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First, before you guys comment here with pitches, try making sense of this:
In 90% of the Asian countries, they want native speakers from the five English-speaking countries. That makes sense because they're raised in an English-speaking nation, with accents like American or British, and so on.
But now, here is where it does not make any sense:
They're obsessed with this BA degree. This would make sense if it had to be in education, but it doesn't. If you're a native speaker and you have a BA in something like lawn care, in welding, in car repairs, in gender studies, or in wall touching-that's it! You can have the most useless BA degree, and that qualifies you to teach in most Asian countries, just so long as you're a native speaker.
Do they even know how much a BA costs?
Third problem:
If you are a native speaker with a BA, why would you want to go to Asia to teach English? You'd probably prefer to stay in your home country or in a first-world country, working in a field related to your degree-or even a failed career!
From what I have been told, they don't care if you are able to find your way out of a paper bag, long as you're a native speaker with a BA, then you qualify to teach. You don't even need to know how to walk! You can be as dysfunctional as possible, long as you are a native speaker with any kind of BA. LOL.
Japan, Indonesia, Thailand, South Korea-they all have the same standards.
And less than 20% of North Americans even have a BA, and most of them don't want to relocate to Asia to work.
And on top of that, you need to have a clean health check and background check.
So they're probably working with less than 0.0000001% of the population! LOL.
And they dont even pay a lot! | r/asia | post | r/asia | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyTlNiTjRDUy14bEVINTY1ZVFkaWRNWHJscHltZm9jOEgzQXNJSHluU3l1VUVJOVZvR1RJMVhJd25uekNleW1QOTY0NW1IdkNXWmVXSklMN3VCUVY5a0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzb09pSnlJU3lUY01EUXZWY0dsb29nRTczWnZjZGUzdlVGcHNpTVFCRXl3SDRtSzkxWTktTlpjMFhLaWo0VzR2MmtDN0xCNEN4TGZocEJSd1QtY1dSSmlsS3RNQ1ZpdnN6eldqdDBjZFJUUEdzUmwxLUxmRHczdmxLd3JuczFqU2NTZFpXOThTUUU3QkdrM1owOVBoZWJHTXZtdmtqVkpwUUJ1VzNWcE81Ui1JdFNSeHZ5TzFBQXkwMUZ0RDdCZUtW |
ig absurdism makes nihilism not matter | r/absurdism | post | r/Absurdism | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyakdIZUQydUd5dTB0M29nVmU4QVVTV1FCbTQwdWJ5b3JnY05aaEd1ZkwweXltalFJUjFVZktlMDgxYmYtNTZUUGxXelVtLThPUS1tQTVqMTNxdVR1YVZwRVdHWmhsS2FWM2h4eTE5NEtHblk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzQTZVcmZhUW1nZlpaZzZRYUM1S0R4RnpqdURoZGpZTU5uWUx0Um03cWdyOTJXQmdsdW9KZzlRN1M4bk9Rajg3M1FnUmpIaElnWTdMUFlvVjJ1dTVYZ3laalBvSGVqdjZMdUQtZlpiOWFjbVRuRTcyQ3pFZjhST1ZXU1lJLUJLYUhKUUdHckV0MDZQaHdlR1dOa2NHNXV5d3pSNENRTnlnZE5FU0g0TEtEcE81OThpZ2ZNZ25QRWprZVIxc0ZrSzRQSzhJQVBCc0lDV2xQc29CR0lRbzJNUT09 |
I had a thought; absurdism is realized in experience. You have to try things to realize how bonkers it is that anything exists in the first place to allow for the thing you’re doing to happen. Any additional thoughts welcome. | r/absurdism | post | r/Absurdism | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyYmY4SjdZdGl2WFhWV090cy1XV1RCekhtY0x0UmxZUWdTcXhnTmtpZkZCRlIxTWxWR3hvZU5YeFlLQmxOUmkyNmZoSk5qY2NxaUZTVmw5MWpVNGhSLUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzamV4M3BtcVRYMUdJWk5HYnJ3UjFMXzRvZm56ck55N1Axdl9sSGxFOGFjaHh4WENwZ1RLRFZYOW1aSmpoQmktZVpxZlRqSkY4aWxxeTFVaGQ2QlF1Z2FpcnlYcHhlSDNpNVo4UUt1NWg4ZTNQNjdrOUxnTzFkZGVxOGFQRmd4cDBVM0VQSk13MkVGaVJ1TVJSUjhZRkMtUTNTbVpmeFFyWUQ2MWQwV1pTMkZNPQ== |
So, from I was born we , my mom, my dad and i were together, shifting from different rented homes across many districts and places where my mom worked as a nurse in a hospital. From my first ever rented home when my mom got pregnant was haunted as there was an entity named 'bak' named in the local legends of our state, he used to mess up with my mom like catching her and dragging her from the leg(sorry my english is not good)he used to do the same to my aunts who came to stay but were dragged out and forced to leave and eventually after some months of me being born we moved out and took on a quater Or apartment provide by government for us. I grew up there with the bathroom being far from the bedroom or other rooms, it was surrounded by bamboo walls which had craks in it which was uncomfortable. When i was a bit grown I had very less friends and was very lonely even till date , that time i had my best friend named nicknamed dolly whom I always played with. So, I was only 3 years when many of the activities happened, first let me tell you my dumbness which led to my attachment, I and dolly were little explorers exploring the neighborhood which was a bit silent because there were no people over there . We went to a newly constructed (idk if it was constructed just then 🙂) but the building was always locked and no people going in, but that day it was unlocked and we out of curiosity went inside to find construction sounds in the first floor so we went to find those people out (as I said we were dumber than a blonde) but were surprised to find nobody there, we checked all the floors but found nobody, but suddenly my eyes caught something, it was a room unlike other rooms it had furniture but broken and a ceiling lamp but broken still lighted, in the floor was all kinds of rubbish thrown here and there and strangely my eyes caught on a red peice of cloth tied to a 'tabish' a word in our language that means protection against evil entity which was destroyed very badly and all the spell things were vanished, a broken talisman that's what I found and my dumbass took it home without even dolly knowing it. Right after I brought that thing to our home and kept it under the bed ,I saw disturbing nightmares of black shadows entering my mother taking her life and many more that i can't remember actually. The night after, I got up feeling the need to pee, usually kids wake their parents but i was a rebel so i didn't and decided to go to that shitty far bathroom by myself and before I reach the bathroom I saw the main door of our house opened so my crazy ass had the idea that dolly might come to play with me and decided to go see her in the middle of the night and i peeked out the doors and called dolly facing the stairs as dolly lived in the first floor and us in the ground floor, when dolly didn't responded I left the door open and climbed the stairs to Dolly's room and knocked but no response in return so i came back disappointed and closed the door and locked it and went to the bathroom after I did my work when I was about to return I felt a strong chill down my spine and a whoose of wind just behind my ear and i felt that i heard a whisper a faint one.. I got soo scared that I ran to my room and snugged under my mom's arms. I don't know if the after residents of the apartment also experienced something or not but surely I did a lot and the whole thing has become so long that I tired and if you want I can do a part ll of my experiences because there are so many that It impossible to post so much for me. Many incidents are there that i have not covered as it is not as that clear in my memory. The apartment currently we are in also have many chilling incidents with me being physically harmed. So stay tuned for part ll!!! 🍁 | r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyVlZsLWQtSVhrZDA5aGIzdTNidjdjb3ExZHpLU1daeURtQ25iRXBMVkc0aURIU0ZPcE9TMEZkaG9MVmM3bGZTM1RxQkNyaXhYZnFTZUgxQVY1MGdTZ2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzOFhKYmtkT3lyOFdOVDBpbE1TaVM1SFRiOWE1MzVJY2d0SGh3RC1ELXRlMl9qaDVIWjNjSXN5d05vVkRsVkQwOTBXYXk1RHduQU9xUDh5ZHdfODhPRVRwN2NJNTAtRml5SzB3TThLRENsYTJvS2szbVFoSXNDVzBIaDY3bkp0SEprbHZ5dXV4a2hQNlZtQ20tSjItUmN3X1lXNlBnRlQ5MmNUdkxjMzE0ZUwzVVFJeGhqV2ZMM0NHNmJyc2NvRlJQ |
i’ve always remembered this, ever since i was little—it’s always been in my subconscious. i remember being on a big cloud, and everything around me was beautiful and full of colors. i was standing on the cloud, waiting for something. i remember i was high up. down below, or on what you could call the earth, there were two happy people waving at me. i waved back. they asked me if i was ready to come down. i was so happy and said yes, i accept. what does this mean??? | r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyYzF1bzJ2b05sanYxbGhsZVJSWWtHUUpVOU5sQVBtcGZLSTFpNnN6eGQ3UUVVb3hzWU5qZHhScVY3Z3c0OEw1bTdGVlFlbzJuOGRiSno3Q05UMGlUMFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzNzFEQWtEX0VSN2NnaFA1OWZ1UVNWN0F4bjZVY3d6anUtck8yZ1Y1SzcyTnVSMzdwR1lMVWROWEoxSWUtUG9NT2NXc01uR2dqWDNJTmQwSzJkUVpraFFjZm1zTzBYdE1wY3lGY0p5YmNONE5ycEdYd0pCZVlJQWQ5ZTZxZHd1bEUwS1lfSjFUeVVrczUyMXdRQWVBQTVKa0tncHhWUnBfUkNGc1J4aU5SUy1NPQ== |
Before I start I wanna clarify that I know dreams are not supposed to be posted in this sub but I have no clue what to do because it's become more frequent and it seems like more than just a dream-
In this dream I'm standing at the end of a semi-circle(?) table. Surrounding the table are 7 figures, all are humanish except for their heads. The head of the table is a tall human figure with the head of a dove, on either side of them are these deer headed ones that have 3 eyes two of which are closed. To my right of the deer is a cat headed ones which seems shorter and more reserved. To my left is a raccoon faced one who seems similar to the cat but taller? All the figures have these white wings. I have these pitch black wings that feel heavy. The surroundings are box like and empty/white. During the Dream these figures talk and when they notice me all snap to look towards me and say one of two things, either "Your not supposed to be here" or "Your not ready" and then I wake up. Every time I wake up I have this throbbing pain in my back almost like those wings I had in my dream were severed? The day after the dream I swear I see these same people faintly there in real life and I hear them so strongly there. I also feel this strange need to fly? I don't know. I know dreams aren't really solid evidence of something going on but this just feels like more than just a dream. If anyone knows what this may be or if I'm purely just crazy please let me know. | r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFydXNfc3p5SjdiZTRETFlJQTl3cEFxX0lnMEtFb2MwdTFYT3IxLVhPcmlKWkhQbDhubTJuZ25pMVU2RDhPY1NoSG5HcmpRZEc2ZjVJUGRxWUtvOW5sZ3RVR0dzOG1zQnpiemNXMElWRTFMNDQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzTWdYZTRZd1lBZjFibi14VWpQaFNPc1VTVC1YS2NPMnpFWkNySGZ2YUNKUWktYnZIZ1B2emxkWWNMMEIwYTBjUXhOcmYtdGVxbnNxZzZOc2xfMmp3bzNWaEVpaU5yYnFzWG5nRnNfaEZsRVZCV0V6Q3JsWXJRaDdDdlFvVnRaUEJLT2lvQ3Zsb0ZTQ2VNbHpHOXktOE5LaUlLTEFDQVc2ZzNJSmdFWmFCZm9EZ1dadzZPczBKTlAzYmlFWGpqWURHSkEzYzVPQmFvM0hMaXRDX2h6TlpfZz09 |
Let’s face it: Albert Camus' relationship with absurdism is complicated at best and opportunistic at worst. Sure, *The Myth of Sisyphus* made him the poster child of the absurd, but the way he frames "revolt" as a response to the absurd feels suspiciously like an existentialist escape hatch. Camus rejects suicide and leaps of faith (thanks, Kierkegaard), but his concept of living in "defiance" or "rebellion" against the absurd seems like a repackaging of Sartrean freedom, minus the overt existentialist branding.
Think about it: If the absurd truly meant embracing meaninglessness, shouldn’t "revolt" also be meaningless? Yet Camus frames revolt as a moral imperative, giving life some kind of constructive direction. He critiques existentialists like Sartre for creating meaning where none exists, yet his absurd hero Sisyphus does the same thing—finding fulfillment in the struggle. How is that fundamentally different from Sartre’s concept of creating meaning through choice?
Camus may have distanced himself from existentialism, but his insistence on revolt feels like a moralized, existentialist *coping mechanism* masquerading as something unique. Maybe Camus wasn't so much a rebel against existentialism as he was an existentialist in denial.
What do you think? Is Camus truly absurdist, or was he just unwilling to admit he was existentialism-lite? | r/absurdism | post | r/Absurdism | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyWkszZjVnR3lSSS1UZXpfQ2xTV3Z2UFBmZXdwSDVPM0VLSzh6ajdZcVZwS0NlcVdOSXNHWXlzX3FKMGhWS2FxVHNEdzNubDZrc1BSWkh3WjU1QmZESHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzX3Vvb0xMSDhTZl91TDZacmV1elIwNGdiZDluNFZreTM2ajF2eXVWV1dERlNtU1dDbm1uTkx1S2FVSTdoU3ozS2tsbmhac2NjcjRuZGMyV21GM2YyRlVkbHA2bGxXSUxjcDBVdmpHYXYxalhrcmxDaTZjbWYwcUgwbkk4b0NFc3lJRzhJeWc3enlyVG1uNlhzS1dqdTFjQThzaHF2SnhoSVpVTGwwSFBJd0h6aENoX3AxbjRQN2J6cHQzNjh2Nk9VS0hpamg5blJZd1otOU9JWEo1M1AxUT09 |
Bhaona is a traditional form of entertainment and religious performance art from Assam, India, established in the 16th century by the great Vaishnavite saint Srimanta Sankardeva. It's not just a performance but a complete theatrical experience combining music, dance, and dialogue.
The performances typically enact stories from sacred texts like the Bhagavata Purana, Ramayana, and other religious scriptures. What makes Bhaona unique is its distinctive elements:
- Sutradhar: A narrator who introduces the story and guides the audience through the performance
- Dramatic masks (mukha): Elaborate handcrafted masks worn by performers
- Bhortal (cymbals): Traditional musical accompaniment
- Khol (drum): A distinctive double-headed drum essential to the performance
- Distinctive costumes: Colorful traditional Assamese attire
The performances begin with the Gayan-Bayan (orchestra) and often include the unique Assamese language alongside Sanskrit verses. The art form has played a crucial role in preserving Assamese cultural heritage and spreading Vaishnavite teachings through entertainment.
Traditional Bhaona is performed in 'namghars' (prayer halls), though modern adaptations have brought it to various stages across the world, helping to preserve this vibrant piece of Assamese culture. | r/asia | post | r/asia | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFycmx0THZUVUMzMWVGV29OTkhENklpemNKLVBRR3pyMlRzU1QwQWZQdGlRWnBSWXZMMGt4Z2VKbXB5ZnhldlJPS2pYS0ZxMHlXeU9LelQ5ZWRMUkRxQ2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzamR2dFIxczFhdEhWQm9wYVVWUGNPQkt3M2FXMzktcmRGN0djZ1U3b09lcWpVQXVhOWxRcGx1TTVLWWo3ck1yRWlhTG5US2JXSGlVdGRFemxBM2xreDhfcnRiT1pDZGwzZGlRUWhnNFBHVm5CMWg4ZUNZUkZjQW51T0JjOUpwNWNrakpkSU5WcUdXREFaRm1OOUpCMXFsaEdIZ21hTV9FWHJIRGVKMlNicE1ZPQ== |
I’ll preface this post by saying that I’m not much of an absurdist. I resonate with the idea, but I’m still new to this philosophy.
A few months ago, I woke up obsessing with the thought that we’re nothing. Like a balloon filled with air particles that spread back out and disperse as soon as the balloon pops, we’re nothing that scatters back into the one nothing when we die and leave our bodies behind, similar to the balloon’s latex that’s flattened on the ground. It’s a relatively fleeting feeling. I get it intuitively when I’m drowsy and then it becomes less intuitive the more awake I am and I think about it with the mind rather than know it with my body.
I did some research into philosophers who thought similarly and first landed on the Buddha, who although didn’t think there’s nothingness after death, he did believe we are nothingness. That said, I found absurdism more aligned with what I’m feeling. I’m not completely opposed to the possibility of reincarnation, but at the same time, I’m not ready to make that leap.
Since that time I first woke up with this absurd feeling, I still do get it and feel it intuitively at times when I wake up and I’m still drowsy. It doesn’t happen when I expect it to happen, only on days when I’m distracted and not thinking much about absurdism and such. Anticipation sort of kills it.
Anyone else wake up with a strong feeling of absurdity sometimes? | r/absurdism | post | r/Absurdism | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyeGt1OEQxNnNodGdUUXM5aVZ1dWdTeXBmSXFUZ3p1dnVWRDhtVWxQSEdZWXZyb2JhWFlsbEZ2Z21ubXFMYTV1WVV1UFAySU1SaU1oOEpPSF82UGkzRVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzU2dQUHRXV1Z1cTlHQWxaOWZrY1pFZEFkLU9YRlBhTEhiU3NzQ1J2cUJmbVNBdEJvdUFGMm1PeFljMmJtdUo0aDktOWhPNkhDMjJndUdBTnl3Rkh4SnJtVGd5WUczWlNCa2ZPX2xHNE0wcXNSU3kwY3JtNWVYdUpqVXQtX1VKVDJDT1ZYTDc0WkRpTjJ0eFNSNHBwUjNWS292MVRqQ190TEJEYlczRWRtX09QQUJhX0JTV0xHTEFhcE9pM2s2MUFGVG5CRlVITkgtT3cySTZzTkFTbFd2Zz09 |
There comes a point in everyone’s life when they confront the stark reality of their existence in the grand scheme of things. This realization can be overwhelming, given the vastness of the cosmos revealed by modern science and the relative insignificance of our individual lives. Even on a purely human scale, we accomplish little. We are born into circumstances beyond our control, shaped by forces we cannot influence, and drift along paths dictated by what we call fate—whatever that might be. Then, one day, we find ourselves in an existential limbo, questioning how we ended up here and what we are supposed to do with our lives.
The human world, built on traditions, culture, and so-called rich history, begins to seem like a bad joke—or, at best, a grand farce—if one is rational and perceptive enough to see things as they are. The perspective of an authentic individual is so bizarrely absurd that it could easily drive one to madness. Not that sanity itself is particularly sacred—it is often overrated.
Imagine being born at a specific time and place, into a society governed by laws, customs, and languages that evolved over eons from essentially ape-like ancestors. We may not fully understand the origins of life, but this much is certain: our existence is shaped by forces far beyond our control. What choice does such a being have but to play with the cards they were dealt? In this light, perhaps the truly fortunate ones are the stillborn—those who never have to contend with the struggles of existence.
We wrestle with the ape within us, and with the apes around us—a miserable lot driven by fear, greed, and lust, never content, never at peace. We are at war with ourselves and others, clinging to delusions of self-importance and fragile egos, as if the universe revolves around each of us individually. It’s a cruel irony: despite our inflated sense of significance, we are but fleeting sparks in an indifferent cosmos. The only consolation would be the fact this is going to end one day. Our greatest fear is actually our only solace. Our mortality gives us hope. The Idea of the void seems more welcoming than everything on this wretched earth and the imagined Eden together
| r/absurdism | post | r/Absurdism | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFybVFIaEp4MnRXZFFxQXFaNDJkSEI1dS11aWhKTUYzeXI1Y1lOSDZDN2xEZm5ZYTUxVFBORmQtVHpsNjlNclc1RUNBVUdFVUdreE1Ya0FSZDhKanByRFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzdjN5NTFqWDRncU5FcWQ3bnBtMWJBSm9CRGU1ZTJuUWxlVmVHclUxMFNvbWJhLTFzdkIzbmhJR0d0ZmNTYzQ1b0ZYaF9NVHRaT1pxb1NHdkhUbDd5R0JPbmVJSUxMU3F1QkhFZFRWS01keTc4bTgyN3NEckV2Z1l1dzdFNUFVNW55ckd1VnJQclJLeXZ2V0JvcmpYRTBBPT0= |
Hi, everyone, I’m David S. Rose, the Founder and Chairman Emeritus of New York Angels. We've invested over $150 million into more than 450 companies since I started the group 20 year ago. I've also written the standard book on Angel Investing, and one of the standard books on how to start a high-growth company. I'll be doing an Ask Me Anything in r/IAmA beginning Monday, November 18th, at 9:00 am ET, and running for about 48 hours. I’ll be happy to answer any questions you’ve wanted to ask about how startup fundraising works, how angel investors think, how to pitch angels and VCs, and how to avoid the common mistakes you might not even be aware you’re about to make. Verification photo and my background on [davidsrose.com](http://www.davidsrose.com/ama).
What exactly would be a good ELI5 explanation on the differences and similarities of these 3 concepts? How does each one view life, and how does each one live? | r/absurdism | post | r/Absurdism | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyX185ZVhCaTc3UW42MmN6OTZsOXRydC13UWtYZEY1R2FCN1FVRklTdFNvRzJSLUJ0cTQ5RlRRN0lLdUQwWVNEc3VDTE16VGtYeUNKajJMZnd6eFQ2b2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzQ0J4ZFlrRHRQLVlMS0dydFpwUWxDVDJrWlZ2MmlaNXVSRGhndVdUVmhwMW5URTNraXRCMVdRWVZGR0U1S3RCWHVwODFjWkpTLVBjY2JSLXBfa082WU52cGJHNXUxWDlCUFlzcWR2eU0yWEF5OVNzU3dWSW14TG5JZFU3Zl8wT21pV3JheGljNElhNEJmbFJfZlFsNzE4N0toLWQ3UUhNQ3N1VklyNjc2RXJhUWVRSmVHWjJrUy1UOFpxYWhXS1lm |
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[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/philosophy/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AOpen%2BThread). | r/philosophy | post | r/philosophy | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyM1pVWE5tcWpJMk5ZemFiMUtqelg2Z0hNUk5iNkcyZ2h1WC0wNFNLRVllemZlWnZwdkRQRXljTmJLQ19rbV96aGZaRW1obkM1SW13UlY2aUREZmpBWWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzMGZhZXNpVC1vbXpCRXBDVG1tbWUyQXRwbzcwU1IyNko4OXVRSG81Q3dSdVlTdXJ0TVZqcEg4UDQ2X0gxc0xadUJ6S0I5eTl5Z1BjVUJXcGRodG9TYXQwOVNaTlRSOFhFMDlmckhCY1duN1o1aHBsMG9WaF81dDJKZ0ZuNU5YTVVPR2paT0V4OGVLNEFVa2V6ZnlUMTVqVUdpLUZobFlhLXZfUjdZS0FUdE9WUWhWcGE1ZVNqUkFCSFlORXFWNUlVZC1kNnMxSHNJeTdBaFRtalQ0SGdFQT09 |
I think I would. To roam through the absurd infinity and explore interior and exterior of existence. What about you? | r/absurdism | post | r/Absurdism | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyWGNsVk1XLW9TNjZmeTRaSXhUbmxZSlJhU2NYREVib2pZNmV0T1NBSWhNaWVUcHFrYW5DOERJb3BqcWtHVFBJV0Y0QWZpX1lHUFR4MUVUY3lmbEtjS0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzUUpuMmsxUUY5cWFocW44WXpTb0tyV2d6bVRSYjg5RXo1X3ROUVVYN2NhNFk0b0FaVmt5c0JQZmhCNkVlWWtYUkNOcXpKUVA4NE9jZWk4cVVja1VheFFUbWlfZm9iLUJYZHhzSGl4N0h2YUUwa1hTZ0lVZFhJeXlSc01tM2Z0RHhmSUJlWksya1RyR0FYUHFxVDlMUTdRcGtYR09aQ3UwX2dlbk1vbFpJTnlWZVlseE9ZVktPcDhhTERuYXdxUUFkUGJfaGJ5S1AzSF9oeTVHbU5nOWtxUT09 |
Direct link to the AMA: https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/1gtw91l/askscience_ama_series_were_dr_pascal_badiou_and/ | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyNFVtQ1RYa2g3OVJzTTAwdnZLT0dkSWVEcEg5QnJxOHh2QXVIdEU5WGhqTEVKRjJYR2F2VVc1TmdkQWpsbHRJY2Rhakw2TndKY01oYUZxdFRiTG5FMHhiSnd0eURQUWlrWHFFQkEtWHZmUnM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzYm1uZEwwWFVGYXFiTU81M2IyeWhjbDQ2dnN5TnVUeTdDWGFOd001TnlVLWZkVzltVTFRZHdHamhOMjg1QTBkM3BYTXlxZXR4VzdwUTBtVlQ0d1ljOFFnSXFSSlh6NXVZd1VOb1d3RjZlcWxvNWpNeXBUMG5hOVY0b25jbTFfU3A0NFNXNnBsWG92WmJHbGwxX0dJYlpRRnhBLWhPeWc1T05GWk9Cekx0Q0duOE1odGFUdnRvZGw0cUlfTzkyekhK |
A few years ago, I saw something weird in Cumming Ga, in someone’s backyard by a small creek. It was around 4–5 PM during the fall, and everything was calm and quiet, with some birds in the background. I was with a few friends and my brother at the time.
We noticed this figure, and it stood out because of how strange it looked. It was cream-colored or off-white and didn’t have any facial features at all. The head looked football-shaped, not exactly a football, more like an elongated oval, and the rest of the figure seemed pretty human-like in shape mixed with alien. It was around the same height or maybe a little taller than a normal person, and it had a slim build — not fat, but not muscular either.
At first, it was just standing there, staring at some sticks it had in its hand. After a while, it looked up and stared at us. It didn’t move or make any sound, just stood there watching us. We ended up running away after that. I wasn’t really scared at the time cuz I was like 7 or 8. The area around us was completely still, with no breeze or movement in the trees. It felt too quiet. The stillness added to the weirdness of the whole experience.
About a year or two later, I went back to that area with just a friend and my brother, and I saw it again, only this time it was closer, maybe about 150 feet away. It was still staring at us, just standing there and not doing anything else. It didn’t approach us fast but it slowly slowly hovered towards us, i definitely knew it was aware of us. After that, I never saw it again.
I was wondering if anyone has seen anything like this before, or if you might know what it could be. A off white or cream colored humanoid with a football-shaped head and no facial features around average height maybe a bit taller. | r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyOFZuemljY3R5cW53OHVtQ2ZyQTRuUERzYVlpT1dyVm5weXVETjdzRnBPZlZleVJqTEVfcHg3b1dkZlhyWWNLVzgwWHdnYlIxaHJEcWpRdU5mTmxMVHZSMDA5WlhEZzNnUGZnbnZJNkg1Tnc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzMTJtSHJsSmZQZW9OWkdoRWt1djlST2xVWGJQY1FsRmtPWmw3bkhPWFhxQTZIWUJva0x5NENqenIyUGNucnlZWV94WUQ5Rk05d0JDQmtkSFdqWktOMDFiX3Z2ajl4RlNQSG02MmFqUGNiWmVLM01DRHhCdzVQVFk2bG5QbTh1UWRxdHJPcktLNWNEWWZVa0g0ZXpWWXVxNWMzcnFFclZhd1l0bGtnWVg3cElsUC00emRHY1ltYjJOM2czNnRQVEFvVlAxRDBwaDF6YkNkYkYwNTVJeDg4Zz09 |
Good day! please help me with the translation of the old Japanese/Chinese text. This thing came to me from my great-great-grandfather, he was Russian. I have no idea where he got this thing from. Perhaps this is some kind of letter or document, because there is a seal, which adds to this "paper" formality. Maybe someone can give me a direction, what to do, who to ask? Or maybe there is someone who can translate? Maybe some conclusions can be drawn from the print? I would be extremely grateful for your help!
#translationhelp #ChineseText #JapaneseText #OldDocument #HistoricalArtifact #AncientSeal #FamilyHeirloom #CulturalHeritage #DocumentTranslation #HelpNeeded #LanguageExperts #HistoryMystery #TranslationRequest #AntiqueResearch #EastAsianHistory #SealMeaning | r/asia | post | r/asia | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyMUpldHdCZFowVVlCVHVHOENkR3Vqc0JyYi15ZUxYSzh6QVlHSjZHNEVLV0FWQjJiVkp5ZnA1bE0wZ1pYUTVTSUNMdllGYnB0cjV5VmhXN1N2SEU0emc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzdXR4NlRfaVNzY2tZWTM0WDUyRmU2X2dOcmthaTl0aUJ4azhaOHVNbU1oN1hjQTBsOG5NdGZFYUN0ZjU4Z3ZEZm9uMDd3UU96cjNFY3czMTBvRUJlQ2dSNTVLSEdYbGxIOUNBYzloQ0lBV3A0QUh0LTdrU0w0V3UtMTZKVTFId3dJNjhNUU01X1hOdHZPdEpxeTdJRi1NNXVrWTRWMlBlTGYyNERqRktqbHktZFNWeVBwRzJMdDR1SXpxVnZ0dHkz |
Welcome readers,
The end of 2024 is nearly here and we have many posts and events to mark the occasion! This post contains the planned schedule of threads and will be updated with links as they go live.
Start Date|Thread|Link
Nov 23|Gift Ideas for Readers|[Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/books/s/F77h31Rfdp)
Nov 30|Megathread of "Best Books of 2024" Lists|[Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/books/s/GbHKzEhmc8)
Dec 14|/r/Books Best Books of 2024 Contest|[Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/books/comments/1he2g94/best_books_of_2024_megathread/)
Dec 21|Your Year in Reading|[Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/books/comments/1hj9e2y/your_year_in_reading_2024/)
Dec 30|2025 Reading Resolutions|
Jan 19|/r/Books Best Books of 2024 Winners| | r/books | post | r/books | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyeTBHb2RyTXhiYTNVTm03amVfbmJiVGlHVVREc0d3WWRjWDZFYkFhbG5fcHlOYjhxVXdZMTNtMzd3OWt2WG4xVXJtcF80UkV0Y1YtbkVmYTJ5UFBiVnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzdmxIM3pHZzFVSEdiZGxjODJvd1NOaU5lUkJ5amFTX2RqeU00aGIwbnNMRmdmQXRXLVZNVUxvMmxydkhyMW40Si1Nd2M3aDQ2blFrUDV1VUhaNkJzbG9LRV9CQmJlTG5uTlp4ZXlpT0RwQUZ0enc0dmFvTlhUSXB4aXFiR1Mxc2JsSEVXSklwZGctejdBbTlnX3d2RHFxT01IaG8xTTBKM1ZMdFFlSTBsRWUxRUJrelhQMXMzOVFkanV0SktsekNI |
The translator translates "Day B of the Yuan Dynasty" for me. is this the correct translation? what could this mean? | r/asia | comment | r/asia | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyYzdac1FBNDRCUV9mR1dqeVRkM3ljV0NQZm9oQ1h1cm43Sm83SWdjaVV5NkFfeFQ3NE5hd3pGSkVEOURZdDk2d1R5MVhmQ3I5WWRXYm85MEwzbzRzaFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzSTZ0WHE1NVhyeThLY01pZUxjYXFoa1kya3pwY3Y5SzhQOWF2czQ4VTktVE0tZU1iSHFXRm82NGRaZjVDZkt4Mk45NDNxajZweE4taVA0bGVIeWE5WS03aUR5TG1SS3BSblhxOUtWQkh5bUthOTFYeGJ4clpucmE1VnVIeHMtallwRXo3c1hwMjVpUmx3cVZUZTY5NF9ZbmlXWmZkVEYyX183YlUtcU1DNzVjTTFWNzNCMkFQN0w0MTVxUE9BTXB4MF8yNFNSb0pRbkxvQ0ZfQjFsd3Rpdz09 |
first white day of the year Bean | r/asia | comment | r/asia | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyVXUxSjlYTnBMUTUwUFlUMHJIWXBPSUcwekJtWEpJRDBUMmJKQXpSVWRkY0oxVE4wNVRSeFBqbG1LR2ZNNjNlcjdYbVlabTNpSnVoSktjeS1icmpMZlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzYUQ4SnU1b21ZN2pSZGFUeVhOTFlodkVqVzVlSS1vTGoxY0FaQUM2UWs3bFU4NDAzM1NwLW1IZkZkLXJuLVF6Y0NreG1ZQWh0YUMtY2M3MnNEQmNOXy1XRkV4U09ucTJ6SHZ0bnJPaFdWa2Y5blNUODV5U0gyZ3N1SGNDWlh2aDQ3NkZIZkxHQjRlRFhyc3RySXdjVmxEaXdzLXVNT0xiUnRfTDlHQVhkV3ZreXVOMDNxQTF3c3Fod1BOc0FIeXVNbHlkOXRWdHIzcExQWGJuNGdFRE1GZz09 |
Chat GPT: «丙午元白日 refers to the first "white day" of the Bing-Wu (丙午) year.
The Bing-Wu (丙午) year is part of the 60-year cycle in the Chinese calendar. The years associated with Bing-Wu are:
If more context is provided, it would be easier to pinpoint the exact year». | r/asia | comment | r/asia | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyTjJ1QVE4U3ZlS0x4SjZoelRkVnl4WDhYRXVrYmMyb05jUkhRZHVhYnFuZllRTHNQTWNUUXkwblV4U2kwWTZuU1g1bnlDOW5WdVNhRkVSZ1RlRkV5WlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzYTZoN2ExYjdfRWhUTzhfaGVPYWlNdXdUek5xak9UUHFpemxvUnQ1WnhQUkE4eEdIWXFSbUVXUmVDLVNGRWstNDZ0X2ZFUW1jMzBGdnhKUXNkZC1vb0s1emNyYVNtdWdoZ0VpSzB4cTlrelE1RDQ0Zk5IV0d3OG9USVoyM2o2RTlHRnRLUERUVjJHSjQxX19wbGE3MGk4Z2FLeXZ6Wm13VWNYZ1owMVU3U19FYi1fVzVtbjdPMjRJamo5dXZsUFgwWUJwLWpNZ0U2VnFRYlhuZnBhWHFjdz09 |
maybe it's 1906? but what does the first bright day mean? | r/asia | comment | r/asia | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFydFZObC1YcVRCZVhWSExLc1ZIQUc4alB0SlJJV21QSzE5bV9EaHRQcnIwck01WjJKczhuZTBDUUtvVEplcW13OTI4dGVDVW40VHFJN1Nqd21OZ3VNUXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzNFg5X2RybUg5aUNENlVxaU11U1FpU2lrMElQLWtwMXRwOTFEeGNVRWk1ajBfa0tBb1pELVJlODBrV2E3R2JudEJHdVkyY0l4NzV5ZnVGblJjMU91N2FLU3hJVXlVcG9lS3VaWndhWDZCY0dCT2RJdEpCbkx6amxHMVBkNWNNWnlGR2FVSnE0UU5JM3VIY05LbXVxYlpYU2JEVnBPVzhma2hBazNHUEs2cmhvVVh3T0NRRzc0bXU4dW5JeV90a3lVS04wQVFfemhCRGM1MHRISnVacDU5UT09 |
Jacques Derrida & the Absurd.- just a very brief view...
**It’s absurd” means “It’s impossible” but also “It’s contradictory.”** Camus the Myth of Sisyphus.
Jacques Derrida is noted for his ideas, especially ‘Deconstruction’ and ‘Différance’. Also for the great difficulty in understanding his works. [If you think Camus’ myth is hard! And yes one suspects he is deliberately difficult. Certainly for me!]
This is the absurd contradiction. One of his examples is the ZOMBIE = living / dead.
Also in his "Plato's Pharmacy" - and the invention of writing. Drugs can be good or bad, to cure or kill. Writing looks like a good idea, but unlike speech lacks a presence... we have the dilemma of writing and speech...
OK, what then, well one theme is ‘what is missing.’ What is not in the text, or as he maintains the is nothing outside the text.
As for literature, he talks of the blank margins, by which he means what is not written. And example would be a novel set in a white middle class situation, what is ‘excluded’ is somehow present. And so he sees a binary always present, and one in which there is a privileged side.
Just some thoughts re non Camus absurdism as contradiction. Then there is Baudrillard...!!! | r/absurdism | post | r/Absurdism | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyWk5Ydjd4MVE0bEl0Z3lGaEJJM2FkZTM1QnRiZUU4alUtRUk2Ukd2cUFSbTNGNHNKdUE0SElSSk5EaktQLVBiamNoNGpMTWd0ODNQWllWOWtIbmpqT2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzeWc5RUp1dDdGelVSWWJmNjlNVlB6akd4WXE3d1ozbm1NVHlvQ3RMUnh2d0JfeFI3Rks5bjFxQ1Y5OWt6V0VUdUFDTXBqZVRIR1FnM25uR2FkVzV0T1Y5QTRIbVo0Q3gwbnVsWHdVMTQxdHZKeEJvblI3OGtaMkVHQ2VvcFdoZ290RFZHVktnallUTFdKdmlSa3BjbENjRnJ3dU9kMWowYlZ6Um1Rb05xdG5ZPQ== |
I think this is the year of Bing-Wu (1906/1966/2026). definitely not 2026, definitely not 1966. that means 1906, right? what does "the first bright day of the year Bing-Wu" mean? maybe this is the first day after the war? | r/asia | comment | r/asia | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyYTRxMXF0Z1RiY2g0eFF1M2F4ZmE2NVpLNUV0bE1wS0k4Uk03cVg4UFU5VWo2NHNDQVBCaGlfUGFiem1ZMUU5cEJJT1hneVBFN1E3XzlpSWQzYWJzLUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzSENXbi05NjVkcVlLSzBUUUo1TzZJY2FOeWpCUGw2S0pnRjlLOXg0SmlYZVRjc3FMNTNJNUltRlM0WEdNVjBPMFBhNTlpdTdzMXp0ZndKcU1IUndTX2t1OWFZYTcwQnB4cnZXYVotUlMxSHNYZ19JTElPXzhGZnVEX2padmRub19xTXBFMVliWHgyU2lPSE9aQWctTGVMRlJpYmlVaTFjZHR0cUYwTTNpZnJNdVBCMWFtOFJlWk1VYnY2Z0NKNTg1Z1EzWmNoY0ZZOHdWWUpiV2RjTXE2UT09 |
the next column of hieroglyphs did you understand only one hieroglyph 全? what does it mean? or is there no point in translating it when the rest is unknown? Maybe you could ask someone the meaning of those hieroglyphs that you couldn’t understand? I'm sorry if you're already tired of me | r/asia | comment | r/asia | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyalduOE44bmd2VmlNWGE2S2s4bE5mb2EtVkVpX0NIc2VwbEF4azBZTkE1Ql9BOXJwWlpCT2h2MVpKakdqODFRNGhjTlJMNmF2LVk0QW85dXI3ejJpQVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzVWwzMnNNSVJpS3UzT3M1dVg3ZkZtNFdaM1lIQWk0UXNrTHFDWG5tcF9IdHNMbUlXQmdLdEpHZk1JLUpVNy1aWkJsR0FsNXd3TDdYWlNDTjZQQWc2ekZwOFRlMzhhU3Z4RXlHNDBfdWJxaFZtWlhRX3pWZDQwUFB0UV94Mno1d3NfYmw2U0xXQmdIZ2RUOGhvanZzVVNSUkV6R2s2aWZ3OEVmdVJ6aFhrTFBQb3F6czRhS0FaelF3VkFlWkVtbjBWV1lmR2tER3JOYXhMYXo5MW5TZGlBUT09 |
So interesting!
Tell me, did I write everything correctly? "?" - unidentified hieroglyphs.
丙年元白日 (first daylight in 1906)
? ? 全 ? (What's this?)
赠 (gift/present) ? ? ? 伍戈式 (something related to 戈式[name])
? 儀 (some kind of ritual event) | r/asia | comment | r/asia | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyaEFvZWg1NnJSemJMRzJSWmdFOFVTRklDUTQ3cDlvWmRKdXJjX3V5TUIzcVFrTjcxM0FoU1VWSm1jLTdGMWd3b1pqR0hSWTF1M0xULUJQdFVJSjUxR0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzbG1lRHN5Zm9zbUJmaWx2bEFnanFVVk1WZkUwMHN3R2Rmci10ZjZGbExMSUFHSDFuWVBnWkR0SE1aQnVLNER0U0tJQ2szYXNLelp1eUw3SUhVQXlkeXVmQ1dxLWJ2SzhkV1F5SnVva3VlNkl1WmZ6TmxrSDFFQ3RibU9IQlJMNmJBWi0waUhERXlPUG1RY0ppeVh6NXMxNjZodGVLMXpVckQtYTJwZ2lVRHhlR052ajRjcms1dXBBS2RnczMxR3JKUmpJYVZiSDhoYUYxMjUzTHljNmd3QT09 |
Maybe “the first bright day in 1906” can be said as “the first day of some month in 1906”? | r/asia | comment | r/asia | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFySmtXYUF3cEJaLUluVlNSM1Vsb3RBc2U1eEdNQ3E3MmlERFZSaE9DRzVFNDNqcUFramVvQkxyeTR5U1JJYkdIVTdPMG1VOVNldzc1RVJvNjU0dlA4UlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzNzFObEVsUHNodFRYYkEzSlVfay1udWlULUxsV1JyYVFnMXBVVWhLQTVMTFNPLXZsa1VoU1NGMDRVWklUM1IxZDFNaDMycHVKbEJ6N0QwdURnczRDUW1QNUJvMWFsb1BWUzNQR1g2OFpyZTgyU2NXbnhjc1JVRU5XYUt6cjhNZlZET2VjaTJUTjhPM0dIbG9fZWlyV0hNY3hHTzdrbUNNUVBkUEJSS2FrZVhiVEVrMlRjUDZodlBzNGNQUFZhWV9EelZob3AxSDVDOThGZ1FuRDltaXFodz09 |
But what does "? ? 全 ?" mean?
Could you ask others about the hieroglyphs that you could not recognize? because it is very important to me | r/asia | comment | r/asia | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyN1kzTjRkSjk5Mmg3cmYxdEI2YmRpTjNHM05JTHdwaTZCWGV3OFp1LVRmM1RqMGhiYkFrVGJobjc3Vi1tdzVZSW1ncWJDcTBZZTZtUUI1bWxiR09PbEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzTzZtQTlSN0tSNHJJTTVKaXFjTnNNaWpiV0ZOM1U1MEJWTnJvWTcyLXhtRlQxZU9jejExWDh2SnFOR3NSV2prcW4xeHBPRmlNdWFqMlpsVlEtNmRRWVRpOWpKRkFWbGpIdmprTlpvUko0Y0xMTjg2d0tkY3BROThOQzhnYXp4dGljRlc2NEgtSHJBQ09jdGM5NmdwY0xqTm1zbTRCSHpJV1M1TVotNTZuNTE1TmppTXVTcHRKaG1oaXdQWXl1d2pfdnMyM2MtQzRCMUhGQVoyNTRKdFI2Zz09 |
Maybe you could ask your history teacher about this? Maybe he will be able to identify not only unknown hieroglyphs, but also say something from the print | r/asia | comment | r/asia | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFySjJNZEtKUWhCSmlIM1htRVRQLVlWcWowZkxTSGlJZHMtaV9udGo2RDB2MkthZ3MwSVAxMzk1NndNT0tIT0lBOTAxaFNTNGxHOWpmTEhhSk1wbWpmWXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzRUZ5dGRGR3NYWTJTdkwwOUdSQnkyTzN1dGd3RmhSalBCWmVQX1FrU3FkcG10S01hODY5WmhsTHNtS1BQUEw5MVMzV1lYc084Z3RRbm9ZdzhaaEprNFM2YU1wOEM4eW5qdDJ1TUtmSGloT1Q3RENlN21oLV8wSG9fUzhMXzZaRWxPVVkxaUwzOFNoYUJRTThZOFdoU1VlMjdoZXhMMXhqT3lsV3Z3LTJ4bTRFN1pUSFRMN0lOZ2lxUV9Od0JlRmdnN3ZmbHVsQXJyczFxamlJb2VNSmo5UT09 |
Sorry, I don’t understand Chinese chronology at all. could you write, for example, "January 4, 1906"? that would be clear to me.... | r/asia | comment | r/asia | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFybjk1dWVLek4wWVZ0MklRM3d5bVRyUWFWczlNMXBzRzZIU0hBejdxZm1CZmhmdVlCOUhDeDJ3TnRjcTJUV25LWU1ZU2ZLZXRpVDByU09RZ2s0em96M2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzc2lRTlduY2lNWnVMREwtSHlYMzc3WXZndnJXeEdOb0ljN2R4SUYwbS16c0ZONWhtUDdNYjVwNGM0ZHhLWjc4RU5QeEJFM3lZV1lBUTFScEhIV29CVWEyWUdJUEhnWjRUMUZlRXBPYmJGOGdteDF4OXBSaU96YmoxNjZ3bUJQMk5vTVptQVlYMUpXWjVRUE9rcXBJMC15SkQxTUtMelc5c1FOcVZRWXNUXzhvRG9jSWVMaVdNODd6Y1BTMTNGaHFuNmd5UjRvU3dFbFlQQkJWaVVhTkJqdz09 |
what about a month? This is one hundred percent 1906, right? that is, only the year is known and that’s it, right? or is something known besides the year, such as the month? | r/asia | comment | r/asia | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyVXJkdE50ZEhkRnFtd0liTzRua1F2SDFIUUJXRGpSQmJ0cGxfS055dDByR3ZJLVZjTmpQT3h4cDczY2NiNUhIbmphcmJkYktIVXM1MHMtcEJuZTB4RkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzdEJkSUtPVmtaN185N2pLNkdvR0F0RzdwaFpVNzlsbXJsUHlVTjl3dThUZU04T1NFM2E5alZacXJFMmY1ZDB1ekhRUDhsMlF2MnZqbHp4WW00Ui1Vei1KNzFyb3E3bWQ1QWlGUkxZOWlSTXNUWWN3ZF9TYWxydE9RUEwwQjVlNmZFTHdJNlJseVM4OWlKUWFrRE1hLWZray11eU1oSkQxeFFLMDBmOUotY0RIeGxWLWlScVRlSUtaWUpQSU1adk1CbEFqdmlXYXJubEdZWjFEbTJaZHRyQT09 |
but the donated item is described in the second column on the right, isn’t it? | r/asia | comment | r/asia | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyekFkRFVYeEpOYlRvanRDaHhGa1Iyb1I3cnlBVFF5c0ZtMVNVeHZhVDBmWndIdUlPX0h5Rnh1TkNob0dqNnhCcFk2Ty1MNUIzU1lQN3ZZQldyVGN2Wnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzdjNqR1NlY1JvZUJZTUh5SWZTb1RhM0NDMVp4ME9XYmJ5ZjY4XzdmWldaLXpCOHV2cVJ2d2FhSW1EaFI1RWJ6ajJlUzVYcFRqMGZPamRvZG9ZN0Rva2V0SVBGVXlNeHZZVVp3ck0zNVhSXzYwbk9IeXMxX0JDM0UxaUtBU3VZaW5CWHI5aDYzUDEzVWRTSG52MnF0RjkyRVNTcExDcGttOC1MMFJPel9hNW1hU2NkUy1KMWxleDM4QjdYMkpCSDNiRDg3ald2Q0RnTXJ1bkRrLVlXd0lsdz09 |
that is:
"赠ʻxxx伍戈式", where is:
赠 - subject
xxx - subject description
伍戈式 - in relation to 戈式 (probably the name of a great-great-grandfather)
Isn't it? | r/asia | comment | r/asia | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyel9WOXk4ZlN2NFl0ZUp0ckhwZFVhc0s3dDllWnlQeHlmdWxVVmg5VEJyUU1hbnI5SFVYdUgya1ZfZUhwRnkyaEJVd2U2ejhfOXJCQUR5TVFPcFFFdUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzc0dIbXRkaVdXX0F0YVU1U3o3M0Q3Qjg5cllqYXN5MWVaekF4eEJDTkNocWlLc0M3Nzh5cFU3Q1hqc1JBamNoSFk3ZmFoRmxPWmh1eDdNUDVTSzc4aTNnX2ZEUzk4TW0wbFFkV2JkZXRQcjJmRTQ3elltS0FQTC1HVUNjS01RSnU4b3hOZS1JLWpCb19MbUxsQ1VfNmpDbjRDRnhMN05yS1pOWndtUFhwX2lSb1NJVmlpNFdNaE1HQThjZzVMU2pLRjd1TGh6aVhiTVFvRElieUs3RG5Fdz09 |
By the way, my great-great-grandfather’s name was Ivan Dmitrievich Ostroverhov. This is the first name, last name and patronymic, as is customary among Russians. Could 戈式 be his name? | r/asia | comment | r/asia | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFySjFlT3k2LUhuNlZTTGdBbWRoMHVwM2o5WENQTGZoTkNfT0pVZEN5T1R3NlFuMTFwbVk5SUJfYXRGdDJmbEU4bDFNS0Z1VXhuWDV4S2Z0bWVxcVE2Wmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzeDhNSHVJS25ySGdvX0g1ekhNcWxEUDYzUHotN0NtUS1SUUpzZUg2STVUQkFUZVZOMGs5V3p6V2VZYkdsVVhMWTljaWJUN1FyQXZsa1FQbzZSb3RsNWVOcUszQ2VyS1lkWTVRYmEwcnM1bGtmOUxnZTVYNnNkQlFRalFWU1ZFTTFYbVI4aDNPaVR0Y2RhTWQ5cm9VSFlsSE9qeDhCRmFiY215dml6ck9EQkJ5RHA0cHplYjF2M1E5cVBUdklxWEJ2Mm5kZHZQNkpQOG42TTVZeGp0Y0Z4UT09 |
isn't "X 儀" some kind of ritual ceremonial event (儀), probably in relation to someone (X)? that is, probably in relation to my great-great-grandfather. Am I correct in understanding that you should read from right to left? | r/asia | comment | r/asia | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyOEhzWU5WYy1kNW5NbEMzVnp4MGR6SlQxQzFiLUd6VmdmQlZlbC1TS3N2bGE3VXpzeFFoSUIxc2lEbDNISXoyVlI4V2F1eTdzT3IxRGY3OUNzVm12M1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzdFN0eUVIQy0zd3V4SUxBcnYzQnQ5LURYdVhQMWdsa1dwRmNORW5ELXZhTEVoX2xGSVRlVmVtSlFzWjN5NWZQdE1Db0NYTi1WWGFzWGhOcUgwRUsxd0NmRTBHXzR1WUwtWWRGSmhsYS1JZXdqSjA5dzNqS2xDOWYwTzZKOTFiLTRXSHF5M0VGVnZ4aENfblBDZDV5M2R4d3dMTHpDanB2TW53UnlaYVQzZUVaQmY4TG4wNmRQRG40Q3FjZjVIdFpSb25TZXNIMUFheDF2cEdHRlcyT2w0dz09 |
please check my entries and if something is wrong, correct it and, if something needs to be clarified, clarify it:
«X 儀
- probably the name of the donor
赠 X X X 伍戈式
赠 - gift/present
X X X - probably describes the item being given
伍戈式 - something in relation to 戈式 (name)
X X 全 X
- probably describes the gifted item
- January 1906» | r/asia | comment | r/asia | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyVTNjT3RPOW1nWlJtVVg1VFQ5QWZJbThvMGpvN3BYcTd4a21RbE5JRXJZanpqLUlTWkc2VDJLbndtWHktSzgyZTNvNk83Tjk3TjkxREhRZThqTlRxeXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzbVJPcUxDYm9ZTWpFM1BGM3hCNnFreHVMWEVKVURSOEptYm1CQW9RSl9jaDlFOUIxamZxbEktblJVUUcweHV0UldRSm9Fdlo4UzlmUl9fU3dWN0JtOUlpaWJQU2Zab3ViMkp5TVRtUG03TmVKbGFPTVotX0dyX2VtU3hwdEV0cUVFMzFLS0lQU0pvWGdxcVd5UGZJTDktLTllN3BHQ0NMYU91Vk90MURGZE5JSWR6MjRtcU5rREEwTHAxa2s4RWtrRWh3bk9tT1d4Zi1hRnUzXzJ1Y0RVQT09 |
maybe this is the penultimate emperor? | r/asia | comment | r/asia | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFydkN2U2Z4d2gxdzE3RG5Za3Rhc0w4bDEtT2d5SmZ0SEF6Q0hqbFVsbm9MWUcwcGpzUU9fQ244d0lYRGt3VkxCam8zcnRaYzZ3NjVhSG9HMnFjalg3TFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzVlo5al94OVg4cGZ4LXFCRUJuaDJDdDJZck9VOWZOS0gwNUlBY19TZFdOa3VfZTVjdktwMEFHc3FKeXpvcVNlejZNQlpZVG5jdEZEenB1TU9KUFZGYWdfaG05MnpFVDJ6UDJmSVUzc2t0WTg4ZHFwQUU3ZFV3WHlMWC1SVWwyU1BZYWlPNmdUVGU4SHYxY2QwamJTcVBuS2Q2QTVPelFLN0RUSXZka2pHWnZzQlIxcFB1V0dGSWRZdXlseHhpSEVaSnFEeDBybG1EVDk0dlAwQ2tHRmNkUT09 |
I doubt it a little: 赠 X X X 伍 戈 式
Why is the subject described twice? maybe X X 全 X is the reason why a gift is given? merit? | r/asia | comment | r/asia | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyZGJLOFk0T0ZkY21HVGp2b3FFYTJtMFRCZVNqdjVEeF81QzVTdURIYmN0RG5xSWIwd1lKaUd2SmY1UG53NGZfRzI0Wlo0R2NIZ3ZPQ1ZKWTVJMGt2c1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzcHhhSFBoRnN1VEFkcVBBcXg4NENPcFplbmluVWNfWUY0Z3FGWkx2U080MTkwWldBWnNKUF9WaG9rTGJQS1NmN3VKNk9qcFA0N3NBdUwtMjJ3SkFROElKbUJ4UWVuNWNiajhrOFZOVlZldjl2RDBwaThxZG82UnRNaTk2dU9fLWRzX1A5b3dNeVd2ZU5naXlXdnNneEJiaUZ6MGFZc0V1akFSTkJXV3FUSThHRmU3RkloR003Mi02VU9teTBJMGRIZkVzNTZMMnRzdG5EWFNBc3VlS1NHZz09 |
This is a very rare thing and I need to know what it says. I am compiling a genealogy and this may add information about my great-great-grandfather. I'm very curious to know where he got it from and for what merit | r/asia | comment | r/asia | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyRng3WGRBMG1sSDU1UG1VUjhUT1o3TnUxSU9wQXl6eHdmakxMNGhQa0hxckRfWmNEcmUtcldnV0MzQ2hzX01SdC1sMEVVWmtTZHlobjhyN3FqOVpZekE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzb3NCWDd3SjI3SlRNMWJkdUdpamVFbU1uUXk1RlVHQlgwTUN4ZWtwSkt2YVh1cTBfUTgtclRhd2dJaThtblljc2NBeDUwRld2WGR0YzQ0a3p0YWtaaXQ3Nlp6ZlNTM0dJQ3B1WHdOelBhdzE3VDFKVndCa0lBSHgyWmNlTTJVMDBDaXRPS3k2d1JzNEltR2llWlJrdWVmdmdYbXFFWGxTVmJ5TnJHQzhxM1NsekoyNWJTb2FUTUJFVHRvWUJTZzBwYW5QT0V4ejlVazNvWFIwczl6MDhKdz09 |
tell me, which emperor's name is written first?
赠 X X X 伍戈式
Please tell me what this means. what does 赠 and X X X mean? As I understand it, 赠 is an object, and X X X is its description. Is the gifted item actually described twice? Maybe, after all, X X 全 X, this is not a description of the object, but the merits for which the object is given? What does 全 mean? | r/asia | comment | r/asia | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyQ19sek5kMGdXWFZiVjVtcTQ2MklLR3ZpcWRKbWNJNkU1RXQ2Vkc1YlpybGFHTjFZQmdVcFdpSlhNNTU1TGR0a3lldnhORW5OVExmT3VpdFlneG1LaUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzNWlTLUJydkprRk56T2huSEFWSGdxMF8xVlc4eGtrTzRnTHVWcmlTSHVZVGdRc2RBdGtiTHVxVFFvLUtLNmNIYkJpSVY2M1NPYmhwOXltVVlrcGVZRXVlUHBlZUczdWo3dEpUWExLX19GX1VDNHpSMTdDOHJTQUh6al96aklUUnc1bVd5UVVUUkw1NlB6cTMtN0p4M0VmU0JlX3NTOEpoR3BGNWtkMUlUWms2QWgtTy1LQjQzcXpnWGZwRkZ6UE9PX0o0VTZNZml0NFhQUjNYX21menBJZz09 |
Maybe this is not 1906, but a little later, and yet this is the name of the last emperor? | r/asia | comment | r/asia | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyN2JjQlVJZWJjREpFRGJFbDFrLVhzTmhxUTMteTNGVTlhU1dzX1Jfei11Rl9xVTdURWFBa3FRX1BPQ0JVMTNmbk9CRzJHV3VxaHIwNXprMnMybEs3anc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzcHNLakNoVGJIY2dOQ3c3ZFljUVV0eDJ0ZlBmWC1mNV9oYm1JQkZBaS1VZ2dTZklZNGN3YU5UYXVyb1h3YXk1eUVCMDVGYzMyWmJrcXU4WnNXenBHREtCX1FNRzk0VWV0UENoTzlGc3hDQXBkaEphaTBkZFJQMWROeXFtcHlxd1Rod0FLdWVGazRsQVRJeDR5TjZNZnY5MWUtWERyU1NSRE9yRk5RdUpwZndjdk1ncnlwU2xTTk51MHh3azdfNlNabWtaV21UWldHTENhT3hqZER5b0xPZz09 |
Ok, thanks! | r/asia | comment | r/asia | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFydlpDTGNsczlidi1jS3ZiSVFTaWF0bEpaMTRDYm9SU2t6cDEwV1l5Q0NRLXVzY3J5Q2RiTks1VFZIaHZnT0ljUHNJY2oyMVN3Zk1ield1TVRYT2JxUXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzcHhBVXFEb2Vack1hRVdvaVFPS3g1WGhwX2Q1WDRGT1RvSmFjVE82RENZUURwRVRGTGViN3NTVWdLRGtPelBhOGZ6c0JCZU13TkxtVk1YTUNYWENIdGZUejVlUmtpcDRXR3JmYUVLamRYQm9Gakp6ZmlXblZ1Q3pUOEpwR0dHSXMzYU1jQXh0cWhybjJlMXRPVDNoYVFsVER0VnM0bFU2bHEtbU9rcmFMMVNSOW1wS01pd1RsTVl4Q09oQkVEZHQ0SkVMOHMweDNEN0dBUFlVNXVKVVBGZz09 |
Hello! since I posted a story about my Dogman encounter in BC years ago (I will include that story at the end), I was asked a couple of times to expand on my paranormal encounters so I decided I would put my full story together in order as best as I can remember. None of these stories are fictional or exaggerated. These are my paranormal experiences or weird moments in my life, so far.
—The Beginning—
My paranormal experiences started when I was roughly six years old, my first experience was very unexpected since at this point in life I didn’t really know about the paranormal or spirits.
One evening, I was watching TV by myself in the living room while my parents were napping. As I was watching, I suddenly felt a chill on the back of my neck followed by what felt like someone pushing a firm single finger straight down into the top of my shoulder. As that happened simultaneously, I heard someone whisper “Hello” behind my right ear.
At that, I sprinted into my parents room telling them I heard someone whisper in my ear and that someone was in the house. They brushed me off and didn’t check for me. To this day, I wonder if this event somehow opened me up to the years of events that followed.
—Closet Encounter—
After this incident, unexplainable things started to happen in my house. My stepdad liked to scare me from time to time, and he would hide in my closet before bed and poke at my feet to scare me.
One night before bed, I checked my closet and closed it, knowing nobody was in there. Not long after I laid down, I could hear the door to my closet sliding opening. When I looked at the dark crack in the closet, I saw red eyes staring back at me. I ran, flicked the lights on, and opened the door, thinking my stepdad was in there trying to scare me again—but nobody was in there and those eyes were gone too.
—The Eyes in the Bathroom Vent—
Another experience I would have frequently involved the bathroom. When I took a bath, I would always see the same red eyes from the closet in the vent above the bathtub, just watching me.
It made me extremely uncomfortable, and I spent most of my bath time throwing a wet cloth at the vent. Usually, whenever I hit it dead on the eyes would disappear... until the next time I had a bath, that is.
—The First Apparition—
One night, my older brother and I were hanging out, playing games. He asked me to go upstairs to grab him a cup of ice cubes (he liked to eat them) as I was walking up the staircase, I looked up towards the railing that overlooked the downstairs. Standing there leaning onto the wooden railings was a figure dressed in a long, heavy-looking hooded robe. Its face was shrouded in blackness, and I couldn’t see any defining features.
I don’t know why, but I continued walking up the stairs but I noticed that as I moved, this entity stopped leaning on the railing and began mimicking my movements in reverse. Every step I took up, it would take one step backward toward the kitchen.
When I reached the top of the stairs, the figure had made it to the doorway of our kitchen, where it stood. It glanced in my direction and vanished right before my eyes.
--The Second Apparition—
I saw this figure one more time while I lived at this property.
I was upstairs on the computer, playing World of Warcraft, which had just recently been released. As I was playing, I started to hear cracking sounds, like someone cracking their knuckles. I thought I was alone in the house at the time, so it struck me as odd. I got up and opened the door to the hallway leading to the same staircase and kitchen area.
When I opened the door, the figure was standing at the end of the hall. It wasn’t looking at me though, but I could hear the cracking sound again, realizing that it was coming from this entity. I slammed the door shut and locked it. About ten seconds after shutting the door, I heard a strange sound that I can’t even describe. It was followed by what sounded like the door being pushed hard, like as if a big gust of wind had hit it.
To this day, I have no idea who—or what—that was, why it was there, or if it was trying to connect with me. I also wonder if this entity might be the same one with the red eyes I had seen previously. Was it getting closer to me?
--The Babysitter—
This next part I was unsure about leaving in, but since I’m describing my weird upbringing, I might as well.
I’m not sure if this person contributed to the weirdness I experienced, but she definitely pushed my brother and me to seek answers on our own, as you’ll see here.
My babysitter (I’m going to omit her name) was someone who had connections to our family. Her sister worked on our farm and had her own horses stabled there, so her mother often came along. After a while of her being around she ended up becoming our sitter.
Not long after she started sitting for us, she told us that she was a “witch.” She showed us really old Polaroid photos of her and two other people performing some kind of ritual with symbols carved into a table they sat at. She also showed us things she could do, like moving objects around without being touched.
For a long time, I thought this was just a fun story and tricks, but one day, I went inside from playing in the garage and made my way upstairs, where she was preparing dinner. She was unaware I was nearby. I witnessed one of our knives on the counter slide about two feet across straight into her hands and she just continued cutting as if nothing abnormal had just happened. She never saw that I noticed, and I never brought it up, but what that sparked in me was curiosity and because of that, I started researching “black magic.”
After looking around online with my brother, we stumbled onto some websites that gave directions on how to perform black magic rituals, and so we attempted it ourselves. We went outside, drew a pentagram with fallen leaves, placed a statue in the middle, and began to read off the ritual words we had written down. It was at this moment that our sitter looked outside, saw what we were doing, and ran out, screaming at us to stop. She started kicking the leaves everywhere and taking the statue we had placed. She scolded us, saying we had no idea what we were playing with and to never do something like that again. Not long after, she stopped sitting for us, and sadly, she passed away not too long after that.
While this part wasn’t necessarily paranormal, I think the context is needed to understand how my upbringing was and how these events may have created a domino effect for more to come. One thing was for sure, my sitter had an interest in the occult.
My last experience at this property was more tame but still creepy, I was getting ready for school in the morning and as I went to grab the hair comb it just flicked off the counter and hit the wall behind me, I know it didn’t just fall.
This brings us to the end of the first house before we moved to rural BC near Lone Butte. I would like to note that these experiences so far are just the ones I could easily remember. They don’t include the noises I would hear, voices saying my name when nobody was home, shadows of people in my peripherals, and the feelings of being watched or sometimes touched.
—The Move to Lone Butte—
At this point in my life, we had packed up and moved about 5 hours north to the outskirts of Lone Butte, BC—about a 20-minute drive from our place. The property we moved to sat on was roughly 100 acres of woodland. We were in the middle of nowhere, and our closest neighbors were a good distance away.
Anyway, here are my main experiences at this house. I won’t include everything, as there are just too many experiences of footsteps, things moving by themselves around the house, people talking when alone, shadows when nobody was home… you get the point.
—The Closet Slamming + Terrible Timing—
My first major experience at this house was with my brother (who is very skeptical) and my stepsister. We were watching The Grudge at the time, and all of a sudden the upstairs closet started violently slamming open and closed for well over a few minutes. This terrified all of us and we didn’t know what to do, so we just ran outside and waited for our parents to come back home I did endup going back inside to grab shoes since the gravel was hurting my feet. When I went inside, I poked my head around the corner towards the living room just as the scene in The Grudge played where it's a close-up of her eyeball rolling from the back of her head to stare at you. I always found the timing to be so perfect it’s almost comical, but at that time, it scared me to death and I did not want to go back inside at all.
—The Schoolhouse & the woods—
So, quick context about the property I was unaware of until I moved away years later. The property we lived on in Lone butte was around 100 acres and was old native land, the property had 2 barns, one for the horses and one was storage/workshop but it wasn’t always just a barn for storage, it use to be a old school were the catholic priest would bring the native children and force them lessons about Christ, this place on the property was burnt down at one point then rebuilt. It even had the old desk and chairs stacked up in the corner of it. There’s been rumours I’ve heard of possible mass graves being tied to places and that these school houses were not particularly kind towards the native children.
Anyways, my experiences with this schoolhouse along with my brother is that we’ve both seen the faces of kids in the glass and lights from the workshop would randomly turn on and off at all hours of the day or night. The woods at this property were just as spooky, we would find old leather belts tied up to trees, pickaxes, machetes, long and deep gouges ripped out of trees and prints of large animals around the forest. We also found what I think was a junk yard for old vintage cars, some have been there so long trees were growing through them.
—The Dogman— (Repost)
One night I was in the hot tub on the deck outside just watching the woods, taking in the silence, it was winter time and we just recently had a snowfall that left around knee height deep of snow.
It was around 2-3am and out of nowhere this very large wolf, bigger than one I have ever seen by far came out of the woods. I remember its coat being a shimmering silver and its bright piercing green eyes.
As this wolf was walking along the fence of our paddocks it locked eyes with mine and we just kinda stared at each other as he walked past me, both alone in the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere. What happened next till this day instantly makes my spine shiver, as the wolf walked past he walked towards our barn with our horses in it. It became darker as it entered the barn but the other side of the barn still had a bright light illuminating the outside that I could see clearly. This wolf as it entered, half way through it went from the shape of a wolf to a very large, broad shouldered person. The horses didn’t make a single sound and this person that now stood roughly 7 feet tall walked down the rest of the hall and rounded the corner towards the open field but didn’t emerge from the other side, I never saw it again.
My brother had his own encounter with this same wolf I’m guessing, he told me that he woke up randomly one night from the feeling of being watched. He then looked out his window too see a very large wolf walking away from his window so I’m guessing it was watching him sleep.
I’m going to end it off here, I do have more paranormal stories and some UFO stories but it’s more just subtle creepy experiences and this story is getting way too long lol. I wanted to highlight the major ones I felt may of contributed to these experiences happening to me growing up.
If you have any questions I’ll do my best to respond or if you have similar stories share the link or DM me, Im always interested in hearing others experiences. If you made it all the way through this thanks for reading! | r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyRGp2bUJfSHBrMi1kMERZT3B0bVpVSEhyT08xR0JSQ0dVSFdOTkoycEVlalAxNHJiNUVhQTkyODJyeUVOd3MzdVZQaFpoV2VJajZqdTU2Q2M2YU9CRXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzTjdldlNRXzRZc1V2WFlyMVRTQXNqaHF5TEVlZGdIR1VhQW4xNmdCdTBWTHJJaTdQdkRwZ1lsd1lzOXVZLURYZGotdjhHUzQ4M3d0SXBDMk1iZ2RkX3IzTnZKS1I4dS1TMGwtRnJEN3VmWjFsMlJGdlFPTkRLcGgzM2xHanJVUDJqNHJkNC0zbUhKMU9qX21sQzdRd3VRZ3dnRE9CVmVXYU53cHBCV1lPQWhTdjZoUDZfemRWbDNUbmRzRGRwXzk2 |
Brief introduction: I'm not a philosophy student or expert, I just think its fun. If there's a more casual place to post this I can move it to not take up space for more serious discussion.
Alright so the Liar Paradox (as I understand it) is the idea that a person makes the statement "I am lying" or better yet "this sentence is not true." If the sentence is true, then the sentence is not true, it's false. If it is false, then it is true.
**FIRST** let's agree that sentences (or propositions) cannot be both true AND false.
**THEN** let's agree on some definitions (which may be a problem..)
**A PROPOSITION** (or a statement) is an idea which conveys information about the properties of some thing. For example, "the sky is blue" is a sentence which points to the idea that there is a thing called 'the sky' which has a property of color, and the value of that property is 'blue'
**A SENTENCE** is a series of written or audible symbols that can point to a proposition. A sentence has two parts, the symbolic component "the dog is red" or "el perro es rojo" as well as a pointer which can 'point to' or reference a proposition (the idea that there is a dog that is red). The pointer of a sentence can be null, such as in the sentence "green machine pants is." This sentence doesn't point to any proposition, but it's still a sentence. It still has a pointer, that pointer is just null (Just like an empty set is still a set, a pointer with no reference is still a pointer).
Propositions can have two properties: **SENSE** and **TRUTH**. Sentences can also have these two values, but they are inherited from the proposition they point to. So we can say "this sentence is true" but only if the proposition that the sentence points to has a truth value of 'true'.
The sense value of a proposition can either be 'sense' or 'nonsense', and it cannot be null. There is no such thing as a proposition which both makes sense and also does not make sense, and there is no such thing as a proposition which neither makes sense nor does not make sense.
Propositions which make sense (have a sense value of 'sense') are propositions which can be true or false. The proposition that the dog is red makes sense. It is false (or can be false), but it still makes sense as a proposition.
Propositions **MUST** have a sense value, but propositions **ONLY** have a truth value **IF** it's sense value is 'sense'. This is because truth values are dependent on the proposition making sense in the first place. A proposition that is nonsense by definition cannot have a truth value as a nonsense proposition cannot be true nor false.
It makes little sense to talk about the truth value of the sentence "green machine pants is" because it has no proposition that it is pointing to. Truth values of sentences are derived from the propositions they point to, and with no proposition there is no truth value. As it cannot be true nor false, it has a sense value of 'nonsense'
**So let's analyze the sentence "the dog is red"**
The sentence pointer points to the proposition that there is a dog with the property of color, and that property has the value of 'red'. The proposition can be true or false, so the proposition makes sense. We can (maybe) determine that the dog is in fact not red, therefore the proposition is false (note: you don't actually have to prove whether the proposition is true or false in order to determine whether a proposition makes sense or not, only that it can be true or false. Being able to prove it definitely helps though).
**Now let's analyze the sentence "this sentence is not true"**
The sentence pointer points to a proposition that there is a sentence out there ("this sentence is not true") which has a truth value that is necessarily 'false' as a truth value of not true MUST be false.
If the truth value is false, then the sentence "this sentence is not true" is true. If the sentence then is true, then the sentence is false. A sentence cannot be both true AND false, it must be one or the other. The sentence cannot be true nor false, therefore the sentence's sense value is 'nonsense', it has no truth value.
The sentence "this sentence is not true" has the same exact sense value as "green machine pants is" and therefore even attempting to talk about it's truth value is, well, nonsense. Just because the specific configuration of written or audible symbols appears to be familiar to us doesn't make it any different than "green machine pants is"
**So what we get is this sentence parsing flowchart:** [https://imgur.com/a/3YOvle7](https://imgur.com/a/3YOvle7)
Before we can even ATTEMPT to speak about the truth value of a sentence, we must first be sure if the sentence makes sense in the first place.
Anyways, as I mentioned before I'm not really a student or expert of philosophy, I'm sure someone else has come up with this 'solution' (which will likely be proven false shortly after posting lol) but I didn't see it after just briefly searching this sub. Hope this will lead to interesting discussion! | r/philosophy | post | r/philosophy | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyVU1iNndGLWYza3BMWmdFY3JzSklla0podnlPM3lfQUp2bGVSdmZEVjhIcFRtNm5vcndMTFNxdHVXejMyNTBiX25xYWRRWmZKUlhPbloyMl9PdFRkVmRKdktNa3hueFNBQ3BTaDFnSXpQaDg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzenRQYTBzbFRoUkc5c0t6TjE1RVpiNzU3cFB3dXdiVzNEeElzVHJUSWtISWlfVEdHNm9JWmNNQXNvUjBKZkxsOFoxYjZEUmRKQV9jMWxjYVZJZmFLbUlYNkZmM2lSamUyM2ZxdUoxTk4yeGtRUDU5bkZtUjc3S1ltNVA1MmN5NW5nbDB6MG1pYVVaYkNIVEZnWGdCVW01SHZaQTZzWS1mbE01Sm44eFJqYlRCUjh3aWlFTTBldlF0NFN4TXluLTdQ |
There was quite a bit of hype about Dynamic Tao at the start of 2024, with a test net launching in May (from what I understand).
But now I've heard nothing since - has it been cancelled perhaps? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyQkQyakI5MmxfUm8yRGpCVnRRLUxLWm1uOVVLRTJ6V1VQSGstTGF3Y2hueTdQU3ZFRzZCYVVKOW5VTjBwVmk4YmstbF94VFN6eVF4Z293ejZ1VDJHVG1zQ2hUcThQWEVVV0xNRS1iTXM1WDg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzN0F4N1BSalEtSUFLYURVRVk3enVVa0ZfcExXVWdVVWNBdnRNdkZpanVTM05IQ1BMeEEwdEI5YnhlWVljMlJWNjNURXVWX3dUWkU4by1oLUplTXAzSWJzcGV6ZEtxalpMTlk4Z3B1Wi11a2xFVHVoU0ZaeVF3MTZDclc0UTZDOXBBZzZJYW1Oc3pGN2FZMTlfRFE5NG94Y285eGlqX1RrZDk3bHMxTnRXcG4tZ09DSGZEX0RJQlJQYnZlLUNHblVZ |
Hi Reddit!
I'm Casey Calvert, the director of a 7-person orgy scene shot in LA, with Erika Lust as the executive producer based in Barcelona.
From pre-production planning to post-production finesse, we've got plenty of stories and insights to share. Ask us anything about the challenges, behind-the-scenes fun, and what it really takes to pull off a scene like this.
**Watch the scene FOR FREE** [**HERE**](https://watch.erikalust.com/lp/reddit-going-up?utm_medium=social-organic&utm_source=reddit&utm_campaign=ol_zz_lea_movie_202411_redditama_goingup) and ask us anything!
Proof photo [here](https://imgur.com/a/7KBXK8C) | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyZHBWX2xHd3hlVHBRdFBac0d3bUJicmlILW1pMEdJNUFSaWpuVG1zWUpnUlc5VThSczRheEFMNnMxbUJ4T0hLQnhDeTF6MHJ1bjFFV1h0clQ5QTdHeHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzUDE1blJBRzRGMElNc2RYbjRkUFdEeGc2UjZTUzRUY2wxTmk5ZDJGdlNGUlNtekdFV1VBWWlyeUpOSnNDSVNHRFhjX0JPaDZmQUFYdzhxYkcwRkV3UWp0RFhlTFlaY3BmVHZxdzNaQkNXLWpETnJtZnNMR285M3BQTXpmZTVmSmwxNzFLQ0ZWVGdIYk4xMzYyY0JIbXViRXV1MlBqbjBkZnNDT0l2MjlCMS12Z0lHSndRUk5UbU82ek1BWXYycWZT |
Are there differences between humans from 300,000 years ago and nowadays? Were they stronger, more athletic or faster back then? What about height? Has our intelligence remained unchanged or has it improved? | r/askscience | post | r/askscience | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyMGxodk5sdzVyTTV0VThoNXVMalMyX0VuS0NCTUR3TF9rc0ZNVHhobDNDdVBKZU4wUmdiOTBVdWxvaTl3YUlqM0NNVncxdVM4eVFLTll4clV6TFdxN0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzNldEc3YzWmJaZElsaTdqRXRXa29RZGh2UVRxaHM4Y3dQaUljX2g2TTJoeGJiTEsyQ0h4MTE0UGpiZnlseUV4ek02YzctV2tROVVYZmJiYnBjWjNsbnlIaVhlNDEzTjFnQ3RIWTlDVk5ZRU4yaEk2NjZOM2p4WDJSdUJ3MzBQNktoY3RhMEdwSW1Qd1N4M0Z0aTlPNV9TTUpKSzhxMXRHNjU2X2dzZjZyY2VPQzAxdmZaNFJmREpobmFlWEd5dFJVeUljR0pGVG9HUzhnTFVRbDQ4SHd5UT09 |
could this be 博儀? | r/asia | comment | r/asia | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyakltbzNweHFWaHJ4Vk5MWnhZc1RHZFBNYmZSYzFBY0puYUIxSndESy05c21mem0xdElRand3WUNBWHA3VE96NXF4d1BBZjNkcWE3LWMteTNGRzdkQmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzaU9WR2hOaWJGMnZDLUNrNlF6SWdhTkJEUWJSdEJqQmp4TC1Hb1lrUktmRmEtMUJrZDl5NnZaZzNqOWYxZjJ2cDNJQWhKcUVjYzdBX1lhaWljNnRkaWJ0dEhEX3hubnJpSXNVa1RxbUxGVlhSZmJSaTZGcllaSHNEUWdlUnFMNTVnMzRuaXh4QWdGOG10Y1hnUFBaU0JnempwUjBDeURuVjhVMmlvalBUa25VNVpQczk5NlhoeW9qS0FTaTE5b0I0QVIzQ3ZtMkNuRGY1amR0ZmlFMjhtdz09 |
丙年 - 1906
元白日 is the first day of the first month, isn't it? that is, the new year.
and in 1906, according to the lunar calendar, the New Year fell on January 25. does this mean January 25, 1906? | r/asia | comment | r/asia | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFycmFudU5JdmxoUDJHUTc0SjFtM1lVN1diQTBCRHlpTzRwZU83OEZwVXBLNV9OSUZqcEppQ2VEVFJZNWlRZkpzMWFfT0NnUWVZZ1ZLQXdIZTBZYi1mNWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzbW9qcGxZUkVPNEtCbTdPZXZ4Z1Jndl8zSVZCSGpsMVpfRk5OcmZDVTAwd2RKN044UThaM1ZhckE5OHNlTGVEQkFYMkZubGJCc2hvWllJYkdNa1VkclJjS1VaSVJjZEItRVEzbERScHlKM3daRDI1Tk9taThhd1ZKSWF3a1NpNkRYZzFWcTlwVGpBWVZVNEhMSFctUzB0NGlKX1UyMVZxc2draF9rbXFSamdpaVZaTTE0WVV0WEJERnJOcnlFb3M1WldmYW1zR29wZW1oNVMzcEpmT1Zidz09 |
I've been reading The Myth of Sisyphus for a while. I find it heavy and I often read a chapter over and over before moving on. I don't claim to have understood it well so far. Just a disclaimer in case I'm way off in my interpretation of absurdism.
In my opinion, you can be an absurdist and still desire things, but going over posts and comments in this sub gives me the impression that I'm wrong. The way I see it, as an absurdist, you can want things as long as they appeal to you on a basic level rather than being convinced by society that you should want or have them.
For example, I want a specific type of house in a specific city. Also, I believe that I do feel the absurd feeling sometimes, relatively clearly. I know it with my body rather than with my mind. It usually happens when I'm drowsy, for whatever reason. Even then, wanting the house makes sense to me, because the journey to get the house doesn't give me purpose. I'm not doing it to prove anything or to have a goal, it's just that on a very basic level, I want to have my own house in a certain city that I find visually stimulating. I go to this city and see the houses there and I really like them and want to just be located in one of those houses. I just want to be surrounded by what I find visually stimulating and I don't add anything to this desire. Same way Camus wanted to play football and watch plays for the momentary pleasures of it, I just want to be in a house I like and in a location I like for the pleasure of it. The main difference is that Camus just books a play or a football match and goes to watch it, whereas my desire requires me to do a great deal of work and planning. I'll play along with the system that society created in order for me to acquire the house, but I do it without the belief of any objective meaning all throughout.
I'm not trying to justify anything. I don't know if I will even try to be an absurdist. This is more for me to get something clarified and if it turns out I'm completely wrong, reading your comments will still be valuable insight to me and I would be one step closer to understanding absurdism. Thank you. | r/absurdism | post | r/Absurdism | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFySUE4UXI5dlZJc19fOFotM3FGV1dlNVEwVkhORGR5OVVmLW5ZdTJuLWl0OFhTb2JhRlRudTY0NXk4dkFqbFlabHM0Um5VSHRtZi1ya2JHTGUzME40T2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzNEF0ODZJT0VCOFpQMTQyN0NTRDViQnlxR0U1b2F2ZU1oVVgwZm5zY0kxOXFRUndOSUJfTmFXcWJNSlRxdW1UWi1ia0ZIMVZZN0w2b1Vxb3g5c0NOdTA3bVhXQlJodzZmb2dIcFpMMjlGWmk4ZjJMakgtQVJPS1NoOWNaTi02aFpQWXN5dTZodHA4ZGxqejVyZUh5bExTT2s4ekViTkpxQkM3UUlZRThjVE9MUl94VU0wYzdCOWlXM2lWcC1lN2htVFFGUUxaeE4zUzJXY2h4ZFhkNGF4dz09 |
So when I was a kid, I don’t know what year it was but I was really into scooby doo so that phase was probably around 2009-2010, I visited my aunt and her kids I believe either that or some family that wasn’t very close to us. Either way we drove there and spent a few days hanging out. I remember they made me a scooby doo bed and had a small chest of scooby doo toys and stuffed animals. I was watching an old episode I think of the super Mario super show that had an extra episode of the old show “Dino squad”. I had fallen asleep and I woke up wanting to get a cup of milk. I remember I had recently learned how to do it by myself so I was confident I didn’t need anyone. I remember walking through the hallway which at night felt very long and when I made it to the living room the kitchen light was dim and I remember it not being as bright as I thought it was. As I walked to the kitchen I saw movement toward the front door that was being illuminated by the dim kitchen light. Keep in mind no other light was on in the house. I looked over to see a 8 foot tall shadow figure who appeared to be male, he had a big head of curly hair and a long nose. Long enough to see well with his large shadow, as I looked at him he smiled and his shadow disappeared into the air vent, yes his shadow went straight into the vent not over it. And I freaked out and ran back to my room where I woke up my grandma who was my guardian at the time and she told me to go to bed. I later learned the house was build next to an old ancient native burial ground. It was an odd figure to even think about native people but I don’t know. It was strange and I’ve never forgotten that night. It’s one of few memories I swear I can remember like it just happened. | r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyaWVhb3VnckZ0RkhvM2tDSVpxZ2J5T0RXNDJUZG1sRVBMWkpyWG1nbnJodzA5YlNqRGxFemxwUnpCeEZKWndqalJWemJCV1dfYVcxU211ckpJY1dDNHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzQklGcWdNZV9SdnhyNXNrdnBUYkUwN0EzdXVQYThmSG85WnNrcS1CWTBoVHJwZ0VORldyYmt5MUpPV0Nad2hiVVFJSnlqSnlvSVpuODB1blh3VWZsckhNdEVaZWVKV0V1NXRNSHFfM0FyVkwyNGpJWnRPUTdhckR5NXlkckZPMkFfa2dwbUxmRWY5Q285NkEzVjI3U203ZE5nY0ROQzdrS2dtSzg4UGU5LWpmUjdyMllvd3ZJZnhxdlNNaHMzbXd1SFIwcWxMUS1JSFlzQXpQN2RZSUNGZz09 |
Building on my previous post, I want to delve deeper into the nature of time as a relational construct layered over something more fundamental. Traditionally, time has been treated as an objective dimension, a universal clock ticking independently of our experiences. But what if this assumption is flawed? I aim to challenge this idea, offering a perspective that dissolves the need for objective time while still explaining phenomena like time dilation.
**Stance:** Time is not a universal entity but a subjective, relational construct layered over **duration**—the objective persistence or continuity of entities as they manifest in reality. Our feelings of past, present, and future are subjective interpretations of the patterns of continuity in the world. ( Subjective here does not imply "mere")
A key test of this perspective is an experiment: **explaining time dilation without assuming time is objective.**
# Time Dilation Through Relational Context
Traditionally, physics explains time dilation as the "stretching" or "compression" of time due to differences in speed or gravitational fields. I offer an alternative explanation grounded in relational context. ( I have colloquially describe time dilation as time "stretching" or "compressing,")
Consider the scenario of two clocks:
* **Clock A:** remains stationary on Earth, experiencing Earth’s gravitational field and rotational speed.
* **Clock B:** is aboard a high-speed satellite, experiencing reduced gravity and moving at a significant speed relative to Earth.
Conventional thinking suggests Clock B ticks slower because “time slows down.” However, I propose that this difference arises not from time itself changing but from the **relational factors shaping each clock’s continuity.**
Each clock measures continuity in its own unique context:
* **Clock A on Earth** operates in a consistent gravitational field and speed of rotation. Its ticking reflects a stable continuity within this environment.
* **Clock B in space** experiences a different context: high orbital speed and weaker gravitational pull. This relational environment causes Clock B to tick slower relative to Clock A—not because time itself slows, but because the context alters its experience of continuity.
This Means:
1. A clock moving at high speed or experiencing weaker gravity will have its mechanisms affected in such a way that it ticks differently.
2. Each clock experiences duration based on its unique context, so the differences in ticking rates reflect how continuity is experienced differently due to these environmental influences.
Just as objects fall faster in stronger gravitational fields, the satellite clock ticks slower because its relational context—including speed and gravity—affects its internal processes. These are relational dynamics, not distortions of an objective timeline.
Think of how a plant grows differently in fertile versus barren soil. The growth rate isn’t universal but depends on relational factors like nutrients and climate. Similarly, each clock functions within its specific relational context.
Thus, the “slowing” of the satellite clock’s ticking reflects its unique environment, not an alteration of time itself. Each clock’s ticking rate expresses context-specific continuity rather than adherence to an absolute time framework.
This reinterpretation of time dilation doesn’t reject relativity but deepens its understanding. Observations remain valid, but their meaning shifts: (**This isn’t a rejection of science** )
* Free Will and Predestination: By dissolving the idea of an objective timeline, this view challenges deterministic notions that our lives are preordained along a temporal track.
* Time Travel: Without an objective timeline, the philosophical basis for time travel is questioned. What remains are relational contexts, not a universal past or future to traverse.
This is not about discarding science but enhancing it by reconsidering foundational assumptions. Time is not an objective flow but a construct we use to navigate the relational dynamics of reality’s becoming.
If we interpret time dilation through this lens, it becomes clear that observed differences are not changes to objective time but manifestations of how varying contexts influence continuity and measurement.
I welcome critiques, challenges, and what i would appreciate most is for the flaw in my reasoning to be pointed out to me.
Objection 1: Why does it matter whether time is objective or relational if the outcomes of relativity remain the same?
It matters because the metaphysical interpretation shapes how we understand reality and our place within it. Viewing time as relational reshapes discussions around free will, determinism, and causality. It also dissolves the conceptual limitations imposed by the idea of an objective timeline, fostering new avenues of inquiry in physics and philosophy alike.
Objection 2: If time is just a construct, why do we consistently observe slower clocks in high-speed or low-gravity environments?
Consistency arises from the relational dynamics of each context. Each clock persists within its own relational framework—Earth’s gravitational field for Clock A and high-speed orbit for Clock B. The ticking rate reflects how these relational factors shape each clocks' experience. The consistency observed in time dilation experiments doesn’t require an objective time framework, only that relational conditions produce predictable effects.
Objection 3: Relativity’s equations work perfectly for predicting time dilation and have been validated experimentally, so why reinterpret them?
I’m not disputing the validity of relativity’s equations or experimental results. My reinterpretation addresses the metaphysical assumptions underlying those equations, particularly the presupposition of time as an objective dimension. By framing time dilation as a contextual effect rather than a literal warping of time, we gain a deeper understanding of how relational factors like speed and gravity shape continuity. This view aligns with relativity’s predictions but offers an alternative philosophical interpretation.
How does this perspective resonate with your understanding of time?
Can you think of scenarios where this relational interpretation might fall short?
Footnote: Why Time Feels Objectively Real
Time feels objectively real because our perception of past, present, and future arises from patterns in reality that appear consistent across all observers ( Intersubjective objectivity ). The Earth's rotation, day and night cycles, and other observable continuities create a shared experience of temporal flow, reinforced by intersubjective constructs like clocks and calendars. These constructs, while grounded in duration become deeply ingrained, making time seem like an independent, objective entity. This interpretation aligns with human cognition, which simplifies and organizes reality for practical navigation, giving the illusion of an inherent, universal time.
Footnote: While physics treats time as part of an objective spacetime continuum governed by consistent laws, it also recognizes that time measurements are relative and depend on relationships. My perspective pushes further; time is entirely a relational construct, not an objective part of reality.
| r/philosophy | post | r/philosophy | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyWE1MZVJWeWcwOXBiSzIxcG1ydTU3aHl4bXd5U1piSnFaaUNHejI4TWNVbkVMQWpWU3UwTmMyakFtdnREMnJrVTZoaWVJR3JSMm1DWUpad0tBNVcxZUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzOG44UTFRa0hsYkMtRFh1NGk0Wkhua1d4OXEwQlBKenF3a1lhZ0VKQkJBWHF4YldQS0VHc0xoV19lUExIQ2h2amY2MGgxQUlWRlRoeUZ0TGtVLTBncXN1U2RQYkltMkVucENQWU5WWUVlc0llNXR3V1pYd1d3ZGItM3dzcmRNMl92YlNyWFJDbkgyZGNGaFVxakdXYTVwUzlCMkRoZmdtOU1MSG15NXFrci1seW9yZlZfQmJBQS1VSFBHWk51Z1ZORFdFQ21fQUlWVGNPaHpKSGJtVUJlUT09 |
“The Infinite Monkey Theorem”, suggests that a monkey randomly hitting keys on a typewriter for an infinite amount of time would eventually type out the complete works of Shakespeare.
Why It’s Absurd:
• Probability vs. Practicality: While theoretically possible due to the infinite nature of time, the practical odds are so astronomically small that it borders on impossible.
• Chaos into Order: The idea of sheer randomness producing something as structured and meaningful as literature feels nonsensical and challenges our sense of logic.
The absurdity comes from entertaining this wild thought experiment despite its impracticality. It’s a reminder of how mathematics and philosophy sometimes create scenarios that are both fascinating and ridiculous. Want another example of absurdity? | r/absurdism | post | r/Absurdism | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyRGRCYVJOMGdKWkJQYVVCWXhXaEtjVGduWXNqbW9IR0J5bVpJYU9odThfd3NoYVpueFNFYTk5RkRrTUxlWTZCUnJwMGQ2MFJsbVlfalhYd1NYRFo4ODlaeEwza0RXc1JHYlVkdmg5bXUxa2c9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzdjVpb0ZwRlh4cF9rZWdVeld6TTUwY0VNRzRsR2lzUFdfMkhCR1lacVAyX2xJTkotVjJLSlBKMVktMWdNRlZLNXBtWkhKR1Rmc1pPTVAtNkFwNHM4djh5ZmNUOXBkV3B5ZjIxSHFsZU9ZTTlScFR0RHVFdVNsTWl0bzVfemo4ZHktbmRqVmJtWFhMOFJXZEppNk13WTNsUXBMZGFHSUNWdExFVWZRQmlCUE1YS2otbUVmcGtSQmFwLUtUR3FoY3VSS1BhcDItTHlRV3ByU2pXOE1VanVmdz09 |
Okay so, this happened like 3 years ago, but it’s so strange and has been bugging me since. Okay so me and my family were on a road trip to the coast. We decided to stay at a nice chain hotel. Everything is normal for the day, but at night, I had trouble sleeping. I stayed up, and then I had the urge to look at the mirror. When I did so, I saw a tall woman moving her head from side to side. This made me scared, so I stayed up, eyes fixated on it.. Then, I looked to the corner and saw a shadow figure with a hat, it looked like a fedora. I stayed up about midnight, so scared I couldn’t move for the most part, but I could move my head. I was so tired, I was terrified but I fell asleep anyway, and had a dream I was staying in the hotel with a friend who had shoulder length blonde hair with pink dyed ends. The dream ended with her and her mom pulled into the mirror. Wake up at EXACTLY 3:33 am, because my leg was being pulled. I wake up, and I’m mostly on my bed besides my right leg, which was dangling off. The figure is hovering above me, and it was hard to decipher and had a deep scratchy(ish) voice, but said something along the lines of “don’t break it”. I tell my sister about it, and she said she saw the figure,but fell asleep and nothing happened. The weirdest part is when we have mirrors on our closets. My sister’s was broken. This sounds ridiculous, I know, but this genuinely scares me and I wanna know if it was sleep paralysis with a coincidence or something else.
maybe this is the name of some official. or a person who gives someone his property, some thing | r/asia | comment | r/asia | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFydDI4bng0N1hBdU9WQ042UzQ5Mkhqc01CR2ZubU9hSHQ5ZlpRVW1DOVFldk95dUk5SnV4U3J3T0Z1UWh6VnpsSWw1bnlxMlpYM3NIdHd1MjR6TDNoZUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzOUFfdFNlQ1lwM3JQd3BKZkhzZTlyeDRWRFJCbWZDc2J0WVoxZ1NEbDRETkR4eVNkWWdMWmZIXzgyR01hY3VHbTBiVG1VR0U3Sl8waEhCZTM0R3RTOGp4S2xTSU5UV1FKaW1rRDVKc3IxRHBsakppOWdxYktBUmxMR0Y2bmU5V1FLZkp1U0lLbE8yTW1razM3YVJkSWRNZm1LRFBtc1VyM1J5RUdmZWNVR0dxYllhcjktMnQ3X282b0RTb1p4TE9mc1FVd3lqaTQ3MFpIVnlaaEg2TVAwZz09 |
Could it be 拜伍全戈? | r/asia | post | r/asia | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyRVRNVkktaVM4NHd0S2RqWGY1T0NfYkE0UElGcE5udTRnLUoxZW1KSmdsYmZfcFlVcUJRM0NfUlpiWlVoS3JieXR3TWwxemdkXzRsTmpiYnd4ZUhjYVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzd2VBTzRFUE05OEowS3ZoOWxQR09ucDZqNzZYVUlpZXZaVnVDWEtWWGh3emFLQ0F2Q2FJZk82NDN1VFFvTWpzSXpRZEhYd19wZjQwYVRCVGpUcWpPN0FJLVdCWDNnMGRHcndzc1VQcFJWYUVJS2swQ0FDeXQ1bl9zTlRuejNlUllfOFJjanZEM0xEUFA0NWxTZ0dmYmlrNHJJamFlT19vRm14S0JsZHNENVEtVWpuOURPWTdCTzJPbzNhdkU2ZF9YdjNBU2RCZHhNYXk1QWZiQTF1eEcyZz09 |
Maybe this is a reward? I don’t think that if it was just a gift from a friend, there would be a seal and it would be so official 😂 | r/asia | comment | r/asia | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFydDRYWTZ2WVptOGZNbXNxRVoxOVFUQjJVVGZjaUZLWFU2MThrRmFwWG56MnJTUDZYUmZieHBUVDFnTS1zZmlrb0pUYTVSSG5mdl8wWHVjREM1ZXNnT3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzZEJhYnVEdEpOdHF3RkRHRm1zSWJNbzFYZ0Vyb2RBY21aQmhtU0Q0NlQ0U1FRRlB4UHd2T3hIbGZqdDRpYTc0NTZPV0NJOE5ncDl6YU51Y0o1bDF1OHdzM3pkZG83b09KQ3BiNFhEZVdCcy1jVERWc0xKMExOemhKcHVLNk1NTURMWEtxRkp0Tm9Ma013Z3ZoTVpXZlBDWG5EeVIxQWR4akxDakQ2d3d1TXNQVURWazdfakFZNEtEMEdjSlhzMkxEZTFWSVFyelBiTWdaNzZOYVFFMlItdz09 |
I ain't crazy I ain't trippin I know what I seen I ain't had any good luck or any bad but I seen one magical or just weird shit who knows but they are definitely real | r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyLXRSMXBUYnBIWDBuVk9JT1hoTjN4aEdiWUtPQTdjR3BGVWNLSnJYSHdYY2J2ZzZUSi1tQ2NFOVFtdVBDV3BhcVpaOUJXQ0lLSng4MWRRbmZLQnI4U1dSUlRFcXZxdmdOM0JIY2ZPcm80Y0U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzLXNseU1lOUd4RDZXOERWaGRRbUc5cEdBNVhUTEZ3ME1yNTBPT2tLcXUwbElVcFJUT1lxNnd5bDNTTzR4bHkxdzc0bEtzUG0walA1dnUxQ2Z0TDJwNVlaclNxRWdKVnZXUkwzRWJ0V1B1bll2RlFzYkh0ZzRlS0xJN1JrU1dJc0c1M0lyQlZvNUNWUC00QnZUZE1YMHdnQU51SF9UbFQ5cWhoN0hJS0x1Z2hVPQ== |
Hey guys,
I was scrolling through the sub and saw many people saying that $TAO can reach 5000$.
So here's my question, is this a long term prediction or is it a decent prediction for this bullrun ?
Mine was about 1k 1.5k in this bullmarket.
Thanks for answering :) | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFySWx6QTZBT1YtakxYclhZcGt4QXhXeURTcTNFbGtqVnVmR2dOeEs1TkhUTnZma0ZrTVJ5c0puOXZBRlhReVBPQ0pJN1F1M0g5aVZZRjhGX2NTVFV5aFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzTlJYUnUyZUtpYXdGel96WlQxbjJTU05wQW9UNE94RlJ5b2xVUWI1UDBvQV8zRkNFbnJuc2VMOGFWUTMwYVl4akVTM3VHWFV2Rk9HMmd2dXY2elFuRVJWVUFYNTMtY0d6dXZCTEdNUlZmWmJjam1wMzRpM3ZEQ1pEVXRkOUdndmoxaFpYRFZXeldjNWNlTFh6b0tqYmR0T3c4cnhSNWlfcmlRc0xyTVRCS2d3PQ== |
it looks like an official seal | r/asia | comment | r/asia | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFybzNyTjFvY1dqZ05BbDBKSWMxNFU2ZFA3UXlUZmNNV1hqdFBtYkR6QUROWEZtY2JLN1MwRXdjVGNSVHhyT0VuWmZBVDROWXZnbklFNXBnNWdla3dvT0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzNklQNklJVGFxQzBQVVFYS0s2MWdhNldBT0F6TWM3T3cyd1BvQXN4eFk3NjRlWXN0WW43QlFmWnVqbHlWSFV3ajU1Y09hZFNHU2lfWWk1SnVoeUdmeGkzWjBhZVh6OG10TjR5cU1vVkpHYkkwT21RR1ViZFVobXZob2N0b00tWnFadVpBZEQ5aHd3VGNQOGhZeldqdDROMXpvSmVVd1R0R2wtcnlIRTZPWVNJcFMtbGswdFRmSUZzZFZ1R0N2TVp6TDMyV3pWSGktbTlMRDlianlVWU15dz09 |
Could it be 拜伍全戈?
at least the first hieroglyph is very similar | r/asia | comment | r/asia | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyY3ZrX2ZxTUpyLXZSSVlrcVlWa2RlekFMVFJoMXc3WFhNQlNmckRpZEI4NHN1cUZsSl9GYTNacGZJWm9qUXBWSGcwVzhwZGRmV1V5aXNnOUZNbmxMdHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzcHlydU1hMkVuZzF6SldFa0RJUFBEelBpVDlwd09jb2EtMTgxUllPU1Z0cFNQZzVHdDZHdXBIZ1QzZmhVaDJhV0Uyd0RXcm5tSGVOaVJyUjFuSUk2eWlSYV9sRW5mRW9ZdlNsRGwtWXl0elh4MHlVMEdjT0RfbkFlNXVGdUhsRUJ0R0ZiZ0NNU1pfSW8tdkN2N3ZSODhWOHc1aEpWOFBhdVM1NDZfTmlsNjU1Sm41NjN5emhmaUpaZVcxRzdvdnZsRndjcENjX0gzT0xlLUNmQkFGWVAwQT09 |
Hi everybody,
Welcome to our weekly book recommendation thread!
We have found that a lot of people come to this sub to ask for books about history or sources on certain topics. Others make posts about a book they themselves have read and want to share their thoughts about it with the rest of the sub.
We thought it would be a good idea to try and bundle these posts together a bit. One big weekly post where everybody can ask for books or (re)sources on any historic subject or timeperiod, or to share books they recently discovered or read. Giving opinions or asking about their factuality is encouraged!
Of course it’s not limited to \*just\* books; podcasts, videos, etc. are also welcome. As a reminder, also has a recommended list of things to read, listen to or watch | r/history | post | r/history | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyWnpMVDFPc3EtY0Z5aGtfVDJiWWxkcWNMNXJVZUdqUVM4c2o5Wm01MG9YX2lOZXA1UFpfSjVPQkFWMkNoWHh3TktHV2ZRMFpwR3Y1RC05azBSTGlqMkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzdm1rWE8zcVBmYlQ1QW5MT1hSQlFFemRJSG55ck9Va2FRTURvaXFOVlAwY004VUZqLUE2cDV4aXVVS1hsZHZ4R0d1VExRS3pKQkZPUFlmbWRMbnlfclZYLW1paVRfS3ZoNC1kX1JnUEFEM3hHN3BWaUp5OTBwUl9HWnkxOXllcFljS3l1enBQdmRrR25QQWhpejN5bEtLYWhobXRNbXdvYXVRaXp5b3lRLUN3TzI0NG1wRnRaQjB2RDBOLVA2TXVo |
hello ! I asked this question elsewhere but I am gathering all opinions before making my decision ;
hey everyone I am thinking of visiting china but because of a very traumatic travel in th philippines I am trying now to be aware of the stray animal situation. are there a lot ? are they in a very bad shape ? are people cruel to them ? we are aiming for the big cities like Beijing and Shanghai but also more country side cities. Any info to help me out if I should visit or not. I know it sounds silly but I had a very bad breakdown after an event I witnessed on an animal and I cannot handle it without losing it | r/asia | post | r/asia | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyLWEyYjU0RjM0R05sX1NZTVVLclRjUURCR3pKLV9vaHptRHlRQlRNQTVSbTAxMXpmdC1CT3Bkd1VRNWhGalJQTnQ0Wlc3SjV3X190a3d5MTc5LTFadlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzQkd0aEhVc2F0MUNTaFFYaEoxblRLTTYxV1BLR3RlOGZkaGtxam80T19Rbm01NXFxT1V4aWR4VDBSUjRxMWpRX0ozOXZ4SFRrYmdvTDdQMHQxY1lMOUxwMXVybkVlZHVSbmJndzRsNUJWd1hWQk1OdjRiZ2tfRkRVRUtGUHJ2bTREaU9BeUFwcnJpSjZPa0RGMmZQVnlHbXlnczA5NkR2b2JqU1JneW92LWV3PQ== |
I see so many different posts on here daily about price prediction and i want to offload some information.
The NARRATIVE is far more important than the token itself. You could have the best token on the planet but without hype and narrative, it wont have 'eyes-on'. Eyes on is where profits are made.
The NARRATIVE for 2025 will be AI. Artificial intelligence. However, all ships RISE on a rising tide, some will just rise higher; a lot higher.
The top main NARRATIVE alt coins generally hit anywhere from between 1.5% - 5% of total crypto market cap. **(Example below)**
90% of crypto movement happens in the last 10% of the cycle. Its called a 'BLOW-OFF TOP' for a reason. **(Example below)**
Imagine each crypto as a company. Bittensor has, currently, 55 companies (subnets) in one. You arent just buying one company when you buy TAO, youre buying 55, currently. This is continually rising. Each being fully decentralised. FULL explanation here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reJiNaqJIfg&t=1362s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reJiNaqJIfg&t=1362s)
SMART MONEY is now entering the space in mass adoption. Drastically increasing the MARKET CAP \[MC\] of the crypto space. We have already hit a 3.2 trillion MC this cycle, meaning we are at ALL TIME HIGH, BEFORE this bull run really takes off.
Based on the above, i believe a MC of \~11-13 trillion is possible in this cycle, before 2026. Thus, here is the very simple math to work out TAOs value **\[see image\]**
The current price of TAO, as of today, sits at $490. Again top NARRATIVE coins will hit \~1.5 - 5% of total crypto MC.
Meaning an absolute pessimistic 6T MC @ 1.5% means a TAO price prediction of $8,571.43, a 17.49x from here. Meaning a absolute bullish value 13T MC @ 5% means a TAO price prediction of $61,904.76, a 126.34 from here.
Do the math yourself. **Heres the formula:**
6T market cap. 1.5% of 6T = 90B. Circulating supply of TAO at end of 2025 = 10.5M.
90B / 10.5M = $8,571.42.
$8571.42 / 490 = 17.49x
It seems crazy at first to think of another top-100 crypto hitting in in excess of 5 figures, however **BARE WITH ME.**
At the TROUGH of the 2021 bear market, (NARRATIVE was smart contracts) Cardano, ticker $ADA, was 15th in the rankings at $0.02709, with a MC of $702,337,218. (NOTE: The price of a coin doesn't determine how good it is.) Here's the proof: [https://coinmarketcap.com/historical/20200322/](https://coinmarketcap.com/historical/20200322/)
At the PEAK of the 2021 bull market, Cardano reached top NARRATIVE coin, hitting 3rd in the rankings at $3.10, with a MC in excess of $93,187,277,515.33.
Here's the proof: [https://coinmarketcap.com/historical/20210905/](https://coinmarketcap.com/historical/20210905/) (Note, that the peak was hit on the 2nd Sep 2021 and this snapshot in time was from the 5th September 2021.
CARDANO hit 3.98% of the total crypto market cap.
(Math: $93,187,277,515.33 / $2.34T = 0.039823. 0.039823 \* 100 = 3.9823%)
This is a 114.06x.
Remember how i said the last 10% of any crypto cycle produces 90% of its gains... the BLOW-OFF TOP... well Cardano was $1.06 on July 21st 2021, and proceeded to hit its £3.10 on September 3rd 2021. In 2 months it almost tripled in value, at the PEAK of the bull market.
HOWEVER, what did Cardano actually achieve?! **Not a lot.**
Bittensor is LEAPS AND BOUNDS ahead of Cardano, in terms of achievements and practicality / real world use, in direct comparison to how Cardano was, back in its day.
In existentialism, you need to create meaning in your own life. How do you do that?
| r/absurdism | post | r/Absurdism | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyTDJBeEVRM2ZlYzNKUGptRHUzUzYwYkNKbTV6U19lVHg2eWFwS0tXN21uY1RQUUEtNWgxNWVtTVZlR3ZEbkd1RVhsQ0FHdlM3OUZzSWNCcGxqQ1dqaEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzLUVOSVVZMTcxdERYb0JCVkE0TU9DUkJYMDdOeGtHa01QNVA0RlUwRjAzSnBYd1JXdWtKaHcxQVFrM2JVU0NnUWFyYzVqemZtdklPSU1vdEdUNk9PeEp0aEliRGl5TnBMRzd3TVFpZ2hzMGxuRzRaMTdtWlVEMXpKYWZ1QmMxQnF6cnVjb3paZnhrWXhPdFhsMFl5M0IzMnlNbHFJTFNReURuSnFyOFVTWUt3PQ== |
Welcome to our weekly feature, Ask Anything Wednesday - this week we are focusing on **Biology, Chemistry, Neuroscience, Medicine, Psychology**
Do you have a question within these topics you weren't sure was worth submitting? Is something a bit too speculative for a typical /r/AskScience post? No question is too big or small for AAW. In this thread you can ask any science-related question! Things like: "What would happen if...", "How will the future...", "If all the rules for 'X' were different...", "Why does my...".
**Asking Questions:**
Please post your question as a top-level response to this, and our team of panellists will be here to answer and discuss your questions. The other topic areas will appear in future Ask Anything Wednesdays, so if you have other questions not covered by this weeks theme please either hold on to it until those topics come around, or go and post over in our sister subreddit /r/AskScienceDiscussion , where every day is Ask Anything Wednesday! Off-theme questions in this post will be removed to try and keep the thread a manageable size for both our readers and panellists.
**Answering Questions:**
Please only answer a posted question if you are an expert in the field. [The full guidelines for posting responses in AskScience can be found here](http://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/wiki/index#wiki_answering_askscience). In short, this is a moderated subreddit, and responses which do not meet our quality guidelines will be removed. Remember, peer reviewed sources are always appreciated, and anecdotes are absolutely not appropriate. In general if your answer begins with 'I think', or 'I've heard', then it's not suitable for /r/AskScience.
If you would like to become a member of the AskScience panel, [please refer to the information provided here](https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/about/sticky).
Past AskAnythingWednesday posts [can be found here](http://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/search?q=flair%3A%27meta%27&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all). Ask away! | r/askscience | post | r/askscience | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyLTFDc0ZuVWsyVVpORklRcXlyMUVLQUFqRWtNVmowZmxvLVNGNFdPX1p0cGxPU3lZcXphMHVvTE9UTWd2YzFMZVlsZUVaajJXR05UWi04MktpN0ZzWWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzUVE1RENIWDk3aExLcmhGa0JNd2ZkeGhjTnJDc25rZGx3VDdpSUh4WVpEeXJyTFF5ZjJvVXFJTHhZTWNCelpkY3BSMlZOYkJmWEpnSFZDT2JMcllXQjI4dkZScE5Hb1lzV2xsN2RuVjdnM0JPZTN3eklGRFgtR2lYOFdfSzFXS0RHU1VsUUFtcTNuWWFHWE9yZ05hRWZOR2VIWTljQlVXNzcxQUdfWDVSd0tmNk9haFZKbG5DVFd1QWktZ3QxSEtB |
Proof! https://i.imgur.com/GXGOpEM.jpeg
My name is Mike Iarossi and I am the 1994 Nintendo World Champion and a 1990 Nintendo World Championships finalist. AMA!
The 1994 NWC was dubbed Powerfest 94 and the games were Super Mario All Stars (Clear the first board), Super Mario Kart (Clear the First Race as Mario) and then hit Home Runs in Ken Griffey Jr Baseball with the remaining time. You had 6 minutes total.
They went to 131 qualifier cities and 1 winner from each went to the finals in San Diego.
This link has info about the Powerfest as well as a link to the scores from the finals.
Every year I run a retro tournament in Phoenix, AZ at Game On Expo. I have done that since 2015.
edit: I'll answer any questions that come in as long as people keep asking so don't worry about not being here early. | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyQllHZUo2b3RlbHVzMXZKbzlTN1R5YkFHUFR3LTBoMGJoRnFsOHNpcWJHZFFfelllRlVkV0t4cjBnQmQyRi1yQWYteUJ4RzJFbjUtR3BRQnBIYlJLcVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzUEFLdXo5QUtuME50UDRQLXNSYm5SM2NYMDVLOVV6bnRVWEZCQWVkRHRYM2Z2WVVkYzR0SEtsd3hZS2VxcXhnOUhwbWNCNGlwWndZbUZ6TEhpUWtZaFVQOHNBLUtDdmlXak5aeWtka1F3SnhJR19EaDZFR29IWkg4Q25weUZBamlIck9Za09Jc240TjlNT0tCQmNvY2tQbEh5SEZReFBqSE5KMWxUN0ozWkFvT29aRWpRWlllU2xKdVc1Sk41bzBiNTRia1FOZDlVOUhIZGN5QTJHbDBldz09 |
Seeking to verify current Filecoin network parameters for comparative analysis:
1. Storage Cost: Currently listed as \~$18/GB/year - is this accurate?
2. Network Response Speed: Looking for average speed in milliseconds
3. Security Implementation Details: Current security measures and protocols
4. Decentralization Metrics: Node distribution and participation metrics
5. Data Retrieval: Average retrieval time (currently listed as \~150ms)
6. Data Integrity: Verification methods and success rates
7. Network Availability: Verification of 99.5% uptime claim
Anything else I should know about. If I get enough data I'll create some visualizations and share the here.
Thanks | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyVHlwRFhwUHFGdEd4cl9sMDVoNWdQVUQtem9zbW5PczZaZ1p5V1VyUmxubjhLMHNWS2dZRjFBSTdWRjM1M2VqV25JdDFFc2x6MWlzSGNqdWZQa0RLeFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzaEljOHExVVpPeEptV0Q4QlpCUXAxWldXb1dvUlh5MmNZUzU3RkU4al9BMXgzUnpoLVA5MnJkcHpvVTlTbE1XOGotcVU1b3NjZDYySERiVFhYUjJaX3VLSTV4dmZzUkl6UlMtRHMyaFBmbDRzTEFGVkZYNXQ1Yi0ydU52ZXJ4ZDdsR2JYRkh0eXdhZ3YtNzRnWTFDcEdOd3FVLUx4b1dmZzUzb1c5ZjBacUVVPQ== |
Hi everyone! I’m Katie Couric, co-founder of Katie Couric Media and host of the podcast [Next Question](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1119-next-question-with-katie-28008908/). We’ve devoted our new season to the election and what comes next, so definitely check it out. I also have a daily newsletter, Wake-Up Call, which gets you up to speed on all the news you need to know - sign up at [katiecouric.com](https://link.katiecouric.com/join/650/newsletters). I'll be taking your questions starting at 2 pm ET. So, ask me anything, and see you soon!
Proof it's me: [https://x.com/katiecouric/status/1859250431865881080](https://x.com/katiecouric/status/1859250431865881080)
UPDATE: I'm here and ready to start answering your questions! Hiiii! | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFycWMwSFFtandoOWxidmNYRjV5anBwekJzaGFycU5mc2ZCdlQ2RElEU1VmUXRqeUpKWWxWR0ZUSnY1Q2NJa2NWSVlhUGlmNFZuY2o0a19yakJaODB0bXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzeTNCRUtibE5sMmRLQkxpUUlKUkJfQWVVaVZVOTRnWGV4cTZuVGxRUDdDQ190Y2hsWEhSUFdBUURORXkzaXlucUxGZjRYRmhUaURxRzI5U1MwT3pBbEhMd1NjclJyWjhwc3Jzd1pIRWVoTWd3ZFg2U0FUTEZpQWplYS1fT3FzUVVhdlR5dEo5dGJESWVMVUUzVkpLZndqRzliUm5HR2dxeUdBNVZIbFMxeEFWcHlqVXRmQWhEVkxaTzk1b2RNUHhP |
Per the title.
Is it that the proteins self-organize into larger cell organelles, or...? How do instructions for making (admittedly very complex) proteins translate ultimately into even more complex structures, and ones that include non-protein "ingredients?"
Or is the idea that DNA are the "instructions for making life" an oversimplification and that other biological processes are involved?
PS. Just realized this may sound like an implied argument for metaphysical forces at work. To be clear, it's not. I'm sure there are biological bases for this that I simply don't understand, yet. | r/askscience | post | r/askscience | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyWHZGalJTU0JOSENHenV1NUFIbnZueTZYYV9aNEh0QURhc2NySDZ1bkhmelBHLWxSSHBoOEFDMDV1ajJDMmlBRVBqbkY5ZVBGdFhHUGdfSXJiTXVBZmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzXzZUWC1nYlY5UUtqVHdXRHE1YjBMQ3NmdlMzYmE0YndOTFktTWVxeWdiRUdSSENObXdoYlhQUmVCbVdBQ0l0RmdBakNUOGlWZDJZRUFPS0k1Q0duT2xCcExmRHpZLWlRa2N4bU94Smluak4zdU9iSDVOSUFJdTFjaDk2UFM5U0FGREhEV1A0RFJrNVVXX1V5czlyaHdWVnBwM0NKVTFnajQ0MGZ5emZPN1RFaHB5akNEdHJfWEF1U3liQko2V2VWaGJhWmotbzVhc2ZIZUhnR2dybVNRQT09 |
This happened just a few nights ago. I waited a few more nights before I decided to post to see if this was some reoccurring, explainable thing. It hasn't happened since so I feel it's appropriate to post.
My fiancé and I were going to bed around 10 or 11PM. Our bedroom is in the basement and our room mate lives upstairs. His schedule is the opposite of ours, so we have become accustomed to him knocking on our door later in the night if he needs anything.
Fiancé and I were having our final conversation before drifting off and we hear a familiar knock at the door. "Come in," I say because we're all pretty close and he knows he's welcome. No one steps through the door and I say again, "come in!" Still nothing so we call his name and, when he doesn't come in the door, I get up and open it. There was no one there.
"Huh," I sat and we joke briefly about how it's "the ghost" (long story short, we've had some other weird experiences, as people often do with an old house, but nothing as weird as what happened this night) and go to bed.
Fiancé falls asleep and I start to drift off. As I'm falling asleep, another knock. This doesn't wake fiance up so I don't say anything and instead get up and decide to investigate the basement a little. Maybe the cat is being a brat, or something is settling. I note that the knocking sounded similar in tempo to the first time it happened so I wondered if it was some pipes in the walls adjusting to the winter temperatures. I figure, yeah it must be that, but I couldn't help the feeling that the noise was very obviously knocking against our door. We are very used to the sound as our our roommate very often approaches us that way. I also know what creaking pipes sound like and this was not that, nor had the pipes ever adjusted that way in previous winters.
Well, whatever. It's annoying but no big deal. I go back to bed and actually fall asleep this time. About 30 minutes later, the knocking starts again. \*Knock-knock-knock,\* it could be something settling in the house but it so obviously sounds like knuckles on the wood of our door. The pattern, the tempo, and the hollow sound of our door. And it IS happening at our door. It's not in the walls or the ceiling. We have our laundry room a room away from our bedroom but our door is so thick that we NEVER hear anything happening out there. It is decidedly weird but I'm tired and have to work in the morning so I try my best to ignore it.
EVERY 30 minutes to an hour, the knocking comes back and with each occurrence, the knock pattern changes. Deliberate \*knock-knocks,\* fast \*knockknockknockknockknocks," there was even a \*shave-and-a-haircut.\* Each time I'm trying to ignore it and fall back asleep, only to be jostled awake again.
I had lost track time but I assume it was early morning when I was SHOT awake by a knock followed by a male voice saying, "Hey!"
Okay, so this HAD to have been our roommate. I got up and once again opened to door to find no one. Well, maybe he was messing with us. He has a weird sense of humor. I begrudgingly put on some clothes to go walk around upstairs and find him. Turns out, he's still at work. The house is pitch black and I'm starting to freak out. I go to the front door and see if someone was knocking there and there's no one. Of course if there was someone trying to get in all night, the dog would have been freaking the fuck out, but I really had no other explanation.
So, I make myself go back to bed. Maybe the pipes are not only shifting to sound like knocking on wood, but also creaking to sound like a man calling out. The night goes on and, though the knocking continues, I finally get used to it and actually get a few hours sleep...
Until around 7AM when my fiancé and I LEAP out of bed to another obvious "Hey!" From outside the room. One last time, I open the door to find no one. I confirm with her that yes, she woke up because of the "hey" and I explain to her that I've been dealing with the knocking all night.
Roommate doesn't come home until later in the day and I ask him if he tried to talk to us the previous night. He confirms that never came home and stayed at a friend's house. I tell him what happened and he's as stumped as we are.
Like I said at the top, we waited the following nights to see if there would be any more weird house sounds and, even as things have warmed up and cooled down again, there have been no more weird noises to suggest pipes or other old house sounds.
In general, we're fans of paranormal activity stuff but I always err on skepticism. This was probably the weirdest things to happen to us at this house and I still don't know what it could have been if not some genuine high strangeness. | r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyWktvRHRiWG0zRHM5ZGJKX3VRcW1ETlJwZXY3cUpNWXVSZFpTT0hkM0dQcWJtSmJHclJmU3FxTnJlcG94cXg5LWdYaERhUHlfN2FYMUR0X3k4MzFUZ2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzNG5Xck9TT1AtRG85X1pmQ3NUOHRzQmdVRmFiWEN1R3VheHU5TFQwOU4wR1BzZ3FlTUR4SEZMbmdWY2VfcnZPV2NRYjRwZENhaE1BN3VZclp0cTVvT2xlM082YWtsMi13ODdUMnpfaDJsRXptenNIZFhzZGNLaUlEWFFXTUNCWEJPQTkwLVNGOGl4d21qTXNxd1hwNlNkd1VjLVEyOUJsYm5qMnhRVjNpOW1FLWx2WExSdU1rTjB6XzJZUjVUN3lnSWFoWGdIdUpPZTlRUkExZ2hQOFRHZz09 |
Heard about this subreddit while doom scrolling creppy videos so figured I'd share my main experience with spooky things.
When I was growing up and still young enough to go to my parents room when I was scared in the middle of the night I would sometimes wake up at who knows what time feeling dread and just wanting to go to my parents room to feel safe.
to give a bit of an image of how the rooms are set up the hallway is a bit of an L shape, my room being at the end of the smaller side with my parents being at the end of the longer one with a few rooms off to the side. As I would leave my room, turning around the corner and get half way down the hallway on the long part Id always feel the need to look behind me and when I would Id see this long human like figure that almost went to the ceiling made out of see through static, kinda like the stuff ya see when you rub your eyes too hard but still kinda see through. It'd be slowly coming closer to me, not physically making any movements, just slowly getting closer and closer and when I'd see it I would just be hella scared and all I knew was 'that thing isnt good, dont let it near me' so Id book it the rest of the way to my parents room and turning around it'd be gone.
The weird thing is that if it was a one time thing i could just think "ahhh, it was just my kid brain being goofy" or something. But I remember it happening time after time. Not back to back days, but definitely happened a few times and was the same exact situation each time.
Its kinda unfortunate that this is like the main thing I can remember from my childhood with my memory being crap. But does make for a pretty cool story for when me and someone talk about paranormal stuff. Though am curious on what other people think it is.
| r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyRkhfWlYzaGxaVDJzZnZrNnFoTWhvZkh4UWFxdDZFNjItU2xpRjk5dWtRMnA5ckk4WWljN1k0Ylo1Q1hlblpxZ28xYjRRbmpOSXd3QUtlaDQySGJueFlPcThBUnlBUFJyTm01TEViMXZUZHM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzUmlncG5XcjdMMmdlYlM2aTdrQk5RclpzOXdUbWs4YklHUFg4cXdpLW5wSV9KTnctTEV0WGdfbTh5RjFaSG1XWEdOZURSeG1aZml3UFM5MHZVMEsyNVV5N1UwX3A2NmtHbGhqVFIwSUNXeFMyY2pZXy1fOGl2OE1JMnlsZEI2cDN0dmJnZVpwdUJjVVFvRVdKejhRRFpVWG5iVW5XaUN2QnJTckpyMmMybzNrV3FiaURydnQ4ay1CY0lzeXpLV2daeENrbEFqZlhNNFdfRWxjaWhRdFRZUT09 |
I am not really sure. The concept of meaning is based on human thinking. The same applies to the idea that we have a need and through thoughts we often come to realize the world often doesn't corresponds nor aligns with our needs, however big or small they are, without providing us any explanation. But is there absurd outside of human thought?
What do you think? | r/absurdism | post | r/Absurdism | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyMXRxeGJCcGdjTk1RdkdRVGZGU2RyNzhDZlFNX1A5QW9COXlkeDJ0cDNYXzlOa2Z5LVRyYzZFWWY2M3NOZ01yS2trYUo1U1VpemlrWmRRekJQQnY3NkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzdEY5a19YeEVpQy00RVhzY1Z2eGZPTUpnTmNJQ2NuRjJDbjV5LVpaTVFOU0RCU0lzQnFQZjJ2NmEwS2xDYVpVRzliYzEwWHhHUy1Dd2RhYTVqQU1LcWF2Mm1sM2tMZmNEYkZQZUNhNXg5cENzc0tBZkRnMlNHZXhOY2Q5ME5GWGMzWnY2bFRkR3k4M19XWmdhZVRyeDBZTGlZelpoTTFaNm9rS2gzWTh0ZVAtdVdiMTVrWVlzRkJ0VGJDY0l3OEIxeHMyTWEyUGlhZmVWN3pnX2JMNWJXdz09 |
My daily staking rewards are WAY smaller than what the staking calculator at taostats.io prepredicts. Any buddy having same issue? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyXzk4VUZRTkJCbDF1UEQtMWdQUUxDcHMwRktuN3p4aWxtYXNxZ1FaN2VaSldYY3NWNlo5b3FDNlo3NjhCZThlVWgtSkZiNVRyRVRvN0FYRGlnMUV0c1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzVGxUVE1FdDBhNzZPYkNnYVp0UElfSGtpV3Y1SEk2cGRTaGZaRUhVZlc1U3Z2cTE5eUZ2QnlKaG92dzNSTHdIQy01QjFyanRCT1BiNXVHOHV3dW5WUGl0WVlCc2syRHZ6N0JTd3NpQjBJNzljdG43WkdSNlgtdjFDaHNoQUdBcElWTmhJamlqYUdMQXlDQmhxMGNvN0dfSHhfaFZCeHdpT3V5QWEzaFlWRjBFPQ== |
This may be a stupid question.
My original understanding of this question was just a hard "no", but I was thinking about some sort of tipping point where you start to see a lake fill up quickly or for a lake starts to become ocean or whatever or for something to do with mountains or hot spots... idk.
could a person ever notice the effects of continental drift in their lifetime? | r/askscience | post | r/askscience | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyVVBaa0dRNU5iRGRrd090XzBvcFc1bkxyNGlmQTMxcGsycUZNRzVTRnFhSXNnSVoxd1ltTzVpaFpGYVNfYVFCUEY5bHk0WERyckJTYnpUQ2tIdEhLbnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzNUp0N1p6UHdiNkhjUHZFbTBmV1o0dWQ0eHdaSEREVWh4eHlOWElxUVdVUklmMWNiZWpKcUM1MmZZVzJNTkRtMlJXd2NCVF9aQTc0LVJmNkRqOGNCOUFUZWV4bG1IcmlFUDV1c21oMXZQY01oVUVEcm9Cb3NvRHlrWjZ4cjFyblRSV0xob3ctdkNqbmVkbGFRSktVaWx5bElVdzNCX0V5a1hMSjhEVHNjTGxDc0VYLVl3MEJua1B3WUlKa01PdTdFSW51aHIzYmFiejl1R19sOERlUjdXUT09 |
What book should i read first to get into absurdism ? | r/absurdism | post | r/Absurdism | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFySS01RTJUcHRhd05DVEYwTGlQM1NsVXFQcVBKaEd2ZXpUUkxYWnlJNzc0ZGlWRGZXVWlXVGhaczlDRHd0OVJBMlJnTTFVX2ppbzdzQllEYXRySG14YWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzWmdNR0I3c0EtNXRiWXhfaUZMLWNjekpvMmkwWlh6ZDROSlM3ZXBEZDFFRjk0RGtDWWZybElWWUJ1ZjVlNndhcFR4WFFmcS1LdzZjbGxJbUVzdl9TUHNwQVF1dERJYmdHbWpWejRGdWM1U3JXMFZWMk9NS2JlR1g2RXpvTkNnS3ZMR3VIaUN2Zl9DREcyYXJTTWhCemZHQVNYV0NqLXF3Z1pocmthMjRlMjgwPQ== |
Antimatter partickes are the same as normal matter particles, but eith the opposite charge and spin, so what causes antimatter and matter to react so violently? | r/askscience | post | r/askscience | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyYkJ3VHlLMERvU1VSek5FMElFUml1Ujg4d3FvYmFGeVRaaVpGMWRhUk1tRXpyZThYWmJhbnk1WExmbjhwTFhTT2xtVE54cVdGNFJUaTktbmdxZFBCZ0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzSkFabXZlY3BhVnI5WXBNeGRYdGFqaTlnal9EUDNEVmZRTEtDemRSZ1B0OENLVlZNSkJIUWwyOHZoSno3WEU2RzFBXzU4aDlqNklLb1ZkVUVaZDFWTHYtZzNLTzlhRjFHNGhWd29UaU00ZXRsTFd3ZFdKSmwtSmpYVU5yMDZIcEhsaG81UUJwWjc1N0RueXdJaEJuUzFkTTZtZzVwRVJvNkdxYmpRVkNyQnhlZ3pieEFBZFFlT3Z2U0FTaUMzZmhl |
Existentialism as I understand it:
Life has no meaning, but you can find/craft your own meaning.
Absurdism as I understand it:
There is no meaning to be found, so there are 3 options:
\- Leap of faith (religion)
\- Escape from life
\- Rebel
According to Camus, rebelling is the only right choice.
But here is my take on this:
Isn't rebelling against the meaninglesness still a form of meaning?
And if so, isn't Absurdism just a philosophical branch within Existentialism?
I have no criticism on absudrism nor existentialism, I am just curious to know whether I understand correctly, or have misunderstood something. | r/absurdism | post | r/Absurdism | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyTG42UkpKeHBYNkVwbi1OX2txRjdKM1RXNnYyb3dUNUhjWTU4SG1hT2dCYjU1bkxLQzduOWgwTnFlYlM5ZE0xTkZLQXhjUkM2dGVYREdMSEkweUw3Z1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzZ1VRc2xtdDN4R2p6TzZmbjR1TGxJNmtTenVTMGl1MDBzNXIxSlZUN2FDazAxWVZDSFdBWVc4ZzRQRkZPU2dDQk5RSUZjMDFUYUNpRWkwY3VoSEF3MVJPLVh0MnRsZUNHVFRzLXB2YzZtYW9XSUoyUHBBX3ZCcTdaTUtvUVlBLUdhWXlwRlVhSWF5RzJtZUNueWI1VlhjUWc3WV9yQmRJZnFHQnBnVUg3MnJTcmxpc21SLVVvRHJHY0FmSldlamNG |
Hi! My name is Joan Muratore, and I am the Consumer Reports stroller Test Program Leader. I also oversee the testing of other baby gear. I’ve been a longtime participant in ASTM, an organization that sets safety standards for baby and kids’ products. I am passionate about helping families and caregivers keep kids safe in strollers.
What questions do you have about strollers?
>That's all the time we have for today. Thank you for your questions. To learn about strollers and how we test, check out: https://www.consumerreports.org/babies-kids/strollers/?EXTKEY=YSOCIAL_RD | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyVmRGTW8zOGpKQkQwelZZRTd6NzRkUWNNTnJZRmJ6Z0I4U2phSWVyb3JNUEtlb2RYV18xSlFCU1otM1lCcTY0MXNJcXdfWFRnMWhRblhRZlZWMTRvWUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzRkc2Z0Fhc3FoeXljUXAybTJuMnI4X3hPbkRScFNYdlZaRGNWdUZ5bHI3cFdnbXJmTUIxeklLcFFnVC1kMkU2MTFnTVhETVVPb0JoQU4xMWlMYkdjRTlHNGtTZHFkTzJuNkJPNEZUSEpIYTZJMVFRM0Zla3JOZ0pfb05PYW9KTUxkWmxWVmd6X0ZTeW9wekZ6eWtIdWVoOWVsc0c4WVh4MGpGT0xXay1WNGdsVXMxWXNoMTR5M05HUzFYeTRsT2ZU |
I'm not sure why but this question popped into my head and I cannot for the life of me find a definitive answer. So I know the nail starts growing from the bottom up and I, like anyone who's ever cut their nail too deep, know that until the nail is past the nail bed it is very much still attached to the finger, but my question lies right at the intersection of these two places, How does the nail move upward without the nail bed moving at all. In my head it could only be done via some kind of biological conveyor belt but I don't see how that would work.
And better yet what determines in the nail bed when to "detach" from the nail and let it just hang off the finger as the white part what we cut off when clipping. I'm not sure why but this specific question is really puzzling to me an I can't find any answers online that don't just describe the parts of the nail and what they do, but not HOW they do it?!
Please for my sanity help me figure this out. | r/askscience | post | r/askscience | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyOUU4V1pYMXdRUDljYUpMak1kTTlqbGxtU1lxbHU3MlBFVjBsb1ktMk4xcFFJa0lnS0VxUm5LTDJBbkZSb0FGdFduTHllN1RXSm1iYnBxZTlscjhfeUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzQkl0TU9YN3hKRXQ3YlZfNjlGV1RlVjJzQkNmajhOMllDcU8yWWNxa0RKUE83S1diYUh5LVc4T0hBRjJvMGpLaDBMYVBHOXNRbm1mRF83bEpwMlBHM0J0YWhZWDJLTUdqTnpzLUtsNVNSOU9yVE04SFFLelB0UTJVWXRVSk05ZVlfU2VaMGw2QXZ2RUs4cDRtY2d1LUFZV2JPRWs1Rm5CaVZMNXlWeWs3NXFScFdjR0xBcFZGbm1Ca0U5cmtLVmZaNy1KWGFGY1FWQW52VjNpRjVhUXpLZz09 |
One of the weirder experiences I have had happened many years ago, while I was a student at the university in Oslo, the capital of Norway. Most probably it happened n 2008 or 2009. I was friends with a fellow student at the time, we used to meet frequently, both at the university and back at the dormitories were we lived. We also went to the same fencing club together. One summer we used to meet a lot at the top of the tall dormitory building where he lived, which was located in Sogn student town. The building had a lot of floors, I seem to remember it had 10, so it was taller than most of the other dormitory houses sprawled around it. My friend lived in the top floor. There was a quite small balcony at one end of the top floor, where it was possible to get some fresh air. The floor itself was quite deserted the times I were there, I rarely saw anyone else, and we had the balcony for ourselves. We used to grill out there, drink wine and smoke a hookah he had, and in general had a great time together.
One late evening I remember we got back into the shared student kitchen after having been sitting out on the balcony for quite some time. It was pitch black outside. At one end of the kitchen, there was a row of large windows, looking out in the dark night. I believe we may have been talking about mysterious topics, but I am not sure. We sat at a kitchen table by the row of windows, all alone, facing each other across the table. Outside the window, and fastened above it, there was hanging a power cable to the ground far below. Suddenly, I noticed in the corner of my eye that there was a dark figure hanging below the cable, crawling up it. My friend noticed it too, staring in fear and being so frightened that he fell of his chair. I instinctively pushed away from the window myself in the same instant. The ‘vision’ lasted only a second or two. We both talked about it, and found out that we had seen the same figure crawling up the cable. If anyone of you have seen the movie «Aliens», the sequel to the horror classic «Alien», you might remember a scene where the characters are hiding in a kind of control room at the space colony. They are very anxious, as the electronic detectors indicate many aliens are closing in on them, but they cannot understand how. Then one of them opens one of the ceiling plates above them and takes a look inside. He sees the aliens hanging upside down and crawling forward inside this narrow space. The crawling movement of the figure I saw, was exactly the same. At the time, I dismissed it as a shared illusion or hallucination. We were surely scared, but I left the place soon afterwards. I do remember me and my friend talking about the experience later, several times, but I did not attach any importance to it. It was merely a curiosity.
However, many years later (in 2021 or 2022), I shared the experience with another friend. And he immediately said: «Check if somebody has fell from the building». The thought had never entered my mind, but I promptly searched in Google for this. And, lo and behold, it came up right away. Several news articles came up, describing how one student had fell out of a building at Sogn student town and died. It happened during a party. The police had researched it, but found no evidence of anything criminal. This occurred in 2006, a few years prior. I immediately contacted the old student friend whom I had seen the figure with, sharing the news articles, and asking about his opinion. And he said he knew of the case. It was a foreign exchange student from Russia who had fallen out of the same building he had lived in. My friend said he had fallen out from the floor below where we sat, if he remembered correctly. There had actually been rumours for a long time afterwards about sightings of his ghost in the area.
So what I originally had regarded as just a trick of the mind, became all these years later something much more eerie. Was it really a ghost? I don't know, and I never will. I certainly had never heard about the death of the student at the time the experience occurred, so it cannot just be my mind imagining things based on my expectations of something paranormal occurring. If anyone has experienced something similar, please share. This experience has at least led me to consider other peoples weird experiences with an open mind.
| r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyVnRjNEZJZFkyWFJtN1Q0NVNVNjJkRWh3bkZoUnYyZDBRem8yNmo1Vm9jS1RNa0NvQzZHbkhUb0t4WTh1bmFvcFFGM3UwSWxuQzZjRFNKcjJjNzFjd1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzLW03M0w0MGJ3RVI2SnZMeVhpV0NuOTNYVWNWSHI3TG1IZ2xpTEI0dy1LSlA1SnRCZnI4Wmw3N19tRDc2RzA0b3Y4VWdzTTFTYzdMNDM1SENWaURET2EtYlNRNFZ5NndqdkQ5Z2VjVVBQYjhlNGRrOVhPSGx4R25VQUtpMDFRX1dlZlB4NUcySmZkNC1Rd0xIT3NmQTh3Mmw3bDNmclJRTFNfeF9QY19yTlhEVTFuRWpyWUgtcHlRVHFSNTBYbFJGaTc2b2tfM1Rna0ZuLXJSZXRCZnFPdz09 |
I heard a podcast explain Sisyphus as being willed by the gods to push the rock up the hill which got me thinking why he does it. If he has been given some intrinsic will to function as a rock mover than he would seem to be completely satisfied doing his will and never contemplate or need to find a meaning . He would be less of a human with complexities but more of an inert matter driven by forces (or in this case flesh bag with a will placed in him to function a certain way by the gods).
I came to find this answer doesn’t allow for the discussion on Sisyphus’s/man’s struggle to find meaning in an inherently meaningless world.
So what did keep him pushing the rock up the hill? Why didn’t he just stop? The answer I came to was punishment. If he stopped pushing the rock up the hill repeatedly he would be whipped, engulfed in flames or some other means to incentivize him to continue his rock moving duties.
This then led me down to think he would have a strong meaning in life to avoid punishment (or reduce his suffering in more Buddhist terms). He would master rock pushing to allow himself not to ever have to slow or stop his rock pushing and receive more suffering for his misbehavior. At a point he would find the necessary pace he needed to maintain to avoid punishment and goal would be to master this function. Assuming he is still human he would want to work as slowly and mindfully as possible to conserve energy and not gas out - which would cause more suffering.
At some point the pace of his work would be mastered and he may not need to spend much time thinking about the rock pushing (as a master musician can think clearly while reciting music) and that extra thinking space would inevitably allow him to ponder meaning again…
Couldn’t help but to compare this to my own individual experience of being grounded every time I got a C in school until the next report card showed Bs and As again. My purpose then was quickly changed from learning to avoid punishment as I struggled to keep up.
So I don’t really come to a conclusion but just wondered what y’all think drives him to push the rock. An imprisoned slave will likely not work for their enslavers out of spite if they are not punished to do so. Does he just do it for something to do? Does he have superhuman strength that allows him to always push the rock? Does he get the “runners high” from the exercise?
I’m about 75% the way through Camus’s Myth of Sisyphus and have not gotten to the part he talks about the myth yet so I am not in anyway versed on the subject (assuming at some point he does cover the myth that is..) also I don’t feel like my understanding is all that good of the parts I read either..
| r/absurdism | post | r/Absurdism | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyNkExWlNqUWtEa3ZQT29od0FFeERDdFJhLXNJcHdUUU9YU1Q2UkExLVhFT0pmTUVRZXhwZ09MZ1dYZGctamQ2X3JKb2NJMHVjQ1BVbHVxQ0tiNTVkeWNOSFhvV1dkVGV0NEQ0R0x4aUJ2b1E9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzRFBKQndDU0JhRVdVMTFqMTNIdXZ6YklMMEFELXo2dzlmYlFhU1M4U3pTdDg0bGhianZNOGpFYmx2N3JUcUxUM1FYdUdPSWR5dVQ0WFhRSjAxQUFteEZTRkloVmRNbUhpX3l0Tkd1bDkxQ2VjYmR5UTdsbXlKQkRYYjZrQXdtc3hGT0NrcUpYUGdxZkYyVDZsSWN6MUtXczJfSTJhX2FkRXdYemFzQXd2OEY0PQ== |
It seems universal and instinctual enough that there must be some evolutionary benefit for the energy expenditure. When we're tired either before going to sleep, or just waking up we want to stretch our limbs and core out as far as we can. It's about as difficult to resist this stretch as a it is to a yawn.
Is there any known and studied benefit? Do we know what triggers it? Is it just humans and the domesticated animals that I've seen, or is it observed in nature too? | r/askscience | post | r/askscience | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFycV9EUERXQ0p1LW1QVGNzOFRwY2U0c19zcnVWYVQ5d2NWT0xBY3pvUE5NQUxreUh4RmZXREE5TXU5MTNadkxmTlhLZzUxUXdaVU5YZFJJZ3kyTi12c0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzbEtQeW1MeGZrSTA1Zy0wNkFWZjZ5RDUyS3psTnVKUGlSQzlBX3FIc3gwTGhvUDVodG1UT24tdHJ2akFOX3lxaDU0TDZCd1VqbnA1TzJqaTZpTFlDVW9ZSXBiMUVaaDNuV2ZxLUdoRlliRlN0aUVoTU45X0ExQnUzcVBMaWdTMTRrdEFjWjNIUFc3cGNlSXhoblVsSTVYV1lPVXAzWmhseE9JNWpwYXA4OU15TEFQLWdmTkhvMXJ6QTlDR05ZZzhvNnZZUUZrYVF2WEp4bGMzNzRHZTI4UT09 |
Hello [r/geopolitics](https://www.reddit.com/r/geopolitics/)! I am Senior Newsweek Editor [Yevgeny Kuklychev](https://x.com/Newsweek/status/1859647369974866065). I will be here to offer analysis and answer your questions about what Donald Trump's victory in the presidential election could mean for Ukraine.
A bit about Yevgeny:
Yevgeny Kuklychev is Newsweek's London-based Senior Editor for Russia, Ukraine and Eastern Europe. He previously headed Newsweek's Misinformation Watch and Newsweek Fact Check. Yevgeny focuses on Russia and Ukraine war, European and US Politics, misinformation and fact checking. He joined Newsweek in 2021 and previously worked at the BBC, MTV, Bonds & Loans and First Draft. He is a graduate of Warwick University and can speak Russian.
I will be back at 9:00 AM ET tomorrow to answer your questions. Special thanks to the Reddit team and mods!
You can find our latest updates on the Russia-Ukraine war [here](https://www.newsweek.com/topic/russia-ukraine-war)
[Click here to visit the AMA!](https://www.reddit.com/r/geopolitics/comments/1gwktfn/ama_thread_newsweeks_yevgeny_kuklychev_senior/) | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyV05nMlhIaTdvblJmOVNwOEZ6RHpXelFVQkMwOFp1bWVLNW1yVkdnV0lGRzVvaEVHTDY4QTk2WDRnMjU0a1RYVHJBbDRTbmdYVFhvVHZqZWVBM0FrQ1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzWFVtUHFVNWl0RGNkVnRLTUtjN0VORVduOWJwWkVsNEszMnVna1lyRFR5ZHpmZkRMTlZXRm9odE1uR1BEa1NWV1FQT2Z6TTE4YTJ4MTFGM2NMODFOOXR6T1dwSGYtektLaUx3aTNJVGxkQmpHRDBLOGN1cTdrcGcyVDFNb1ZsRUk3VzEtb3NIWjdCMGlzZjh1QkxFaWhhbmdoRVA5a1FSQzNyVjZWS2lxS0ZhdTBrNzRsMTBTYmdIeVVEWjl1RXF2TzYwMXR2WVkxald2YUhHV0gzOHNQQT09 |
My name is Brittany Turnbull. Hi! As the title says, when I was 4 (now 28) I was diagnosed with Leukemia. That's how I got this lovely scar on my shoulder. A couple of years ago, I suddenly became allergic to 14 foods including dairy, citrus, onions, garlic, potatoes, and tomatoes. I'm also allergic to leftovers if they aren't frozen (histamine sensitivity). This makes it nearly impossible to eat food out and we end up making most of our own meals. I had culinary training before so it didn't take long for me to learn how to recreate flavors. Like using mangoes to replace tomatoes or making fancy dairy-free cheesecakes. I used to write for a large YouTuber and took that experience into making my own YouTube Channel showcasing how I cook around these allergies. I hope to help others with them enjoy yummy food. I focus a lot on dairy-free baking and am right now in a baking competition where any votes by donations go to helping the families of children with cancer. So everything goes full circle! 😊 Ask me anything!
Competition Voting Link: [https://greatestbaker.com/2024/brittany-leigh-turnbull](https://greatestbaker.com/2024/brittany-leigh-turnbull)
YouTube Channel: [https://www.youtube.com/@BLTkitchen](https://www.youtube.com/@BLTkitchen)
And, of course, picture:
A year ago, I woke up from a dream where someone was singing, "someone, somewhere, is watching you.(at this point, they were whispering) At least, I do."
Then I remember walking up. That voice was singing in the real world. I'm a light sleeper, so I can hear loudish sounds In the ~1 hour before I wake up. It was 4:00 and no one was awake. I still have no idea what it was. | r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFySVItQm9nMmRFUkNzRmZ5VTExNXFQeG9ZYmp6bkphNmk2MjljcVZYSVlmTVhQbmtEMnV2VTNQdm1IRVU0SFBGUkZGRElpVTh2OXByaHQ2Z0h3Zk1qNkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzRFVxbGt0aEZxeFlFSXNvemNSV0NvWG9xRG1uRmN3TWFpVVNjZG9zeDYzbjcwSnpxbDF2X1VaMDg0S1hUX0RlYUUzVzJkVTRpU1RCbDlEVU9DZ3hfT1h4T3BLaDZSOXpEam9ZbDBsZ1pCUW9fNWZLYURpWXFWZkNLQVg5Z1ViVlIyRjkyVkp3RVg1N2RNeVZpbkd6VGlHWGxOWVBFRjhjTkNCYmFORzkxcG9zPQ== |
Hypothetically i am curious on how long should i wait before going back to gardening after an nuclear attack, i have read that nuclear fallout becomes less dangerous after the first 24 hours, but how long should i wait before the soil fully recovers and safe for any gardening for food purpose? | r/askscience | post | r/askscience | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFycWhHR0RVMlhUOXEyVTU0YTdLbzcycGRqYzJDeUwxZmNLVFdBV1ZjaEdDdlJiMWtJN1VZUEFFNWNsMEszVWZPbUhleDRzTTlZSmZVZUtyVUozUi1rYVFfNHc3dl9SQWw5R3pSdFd1OWhLRjQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzb0FPdkRsT1Yway1yeDBFZkpiRHNTcUlFNENzUTRtcHg0c0w4WUh0ZDJ2WkhnU1BNeG1aUlBxdER1OV81U0gzZTlFN05tX1Jlb1ZEZU9kUHF2ckhaWmduNHNVZXBpMkdCamZsR3IwT1plOEI2VGNwd1pkRHNFRTJlRTNiVDBoT1hxYzRkU0FaR3pGTVQ5WlpYbEFnOGRpMmgtVkNWc0h6YlQtckVYZVc5MGp0WjYtTnBBdm1ISlFaNUxqc3NIa0VRc1l3c2FGbUR1Z29TSWVGdTRldTVlQT09 |
So i was wondering if a species could... "turn on" dormant genes if the situation was right.
For exaple if a species evolved to have fur, then with a heating climate and less need, the hair becomes thinner becore they lose it entirely. A few generations later the climate starts to cool again could the species return to thier full fured form? | r/askscience | post | r/askscience | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyYV94MmlWc3BWeE1xLVFfYlpJSnV3Umk4SGNSOEFMTXVwcFI3NEhEdl9IQVg3X0xBcGlvVF9ocURUcHhobEJVam8wSnI3Skl5ODFQZkdvYnFNX0U3UUlIOGFXUlhKVzFlUUc5RHM5QUVhalU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzb19FWHZQYVN2cWtaRjlQUm9wNzllVlZ2WnN2cmx2MjRYT3hDaWVXUndMUWVqMHVwV19mdFNUS3ZOaEJiQllKdFFicnJpNjltX2NIeUN3ZWlPWkVMLUV3X213TDBSNXhBWmJ4eW5yUDhFSDJtU1k4d2UyLWFJQzV2WW9iNWlnMjkzclRQQndOekFfbkdDdVlWdzBCTTJ0b3pEMTl2ckd6NE5PUHBUcDF2U2dVbjA0S2VRNG9SS0FzRFJQSXQtUGczUFJrU2hFdEVVZG96TlVMWk5FNnl5Zz09 |
I’m looking for any insight if things are related or if I’m just thinking too hard.
Recently, I found a large antique trunk in the lobby of my apartment building. (It’s pretty common for people to leave stuff they don’t want/don’t know what to do with) I thought the thing was super cool and brought it into my apartment. I checked out the lock and it appears someone has picked at it and broken it but has rendered it inoperable. I put it in my bedroom for the time being.
The trunk has a weird air about it I guess but I’ve always collected odd things and have been wary about connections or ties with the previous owners, it seemed alright. I don’t get a bad feeling.
For the last few days, I haven’t been able to sleep well, feeling irritable, and just generally bad. I usually get pretty sad this time of year but i’m just curious. I need to get the chest open. It doesn’t sound like there’s anything inside when I was moving it so I’m not that concerned. I don’t know.. What do you guys think?
I dabble in spiritual stuff but am in no way a seasoned wench. I really like the trunk though. I should cleanse it and my space as it’s due for sure.
Thanks for reading | r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyNU9TTzUyMGxZamVLVmFYNk1MQ3pUVG1Xak85eU5LQ0lPWlZqeFczdnZ5anFfQnFIektTdmNiQ003bXBRbGdaQzhTbF9IMnY3aW5WQXJfY3BWMUdDY0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzenpQaHBfSXNPOVhqSlVVRWlfOTB2SFNET1FiMFNhWmFZeU1acW05QlBTdzI3U3lZWjBya2pzcXhOcERjSUVWNkMta0pua094NE5kcGJjX21JRXgteVZLdnJwVXptNmdSVjZRcEJRcHNrZlZEZ01GZXJVUW9lOXNYb0NHeUlIR2EzR1Rib1ZITXoxNE9jMXdDLTFvMDVjV2pfcmhMQy1TcTU4Z25McTNkc0RJPQ== |
The activities of Barbary pirates, or corsairs, from North Africa during the 16th to 19th centuries have had a significant impact on European and Mediterranean history. Operating from the Barbary Coast—encompassing modern-day Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya—these pirates targeted European coastal towns and ships, often raiding inland villages as well. Their operations resulted in the abduction of men, women, and children, who were subsequently sold into slavery in North African and Ottoman markets.
According to historian Robert Davis, author of Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters, between 1 million and 1.2 million Europeans were enslaved by Barbary pirates during this period. This raises fascinating questions about how such large-scale maritime raiding influenced the economies and societies of the affected regions.
To further explore this topic, I referred to the following sources:
1. Robert Davis' Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast, and Italy, 1500-1800, which provides a detailed account of the scope and impact of Barbary piracy.
2. Pirates of Barbary: Corsairs, Conquests, and Captivity in the 17th-Century Mediterranean by Adrian Tinniswood, which discusses the socio-political dynamics of the Barbary Coast during this era.
These sources shed light on the motivations and consequences of Barbary piracy, including its influence on European naval policies and the eventual decline of these operations. | r/history | post | r/history | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyN1VSQkNjZ0pjZGVPZ3ZTUlBiemI2SUZxNm9OWWpGZGJLTlpCbGcwZEpxeEd2azRZUkF6NVE3MFI1OHAwbGtwWWw3MVZUTUJzNXlBOGJpV0RWc1dNbUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzSzlFZ1ZOOUtMLXpiX1RNcXVUaktyM0tBTGpseE1oSmwyTF9tOTJMcnZaNGQzZWR2TEhhMTM2YnliMmRyVmtPOXBENzQ5ZGo2Xzk4U2lnU0U0QnpYQzZqMndTY3JaVFNUTHBZY1dCVll1WG5uOC1IbUNuZDZNbTdoX3pyRTFLR29tSzVzeklDNTFGWGtYbUVHOVJxSldMcjhneHVRYVB0OGFiTjhMYWNNVF9hZzJmTElaS3JCRFkwVFJ6WHp4M2JH |
My grandma and my great uncle (grandma's brother) were each other's only siblings. They were 3 years apart in age and very close all their life.
My grandma died on Nov 21st back in 2017. Soon after, my uncle began showing signs of dementia and has been declining ever since. He passed 7 years to the day, almost to the hour, as my grandma.
This could just be me wishing for meaning in my grief, but I think it's more than a coincidence. I felt like my grandma was "around" during my last visit with my great uncle. | r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyWlhTUnRidWpGRVVFelA4a3cwSkk3U08yQm92NVFHeExpaFNlajJRVmRiWkhDZ0ZhTWpjYUdmWFJNa0JuTG9NRlpndXNsNWtWcTA0Slk2M0dGdGJSLVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzMjhiTUxlRlZLTDhUSm8ya0hXZ0JURFBpejRVb0ZGamNBSnhMTWVZS0swMUJ5bnlJZ20wY09sTENORVRJelAtWE83SEhlMEdzRFZBcnhacS1ESXRpN193Ty1CUmVwazI5SEFfOVcxQVJuNmVScllNVjJ6cGFVQWFQLXMyUE4tbVdCVFRiWl9JMTM0dHgxTlpYWllfeHBCeDcyUWttR0N5WjItR1RoazlGU3F4Zkp6djRPWkpXX3dQQWVwSExUcURUa2RGNUNFcmhKVGdfT3RyM3hIOWREZz09 |
Are there places in land where there is consistently little or no wind like there is at sea? I know the great plains in America are relatively flat like the ocean but the wind there seems to be worse. What kind of effects would it have on the local wildlife? Would birds choose to avoid the area? Would plant and tree stems be brittle and weak? If a place like this doesn't exist, could it? | r/askscience | post | r/askscience | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyem02WDktYWtYalJqamlyN0ZfYUxuM0VhZWp6N2lBUVF0RFkzSXJRbzB2Y2ZjZXRsdGdJTmRWZHF4cnpHV0FpemNsbjVDdkJzaUF4ekQ0MWFwVG1QOWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzY1NqTHE5Y0dtVlkxVUlHeGFiVVBwdXdTNjJkbWRybUY2OUl2dlJLUV90Y3JuRWFEcm9KNVBpTFRURnFRWlRvaUl5UThGNEF5UE56dkZENjJKcmh0UzJOSTQtTDBVa3dYQW5OS3BDR09ValhVT3FPXzJxVVVPVU1Fb0xHRGdxNUdwbVFGcXJ3TTlZRy10Ml8tRHpCNGl1aTNZV3Y0SjlpQVpHUFJTV2h5Y3c4QTRmb3JCVXhZc1JhVG1Malg1cGl4dHhqWURNZ0s1Mm40dmpwWDdoNlBsQT09 |
Hi, here is a piece that I think might interest absurdist-minded people. Tell me what you think! | r/absurdism | post | r/Absurdism | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyQ3FmbDBuR2k4SXFVanlmWDRYaEdYWjVRNXJzLU1BODdiUzlLWjNCb1dHRHc0S21pSTVOSlFSaXlTZ09NYWI5UTVQbVh5NEJsdWtONFVrOVF6a091WGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzdGRiSUo1TEx2VWVoWWs1aGo2MkI3NUI0RW5wVDRCWFZrRGxqendLYXkzYUdnUElHc0VpNlNSMnFueV9FaUV4NkpQeDUtQ2piQTZLY0Y1ZGJRNFFtYlgxRE1iSURtMjY3dWVlSzh5Q1EtYnRzT1hWYUlKUjBnUlZuTlZ6RHVJZURSNDRKekhNcmdONHJyMzhhdXNHaS1ETnJSbEJ0YU5Qb0RIQjFWMVdtQS14S0t0SVd6U24zYkVPRkZ4Ql9EcVhsbnJ2WWJqOEE2bWktV3IxaHJmekUzZz09 |
Now, I’d like to point out that I am not religious. However, through experiences like this I have become very open minded spiritually.
My wife and I, had been trying for a baby for 3+ years, was seeing specialist’s about our options and was really stressed about it all to the point it was putting a huge strain on our relationship and my wife’s mental health. We went on a trip to Mexico to relax, she wasn’t feeling too well one of the days where we had been in the heat for too long so she decided to stay at the hotel but I went on an excursion to a Mayan village.
During this excursion the group I was with had the opportunity to experience a spiritual ritual, I joined the ceremony and it was an incredible experience. During which you’re cleansed and you put forward all of your negative emotions and put your energy into positivity, you speak these things into existence that you would like to achieve, desire and hope for. Kind of like a prayer. Cold water is poured over your head to signify the dismissal of the negative energy.
Fast forward to around Christmas time and we found out that my wife was pregnant, we were ecstatic that it was finally happened. She had a tough pregnancy (HG & diabetes) but our baby boy was born.. on the exact day a year later that I went to the Mayan village, met the Shaman and took part in the ceremony. The thing I had wished for so desperately when I was taking part in the ceremony was that me and my wife could have a baby.
This is one of the events in my life that has really made me question whether I am mad or whether there truly is a higher power at work.
Coincidence or? | r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyMWtlZWQ3UXRweS1ibDJfNFNEQW5TOTE2VzVFVnpSbWlQVFk5dThWTFoxS2NnX05uakJSWjByR0s5Ykp1VldjX3VLNXVLQV9GM3pqSnkzVWZ2Y1FrWUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFza2toUUlSdVNQZXZORWc3ZW85YXh6azgxUDZfYi0yR3ktV09RU19WVVpNLUZZNFFURmFoM1pMeFl5X21hbTUwenBUU3FyR0JJUF91enVkMTJwYm04cEwwU3pMaUxjTW5qaVNHNmtoX2V2RW4yQ3ZZU0V6cndBclFzbjk5MjdlZWN1aWdsdk83NnhTbUF6OFNlYmFKZUM0N2RKaFF2QXFIamk2cFF0eURMcVNGY2pPc2xNdUQwclhaXzA5anpLeWlH |
Anyone holding Render here? It seems that Bittensor is a decentralized machine learning network for AI model training and collaboration, targeting the machine learning community, while Render focuses on decentralizing GPU power for rendering visual media and AI model training (only recently), catering to creative industries
Which one do you believe have more potential? And how can decentralized platforms like Bittensor and Render compete with large-scale centralized providers like AWS or Azure? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyVUNtOV91MFU0dmFRZnItdFlXZnpHRW1pWGd5Y1J6bWppTnFHbDQ1S3hiSy1wWE00WnBKZDdwT1R3M3NHd08xOTVXN1U2a1ZMSHkwRWJQWTRwYlZzT0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzWFQxUXBrWXY0Y3JJb2RNVXJHMk1iN0RmX1NlNTdiOGtKMnVncW50aXVuUjlMSnRraWhpUkdHRXRsVEJPZDVodWJjRjJLQThsNl9FNnJLTkx3S2h1WjlXVGVQU3VneTlWc09ZRWZISnQ4d1FXN2xVcmt2OUxDZW9vWF9icS05eDZpQjNtV0hUWmxUM2lQVVdQMnZIcl9fck1ORFpra2o4QXBCTHVEdHBCMnpfcmtHdm01U2RzYmFLbE9XQW83ZVg1 |
https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1gxcxks/im\_shefali\_luthra\_the\_reproductive\_health/? | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyc25ueEJrcXBkdWtUOFpiRzhEbDU2LUx2ejk3b0c3Q2hrQkZfZ0F5VEJBZl9tNUhKMVN0aVRWd20wQWxoZFk0OWcwTE9BVHZ5QlZsbFg1aTU4LV9raFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzc2phM1Q5MlRTeWZwRm5WcUQ0Um8xSE41TVN2X2Q5Vl9neF8xbFpTRmJfYU5NMG5Fby05aDlCVW9Qc2lRZjVYUmZGeDlENWhObGJFdk9DRmhwdy1raC1hY0MydDFlZ2tESk1HamhSWHhKTDcyb3dOR1hpbHVkOE9wdHN2RVFFZExsdko1Z3QwclZfQUJPRU05aEdIOGRyck03RGFBXzhFTEE4X0NKejBHbkhBaHVIWEQ1R3R2ZGk0ZGZ2aHpLdzVB |
Not sure what to make of this
For some context, I lived in a old house, that I assume my great grandmother and many other people had died in as the house goes back to the 1940s
Me and my friend would go out at night because we liked the feeling of fear but this time it was different, we went outside and around the side of the house over a driveway sized gate (length wise) it was stuck so we had to hop it. it was normal for a bit we didn’t ever go past the driveway cuz at the end of it there was a garden, everything around it was dead but this one tree had a small fairy sized noose hanging from it. And it was leafless, but it wasn’t rotten, it had strong bark and branches (it was summer)
But we ended up seeing a figure in the back behind the tree, it was grey and blurry but we both saw it and were able to explain what the other was seeing.. we weren’t sleep deprived in any way, we saw it get closer and it stopping at the tree, we saw another, a black figure though , I don’t mean ethnicity like fully black, we believe that the white one was my grandfather and the black one was his dad cuz we explained each others relatives spot on without ever seeing them. Example I explained his dad perfectly and he was able to explain my grandfather. Something began to feel off as they got closer then we saw what I assume was a fox or something run across the path between us already on edge we booked it out of there, we haven’t seen much like it since, atleast not in that spot, even at night, what was it? Anyone know? (I sadly don’t have any photos as this was around 2022 and i moved since then | r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyNkVlWTB5UEU2TW9iRUFQSEdGSHpLLVZNTlZKOUN4MnNRWllSTHFCMU9sWW9wcFVrdm5DZGhvcFdfVGpkNXlSSGtmdmVsSzFUMWJBUi0xVUF6U1NWVi0yZm1MV0hBdjdES2Q1bDN6TVlybkE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzTWNSejBJVHl1eHJCSzFMWjFiUklNRU1STUhWaXVOQUc1Z3JFUmQzMXI1NmJyOTVkYnh2S2hCc0hsSjNKNmxyRjRkTkJHZTdfbWFiWkFVOTNBRTZnVWIwWC1vNWJyVmZuMmtmMnlQd2JkanhtM08tWWt4YVFHaXJRVDVsUDRZMXEwMUdrbGdFU3hncEE5cVlqcHVHcTZPZnFnSGZJeXlWYjNJZzJQalZNQm8tWmFYdFFTdzJFTHpRN3A3YXJCR3RL |
Last night, my wife and I went on our usual walk with our dogs in the city of Zagreb, Croatia. About 500 meters from our house, there is a small grove and a gravel path we walk along. Beside the gravel path runs a stream, and there we occasionally see young deer or foxes, rarely squirrels, and very rarely a stag or a wild rabbit.
So, last night, we were walking along this path when, about 50 steps ahead of us, we saw an "animal" that was completely black and about the size of a slightly larger dog, like a Labrador. Normally, when our dogs see or scent another dog, they run ahead to greet it, wagging their tails happily (we have two poodles). But this time, both dogs froze as if rooted to the spot, with their tails down, and one of them let out a low growl.
The black animal we noticed turned its head toward us, clearly saw us, and then ran across the gravel path to the fence of a nearby yard. At that moment, it dissolved into the air, leaving behind a black mist that lingered for only two or three seconds where the animal had been. There was no trace or sound of it after that.
When we saw this, my wife and I immediately turned on our heels and started walking back. We hadn't gone more than 100 meters when another strange thing happened. We were standing under a streetlight, watching our dogs sniff at something in the grass, when suddenly the entire grove plunged into complete darkness. It was as if something enormous was standing between us and the grove. This lasted for about 3-4 seconds before the grove was lit normally again. The entire time, we were standing under the streetlight, which remained on and working normally.
Honestly, we've never experienced anything like this before. Does anyone have any idea what we might have seen? | r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyWE16TmRaaWdRaUxQRFZBVU9TMVQ1QlZFOF9UU0pfeHZZUFVmdHJlVk5FdS1MY2pSMnkzeVJqcFdaU0xKUWMwZmtsUTMweWM0eHlOSzluM0pKY2tXOGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzTndGUUtHNERJZ1Y0U1dBWXRKRjlMR0NsWHhrN24tOU5UVXdnclFSRk1GdU5BNkF3OTJ4V0twVGExeDRfUnk5andvbVJxLU85bWFfa2NQUGc0amRhRWVKMDdWd2FQWjhJeDMzVDhIdUFyU3pUeW1PeHlWZm1SSm5sWjlBWlljcDQ0NWNQdDM2dHRzeldhX0JxbV9qVG9aNTBkdEg0OE5YejAtUjM4eTcxT1E1RkRzajJiVXNxb2lsS0d1dGl4OWVBU3BtTEc3b09JOHJfdHZpMVdYSHA0UT09 |
This thread is open to discuss cooking, shopping, gift giving, families and friends and all the things the season brings, for every holiday from now until the end of January. Posts about new year resolutions and past year reflections will also be redirected here.
Each year, we get a lot of posts about gift-giving and navigating your way through the chaos, and this year brings new challenges for us all. While [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/askwomen/w/rules) will still be enforced in this post, the personal advice rule will be relaxed somewhat (as long as it's directly related to the holidays; medical and relationship advice are still a big no).
Enjoy the thread, everyone! Multiple submissions are encouraged. As are pictures of your decorations, celebrations and cats/dogs/iguanas etc. dressed as a turkey/Santa/reindeer/Yukon Cornelius/holiday adjacent costume of your choice.
All holiday posts will be redirected here so, everyone: please keep checking back on this post! It will be sorted by NEW to encourage viewing of the newest questions/ comments/gift idea requests.
Happy holidays! | r/askwomen | post | r/AskWomen | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyUzlXRUN6SmxrY3RKZ19Qa0x6S2xpRmNSdWVUT0xNd3ZGZHJrd0p4T0VHX3NENHlLYWdUQU9HeW83MjJVNzRuZElTUzZEd3o0YzZObzZBdURNSU1FTmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzSGlKVW9NdUl5bmVLOU5yN2hKTHlDS3hYbnNSWU42cF9DZG1DVTgybloyemJxalhiQ2hZbC13UjZadmhmZnVQYlktZWdOUzZucjNGUG1XUVQtc3RmYm8ybUtMck5IdTBodjhYMDJtcG9GQkh6RS1KeWFNMlhCUTRIZ3ZQZDlOc2NoYmg3SmR0a25CQUdZS01UOUIzTEtSRVBwaW1KMm1aSERWQnI4U3htbWtCZC1oemczU1p2clZmR0p6LWlJVjVUS25zRmctMm9BVUlvNU1LeE9jU2FrZz09 |
I was alone at my home during the afternoon.
I was chilling on my sofa scrolling through reels and then I heard a banging sound in one my bedrooms. I went there and saw a black apparition about 6 feet tall . It has no eyes no head and no body just a black apparition with a well defined structure. It was a few centimetres away from me. When I shouted at it it just disappeared. Right then I hear the bell ringing and on the security monitor I see the same black apparition...
I really don't know what to do because at night for the past days I constantly hear those banging sounds because I usually work late at night and something growling all across my house.
Pls anyone help | r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyWWpRNDVyTG5GY2pOV2lubGZZR3Nkek5DZ3NtaUR6VGFOSUY3dzVtbFUzNTA4WUJCeE9UYVBZaFlaTUJNNkFIbFlRekREdnpPV3FqLUtxQ2ViNXBqb2UwaGVlOHBnVWdvMmZGUkJnVjRDbFk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzNm9ZQklvWkZwb1EydEhzX2hMNkFnQ0YwVzEtcFBjVUtqZVRMcGEzd0RoWl9VMHpzUkJRY1l5RDBKeHNRUWdJUFFBdkQyakN6a29LazF5MGVjQ3Y4c0pKWXItSk00ZXlpaWR0X3ZBcWNVYlBkSHZoSS1sRnc4c3VaRU9VUXlNRXRBUW85US0zcld2X2NuUmZreExsWGFOWTFFbVl3eFRsTzdyQ0ctdzJ3amlZPQ== |