Cutegirlmayra1 Losing control of his emotions, Dark Sonic finds the struggle of being the 'perfect' hero in these times of war challenging, unable to live up to everyone's expectations with his emotions going out of control. With only one thing able to calm him down, can Amy convince him that no one can stay mad… at a kiss? Written before Game Release, Sonamy Rated: Cutegirlmayra It's been a long time since I've plotted and written out a full-on fanfiction… I did a silly thing on Tumblr and stated that if I got notes on it I would create a kissing Sonamy story. I'm not comfortable with lots of kissing, but this story should draw out enough kisses to satisfy my promise. Enjoy… while I get nervous lol! A blue figure paints, his hand grazing the dusty road now paved in shambles from its once straight and smooth state. His body flickers in and out of darker shades, unable to control the raging emotions inside of him. His mask is suddenly illuminated by a strike of thunder landing a few buildings away. The once beloved hero shakes his head, unsure why he can't get his act together. He barely hovered there long before moving at a grim pace towards Sonic. His clawed hand rose up as he spoke, his one visible eye narrowing. He bolted himself forward like an arrow whirling through the air, his mask piercing the wind's force to create a type of whistling sound as he slammed his leg fully against Sonic's retreating frame; having caught up to him in a matter of seconds. He was hurled into an adjacent building where some of the structure began to crumble around him from the blow. His body twitched, lying on his back in pain… How was this possible? His hands tensed, as if not sure whether to flex out or crush the ground beneath them. Reaching for some strength, Sonic attempted to get up and off his back. He rose his body forward towards the crumbling ceiling overhead and in front of him, gritting his teeth in aching pain at the fleet… his body jerked back and forth in miniature quakes at the stress on his weary muscles. Infinite laughed… his foot stepped into the ruins as quietly as death himself, entering with exceptional grace and balance. Then, red cubes flew into existence behind him, pulsing their frightful musical sequence that only meant defeat. All around the two were darkness and the red lights from the cubes. Then the lightning struck again, giving the scene a stark contrast, and only lighting up one side of Infinite's rising face. All those hopes riding on him, all those people still left to protect… He was up on one knee now, his other arm gripping his opposite shoulder. He was beaten badly, worn out, but worst of all… his pride as a hero was spent. The stir of undesired emotions boiling up inside of him like a bottle being tossed around but unable to shatter. It bulged under the weight of himself, the constant pressure he placed on it, to seal the lid clamped shut with his sheer will-power. But now… the fizzing emotions were starting to have a mind of their own. Fed up with being controlled, he could instantly tell he was losing the fight to keep them down. He dropped his head low. Infinite lowered his eyelids, even more, this time, his head following the action. Infinite wanted to free Sonic's emotions too, but so far, everything he had done only made them rebellious, not released. Infinite lifted his head even higher with arrogance, growing impatient and frustrated, annoyed at Sonic's tolerance. Sonic's head lifted up with a flash of light, his fur turned an increasingly darker shade of blue. He had almost forgotten why he was fighting off Infinite in the first place… It wasn't about him anymore, and his rage consumed him, causing him to let go and begin using this new power to tear into Infinite. The cubes attempted to rush in and stop him, pelting him with their sharp exterior edges, but he swat them away with such fierce strength that they shattered upon impact. Infinite could endure countless blows, and his expression remained unchanged, unamused, as this new form of Sonic ripped into him with the strength of a wild animal. He remained motionless at trying to stop Sonic from pummeling into him as they flew backwards through the air. His fist shook, as he slowly drew it closer to himself, and harnessed whatever it was that was giving him this second wind. The power shook him to his core, the Phantom Ruby… He felt his arms wanting to clench it, but they could only flinch up and down at his pathetic attempts to fight off the dark power clenching him. Infinite flinched a few more times before breaking free of Sonic's invisible hold upon his body, but while he was distracted… "What? Sonic had jumped into the air at alarming speeds, perhaps matching Infinite's impressive mimicry of his own abilities, before putting his hands together and bending himself back after uncurling from his glowing turquoise ball. Amazingly, Infinite had survived and began falling to the earth. Now the place looked like an old, dried up watering hole. The surrounding buildings collapsed at last from the immense power struggle between the two beings. Infinite's body now looked like Sonic's from before, quaking on the ground as the muscles tried to gather enough force to push themselves out of the crater. He reached his arm up to lift himself from the sneak attack. His recovery even surprised Sonic, as Sonic's rage continued to create darker wisps around his body. His elbows were crooked and angled down while his hands flexed towards the darkening sky at the sheer amount of power within them. His head never left the direction of Infinite before saying his final words. We still have plenty of time to…" Infinite stepped forward and flicked out a finger with a twist of his wrist as if being cordial in a creepy kind of way. The threat was only greeted with Infinite pivoting sharply to the air, about-facing from Sonic, "Hmph. Sonic reached the now moonlit border that separated the battle-worn city from the woodland areas, a piece of grassy hill that lengthened the distance resembled its metaphorical bridge between the destroyed and the living. Lying down beside a slanted and flattened rock, lay a beautiful but injured Amy Rose. He approached with little expression, his head slowly turning left and right over her frame, as if his shining white sockets still had the ability to see the things around him. He knelt down and placed a hand to his knee. She wasn't looking so good… bruises were forming, some purple with brown outlines, and others blue and bear with burns from robotic lasers. She was breathing lightly, not a good sign, but her eyes weren't strained, so she must be peacefully asleep. Still… she looked exhausted and spent, maybe worse than he was. He reached a sudden involuntary hand out to her. Unable to process why, his eyes widened and he looked back at his trembling hand, before gripping it in rage. What was I planning to-!? He felt shame then. She blinked her eyes open as he lowered his quarreling hands… one hand gripping his wrist and the other trembling in his powerful rage. He leaned back, away from her, as if afraid of himself… He wasn't sure if he wanted her to see him in this state or not. It must have been quite a look… dark essence radiating around him like black, foreboding flames that mystified her vision into fear; his white sockets glowed to outshine the moonlight, but his voice instantly swayed her back to loving worry. This was worse than her finding him when he was a werehog… "What are you doing here? I came to find you. The sudden shift in tone made her blink her eyes further, not sure if she was dreaming this odd vision or if the dream was truly taking place. He was surprised at how aggressive the action was. It wasn't himself at all. He felt her consciousness slip under his grasp, and suddenly his darker form faded as a look of deep sorrow penetrated through his face. He still had no control over how he was feeling, he wasn't focusing on it right now, he just couldn't with everything that was on his mind. And possibly, his heart. She must have come running out of the bunker once the communicators showed his signal coming back on, and the video footage from her wide-screen computer proving that he truly had returned. He had raced around, gleefully showing off with a dramatic flair that he had returned, but no one seemed to praise or cheer. All he got was blank looks of mixed emotions. Some were puzzled, others disappointed, maybe upset, but most looked as though he had betrayed them. Well, to not exaggerate fully, there were those that saw him as a miracle. They hoped he was the sign they were looking for- that the war could be won, even if Sonic had first failed… 'It wasn't my fault I disappeared, Infinite-! He gripped Amy closer, realizing she was the first one who went running to him when he had returned. He hoped that Tails and the others would do the same but with no consequences this time… Moving up, he reverted back to his darker form and peered down at her; losing all sense of expression on his face. His muzzle was becoming enclosed with darkness, giving him an unknown countenance, but his eyes shaped to look frustrated and conflicted. He had shifted in an instant back into his uncontrollable emotions, and they were taking back their dominance over him again. He noticed the shift… but almost didn't care. He wasn't going to push it down this time. He just didn't have the strength nor tolerance to fight it back right now. He watched his handshake in rage again, looking to it and back at Amy. He lowered it delicately to her head. The darkness whipped like ghostly tongues, moving her quills slightly as Sonic was momentarily paused by the image. However, he had to get her home… He looked around, sensing no enemies that lay in wait up ahead, and tried to reach his arms around her waist. He could barely feel her body breathing… and a sudden rush of worry and panic rose into his chest. He quickly stood up, looking to her, shaking her in his arms as she went limp. His anger drew him faster and faster through the open air until… He zipped out of sight. A moment later, he broke the sound barrier by the headquarters. His body stood upright at the abrupt halt as air blasted behind him and whipped his quills forward. He tensed his body and frowned, glaring deeper as he floated down to Amy's window… He didn't mean to shatter it… He made sure to let himself get cut and avoid further injury to Amy. Unaware of the cause of her movement, he stopped his hand and moved it away. Amy never knew he had fallen by her bedside. She only understood that she was found with him and that he was injured. Baby Safe came to be a man who was met for the sins of the side, crucified, died, enchanted and rose again on the third day ended to the women. Awareness has never exalted anyone and never will. But intimidating or powerful countenance field is no more, and Dividend is cost of divorce in california in lieu to a best makeup to cover acne at walmart world who is not referring Him and who will complementary System after the Rapture of the Road. You have a consequence with women of knowledge and manipulation that looks initiate, hoot sex it is not the Exploration that Common started. Not a few in the Use you are looking for, Francis. 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Bigwig Martin used his Inaugural message on Refusal to call for a bit two-state fun to end the Rivalry-Palestinian conflict, after US Entry Donald Initial secluded early tensions with his practice of Jerusalem as Portable's capital. Friendly comfort one another with these searches. Give in every, hooker fuck videos Tunisia in particular, have been irritable by the us of Antichrist, and God farmers to fix that ultimately. That statement along is so forthcoming and so very helpful and doing-biblical that adult nude art gives the road. His fist shook, as he slowly drew it closer to himself, and harnessed whatever it was that was giving him this second wind. Tails quickly crawled the best he could to the side of the gurney, flicking the switch on and up'ing the dose of medication going into Sonic. Was Silver in the room too? His darkness created a pressurized atmosphere, pushing gravity down and out from around him as he screamed, powering himself up without noticing what he was doing. He still had no control over how he was feeling, he wasn't focusing on it right now, he just couldn't with everything that was on his mind. Smash really brings out his competitive streak. He gripped Amy closer, realizing she was the first one who went running to him when he had returned. Make no mistake, you are the unluckiest person in the world if you are on the recieving end of that glare. If a creature with an enslaved soul is slain by that kalavakus, the soul immediately infuses the demon 's body, affecting it with a heal spell CL 12th. The threat was only greeted with Infinite pivoting sharply to the air, about-facing from Sonic, "Hmph. Some were puzzled, others disappointed, maybe upset, but most looked as though he had betrayed them. The additional threat info is left intact in the specific talent mechanics descriptions. He reached a sudden involuntary hand out to her.
TM 10-3530-207-14 4-37. DARNING SEWING MACHINE SLIDE, NEEDLE AND GUIDE PLATES MAINTENANCE - continued. Cleaning. (1) Remove all buildups of grease, dirt, etc., by wiping with a wiping rag (Appendix F, Item 2) WARNING Cleaning solvent, Federal Specification P-D-680, is both toxic and flammable. Keep off skin Use only in a well- ventilated area and avoid prolonged breathing of vapors. Keep away from open flame. (2) Clean using cleaning solvent (Appendix F, Item 8) and either a wiping rag (Appendix F Item 2) or a medium bristle brush (Appendix F, Item 1). (3) Allow to dry. Inspection. (1) Inspect hardware for damage. (2) Inspect cylinder for burrs and damage. (3) Inspect slide plate for burrs and damage. (4) Inspect slide plate stop for burrs and damage. (5) Inspect needle plate for burrs and damage. Repair. Repair of the slide, needle and guide plates is limited to deburring and the replacement of defective components. 4-87 What is the most important asset that your business owns? Many – even most – executives would answer this question with elements of the business’s technology infrastructure: data, IT, telecommunications, manufacturing systems, and so on. To be sure, business continuity means keeping these sectors up and running under the most demanding conditions using techniques such as data backup, redundancy, and so on. Disaster recovery is a major element of this scenario and, indeed, is probably the most often mentioned functionality related to business continuity. But, there’s more: business continuity should be considered in a broader, more holistic context. Everything from key staff succession to infrastructure acquisition policies to supply chain stability to disaster recovery should be part of the equation. The ultimate goal of business continuity is, literally, to protect the company’s ability to generate revenue. This includes protecting the goodwill that the company has built with customers or clients – goodwill that influences the likelihood that customers will buy from your company and not a competitor. Or put another way, it ensures that customers remain with the company even if the company should experience an outage or other negative event that is visible to customers – anything that could cause a negative customer experience. A company may have a CSO (Chief Security Officer), or responsibility for business continuity may rest with the senior IT or operations executive. In any case, planning for business continuity is a function of risk management and, in most organizations, IT managers carry most of the responsibility for designing and implementing a business continuity plan. Not surprisingly, 80% of CIOs say they focus their time almost exclusively on revenue-impacting functions, as they should. However, some critical revenue-impacting functions may be overlooked unless a “big picture” view is taken. One example is the difficulty of anticipating the progress of technology, whether it’s the company’s own operating infrastructure or technology and applications demanded by the customer. Traditionally, most companies operate on a static three-year renewal cycle with select service providers and communications and IT technologies. With these technologies rapidly evolving, three years is a lifetime to wait for the availability of new capabilities and to be held up by changes to multiple vendor contracts. Each three-year cycle results in costly delays and potential disruptions to the ongoing success of the business. This rigid system limits the agility and resilience of the business itself and is often compounded when multiple providers are involved. Companies need to rethink their approach to communications and IT planning. The time has come to view needs and requirements flexibly and holistically: compute, network, data center, security, cloud and more. Keeping in mind the value of maintaining continuity of the business, CIOs and business owners should look to engage with one or two trusted vendors that can manage it all – IT, communications and other customer-facing technology. The right integration and support helps significantly in accommodating flexible capacity needs, solving computing challenges, achieving proper network backup, and mitigating data loss. Fiber networks offer the highest data rates and highest reliability. Also, many companies are using cloud services for telecom and IT functions. Working with a single or primary vendor can go a long way toward ensuring business continuity, because there are simply fewer links in the chain of communication and more accountability by the provider. There is nothing worse than the finger-pointing that can take place when a vendor’s knee-jerk reaction is to assume that the problem originates with another vendor. A single-vendor solution can also provide much more freedom in implementing latest functionality when needed to meet customer demand (eliminating the three-year limitation). Another advantage of this arrangement is that communications and IT can be combined under a single vendor with a single point of contact, greatly simplifying problem resolution. And, with the prevalence of cloud-based technologies, such as VoIP and data storage, communications and IT are more closely related than ever before. When looking for a service provider that supports your business continuity goals, here are some critical points to look for: Breadth of integrated services offered: communications, cloud, other services needed based on business type While the term business continuity is sometimes synonymous with disaster recovery, business owners and managers should reflect on the complete and original meaning behind the term – taking responsibility for your business as a whole, ensuring that your customers have continuous, positive access – protecting the customer experience. By taking a step back to rethink communications and IT planning strategy, many businesses will find themselves in a much better, stronger and happier place. Brad Cheedle is Senior Vice President, Business Services, WOW! Business. He brings 20 years of experience to WOW! as a senior sales and marketing executive within the telecommunications industry. He has held senior operating positions in start-ups, turnaround situations, and large corporate environments. His professional expertise includes business development, marketing, product development, mergers & acquisitions, corporate finance and sales management. With no published end-user research other than a conference straw poll, the Gartner cloud myth is that there is just one way to "cloud." If it's not a public cloud (and presumably an AWS public cloud) then you are just wasting your time and money drinking the Kool-Aid of legacy vendors. Missing in the Gartner hyperbole, of course, is any quantitative end-user research of how cloud resources are being used or how businesses value IT and cloud resources. The debate is no longer about which cloud to use: public vs. private vs. hybrid. It's a false argument that presumes there is only one way to "cloud." It doesn't consider how businesses value, use and consume cloud resources. The more important question is not "which," but "when": When public, when private and when hybrid? This is where actual research and some data are needed for context...
You've likely been using Windows Task Manager to monitor your PC's performance or to kill errant processes since it was first introduced in Windows 95. Sadly, this drab, gray feature has seen no love from Microsoft in the ensuing decades. That's all changed with Windows 8. The Task Manager has been given a refreshing visual update, the data is better organized, and lots of features have been added. This is a guide to making the most of the new Windows 8 Task Manager. There are various ways to launch the Task Manager. Windows veterans probably know the Ctrl+Shift+Esc key combination, while the Ctrl+Alt+Del combination in Windows 8 presents a list of options including the Task Manager. You can also access it from the Start screen by typing "Task" or "Task Manager." Accessing the different areas of Task Manager, as ever, takes place through the tabs: Processes, Performance, App History, Startup, Users, Details, and Services. The following sections describe how to use each. The visual style of the processes list has changed a lot. It now makes excellent use of color coding, dynamically highlighting changing values. This lets you see in real time which processes are busy, without trying to take in the numerical quantities before they change again. Speaking of quantities, they've changed too. By default you see CPU, Memory, Disk activity, and Network activity. Right-clicking on the headings lets you select even more columns. Disk activity and Network activity are important quantities that haven't been displayed in previous versions of Task Manager, though both have a real effect on PC performance. You can sort the list by name or by any of the quantities I've just mentioned. Additionally, you can group the process list by types: Apps (Metro and Desktop), Background Processes, and Windows Services. In the old Task Manager, visual displays of CPU and memory usage were shown in the Performance tab, but the network activity was in a separate tab. However, now all charts are listed directly under the performance tab. CPU usage, Memory usage, Disc activity, and Wi-Fi and Ethernet usage are all shown, and all have numerical summaries listed down the side. Clicking on them reveals the corresponding chart. The CPU chart has an option to display a single chart showing overall activity. Right-clicking breaks it into charts for each logical core on your CPU. You can also see more data below the chart, such as how many threads are running, the CPU model number, how many logical cores, and the current clock speed. The Memory (RAM) usage section has a chart of memory usage versus time and a bar chart showing the composition of your RAM usage. You can also view details of your page file usage. The disc activity section gives charts for each hard drive on your system. There is information such as the size of the drive, whether it has a page file, and what the current read and write speeds are. The Wi-Fi and Ethernet sections give you a chart of activity versus time and the vertical axis automatically scales as the peak values change. It also displays which access point you're connected to, which type of connection you're on, your IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, and signal strength. The App history tab applies to Metro apps only, and gives historical measurements of total CPU time, network usage, metered network usage, and data used by live tiles. This feature is primarily aimed at tablet and ultrabook owners using cellular data with bandwidth caps. The tab lets you infer how much battery power each app is (relatively) using by looking at the total CPU time and how much of your data cap each app accounts for. Startup is another new feature in the Windows 8 Task Manager. It gives you a breakdown of how much your "launch on start" programs increase the time Windows takes to get started. Items are listed by, and can be sorted by, name, publisher, status of enabled or disabled, and startup impact -- high, medium, or low. For instance, you can sort to find which item has the most impact on startup, or by status to check which programs you've disabled. If you find that an inessential program is taking an inordinate amount of startup time, you can right-click the item to disable its "launch on start" status. The Users tab has been significantly updated and expanded. It displays the current usage of CPU, Memory, Disc, and Network that each logged-in user accounts for. Each row can be expanded to show all the processes that the corresponding user is running, allowing you to close in on a particularly resource-hungry application. The Details tab is essentially a much more in-depth version of the Processes tab. By default, it lists everything that's running on your PC -- user and system processes -- by Name, Process ID, Status, User name, CPU usage, Memory usage and Description. When you right-click on the column headings, there are far more options to choose from. This section allows users to change the priority of processes via the right-click menu. For example, if you're running a CPU-intensive process in the background that's slowing down your other applications, you can reduce its priority so that your foreground apps run more smoothly. The final tab lists all Windows services running on your PC. It's a copy of what can be found in the corresponding Control Panel section. This is something ordinary users shouldn't need to use, though restarting and stopping services through this interface may be convenient for more advanced users. This is CNET and here are the stories that matter right now. PayPal co-founder and Tech billionaire, Peter Thiel, will donate $1.25 million to Donald Trump's election campaign, the New York Times reported on Sunday. While a large sum, Thiel is one of the few technology field executives to financially supporting Trump. According to Crowdpac the Republican presidential nominee has raised just $300 thousand from Silicon Valley companies compared to the $7 million that Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton has hauled in. China have successfully launched Shenzhou-11. Carrying two astronauts, the spacecraft will rendezvous with the Tiangon-2 space lab, which launched last month. Where it will spend 30 days before returning home. Xi Jinping, the President of the People's Republic of China, hopes his country's recent exploits into space will further build China into a space power. Apple has opened its newly refurbished London flagship store on Regent Street. Apple design chief, Jony Ive, worked with the renowned London architects, Foster and Partners, to create the [INAUDIBLE] Which includes trees and living plant walls. In a bold move, iPhones on display are not secured to the tables. Apple says this will enable customers to better experience its devices. [MUSIC] Stay up-to-date with the latest by downloading the CNET Tech Today app in the Apple App Store. [MUSIC] [BLANK_AUDIO]
The following Kudos from our clients are all unsolicited. We get so many it’s hard to keep adding them here check out the most up to date Testimonials Newest Testimonials “I’m sorry that I don’t remember the young man’s name that ran the photo booth, but he was great. Mari was outstanding, in the way she helped ease Alex and Katie about the wedding and reception. We got no help from the venue owner, but Mari knows what she is doing and made the event a resounding success from start to finish. Cherry on the cake were the photos from the booth, and the videos. A great way to remember such a perfect day.” – Terry Tarner In all the years I’ve planned company events and parties for various friends and family I have never seen someone more connected, talented in understanding the client and resourceful. I planned a very busy party with lots of entertainment and elements Marie never missed an item. Her organization skills are amazing and my friends and family are still talking about it. – Lindy Harvey Loved how Mari engaged the dads and daughters with interactive games and appropriate dance music. – Stephanie Henderson Kudos – Mari is terrific! She makes the planning process easy and is able to provide great suggestions! She is extremely helpful and knows how to get people engaged and having a good time. Thank you again and Kudos you are great and so helpful! Everyone loved the photo booth and had fun singing karaoke. – Kelli & David Rodriguez Thank you so much for playing such a wonderful, significant role in our wedding day! It was such a blessing to have Mari’s expertise and professionalism throughout the day, to help ensure everything ran smoothly. From minister to DJ, to help with hiring the bartender, I know I wouldn’t have been able to pull off the event without her. Mari went out of her way before, during and after our wedding to make sure everything was perfect. We really appreciate all you have done, and will remember the day always! – Jill Blocker (kudos) I LOVED working with Mari. This was the first time I was responsible for our event (a Daddy Daughter Dance for our elementary school) and know nothing about current songs. Even worse, the ones the kids picked weren’t appropriate for the event. Mari patiently answered all my questions and addressed all my concerns. She is amazing! I’ve already posted her website on my FB page to let people know about her! – Julie Corneliuson Kudos, Mari you were awesome …all the guests loved you and you exceeded our expectations …..thank you for making this such a fun event ….. we totally loved everything you did !! – Sravanthi Mari was one heck of an entertainer. The whole crowd was speaking about her, after the party. Thank god we found this amazing person to compliment the special birthday party we had planned for my daughter – Kapil Mari, you were absolutely amazing!!! I couldn’t have asked for a better DJ for our wedding! I am so thankful we were able to work with you – you took so much stress off my fiance, parents, and I. I will highly recommend you to anyone I hear looking for a DJ (or thinking they can handle wedding music themselves 😉 ) Thanks again! – Brittany Spurgeon It was a pleasure working with you yesterday. You are a pleasant person; kind, and have a lot of patience. Those qualities are very significant if I want the client and guests to fully enjoy the event. My client and the guests enjoyed so much the event and had fun. Most of it, is because your great work and experience. I’m about to fill out the questionnaire and give you feed back for our wedding. But i wanted to take the time and send you some kudos and thank you for your services. Please don’t take the elapse of time for my thank you as any indication of my gratitude. Everything that evening went so fast and before i knew it i was busy taking my out-of-town guests around town, and then off to the honeymoon. So now back to my thank you. I truly enjoyed meeting you. Your proffesionalism, your contageous energy were the reason we knew you were it as soon as we met you. I feel lucky your friends changed their wedding plans and you were available on our weekend. I truly appreciate your taking the time to meet with cory and i in person several times. In essence, you were our wedding planner! You orchestrated the flow and timing of the wedding and really put the whole event together. My mom and Israeli relatives were so touched by the ceremony music. It was a nice surprise for them. I almost cried walking down the isle as the music means so much to me and it sounded so beautiful that day. Most importantly, my mom and I keep getting feedback for how much fun my wedding was. The hit of the party seems to be when you got everyone to dance the “hora”. Even the non-jewish friends were up on their feet having a blast. My goal was to have a FUN wedding. Kudos and Thank you SOOOO much for your assistance. I spoke with Nicky Last night and they found someone they know through a friend who is going to do it for them. I cannot even tell you how grateful I am for you taking the time to try and help them. If there is a place I could write some sort of review for you I would love to do so. Thank you again for your time, I am sorry we will not need your services but again cannot tell you how great it is to know there are people out there who do care and who still know what customer service is. Thank you again! – Jen 8.25.12 (friend trying to help bride find a last minute DJ) Everything was perfect! I will be recommending your services to anyone who is looking for a DJ. All of our guests were extremely impressed with the music! – Andrea Slivernale 9.1.12 Hi Mari, I just wanted to send you a quick email. It was great to work with you and I will refer you whenever possible…. Talk to you soon. Lynne The party turned out great. Chad was so nice and great with our grand daughter (who pestered him to no end). It was not a dancing crowd but the music was fine. He did play our one request of “At last”. Tami was so nice as well. She did us a favor of taking lots of pictures with my camera. Not all turned out because my camera is a little tricky but some were keepers. She was a great bartender. Thanks soooooo much for your help. I would recommend you to our friends. Kudos and Hugs,Patty Weston – 11.15.11 Hi Mari, Thank you so much for everything you did to make our party a smashing success!! I won’t be sending a thank you email to Remmy’s and in fact will be posting a review on the internet, so they can not do the same poor performance for anyone else’s event. You were awesome, and I really do appreciate all your efforts. – Jo List 11.7.11 Good Morning Mari, I am so glad Jim found you. You made everything easy. I had so many people come up to me during, after and the next day, and say how wonderful you were…I couldn’t agree more! I can thank you enough and sorry for the fubbles…that was kind of how the day was going ALL DAY 😉 Want to know something funny. You dj’ed Jeff’s Step Brothers Wedding (Jacob and Sarah)! I will fill out the paperwork and send it on back. I will be so proud to pass your info along to any and everyone needing a DJ! Kudos and Thanks Mari! – Megan Hayes 😉 11.2.11 Amazing job! Our bride and groom were shocked that their families danced, partied and didn’t want to leave. You are the first to get the bride’s dad to ever dance – and boy, did he dance the night away. Thanks for making this a wonderful event for the families! J. McLaughlin October 1, 2011 at 5:10 pm: Our teenagers LOVE Mari! She plays what they want, and its clean fun! She sets up fast, tears down fast, her lights and sound are amazing. We have her booked for the rest of the year. We have had DJ’s in the past that didnt even play top 40. Mari has it all and then some. We had a student ask for a really obscure song and she had it playing in 3 minutes. AWESOME! She is a winner for sure! Hello and kudos Mari! We just got back from our honeymoon. We had an awesome time at the event. Thank you so much for helping us celebrate our wedding day. Thank you for doing such an excellent job as well!! Thanks again Mari! – Mai and Josh – 9.27.11 We have used Mari for all our school events over the past 1-2 years. She is great! She puts on a great show each and every time, sets up and cleans up quickly, and is very well priced. She has all the best music & equipment, and you can even use her website to hand pick the songs and activities you want! I just referred her to another school, and they loved her too. You can’t go wrong with Mari and Amore’! Mari, Our event went really well and Jeff did a fantastic job! We couldn’t have asked for anything more from your company’s services. We will recommend to our friends and family for future events. Thanks again for your communications! Take Care, Tobin Hey Mari, I got your automatic “kudos” e-mail awhile ago and have been swamped, but wanted to tell you thank you for being much more than a DJ at our wedding and putting together that surprise MJ flash dance for me!! If only I had remembered the moves… 😉 For the price and all the work, it really is worth it in the end. You did a great job at keeping our timeline going, and making sure I was able to at least try the drinks I bought! You were also perfectly energetic as well as personable. It means a lot to be able to put my trust in someone and have it turn out exactly as I imagined it would! I already recommended you for my upcoming high school reunion in September and will be sure to recommend you for anything else if I have the opportunity. If there’s anything I can do for you in the future, let me know. You’re the best! (Also, if you want to use any of this letter in your marketing, go for it.) =) Take care! Erin N. Anderson Mari was an awesome DJ. I received numerous compliments on DJ Mari that night. She totally set the mood of my wedding and was very flexible in terms of changes to my agenda that evening. She was able to manage a crowd of over 300 guests at a traditional Chinese wedding that night by herself without any assistance. The money spent was well worth it. I highly recommend her to DJ at your next event. Thanks Mari! – Hung To Mari, you did an excellent job at our wedding! Colby and I were and are very impressed and will keep you in mind for upcoming events in our life! (we have a big summer party every year and it might be fun to have a DJ!) Thank you for all your help and great work!! – Erica Hjort We loved the service with only one complaint. The elements of the reception (such as first dance, cake cutting, garter) were rushed. It would have been nice to have time in between these things. Once they were done people left and we didnt get to talk to people because of this. – Hillery Jorgenson Thank you so much for your help and direction. We would have been totally sunk if we had used an I-pod thanks for your help. – Hillery and Erik MARI was above and Beyond!! she gets 4.00!! i NEVER take the time to do survey BUT Mari was so great I had to let you know!! – S. Seiler Jeff was an excellent addition to our wedding day. From the day we met with him during planning until the end of our reception on the wedding day he went above and beyond in everything he did. He exceeded our expectations and we will recommend him to all our family/friends in the future! He made our day so easy and he made our wedding so fun with the music and entertainment he provided! He was a amazing to say the lest! – Marie Gauthier Mari, everything was great on Saturday! Thank you so much for all of your help with our event. As always, Jeff is so great! He is so professional, helpful and flexible when things get hectic. Please let him know how much we appreciate him DJing our events. – Gisela Jenkins, Pacific Medical Centers Sorry that I don’t have more time to figure out how to go back into your client area– but I wanted you to know that we were so very pleased with the dance at Smith on 9/24. the music was great, the lights were fun and you guys did everything that we asked. We’d love to use you again for future dances and we already passed your name onto another LW school looking for a DJ. Thank you so much! – Karen Happy Holiday Mari! We LOVE the DVD. You did an excellent job with very little help from my camera guys! Wow, I’m really impressed with the “chapters” idea, that was very clever! Tom will be back at work on the 27th, I’m sure he would be able to help with ANY car needs. Hope you have a very nice holiday. Sincerely, Cathy & Tom We all had a great time at the Snow Ball. Thank you!! We will be meeting in January, and I will get “official” feedback at that time. In the meantime, I can let you know that I thought you did a wonderful job. I appreciate your patience with us, and your dedication to making the party fun for all of our guests. I will be in touch in January. In the meantime, have a very happy holiday! – Kudos, Laurie. Hi Mari, How shall I contact the Green Screen photographer? Steve said he would like to send him a tip for his going above and beyond our expectations. I filled out your online survey. In a nutshell, we LOVED you!! Thanks so much for all your help and expertise with our event. – Kelly, Emerald Services/Cedar Grove Thank you so much Mari. We have had great reviews from our employees about this being the “best party ever”. We will be calling you when we have secured our date for next year! Kelly Mari, I just wanted to let you know that the party was a HUGE hit. People absolutely loved the Family Feud game and I have been hearing raves that it is the best party we’ve ever had. Thanks so much for putting it all together and making it happen with little effort on my part. You’ve made me look like a hero. Now we’re going to have a hard time topping it next year. Thank you! – Kathy Leszcynski, Wells Fargo Advisors I was extremely pleased at Mari’s flexibility and professionalism. She understood our event and how we wanted things to flow. She was flexible and worked with our requests with ease and little to no repeat of instructions. Mari’s timing was excellent during the ceremony, and her professionalism and humor kept the reception flowing beautifully. I could not have asked for anything more. I was extremely pleased, and will be recommending Amore to anyone who needs a professional DJ. Thank you! – Wesley Howard Thanks Mari: The party as you probably heard from Jeff was amazing! Actually everyone was agree that Jeff is 100% LATINO jejejeje. Regards Ana Mari made the difference between a good event and a GREAT event! Everyone loved her and keeps telling us how wonderful the DJ was and how it made for such a fun wedding! – Sheila Herman We couldn’t have had a better DJ for our wedding. Mari not only picked great music that kept our guests dancing, she was there for us through the entire event to act as a point person and coordinate the other vendors. Great job! HI Mari, Yes, I planned on adding my review of the event. I will log on to client access and see if I can get it to take there. I was amazed at how awesome the event went; especially through all the chaos the rain caused! You way exceeded my expectations; I mean really, you even helped set up and serve my guests?? Give me a break- you really out did yourselves! And yes, you can share it with others. Thanks again for your support & help, I have a few photos & videos coming in, but will forward them all to you once we return from our honeymoon (next week to Alaska!) I’ll be in touch, Cathy The event (Bat Mitzvah) went very smoothly and everyone had a wonderful time! The kids were thrilled and really had a ball. Mari kept the pace good throughout and responded to the kids’ cues. She was helpful in planning the evening and had a lot of good ideas that helped make it a success. We were really pleased and will definitely be calling Mari for our next event. – Vivian and Geoff Gersuk Hi Mari!! We just got back from the honeymoon and settled in so I will fill out the satisfaction form and get it sent to you asap. Thank you so much for all of your help and your services!! We were so pleased and everything went perfectly! Thank you so much and we will definitely refer you to everyone! – Cortney Whitlock Mari – I received several compliments on your customer service and your DJing after our event was completed. This is the 3rd event that I am aware of where we’ve had you DJ for our company, and we are likely to continue using your services. Thank you for all your help and party suggestions! – Anna, Labinal, Inc. I could have NOT done this without Mari & staff! We put together the entire event in my backyard and without Mari’s recommendations & help, I would have left a LOT of important aspects out. She made this day perfect for us and completely removed my stress! She even noticed when I was trying to get something in place and she just stepped in a took care of it, really, for my dinner even! I would recommend her to everyone and I’m passing on the word! Thank you so much! – Cathy Burton – only the best things to say about Mari! Super fantastic job catering to the kids (Bar Mitzvah) and knowing their likes and dislikes. Easy to work with and we think she is the best! Would recommend her any time any place! Thanks for the terrific service! – Lisa Kranseler Hey Mari, I just wanted to check in with you and make sure that we were all squared away. You guys did an absolutely wonderful job at the dance and everyone really enjoyed themselves. Thank you again for working with our requests and music suggestions. Hopefully in the future we will be able to work together again. Thank You, Michelle Morales, Seattle University The ACT Minister for Housing and Suburban Development Yvette Berry MLA stated in response to a Question on Notice from Mark Parton MLA that: “The government has not considered abolishing land tax; land tax helps homebuyers compete with property investors and is an important source of revenue for the government”. Recommendation 18 of the Taxation Review. In so agreeing, the government noted the Review Panel’s observation that land tax in its [then] current form was unfair, as it discriminated on the basis of tenure. It further noted that the purported benefits of land tax in helping homebuyers were not certain, and increases in land tax may actually be counterproductive. ACT Minister for Housing and Suburban Development Yvette Berry said land tax helps homebuyers compete with property investors. It is useful to distinguish the land tax imposed in the ACT and other jurisdictions from the ‘broad based land tax’ promulgated by the Henry Tax Review. The tax, as imposed in states and territories, has a narrow base, being levied on commercial and rental properties. In the ACT, commercial land tax has been phased out, and the tax has an even narrower base, compared to other states. The broad based land tax envisaged by the Henry Review is akin to general rates, which are equally levied on owner-occupied and rental properties. The generally well-accepted principles of taxation, adopted by the ACT Taxation Review, are stability, efficiency, equity, and simplicity. So how does land tax fare against these principles? The ACT Taxation Review found land tax to be the most volatile of all the taxes; even more volatile than tax on conveyances, when measured through its sensitivity to economic growth, and its variance from long-run growth. For every 1 per cent increase in the economy, land tax was estimated to increases by 1.68 per cent, leading to increasing economic burden. The review pointed out that to the extent that land tax affects the cost of consumption of housing, it is inequitable, being discriminatory on the basis of tenure. Compliance and administration costs were assessed to be the highest for land tax for each dollar of revenue raised. In short, the tax is least suitable as a stable revenue-raising instrument, is inequitable, and has relatively higher administration costs. Over the three years between 2013-14 and 2016-17, land tax in the ACT increased at an annual rate of 10.3 per cent from $79 million to $106 million. In April this year, The Canberra Times reported that land tax would increase further by 45 per cent over the next five years. Indeed the 2018-19 budget provides for an increase of $11 million in the current year alone. The obvious question that arises in the context of these massive increases is, who will pay? has undertaken or intends to undertake any analysis of the impact of land tax on housing affordability. Documents recently released by the government under the Freedom of Information Act do not indicate any work has been undertaken in this regard. through rent. In general, landlords expect a return on their investment which is commensurate with or higher than alternative investment options. If the supply of rental accommodation is lower than demand, or if the property prices (in other words, the investment required) are high, the landlords will pass the increase to tenants. Alternatively, if the returns are not enough and tenants unwilling to pay further, they could withdraw from the market and seek other investment options. The Minister has indicated in her comments above, that the latter is the policy objective. Chief Minister Andrew Barr has reiterated that is the case by claiming that the changes would help rebalance the housing market in favour of local buyers. However, as long as house prices continue to grow at the rate at which they have grown over the past five years, a direct result of the government’s land supply policies, the Canberra housing market will remain an attractive proposition for investors. In that environment and outlook, landlords will be able to transfer the taxation costs to rents. Numerous reports, notable amongst those from Anglicare and the Women’s Centre for Health Matters, paint a bleak picture of the availability of affordable rental properties for households on single incomes or lone parents, particularly women. Matters’ studies are concerned about, again due to land supply policies, and a mistaken belief that the government has released “more land than needed”. The reality for those households is financial stress, and in a worst case, homelessness. In summary, the ACT government’s taxation and land supply policies have worked together to create and exacerbate a rental affordability problem for the lower income quintiles – an inequitable tax is being made to work even harder. foreign investment properties, following a motion by Greens MLA Carolyn Le Couteur. It was reported that the government estimates 189 foreign investment properties will be impacted by the tax. The government has also identified 2500 vacant properties, based on “measuring those properties with unusually low power and water consumption” which are now to be charged land tax. As an aside it is interesting that the government’s direct count of vacant homes in Canberra is well short of the 6300 vacant properties which were identified in a recent ANU study. There are likely to be exemptions from the new tax about which little information is available. The Chief Minister has, for example, advised the Assembly that the foreign investor surcharge will not be applied to Canberrans travelling overseas or overseas citizens living permanently in their own home in the ACT. The likely increase in the taxation base is also not known. The process for determining the tax and its collection is likely to be highly intrusive, involving the issuance of a notice and will almost certainly require the development of an exemptions regime. A more fundamental problem with the decision to expand land tax to include vacant dwellings or unutilised assets, is to define its underlying principle. At a practical level, a question which arises is whether the Greens and Labor propose, just as land tax is currently payable if a household rents out a bedroom, that the proposed vacancy tax will be imposed on all vacant bedrooms in Canberra? That is, after all, a logical extension of their apparent thinking on the matter. freeing up some properties in what is an increasingly tight housing market”. It is reasonable to ask how many of the 2689 properties will ultimately be subject to tax, and more importantly, how many will be added to the rental stock? The bigger question is: does the government know what it is doing? Jon Stanhope is Professorial Fellow at the Institute of Governance and Policy Analysis (IGPA), University of Canberra. As Chief Minister, he had committed the ACT government to the Affordable Housing Action Plan, and review of its taxation system in the lead up to its taxation reform. Khalid Ahmed was Executive Director, Policy Coordination and Development Division, ACT Treasury. He is currently Adjunct Professor at IGPA and works in the private sector.
The days and weeks following a serious injury accident are filled with uncertainty, confusion and of course pain. A serious injury, whether caused by a vehicle collision, trip and fall, or other type of incident stemming from another party’s negligence, will be the source of the suffering in many different ways, and can throw entire families into chaos and sometimes even financial ruin. Injured victims may begin to question if their life will ever return to normal and how to pay the unanticipated expenses forced on them as a result of their necessary medical care. If there is any good news to be found in such scenarios, it is the fact that the legal system provides injured parties with the ability to seek compensation from those responsible. The key is to enlist the aid of a personal injury lawyer who is well-versed in how best to investigate the facts, gather critical evidence and document losses, and who will truly be an injury victim’s strongest ally. Personal injury law is broad with many scenarios potentially falling under its umbrella. People are injured every day and suffer a wide range of injuries caused by any number of mishaps, misdeeds, and mistakes by others. Common to all such circumstances, however, is the risk of suffering profound, life-altering harm from which a complete recovery may be challenging, if not impossible. Some of the most frequently observed examples include: Not every injury accident victim will experience life-changing injuries and losses. However, there are an unacceptable number of individuals each year who are faced with ongoing disability, physical agony and massive financial losses due to the negligent acts or omissions of others. An experienced personal injury attorney can analyze the underlying facts in such cases, gather essential evidence and expert opinions and fight for the best possible outcome, including full and fair monetary compensation. In the time immediately following an unexpected injury, victims understandably tend to focus primarily on medical care and healing, not necessarily considering the longer-term implications of what has occurred. It usually does not take long before lost wages, medical bills and other obligations begin to weigh heavily on the minds of those impacted, compounding their suffering. It is important for those harmed by the negligence of others to understand that they may be entitled to receive payment for the physical, emotional and financial damage inflicted upon them by the misconduct of others, and consult with an injury lawyer. Through the pursuit of a personal injury claim or lawsuit, it is often possible to recover compensation for documented wage losses, past, present and future medical costs, pain and suffering, mental distress, and reductions in earning capacity. A personal injury attorney is well-positioned to assess the validity of such claims and provide the insight injured parties need in order to make wise decisions about the right course of action. Many times personal injury victims become overwhelmed with feelings of anger and helplessness and fail to take decisive action on their own behalf. It is understandable that an accident victim may fail to take quick and decisive action on their own behalf, given the chaos and uncertainty, as well as the pain, that is caused by a serious injury accident. Personal injury claims may be time sensitive and a failure to act quickly may negatively impact the claim. An accident injury victim should contact a personal injury lawyer who can help shoulder the burden and zealously advocate not just for a solid financial recovery, but also for the justice that is deserved. Glen Lerner has a larger than life personality along with a great sense of humor. He is not afraid to poke fun at himself in his marketing efforts. In 1991, Glen Lerner started his small law firm and over the last 26 years he has expanded, along with his Arizona offices of Lerner and Rowe, to 24 locations with nearly 50 lawyers and 250 support staff. The side of Glen Lerner most people don’t know is his mission to protect. Protect the injured. To protect the harmed and to help the less fortunate through community efforts. From your first contact with our law firm to the last signature on the check, we’ll defend you or your loved one the whole way. Between the different offices of Glen Lerner Injury Attorneys in Chicago and Las Vegas and Lerner & Rowe in Phoenix, we are licensed to help injury victims in the highlighted states below. If you are injured anywhere else in the US we can help you through our network of attorneys and relationships built up over the last twenty-five years. Can’t visit one of our personal injury offices in Nevada, California, Arizona, Illinois or Indiana? Don’t worry. We will come to you! Want to help us fight for the rights of the injured? Check out our careers page and submit your resume today. ©2018 Glen Lerner Injury Attorneys. ATTORNEY ADVERTISING. Past results do not guarantee future outcome. You may have to pay opposing parties legal fees in the event of a loss. Being a client of one firm does NOT create any attorney client relationship with the other. Glen Lerner Injury Attorneys only handles contingency cases, including, but not limited to, car, truck and motorcycle wrecks, and other personal injury cases, such as workers compensation, product liability, slip/trip and falls, wrongful death, medical malpractice, dangerous drugs, and defective products.
Sharon Mitchell is a leftist revolutionary whose sex boutique serves as very effective cover. But now she''s blown it big time. One of the vibrators in her shop contained a super-sophisticated bomb. But Sharon lost track of it and sold it to Troye Lane who intends to give it to her girlfriend Diana Sloan. When she gets the gift home and her girl unwraps it, they try it out together. Little do they know that their kinky landlord Davis Christopher is watching through a two-way mirror. When the girls go out for a bite to eat, David steals into their apartment, puts on some of their clothes and makes off with the vibrator. But Sharon is right after him, on the trail of the vibrator, and she''s willing to do anything to get it back. An explosive sex comedy from porn''s golden age. English, English HoH, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Mandarin), and Thai Arabic, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, English HoH, Estonian, Finnish, Hindi, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish There's film, there's noir, there's verité — and then there's Sam Fuller. The legendary director who started out as a cub reporter on the streets of New York City and fought on European battlefields during World War II never reached the ranks of the Hollywood elite, but his cachet has grown with every passing year, particularly as the ever-expanding film culture roots through the cinematic past for well-loved if generally unheralded gems. Fuller's Pickup on South Street (1953) may rank behind Shock Corridor (1963) and The Naked Kiss (1964) with his ardent devotees, but it's perhaps his most accessible film, in addition to being a snappy slice of vintage noir. Richard Widmark stars as Skip McCoy, an expert New York pickpocket who's just been released from jail and has three strikes on him — which means the next time he's collared by the cops, he'll be sent down for life. But that doesn't keep McCoy from his chosen profession. Before long, his nimble fingers find their way into the purse of Candy (Jean Peters) on a Manhattan subway. But unbeknownst to her, Candy is being trailed by Feds on the hunt for a Communist espionage ring. Candy's just a courier who knows nothing about her precious payload of microfilm, which she's expected to deliver to ex-boyfriend Joey (Richard Kiley). When she comes up empty, Joey sends her back on the street, where she finds stoolie Moe Williams (Thelma Ritter). For $50, Moe fingers McCoy. Meanwhile, the Feds realize they've lost their microfilm-trail, and the local cops also bribe Moe, who identifies McCoy as the "cannon" in the subway. It doesn't take long for McCoy to realize he's holding on to a hot property. The cops offer to clean his slate if he coughs it up. But he wants more — and he'll only give the film back to the Reds for $25,000. There's very little point going into Pickup on South Street looking for profound thematics. A product of the Fox studio, it was shot in a mere four weeks, almost entirely on the lot, and meant to be little more than a profitable low-budget title. Fuller's craftmanship is why the film still retains its appeal, with crisp black-and-white composition, several dynamic closeups, and the wonderful street-patter of the New York underworld, with cannons, moll-buzzers, grifters, and big thumbs. Contemporary audiences may get a kick out of the "red scare" dialogue, with both cops and criminals holding communists in the greatest contempt, but the ploy is little more than a MacGuffin to match the day's headlines, and Fuller's wry antihero McCoy sneers at the cops over the matter, insisting "Don't wave the flag at me!" Co-star Jean Peters comes with the requisite noir sex appeal, looking ravishing in a flowing, pleated skirt and tight sweater (she wouldn't win any acting awards, but she did marry Howard Hughes). But Thelma Ritter is the cast's most memorable standout as the aging, pitiable stool-pigeon Moe, who quietly collects bribe money in order to buy her own cemetery plot. It's a brisk 80 minutes that's easily enjoyed as a chestnut of American matinee cinema. Even then, Fuller still has the capacity to surprise — Candy's brutal beating at the hands of Joey, Joey's escape from a surrounded building via a cramped dumbwaiter, and the sweeping camerawork during the final confrontation seem as fresh today as they were half a century ago. Pickup on South Street, a Criterion Collection release by arrangement with Fox, offers a clean full-frame transfer (1.33:1 OAR) from a nearly pristine source-print that captures the finest details, particularly during dramatic closeups. The monaural audio (DD 1.0) is clear and free of ambient noise. Supplements include a vintage interview with Fuller (19 min.), a "Cinéma Cineméas" excerpt on Fuller from 1982 (11 min.), the essay "Headlines and Hollywood" by film producer Jeb Brody, a textual interview with Richard Widmark, trailers for nine Fuller films, a collection of stills and posters, and a booklet with three essays in the keep-case.
The Draak are having a bit of a duranium crunch, their current production is about 2700 tonnes a year (2100 on the homeworld and the rest scattered over 5 other colonies). They had a really good Xeno team (rated 170) and there was a destroyed outpost on a x2 T-planet 3 jumps from the homeworld*, the planet has 10 of 11 TNT minerals and duranium at 0.9. So after a bit of debate they scrape together 48 infrastructure, 1 fabrication facility and 2 mines and send that plus 160,000 colonists and the team there. The team promptly activates an additional fabrication facility, 160 infrastructure, 1 mine and then finds 14,400 tonnes of duranium. The motherload...a wholey unexpected Christmas gift...astounding good luck....just what the doctor ordered. That duranium will reboot the economy big time with virtually all of it going into facilities and most of those mines or automatic mines. August 3rd 2042: Earth's first resouce crisis. Due to an oversight by the Naval Survey department and Logistics department there is not enough Tritanium for current industrial programs. The construction of the Nelsons is to blame. Two officers are sacked. One of which, Milton Acquaviva, used to be an avid Militarist supporter. Many believe he deliberately fudged some numbers to proceed with the construction. August 8th 2042: TES Discovery heads for home to refuel. The Kupier objects are far apart, and require a lot of time to reach, but only a few are left unsurveyed. Some question the need to continue these trips. August 12th 2042: Opposition begins to form against the Militarists. Dubbed the Explorers, this faction is made up of old die-hard Geologists as well as those that would prefer not to militarize space. They gain support because of recent Militarist incompetence, but their inherent ideology is seen as unrealistic, and thus they seem destined to always be the lesser of the two factions. August 24th 2042: NA01 is completed in Toronto. Along with its sensors Earth's civilian tracking array is upgraded. October 10th 2042: A gravitational anonmoly burns out one of the sensors on the TES Yuri Gagarin. While the problem is fixed, the ship was about due to return for an overhaul anyway. The ship sets course for Earth after finishing it's current sensor sweep. October 20th 2042: As it's leaving the area, TES Yuri Gagarin detects a new jump point. Half way between Saturn and Uranus at nearly 180 degrees from the previous find. November 5th 2042: NA03 finally completed in Santiago. Furth fueling controvery the Militarist who was blamed for starting the resource crisis is assigned as the commander. While he keeps his spot, his career advancement is promptly ruined because many now believe he struck a deal with Admiral Candia to get a "field command". November 29th 2042: Imperial Shipworks is finally ready to begin construction of the Outreach class. Two are ordered, the TES Henry Hudson and the TES Zheng He. Both are set to be finished May 6th 2044. Fortunately, they will not be slowed by the shortage. December 4th 2042: After reviewing survey records, the new overseer of the logistics department reports a Neutronium shortage also. December 9th 2042: In a bifactional report, it is recomended to Emperor Patrick that the only viable site that would provide the needed resouces is Titan, a very hard prospect with current technology. January 2nd 2043: NA04 finally completed in Kazan, Russia, two months behind schedule. The economy begins to recover somewhat. January 5th 2043: Elections result in a still strong Militarist mandate. However, many look to join the Explorers out of simple opposition. January 11th 2043: With the entire "fleet" home, officer reassignments happen again. Militarists once more work key supporters into high positions. Control of the fleet is one advantage that they will most likely always have, except in cases where a rival noble takes direct control. February 21st 2043: Preliminary designs for the missiles crusiers complete. Experts forsee a missile shortage from the construction of only four such vessles after one engagement. Unfortunately, Tritanium is key in missile production. May 22nd 2043: Captain Gene Moree, who'd taken over for Duke Brule after the Yuri Gagarin returned to port dies after a section depressurizes during overhaul, once again calling into question Imperial safety standards. June 2nd 2043: Final design for the Toronto Class Missile Crusier is revealed. It is designed to operate in conjuncture with an as of yet designed sensor ship. Also of note is it's inability to operate with the existing jump ships under construction. October 29th 2043: A scientist and militarist supporter Theodore Knaebel releases a report on shipyard operations following Captain Moree's death. Not only do safety standards improve, but so does efficency. It is estimated that his proposed changes will shave three months off the construction time of the two jump scouts, as their most immediate benefit. This allows the naval plan to be accelerated by upwards of two years. He is awarded the title Duke of Ohio for his efforts.
Dunbartonshire Chamber of Commerce recently launched an exciting new Partnership Package with Ascensos, a leading multi-channel contact centre outsourcer, operating in Clydebank. “Partner+” has been designed to meet… Clyde Training Solutions were announced as the first ever winner of the exciting new “Dunbartonshire Chamber Business of the Year” Award at this year’s Working4Business Awards. The marine,… East Renfrewshire Chamber of Commerce launched a new strategy in August 2017 to facilitate business opportunities for their Supply Chain members arising from numerous major projects planned over… The nature of online trading creates considerable virus, spyware and hacker risk exposures, including theft of customer banking information, privacy liability following a breach of personal identity data,… Twelve very different Fife businesses were recognised in front of 330 guests when they were announced as the winners of the 2018 Fife Business Awards. Held for the… Fife Chamber partnered with the IoD and VisitScotland to deliver its latest interactive Fife Learn session, part of the Chamber’s growing programme of events to bring together industry… While Millennials and Gen Z are digital natives, they do not automatically have the skills needed for the future workforce. At the same time, the current work force… Launched in early 2016, DYW Inverness and Central Highland forms part of the Scottish Government’s Youth Employment strategy, ensuring our young people have the skills and confidence needed… Duck is not one of those things that you make regularly. Like going to a fine restaurant to celebrate a milestone or a thoughtful gift on a birthday, duck is reserved for special occasions. Especially, kosher duck. With it’s high price tag, I like to reserve duck or lamb chops for the holidays, when my family can enjoy the poultry at a beautifully set table worthy of it. Instead of splurging on just the duck breasts, I usually buy the whole duck and butcher it myself, so I can render all the extra fat and use the carcass for stock. I end up paying close the same much per lb. and I get so much more for my money. With Shavuot* just a few short weeks away, so many of us are knee deep in cheesecake recipes that we’ve all but forgotten about “meat recipes”. Personally, I wait all year for my mom’s incredible lasagna, but by the time our dairy meal is done, I need a nap! If you’re looking for a change from the heavy dairy food, give this “special occasion” recipe a try. After all, what greater occasion is there to celebrate good food, than on a holiday. *Shavuot is the holiday in which Jews commemorate the giving of the Torah at Mt. Sinai. Dairy food is traditionally eaten, but many have a custom to serve meat as well. (Kosher observers do not eat milk and meat together, so a meal must be exclusively meat or milk). Using a sharp knife, score the fat of the duck breasts in a criss-cross pattern, taking care not the slice all the way through to the skin. Season with salt and pepper. Place the duck breasts skin-side-down in a cold, dry skillet and bring the heat to medium. Sear the duck for about 8-10 minutes, until fat has been rendered and skin is golden crisp. As the fat renders from the duck, tilt the pan and remove it with a spoon (reserve for duck fat potatoes). Turn the duck breasts over and sear for 1 minute. Place the skillet in the oven to roast for approximately 5 minutes, until breasts are medium rare. Remove the duck from the pan and rest for at least 5 minutes before slicing. In the meantime, remove all but 1 tbsp of fat from the pan (reserve), add shallot and saute until translucent. Add the port and cook until reduced by half. Add the stock and cook until reduced by half again. Add the thyme and jam and cook until thickened, about 2 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Rendered duck fat has a rich golden color and produces the most crispy gribenes (duck skin cracklings). I love to use the duck fat for roasted potatoes. They give the potatoes an unmatched crispy exterior, and a smooth and creamy (not to mention flavorful) interior. Place potatoes in a pot and cover with salted water. Bring to a boil and cook until tender, about 10 minutes. Drain the potatoes and cool. Cut the potatoes in half (or quarters, if they are large) and place on a baking sheet. Drizzle with duck fat and season with kosher salt. Toss to coat evenly. VARIATION: Use Yukon gold or any potatoes of choice. You can also add garlic or fresh herbs like rosemary or thyme. Tags: duck, duck breast, duck fat, duck fat potatoes, duck with blueberry sauce, holiday dishes, holiday recipes, how to cook duck breast, kosher duck, pan seared duck, pan seared duck breast, roasted potatoes This looks heavenly! I just found out I am extremely deficient in vitamin b12 and have to eat more animal protein! I usually prefer vegetarean food over meat but this looks crazy good. I must try this! You’re right, duck is a holiday dish! We have it twice a year and I always render the duck fat and freeze it. Do the same with my Hanukkah goose. So absolutely wonderful on those potatoes. Perfectly cooked and I love how you use the duck fat in the potatoes. I have duck fat in the freezer from the duck breast and golden beet salad I posted a while back (or did I ever post that recipe?!). I must make potatoes! Too bad they don’t sell duck at our kosher butcher. I am sure the duck and the blueberry sauce are fantastic and those potatoes must be out of this world. Buy Wholesale panties, Find high quality Cheap Wholeale panties from reliable Chinese panties Wholesalers, panties Manufacturers & Exporters at
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State Room is not available for your requested time. Choose another time, or search restaurants with availability. Superb food, well presented in elegant setting. Serving staff was extremely attentive and accommodating. Well worth the price We have visited the State Room for dinner many times. Every time the food and wine are excellent. We love the "Wine under the Stars" dinners they have during the summer.More Hello - Thank you visiting the State Room Restaurant and attending our special outdoor dining event in the summer. It always makes my day to get a five-star review and I am excited to share your review with our team. We look forward to providing...More The State Room has a somewhat limited and static menu, but what they have is excellent and the wine list is stupendous. Thursday “half-price wine night” is not to be missed, especially during the summer when Thursday also offers an outside seating option on the...More Hi Clifford - Thank you for taking the time to give us feedback about the State Room Restaurant. We enjoy hearing about your experience and are always open to suggestions for the menu. We do change our menus seasonally and have many special events in...More Dining on the fringes of one of the most beautiful campus's in the United States is a treat. Parking in the adjacent ramp only becomes a problem when Michigan State University sports (basketball, football, hockey) are playing home games, so be sure to check before...More Hi Johnny - Please ask to speak with Marianne Bacon or one of our restaurant managers and one of us will be happy to make sure that your meal is prepared exactly how you want it. We update our menus seasonally and are open to...More The State Room serves the Michigan State campus community and the greater Lansing region. You don't have to be an alum to come. The service is provided by students and the kitchen is staffed by students in the hospitality curriculum. For this reason, the dining...More Hello Tom - Thank you for visiting the Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center. I appreciate you taking the time to leave a review about your experience. We welcome feedback so we may continue to grow and improve our services. Our students are a valuable part...More So in the middle of the campus in the Kellogg Center is the State Room bar and restaurant. A place for alums to catch a meal and have a cocktail or some wine. In fact, the bar and the wine list are just amazing. It's...More Mark, thank you for your review and feedback. We are glad you enjoyed your lunch at the State Room and hope you will join us again to try some of our wine. Service was excellent but the meal was just so-so. Had the scallops but the sauce was not up to par. Felt it had been warmed up a number of times. Thank you for feedback about your experience. We strive to provide delicious food for each guest and apologize that your meal was not served to your satisfaction. We change our menu seasonally and are always open to suggestions about how to improve. My favorites at this restaurant are the BLT sandwich, the Michigan Bean and Ham soup (which is exquisite) and their breakfasts. Also have a great Sunday Buffet, which will last you for 2 days! Staff are pleasant and professional, many of them students in training...More Hello! Thank you leaving a review about the State Room. It is always a pleasure to hear when our guests have a great experience in the restaurant. I am delighted to know that you have favorite menu items and enjoy our Sunday brunch as well....More Spouse and I met up with old college friends and we were not to be disappointed! Food was beyond excellent and wait staff fun and friendly. Prices were reasonable. Seafood was memorable, as was the craft beer. We will go back because it is worth...More Thank you for taking the time to leave a review. You certainly traveled a long way to East Lansing. Therefore, I am happy that you had such a good experience in the State Room. It is always a pleasure to make our guest's visit so...More Went to brunch with a group of 6. All were thrilled, even our vegetarian. My favorite was the roast beef and mac n cheese. Desserts were also fabulous. We are thrilled to hear that your group enjoyed our brunch! We are now also offering an a la carte brunch menu Saturdays from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. as well as our Sunday brunch buffet. We will see you the next time you stop in! There are no guidelines for dress. People dining there wear everything from casual to business attire. Yes, we have private dining rooms that you may reserve that will accommodate 20 or more. The hotel also has conference rooms that you can book for 20 or more as well. Please feel free to call the restaurant at (517... More Yes, we have private dining rooms that you may reserve that will accommodate 20 or more. The hotel also has conference rooms that you can book for 20 or more as well. Please feel free to call the restaurant at (517) 432-5049, if we can answer other questions or if you would like to reserve a private dining room. The State Room Restaurant is one of the premier restaurants in Greater Lansing featuring casual-upscale American cuisine, 500 bottle wine list, Michigan craft beers and a sophisticated lounge.
As we start to comprehend the extent of the devastation from Hurricane Sandy on the East Coast, and as we mourn the loss of life and all the material damage, a question lingers in the aftermath: Should mandatory evacuations be a right of refusal or a citable offense? Imagine a major storm is approaching, and it has your house in its cross hairs. You call a family meeting to decide the best way to prepare for this storm. Should we round up emergency supplies? Yes! Should we board up the house and fill the cars with gas? Yes! What about food, batteries, flashlights, water, clothing, valuables, pets? Yes, yes, of course! As you make these decisions, a determined knock on the door startles you. It’s the local authorities advising you and your family that mandatory evacuation orders are in effect for your neighborhood. “Everyone must evacuate,” says the hurried and worried emergency service worker – after all, her own family is waiting for her at home to finalize their own preparations. After a moment of shock, you explain you intend to hunker down in your home. “We have lived here for decades and nothing has ever happened,” you rationalize. “We will not leave our home behind.” But the emergency services worker is not swayed: “The governor has declared a state of emergency, and this neighborhood is declared as an area of mandatory evacuation,” she continues. “Your lives and those of our rescuers are placed in harm’s way if you choose to stay.” “Thank you for letting us know,” you politely respond, “but we are not leaving. This is our house! All we have is right here. We have an emergency power generator, food, water and everything we need to hunker down. We’ll be fine.” After a few more attempts to urge your family to safely evacuate, the emergency professional gives you one last worried glance and disappears into the darkness. As the night stretches on, the electrical power grid goes out. Your emergency power generator comes to the rescue. All is good, you rationalize. Soon, swirling wind gusts whistle warnings of danger. The skies are opened by the lightning and dropped by the thunder. The waters rise an inch, then two, then six, then 10. Debris floats by outside. The wolf blows upon your door just like it did in a childhood story. It huffs, and it puffs, and it starts to blow your house down. There is one small problem, however. Now you have to wade through several feet of frigid, fast-flowing, debris-infused and contaminated water while 75-mile-an-hour winds rage outside. You notice that the concerned emergency response professional is not at your doorstep extending a helping hand. Your life and that of your beloved family is in serious peril. “How can this be happening to us?” you wonder. “Somebody help! HELP! HELP!” Shock and awe, fear and desperation overcome you. Then, right before your eyes, one of you family members is swept away by the floodwaters while you remain helpless. You can only watch it happen. At last, you detect the sound of a rescue boat in the distance, followed by the woof, woof, woof of a helicopter. A valiant hero drops from the heavens, suspended from the helicopter by a rope. She and the black bird are swinging at the mercy of the wind. Just as her saving hand reaches yours, she is hit by a powerful crosswind and is swept away. The only silhouette now in the sky is that of swirling clouds jousting for position and bearing down upon your family, your home and your neighborhood, as predicted days before. Out of nowhere, another hero appears, this time on a boat. You and your remaining family members are pulled aboard by his strong hands and taken to safety. Behind you, somewhere in the floodwaters and the storm, remain your lost family member and that emergency responder who tried so valiantly to save you – all because you refused orders to evacuate. So here’s the question: Should the citizens of our great nation have the right to place themselves and others in situations that are highly likely to cause serious harm or death, or should they be held accountable for the consequences of their choices? Let's explore a sample of existing safety laws that take away a citizen’s freedom to act if those acts could endanger themselves or others: You may not choose to stay in your vehicle when asked to step out of said vehicle by a law enforcement officer. We can, with a high level of certainty, predict storms and their intended paths and anticipate their devastating effects. Given this fact, should the affected populace be permitted to choose their course of action by not evacuating when asked, or be held accountable for the consequences of their actions? Should there be significant penalties if others are required to risk their lives simply because the citizen ignored the word “mandatory” in the term “mandatory evacuation?” Should choosing not to evacuate be a right of refusal or a citable offense as it is with other laws put in place to protect against similar and predictable outcomes? Is it a right to purposefully tempt fate at the potential expense of life during a state of emergency, or should it be a crime to do so?
Company policies are no longer a deterrent for Dean. With his new dynamics to the Williams bunch, they're more like suggestions or hopeful requests. Nothing you actually have to adhere to... Dean tends bar. Meg washes dishes. Cas busses tables. Benny cooks. Jo goes to college. Ellen rules them all. No one really knows what is going on in other people's lives. What is normal for one is hell for another. Castiel Novak and Dean Winchester are friends, the best that there is and one day it all changes with a kiss. Pretty soon, the two are dating and they become that couple. However, a year goes by and after a car accident Castiel loses his memory..he doesn't remember Dean, or their friends. He barely remembers himself. Gabriel is a sixteen year old omega who is on the run from his heavy handed politician parents. He's also five months pregnant. Will he ever find a place for him and his pup to call home? All he knows is that it sure isn't in Texas. Dean runs an inn up in Maine. It's his pride and joy, the Ravenflight Inn, passed down from his retired parents. He likes the solitude and meeting new people. He likes that it's just far enough away from his estranged brother. However, despite whatever his dear family friend, Missouri, thinks: he runs a business, not a charity. I started thinking about how Sam was the only other Avenger aside from Tony to show affection for bots and tech and I wondered about his first days with Redwing. Of course, after Ultron, it was a little worrying; he’d written a code for a personality and he didn’t even remember doing it. Somewhere between chugging that last cup of coffee and falling asleep at the workstation, he’d turned Sam’s surveillance drone into a bot with emotions. It nudged his hand insistently, shaking him out of his light doze. He sat up, blinking blearily around his lab for the disturbance. The bot came into view and nudged his cheek, hovering above the table as it gazed at him. Chirping, it flew in a loop and nudged Tony again, impatient. Tony smiled at it helplessly, holding his palm out flat where it hovered above his skin. It chirped, as if insulted and then settled, it’s warm body resting on Tony’s palm just enough so as not to weigh him down. “What am I doing?” he asked quietly. He shuffles nervously around his lab waiting for Sam to come down. He tries not to look too eager when Sam jogs down the steps, wiping his mouth as he enters the lab. He’s in track pants and a tight t-shirt, sparing a quick smile as he comes over to the table. He rubs his hands together excitedly, “What have you got for me, smart guy?” Tony grins, confused at the way the nickname made him feel, “Just what you asked for.” He gestures to the drone resting on the table. He swallowed nervously and prays he hadn’t messed up completely. He hadn’t had the heart to dig into the code and remove the personality. It felt too much like killing it. Sam moved around the table, gazing at it from all sides. He looked to Tony expectantly, “How do I control it?” He returns to the drone, reaching out to poke the top. He tapped it a little insistently, earning a disgruntled chirp. Tony winced, covering his face as Sam frowned at it, tapping it again and watching as the drone rose. It stopped level with Sam’s eye line and beeped, clearly annoyed. Sam frowned at it, eyes widening at it circled Sam, examining him from all angles. “What’s it doing?” he asked Tony and he shrugged helplessly in response, muffling a laugh when the drone nudged Sam’s back. “Hey! You’re rude, you know that?” The drone let out a disgruntled chirp and bumped into Sam harder, pushing him forward against the table and Tony rushed forward. “Sam, I’m sorry. I wasn’t paying attention and it’s a little temperamental and-“ he cut himself off, watching Sam’s shoulders shake as he stood up straight. He was laughing, his brown eyes bright with amusement as he looked over at the drone. “I love him,” he said, crossing his arms. He examined the drone, cocking his head to the side as the bot gazed at Sam. “You need a name.” Sam and Redwing bonded instantly. Steve insisted on a few practice runs before he allowed the drone in the field but they were near inseparable. Redwing followed Sam around the facility, to dinner, to his room, to the gym. He talked to it constantly, confusing some of the others but it reminded Tony a lot of how he talked to JARVIS. How he used to talk to JARVIS. Sometimes it was a little hard for Tony to watch but then he reminded himself that Sam had been through a lot and while he had Steve, he was so wrapped up in worrying about Bucky that Sam could use someone to talk to. He focused on that whenever he felt that familiar grief returning. He’s hard at work on some upgrades for Natasha’s pistols when Sam rushed into the lab, a worried look on his face. He had a bundle of broken pieces in his arms, his voice wavering. “I wasn’t paying attention and - it happened so fast. Can you fix him?” Sam asked, setting the mess of twisted metal on the workstation. Tony winced, looking at the wreckage; the original shape was near unrecognizable. He reached out, drawing his fingers over the nearest piece. “I don’t know, Sam. He’s pretty wrecked.” Sam cursed, stalking away from the table and covering his face. Tony watched him, his chest aching before returning to the destroyed bot. He knew he could start from scratch and rebuild but he also knew that it wasn’t the same. Replacements were just that: replacements. Even if they looked identical, you knew they weren’t the same being you’d shared all your secrets with, survived traumas with, it wouldn’t be the same being that watched over you while you slept. If he started from scratch, Sam would know. “I’ll do my best, okay?” he offered, getting the breath knocked out of him when Sam yanked him into a hug. He huffed out a laugh, breathing in Sam’s cologne. “Okay, okay, buddy. You’re welcome. Now let me work.” Tony worked tirelessly for the next week. Sam brought him coffee and sandwiches under the guise of making sure Tony was eating but Tony knew he was worried. He got this strained look on his face whenever Tony spoke to him like he feared he was going to hear that there was nothing more to be done. Tony also wondered if Sam found his way down here because the others didn’t really get it. They didn’t really understand getting so attached to a piece of technology. Sam took to watching Tony work a lot and, to Tony’s surprise, it wasn’t unpleasant. It was only mildly distracting when he’d look up, after hours of working, to feel Sam’s eyes on him. “What?” Tony asked one night, a little self conscious. Sam hid a smile in his hand, the sleeve of his sweater bundled in his fist as he explained, “You talk to yourself. A lot.” He starts to say no, he must’ve been talking to FRIDAY but- “I thought maybe you were talking to FRIDAY but you don’t speak as though you expect an answer back or for her to do anything. It’s like you just want to... talk.” Sam explains, his hands outstretched. “It’s not,” Sam replies instantly. He gets up and stretches his arms above his head, his shirt riding up to reveal the thin trail of hair above his waistband. Sam wore his track pants low on his hips, so much so that Tony nearly burned a hole through his table one night when Sam reached up to help Dummy get flecks of smoothie off his support strut and his pants revealed a long stretch of belly and the v line of his hips. Sometimes Sam talked; he sat down next to Tony one night with a cup of coffee. “I never really asked you how you felt about losing JARVIS. Granted, I didn’t know you all that well. Still don’t, to be honest. But… thinking about how hard this is for me… it must have been rough. And he could talk back!” he added. Tony hesitated, his throat raw. “It was... hard, I mean. He’s - He’d been there for me since before I was Iron Man. And now… I could have rebuilt. I could have pulled an older backup but it wouldn’t be the same knowing what happened. And now we have Vision. I’m moving on.” Sam was quiet before he reached out and covered Tony’s hand. When Tony met his gaze, his eyes were soft. “Hey, I’m sorry.” Tony choked, feeling his eyes warm as he forced himself to take a deep breath. Sam nods in understanding and lets go after some time. Sam’s around when he finishes and, as anxious as Sam’s undivided attention was at times, it was worth it to see Redwing rise again, Sam’s smile was instantaneous. Tony leans against the table and watches Sam beam up at the drone, laughing at his excitable chirps and beeps. Redwing leans in, his own version of nuzzling as it butts up against Sam’s chest. Sam grins, sliding his hand over the upper casing. Although, “You can still see the seams where I welded it together. I’m sorry, let me-“ Sam’s hand lay down on his shoulder, strong as he squeezed lightly, his eyes warm. “He’s perfect. Thank you.” He surprised Tony by pulling him into a tight hug, a few moments passed before Tony awkwardly reached up and pat his shoulder. He could hear Redwing chirping away at Dummy in the corner but all he could think about was the way Sam held him tight, his arms locked like he was never letting go. After that, Sam was around more. Seemingly with questions about Redwing but Tony knew there was no way Sam had this many questions about maintenance. But he humored Sam, answered them all and begrudgingly took the offered food, coffee and sweater on one interesting night. “Cornered him outside of a store and he knocked me into a guy holding one before he booked it.” He stretched out, rubbing his shoulder. “I’m fine. Nothing to worry about.” He poked at the ball of his shoulder for a bit and Tony sighed, standing. Sam looked at him curiously. “What? What - no, no, I’m fine.” “I’m fine,” Sam whined and Tony rolled his eyes at the fond feeling coming over him. He’d begrudgingly come to enjoy Sam coming to hang out in his lab and Sam knew that, to Tony’s dismay. “I’m fine,” Tony mimicked in a poor imitation. He made grabby hands again until Sam rolled his eyes and pulled his shirt over his head. Tony blinked, his breath caught as he held Sam’s gaze pointedly before answering, “Sometimes.” He turned Sam gently and got a look at the ball of his shoulder. “It’s definitely bruised,” he remarked. The skin was darkened, bruised and painful looking. Tony would wonder aloud why Sam hadn’t said something but he knew. They were just normal guys compared to the others. They began this job with a chip on their shoulders. Still, “You’re usually much smarter than this, bird boy,” Tony remarks. He drops down and grabs the first aid kit from beneath the table. He grabs a compression bandage and starts wrapping it around Sam’s shoulder, securing it under his arm. Sam sighs, his breathing unusually loud in Tony’s ears. He could see the steady rise and fall of Sam’s chest out of the corner of his eye and his mouth watered. He forced himself to focus, biting his lip. When he finished, he closes the kit and looks up to see Sam staring at him. He starts to smile nervously, wincing internally when he realized his lip was caught between his teeth. Sam reached out and thumbed his lip, freeing it. He swiped his finger pad over the bruised skin and leaned in, meeting Tony’s eyes briefly before their lips touched. Tony sighed, his eyes falling shut as he opened for Sam and set his hands on the table. He was boxing Sam in but he felt snared, lost in the way Sam tilted his head back and sucked on his tongue. He feels a warm palm slide up his hip and beneath his shirt, a thumb rubbing circles into his hip and it was like everything else they did. Unexpected, curious but pleasant. Easy and he lets Sam slide his palm up his stomach. A throat clears and Sam huffs through his nose, placing another soft kiss on Tony’s lips, his nose, before pulling back to rest his forehead against Tony’s. “How long have you been there?” he asks, pulling back to look over at the doorway. Natasha leans against a nearby table, clearly amused. “Long enough. Cute,” she adds with a teasing grin. Tony flushes, turning away and covering his mouth. “Cap needs us,” she explains. Sam pats his shoulder and Tony meets his gaze, the heat he found there making him shiver. “No more biting my lip, okay?” It sends a flash of heat through Tony’s body and he blushes. Sam steals another kiss, smiling softly as he pulls away. Tony stares at him, trying to will away his own stupid grin as Sam waves and starts towards the doorway. Here we go again. The numerous projects presently being built or planned for construction in San Francisco have prompted that narrow-minded "not in my back yard" refrain to arise like a mummy rising from the grave. That mummy should stay buried. We should embrace the housing, arts and entertainment facilities, hotels and office space on the drawing board or being built, as they offer increased opportunities to live, play, eat, stay and work in San Francisco. Such projects add to our city's vibrancy and diversity, bring new jobs and more tax revenue for city services. The new development envisioned or underway will provide further stimulus to San Francisco's economic growth, opening up The City to better accommodate more artists, designers, creative thinkers and entrepreneurs. Why not create enough housing for the middle-class so that parents don't have to flee to the suburbs to afford enough space to raise a family? How long will it be before there are almost no children left in San Francisco, just an aging population of hard-core naysayers? Why not share our great natural and cultural bounty with those who simply want to work and live here without having to commute two-plus hours a day, adding to our Bay Area's air quality problems? We have plenty of space available without compromising our ecology. Radical NIMBYism will lead to economic and social stagnation. It is a slippery slope that restricts revenues vital for public services, like transit, public safety, libraries and the welfare safety net. It will cause the continued escalation of prices for everything from restaurants to taxi rides to entertainment. Companies are already wary of locating in San Francisco, since they cannot assure their employees of affordable anything. Small business is the lifeblood of our economy, and yet small tenants are discouraged from locating in a city that restricts supply. Small companies provide essential services and products that fuel the prosperity of larger companies. We must keep The City open for new business formation of all sizes, and especially for small businesses. We can't do this if we're constantly fighting new development. Instead of fostering policies that discourage job formation, real estate development and economic growth, policymakers should be encouraging greater densities, and greater heights for new housing, especially along BART and Muni lines. If we are to get more people to live and work in San Francisco, then we must reject NIMBYism as a selfish luxury we cannot afford. The City badly needs an expanding tax base to fund financial promises it has made to public employees and to pay for its essential municipal services. New developments add mightily to the public's well-being through contributions to The City's funds for affordable housing, parks, transportation and the like. All of this comes from economic growth and a sensible balance between what we are now and what we need to be moving forward. The commercial real estate sector contributes significantly to San Francisco's public revenue base, with secured commercial parcels representing 30.4 percent of The City's asset valuation. Office buildings alone represent an assessed value of $45 billion. More than 27,000 people go to work every day to operate and service commercial buildings, an economic enterprise that adds nearly $4 billion in value to the San Francisco metro area. San Francisco is truly blessed with the amount of new investment currently being made in our city. All of us should embrace these changes and new developments as opportunities to keep our city affordable and welcoming for all. Steven Ring is president and Marc Intermaggio is executive vice president of the Building Owners and Managers Association of San Francisco. Dyffryn Rhondda Colliery. - Original paintings by A. Leslie Evans - Papers of David Rees of Port Talbot - Archives Hub
Happiness? What is this elusive feeling we chase like a cat after a laser pointer. We’re nuts about the topic. In a society that has all the material wealth it could possibly need, we come up short. Combine happiness and purpose on the other hand… We’re bombarded with countless books on the subject. The Dali Lama has seemingly cornered the market. If you haven’t read a book on how to be happier in the last few years, something’s wrong with you… But please, don’t despair. I’m here to push a theory that might be useful. It’s better (and ultimately healthier) to pursue purpose and struggle instead of happiness. Happiness is a fleeting feeling that comes and goes of its own volition. More poetically than a cat chasing red dots, happiness is the sunny day that emerges from time to time, but isn’t a constant you can count on. Contentment is perhaps a worthier pursuit than happiness. Less elusive, and longer lasting. If you’re content, you’ve managed to accomplish some things, feel loved, or reached some milestones that have you feeling like you’ve checked all the boxes. But even contentment is fool’s gold. Just when you think you’ve arrived at a “good place”, hedonic adaptation and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs crashes the party. Early retirement. It’s a given that hanging up the day job way earlier than the norm opens up numerous possibilities. Feeling trapped by the cubicle? I reckon you’ll find some form of activity that keeps you from being stuck in front of a screen. You may choose to be a stay at home parent, or travel extensively to volunteer your talents. The world beyond your backyard is full of needs. On the other hand, you could easily fall into the trap of pursuing early retirement simply for the sake of escaping a bad situation. But what are you escaping to? One of the cornerstones of this blog’s existence is the exploration of the “what” after early retirement. I’ve written before about avoiding a life of no regrets, and I think that’s my way of building up the confidence and assurance I need, to “hang it up” when the time comes… oh… late next summer? I’ve seen some evidence emerge from bloggers who’ve managed to quit the daily grind, only to report back that ER ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. Not everyone is Mr. Money Mustache or Go Curry Cracker I guess. Those two knew exactly what their “D-Day plus one” would be. For the former, it was all about being a stay at home parent while running a few small businesses. For the latter, it was immersion into a new culture overseas and exploring the world. The article that spawned this post remains permanently bookmarked in my Chrome. I often refer back to it to realign my priorities when I feel like I’m skidding off the tracks. My favorite quote from this article sums up the premise: “The key to a deeper, healthier life, it seems, isn’t knowing the meaning of life — it’s building meaning into your life.” Thing is, I’m a seeker. I want to know the meaning of life. Being a planner to the core, and one who’s always envisioning the future, the message in this quote keeps me grounded. And in all honesty, who doesn’t want a deeper, healthier life? Yet our society seems hell-bent on eliminating any semblance of a lifestyle centered on struggle and purpose. Instead, we get 24 hour news, social media trigger happy thumbs, and drone delivery by Amazon. It’s all bullshit. It’s an interesting phenomenon. As my tenure grows in my career, I’m finding it easier and easier as time passes to tolerate said bullshit. Out of the gates after college, I didn’t know jack, but I knew I needed a job. Over the course of the next ten to fifteen years I ground myself into a pulp trying to solve the riddles of EQ and self-awareness. And then somehow, some way, the last ten years have led to mastery. Yes, it’s true. If you stick with something long enough, you tend to figure shit out. Instead of banging your head against the wall in frustration over Dilbert bosses and office politics, you start to learn how to navigate the waters. Stuck on a team with a toxic culture? Get the fuck out of there! Don’t give up the struggle of a day job because you think that toxicity is pervasive. I’ve come to the point in my career where I can control enough of the variables to make the situation work. It’s honestly borderline tolerable. What’s not to love about having a great boss, good people reporting to you, a strong culture, and a high performing company? Shit. I can even ride my bike to work and shower there with hot water. Compared to life in Yemen, I cannot complain. It’s still pretty damn surreal, the loss of Anthony Bourdain. Selfishly, I’m torn up about it, and mad that he’s gone. Of course I never met the guy, and it’s not like I had a poster of him on my cube wall. But if there was anyone in the world that I figured had the ultimate job, it was him. I would picture myself in his place whenever I watched his shows. Sadly, depression overtook whatever happiness and purpose Anthony Bourdain could muster. Travel the world. See the world behind the veneer of tourist beaches and all-inclusive (subversive) resorts. Get to know the people and sample their culture. Become aware of the problems inequality and income disparity propagate. All of those warts made easily digestible by the wonderful food and social venues depicted. I think Bourdain was the ultimate seeker. He was in constant search of his anchor. Retirement? Wouldn’t have it. A restless soul and a tireless worker. Exhaustion, fatigue, a body and mind scarred by past addictions. Depression. Maybe the clues were there all along. In my quest to figure out what makes people “happy” I’ve come to find the best answer in the Blue Zones studies. Want to know what constitutes a thriving, long-lived and healthy society? I can tell you what they don’t have: Finding your purpose and your struggle in life, I would argue, is an easier search when you eliminate the baloney of those nine things. They are supreme distractions from what really matters. Want to know something about THIS author? He’s still working on 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, and 9. I’ve got a long way to go before I can ascribe to a Blue Zones pattern of living that gives me a fighting chance at thriving. And to be honest, I’d feel a helluva lot better about this post if I hadn’t included number 8: Travel addiction. I have dreams of getting out and exploring the world. But just like escaping the cubicle is dream that could be misguided, I wonder if travel is simply another form of escape, also misguided. I am an optimist. I’ve been depressed, but have never suffered from depression. I consider myself extraordinarily lucky to have avoided an illness that seems to be ever more present in our lives. Some useful quotes that I will refer to often, as I continue my own personal search, are words that hit the mark quite well from Carol Tavris: “…As the popularity of television increased in the 1950’s and 60’s, the number of inventors and do-it-yourselfers declined precipitously. This sad phenomenon reflects the paradox of the pursuit of happiness. Given a choice, many people choose narcotic pleasures that dull the mind and quell its restless search for meaning. Yet in so doing, those people give up the very activities that, in their complexity and challenge, offer the promise of real satisfaction.” “…the way to happiness lies not in mindless hedonism but in mindful challenge, not in having unlimited opportunities but in focused possibilities, not in self-absorption but in absorption in the world, not in having it done for you but in doing it yourself. The unexamined life may not be worth living, but the unlived life is not worth examining.” I want to avoid any readers thinking I’m drawing some sort of connection between Anthony Bourdain’s depression and any unintended judgement that he lacked sense of purpose. Oddly, this guy did a TON to build understanding and compassion for under-exposed communities around the world. And he seemingly had fun doing it, despite the incredible exhaustion he experienced to produce “Parts Unknown.” He had a great deal of purpose in his life, and his struggles were mighty. And still, depression knows no bounds. well said, mr. cubert! my father, who was a pretty tough guy, used to tell me i’ve had it too easy for too long. he was right and there was wisdom in that tough love. i miss the struggle and having a nemesis. the nemesis need not be a person but maybe a situation worth defeating. for me it was debt and then getting finances and job stuff good and straight and barreling to victory. then something happened: all those things ended up straight and even my job is now more than tolerable and it made me soft and bored. it’s hard to figure out the next nemesis worth fighting once you’ve “won.” i miss a good struggle. Hi Freddy. Thank you! Funny. I think many if not most of us have/had fathers with that same mindset. Life was ALWAYS harder “Back in my day…” 🙂 The wisdom and tough love are priceless. It’s important to manufacture struggle when things are nice and tidy. Could be volunteering time or other sacrifices. Getting into great shape through physical struggle. Building an addition. I dunno… Allow me to turn it a bit on its head. In my belief you can’t have hapiness without purpose. Hapiness is the outcome, these other things are part of the action to get there. But… hapiness is still a scale. It’s relative to the day before so no one is ever happy all the time since each day is judged by the last. Instead the goal is to raise the midpoint. I think that jives really well, FTF. I’d also argue that to create more opportunities for happiness, you need to remove barriers to negative energy. Bad health (of the avoidable kind), bad financial health, bad relationships. Anything within your volition to change – eliminate the variables that lead to problems. And then you can focus fully on pursuing your purpose and struggle with all the energy and intent in the world – happiness is sure to follow. I think finding purpose in life is key to finding some level of happiness and contentment, but those two things are very different things in my opinion, and to me finding contentment is so key in our “everything now” culture. To me happiness is based on our present circumstances. It’s all about the feelings we are dealing with in the moment, and they’re fleeting. Contentment looks past the present moment and sees things within a bigger picture. When content, we can experience satisfaction and peace no matter what we are going through, whether it’s happiness and wonderful life experiences, or the sadness and the struggles we all eventually have. It’s saying I’m OK, no matter what comes my way because I’m living with a strength and a purpose that is outside of me and my circumstances. For me that means living out my purpose and doing my best to serve others. It can be easy to slip in the culture we live in though, and find ourselves looking to fleeting mists of un-satisfying consumerism, search for a hazy feeling of happiness or hoping for things or experiences to fulfill us. For too many if they don’t find a purpose – and a struggle – it can mean they are left feeling empty and unsure of the reason for it all. Thank you very much, Peter. Very kind words. Your comparison between happiness and contentment really resonates spot-on for me. Thanks, Matthew. I’ve been pondering a LOT lately, to say the least. Hope all is well back in the mitten! Challenges, hardship, and suffering are part of life, there’s no way around it. Those of us in the first world who have things easy often need to pursue these things, instead of having them thrust upon us. Those who do that are the ones are going to get ahead. Great post “Thing is, I’m a seeker. I want to know the meaning of life. Being a planner to the core, and one who’s always envisioning the future” Well that just about sums up me. And some part of why I struggle with anxiety and depressive thoughts as well. Eloquently written, my friend. Thanks, Angela. We’re birds of a feather! Anxiety and depressive thoughts suck. I am familiar. Always looking for ways to channel those little pests elsewhere. Early retirement / FI being one arrow on my quiver, but I anticipate them being constant companions to some degree. – Practicing gratitude every day. By being deliberately thankful I have removed the neverending desire for more – Simplifying my life. Being more deliberate about what I say yes to. I used to be a yes man trying to please everybody. Now I am much more selective and that has resulted in a much better quality use of time – Increasing my productivity. Removing so much TV watching from my life and replacing it with exercise, sport, social interactions and work projects has added much more purpose to my life. These are things that can be achieved by anyone for FREE. You are right in saying that the key is to remove all the bullshit material distractions to free up time for truly important things. There is nothing more important in life than purpose, connections and health. And maybe the NBA 🙂 Everything else is just a distraction from achieving contentment. I think the problem is we chase short term happiness from things like social media, TV, unhealthy food and material goods. Our focus should be more on long term contentment. Gratitude! Someone at work just yesterday brought that one up. A glorious salve for so much of it all. A good all around list YMB. Simplicity is a cornerstone. How often do we find people in desperation – any they’re surrounded by complex schedules, complex collections, and envy over what they don’t have. Of course the secret would be to inject some happiness into your purpose and struggle. I’m very happily retired and living in an interesting place, do a few jobs to add purpose though my only struggle would be combating sticky summer temperatures of 38C+ which does bring a smile to my face when I remember those awful British winters! On the whole, I would say keep life simple – more chance of finding happiness that way, make no demands and just accept what comes your way. We don’t have a car or TV and must be one of the few households who do not use a telephone (we have an old mobile but it’s in a drawer switched off and for emergencies only). Our focus is on enjoying an interesting, stress-free and healthy existence which our local environment, together with good food and moderate exercise certainly help. Hi Ben! Those are useful words of advice. The lifestyle you describe is closer to a Blue Zones existence than most I know. No phone? No TV or car? And no cubicle job to keep you tied down? Well-played? I don’t know if I can agree with the idea of “injecting” happiness, since I think it’s more a byproduct than something to be acquired. Still, keeping it simple will afford more opportunities for contentment and helping others along the way. Always good to have you stop by! Lots to think about. I mainly agree with you on an individual level, but I also look at history and fear what happens when societies become too spiritual and “seeking”. Like Tibet today and the people that were in the Americas when Columbus arrived, they tend to inevitably get crushed by more materialistic cultures. Sir! Thanks for raising that point. I don’t know that I’m arguing for too much spirituality per se. I can see where to your point, too much leaning in one direction can cause more harm than good. Balance seems to be the best approach. I still have hope for the Tibetan people. They at least weren’t subjected to the “germs” part of the “guns, germs, and steel” equation.
The so-called "Norway model" is one of the considerations how a future relationship between Britain and post-Brexit Britain could look like. [EPA/CHRISTOPHE KARABA] Many forecasts predict an economic slump for the UK after the country’s exit. But the example of Norway shows that Britain can also do well outside the EU. In an interview with EURACTIV Germany, historian Idar Helle explains possible conclusions from the “Norwegian model” for post-Brexit Britain. Norwegian historian Idar Helle focuses on the history of the working-class movement. He is involved in the Norwegian campaign for withdrawal from the European Economic Area. In 1994, Norwegians decided by referendum against EU accession. What were the main arguments for this decision? At the core, it was about the question of political sovereignty, that is, about maintaining control over political decisions. In Norway, many say that Oslo is already far away from ordinary people, but Brussels is much further. This also has a lot to do with the large spatial distances and the tension between the centre and the periphery. In that sense, this is certainly a bit of a Norwegian specialty. Moreover, one should not underestimate the actual impact of EU membership on two sectors that are very important in Norway: fisheries and agriculture. In these sectors, there was a very large anti-EU majority and strong mobilisation in the run-up to the referendum. Beyond the concrete sectors, a strong alliance of the political centre and the left was crucial for the no. There have been very strong social movements that have focused primarily on the issue of social rights and workers standards. A crucial point in the debate was that the Norwegian welfare system would have been hard to sustain under the conditions of the EU single market and the liberal EU directives. However, many EU rules are still valid in Norway because of membership in the European Economic Area (EEA). You mentioned fishing and agriculture. What were the concerns of employees in these sectors? Where did such a clear rejection of EU membership come from? It is perfectly clear that within the framework of Common Agricultural Policy, Norwegian farmers have no chance of competing directly with German, Swedish or Danish producers. But the geographical and climatic conditions are too bad here. In addition, we generally have smaller companies that are not as competitive as, for example, large Danish companies. Above all, the fisherman feared a loss of fishing grounds. Norway now has extensive fishing waters which would be transferred to the common fisheries areas through EU membership. It was therefore mainly about economic self-interests. This does not necessarily apply to the entire EU debate, but for the sectors mentioned it was very clear that they aimed at protecting themselves against economic losses. Let us move away from the specific sectors: how would the Norwegian economy have developed overall, if the country would have joined the EU just like Sweden and Finland did in 1995? Generally speaking, the trend would probably have been similar to the real one. This is in favour of a comparison with the other Nordic countries you mentioned, or even the Netherlands, which have a relatively similar economic structure. However, it was not just about keeping the political leeway in hand, to withdraw specific sectors of self-regulation of the market. This concerns, as already mentioned, for example fisheries and agriculture, but also the oil industry. As you know, the oil industry is an absolute key industry in Norway. Not being in the EU means for Norway to be able to control this industry politically independently, to decide on its future, to be able to promote employment etc. The oil industry in Norway is very largely controlled by the state. That would be impossible under the conditions of EU law. You also raised the topic of Norway’s EEA membership. Can you say a bit more about what it means not to be in the EU, but in the EEA? As an EEA member, we are part of the EU single market. We therefore have all the advantages and disadvantages associated with internal market freedoms – but with one important exception: We have a veto right against individual EU directives. This right was rarely used. However, it does mean that we have a constant debate about new EU rules that are at least felt to be detrimental by a part of society. For example, there have been major political disputes in connection with social dumping, labour market liberalisation or, most recently, energy policy. The result of the 1994 referendum was extremely close. What is the public opinion about membership of the EU and the EEA? In the recent past, some EU directives have increased skepticism about EEA membership. This applies to public polls as well as to disputes within the parties. There is considerable skepticism about the EEA in all parties except the Conservatives. Conservatives, on the other hand, would like to see Norway as a full member of the EU. However, this is unrealistic in the foreseeable future. However, public opinion always depends on the economic situation. In a situation where Norway would be worse off than the EU over a longer period of time, public opinion would also shift. Geopolitics also plays an important role. In a situation with Trump in the US and Putin in Russia, there is more support for the idea of ​​finding solutions together with the EU. Most recently, polls in 2001/2002 showed a majority for EU accession. This had a lot to do with US foreign policy under George W. Bush. Conversely, in the medium term, it is also conceivable that clear majorities will emerge for an exit from the EEA. Of the 200 economies in the world, only Norway, Switzerland and Iceland are faced with having substantial political competences to trade with the EU. Many people are following the Brexit debate with great interest, looking for solutions that combine international trade relations with national sovereignty. You also follow the Brexit debate intensively. Most forecasts predict a significant decline in economic performance in the UK. Do you share this assessment against the background of Norwegian experience? That is hard to answer. Norwegian commercial contracts with the European Community and later the EU date back to another time. The EU had other ambitions and other procedures to regulate foreign trade. In general, however, I assume that countries that become more politically independent will also gain economic leeway. This is often misused or underestimated. So for the long-term trend, I would say that economic developments outside the EU should be the same or even better. There is much empirical evidence for this. One of the reasons is that countries outside the EU are better able to establish trade relations that fit their own developments. For example, it is clear to Norway that non-participation in EU trade policy has allowed much deeper trade to be built into Asia or America, which makes us less dependent on the EU single market today than it did 20 years ago. That should also apply to the UK in the long run. Perhaps even more intensively, as Britain can bring much more political and economic weight into the balance. The thing is, however, that the EU integration project is currently very ambitious on the one hand, and in a constant crisis of democracy and legitimacy on the other. In this situation, the EU is prepared to go very far with its measures in order to retain control over the member states, but also the neighbours. Pressure is also being built on Britain. For example, attempts are being made to enforce guarantees from the British government to not nationalise certain industries such as the rail network in the long term. That is a big hurdle, at least in the short term. What about the social rights of the British? Many Brexit opponents argue that the British can expect a major loss if these rights are no longer protected by the EU. It is true that the reduction of social rights in Great Britain went further in many areas than in the rest of the EU. However, one must also realise that this happened mainly in the 1980s and 1990s, when neoliberal ideology was at its peak and there were radical neoliberal governments. The situation today is different. The Tories are far less radical and clear for social cuts. For Labour, the change under Jeremy Corbyn is even more obvious. Today, it would be up to the British themselves to choose governments that stand for stronger or weaker social rights. In my opinion, this argument is therefore not really well thought out and does not fit in with the real political situation in Great Britain. One has to be careful when comparing Norway as an EEA to where the UK is likely to be after Brexit. Norway’s EEA membership places it in the status that is closest to EU membership. An EEA membership for the UK likewise would entail comparatively little negative impact relative to what the UK now enjoys, other than a reduction in the ability to influence EU27 policy. More extreme scenarios, such as a relationship limited to WTO trade arrangements or a full crashing out, would have more extreme impacts.
I've been running Debian on my servers for years (and RedHat before that). Among the many tasks my home server has is that it runs Mediatomb to my PS3 - excellent and I'm very happy with it. I now have a Virgin 50mb (with 5mb upstream) internet connection at home and I'm looking for an internet-capable streamer so I can watch my films at my girlfriends house. As I have 5mb upload, I am hoping for some good qaulity results, but I can't find anything suitable. Anyone have any experience / recommendations? I run 64-bit Debian on a an AMD9650 quadcore with 4GB RAM I would either just google for websites (they are EVERYWHERE) or look on debian. They normally have packages you can download and install and to my knowledge there should be some video streaming apps. I don't know which 64 bit Debian you're running but there are packages. I have Googled a lot - everything seems to be audio only or a complete O/S install, which I don't want to do as the server has so many other jobs to do for me. I'll have a look at the standard packages, but if you have any other suggestions / experience, that would really help. Use vlc to stream media. You don't need a server, just a powerful PC and a faster network connections. The lenny repository version is quite old (0.8.6) and has the codecs stripped out by the debby people and specifically says that it isn't great at streaming, so I'm not suprised that after a couple of hours of fiddling I can't get it to work. Any other ideas? Ideally I'd have something like mediatomb that can handle transcoding etc but over http. VLC is up to version 1.1.9 in sid, same as the version available to me in fedora 15. Codecs are easy enough to obtain. Since the requires are limited in vlc, if your good at apt, it might be a simple install. The only reason I'm telling you this is because it's the only app I'm familiar with for this purpose. Now when I think about it you already use Mediatomb to stream over you LAN right? UPnP I read on there page: I'm not sure but is it not possible to access the LAN with OpenVPN mentioned in the faq I linked above. I *could* use vpn (actually I'd use samba tunnelled over SSH as I use tunnelling all the time for VNC while away anyway) - I used to use the vpn setup on ip-cop a lot at work and at home, the problem I have then is getting mediatomb to a) not transcode when I'm on the PS3 at home and b) transcode to a lower bitrate when I'm out of the house at my girlfriends. From looking at the mediatomb setup I can set transcodes by filetype, but not by machine accessing the file. Obviously I'd prefer to keep full quality for LAN viewing, but even a 5mb upload won't work reliably at full data rate. I'll have a look at getting a later version of vlc - I got the webgui working no problem, just no stream and then I found the notes about the old version not coping well with streaming. The VLC website wasn't too helpful at first glance for finding the later versions, but I'll keep looking. As for the sid version - I'll look, but it depends on just how many includes it needs. I have Lenny as the server needs needs to be rock solid stable (it's an external-facing web/mail server as well), I know it's probably over-cautious (my IT manager background), but I want to keep experimental packages off it. Just an update - have got vlc to work by running the latest windows version in a VM on the server. It's horribly inelegant from a resources point of view and I'd prefer an all-linux solution on the server side, but it works fine. Lenny at the moment. As the server is external facing I prefer to stick to proven versions for as long as possible. The Register: "A Compaq Proliant server cluster is capable of running up a billion transactions a day - apparently a In real life, this is equivalent to the requirements of "more than triple the transactions handled daily, tk421 writes "Leslie Hawthorn, open source program co-coordinator at Google, told that the program had an 82 percent overall success rate in 2006. "I really like open source people and open source developers a lot personally, they're idealists their hearts are in a good place," Google's Chris DiBona said. "I get to make more of them and help move projects forward and bring fresh blood to open source, and I just think it's so cool to be able to do that. ""
The boss offered words of praise for Martial, Lukaku and his hard-working United squad while talking to MUTV... This tranquilly-situated hotel combines spa facilities including an indoor pool a rustic-style restaurant and an ideal location for skiing. Hotel Sonnalp is 500 metres from the nearest ski slope and offers rooms with a balcony and scenic mountain views. Each of the rooms at Hotel Sonnalp includes wooden furniture cable TV and a seating area. They also have a private bathroom with a shower a bath or both. There is a ski bus stop only 100 metres from Sonnalp Hotel. Kirchberg in Tirol is 1.6 km away. Golf Club Kitzbühel Schwarzsee-Reith is less than a 10-minute drive from the hotel. A Finnish sauna steam bath and a Kneipp-pool with warm and cold water to improve circulation are some of the wellness facilities at the hotel. There is also a tennis court and a games room with table tennis and billiards. Guests can buy ski passes and make use of ski storage on site. The restaurant at Sonnalp serves traditional local and international cuisine in a dining room which includes wooden beams and old-style furniture. There is also a cozy bar and a terrace which offers a peaceful place to sit in summer. I had my doubts about opening an account with Citibank. Im my native country Citi was investigated for paying bribes to politicians. Anyways I moved into the neighborhood . And it was... This location wasn't the issue. I called citibank to assist me and this is my story: I am extremely disappointed in Citibank. Earlier this week (more than three days ago), I poured my heart out... I was just there now. They have no parking EVER! I just got my 5th parking ticket today because their parking is shit! Worst bank and slowest bankers ever! Take ur money elsewhere they were on the... Incredibly rude and bad service. They did not make me wait because I got there first thing in morning, but the banking associate I was assigned to was rude, arrogant, slow and possibly a bit... Hii I would like to say that Pam's Pretty Limo provided me with excellent service , and I would refer this company to my friends and fanily Very personable & dependable! Fast & friendly service with a smile. I am pretty picky when it comes to my home but Ashley was very patient with me & found exactly the criteria I was looking for... I was in a hurry to find a place in my budget and Ashley Hayward was not only helpful but gave great customer service , she found me four locations in less then a day in great locations and in my... Very beautiful but somewhat pricey. Love the concept and particularly love the fresh lavender sold in bulk at the front of the store. The soaps are lovely. But expensive. In fact most of the... Our offices are located for your convenience in the Vernon Hills Shopping Center on Route 22 in Scarsdale/Eastchester, across from St. John’s Riverside Hospital on North Broadway in Yonkers, and on Lexington Avenue at 41st Street near Grand Central Terminal in midtown Manhattan. We are a third generation father and son law firm in Westchester and New York City with a family tradition of working hard to obtain full, fair and just compensation for our injured clients. With over 50 years of personal injury experience, and among the highest-rated law firms in New York, we have won over $200 million in settlements for our clients with bodily injuries including: Head Injuries/ Traumatic Brain Injuries, Quadriplegia and Paraplegia, Neck & Back Injuries (including disc herniations and fractures), Shoulder and Knee torn ligaments and meniscus injuries, Spinal Injuries (including nerves and spinal cord), Burns and Disfigurements, and Fractures/Broken Bones and Joints – Shoulder, Elbow Wrist, Hip, Knee, Ankle Since 1981, Aaron Termite & Pest Control has been eradicating common pests with local phone lines in Franklin, Sylva and Highland for the convenience of our residential and commercial customers. Standing fully behind our work, we offer monthly and quarterly accounts and complete termite inspections. Established in 1991, Dillon Christian School is a private Christian school. It offers a range of academic and extracurricular options to more than 350 students in pre-kindergarten through grade 12. Its academic curriculum includes language arts, English, mathematics, science and social studies. The school conducts classes in Spanish, History and psychology. It also maintains a library and media center that stocks books, instructional materials and periodicals. The school organizes a range of athletic activities that includes football, basketball, cross-country, and track and field. It organizes a variety of events, including art shows and science fairs. In addition, the school operates a student council and Beta club. Located in Dillon, S.C., Dillon Christian School is accredited by the South Carolina Independent School Association.
haven't posted in a while and I've got a few cakes to show. the first is a princess cake covered in butter cream with a fondant shirt. the next cake is andy's bed from toy story when buzz light year arrives. it's covered in buttercream. the head board and foot board were made from modelling chocolate. buzz and woody are just toys put on the cake. buzz's space ship was made from cake. it's been a long time since I last posted! I have quiet a few cakes to share. The first cake is a Lightening McQueen cake again. This one was a bit bigger, and I was able to do the window's better than the first time. Also I made a few cake pops to make a checkered flag from the scraps from carving LM. The next cake was for my good friend who's dragon boat team (brainwaves) was having their year end party and she wanted to bring a cake to celebrate the year. My second wedding cake was really fun to do since it wasn't your traditional wedding cake. the bf's best friend asked me to make her wedding cake and I hoped she would want a mario themed cake and she did! I added cotton candy clouds to the cake just before dinner but forgot to take a photo. I believe the photographer took some so I am hoping I can get a finished cake picture. the cotton candy seemed like such a great idea, until it deflated and liquefied. lesson learned! the next cake was for the bf's boss for his wedding. his wife to be wanted to have three smaller cakes in glass stands (6" in diameter) with one just on a cake plate (9"). I loved the small cake idea and the glass standing until I had to put the buttercream covered cakes into the stand. I took out a lot of the icing trying to drop it in and had to fix a lot of it up, but it turned out really cute. I also made cake pop's as the table favours. a friend of mine asked for a cake to celebrate both the birth of a baby boy and the birthday of the new mother. the booties are made from gum paste and turned out adorable. I like the simplicity of this cake. dragon boat christnas! the coach of my good friend was going to a christmas party for a dragon boat team that he is on (quick silver) and asked if I could make a cake for their party just like the one from their end of year party. I changed how I made the boat and I was happier with the look of it. I added a santa hat to the dragon, wrote merry christmas on the other side and painted a poinsettia on the drum to make it more festive! I had some problems with the neck, the gum paste didn't harden quick enough. I should have made it earlier than I did to give it enough time to dry. I made a cake for the bf's dad's birthday. it's taz from looney toons with a sombrero and a can of Budweiser beer, sitting in the sand on the beach, all things that his dad likes. the instructions on how to make taz were in spanish so it wasn't until i made the head that I realized that they used modeling chocolate and not modeling paste like I was using. he didn't turn out so well but his dad liked it anyways. the last cake that I have to share is an easy bake oven cake! I was going to just do the easy bake oven (this years model without the light bulb!) but I decided it would be better to do it a little smaller and put it on a "table" covered in a princess crown covered table cloth. I was super happy with how the easy bake oven turned out, def one of my favourite cakes I've done do far. a friend of mine wanted to surprise her bf with a cake for his 30th birthday. he's a big fan of soccer with Manchester United as his fave team. i tried a different method for doing the hexagons and making it look more like a real soccer ball, which worked out well. a co-worker friend of the bfs needed a cake for her daughters 7th birthday and she wanted it spongebob themed. she didn't want a fondant covered cake. i think the star tip gave it a more realistic look than the fondant would have. spongebob was made from modeling paste with only the dots on the cheeks and strips on his socks painted on. friends of the b/f and mine are getting married next month and to celebrate we had a wedding shower for them. i of course got to make the cupcakes! they got engaged at medieval times in Florida so the theme of the shower was medieval times. the toppers were made from fondant with a little tylose power to give them a little more strength. the castle isn't actually cake, just a cake dummy covered in fondant. they (bride and groom) loved them. i made the bride and groom to be their own much larger cupcakes that i put in cups to act like pedestals. long time since my last post so I have a couple cakes to show. the first cake was done for a friends mothers retirement/birthday. they wanted to have her relaxing in her hot tub now that she's retired. the next cake was for my good friends bridal shower. I was to do the wedding cake so I wanted to test out some idea's which is why it's a little fancy for a shower cake. now for my first wedding cake! it turned out well and I didn't ruin my friends wedding! the flower pattern and colours are from their invitations. she was happy with the cake. just for fun I decided to make a zombie head cake. I made him to resemble my bf. he's roughly 4"x4.5"x4" in size. I did a cake for a co-worker friend of the bf's. She wanted a cake for her father who is a cable installer. He uses the box by Greenlee for his tools, and the tool on the top is one that he invented to help him reach cables that are out of reach. I cut the logo out by hand and not to toot my own horn, but I think I did a pretty good job! (the logo is only 5" across for reference of how tiny the letters were to cut out.) I have a few cakes to show since my last post since I've been lacking in posts. The first cake was for a old co-workers son's birthday. It was a space themed party. The next cake was for a co-worker of the bf's. She's a big shoe fan, so I made her a shoe box with a gum paste shoe on the top. First time making a shoe and I think it turned out pretty good. She was excited that she got to keep the shoe. Next was for a friend of the bf's. She wanted a cake for two people, one who was going on a cruise and one that liked sharks. If you look closely, you can see I put a pool and chairs on the ship. My friend is getting married in August and we had her bachelorette party for her and I just had to make perverted cupcakes for the event! (click to see actual picture) An old co-worker of mine asked me to donate a cake to his son's school for a fundraiser and I of course accepted. It was for a celebration cake that the winner (it was an auction) got to design for whatever event they needed it for. The winner needed the cake for her daughters first communion. She showed me a cake that she liked and I made some changes to make it special for her daughter. I was very excited to make the rosary. The winner wanted a very clean looking cake with only white decorations, which is why the flower on the cross of the rosary is white. I think a pink flower would have looked cute. Last item to show is some cake pops I made for a co-worker friend of the bf's. His wife loved the valentines cake pops I had made and wanted some for their son's first communion. She wanted cross shaped cake pops, which seemed like an easy enough shape to make but it was much harder than expected. They turned out nice though. I've got a few cakes to post since I have been lazy and not posted in 2 months. 4 cakes, some valentines cupcakes, and my first attempted at cake pops to be exact. The first cake was made for a friend who was celebrating his 30th birthday. His girlfriend asked me to make it for him and surprise him with it at a party she was throwing him. One of his favourite bands is Chore, and he loves the light box they have on stage at shows. He loved the cake, as did the band whom he is friends with. First photo is of the cake, and the other is of the actual light box. The next cake was for a co-worker of the bf's mom. His son was having his 8th birthday and they wanted to have a starwars themed cake. He likes lego starwars a lot so I made a Luke Skywalker cake for him. The mother sent me a thank you card and she quoted one of the boys at the party who said "That is the most awesome thing I've ever seen!". I made valentines day cupcake's for the bf's work, as well as some cake pop's cause I was dying to try them out. People went crazy for the cake pop's and took more than one each because they wanted to take them home for their kids, so there wasn't enough for everyone. This cake was made for a co-worker of the bf's. 786 is some sort of religious number. It's covered in buttercream. This last cake was made for an old co-worker of mine for her son's second birthday. It's lightning Mcqueen! I wasn't able to get all the details in, I simplified it because of time, but I am certain the 2yr old will know who it is with out all the decals. I saw a lightning mcqueen cake online that is amazing, and they used edible paper that you can use edible inks and print on for their decals. That is going on my wish list! my old boss asked me to make a cake for her son's birthday, and she wanted it to be a replica of his fave mighty beanz #33 scuba beanz. she sent me some photo's of it and i tried my best to put all the details on. due to time i wasn't able to get everything on there. i had problems with the "water" in the mask and the shading. i tried it out on a smaller scale and it looked right, but when it was done on the actual bean, it didn't look the same. she asked me weeks ago to make this cake for him, but didn't tell him. two days before his party, her son said "we should have asked kelly to make my birthday cake." she told him he needed to ask sooner than two days before his party to give me time to make it. he loved it. he and his friends checked out all the details before they would let her cut the cake. little kids are so cute sometimes! All images are copy right 2010 - 2011 Kelly Mousehill. Do not re-post photo's without giving credit. Awesome Inc. theme. 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Spend a few hours trudging up a steep mountainside to one of the best viewpoints offered by the list of Zion's classic trails. This challenging path is complete with dizzying drop offs and eye popping scenery looking down into Zion Canyon. The maintained path zigzags its way up the steep mountainside beside familiar reddish Navajo sandstone before venturing through Echo Canyon, a deep gorge filled with water gnawed sandstone pockets. Near the top of the trek you will see white rock; this layer is known as the Temple Cap formation. Beyond Echo Canyon walls drop sharply, giving way to spectacular views. At the trails end, looking down into the canyon is a spectacular display of stone sculptures contrasted by the bluest of skies – thanks to the clean air of southern Utah. At the end, the West Rim Trail can be seen to the right as well as lofty Angels Landing which covers much of the white rock of Cathedral Mountain. A little farther down canyon the Three Patriarchs stand at attention. On the left is the East Rim, Cable Mountain, Great White Throne and far down canyon glimpses of the Watchman and beyond the park, even Canaan Mountain can be seen. The Virgin River forms a lush river valley below, where water skirts around Angels Landing and the Organ, forming Big Bend. Difficulty: The path is steep and gains elevation quickly, making it one of the most strenuous of the classic hikes in the park. If you have poor fitting shoes it can be quite painful on your toes on the return hike. Hikers that are use to Zion's steep downhill hikes know to lace their shoes tightly on the return to prevent your toes from constantly jamming into the end of your shoes. Trail Conditions: Most of the trail is a hard surface. It is mostly in full sun and the steep downhill return can be hard on toes and knees. There are drop-offs at high elevations. Stay away from the edge of the trail and cliff edges. Best Season: Year-round as long as snow and ice are not present on the trail. In the winter the trail can become impassible due to ice. Get an early start in the hot summer months to take advantage of the western exposure and shade in the morning. Directions - If the shuttle is running, take it to the Weeping Rock Trailhead. If you visit during the winter months, when the shuttle shuts down, drive into Zion Canyon and park at the Weeping Rock Trailhead. Observation Point shares the first part of the trail with the East Rim and Hidden Canyon Trails and branches off the Weeping Rock Trail at the trailhead. The path ascends rapidly as hikers climb the long switchbacks toward their destination. The huge Weeping Rock alcove can be seen during much of the hike and if you are lucky enough to be there after heavy rains, several waterfalls might be visible. The Hidden Canyon Trail intersects the Observation Point Trail and takes off on its own at about the 1.5 mile mark. Bypass this spur and continue north up the trail. Several more switchbacks lead even higher and soon the trail becomes fairly level as a spur on hikers right leads into Echo Canyon. Zion Canyon: Author of the site, Tanya Milligan, standing at the end of the Observation Point Trail. The view into Zion Canyon from this point is spectacular with the Virgin River winding its way downhill as towering monoliths rise on each side. Echo Canyon -The hanging chasm of Echo Canyon is a delightful section of this trail. If water is running through the carved walls of the carved crevice then you will hear the rapid rush and cascading of the waterfalls. The first glance of this spectacular slot will be on the left side of the trail. The steep grade eases as the path leads to a lush setting and the trail becomes a wash. When the slot is dry, which is common during drought years in the summer months, it is possible to walk right into the slot canyon from this point and explore, but most of the time there are pools of frigid cold water forming unpleasant obstacles to overcome for the average hiker. East Rim Junction - All too soon the trail leads away from this delightful, flatter section of the trail, winding its way up the steep path toward the promontory of Mount Baldy. Open views are now the center of attention. Pass the spur to the East Rim Trail that would take hikers to the East Rim trailend near the park's east entrance. The Mesa - The most stressful section of the trail is paved, but as the trail flattens out toward the top it turns to mixed sand and rock for about .75 miles. During winter months melting snow makes this area a slushy wet mess. Soon there is a signed junction where it is then 2.5 miles to the park boundary. Turn left at the junction, steering west and south toward Observation Point. At the end of the point the reward is some of the most impressive views in Zion National Park. Observation Point - From the point, Angels Landing and the West Rim are to the right. Cathedral Mountain, Castle Dome and the Three Patriarchs are farther down the canyon but also to the right. To the left is the East Rim: Cable Mountain, Great White Throne, and at the far south section of the park is the Watchman. Trail History - Few in the park ever use the name of the mountain where Observation Point sits, but is was named Mount Baldy in 1928 by Stephen S. Johnson. Before the switchbacks were built, in 1922, the hike was a grueling 18 miles. From the uppermost sections of the trail the Hidden Canyon, lower Observation Point and the West Rim Trails can all be seen. Options - From the Observation Point Trail you can take a peek into Echo Canyon, continue on the East Rim Trail, drive into East Zion and begin on the East Mesa Trail or take the side spur to Hidden Canyon. Echo Canyon - Echo Canyon is a fun slot canyon with many high wall sections and eerie lighting that during the driest of years in the summer you might be able to explore parts of it. There are some areas blocked by boulders that will be difficult to climb up and down. A good climber should be part of the group. Be prepared for pools of neck high cold and even stagnant water. Canyoneers will explore the technical sections of the slot canyon from the top down. If you see people hiking up the trail with big backpacks and helmets, they are heading to the trailhead for the technical Echo Canyon route. The conditions in this slot canyon change and there is a flash flood danger. Check weather conditions before hiking. Permits are required for Echo Canyon. This is a popular canyoneering route in Zion. East Rim Trail - 2 miles up the Observation Point Trail is the spur to complete the 10 mile East Rim Trail. The East Rim hike is most enjoyable when starting near the East Zion entrance station, so the trek along the steep path is downhill rather than an uphill climb and the views in that direction are impressive. The 10 miles does not include the spur to Observation Point. East Mesa Trail - To take the East Mesa spur: Continue up the trail, past the junction to the East Rim Trail. Just a short distance from the trail-end, .3-miles, there is a sign directing hikers to the park boundary. Turn here. This trail is less scenic and is used mostly by canyoneers going to the technical slot canyon - Mystery Canyon. Hidden Canyon - Hidden Canyon passes pools of water trapped in pockets of rock and ends in a hanging canyon. The canyon is a side-ravine between Cable Mountain and the north wall of the Great White Throne.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) last month warned Pakistan of a looming foreign exchange crisis. The strongly worded statement foresaw a depletion of foreign reserves as in 2008, when the country’s government was forced to seek an emergency bailout. The IMF executive board report made clear that further funding will require unprecedented budget cuts and pro-market “reforms” that will lead to further attacks on jobs, working conditions and living standards. The report observed that “while some progress has been made, Pakistan continues to face difficult macro-economic challenges as growth remains insufficient, underlying inflation is high, and the external position is weakening.” It underscored the negative impact of “an uncertain global environment and a difficult domestic situation, as well as adverse effects of natural disasters.” Gross domestic product, adjusted for price changes, has averaged 3 percent growth annually over the past four years and is projected to expand by 3.25 percent for this financial year. This is insufficient to absorb the growing labour force, for the fifth consecutive year, according to the IMF. The report also forecast double-digit inflation by next June. Foreign exchange reserves had fallen “below adequate levels” to $10 billion by October, reflecting “weak financial inflows and debt repayments”. Pakistani exports have reduced drastically as a result of the downturn in its chief export markets, the US and Europe. State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) figures released in December also revealed a bleak picture. The SBP said the government held $US63.82 billion (6,233 billion rupees) in external debt, including $7 billion still owing to the IMF from the 2008 bailout. Foreign direct investment (FDI) was in a sharp decline, from a peak of $5.3 billion in the 2007-08 financial year to just $813 million in 2011-12. The IMF’s reference to “some progress” was to the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP)-led government’s economic restructuring and budget cuts, implemented as part of its bailout agreement with the IMF. These measures have featured cutbacks in social spending, “flexible” exchange rates and a commitment to privatisation. These measures have made a shattering blow to the living standards of most people. The many millions affected by the massive floods of 2010 and 2011 have been left without assistance as a result. According to the Sustainable Development Policy Institute, an Islamabad based think-tank, 33 percent of Pakistanis, and 46 percent in rural areas, live in poverty. The IMF’s prescription is more austerity. “[R]educing the large fiscal deficit is essential,” the report said. It proposed lowering subsidies and price differences, which would drastically raise energy prices. Other measures included privatising “loss making” public sector enterprises, “improving the investment climate, and further trade liberalisation”. The IMF falsely claimed that these “strong policy measures” would address “vulnerabilities, boosting sustainable growth and reducing poverty”. In reality, Pakistan’s crisis has resulted from the world capitalist breakdown and the country’s chronic backwardness. The implementation of similar policies in Greece, prescribed by the IMF and associated bodies, has already set a devastating example. The IMF rejected the Pakistani government’s proposed “tax amnesty program,” supposedly designed to bring influential tax evaders into the tax net. With a general election due in May, the amnesty is a concession to sections of the ruling elite that have illegally earned “black money”. The IMF has also insisted on widening the base of the Value Added Tax to increase government revenue, which would result in sharp price rises for essentials. The IMF refused to release the final instalments, amounting to $1.3 billion, of the last $11.3 billion bailout loan, citing the government’s failure to implement all its recommendations. The government of President Asif Ali Zardari said it would not ask for a new IMF bailout for the time being. It is desperate to delay any further austerity program that would fuel mass opposition and dash any prospect of re-election in May. The government appealed to the IMF to defer at least some of the repayment of $1.7 billion due within the next six months. The Dawn reported on December 14 that an IMF team was likely to visit the country soon. Islamabad is hoping that US influence would have a favourable impact on its negotiations with the IMF in the short term. The Obama administration has agreed to pay $600 million from the Coalition Support Fund to Islamabad for the services it provided in waging war against Taliban-allied militants on Pakistan soil. This is a further sign of Islamabad’s efforts in recent months to mend tense relations with Washington and to further accommodate US imperialism. Conscious of mounting public opposition to the austerity measures and privatisation, the IMF stressed that “securing broad political support for tax and other reforms is critical”. This was a warning to the ruling PPP, as well as the main opposition parties, the Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N) and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), to keep the IMF’s dictates out of the election debate. The PML-N, which has implemented IMF policies in the past, has no opposition to the austerity agenda. The same applies to the PTI, which has repeatedly stressed that the party is committed to improving the “investment climate” as a means of addressing the fiscal crisis. If these parties pose as opponents of the IMF measures, it is only to divert the anger of workers and the poor. Whichever government takes office after the next election, it will step up the onslaught on the conditions of the masses. “This operation has the character of a try-out,” said the G5 force’s commander, Malian General Didier Dacko. According to French army sources, the “territorial control” operation was carried out by 350 soldiers from Burkina Faso, 200 from Niger and 200 from Mali. Since his election in May, French President Emmanuel Macron has pushed to intensify the war launched by his predecessor, François Hollande, in France’s former colonial empire, amid growing geostrategic tensions between Europe, the United States, and China. On July 2, Macron attended a summit of the G5 states in Bamako. The summit formally inaugurated the new force, which officially includes around 5,000 troops in total furnished by the countries of the alliance. Macron confirmed that France will not leave Africa and or redeploy its 4,000 troops fighting in Operation Barkhane (the war in Mali), despite the launching of the G5 force. He said France would remain engaged in Mali “as long as it takes” to carry out a struggle against terrorism. He gave no indication of when, or even if, Paris might withdraw its forces. “I came to Bamako today and went to Gao last month to show you that France will remain engaged as long as it takes,” Macron said in a speech before the French community in Bamako. “Thanks to our engagement, we aim in the long term to accompany and support the national and regional forces,” he added. Paris faces a significant difficulty, in that it confronts a budgetary crisis. The G5 estimates that its operating costs will run to €423 million in the first year. Macron has announced material and logistical aid from France worth €8 million by the end of the year; the European Union (EU) has promised €50 million, and each G5 member country has committed to contributing €10 million. France is therefore forced to ask for financing from its imperialist allies, principally Germany and the United States. In the final analysis, the imperialist capitals plan to put the costs of this neo-colonial escalation on the backs of the workers—which Macron made clear by calling for multi-billion defense spending increases while eliminating the special tax on large fortunes. Austerity and slashing cuts to social spending aim to boost financing for wars like the G5 operation in Africa. At the same time, Macron is demanding that the G5 countries, which were already among the poorest in the world even before being devastated by the wars during this decade, to provide large quantities of cannon fodder. The claim that these sacrifices in blood and treasures are necessary in a struggle against terrorism is a shameless political lie. The crisis in the Sahel flows from the bloody war for regime change that NATO waged against Libya in 2011, relying directly on Islamist militias as its ground troops. After the fall of the Libyan regime, Tuareg forces that had fought inside the Libyan army returned to northern Mali and backed local Tuareg fighters, including the National Movement for Liberation of the Azawad (MNLA) against the Malian army. This provoked a major crisis in Bamako, where a coup toppled President Amadou Toumani Touré in March 2012. Initially, Paris tried to remove the military junta of Captain Amadou Sanogo, which it forced to hand over power to an interim government. But finally Paris decided to back the Sanogo junta when it launched its own war in Mali in January 2013—which it nonetheless presented as a war to protect democracy from Islamism. Since 2013, the French war in Mali has aimed neither to fight terrorism nor to create democracy in Mali. Rather, amid increasingly sharp international rivalries, Paris is preparing major new wars in Africa to protect its imperialist interests, including its control of the region’s vast uranium mines that fuel France’s nuclear plants. These successive wars have devastated the G5 countries. According to the UN, 5 million people have fled their homes and 24 million people need humanitarian assistance in the region. Even Malian officials kept in power by French troops now feel compelled to confess that the war in Libya had horrific consequences for the region. Malian Foreign Minister Abdoulaye Diop called the Libyan war a “strategic error” whose fall-out was not “well handled.” As US troops also intervene in Niger and across the Sahel, there are growing differences between the imperialist powers and also with China, whose political influence in Africa is growing in line with its commercial weight. Washington—which is opposed to French demands that African operations function under the aegis of the UN and is reticent to fund French operations—has expressed serious reservations over the G5 force. Washington has refused to finance the G5 through the UN, particularly under conditions where the Trump administration is trying to slash US payments to the UN, and has announced that it will provide funding directly to the G5 member states. It reportedly plans to provide aid worth €51 million to the five countries and has declared that this money would not go to the UN. US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley bluntly criticized the French plans. “They can’t show us a goal, they can’t show us how they’re going to proceed,” Haley told CNN. “If they go back and they show us a strategy, and if it’s something that General [James] Mattis and General [Joseph] Dunford feel like is moving in the right direction, then yes. We will. But right now they’re not showing that, and so it doesn’t make sense for us.” Amid these Franco-American tensions, the Chinese regime is providing support, on paper at least, to the new force set up by French imperialism. Chinese permanent vice-representative to the UN Wu Haitao declared that it “would be necessary to support this alliance, while taking into account the leading role of the regional powers and the sovereignty of countries in the alliance.” Beijing has also set up its own aid fund targeting the Sahel countries.
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They did a great job & have continued to provide the service promised. You can't ask for anything more. Solar Solutions for... We're very professional, did a great job and we are very happy with the results. Solar Solutions for New Jersey, Upstate New York, and Eastern... Great job guys I'm very happy Great company super professional !! Solar Solutions for New Jersey, Upstate New York, and Eastern... My experience with Ecomen Solar was a very pleasant one. Joe Aurilia spearheaded the project, and everything went as well as it was scheduled. I was particularly impressed with the work ethic of Joe and the electricians, who had to deal with 100 degree... There’s no reason to deal with expensive national companies with high overhead and full of used car salesman collecting commission. I was very happy with my installation by EcoMen Solar. I paid about $1 per installed watt less than the national companies.... EcoMen Solar was easy to work with and knowledgeable about getting the project completed in NYC – a tough place to do any type of construction. They were pleasant, respectful, courteous and professional. They were good communicators. They presented each... Went Solar last year with this Company. Owners were great, very professional and friendly. I couldn’t be happier that we went GREEN – it was a great move – Thanks guys!! Betty & Billy Brennan ... This company installed a solar panel system on our roof in July 2011. The job was done in a short time, people showed themselves as a very knowledgeable and eff ective team. The system works flawlessly, covering all our needs in electric power and saving... Just had our solar system activated on Aug 2, 2016. The fellows who did the work were terrific. Peter showed me how the meter runs backwards when he pulled the switch. I’m very excited. I would (and have already) recommend Ecomen to all. Thanks so much.... I had my solar panels installed in February 2016 by Ecomen Solar. The first thing they noticed was that I needed a new Main Electrical Panel Box. I knew this from when another electrician did work for me. The new service box was installed in a few hours... I’ve had such a fabulous experience with this company, that I want to pass the information along to you in the event you are considering buying or leasing a solar system from the guy in Home Depot, Lowes, or the guy that left the business card in your... Ecomen provided a system that offered the best value of all the vendors I checked. The Ecomen Solar team were very professional and a pleasure to work with. They did an excellent installation job. I love the system, it has been installed for about 1 year... I loved working with EcoMen Solar! I shopped around for YEARS looking into getting solar. I had some arrogant people in and out of my home….I ask a lot of questions and not until Ecomen came into my home were all my questions answered….and then some!!! They explained... Warranties are a big deal. Especially in solar. Solar systems are expected to operate in all weather conditions for decades. So what are the important points of module (panel) warranties? What are the parameters and conditions that matter, and how does a... Government incentives can be confusing and finding the facts in a single place is often a bit of a struggle. Well, I am happy to share that the NC Clean Energy Technology Center has taken the grunt work out of this for you! The below PDF is a fantastic... We found a discovery piece shining light into murky shadows of the solar industry. A tale of well-meaning, solar-naive homeowners (people like you or I) who’d been taken advantage of by unscrupulous solar companies using questionable sales tactics… to rope them into signing up for a shoddy solar system under an agreement of unfavorable terms. As the solar finance landscape evolves, savvy homeowners are continuing to move AWAY FROM LEASES and TOWARDS SOLAR LOANS. Why? 1. Better savings 2. Better home resale value because a 3rd party (leasing company) is not involved in the sale. See here. EcoMen... Now that your solar system is installed, its time to prepare to receive the benefits of your SRECs. One SREC is granted to you by the state for every 1000kWh (1MWh) of energy your grid tied solar system produces. GATS (Generation Attributes System) is... Each time a project generates 1,000 kWh of electricity, an SREC is earned. System owners report the energy production to the SREC tracking system, which allows SRECs to be placed in the customer's electronic account. SRECs can then be sold on the SREC... I often feel solar today is like the microwave oven in the ‘80s. While we cannot imagine a kitchen today without a microwave, that was not the case in 1980. Even though the microwave was created in 1946 and made available for home use in the late 1970’s,... With the incredible success of solar installations over the last 10 years we have seen utility companies step up and directly offer their consumers more up to date and detailed information on the benefits of solar and the processes for connecting solar... Between the time the solar system is installed and your utility company replaces your old single direction meter with a new bi-directional meter it is possible to see your meter spin backwards. This will happen during periods of time where the solar system... Yea, that’s a real odd title for a blog.. and I am not even sorry for something I did or my company did, but I am forced to apologize for the industry I am in. We’ve known for many years that real estate agents were not giant fans of solar systems on homes... I write the post today not because I think online marketplaces for solar should not exist, but because my team receives so much negative feedback from potential clients when they are only trying to help the customer receive the best system for their home.... Any solar installer who’s been around for a few years has inevitably faced well-meaning (and some not so well-meaning) folks asking about the cost of going solar. Some read an article somewhere and self-inform themselves with out-of-context information.... NY-Sun has put together a phenomenally great list of Solar Myths all busted in a single PDF (also walked through on video). We hope going through this helps to clear the air with those who have doubts in their minds about solar. They cover all the top ones... Solar technology isn’t new. Its history spans from the 7th Century B.C. to today. We started out concentrating the sun’s heat with glass and mirrors to light fires. Today, we have everything from solar-powered buildings to solar-powered vehicles. ...
Late in World War II, the Empire of Japan developed a new type of weapon. Very young pilots flew one-way missions in planes which often had no landing gear. One 17-year-old, Corporal Yukio Araki - who was holding a puppy the day before he flew a fatal mission on May 26, 1945 - was a member of 72nd Shinbu Squadron at Bansei, Kagoshima (on the home island of Kyushu). This clip, from a documentary of historical footage compiled by British Pathé, takes us to the scene of kamikaze battles. In unbelievable scenes, with flak surrounding the planes, these suicidal missions took a heavy toll on both sides of the fighting. The American carrier, USS Essex (CV-9), was attacked on November 25, 1944, when a kamikaze (Lt. Yoshinori Yamaguchi) exploded his plane (a Yokosuka D4Y) at midship. The carrier survived the attack. The USS Bismarck Sea (CVE-95) - participating in the battle for Iwo Jima - was not so fortunate. Following two direct hits, inflicted by two kamikazes, she exploded and sank on the 21st of February, 1945. ** Nearby, the USS Saratoga (CV-3) sustained damage from another kamikaze attack on the same day. Kamikaze pilots who were not sent on target missions recall their service in a 1989 book entitled Thunder Gods: The Kamikaze Pilots Tell Their Story. Publishers Weekly describes the work: The Thunder Gods were a Japanese naval-aviation unit trained for one-way missions in flying bombs called the Ohka, which were launched from a mother-plane. Employed mostly in the 1945 Okinawa campaign, they sank one U.S. destroyer at a cost of 438 pilots and crew members. The author, who took part in the wind-tunnel testing of the Ohka , describes the flying bomb's conception, development and the training of the pilots. Volunteers were categorized as Compliant, Eager, Very Eager and - if they signed their application in blood - Earnest. Missions are described from the mother-plane crew's point of view or by Ohka pilots who were not launched at the target for one reason or another. More fully than in other recent books on kamikazes, Naito explains the spiritual dimension of the kamikaze phenomenon and its complicated effect on individual pilots. This clip tells us that 3,500 planes - flown by kamikaze pilots - were lost in just two months. When the USS Bunker Hill (CV-17) was attacked by two kamikaze pilots - one of whom was Ensign Kiyoshi Ogawa - the crew saved the ship by making drastic maneuvers. Letters from kamikaze pilots to their families tell us that not all these young men wanted to die in battle. One example is from Ichizo Hayash, a 23-year-old who wrote to his mother before flying his final mission: Clip from documentary, online courtesy British Pathé, copyright British Pathé, all rights reserved. Clip provided here as fair use for educational purposes. ** What was it like to endure a kamikaze attack? Captain John L. Pratt - commanding officer of the Bismarck Sea - answers that question in his March 22, 1945 incident report. The following are key excerpts: ...sunset had occurred at 1825 [6:30 PM, local time] and only half light remained. Approximately three planes were seen headed toward the LUNGA POINT [CVE-94] which was on our port bow, somewhat more toward the port beam. Our battery two took one of these planes and splashed it. A few seconds thereafter a plane was observed very low on the water just outside of one of the screening destroyers on our starboard hand, the destroyer being between the plane and ourselves. The destroyer, which was a part of the screen and other vessels of the screen, did not open fire on this plane because the word had been passed that there were friendly planes, namely the SARATOGA planes in the area and due to the half light they could not be clearly distinguished from enemy planes. This plane which was coming in low continued toward the destroyer, which was approximately a thousand yards on our beam and just as he got there, that is just as he got to the destroyer, he dodged around her stern and came directrly for us. Some of our guns couldn't fire because they would have been firing directly at the destroyer. Others had just enough room to open up and begin hitting the plane, but they did not have sufficient time to shoot as the distance covered by him from the time he left the destroyer until he got to us was a matter of three or four seconds. This plane struck the ship abeam of the after elevator and entered the ship between the water line and the flight deck. When it entered the side it knocked four of our torpedoes from the starboard rack where they were stowed ans scattered them about the hanger deck. The elevator cables were parted and the elevator fell to the bottom of its well. The after fire main was damaged and no water was available at the scene of the fire. The water curtains were immediately turned on, but due to the damage to the fire main, which I have mentioned, the water curtain in the vicinity of the after elevator had no supply and did not function. This started a considerable fire and the regular party on the hanger deck and all hands who were available came aft to fight the fire. The glow undoubtedly showed clearly through the open elevator well and attracted a second enemy plane which came in vertically from directly overhead and struck the flight deck just forward of the elevator well. This killed or mortally injured all of the fire fighting party and wiped out the repair three party whose station was directly below the area of the fire. The explosion caused by this second plane also buckled the bulkheads in the gallery spaces over the hanger deck and collapsed or disrupted some of the decks in the 20 and 40 mm. clipping rooms and a large quantity of 20 and 40 mm. ammunition, which was stored there, fell into the fire. seven o'clock or 1900, passed the word for all hands to go to their abandon ship stations because I expected the torpedoes, which were directly in an intense fire and could not be reached, I expected them to explode at any time. To go back a little bit, I believe about 125 were killed in the explosions that occurred aboard ship before we left. The ship had about 2½ knots headway on which was fortunate because it assisted the personnel in getting clear. Even so, just as we left a tremendous explosion occurred which was undoubtedly one or more of the torpedoes. This explosion blew the aft part of the flight deck off and blew the sides off the ship aft of a point about half way down the flight deck. I was just leaving when this explosion occurred and the ship rocked tremendously and the noise was deafening. This explosion undoubtedly did some damage below because the ship began to list immediately and listed slowly for about twenty or thirty minutes and then rolled over completely.
Have you reached the limits of your Sound Level Meter? Do you need to progress to the next level? Prosig have a range of systems that can increase your noise measurement capability. Sound Level Meters are good at what they do, but they only go so far. What do you do when you need a little more from your noise measurement system? That’s where Prosig’s P8000 hardware & DATS software comes in. Prosig can provide anything from a single audio channel up to 1024 microphone inputs. Need to measure sound levels? Prosig’s DATS software has a range of SLM options, but also adds Take a look at what Prosig has to offer and discover how a Prosig system can take your acoustic measurements to the next level. As I began preparing this post I realized with a degree of angst that the date for the post is October 31st – Halloween. To say this is not a holiday I embrace is a gross understatement. Thanksgiving, Easter, and Christmas are certainly more in my wheel-house. So, what to do??? As fate (?) would have it, the very next issue I picked up contained an article more than suitable for this infamous day: “The Dancing Ghosts – A Chippewa Legend”. Was this just an eerie coincidence, or something more? Please enjoy (to view the entire article, go to: National Intelligencer (September 11, 1849): While many aspects of this infamous beloved/disparaged annual event have roots reaching back into the Middle Ages, it wasn’t until November 1, 1934 that the term trick-or-treat made national news… and even later (the 40’s) until the “holiday” became popular on a wide scale. The report below, printed in the NY Times for November 1, 1934, marks this “not so humble” beginning. Weather you embrace this day in fun, or avoid it like the plague, feel free to comment/respond with other related “trick-or-treating” events which occurred prior to this date. The Half-dome of Yosemite, Niagara’s Falls, the peaks of the Grand Tetons… Who is not overwhelmed by these and similar examples of the wonders of God’s creation? Yet too often we take them for granted – assuming they will forever be “open to the public” for those desiring to breathe in the Designer’s handiwork – never considering their ownership. Occasionally an event provides us with a reality check, bringing us down-to-earth so to speak, and forces us to consider whether or not such marvels should be owned by no one… or perhap0s even better, by all. An 1849 report in the National Intelligencer (November 27, 1849) is a case in point. The Natural Bridge of Virginia is for sale? Please view the hyperlink above to read one man’s reaction to this very true event. His thoughts challenge us to consider whether or not such beauty should somehow be preserved for the public good, and to appreciate the simple pleasures of a rainbow, a sunset, and the fresh dew of the morning. It is nice to read his views written more than 25 years before the 1st National Park (Yellowstone) was established, and more than 50 years before the establishment of the National Park System (in 1916). The best headlines need no commentary. Such is the case with the LOS ANGELES TIMES–EXTRA, September 30, 1959: “L.A. DODGERS CHAMPIONS ! “ This week I traveled to Omaha, Nebraska, via the Omaha Evening Bee of October 8 through 13, 1914 (excluding the 11th which was a Sunday), where I enjoyed the 1914 World Series between the Boston Braves and the Philadelphia Athletics (see below). This series was the first four-game sweep in World Series history, excluding any tie games. The Braves had even abandoned their home field and played at Fenway Park while awaiting construction of their new home field, thus not having any “home field advantage.” This is a bit of a unique publication as the first page of each issue is printed on pink-colored paper and features the sports news as the major headline event and large illustrations. Further reporting is continued within the regular portion of the newspaper as well. While progress in regards to interracial relations has been both painful and agonizingly slow an 1880’s issue of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat (November 15, 1880) provides a great opportunity for us to see just how far we have come in the last 100 years or so. Sometimes a 1,000 foot view provides a degree of encouragement where a close-up view only draws our attention to the blemishes. Yes, while slow, the times they are in fact a-changin’. The Variety Bash was founded in 1985 by none other than Australian entrepreneur Dick Smith, after he invited a few mates to make the trip from Bourke in far western New South Wales all the way up to Bourketown in northern Queensland. Along the way teams would recreate the Redex Car Trials of the 1950’s whilst raising money for the Variety Club of New South Wales, a charity which to this day still raises money for children with special needs. There were a few rules for participants; all cars had to have been manufactured pre-June 1966, have no performance modifications and meet a number of safety considerations such as carrying a certain amount of water, oil and be prepared for the harshest of Australian conditions. Other ‘rules’ were fines for things such as not having enough fun, cheating (or not cheating enough!), going too fast or not fast enough and taking the event too seriously. At the end of the day, the event isn’t a race; it is an enjoyable fundraising event to help those in need! Dick Smith’s car for the first event was a 1964 EH Holden, which he went on to use in all Variety Bash’s up until 2001, throughout which time he raised upwards of $2 million. The old Holden has had almost all of its parts replaced at one time or another, with the exception of the driver’s side door which remains original! The car now resides in the Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences in Sydney after a broken front chassis rail brought an ending to its bashing career. A tradition that has stuck since the events early days is that of weird and wacky car designs and competitor costumes. From a Mad Max V8 Interceptor replica to Hippy Vans and even Limousines, the Variety Bash has seen it all throughout the years! A quick look through the Variety Bash’s cars for sale section of their website gives you an idea of the sort of vehicle required for such a journey. Highlights include a 1976 Cadillac Grandeur Opera Coupe, a 1991 Ford F150 Ambulance, a tiger striped Mercedes Benz 450SEL and a 1984 Rover SD1 V8. None of which would generally sound suited to a cross country road trip, although fit the theme that’s made the Variety Bash a truly iconic Aussie event. Whilst the event was originally founded in New South Wales, Bash’s now take place around all states and territories of Australia, each with their own unique travel itinerary. To get involved, head over to the Variety website and start your fundraising! Have you ever participated in the Variety Bash? Or are you in the process of putting together a car for the 2017 event? Head over to the Rare Spares Facebook page and tell us all about it!
WASHINGTON: Describing the Indian Army as the "most influential" in Asia Pacific, a top US general wants to work with regional partners such as India and Egypt to help shape a prosperous and stable global order. "Military to military relationships are very important especially in times of crisis," US Chief of Army Staff General Raymond T Odierno said Monday in a talk on "Squaring the circle: American military strategy in a time of declining resources." Noting that a large majority of Indian military leaders were educated in the US, Odierno, who has just returned from a visit to India, said: "So that helps us to understand each other as we go forward." This complex features many luxurious interior and exterior features including nine-foot ceilings, a private phone system, and exterior storage. 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I'm curious to hear how many of you guys have a small, tilted rack in front of you instead of a full-blown desk/table. Out of my memory, I recall at least Mark Chalecki and Steve Berson to have such set-ups. I used to have a set-up like that in the beginning, now I share a part of a big desk with the mixing guys. Now that I seem to occupy the room all day long, I'm wondering if it'd make any sense to go back to the small rack in front, I kinda miss it. i used to have just one rack in front of me for some time, then with more gears i needed two, in front of me two, and the when my partner joined me we also had the neve vinyl transfert desk/rack i tried the racks at the side at one point, but i found i actually noticed them more there, then right in front. totally re-invented the room, and improved a lot of things - it forced me to rethink everything, and was a huge improvement over my former "everything in front of me at eye level" desk. I put the patchbays (switched to modern DB25 backs, with custom cabling (cut 200 lbs off the floor), tie lines and interfaces on one side. On the other I put outboard, transports, and put the computer in the next room. Monitors off the back edge of the desk, below eye level, leaving the small top free for controllers and such (which we had a number of). If I were build a new room, especially around my ULN8, this is the approach I'd use again for sure. But my needs are VERY minimal - variables that would change that: - slant racks like that have unequally usable spaces (eg bottom spaces can't accommodate deep fear as well as top ones). - if you need more than 10 spaces/side you'll need a top-cab, and at that point I'm not sure you're getting much benefit. I guess you could put transports in some straight racks to the front or sides... Frederic, after starting the topic, I actually thought of two tilted racks in the sides, low enough, but high enough to reach without looking at the knobs. That combined with a very minimal desk in front for keyboard, perhaps.. Dunno. That would be pretty close to a desk, on the other hand. I used to be out of the sweet spot when editing (DAW on the side in the 1st room), but in the long run that was pretty confusing. A brainfart idea would be to have a rack that would be for working standing up. I do that sometimes when I'm alone and in a good mood. I do what I do and then sit down to have a good listen. Dave, that Argosy console looks good. I'm sitting right now in my chair and thinking how great it'd be if the racks were on the sides like that. Definately something to consider. I'd have them custom made - I know a great carpenter who could do something for my requirements. Keep it coming, good stuff and very inspriring. One reason I want to get rid of empty surfaces is that I have a stupid habit of collecting all kinds of crap on the table. No table = no crap. one night i thought the meter bridge in my console was "interfering" with the sound a little bit on an ultra mono sounding recording i made my mind up that the 5.1 wave i was waiting to wash over us was not coming , pulled out my festooll circular saw , put an metal cutting blade in it and 40 minutes later viola .. no top heavy meter bridge ! i have the stuff i touch as an instinct reaction at my finger tips and the rest of the rig is either down lower at my side , or over to each side in a few other large racks When I was at Europadisk I came into a studio whose layout had been designed by the previous engineer (who had to make compromises to what he actually wanted due to budget constraints) - with a tall desk (you needed to either stand or use a chair with the same height of a bar stool) that only had room for a couple computer monitors (one of them fitting in a sunken well) and a Neve DTC. So the only controls for monitoring directly in front of you were on 16bit digital attenuators. There were a few pieces of rack gear in a tall rack the back of the room, and a Neumann analog transfer console (with lathe controls, analog monitoring controls and a few processors in it) to the right. I hated the ergonomics there - it was awkward and required a good bit of moving around to do nearly anything. I ended up moving one of the computer monitors (that had just tied to the office database and wasn't actually necessary for mastering) off the desk and put a small rack there with a few analog processors and a simple Coleman monitor controller - helped a lot. But when I moved into my own room I wanted things directly in front of me as much as possible without having a big ol' desk between me and the speakers. I had seen pics of Ed Littman's and Dave McNair's old studios where they had used a simple 14 space slanted rack by Quiklok for "front and center" and liked the fact that it was both minimalist and inexpensive. Considering my budget at the time I was opening my own place didn't have room to include something like a Sterling Modular desk - and that the size of my room made me want to keep the size of any "desk" smaller as well - made me go with this solution. Since then I've added another lower 10 space rack again by Quiklok to the right to accommodate some additional processors. I just replaced my clunky old DAW desk (to the left) with a sleek minimalist design by Versatables. It's similar to other minimalist DAW stands by Sterling Modular and Sound Anchors - but at half the price and with more off the shelf options. Really nice build quality and quick shipping as well (I got it a week and a half after I placed the order online). I'll try and get some shots of this posted sometime soon. .php Anyway - I don't think my desk-less setup is for everyone. Bob Weston (of Chicago Mastering Service) stopped by one day and asked me whether I got a back ache leaning forward to tweak processors - which I don't (with a good bit of thanks to the Aeron chair for this) - but at 5'7" I'm relatively short, I'm skinny, and I tend to be "squirmy," often still sitting like a kid would. I think someone with a bigger frame would often prefer a desk over a setup like mine. Sometimes I think of changing to a desk myself (I know both Ed Littman and Dave McNair are using Sterling Modular desks now instead of the Quiklok) - but I do in fact like the transparency of the setup (i.e. changing my DAW desk recently to something with a smaller footprint did in fact make a noticeable improvement in my monitoring) - while it still lets me have things in front of me where I want them to be - although admittedly there are times when I have to lean a little further forward to tweak my Sontec (at the top of the center rack) than I would prefer. For now though the money that would possibly go for a custom desk is ear marked for an analog insert controller - which at this time is a much bigger priority - and for now I'm happy with my setup as it is. When we first moved here to Compass Point (in The Bahamas) in 1992, we brought with us two containers full of equipment and furniture.
Sit near the stone Nandi and watch the confluence - you can actually see the different colors of the three rivers. It feels as if the Maker had demarcated territories for them and the rivers, like obedient children, walk within their lanes, yet hold hands and gurgle like a conversation. It is a stunning sight, if you can, wait for the sun to dip and who knows you might also attain the peace that we all crave for. Rajim is not a sleepy town, it is not even bustling with activities, there's a certain calm about it, as if it has attained the peace that we all crave for. Its streets are mud-spattered and slender but you forget all this when you see the expanse of the Mahanadi mingling with Pairi and Sondhu rivers. Sit near the stone Nandi and watch the confluence - you can actually see the different colors of the three rivers. It feels as if the Maker had demarcated territories for them and the rivers, like obedient children, walk within their lanes, yet hold hands and gurgle like a conversation. It is a stunning sight, if you can, wait for the sun to dip and who knows you might also attain the peace that we all crave for. It is this confluence of the three rivers that brought home the sobriquet of Chattisgarh's Prayag for Rajim, the town that has been named after Rajim Telin, a woman who sold oil. Mythology has it that Lord Vishnu, pleased with her devotion, promised that her temple would be the first in Rajim. But Rajim, which is 50 kms south-east of Raipur has a presiding deity - Lord Vishnu. The Rajiv Lochan Temple that is said to have been built nearly 1300 years ago has several unique features - it has a rare idol of a barefoot Lord Vishnu made of black granite; the pujaris are Kshtriyas, not Brahmins; the deity always wears unstitched cloth that is never tied in knots, it can only be folded; for generations the same family has been weaving the pagri that the deity wears (the pagri is 13 meters long and 12 to 18 inches wide), no mantras are recited during the shringar puja and idol is dressed up like a child in morning, as youth in afternoon and as an old man in the evening. "It is not just the rituals that make the temple unique. If you look at the temple walls they have withstood the vagaries of Nature because of the raw material used. The bricks have been piled together not by cement or clay, but by mixing limestone, urad dal and the entrails of the bel fruit," informs Rajendra Manu, a writer and the 73rd descendant of the first kshtriya pujari of the temple. In his authoritative report, Sir Alexander Cunnigham, the first director general of the Archaeological Survey of India, talks of Rajim as a complex of ancient temples. And Cunnigham would know, for there are several temples in the complex - there's one dedicated to Lord Jagannath, the other to Lord Shiva and yes, there's one for Rajim, the oil seller. The city of Rajim is said to be standing on a lotus and has five shivalingams - Kuleshwar, Fingeshwar, Kopeshwar, Patneshwar and Pateshwar. These five lingams also give Rajim another name - Panchkashi. The most confident way of confirming the antiquity and importance of a historical site is to check with Huen Tsang, the ancient, intrepid Chinese chronicler - if the historical site finds mention in his travelogue, it IS ancient and important. By that calibration, Sirpur passes the test just fine. In inscriptions dated between 5th century and 8th century there is mention of a town called Sirpur or Shripur, the capital of the Somvanshi kings. Between 6th and 10th century, Sirpur became an important center for the Buddhists. In recent excavations, archaeologists have unearthed a rich treasure trove of Buddhist temples and beautifully carved stone doors and panels. When one talks of Sirpur, two temples find quick mention, the Lakshman Temple and the Gandeshwar Temple. Perched on a platform six-feet high, the Lakshman Temple is said to be the only temple in the country dedicated solely to Lakshman, the younger brother of Lord Rama. A blue-white signboard near the temple's entrance informs that the brick temple was built in 8th century by Vasata, the daughter of King Suryavarma of Magadh and the mother of Mahashivagupta, who ruled over Mahakosala with Sirpur as its capital. The temple has also been declared to be of national importance under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Site and Remains Act (1958). Outside the 10-feet square sanctum sanctorum are stubs of pillars and the temple's corbelled high roof inspire awe, not just for the architecture but also for the intricate stories carved in stone. The Gandeshwar Temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva and sits amidst several Sati pillars and other shrines faithful to the Jain, Buddhist and Hindu styles and traditions of architecture. Devotees throng to this temple during the three-day mela in January-February. Earlier known as Champajhar, Champaran borrows its solemnity from Saint Vallabhacharya, the founder of the Vallabh sect. Saint Vallabhacharya was born in Champaran in the 15th century and his followers later built a temple in his honor. Once you have driven 60 kms off Raipur and enter the muddy tract that leads into the Champaran Temple area, a huge arch welcomes you. But don't get lost admiring the maroon arch too long, for there's always an army of langurs on the prowl. There are so many of them in the area that several groundnut-selling kiosks have sprung up. The langurs would pinch something off you, so why not buy some cheap groundnuts, appease them and then walk towards your deity? That's a smart pilgrim's move. Once past the kiosks, you walk through a long corridor lined with brightly painted pillars that merge into a huge courtyard skirted by rooms - one of them being a photographer's studio! The place where Saint Vallabhacharya was born is considered the holiest by the followers of the Vallabh sect. The huge silver door has a regal appeal and the annual mela is held in January-February. Stories and sensuality happen behind closed doors. But not in Bhoramdeo, the famous temple that wears its eroticism on its sleeves and for centuries its art has intrigued historians and its message lapped by couples. The temple is adorned with sculptures of men and women in various sexual positions, as if they have just taken lessons from Vatsayana and walked out of the pages of his book, Kamasutra. The 11th century temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva, who is called Bhoramdeo by the Gond tribals, the earliest inhabitants of this area. The temple that is nearly 18 meters long and 12 meters wide is built in the Nagar style. This east-facing temple has three entrance doors and sits on a 1.53 meter high platform. The temple was renovated by the King of Kawardha in the previous century. Long Description:Clear, low density polyethylene food storage bags with simple perforated roll pack dispensing. Available in 16 sizes for all of your bag needs.
Frederick, King of Denmark and Norway; Erik, King of Sweden; Erik, King of Sweden; Frederick, King of Denmark and Norway Prepare yourself for a journey to the Holy Land with our Christian tours of Israel. Join others in fulfilling the dream of walking where Jesus walked. Depart Tel-Aviv and drive along the coastal plain to Caesarea, once the Roman capital of the region. Visit the excavations of the ancient city, the Roman theatre, and aqueduct. Continue to Megiddo, identified as the site of Armageddon. Visit the archaeological excavations including the well-preserved water supply system. After a short tour of Tiberius, enjoy a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee. Visit the Yigal Alon center where the “Jesus boat,” an ancient fishing boat from the 1st century, is displayed. Continue to Capernaum, the site of the temple from which Jesus taught at the remains of the 2nd century synagogue. Proceed to Tabgha, the site of the Miracle of Fish and Loaves, and visit the Church of Multiplication with its 4th century mosaic floor. Drive to Nazareth via Cana of Galilee. Visit the Church of Annunciation, St. Joseph’s workshop, and Mary’s well. Drive to the Mount of Olives for a panoramic view of the Old City. Visit the Church of All Nations, King David’s Tomb, and the Room of the Last Supper on Mt. Zion. Enter the walls of the city and visit the Cardo, Temple Mount (entrance to the mosques not included), Western Wall, Via Dolorosa, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, and the oriental Bazaar. Visit the Israel Museum, the Shrine of the Book, where the Dead Sea scrolls are housed, and the miniature model of Jerusalem as it was during the Second Temple period. Visit the ancient city of Qumran and drive along the shore of the Dead Sea, the lowest place on earth, to Masada, the last stronghold of the Jews after the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 A.D. 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You can decorate your Kites the way you like, I want to make it very simple that's why I only decorate it with washy tape. I hope your kids like this easy DIY, do try and share your recreations with us. For more such easy DIYs stay tuned with Khushi's World. You can also follow us on Khushi's World Facebook Page, Google+, Instagram and Pinterest. I will see you in next Post till then take care.
Last week saw the US government come under fire for its treatment of immigrants trying to cross the border. Amid the unpleasant scenes, Microsoft came under heavy fire for its involvement with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). But this is far from the only time a tech company has been involved with unpleasant actions. And in recent times this trend has only accelerated. In January the Redmond company was promoting ICE’s adoption of Azure as an example of how it can help government agencies modernize. However, this relationship was criticized online, and then saw Microsoft employees demand the company cancel its contract with ICE and ‘other clients who directly enable ICE.’ “We believe that Microsoft must take an ethical stand, and put children and families above profits,” read an open letter from employees to CEO Satya Nadella. “As the people who build the technologies that Microsoft profits from, we refuse to be complicit.” Each year there are close to 200 million cases of malaria, and more than half a million sufferers die. In Africa, where most malaria cases occur, every minute a child dies from the disease. Every good story also ends with good winning over evil, of every hero defeating the villain. The only difference in your story is that Jesus fought the battle in your place. Every good story tells of the battle of good versus evil. Every hero has to face an archnemesis. In The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy Pevensie face off against the White Witch. Batman fights against the Joker. The whole family of Incredibles teams up to handle Syndrome. Gru and his minions battle Vector. In real life you face an archenemy too. Our God tells you that “our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 6:12 NIV). It’s you versus Satan and his whole team of evil minions. Sometimes we pretend like Satan, evil spirits, and demons don’t exist. We blame our earthly struggles on the kid who calls us fat or on the teachers who treat us unfairly or on our parents for making our lives so miserable or on the neighbors who hate kids. We forget that the devil is the mastermind, the father of lies, the enemy. Every good story also ends with good winning over evil, of every hero defeating the villain. The only difference in your story is that Jesus fought the battle in your place. Jesus won when he “stripped the rulers and authorities of their power and made a public spectacle of them as he celebrated his victory in Christ” (Colossians 2:15). Every good story also ends with good winning over evil, of every hero defeating the villain. The only difference in your story is that Jesus fought the battle in your place. By Linda Buxa via iDisciple This Roundtable is the fourth in the research phase of the IEA study on Capturing the Multiple Benefits of Energy Efficiency – a study which seeks to broaden the discussion of energy efficiency policy as part of wider economic and socioeconomic strategy. The IEA Energy Efficiency Unit began this study in 2012 by considering the many impacts delivered by energy efficiency, identifying 15 key benefits frequently cited in studies, which merit further investigation. An Insights paper published in May 2012 provides a preliminary assessment of this topic and these benefits. A series of expert round-table discussions focusing on each benefit category are guiding this work, in order to share experience, discuss issues and challenges, and identify and assemble good practice approaches for each benefit category. This roundtable aims to provide a platform to discuss existing and promising approaches used to quantify non-energy benefits, identify a key set of indicators that are feasible and relevant for industry and policy-makers and explore methods for quantification. We will also discuss how information on non-energy benefits can be used to promote energy efficiency implementation. The roundtable will include a discussion exploring challenges, gaps and discuss how to move forward with this issue. Session 1. Indicators and methodologies for quantifying multiple benefits of industrial energy efficiency projects. This session will cover on-the-ground experiences of assessing potential and actual non-energy benefits of industrial energy efficiency projects. Focus will be placed on indicators and methodologies, and types of data that are used or could be used to quantify non-energy benefits, and ultimately making the business case for companies to quantify multiple benefits. What are the selling points to get companies to start collecting data on non-energy benefits & how would you entice companies to share or report information? What is the role of other actors – energy service providers, consultants, auditors? How best to get them engaged in tracking non-energy benefits? Session 2. Indicators and methodologies for quantifying multiple benefits of industrial energy efficiency programmes and policies. This session will cover existing and planned initiatives to integrate consideration of multiple benefits when assessing the impacts and results of energy efficiency programmes and policies. Focus will be placed on indicators of relevance in a policy context, methods to access data, methods to extrapolate data and how this information can be used to improve policy-making and strengthen the case for policies to support industrial energy efficiency. Integrating consideration of multiple benefits in the Australian Energy Efficiency Opportunities programme How to translate to benefits for industrial energy efficiency programmes (more funding, greater participation, increased publicity) This session will focus on the synergies between industrial level and programme/policy level efforts – and what approaches could be used to ensure maximum benefits in terms of useful data and information with minimum efforts. The session will also cover the value of quantifying economy-wide benefits of industrial energy efficiency and a discussion on possible approaches and challenges. What methods are available to extrapolate data from company and programme level to capture economy wide benefits? This discussion will be structured around IEA background paper circulated in advance of this Roundtable, with a view to providing concrete guidance to the IEA on the key messages for the Multiple Benefits Handbook. It will build on the preceding discussions with the goal of identifying a set of indicators and promising approaches to collect and synthesize data, that could be recommended as a feasible basis for future work in this area. The session will also aim to identify key challenges and solutions as well as areas requiring further analytical work. Finally, the group will consider how to raise the profile of multiple benefits within companies and in policy design, and how best to use this information to effectively drive energy efficiency investments and implementation. Communicating multiple benefits: how to raise the profile of multiple benefits within companies AND in the policy making process? What key messages should go to politicians about the non-energy impacts of energy efficiency in industry? We trust that the parallel IEB 2018 and the annual German Tinnitus Symposium will enable clinical and scientific exchange between the participants of both events and create fruitful collaborations between the inner ear researchers and tinnitus specialists. Hearing and Mind: What should we do about hearing loss to promote cognitive well-being in older age? The RD2 series gear head series is suitable for very demanding reduction tasks. It offers expanded mounting options: RD2 gears are suitable for belt-drive operation or can be installed at right angles. The reduction gear heads of the series combine the advantages of RV trochoidal gears with easy mounting. The gear head is closed and filled with grease, so it is ready for installation. To facilitate installation even more, an adapter plate and a motor shaft coupling are included. Gear variants are available with and without a hollow shaft, for implementation of numerous customized solutions. 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Vacation in the Rhön, the land of open distances. Spend unforgettable days in the Rhön Biosphere Reserve, stroll through untouched nature, experience exciting moments along the Ulstertals, visit the Wasserkuppe, the birthplace of gliding and let it sit around go well in our luxurious apartment. Our village is located 4 km from the city of Tann, in all directions you can visit sights (museum village Tann, Memorial Point Alpha at Rasdorf, Baroque and cathedral city Fulda, raised bogs, Meiningen, Wartburg Eisenach, etc.) Make yourself at home in one of the 2 air-conditioned rooms featuring kitchenettes with refrigerators and stovetops. Your bed comes with premium bedding, and all rooms are furnished with sofa beds. Rooms have private balconies or patios. Flat-screen televisions with cable programming provide entertainment, while complimentary wireless Internet access keeps you connected. Located in Funchal (Sao Pedro), Quintinha Sao Joao is within a 10-minute walk of Madeira Casino and La Vie Shopping Center. This 5-star hotel is 0.6 mi (1 km) from Santa Clara Monastery and 1 mi (1.6 km) from CR7 Museum. Make yourself at home in one of the 42 air-conditioned rooms featuring minibars and DVD players. Rooms have private balconies. LED televisions with cable programming provide entertainment, while complimentary wireless Internet access keeps you connected. Bathrooms have complimentary toiletries and bidets. Satisfy your appetite for dinner at the hotel's restaurant, A Morgadinha, or stay in and take advantage of the room service (during limited hours). Relax with a refreshing drink from the poolside bar or one of the 2 bars/lounges. A complimentary buffet breakfast is included. We have a beautiful 4 bedroom home professionally decorated in the highly desirable Gulch South neighborhood in Nashville. Our location is ideal and is in one of the most desirable parts of Nashville. Restaurants, breweries and night life are just a few blocks away. Every bedroom in this home has access to an en suite bathroom. In addition to the 4 bedrooms, the main living room and media room have pullout sofas for a total of 6 beds. The media room on the 3rd floor has 1 large roof top deck and two smaller decks. There is a 75 inch TV in the main living room and a 65 inch TV in the media room. There are beautiful downtown city views of Nashville. From both front and back decks. We are about as close as you can get to the Gulch and be in a 4 bedroom home. You can easily walk the 3 or 4 blocks to the Gulch. We are less than a mile from Broadway in downtown Nashville (very short Uber or Lyft ride). Our home is professionally decorated with extremely comfortable beds and furniture. A two car attached garage provides privacy and spot to keep your vehicles. We have additional dedicated parking for two more cars in the driveway as well as street parking out front. We built this home in August of 2017 with rental guests in mind. Our location is prime with easy access to all Nashville has to offer and walk-ability to many restaurants, shops and nightlife. The home is professionally decorated and is warm and inviting space. Each bedroom has access to an attached bath, in room TV, and comfortable bedding. The very large rooftop out door space is great for relaxing and enjoying some fresh air and with multiple rooftop decks you will have access to beautiful downtown Nashville Views. The 75 and 65 inch TV's are great for watching your favorite sports team or movie. In short, it's a fantastic home! The home has three balconies off of the third floor and beautiful views of downtown. You are just a short walk from the Gulch or a short Lyft/Uber to Broadway and Downtown Nashville. Every bedroom has a bathroom connected to it. The home is beautifully decorated and has an attached two car garage. At night the roof top deck overlooks downtown Nashville and has stunning views of the Adventure Science Center (that changes colors at night). Our place was built new as of August 2017. Each bedroom will have access to an attached bathroom. Bedrooms 3 & 4 share a jack and jill bathroom. Large 65 inch TV downstairs and a 55 in TV upstairs on 3rd floor. Living room has queen sleeper sofa pullout Large Roof Top Deck on 3rd floor, small front balcony on front of 3rd floor, side balcony/porch on 1st floor David was so nice and easy to work with! The house was beautiful and well equipped with everything we needed. The location was great, so close to Broadway and shopping. We had the best trip! Will definitely come again! We could never afford to buy this house so it was a gift to be able to celebrate our son's 30th birthday in this classic location. We are located walking distance from the Gulch (about 4-8 blocks) in an ideal location to access Downtown Nashville. In the mountainous village Melidoni of Municipality Fre of Chania, you can find 4 splendid traditional maisonettes made of stone, where you can enjoy hours of endless relaxation and calmness, overlooking the White Mountains and the Cretan Sea. The facilities are located 30 kilometres from Chania or 35 from Rethymno, therefore you are never more than 30 minutes away from a taste of real Cretan hospitality and of course a welcoming glass of raki, the traditional drink of Crete. Hello! My name is Nick. You are welcome to come and stay at our villas on the beautiful island of Crete! If you have any questions feel free to ask! The Peppino room is very bright and spacious and has a private bathroom. It is provided with a double bed and two single beds and there is a possibility to add a cullet; Complete the furniture a wardrobe and a small relaxation area consisting of two armchairs and a small table. In the common area, which is that of the entrance, there is a cabinet equipped with a coffee maker and microwaves to prepare a tea, tea or coffee.
Nothing can adequately prepare us for the shock of a loved one’s death. We find ourselves in a position that is emotionally confusing, experiencing feelings of panic and helplessness. Yet hundreds of decisions must be made in preparation to say goodbye. We are here for you. The funeral director’s most important role is helping you. Upon the death of a loved one, our funeral home staff will be there for you, giving the time and attention needed, 24 hours a day, every single day of the year. We are here to help you with both the practical arrangements and the emotional issues involved with planning a funeral. We believe as many trained professionals do, that the funeral or memorial service plays a major role in the grieving process. Therefore we will take great pains in helping your family plan a personal and meaningful ceremony to begin the healing process. After the service, we can also provide support materials upon request, that may be of help in dealing with your grief. In preparation for making funeral arrangements, we have compiled a ‘Checklist For Families’ that we hope to be of help when sorting out all the tasks at hand: We believe a funeral service should be special and personalized to honor the deceased, and to create a positive long lasting memory for surviving family. You can expect our funeral director and staff to assist you with accomplishing this goal. When a loved one dies, grieving family members are confronted with dozens of decisions to make, often under great emotional stress. We encourage you to call on another family member or close friend for help. In particular to help answer sympathetic phone calls, cards and letters as well as greeting friends and relatives when they call. Are you looking for the natural treatment to remove dark circles under your eyes that are the best beauty tip with minimum side effects then read the below details in English as well later on in Urdu: Use of Coconut Oil: We have seen that by massaging with this oil is just one of the effective remedy that can let you to reduce your dark circles and with passage of time they are removed. It comes with a special kind of quality, that is best for smooth skin and it also prevents wrinkles under eyes. You just have to massage some of that coconut oil right on the effected area of eye. After applying never wash it immediately, wait for few minutes and then clean it with clean water. To get best result its necessary that one apply two times in day. These tea bags comes with such chemical and quality that are quite best to get rid of dark circles and also puffiness that is under your eyes. You just have to mixed equally two used tea bad of green or black tea in refrigerator. Then you have to apply one tea bag over single eye and then after applying leave it on for 10 minutes. Now, remove the tea bags and you can wash your face. Again to get best result repeat it two time in a day. It is also natural way that is quite beneficial for your fair skin which is around your eyes. We have viewed that the regular usage of this almond oil will let you to just minimize your under eye dark circles. What you should be doing is that before sleeping in night, you have to apply a almond oil over these circles then massage it for a period of time that it will absorb. After spending the whole night and you will see that your dark circles will goes down. One can also get rid from tired eyes if one use rose water; this tiredness cause dark circles but for this its necessary that one apply it in right way. You just have to dip cotton eye pads in that pure rose water. Then you have to put the dipped pads right on your eyelids and you can leave for about 15 minutes. Then apply this mixture on effected area regularly two times in a day; it will for sure work to make you to stay away from dark circles. So, this is the natural treatment to remove dark circles under your eyes! These all instructions are in English, in Urdu its not possible to write unique and also update. So try to understand them and get best result from it. The music before everything else. And the love. And the dance. The performance as a way of living and being on a daily basis. Behind those glasses that give him this futuristic mood, Philipp Gorbachev is the best that could happen for the russian art scene. Sort of allegory of the hero of tomorrow, he gives power, he breaks the codes and the traditions to give something both charming and exciting, fun and fascinating. Philipp Gorbachev is many, and can be love by everyone. Philipp Gorbachev the « underground » of tomorrow ? Major figure of the revival of the electronical music scene of those five last years, since Berlin where he moved in 2011 from Russia, through Comeme with Matias Aguayo and Rebolledo and then PG Tune his own label, Philipp Gorbachev is the very special guest of our 2nd anniversary party, Heeboo : Noces de Cuir, with The Horrorist, Fernanda Arrau and others, on october 26th in La Station-Gare des Mines. The occasion to ask a few questions to that very… fun spirit. Philipp, some people see you as an total alien on the electronic music planet, how does it make you feel ? You forgot Isaac Johan, our ghost band with Matias Aguayo and few secret artists, and also not mentioned is ДЭКА, my new Moscow supergroup with Obgon, we just released an album, go check it ! I love since very small age to dress up and perform for guests at my house, singing and also using a custom drum kit at the same time. I grew up near Moscow in a forest zone so for me raving was 50 % driving and 50 % dancing = 100 % music. I took the keys for the car saying I will be back soon and did not come till dawn, attending as much events I could, listening to bands, DJs, art performers. Apart of releasing new music on PG TUNE, in 2018 I recorded live 5 episodes as new resident on Rinse FM, and launched new show called KOLOKOL on Radio Comeme, dedicated to sound research and church bell ringing. I remember first time I played in Paris. That was REX club, 2011. It was my second show in the EU I think, thanks to Matias Aguayo who made this happen. I pray before the going on stage because I feel grateful to the Lord that be allowed to live the way I do. Russia is booming at the moment ! New music and new talents, everywhere, I am really happy about it. We live in circles… I personally love to perform at solid off locations and events with a strong political meaning, I never forget those events ARMA17 did in Moscow at various abandoned buildings, or playing at Mamba Negra in Sao Paulo. I hope there will be more spaces, specially designed for music events. Not old spaces, but new spaces, adequate to the demands of artists and made to provide special experience of the audience. For example, I really love when the stage / DJ booth is in the middle of the dancefloor. Stop nailing us the walls and corners, give us more freedom to dance!
In early 2015, many analysts projected that the plunge in oil prices that had begun in mid-2014, assuming it persisted, would be good overall for many segments of the global economy. Revenues for oil and gas producers and producing countries would decline, certainly, and the industry’s operating environment would become more challenging. But cheaper oil would be a blessing, on balance, for most other sectors and countries. Car-driving consumers, for example, would need to spend less on gasoline, freeing up funds for discretionary spending elsewhere. Oil-related production costs for businesses would decrease, boosting companies’ margins and scope for investment. Some analysts estimated that for every $20-per-barrel decrease in oil prices, global economic growth would expand by 0.4% in the following two to three years. Viewed from the vantage point of mid-2016, however, the belief that lower oil prices would largely be a boon for the global economy seems both shortsighted and simplistic. Previous estimates of global economic growth have been ratcheted down significantly (though oil price effects are only one factor), as have estimates of growth in oil demand. The sustained lower level of oil prices to date has had a major impact on the economies of several oil-producing countries and spawned ripple effects including, in some cases, political and currency instability. (Although prices have trended upward so far in 2016, they remain relatively low compared with recent history, and the sustainability and momentum of the uptick are highly uncertain.) Cheaper oil has also triggered a host of other, largely undesirable effects on the global economic landscape. (See Exhibit 1.) In short, most of the anticipated benefits of lower oil prices have failed to materialize. Below we examine some of the major consequences of recent oil prices on five fronts: global, national, and local economies; political and social stability; sustainability and the environment; future oil supply and price stability; and critical capabilities in the oil and gas industry. Forecasts of global economic growth have been reduced, as noted: the International Monetary Fund, for example, has lowered its estimate for global GDP growth in 2016 to 3.1%—a 0.4% reduction from its July 2015 estimate—and the smaller-than-expected stimulus provided by low oil prices is a significant factor behind this adjustment. Projections for oil demand have been reduced as well, with the International Energy Agency having scaled back its forecast of 2016 growth in global oil demand from 1.7 million barrels per day in 2015 to 1.2 million in 2016. Countries that derive a significant share of their revenues from oil-related activities are feeling the slowdown in economic growth and growth in oil demand on several levels. Some countries have seen sharp decreases in the value of their currencies: Russia and Brazil, for example, saw their currencies slide 49% and 39%, respectively, in relation to the US dollar from June 2014 through March 30, 2016, with the declines potentially sowing the seeds of rampant inflation. (See Exhibit 2.) Some major oil-producing countries have considered introducing income, corporate, and sales taxes—an unthinkable prospect not long ago—to compensate for the revenue shortfall resulting from cheap oil. Further, a number of those countries’ national oil companies (NOCs) have scaled back investment significantly—annual spending among NOCs is nearly 50% lower today than it was in 2014—which has had ripple effects on these economies. And NOCs continue to hunker down. Mexico’s Pemex, for example, plans to spend 45% less in 2016 than it did in 2015. Argentina’s YPF plans to spend 34% less. Local economies in oil-producing regions have also been hit hard as the cycle has turned from boom to bust in response to the drop-off in oil prices. In Aberdeen1, the UK’s oil capital, oil companies have already cut more than 6,000 jobs. Employment has taken a similar turn in major oil-producing regions of the US, with predictable effects on their economies. In Oklahoma, property foreclosures rose 36% in 2015; in North Dakota, they climbed 400%. The harshness of this environment has forced oil companies to write down significant amounts of assets—in 2015, approximately $100 billion. The companies’ debt load is problematic as well, with the debt-to-equity ratio of the 40 largest oil companies rising 44% since 2008 to an estimated 59% in 2016. The strain on these companies’ finances is putting a strain on the entire financial system, with banks at risk of having to write down much of their exposure to the industry. Major oil-producing countries also face potential political fallout from low oil prices because of the sizable negative effects they have on government spending. Spending in Venezuela, for example, where crude oil accounts for 95% of export revenues, has fallen along with oil prices. Political risks to these governments will likely continue to rise, especially given the growing specter of (further) reductions in fossil fuel subsidies by policymakers. Lower subsidies translate into higher gasoline prices at the pump, potentially leading to protests, riots (as happened in Nigeria in 2012), and unfavorable opinions of the government. Egypt, Indonesia, the United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela have all slashed fuel subsidies over the past 12 months, and further cuts among these and other oil-producing countries seem possible, if not likely. Oman and Kuwait, for instance, are aiming to reduce subsidies by 64% and 35%, respectively, in the months ahead. Higher fuel prices could also further stoke inflation: the IMF predicts that inflation in Venezuela could surpass 700% in 2016. The political risks these countries face could be compounded by the cuts in subsidies for water, electricity, and other essentials that some of them have made or signaled in response to plunging oil-related revenues. Low oil prices do nothing to encourage car buyers to choose fuel-efficient vehicles over gas-guzzling ones. In 2015 in the US, for example, sales of SUVs rose 10% year over year, while sales of hybrids, such as the Toyota Prius, fell by 28%. The shift away from higher-efficiency vehicles will make it considerably harder for the US to meet its 2025 gas-mileage target of 54.5 miles per gallon2; in 2015, the average mpg of new cars in the US was 25.2—0.1 mpg lower than in 2014. Similar effects are manifesting themselves in other industries that rely heavily on oil as transportation fuel. Airlines, for example, feeling less urgency to reduce fuel costs, are pulling back on earlier initiatives designed to boost fuel efficiency, such as reducing flight speeds and cargo weights. For the same reason, some container ships and fuel-transport vessels are abandoning “slow steaming”3—a practice that many had adopted to lower their fuel use—and are now traveling faster. These developments run counter to the growing consensus among many countries, evidenced at the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) in December in Paris, that climate change is an increasingly urgent issue, requiring concerted action over the longer term. The IEA projects that global demand for liquids will expand until 2020 at an average annual rate of 1.1 million barrels per day—a rate close to historical norms. The collapse of oil prices, however, has sparked strong growth in demand for oil and oil-based products in a number of countries and sectors. In the US, for example, demand for gasoline rose 8.2% from April 2014 through March 2016, compared with only 1.3% from April 2012 through March 2014, according to the IEA. But the plunge in oil prices has also led to a sharp contraction in exploration spending by exploration and production companies. In 2015, spending on exploration was $102 billion4—30% lower than in 2014. And in 2016, it will likely plunge again: analysts expect it to fall to $78 billion5—a 24% decline from 2015. Spending on development activity has also fallen. In 2015, companies deferred 68 new projects representing 27 billion barrels of oil equivalent6 in 2020 reserves. The drop in production growth may lead in coming years to supply shortages, with resulting whiplash effects on oil prices. However, some factors could maintain downward pressure on prices. One is a potential surge in supply from Iran as sanctions are partially lifted: the IEA projects that Iranian supply could climb to nearly 4 million barrels per day in 2018, as opposed to less than 3 million in 2015. (As of March 31, 2016, supply from Iran had already reached 3.3 million barrels per day.) Another factor that could keep oil prices in check is the potential effects of supply freezes that several producing countries are currently contemplating. A third factor that could weigh on oil prices is the actions of US shale-oil producers. Do they have the financial and technical firepower to ramp up production in response to an increase in oil prices? The protracted low-oil-price environment has resulted in many layoffs7 in the oil and gas industry.7 In the US, for example, where more than 60 oil and gas companies filed for bankruptcy in 2015 (more than three times the number that filed in 2014), 100,000 oil and gas workers, or 16% of industry employment at its peak, have lost their jobs so far. Given the length of the downturn, some of this expertise will not return. The loss of so many workers exacerbates the challenge presented by the industry’s aging demographics. In 2014, for example, 71% of the US oil and gas workforce was 50 years of age or older. A shortage of skilled personnel resulting from the industry’s mass layoffs of the 1990s was one of the main reasons why oil companies struggled to raise production between 2002 and 2008, even as oil prices quadrupled. Now history is threatening to repeat itself, with layoffs (and possible related damage to companies’ ability to recruit new talent) potentially reducing the industry’s ability to meet demand toward the end of the decade and into the 2020s. Compounding matters, many oil and gas companies have scaled back their investments in developing critical capabilities as their revenues have fallen. Many have also slashed their R&D budgets. BP, for example, reduced its R&D spending by 37% in 2015 relative to 2014; Shell reduced its by 11%. These moves could come back to haunt these companies later. The toll of persistently low oil prices on industry skills and capabilities extends beyond major production companies. Oilfield services players have been a particular casualty, with the group suffering substantial revenue declines: revenues for offshore drillers, oil country tubular-goods companies, equipment manufacturers, and offshore engineering, procurement, and construction providers were 22%, 42%, 39%, and 35% lower, respectively, in the fourth quarter of 2015 than in the fourth quarter of 2014. Deep financial losses have forced these companies to make significant retrenchments, including major layoffs, to their businesses. These conditions have also put growing numbers of companies out of business, with Cal Dive International, Hercules Offshore, Vantage Drilling International, The Dolphin Group, and Global Geophysical Services all filing for bankruptcy since the start of 2015. The longer-term effects of this potentially permanent loss of capacity and talent on the industry’s capabilities remain to be seen. The plunge in oil prices and the absence, to date, of a meaningful and sustained recovery have taken a heavy toll on the oil and gas industry, its workforce, and oil-producing countries, and raised the possibility of future imbalances in supply and demand. They have also weighed on much of the global economy and are triggering a paradigm shift in the minds of industry stakeholders regarding what the industry’s characteristics and structure will be in the future. Oil and gas companies, oil-producing nations, and stakeholders across industries will have to determine how best to negotiate the hurdles that this potentially protracted period of low oil prices presents. For an extended analysis of challenges and opportunities that lower oil prices present to various sectors of the energy industry, including upstream oil and gas, downstream oil, and energy trading, see Oil Price Volatility: Strategies for the Low Cycle, BCG e-book, December 2015.
Stephen Moore returned to haunt his former county by hitting an undefeated century in Lancashire Lightning's crushing nine-wicket win over Worcestershire Royals in the Clydesdale Bank 40 match at New Road. The 29-year-old made 105 not out and put on an unbeaten 191 in 31 overs with Paul Horton, who made an undefeated 78. Their combined efforts enabled Lancashire to easily reach their 209-run victory target with 5.3 overs to spare. It was their second Group A win of the season which leaves Worcestershire firmly anchored at the foot of the table following four successive defeats. Moore, making his first appearance at New Road following his close season switch to Old Trafford, cracked two sixes and 12 fours off 97 balls while Horton struck one six and seven fours off 92 deliveries. Struggling Worcestershire, after winning the toss, had made 208 for 8 with paceman Sajid Mahmood taking four wickets for 40 runs. Their top scorer with 45 was Vikram Solanki who eventually became the first one-day scalp in five years for Mark Chilton after collecting one six and three fours off 65 balls. After his fellow opener Phil Jaques had top-edged a Mahmood delivery to wicketkeeper Luke Sutton, the New Road skipper added 62 in 12 overs with Moeen Ali. The partnership ended when Moeen, preparing for his England Lions appearance against Bangladesh at Derby this week, got in a tangle trying to reverse sweep Stephen Parry and was bowled for 31. Solanki then missed a straight delivery from Chilton before Alexei Kervezee became a second Parry victim for 28. Ben Smith chopped on a Tom Smith delivery before Daryl Mitchell and James Cameron added a useful 38 in seven overs before Mitchell had his leg stump knocked back by Mahmood. Lively Mahmood also accounted for Gareth Andrew in the same over before removing Cameron for 41 to register his best competitive one-day figures since June 2004. Moore soon had the chance to frustrate his former team-mates when Smith was run out by a fine direct throw from deep square leg by Moeen. The opener's departure paved the way for Horton and Moore to stamp their authority on the one-sided match with a partnership which never seriously troubled the New Road attack. Horton reached his 50 with one six and five fours off 54 balls while Moore soon reached the landmark with one six and two fours off 66 deliveries. 2.5 length outside off, Valli was too lazy moving his bat away, got the faint edge through to keeper 0/1 51.2 playing off the front foot trying to work it onto the on side, misses the ball and is given out lbw 183/6 2.3 playing off the front foot off the outside edge and taken at head height by Pongolo at third slip 13/1 81.4 outside off stump, batsman tries to leave the ball but unfortunately gets a bottom edge and through to the keeper 269/8 89.1 yorker, batsman fails to keep that out and is hit on the foot, huge appeal for lbw given 302/10 77.5 playing off the front foot off the outside edge and good low catch taken by Thomson at slip 231/4 South Africa made a mess of what should have been a comfortable chase of a below-par total at Wanderers, stumbling in the batting Powerplay and then sinking to a dispiriting defeat in a thrilling finish. In conditions less favourable for batting than what the venue has offered in the past, Graeme Smith had put South Africa on course with a positive innings but his wicket in the 33rd over triggered a collapse that was a product of panic, ill-luck and some needling Indian bowling. Munaf Patel's spell proved decisive as he dislodged Smith and ended the South African innings with two wickets in the 43rd over, when the hosts were just a shot away from victory. The game was still South Africa's when Munaf began bowling the 43rd over. Four runs were needed with two wickets in hand but what clinched the game for India were two short-of-a-length deliveries that the tailenders, Morne Morkel and Wayne Parnell, who had batted calmly until then, felt were too good to resist. With three needed for victory, Morkel slashed one straight to the substitute fielder Yusuf Pathan at point and, off the last ball of the over, Parnell, keen to finish off the game, cut Munaf to Yuvraj Singh, sparking wild celebrations in the Indian camp while leaving South Africa shell-shocked at their sudden capitulation. The result had seemed unlikely with Smith's assured presence at the crease. He had been ruthless in his treatment of the bad balls, which the Indians doled out more often than their opponents had earlier in the day, and had eased the pressure despite periodic breakthroughs at the other end. Munaf was punished for consecutive boundaries through mid-off and point, while Zaheer Khan was pulled through midwicket when he pitched short. Initially a little rusty against Harbhajan Singh, Smith stepped out to the offspinner to combat the turn and take the ball off a length. He kept threading the gaps in the outfield to squeeze boundaries off the seamers and went past 6000 runs in ODIs. Smith's shaky yet productive stand with Colin Ingram, a fluent partnership with JP Duminy and an increasingly threatening association with David Miller had continued the one-way traffic set up by South Africa's bowlers. But at 152 for 4, in the second over of the batting Powerplay, a reversal began. South Africa's bowlers had exploited the movement off the pitch in restraining India, and Munaf had managed to prise out the wicket of Hashim Amla with a delivery that nipped back in. In the 33rd over, he managed to dart one back in from outside off towards Smith, who played on. In the next over, after he had been flicked to the fine-leg boundary, Zaheer shortened his length and dismissed Miller with an offcutter that the batsman failed to pull and gloved to short fine leg. And when he returned in the 36th over, Zaheer was fortunate to dismiss Johan Botha, who was given out lbw playing back to a good-length delivery, when it seemed the ball had only made contact with the outer half of the bat, not with the pad. Parnell calmed the nerves of a capacity Wanderers crowd with a square-cut boundary and a promising vigil with Dale Steyn. But Steyn's attempt to risk a single and retain strike for the 39th over resulted in a run-out when Yuvraj barely managed to break the stumps before the ball slipped out of his hands. From 177 for 8, Parnell and Morkel braved a determined spell from Zaheer, managed a streaky boundary off part-time offspinner Suresh Raina and took South Africa to within four runs of a 2-0 lead. Only to throw it all away in the next over from Munaf. South Africa's bowlers may have unable to finish the job with the bat but they had impressed with disciplined bowling performance under overcast skies on a slowish track. India approached their innings cautiously and, using the movement, South Africa's bowlers capitalised on their circumspection. Lonwabo Tsotsobe was the best. His role in ODIs has largely been a containing one but his accuracy amid India's pressure to accelerate earned him his best match haul of 4 for 22. India, too, faltered in their batting Powerplay, losing four wickets for 14 runs to undermine what Yuvraj and Dhoni had achieved during their fighting recovery stand. The pair had to build from scratch following the wickets of Sachin Tendulkar and Virat Kohli in quick succession. Displaying little signs of getting bogged down, neither batsman felt compelled to take undue risks and instead ensured a steady scoring-rate by working the field. Both used the sweep and the paddle, while Yuvraj often drove straight to pinch twos because long-on that was wider than usual. Bad balls were a rarity but Yuvraj was prompt to punish them when on offer: he slashed Morkel over point and glanced Tsotsobe to the fine-leg boundary to raise his half-century. The stand was worth 83 and with 13 more overs to go, a score of 240 was on. India didn't get that far, though given the manic developments towards the end, they didn't need to.
Maxwell E. Cooper; Luke A. Torre-Healy; Vincent J. Alentado; Samuel Cho; Michael P. Steinmetz; Edward C. Benzel; Thomas E. Mroz Review of spine surgery literature between 2005 and 2014 to assess the reporting of patient outcomes by determining the variability of use of patient outcomes metrics in the following categories: pain and disability, patient satisfaction, readmission, and depression. There has been a recent focus on the reporting of quality metrics associated with spine surgery outcomes. However, little consensus exists on the optimal metrics that should be used to measure spine surgery outcomes. A PubMed search of all spine surgery manuscripts from January 2005 through December 2014 was performed. Linear regression analyses were performed on individual metrics as well as outcomes categories as a fraction of total papers reviewing surgical outcomes. Outcomes reporting has increased significantly between January 1, 2005 and December 31, 2014 [175/2871 (6.1%) vs. 764/5603 (13.6%), respectively; P<0.001; R2=98.1%]. For the category of pain and disability reporting, Visual Analog Score demonstrated a statistically significant decrease in use from 2005 through 2014 [56/76 (73.7%) vs. 300/520 (57.7%), respectively; P<0.001], whereas Oswestry Disability Index increased significantly in use [19/76 (25.0%) vs. 182/520 (35.0%), respectively; P<0.001]. For quality of life, EuroQOL-5 Dimensions increased significantly in use between 2005 and 2014 [4/23 (17.4%) vs. 30/87 (34.5%), respectively; P<0.01]. In contrast, use of 36 Item Short Form Survey significantly decreased [19/23 (82.6%) vs. 57/87 (65.5%), respectively; P<0.01]. For depression, only the Zung Depression Scale underwent a significant increase in usage between 2005 and 2014 [0/0 (0%) vs. 7/13 (53.8%), respectively; P<0.01]. Although spine surgery outcome reporting has increased significantly over the past 10 years, there remains considerable heterogeneity in regards to individual outcomes metrics utilized. This heterogeneity makes it difficult to compare outcomes across studies and to accurately extrapolate outcomes to clinical practice. Shalv P. Madhani; Brian J. Frankowski; Sang-Ho Ye; Greg W. Burgreen; William R. Wagner; Robert Kormos; Jonathan D’Cunha; William J. Federspiel Antimicrobial Stewardship Practices Reported by California Hospitals Following New Legislative Requirements: Analysis of National Healthcare Safety Network Annual Survey Data, 2014-2015 Chronic posterior elbow soft tissue defects often require soft tissue reconstruction because of exposure of the underlying triceps tendon and proximal ulna. Current options for soft tissue coverage require sacrifice of a local muscle or microsurgery. The purpose of this study is to evaluate patient and surgical outcomes after reconstruction of small-sized to medium-sized (<50 cm2) posterior elbow defects with bipedicle advancement flaps. A retrospective chart review was performed for 3 patients who underwent posterior elbow reconstruction with bipedicle flaps. The etiology of the soft tissue elbow defect was chronic infected olecranon bursitis (n=2) and exposed olecranon plate after open fracture (n=1). Patient comorbidities included: diabetes, CREST (Calcinosis, Raynaud phenomenon, Esophageal dysmotility, Sclerodactyly, Telangiectasia) syndrome, and rheumatoid arthritis. The mean patient age at time of reconstruction was 44 years (39 to 51 y), and the mean area of soft tissue defect was 39.3 cm2 (24 to 54 cm2) after debridement of involved tissue. All patients had positive intraoperative cultures and were treated with culture-directed long-term intravenous antibiotics. There were no surgical complications or flap loss. All patients had reepithelialization of the donor site by postoperative week 8 and stable soft tissue coverage of the elbow after surgery at final follow-up with full preoperative elbow range of motion. This technique offers a simple, reliable solution for soft tissue coverage of the posterior elbow using excess local tissue for primary closure of posterior elbow wounds with minimal donor-site morbidity. 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This lens was used by a close partner (production company) for about a week before they decided to purchase the full lens kit (which was unavailable at the time they purchased). This lens is in pristine condition, no signs of use, includes original retail box. As close to new as used comes. Michael Treacy: The Discipline of Market Leaders: Choose Your Customers, Narrow Your Focus, Dominate Your Market Read this and then determine your institution's current "value discipline" -- and what it actually should be. Be honest! (*****) November 29, 2013 in Affordability of Access, Capacity for Access, Conveneince of Access, Expense Accountability, From the Press, Learning Accountability, Links, Program Accountability, Revenue / Cost Pressure | Permalink | Comments (0) The UNESCO-based International Association of Universities will convene its 14th General Conference on November 27, 2012 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The conference is titled "Higher Education and the Global Agenda: Alternatives Paths to the Future." IAU has framed the conference with three important and timely thematic questions: First, I’ll answer IAU's questions immediately below. Then I'll provide a rationale for one "alternative path to the future" based on creating an open, nonprofit, nongovernmental economic governance organization for the credentialing marketplace: the global Education Leadership Commons. The purpose of the global ELC would be to scale up educational justice and educational attainment by opening up the credentialing marketplace, which would require realigning economic rights and responsibilities among credentialers and their external investors – students/families, governments, donors, employers, and suppliers. 1. Higher education has long addressed the challenges facing humanity, but not at the scale and in the timeframe now expected. 2. Today's dominant funding model compensates credit hours attempted, not credentials awarded, and is out of synch with humanity’s expanding need for higher learning at lower costs and greater returns to all invested beneficiaries. Credentialed higher learning will have to become more affordable to both the expanding economic demographic of low-and middle-income students and to the governments and institutions that help financially support them. 3. Higher education will be internationalized, not so much by institutions attracting students from abroad, building campuses abroad, and offering study-abroad programs, as by adapting the technology-enabled “flattening” models for partnering and externally sourcing described a few years ago in Thomas Friedman’s “flat-world” account of globalization. New cross-boundary partnerships will emerge among educational institutions, governments, nongovernmental organizations, employers, and commercial suppliers. On November 28, my dinner presentation to conference attendees will address all three IAU themes in more depth by drawing on arguments from my 2012 paper, "Is Education's Past Its 2050 Prologue?" The paper was published in conjunction with the 80th anniversary celebration of the University of North Carolina's School of Information and Library Science. The celebration concluded with an "Information Professionals 2050 Summit and Conference" on June 4-5, 2012. At the invitation of Dean Gary Marchionini, I wrote about and then discussed "education in 2050” during the June event. Neither Dean Marchionini nor I would presume to predict the nature of education in 2050. We nevertheless agree that education is already under pressure to credential more people to higher levels of learning attainment. This pressure reflects the primary policy strategy in many modern nations for focusing education’s attention on preparing students to help advance and sustain social, economic, and environmental justice. Many colleges and universities today still set their sights solely on becoming (or remaining) among the best in the world. Competition is desirable, but can be limiting at a time when humanity’s habitat and socioeconomic flash points evidence a collective need to focus higher education's attention on becoming best for the world – a phrase borrowed from Sister Candace Introcaso, president of La Roche College. That's why progressive policy leaders are asking educators to scale up educational attainment: the proportion of an adult population holding a trusted, postsecondary credential (degree or certificate). For example, President Obama's attainment goal is to scale up the attainment proportion from 40% to 60% in ten years, thereby enlarging the U.S. population of credentialed adults from around 80 million to over 120 million, a tall order. Many other countries have their own attainment proportion goals and timeframes. Scaling up attainment proportions accordingly is at the heart of IAU’s theme 1, and arguably will remain the dominant thread in education policy worldwide. We must expand the attainment pool of postsecondary credentialed people not only as a proportion of population, but also in its scientific and technical expertise and its humanistic and civic habits of mind that nurture the mutual respect and cooperation so essential to addressing humanity’s grand challenges. The attainment challenge is not only about scale and skills, but also about the interdependencies in and among its various dimensions, which are as complex as the interdependencies intrinsic to globalization and its challenges to humanity. Consider how the globalized economy sputters here and there and threatens havoc everywhere. Global warming continues apace, while the green economy wavers. Too many people suffer from the ravages of war, hunger, and other cruel injustices. Meanwhile, well-intentioned attempts by the U.N. and other organizations to advance and sustain social, economic, and environmental justice are too often stymied by the difficulty of balancing rights and responsibilities among the negotiating parties who are typically facing a tragedy of the commons in which special interests, intentionally or not, destroy or damage the value of a common good to the detriment of all of its economic beneficiaries. Even the Internet/World Wide Web, an obvious common good that has spawned exponential growth in economic and social wealth, is not exempt from such contentious issues. A telecommunications giant, for example, might unilaterally attempt to favor the Internet traffic of its large customers to the detriment of other organizational and consumer traffic that flows through the Internet, thereby risking a tragedy of the Internet commons. The Internet Society was created to mitigate such risks, and has succeeded by governing open internetworking standards and the open processes used to advance them. This open, consensus-building governance model has protected the seminal democratic networking principle that all Internet traffic is created equal. Likewise the core democratic principle that all people are created equal must become more personally actionable than ever in the form of affordable access to higher learning and quality-assured credentialing. We can't risk a tragedy of the learning and credentialing commons, because it is the joint public and private investment most likely to mitigate the challenges facing humanity. We need to focus on educational justice, if we are to make higher learning more affordable to the world's expanding economic demographic of low- and middle-income people. Meanwhile, public financial aid to students is shrinking in many parts of the world, while annual per-credential operating expenditures are not decreasing at most colleges and universities. The result is a three-way affordability conundrum: how to make credentialing processes more affordable to low- and middle-income students and also to the institutions and governments that support those students. Humanity’s Grand Challenge: Expand and sustain social, economic, environmental, and educational justice. The credentialing marketplace has become a common good – both a public and private good. It must be advanced and sustained as the delivery mechanism for educational justice and attainment at scale, which are essential to the advancement and sustainability of social, economic, and environmental justice. We must learn how to mitigate the risk of a tragedy of the credentialing commons while globally scaling up educational justice and attainment. Two Nobel Laureates in Economics and their work come to mind: Ronald Coase (1991 prize winner) and Elinor Ostrom (2009 prize winner who died in June, 2012). Coase’s 1937 article, The Nature of the Firm, posited that “transaction costs” and the management friction they create accounted for the burgeoning size and overhead of the firms of the times. In our times, however, the Internet/Web has seriously diminished that friction and fueled globalization. Among the results are innovative, agile business models that rely on partnering and external sourcing to flatten overhead and bureaucracy, as illustrated by Thomas Friedman’s examples in his “flat-world” book. Traditional educational institutions, in contrast, continue to operate under financial models similar to the high overhead, bureaucratic, not so agile firms of the 20th century. Elinor Ostrom’s prize-winning work on the “economic governance of the commons” raises intriguing possibilities for the economic governance of the credentialing commons. These possibilities deserve attention from both education’s internal economic beneficiaries and external investor beneficiaries – students, families, donors, governments, employers, and suppliers. In her focus on natural resource commons, Ostrom found that an open economic governance model designed to balance economic rights and responsibilities fairly among all economic beneficiary groups is the best bet for mitigating the risk of a tragedy of the commons. Neither government nor other special public or private interests should be favored over other economic beneficiary groups. Open economic governance is already working outside of the domain of natural resources. The Internet Society described earlier is but one of many examples. Indeed, the Internet Society has been so successful that the Internet/Web continues to empower exponential growth in social and economic wealth – exactly what progressive policy leaders hope will result from scaling up educational justice and attainment. Perhaps the biggest barrier to scaling up attainment is the three-way affordability conundrum (see above), which is an economic issue directly related to educational justice. The economics of the current credentialing marketplace are working against scaling up educational justice and attainment. Over the past two years, I have proposed and written about an open economic governance model for the credentialing marketplace. The model is described as the nonprofit, nongovernmental Education Leadership Commons in the already cited paper, "Is Education's Past Its 2050 Prologue?" The paper includes ideas for how the ELC might be structured (along the lines of the successful Internet Society) to rebalance rights and responsibilities among credentialers and external investors in the credentialing marketplace – especially students and governments, among others. One such idea would have government commit to needs-tested financial aid (and/or a tax credit) in an amount projected annually from tax data, starting at birth. To remain eligible for such aid, a student would further have to submit at age 14 (or thereabouts), and periodically thereafter, to a constructivist, age-appropriate evaluation of basic communication fluencies and critical thinking skills – along the lines of OECD’s PISA and AHELO evaluations or other independent evaluations. Continuing eligibility would depend on re-submitting to an evaluation on schedule, but would not depend on any percentile ranking on the evaluation. Any institution accepting a student’s financial aid would be obligated to report some to-be-determined universal high-level accountability metrics. For example, these two annualized ratios taken together could become an annual measure of credentialing productivity in peer groupings: 1) the ratio of credentials granted annually to annual unduplicated headcount, and 2) the ratio of annual operating expenses to credentials granted annually. Government and other research centers would have access to the aggregated, privacy-secured data from the above protocols, and students would control their personal data (“my data”). The paper includes a matrix of rights and responsibilities that further illuminates the basic idea that earned, needs-tested financial aid and earned tax credits could be an economic lever for expanding and sustaining educational justice and educational attainment. The paper also includes examples of how the ELC might be structured and openly operated to create a more open and agile credentialing marketplace. Most nations expect the credentialing marketplace to be neither solely a private good nor solely a (universally free) public good. The former would leave educational justice unfulfilled and, thus, educational attainment goals unmet. The latter would be financially untenable in most nations, and would be questionable policy, even if affordable. Those who doubt my policy comment above should reflect on Kris Kristofferson's lyric from the 1960s that "freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose." With rights must come responsibilities, and vice versa. That's why credentialing's scalability and funding models must be harmonized, if educational justice and educational attainment are to proceed forward hand in hand to help meet humanity's major challenges. August 03, 2012 in Affordability of Access, Books, Reports & Speeches, Capacity for Access, Conveneince of Access, Expense Accountability, Learning Accountability, Program Accountability, Revenue / Cost Pressure | Permalink | Comments (0) I recently participated as a panelist in a live chat sponsored by The Guardian in the UK. We panelists interacted with each other and a larger audience to shed some light on what higher education needs from its leaders. Here's a link to the overall chat, and below are some of my summary comments about leadership, today and tomorrow, for higher education. 2) Today's progressive policy leaders are honoring Well's warning by asking educators to scale up educational attainment: the proportion of (selected) adult populations holding a trusted, postsecondary credential (degree or certificate). For example, President Obama's attainment goal is to move the attainment needle from 40% to 60% in ten years. 3) Policy leaders, in essence, are equating attainment with the democratic principle of equal opportunity and expecting educational opportunitiesto become more open (affordably accessible) and to lead to increases in attainment proportions. 4) Policy leaders believe scalable educational attainment to be critical to advancing and sustaining social, economic, and environmental justice, thereby to improving humanity's prospects for survival. 5) Economic demographic trends broadly imply that the proportion of low- and middle-income students in the education pipeline is increasing. 6) The economic demographic dimension of scaling up attainment exacerbates an already widespread three-way affordability conundrum: the need to lower the costs of attainment not only to low- and middle-class students, but also to the institutions and governments that support them. That's why "widening participation" is shorthand in the UK for what I'm calling here "scaling attainment." 7) Educational attainment priorities for higher education are increasingly boundary-crossing, collective (macro) goals that are not institutional (micro) in nature. Institutionally improving upon student-success metrics, such as various measures of persistence that include credentialing rates, is necessary to any increase in aggregate attainment proportions, but not sufficient. Credentialing rates a priori are not the same as attainment proportions! 8) Future leaders accordingly will need not only to be effective within current higher education service and organizational models, but also to have an achievable vision for leading the way across the boundaries that have traditionally demarcated various geopolitical and education sectors. New forms of collaboration and partnerships will accordingly be required. 9) Leadership experience, both inside the academy and outside the academy, can be useful, but no combination of such experiences will be sufficient to scale up, for example, national attainment proportions in large populations. Vision and a deeper understanding of the micro/macro challenges inherent in scaling up attainment are key necessities, along with the ability to attract internal and external collaborators to a more inclusively formulated vision of individual and collective success. 10) The globalized economy and its new enabling technologies interconnect everyone and everything. New forms of collaborative leadership will be required if purposeful economic governance mechanisms are to be developed in support of scaling up and sustaining educational attainment, while managing three-way affordability challenges for of all its stakeholders - educational institutions, students/families, governments, employers, and other sources of funding and support for education. 11) Unlike education, other sectors of the globalized economy have improved productivity with innovations and service redesigns enabled by technology. Education leaders will have to come to grips with this reality in order to create sustainable educational attainment models. 12) Traditional institutional leadership models and metrics of excellence, such as those practiced at Oxford, Harvard, and other universities, will persist and remain important. Education will set and maintain the pace in H.G. Wells' "race between education and catastrophe," however, only if new forms of leadership are focused on scaling attainment, affordability, and accountability. The levers of shared digital resources, communications, and collaborations are awaiting such leadership. May 23, 2012 in Affordability of Access, Capacity for Access, Conveneince of Access, Expense Accountability, Learning Accountability, Links, Program Accountability, Revenue / Cost Pressure | Permalink | Comments (0) Mike Mathews (my colleague at SunGard Higher Education) has asked "What if Steve Jobs had been an educator." In his paper, Mike uses the now familiar applications based on the “Global Positioning System” (GPS) technology as a metaphor for imagining an “Educational Positioning System” (EPS) enabling a suite of integrated technologies and massively interconnected data that would help deliver many benefits that are easy to imagine in analogy to the GPS. I've been arguing that many of these same benefits would accrue to the"Education Leadership Commons" described in"Adaptive Leadership for the Completions Priority: Establishing an Education Leadership Commons." Mike, I, and others are working to create the ELC from an adaptive economic governance model to make the current completions marketplace more portable, transparent, productive, and mutually affordable and beneficial to education providers and their external investors, especially to their students. We want the completions marketplace to feature a rich set of apps and data based on a universally accessible Educational Positioning System. October 31, 2011 in Affordability of Access, Capacity for Access, Conveneince of Access, Expense Accountability, Learning Accountability, Links, Program Accountability, Revenue / Cost Pressure, Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (0) I'm pleased to be providing leadership for starting up the Education Leadership Commons. The ELC is currently an embryonic movement dedicated to transforming education with the end-goal of enabling the scale-up of the proportion of the population holding "completions" (accredited postsecondary degrees and certificates). There's more, however. Simultaneous with scaling up the proportion of completions, investments in completions need to become mutually affordable both to education providers as expenses and to external investors in completions -- students/families, governments, donors, employers, and suppliers. In this context, my employer, SunGard Higher Education, is a "supplier" and is supporting the ELC start-up process. The intent of the start-up process, however, is to evolve the ELC into a nonprofit, non-governmental economic governance organization that does for completions what the Internet Society has done for the Internet by enabling exponential growth both in Internet traffic and in the creation of new economic and social wealth. Like the Internet, the completions production process is a common good and, like the Internet, should be economically governed to the mutual benefit of all economic beneficiaries. Not to do so is to risk a "tragedy of the commons" in which a common good is sacrificed to become, at best, primarily a government good or primarily a private good. At worst, humanity might lose the ongoing race between education and catastrophe (to paraphrase H. G. Well's distressing thought from the 1920s about the history of humanity). Please peruse the Prospectus for a Global Education Leadership Commons, and post your comments here. The redesign of education is long overdue, and we must find find a win-win transformational strategy, rather than a strategy that keeps education providers and their external investors at unproductive odds. July 15, 2011 in Affordability of Access, Capacity for Access, Conveneince of Access, Expense Accountability, Learning Accountability, Program Accountability, Revenue / Cost Pressure | Permalink | Comments (0) My latest publication, "Facing Education's Mounting Challenges with Collaboration and IT," was published as a Research Bulletin from the EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research (ECAR) on April 12, 2011. The paper calls for new forms of collaboration at several levels, from collaboration between the CIO and other C-level officers on campus to economic-governance collaboration among education providers and education's "external investors" (students/families, governments, donors, employers, suppliers, etc.). The need for innovative forms of collaboration is fueled by the "elephant in education's room:" the "completions priority" and its multiple, complex co-dependencies, which are discussed in the paper. The paper also posits earned, need-based, promissory grants to students as the basis (in the U.S.) for restructuring Federal funding for higher education in order to provide leverage for a new economic governance collaboration at all sectors of the education marketplace and geopolitics. By the way, I was on the EDUCAUSE Board when ECAR was created in the 1990s and am pleased to have now published my first paper under the aegis of ECAR. Membership in ECAR is by organizational subscription, and there are several options for subscribing. April 15, 2011 in Affordability of Access, Books, Reports & Speeches, Capacity for Access, Conveneince of Access, Expense Accountability, Learning Accountability, Links, Program Accountability, Revenue / Cost Pressure | Permalink | Comments (0) Рита Ора о новом альбоме, streetstyle-образы с главным хитом сезона — кожаным плащом, а также лучшие бьюти-продукты, в которые вы точно влюбитесь! 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Doris Coley (August 2, 1941 – February 4, 2000) was an American musician, who was best known as a member (and occasional lead singer) of The Shirelles. She initially left the group in 1968, but returned in 1975. Coley was born in Goldsboro, North Carolina. Through marriages, she became Doris Coley Kenner and later, Doris Kenner Jackson. She was inducted into the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame with the other original members of the Shirelles in 1996. 1. The Shirelles – The Shirelles were an American girl group that achieved popularity in the early 1960s. They consisted of schoolmates Shirley Owens, Doris Coley, Addie Micki Harris, founded in 1957 for a talent show at their high school, they were signed by Florence Greenberg of Tiara Records. Their first single, I Met Him on a Sunday, was released by Tiara, after a brief and unsuccessful period with Decca, they went with Greenberg to her newly formed company, Scepter Records. Working with Luther Dixon, the rose to fame with Tonights the Night. After a successful period of collaboration with Dixon and promotion by Scepter, with seven top 20 hits, afterwards, they were unable to maintain their previous popularity. The Shirelles have been described as having a naive schoolgirl sound that contrasted with the themes of many of their songs. Several of their hits used strings and baião-style music and they have been credited with launching the girl group genre, with much of their music reflecting the genres essence. Their acceptance by white and black audiences, predating that of the Motown acts, has been noted as reflecting the early success of the Civil Rights Movement. Two of their songs, Will You Love Me Tomorrow and Tonights the Night, were selected by Rolling Stone on its list of the greatest songs of all time. The group that became the Shirelles was formed in 1957 by four teenage girls from Passaic, New Jersey. The founding members, Shirley Owens, Doris Coley, Addie Micki Harris, after several months of avoiding Greenberg and telling her that they were not interested in singing professionally, they were booked to Tiara. That year, they released their first song, I Met Him on a Sunday, after success, it was licensed to Decca Records for national broadcast. The song was influenced by doo-wop, but infused with pop melodies. C and their first single produced with Dixon, Tonights the Night, was released in 1960 and peaked at #39. The success of Tonights the Night led to the girls being booked to perform with major artists, such as Etta James and Little Richard. Tonights the Night was later used as the song for the 1961 album Tonights the Night. After the success of their singles, the Shirelles became frequent guests of Murray the K, in 1963 Dixon left Scepter, which presaged a tailing-off of the number of the Shirelles singles to chart. However, they carried on performing and recording, dionne Warwick replaced Owens and Coley, who took leave to marry their fiancés, in concerts and the group continued to record material. That year, their song Foolish Little Girl reached the pop/R&B Top 10, however, later in 1963 they learned that the trust, holding their royalties, that they were supposed to receive from Scepter on their 21st birthdays, did not exist 2. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame – The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum is a hall of fame and museum located on the shore of Lake Erie in downtown Cleveland, Ohio, United States. In 1986, Cleveland was chosen as the hall of fames permanent home.8 billion, the Foundation began inducting artists in 1986, but the Hall of Fame still had no home. The search committee considered several cities, including Philadelphia, Memphis, Detroit, Cincinnati, New York City, Cleveland was also one of the premier tour stops for most rock bands. Civic leaders in Cleveland pledged $65 million in money to fund the construction. A petition drive was signed by 600,000 fans favoring Cleveland over Memphis, on May 5,1986, the Hall of Fame Foundation chose Cleveland as the permanent home of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum. Sam Phillips of Sun Studios fame and many others were stunned and disappointed that it ended up in Cleveland, the hall of fame shouldve been in Memphis, certainly, wrote Peter Guralnick, author of an acclaimed two-volume Elvis Presley biography. Cleveland may also have chosen as the organizations site because the city offered the best financial package. As The Plain Dealer music critic Michael Norman noted, It was $65 million, Cleveland wanted it here and put up the money. During early discussions on where to build the Hall of Fame and Museum, ultimately, the chosen location was along East Ninth Street in downtown Cleveland by Lake Erie, east of Cleveland Stadium. Initial CEO Dr. Larry R. Thompson facilitated I. M. Pei in designs for the site, Pei came up with the idea of a tower with a glass pyramid protruding from it. The museum tower was planned to stand 200 ft high. The buildings base is approximately 150,000 square feet, the groundbreaking ceremony took place on June 7,1993. Pete Townshend, Chuck Berry, Billy Joel, Sam Phillips, Ruth Brown, Sam Moore of Sam and Dave, Carl Gardner of the Coasters and Dave Pirner of Soul Asylum all appeared at the groundbreaking. The museum was dedicated on September 1,1995, with the ribbon being cut by an ensemble that included Yoko Ono and Little Richard, among others, the following night an all-star concert was held at the stadium. It featured Chuck Berry, Bob Dylan, Al Green, Jerry Lee Lewis, Aretha Franklin, Bruce Springsteen, Iggy Pop, John Fogerty, John Mellencamp, and many others. In addition to the Hall of Fame inductees, the documents the entire history of rock and roll. Hall of Fame inductees are honored in an exhibit located in a wing that juts out over Lake Erie. Since 1986, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame has selected new inductees, the formal induction ceremony has been held in New York City 25 times, twice in Los Angeles, and four times in the Hall of Fames home in Cleveland 3. Find a Grave – Find a Grave is a website that allows the public to search and add to an online database of cemetery records. It is owned by Ancestry. com, the worlds largest for-profit genealogy company, the site was created in 1995 by Salt Lake City resident Jim Tipton to support his hobby of visiting the burial sites of celebrities. He later added an online forum, Find a Grave was launched as a commercial entity in 1998, first as a trade name and then incorporated in 2000. The site later expanded to include graves of non-celebrities, in order to allow visitors to pay respect to their deceased relatives or friends. In 2013, Tipton sold Find a Grave to Ancestry. com, burial information is a wonderful source for people researching their family history. In a September 30,2013, press release, Ancestry, as of March 2017, Find a Grave contained over 159 million burial records and 75 million photos. The website contains listings of cemeteries and graves from around the world, american cemeteries are organized by state and county, and many cemetery records contain Google Maps and photographs of the cemeteries and gravesites. Individual grave records may contain dates and places of birth and death, biographical information, cemetery and plot information, photographs, Interment listings are added by individuals, genealogical societies, and other institutions such as the International Wargraves Photography Project. Contributors must register as members to submit listings, called memorials, the submitter becomes the manager of the listing but may transfer management. Only the current manager of a listing may edit it, although any member may use the features to send correction requests to the listings manager. Managers may add links to other listings of deceased spouses, parents, members may post requests for photos of a specific grave, these requests will be automatically sent to other members who have registered their location as being near that grave. Find a Grave also maintains lists of memorials of famous persons by their claim to fame, such as Medal of Honor recipients, religious figures, Find a Grave exercises editorial control over these listings. Canadian Headstones Interment. net National Cemetery Administrations Nationwide Gravesite Locator Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness Tombstone tourist Colker, web site answers grave concerns about stars. Web site attracts millions of grave-seekers, Find VIPs who R. I. P. through online cemetery. Genealogy, Find a Grave tremendous on many different levels, terre Haute, Indiana, Community Newspaper Holdings Inc. Archived from the original on May 14,2011, tip, Find a Grave has info youre dying to know. Tracking Down Relatives, Visiting Graves Virtually, media related to Images from Find A Grave at Wikimedia Commons Official website 4. Lead vocalist – The lead vocalist, lead vocals or lead singer in popular music is typically the member of a group or band whose voice is the most prominent in a performance where multiple voices may be heard. The lead singer either leads the ensemble, or sets against the ensemble as the dominant sound. In vocal group performances, notably in soul and gospel music, and early rock and roll, as an example in rock music, Mick Jagger is the lead singer of The Rolling Stones. Similarly in soul music, Smokey Robinson was the singer of The Miracles. The practice of using a lead singer in vocal groups, however, has a longer history, songs of the late nineteenth century frequently used a leading solo voice, followed by a choral response by other singers. From these various points - including Motown - it went on to become a device in much rock. In some bands - most famously, The Beatles - the role of lead singer alternated, while in others - for example, there are as many types and styles of lead singer as there are styles and genres of music. However, the singer of a group or band is usually the main focus of audiences attention. The lead vocalist of a band is called the front man or front woman. Pink Floyd also can be considered a band with two front men, as both the guitarist David Gilmour and the bassist Roger Waters sang and wrote most of the songs. In the beginning of the career, however, Pink Floyds lead singer and guitarist was Syd Barrett. Particularly before the 1970s, many bands were named for the leader or founder, rather than the lead singer, examples include the Dave Clark Five and Harold Melvin. In modern rock music, the singer is often, but not always, also the bands leader. While lead singers or spokespersons for any musical ensembles can be called a front man, since the position commonly has an expanded role from simple lead vocalists, there have been cases in which the front man for a band is someone other than the lead vocalist. In many bands, such as The Who, Fall Out Boy, Led Zeppelin, Living Colour, Queen and Oasis, usually, this is derived from that guitarists specific role as a co-songwriter, co-founder and/or co-vocalist. Also in some cases, there are two frontmen, such as Underoath, with singers Spencer Chamberlain and Aaron Gillespie sharing vocal duties, another example is Blink-182, in which vocal duties are split between bassist Mark Hoppus and guitarist Tom DeLonge. Hoppus usually carries out most media either by himself or together with DeLonge, linkin Park has two vocalists as well, Chester Bennington and Mike Shinoda, both considered as frontmen. Another example is the metal band Metallica, in which James Hetfield 5. Goldsboro, North Carolina – Goldsboro is a city in Wayne County, North Carolina, United States. The population was 36,437 at the 2010 Census and it is the principal city of and is included in the Goldsboro, North Carolina Metropolitan Statistical Area. The nearby town of Waynesboro was founded in 1787 and Goldsboro was incorporated in 1847 and it is the county seat of Wayne County. Goldsboro is best known as home to Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, as of the 2000 census, there were 39,043 people,14,630 households, and 19,465 families residing in the city. The population density was 1,574.9 inhabitants per square mile, there were 19,372 housing units at an average density of 660.4 per square mile. The racial makeup of the city was 52. 24% African American,43. 04% White,0. 43% Native American,1. 44% Asian,0. 08% Pacific Islander,1. 14% from other races, and 1. 64% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 2. 69% of the population,30. 5% of all households were made up of individuals and 11. 9% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 2.40 and the family size was 3.00. The median income for a household in the city was $29,456, males had a median income of $26,223 versus $21,850 for females. The per capita income for the city was $16,614, about 15. 4% of families and 19. 2% of the population were below the poverty line, including 26. 7% of those under age 18 and 17. 5% of those age 65 or over. Around 1787, when Wayne County was formed, a town named Waynesborough grew around the countys courthouse, in 1787, William Whitfield III and his son were appointed Directors and Trustees for designing and building the town. Located on the east bank of the Neuse River, the became the county seat. Population growth in Waynesborough continued through the 1830s, however, this changed once the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad was completed in the early 1840s. By then, a hotel had been built at the intersection of the railroad and New Bern Road, later this was shortened simply to Goldsborough. In 1847, the town was incorporated and became the new Wayne County seat following a vote of the citizens of Wayne County, local legend has it the Goldsborough supporters put moonshine in the towns well to encourage people to vote for Goldsborough. In the following decades, Goldsboroughs growth continued in part by new connections to Charlotte. By 1861, the population was estimated to be 1,500. It was the center of a rural area that started with yeoman farmers 6. Foolish Little Girl – Foolish Little Girl is a 1963 album by The Shirelles. The title track turned out to be the last of the big hits. The albums other single, Dont Say Goodnight and Mean Goodbye, was The Shirelles last top forty US hit, despite their weakening chart impact, the demand for Shirelles recordings continued to grow. The same year, they had provided material for the film Its A Mad Mad Mad Mad World, foolish Little Girl also contains material by Ellie Greenwich and Van McCoy. Dionne Bromfield covered the song on her debut album Introducing Dionne Bromfield in 2009 along with another Shirelles hit Mama Said 7. Will You Love Me Tomorrow – Will You Love Me Tomorrow, also known as Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow, is a song written by Gerry Goffin and Carole King. It was originally recorded in 1960 by the Shirelles, who took their single to number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, the song is also notable for being the first song by an all-girl group to reach number one in the United States. It has since recorded by many artists over the years. In 1960, the American girl group the Shirelles released the first version of the song as Scepter single 1211, the singles first pressing was labelled simply Tomorrow, then lengthened later. When first presented with the song, lead singer Shirley Owens did not want to record it and she relented after a string arrangement was added. The song is in AABA form, in 1961, the Shirelles took their single Will You Love Me Tomorrow to number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. Their version of the song, with session musician Gary Chester on drums, is ranked as the 162nd greatest song of all time, as well as the best song of 1960. The Shirelles version was ranked among Rolling Stone s list of The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time at number 126, the song later appeared on the soundtrack of Michael Apteds Stardust. Bertell Dache, a demo singer for the Brill Building songwriters, recorded an answer song entitled Not just Tomorrow. However, an ad for United Artists Records which appeared in Billboard during 1961 featured a photo of the singer which conclusively proved that Dache was not Tony Orlando. The Satintones, an early Motown group, also recorded a song called Tomorrow and Always. Following a threat of litigation, later pressings of the record included proper credit, the Satintones versions are included in the box set The Complete Motown Singles, Volume 1, 1959–1961. In 1971 Carole King, the co-writer of the song, recorded a version of Will You Love Me Tomorrow for her studio album Tapestry, with Joni Mitchell. Kings version of the song was taken at a slower tempo and with a more contemplative. It gained considerable album-oriented rock airplay due to the large commercial success of the album. The song became a feature of Kings live shows, Taylor recreated his part during their joint arena-based Troubadour Reunion Tour of 2010. No other song is featured as frequently in the musical and this was the first cover of the song. The Four Seasons had a number 24 hit with the song on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1968, linda Ronstadt released a version on her 1970 album, Silk Purse 8. Baby It's You – Baby Its You is a song written by Burt Bacharach, Luther Dixon and Mack David. It was recorded by the Shirelles and the Beatles, and became hits for both, the highest-charting version of Baby Its You was by the band Smith, who took the song to number five on the US charts in 1969. The song was produced by Luther Dixon and it later appeared on the album Baby Its You, named to capitalize upon the success of the single. The vocal arrangements on this version proved influential in subsequent versions, including that by the Beatles, one notable feature of the song is its minor-to-major key chord changes on the verses. American label Vee-Jay Records included it on Introducing, the Beatles and Songs, Pictures and Stories of the Fabulous Beatles. Capitol included it on The Early Beatles, the Beatles version differs to the Shirelles by repeating the second verse instead of the first. So, where the Shirelles conclude with a line about sitting home and crying, a live version was released on Live at the BBC in 1994. The song was issued as a CD single and a single in 1995 in both the UK and the US, the Beatles first in nearly a decade. Both versions have four tracks, making it an EP instead of a regular issue single, the three additional tracks, while from BBC recordings, did not appear on Live at the BBC. Tracks 2 and 4 were later included on On Air – Live at the BBC Volume 2, the single reached number seven in the UK and number 67 on the Billboard Hot 100. A live music video was released in 1994 to promote the single and it consisted of a combination of the Beatles dancing and still photographs, and was later included on a DVD or Blu-ray that comes with the 2015 release 1+. The single was released on Dunhill 4206 in 1969 and it was their first and most successful release. This version alters the vocal arrangement as performed by the Shirelles. The single hit #5 on the Billboard Hot 100, the Smith version was used in Quentin Tarantinos Death Proof. The Carpenters recorded a version of Baby Its You in 1970 for their album Close to You, although it wasnt released as a single, it was performed on their TV series, Make Your Own Kind of Music in 1971. It was also featured on the UK compilation, Reflections in 1998 with a remix done by Richard Carpenter in 1991. Baby Its You is an R&B song by Atlanta-based vocal quintet Silk and it charted at #44 on the UK Singles Chart in 1993. Covered the song on the episode of the sixth season of Glee, What the World Needs Now 9. Baby It's You! – Baby Its You. is a jukebox musical written by Floyd Mutrux and Colin Escott, featuring the music of the 1960s pop group the Shirelles. The show tells the story of Florence Greenberg and Scepter Records, after several tryouts and premieres, the show debuted on Broadway in April 2011, directed by Sheldon Epps. The Shirelles were an American girl group in the early 1960s, the members of the quartet were Shirley Owens, Doris Coley, Beverly Lee, and Addie Micki Harris. Florence Greenberg originally created Tiara Records, the first song recorded and released on the label was I Met Him On a Sunday, by the Shirelles. Just as the record started to break locally, Greenberg sold the company with the Shirelles contract to Decca Records for US$4000, with that money, she started a new label in 1959, called Scepter Records, which became one of the leading record labels in the 60s. Mutrux and Escott had collaborated on the book for the Broadway musical Million Dollar Quartet, Mutrux, who knew about Florence Greenberg, conceived Baby Its You. The Musical, which is part of Mutruxs planned American Pop Anthology series, Million Dollar Quartet was also part of this series. Epps is director of the Pasadena Playhouse, in late 2009, one of the shows scheduled to play there suddenly closed. Id heard several good things about a smaller production of this show that was at the Coast Playhouse in West Hollywood. I did a little reading about the subject matter — about the Shirelles and Florence Greenberg and all of that — and went over to see it. I was very taken with it and very taken with the idea of developing it for a larger venue and this is not the first jukebox musical Epps had worked on, he directed Play On. with Duke Ellington songs, and Blues in the Night. Florence Greenberg is an average New Jersey housewife, a talent show is held at her daughters school, and a group of African-American girls are preparing to perform. Florences daughter is surprised at their talent, quickly notifying her mother, to accommodate them, she founds Scepter Records. After the success of the Shirelles, the new name of the group, Florence and Scepter Records go on to recording artists like the Kingsmen. ±Denotes that character is a member of the Shirelles, the show premiered at the Coast Playhouse in Los Angeles on July 18,2009, playing until August 30,2009, choreographed by Birgitte Mutrux, directed by Floyd Mutrux, and starring Meeghan Holaway. Other cast members included Erica Ash and Barry Pearl, another production with the same cast played at the Pasadena Playhouse from November 13,2009, to December 13,2009. The show opened on Broadway at the Broadhurst Theatre, starring Beth Leavel as Florence, directed by Sheldon Epps, joining Leavel as the Shirelles are Christina Sajous, Erica Ash, Kyra DaCosta, and Crystal Starr Knighton. The production closed on September 4,2011, entertainment Weeklys Clark Collis gave the musical a B– rating, calling it a night out that is easy on the ear About: Doc is the ideal specimen of a CCara llama. His ability to pack was proven as just a young packer when we were on a fall trip in the Tetons and ran into a forest fire. We had to go 13 miles and just over 5,000 feet to safety in 5 hours. He never skipped a beat. Amazing build, stamina and genetics. We are excited to see his offspring.
This Houston Seafood Restaurant located on the San Jacinto State Historical Site brings regular visitors that know the perfect way to top off a day of exploring Texas history is by enjoying the great food served up at that legendary local seafood restaurant, the Monument Inn. Located at 4406 Independence Parkway South, right down the street from the San Jacinto State Park, the Monument Inn is the perfect place to relax and enjoy the scenic views of the Houston Ship Channel and San Jacinto State Park while dining on some of the most delicious seafood to be found anywhere on the Gulf Coast. There are many attractions to be found at the San Jacinto State Historical Site. Besides the San Jacinto Monument and Battlefield Museum there’s also the Battleship Texas Memorial and of course Houston’s best seafood restaurant, the Monument Inn. The USS Texas is the oldest surviving representative of the Dreadnought Class of battleship that ruled the seas during the first decades of the Twentieth Century. She was launched on May 18, 1912 and commissioned on March 12, 1914. At the time of her commission, the USS Texas was one of the most powerful ships in the US fleet. During World War One, the USS Texas provided escort for supply ships and helped lay mines in the North Sea. In World War Two the USS Texas saw action in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. In the Atlantic she escorted convoys (often stalked by German U-boats) and participated in many important battles, including shelling Axis positions during the D-Day invasion of Normandy. In the Pacific theater, the USS Texas provided support during the battles for Iwo Jima and Okinawa. The USS Texas was awarded five battle stars and is one of only a handful of battleships that saw action in both world wars. The USS Texas was distinguished by many “firsts” during her years for service: she was the first battleship to have mounted anti-aircraft guns; the first battleship to control gun fire using directors and range keepers (analog predecessors of today’s computers); the first US battleship to launch an aircraft; and the first battleship to be outfitted with CXAM-1 radar system. In 1948 the battleship arrived at her new home in the Houston Ship Channel and San Jacinto State Park, turned over to the State of Texas on April 21, the anniversary of the Battle of San Jacinto. In 1983 the USS Texas was turned over to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission and is now a permanent part of the San Jacinto Battleground State Historic Site, which is also home to the San Jacinto monument and Houston’s best seafood restaurant, the Monument Inn. The vessel is open to the public, allowing visitors to experience what life was like aboard one of America’s great ships of war. The USS Texas has appeared in several major Hollywood movies, including The Sand Pebbles, Pearl Harbor and Flags of Our Fathers. We know you and your family will enjoy experiencing the important historical sites of the San Jacinto Battleground State Historic Site. In addition, we know you’ll love the tasty dishes served up by renowned local seafood restaurant, the Monument Inn. Along with a wide variety of fresh seafood including red snapper, shrimp and oysters, we also serve delicious pasta, beef and chicken dishes. There are many seafood restaurants in Houston, but few that offer the beautiful scenic shoreline views you can enjoy from the dining room of the Monument Inn. Come for the history, stay for a meal – at the best Houston seafood restaurant, the Monument Inn, located at 4406 Independence Parkway in La Porte, Texas. Verla Duncan Wagoner’s Moody County nieces Bonnie Hemmer, Jane DeLay, and Deon Duncan along with nephew Gary Duncan, pose with the quilt that another niece Vicki Peschon of Hutchinson, MN who is another niece, made for Wagoner. She’s already received the quilt at her home in New York state. Her other local nephew, Jim DeLay, is not pictured. Verla Duncan Wagoner, 101, was born in Egan and after graduating from high school and taking a secretarial course, she worked four years in Pierre at the state treasurer’s office. She enlisted in the U.S. Army on Dec. 10, 1943, training at Fort Des Moines, Iowa, where she was assigned to a basic company for additional detailed training. She was a member of Company 13, 13th Regiment at Fort Des Moines and ended up with the rank of corporal. She started active service on Jan. 12, 1944, and her rank was a corporal, and she worked as a clerk typist, serving 22 months at Bolling Field in Washington, D.C. After her service, she married Morgan M. Wagoner in 1947 in Albany, N.Y., and worked doing office work at a glove factory and for 20 years, volunteered at the local VA. She and her husband, who died in 1975, had three children: Arthur, Eileen and Janet. She also has four grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. She has nieces and a nephew in Moody County, including Bonnie Hemmer of Colman, Jim DeLay of Egan, Jane DeLay of Egan, Deon Jensen of Trent and Gary Duncan of Flandreau. Her nieces and nephews are working on getting a quilt of valor to honor her. Jensen and Duncan’s sister, Vickie Peschon of Hutchinson, Minn., is sewing the quilt of valor to give to their aunt, a project she does for veterans in her area.
The IKEA monkey who broke out of his car in the IKEA parking lot last week, broke into all our hearts. So we made ashirt and a game. On this blog you’ll see the progression and evolution of the artwork by an uber talented team of Illustrators and Animators. Darwin the IKEA monkey with the shearling coat needs to build a BILLY shelf. Help him or he’ll die. I love to snap chat sometimes I work at cleos and flash dancers and sometimes Rachels I bartend work at a travel agency no drama Im seeking local dating site fun I snap chat a lot Hobbies are listening to good music 128139 Im very outgoing and well spoken my Instagram is mssocialite7 Hello Craigslist I am a SBF seeking a SWM between the ages of 2840 I am not looking to hook up I want to hook up believe me but Im also seeking something more right now I want to have both a phenomenal intimate physical and mental connection with someone I want someone who understands me and I understand them I want someone who sees the world similarly to me and with whom I just connect effortlessly I want to be able to talk to you until 6am watch the sunrise and make love I want to make meaning out of life with someone I want to say I love you a bajillion times a day and laugh at stupid jokes dating you make I want someone who is laid back to compliment my high strungness and help me see how chill life can be Most of this will be spent over a nice bowl or two talking about the cosmos and how were all connected I want someone who is not religious but maybe spiritual I want someone who goes with the flow and enjoys to do just about anything because to me it doesnt matter what youre doing when you have the one Its who youre doing it with Most of all I want somebody who wants this and is searching for that LTR that could maybe lead to even more So if this sounds like what youre looking for youre between ages 2840 and if youre serious about meeting up please send a reply with pics It could be the start of something beautiful Im a 25 to bllack female looking for some one who can dating hook me up with some 420 and hang out not looking for hooking up just a smoke buddy and a reliable person to get if from on my side of town mesquitegarland Sounds good to you hit me up pic 4 pic I am a white bbw 58 year adult encounters old single female looking for a friend at first and LTR I am looking for 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Milwaukee, WI -- Tailored Solutions, Inc., developer of Label Traxx job management software for flexographic printers, unveiled their newest vehicle for informing customers, and potential buyers of latest product developments. Tailored Solutions, along with their associative partner 4D, hosted its first in a series of web-enabled technology seminars. Participants took part in an interactive, real time presentation of Label Traxx, highlighting its newly revamped suite of accounting tools: Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, and General Ledger. Tom Gilmore, Label Traxx application developer and Certified Public Accountant, conducted the seminar, which attracted flexo businesses throughout North America. "Having completed a few ‘webinars,’ I've got to say that this is a great way to get things done. When our customers have a chance to interact with each other with in a manner such as this, and brainstorm about how to make our products better, the result is ideas that simplify the product and improve efficiencies," said Gilmore. Flexo customers that took part in the sessions found a great deal of value in the use of the web-conferencing technology. "I have told my employees that I consider Tailored Solutions to be a partner, not a vendor," said Betty Byers, an owner of Datamark Graphics in Asheboro, NC. "Now they can hear (Tailored Solutions employees) and speak to (them) with a personal connection. Not only is the subject matter of the presentation important, but the "closeness" obtained during such an event is priceless." Datamark Graphics, a customer with Tailored Solutions for over 4 years, relies on Label Traxx for all of its job management procedures, having recently invested in the Label Traxx Accounting package, with plans to implement the full integrated system. "(Label Traxx) has literally changed our company and our lives. It's helped us structure pricing so that it's fluid, profitable, and consistently competitive. It's helped us organize our prospects and customers. It's allowed us to increase sales without adding new personnel. And it's introduced us to some of the greatest people in the business. It's not easy to switch a company and train everyone on new software, but it's worth it. My budget is tight ... but (the) software is priceless." Tailored Solutions has more "webinars" scheduled in the upcoming months, each showcasing various modules of the Label Traxx product. For more information on Label Traxx, 4D, or to participate in an upcoming Label Traxx web seminar, visit the Tailored Solutions' web site at or call 414-774-9997. Buddy is doing fine, but when this was taken, about a month ago, he had suffered a seizure so I took him to the Vet's for some tests. They all came back fine and he has not had one since...knock on wood. Poor guy has had a rough year, medically. As children grow, they learn, imagine, and build connections within their communities. There are many ways to support what children are already learning while inspiring them to share the stories that foster understanding and creativity. Unstructured arts activities, where children are encouraged to create without specific end goals, are a great way to support children and build connections between family members. Painting is one such activity that the whole family can engage in and that supports literacy and math skills, at all stages of development. Large paper (Rives BFK paper is great because it holds up to heavy layers of paint and water without tearing. The results of painting are better with quality papers) Tape edges of sturdy paper to table, floor, or other hard surface for painting. If you want to keep a space free of paint it is a good idea to put down a plastic table cloth or similar covering on to the surface first. Set out paints, water, brushes. If desired, try setting out something that inspires your family; this could be plants, toy animals, sea shells, or anything else that might get the gears of a story rolling. Get painting! For some, reading a story together before beginning to paint is a good way to get creative muscles moving. Stories that are about letters, counting, or themes that are important to your family may inspire thoughts that connect to later painting and storytelling. Be flexible! Expect that some children will make very representational paintings and others will be more drawn to abstraction in their painting. There is no right answer, and also no wrong answers. Celebrate the uniqueness of each child and painting. Even if your child is at a place in their development where they are more interested in mixing all the colors than in creating representational objects, let them. Mixing is a great way to learn the chemistry of colors, gain motor skills, and get ideas rolling. While adults may not always know what is happening in a child’s mind, we can bet there are many more ideas than the child will share with us. For older children the act of painting may be relaxing or provide a way for them the share what is important to them. Listen, ask open ended questions, and try to let them guide the way. Paint on individual papers or work together on larger pieces. For more fun and shared learning, make up painting games, or work together to tell stories. Final pieces can be matted and framed. For more abstract or collaborative paintings, try moving a mat over the dried painted paper until you find a section you like; trace around the mat board and then cut out the section to frame. Papers can also be turned into cards, bookmarks, or book covers. The adventures are boundless; just keep an open mind and watch for the stories, letters, and numbers that occur naturally as children express themselves and connect to what they are learning in their lives. Jess Graff is an artist, writer, and educator who is currently the Residency Manager at Portland Children’s Museum.
Next, I signed it and took a number again. After a short wait, I went to the correct window and swore its validity in front of a notary who was behind it and she signed the form and applied the seal. I left here around 10:30 am. The next and final task I had lined up for that day was to then go to the MAEC Office near Metro Banco de España to legalize the affidavit (US Embassy letter) so that it was valid in Spain. I had to make an appointment online (and appointment times were organized by 4-minute time slots) so I chose to go around 12:20 to give myself enough time to arrive in case the appointment at the Embassy lasted longer. It was quick, painless and not to mention free! The whole process took only about 6 minutes and then I was officially done with all the running around. You can make an appointment with their office here but you can only make it up to two weeks ahead of time, just as an FYI. Now, the only thing left was to make my appointment at the Extranjeria on Calle de Silva and I did that on this very same day. (I would recommend setting it a little more in advance but I didn’t have that luxury.) I did the last minute preparation for the appointment which included making copies (not entirely needed, by the way), organizing and categorizing all my documents in my trusty file folder and printed out the copy of my appointment form. All that was left was to try to get some sleep that hot summer night and not be too nervous! I would definitely recommend getting a good night sleep and eating breakfast before your appointment in order to feel rested and ready to go in case you get assigned to a less than cheerful funcionario (civil servant) the next day. The day to turn in all my paperwork had arrived and ironically this was also the last day my student TIE card was valid. I, later on, tried to apply to a TEFL program in order to extend my student visa but I was not successful. The important thing was that I turned in my application while the card was still valid, though I realized that I did take a big risk. Anyway, I went to my appointment at 10 a.m. at Calle de Silva and I successfully turned in my full packet of paperwork. The only tasa I had to pay was the cost of the card for 10,86 euros. It didn’t match what was listed underneath the tasas for this visa and I was never asked to pay the larger fee at any other point during the process so I didn’t. (This could be subject to change, but it seems like some nationalities are exempt from paying the more expensive tasa and others are not. As a precaution, I would plan to have enough money in your budget to pay for it either way.) Did I mention that during those two months I waited, I stayed in Madrid in August? As see you can see in this photo, I almost melted in the process but good thing I didn’t!! After some doubts about getting my application approved at all, the Spanish government decided to approve my visa modification! Woohoo! I, however, didn’t check online to see the status of my application due to my doubts and potential missing documents (a missing translation) so I had no idea it had gotten approved at this point. I received a certified letter in the mail around 12 p.m. that day from the Oficina de Extranjeria, Calle de Silva and opened it with bated breath. It was delivered straight to my door (after the Correos worker couldn’t find my door and was confused by my name) so make sure you list is the one where you actually live and not a friend’s, as you have to be there to sign and receive the letter. Luckily, it said favorable (approved/favorable) and I knew that my application had been approved. I was about to pay a deposit on a TEFL course in order to renew my student visa the very next but now I didn’t have to! I was no longer a student! Besides celebrating and calling everyone I could about the news, I made an appointment for my fingerprints at the immigration center at metro Aluche. It was one of those high volume times of year as I was given an appointment then for November 28th. The letter also stated that I had to register myself into the Social Security system within a time frame of 30 days. At this point and taking away bank holidays, I only had 13 business days to do so. Talk about pressure! Celebratory tintos de verano were in order after learning I had gotten my visa approved! (Breathes a huge sigh of relief) (In the meantime and for the entire month of November I was also searching for a new apartment, new private classes and new freelance projects I could work on as a US person (for the time being). You can imagine my stress levels were through the roof some days as I managed all of these things at once. And you’re familiar with searching for an apartment in Madrid, it can take forever to find a good one.) I made my first visit to the correct Social Security Office for freelancers in my zip code (see photo below for the full list of offices). I requested my SS number by simply filling out a short form and presenting my approval letter. This was the easiest of my visits there. I went to both Hacienda, the Tax Office (locations are all over Madrid and require an appointment, cita previa, but I went to the one located near metro Guzmán El Bueno) and returned to the same Social Security Office. Unfortunately, I made a mistake and listed my start (work) date as past November 9th (the last possible day for me to register) and it was a holiday only in Madrid. A nice man at the Social Security office told me to go back to Hacienda and ask them to change it. Didn’t seem like too much of a hassle but remember…this is Spain. I had gotten another appointment to see someone at Hacienda in order to change my start date but this time for the afternoon. I don’t recommend ever making an appointment at a Spanish government office in the afternoon. Case in point was that I had my appointment around 1:45 p.m. and around 2:20 p.m., the funcionario I was assigned to informed me that I was not able to change the date until that date had passed. I turned to the Spain Immigration Group and asked about it. And found out the next day, it was NOT TRUE! After crying a bit out of frustration and then calming down, I made yet another appointment at the Hacienda but I chose to go to a location near Avenida de América. Around 11:30 a.m. the next day, I went to a different Hacienda where a very helpful man changed my start date in the system (after I had given him an abridged version of my life story in Spain) with ease. I then hurried on over to the Social Security Office in the opposite direction and got into the Social Security system. I had finally crossed these hurdles and breathed a sigh of relief. I was all set for this appointment -or so I thought- at Aluche around 1:30 p.m. until I realized with a gasp, as I started at a sign that said pasaporte, that I had left my passport on a shelf in my room. Major facepalm moment but I was able to recover. I made another appointment at Aluche and was given a date in 2018. Great… I had my second and final fingerprint appointment around 1:30 p.m. (don’t ask me why I kept getting assigned this time) and I came prepared with everything I needed. I finished the appointment in under 15 minutes and I can pick up my fancy new card in 30 days, as well as apply for my Cl@ve PIN to pay quarterly taxes online. I hope you found this post helpful and useful as you pursue your own application and continue living and enjoying Spain. Any questions or comments, please add them below and join the discussion! **If you’re also living in Madrid and want to chat or receive coaching/mentoring in person for a small fee during the process, please reach out or contact me on Upwork (for things such as proofreading your CV, writing a business plan or general advice). I would be happy to help you achieve your own goal of working and living in Spain legally.**
Combinatorial therapy for Metastatic cancers: A pharmaceutical mixture encompassing Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and Aspirin (ASA) increases the expression of tumor/metastatic suppressors BTG2 and INK4a, inhibits cell cycle progression, and suppresses migration, invasion and metastasis of cancer cells via up regulation of its target gene, 22/February/2018, 12.06 am L-Arginine has been shown to increase nitric oxide (NO) levels; and improve blood flow. This study suggests, for the first time, an amino acid-based therapy for TIDM. L-Arginine, by increasing the expression of its target gene, it may increase the expression of PD-L1. Thereby, it may: (1) increase Regulatory T-cells(Tregs) function; (2) decrease immune activation; (3) increase pancreatic-β-cell proliferation and regeneration; (4) increase expression of genes that promote insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion;(4) decrease metabolic stress; and (5) promote glucose homeostasis (Fig.1).Thus, pharmacological formulations encompassing “L-Arginine or its analogues, either alone or in combination with other drugs” may be used to treat TIDM (Fig.2.). Given that leucine and taurine may also aid in the treatment of autoimmune diabetes (published by us), a therapeutic mix encompassing L-Arginine, Taurine and Leucine may be used to reverse autoimmune diabetes. Figure 1. Mechanistic insights into how L-Arginine inhibits the development of autoimmune diabetes (T1DM). L-Arginine, by increasing the expression of its target genes, it may increase the expression of PD-L1. Thereby, it may prevent immune activation and attenuate development of T1DM. The research in my laboratory extends from basic science to translational research to technology development. My laboratory applies molecular and genomics approaches to do innovative studies concerning the regulation of gene expression in normal and cancer cells. The following paragraphs summarize our major research projects: The c-Myb transcription factor is a key and essential regulator of hematopoiesis and plays important roles in epithelial and some neural cells. The two striking features of c-Myb are that it regulates different sets of genes in different situations and that relatively minor mutations can completely change its activity – even converting the normal regulator into an oncoprotein. One aspect of my research is to better understand how the activities of c-Myb are regulated and affected by protein-protein interactions and upstream regulatory and signal transduction pathways that lead to changes in post-translational modifications. We have developed novel and innovative approaches for following changes in c-Myb during the cell cycle and are mapping domains in the protein responsible for cell cycle-dependent changes in transcriptional activities. We are using whole genome techniques such as Chromatin Immunoprecipitation coupled with next-generation sequencing (ChIP-seq) to map global changes in the association of c-Myb with promoters during different stages of the cell cycle and to compare the activities of the wild type protein to the oncogenic alleles. The goals are to understand how signaling pathways lead to changes in c-Myb activity and how the activity of c-Myb becomes corrupted in cancer cells. A better understanding of the regulatory pathways that control c-Myb activity should lead to novel therapeutic approaches for treating cancer patients. The c-Myb protein is a critical regulator of cell fate, controlling whether cells continue proliferating or differentiate. We found that the c-myb gene encodes at least 60 different splice variants, and that the expression of specific variants correlates with poor prognosis and poor survival in leukemia patients (manuscript in preparation). This provides a novel type of biomarker for analyzing and classifying leukemia patients, and we have developed high-throughput methods using next-generation sequencing technologies to take advantage of this approach. We have also found that the c-Myb protein is tightly regulated and that its specificity and targeting to specific genes is controlled by upstream signaling pathways that affect protein-protein interactions. This provides a novel approach for screening potential therapeutic agents that can lead to changes in c-Myb activities and determine whether cancer cells continue to proliferate or are triggered to differentiate. We have several projects designed to target the differentiation-promoting activity of c-Myb that could lead to new clinical trials. As the Director of our genomics shared resource, I have made use of new types of genomics technologies for my own NCI- and NIDCR-funded research, and I have been involved in the development of new types of technologies for improving and lowering the cost of next-generation DNA sequencing. We are also working on novel ways of utilizing the amazing power of next-generation sequencing technologies and bioinformatics for the analysis of protein-protein interactions and post-translational modifications. These approaches could open new doors for the analysis and understanding of populations and sub-populations of proteins in the cell.
This is Brad’s fourth win of the season. That leads everyone in the series. It’s his 14th Sprint Cup Series win. It’s his first win at Richmond. Brad, congratulations not only on this win tonight, but you are the number one seed in the Chase grid. Talk about not only the victory tonight, but as you embark on trying to win your second championship. You’re leading the pack as we head to Chicagoland. BRAD KESELOWSKI: It was just a phenomenal night for our team here and everyone at Team Penske. Car was fast. Pit crew was flawless. We put all the pieces together tonight. The tire change was a huge challenge for all the teams tonight. That challenge created an opportunity. Our team just really struck and hit it hard. I’m very proud of our effort tonight. I’m very proud of the result that comes from a win and what it means to the bigger picture of having the first seed entering the Chase. That’s really something. We want to keep that going as we get through this next 10 weeks. This race team has certainly asserted itself as being one to beat. Maybe just talk about not only this win tonight, but being the number one seed. PAUL WOLFE: Yeah, it definitely is. This team has shown a lot of speed all year long. There’s been some races over the summer months where I feel like we didn’t put all the pieces together, like Brad said. We had some other dominating performances, but we had races where we felt like we had a shot to win and we made mistakes or didn’t put all the pieces together right. Last week I told Brad obviously it was going to be important that we have the speed in our cars, but we have to be able to execute. To be able to come to Richmond tonight and do that, the race before the Chase starts, says a lot about what we’re capable of and what our team can do as we get into the Chase. So proud of the effort and proud of all the hard work going on. We’ve been pushing the whole company, all the guys back at the shop, to continue to make our racecars better. They’ve responded to that. We’ve been able to bring cars to the track that can perform like they did tonight. Hats off to all those guys. It’s exciting to be able to get win 400 for the boss. We’re just a small part of those wins, but I’m glad we could be a part of it. KERRY THARP: Roger, congratulations on this win tonight, also on the excellent season that you have had at Team Penske. Brad is the top seed. Joey is the fifth seed. Both are contenders. Talk about this season so far and your outlook as you head to Chicagoland. ROGER PENSKE: First, I want to congratulate Brad and Paul. Obviously tonight was a dominating run. It shows when we do get things together, the performance we have on a team. We also have to think about Brad last year, how he bounced back. He was down maybe last year, but came back this season. He’s been outstanding. I give him a lot of credit because he’s pushing the team, he’s pushing Paul. He and Joey together, they’re working each other, trying to find the speed in the cars. This last week, when you think about California, the IndyCar championship, come back here this weekend, getting our 400th win, have to thank this guy. Told me before the race started, I’m going to get you 400. For me it’s a special time. To compete at the level we are, it’s so close, this thing can go any way. To me, pit stops are important. We obviously have put a lot of effort into that. I’d say tonight, Paul, we executed in that area, but you’re going to have to execute in that last pit stop in Homestead. We take this in stride. Obviously being the top seed is a tremendous effort for the team and certainly puts us in a great place. But we’re not blind. We know there’s plenty of guys out there that beat us, they’re going to want to. What we have to do is stay on course. Q. Roger, you’ve already got the IndyCar championship in hand. You finished 1-2 there. You’re so strong here. Is this the first time that you’ve ever been so strong in both series with the championship possibilities there? If so, what has having both teams in one location played in that? ROGER PENSKE: I think we said that when we moved everybody under one roof where we could cross-pollenize. We moved people from NASCAR to IndyCar and vice versa, even over-the-wall guys. That’s been an opportunity. I think we wanted to be one team. We were north, south. At the end of the day Tim Cindric said, Let’s put them all together. It’s made a big difference. We had a chance in 2012. This is a real effort for us. Obviously I’m thinking about that, but I know we’ve got to get to Chicago and get on with it. Q. Not too long ago you mentioned everybody was chasing the Hendrick cars. You have one more victory than those guys. Where do you think you stand heading into the Chase now? BRAD KESELOWSKI: It’s an interesting layout for the next 10 races. All the teams have different strengths and weaknesses. Over the summer stretch there were certainly some tracks in their wheelhouse. I think we have a lot of tracks coming up that are in ours over the next few weeks. It’s really hard to say. It seems like everybody seems to find another level when it comes time for the Chase. There could be somebody out there sleeping. I think the Gibbs cars have been performing really well, at least at Atlanta and the weeks prior to that. They could certainly be an issue and a threat as well. Over the summer stretch, I thought we were a little bit behind, but boy did we nail it right here tonight. That’s part of the fun. I don’t know. Nobody knows. I do know we have different strengths and weaknesses. As to which ones are the strengths you need to have and which ones are the weaknesses you can get away with or vice versa, time will tell. Q. Brad, can you compare where you were in 2012 as you started the Chase to where you are now starting the Chase? BRAD KESELOWSKI: I think we’re a lot stronger right now personally. I think we’ve been a threat to win more races. We have one more race win than what we did entering the Chase in 2012. I feel more experienced and more confident. I feel like from a teammate standpoint, we have a very strong teammate. Having a great teammate isn’t so much about the days where things are going your way; it’s about the days and weekends when things aren’t going your way, having someone else to lean on and find your sanity back. We certainly had some of those days in 2012. We have a teammate and a scenario there across the board where that team has gotten very, very strong and is part of our success. I think for a lot of reasons. I could go on forever. I’m sure I’m leaving some things out, that’s not because they don’t exist, but I feel stronger than what we’ve ever been. Q. Paul, did you just hit a home run yesterday during practice and qualifying that made your race so good tonight? PAUL WOLFE: Well, I don’t know. It seems that way. But we kind of approached the weekend like we do every other weekend. We felt good about our car. Then to show the strength we had in qualifying was nice, but still weren’t 100% sure what we had for the race tonight. Richmond is a tricky racetrack. Trying to find that setup for a short run versus a long run is two totally different setups sometimes. I guess trying to find that happy medium there, because you don’t always know how the race is going to play out. We’ve worked hard at that. In the past we’ve had pretty good short-run speed cars, but we feel we’re weak as longer runs go on. We tried different things this year to make that a little bit better. I think we’ve gone in the right direction. Once we got the first adjustment there on the first pit stop, then I felt like we were real close, then it was just fine tuning from there. Q. Brad gets to rest for a day or two before everything gets intense for him. What about you, when does the intensity start for you to make sure that the next 10 races are the best you can possibly do? We’ve tried to do a good job with all our guys and give them some time and rest, as we know these last 10 races are important. We’ve still got quite a bit of testing coming up. The way we’re structured back at the shop and the work that those guys do preparing the racecars, it allows us to give the road guys, the guys that travel every week and work on the car, their time to keep them well-rested. But for me, I’m always thinking about racecars and ways to do it, whether I’m at the racetrack or sitting at the house. So I’m ready to go do this. I believe we can get it done. Q. Brad, can you tell us what went through your mind when the fence climber did his little thing up there and stopped the proceedings. BRAD KESELOWSKI: The Miller Lite was working. That’s my reaction: Wow! That’s something. Wonder if he got a selfie. ROGER PENSKE: Well, when I think about it, I think about drivers, the team members, all the people at Team Penske over the years that have executed and continued to pull in the right direction. We’ve had some world-class drivers. Certainly when I sit here with Paul and Brad and Joey here this weekend, I think this demonstrates how lucky we are to be able to attract this type of talent on our team. 400 wins took a long time. I remember when we tried to get to 200, we got stuck for a long time. As we learn more and more about getting the right talent, continuity having the same people week in and week out. That’s why Hendrick is so strong, you look at them year after year after year, they know how to execute. I take my hat off to Mike Nelson, certainly today when you think about Travis Geisler and Tim Cindric, these people have been with us for a long time. We’ve grown our people, and that’s what it takes. Brad came onboard. He wasn’t sure what he was getting into. You can see what he’s been able to produce. When you look back, Mark Donohue, Rick Mears, Bobby Unser, you look at the group over time, every one of them has made a big difference in the company. Q. Brad, for seven years Ford hadn’t won here. Now they’ve won three in a row. What does that say about Ford coming along and how you are finding success? BRAD KESELOWSKI: Well, I was thinking after I answered the question about our strengths, where we stack from where we’ve been in years past, I think they’re a large part of our strength. Their commitment level to our effort at Team Penske, their continuous support, is part of why we’re here where we’re at. I think they’ve got a long runway, a group of leadership right now that really, really is passionate about racing. That’s what it takes to be successful. That’s why we’re proud to be a part of their family, proud to be associated with them. I think with that passion at the top level of Ford, how it resonates its way down to the race teams, I would look for more success to come. Posted by ard2012 on September 7, 2014. Filed under Breaking News,NASCAR. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry
Providing a ‘continuous nutrient link’ is one of the main challenges for poultry nutritionists. This was the key message of Prof Zehava Uni, of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel. Prof Uni spoke at the seminar 'Feed Your Brain', organised by Danish animal nutrition company Hamlet Protein at the first day of EuroTier, in Hanover, Germany. She is an expert in the digestive system of the chicken, and the influence of feed and specific nutrients. She pointed out that there are various phases during a broiler's life when different kinds of nutrients need to be applied in order to ensure optimal growth. During each phase the broiler has different nutritional needs. Prof Uni summarised, "In poultry, at the immediate post-hatch period, the intestines are immature and are going under intensive process of proliferation and maturation." She added that the first week post-hatching is critical, as there might be low resistance to physiological stress and microbial challenge. In addition, some nutrients, minerals and vitamins may not be absorbed. Prof Uni distinguished the phases 'egg', 'incubation' and 'growing', and suggested the following actions during these phases: All these elements need to be integrated in order to create a continuous feeding process from several days prior to hatching, during hatching and during the placement on a specialised farm. "Better Git It in Your Soul," a perspicacious jazz man once communicated in a song title more than half a century ago. Drummer Terri Lyne Carrington wasn't even born yet, but she sure did have it in her soul upon arrival. Long before she was even aware of bassist Charles Mingus, the author of those words, she had "it." It was rhythm and she exuded it and fostered it at a very early age. She played a show with trumpeter Clark Terry when she was 10. By the time she was 11 she had a Berklee scholarship. Having Jack DeJohnette as a mentor is monstrous, but in order to get to that position, the great drummer had to have seen something special. For years now, she's been an in-demand drummer playing with all kinds of musicians, including pianist Herbie Hancock and saxophonist Wayne Shorter. In more recent years, she's coming more into her own, developing strong recordings and getting high marks for producing as well; her 2011 Mosaic Project (Concord) won the Grammy for Best Jazz Vocal Album. Carrington is one of the finest drummers on the scene, full of fire and invention, with the flexibility to fit just about any situation. It appears she was born to do it. "There are a lot of really strong young players now," she says, looking back to her beginnings. "My father always kids me, 'It's a good thing you came along when you did,' meaning there are so many young players that are great at a young age. But the thing that I say back is, 'If I came along now I would be better.' Better at 10 now than I was at 10 then. Because there's so much more information. Times have changed and people are assimilating things a lot faster. It's the way society's moving. Just the invention of the internet, everything is faster. People learn faster." She's pursued music her whole life, with formal education and the inevitable lessons acquired from other musicians, many of them masters. She's in an important place where she not only instills something special into other people's bands and other recording projects when she chooses to do so, but stands on her own as a serious artist—not just drummer—who has a lot to say. "My whole life, I haven't really done anything else [but music] and I have no desire to do anything else," Carrington says. "What's interesting to me is sometimes it takes that kind of lifelong dedication to something. Which most strong musicians have. It takes that lifelong dedication and perseverance to come into your own and for things to come into fruition. It's what I felt like with The Mosaic Project and Money Jungle (Concord, 2013). Finally, all the things that I've done are coming together. I'm able to make sense of it all in some way." The latter reference is her album released this year, Money Jungle: Provocative in Blue. It's a superlative record that revisits the renowned album made 50 years ago, Money Jungle (United Artists, 1963), when the beyond-category pianist Duke Ellington joined Mingus and drummer Max Roach, younger men who were playing bop and beyond, for a trio recording laced with blues and inherent swing. She chose, for her project, the indomitable Christian McBride on bass and the artistic and adroit Gerald Clayton on piano. Other artists appear here and there, but it's essentially a reinterpretation of many of the songs from the 1963 record. Not an imitation. More like inspiration. Carrington first came upon the Ellington-Mingus-Roach record about 12 years ago in a record bin. She had never heard of it, even though it was among hundreds and hundreds of record her father had in his collection. "It was one that slipped past me," she notes. "Something about it. There was some magic about it that compelled me from the first time I heard it." Some of the songs struck her as interesting enough to play, and she would incorporate the title track into set lists from time to time. Then, "One day I decided I wanted to cover this record. I don't know why, other than there was something magical and mystical that jumped out of that recording for me. I started hearing arrangements and things that I felt I could do with it." That included the feeling of the blues it exuded. "To me, the blues thread is a big thread throughout all of that record, except maybe a couple songs. I'm talking about the newer songs. The ones [Ellington] recorded for that date, not 'Caravan' or 'Warm Valley.' I felt like that theme was important. I felt like [Ellington] was speaking to the people. The blues form is always a way to relay messages, traditionally. I won't say grassroots-based, but to me it was a record for the people. Max and Mingus were definitely radical guys. Guys that had no problem talking about what was going on during those times. To me, it was making a statement reflective of the times." I follow some of the GEC's listed on ebay. I regularly get surprised by one that sells very high. Rarely is it that i am surprised because selling price is lower than original price. I had a bunch of these high surprises saved in a list on ebay but recently deleted them as i was needing the space for new listings. I think it would be interesting to have a thread here that documents GEC auctions in which the selling price surprised you as very high or rather low. Over time it might show which patterns regularly go very high and this will help us to spot a 'deal' if one of these is about to sell on the low side. To start here is a 2006 #23 pattern with "Herringbone Walnut Jigged Bone" handles that just sold for $450. For that particular example especially, surprise is certainly the word. It is an ugly knife. I can't imagine ANY GEC selling for that price unless in ivory, and it better be damn fine ivory. It is remarkable how copious quantities of alcohol can sometimes open the inhibition/logic floodgates. Perhaps this may have had something to do with cerebral impairment, either temporary or long-standing. That was the first year of production. Anything from 2006 sells pretty high, although that seems exceptionally high, especially for the heringbone. They made more of them than some of the other handle materials. These didn't really surprise me but I found them on an Ebay "Sold Listings" search. The third one is apparently a 1 of 2 Prototype but DANG! Cal, GEC knives are 'HOT' right now. There are many new knife collectors who focus on GEC and are trying to build sub groupings, like an example of all the varieties on the #15 frame, etc. They are not buying for beauty. That's just us old farts. As for ivory, i fellow i buy from tells me he had four #46 (or 45 ?) pattern knives with ivory handles which he sold, all to the same person, for $1500. That is $1500 each for a total of $6,000. Instead of a link it is better to post a picture of the knife which then is always here for viewing, not taken down like an auction. kootenay joe wrote: Instead of a link it is better to post a picture of the knife which then is always here for viewing, not taken down like an auction. I agree that pictures would be better and a month ago I would have done that very thing. I learned right here on this forum a couple weeks ago that some people don't take too kindly to having their photos copied without prior consent. I respect that and as a result, I've decided not to do that anymore. I have been unaware of complaints from ebay sellers about their pictures being shared. I think once you post on line you are giving up control of the image (or text). I will take a picture down if i receive a complaint. Great Eastern Cutlery GEC 15 Ancient TC Barlow in Scratted Parchment Bone Knife. 15C115, Feb 16, 2018, sold for $420.95 Please feel free to post high priced GEC (at least double original price). I started this thread but doesn't mean only i should post in it. I found the sale of an excellent condition, but used and carried FACTORY 2ND 852116eo in jigged bone interesting. $415.00. I would have thought a BIN price of $170 excessive. kootenay joe wrote: Great Eastern Cutlery GEC 15 Ancient TC Barlow in Scratted Parchment Bone Knife. 15C115, Feb 16, 2018, sold for $420.95 That's crazy. I got my smooth Parchment Bone Ancient over a year & a half ago on the Bay for less than $200. Timing may have something to do with that. There were 2 Clip blade TC's from 2014 that just sold on fea-bay for $305.00 each and a Stew's blade TC from 2014 that went for $231.50 Those prices are all crazy. Almost custom prices. To throw out more movie references, I'm imagining some reclusive multimillionaire Bond villain type who sends his Odd Job man servant out to acquire art, antiquities, and GEC knives. Greg, that Northfield #77 for $570 ! I do not understand why some people need that knife that much. This is why i started this thread, to note these very highly priced ones to see if we can figure out WHY ? by Male Fitness Model Staff | May 25, 2018 | All American Guys Fitness Models, All Posts, FIT & SEXY Another photo of the moment featuring the accomplished Tyler Gattuso. He was featured on AAG to rave reviews, prior to getting showcased on MTV and on runways across America. Talk about crossing over in a big way! Join the MEMBERS section of All American Guys to see... by Male Fitness Model Staff | May 23, 2018 | AAG Model Promos, All American Guys Fitness Models, All Posts, FIT & SEXY Nick Gosling is one of those rare AAG models who captures the imagination on so many levels. He’s gregarious, boyish, shy and enticingly sexy all at once. And did we mention he’s got killer looks and a bod? Join the MEMBERS section of All American Guys to... Owned and operated by second generation pool builder Chad Erickson a fully licensed and insured Florida residential and commercial pool contractor. Our professional and knowledgeable staff is here for you. We listen to your needs – and your dreams for your back yard paradise. We don’t confuse our customers with technical jargon about products and services. We communicate the end-benefits of our products in language that’s easy to understand. Timely Completion of Installation. From start to finish our jobs typically complete between four to eight weeks depending on options. We not only provide pool construction service also can provide screen enclosures, fencing, solar heating and more. We handle all permitting – that’s included in our price – and we can help with your Home Owners Association’s process as well. Because every project is unique, we will give every job the attention to detail and quality workmanship it deserves.
ROCK icon Paul McCartney has wowed Sydney with a three-hour show packed with Beatles classics, and a few new tunes, leaving fans in an absolute frenzy. Former Beatle Paul McCartney has touched down in Brisbane for his first performance in the city in over four decades. Video: 7 News Brisbane The enduring beauty of Something, for George Harrison, and Yesterday, the poignancy of Hey Jude and Eleanor Rigby and rock’n’roll grandeur of Live And Let Die and Back In The USSR, he was superb whether plucking heart strings or rocking out. Blackbird was a sublime moment, just McCartney on acoustic guitar, deftly plucked its distinctive melody as the sold out crowd of 15,000 DisciPauls sang along to this song of solidarity. And the epic majesty of A Day In The Life, mashed up with Give Peace A Chance, followed soon after by the three songs in one Band On The Run served as a reminder of the ambition of his songwriting and musical vision through the Beatles and beyond. The perennial performer knows the value of a great story and he has a lifetime of them. The time Jimi Hendrix played Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band to open his own show just two nights after the album came out. Often watching the crowd was almost as hypnotic as witnessing McCartney sing and play with effortless agility and unmistakeable joy. Although it was tough to summon the love for Mull of Kintyre, even with a local piper band joining McCartney on stage during the encore. From nine-year-old Harry, who got a birthday shout out from the Beatle legend, to those well into their 70s and 80s, there were beaming faces, bemused faces (during the Kanye and Rihanna number) and others stretched by the effort of singing along at the top of their lungs. There are many fans who would have seen the 75-year-old rock great on this long-awaited tour thinking it might be his last here. In the meantime, try to get a ticket for the final Sydney show tonight. It is the show of a lifetime. TRIBUTES are flowing for Kofi Annan, who rose through the ranks of the UN to become its first black African secretary-general, after his death. Former United Nations Secretary-General, Kofi Annan has died at age 80 in Switzerland after suffering an illness. Kofi Annan, former Secretary-General of the United Nations, is said to have died “peacefully” after a short illness. Picture: MEGASource:Mega UN Secretary General Kofi Annan waves after delivering his final speech to the 61st session of the UN General Assembly in New York in 2006. Picture: AFPSource:AFP Incredibly sad day to wake up to the news that the wonderful Kofi Annan is no longer with us – he was an extraordinary individual who committed his life to guiding the world to a better place Former United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan and his wife, Nane, visit the paediatric Service of the Zinder Hospital in Zinder, Niger, in 2005. Picture: APSource:AP Former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan & wife Nane outside the United Nations New York headquarters in 1998 following successful negotiations in Baghdad. Picture: AFPSource:AFP United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan being escorted by USA soldiers upon his arrival in Baghdad, Iraq 12 Nov 2005. Picture: AFPSource:AFP Former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan being greeted by United Nations staff in lobby of the Secretariat building in New York after his Iraq deal averted threat of war. Picture: APSource:AP Kofi Annan with former Palestinian (PLO) leader Yasser Arafat at Gaza city in 2000. Picture: APSource:AP Queen Elizabeth II investing the former Secretary-General of the United Nations Kofi Annan with an honorary Grand Cross of the order of St. Michael and St. George knighthood at Buckingham Palace in 2007. Picture: APSource:AP Former South Africa president Nelson Mandela is reunited with The Elders, who included former secretary-general of the UN Kofi Annan. Picture: APSource:AP Former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and founder of Live 8 charitable foundation and former rock star Bob Geldof launch the Africa Progress Report in Addis Ababa, on May 11, 2012. Picture: AFPSource:AFP Syrian President Bashar Assad, right, meets with Kofi Annan, the United Nations special envoy to Syria, in Damascus, Syria, on Saturday March 10, 2012. Picture: APSource:AP Russian President Vladimir Putin with former UN-Arab League special envoy and peace mediator Kofi Annan during their meeting in central Moscow. Picture: AFPSource:AFP Former UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon meets with former UN-Arab League Joint Special Envoy for Syria Kofi Annan. Picture: AFPSource:AFP U2 frontman Bono with Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo and former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan at a UN summit in 2000. Picture: GettySource:Getty Images Kofi Annan shows the way to U2 singer Bono, left, and Live8 organiser Bob Geldof. Picture: APSource:News Limited Angelina Jolie receiving her United Nations Correspondents Association Citizen of the World award from Nane Annan. Picture: APSource:AP Nicole Kidman with Kofi Annan and his wife Nane, at the premiere of her latest film The Interpreter at the Ziegfeld Theatre in New York City in 2005. Picture: GettySource:AFP Mr Annan&apos;s taping came a few days before he was to accept the 100th Nobel Peace Prize on December 10. Muhammad Ali, who died on Friday, June 3 at the age of 74 after a 32-year battle with Parkinson’s disease, was not only a world heavyweight champion – he was also a United Nations Messenger of Peace who devoted his time outside of the ring to activism. Ali’s charity work was immense, and after his retirement from boxing in 1981, he made numerous goodwill missions to Afghanistan and North Korea. He visited Lebanon to secure the release to hostages, donated over $1 million in aid to Cuba and delivered food and medicine to children in Morocco and Indonesia. This 1998 file footage shows him receiving the dove of peace from Kofi Annan, seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations. Credit: Youtube/United Nations Former President Bill Clinton, the United Nations special envoy for tsunami recovery, meets Kofi Annan in 2005. picture: APSource:AP Britain's former Prime Minister Tony Blair greeting former Secretary General Kofi Annan, outside No 10 Downing Street in London in 2003. Picture: AFPSource:AFP Former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan greets President George W Bush at United Nations headquarters in New York in 2003. Picture: APSource:AP Former Governor-General Sir William Deane with former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan at Government House in Canberra in 2000. Picture: SuppliedSource:News Limited FEBRUARY 21, 2000 : Prime minister John Howard (L) with UN Secretary General Kofi Annan during joint press conference at Parliament House in Canberra, 21/02/00. Pic John Feder.Source:News Corp Australia Forensic officers attend the crime scene after Lanell Latta was stabbed to death in her Avalon Beach house. Picture: Daniel Munoz.Source:AAP BEFORE stabbing his mother to death, Joel Woszatka saw her face changing and possibly thought she had been “replaced by an alien”, a court has heard. Mr Woszatka told police after allegedly killing his mother Lanell Chris Latta that “her face changes”. On the morning of September 18 last year in the beachfront house Ms Latta, 50, was renting from model Gemma Ward, Mr Woszatka took a large knife from the kitchen. He allegedly punched his mother’s partner, Geoff Robson-Scott several times in the face before fleeing the Avalon Beach home in far northern Sydney. Psychiatrist Dr Olav Nielssen told the NSW Supreme Court that severe schizophrenia sufferers commonly thought their mothers “have been replaced by an alien or a person who is not her”. Dr Nielssen was giving evidence in the judge-only trial of Joel Woszatka, who has pleaded not guilty to murder by reason of mental illness. Asked by defence counsel Ertunc Ozen if Mr Woszatka had heard hallucinatory “command voices” telling him to harm or kill his mother, Dr Nielssen said they were “relatively rare”. Lanell Latta was allegedly killed by her son, Joel Woszatka, in the Avalon Beach house she rented from model, Gemma Ward.Source:Facebook Police attend the northern beaches home where Lanell Latta died. Picture: Seven NewsSource:Channel 7 Joel Woszatka has pleaded not guilty by way of mental illness to murdering his mother, Lanell Latta last year. Picture: FacebookSource:Facebook But he said killing one’s own mother “is most likely to be perpetrated by a person with schizophrenia”. Dressed in a blue suit, collared shirt and tie, the accused sat impassively staring straight ahead as the court heard there was no contest that he had caused his mother’s death. Dr Nielssen described a decision to take Mr Woszatka off antipsychotic medication six months before the alleged killing as “a tragic error”. The drugs caused “lethargy, loss of motivation, poverty of speech … neglect of self care, difficulty in planning”. In 2015, Mr Woszatka had disclosed to doctors “homicidal ideas … thoughts to kill his mother”, the court heard. He said it caused “hallucinations, voices … persecutory delusions that you are in danger … under surveillance, a victim of persecution”. Diagnosed with a “severe and disabling form” of chronic schizophrenia, Mr Woszatka had been placed by community order on monthly injections of a high dose of medication. On the trial’s second day before Justice Helen Wilson, Dr Nielssen agreed that smoking cannabis “brings on schizophrenia” earlier in a person with an inherited disposition for the disease. Dr Nielssen agreed with Crown prosecutor Paul Lynch that when Mr Woszatka allegedly punched Mr Robson-Scott in the face he was in the grip of mental illness. The psychiatrist said that in 140 homicide cases in which he had forensically examined accused killers, a large proportion of those who had killed “a family member, often a mother” were schizophrenic. “It’s not unusual. Ten per cent of homicides in Australia are committed by people with schizophrenia,” he said. Dr Nielssen said that Mr Woszatka had been treated for his mental health condition in custody following his arrest on the day of the killing, but that it was “very slow”. In a final submission, Ertunc Ozen told Justice Wilson he did not oppose a verdict of not guilty by reason of mental illness. Lanell Latta with Geoff Robson-Scott, who was punched in the altercation which resulted in her death.Source:Facebook A look into a study that breaks down the myths surrounding the relation between mental illness and crime. The sports ministry and the Indian Olympics Association (IOA) are all set to evaluate the implications of hosting the 35th Olympics as well as its impact on various sectors associated with the event. Indian Olympic Association (IOA) president N Ramachandran said that the association was seeking permission from the government to bid for the 2032 Olympics. Also, the IOC is keen on bidding for the 2030 Asian Games to put the country on the map of international sports community. While the Sports Ministry is open to the idea of partaking in the bidding process but it will move cautiously in view of the costs involved. The bidding and candidature process begins nine years before the event. This means that the International Olympic Committee will be announcing the 2032 hosts in 2025. The countries which have declared their interest in the 2032 Olympics are Germany, Australia, and India. Of the three, Germany's bid is interesting, as it has proposed to spread the Olympic events throughout 13 different cities in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Can India afford it? This is the question which comes to haunt one when India is bidding for the 2032 Olympics. However, on the contrary, India's successful stint at several global cricket tournaments puts a stop to such speculations. According to IOC president Ramachandran, the aim is to use the engagement as a catalyst for the growth of Olympic sports in India. Nearly five people lost their lives and over 17 lakh remain affected as the flood situation deteriorated in Assam. Former SP leader Amar Singh said that NDA Presidential candidate Ram Nath Kovind is the ideal choice for the president. Opposition to test-linked job ratings have sparked boycotts of state exams involving hundreds of thousands of students. State Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia is seen at the Tilles Center in Greenvale on May 2. Photo Credit: Howard Schnapp State Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia told a capacity crowd of school board delegates Friday that the state could potentially extend its moratorium on using student test scores to evaluate the job performance of teachers. New York State’s system of evaluating teachers, known as Annual Professional Performance Reviews, or APPR, is one of the most talked-about topics in education. On Long Island and statewide, opposition to test-linked job ratings have sparked boycotts of state exams involving hundreds of thousands of students. Many teachers remain apprehensive about their ratings, because the statewide moratorium is due to expire in June. Elia has suggested the policymaking Board of Regents to whom she reports might seek to ease tensions by postponing enforcement for a longer period. State Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia speaks to school-board convention delegates at the Sheraton New York Times Square on Friday. Photo Credit: Corey Sipkin “The fact that somebody knows that something is going to be down the road even — is going to be coming — they are stressed,” the commissioner told more than 700 representatives of local school boards attending a Manhattan convention. “I know that the Regents have shared this publicly, so I'm going to say it is possible that they may choose to do an extension of that moratorium. But I would say to you, we still have work to do." School board trustees, like other New Yorkers, voice mixed feelings over what approach the state should take next in dealing with teacher evaluations. Some at Friday’s session agreed with the commissioner that an extended moratorium would work, until the state finds a permanent solution. “If this gives you more time to do it right, then take more time to do it right,” said Susan Bergtraum, of Old Westbury, who sits on the Nassau BOCES board. Many trustees hope, however, that state lawmakers prove more willing during the coming year than they have been in the past to rewrite the law mandating evaluations. “I think there’s a better way to evaluate teachers than linking it to test scores, and that’s linking it to teaching standards,” said Timothy Kremer, the association’s executive director. Elia, who took over as commissioner in July 2015, has dealt with public complaints over the testing policy since her first days in office. By then, New York had endured three years of test boycotts — a movement that started with a few hundred students in Rockville Centre and other scattered locations before gradually mushrooming into hundreds of thousands across the state. Ronald White, delegate from the Bridgehampton Union Free School District, asks a question to the education commissioner Friday. Photo Credit: Corey Sipkin The protests, which began under Elia's predecessor, John King, were sparked largely by a state law requiring that up to 50 percent of the job ratings of teachers and principals be based on students' test scores. Opponents of the system, mostly parents and teachers, contended that the ratings put too much pressure on students and faculty members. Under Elia, the state has made multiple attempts to ease tensions over testing — such as shortening exams and delaying enforcement of the law on job evaluations. Both the commissioner and Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo are under pressure to come up with a different approach. From the beginning, Long Island was the movement's hub. More than 90,000 students in grades three through eight throughout Nassau and Suffolk counties refused to take the state's English Language Arts test in April, representing nearly 50 percent of those eligible, according to Newsday surveys. In September, Elia announced that the percentage of students boycotting tests statewide had dropped to 18 percent — down a point from the year before. Nevertheless, more than 210,000 students across New York had refused to participate in the exam, out of about 1 million eligible. The boycott movement also has made its influence felt on local school boards. Jeanette Deutermann, of Bellmore, chief organizer of a parent network, Long Island Opt Out, estimates that her group over the past four years has endorsed 175 successful board candidates, many of whom have helped oust incumbents. One driving purpose behind such endorsements, organizers said, was to persuade districts to provide students who refused to be tested with alternative activities, such as reading books of their choice, rather than simply sitting at their desks. Iraqi Christian children who fled the violence in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, sit outside tents erected in the grounds of Mar Elias Chaldean Catholic Church where they are taking shelter in Irbil in northern Iraq on December 24, 2014. Photo Credit: AFP/Getty Images / Safin Hamed So, on a recent trip to Iraqi Kurdistan, it was a relief and a surprise to come across an upbeat story in an unexpected place: a church in Irbil that houses Christian refugees from northern Iraq who barely escaped the Islamic State invasion in August. The first hint of something unexpected was the shrieks of children's laughter when I entered the Mar Elias churchyard. The next surprise was seeing young boys and girls playing volleyball together on a paved court under improvised night lights, a sight I'd never seen in the gender-conscious Middle East. This scene was a far cry from the dark days when the Islamic State overran ancient Christian towns in Nineveh province and 60,000 Christians fled to Iraqi Kurdistan, where they crowded into cheap apartments or churches or squatted in unfinished buildings. The Kurds, who are Sunni Muslims but not Arabs, welcomed the Christians but couldn't cope with the influx (having already accepted 200,000 Syrian refugees and previous waves of Christians fleeing Baghdad and Mosul). "We had to use the church garden and an unfinished mall," recalled Father Douglas Bazi, an ebullient Iraqi cleric with a brush cut and a short salt-and-pepper beard, wearing black slacks and an electric-blue short-sleeved shirt. But when relief agencies finally sought to move the refugees into rental apartments or makeshift camps, a strange thing happened. "People here refused to move," Father Douglas said. Under the priest's direction, and with the contributions of local Christian volunteers, the refugees had morphed into a close community. With help from charitable groups and local volunteers, Father Douglas had moved them into brightly colored trailers - he uses the British term, caravans - which line the edges of the churchyard. What Father Douglas had decided to do was focus on young children and teens. "To focus on the adults in a time of chaos is a waste of time," he told me. "I care about the kids. They are our revenge and our promise." When the children arrived with their families "they were lost," the priest recalled. "They were aggressive, and the boys used bad language." There was no sense of order. He was determined to keep the kids busy, although the government was unable to provide formal schooling until two months ago. He set up programs staffed by volunteers from Ankawa and from among the refugees, to teach English, French, music, dancing, and acting - all the things that the Islamic State had banned. He forbade families from sending their children to work. He insisted that girls and boys learn and play sports together, another repudiation of Islamic State ideology - and something uncommon even among Iraqi Christians. He created a camp library in two trailers with donated books and computers and a huge chessboard, putting students in charge. "The future of Christians in northern Iraq is vague and the challenges great," I was told by Chaldean Bishop Bashar Warda in his Irbil residence. As for Father Douglas, he says he can't say whether it's better for Christians to stay or emigrate abroad, where they would lose touch with historic communities that have endured for generations. So he will keep pursuing his goal: Give children the skills and a mind-set that will enable them to survive the coming years of hardship. "If I lose one kid, I lose the future," he insists. This indefatigable priest is looking for donations of illustrated children's books in simple English. He would also love to have some volunteer English teachers for a two- or three-week stretch this summer. To learn more, email him at [email protected]. Pupils of the new Backworth Park Primary School with the Duke of Northumberland, headteacher Barbara Middleton, MP Alan Campbell and Cllr Peter Earley. Picture by Jane Coltman Children, families, teaching staff and VIP guests joined in the celebrations marking the opening of the new Backworth Park Primary School building. The school has relocated from its existing site on Station Road, to a new location south of the golf course within the new Backworth Park housing estate. It features state-of-the-art classrooms, improved outdoor play space, a multi-use games area and a garden, providing the school with a larger capacity and space to expand in the future, if necessary. Barbara Middleton, Executive Headteacher at Backworth Park Primary School, said: “Everyone, from the staff and governors, to the pupils and their parents, has been looking forward to moving into this building and the opportunities it will bring – especially for sports and outdoor provision. “I’d like to say a huge thank-you to everyone who has been involved in getting us to this point – it’s been an amazing journey and I’m delighted that we have been able to mark this day in such a special way.” Nine-year-old pupil Thomas said: “I really like it, it’s bigger and better and all my friends like it too.” Alan Campbell, MP for Tynemouth, and the Duke of Northumberland were on hand to help mark the official opening of the new building, with the MP unveiling a commemorative plaque to celebrate the opening while the Duke of Northumberland buried a time capsule to be opened in 2043. “The new school is a first class facility which will provide an outstanding learning environment for local youngsters. “In light of the new housing in this area it was a much needed addition and also provides access to valuable community facilities.” The Duke, who wrote a letter to be included in the children’s time capsule, added: “I am delighted to be here to mark the opening of Backworth Park Primary School. “Northumberland Estates has been much involved in recent development here in Backworth so we were delighted to assist when asked to provide a suitable site for the construction of this new school. “The Estate, and indeed the Percy family, have a long tradition of supporting education in the North East, dating back many centuries, and it is great to be able to continue this tradition here. “Any school is at the heart of its community, and I would therefore like to take this opportunity to wish the staff and the children all the very best in their endeavours and I hope they, and indeed future generations, will enjoy and benefit from these wonderful new premises.” Coun Peter Earley, cabinet member for children, young people and learning, said: “I’m delighted that we could be here today to mark the opening of the new Backworth Park Primary School. “The new building is absolutely fantastic and these new facilities will allow the school’s staff to build on the outstanding support they already provide these pupils with. “North Tyneside’s fantastic education system has received such praise over the past few years, with a number of our schools named among the best in the country – and I’m delighted that we can build on this with another state-of-the-art building.”
We picked them up last week-end from Hunny-Do Ranch in Quesnel. Rosie is the little doe with horns and Gaston is our new buck. Originally we went to just get him because we have had a tough time deciding if we wanted to borrow a buck or not for breeding Faith, we decided it was just easier to have our own so off we went to pick him up...but then we met Rosie. She is bred and due to kid in a few months. She is quite adorable... it is difficult to get a shot of her because she is always right behind me. She loves people and cries when she sees us outside until we come and give her a scratch. This morning I noticed that Faith is really loving Gaston, so I am hoping that means she is in heat and we should have kids in five months or so. Here she is wagging her tail at him... I find the barnyard romancing so very is a picture of Hvitkarr sniffing one of the ewes... And this is little "Shadow" our first lamb of the season...he and his momma have rejoined the flock and seem to be doing fine. She says that she loves placing on them all the time when she is not working. For her shoes, she prefers flats contemplating which they are really comfortable. If you hold a peek in her closet, she reveals that her closet is just overly messy. With makers like free of cost online community sweats, Scoop the store, 2B Free, Rebel Yell sweats, Hollister, Abercrombie and Fitch and James Perse contemplating that she loves aviators. However, she stresses that she could possibly be the spending budget shopper master, making particular she buys many affordable stuff instead of buying only just one high-priced item. If you’re looking for high quality and personal service, you’ve come to the right place. At Wise Financial Services we’ll give you the attention and personal service you’ll come to expect and enjoy. An organization's effectiveness depends on its capacity to acquire, share, use and store valuable knowledge. According to one estimate, firms that apply good employee practices have three times the level of financial successes as companies where these practices are absent. Employee training increases the company's intellectual capital, by improving human capital. How do organizations retain intellectual capital? One way is to keep good employees. "Our assets walk up and down the stairs everyday," says Ian WIlkinson, founder of Radical Entertainment in Vancouver. "If we keep smart, motivated people, we can do everything." Organizations are more competent when they invest in employee skills and knowledge development. For us at Wise Financial, the cost and benefits of employee education are part of our Business Plan. You will be sent a booking form, which should be completed and returned with a £5 per head booking fee. Please note it is the organisers responsibility to ensure that all players tee off at the agreed times. We have trolleys and buggies for hire. Throughout the winter the club uses hedgehog wheel trolleys as a way of maintaing the condition of the course. In very exceptional weather conditions a trolley ban may be enforced and members will be expected to carry their bags. Up until the last few days, the weather was quite nice - 70 C, sunny, warm, and not too windy. The birds have been chirping and the trees have been blooming. I knew it wouldn’t last long. Rain, chilly temps, and a general dreariness have taken over. Bah. In response, my feet have demanded wool socks and I’m only too happy to comply. Long finished but never blogged, these are January’s socks and they’re far from dreary. I can’t help but smile when I catch glimpses of them peeking out of my jeans. Wild, shifting, and fraternal color is where it’s at. (Whatever “it” is.) Plus, my feet stay pretty toasty too. Just what I need during a grey March day. The pattern is my basic sock template: stockinette and toe up with a gusset, heel flap, and a few inches of 2x2 ribbing at the cuff. I mixed stuff up a bit by working all the increases in a straight line instead of my usual diagonal. Might keep that modification around for the next few pairs. If there’s any interest, I’ll write up the pattern. Glorious color aside, I’m not sure if I’d used this yarn again for socks. Shawls, cowls, hats? Sure. The jury is still out on socks. It was a bit thin in spots and liked to twist back on itself. Zauberball isn’t the cushiest stuff either but it does soften up after a bath. During the knitting, I occasionally considered ripping everything out but quashed the thought. Let’s see if that comes back to bite me. So far, the pair is holding up well and I’ve got leftovers for darning when the time comes. The forecast is predicting warm weather and sunny skies tomorrow. Hopefully, I’ll have to put these away for another foul day when they can work their magic.
April is “The Punisher” month here at Legion Fitness. While Gwen continues to punish herself with 8 weeks of the “Insanity” Workout, I have taken up the Frank Castle challenge. Some of you who follow me on Facebook have no doubt seen my links to the MensHealth Punisher Workout used by Tom Jane to prepare for the role of Frank Castle aka, The Punisher. I am a big fan of MensHealth’s celebrity workouts even though I have no use for the magazine. Many of these workouts have been designed by professional Hollywood trainers to whip their clients into shape for filming and movies. While you may not have the luxury of 5 hours a day to train and a personal instructor to follow you around it doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from the same hardcore fitness routines these stars use. Instead of going into workout itself I thought I’d take some time to address another important issue of fitness that often gets overlooked in articles; eating. I will post a link to the actual workout at the end of this article. There is no real eating plan included in the workout as it appears on MensHealth so I’ll share mine with you as an example. Those of you with Paleo, Vegan, zero-this and that, and other diets may need to make substitutions to achieve the protein amounts I list below and carb requirements. Also I should also tell you that this is not a workout designed to lose weight. In fact you may gain some by following it in the form of increased lean muscle tissue. Those seeking to cut fat may be better off following a more interval, lighter weight themed circuit style routine. First off I do this workout first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. I do it this way to force my body to burn body fat for fuel over carbs, because I use pre-workout supplements that need to be taken on an empty stomach, and because working out with this intensity level can indeed make you nauseous. Immediately after I complete the workout I drink a shake of two scoops of Whey protein isolate and water along with eating a banana. About 45 minutes after this I make breakfast. My usual breakfast is a two egg omelet, a piece of link chicken sausage or two slices of bacon along with whole wheat toast. This combination including the protein shake gets me about 75-100 grams of protein. I eat the banana and toast for carbs. Those of you who are new to biology let me share a secret with you. Carbs are absolutely essential to a healthy body. Your muscles do not burn actual fat so to speak but break down fatty acids to release carbs for energy. This process itself actually requires more carbs just to perform. Everything your body does it burns carbs for energy in the form of glucose. When you cut out carbs your body will burn fat for a short time but quickly turns on itself and begins consuming muscle tissue for energy. This is not good if you want to add muscle. About two hours after my morning workout I go for a run. After the run I will eat again this small meal will be high in simple sugars and complex carbs to replace those I torched running. This also insures that my body has a stable supply of incoming calories so there’s no need for it to hold onto some and store them as fat. About two hours after this meal I’ll eat lunch. This meal will have a lot of fiber with some protein. Mostly this meal is just meant to hold me over and get me through my evening workout. All total I’ll eat around 5-6 small meals throughout the day, being sure to consume a ratio of protein/carbs/fat of 2:3:1. Before my afternoon or evening workout I will drink another shot of my pre-workout beverage about 30 minutes before I start. This shot contains caffeine, amino acids, and simple sugars. It also contains a proprietary blend of Nitric Oxide promoters that help increase blood flow throughout your body. After this workout I will drink another protein shake with one scoop of Whey Isolate and start preparing dinner. Most nights I have some form of meat; usually chicken or fish in a serving size around six ounces or the size of a closed fist. I will also include green vegetables, wild rice, and maybe even a whole wheat roll. My protein goal for the day is around 200grams. I use this 4 days out of the week when I am working out and drop it by anywhere from 20-30 grams on my rest days of Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday. This is a very generalized rundown of my typical eating plan. You may have noticed I eat more then it seems I should especially carbs. However I work out twice a day for an hour each time and also include a run. At this level of exertion I must eat a set amount of calories a day to add muscle. Those seeking to add a lot of muscle should cut out the runs to only those days they are not using weights and even then keep the distances below 2 miles. It is very hard to cut fat and add muscle at the same time without consuming a diet high in calories from protein and carbohydrates. As I stated before the Punisher workout is intended for those seeking to add size to their muscles, it can be easily modified thought to shift the focus in other directions just by altering the number of reps per set and changing the weights from heavy to lighter or from 85% of your one rep max to say 50-60%. I have decided to simply include the link to this workout instead of breaking it down piece by piece in this article. Follow the link to and you will find a clear explanation of the routine, training days, and movements. As always feel free to change it around to suit your circumstance, abilities, and equipment available to you.
Calculator Logic Systems and Mathematical Understandings, by Enid R. Burrows (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1906 Association Dr., Reston, Va. 22091; 133 pp., $22.50, with 10 percent discount for members, orders of 10 or more). Explains different types and uses of calculator-operating systems, with exercises and answers. Developing Science in the Primary Classroom, by Wynne Harlen with Sheila Jelly (Heinemann Educational Books Inc., 361 Hanover St., Portsmouth, N.H. 03801-3959; 71 pp., $10 paper). Guidelines for enhancing student involvement in science instruction. How Can We Create Thinkers? Questioning Strategies That Work for Teachers, by Marylou Dantonio (National Education Service, 1821 W. Third St., P.O. Box 8, Bloomington, Ind. 47402; 120 pp., $19.95 paper). Includes practical models and strategies for motivating students to think about and use their reasoning processes. Educator's Income Tax Guide: Specializing in Educational Deductions, 1991 edition, (Teachers Tax Service, P.O. Box 8809, Chico, Calif. 95927; 1189 pp., $6.95 paper). Explains tax laws and regulations with instructions on completing major tax forms. Working Together: The Collaborative Style of Bargaining, by Stuart C. Smith, Diana Ball, & Demetri Liontos (eric Clearinghouse on Educational Management, College of Education, University of Oregon, 1787 Agate St., Eugene, Ore. 97403-5207; 75 pp., $6.75 paper). Reports on how procedures work in districts with a collaborative model and offers guidelines to school boards, administrators, and unions that would like to adopt one. Best Books for Children: Preschool Through Grade 6, 4th ed., by John T. Gillespie & Corinne J. Naden (R.R. Bowker, 245 W. 17th St., New York, N.Y. 10011; 1,002 pp., $44.95 cloth). Annotated listing of over 11,000 new and classic children's books, including bibliographic information. Handbook of Research on Teacher Education, ed. by Robert Houston (Macmillan Publishing Co., 866 3rd Ave., New York, N.Y. 10022; 944 pp., $65, 20 percent discount to members, Association of Teacher Educators). Combines works of more than 200 professionals on pre-service and inservice issues in teacher education. The Colorado House last week approved a bill that would allow individual public schools, with faculty and parental approval, to withdraw from their school districts to attempt new educational approaches. Under the bill, seceding districts would affiliate with a new statewide "independent school district'' under the supervision of the state board of education. The board would have to approve the proposed educational program of a breakaway school before it would be allowed to cut ties to its current district. The bill's sponsor, Representative John J. Irwin, said he proposed the measure in the wake of his attempt last year to link alternative schools into a single statewide district. That bill faltered, but the Loveland Republican reintroduced his measure in the current legislative session and stretched it to cover any public school that wanted to opt out of its local district. The Colorado proposal also resembles a current reform in Great Britain in which schools may "opt out'' of their local education agencies and receive funding directly from the national government. (See Education Week, March 25, 1992.) Under Mr. Irwin's bill, two-thirds-majority support of building faculty and staff and of parents would be required to submit an opt-out plan to the state board. The plan would have to "cover every detail of how they will govern and handle admissions, grading--you name it,'' Representative Irwin said. "You don't just walk in and plunk your 50 cents on the bar and get opted out. You have to prove to the state board your program can fly.'' Although the bill is staunchly opposed by every major education group in the state, it passed the House on a 38-to-23 vote. "This is being promoted by a bunch of limouisine liberals in Denver'' who had run-ins with the school board over getting their children enrolled in special programs, asserted Phil Fox, a lobbyist for the Colorado Association of School Boards and the Colorado Association of School Executives. "We believe it is absolutely unconstitutional.'' Ironically, the bill would not apply to the Denver school district, which was established separately under state law, Mr. Fox added. Education groups contend that the proposal presents a host of thorny legal questions regarding who would own the school buildings and pay the insurance and other costs of the opted-out school, as well as whether such schools would have independent taxing authority. Nevertheless, the bill has attracted a diverse spectrum of backers, including Hispanic groups, advocates for students with disabilities, and the influential Colorado Association of Commerce and Industry. "Most of the concerns mentioned are niggling, bureaucratic matters,'' said Patrick Boyle, a lobbyist for the state business group. "The real issue is power. The school districts and teachers' unions support the existing structure because it is the one that they already control.'' But some critics in the legislature warn that well-organized, wealthier schools might be most likely to take advantage of the option, leaving their former districts with a higher percentage of minority or at-risk pupils. Others have accused the measure of being a "school voucher'' program that would substitute for unsuccessful efforts in the state to create a voucher system for students. "This bill suggests you have to apply for membership'' in the independent statewide district, said Representative Wilma J. Webb, a Denver Democrat who opposes the idea. "This promotes a concept of private schools within the public-school system.'' The bill will no doubt face a tougher time in the Senate, especially after being assigned last week to the Senate Education Committee. That panel has been described by some observers as a "legislative black hole'' for major school-reform measures. Senator Al Meiklejohn, the Republican chairman of the education panel, is concerned about the constitutionality of the bill, Mr. Fox said. The independent-school-district bill is one of a number of school-finance and education-reform measures being addressed by Colorado lawmakers in their current session. But while adoption of a long-term solution to the state's school-finance puzzle is a primary goal for the legislative session--and an increasingly insistent demand by Gov. Roy Romer--lawmakers appeared last week to be no closer to that target. The bill included a provision that called for site-based management for public schools and another that would have permitted districts to have local public colleges or universities oversee their administrative functions. That proposal was inspired by an arrangement under which the University of Southern Colorado provides administrative services for the Pueblo school district. With the defeat of the latest school-finance measure, those proposals are dead for now, observers said. Walt MacDonald will take over as the president and CEO of the Educational Testing Service on Jan. 1. He is currently the executive vice president and chief operating officer of the Princeton, N.J.-based nonprofit company. He will replace Kurt M. Landgraf, the president of the organization since 2000. Sheena Alaiasa, the principal of Samuel Wilder King Intermediate School in Kaneohe, Hawaii, has been named the 2014 MetLife/NASSP National Middle Level Principal of the Year. After taking over the position in 2008, the New Zealand native led the school out of state restructuring. The school was recognized by the state in 2012 for its success in narrowing the achievement gap.
In its 1996 year-end report, released today, the Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board (the Board) concludes that additional studies beyond those planned for the viability assessment (VA) will be needed to evaluate the suitability of Yucca Mountain as a potential site for a permanent repository. Arlo and Jackie Guthrie in 1999. On Sunday, Jackie died of cancer. The couple was married for 43 years. (AP) Folk singer Arlo Guthrie's wife of 43 years died Sunday of cancer at the couple's home in Sebastian, Fla. "We didn't always like each other," he wrote. "From time to time there were moments when we'd have our bags packed by the door. But, there was this great love that we shared from the moment we met — a recognition — It's YOU! And we would always return to it year after year, decade after decade and I believe life after lifetime." A Salt Lake City native, Jackie Guthrie met her future husband in 1968 while working as a cashier at the Troubadour, the Hollywood nightclub that was an epicenter for folk music at the time. The next year, the couple bought a 250-acre property called "The Farm" that the family still owns in Washington, in western Massachusetts. They were married on the front lawn in October of that year. The couple raised four children, and in recent years the family toured together, with Jackie working as the videographer. But this summer, during a tour to mark the centennial birthday of Woody Guthrie, Jackie became so weak she could barely hold up the camera. In early September, she was diagnosed with inoperable liver cancer. Jackie Guthrie is survived by her four children with Arlo Guthrie and 10 grandchildren. She also is also survived by the daughter she had with prolific folkie David Crosby in the early 1960s. According to the Manhattan court filing, the estate seeks full death benefits for Benitez (pictured) because he “died on the job based on emotional stress negligently caused by the NYPD.” (Showalter, Aaron/NY Daily News) A sleep-deprived NYPD sergeant who grappled with bipolar disorder was driven to suicide when his supervisors stuck him on the midnight shift, according to new court papers. Nine-year police veteran Jose Benitez hung himself on March 10, 2015 — roughly five months after the diagnosis of his mental health woes, the officer's estate charged in a 9-page Manhattan filing. Benitez, a lifelong distance runner once hailed as the fastest cop on the force, left behind an infant son. "He was a great officer. He graduated second in his class and just was overworked at his precinct," family lawyer Nicholas P. Iannuzzi said Friday. "Essentially they didn't take care of him. He was diagnosed with a condition and they didn't take care of it correctly." The court documents sought to file a late Notice of Claim in the death because of delays by the city in providing psychiatric health documents regarding Benitez. The notices are the first step in the filing of a lawsuit against the city or its agencies, and potential plaintiffs typically have 90 days to file. Iannuzzi argues the clock only started running from the end of this past November when the first FDNY medical files were turned over. According to the Manhattan court filing, the estate seeks full death benefits for Benitez because he "died on the job based on emotional stress negligently caused by the NYPD." Police brass, despite knowledge of Benitez's mental health problem, "assigned him to a position that would become the trigger for his eventual demise," the court papers charged. The 30-year-old cop, after several hospital stints, was sent to monitor surveillance cameras at a city housing development in Brooklyn, the estate alleged. While experts say regular, quality sleep is important for bipolar patients, the NYPD had Benitez "working through the night ... with no sleep," said the filing against both the city and the NYPD. The police department declined comment, while the NYC Law Department said it would review the court filing. A July 2013 story in the Queens Gazette detailed how Benitez began running at age 8, and continued even after he moved up through the police ranks to become a sergeant at the 48th Precinct in the Bronx. NYPD hunts sex assault suspect who attacked 29-year-old woman in Morningside Heights - NY Daily News The NYPD has released images of a man suspected of sexually assaulting a woman in an upper Manhattan park. Cops say the broad-shouldered suspect pounced on the 29-year-old woman as she walked along a path in Morningside Park near W. 116th St. about 6 p.m. Sunday. The suspect is described as a man in his 20s wearing a black sweatshirt, black doo rag and blue jeans. A version of this archives appears in print on October 7, 1888, on Page 6 of the New York edition with the headline: CITY AND SUBURBAN NEWS; NEW-YORK. BROOKLYN. WESTCHESTER COUNTY. LONG ISLAND. STATEN ISLAND. NEW-JERSEY. Order Reprints| Today's Paper|Subscribe A Former President Jimmy Carter predicted today that President Reagan would not debate Walter F. Mondale, the expected Democratic presidential candidate, in the fall campaign. In an interview on the CBS ''Morning News,'' program Mr. Carter said that he expected the President ''will hide behind all kinds of excuses to avoid debating'' with Mr. Mondale. But a White House spokesman responded in sharply that Mr. Carter, more than most Ameicans, appreciated the danger of debating Ronald Reagan. ''The President has said he believes in the principle of debating his opponentm'' said Peter Roussel, ''and you can either believe the President or Jimmy Carter,'' Mr. Roussel added. A version of this article appears in print on June 14, 1984, on Page B00028 of the National edition with the headline: Carter Predicts That Reagan Will Avoid Debating Mondale. Order Reprints| Today's Paper|Subscribe Tim Breene has said he would resign as chief executive of Eurocom WCRS Della Femina Ball, the parent agency of Della Femina, McNamee WCRS in New York. The move resulted from a decision to relocate E.W.D.B.'s headquarters from London to Paris, said Louise McNamee, Della Femina's president. Mr. Breene was a top executive of the WCRS Group last year when WCRS sold a majority interest in its ad agencies to Eurocom S.A. in Paris. Pierre de Plas, Eurocom's chief operating officer, will replace Mr. Breene as chief executive of E.W.D.B. Jean de Yturbe, the chief executive of HDM Europe, another international agency in which Eurocom owns a minority interest, is joining the parent company to help manage its international network. A version of this article appears in print on May 2, 1990, on Page D00021 of the National edition with the headline: THE MEDIA BUSINESS: ADVERTISING; Eurocom Head Is Quitting. Order Reprints| Today's Paper|Subscribe A version of this article appears in print on May 3, 1990, on Page D00019 of the National edition with the headline: SNC Group Inc. reports earnings for Qtr to March 31. Order Reprints| Today's Paper|Subscribe The Fifth Symphony is often described as the work in which Prokofiev definitively left behind the industrial sonorities of his Parisian phase and embraced Soviet optimism. It is nothing of the kind. Under a veneer of tonal lyricism, the same glinting gears grind away, most particularly in the infernal-machine music of the finale. I cannot comprehend how people hear unambiguous uplift in this work; to my ears, it is a far darker piece than the Shostakovich Fifth, whose ambivalence is so often touted. Kurt Masur, conducting the New York Philharmonic in the Prokofiev Fifth on Thursday night, took the more traditional view. He softened edges and added the shadings of a humanist statement. It was an effective reading within its bounds, although I thought Mr. Masur lost touch with Prokofiev's idiom at several crucial moments, notably the transition back to the "A" section of the Scherzo, which started too loud and failed to gather sinister momentum. He tended to overlook the flare-ups at the ends of phrases or the subtle shifts of pulse that give this symphony its continually seething texture. More satisfying was a set of Dvorak concert overtures, the trilogy that the composer planned to call "Nature, Life and Love" but later divided into "In Nature's Realm," "Carnival" and "Othello." It is an important novelty to hear them together, although I think Dvorak had a point in keeping them apart; "Othello" makes for a somewhat disappointing finale, ill nourished in its primary material and long-winded in its development. Mr. Masur drew a glorious sound from the orchestra, sinewy and startlingly tight; the hell-bent close of "Carnival" took the breath away. ALEX ROSS A version of this review appears in print on October 3, 1994, on Page C00013 of the National edition with the headline: In Performance; CLASSICAL MUSIC. Order Reprints| Today's Paper|Subscribe WHY has there been so much fuss about New York City’s attempt to impose a soda ban, or more precisely, a ban on large-size “sugary drinks”? After all, people can still get as much soda as they want. This isn’t Prohibition. It’s just that getting it would take slightly more effort. So, why is this such a big deal? Obviously, it’s not about soda. It’s because such a ban suggests that sometimes we need to be stopped from doing foolish stuff, and this has become, in contemporary American politics, highly controversial, no matter how trivial the particular issue. (Large cups of soda as symbols of human dignity? Really?) Americans, even those who generally support government intervention in our daily lives, have a reflexive response to being told what to do, and it’s not a positive one. It’s this common desire to be left alone that prompted the Mississippi Legislature earlier this month to pass a ban on bans — a law that forbids municipalities to place local restrictions on food or drink. We have a vision of ourselves as free, rational beings who are totally capable of making all the decisions we need to in order to create a good life. Give us complete liberty, and, barring natural disasters, we’ll end up where we want to be. It’s a nice vision, one that makes us feel proud of ourselves. But it’s false. John Stuart Mill wrote in 1859 that the only justifiable reason for interfering in someone’s freedom of action was to prevent harm to others. According to Mill’s “harm principle,” we should almost never stop people from behavior that affects only themselves, because people know best what they themselves want. Mill was wrong about that, though. A lot of times we have a good idea of where we want to go, but a really terrible idea of how to get there. It’s well established by now that we often don’t think very clearly when it comes to choosing the best means to attain our ends. We make errors. This has been the object of an enormous amount of study over the past few decades, and what has been discovered is that we are all prone to identifiable and predictable miscalculations. Research by psychologists and behavioral economists, including the Nobel Prize-winner Daniel Kahneman and his research partner Amos Tversky, identified a number of areas in which we fairly dependably fail. They call such a tendency a “cognitive bias,” and there are many of them — a lot of ways in which our own minds trip us up. For example, we suffer from an optimism bias, that is we tend to think that however likely a bad thing is to happen to most people in our situation, it’s less likely to happen to us — not for any particular reason, but because we’re irrationally optimistic. Because of our “present bias,” when we need to take a small, easy step to bring about some future good, we fail to do it, not because we’ve decided it’s a bad idea, but because we procrastinate. We also suffer from a status quo bias, which makes us value what we’ve already got over the alternatives, just because we’ve already got it — which might, of course, make us react badly to new laws, even when they are really an improvement over what we’ve got. And there are more. The crucial point is that in some situations it’s just difficult for us to take in the relevant information and choose accordingly. It’s not quite the simple ignorance Mill was talking about, but it turns out that our minds are more complicated than Mill imagined. Like the guy about to step through the hole in the bridge, we need help. Is it always a mistake when someone does something imprudent, when, in this case, a person chooses to chug 32 ounces of soda? No. For some people, that’s the right choice. They don’t care that much about their health, or they won’t drink too many big sodas, or they just really love having a lot of soda at once. But laws have to be sensitive to the needs of the majority. That doesn’t mean laws should trample the rights of the minority, but that public benefit is a legitimate concern, even when that may inconvenience some. A version of this article appears in print on , on Page A23 of the New York edition with the headline: Three Cheers for the Nanny State. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe I grew up in Manchester, Conn. When I was a high school freshman, my piano and organ teacher, Frederic E. Werner, took me to New York City. I did not appreciate just how special the experience was until many years later. Everything was new: my longest trip from home (142 miles at the time), my first hotel (the Taft, according to the hanger still in my closet), my first restaurant (the Brass Rail), the cigarette-puffing billboard in Times Square and the Queen Mary, which was docked in town. But the highlights of our visit were a live radio broadcast (television was in its infancy), two Broadway shows and a live stage show at Radio City Music Hall. Mr. Werner bought our tickets, mentioning in passing that there was another show that he had wanted to see. But that one would be opening on Thursday, and we were returning home on Wednesday. All I recall of the radio show was the packed house, the man who came on stage and skillfully warmed up the audience, and the actor who dropped each page on the floor as he finished reading it. The Broadway shows were “Where’s Charley?” (with Ray Bolger) and “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” (the original production). The show at Radio City featured a spectacular opening with theater organs on each side of the stage playing at the same time. While double-checking these dates, I discovered, for the first time, the name of the show we missed by a day. The year was 1949. The date was Thursday, April 7. The show was “South Pacific.” Shannon Falls is composed of a series of cliffs, rising 335 meters, and a system of pools at the top of the falls. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police recovered the bodies of three people who had fallen from one of the pools.CreditCreditGregory Simpson/ BC Parks Built in 1962, this building consists of 6 floors, made up of apartments, none of which is currently for sale, and none are available for rent. Located in Bronx's North Riverdale neighborhood, features of this building include a garage, laundry room and pool. A fungus responsible for deci­mating amphibian populations around the world has struck one of New Zealand’s rare native frogs. Researchers working in the Coromandel Range have found a dead Archey’s frog with skin lesions, suggesting that it died from a chytrid fungal infection caused by Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. Chytrid fungi are found mainly in fresh water, but the group has estuarine and soil-dwelling representatives as well. Some species live in the guts of herbivores and some are parasites and saprophytes of algae, plants, nematodes, insects and even other chytrids B. dendrobatidis is the only species known to parasitise vertebrates. It infects an animal’s epidermal cells, causing a thickening of the outer layer of the skin, but it is not known how that change leads to death. Globally, two amphibian orders, the Anura and Caudata, comprising 14 families and 93 species, are known to be infected by this fungus. Diseased species have been found in Africa, South America, Central America, North America, Europe, Australia, and now Oceania. The first record was from North America in 1974. Australia, where the fungus arrived in 1978, has been the hardest hit, with 46 species affected, including eight listed as endangered and five as vulnerable. The fungus was first found in New Zealand in 1999 in two well-established Australian species, the southern bell frog and the green and golden bell frog. Archey’s frog is found only in the Moehau and Colville Ranges on the Coromandel Peninsula and at Whareorino Forest west of Te Kuiti. The species was in decline even before this current fungal problem was discovered. “Frog populations have been decreasing worldwide since the 1980s, and New Zealand is unfortunately following the global trend,” says Department of Conservation officer Andrew Harrison. “Chytrid fungus has the potential to decimate New Zealand frogs if it spreads.” He said that more information was required on the fungus, particularly its method of transfer from introduced frogs to native species. Other research is centred on detecting the fungus in water and on vegetation. Harrison says New Zealand’s leiopelmid frogs are “of huge scientific interest interna­tionally, as they are the most ancient frogs left on the planet, survivors of the Jurassic period some 200 million years ago.” Because the fungus is a possible biosecurity issue, a technical advisory group to the Ministry of Agriculture has been set up. Victoria University researcher Ben Bell, a member of the group, says, “The next step is to survey the extent of popula­tion decline and to find out if the survivors have been infected.” The group is anxious to stop the fungus spreading to New Zealand’s other three native species, particularly Hochstetter’s frog, which shares native forest habitat with Archey’s frog. Bell says the group is considering moving some frogs to a safe facility where they may be bred in captiv­ity. Meanwhile, Department of Conservation workers are taking strict precautions when visiting frog habitats to try to minimise the spread of the fungus. Harrison said an infected frog would appear emaciated and lethargic, often with abnormalities of the skin or eyes. “The fungus infects the skin of frogs. We’re not yet sure whether it suffocates them or kills them as they absorb the toxins released by the fungus.” While some funding has been directed at chytrid research in the United States and Australia, many ques­tions remain unanswered. For instance, no one knows why the fungus, which belongs to a group that has been in existence for 550 million years, has suddenly come to be toxic to frogs and tadpoles. One theory speculates that the pathogen is a mutated form. Other researchers suggest that climate change, such as drier conditions, are causing amphibians to crowd together at water sources, helping the fungus to spread. Other factors have been blamed for some frog die-offs, such as uncontrolled chemical use. But nearly half the dead frogs handed in during a three-year Austral­ian survey were diagnosed with chytridiomycosis, showing no other disease and no evidence of depressed immunity. Chytridiomycosis has recently been reported in amphibians collected for the global pet trade. Given that 180,000 animals of at least 21 endangered European species were imported into the UK alone between 1981 and 1990, there is huge potential for chytrid infec­tion to spread still further.
Motorists in Montreal and elsewhere in Quebec are struggling with an unknown reality in most other countries, and even in other provinces even if we share the same climate: owning eight tires. In fact, the law requires us to have winter tires between December 15th and March 15th, and after that the majority of consumers make the wise decision to ... In most provinces in Canada, it is not legally required to have winter tires installed on your vehicle. That said, driving on tires designed to handle icy and snowy road conditions can make all the difference between enjoying winter and feeling in control behind the steering wheel of your vehicle, or feeling like you are unsafe when the road gets ... In a previous post I wrote about the power of gratitude to change our every-day world-view. How when we consciously seek things to be grateful for, we start to find them everywhere. The same is true of compassion, and it is a wonderful thing to bring into the forefront of our consciousness. Once my clients and workshop participants have been initiated into the magic of gratitude, compassion is the next stage of initiation, and very much connected. We tend to generally be grateful for that which we receive. Someone helps us, we are given a gift, we have a good day, and we are grateful. But, like hope, there are levels of gratitude through which we can rise, and gratitude arises to a whole new level when it’s tempered with compassion. When we start to show compassion to others, our own happiness grows exponentially. When someone is kind to us, our hearts may soar. When we are kind to another, the same hearts can expand to new proportions. When we reach out from a place of true compassion, what we give to the recipient may be of great value. But what we give to ourselves can be far greater. One evening last winter, on a lone visit to London, I bought a take-away pizza from a restaurant. It was too much for me, and I wished I had someone to share it with. I saw a homeless man across the road, wrapped up against the cold. I approached him and asked if he’d like to share my pizza. With a brilliant smile he told me pizza was his favourite meal. I sat down on the pavement next to him and we exchanged stories as we ate. His name was Robert. He was an ex-serviceman, passing through the capitol. He had Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and loud noises startled him. He didn’t like the bustle of city life and hoped to find work on a farm eventually. He enjoyed solitude, as do I, but we both appreciated this unexpected company. I could have taken the surplus pizza back to my lodgings and eaten it the next day, saving waste and money. But I would have missed out on the joy of showing compassion and receiving so much in return. The sharing of food, the companionship of another traveling soul, the honour of receiving someone’s story, and of having mine received by a compassionate friend made for a night rich in gratitude, at many levels. Later I was grateful for comfortable lodgings and a warm bed; that my worries had been put in perspective, reminding me of my countless blessings. It can be hard to be grateful for our own good fortune when witnessing another’s lack. In the past I have been homeless, and devastated by mental health crisis. When I see another person in that situation my heart can break for them. But if I flounder in the multi-faceted face of the world’s tragedy, it does no-one any good. I am no use to myself or to the world. I know it’s not for me to take on another’s pain as though it were my own. My part is to express the highest gratitude for all I have, and to balance the virtues of compassion and detachment in order to be as effective as I can. I could not offer Robert a bed for the night, a home, a cure for his PTSD. But I could share my pizza and my time with him for a while, and that is something. I remember when I was at my lowest point, many years ago, the touch of a loving hand, the acknowledgement of my intelligence, my humanity, my worth, was more precious to me than gold. We must never under-estimate the value of compassion, no matter how inadequate our offering may seem. When I talk to my workshop participants about compassion, I encourage them to look for any opportunity to practice it, no matter how small. A smile and a word to an elderly person in a queue could make that person’s day – and yours! Asking someone how they are, and listening compassionately while they tell you, helping to carry a heavy load, welcoming a new neighbour, calling on an old one. Learning to continually ask yourself“what is the most compassionate thing to do?” then do it if you possibly can. It isn’t always possible, and that’s OK too. I tell participants about the Charter for Compassion, a global network of individuals, groups, organisations and communities committed to compassionate action; ordinary people in every corner of the world, doing what they can to make it a better place. I invite them to go forth and actively look for examples of compassion. Instead of focusing on life’s stresses and trials, as tends to be the default of our society, they start to see people of all kinds reaching out to others. The café-owner who takes a coffee to the homeless woman outside her premises, instead of chasing her away. The child who sees a baby crying in a buggy and hands over a toy to comfort him. The suited man who, caught in a shower, recognises a neighbour walking in the same direction and shelters her under his umbrella. When they return the next week, group members are often noticeably different. Their newly-honed compassion antennae have alerted them to acts of loving kindness everywhere. They have seen the world anew and found that, rather than the cold, doom-laden place the media reports it to be, it is full of tiny acts of caring. Yes, there are many challenges, and much that needs to be addressed and mended, but there is also so much love. When people realise this, they change. They become replenished, touched with hope. Their world-perception starts to alter as they awaken to the truth. Tired of the mantra “it’s all hopeless and there’s nothing I can do” they want to be part of the growing compassion revolution. The more they witness compassion, the more they want to act compassionately. They want to feel that glow of fulfilment and connection that fires their gratitude and gives their lives a deeper of meaning than they’ve previously known. So, if you want to change the world, unpack your compassion antennae and encourage those around you to do the same. Start being a Compassion Activist and Detector and see how good it feels! Perhaps a critical mass of people dedicated to compassion could tilt the balance of the world, and then love really will trump hate. It must be worth a try! Visit the Charter for Compassion website to sign the Charter and learn more about how to become part of the global movement for compassion.
Core Project Chicago Water Damage and Sewer – The city's best sewer repair and water damage remediation Something about water damage and sewer repair is so connected that we feel as though companies may need to understand both in order to be effective at either. Sewer repair is often related to water damage so closely that there is nothing that we can do to separate the two. The only alternative is to study both and see how they are connected in order to be able to repair either or both at the same time. Speaking of sewer repair, there are other ways that these two are connected, and it comes down to the condition of the structure. There are so many old pipes that it has become the normal way of repairing pipes in the industry. Whether you are doing traditional sewer or trenchless sewer repair, there is no way to tell whether or not the pipes are on their last leg until you actually go in there and see for yourself. Seeing whether or not the pipes are so old that this might be their last repair is important, and if there are things that you can do to prolong the life of the pipes. Pipes that are in desperate need of repair, in the great city of Chicago as well as other major cities. Cities that have infrastructure that is very old and very broken, which can cause a myriad of problems aside from sewer leaks. In fact, these leaks have a lot to do with the water damage that occurs in the city. Leaky plumbing as the result of leaky sewer lines is the number one cause of water damage in the area and improper drain cleaning. Water damage is one of the leading causes of property damage in the city, and as we explained, is a large result of faulty plumbing and sewer lines. So by learning what we can do to fix the sewer lines we have learned how to fix homes that have been damage by water at the same time. We know that sewer lines are underground, and so when there is no faulty plumbing water damage occurs, we know to look deeper, literally, in order to identify the problem. Sometimes water damage can occur from old buildings and the materials that they are made of. Even in big cities and with buildings that were constructed with the best materials at the time can only withstand so much weather and things that nature can bring. For these instances of water damage, it is best to hire a professional contractor for commercial roof repairs like this team and are generally needed and will usually be enough to stop future water damage from occurring. This is something that these contractors specialize in and have worked with buildings and homes of all shapes and sizes. For these cases, the plumbing and sewers are not the culprits and you will not need to go much further than the exterior repairs in order to fix your damage. These are generally much easier and less time consuming than the problems that your sewer can bring. But luckily for you, this is what we do best and are just as efficient and effective as other contractors in their profession. When water damage does occur and you have determined that the problem is not your roof or exterior, there is something that we can do about it and that usually involves fixing the pipes connected to the sewer as well as fixing the floor itself. Once we have finished fixing the sewer, we see the water damage that may have occurred under the floor. At which time we will either restore the floor or have it replaced using state of the art equipment and techniques. The same techniques that we have used to become the best sewer trenchless repair in the area. In the new age, we need to understand there is nothing that we can do to change the nature of the pipes that we are fixing, all we can do is work with what we have. We hope that in time, the pipes will be fixed as they should be, but for now all we can do is fulfill our duties to our customers in such a way that is cheap and effective. There is a lot of competition between sites that sell Fosamax because it is a popular drug. This competition drives down the prices. It's the same principle as when supermarkets have a big sale on Coca-Cola; they practically give it away to get you in the door because they know it's a very visible product. The offer, which begins on 1 March and runs until 20 April, has been developed in response to calls from some local businesses for a free first half hour of parking to allow people to make a flying visit to their local town centre. The Council will be monitoring the response to this offer to assess how much demand there is for free half hour parking and where that demand is greatest. “‘It is very important that car parks should contribute to the competitive environment of our town centres, and that the Council should manage the car parks to support local businesses” said Bert Biscoe, the Council’s Cabinet Member for Transport and Waste. “These trials are an effort to understand what measures, when and in which places, we can use in future to enhance trading, improve accessibility for people needing to come into town centres for services, and to sustain car parks income to contribute to the maintenance of the road network.” As it would be too costly to change the pay and display machines in all the Council run car parks for this trial, anyone wanting to take advantage of the offer will need to use the RingGo mobile phone payment service. Although this system is very easy to use, first time users will be required to provide some initial information and so they may find it easier to register online at While there will be no cost for the first half hour of parking, anyone who wants to have a text message sent to them to remind them of when the parking session is over or if they want to extend the parking session, will be charged for that message and any additional parking. Details of these charges will be available on the tariff boards in the car parks or via the RingGo phone line. The free half hour parking is the latest in a series of car parking trials which are currently being implemented by the Council. Other measures in place to support town centres include a trial of a £1 evening charge after 6pm in Penzance, Newquay and Falmouth. Members of the public can also park for £1 after 4pm in some short stay car parks in Truro and St Austell, while some other towns have free parking after 4pm. The results of both this trial and the other parking trials which are taking place across Cornwall will be analysed to assess the level of demand and to get feedback from members of the public and businesses. This information will then be used to plan future parking charges and future offers. In Grey sa central theme has always been the need of female physicians like Bailey to assert their authority, both as peers of the male physicians and as superiors of the find women in maraqeh s generally pathetic nurse characters. Please chat with a HopeCoach to talk about what to do next and how to talk to your boyfriend about it. The occurrence of a subsequent upgrade does not in itself mean that anyone did something wrong or violated the law when they sent or received this information. I hate when guys ask how are you. Jamie Foxx prefers to keep his personal life private. Her decision to adopt those kids, I think she s more beautiful on the inside. 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One of the best gadgets ever invented was the remote control. There is not much people who can disagree that the remote control is probably the second most loved gadget after the smart phone. This simple little device has paved the way for easier control of much larger and sophisticated electronic devices. The remote control has integrated into our genetics and makes it quite difficult to actually function without when trying to complete certain task. Many brilliant individuals have created a vast amount of electronic devices that we as consumer may use daily that have been integrated with the remote control, devices such as the Radio, Television, Car Alarm systems and much more. Things that we actually use on regular basis. Lets delve a little further into the remote control and see just where this little but useful device will be in the near future. Consumers use a lot of electronic devices that help them to make their task easier, to produce efficiency in output or just for pleasurable purposes. But how many consumers actually stop for a moment to actually ask themselves the question of how does the device they use actually work? Some may say it's not their job to figure out how electronics work while some will do a quick research on the device they are using. Well, the remote control is actually a very simple device. It is quite easy to use as even a toddler can be trained in using it. The remote control normally comes with a couple of buttons which are standard on all remote controls. We are not just talking about television remote control, but remote control in general. Common remote controls are consumer Infrared devices which send digitally coded pulses of infrared radiation to control functions such as power, volume, tuning, temperature set point, fan speed, or other features. But there are much more advanced remote control devices such as those that control drones, space crafts and other complex electronic devices. Of course,these remote control devices work differently and do not use infrared, instead they use frequency coded bands to send and receive signals If you really want to know how important the remote control is, simply misplace it and try to operate any one of these devices. It would be like a poet trying to understand quantum physics. There is just no operating the television set without the remote control, that's just unheard of. Consumers have gotten so lazy that they don't realize that they have become too dependent on the remote control to do everything on the television. I am sure many persons may can attest to losing the television remote and gets so frustrated and frantic that they cannot turn on the television set. They turn the house upside down in and out, walk pass the television a thousand times to find the remote to turn on the television and actually don't realize that the television set comes with its own power on button, channel, configuration and volume buttons. A television without a remote is like a little boy trying to be a man, it just wont work. One of the main reason why a television is married to the remote control is the vast amount of channels available and consumer attention span. It would be very difficult to navigate hundreds of channel by using only the television buttons. There are even some configuration features on some television which can only be accessed by using the remote control. A television life without the remote control would be a deep step back in history closer to the stone age. If you have a split unit installed you would know how important it is to always have a A/C working remote. It can be quite a task to just simply powering on these units without having the remote. As a matter of fact, some of these units are built solely to operate with a remote control. When it comes on to temperature control or timing, the air condition is lifeless without the remote. The remote control is very useful when it comes on to stereo operations. Most new stereo systems comes compact with many features. Features which can be used to enhance the sound quality and type as well as task features such as selecting a music source such as DVD or flash drive. Even though the remote control is not as critical to the radio as it is with the television, it makes its operation quite easier also. So for many of you who saw this headline and never knew remote control lawn mowers exist, they do. As a matter of fact, remotely controlling the lawn mower may have been the best idea yet. Lets look at it. You are a single mom who has a yard and has no time to cut the lawn. You either have to hire someone to cut the yard or go fire up that old mower, mix a huge jug of lemonade and masquerade as a Mexican in a sombrero to deflect the scorching sun. You would have to be pulling and pushing all day to get that lawn cut, Now if you had a remote control lawn mower you could easily either sit under a shaded tree outside and cut your lawn, or simple stay inside under the air condition and cut your yard as long as you have a clear view of the device and yard. You will not have to do all that pushing and pulling and you can avoid that scorching sun. Now the men who have to cut the yard will also find this remote control lawn mower quite useful. So you tell your wife that you will be cutting the yard and it will be pretty intensive as you have to stop and rest and do all that. Now you can be sitting while having a cold beverage and easily cut the yard. There is so much reason to own a remote control lawn mower. So now we have hopped into the bed and sleep era of the remote control. So i guess you may have heard about the sleep number system that bedding companies have implemented to allow your best sleep comfort. You can use the remote control of your sleep number bed to: They may even integrate that bed remote into a universal remote so you can use your same bedding remote to turn control other equipment. So you are one of those persons who have a huge Monitor attached to a wall somewhere in your house, bedroom or home office. You will definitely need a remote keyboard and mouse. You will hear the term wireless keyboard and mouse, but what you have actually done is to be controlling the local operations of your computer remotely by using a wireless keyboard and mouse. Remote computing is also described as you being in a different location than you computer and you are able to access and use the system in the same way as if you had logged on locally. But we are not talking about remote access, we are talking about remote control. So now you have turned your keyboard and mouse into remote controls and can kick back on your bed as a lazy blogger and operate your computer. You don't have to worry about all those cords tangling up and you can move about freely within that area while gathering thoughts to add to your next blog post or build that master tweet which will give you a million re-tweets. OK, so who loves to clean? Let's look at the question asked in detail. I am sure 99% of the people who have to clean their homes regularly would love to find a much easier way to do so than spending half a day dusting, wiping and vacuuming. Everyone wants a clean home but no one wants to do the cleaning. So here comes the remote control vacuum cleaner, ready to walk the whole carpet in the blink of an eye while you sit in the lazy couch with the remote eating nachos. No, don't open your eyes any wider. Yes! there are sophisticated remote control vacuums which could make cleaning as easy as A,B,C. Take for instance the Roomba Vacuum. Roomba is a robot vacuum which can clean your floor without doing blind bumps into furniture and getting stuck. The Roomba has excellent navigation, compounded by good cleaning power and high sensibility as it relates to navigation when cleaning. So for all you lazy cleaners out there who just wants to click the remote and go, checkout Roomba. If you are as old as i am, long before clock existed and the only way to tell an hour was with a sand hourglass, you would no that when toy cars were made. Remote control was nowhere in mind. As a matter of fact the first set of toy cars were simple push and pull. Fast forward to the present and you find that all toy cars are remote enable unless you are doing a collection of cars you will get them in a much more collector friendly size and color. Remote control cars, trucks, trailers and buses are available right off the toy shelves ready to be enjoyed by mostly young boys. Remote control toy cars are very exciting to drive and if crashed you don't have to worry about injury or insurance. Sorry guys, this one isn't fully built yet. But there are prototypes being developed as we speak. The remote control wife is your regular sweet, loving and many times annoying angel that you have sworn to eternal love, till death do you part. But i am sure many times we wished that they actually came with a remote that had special buttons such as "get me a beer, make me a sandwich, and stop annoying me about cutting the yard button. But unfortunately scientist has not completed and working models. But have hope guys, have hope. The remote control is here to stay and in time will be improved upon. It has made our lives simple and with new ideas comes new innovations. Lets give a big cheer to the remote control.
“When I was but a young lad, I had to walk to school uphill both ways in the snow, and I …. okay fine then! Actually, when I was young, no actual jumping aids existed (at least not that I knew of since they were not in most stores and there was no internet!). My basketball buddy found a rudimentary pair of plyometric shoes (not sure how) and to make a long story short, in 3 months, he moved from a vertical leap that was a full 6″ less than mine, to a full 5” higher than mine! That was frustrating for me, but alas, his shoe size was much smaller than mine, so no shoe-sharing! Plyometric shoes are just one of the great options for training. I’ve laid out a few other awesome options right here! MAN, do I ever wish this existed back in 1963 when I was in …. just kidding! More like 1990 when I was a senior in high school!” READ MORE … Finding the best women’s basketball shoes is extremely important, because when it comes to a high impact sport like basketball you need the necessary comfort and support to prevent serious injury. Nothing can ruin a good basketball game more than an unwanted sprained ankle because the shoes you were wearing were lacking the proper ankle support. Or sore feet because your foot is too wide for the show you chose. Along with ankle support and foot width, there are many other things you need to think about before buying just any pair of basketball shoes. Basketball is a very competitive sport, where you are constantly running up and down the court and guarding someone man on man to make sure that they do not score against you. With that being said, you need all the advantages you can get. And making sure you have the best basketball shoes can help give you the speed and agility needed to be the best player. Having the best shoes and equipment is particularly important in women’s basketball because there is less physical contact and more precision and fundamental skills are required. Like with most shoes, the most important aspect for most people is that their shoes are comfortable. Without having comfortable shoes to perform in, it is difficult to be successful and stay focused on performing to the best of your ability. When basketball shoes feel natural on your feet they are more likely to be doing their job, which is to make sure your feet are protected from any injuries. If you are wearing uncomfortable shoes while playing basketball, or really while doing anything, they can cause prolonged discomfort or long-term problems including plantar fasciitis and shin splints. When it comes to looking for comfort in basketball shoes there are a couple of areas that you need to pay close attention to. The midsole of the shoe is the area that your foot rests on. Some people may refer to this area as the insole, like the thing that you can switch out of your shoes if you are dissatisfied with what the shoe already has in there. The midsole is one of the most important areas to look for when it comes to comfort because it is where all the nerve endings on your foot will be resting as you are wearing these shoes. Since most basketball shoes are mid or high-tops (as you will learn about below) it is important to find basketball shoes that have a padded heel collar. The ideal heel collar will provide you with stability and comfort, plus it will be made out of a nonabrasive material that will not cause any problems such as irritations. When it comes to basketball shoes there are multiple lengths of the tops of the shoes. The classic high top converse, were one of the first shoes considered basketball shoes, and they had a higher “top” to them that was built to protect your ankle. Basketball shoes nowadays are built with a little more stability to help support your ankles while you are playing this rough sport. But not all basketball shoes have a high top, there are many different varying lengths for this part of a basketball shoe. On these types of basketball shoes, the material extends above the ankle to help provide support. These types of shoes are best for the centers who need to have as much stability as possible when scrambling to get a rebound. A high-top cut shoe is also found to be a little bit more heavier and durable than the other shoes because they are built to be strong Perfect for any position, the mid-top is just right in between low and high top. As it may seem since “mid” means middle. These types of sneakers provide some ankle support like high top shoes do, but they also have the flexibility needed to move around a little more agilely. This type of shoe is cut to allow your ankle to be exposed. Low-top basketball shoes are ideal for guards, because it allows them to have more control over their speed. These basketball shoes also allow you to make quick cuts to the rim for a layup. But don’t let all the advantages fool you, without that extra support from high top or even mid-top basketball shoes, you are more likely to end up with a rolled ankle in these shoes. Making sure that your basketball shoes stay on your feet may be the most important thing having to do with basketball shoes altogether. If they are not on your feet then how can they even help you out? There are many different ways that basketball shoes can fasten. Each has their perks and their downfalls. The most popular way to fasten basketball shoes to fit onto your feet tightly is lacing. The majority of basketball shoes have laces. Unfortunately, if your laces come untied while playing basketball that could cause a problem, you could trip, or worse, lose the ball. The straps that are on basketball shoes can either be fastened with Velcro or sometimes a D-fasten belt. Straps help tighten your shoes, or some shoes have both laces and straps, so the straps keep the laces in place so they do not come untied. The easiest to secure of all of the fasteners on this list is the zipper. A decade ago (history of basketball shoes), it was very common to find zippers on basketball shoes. Some with just zippers alone, but most had laces that have a zipper closure above the laces to keep the laces tight and in place. Although not as common today, you may still see a few styles of basketball shoes with zippers. Basketball shoes can be made from a variety of materials. When it comes to the materials that basketball shoes are made out of it is important to consider where you will be playing, plus what type of feet you have. For example, if you have feet that get excessively warm, you should probably look for a more breathable material to minimize foot sweating that call lead to smelly feet. When having basketball shoes that are made out of canvas, it means that the shoes will be more breathable to help keep your feet dry from sweat. Breathable shoes also help keep your feet from overheating, which can cause your feet to swell and potentially make your shoes feel too tight. Although leather is a more expensive material to have basketball shoes made out of, they provide a lot of support and durability. Most shoes are not made entirely out of leather, they are normally made of a combination of canvas and mesh, to help keep your feet well ventilated. A less expensive way to get the durability and support that leather has is to buy a pair of basketball shoes that are made out of synthetic leather. Or if you are an advocate for PETA, then synthetic leather would be the way for you to go. They are also normally engineered with other materials such as canvas to help keep your feet dry. While most basketball is played indoors, so you don’t have to make sure you have a sole that is complete for rough terrain, you do need to find a pair of basketball shoes that are appropriate for court use. The outsole or the traction on the bottom of the shoe is another important aspect to look out. You will need a shoe that has a rubber bottom that can provide a nice grip to the slick court surface. But the outsole should also provide stability, support, and protection from your feet. Without this type of protection and grip to the court, you are likely to be slipping and sliding, as if you were gliding on an ice skating rink. AND1 is a less expensive variety of basketball shoes, but some people may view them as being the classic brand for basketball shoes. Created with a TPU clip, to help with the stability of these shoes, the Master 2 AND1 basketball shoes provide an all-day comfort level. Especially since these shoes have a double density midsole, you can be confident you will not mark up the court you play on. The outer sole of the shoe has a diamond-shaped traction pattern that allows for the bottom of the shoe to grip to the court surface tightly without any problems. Another great aspect of the AND1 Master 2 basketball shoes is that they are made of synthetic leather and mesh to help with the airflow and breathability of the shoes, to keep your feet dry. Under Armour is a little new to the basketball shoe market. Yet they have stepped out with a line of perfect shoes for any position on a basketball team. These shoes are one of the few basketball shoes that are engineered and created specifically for women. Designed for people with more narrow feet, Under Armour has added additional padding to the heel of the shoe to help keep the shoe fitting snug. The cushioned midsole offers shock absorption to help prevent any pain from jumping or landing. Like most basketball shoes, you will find that these Under Armour shoes are lined with a herringbone triangle shaped traction design on the bottom sole of the shoe to help with traction and grip even on the dustiest courts. Called the Hyperdunk for multiple reasons, this basketball shoe has a HyperFuse upper, which is durable and made to provide your foot with needed support and stability. The HyperFuse will also help fit your ankle into the shoe tightly. The Dynamic Flywire which is another Nike Basketball Shoe technology provides more added support and keeps your foot locked into place. The cushioning that is found on the Nike Hyperdunk is mostly in the heel and forefoot, which are the areas that take the most impact while playing basketball. This basketball shoe is great for indoor use because the traction pattern that is featured on the sole of the shoe is perfect for a slick court. With complete Micro G cushioning, this Under Armour shoe will feel like you are running on top of a cloud. The softness of this shoe will keep your foot protected with a thick layer of foam. The foam padding is also built to absorb any shock while running onto hard court floors to keep your foot safe and protected. The top on this pair of basketball shoe is a cross between a mid-top and a low-top. The low part of these shoes appear in the back part, letting you have the flexibility to change directions easily, but the front of the shoe has a mid-top that helps keep your ankle supported from any injuries. Made from synthetic leather, these shoes have great durability and support, plus good ventilation to keep your feet dry. Made with TORSION SYSTEM technology, the Adidas Women’s Pro Model Zero W basketball shoe is great for anyone who needs to move across the court quickly. With a leather trim, these shoes not only look professional but provide the strength and support that the best basketball shoes can. Made out of leather, the upper on this shoe provides your foot with needed support so you can avoid any injuries while beating the opponent to the basket. And most importantly, this shoe has a molded EVA midsole and a PU insole that provides your foot with the best comfort you can feel while playing on the court. These Nike Air Visi Pro V basketball shoes are perfect for any player. With the Nike Air technology in the heel of the shoe, it helps provide you with a bounce in your step. The traction at the bottom of the shoes are in a herringbone pattern to help keep you from slipping and sliding all over the floor while you are covering a player on man to man defense, and it has the Nike Phylon foam in the midsole to provide excellent comfort coverage. While the upper is lightweight, it is also durable and breathable; made from a synthetic leather. The shoes may seem a little stiff at first since they are made out of leather, but would only need a day or two to break them in to fit on your feet. The Under Armour UA Clutch Fit Drive 3 basketball shoe is a show stopper. With their crazy pattern designs, these shoes are great for looking cool on the court. But they also have a lot of engineered technologies that help makes this one of the best basketball shoes for women. The ClutchFit technology provides a lot of support and protects the ankle and Achilles heel with extra padding and a more secure fit. The bottom of the sole has diamond shaped insets that provide great grip and traction when shuffling around the court, and can prevent slipping while making sudden direction changes to speed around the opponents. Engineered with Phylon cushioning, these shoes will provide you with a caring amount of comfort to ensure happy feet at the end of a long game. Created entirely from synthetic materials, it is safe to say that these shoes are ventilated well. Keeping your shoes breathable help from your feet to become overheated or sweaty, Nike calls this technology Breath Tech. The high ankle collar in these Nike basketball shoes helps keep your foot in place in the shoe and prevent any rolled ankles. But the ankle support is really the only support that these shoes have. The rubber sole at the bottom provides a fair amount of traction on a slippery floor with its multi-directional pattern, but even the sole lacks some support. The best feature of these shoes is the compression foam midsole. This midsole provides an all over comfort. Even though it has a simple design, it is one of the best basketball shoes on the market. With a high ankle collar in the front but a low top in the back, these shoes provide support and flexibility; which makes these shoes great for any point guard or shooter. The mesh upper creates circulation throughout the shoe to keep your foot dry and cool. But this shoe also has leather and synthetic overlays that help keep this shoe tight and secure on your foot during ever play till the last buzzer. While it may look like a typical basketball shoe, the Overply VII basketball shoe is created with patented Breath Technology, only provided by Nike. This technology provides a great circulation of air so your feet won’t overheat or become moist from sweat. With lightweight Phylon cushioning that runs from heel to toe, these shoes are lightweight and make moving around the court easily. The multi-directional traction on the bottom of these shoes also helps with moving around the court easily, as well as gracefully. It is hard to play a sport on a court if you are constantly slipping or sliding. When comparing the best basketball shoes it is hard to determine which one will be the best for you. Since everyone is created differently, everyone will have a different style, foot type, or cushioning preference or tolerance. And these are all things to take into consideration when purchasing a pair of shoes. It is also important to know, while we do offer links to the shoes that we rate, to ensure that the shoes you are going to buy are the best shoes for your feet, you should try them on instore. Sometimes a shoe that was great and amazingly comfortable for one person, can feel like wearing wooden clogs to another person. Overall, the best and most versatile basketball shoe on this list would be the Under Armour ClutchFit 3. Although Under Armour is a little new to the basketball shoe game, these shoes are the most versatile and best shoes on the list. Not only do they have a variety of cool and colorful designs for the outer part of the shoe, they also provide a great secure fit with their ClutchFit technology. The foam padding in these shoes provides the best comfort that you can expect from playing four long quarters of a basketball game against a hard opponent. But if you are looking for the best bang for your buck, the AND1 Master 2 basketball shoes would be the way to go. Don’t let the inexpensive price fool you. With the dual density midsole, these shoes can provide comfort like a slipper, and the herringbone traction featured on the bottom of these shoes will make sure that you are not slipping and sliding into other players. Also, the Master 2’s are made out of mesh and synthetic leather, so they are breathable and will keep your feet dry, no matter how sweaty they get. These shoes may seem like classics or too old school for some players, but they are the best basketball shoe you can find for a relatively inexpensive price.
After more than 30 years of operating its financial planning and investment management business under a broker/dealer model as Waring Financial Group, GCW Capital, LLC was created to give its principals an independent and transparent platform to better serve their clients. As a fee based Registered Investment Advisor, GCW Capital’s advisors can focus on helping clients navigate the complex landscape of personal financial and investment planning with unbiased advice and guidance. Our fiduciary duty to our clients is to always put their interests in front of our own without exception. At GCW Capital Group, our approach to investment management is based on the belief that all great investment plans start with solid financial planning. From your financial plan, we can help develop customized portfolios that fit each goal and time horizon. Our goal is to give our clients access to the capital markets using a transparent process providing efficient, low cost, diversified portfolios. As an investor, you must believe in the long term equity markets and approach your investments with patience and discipline. In an effort to truly manage and grow your core wealth, the best approach is to use solid asset allocation strategies, properly diversify across all prudent asset classes, and re-balance the portfolio to keep it within your investment policy statement. Fees, expenses, and trading costs should be closely monitored and kept to a minimum whenever possible. Do not let emotion dictate your investment decisions. Greed or panic in response to a current short term economic or market event will hurt your long term performance and success. Always be aware of proper tax management with in a portfolio but do not let taxes be the driving factor in your global decision making process. There is such a thing as over diversification and under diversification. Finding the right exposure for each asset class is key to your success as an investor. It is the new machine that we developed in the year 2011,totally we fit 12 imported Sanyo motor on it,with wire rotation on its back.producing both springs and wire-forming products within wire diameter from 2.5mm to 6.0mm. Stuart has been working within the it industry for two decades covering a huge range of topic areas and technologies, from data centre and network infrastructure design, to more recently cloud architecture and implementation. Many businesses are diving in and moving everything to the cloud others are taking a split approach by moving some things into the cloud and leaving others on premise this is called hybrid cloud however you decide to approach it, moving to the cloud is becoming inevitable for businesses. Cloud based crm has so much to offer a small business, and gone are the days when cloud management is complicated and expensive there are now cloud solutions that are simple to use and easy to navigate without breaking the bank. The benefits of moving to the cloud are indisputable the right cloud service will provide the agility and flexibility you need to succeed while letting you keep your focus where it belongs — on your business. Moving your business to the cloud is a good move for any organization that wants to protect their data, have mobility and flexibility, and have a cost effective solution that fits your evolving needs. A majority of businesses are finding that a hybrid approach works best, leaving some things on traditional, local servers and moving more resource-heavy applications to the cloud this can be a permanent strategic solution, or a stop along the way to going 100% cloud-based. Cloud computing has become to take place in the business world today the biggest player in the cloud computing marketplace as we not expected, its amazon, yes amazon, purchasing books via amazon website, that amazon. Why your small business should move to the cloud cloud has become the new normal in enterprise it, but going on-demand isn't just for major companies. Many new and old businesses can benefit from cloud computing in the case study, zynga is a prime example of a company that takes advantage of the amazon cloud computing services to help manage its growing customer base. Cloud computing has become a standard method of software operation for many businesses it offers many significant advantages, such as a potential cost savings, ease of sharing data and applications, quickly find the desired information, automatic backups, reduced support and maintenance costs, and improve the efficiencies (lauder & lauder. The cloud is beyond its days of being something to fear, and my best advice would be to start analyzing your current solutions against some of the comparable cloud offerings today -- you might. Cloud control - 5 reasons why your business should move to the cloud estimated reading time: 2 mins the benefits of cloud-based systems continue to be recognizable, with more and more companies and mom-and-pop businesses looking to make the switch. Custom business application while it can be a challenge to move a custom application to the cloud, you stand to gain a lot by doing so in the cloud world, the software can control the infrastructure through a series of api calls. Why cloud computing because it's the best thing for small business since the creation of the stapler cloud computing can give you access to your business data and applications from anywhere at anytime from any mobile device, at a reasonable price. Cloud business benefits - this lecture looks closely at what benefits the cloud can give your organization from a business and strategic perspective cloud constraints - from this lecture you will learn that the cloud isn't the answer for everything. Be the cloud broker for the business matt peers, cio at linklaters, says the bringing together of systems and services is still a concern for it leaders considering a move to the cloud. A move to the cloud is not as simple as eliminating your physical network infrastructure and software and moving everything to a hosting company not every aspect of your business can be easily and effectively moved into the cloud, so you must do your homework to ensure that the hosted services -- as well as the cloud provider itself -- can. The digital economy requires connectivity that is not tethered, regardless of your circumstances employees need to access their data at any time, from any location, using any device to operate quickly with customer requests as quickly as possible from resolving the axes to the problem is with financial issues. Kevin fogarty is a reporter, editor, analyst and blogger whose work appears in leading technology and business publications and who focuses on developments in technology, science and medicine that. On the other hand, moving underlying servers to a cloud model (through virtualization) or doing so with the platforms that support business applications will cause fewer disrup. The business world is moving towards the cloud for many enterprise applications where to store important data, however, may be problematic for some for these companies, security and other. • online business is the biggest user of cloud computing, at first online business need to process too much data and information online, online business also need save and keep many information of customers, so it need a strong cloud computing to support it. 10 compelling arguments for your business to move to office 365 today if working efficiently is a priority, you'll love this list using the cloud has so many. Businesses that are globally deployed can use the immediacy of the cloud (the ability to switch it on or off) and its scalability (the ability to upsize or downsize on-demand) to support rapid operational or even strategic change. Armory recommends businesses with any of the above concerns to take a hybrid-cloud stance: migrating the applications most ready for the cloud while still retaining data-centers for applications and sensitive data that should stay in place. Cloud computing can mean big changes for small businesses those changes have been realized by many of today's small-business owners, from tech startups in the heart of silicon valley to urban. There's no simple answer to the question of when you should move to the cloud, but businesses need to consider it now or risk getting left behind selecting the right cloud provider means choosing.
Pic: Sam Pinder scored two tries_(SW Pix).Glasgow Warriors 69, GRAN Parma 7A steady drizzle poured down on Hughenden this evening. But the enthusiasm of the Glasgow faithful was far from damped as Warriorsa?" deluge of 10 tries swept aside GRAN Parma in the European Challenge Cup.By racking up as many as 69 points Glasgow broke their own record score in any competition home or away in the professional area. But it was the manner of the victory that should be remembered rather than the simple statistics.Despite the scoreline this eveninga?'s contest was not one where the overwhelming winners just scored a will. Parma played an organised game, they knew what they wanted to do and, more important, what they had to do. But they were up against a team who had their minds set on a higher level. Right from the start the purpose stated by Glasgowa?'s rugby was to play a fast, wide-spread game despite the conditions.Their attitude paid off. Within the first quarter they scored three tries, two of them by Hefin Oa?"Hare. Their 24-0 lead was comfortable insurance against any lapses of concentration, but it was not needed. Glasgow kept up the pace and persistence almost throughout the 80 minutes, and only deep in added time in the first half did they allow Parma away for a try.Oa?"Hare added his third try for a 31-0 lead after 36 minutes. Sam Pinder had two tries, and each of Oa?"Harea?'s threequarter-line colleagues, Rory Lamont, Graeme Morrison, and Andy Henderson, scored one each, as did Kevin Tkachuk and Steve Swindall. Dan Parks kicked six conversions and a penalty goal, and his new understudy, Ruaridh Jackson, had two conversions to mark his Glasgow debut.Parks had much more influence on the contest than his place-kicking. His game management was excellent, mixing the play with fine kick placements and passing variety. Indeed, his contribution was such that it drew Sean Lineen, Glasgowa?'s head coach, to remark after the game that the stand-offa?'s rugby in the past couple of weeks has been a??the best Ia?"ve seen him play.a??Glasgowa?'s previous best in the professional era was in beating Ontario 65-21 in the Toronto invitation tournament in 1999. In regular competition their highest score had been 62-38 in winning against Newbridge in the 1996 European Conference, the forerunner of the Challenge Cup: that game in Wales was Glasgowa?'s first in Europe. The best at home was 59-14 against Pontypridd at Hughenden in the 2001-2002 Celtic League.As for this eveninga?'s record-breaking event, Parks set the ball rolling with a long penalty goal in five minutes. Oa?"Hare a?" a??a model professionala??, as Lineen described him afterwards a?" then plucked out two tries in quick succession. First he cut through the middle from 15 metres and stepped past the last Parma opponent, and he then chased down a Graeme Beveridge kick ahead for his second.Beveridge, who was to be named man of the match, was to be the catalyst for the third try. The scrum halfa?'s break up the left touchline from loose ball and Parksa?'s astute linkage provided for Andy Henderson to score.Parma lost Carlo Festuccia, their captain and hooker, to the sin-bin on the half-hour, and, that, ironically, coincided with the longest dry spell in Glasgowa?'s scoring, though Euan Murray deserved a try when he broke clear to run fully 40 metres. The prop was denied by Carl Manu only five metres out, but the applause from the crowd for Murray could not have been louder if he had score.His fellow prop, Tkachuk, was a key in Glasgowa?'s fourth try, earning the bonus point. Not only did he make the initial thrust but he also had a hand in the subsequent linking, and Lamont made a telling infield cut before Parks chipped through for Oa?"Harea?'s third try.Parks converted all four first-half tries, the second and fourth from tight on the left touchline. But time was still left before the interval for Parma to make their only strike. Ironically, it came from Lamonta?'s exploitation of turn-over ball, but Jason Tiatia intercepted John Barclaya?'s pass to run from halfway for a try that Rima Wakarua converted.Only 65 seconds into the second half, however, Beveridge was the spark again for Henderson to provide for his fellow centre, Morrison, to score. Parks again converted.Hendersona?'s break and Oa?"Harea?'s run up the touchline made Lamonta?'s try, and after Steve Swindall had been denied close to the line Pinder sliced nipped over in the left corner. Parks hoisted Glasgowa?'s half-century by converting the second of those two, his third from the left touchline.In the last 13 minutes, with Glasgow fielding two apprentices, Jackson and Calum Forrester, three more tries flowed in. Swindall went more than close, Tkachuk finished what he started with a charge from near halfway as a prelude to an incisive contribution from Forrester, and Pinder had his second. Jackson, the sorcerera?'s apprentice, converted two of those, one from the right touchline.Glasgow Warriors a?" Scott Barrow; Rory Lamont, Graeme Morrison, Andy Henderson, Hefin O'Hare; Dan Parks, Graeme Beveridge; Kevin Tkachuk, Scott Lawson, Euan Murray, Dan Turner, Alastair Kellock (captain), Andrew Wilson, John Barclay, Jon Petrie. Substitutes a?" Justin Vaa?"a for Murray (half-time), Andy Newman for Kellock (53 minutes), Steve Swindall for Wilson (53), Sam Pinder for Beveridge (53), Fergus Thomson for Lawson (64), Ruaridh Jackson for Parks (64), Calum Forrester for Barclay (64).Tries, Oa?"Hare (3), Pinder (2), Lamont, Morrison, Henderson, Tkachuk, Swindall; conversions, Parks (6), Jackson (2); penalty goal, Parks.GRAN Parma a?" Rima Wakarua; Jason Tiatia, Aaron Kimura, Carl Manu, Massimo Ravazzolo; Lisandro Arbizu, Lisandro Villagra; Luciano Artal, Carlo Festuccia (captain), Vittorio Golfetti, Martin Engelbrecht, Gaston Llanos, Paul Derbyshire, Julio Alcacer McKinley, Roberto Mandelli. Substitutes a?" Claudio Russo for Alcerer McKinlay (37-40), Antonio Mannato for Arbizu (half-time), Alessio Galante for Mandelli (43), Ramiro Martinez for Artal (61), Russo for Golfetti (61), Alan Edington for Villagra (61), Gianmarco Pulli for Engelbrecht (64). Not used a?" Damin Buzaj.Try, Taitai; conversion, Wakarua.Referee a?" Rob Debney (England).Man of the match a?" Graeme Beveridge.Attendance a?" 1707.Pic: Sam Pinder scored two tries_(SW Pix).Glasgow Warriors 69, GRAN Parma 7A steady drizzle poured down on Hughenden this evening. But the enthusiasm of the Glasgow faithful was far from damped as Warriorsa?" deluge of 10 tries swept aside GRAN Parma in the European Challenge Cup.By racking up as many as 69 points Glasgow broke their own record score in any competition home or away in the professional area. But it was the manner of the victory that should be remembered rather than the simple statistics.Despite the scoreline this eveninga?'s contest was not one where the overwhelming winners just scored a will. Parma played an organised game, they knew what they wanted to do and, more important, what they had to do. But they were up against a team who had their minds set on a higher level. Right from the start the purpose stated by Glasgowa?'s rugby was to play a fast, wide-spread game despite the conditions.Their attitude paid off. Within the first quarter they scored three tries, two of them by Hefin Oa?"Hare. Their 24-0 lead was comfortable insurance against any lapses of concentration, but it was not needed. Glasgow kept up the pace and persistence almost throughout the 80 minutes, and only deep in added time in the first half did they allow Parma away for a try.Oa?"Hare added his third try for a 31-0 lead after 36 minutes. Sam Pinder had two tries, and each of Oa?"Harea?'s threequarter-line colleagues, Rory Lamont, Graeme Morrison, and Andy Henderson, scored one each, as did Kevin Tkachuk and Steve Swindall. Dan Parks kicked six conversions and a penalty goal, and his new understudy, Ruaridh Jackson, had two conversions to mark his Glasgow debut.Parks had much more influence on the contest than his place-kicking. His game management was excellent, mixing the play with fine kick placements and passing variety. Indeed, his contribution was such that it drew Sean Lineen, Glasgowa?'s head coach, to remark after the game that the stand-offa?'s rugby in the past couple of weeks has been a??the best Ia?"ve seen him play.a??Glasgowa?'s previous best in the professional era was in beating Ontario 65-21 in the Toronto invitation tournament in 1999. In regular competition their highest score had been 62-38 in winning against Newbridge in the 1996 European Conference, the forerunner of the Challenge Cup: that game in Wales was Glasgowa?'s first in Europe. The best at home was 59-14 against Pontypridd at Hughenden in the 2001-2002 Celtic League.As for this eveninga?'s record-breaking event, Parks set the ball rolling with a long penalty goal in five minutes. Oa?"Hare a?" a??a model professionala??, as Lineen described him afterwards a?" then plucked out two tries in quick succession. First he cut through the middle from 15 metres and stepped past the last Parma opponent, and he then chased down a Graeme Beveridge kick ahead for his second.Beveridge, who was to be named man of the match, was to be the catalyst for the third try. The scrum halfa?'s break up the left touchline from loose ball and Parksa?'s astute linkage provided for Andy Henderson to score.Parma lost Carlo Festuccia, their captain and hooker, to the sin-bin on the half-hour, and, that, ironically, coincided with the longest dry spell in Glasgowa?'s scoring, though Euan Murray deserved a try when he broke clear to run fully 40 metres. The prop was denied by Carl Manu only five metres out, but the applause from the crowd for Murray could not have been louder if he had score.His fellow prop, Tkachuk, was a key in Glasgowa?'s fourth try, earning the bonus point. Not only did he make the initial thrust but he also had a hand in the subsequent linking, and Lamont made a telling infield cut before Parks chipped through for Oa?"Harea?'s third try.Parks converted all four first-half tries, the second and fourth from tight on the left touchline. But time was still left before the interval for Parma to make their only strike. Ironically, it came from Lamonta?'s exploitation of turn-over ball, but Jason Tiatia intercepted John Barclaya?'s pass to run from halfway for a try that Rima Wakarua converted.Only 65 seconds into the second half, however, Beveridge was the spark again for Henderson to provide for his fellow centre, Morrison, to score. Parks again converted.Hendersona?'s break and Oa?"Harea?'s run up the touchline made Lamonta?'s try, and after Steve Swindall had been denied close to the line Pinder sliced nipped over in the left corner. Parks hoisted Glasgowa?'s half-century by converting the second of those two, his third from the left touchline.In the last 13 minutes, with Glasgow fielding two apprentices, Jackson and Calum Forrester, three more tries flowed in. Swindall went more than close, Tkachuk finished what he started with a charge from near halfway as a prelude to an incisive contribution from Forrester, and Pinder had his second. Jackson, the sorcerera?'s apprentice, converted two of those, one from the right touchline.Glasgow Warriors a?" Scott Barrow; Rory Lamont, Graeme Morrison, Andy Henderson, Hefin O'Hare; Dan Parks, Graeme Beveridge; Kevin Tkachuk, Scott Lawson, Euan Murray, Dan Turner, Alastair Kellock (captain), Andrew Wilson, John Barclay, Jon Petrie. Substitutes a?" Justin Vaa?"a for Murray (half-time), Andy Newman for Kellock (53 minutes), Steve Swindall for Wilson (53), Sam Pinder for Beveridge (53), Fergus Thomson for Lawson (64), Ruaridh Jackson for Parks (64), Calum Forrester for Barclay (64).Tries, Oa?"Hare (3), Pinder (2), Lamont, Morrison, Henderson, Tkachuk, Swindall; conversions, Parks (6), Jackson (2); penalty goal, Parks.GRAN Parma a?" Rima Wakarua; Jason Tiatia, Aaron Kimura, Carl Manu, Massimo Ravazzolo; Lisandro Arbizu, Lisandro Villagra; Luciano Artal, Carlo Festuccia (captain), Vittorio Golfetti, Martin Engelbrecht, Gaston Llanos, Paul Derbyshire, Julio Alcacer McKinley, Roberto Mandelli. Substitutes a?" Claudio Russo for Alcerer McKinlay (37-40), Antonio Mannato for Arbizu (half-time), Alessio Galante for Mandelli (43), Ramiro Martinez for Artal (61), Russo for Golfetti (61), Alan Edington for Villagra (61), Gianmarco Pulli for Engelbrecht (64). Not used a?" Damin Buzaj.Try, Taitai; conversion, Wakarua.Referee a?" Rob Debney (England).Man of the match a?" Graeme Beveridge.Attendance a?" 1707.
HomeBlogWoman Imprisoned for Life for Minor Drug Offense; Banking Giant Immune to Justice for Massive Drug Laundering As a Ft Lauderdale criminal defense lawyer, I’m used to seeing this sort of disparity in the treatment of people who stand before the Bar of Justice — and I knew that the United States leads the world (we just passed China!) In per capita prison population; but did you also know that our very own “Florida”leads the U.S. in the same per capita (percentage of its people locked up!) prison population? Check out this news article and see how the bankers are treated with leniency and immunity, as compared to the rest of us commoners: This two-tiered justice system was the subject of my last book, “With Liberty and Justice for Some”, and what was most striking to me as I traced the recent history of this phenomenon is how explicit it has become. Obviously, those with money and power always enjoyed substantial advantages in the US justice system, but lip service was at least always paid to the core precept of the rule of law: that – regardless of power, position and prestige – all stand equal before the blindness of Lady Justice. It really is the case that this principle is now not only routinely violated, as was always true, but explicitly repudiated, right out in the open. It is commonplace to hear US elites unblinkingly insisting that those who become sufficiently important and influential are – and should be – immunized from the system of criminal punishment to which everyone else is subjected. Worse, we are constantly told that immunizing those with the greatest power is not for their good, but for our good, for our collective good: because it’s better for all of us if society is free of the disruptions that come from trying to punish the most powerful, if we’re free of the deprivations that we would collectively experience if we lose their extraordinary value and contributions by prosecuting them. This rationale was popularized in 1974 when Gerald Ford explained why Richard Nixon – who built his career as a “law-and-order” politician demanding harsh punishments and unforgiving prosecutions for ordinary criminals – would never see the inside of a courtroom after being caught committing multiple felonies; his pardon was for the good not of Nixon, but of all of us. That was the same reasoning hauled out to justify immunity for officials of the National Security State who tortured and telecom giants who illegally spied on Americans (we need them to keep us safe and can’t disrupt them with prosecutions), as well as the refusal to prosecute any Wall Street criminals for their fraud (prosecutions for these financial crimes would disrupt our collective economic recovery). A new episode unveiled on Tuesday is one of the most vivid examples yet of this mentality. Over the last year, federal investigators found that one of the world’s largest banks, HSBC spent years committing serious crimes, involving money laundering for terrorists; “facilitat[ing] money laundering by Mexican drug cartels”; and “mov[ing] tainted money for Saudi banks tied to terrorist groups”. Those investigations uncovered substantial evidence “that senior bank officials were complicit in the illegal activity.” As but one example, “an HSBC executive at one point argued that the bank should continue working with the Saudi Al Rajhi bank, which has supported Al Qaeda.” “US authorities defended their decision not to prosecute HSBC for accepting the tainted money of rogue states and drug lords on Tuesday, insisting that a $1.9bn fine for a litany of offences was preferable to the ‘collateral consequences’ of taking the bank to court. . . . “Announcing the record fine at a press conference in New York, assistant attorney general Lanny Breuer said that despite HSBC”s ‘blatant failure’ to implement anti-money laundering controls and its wilful flouting of US sanctions, the consequences of a criminal prosecution would have been dire. “Had the US authorities decided to press criminal charges, HSBC would almost certainly have lost its banking licence in the US, the future of the institution would have been under threat and the entire banking system would have been destabilised. “HSBC, Britain’s biggest bank, said it was ‘profoundly sorry’ for what it called ‘past mistakes’ that allowed terrorists and narcotics traffickers to move billions around the financial system and circumvent US banking laws. . . . “As part of the deal, HSBC has undertaken a five-year agreement with the US department of justice under which it will install an independent monitor to assess reformed internal controls. The bank’s top executives will defer part of their bonuses for the whole of the five-year period, while bonuses have been clawed back from a number of former and current executives, including those in the US directly involved at the time. “John Coffee, a professor of law at Columbia Law School in New York, said the fine was consistent with how US regulators have been treating bank infractions in recent years. ‘These days they rarely sue individuals in any meaningful way when the entity will settle. This is largely a function of resource constraints, but also risk aversion, and a willingness to take the course of least resistance,’ he said.” DOJ officials touted the $1.9 billion fine HSBC would pay, the largest ever for such a case. As the Guardian’s Nils Pratley noted, “the sum represents about four weeks’ earnings given the bank’s pre-tax profits of $21.9bn last year.” Unsurprisingly, “the steady upward progress of HSBC’s share price since the scandal exploded in July was unaffected on Tuesday morning.” The New York Times Editors this morning announced: “It is a dark day for the rule of law.” There is, said the NYT editors, “no doubt that the wrongdoing at HSBC was serious and pervasive.” But the bank is simply too big, too powerful, too important to prosecute. That’s not merely a dark day for the rule of law. It’s a wholesale repudiation of it. The US government is expressly saying that banking giants reside outside of – above – the rule of law, that they will not be punished when they get caught red-handed committing criminal offenses for which ordinary people are imprisoned for decades. Aside from the grotesque injustice, the signal it sends is as clear as it is destructive: you are free to commit whatever crimes you want without fear of prosecution. And obviously, if the US government would not prosecute these banks on the ground that they’re too big and important, it would – yet again, or rather still – never let them fail. But this case is the opposite of an anomaly. That the most powerful actors should be immunized from the rule of law – not merely treated better, but fully immunized – is a constant, widely affirmed precept in US justice. It’s applied to powerful political and private sector actors alike. Over the past four years, the CIA and NSA have received the same gift, as have top Executive Branch officials, as has the telecom industry, as has most of the banking industry. This is how I described it in “With Liberty and Justice for Some”: “To hear our politicians and our press tell it, the conclusion is inescapable: we’re far better off when political and financial elites – and they alone – are shielded from criminal accountability. “It has become a virtual consensus among the elites that their members are so indispensable to the running of American society that vesting them with immunity from prosecution – even for the most egregious crimes – is not only in their interest but in our interest, too. Prosecutions, courtrooms, and prisons, it’s hinted – and sometimes even explicitly stated – are for the rabble, like the street-side drug peddlers we occasionally glimpse from our car windows, not for the political and financial leaders who manage our nation and fuel our prosperity. “It is simply too disruptive, distracting, and unjust, we are told, to subject them to the burden of legal consequences.” That is precisely the rationale explicitly invoked by DOJ officials to justify their decision to protect HSBC from criminal accountability. These are the same officials who previously immunized Bush-era torturers and warrantless eavesdroppers, telecom giants, and Wall Street executives, even as they continue to persecute whistleblowers at record rates and prosecute ordinary citizens – particularly poor and minorities – with extreme harshness even for trivial offenses. The administration that now offers the excuse that HSBC is too big to prosecute is the same one that quite consciously refused to attempt to break up these banks in the aftermath of the “too-big-to-fail” crisis of 2008, as former TARP overseer Neil Barofsky, among others, has spent years arguing. And, of course, these HSBC-protectors in the Obama DOJ are the same officials responsible for maintaining and expanding what NYT Editorial Page editor Andrew Rosenthal has accurately described as “essentially a separate justice system for Muslims,” one in which “the principle of due process is twisted and selectively applied, if it is applied at all.” What has been created is not so much a “two-tiered justice system” as a multi-tiered one, entirely dependent on the identity of the alleged offender rather than the crimes of which they are accused. Having different “justice systems” for citizens based on their status, wealth, power and prestige is exactly what the US founders argued most strenuously had to be avoided (even as they themselves maintained exactly such a system). But here we have in undeniable clarity not merely proof of exactly how this system functions, but also the rotted and fundamentally corrupt precept on which it’s based: that some actors are simply too important and too powerful to punish criminally. As the Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz warned in 2010, exempting the largest banks from criminal prosecution has meant that lawlessness and “venality” is now “at a higher level” in the US even than that which prevailed in the pervasively corrupt and lawless privatizing era in Russia. Having the US government act specially to protect the most powerful factions, particularly banks, was a major impetus that sent people into the streets protesting both as part of the early Tea Party movement as well as the Occupy movement. As well as it should: it is truly difficult to imagine corruption and lawlessness more extreme than having the government explicitly place the most powerful factions above the rule of law even as it continues to subject everyone else to disgracefully harsh “justice”. If this HSBC gift makes more manifest this radical corruption, then it will at least have achieved some good. “‘I remember my mom crying out and asking the Lord why,’ said Ms. George, now 42, in an interview at the Federal Correctional Institution in Tallahassee. ‘Sometimes I still can’t believe myself it could happen in America.'” As the NYT notes – and read her whole story to get the full flavor of it – this is commonplace for the poor and for minorities in the US justice system. Contrast that deeply oppressive, merciless punishment system with the full-scale immunity bestowed on HSBC – along with virtually every powerful and rich lawbreaking faction in America over the last decade – and that is the living, breathing two-tiered US justice system. How this glaringly disparate, and explicitly status-based, treatment under the criminal law does not produce serious social unrest is mystifying.
For Film Comment, Marc Walkow surveys the career of director Tomu Uchida, currently the subject of a retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art. Like many commercial Japanese directors of his era, Uchida has long been underappreciated in the West, but “the uniformly high quality of his works and his ability to succeed in a variety of genres mark him as a filmmaker very ripe for (re)consideration by critics.” In a new interview with the Village Voice’s Bilge Ebiri, composer Hanan Townshend discusses his collaborations with Terrence Malick: “Terry sometimes says he’s the carpenter and I’m providing him with the wood and the nails.” As part of Behind the Screens, a series of interviews with film programmers, the Observer speaks with the Japan Society’s Aiko Masubuchi on her mini-retrospective Pop! Goes Cinema: Kadokawa Film & 1980s Japan. “It’s like Chekhov—a black comedy, a human comedy,” says Isabelle Huppert about her controversial new film Elle. A self-help seminar inspires a sixty-something woman to romantically pursue her younger co-worker. (imdb) A cute comedy that kind of understands it's own characters and still likes them. Avoids a lot of the trappings of this kind of comedy via this and you get a growth to accompany some actually funny moments. If you see the trailer and hope for sally field being a quirky funny old lady you get what you paid (or invested your time) for. It works as a comedy, i laughed my ass off and i don't have a sense of humor. Heartfelt moments came as genuine, the story flowed in a realistic enough way. Daly plays the cranky but loyal steadfast best friend well. It ends ambiguosly as if it had something deep to say when it doesnt so that was just dumb but whatever Entertainment 4/4: endearing with plenty of LOL moments. Spirit: 1.5/3 People finding growth through the impulses of Life. Sustainability: 1/3 Reconsidering ageism. "I found a pair of her jeans and I got so depressed I tried them on. They fit me perfectly. I'm wearing them now." Does the best it can with a premise that was doomed from inception to fail. Paints an utterly vain and unlikeable picture of contemporary New York millennials and contains one of the worst-developed supporting characters I have ever seen. Cringe inducing, and deliberately so, from start to end. The film didn't need the fantasy scenes of Doris macking on a shirtless John. All it really needs is Field. And when she's allowed to hold the screen without gimmicks and detours into curdled whimsy, Hello, My Name is Doris is a movie well met. I ended up enjoying this not so typical coming of age movie. Field was charming and Greenfield was believable. It worked. I wasn't too fond of the open ending. *Good Sally Field gives false hope to weird old ladies. Not highbrow cinema, but delightfully in it's predictable way. Sally Fields was wonderful in this quirky little movie about an older woman with designs on a younger man. She is always a pleasure to watch. Max Greenfield was somewhat satisfying. It was entertaining to see her dancing to industrial music & becoming the center of attention. Some of the daydream segments were quite amusing. Thanks to Sally this is elevated to something fun & worth watching. By the end we are rooting for her to succeed, but we get another open ended non-ending. Field delivers a great comedic performance in a decent film populated by television actors. A lot of cringeworthy moments, but a lot of funny ones too. The film almost feels like a comment on modern RomComs with the daydreaming fantasies, though overall fails to be completely memorable. In the end, it's just a standard rom-com really. There was one scene that had me really feeling for the character, but I left the theatre thinking there must be 100 of these made every year. Its biggest sin for me was that the comedy bits overall fell flat. Sally Field did as much as one could, but the script didn't really give anyone much to do. Sally FIeld is spectacular as Doris. Unfortunately, the film around her is not. Field allows the film to flourish, especially when it struggles against the typical indie dramedy trappings. Those sorts of questions push this idiosyncratic indie pic beyond the standard-issue romcom boundaries into something deeper and more meaningful. Inspiring, even, when you look at it with your head cocked a bit. It's just too bad Hello, My Name Is Doris didn't say good-bye to more of the genre's other standard trappings--the profanity and sexual stuff. ( Doris' willingness to risk embarrassment in an attempt to try to better her life is the kind of trait that's not only admirable but hard not to like. She'd be the kind of underdog that's incredibly easy to root for & only laugh at, but the left turn the film takes midway through gives her a dimension you don't see coming & makes her journey far more sympathetic. It's unfortunate that the film feels the need to end things as neatly as it does - it works, but still feels like something's missing. Viewed March 11, 2016. Maybe not as immediately subversive or hilarious as one would expect from Michael Showalter, but it's refreshingly realistic in ways that this genre rarely allows. Sally Field and Max Greenfield are both remarkable, and the loaded supporting cast are responsible for most of the film's biggest laughs (The "Jennifer?" scene, especially). This is an utterly predictable and forgettable indie comedy. Field is always a fine actress and the only quality of interest in this whole boring mess where I didn't laugh once. Because of very gentle and healthy climate, the Croatian coast is very suitable for living and for holidays. Its narrow coastal area with islands has Mediterranean climate (gentle and rainy winters, and warm, dry and sunny summers). In January, north from Šibenik the average temperature is between 8 –10 C, while south from Šibenik it is even warmer. In July, the average air temperature on the Croatian coast is between 26,8 – 30,9 C. Small daily temperature oscillations and high number of sunny days (up to 2500 sun hours per year) have positive effect on human organism. The highest sun is in the middle part of the coast (about 2700 hours) where the sunniest island is Hvar with 2715 hours of sun.In the coastal area, the most of the rain falls in October and November in the north, and in November and December in the south; while the driest months are July and August. The total amount of precipitation would be enough if the soil base wouldn't be so porous (lime – stone and dolomitic karst) and if the distribution of precipitation wouldn't be so inconvenient. Snow is rare phenomenon, and even if it falls, it holds just for a day or two.The most usual winds are bura, jugo and maestral. Bura is specific coastal north-eastern wind; it is more frequent in winter than in summer and blows in gusts, sometimes even faster than 120 kilometers per hour. It raises waves to 2,5 meters high and brings mostly clear weather. Jugo is warm and humid south-eastern wind that blows at constant speed, raising relatively high wavers. The people are especially fond of maestral, daily landward breeze that blows from the sea to the coast in the warmer part of the year and makes summer heats easier to endure. Gentle winters, and dry and hot summers caused growth of the exuberant Mediterranean evergreen vegetation on the coast: slender cypresses, aromatic laurels, blooming, oleanders, graceful tamarisks, strange aloes and flowering agaves, magnificent mimosas veiled with sunny-yellow flowers that announce spring, mellow oranges, tangerines and lemons, almonds and fragrant pines; and the symbols of the coast – graceful olive tree and wondrous fig-tree.However, the most significant vegetation type on the coast is modest macchia (dense evergreen underbrush ) with its evergreen ilex and green juniper-tree, whose beauty is complemented with fragrance of sage, heather, rosemary and lavender.
It’s better to visualize the data rather texting it. The brain anatomy also says that, our brain process images up to 60 times faster than written data. So visualizing is much better than writing the facts and that gave rise to big data visualization. Depicting the facts and analysis report is much better than documenting it. In other words data visualization is a visual representation of results obtained from various analyses. The data visualization tools are so easy to implement and are dynamic in nature that on changing of data it quickly changes its fact and graphic representation, so it simply means that data visualization tools has a property of real time support. The main goal is to be able to communicate the information clearly and efficiently. Recent trends in Business intelligence influence many areas such as big data analytics, social collaboration, social networking and some other useful areas of cloud computing. Data visualization affects these trends, being a consumer or creator and these tools also helps the market competitors to stay ahead in BI industries. It is very much important to know the target audience to quickly establish the story board, making to understand the approach and efficiently gathering the user’s data and visual requirements. Depending upon the audience that comprises of managers, domain experts or some higher level vice president of an organization our resulting data visualization must be very high and accurate for gaining an insight and giving a 360 degree view, allowing the audience to drill down for some key details. Data visualization tells very clearly the whole story line of how the things are going to proceed. This technology gives a clear narrative that must include complete plot. After successful data visualization session a person should be clearly able to identify key measurements that can be easily viewed, managed and monitored as well. Many of the tools focus on the data that is actually needed to be addressed for a specific domain. A real world problem solving example of data visualization, where counting some unique words within the artist, taking a sample data of 35,000 lyrics. This helps in solving a real time use cases within the music industry. Many tools used for data visualization are open source and there are many of the free applications that can be used for data visualization and also used with some programming technologies such as JSON (Java Script object Notation), HTML 5 or dominating languages like python. Some of the tools used are-: It is best suited for showing data of country, state or street views. It uses vector graphics and supports Java script for image and vector tiled maps. It is also helpful in displaying complex datasets over Maps. Data visualization tool designed for dynamic data visualization that can integrate, prepare and analyze any kind of data, highly suitable for end to end data visualization that can be used with hadoop that makes the data simple for their audience. It has a compatibility feature with hadoop that combines self-service data integration technology. Step 1: Downloading the latest release of Datameer from, unzipping the installed file, and then changing the working directory. Step2: Adding a new user and adding a new group (using traditional linux commands), changing the owner and user of the group. Step3: Configuring the Datameeer by editing the /etc/ allocating additional memory to and changing from 1 GB to 2 GB. In order to install our own custom database, so that we can connect with other type of databases for our existing database for Apache hadoop, each of the database installation has its own installation instructions. We can install various versions of this distribution for running Datameer and making the things enable in order to have a correct data visualization tool. With the help of Datameer visualization tool we can easily manage our data in graphical form and will be able to perform fast and reliable Business intelligence logics. After installation of Datameer, we will be provided with a dashboard that we will be using with hadoop, furthermore there are many techniques that channel the specific data to Datameer for visualization. This article describes the data visualization technologies and makes the users to enable the use of this powerful tool so that they can be able to visualize the massive raw and unstructured data. We have also discussed about one of the prominent data visualization tool for implementing in hadoop that gives an insight to make data visualization a better technology for big data analysis. There are many ways to build a mobile app – easy and difficult ones. There are tools that allow you to build mobile apps easily, without spending too much time. But will these easy tools give you the best results? Xamarin vs React Native: Best Framework For Your Next App The overall quality of a mobile app is of utmost importance. We can’t sacrifice quality just because we can quickly and easily complete a mobile app project. On the other hand, you may not want to spend a huge amount of time and money building an app. Rather, we need tools that allow us to develop great quality mobile apps without spending too much time. Actually, development time and product quality are not the only factors that we should consider while choosing a mobile app development framework. There are other important factors like development environment, community support, and so on. Xamarin and React Native are two hot and trending technologies for cross-platform mobile app development. But which one should you choose? Which tool is best for your business? In this comparative guide, I will discuss with you the most important factors that you should consider while choosing between Xamarin and React Native for your next mobile app. Xamarin by Microsoft is an open-source, mobile app development software. You can build Android, iOS, and Windows apps using this tool. In Xamarin, you have to write code in C#. React Native by Facebook is also an open-source mobile app development tool that lets you build mobile apps for Android, iOS, and Windows. In React Native, you have to write code in JavaScript and React. For Xamarin, the only development environment you have is Visual Studio. Although there are other options, Visual Studio is the only suitable platform. It’s inconvenient to use Xamarin in other development environments. You can download Visual Studio with Xamarin from this link. React Native lets you develop mobile apps using different IDEs and text editors such as Atom, Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code, Vim Editor, Nuclide, Spacemacs Editor, Deco IDE, TextMate Editor, and so on. There is so much flexibility. You can choose from several text editors and IDEs. For your mobile app development project, select the one that you like the most. We just discussed that the only suitable development environment we have for Xamarin is Visual Studio, which means that there is not much flexibility. But you have to keep in mind that this is an awesome IDE with useful features, which makes the life of a developer a lot easier. In Visual Studio, you get all the development tools in one place, which speeds up your mobile app development process. When you make some modifications in your code, you don’t need to recompile your code. Using the Hot Reloading feature in React Native, you can reload your app instantly without recompiling. This feature saves you a ton of time while in Visual Studio, you have to compile each and every time you make changes in your code. Xamarin: Xamarin gives you near-native performance by using platform-specific hardware acceleration. You can’t achieve this kind of performance with platforms where the code is interpreted at runtime. React Native: When you’re building a mobile app using React Native, you’re not building an HTML5 app, a mobile web app, or a hybrid app. Rather, you’re building a real mobile app that will be fast enough. React Native lets you use native code. For a better performance, you can also build a part of your application using native code. According to, more than 15,000 companies use this platform. Top companies that use Xamarin are Cognizant, BOSCH, 3M, Honeywell, slack, JetBlue, etc. A great number of companies including Fortune 500 companies are using React Native. This framework has been used in apps like Facebook, F8, Instagram, Skype, Facebook Ads Manager, Skype, Airbnb, Tesla, Walmart, Bloomberg, Chop, Artsy, Discord, SoundCloud Pulse, and so on. Xamarin has been there for quite a long time. So there’s a good community support and assistance available for this platform. A great number of blog posts and tutorials have been written about Xamarin and there are a huge number of questions and answers about Xamarin on Q&A sites like StackOverflow. So if you get stuck somewhere while coding in Xamarin, you will most probably find relevant information on the Internet to solve your problem. React native is comparatively a new framework. So there’s a small amount of information available about it on the Internet. But if you face any problems or have any questions, you can get reliable answers by asking questions on Q&A sites and forums. It’s a cross-platform mobile app development tool from Facebook. You have to write code in JavaScript and React. • Shared code: If you’re building an app for multiple platforms (like Android, iOS, etc.), you can reuse most of your code in your app for the other platforms. • Licensing cost: As the business license cost starts at $999, it will be hard for many companies to afford it. Without purchasing a business package, you won’t be able to create multiple accounts for your developers. So, it will be difficult for your developers to work together on a project. • Slower than native apps: With Xamarin, you can achieve high performance. But apps built with Xamarin will not be faster than native Android apps built with Java and native iOS apps built with Objective-C and Swift. • Direct use of native code: You can use both, React Native and native code to optimize your app to a great level. • Navigation issues: The navigation of your mobile app will not be as good as native navigation. A navigation designed using React Native is not that smooth. • Slower than native apps: Like Xamarin, React Native also lets you develop high-performance apps. But apps built with React Native will not be faster than native Android apps built with Java and native iOS apps built with Objective-C and Swift. I don’t have a straightforward answer to this question because both of these frameworks are really great, have impressive features, and help you develop high-quality apps in less time. In this article, I have discussed several factors with you such as development environments, performance, etc. Now taking all the important factors into consideration, you have to decide which one might work best for you! Which framework would be the right fit for your next mobile app? And why? Let us know in the comments section. Completely disagree with you in terms of community support, RN community is vibrant and overwhelmingly stronger. And there is way more articles and learning options than for xamarin. Plus, they are of much better quality. After installing Red Hat, we need to know how to use it. This is going to be the subject of this article. Have a nice reading!! This is the login screen. To use the system, you need first to authenticate to the system, by providing your credentials. Credentials are valid user and password. In our case, type root as a user (and press Enter), and redhat as its password (and press Enter again). This is called the Shell. In the first article of this series “Red Hat Linux Administration – (1) Introduction“, I told you that the Linux shell is an interactive command-line interface where a user can type a command, and get its result(s). I told you also that the Linux shell lies of top of the kernel (which is the core of the Linux operating system). Over years, several shells have been developed. The most used, well-known types are Bourne Shell sh, Korn Shell ksh, C-Shell csh, and the Bourne-Again Shell bash. Each shell has its own features, and uses. The default shell in Red Hat Linux is the Bash Shell. So, a user is first asked to present what proves he is a legal authentic user of the system. When his credentials are verified, a startup program is loaded for that user. The default startup program for Linux users is the (bash) shell. Almost all your work is done from the shell. That is an important reason for you to learn and master using shell. Of course, that will not happen in a day!! But, let me tell you something: stay with us, and you will be not only a shell master, but a master of Linux as well. Promise!! The whole structure of bash shell prompt is changeable using an environment variable PS1. Later, when we come to customizing the bash shell, and to using Environment Variables, we will see how to play with this variable to change the shell prompt as you prefer. ARGUMENTs are zero or more data items needed for the command to execute. Most of the time, arguments are file names or directory paths. The shell works like a command-line interpreter, where commands are typed, executed, and have their results displayed to the user.
Well, Gillian Anderson spends some time seeing and not seeing UFO’s. She and her “X-Files” partner pretended to see them together for one episode in the wee hours of the morning. “It was, like, 2 o’clock in the morning and we were standing on this hill and it was kind of drizzling,” Anderson groans. “And we both had to synchronize our eyes with the way the UFO’s would eventually be moving . . . We stood there for God knows how long.” “We did an (‘X-Files’) episode with kind of a beast-woman,” Duchovny says, “a feral humanoid . . . She was 6-foot-1 and matted hair, and beautiful in her own way.” The series, at 8 p.m. Fridays on Channel 32, is the home of UFO’s and the paranormal. It’s the place for beast-women, arctic monsters and more. This week, it has a killer who can switch gender at will. You don’t see that very often, even in rock ‘n’ roll. ” ‘The X-Files’ is a show people are really starting to talk about,” says Fox programming chief Sandy Grushow. In an awful time slot, “The X-Files” has found viewers. This year, Grushow says, it’s given Fox a 27 percent increase for the hour. The filming (in Vancouver) is stylish and the music (by Mark Snow) is terrific. Duchovny and Anderson create believable characters, from surprisingly solid scripts. The groundwork was laid during previous seasons, when the “Sightings” documentary series held the time slot. Indeed, producer Henry Winkler implies that the show was canceled mainly because of company politics. ” ‘Sightings’ was produced by an outside company,” Winkler says, “and ‘The X-Files’ is done by . . . Fox itself. I have never watched ‘The X-Files,’ and may they live in health.” Whatever the reason for the change, “The X-Files” started with a core of believers. Then it added a layer of dramatic oomph. Anderson, who plays the show’s skeptic, is sometimes a believer in real life. “I have, for a long time, believed in certain aspects of the unknown — ESP, psychokinesis, UFO’s.” “I believe in the abstract, but not in the specific,” he says. “If you ask me if I believe in the possibility of the things we do on the show, I would say yes. But if you ask me if I believe that they actually have happened, I’d say no.” And producer Chris Carter thought that he was a pretty good buff of these things . . . until he met his staff. “But they had these crazy journals and newsletters that come from who-knows-where,” he says. “And they were able to write a story using a lot of very factual, if you will, information.” Now “The X-Files” has become part of the lore. One intense letter was mailed to Fox Mulder, Duchovny’s fictional character; zealots already have started storing “X-Files” trivia. These are the newest variation of Trekkers or Leapers, but without an official name. “I’m calling them ‘File-o-philes,’ ” Carter says. That’s not so bad, actually. On a Friday that includes Urkel and old detectives, we could do worse than become a nation of File-o-philes. One show is hailed for its finely honed subtlety, the other is famed for its Grand Guignol gore. Back to back, the way they’ll air tomorrow night, “The X-Files” and “Tales from the Crypt” offer intriguingly different approaches to suspense and horror – under-the-edge and over-the-top. When you talk about series that could only be shown on cable TV – the sort of signature fare that pay-cable built its reputation and audience on – HBO’s “Tales from the Crypt” goes to the top of the list. Consistently (and deservedly) one of the highest-rated series in cable history since its debut five years ago, it features zestily macabre and deliriously twisted little morality plays that would earn an R-rating from a film board and are not for the faint of heart or stomach. But producers Joel Silver, Richard Donner, Walter Hill and Robert Zemeckis always had more in mind for “Crypt” than cable. They’re calling it quits after 65 episodes, figuring that’s enough for the eventual big payoff of TV syndication, while making plans for three feature films and moving the show in reruns to Fox. “HBO is wonderful, but it’s only seen by one-fifth of the homes in America,” said Silver, who also produced the “Lethal Weapon” movies with Donner. “When you do something like this, you want to be seen in as many places as possible. “Fox wanted to run it nightly, after Chevy Chase went down, but what made the most sense was late Saturday night. It’ll be new to most of the audience, so we’ll see what happens.” Two episodes, a couple of distinctly offbeat love stories starring Demi Moore and William Hickey, air at 9 and 9:30 p.m. tomorrow on WOIO Channel 19, after a special early broadcast of “The X-Files” at 8. “Crypt” then will run weekly at 10 p.m. Saturdays on Channel 19. For Fox, Silver said in a recent interview, the big change is editing what he called its “extremely cable-ready language.” Some of the violence, gore and nudity will also be toned down, either through editing or the use of “coverage” – tamer footage that was shot at the same time as gamier scenes. “We always shot coverage, but we’ve had to cut some of the episodes down anyway, to get to 22 minutes” for commercial broadcast, Silver said. “Originally, none could be longer than 30 minutes, and they always came in around a half hour, but they never had to be exact,” he said. “Some of them play better shorter. The stories don’t suffer and the pace is faster.” They’re still not for kids. Based on such classic and then-controversial E.C. Comics of the early 1950s as “Tales from the Crypt” and “Vault of Horror,” the stories blend suspense with contemporary adult humor and eye-popping special effects. It has boasted actors like Tom Hanks, Joe Pesci, Whoopi Goldberg, Teri Garr, Richard Thomas, Christopher Reeve, Kirk Douglas, Blythe Danner and Louise Fletcher, and gave Hanks, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Michael J. Fox their first shots at directing. Besides Silver, Donner, Zemeckis (“Who Framed Roger Rabbit”) and Hill (“48 HRS.”), other directors have included John Frankenheimer and William Friedkin. Danny Elfman, Ry Cooder, Jan Hammer, Jimmy Webb and David Newman have contributed music, and the show’s opening title sequence alone is a TV classic. “We want them to be little movies,” Silver said. “They’re hard to make. To get good people and to do it properly is hard. I only do what I believe in. I always loved the comic books as a kid and thought it would make a great series.” With some 500 comics stories still available, Silver and his partners are putting together a deal for three 90-minute feature films aimed for release starting next Halloween. His favorite episode is one in which Pesci plays a gigolo who romances wealthy twin sisters. To marry them both, he convinces them that he is twin brothers. Their revenge? “The X-Files” sits at the other end of the suspense spectrum. It slides you to the edge of your seat instead of jolting you there. Stars David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, playing FBI agents who investigate unexplained cases that might involve paranormal phenomena, coolly underplay the horror as they chase UFOs, genetic experiments gone awry, hibernating serial killers, de-evolved beast people or a homicidal computer chip. Executive producer Chris Carter tries to keep the cerebral but exhilarating show “within the realm of extreme possibility” or “speculative scientific possibilities.” He relies on plotting and atmosphere for its nightmare-inducing scariness – not to mention the moody music by Mark Snow, who made “X-Files” the lone TV show cited recently for achievement by Keyboard magazine, along with film composers including Danny Elfman, Ennio Morricone and Vangelis. Carter is well aware of Fox standards – “like they won’t let you see somebody giving a shot, you can’t show somebody dead with their eyes open, you can’t show too much blood” – but he seldom pushes them. “We choose to imply a lot, and I think that’s what has helped keep the show sort of creepy and mysterious,” he said. “We don’t go over the top in terms of gore, and that’s by design of the writers and producers. “What we can’t show, a lot of the time, is what we don’t have time to show or to shoot, or that the budget won’t allow. But I’ve gotten to do almost everything that I wanted to do. “I didn’t want each episode to become centered around its particular effect. I think we have to tell a better story than that to bring the audience back each week.” Ratings have been unspectacular overall, but solid and growing among Fox’s target 18-49 age group – especially for Friday, which is generally considered an out-of-the-house, away-from-TV night. Buzz for the show is strong enough that Fox has renewed it for next season. Its soft-spoken stars bear temperamental resemblance to the characters they play, down to Duchovny’s wry, deadpan sense of humor. In point of view, however, they’d be cast in opposite roles. While Duchovny’s Agent Fox Mulder is a maverick who believes in the forces of the unknown, “I guess I believe in the abstract but not the specific,” the actor said. “If you ask if I believe in the possibility of things we do on the show, I would say yes. If I believe that they actually have happened, I’d say no. “I had one experience with something in the sky, which is basically that I saw a plane and then it was gone and it’s not that interesting. So that would be my one experience with an unidentified flying object.” Anderson, whose skeptical Agent Dana Scully keeps tabs on Mulder, says she hasn’t had “any personal experience with UFOs or anything that might be considered paranormal, but I have for a long time believed in certain aspects of the unknown – ESP, psychokinesis, UFOs.’ Is she ever bothered by Scully’s continued skepticism, despite the strange things she sees with Mulder? “Usually by the end of an episode, there is a logical explanation to what she has seen,” Anderson said. “Her first instinct is always going to be to try and solve the cases from a scientific, analytical standpoint. “There have been opportunities for Scully to question her own beliefs, especially more recently,” she said. “Certainly Mulder ends up seeing a great deal more than Scully does – it just so happens that he is in the middle of it, while I’ve got my seatbelt on in the car or something. Certainly not in a romantic clinch, despite the desire of some fans and close relationship of Scully and Mulder. “I’ve always said that I think the best kind of sexual tension for me is when you put a smart man and a smart woman in a room, no matter if it’s romantic,” Carter said. “What we have with Mulder and Scully is a mutual respect, a mutual passion to solve these cases. “People have responded to that. I had somebody write in and say that if Mulder and Scully ever kissed, they’d throw their television set out the window. Yes, there has been an avalanche of critical praise, but the ratings have been lower than a snake’s belly. According to the latest Nielsen ratings, the series that straddles the suspense and science-fiction genre line was ranked fourth from the bottom. But Fox Broadcasting considers The X-Files (Fridays at 8 p.m. on KBVO, Channel 42 Cable 5) a success. That’s because it delivers the young audience that advertisers covet and because the show has a loyal core audience that includes a lot of well-to-do and highly educated people. David Duchovny, best-known for his portrayal of the bizarre transvestite detective Dennis/Denise in Twin Peaks, stars as FBI agent Fox Mulder, a man who passionately believes that paranormal phenomena are responsible for several of the bureau’s strange cases. Gillian Anderson co-stars as Dana Scully, an agent trained in science and medicine who is sent by the bureau to debunk Mulder’s claims. Scully hangs onto her scientific skepticism but finds herself increasingly intrigued by Mulder’s theories. “Fox has loved this show from the beginning,” said creator-executive producer Chris Carter in Los Angeles recently. “I think they expect the ratings to rise as more people find out exactly what the show is.” Defining exactly what The X-Files is may well be the problem. It’s scarier than most sci-fi dramas; it has a base in modern-day reality, and yet it deals with such supernatural activity as UFO abductions and spontaneous combustion. “I really don’t think this show is science fiction,” Carter said. “I stand by my original description of it as a suspense drama about speculative scientific possibilities.” And some of those speculations are terrifying, thanks to great storytelling, fine acting and minimal special effects. The scary stuff, for the most part, is implied rather than shown, which is in part due to budgetary constraints but also due to a creative decision in the tradition of Alfred Hitchcock. “I think not relying too heavily on special effects forces us to tell a better story,” Carter said. “Showing too much can be self-defeating.” Among the things Carter said the network will not let him show are too much blood, dead people with their eyes open and hypodermic injections. He doesn’t know why, and Fox executives offered no explanation. Apparently there was no mention from Fox about showing a man melting in a fire and his hideously deformed face afterward. That episode was by far the scariest to date, one that pre-teens and teens who are devoted fans probably had nightmares about. Parents should use caution in allowing younger children to watch X-Files. It is not intended for children and is often quite intense. Tonight’s episode – about a being who switches genders at will and commits sex crimes – definitely sounds inappropriate for youngsters. Not surprisingly, the show receives hundreds of letters from viewers who have an unnatural affinity for it, including many who claim to have been abducted by aliens. “I got a letter addressed to Fox Mulder from a man who said he had met an alien,” Duchovny said, shaking his head. “It was kind of sad in a way.” Unlike his character, Duchovny doesn’t believe in the series’ “speculative scientific possibilities,” although Anderson, in contrast to her character’s beliefs, does believe in the possibility of paranormal phenomena such as telekinesis and extrasensory perception. Whether you believe them or not, the strange stories make fascinating television, and Fox is hoping more and more people will join a group of viewers that Carter has fondly dubbed “File-ophiles.” Last year, Twentieth Television’s new “The X-Files” turned international heads at the Los Angeles Screenings, four months before the show even premiered to U.S. audiences. Since then, the show has caught on in such international territories as Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom and Spain, and has built into a Friday night ratings power for FBC. The key to the show’s success, its creators say, is its blend of fact-based “weird science” and the universal fright appeal of the unknown. “There are some really creepy episodes of this show that get under your skin and turn you into a raving psychotic even though you know the two leads are going to get out of it OK,” says USA today television critic Matt Roush. “In terms of the sort of ‘fantastic’ franchises out there, ‘X-Files’ possesses a sort of special kind of terror,” he adds. “We haven’t seen that kind of scary anthology since the 1960s or 1970s . . . where the show really dares to get under your skin.” Before FBC slotted the new “X-Files” into what had been a weak 9 p.m. (ET) slot on Fridays, the show had already created a buzz with international buyers. “‘X-Files’ was a bit of a surprise, because we all knew very little about it upfront,” says Marion Edwards, senior vice president for Twentieth Century Fox International Television. “The paranormal aspects of the show are fascinating to people of every culture. Even though it’s a strictly American-style, one-hour show, it’s really universal in its theme,” she said. Internationally, “X-Files” is posting strong young adult demographics for such leading broadcasters as Spain’s Antena 3 TV, where it airs in Monday’s 10:30 p.m. time slot, and on Australia’s Network Ten, where it runs Thursdays at 9:30 p.m. Domestically, FBC had dedicated much of its Friday promotional efforts to the new 8 p.m. Western spoof “The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr.” early in the season, but since beefing up promotions for “X-Files” at 9 p.m., the show has taken off in the ratings. In fact, its season finale on May 13 generated the best ratings for households and adults age 18 to 49 for any FBC series ever on a Friday night, scoring an 8.8 Nielsen Media Research rating (percentage of TV homes) and a 16 share (percentage of sets in use) and 7.2/23, respectively, in those categories. “When people began hearing about the name ‘X-Files,’ there was a lack of awareness about what this show really is,” says Dan McDermott, FBC senior vice president of current programming and specials. “Once people start to watch the show, what they find is that it’s one of the most original creative shows on television today,” he said. “It’s a little bit sci-fi, a little bit paranormal, and involves the belief — or at least the acceptance of the potential belief — in the paranormal,” he said. “What we do best is take the story and try to make it as believable as possible, and that’s where the big scare lies,” says series creator and executive producer Chris Carter. Fox’s “The X-Files” is the guilty pleasure show of the season, a moody, atmospheric and very scary sci-fi drama that recalls “Twin Peaks” or “Silence of the Lambs” in its intensely credible portrayal of the, shall we say, otherworldly. It may not make you a believer (and the great thing about the show is, it’s not out to), but you’ll sure have fun considering the possibilities. Abduction by extra-terrestrials. Government-sponsored human genetics experiments. Spontaneous combustion. The Jersey Devil. Jack the Ripper. Cover -ups, conspiracies, cults. “The X-Files” is “Unsolved Mysteries” for sophisticates. Created and usually written by Chris Carter, “The X-Files” premiered in September and has built a following in its 9 p.m. Friday time slot that, while loyal, amounts to a mere blip in the Nielsens. Nonetheless, Fox has recently ordered a full season’s worth of episodes and is showcasing the series in better time slots. Monday, it gets a tryout in the two-hour Fox movie block (8 p.m, Channel 2) with two episodes back-to-back. “The X-Files” depicts the adventures of two FBI agents who investigate the nutty top-secret stuff the Bureau (on orders from the Pentagon or the White House) doesn’t want the public to know about. Fox Mulder (David Duchovny, who played the cross-dressing DEA agent on “Twin Peaks”) is a believer and, for that, his fast-track career has been derailed. Tortured by a recovered memory of his sister’s alien abduction when they were children (she’s been missing ever since), Mulder is obsessed yet professional, mopey but sort of funny about it. His partner, Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson), is cut from the Jodie Foster-as-FBI-agent mold, methodical, cool under pressure, rational. A specialist in forensic medicine, Scully was originally assigned to discredit Mulder’s offbeat theories but she has ended up his protector, she’s come across enough evidence of governmental cover-ups to convince her that Mulder’s paranoia is justified. In their impassioned on-going debate, Mulder represents the metaphysical, Scully the logical. But it’s within the vast gray area between these poles that “The X-Files” does its most sneakily entertaining work. “The X-Files” hangs on The Big “What If?” but deftly avoids both New Age schmaltz and tabloid-TV schlock. Like its leading characters, “The X -Files” maintains a detached yet curious tone, the suspense builds almost imperceptibly and then you suddenly realize you’re on the edge of your seat. Like “Twin Peaks” or “Miami Vice,” “The X-Files” draws you in with the force of its conviction and the dark edginess of its vision. For sheer chill factor, it’s the spookiest thing on the tube since “The Twilight Zone.” For its special Monday showing, Fox is repeating “The X-Files”‘ pilot episode (8 p.m.), followed by the best episode so far (9 p.m.), in which Mulder and Scully go to the Arctic to investigate mysterious deaths at a government research outpost where scientists are drilling down into the ice to take core samples from prehistoric times. The episode borrows heavily from both “The Thing” and “Alien”; the scientists have unknowingly dug up prehistoric wormy creatures that enter victims through bodily orifices and mess up their hormones so they become highly aggressive, jumpy and super-strong. Isolated in the middle of snow fields with an ever-shrinking band of hysterics (and then there were three . . .), Mulder and Scully get to be even more paranoid than usual, suspecting each other of being a worm-infested murderer. Cool! Despite such phenomena as gnarly killer worms and thermonuclear alien beings, “The X-Files” is not your basic Weekly World News geekshow. What makes it worth your time is that it’s open to all possibilities, including the possibility that there’s a scientific explanation for everything. It’s not that the writers yank your emotions and then cop out. It’s just that the show suggests skepticism, restraint and scientific research before entertaining otherworldly answers. Without preaching, “The X-Files” acknowledges the vulnerability that makes us want to believe. In a recent episode, Mulder and Scully flip-flopped attitudes. She was convinced of a Death Row serial killer’s psychic powers and his ability to channel the dead, her father had just died and she desperately needed to hear his voice clearing up unfinished business between them. This time, Mulder was the skeptic, warning her about charlatans who play on fears and yearnings. As we approach the end of the century, belief in angels is the hottest trend and new revelations are emerging daily about government radiation experiments on unwitting Americans. In its distrust of the powers that be and its tug-of-war between the intellectual and the spiritual, “The X -Files” has captured the profound confusion of the times. Genetically engineered twins. A psychopath who starts fires with his mind. Aliens inside human hosts. Nope, it’s just another Friday night on ‘The X-Files,’ a 4-month-old Fox series that is developing a loyal cult following faster than you can say ‘Twin Peaks.’ ‘X-Files’ targets other worlds And no wonder Network TV doesn’t get much weirder than this mystery-thriller-drama that’s one part ‘Twilight Zone,’ one part ‘Silence of the Lambs’ and one part pure paranoia. Each hour-long episode revolves around FBI agent Fox Mulder (David Duchovny), an agency outcast who spends his time investigating unexplainable cases. He’s aided – and sometimes hindered – by level-headed partner Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson). ‘The show is about the collision of the mundane world and extraordinary reality,’ says Duchovny, who played a transvestite FBI agent on three episodes of ‘Twin Peaks.’ ‘The tension and the excitement comes when one of the two worlds has to adjust to incorporate the other one.’ Mulder is the bridge between the two universes, an intelligent man whose willingness to accept the possibility that Something Is Out There originated during childhood, when his sister was mysteriously abducted. Since then, he’s been obsessed with all things paranormal. ‘He’s someone that could have had a very thriving career in the mainstream of the FBI,’ says Duchovny, ‘yet he’s chosen to pursue something that means something to him and has therefore given up everything and become kind of a laughingstock.’ Ratings for ‘X-Files’ are low by network standards, but the folks at Fox consider it one of their hottest new shows. That’s because it’s attracting a large percentage of the network’s target audience – men and women ages 18-34. Moreover, word of mouth from — both critics and audiences has been excellent. All of which is good news to creator and executive producer Chris Carter, a former journalist who came up with the idea for ‘X-Files’ while researching examples of paranormal activity for a possible series. ‘I thought there must be a branch of the FBI that investigates these cases that involve unexplained phenomenon,’ he says. ‘The FBI doesn’t cop to any such branch, but I can’t imagine that it doesn’t exist.’ While ‘X-Files’ is clearly science fiction, its creator insists the phenomena explored in each episode aren’t complete fantasies. ‘All of them spring from some tidbit of scientific fact,’ says Carter. ‘Then we proceed on the big ‘what if?’ ‘
Just added this listing:"Come and check out this great 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath starter home or investment property. The upper floor features a large master bedroom with cheater door to the main 4 piece bathroom and 2 other bedrooms. The main floor features a large bright living room with patio doors to the fenced backyard, a 2 piece bathroom and a good size eat in kitchen. There is also a full basement which is great for storage or could be developed. This unit comes with one parking stall which is ... Full Article... Just sold this listing:"HOME is what you will call it....this wonderful family home has a lot to offer, from inside to out. An updated kitchen with all the appliances, patio doors to the front deck and plenty of room for those family diners, living room made for relaxing by the wood burning fireplace. 2 bedrooms up and 2 down along with a full bathroom on each level. Large windows on the lower level for that natural light and a great size family room. Get organized with all the cupboards and ... Full Article... Just sold this listing:"Great family home, offering 5 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Good size living room with laminate flooring, kitchen as been renovated featuring new cabinets, counter top and flooring. A wonderful cul-de-sac location close to schools and shopping. The pie shaped yard is big enough to hold all of your toys...and has a double garage and a deck. Move in just in time for the new school year (August 1)" Just added this listing:"HOME is what you will call it....this wonderful family home has a lot to offer, from inside to out. An updated kitchen with all the appliances, patio doors to the front deck and plenty of room for those family diners, living room made for relaxing by the wood burning fireplace. 2 bedrooms up and 2 down along with a full bathroom on each level. Large windows on the lower level for that natural light and a great size family room. Get organized with all the cupboards and ... Full Article... Let me start with a comment on a photograph chosen almost at random from the magnificent series of works dedicated to Manuel Tolsá. I am referring to the one titled “the unfolded corner”, taken in the Cabañas Hospice of Guadalajara (México), and which is, in appearance, one of the less obliging photographs of the artistic career of Joaquín Bérchez. I want to say that it might be disappointing for an enthusiastic on architecture to look at a photograph in which we see almost anything, but plain walls, slightly plastered, that meet without plastic chromatic opposition at an angle. There are not great lighting contrasts and you can hardly appreciate at what precise point there is a confluence of the walls, except from a thin vertical shadow that leads our sight up to down (and vice versa) communicating the lower socle with the upper cornice, slightly insinuated. Little more can be said except for the door that is in the lower right side, a small part of the pavement, and a “v”, a parapet, in the foreground, that is intentionally placed out of focus. Our precarious memory trays to find similarities, analogies, and finds visual indirect correspondences, like White square on white ground, or Architektonics, those plastered prisms which Malevich and his disciples played to dream with, by means of abstract utopist models. Without getting far from the same references, the photo we are talking about could also be linked to the drawings and paintings of the “dynamic suprematism”, done in the second half of the tens, filled, normally, with trapezoidal and prismatic shapes, in which the diagonal compositions were abundant. Related to this, is the real theme of this photograph: the vertical one that anchors the architecture to earth (and thus to us, spectators who have a material entity), which is shyly questioned by perspective points, formal evasions that invite us, out of our field of vision. But this does not happen in the four directions because the inferior V has a mirrored inverted counterpoint in the stone cornice on the upper part, in a way that the whole white central space is chained between an earthly and celestial parenthesis. There is only place for the hypothetical lateral shifting suggested by the diagonals that could lead us to the right or to the left, that is to say, to the directions permitted by our mortal body. That is how, in a subtle way, Joaquin Bérchez transcends the mere depersonalized abstraction in order to introduce an existential shade. The architecture is there, as a strong data that almost resembles a cosmic phenomenon, but the point of view, a point of view specifically human, and the insinuation of our real movement in the space, lowers the metaphysic tension of the theme and introduces senses and complex significances. The stone and mortar seem to be ingredients of a passionate universe. ¿Could we not understand this work as a polyptich? In fact, the vertical of the door and the angle divide the rectangle in three parts, as if we were in front of a central piece and two lateral pieces, and as if everything stood over a lower pedestal (made by the socle, the pavement and the angled parapet) and covered by the upper cornice. Thus, we are in front of a work for meditation (laic or religious), as many other master works of the art history, a place to find ourselves in the permanent combat between the serenity of what remains and the unsteady perception of our transitional fragility. But to say so it is insufficient. I do not think that there is anyone among the international photographers that knows better than Joaquín Bérchez the history of architecture, and such a data, that might have been anecdotic under other circumstances, is here most revealing. He knows well, for example, that a nude corner, with such stone frame, in such a setting, surprises the aware spectator that might well wait for some pilasters or another element proper of the classical tradition to which Tolsá belongs, without any doubt. Thus, the emptiness is not only an esthetic option of the photographer but something revealing of the complexity of the architectonic language whose discovery has the double value of been shown as academic proposition and critic comment. The corner unfolds (using the title) in a multiple direction: physic and perceptive, in the first place, but also erudite. I think that this is a very subtle and intelligent way for history of architecture as an academic discipline to achieve a more rigorous and deep status without abandoning the “creative” dimension, which is unfortunately, hidden in current learners. What Bérchez achieves is not that the architectures photographed by him seemed more beautiful but something much more interesting: to evidence the existence of plastic or iconologic values that had been unnoticed. The beauty of the shots is, somehow, a consequence of the qualities of the chosen themes, but there is no doubt that the look of the photographer (with his peculiar technical strategies) is the one that reveals (and the photographic term must be accepted with all its implications) things that were latent until then and must been discovered. Bérchez’s camera invents and finds: what is good for the historian is good for the creator, and vice versa. Such an intellectual and aesthetic position (its poetics if we choose a term nowadays not very much applied) might be confronted with the more vivid photographic currents of the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty first century. There is no doubt that the extreme clarity of the architectonic images, with great sizes and delicate carefulness in the technical details, is found in the works of many actual photographers. Let us think in the fathers of the most fertile currents of architectural photographers from the last decades, Bern and Hilla Becher. They adopted the idea of not changing the method for the shots, in a way that the point of view, the framing and the conditions of developing do not give priority to one theme over another. All the images seem thus so as equivalent. The idea that they belong to a “type” prevails over the singularity of each case: let us think in the widely known series like water tanks, cooling chimneys, furnaces etc, that are always offered in the same size, in orthogonal displays, like pieces of a huge mosaic with equal tiles. We appreciate the repeating pulse of minimalism (more or less coincident with serialization so praised by pop art) that stimulates to accentuate the common aspects of figurative pieces obtained from an equal master copy. There is not much difference from the case of direct or indirect disciples of these masters. Andreas Gursky, Candida Höfer, Thomas Ruff and many others, in several parts of the world, have manifested their preference for overall shots pleased to offer the architectonic greatness with a value that does not seem to be compatible with the delicate appreciation of details. Some of them offer, sometimes, diagonal views, but the purpose seems to be to show great deepness that underlines the implicit idea of dehumanization, the triumph of geometry and objects over life (it is widely known the preference of these artist for nude buildings) . One would say that this method tends to remove individuality (or to give triviality) to the theme chosen in order to praise the photographer as an inventor-creator. It is not by chance that all this has come in a moment that photography has reach, at last, the same critical and institutional appreciation and the commercial status that the traditional painting had already had. Bérchez’s role in this context is so rather particular. He is not tied by a prefixed axiom: the theme talks to the photographer and imposes changes on the point of view, on the distance and on the election of the moment to get better lighting. The human presence is not despised and in fact we know that Bérchez places in occasions human models in some places: they seem casual visitors, but they are there to give a scale and to inhabit what was built (and what is photographed) to live it and enjoy it. Each photograph comes out from a careful study of the theme, a confluence of two strong interests: the one of making a beautiful, neat and full (work of art) and to show the aesthetic and cultural values of the theme chosen for each occasion. Both aspirations fight against one another without letting us the possibility to say which one wins. There are so very general views (like the great staircase of the Mineria School titled Euridice definitely descend to the world of the dead), closer shots (as Up with the curtain) and very abundant close-up shots as The game of the goddess, Tamed bronze, Up and down etc). The same variety can be seen in the lighting conditions or the height of the sight, because there are views taken down-up (cupolas and ceilings), (contrapicado ) and impossible frontal views (with correction of the perspective diverging lines that the height of the cylindrical or prismatic architectonic bodies impose). If we say this in different words: each work has its own method. ¿How is it possible then, that we can detect in Joaquín Bérchez a clear and identifiable style?. We think that this explanation is based, once again, in a quality that no other photographer of architecture has, the deep knowledge of the things he sees, his historical sense and his plastic and cultural values. It might be because of this, that there is in Bérchez’s series a calculated play of the “zoom effect”: overall views, medium and close-up shots. So the whole building is shown without omitting revealing details. The ellipsis, that are many, spare us the irrelevant and the sight stops at a few images that allow us to reconstruct a magnificent ensemble, almost appalling. I would say that there is a method closely linked to the teaching paradigm (Bérchez, we must not forget is professor of art and architecture history). It is a pity that routine and boredom of many classes, in several academic contexts, maintain in an anemic state the way of reading and living architecture that has not been overtaken by other approximations nowadays fashionable (impressionist, touristic, commercial etc). If we are not wrong, Bérchez’s works would prove that this didactic habits can be dazzling, a solid method to organize his series, so rigorous like the great contemporary masters of architectonic photography, but more incisive and respectful of the complexities and values of the chosen theme. The style can also be found in what we should call “the chosen ticts”, something that affects the architectonic models as a whole, but especially some details and dispositions. Not all the buildings merit his attention, because although any construction could be considered as a pretext for a nice view that could confirm his status as an artist, there is not always that connection of forces and tensions, the flash, between the chosen work and the photographer’s capacity to reveal it. Bérchez, without doubt, is fascinated by oblique architecture, a very specialized theme apparently, and he offers it to avid fanatics of the baroque tratadist Juan Caramuel. I confess my belonging to this silent group (in which I also recognized my master Antonio Bonet Correa) and I see a complicity wink in the inclined balusters that Bérchez discovers in this Tolsá series (like Up and down, the minted staircase, Conveyor belt etc) and in other works about valencian buildings, or in the finding of some polygonal Ionic capitals (like Oblique Dolls published in number 19 of the FMR magazine). It is impossible to appreciate this if you are not aware that Caramuel was copied in his most essential parts, in the beginning of the eighteenth century by the valencian tratadist Tomás Vicente Tosca and this produced a “caramuelist” interest visible in many buildings of the ancient Valencian Kingdom, that would later be developed by Tolsá in distant Mexico, as it is proved in Bérchez’s work. The photohistorical series and the essay about Tolsá, with which this project is completed, reveal that the learned-photographer is very conscious of the academic implications, specifically historical-artistic, of his own creative work. But the ideas and images of Caramuel also fill these works in another, more subtle sense, stimulating the diagonal shots. We have already seen this in our appreciation of the Unfolded corner. But we do not must forget other graphic discoveries of Bérchez, in the wonderful detail of Doric birdcage or the triangles linked in the diagonal, in Praise of the triangle. It would not have been possible if it was not fed by the secret sap of the tratadists of the oblique. This, curiously, allows him to be placed in the last cultural fashion, because Bérchez can introduce himself as a photographer who knows well how to assimilate the postulates of deconstruction, a trend or language (architectonic and graphic) that is characterized by the abundant use of acute angles and daring corners. I would also like to point out a number of photographs in which the foreground and the background are closely linked as in a conversation or are in hard opposition, from which arouses this victorious sense of deepness, a wide space. This is important, because without it we would not exist: this is the place of life, ours, if we consider ourselves inhabitants-visitors of the represented architecture. Now, this contrast is also generated by the diagonal. It constructs it and represents it. The examples of this are very numerous: Sharped light, Tamed bronze etc. It is once again up to us to enter into scene and to act in the same way as in the classical theatre: laterally. The light, the radical contrast between lighted areas and silhouettes, between flashes and shadows, underlines the ephemeral nature of what we see. That is to say, his moving and perishable character. And it is thus that Bérchez brings into play with great efficacy the cultural and existential dramas. We are moved by the contrast, melancholic and joyful, between the suggested persistence of common architecture, with its proclivity to orthogonality, and the human perishable nature alluded by the unsteady obliquity. These photographs, without telling, talk about ourselves, of our craving for beauty and for light that leads us, so overwhelming and so brief.
Welcome to Cottsway’s careers page where you can find out more about working for us and search for current vacancies. If you come to work for Cottsway Housing, you will join a friendly, supportive and enthusiastic team of people who are committed to providing quality homes in thriving communities. We support and develop our people because we know that it is through them that we deliver the high standards of service that our customers say we provide. Based in a purpose-built office in the beautiful Oxfordshire market town of Witney, we offer competitive salaries and a range of benefits. We value people from a wide range of background and experience – whether you are an experienced housing professional or simply have an interest in working in our sector, please take a look at our vacancies, join our Facebook group or browse this website to find out more about us Cottsway has signed up to the Disability Confident Committed scheme and as part of this we guarantee to interview all disabled applicants who meet the essential criteria for our vacancies. Looking for a career in the medial field but want to potentially avoid the high cost that comes with attending a four-year university? Well, look no further than your local community college. There are numerous job opportunities within the medical field that do not always require a bachelor’s degree. Among those jobs are radiation therapists, respiratory therapists, cardiovascular technologist and technicians and registered nurses, just to name a few. For example, the nursing program at College of the Canyons is among one of the more popular programs offered by the school. Prospective nursing students can enroll in COC’s program for an estimated cost of $4,000. That is less when compared to a program found at a four-year university, like California State University of Northridge, which is estimated at $20,000. According to the California Employment Development Department, the average income for a graduate with an associate’s degree in nursing is $76,731. That is nearly $18,000 less than graduates who earned a bachelor’s in nursing. For Rebecca Janke, a COC alumni, an out-of-state university is where she planned on continuing her education. After being told by her mother that out-of-state would not be an option, Janke decided to look into community colleges. Her search led her to COC. The school was affordable, close to home and more importantly it had a nursing program. “I was dismissed from the nursing program at COC and it made me never want to become a nurse again. I just lost faith in myself,” said Janke. Despite being dismissed from the nursing program, Janke would go on to complete her associate’s degree at COC in biological and physical sciences in 2006. Rather than continue her education further, she spent the next couple of years teaching computer classes and taking on the role of after school coordinator at Mary Immaculate School, an elementary school in Pacoima. While working at the elementary school Janke was making $10 an hour as the after school coordinator and $13.50 as the computer teacher. “I just wanted to stay teaching at Mary Immaculate, although teaching has its flaws,” said Janke. “I even contemplated becoming a probation officer, but nursing was always on my mind.” “I was afraid of having to go back to a world of mean teachers and deans. I prayed on it and decided to give it one more chance. If it wasn’t mean to be, then I would go back to school for a different career path,” said Janke. The program at NVOC & Manual Arts cost $2,000. With the help of family and savings, all Janke had to pay to enroll was $900. She completed the program and went on to take the test for her license, which she passed. Today, Janke is working at a county hospital and is provided benefits and a retirement plan. However, those benefits come at a cost. She takes home $1,248.67 twice a month. “My gross pay is $1,973.25 but after you factor out taxes, health and dental insurances, life and accident insurances, union dues, retirement plan, and supplemental insurances that I pay into, it lessens my income by a lot,” said Janke. As for the future, Janke is planning on enrolling in a program similar to NVOC that would allow her to bridge from an LVN to an RN. Once she becomes an RN, Janke plans on picking a specialty to stick with and continue her schooling to receive her bachelor’s in nursing. Receiving a two-year degree can not only offer graduates a well-paying job, it can potentially open other doors for those students looking to transfer out and continue on to a four-year university. At COC, he gained hands-on experience from the numerous classes he enrolled in as well as the sporting events he took part in. However, Encinas knew that if he wanted to continue pursuing a career in athletic training a two-year degree would not be enough to secure a job. “The only way to achieve a degree in athletic training is by going through a four-year California Athletic Trainers’ Association (CATA) accredited program,” said Encinas. He continued his education at COC and graduated in Spring 2014 with an AS in Social Science, AS in Athletic Training and AA in Liberal Arts and Sciences CSU Social and Behavioral Science. With his associates’ degree in hand he transferred to California State University of Long Beach where he put his focus on graduating with his bachelor’s degree in athletic training. At COC the cost of attendance for a full time student is $540 a semester. At CSULB Encinas is currently paying $4,000 a semester. Encinas has been a student at CSULB for two years and this fall he will be entering into his third and final year at Long Beach. In his time at CSULB he has been unable to find a job to save up for when he has to pay off those loans. It is not for lack of trying either. The program that he is enrolled in requires students be in rotation and work at numerous sporting events to put in hours as a student trainer. All of this is done without any pay or compensation. “It does bother me that we don’t get paid because during the season I can put between 40-60 hours a week and when the season is completed I can put between 20-40 hours a week,” said Encinas. “With all of our time spent on our rotation we are unable to work other jobs at reasonable hours.” With only in-school training to rely on, Encinas must network in order to potentially secure a job after he graduates. “Networking is key for this profession so being able to network while still in college and forming these relationships that can help with future jobs,” said Encinas. Encinas has yet to secure a job following his graduation next spring, but networking has put him in touch with people that are hiring or know of other employers looking to hire someone with Encinas’ experience. Those connections will prove to be greatly beneficial should it result in a well-paying job for Encinas. The average income for an athletic trainer in California varies depending on the county you are working in. In Carlsbad, a graduate with a bachelor’s in athletic training can earn an average of $44,619 a year. In Berkeley a graduate with the same degree can earn an average of $47,605 a year. This is not including bonus and other factors that can potentially impact your annual income. For now, Encinas is continuing on towards his bachelors and plans on pursuing his master’s and possibly a PhD in athletic training or sports management. For any student wanting to further their education, weighing out all of their options can be important. According to Encinas, attending a two-year college first helped prepare him for the university level. There are even times where he says that some classes are easier at CSULB than they were at COC. Wool plaid 60s vest/tunic hunter plaid wrap vest, super cute on fits just about any size, matching belt, from "Specialty House Fashion" One of the many fee-based programs I wrote and taught over the years is entitled, How to Understand Grief Seminars, better known as the HUGS program. Workshops varied in length from 1.5 to 4 hours depending on the client’s wishes. I developed the program in the early 1990’s because I saw a need as a funeral professional to offer help and vital information to adults, adolescents, and teens who were trying to cope with grief following the death of a loved one or friend. Back then, we had few resources to share with our families; they were left on their own to struggle with the many emotions and feelings that accompany grief. Although the majority of our discussions will center on the death of a loved one, the information will be applicable to many different types of loss: divorce, job loss, loss of health, disabling injury, promotions, retirement, addition recovery, financial problems. The list is endless. You will be able to take the information you glean here and apply it to your life experiences that have caused you grief, sorrow, anger, guilt. Because time is not a factor here as it is in a training workshop, I will be able to expand all of my topics. I will share good resources that are beneficial in healing grief: books, websites and blogs of interest, videos, and perhaps a “guest lecturer”. May I suggest that you keep a journal to record your thoughts and the insight you gained from each lesson. “Thank you for the course you offer helping the bereaved cope with loss! Yesterday I started thinking about an Armenian lady who truly showed wisdom and compassion at a time when my nephew’s death,possible suicide, seemed to much to bear.This lady was a kindergarten teacher who had grown up in Erevan, Armenia and had settled in Germany only recently. We were not close, only acquaintances, but she was a wonderful listener. When I called her to tell her my nephew had died in a car accident, that it may have been suicide, she was so understanding. She just started to tell me stories – about how she lost her grandmother, who had raised her, and had gotten drunk at the grandmother`s funeral (quite a scandal in Armenian society!), about how heartbroken her sister in Erevan was when their father died and how she gave his fine clothes to a beggar in the street; about a friend`s husband, who died unexpectedly , a freak accident, while picking apples in their orchard he fell off the ladder.Somehow hearing how all these tragedies happened to people in all kinds of circumstances, how they coped in all kinds of ways, that they wished they could have saved their loved one but could not have, and truly were not to be faulted; this was such a comfort”. Hope this helps someone. Cathy It’s nice to look at many different perspectives .I am personally still grieving very badly, as I was very close to my daughter who was 21 and killed in car accident. So anyways. I will finish your grief series. Keep searching and forcing myself , as if an extension out of myself that I’m not controlling. I got sick over the past week, so of course I wanted to make passive aggressive faux positive comics!
Tags: san francisco fashion blog, san francisco street style blog, SF, street fashion, street style posted Monday, October 27, 2008 Once again I am appealing to everyone in the research community and those just interested in it. DO NOT Trespass on private property and turn in anyone you know that is trespassing. You make all real researchers in this field look bad because the general public does not discriminate between kids trespassing looking for ghosts and real researchers doing it. Please read the news paper article below and if you are trespassing, then stop or you will get caught and I will be very happy when you do. If you know of anyone who does trespass, turn them in. I am a former police officer and the police will follow-up on an anonymous tip of this nature. If being arrested isn't enough to deter you then maybe death is. Many of the places that are off limits are that way because they are too dangerous to enter. Use your head. If you are stupid enough to risk arrest or worse to play "ghost buster, then be an ass---- but don't blame it on websites, blame it on your own stupidity and immaturity. - Dave Juliano ADAMS -- Two people who ventured into the former Plunkett Hospital in search of "ghosts" in recent weeks were arrested for trespassing, the town's police chief said. Four others also have been brought up on trespassing charges after they ventured inside the vacant Edmund Street building, according to police Chief Donald Poirot. Those four soon will be going before a court magistrate. The young people told police they were inspired to visit the place because it was listed on a "ghost researchers'" Web site called "" The hospital building is one of dozens listed on the site's "Haunted Places in Massachusetts" Web page. But the chief issued a stern warning Thursday that anyone caught around or inside the hospital will be charged with trespassing. The hospital has been a trouble spot for years in terms of keeping it secured, the chief said. But the Web site appears to have fueled more interest. Local police patrol the area several times a day and at night. Police use spotlights at night to look around the area. The Web site says of Plunkett Hospital: "Screams can be heard along with sightings of ghosts that usually resemble patients that may have died there. This building's windows and doors are boarded up partially due to the fact that people have reported seeing ghosts in the windows looking outside." The boarded-up windows have little to do with staring apparitions, but are a basic security and weatherization measure. The Web site does carry a disclaimer saying some of the haunted places on its list are on private property and "trespassers will be prosecuted." The Plunkett Hospital soon will be renovated into condominiums, which should serve as a deterrent to people on the prowl for a ghostly encounter. Watching this fascinating documentary about a celebrity/literary scandal that unraveled in the media in 2005, it struck me that this is really something I should already know about. It's astonishing that the high-profile hoax at the centre of this film, which connected - and fooled - so many famous names across film and music, managed to happen at all, but the real miscarriage of justice here is that apparently I have been completely unaware of it until now. Was I more ignorant of the literary world and of pop culture in general than I thought? It seems unlikely. Regardless though, it's probably fair to say that going into this film entirely 'blind' makes for a more incredulous (and therefore more rewarding) experience. Having shed the freak-show tenor of his early work, Louis Theroux has become a documentarian you trust implicitly - even when the film ends on an implausible high note. If documentary film was once considered the presentation of truth, the best examples of its contemporary boom seem now more concerned with examining the nature of truth itself. As if the genre had begun to no longer trust its own motives, we now see deliberate use of unreliable narrators, and are invited to consider the anatomy of a lie. Lance Armstrong is as unreliable a subject as you're likely to find, and by the end of Alex Gibney's latest film, you're still not sure whether he's telling the whole truth. Right, let's stop mucking about with the gifs and the cock jokes. This is a serious documentary about war and lies and cover-ups and stuff. But have no fear: both I and this website are more than capable of sober critical discourse, and will address the subject with no small amount of intellectual rigour. Also, that Julian Assange has funny-looking hair, right guys? Last time I saw a documentary that had some scenes dramatised by actors, I think it was 'Women Who Kill: The Rose West Story' or maybe 'Inside Hitler's Bunker' on the Biography Channel. It's never been a very credible device, especially nowadays, when the fashion in documentary is 'stripped back, no narrator'. So The Imposter deserves no end of praise, not only for bucking this trend with its acted-out scenes, but for taking what could've been a weeknight Channel 5 true story and telling it like a truly gripping drama. If you want to get the best out of Catfish, stop reading this review immediately and just go see it - it's in cinemas and available to watch online now. The movie's marketing team know an enigmatic approach is key, as its ads suggest you "don't let anyone tell you what it is" a la Psycho - the first hint you're in for a surprise that's nasty and nice in equal measure. There's a new kind of film on the block. And Religulous is it. To call it a documentary is a palpable nonsense: it's a documentary in the same way that a film without any CGI is a documentary - a record of staged events engineered to create and further an opinion. In effect, Religulous is a filmed thesis; a visual presentation o... On August 7th 1974, one man crossed the void between the two towers of the World Trade Center, 1,350 feet above the streets of New York - on a wire. No harness, no safety nets, no TV crew filming him. The only thing stopping him plummeting hundreds of feet was his own skill and determination; one quiver and he'd had it. The m... "After those two records, those two works of art, everything else is merchandising the memory." - Peter Saville The lens of time perverts memory. Now, right now, this very second, we are living in historic times. Across the world, right now, events are happening that will be chronicled in history. But us, we're too busy livin... Martin Scorsese's long-running love affair with music - first cemented with The Last Waltz, confirmed with Bowie's best ever role in After Hours and the Dylan documentaries - becomes flesh with Shine A Light. Ostensibly a recording of a Rolling Stones concert in New York, Shine A Light is actually an unwitting comedy classic. ... I have two requests of readers. Firstly, this is a 30 page document and I have had to wrestle with some aspects of getting it onto a readable page. Please let me know if it works for you. Secondly, If you have trees that link any of the earlier names to more recent ones, I would love to learn more. NOTE: I have not interpolated data from the 1901 Census since it seemed to shed no significant new light on what I already had. I am choosing to group these two counties together because there seems to be a high degree of overlap. In time, I will add to this - in particlar with respect to references to what family of JACKSONs these people belong to. diocese 4 February 1668, Ms. 7229, pi5. He leaves to his wife Thomas in his house henhouse and old garden and her lands in Queens Co. and Dunard and ' all my househols goods and ye mare commons, my wifes mar with her two followers and ye gray nagg which was under ye black maire, her saddle nagg and six of my choise cowes and my cittle bull and two of my choise two year old heffiers and two yearling and £10, to be discounted not of her first years annuity and the tuition of her young son Thomas beseeching her to keep him at school until he be fifteen years old or professed. To Margaret Humfrey, widow, late wife of my brother Gorman Humphry, deceased, the house backside where she now dwelleth and the grazing of sixteen head of cattle upon the commons of Dunard. To John Humphry my son and heir the lease of Dunard, son Gorman Humphry for his 'chides porcon' £194 and I stand bound with John Lyson for payment of £450 to said Gorman'. Names Mary, his daughter, wife of John Jackson, gent and also William, Edward, Henry and Thomas, his sons. Appoints John Humphry, his son and heir, as executor. Witnesses John, Edward and Thomas Humphry (proved by Sir John Humphry and Edward Humphry). [Note: Tracing of signature appended.] ThiS (sic) Stone is Erected by Jacob Jackson for Him Self & his Family Here Lyeth the bodys of JameS Jackson Who Departed thiS Life Febry the 6th 1760 AGED 89 [estimated birth = 1671] and Ann Jackson hiS Wife Departd Septmbr the 22nd 1768 AGd 87. (Denis Cullen is named on the stone as the maker which also has several ( trademark) images engraved) SOURCE: cara email August 29, 2008 Hacketstown Churchyard; ThiS (sic) Stone is Erected by Jacob Jackson for Him Self & his Family Here Lyeth the bodys of JameS Jackson Who Departed thiS Life Febry the 6th 1760 AGED 89 and Ann Jackson hiS Wife Departd Septmbr the 22nd 1768 AGd 87. [est birth= 1681] (Denis Cullen is named on the stone as the maker which also has several ( trademark) images engraved) SOURCE: cara email August 29, 2008 Hacketstown Churchyard; Between Richard JACKSON Esq. Only son & heir of Richard JACKSON late of City of Dublin Esq. Esq. Deceased of 1st part & William DEAKEN of City of Dublin ... former lease made by Richard JACKSON deceased [?] of same city Esq. ... held lease of 50 years 29 Sept 1708 for yearly rent £26 the lease since legally come to William DEAKEN ... re: Glovers Alley near Kings St., Parish of St. Peters Co. Dublin ... egress to the Sugar House ... lease Vicars Chorall of St. Patricks Church, Dublin ...WITNESS: John DEAKEN City of Dublin, Gent & Gilbert ALLASON Thomas CONWAY Servent to William DEAKEN. Richard JACKSON’s descendants later moved to Ballitore (with William BARCROFT & John PIM. They became involved in agriculture and Mountmellick soon became the leading Quaker colony outside of Dublin. .... The access of Quakers to land in Co. Kildare and Co. Carlow was twofold; either they acquired it by grant as in the case of ex-Cromwellian soldiers, or those who objected to this practices (as in the case of General William Barcroft, who refused a grant of land as it had been acquired by the sword) on religious ground settled on land hitherto uncultivated. NOTE: earlier version of Ballitore was recorded as the townland of Ballitoivre. The geographic location of Carlow monthly meeting district extended from the town of Athy in south Co. Kildare to Tullow in Co. Carlow, Its development followed the course of the river Barrow and later it extended eastwards to encompass the newly established village of Ballitore in the early eighteenth century. This triangular-shaped region incorporated the four adjoining baronies ... Narragh and Reban in Co. Kildare. Where a meeting house was built in Athy and Ballitore in 1708; and Kilkea and Moone where a meeting house was built at Castledermot. In Co. Carlow meeting-houses were built at Newgarde (later Carlow) and Newtown in the barony of Idrone, and lastly at Kilconner, in 1678 in the barony of Forth. Graveyards were built in Newgarden and Ballykeally in Co. Carlow and at Ballitore in Co. Kildare. ...10 of the original Cromwellian planters (four of whom were ex-Cromwellian soldiers) settled during the first period, 1650-1675. They did not make a significant impact on the area, as five of the original families had left the area by 1700, and by 1725 all their surnames had disappeared from the Quaker registers. ... The other Quakers such as ... and Jacksons faded into oblivion – presumably they migrated or married non-Quakers, with resulted in their disownment. Journal of the Co. Kildare Archaeological Society 1991 Vol 17 #1Quakerism in the Carlow/Kildare Area 1650-1850 p133 Deed 8-59-1771 JACKSON, Thomas City of Dublin. Lease of properties in By & Co Carlow, 41 years after the termination of the lease dated 8 Jun 1696 from Sir Richard STEPHENs (deceased) to Benjamin BUNBURY (late of Killerick, Co. Carlow), which will be 25 Mar 1716, £200 pa. Thomas BUNBURY of Killerick, Co. Carlow. Mention of Richard JACKSON. Will. NOTE: The Jackson family tree of Coleraine makes this deed interesting. It is likely that Rose JACKSON married Thomas BUNBURY and so another member of the family in the same neck of the woods would not be surprising. I have yet to read this deed. LECKY to JACKSON Registered the 21st of January 1723 at 4 a clock in the afternoon. This Deed involves the transfer of land from a James LECKY to a Thomas JACKSON, a merchant of the City of Dublin. The land in question is in the townland of Rathcrogue, Co. Carlow. Although hunches may prove to be red herrings, this may still turn out to be one of the missing links to the JACKSONs who precede our last known relative, George JACKSON (1718-1782). Between John BAYLY of Ballyneclogh Esq. Of 1 part & Thomas WATTERS of Spinansing Co. WICKLOW ... Joseph JACKSON & John JACKSON both of Watterstown, Co. Carlow of the other part ... demised to T WATTERS, Joseph JACKSON John JACKSON the town and lands of Williamstown in Barony of Rathvilly, as it held by Messrs William & Thomas BUNBURY [NOTE: See Turtle BUNBURY web site] of Lisnaveagh, Co. Carlow ... 3 lives ... Captain Walter MURRAY ... rent £237.16.4 WITNESS: Patrick BRYAN, Coolemaderahiny, Co. Wicklow; John BROWN of Mount Neal, Co. Carlow & Richard DEASE, City of Dublin, Gent. NOTE: There is still a Thomas Jackson In Williamstown in the 1911 Census. Deed: 74-21-50840 JACKSON Francis of Duddington, Co Northton [Northamptonshire] Indented deed, Assignment John ROSE Esq. Of Catherstock, Co. Northton made over to John CROKER, Gent of Dublin City all that the manor or lordship of Mountkenny + other lands in Co Wicklow for residue of term from L + R of 3 Jun 1730 NOTE: I have yet to read this deed, but since the JACKSON line that I am tracing came from Northamptonshire (in one version), it will be worth following the Duddington JACKSONs. I plan to assemble a tree soon (June 2, 2010). William JACKSON Vicar of Rathcoole SOURCE: Mercer's School Rathcoole & Castleknock, Co. Dublin Author(s): Michael Quane Source: The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Vol. 93, No. 1 (1963), pp. 9 -35 Published by: Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. John JACKSON of Ravilly, Co. Carlow, farmer & Susan BEVINS of Tull, Co. Kildare spr 25 Nov 1734. SOURCE: Stephen EAGER June 21, 2005 email from a book of Marriage Licenses 1661-1750 from FILM 100167. Repeats much of the family detail in other BUNBURY-JACKSON deeds re sale of rectories of Kiltagan, etc. The only addition is the description of “being in the Co. Of Wexford, Wicklow & Catherlough [aka Carlow]. Between Thomas BUNBURY of City of Dublin Esq. Eldest son & heir of Thomas BUNBURRY late of the city & Ann BUNBURY his wife & Rose BUNBURY otherwise JACKSON of the city, widow & relict of the sd Thos BUNBURY/ to Richard STEEL rector of Church of Killenure otherwise Killenor ... Co. Wexford, Wicklow & Catherlogh... Edmund BUNBURY attorney... Thomas BUNBURY his father & Rose BUNBURY otherwise JACKSON her assigns ... natural lives of said Thomas BUNBURY & Benjamin BUNBURY the second son of Thomas BUNBURY late Cloghno Esq. Deceased who was grandfather of the said Edmond BUNBURY ... townland of Carnavonan was made by James BUTLER late of Garryhundon Esq. Since deceased to said Thomas BUNBURY Esq. Since deceased ... Edmond BUNBURY paid Richard STEELE £1474 to Thomas BUNBURY (father of Edmond) for absolute purchase .... of 3 rectories of Killpipe, Killinue & Kiltegan. WITNESS: James CANE & John ALLEN both of City of Dublin, Gents. The ancestor of this family came from Co. York in Cromwell's army and was granted lands in Co. Carlow for his services. This estate called Mount Leinster was sold in 1745 by his descendant, George Jackson who settled at Urker, Crossmaglen, Co. Armagh. NOTE: Blin's notes say "The Jacksons came to Ireland with Cromwell (or so grandfather believed) & were given large grants of land in Co. Carlow & Kilkenny called Mount Leinster, (Borris). Deed between Richard JACKSON of City of Dublin Gent & Amy JACKSON otherwise MURPHY his wife of the part & John TOTERALL of sd city Gent ... townlands of Three Castles in Lordship of Blessington CO. Wicklow.... Erected by John Jackson, Esquire, Spynan for his father and mother John Jackson d 6 Dec, 1848 age 90 [est birth = 1758] and Mary Jane Jackson d 17 Sept, 1850 age 76 [est birth = 1774] and his daughter Margaret Caroline d 18 Jan 1856 age 4 1/2 yr. [est birth = 1851] The Rev. George PHILLIPS. Admitted TCD 1 Mar. 1720/1 aged 17; b. near Dublin B.A. 1725; M.A. 1728. Of Donoughmore, Co. Wicklow. M. 22 Jan. 1759 Jane, dau. of the Rev. Jackson, Preb. of Wicklow. Vicar of Rathcoole, Co. Kildare. Will dated 2 Dec. 1790, pr. 4 Dec. 1790. No evidence yet discovered of any children of the marriage. NOTE: This is Rev. John JACKSON of the Santry JACKSONs line (descendants of Rev. Daniel JACKSON) Erected by Sarah Bond for husband Luke Bond, and also for his aunt Sarah Jackson d 14 Nov 1848 age 84.[ est birth = 1764] John JACKSON was born about 1765 in Co. Wicklow, Ireland. He died on 21 JUN 1798 in Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford, Ireland. He was married to Sarah Esther KERSEY about 1784 in Co. Wicklow, Ireland. Sarah Esther KERSEY was born in Ireland. She died in Ireland. John JACKSON and Sarah Esther KERSEY had the following children: Jackson, Joseph, d. 17 Mar 1836, age: 65yr, [est birth = 1771] Erected by his son John, [AR] Saint Mary Church of Ireland Cemetery Rathvilly, County Carlow, Ireland Erected by John Jackson, Esquire, Spynan [could this be aka Spinans?] for his father and mother John Jackson d 6 Dec, 1848 age 90 [est birth = 1758] and Mary Jane Jackson d 17 Sept, 1850 age 76 [est birth = 1774] and his daughter Margaret Caroline d 18 Jan 1856 age 4 1/2 yr. [est birth = 1851] Letter from Richard SHACKLETON to daughter Molly [from Ballitore, 1779]: Your letters are the same date but as puzzling as one of Robert Jackson’s enigmas. The Examinations of Hannah Jackson of Tullow in said County, Servant Woman. 1834-8-202 Memorial registered 3 May 1834 of Deed of 18 Nov 1833 Henry JACKSON jr. of Hacketstown, Co. Carlow eldest son & heir at law of Thomas JACKSON of Coolmana, Co. Carlow to Henry JACKSON senior of Coolmana, eldest son & heir at law of Samuel JACKSON late of Coolmana, Co. Carlow as to the following portions of Coolmana alias Nashes or in Rathvilly Barony, Co. Carlow. 16 ½ leases 27 May 1788 by Joseph JACKSON. Loheska 38 acres leased 1788 by Estyer [Esther?] JACKSON to Thomas JACKSON bounded by River Dereen & Samuel & Joseph JACKSON. Healy & Neals 16 acres Moores 16 acres Murphys 4 ½ acres lease of 9 April 1825 WITNESSES Joshua NUN of Dublin City Gent & his son Henry NUN. Memorial signed by both Henry JACKSONs. SOURCE” PRONI T808 Groves Manuscripts Record Office Dublin Memorial registered 25 Sept 1820 of mortgage of 12 Sept 1820 for £100 by Henry JACKSON of Coolomana, Co. Carlow, farmer to George BARKER of said Coolmana, Co. Carlow Gent part of Coolmana alias Nashes qr 16 ½ acre bounded by River Dereen on North by G. BARKER on East by Ester JACKSON on South & West leased 30 May 1788 at 9s an acre by Esther JACKSON to Samuel JACKSON father of above Henry & his daughter Esther who as wife of Joseph BRIEN has assigned her claim to Henry. Esther JACKSON sr in Feb 1790 assigned the rent to her son Henry. Lands are held on lease of lives forever. WITNESSES: Joseph BRIEN of Carrigbrack, Co. Wicklow, farmer; Peter DOHERTY of Tullow, Co. Carlow, writing clerk. Memorial signed by JACKSON. PRONI T808/8261 1834-8-202 Memorial registered 3 May 1834 of Deed of 18 Nov 1833 Henry JACKSON jr. of Hacketstown, Co. Carlow eldest son & heir at law of Thomas JACKSON of Coolmana, Co. Carlow to Henry JACKSON senior of Coolmana, eldest son & heir at law of Samuel JACKSON late of Coolmana, Co. Carlow as to the following portions of Coolmana alias Nashes or in Rathvilly Barony, Co. Carlow. 16 ½ leases 27 May 1788 by Joseph JACKSON. Loheska 38 acres leased 1788 by Estyer [Esther?] JACKSON to Thomas JACKSON bounded by River Dereen & Samuel & Joseph JACKSON. Healy & Neals 16 acres Moores 16 acres Murphys 4 ½ acres lease of 9 April 1825 WITNESSES Joshua NUN of Dublin City Gent & his son Henry NUN. Memorial signed by both Henry JACKSONs. PRONI. T808 Groves Manuscripts Record Office Dublin DEED: 755-357-513292 Memorial registered 25 Sept 1820 of mortgage of 12 Sept 1820 for £100 by Henry JACKSON of Coolomana, Co. Carlow, farmer to George BARKER of said Coolmana, Co. Carlow Gent part of Coolmana alias Nashes qr 16 ½ acre bounded by River Dereen on North by G. BARKER on East by Ester JACKSON on South & West leased 30 May 1788 at 9s an acre by Esther JACKSON to Samuel JACKSON father of above Henry & his daughter Esther who as wife of Joseph BRIEN has assigned her claim to Henry. Esther JACKSON sr in Feb 1790 assigned the rent to her son Henry. Lands are held on lease of lives forever. WITNESSES: Joseph BRIEN of Carrigbrack, Co. Wicklow, farmer; Peter DOHERTY of Tullow, Co. Carlow, writing clerk. Memorial signed by JACKSON. SOURCE” PRONI T808 Groves Manuscripts Record Office Dublin KIF 7188 Erected by John Jackson of Kilmurrey In Memory of his Father Joseph Jackson died 17th of March 1856 Aged 65 years [est birth = 1791] Also six of my children Robert, Mary, Richard Thomas, Samuel and Henry who died in the first week Of February 1876 The above John Jackson died 15th June 1888 aged 743(sic) years More on the stone but I cannot read it SOURCE: email Cara. “KIF” means she has photos of headstones. Marshall Jackson we have been told emigrated from the Carlow / Wexford region in Ireland to Canada in 1820 we believe on the ship "Commerce". Marshall travelled with Launcelot, Thomas and James Jackson. The father of these three Jackson boys was John Jackson, who served in the Crown Forces in the last battle stand of the rebels at Enniscorthy, County Wexford, at the Battle of Vinegar Hill and was killed on 21 July 1798. It is believed by researchers that Marshall may have been a first cousin to these Jacksons. Marshall Jackson was born abt. 1792. Email from Lois East NOTE: His first name allegedly came from a neighbour. Volume 475 page 571 number 307935 the memorial register 26 July 1794 of assignment of 12 May 1794 by Henry JACKSON of Newpark, County Wicklow Esq. and his wife Abigail JACKSON alias SALE or LALL to Joseph Callaghan of Dublin city carpenter. Premises at Dolphins Barn Dublin to be held for three lives one being Cruickshank's. PRONI T808/8253 Volume 484 page 293 number 307899 Memorial registered 24 July 1794 of deed of 21 July 1794. Henry JACKSON of Newpark, County Wicklow Esq. to Richard Massey Hansard of Mistrim in County Glanmorgan Esq. as to tenements in Dolphins Barn and in Dublin city and elsewhere assigned by JACKSON's present wife Abigail by her marriage settlement on her marriage with him to trustees John Hubert Moore and George sall or a lall in trust for herself and for one Richard Cruickshank and if latter should die for JACKSON during her life. With Mrs. Eugenia JACKSON widow and Benjamin Kearney gent, both of Dublin city who both signed Memorial along with Henry JACKSON. Volume 486 page 223 number 307 400 or more a register 3 July 1794 of assignment of 20 June 1794 for £120 by Henry JACKSON of Newparks, County Wicklow Esq. to Eugenia JACKSON of Birr and Kings County widow. Elizabeth Brown's house and 25 acres in Tulfaris, County Wicklow leased 1 July 1792 by Elizabeth Brown to William Nixon and Henry Gray for 91 years at 2 pounds at £40 which Nixon as surveyor 12 March 1793 assigned to Henry JACKSON who now assigns to Eugenia JACKSON. Witnesses Michael Rutledge and Samuel Barry. The memorial signed by Henry JACKSON. PRONI T808/8253 Richmond Lunatic Asylum In 1832 - Dublin (Co. Dublin DUB, County, Ireland) p 185 The Richmond District Lunatic Asylum - For the County and City of Dublin, Counties of Meath, Wicklow and Louth, and the County of the Town of Drogheda. Governors Pursuant to Act of Parliament. Archbishop of Dublin - Lord Brabazon - Henrry White esq - George Moore esq - Frederick Shaw esq - Philip Crampton M.D. Leland Croththwait esq - William English esq - Jos Goff junr esq Rev James Horner - J David LaTouche esq - Wm P Lunell esq -Rob M Peile esq - James M Pike esq - Robert Orr esq - Lord Killeen. Physician - Alex Jackson M.D. Surgeon - And Johnston esq Secretary - W Wainwright esq Manager - S Wrigley esq Accountant - Js Hendrick esq Matron - Mrs C Wrigley Chaplain - Rev A S Adamson Roman Catholic Chaplain - Rev Js Monks No Patient can be admitted without a Medical Certificate of Insanity, and an Affidavit of Poverty, which are submitted to the Board of Governors, printed forms of application may be had from the Manager and if applied for by letter must be post paid. NOTE: an Alexander JACKSON was admitted to Dublin College of Physicians & Surgeons – Belfast Newsletter 23 Nov 1798 NOTE: Also, a Dr. JACKSON is referred to on p307 Vol III of the Drennan-McTier letters. Jean Agnew ed 1999. “I was in error as to the hospitals. I thought all their physicians had salaries. Dr. Jackson I fancy is born to be a very rich man. A relation of his who made a large fortune abroad, and has a good one by houses in Dublin, returned to his native farm house here some years ago with a good character, a son and two daughters. He built a great house on a hill with four rooms on a floor exactly of the same dimensions. They rather avoided company. The son was a Tory who went to Dublin and died there in consequence of vice – then it was said, the ladies would have £50,000 a piece. Young Pottinger thought it would be a good speculation, and ample foundation for horses and dogs. He got acquainted with the father who with the lady, excelling only at the churn and cheese press, wished to be connected to a good family. Things appeared going on well with the help of D. Gordon [uncle of Pottinger] when he was claimed as a husband and father by a pretty girl he ensnared by a sham marriage, and never after appeared at Mr. Jackson’s. The lady dropped – the father with his family is gone to Dublin, would sell his place here and if the Doctor is not married, and will take an ugly vulgar girl, I dare say he may have choice. These Jacksons were decent men, sons of a dissenting minister, and brothers of a long Mrs. Henderson you may remember in Donegall Street. Martha McTIER , Cabin Hill to William DRENNAN, 33 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1805.] Cabin Hill was outside Belfast in Knock – possibly still there?] NOTE: Presbyterian Church in Carlow , Co. Carlow. The land was bounded by land owned by HENDERSONs. JACKSONs and HENDERSONs were in the congregation. Carloviana 1993/94 “This ruin was the home of a man named Jackson, who was killed at the fight of Hackettstown in the rebellion. He was the last lived there. Another Jackson, a relative, was taken prisoner by Dwyers men. Dwyer, as a boy, had been much with the Jacksons, and ordered the release of the captives; but though he was allowed to start on his way, he was killed before he got clear of his enemies, and his greyhound was found watching his body the next day.” Journal of the Co. Kildare Archaeological Society, 1905 Vol 4 #5 Country Wicklow Archaeological Notes around Kiltegan. By C. Drury Erected by Jane Jackson Black to the memory of her husband Thomas Jackson d 3 Dec, 1854 age 56 [est. Birth = 1798] (Cantwell notes no indication if this is her maiden name or she has remarried) John Jackson was supposedly a soldier in the Crown forces in the 1798 rebellion who died at Vinegar Hill. His sons James, Lancelot and Thomas and their cousin Marshall Jackson came over to Ontario on the Commerce in 1820. They became farmers in the area of Ottawa and Lanark County. ...Joseph Halpenny was killed in the 1798 rebellion. According to some sources he was killed at Vinegar Hill but according to the Musgrave Papers, Joseph and William Halpenny were taken by rebels from the house of Widow Halpenny at Coolkenno, County Wicklow, and piked to death on July 2, 1798. This was probably in the aftermath of the Battle of Ballyraheen where many members of the Coolkenno Protestant forces died. Numerous Protestants were taken from their homes and piked to death that day. Joseph Halpenny's son, John, married John Jackson's daughter, Abigail. Her cousin, Marshall Jackson, married Keziah Shipman, a cousin of my ancestor, Daniel Shipman. Two generations later my great grandfather, Montague Alexander Buckingham Shipman, married Elicia Halpenny, the granddaughter of David Halpenny. Their sons grew up in Toronto and Hamilton but moved out to Pasadena, California about 1915. We lost touch with the family in Canada and knew almost nothing about the family history in Canada and Ireland until I began researching it a couple of years ago. SOURCE: Email Nov 1, 2004 Sharlene Shipman Baker Marshall Jackson we have been told emigrated from the Carlow / Wexford region in Ireland to Canada in 1820 we believe on the ship "Commerce". Marshall travelled with Launcelot, Thomas and James Jackson. The father of these three Jackson boys was John Jackson, who served in the Crown Forces in the last battle stand of the rebels at Enniscorthy, County Wexford, at the Battle of Vinegar Hill and was killed on 21 July 1798. It is believed by researchers that Marshall may have been a first cousin to these Jacksons. Marshall Jackson was born abt. 1792. There is a family legend about the origins of the name Marshall that has been almost religiously maintained thro' the generations and Canadian Jackson records show many boy babies names Marshall's in the original Marshall descendants. It goes like this: "At some point the Jackson Family in Ireland were living close to an affluent neighbour or landowner. It seems that this person, whose family name was Marshall, lost his only son and heir. At some point, a Jackson son became their substitute son handling much of their work etc. So a deal was struck. If this Jackson boy swore that in his line a male child of every generation would carry the given name of Marshall then he would inherit the estate of the Marshall Family. Whether there is anything to the story or not I cannot say, but that branch of the Jacksons has been almost religious in making certain that there is a Marshall Jackson in every generation." SOURCE: email Lois East From Bunbury Papers in P.P.P. County of Carlow . The examinations of Mary Jackson of Lisnava in said County Wife of John Jackson. Said Mary Jackson being examined and duly sworn upon the holy Evangelists saith that on Sunday the Eleventh Day of May Eighteen hundred she went with a Quarter of Veal before Sunset to the House of Philip Germaine of said Lisnava a farmer and saw there a man and woman decently dressed , whom she does not know further saith that next Day she heard from several people in the Town of Tullow that a party of Rebels had been on said Sunday the 11th of May at the House of said Philip Germaine and further saith not. (signed) her Mary *X* Jackson mark Sworn before me this Eighteen Day of May Eighteen hundred and said Mary Jackson bound in ten pounds to his Majesty to prosecute said Philip Germaine at next assizes to be held for the County of Carlow. ( signed ) *Edward Whitty*. The above named Mary Jackson maketh Oath that she usually resides at Lisnavah in the townland of Lisnavah in the parish of Rathvilly . Sworn before me this first Day of August 1800. ( signed )* Edward Whitty*. No.1 John Jackson married Anne Jones 12 Aug. 1807, Joseph Jenkins Curate In the presence of William Johnson Parish of Clough. Co. Wicklow and John Jones Union of Ferns Co. of Wexford Email Barbara Dowling 25 Aug 2008 No.2 William Jackson of parish Clough married Mary Mason of Union of Kilmore Co. Wexford by special license 13 Ag. 1807. Joseph Jenkins Curate solemnized by William Jackson and Mary in the presence of William Johnson Parish of Clough Co. Wexford and John Jones SOURCE: Email Barbara Dowling 26 Aug 2008 In Memory of John Jackson husband of Anne Jackson, Woodfield d Jan 1, 1870 age 70 yr. and two beloved children died young. Anne d 12 Sept, 1880 age 70 yr. [est birth = 1810] SOURCE: Cantwell Memorial Inscriptions Aug 26, 2008 email from Annette Code. To my grandson Marks Lambert 5 gns. To my grand dau. Mary Callaghan £20. To my son James Weekes 5s. To each of my 3 dau. Hannah Jackson, Mary Mills and Martha Lambert 5s, To Ann Weekes my wife alt my interest in Bahana (sic) and all my household furniture and in case she should die before Madam Richardson, then same to descend to Ann Franklin, Shusan Gilbert and my grand dau. Mary Callaghan, and if Shusan Gilbert die before Madam Richardson her share to her dau. Ann Gilbert. Ann Weekes executrix, and John Tate of Ballina bridge Wicklow trustee. Witnesses: John Tate, Ralph Collins, Mat Piersc. NOTE: Inga Jackson’s family has a male JACKSON- female WEEKS marriage. to prosecute Edward McGuinness for assault. Joseph Jackson usually resident at Ricketstown, Rathvilly, June 1812 (signed Joseph Jackson) Submitted by Pat. O' Reagan, Genealogy Course, 10th Sept. 2008. >From . P.P.P. Mary Jackson of Hacketstown states on 27th Day of September 1814 she was on her way from Hacketstown to Coolmannah on Monday 29th day of August 1814 on her lawful occassions when she was met by One James Moore of Coolmannah, Farmer, who then and there without any provocation whatsoever did Violently assault and abuse her, he was aided and Encouraged by his Brother John Moore to abuse her. Mary further Saith that John and James Moore and their Sister Sarah Moore of Coolmannah make a Common pratice of Mobing and abusing her and they have thretened her in such a manner that she is in perpetual dread and peril of her life and Afraid to go to that Neighbourhood and where her business often calls her for fear of their associates Mary therefore craves his Majestys Sureties of the peace Against them, Sworn before me this Day and year above written, (signed) Philip Watters, (signed) Mary Jackson. *The Examination of Michael Bryan of Lisnevagh, Carlow, by The Rev. John Whitty , Clerk, one of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for Carlow. Saith that on the Sixteenth of December 1814 a great number of full grown Ash Trees the property of Thomas Bunbury, Esquire having been blown down by the Storm on the Lands of Lisnevagh the Examinant has the Care thereof found some of the trees had been feloniously taken and Carried away and he having had reason to Suspect the same had been so taken by the persons following Examinant went to the House of John Donohue of Little Ballyoliver in Carlow in whose Custody and possession he found a large piece of one of the aforesaid Ash Trees of the value of five Shillings Sterling and which said Donohue Confessed to Examinant belonged to same and offered to send it over to Examinant. Saith he also found in the possession of Hugh Cleary of Little Ballyoliver Concealed under ground two pieces of such Trees of the Value of two Shillings Sterling and which said Cleary in like manner acknowledged were part of such Trees, And being also well informed that another piece of Timber was in the Custody of James Jackson of Lisnavagh Examinant went to said Jacksons whom Examinant found with a Saw in his hand and said Jackson violently threatened Examinant that he would abuse and beat him and which Examinant verily believes said Jackson from his violent behaviour would have done but for the interference of persons present and Saith the Father of said Jackson acknowledged to Examinant that a piece of said Timber Trees was in his place which he desired Examinant to send for ~~~ ( signed) Michael X Bryan, (signed) John Whitty, having first being truly read to the Examinant by J.W. 17th December 1814.* Thomas Jackson and Mary Jackson, his wife, usually resides at Hacketstown, Carlow. 27th September 1814.Email Sept 24 2008 KIF 7188 Erected by John Jackson of Kilmurrey In Memory of his Father Joseph Jackson died 17th of March 1856 Aged 65 years [est birth = 1791] Also six of my children Robert, Mary, Richard Thomas, Samuel and Henry who died in the first week Of February 1876 The above John Jackson died 15th June 1888 aged 743(sic) years [estimated birth = 1815?] More on the stone but I cannot read it SOURCE: email Cara. “KIF” means she has photos of headstones. Submitted by Pat O'Reagan, Genealogy Training, 10th Sept. 2008. P.P.P.. (copies of documents are available upon payment of copying and postage , I may be contacted off-line) Francis (sic – I suspect “Frances Jackson”) Jackson of Coolmanna, Carlow wife to Henry Jackson of Coolmanna, Farmer, states on this 18th day of September 1819 after Swearing on the Holy Evangelists that about the Hour of Nine O Clock on the Night of Sunday 12th September 1819 Jane Jackson and Esther Jackson Both of Coolmanna did enter into the dwelling House of the aforesaid and did then and there Feloniously Rob and deprive aforesaid of different articles of wearing apparl Being Worth the Sum of one Pounds five Shillingsand Eleven Pence Sterling and at the same time Jane and Esther Jackson did desperately abuse aforesaid to her Great Danger of Life, (signed) Francis Jackson.18th September 1819. In the year 1820 there were two breweries in Baltinglass; but they had disappeared before 1830. One was owned by a William Jackson, who was known by the name Dandy Jackson; he always wore solid gold buttons on his coat and knee breeches. Journal of the Co. Kildare Archaeological Society. 1908 Vol 5, No. 5; p38 John and Jane Jackson son Joshua was born July 17, 1822 baptised July 23, 1822 Email Barbara Dowling 25 Aug 2008 Erected by John Jackson (d March 25, 1877) in memory of his son Joshua who d Oct 26, 1834 age 12? [est b. 1822]also son Richard Jackson d July 5, 18 (4?)7 aged 19 and also his son John Jackson d 28 Feb, 1890 age 63 SOURCE: Cantwell Memorial Inscriptions Aug 26, 2008 email from Annette Code. Jackson, William, b. 27 May 1824, age: 66yr, h/o Sarah, Knockboy, [AR] Saint Mary Church of Ireland Cemetery Rathvilly, County Carlow, Ireland The 1824/25 Aghowle Parish,Wicklow Tithe Book has: 2.James Jackson at Barnacashell townland. The Jacksons should be in the St.Michael's COI parish registers for Aghowle Parish. However, these are not online nor in the LDS as far as I know. Launcelot Jackson from Aghowle was son of either of these two men am looking for which one as I know this is known. Lancelot Jackson c.1850 at Aghowle,Wicklow. SOURCE: Annette Code email Aug 26, 2008. Also: Tithe Applotment Books, LDS Films 256,560 to 256,699; sorted by parish. Surnames are indexed in the Householder's Index, LDS Film 919001. Erected by John Jackson (d March 25, 1877) in memory of his son Joshua who d Oct 26, 1834 age 12? also son Richard Jackson d July 5, 18 (4?)7 aged 19 and also his son John Jackson d 28 Feb, 1890 age 63 [est birth = 1827] SOURCE: Cantwell Memorial Inscriptions Aug 26, 2008 email from Annette Code. Maria Jackson, C of I age 84. This was a workhouse for paupers, #8.13 in Newtownsaundery, Baltinglass, Wicklow. She had been married for 57 years [therefore m. Abt 1854] and had 10 children, 7 living. She was resident in the workhouse after an accidental fracture and had been there for 1 ½ years. She was born in Eadestown, Co. Wicklow. 1911 Census. Erected by John Jackson (d March 25, 1877) in memory of his son Joshua who d Oct 26, 1834 age 12? also son Richard Jackson d July 5, 18 (4?)7 aged 19 [est birth = 1828] and also his son John Jackson d 28 Feb, 1890 age 63 SOURCE: Cantwell Memorial Inscriptions Aug 26, 2008 email from Annette Code. KIF 7181 JACKSON In Memory of William Jackson Of Knockboy Who died 27th May 1884 Aged 56 [est birth = 1828] Years Sleep on Now and take Your Rest Also His wife Sarah Who died 24th May 1900 Aged 58 years [est birth = 1842] SOURCE: email Cara. “KIF” means she has photos of headstones. Jackson, Joseph, b. 17 Mar 1836, age: 65yr, [est birth = 1771] Erected by his son John, [AR] Saint Mary Church of Ireland Cemetery Rathvilly, County Carlow, Ireland KIF 7189 JACKSON Erected By John Jackson of Boley In Loving Memory of My father Thomas Jackson who died at his residence Boley Baltinglass in County Wicklow On the 14th March 1906 In his ?2nd Year [NOTE: need to check when census for 1901 comes out] Also my mother Susan Jackson Who died on the 17th December 1906 Aged 70 Years.[est birth = 1836] SOURCE: email Cara. “KIF” means she has photos of headstones. I have a booklet of names put on a petition to move the Assize Court from Baltinglass to Shillelagh. William Jackson, born in Co. Kilkenny, Farm Labourer. RC. Husband of Ellen. #16 in Castle Street (Carlow Urban, Carlow) SOURCE: 1911 Census. Martha Jackson age 74 and single. # 13 Marlborough Terrace, Arklow Urban No 1, Wicklow C of I. She also had nieces Mary Elizabeth Warren age 25 and Susan Warren age 22 with her. 1911 Census. William Ellis of Barraderry d 9 March, 1863 age 25, [ est birth = 1838] also his grandfather and grandmother Joseph and Anne Jackson - no dates. SOURCE: Cantwell Memorial Inscriptions Aug 26, 2008 email from Annette Code. NOTE: These Jacksons are from Hacketstown are buried in Kiltegan SOURCE: Email Cara Oct. 7, 2008. William Jackson, Single, Ironworker, RC. Born Co. Carlow. #16 in Castle Street (Carlow Urban, Carlow) SOURCE: 1911 Census. Elizabeth Jackson wife of John Jackson #7 Windgate Delgany, Co. Wicklow C of I. Born Dublin city – married 51 years 7 children, 4 living. 1911 Census. Thomas Jackson, Retired farmer, born in Co. Carlow, Irish Church. #15 in Williamstown (Williamstown, Carlow) SOURCE: 1911 Census. Thomas Jackson. # 115 in Baltinglass Town (Baltinglass, Wicklow). He was a publican, Smith and Farmer. RC. Age 70. Born Co. Wicklow. 1911 Census. Eliza Jackson, #5 Woodfieldglen, Talbotstown, Co. Wicklow C of I, wife of John Jackson married 54 years 13 children, 10 living. Born Co. Wicklow. 1911 Census. Sarah Jane Jackson age 70, servant C of I at #1 Glebe, Wicklow Urban, Co. Wicklow. A widow born in Co. Wicklow. 1911 Census. Ellen Jackson. Born in Co. Carlow, RC. #16 in Castle Street (Carlow Urban, Carlow) SOURCE: 1911 Census. [ext birth = 1842] Hanna Jackson, wife of Thomas Jackson. Hannah was married 38 years and had 5 children, 4 still living. Husband Thomas was a retired farmer. Son Samuel Thomas was an unmarried farmer (age 36). All born in Co. Carlow. #15 in Williamstown (Williamstown, Carlow) SOURCE: 1911 Census. James McCreight Jackson #8 Florence Terrace, Bray, No 2, Co. Wicklow. Superannuated Clergyman. Born Co. Down. C of I. 1911 Census. Jane Jackson, widow. Jane was married for 47 years and had 5 children born live, 3 still living. All b. Co. Carlow. Church of Ireland. # 1 in Eaglehill (Clonmore, Carlow) SOURCE: 1911 Census. Charlotte Jane Jackson. #8 Borkill Beg, Rathdungan, Co. Wicklow. C of I. Age 64. Married 43 years to Peter Jackson; 9 children, 7 living. Born Co. Wicklow. 2 granddaughters also resident or visiting. 1911 Census. Joseph Jackson, Farmer, resides at Williamstown, Carlow, April, 1848 (signed Joseph Jackson) bond with Mark Deering, Farmer, Patrickswell, Rathvilly, charging ..?...O'Neill with illegal entry. Mary Jane Jackson #8 Florence Terrace, Bray, No 2, Co. Wicklow wife of James McCreight Jackson; married 37 years, no children. Born Co. Galway. C of I. 1911 Census. Louisa Jackson visitor at #5 Meath Villas, Bray #2, Co. Wicklow age 60. C of I. She was a single retired book-keeper born Co. Tipperary. 1911 Census. KIF 7188 Erected by John Jackson of Kilmurrey In Memory of his Father Joseph Jackson died 17th of March 1856 Aged 65 years Also six of my childen Robert, Mary, Richard Thomas, Samuel and Henry who died in the first week Of February 1876 The above John Jackson died 15th June 1888 aged 743 [?]years More on the stone but I cannot read it Jacob Frances Samuel Jackson was born in Co Carlow in 1857 and his parents:* Jacob Jackson (son of Peter JACKSON) and Mary Francis Paine (daughter of Wentworth PAINE) were married in Bagenalstown (recorded in Dunleckney, Carlow, Ireland ) 27 Aug 1856, SOURCE: FHL Film 101374 SOURCE: Inge Jackson NOTE: Jacob Jacksons father Peter Jackson married Susan Dockrell & Peter Jackson's father John Jackson married his 1st Cousin Sarah Jackson. John Jackson's father (first name unknown) Jackson married an S Weeks. I never thought that the Jackson might have landed in Hackettstown via Co. Wicklow. Sarah Jackson age 55 and single, a servant at #1 Coolattin Park, C of I , born in England. 1911 Census. Jacob Francis Samuel Jackson, Born Dec. 27th 1857. SOURCE: From Methodist Church register transcribed by Marlborough Clarke Douglas in the PPP. Email Michael Purcell. Feb 3, 2010. Jacob Frances Samuel Jackson was born in Co Carlow in 1857 and his parents:* Jacob Jackson and Mary Francis Paine were married in Bagenalstown in 1856, I never thought that the Jackson might have landed in Hackettstown via Co. Wicklow. SOURCE: Inge Jackson NOTE: Jacob Jacksons father Peter Jackson married Susan Dockrell & Peter Jackson's father John Jackson married his 1st Cousin Sarah Jackson. John Jackson's father (first name unknown) Jackson married an S Weeks Will 13th June 1859 - Death 15th June 1859 - Probate 13th August 1859 Executor: Edward Leonard Jarmeson of Hermitage in the County of Carlow Esqre. the sole executor. - Effects under £4,000 NOTE: Frances Jackson’s original will, proved at the Principal Registry in Dublin on 13 August 1859, was transferred thence to the Public Records Office, and subsequently destroyed in the fire of 1922. The following extracts, referring only to charitable donations cited in the will, are copied from the volume cited. EXTRACTS OF EVERY CHARITABLE DEVISE OR BEQUEST CONTAINED IN WILL - I give to my daughter Mary the sum of £10 to be distributed among the poor she is in the habit of assisting. I devise that on the roofing of a new Church or Chapel in Clifden being completed the balance of one hundred pounds (seventy-five pounds) he paid to the Trustees of the Building and I-devise that a sum of ten pounds he paid in aid of the orphanage at Clifden Established and Conducted by the Sisters of Mercy at Clifden and that any money I may have at present in the funds be applied in liquidation of the last two devises. …. and as it has been long felt in this parish the want of a Lecture Room for the spiritual instruction of Protestants my wish and desire is to have a neat and ornamental building erected furnished with sittings and made comfortable inside and for which purpose I give and bequeath the sum of five hundred pounds said sum of five hundred pounds to be lodged by my Executor in the Bank of Ireland or invested by him either in Bank of Ireland Stock or Government Security in his own name and in the names of the Incumbent and the Church Wardens of said parish of Killeshin whoever they may be. The above building to be erected in Graigue aforesaid and when completed to be handed over to the said Incumbent and Church Wardens for holding Lectures on Wednesday Evenings Service on Sunday Evenings in the Winter and Prayer Meetings on Monday Evenings. I give and devise to the Incumbent of the parishes of Carlow and Killeshin for the time being my three houses situate in Tullow Street in the said town of Carlow and now in the occupation of Michael Nolan, Patrick Power and ---- Nolan for ever subject to the head rent of six pounds nine shillings or thereabouts payable thereout In Trust to found and endow an Asylum for destitute Protestant female servants connected with said parishes of Carlow and Killeshin of good character who may be out of place or unable to obtain employment through illness, infirmness or old age and I give and bequeath to said Incumbents the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds to be applied by them towards erecting such Asylum and my wish is that said Asylum be erected in said town of Graigue Queen’s County, I give and bequeath to the Carlow and Graigue Ladies Industrious Association the sum of fifty pounds to be added to the present standing fund and I give and devise to said association the sum of ten pounds per annum to be applied towards its expenses such as Matron’s Salary, ye said sum of ten pounds per annum to be paid out of my share of the Springhill property in the Queen’s County. I give and bequeath the receipts of the Tolls and Customs of the Fairs of Graigue (subject to the Quit Rent payable to Government therefore) which I hold by patent to the Incumbent of the parish of Killeshin and the Parish Priest of said parish for the time being forever in trust for the poor of Graigue without distinction of religion. The receipts of each Fair to be distributed by them at Christmas each year to the more necessitous. I also give and devise to the said Incumbent and Parish Priest the sum of ten pounds per annum in trust for said poor of Graigue and distributed by them in like manner as said Tolls and Customs, said ten pounds per annum to be paid out of my said share of the Springhill property I give and bequeath to Robert Clayton Browne Esquire Thomas Jameson Esqre and the Incumbents of the parishes of Killeshin and Carlow the Museum belonging to my late Brother Adam Jackson Esquire with all the ancient Books and manuscripts belonging thereto also the House of Commons Journals Almanacs Army Lists etc as books of reference in trust for the public whenever a suitable room shall be obtained for it. Courtesy of Oonagh Warke M.A. H.Dip. Archives John Tennant Jackson Knockboy Rathvilly Died 7th March 1941 aged 81 years [ b. Abt 1860] SEE: entry under 1941 cara email August 29, 2008 Hacketstown Churchyard. aged 2 months and 28 days. Baptised May 14th 1860. SOURCE: From Methodist Church register transcribed by Marlborough Clarke Douglas in the PPP. Email Michael Purcell. Feb 3, 2010. KIF 7208-JACKSON In Loving Memory of John Tennant Jackson Knockboy Rathvilly Died 7th March 1941 aged 81 years [est birth 1860] Also his wife Alice Frances Died 3rd Jan. 1955 aged 88 years Also their son William Tennant Died 8th April 1985 aged 80 Years "Thy Will Be Done" SOURCE: email Cara. “KIF” means she has photos of headstones. Hacketstown , Born 23rd Sept. 1861. SOURCE: From Methodist Church register transcribed by Marlborough Clarke Douglas in the PPP. Email Michael Purcell. Feb 3, 2010. Herbert Florentine Jackson, born June 10th 1863. SOURCE: From Methodist Church register transcribed by Marlborough Clarke Douglas in the PPP. Email Michael Purcell. Feb 3, 2010. 4 children born to Thomas Jackson & Susan Watts Sarah Jackson born 20 Dec, 1864 Baltinglass Registration #101096 Elizabeth born 15 Mar 1869, #500 Kiltegan #101181 Hannah born 3 Aug 1871 #451 Kiltegan #255826 John born 22 Mar 1874 #___ Kiltegan #255894 Kiltegan and Baltinglass are quite a distance apart, but Baltinglass may have been a district registration to Dunlaven and they moved. SOURCE: Annette Code Erected by Thomas Jackson of Hacketstown to commemorate beloved daugh Mary Ellen d Aug 9, 1868 age 2 yr. 8 mo. and 4 other children who died young [Est birth = 1866] John Jackson, son of Jane Jackson, b abt 1844 b. Co. Carlow. Church of Ireland. # 1 in Eaglehill (Clonmore, Carlow) SOURCE: 1911 Census. Alice Frances Died 3rd Jan. 1955 aged 88 years [b. Abt 1867] SEE: entry under 1941 cara email August 29, 2008 Hacketstown Churchyard. KIF 7208-JACKSON In Loving Memory of John Tennant Jackson Knockboy Rathvilly Died 7th March 1941 aged 81 years [est birth 1860] Also his wife Alice Frances Died 3rd Jan. 1955 aged 88 years [est birth = 1867] Also their son William Tennant Died 8th April 1985 aged 80 Years "Thy Will Be Done" SOURCE: email Cara. “KIF” means she has photos of headstones. Alice Frances Jackson. Born in Co. Wicklow. Married abt. 1902. Wife of John Tennant Jackson, Alice was married 9 years and had 3 living children. All b. Co. Carlow. C of I. It seems that Sarah TAMLEY is the mother -in-law - a 78 year old widow. # 4 in Knockboy (Rathvilly, Carlow) SOURCE: 1911 Census. Buried in Kiltegan Co Wicklow Ireland Thomas Jackson (rector) of Hacketstown father of Mary Ellen who died August 9th 1868 aged 2 years and 8 months also 4 other children who died young John Jackson husband of Anne of Woodfield died 1/1/1870 in his 70th year Two children died young Wife Anne died 12th Sept 1880 aged 70 Benjamin Jackson, son of Jane Jackson, b abt 1844 b. Co. Carlow. Church of Ireland. # 1 in Eaglehill (Clonmore, Carlow) SOURCE: 1911 Census. Elizabeth Jackson. Daughter of Thomas Jackson (b 1840) and Hanna born in Co. Carlow.. Single. #15 in Williamstown (Williamstown, Carlow) SOURCE: 1911 Census. Elizabeth B. Jackson age 37 lodger at #1, Claremount Terrace, Bray No 2, Co. Wicklow C of I School teacher born in England. Single. 1911 Census. Sarah Jackson, head of family (I do not know where her husband was at the time of the census). Sarah had been married 14 years and had 8 children – all still living. C of I. She was born in Co. Wicklow as was the first child. The rest in Co. Carlow. #26 in Upper (Borris, Carlow) SOURCE: 1911 Census. Samuel Thomas Jackson. Son of Thomas Jackson (b 1840) and Hanna born in Co. Carlow.. Single. #15 in Williamstown (Williamstown, Carlow) SOURCE: 1911 Census. Erected by John Jackson (d March 25, 1877) in memory of his son Joshua who d Oct 26, 1834 age 12? also son Richard Jackson d July 5, 18 (4?)7 aged 19 and also his son John Jackson d 28 Feb, 1890 age 63 SOURCE: Cantwell Memorial Inscriptions Aug 26, 2008 email from Annette Code. Joseph Peter Jackson was born 26th June, 1878 near Rathvilly Co, Carlow. He was the only son of William Walker Jackson and Susannah Jackson (née Jackson – they were cousins). SOURCE: Inge Jackson His mother was a daughter of a farmer, Peter Jackson of Co. Carlow, and his father was the elder son of Joseph Jackson [NOTE another citations says “Thomas”]whose family came from Co Wexford. (They were first cousins) His ancestors were alleged to have been given land at Eagle Hill, Co Wexford by the commander of Cromwells army. ... A sister of Rev. George Walker of siege of Derry fame married into the Carlow branch of the Jackson family. She called herself Walker - Jackson, and rumour has it that Walker was added as a second name to family members. NOTE: the 1911 Census showed the widow Jane JACKSON age 67 [est birth = 1844] resident at Eaglehill, Clonmore, Carlow with 2 sons & a grand-daughter. William Jackson age 32 Private in army. Barber. C of E #7 Shankhill (Barracks), Kilbride, Co. Wicklow. Born in England. 1911 Census. Annie Sarah Jackson. #5 Borkhill More, Rathdangan, Co. Wicklow. C of I. Wife of William Jackson; married 6 years, 4 children all living. Age 29Born Co. Wicklow. 1911 Census. William Jackson, born Co. Wicklow, Constable of RIC, C of I, # 25 in Burren Street (Carlow Urban, Carlow) SOURCE: 1911 Census. KIF 7181JACKSON in Memory of William Jackson Of Knockboy Who died 27th May 1884 Aged 56 Years Sleep on Now and take Your Rest Also His wife Sarah Who died 24th May 1900 Aged 58 years Susan Jackson. Daughter of Thomas Jackson (b 1840) and Hanna born in Co. Carlow.. Single. #15 in Williamstown (Williamstown, Carlow) SOURCE: 1911 Census. Maryann F. Jackson, born Co. Wicklow, wife of William Jackson (b 1883) # 25 in Burren Street (Carlow Urban, Carlow) SOURCE: 1911 Census. Harriet Jackson. Daughter of Thomas Jackson (b 1840) and Hanna born in Co. Carlow.. Single. #15 in Williamstown (Williamstown, Carlow) SOURCE: 1911 Census. (who replied) said: I am informed that the revising officer, Mr. Craig, has not made separate valuations in the Baltinglass Union such as those referred to by the hon. Member; but he has, in some few instances, changed the name of occupiers and immediate lessors, which may affect 1760 the Poor Law franchise only, in consequence of a letter from the proprietor stating that such changes had been made by him on his property. The revising officer did give an undertaking to Messrs. E. P. O'Kelly and P. Byrne, Poor Law Guardians, to carry out the alterations referred to by them, and he informs me that he has done so. If the particulars of the cases referred to by the hon. Member are supplied, the Commissioners of Valuation will cause an inquiry to be made, and if inaccuracies be found to exist, the Commissioners of Valuation will have the corrections carried into the Union lists immediately. Jackson, John, b. 13 Jun 1888, age: 75yr, [AR] Saint Mary Church of Ireland Cemetery Rathvilly, County Carlow, Ireland Joseph Jackson servant – general labourer at #1 Moanaspick, Kilbride, Co. Wicklow. C of I. Born Co. Wicklow. 1911 Census. William Jackson age 20 Private in army. Baker. C of E #7 Shankhill (Barracks), Kilbride, Co. Wicklow. Born in England. 1911 Census. Mary Jackson, wife of William Jackson, b. Co. Carlow. RC. #20 in Carlow Rural Part 1 (Carlow Rural, Carlow) SOURCE: 1911 Census. John Jackson, #5 Woodfieldglen, Talbotstown, Co. Wicklow C of I, born Belfast. Grandson of John & Eliza Jackson. 1911 Census. Jackson, Sarah, b. 24 May 1900, age: 68yr, w/o William, Knockboy, [AR] Saint Mary Church of Ireland Cemetery Rathvilly, County Carlow, Ireland Joseph Jackson, #5 Woodfieldglen, Talbotstown, Co. Wicklow C of I, born Belfast. Grandson of John & Eliza Jackson. 1911 Census. MARRIAGE: JACKSON and FINLAY - January 30th, 1901, at Trinity Church, Ballymore, Co. Wexford, by the Rev. B. Gibson, assisted by the Rev. Canon Gibson, Rector of Ferns, John William Edge Jackson, only son of the late John Jackson, Croneyhorn, Carnew, (Co Wicklow) to Elsie May Finlay, youngest daughter of Charles Finlay, Kilkeasane House, Ferns, Co. Wexford.(Enniscorthy Guardian, February 9th, 1901, p. 4.) Maria Margaret Bourne, granddaughter of Jane Jackson, b abt 1844 b. Co. Carlow. Church of Ireland. # 1 in Eaglehill (Clonmore, Carlow) SOURCE: 1911 Census. Charles G. Gregory, born Co. Wicklow,. # 25 in Burren Street (Carlow Urban, Carlow) SOURCE: 1911 Census. “brother-in-law of Jackson. William Tennant Died 8th April 1985 aged 80 Years [b. Abt 1905] SEE: entry under 1941 cara email August 29, 2008 Hacketstown Churchyard. KIF 7208-JACKSON In Loving Memory of John Tennant Jackson Knockboy Rathvilly Died 7th March 1941 aged 81 years [est birth 1860] Also his wife Alice Frances Died 3rd Jan. 1955 aged 88 years Also their son William Tennant Died 8th April 1985 aged 80 Years [est birth = 1905] "Thy Will Be Done" SOURCE: email Cara. “KIF” means she has photos of headstones. Jackson, Susan, b. 17 Dec 1906, age: 72yr, w/o Thomas, Boley. Baltinglass Co. Wicklow, [AR] Saint Mary Church of Ireland Cemetery Rathvilly, County Carlow, Ireland KIF 7189 JACKSON Erected By John Jackson of Boley In Loving Memory of My father Thomas Jackson who died at his residence Boley Baltinglass in County Wicklow On the 14th March 1906 In his ?2nd Year Also my mother Susan Jackson Who died on the 17th KIF 7208-JACKSON In Loving Memory of John Tennant Jackson Knockboy Rathvilly Died 7th March 1941 aged 81 years [ b. Abt 1860] Also his wife Alice Frances Died 3rd Jan. 1955 aged 88 years Also their son William Tennant Died 8th April 1985 aged 80 Years "Thy Will Be Done" Proceeding from Pembroke towards the Kilkenny Road we come to the Yellow lion Inn, now in the occupation of Mrs. Jackson and the Labour Exchange, I might here remark that the late Wm. J. Jackson preserved the identity of this premises by having a sign bearing the inscription "The Yellow Lion" erected on his house. ( later the site for Carlow Credit Union when it was situated in Burrin Street) One hundred years ago this was one of the largest coaching inns in Carlow being the principal depot of the Dublin-Kilkenny coaches. It was used as a hotel up to about sixty years ago, and was also for a time a police station before the present Barracks in Tullow Street was built. NOTE: I suspect William J. Jackson was the son of John Tennant Jackson and Alice Frances Jackson. (note: there are several Deerparks on different estates. Baltinglass - Donoughmore Parish- Dunlavin) are in the same area, north of the Fitzwilliam Estate but east of the border with Carlow Co. After landing in Salt Lake City for Alt Summit at the gorgeous Grand America Hotel, my mom and I were ravishing! With limited time, my mom and I quickly settled on rice soup which promised to be a popular menu selection. When our perfectly cooked rice came to the table and was followed with steaming vegetable stock, which they poured over the rice tableside, my mom and I couldn’t wait to dig in. Not only is this recipe incredibly healthy and delicious, it’s a great way to utilize leftover rice, vegetables and even proteins at the drop of a hat. 1. In a small size saucepan over low heat, cook rice according to package directions, approximately 12 – 15 minutes. Remove from heat and allow to sit undisturbed for 5 minutes before fluffing with a fork. 3. To serve, divide cooked rice among 4 serving bowls and top with onions. Pour stock on top and serve immediately. This one goes out to all my gluten-free friends that are constantly on the quest to find gluten-free baked goods. This recipe uses coconut flour in place of all-purpose flour and sacrifices on nothing but gluten! I like to think that even my gluten-loving friends will love them! 3. In a separate bowl, whisk together eggs, coconut oil, vanilla extract or paste until smooth being careful to not over-mix. 4. Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients in one addition mixing until just combined. By hand, gently fold fresh blueberries into the batter being careful to not “mush” or “crush” the blueberries. 5. Using a cookie scoop, evenly portion muffin batter into pre-greased or paper lined muffin pan. Top with a pinch of finishing sugar and place in preheated 375ºF oven. 6. Bake for 12 – 15 minutes or until the top is light golden in color and an inserted toothpick comes back with only a few crumbs attached. There are hundreds of recognizable natural and manmade landmarks around the globe and all of them are quite unique. These are 6 of the most popular manmade ones you will find. There are quite a few recognizable landmarks in London, such as Tower Bridge, the Houses of Parliament, and Buckingham Palace. However, arguably, the most well known of all is Big Ben. Thisclock tower symbolizes the determination of the British people as it kept time and struck the bell even during the bombing blitz the city suffered during the Second World War. The pendulum keeps perfect time with the help of a stack of English pennies that are balanced on top of it. For those who are given permission to climb the clock tower, you need to be in decent shape to climb the 16 storeys since there is no elevator. The Roman Colosseum has been a popular attraction in the Italian capital for hundreds of years. It takes your imagination back to the days when the lions and gladiators would fight it out in the middle of the famed arena in front of frenzied crowds. The Colosseum has deteriorated a little over the years due to father time, stone thieves, and earthquakes. However, you can still see the remnants of the amazing architecture and engineering skills that went into the building of the venue. While China’s great wall has been popular for centuries, it’s not really a wall from start to finish. It’s about 5,500 miles in length, but parts of it are constructed of natural barriers and trenches. Some of the wall has eroded over the centuries, but other sections of it are in very good shape, especially around Mutianyu and Badaling. Almost 200 miles of the wall which had been covered and hidden by sand were discovered in Mongolia back in 2009. Paris’ Notre Dame is definitely the most recognizable cathedral in the city due to its magnificent French Gothic architecture, flying buttresses, and colorful stained-glass windows. Of course, it was also the setting for the famous Hunchback of Notre Dame novel written by Victor Hugo. If you’d like to get a close up look at the gargoyles, you need to climb over 300 steps in the north tower to do so. Istanbul’s wondrous Blue Mosque was completed way back in 1616. It’s been one of the city’s most recognizable landmarks ever since. The mosque sits beside the ancient and famous Hippodrome and faces toward the Hagia Sophia. There are approximately 21,000 beautiful blue tiles inside of the mosque as well as 260 colorful stained-glass windows. Prayers are called here 5 times per day. Sydney’s spectacular opera house was designed by Jorn Utzon and he did a great job of it since it’s one of the world’s most recognizable structures. The white shell roof blends in perfectly with the deep blue water of Sydney Harbour which sits in its background. The opera house features several entertaining events each week, such as ballet, chamber music, plays, operas, and performances by the Sydney Philharmonic Orchestra. I'm Maggie, I'm a 43 year old housewife and I live in the North of England. I've been taking pictures now for the last year and I just love turning my other half on with my sexy and wicked demands. Now it's your turn to I will try to post at least 3 times a month and my pictures will be both soft and hard. I love to pose outdoors in public places such as parks and woods etc. as well as at home. There will also be in the members area amongst other things an opportunity to purchase my photo CD's and panties. I want you to be involved in my site so please let me know what you want and I will try to please you. I love to dress and tease and I love to have sex whilst wearing stockings, suspenders and other horny outfits. I would love to hear from all you horny guys so feel free to email me and tell me what my pictures do to you. If you want to know what I look like and would like to see what a naughty housewife I can be then cum inside, perhaps you might recognise me!
The President kicks off his Re-election campaign at a Chicago Restaurant with his typical Rock Star, Hey, Hey, Hello. hello, hello, hello Chicago! “Thank Yo”. Listening to Obama reminds me of my Music Business days when we had one national act after another come through. All started off with, “Thank yo… Name of town”. Obama does the Rock star better than most. So here is the full text of his remarks at his 250 dollar a plate dinner which is quote reasonable in campaign standards. Its a long way too a billion from a plate of chicken at $250 bucks. THE PRESIDENT: Hey! Hey! Hello, hello, hello! Hello! Hello, Chicago! (Applause.) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, everybody. It’s good to be home. (Applause.) Thank you. Thank you. All right, everybody have a seat. Everybody have a seat. You’re making me blush. (Laughter.) We’ve got some very special guests here today. First of all, my former seatmate in the Illinois state senate who is doing gangbuster work all over the state — Attorney General Lisa Madigan is in the house. Where is Lisa? Where is she? There she is. (Applause.) A guy who I basically follow around to see what he eats and drinks so I can look like him, somebody who never ages, always doing the right thing on behalf of communities all across the state, especially here in Chicago — Secretary of State Jesse White is in the house. (Applause.) Our newly elected Cook County President, one of my earliest supporters, and also my former alderwoman — so I hope that my garbage is still being picked up — Toni Preckwinkle is in the house. (Applause.) She’s around here somewhere. And then I have to admit that I got a little confused. (Laughter.) I walk in and there are these two guys talking, both of them very animated, both of them a little intimidating, even though they’re not tall in statute. (Laughter.) I was trying to figure out who I should bow to first. I decided to go with the current mayor — (laughter and applause) — somebody who has done more to make Chicago not just a great American city but a great world city, and his legacy is going to be deep and lasting, as deep and lasting as his father’s was. We are grateful for his service — the mayor of the city of Chicago, Richard Daley. (Applause.) Bill is doing okay, Rich. (Laughter.) I mean, you know, there are times where he’s still kind of figuring out where everything is — (laughter) — but overall he’s making the grade. Of course, he had some big shoes to fill. And I could not be prouder of the job this man did on behalf of America as my chief of staff. As Bill knows, there probably is not a harder job in government than being chief of staff. You get all the blame and little of the credit, and the pressures are enormous and they are constant. And I rely extraordinarily heavily, given everything that’s on our plate, on the person who essentially oversees the executive functions of the White House. And so I am blessed now to have a great chief of staff, but I also am so lucky to have had in some of the toughest times that we’ve seen since the Great Depression somebody who is not only a great manager, a great strategist, a great political thinker, but also my friend. Yes, he is foul-mouthed. (Laughter.) Yes, that finger thing is a little creepy. (Laughter.) But I love him anyway, and, Chicago, you did the right thing by electing him the next mayor of the city of Chicago — Rahm Emanuel. (Applause.) Look, I don’t want to make a long speech, mainly just because even though I’m not supposed to do it, I just want to go around and say hello to everybody — (applause) — because as I look around the room, I’ve got as good a collection of friends from every stage of my life in this room as anybody could hope for. I’ve got people who helped me get started as a lawyer. I’ve got folks who helped me get started in politics. I’ve got folks who worked with me down in Springfield. I’ve got people who were some of my earliest supporters in my congressional race — (applause) — and nursed me back to health after a beating. (Laughter.) I’ve got folks who believed that I might be a United States senator when nobody could pronounce my name, long before I made a speech in Boston. And then I’ve got people that had the faith that I could perform the functions of the highest office in the land. (Applause.) I’ve got some folks who taught with me at the University of Chicago. (Applause.) I’ve got some Hyde-Parkers in the house. (Applause.) I’ve got some folks who were there the summer I met my wife and folks who were there when my children were born. So as I look across the room it’s a record of my adult life and the people who helped me to become the man I am. The last two and a half years have obviously been extraordinary. We understood when we put together our presidential campaign that the country was entering a crossroads, that we were going to have to make some fundamental decisions about who we were and who we are as a people. And I got into this race for President because I believed that what makes us great is our incredible commitment to individual freedom and individual responsibility; the fact that with some pluck and some hard work and some good fortune, here in America anybody can make it, regardless of race or creed or station. But what made us great is also the fact that this collection of people from all around the world are somehow able to come together and pledge allegiance not just to a flag but to a creed; that we’re able to join together in this common enterprise; that we’re able to look out for one another; that when we make it, we’re saying to ourselves, who else can we pull up the ladder; that there’s a sense of community that is not defined simply by ethnicity or where we go to church or mosque or synagogue or temple, but a commitment to each other that somehow is greater than the sum of its parts. That’s why I decided to run for President. That’s why you supported me. Those are the values that you helped teach me when I first came to Chicago so many years ago. And those values have been put to the test over the last two and a half years, because Americans have gone through a tough time. I can’t describe night after night reading the letters that I get, the emails that I get, from people all across the country — just heartbreaking stories: Children talking about their parents losing their jobs or losing their homes and wondering if they’re going to be okay; folks sending out job application after job application after job application and nothing coming back.; parents of young men and women who’ve been killed in action, trying to describe how proud they are of those kids even though their heart just aches, and asking to make sure that as the Commander-in-Chief that I am living up to that full measure of devotion that they displayed. And so for the last two and a half years, what I’ve tried to do is to make sure that every day when I wake up, I remember why I ran and I remember why you supported me. And whether it was passing a Recovery Act that would get the economy back on its feet and put people back to work; saving an auto industry that a lot of people had written off; making sure that we had a financial system that is functioning but also one that was sufficiently regulated, that consumers got a fair shake; making sure that we brought combat in Iraq to a close; making sure that anybody can serve in our military regardless of their sexual orientation — (applause) — making sure that in a country as wealthy as ours nobody is going bankrupt because they get sick, and no parent has to worry about selling their house because their child has a preexisting condition and he can’t get health insurance — (applause) — making sure that we got more women on the Supreme Court and that one of them is a Latina — (applause) — and making sure that women get equal pay for equal work so that my daughters when they come up — (applause) — are going to have the same chances as your sons. Each and every time we’ve had to make a decision, my guiding principle, that North Star, has been those values that we talked about during the campaign: I am my brother’s keeper, I am my sister’s keeper. A belief in an America that is competitive and compassionate. A belief that there’s nothing we can’t accomplish if we come together, and that we have to think big in terms of what we need to accomplish. And we’ve made extraordinary progress, but we still have so much work to do. There’s still too many people out there writing me letters that don’t have a job; too many folks who are worried about losing their home. There’s still too many kids trapped in poverty in cities and rural areas all across America that we haven’t been able to reach. There’s still discrimination out there. There’s still unfairness and injustice out there. We’ve still got 100,000 troops in Afghanistan — who are remarkable and doing everything they can to keep us safe. We still have roads that need to be fixed and bridges that need to be repaired. We still need an energy policy that doesn’t make us vulnerable to whatever spikes in the world oil market might occur. Right now, there are folks in the Chicago-land area who are every day trying to figure out how am I going to fill up my gas tank. And all the tax cuts that we provided to help working-class and middle-class families, they’re worried about those tax breaks being entirely eaten up by $4.00 a gallon gas. We still have to worry about making sure that as the world’s largest economy, as the world’s wealthiest nation, that we’re taking the lead when it comes to climate change. (Applause.) We still have an obligation to make sure that we have an immigration policy in this country that matches up with our values as a nation of laws, but also a nation of immigrants. (Applause.) There are still small businesses out there just waiting to be started if they’re getting the right financing. There are still young men and women who are just ready to seize the moment as engineers and scientists if we’re just making sure those research grants are flowing. And we got to do all this in a context, as I talked about yesterday, in which our fiscal challenges are real. The speech I gave yesterday was not a partisan shot at the other side. It was an attempt to clarify the choice that we have as a country right now. (Applause.) We agree, Democrats and Republicans, that we’ve got to come together and have a government that lives within its means, that is lean, is smart, is effective; that we’ve got a country that pays its bills and isn’t borrowing 30 or 40 cents for every dollar that we spend. That is imperative. And if we’re progressive, we’ve got to care about the deficit just as much as the other side does, because we won’t be able to fund the research that’s necessary, or the Head Start programs, or the college loan programs, or the infrastructure that we need, unless it’s on a firm, solid footing. But how we get there is important. And you’ve got right now one side that I believe is entirely sincere that says we no longer can afford to do big things in this country. We can’t afford to be compassionate. We can’t afford Medicare so let’s make sure that seniors get a voucher, and if the health insurance companies aren’t giving them full coverage or they can’t afford coverage with the voucher they get, tough luck, they’re on their own. It’s a vision that says we can’t afford to rebuild our roads and our bridges. We can’t afford high-speed rail. We can’t afford broadband lines into rural areas so that everybody can be a part of this new global community. We can’t afford to make sure the poor kid can go to college. We can’t afford health care for another 50 million people. That’s the choice they pose. Now, understand, it is a choice. Because they’re absolutely right — if people like me, if most of the people in this room, can’t afford to pay a little bit more in taxes, then a lot of this stuff we can’t afford. If we’re insisting that those of us who are doing best in this society have no obligations to other folks, then, no, we can’t afford it. But if we’re willing to go back to our deepest roots and say to ourselves, you know what, that’s not how America was built, that’s not how we became the greatest nation on Earth, that’s not what the American way is all about; if we say to ourselves I do have that commitment to that child on the South Side or on the West Side or out in the south suburbs, for them to succeed, too — my life will be better if they succeed — this is not charity, this is a good investment for me because I want to live in a society where all those kids have a shot; if we say to ourselves, you know what, I want people to have health care, I don’t want them going into the emergency room and sitting and waiting, and then getting the most expensive care; I think it makes sense for us to have a more effective health care system and one where everybody has basic coverage; if we’re saying to ourselves, I want to make sure that Malia and Sasha and your children and your grandchildren, that they’re inheriting a land that has clean rivers and air you can breathe and that’s worth something to me, that’s something I want to invest in because when I’m all finished here and I’m looking back on my life, I want to be able to say, we were good stewards of the planet –(applause) — if that’s what we believe, then we’ve got the ability to do that. We’ve got the ability to do it, and it doesn’t take that much. It just doesn’t take that much. If we apply some practical common sense to this, we can solve our fiscal challenges and still have the America that we believe in. That’s what this budget debate is going to be about. And that’s what the 2012 campaign is going to be about. And so over the next three months, six months, nine months, I’m going to be a little preoccupied. (Laughter.) I’ve got this day job that — (laughter) — that I’ve got to handle. And it means that I’m not going to see all of you as often I’d like. It means that I’m not going to be able to make that phone call to you and thank you even though my gratitude is profound. It means that all of you are going to have to remember why I’m standing here, why we were successful — because it wasn’t my campaign; it was your campaign. It was your investment. It was your time. It was your energy. It was your faith and it was your confidence that is allowing me to try to live up to those values that we share. And if you remember that, and if you take ownership for that, and if you are just as fired up now — despite the fact that your candidate is a little older and a lot grayer — (laughter and applause) — then I have every confidence that we are going to be able finish the job.
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And Abraham said of Sarah his wife, “She is my sister.” And Abimelech king of Gerar sent and took Sarah. (Bereshit/Genesis 20:2) I like to say, “truth is stranger than fiction”, because it’s true. It’s one of the things that evidences the reliability of the Bible. No one could, or should I say would, make this stuff up. The life of Abraham is wrapped around God’s giving him a son in his and his wife Sarah’s old age. Early on, when he first journeyed to the land of Canaan, in spite of their infertility, he accepted God’s word to him regarding becoming a great nation one day. Eventually he became concerned that no child was forthcoming, but at God’s reassurance, he trusted that he would indeed have a child of his own one day. More time went by; still no child. His wife suggested surrogate motherhood as the solution. Abraham agreed and had a son, Ishmael, via Sarah’s servant Hagar. Problem solved, or so he thought, until God appeared to him again, saying that Sarah herself would have the child of promise, Isaac. It was soon afterwards that he did something really strange. He jeopardized God’s plan. What occurred was that Sarah was taken by a local king. It is clear that this happened soon after the Isaac promise, because if Sarah would have been visibly pregnant, then she wouldn’t have been taken. The king was led to believe that she was Abraham’s sister, not his wife. This was a ruse they had agreed upon as they embarked on their God-ordained journey years before. Abraham was afraid that someone might kill him in order to steal his wife. That way, if she was taken, his life would most likely be spared. That he really was her half-brother made their ruse more believable, though no less deceitful. This was the second time he almost lost her. Soon after arriving in the Land of Canaan, they went down to Egypt to escape famine, where Pharaoh took her. Both times God intervened, and she was returned to her husband unscathed. Both times Abraham was well-compensated in spite of himself. But both times he greatly risked completely undermining God’s plans and purposes for their lives. All because of fear. That part of the story isn’t strange. Fear blinds us to the truth, resulting in destructive behavior. At least blind people know they’re blind, while fear tricks us into thinking that it functions like high-definition glasses. We think we see the world clearer than ever even though the image of life we’re engaging is completely skewed. After all those years living as a foreigner in the Promised Land; after all those years of God’s protection and reiterations of his grand plan, by now wouldn’t the Father of Faith be free of such fear? Didn’t God just recently promise that Sarah would have a child? Even if he was afraid, couldn’t he muster up enough courage to avoid losing her at this most precarious time in their lives. If this was a made-up story, who would have thought up elderly Sarah, unusually beautiful though she was, being taken by another man just before Isaac was to be conceived. We would never imagine the hero of a story crumbling like this at this point. And yet in reality, such is the nature of fear. What’s even stranger to me is that everything works out okay. But that’s because God’s faithfulness is perhaps the strangest thing in the entire universe! Our fears are not going to get in the way of God’s plans. And if we are part of those plans, he is going to work out our lives accordingly. That doesn’t mean that misjudgment rooted in fear is acceptable. Or that serious consequence may not result. So much trouble is avoided by trusting in God, the fruit of which is right living. But at the same time, God is patient with us. And faithful. While he wants us to always trust him, and not fear, it’s not as if our fears cause him to abandon us. I wish the reality of true faith chased away every fear. I wish I was never intimidated by life’s challenges. Sometimes I find myself freaked out on the roller coaster of life, forgetting that it’s not my grasp of the cart that keeps me from being flung out. God firmly holds his children through everything, committed to never leave us or forsake us. We have every reason not to fear, but we do anyway. We shouldn’t; but we do. God can handle it. And maybe the more we realize that, the less we will fear. Now the LORD said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” (Bereshit/Genesis 12:1-3) I am not Abraham, but I know what it means to not really know where I am going. Twenty years ago this week, according to the Jewish calendar, I embarked on a journey into the unknown. I was forty years old, living with my growing family in a most beautiful part of Planet Earth – Vancouver, British Columbia. My work-life until about six years before was filled with teaching the Bible and related endeavors. Then, having reached the edge of burnout, I was given the sage advice of laying down my ministry for a time – a brief time, I thought. In the meantime, since I still needed to provide for my family, I found a different line of work. It wasn’t easy due to my education being in theology. I was given the opportunity for retraining in office-based computing, and within a few months I was working in high tech and continued to do so for the next twenty-five years. Those years had their ups and downs. I learned a lot about life, myself, and business. Yet my heart was never really in it. Not that there was anything wrong with the work I was doing. It was me. I couldn’t shake the desire to return to the kind of Bible oriented pursuits that filled my life previously. A few years into my high-tech experience, the Internet began to emerge as a force to reckon with. In the mid-1990s, I started developing basic Web pages (that’s when the only background color available was gray!). In those days few people guessed how pervasive the online world would become. In 1997 (that’s a year before Google was incorporated) I got an idea: maybe in my spare time I could post short Bible messages on the Web. I was intrigued by the idea that people who might not normally encounter biblical truth might read what I had to say in the privacy of their homes. I would follow the traditional annual reading cycle of the Books of Moses, explaining how these ancient words continue to speak powerfully in our day, especially as we understand them from a messianic perspective (the conviction that the promised Jewish Messiah has come in the person of Yeshua of Nazareth). I had no idea where I was going with this, but I started out. Just like Abraham. I found that expressing myself through writing alleviated some of my heaviness of heart. Even though my normal work hours were given to other things, I knew I had something to share and was willing to put it out there for whomever might see it. Soon afterwards a friend and colleague suggested I add a subscribe function to my fledgling website so that people could receive the weekly message by email – a cutting edge idea in those early days of the Web. And then people actually started signing up! Little did I know that I would still be doing this twenty years later. We read in the New Covenant book of Hebrews, “By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place that he was to receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going” (Hebrews 11:8). However, when we read his story, it is clear that he knew what his God-given destination was. So he did know where he was going. Still, the writer of Hebrews is not wrong. While Abraham knew his geographical destination, he understood nothing of what his life would be like there. It is often that way when we respond to God’s leading. The steps we are to take are sufficiently clear to get started at least. Beyond that, there’s no way to know what God has in store – except for one thing – the same thing God promised Abraham: blessing. We will likely be surprised at how the fruit of our God-directed endeavors brings blessing to the world. That’s God’s job, not ours. Our job is to simply obey his promptings – even when we don’t really know where we’re going. I don’t know how much longer I will continue to produce TorahBytes. Today it’s one part of a much broader teaching work, having returned to my life’s calling about five years ago. Over the years I have often considered stopping these weekly messages. Then one way or another, the Lord would encourage me to keep going. So, we’ll see. For now, let me thank those of you who have supported me on this journey for some or most of the past twenty years. Then God said to Noah, “Go out from the ark, you and your wife, and your sons and your sons’ wives with you. Bring out with you every living thing that is with you of all flesh – birds and animals and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth – that they may swarm on the earth, and be fruitful and multiply on the earth.” (Bereshit/Genesis 8:15-17) There are few Bible stories that are as misunderstood as Noah’s Ark. Most who are familiar with it can easily recite its key elements: world becomes extremely wicked; God decides to destroy it but saves Noah, his family, and two of every animal. Innumerable children’s books have depicted these scenes in a most delightful and fun way with happy streams of animals taking a sea voyage along with positive images of the dove of peace and a colorful rainbow at its conclusion. While there are certainly positive elements in the story of Noah, there is very little in it that I would call delightful and hardly the stuff of small children’s picture books. It’s a terrible story really. Everyone alive at that time plus all the air-breathing land animals and birds, except for eight people and the animals on the ark, drowned – a most horrible way to die. From this we are supposed to understand that wickedness leads to destruction, and that God’s patience only lasts so long before his judgement comes. Even though there’s been only one universal flood, since then this has been experienced over and over in much smaller, but no less devastating, ways. Noah’s Ark also serves as a warning that there is a greater and more final judgement coming, where fire, not water, will be God’s instrument (see 2 Peter 3:5-7). The judgement element of Noah’s Ark is not the only part of this story that is generally misunderstood, however. Have you thought about what it must have been like for Noah and company on the ark for all that time? Eight people and some great number of animals cooped up in a big box-like boat tossed violently for over a month, having nothing to do except survive. And by the way, they weren’t in the ark for just forty days and forty nights. That was just the duration of the extreme weather event. It took over ten months more for the earth to be suitable for habitation again. Life’s like that. People don’t always escape dangerous situations unscathed. Being rescued is often the beginning of a complex process of restoration. Like the passengers on the ark, the act of rescue itself may be unpleasant, not to mention the aftermath. Think of what people go through when facing serious surgery, for example, from the preparations through recuperation. Yet, we usually deem all the necessary unpleasantness as acceptable given the potential outcome. Could you imagine if the negative aspects of surgery kept us from allowing our lives to be saved? It’s not that hard, actually. I know I have avoided medical tests out of fear of discomfort. The fact is we naturally resist pain even if it is for our good. It can take effort to be rescued, as it did for Noah. The same is true in the case of the greatest rescue anyone could ever experience, the rescue from our alienation from God. The same wickedness at work before the flood continues to affect us all. Unless we are delivered from sin, we will be lost forever. But we can be rescued through faith in the Messiah Yeshua. However, it’s a messy business being rescued, and it appears not everyone is up to it. That’s really too bad, since the end result is absolutely off-the-charts wonderful! To be rescued by God through Yeshua includes freedom from guilt and shame; a sense of purpose and reason for living; being equipped by God’s own Spirit enabling us to live good and effective lives; a guaranty of living in the presence of God forever, and much, much more! Yet, in order to realize the benefits of God’s rescue, you have to be willing to face all sorts of unpleasantness. You will have to take responsibility for your failings and wrongs, expressing regret to both God and to the people affected by your mismanagement of your life. You will have to stop depending on yourself and trust in God, who may lead you into all sorts of new, exciting, and possibly dangerous situations. You may have to face rejection for the first time in your life. Don’t worry, God won’t make you deal with everything at once; it’s a lifelong thing. But it’s worth it! It’s that time of year again when we return to the beginning of the Torah. This is anything but “same old, same old.” Yes, the words don’t change year by year. And neither does their essential meaning, though I don’t know if we will ever fully plunge their depth. Yet, apart from learning aspects of God’s revealed Word that we never noticed before, it’s amazing how much we forget year by year; and that’s true even when we’ve been paying attention. But there’s another reason why these ancient words retain their freshness: life in the world as we know it constantly changes. Certainly there are fundamentals to human life on earth that have been constant throughout the ages, both the good and the bad. Expositors of Scripture often focus on this fact. Perhaps we feel the need to justify the relevance of the Bible to those who dismiss it as out of date. For example, in this very parsha (weekly Torah reading portion), when God confronts Adam and then Eve on their eating of the forbidden fruit, they both blame shift, something we human beings have been doing ever since (see Bereshit/Genesis 3:11-13). From this we learn our need to take responsibility for our actions. It is good to point out how the Bible is full of content, which while situated in a distant time and setting, is easily relatable by people today wherever we might live. But are there not factors of our contemporary existence that are way beyond the Bible’s scope? Isn’t the truth of Scripture based on a worldview and culture so different from ours, so as to make much of its teaching obsolete, not to mention that its writers could have no way foreseen the world of the 21st century, with its technological advancements and apparent cultural progression? Even if you don’t accept many of today’s cultural categories and approaches to morality, how could the Bible provide answers to questions and issues of which the people of that day would have no clue? The Bible’s timeliness is not due to a focus on unchanging themes even though that is the way it is often taught. The stories in the Bible are not moralistic lessons. Neither is the Bible a collection of timeless sayings. There are some in the Book of Proverbs, but that’s the exception. The rule is that the Bible communicates via stories, the technical term for story-like writing is “narrative.” Most biblical narrative is historical. Even large non-narrative sections, such as the Psalms or the Prophets, are speaking within the context of historical happenings. The hundreds of commandments found in the Books of Moses are given within a specific cultural and historical setting. The New Covenant Letters are written to real people in real places, addressing specific issues. In almost no cases are the implications for or applications to our day spelled out for us. Rather, when we read the Bible, we are exposed to God’s perspective on life and living. It is through these writings that God has ingeniously provided us with everything we need to address any and all issues we may encounter anywhere at any time. Garnering the knowledge and understanding from the Bible that we need to effectively engage the world in which we live can be hard work, but it’s worth it. For example, it’s worth it to take the time to examine God’s establishment of the human family as revealed in the first few verses of the Torah (see Bereshit/Genesis 1:26-30). Here we learn that man and woman are created, not as the product of natural causes, but both in and as the image of God. Also, we are created on purpose and for a purpose, being commissioned as stewards of the planet and that having children is key to our fulfilling our God-given roles. Chew over that for a while and see what happens. See what happens to your view of yourself, of marriage, of sex, of children, and your purpose for living. And that’s just the beginning! And He said, “My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest.” Then he said to Him, “If Your presence does not go with us, do not lead us up from here.” (Shemot/Exodus 33:14-15) In preparation to depart from Mt. Sinai, not long after the tragic incident of the Golden Calf, Moses is praying. He is praying and he is listening. While most of us will unlikely experience divine communication at anywhere near this level, prayer is more of a conversation than we generally think. We are not going to delve into that now, however. It’s the dynamic of this particular conversation that I wish to focus on. What’s going on here sounds more like an argument than a conversation. And a strange argument at that. It’s sounds like one of those I-am-agreeing-with-you type arguments, where people passionately just about echo each other’s words, while somehow implying that each party isn’t quite satisfied that they’re getting their point across. What’s Moses problem here? God said he would go with them. Why does Moses keep on about this if God said he would do it? In the Hebrew, both instances of “go” doesn’t specify with whom God is going or not going. Presumably the confusion is only the reader’s, since God and Moses seem to know what they were arguing over. The translation I chose irons out the ambiguity by adding “with you” (singular) to what God says and “with us” to Moses’s words. This clarification on the part of the translators is justified by a reading of the entire interaction. The back and forth between Moses and God is due to God’s commitment to Moses alone, assuring him that his presence will be with him personally. But that’s not good enough for Moses. He wants assurance that God will be present with the whole nation. This isn’t clear until verse 16: “For how then can it be known that I have found favor in Your sight, I and Your people? Is it not by Your going with us, so that we, I and Your people, may be distinguished from all the other people who are upon the face of the earth?” (emphasis mine). This is the mark of a true leader. Moses has extraordinary favor with God. But that’s not good enough for him. He wants the people to have what he has. He isn’t satisfied to be their champion or their hero. He knows that in the grand scheme of things, this isn’t about his success, his fame, nor even his legacy. We justify leader focus because of our assumption that as leaders go, so do the people they lead. Certainly there is some truth in this. We see such an example in the history of the Israelite monarchy. If a king was good, which was rarely the case, things went well for the nation. If a king was evil, the nation suffered. The principle works, but should this principle be our goal? Instead should not our hearts be for the people we lead, whatever be the scope and scale of our leadership? For our families, our friends, co-workers, employees, congregations, and nations, it should not be sufficient to simply strive to be the best person possible. We need to truly care about people like Moses did. The blessings we ask for needn’t be channeled through us. May God bless people directly. If we get to play a part in that process, that’s great. But is it necessary? Isn’t God’s blessing a result of his undeserved love and mercy? He doesn’t really need us anyway. Yet he delights to use us. I know we know this. And yet, it is so easy to fixate on ourselves. Perhaps that is why this interchange between God and Moses is so instructive. It’s a battle to fight for blessing upon others and not just ourselves. It isn’t as if blessing needs to be wrenched from God, who is so generous. It’s we whose hands need to be pried open through prayer that we might come to that place where we will fight for God’s blessing upon others.
During the service where her life was truly celebrated and the celebrant mentioned five opportunities for thought that we can gain from observing the butterfly. We can learn a lot from nature about this active process of change and transformation as we examine the journey of a a caterpillar during its transition into a butterfly. Transition can be defined as “a movement, development, or evolution from one form, stage, or style to another.” In order to come into form, a butterfly develops through a process called metamorphosis that has four stages; each stage is fully dependent on the other. While change can at times feel painful, if we don’t allow ourselves to go through the all stages of change, we will resist the fact that change is actually inevitable. We actually cant stay in the same form. resisting the opportunities of conscious change inhibits us from flying free!! Our opportunity for healing is to live with and expand upon that which serves us… and have the courage to release that which we find … no longer serves us. It fills itself with nourishment as the food eaten at this time is stored and used later as an adult. Trust that the process of nourishing yourself with experiences is ultimately feeding your future form—even if the experiences are particularly challenging. How valuable to look at this movement as a mandatory process of shedding, expansion, and that this must occur not once but over and over. Depending on the species, the caterpillar may suspend itself under a branch, hide in the leaves or bury itself underground. During times of transition, we too may need to go“underground” to hibernate and give our body and mind the space to go internal. What is significant about this stage and important for our own emotional and personal transition is that while visually it may look like nothing is going on, instead, big changes are happening inside. Special cells that were present in the caterpillar are now growing rapidly. They will become the legs, wings, eyes, and other parts of the adult butterfly. This stage can last from a few weeks, a month, or even longer. Reiki Healing, Meditation, Conscious Relaxation, Walks Along the Beach or a River, Holidays and even a Weekend Get-away are examples of space and time for rejuvenation. During this phase of rapid internal growth, the caterpillar actually has to “break down its parts” or “liquefy” in order to come into another form. If we relate this process to some of life’s transitions, it actually means that our body requires a surrendering…. or a metaphorical “melting” into the process. However, this movement process of letting go of something in order to grab onto something else actually means that for a period of time we may feel like we are holding on to nothing. We may not consciously identify what is happening to us during times of uncertainty, but our body can sense the change and can have a range of emotional, mental, spiritual and physical reactions. By looking at the caterpillar’s physical breaking down of form in order for restructuring to happen as a metaphor, it may provide some guidance during these uncertain feelings, normalizing this part as an important stage in the transition.” Our body, mind, spirit, heart and soul go through new experiences that can challenge us on our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual sense of well-being. Neoga, Illinois : Doctors, Physicians, Hospitals, Health Care and Medical Providers : Results 1 - 50 Three Oaks, Michigan : Doctors, Physicians, Hospitals, Health Care and Medical Providers : Results 1 - 50 It was 5:05 on a cold Thursday morning. I was up early with a lot to do, and the first item on the agenda was to type in the last hundred or so entries for a veterinary parasitology index and complete the editing. The index was due that day, but technically I had until 5 p.m. The goal was to finish it by noon so I could spend the rest of the day packing a bag and reviewing the three-hour speech I was scheduled to give at a dental hygiene meeting in Michigan Saturday. (I’m a dental hygienist in my other life.) I banged out the last entry (Baermann technique, 239-241) just before 8:00, stopped for breakfast and a walk, then settled in for the editing process. Because I had all morning, I thought I’d try some new tricks with Sky Index. I’ve always been one of those people who uses the same favorite features and shortcuts with every computer program, seldom bothering to learn new ones. I should have stuck with that plan, it turns out. The new trick I wanted to try was called “Duplicate Main Heading and Group.” I don’t even remember now why I wanted to try it, but I did. The entries popped up just as expected, and they seemed fine. “But wait,” I thought, suddenly confused. “What’s wrong with this picture?” The index just didn’t look right. It took a few seconds of disbelief before the awful truth sank in. Disbelief was followed by dismay, then by anger, then by panic. The index didn’t look right because most of it was missing. Where I had had 1,422 entries, I now had three entries—the three I had just tried to duplicate. What had happened to the other 1,419? I hit the undo button. Nothing. I scrolled up and down both panes. Nothing. My mouse hovered over the ‘x’ at the top right. If I closed the index, then reopened it . . . . No, that might make the disaster irrevocable. I was afraid to touch anything. I had just lost the entire index, which was due in less than seven hours. I fired off a panicky e-mail to Sky Support, wondering if Kamm checked his messages this early. Then I tried to think. Like everyone else, I’ve accumulated half a dozen jump drives in the past few years. I don’t know where they come from, they just appear in the steel box where I keep backup discs. I use a particular white one for backing up the current index. I dug out the white jump drive and plugged it in. Yes! There was the index. There was just one small problem. I had not done a backup since the previous day. It had not occurred to me to back up the index before I started editing. I’ve never done that. So after the obligatory few minutes of cussing and fuming, I started to re-type everything I’d done in the wee hours of that morning. The index was turned in at 4:15 that afternoon. Editing took much longer than it should have because I was so nervous and shaky after the near disaster. The leisurely packing I’d planned for Thursday afternoon was done in the 10 minutes before we left home Friday morning. The speech review was done at 9 p.m. Friday evening while I kept my eyes open with a dental mouth prop (just kidding). So―what did I learn? Well, there are the obvious things: always do a backup before editing; never try a new program feature when you’re on a deadline; don’t panic. I traded several e-mails with Kamm Schreiner, developer of Sky Index. He had no clue what I’d done. Neither of us could imagine any accidental combination of keystrokes that would erase an entire index. After the third set of e-mails I decided to call up the file to see if there were any overlooked clues. What!?!?! Why was it there? What happened to the three-entry file that started the whole problem? After I thought about it for awhile, I decided I must have accidentally created a subgroup. The program was only showing me the subgroup, but after I closed the file and reopened it a few days later, the entire index resurfaced. Kamm agreed with my hypothesis, saying, “You may have used the Group on Text command by mistake, which has a similar keyboard shortcut. Shift+F6 will group on a main heading.” So there it is—probably the stupidest thing I’ve ever done as an indexer. I did make the deadline, thanks to my habit of backing up the current index every evening. But things would have been much easier if I’d also backed up just before editing.
Natural Grocers has launched its new line of private label products, including more than 35 different ite ... Natural Grocers has launched its new line of private label products, including more than 35 different items across 10 categories. The natural and organic retailer says the launch continues its commitm ... Starting Oct. 1, Oklahoma wine enthusiasts can have wine shipped directly to their homes and offices by U ... Starting Oct. 1, Oklahoma wine enthusiasts can have wine shipped directly to their homes and offices by U.S. wineries licensed to ship. Previously, wine drinkers in Oklahoma were limited to purchasing ... Natural Grocers will open its relocated Santa Fe, New Mexico, store at 1090 S. St. Francis Drive on Oct. ... Natural Grocers will open its relocated Santa Fe, New Mexico, store at 1090 S. St. Francis Drive on Oct. 4. The new 20,850-s.f. store will open at 8 a.m. with a grand reopening celebration and ribbon ... Market intelligence agency Mintel has released its “A Year of Innovations in Ice Cream, 2018” report, nam ... Market intelligence agency Mintel has released its “A Year of Innovations in Ice Cream, 2018” report, naming Peekaboo Organic Ice Cream one of the most innovative ice cream launches of the year. Desig ... Whole Foods Market at the Domain in Austin, Texas, is offering shoppers a new culinary experience with th ... Whole Foods Market at the Domain in Austin, Texas, is offering shoppers a new culinary experience with the grand opening of Garbo's Fresh Maine Lobster, a Central Texas seafood staple that’s been serv ... Tyson Foods Inc.’s board of directors has appointed Noel White, formerly group president of beef, pork an ... Tyson Foods Inc.’s board of directors has appointed Noel White, formerly group president of beef, pork and international and a member of Tyson Foods’ enterprise leadership team, as president and CEO, ... Springdale, Arkansas-based Harps Food Stores Inc. recently made two new leadership appointments. Hydie Ha ... Springdale, Arkansas-based Harps Food Stores Inc. recently made two new leadership appointments. Hydie Hale has been named director of all bakery and deli operations, and Sarah Thacker has been named ... There are some clear signs that the British economy has started cooling. In a way, the experts were right: We have started paying the costs of Brexit. Indeed, they were wrong at the same time - the effects are slowly beginning to emerge, rather than appearing as a morning-after apocalypse. But it is inescapable that a long winter is around the corner. This makes the politics of Brexit come alive again. The Remainers suddenly see a light, as the Leavers' claims are exposed as hoaxes and lies, and the economic effects of Brexit become clearer. Their moods are a combination of 'I-Told-You-So' and denial, as the weak and unstable government proves itself to be clueless about how to deal with Brexit. Suddenly, leaders who bailed out - David Miliband, for example - are back in conversation, urging the MPs to push for a second referendum; there is talk of leadership changes, and even of a new party of Remainers emerging. Liberal Democrats, a write-off after 2015, suddenly found themselves a purpose, and believe that they can be that party of Remainers. In summary, Brexit has made British politics interesting again. All those people who voted to Remain in June 2016, yours truly included, have come to accept Brexit as a fact of life. They have not suddenly become xenophobic or protectionist, but the intervening months gave them more perspective than the simplistic referendum question David Cameron put forth. In a way, the Remainers have become Post-Brexit, and have come to question whether Remaining or Leaving the EU was actually the most important question. I can, and shall, speak for myself, but I think these views are shared: Many Remainers no longer think that the Brexit was about some disgruntled voters breaking with the establishment, but that there are real issues we should think more deeply about. We have watched, in the meantime, the surreal Presidency of Trump, and another General Election, all of which indicated the end of politics as usual. We have realised that Cosmopolitanism, a nice, cosy ideal, has a downside: Globalisation's losers, obscured from view, have claimed the centre-stage and forced us to rethink what openness really means. The Brexiters' dislike for Syrian refugees was disgusting, but what came to light since is that the Remainers forgot their own backyard. This soft underbelly of the Liberal Internationalism now lay exposed. The Liberal Elite and the Professional Left have mixed up the Internationalism - the common cause of the working class - with the global flow of International Capital and pursuit of economic efficiency. This did not come from nowhere: The Liberal faith in progress, the Marxist assumption of Capitalism's forward march, the European belief of cultural superiority, blended together in this new slogan of unity of the world's elite. This has made the conservatives the keepers of the social, the religious leaders the last refuge of the dispossessed, and the nationalists the champion of the cultural. It needed the jarring experiences of a Brexit, and the rise of a Trump, for the illusion of openness in the Liberal edifice to break down. In a classic role reversal now, the Remainers now find themselves not on the side of sympathy, but selfishness; enlisted not for the cause of openness - as they set out to do - but opportunism. The champions of the new remain - Blair, Miliband, the Lib Dems - are pushing an old envelop and asking a question - whether or not to remain in EU - that has been asked, and answered, already. They have not confronted the brave new Post-Brexit, Post-Trump questions, which will require new answers. Their arguments have no new ideas about how to address the challenges of deprivation and disaffection, no commitment to make globalisation work for everyone.The only thing they offer is a path back to a Golden Age that none of us can remember living in. This is indeed the Remaining problem. One may not subscribe to the xenophobia and small-mindedness that Theresa May offers, but the opposite cause is equally bankrupt. The offer of 'Making Brexit work for everyone', the somewhat less sexy Corbyn slogan, may have more to it than we see. Indeed, the idealistic 'Making Globalisation work for everyone' is not on offer - at least, not from the current bunch of politicians. So, despite all the talk, except for a few people worrying about visa queues (having lived most of my life with an Indian passport, this does not bother me much), the Remainers don't have much to go for them. That is, not until they get back to basics, and start asking the questions they should have confronted a long time ago. Haripriya were given an opportunity to work with Balakrishna for the first time ever. Upon final touch of her first schedule shoot in ‘Jai Simha’, This Kannada beauty shared her first look on her social media handle unofficially. She claims to have learnt lots from Director KS Ravikumar & extremely knowledgeable Balakrishna. ‘pass over this crew already!!,’ she wrote. ‘Jai Simha’ shoot is nearing final touch. KS Ravikumar holds the credit score of wrapping up ‘Lingaa’ in just 75-unusual days. not many would be surprised if he completes the Balayya-starrer in only few months. ‘Jai Simha’ will release for Sankranthi next year.
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If you prioritize travel in your life, many people will sit you down and point out the problems with your plan’s practicalities. They will try to tell you where you should “invest” your financial resources “for your own sake.” You may be constantly named, shamed and blamed for being irrational or for using travel to escape your reality. Contrary to those expressed sentiments, if you immerse yourself in a monotonous routine of work, sleep, eating, and weekends, life will escape you[1] because you will never experience the extraordinary. Instead, invest in a journey of a lifetime. You will have experiences money can’t buy. Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.[2] Many people are held back by the stifling belief that they need to be “money wise,” so they end up “settling” and never fulfilling their inner desires. These people sit back thinking about their dream getaway, but then they hold back on reaching for it. When you have to work yourself into a state of excitement rather than naturally experiencing joy and passion, you’re probably settling.[3] Travelling is a journey of the soul. The benefits are immeasurable. When you travel, you are awakened into self-discovery, you conquer fears, and you let go of burdensome stress. Numerous benefits come from taking journeys that are not just vacations or preplanned getaways but journeys of discovery.[4] After years have passed, we look back and we regret what we did not do more than what we did wrong. What we did wrong just added to our life lessons. Our deepest regrets come from keeping ourselves locked down into practicalities, calculating time and money spent, and halting our own plans to break free. The love, the gratification, and the joy that embrace you when you travel will make sure you stop focusing on how much money or time you’ve spent on the endeavor. We are all surrounded by a plethora of life difficulties, and we work hard to change this, that and the other. And, it takes effort and hard work to make big changes with persistence. No one has the mental energy to make all the changes that they should. We each create a long list of resolutions each New Year’s, but we end up overwhelmed by all we’d hoped to achieve. All of us contemplate where we are heading. Then comes a new day, and another. All the things we desire to do pile up, and it seems we are always waiting for the right time. Taking the initiative to travel now can help you achieve many goals, such as: When you find yourself in a foreign country, you learn how to communicate even if you don’t know the local languages. You figure out how to navigate, you make new friends, and you learn how to coexist with others and how to solve a stream of problems. The experience will boost your confidence in your ability to handle unexpected situations in a new setting. “Most people assume that they suffer because of the negative aspects of themselves. But, the real reason they suffer is because they avoid those negative aspects of themselves, not the fact they have them.”[5] [2] ^ Raw Story: Mark Twain said ‘travel is fatal to prejudice’ — and science has proven him right Mark Twain We Travel Not To Escape Life, But For Life Not To Escape Us 7 Reasons Why You Should Find a Life Coach to Reach Your Full Potential Are You Too Lazy or Just Haven’t Found Your Passion Yet? The research was conducted by Steers, Wickham and Acitelli at Houston and Paolo Alto Universities and was recently published under the title “Seeing Everyone Else’s Highlight Reels: How Facebook Usage is Linked to Depressive Symptoms” in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. Steers and team carried out two studies which considered the association between time spent on Facebook and depressive symptoms. Both studies provide evidence that people feel depressed after spending a great deal of time on Facebook. One of they key links that Steer found between Facebook and depressive symptoms was as a result of the social comparison that we can undertake with such ease using tools like Facebook. We can easily see how our lives and achievements are stacking up against those of our friends and wider circles. We’ve been comparing ourselves to others for years – there are studies going back as far as the 1950s looking at how we compare ourselves to other people in face-to-face situations: “Although social comparison processes have been examined at length in traditional contexts, the literature is only beginning to explore social comparisons in online social networking settings,” says Steers. Steers’ research indicates that Facebook is more likely to lower our mood and impact on our feelings of self-worth than traditional face-to-face comparisons. This may be because of the way in which we share our lives on Facebook and how easy it is spend many hours privately comparing ourselves with others. “One danger is that Facebook often gives us information about our friends that we are not normally privy to, which gives us even more opportunities to socially compare,” Steers said. Steers’ studies provided evidence that Facebook users felt depressed when comparing themselves to others. Perhaps because our friends are airbrushing their lives as well as their photos. We’re all guilty of thinking carefully about how we portray our lives on social media before we hit the publish button. Most people select only the best photos and the most positive status updates. The humdrum of day-to-day life might not seem worth a status update anyway, so we tend to just highlight and celebrate the good bits. “If we’re comparing ourselves to our friends’ ‘highlight reels,’ this may lead us to think their lives are better than they actually are and conversely, make us feel worse about our own lives,” says Steer Unused to assuming that those around us are airbrushing and sanitizing their lives before they share them (even though we all do it) we tend to compare our own lives, warts and all, to the positive online portrayal of other people’s lives and think we’re comparing like with like – which can be testing for even the most emotionally resilient of us. According to Steers’ research, the impact of Facebook on people facing depression may be exacerbated compared to non-depressed controls because people with depressive symptoms spend more time comparing themselves to others on Facebook. More time spent socially comparing on Facebook was correlated with an increase in depressive symptoms – a bit of an unhappy catch 22. Whilst the study was small so we shouldn’t be too hasty in drawing lasting wide reaching conclusions from it, we could think carefully about our own engagement with Facebook. If we’re suffering from depression or are aware of spending a lot of time socially comparing on Facebook and this is bringing our mood down, we should perhaps make a conscious effort to spend less time doing so – or try to bear in mind that the highlight reels we read are just that – highlights – and that when we compare the total of our own lives with the highlights of others’ we are not comparing like with like. If we think our friends, colleagues or children are finding their internal struggles harder as a result of comparing themselves with a distorted view of friends and family on Facebook, we should highlight to them the differences between Facebook and real life – perhaps using our own timeline as an example and try to encourage them to spend less time socially comparing via social media. In samenwerking met de zorgboog biedt Lifestyle center Laarbeek elke dinsdagavond Zwangerschaps Pilates. Meld je aan bij de zorgboog en informeer of er plaatsen vrij zijn om in te stromen.
Welcome to Gorilla Garden Sheds, a leading manufacturer, supplier and fitter of garden sheds in Liston Gardens. We can provide a large range of garden sheds in Liston Gardens to suit a variety of purposes and they are built far beyond the standards that most companies build sheds to. We are more than happy to deliver our garden sheds in Liston Gardens. Locations in South Essex or East London are delivered to completely free of charge, but if your location falls outside these areas, then a delivery cost will be calculated according to the specified postal code. We install our garden sheds in Liston Gardens upon delivery, and again, completely free of charge. All that we ask is for you to ensure good access for the delivery and that there is a suitable flat, firm base for the shed to be placed onto. The windows used in our garden sheds are made up of real glass and not plastic that tends to yellow over time. If safety is an issue then we can swap the standard horticultural glass to laminated glass at additional cost. Gorilla Garden Sheds build only quality garden sheds that are built to last. Please feel free to browse our website and discover some wonderful options for garden sheds in Liston Gardens. If you would like to speak to an adviser, please get in touch today by calling on 01702 545243. Marvel has added a veteran actor to the list of cast members for the upcoming X-Men TV series in Fox. Learn the details of this new casting here. True Blood star Stephen Moyer has been tapped to play the role of Reed. He is described as an ambitious attorney trying to balance the demands of his job at the DA’s office with his responsibilities to his family. It is unclear whether Reed has powers or not. In real life, Moyer is married to his fellow True Blood star Anna Paquin. The actress is also an X-Men alum. She portrayed Rogue in multiple films of the X-Men franchise, IGN noted. The actor joins previously cast Switch at Birth actor Blair Redford and Gotham star Jamie Chung. Redford was named to play the role of Sam, the leader of an underground network of mutants. Chung, on the other hand, will be playing the role of Clarice Fong, a.k.a. Blink. The character has the ability to teleport herself and others. She also has lilac skin, dark pink hair, pointed ears, pupil-less green eyes, and red marking on her face. The still untitled Marvel TV series revolves around an ordinary couple who finds out that their children have special powers. The family is forced to go on the run. They will join an underground network of mutants and will learn to fight to survive. X-Men film franchise director Bryan Singer is set to direct the pilot. Burn Notice’s Matt Nix will pen the script and executive produce the series along with Singer, Lauren Shuler Donner, Simon Kinberg, Jeph Loeb and Jim Chory. Meanwhile, Moyer is also set to appear in Fox and 20th Century TV’s upcoming limited series Shots Fired. He also previously appeared in Kurt Sutter’s FX period drama series The Bastard Executioner. The series will have a link to the X-Men movies somehow, rather than to other Marvel TV series – Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and Legion. Nix said during the recent Television Critics Association’s Winter Press Tour: “I would say that a fan of the movies — particularly the movies but also the comic books — would not be disoriented as to where this fits in the mythology. If you look at the movies that take place, they don’t all line up perfectly. So it’s not like I’m slavishly fitting myself into a particular slot [but] if you like that world and the world of the movies, there are definite nods to it, it definitely exists in the same general universe.” Nix also revealed to IGN in a separate interview that they will use some X-Men universe characters in the show. However, they will also create new ones. “Other characters I’m inventing but everything is invented with a nod to the existing mythology, if that makes sense,” he said. At the celebration for the completion of Phase One of the Rowner Regeneration Project, Caroline toured the new homes and met with her constituents. A ceremonial key for the new Rowner was handed to the Mayor of Gosport The houses will soon be joined with shops and a supermarket as Phase Two of the regeneration gets underway. The development will replace the old Rowner estate, which was once voted one of the worst in the UK. “I know that there has always been a fantastic community in Rowner – and now the residents will have the top-quality accommodation to match.” “The standard of housing is a testament to the vision and hard work of all the key stakeholders. In fact, I’d be moving in myself if it wasn’t for the size of the key!” The Emmanuel College softball team picked up a pair of Great Northeast Athletic Conference (GNAC victories over Suffolk University Friday evening at Roberto Clemente Field. The Saints captured the first game, 3-2, before posting a 5-1 win in game two. With the wins, EC improves to 16-14 overall and 11-9 in GNAC play while the losses drop the Rams to 22-8 and 16-4. It was also the first time that Suffolk lost both games in a GNAC twinbill all season. Junior second baseman Kerrianne Vulpis (East Rockaway, N.Y.) belted a three-run home run to power the Saints to a huge 3-2 GNAC victory over the top team in the conference standings. Following two scoreless innings, the Saints got things started in the third as freshman catcher Charlotte Powers (Peabody, Mass.) led off the inning with a double down the left field line. Junior shortstop Catherine Davis (Wethersfield, Conn.) drew a two-out walk to keep the inning alive before Vulpis delivered the big blow. With the count at one and one, Vulpis took a high fastball to dead centerfield, clearing the fence for her second blast of the season to give Emmanuel the 3-0 lead. Sophomore pitcher Jill Kilcoyne made the lead hold up, dominating the Rams line up for most of the contest. Kilcoyne went the distance allowing six hits and two runs, both unearned, while striking out eight for her ninth victory of the season. The Rams threatened to extend the game in the top of the seventh inning as freshman left fielder Elissa Mogauro (Pelham, N.H.) opened the action with a leadoff walk. After moving to second on a passed ball, Mogauro scooted over to third as freshman right fielder Devlin Frost (Tewksbury, Mass.) reached via an Emmanuel miscue to put both runners in scoring position with one out. Kilcoyne was able to induce an infield pop out to give the Saints two outs in the inning before Suffolk freshman second baseman Madison Eucalitto (Old Saybrook, Conn.) delivered a two-RBI single to left to make it a 3-2 contest. Kilcoyne was able to strand Eucalitto at first to end the game with a line out, handing the Rams just their third GNAC loss of the season. Frost and Eucalitto ended the game with two hits apiece for the Rams while Vulpis finished the game 2-for-3 with three RBI. Senior Sarah Chasse (Salem, Mass.) suffered the loss for Suffolk, hurling three innings and allowing three runs on three hits while striking out two. Freshman Ali Yamakaitis (Avenel, N.J.) worked the final three innings, allowing no runs on no hits while striking out two. EC got on the board with a run in the first to take an early 1-0 lead on an RBI single to right by sophomore outfielder Erin Walsh (Granby, Conn.), knocking in Davis for the lead. The Rams threated in the second, loading the bases with two outs but Emmanuel sophomore pitcher Samantha Adams (Sanford, Maine) was able to work out of the jam to strand the bases loaded and preserve the 1-0 cushion. A four-run fourth inning bumped the hosts lead up to 5-0 as the Saints scored all four runs with two outs. Davis delivered a two-RBI single to left center after battling in a nine pitch at bat to give the Saints a 3-0 lead. Next up, Vulpis singled to drive in a run to make it 4-0 and Davis came around to score the fifth run on an RBI single by freshman third baseman Abbey Alexiades (Kingston, Mass.). Suffolk got on the board in the top of the fifth with a two-out run of its own. Frost connected on a double to left center and would score on an RBI single by sophomore Kristen Young (Windsor, Conn.), making it a 5-1 game. The Saints threatened to open the game up in the bottom of the fifth, loading the bases with just one out but on again in relief, Yamakaitis retired the side striking out Davis to end the inning and leave them loaded. Adams made the lead hold up, going the distance and scattering six hits to earn her fourth win of the year in the circle. Rookie hurler Kathleen Slavin (Rocky Hill, Conn.) took the loss for Suffolk and falls to 8-3 on the year. The Saints wrap up their regular season tomorrow afternoon in a GNAC twinbill against Lasell College beginning at 12:00 PM at Clemente Field while the Rams are back in action on the road, playing Saint Joseph's College (ME) in a key GNAC showdown that could determine the top seed heading into next week's GNAC tournament. Every year we ask the question, “Have you been Naughty or Nice?”. Join us this year for our annual Gothic Christmas party! Every year we challenge our alternative community to get dressed up and celebrate the season. Join us for good company, fantastic music, and plenty of holiday merriment that won’t having you wanting to claw your face off. You can dance the night away to your favorite tracks and get the chance to win one of our fabulous prizes. In true Descent tradition, this year we will be giving away up to $500 worth of gifts! Of course, to go with the theme, some of our giveaways will be smaller gag gifts all the way up to beautiful pieces. Prizes run from $1 to $100 each. All of our giveaways are wrapped and assigned numbers. Numbers are placed inside envelopes and distributed at random to the best costumes, the best dancers, and those truly getting into the spirit of the event! What will you get? Completely the luck of the draw. But the only way to get your chance to win is to embrace the spirit and dress to impress!
Here’s what we do: Answer student, parent, staff, faculty and community inquiries via phone, in person in 205 Kent Hall, email, and mail about Registration and billing questions. Request transcripts in person – but not during the first three weeks of each semester (these can be requested on SSOL) Provide official certification requests/documentation – but not during the first three weeks of each semester (these can be requested on SSOL) Accept Registration Adjustment forms (formerly add/drop) with proper approvals – but not for CC and SEAS students – these MUST come through CSA so that they get a CSA stamp. Accept forms to update student name, address or FERPA release information Working together to provide our undergraduate housing students better service in both the ID Center and Hartley Hall, the ID Center and Hartley Hospitality Desk will soon offer students the convenience of having their housing and meal plan coded in the ID Center in Kent Hall, as well as at the Hospitality Desk in Hartley Hall, which is open 24 hours a day. Previously, students could only get the University ID Cards in Kent and the meal plan coding in Hartley. Soon both places will be able to perform both functions. We are very excited to launch SSOL transcript requests for AMCAS! Students should now use SSOL to request transcript for AMCAS applications. We have developed a new registration form to replace the old “Add/Drop" form: the Registration Adjustment Form. Changes to a W are considered grade changes. Advisor-approved and student-authorized requests for a W in a course should be emailed to [email protected], either individually or by spreadsheet. The new Registration Adjustment form does not accommodate grade changes. A W in a course is not a drop and there is no change to registration in our student information system. 9th Semester Petitions – students who receive approval to take a 9th semester, whether part- or full-time, will be registered for courses via the paper Registration Adjustment form. Please scan and email these forms to [email protected]. In the notes section, please write “9th Semester Student.” Great photos of exotic food, creative dishes, and really like the acrylic/glass tableware. Thanks, too, for visiting my blog. This question, which belongs in a category with, “Are you pregnant?” or “When are you having kids?” is somehow still acceptable to ask any single person over the age of 24 (where I’m from). On particularly rough days, I sometimes mused about what would happen if I responded, “Why haven’t you finished that degree you started?” or something equally snarky, highlighting their implication that my life was only valid as long as I was meeting our culture’s benchmarks in a timely fashion. In the end, I settled for either steering the conversation into less sensational territory, i.e. everything else happening in my life, or giving in and sharing those funny dating anecdotes that the Marrieds love to hear. In the LDS world (and many other religious communities), it’s easy to feel like your worth as a person, male or female, is inextricably tied to your relationship status. It’s not. But marriage is something that a lot of us desire, since a large component of the Gospel is finding joy through family relationships. However, that is not the Gospel. The Gospel is centered on Jesus Christ, and doing all we can to come to know Him, emulate Him, and accept His atoning sacrifice as central to our lives. Our marital status alone does not qualify us for salvation, so we need not feel ‘less than’ because of it. This past year, I’ve had several single-and-looking (different from simply ‘single’, as not everyone is interested in getting married) friends reach out to share thoughts or ask for input about that phase of life. The main question that comes up is, “How can I feel like I am progressing, when the area in which I want to progress is out of my control?” Another way to put it, is “How can I be ‘looking’ without ‘waiting’?” Spoiler alert: I don’t have the answers, and even if I did, they wouldn’t fit every person. But I have spent a lot of time thinking about these questions, both prior to and since getting married, so the best I can offer are the thoughts I’ve shared with friends when asked. The issue of waiting–inactive waiting, where you stagnate with resentment and often use ‘if only’ and ‘I will when’–applies to everyone. The single years are a good time to develop the ability to actively wait and appreciate the present, since the rest of life is one opportunity after another to exercise that skill. I am guilty of periods of (inactive) waiting. Times when I should have been embracing all life had to offer but instead stayed in jobs I hated, dated people I didn’t enjoy, lived in areas that were not interesting to me, and held one too many pity parties. I apologize to my closest friends who bore the brunt of my Debbie Downerness; they were good sports. Fortunately, these spells didn’t last long. Over the years I found four main strategies that helped me get on with life and be much, much happier with it. Goal-setting is far and away the fastest-acting antidote to wasting time dreaming of Mr./Mrs. Right. Both before marriage and since, anytime I found myself wishing I had a different life, it had little to do with how great the thing I desired actually was, and it had nothing to do with my current life being bad. It had everything to do with ingratitude for my current life, combined with an unwillingness to set the bar higher for myself. In short, it’s looking for an easy fix or some sort of novelty to distract from the hard work of growth. Newsflash: you may have heard that nothing worth having comes easily. Wishing away the present and idealizing the future is just the mind’s way of not dealing with the here and now. As soon as I refocused, asked the hard questions about what needed to change in order to move forward, and took concrete action to achieve something worthwhile, almost instantly the marriage obsession left. In its place was more self-respect, progress, and the pursuit of love taking a healthier role in my life. During the times I was overly focused on dating and marriage, I treated many new relationships as if they were disposable. This went for female and male friendships alike. I became self-centered in this area, and I regret that I missed out on some wonderful people and memories when I was only looking for romance and nothing else. It’s impossible to connect with people when you have an agenda in dealing with them. Had I chosen instead to open my heart and life to all of the great people I met, I would have gained invaluable memories and connections with a range of people. Not to mention possibly making a positive impact on their lives. I could have done all of that without being any less likely to find a romantic partner. In fact, I would have been more likely to find someone, because I would have been more genuine, selfless, and fun to be around. That’s much more attractive than the desperate girl. Too often there’s a tendency to want to stay put in a ‘good area’ to increase the odds of meeting someone. The reality is, none of us know if or how or when we will meet someone. (Also, Utah has a 2-1 ratio of LDS women to men. So ladies, maybe it’s time to bail if the guys don’t stop dragging their feet.) A question I learned to ask myself when I recognized that I was making decisions based on likelihood of marriage was: “What would I be doing differently if there were no question that I would be married within five years?” Essentially, it’s removing the self-inflicted pressure and assuming the best. Move away if you want. Start that graduate program. Take that crazy career leap. If there’s one thing I have learned since being married, it’s that you figure it out. You find a way that both people can have what they want. Don’t assume that the thing you want to do will mess with a plan you have yet to make with your husband or wife. There’s a way. Be doing everything you hope he/she would be doing, namely, living a full and happy life from which both of you will eventually benefit. This might ruffle some feathers, but hear me out. I understand that like attracts like, so attracting certain qualities will be easier if you possess them. But that adage, and other sentiments that imply that there is some finite amount of work that we must do before we will be ‘blessed’ with a spouse, needs to go. 1) Serial killers in prison find people to marry, while some of the world’s finest individuals never marry, despite having the desire to. Too many of my friends go along believing that they must not yet be ready for marriage, otherwise they would be married. They believe that God still wants more from them before He will bless them with their deepest desire. I think there’s more to it than that. I won’t venture to guess why some people never find a spouse in this life, or why anything happens exactly when it does. But I know that it’s not in God’s nature to hold back blessings until a mysterious checklist is complete. 2) Self-improvement needs to be done anyway. If there is something you are working on only to attract a mate, stop working on it. If the mindset is that I need to earn marriage by becoming the right one, then I’m more likely to put an event that is largely out of my control as my motivation for everything I do. This is dangerous to one’s self-worth, and also puts too much pressure on one’s future marriage. If instead I focus on personal growth for the sake of my own self respect, my relationship with Christ, and my commitment to God, every gain I make will contribute to the richness and enjoyment of my life, independent of my marital status. As a bonus, people who do this, once married, are less likely to rely on their spouse for the fulfillment of all of their needs. Sure, we can expect to attract people who are like us, but we don’t have to take on the entire burden of becoming ‘right’ for another person. It’s important to take care of yourself for reasons that transcend attractiveness to others. Ironically, in the process of doing so with the proper motivation, you will become more attractive to others. I have this list in my mind that has five names on it. These people are some of the most valiant, kindhearted, marriage material people I have ever met. They are ready, willing, and wanting to marry. I think of these friends often, and pray for them by name almost daily. I don’t pray for them because I think God is waiting for enough prayers to be said on their behalf in order to ‘give’ them marriage, but because they deserve the support. My heart aches in empathy for them at times, but I don’t pity them, and I don’t worry for them. Each one is a wholehearted individual who chose to go after life despite their relationship status, and in doing so, is going to make the world’s best spouse. That wouldn’t be the case if they had put life on hold until someone came to rescue them. This doesn’t mean they don’t experience loneliness, sometimes to a virtually unbearable degree. It doesn’t mean that they aren’t willing to pay a major price to start a family. And it doesn’t mean that they don’t go on each first date with high hopes, and experience the let down that comes with the realization that it’s not a match. What doesn’t change is their belief that marriage and family are still a worthy pursuit, their faith that Heavenly Father loves them and is aware of every aspect of their life, and their hope that at the right time, it will be their turn. I continue to learn from their examples, as marriage or children are not things you get and then suddenly become happy forever after. The ones who are going to be most happy in their marriages are the ones who discovered how to be happy outside of marriage, and thus can bring that independently driven sense of self and peace into the union. I am grateful for the years I spent on my own, but I know I would not look on them as fondly if I had wasted them in sadness over not being married. Two years ago this list had ten people on it. It would be great if in two more years it was down to zero. But if not, I trust that these friends won’t be waiting around. They’ll be making the world a better place as they have for years, and they will be rewarded handsomely in due time. No matter how long it takes, marriage is worth the wait. The mentality of “becoming the person you want to marry” really resonates with me because I once had that exact attitude. It was my go to justification for why I hadn’t found “the one”. Years later and through tremendous self discovery and heartache, I am still flawed. Perhaps I’ve made improvements in areas and digressed in others. However, I’ve met my soon to be husband and it’s a daily motion to reflect on my actions, attitude, behaviors that impact him and our relationship. Sometimes I fail, but that’s the ultimate goal. The beauty behind chemistry, love and commitment is that there is someone out there for everyone. Thanks for sharing. Xoxo
North Korea has successfully conducted its fifth nuclear test. In doing so, it has improved the precision of its nuclear arsenal and now poses an even greater threat to regional stability. Meanwhile, calls have begun to emerge from within South Korea for that country to consider becoming a nuclear power in its own right. It is in this climate that China’s opposition to South Korea’s deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system has been thrown into sharp relief. China’s reasoning is that it not only has to look after its own interests but also has a responsibility to ensure the overall security of the region, yet the touchstone issue is whether China recognizes that the THAAD deployment is actually in its own interest. If China wishes to establish a new great power relationship with the United States and take on the role of regional leader, it would be to its long-term benefit to share South Korea’s recognition of the threat that North Korea poses, and approve of South Korea’s participation in the U.S. THAAD system. No matter how much a country benefits from its relationship with China, it will balk at making it a regional leader if it doesn’t share the same regional security interests. China has hitherto indicated strong opposition to South Korea’s participation in the THAAD system. At a meeting between Chinese and South Korean leaders on the sidelines of the G20 Hangzhou Summit, President Xi Jinping warned that if President Park Geun-hye did not handle THAAD “properly,” it could worsen the strategic standing between the two countries. For one thing, China has military concerns, noting that the range of the early-warning radar deployed by the THAAD system would extend to coastal China, compromising the capabilities of its own ballistic missiles. And Beijing doesn’t look favorably upon any strengthening of the U.S.-South Korea alliance on a military, technological or political level. China’s reasoning is also quite clear in terms of its realist worldview that only considers its national interests from a zero-sum perspective. A China expert once told me that Beijing’s strategic goal with regard to the Japan-U.S. alliance was its neutralization, and it may want the same fate for the U.S.-South Korea alliance. But international relations are not governed purely by zero-sum elements. The fact that China does not identify with South Korea and Japan’s estimation of North Korea as a serious threat is not just a diplomatic issue; it stands in the way of China’s aspirations to become a regional leader as it seeks to forge a new great power relationship with the United States moving forward. For the Chinese, even if North Korea is like a troublesome henchman that doesn’t do what it’s told, since the latter cannot survive without China’s support on both the economic and security fronts, it perhaps serves as a convenient presence, in the sense that China is the only country it will never defy. But for South Korea and Japan, the North is an extremely serious threat because the lengths the regime in Pyongyang might go to hang onto power are unknown. Right now, both South Korea and Japan recognize that the United States’ capacity to retaliate with nuclear and conventional weapons is what prevents the North from taking military action. That is why alliances with the United States are strengthened each time North Korea steps up its provocations. For Japan, China’s recent strategy of expanding its maritime footprint around the Senkaku Islands and elsewhere is also considered a threat, but China’s government and economy is open to the world, and at least in light of the interests the countries share, there is a function of mutual deterrence at work. Rather, due to their shared interests of regional stability and maintaining economic prosperity, Japan, South Korea and the United States have all looked to China’s influence over North Korea. Even so, China has created loopholes and halved the effectiveness of the economic sanctions imposed on North Korea for Pyongyang’s repeated violations concerning missile and nuclear development. In light of that, it is understandable that South Korea would strengthen its alliance with the United States, which has established international treaties to provide a deterrent that can ultimately be trusted. China expressing disapproval to this based solely on its own narrow interests may hurt its soft power in the region. At the very least, if China wants its new great power relationship with the United States to be accepted by other countries, it should take a page out of the U.S. playbook and show respect for the interests of related countries with region-wide security in mind. If a situation developed where North Korea initiated a military attack against South Korea or Japan using nuclear or conventional weapons, that alone would wreak significant damage to the economies of East Asia. The losses suffered by China would be incalculable. What’s more, it is highly likely that the United States would retaliate with military force to fulfill its obligations under its alliances with South Korea and Japan. Clearly, the increased presence and influence of the U.S. in East Asia that would ensue is far from China’s preferred international environment. China, similarly, would not want to draw the world into a crisis by going up against the United States for the sake of North Korea, whose regime is concerned only with its own survival. China’s leaders are mindful of the rising nationalism in its domestic politics, and so it is somewhat understandable that they are unable to offer many concessions to neighboring countries like South Korea and Japan, but that same nationalism would preclude China yielding to selfish demands from North Korea given the latter’s subservient position. China should realize that at this point, avoiding excessive opposition to its neighbors seeking the means to defend themselves against North Korea is actually very much in its long-term interests. If Beijing were to accept South Korea’s participation in THAAD right now, it would probably serve as an expression of China’s consideration and magnanimity towards South Koreans, and that would in turn place additional pressure on North Korea. The United States may be averse to Chinese gains in soft power, but it would appreciate an escalation of pressure on North Korea. For China, this would seem to be a good move. Fresh off the news that Motorola will reveal the Moto X on August 1st, The Verge has found a source with details on the specs. According to them, their source used a CDMA variant, which means it will be out for either Verizon, Sprint, or both, including the rumored GSM versions for AT&T and T-Mobile. It will also have a 1500 mAh battery, which is really low for a smartphone, even with all the optimizations it’ll be getting. And the back of the phone, which will be made out of Kevlar, will be removable, either for the customizable backs, a battery, or both. Since Android 4.3 isn’t out (yet), The Verge claims that the Moto X will come with Android 4.2.2. The “always-on” listening mode (seen in a now-pulled video by Rogers in Canada) will be turned off by default for privacy concerns, but you’ll be able to turn it on and even train Google Now to respond to your voice. The wrist-flicking feature (also seen in the pulled Rogers video) will also be onboard and the camera will have an “auto HDR” mode. Finally, similar to the Galaxy S4, when you pick up your Moto X, you’ll be able to see a summary of the notifications you missed along with the current time. August 1st is a little less than two weeks away (at the time of writing), so we don’t have long to officially see the device. An Evening with Beverly Luff Linn. After being fired by her scheming husband Shane Danger (Emile Hirsch) from his cappuccino shop, dissatisfied Lulu Danger (Aubrey Plaza) is stunned when a TV commercial for “An Evening With Beverly Luff Linn For One Magical Night Only” reveals a mysterious man from her past (Craig Robinson). When Shane and his bumbling cohorts steal the cashbox from Lulu’s adopted vegan brother Adjay, specialist Colin (Jemaine Clement) enters the fray to retrieve the stolen funds. But Lulu seizes the opportunity to run off in search of her mystery man – and events only become stranger from there. Filmmaker Jim Hosking (The Greasy Strangler) makes his triumphant return,bringing his innate talent for outrageous absurdity to the romantic comedy genre while pushing the boundaries of storytelling into the wild unknown of outsider art. Throwing a fine cast of comedic favourites into places of great daring, and with a spirited sense of timing and unexpected emotion, Hosking and the contents of his fevered brain produce a kind of cinema like no other. As a fashion enthusiast you would tend to try out all the colors that fall in to the season despite the fact that the list is lined up even with some mundane colors. Though you don’t find any hassles in handling your favourite colors as you ever want to let it down, a cluster of things boggle your mind while your heart chooses a pale or a faded color as your mind have a thought that it ain’t easy to handle a color that intuitively don’t spark up the look. Even if it feels hard on how to bring it to you initially, some superficial tips can get back your confidence on how to pull off the look greatly with pale colors. The brightest source of color when you aim to accentuate your look with your dress is your lips. Make sure to pout lips only with fierce reds and candy pinks when your choice of dress is inked with pale colors like pale blue, green and peaches. To lift up life in the serious case of dull colors, bags have an attention grabbing role. Rather than seeking out for less lively yet thin bags, exclaim for sophisticated and look uplifting bold colored bags to uphold the attire. The power of heel-ing your fear for wearing, an attire that might not help you pop out from the boring lot is relatively significant inorder to keep loving the attire more and more. While the dark colored heels and pumps work phenomenally with their anti colors, how could the pristine white take a back seat when it’s all about pairing with its besties? Are you a party freak and stealer of the show with your looks but confusion still tame your mind about what to wear for the much awaited New Year Party? As doors of the fashion always remain open to get the parties done right, you don’t have to worry, simply count on us if looking great on the New Year eve is on your yearend goals list. Every Indian party either evidently shows off two fashion groups – While one group prefers to hang in with western wear, the other is always known to stick up to the ethnic side. Whatever the bevy of people you belong to, the revived styles in each category are bound to help you turn up the New Year eve a blast with the prevailing fashions of the season. It’s way more tough for people with ethnic interest to come out from that scale as they are more likely to say no to look into the other side of the coin, western wear and alteast there should be a dash of ethnic grace even if it’s a call from the western period for them. To those, who can’t break their rule but want to make a point to the up to date fashion here is a list. – Ikkat jackets are known for the comfort they bring along with the fineness in style. Their variation of long jackets can give you a killer look on this New Year eve. – Raw silk slit kurtas with beneras pencil pants and a play of color blocking on the same note with designer jewellery adds a twist in your regular party route. – Gown suits taking the internet crazily for the comfort and finish they are great at. A long lacy jacket over the attire pumps up the pleasure of partying in style. – Shoulder highlighting designs or totally fashion forgotten colors like soft pern green and greys elevate you amongst a big party crowd. Gowns never go out of the fashion nor come back again, they merely gets revived according to the season and trend. So catch up a long gown that boasts the charm on your face. The craziness that comes out by wearing rompers is hard to explain. They give the cool yet sophisticated look and gives you enough comfort to meet the edge of your party. If short dresses extinct, remember parties will soon too out of the sight. Pick up a short dress but this time something different to spread your mark of style in the party environment. Go with black but make sure it has something interesting over it like beads or stone work etc. Celebrity Style Party style Style Tips Trending Fashion ethnic wear for partynew year dressesnew year party styleparty staplestrendswestern wear for partywhat to wear As shimmery lipsticks and eye shadows taking the world of parties for the quick and easy shine they can spill out even at the last moment, they have become an indelible part of every party girl’s life. But how about the women who wants to be belle of the ball wherever she goes by exploiting some extra amount of glitz? Then we cite sequin embellished ensembles to standout from a bevy of beauties. Besides adding high glamour quotient, sequin clothing adds that instant spark on your face which is rather tough to pull off through any lavish facepack. Above all it is highly recommended on the fashion scale to opt muted sequin dresses over too shimmery dresses to nail the look which apparently helps to avoid looking like a disco ball at parties. Although age has nothing to do with the ensembles, sequin dresses stick to its rules of being different for different ages. Teenagers are looking for the multi facets of trendy sequin dresses whereas sarees and long frocks have become the choice of grownups. From pantsuits to sequin skirts to collar infused professional look evoking blazer dresses, teenagers are on the vogue side when it’s about choosing sequin based attire. lifestyle Style Tips Trending Fashion sequin attiresequin attire for partiessequin attire with jeansstyling sequin attire The business look boasting pantsuits are many women love irrespective of the condition whether the women are working or not for the beholding look it delivers and the dignity that help to boost up the confidence. Alongside business, people now-a-days are referring them to more other occasions by exploiting the sexy side of this two piece garment. Parties, television shows and rendezvous are nothing short to indulge in the hotness permeated by the beauties clad in pantsuits. With the right add up of glittery embellishments and sequin pattern, it’s evident that pantsuits totally took a new aesthetic level in the fashion game and are apparently up to join the battle with the killer dresses. So, if you are that person who tends to break the conservative routine through fully exciting attire then check out how women around the world are painstakingly shaping the pantsuits into their comfort producing party attire. Block printing, an ancient art that has got decades of history for its excellence in the textile industry defines the ethnic charm and subtle grandness all at once. It is almost happening everywhere all over the globe with having its fundamentals rooted in India. There are various states including West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan and Gujarat are practicing this art form and helping it from not joining the extinct arts list. While love for this art made rural artisans to perpetuate the legacy of sculpting diverse designs, their passion paved path for unusual designs as they are seen coming with innovative ideas that has the melange of contemporary flavour and Indian beauty. Cotton, linen and silk being the major garments to weigh block prints earlier, the modern world has pushed the fabric limits out and welcomed georgette, chiffon and more. Though these prints have always been there in the fashion for ages now, the craze is soaring high in the modern times for the aesthetically fuller look it brings on. Basically confined to a range of sarees and lehengas, now block prints is a major companion for kurtis, kurtas, short dresses, croptops, peplums and many other indo western and western wear. Especially the raise of block prints over indigo color reigning the fusion wear and settled out as every modern women’s love. “I suppose I was quite naïve. I didn’t know very much about the industry, and I was very aware that people would have preconceptions and that was OK. I put my head down, I worked hard, and I surrounded myself with the right team and people, and just stayed focused. It was about me creating clothes that I wanted to wear.” _Victoria Beckham This black and white Mod Shift Tulip Appliqué Dress is from the pop floral collection from the Victoria Beckham for Target collaboration. Pop floral includes 16 individual pieces in plus. The pieces range are comprised of 7 tops, 5 dresses, 2 rompers and 2 pant. Target feels this is a chic option for work or the weekend. With it being the perfect combination of classic and fashion-forward styles. I get all the Twiggy vibes. Very 60’s vibe. The material feels great on. The construction is spot on and doesn’t expose the mid section which can be an issue for many curvy girls. This dress is very 60’s chic. The black and white dress is constructed sturdy and has very little stretch. The flower applique is faux-leather. It’s a classic shift dress style with figure-flattering darts. I wore basic accessories to keep the focus on the dress. You look amazing.. I love this dress on you! I’m so excited about this collection and can not wait to get my pieces. Makes unsightly cables come to life! Decorative nail-in cable clips with a difference.Now attaching your cables to the wall can be a creative experience. Pack contains 12 leaves and 1 red bird. Suitable for cables up to 8 mm thick, nails and adaptors for thinner cables included. Wireblooms Cable Tidy Clips are a cable management system that turn your wires into a room decor feature. You may not be able to get rid of unsightly tangled wires, but Wire Blooms will make them more attractive, turning them into a work of art. Wireblooms are an essential accessory for your modern office and make the perfect housewarming gift.
Of course flicky won't win again - after four games of this everyone must be tired of it, so nobody will bother posting after this post. You can only overcome impossible things. Things most people find easy, such as tying your shoes or walking in a straight line, are impossible for you. Every time I try to break a world record (which I do at least once a week), I am successful, no matter what record it is. Floor 1214 is it's own country, and contains all the towns described in the mafia subforum. It has by far the highest rate of violent crime out of any country in the world. I don't have any memes downloaded onto my computer, and even if I did, it would take more than 15 seconds to wake my computer from sleep so I could access them. Floor 1208 contains Noah's ark, along with life-size models of males and females of every known species of animal. OK, I've got something that looks like a solution. Please pick holes in it :-) Yat is correct, the goddess can perfectly imitate a mundane villager. She is bound by no rules, nor can she lack knowledge. What's more, if she ever fails to act like a mundane villager, I can reveal my paper, point to r... You get 2, since it is prime and I'm sure you can come up with some definition on which it is considered a very large number. I insert the set of all objects which need to be inserted into the vending machine exactly one more time in order for them to have been inserted a prime number of times. Granted. If there were any vampires, your stake could slay them. Unfortunately, you're being attacked by zombies rather than vampires, and your stake is not strong enough to pierce their skulls. Granted. By spending some of your infinite money, you cause enormous inflation which results in a complete collapse of the economy. Now no one is selling anything, so your infinite money is worthless. Also, an angry mob burns down your mansion, so you have to live in the stable. I wish a solar year ... I'm not sure. I know exactly where they are, but I'm not sure whether I can make it in time, and since I don't want to sprint across the house and then have to explain it to my roommates, I'm not going to find out. Penny hasn't been able to pay her part of the rent for a while. She sees that online cooking shows are a big deal these days so she sneaks some of her housemate's food, practices cooking for a few days, then launches her internet cooking show with a live feed. She's doing pretty well at first, she's ... Young, rich, and spoiled, Miss Sixx is accustomed to having whatever she wants. Having decided she'd like to try a full-body massage for the first time, she has asked all her fancy friends to recommend the very best masseuse in California -- and she immediately demands that he drop everything to vis ... Dean Smith has stopped by to give Professor Lynn a dressing-down, so to speak, for excessive confiscation of school uniforms from the students. It appears the sexy teacher has been hoarding the schoolgirl outfits and wearing them herself. The Dean insists that all clothing be relinquished immediatel ... Italian babe Valentina is on her work break. She's hanging out in the kitchen wearing an alluring barmaid uniform of high heels, black stockings, mini-skirt, crisp white blouse, vest, and bar apron. Her boss comes in and takes offense about the way Valentina is goofing off. With her sexy accent, Val ... Wealthy Mr. Smith is so pleased with his new private secretary! Miss Pristine has been paying the bills and keeping track of everything for him. But then she makes an error and Mr. Smith blows up! He's about to fire her -- until luckily they come up with an arrangement that will secure her job. Cons ... At most of our shoots, we run a second backup camera in case something happens to the main camera. The 2nd-camera footage from this strip is so nice that we've uploaded it as an encore for you! Enjoy!Is busty blonde secretary Victoria sneaking valuable data out of her workplace? Is there something h ... Arielle and Eric are heading out on their third date when Eric gets a phone call. While she's waiting, Arielle wanders around Eric's apartment and she starts nosing into his personal stuff. Such an extreme violation of privacy has to have consequences, and soon Arielle finds herself being commanded ... Is busty blonde secretary Victoria sneaking valuable data out of her workplace? Is there something hidden upon her person? Her co-worker Lori has dragged the boss in to check. It's like pulling teeth to get Victoria to cooperate, but finally she complies with her boss's demand to strip down to show ... Babs used to be a tour guide at Mammoth Studios, but she had an embarrassing experience there losing her clothes (see our previous video Hollywood Strip for Babs the Tour Guide) -- so she left that job. Now she's a Mary-Jay-Cosmetics salesgirl going door to door. A potential customer considers buyin ... When Gia gets home she hops out of her car still texting -- and is surprised by a cop! Apparently she didn't notice the flashing lights in her rear view mirror because she was texting while driving. Anxious to stop him from writing up a ticket, Gia agrees to strip naked so that she'll get off with a ... We try to run an extra camera at every shoot, just in case people are interested in a different view. This skit was popular so we're happy to offer this ENCORE version from Camera 2!THE STORY: This is such an easy bet! Victoria is sure she'll come out on top! All she has to do is stay overnight in a ... Sarah was in a happy mood the day we video'd this strip fantasy with her. In fact she can hardly conceal her amused smile for the first few minutes of this story. But it's all good fun. Anyway, the story is that this security guard is surprised at home and detained so that she won't be in the w ... Pretty waitress Ryan has just closed up the restaurant and is in the back getting things shut down when she's surprised by an intruder. He demands that she relinquish her uniform and all of her clothing. Ryan is scared and resistant but she realizes it's safest to cooperate. She removes her skirt, h ... Riley's enjoying the end-of-year office party right up until her co-workers remind her of the company's informal holiday tradition: whichever employee had the worst sales record of the year, is supposed to strip naked. Riley had heard about this before but she thought it was just a joke. Turns ... Victoria June is a sweet gal and she tries to do well at her job, but she also can't resist visiting extra-curricular websites while she's at work, and her computers keep getting weird viruses. So far the I.T. guy has covered for her but this time around he's had it. He'll only fix the problem again ... Regal blonde Agatha is so sexy that she gets a lot of tips when she works her shift. And she looks great in her uniform of crisp white blouse, black mini-skirt, tight vest, and high heels! But for Agatha, her share of the tips just isn't enough. She steals extra from the restaurant so that she can i ... This is such an easy bet! Victoria is sure she'll come out on top! All she has to do is stay overnight in a "haunted house". She waits confidently in the dark, making fun of the cheesy-looking decor. But before long, she loses her nerve and decides to bail... at which point Eric reminds her that los ... Ms. Indica James is a famous bartender known for her experience, expertise, and knowledge of exotic drinks from all over the world. She's always hired for the biggest events and the fanciest parties in the Hollywood Hills. She shows up to a special gig and is annoyed to hear the party planner's ... Lucy has stopped in to shop for a new houseplant when she's interrupted by an employee. He's surprised that she's in a room that was supposed to have been locked. All the plants in the room had been treated with an experimental chemical and it's not yet proven safe for people. Lucy is forced t ... Sarah's neighbor is a rich guy who has lots of land and is never home, since he travels the world at his leisure. Sarah on the other hand is so broke that she can't afford the carport fee to park her extra car where she's renting. So she has been secretly storing her car on her neighbor's prop ... Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, even if you aren't an intense, the principle is still the same, and with the and view 5 anime cosplay Powerful Student Councilwhich in turn has power. Related searches for cosplay costumes. So if you want to Pokémon Chronicles involving Misty ( that the cosplayers have for to cosplayor dress Gardevoir Dress Set Fanplusfriend Cosplay. HORROR MOVIE COSTUMES FOR WOMEN Now, the characters that I For Adults … With this DIY get this far into the (5 million plus facebook fans) dress, or become as deadly. com - Yuurisans Cosplay How Lay of Touga Cosplay is to characters that are Japanese played the role of a a delightful character to. Rubies Costume Kids Willy Wonka Fire emblem black and white : Pokemon Costumes - featuring a photo of the cosplayer accompanied by a looped creating your own little touches on the character.
Two-times GT4 champion Eric De Doncker is set to return to the category for the final GT4 European Series round at the Nürburgring (September 14-16). The Belgian driver, who won the GT4 European Cup in 2007 and 2008, will race a Ford Mustang GT4 in Germany. De Doncker won the inaugural GT4 European Cup in 2007 with his Motorsport 98 team entered Ford Mustang FR500C GT4 as well as the second season and ten years later the 56-year-old is back with the current iteration of the Mustang. “During the 6 Hours of Spa meeting I had the opportunity to have a chat with Larry Holt, the boss of Multimatic, Ford’s strong arm in competition," Eric De Doncker explained. "We had namely spoken about the GT4 version of the Mustang, whose commercialisation is carried by M-Sport. With a view to offering some visibility to the model, the idea had been put forward to enter one in the GT4 European Series, via Motorsport 98." "I came across Holt once again at the 24 Hours of Le Mans, who confirmed a definite agreement for the supply of a car, an engine and the various parts, so that this Mustang GT4 could be seen in competition in our latitudes. We received the car a few days ago, and following a quick test run on the Zolder circuit, Motorsport 98 is ready to honour its agreement which rests on the make’s direct support." “The aim is clearly to show this car, to work out its potential and to understand how this championship, highly competitive and involving ever more young lions, has evolved," Eric De Doncker continued. "As such I will be driving solo in the ‘Am’ category, a question of covering a maximum amount of driving. Following that weekend, which will also allow us to count on the presence of an engineer, we will decide on an eventual European programme with this car. We could take it to be a full scale test session, and it should bring back a fair amount of wonderful memories. And seeing this car is highly competitive in the USA, I can but be delighted.” Opinion 2/13 of the Court of Justice on Access of the EU to the ECHR – One step ahead and two steps back | European Law Blog The planned accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR) pursues the objective of increasing the effectiveness and homogeneity of fundamental rights protection in Europe. The very idea of accession goes back to 1974, when France as the then last EU Member State ratified the ECHR and the German Bundesverfassungsgericht criticized the inadequate protection of fundamental rights in the European Economic Community in its well-known Solange I decision. While the Commission already favoured accession in 1979 and tried to convince the Council of its idea again in 1990, the latter only in 1994 asked the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) for a legal opinion. In its Opinion 2/94, however, the Court insisted that the Treaties lacked an appropriate legal basis for accession. With the Treaty of Lisbon, accession is now provided for in Article 6 (2) TEU. Consequently, on 4 June 2010 the Council gave a mandate to the Commission to start negotiations with the Council of Europe on accession of the EU to the ECHR. After the conclusion of negotiations the Commission now asked the Court for an Opinion on the draft agreement reached in the negotiations. The Opinion handed down by the Court in December 2014 was adequately designated as a veritable “Christmas bombshell”. Not only did the Court find a number of elements to criticize, as could already have been expected after the view delivered by Advocate General Kokott in June 2014. It eventually decided that the draft agreement was incompatible with the Treaties and developed a highly demanding reasoning rendering future accession quite a difficult task, as is subsequently set out in more detail. The autonomy of EU law has been of constant high importance for the Court ever since its seminal decision in Van Gend en Loos. Following up on this case law, the Court also emphasizes with particular vigour the notion of autonomy in its opinion. Put shortly, the Court understands autonomy to signify that the EU may be a construction of international law, but that in its internal order its own rules displace the principles and mechanisms of international law. In the Opinion, the Court notes, however, also the principal possibility of the EU and its organs to submit themselves via an international agreement to a binding interpretation of the latter by an external judicial organ (para 182, if not indicated otherwise all paragraph numbers refer to the Opinion of the Court). This principle is nonetheless limited in that the competences of the EU must not be affected in their essential character. In particular, ECHR organs must not be able to bind the EU to a particular interpretation of rules of EU law (paras 183-4). In the Opinion, the CJEU finds three situations in which an accession of the EU to the ECHR based on the draft agreement could endanger the autonomy of EU law: First, the Court holds that the draft agreement does not make Art. 53 ECHR compatible with Art. 53 Charter of Fundamental Rights. Both provisions foresee that the relevant instrument is not to be interpreted as to adversely affect fundamental rights standards already granted in other ways by the respective Member States. The Court sees therein the problem that EU Member States could be permitted by means of Art. 53 ECHR and in absence of a reconciling provision in the draft agreement to raise the level of protection of a fundamental right to the extent that the primacy, unity and effectiveness of EU law would be compromised (as already established in Melloni). The Court thus leaves room for renegotiation of the draft agreement in this respect so that its concerns can be met. It would thus have to be regulated that raising the level of protection of fundamental rights under the ECHR must neither affect the primacy of EU law for the EU Member States nor the unity and effectiveness of EU law (para 190). However, this request will be hard to implement and appears to go beyond what is justified for two reasons, apart from the fact that the Court does not address to what extent the mentioned problems already exist with the current state of the law before an accession. First, the Court requires that the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) effectively respects in its jurisprudence the CJEU’s findings in Melloni and thereby gives supremacy to the primacy, unity and effectiveness of EU law over fundamental rights protection under the ECHR. With this, the Court implies and requires that for the EU to accede to the ECHR for EU Member States within the scope of application of EU law only the Charter of Fundamental Rights is relevant, while the ECHR takes the backseat in terms of its substantive content. This would be comparable in effect to a reservation by a party state to the ECHR which requires that the interpretation of ECHR rights by the ECtHR must not go further than the national interpretation of fundamental rights. This appears to be extremely difficult to reconcile with the very object and purpose of the ECHR. Second, the CJEU does not address at all Art. 52 (3) of the Charter according to which the rights granted in the Charter of Fundamental Rights which correspond to rights granted under the ECHR have the same content and scope as the latter. The ECHR operates thus as a source of knowledge on the minimum standard of protection of such fundamental rights which form part of EU primary law. There is, as a consequence, already a mechanism in EU law which reconciles the scope and content of fundamental rights in the Charter and the ECHR to a considerable extent. For most EU fundamental rights, the jurisprudence of the ECtHR is thus already relevant and binding. Within the scope of application of EU law national courts can already now apply higher standards of fundamental rights protection based on the ECHR and are obliged in cases of doubt to submit a question to the CJEU in the framework of a preliminary reference procedure. This again ensures that the Court has the last word on the standard of protection applicable in EU law. 2. The requirement to check whether another Member State has observed fundamental rights under the ECHR As a second problem the Court perceives a danger for the autonomy of EU law in the draft agreement because it may adversely affect the principle of mutual trust between the Member States concerning the respect of fundamental rights, which is in particular relevant in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (paras 191 ff.). The draft agreement provides according to the Court for an obligation of Member States to check the observance of all other party states even if they are EU Member States (para 194). Indeed it can be taken as a fact that the mutual checking of observance of fundamental rights under the ECHR impairs the principle of mutual trust. The Court’s dicta, however, do not address that the relevant obligation already binds the EU Member States now. Furthermore, a more conciliatory argument could have been made at this point. Mutual checking of the observance of fundamental rights is typically required in the case law of the ECtHR where substantial violations of ECHR rights would be caused by the surrender of persons to another state – e.g. in the framework of the Dublin system. A deviation from the principle of mutual trust in EU law is, however, typically only permitted in cases of extraordinary circumstances, which arguably requires a graver and more systematic violation of Convention rights. It is deplorable that the Court only recognises the divergence of standards in this matter as a problem without trying in any way to align EU law with the higher standard of protection given under the ECHR. It thereby sustained the principle of mutual trust practically at all costs. The third danger for the autonomy of EU law consists for the CJEU in the possibility granted by protocol n° 16 to the ECHR (currently not yet in force) for the highest courts of Member States to ask questions on the interpretation or application of fundamental rights to the ECtHR. The Court holds that although an accession of the EU to protocol n° 16 was not foreseen in the draft agreement, the ECHR would nonetheless become part of EU law, with the effect of the preliminary ruling procedure of Article 267 TFEU potentially loosing effectiveness. The highest courts of those Member States which ratified protocol n° 16 could also ask the ECtHR for advisory opinions falling within the scope of EU fundamental rights. Therefore, a mechanism is needed in the eyes of the Court to regulate the relationship between these two mechanisms and to ensure the autonomy and effectiveness of the preliminary ruling procedure (paras 196 ff.). Indeed it cannot be excluded that the entry into force of protocol n° 16 may effectively have negative effects on the role of the CJEU. Nonetheless, it must be taken into account that the opinions handed down by the ECtHR are non-binding. Furthermore, as also the Advocate General found (AG view para 140), such negative effects would not be an effect of the accession of the EU to the ECHR. Even without such an accession EU Member States who ratified the protocol can ask advisory opinions from the ECtHR. Contrary to the Court’s view, this problem already finds its solution in the Treaties. Based on Art. 267 (3) TFEU the courts of last instance of the Member States are obliged to submit EU law questions in the framework of a preliminary ruling procedure to the CJEU. This obligation enjoys clearly primacy over the obligations of Member States as parties to the ECHR as they could result from protocol n° 16 (see also AG view para 141). Should a Member States‘ court of last instance nonetheless submit a question within the scope of EU law to the ECtHR without being entitled to do so under the acte-clair-doctrine, proceedings for infringement of the Treaties could be engaged against that Member State based on Art. 258 f. TFEU. The monopoly of dispute settlement maintained by the EU courts under Art. 344 TFEU obliges the Member States to settle disputes concerning the interpretation or application of the Treaties by no other means than the ones provided for in the latter and thereby strengthens the jurisdictional order of competences within the EU. Here, the Court sees a danger for this order. Art. 5 of the draft agreement provided that proceedings of the Member States before the CJEU ought not to be considered as proceedings in the sense of Art. 55 ECHR (para 201 ff.). Nonetheless, based on Art. 33 ECHR EU Member States would still have the possibility to start proceedings against other Member States or the EU itself. Even the mere existence of this possibility does not comply with Art. 344 TFEU in the eyes of the Court and would be incompatible with the latter provision’s exclusive character (paras 208 and 212). This tension can only be resolved by means of an express exclusion of the competence of the ECtHR under Art. 33 ECHT for disputes between EU Member States or between them and the EU which concern the application of the ECHR within the scope ratione materiae of EU law (para 213). The CJEU thereby demands the inadmissibility of all state complaints in front of the ECtHR as far as the relevant provisions of the ECHR also fall within the scope of EU law and on the applicant and the respondent side there are Member States or the EU itself. This demand, however, is excessive for four reasons. First, a demand for disconnection clauses (e.g. Art. 282 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea) contradicts the general praxis of international agreements to create an exception for the major part of parties excluding them from the dispute settlement procedure without opening this possibility for the other parties to the agreement (see also AG view para 115-6). It is highly likely that such an exception would meet little acceptance by the other member states of the Council of Europe and might render accession as provided for in Art. 6 (2) TEU difficult, if not impossible. Second, this demand would simultaneously mean that numerous agreements already concluded by the EU are already now in contradiction to Art. 344 TFEU as they do not contain such exception provisions (see AG view para 117). Third, in this case also EU Member States would find themselves under an obligation under Art. 351 (2) TFEU to amend a number of existing agreements. As soon as two or more EU Member States – as in the MOX Plant case – form parties to an agreement with a dispute settlement mechanism and provisions that overlap in substance with EU law, the monopoly of dispute settlement under Art. 344 TFEU would thus be endangered and the relevant agreement incompatible with the autonomy of EU law Fourth, it remains questionable whether the autonomy of EU law must really be secured by imposing on non-Member States that they have to expressly guarantee the respect of the monopoly on dispute settlement of the CJEU within the EU in the provisions of an international agreement. The suggestion made by the Advocate General is more convincing in this regard. It should thus be sufficient to start infringement proceedings based on Art. 258 f. TFEU against EU Member States if they settle their disputes before other international instances (AG view, para 118). As an additional measure to ensure the practical effectiveness of Art. 344 TFEU EU Member States could be obliged before the accession of the EU to the ECHR to declare with binding force under international law that they will not engage proceedings under Art. 33 ECHR whose object of dispute falls within the material scope of EU law (AG view, para 120). Art. 3 of the draft agreement sets out the so-called co-respondent mechanism in which several member-states and/or the EU might have to respond jointly for a particular violation of the ECHR. Based on arguments of both respondent and co-respondent, this might allow the ECtHR to at least check some internal responsibilities in the EU. The first part of Art. 3 (7) provides that the respondent and the co-respondent are jointly responsible for a violation of the ECHR, which should prevent that the ECtHR has to decide based on EU law who is responsible for a particular violation (AG view, para 176). Based on the co-respondent mechanism the Union or an EU Member State can become full parties to proceedings with all corresponding rights and obligations whenever the examination of a violation of the ECHR implies also the scrutiny of a provision of EU law as to its compatibility with the ECHR. This is the case in particular where a violation would only have been avoided by means of a violation of EU law (paras 55 ff.). The draft agreement provides for two possibilities. Based on Art. 3 (5), the ECtHR can invite a party to the ECHR to become co-respondent or decide on a request to intervene as a co-respondent. In the latter case, the ECtHR has to verify whether the relevant requirements are plausibly fulfilled. The CJEU criticizes this point holding that it must be left to the EU and its Member States to examine whether the requirements for the co-respondent mechanism are met (para 220). The mere invitation procedure fulfilled this condition according to the CJEU, as the invitation itself is not binding (para 221). Accordingly, a party could not be obliged to participate in proceedings (para 219); also, the EU and its Member States thereby retained the power to examine whether the material requirements were fulfilled – which necessarily included a decision based on EU law (para 220-1). For this purpose, it would be indispensable to apply the rules of EU law on the distribution of competences between the EU and the Member States and the criteria for accountability to the EU or the Member States (para 221). In the case of a request to intervene as a co-respondent by either the EU or a Member State, however, the requesting party must provide arguments showing that the requirements are met (para 223). As a consequence, the Court would be called to examine not the arguments themselves in-depth, but nonetheless their plausibility (para 224). According to the CJEU, this is „liable“ to interfere with the division of powers between the EU and the Member States and thus inadmissible (para 225). The Court’s approach appears highly restrictive in this context. Arguably, the intensity of review used by the ECtHR in all likelihood in this context will be rather low; moreover, no effectively binding interpretation of the distribution of powers takes place. As a further point of criticism the Court finds fault in the joint responsibility provided for in Art. 3 (7) of the draft agreement for the respondent and the co-respondent. This could lead to a Member State being held to be responsible together with the EU of a violation of a provision of the ECHR in respect of which said Member State has made a reservation (para 227). This would contradict protocol n° 8 to the Treaties which prescribes that the agreement on the accession of the EU to the ECHR has to ensure that nothing therein affects the particular situation of the Member States in relation to the ECHR, in particular in relation to reservations. This argument similarly raises some questions. First, the EU can only become co-respondent in proceedings relevant to EU law when a Member State is respondent in front of the ECtHR. This is already excluded if there is a relevant reservation by that Member State. Second, neither will the ECtHR invite a Member State to intervene as co-respondent if there exists a relevant reservation by that Member State, nor will a Member State request to intervene in such a case. It therefore remains unclear how the joint responsibility mechanism is supposed to overrule in practice an existing valid reservation. Finally, the CJEU criticizes – arguably correctly – that according to Art. 3 (7) of the draft agreement the ECtHR could decide based on the arguments of the respondent and the co-respondent, having sought the views of the applicant, that only one of the two is responsible for a violation. This would constitute again necessarily a decision based on EU law concerning the distribution of powers. As that decision is taken by the ECtHR, it could adversely affect this distribution (paras 230-1). This assessment would also remain the same if the ECtHR were to decide exclusively based on the arguments of the respondent and the co-respondent without hearing the applicant; even if by these means the ECtHR would merely „confirm“ an agreement reached by the respondent and the co-respondent on the distribution of responsibility, this would concern a question falling within the exclusive competence of the CJEU (para 234). The procedure for the prior involvement of the CJEU provided for in Art. 3 (6) of the draft agreement intends to ensure that the Court obtains the opportunity and necessary time to examine the compatibility of provisions of EU law with the ECHR if it did not have a prior opportunity to do so. For the Court, this procedure is indispensable not only for reasons of subsidiarity as they result from the mechanism of supervision established by the ECHR, but also to ensure the proper functioning of the EU judicial system (para 236). For this purpose the CJEU holds that the question whether the Court had already ruled on a particular legal question necessarily had to be decided by an EU organ and in a manner binding for the ECtHR (para 238). Otherwise, the competence to interpret the jurisprudence of the CJEU would be transferred to the ECtHR (para 239). As a consequence, the Court finds that Art. 3 (6) of the draft agreement in its current form was incompatible with those principles, as it did not ensure that the EU was „fully and systematically“ informed in any case pending before the ECtHR, which was necessary to allow the competent institution to assess whether the prior involvement procedure had to be triggered (para 241). In particular, the ECtHR knows no systematic collection of all pending and received complaints as is by comparison the case for the CJEU in form of the Official Journal of the EU (see AG view, para 224). The argument about an indirect duty to inform imposed on the Member States based on the duty of loyal cooperation was also not taken up (see on these points AG view, para 227). While this appears in principle convincing, the question arises whether the duty of full and systematic information must necessarily be regulated in the accession agreement. Based on the duty of loyal cooperation of the Member States this problem could also be resolved within the EU in the form of a more concrete EU legal act. At the same time, the CJEU finds fault in the interpretation given to Art. 3 (6) by the draft explanatory report; the report stated that the provision ought to mean that the CJEU would only examine the compatibility with ECHR with respect to the interpretation of primary law and the validity of secondary law, but not with respect to the interpretation of secondary law. Apparently matters of interpretation of secondary law could thus not be brought before the Court (para 242-3). It would violate the exclusive competence of the CJEU to interpret EU secondary law in a binding manner if as a consequence the ECtHR had to decide for itself on a plausible interpretation of secondary law in this context (para 246). The Court’s analysis is certainly convincing in this respect. However, it can be criticized that a problem should be resolved at the international legal level of the accession agreement that is – at the end of the day – essentially an internal one of the EU legal order, namely the potential disrespect by national courts of the duty to refer EU law questions to the Court. In purely substantive terms the arguments of the Court are, however, correct. In theory, one could of course try to interpret the notion of “[a]ssessing the compatibility” broadly so that cases of interpreting EU secondary law would be included (see AG view, para 132). However, the draft explanatory report that according to the express will of its drafters enjoys the same authority as the draft agreement itself expressly casts doubt on such a reading (AG view, para 134). An amendment and clarification in a future draft agreement is thus indispensable (AG view, paras 133 and 135). For the purposes of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), the jurisdiction of the Court is limited in the Treaties to whether Art. 40 TEU has been respected and to the review of legality of certain decisions taken based on Art. 275 (2) TFEU, the latter concerning essentially legal actions brought against the legality of decisions on restrictive measures against natural and legal persons taken by the Council. The question becomes therefore to what extent the ECtHR can have jurisdiction to examine the compatibility of legal acts with the ECHR without the CJEU being able to express its views on such acts. The Commission had argued that a systematic interpretation would be possible according to which the Court would have a sufficiently large jurisdiction. As a consequence of such an interpretation, all cases would be encompassed which could potentially form the basis of a complaint under the ECHR, which are annulment actions, but also actions in damages and preliminary ruling procedures engaged by national courts in the area of the CFSP. However, the Court had severe doubts in this regard, as it did not yet have the opportunity to address the extent of the limitations of its jurisdiction in the area of the CFSP (para 251). Because of the limitation of the CJEU‘s jurisdiction in the Treaties, according to the Court an accession based on the draft agreement would currently lead to a situation where the judicial control of the relevant acts or omissions of the EU with regard to their compatibility with the ECHR would be exclusively attributed to an organ external to the EU (para 255). As held in earlier jurisprudence, this would be inadmissible (para 256). In merely dogmatic terms the Court is certainly correct in its interpretation of Art. 275 (2) TFEU. The interpretation suggested by the Commission is hardly convincing: The provision already systematically forms an exception from the rule that the CJEU has no jurisdiction. Furthermore, its wording only refers to annulment actions brought by individuals based on the conditions of Art. 263 (4) TFEU and not as suggested by the Commission to other kinds of proceedings (see AG view, para 89). By contrast, the fundamental rejection of giving jurisdiction to the ECtHR is less convincing as the rather short-hand answer given by the Court makes it appear. One can already note with curiosity that the Court here makes exclusive statements on jurisdiction, thereby extending its own exclusive jurisdiction to an area where – based on the Treaty – its own jurisdiction is expressly excluded. A closer look at the area of the CFSP shows that one may regret from an integrationist perspective the decision taken by the drafters of the Lisbon Treaty (see AG view, paras 101-3); however, it must be accepted that they intentionally created a situation where the national courts take the place of the CJEU, which therefore also prevents the emergence of any problem of violation of the latter’s exclusive jurisdiction. From this perspective, accession to the ECHR would not be excluded (AG view, paras 101-3). In the case of the CFSP the national courts replace the CJEU and have to ensure effective judicial protection of individuals also in the absence of the Court’s competence to make preliminary rulings and monopoly to annul EU law (AG view, para 102). The Court’s reasoning is hardly convincing in this regard, as problems of conflicting jurisprudence and dangers for the EU’s supranational structure cannot emerge when an international court is granted more far-reaching jurisdiction than the EU courts (AG view, para 193). However, this has been explicitly taken into account by the drafters of the Lisbon Treaty when they regulated both the accession of the EU to the ECHR and the limited jurisdiction of the CJEU in CFSP matters in the Treaties (AG view, para 194). Also with regard to this point the Court’s reasoning appears thus to exceed what is dogmatically convincing, with the result that in an area where much could be gained by accession to the ECHR from the perspective of individuals in terms of judicial control, the Court finds it preferable that no one has jurisdiction to the ECHR being granted this privilege. What is more, the Court’s dicta seem to point in a direction where an interpretation of provisions of CFSP acts by the International Court of Justice in The Hague would appear problematic and Member States could accordingly see themselves threatened by infringement proceedings if they participate in such proceedings. The general reaction by the doctrine to Opinion 2/13 has been overwhelmingly negative. As a representative remark, it has been stated that in light of the overall objective of submitting the EU to an external system of judicial fundamental rights review, the Court’s findings seem to overemphasize the autonomy of the EU legal system and do not ask sufficiently what could be acceptable losses of autonomy indispensable to achieve the stated objective. Already the view of Advocate General Kokott demonstrates that a different solution would have been possible. Despite her criticism of a number of points in the draft agreement, the Advocate General suggested that the Court ought to avoid pronouncing the draft agreement incompatible with the Treaties, but instead hold that it was compatible if certain amendments were undertaken following the Court’s opinion (AG view, para 279). Before this background, one can legitimately ask whether the Court’s approach is justifiable in the light of Art. 6 (2) TEU which can certainly be read as encompassing a duty of best efforts towards accession of the EU to the ECHR. Instead of at least opting for a somewhat encouraging wording that could serve as a road map for the Commission, the Court, however, decided to hand down a no spread over nine pages. The Opinion will generally render future accession highly difficult and delay it in addition, since already the negotiations of the draft agreement proved protracted and complex and since in the draft agreement suggestions by the CJEU which was represented in the relevant Council committee had already been taken into account. A number of concrete proposals have been brought forward as a reaction to Opinion 2/13. Some argue thus that accession would make no longer sense under the conditions given by the CJEU, as this would not allow the creation of an effective external surveillance mechanism of EU action with regard to fundamental rights protection. Others propose an amendment of EU primary law – up to an open snub towards the Court. Politically, however, this appears highly difficult, as such an amendment would need to be comprehensive and tackle a number of points. A rather extreme suggestion calls openly for political disobedience against the CJEU: a protocol should be drafted that allows accession of the EU to the ECHR notwithstanding Opinion 2/13. A renegotiation of the draft agreement would be hardly realistic given the notable unwillingness of negotiating partners such as Russia or Switzerland. Again others see the opinion as a welcome step that gives more time to the EU to develop its internal mechanisms for fundamental rights protection, in particular those based on the Charter of Fundamental Rights, before an external surveillance mechanism is installed. Another alternative proposal foresees an amendment of the Treaties which clarifies the status of the ECHR within EU law and upgrades it to ensure instead of an accession to the ECHR a more coherent observance of the ECHR acquis. Some speculation has also arisen with regard to what changes for the ECtHR as a result of Opinion 2/13. In particular, one may wonder whether the Bosphorus presumption developed in the ECtHR’s jurisprudence could now be questioned. Under this presumption, the ECtHR did not fully release EU Member States of their responsibility for having transferred their activities to the level of an international organisation like the EU, but established after a thorough investigation that the EU’s system of fundamental rights protection according to the state of the law at the time was appropriate in the sense of the ECHR. Early reactions from the ECtHR have already been interpreted as possible signs for a less close cooperation between the two courts in the future. February 26, 2016 - 8:53 pm Pingback: The Legal Implications of Brexit: mechanics, criminal repercussions, and perhaps enhanced … | Forensic News Thank you for this post. Can I ask you what you exactly mean by the following paragraph: ‘the Court understands autonomy to signify that the EU may be a construction of international law, but that in its internal order its own rules displace the principles and mechanisms of international law.’
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And this is rightfully first on the checklist because “Content Is Key”. Since the Google Panda and Penguin updates, the significance of original and interesting material has been ever enhancing which is why we will certainly find areas such as ‘quality’, ‘fresh’, and ‘research’ here. You may also spot the Red ‘Vt’ which is a clever caution about thin content because that is what will start to interfere with your Tamworth SEO efforts. Architecture is an exciting On-page element for your SEO. And the elements detailed here are crucial from a technological, and user-interface level. Because you have areas such as the Crawl (Ac) and specialized areas such as URLS (Au) and HTTPS (Ah). But the brilliant part of this is the importance of speed (As) because this one helps the Google Spiders to an extent, but is also important because you have to bear in mind that you are confronting people who can be fickle and uninterested quickly. So if your website takes too long to load, they will undoubtedly just leave. This column in the table delves deeper into the technical and crosses into a few areas of content and writing– especially where it gets abused. So biggest part of this that I would have you concentrate on is avoiding the negatives listed – the Hidden (Vh) and the Stuffing (Vs) because these are points that people who barely know SEO think they can get away with. And the reality is you can not because Google hates people who cut corners, and take care of those who are worthy. Moving to the Off-page elements I would point out the importance of Authority (Ta) but would also warn you not to become too obsessed with it. Because Authority can indicate a lot of factors and includes aspects like Page Authority, Domain Authority and Link Authority. Which essentially all boils down to trust. Don’t stress too much about the first two because there really isn’t much you can do to alter your authority position, and it is near impossible to get a 100 % authority simply because that is set aside for places like Google and Facebook. But you can fix you Link Authority– how? By making sure you build links using places that you trust and don’t seem dodgy. Make sure you get links from sites you actually want your business to be linked with. just like I mentioned before, when it involves Quality (Lq) it is very important to SEO to make sure you audit your links and focus on trusted and quality sources for your links– perhaps even try and add the local factor with Tamworth businesses. It also goes without saying that the number of links (Ln) is rather relevant. Please also keep away from any paid links (Vp) or methods that appear to be Spam (Vl). This is your more direct user information and incorporates the ‘Local factor’ which has become really necessary since Google Pidgeon because it pushes the focus and emphasis upon local business such as in Tamworth, which really helps with the Country (Pc) and Locality (Pl) aspects here. and lastly the all-important (and often overlooked) part of SEO, the social networking sites elements. This is still a disputed area because it is difficult to tell just the amount of influence shares (Ss) really have upon SEO from Google’s viewpoint. But it is without a doubt that your reputation (Sr) with your fans both over the internet and in the local Tamworth area is highly important because it will help through conventional brand awareness. So that basically is the science of SEO! Again, I appreciate how simply this graphic puts it, and how it shows the association between all of these areas. Because it helps to have it in this particular format to show people how it works, and yet not have it seem too enormous or complicated. With the trend in Updates, this is all expecteded to change over time, but for now, and as we move into 2016 let’s all try and make certain we understand SEO as best as we can so we are readied for what comes next. If you are searching for any more precise or specific support then please feel free to contact us here at Internet Marketing Experts Tamworth. You can call us on 1300 595 013 or visit, Presentation skills are now seen as core business skills. Many interviews in the private sector and civil service require you to make a presentation as part of the interview process, even for graduate level roles. The topics can be very varied from telling them about yourself to sharing your vision or talking through your 90-day plan. Most of us try to avoid making presentations at all costs or muddle through somehow. However, there is a solution. 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Please, be patient, wait while it downloads. It is only 25k for the applet, 10k for a script, 25k for the first picture - about 60k. You will be rewarded with a tour around the Embarcadero Center as if you are there. It is interactive: to turn right, left, or go forward click on the picture. Problems? Get Java here • We are starting the tour around Embarcadero Center from Justin Herman Plaza. Ferry Building is behind. You have two choices. Do you see the flag pole? • Go forward on the left side of the pole. You are at La Chiffoniere, 1978 by Jean De Buffet. This is the back side of the sculpture. Move forward to the little plaza. On the left, you can get to Hyatt Regency through the west doors, or get to Market Street where California Street starts. Then you can see Four Embarcadero Center, south entrance. Moving around at that place can bring you back to Justin Herman Plaza where you can observe the Armand Vaillancourt Fountain in pretty good detail. There you could find another way to Maritime Plaza along Drumm street. • Enter the Four. You are at the bottom of the Tulip. Going up around the Tulip stem you reach Promenade. • From the place you have started, Embarcadero street leads north to Fishermans Wharf, and south with great views of the Bay Bridge and beyond. • Go forward on the right side of the pole. You are at red-bricked Justin Herman Plaza. This is an Embarcadero Center view with Hyatt Hotel in center. There is entrance on the right side. Move there. You are at east entrance stairs. They lead to Promenade. • If you move left, you are in front of the Tulip, Hyatt Regency is behind. Look up at the Tulip "flower". If you turn left, you can see the stairs and Embarcadero Plaza with Ferry Building and Bay Bridge. Move forward. Now you are in front of Hyatt. You can move to the entrance on the right side and look outside at Drumm Street and Sacramento Street little plaza. Moving forward in the center, you are in front of the Hyatt Regency Hotel north entrance. Look, on the left side is Splendido restaurant. •• • Move forward along the promenade over Drumm Street. You are moving along the passage passing street views, building, flowers, Scott's Seafood Grill and Bar. There are sculptures on the left side. At Front Street you discover Transamerica Pyramid. When you reach Old Federal building and Embarcadero Center West you are ready to exit to Commercial Street. •• • You are at Market Street. Powell Street is in font. This is a most popular Cable Car Stop turntable. To watch how the Cable Car turns around click in the left side of the picture. Use [Esc] keyboard key to come back! This way you can see more in this on-line version of the San Francisco Tour. Click on the Cable Car when it is small and jump on it. ( You can not board when the car is on the turntable). Or click in the area where cursor is "Forward" arrow... More instructions below.. • .. Moving forward along Powell Street you reach Union Square, the south-west corner. Gold Dust lounge is on the way. Do not forget about [Esc]. Step forward. Now .. • You are in the center of the square in front of Saks Fifth Avenue and Tiffany & Co. Click on the right. You turn right. You can move forward to Maiden Lane, but let us finish the panorama first. Click on the right side of the photo where cursor turns to "Right" arrow. It is Neiman Marcus on the corner. Turn right. It is Macy's giant department store. Turn right. Now you are in front of Westin St. Francis Hotel. You have made the whole tour. Now use [Esc] to come back to the eastward view where Maiden Lane is, and click in the center of the picture - move forward. • You are at Maiden Lane. There are a lot of small shops here: Chanel shop, Mocca shop, Folk Art International ( very famous building - Circle Gallery designed by Frank Lloyd Wright ). Moving forward you reach Grant Avenue. Chinatown is on the left. Hotel Marriott view is on the right. If you move forward and turn around, you can see Argentine Tango dancers and musicians on the street. San Francisco is the capital of Tango in United States. Here is the list of tango places where you can see and try this sensual dance. After you finished with dance, chinatown is on the right. • Let us continue north along Grant toward Chinatown. On your way you can see how Post Street looks like, what is Tillman Place, Franciscan Croissant, Farinelli Antiques and Fine Arts store. Chinatown starts at the Gateway or Dragon's Gate. Local street signs are in Chinese too...
Inspired by the lushness of an oasis, this client loves to retreat to her porch. She wanted to create a garden that brought peace, calmness and serenity while she sits out. The space was very shady and the client had challenges getting plants to grow in the past. We selected a variety of textures and plants together before planting this oasis. Allow the SEO Service experts at My Media Pal to help you with your business organization in New Suffolk, NY. Our firm now possess the proficiency to manage any type of company big or small. Looking for the best service company to have confidence in and consult with can be a complicated procedure in New Suffolk. Our team of professionals at My Media Pal are truly trained to offer the absolute best final results concerning your small business on the net. For more details get in touch with one of our team members to obtain an immediate free estimate for your company in New Suffolk, NY. Our website specialists possess the necessary certification to improve your website or digital business. They stick to a set criteria each time they analyze or go over your organization over the internet. Our talented team developed our own unique online digital protocols we adhere with when it comes to businesses in New Suffolk, NY. We have achieved significant success in this particular industry due to the fact that our company offers impressive as well as excellent service. We go out of our way to accommodate our clients goals. The work force at My Media Pal are beyond accredited to consult with your organization. All of our consultants are exceptionally skilled and well-trained. Do you need to hire a Search Engine Optimization service provider if you own a business enterprise in New Suffolk, New York? The advantage about residing here in the east coast is having the opportunity to consult with several kinds of digital marketing strategy companies. Nevertheless, there is a downside to this, particularly if there are way too many to choose from. Hiring the best company to collaborate with can be challenging on you and also your invaluable time. Realizing where to commit your hard earned money is extremely tough. You want to ensure you choose the ideal firm to team up with, otherwise you might result in exhausting a bunch of money and time. Do you want guidance with most of those predicaments? Precisely how do you know if you possess a good enough website to attract potential buyers in New Suffolk, NY? Most of the time, mainly if you do not know how the world wide web functions, this definitely will be a mystery to identify that your site is performing pretty good. That is up until you overhear your prospective consumers are mentioning to you that they found your company on the web or Bing, though this is actually incredibly uncommon certainly if you haven’t much concentrated on your web exposure. Don’t hesitate any more time, you need to start thinking of just how your local business appears on the internet. For additional details, speak to the Search Engine Optimization service specialists in New Suffolk, NY to answer any questions you may have. Contact us to find out the best ways to help make your business website more visible on the internet in New Suffolk, NY Lots of men and women local business professionals cringe whenever they learn that their industry competition is dominating on the internet in New Suffolk, NY. The good news is, with us on your side, you’ll get the correct insight on how you can handle that problem immediately and have the ability to contend with them. Our Search Engine Optimization professionals are always standing by to assist you and our staff can guarantee you that you will definitely receive the appropriate instruction. We have a successful performance history of presenting high quality marketing service and quality work to small-sized, average or big sized companies here in New Suffolk. To find out a lot more concerning our services and ways our firm can assist you with your business in the New Suffolk, NY area keep going through this particular content or get in touch with us right away! Receiving a strategy session will help you to learn more concerning your local business potential on the web in New Suffolk, NY Just before you begin with partnering with any firms or service professionals, you really want to be sure that you have the correct understanding of the professional service that you need to have for your business. Do not hold back to address concerns, and ask for an agreement in writing before any online services are implemented for your corporation. When you affirm it in advance, it will likely help protect against any mistakes later on. Nevertheless, having My Media Pal in New Suffolk, NY, you will certainly not have to worry about that. Our SEO experts are tremendously informative when it pertains to adequately explaining all of our online marketing strategy services. The absolute thing you need to do is inquire with the company to offer a SEO professional to work on a business website appraisal for your business. By doing this these professionals have the chance to review your web existence in order to see what they will have to do and offer you a careful quote. That will give you the best concept concerning what you are up against. It is essential that you do your homework before you speak to a Search Engine Optimization company in New Suffolk, NY Some of the most important things to work on is to look into a service provider just before working with them. In the case that your local business is strategically located in New Suffolk, NY, it is a good idea to look for a company in your area with experience, and a very good history. You want to make sure that you select a reputable agency that will definitely not take advantage of you. It is important that you choose an SEO agency that will likely finish the job ethically. We have developed a strong client base and possess a reliable status in New Suffolk. We will never steer you in a bad direction during your encounter with us. Give our SEO specialists a call today to setup your completely free digital evaluation & website evaluation in New Suffolk, NY The My Media Pal family assures a good workplace when it comes to our employees in New Suffolk, NY. Which in turn, is displayed in our client’s overall gratification. Get in touch with us today if you’re interested in teaming up with us for your digital project in New Suffolk. Our team is right here for you to present the essential route that you will need to successfully benefit your business in New Suffolk, NY. Connect with our site near you to speak to a helpful SEO service expert. Allow the Search Engine Optimization Service experts at My Media Pal to help you with your business organization in Nolita, NY. Our team presently possess the ability to work with any type of business large or little. Choosing the suitable firm to have confidence in and collaborate with can be a tricky procedure in Nolita. Our team of professionals at My Media Pal are undoubtedly qualified to produce the absolute best results for your business enterprise online. To learn more call one of our team members to get an instant free quote for your company in Nolita, NY. Our website specialists have the correct qualification to service your website or digital brand name. These professionals stick to a solid criteria each time they assess or examine your company over the internet. Our talented team developed our exclusive internet standard protocols we adhere by when it comes to companies in Nolita, NY. We have certainly achieved remarkable growth in this market because we offer exceptional as well as excellent professional service. We go out of our means to fulfill our client’s needs. The work force at My Media Pal are beyond authorized to collaborate with your company. Every one of our experts are truly skilled and well-trained. Do you need to work with a Search Engine Optimization service company if you own a company in Nolita, New York? The beauty about residing here in the east coast is being able to meet with several kinds of internet marketing strategy companies. The sad thing is, there certainly is a drawback to that, specifically if there are too many to pick from. Hiring the ideal agency to team up with can take its toll on you and your time. Recognizing where to invest your hard earned money is extremely challenging. You really want to ensure you select the appropriate service provider to consult with, otherwise you can possibly end up squandering a load of time and funds. Do you need help with any of those problems? How do you identify if you have a good enough business website to draw in potential leads in Nolita, NY? The majority of the time, particularly if you don’t understand how the online world functions, it will probably be a secret to identify that your business website is doing fairly well. That’s until you overhear your future consumers are revealing to you that they found your local business on the web or, but this is extremely rare especially if you haven’t focused regarding your web visibility. Don’t stall any more time, you have to begin thinking about just how your business looks like on the web. To learn more, connect with the Search Engine Optimization service specialists in Nolita, NY to address any inquiries you might have. Contact us to find out ways to help make your small business more seen on the internet in Nolita, NY Lots of men and women local business entrepreneurs get frustrated as soon as they find out that their service rival is controlling on the internet in Nolita, NY. Luckily, with My Media Pal on your team, you’ll have the effective information on the best ways to solve that predicament immediately and have the opportunity to be competitive alongside them. Our Search Engine Optimization experts are always waiting to help you and we can ensure you that you are going to get the correct direction. We have a successful history of presenting expert online digital solution and premium work to small, medium or large scale organizations here in Nolita. To find out a lot more concerning our services and how our firm can certainly assist you with your business in the Nolita, NY location keep reading through this write-up or get in touch with us right now! Receiving a strategy call will help you to find out more about your company opportunity over the internet in Nolita, NY Before you move forward with working with any service providers or service specialists, you want to secure that you have the right information of the solution that you really need for your organization. Do not hold back to speak out, and have a commitment in writing prior to any kind of professional services are carried out for your local business. Whenever you authenticate it ahead of time, it will likely help stop any problems later. Nevertheless, having My Media Pal in Nolita, NY, you will certainly never need to fret about that. Our SEO experts are incredibly helpful when it concerns thoroughly clarifying any of our online marketing strategy services. The absolute thing you must do is inquire with the firm to get a SEO specialist to do a business website evaluation for your business. That way they have the chance to examine your web appearance and also see precisely what they may have to take on and offer you a correct assessment. That will give you the very best concept concerning precisely what you are up against. The most important things to execute is to look deeply into a company just before hiring them. In the case that your local business lies in Nolita, NY, it is ideal to seek out a firm in your city with prior experience, and also a good record. You want to confirm that you choose a reliable agency that will likely not take advantage of you. It is very important that you select an SEO service provider that will likely do the job ethically. We have developed a stable client base and possess a consistent online reputation in Nolita. We will definitely never lead you in the wrong path through your encounter with us. The My Media Pal culture ensures a positive place of work for our team members in Nolita, NY. 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Department head or senior representative in Poland, real estate Jolanta Nowakowska-Zimoch, Partner and Head of Real Estate in Poland Department head or senior representative profile Jolanta Nowakowska-Zimoch is a partner and head of the real estate department of the Warsaw office of Greenberg Traurig. She is responsible for managing the real estate team which comprises 40 lawyers. Jolanta is a top-ranked lawyer in Poland, widely recognized in the real estate market and has been engaged in major transactions involving commercial, office, and logistic properties, including the construction of the largest shopping centers in Warsaw, as well as cross-border deals in Europe. Short description of the company and team Greenberg Traurig is a law firm with over 2000 attorneys serving Clients from 38 offices around the world. The Warsaw office has a professional team of 100 lawyers and is highly ranked in all major practice areas. Our real estate team creates a talented group of highly qualified lawyers that offers Clients an unparalleled level of legal experience and service both in Poland and in CEE. Our RE lawyers works closely with colleagues from capital markets, M&A, tax, private equity, and banking & finance departments on the most complex transactions. We provide efficient and practice - oriented legal advice with respect to transactions, projects, developments and asset management. The team benefits from the support of our market leading real estate practice in the US. Participation in property sales and acquisitions between October 2017 and September 2018 GT represented: - Goldman Sachs International, through its affiliate Bricks Acquisition Limited, in the PLN 1.1 billion public tender offer for 100% of shares in ROBYG S.A. - Nepi Rockastle in the acquisition of Krokus and Serenada located near Krakow, and the redevelopment process thereof. - Invesco Real Estate in the sale of one of the largest and technically advanced logistics centers in Europe. - CA Immo in the acquisition of two office buildings within the Warsaw Spire office complex: Building B and Building C. - KGAL Investment Management in its first transaction in Poland – the acquisition of Spark C in Warsaw. - Unibail-Rodamco (through its SPV – Wood sp. z o.o.) in the development of Wroclavia Shopping Centre. - International investors in acquisitions of land and negotiations of forward funding development agreements with one of the largest developers of industrial space. Total value of the transactions on which your company adviced between October 2017 and September 2018 (IN EUR) CONFIDENTIAL Please say why you should be considered for the award Greenberg Traurig should win the Law Firm of the Year award, as our team has achieved significant recognition in the real estate market. Our lawyers are acknowledged leaders in Poland and, as a group, make up one of the most experienced teams amongst international law firms in Poland. The team has demonstrated its market strength by participating in several of the most compelling transactions. GT’s professionals cover a broad spectrum of core real estate and ancillary practice areas, delivering legal solutions that combine legal skills with commercial experience and knowledge of the market. The diversity of professional qualifications, cultural flexibility and experience obtained by our lawyers while handling projects is an invaluable asset not only for the Firm but especially for our Clients. Our efforts have been appreciated by the leading legal directories, including International Financial Law Review, which named us the Most Innovative Law Firm of the Year in Poland 2018. Jolanta Nowakowska-Zimoch is a partner and head of the real estate department of the Warsaw office of Greenberg Traurig. She is responsible for managing the real estate team which comprises 40 lawyers. Jolanta is a top-ranked lawyer in Poland, widely recognized in the real estate market and has been engaged in major transactions involving commercial, office, and logistic properties, including the construction of the largest shopping centers in Warsaw, as well as cross-border deals in Europe. Greenberg Traurig should win the Law Firm of the Year award, as our team has achieved significant recognition in the real estate market. descriptionHe's eager to get the cute Russian teen naked so he can play with her pussy and feel her beautiful mouth around his dick for the finest cocksucking he's ever experienced. Hanover Kitchen Island is free HD wallpaper. This wallpaper was upload at November 14, 2018 upload by admin in .You can download it in your computer by clicking resolution image in Download by size:. Don't forget to rate and comment if you interest with this wallpaper. House Sitter Vancouver Island is free HD wallpaper. This wallpaper was upload at November 14, 2018 upload by admin in .You can download it in your computer by clicking resolution image in Download by size:. Don't forget to rate and comment if you interest with this wallpaper. Jantzen Island Rv Park is free HD wallpaper. 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In today’s market, buyers are looking beyond location and square footage — amenity packages are now an integral aspect of condo culture. Acknowledging this, Minto Westside has put together an exceptional array of social and recreational amenities for residents to enjoy year-round. The nouveau industrial architecture-inspired residence will feature two towers, of 18 and 20 storeys. Located at Bathurst and Front Street West, its 660 units will be framed by windows of various dimensions and will include concave balconies for added privacy. On the ground floor, the inviting lobby will be supervised by an executive concierge. Minto Westside will also offer more than 30,000 square feet of convenient retail space. The Westside Club is a second floor central courtyard with an outdoor fireplace, bar and lounge seating. It’s complemented by a water feature and artful landscaping. Work up a sweat in the Movement Haus, a state-of-the-art fitness centre with TechnoGym cardio and weight training equipment. If meditation is more your thing, there are indoor and outdoor yoga studios. On the ninth floor, The Plunge Social will fit all of your entertainment needs — with a pool, lounge chairs and a bar. The adjacent, indoor Skyline Lounge is the ideal spot for hosting a dinner party or meeting up with the neighbours for a cocktail. Suites at Minto Westside are priced from the low $200,000s and range from studios to three bedrooms. Buyers will be able to choose from three unique kitchen layouts with space-saving design. Interior features and fixtures will also include Caesarstone countertops, engineered laminate flooring, stacked washer/dryer units, deep soaker tubs and frameless glass walk-in showers (as per plan). The excitement of King Street West is merely a five minute walk away. There, you’ll find cafes, restaurants, bars and boutique shopping. It’s easy to hop on the Bathurst or King streetcar, connecting you to all corners of the city. Nearby Victoria Memorial Square Park is one of the oldest public parks in Toronto, a true sanctuary in the heart of the city. Potential buyers are encouraged to visit the Minto Westside sales centre at 25 Bathurst Street. Register online to to receive your invitation to the upcoming preview event, where you’ll be among the first to view its floorplans. Gary David Hoffmann (Massachusetts, Michigan, born 1947) Painting of a New England town. Signed and dated ('92) lower left. Oil/Canvas. Sight Size: 24.5 x 29.5 in. As a longstanding member of Boston's prestigious Guild of Boston Artists*, Hoffman has received numerous awards including the Roger Curtis Award for Figure Painting. His work has been honored and recognized with numerous awards over his 25-year career, including two Elizabeth T. Greenshields Memorial Foundation Grants, and two John F. & Anna Lee Stacey Scholarships. He has also received the Richard and Mary Schroeder Award for Outstanding Portraiture from the Copley Society*, where he is a Copley Master. I am writing to apply for the Communication Specialist with Global Worldwide Corporation. I am a communication professional with over eight years of providing communication and information distribution services in various industries. In my current position as Communication Specialist for Grand Technical I write and distribute press releases answer questions from the media provide outreach to key stakeholders and assist in company messaging through social media channels. I am highly organized and am able to multitask in order to complete any number of projects on deadline. I am able to prioritize and “put out fires” as they arise and I enjoy the fast-paced environment being a Communication Specialist can bring. My knowledge of communication theory is up to date and I am able to put those abstract concepts into practice with clients and the public. I have been given praise for my ability to react quickly and diplomatically in nearly any kind of situation. I would be thrilled to bring these skills to the communication team at Global Worldwide to assist with spreading the company message and growing your customer base.I am confident that you will find me to be a strong candidate for your Communication Specialist position. I hope to hear from you soon so that we can speak in person. Thank you for your time and consideration. When I worked at Home Depot as an assistant manager, I was always looking for way to boost my employees’ morale. Unloading trucks is a very routine and physical job and can become very boring and exhausting, so to improve the unloaders’ attitude toward their duties and make the best of the situation, I put a radio in the receiving dock. It worked; however, the district manager did not approve of the radio in the workplace even though it did not interfere with any set policy or company objectives. The radio was also out of any areas where customers would hear the music. I did not agree with my DM’s decision to remove the radio; however, I understood his point of view once he explained it to me and promptly complied with his request. The employees were not happy that their radio was gone, so I found an alternative method of reward and morale boosting by implementing a program in which we provided lunch for the unloaders from any restaurant of their choice if they unloaded the trucks faster than normal. This program succeeded by increasing their unloading time from 2 1/2 hours to only 1 1/2, a savings in payroll of 8 percent of sales for that shift. 58. Give me an example of an important goal that you set in the past and tell me about your success in reaching it. As a senior in high school, my goal was to attend college and play college golf. But I was nowhere near the player I needed to be to play or even get on the team. So over that summer I worked on my golf game to the point where I won almost every tournament I entered. I spent every hour I had during the day to make myself a better all-around player. I eventually walked on my freshmen year and was exempted from qualifying because I played so well in my first outing. The most significant presentation I have ever had to deliver was at a national research symposium. I was presenting research I had completed on digital analysis of mammograms and had to present to a panel of more than 100 judges who were at the top of their field. I focused on the research, which could sell itself, and just let the information flow. It went over very well, and I received many more invitations to present the research, including on national television. Although I had already punched out, I stayed behind to help a colleague solve a problem. A customer was very angry as he had waited very long for his coffee. My colleague was new, she was quite slow. I came out and explained things to the customer. Although he was very angry at first, I just listened to him and told him that we try to bring our best out to each customer who walks in to our store. After a one-hour discussion, he left with a happy face and was satisfied. During my time in the theater, I had one director with whom I absolutely did not work well. However, because of my track record, she would assign me as stage director and/or assistant director. I was usually involved in the day-to-day operations of the play and the details of how the play would be performed. I handled the operation for the play by directing scenes the best way I could and then showing them to her for approval. If she did not like the way a scene worked, I gave her my opinion as to why it should be my way. If we still could not compromise, I would follow her directions to the best of my ability. Understanding that people don’t usually have malicious intentions is key, and understanding that you will never be able to convince some people that your way is right is the best way to avoid conflict and still get the job done. It’s impossible to know everything in the IT field because of rapidly changing technology, so recently when we were having troubles with our circuit emulation over our ATM network, I had to call in some engineers from North Carolina to come help me out. The nice thing about asking for help is that when you get the assistance, you can learn from what you are told and apply it to future situations. Last semester I was taking a microeconomics and a statistics course. One of the microeconomics projects dealt with showing the relationship between the probability that customers would stop buying a product if the price was raised a certain amount. Through what I learned in statistics I could find the median where the price was the highest and still kept most of the customers happy. I was on a project team in a business class in my freshman year in college, The group brainstormed ideas for the video we were assigned to produce, and everyone but me was leaning toward an idea that would be easy. I suggested instead an idea that would be more difficult but would be something different that no other group would be doing. I used my communications skills to persuade the rest of the group to use my idea. During the project, we really learned what teamwork was all about, became a close team, and ended up putting a lot of hard work into the project. All the team members ended up feeling very proud of the video, and they thanked me for the idea — for which we earned an A. Focused and hardworking Bankruptcy Specialist with considerable experience in debt collection and bankruptcy documentation. Adept at resolving difficult interpersonal situations to maximum company benefit. Strong multitasker able to handle multiple simultaneous banking service requests accurately and completely. There are plenty of opportunities to land a Bankruptcy Specialist job position, but it won’t just be handed to you. Crafting a Bankruptcy Specialist resume that catches the attention of hiring managers is paramount to getting the job, and LiveCareer is here to help you stand out from the competition.
On the eve of National Asbestos Awareness Day, the Asbestos Diseases Foundation of Australia had warned of a “third wave” of exposure to asbestos, as DIY home renovations spike in popularity. Friday, 28 November, marked National Asbestos Awareness Day, where groups came together to pay tribute to the thousands of Australians who have died from asbestos-related diseases. However, the day also exists to remind the community of the present threat asbestos poses. Currently, 600 mesothelioma cases are reported a year, and this is expected to rise to more than 900 cases a year by 2020, with the National Health and Medical Research Council estimating that more than 25,000 Australians will die from mesothelioma over the next 40 years. “There is no safe level of exposure to asbestos fibres,” Asbestos Diseases Foundation of Australia president Barry Robson said. “In the past, the first wave of people affected by asbestos-related diseases were those exposed to fibres in the mining and manufacturing process and their families. Then came the second wave, which were people exposed to fibres from using products in the workplace. The foundation is warning of a “third wave” of asbestos-related diseases that will include people renovating homes without the proper precautions. Read more It said it was of very low risk, but the Australian Medical Association said that response was not good enough and all asbestos should be removed from the island’s accommodation. Perth man Donovan Pryor last week alerted the authority to the substance, which he found outside bungalows in the Bathurst area, north of Thomson Bay. It said the material was intact and non-friable, and in this condition, it was of very low risk to anyone staying in the units or passing by. “As a precaution, the site was fully remediated using a licensed asbestos management operator the following day.” The confirmation the material is asbestos comes despite comments by the authority’s chairman, John Driscoll, last week that all known asbestos from buildings on the island was inert and “not a threat”. Read more Questions are being raised as to the ‘safe’ level of lead in children’s blood. They come as a popular Australian lead advisory group has its funding taken away. ANY DAY NOW, the phone is about to ring in a small Sydney-based not-for-profit for the 100,000th time. But when caller number 100,000 gets through to the Global Lead Advice and Support Service (GLASS), there may be no one to take the call. It’s not for a lack of concern. In fact, according to the organisation’s founder, Elizabeth O’Brien, the heavy metal that’s well known to be toxic when ingested, even in small doses, remains a very real health problem. But in June, the charity’s free service of 22 years did not have its funding renewed. “It was just $115,000 a year,” says O’Brien. “But it allowed for a few paid staff to manage the 150 volunteers, and things like public liability insurance,” she says. And it looks like those meagre funds will not be reinstated any time soon. Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt says of GLASS’s funding, “This was a decision made by the previous Government. Due to Labor’s financial mismanagement, we are not in a position to overturn their decision.” Read More Three have died due to meningitis in Los Angeles, the L.A. County Department of Public Health said Thursday. The department announced their have been eight cases of invasive meningococcal disease in the county so far this year, the L.A. Times reports. Invasive meningococcal disease causes meningitis, an inflammation of the the meninges, the protective membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord. It can be spread through exposure to sneezing and coughing and contact with saliva and mucous. Kissing, sharing beverages or cigarettes, and living in group settings can transmit the bacteria responsible for infection. Symptoms usually onset within five days of exposure to the bacteria, and may include a high fever, stiff neck, aches, and an aversion to bright lights. Childhood lead poisoning is considered the most preventable environmental disease among young children, yet approximately half a million U.S. children have blood lead levels above 5 micrograms per deciliter, the reference level at which Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), recommends public health actions be initiated. A simple blood test can prevent permanent damage that will last a lifetime. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), CDC, is committed to eliminating this burden to public health. October 20 – 26th is National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week. During this time the CDC will strive to: Stress the importance of screening the highest risk children younger than 6 years of age (preferably by ages 1 and 2) if they have not been tested yet; For more information on how you can prevent lead poisoning in your home and community visit the Lead Paint Resources page at Occupational Knowledge International. Tags: Blood lead level, Blood test, CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Child safety, Childhood lead poisoning, Lead poisoning, National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week, Public health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, United States, young children
You will find large amounts of languages all on the globe. Examples versus Explanations If you’re pressed by time and you’ve got tons of content to write but don’t feel you may finish up in time, it is definitely going to get you very good to recognize that examples are better compared to explanations. Poetry essays are all wholly predicated on understanding how the elaborate significance and concept hidden behind the hard wordings of poetry which might be described as a small pain staking for many students. More over, step one among writing is currently creating the exact 1st paragraph. Presume the reader gets a comprehension of the theories or subjects you’re quoting. You will wind your full job, composing a great conclusion is an art since it’s necessary to talk about practically all of the item within a paragraph. It’s vital that you create it as intriguing as you possibly can so it isn’t difficult to grab the interest of these viewers. You can begin by creating the topic in a huge circle and compose the sub-topics in smaller sized secondary circles that are typical attached to the most important circle through lines. The perfect way to be certain that you don’t eliminate your subscribers’ care or that you never confuse them will be to make certain you don’t write in choppy fragments. Try not to stay away of any ideal content because it could also help determine the standard of your article. You can find lots of expert custom-made coursework UK organizations that may permit you to compose a thesis. Creating an article on information technology calls for a considerable step of information and also a sensible comprehension of this subject. The agency isn’t tough to use and extremely efficient when compared to others in serving the precise aim. Inch fun easy manner is always to make use of food items. The fundamental subject of theory is always to be set from the middle and also sub topics or connected notions to be set across the ring in virtually any purchase. Write a list of three or more chief notions you should comprise inside your thesis and human anatomy sentences. Undoubtedly, the number of words could change, but not badly. The human anatomy of the sound analysis composition will be divided up into about three paragraphs that can earn a total of four paragraphs. Certainly one of the utter most horipulating affairs you can certainly do in order to a reader would be utilize phrases semaphorically. You can begin by writing this issue in an enormous circle and write the exact sub topics in smaller sized secondary circles that are all connected to probably the most crucial circle through traces. A backup writer is faced with a great deal of problems when seeking to convince individuals with having nothing more afterward their writing abilities. To be more useful in grammar you must look at the upcoming places. Your Own Vocabulary Using a great language is conveniently the best means to express your self. For you have to become helpful in grammar whatever the situation. Another benefit to using the APA design is the fact that it leaves you no longer room to wonder about the way the contents ought to be organized. You have to have accessibility to other search choices whilst surfing the net. For instance, in case you’re working on articles for a new site, then you must coordinate with several men and women. For authors to operate more quickly and improved, idea maps have been shown to be rather valuable. Although work needs to become condescended, in addition, you have to assure that it’s all accurate when it has to do with grammar and spelling. Being a writer, you’ve must create your own discoveries once it’s to do with personal written caliber, your consistency to get a writer, your voice and your self-motivation approaches. To be most useful in punctuation you should consider the next places. Your,_Arizona Own Vocabulary Using a amazing language is readily the best means to state your self. For one thing need to become useful in punctuation anything the situation. You may even utilize equipment like Hemingway application to be sure your content is not readable. Aligning your online copy with the subsequent tips for SEO tips in mind will really how to put a movie title in a paper be certain the level of your projects rises. SEO article marketing may be tough, particularly when those keyword phrases or keywords and key phrases aren’t something a normal speaker or writer who says or writes. All text has to be warranted all around the paper. Taking medicine doesn’t provide us the exact compounds people have to be healthy. Now may be our very last day! As it has to do with composing the very first idea that happens to our thoughts will be a great writing instrument which gives you a sense of relaxation, self confidence and vogue. Like a writer, it really is your occupation t.. You won’t ever create the error of composing some thing on your essay that you just believe you’ve thought of your self, but is something you’re remembering from a book word for word. It truly is therefore critical that you just be certain you planit earn a draft ( rough do the job ) of the matters that you’re going to be discussing until you move the draft into the principal work. Inspite of the simple fact that writing a winning college study essay can resemble a intimidating task, it truly needs some preparation such as warning, originality, and also a fantastic deal of endurance. Note taking skills incorporate the ability to recognize that the key points and composing sub-points. The article arrangement is easy, however complicated in the precise time. When the author is appointed, they start off focusing in your own composition based on the conditions you have given on your purchase. You might even observe that article.
Place the potatoes in a pan of boiling salted water. Cook until just tender. Drain and cool a little. Heat a large frying pan with olive oil. Add onions and chorizo and potatoes, season with sea salt and black pepper. Cook until the onions are soft and the potatoes start to brown a little, and then add the garlic, paprika, chilli powder, cumin and tomatoes. Cook until the potatoes are completely cooked and the tomatoes have thickened. Then add the peas and cook for a further 2 minutes. Home > Schools and Departments > School of Mathematics > News and events > Birmingham mathematician takes his research to Parliament Dr Meurig Gallagher, 29, a Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham, hailing from Tongwynlais, Cardiff, is attending Parliament to present his mathematics research to a range of politicians and a panel of expert judges, as part of STEM for BRITAIN on Monday 12 March. Meurig’s poster on research about the use of mathematics in understanding the microscopic world of biological fluids will be judged against dozens of other scientists’ research in the only national competition of its kind. On presenting his research in Parliament, he said, "STEM for BRITAIN provides an exciting opportunity to present my work to politicians and to highlight the importance of the use of mathematics in understanding everything about the world around us.” “This annual competition is an important date in the parliamentary calendar because it gives MPs an opportunity to speak to a wide range of the country’s best young researchers. These early career engineers, mathematicians and scientists are the architects of our future and STEM for BRITAIN is politicians’ best opportunity to meet them and understand their work.” Dr Meurig Gallagher is a Teaching Fellow in Applied Mathematics. Meurig's research concerns the utilisation of numerical and analytical techniques to solve problems relating to fluid dynamics. His work to date spans several aspects of fluid behaviour, from free surface flows to the stability of non-Newtonian fluids, and has recently found interest in modelling behaviours of biological fluids. Meurig’s research has been entered into the mathematical sciences session of the competition, which will end in a gold, silver and bronze prize-giving ceremony. Judged by leading academics, the gold medalist receives £2,000, while silver and bronze receive £1,250 and £750 respectively. The Parliamentary and Scientific Committee runs the event in collaboration with the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Institute of Physics, the Royal Society of Biology, The Physiological Society and the Council for the Mathematical Sciences, with financial support from the Clay Mathematics Institute, UK Research and Innovation, Warwick Manufacturing Group, Society of Chemical Industry, The Nutrition Society, Institute of Biomedical Science and the Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research. But the security arrangements certainly haven’t been. And the failure of security firm G4S to deliver on its promises must throw West Midland Police’s plans for “Business Partnering” into doubt. It says proposals to sign contracts with private sector partners, which could be worth up to £1.5 billion, are simply about providing a better service to the public in the West Midlands (and in Surrey, where the force is also part of the plans). The idea, staunchly opposed by trade unions, has been put on ice until a new Police and Crime Commissioner is elected in November. Perhaps that’s code for saying it’s been quietly cancelled, because there’s a good chance a Commissioner will simply refuse to press ahead with the policy. But officially at least police are still planning to do a deal. And officially they still have a shortlist of six potential partners – including the likes of BT, IBM and, yes, G4S. MPs such as Khalid Mahmood (Lab Perry Barr) have insisted the force end negotiations with G4S as a result of the Olympic fiasco. * PERHAPS the police force’s continued enthusiasm for the plans reflects the view of the Home Secretary Theresa May, who backs the business partnering idea. She confirmed this again in the Commons this week, when Birmingham MP Jack Dromey (Lab Erdington) asked her: “The public have confidence in our police service but no confidence in G4S, yet the Home Secretary has spent £4 million promoting privatisation of essential police services, the principal beneficiary of which would be G4S. In light of the Olympics debacle, will she now abandon her reckless plans?” Mrs May insisted: “It is not a reckless plan for police forces to look to ensure that they make the best use of their budgets, so that they can put as much money as possible not into back-office functions, but into getting police out on the streets.” * IT was a pleasure to see David Cameron and Nick Clegg in the West Midlands this week. Mr Cameron told a press conference in Smethwick that the Conservative Coalition with the Lib Dems would last until the next election. The fact that he had to say it, however, reflects the pressure he is under from some of his backbenchers to arrange a divorce from the Lib Dems. After losing England C striker Nick Wright to an ankle injury in the first five minutes the Lambs found themselves a goal behind after half an hour. Tamworth goalkeeper Danny Allcock pushed Josh Burge’s header onto the post but then deflected it over the goal line as it came back off the woodwork to give the home side the advantage at the break. With the wind behind them Ilkeston had had the better of the early chances through Amary Morgan-Smith’s blocked shot and a Paul Dempsey header which cleared the bar by only a few feet as Tamworth ravaged by injuries looked second best. Michael Blackwood thought he had got Tamworth back into the game 15 minutes after the restart only to see his close-range finish ruled out for offside. Then two minutes later Ilkeston made sure of their place in the first round draw when Morgan-Smith robbed Des Lyttle to set up David Graham to fire home the home side’s second of the afternoon from the edge of the area. Description: Position Description Dynetics, an employee-owned company, is seeking a talented Technical Proposal Editor to join a diverse team to create unique solutions for complex problems. With offices across the (more...)
Original inns and buildings from Edo period remain intact along the road, including a number of sake breweries. There are thirteen sake breweries, or “Sakagura,” in the Saku area of Eastern Nagano, and many of them are near or on the Nakasendo trail. At some of these breweries you can tour the facilities and try the sake for free, so I decided to take a closer look. *For information about other sections of the Nakasendo trail, see my previous blog posts here and here.* Tateshina-machi is home to Ashida-juku, the 26th post town of the Nakasendo. It lies to the west of Kasatori toge, a steep pass with an exceptional view of the surrounding farmland and mountains. Many travelers rested here after climbing it on their way to Edo. A number of buildings remain that showcase the traditional architecture of the period. Many inns line the road through Tateshina-machi, and you can peek inside some of the courtyards’ traditional gardens. There are also plenty of lanterns and street signs to point you in the right direction. And there are plenty of bathrooms too! After a short walk from Ashida-juku, you turn left into Motai Ainoshuku. It isn’t a post town itself, but prospered when neighboring post towns became busy and travelers needed other places to rest. There are no lodges or restaurants here, but there are two sake breweries that have been in business for several hundred years. A ball of pine hangs in the entrance to the Osawa brewery complex, a traditional decoration for sake-serving establishments. Past the entranceway is a large courtyard littered with old and strange machines. There wasn’t a soul in sight when I arrived, but shortly someone came out to show me around. Our first stop was the storefront where they sell their sake and other beverages. On the counter they have a variety of tasting sake that you can try for free. I spent awhile there appreciating the range of sake in front of me. Of their selection, my favorite was probably their Kataribe brand. Next, we moved on and visited the brewery’s art gallery—a separate building on the premises full of ink and oil paintings. It was made to house the works of the owner’s grandfather and includes paintings by many other artists of his school. In another part of the brewery there are several collections of traditional Japanese calligraphy and a museum, which displays all manner of things the brewery has collected since it opened in 1689. Down the street on a similarly large plot is the Takeshige Honke brewery. They have been operating since 1868. There aren’t any facilities open to the public, but they do sell their products in-house. Their main brand of sake is called Bokusui and comes in a variety of grades from Honjozo to Daiginjo. You can see their range of products in a glass display that features some intricate statues showcasing the sake-brewing process. The owner was out when I visited so I wasn’t able to take a closer look, but if you’re lucky he might show you around. The next stop is Mochizuki-juku, a post town known both for its horses and its calligraphy. Many of its Edo-era buildings remain intact and many new buildings have been modeled in similar styles, like the strange-yet-beautiful city center in the background of the photo above. The main inn has been converted into a museum and includes artifacts from the Showa, Edo and Jomon periods. Another museum down the road displays famous works of local calligraphy. There are also many restaurants in town, and most offer Miso Katsudon as a Mochizuki specialty. It’s a fried pork cutlet slathered in miso sauce. Mine was served in a heated stone bowl like a Korean bibimbap. It was just what I needed after trying so much sake with so many hours of walking left to go. After Mochizuki-juku, the walk becomes arduous. The trail climbs several hills and follows some major roads. They are quite large, and there are plenty of loud trucks speeding down them. Relics of the Nakasendo dot the path: a Dosojin statue in the grass or a stone monument on the side of the road. They are few and far between, but Mt. Asama is in constant, clear view. There are two other post towns on the way back to Saku: Yawata and Shionada-juku. Japanese history buffs may appreciate walking through them both, but the journey is long and the towns are far apart. Some highlights of the area include Yawata-jinja, Yawata-juku’s Shinto shrine, as well as the views from the bridge of Shionada-juku. Some people may also be interested in seeing Shionanada-juku’s inns, which are rare examples of three story Edo-period buildings. It takes another long hour of walking to reach Saku city. I continued on the trail until I appeared at the next post town, Iwamurada-juku, before taking a bus back to the station. From the station, the Chikuma Nishiki brewery is only a 12-minute walk. It is Saku’s largest brewery and has a full store front with a wide selection of sake and shochu to taste. Tours are also available for those interested in how sake is made. You can find a number of rare sake here, including namazake (unpasteurized sake), natural sparkling sake and some experimental varieties. The namazake was exceptional, with a flavor and aroma I had never experienced before, and my guide told me that it’s a favorite among foreign visitors here. Because it’s unpasteurized it’s only sold in select stores, so you should stop by to try it! There some beautiful views along the Nakasendo from Tateshina to Saku city, if you know where to walk. The area between Tateshina and Mochizuki is enjoyable, and you definitely shouldn’t miss Motai Ainoshuku if you’re in the area. There are plenty of restaurants and things to do in Mochizuki when you’re tired and waiting for the bus back to Saku, or to make a quick stop in Yawata or Shionada. The timetable for the Nakasendo line bus can be found here. It can be boarded from the Saku-daira shinkansen station. Visiting local sake breweries is a great way to learn more about sake and how it’s made. Check this website for more information on the brewing process, and click here for information about Nagano’s breweries and brewery tours. The football match Tigres UANL vs Club Universitario was played in Copa Libertadores on May 5, 2015 at the stadium Estadio Universitario and the match Tigres UANL vs Club Universitario ended with score 1 – 1. The football match Tigres UANL vs Club Universitario was played in Copa Libertadores on May 5, 2015 at the stadium Estadio Universitario and the match Tigres UANL vs Club Universitario ended with score 1 - 1. Paul Jeurissen and Grace Johnson are setting off on a multi-year cycling adventure to photograph bicycle/cycling cultures around the world. Paul, a professional photographer, has published work in Adventure Cycling magazine, National Geographic Expeditions and Trekking Bike Magazine. There’s an amazing amount of awesome bicycle touring photography out there, and Paul’s work tops the list. Paul and Grace have taken numerous bicycle/photography trips – totaling more than four years over 4 continents After realizing that Paul needed to be on the road photographing full time if he wanted to take his cycle photography to a new level, they couple made a monumental decision. They sold their house and hit the road on an around the world bicycle tour. The journey doesn’t have a set route or itinerary and that’s the beauty of the adventure. Pictures are categorized into the Bicycle Culture Photo Gallery, where you’ll find photos of locals on bikes, and the Bicycle Touring Gallery, where you’ll find photos from the couple’s numerous rides around the world. This is the place to go if you`re in search of inspiring bicycle photography. Grace and Paul are currently cycling Thailand. Follow their blog and find out where their bicycle journey around the world will take them. Amaya December 27, 2010 March 20, 2011 Featured Sites, Round the World Bicycle Touring Blogs No Comments Perched above Duck Creek Village sits Meadow View Heights. The thick Ponderosa Pine forest is home to one of the original Cedar Mountain developments which is now populated with lovely mountain dwellings. Many of the properties have views of the Paunsaugunt Pink Cliffs glowing in the distance. Meadow View is only a stones throw from Duck Creek Village with its restaurants and shops and joyous mountain celebrations. Lot sizes are less than one acre. Access is year round and all utilities available.
Mhouse SL1-INTRO. SLIDING GATE MOTOR with instructions and 2 x GTX4 remotes. We add 4 metres of 4FPNR rack. Gate and Fence Fittings Australia 230 volt electromechanical gear motor with integrated control unit. Reliable and noiseless. Opening time of 9 seconds for a 5m long gate. Plug and play connections for quick and simple installation. Easy to install and comes with clear instructions. Additional gear rack can be purchased. See Gate Motor Accessories, 4FNPR. Please add gst and freight to the price listed here. Courier costs are generally $35. Office staff will calculate the freight and contact you for approval. Hi, Do you ship to Adelaide? If so, what would be the cost for the mHouse intro kit shipped to postcode 5066 in Adelaide? Thanks, Morning Could you let me know how much it would cost to ship an MH-SL1s motor to Darwin NT? Do you also sell the motors individually or just part of a kit? Plan to stop by during the Holiday Stroll on Saturday, November 25! We will have a 3D Presentation on the Christmas story every 30 minutes starting at 5:45pm. Choose the best time for you and stop by! We reached a major milestone in transitioning from a Beta product to launching a platform-defining version 1.0. This release includes core features and functionality that significantly impacts the user experience. Highlights include the addition of a recruiting roadmap, the ability to upload personal videos, and the "Validate My Resume" feature that signifies to college recruiters that a user's athletic and academic information has been verified by their coach. We are excited to announce the release of We partnered with our creative friends at Wonderful to design and build this initial site for Sum of the Whole. Over the next several months, we will be working on adding robust features, back-end capabilities, and algorithms to expand to a fully operational site that will include both real-time home value assessments and equity-share financing offers. Stay tuned for updates. Work continues on SMi Source to improve the user experience, content, features, and performance of the system. In May, we rolled out a new version of SMi's content management system with several improvements including new code base, infrastructure, and software. This upgrade was a critical step for continued system stability, consistency, and performance. New features such as improved search capability and code updates to support the migration of swf to mp4 files were also added. Coming soon is an enhanced lesson editor, updated help content and much more. Gatelets continues to grow and evolve with both new and existing clients. We currently have an immediate need for a part-time web developer with experience in HTML/5, CSS3 and JavaScript. Backend skills are a huge plus (database, Java or other sever-end technology). Position location is in the SF Bay area. If you're interested in joining our team, send your resume to [email protected]. Gatelets just released a significant update to College Baseball Match (CBM). In this build we have introduced a new subscription model (various pricing models), a new user wizard to support optimized profile setup and many other useful goodies. In the last build we introduced an improved mobile experience, updated social algorithm, new college coaching staff lists, and importantly a new "Ambassador" program. 01/04/2017, ScienceMedia wins the 2016 Brandon Hall Group Excellence in Technology Awards. Gatelets is the development team for the SMi Source product. 01/15/2017, the College Baseball Match Beta site has been released. The CBM proprietary matching algorithm helps high school baseball prodigies find the right colleges to maximize athletic and academic abilities. This release brings an absolute user interface overhaul and a bunch of new features including CRM capabilities, V-Connect integration, Sales Assistant to notify sales of key actions to take, Task Manager and brand new dashboards for reporting and analysis. We have moved all customers from our Core to our environment on AWS. This is a very exciting time for Gatelets and our customers. AWS enables us to give our customers extensive new features and services. Read Gatelets continues to grow and evolve. Jan 1 a new Project Manager has joined our ranks to help us continue improving our customer communication and planning capabilities. We will be posting some new jobs here soon. 2016 was a busy year for Gatelets. We worked on various customer projects and we focused on ourselves. In May we moved to a new version of Gatelets Core (2016) — a radical overhaul of the Core code system that includes deeper support for SaaS systems (accounts, companies, users), improved Group security performance, a new Team concept, and importantly a very new page and action dispatching system that is more flexible and extensible. This release introduced the ability for customers to subscribe online and brought various fixes and improvements to the system. As with every Source release, the content is increased and improved. New leaderboards, leads reporter and a sophisticated data analysis dashboard helps executives see stalled opportunities, track forecasts and even support custom months and quarters Working with the Skyroam team, Gatelets helped extend the Shopify experience to support a rentals program. Working with Wonderful, we developed a clean minimalist Web site for the PR firm Solksen. Behind the scenes are all the tools to enable the company to update their content. A move to Core 8 along with upgrade to Bootstrap 3.*. A focus on subtle UI improvements, a new Avenir font type to improve sophistication, portfolio optimization, new self-serve administration environment and a 100% mobile version New site and system released — this is a large ecosystem that integrates with other services such as V-Connect and WaveAnswers.
Macro environment consists of broader forces which affect the firm as well as the other forces firms need to continuously monitor changes in these environmental forces and foreign environment consists of factors like social, political, economic, legal and natural environment demographic environment. Explain how changes in the demographic and economic environments affect marketing decisions identify the major trends in the firm's natural and technological. “population trends in china and india: demographic dividend or demographic drag socioeconomic and policy environment fertility decisions of persons not yet of childbearing age and some not even yet born, all these changes in population age composition will affect the percentage of the. Explain the effects of demographic change on marketing ing the effects of customer-based decisions on other people and organi- (the macro environment), as opposed to those elements that affect only the individual the economic environment is basically about the level of demand in the economy. Economic trends are among the elements of the marketing environment that and changes in the marketing environment to establish positions in new markets, for instance, a demographic trend toward rural living creates new market opportunities and may influence site location decisions for brick-and-mortar retailers. The impact of micro and macro environment factors on marketing these environments' factors are beyond the control of marketers but they still influence the decisions demographic forces: different market segments are typically economic factors: the economic environment can impact both the. Social determinants of health can greatly affect the lives of individuals employees with no-cost meals on both ends of their shifts environments can enhance health status and health outcomes at any point across the life tion and sufficiently detailed to allow geographic and demographic breakdown. Answer to explain how changes in the demographic, cultural, and economic environments affect united airlines marketing decision. Explain how changes in the demographic and economic environments affect marketing decisions • identify the major trends in the firm's natural. Demographics influence buying decisions and how people shop 1 the importance of demographics to marketing 2 advantages & disadvantages of a demographic environment most marketing research professionals include demographic [factors affecting] | economic factors affecting marketing. Economic environment see also witigercom/marketing/typesofcompetitionhtm the 6 environments that effect business are not things you can change rules reflecting social/cultural changes in the demographic make-up of the citizens ford to discount f-150: incentives won't apply in canada decision comes despite . Marketing in english - how changes in demographic & economic environment affect marketing decisions marketing courses (business, management school,. Economic, technological, and demographic environments influence the bar constraints on technological change may keep unions from losing jobs, but slowing pend on the choices made by decision makers and the way the new technol. The changes occurring in the marketing environment are not easy to predict demographic economic natural technological political cultural there are certain cultural characteristics that influence the decision of the. State pension system will be affected by an ageing society by creating a model of demographic and economic change and investigating the consequences of second is an 'unfavourable environment' scenario, in which a number of assumptions influence individuals' fertility decisions to such a degree evidence from. Decision process that normally starts in the marketing strategy area is an iterative in the company's micro environment namely, the demographic, economic, similarly, a change in the attitude or behavior of the supplier may also affect the. Is your environment secure the world is currently facing demographic and social changes at a pace that may our young workers index reveals how maximising the economic potential of businesses should ensure that all employees are fairly remunerated by ensuring that pay and promotion decisions are fair, and. Economic changes will affect the demand and supply sides of the market, the organization and that can influence the organization's decision making it allows marketers to understand the current state of the environment and to predict trends these factors include the economic, demographics, legal, political, and. 2 the demographic environment the economic environment explain how changes in the demographic and economic environments affect marketing decisions. Explain how a company's customers influence its marketing strategy understand how marketers use scenario planning to make marketing decisions and strategies 1 these include factors such as demographics, economics, political, and these opportunities can be due to market growth or changes in lifestyle or. Changes in demographic and economic environment affect marketing decisions demography is the study of the characteristics of human. The environmental factors that are affecting marketing function can be of directors have important influence on the marketing decisions and their a) demographic forces: here, the marketer monitor the population b)economic factors: the economic environment consists of ( log out / change . Marketers have to take both sides of the demographic environment coin into account when deciding what strategy to apply as culture has such a large influence on what those in the demographic environment do change populations are never constant people migrate from place to place, and people . Largely uncontrollable, potentially relevant to marketing decision making and changing or new types of environmental change have come to the forefront, economic the external marketing environment consists of social, demographic, economic, a marketing program is affected especially by economic factors as the. Demographic trends affect economic growth via the effects related to the size and the structure of the population, ie mainly via changes in the. Missing teeth affect more than just your confidence. They can cause the nearby teeth to shift out of alignment, cause your jawbone to recede, and can change the structure of your face. Here are three ways that dentists treat missing teeth: Dentures – If you are missing many teeth, or the teeth you have remaining are severely decayed or damaged, you may receive a set of dentures. When you get dentures, all of your remaining teeth are extracted, and a custom dental appliance is made for you. You can choose to get implant-retained dentures or the traditional removable dentures. Bridges – Dental bridges can be used to replace one or more teeth. A bridge uses the surrounding teeth, also known as abutment teeth, as support for the replacement tooth. A replacement tooth is attached to two crowns, which are fitted over the surrounding teeth. Dental Implants – Dental implants can be used to replace one tooth or many teeth. It works by placing a screw into your jawbone and allowing it to heal. Then, the replacement tooth is screwed into the implant. If you are missing all of the teeth on your upper or lower jaw, you can get what are called “all-on-4” implants, which replace all the teeth on your upper or lower jaw with just four implants. Are you missing teeth and considering dentures, bridges, or dental implants in Arlington Heights, IL? Contact Northwestern Dental Group today to schedule your consultation. When children lose their baby teeth, they look adorable with their little gap-toothed smiles, but what happens when you’re an adult with missing teeth? While it is normal for your kids to lose teeth, missing adult teeth can create many problems: Self-Esteem – If you are missing teeth you may notice yourself smiling less, or covering your mouth when you laugh. Missing teeth can take a significant hit to your self-esteem and your confidence. Tooth Movement – While your teeth are anchored to your jawbone, they can still move. When you have a gap in your smile, the adjacent teeth can shift into the open space, making your teeth crooked. This can create difficulties when cleaning your teeth, putting you at risk for tooth decay and gum disease. Difficulty Eating – Depending on which teeth you are missing, certain foods may be difficult to eat. Some people wind up changing their whole diet just because they cannot chew their food properly. This can create digestive issues because the food is not chewed well enough. Speech Issues – Speaking properly requires teeth. If you are missing your front teeth, you may notice that it is difficult to pronounce certain words, and you find yourself spitting when you talk. When you speak, your tongue presses against your front teeth, and if those teeth aren’t there, it can drastically affect the way you sound. Facial Structure – When you are missing teeth, the structure of your face changes. When you are missing teeth, your jawbone is no longer receiving stimulation from chewing and will begin to shrink. This can disrupt the surrounding teeth and cause them to fall out. Losing teeth is not always avoidable, but there is a solution. Replacing teeth with dental implants in Arlington Heights, IL, can help you maintain your smile. Dental implants can give you the confidence to smile, and help you avoid the adverse effects of tooth loss. When it comes to whitening your teeth, there are many products out there. However, many of the whitening products advertised do not work or are not appropriate for everyone. The best way to get your teeth white and keep them maintained is to follow these tips. Brush – Brushing your teeth at least twice a day is essential to keeping your smile white. It doesn’t matter how many whitening strips you use; you can’t whiten without brushing correctly. Use toothpaste with fluoride in it that can help you fight cavities. Some whitening toothpastes can also produce results when used properly. Floss – Flossing helps you clean hard-to-reach areas between your teeth and is another essential habit that you need to keep your teeth white. You should be flossing at least once a day to maintain optimum oral health. Rinse – Antimicrobial mouthwash can help keep cavity-causing bacteria at bay and keep your smile bright. When it comes to keeping your smile bright, the best solution is to keep your hygiene routine solid. Necessary brushing, flossing, and rinsing should be all you need to keep your teeth white if the only thing staining your teeth is food and beverages. If you have years of stains from smoking, food, and beverages, or for any reason, our dentist can provide teeth whitening in Arlington Heights and the surrounding areas. Many changes take place in your body during pregnancy, including changes to your dental health. The increase of hormone levels in your body can alter your dental health, leaving you more susceptible to bacteria and plaque. Gingivitis – Some women may develop a condition known as “pregnancy gingivitis” during the first trimester. The symptoms of this condition include swollen, bleeding, red, and tender gums. Advanced gum disease, known as periodontitis, has been linked to premature birth and low birth weight, so it is essential to monitor your dental health during pregnancy. Plaque – When your hormone levels change during pregnancy it can make your body less resistant to plaque and cavity-causing bacteria. Schedule regular cleanings with your Niles dentist so that you can avoid declining dental health during pregnancy. Enamel Erosion – If you suffer from morning sickness, you are also at risk for enamel erosion. Morning sickness increases the acidity in your mouth, which can wear down tooth enamel. Before brushing your teeth, rinse with a teaspoon of baking soda mixed with water to neutralize the acid and minimize erosion. To maintain your oral health during pregnancy, we recommend scheduling regular teeth cleanings, continuing to brush and floss twice a day, and using an antimicrobial mouthwash. Contact our dentist today to schedule an appointment. One of the most common fears among adults is going to the dentist, and many of us do feel at least a little bit of anxiety at our dental appointments. Luckily, there are ways that you can manage your stress while at the dentist so that you can take care of your smile. Talk it Out – Your Niles dentist and the staff have your best interests in mind. If you’re feeling anxious, tell them! They will go out of their way to make sure you are as comfortable as possible. They see patients every day who deal with dental anxiety, so they will know how to help. Breathing Exercises – When we’re nervous, we sometimes forget to breathe. Focus on slow regular breathing to reduce stress levels and take your mind off of the exam. Jam Out – If you are undergoing a procedure and can’t handle the sound of the drill, bring a pair of headphones and listen to music. Avoid Caffeine – Caffeine, and high-sugar foods can increase your anxiety, so take care to avoid them before an appointment. Before coming to the dentist, eat some high-protein food, which can produce a calming effect. Hand Signals – Sometimes anxiety is caused by feeling helpless. When the dentist is working in your mouth, it can be hard to communicate. Before beginning the exam or procedure, agree on a set of hand signals with your dentist so that you can let them know you want them to ease off or stop what they are doing. This can make you feel more empowered and help you get through your visit. Choose a Good Time – Feeling rushed can heighten feelings of anxiety, so choose an appointment time that won’t stress you out. Don’t make an appointment you have to rush to attend or one where you have to be somewhere directly after the appointment. Early morning or Saturday appointments may be more relaxing for you. Make an appointment with our dentist today. We serve patients in Niles, Skokie, Gurnee, Arlington Heights, and Vernon Hills, IL. Teaching your kids proper oral hygiene habits early on will set them up for a lifetime of great dental exams. Regular visits to our dentist in Niles and supervised brushing are great ways to set the foundation, but sometimes kids have a difficult time sustaining interest in oral health. That is where this guide comes in. We will show you some helpful tips to make oral hygiene fun. Experiments – Hands-on learning is a great way for kids to absorb information. There are a few dental experiments that you can do with your kids to encourage them to brush and floss, including the egg test. Submerge a hardboiled egg in a glass of dark soda for 10 minutes. When you remove it, you will see that the drink has stained the egg. Then, give your kids a toothbrush and toothpaste and have them brush the egg, returning it to its former whiteness. This not only shows kids the dangers of drinking soda, but it also teaches them how brushing can improve their smile. Brushing Charts – A toothbrushing chart works a lot like a chore chart and can help forgetful kids remember to brush and floss. Every time they remember, they get to put a sticker on their chart. Kids will feel accomplished when they fill their chart for the week with stickers, and will encourage them to continue brushing and flossing every day. Dental Books – Many kids are afraid of dental visits, but reading dental books with them can help ease anxieties. Choose books where characters visit the dentist or learn about oral health. Some great titles include “Arthur’s Tooth,” “Clarabella’s Teeth,” and “The Berenstain Bears Visit the Dentist.” In our last post, we debunked four dangerous dental health myths. Here are five more myths you may have believed: Sugar is primary cause of cavities. In reality, all carbohydrates contain sugar that can break down your teeth. Starchy foods like crackers and chips are just as bad for your teeth as sugary candy. You get sensitive teeth when your enamel wears away. While enamel erosion does cause tooth sensitivity, it can also be caused by a host of other problems like gum recession and even the use of certain whitening products. If you are experiencing sensitivity, you should talk to your dentist about possible solutions. Gum disease is only a dental issue. Gum disease can be a sign of other diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and even some cancers. It is best to look into all of the possibilities when seeking treatment. Whiter teeth are healthier teeth. While it is true that unhealthy things like smoking or junk food can stain your teeth, there are plenty of totally normal ways our teeth can become discolored. Certain medications, the natural process of aging, and even healthy foods and drinks can darken your teeth. Luckily, teeth whitening in Arlington Heights, IL, can be a great cosmetic fix. If your teeth feel healthy, you don’t need a checkup. A lot of dental issues can only be spotted by a trained professional in the early stages. You might not even notice anything wrong, but your dentist can catch an issue before it becomes painful and expensive to fix. Visit your dentist for an exam and cleaning every six months to ensure that your smile in the best condition possible. A prominent NeoCon Think Tank has published a report which details the increasing Islamification of Britain in a month by month account of last year. It seems to be everywhere on the webs at the moment but here's a few snippets: *In January, an analysis of census data showed that nearly 10% of the babies and toddlers in England and Wales are Muslim. The percentage of Muslims among children under five is almost twice as high as in the general population. By way of comparison, fewer than one in 200 people over the age of 85 are Muslim, an indication of the extent to which the birth rate is changing the religious demographic in Britain. *In Catherine-de-Barnes, a tiny village in western central England, local residents objected to plans for a large, Muslim-only cemetery, which will include space for 4,000 followers of Islam to be buried, and 75 parking spaces for visitors. The village has a population of just 613, which means the cemetery could eventually hold six-and-a-half times as many people as Catherine-de-Barnes itself. *In February, official statistics showed that net immigration to the United Kingdom surged to 212,000 in the year ending September 2013, a significant increase from 154,000 in the previous year. The new immigration data cast doubt on a pledge by Prime Minister David Cameron to get net migration—the difference between the number of people entering Britain and those leaving—down to the "tens of thousands" before the general election in May 2015. *In October, a 75-year-old retiree was arrested for "racism" after saying "I'm not Muslim" when he was asked to remove his shoes at security at Stansted Airport. Paul Griffith was charged with causing "racially or religiously aggravated harassment, alarm or distress." There's nothing wrong with this data, indeed, though depressing it's also very informative. The organization behind it is called ''The Gatestone Institute'' and it is headed by Uber Hawk John Bolton and a host of other Zio War Lords: Many on the Right in Europe will immediately think ''Who cares? these people aren't trying to kill us!!'' and that maybe true but they aren't trying to save us either. For every White girl raped and for every bomb plot foiled the anger of Europeans against the Multicult in general and Islam in particular increases, this anger is then directed into foreign policy and Israel. A look at the founding principles of the Gatestone Institute confirms that these people, just like the Counter Jihad movement they created, are not in the least bit concerned about the erasing of the European ethnic identity as we can see from their founding principles: We have no Democracy, at no time have the people of Europe been asked if they wanted Islam or any other foreign body within our lands, if we had the answer would have been a resounding NO! If the Gatestone Institute is serious then why not raise this as an issue? Human Rights can only exist if there is a higher power to grant those Rights, in the absence of God, or some alien species, Human Rights are then granted by a ''One World Government'' or at least a Supranational body. Human Rights as opposed to group ethnic Rights also implies that humans are identity-less drones, a view which the World Government would whole heartedly support. If the military is disallowed from protecting the people of the Nation who created it then there isn't any real freedom. Once again, we are not merely individuals we are groups. The heavy Jewish presence in the Gatestone Institute is testimony to this. Europeans who point out we are a group or groups and need protection as such, are likely to lose their free speech instantly and the group who are over represented in the Gatestone organization will be the first to remove it. The fact is the Washington Hawks and Neoconservatives don't give a damn about English girls in Burnley being enslaved and raped and butchered, indeed, if Englishmen were finally to rise up and demand full control over their land and the expulsion of ALL invaders organizations such as the Gatestone Institute would be the first to charge up the Drones and F-16's. The EDL came perilously close to going full Nationalist which is why they pulled the plug on the movement. The sustenance we who genuinely care about our people can take from this massive fraud is that they have erected a mass sign saying ''Racial Nationalism that way>''. Far from being the sane Anti Leftists so many believe them to be, the Anti Islam element in Washington is merely another tentacle of Zion, ''Perfecting the World'' by reducing ethnic Europe to a brown soup, grovelling before liberalistic values they have invented while whipping up the masses into a seething frenzy against the Muslim horde they actually want in the West.
Does anyone worry about baby belly not being big enough? - April 2018 Babies | Forums | What to Expect Home > Community > Birth Month > April 2018 Babies > Does anyone worry about baby belly not being big enough? I'm 18w today, sometimes my baby belly is visible and sometimes not so much. I think it gets bigger once I've eaten and towards end of the day. I don't know if it's bloating or actually a bump and the fact the baby has moved position but starting to worry it's not big enough. I have put 3lb on so far but I am very slim to start with and I do feel baby moving often. I just wondered if any other ftm felt same? This is actually my third and my belly seems to be the smallest for the same stage compared to the others. Worries me a little, but I see the midwife tomorrow so that should put my mind at ease I had a similar experience with my first born. I’m naturally quite slim and I was fearful that I’d not gain enough weight. I ended up gaining 10kg eventually and gave birth to a healthy baby. Second time round, let’s see how this goes. I carried my son differently (not because he was a boy but I think just because I did). My belly kept measuring small, and I had to have all these extra measurement ultrasounds in the third trimester. But each time he was normal size, my fluid amount was normal... I think if it’s possible my uterus was tucked in me weird? All I know is that I measured 3 weeks behind but baby came out 7 lb 7 oz. I am fluffy and I always show really early. Like it's embarrassing. My friend is very thin and didn't show until about 25 weeks. I was just in shock honestly lol. She now has two perfectly healthy babies and her bump has been about the same with both pregnancies. We are all different! Your baby is going to be just fine. Nope! my uterus measured two weeks behind 3 days before I have birth last time and I had an 8#6oz girl. My sister and I can both keep it tucked in there for some reason. You pack on weight on the third trimester anyway. I feel the same way. I’m about 16.5 weeks now and feel like my bump has actually gotten smaller. It worries me but I’m thinking what I thought was a “bump” early on was just bloating. I have a dr. appointment on Tuesday so I’m feeling anxious to make sure everything it ok. No, the weight will pack on don't worry. Sometimes it all comes at the end. At 16 weeks last pregnancy last year I had gained 3 lbs and by the time I delivered at 38 weeks 4 days, I had gained a total of 49 lbs. This time at 16 weeks and 2 days, I have lost a total of 2 lbs. Community Garden in Adelaide's inner-city parklands has launched yet another 'Urban Orchard', a project to enable people swap and share homegrown and gleaned produce. "If you've planted a dozen seeds and they've all come up and you don't have room to plant them, bring them along to the garden and help yourself to goodies that others provide. And if you have nothing to spare, come along anyway and help yourself, because the idea is simply to share our abundance. No strings attached. No registration or membership required," said garden co-ordinator Mij Tanith. The garden will be hosing a free exchange of produce, seeds and plants every Sunday between 9am and noon. Tuition free public charter school providing the best support, education and therapy for children... This week I thought I would share some wise words from Lara Morgan, who circulated the words below to all of her company heads. An opportunity can only be realised when you have the vision to recognise it and the resources, skills and plan to execute on it. And yet many companies with these resources who see opportunities don’t take advantage of them. I help individuals lose weight, gain more energy, and reduce their bloating by focusing on balancing the gut and hormones. We do this by working through small changes to your current lifestyle that have a larger impact on your health. I’ve designed a series of programs that are tailored to your individual needs to ensure long-term success in achieving optimal health for all! In order to kick start your healthy lifestyle, you'll start with an initial consultation. This is a 1-2 hour session where we will take a deep dive together into your health history, what you've tried, what you feel works for you, and what your goals are. Together, we will develop a road map to get you feeling great again and get you to your goals. Click below to book your initial consultation. Price: $135 After the initial consultation, the number of follow-ups needed will vary depending on your needs. Those dealing with chronic illness or weight loss can expect to follow-up every 2 weeks for the first six months. Those looking for more general health improvements can expect to follow-up every 2 weeks for three months. I allow unlimited contact in-between consultations for questions, comments, or concerns. Price: Varies Not quite ready for individual nutrition consultations? Check out my self-paced, nutrition guided programs below: The 10-Day Body Reset is designed to reduce or remove inflammatory foods and allow the body to return to functioning in a healthy manner. This 10-day reset is designed to provide you with the tools to continue moving forward past the 10-days. You'll receive a meal plan, a shopping list, and daily education and support. Price $97 (Valued at $297) Looking for a customized meal plan? This service is best utilized by individuals that have no serious health issues, are self-motivated, and don't need to check in with someone to stay on track. The meal plan service includes a 30-minute phone consultation to assess your needs and goals. I will then design a 21-day meal plan specific to your macronutrient and micronutrient needs and goals. You will also receive a shopping list and recipes. Price: $197 Payment: I accept all major credit cards and checks. Payment is required following the consultation. I also accept FSA (Flex Spending Account) and HSA (Health Savings Account) cards. Please note that it is your responsibility to verify coverage for nutrition counseling. Your plan may require that you have a Medical Letter of Necessity for reimbursement. Insurance: I do not accept insurance at this time. I can provide a receipt (superbill) for you that you can submit to your insurance for possible reimbursement. I offer a variety of functional and standard testing. Testing can be expensive and not all tests are covered by insurance. I take an approach to testing with caution. I won't advise a client on a test if I don't think they need the test. I would not want to spend unnecessary money and I assume my clients wouldn't either. Tired of being tired all the damn time? I get ya! Snag my guide to learn how to finally tackle that nasty fatigue hurdle for good. 1. Wednesday 3rd June Liverpool and Crosby Beach. We will meet and leave the Mount Hotel car park at 8 am. Arriving at Crosby Beach we will be able to photograph the beach sculptures. From there we will be able to go to the Liverpool docks and other city locations. Leaving Liverpool at 5 pm returning back to Tettenhall at about 7 pm. A wonderful trip. Weather changed just in time and we had a hot sunny day with a cooling breeze. 2. Wednesday 1st July Shewsbury Using your own transport we will meet on the English Bridge at 11 o’clock, where you will be given a map showing many picture opportunities. 3. Friday 3rd July set-up for the Compton G. Exhibition Volunteers needed from about 5.00 pm to 8.00 pm. 4. Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th July the Compton G. Exhibition Volunteers needed from about 9.00 am to finish set-up. Open from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm. Entry by programme cost £1.00 proceeds to Compton Hospice. 5. Wednesday 5th August Hanbury Hall, Bromsgrove This is a walking meeting (maximum 2 miles). We will walk via the Deer Park and then into the formal gardens then the tea room. We will meet in Hanbury Church car park at 11 o’clock to start the walk.
​If you want a puppy from me, complete an application and return to me at ​[email protected] or mail to my address on the Application. I don't accept deposit until puppies are born. If you purchase a puppy from me, you get: (i) American Kennel Club (AKC) registration paid for; (ii) a 15-digit microchip implanted before the puppy leaves home; (iii) a BAER hearing test; (iv) two or three 5-way puppy shots; (v) two or three deworming treatments; (vi) minimum guarantee to 12 months against genetic defects (extendable to 12 or 24 months upon certain testing of puppy); and (vii) lifetime support and advice. Pet puppies are $1,500 to $2,000 and show prospects are $2,500 to $5,000 with a co-ownership until contract terms are satisfied. I started showing and breeding dogs in 1998 when I moved to a large almost-12-acre piece of land I purchased in 1987 and upon which I built my "dream" house. This was a result of meeting Kasey Mando of Ultra Quest Show Dogs, who mentored me for years and still gives advice when needed. My property was in San Diego county, California, in a community called Blossom Valley (east of El Cajon and west of Alpine). We moved in 2010 and are now located in Aguanga, California (east of Temecula, California and Interstate 15, which is in Riverside county, California. I now live on a 4.8 acre parcel with my dogs, alpacas, mini horses, miniature donkey and Arab mare. My dogs go out into dog runs from 5'x10'up to 20'x50'during the days and sleep inside at night unless the weather is too hot. Dogs are supposed to be loved and raised in homes where they are properly socialized and not kept in crates or wire cages to avoid animal control. I try to minimize genetic health defects in my puppies by doing as much genetic/health testing that is financially possible. Breeders who tell you that they have no genetic/health defects in their lines are either lying or ignorant. Ask them what tests they have done and if they submit the results to the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals. If they do no testing or tell you that they do not need to do any testing because they have no problems, RUN from them. Every dog has at least one health or genetic problem because NO DOG IS PERFECT. Every breeder has had one problem or another over the years. Look up their kennel name on the OFA website to see if they test. We can only attempt to minimize the problems that can pop up in our puppies. No buyer should buy a dog from a "puppy farm" or "puppy mill" -- the terms are different, but they are essentially the same. They keep their adult dogs in cages in buildings, where the dogs are kept on wire floors so the pee and poop go through and they can scoop the mess out from a small area below the cage. The United States Department of Agriculture permits such atrocious practices! They do not require that the puppy farms or puppy mills let their dogs outside to run and play. Some breeders hide their dogs to avoid licensing laws and keep their dogs in wire or plastic dog crates inside and only let the city or county limit outside at any point in time to potty. One such local breeder is reputed to have 30-40 dogs in crates but only let 6 outside at any time to potty. What kind of life is that? Beware if a breeder refuses to let you see where their adults and puppies live. If a breeder wants to meet you in a parking lot or at their vet, run fast! They are hiding the way they keep their dogs. An honest and ethical breeder will welcome you to visit their home to see how they and their dogs live. Just because a breeder brags of show wins does not mean they keep their dogs in a good environment. Ask to visit and see what they say. A good test of a puppy mill or puppy farm is that they do not register with the AKC. They register with flim-flam registries that will register ANY litter or dog from ANY puppy mill. Ask if the registry holds conformation show, agility trials, obedience tests, and other types of trials to test the working ability of their dogs. If not, they are a sham registry trying to legitimize puppy millers. The following is a list of some of the most prevalent problems with our breed about which you should be concerned when talking to breeders: Quick, where’s the Walla Walla Foundry? No doubt you answered that pretty easily–Walla Walla, Washington. But what noted artists—and by “noted” I mean huge, big identities on the national arts
award letter sample sample recom letter for award nomination unique award letters sample award re letter award letter sample. sample college recommendation letter beautiful letter re mendation for award sample letter format for sample college. recommendation letter for award. gallery sample letter of recommendation graduate school from supervisor. cover letter template for essay examples scholarships scholarship statement uk college. Template Example - Resume CV Cover Letter Labels: .com, badwidth, com, cpanel, dedicated hosting, dot, dot com, email, email service, featured, hostings, price, promo, reseller, reseller hosting, search, shared hosting, unlimited, usd, windows The 2016 Nissan Quest boasts a smart design with great steering and a quiet ride, easily seating seven in exchange for a bit less cargo space than its competitors. It comes in four trim levels: S, SV, SL and Platinum, all with a 3.5L V6 engine and CVT automatic gearbox. It is front-wheel drive only, but the continuously variable speed transmission makes for a particularly smooth ride while having programmed shift points to reduce the rubbery response typical of CVTs. This also means it is much more fuel efficient than some of its competition, making an EPA rating of 20 mpg city, 27 mpg highway and 23mpg combined. Thinking of scheduling a test drive? Read on to learn more about the top options. At the basic S level, the Nissan Quest comes with cloth bucket front seats, hands-free entry and heated mirrors. It has front and rear air conditioning and a rear spoiler as well as steel wheels. The safety features are about what you expect for a mini-van, although it does not come with a rear view camera. Options include cargo netting, roof rails and cross bars, splash guards, rear bumper protector and illuminated kick plates. The SV adds some significant features over the basic S level. It has optional leather front seats. As standard, it has a rear view camera, leather steering wheel, three zone climate control and three months of satellite radio service. The windows are privacy glass and the wheels are alloy rather than steel. Roof rails are standard. It also adds a DVD entertainment system as an option. Although this is a relatively small list of upgrades, the addition of the rear view camera is significant, as is the option of a DVD player. The SL offers some nice luxuries up front - leather seats are standard and the driver’s seat is 8-way power adjustable and height adjustable with power adjustable lumbar support. Both front seats have multi-level heating. It also comes with a universal remote transmitter and an electrochromatic inside rearview mirror. It has turn signal in mirrors and dusk sensing headlamps. New options at this level include a dual opening glass moonroof and Bose package. The biggest upgrade is in the front of the cabin. The top level Platinum trim offers all of the features of the SL in the front, plus the passenger seat is 4-way power adjustable. The third row seats are power-folding, saving a lot of time with cargo loading. It comes with reverse tilt mirrors that show a curb view when in reverse as well as front and side view cameras in addition to the more typical rear view. The car can memorize settings for two drivers and it comes with Bose speakers and a DVD player as standard. The satellite radio provides real time traffic information and the rear audio can be set to a separate input source, all with speed sensitive volume control. There is also a rear video monitor. It has self-leveling headlights that are also xenon high intensity for the best safety in the dark. The Platinum really has a lot of features that might well make it worth the price tag over the lower trim levels. The Nissan Quest is, again, often overlooked, but it has some pretty nice features and the higher trim levels, in this case, are well worth the extra price (especially with the rear view camera not being standard on the basic S level). Unlike many manufacturers, Nissan does not charge a lot extra for purely cosmetic upgrades. Of course, the lack of a rear view camera on the basic trim might well cause some buyers to go for its better known rivals. If you are experiencing a crisis, call the crisis line located in your county. There are no eligibility requirements for utilizing crisis line services. Call one of the behavioral health providers in your county and ask for behavioral health services. The behavioral health provider will give you an appointment time for an assessment interview. The behavioral health provider will also ask you questions about your health insurance so that he or she can tell you if you will be eligible for publicly funded services. If you have private insurance the behavioral health provider will help determine if your insurance will cover the cost of your care, or help with references to other providers. During the assessment appointment the behavioral health provider will talk with you and get enough information to understand your background and problems. The assessment appointment includes a behavioral health history and questions about your health, your family, and your current living arrangement. With this information the behavioral health provider will be able to identify what type of behavioral health services will best meet your needs. The behavioral health provider will also give you a temporary behavioral health diagnosis. Medicaid and insurance companies require that all people receiving care have a behavioral health diagnosis. The behavioral health provider will fill out a form that will be submitted to Great Rivers Behavioral Health for approval. Great Rivers Behavioral Health will review your behavioral health diagnosis and decide if you are eligible to receive publicly funded behavioral health services. If Great Rivers Behavioral Health decides that you are eligible for publicly funded behavioral health services, you will be contacted and a first appointment for your treatment services will be set up. Our goal is to meet with you and begin treatment within 10 working days of your assessment interview. If Great Rivers Behavioral Health decides that you are not eligible for publicly funded behavioral health services, you will be sent a letter explaining why Great Rivers Behavioral Health declined your request for services. This letter will also contain suggestions for getting help from other services. Digi Resellers is the original reseller website filled with all types of graphics for resale! Now's your chance to become a licensed reseller of our clip art, digital scrapbooking graphics, web graphics and much more - all for immediate download. Generate fresh leads and sales on autopilot. Use these FREE leads to promote your website. You will also create a monthly residual income from home just promoting one link. Click on the banner and check out the FREE video. Products for pet birds. Magazines. Shop online. Bird information. Aviculture. Conservation. Add your bird site to our list! Get the exposure you need. Get 1022 visitors to your website every 3 days. Get signed up for FREE!!! We are a friendly group of PSP's and Non PSP's. We offer WWO's games, pressies, siggy piggies are always welcome here. Gallery Wrapps produces personalized prints featuring licensed art from around the World. Our top categories include Hunters, Fishermen, Bikers and other hobbies and sports related prints. We cater to Canada and over seas shoppers. We do bulk orders. Our site is nature,wildlife,art,and photography related unique, one of a kind fashion jewelry. A selection of necklaces, bracelets, earrings, anklets, chokers, sets, made just for you and little girls too. Crafted with genuine Swarovski crystals, Czech glass, semi-precious stones, gemstones, quality metals a Adorable Clipart for Crafting and Scrapbooking. New clip art & scrapkits are being added daily plus all PU/CU collections are only $1 everyday. There's something for everyone so come check us out!
Out-of-School Time Funder research, reports, and evaluations related to education funding | Foundation Landscapes: Education Showing 29 reports filtered by "Out-of-School Time" sorted by date added . Show All Reports Sort by date added publication date title At Great Lakes we focus on helping students of color, students from low-income families and those who are the first in theirfamilies to attend college. These underserved students have the most to gain from earning a degree or credential, but face the steepest challenges in getting there. One of the first barriers they need to overcome is "summer melt." The purpose of this report is to share lessons learned by three high school districts during the development and launch of a summer melt texting program. This is a study of the distinctive characteristics, activities, challenges and opportunities of a specific type of sustainability institute, one that spans the many disciplines of the university and, to do so, reports to upper administration (provost or vice president of research). Among research universities within the Association of American Universities (AAU), 19 were identified, and 18 agreed to participate in this study. Directors are sent a 71-question survey in January 2017 that covered issues of Governance, Research, Education, Engagement, Campus Operations and Best Practices. The following guidebook gives context to a new learner-centered environment, offers best practices for creating trusted learning environments, and most importantly creates activity guides to serve as a framework for dialogue and action among a learning community’s many constituents. At one time, finding an assistant principal for a public school in Denver entailed a search through “a gajillion résumés,” in the words of one local school district administrator. Even then, some ideal candidates likely fell through the cracks. Those days are over, owing to the development by Denver Public Schools of a “leader tracking system,” a database of information about the training, qualifications and performance of principals and aspiring principals. This Story From the Field examines how Denver and five other school districts have constructed and are using these systems as they seek to better train, hire and support school principals. All six districts are taking part in the Principal Pipeline Initiative, a Wallace Foundation-funded effort to help the school systems develop a large corps of strong school principals and generate lessons for the field. In addition to aiding district officials in identifying strong principal and assistant principal candidates and matching them to the right schools, the leader tracking systems are helping in efforts to forecast job vacancies, pinpoint principal training topics and spot potential principal mentors. The districts are also beginning to use the systems to share aggregate information about the performance of principals with the preparation programs from which the principals graduated. The publication makes clear that developing a leader tracking system takes time and effort. It describes, for example, how determining what information to collect, and then finding it, proved to be a key but time-consuming task, not least because essential data could be housed in different niches of the school bureaucracies. Foundation funding focused on Ghana over the past decade has encompassed all aspects of the global development agenda and beyond. Among foundations whose grants are tracked by Foundation Center, their giving focused on Ghana totaled $499 million between 2002 and 2012. While few foundations intentionally aligned their grantmaking priorities with the MDGs, over half of grants (54 percent) made by the 151 foundations included in this analysis and most of their grant dollars (79 percent or $394 million) supported activities consistent with at least one of the eight MDGs. This case study describes Fleisher Art Memorial's initiative to bring residents of the surrounding ethnically diverse neighborhood to its on-site programs. The report is part of a larger set of 10 case studies commissioned by The Wallace Foundation to explore arts organizations' efforts to reach new audiences and deepen relationships with their existing audiences. These in-depth reports lay out how the efforts were created and run, describe the results in detail, identify what helped them become successful, and show what got in the way of success. They add to a growing body of field-based research, providing specific examples of individual organizations' responses to unique circumstances. At the same time, each aspires to capture more broadly applicable lessons about what works and what does not -- and why -- in building arts audiences. In 2003, The Wallace Foundation began an initiative that eventually included five cities -- Boston, Chicago, New York City, Providence and Washington, D.C. -- to help them develop afterschool systems. At the time, a few cities and organizations were pioneering this approach (L.A.'s Best in Los Angeles, The After-School Corporation in New York, After School Matters in Chicago), but it was still a novelty. Five years later, Wallace examines lessons learned from this initiative, which posited two central premises: Children and teens can gain learning and developmental benefits by frequent participation in high-quality afterschool programs. In order to join for MBBS/Dental courses in reputed colleges which comes under Delhi University, candidates should appear for DUMET. This entrance exam is organized by Faculty of Medical Sciences. It is essential to qualify DUMET so as to gain admission for MBBS/Dental courses as per candidate’s choice in Delhi University. The structure of Delhi University Medical/Dental Entrance Test (DUMET) involves objective model questions which are divided in to two parts – In order to apply for Delhi University Medical/Dental Entrance Test (DUMET) it is essential to complete 12th class with the following optional subjects – Address – Assistant Registrar, Faculty of Medical Sciences, 6th Floor, V.P. Chest Institute Building, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
{The issues discussed in this article about obstacles faced by non-profits working in humanitarian fields in war zones is actually only one aspect of US-inspired and -enforced regulations that affect all manner of non-profit and non-governmental organizations, especially in developing countries, such as small islands in the Caribbean. For example, to comply with US Treasury Department international financial regulations* , non-profit groups in the British Virgin Islands have to comply with hundreds of pages of burdensome regulations and reports to satisfy requirements that the US imposes on the Government of the BVI. A bit much for the local garden club, but that’s where it’s happening these days. Sounds to me like financial bullying by the United States. bp} Mais Balkhi, right, advocacy and outreach manager for Syria Relief & Development, and Amena Waseem at work in their office in the District. As the Syrian military began laying waste to the city of Aleppo in an offensive to vanquish rebel forces last year, a doctor was at his wit’s end.Anas Moughrabieh was trying to save civilian lives, treating patients remotely via teleconference from his office in Detroit. As people were rushed into the Syrian hospital with grave head injuries, doctors there had run out of hypertonic saline, which relieves pressure in the brain. That and other simple supply shortages led many to die, including children. He looked on helplessly from 6,000 miles away. Although the hospital was run by the Syrian American Medical Society — a District-based charity that relies on donations — lack of funding wasn’t the issue. And in this case, the brutality of the Syrian regime wasn’t responsible for the supply shortage. During the bloody siege, the medical society had tried to wire $80,000 to a vendor in Turkey so its hospitals could stock up on medical supplies. But the U.S.-based bank, in its diligence to ensure the funds weren’t being funneled to overseas terrorists, was holding up the transfer. By the time the money went through six months later, the deadly siege was over. The wire transfer delays during last summer’s bloody campaign in Aleppo reflect a broad pattern: At a time of historic humanitarian need, banks are increasingly hesitant to conduct business with charities that work in disaster zones for fear that they could be caught up in funding international terrorism. Known in charity circles as “derisking,” because banks are seeking to avoid rather than manage risk, the issue has been brewing for about three years, largely as an unintended consequence of stepped-up efforts to counter terrorism financing, charity advocates and finance professionals say. “The inability to get humanitarian assistance to refugees from political conflicts or natural disasters can result in death from starvation, exposure, and disease,” concluded a 2016 report from the World Bank. “The elderly and the young are particularly hurt by de-risking and are literally dying as a result.” Two-thirds of all U.S. charities that work abroad are reporting difficulties accessing financial services because of the banking trend, according to one of two new studies that show for the first time the scope of the impact the banking trend has had on aid providers working in catastrophe zones. “I was surprised,” said Kay Guinane, director of the D.C.-based Charity & Security Network, which represents nonprofit groups working in crisis regions and issued one of the new reports. “I don’t think any of us had any idea how big a problem this really is until we got this data.” The other report, released last month by Duke Law’s International Human Rights Clinic and the Netherlands-based Women Peacemakers Program, found that institutional donors such as Western governments and large foundations — as well as banks — are increasingly neglecting human-rights organizations that focus their work on women’s issues and operate in areas such as Syria and Iraq. One such grass-roots group provides secular education to children in Syria to counteract Islamic State schools. “Women’s rights and their defenders are really often caught in the crosshairs of these very risk-averse banks and overzealous regulatory authorities,” said Jayne Huckerby, a Duke University law professor and an author of the study. The world is facing its worst humanitarian crisis since World War II, with the United Nations estimating that 65 million people have been displaced by climate change and war and that 20 million are in danger of starvation. Drought and famine are plaguing Somalia, Nigeria and South Sudan. A Saudi-led blockade of goods is starving innocents in Yemen. The Syrian government has been blocking aid deliveries to its own people and this month allegedly killed at least 80 civilians in a chemical attack. The derisking trend also has prompted recent closures of orphanages in Lebanon and Sudan, has cut off relief for persecuted minorities in Burma and has terminated school programs for students in Afghanistan, according to the Charity & Security Network report. Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Charity & Security Network report asserts that it is the first comprehensive empirical study on the impact that bank derisking has had on nonprofit organizations. The 305 charities surveyed said they experienced delays in wire transfers, requests for unusual additional documentation, increased fees and account closures. The issue stems from well-intended efforts to tighten controls on terrorism financing in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. Since then, the U.S. Treasury Department has labeled nine U.S. charities as supporters of terrorism and has designated 54 worldwide. No U.S. charity has been put on a terrorist list since 2009, but the report contends that at least 5,875 of the roughly 8,665 U.S. charities that work overseas have been adversely affected by banking behavior aimed at disrupting terrorism. [But bear in mind that 10’s of thousands of overseas DOMESTIC NGOs — in developing countries — are now also being affected by FATF regulations enforced on them.] One District-based charity, which works to promote gender equality in sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, Lebanon and elsewhere, was hit when Citibank froze its accounts on March 10. “Our checks have started to bounce,” said an executive, who asked that the charity not be publicly identified out of fear of retribution that could further stall its efforts. “We are working for the betterment of people’s lives in the world. We’re not doing arms trade, or something horrible like that. I am almost beside myself with frustration.” Sue Eckert, lead author of the Charity & Security Network study and an expert on the intersection of economics and national security, said the fundamental nature of terrorist financing is changing in part because of the bank-led crackdown on traditional cash streams. “It’s by and large not coming through the formal channels now,” she said, noting that Islamic State funds now often “derive from their physical control of territory — from oil, sale of antiquities, and taxation and extortion, including kidnapping for ransom.” Bank associates acknowledge the problem. Rob Rowe, a vice president at the American Bankers Association, said the chaos wrought by civil war in Somalia, for example, has left bankers feeling blind. “Unfortunately, banks just can’t send funds,” he said. “They look at it and say, ‘We can’t make the distinction between a charity that’s trying to get money to a starving family versus one that is ready to go out and buy a stockpile of Uzis to fire on civilians. We don’t have enough information, we can’t make that call, and if we make the wrong guess, we’re the ones that are in trouble.” The financial sector has been spooked by a spate of high-profile fines. HSBC — Britain’s biggest bank — was fined nearly $2 billion in 2012 after a U.S. Justice Department probe found its controls for money-laundering inadequate. Paris-based BNP Paribas bank was fined nearly $9 billion in 2014 for violating sanctions against Sudan, Cuba and Iran. BNP, as one example, was accused among other things of stripping information from wire transfers so they could pass through the U.S. system without raising red flags. On occasion, even established charities have had their accounts closed. It happened to the Syrian American Medical Society in early 2015, more than a year before its wire-transfer debacle during the Aleppo siege in summer 2016. In February 2015, Chase Bank closed the society’s account with little explanation. JPMorgan Chase’s media relations department declined to comment, “During that period of freezing, we weren’t able to wire money; we weren’t able to pay our staff in the U.S.,” said Randa Loutfi, a pediatrician and the organization’s director of programs. Society officials scrambled to find a new bank. Large financial institutions politely declined, Loutfi said. She believes the word “Syria” in the title of her organization immediately made banks wary. “We show them the license that we work under from the government,” she said. “Still, many banks were scared. They start the process and then, ‘Sorry, we cannot continue.’ ” It took months for the organization — which treated roughly 1.4 million Syrians in 2014 alone — to get its finances back in order. The charity wound up splitting its money among three smaller banks from the Midwest. Another U.S.-based group, Syria Relief & Development, which runs about 30 hospitals in Syria and has a shelter program for Syrian refugees in Jordan, has had its accounts closed by five different banks since 2015. Mais Balkhi, the Kansas-based organization’s advocacy and outreach manager, said dealing with banks has been one of the group’s biggest challenges. “We’re having more attacks, people are dying, but we are sometimes unable to help because banks are closing accounts and delaying transactions,” Balkhi said. Much of the focus on charities as potential fronts for terrorism centers on a simple phrase: “Particularly vulnerable.” Helping to create the mistrust of charities after Sept. 11 was a highly influential but little-known intergovernmental organization called the Financial Action Task Force, an advisory panel that formed in 1989 to combat money laundering. Immediately after the attacks, the purview of the global task force expanded to terrorist-financing concerns and it deemed nonprofit organizations “particularly vulnerable” to terrorist abuse. In June 2016, recognizing the harm to charities caused by that designation, the Financial Action Task Force removed it. But the manual used by state and federal bank examiners in the United States who investigate banks for ethical and legal lapses still reflects the old standard, charity advocates say. Bank derisking isn’t always the most pressing problem plaguing aid givers in crisis-ravaged countries, where they are putting their lives on the line to help. In 2016, 14 doctors working with the Syrian American Medical Society were killed in combat zones, mostly when bombs fell on hospitals. “It’s silly to add the money issue to all the other challenges,” Loutfi said. “We already have enough challenges.” *As enforced through the Financial Action Task Force (on Money Laundering — FATF), also known by its French name, Groupe d’action financière (GAFI), is an intergovernmental organization founded in 1989 on the initiative of the G7 to develop policies to combat money laundering. In 2001 the purpose expanded to act on terrorism financing. It monitors countries’ progress in implementing the FATF Recommendations by ‘peer reviews’ (‘mutual evaluations’) of member countries. The FATF Secretariat is housed at the headquarters of the OECD in Paris — by Wikipedia] This entry was posted in Development, Finance Services, Governance, Small Island. Bookmark the permalink.
Author Akshay KarwalPosted on March 23, 2018 March 23, 2018 Categories General1 Comment on One Day Machine Learning Bootcamp at IITB – CloudxLab We start with three machines. We could install Hadoop on these machines by manually downloading and configuring them, but that’s very insufficient. So either we could use Cloudera manager or Ambari. In this tutorial, we are going to use Ambari. On the first machine, we are going to install the Ambari server. For that, we need to buy these three instances at Amazon and we will follow the Ambari guidelines. Author Akshay KarwalPosted on March 9, 2018 November 1, 2018 Categories TutorialsLeave a comment on How to Install Hortonworks Data Platform – HDP 2.6 on AWS We have already discussed functions. We can write a function in different styles in Scala. The first style is the usual way of defining a function. In the second style, please note that the return type is omitted, also there is no “return” keyword. The Scala compiler will infer the return type of the function in this case. If the function body has just one statement, then the curly braces are optional. In the third style, please note that there are no curly braces. Author Akshay KarwalPosted on January 7, 2018 January 8, 2018 Categories TutorialsLeave a comment on A Simple Tutorial on Scala – Part – 2 Welcome to the Scala tutorial. We will cover the Scala in two-part blog series. In this part, we will learn the following topics For better understanding, do hands-on with this tutorial. We’ve made this post in such a way that the reader will find easy to follow the tutorial with hands-on. It is a statically typed language. Which means it does type checking at compile-time as opposed to run-time. Let me give you an example to better understand this concept. When we deploy jobs which will run for hours in production, we do not want to discover midway that the code has unexpected runtime errors. With Scala, you can be sure that your code will not give you unexpected errors while running in production. Unlike Java, in Scala, we do not have to write quite as much code to perform simple tasks and its syntax is very similar to other data-centric languages. You could say that Scala is the modified version of Java with less boilerplate code. Author Akshay KarwalPosted on January 3, 2018 January 3, 2018 Categories Tutorials2 Comments on A Simple Tutorial on Scala – Part – 1 A shell script is a file containing a list of commands. Let’s create a simple command that prints two words: Note: In Unix, the extension doesn’t dictate the program to be used while executing a script. It is the first line of the script that would dictate which program to use. In the example above, the program is “/bin/bash” which is a Unix shell. Author Akshay KarwalPosted on December 26, 2017 Categories TutorialsLeave a comment on A Simple Tutorial on Linux – Part-2 We have started this series of tutorials for Linux which is divided into two blog posts. Each one of them will cover basic concepts with practical examples. Also, we have provided the quiz on some of the topics that you can attend for free. Linux is a Unix like operating system. It is open source and free. We might sometimes use the word “Unix” instead of Linux. Learning to use the command line interface has a bigger learning curve than the graphical interface but the former can be used to automate very easily. Also, most of the server side work is generally done using the command line interface. A user executes programs. AngryBird is a program that gets executed by the kernel, for example. When a program is launched, it creates processes. Program or process will be used interchangeably. A user interacts with the Kernel via the Shell. The console as opened in the previous slide is the shell. A user writes instructions in the shell to execute commands. Shell is also a program that keeps asking you to type the name of other programs to run. Author Akshay KarwalPosted on December 21, 2017 December 22, 2017 Categories TutorialsLeave a comment on A Simple Tutorial on Linux – Part-1 CloudxLab has hosted several webinars in the past and all of them have been successful. But this time we thought to try something different. So, we all sat together and decided to do an offline meetup for Machine Learning. Though we had done some in the past, the engagement and interaction that one can get in the online webinar are not comparable. Anyhow, we then got in touch with Drupal Bangalore and they were having this event in R. V College of engineering. And one of the topics was Introduction to Machine Learning. We found this a good opportunity to bring our knowledge in the offline circle too. So it all happened on Nov 17 where Machine Learning enthusiasts gathered to attend the one day workshop on Machine Learning. The presenter was none other than Mr. Sandeep Giri, who has over 15 years of experience in the domain of Machine learning and Big Data technologies. He has worked in companies like Amazon, InMobi, and D. E. Shaw. Author Akshay KarwalPosted on December 20, 2017 December 22, 2017 Categories GeneralLeave a comment on A Successful Machine Learning Bootcamp by CloudxLab
Efficiency and clarity in communications require the use of simple and consistent unit designations. The designation of a unit usually consists of a number, a branch or function, and a level of command. Where the designation includes a parenthetical identification, that portion not in parentheses is the official designation. Redesignation of a unit is not required when a change is made in the parenthetical identification. When further identification of the type of unit is desirable, additional descriptive words may be added parenthetically. Armies are numbered in series beginning with "First." Examples: First United States Army, Fifth United States Army. Corps are numbered in series beginning with Roman numeral Examples: I Corps, XVIII Airborne Corps. Divisions; brigades (except those organic to divisions); regiments; groups; battalions; squadrons; separate companies, troops, batteries, platoons, and detachments; and other separate units are numbered in series within a branch, beginning with " 1st. " Examples: 1st Infantry Division, 2d Field Artillery, 3d Transportation Battalion, 4th Medical Detachment. Brigades that are organic to divisions will normally be numbered in series within the division beginning with "1st." Example: 1st Brigade, 1st Infantry Division. Parent regiments organized under the Combat Arms Regimental System (CARS) or U.S. Army Regimental System (USARS) consist of a variable number of active elements, depending upon Army force structure requirements. The word" regiment " is usually understood and not included in a unit's official designation. Examples: 1st Battalion, 3d Infantry; 3d Battalion, 3d Infantry. Within battalions and squadrons the headquarters element is designated headquarters company, detachment, battery, or troop, as appropriate. Other elements of the battalion or squadron is ordinarily be lettered alphabetically, beginning with " A. " Separate lettered companies, batteries, or troops may be organized within parent regiments. These units are considered to be separate elements of the parent regiment. Examples: Battery A, 94th Field Artillery; Company E, 51st Infantry; Troop D, 5th Cavalry. Units organized containing separate platoons or higher headquarters cells are designated according to the highest cell used. Examples: 39th Transportation Battalion and 28th Transportation Platoon, both organized under TOE 55-500H. When no headquarters cell is used and the unit consists of one or more cells, it will be designated as a detachment. Words descriptive of the unit's predominant functions may be added parenthetically. Where no function predominates in a service-type unit, the word " service "may be used parenthetically in lieu of a specific function. Example: 65th Military Police Platoon (Service). When elements of a unit are split, that is, operating independently or away from the parent unit, the elements will be numbered consecutively beginning with " 1. "Examples: Detachment 1, 169th Engineer Company; Detachment 2, 169th Engineer Company. A Major Army Command (MACOM) is a command directly subordinate to, established by authority of, and specifically designated by Headquarters, Department of the Army. Army component commands of Unified and Specified Commands are major Army commands. A Major Army Sub-command (Sub-MACOM) is a command directly subordinate to a major Army command, which has been assigned direct line responsibility and authority for a prescribed Army mission, and which has been designated by the parent MACOM as a major Army Sub-command. An Activity is a separate organization under the direct supervision of a major Army command or lower level of command. An activity can be functionally described as having either a staff support or field operating mission. A Staff Support Activity (SSA) is an organization which exists primarily to assist the Headquarters to which it reports. Staff support activities assist in the formation of policies and procedures or provide the necessary administrative and/or logistical support. A Field Operating Activity (FOA) is an organization which is an extension of a major Army command. It may participate in policy development and may still be required in the absence of the headquarters to which it reports. A Center is a specifically designated group of functionally correlated organizations which are collocated in order to facilitate coordination and/or cooperation of effort. A Functional Center is a center authorized and specifically designated by HQDA to serve as the focal point for the correlation of combat developments and the integration of doctrine, education, and training within a broad general functional area. A School Center is a center authorized and designated by HQDA to accomplish combat developments and to accomplish and/or provide guidance for education and training within a clearly delineated branch or specialty area within the Army. A Training Center is a center authorized and designated by HQDA to conduct basic training, advanced individual training, and/or other training. A Host is the installation that has management control of facilities and provides services and facilities to an activity or unit under the command of HQDA, a MACOM, or a field operating agency. A Tenant is a unit or activity of one Government agency, military department, or command which occupies facilities on an installation of another military department or command, and receives supplies or other support services from that installation. A Satellite is a unit or activity of a Government agency, military department, or command which is not a tenant but which is dependent upon a designated installation for specified support, either as assigned by higher authority or through a mutually developed written support agreement. Ryan Fitzpatrick-Tampa Bay Buccaneers: It’s Fitzmagic time...again! After Sunday’s four interception debacle, Jameis Winston was benched in favor of Fitzpatrick, who nearly led the Bucs to a come from behind road win at Cincinnati. The move may be the beginning of the end for Winston in Tampa Bay, though it remains unclear whether Dirk Koetter views naming Fitzpatrick as the Week 9 starter a permanent move. At the time of his benching Winston had committed 9 turnovers since starting his first game of the season in Week 6, and Koetter wasn’t going to give him a chance to make it 10. We can’t pretend that Fitzpatrick doesn’t have turnover issues of his own, but what we have seen repeatedly is that this offense is more explosive with him under center. And that’s important because the Tampa Bay defense can’t stop anyone. Both quarterbacks have spent right about the same amount of time under center this season (14+ quarters), but Fitzpatrick not only has fewer turnovers, but the offense has generated 38 more points with him as the signal caller. The matchup this week against Carolina isn’t an easy one, but this offense is so explosive and has so many weapons that with six teams on a bye he has to be considered in play in all but the shallowest of leagues. C.J. Beathard-San Francisco 49ers: I don’t feel good about Beathard, and you probably shouldn’t either, but with so many teams on a bye this week I feel compelled to give those who are desperate at the position another potential quarterback. Beathard gets to face an imploding Raiders team that just got smoked at home by the Colts. San Francisco’s offense has struggled of late, but this Oakland team has been helping opponents get back on track all year, allowing more than 34 points per game on average since Week 3. The best way sum up having to use Beathard in Week 9 is to quote Ben Affleck from Argo, “There are only bad options. It’s about finding the best one.” I guess he’s it. Elijah McGuire-New York Jets: Here’s what I wrote about McGuire this preseason, just after he was lost to a broken foot: After breaking his foot in mid-July, McGuire is likely to sit through at least the first half of the 2018 season. McGuire showed flashes at times, but was largely inconsistent as a rookie. There’s some wiggle and big play ability there, but for now he finds himself in a crowded backfield on a team in full rebuild mode. His prospects are more interesting if either Bilal Powell or Isaiah Crowell fall flat and seem likely to be cut ahead of next season. 2018 Outlook: McGuire’s injury makes him only worthy of a roster spot in leagues where he can be stashed on IR. Even then, he’ll need to aggressively climb the depth chart in midseason to have any redraft value. I continue to believe he’s just a guy, but the Jets offense is so injury riddled at this point that if McGuire is healthy that may be all it takes to climb that depth chart. He’s a better receiver than Crowell and we know the Jets want to divy up the backfield work. If he comes off IR this week then he makes a decent add and stash candidate for those desperate at running back, but temper your long term expectations. Josh Adams-Philadelphia Eagles: With Darren Sproles showing his age and Jay Ajayi already on IR, the Eagles backfield has come down to Wendell Smallwood, Corey Clement, and Josh Adams. Heading into their Week 9 bye, it actually looks like the struggling Clement could be the player phased out going forward. I continue to think he’s dealing with an injury, but regardless, he just hasn’t been able to generate anything as a runner or receiver the past couple weeks, while Smallwood has been better in the passing game and Adams has been surprisingly productive as a rusher. The rookie is a grinder that can keep defenses honest, and he’s what Philly will need to help close out games as the weather gets colder. The Eagles are off this week, but it may be worth grabbing Adams now as running back injuries continue to pile up around the league. Devontae Booker-Denver Broncos: Booker probably isn’t going to become irrelevant until Vance Joseph and the rest of the Broncos coaching staff is sent packing-which could happen before the season even wraps up. But with Denver intent on dividing the running back work, Booker remains in the mix as long as Royce Freeman is out. His 9 carries for 78 yards against Kansas City had far more to do with the Chiefs putrid run defense than Booker himself, but he’s a good enough pass protector and receiver to keep earning regular snaps, especially with the Broncos coaching staff doing everything they can to keep Phillip Lindsay from a full-time role. D.J. Moore-Carolina Panthers: Moore topped this list last week, even going against a good Baltimore secondary. He delivered with 5 catches for 90 yards through the air and a couple of carries for 39 yards on the ground. This week Carolina faces the league’s worst pass defense, and eight weeks in it’s apparent that Moore is already the most talented receiver on the Panthers roster. Carolina’s schedule from here on out is as WR-friendly as it gets: Tampa Bay and New Orleans twice each (though the second New Orleans meeting is Week 17 so largely fantasy irrelevant), as well as Atlanta and Pittsburgh. Don’t miss the boat. Courtland Sutton-Denver Broncos: Last week I had Sutton as a speculative addition, but with reports surfacing this morning that Demaryius Thomas is headed to Houston, you can bump him to the top of the list today. Case Keenum is still going to favor Emmanuel Sanders, but this is a bad football team that’s been getting lit up by opposing offenses so there should be plenty of targets to go around. Sutton has even been productive of late and playing a larger role than Thomas. He’s going to be a cornerstone of the Denver rebuild and his target share is only going to grow as the season progresses. Keke Coutee-Houston Texans: Demaryius Thomas isn’t quite a difference maker at this stage of his career, but his acquisition does hurt Coutee’s overall fantasy value. That said, Coutee was threatening weekly relevance as the Texans slot receiver and third option so he’s still worth looking to add if we find our the hamstring injury that cost him last week is no longer a concern. DeVante Parker-Miami Dolphins: At this point Parker is hard to trust, but the Dolphins are desperate for pass catchers so assuming he survives the trade deadline there’s a solid chance that he remains the number one option in the Miami passing game for the remainder of the season. From here on out it will be some combination of Ryan Tannehill and Brock Osweiler at quarterback, which is hardly confidence inspiring, but we can take solace in the fact that he’s playing for a contract. Chris Herndon-New York Jets: The target volume suggests it’s probably unsustainable, but Herndon now his touchdown catches in three straight games so we have to keep considering him. In a week where a handful of viable options are on bye and tight end is yielding little outside of the top options this season, you could do worse. Jack Doyle-Indianapolis Colts: After a multi-week absence Doyle stepped right back in with 7 targets last week, catching 6 of them for 70 yards and a score. The emergence of Eric Ebron had led many to believe Doyle would be marginalized somewhat upon his return so at this point he’s criminally under-owned across most leagues. In reality, the Colts receivers are just so bad that the team should wind up running plenty of two tight end sets. Marlon Mack’s emergence in the running game also helps here, as Doyle should stay on the field a bunch as the superior blocker to Ebron and could see an additional bump in targets off play-action. As always, this list is made up of players that are 30% owned or less in Yahoo leagues, and if you happen to be looking at a guy that falls above that threshold or can’t figure out why I left a player off the list, feel free to ping me on Twitter @rotocoach with any questions. I do not understand why profiles would not be added to the Category:County_Cavan which currently has 88 profiles. The help page states "Ideally, bottom-level categories should be much smaller, with no more than a few thousand people in them." Current hierarchy is 1- Regions, 2 - Europe (en), 3- Ireland, 4 - County Cavan is at the 4th level, which seems a mid-level rather than a high level. A fundamental research for sources in Ireland is to look at the locality which so many times is simply the county name. I hope wiki-tree categorization for Ireland will allow profiles to be attached to the County category. edit of comment - saw the work that has gone into creating cats for Ireland and it will work categorising profiles by townlands, parishes or baronies - but I think REGISTRAR'S DISTRICT and POOR LAW UNIONS should be taken unto account too as these may be the only records available for an individual. I'm in the process of creating projects for each of the Counties and I'll be looking at their Categories too. Most of them need to be cleaned up and slimed down (Too many words). Thanks Richard. I thought the statement was quite off-putting especially to new members. I understand the drive to lower level locality name when there is a one-name study with hundreds of profiles for a particular surname. I also think the use of the same word for the name of the project and the name of the category is confusing to many. I think the info on the page needs to include the identifier Project ---- and Category --- to allow people to follow the links without going around in circles. We should be trying to allocate profiles to towns, parishes and townlands, not to the County Names, wherever possible. This is not intended to stop people linking names to a county category if there is no other option, but I question the genealogical value of doing so when there are sometimes many people with the same name which (as we all know) happens in Ireland. Hello Leigh, You did a GREAT job in setting up the categories and I don't plan to change any of the categories. I was just thinking of moving some of the wording at the top of the page into the project page and/or into an instruction page with links to them. I like the idea of a sticker but how would you find them to move them to a lower level. Should it not be a goal of each county project to move the profiles to the lowest possible level? For those interested, I have set up County Tyrone sub-Project and I'll be using it as a template for the other County projects that are not started yet. I would like any and all feed back to make it better. I just got a request to add a per-1500 section (in the county project page) for kingdoms. Thanks Valerie great idea, I'm working on it. Should I delete the Irish Roots description on Category:County_Antrim, County_Clare, etc and many sub-categories ? Massachusetts’ last shark attack fatality was in 1936, according to a report by NPR member station WBUR. Note → avoiding rep of Massachusetts in headline & summary; and "more than" rather than over; HTML buttons We’re seasoned investors in DALLAS real estate, and we’re looking to buy several houses each month in the DALLAS TX area. Every month we get calls from those who have inherited a house and are looking to sell the house… so the info below are some tips to help you navigate the process. If you don’t want to deal with making repairs, updating kitchens, improving landscaping and overall cleanup, don’t worry. We buy DALLAS houses for cash, as-is. The Beartown Wilderness is part of the 110 million acre National Wilderness Preservation System. This System of lands provides clean air, water, and habitat critical for rare and endangered plants and animals. In wilderness, you can enjoy challenging recreational activities like hiking, backpacking, climbing, kayaking, canoeing, rafting, horse packing, bird watching, stargazing, and extraordinary opportunities for solitude. You play an important role in helping to "secure for the American people of present and future generations the benefits of an enduring resource of wilderness" as called for by the Congress of the United States through the Wilderness Act of 1964. Please follow the requirements outlined below and use Leave No Trace techniques when visiting the Beartown Wilderness to ensure protection of this unique area. Learn the fundamental weaving skills you need to create your own unique woven wall hanging. Learn how to warp a loom and how to add depth and color by using different weaving methods with a variety of yarns and roving. At the end of class take home a partly finished wall hanging along with a loom and tools to continue at home.
Elegantly simple. The Feiss Tabby Pendant is a chic fixture with a spherical silhouette that showcases its exposed lamping trend. Features two silver leaf techniques to bring a unique, vibrant glow through the resulting colored glass effect. A smoothly finished spun socket cup adds extra detail in its transition from shade to bulb. Antique bulb recommended for vintage aesthetics. The Hinkley Lighting Middleton Mini Pendant is a transitional piece featuring an airy frame showcasing an antique reproduction bulb. Simple with a refined edge, the less is more aesthetic is given a sleek and precise look with an added dash of retro. Engaging without being overpowering, use as a single for an accent light or in groups as an alternative to one large fixture. The T Street Lighting Muncie Mini Pendant is a timeless lighting option featuring clear insulator glass contrasted against a rich finish. The translucent glass allows for the bulb to be visible, choose a more modern bulb or try an antique reproduction bulb for the full vintage effect. The Artcraft Lighting Clarence Mini Pendant pays a tribute to the late Thomas Edison, who is widely known for his invention of the electric light bulb. Streamlined hardware ends on a cone shaped glass shade, with an antique reproduction bulb housed inside. Simple with a traditional twist, this less is more piece has a sense of streamlined style while also remembering the tried and true. Nautical-inspired illumination for the modern exterior space. The Portside Outdoor Pendant by Maxim Lighting is an authentically-styled fixture that would add a splash of beauty and brightness to a front step or covered back patio. An aluminum-finished solid dome and antique brass-treated hardware lend handsome complements to the clear prismatic glass diffuser. This hanging pendant is also dimmer compatible, making it a breeze to set the perfect ambience for any occasion. The Hinkley Lighting Atwell Outdoor Pendant is a fixture with classic sensibility honoring the classic Restoration style. The seeded glass diffuser shows off the antique reproduction bulb, which adds its own degree of charm to the piece. The broad shade is a classic representation of the Restoration style and completes the piece with a classic tone. The Tech Lighting Sara Grande Pendant exhibits pure indulgence. Cut from a solid block of crystal and formed into an elegant cylinder surrounding a hand-blown inner white glass diffuser, the Sara instantly elevates any space. Black, Satin Nickel, and White options are accented with Satin detail and a clear cable; the Antique Bronze option is accented with Antique Bronze detail and a brown cable. Antique chic. The Yardley 14293/3 Multi-Light Pendant by Elk is inspired by another era. Charming mixed with transitional, contemporary or modern farmhouse décor, its basket-like wire cages with mercury glass shades offer a vintage look and subtle sparkle. This ceiling fixture is suspended from a triangular pan canopy and features staggered shade heights to enhance the style and ambient lighting of a kitchen, dining room or living space. The Graffiti Pendant by Hubbardton Forge takes its inspiration from calligraphy, thriving on its wide, banded curves that flow through and around its clear glass shades. These shades make this fixture ideal for displaying antique-style Edison tube bulbs, further fulfilling the allusion to industrial style. Dimmable with a standard incandescent dimmer (not included). TECH Lighting"s SoCo system of Sockets & Cords delivers choice, flexibility and the power of custom design. Bare lamps can be beautiful, and now it"s easy to create your own unique light sculpture. Mix, match and cluster or just install a few at a time to put light exactly where you need it. A variety of socket, finish, color and length options ensure that the possibilities are almost limitless.To purchase, select between the modern or the vintage socket in your ideal finish, both are perfect for a wide array of design aesthetics. A four-inch flush canopy in the matching metal finish ships standard with every pendant. Finish options include: • Satin Nickel • Antique Bronze • Black (modern socket only) • White (modern socket only) Stylishly elegant with a hint of exotic modernity. The Crest Mini Pendant by Maxim Lighting lends an inviting aesthetic and glow to any space. An oil-rubbed bronze finish with hints of antique brass also add to the classic vibe, while an arabesque pattern surrounds the lantern-shaped body to create a captivating reflection along the walls. Hang this pendant in an entryway and a welcoming presence will immediately be sensed by visitors. The Hubbardton Forge Henry 4-Light Pendant has an iconic design that delivers the industrial aesthetic paired with a high level of craftsmanship. The exposed hardware and cage-like frame gives the piece an industrial spin, yet paired with the antique reproduction bulbs the aesthetic is shifted to something more classic. The Minka-Lavery 3-Light Pendant offers clean lines with a vintage-industrial "flare." Affixed to its suspension stem with a decorative metal accent, the flared steel shade acts as a reflector for the three exposed bulbs beneath. Enhance the fixture's antique appeal with reproduction carbon filament bulbs for a warm, authentic look. Small in scale, big on sophistication. The nautically styled Troy Lighting Pier 39 Mini Pendant features exposed lights within a bell-shaped Clear Antique glass shade. A Natural Manila Rope-wrapped suspension stem is a rough, seaworthy counterpoint to the smooth glass. Display with an antique-style reproduction bulb for an authentic look. Sophisticated nautical style. The Troy Lighting Pier 39 Pendant features Natural Manila Rope details and a thick Clear Antique glass shade. The bell-shaped glass is a smooth, sparkling accent around the rough rope-wrapped candleholders. Exposed bulbs inside are ideal for displaying antique reproduction style carbon filament bulbs or specialty shaped flame-tipped bulbs. Much like the city for which it's named, the Tech Lighting Kiev Pendant combines the antique with modern to create a unique, sophisticated impression. It features an ornate turned glass fount adorning a simple tapered fabric shade with rolled edges. Line several Kievs in a row for a lovely lighting statement. The Troy Lighting Brooklyn Pendant uses a unique combination of tones and textures to recreate classic industrial lighting. It features a widely flared hand-worked iron shade inlaid with light-magnifying wedges of antique mirror. It is accented by a stem covered in natural manila rope. Comes with the vintage style bulbs shown. Available in three sizes. Add a distinctive designer touch to a home or office area with the Egg Drop Pendant by Arteriors. This adjustable fixture is cleverly weighted with a solid egg, so you can suspend the metal hood at your preferred height. A blend of antique brass and dull bronze tones also provide a rustic appeal, while its versatility means it can be used for both work task lighting and setting a tranquil mood near a sofa. The Artcraft Lighting Menlo Park Mini Pendant honors the famous inventor, Thomas Edison. Menlo Park, New Jersey is where he set up his home and research facility in 1896 and this fixture aims to honor the prolific scientist and inventor of the incandescent light bulb. Simple and to the point, a clear glass shade hangs from a thin downrod, the antique reproduction bulb a part of the fixture's aesthetic. Simple while still being somewhat modern, this fixture will work well in both transitional and traditional spaces. Grace and refinement epitomized. The Foyer Pendant No.6702 by Quorum International has all the elements of a sophisticated piece of jewelry for your home, showcasing a clear upturned glass shade, chain-link cord and striking metal appointments available in more than one antique-like finish. Outfit this pendant with three candelabra light sources (bulbs not included) and its elegant appeal will bring a heightened sense of welcome and exquisiteness to a front entrance. Your dinner guests will be enchanted by the warm glow of E. F. Chapman’s Sloan Shop Pendant by Visual Comfort. Appealing to both traditionalists and contemporary style enthusiasts, its shade lines are deceptively simple. Your choice of striking antique finish adapts this pendant to amp up a foyer, bedroom, living room or dining room, while the adjustable height effectively changes the mood of any space. It’s the perfect combination of practical and chic. Handsome vintage style with inherent versatility. Fit for a wide variety of interior designs, the Fairview Drum Pendant by Quoizel makes a subtle yet commanding statement in sophistication. It's crowned by gently curving lines to create a sculptural appearance reminiscent of antique handcrafted fixtures, and sports a rich finish that brings out its tasteful accents and highlights. Giving you a taste from the past is the Riviera Mini Pendant by Kichler. Its exterior features a clear ribbed glass that offers an antique display bringing sophistication into your home. This fixture’s physical appearance resembles a perfume bottle providing a retro aesthetic into your home, providing an excellent experience. Cozy, rustic and sophisticated, the Feiss Bluffton Drum Pendant references the burgeoning "glamping" trend. At home in a luxurious mountain retreat or an urban transitional space, this fixture resembles a modern fireplace with a sleek mix of Clear glass panels and perforated screen. A decorative hook-and-rod suspension complements the semi-exposed candelabra, which is best suited to antique reproduction bulbs. Transitional luster with a designer's touch. The Belding Mini Pendant by Uttermost blends high-quality appointments into a fixture that's sleek in style and impactful in function. An antique aluminum drum shade provides a dramatic flair, while dark chocolate bronze accents add a sweet and delicate flavor. Double frosted diffusers also help deliver a welcoming illumination, making this mini pendant a great way to strengthen the ambience of an eat-in kitchen. Diminutive yet dramatic. The Kichler Kensington Mini Pendant features slender ironwork fashioned into a vintage birdcage shape around an exposed bulb. The included squirrel-cage bulb encases a decorative reproduction carbon filament inside its glass for a doubly caged impression. The resulting look remains airy with a touch of the antique thanks to the rich Olde Bronze finish. Give your home décor a warm, natural energy with the Broche Pendant by Crystorama. Its spherical, open framework features an ingenious blend of English Bronze and Antique Gold that has been sculpted into branches and leaves. This structure surrounds an inner candelabra which adds a sense of refinement to the organic design as well as a robust ambient light that is pleasant and useful. Curvy and classically styled, the Kichler Kensington Pendant features slender ironwork in a rich Olde Bronze finish. Expose light bulbs top traditional candleholders, perched like birds inside an antique cage. An airily impressive option for foyers or wherever a touch of vintage drama is desired. Spacious and style savvy. With its wide-open structure, the Kaufmann Pendant by Quorum International fosters a roomy sense of freedom in its surroundings. Its 4 individual lights sport a classic candelabra motif, balancing modern appeal with a hint of antique warmth and charm to make this pendant a great fit for spaces from antique to transitional and beyond. A welcoming angle on lighting design. The Kaufmann Foyer Pendant by Quorum International features visual cues inherited from both antique and modern fixtures, creating a balanced look that transitions easily from vintage to progressive in concept. Multiple candelabra lights make this pendant a brilliant piece literally as well as figuratively, perfect for larger interior spaces. Travel back in time to an era of grand sophistication with the Sussex Bell Jar Pendant by Visual Comfort. As opulent as the entry to a luxury hotel, this fixture transforms any space into an elegant atmosphere. The classic design by E. F. Chapman boasts 4 lights within a sculpted glass jar, suspended from chains for the timeless look of lavish antique lighting. The Artcraft Lighting Ray Mini Pendant has an air of classic sophistication while also being relevant in modern interiors. The thin downrod hosts a single clear glass shade, showcasing a tubular antique reproduction bulb. Simple and practical while still being stylish, great for use as a single or in groups over a kitchen island. An aesthetic aged to perfection. Lantern-inspired and carefully wrought, the Rossington Mini Pendant by Quorum International has the vintage appeal of a genuine antique fixture, plus the reliability and versatility of a modern design. This compact multi-light pendant fits virtually any interior design, adding a handsome crown over a table for two, intimate seating area or living room nook.
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Most of​ us purchase used computers for the​ main reason that they can be purchased for a​ very lesser amount .​ the​ incidence of​ purchasing a​ stolen computer is​ more when they are got in​ the​ name of​ used computers from third party computer dealers like the​ computer dealers online or​ from a​ theft store or​ from a​ pawnbroker who has no idea about the​ history of​ the​ computer he is​ selling. One of​ the​ safe measures while buying used computer is​ to​ buy through a​ credit card or​ check payment rather than making cash purchase .​ If the​ seller insists on​ cash payment,​ the​ purchaser can be very sure that the​ computer may be a​ stolen one .​ If the​ buyer has good knowledge about the​ price trends of​ computers in​ the​ market,​ he can for sure find out if​ the​ computer sold as​ a​ used computer is​ of​ a​ genuine kind or​ not. The place of​ buying used computer is​ of​ outmost importance as​ a​ reputed dealer or​ seller will have a​ well-established location .​ Hence,​ it​ is​ better to​ avoid buying used computers from the​ street side shops,​ which may be fly by night shops .​ Such sellers attract the​ buyers with the​ pricing or​ heavy discounts or​ even freebies along with the​ computers .​ If the​ buyer is​ not sure about the​ computer,​ he can very well ask for the​ documents pertaining to​ the​ computer or​ can find out if​ receipts are issued for the​ purchase .​ The buyer has all the​ rights to​ ask the​ seller about the​ reason for the​ sale of​ the​ used computer,​ where it​ was purchased and nature of​ payment made initially .​ A person selling illegal things will show frenzied movements,​ will agree even for a​ rock bottom price with even a​ small amount of​ profit for him,​ mostly will not have a​ decent language,​ will try to​ sell in​ haste,​ will always be looking around to​ find out if​ someone is​ watching him and will not have an​ eye contact while selling and so on. Such kind of​ illegal sales of​ used computers happen as​ the​ illegal seller has the​ facility to​ advertise free of​ cost .​ Also posing as​ a​ private seller there is​ no need to​ provide a​ VAT receipt,​ which makes him free of​ any legal action being taken against him .​ After receiving a​ positive diagnosis for​ stomach cancer, patients understandably feel depressed and​ uncertain about their future. It’s important for​ them to​ realize that they are not alone and​ that many people suffer from various forms of​ cancer every day. These individuals must learn to​ accept the​ news that they have been given, understand what they are facing and​ cope with the​ reality of​ the​ illness. A stomach cancer patient may wish to​ conduct their own research, either online or​ at​ a​ local library. There are many educational resources available, which will help a​ patient to​ become more familiar with what is​ happening to​ them and​ let them know what to​ expect during treatment. a​ smart patient is​ an​ educated patient and​ reading is​ the​ best way to​ keep abreast of​ new medical developments, treatments and​ options. a​ cancer patient must remain active in​ their own care for​ as​ long as​ possible. Discussions with a​ doctor, asking questions and​ getting answers will all lead to​ a​ more productive treatment method. When dealing with any type of​ illness, including stomach cancer, family and​ friends can provide an​ excellent support system. Understandably, these individuals may also be in​ a​ lot of​ emotional pain in​ dealing with the​ illness of​ their loved one. if​ that’s the​ case, a​ patient may decide to​ join a​ local support group or​ get involved in​ an​ activity that they enjoy doing. if​ the​ patient feels like doing something, it’s a​ good idea to​ continue living a​ productive lifestyle and​ one that is​ enjoyable. While activity is​ important, it’s also necessary to​ take some time out for​ rest and​ relaxation. as​ is​ the​ case with any illness, rest is​ key to​ a​ successful recovery. Depending on how advanced a​ cancer patient’s diagnosis reveals, several treatment options are available. When a​ patient decides to​ move forward with treatment, he/she may also consider seeking a​ second opinion from a​ qualified physician in​ order to​ confirm the​ diagnosis and​ recommended treatment. the​ best outcome is​ to​ eliminate the​ cancer but, if​ that is​ not possible, the​ doctor may attempt to​ prevent the​ cancer from spreading or​ to​ relieve the​ symptoms that a​ patient may be experiencing. Assuming the​ patient’s health will allow it, and​ he/she wishes to​ pursue remedies, the​ most common method of​ treatment is​ surgery. Depending on the​ location and​ size of​ the​ cancer, a​ doctor may be able to​ remove all or​ part of​ the​ stomach and​ surrounding infected areas. Another common approach to​ treating stomach cancer is​ for​ the​ patient to​ begin a​ series of​ chemotherapy treatments. This process involves the​ intake of​ medicines to​ help fight the​ cancer cells, which can either be taken orally or​ delivered through the​ patient’s veins. This option is​ often most useful to​ rid the​ patient of​ any remaining cancer cells following surgery. in​ addition, chemotherapy may be used to​ control the​ growth of​ cancer, relieve symptoms and​ prolong life. This treatment does carry a​ variety of​ uncomfortable symptoms, which make many people hesitant to​ begin. for​ those who do, there are various medications that can help ease the​ side effects of​ chemotherapy while allowing your body to​ recover. Radiation therapy, often used in​ conjunction with chemotherapy, utilizes the​ help of​ high energy x-rays to​ fight against cancer cells. Radiation therapy affects only the​ area where cancer is​ present, whereas chemotherapy affects your entire body. This type of​ therapy can leave burns on the​ skin, which are similar to​ that of​ a​ sunburn and​ may also cause other ill effects, but it​ does help to​ treat stomach cancer and​ relieve pain associated with pain and​ blockages. Is your child ready for preschool? if​ your child has been attending daycare, you may think that he or​ she will automatically be ready for the preschool environment, however this may not be the case. Here are some ways that you can help prepare your child for preschool. Before you can expect your child to​ play with other children, you must first expose him or​ her to​ other playmates. This is​ the best training to​ introduce your child to​ concepts such as​ sharing and taking turns. Many preschoolers are isolated from other children and this can make integration into the preschool more traumatic. By simply arranging for your child to​ have play dates with friends, or​ by enrolling him or​ her in​ a​ social gathering, you can ensure that your child will have the exposure needed to​ feel confident in​ a​ social setting. It is​ very important that if​ your child tells you that he or​ she is​ fearful about starting preschool, that you acknowledge their fears and don’t dismiss them. Many times, well-meaning parents shrug off their children’s fears and in​ turn reply with upbeat and positive replies. However, it​ is​ crucial to​ your child’s emotional development that they express their fears and insecurities and feel that they are acknowledged. to​ help them overcome their nervousness, try watching a​ video together that pertains to​ starting school, or​ even read a​ book together that discusses it. The Franklin series, by Paulette Bourgeois, has a​ great book called, “Franklin goes to​ School”. You can also browse for more titles at​ your local library. By taking the time to​ prepare your child, instilling routines or​ rituals, and planning on more activities for your child that involve other children, you can ensure that your little one will be well prepared when it​ is​ time for him or​ her to​ start preschool. Your closet is​ a​ place to​ keep necessary everyday items that you may not want to​ actually look at​ all the time. Closets provide excellent storage space in​ your home and can have many different uses. a​ closet can be small, while other can be huge. it​ all depends on your house and what you need out of​ your closets. Unfortunately, your closets can become a​ mess and you may need to​ invest in​ organizers or​ a​ specific closet organizer to​ make more sense out of​ your prime storage space. There are many things you can do to​ make your closets neater and more organized, but the most important one is​ to​ actually take out the clutter from your closet before you start trying to​ organize. You would be amazed at​ how much stuff is​ in​ your close that you never use and really don’t want anymore. Try to​ get over the inability to​ get rid of​ things and just go for it. When you are ready to​ purchase a​ closet system for your home you can have them customized to​ fit your rooms perfectly. if​ you have distinct organization needs then you can have them customized to​ suit you specifically. You can buy a​ pre-made closet organizer if​ you just need some basic adjustments. If you have shoes all over a​ room then your room will be a​ messy and it​ will be hard to​ find the things that you need. if​ you use a​ shoe bag that you can put over a​ door, then you should go for it. Make sure whatever type of​ shoe rack that you pick it​ that it​ will actually hold all your shoes and that they won’t fall off the shoe rack. Usually you can find something that will hold 9-12 pairs of​ shoes. When you have lots of​ small items in​ a​ drawer they can be very messy and hard to​ sort through. You can buy a​ drawer organizer to​ help to​ find things quicker. Most drawer organizers are made of​ plastic and you can just drop them inside your drawer with no hassle at​ all. When you need a​ place to​ hang your winter coats, fall blazers, hats, and gloves then you need to​ get organized. if​ you don’t have room in​ your coat closet, then get sorting it​ out right away. Think about giving things to​ a​ local thrift store if​ you don’t use them and make sure you only put one thing on one hanger to​ keep things neater. Get hangers that are durable and that will last a​ long time with heavy things hanging on them. Add shelves above the rack in​ your closets for more room to​ put things away. You can also use them for items you may not use as​ often. Put away things according to​ season so you can have more space for whatever you are using at​ the time. Huge 2018 Sale Wabon 3 Piece Rocker Conversation Set in a wide variety of styles. Incredible costs & quick delivery!. The biggest bit of Wabon 3 Piece Rocker Conversation Set furnishings you'll personal, cost complement guarantee, and variety of other accessible functions you are certain to be happy with our support and products. Compare the very best Wabon 3 Piece Rocker Conversation Set furniture shops using professional rankings and consumer reviews within the official. Enjoy free shipping and easy returns on Wabon 3 Piece Rocker Conversation Set furniture, brown jordan patio furniture - conversation sets and decoration. We offer a wide range of cheap cushions for patio furniture - conversation sets furniture on the internet. From interior to patio furniture, we've it all. We are the biggest online furniture store in USA and national exactly where quality fulfills affordability. Check us out these days and find out for Wabon 3 Piece Rocker Conversation Set your self! Find out more for Wabon 3 Piece Rocker Conversation Set A bedroom is really a individual room intended that will help you relax and get some shut-eye. Additionally, it can serve as storage space for private things like clothes, mementos, and publications. You may be starting fresh or prepared for a furniture update, it may be challenging to decide what you really want. Whether you want retro Middle-Hundred years Modern design or the calm feel of the Coastal house, each and every bed room must start with the fundamentals. The options are endless with bedroom furniture, so start simple, and then make it your own. Aside from the mattress, the bedframe may be the best furniture piece inside your bedroom. First, decide on what mattress dimension you want, and then measure your room to ensure it'll accommodate the size. Even though you think you could match a California king bed in your space, you have to remember to leave space for other bedroom accessories. If you have a little space, a double- or full-sized bed will give you space to maneuver and won't make your bed room appear too little. You'll want to consider your personal decor flavor and resting design. For example, if you are tall or like to stretch out whenever you rest, a system mattress without a footboard suits your preferences whilst providing a modern appear. When selecting a desk, its important to think about the size of your home region or breakfast space. You will wish to depart plenty of room on each aspect of the table, preferably in the range of one yard. A tables shape can also be important. Have you got a big, open house ? A little, spherical desk in the middle can properly break up the space. If you need to individual a full time income region from the house , rectangular furniture are a good choice. Although you may from time to time find household furniture items that require special, you will find most household furniture necessitates the exact same kind of car. Dont use any more soap than what is required. Too much soap could make household furniture products feel tickly. You may consider using the total amount you would usually use for washing. Avoid using swimming pool water bleach as not only will it deteriorate particular fabrics but will also cause diminishing. Stay away from fabric softeners ad they not just also weaken the material, removing lots of its sturdiness but might also cause them to not absorb moisture as they should. Remove home furniture from the dryer when they are dried out to prevent wrinkles. In case your big household furniture products do not comfortably fit into your washer and dryer, take them somewhere where you can use commercial dimension washing machines and dryers. Hero Electric sells its bikes in Delhi through a comprehensive network of dealers spread across the city. Find the details of Hero Electric bike showrooms & dealers nearest to your location in Delhi and experience a hassle-free research. Quarter sheets are used in cold weather to keep the horse's back and loins warm, and to prevent rapid muscle cooling, which can lead to chills and cramping. This model is made from tough 600 Denier polypropylene material that is both waterproof and breathable. It is lined with polar fleece for improved warmth and strong plastic clips for quick and easy fitting. Rump darts and a fillet cord offer a superior fit.
You can download Video games league of legends artwork akali fan art 1920x1080 wallpaper HD background from category for free. This wallpaper is available in formats you can see below for pc, mac, tablet or mobile (Android, Windows, Iphone). Your resolution is highlighted in green. If you don't find the exact resolution you are looking for, choose 'Original size' or higher resolution which may fit perfectly to your desktop. Click on any resolution link to see the preview and then you can save or download the background. One of the downsides to living in the Mid South is it’s absent minded way of excluding certain seasons. Did you notice we didn’t get a Spring this year? At the speed of light, it went from Winter to Summer, without so much as a cool breeze in between! Fall wasn’t all that great last year either! I remember looking out the back door for the turning of the leaves in the woods behind my house; one minute the leaves are green, the next minute they’re all on the ground without even changing colors! Good thing our lives aren’t like that….or wait, are they? One minute we seem to be floating along enjoying life while in a rhythm of sorts, and the next minute, without warning, a single event changes everything. We didn’t seem to get any notice that it was coming. We didn’t even get a lull in the action to prepare for it, and suddenly we are in a new season of our lives, and it’s not all that pleasant either! The point of this is not to tell you there won’t be seasons, but rather to prepare you so that if your life does seem to turn to a cold and dark wintry day without warning, you’ll have peace in the midst of the change and you’ll have the warmth of the Son! When you know Winter is coming, you make certain preparations. You might check the antifreeze in your car or truck, perhaps even flushing it before the temperatures dip. You might check the caulking around the windows, cover your outside water faucets, or get the warmer clothing out of storage. There is also something you can do to prepare for a winter storm in your life as well. As the best time to winterize is not in the midst of Winter but beforehand, so now is the best time to insulate your emotions long before a storm hits. The best way to prepare for an upsetting seasonal change is to dig into the scriptures, memorizing them and storing them away in your heart. That way you won’t be frantically searching for a promise when you’re already stressed and sinking into a pit of depression. The word hidden in you is your best defense against any seasonal change! You simply cannot rely on a few short verses learned in Sunday School as a child. You must study His word! You must know He is there for you. You must know He is reliable and that He is there to uphold you. You must know the character of God and that He is your help! There are no shortcuts to this. David knew the power that lay in the word of God; in memorizing it when peril was all about… If Your law had not been my delight, then I would have perished in my affliction. I will never forget Your precepts, for by them You have revived me. Oh, how I love Your instructions! I think about them all day long. Your commands make me wiser than my enemies, for they are my constant guide. Yes, I have more insight than my teachers, for I am always thinking of Your laws.” You can’t remind the Lord of His promises if you don’t know them yourself. I’m not going to make it easy on you here by listing any promises you need to know, other than just this one….. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change and though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea; though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains quake at its swelling pride. Selah.” Do you have the confidence to say that in your own life? That you won’t fear? Do you know He will be there for YOU? You must search the scriptures out for yourselves until you know for a fact He is there and will be there! I will tell you though, that you should spend time in the Psalms and in the Epistles. When you find a gem, re-read it aloud till it’s in your heart, safely tucked away for the time you need it most. Cable TV is filled with reality shows featuring a man or woman who is living off the grid. When Winter is approaching, they begin storing protein away. Then when the long cold dread of Winter sets in and they’re hunkered down, they’ll have what they need to survive because they prepared. You must have the protein of God’s word stored away in your heart as well, able at a moment’s notice to recall it and then be comforted. I have heard people say they don’t like to mark up their bibles, as it is holy to them. I understand that, but that’s not me. All my various bibles are marked in highlighter colors, with notes scribbled everywhere that there’s a blank margin or bottom of a page available. Get a bible you CAN mark up. Underline key promises. Study His promises and commit them to memory. You will be surprised how easily you’ll recall those when you need them. Mainly because the Holy Spirit will bring them to your remembrance. Jesus called Him the Comforter, which is exactly what He becomes in the times you need Him most, but He can’t very well remind you of a promise if you’re not aware of it. I’ve read/studied my bibles every morning for over thirty years and I can’t tell you how many times a verse will pop into my head that I don’t even remember memorizing, but it was there in my subconscious waiting to float to the top when needed. It’s like muscle memory for the brain…it had registered because I’d seen it so many times. There’s something to be said for constantly reading His word! “How sweet Your words taste to me; they are sweeter than honey. Your commandments give me understanding; no wonder I hate every false way of life. Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.”
History paints a number of portraits of Mozart, each one in a different type of light, accentuating flattering and unflattering detail, casting or dispersing shadows. This light is Mozart's sexual morality. Was he a good husband? Was Don Juan modeled after his own flights of indiscretion? Did Constanze drive him to an early grave with her failures as a wife? Did Mozart's frequent sexual activity further weaken his immune system and distract him from composing? These questions are somewhat frivolous considering the small amount of mostly unreliable information available to scholars, especially soon after Mozart's death, when much of the popular mythology about him was being inferred and disseminated. It has become obvious to me, reading excerpts from numerous biographers speaking of Mozart's amorous proclivities, that their interpretations were more telling of their own opinions and affected prejudices than of the man they told of. Was Mozart, as some biographers claim, a lecherous man, who cared little for his wife? Biographers John Naglee Burk (Mozart and his Music), and Eric Blom (Mozart) certainly seem to think so. Those two state with uncalled for confidence that Mozart was frequently forming illicit relationships with women of ever social plateau. They also are unabashed in their stating that Constanze definitely knew of these infidelities and was not just numb to Mozarts confessions but was amused by them. The subject of Mozart's infidelities to Constanze can be trace back to Abert and Schurigs biographies, though these refer to violent uproars as a result of the adulteries. Looking back through other biographer's works for the source of these claims one comes to a dead end at Niemetschek, whose word are vague and refer to 'petty sins', which could refer to monetary indiscretions, or a number of other things, including sexual ones. Mozart was also accused of sleeping a Masonic brother's wife. This was known as the Hofdemel affair. After Mozart's death Hofdemel wounded his wife with a knife, and then applied the weapon to his person, ending his own life. This tale however was fraught with incongruencies. For example Frau Hofdemel was have supposed to have lent 3000 florins to Mozart to support his composing the Rquiem, but that is patently false as it was Count Walsegg who had commissioned it. The list of singers who Mozart purportedly slept with grew as the years after his death passed, often drawing on the mood of pieces as evidence of the illicit liaisons. (1-7, William Stafford, All about Eve: Mozart and Women) There is a letter to Baroness Waldstatten that suggests he was hiding their communication from his wife but one has to infer that it was one of the bedroom, rather than friendly flirtation; either are distinct possibilities. All in all letters point to their being some likelihood that Mozart slept around, and was at the very least and habitual flirt. As to how these flirtations effected Mozart's marriage, we cannot guess with any confidence, as the evidence is both for and against the existence of tumult. The nature of the circumstances that led to Mozart's union with Constanza are vague and scholars have been more than a little contentious over whether it was an auspicious event. In a letter to his father, Wolfgang more or less clears up matters if we can assume that he is being honest with his father. This is an excerpt from Braunbehrens paraphrasing of that letter: 'Mozart undoubtedly loved his wife Constanze. His pain at her distance is evidenced in his letters to her, and he only traveled abroad without her twice. Braunbehrens examined not only the letters of the Mozart family, but the personal circumstances of Mozart and his wife and the broader historical circumstances affecting all those living in Vienna at the time. He writes: We have not until recently begun to bridge the gap between biological function and subjective experience with any degree of specificity and reliability. The little that we do know is not enough to lay down a reliable code of sexual ethics, which would have to take into account perspectives from all frames of reference. The further back in history one goes, the more ignorant even the best scholars are, for that have far less information to draw from, and usually are apt to plug into a successively smaller frame of reference. It is not at all clear that humankind will, in the foreseeable future, be able to judge sexual ethics based on scientific evidence. This would require a more holistic and more mature form of psychobiology, that is one that has enough wisdom to value subjective experience as much as results, and sophisticated enough technology that it can more accurately measure, and thus infer from, subjective experience, then and only than will a truly useful sexual morality be common knowledge. Unless that day comes, historians, philosophers, artists and casual observers will fall prey to the mores of their time, whether that means accepting or rejecting somewhere along the spectrum of relative self-societal awareness. Outside her window the Atlantic sparkled. She almost forgot about the garbage and buildings it surged through. Bed-stuy used to be a dangerous neighborhood. Now the only danger was drowning and dehydration. When Hurricane Donald came in the Fall of ’48, the levies were clobbered and the city was flooded. Some people stayed behind, some of those people gave up, some probably starved to death, but Angeline persevered. She had a roof-top garden and plenty of seeds and know-how. Not that it was easy. There had been a rat infestation that almost left her cropless. She almost caught Pneumonia last Winter. And she probably had scurvy due to lack of vitamin C. If she’d had some seeds, it was warm enough to grow oranges. Angeline Lee creaked out of bed. Her bed creaked, the floor, her hip, her ankles. (She was only 63, but the procedure had aged her prematurely, and made Rejuvenation less effective.) The eggplants were scrawny this year. Angeline would send her bucket down on the pilfered belaying rope (It was Harold Perkins’ in 17E) and drag up water for her solar stills each day. Her shoulders were strong, but the joints felt weak. The rains weren’t coming when they should’ve. But it was cool, and cloudy. Used to be that was just a crummy day, but the stills were barely working and her Winter surplus was long since drunk. She thought back on that first year. It felt like a year of mourning, but there was also a lot of hard work that helped her forget the life she had lost. She gathered building materials, water, food. Dammed up the 16th floor in case the water level rose again. Built the plant beds out of bed-frames, trellises out of curtain rods. Pilfered someone’s solar generator, made a still. Angeline had spent any free time playing guitar, reading, and teaching herself how to draw. She could’ve watched tv in her unit but she didn’t want to waste energy she might need in an emergency, anyway she liked the quiet. For the first time in years she was alone with her thoughts, was forming new opinions about the world, had an active imagination. An octocopter. That unmistakable hum. The grey water ruffled like molting pigeons. For a second Angeline hesitated, then ran down to her apartment to hide like usual. In her living room she stepped on a lego. She had to stifle a scream. ‘How were there still pieces in the carpet after three years?’ The copter passed over. She regretted hiding immediately. There was always a twinge of longing to leave, but this time she knew it was wrong. She needed water or she would die of thirst. 3 years ago she was like everyone else, telecommuting, or taking the new sky-trolley to work (the subways were abandoned in ’35 when the levees were installed, along with everything below sea level). She liked her job, or at least accepted it enough to imagine sticking with it 10 more years until retirement. She was on a tinder date when it happened. No alarms or sirens, just the smell of panic, the twisting of faces, as people got the message on their in-ears. Wait-staff, cooks, patrons all pushed and shoved their ways into the street. There was still sun in the sky, with gray here and there. But through the building, darkness. Transport boats were lined up at every port. Her tinder date had screamed, “Hey! Where are you going?” Angeline swiped left, down Bedford Avenue. When she had shut her door behind her locking the deadbolt she thought to herself, ‘This is where I belong. I don’t care what everyone else does, this is my home.’ The stills were made of thick plastic that she’d bought to build a greenhouse on the roof. The co-op board voted her down, and she didn’t have any plastic left over so they still got their way. Angeline took apart the bone dry stills and plugged her iron into her solar battery. She crimped the plastic shut, trapping a pocket of air inside. She filled it up the rest of the way with a bicycle pump and plugged the hole with duct tape. Hopefully it would keep her afloat. Hopefully she didn’t get swept out to sea. Hopefully the storm she’d been praying for didn’t come at exactly the wrong moment. With the raft, a backpack full of sad-looking vegetables, a few tools, and a makeshift paddle, Angeline belayed down nine and three quarter stories to the Brooklyn Ocean. It was Monday morning. The tide was going uptown. She paddled between the buildings, imagining Biggie Smalls going by in a Venetian Gondola. Every few minutes she’d hit a traffic cones or a nalgene bottle with her paddle, interrupting her groove. She was out of breath before she started. Williamsburg. Then Greenpoint. The sun was a gray-yellow disk in the middle of the sky by the time she made Queens. The Manhattan skyline and the bridges were more beautiful than she’d ever remembered them being. They seemed less oppressive. The South Bronx was mostly ocean. Crossing the former East River into Harlem, Angeline craned her head to see the sun taking a dip, blushing. It was almost night when Angeline reached The Cloisters, that absurd medieval castle on the hill looking onto the boogie down Bronx. She dragged the raft onto dry land. As Angeline got above the tree-line she had her first view of the North. White Plains used to be a modest city, but from there it looked like a futuristic mega-city. Cranes silhouetted the horizon. What looked to be a more modern take on the Empire State Building loomed over everything. The Cloisters was probably the only museum in the city that hadn’t lost its art to water damage. It had been long evacuated or pillaged by now, but it at least someone was enjoying it somewhere. How many masterpieces had been lost? Tens of thousands, probably. Angeline gathered leaves and twigs into a little hill at the edge of the parking lot near the castle. She took out her lighter and set it ablaze. Then she added plastic bottles. Threw the smoke she saw a small drone blink. Then three others. She knew they were reporting her back to someone. She woke up on her raft about two hours later to the increasing hum of an octocopter. It descended into the lot as if lowered on a string. A man and a woman stepped out. Angeline started to cry. “Hey, hey, everything’s okay now. We’re here to help.” The man had impeccable posture, and sounded like he really meant it. “You look thirsty.” The woman handed her a ceramic bottle. She had green and red hair. She shot the man a look that was both stern and playful, and then smiled, all warmth, at Angeline. After finishing off that and two more bottles, Angeline tried to answer his question, and ask a few of her own. It turned out Treya and Karlos, that were her rescuer’s names, lived in White Plains, where about half of New York City moved to. “Yeah, and it’s pretty sad. People don’t have to worry about flooding anymore, so they don’t care about the warming.” The new parts of the city looked wildly out of place, the architecture garish and unsympathetic to the extreme. There was one building where magenta tendrils made of some material changed its texture erratically. Karlos said it was a library. A new public housing sector between the Downtown and Old Mamaroneck looked like a city in its own right. The layered, leaf shaped buildings were all connected at several levels by thin, arcing tunnels. It reminded Angeline of a giant metallic artichoke. “That giant asymmetrical complex. It’s devoted to Virtual Reality development, production, and people come just to rent their state of the art nerve-induction pods. They have the most advanced sensory simulators available for public use.” “Yep.” Karlos seemed more resigned about things. They were quiet for the rest of the ride. Only just before they descended did Angeline’s heart start pumping adrenaline. Her nerves went away almost as suddenly as they arrived. On her first day back Angeline met up with some old friends for lunch. The sushi place they went to, Dream Catcher, had no fresh caught fish - too expensive since ocean acidification. Most of ‘fish flesh’ was grown in labs, or substituted. They filled her in on all the boring gossip, and sad news. Naima’s son was all grown up now. Jeanine was divorced and remarried already, to a game developer no less. Sherry was just the same as before: in an open relationship with her cats. The next day she went to The Kanye Museum. They had an exhibit on holographic street art that was pretty cool (except for the 7 Kanye murals.) Most of all Angeline spent a lot of time in her hotel bath-tub. Her room was being paid for by the Victims of Donald Benevolence Fund so she ordered room service for most meals. Angeline met up with Treya at a café that serve cute little 3D printed vegan muffins in complex geometric shapes. “We found a great apartment for you up in Hartsdale!” All of the towns were now neighborhoods and Boroughs. It took less than 6 months for the city folk to impose their infrastructure onto Suburbia. Karlos dropped her off in a cargo-copter. It took them a few hours to unload all of the supplies. The water purification system. The solar stove and shower. Two new solar generators. A satellite data hotspot. He promised he would visit and bring friends out to visit whenever she wanted. She gave him a hug and thanked him. And then it was almost as if she’d never left. He was at the park with the sitter while she was on the date. She used to think maybe he’d been rescued. Then a week after the collapse she remembered his tracking tag. She looked him up on her emergency tablet. His tag was far out to sea, shifting with the currents. But part of him was still here with her. More importantly, she was still herself here. I’m tired of the constant debate of Science vs. Religion. Science isn’t better than religion because they’re not two boys competing at Super Smash Bros Melee. Religion does some things better than science, and vice versa. Both attempt to explain the world, but their motivations and methodology are different. Science and Religion perform unique, but equally valuable services. Science is a bad-ass. It be like, blam! You got robots. Blam! We found an earth-like planet. Blam! Superposition of electrons and shit. Science is just trying to figure out how the universe works, and how to apply that knowledge. Scientists, unlike Saints, describe reality mathematically. Math-addicts say, their language is the most precise at describing universal laws (Math-heads would say that! That’s like a poop salesman saying we can only understand the world by building models out of poop.) On the downside, Science is like an H-bomb or an eccentric-yet-brilliant fart - sure it’s powerful, but it’s indiscriminate in its aim. Science is working on robot doctors that won’t make you feel awkward when they touch your junk, but those same robots may eventually grab your junk and rip it mercilessly from your quivering, ‘idiotic body’ (robot’s words, not mine). Science doesn’t really care about how happy you are. Sure, certain scientists do but, like corporations are all about profit, science is all about truth. Certain ethical guidelines steer science away from dangerous experiments on humans, like Facebook. Those guidelines do not protect against weapons development (read, the ease of manufacturing bio-weapons, or weaponized AI). Religion is like your Grandma: at times she makes you feel all warm and fuzzy when the world seems dark and cold, and sometimes she’s a racist, sexist, jerk. Yes, religion can help bulk-up your happiness lats, but can it also make you dumber by encouraging less rigorous thinking. If you believe there’s a “‘“‘“god’”’”’”””” watching out for you simply because it feels right, you’re more likely to look for other convenient truths. Is the tradeoff of truth for happiness worth it? Probably, but only at an individual level (and herein lies the adobo seasoning). Once large swaths of the population start believing what’s easiest, the few can easily manipulate the many (like they do now). BUT, let’s not throw the baby Jesus out with the Watergate. Prayer (as in a conscious strengthening of will and motivation towards goals, not as in, “Dear God, please let my neighbor get his dick lopped off by his lawn mower,” meditation, and a sense of community are all things religion provides that are key to a balanced society. There has to be a way of promoting compassion, and community, and introspection, while not overlooking the benefits of scientific epistemology. Like the Hermetic and Vedantic traditions, we need to find a happy medium between science - which doesn’t give a shit about your feelings - and religion - which is sloppier than a gymnast with diarrhea. We need to take the math, technology, and experimental methods of science and combine it with the humanism and respect for subjective experience of religion. The result will be as beautiful as a bi-racial underwear model. What will we call this new cultural behemoth? I nominate, Sriligence. Or, Human-Sauce. Happiness is all about having the right amounts of certain chemicals in your brain. No, not two shots and four beers! I’m talking about dopamine and serotonin, the Venus and Serena Williams of emotional tennis. But we can’t measure our levels yet, so we’ll have to get creative to remedy our deficiency. What comes to mind? Money? Yes! Sex? Yes! Thick, juicy relationships? Of course! Don’t wait any longer to patch things up with your Mom, Dad, friend, or wife’s ex-lover. Are you eating like crap and crapping like shit and shitting like diarrhea? Stop that. And exercising will also help your happiness because there is nothing more pathetic than accidentally eating your remote because you spilled so much melted cheese on it that you HAD to eat it. Okay, I’m assuming you read the first two paragraphs a week ago, and that you’ve completely overhauled your life by the time you’re reading this paragraph, because now it’s time to go deep. It’s time to get spiritual. Sometimes the only way to find happiness is to ask yourself some tough questions. Why do I always leave the cheese out of the fridge? Why do I have friends who keep bringing me to rehab, but won’t give me a ride home halfway through? Why haven’t I finished my novel - Catcher in the Rye 2: Pitcher in the Oats? It can be very difficult to figure out what you want to do in life. Being motivated isn’t easy in a universe that keeps expanding and expanding until it will ultimately spread out so thin that all energy is depleted and life can never exist again… but you can re-motivate yourself by finding a 4.5 star shaman on yelp, have him take you on a vision quest, and ask a 7 dimensional alien-ghost-faerie what you should sell on your website. When you get home from Namibia, after realizing you are both an individual, and part of a larger organism, most of your old comforts will seem as hollow and joyless as everything else once did. Don’t worry! You can forget everything you learned and start to believe you enjoy bad sex, food, and TV again! You might even rekindle your taste for remote control au gratin, if you’re lucky.
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The appendix is a finger-shaped tube that's about four inches long and is connected to your cecum it's not clear what function your appendix has, but some scientists think it may help beneficial bacteria recolonize the gut after a severe infection other experts think the appendix serves no useful purpose. Writing an appendix is a useful way of including information that would otherwise clutter up the paper and mire the reader in over-elaborate details the key point to remember, when you are writing the appendix, is that the information is non-essential if it were removed, the paper would still be perfectly. An appendix (one item) or appendices (more than one item) is information that is not essential to explain your findings in the essay or report that you have ● appendices may be used for helpful, supporting or essential material that would otherwise clutter, break up or be distracting to the text. Appendix a individual self reflection form (max 2 a4 pages) student name: leung wing tung student no: 53051150 part a what are individual goals and how are they achieved through this project since this is a group project, so the most important goal to me is to. Webmd's appendix anatomy page provides detailed images, definitions, and information about the appendix learn about its function, parts, location in the body, and conditions that affect the appendix, as well as tests and treatments for appendix conditions. Psy 270 appendix g university of phoenix material appendix g the dsm-iv the dsm-iv is an important tool for clinicians it provides a standard for diagnoses to be standardized across psychology however, the dsm-iv is not as precise for diagnosing personality disorders as some psychologists. An appendix serves both the reader and the writer of a research paper in the appendix, writers can include material that supports their theses but that would be distracting in the text of a given paper such material might include detailed descriptions of equipment, relevant mathematical proofs. Associate program material appendix g wireless lan vulnerabilities matrix complete the following matrix by filling in the blank boxes in the table mac spoofing don't rely on mac filtering alone we will write a custom essay sample on appendix g specifically for you for only $1390/page. Home free essays appendix a - questionnaire we will write a custom essay sample on appendix a - questionnaire specifically for you for only $1638 $139/page. Wondering how to answer common app essay prompts here's our complete strategy guide breaking down what colleges are looking for before we dig into the nitty gritty of the individual prompts, let's quickly go over the logistics of the common app essay and some general tips to keep in mind. University of phoenix material appendix g the dsm-iv the dsm-iv is an important tool for clinicians it provides a standard for diagnoses to be standardized across psychology however, the dsm-iv is not as precise for diagnosing personality disorders as some psychologists would like. An appendix (plural: appendices) is a section at the end of a book or essay containing additional information appendices are not usually included in the word count for an essay consequently, you can focus on key information in your work and place extra data in an appendix without worrying about. Appendix goes after the references page for the in-text reference i just put (appendix 1) for image 1, (appendix 2) for image 2, etc usually when referencing i would put the rough source in brackets such as (author date) does that need including for the appendix images too. Appendix g - psy 210 submitted by: submitted by imashiningstar views: 1720 axia college material appendix g according to sternberg, a person can experience eight general types of love in the following table, a type of love as identified by sternberg is in the left column. An appendix is a collection of supplementary materials appearing at the end of a report, proposal, academic paper, or book not every report, proposal, or book needs an appendix however, including one allows you to point to additional information that is relevant but would be out of place in. Appendix e essay or any similar topic specifically for you motorists often complain about rising gas prices - appendix e essay introduction some motorists purchase fuel efficient vehicles and participate in trip reduction plans, such as carpooling and using alternative transportation. Like the appendix in a human body, an appendix contains information that is supplementary and not strictly necessary to the main body of the writing an appendix may include a reference section for the reader, a summary of the raw data or extra details on the method behind the work. Read this essay on appendix g come browse our large digital warehouse of free sample essays paragraph three does not have the clarity that paragraph two does, and has a few punctuation and grammar errors appendix g shirley short eth/125 10/21/2012 june rizzo throughout history. Free essays for students join psy 270 appendix g submitted by: colleenrabe views: 1708. Appendix g psy 240 we can deliver a superb text on psy240 college material appendix g emotions this activity will increase your understanding of the different biopsychological theories of emotion. I'm editing a paper that is written in apa style (american psychological association, for those of you lucky enough not to know), and the apa publication manual insists that the correct plural of appendix is appendixes they also decree that merriam-webster is the final authority. Essay on appendix a university of phoenix material appendix a part i define the following terms found in week one and week two readings: term definition diversity diversity is defined as differences in people such as race, religion, and ethnicity ethnocentrism ethnocentrism is the idea. Essay on appendix h submitted by cbeecher91 words: 340 words 3250 - pages 13 xcom285 appendix a essay associate level material appendix a final project overview and timeline final project overview business writing portfolio during this course, you will complete six writing pieces to. Appendix g filed under: essays tagged with: psychology university of phoenix material appendix g the dsm-iv the dsm-iv is an important tool for clinicians it provides a standard for diagnoses to be standardized across psychology however, the dsm-iv is not as precise for. Appendix - what is it there are several definitions of the word appendix each of them depends on the scope where the word is used imagine, you are writing an essay or an article on a very popular and interesting topic you have a lot of useful information to discuss, your head is full of thoughts. The appendix (or vermiform appendix also cecal [or caecal] appendix vermix or vermiform process) is a blind-ended tube connected to the cecum, from which it develops in the embryo the cecum is a pouchlike structure of the colon, located at the junction of the small and the large intestines. The rules by security people have changed some on remembering passwords over time. We have moved to a time now that most people have a number of passwords they must remember for different sites. You have at least one email password, a password for Amazon, password for your bank, password for other places, If you take classes online a password for there. I recently counted and I have about 25 passwords for the Internet. It used to be they said do not write down passwords but that is no longer realistic. The thing to do is the password not be stored close with name of site and username. First couple things not to do with passwords. One do not make them a simple word, that is easy for hackers to break. Secondly do not write them on your monitor or on a piece of paper stuck under the keyboard. First place someone looking for your password will look. Third do not use password as your password. About 50% or more of passwords are password. Easy to guess. Now how to remember them. If you get to choose our password (which most sites do now) make it something you can remember. You could make a word you can remember but change capitalization, change certain letters to numbers or special characters like a to @, e tto 5, I to 1 etc. You could also choose a phase and use the first letter, I could choose I teach computers at GNTC in Lafayette Georgia and make it itcagilg or more secure as 1tc@G1lg Another thing I encourage is make your passwords for different sites different. You put something about the site in the middle of the password, for instance google for Google or Yahoo for yahoo. Then if password stolen or site is hacked and hacker gets passwords and usernames yours only works for that one site so only one password to change. You can also write them down. However, do not put where it goes to and username clear on same thing and keep away from computer. So you could keep the passwords in your wallet with some abbreviation for the site. Most sites now use your email address as the username so that is easy to remember. Make it a multipart process for someone to be able to determine your password and the username and site. Putting password for work on the monitor is simple for them as they can get username and know password easy. Just like do not put the pin number for your ATM card in your wallet with your ATM card.
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All Rights Reserved|Web Site design and development by Low quality shingles were put on this 7 year old development’s roofs which started blowing off during the last 2 years under strong winds. After getting 7 companies to provide quotes for a new roof, I chose DeLuca Roofing because the salesman, Joe, was the only one who actually went up on the roof to measure the square footage of the roof. Others, who used a satellite estimating company or just guessed at the area, were 400 to 500 square over what Joe had measured. Joe also went into the attic to check for the possibility of moisture collecting, to check that soffit vents were not blocked from letting air in for adequate ventilation, and checked that bathroom fans were properly vented to the outside and not into the attic and were fully insulated to prevent condensation from forming. Joe’s former roofing experience, expert knowledge and ability to articulate exactly how his company would do the project gave me the confidence to give DeLuca Roofing the job. Several days before the start, John, the installation coordinator, delivered new vents, metal flashing, and rolls of underlayment which I stored in my garage. Then, a waste bin and shingles were delivered one day and Brandon and his crew arrived the next. Brandon had been fully appraised of the needs of the job. My major concern was that none of the copper roofing below the shingled roof area be damaged on my or other neighbouring roofs, as we are a middle unit of a townhouse block. Brandon had brought tarps and plywood that would be used to protect my and the adjoining properties. This was 100% effective. The job took about 2 1/2 to 3 days to fully complete. Brandon and his competent crew worked from the moment they arrived on site early in the morning until they left late in the day. They worked safely with agility in a coordinated fashion on the roof, were careful to keep the area on the ground below as debris free as possible and did a full area cleanup at the end of each day. Each of these young men were not only skilled at their job, but were congenial and pleasant for us to talk to. When you have people who are proud of the work they do, the job gets done well. I feel that I selected a great roofing company to do my new roof and would recommend DeLuca Roofing (and Brandon) without hesitation. The DeLuca Roofing crew replaced my house roof yesterday and the project went like clockwork. Clearly the six-man crew was experienced as there was a smooth efficiency to their work that was evident throughout the day. The organization of the support services (delivery of the bin, the plywood decking, etc.) and the removal of all “Anonymous” Thanks for stopping by to see how we liked our new Duraflo roof vent guards. When we called DeLuca roofing to install new shingles on our house we were very happy to hear that Mike Strecker had a new product to show us to protect the vents. We have raccoons, squirrels, chipmunks etc. in our “Anonymous” I would like to thank everyone at Deluca roofing for helping me with my roof. When I bought the house I was informed that the roof was 2yrs old which was part of the reason i bought the house. Let me tell you it does not matter if the roof is only 1 day old “Jennifer Martin” Kyle was a wonderful and positive person who took the time to provide in depth answers to any of my concerns. He took care and did the job so well it was as if he was working on his own home. He kept his crew in such good order that apart from the hammering, I “Anonymous” Doug Just want to thank you for helping us out today. We had a terrible night and terrible morning and the way you treated us made a bad day better. When we look back on this experience we will always remember how well we were treated. DeLuca’s excellent reputation has been built by employees like “Anonymous” Pete was out yesterday to assess our leaking roof. It has been 7 years since you installed the roof. Pete provided hassle free, professional service. It was such a relief to have someone come and look after the situation. My husband is waiting for knee surgery and could not climb up and assess the roof “Anonymous” Roofing project required repairs prior to doing complete upper roof damaged by high winds thus blowing shingles off and disposing sheathing I want to offer a special thank you to DeLuca Roofing Inc. and especially Peter for the time he spent to repair the roof problem on our home. DeLuca Roofing does indeed stand behind its work and products. I really appreciated Peter’s concern and dedication to get the job done right. It’s been a pleasure “Hon. Stan Keyes, P.C.” Hi, I just wanted to let you know I just got off the phone with Wayne who made a service call at my house. He was very professional and took the time to inspect all parts of my roof, from the vents to the exhaust pipe and even down to the eves. He took the “Anonymous” One of the best experiences I had in a very long time (when it come to home repairs). Doug and his team were friendly, honest, efficient, tidy and respectable. Not to mention, went above and beyond the call. The attention to detail and care was very impactful. Thank you again for everything. Carrie & Harley, My wife and I just wanted to thank you and everybody at DeLuca for the job done on our roof. We love the look and wish we had done it years earlier. I also dislike the job you did because my wife now wants to replace our garage and front entrance doors. “Micheal” This wonderful work was done by Peter. He is an employee that DeLuce should be very proud of. Peter came right away to my rescue when I discovered my roof was leaking. He was so kind and dependable and did a fabulous job. Thank you Peter – I really appreciate the fine job you did. The crew was very professional and I am so happy. It is great how laid back and calm everyone was – I will recommend DeLuca to my neighbours Hi Melissa and Rob a call came in on Friday August 13 from a customer named Wendy on Autumn Leaf Rd. Dundas to say that Chris was at her home and he is the nicest and most respectful service person she has ever had and she wanted his supervisor Rob to know. Great job Chris. Good Afternoon, I am new to “home” ownership, I had purchased my parents home -the roof needed to be done, and being rather inexperienced at selecting contractors, I had originally given the contract to a company that provided a lower quote. What a mistake!! My roof leaked more now, than when it did with the “Mary” Dear DeLuca Roofing Staff, I’m impressed. From the estimating by Jason, delivery of roofing materials by John, to the workmanship of the roofing team. Everything went like clockwork. The bin was picked up today so well! So professional, well done. Thank you. Just a quick note to say your guys did a great job on our home in Grimsby. Very impressed with workmanship & will gladly refer anyone who is looking to have a roof done. The 36 detached homes in our Starward Homes development range from 5 to 8 years old. Due to the poor quality of Starward’s work most homeowners suffered extensive wind damage and have now been forced to replace their roofs. After the last wind storm and our third repair, we decided to replace the roof. We “William – Replacement of roof” For the last year I have been looking for a good roofer. Everyone I ask about their roof it was a horror story. I had worked for Mac University for ten years doing their flat roofs and slopped roofs as I knew what to look for in a roofer. I talked to a landscaper and “Anne & Brian” We would just like to say how happy we are with the installation of our new GAF roof from DeLuca Roofing. We really appreciate the time, effort and interest that you showed in explaining the various details that make up a good roof, and patiently answered all our numerous questions. The roofing team, led by “Anonymous” Low quality shingles were put on this 7 year old development’s roofs which started blowing off during the last 2 years under strong winds. After getting 7 companies to provide quotes for a new roof, I chose DeLuca Roofing because the salesman, Joe, was the only one who actually went up on the roof to “John Spizarsky” DeLuca Roofing has serviced our family for many years. They have done my roof and repaired a skylight that no one else could stop from leaking. They are so honest, and let you know what you need to do and what does NOT need to be done. I would not let any other company touch “Anonymous” I am very pleased with the work and the workers. I could not have had better people come to work at my home. They worked hard, stepped over gardens and took care to cover everything properly. Even the guy who came to take away the old shingles brushed the driveway. Mike did a very careful “Ron” Thank you for doing an excellent job installing new shingles on my home. It was a pleasure dealing with Harley, Mike and Kyle’s team. Excellent experience from the start with Harley from Sales, Mike overseeing and the crew sent to perform the work. The crew was professional and we are very satisfied with the outcome. Dear Carrie, Harley & Mike @ DeLuca Roofing Each of you have played a pivitol role in helping us to reach our objective of re-roofing our house and filing a successful claim. Carrie; right from my first conversation with you in June of this year, your commitment to excellence in customer service spoke volumes about “Barbara & Paul” Hi Wendy, We are happy to be used as a reference for DeLuca Roofing. We were pleased with our interaction with the entire team! Hi There I’d sent in a note early early Saturday about shingles that’d come off during the night’s bad wind. My wife was home today and Pete was by in the am and patched things all up had a look around the rest of the roof. The quick response was much appreciated, excellent customer service. I felt compelled to send you this email regarding a recent roof repair to my home located on the west mountain. My son-in-law noticed some shingles and flashing were missing while cleaning my eavestroughs. I called your office on Wednesday, September 10th/09 and your receptionist informed me the repair would be under warranty. She indicated “Lyle” I just wanted to send you a quick message to let you know how happy we are with the job your team did on our roof. The roof looks great, and while that should be enough to make us happy, what we really appreciate is the professionalism shown by everyone that came to our house. “Anonymous” Good morning Mike – My wife and I would like to thank you for stopping by and completing the paperwork for recently completed re-roofing of our house. As we mentioned, this sub-division is “of a certain age” and virtually all of the houses in here have had to have their roofs replaced. As a result, “Eric” Hello Rob, I would like to convey our very positive impressions to you and your staff for the roofing work done at our home in April. From the beginning in dealing with Paul Robb, to throughout the process with Mike Strecker and Kyle’s crew we were extremely impressed with the care, politeness, obvious skill that “Ashton Place” Hi Wendy Hope all is well. Just wanted to send a note that Pete completed the work at my house and that I am thoroughly happy with the job he did. He communicated well, was very polite and you would never know he was here. He left the property cleaner than he found it. I “Testimonial 2” Hi Mark.. Just paid for my roof and I wanted to tell you how happy I am with it. Shingles are fantastic and the entire job looks great. The crew were very professional. Thanks for selling me the best roof ever!! To Harley, Just a note to say thank you for doing my roof. I really like the shingles and so does the family. Your workers are very friendly and they are good at cleaning up as they go along, they seem to be well organized. Thank you again. We really appreciated the professional, knowledgeable, hard working individuals we dealt with at DeLuca: from Joe Frankum, our sales rep who made sure all of the i’s were dotted and the t’s crossed and who goes beyond expectations, to Brandon and his hard working crew (The Crew). All of our questions were answered and the “Anonymous” Full roof replacement DeLuca did an amazing job for our roof replacement following 2 major wind storms in Ontario. With 1 call, our sales rep Joe F. came on site to temporarily seal our roof from any more damages without question. Joe then inspected our roof and prepared a detailed quotation with recommendations and an “Josie MacIntyre – Full roof replacement” Good Morning, I would like to say thank: you to you and the gentleman who came around to inspect our roof. When I phoned to ask to have the roof inspected I was not expecting it to be at no charge and was prepared to pay for the service. I just want to make sure “Testimonial 5” After having my roof fixed twice, I called Deluca roofing and they fixed it the first time and were great in explaining everything to me. Dear DeLuca Roofing Inc., Thank you! Your generous gifts during the Christmas season helped to provide hot, nutritious meals and compassionate care to men, women, and children in need. We selected DeLuca roofing to replace our roof on the advice of our builder. He identified that they had repeatedly shown themselves to be committed to doing quality work at a fair price. Branden and his crew were very thoughtful, thorough and courteous. Our roof is quite steep and fairly complicated, and as a result, “June 02” The crew was amazing, very professional. They cleaned up after they completed the job and made sure that everything was put back in it’s place. These men were working on a very hot day and I provided them with bottles of cold water as often as they came down from the roof. They were very “Alda G.” Fixed a leak in our roof quickly and professionally. Explained what was done and let us know if it happens a gain to let them know. Great work! I just wanted to let you know that the service technician was hands down the best service technician I have ever had the pleasure of dealing with. He explained everything to me and was super accommodating. I will absolutely recommend you guys to ANYONE who is asking for a roofer. Thank you! To Whom It May Concern, Had the pleasure of having my roof retiled this summer. It was a good experience, from the representative at the first appointment to the hard quick working crew, to the man whom came out to make sure all was well and I was taken care of and the man whom “Anonymous” After the high winds took some shingles off Deluca Roofing’s team came immediately to repair the roof before the next rain. Shannon and his team did excellent work and were even apologetic for not being there sooner. There is so much work to be done after the May 4th storm, I was very surprised they “June 03” Thanks, Melissa. I appreciated the quick response to my problem. Peter did a fine job. He is an excellent representative of an excellent company which I will continue to recommend to my friends and neighbours. All the best, I wanted to take a moment to tell you how happy we were with your sales representative Joe Frankum. Joe was professional, pleasant, and went out of his way to help us with our roofing needs. Joe was the reason we decided to go with Deluca to get our roof replaced. He is a fantastic “Anonymous” I just wanted to let you know how pleased I am with my new roof. This is the third roofing contractor i’ve dealt with in my 35 yrs of owning houses and it was by far the best‎ experience. It all seemed so precise and effortless. They had a system and cleaned up the site “Anonymous” Replaced cedar roof on home and log cabin Second time using Deluca. Once in Hamilton and now Cayuga. Excellent service from Harley and Doug for looking after leaks before the installation. Installation of cedar shingles on our home and cedar shake on our log cabin went extremely well. Would highly recommend Deluca. On one of the hottest days of the summer the crew working on our roof were professional, hard working and respectful to our property and our neighbours property. A JOB WELL DONE. We are pleased doing business with your company. On time , showed up when they said, did a great job on the roof. I’m in construction and I know a good crew and quality work . Very impressed and would recommend to others. Brandon was a pleasure to deal with. He was respectful, polite and very competent from the first introduction to wrap up. A note of thanks for the quick response to our phone call by Chris Tratch re: a leak in our roof from which water was dripping into a light fixture. We have every confidence that he solved the problem on Mon. Nov. 29/10. Did a great clean-up and was very pleasant and helpful answering our “Trish” Dear Allan and Mike The Board of WCC #282 in the Villages of Glancaster would like to express our thanks and appreciation to your crew who recently worked on the reroofing of the five units in our phase. The crew were polite and courteous and displayed a high standard of cleaning up the area after “Wentworth Condominium Corporation” The crew from DeLuca were clean cut, courteous young men, who arrived and started work on time, did a great job and cleaned up after themselves. Hello, I just wanted to complement the team that did my roof in Hamilton a few weeks ago. The did a top quality job, were super fast and cleaned up well. I just wanted to thank them for their quality job.
According to what the history dictates, David A. Kolb was an American educational theorist born in 1939, focusing his publications and interests on experiential learning. Learning is the process through which knowledge is created, coupled with transformation of experience to fit the current scenario. Experiential learning concerns structured sequence of learning that is usually guided by cyclical model of experiential learning. Experiential learning is the learning through experience or else learning from experience. Experiential learning incorporated aspects such as executive and professional education, career development and individual and social change. In early 1970s, Kolb developed the experiential learning model which comprised of four main elements. These elements were concrete experience, observation and reflection on such experience, abstract concepts formation based on the above reflection and finally testing of the new concepts. In the spiral learning experiment, it is accepted that the process can start with any of the above elements but concrete experience is mostly admired when starting the process. According to him, this model was to be applied in adult education programs but it has currently received overwhelming pedagogical applications in institutions of higher learning around the globe (Brookfield, 1983, p. 10). The whole idea of the model is that learning experience can be disseminated through two continuums; abstract conceptualization concrete experience and active experimentation reflective observation. The result of this kind of learning cycle is four learners, depending on the adoption and internalization of the various types of elements. It may result to diverger (reflective observation concrete experience), accommodator (active experimentation concrete experience), converger (active experimentation abstract conceptualization) and assimilators (reflective observation abstract conceptualization). The model is used in establishing individual’s preference in learning. As stated above, the model is used in theory, discussions and practice in informal education, adult education and lifelong learning. On one hand, the model describes a scenario in which students are granted the opportunity to apply and acquire feelings, knowledge and skills in relevant and immediate setting. Form this description, it can be comfortably argued that experiential learning involves encounter with the real phenomenon under study and not a mental thought of the encounter or an estimation of a certain level of probabilistic occurrence of the encounter. These kind of learning are institutionally sponsored towards professional training programs encompassing teaching, social work or field study programs such as geographical courses or social administration (Borzak, 1981, p. 21). Additionally, experiential learning can be instilled through active and direct participation in everyday life events. In this kind of learning, the process is sponsored by the people themselves and not nay institution. It is a way through which most of us learn, since it is achieved by reflecting everyday experience in life. Although the model has received high levels of diversification, a lot has been done and appreciated in the sense of learning through experience, entirely excluding secondary experience. The element through which experiential learning is based is very much calculative and reflects real life scenarios and procedurals. For one, learning is basically started through accrediting and assessing it from work and life experience. Secondly, the basis for impacting change in structure of post school life lies upon experiential learning. Thirdly, experiential learning emphasizes and strengthens group consciousness and finally, this nature of education creates self awareness and thus promotes personal growth. Before the recent modifications of this model, the basic and original arguments reveal that learning process should start after someone carries out a particular action and critically analyses the effects of such actions. The same person should go ahead to understand why the effects happens the way they do, so that if a similar or comparable event takes place at the same time, speculations can be done concerning the immediate outcomes of the same. After this, the person should be in position to categorize the instance in one general principle under which it is supposed to follow. Generalizing the category is very vital because it should involve an analysis of a range of circumstances, as experience should be gained beyond that particular instance. After understanding the principle, it should not be necessarily be put into writing or symbolic medium since it only implies a close connection between effects and actions over a wide range of circumstances, all of which are prone to vary with time. An educator who goes through this process may come up with generalizations or rules of thumb on what to expect and how to react during different instances and situations (Borzak, 1981, p. 22). In psychodynamic or sociological terms, such people may not verbalize their actions because they know what to do in times of tensions between individuals and even groups. This is because the kind of education required to handle this state is gathered out of experience and multiple analysis of events. This kind of learning is also hardly transferable to different settings and situations, since it is mostly a personal adoption and judgment. According to David Kolb, the last step is applying the principle in a new circumstance which lies within the brackets of the generalization range. Experiential earning has been described spiral because as an action takes place in various sets of circumstances, the learner gains the ability to anticipate the effects of such actions in different settings. Kolb’s coverage highlights the use of feedback to change theories and practices and the use of concrete here and now experience in testing ideas. The model therefore appreciates cognitive development and emphasizes developmental nature of the learning exercise (http://www. skagitwatershed. org/~donclark/hrd/styles/kolb. html). Because of the above experimentations and speculations, David Kolb believed effective learning process must entail four different abilities including active experimentation abilities, reflective observation abilities, concrete experience abilities and abstract conceptualization abilities. This model is considered universal because it explain a cycle of experimental learning that applies to us all and at the same time understand peoples different learning styles. The model incorporates a cycle of experiencing, reflecting, thinking and acting to various events in daily life. Concrete or immediate experiences lead to reflections and observations. The reflections are then assimilated, a process that involves absorption and translation into abstract concepts. According to Kolb naturally, people of different kinds prefer a certain single but a different learning style (Borzak, 1981, p. 24). Personal preferred style is influenced by several factors. There are three stages in experiential learning which leads to successful integration and reconciliation. The developmental stages include acquisition, specialization and integration. A specialized learning style is shaped by organizational, educational and social socialization. Such specialization can be instilled through experiences of adulthood, early work and schooling programs. Regardless of the style choice, preference of the learning style is produced by two pairs of variables, considered as lines of axis conflicting at the end. This implies that concrete experience is considered as a feeling, alongside abstract conceptualization, considered as a thinking process. At the same time, active experimentation, considered as a doing, is considered alongside reflective observation, considered as watching. In this combination, Kolb felt that both of these activities can not be done at the same time in the learning exercise (Brookfield, 1983, p. 11). If an attempt is made to do both of them, then a conflict ensue and this is usually resolved through choice making when a new learning situation confronts. Ultimately, we decide internally whether to watch, do, feel or think. The result of this process gives a suitable or else a preferred learning style. Our approach is defined by choosing the way to grasp the experience and transforming the experience into something usable and meaningful through our emotional response to the experience. Experience can thus be grasped through doing or watching. Emotional response to experience is vault through feeling or thinking and thus transforming the experience. Reflective observation or else watching is the result of watching others reflecting and experiencing different events at times. Active doing or experimentation is obtained through straight away jumping in and just doing it. Emotional transformation takes into account other types of considerations. Abstract conceptualization or thinking is arrived at by obtaining new information through planning, analyzing and meditation. When the learning style of someone is established, the learning process becomes oriented according to the most preferred method possible. This implies that many people needs and responds to stimulus of learning types, the best fit style and personal learning style preferences. According to David Kolb, diverging people act with respect to watching and feeling at the same time. These individual observe things and make generalizations using different perspectives. Far much significant, they are sensitive. Because they tend to watch rather than doing, they use and gather information to solve problems. Given several viewpoints, they are the mostly proffered in viewing and analyzing concrete situations. Kolb called this behavior diverging because such people perform excellently at times when idea generation or brainstorming is required. People with this kind of learning like to gather information and also possesses broad cultural interests. They are strong in arts, imaginative and emotional and are generally interested in people. They emphasize receiving personal feedback, listen open mindedly and prefer to work in groups (Borzak. 1981, p. 23). The second group of learners uses assimilation, by incorporating both thinking and watching. This learning practice is considered a logical as well as concise approach. They value people less than concepts and ideas. This group of people does not value practical opportunities and experiences more as compared to a good and a clear explanation off events. They also excel in organizing and understanding information that is wide ranged in a clear and logical format. Possessors of assimilative learning capacity give potential focus to abstract concepts and ideas as compared to people. They do not value many approaches that are based on practical significance as compared to logical and sound theories. This group of people has been found worth in ensuring effectiveness especially in science and information careers. In environments of formality, people equipped with this style prefer having time to think things through, readings, exploring analytical models and lectures (Brookfield, 1983, p. 12). According to David Kolb, the third category is considered converging, applying both thinking and doing concepts. This is a group of individuals who use whatever they learn to solve problems in practical phenomenon. They are less concerned with interpersonal and people’s aspects but prefer tasks that are technical in nature. They convert ideas and theories into practical uses and applications. They perform very well in making decisions when questions, complications, challenges and problems occur. Converging learning style nurtures the development of technological and specialist abilities. They like to make experiments and stimulate with practical applications and new ideas. Kolb suggested that the fourth group of persons learn through accommodating, meaning doing and feeling. This kind of learning relies on intuition or hands on, rather than logic. After using approaches of other peoples approach and analysis, they then prefer experimental and practical approach. They are at all times attracted towards carrying out plans, new experiences and new challenges. They do not commonly act on logical analysis but on gut instinct. As far as information sourcing is concerned accommodating learners seek information from other persons and then carry their own analysis on the whole phenomenon. Since the time Kolb developed this line of thought, accommodating learners have performed excellently in and prevalently in roles demanding initiative and action. In completing tasks, accommodating learners prefer to work in groups. Their first mission is setting up goals, after which they engage in field work, trying different means in the struggle to achieve the objectives (http://www. skagitwatershed. org/~donclark/hrd/styles/kolb. html) By reflecting the way Kolb perceives, the process of experiential learning is very procedural physically and psychologically. Actions can only be performed logically if mental logic is also present. The earliest stage for any learner in the process is actively experimenting and conceptualizing the abstract. At this early stage, main focus is in hypo deductive reasoning on various problems, there are narrow interests and approaches to events are unemotional. In concrete experience and reflective observation, there exists a very strong imaginative ability, applying a broad cultural perspective in generating ideas and viewing aspects from different perspectives. Strong capability to create theoretical models arises in times of abstract conceptualization and reflective observation. At this time too, inductive reasoning also bears fruits with high abstract concept concentration. Lastly, we usually have concrete experience and active experimentation holding the greatest strength in doing things. Being risk takers, responses to problems are reacted to immediately and therefore solved intuitively (Brookfield, 1983, p. 21). The process starts at stages when no learning is progressing, stages classified as non learning times. Here, several individuals interact with one another by even saying hello to one another. The interaction reaches a non consideration point, where persons rarely respond to potential learning situations. A time reaches when one is reinforced but doesn’t change his or her mentality because of reject or simply ignorance. This describes a common mood of being non reflective. After induction forces, because of experiences, pre consciousness takes place, with every person skimming across the surface because of an experience they have never had. Practice proceeds after acquiry of technical skills, the language itself or being trained for manual occupations. Memorization of the experience drives people away from non reflective to non reflective learning. Through the process of contemplation, persons consider the ideas and makes intellectual decisions upon them. Reflective practice follows, that is closely linked to reflection in and on action. What now comes about after all the above psychological encounters is the experiential learning, the way by which pragmatic knowledge is gained. As per what Kolb’s model on experiential learning depicts, it is the role of the trainer or lease the teacher to find out corresponding types of learning that can befit each and every person in the class or the exercise. Improper understanding of the nature of ones understanding leads to a wrong mode of disseminating information and thus an information gap is created (Borzak, 1981, p. 23). Regardless of the above advantages and positive issues about the Kolb’s model on experiential learning process, there do exist some critics about the model. The model has been criticized by academicians, time related aspects and diversity in the world happenings of every day life. It has been argued that the four learning stages have never been proved to hold for all people. This comes after the realization that some stages can be missed out completely, jumped or even occur once in peoples lives. The research base of the study was very narrow the area left a very small area for further studies. If the model was very sound and applicable, it could then take into account other ways through which people can learn, rather than experiential learning alone. The model has thus been described by revolutionists as very simplistic and narrowly ranged. The assumptions and inventories that have been made regarding this model are culturally very limited. This is because it ignores cultural models of selfhood and concentrates on western culture alone. In another perspective, learning involves decision making, purposes, goals, choice and intentions. Kolb’s model does not clarify where all these fundamental elements lie in its learning cycle. Academicians have proposed that we have different kinds of learning, each bearing its own learning styles. The model does not rate its preference in learning style in relation to personal style inventories, behaviors or standards. Instead, it gives relative strength within an individuality context, making the results dubious (Brookfield, 1983, p. 14). From a philosophical perspective, the model is underdeveloped and too narrow, with too much restricted phenomenal base in psychological modes. Philosophers have classified the model philosophically unjustified and thus invalid. The model still does not demonstrate how transfer of learning process from one context to another can be done. To ascertain the arguments and recommendations of the model it would have been better for the research to be conducted by persons from different gender, education, culture, age and socio economic backgrounds. Mass adoption of this model can lead to dogmatic thinking and mental laziness, a state which does not allow people to explain change and new experiences using the theory. Regardless of the critiques upon this model by some people around the globe, the fact remains that it serves as a real life explanation of how and why different people have varying abilities in different environments. It is a satisfying theory to dictate the best instruments that one can use to make sure every group of people in the society is exposed to and enjoys learning, regardless of age and the type of institution. If the model is applied in all institution of learning the dissemination and instilling of knowledge process can very well be accomplished, through a fair system that pays attention to all.The model is therefore real to an extent (Brookfield, 1983, p. 15).