This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async=True
>>> thread = api.get_customer_group_by_id(customer_group_id, async=True)
>>> result = thread.get()
:param async bool
:param str customer_group_id: ID of customerGroup to return (required)
:return: CustomerGroup
If the method is called asynchronously,
returns the request thread.
kwargs['_return_http_data_only'] = True
if kwargs.get('async'):
return cls._get_customer_group_by_id_with_http_info(customer_group_id, **kwargs)
(data) = cls._get_customer_group_by_id_with_http_info(customer_group_id, **kwargs)
return data"
4980,"def list_all_customer_groups(cls, **kwargs):
""""""List CustomerGroups
Return a list of CustomerGroups
This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async=True
>>> thread = api.list_all_customer_groups(async=True)
>>> result = thread.get()
:param async bool
:param int page: page number
:param int size: page size
:param str sort: page order
:return: page[CustomerGroup]
If the method is called asynchronously,
returns the request thread.
kwargs['_return_http_data_only'] = True
if kwargs.get('async'):
return cls._list_all_customer_groups_with_http_info(**kwargs)
(data) = cls._list_all_customer_groups_with_http_info(**kwargs)
return data"
4981,"def replace_customer_group_by_id(cls, customer_group_id, customer_group, **kwargs):
""""""Replace CustomerGroup
Replace all attributes of CustomerGroup
This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async=True
>>> thread = api.replace_customer_group_by_id(customer_group_id, customer_group, async=True)
>>> result = thread.get()
:param async bool
:param str customer_group_id: ID of customerGroup to replace (required)
:param CustomerGroup customer_group: Attributes of customerGroup to replace (required)
:return: CustomerGroup
If the method is called asynchronously,
returns the request thread.
kwargs['_return_http_data_only'] = True
if kwargs.get('async'):
return cls._replace_customer_group_by_id_with_http_info(customer_group_id, customer_group, **kwargs)
(data) = cls._replace_customer_group_by_id_with_http_info(customer_group_id, customer_group, **kwargs)
return data"
4982,"def update_customer_group_by_id(cls, customer_group_id, customer_group, **kwargs):
""""""Update CustomerGroup
Update attributes of CustomerGroup
This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an
asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async=True
>>> thread = api.update_customer_group_by_id(customer_group_id, customer_group, async=True)
>>> result = thread.get()
:param async bool
:param str customer_group_id: ID of customerGroup to update. (required)
:param CustomerGroup customer_group: Attributes of customerGroup to update. (required)
:return: CustomerGroup
If the method is called asynchronously,
returns the request thread.
kwargs['_return_http_data_only'] = True
if kwargs.get('async'):
return cls._update_customer_group_by_id_with_http_info(customer_group_id, customer_group, **kwargs)
(data) = cls._update_customer_group_by_id_with_http_info(customer_group_id, customer_group, **kwargs)
return data"
4983,"def _connect(self):
""""""Connects to the cloud web services. If this is the first
authentication, a web browser will be started to authenticate
against google and provide access to elasticluster.
:return: A Resource object with methods for interacting with the
# check for existing connection
with GoogleCloudProvider.__gce_lock:
if self._gce:
return self._gce
flow = OAuth2WebServerFlow(self._client_id, self._client_secret,
# The `Storage` object holds the credentials that your