stringlengths 19
| table_info
stringlengths 39
| sql_query
stringlengths 24
who was the only player from kansas state ? | CREATE TABLE table_203_815 (
id number,
"pick #" number,
"nfl team" text,
"player" text,
"position" text,
"college" text
) | SELECT "player" FROM table_203_815 WHERE "college" LIKE '%kansas state%' |
under which president was gunther volz executed? | CREATE TABLE table_4053 (
"Executed person" text,
"Date of execution" text,
"Place of execution" text,
"Crime" text,
"Method" text,
"Under President" text
) | SELECT "Under President" FROM table_4053 WHERE "Executed person" LIKE '%gunther volz%' |
Name the median family income for riverside | CREATE TABLE table_72445 (
"County" text,
"Population" real,
"Per capita income" text,
"Median household income" text,
"Median family income" text
) | SELECT "Median family income" FROM table_72445 WHERE "County" LIKE '%riverside%' |
Name the home team for carlton away team | CREATE TABLE table_name_77 (
home_team VARCHAR,
away_team VARCHAR
) | SELECT home_team FROM table_name_77 WHERE away_team LIKE "%carlton%" |
what will the population of Asia be when Latin America/Caribbean is 783 (7.5%)? | CREATE TABLE table_22767 (
"Year" real,
"World" real,
"Asia" text,
"Africa" text,
"Europe" text,
"Latin America/Caribbean" text,
"Northern America" text,
"Oceania" text
) | SELECT "Asia" FROM table_22767 WHERE "Latin America/Caribbean" LIKE '%783 (7.5%)%' |
List the record of 0-1 from the table? | CREATE TABLE table_14656147_2 (
record VARCHAR
) | SELECT week FROM table_14656147_2 WHERE record LIKE "%0-1%" |
When did Samsung Electronics Co LTD make the GT-i9100? | CREATE TABLE table_47482 (
"Company name" text,
"Hardware Model" text,
"Accreditation type" text,
"Accreditation level" text,
"Date" text
) | SELECT "Date" FROM table_47482 WHERE "Company name" LIKE '%samsung electronics co ltd%' AND "Hardware Model" LIKE '%gt-i9100%' |
What aired at 10:00 when Flashpoint aired at 9:30? | CREATE TABLE table_43208 (
"8:00" text,
"8:30" text,
"9:00" text,
"9:30" text,
"10:00" text
) | SELECT "10:00" FROM table_43208 WHERE "9:30" LIKE '%flashpoint%' |
What was the record of the game in which Dydek (10) did the most high rebounds? | CREATE TABLE table_18904831_5 (
record VARCHAR,
high_rebounds VARCHAR
) | SELECT record FROM table_18904831_5 WHERE high_rebounds LIKE "%dydek (10)%" |
When was the game played at glenferrie oval? | CREATE TABLE table_10130 (
"Home team" text,
"Home team score" text,
"Away team" text,
"Away team score" text,
"Venue" text,
"Crowd" real,
"Date" text
) | SELECT "Date" FROM table_10130 WHERE "Venue" LIKE '%glenferrie oval%' |
What is the highest K 2 O, when Na 2 O is greater than 1.87, when Fe 2 O 3 is greater than 0.07, when Objects is Ritual Disk, and when Al 2 O 3 is less than 0.62? | CREATE TABLE table_7207 (
"Objects" text,
"Date" text,
"SiO 2" real,
"Al 2 O 3" real,
"Fe 2 O 3" real,
"K 2 O" real,
"Na 2 O" real
) | SELECT MAX("K 2 O") FROM table_7207 WHERE "Na 2 O" > 1.87 AND "Fe 2 O 3" > 0.07 AND "Objects" LIKE '%ritual disk%' AND "Al 2 O 3" < 0.62 |
Which section is in the 6th position? | CREATE TABLE table_72013 (
"Season" text,
"Level" text,
"Division" text,
"Section" text,
"Position" text
) | SELECT "Section" FROM table_72013 WHERE "Position" LIKE '%6th%' |
What is the area of the coed school with a state authority and a roll number of 122? | CREATE TABLE table_69300 (
"Name" text,
"Years" text,
"Gender" text,
"Area" text,
"Authority" text,
"Decile" real,
"Roll" real
) | SELECT "Area" FROM table_69300 WHERE "Authority" LIKE '%state%' AND "Gender" LIKE '%coed%' AND "Roll" = 122 |
What years did Birger Ruud win the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships? | CREATE TABLE table_21696 (
"Winner" text,
"Country" text,
"Winter Olympics" text,
"FIS Nordic World Ski Championships" text,
"Holmenkollen" text
) | SELECT "FIS Nordic World Ski Championships" FROM table_21696 WHERE "Winner" LIKE '%birger ruud%' |
how many members of estonia 's men 's national volleyball team were born in 1988 ? | CREATE TABLE table_203_116 (
id number,
"no." number,
"player" text,
"birth date" text,
"weight" number,
"height" number,
"position" text,
"current club" text
) | SELECT COUNT("player") FROM table_203_116 WHERE "birth date" LIKE '%1988%' |
What episoe number in the season originally aired on February 11, 1988? | CREATE TABLE table_2818164_5 (
no_in_season VARCHAR,
original_air_date VARCHAR
) | SELECT no_in_season FROM table_2818164_5 WHERE original_air_date LIKE '%february 11, 1988%' |
What date was the match against adri n men ndez-maceiras? | CREATE TABLE table_60686 (
"Date" text,
"Tournament" text,
"Surface" text,
"Opponent" text,
"Score" text
) | SELECT "Date" FROM table_60686 WHERE "Opponent" LIKE '%adrián menéndez-maceiras%' |
did shoko goto make more films in 2004 or 2005 ? | CREATE TABLE table_203_365 (
id number,
"released" text,
"video title" text,
"company" text,
"director" text,
"notes" text
) | SELECT "released" FROM table_203_365 WHERE "released" IN ('2004', '2005') GROUP BY "released" ORDER BY COUNT("video title") DESC LIMIT 1 |
What venue listed is dated February 22, 2003? | CREATE TABLE table_65116 (
"Date" text,
"Venue" text,
"Score" text,
"Result" text,
"Competition" text
) | SELECT "Venue" FROM table_65116 WHERE "Date" LIKE '%february 22, 2003%' |
Name the metrical equivalence for linha | CREATE TABLE table_28772 (
"Portuguese name" text,
"English name" text,
"Subdivides in" text,
"Equivalence in Varas" text,
"Metrical equivalence" text
) | SELECT "Metrical equivalence" FROM table_28772 WHERE "Portuguese name" LIKE '%linha%' |
If the college is SMU, what is the position? | CREATE TABLE table_27132791_3 (
position VARCHAR,
college VARCHAR
) | SELECT position FROM table_27132791_3 WHERE college LIKE "%smu%" |
What was the represented team on June 27? | CREATE TABLE table_21876 (
"Season" real,
"Date" text,
"Winning Driver" text,
"Car #" real,
"Sponsor" text,
"Make" text,
"Team" text,
"Avg Speed" text,
"Margin of Victory" text
) | SELECT "Team" FROM table_21876 WHERE "Date" LIKE '%june 27%' |
how many athletes had a better result than tatyana bocharova ? | CREATE TABLE table_204_910 (
id number,
"rank" number,
"name" text,
"nationality" text,
"result" number,
"notes" text
) | SELECT COUNT("name") FROM table_204_910 WHERE "result" > (SELECT "result" FROM table_204_910 WHERE "name" LIKE '%tatyana bocharova%') |
Which Type has a Capacity of 28 passengers, and a Number of 16? | CREATE TABLE table_8430 (
"Number" text,
"Builder" text,
"Type" text,
"Date" real,
"Length" text,
"Capacity" text
) | SELECT "Type" FROM table_8430 WHERE "Capacity" LIKE '%28 passengers%' AND "Number" LIKE '%16%' |
What was the highest round that had northwestern? | CREATE TABLE table_name_18 (
round INTEGER,
school VARCHAR
) | SELECT MAX(round) FROM table_name_18 WHERE school LIKE "%northwestern%" |
What is the smallest Wins with a Position of 20th, and Poles smaller than 0? | CREATE TABLE table_name_19 (
position VARCHAR,
) | SELECT MIN(wins) FROM table_name_19 WHERE position LIKE "%20th%" AND poles < 0 |
Who is listed under mens singles when womens has wang nan zhang yining? | CREATE TABLE table_30306 (
"Year Location" text,
"Mens Singles" text,
"Womens Singles" text,
"Mens Doubles" text,
"Womens Doubles" text
) | SELECT "Mens Singles" FROM table_30306 WHERE "Womens Doubles" LIKE '%wang nan zhang yining%' |
What are the start and end dates for incidents with incident type code 'NOISE'? | CREATE TABLE Behavior_Incident (
date_incident_start VARCHAR,
date_incident_end VARCHAR,
incident_type_code VARCHAR
) | SELECT date_incident_start, date_incident_end FROM Behavior_Incident WHERE incident_type_code LIKE '%noise%' |
What is the series # when the director is john showalter? | CREATE TABLE table_29747178_2 (
series__number VARCHAR,
directed_by VARCHAR
) | SELECT series__number FROM table_29747178_2 WHERE directed_by LIKE '%john showalter%' |
What was the regular season standings for the year when the playoffs reached the conference semifinals and the team did not qualify for the US Open Cup? | CREATE TABLE table_19191 (
"Year" real,
"League" text,
"Reg. Season" text,
"Playoffs" text,
"US Open Cup" text,
"Avg. Attendance" real
) | SELECT "Reg. Season" FROM table_19191 WHERE "Playoffs" LIKE '%conference semifinals%' AND "US Open Cup" LIKE '%did not qualify%' |
How much Long has a Loss larger than 2, and a Gain of 157, and an Avg/G smaller than 129? | CREATE TABLE table_37490 (
"Name" text,
"Gain" real,
"Loss" real,
"Long" real,
"Avg/G" real
) | SELECT SUM("Long") FROM table_37490 WHERE "Loss" > 2 AND "Gain" = 157 AND "Avg/G" < 129 |
How many pages does the edition with a volume # smaller than 8 and an ISBM of 1-40122-892-5 have? | CREATE TABLE table_7363 (
"Vol. #" real,
"Title" text,
"Material collected" text,
"Pages" real,
"ISBN" text
) | SELECT SUM("Pages") FROM table_7363 WHERE "Vol. #" < 8 AND "ISBN" LIKE '%1-40122-892-5%' |
What was the largest crowd when Collingwood was the away team? | CREATE TABLE table_name_67 (
crowd INTEGER,
away_team VARCHAR
) | SELECT MAX(crowd) FROM table_name_67 WHERE away_team LIKE "%collingwood%" |
Name the number of cancelled for turnham green | CREATE TABLE table_24185 (
"Station" text,
"Line" text,
"Planned" real,
"Cancelled" real,
"Proposal" text,
"Details" text
) | SELECT COUNT("Cancelled") FROM table_24185 WHERE "Station" LIKE '%turnham green%' |
What is the Attendance of the game with a Record of 37 21 12 and less than 86 Points? | CREATE TABLE table_name_44 (
attendance INTEGER,
record VARCHAR,
points VARCHAR
) | SELECT AVG(attendance) FROM table_name_44 WHERE record LIKE "%37–21–12%" AND points < "86" |
Name the scores for david baddiel and maureen lipman | CREATE TABLE table_23575917_2 (
scores VARCHAR,
davids_team VARCHAR
) | SELECT COUNT(scores) FROM table_23575917_2 WHERE davids_team LIKE "%david baddiel and maureen lipman%" |
Name the role for mono studio and title of paradise canyon | CREATE TABLE table_name_62 (
studio VARCHAR,
) | SELECT role FROM table_name_62 WHERE studio LIKE "%mono%" AND title LIKE "%paradise canyon%" |
Name the total with finish of t22 | CREATE TABLE table_name_24 (
total VARCHAR,
finish VARCHAR
) | SELECT total FROM table_name_24 WHERE finish LIKE "%t22%" |
If the opponent was @ Boston Bruins, what was the Location/Attendance? | CREATE TABLE table_3782 (
"Game" real,
"January" real,
"Opponent" text,
"Score" text,
"Decision" text,
"Location/Attendance" text,
"Record" text
) | SELECT "Location/Attendance" FROM table_3782 WHERE "Opponent" LIKE '%@ boston bruins%' |
Name the high rebounds for memphis | CREATE TABLE table_17060277_7 (
high_rebounds VARCHAR,
) | SELECT high_rebounds FROM table_17060277_7 WHERE team LIKE "%memphis%" |
Tell me the outgoing manager for 22 november date of vacancy | CREATE TABLE table_77878 (
"Team" text,
"Outgoing manager" text,
"Manner of departure" text,
"Date of vacancy" text,
"Replaced by" text,
"Date of appointment" text
) | SELECT "Outgoing manager" FROM table_77878 WHERE "Date of vacancy" LIKE '%22 november%' |
Who won the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships in 1972? | CREATE TABLE table_50927 (
"Winner" text,
"Country" text,
"Winter Olympics" real,
"FIS Nordic World Ski Championships" text,
"Holmenkollen" text
) | SELECT "Winner" FROM table_50927 WHERE "FIS Nordic World Ski Championships" LIKE '%1972%' |
Name the listed owners for brevak racing | CREATE TABLE table_2187178_1 (
listed_owner_s_ VARCHAR,
) | SELECT listed_owner_s_ FROM table_2187178_1 WHERE team LIKE "%brevak racing%" |
What are the lowest points with 2013 as the year, and goals less than 0? | CREATE TABLE table_name_48 (
points INTEGER,
) | SELECT MIN(points) FROM table_name_48 WHERE year LIKE "%2013%" AND goals < 0 |
If the rank is 17, what are the names? | CREATE TABLE table_24990183_7 (
) | SELECT name FROM table_24990183_7 WHERE rank LIKE '%17%' |
What is the 1979 number for Standing Rock Indian Reservation when the 1989 is less than 54.9? | CREATE TABLE table_name_51 (
reservation VARCHAR
) | SELECT SUM(1979) FROM table_name_51 WHERE reservation LIKE "%standing rock indian reservation%" AND 1989 < 54.9 |
What is Opponent, when Attendance is 58,836? | CREATE TABLE table_49308 (
"Week" real,
"Date" text,
"Opponent" text,
"Result" text,
"Attendance" text
) | SELECT "Opponent" FROM table_49308 WHERE "Attendance" LIKE '%58,836%' |
What's the title of the audio book with story number 91? | CREATE TABLE table_23576 (
"Story #" real,
"Target #" text,
"Title" text,
"Author" text,
"Reader" text,
"Format" text,
"Company" text,
"Release Date" text,
"Notes" text
) | SELECT "Title" FROM table_23576 WHERE "Story #" = 91 |
Who was the home team against the Bolton Wanderers? | CREATE TABLE table_43959 (
"Tie no" text,
"Home team" text,
"Score" text,
"Away team" text,
"Attendance" text
) | SELECT "Home team" FROM table_43959 WHERE "Away team" LIKE '%bolton wanderers%' |
Tell me the away team score for away team of south melbourne | CREATE TABLE table_51600 (
"Home team" text,
"Home team score" text,
"Away team" text,
"Away team score" text,
"Venue" text,
"Crowd" real,
"Date" text
) | SELECT "Away team score" FROM table_51600 WHERE "Away team" LIKE '%south melbourne%' |
What year was the downy woodpecker coin created? | CREATE TABLE table_55306 (
"Year" real,
"Animal" text,
"Artist" text,
"Finish" text,
"Mintage" real,
"Issue Price" text
) | SELECT SUM("Year") FROM table_55306 WHERE "Animal" LIKE '%downy woodpecker%' |
Which opponent has a save of smith (22)? | CREATE TABLE table_name_65 (
opponent VARCHAR,
) | SELECT opponent FROM table_name_65 WHERE save LIKE '%smith (22)%' |
What was the result of the home game against Derby County? | CREATE TABLE table_name_71 (
win_draw_lose VARCHAR,
venue VARCHAR,
) | SELECT win_draw_lose FROM table_name_71 WHERE venue LIKE "%home%" AND team LIKE "%derby county%" |
Which Total has a Club of darlington, and a League goals of 13, and a League Cup goals of 1? | CREATE TABLE table_43812 (
"Club" text,
"League goals" text,
"FA Cup goals" text,
"League Cup goals" text,
"Total" real
) | SELECT SUM("Total") FROM table_43812 WHERE "Club" LIKE '%darlington%' AND "League goals" LIKE '%13%' AND "League Cup goals" LIKE '%1%' |
age 65 years and older | CREATE TABLE table_train_103 (
"id" int,
"systolic_blood_pressure_sbp" int,
"epilepsy" bool,
"diastolic_blood_pressure_dbp" int,
"heart_rate" int,
"seizure_disorder" bool,
"age" float,
"NOUSE" float
) | SELECT * FROM table_train_103 WHERE age >= 65 |
What episode number in the season is titled 'stray'? | CREATE TABLE table_73846 (
"Season no." real,
"Series no." real,
"Title" text,
"Directed by" text,
"Written by" text,
"Original air date" text,
"Production code" text
) | SELECT MAX("Season no.") FROM table_73846 WHERE "Title" LIKE '%stray%' |
What is the position for the pick number 17? | CREATE TABLE table_439 (
"Overall Pick #" real,
"AFL Team" text,
"Player" text,
"Position" text,
"College" text
) | SELECT "Position" FROM table_439 WHERE "Overall Pick #" = 17 |
position VARCHAR
) | SELECT MIN(no) FROM table_15621965_18 WHERE position LIKE "%forward-center%" |
What was the class position of the team that was in the 4th position? | CREATE TABLE table_77295 (
"Year" real,
"Team" text,
"Co-Drivers" text,
"Class" text,
"Laps" real,
"Pos." text,
"Class Pos." text
) | SELECT "Class Pos." FROM table_77295 WHERE "Pos." LIKE '%4th%' |
Name the date for eastern creek raceway | CREATE TABLE table_2446333_2 (
circuit VARCHAR
) | SELECT date FROM table_2446333_2 WHERE circuit LIKE '%eastern creek raceway%' |
Name the least total kurdistan list | CREATE TABLE table_26850 (
"Governorate" text,
"Kurdistan Democratic Party" real,
"Patriotic Union of Kurdistan" real,
"Total Kurdistan List" real,
"Total Governorate Seats" real
) | SELECT MIN("Total Kurdistan List") FROM table_26850 |
How many series originally aired before 1999 with more than 7 episodes and a DVD Region 1 release date of 16 april 2013? | CREATE TABLE table_45278 (
"Series Number" real,
"Number of Episodes" real,
"Original Air Date" real,
"DVD Region 2 release date" text,
"DVD Region 1 release date" text
) | SELECT COUNT("Series Number") FROM table_45278 WHERE "Original Air Date" < 1999 AND "Number of Episodes" > 7 AND "DVD Region 1 release date" LIKE '%16 april 2013%' |
What away is there for the q3 round? | CREATE TABLE table_name_68 (
) | SELECT away FROM table_name_68 WHERE round LIKE "%q3%" |
how many competitions had a score of 1-0 at most ? | CREATE TABLE table_203_652 (
id number,
"goal" number,
"date" text,
"venue" text,
"opponent" text,
"score" text,
"result" text,
"competition" text
) | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_203_652 WHERE "score" LIKE '%1-0%' |
What is the total number of Silver for the Nation with more than 1 Bronze and a Rank less than 5? | CREATE TABLE table_66695 (
"Rank" real,
"Nation" text,
"Gold" real,
"Silver" real,
"Bronze" real,
"Total" real
) | SELECT COUNT("Silver") FROM table_66695 WHERE "Bronze" > 1 AND "Rank" < 5 |
who was the sooners opponent after usc ? | CREATE TABLE table_204_617 (
id number,
"date" text,
"opponent#" text,
"rank#" text,
"site" text,
"tv" text,
"result" text,
"attendance" number
) | SELECT "opponent#" FROM table_204_617 WHERE "date" > (SELECT "date" FROM table_204_617 WHERE "opponent#" LIKE '%usc%') ORDER BY "date" LIMIT 1 |
How many times was the high rebounds by marcus camby (18)? | CREATE TABLE table_29902 (
"Game" real,
"Date" text,
"Team" text,
"Score" text,
"High points" text,
"High rebounds" text,
"High assists" text,
"Location Attendance" text,
"Record" text
) | SELECT COUNT("Date") FROM table_29902 WHERE "High rebounds" LIKE '%marcus camby (18)%' |
What sponsor has the head coach Samad Marfavi? | CREATE TABLE table_29469 (
"Team" text,
"Head coach" text,
"Team captain" text,
"Kit maker" text,
"Shirt sponsor" text,
"Past Season" text
) | SELECT "Shirt sponsor" FROM table_29469 WHERE "Head coach" LIKE '%samad marfavi%' |
What is the Opponent at the Honda Center on March 29? | CREATE TABLE table_61636 (
"Date" text,
"Opponent" text,
"Score" text,
"Loss" text,
"Attendance" real,
"Record" text,
"Arena" text,
"Points" real
) | SELECT "Opponent" FROM table_61636 WHERE "Arena" LIKE '%honda center%' AND "Date" LIKE '%march 29%' |
Which team drafted Ron Annear? | CREATE TABLE table_2850912_10 (
nhl_team VARCHAR,
player VARCHAR
) | SELECT nhl_team FROM table_2850912_10 WHERE player LIKE "%ron annear%" |
What is the average Byes that has Ballarat FL of Sunbury against more than 1167? | CREATE TABLE table_name_70 (
ballarat_fl VARCHAR,
against VARCHAR
) | SELECT AVG(byes) FROM table_name_70 WHERE ballarat_fl LIKE "%sunbury%" AND against > 1167 |
Name the gdp world rank for asian rank being 20 | CREATE TABLE table_2249029_1 (
gdp_world_rank VARCHAR,
asian_rank VARCHAR
) | SELECT gdp_world_rank FROM table_2249029_1 WHERE asian_rank LIKE '%20%' |
List all the MCs with 5 appearances who were inducted in 2007? | CREATE TABLE table_29160596_1 (
top_mc VARCHAR,
appearances VARCHAR,
year_inducted VARCHAR
) | SELECT top_mc FROM table_29160596_1 WHERE appearances LIKE '%5%' AND year_inducted LIKE '%2007%' |
what comes after fiskeby if | CREATE TABLE table_204_361 (
id number,
"tie no" number,
"home team" text,
"score" text,
"away team" text
) | SELECT "home team" FROM table_204_361 WHERE id = (SELECT id FROM table_204_361 WHERE "home team" LIKE '%fiskeby if%') + 1 |
For what country does the golfer play who has a score of 72-65=137? | CREATE TABLE table_name_47 (
country VARCHAR,
) | SELECT country FROM table_name_47 WHERE score = '7' |
When was the runner-up Jane Geddes? | CREATE TABLE table_name_35 (
runner_up VARCHAR
) | SELECT year FROM table_name_35 WHERE runner_up LIKE "%jane geddes%" |
what is the nationality when the ship is willerby? | CREATE TABLE table_45309 (
"Date" text,
"Ship" text,
"Type" text,
"Nationality" text,
"Tonnage GRT" real,
"Fate" text
) | SELECT "Nationality" FROM table_45309 WHERE "Ship" LIKE '%willerby%' |
What are the examples for the Australian ? | CREATE TABLE table_60037 (
"Letter" text,
"American" text,
"British" text,
"Australian" text,
"Examples" text
) | SELECT "Examples" FROM table_60037 WHERE "Australian" LIKE '%æ%' |
What is the Date with a Leading scorer with maurice williams (25), and a Score with 102 105? | CREATE TABLE table_57891 (
"Date" text,
"Visitor" text,
"Score" text,
"Home" text,
"Leading scorer" text,
"Record" text
) | SELECT "Date" FROM table_57891 WHERE "Leading scorer" LIKE '%maurice williams (25)%' AND "Score" LIKE '%102–105%' |
What's the highest capacity for a position of 5 in 2004? | CREATE TABLE table_name_81 (
capacity INTEGER,
position_in_2004 VARCHAR
) | SELECT MAX(capacity) FROM table_name_81 WHERE position_in_2004 LIKE "%5%" |
What is the NBA draft for ohio state? | CREATE TABLE table_51428 (
"Player" text,
"Height" text,
"School" text,
"Hometown" text,
"College" text,
"NBA Draft" text
) | SELECT "NBA Draft" FROM table_51428 WHERE "College" LIKE '%ohio state%' |
what country won the same number of bronze as great britain , yet did not win a gold medal ? | CREATE TABLE table_203_206 (
id number,
"rank" number,
"nation" text,
"gold" number,
"silver" number,
"bronze" number,
"total" number
) | SELECT "nation" FROM table_203_206 WHERE "nation" NOT LIKE '%great britain%' AND "bronze" = (SELECT "bronze" FROM table_203_206 WHERE "nation" LIKE '%great britain%') AND "gold" = 0 |
At what Venue was the Home team score 17.19 (121)? | CREATE TABLE table_55019 (
"Home team" text,
"Home team score" text,
"Away team" text,
"Away team score" text,
"Venue" text,
"Crowd" real,
"Date" text
) | SELECT "Venue" FROM table_55019 WHERE "Home team score" LIKE '%17.19 (121)%' |
What was the playoff result where the league did not qualify in the Open Cup in 1998? | CREATE TABLE table_2402864_1 (
playoffs VARCHAR,
open_cup VARCHAR,
) | SELECT playoffs FROM table_2402864_1 WHERE open_cup LIKE '%did not qualify%' AND year = '1998' |
Who was the driver in 1964? | CREATE TABLE table_name_83 (
driver VARCHAR,
) | SELECT driver FROM table_name_83 WHERE year LIKE "%1964%" |
which is the first church located in los angeles ? | CREATE TABLE table_203_274 (
id number,
"church name" text,
"address" text,
"community" text,
"school" text
) | SELECT "church name" FROM table_203_274 WHERE "community" LIKE '%los angeles%' ORDER BY id LIMIT 1 |
What was the attendance for the game against miami dolphins? | CREATE TABLE table_66129 (
"Week" real,
"Date" text,
"Opponent" text,
"Result" text,
"Record" text,
"TV Time" text,
"Attendance" text
) | SELECT "Attendance" FROM table_66129 WHERE "Opponent" LIKE '%miami dolphins%' |
What was the score of the game on December 11? | CREATE TABLE table_17360840_6 (
score VARCHAR,
) | SELECT score FROM table_17360840_6 WHERE date LIKE "%december 11%" |
What is the date they played against fitzroy? | CREATE TABLE table_name_10 (
away_team VARCHAR
) | SELECT date FROM table_name_10 WHERE away_team LIKE "%fitzroy%" |
What is the place of the song 'Never Change'? | CREATE TABLE table_40447 (
"Draw" real,
"Artist" text,
"Song" text,
"Result" text,
"Place" real
) | SELECT SUM("Place") FROM table_40447 WHERE "Song" LIKE '%never change%' |
What song placed higher than#4? | CREATE TABLE table_64035 (
"Draw" real,
"Artist" text,
"Song" text,
"Percentage" text,
"Place" real
) | SELECT "Song" FROM table_64035 WHERE "Place" > 4 |
What year was the Beaudesert suburb club founded | CREATE TABLE table_name_95 (
founded VARCHAR,
suburb VARCHAR
) | SELECT founded FROM table_name_95 WHERE suburb LIKE "%beaudesert%" |
How was the player in the position of Center acquired? | CREATE TABLE table_41725 (
"Name" text,
"Position" text,
"Number" real,
"School/Club Team" text,
"Season" text,
"Acquisition via" text
) | SELECT "Acquisition via" FROM table_41725 WHERE "Position" LIKE '%center%' |
Catalog Nebdj068 was released when? | CREATE TABLE table_39879 (
"Region" text,
"Date" text,
"Label" text,
"Format" text,
"Catalog" text
) | SELECT "Date" FROM table_39879 WHERE "Catalog" LIKE '%nebdj068%' |
On what date did the Brisbane Lions (1) win? | CREATE TABLE table_56418 (
"Season" text,
"Cup FinalDate" text,
"WinningTeam" text,
"Score" text,
"LosingTeam" text,
"Cup Final Attendance" text
) | SELECT "Cup FinalDate" FROM table_56418 WHERE "WinningTeam" LIKE '%brisbane lions (1)%' |
What is every year where opponent in the final is John Mcenroe at Wimbledon? | CREATE TABLE table_23235767_1 (
opponent_in_the_final VARCHAR,
championship VARCHAR
) | SELECT year FROM table_23235767_1 WHERE opponent_in_the_final LIKE "%john mcenroe%" AND championship LIKE "%wimbledon%" |
What was the home team for the game with more than 25,000 crowd? | CREATE TABLE table_33727 (
"Home team" text,
"Home team score" text,
"Away team" text,
"Away team score" text,
"Venue" text,
"Crowd" real,
"Date" text
) | SELECT "Home team" FROM table_33727 WHERE "Crowd" > 25000 |
What's the performance of Dire Tune? | CREATE TABLE table_name_89 (
performance VARCHAR,
athlete VARCHAR
) | SELECT performance FROM table_name_89 WHERE athlete LIKE "%dire tune%" |
What circuit had rnd 3? | CREATE TABLE table_26503 (
"Rnd" real,
"Circuit" text,
"LMP Winning Team" text,
"LMPC Winning Team" text,
"GT Winning Team" text,
"GTC Winning Team" text,
"Results" text
) | SELECT "Circuit" FROM table_26503 WHERE "Rnd" LIKE '%3%' |
What was the score in the match against Kim Tiilikainen? | CREATE TABLE table_68453 (
"Date" text,
"Tournament" text,
"Surface" text,
"Opponent" text,
"Score" text
) | SELECT "Score" FROM table_68453 WHERE "Opponent" LIKE '%kim tiilikainen%' |
NSText2SQL Dataset (Reformatted for Fine Tuned Generative Models)
This is the exact same dataset as NSText2SQL:, but with the data reformatted to allow direct use to fine tune generative models. The original license and credits for the original dataset remain in place.
Specifically, the changes from standard NSText2SQL are:
Removed non-english questions
Removed all rows with more than one input table, simplifying the problem for smaller models.
Updated SQL queries in the dataset to prefer using LIKE statements for string matches, to allow better partial matching of results in chat scenarios where a user may not fully specify all data.
Removed syntactically invalid SQL. Specifically, we created in-memory (SQLite) tables using the SQL DESCRIBE of the tables, then ran the SQL query against these in-memory tables. Any SQL queries that threw exceptions for any reason were discarded, and the rest that ran without exceptions were included in this dataset.
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