any report of follow-up or indication of rapid response by the Joint Centre for Control and Co-ordination (JCCC) regarding the two separate security incidents of 8 April, in which a bullet hit an SMM vehicle and an SMM monitor was threatened at gunpoint (see SMM Spot Report 8 April). In Donetsk region, the SMM recorded a sharp increase in the overall number of ceasefire violations, as compared with the previous day.[1] In the evening hours of 7 April whilst positioned at Donetsk city centre, the SMM registered 105 undetermined explosions and six bursts of small-arms fire at locations ranging from 3-7km north and north-north-west of its position. Whilst at the “DPR”-controlled Donetsk central railway station (6km north-west of Donetsk city centre) during the day, the SMM heard, 156 undeterminedexplosions, 47 outgoing explosions assessed as caused by multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS), two bursts and 61 airbursts of anti-aircraft-gun, more than 40 shots of small-arms and heavy-machine-gun fire and five impacts all at locations ranging from 2-10km north, north-north-east, north-east, south-south-west and west of its position. Positioned in “DPR”-controlled Yasynuvata (16km north-east of Donetsk) during the day, the SMM heard a total of 979 undetermined explosions, over 50 bursts of heavy-machine-gun fire and more than 350 shots of small-arms fire, and two bursts of anti-aircraft-gun (ZU-23, 23mm) mostly at locations 500m-3km south-west, west and north-west of its position. Whilst in government-controlled Avdiivka (17km north of Donetsk) during the day, the SMM heard 52 explosions and 30 airbursts of 82 and 120mm mortar rounds, five explosions of 152mm artillery
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Richard "Dick The Bruiser" Afflis was an early NFL football star turned pro wrestling of the key wrestlers during wrestling's incredible boom after World War II, and with out a doubt one of the most influential brawlers ever. Dick the Bruiser originated, and personified, wrestling's beer guzzling, cigar chomping, tough-as-nails Bar Room Brawler toughguy character. From the 1950's and 1960's, through the 1970's and early 1980's Bruiser was a force like few others within pro wrestling. Quite simply, he faced off in some form or another against virtually every wrestling superstar for over 30 years. In the past, it was once joked in wrestling locker rooms that no matter where you had wrestled during your career...until you'd faced off against Dick the Bruiser, you couldn't really call yourself a true pro wrestler... At 260 lbs. of solid muscle, with his crewcutand trademark gravely, barreling voice (the result of a crushed esophagus sustained during his NFL career) and a neck thicker than his head, Dick The Bruiser was, along with Buddy Rogers, perhaps the single most hated villain in wrestling after he began his career in the early 1950's. But unlike the sophisticated Rogers, The Bruiser was known and feared for being a merciless juggernaut inside the ring, brutally punishing his opponents before finishing them off, usually with his famous top-rope knee drop. And his bulldozer, beer-swilling persona was both hated and, at the same time, incredibly popular with the fans. His famous name from his football days, combined with his nationwide notoriety gained by "bustin' brains" (as he would say) inside the squared circle, Dick The Bruiser was easily one of the best-known wrestling personalities and a true cross-over media
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
in thickness, representing formations, elsewhere thousands of feet in thickness, and which must have required an enormous period for their accumulation; yet no one ignorant of this fact would have suspected the vast lapse of time represented by the thinner formation. Many cases could be given of the lower beds of a formation having been upraised, denuded, submerged, and then re-covered by the upper beds of the same formation,—facts, showing what wide, yet easily overlooked, intervals have occurred in its accumulation. In other cases we have the plainest evidence in great fossilised trees, still standing upright as they grew, of many long intervals of time and changes of level during the process of deposition, which would never even have been suspected, had not the trees chanced to have been preserved: thus, Messrs. Lyell and Dawson found carboniferous beds 1400 feet thickand simultaneously throughout the world at this same period. It is almost superfluous to remark that hardly any fossil-fish are known from south of the equator; and by running through Pictet's Palæontology it will be seen that very few species are known from several formations in Europe. Some few families of fish now have a confined range; the teleostean fish might formerly have had a similarly confined range, and after having been largely developed in some one sea, might have spread widely. Nor have we any right to suppose that the seas of the world have always been so freely open from south to north as they are at present. Even at this day, if the Malay Archipelago were converted into land, the tropical parts of the Indian Ocean would form a large and perfectly enclosed basin, in which any
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
after the fitting I found it unobtrusive to wear on my glasses-free face. Lightpack Computing Puck The Lightwear connects through a four-foot-long cable to the Lightpack, the One's processing core. The Lightwear holds all of the display and sensor technology, and the Lightpack holds all of the rest of the necessary hardware. It's a large, puck-shaped dark gray device that attaches to your belt or your pocket using a very large, rounded plastic clip. A power button on the front of the Lightpack turns the system on, illuminating an arc-shaped indicator light that shows the One's status. Three smaller buttons for Reality and volume control sit on the edge of the Lightpack next to a headphone jack, left of where the Lightwear cable is attached. The underside of the Lightpack isthe completion of A2 motorway in 2010 H2 - the expressway through Maribor recategorised as R2-430 as of 1 January 2020 H3 - northern section of Ljubljana bypass Route: Zadobrova - Koseze Length: 10.2 km H4 (Vipava Expressway) Route: Razdrto (A1) - Ajdovščina - Nova Gorica - Vrtojba (Italian border) Length: 42.1km H5 Route: Spodnje Škofije (Italian border) - Srmin (A1) - Koper - Dragonja (Croatian border) section Koper - Dragonja is planned Length: 7.8 km H6 (coast road) Route: Koper - Izola - Lucija section Jagodje - Lucija is planned Length: 5.2 km H7 Route: Dolga vas interchange - Dolga vas border crossing (Hungarian border) Length: 3.5 km History The first highway in Slovenia, the A1 motorway, was opened in 1972, connecting Vrhnika and Postojna. Constructed under the
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "Wikipedia (en)" ] }
Institute of Historical Research 14(41), 118–121. Davenant, Charles (1967, 1697), Whether to farm the revenues, may not, in this jucture, be the most for the public service, in ‘The Political and Commercial Works of that celebrated Writer Charles D’Avenant, LL.D.’, Gregg Press Limited, Fairnborough, pp. 207–232. Karaman, K. Kivanc ̧ and Sevket Pamuk (2011), Different paths to the modern state in Europe: The interaction between domestic political economy and interstate competition, Europe in Question Discussion Paper Series of the London School of Economics (LEQs) 7, London School of Economics / European Institute. Kiser, Edgar and April Linton (2001), ‘Determinants of the growth of the state: War and taxation in early modern France and England’, Social Forces 80(2), pp. 411–448. Kiser, Edgar and Joachim Schneider (1994), ‘Bureaucracy and efficiency: An analysis of taxation in earlymodern Prussia’, American Sociological Review 59(2), pp. 187–204. Kiser, Edgar and Joshua Kane (2001), ‘Revolution and state structure: The bureaueratization of tax administration in early modern England and France’, American Journal of Sociology 107(1), 183–223. North, Douglass C. and Barry Weingast (1989), ‘Constitutions and commitment: the evolution of institutions governing public choice in seventeenth century England’, Journal of Economic History 49, 803–32. O’Brien, Patrick K. (2001), Fiscal exceptionalism: Great Britain and its European Rivals from Civil War to Triumph at Trafalgar and Waterloo. LSE Working Paper. O’Brien, Patrick K. (2011), ‘The nature and historical evolution of an exceptional fiscal state and its possible significance for the precocious commercialization and industrialization of the British economy from Cromwell to Nelson’, The Economic History Review . Root, Hilton (1989), ‘Tying the king’s hands: Credible commitments and royal
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
work at a speed, equal to the best Engliih coach travelling.It is however, intended to supersede this road, by a continuation of the railway to Wheeling and Pittsburgh on the Ohio. Thence the communication is carried on by steamboats on that river, to the point where its waters are received by the Mississippi. Wo have here traced the great mam arteries ot the internal cammmerce of the United States but these only. From these at every point diverge innumerable ramifications, either by tributary navigable rivers, by branch rnilways or by common mails. There are also isolated instances ol the irrepressible spirit of enterprise, which so strongly eharoctcriies this people, t be found in railwnys constructed and in operation, where the highest refinement nf locomotion would lie the lastthing the wanderer of the wilds would expect to meet. In the backwoods of Mississippi, traversing native forests, where, till within a few years, human foot never tnd, through solitudes, the silence of which was never disturbed even by lho red limn, we aro now transported by railways. The impression produced on Ihu traveler, as he is whirled through the' wilds, and sees the frightened deer start from his lair at Ihe snorting of tho ponderous machine which moves him, and reflects on nil that man has accomplished in these regions within hnlf a century, cannot be described. Edinburgh Bmrw, A rnilwnv Is In npmtinn between Vicfcsburg, on tlm ensfern bank of ttie Mumiippl, snd the lown nf Jackson, in the rout re ol the Mute, ulneti ilirniitfliont
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
History and Izibongo of the Swazi chiefs, Bantu studies 5, 1931, p. 193; R Laydevant, The praises of the divining bones among the Basotho, Bantu studies 7, 1933, pp. 349-50, 361, 369-70, 371; M. Read, Songs of the Ngoni people, Bantu studies 11, 1937, pp. 14-15, 16, 25, 30; B Edging the Boundaries of Children's Literature download for free. Moreover, a vast majority of the functions were personal while most of the rest were social, indicating how the children employed the genre for personal expression and social communication Toys, Games, and Media download online Toys, Games, and Media. FUNCTIONS AND GENRES OF CHINESE ESL CHILDREN? S ENGLISH WRITING IN SCHOOL AND AT HOME by Sin Heng Celine Sze B. A., The University of Nottingham, 1998 A THESIS SUBMITTEDpersonality. Love's Labour's misplaced is a play of witty banter and little plot, written through the early a part of Shakespeare's literary profession, while his concentration used to be on fancy conceits and the playful nature of love , source: Children's Literature Awards & download pdf Children's Literature Awards & Winners 3. For moment language inexperienced persons, the linking of domestic and faculty literacies in early education allows children?s literacy improvement (Duke & Purcell-Gates, 2003; Moll & Gonzalez, 1994) Growing Up with Literature read online. due to the fact that writing subject matters and activates are set through lecturers, there's frequently a scarcity of a true audience Neo-Imperialism in Children's download online The collage Symphonic Band is a decide on huge ensemble for woodwinds, brass and percussion,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
headed in, with the place being open shortly after 11. The 6th Street version of Little Woodrow’s was a little short ceiling wise and felt somewhat cramped. The Southpark Meadows variety was tall and open. That helped facilitate a giant projection screen in the middle of the bar. But there was so much more there. Walking up to the joint, I could tell right away that there was a huge open patio area. I think South Austin reigns supreme in bringing not only a sports bar feel but a backyard feel to spectating. Although it was raining, I could tell that they had plenty of bags, horseshoe, and washer courts built in, not unlike Doc’s Backyard. Inside, there of course was the big projection screen television, but also largeSchmitter, Mrs Sartoris (Translated from the German by Carol Brown Janeway) Ricardo Piglia, Money to Burn (Translated from the Spanish by Amanda Hopkinson) Luther Blissett, Q (Translated from the Italian by Shaun Whiteside) Mahi Binebine, Welcome to Paradise (Translated from the French by Lulu Norman) 2005 Shortlist Frédéric Beigbeder, Windows on the World (French, trans. by Frank Wynne) Chico Buarque, Budapest, (Portuguese, trans. by Alison Entrekin) Irina Denezhkina, Give Me (Songs for Lovers), (Russian, trans. by Andrew Bromfield) Xiaolu Guo, Village of Stone, (Chinese, trans. by Cindy Carter) Orhan Pamuk, Snow, (Turkish, trans. by Maureen Freely) Elif Şafak, The Flea Palace, (Turkish, trans. by Muge Gocek) Also longlisted David Albahari, Götz and Meyer (Serbian, translated by Ellen Elias-Bursac) Merete Morken Andersen, Oceans of Time (Norwegian, Barbara J Haveland) Mia Couto,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Wikipedia (en)" ] }
subpixel shifts. The formed images are then super-resolved into an enhanced image. According to an aspect of the invention the step of super-resolving is geometrically performed by transforming the images according to a Gabor transform. According to another aspect of the invention the step of super-resolving also has applying a spatial mask to the image plane. According to still another aspect of the invention the images are oriented according to the larger of the horizontal dimension and the vertical dimension. In a further aspect of the invention there is a further step of deconvolving out-of-focus point spread functions of the images, preferably using a Wiener filter. According to an aspect of the invention the images are formed by time multiplexing. According to another aspect of the invention the images are formed by wavelength multiplexing. Accordingand second fields of view differ from respective horizontal dimensions thereof. The method further comprises forming a plurality of first images of the first field of view on the image plane, the first images being spatially interrelated by subpixel shifts, and simultaneously forming a plurality of second images of the second field of view on the image plane, the second images being spatially interrelated by subpixel shifts. The method further comprises super-resolving the first images into a first enhanced image, and super-resolving the second images into a second enhanced image, and comparing a defocus magnitude of the first field of view with a defocus magnitude of the second field of view. Preferably the first field of view is obtained through a first region of a lens, and the second
{ "pile_set_name": [ "USPTO Backgrounds", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
(D) include a substituted or unsubstituted guanidine, a substituted or unsubstituted aminopyridine, a substituted or unsubstituted aminoalkylpyridine, a substituted or unsubstituted aminopyrrolidine, a substituted or unsubstituted indazole, a substituted or unsubstituted pyrazole, a substituted or unsubstituted pyrazine, a substituted or unsubstituted pyrimidine, a substituted or unsubstituted purine, a substituted or unsubstituted imidazoline, a substituted or unsubstituted pyrazoline, a substituted or unsubstituted piperazine, a substituted or unsubstituted aminomorpholine, and a substituted or unsubstituted aminoalkylmorpholine. As suitable examples of substituent groups the compounds recited above can have, mention may be made of an amino group, an aminoalkyl group, an alkylamino group, an aminoaryl group, an arylamino group, an alkyl group, an alkoxy group, an acyl group, an acyloxy group, an aryl group, an aryloxy group, a nitro group, a hydroxylThe Rev. Jesse Jackson watches as Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg speaks during the African American Leadership Summit on June 6, 2019, in Atlanta. | John Bazemore/AP Photo 2020 Elections Jesse Jackson opens up on 2020 and the changing Democratic Party The civil rights activist and two-time presidential candidate defends Buttigieg, blasts Biden and praises Warren in a wide-ranging interview. CHICAGO — The Rev. Jesse Jackson has lost a step. The 77-year-old two-time presidential candidate’s roaring sermons have become more muted and mumbled. His walk has become slow, unsteady. Parkinson's disease has taken its toll. At a news conference here over the weekend with Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, she held up the microphone for him when he spoke. Jackson’s Rainbow PUSH Coalition event on Saturday at the 4,000-capacity Apostolic
{ "pile_set_name": [ "USPTO Backgrounds", "OpenWebText2" ] }
home Friday morning in an ambulance...." 2. Change things up (don't keep talking about your new favorite pasttime (organic composting), try kidneys for a change): Jean-Marc returned home Friday in an ambulance. After having his kidney biopsy, he was required to stay the night at the hospital in Avignon. 3. Add a little humor to keep things light: Jean-Marc returned home Friday in an ambulance. After having his kidney biopsy, he was required to stay the night at the hospital in Avignon. Three lunatics greeted him, after the family fold fell apart in his absence. 4. Forget not French folklore: Jean-Marc returned home Friday in an ambulance. After his kidney biopsy, he was required to stay the night at the hospital in Avignon.Three lunatics greeted him, after the family fold fellapart in his absence. "C'est la faute à la pleine lune," Jean-Marc explained, of our batty behavior. 5. Include one line in French: Jean-Marc returned home Friday in an ambulance. After his kidney biopsy, he was required to stay the night at the hospital in Avignon.Three lunatics greeted him, after the family fold fell apart in his absence. "C'est la faute à la pleine lune," Jean-Marc explained, of our batty behaviour. "Ouf, je croyais que c'était moi! Phew, I thought it was me!" 6. No use adding a bunch of extraneous details (see below), no matter how important they seemed to you at the time: Jean-Marc returned home Friday in an ambulance. After his kidney biopsy, he was required to stay the night at the hospital in Avignon.Three lunatics greeted him,
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public-use federal databases. ![The 2000 county socioeconomic deprivation index and the 2003 rural-urban continuum classification for the United States (3,141 counties).](JCE2011-107497.001){#fig1} ![All-cancer mortality rates per 100,000 population (age adjusted to the 2000 population), US males and females, 2003--2007 (3,141 counties).](JCE2011-107497.002){#fig2} ![Lung cancer mortality rates per 100,000 population (age adjusted to the 2000 population), US males and females, 2003--2007 (3,141 counties).](JCE2011-107497.003){#fig3} ![Colorectal and prostate cancer mortality rates per 100,000 population (age adjusted to the 2000 population), United States, 2003--2007 (3,141 counties).](JCE2011-107497.004){#fig4} ![Breast and cervical cancer mortality rates per 100,000 population (age adjusted to the 2000 population), United States, 2003--2007 (3,141 Counties).](JCE2011-107497.005){#fig5} ###### Age-adjusted all-cancer and lung cancer mortality rates per 100,000 population and relative risk (RR) of mortality according to socioeconomic deprivation deciles and five rural-urban categories, United States, 2003--2007. with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 20. Higher index scores denote higher levels of socioeconomic position and lower levels of deprivation. ^3^The 2003 rural-urban continuum is used as a continuous variable, with code 1 being the most urbanized county and code 9 being the most rural county. ###### Socioeconomic disparities in colorectal, prostate, breast, and cervical cancer mortality rates per 100,000 population, relative risks (RRs), and gradients in mortality within metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas of the United States, 2003--2007. Metropolitan areas Nonmetropolitan areas
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
Early development of chondrocranium in the tailed frog Ascaphus truei (Amphibia: Anura): implications for anuran palatoquadrate homologies. Chondrocranial development in Ascaphus truei was studied by serial sectioning and graphical reconstruction. Nine stages (21-29; 9-18 mm TL) were examined. Mesodermal cells were distinguished from ectomesenchymal (neural crest derived) cells by retained yolk granules. Ectomesenchymal parts of the chondrocranium include the suprarostrals, pila preoptica, anterior trabecula, and palatoquadrate. Mesodermal parts of the chondrocranium include the orbital cartilage, posterior trabecula, parachordal, basiotic lamina, and otic capsule. Development of the palatoquadrate is as follows. The pterygoid process first connects with the trabecula far rostrally; their fusion progresses caudally. The ascending process connects with a mesodermal bar that extends from the orbital cartilage to the otic capsule, and forms the ventral border of theAmboseli National Park You will be picked up from your hotel in Nairobi in the morning at 0730. After a short safari briefing, drive 4hrs toAmboseli National Park. Arrive and check in at AA Amboseli Lodge or AmboseliSopa Lodge or Amboseli Serena Lodge or Tawi Lodge. After lunch, enjoy a late afternoon game drive. Return to the lodge for dinner and overnight. Day 2:Amboseli to Tsavo West National Park Sunrise game drive and a good chance to see the snowcapped mountain before it is covered by clouds. After breakfast, depart for Tsavo West. Arrival and check in at Rhino Valley Lodge or Voyager Ziwani Camp or Serena Kilaguni Safari Lodge or Finch Hattons. After lunch, go out for a game drive until sunset. Dinner and overnight. Day 3:Tsavo West to Tsavo East
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Abstracts", "Pile-CC" ] }
conscious informed public capable of critical thinking which is why they continually fraudulent zeitgeist is output via religion the mass media an educational system they seek to keep you extracted naive bubble and they're doing damn good job of it in two thousand finding arrangement between canada mexico in the united states was made this arrangement unannounced to the public regulated by congress merges the united states mexico and canada into one entity be releasing all borders it's called the north american union you might want to ask yourself why you've never heard of this in fact there is only one mainstream reporters was actually heard of them is have the courage to cover this issue the bush administration's open borders policy answer decision to ignore the enforcement of this country's immigration laws is part of a broader agenda president bush signed a formal agreement that will in the united states as we know what and he tookthe e_u_ and that the dollar million dollar u_s_ then mexican peso a place that you know of the screen the american constitution eventually be obsolete you would think that a situation like this would be on the cover of every major newspaper that is until you realize the people who are behind this movement by the same people behind the mainstream media and you are not told what you're not supposed to know the north american unions the same concept as the european union the african union is suing the d asian have seen people on the high and all and time is right the north american union the european union data communication and the words together bombing the final stages plans and and and sixteen and one one bank one army one center power if we have learned anything from history it is that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely this is erin russo a filmmaker and former
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Tiruchendur he went ahead to Thiruvarur, where he sang Thiruvarur Nanmani Malai praising the grace of Lord Thyagarajar. From Thiruvaur he moved to Dharmapuram which is seat of renowned Adheenam (Mutt) of the Saiva Siddantha “Thirukkayilaya Paramparai Dharmapuram Adheenam”. The mutt was headed by Srilasri Masilamani Desigar. Arriving at the mutt Kumaraguruparar paid his obeisance to the sanit. Desigar asked Kumaraguruparar to explain the significance of the song Ainthu Perarivum Kankale Kolla from Periyapuranam. This is the song which describes the state of Sundaramurthi Nayanar as he saw the dance of Lord Shiva at Thillai Chidambaram. The song which narrates the ecstasy of Sundarar upon seeing the blissful dance of the Lord which is very difficult to describe and Kumaraguruparar was stunned and his words stammered and realized thathe is standing in front of his Guru and fell at the feet of Desigar and pleaded him to initiate him in the renounced life. Desikar agreed to be his Guru but with a condition that he goes on a pilgrimage to Kasi and returns. During that period the north India was invaded by Muslim rulers and Hinduism was getting crushed under the Mogul empire. Desikar realized the need for a spiritually high, well skilled and devoted caliber like Kumaraguruparar to strengthen the Saivite wisdom in the troubled lands. Kumaraguruparar pleaded to Desikar that it would take long time for him to complete the pilgrimage to Kasi given the lack of facilities at that point in time to commute. Hence Desikar agreed with Kumaraguruparar however asked him to stay
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Todd Andrews, active in the IRA throughout the War of Independence and Civil War, was another who chose association football over Gaelic games. He would joke of the frustrations of life as an interned prisoner in the Curragh in 1921, as the only code of football the prisoners’ leadership allowed was not to his choosing. In post-revolutionary Ireland, there was time for association football once more. Though serving as Minister for Defence, Traynor managed to also serve as President of the Football Association of Ireland from 1948. Before this, he had utilised his government position for the benefit of sporting liberties; in 1942, he was responsible for amending national army policy that afford the GAA a privileged status. As historian Barry Sheppard has detailed, this didn’t enamour him to the GAA, with the association’s President claiming it to be a “retrograde step.” Four years previously, Traynor had sat beside President Douglas Hyde when he attendedan Ireland fixture in Dalymount Park, something that led to Hyde’s expulsion from the GAA’s list of patrons as playing or attending non-Irish games was deemed against their rules. The language around the notorious GAA ‘ban’ on foreign sports had, in some ways, become more extreme post-independence, as the sporting authority sought to establish itself firmly as the official sport of the new state. A Vigilance Committee ensured that members did not dabble in Anglophile kickabouts, with a report on a 1930 disciplinary meeting bizarrely noting that “One player admitted attending the [association football] match in question, but said he did so at the request of his club, to see if other members or players were present.” It was in the capacity of FAI President that Traynor defied the much-feared Archbishop John Charles McQuaid in 1955, taking to the pitch of Dalymount Park to welcome the Yugoslavian team in a friendly against Ireland.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
in New Milford. Festival goers enjoyed local tacos and margaritas as well as Lucha Libre Mexican Wrestling, taco-eating contests, live The Connecticut Taco Festival was held June 30, 2018 at - |ucfirst The Connecticut Taco Festival was held June 30, 2018 at Haybrooke Park in New Milford. Festival goers enjoyed local tacos and margaritas as well as Lucha Libre Mexican Wrestling, taco-eating contests, live music and performances and vendors. Were you SEEN? The Connecticut Taco Festival was held June 30, 2018 at Haybrooke Park in New Milford. Festival goers enjoyed local tacos and margaritas as well as Lucha Libre Mexican Wrestling, taco-eating contests, live The Connecticut Taco Festival was held June 30, 2018 at - |ucfirst The Connecticut Taco Festival was held June 30, 2018 at Haybrooke Park in New Milford.Festival goers enjoyed local tacos and margaritas as well as Lucha Libre Mexican Wrestling, taco-eating contests, live music and performances and vendors. Were you SEEN? The Connecticut Taco Festival was held June 30, 2018 at Haybrooke Park in New Milford. Festival goers enjoyed local tacos and margaritas as well as Lucha Libre Mexican Wrestling, taco-eating contests, live The Connecticut Taco Festival was held June 30, 2018 at Haybrooke Park in New Milford. Festival goers enjoyed local tacos and margaritas as well as Lucha Libre Mexican Wrestling, taco-eating contests, live music and performances and vendors. Were you SEEN? The Connecticut Taco Festival was held June 30, 2018 at Haybrooke Park in New Milford. Festival goers enjoyed local tacos and margaritas as well as Lucha Libre Mexican Wrestling, taco-eating contests, live The Connecticut Taco
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
is inserted into each consecutive hole, "spiraling" through the holes from one end of the notebook to the other. When the coil end reaches the far end of the notebook, the operator stops the machine, cuts the coil, removes the bound notebook, places a new stack of punched paper on the machine with the holes aligned, starts the coil into the first hole, and restarts the machine. Several companies produce coil inserter machines that work along these general principles. They are typically desk-size machines for use in photocopy, print, and desk-top publishing shops, and in other businesses that produce instruction or repair manuals, notebooks, pamphlets, and catalogs, for example. The CI3000 Coil Inserter or PC2000 Coil Inserter are two such machines, which are produced by Performance Design Inc., ofBoise, Id., 83705. These coil inserters are typically "semi-automatic" in that the machine rotates the coil to spiral through, theoretically, all of the holes along the book spine. However, all of the coil inserters on the market today require significant operator-interaction and effort. This operator-interaction results from the coil end frequently hitting and binding-up on the paper near the holes, thus stopping the coil's progress through the holes and, in effect, stopping the binding process. When this happens, the machine continues to rotate the coil, thus "winding up" the coil while the coil end is stuck in place. To alleviate this situation, the machine operator must give constant attention to the machine, standing at the front of the machine, continuously watching the binding process and keeping at least one
{ "pile_set_name": [ "USPTO Backgrounds", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
two women and one man. 110 Portrait of young man. 111 Young boy in suit, wearing a large tie, with hand on a chair. 112 Young woman, Ella, seated, rose pinned to bosom, ribbon in hair. 113 Elderly man, seated. 114 Young man, seated, ¾ view. 115 Two seated women, one in rocker, holding hands, one on shoulder. AV 71 Albert J. Ewing Collection Page 6 116 Seated woman, wearing white gloves and roses on bosom. 117 Elderly woman in a full dress. 2 118 Elementary school group photo, including teacher. 119 High School group photo. 2 120 Large family portrait ( wedding?), women holding flower bouquets, garden background with hills. 121 Same as number 120. 122 School group photo including a male teacher. 123 Adults and children group photo. 124 Group photo in front of brick building. 125 Family photo. 126 Flowers, greenery, and photo stacked up against a treetrunk. 127 Group photo in front of a large frame building. 128 Same as number 126. 129 Same as number 126. 130 School group photo. 131 School group photo. 132 Full photo of young lady, ribbon in hair, holding a rolled piece of paper ( a diploma?). 133 Same as number 127. 134 Four women sitting in the woods. 135 Sitting man. 136 Unidentified farm in hills. 137 Very large group of elderly men wearing hats in front of a municipal building. 138 Two dogs in foreground, family in background. 139 Same as number 138 but with hats off. 140 School group photo. 141 Large school group photo in front of brick building with students appearing in windows. 142 Large family photo, including a dog. 143 Infant in gown in chair. 144 Two men, three women in woods. 145 Photo of mother, father, ten children and dog. 146 Two men on
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Hortus Animae - The Poison of the Naga Lyrics From the dynasty of the waters Rising from the depths with ascetic discordance Floods of destruction after rains of fertility A liquid taste of slaughter Deity of virulent poison, prowess and endurance From the water tree giving His offering And that was not the apple of sin Holding storms in one hand, whipping away mortality The revered elixir of life of the great laconic trinity Supreme Keeper of Knowledge On the shoulders of the Destroyer Crowning the head of the Ubiquitous The shelter of gods, which from nether dimensions He lauds Nagaraja – Serpent King Spirits dance along subterranean streams The entrance is subtle, the trail is so steep Spirits dance along subterranean streams The breaths are humid, the realm is so deep Recover Amrita from the Ocean of Milk Bending the mountains, churning the seas Gods and demons, thelockings to bind Him The greatest of efforts and yielded the King The last weary breath becomes the strongest of venoms Wryly the Destroyer becoming the plenum The essence of immortality is safely back The threat of doomsday is delayed once again Nagaraja – Serpent King Spirits dance along subterranean streams The entrance is subtle, the trail is so steep Spirits dance along subterranean streams The breaths are humid, the realm is so deep Spirits dance along subterranean streams With a slow pace they cautiously creep Spirits dance along subterranean streams The entrance is subtle, in a well that's so deep Nagaraja – Serpent King The Mother of Snakes unleashed Her children on trees To offer the humans all the wisdom they need The fork-tongued creatures spoke the words of relief And no that was not the bloody apple of sin The Mother of Snakes unleashed Her children
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by Jingxue Wang of the Agri-Biotechnology Research Centre of Shanxi Province inserted two animal genes—one from a scorpion and one from a moth—into rape plants (the source of rapeseed oil, or canola) to make them poisonous to insects that feed on them. The researchers said that the use of two foreign genes instead of one would reduce the likelihood that insect pests would develop resistance to the genetically introduced toxins. Researchers at the University of Victoria, B.C., succeeded in inserting a modified frog gene into potato plants to give the plants resistance against a range of microbial diseases. The gene was taken from Phyllomedusa bicolor, a poisonous frog of South American rainforests, and it produces dermaseptin B1, a skin toxin that helps protect the frog against fungi andHome "Shuraseno Yadu Shreshthah S annivasah Suyamuna!" (Krishna, the Shoorsaini, the chief among the Yadus, dwells in a beatific abode by the blessed Yamuna!) -Visnu Sahasranama, Verse 75 Ved Vyasa on Shoor(saini) Krishna " Foremost among all the Shoor(saini)s , the powerful one, Krishna, residing at Dwaraka, will rule and protect the whole earth after vanquishing all her lords, conversant as he will be with the science of polity" Mahabharata, Book 13, Chapter 147 Guru Har Gobind Rai Bearer of Miri and Piri, Badshah Darvesh, Guru Har Gobind Rai Ji, who made Doaba his home and who gave the boon of Sikhi to the Sainis . For the world Krishna is God. For Sainis he is also their ancestor... Most Famous Saini For some he is revered because
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "OpenWebText2" ] }
buried corpses, a trait which is documented extensively, particularly in the Annales Medico-psychologiques in the 19th century. Werewolf folklore is rare in England, possibly because wolves had been eradicated by authorities in the Anglo-Saxon period. The information on this site is your key to unlocking these assets and opportunities and putting them to incredible, incredible benefit. Dr Lee Illis of Guy`s Hospital in London wrote a paper in 1963 entitled On Porphyria and the Aetiology of Werewolves, in which he argues that historical accounts on werewolves could have in fact been referring to victims of congenital porphyria, stating how the symptoms of photosensitivity, reddish teeth and psychosis could have been grounds for accusing a sufferer of being a werewolf. Free to worship as they choose, free to thinkas they choose, free to live as they choose. Werewolf folklore is rare in England, possibly because wolves had been eradicated by authorities in the Anglo-Saxon period. صور نيك نار Some bikinis can offer a large amount of coverage, while other bikinis provide only the barest minimum. صوربنات عاريه أغرا After newspaper photographers snapped the obligatory photos of the animal, it was promptly buried in the Revers? backyard. صوركس وبزاز سهير رمزي Most of the people I encounter in my experience had no idea of how much abundance and opportunities and riches lie right under their noses. صور نيك نار The buzz around the film started building during the Cannes Film Festival in May 2006, when Baron Cohen posed in character on the beach in a neon green mankini,
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Knudson had to inhale paint particulate. According to Knudson, this caused "severe, permanent, and disabling injury to his lungs" and "a severe loss of lung capacity" that has "rendered [him] permanently and totally disabled from any gainful employment." On August 25, 2005, Knudson filed a claim for his lung injuries with Missouri's Division of Workers' Compensation. On July 1, 2008, Knudson filed a suit against Long and Systems Painters in Missouri state court. Knudson claimed that the conduct of both Long and Systems Painters caused his lung injuries. Missouri's workers' compensation laws ordinarily immunize co-employees like Long from negligence Lingering Summer – Plant Sculptures by Emeric Chantier with Poetry Skull by Emeric Chantier Emeric Chantier is wonderful artist from France. He works in multimedia to create fascinating works that are beautiful and meaningful. A few places to see his work online are HERE, HERE, and HERE. Also check out his website to see his more of his work in other mediums. Lingering Summer Lisa Cox Summer lingers Long in the garden Beguiled by lavender And rosemary Intoxicated by the scent Like a newly legal on Their birthday Summer stays too Long, imbibing all That grows and flowers Letting ants tickle Her toes And bees provide Her beat she dances Through moonlit nights Into cool dew lit mornings While sunflowers outgrow The peas, and pumpkins Grow obscenely overweight Into orange tushes that Summer squeezes And runs past giggling Wildly – hardly noticing The chill creeping into Evenings, not missing the Fireflies no longer Flying, the birds flying South with all
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "Pile-CC" ] }
Russian, at the age of five. After public schools in San Francisco, he entered Harvard at the ripe old age of 16. He graduated with a summa in math at 20, clerked for Justice Potter Stewart, got tenure here at the law school at 29, became a university professor in 2004, wrote his iconic treatise on the US Constitution. He's currently working on a book about impeachment, which is coming out next spring. He helped to write the constitutions of South Africa, the Marshall Islands, and the Czech Republic. He's been elected to the American Academy of Sciences and the American Philosophical Society. And is most proud, in all these accomplishments, of what he has done with his many students, not only his longtime friend and temporary adversary, Kathleen Sullivan, but two of our panelists today, Patricia Millett and Merrick Garland. Many of you saw two other of his students yesterday, probably, John Roberts and Elena Kagan. Perhaps also David Barron of the First Circuit. And a slew of other federaljudges, academics, luminaries in the law, and many, many, many friends. Kathleen Sullivan began her constitutional career in Larry Tribe's classroom and went on to scale the highest peaks of the legal profession. She has 11 Supreme Court arguments and innumerable appellate and state court arguments to her credit, and is widely recognized as one of the brightest stars in appellate advocacy, which, I should say, has ventured into every manner of constitutional and commercial law. She is the first, and still only, female named partner at an Am Law 100 law firm. And prior to her conquest of the courtroom, she made a stellar name for herself in the classroom as a beloved professor here at Harvard, where her grateful students chose her for the first Sacks-Freund Award for Teaching Excellence. She then went to Stanford, where she became the first woman dean of any of their schools. And she has brought thousands of students to a better understanding of the Constitution and for the last 20 years, has
{ "pile_set_name": [ "YoutubeSubtitles", "YoutubeSubtitles" ] }
using the first nitride film and the nitride film spacer as a mask, the portion of the SOI layer below the opening of the first nitride film is exposed except for the region below the nitride film spacer. Then, by forming the gate oxide film on the SOI layer exposed by the etching of the selection oxide film, forming the polysilicon layer on the entire SOI substrate where the gate oxide film is formed and etching back the polysilicon layer, the gate electrode made of polysilicon is formed inside the opening of the first nitride film. By removing the first nitride film, the nitride film spacer, the selection oxide film and the first oxide film after the formation of the gate electrode and implanting low-concentration impurity ions intothe SOI layer using the gate electrode as a mask, the portion that becomes the LDD region is formed in the SOI layer outside the region below the gate electrode. Then, by forming the second oxide film on the entire SOI substrate where the portion that becomes the LDD region is formed in the SOI layer and subjecting the second oxide film to anisotropic etching, the oxide film spacer is formed on both side wall sides of the gate electrode. Thereafter, by implanting high-concentration impurity ions into the SOI layer using the gate electrode and the oxide film spacer as a mask, the source junction region and the drain junction region are formed in the SOI layer outside the region below the gate electrode and the oxide film
{ "pile_set_name": [ "USPTO Backgrounds", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
had been stolen, and truo-onough, it proved to bo one taken in Juno from Mr, Bicknian, south of Tucson, and an other of his horses is reported to have been seen in possession of the Indians Agont Jacobs has sent tho ono to Tuc son and will do his bost to got and return tho other. As beforo stated, both Col. Eoyall .and Agent Jacob3 aro doing all in heir powor to rightfully executo their 'duties, and tho public at largo ap preciate their efforts. Their task is doubly difficult because of former misrule. advicos from Sonora aro to the effect that peaco reigns throughout tho State, and that tho Apachos have been less troublesome for tho past few months than for years provious. This nows seems to confirm tho report that Cachise, with a largo band of war riors, has taken up his headquarters in Mexico, and made peaco with that country,shot him self by accident in the left leg, and Mr. Apple had something akin to a sunstroke. Dr. Mullan, then at San Carlos, was sent for. Ho promptly wont and gavo relief, and at last ac counts both were out of danger. BORN. In Tucson, July 31, 1872, to the wife of Herbert Lord, a daughter. In Tucson, July 124, 1872, to the wile or A. Levin, a daughter. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 0KDER No. 6. IT IS ORDERED BY THE Mayor and Council of the Village of Tucson : The corporate authorities of the Village of Tucsou will commence on the 12th day of August, A. D. 1872, issuing deeds for lots to partiese n titled thereto under the following rules and regulations : Jjirst The Village Hecordcr is hereby required to be at lna oflice from 1 o'clock p. sr. to 5 o'clock v. m. each day (Sundays excepted), from the 12th
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
down below where I swayed in wonder, I watched them turn and, from the topmost rectangle — step straight into the sky. Xochitl shifted to block my ascent and redrew the screen, but the next day at siesta, I clambered up — with all the grace of a turtle, an indignity foisted on me by the thoughtless wretch who had built the steps so high. At first all I took in was a wobbly carpet of cobs baking in the sun, and the hot, moist smell of the world as a drying oven. All I had known was the compound. I was splendidly unprepared for what I now saw. Even a very short girl could see for nearly ten leagues all around. To the southeast was a jumbled crust of sharp hills and spent craters like heaps of burnt sugarsubsiding in a pan of caramel. To the southwest, as though warped on a loom, rough-woven panels of sugar cane stretched, and all through them the silver threading of irrigation ditches. An Aztec feathercape of greens fanned west and north — deep lime groves and oranges, and blue-green plantations of what I eventually learned were Peruvian pineapple. Closer in, ranks of spindly papaya and the oily green oars of banana trees transplanted from the Philippines. It may have been then that I had my earliest intimation of the links running from form to knowledge to power, for it was not long after that I began to draw. Maybe if I drew a thing I might learn to look for what I had not yet seen. As soon as I took up my first piece of charcoal, my eye
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was making, he was unable to call loud enough to summon help. He was able to reach the tool box, however, ancl he took several wrenches which he threw at the throttle, but missed each time. Finally he picked up the last remaining wrench, took a careful aim, and fired. The wrench hit the throttle and shut off the roar Ing tractor. Ralph then called for help and when he was rescued, was found to have a broken leg and two wounds where bolts had penetrated his leg. A party and good time has been arranged for the young folks at the AI. E. Church basement Friday evening. Come and join the fun! Bring the price of twice the size of your socks. For instance of you wear a size 5, brings 16c—if unfortunately you wear a 20, you must pay accordingly, but the choir girls assure you theRiver a year ago and drew much applaus. They are regular staff artists on radio station WDGY Alinneapolis. Don't forget the date, June 30 at the armory. Dell Peterson of Guthrie, was a supper guest at the Oscar Dahl home Alonday evening. Alost horrible inheritance in history, a man-made, destructive monster, is handed down to Basil Rath- bone as title player in Universal's new dramatic shocker, "Son of Frankenstein," playing to-nite and Saturday at the Alarlow Theatre. Boris Karloff re-creates his monster characterization of "Frankenstein" and the "Bride of Frankenstein," and Bela Lugosi is teame 1 with him as a broken-necked, mad- ened shepard. Aiaking its appearance at the Alarlow Theatre Sunday and continuing through Tuesday is 'Spirit of Culver.' Jackie Cooper ancl Freddie Bartholomew are the stars. Andy Devine, Tim Holt and Henry Hull head tn<; support. Basically "Spirit of Culver" is an inspirational story. It preaches
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of new testament greek a coursebook on the information structure of new testament greek is doc file short description about a radical approach to lebesgues theory of integration mathematical association of america textbooks Not available | a radical approach to lebesgues theory of integration mathematical association of america textbooks is pdf file short description about a radical approach to lebesgues theory of integration mathematical association of america textbooks Not available | a radical approach to lebesgues theory of integration mathematical association of america textbooks is doc file short description about imagining head smashed in aboriginal buffalo hunting on the northern plains 1st first edition by brink jack w 2009 Not available | imagining head smashed in aboriginal buffalo hunting on the northern plains 1st first edition by brink jack w 2009territorial and people centred perspective Not available | sustainable human development a new territorial and people centred perspective is pdf file short description about sustainable human development a new territorial and people centred perspective Not available | sustainable human development a new territorial and people centred perspective is doc file short description about patent transactions in the life sciences a global guide to agreements in the sector Not available | patent transactions in the life sciences a global guide to agreements in the sector is pdf file short description about patent transactions in the life sciences a global guide to agreements in the sector Not available | patent transactions in the life sciences a global guide to agreements in the sector is doc file short description about next generation science standards for
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Mary M. Chan (email: [email protected])is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Alberta. She has previously published in Persuasions and Persuasions On-Line, and has presented at two JASNA AGMs. She is currently working on her dissertation, which analyzes domestic spaces in the eighteenth-century novel. Jane Austen’s novels are limited in scope, a fact she acknowledges in her famous, facetious comment comparing her writing to the painting of a miniature portrait, “the little bit (two Inches wide) of Ivory on which I work with so fine a Brush, as produces little effect after much labour” (16 December 1816). Though Austen was being playfully ironic in her letter to her nephew, her novels are indeed limited in one key aspect: they predominantly take place indoors, in drawing rooms and in ballrooms. Spaces, particularly interior spaces, embody the societal scrutiny under which Austen’s characters operate and indicateconstrained by the rigid expectations of her society.1 After she refuses Mr. Collins’s proposal, Lizzie runs out of the house to a nearby lake, as if escaping the pressures to marry well for the sake of the family. The character’s association with the outdoors is best exemplified (and amplified) by the long, sweeping helicopter shot of Lizzie Bennet (played by Keira Knightley) standing on the precipice of a large cliff, the wind blowing her hair and the sun shining down, a shot so iconic that it is used as the background for the DVD’s main menu. The helicopter shot of the precipice is one of several shots of Lizzie in a beautiful landscape, including her trek to Netherfield to visit Jane, which is an extreme long shot of a giant tree on the left and Knightley’s silhouette walking across
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the surface of photoconductor drum 125 according to the digital image signals with an image exposure operation performed by a laser beam scanning device 127. The latent image on the photoconductor drum 125 is then developed with toner to form a visible toner image by developing device 128. A transfer sheet is fed to a registration roller 136 from a selected one of sheet cassettes 133, 134 and 135, toward the photoconductor drum 125 at a timing to register the leading edge of the transfer sheet with the leading edge of a toner image formed on the surface of the photoconductor drum 125. The toner image on photoconductor drum 125 is transferred onto the transfer sheet with transfer device 130. The transfer sheet carrying the toner image is separatedformed on the surface of the photoconductor drum 125 with the laser beam and the latent image is developed with toner, one side of the rectangular toner image is perpendicular to the direction in which the photoconductor drum 125 rotates (parallel to the axis of the photoconductor drum 125) and the other side of the rectangular toner image is parallel to the direction in which the photoconductor drum 125 rotates (perpendicular to the axis of the photoconductor drum 125), or when the rectangular toner image is transferred onto a transfer sheet, sides of the rectangular toner image are parallel to edges of the transfer sheet respectively or each line extending from an end of a side of the rectangular image is perpendicular to an edge of the transfer
{ "pile_set_name": [ "USPTO Backgrounds", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
Updates Cover Appearances, Checkered Flags, and Debuts Deric Kramer Covers National Dragster Magazine In case you missed it from earlier this year, American Ethanol driver Deric Kramer has been having a storybook season which was punctuated by his first-career NHRA Pro Stock Victory at the 30th Annual Heartland Nationals presented by Minties. Highlights of Deric’s season before the win included qualifying in the pole position for the first time, and earning his first-career runner-up finish in a Pro Stock race. Now, Deric has added a new accomplishment to his amazing season – representing American Ethanol on the cover of National Dragster Magazine! Make sure you follow Deric on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to keep up with his progress this season. Deric and the American Ethanol Pro Stock team will be backVilla for 6 guests Name/Address: Villa Almond Image disclaimer: It is the responsibility of the hotel chain and/or the individual property to ensure the accuracy of the photos displayed. Dream Home Shop is not responsible for any inaccuracies in the photos. Almond villa is a newly built villa, located Western part of the traditional authentic Cretan village Prines, (200m above sea level), which combines architectural elements from its Arabic, Venetian and Ottoman history. You can enjoy cycling, trekking, mountaineering through the wild Cretan Flora, swimming, riding by the sea and all marine sports on nearby beaches. The villa is built with traditional materials. The view from the windows and verandas is unique, overlooking the White Mountains, the Cretan Sea and wild oak trees. 5 kilometers from the historical town Rethymno and combines the tranquility
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and saints, and even nailed to the cross above the crucified body of Our Lord. This sacred emblem of the Paraclete, the Divine Comforter, by a monstrous violation of propriety was emblazoned upon battle-flags, and the Holy Name given to a military order and to ships of war.[375] This emblem was also used in pagan art. The light-winged coursers who 240 drew the airy chariot of Venus were doves. From the oaks of Dodona doves uttered oracles of the future. A dove was also the celestial messenger of Mahomet. The olive, too, was sacred to Minerva, and as the symbol of peace was woven into the victor’s crown. [Illustration: Fig. 46.--Symbolical Peacock.] Other pagan types were employed, but with a new and nobler Christian significance. Thus the peacock, the proud bird of Juno, frequently appears inimpostor.”[429] The Christians, therefore, reverently veiled this sacred sign from the multitude; but they cherished it in their hearts, and in times of persecution gladly bore its reproach. The early Fathers, both Greek and Latin, recognize the occurrence of this symbol everywhere 262 throughout the universe, and expatiate with fervent eloquence on its mystical meaning. The points of the compass, says Jerome, and the fourfold dimensions of space as mentioned by the apostle,[430] set it forth. Its form was assumed by birds in their flight, by men in the act of swimming and in the attitude of prayer, and is seen in the masts and yards of vessels.[431] “The cross,” says Justin Martyr,[432] “is impressed on all nature; there is scarcely a craftsman but employs the figure of it
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Gutenberg (PG-19)", "Gutenberg (PG-19)" ] }
aboard, would you do me a big favor?" Tom-tom reversed course in a second and stood looking up at Dieter eagerly. Dieter found a small pad in his truck and wrote a note. "Take this up to the kitchen and give it to the cook as fast as you can." Tom-tom snatched the piece of paper, glanced at it, nodded and ran for Dieter's truck. He turned around carefully on the dock and drove slowly until he reached dry land and was out of Dieter's sight before he stomped the accelerator. Mutt betrayed him with his repetitive shrill cries, "FUCK ME! FUCK ME! BILLIE SLOW DOWN GODDAMNIT!" Dieter waited until Tom-tom turned around before he called the kitchen from a phone box on the end of the dock to be sure there were no misunderstandings. The cook thanked him forgiving her a head start and assured him that she would look surprised. After he hung up, he and Kurt laughed while they tracked Tom-tom's speedy progress to the house as Mutt's cries faded. They knew when Tom-tom was returning from Mutt's rapidly increasing volume. By the time Tom-tom idled along the dock, Kurt's regular crewmen, volunteers from the Sea Song's crew had taken in the spring lines and stood ready to cast off. Each young seaman was eagerly assisted by one of the boys happily using sign language since they couldn't talk to each other. The boys assigned to the dock rushed to load the food hammers and cooler into the hatch where they were snatched by other boys and carried below. Tom-tom, surrounded by other heads waved to Dieter as they got underway and headed for the pinchers
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Our Vision or Losing Our Focus? Antipode 33: 149-161. Pearl, Judea. 2003. Statistics and Causal Inference: A Review. Sociedad de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (Test) 12(2): 281–345. Orford, Scott, Richard Harris, and Daniel Dorling. 1999. Geography: Information Visualization in the Social Sciences, A State-of-the-Art Review. Social Science Computer Review 17: 289-304. Povoledo, Elisabetta. 2007. In Italy, Creating Worlds Takes Precision, Yes, and Politics. The New York Times. August 15. Rogowski, Ronald. 1995. The Role of Theory and Anomaly in Social Science Inference. The American Political Science Review 89:467-470. Rothstein, Bo. 1990. 'Labour Market Institutions and Working Class Strength', in Structuring Politics: Historical Institutionalism in Comparative Analysis, Steinmo, S., K. Thelen and F. Longsteth, eds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Ross, Mark Howard and Elizabeth Homer. 1976. Galton's Problem inBOOK CAMPERVAN HOLIDAY Would you Like to go on Tour with Ziggy Starvan? He came to life in 1973, the year David Bowie retired his Ziggy Stardust creation.Westfalia-Werke is the company which converted VW T2s from the original cargo van or passenger bus into the leisure vehicle, which met the freedom seeking needs of the 1960s and ‘70s. He is right hand drive and has a 1584cc engine. Ziggy’s interior is just an amazing trip back to the ‘70s, most of the original Westy interior is intact and includes all those groovy touches like fold-out side tables, from original pump action sink and folding gas cooker. There is a full width rock and roll bed downstairs, which sleeps two adults, two smaller people can sleep in the roof. With an overcab bunk
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PhilPapers", "Pile-CC" ] }
Ben Robideau, Airs. Eva LaBelle of Minneapolis, who read a poem dedicated to a brother killed in the Argonne, and former Senator, J. Lawrence AIcLeod ot Grand Rapids ancl Alike Jeloski f Brainerd. The Carnival Queen was introduced ancl extended a vote of thanks to the VFW and Auxiliary. Alary Severn, winner of the state essay prizo, and her mother were guests of the Auxiliary. Aliss Severns will also be a guest of the Roy Lee Post at the state convention at Virginia. Gold Star Alothers present, included Alesdames Agnes Fallen, Kate Nelson, .V. J. Adrian and Amelia Viet of Brainerd and Mrs. .Mary Jones of Pine River. The sacred Alemorial Service given in the evening, drew a large crowd. Comrades Glenn Hogle and wm. Ham bleton of Alora, together with members of their Post and Auxiliary, presented the impressive service, simply and beautifully, in honor ofAmerica 's war dead. A grand turnout was present at the dam when the fireworks were touch oil' as a final salute to the convention. All in all it was a grand success, and with the ever present.Cootie Parade, Dugout and "Elmer" indispensable buddy of the Veterans, it was a miniature state encampment. The Roy Lee Post and Auxiliary are very grateful to 'he businessmen of Pine River and tlie Village Council for the loyal support they showed. PINE RIVER JOURNAL VOLUME IV, XUAIRER 4:1 THE PINE KiVER JOURNAL, PINE RIVER, CASS COUNTY, MINNESOTA, FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1939 SUB. $1.00 In County, $1.50 outside Out of the . . i Waste Basket —By— GRANT BERGSTROM BINKY WAKES GOOD AT HIS BIRTHDAY PARTY Etiquette ir? Decoration^ On Thursday and Friday of last week, Air. Vaugn of Alinneapolis, a professional decorator for conventions, etc., was busy hanging streamers and welcome signs on local
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
About Sydney City Sydney Visitors place heavy expectations on Sydney. Travellers flock to the Olympic Park from the other side of the world to take in some of the planet’s most iconic attractions. Sydney may be overwhelming at first, but the locals’ generally friendly behaviour will soon put you at ease. There’s never a shortage of things to do in New South Wales’s capital, no matter where your interests lie. Similarly, holidays rentals to suit every taste abound, from exclusive condos with views of Bondi Beach to city centre flats steps from the Parliament. The Opera House and Circular Quay There are many ways to experience Sydney’s world-famous sights, suited to every budget and time constraint. Perhaps one of the most efficient ways to get acquainted with the sights is to takea cruise departing from Darling Harbour or Circular Quay. The boat tour lasts about two hours and provides uninterrupted views of the CBD’s skyline and the Opera House, creating prime photo ops. Most cruises also pass under Harbour Bridge. If you would like to make an evening of it, dine at one of Circular Quay’s restaurants, all of which boast water views, then catch a performance at the Opera House, a short walk down the quay. To learn more about the Opera House, sign up for one of the guided tours that operates daily. Harbour Bridge from Every Angle Harbour Bridge is one of the most photographed structures in the world but it also provided a great spot from which to take pictures of Sydney. On the south side of the
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by qawals who attend to the worship of Tawûsê Melek throughout the night. The sanjak is blessed with sacred oil and frankincense, offered incense and holy Zam Zam water. The holy spring of Zam Zam in Lalish dates back to Zoroastrian times. There are seven sanjaks in total, each representing six great angels and Tawûsê Melek. The largest and most important one is the Sheikhni, representing Tawûsê Melek. At night a mir, the representative of Tawûsê Melek, attends to the sanjaks with prayers, and offerings of incense and oil are made followed by rounds of music and song about Tawûsê Melek throughout the night. The Sheikhani sanjak displayed at Lalish. Photo by Eszter Spät The tomb of Sheikh ʿAdī, draped with brightly colored satin cloths, appears as apeacock or a rainbow. The current Baba Sheikh, Khurto Hajji Ismail On the evening of Sere Sal after the Parade of the Peacock is concluded, Yezidi spiritual leaders including the Baba Sheikh assemble in the temple at Lalish. Meanwhile, thousands of Yezidis gather outside holding small oil lamps. The Baba Sheikh enters the tomb of Sheikh ʿAdī where he drapes new rainbow-colored satin cloths upon the tomb. He then lights a lamp and offers up incense and murmurs a special prayer addressed to Tawûsê Melek in the person of Sheikh ʿAdī. Yezidi faithful crowd together in the small courtyard of Lalish sanctuary waiting for the Baba Sheikh to emerge, holding thousands of lit lamps. A hush comes over the multitude as the Baba Sheikh emerges and recites the
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THE HEIRS OF ISILDUR, gives a brief history of the region of Eriador, The Kingdom of Arnor, the three kingdoms that Arnor was later divided into, and the chieftains of the Dunedain after the fall of the kingdoms, during the Third Age of Middle-earth. Appendix A, Annals of the Kings and Rulers, I The Numenorean Kings, (iv), GONDOR, AND THE HEIRS OF ANARION, gives the history of Gondor when ruled by the kings, and when ruled by the ruling stewards, until the Return of the King. Appendix B, THE TALE OF YEARS, has an introduction and then gives the chronology of The Second Age and then The Third Age. In Second Age (SA) 3262: Sauron is taken prisoner to Numenor. SA 3262-3310 Sauron seduces the king and corrupts the Numenoreans. SA 3310 Ar-Pharazon begins the building of the Great Armament. SA 3319 Ar-Pharazon assails Valinor. Downfall of Numenor. Elendil and his sons escape. [Note the Downfall was the literal downfall of Numenor into the ocean. Elendil and his sons and the remnant of the Faithful of Numenor escaped in nine ships.] SA 3320 Foundations of the Realms in Exile, Arnor and Gondor. The stones are divided (ii, 203). Sauron returns to Mordor. [Note. Elendil was the King of Arnor, and the High King of both realms. Isildur and Anarion were the co kings of Gondor. Osgiliath was the capital of Gondor, and Minas Itil (later Minas Morgul) was Isildur's city and Minas Anor (later Minas Tirith) was Anarion's city. The stones were the palantiri. Sauron
{ "pile_set_name": [ "StackExchange", "StackExchange" ] }
has to leave to catch his flight for london and his secretary reena is there to represent him."Mr Sharma! Nice meeting you" He says charmingly. "Same here" Prerna smiles. They shake hands again. Rishabh turns around and walks out. Prerna stares at him and plays with her hair."Congratulations Prerna. Bajaj ka itna kehna hi kaafi hai" Gill says.Prerna is very happy. Prerna gets possessive : By Prernafreak: madam prerna had to go alone to meet Mr.Bajaj. Komolika also arrived there and was intending to discuss selling off the bhasu properties..Prerna saw her entering Bajaj's cabin without any appointment, and in characteristic prerna style, barged in , shouting at all. The cool dude Mr.Bajaj was unfazed, he calmly told komolika to wait outside..prerna immediately cooled down and started giving him herhe'll never drink again. Bajaj very lovingly smiles at her and they both hug. (at this point……the kya pyar karoge song starts….) and then….with hands around each-other's waists….they move to another room……the real bajaj follows…..In the room….there's a mirror in which bajaj…..instead of his reflection sees this scene that-Prerna is moving away from bajaj when he grasps her hand and pulls her REALLY close to himself. For some moments……he stares into her eyes with intense love…..and then kisses her forehead ever so passionately and moves on to kissing her cheek. Bajaj just looks on…..looks at how close the imaginary bajaj and prerna are….. After that……bajaj and prerna r having a very romantic candle-light dinner where they r thoroughly enjoying each other's company . bajaj feeds prerna and enjoys each and every
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This victory clinched the conference champion-ship for the visitors. The local hoopsters started slow-ly but fought courageously throughout the game. They were almost tied when the first half end-ed with the scoreboard showing 19 to 17. When play was resumed, the Bethel midgets (comparatively speaking) seemed unable to cope with the smooth ball handling of the rangy lads from Worthington. They gave ground reluctantly and finally ended on the short end of the score of 52 to 35. Van Citters, all-state importation from Iowa, led the victors with nineteen points while Nyman pac-ed the losers 'with ten counters. Ray Appelquist stood out defens-ively for the Red and White. Soph Skate Enjoyed Skating was the theme 'provid-ing fun and frolic for approximate-ly half the sophomore class who attended the sophomore skating party Wednesday, February 26. After The Skate the class gath-ered at the home of Professor C. E. Carlson, sophomore advisor, for refreshments and a devotional period, led by Archie Johnson. AAAAAAAAAAAA Sports Slants ByGene Nyman. VVVVVVVVVVVV On Feb. 19, Bethel's varsity bas-ketball team scrimmaged the Augsburg frosh team on the local floor. The Indians turned in a good performance and at the end of four quarters emerged on the top side of a 36 to 24 score. Capt. Peterson and Gene Nyman shared high-score honors with twelve points each. Gus Ferre officiated. The handball champion has not yet been decided as two matches remain to be played in the championship bracket. The winner of the match be-tween Gus Ferre and Ed Nel-son will meet Francis McOlash to determine the all-school champ. Last week your columnist re-ceived a letter from Ray Honys-son, Rochester J. C. sportswriter, who is making a poll of Southern Minnesota Conference sports edi-tors to select an all-conference team. The team selected by your sportswriter on the basis of the showing made against Bethel is as follows : Thompson of Worthing-ton and R. Stone of Tracy at for-wards, Van Citters at
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
Leto (Thirty Seconds to Mars) Aaron Lewis (Staind) Matty Lewis (Zebrahead) Mike Lewis (Lostprophets) Herman Li (DragonForce) Hal Lindes (Dire Straits) Glenn Ljungström (Dimension Zero) Kenny Loggins (Loggins & Messina, solo artist) John Lombardo (10,000 Maniacs) Courtney Love (Hole) Parker Lundgren (Queensrÿche) Simaro Lutumba (Tout Puissant Orchestre Kinshasa Jazz) M Colin MacDonald (The Trews) Bryan MacLean (Love) Ian Mackaye (Fugazi) Benji Madden (Good Charlotte) Joel Madden (Good Charlotte) Bob Marley Mick Mars (Mötley Crüe) Steve Marriott (Humble Pie) Chris Martin (Coldplay) Dave Mason (Traffic) Dave Matthews (Dave Matthews Band) Justin Mauriello (I Hate Kate, Zebrahead) Lee Mavers (The La's) Brian May (Queen) Curtis Mayfield (The Impressions) Paul McCartney (The Beatles) Kim McAuliffe (Girlschool) George McCorkle (The Marshall Tucker Band) Hugh McCracken Country Joe McDonald (Country Joe & The Fish) Brownie McGhee Tim McIlrath (Rise Against) Duff McKagan (Loaded) Al McKay (Earth, Wind & Fire) Sarah McLachlan Eric Melvin (NOFX) Wendy Melvoin (Wendy & Lisa, Prince and The Revolution) Joe Messina (The Funk Brothers) Bret Michaels (Poison) Paulo Miklos (Titãs) Shaun MorganTaken from their mundane lives and forced together in this week's training. The two trainees found themselves waking up with red lines on the insides of both sets of forearms and no memory of how or why they or the other was...wherever it was that it was they were. At their feet was a host of items that implied their goal. First was a simple matchbox containing 120 matches, noted by the large bold 120 plastered on the cover. Six water bottles were organized around the matchbox in semi circle fashion away from the male and female waking participants. Behind these items rested a backpack which contained enough room in the front pouch for both the matchbox (with matches) and all six water bottles if the two should
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "Pile-CC" ] }
organ was the Black Wave where Korean anarchist Bak Yeol was its editor-in-chief. == See also == Japanese dissidence during the Shōwa period Japanese Anarchist Federation Tomioka Makoto Kikuoka Kuri Fumiko Kaneko Jun Tsuji Nagoya Anarchists Hajime Matsumoto High Treason Incident Shūsui Kōtoku Kanno Sugako == References == == Bibliography == Tsuzuki, Chushichi (1970). "Anarchism in Japan". Government and Opposition. 5 (4): 501–522. == Further reading == Graham, Robert (2005). "Anarchism in Japan and Korea". Anarchism: a Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas, Volume One. Montréal: Black Rose Books. ISBN 1-55164-250-6. Stephen S. Large (1977). The Romance of Revolution in Japanese Anarchism and Communism during the Taishō Period. Cambridge University Press. John Crump (1992). Anarchist opposition to Japanese militarism, 1926–1937. John Crump (Jan 1, 1993). Hatta Shūzō and Pure Anarchism in Interwar Japan. Macmillan. == External links == "Anarchist Opposition to Japanese Militarism, 1926-37", a paper by John Crump presented at the British Association for Japanese Studies Japanese Anarchism Bibliography entry at the Anarchy Archives Amateur Revolt, an artistic and social activist collective inReview of the novelties presented at the 28th Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS) (II). The most relevant data presented at the 28th edition of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS) held in October 2012 in France have been summarised in the fifth edition of the Post-ECTRIMS Expert Meeting held in Madrid in October 2012. This review is the result of the meeting, which is being published in three parts. This second part of the Post-ECTRIMS review discusses the biology of recovery and remyelination in multiple sclerosis (MS) as well as the different repair and endogenous and exogenous remyelination strategies currently being evaluated based on the fact that resident microglia and oligodendroglial progenitor cells have been implicated
{ "pile_set_name": [ "YoutubeSubtitles", "PubMed Abstracts" ] }
right on 21st Street. Seventh Avenue is sixth blocks south of the Interstate. THE HISTORIC TOUR: Limited parking is available along Seventh Avenue while large off-street public parking is noted on the Ybor City Map. Visitors may wish to drive this tour selecting places to visit or stopping only when interested. Parking garages are on 9th Avenue & 13th Street and at 6th Avenue and 15th Street. If you are at 7th Avenue and 21st, you see the: (1)COLUMBIA RESTAURANT (1905), 2117 7th Avenue, Tampa's oldest restaurant, and with 1200 seats spread across a dozen rooms, one of the world's largest. Founded by Casimire Hernandez after the song :"Columbia, Gem of the Ocean", the restaurant merits a visit just to see the 1936 Don Quizote Room with its scenes by Sergio de Meza or the two-storied courtyard. The original cafe started on theTampa political hangout. More blue collar is the (5)SILVER RING SANDWICH SHOPsie at1831 7th Avenue, a culinary landmark for the Cuban sandwich's popularity across Tampa. TURN RIGHT ON 18TH STREET AND GO TWO BLOCKS past CentennialPlaza and the YborCity Farmers Market. You may wish to stop to examine the wonderful 1992 statue honoring YborCity's immigrant population. Look for the statue of my friend TONY PIZZO, the man responsible for creating the first architectural review area in Florida and saving YborCity in the 1940s and 1950s.On the northern side of the Plaza is the: (6)YBORCITYSTATEMUSEUM,1818 9th Avenue, housed in the 1926 Ferlita Bakery. The admission price is small but there is more to see with the plaza and historic cigar workers cottages. RETURN TO SEVENTH AVENUE BY 18th STREET and turn right, just before the: (7)L'UNIONE ITALIANA (1917), 1725 7th Avenue, the three-story Italian Renaissance clubhouse started
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
North Carolina shrimp trawlers pull in large hauls Published 5:50 am CST, Monday, January 14, 2019 COROLLA, N.C. (AP) — Scientists say warmer winters are sending shrimp further north, contributing to surging hauls off the coast of North Carolina. The Virginian-Pilot reports that trawlers have clustered within 3 miles of shore in the Outer Banks, each bringing in as much as 20,000 pounds of shrimp per trip. The manager of O'Neal's Sea Harvest, Ashley O'Neal, says the Capt. Ralph hauled in a crew record of 30,000 pounds last week. North Carolina shrimpers broke records in 2016 and 2017. A biologist with the North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries, Chris Stewart, attributes increased harvests to warmer winters and water. A fisheries extension specialist with the North Carolina Sea Grant, Sara Mirabilio, says shrimp coming southBiochemical and immunochemical comparison of Africanized and European honeybee venoms. Africanized honeybees (HBs) pose a hazard to both normal and sting-sensitive subjects in certain areas of Central and South America, and it is predicted that they will soon be present in the southern United States as well. Using an electrical stimulation device, we collected Africanized HB venom (AHV) in Venezuela and European HB venom (EHV) in Louisiana. These venoms, along with commercial European HB venom (CHV), were compared by thin-layer isoelectric focusing and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The Coomassie brilliant blue and silver-stained banding patterns of AHV and EHV were essentially identical to CHV. Western blots were prepared from SDS-PAGE gels and tested with pooled sera from EHV-sensitive subjects and then radiolabeled antihuman IgE. The resulting autoradiographs
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "PubMed Abstracts" ] }
Garcia A Simple Symphony Sara Mearns Ana Sophia Scheller Tiler Peck Jared Angle Tyler Angle Sean Suozzi Mercurial Manoeuvres Abi Stafford Kathryn Morgan Erica Pereira Tyler Angle Gonzalo Garcia Sunday matinée, March 1, An All American Season Finale Glass Pieces Maria Kowroski Rebecca Krohn Rachel Rutherford Savannah Lowery Philip Neal Tyler Angle Jason Fowler Ask la Cour Hallelujah Junction Janie Taylor Andrew Veyette Sébastien Marcovici Tarantella Megan Fairchild Joaquín De Luz Stars and Stripes Teresa Reichlen Erica Pereira Savannah Lowery Cour Zachary Catazaro Andrew Scordato Ralph Ippolito Adam Hendrickson Vincent Paradiso Week two, July 14–18 Tuesday, July 14 Swan Lake Wendy Whelan Dena Abergel Ellen Bar Philip Neal Henry Seth Quasi Una Fantasia Rebecca Krohn Janie Taylor Sébastien Marcovici Jared Angle The Four Temperaments theme Faye Arthurs Lauren King Megan LeCrone Adrian Danchig-Waring Amar Ramasar Jason Fowler first variation Melancholic Sean Suozzi second variation Sanguinic Jennie Somogyi Tyler Angle third variation Phlegmatic Albert Evans fourth variation Choleric Teresa Reichlen Wednesday, July 15, Coppélia XXXV anniversary Swanilda / Coppèlia and Frantz Megan Fairchild Andrew Veyette Dr. Coppélius Robert La Fosse Waltz of the Golden Hours Ana Sophia Scheller Dawn Teresa Reichlen Prayer Rebecca Krohn Spinner Faye Arthurs Discord & War Ellen Bar Adam Hendrickson Thursday, July 16, matinée Scotch Symphony Jenifer Ringer Erica Pereira Benjamin Millepied Hallelujah Junction Janie Taylor
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "Wikipedia (en)" ] }
member of the second folding apparatus, (d2) continuing to feed the first folded article through the second folding apparatus with the leading portion of the first folded article in contact with the second stop member of the second folding apparatus so that an intermediate portion of the first folded article between the leading portion of the first folded article and the trailing edge of the first folded article forms a buckled portion, and (d3) continuing to feed the first folded article through the second folding apparatus to cause the buckled portion between the leading portion of the first folded article and the trailing edge of the first folded article to pass between a second pair of folding rollers of the second folding apparatus to form a second foldmay be made with a third folding apparatus by a method including (g1) feeding the second folded article into the third folding apparatus until the leading edge of the second folded article makes contact with a stop member of the third folding apparatus, (g2) causing a movable member of the third folding apparatus to make contact with and move an intermediate portion of the second folded article towards a pair of folding rollers, and (g3) continuing to feed the second folded article through the third folding apparatus so that the intermediate portion of the second folded article passes between the pair of folding rollers of the third folding apparatus to form the final fold. In another aspect, the invention is directed to a method of forming an outsert having
{ "pile_set_name": [ "USPTO Backgrounds", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
Guardian DECEMBER 2007 • FOR THE RECORD, A LOOK AT ROXY by Shaun Carney, The Age DECEMBER 2007 • U2: THE JOSHUA TREE by Andrew Mueller, Uncut JANUARY 2008 • WHAT HAVE YOU CHANGED YOUR MIND ABOUT? WHY? by Brian Eno, Edge JANUARY 2008 • DAVID BOWIE: LODGER by Chris Roberts, Uncut JANUARY 2008 • AMERICAN PRAYER by Danny Eccleston, Mojo JANUARY 2008 • MILES DAVIS: THE COMPLETE ON THE CORNER SESSIONS by John Lewis, Uncut JANUARY 2008 • ROXY MUSIC - THE THRILL OF IT ALL: A VISUAL HISTORY 1972-1982 by Damien Love, Uncut JANUARY 2008 • WYATT CITY BLUES by Jonathan Wingate, Record Collector JANUARY 2008 • IN PRAISE OF... BRIAN ENO by Staff Writers, The Guardian JANUARY 2008 • ROXY MUSIC: THE THRILL OF ITALL by Craig Mathieson, The Age JANUARY 2008 • MEANWHILE, BRIAN ENO BECOMES A POLITICAL ADVISOR by Bruce Sterling, Wired JANUARY 2008 • NO!: THE ORIGINS OF NO WAVE by Marc Masters, Pitchfork JANUARY 2008 • NICK ROBERTSON by Fiona Sibley, Design Week JANUARY 2008 • U2: THE JOSHUA TREE - DELUXE EDITION by Ernest Simpson, Treble JANUARY 2008 • "MAKE IT SOUND LIKE ROUGH SEX" by Jessamy Culkin, The Telegraph JANUARY 2008 • YOUTH FOR FASCISM by Dave Morris, Eye Weekly JANUARY 2008 • HOW TO BUY... CAN by Mike Barnes, Mojo FEBRUARY 2008 • COSMIC OUTRIDERS: THE LIVING MUSIC OF CLUSTER AND HARMONIA by Mark Pilkington, Plan B FEBRUARY 2008 • ROXY MUSIC - THE THRILL OF IT ALL: A VISUAL HISTORY, 1972-1982 by David Buckley,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
ends, set around modern times where Rayne must take down an evil cult formed by the offspring of her vampire father Kagan that has created a substance that's blocking out the sun, allowing vampires to roam free. The games in the series includes:* ''[=BloodRayne=]'' (2002, [[PlayStation2 PS2]]/{{Xbox}}/[[NintendoGameCube GCN]])** It was later ported to Windows PC and Apple Macintosh in 2003; it was also brought to [=PlayStation=] Network in 2011.* ''[=BloodRayne=] 2'' (2004, [=PS2=]/Xbox)** Later ported to Windows PC in 2006; also re-released on [=PlayStation=] Network in 2012.* ''[=BloodRayne=]: Betrayal'' (2011, [[PlayStationNetwork PSN]]/[[XboxLiveArcade XBLA]]) -- The OddballInTheSeries being a [[NintendoHard tough-as-nails]] 2D action platformer developed by Creator/{{WayForward Technologies}}. To be released in Japan as ''[=BloodRayne=]: Crimson Slayer'', published by ArcSystemWorks.** Later ported to Windows PC on April 30, 2014 byAbstraction Games. The PC ports of the first two games in the series are also available through UsefulNotes/{{Steam}} and Website/GOGDotCom (the latter is cheaper for the first game as well as {{DRM}}-free and optimized for Windows Vista and higher for both games); they are also available via [=OnLive=] for cloud gaming. The PC port of the third game is only available on Steam. ----!The [=BloodRayne=] series features examples of:* AfterTheEnd[=/=]DownerEnding: [[spoiler:The end to the second game shows that Kagan's Vampire Apocalypse can't be reversed, despite his death, and that humanity is now a small Brimstone-led resistance movement living in underground bunkers while hordes of monsters rule the surface. Rayne and Severin are on the outs with Brimstone, and Rayne herself has to inherit her father's empire despite her distaste of
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Bosses (2011) How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) I Am Mother (2019) Netflix Original III Smoking Barrels (2017) It’s Okay, Buddy (2017) Jumanji (1995) Krutant (2019) Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole (2010) LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: Black Panther (2018) Little Fockers (2010) Love Is a Story (2015) Luka Chuppi (2019) Ms. Mammy (2012) Mystic Pizza (1988) New Year’s Eve (2011) Oh, Romana! (2019) Pachamama (2019) Netflix Original Revenge of the Ninja (1983) Rock My Heart (2019) Netflix Original Rumpelstiltskin (1987) Salmon Fishing in the Yemen (2011) Sameer Abu Alneel (2013) Satan & Adam (2018) Snatch (2000) Snow White (1987) Speed Kills (2018) Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) Step Outside (2018) Stree (2018) The Guilty (2018) The Longest Yard (2005) The Republic of Imbaba (2015) The Thief and the Imbecile (2013) Transformers: The Last Knight (2017) Unfinished Business (2015) We Are Legends (2019) What a Girl Wants (2003) Would You Rather (2013) 11 New TV Shows Added to Netflix UK This Past Week: 3% (Season 3) Netflix In a rare public demonstration in northern Sri Lanka, once torn apart by war, hundreds of people have held a protest against what they say are attacks on freedom of expression there. Seven media organisations from the south joined the protest held in front of the Jaffna Bus Stand. Former LTTE media spokes person Velayutham Thayanidhi widely known as Daya Master was also among the protesters. Head of the Federation of Media Employees Trade Union (FMETU) Dharmasiri Lankapeli said “ government or its thugs cannot curtail the press freedom by attacking journalists. Attacks on journalists "Irrespective of ethnicity, all journalists will stand together against the attacks on journalists”. He called upon the government to punish those who are responsible for attacks on journalists and media. The crowd of
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
rail line on the NS O Line, since the O Line and CSXT Line would continue to be at-grade. In addition, the proposed CATS North Corridor Commuter Rail, the relocated Amtrak Station, and future increased service will add more rail traffic to the Project study area. Thus, NCDOT determined that the No-Build would not meet the Project purpose and need and eliminated it from consideration. 2.2 IDENTIFICATION OF THE BUILD ALTERNATIVE 2.2.1 Grade Separation Alternatives Considered NCDOT Rail Division’s 2002 Feasibility Study for the Charlotte Multi-Modal Station and Area Track Improvements7 identified the grade separation of the CSXT SF Line from the NS Mainline at NS Milepost (MP) 377 as an important step towards the improvement of transportation options in the Charlotte region. In the development of the 2002 Feasibility Study and subsequent concept planning done by NCDOT, NS, andCATS, the following grade separation alternatives were considered: NS Mainline over CSXT SF Line – This alternative would require raising the NS Mainline over the CSXT SF Line. The Study concluded that raising the NS Mainline above existing grade was not feasible due to the elevated Brookshire Freeway (I-277) and North Graham Street overhead bridge in the Project vicinity. Placing the NS Mainline above the existing grade would require the railroad to clear not only the CSXT SF Line but also the elevated Brookshire Freeway (I-277) and the North Graham Street overhead bridge. The raising of the NS tracks would require the entire future Charlotte Gateway Station (building, tracks, platforms) to be elevated, and therefore create operational changes and a major visual barrier for the Fourth Ward Historic District and other areas of downtown Charlotte. These constraints make
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shopping. Particularly good to buy here is clothing, antiques and jewellery. Key areas: Pest's chic Váci utca and its surrounding avenues tempt tourists with familiar high-street and designer names. Porcelain lovers should hunt down Zsolnay, V Kigyó utca 4, or Herend, I Szentháromság utca 5 - both produce some of the finest pieces in Europe. Markets: Budapest's Great Market Hall (Nagy Vásárcsarnok), IX Fovám tér, is great for bargains. This imposing three-storey structure first opened in 1897. On the ground floor are strings of paprika-like red coral necklaces, pots of pickles, goose liver and salami. There is also a supermarket to stock up on Tokaj wines, Pálinka (cherry and apricot brandy) and bitter, black Zwack unicum (herbal liqueur). Upstairs, there is a choice of Kalocsa and Matyó hand-embroidered tablecloths, Zsolnay and Herendicustoms on leaving the country. =============================== world travel guide,Budapest tourism, Budapest travel guide, Budapest vacation, Budapest Transport, Budapest Introduction, Budapest Hotel, Budapest Attractions, Budapest Videos, Budapest Restaurants, Budapest Museums, Budapest nightlife, Hungary, Hungary travel guide, Hungary tourism, Hungary vacation, Budapest, Europe, Budapest - Hungary Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation, Attractions published:13 Nov 2013 views:9251 antiquities, old coins, porcelains, old vinyl records, old posters and magazines, communist era memorabilia and more are on display at this popular flea market. Bob takes the crew on a road trip to Rhinebeck - Antiques @ Rhinebeck is featured on this week's Flea MarketMinute! published:17 Jun 2015 views:2778 This movies is a combination of our travel day (day 4) and first full day in Budapest (day 5). What you're looking at first is the lovely yellow metro which starts at Vorosmarty ter and
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upheaved in the sky, and with the reddish hue of sun in red heat of midday it beamed forth like a reddish cloud. (3 52 17) As with a stalk less lotus the immaculate visage of Seetha is unbright in the sky when she is on the flank of Ravana as Rama is not in vicinage. (3 52 18) Her lotus pistil like un pimply face is adorned with a pretty forehead on which prettyish curls are fluttering, and with teeth that are spick and span and sparkling, but tears dabbed on that face to sideways when she wept, yet it is pleasant like moon for a sight with shapely nose, pretty eyes, roseate lips, and shining with golden hue in sky. Nevertheless, when she has gone in theflank of Ravana on the sky such an immaculate face of Seetha turned like a palish moon that has just risen bursting a bluish cloud. (3 52 19, 20, 21) Highly disconcerted by the king of Rakshasas that auspicious face of Seetha is unbright like the moon arisen in daytime with somewhat golden hue, owing to the absence of Rama. (3 52 22) She that golden coloured Maithili who is moored by the blackish bodied sovereign of Rakshasas shone forth like a sapphirine gemstone studded in a golden cincture. Or Seetha, the daughter of Janaka, with a complexion that is goldenly yellowish in the tinge of a lotus, moreover with her ornaments of purified gold, flashed like a lightning possessed in a dark cloud, when that stonehearted Ravana possessed
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
Krayot beaches to Haifa's Quiet Beach, is extremely polluted due to the large number of polluting industries in the vicinity, particularly chemical industries. Some plants discharge wastewater directly into the sea or the port, while others discharge wastewater via the Kishon River. As well as industrial plants, the largest water polluter in Haifa Bay is the Haifa wastewater treatment plant, which has been discharging effluent into the river since 2004. Its contribution to the river's pollution is mainly in the form of high nutrient concentrations. The wastewater approved for discharge includes contaminants such as BOD (235 tons/year), mineral oils (over 33 tons/year), ammonia, phosphorus, barium and phenol. Metals liable to constitute a public health hazard include chromium, nickel, lead and copper, which together total half a ton/year. Herzliya: This hazardous zoneextends along the town's coastline, which has several bathing beaches. The Herzliya municipality's wastewater treatment plant has reportedly been granted permission to discharge eight million cubic meters of effluent along the city's coastline. The treatment plant's wastewater includes 120 tons of suspended solids and 120 tons of ammonia per year. In addition, approval was also granted to discharge oils (16 tons/year) and over 64 tons/ year of phosphorus. The Herzliya municipality is in the process of upgrading its wastewater treatment plant following Zalul's battle with it in 2005. Greater Tel Aviv (Gush Dan): This zone extends from the Zuk beach in the north to the Bat Yam beaches in the south. Bathing beaches in the Greater Tel Aviv region receive wastewater originating mainly from the Shafdan municipal wastewater plant - sludge
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more sub-continental veil. A comic relief for the Puja audiences…. NAKTALA BHRATRI MILAN SANGHA (2010) Repulsion Quotient – 85% This is almost tending to being Scary.... Naktala Bhratri Milan Sangha (2010) Kolkata Pujas have always been influenced both advertently and passively by Moviedom. Many Barowaris have tried to mimic Cinematic themes and characters through their Mandaps and Imagery. Right from the ‘60s when Saraswati-s were modelled similar to the erstwhile Screen Diva Suchitra Sen or Laxmi-s as Hema Malini, to the ‘70s where most of the Kartick-s were facsimiles of leading Bollywood/Tollywood stars. The Asura also had his share of the spoils with most of them fashioned as popular Bollywood villains like Gabbar and Shaakal. ‘90s saw the Jurassic Park phenomenon touch our shores with numerous Puja Committees resorting to Dino-based Themes. With the advent of the new millennium, the audience was treatedThis ludicrously inexplicable deity in the name of creativity was not even worth a dime. KALITALA SPORTING (2008) Repulsion Quotient – 85% Mali World Heritage Site Revisited, although not much memorably... Kalitala Sporting (2008) An encore for this Club on this list, and no I don’t have any clandestine motive behind it. After the 2007 massacre with Coconuts (mentioned earlier), the Club decided to go from local to really distant shores. The marquee of the Kalitala Sporting Club in the eastern pockets of Kolkata was inspired by an ancient architecture of Bandiagara in the West African state of Mali, one of the world heritage sites, built by the Dogon tribe. The pandal was developed with Plaster-of-Paris & Jute with numerous life-size murals splashed all over like junkies. Some of those motifs were pretty abysmal mainly due to their shambolic and juvenile craft
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a surface of the cartridge shell, one of a positioning hole and a positioning notch for positioning the cartridge shell being provided on a side of the cartridge shell; and a spool rotatably arranged in the cartridge shell with a predetermined play, one end of the film in longitudinal direction thereof being fixed to the spool, the film being wound on the spool. The diameter of the positioning hole, which is provided on the cartridge shell, is 2 mm or more in view of the movement amount of the cartridge shell. The IC memory unit is arranged beneath the reference side of the cartridge shell, and the positioning hole or notch is formed on the reference side. The IC memory unit contains index image information representing a plurality of frameimages on the developed photographic film in the film cartridge. It is possible to confirm the contents of the photographic film without pulling out the photographic film from the film cartridge. The present invention is directed to an apparatus using the film cartridge with the IC memory, the apparatus comprising: a cartridge loading chamber for containing the film cartridge, the cartridge loading chamber having, at the rear end thereof, a spool drive shaft and a door driver respectively engaging the spool and the light-shielding door opening and closing hole on the film cartridge; a chamber door for opening and closing the cartridge loading chamber, the chamber door being provided with guide shafts, the guide shafts respectively engaging the spool and the light-shielding door opening and closing hole of the
{ "pile_set_name": [ "USPTO Backgrounds", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
Ontology of Physical Objects: Four-Dimensional Hunks of Matter. Cambridge University Press. Hestevold, H. Scott. 1981. Conjoining. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 41: 371–85. Hoffman, Joshua and Gary S. Rosenkrantz. 1997. Substance: Its Nature and Existence. Routledge. Horgan, Terence. 1982. Supervenience and Microphysics. Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 63: 29–43. Horgan, Terence. 1993. On What There Isn't. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 53: 693–700. Horgan, Terence and Matjaž Potrč. 2008. Austere Realism: Contextual Semantics Meets Minimal Ontology. MIT Press. Hossack, Keith. 2000. Plurals and Complexes. British Journal for Philosophy of Science 51: 411–43. Hudson, Hud. 2000. Universalism, Four Dimensionalism, and Vagueness. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 60: 547–60. Hudson, Hud. 2001. A Materialist Metaphysics of the Human Person. Cornell University Press. Kim, Jaegwon. 1976. Events as Property Exemplifications. In Action Theory, eds. Myles Brandand Douglas Walton. D. Reidel Publishing Company: 159– 77. 21 Kim, Jaegwon. 1984. Concepts of Supervenience. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 45: 153–76. Korman, Daniel. 2008. Unrestricted Composition and Restricted Quantification. Philosophical Studies 140: 319–34. Korman, Daniel. 2009. Eliminativism and the Challenge from Folk Belief. Nous 43: 242–64. Korman, Daniel. 2010. The Argument from Vagueness for Unrestricted Composition. Philosophy Compass 5: 891–901. Korman, Daniel. 2014. Ordinary Objects. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2014 Edition), ed. Edward N. Zalta. Koslicki, Kathrin. 2008. The Structure of Objects. Oxford University Press. Lewis, David. 1979. Counterfactual Dependence and Time's Arrow. Nous 13: 455– 76. Lewis, David. 1986a. On the Plurality of Worlds. Blackwell. Lewis, David. 1986b. Events. In Philosophical Papers, Volume 2. Oxford University Press: 241–69. Lewis, David. 1991. Parts of Classes.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PhilPapers", "PhilPapers" ] }
Empire. Rotterdam: Sense Publications. McLaren, Peter and Ramin Farahmandpur. (2005a). Teaching Against Global Capitalism and the New Imperialism. Lanham, MA: Rowman & Littlefield. McLaren, Peter. (2005b). Capitalists & Conquerors: A Critical Pedagogy Against Empire. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. ___________. (2000). Che Guevara, Paulo Freire, and the Pedagogy of Revolution. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. ___________. (1997). Revolutionary Multiculturalism: Pedagogies of Dissent for the New Millennium. Boulder: Westview Press, a Division of HarperCollins. ___________. (1995). Critical Pedagogy and Predatory Culture. London and New York: Routledge. Mill, John Stuart. (1963). “On Liberty,” in The Six Great Humanistic Essays of John Stuart Mill. New York: Washington Square Press. Reitz, Charles. (2009a). “Herbert Marcuse and the New Culture Wars: Campus Codes, Hate Speech, and the Critique of Pure Tolerance,” in Douglas Kellner, Tyson Lewis, Clayton Pierce, and(sun-dried fig and mulberry preserves) as well as their sumac. On the menu, I had a motley blend of cultures: North African, Indian, and Lebanese. I made flat bread with za'atar, two versions of Tabbouleh, grilled fish, and curry. It was the perfect start to a late afternoon nosh with a stylishly vivid table. And, since it resulted in an early evening of great conversations followed by gourmet snacks, the dash of sweet and bitter paired in contrast with savoury and tangy worked well together. The last bit to prepare was the dessert. I made a coffee ice-cream and used Mymoune's preserved orange peel and pumpkin. The Orange Peel and Pumpkin Syrup is part of their unique range of special concoctions with a fascinating twist. You'll find flavours like creme
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Indicators of Marine Pollution in the North Pacific Ocean. The complex nature of ocean pollution underscores the utility in identifying and characterizing a limited number of "indicators" that enables scientists and managers to track trends over space and time. This paper introduces a special issue on indicators of marine pollution in the North Pacific Ocean and builds on a scientific session that was held at the North Pacific Marine Science Organization. The special issue highlights studies using a variety of indicators to provide insight into the identification of legacy and emerging contaminants, the ranking of priority pollutants from various sources, and the effects of contaminants on ecosystem health in the North Pacific Ocean. Examples include the use of mussels to illustrate spatial and temporal trends of a number ofCircadian rhythmicity of the activity of hydroxyindole-O-methyl transferase (HIOMT) in the formation of melatonin and 5-methoxytryptophol in the pineal, retina, and harderian gland of the golden hamster. The day and night rhythms in the activity of HIOMT in the formation of melatonin of 5-methoxytryptophol have been determined in the pineal, retina and Harderian gland of the adult male golden hamster. In all hamsters used there was no detectable HIOMT activity in the deep pineal. In the superficial pineal HIOMT activity, involved in the synthesis of melatonin (Mel), was observed to be high at the end of the dark period and at the middle of the light period. Considering the HIOMT activity involved in the production of 5-methoxytryptophol (5-MTL), an increase in 5-MTL synthesis was observed only during the light
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Abstracts", "PubMed Abstracts" ] }
"Their heroes," says Reynolds, speaking of the French painters in 1752, "are decked out so nice and fine that they look like knights-errant just entering the lists at a tournament in gilt armour, and loaded most unmercifully with silk, satin, velvet, gold, jewels, &c." Pope had in his mind a passage of Cowley's Ode on Wit: Yet 'tis not to adorn, and gild each part; That shows more cost than art. Jewels at nose and lips but ill appear; Rather than all things wit, let none be there. [151] Naturam intueamur, hanc sequamur: id facillime accipiunt animi quod agnoscunt. Quint. lib. 8, c. 3.--POPE. Dryden's preface to the State of Innocence: "The definition of wit, which has been so often attempted, and ever unsuccessfully, by many poets, is only this, that itis a propriety of thoughts and words." [152] Pope's account of wit is undoubtedly erroneous; he depresses it below its natural dignity, and reduces it from strength of thought to happiness of language.--JOHNSON. The error was in stating a partial as an universal truth; for the second line of the couplet correctly describes the quality which gives the charm to numberless passages both in prose and verse. Instead of "ne'er so well," the reading of the first edition was "ne'er before," which was not equally true. But Pope followed the passage in Boileau, from which the line in the Essay on Criticism was derived: "Qu'est-ce qu'une pensee neuve, brillante, extraordinaire? Ce n'est point, comme se le persuadent les ignorants, une pensee que personne n'a jamais eu, ni du avoir. C'est au contraire une pensee qui a du venir a tout
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Gutenberg (PG-19)", "Gutenberg (PG-19)" ] }
Connecticut Taco Festival was held June 30, 2018 at Haybrooke Park in New Milford. Festival goers enjoyed local tacos and margaritas as well as Lucha Libre Mexican Wrestling, taco-eating contests, live music and performances and vendors. Were you SEEN? The Connecticut Taco Festival was held June 30, 2018 at Haybrooke Park in New Milford. Festival goers enjoyed local tacos and margaritas as well as Lucha Libre Mexican Wrestling, taco-eating contests, live The Connecticut Taco Festival was held June 30, 2018 at - |ucfirst The Connecticut Taco Festival was held June 30, 2018 at Haybrooke Park in New Milford. Festival goers enjoyed local tacos and margaritas as well as Lucha Libre Mexican Wrestling, taco-eating contests, live music and performances and vendors. Were you SEEN? The Connecticut Taco Festival was held June 30,2018 at Haybrooke Park in New Milford. Festival goers enjoyed local tacos and margaritas as well as Lucha Libre Mexican Wrestling, taco-eating contests, live The Connecticut Taco Festival was held June 30, 2018 at - |ucfirst The Connecticut Taco Festival was held June 30, 2018 at Haybrooke Park in New Milford. Festival goers enjoyed local tacos and margaritas as well as Lucha Libre Mexican Wrestling, taco-eating contests, live music and performances and vendors. Were you SEEN? The Connecticut Taco Festival was held June 30, 2018 at Haybrooke Park in New Milford. Festival goers enjoyed local tacos and margaritas as well as Lucha Libre Mexican Wrestling, taco-eating contests, live The Connecticut Taco Festival was held June 30, 2018 at - |ucfirst The Connecticut Taco Festival was held June 30, 2018 at Haybrooke
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consultations with Brand New Day Director Jay Bloom and a meeting with community task force members, the primary market area, area "A", and two secondary market areas, areas "B" and "C", were determined (see Appendix 2). Census tract boundaries largely correspond to the boundaries of the Elizabethport market areas. The primary trade area-area "A"-is composed of Census Tract 304 and is bounded by Pine and Bond Streets to the northeast, the New Jersey Turnpike to the northwest, the Arthur Kill waterway to the southeast, and Fulton Street to the southwest. Census Tract 303, located in the northeastern section of Elizabethport, is secondary area "B". This area is bounded by the railroad tracks to the northeast, the New Jersey Turnpike to the northwest, Pine and Bond Streets to the southwest, and the Arthur Kill waterway to the southeast.Two Census Block Groups in Census Tract 305, in the southwestern portion of the neighborhood, combine to make up secondary market area "C". Block group 305-1 consists of the neighborhood that is bounded by Second Street, Fulton St., the New Jersey Turnpike and Elizabeth Avenue. Block group 305-2 consists of the residential neighborhood that is bounded by Second Street, Fulton Street, Front Street, and Elizabeth Avenue. It also includes the largely uninhabited industrial area that borders on Front Street, Elizabeth Avenue, and the Arthur Kill waterway. The residents of the primary and secondary market areas are a mix of African-American, Hispanic, and white non-Hispanic residents (see Table 1). While the primary area has an almost equal distribution of African-American and Hispanic residents, the percentage of African-Americans is highest in the primary area and drops substantially in the
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year ending November 30, 1907 839 For the year ending November 30, 1908 763 For the year ending November 30, 1909 1,050 For the year ending November 30, 1910 1,058 For the year ending November .30, 1911 985 For the year ending November .30, 1912 1,093 For the year ending November 30, 1913 1.032 For the year ending November 30, 1914 1,087 TRADE-MARKS. For the two years ending ISTovember 30, 1914, 33 trade-marks have been registered. For year ending November 30, 1913 12 For year ending November 30, 1914 21 33 BANKS. Seventy-two banks have filed certificates in this office within the last two years. For year ending November 30, 1913 40 For year ending November .30, 1914 32 10 Biennial Report RAILROADS. The following railroads have filed certificates in this office since my last report : December 1, 1912, to Novemher 30, 1913. Carolina Railroad Company. Hiawassee Valley Railway Company (amendment). Pembroke, Red Springsand Nortliern Railroad Company. Richland Railroad Company. Warrenton and Norlina Railway Company. Watanga Railway Company (amendment). Decemher 1, 1913, to Novemher 30, 191.'i. Atlantic and Carolina Railway Company. Carolina, Atlantic and Western Railway (from North and South Carolina Railway Company). Carolina, Atlantic and Western Railway Company (merger). Gulf and Bay Railway Company. Sea Beach Railway Company. Shelby Northern Railway Company. Wilmington and Fort Fisher Railroad and Power Company. AUTOMOBILES. Number of automobiles registered prior to December 1, 1910_ 2,018 Number registered from December 1, 1910, to November 30, 1911 1,686 Number registered from December 1, 1911, to November 30, 1912 2,402 The amounts collected from automobiles for registration and renewals of licenses were : Year ending November .30, 1911 $11,181.00 Year ending November 30, 1912 16,462.00 Year ending November 30, 1913 65,901.00 Year ending November .30, 1914 98,046.32 Note.—The automobile registration year ends on June 30th of each year. The amount of fees col-lected for
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
pawl 162a at the distal end is brought into engagement with the underside of the upper half's body 156 to fix the window member 158 in position. The engaging member 162 also has a thin-walled, elastic spring portion 162b which urges it to be positively brought into engagement with the underside of the upper half's body 156. In the example shown in FIG. 58A, both the retaining pawl 158b of the window member 158 and the engaging pawl 162a of the engaging member 162 project down below the upper half's body 156. If this is not desirable for certain reasons such as the layout of magnetic tape within the cassette case, both the retaining pawl 158b and the engaging pawl 162a may be confined within the upper half's bodyBoob porn XVIDEOS boob videos, free. amateur Pounded woman boob now by 11 min - 98% - big oiled boobs alone at home - Free Porn Video.‎Massive boob german gives · ‎Bhabhi boob press · ‎Rating · ‎ Nine Japanese porn stars have raised thousands for an Aids charity by letting people squeeze their boobs. Check out tons of huge tits and big boob nude videos on the best big tits tube. Nominated as one of the porn stars with the most spectacular monica rise by AVN, the ebony actress is a favorite among men who have a thing for absolutely boobs. Unlike many lois ayres film actresses, she knows she's at the of her game when it comes to sexy scenes, quality acting, and a downright
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CET: Igor Levit Hauskonzert. 745pm CET: A Quarantine Soirée from members of the Budapest Festival Orchestra, with Mozart's Clarinet Quintet and Schumann's Piano Quintet. March 18 730pm ET: The mezzo-soprano Fleur Barron and the pianist Julius Drake perform Beethoven and Mahler at the 92nd St Y. March 19 7pm CET: Igor Levit Hauskonzert. 6pm PT: The first "pirate radio" edition of Living Music, a new-music podcast with violist Nadia Sirota. Her "socially distanced guests" are Timo Andres, Robin Holcomb, Nathalie Joachim, and Gabriel Cabezas. March 20 7pm CET: Igor Levit Hauskonzert. 7pm CET: Organist Rudolf Lutz improvises on Bach's "Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit," from Stein, Switzerland, courtesy of the JS Bach-Stiftung. 745 CET: Quarantine Soirée from the Budapest Festival Orchestra. 7pm Central Time: Third Coast Percussion perform works by Steve Reich, Gemma Peacocke, and David Skidmore, liveon YouTube. 8pm ET: Performance by the Jacksonville Symphony Percussion Ensemble. March 21 7pm CET: Igor Levit Hauskonzert. 7pm CET: The Cöthen Bach Festival celebrates Bach's birthday. 745pm CET: Quarantine Soirée from the Budapest Festival Orchestra. 8pm CET: The violinist Isabelle Faust performs on Instagram. March 22 5pm CET: The Kuss Quartet plays Beethoven at the Villa Seilgmann in Hanover. 7pm CET: Igor Levit Hauskonzert. 745 CET: Quarantine Soirée with musicians from the Budapest Festival Orchestra. 6pm PT: Bassist-composer Scott Worthington performs Eva-Maria Houben's nachtstück, via YouTube. March 23 7pm CET: Igor Levit Hauskonzert. 745pm CET: Quarantine Soirée with members of the Budapest Festival Orchestra. 815pm CET: A Monday Concert from the Bayerischer Staatsoper, featuring soprano Hanna-Elisabeth Müller and baritone Michael Nagy singing Lieder of Wolf and Strauss. March 24 7pm CET: Igor Levit Hauskonzert. 745pm CET: Quarantine Soirée with members of the Budapest Festival Orchestra. 730pm
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
hor death wa? a great shock and grief to a great number of friends and relatives in the city and county. For 80IHO time eho hud been in ill health and on Saturday morning underwent an op oration, which was entirely successful and from which she seomod to rally in an entirely satisfactory manner. At six o'clock in tho afternoon she died suddenly from heart failure,? Mrs. Cbildress wss a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James P. Dillard of Tylersville and became the wife of Mr. W. P. Cbildress in June of last year. Sho had mado many friends sineo hor resi dence in Laurens and was possossod of many graces of mind and heart. Her husband, paronts, brothers, and sisters have deep sympathy in their bereave ment. Sho was buried at five o'clock Sunday afternoon, Hev. W. B. Duncan of t ho Mot hod i it Church conductwood and Mrs. YYingo Wed. Mr. P. Honnio Ljckwood of this city and Mrs. LillieLeo Wingo, of Welford, Spartanburg county, wore married Sunday evening last at tho homo of Mrs. Wingo, the coromony bolng per formed by lvov. J. H. Hlloy of the Prosbyterian Church. Only tho im mediate members of the family and a few close friends wero proaent, Mrs. Lock wood formerly- rosidod in this county, moving to Wolford only a fow years ago from Young's Township. Since his return to tho city Monday afternoon, Mr. Lockwood has been the recipient of the congratulations of his friends, including THK AuvEUTlSEit force with whom ho has boen asso ciated for some time. Dr. John A Barksdale spout Sunday with his good friend, Mr. Hobt. 0. Davis, at his homo four miles South of Clinton. Tho condition of Mr Da vis' hoaltb, whloh hu3 been precarious for sonic tliu >, does not
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
Saturday, December 10, 2011 What happened to progress? There's a new film out in Australia called Decadence: The Decline of the Western World. It has been made by someone of Sri Lankan descent named Pria Viswalingam. He remembers a time when Asia was in awe of the West, but he now believes that Western civilisation might be on the way out: Viswalingam is a former SBS TV presenter whose credits include Fork in the Road and Class. Having devoted a career to analysing culture and society, he says the symptoms of decay and decadence are unmistakeable. Those symptoms include soaring suicide rates and the west's addiction to anti-depressants. They include rampant individualism, emptying churches and disintegrating families. And they include the west's obsessive devotion to money as the only true measure ofLevisunguis subaequalis n. g., n. sp., a tongue worm (Pentastomida: Porocephalida: Sebekidae) infecting softshell turtles, Apalone spp. (Testudines: Trionychidae) in the southeastern United States. A new tongue worm (Pentastomida) belonging to the Sebekidae Sambon, 1922 (Porocephaloidea Sambon, 1922) is described based on exemplars collected from softshell terrapins Apalone spinifera aspera (Agassiz) and Apalone ferox (Schneider) in the southeastern United States; a new genus is erected to accommodate the new species. The new species belongs in the Sebekidae because adults possess four simple hooks arranged in a trapezoid pattern on the ventral surface of the cephalothorax, a mouth opening between the anterior and posterior pairs of hooks, a terminal anus, an elongated uterus with preanal uterine pore, and a Y-shaped seminal vesicle. Nymphs possess geminate hooks, and the new species
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "PubMed Abstracts" ] }
must have been destroyed. Surely he could never again attain the speed necessary to regain his status as the top driver. Niki showed that he still had mettle in qualifying. Jacques Laffite took pole position in his Ligier, ahead of Jody Scheckter (Tyrrell), Carlos Pace (Brabham), Patrick Depailler (Tyrrell), and Lauda an admirable fifth. At the start Scheckter grabbed the lead from Laffite at the chicane followed by Pace but the Brazilian soon fell prey to Depailler, Peterson, and Reutemann. Lauda started very slow and soon faded to 12th. To the onlooker, the gruelling demands of the race was to much for Lauda, who must have still been reeling from his terrifying accident. Mass, Hunt and Watson were carving their way through the backmarkers. On the second lap, however, Mass was in the pits with a misfire. At the front Schecktermaintained his lead ahead but Laffite dropped back to fourth on the third lap as Depailler and Peterson went past him. A lap later Peterson passed Depailler to move into second. Regazzoni was in hot pursuit and had overtaken Reutemann and on lap 11 passed Laffite as well to take sixth place. On that same lap Peterson, who had closed the gap to Scheckter, moved ahead of the South African to take the lead. Hunt's rapid progress came to an end on lap 12 when he spun off. The tyres on Scheckter's Tyrrell were deteriorating and he began to drop back, being passed first by Depailler on lap 14 and then Regazzoni on lap 23. Scheckter then battled Laffite, fifth, while Lauda followed them closely, intent on a finish. With Scheckter's tyre woes growing worse, Laffite managed to get by the
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
and Self-Consciousness. (London: Routledge, 1998); Hud Hudson, A Materialist Metaphysics of the Human Person (Cornell University Press, 2001); David Kellogg Lewis, 'Survival and Identity', [1976], reprinted in his Philosophical Papers vol. I (Oxford University Press, 1983); Thomas Nagel, The View from Nowhere (Oxford University Press, 1986): 40; Harold Noonan, Personal Identity, Second Edition (London: Routledge, 2003); Robert Nozick, Philosophical Explanations (Harvard University Press, 1982), Derek Parfit, 'Personal Identity', Philosophical Review 80 (1971): 3–27; Derek Parfit, Reasons and Persons (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1984): 207; John Perry, "Can the Self Divide?", Journal of Philosophy 69 (1972): 463–488; Sidney Shoemaker, "Persons and Their Pasts", American Philosophical Quarterly 7 (1970): 269–285; Sidney Shoemaker,"Personal Identity: A Materialist's Account", in Shoemaker and Swinburne, Personal Identity, (Oxford: Blackwell, 1984); Sidney Shoemaker, "Self and Substance","alternate realities" in science fiction: the film Back to the Future II. In this film, the antagonist, "Biff", takes a sports almanac from the future into the past and gives it to his younger self, who then uses it to win an array of sports bets, accumulating a vast fortune, thereby "changing the future." The film's main protagonist, "Marty McFly", then travels back into the past to ensure that the younger Biff never receives the almanac, with the goal of changing the future back to its original state. An interesting thing about this example is that a number of different timelines seem to objectively exist in some sense, regardless of the characters' actions. When Biff travels back in time to "change the future", it is implausible that the
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PhilPapers", "PhilPapers" ] }
have allergies. Id. Rose stated that Dr. Gadde had diagnosed him with "vasomotor rhinitis," but he did not report to Dr. Schwartz Dr. Gadde's treatment plan. Id. Rose also reported that he had been suffering from headaches for six weeks but that his sinuses were improving. Schwartz Dep. at 23. According to Rose, his headaches were worse when he went outside but got better when he went to the mountains at his family home in Maysville, West Virginia. Id. His headaches were severe, and he was unable to sleep, work, and concentrate. Id. at 24. Dr. Schwartz diagnosed Rose with chronic sinusitis, sinus headache, and disabling headache and prescribed a decongestant Id. According to Rose, he stated to Dr. Schwartz: ... I couldn't stand this any longer, I saidwas not helpful. Id. Rose testified that he had seen an ENT in the late 70's or early 80's for nosebleeds. Rose Dep. at 123; Baker Dep. at 58-59. On deposition, Dr. Schwartz remarked that the diagnosis of vasomotor rhinitis "fit," and the fact that Rose reported relief of his symptoms when changing altitude, humidity level, and/or barometric pressure supports a diagnosis of vasomotor rhinitis. Schwartz Dep. at 31. In any event, Rose apparently relocated to West Virginia at around the time he visited Dr. Schwartz. Vasomotor Rhinitis Rhinitis refers to the inflammation of the membranes lining the nose. Gadde Dep. at 34. It is characterized by nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, sneezing, itching of the nose and/or postnasal drainage. Dikewicz and Fineman, Executive Summary of Joint Task Force Practice Parameters on
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
4 where the vertical axis denotes transmission (dB) and the horizontal axis denotes wavelength (nm) in the manner of the graph of FIG. 1. The second portion of the laser signal outputted from the power tap 24 is received at a first terminal of the wide-band power splitter 30, a second terminal of the wide-band power splitter 30 is coupled to an input of the filter 32, a third terminal of the wide-band power splitter 30 is coupled to an input of the second photodetector 36, and a fourth terminal of the wide-band power splitter 30 is unused or pig-tailed. An output of the filter 32 is coupled to an input of the first photodetector 34, and outputs from the first and second photodetectors 34 and 36 arcreception of the first and second electrical output signals from the first and second photodetectors for generating predetermined control signals to the laser diode. The control signals from the control unit maintain the wavelength of the laser diode at a predetermined value. Viewed from another aspect, the present invention is directed to a wavelength-independent wavelength-locker arrangement for controlling the output wavelength of a laser diode. The wavelength-locker arrangement comprises an optical power tap, a narrow-band power splitter, first and second photodetectors, and a control unit. The optical power tap is responsive to an optical output signal from the laser diode for is splitting the optical output signal into first and second output optical signal portions. The first output optical signal portion is coupled into a first output optical fiber
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the descriptions, Resheph's is the most brief. He's depicted lifting a finger that will "heal the wounds of the sick". Eschelstadt II also cries to "cleanse them of your flesh" in the name of Resheph. Plainly we see that Resheph is a patron god of healing or medicine. Resheph, who's called "the Above", lifts an enigmatic finger to heal the wounds of the sick." The name "Resheph originates in the ancient Canaanite religion, in a god of the same name. Interestingly, the historical Resheph is a deity associated with plagues or sickness. : Alongside Shekhinah, four astral deities populate the Mechanimist pantheon. Beyond physical descriptions for each, little is known about these deities. Prior to the Sacred Joining, legends state that the Argent Fathers "roamed the timeless aether withinert hearts". Each Argent Father is considered a patron deity of some aspect of life in Qud. The Kasaphescence : A foil to the male-dominated Argent Fathers, the Kasaphescence (also known as Her Radiance) is a primordial mother goddess referred to by the Mechanimists as "Her". It's also heavily hinted that the Kasaphescence is not a physical woman or humanoid; although they attribute to Her human characteristics (e.g. "Her naked womb"), mentions of "chromium shoals" - a nonsensical phrase perhaps referring to veins of chromium or shiny metals - and Her role in seemingly supplying the materials needed for the creation of the artifacts points to the Kasaphescence being more of a location. The Mechanimists speak of the Sacred Joining, where the union of the Argent Fathers and
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Philadelphia, asAuthorities for Philadelphia County, Peter Bodenheimber,Mental Health/Mental Retardation Administration for BucksCounty, William A. McKendry, Mental Health/MentalRetardation Administrator for Chester County, P. PaulBurrichter, Mental Health/Mental Retardation Administrationfor Delaware County, Herman A. Roether, Mental Health/MentalRetardation Administration for Montgomery County and LeonSoffer, Mental Health/Mental Retardation Administrator forPhiladelphia County.Appeal of PENNHURST STATE SCHOOL AND HOSPITAL, theDepartment of Public Welfare, Secretary of Public Welfare,the Deputy Secretary of Mental Retardation, the ExecutiveDeputy Secretary of Public Welfare, the Deputy Secretary forSoutheast Region, the Commissioner for Mental Retardationfor Southeast Region, the Superintendent for Pennhurst StateSchool and Hospital and the Employees and Agents forPennhurst State School and Hospital, Appellants No. 89-1788.Appeal of COMMISSIONERS AND MENTAL HEALTH/MENTAL RETARDATIONADMINISTRATOR of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania,Appellants No. 89-1841.Appeal of The MENTAL HEALTH/MENTAL RETARDATIONADMINISTRATION and County Council of DelawareCounty, Pennsylvania, Appellants No.was filed in 1974 as a class action by Terri Lee Halderman against the Commonwealth, Delaware County, Montgomery County, and various officials of three other counties.2 The ARC/PA intervened as a party plaintiff in 1975.3 The case was actively litigated for eleven years, producing 28 published opinions and three arguments before the United States Supreme Court. 3 Ultimately, all parties conceded that Pennhurst was not providing adequate care and habilitation to its retarded residents. On July 12, 1984, under the guidance of Judge Rosenn of this Court, the parties reached a settlement. In approving the settlement agreement--titled and referred to by the parties as the Final Settlement Agreement ("FSA")--the district court explained that: 4 the Commonwealth and County defendants have agreed to provide community living arrangements
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
for Baal, and for the asherah, and for all the host of heaven. ... And he brought out the asherah from the house of Yahveh. And he brake down the houses of the sodomites, that were by the house of Yahveh, where the women wove hangings for the asherah".(2 Kings xxiii, 6, 7). "And he put down the idolatrous priests, whom the kings of Judah had ordained to burn incense in the high places in the cities of Judah, and in the places round about Jerusalem; them also that burned incense unto Baal, to the sun, and to the moon, and to the planets, and to all the [starry] host of heaven" (xxiii, 5). This is a graphic description of the polytheistic and phallic idolatry of the Hebrews, identical in every respect with that of all the other Semitic peoples"holy" or "consecrated" or "sanctified"; it is used in the "ten commandments": "Wherefore Yahveh blessed the sabbath day and hallowed [qadesh-u] it" (Ex. xx, 11); and in the inscription on the golden crown of Aaron: "Holiness [godesh] to Yahveh" (Ex. xxxix, 30); and wherever this idea is expressed. The first Bible mention of this cult is some five hundred years before the time of Moses, when the fair young widow Tamar, despairing of getting the man so often promised her, dressed herself in the garb of a "qadeshah" or temple-harlot, with a veil over her face, and went and "sat in an open place" where she knew that her father-in-law Judah would pass by; and Judah came by, and fell into her trap, with interesting sequel, related in Genesis xxxviii. Later Moses, in instituting the religious observances of the Chosen People,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
Avraham 18:1; Mishna BrurahRabbi Yisrael Meir Kagan (1838 – 1933), known popularly as The Chofetz Chaim from his book on the laws of [[Lashon Hara]], was an influential Lithuanian Rabbi, author of the Mishna Brurah as well as the Beur Halacha which is in more detail and the Shaar Hatziyun which quotes sources 18:4 ↑Halacha BeruraRabbi David Yosef (1957- ), sephardic posek in Yerushalayim. The author of Halacha Berura, a commentary on Shulchan Aruch, Torat Hamoadim, on the laws of the [[holidays]] and Torat Hatahara, on the laws of Taharat Hamishpacha. Son of Chacham Ovadia Yosef and brother of Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef 1, 18:2 ↑Rav Moshe Feinstein in Igrot Moshe YD 2:137. See, however, the TazRabbi David Halevi (1586-1667), Rav and Rosh Yeshiva in Poland, author of Taz, the TureiZahav, on SA, son-in-law of the Bach. 581:2 who seems to disagree because of a concern of putting oneself in a situation of Safek Brachot Lehakel. ↑ Shulchan Aruch 9:1. This is based off of Rav Nachman in Gemara Menachot 39b and is purported by the RifRabbi Yitzchak Alfasi (1013-1103), one of the earliest Sephardic rishonim and halachic deciders, known by the acronym of his name, Rif, author of Halachot published in the back of the gemaras. and Rambam Hilchot Tzitzit 3:2 and Sefer Hamitzvot aseh 14 ↑Rav Ben Zion Abba Shaul in Ohr LeZion 9:1; Rav Ovadya Yosef in Yalkut YosefRabbi Yitzchak Yosef (b. 1952), sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel, son of Rav Ovadia Yosef and brother of Rabbi David Yosef, is the author of Yalkut Yosef, which is
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
seemingly without end. Before them was the city of Kul-Manas, comprised of wicker buildings that superficially resembled enormous and ostentatious bird’s nests. The sky was a deep violet, and instead of a sun or moon, it was lit by many shining silver orbs which the Wanderer’s initially mistook as stars until they saw they were gently falling below the horizon like snowflakes. Standing before them was a humanoid crow or raven, all jet black and covered in feathers. He was clad in a hooded cloak of crimson and gold and held a great bronze staff in his scaly, clawed talons. “Most auspicious greetings, fellow Wanderers,” he said with a bow. “I am Ickis the Wayward, Wandsman of Kul-Manas; Sailor of the Celestial Sea, Walker of the Astral Plane, Spelunker ofI am happy and eager to serve as your guide during your visit. Please, follow me,” the Wandsman bowed, extending his hand towards a rickshaw. The driver, a shorter being with the head of a sparrow, opened the door and gestured for them to board. Once they were inside, the Sparrow lifted the rickshaw up by its hand-grips and hauled it through the twisting and winding streets of the ancient city. A city peopled by anthropomorphic birds was a curious sight, even to Lolly who had travelled extensively across worlds. Most of the common folk they saw bustling about were songbirds; sparrows, finches, warblers and the like, but there was the occasional more exotic avian. They spied a sensuous swan, a flamboyant flamingo, and even a preening peacock all
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
Ukraine (NAS of Ukraine), deputy director of the Centre for Thermophysical Investigations and Analysis of the NAS of Ukraine, and assistant coordinator of the Central and East European Polymer Network in Ukraine. YM is a Professor, Dr. Hab. in Polymer Physics and Ph.D. degree holder in Macromolecular Chemistry. He is also a leading staff scientist of the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the NAS of Ukraine and the director of the Centre for Thermophysical Investigations and Analysis of the NAS of Ukraine. GB is Dr. Hab. in Physics and the Director of Research CNRS, Université de Lyon, Université Lyon 1, Ingénierie des Matériaux Polymères, UMR CNRS 5223, IMP\@LYON1. GS is a Professor, and Dr. Hab. in Polymer Chemistry, Université de Lyon, Université Lyon 1, Ingénierie des Matériaux Polymères,UMR CNRS 5223, IMP\@LYON1. EN is (at the time of the investigations) Doctor in Polymer Physics, Université de Lyon, Université Lyon 1, Ingénierie des Matériaux Polymères, UMR CNRS 5223, IMP\@LYON1. OG is an engineer at the Université de Lyon, Université Lyon 1, Ingénierie des Matériaux Polymères, UMR CNRS 5223, IMP\@LYON1. EL is a Professor, Dr. Hab in Macromolecular Chemistry, the director of the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the NAS of Ukraine. SI is (at the time of the investigations) Doctor in Macromolecular Chemistry and a leading staff scientist of the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the NAS of Ukraine. Acknowledgements ================ The authors thank Lybov Matkovska, Ph.D., for the assistance in the manuscript preparation.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
'history', "gates wide open" telling only about the temporary travel regulations, for anyone willing to, and already showing West German officials expecting all those Easterners about to arrive in the West at borders in West Berlin. While their own reporters at two different border still cannot provide any pictures of that, as the border guards then still tried to stall and hold the line. Only occasionally were people let through with all of the first 'early adopters' of temporary travel receiving a stamp of 'permanently emigrated', although that quickly lost all meaning and was eventually abandoned. This was strictly speaking "fake news". At that point in time things were still unclear and only very few managed to get through. As can be seen in the video, theof the first people arriving at that gate only at 23:00, being let out with permanent passport markings at 23:15] 20:47 East German Politbüro members leave their internal conference and get briefed about what happened "meanwhile", they knew nothing of all that and are confused "meanwhile" more East Berliners started to move and make demands; faced with between 500–1000 citizens the Stasi decides to try a valve solution: stamp one after the other as excommunicated and let those through 21:00 Border guards raise "silent alarm" (somethings brewing at the control points) 22:00 late edition of East German TV tries to de-escalate and re-emphasises the "private travel after application for it" 22:45 West German TV declares wall as history 23:00 situation at border crossing gets tumultuos, thousands gather, and are still largely withheld 23:30 situation
{ "pile_set_name": [ "StackExchange", "StackExchange" ] }
hear dripping water everywhere and is continuously pestered by a fly. The strange phenomenon continue until she realizes, perhaps too late, that she shouldn’t steal from the dead. When seeking this film out, try and obtain the Italian version of the film and not the heavily edited American version, which was heavily censored and re-edited to appease prudish sensibilities of American audiences.You have no reason to be afraid.______________________________ 43. THE BIRDS1963 • Alfred HitchcockScreenplay: Evan Hunter; Based on The Birds by Daphne du MaurierPrincipal Cast: Tippi Hedren, Rod Taylor, Jessica Tandy, Suzanne Pleshette, Veronica CartwrightGenre: Nature Gone Wrong….AND REMEMBER THE NEXT SCREAM YOU HEAR COULD BE YOUR OWN!Melanie Daniels is a wealthy California socialite who is romantically pursuing Mitch Brenner by following him to his small coastal hometown. Soonthis. I think you're evil. EVIL!______________________________ 42. THE CONJURING2013 • James WanScreenplay: Chad Hayes, Carey HayesPrincipal Cast: Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson, Ron Livingston, Lili TaylorGenre: Supernatural, Possession, Haunted HouseBASED ON THE TRUE CASE FILES OF THE WARRENSEd and Lorraine Warren, a pair of paranormal researchers, investigate the strange happenings that have been terrorizing a family. At first the spirits seem to be haunting the little girls, but then the mother becomes one of the victims. The family reaches out the Warrens in their most desperate hour. Lorraine Warren’s psychic abilities go full-throttle in the presence of the evil of the house, but can the Warrens get word out to a priest to come and exorcise the house before it’s too late? Part haunted house film, part exorcism film. One
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
animals showed degranulated gonadotroph cells in the central part of the pars distalis; at the 3rd week these cells were hypertrophied and presented developed Golgi complex. At the 4th week, the first large vacuoles of "castration" were seen in the gonadotroph cells of male pars distalis, besides in the females the degranulation of gonadotrophs continued. During the last week of treatment, the gonadotrophs of the male animals presented a highly dilated Golgi complex, more "castration-like cells" and numerous mitosis figures. The gonadotrophs of females pars distalis presented degranulation, but not vacuoles. After the recovery period the gonadotrophs of male rats were similar to those of the control hypophisis and did not show castration vacuoles in their cytoplasm. In female rats, the gonadotrophic cells showed "castration-like vacuoles" and atandem vacuum booster includes a fixed wall having a bent portion which presses an outer circumferential portion of the front diaphragm to a vertical portion of the front shell in order to be fixed to the front shell and the rear shell. Additionally, an outer circumferential end portion of the fixed wall is fixed to the rear diaphragm. The rear shell of the tandem vacuum booster for a brake system includes a plurality of convex portions at an outer circumferential surface thereof which define air passages between the rear diaphragm and the rear shell. Further, the front diaphragm includes a plurality of slots forming passages in order to fluidly connect the front variable pressure chamber to the rear variable pressure chamber. Since this tandem vacuum booster possesses a fixed
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Abstracts", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
Ireland. The duration of the Troubles is conventionally dated from approximately 1968 to the signing of the Belfast Agreement in 1998. Violence nonetheless continued beyond this period and still manifests on a small-scale basis. The principal issues at stake in the Troubles were the constitutional status of Northern Ireland and the relationship between the mainly-Protestant Unionist and mainly-Catholic Nationalist communities in Northern Ireland. The Troubles had both political and military (or paramilitary) dimensions. Its participants included politicians and political activists on both sides, republican and loyalist paramilitary organisations, the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC), the British Army and the security forces of the Republic of Ireland. See also Demography of Northern Ireland Religion in the United Kingdom Religion in the Republic of Ireland References External links Homepage of the Irish Bishops' Conference (Catholic), Content-rich portal ofArtists: About Dionne Bromfield Following this exposure, which instantly catapulted her into fame, Bromfield has appeared on TV shows like Strictly Come Dancing, This Morning and Live From Studio Five. Bromfield did a rendition of the 1960s hit song Mama Said and wowed the audience with the strong vocal performance. She was the first artist to be signed with Amy Winehouse’s newly launched record label, Lioness Records. The young star has been receiving singing lessons at the prestigious VoxBox Singing School in Camden in North London. She was also to receive tutoring from Seth Riggs in the US, who has trained artists like Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles! Bromfield’s debut album entitled Introducing Dionne Bromfield was released on 12th October 2009. It peaked at number 33 on the UK Albums Charts. Her debut single Mama Said, is slated to be released on the 2nd of November 2009. Winehouse has been said to believe greatly in Bromfield’s talent and has been quoted as saying that Bromfield is more talented than Winehouse was at her age! she is receiving much
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "Pile-CC" ] }
that they were responsible for the shooting of Deputy Andrew.           Appellant testified that, on the day of the offense, he had been driving the Jeep all day and, at some point, two shotguns ended up in the Jeep. Appellant testified that he, Boutte, and Mayon met at Boutte’s apartment and that, when they left in the Jeep, appellant was driving, Boutte was in the front passenger seat, and Mayon was in the back seat. Appellant explained that, due to a knee injury that prevented him from running swiftly, his role was to drive Boutte and Mayon to the dealership and to wait in the Jeep.           Appellant testified that, when they arrived at the target dealership, he drove them around for several hours while they watched a security guard. Appellant testified that they parked onthe bridge over I-45 because it offered them a good vantage point. Appellant testified that, when the patrol car pulled in behind them, they initially eased away but that it followed them. Appellant stated that they eventually stopped and that an officer approached on the driver’s side. Appellant admitted that a shot was fired at the officer from the driver’s window. Appellant testified that they sped to his apartment complex, crashed through the back fence, and got stuck in a bayou. Appellant admitted that he fled on foot, that someone fired shots at the pursuing officers, and that he hid in the water until he was discovered and arrested.           Moreover, other evidence tends to connect appellant to the commission the offense. Chris Waters testified that when he passed the Jeep, the driver’s
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
the city streets and up a hilly area. NATHAN runs a cafe opened at night. CHARLI pretends to visit a cafe, be the waiter and the chef. TIM remembers when he visited Kellie at the country and the sounds he heard were strange, and then he remembers when she got him back at the city and it was exactly the same. CHARLI sings a song to feel fine. KELLIE and Chats visit a cave and find out that some stalagmites look like animals. CHARLI makes shadow puppets. SHARING STORIES: Charli tells us a story about a helicopter (Kathleen) that must fly to a waterhole where Nathan waits to give her an important message, but she gets lost and asks a kangaroo (Tim) and a goanna (Kellie) where tothe blue things he finds. CHARLI wonders why the is sea blue. TIM makes a song for a peacock (Nathan). CHARLI dances to Indian music. KATHLEEN watches at colours of the sea and hides some sea creatures there. CHARLI hides herself around her space. SHARING STORIES: Charli tells us a story about a zebra (Tim) that escapes from the zoo, the zoo keepers (Kellie and Nathan) look for him everywhere, but the zebra hides very cleverly until he gets hungry and asks a girl (Kathleen) for a lunch. Spider NATHAN paints a rainbow web. CHARLI makes kaleidoscope pictures with her hands. KELLIE makes a dyed top for Chats. CHARLI puts her colourful gloves on her feet and her colourful socks on her hands. TIM makes music for the fashion
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
of the fabric of Thurles" and appealed to the public for information related to the attack. 4. Italy Scorrano , November 18. A thief broke into the Church of the Transfiguration and stole a collection box as well as a gold necklace from a statue of Mary. He then urinated on the altar. The crime was captured on CCTV. , November 18. A thief broke into the Church of the Transfiguration and stole a collection box as well as a gold necklace from a statue of Mary. He then urinated on the altar. The crime was captured on CCTV. Comacchio , September 9. Vandals destroyed donation boxes at the Church of the Blessed Virgin of Sorrows. No money was taken. , September 9. Vandals destroyed donation boxes at the Church of theBlessed Virgin of Sorrows. No money was taken. Ceriano Laghetto , August 25. Vandals broke into the shrine of the Madonna del Santo Rosario and spray-painted a painting depicting Jesus and Mary. , August 25. Vandals broke into the shrine of the Madonna del Santo Rosario and spray-painted a painting depicting Jesus and Mary. Naples , August 23. Vandals damaged a statue of San Gennaro at the Church of Santa Croce. , August 23. Vandals damaged a statue of San Gennaro at the Church of Santa Croce. Lecco , June 29. Vandals destroyed the outdoor lights of the Monumental Cemetery. , June 29. Vandals destroyed the outdoor lights of the Monumental Cemetery. Lecco , June 3. Vandals uprooted crosses at Monte Magnodeno. , June 3. Vandals uprooted crosses at Monte Magnodeno. Montebelluna
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
Glendale, Ariz. on February 16, 2019. Patrick Breen, Patrick Breen/The Republic Maple Leafs' Auston Matthews (34) skates up the ice against the Coyotes during the first period at Gila River Arena in Glendale, Ariz. on February 16, 2019. Patrick Breen, Patrick Breen/The Republic Photos: Arizona Coyotes season – 2018-19 Maple Leafs' Auston Matthews (34) skates up the ice against the Coyotes during the first period at Gila River Arena in Glendale, Ariz. on February 16, 2019. Patrick Breen, Patrick Breen/The Republic Maple Leafs' Auston Matthews (34) skates up the ice against the Coyotes during the first period at Gila River Arena in Glendale, Ariz. on February 16, 2019. Patrick Breen, Patrick Breen/The Republic Photos: Arizona Coyotes season – 2018-19 Maple Leafs' Auston Matthews (34) skates up the ice against the Coyotes during the first period atGila River Arena in Glendale, Ariz. on February 16, 2019. Patrick Breen, Patrick Breen/The Republic Coyotes' Alex Goligoski (33) and Maple Leafs' Patrick Marleau (12) during the first period at Gila River Arena in Glendale, Ariz. on February 16, 2019. Patrick Breen, Patrick Breen/The Republic Photos: Arizona Coyotes season – 2018-19 Coyotes' Alex Goligoski (33) and Maple Leafs' Patrick Marleau (12) during the first period at Gila River Arena in Glendale, Ariz. on February 16, 2019. Patrick Breen, Patrick Breen/The Republic Coyotes' Alex Galchenyuk (17) celebrates a goal with teammate Nick Cousins (25) during the second period at Gila River Arena in Glendale, Ariz. on February 16, 2019. Patrick Breen, Patrick Breen/The Republic Photos: Arizona Coyotes season – 2018-19 Coyotes' Alex Galchenyuk (17) celebrates a goal with teammate Nick Cousins (25) during the second period at
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
Towing hooks, which are employed to tow vehicles, have been detachable so as to be attached to the vehicles only when the vehicles are towed. In such mounting structures of the towing hooks, a nut is welded to an end of a side-member of a vehicle body and a towing hook, which possesses a length so that a distal end of the towing hook projects from a bumper face, is attached to the nut. However, in a situation where a distance between the distal end of the towing hook and an attachment portion of the towing hook is long, when the towing hook is applied with load in a width direction of the vehicle, the towing hook may impact the bumper face so that the bumper face maythreadedly engaged with the towing hook mounting bracket. The towing hook is then attached to a front wall of the towing hook mounting bracket. Still further, JP2006-36158A (reference 3) discloses a towing hook mounting structure, in which a towing hook attachment bracket and a strength member are housed inside a bumper reinforcement. The towing hook attachment bracket penetrates through front and back surfaces of the bumper reinforcement. When the vehicle is towed via the towing hook, the towing hook bears load in longitudinal and width directions of the vehicle. Meanwhile, when the vehicle is shipped, the towing hook bears load in a downward direction of the vehicle. According to any of the above described towing hook mounting structures, the towing hook is attached to a relatively weak-structured bumper reinforcement
{ "pile_set_name": [ "USPTO Backgrounds", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
same is true of the series in Eq. (IV-12.1). 2. At the risk of being guilty of pointing out something that may be considered obvious, we observe that no pair of equations in the coefficients _E_ _n_ and _F_ _n_ , _n_ = 0, 1, 2, · · · can fail to have solution. The determinant of the coefficients in every such pair is , which can vanish only when _R_ 1 = _R_ 2. 3. When and are both constant, say and , we should expect from considerations of symmetry to find _T_ to be a function of _r_ alone increasing from _C_ 1 to _C_ 2 as _r_ varies from _R_ 1 to _R_ 2. Indeed, this turnsformulas (D) and (C) in Table V-l. Equations (VI-13.9) and (VI-13.10) determine _C_ and _C_ 2 in terms of the given constants _V_ 0, _k_ , _a_ , _b_. If we write these equations together as we notice that the determinant of the coefficients, namely _I_ 1( _ha_ ) _K_ 0( _ha_ ) + _I_ 0( _ha_ ) _K_ 1( _ha_ ), is equal to 1/ _ha_ by Eq. (V-16.2). Accordingly, solution of Eqs. (VI-13.11) by Cramer's Rule (by determinants) yields Recalling that _u_ = _a_ \+ _bt_ and that _h_ = _k_ / _b_ , we find by substitution from Eq. (VI-13.12) in Eq. (VI-13.8) that Differentiation of Eq. (VI-13.13) together with application of formulas (D) and (C) in Table V-l will provide the requested expression for the speed _V_ as
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Books3", "Books3" ] }
Freshwater ascomycetes: Minutisphaera (Dothideomycetes) revisited, including one new species from Japan. During investigations of freshwater ascomycetes we found one interesting taxon from Aomori (Japan), as well as three additional taxa from North Carolina (USA), which were morphologically similar to Minutisphaera, a recently described freshwater fungus in the Dothideomycetes. The ascomata of all the collections bore dark hair-like structures around the ostiolar region, obovoid to obclavate bitunicate asci, and one to three septate hyaline to brown ascospores with a sheath (in material from Japan), and with both sheath and appendages (in material from the USA). The apothecial ascomata of these taxa, however, differ from those of the type species of the genus, which are perithecial. Two collections of Minutisphaera-like fungi from the USA were morphologically quite similar but differed infrom a variety of suppliers, fellow brewers and in some cases professional brewers. More serious home brewers acquire the highest quality of individual ingredients, as well as a variety of the many different home brew kits available from a variety of homebrew kit manufacturers, as well as alternative and supplementary ingredients with which to experiment and perfect home brew products to satisfy their particular taste. Indeed, some serious home brewers acquire and use industrial quality apparatus when available. A typical first-time home brewer will tend to purchase a home brew apparatus kit (in addition to an ingredient kit) containing a 30 liter plastic fermenter, lid and rubber ‘O’ ring, a tap, washer and sediment reducer, an airlock and rubber grommet, a thermometer, a hydrometer and a bottling valve and
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Abstracts", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
groups, members of the linguistics department regu- larly taught in other departments, so that there was an ex- hilarating interaction of colleagues and students, who could take courses across departmental borders. In this atmosphere, Henry thrived and, with a superb talent for social as well as intellectual intercourse, he maintained and promoted the 192 BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIRS study of linguistics, strengthening the department with his service as chairman over many years. These activities ex- tended well beyond the confines of Penn, and over genera- tions Henry was a prime defender and promoter of the fields he cultivated, in universities both here and abroad as well as in learned societies. Henry was also extremely generous toward young scholars worthy of support, a generosity that was rewarded with feel- ings of intellectual admiration and personal warmth toward him on the part of an array of many scholarsHumanities, University of Munich 1933-1934 Studied at the University of Zurich, Switzerland 1934-1935 Studied at the University of Padua, Italy 1935-1936 Studied at the University of Florence, Italy 1939 Emigrated to the United States 1944 Married to Gabrielle L. Schöpflich 1945 Naturalized citizen of the United States 1954-1958 Editor, Journal of the American Oriental Society 1968-2003 Advisory board, Language and Style 1968-1992 Member, editorial board, International Encyclopedia of Linguistics 1968-1974 Member, corporate visiting committee for the Depart ment of Foreign Literatures and Languages, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1977-2003 Associate editor, Indian Journal of Linguistics 1978-2003 Consulting editor, Journal of the History of Ideas, Journal of Indo-European Studies 1978-1984 Chairman, overseers committee to visit the Depart ment of Linguistics, Harvard University 1984-2003 Advisory board, Diachronica 1985 Retirement dinner, University of Pennsylvania, at which he was presented with a prepublication copy of Festschrift for Henry M. Hoenigswald 1985-2003 Consultant, Biographical Dictionary of Western Linguistics 1986 Member,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
his home in Madison Coun- ty, Kentucky, where he owned lands on Silver, Muddy and Downing Creeks, in addition to a large body of land in Albemarle, and he owned a number of negro slaves, which he had brought to iventucky. Schedule of his family who came besides collateral branches of the Harris family. Robert Harris, (wife Nancy Grubbs) Elder Christopher Harris, (wife Elizabeth Grubbs J .lohn Harris, (wife Margaret Maupin) Benjamin Harris, (first wife, Miss Jones, second wife, Nancy Burgin) William Harris; (wife Anna Oldham) Barnabas Harris; (wife Elizabeth Oldham) James Harris; (wife Susannah Gass) Samuel Harris: (wife Nancy Wilkerson) Overton Harris; (wife Nancy Old- ham) Mournin Harris, husband, Foster Jones, and her children, Tyre Harris Jones, Mosias Jones, Nancy Jones, Christopher Jones, Elizabeth Jones, Lucy Jones. Tyre Harris; (wife Sallie Garland) Higgason Harris; (wife Nancy Garland ( Sarah Harris, and husband, JamesMartin, and children, Tyre Martin, Robert Martin; (wife Polly Noland) Nathan Martin, Mary Martin and husband, J. Pleas- ant Profit, young David Martin, son of James Martin deceased. Thomas Harris; (wife Mary Ann Booten) Robert Harris; (wife Mary Taylor) Robert Harris; (wife Jael Ellison ) Christopher Harris (wife Sallie Wallace) Mary Harris, and husband, George Jones, Jane Harris and husband, Richard Gentry, all children, and children in law, and grand children of Christopher Harris, senior, besides a number of his negro slaves, and collateral branches, viz: Randolph Harris, of Captain Brown's comi)any against the Wiaw Indians, in 1791. Sherwood Harris, James Harris, Sterling Harris, (wife Silva ) and son, Solomon Harris, and brother, Benjamin Harris, William Harris, Thomas Harris, (wife Rachael) Weston Harris, (wife Elizabeth Dulaney) Samuel Harris, William Harris, (wife Mary Manion) David Harris, (wife Nancy Cooksey) John Harris; 262 History and
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(Huemer, 2006 and 2007), (Jehle 5 and Weatherson, 2012), (Kung, 2010), (Lycan, 2013), (Moretti, 2015), (Pollock and Cruz, 1999), (Pryor, 2000 and 2013), (Silins, 2008), (Tucker, 2010 and 2013), (Weatherson, 2007), and (Wedgwood, 2013), among many others. Note that while anti-Cartesianism is often coupled with a Moorean reply to the skeptic, this is not something I build in to the view. See, e.g., (McDowell, 1982 and 1995) and (Pritchard, 2012), and see (Soteriou, 2014) for a helpful review.6 !5 2. Anti-Cartesianism and Perceptual Partiality It is time to consider an underappreciated point of contrast between Cartesianism and antiCartesianism. The contrast concerns how each view explains the distinctive epistemic significance of one's own experiences. Both views can accept the datum that the justification of one's beliefs depends more directlyKornblith, Ram Neta, Jim Pryor, Karl Schafer, Miriam Schoenfield, David Sosa, Katia Vavova, Alex Worsnip, and audiences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, the University of Toronto, the University of Texas at Austin, Mount Holyoke College, and the Creighton Club meeting at Syracuse University. !28 References Barnett, David James (2014) 'What's the Matter With Epistemic Circularity?' Philosophical Studies 171(2): 177-205. Barnett, David James (2015) 'Is Memory Merely Testimony from One's Former Self ?' Philosophical Review 124(3). Barnett, David James (MS) 'Epistemic Autonomy and the Cartesian Circle' Briscoe, Robert (MS) 'Depiction, Pictorial Experience, and Vision Science'. Brogaard, Berit (2013) 'Phenomenal Seemings and Sensible Dogmatism' in Seemings and Justification: New Essays on Dogmatism and Phenomenal Conservatism, Chris Tucker ed., Oxford. Broome, John (1999) "Normative Requirements." Ratio 12: 398-419. Broome, John
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Burrawanga, a Gumatj ritual leader. Burrawanga was the grandchild of one of six wives of the last trepang fisherman. The performance was centred on a reunion between Burrawanga and his Macassan relatives. Trepang was the main act following the annual processions in front of the local Bupati (Regency). St. Clair describes the atmosphere in front of a crowd of nine thousand as 'like a football game'. It certainly captured the attention of Southeast Asian media. Three national Indonesian television stations covered the event, and favourable reviews appeared in Indonesian and even Malaysian press. Despite this coverage, the event was ignored by Australian media. Ironically, the obsession with Pauline Hansen had taken more positive Asian exchange off the papers. Meanwhile, responses to the Macassan story have come from a number of local rock bands. In 1990, the Milingimbi Wirrngga Band released song called 'Takkerena', whichwas the Macassan name for trepanging camp in area. Three years later, Maningrida's Sunrise Band produced a hit for 3JJJ titled Lembana Mani Mani, the Macassan name for their town. Fascination with the Macassan story is not limited to non-Balanda. The story of the Macassans epitomises the romance of the seas. On the trail of this romance, the Australian Maritime Museum offers regular tours to the boat-building sites in Sulawesi. In 1988, Peter Spellit from the Darwin Museum reconstructed a Macassan pinisi for a commemorative voyage from Australia to Sulawesi. According to Jeremy Mellefont of the Maritime Museum, the sailors' perspective is different from that of academics: 'Sailors see oceans as what connects people, whereas academics see oceans as what separates them'. Thinking about the rich history of traffic in Australia's northern seas, the British leap across to the antipodes
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took the town by treachery, their plan being to free Antandrus and the rest of the Actaean towns, formerly owned by Mitylene but now held by the Athenians. Once fortified there, they would have every facility for ship-building from the vicinity of Ida and the consequent abundance of timber, and plenty of other supplies, and might from this base easily ravage Lesbos, which was not far off, and make themselves masters of the Aeolian towns on the continent. While these were the schemes of the exiles, the Athenians in the same summer made an expedition with sixty ships, two thousand heavy infantry, a few cavalry, and some allied troops from Miletus and other parts, against Cythera, under the command of Nicias, son of Niceratus, Nicostratus, son of Diotrephes, and Autocles, son of Tolmaeus. Cythera is an island lying off Laconia, oppositeMalea; the inhabitants are Lacedaemonians of the class of the Perioeci; and an officer called the judge of Cythera went over to the place annually from Sparta. A garrison of heavy infantry was also regularly sent there, and great attention paid to the island, as it was the landing-place for the merchantmen from Egypt and Libya, and at the same time secured Laconia from the attacks of privateers from the sea, at the only point where it is assailable, as the whole coast rises abruptly towards the Sicilian and Cretan seas. Coming to land here with their armament, the Athenians with ten ships and two thousand Milesian heavy infantry took the town of Scandea, on the sea; and with the rest of their forces landing on the side of the island looking towards Malea, went against the lower town
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My System [in 1929]’. Here we add that a rare, early explanation of Zugzwang occurred in an (uncharacteristically florid) article by Hermann Helms entitled ‘Applying the Straitjacket in Chess’ which was originally published in the Brooklyn Daily Eagle and was reproduced on pages 65-66 of the March 1927 American Chess Bulletin. It concerned Capablanca’s celebrated victory (with the Caro-Kann Defence) over Nimzowitsch at New York, 1927, and Helms commented: ‘It was an artistic gem of the chessboard. Nimzowitsch is an artist. No-one appreciates beauty or perfection more than he. His own artistry has often dumbfounded opponents less skillful. But against the champion – that’s something different again. Once more, that straitjacket; that is, the chessic kind. ... His little army was precisely as large as Capablanca’s. But he was cramped and he ached for elbow room. As to space and mobility he was muchpage 1884 of the Scientific American Supplement, 6 April 1878: ‘It is not generally known that a plaster cast was taken from his features at the time of his death and was brought to this country, and is at present in the possession of Mr Eugene B. Cook, the distinguished problemist, who prizes it most highly and takes peculiar pride in showing the stray locks of hair and whiskers that still adhere to the plaster.’ 5150. Morphy portrait The following page of Worlds of Chess Champions has a good portrait of Paul Morphy, although presented in reverse. It is reproduced correctly here: 5151. Chess and bridge (C.N. 5143) Carsten Hansen (Bayonne, NJ, USA) reports that the chess author Svend Novrup has also written books on bridge. Below is the front cover of a volume published in Copenhagen in 1971: 5152. Grandmaster Little-known nineteenth-century occurrences of the
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will take steps during negotiations on the UK leaving the EU to ensure continued access to the EU Single Market for goods, people and services. (906695) 10:08:47 Rt Hon David Davis MP, The Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union (Haltemprice and Howden, Conservative) 10:09:18 Ms Margaret Ritchie MP (South Down, Social Democratic & Labour Party) 10:09:45 Rt Hon David Davis MP, The Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union (Haltemprice and Howden, Conservative) 10:10:08 Mr Steve Baker MP (Wycombe, Conservative) 10:10:32 Rt Hon David Davis MP, The Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union (Haltemprice and Howden, Conservative) 10:11:05 Helen Goodman MP (Bishop Auckland, Labour) 10:11:30 Rt Hon David Davis MP, The Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union (Haltemprice and Howden, Conservative) 10:12:00 Mr Peter Bone MP (Wellingborough, Conservative) 10:12:25 RtHon David Davis MP, The Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union (Haltemprice and Howden, Conservative) 10:12:51 Margaret Ferrier MP (Rutherglen and Hamilton West, Scottish National Party) 10:13:21 Rt Hon David Davis MP, The Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union (Haltemprice and Howden, Conservative) 10:13:46 Philip Davies MP (Shipley, Conservative) 10:14:14 Rt Hon David Davis MP, The Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union (Haltemprice and Howden, Conservative) 10:14:30 Q9. What plans he has for the UK to retain EU environmental regulations after it leaves the EU. (906696) 10:14:34 Mr Robin Walker MP, The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union (Worcester, Conservative) 10:14:58 Neil Parish MP (Tiverton and Honiton, Conservative) 10:15:20 Mr Robin Walker MP, The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union (Worcester, Conservative) 10:15:42 Mr Barry
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one of his greatest challenges when the nefarious Professor Moriarty (Zucco) plots to steal the Crown Jewels. The second and last of Fox's excellent Rathbone-Bruce period pieces, which predated Universal's entertaining modern series. **Adventures of Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother, The** SEE: **Adventure of Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother, The** **Adventures of the Great Mouse Detective, The** SEE: **Great Mouse Detective, The** **Adventures of the Wilderness Family, The** (1975) **C-100m.** D: Stewart Raffill. Robert F. Logan, Susan Damante Shaw, Hollye Holmes, Ham Larsen, Buck Flower, William Cornford. Good human-interest drama. Modern couple with two children forsake big city for life in magnificent but sometimes dangerous Rocky Mountain region. Followed by two look-alike sequels. [G] **Adventures of Tintin, The** (2011-U.S.-New Zealand) **C-107m.** D: Steven Spielberg. Jamie Bell, Andy Serkis, Daniel Craig,like BRIDESMAIDS. Written by the first-time director, based on her off-Broadway play. HD Widescreen. [R] **Bachelor Flat** SEE: **_Leonard Maltin's Classic Movie Guide_** **Bachelor Mother** (1939) **81m.** 1⁄2 D: Garson Kanin. Ginger Rogers, David Niven, Charles Coburn, Frank Albertson, Ernest Truex. Rogers unwittingly becomes guardian for abandoned baby in this delightful comedy by Norman Krasna. Remake of 1935 German film LITTLE MOTHER; remade as BUNDLE OF JOY (1956). Also shown in computer-colored version. **Bachelor Party, The** (1957) SEE: **_Leonard Maltin's Classic Movie Guide_** **Bachelor Party** (1984) **C-106m.** D: Neal Israel. Tom Hanks, Tawny Kitaen, Adrian Zmed, George Grizzard, Robert Prescott. Amiable comedy about preparations for a raunchy bachelor party has real laughs for a while, then gets increasingly desperate and tasteless. Followed by a direct-to-DVD sequel. [R] **Backbeat** (1993-British) **C-100m.**
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Professor Muhammad Aldajani, accompanied students on a trip to the extermination camps in Poland. Aldajani, who supports studying the Holocaust, was promptly forced to resign following pressure from the PA. Finally, it is worth noting one of the most important reasons Abbas blames Zionism for the Holocaust, namely his desire to hide the crimes of someone who actually did collaborate with the Nazis: The Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj-Amin al-Husseini. Husseini was the founder of the modern Palestinian national movement, the spiritual father of Yasser Arafat and Abbas himself. He lived in Nazi Germany from 1941-1945, endorsed the Nazis and their aims, recruited Muslim soldiers for them, incited against the Jews, and knew of and supported the Final Solution. As a result, the truth about the Mufti threatens the Palestinian nationalOptimal enlargement of the frontal sinus approach. After recalling the main anatomical characteristics of the frontal sinuses, the authors describe the frontal craniotomy surgical procedure and its variants. A bicoronal skin incision is performed. An inferior-based pericranial flap is created, with its limits situated away from the osteotomies. Osteotomies are performed with an oscillating saw. The inferior osteotomy is horizontal, tangentially following the supraorbital margin as far as the lateral limit of each sinus. The osteotomy is continued medially as far as the nasion, passing an average of 3mm above the floor of the medial part of the sinuses, immediately above the frontonasal ducts. The superior osteotomy is performed in a vertical coronal plane through the summit of the sinuses. It is arc-shaped, concave downwards, joining the lateral extremities
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "PubMed Abstracts" ] }
civilization included in the Steam and Direct2Drive Digital Deluxe Editions,[49][51] and later offered for all on October 25, 2010.[52] Mongolia under Genghis Khan as well as a Mongolian themed scenario was added with a free update on October 25, 2010.[52] Spain, under Isabella, and the Inca Empire, under Pachacuti, as well as a similarly themed scenario were offered as the first "Double Civilization and Scenario Pack" on December 16, 2010.[53] The "Civilization and Scenario Pack: Polynesia" was released on March 3, 2011, and adds the Polynesian Empire under Kamehameha I.[54] The "Civilization and Scenario Pack: Denmark" was released on May 3, 2011, and features the Danish civilization under Harald Bluetooth, similar to the Viking civilization from previous games.[55] On August 11, 2011, the "Civilization and Scenario Pack: Korea" was released featuring the Korean civilization under Sejong the Great.[56] On August 11, 2011, a"Wonders of the Ancient World Scenario Pack" was released adding three new ancient wonders – The Temple of Artemis, The Statue of Zeus, and The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus – as well as a scenario based around the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. This was the first time that new wonders were added as DLC.[56] Additionally, several downloadable map packs were offered as a pre-order bonus from various retailers: Steam, "Cradle of Civilization: Mesopotamia";, "Cradle of Civilization: Asia"; Gamestop and, "Cradle of Civilization: The Mediterranean"; and "Cradle of Civilization: The Americas." All four maps were later made available for purchase through Steam. Coinciding with the release of the "Civilization and Scenario Pack: Denmark" on May 3, 2011, an "Explorers Map Pack" was released featuring map types inspired by real-world locations like the Amazon and Bering Strait.[55] In late 2012 the developers
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put up the price of Lake Shore stock, In which Keene and Selever were lntereeted, with Gould. There was considerable excitement on the Stock Ex-change for a few minutes, as it was ru-mored that Gould had teen seriously in-jured. Striker. Dl.pursed. Toledo, August 2.—The citizens, military and the police turned out in strong force this morning, and made a raid upon the freight blockades on the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railroad at this point, and under their protection trains are being started in all directions. NIGHT DISPATCHES. The Editor of llie New Orleaus Be in-ocrat lu Wa.luneton—He Inter-view, tile President, Washington, JAugust 2.—Major Hearsey, editor of the New Orleans Democrat, who is on a brief visit to this city, called on Secretaries Key and Schurz, and subse-quently, with Secretary Key, called on the President. Major Hearsey expresses himself much gratified with the courteous reception extended him, and with the yery kindly sentiments expressedby the Presi-dent towards the Soutb. He thinks indeed that it is the earnest purpose of the Presi-dent to be the executive of the south as' well as of the other seation of the Union In thc| course o, the conversation, Mr. Hayes expressed his gratification at the peaceful attitude of the South during the great riots, and remarked pleasantly that the two most antagonistic sections of the country, New England and the South, were, during the excitement and conflict, the most (tranquil. The President also ex-pressed the hope that he would he able to visit New Orleans during the holiday vaca-tion of Congress, and was assured by the editor of the D rmoerat that he would be cordially welcomed by the people, not only of New Orleans but of the whole State. Major Hearsey referred to the recent postal convention at Old Point Comfort, and the kindly expressions
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On the natural frequencies of helical compression springs. , 44(4):825–841, 2002. D Pearson. The transfer matrix method for the vibration of compressed helical springs. , 24(4):163–171, 1982. Ahmed Frikha, Fabien Treyssede, and Patrice Cartraud. Effect of axial load on the propagation of elastic waves in helical beams. , 48(1):83–92, 2011. Basile Audoly and Yves Pomeau. . Oxford University Press, 2010. Sebastien Neukirch, Jo[ë]{}l Frelat, Alain Goriely, and Corrado Maurini. Vibrations of post-buckled rods: the singular inextensible limit. , 331(3):704–720, 2012. Ray W Ogden. Incremental statics and dynamics of pre-stressed elastic materials. In [*Waves in nonlinear pre-stressed materials*]{}, pages 1–26. Springer, 2007. Richard Bellman. . SIAM, Philadelphia, 1997. Florian Maurin and Alessandro Spadoni. Wave dispersion in periodic post-buckled structures. , 333(19):4562–4578, 2014. Giuseppe Trainiti, Julian J Rimoli, and Massimo Ruzzene. Wave propagation in undulated structural lattices. , 97:431–444, 2016. Yanyu Chen,Lark, Veronika Alice Gunter (Editor), Alice Gunter (Editor), Books by 10 artists who have taught at the Penland School of Crafts (North Carolina) are showcased and, metaphorically, dissected in hands-on sections that demonstrate how the books came to be. The 10 profiled artists in turn chose others who have influenced them, and images of the guest artists" work also appear. Bookbinding and papermaking have been among the school"s most consistently popular classes; the volume looks at a range of structures, including pop-up books, accordion-fold books, sculptural books, and more traditionally bound books. The lovely and whimsical pieces are beautifully (and plentifully) photographed. The 10 primary artists are Daniel Essig, Eileen Wallace, Steve Miller, Carol Barton, Susan E. King, Hedi Kyle, Barbara Mauriello, Dolph Smith, Jim Croft, and Julie
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