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created by Nazi comparisons and insults must not be allowed to escalate,” she said.
The Belgian city of Antwerp said it would not allow a politician from the nationalist MHP party to speak at an event, although Ali Guler was still set to appear on Sunday at a Turkish restaurant in Genk, in the east of the country.
While Turkish law forbids election campaigning abroad and in diplomatic missions, ministers are circumventing the ban by holding what they say are cultural events with Turkish citizens.
Erdogan has said that those who oppose the referendum, are aligning themselves with terrorists. He has also accused European states, including Germany, of harbouring terrorism, an allegation they deny.
EU states are also unhappy with what they see as an increasingly authoritarian tone frombasically, “Me Indian. Me speak English. You want more Indians to speak English? Give money.” Nobody gave very much. The idiot who gave the most was the Earl of Dartmouth, so they decided to name the college after him, in the hopes he’d give more. He never gave another cent.
Like New Hampshire weather, Dartmouth College is full of extremes: a hotbed of liberals peppered with silly arch-conservatives. For example, the arch-conservative student who lived down the hall from me hung a Confederate flag on one wall, hung a Rhodesian flag on the other, and wore an upside-down peace button showing a bomber and the words “Drop it!”
When Democrats vying to be “President of the United States” visit New Hampshire, they love to stop at Dartmouth College and give | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 5,576,037 |
Opponents of Canada's $15-billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia are taking Ottawa to court in an attempt to block shipments of the combat vehicles, a move that could force the governing Liberals to explain how they justify the sale to a human-rights pariah under weapon-export restrictions.
Daniel Turp, a professor of international and constitutional law at the University of Montreal, is leading the effort, supported by students and a Montreal law firm with a record of class-action work and anti-tobacco litigation.
He will announce the legal challenge on Saturday and intends to file it with the Federal Court within three weeks.
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Mr. Turp and his group are calling on critics of the deal across the country to rally behind their challenge, which they are calling Operation Armoured Rights,to comment on the poll on Friday.
The Canadian government is the prime contractor in the deal to sell combat vehicles with machine guns and anti-tank cannons to the Saudi force that protects the Mideast kingdom's monarchy from internal threats. The deal is expected to include upward of 1,000 fighting vehicles, plus service and training.
The watchdog organization Freedom House regularly ranks Saudi Arabia among the "worst of the worst" on human rights.
The Federal Court challenge will argue that the Canadian government is violating its own arms-export rules by permitting the armoured vehicles to be shipped to Saudi Arabia. It will ask the court to rescind any export permits that have been granted for the fighting vehicles and block any future ones.
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Canada's export controls place restrictions on | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 49,627,325 |
Philosophy of Language." in The Cambridge Companion to Locke, ed. Vere Chappell. Cambridge: Cambridge university Press. 172 Jan-eRIk Jones Jones, Jan-erik. 2007. "Locke vs. Boyle: the real essence of Corpuscular Species." British Journal for the History of Philosophy 15(4): 659–684. Kornblith, hilary. 1993. Inductive Inference and its Natural Ground. Cambridge, Ma: Mit Press. Leibniz, g. W. 1996. Nouveaux Essais sur l'Entendement Humain. ed. Peter remnant and Jonathan Bennett. Cambridge: Cambridge university Press. Locke, John. 1829. The Works of John Locke, 10 vols. London: thomas teggs. ---. 1975. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. ed. P. h. nidditch. oxford: Clarendon Press. Mackie, J. L. 1976. Problems From Locke. oxford: Clarendon Press. McCann, edwin. 1985. "Lockean Mechanism." in Philosophy, Its History and Historiography, ed. a. J. holland. Dordrecht: reidel, 209–231. ott,Walter. 2004. Locke's Philosophy of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge university Press. owen, David. 1991. "Locke on real essences." History of Philosophy Quarterly 8: 105–118. Phemister, Pauline. 1990. "real essences in Particular." Locke Newsletter 21: 27–55. rozemond, Marleen and gideon yaffe. 2004. "Peach trees, gravity and god: Mechanism in Locke." British Journal for the History of Philosophy 12(3): 387–412. Shapiro, Lionel. 1999. "toward 'Perfect Collections of Properties': Locke on the Constitution of Substantial Sorts." Canadian Journal of Philosophy 29(4): 551–592. Stanford, P. Kyle. 1998. "reference and natural Kind terms: the real essence of Locke's View." Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 79(1): 78–97. Stuart, Matthew. 1999. "Locke on natural Kinds." History of Philosophy Quarterly 16(3): 277–296. Wilson, Margaret. 1979. "Superadded Properties: the Limits of Mechanism in Locke." American Philosophical Quarterly 16: 143–150. Woolhouse, | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 45,520,982 |
(formerly known as Dytek Laboratories, Inc.) ("Dytek"), and Charles Industries, Ltd,[2] alleging negligence, strict liability, and breaches of warranties. On or about February 24, 1993, Harley filed a third-party complaint seeking contribution and indemnity from AAI, who Harley claimed was the designer and manufacturer of the Dytek battery charger allegedly responsible for the accident. Plaintiffs subsequently amended their complaint to include AAI as a direct defendant. This Court possesses subject-matter jurisdiction by virtue of 28 U.S.C. § 1332 as a result of diversity of citizenship among the parties. AAI is a New York Corporation with its principal office and place of business in New York and seemingly is "owned" in some manner by British Tire and Rubber Co., a British corporation.[3]
AAI, at the time independently "owned," acquired Dyteksuch representatives, in and of themselves, do not sufficice for purposes of general jurisdiction.
The revenues obtained by Dytek and by AAI from their dealings in Maryland also appear insufficient themselves to confer jurisdiction upon AAI. While the figures provided by AAI for 1988-1991 at times constitute quite substantial actual amounts, they represent a rather small percentage of AAI's total revenue. With regard to Dytek's revenues during the period in which it was owned by AAI, this Court has only Rauft's testimony upon which to rely. Rauft's estimate of "less than ten percent" of Dytek's revenue as attributable to Maryland, a figure which he later characterized as "on the high side," falls short of itself establishing this Court's jurisdiction over AAI. Chief Judge Black, in Nichols, 783 F.Supp. at | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 39,931,448 |
Sales Forecasting Models" in Intellectual Property, ed. G.V. Smith and R.L. Parr, 817-828. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley. 25 Morris, Steven A. and David Pratt. 2003. "Analysis of the Lotka-Volterra Competition Equations as a Technological Substitution Model." Technological Forecasting and Social Change 70:103-133. Orzack, Steven H. and Elliott Sober. 1993. "A Critical Assessment of Levins's 'The Strategy of Model Building in Population Biology' (1966)." Quarterly Review of Biology 68:533–546. Porter, Alan L., A. Thomas Roper, Thomas W. Mason, Frederick A. Rossini and Jerry Banks. 1991. Forecasting and Management of Technology. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley. Saviotti, P.P. and G.S. Mani. 1995. "Competition, Variety and Technological Evolution." Journal of Evolutionary Economics 5:369-392. Weisberg, Michael. 2006. "Robustness Analysis." Philosophy of Science 73:730-742. Weisberg, Michael. 2007. "Who is a Modeler?" British Journal forThis is an archived article and the information in the article may be outdated. Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated.
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The family of Thomas Eric Duncan, the first person to die of Ebola on U.S. soil, joined the Rev. Jesse Jackson at his Rainbow Push headquarters to call foul on the treatment Mr. Duncan received.
They say the treatment Duncan received was at best 'incompetent' and at worst 'racially motivated.'
Duncan passed away last week, but his mom and nephew spoke out at Rainbow Push's weekly gathering today.
The family is asking why Duncan wasn't moved to Emory University Hospital, where Dr. Kent Brantly and Dr. Nancy Writebol received life saving treatment for Ebola.
Duncan's nephew now | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 56,431,471 |
well to look at phone manufacturer HTC
Corporation. HTC uses a combination of Facebook,
Twitter and YouTube in English language to highlight
and showcase latest products globally, leverage
physical events such as press conferences and product
launches on the Internet, and build relationships with
customers, bloggers and other opinion-formers.
A second factor is the nature of media outreach in
Taiwan, which is often stymied by the lack of in-house
communications teams. Basic media enquiries tend to
go through the company PR person, with spokesperson
duties handled by the CFO - again, a reflection of the
importance attached to financial and operational
performance - and not well suited to the demands of
social media, from initiating and responding to
discussions, to ongoing channel management.
Microblogs Social Networks Corporate Blogs Video Sharing
Third, while a number of major Taiwanese companies
are active in social media, they are usingyet exploiting the
conversational opportunities of social media.
Bumrungrad Hospital, for instance, actively uses
Twitter but almost exclusively as a one-way channel to
provide health tips and information about hospital
• Active Accounts Inactive Accounts
reputation management topics and focus 'feel good'
CSR stories or promotions.
And while anecdotal reports indicate that Thai
consumers, especially young people, are becoming
active users of online video, local companies have
stayed clear. Possible reasons: Thailand's weak
technical infrastructure with limited broadband and
almost non-existent 3G wireless access. Another
reason: YouTube's checkered history in the country,
with the government closing access to the platform a
number of times due to claims of material deemed
offensive to the Thai monarchy.
Corporate blogging is used by only one company in
the survey, for a mix of corporate marketing and to
enable company executives to share their thoughts on
a range of social and cultural topics. | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 2,722,841 |
in 2006, after AP teachers “expressed frustration that the previous course did not provide sufficient time to immerse students in the major ideas, events, people, and documents of US history, and that they were instead required to race through topics”. The redesign, intended to address those concerns, was introduced and used for the first time last fall.
The AP exam had sparked heated political debates in Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina. In Texas, the Republican-dominated state Education Agency pushed the College Board to rewrite the curriculum. And in February, the Oklahoma state legislature contemplated a bill that would effectively ban the course from being taught in public high schools.
Last year, the Republican National Committee passed a resolution slamming the College Board for pushing a “consistently negative view ofObama wants Wasserman Schultz to stay on at DNC
Wasserman Schultz has overseen the Democratic National Committee since early 2011. Party officials credit her in part with helping the president carry her home state of Florida, as well as leading the party to an expanded majority in the Senate and more seats in the House.
"I’ve asked Debbie Wasserman Schultz to continue her excellent work as chair of the DNC," Obama wrote on Twitter Monday. "Thanks for all you do, Debbie."
The tweet was signed "bo", which the White House says is a signal that the president wrote it personally.
Wasserman Schultz also took to Twitter to respond, writing, "Thank you, Mr. President. I am honored to serve."
Democratic officials said Obama asked DNC members to back Wasserman Schultz when they meet in | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 54,720,594 |
eventually fired off
some shots in the country. They then
returned to town and were traveling on Amarillo Boulevard with Granados driving
and appellant in the front passenger seat.Â
As they drove, the three were passed by a blue pickup truck
traveling at a high rate of speed. In
response, Granados accelerated, passed the truck, and cut into its lane before
stopping at a red light. The truck
rapidly approached Granados vehicle from behind and stopped. Granados then put his car into reverse, moved
backwards, and apparently made contact with the truck while the street light
remained red. Â
Granados and the person driving the truck, Cuevas Mata,
exited their respective vehicles and began to argue. During that confrontation, appellant rose
through the sunroof of the car, pointed his gun at Mata, pulled the trigger of
the allegedly unloaded weapon, and toldMata to leave them alone. Mata then lowered himself behind his truckÂs
door. Granados returned to his car, ran
the red light, and sped down the street.Â
Mata did the same and sped up to drive alongside the car. When the two vehicles were approximately
side-by-side, appellant again appeared in the sunroof, pointed his handgun at
the truck (though Granados said he pointed the weapon at Mata) and fired multiple shots. A number of bullets hit the truck and one or
more struck Mata. The latter then
swerved from his lane, crashed into a motel, exited the vehicle staggering, and
died from gunshot wounds.
Legal Sufficiency
Appellant first argues that the evidence was legally
insufficient to show that he Âshot to kill.ÂÂ
Rather, he allegedly shot simply to defend himself because he was scared
of Mata. We review challenges to | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 57,708,897 |
on the grass
‘She lived inside our home for the first few weeks and we hand-reared her,’ said Mark.
‘Eventually a time came when she was so big we had to move her outside into her own enclosure.’
Now Agee spends her time living in her new enclosure on rented land near Mark and Dawn's home in Abbotsford, and on the road working on TV and film sets.
At home, Mark enjoys 'play time' with her.
‘Earlier in the morning she's more playful and relaxed and she lets me roll around with her.
‘We wrestle for fun and sometimes we fall asleep on her grassy lawn together. It's a great way to unwind after a bad day.
Cuddle: Mark turns the tables on Agee and gives her a bear hug
‘I feel pretty privileged to beable to nap with my head resting on a fully-grown polar bear.’
Later in the day - when they are preparing for filming - Mark 'works' her, training Agee for the requested script requirements.
Agee performs a variety of commands in exchange for her favourite treats - steak, cookies, salmon and chocolates.
On cue from Mark, she rears up on her hind legs and will even pretend she's roaring when instructed to 'smile'.
‘She doesn't actually roar but she makes the action,’ said animal handler Dawn. ‘Film crews will later add in the sound of the roar if that's what they need for their production.’
Agee will also lie down, crawl and sit up in returnfor reward foods.
Affection: Agee licks Mark's face as they play around on the grass
‘She loves her work,’ said | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 55,094,413 |
lecture notes, assignments, and examinations.
Universities using open source in higher education
Many universities also contribute to free and open source software (FOSS) and free and open source hardware (FOSH). In fact, many universities—including American International University West Africa, Brandeis University, Indiana University, and the University of Southern Queensland—are Open Source Initiative (OSI) Affiliates . The University of Texas even has formal policies in place for contributing to open source.
In addition, the vast majority of universities use FOSS. PortalProgramas ranked Tufts University as the top higher education user of FOSS. Even more representative is Apereo, which is a network of universities actively supporting the use of open source in higher education. This network includes a long list of member institutions:
American Public University System
Beijing Open-mindness Technology Co., Ltd.
Blindside Networks
Boston University Questromhigher education institutions. Their members include:
Boston University
California State University, Office of the Chancellor
Colorado State University
Cornell University
Drexel University
Indiana University
Marist College
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Michigan State University
North-West University, South Africa
Research Foundation of The City University of New York
Stevens Institute of Technology
Strathmore University
Tufts University
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Universidad del Sagrado Corazon
University of Arizona
University of California, Davis
University of California, Irvine
University of Connecticut
University of Hawaii
University of Illinois
University of Maryland, Baltimore
University of Maryland, College Park
University of Toronto
West Virginia University
Didn't see your favorite university on the list? If that school has been involved in open source, please leave a comment below telling me what your school is doing in open source. If you want to see your favorite school on the list and they aren't doing much in open source, you can encourage them by sending | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 54,881,972 |
of ‘‘The Dark Knight Rises’’ at a movie theater in an Aurora shopping mall and began shooting.
He faces more than 160 counts of first-degree murder and attempted murder.
On Monday, police officers described the scene inside the theater in graphic terms, describing amounts of blood on the floor so copious that they had trouble keeping their footing. As the movie played on and cellphones rang incessantly, the officers said, they went from person to person, checking for signs of life. “They were screaming, they were yelling: ‘Help us! Help us!’ ’’ said Justin Grizzle, a police officer who was among the first to respond.
Realizing there were not enough ambulances to transport the injured to hospitals, the officer said, he began putting people in his patrol car. He made fourbacks have struggled to find a lot of running room. The Bulldogs managed only 167 yards rushing against FCS school Nicholls State, and they were held to 101 by Missouri.
The Bulldogs did have 230 yards on the ground against Ole Miss, but most of it came after the Rebels had built a commanding lead and were basically trying to avoid big plays. Still, Smart was encouraged by the way his linemen blocked for the run.
"We actually improved in that area," he said. "It was all the other areas that imploded on us."
Indeed, freshman quarterback Jacob Eason completed just 16 of 36 passes for 137 yards and had one interception returned for a touchdown. It didn't help that he faced heavy pressure most of the game, leading to three | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 8,730,335 |
but not all.
In contrast to,
for example,
the middle Assyrian laws,
where a master can kill a slave
with impunity,
the Bible legislates that the
master who wounds his slave in
any way, even losing a
tooth--which is understood to be
a minor thing,
because it's not in any way an
essential organ--so even if he
knocks out a tooth,
right, he has to set him free.
That's in Exodus 21:26-27.
Moreover, the slave is entitled
to the Sabbath rest and all of
the Sabbath legislation.
And quite importantly,
a fugitive slave cannot be
returned to his master.
That's in Deuteronomy 23:16-17:
You shall not turn over
to his master a slave who seeks
refuge with you from his master.
He shall live with you in any
place he may choose among the
settlements in your midst,
wherever he pleases;
you must not ill treat
This is the opposite of the
fugitive slave law,
actually inthis country in the
nineteenth century,
but also in Hammurabi's Code.
Right, Hammurabi's Code,
15,16 through 19:
"If a citizen has harbored in
his house either a fugitive male
or female slave belonging to the
state or private citizen and has
not brought him forth at the
summons of the police,
that householder shall be put
to death."
The term of Israelite,
Israelite slavery,
that is to say an Israelite who
has fallen into service to
another Israelite through,
generally, indebtedness--that's
a form that slavery took in the
ancient world and in the
biblical picture--the term was
limited to six years by Exodus,
by the Covenant Code.
In the Priestly code,
it's prohibited altogether.
No Israelite can be enslaved to
another Israelite.
So it's actually done away with
as an institution altogether.
In general, the Bible urges
humanitarian treatment of the
slave, again,
'for you were once slaves in
Egypt' is the refrain.
Other evidence of the trend
towards humanitarianism is | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 46,471,855 |
lie they'd concocted to get their father's money. "I wish I could tell the whole world my father is not the monster my sisters and the attorneys made him out to be," he told one reporter.
But his sisters stood by the charges. Hernandez claimed she'd simply run out of money to pursue the case; Jennifer said she'd dropped out because she couldn't legally claim her memory was repressed -- she'd always remembered -- which meant that the statute of limitations had expired.
Smith wasn't through with them yet, though. He would teach them a lesson. One they wouldn't soon forget.
He filed a lawsuit of his own, accusing them of defamation for making the false charges against him. Further, he attacked Hernandez' husband, Duane, claiming the couple had improperly withdrawnalmost $300,000 from joint accounts he'd set up in their names. Smith's secretary, Reusch, also sued for defamation.
Smith drew first blood. An arbitrator awarded him $100,000 from Hernandez and Duane. Reusch won an even easier victory. After Hernandez twice failed to show up for the hearing, Judge Kosma Glavas slapped her with another $100,000 judgment.
Seeing the bloodshed, Jennifer filed for bankruptcy to escape her father's wrath. Hernandez, however, had no more intention of paying her father than he'd had of paying her. She and Duane fled to Florida, where state law kept Smith from collecting.
Last year, Smith got from her what he had wanted all along: an admission of guilt. It came in the form of a letter from Hernandez.
"I've been wanting to write and let you know | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 51,582,597 |
project of the Classics Departments of Harvard and Tufts Universities funded by the Andrew Mellon Foundation).
Developing a research platform for comparing Computer Assisted Language Learning methods and collecting "big data" on second language learning with Brian MacWhinney and John Kowalski, Department of Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University.
Chief Pedagogical Collaborators
University of Leipzig: Humboldt Chair of Digital Humanities: Open Philology: E-Learning Project.
Robert J. Gorman. Department of Classics and Religious Studies. University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Anise Ferreira. Departamento de Linguística da Faculdade de Ciências e Letras. University of São Paulo: "Júlio de Mesquita Filho". Campus de Araraquara.(FCL-Ar/UNESP).
Neven Jovanović. Department of Classical Philology, University of Zagreb.
Alpheios encourages participation by interested individuals whether or not they have current academic affiliations.
Alpheios Annotation and Alignment Editors in Project Bamboo
digital classicist
Almas B. and Berti. M. “TheLinked Fragment: TEI and the Encoding of Text Re-uses of Lost Authors”: The Linked TEI: Text Encoding in the Web. TEI Conference and Members Meeting 2013, Università di Roma Sapienza, October 2–5, 2013
Berti M. and Pietruschka. U. “The Laments of the Philosophers at the Tomb of Alexander: an Example of Text Re-Use in Oriental Languages”: 4ème Colloque International Aliento. Énoncés sapientiels brefs, traductions, traducteurs et contextes culturels et historiques du Xe siècle au XVe siècle: les textes transmis à l’Occident, (MSH Lorraine) – Paris (INALCO), 6-8 novembre 2012
Quint, B.
Strauch, K. "Mark Nelson, Founder and President, Ovid Technologies," Against the Grain: Vol. 8: Iss. 4, Article 13.Available at:
External links
The Alpheios Project
Alpheios code on Sourceforge
Category:Educational projects
Category:Language learning software
Category:Free language learning software
Category:Lifelong learning
Category:Distance education
Category:Language education
Category:Ancient Greek | {
"pile_set_name": [
"Wikipedia (en)",
"Wikipedia (en)"
} | 3,708,916 |
Oli Knowles is an Illustrator and storyteller living and working in Philadelphia. They studied painting at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, during which time they co-founded Brain Bug Magazine, a comic-heavy kids’ publication for visual learners, that discusses science, food and sustainability. In their current work, Oli connects themes, messages and memories from adolescence to new experiences in adulthood, focusing on full circles, and the collapse of the linear narrative, while also discussing vulnerability, intimacy and queerness.Egypt's army chief turns on the president who promoted him
Egypt's Defense Minister Abdel Fattah al-Sisi is seen during a news conference in Cairo on the release of seven members of the Egyptian security forces kidnapped by Islamist militants in Sinai, May 22, 2013.
Egypt's President Mohamed Mursi (C) stands after laying a wreath during his visit to the tomb of former President Anwar al-Sadat and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier during the commemoration of Sinai Liberation Day in Cairo, in this April 24, 2013 file photograph. Standing with Mursi are Egypt's Defence Minister Abdel Fattah al-Sisi (centre L) and General Sedki Sobhi (centre, R), chief of staff to Egypt's Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF).
REUTERS/Egyptian Presidency/Handout/Files
CAIRO When President Mohamed Mursi swept aside the ageing commanders of Egypt's | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 57,175,905 |
car and began
walking to the hotel; as they did so, they noticed the officers.
Mitchell pulled into the lot as Lyons and Eymann were
parking. He positioned his truck behind the courtesy car, and
Harrington parked nearby. Wilkinson placed his vehicle in
front of the courtesy car, thereby effectively blocking the cour‐
tesy car from moving in any direction. At 12:32 a.m. Mitchell
activated his lights and got out of his truck.
Mitchell walked over to Lyons, showed his credentials,
identified himself as a law enforcement officer, and asked to
speak with him. Lyons cooperated while Mitchell asked him
basic questions such as where he was traveling to and from
and the nature of his trip. Lyons replied that he was flying
from California to Pennsylvania for work. The exchange was
conversational, and Mitchellofficers opened the plane using a key
they had seized from Lyons, and they immediately smelled
marijuana. This time the quantity was considerable. The offic‐
ers placed several bags from inside the plane on the tarmac
and had Arie check each one. He alerted on three of them and
(following a now‐familiar pattern) received a reward. The of‐
ficers searched the bags and found a total of 65 pounds
(roughly 29.5 kilograms) of marijuana. In a later search of the
airplane, they also found a firearm.
In July 2013, the Montgomery County State’s Attorney
charged Eymann and Lyons with possession of over 500
grams of marijuana. They filed a motion to suppress evidence,
arguing that Arie was not properly certified through the State
of Illinois at the time of the sniffs. Although Arie had com‐
pleted the necessary | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 2,459,283 |
in Britain was branded a ‘whitewash’ because it exonerated most of those involved.
Only three passengers were interviewed, and they were all from first class.
“The only person both inquiries heaped scorn on was the captain of SS Californian, the ship that had stood by about eight miles off, its crew watching the emergency flares being fired by Titanic, without doing anything about it until it was too late.”
The Titanic sank on April 15 1912, after hitting an iceberg in the Atlantic on the way from Southampton to New York.
There were 700 survivors. The British inquiry decided ship’s captain Edward Smith did “only that which other skilled men would have done in the same position”.
White Star and its parent company were cleared of negligence.
Jack the Ripper
Infamous Victorian serial killer JackThe Ripper may have escaped justice because of a Freemason cover-up.
The notorious murderer is believed to have been a second-rate singer called Michael Maybrick who is identified as a Freemason in the archive records.
Maybrick was a member of the St Andrew’s Lodge in London for more than 20 years.
He left a year before five women were murdered in the East End in nine weeks in 1888.
The case is one of the biggest unsolved mysteries in British criminal history.
Records show the part played by Freemasons in the failed Scotland Yard inquiry.
Failed investigation: Jack The Ripper
Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Charles Warren was a Mason along with his “eyes and ears” on the case Chief Inspector Donald Swanson.
Coroners Wynne Baxter and Henry Crawford who ruled on the murders were also Masons | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 49,940,238 |
lighter stolen Monday at the school, said Lapeer County assistant prosecutor Geoffrey Stuart. Instead of calling police, the boy asked another student in his class to meet him outside the high school during a 3:30 p.m. break where he confronted the student about the thefts, Stuart said.
September 28, 2007
Mineral Wells, TX
Mineral Wells police arrested 17-year-old Joaquin Padron Mancilla Wednesday afternoon for simple assault that allegedly occurred on a school bus. According to police reports, local authorities received a call at 4:09 p.m. from a mother in the 300 block of S.W. 22nd Street in reference to her juvenile student being assaulted by a neighboring student on the school bus. Officials reported that they approached Mancilla and asked if he struck the victim; Mancilla allegedly said he punched him.
September28, 2007
Lynchburg, VA
Police say the girls track coach at a local school used the internet to try to have sex with a 13-year-old. It's put a dark cloud over Friday night's Nelson County High School homecoming football game at the school. This is a huge shock to the county. Superintendent Roger Collins says the word "shock" is an understatement.
September 28, 2007
Ann Arbor, MI
Parents vented their anger and school board trustees vowed to straighten out the mess during an emotional public forum Monday night, called after two young boys - ages 9 and 11 - were charged with sexually assaulting a 7-year-old on a Howell school bus. The incident came to light recently after the suspects appeared in juvenile court. But police have been investigating the incident since May | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 4,641,160 |
of the thieves, who the FBI
predicted would return to reclaim their loot.
Shortly thereafter, on January 7, 1998, Wahid
Shukri and his associates Jihad Kartoum and Abed
Burkan appeared on the scene.
When the FBI spotted them, Shukri and his
friends were feverishly loading a rental truck
with Black and Decker appliances stored in the
warehouse. Upon further investigation, the FBI
discovered that the threesome possessed 1,900
cartons of stolen merchandise, worth more than
$100,000, comprising goods taken in four separate
thefts during the previous two months. Plastic
shrink wrapping and product labels were strewn
all about the warehouse, and Shukri had $2,800
cash in his wallet. FBI agents arrested Shukri,
Kartoum and Burkan for possession of stolen
During interrogation, Shukri waived his Miranda
rights and immediately pointed the finger at
Kartoum and Burkan. He insisted that his
complicity was limited to assistingby the FBI on January 7.
On May 28, 1998, a federal grand jury indicted
Shukri, Kartoum and Burkan on three counts of
receipt of stolen property in violation of 18
U.S.C. sec. 371, and one count of conspiracy to
receive and possess stolen property in violation
of 18 U.S.C. sec. 659. On October 14, 1998, the
grand jury returned a superseding indictment
adding three counts of receipt of stolen property
against Burkan and Kartoum relating to their
arrest on May 7, 1998. Kartoum fled the country
sometime in October 1998, and Burkan pleaded
guilty to conspiracy on December 3, 1998.
Meanwhile, Shukri waived his right to a jury
trial, pleaded not guilty to the charges against
him and proceeded to trial on January 27, 1999.
Since Kartoum had fled the country and was
unavailable to testify at trial, the government
moved | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 9,098,913 |
plate number and identified the individual as Defendant. Between April 4-12, 2002, RISP conducted extensive surveillance of Defendant. On several successive evenings, Defendant was observed approaching Complainant's vehicle which was parked outside of her dormitory.
Concerned with Defendant's behavior, RISP devised a "sting" operation. On the night of April 12, 2002, RISP observed Defendant leave his home and begin driving toward Rhode Island College. RISP instructed Complainant to sit in her car in the student parking lot and await Defendant's arrival on campus. A RISP detective was hidden in the backseat of Complainant's car. When RISP saw Defendant's vehicle arrive on campus, they instructed Complainant to begin driving her car on a predetermined route. Complainant complied, and RISP observed Defendant begin to follow her. RISP eventually instructed Complainant tobased on the parties' papers and evidence received at the evidentiary hearing.
On April 12, 2002, at approximately 9:30 p.m., RISP observed Defendant follow Complainant into the Walgreen's Pharmacy at 25 Putnam Pike, Johnston. Although approximately ten RISP officers were involved in the surveillance effort, only four officers entered the store and approached Defendant. None of the officers who entered the store were wearing uniforms. RISP observed Defendant standing 10-15 feet from Complainant. According to Detective Timothy Sanzi ("Sanzi"), the officers identified themselves as members of the RISP and asked Defendant to place his hands behind his back. Defendant was handcuffed and searched for weapons. Sanzi and Detective David Palmer ("Pahter") then escorted Defendant out of the store and placed him in the rear of a marked RISP cruiser | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 49,392,012 |
Micronesia (Federated States of)
Moldova (the Republic of)
Netherlands (the)
New Caledonia
New Zealand
Niger (the)
Norfolk Island
Northern Mariana Islands (the)
Palestine, State of
Papua New Guinea
Philippines (the)
Puerto Rico
Russian Federation (the)
Saint Barthélemy
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Martin (French part)
Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
San Marino
Sao Tome and Principe
Saudi Arabia
Sierra Leone
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
Solomon Islands
South Africa
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
South Sudan
Sri Lanka
Sudan (the)
Svalbard and Jan Mayen
Syrian Arab Republic
Taiwan (Province of China)
Tanzania, United Republic of
Trinidad and Tobago
Turks and Caicos Islands (the)
United Arab Emirates (the)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
United States Minor Outlying Islands (the)
United States of America (the)
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
Viet Nam
Virgin Islands (British)
Virgin Islands (U.S.)
Wallis and Futuna
Western Sahara*
Canadian dollar ($ CAD)
United States dollar ($ USD)
Euro (€ EUR)
British pound (£ GBP)
Enter your serial number hereetc.), meaning that it will be hard for an upcoming staking provider to secure a large market share.
Arianna concludes that there will be winners and that all products and services are differentiated in a variety of ways, to which I would agree: there are many ways in which a staking provider can enhance and market their offering.
The emergence of crypto lending platforms and staking networks enable new types of behaviors for owners of cryptoassets. In his post on the CoinFund blog, Jake Brukhman shines light on the interplay between borrowing and staking cryptoassets. The main takeaways are that staking providers could create ways to earn returns without being exposed to the fiat-denominated volatility of the underlying cryptoasset by staking borrowed assets, and that staking and borrowing rates may | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 52,170,865 |
award to each plaintiff for mental anguish.
We VACATE that part of the district court's April 22, 2004 judgment awarding liquidated damages against defendant Warren. In all other respects, the judgment of the district court is AFFIRMED.
A Maintainer installs and repairs the electronic equipment that makes up the Transit Authority's communication network. A Helper assists the Maintainer, generally by loading and transporting the necessary equipment to a work site
Shortly after his demotion, Francis left the communications maintenance department and accepted a position as a provisional Maintainer in the automatic fare collection department. He subsequently passed the civil service exam in the autumn of 1999 and was given a permanent appointment as a Revenue Equipment Maintainer. Accordingly, his claim for lost wages encompasses only the difference in payfour suspects, who were all acquitted of rape charges in May 2010.
Heinous crime: ‘Child rapist, murderer’ arrested
Accused first raped and then strangled the girl. He left her body behind a local school and fled.
Strange but true: Police register rape case against eight-year-old
Mankera police in Bhakkar arrested him for allegedly raping two women.
Under attack: Journalists threatened for reporting rape case
Reporter received threatening calls for reporting the rape of a six-year-old girl in Meghwadh colony.
Justice delayed: LHC asks judge to probe rape case
The accused took her daughter to a house in Model Town, raped her and threw the girl in critical condition in front of her relatives’ house.
Accountability: Two rapists jailed for life, fined
Muhammad Afzal and Muhammad Waqas accused of kidnapping and raping man’s daughter.
Abduction: Child left with internal injuries
9-year-old | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 47,822,431 |
1. Field of the Invention
This invention relates generally to the field of chemical reactions. More specifically, the invention relates to methods of making alkylene glycols incorporating high shear mixing.
2. Background of the Invention
Ethylene glycol is used as antifreeze in cooling and heating systems, in hydraulic brake fluids, as an industrial humectant, as an ingredient of electrolytic condensers, as a solvent in the paint and plastics industries, in the formulations of printers' inks, stamp pad inks, and inks for ballpoint pens, as a softening agent for cellophane, and in the synthesis of safety explosives, plasticizers, synthetic fibers (TERYLENE®, DACRON®), and synthetic waxes. Ethylene glycol is also used to de-ice airport runways and aircraft. Plainly, ethylene glycol is an industrially important compound with many applications.
Prior methods for hydrating alkylene oxidesto the alkylene glycols include the direct hydration reaction without benefit of catalyst and the catalytic hydration of alkylene oxides using mineral acid catalysts. These mineral acid catalytic reactions are homogeneous thereby posing a problem for the commercial production of glycols since the catalyst is carried over into the product and must be separated. Present commercial processes use a noncatalytic hydration procedure which must use large ratios of water to alkylene oxide thereby presenting a problem of separation of the water from the finished product. This separation consumes large amounts of energy which recently has been the cause of much concern.
Recently, attempts have been made to discover a new catalyst for the hydration of alkylene oxides to the respective glycols. For example, other catalytic processes use tetramethyl ammonium | {
"pile_set_name": [
"USPTO Backgrounds",
"USPTO Backgrounds"
} | 44,032,340 |
with the Title VIII units amounted to approximately $9,000.
'Plaintiff, Builders Corporation of America, (hereinafter Builders) pursuant to a commitment from FHA to insure a mortgage of $1,261,300 for the 150 dwelling units programmed by HHFA, undertook construction of those units, also in accordance with specifications issued and approved by the Defense Department and FHA. Builders acquired a mortgage loan from California Bank of Los Angeles, secured by mortgages on each of the dwelling units. These mortgages were purchased by Federal National Mortgage Association. The units themselves were built under the authority of Title IX of the National Housing Act. They were not started, however, until the Title VIII units were substantially completed, and were not completed until late in 1954. Starting in Julyof Rosemont, and resulted from the execution of search warrants directed against the latter two defendants by Chicago police officers. The arrest and search of Charles Pappas was not predicated upon the issuance of any warrant. Defendants were subsequently charged with the offenses of gambling, syndicated gambling, and being keeper of bets. The court found that no probable cause existed to justify the arrest of Charles Pappas, and that the Chicago police officers were not empowered by statute to execute the search warrants on the other two defendants outside the officers' territorial jurisdiction. The following facts were adduced at the hearing on defendants' motion.
Officer Nicolas Aron of the Chicago Police Department, the sole State's witness, testified that on July 21, 1971, he was armed with search warrants authorizing | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 1,203,562 |
member of the Liberal Party. The Tribune regrets the error.
Nearby, a hotel worker shook his head. "They think it's over but it's not," the Colombian said. "The conflict continues."
Despite the legislature's 111-43 verdict against impeachment, Samper's opponents in and out of government bitterly vowed to oust him through a campaign of "civil resistance." Ironically for those U.S. businessmen, their own government is expected to turn up the heat as well.
Samper, however, has proven both tough and resilient.
Many observers wrote him off months ago, believing he would resign after Colombia's chief prosecutor charged him in February with illegal enrichment, electoral fraud and cover-up. Yet there he was Thursday, basking in victory, determined to complete a four-year term that ends in 1998.
"The president said all along, `Show me the proof.Show me the proof.' And they never did," said Daniel Martinez, a Bogota merchant and Samper supporter.
"If he were forced out, it would be chaos. He is like a captain of a ship, and the captain must stay on board," Martinez said.
Seizing the opportunity to portray himself as an anti-drug crusader, Samper went on national television Thursday night to announce a series of proposed laws that would toughen penalties for drug trafficking and money laundering.
Samper defended himself, defended the process that cleared him in Congress, and called on all Colombians to join "in a great collective efffort" to rid the country of drug corruption.
"Tonight the Colombian people, starting with my own children, can sleep more soundly because they know that they have an honest president," Samper said.
Opinion polls | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 52,699,022 |
in Jammu and Kashmir
two unidentified militants were killed in an encounter with Security Forces (SFs) in Pulwama District of J&K
A Central Reserve Police Force trooper was injured when militants lobbed a grenade at a SF party in Pulwama District of J&K. The militants managed to escape.
Deir Ez-Zour
Two children of the same family die in the explosion of an unknown- source IED in al Bseira city in Deir Ez-Zour
(ISIS) turbans carried out multiple attacks against Iraqi forces overnight in Saladin province, killing 10 members of the Popular Mobilization Forces. Six fighters were martyred. Another four were killed elsewhere in the Samarra area.
More than 28 of Erdogan’s Syrians terrorist mercenaries (fighting for the multinational force of the expired GNA) have been killed by the LNA
the so-called Islamic State killed threepolicemen and a civilian at a police station in Diyala province. The gunmen also wounded five civilians and two policemen.
A young Egyptian filmmaker imprisoned for directing a music video critical of President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi has died in a Cairo jail. His lawyer Ahmed al-Khawaga, who was unable to give a cause of death.
A separatist commander known as General Alhaji was among some insurgents who were killed on Friday in Bafut, a locality in Northwest, one of the two troubled Anglophone regions of Cameroon
Egyptian police forces killed 18 extremist militants in a raid on the restive northern part of the Sinai Peninsula
Rif Dimashq
residents found a woman in her sixties dead in her house in Jadidat Artouz town in western Rif Dimashq. They found out later that the victim was | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 458,166 |
Israel in recent years. But despite its huge investment and alleged achievements in the region, the Islamic Republic has failed in creating a new Middle Eastern order which would serve its interests and has been losing fighters and influence.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Optimists thought Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s inflammatory, anti-Western pre-referendum rhetoric was just election talk that would disappear after the ballots were counted, but that was a vain hope.
By John MoodyThis weekend, while the Sunday talk shows obsess about Trump, Comey and secret recordings, a top-level gathering in China will kick off the biggest challenge ever to America’s place in the world economy: the creation of a 21st Century version of the ancient Silk Road travelled by Marco Polo.
By Michael BradyTensions in and around the Korean peninsula continueand beyond collecting war letters for a loved one.
Turn your screen into an exhilarating battlefield with thousands of troops, from legionaries, spearmen and archers to cavalry, chariots and war elephants.
Embark on an historic conquest of Europe, North Africa and the Near East as one of 19 formidable factions including Egypt, Gaul, Britannia, The Greek Cities, Macedon and Spain.
This is a fun yet challenging RTS game. To survive in the vast galaxy, you need to build up your own fleet and customize your warships. You will also learn to control them efficiently in battle to defeat your enemies, conquer planets, and expand your galactic empire!
Command and elite force through 21 campaign missions in this real time strategy game, build over 130 different types of units and technologies, enjoy unlimited | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 56,408,684 |
achieve wide-ranging goals and achievements at the highest level.
Roberta is a licensed exercise physiologist and physiotherapy graduate from Manchester Metropolitan University 2012. Roberta has over 10 years experience in sports conditioning under her belt and specialises in cycling, swimming, running and adventure racing.
Kate has been a runner since her early days, joining her local running club aged 13. Kate has ran and swam competitively since the age of 11 and represented Nottingham city in cross country in her late teens.
Since graduating at Liverpool John Moores University with a BSC (Hons) in Science and Football, Grant moved to work in Professional Football at Everton FC Academy and then Bolton Wanderers FC as a Performance Analyst to the 1st team.
Gemma is an Australian trained Registered Dietitian and Accredited Sports Dietitian1946 New Jersey gubernatorial election
The 1946 New Jersey gubernatorial election was held on November 5, 1946. Republican Alfred E. Driscoll defeated Democratic nominee Lewis G. Hansen with 57.08% of the vote.
For the last time, the Governor of New Jersey was elected to a 3-year term. Afterwards, New Jersey gubernatorial elections, would be for terms of 4 years.
Primary elections
Primary elections were held on June 4, 1946.
Democratic primary
Lewis G. Hansen, former district court judge
Republican primary
Alfred E. Driscoll, former State Senator
Harold G. Hoffman, former Governor
General election
Major party candidates
Alfred E. Driscoll, Republican
Lewis G. Hansen, Democratic
Other candidates
Alan Kohlman, Socialist Workers Party
Lawrence Mahan, Communist Party USA
Rubye Smith, Socialist Party of America
Robert L. Gittings, Anti Medical Trust Federation
George E. Bopp, Socialist Labor Party of America
John Binns, Prohibition Party
New Jersey
Category:November 1946 events | {
"pile_set_name": [
"Wikipedia (en)"
} | 10,808,350 |
information about how you can get started here, please check the " Helping Out " section below.Thanks for stopping by!
The series concluded in December 28, 2018 with episode 5.13, "The End of Everything".
A prequel series, Black Summer, has debuted since. Its first season has eight episodes, which have all been released in Netflix in April 2019. It has an entirely different tone, cast and plot, but occurs in the same universe as Z Nation.
Which Season 4 episode was your favorite? "Warren's Dream" 1 "Escape from Zona" 4 "The Vanishing" 3 "Keep Moving" 4 "Fear of the Unknown" 4 "Back from the Undead" 3 "A Nice Day for a Warren's Wedding" 6 "Crisis of Faith" 6 "We Interrupt This Program" 15 "Frenemies" 36 "Return to Mercy Labs" 4 "Mt.Click to expand Image Satellite imagery from July 12 showing the building and Tigris riverbank seen in a video posted of soldiers throwing a detainee off a cliff in west Mosul as well as military vehicles in the vicinity. © 2017 DigitalGlobe
(Beirut) – International observers have discovered an execution site in west Mosul, Human Rights Watch said today. That report, combined with new statements about executions in and around Mosul’s Old City and persistent documentation about Iraqi forces extrajudicially killing men fleeing Mosul in the final phase of the battle against the Islamic State (also known as ISIS), are an urgent call to action by the Iraqi government.
Despite repeated promises to investigate wrongdoing by security forces, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has yet to demonstrate that Iraqi authorities have | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 56,307,611 |
Veterans Day ceremony that honored hundreds of military veterans on Monday.
United States Marine Sgt. Carlos Batenga presented the American flag to Riderwood’s Executive Director Chip Warner, who is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy and who served as a Lieutenant in the United States Navy. The American flag will be prominently displayed at Riderwood’s 120-acre campus in Silver Spring, MD, as a tribute to all veterans.
The flag was flown over the headquarters of 8th Engineer Support Battalion (Forward), Camp Leatherneck in the Helmand Province of Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom on July 4, 2012. It is dedicated by the United States Marine Corps to Riderwood in honor of residents who served in the military.
Jessica Waters, assistant professor in the Department of Justice, Law & Society atAmerican University, along with her husband Doug Ward, held a fundraiser for the Children's Law Center (CLC),, at Boffi Georgetown,, 3320 M St. NW in Cady's Alley on Saturday evening, November 3rd.
Super storm Sandy may have put a damper on Halloween but not so much on the annual Knock Out Abuse (KOA) and Fight for Children "Fight Night" events that raise millions of dollars each year in DC. Fight Night again raised a fortune for Fight for Children, the nonprofit that helps DC kids receive a great education and stay healthy so they can learn.
This past weekend was a buzz with hundreds of D.C. area fashinoistas, stylists and bloggers at the Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle Expo (FBL) at The Washington Convention Center on Saturday. FBL Expo | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 1,085,190 |
The plane took off up into the sky. (intransitive with reflexive effect)
The pilot took the plane off up into the sky. (transitive)
The engines took the plane off up into the sky. (transitive)
The bird took off up to its nest. (intransitive with reflexive effect)
The bird took the whisp of wool off up to its nest. (transitive)
The brid's fluttering wings took it ungainly off up to its nest.
The "preposition"/"adverb" is a directional that shows the
direction (pathway) - "off" shows that the plane/bitrd has left the
ground and is moving away from that starting point, while "up" is the
next step in the pathway (upward trajectory), while the perpositonal phrase
(into the sky/to its nest) shows the final part of the pathway in the little
story of the sentences.
I assume that by 'learners', Mehmet is
referringsee that Judith said "substituted" - because this is
the process. Many a teacher would say "set up" MEANS
"established" in the one and "framed" in the other.
It is important to remember it is pretty rare for two words (or combinations)
to mean the same thing. "set up" doesn't mean "establish"
or "framed" - they are words that have a specific meaning in their
specific contexts (and in the case of "framed" - this is as idomatic
as "set up" is in the same context).
"A new school was set up in the village"
Not only is "establish" is a formal word, but "setting up"
does not necessarily mean that the thing "set up" becomes
"established". "Established" means that the thing
established has a permanence. "Set up" doesn't have this meaning.
"Set" (the verb) means "start off or prepare for" | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 13,241,322 |
shout for acting nominations.
- Tolerance of scandal -
"Lion," Garth Davis's drama about a teenager adopted by an Australian family who searches for his long-lost blood relatives using Google Earth, is also expected to earn several nominations, including in acting for Dev Patel and Nicole Kidman.
The Globes will be the year's first big test of Hollywood's tolerance of scandal, with Nate Parker's "The Birth of a Nation" seen as firm awards material until news emerged of a historical acquittal over rape allegations by a woman who ended up committing suicide.
Story continues
"Will they separate the ar from the artist? Will the film be able to stand on its own or will the very mixed reviews of it sink its chances?" writes Eric Anderson of the blog.
Denzel Washington, nominated onseven occasions, looks a good bet to earn a first directing nomination for "Fences" but faces competition from "Silence" director Martin Scorsese who won in 2012 for "Hugo."
Emily Blunt could get a sixth acting nomination for "The Girl on the Train" while French screen siren Isabelle Huppert has turned heads with her commanding lead in Paul Verhoeven's "Elle."
Viola Davis ("Fences"), Ruth Negga ("Loving") and Natalie Portman ("Jackie") are all strong contenders for this category, however.
Among the television prizes, FX's "Atlanta," about two cousins trying to make it big in hip hop, looks a good bet for best musical/comedy after earning acclaim for its ten-episode debut season in the fall.
HBO black comedy "Divorce," should also be in the running, as should its star Sarah Jessica Parker, who already has | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 11,960,492 |
(R-Calif.) has filed in Virginia, a state with traditionally weaker anti-SLAPP laws, as one example.
Nunes filed a $150 million defamation suit against McClatchy in Virginia state court in April 2019 despite the issue concerning an article published in the McClatchy-owned Fresno Bee, a paper in California. He's also sued Twitter, which is headquartered in San Francisco, in Virginia for allegedly allowing users to spread "false and defamatory statements" about him.
The high-profile nature of these cases has some advocates hopeful they will lead to a concerted push for more protections against frivolous lawsuits they believe are designed to blunt speech. The Virginia legislature in February passed bills aimed at granting defendants more recourse in the face of such suits.
New York state Sen. Brad Hoylman (D) has introduced a billto expand the protections in the state's current anti-SLAPP law. Kentucky's Republican-led legislature is also considering implementing such legislation.
Jenna Ellis, senior legal adviser to Trump's campaign, has argued that the news outlets published the op-eds at issue with the "intentional purpose of hurting" the president's re-election bid, claiming they were "100 percent false and defamatory."
The campaign did not respond to a request for further comment from The Hill.
The recent lawsuits mark the first time Trump has sued a journalist since accusing Timothy L. O'Brien of libel in 2006 over the biography, "TrumpNation: The Art of Being the Donald." The case was dismissed in 2009.
As president, Trump has threatened to take a closer look at the nation's libel laws. Trump claimed in January 2018 that current libel laws were | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 52,179,785 |
Central Station in Manhattan takes approximately 68 minutes. Service to New Haven takes 33 minutes. The area is served by LaGuardia and JFK airports in New York, as well as regional airports in White Plains, NY in Westchester County and New Haven.
Rail commuters will access the campus directly from the on-site Metro North train station. Drivers will access the campus from Black Rock Turnpike and the new vehicular bridge entrance from Kings Highway East. As a Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Fairfield Metro Center will serve to increase the use of mass transit, reduce traffic congestion and increase the quality of life for tenants, residents and local citizens. The TOD features of the project will provide hotel guests with the ability to use mass transportation to and will enhanceUPDATE: Full coverage of what was said during the press conference here.
Patti Blagojevich broke her silence about Rod Blagojevich's prison sentence commutation by announcing on social media a "homecoming" press conference at their family home in Chicago.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Rod Blagojevich Homecoming Press Conferece: Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2020 at the Blagojevich Family Residence. 11:00 am (CST). — Patti Blagojevich (@pblagojevich) February 19, 2020
The tweet came hours after President Donald Trump announced he had commuted the former Illinois governor's prison sentence.
As of 7:30 p.m. Central time, the Federal Bureau of Prisons confirmed that the former governor was no longer in federal custody. There is no word on when Blagojevich plans to fly back to Illinois.
NBC 5's Dick Johnson has the latest on what's expected at the homecoming press conference scheduled at | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 2,159,551 |
must strictly govern the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Macau Special Administrative Region in strict accordance with the Constitution and the Basic Law, and safeguard the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macau,” it said.
Neighboring Macau returned to China from Portuguese rule in 1999.
“Establish a sound legal system and enforcement mechanism for safeguarding national security in special administrative regions,” the party added, without providing details.
Last month Hong Kong chief executive Carrie Lam invoked colonial-era emergency powers to ban face masks, which have been widely used by the protesters to hide their identities.
China has quietly more than doubled its deployment of mainland security forces in Hong Kong, according to foreign envoys and security analysts, in a dramatic move by Beijing to prepare for a potentialA science teacher who joked that a pupil covered in blue ink looked like they just had sex with a smurf has avoided a classroom ban.
Adam Evans also made beeping noises while holding a pedometer near a boy to suggest he was a paedophile.
Another pupil said he ‘started talking about finger-blasting girls’ and that he described a pupil’s textile work as ‘troll pubes’.
Adam Evans was sacked after making the lewd comments at Fazakerley High in Liverpool (Picture: Liverpool Echo)
Other comments included an inappropriate remark after witnessing a child spitting chocolate into a bin.
Despite all this being proven, Evans was not kicked out of the profession.
Evans, who is believed to be in his late 20s, was employed at Fazakerley High School in Liverpool from September 2015 as a trainee | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 56,332,601 |
March 10; however, she admitted that appellant normally would come
in the daytime, leave, and then return after her boyfriend left.
She was not positive about the night of 3 March 1994, and could not
account for appellant's whereabouts at the time of Scott's murder.
Admitting that he caused McKinley to buy the M-12 for him,
appellant testified he gave the gun to Beasley to keep. He stated
he was with "Vanessa" (6) the night of the shooting between 6:00 p.m.
and 5 a.m. the following morning, because Beasley had taken his
father's truck and, failing to return as agreed, returned instead
the following morning. He said that when he was questioned by
Detective Bobby Hammer, he told Hammer that he did not kill Scott.
He denied ever meeting Stacy or Tracy Whetstone and telling Hollins
orWhetstone that he killed Scott.
In rebuttal, the State marshalled testimony from Glenda Conn
and Debra Hart as signature extraneous offenses by appellant in the
attempted robbery and robbery of their respective jewelry. (7) Both
women positively identified appellant in live lineups near the time
of the offenses and in open court as the malefactor of the offenses
against them.
Conn testified that on 19 January 1994, after pulling into the
alley entry of her home, she began gathering office files from the
car seat. When she looked up, a young, nicely dressed, nice
looking, black man was standing at her car door. He put a small
gun to her head, and as he demanded her rings, he tugged on her
left hand. Conn resisted by tightly gripping the steering wheel
and repeatedly blowing the horn of | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 49,402,267 |
of Metropolis Country Club, where he has served many terms as an officer and member of its Board of Governors. He is also involved as an active member of the Friars Club in New York City.
Joe Feshbach
1981-1983: Stock Market Analyst at Forstmann Leff Associates.
1983-1991: Senior Vice President and Chief Market Analyst at Prudential Bache Securities.
During his time at Prudential Bache Securities, Feshbach was featured in almost every major financial publication and was a regular guest on financial TV shows. He was one of most widely followed stock market analysts throughout the financial world, and year after year was voted one of Wall Streets top analysts by Institutional Investor magazine.
As at Prudential Bache, Feshbach was responsible for formulating stock market strategy for the firm, and traveled all over theworld speaking on stock market strategy.
While at Shearson, Feshbach started his own hedge fund, Heatherhil Capital, and managed that into the late 1990s. Feshbach now manages his own funds, with a specialty in foreign currencies.
Feshbach is currently on the board of Jay Williams’ charity of choice, Rising Stars, which helps low income kids achieve academic goals and pave the way to college through basketball.
Samuel Ashner
Samuel Ashner is a Managing Director at Winthrop Capital Partners, a real estate private equity fund. Previously he was an Associate Director at Ladder Capital Finance, LLC where he was a member of the real estate securitization and CMBS trading group. Prior to that, he worked as an Associate in the acquisitions team of Winthrop Realty Trust where he specialized in distressed debt and | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 5,130,767 |
445 F.3d 624
Maladho Djehe DIALLO, Petitioner,v.Alberto GONZALES, Attorney General of the United States, Respondent.
Docket No. 04-4018-AG.
United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit.
Argued: February 15, 2006.
Decided: April 26, 2006.
Thomas V. Massucci, New York, NY, for Petitioner.
Tanya Davis Wilson, Assistant United States Attorney, Middle District of Florida (Paul I. Perez, United States Attorney, Karin B. Hoppmann, Assistant United States Attorney, of counsel), Orlando, FL, for Respondent.
Before: KEARSE and SACK, Circuit Judges, and STANCEU, Judge.*
SACK, Circuit Judge.*
Maladho Djehe Diallo, a native and citizen of the Republic of Guinea, petitions for review of a decision of the Board of Immigration Appeals ("BIA") affirming the denial by an immigration judge ("IJ") of Diallo's application for asylum, withholding of removal, and relief under the Convention Against Torture1 ("CAT"). Diallo contends that the IJ erredin failing to consider adequately her explanations for apparent inconsistencies among her written asylum application, her interview by an asylum officer, and her testimony before the IJ. She also contends that the asylum officer's summary of her asylum interview was unreliable, and that the IJ erred by not explicitly analyzing its reliability and by improperly faulting her for failure to produce corroborative evidence.
We disagree, and therefore deny the petition.
Diallo's Statements
Diallo entered the United States from Guinea as a nonimmigrant visitor on August 25, 2001. Some five months later, on January 23, 2002, she submitted a written application for political asylum and withholding of removal (the "original application"). In connection with that submission, on March 22, 2002, Diallo was interviewed by an asylum officer (the "asylum interview"). See 8 | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 13,085,922 |
stories and poetry in other various publications like Deadsnakes Green Panda Press, Deronda Review, Jellyfish Whispers, Stepping Stones,IJN and Esra Magazine.
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About the Editor
A.J. Huffman has published thirteen full-length poetry collections, fourteen solo poetry chapbooks and one joint poetry chapbook through various small presses. Her most recent releases, The Pyre On Which Tomorrow Burns (Scars Publications), Degeneration (Pink Girl Ink), A Bizarre Burning of Bees (Transcendent Zero Press), and Familiar Illusions (Flutter Press) are now available from their respective publishers. She is a five-time Pushcart Prize nominee, a two-time Best of Net nominee, and has published over 2600 poems in various national and international journals, including Labletter, The James Dickey Review, The Bookends Review, Bone Orchard, Corvus Review, EgoPHobia, and Kritya. She is the founding editorDepolymerization of malarial hemozoin: a novel reaction initiated by blood schizontocidal antimalarials.
Malaria parasite digests hemoglobin and utilizes the globin part for its nutritional requirements. Heme released as a byproduct of hemoglobin degradation is detoxified by polymerization into a crystalline, insoluble pigment, known as hemozoin. We have identified a novel reaction of depolymerization of hemozoin to heme. This reaction is initiated by the interaction of blood schizonticidal antimalarial drugs with the malarial hemozoin. The reaction has been confirmed, with the purified hemozoin as well as the lysate of the malaria parasite. Pigment breakdown was studied by infrared spectroscopy, thin-layer chromatography and spectrophotometric analysis. It was complete within 2 h of drug exposure, which explains the selective sensitivity of late stages (trophozoites and schizonts) of malarial parasites loaded with the | {
"pile_set_name": [
"PubMed Abstracts"
} | 548,195 |
favor. Or on second thought, maybe theyll decide to
sit this election out.
In Honor of the Heroes of Flight 93
Precisely at 9:27 AM, the Middle Eastern men arose from their seats
to launch their well-honed plan to commandeer United Airlines flight
93. Killing passenger Mark Rothenberg in seat B5, they forced their
way into the cockpit.
Shortly after gruesome screams of Get out of here!
were heard, the hijackers assumed the controls of the Boeing 757,
cruising in the airspace near Cleveland, Ohio.
At 9:38 the aircraft executed a U-turn and headed towards its new
destination: the White House, located less than 60 minutes to the
Over the next 25 minutes, there would be many tales of faith and
courage. But as Jere Longman has documented in his book, Among the
Heroes, none of these stories could surpass the valorof four
men: Jeremy Glick, Tom Burnett, Richard Guadagno, and Todd
Jeremy Glick was an all-around natural athlete. In 1993 he had won
the national judo championship. Positioned in the back of the plane,
Jeremy telephoned his wife Lyz at 9:37. He said that he and three
other guys were thinking about attacking the hijackers. His last
words to her were, Okay, stay on the phone, Ill be right
Who were the three other guys?
One of them was Tom Burnett, a former star high school
quarterback. At 9:27 he called his wife Deena on his cell phone. As
she began to recount the unfolding events at the World Trade Center
that September 11, the sinister intentions of the terrorists became
clear. Tom told his wife they were hatching a plan, and added,
If theyre going to crash this plane into | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 685,693 |
of Criminal Appeals agreed with the State
and held that the applicable definition of care, custody and control was that found in §
22.04(d) of the Texas Penal Code. Upon applying that definition to the issues before us,
we again reverse the judgment.
Appellant was married to Michelle Morales with whom he fathered a one-year-old
daughter. Morales also had a three-year-old son from a prior relationship. At the time of
the incident in question, appellant had been separated from Morales for about three
months. Furthermore, while she lived in Plainview with the two children, he lived in
On February 23, 2006, appellant phoned Morales and told her he was going to visit.
He arrived at her apartment around 12:30 a.m. and heard his daughter crying. Through
the window, he couldalso see his stepson, but, when he knocked on the door, no one
answered. At that point, the three-year-old boy informed appellant that his mother was not
there. In response, appellant broke the front window to obtain access to the abode, took
his daughter from the apartment, and drove her to Muleshoe. He claimed he left the boy
with a neighbor. However, the neighbor in question, Ramira Gamboa, testified that he
found the boy standing outside the second floor apartment near the broken glass dressed
only in jeans and a shirt (no shoes or socks) on the cold night screaming for his “father.”
Gamboa brought the child into his apartment. A subsequent investigation of Morales’
apartment uncovered no one else present. She had indeed left the children alone.
Applicable Law
A | {
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} | 3,681,177 |
lead actress role with verve. Though she followed up her success with a string of mediocre independent features like "Feeling Minnesota" (1996) and "A Life Less Ordinary" (1997), Diaz firmly established her bona fides with an exuberant co-starring role in "My Best Friend's Wedding" (1997) that managed to pull the rug out from under the feet of star Julia Roberts. But it was "There's Something About Mary" (1998), the Farrelly Brothers' wildly successful gross out comedy, that cemented her status atop the A-list. Despite success in mainstream features, she did broaden her horizons with challenging performances in "Being John Malkovich" (1999) and "Things You Can Tell Just by Looking at Her" (2000), two critically-lauded indies that allowed Diaz to display her strong acting chops. Easily fluctuating between theworlds of small-budge indies and major Hollywood blockbusters like "Charlie's Angels" (2001) and "Shrek 2" (2004), Diaz demonstrated that she was so much more than a pretty face.
Carlos de la Torre
Met while modeling in Japan; Together from 1990-95
Emilio Diaz
Second-generation Cuban/American; Appeared as a prisoner in "There's Something About Mary" (1998); Died April 15, 2008 of pneumonia, at age 58
Met at the 2003 Kids' Choice Awards; Began dating in June 2003; Ended relationship in December 2006; Both worked in the film "Shrek the Third" (2007)
Long Beach Polytechnic High School
Los Cerritos Elementary School
"I was the tough kid with the jeans, the concert shirt with the flannel over it, the comb in the back pocket, the feathered hair. It was frightening." – Diaz to Rolling Stone magazine, August 1996
"I'm very comfortable | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 51,091,798 |
Seniors in the Communications Department at an Israeli College find a novel way to protest against Facebook's secret censoring policy.
"We want Facebook to publicize a clear and coherent policy on censorship" demanded four seniors enrolled in the School for Communication and Media at the Rishon Letzion College of Management, the largest college in Israel with some 12,000 students.
The four, Gal Dekel-Asher, Gai Eini, Sara Sylvetsky and Gal Darzi decided to tackle the internet giant which they called "the largest country in the world" as part of their final project and to do it creatively, garnering the public's attention as well as that of the Israeli newspapers Maariv and Ha'ayin Ha'shvi'it which gave the protest space and photographic publicity.
The four held a demonstration in front of Facebook's Tel Aviva logical reason for the blockages, they have never turned to users about it and that is infuriating," another of the students continued. "But Facebook is us."
The last few months have seen qute a few incidents in Israel where people's facebook pages were blocked. This included media personalities such as Yotam Zimri from Radio Galei Yisrael, who complained bitterly on his popular radio broadcasts that he was powerless to get his page back. The quick-tongued broadcaster had half-humorously called the terrorists who attacked Israelis before the holidays "stupid," for not waiting till after the holidays. He later said sarcastically that it was "an insult" to be blocked for 24 hours when he felt he deserved at least a week. Others had used words blocked by Facebook's unknown algorithms, | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 41,934,130 |
who had ruled for decades.
In January after 23 years of dictatorial rule, Ben Ali left Tunisia and the interim national unity government announced the ratification of the most important international treaties, including the Rome Statute establishing the International Criminal Court and the abolition of the death penalty.
In Egypt, Hosni Mubarak risks falling victim to the death penalty that he himself, during his three decades of uninterrupted rule, extended to forty crimes. Ali Abdalla Saleh in Yemen and Bashar al- Assad in Syria are still resisting but at the price of a war they have chosen to launch against their own peoples.
Muammar Ghaddafi received an arrest warrant for crimes against humanity issued by the International Criminal Court. In Morocco after the huge anti-establishment protests in February, King Mohammed decidedgrant the release of 92 political prisoners and commute the death sentences of five others and to transform the absolute monarchy into a constitutional monarchy. In Jordan, the death penalty has not been implemented since 2006, which suggests that the monarchy is headed towards abolition. In Lebanon a de facto moratorium has been in place since 2004. Djibouti constitutionally abolished its death penalty
Last December, these and other Arab countries, including Bahrain, the Arab Emirates, Mauritania, and Oman, which all abstained from the first vote, did not oppose the new resolution on abolition that was approved by the UN. Algeria not only voted for it but was one of the co-sponsors.
To uproot once and for all this aberrant and contradictory principle that life must be defended by inflicting death, | {
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} | 4,219,598 |
bring the First Amendment claims. They also again contended
that the First Amendment does not regulate the Village’s
speech through the League or its association with the League.
Citing Johanns, Pleasant Grove and other cases, they argued that
the speech at issue was the Village’s own government speech.
They noted Lincolnshire’s right to voluntarily associate with
the League and to adopt particular viewpoints with which
some citizens might disagree. They urged the court to reject
any argument that the League was a private organization,
noting that it was an association that consisted entirely of local
governments, and that the association was not a legal entity
separate from its members. But they also urged the court not
to assign conclusive importance to the claim that the League
was a private organization because Lincolnshire hadThe Blackhawks wrapped up their final full practice Wednesday prior to Game 1 of their Western Conference first-round series against the Nashville Predators.
Here are some sights and sounds from Wednesday:
— Forward Andrew Desjardins and defenseman Michal Rozsival were the lone Blackhawks not to participate in the practice. Desjardins is day to day with a lower-body injury. Rozsival had a procedure done Tuesday to repair facial fractures. Blackhawks coach Joel Quenneville expected Rozsival to be available at some point in the playoffs.
— The Blackhawks had the same lines and defenseman pairings in their last two practices.
Nick Schmaltz – Jonathan Toews – Richard Panik
Artemi Panarin – Artem Anisimov – Patrick Kane
Ryan Hartman – Marcus Kruger – Marian Hossa
John Hayden – Tanner Kero – Jordin Tootoo
Defenseman pairings
Duncan Keith – Niklas Hjalmarsson
Johnny | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 13,589,167 |
"pile_set_name": [
} | 12,493,168 |
Island Foundation of the Arts and Sciences (LBIF) held the 29th annual LBIF Fine Art Festival! Attendees were able lend their support to local artisans and enjoy a weekend-long celebration of art. Paintings, photographs, sculptures, metalwork, digital art and mixed media art were all available for purchase at the event!
Morris County also contributed to making NJ fun this weekend! From July 19th-July 23rd, the town of Chester hosted the Morris County 4-H Fair. The fair showcased the many achievements of Morris County 4-H members while also providing a weekend of family fun for the community! This event had everything from live music to delicious food to hot air balloon rides!
Bergen County hosted the ultimate #JerseyGirl’s night out this weekend! The Terrace in Paramus, NJ was transformed into theshort-term, but I would want
to encourage readers to view a map of Australia.
As some of us are aware, this island continent is comprised
of two geographic areas - the Coast and the Outback.
90% of the population resides along the coast.
It is something to ponder.
On the drive back to Wilmington, I picked up a Public Radio
broadcast from some Florida college by a television
professor who hosts a weekly show about the Internet.
Goodness knows there are fewer Internet outlets out there
that talk about nothing but the Internet for the truly
addicted in order to bolster their confidence, and to
remind them that, "Yes, I am still in the right business
instead of majoring in restaurant management."
On the drive back to Wilmington, I got off Interstate 95
and took the "Coastal Highway," or U.S. 17, through
Georgia, South | {
"pile_set_name": [
"Enron Emails"
} | 45,762,762 |
of the Confederates had crossed over, and held all the fords of the Chickamauga, from Lee and Gorflank of his foe, and gaining his rear and his communications.
Bragg formed his army into two corps, the right commanded by General Polk, and the left by General Longstreet Hood taking the place of the latter until the arrival of his chief.
Arrangements were made for crossing the Chickamauga at different points simultaneously,
at Williamsburg had proved a double victory, for it had prevented Franklin's division from being reenforced so as to be either formidable or aggressive.
It arrived at the mouth of the Pamunkey at 5 P. M. on the 6th.
During the night it disembarked and next morning reconnoitred its vicinity and took a defensive position, sending Newton's and Slocum's brigades through alarge wood to examine the country beyond.
On the far edge of that wood about 9 A. M. their skirmishers ran into those of Hood's and Hampton's brigades of Whiting's division, which were there to see that our trains passed without interruption.
The Federals fell back and were followed until they were under the protection of Franklin's intrenched camp, and all our trains passed unmolested.
The Federals reported: killed 48, wounded 110, missing 28, total 186.
The Confederate loss was but 8 killed, and 40 wounded, and they captured 46 prisoners.
There was no further effort to interfere with our retreat.
Whiting's five brigades, however, were at hand.
Three of them, Whiting's, Hood's, and Pettigrew's, were at the fork of the Nine Mile and New Bridge roads; Hatt report.
Soon after 4 P. M., Whiting's five | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 3,464,715 |
be one of two key conference matches slated for the end of August, with Louisville on the horizon after this match, making this a key road game late in the season.
Richmond Kickers — Oct. 1
The finish to 2016 was a poor one. OCB lost four of its last five matches, which saw the club barely hang on for a playoff spot. Four of the last five were on the road, this season only two are. This makes the Oct. 1 match-up against the Kickers an important one, as the club tries to avoid a repeat of last year by finishing strong on the road.Khyber Teaching Hospital, Peshawar, Pakistan in April 2016 for the diagnostic workup of ascites and massive splenomegaly with pancytopenia. Her retrospective history revealed that she had an episode of hematemesis 10 years previously, for which she had an upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy. The endoscopy showed esophageal varices. However, after her endoscopy, she lost contact with the hospital and was not seen again. During that time interval, she admitted to having on/off upper abdominal pain.
During her current visit to our hospital, she reported melena, weight loss, mild-moderate epigastric pain, anorexia, and worsening ascites. She denied any bleeding from any other orifice, menstrual irregularities, altered bowel habits, and chest or urinary symptoms. Her family history was significant for pulmonary tuberculosis. However, she denied any fever or cough.
On examination, her vital | {
"pile_set_name": [
"PubMed Central"
} | 6,115,265 |
Israeli scientist awarded 2012 World Food Prize for micro-irrigation
Posted by Israel Industries press review of the week on octobre 22nd, 2012
Israeli scientist Daniel Hillel was awarded the 2012 World Food Prize here Thursday evening for conceiving and implementing a radically new mode of bringing water to crops in arid and dry land regions, known as micro-irrigation.
Hillel’s pioneering scientific work in Israel revolutionized food production, first in the Middle East, and then in other regions around the world over the past five decades. His work laid the foundation for maximizing efficient water usage in agriculture, increasing crop yields, and minimizing environmental degradation.
Hillel proved that plants grown in continuously moist soil, achieved through micro-irrigation, produced higher yields than plants grown under the old flooding or sprinkler irrigation methods.
Using less waterkeep on breaking sectarian barriers to promote international cooperation and inter-disciplinary exchanges.
In his speech at the laureate award ceremony held here at the Iowa State capitol, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon hailed Hillel as a « remarkable scientist » in fighting drought.
The UN chief referred to the right to food as the « fundamental human right », noting « Ending hunger is a wise thing, smart thing and necessary thing to do, something we must do. »
The World Food Prize was founded in 1986 by Dr. Norman E. Borlaug, recipient of the 1970 Nobel Peace Prize, whose pioneering work in producing higher yielding strains of wheat ushered in the Green Revolution, which transformed modern agriculture and prevented global famine.
Since then, the World Food Prize has honored outstanding individuals who | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 59,267,782 |
mathematics education he received from Vyčichlo, with impressing his examiners when applying to the Czech Technical University—which had reopened with the defeat of Hitler in 1945. When asked on an entrance exam to give the formula for a volume of a sphere in three dimensions, Babuška instead gave the formula for n dimensions.
At the university he went on to earn his Ph.D. in civil engineering in 1951, writing his thesis on the effects of welding on deformation and residual stresses under the guidance of František Faltus, a pioneer in structural steelwork engineering. At the same time as he was earning his Ph.D., Babuška began studying mathematics at the Central Mathematical Institute, Prague, later called the Mathematical Institute of Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, on a prestigious fellowship.
The fellowship wasone of 12 created by the well-known mathematician Eduard Čech to revitalize mathematics in Czechoslovakia. The six years that universities were closed under Nazi occupation had created a gap in higher education and Čech intended the fellows and their mentors to act as a think tank for mathematical advancement.
“Members of this group later became leaders of Czech mathematics,” Babuška wrote of the group in his dinner speech for his 80th birthday.
The group, which included professors Vyčichlo (Babuška’s high school tutor), Čech, as well as Vladimir Korinek and Vladmir Knichal, was close-knit. They skied, hiked, and socialized together, developing a closeness that made for great research collaborations as well as friendships, Babuška said.
“It was very good. The professors completely devoted themselves to us,” Babuška said. “At Maryland I treated | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 4,403,952 |
in advance; the entrance to the park is gated.
During November, 65,000 or more geese congregate in central New Mexico's Rio Grande valley. Some fly on to Mexico, but most stick around until mid-February.
Best View
The best vantage point is Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge (505-835-1828), 90 miles south of Albuquerque. For $2 you can drive around its 15-mile loop road and stop at any of five observation platforms.
The Big Thrill
Tens of thousands of the soft, bleached birds rise as a group, filling the sky before forming themselves into chevrons and skimming off en masse above the cottonwoods.
Getting There
Consider visiting during the refuge's annual mid-November nature festival. Or, like many New Mexicans, make your trip at Thanksgiving. The Eaton House bed and breakfast (505-835-1067) in nearby Socorroprovides lodging and breakfast baskets for birders.
Between December and March you'll find 35,000 seals swarming southern California's San Miguel Islands, part of Channel Islands National Park.
Best View
Anchor at Cuyler Harbor and take a ranger-guided hike eight miles west to Point Bennett or three miles east to Cardwell Point. Observation blinds get you to within 100 feet of the seals without disturbing them (or vice versa).
The Big Thrill
The seals usually lounge lethargically on the beach. But when they move, they're impressive, especially the males. Weighing 6,000 pounds or more, these bulls manage to pull that bulk almost upright when they fight one another over mates.
Our Mission
To inspire active participation in the world outside through award-winning coverage of the sports, people, places, adventure, discoveries, health and fitness, gear | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 9,925,519 |
Farmacias Ahumada (Chile)
Farmacias Benavides (Mexico)
Farmexpert (Romania)
Hedef Alliance (Turkey/Egypt)
Megapharm (Germany)
Alliance Boots also had associates and joint ventures in:
Alliance Healthcare Italia (Italy)
Alliance Healthcare Portugal
Boots Hearingcare
Guangzhou Pharmaceuticals (China)
HydraPharm (Algeria)
Oktal Pharma (Croatia)
Walgreens Boots Alliance Development Company
Alliance Boots established its group headquarters in Switzerland in 2008, following the privatization of the company by Stefano Pessina and KKR's acquisition. It retained Boots' existing Nottingham head office as its UK operational headquarters. The company was accused of making the move for tax purposes, as Switzerland had more favourable tax regime than the United Kingdom, and in January 2011, protests were held by the UK Uncut group at a number of Boots stores, including its flagship London store, which was closed down by protestors.
The group's headquarters, listed as being on Baarerstrasse in Zug, were revealed toWolfgang Kubicki, the deputy chairman of the opposition Free Democrats (FDP), said Richard Grenell's repeated interference in German sovereignty should prompt Foreign Minister Heiko Maas to immediately declare Grenell persona non grata.
"Any US diplomat who acts like a high commissioner of an occupying power must learn that our tolerance also knows its limits," said Kubicki, who is also one of five deputy speakers of Germany's Bundestag parliament.
Kubicki in his role as parliamentary deputy chairperson
Grenell had on Tuesday criticized Germany's military spending plans within NATO as insufficient, prompting Kubicki to accuse the envoy of "interfering" repeatedly in political issues of a sovereign country.
Read more: Who is Richard Grenell, the US ambassador to Berlin?
Grenell's criticism of Germany's defense spending came weeks after he demanded that Berlin halt Nord Stream 2, | {
"pile_set_name": [
"Wikipedia (en)",
} | 40,939,415 |
The draft resolution proposed by Russia that called for an immediate stop of the Western aggression against Syria's legitimate government was turned down by the UN Security Council, with only China, Bolivia and Russia itself rallying behind it during the vote at the body's emergency session requested by Moscow. Russia's envoy to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, slammed the US-led attack on Syria's civilian and military infrastructure as "aggression against a sovereign state," which constitutes a "blatant disregard of the international law." The diplomat argued that the trio of allies could have stopped the lingering conflict in Syria "within 24 hours," by simply withdrawing support for their "pocket terrorists."
US Ambassador to UN Nikki Haley warned that the US is ready to resort to military force in Syria, saying thatit "is locked and loaded" to strike again if the Syrian government uses chemical weapons. "When our president draws a red line, our president enforces the red line," she added.
Ahead of the meeting, Russian President Vladimir Putin called the series of coordinated strikes on Saturday "an aggression against a sovereign state which is at the forefront of the fight against terrorism." Putin stressed that the multi-national strikes were carried out "in violation of the UN Charter and principles of international law," and they will have "a devastating impact on the whole system of international relations."
Moscow repeatedly warned the US and its allies against attacking Syria, urging instead for an impartial investigation into the alleged chemical attack.
Read more
Responding to the US-led airstrikes on Damascus, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 42,228,455 |
a blow to the chances of the bill becoming law by refusing to grant the legislation any of its Parliamentary time.
1st March 1998
After the Foster bill passes its second reading in the Commons, the pro-hunting Countryside Alliance organises a protest rally in London. An estimated 250,000 people join the countryside march to protest against the bill.
13th March 1998
Hunt supporters celebrate as the Foster bill runs out of time during its report stage in the Commons. The bill is talked out by hunt-supporting MPs who table hundreds of amendments to block the legislation's progress. Undeterred, Mr Foster pledges to fight on.
3rd July 1998
Mr Foster withdraws his bill citing the "cynical tactics" of his opponents. He insists that to carry on would deprive other valuable legislation, such as a lawon puppy farms, of valuable Parliamentary time. He predicts that fox hunting will still be banned during this Parliament but he says it is now up to the government to see the job through.
Labour denies that Mr. Blair's pledge is connected to a £100,000 donation it had received from the anti-hunt pressure group, PAL (Political Animal Lobby). The group had previously donated £1m to the party before the 1997 election and had also made donations to the Tories, Green Party and the Liberal Democrats.
21st July 1999
Labour MSP Mike Watson announces plans to put forward a private members' bill in the Scottish Parliament to ban hunting with dogs in Scotland. He predicts the bill could come into force by Spring 2000.
15th September 1999
Hunt supporters set up a national body, | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 60,143,004 |
from the cruciate knee ligament injury that kept him out of the majority of last season.
Guardiola has previously described Cugat as "the best doctor in the world".
And the word from Barcelona is that De Bruyne is now ready to step up his rehabilitation programme.
The Premier League winner was seen at City's 2-1 win against Newcastle walking without crutches, with his knee in a brace to avoid sideways movement.
The last time the City star was absent for a prolonged period saw De Bruyne miss 12 City games with a knee injury between January and March in 2016. The former Chelsea man has missed just four games through injury since then.
City's return to winning ways was confirmed by a 30-yard wonder strike from Kyle Walker , after Raheem Sterling' s echo 'It is ACTUALLY google';
} else {
echo 'Someone\'s faking it!';
} else {
echo 'Nothing to do with Google';
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His Holiness Patriarch Kirill begins official visit to the Orthodox Church of Greece
4. June 2013 - 13:11
On 1 June 2013, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia arrived in Greece at the invitation of His Beatitude Hieronymus II, Archbishop of Athens and All Greece, and the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church of Greece.
Accompanying the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church are Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations (DECR); Bishop Sergiy of Solnechnogorsk, head of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Administrative Secretariat; Mr. Vladimir Legoida, chairman of the Synodal Information Department; archpriest Nikolai Balashov, DECR deputy chairman; archpriest Igor Yakimchuk, DECR secretary for Inter-Orthodox relations; protodeacon Vladimir Nazarkin, assistant to the DECR chairman; and Mikhail Kuksov, head of the patriarchalpersonal secretariat.
Meeting the delegation at Athens airport Eleftherios Venizelos were His Beatitude Archbishop Hieronymos of Athens and All Greece; Metropolitan Prokopios of Philippi, Neapolis and Thasos, president of the Synodal committee on inter-Orthodox and inter-Christian relations; Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Peristerion; Metropolitan Nikolaos of Mesogaia and Laureotiki; Metropolitan Pavlos of Sissanion and Siatista; Metropolitan Dionysios of Korinthos; Bishop Prokopios of Christianoupolis; Bishop Gabriel of Diavlia; Deputy Foreign Minister of Greece Konstantinas Tsiaras; and H. E. Vladimir Chkhikvishvili, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Greek Republic.
The Primate of the Russian Church told representatives of the Russian and Geek mass media that he had always come to Greece in good spirits. He continued, saying: “Greece is an Orthodox friendly country which has maintained close relations with Russia | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 11,209,007 |
interest in Tibet.
In November the delegation set sail for Britain where they spent
3 weeks but were received coolly. Returning though India they were
able to free up some foreign exchange for the purchase of gold and
adding money of their own effected a purchase of $425,800 in gold
which was transported to Tibet by pack animals.
Being received more warmly in the United States than in Britain
with whom they had a long established relationship set the stage for
later expansion of the relationship with the United States as they
attempted to deal with later Chinese efforts to reassert effective
Die USA nehmen 800 Kalmükische Flüchtlinge
"In late 1951, the United States accepted
800 Kalmyk Mongolians who had been languishing in refugee camps since the end of
World War II. These refugees were drawn from two waves that hadfled the Soviet
Union during the preceding decades. The first had departed Kalmykia shortly
after the Bolshevik revolution; the second left in late 1943 after Joseph Stalin
adopted a ruthless line against minorities and started deporting the Mongolians
to Siberia aboard cattle cars. Once in the United States, the older wave of
emigres settled around Philadelphia. The newer ones -- no more than seventy
families -- established a small but vibrant community near Freewood Acres, New
Jersey. "
"Geshe Wangyal was born in 1901, among the Kalmyk
, in what is today the Kalmyk republic in Russian Federation. He
became a monk at a very young age of six and as a young man, he went
to study in Lhasa, Tibet, just after the Bolshevik revolution was
He studied at the Gomang College of Drepung Monastic University
in Lhasa until 1935 | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 2,401,765 |
car while Washington and appellant drove to a Race Track gas
station located next to the McDonalds.
Soon thereafter, Merriweather arrived in a silver Mercedes
sports utility vehicle (ASUV@) and parked next
to Mathews. Mathews retrieved the box of money out of his own car and got into
Merriweather=s SUV to make the exchange. While they were
completing the transaction, a man approached the driver=s side of
Merriweather=s vehicle and hit the window with the back of his
weapon. Mathews, who was sitting in the passenger seat, immediately looked up
and saw appellant. Merriweather, who was sitting in the driver=s seat, jumped
into Mathews=s lap, just as appellant lifted his weapon and fired
through the driver=s side window. Mathews, in the passenger
seat, felt glass and blood-splatter hit him. Then, after hearing another gun
shot, Mathews heard Merriweather say, Aouch.@
At the time of the shooting, Merriweather=s vehicle was not
in the Apark@ position.
Consequently, after he was shot, his foot fell off the break, and the SUV,
still in gear, spun backwards in a circular motion. The passenger side door
flew open, and Mathews was thrown from the vehicle, and landed in the grass
near the parking lot. From there Matthews could see the SUV collide with other
vehicles in the parking lot. When the vehicle finally came to a stop,
appellant ran to the SUV, dove through the window, and fired more shots (at
least two or three) into Merriweather. Appellant was thrown backward when the
SUV moved forward. Appellant then went back to the SUV, looked in the driver=s side window, and
fled the scene. Mathews went to the SUV to check on Merriweather, and | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 56,413,162 |
Is there a secret wedding significance to October 12 we need to know about? Not one or two, but five celebrities tied the knot on Saturday! From a sunset same-sex ceremony in Malibu to a rooftop celebration in Tribeca, we have the details on all of the high-profile weekend weddings.
We had heard that Pharrell Williams married his longtime love Helen Lasichanh in France in late August, but the man behind summer hits "Get Lucky" and "Blurred Lines" officially tied the knot on Saturday in Miami. The parents to four-year-old son Rocket celebrated with several famous pals, including Usher and Busta Rhymes, who performed a mini concert at the wedding. "It was so fun. The little concert was amazing. It [was] the most fun wedding I've ever been to,"a source told Us Weekly.
Photo: Getty Images
Meanwhile in Los Angeles, Charmed actress Rose McGowan wed artist Davey Detail on the same day. The pair, who got engaged in July, exchanged vows under a traditional Jewish chuppah in a "romantic and ethereal" ceremony before 60 guests. McGowan wore a Monique Lhuillier wedding dress as a rabbi married the pair of one year.
Photo: Getty Images
Who else said "I do" in Los Angeles? Olympic gold medal diver Greg Louganis and paralegal Johnny Chaillot! On Saturday, the grooms were married before their approximately 160 guests in European-cut white suits at Geoffrey's in Malibu. The guests included Louganis's Olympic diving coach Ron O'Brien, fellow Olympians Janet Evans and Nadia Comaneci, Barbara Eden, French Stewart and Bruce Vilanch. The couple asked for donations to | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 41,467,342 |
Torruella, Chief Judge,
Stahl and Lipez, Circuit Judges.
Olga M. Shepard on brief for appellant.
Guillermo Gil, United States Attorney, Jorge E. Vega-Pacheco,
Assistant United States Attorney, and Camille Velez-Rive, Assistant
United States Attorney, on brief for appellee.
November 4, 1999
Per Curiam. Rafael Hernandez-Rosario appeals from his
sentence. He pled guilty to one count of possession with
intent to distribute cocaine and received the statutory
mandatory minimum sentence of ten years. Hernandez' argument
on appeal is that the district court erred in refusing to grant
him the benefit of the "safety valve" provisionPresident Trump’s budget blueprint proposes eliminating 19 federal agencies.
Here’s a run-down of the agencies and what they do, from supporting arts and public television to building infrastructure and studying international relations.
The African Development Foundation, which funds African agriculture, infrastructure and community development projects with grants. ADVERTISEMENT
The Appalachian Regional Commission, which funds projects meant to bolster businesses, education, culture and economic development in Appalachia.
The Chemical Safety Board, which investigates accidents in the chemical industry and makes safety recommendations.
The Corporation for National and Community Service, which houses several public service organizations, including AmeriCorps.
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which funds public television and radio stations including PBS and NPR.
The Delta Regional Authority, which funds businesses and infrastructure in the Mississippi River Delta region.
The Denali Commission, which supports utilities and infrastructure in | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 53,899,178 |
like this.
He went on to say that Syria was a sovereign state and it would cooperate with whoever it wished to counter terrorism. Assad told Russian TV Thursday that Syria had no Iranian troops on its soil. "The Americans should leave somehow".
In households with an annual income of $75,000 or more per year, 96 percent of teens say they have access to a computer at home. More than a third of teens said they used SnapChat most often, followed by YouTube (32 percent) and Instagram (15 percent).
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov walks with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Pyongyang during their meeting on Thursday. Trump wrote in his letter last week that the talks would be "inappropriate" following the "hostility" from North Korea.
That impromptu session wasaimed at salvaging the summit that Trump had said he was scuppering just two days earlier. Trump tweeted early Tuesday: "We have put a great team together for our talks with North Korea ".
The Cavaliers eventually lost Game 1 in overtime. "So I felt like the odds were against us from the summer". Asked about Thompson's scare after the game, Warriors coach Steve Kerr stated "It looked pretty bad".
Or every black parent I know who has a boy who has to sit down and have a conversation, "the talk" as we call it. ABC's abrupt cancellation of Roseanne cost about 200 actors, writers and crew members their job.
But, Giuliani added: " I'm a lawyer ... "If he shot James Comey , he'd be impeached the next day", Giuliani | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 7,719,640 |
Guatemala’s highest court ruled Tuesday that President Jimmy Morales could not expel the leader of a United Nations anticorruption panel that has accused him of breaking campaign finance laws.
The decision by the Constitutional Court confirms an earlier temporary ruling and and heightens political pressure on Mr. Morales to allow the work of the commission and its head, Ivan Velásquez, to go forward, even though the president is now a target of its investigations along with many other politicians and powerful business leaders.
The president’s surprise announcement on Sunday that he was expelling Mr. Velásquez created political upheaval, prompting protests in defense of Mr. Velásquez and condemnation from the United Nations, the United States and other countries.
“The government must decide if it is fighting against corruption or not,” the UnitedFactual and Procedural Background
Appellant was arrested on June 12, 2006, near the intersection of the Crosstown
Expressway frontage road and Gollihar for failing to stop at two red lights. Officer Sidney
Weikel testified that, once stopped, appellant smelled of alcohol, he appeared
uncoordinated and confused, his eyes were bloodshot, his speech was slurred, and he
appeared disheveled. Weikel further testified that appellant had difficulty unlatching his
seatbelt and stumbled when exiting the vehicle. Subsequently, Officer Weikel
administered three field sobriety tests: the HGN, the walk and turn, and the one-leg stand,
all of which appellant poorly performed. As a result of appellant's poor performance on the
field sobriety tests, Officer Weikel arrested appellant and escorted him to a detention
facility where subsequent tests were conducted on videotape. Officer Weikel | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 13,263,830 |
not introduced to me andspoke Arabic amongst themselves. But Saad spoke good English." Zakerisays he stayed in Iran for three weeks but held just one officialmeeting, which took place at 3 a.m. at Khomeini's former meetinghouse in Jamaran, on the slopes of the Elburz Mountains in Tehran'snorthern suburbs. Present were all five members of the LeadershipCouncil, Zakeri says: Khameini, former president Hashemi Rafsanjaniand ayatollahs Mohammad Yazdi, Mahdavi Kani and Ali Meshkini.
It was at that meeting, on May 4, 2001, that final plans for theattack on the U.S. mainland were made, Zakeri believes. Shortlyafterward, he recalls seeing a striking exhibit in the entry hall tothe main headquarters of the MOIS in Tehran. "It was a model of theWorld Trade Center, the White House, the Pentagon and Camp David," hesays."From the ceiling, a missile was suspended, as if to strike thebuildings. 'Death to America' was written on its side in Arabic, notFarsi."
Zakeri says the intelligence ministry frequently displayed in thesame entry hall photographs of Iranian dissidents it planned toassassinate. It also was used as a prayer room and amphitheater."Everyone saw it, and after 9/11, everybody understood what itmeant," he says.
As a trusted security official, Zakeri had a diplomatic passportwith permanent visas, allowing him to leave the country at will. Hetells Insight he traveled to Baku, Azerbaijan, where he met withofficials at the U. S. Embassy on July 26, 2001, including the CIAstation chief. I warned them that something big was going to happenon Sept. 10. I didn't know what it was, we argued and I left. The | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 4,857,792 |
Sidney McCainThe Memo: Trump's strengths complicate election picture Mark Kelly: Arizona Senate race winner should be sworn in 'promptly' Cindy McCain: Trump allegedly calling war dead 'losers' was 'pretty much' last straw before Biden endorsement MORE (R-Ariz.), including saying in 2015 that McCain was only a war hero "because he was captured" in Vietnam and that he likes "people who weren't captured."
Trump has also recently faced renewed criticism for not visiting American troops serving in combat zones in Iraq or Afghanistan. The president on Sunday said during an interview on "Fox News Sunday" that he hadn't done so because of an "unbelievable busy schedule."
The Washington Post reported on Monday that officials are discussing plans for Trump to make a visit to troops serving in those countries.the economy.
"There's a lot of things keeping them from jumping in with both feet," Quinlan claims. He says many investors are more focused on the headlines, as opposed to the true earnings potential of American companies.
At the same time, Quinlan is encouraged by the statistics. He thinks they show that stocks still have room to run once more wealthy investors finally do get back into the market.
In that regard, 42% of those surveyed are pursuing higher returns despite the increased risk they see in the stock market. That's up from just 30% who said the same thing in 2012. Many in the upper class are focused on the long game, with an overwhelming number saying that funding future financial needs takes precedence over short-term financial needs.
But Quinlan says | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 48,415,512 |
of Quiet by Madeleine L'Engle
Reviews posted this week:
Books still needing to have reviews written (as opposed to the ones that are simply awaiting posting):
Georgia's Kitchen by Jenny NelsonA Slender Thread by Katharine DavisCooking With Fernet Branca by James Hamilton-PatersonKeeping the Feast by Paula ButturiniThe School of Essential Ingredients by Erica BauermeisterHotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie FordSex, Drugs, and Gelfilte Fish edited by Shana LeibmanDaughter of the Queen of Sheba by Jackie LydenThe Gerbil Farmer's Daughter by Holly RobinsonDaughter of the Bride by Francesca SegreChronicles of a Midlife Crisis by Robyn HardingGoing Away Shoes by Jill McCorkleHalf Empty by David RakoffShe's Gone Country by Jane PorterThe Tower, the Zoo, and the Tortoise by Julia StuartHuck by Janet ElderOut of the Shadows by Joanne RendellIKnow I Am, But What Are You? by Samantha BeeNever Trust a Rogue by Olivia DrakeAfter the Fall by Kylie LaddHeart With Joy by Steve CushmanThe Lacemakers of Glenmara by Heather BarbieriThe Known World by Edward JonesVictory Over Japan by Ellen GilchristWeb of Love by Mary BaloghPure Dead Frozen by Debi GlioriThe Best American Travel Writing 2009 edited by Simon WinchesterThe Concubine's Daughter by Pai Kit FaiThe Forbidden Daughter by Shobhan BantwalThe MacKenzies: Cole by Ana LeighDreaming in Chinese by Deborah FallowsAgnes Grey by Anne BronteRunning the Books by Avi SteinbergThe Time in Between by David BergenThe Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness OrczyBefore Lunch by Angela ThirkellThe Kabul Beauty School by Deborah RodriguezDestiny Unleashed by Sherryl WoodsGrayson by Lynne CoxWhile I Was Gone by Sue MillerFalling in Love Again | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 4,142,106 |
of God
Calvin's Doctrine of the Creation
Calvin's Doctrine of the Knowledge of God
Calvin's Doctrine of the Trinity
Calvinism Today
Charles Darwin's Religious Life: A Sketch in Spiritual Biography
Children in the Hands of the Arminians, The
Christ Our Sacrifice
Christ that Paul Preached, The
Christian Baptism
Development of the Doctrine of Infant Salvation, The
Divine Origin of the Bible, The
Edwards and the New England Theology
Foresight of Jesus, The
Formation of the Canon of the New Testament, The
Glorified Christ, The
God Our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ
God's Immeasurable Love
God-Inspired Scripture
Gospel of Paul, The
Gospel of the Covenant, The
Idea and Theories of Revelation, The
Idea of Systematic Theology, The
Imitating the Incarnation
Incarnate Truth
Inspiration and Criticism
Inspiration of the Bible, The
Introductory Essay on Augustin and the Pelagian Controversy
It Says: Scripture Says: God Says
Jesus Mission, According to His Own Testimony
Jesus Only
John Calvin: The Man and HisWork
Lamb of God, The
Latest Phase of Historical Rationalism, The
Making of the Westminster Confession, The
Millennium and the Apocalypse, The
Modern Theories of the Atonement
Mysticism and Christianity
New Testament Terminology of Redemption, The
Ninety-Five Theses in Their Theological Significance, The
On Faith in Its Psychological Aspects
On the Antiquity and the Unity of the Human Race
On the Biblical Notion of Renewal
Person of Christ, The
Plan of Salvation, The
Polemics of Infant Baptism, The
Power of God unto Salvation, The
Predestination in the Reformed Confessions
Prodigal Son, The
Prophesies of St. Paul, The
Real Problem of Inspiration, The
Redeemer and Redemption
Review of Lewis Sperry Chafer's He That Is Spiritual, A
Right of Systematic Theology, The
Risen Jesus, The
Some Thoughts on Predestination
Spirit of God in the Old Testament, The
Task and Method of Systematic Theology, The
The Archæology of the Mode of Baptism
The Twentieth-Century Christ
Theology of John Calvin, The
Theology | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 52,693,121 |
of repentance”. The first of this is highlighted by Saint Gregory as being confession, since, through this, the cure and purification of the soul of the believer is gained and the new life inaugurated: “For the confession of sins is the beginning of this cultivation, that is to say repentance and the preparation for people to receive within themselves the seed of salvation, that is the Word of God” (Homily 56).
Confession is not, however, the only fruit of repentance. In calling people to repentance through his preaching, Saint John the Baptist urged people to embrace charity, justice, humility, love and truth, as well as confession, because these are the attributes of the transforming power of the truth.
In his Homily 23, the saintly Athonite hierarch emphasizes that people whoreally live their repentance do not return to their former sins, nor attach themselves to people and things of corruption, nor engage in doubtful pleasures, but rather they scorn the present, look to the future, struggle against the passions, pursue the virtues, are vigilant in prayer, do not seek unfair profits, are lenient to those who have done them harm, compassionate towards those who plead, and willing to help, with words, deeds or even sacrifices those who have need. And when Saint Gregory urges Christians to acquire works of repentance, he particularly stresses a humble outlook, compunction and spiritual grief. Summarizing all the attributes of those Christians who live their repentance, he says that they are serene and calm, full of mercy and sympathy towards others, they desire | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 1,872,000 |
suspicious male were linked, Campbell asked several
fishermen who were in the area if they had seen an Hispanic or Arab male wearing
a camouflage jacket, pants, and a backpack. The fishermen confirmed that they had
seen a person in the area fitting that description. Campbell then asked Larry Crump,
an employee of the Coastal Water Authority, to unlock the waterway gate, and
Campbell proceeded to search the pump station area. There, Campbell noticed
another fire smoldering. As Campbell was advising a dispatcher about the fires,
Crump came toward him and said, “hey, there’s a guy over here starting a fire.” At
that point, Campbell called Campos for back-up and they followed Crump as he led
them to appellant. The sheriff’s deputies arrested appellant after Crump identified
him as the person whomto lead them back to appellant, whom they took into
Deputies Campbell and Campos explained that, upon his arrest, appellant was
non-responsive and uncooperative. Appellant was dressed in full camouflage and
was in possession of a lighter and a plastic toy gun. Appellant also had a dead puppy,
that appeared to be unborn, in his jacket pocket. His physical condition and personal
hygiene were so poor that the deputies had to make special arrangements for his
transportation after the arrest. Appellant had a bicycle beside him and was wearing
what Campbell initially believed was a backpack, but what was later identified as the
orange hammock missing from the Cueller residence. Campbell also noted that
appellant was wearing greenish rain boots – later identified as Hector Cueller’s boots
that had been on the | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 42,098,726 |
with Vasquez‘s actual height and weight.
(iv) Gang evidence.
In addition to the evidence regarding criminal street gangs discussed ante, an
expert testified in response to a hypothetical based on the facts of the case that in his
opinion, the shooting was committed for the benefit of, at the direction of, or in
association with, a criminal street gang. The People presented additional evidence
relevant to proof of the street gang enhancements.2
b. Defense evidence.
Gonzales testified in his own behalf. His mother was African-American, and his
father was Hispanic. He denied being a CPA member, and did not use the moniker
―Ickie.‖ On the night of the shooting, GomezJust go.‖
Vasquez was asleep during the shooting and the chase. Gonzales denied he had ever
possessed, owned, or fired a gun, and had not known Gomez had a gun.3
c. People’s rebuttal.
In rebuttal, the People presented evidence that Gonzales had admitted his CPA
gang membership to a detective and to an L.A.P.D. officer in November 2007, and had
scratched his moniker on a Styrofoam cup during a police interview. A search of a
residence where Gonzales was present, conducted in September 2008, turned up
paperwork containing Gonzales‘s moniker, references to the CPA gang, and a notation
indicating a rivalry with the Original Valley Gangsters, an African-American gang.
2. Procedure.
| {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 55,751,451 |
Thread Son Of The Very New Maximum Multiply Your Points Thread
01-09-2010, 08:09 PM
Son Of The Very New Maximum Multiply Your Points Thread Son Of The Very New Maximum Multiply Your Points Thread Son Of The Very New Maximum Multiply Your Points Thread Son Of The Very New Maximum Multiply Your Points Thread Son Of The Very New Maximum Multiply Your Points Thread Son Of The Very New Maximum Multiply Your Points Thread Son Of The Very New Maximum Multiply Your Points Thread Son Of The Very New Maximum Multiply Your Points Thread Son Of The Very New Maximum Multiply Your Points Thread Son Of The Very New Maximum Multiply Your Points Thread Son Of The Very New Maximum Multiply Your Points Thread Son Of The Very New MaximumMultiply Your Points Thread Son Of The Very New Maximum Multiply Your Points Thread Son Of The Very New Maximum Multiply Your Points Thread Son Of The Very New Maximum Multiply Your Points Thread Son Of The Very New Maximum Multiply Your Points Thread Son Of The Very New Maximum Multiply Your Points Thread Son Of The Very New Maximum Multiply Your Points Thread Son Of The Very New Maximum Multiply Your Points Thread Son Of The Very New Maximum Multiply Your Points Thread Son Of The Very New Maximum Multiply Your Points Thread Son Of The Very New Maximum Multiply Your Points Thread Son Of The Very New Maximum Multiply Your Points Thread Son Of The Very New Maximum Multiply Your Points Thread Son Of The Very | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 47,206,484 |
20, 2007 Decided: August 9, 2007
Before MICHAEL and DUNCAN, Circuit Judges, and HAMILTON, Senior
Circuit Judge.
Affirmed in part, vacated in part, and remanded by unpublished per
curiam opinion.
Asheville, North Carolina, for Appellant. Gretchen C. F. Shappert,
United States Attorney, Thomas Cullen, Assistant United States
Attorney, Charlotte, North Carolina, for Appellee.
Unpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit.
Joyce Kay Godwin pled guilty to one count of conspiracy
to commit offenses against the United States, in violation of 18
U.S.C. § 371 (2000), two counts of uttering counterfeit and forged
securities and aiding and abetting such conduct,Following the huge success of his Broadway musical Hamilton, as well as the more recent success of the Disney film Moana, for which he wrote music, Lin-Manuel Miranda seems to have his finger on the pulse of the industry. He’s the hot new commodity who can pretty much do whatever he wants at this point. With his involvement in such films as Mary Poppins Returns and an unspecified animated project with Zootopia co-director Byron Howard, it’s very clear that he’s exercising his new place in the industry.
Well, it sounds like he’s extending his reach even further into the fantasy realm. According to a report from Variety, Miranda has now signed on as creative producer on the film and TV adaptations of author Patrick Rothfuss’ fantasy book series Kingkiller | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 6,217,700 |
son Omar Zamora lived with her
brother Juan Zamora, his wife Aurelia Zamora, and their three children. Appellee had lived with them since 2001.
On June 29, 2004, Juan and Aurelia Zamora went to
work and left appellee to babysit their children, including their
five-month-old daughter Jennifer Zamora.
That morning Jennifer was taken to Brownwood Regional Hospital for
emergency treatment. Dr. Scott Morris,
the treating physician, testified that Jennifer was unconscious and having a
seizure. She was not moving her eyes,
had no gag reflex, and had a large hematoma the size of a softball on the back
of her head. Tests confirmed that
Jennifer had suffered a large fracture on the back of her skull. Dr. Morris believed these injuries were the
result of non-accidental trauma and were life threatening. Jennifer was taken from Brownwood Regional to
Cook Children=s
Hospital inFort Worth for further treatment.
Dr. Alan Norman, a pediatric ophthalmologist in
Fort Worth, examined Jennifer at the request of the pediatric intensive care
unit. He diagnosed her with retinal
hemorrhages and a schisis cavity or a splitting of the retina. Dr. Norman testified that Jennifer=s injuries were caused by
non-accidental trauma and were most likely sustained while being violently
Child Protective Services (CPS) investigated the
incident. A CPS investigator interviewed
appellee. Appellee offered inconsistent
explanations for how Jennifer had been injured.
Appellee was interviewed again on a second date. She continued to provide inconsistent
explanations before finally admitting that she had become angry with Jennifer
and thrown her down on the floor three times.
Appellee then was taken to the Brownwood Law Enforcement Center. There she waived her rights and provided a
written confession.
Jennifer survived, but she has permanent brain
damage and | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 47,811,427 |
angle and changing the turning radius. It can be very disconcerting for less experienced riders. It's one reason why many older riders lamented the demise of the "girder" style fork, which could be set up to minimize the effects of suspension movement on geometry, and which was, in any case, less prone to dive.
It's worth noting that suspension guru Philip Vincent, builder of the most iconic motorcycles of all time, never adopted the telescopic fork for his bikes, but instead designed his own advanced version of the girder fork.
Over the years, many types of front suspension have been tried with varying levels of success. The Earles-type fork used on pre-1970 BMWs, for example, has the advantage of being far less prone to dive (the front brake acts toDemocratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders Bernie SandersNYT editorial board remembers Ginsburg: She 'will forever have two legacies' Two GOP governors urge Republicans to hold off on Supreme Court nominee Sanders knocks McConnell: He's going against Ginsburg's 'dying wishes' MORE is giving his support to Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz's primary opponent amid tensions with her and the DNC.
Sanders also said that if elected president, he would effectively terminate her chairmanship of the DNC.
Wasserman Schultz will be facing Tim Canova in the Democratic primary for Florida's 23rd Congressional District.
“Well, clearly, I favor her opponent,” Sanders told CNN’s Jake Tapper in an interview to air Sunday on "State of the Union." "His views are much closer to mine than as to Wasserman Schultz."
However, Wasserman Schultz remains popular | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 10,138,961 |
Appeal from the United States District Court
for the Middle District of Florida
(January 28, 2020)
Before MARTIN, ROSENBAUM, and HULL, Circuit Judges.
Richard C. Reed, Jr., appeals the grant of summary judgment to defendants
in his lawsuit for age discrimination, disabilityage of 46. Forney
reorganized its sales force in 2013 and Reed became a retail account representative
for the East Coast sales team. Reed began reporting directly to John Lambert, the
director of East Coast sales, who in turn reported to Pat Proctor, the vice president
of retail sales. Proctor reported to Ron Ferguson, the chief sales and marketing
officer, who reported to Steven Anderson, the president and chief executive officer
of Forney.
While Reed’s job performance was generally satisfactory, he did receive
some criticism from his supervisors. In February 2014, Lambert informed Reed
that he was substantially meeting expectations but needed to improve in several
areas, including his “order miss rate,” his expenses, and his mentorship and
encouragement of other members of his team. In July 2014, Reed complained to
Proctor, who was | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 2,294,347 |
building the communities and the nation.
Assist employment and visibility of the youth extend the franchise by lowering the minimum age to vote, and enhance the political representation of the youth. Support independent youth culture, and initiative policies promoting participation of the younger generation in various fields of society. Promote social services to assist activities, secure transportation rights, accessibility, and housing rights in order to guarantee disabled people’s equal rights in local communities. In addition, abolish discrimination in educational and working environments, so that they can acquire social economic status and maintain their independent lifestyles.
Toward a self-reliant and peaceful Korean peninsula and a national unification system, the UPP will: Replace the armistice with a peace treaty and create a Korean peninsula/Northeast Asia nuclear-free peace system. Remove U.S. forces fromKorea, abolish the subordinating ROK-US military alliance, and create a Northeast Asia multilateral peace cooperation system. Prohibit the overseas deployment of the military and implement a preemptive military budget freeze as well as mutual disarmament between North and South Korea.
Carry out balanced development of the three armed services as well as reforms in national defense such as increasing transparency in defense procurements including weapons purchases. Strengthen democratization and democratic control of the military by adopting alternative military services and protecting the human rights of soldiers, and achieve human security.
Honor the July 4 North-South Joint Statement and the spirit of the Inter-Korean Basic Agreement, carry out the June 15 and October 4 Joint Declarations, and pursue self-reliant peaceful unification; and
Abolish all unequal treaties and agreements, overcome the world orders | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 13,310,786 |
with developmental
Objective 2) By 2011, 500 students with developmental disabilities,
parents and/or family members representing three unserved and
underserved populations of the state will utilize information they receive
about their rights, responsibilities and protections under federal and state
special education laws and regulations to advocate for special education
services and supports.
Revised August 15,2008 3
All individuals with developmental disabilities will have unrestricted
opportunities and choice for inclusive community living.
Objective 1) By 2011, five single family home developers in Arizona,
including one developer that serves at least one unserved or underserved
community, will incorporate visitability and universal design concepts in
their planning and development efforts
Objective 2) By 2011, 1000 people with developmental disabilities
and/or their family members will be informed of and access Arizona's
affordable, accessible rental housing search services offered by
This objective has been partially completed.
Revised August 15, 2008 4
Healthfocused on two specific areas:
>. The' "Teaching Day for Residents" provided training to 25
. medical residents specializing in Family and Community
Me<iictne.The training included presentations by health care
profcessionals with expertise in developmental disabilities
. .as ,;yen as a panel of self-advocates and family members
addressing their experiences with the health care system.
> The "Inter-Professional Student Conference on Disability"
prOVided training to over 340 medical, pharmacy,
social work, public health and law students. Students
received an overview on disability history and culture,
and were provided an opportunity to address case
problems provided from testimonials from persons with
developmental disabilities and family members.
The project also involves other departments at theUniverslty
of Arizona including Department of Pediatrics, Disability
Resource Center and Colleges of Nursing, Pharmacy anet Pu})llc
Health. In addition, community memberswith disabilities ..
were involved in the planning and educational aspedsofthe
project, including utilizing | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 489,195 |
a little embarrassing," said Lorre. "He's the man who reinvented TV comedy, the man who proved you can be both funny and socially relevant. Shows like All in the Family, Maude, Sanford and Son, The Jeffersons literally changed our culture for the better."
Then with a smirk he added: "Just like Two and a Half Men did."
Lorre recalled his start in Hollywood as a musician. When that wasn't working out, he was pained because he couldn't afford health insurance for his kids, so he turned to comedy writing, which has made him both rich and famous.
ROUNDTABLE: 6 Celebrated Producers Talk Biggest Successes and Greatest Struggles
"In my saner moments, I try to stay grateful," said Lorre. "I am one of the lucky ones. I get to work in TV; I(HBO)
Producers: Michael Hausman, Barry Levinson
Top of the Lake (Sundance Channel)
Producers: Philippa Campbell, Jane Campion, Iain Canning, Emile Sherman
Outstanding Producer of Episodic Television, Drama:
*Breaking Bad (AMC)
Producers: Melissa Bernstein, Sam Catlin, Bryan Cranston, Vince Gilligan, Peter Gould, Mark Johnson, Stewart Lyons, Michelle MacLaren, George Mastras, Diane Mercer, Thomas Schnauz, Moira Walley-Beckett
Downton Abbey (ITV - United Kingdom; PBS - United States)
Producers: Julian Fellowes, Nigel Marchant, Gareth Neame, Liz Trubridge
Game of Thrones (HBO)
Producers: David Benioff, D.B. Weiss, Carolyn Strauss, Frank Doelger, Bernadette Caulfield, Christopher Newman, Greg Spence
Homeland (Showtime)
Producers: Alex Gansa, Michael Cuesta, Alexander Cary, Henry Bromell, Howard Gordon, Chip Johannessen, Meredith Stiehm, Michael Klick
House of Cards (Netflix)
Producers: Karyn McCarthy, Beau Willimon, John Melfi, Kevin Spacey, Joshua Donen, Eric Roth, David Fincher
Outstanding Producer of Episodic Television, Comedy:
*Modern Family (ABC)
Producers: Paul Corrigan, Abraham Higginbotham, | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 46,904,246 |
handshake events for idol groups SKE48 and Hinatazaka46 scheduled to take place on February 23 and March 1 at Makuhari Messe will be canceled. Cause of the COVID-19 epidemic. The events were canceled by idol groups' management orders due to the supply of masks and disinfectants as well as warnings from the Japanese Ministry of Health.Livedoor reported that the 14th annual Seiyu Awards, scheduled for March 7, will limit guests, speakers, and reporters. They will cancel the celebration completely after the show. Spokesman for "Nippon Cultural Radio, Inc." "In order to reduce the risk of Corona virus infection from the large number of people gathering and eating, ... the number of attendees will be limited," he said.Diamond Princess Cruise, which has been isolated at Yokohama port since FebruaryOverview (4)
Born April 25, 1969 in Katy, Texas, USA Birth Name Renée Kathleen Zellweger Nickname Zelly Height 5' 3" (1.6 m)
Mini Bio (1)
Spouse (1)
Trivia (42)
Renée's parents met on a boat when her father was crossing to the U.S. Renée's father, Emil Erich Zellweger, was born in Switzerland, and lived in a village called Au, in the canton of St. Gallen. Right after World War II, he and his parents moved to Australia and then to the U.S. Renée's mother, Kjellfrid Irene (Andreassen), was born in Norway, to Ove Magnar Ingolf Andreassen and Bjørga Johanna Hildonen, and has Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, and possible Sami ancestry. The Sami are a minority originating mainly from the northern parts of the Scandinavian peninsula often referred to as Lappland.
Chosen by People magazine as | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 1,381,973 |
experience is memorable and encourages repeat visits. If everyone works together this can be achieved and Worthing can continue to be a thriving, vibrant and interesting town centre”.
Achievement and Plans for a Cleaner well Maintained Worthing
In the first term of the BID deep cleaning and chewing gum removal took place on the pedestrian precincts at least twice a year. In the second term a contract was put in place for a weekly visit to manage the chewing gum and hot wash where needed. The new regime has helped to better manage some of the hotspot areas and deal with cleansing issues such as paint spills more promptly.
Portable Ashtrays
The BID funds portable ashtrays to reduce the amount of discarded cigarette ends around the town and these have been providedto businesses so they can distribute them to their customers and staff.
Floral enhancements
The BID funds many of the flowers in the Town Centre and in 2015 and 2016 it was voted Best BID at the South and South East in Bloom awards. The following floral projects are managed by the Worthing Town Centre Initiative from BID funding: –
Seafront planting competition which encourages businesses, community groups and charities to adopt a flowerbed
Pavilion roundabout sustainable scheme with sculpture plinth
Two roundabouts in the High Street on this important Gateway
The hanging baskets in the West End of Worthing from Heene Road to Crescent Road
Large Planters outside of the Pavilion Theatre
Flower beds in Warwick Street
Small flower bed outside the Buckingham Road toilets.
Hanging Baskets in Brighton Road
The new floral display at the junction of | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 48,440,867 |
been taken over by allegations that he sexually abused women decades ago — accusations he emphatically denied.
In the pivotal moment Friday, Collins, perhaps the chamber's most moderate Republican, proclaimed her support for Kavanaugh at the end of a Senate floor speech that lasted nearly 45 minutes. While she was among a handful of Republicans who helped sink Trump's quest to obliterate President Barack Obama's health care law last year, this time she proved instrumental in delivering a triumph to Trump.
Collins told fellow senators that Christine Blasey Ford's dramatic testimony last week describing Kavanaugh's alleged 1982 assault was "sincere, painful and compelling." But she said the FBI had found no corroborating evidence from witnesses whose names Ford had provided.
"We will be ill-served in the long run if we abandonthe Senate by a meager 51-49 margin. Support from Collins and Manchin would give Kavanaugh at least 51 votes.
Three female GOP senators — Jodi Ernst of Iowa, Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia and Cindy Hyde-Smith of Mississippi, sat directly behind Collins as she spoke. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky sat directly in front of Collins and pivoted his seat around to face her. A few Democrats sat stone-faced nearby.
When she finished, Collins received applause from the roughly two dozen GOP senators present.
Republican Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, a fellow moderate and friend of Collins, became the only Republican to say she opposed Kavanaugh. She said on the Senate floor Friday evening that Kavanaugh is "a good man" but his "appearance of impropriety has become unavoidable."
“I believe Brett | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 49,717,145 |
Serpent's Tail, 1993.
Giroux, Henry. Border Crossings. New York: Routledge, 1992.
_____. "Paulo Freire and the Politics of Postcolonialism." Journal of Advanced Composition 12.1 (1992): 15-26.
_____. "Post-Colonial Ruptures and Democratic Possibilities: Multiculturalism as Anti-Racist Pedagogy." Cultural Critique 21 (Spring 1992): 5-39.
Glage, Liselotte. Being/s in Transit: Travelling, Migration, Dislocation. Amsterdam, Neth.: Rodopi, 2000.
Glissant, Edward. Caribbbean Discourse: Selected Essays. Charlottesville, VA: U of Virgina P, 1992.
Gloversmith, Frank, ed. The Theory of Reading. Brighton, Sussex, UK: Harvester P, 1984.
Gnisci, Armando. "La Littérature Comparée comme Discipline de Decolonisation." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature 23.1 (1996): 67-73.
Gnisci, Armando, and Franca Sinopoli, eds. Comparare i Comparatismi: La Comparatistica Letteraria Oggi in Europa e Nel Mondo. Rome: Lithos, 1995.
Godlewska, Anne, and Neil Smith. Geography and Empire. Oxford, UK: Blackwell, 1994.
Gohrisch, Jana. "Reintroducing the Social Dimension: Post-Colonial LiteraryTheory Between Complicity and Commitment." Annales De l'Université de Savoie. 21 (Dec 1996): 147-67.
Goldie, Terry, ed.. "Postcolonial and Queer Theory and Praxis." Spec. issue of Ariel 30.2(1999): 1-201.
Gonzalez, Alberto, and Dolores, eds. Communication and Identity Across Cultures. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1998
Goodwin, Ken. "Studying Commonwealth Literature." College Literature 19-20 (1992-93): 142-51.
Gorlier, Claudio, and Isabella Maria Zoppi, eds. Cross-Cultural Voices: Investigations into the Post-Colonial. Roma: Bulzoni, 1997.
Goss, Jasper. "Postcolonialism: Subverting Whose Empire?" Third World Quarterly 17.2 (1996): 239-50.
Gover, Daniel, John Conteh Morgan, and Jane Bryce, eds. The Post-Colonial Condition of African Literature. Trenton, N.J: Africa World P, 1999.
Gowda, H. H. Anniah, ed. The Colonial and the Neo-Colonial Encounters in Commonwealth Literature. Mysore, India: Prasaragana U, 1983.
Gramsci, Antonio. Prison Notebooks. New York: Columbia UP, 1991.
Granqvit, Raoul, ed. Major Minorities: English | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 10,824,542 |
access and economic change,” said Kathy Genua, Briarcliffe’s vice president of Student Affairs. “His loyalty is unswerving and his integrity is of the highest level of magnitude. Dr. Santiago has that rarest of qualities known as style.”
Outstanding Teaching AwardKaren Drosinos, '98 E K Ed
Drosinos is a 1998 graduate of Penn State with a bachelor of science degree in elementary and kindergarten education. She also received a master of arts in curriculum and instruction from the University of Maryland in 2006. Drosinos received her National Board Certification in Early Childhood Education in 2011. This year marks her 16th year teaching kindergarten.
Drosinos's teaching style is described as mesmerizing and awe-inspiring as she focuses on each and every student in an atmosphere of joyous exploration — a teacher whose disciplined teachingbachelor of science degree from Bloomsburg University in secondary education in comprehensive social studies.
Mussoline has served as teacher, assistant principal, principal and superintendent in two school districts. Currently, he serves as superintendent of the Downingtown Area School District.
He is active with several professional organizations, including the Pennsylvania Department of Education, where he serves as a facilitator of the Pennsylvania Inspired Leadership program for early career school administrators. He has served on the governing boards of Pennsylvania Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Lehigh University Study Council, Penn State Great Valley Advisory Council, Penn State’s Education Outreach Advisory Board and the Board of Governers of the Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators. Additionally, Mussoline remains active as a senior lecturer at Wilkes College, Temple and Drexel Universities.
Under Mussoline’s leadership, Downingtown | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 48,213,866 |
people can claim
intellectual immunity and commercial virginity. But what about
official representatives of pharmaceutical firms directly involved
with vaccine production, such as SmithKIine Beecham, Pasteur M66eux
Connaught, and Merck? Is there any reason to believe they could
possibly be neutral in designing a strategic plan? There certainly
is not.
The Rockefeller Foundation
The Rockefeller Foundation is a private foundation with a mandate 'to
promote the well-being of mankind throughout the world' by making
grants to individuals and institutions as well as by operating a
number of own programs. It was founded in 1913 by J.D. Rockefeller,
a very wealthy American industrialist. During the second half of the
past century he was the leader in the USA oil business, and the owner
of the world's largest oil refinery industry. He accumulated a
personal fortune of over $1 billion. He was condemned by theU.S.
Supreme Court for violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and retired
shortly after that. He then directed his efforts into
philanthropy, spending half of his personal fortune on
institutions invented by and dedicated to himself, such as the
Rockefeller Foundation and the Rockefeller Institute for Medical
Research. Apparently, he was much interested in medicine. His son
John D. Jr. donated the land on which the United Nations headquarters
was built in New York. Other members of his offspring were governors
of Arkansas and West Virginia, one was elected to the U.S. Senate and
one was head of the Chase Manhattan Bank in New York.
So it is obvious that this family was very influential in both
political and financial circles.
From the very beginning they had excellent connections with the
United Nations., which is very important in understanding the entire
puzzle. The | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 56,152,381 |
of military personnel and aid cargo to the Caribbean to support disaster relief in the wake of Hurricane Irma. RAF aircraft including, C-17 A400M and Voyager are supporting a Joint Task Force of RAF, Royal Marines, Army and RN personnel who are supporting the Department for International Development as it delivers aid to stricken Caribbean Islands. MoD Hurricane Irma – devastation caused in pictures Flamingos at Zoo Miami, are shown in a temporary enclosure in a hurricane resistant structure within the zoo, Saturday, 9 September 2017 in Miami. Though most animals will reman in their secure structures, the cheetahs and some birds will ride out the storm in temporary housing. AP Hurricane Irma – devastation caused in pictures Boats are seen at a marina in South Beach asHurricane Irma arrives at south Florida, in Miami Beach, Florida, U.S. 10 September 2017 Reuters Hurricane Irma – devastation caused in pictures Storm clouds are seen over Fisher Island as Hurricane Irma approaches on 9 September 2017 in Miami Beach, Florida. Florida is in the path of the Hurricane which may come ashore at category 4 Getty Images Hurricane Irma – devastation caused in pictures Waves crash over a seawall at the mouth of the Miami River from Biscayne Bay, Fla., as Hurricane Irma passes by. 10 September 2017 AP Hurricane Irma – devastation caused in pictures Some of the damage on Saint Martin EPA/Gerben Van Es/Dutch Department of Defence Hurricane Irma – devastation caused in pictures The skyline is seen as the outerbands of Hurricane Irma start | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 8,831,441 |
who will implement policies that benefit all Ecuadorians ― whoever they may be. It would be tragic for Ecuador’s next government to return to a less prosperous, less inclusive past.
James K. Galbraith, Lloyd M. Bentsen Jr. Chair in Government/Business Relations and Professor of Government at the LBJ School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin
Ha-Joon Chang, Department of Economics, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Stephanie Kelton, Professor of Economics at University of Missouri-Kansas City, Former Chief Economist on the U.S. Senate Budget Committee
William K. Black, Associate Professor of Economics and Law, University of Missouri-Kansas City
Pavlina R. Tcherneva, Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Economics and the Economics and Finance Program at the Levy Economics Institute, Bard College
Gerald Epstein, Professor of Economics and Co-Director of the Politicaland Executive Secretary, International Development Economics Associates, India
Jorge Buzaglo, Associate Professor of Economics, Sweden
Ann Markusen, Professor Emerita and Director, Project on Regional and Industrial Economics, University of Minnesota
Matias Vernengo, Professor of Economics, Bucknell University and Co-editor of the Review of Keynesian Economics
Stephanie Seguino, Professor of Economics, University of Vermont
Kathleen McAfee, Professor, International Relations, San Francisco State University
Mark A. Price, Labor Economist, Keystone Research Center
Chris Tilly, Professor of Urban Planning, University of California Los Angeles
Gustavo Indart, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Toronto, Canada
Julie Matthaei, Professor of Economics, Wellesley College
Peter Bohmer, Faculty in Economics and Political Economy, The Evergreen State College
Genaro Grasso, Economist at University of Buenos Aires and University of San Martín, Argentina and Researcher at Institute of High Social Studies, IDAES and Cultural Center of Cooperation, | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 50,276,331 |
government has also to deal with Jihadists flocking to the country from neighboring Iraq . According to the Iraqi Interior Ministry, the insurgents are smuggling weaponry across the border to support anti-Assad movement.The foreign assistance has every chance of going beyond supply and training, analysts say. The Arab League has blocked the initiative that would be most productive to resolve the Syrian crisis peacefully. The League has suspended the observing mission even despite Assad's approval to extend it. Many connect the League's decision with the final report provided by the mission head, Sudanese General Mohammed al-Dabi. Al-Dabi dubbed the events in Syria as "violence on both sides" and "active insurgency" instead of "a popular anti-regime uprising." This might have struck Qatar, which is currently chairing the League, asMEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A mob of angry Mexicans attacked a Russian man in the Caribbean resort of Cancun with sticks and rocks over his repeated insults against locals, and the 42-year-old man was accused of fatally stabbing a youth in the melee, authorities said on Saturday.
Police rescued the Russian, identified as Aleksei Makeev, after the crowd stormed his apartment on Friday night, said Guillermo Brahms, secretary general of Benito Juarez municipality, which encompasses Cancun.
Blurry footage of the attack circulated widely on Mexican media on Saturday. In one clip, assailants can be heard shouting "You're going to die" and "I'm going to cut your head off" as they closed in on the Russian.
The incident began when a group of people confronted Makeev over his disparaging comments toward locals, | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 8,805,501 |
to the streets and resisting the coup.
The death toll appeared to be over 250 people. Yildirim said 161 people were killed and 1,440 wounded in the process of putting down the coup attempt and 2,839 plotters were detained. A source at the office of the presidency, speaking on condition of anonymity in line with government rules, said the toll of 161 "excludes assailants." Dundar said at least 104 "coup plotters" had died.
Turkey's NATO allies lined up to condemn the coup attempt. President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged all sides to support Turkey's democratically elected government and Obama held a meeting with his national security advisers. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said he spoke to Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu and urged the Turkish people to respectand fair elections, not force," he said. "As someone who suffered under multiple military coups during the past five decades, it is especially insulting to be accused of having any link to such an attempt. I categorically deny such accusations."
Still, Erdogan's government pressed ahead Saturday with a purge of judicial officials, with 2,745 judges being dismissed across Turkey for alleged ties to Gulen, according to the state-run Anadolu news agency. It said 10 members of Turkey's highest administrative court were detained and arrest warrants were issued for 48 administrative court members and 140 members of Turkey's appeals court.
Among those detained for questioning were the commander of Turkey's second army, Gen. Adem Huduti, and a few other top aides in the eastern city of Malatya, Anadolu said.
The coup attempt | {
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} | 56,584,730 |
(To offer to pay the whole check, he posits, is too patriarchal.)
The Tenderman exists beyond the bedroom. He is the man in a “Never the Less, She Persisted” t-shirt who loudly wishes that loudly wishes for Elizabeth Warren to run in 2020. He didn’t vote for Hillary, though—nope, the Tenderman is a Jill Stein guy. He goes on and on about how strong women are—“stronger than men, really”—but he talks over you constantly. He probably participates in gentle athletics like yoga, but wears bike shorts while doing it, so that everyone can see the outline of his penis. He is Aidan from Sex and the City, Will Schuster from Glee, or Ted Mosby from How I Met Your Mother. Imagine Matt McGorry without the charisma: He is yourEdinburgh's Evening News has discovered that, when it comes to personal privacy, Google's Street View is a strictly one-way thoroughfare.
The paper was alerted yesterday that several examples of the Orwellian spycar fleet were being prepared for action at a disused garage site in Drum Brae South. It duly dispatched a snapper to record the action, but when he "began to capture the teams setting up the roof-mounted cameras, he was threatened with legal action".
Photographer Ian Georgeson explained: "I was standing on public ground taking photos of the cars when one of the drivers came over and said that they didn't want us to print their faces. He said if I used any shots of him they would sue us, because they were concerned about reprisals.
"He admitted they were | {
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} | 51,123,821 |
of films that depict different facets of the Native American experience. Photo courtesy of Don Barros Photography
The Gathering of Nations PowWow is the largest powwow in the United States. This annual summer event attracts up to 150,000 visitors, who converge on Albuquerque each July to enjoy live music and entertainment, see the Miss Indian World pageant, shop at the Indian Trader's Market and discover Native American culture. Photo courtesy of Gathering of Nations-Derek Mathews
The Heard Museum of Native Cultures and Art houses both artifacts and contemporary art of various Native American groups, in particular those with roots in the Southwest. A collection with tens of thousands of items as well as numerous events and festivals throughout the year keep visitors coming back for more. Photo courtesy of VisitPhoenix
The annual Santa Fe Indian Market gives visitors the opportunity to experience Native American culture through film, fashion, music and literature. Visitors can also browse through a wide array of authentic Indian art, ranging from turquoise jewelry to carvings, baskets and pottery. Photo courtesy of Larry Lamsa
The Museum of the Cherokee, located in mountainous Western North Carolina, includes interactive video and fascinating exhibits that tell of the rich history and culture of the Cherokee Nation. The museum's downtown setting also often has traditionally dressed American Indians performing tribal dances for visitors. Photo courtesy of Smart Destinations
Mesa Verde National Park shelters thousands of archeological sites, offering visitors a glimpse into the lifestyle of the Ancestral Pueblo people who lived in the area in the late 1200s A.D. Visitors can | {
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occurred frequently, especially among manual laborers.
A lack of oversight and monitoring of employment contracts left foreign and migrant workers vulnerable to exploitative working conditions and abusive treatment. Little information was available on the total number of foreign workers in the country, although some observers reported that large groups of migrant workers, many of them illegal, lived in work camps, sometimes in substandard conditions. For example, UNAMI reported that many South Asian workers without appropriate work permits and visas lived in work camps and lacked freedom of movement, since they could be subject to arrest outside of the camps for residing and working in the country illegally. On several occasions during the year, authorities arrested migrant workers in mass security sweeps and deported them for lacking appropriate visas andsheriffs responded to a call reporting gunshots
outside of Pedro Cardona's residence in Bastrop County. Upon arriving at the scene, the deputies
observed a car in a ditch. They found the driver, Maria Delpillar Araujo, dead in the front seat from two
gunshot wounds. Although Cardona was not initially at the scene, he drove into the driveway a few
seconds after the officers arrived. The deputies removed Cardona from his car and found a .38 caliber
revolver in his right pocket. Cardona's left hand was covered with a large amount of dried blood, and both
officers smelled alcohol on his breath. The deputies arrested Cardona and transported him to the Bastrop
County jail.
During the early morning hours of April 18, a criminal investigator interviewed Cardona,
who is a Mexican national. | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 52,631,112 |
of subject areas, including
telecommunications, software and computing, consumer
electronics, health information systems, and medical devices.
Donald attended the University of Texas School of Law where he
graduated Order of the Coif. In 2011, he co-founded Skiermont
Puckett LLP, a law firm widely recognized for its creative use of
alternative fee arrangements in complex commercial cases.
Tarzana, CA 91356
Tel: 818-783-0990
Fax: 818-783-0992
[email protected]
Mr. Rozsa has been a practicing intellectual property lawyer
for 35 years, and his practice includes patent prosecution
(obtaining over 1,000 issued patents), trademark prosecution
(obtaining over 3,000 registered trademarks), and copyright
prosecution. Mr. Rozsa has also litigated patents, trademarks,
copyrights, and trade dress matters, for both plaintiffs and
defendants; defends lawsuits brought by patent trolls; and
negotiates settlements. Mr. Rozsa also has over ten years of
combined experience in venture capital, corporate banking, and
engineering. He earned a B.S. in engineering from MIT,an M.S.
in engineering from NYU, an MBA from UCLA, and a J.D. from
Southwestern University.
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: 310-859-0100
Fax: 310-388-5645
[email protected]
Paul Supnik practices trademark, copyright, and entertainment
law. He advises businesses in the selection and use of brand
identities, protects trademarks through registration strategies,
enhances value through licensing, and litigates trademark
and copyright disputes. Paul has spoken on these subjects in
the U.S. and internationally. Industries represented include:
Internet, apparel, cosmetic, restaurant, advertising, sporting
goods, software, financial, arts, and media. As a bar association
leader, Paul has served as president of the Los Angeles
Copyright Society, chair of both the Entertainment and IP Law
and International Law Sections of the Los Angeles County Bar,
and chair of the Los Angeles Lawyer magazine editorial board.
Search for outstanding attorneys
across the United States
in more | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 56,957,318 |
also experimented Superman with yellow shoes but eventually them turned back to red.
1. Captain America 1
Captain America is one of the rare comic books which was released during the World War. It depicts the story of a fragile person turning out to be the protector of America after being treated with a serum which boosted his strength and agility. His rivals were Skull and the Hydra. Due to its historical significance and relevance it is priced at 3.43 million dollars.
This was the list of the Top 10 Most Expensive Comic Books in The World 2017. Today, the scope of reading comics is has decreased amongst children as a result of enslavement by mobile phones and televisions. Today, many animated serials, movies are being released. DC and Marvel, definitely475 F.3d 1319
Nelson VALDES, Appellantv.UNITED STATES of America, Appellee.
No. 03-3066.
United States Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit.
Argued September 28, 2006.
Decided February 9, 2007.
Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of Columbia (No. 01cr00154-01).
Paul H. Zukerberg argued the cause and filed the briefs for appellant.
Blair G. Brown and Barak Cohen were on the brief for amicus curiae the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers in support of appellant.
Lisa H. Schertler, Assistant U.S. Attorney, argued the cause for appellee. With her on the brief were Kenneth L. Wainstein, U.S. Attorney at the time the brief was filed, and Roy W. McLeese, III and J. Patrick Rowan, Assistant U.S. Attorneys.
J. Gerald Hebert was on the brief for amicus curiae the Campaign Legal Center in support of appellee.
Before: | {
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} | 59,517,517 |
joint frontier.
Bank intervened on foreign exchange markets yesterday in
an effort to support the Czech currency, the crown.
National Bank spokesman Martin Svehla says the bank is
ready to intervene again if necessary. The bank spent
between $150-200 million to support the crown. Financial
analysts see the move as a sign of continued troubles for
the Czech economy. Last month, Prime Minister Vaclav
Klaus's government made budget cuts and imposed import
restrictions to try to revive the economy. The crown has
lost more than 15% of its value against the U.S. dollar since
early this year.
told journalists in Prague yesterday that he will not resign
as prime minister, despite economic troubles and the fact
that recent opinion polls indicate a sharp drop in the
popularity of his CivicDemocratic Party (ODS). Opposition
Social Democratic Party (CSSD) Chairman Milos Zeman told
journalists his party will not call for early elections but
agreed with Deputy Prime Minister Josef Lux that an early
ballot can be expected if the package of economic
measures recently adopted by the government fails. Lux's
Christian Democrats are seen as a potential CSSD coalition
partner. Analysts agree that the decline in the ODS's
popularity could result in replacing Klaus as ODS chairman.
a one-day working visit to The Netherlands, said yesterday
that Slovakia should be in the first group of the Central
European countries to enter the EU, Slovak media reported.
Meciar met his Dutch counterpart, Wim Kok, whose country
currently chairs the EU . Meciar also met with OSCE High
Commissioner Max van der Stoel to discuss problems
related to the Hungarian | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 46,157,363 |
Donald Sutherland as a director struggling
to come up with a follow-up film after a smash debut. Ellen Burstyn co-starred.
Credit: MGM
"Blume in Love"
"Blume in Love" (1973) starred George
Segal as a man trying to win back the wife who divorced him. Susan Anspach and
Kris Kristofferson played the other points of the romantic triangle.
Credit: Warner Brothers
"Harry and Tonto"
Art Carney won an Oscar for Best Actor for "Harry and Tonto"
(1974), as an elderly New Yorker who goes on a cross-country road trip with his
cat, Tonto.
Credit: 20th Century Fox
"Next Stop, Greenwich Village"
Christopher Walken (right) was one member of a winning
ensemble cast in "Next Stop, Greenwich Village" (1976), Paul
Mazursky's semi-autobiographical tale of his early years pursuing acting in New
York City. Also featured in the cast were Lenny Baker and Shelly Winters (both
Golden Globe nominees),Ellen Greene, Lois Smith and Jeff Goldblum.
Credit: 20th Century Fox
"An Unmarried Woman"
"An Unmarried Woman" (1978) starred
Jill Clayburgh as a Manhattanite who struggles with life and romance after her
husband leaves her for a younger woman. Paul Mazursky (pictured center, with
Alan Bates and Clayburgh) earned Best Picture and Best Screenplay Oscar
nominations. Clayburgh also received Oscar, Golden Globe and BAFTA nominations,
and won the Best Actress Award at the Cannes Film Festival for her
searing performance.
Credit: 20th Century Fox
"Willie & Phil"
Inspired by Francois Truffaut's "Jules and Jim," Paul
Mazursky's "Willie & Phil" (1980) starred Margot Kidder as a
young New Yorker who becomes the object of affection for two best friends (Ray Sharkey
and Michael Ontkean) who happen also to be fans of "Jules and Jim."
Credit: 20th Century Fox
(1982), loosely based on Shakespeare's play, starred John | {
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} | 10,030,133 |
climbed to the second level of a neighboring porch so he
could see the roof of the garage. From the higher vantage point, he could see “a hole in the
snow” in the middle of the roof. He called for a ladder, climbed on top of the roof, and found a
semiautomatic handgun.
¶ 19 Chicago police forensic investigator Jim Shadir and his partner, Arthur Oswald,
photographed the gun as it was found and then inventoried the weapon. The gun was a black
.40-caliber Beretta model 8040 Cougar F, which had a defaced serial number. The gun was in
submitted for forensic analysis. While at the scene, he also received a pair of black gloves and a
checkbook from Officer Castillo, which he inventoried for analysis. Investigator Shadir then
went to the hospital where Lilligren was taken and recovered and inventoried Lilligren’s jacket.
¶ 21 Dr. John Scott Denton, former Cook County medical examiner, performed an autopsy on
Lilligren and stated that he been shot three times. None of the gunshot wounds were close range.
Dr. Denton concluded that Lilligren was struck by at least two, possibly three, different gunshots
and concluded that the gunshot wound to the back of Lilligren’s head caused his death. The
manner of death was homicide.
¶ 22 Dr. Denton reviewed the autopsy of Reynoso. Reynoso suffered 11 gunshot wounds.
Three bullets were recovered from his clothing, | {
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} | 41,101,169 |
numerous nieces, nephews and
other relatives.
Preceded in death by her husbands J.W.
Wilson and Earl Crist; daughter Annie Belle
Taylor; and grandson Ben Wilson.
Funeral Services for Mrs. Grace L. Wilson
were held Saturday, March 11, at 2:00 p.m.
in the Central Baptist Church in Crockett
with the Rev. John Goss and the Rev. Charles
Goodson officiating. Interment followed in
the Evergreen Memorial Park.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions
may be made to the American Cancer Society,
212 Gene Samford Dr., Lufkin, TX. 75904 or
Muscular Dystrophy Association, 3300 East
Sunrise Drive, Tucson, Arizona 85718.
Callaway-Allee Funeral Home
Ray Westbrook
Mr. Ray Westbrook, age 63 of Splendora,
passed away Saturday, April 22, 2006 in
Kingwood Medical Center. Mr. Westbrook was
born February 28, 1943 in Crockett. Mr.
Westbrook was a veteran of the U.S. Army
serving in Korea and was a member of the
Masonic Lodge and also a memberof the Tram
Road Baptist Church in Splen-dora.
Survivors include his son Danny Ray
Westbrook, of Splendora; daughter Macy
Pauline Weaver, of Normangee; granddaughters
Angel Weaver and Allie Ray Weaver; mother
Gladys Westbrook, of Kennard; brothers
Richard Earl Westbrook and wife Mary, of
Kennard and Larry Sam Westbrook and wife
Linda, of Houston; sister-in-law Anita
Westbrook, of Houston.
Preceded in death by his father Winfred F.
Westbrook; and brother Charles E. Westbrook.
Graveside Funeral Services for Mr. Ray
Westbrook were held Monday, April 24, at
4:30 p.m. in the Hill Ceme-tery with the
Rev. Terry Gibson officiating.
Callaway-Allee Funeral Home
Carrie Lee Watson
Funeral Services for Mrs. Carrie Lee
McKnight Watson, age 70, were held Saturday,
April 22, 2006, 1 p.m., St. Luke Baptist
Church, 315 South 2nd Crockett, Rev. R.P.
Taylor, pastor and Supt. J.R. Hampton,
officiated. Eternal resting place was in
Giles-Huntley Cemetery.
Casketbearers were: John McKnight, F.B.
Evans Jr., Anthony Wooten, Cleotis | {
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Sandra Bland’s independent autopsy completed as family reveal dash cam footage shows the incident that led to her arrest began with disagreement over a cigarette
A lawyer for the family of Sandra Bland has revealed that newly seen dash cam footage shows how the confrontation that led to her arrest began with a disagreement over a cigarette.
Bland was found dead at the Waller County Jail in Texas three days after she was pulled over for a traffic violation and taken into custody for allegedly being ‘uncooperative’, authorities said.
Police said three days later the 28-year-old hanged herself with a plastic bag, an account her family disputed and led them to order an independent autopsy – which was completed on Monday.
Results of the autopsy have not yet been released, according tothe department’s courtesy policy and has since been assigned to administrative duties.
The department also said Friday that the dash cam footage will be released as soon as possible.
Olivia Burke, Eoghan Culligan, Niccolai Schuster, Lorcan Miller and Eimear Walsh, all 21-year-olds from Ireland and Ashley Donohoe, 22, of Rohnert Park, were killed Tuesday when the balcony they were standing on snapped off the fifth floor of a Berkeley apartment building during a birthday party. Thirteen people were tossed 50 feet to the street below. The other seven remain hospitalized.
Man falls to his death ‘while smoking cigarette out of window’ on Christmas Day
A man plunged to his death while smoking a cigarette out of an open window on Christmas Day, it is believed.
Named locally as Lee Pearsall, the 30-year-old builder | {
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