, people assumed a lot of this had to do with my depression. On one hand, this is exactly correct. But even the big bad wolf that is depression was not actually the underlying cause. This issue affected job performance in my twenties as well. I always work giving an insane percentage. I have a very hard work ethic and because I feel things intensely, customer service can sometimes be a very daunting task. Sensitivity to tone is something that, with a lot of practice for a long period of time, you can manage to cope with and even deflect using your skills. Until you reach that level of ability, however, managing your emotions (especially when tired), can be extremely challenging. I have worked customer service jobs that awarded me with outstanding praise and titles and two years later find myself at the point where I just can’t take anymore. While, yes, part of it is the collective assholes’ fault, the major part of it is how I manage my OWN DAMN SELF. AAAAASHLEEEEEEY!!! BED TIIIIIIIIIIME!!! Being empathic and autistic and experiencing multiple body traumas means that when my brain decides I’m tired, sleep comes incredibly fast, and I welcome this sleep thing with arms wide open. Naps are extremely rare for me, and I have things to do which occupy my time, but it is still important for me to participate in some kind of wind down ritual. This typically includes getting clean using very hot water, some aromatherapy, music, and reading until my brain hints that it is time to shut her down. I sleep very consistently the entire night through without any (known to me) interruptions. I really, really hate waking up to an alarm. I prefer waking early these days in order to better prepare my day and be fully alert by the time I clock in, but I would love to just naturally wake with the sun without the catastrophic interruption that is necessary to push my brain’s power button. I feel like Ren when Stimpy is so tempted to push the shiny, candy-like red buttom and the cartoon chihuahua screams “DON’T TOUCH IT!” I do NOT enjoy exiting hard left from the insanely vivid dream worlds I have worked so hard to engineer. I have become conscious from a dream so vivid that I immediately began crying upon waking. Like I was generally devastated to miss out on whatever insanely awesome thing was next. Or I had lost that person who I had made contact with in my dream (an example would be my deceased grandmother). When I was a youngin’, my mom would loudly yell “Aaaashleeeyyyy!!! Naaaaap tiiiiime!” or, even better, “Aaaaaaashleeeeeyyy!!! Bed tiiiiiiime!” and I would stop playing with whatever toy or video game that had all of my intense attention, grab my baby blanket, and crawl into my small bed without one single objection. This type of thing would also apply to days of my youth when friends and I would be playing in the neighborhood creek and my mom would yell from the porch, “Aaaaaaashleeeeey!!! Supper tiiiiiiime”, and the whole gang of neighborhood hoodlums I called friends would retreat to their own hiding spaces until the following morn. As a kid, I remember my mom (also a young mother) being rushed every single morning. She would top the seventy mile per hour rate, weaving in and out of unsuspecting traffic to barely make the bell. And she was usually substitute teaching or volunteering in the lunch room on any given day. Looking back, she would have been in the same age range as I was while my rhythm was set to another world’s standards. It wasn’t until many years later when this was no longer an issue for her, either. And in retrospect, I can see the mistakes she made and view them from my own, imperfect perspective, so I can now say with absolute certainty that I am happy it eventually worked to her favor. I find myself in the sluggish transitional phase as I type this. There are so many examples of vivid dreams in my catalog but it becomes increasingly difficult to recount them, including the central themes or plots. So while my mind is still sharp enough to say anything that could be somewhat valuable to recount some day, I thought I’d spell it out. Some dreams of mine have been etched into my “forever root”- this generous bean that allows me to tap into a time in history that everything still contained magic to me. My dreams were usually pleasant. I have had vivid nightmares many times, and the scariest dreams I’ve ever had involve saving people I love who are heavily distressed. This type of sleep and dreaming is something I prefer not experience, but the fact I can dream anything makes me feel lucky- though these nightmares do not usually allow for that feeling of total refreshment to shape the following morning upon awakening. One interesting thing about some dreams I have experienced remain an enigma as they involve predicting future events. An example of this occurred the week of my birthday, April 21, in the year 2011. The night after I had turned a quarter century old, I had one of the most vivid dreams of my life. I was on this cliff overlooking the ocean, the sky was clear and sunny and there was a gentle breeze. My daughter was standing in a glass house several yards away. Seemingly in an instant, the winds picked up and the sky became dark and overcast- a chill surrounding me. I looked back to the house to see my child when I spotted a black tornado hurling towards us. I ran towards the house to fetch my child and we barely escaped as the tornado crashed the house of glass and pressed on towards the sea. We curled up together behind some great boulders while shards of glass danced all around us. I was cut severely but she was safe inside of my arms, and I looked up after the winds died down and watched the tail of the tornado dissipating over a raging but quickly, calming stone gray sea. One week later, on a day that I would eventually come to know as my boyfriend’s birthday, I was chasing a tornado with my camera, documenting the horrifying damage that had restructured my hometown. I was working for our local paper and was on an assignment to photo document damage done the night before to the neighboring town, and as I was exiting my home, I spotted the F-4 tornado coming right towards my neighborhood. I spent the better majority of the following week taking photographs and interviewing and writing. My daughter was with her dad at the time in an area that had also received tornadic activity and damage. I had not been able to make contact with any of them for at least a couple of extremely uncertain, tense hours. But somehow, the dream reassured me she was safe and okay. And in that department, all was right as… a light rain. Another example that is burned into my memory bank is the dream about my ‘first son’. I was attending The Art Institute in Ft. Lauderdale, and had a dream that I had just given birth to a beautiful, dark haired, dark eyed, and olive skinned son soon after starting my new school. I was so proud of this perfect boy and brought him to class to introduce him to my classmates. Everyone looked on adoringly. He was so peaceful and angelic and soft. Then I woke up and mourned the loss of what felt like an actual, real child. I had not yet become pregnant or had even met my child’s father. I was just starting school (just as I had dreamed), but was not even involved with anyone at that time and had no intentions to be. In my mind, I was on my way to study photography and become a photographer for National Geographic to make a name for myself like Paul Nicklen. This of course was not to be my fate, and two and a half years later, I was giving birth to my beautiful, blonde haired, blue eyed, light skinned daughter. It was shocking to even her paternal side of the family that she was born with these features since they were most rare on either side of her bloodline. How bizarre is real life? Another interesting concept to think about involving the predictive dream world incorporates sequence dreaming. I have never in my life experienced the raw wonders of Egypt first hand, but Egypt is and always has been super fascinating to me. I remember being extremely excited to see The Mummy in theaters. (Of all the other examples, this is what I choose. Classic.) Anyway, my sequence dreams feel like lifelike experiences. I feel as though after those dreams, the dreams that took place in Egypt- I was actually there. The scene was futuristic, but not too far off into the future. The first dream was simple and lasted ages. I was staring at this crisp, totally magnetic night sky, star gazing. I spotted some stars moving slightly. I then noticed these stars were forming shapes and patterns- very similar to a type of alphabet my daughter came up with to send me notes. I have no idea what the messages were- this was encrypted and I had no key. I unfortuntely have yet to find it, but I did later experience four more dreams, each one similar and becoming more elaborate with more details, revealing and building a story, picking right back up where my brain had once logged off. The dreams included the night sky, stars, Egypt, the pyramids, an entrance, a chosen population, a line of those people, the pyramids levitating and staying suspended in the night sky, meteors appearing, and my poor ass, still looking up to the fiery night sky… feet planted on the earth. I remember thinking, “Why wasn’t I chosen?” I also remember more, but I have a private diary and some things are probably best kept that way. So, things around us are mysterious. And things inside of us are even more mysterious. Dreams are a way of us working some things out, or a way of showing us some things we may need revealed, or a way of reminding us we have work to do. I know I do. My latest series involves a very close loved one. This person and I are so close that if I detail any specifics, people who know me personally will know who I am referring to immediately. This person, like all of us at some point, is facing a number of challenges that are so gut wrenching, I had to back away in order to preserve the little sanity and shred of dignity I might still possess. Even so, it kills me and it has been an ongoing issue that I simply could not provide any more energy towards and had no choice but to do what every mental health provider I personally know would suggest: set your boundary. It took years, but I finally did and firstly, this isn’t an easy task to initiate, and it is even more difficult to maintain- especially when you want nothing more than to see this person who you love with all your being to become that success story you literally pray about. I had to type the words: “Starve your distraction, feed your focus” on to a piece of paper, cut it out, tape it to the top of my work desktop monitor, just above eye level, and look at it every so often to help remind myself to focus on the task at hand rather than attempting to fix all the other things that were out of my hands. This helps while I am awake, and I am actually proud of myself for the level of self control I’ve been able to maintain even though I have resorted to taking extra measures. I have more energy during the day and this has definitely helped me personally. But I’m fucking dreaming about this person I have pushed from my conscious space. I am forgiving, hugging, re-engaging, fully supporting, and laughing with this special person in my life while I am unconscious. Thank you, dream world, for reminding me of what HEAVEN ON EARTH could actually look like as opposed to the SHIT REALITY THAT I BRACE FOR UPON WAKING EVERY MORNING. Which reminds me, one day I will write a post solely dedicated to my long history of loving a good cup of the best part of waking up…
Police are searching for the parents of the Michigan high school shooting suspect after they are charged with involuntary manslaughter – CNN
Farewell to the Sport Scene Group from Australia. The whole gang really enjoyed their time with us doing some wonderful diving around Puerto Galera and of course a day trip to Verde Island. They spent their final night at the Barrel Bar enjoying the sunset, cocktails and some pretty wild shirts! So much for the so called rainy season! They have had perfect weather for the whole time they were here. P.G. is much nicer than spending all of the winter in some parts of Australia for sure. Hope to see you back again next year! This entry was posted in Diving. Bookmark the permalink. Diving can be your life Diving is a family affair Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Comment Name * Email * Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Recent Posts Allan is checking out the hood! Asia Divers Dive Angels Spectacular Diving in Puerto Galera made easy! Riding around Mindoro Promo Packages Get our Newsletter Leave this field empty if you're human: Follow Us 尊贵的客户现正可以扫描二维码来加我们的微信 Blog Archives Blog Archives Select Month May 2021 February 2021 January 2021 November 2020 August 2020 July 2020 June 2020 May 2020 April 2020 March 2020 February 2020 January 2020 December 2019 November 2019 October 2019 September 2019 August 2019 July 2019 June 2019 May 2019 April 2019 March 2019 February 2019 January 2019 December 2018 November 2018 October 2018 September 2018 August 2018 July 2018 June 2018 April 2018 February 2018 January 2018 December 2017 November 2017 October 2017 September 2017 August 2017 July 2017 June 2017 May 2017 April 2017 March 2017 February 2017 January 2017 December 2016 November 2016 October 2016 September 2016 August 2016 July 2016 June 2016 May 2016 April 2016 March 2016 February 2016 January 2016 December 2015 November 2015 October 2015 September 2015 August 2015 July 2015 June 2015 May 2015 April 2015 March 2015 February 2015 January 2015 December 2014 November 2014 October 2014 September 2014 August 2014 July 2014 June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 June 2013 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 December 2012 November 2012 October 2012 August 2012 June 2012 May 2012 April 2012 February 2012 January 2012 December 2011 November 2011 October 2011 September 2011 August 2011 July 2011 June 2011 May 2011 April 2011 March 2011 February 2011 January 2011 December 2010 November 2010 October 2010
I (after much thought and debate amongst myself, friends and family) have decided that I would perhaps like to obtain a personal conceal and carry weapon permit. I reside in a state that allows them, and frequently travel in states that have full reciprocal agreements with the state I'm currently resident in. However, my biggest question at this current juncture is the ability to carry the weapon amongst the public and friends without either causing a scene or a ruckus. My logic goes something like this: Since I have decided to carry a weapon for personal protection reasons, the dumbest thing I can do is not carry the thing. However, since I usually am in a pair of shorts and a tee-shirt, I've got some issues as to how to conceal the thing. All the solutions I have come up with beg more questions: Alright, I decide to carry the firearm in a shoulder holster; now, I have to wear a coat everywhere, lest when I take off the coat, everyone freaks out that I've got a gun. I decide to wear a belt holster; now, it's just really inconvenient and not that concealed. I keep it in my briefcase/backpack; now, it might not be near me when I needed it. The list goes on and on. This problem does not dissuade me from arming myself with a CCW permit - obviously, someone does this on a daily basis that isn't a law enforcement officer, and they're able to do it discretely, or else I'd imagine I'd have seen someone out and about with the gun. So, fellow MeFites - for those of you who hold CCWs, how do you carry your gun while in casual clothing? For those of you who don't, what are your ideas as to how a person could go about carrying a gun, daily, with casual clothing on, and not freak anyone out? On a side note: I'm not really interested in any ethical debate here, if you please. I know this is a touchy subject, and I've done as much research as I feel is necessary as an intelligent human to make my decision as to the matter of carrying a gun on me. posted by plaidrabbit to Grab Bag (27 answers total) 20 users marked this as a favorite Maybe carry around one of those big, cardboard Bibles that has a gun-shaped cut-out in the middle, where the pages are supposed to be? Or put it in a fanny pack? Or just tuck it in your pants and potentially blow your b***s off? You like wearing shorts and a t-shirt. You want to carry a gun. You don't want anyone to notice. Seems like one of those things might have to change. Concealment holsters. posted by billysumday at 1:39 PM on April 24, 2007 posted by de void at 1:40 PM on April 24, 2007 You usually wear a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, and you want to know how to conceal a handgun? How can the answer possibly not be to wear more clothing? posted by found missing at 1:41 PM on April 24, 2007 [1 favorite] Somewhat away from your original question, but if you're going to carry on a regular basis, then you're going to need to consider a locking compartment in your vehicle where you can *securely* stow your weapon when you visit places that don't allow firearms (coutrooms, national parks, etc.) posted by de void at 1:43 PM on April 24, 2007 Many people use a buttpack. If it has an extra zippered compartment on top, you can sew an enlarged pouch on the inside that is accessed only through this zipper. The old Jandd Mountaineering packs were ideal for this. Many people, esp. law enforcement will assume you are carrying with a pack like this though. posted by Manjusri at 1:44 PM on April 24, 2007 To be able to conceal the weapon, you have to wear a sufficient amount of clothes to conceal said weapon. Your best hope would be an inside-the-waistband holster you can put in your pubic area. Second best is a fanny pack, assuming you don't mind looking like a ninny everywhere you go. posted by Ynoxas at 1:47 PM on April 24, 2007 To de void's point. In my state if a business choses to -- and most do -- they can prohibit weapons. By law schools, courtrooms, govt buildings and restaurants that derive >50% of their revenue from alcohol do not allow weapons. But in practice, there are few places where you would be allowed inside legally. I'm talking about a city environment. In the sticks businesses may not be as concerned about their customers packing. So that gun might spend a lot of time in your car locked away. posted by birdherder at 1:52 PM on April 24, 2007 Best answer: Caveats: I carry every day. And I'm making the assumption that you'll carry a semi-automatic; I've never carried a revolver, and so don't know anything about concealing them. First, your choice of weapon has the greatest impact on concealability. If you choose a fullsize weapon, you're begging for it to be either revealed or a royal PITA at some point. I carried a fullsize USP for about a year, and while it wasn't horrible, it just wasn't acceptable for comfortable concealed carry. I suggest a pistol designed specifically for concealed carry--one of the mini Glocks, perhaps. I carry a Taurus Millenium Pro. You're looking to minimize two dimensions: the height of the weapon from the bottom of the magazine to the top of the rear sights, and the length along the barrel. Next, you need a holster. I suggest a good inside-the-waistband model. There're a number of manufacturers of such things. They're really quite comfortable, if you get a good one. And, in almost all cases, a teeshirt that comes down over the grip of the weapon will conceal it. Your only real concern is if you reach up over your head. If you wear tight tee-shirts, or have a very long gun, you'll need to go one size up. Shoulder holsters are for the movies and military helicopter pilots. At some point in your draw stroke with a shoulder holster, you're certainly violating the first law of gun handling (don't point it at anything you don't want to die). Likewise, reaching for a pistol in a shoulder holster is obviously you going for a gun; unlike one at your waist, which is only inches away from where your arm hangs at rest. You need a gunbelt. No, seriously. Your regular belt is made of thin, flexible leather. You want one that resists twisting. Thus, you need a gunbelt. You can probably find them wherever it is you buy your holster. Also, I don't care what you think of leather (vegan, etc.), it's your only option. I've tried a number of synthetic belts and holsters, and all fall drastically short of the leather models I've had. This one isn't necessary, depending on your build, and how long your shirts normally are, but I'd also recommend that you get some "cover garment". I wear Hawaiian shirts. Other folks use vests, jackets, or jerseys. This drastically improves the concealment of your piece, and even opens up options like outside-the-waistband holsters (which are more comfortable to wear, and quicker to access). Finally, one thing to keep in mind is that you can literally walk around with a gun-shaped bulge in your back pocket, and 95% of people will never even kind of consider that it might be a gun. They'll assume it's a cellphone, wallet, harmonica, or any other thing before they assume it's a gun. It really takes a hug or physical contact before people might catch on. For lots of information, have a look at the firing line forums. You'll find more information that you could possibly ever read. posted by Netzapper at 1:53 PM on April 24, 2007 [8 favorites] Look into the Smart Carry. It's essentially a crotch holster, works for women as well as men. I haven't tried it, but a lot of people on swear by the things for use with casual clothing. posted by vorfeed at 1:55 PM on April 24, 2007 frequently travel in states that have full reciprocal agreements with the state I'm currently resident in. I'm curious, does that mean if you go to the other states, even if they didn't allow concealed carry, they would allow it because you were from a state that did? posted by drezdn at 1:56 PM on April 24, 2007 Consider a smaller pistol for the summer months that fits more easily inside the waistband. posted by Martin E. at 1:58 PM on April 24, 2007 meta posted by Saucy Intruder at 2:05 PM on April 24, 2007 Oh, and Joel Rosenberg says that if you carry, you are invariably going to wind up with a drawer full of holsters. A few you will use on different occasions, but several more that you tried but didn't work out. posted by Martin E. at 2:08 PM on April 24, 2007 [1 favorite] can't we just keep this to answering the question? there are some good concealed carry gadgets and holsters, but obvioulsy, it become much more difficult to do so the less clothes one is wearing to do the concealing if you are wearing a longish shirt you could do a small pistol on a hip holster posted by Salvatorparadise at 2:09 PM on April 24, 2007 [1 favorite] Here's a recent thread at Making Light that has some points relevant to concealed carry. (There is quite a bit of other stuff in there, including a lot of anti-concealed-carry stuff, which you may want to ignore, but there are a number of very articulate comments from people who are experienced concealed carry permit holders and a couple who teach the concealed carry classes that states require. You can buzz through to find these.) Most important points: be sure to get routine, relevant practice at drawing (ammo-less) from the concealed location, and at firing your weapon. So, think in advance about how often you can realistically get to the practice range, etc. posted by LobsterMitten at 2:12 PM on April 24, 2007 (My comment is meant to be filed under "general logistics of carrying", obviously not under "what kind of holster to get") posted by LobsterMitten at 2:13 PM on April 24, 2007 I don't know if this is a real world solution, but back when I made movie props I built a special holster that I sewed into a cargo shorts pocket. it was completely invisible on the outside and held the firearm safely and securely. posted by French Fry at 2:13 PM on April 24, 2007 drezdn, these reciprociy agreements mostly if not exclusively exist between states with a shall-issue policy on CCW permits. posted by Martin E. at 2:17 PM on April 24, 2007 Best answer: Poke around online -- there are a lot of different holsters and such for sale, all trying to solve this issue. What works or doesn't work will depend a lot on your physique and the size of the gun in question. The forums at sites like the High Road (and there are lots of others) will be a good resource, as well, much better for this than Askme. The answer is that it is really hard, without wearing more clothes. Smaller guns are easier to conceal, but harder to hit anything with. Even very light pistols (ones that have a lot of plastic in them, like the smaller Glocks and Kahrs) are still quite heavy; a completely metal large-framed pistol is really heavy. A decent compromise might be a small-framed S&W Airlight .38 (a model 340 is about 11 or 12 ounces unloaded, compared to about 2.5 pounds for a Colt model 1911, unloaded -- both figures via google, so ymmv) or a small .380 auto. But no matter what, you are trying to find a way to comfortably carry one or two pounds of metal without it ever being seen, and in a way that when you get in and out of cars it doesn't jab you in the kidneys, and so on. And the not being seen is not trivial -- it is an important legal issue in some places (if people can see it, it is "brandishing"); and socially being seen to be carrying a gun is a big no-no is almost every situation you can name. What happens is that most people don't bother most of the time. There are just too many complications -- what about stopping by someone's house after work? Or they want to pick up their kid at school, where you (depending on your state) may or may not be legal to be on the property with your gun. Or your new acquaintance gives you a big hug and then yells in public, "hey, are you carrying a GUN?" And you get sweaty in the summer heat, which means that you have to be cleaning the gun every night, and on and on. So people tend to compromise -- you keep the gun locked in the glovebox or the gunsafe, and wear it only when you are going somewhere that "feels" uncomfortable. posted by Forktine at 2:20 PM on April 24, 2007 [1 favorite] I don't know if this is a real world solution, but back when I made movie props I built a special holster that I sewed into a cargo shorts pocket. Hah! I actually made a similar thing, which I wore and used for several months. It worked pretty well in terms of concealment, but it was tactically disadvantageous--having to go through buttons to get to my piece was an unacceptable threat to my health. I made mine with an el-cheapo outside-the-waistband holster, and three nylon straps. I essentially put a thigh holster in that pocket. posted by Netzapper at 2:20 PM on April 24, 2007 Thanks Martin E., that cleared things up for me. posted by drezdn at 2:21 PM on April 24, 2007 I'd second the Smart Carry. It's not as fast as more traditional holsters but it's really the best option for the type of clothing you wear. It's probably best to actually measure your hips as they note before ordering so you get the best size for you. Quite a few people use fanny/butt packs and it's certainly something to consider. But be aware that will identify you as someone who is carrying. A photo vest will do the same. Not that I assume everyone wearing a fanny pack or photo vest is carrying but it's definitely puts them in the possible category. I don't know if it's something that non-gun people would pick up on, though, but gun people or others more situationally aware will. posted by 6550 at 2:41 PM on April 24, 2007 Best answer: All you people with gun questions the night after my CCW-approved class. Wiggy. Some amount of time last night was devoted to the question of How to carry and the class leaders stated their belief that if you're going to conceal you should keep it concealed. As you've discovered, some people are flat-out wigged out at the idea of seeing someone with a gun and the teachers posited a situation where you are at the grocery, reach above you to get something and someone sees the pistol on your hip and calls 911 to say there's some dude in the Giant with a gun! They said that the reality in such a situation is the police -will- show up and you may be briefly detained even though you did nothing wrong. If you're not prepared for that eventuality then perhaps you should not concealed carry. (This went along with the coverage later in the evening where they said that if you use your firearm to defend yourself you should be prepared to be arrested, consider how you will react, consider keeping a lawyer's card with your CCW permit in your wallet - even if it's just the shyster who drew up your will - and if you're not prepared for the repercussions of using your weapon then perhaps you should not carry one.) I realize the above it tertiary to your question but I found it very useful talk. If you're going to go forward with this you might want to look for a NRA-approved/sponsored course in your area - I was very impressed with the thoroughness of the class and the breadth of what they covered. I have some problems with several of the NRA's stances - particularly their opposition to mandatory training for gun owners - but, ironically, they seem to have far superior classes. If mine is any indication they'll spend some time and be willing to talk to your out of class about solutions that will work for you. Probably the innerpants holster system Netzapper mentions is going to work best for you with your wardrobe, but unless you are carrying a very small piece you may end up needing two different sets of pants/shorts, as what fits with the holster will be too big w/o it. If you're wearing shorts with a belt - or can - then what will likely work best is going to be a leather holster that sits high on the belt. They tend to mask the shape of the gun and not present the obvious silhouette a plastic or nylon holster does. has forums where you can likely ask for suggestions, though my teachers last night commented that in all likelihood if you commit to CC you are just going to end up with a box of unused holsters as you buy, try, and discard solutions that aren't just right for you. posted by phearlez at 2:46 PM on April 24, 2007 [1 favorite] I'm going to agree wholly with what Netzapper said with regard to using a firearm that it suited for carry. Full sized autos, while concealable, are much less comfortable when you are moving around (think: getting into and out of a car), a smaller gun will make this easier. And smaller doesn't need to mean "less gun". As stated, compact Glocks and H&Ks are viable options. As would be something like the Kahr K9 or the K40. (I understand that some bailiffs have taken to carrying the Kahr because it's so comfortable.) As to actual carry, I prefer inside the waistband, in the spot between my hip and the small of my back. Though I've also become comfortable with a cross draw as well. You really won't know what works till you actually try it. posted by quin at 4:39 PM on April 24, 2007 Netzapper says: I suggest a pistol designed specifically for concealed carry. ... You're looking to minimize two dimensions: the height of the weapon from the bottom of the magazine to the top of the rear sights, and the length along the barrel. Unless you are a really big guy, I think that you are looking to minimize three dimensions -- including the thickness of the gun. This is why a skinny gun like the Kahr P9 is nice -- the thinness means that it won't show under most clothes. (The bigger you are, the less this matters.) posted by Forktine at 5:05 PM on April 24, 2007 I recommend the AMT 45. ACP Backup. I've been wanting some smaller pistols for a while now. It's not realistic for me (or a necessity) to contstantly carry. When thats not acceptable, I keep mine in the glove compartment. posted by winks007 at 8:13 PM on April 24, 2007 Second the smartcarry, or ThunderWare. I have one of the latter, and love it. It does add a second or two to actually draw the gun from concealment, but is good for deep cover. When it's a little cooler out and not Florida summer, I wear an Uncle Mike's IWB (inside waistband) holster and just wear a jacket over it. If you wear it near the side of the hip or just behind that, you can sit comfortably and the jacket is unlikely to blow open enough to reveal it. Last night I tried wearing jeans and a t-shirt, the IWB, and an open oversized button-up shirt over it. That seemed to work almost as well as the jacket, although the butt did print a bit. This was with a full-sized gun, however. My carry piece is under repair. With my smaller piece, a sufficiently baggy untucked shirt will cover pretty well. You're right, though, about people freaking out when realizing that someone is carrying a gun. For those of you who do freak out upon seeing a gun, you may want to be aware that if you live in a state with shall-issue CCW laws, it's very likely that many people you've encountered are carrying, and you never knew it. posted by tkolstee at 10:20 PM on April 25, 2007 « Older The Lost Lockerbie Gospel | Resources and anectdotes related to Feline HIV Newer » This thread is closed to new comments. Related Questions Beginner firearm info online? March 6, 2015 Lock up your medicine cabinet before I look inside it March 30, 2011 Handguns for Dummies November 18, 2008 When we look back, what will this decade look like? September 11, 2008 How safe is a Glock? 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Ask MetaFilter is a question and answer site that covers nearly any question on earth, where members help each other solve problems. Ask MetaFilter is where thousands of life's little questions are answered.
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Some of the biggest perks of the game are the relationships between characters. The relationship with the character has been the most exciting part of the game, and the relationship with the character’s mother is the one that has been the most talked about. The game has also given each of these characters something to do that is a bit more interesting than the traditional “fight for the spotlight” type of role playing. The perks have been a bit more interesting in fallout 4, because it has given each of the characters a bit more role to play. We like to see our characters get excited about a new way of playing an RPG, and then use that to make a little bit of progress in the story. The game has also given each of the characters a bit more of a personality and a bit more of the “I can do this, and I am different” factor. Most RPG fanatics are familiar with the classic F/X/R system, where the character can choose to go from a fighter, to a thief, to a ronin, to a ronin, ronin, ronin, ronin ronin, or just plain ronin. In fallout 4, each character has a different set of perks that grant them unique abilities and abilities in general. It’s a little ironic that Fallout 4 is the first game in the series that does not feature a female protagonist. This is because of the way the game was originally created. It was originally conceived as a female lead character, but writer Chris Avellone was told that the game would have to be just about male protagonists, which meant the game had to focus on the female protagonist’s relationship to the male characters. I think this is a good thing. In a world full of single-girl games, it’s nice that Fallout 4 doesn’t feature a female protagonist at all. As Bethesda mentioned, Fallout 4 definitely does not feature a female protagonist. The game is a lot more about the relationships between the male characters and their relationships to the female characters than it is about any female characters. In fact, the first two Fallout games (the original and the remake) do feature a female protagonist, but they are completely separate stories. The original was very much about the relationships between the male protagonists and their relationships to the female protagonists and their relationships to each other. Yes, I know that the original Fallout was a very different game than the one you’re talking about, but I don’t think that means the relationships between the male characters and their relationships to the female characters didn’t matter. In the original Fallout, everyone was pretty much the same. I think Fallout 4 is also about the relationships between the male characters, a female protagonist, and her relationships to the male characters. As a female, I have a few relationships that I want to talk about that I just dont think are in the Fallout 4 roster. I want to talk about the relationship between a female character and her relationship to her main character, a male character. As a male, I have a few relationships that I want to talk about that I just dont think are in the Fallout 4 roster. I want to talk about the relationship between a male character and his relationship to his main character, a female character. In the previous Fallout games, the relationship between characters was defined by the relationship between people. If you could pick and choose your friends to be your friends, that was how the games worked. So the relationship between Fallout characters was generally defined by the relationship between people. Fallout 4 is going to change that, though. And it’s not just about the relationships between characters. Fallout 4 is going to change the way relationships work in games in general. 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Search Connect gut feeling something is wrong in a relationship October 5, 2021 fallout 4 relationship mods October 5, 2021 if i hide my relationship status on facebook... October 5, 2021 based on current research, what is the relationship... October 5, 2021 the relationship between entities and attributes is best... October 5, 2021 Categories blog About Us ASP Friends is a blog written by three friends who are all in the business of helping people. ASP Friends offers advice on friendship, self-care, and career development to help you thrive at work and in life. We believe that friendships matter so much more than social media or professional success, because they shape our lives for the better - every day.
DUNDARAVE WEST VANCOUVER HOME STAGING VIDEO Staging this Dundarave, West Vancouver condo for sale was a real delight. Before staging this property, many pieces of furniture were edited, new carpet was laid, and the walls were painted a fresh, neutral colour. Once we had a nice, blank canvas, we... 09/19/2012 Vancouver Home Stager Interview with Canadian Home Trends Magazine 12 Comments Vancouver Home Stager Interview with Canadian Home Trends Magazine I was thrilled and honoured to be interviewed by Crystal Williams, Online Editor at Canadian Home Trends Magazine as part of their ongoing series, Designer Profiles. Crystal asked several questions about my Vancouver home staging... 09/13/2012 Delbrook North Vancouver Home Staging Tips Paint Wood Cabinets 38 Comments Delbrook North Vancouver Home Staging Tips Paint Wood Cabinets Are you preparing your house for sale but have tired, dated, oak cabinets in your kitchen or bathroom? 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Home Staging Tips 21 Comments SELLING YOUR LYNN VALLEY, NORTH VANCOUVER HOME? HOME STAGING TIPS Are you planning on selling your Lynn Valley, North Vancouver home? Before you list your home, think about having your home staged by us, Exit Stage Right home staging. Ask yourself, what does Lynn Valley have to offer, and why ... 06/28/2012 Selling your Lower Lonsdale, North Vancouver Home? Home Staging Tips 16 Comments SELLING YOUR LOWER LONSDALE, NORTH VANCOUVER HOME? HOME STAGING TIPS Are you planning on selling your Lower Lonsdale, North Vancouver home? Have you thought of staging your home for sale? My company, Exit Stage Right, recently staged this townhouse for sale in Lower Lonsdale. We added artwork... 06/27/2012 SELLING YOUR EAGLE HARBOUR, WEST VANCOUVER HOME? HOME STAGING TIPS 17 Comments SELLING YOUR EAGLE HARBOUR, WEST VANCOUVER HOME? HOME STAGING TIPS Are you selling your Eagle Harbour home? Don’t know where to start when preparing to sell? Exit Stage Right home staging can help you. We prepare homes for sale that will appeal to a target demographic. Eagle Harbour is a unique... 06/26/2012 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … 14 15 Next Back to Top Archives Rainer 440,923 SallyWeatherley Vancouver Home Staging, Home Stager Vancouver, B.C EXIT STAGE RIGHT North Vancouver,B.C. FollowProfile Blog local_phone(604) 838-9431 Contact The Author Full Name Email Address Phone Number Message Real Estate Resources e-staging or Long Distance ... Additional Information Author Bio: Sally Weatherley is the owner of Exit Stage Right, home staging and redesign. She is a Canadian Certified Staging Professional, and a member of Professional Real Estate Staging. Sally also holds a Management Certificate from the Interior Design programme at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), and holds a certificate in textile design from City & Guilds of London textile programme. Art and design have been constant throughout Sally's life. View all AR Posts By Sally Weatherley Exit Stage Right Blog Google+ Real Estate Information Home Buying Home Selling Home Improvement Real Estate General Information Real Estate Market Trends Lending / Financial Local News and Events Listings Blogs For Professionals ActiveRain Community Real Estate Best Practices Real Estate Industry Real Estate Sales and Marketing Real Estate Technology & Tools Mortgage / Finance Just for Fun Explore ActiveRain Real Estate Blogs Real Estate Q&A Product Reviews Referral Network Local Real Estate Info Real Estate Blog Index Real Estate Q&A Index Contests Inspiration Important Links ActiveRain Ambassadors Leaderboard Membership Roster First Blog Posts Getting Started on AR Recent Blog Posts Referral Network Groups About Site map Terms of Service Privacy Advertise Help/FAQ Join ActiveRain Disclaimer: ActiveRain, Inc. does not necessarily endorse the real estate agents, loan officers and brokers listed on this site. These real estate profiles, blogs and blog entries are provided here as a courtesy to our visitors to help them make an informed decision when buying or selling a house. ActiveRain, Inc. takes no responsibility for the content in these profiles, that are written by the members of this community.
Avalon New Jersey Real Estate Sales Update As of March 8, 2015 Avalon NJ Homes For Sale as of March 8, 2015 Below is an overall look at sales statistics to sum up activity in Avalon N.J. since January 22, 2015 Sales in the luxury market in Avalon and Stone Harbor NJ are thriving . If you are thinking of Selling , there has never been a better time, but correct pricing is crucial in selling your home at proper price . An Improperly properly priced home will languish on the market month after month and will only help sell competing properties. Avalon Homes For Sale in Avalon, N.J. as of March 8, 2015 There are now 117 single family homes that are currently on the market in Avalon N.J., so if you’re on the hunt for a beach house, there has never been a better time to buy! Average list... 03/08/2015 Comments 3 Explore Belleplain, NJ Belleplain, NJ Real Estate Professionals Real Estate Information Home Buying Home Selling Home Improvement Real Estate General Information Real Estate Market Trends Lending / Financial Local News and Events Listings Blogs For Professionals ActiveRain Community Real Estate Best Practices Real Estate Industry Real Estate Sales and Marketing Real Estate Technology & Tools Mortgage / Finance Just for Fun Explore ActiveRain Real Estate Blogs Real Estate Q&A Product Reviews Referral Network Local Real Estate Info Real Estate Blog Index Real Estate Q&A Index Contests Inspiration Important Links ActiveRain Ambassadors Leaderboard Membership Roster First Blog Posts Getting Started on AR Recent Blog Posts Referral Network Groups About Site map Terms of Service Privacy Advertise Help/FAQ Join ActiveRain Disclaimer: ActiveRain, Inc. does not necessarily endorse the real estate agents, loan officers and brokers listed on this site. These real estate profiles, blogs and blog entries are provided here as a courtesy to our visitors to help them make an informed decision when buying or selling a house. ActiveRain, Inc. takes no responsibility for the content in these profiles, that are written by the members of this community.
Keep in mind I did a recording with two elementary students, the book I played on YouTube was “Frog in a log” I choose it mostly because of the rhyme. In paragraph 2 it asks how did the read aloud go their reactions etc. they were really engage in the video although one was really excited and trying to catch the rhyme words from the story. The other student was more timid. For paragraph 3 I’m going to do a comprehension activity on the words that rhyme and they are to match them. They did really good with rhyming they pick it up pretty quickly. So you can write about how it was really effective.
This green stone may assist you to correct imbalances between the two sides of the brain, and it resonates with a lovely heart based vibration, that most of you will find useful to have in your life. It has balanced enduring energy and grounding ability, that embodies sound metaphysical properties that are known to aid abundance and prosperity and stimulates creativity. The vibration of this stone brings you strength and courage, and will help to lessen fear and stress and may aid you to attract nature spirits.
Dr. Skelton grew up in Alpharetta and attended Milton High School. He knew he wanted to be a dentist in his early high school career. Having a flexible schedule and being able to treat his patients needs in a customized and focused way were some of things that drew Dr. Skelton to dentistry. He is looking forward to spending time with his family and investing in the community, which is why he chose to return to Atlanta: to be near his family and be fully immersed in his city he loves! Some of Dr. Skelton’s hobbies are attending the North Point churches with his wife, kayaking, disc golf, basketball, hiking, grilling by the pool, and college football games. Dr. Skelton completed his dental degree at The University of Louisville where he was honored with the Delphi Award, graduating in the top fifteen percent of his class and finishing his graduation requirements early. He then went on to perfect his craft at the Advanced Education in General Dentistry residency in Houston, Texas under the training of a renowned Prosthodontist. One of Dr. Skelton’s life goals is to be a responsible role model and point others in a direction where they can find personal success and happiness. He chose to work at Atlanta West Dentistry because of their attention to detail and investing in important dental technology. He looks forward to continuing to add to the family feel that they’ve worked so diligently to create. Something Dr. Skelton would like all of his patients to know is, “As your dental provider, I want you to know that there is no question too weird to ask, I’ve probably heard it before. Along the path to great treatment is a comfortable patient-doctor communication, and that’s my top priority.” Tour Our Office Our Marietta dentist office has been home to our patients for over a decade. Fall in love with our comfortable, contemporary office where we put patients first. We are conveniently located on the corner of Macland and Powder Springs Roads. Take the Tour Get Your FREE Download! Is FEAR Keeping You From the Dentist? Comfortable dental appointments are possible with sedation dentistry. Click here to learn more in our FREE download. First Name Last Name Your Email Address Phone Number Read Our Patient Testimonials Rate Us Call Today to Make an Appointment (770) 635-5336 Request an Appointment 1808 Powder Springs Rd. SW, Marietta, GA 30064 Call Today to make an Appointment (770) 635-5336 Request an Appointment Location 1808 Powder Springs Rd. SW Marietta, GA 30064 Office Hours Monday 7AM - 7PM Tuesday 7AM - 7PM Wednesday 7AM - 7PM Thursday 7AM - 7PM Friday 7AM - 2PM Saturday CLOSED Sunday CLOSED Latest Blog Articles How Baby Teeth Help Mouths Grow Up Right Every parent remembers seeing their baby’s first teeth emerge, watching the rest pop up, and... Read More Replace Missing Teeth – Dentures & Dental Implants So, you’re missing a tooth—or a few! An apple a day will not take care of this one,... Read More © 2021 Atlanta West Dentistry | Accessibility Privacy Policy Terms of Service | Powered by ForeverSites™
Early Access for MMO Game Atlas went live on December 22nd 2018. During Early Access, players have an opportunity to enjoy the game while still contributing feedback to its development. Those looking to join in the Atlas Game world can do so via Steam in 2018, and Xbox in early 2019. You can visit the Atlas page to learn more about the game. When is Early Access for Atlas? Early Access on PC & Steam Atlas launches on Steam Early Access for a few selected invitees (mostly streamers, content creators) on Friday 21st December and will be available for general access on Saturday 22nd December. (Previously slated for release on December 19th 2018 at 6pmEST/11pmGMT. Grapeshot announced a further delay on the 19th.) (Originally slated for release on the 13th, Grapeshot announced a delay on 11th December.) Early Access on Xbox Atlas launches on the Xbox Game Preview Program in early 2019. What can players do in Atlas Game Early Access? Early Access offers an evolving experience of the game, as it is expected that player feedback will heavily influence development. Regardless, those who try out Early Access can count on the following being available? Players can create a character, pick one of the many Disciplines and explore hundreds of Skills Players can find and use Equipment, and explore the many Crafting options by gathering Resources. Players can being to explore the Maps, with its many Freeports, Locations and Creatures Quests and Treasure Maps can be completed Players can customize their Ships and Crew Atlas Game Early Access FAQ WHAT THE DEVELOPERS HAVE TO SAY: Why Early Access? “ATLAS is one of the most ambitious online worlds of all time and while everything we have listed in the feature section will be there around Early Access launch, we are going to need the feedback, insight, and creativity of the game players to build on that foundation and balance the game optimally over a period of time.” Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access? “ATLAS will be an Early Access title for approximately 2 years.” How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version? “ATLAS is going to better balanced, and have even more content and features than the initial game driven by player feedback and whatever direction players desire to see the game evolve in.” What is the current state of the Early Access version? “Everything in the features section will be there around Early Access Launch and the game will be an unparalleled massively multiplayer experience from Day One.” Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access? “ATLAS will increase in price when the game is fully launched.” How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process? “We'll be taking feedback from players across multiple social platforms, conducting livestreams, open-forums and hosting events where we can meet players in person and gather their feedback.” What are the System Requirements The basic system requirements recommended for Atlas on PC are as follows, but please bear in mind that these are the minimum and ensure only a successful launch of the game - Atlas may require significantly more capable hardware to run at high settings.
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The best in culture from a cultural icon. Subscribe now for more from the authority on music, entertainment, politics and pop culture. Subscribe Now Newsletter Signup Home Music Music Features November 11, 2021 1:14PM Tori Amos: The Mermaid’s Song Dealing with her distress facing the Capitol attack and the third lockdown, the singer and pianist releases her most personal work in years, exposing both her vulnerabilities but also her strength and inner transformation. By ROLLING STONE FRANCE Desmond Murray* Tori Amos speaks to Rolling Stone France about the creation of her 16th studio album, Ocean to Ocean. It took you four years, the longest period between two albums, to release Ocean to Ocean. What happened? I’m a very different person than I was four years ago, especially the one I was 18 months ago. Before the pandemic, I was living my life at a fast pace, a pace that was far too fast to live the present moment. With the successive lockdowns, we have been forced to sit back and reflect on our lives and the changes we would like to undertake. With this album, I managed to implement these changes, to modify my pace of life and my energy frequency. Did you find a slower pace? I would say it is a paradox: the frequency is higher, yet I manage to regulate the tempo more easily. In the past, I was just reacting to the rhythm imposed by external events – and I’m not even sure I was able to really integrate them. The pandemic forced me to sit down with myself. During the first lockdown, although it was challenging for everyone, I was very busy with my book release. However, I must admit that during the third lockdown, I found it very uncomfortable and wondered when all of this would end. I felt as if I was crashing into a wall, as if I was in a nightmare from which I could not escape. This period was also my longest absence from the United States. I really felt the loss of my mother – who passed away two years ago. Then one day my daughter, Tash, said to me, “I know you miss your mother and I miss my grandmother, but right now I need my own mother. Can you bring her back for me? “. I was shocked, I realised that I absolutely had to get out of this negative state of mind. And that’s when the song “Metal Water Wood” came up. In this song, you talk about a “brutal world” and you expose yourself more vulnerable than ever… I think I have shown my fragility many times in my life and career. I always tried to describe with honesty the state I was in. But our globalised world had never been in such a situation. No one had the How To Guide to deal with it all. I know that some people have been able to change their energies and transmute things but I just wasn’t able to do it. Then the Muses told me to stop pretending to be someone I wasn’t, not to make excuses: “You are deep down in the mud? So be in the mud. Speak from where you are! “. Once I accepted that idea, the songs came to me and helped me pull myself out of the mud. Since I had to fight this monster, I didn’t turn to spiritual guides but to… Bruce Lee! He helped me to “karate” myself out of this situation! And his advice was: “Be like water” and that was the real trigger for me. You started writing after watching all the Bruce Lee movies? Yes! (Laughs). I started writing around the end of February, beginning of March 2021. During the first two lockdowns, I had put all my energy, like all the American democratic forces, on what was going on in our country. After the Capitol attack, during the third lockdown, I saw that some of our elected politicians were willing to sacrifice pieces of our democracy and our Constitution for their own interests. There I raised my hand and said, “I’m done! Now Kamala (Harris) is here, she has big shoulders, strength and intelligence to handle all of it. It’s her administration’s job to take over”. After that, I just broke down. Since the election of Joe Biden, do you feel more confident about the future? It was a relief to see that our Constitution and our institutions still had elements of democracy that overcame a clearly authoritarian, dictatorial regime… a system that seems to have taken over in many countries around the world. But, at the same time, I felt that I really needed to put my energy into something else. I can’t explain it, but it was at that moment that my mother came to me, like a sound coming from the centre of the Galaxy, a message that said, “Go out and feel things! “I had to connect to the “sonic magic” and write music with the frequency I was in, that it was the one people needed. Then I started to get out of my house and the songs started to come out. In your book Resistance, you compare composers to “sonic hunters”. How did you hunt this time? The first thing I did was to surrender to our Mother Earth. I looked at her and thought: “Wow! Look at this incredible energy! She is not in lockdown!” She was regenerating herself while humans were locked down. I realised that she was my Guide, the ancestral Mother of us all. She has the ability to come alive again. Of course some things die but others are born. This idea of a cycle gave me hope. Despite the losses, it made me realise that there is also rebirth and that I should accept it. As a daughter of a Methodist priest, how have you dealt with the question of religion in your life? Can we say that you feel closer to the Native American religion, linked to Mother Nature? Yes. I feel closer to the worship and the desire to preserve our sacred Mother Earth. When I was growing up, at a church, there was this idea that Man somehow had power over Nature. I have come to see that this is absolutely not the case. The song “Ocean to Ocean” deals directly with this theme. Some people don’t care about the effects of their business on the planet. They only care about profit. I think that until we see the Earth as a living being, as our Mother, things will be difficult. It seems to me that the younger generation understands this. My daughter Tash showed me a documentary that made me realise how much damage has been done to the oceans. Afterwards, I started playing on the piano and the song “Ocean to Ocean” came out. There is a very strong link with nature in this album, tell us about the track “Speaking with Trees”… I got out of my house and listened to Nature, its own language, the way trees move, the sounds they make. I did some research and I was fascinated by the way trees can communicate with each other, help each other, through an underground network of roots. They call it the “Wood Wide Web” and I found it so incredibly beautiful! It’s pure magic! This song is about that and also about accepting the loss of my mother. Something needed to be transcended. Once I was able to connect with Mother Nature, my mother appeared to me when I was no longer so desperate to find her. I think in my desperation I was looking in the wrong place. I realised that my human mother was gone, but my spiritual mother, the Earth, was still there. All indigenous people believe in this. And maybe something in me needed to die. And that something died… maybe it was the way I handled things before, I don’t know. The cover of the album is very symbolic too. Were you influenced by the mythology and the legends of Cornwall? Oh yes, there is a very special atmosphere in the landscape, the stones, the wind… you feel like you are out of time. Sometimes I would go to the cliffs, listen to the ocean roar, the waves breaking on the rocks… there was something wild and reassuring at the same time. Then when the sea calms down, in the distance, the light appears… and you have the impression to see something. The album opens with the song “Addition of Light Divided”. You repeat, like an incantation: “we don’t have to stay broken”. How did you find strength in these difficult times? I wrote this song after visiting a cave in Nanjizal Beach (which you can find on the album artwork). There is a huge rock cut in two with shards of light shining through. To get to the other side, you have to dive into the water up to your chin. At that time, I had only written half of the lyrics of the song. Sometimes you need to immerse yourself in something else for a transformation to happen. When I immersed myself in that water, it was like a baptism and something really changed. The water is soothing, yes, but it also brings incredible healing. That’s when I heard the words, “We don’t have to stay broken”. Before I could find this new ME, I had to agree to let go of the old one. My old way of handling things was probably related to me travelling but the pandemic took it away from me. I had to say goodbye to it and find another way to deal with things, by standing still. How did you work on the production of this album while standing still? I spent lockdown with a sound engineer, Marc, who I’ve been working with since 1994 – and who I also married (laughs). He had a whole bunch of different keyboards set up around me. He said, “Well, when you’re ready to get out of this shit and say goodbye to whatever you need to say goodbye to, the keyboards are there for you!” He waited patiently. Thanks to his involvement and talent as a sound engineer, we had the opportunity to experiment with sounds and combinations of different keyboards. We sent them to Matt Chamberlain in Los Angeles, near the Pacific Ocean. We would then take the sounds back to add elements and the files would go back to our bass player in Cape Cod, across the Atlantic Ocean before coming back to us. The title of this album also carries the collaborative essence of this project. Would you say that the role of artists is to transcend their own emotions to create something universal, and to relieve collective traumas? I think music is a force and has the power to do many things. It’s a travel machine. You can listen to something without leaving home and be transported somewhere else. So when an artist understands that power, they can not only relieve trauma, but also more importantly, help to recognise it, validate it. The word is pretty strong though I think if you accept it, you are encouraged to be honest with yourself and that is the biggest step towards healing.
The best in culture from a cultural icon. Subscribe now for more from the authority on music, entertainment, politics and pop culture.
The best in culture from a cultural icon. Subscribe now for more from the authority on music, entertainment, politics and pop culture. Subscribe Now Newsletter Signup Home Music Music Lists November 25, 2021 7:21AM All 206 of Taylor Swift’s Songs, Ranked From teen country tracks to synth-pop anthems and rare covers, a comprehensive assessment of her one-of-a-kind songbook through the Folklore and Evermore era By ROB SHEFFIELD From teen country tracks to synth-pop anthems and rare covers, a comprehensive assessment of her one-of-a-kind songbook through the 'Folklore' and 'Evermore' era Taylor Swift the celebrity is such a magnet for attention, she can distract from Taylor Swift the artist. But Swift was a songwriter before she was a star, and she’ll be a songwriter long after she graduates from that racket. It’s in her music where she’s made her mark on history — as a performer, record-crafter, guitar hero and all-around pop mastermind, with songs that can leave you breathless or with a nasty scar. She was soaring on the level of the all-time greats before she was old enough to rent a car, with the crafty guile of a Carole King and the reckless heart of a Paul Westerberg — and she hasn’t exactly slowed down since then. So with all due respect to Taylor the myth, the icon, the red-carpet tabloid staple, let’s celebrate the real Taylor — the songwriter she was born to be. Let’s break it down: all 206 tunes, counted from the bottom to the top. The hits, the flops, the deep cuts, the covers, from her raw 2006 debut as a teen country ingenue right up to Folklore, Evermore, and her Taylor’s Version series. Every fan would compile a different list — that’s the beauty of it. She’s got at least 5 or 6 dozen songs that seem to belong in her Top Ten. But they’re not ranked by popularity, sales or supposed celebrity quotient — just the level of Taylor genius on display, from the perspective of a fan who generally does not give a rat’s nads who the songs are “really” about. All that matters is whether they’re about you and me. (I guarantee you are a more fascinating human than the Twilight guy, though I’m probably not.) Since Taylor loves nothing more than causing chaos in our lives, she’s re-recording her albums, including the outtakes she left in the vault before. So far, she’s up to Fearless and Red. For the Taylor’s Version remakes, both versions count as the same song. It’s a tribute to her fierce creative energy — in the past couple years she’s released an avalanche of new music, with more on the way. God help us all. Sister Tay may be the last true rock star on the planet, making brilliant moves (or catastrophic gaffes, because that’s what rock stars do). These are the songs that sum up her wit, her empathy, her flair for emotional excess, her girls-to-the-front bravado, her urge to ransack every corner of pop history, her determination to turn any chorus into a ridiculous spectacle. So let’s step back from the image and pay homage to her one-of-a-kind songbook — because the weirdest and most fascinating thing about Taylor Swift will always be her music. How to Watch Taylor Swift’s Acoustic ‘Folklore’ on Disney+ From Rolling Stone US Roy Rochlin/FilmMagic 106 “Peace” (2020) The most stripped-down confession on Folklore, just her solo voice and a few guarded hopes for the future. She tries to scale her dreams down to a graspable size, asking, “Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?”Best line: “Our coming-of-age has come and gone. Frank Micelotta/PictureGroup/Shutterstock 105 “Death By a Thousand Cuts” (2019) The saddest break-up song ever inspired by a movie where Gina Rodriguez plays a Rolling Stone music critic, in Jenn Kaytin Robinson’s Oscar-worthy Netflix comedy, Someone Great. It really soars in the live acoustic version from her Paris concert special, especially the hyperventilating bridge. Good question: “If the story’s over, why am I still writing pages?” Taylor, have you met yourself?Best line: “I asked the traffic lights if it’ll be all right / They say ‘I don’t know.’” Charles Sykes/Invision/AP/Shutterstock 104 “Eyes Open” (2012) Finally, her long-overdue metal move, from The Hunger Games: Songs from District 12 and Beyond.Best line: “Every lesson forms a new scar.” Devin Simmons/Sipa/Shutterstock 103 “Starlight” (2012) “Oh my, what a marvelous tune” sounds like a quaint chorus, yet she makes it stick, in an F. Scott Fitzgerald-themed whirlwind romance. This Red deep cut just sat there waiting for its moment to shine, until it blew up into “The Last Great American Dynasty,” with a nastier perspective on the same ritzy social scene. Nobody knows how to play the long game like Taylor.Best line: “We snuck into a yacht-club party / Pretending to be a duchess and a prince.” Evan Agostini/Invision/AP/Shutterstock 102 “Don’t Blame Me” (2017) She tries on the moody “bad girl goes to church” vibe of Madonna circa Like a Prayer – addicted to love, falling from grace, going down on her knees to beg for one more kiss.Best line: “My name is whatever you decide.” ASTRID RIECKEN For The Washington Post via Getty Images 101 “Forever & Always” (2008) She added this to Fearless at the last minute – just what the album needed. It’s a blast of high-energy JoBro-baiting aggro on her most anomalously shade-free album. “It rains in your bedroom” is a very on-brand Tay predicament.Best line: “Did I say something way too honest? Made you run and hide like a scared little boy?” 100 “Back to December” (2010) One of the rare ballads where she goes crawling back to an ex she treated like dirt – and she’s surprisingly effective in the role. Although breaking into the guy’s house is a little extreme. (If she’s blocked by the chain on his door, that means she already picked the lock, right?) And sorry, but you’re seriously dreaming if you think I’m bothering to Google the name of that Twilight guy, don’t @ me.Best line: “It turns out freedom ain’t nothing but missing you.” Ian West/PA Wire/AP 99 “Bye Bye Baby” (2020) One of the top-notch Fearless (Taylor’s Version) vault tracks. Like so many of her songs from this era, it has a giant Oasis-style hook: “You took me home, but you just couldn’t keep me.” Plus a bonus one in the bridge when she sings, “I’m so scaaared of how this ends!” What does it mean that the best Oasis songs of the past 20 years are Taylor songs?Best line: “You’re all I want, but it’s not enough.” 98 “Out of the Woods” (2014) When she finally gets around to 1989 (Taylor’s Version), this song stands to gain most. Jack Antonoff was just learning how to record her voice, and wow, he wasn’t even halfway there yet — it’s the production equivalent of a snowmobile wreck. Why did this song need male Tarzan yodels? It deserves a do-over, since the lyrics are packed with poignant details — did they take the Polaroid couch selfie before or after they moved the furniture so they could dance? The best version is live at the Grammy Museum in 2015 — no yodels, just Taylor emoting at her piano.Best line: “Two paper airplanes flying, flying, flying.” Dave Hogan/ABA/Getty Images 97 “Soon You’ll Get Better,” With the Chicks (2019) A touching duet with the Dixie Chicks (their final song under their old name) for her countriest tune in years, about her mother’s battle with cancer. It’s definitely heavy to hear the teenager who sang “The Best Day” and “Never Grow Up,” once so mortified her mom was dropping her off at the movies, now an adult driving her mom to the hospital.Best line: “Holy orange bottles / Each night I pray to you.” TAS Rights Management 2021/Getty Images 96 “Tolerate It” (2020) Can you even imagine the songwriter who wrote “White Horse” in her teens was already planning to write “Tolerate It” in her 30s? She might have taken inspiration from Rebecca, but it feels more like a Carole King song from the 1970s — trapped in a dead-end marriage where something inside just died. Taylor called this part of Evermore “the ‘unhappily ever after’ trilogy of marriages gone bad.”Best line: “Now I’m begging for footnotes in the story of your life.” Michael Loccisano/Getty Images 95 “Message In a Bottle” (2021) The first song Swift wrote with Max Martin and Shellback — the day she met them. It makes sense she left “Message in a Bottle” off Red, since it sounds so similar to “22”— she chose the right one. But it sounds like she’s already stretching ahead to 1989. “How is it in London?” sounds like a fresh take on the transatlantic rendezvous of “Come Back…Be Here.”Best line: “I became hypnotized by freckles and bright eyes, tongue-tied.” Kristina Bumphrey/Starpix/Shutterstock 94 “I Almost Do” (2012) We’re already at the zone on this list where every song seems like it should be ranked even higher, except it’s just so crowded at the top. For almost any other artist, “I Almost Do” would have been a career peak. A Red slow jam that could have worked even better sped up into a punked-out rocker — though it’s plenty affecting as is.Best line: “Every time I don’t, I almost do.” John Shearer/Invision/AP/Shutterstock 93 “Welcome to New York” (2014) People sure do love to complain about this song – in fact, the most authentically New York thing about it is how it sends people into spasms of mouth-foaming outrage. An explicitly queer-positive disco ode to arrivistes stepping out in the city that invented disco – “You can want who you want, boys and boys and girls and girls” – that will be bugging the crap out of you in rom-coms for years to come. (It made me throw a napkin at my in-flight screen during How to Be Single, when Dakota Johnson’s cab is going the wrong way on the Brooklyn Bridge – and I love this song.) Bumped up a few bonus notches for pissing everyone off, since that’s one of this girl’s superpowers.Best line: “Searching for a sound we haven’t heard before/And it said welcome to New York.” Matt Sayles/Invision/AP/Shutterstock 92 “Wonderland” (2014) Why did it take her five albums to get to Alice in Wonderland? Needless to say, Taylor Alison Swift fits right in on the other side of the looking glass, with white rabbits and Cheshire cats. Feed your head!Best line: “It’s all fun and games till someone loses their mind.” Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP 91 “We Were Happy” (2021) This Fearless outtake would have made quite a highlight on the album. How did she let this one get away? Was it just too damn sad, even by *her* standards? To think of all the years we missed out on being traumatized by “You threw your arms around my neck/Back when I deserved it.” “We Were Happy” has both Liz Rose *and* Aaron Dessner in the credits, making this the perfect storm of Taylor weepers.Best line: “Oh, I hate those voices telling me I’m not in love any more.” Press Association/AP 90 “Mad Woman” (2020) “They say ‘move on,’ but you know I won’t” — yes, we know. She’s always had a knack for songs about unrepentant old ladies, ever since her teens, and this “Mad Woman” could be Betty or Inez a few years down the line. But she could also be the heroine of “Dear John” or “15,” all grown up.Best line: “Women like hunting witches too / Doing your dirtiest work for you / It’s obvious that wanting me dead has really brought you two together. Frank Micelotta/PictureGroup/Shutterstock 89 “London Boy” (2019) Nice one, London! You have inspired a Taylor Travelogue even more over-the-top than “Welcome to New York,” with visits to Camden Market, SoHo, Highgate, and everyone’s favorite tourist destination, Hackney. As the English are so fond of saying, she over-eggs the pudding, and no wonder some skeptics got their knickers in a twist, but her Britpop tribute evokes the louche music-hall parodies of London bands from Madness to Blur. (She’s clearly been bumping Side One of Parklife.) The best part of this song is its wide-eyed enthusiasm, the least London of emotions. We need more of these, please — maybe she’ll do “Paris, Je T’Aime” or “Arigato Kyoto.”Best line: “Stick with me, I’m your queen / Like a Tennessee Stella McCartney on the Heath. David Fisher/Shutterstock 88 “The Moment I Knew” (2012) A somber piano ballad about getting stood up on your 21st birthday. This song got a major boost from the sequel “Happiness,” which Taylor happened to release exactly ten years after the party — just in time for her 31st birthday. But it stands out even more on Red (Taylor’s Version), as a companion piece to the expanded “All Too Well.” Has there ever been a more momentous birthday party in music history?Best line: “There in the bathroom/I try not to fall apart.” TAS Rights Management 2021/Getty Images 87 “Dorothea” (2020) Could this be a hidden sequel to the Romantic poetry fetish of “The Lakes”? Dorothy was Wordsworth’s sister, muse and closest companion, just as Augusta was Lord Byron’s sister. “Dorothea” is the flip side to “’Tis the Damn Season,” sending a long-distance dedication to an old flame who moved on to a shinier life in Hollywood.Best line: “The stars in your eyes shined brighter in Tupelo.” Tyler Golden/NBCU Photo Bank/NBCUniversal via Getty Images 86 “You Are in Love” (2014) Another through-the-years romance, featuring a snowglobe. This 1989 outtake was underrated for years, until she cleverly interpolated it into the “Lover” video — where it all takes place inside the snowglobe.Best line: “For once you let go of your fears and your ghosts.” 85 “Love Story” (2008) Romeo meets Juliet: Proof that star-crossed teen romances never go out of style. But changing the plot of Romeo and Juliet so these two crazy kids end up together — now that’s some endearing Taylor hubris. She keeps going back to the well of Shakespearean tragedy, quoting Julius Caesar in the “Look What You Made Me Do” video. It’s never been clear what the line, “I was a scarlet letter,” is doing in this song, but now it’s a hint that Tay was just a few years away from going Full Hester Prynne in “New Romantics.”Best line: “Just say yes.” Beth Garrabrant* 84 “Exile,” With Bon Iver (2020) Back when Taylor broke up with that hipster dude in 2012, the one into “some indie record that’s much cooler than mine,” he was probably listening to Bon Iver. (“Beth/Rest,” damn.) She and Justin Vernon blend their very different voices, for the story of a Romeo and Juliet who never learned how to read each other’s minds. At first it sounded like their vocals just don’t fit together — yet that’s what the song is about. It really soars in the final minutes, as the piano and strings build.Best line: “Like you’d get your knuckles bloody for me / Second, third, and hundredth chances / Balancing on breaking branches / Those eyes add insult to injury.” John Shearer/Getty Images 83 “Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince” (2019) She wrote this Lana-esque tale as a political allegory — looking at the whole country as one big high school where the damsels are depressed, and the mean cheerleaders leer at bad, bad girls.Best line: “The whole school is rolling fake dice / You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.” Kristina Bumphrey/Starpix/Shutterstock 82 “I Know Places” (2014) She goes all Kate Bush, pursued across the moors by the hounds of love. This 1989 deep cut is underrated, but count on “I Know Places” to loom large in her canon over the years.Best line: “My love, they are the hunters, we are the foxes.” Evan Agostini/Invision/AP 81 “Hoax” (2020) A desolate break-up lament, lifted by Aaron Dessner’s melancholy piano. Every Taylor album needs a tragic New York City romance, and “Hoax” revisits the holy ground where she’s loved and lost before — even on her least metropolitan album. “You know you won so what’s the point of keeping score?” is an apt question from such a compulsive emotional score-keeper.Best line: “Don’t want no other shade of blue but you.” 80 “Picture to Burn” (2006) The dawn of Petty AF Tay, as she serves her ex beatdown threats. Every boy who ever complained when Taylor wrote about him – this is where you officially got fair warning.Best line: “Watch me strike a match on all my wasted time.” 79 “The Best Day” (2008) Her tribute to Mama Swift. A weapons-grade tearjerker and not to be trifled with in a public place. NSFW, unless you are a professional crier.Best line: “You were on my side/Even when I was wrong.” 78 “The Story of Us” (2010) You could credit this song with single-handedly driving John Mayer out of the pop heartthrob business and into the Grateful Dead – which is just one of the things to love about it. Along with the Joey Ramone-style way she says, “Next chapter!”Best line: “See me nervously pulling at my clothes and trying to look busy.” Load Previous Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP 77 “Invisible String” (2020) “Cold was the steel of my axe to grind for the boys who broke my heart / Now I send their babies presents” — let the record show that Taylor dropped this line into the world two days after Joe Jonas became a dad. It’s official: she plans literally everything. “Invisible String” revisits some of the places she’s traveled, with a color and a memory for each one, over acoustic finger-picking.Best line: “Green was the color of the grass where I used to read at Centennial Park.” View Complete List Charles Sykes/Invision/AP/Shutterstock 76 “How You Get the Girl” (2014) A seminar on girl hearts and the wooing thereof, with Coach Taylor offering a pep talk to girl-curious boys everywhere. She busts out her trusty acoustic guitar, teardrop stains and all, just to turn it into a beatbox.Best line: “Stand there like a ghost shaking from the rain / She’ll open up the door and say ‘Are you insane?’” Youtube 75 “Renegade,” With Big Red Machine (2021) Good question, Taylor: “Is it insensitive for me to say, ‘Get your shit together so I can love you?’” She joins her kindred spirits Aaron Dessner and Justin Vernon in their band Big Red Machine, in this highlight from their album How Long Do You Think It’s Gonna Last? “Renegade” is a love story where she’s trying to brighten the world of somebody who’s in love with the darkness. It could be her answer song to the Eagles’ “Desperado,” except with a bit more in the human compassion department.Best line: “There was nowhere for me to stay/But I stayed anyway.” Damian Dovarganes/AP/Shutterstock 74 “Hey Stephen” (2008) Loaded with classic girl-group flourishes, right from the opening “Be My Baby” drum beat. Plus, it begins and ends with her finest humming solos. If she wanted to hum on every song, she could make that work.Best line: “All those other girls, well, they’re beautiful/But would they write a song for you?” Matt Winkelmeyer/TAS18/Getty Images 73 “Babe” (2021) Taylor wrote “Babe” with Train’s Patrick Monahan, but tossed it to the babes of Sugarland. She sang lethal back-up vocals on their 2018 hit version — not to mention playing the femme-fatale supervillain in the Mad Men-style video. But it was worth the wait to get her own version on Red (Taylor’s Version), with Tay lingering over the “promises, promises” hook.Best line: “This is the last time I’ll ever call you ‘babe.’” Ethan Miller/Getty Images 72 “Should’ve Said No” (2006) A pissed-off highlight of the debut, with an Oasis-worthy chorus. Savor the perfect Liam Gallagher way she milks the vowels of “begging for forgiveness at my fee-ee-eet.”Best line: “It was a moment of weakness, and you said yes.” 71 “White Horse” (2008) Teen Romantic Tay meets Bitter Adult Tay in a superbly disenchanted breakup ballad that gives up on princesses and fairy tales.Best line: “I’m not the one you’ll sweep off her feet/Lead up the stairwell.” Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP 70 “Illict Affairs” (2020) A cheating ballad that can turn me into a godforsaken mess any time. The guitar has a wistful “Last Kiss” tinge, except instead of sneaking peeks at an ex’s social-media photos, it’s all sordid meetings in the parking lot, where all getaway cars end up. The muted regret boils over in the bridge, as she snarls: “Don’t call me kid, don’t call me baby.” The definitive version is from The Long Pond Studio Sessions, with Aaron Dessner stretching out on guitar.Best line: “Take the words for what they are/A dwindling, mercurial high/A drug that only worked the first few hundred times.” Matt Sayles/Invision/AP/Shutterstock 69 “Come Back…Be Here” (2012) A yearning prayer for a rock & roll boy on tour, weak in the knees as she pleads for him to jet back on any terms he chooses.Best line: “I guess you’re in London today.” 68 “Teardrops on My Guitar” (2006) One of her defining early smashes – and the one that marked her crucial crossover to the minivan-mom adult audience, where country stars do most of their business. It also inspired the first anti-Taylor answer song – Joe Jonas sang, “I’m done with superstars/And all the tears on her guitar” in 2009, on the JoBros’ instantly forgotten Lines, Vines and Trying Times. She added a P.S. years later in “Invisible String,” after she and Joe became friends again — proof that her songs just go on rewriting themselves.Best line: “Drew walks by me / Can he tell that I can’t breathe?” Christopher Polk/Getty Images 67 “Sad Beautiful Tragic” (2012) She must have heard a Mazzy Star song on the radio that morning and thought, “Hey, this sounds like fun.” All the details are in place, from her woozy Hope Sandoval mumble to the way it nails Sandoval’s exact tambourine sound. Such an underrated Red gem, one she’s almost never sung live, but it was one of her templates for the sound of Folklore — Mazzy Swift rights forever. Would any other songwriter on Earth have the sheer gall to get away with that title? Let’s hope nobody tries.Best line: “You’ve got your demons, and, darling, they all look like me.” Frank Micelotta/PictureGroup/Shutterstock 66 “It’s Nice to Have a Friend” (2019) The most divisive track on Lover — but for those of us who cherish this song, it’s a tiny little haiku miracle. That harp. Those steel drums. That creepy Lost Boys choir. That “Moonlight Mile” guitar. The childhood vibe evokes the White Stripes’ “We’re Going to Be Friends,” but it’s all her. Also, love how this story starts with a lost glove — seven years after the lost scarf in “All Too Well.” Best line: “Call my bluff / Call you ‘babe.’” Kevin Mazur/TAS18/Getty Images 65 “I Did Something Bad” (2017) Wait, she fell in love with a narcissist? Who saw that coming? Despite the Eurodisco bleeps and bloops, this is a total Nineties grunge-rock rager – she switches into Eddie Vedder/Scott Weiland mode when she growls that “over and over and over again if IIII could.” This is just waiting for her to turn it into a head-banging live guitar monster.Best line: “I never trust a playboy but they love me / So I fly ’em all around the world and I let them think they saved me.” 64 “Mine” (2010) “You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter” is one of those hooks where she seems to cram a whole life story into one line.Best line: “I was a flight risk with a fear of falling.” Mat Hayward/GC Images 63 “The Lakes” (2020) Let’s face it: Swift has trained us to expect the unexpected, but nobody guessed she’d crown Folklore with the best song ever about 19th century Romantic poets. (Only competition: Van Morrison’s “Summertime in England.”) In “The Lakes,” she wanders the Windermere Peaks in the footsteps of William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. It’s her answer to Wordsworth’s “Tintern Abbey,” as she roams the wide open spaces so she can listen to “the still sad music of humanity.” As a Wordsworth fanatic, I’m grateful this song exists (“Peele Castle” Hive, rise!) and Tay should keep it going with the lit fan-fic — maybe Emily Dickinson or Gertrude Stein next?Best line: “I want auroras and sad prose/I want to watch wisteria grow.” Kevin Winter/Getty Images 62 “The Man” (2019) Imagine a timeline where Taylor released this as the first single from Reputation, instead of “Look What You Made Me Do.” It’s safe to say people might have gotten the message faster. “The Man” is the sharpest feminist anthem she’s written (so far). The unspoken subtext: If these dudes had to spend a day in her shoes, they’d crumble like a soggy chunk of feta cheese.Best line: “When everyone believes you, what’s that like?” Listen here. JMEnternational/JMEnternational for BRIT Awards/Getty Images 61 “Mr. Perfectly Fine” (2021) The opening act of Mr. Casually Cruel, a guy Taylor has kept meeting in her songs ever since. How did she possibly leave a song this strong off Fearless? Because she clearly figured that she needed to save “casually cruel” for an even better song a few years down the road. (One Mr. Casually Cruel wears “a well-pressed suit,” the other wears plaid shirts.) Poor Joe Jonas—now all her exes know that Taylor sends their babies presents, it means there’s a song on the way. “Mr. Perfectly Fine” was the song that truly proved her Taylor’s Version project was for real—the outtakes from her vault weren’t leftovers or juvenalia, but bona fide Swift songs. Never be so casual you forget to be cruel; never be so cruel you forget to be casual.Best line: “Sashay away to your seat/It’s the best seat in the best room.” Frazer Harrison/Getty Images 60 “Cowboy Like Me” (2020) Taylor never really had a thing for cowboys, even in her country days, so it makes sense she’d rather be the cowboy than rope one for herself. She’s a grifter swindling her sugar daddies, until she falls for a fellow con artist. But they don’t know if they can give up the thrills of the chase — the same old dilemma of “you love the players and you love the game.” Aaron Dessner’s guitar adds the right touch of country-rock. “I’m waiting by the phone like I’m in an airport bar” is one of the best old-media jokes on an album that also has centerfolds and VHS tapes.Best line: “The skeletons in both our closets plotted hard to fuck this up.” 59 “Wildest Dreams” (2014) You rang, Goth Taylor? At first this might have seemed like a minor pleasure on 1989, but it really sounds stronger and stronger over the years, especially when she hiccups the words “my last request ih-is.” The video features giraffes and zebras.Best line: “He’s so tall and handsome as hell/He’s so bad, but he does it so well.” Beth Garrabrant* 58 “I Bet You Think About Me,” With Chris Stapleton (2021) This rowdy hell-raising saloon sing-along about a rich ex is a delightful honky-tonk jam — the kind of straight-up Nashville vibe she was about to leave behind. In the classic “Friends in Low Places” country tradition, she taunts him for his “organic shoes” and “cool indie music concerts.” Which in 2012 meant he was into the National and Bon Iver.Best line: “The girl in your bed has a fine pedigree/And I bet your friends tell you she’s better than me.” imageSPACE/Shutterstock 57 “Daylight” (2019) The finale of Lover, and a passionate sequel to “Clean.” “Daylight” takes off in the final minute when she gives a soliloquy that sounds like one of those 2 a.m. voice memos you forget about until you find them on your phone weeks later. “I wanna be defined by the things I love, not the things I’m afraid of” — it’s an affirmation to believe in.Best line: “I once believed love would be burning red, but it’s golden.”
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