25 values
On this day, a transaction took place 2023-08-25 10:58:29. The amount of $90.47 was spent in the category 'food_dining' at the merchant 'fraud_Kihn-Schuster' located in East James.
Not Fraudulent
Witnessing the event on 2023-08-12 11:01:36. The amount of $64.65 was spent in the category 'food_dining' at the merchant 'fraud_Jast and Sons' located in South Alice.
Not Fraudulent
Here are the details of the transaction that occurred 2023-01-15 04:32:38. The amount of $62.28 was spent in the category 'gas_transport' at the merchant 'fraud_Friesen-Stamm' located in West Brandiburgh.
Not Fraudulent
Here are the details of the transaction that occurred 2023-04-26 05:36:35. The amount of $80.14 was spent in the category 'misc_net' at the merchant 'fraud_Corwin-Gorczany' located in New Kristybury.
Not Fraudulent
At the time of this transaction, 2023-07-12 05:08:45. The amount of $61.4 was spent in the category 'shopping_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Quitzon, Green and Bashirian' located in South Jeffreybury.
Not Fraudulent
Here are the details of the transaction that occurred 2023-02-25 11:22:23. The amount of $103.7 was spent in the category 'grocery_net' at the merchant 'fraud_Skiles-Ankunding' located in Lake Robertburgh.
Not Fraudulent
Here are the details of the transaction that occurred 2023-05-27 02:14:19. The amount of $80.86 was spent in the category 'shopping_net' at the merchant 'fraud_Medhurst PLC' located in New Ryanside.
Not Fraudulent
On this day, a transaction took place 2023-07-02 07:01:31. The amount of $77.03 was spent in the category 'shopping_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Daugherty, Pouros and Beahan' located in Lake Scott.
Not Fraudulent
During this transaction, 2023-06-23 09:50:06. The amount of $68.63 was spent in the category 'shopping_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Pfeffer and Sons' located in New Melissashire.
Not Fraudulent
At the time of this transaction, 2023-05-07 01:41:28. The amount of $90.28 was spent in the category 'misc_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Keeling-Crist' located in Bradleybury.
Not Fraudulent
This transaction occurred on 2023-07-01 08:10:27. The amount of $82.46 was spent in the category 'shopping_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Schuppe, Nolan and Hoeger' located in East Michael.
Not Fraudulent
Witnessing the event on 2023-07-21 10:16:12. The amount of $104.73 was spent in the category 'entertainment' at the merchant 'fraud_Klein Group' located in East Feliciamouth.
Not Fraudulent
This transaction occurred on 2023-07-31 01:38:07. The amount of $63.69 was spent in the category 'entertainment' at the merchant 'fraud_Stark-Batz' located in Taraport.
Not Fraudulent
Encountering a transaction on 2023-04-04 02:05:19. The amount of $93.04 was spent in the category 'grocery_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Osinski, Ledner and Leuschke' located in Parkerchester.
Not Fraudulent
This transaction occurred on 2023-04-03 00:06:10. The amount of $80.34 was spent in the category 'grocery_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Kunze Inc' located in New Steven.
Not Fraudulent
On this day, a transaction took place 2023-06-18 09:57:08. The amount of $97.29 was spent in the category 'shopping_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Daugherty, Pouros and Beahan' located in Michaelshire.
Not Fraudulent
During this transaction, 2023-07-28 01:54:56. The amount of $61.52 was spent in the category 'entertainment' at the merchant 'fraud_Kilback and Sons' located in East Kathleen.
Not Fraudulent
Witnessing the event on 2023-02-20 05:55:52. The amount of $113.99 was spent in the category 'gas_transport' at the merchant 'fraud_Prohaska-Murray' located in Joshuastad.
Not Fraudulent
On this day, a transaction took place 2023-03-20 02:54:10. The amount of $83.91 was spent in the category 'grocery_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Schumm, Bauch and Ondricka' located in Alexanderview.
Not Fraudulent
Here are the details of the transaction that occurred 2023-05-27 09:17:00. The amount of $87.09 was spent in the category 'shopping_net' at the merchant 'fraud_Reichert, Huels and Hoppe' located in West Jeffrey.
Not Fraudulent
On this day, a transaction took place 2023-07-05 02:40:23. The amount of $129.36 was spent in the category 'shopping_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Bahringer, Schoen and Corkery' located in Port Amy.
Not Fraudulent
Here are the details of the transaction that occurred 2023-04-01 09:10:37. The amount of $109.81 was spent in the category 'grocery_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Schoen, Kuphal and Nitzsche' located in Pagehaven.
Not Fraudulent
During this transaction, 2023-06-03 00:39:57. The amount of $63.88 was spent in the category 'shopping_net' at the merchant 'fraud_Auer-West' located in Port Stephaniefurt.
Not Fraudulent
On this day, a transaction took place 2023-08-11 01:15:13. The amount of $40.72 was spent in the category 'food_dining' at the merchant 'fraud_Hagenes, Kohler and Hoppe' located in Jeffreyfort.
Not Fraudulent
On this day, a transaction took place 2023-08-17 07:32:43. The amount of $99.61 was spent in the category 'food_dining' at the merchant 'fraud_Schumm, McLaughlin and Carter' located in South Wesleymouth.
Not Fraudulent
At the time of this transaction, 2023-06-04 00:22:58. The amount of $93.88 was spent in the category 'shopping_net' at the merchant 'fraud_Schumm PLC' located in East Jamesstad.
Not Fraudulent
Here are the details of the transaction that occurred 2023-07-16 11:46:52. The amount of $76.75 was spent in the category 'entertainment' at the merchant 'fraud_Nienow PLC' located in South George.
Not Fraudulent
On this day, a transaction took place 2023-06-08 08:31:08. The amount of $81.31 was spent in the category 'shopping_net' at the merchant 'fraud_Ankunding LLC' located in Robertberg.
Not Fraudulent
On this day, a transaction took place 2023-07-07 08:10:14. The amount of $144.76 was spent in the category 'shopping_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Botsford Ltd' located in Kristinborough.
Not Fraudulent
On this day, a transaction took place 2023-03-12 11:20:11. The amount of $68.32 was spent in the category 'grocery_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Huel, Hammes and Witting' located in West Aaron.
Not Fraudulent
This transaction occurred on 2023-06-05 09:14:05. The amount of $76.86 was spent in the category 'shopping_net' at the merchant 'fraud_Goyette Inc' located in South Patriciastad.
Not Fraudulent
This transaction occurred on 2023-01-11 09:37:47. The amount of $99.34 was spent in the category 'gas_transport' at the merchant 'fraud_Friesen-Stamm' located in North Melissafurt.
Not Fraudulent
Here are the details of the transaction that occurred 2023-06-12 05:26:54. The amount of $83.03 was spent in the category 'shopping_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Pacocha-Bauch' located in East Nicholasview.
Not Fraudulent
This transaction occurred on 2023-06-26 10:16:15. The amount of $100.07 was spent in the category 'shopping_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Sawayn PLC' located in Garnerbury.
Not Fraudulent
Witnessing the event on 2023-06-24 03:13:21. The amount of $116.52 was spent in the category 'shopping_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Macejkovic-Lesch' located in East Joshuaport.
Not Fraudulent
Encountering a transaction on 2023-04-25 03:18:54. The amount of $55.17 was spent in the category 'misc_net' at the merchant 'fraud_Parisian, Schiller and Altenwerth' located in Jenniferfort.
Not Fraudulent
Here are the details of the transaction that occurred 2023-05-21 10:52:22. The amount of $86.05 was spent in the category 'misc_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Cremin, Hamill and Reichel' located in West Brianmouth.
Not Fraudulent
On this day, a transaction took place 2023-05-27 05:08:43. The amount of $99.05 was spent in the category 'shopping_net' at the merchant 'fraud_Price Inc' located in Lake Derrickville.
Not Fraudulent
Witnessing the event on 2023-01-22 05:22:20. The amount of $114.81 was spent in the category 'gas_transport' at the merchant 'fraud_Kutch, Hermiston and Farrell' located in East Amanda.
Not Fraudulent
On this day, a transaction took place 2023-04-02 04:18:41. The amount of $114.76 was spent in the category 'grocery_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Bailey-Morar' located in Michaelhaven.
Not Fraudulent
During this transaction, 2023-03-12 01:54:30. The amount of $92.94 was spent in the category 'grocery_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Schultz, Simonis and Little' located in Port Timothy.
Not Fraudulent
This transaction occurred on 2023-07-25 02:47:37. The amount of $71.98 was spent in the category 'entertainment' at the merchant 'fraud_Johns Inc' located in Olsonview.
Not Fraudulent
This transaction occurred on 2023-03-24 06:03:38. The amount of $107.65 was spent in the category 'grocery_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Casper, Hand and Zulauf' located in Port Keith.
Not Fraudulent
Encountering a transaction on 2023-07-17 04:00:31. The amount of $91.6 was spent in the category 'entertainment' at the merchant 'fraud_Morissette LLC' located in New Stephen.
Not Fraudulent
This transaction occurred on 2023-06-26 06:48:30. The amount of $74.86 was spent in the category 'shopping_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Bins, Balistreri and Beatty' located in Crystalton.
Not Fraudulent
At the time of this transaction, 2023-07-23 02:10:13. The amount of $89.41 was spent in the category 'entertainment' at the merchant 'fraud_Abshire PLC' located in Tammyside.
Not Fraudulent
This transaction occurred on 2023-04-22 06:30:01. The amount of $114.26 was spent in the category 'misc_net' at the merchant 'fraud_Kerluke Inc' located in North Jeremytown.
Not Fraudulent
Witnessing the event on 2023-06-09 08:27:38. The amount of $85.03 was spent in the category 'shopping_net' at the merchant 'fraud_Gottlieb, Considine and Schultz' located in Mitchellland.
Not Fraudulent
Witnessing the event on 2023-04-26 11:17:31. The amount of $79.71 was spent in the category 'misc_net' at the merchant 'fraud_Lebsack and Sons' located in Padillaland.
Not Fraudulent
Witnessing the event on 2023-08-12 05:40:57. The amount of $94.11 was spent in the category 'food_dining' at the merchant 'fraud_Leannon-Ward' located in New Stephanieview.
Not Fraudulent
This transaction occurred on 2023-06-11 08:45:24. The amount of $67.71 was spent in the category 'shopping_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Jacobi and Sons' located in Davidland.
Not Fraudulent
Here are the details of the transaction that occurred 2023-02-12 09:05:47. The amount of $112.02 was spent in the category 'gas_transport' at the merchant 'fraud_Schmitt Inc' located in Shanefort.
Not Fraudulent
This transaction occurred on 2023-04-08 08:29:37. The amount of $111.24 was spent in the category 'grocery_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Koepp-Parker' located in Jessicaborough.
Not Fraudulent
Here are the details of the transaction that occurred 2023-04-15 05:18:55. The amount of $86.25 was spent in the category 'misc_net' at the merchant 'fraud_Dooley-Thompson' located in West Michaelborough.
Not Fraudulent
Here are the details of the transaction that occurred 2023-09-29 13:38:14. The amount of $7.67 was spent in the category 'home' at the merchant 'fraud_Champlin and Sons' located in Valenciaberg.
Not Fraudulent
Here are the details of the transaction that occurred 2023-11-12 21:31:34. The amount of $7.81 was spent in the category 'kids_pets' at the merchant 'fraud_Little Ltd' located in South Brandon.
Not Fraudulent
Here are the details of the transaction that occurred 2023-12-08 12:44:09. The amount of $5.32 was spent in the category 'personal_care' at the merchant 'fraud_Friesen-Ortiz' located in New Derrickhaven.
Not Fraudulent
Here are the details of the transaction that occurred 2023-12-17 22:14:02. The amount of $8.91 was spent in the category 'personal_care' at the merchant 'fraud_Leffler-Goldner' located in Deborahstad.
Not Fraudulent
During this transaction, 2023-12-23 17:06:00. The amount of $8.61 was spent in the category 'personal_care' at the merchant 'fraud_Reichel LLC' located in Wadeberg.
Not Fraudulent
Witnessing the event on 2023-10-10 23:56:54. The amount of $2.28 was spent in the category 'home' at the merchant 'fraud_Medhurst Inc' located in Jamesshire.
Not Fraudulent
On this day, a transaction took place 2023-08-29 20:28:01. The amount of $7.69 was spent in the category 'food_dining' at the merchant 'fraud_Langosh, Wintheiser and Hyatt' located in Jackton.
Not Fraudulent
Witnessing the event on 2023-09-01 13:15:01. The amount of $270.92 was spent in the category 'food_dining' at the merchant 'fraud_Lesch, D'Amore and Brown' located in Port Jody.
Not Fraudulent
This transaction occurred on 2023-09-09 15:55:29. The amount of $3.0 was spent in the category 'health_fitness' at the merchant 'fraud_Ziemann-Waters' located in Miguelberg.
Not Fraudulent
Here are the details of the transaction that occurred 2023-09-11 15:12:00. The amount of $3.56 was spent in the category 'health_fitness' at the merchant 'fraud_Hermiston, Pacocha and Smith' located in New Coreyside.
Not Fraudulent
During this transaction, 2023-10-21 15:49:48. The amount of $4.0 was spent in the category 'home' at the merchant 'fraud_McDermott, Osinski and Morar' located in Jacksonborough.
Not Fraudulent
During this transaction, 2023-12-09 15:20:19. The amount of $5.1 was spent in the category 'personal_care' at the merchant 'fraud_Auer LLC' located in Lake Shannon.
Not Fraudulent
Here are the details of the transaction that occurred 2023-04-02 02:10:45. The amount of $9.75 was spent in the category 'grocery_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Rowe, Batz and Goodwin' located in West Jennifermouth.
On this day, a transaction took place 2023-04-02 03:54:53. The amount of $264.45 was spent in the category 'grocery_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Huel, Hammes and Witting' located in Mitchellbury.
This transaction occurred on 2023-04-02 01:43:47. The amount of $293.0 was spent in the category 'grocery_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Goldner, Kovacek and Abbott' located in Carneytown.
Witnessing the event on 2023-04-02 01:44:33. The amount of $339.4 was spent in the category 'grocery_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Kilback LLC' located in Lake Tiffanyborough.
During this transaction, 2023-04-02 01:35:22. The amount of $302.42 was spent in the category 'grocery_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Bradtke PLC' located in Andersonland.
On this day, a transaction took place 2023-04-02 00:55:37. The amount of $276.61 was spent in the category 'gas_transport' at the merchant 'fraud_Huels-Nolan' located in South Tamara.
During this transaction, 2023-04-03 22:36:26. The amount of $1065.64 was spent in the category 'travel' at the merchant 'fraud_Little-Gleichner' located in Mackton.
Here are the details of the transaction that occurred 2023-04-02 14:13:47. The amount of $1026.58 was spent in the category 'shopping_net' at the merchant 'fraud_Boyer-Reichert' located in West Matthew.
During this transaction, 2023-04-03 17:06:11. The amount of $905.63 was spent in the category 'shopping_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Sawayn PLC' located in North Corey.
At the time of this transaction, 2023-04-02 19:21:39. The amount of $987.73 was spent in the category 'shopping_net' at the merchant 'fraud_Bashirian Group' located in Dunnmouth.
At the time of this transaction, 2023-04-03 23:00:53. The amount of $13.19 was spent in the category 'shopping_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Morissette PLC' located in West Rebecca.
Fraudulent because of the little amout during the night for shopping
On this day, a transaction took place 2023-03-17 05:52:51. The amount of $33.41 was spent in the category 'grocery_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Padberg-Welch' located in Johnmouth.
Not Fraudulent
On this day, a transaction took place 2023-08-18 11:44:41. The amount of $52.58 was spent in the category 'food_dining' at the merchant 'fraud_O'Keefe-Wisoky' located in Chapmanhaven.
Not Fraudulent
Encountering a transaction on 2023-07-18 02:29:03. The amount of $50.58 was spent in the category 'entertainment' at the merchant 'fraud_Johns Inc' located in Ortegahaven.
Not Fraudulent
Encountering a transaction on 2023-07-22 08:12:38. The amount of $57.53 was spent in the category 'entertainment' at the merchant 'fraud_Thiel-Thiel' located in Samanthafort.
Not Fraudulent
This transaction occurred on 2023-05-14 02:58:46. The amount of $60.33 was spent in the category 'misc_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Nienow, Ankunding and Collier' located in Brownside.
Not Fraudulent
Encountering a transaction on 2023-07-20 05:45:39. The amount of $94.74 was spent in the category 'entertainment' at the merchant 'fraud_Heaney-Marquardt' located in Randallton.
Not Fraudulent
During this transaction, 2023-04-29 05:57:33. The amount of $56.39 was spent in the category 'misc_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Williamson LLC' located in Thomasview.
Not Fraudulent
This transaction occurred on 2023-04-15 05:47:20. The amount of $90.5 was spent in the category 'misc_net' at the merchant 'fraud_Lebsack and Sons' located in North Taylor.
Not Fraudulent
Here are the details of the transaction that occurred 2023-04-25 02:40:30. The amount of $74.45 was spent in the category 'misc_net' at the merchant 'fraud_Moore, Dibbert and Koepp' located in Cookburgh.
Not Fraudulent
This transaction occurred on 2023-04-28 09:10:20. The amount of $60.99 was spent in the category 'misc_net' at the merchant 'fraud_Kerluke, Kertzmann and Wiza' located in South Rhondachester.
Not Fraudulent
This transaction occurred on 2023-06-19 01:11:19. The amount of $95.27 was spent in the category 'shopping_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Dooley Inc' located in Port Brianfort.
Not Fraudulent
Witnessing the event on 2023-08-12 01:44:10. The amount of $46.51 was spent in the category 'food_dining' at the merchant 'fraud_Schulist Ltd' located in Annaside.
Not Fraudulent
Here are the details of the transaction that occurred 2023-04-16 08:37:17. The amount of $59.07 was spent in the category 'misc_net' at the merchant 'fraud_Donnelly PLC' located in East Scott.
Not Fraudulent
During this transaction, 2023-05-13 11:07:28. The amount of $84.12 was spent in the category 'misc_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Flatley Group' located in Forbeston.
Not Fraudulent
This transaction occurred on 2023-07-14 10:43:05. The amount of $57.58 was spent in the category 'entertainment' at the merchant 'fraud_Reichel Inc' located in Rowemouth.
Not Fraudulent
During this transaction, 2023-07-24 08:43:09. The amount of $50.58 was spent in the category 'entertainment' at the merchant 'fraud_Heaney-Marquardt' located in Michaelstad.
Not Fraudulent
Here are the details of the transaction that occurred 2023-02-03 04:52:02. The amount of $77.99 was spent in the category 'gas_transport' at the merchant 'fraud_Raynor, Feest and Miller' located in Aliciaville.
Not Fraudulent
At the time of this transaction, 2023-07-10 01:30:20. The amount of $76.41 was spent in the category 'shopping_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Quitzon, Green and Bashirian' located in Websterland.
Not Fraudulent
During this transaction, 2023-07-09 04:27:58. The amount of $45.45 was spent in the category 'shopping_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Hickle Group' located in Rowlandberg.
Not Fraudulent
At the time of this transaction, 2023-07-02 08:36:33. The amount of $85.9 was spent in the category 'shopping_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Jewess LLC' located in Monicaberg.
Not Fraudulent
Witnessing the event on 2023-07-25 01:01:17. The amount of $101.41 was spent in the category 'entertainment' at the merchant 'fraud_Runolfsdottir, Mueller and Hand' located in South Grant.
Not Fraudulent
This transaction occurred on 2023-05-17 02:47:09. The amount of $87.74 was spent in the category 'misc_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Flatley Group' located in Lake Cameron.
Not Fraudulent
This transaction occurred on 2023-03-18 05:40:24. The amount of $63.28 was spent in the category 'grocery_pos' at the merchant 'fraud_Goodwin-Nitzsche' located in East Derekbury.
Not Fraudulent