stringlengths 19
| table_info
stringlengths 39
| sql_query
stringlengths 24
who was the only player from kansas state ? | CREATE TABLE table_203_815 (
id number,
"pick #" number,
"nfl team" text,
"player" text,
"position" text,
"college" text
) | SELECT "player" FROM table_203_815 WHERE "college" LIKE '%kansas state%' |
under which president was gunther volz executed? | CREATE TABLE table_4053 (
"Executed person" text,
"Date of execution" text,
"Place of execution" text,
"Crime" text,
"Method" text,
"Under President" text
) | SELECT "Under President" FROM table_4053 WHERE "Executed person" LIKE '%gunther volz%' |
Name the median family income for riverside | CREATE TABLE table_72445 (
"County" text,
"Population" real,
"Per capita income" text,
"Median household income" text,
"Median family income" text
) | SELECT "Median family income" FROM table_72445 WHERE "County" LIKE '%riverside%' |
Name the home team for carlton away team | CREATE TABLE table_name_77 (
home_team VARCHAR,
away_team VARCHAR
) | SELECT home_team FROM table_name_77 WHERE away_team LIKE "%carlton%" |
what will the population of Asia be when Latin America/Caribbean is 783 (7.5%)? | CREATE TABLE table_22767 (
"Year" real,
"World" real,
"Asia" text,
"Africa" text,
"Europe" text,
"Latin America/Caribbean" text,
"Northern America" text,
"Oceania" text
) | SELECT "Asia" FROM table_22767 WHERE "Latin America/Caribbean" LIKE '%783 (7.5%)%' |
List the record of 0-1 from the table? | CREATE TABLE table_14656147_2 (
record VARCHAR
) | SELECT week FROM table_14656147_2 WHERE record LIKE "%0-1%" |
When did Samsung Electronics Co LTD make the GT-i9100? | CREATE TABLE table_47482 (
"Company name" text,
"Hardware Model" text,
"Accreditation type" text,
"Accreditation level" text,
"Date" text
) | SELECT "Date" FROM table_47482 WHERE "Company name" LIKE '%samsung electronics co ltd%' AND "Hardware Model" LIKE '%gt-i9100%' |
What aired at 10:00 when Flashpoint aired at 9:30? | CREATE TABLE table_43208 (
"8:00" text,
"8:30" text,
"9:00" text,
"9:30" text,
"10:00" text
) | SELECT "10:00" FROM table_43208 WHERE "9:30" LIKE '%flashpoint%' |
What was the record of the game in which Dydek (10) did the most high rebounds? | CREATE TABLE table_18904831_5 (
record VARCHAR,
high_rebounds VARCHAR
) | SELECT record FROM table_18904831_5 WHERE high_rebounds LIKE "%dydek (10)%" |
When was the game played at glenferrie oval? | CREATE TABLE table_10130 (
"Home team" text,
"Home team score" text,
"Away team" text,
"Away team score" text,
"Venue" text,
"Crowd" real,
"Date" text
) | SELECT "Date" FROM table_10130 WHERE "Venue" LIKE '%glenferrie oval%' |
What is the highest K 2 O, when Na 2 O is greater than 1.87, when Fe 2 O 3 is greater than 0.07, when Objects is Ritual Disk, and when Al 2 O 3 is less than 0.62? | CREATE TABLE table_7207 (
"Objects" text,
"Date" text,
"SiO 2" real,
"Al 2 O 3" real,
"Fe 2 O 3" real,
"K 2 O" real,
"Na 2 O" real
) | SELECT MAX("K 2 O") FROM table_7207 WHERE "Na 2 O" > 1.87 AND "Fe 2 O 3" > 0.07 AND "Objects" LIKE '%ritual disk%' AND "Al 2 O 3" < 0.62 |
Which section is in the 6th position? | CREATE TABLE table_72013 (
"Season" text,
"Level" text,
"Division" text,
"Section" text,
"Position" text
) | SELECT "Section" FROM table_72013 WHERE "Position" LIKE '%6th%' |
What is the area of the coed school with a state authority and a roll number of 122? | CREATE TABLE table_69300 (
"Name" text,
"Years" text,
"Gender" text,
"Area" text,
"Authority" text,
"Decile" real,
"Roll" real
) | SELECT "Area" FROM table_69300 WHERE "Authority" LIKE '%state%' AND "Gender" LIKE '%coed%' AND "Roll" = 122 |
What years did Birger Ruud win the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships? | CREATE TABLE table_21696 (
"Winner" text,
"Country" text,
"Winter Olympics" text,
"FIS Nordic World Ski Championships" text,
"Holmenkollen" text
) | SELECT "FIS Nordic World Ski Championships" FROM table_21696 WHERE "Winner" LIKE '%birger ruud%' |
how many members of estonia 's men 's national volleyball team were born in 1988 ? | CREATE TABLE table_203_116 (
id number,
"no." number,
"player" text,
"birth date" text,
"weight" number,
"height" number,
"position" text,
"current club" text
) | SELECT COUNT("player") FROM table_203_116 WHERE "birth date" LIKE '%1988%' |
What episoe number in the season originally aired on February 11, 1988? | CREATE TABLE table_2818164_5 (
no_in_season VARCHAR,
original_air_date VARCHAR
) | SELECT no_in_season FROM table_2818164_5 WHERE original_air_date LIKE '%february 11, 1988%' |
What date was the match against adri n men ndez-maceiras? | CREATE TABLE table_60686 (
"Date" text,
"Tournament" text,
"Surface" text,
"Opponent" text,
"Score" text
) | SELECT "Date" FROM table_60686 WHERE "Opponent" LIKE '%adrián menéndez-maceiras%' |
did shoko goto make more films in 2004 or 2005 ? | CREATE TABLE table_203_365 (
id number,
"released" text,
"video title" text,
"company" text,
"director" text,
"notes" text
) | SELECT "released" FROM table_203_365 WHERE "released" IN ('2004', '2005') GROUP BY "released" ORDER BY COUNT("video title") DESC LIMIT 1 |
What venue listed is dated February 22, 2003? | CREATE TABLE table_65116 (
"Date" text,
"Venue" text,
"Score" text,
"Result" text,
"Competition" text
) | SELECT "Venue" FROM table_65116 WHERE "Date" LIKE '%february 22, 2003%' |
Name the metrical equivalence for linha | CREATE TABLE table_28772 (
"Portuguese name" text,
"English name" text,
"Subdivides in" text,
"Equivalence in Varas" text,
"Metrical equivalence" text
) | SELECT "Metrical equivalence" FROM table_28772 WHERE "Portuguese name" LIKE '%linha%' |
If the college is SMU, what is the position? | CREATE TABLE table_27132791_3 (
position VARCHAR,
college VARCHAR
) | SELECT position FROM table_27132791_3 WHERE college LIKE "%smu%" |
What was the represented team on June 27? | CREATE TABLE table_21876 (
"Season" real,
"Date" text,
"Winning Driver" text,
"Car #" real,
"Sponsor" text,
"Make" text,
"Team" text,
"Avg Speed" text,
"Margin of Victory" text
) | SELECT "Team" FROM table_21876 WHERE "Date" LIKE '%june 27%' |
how many athletes had a better result than tatyana bocharova ? | CREATE TABLE table_204_910 (
id number,
"rank" number,
"name" text,
"nationality" text,
"result" number,
"notes" text
) | SELECT COUNT("name") FROM table_204_910 WHERE "result" > (SELECT "result" FROM table_204_910 WHERE "name" LIKE '%tatyana bocharova%') |
Which Type has a Capacity of 28 passengers, and a Number of 16? | CREATE TABLE table_8430 (
"Number" text,
"Builder" text,
"Type" text,
"Date" real,
"Length" text,
"Capacity" text
) | SELECT "Type" FROM table_8430 WHERE "Capacity" LIKE '%28 passengers%' AND "Number" LIKE '%16%' |
What was the highest round that had northwestern? | CREATE TABLE table_name_18 (
round INTEGER,
school VARCHAR
) | SELECT MAX(round) FROM table_name_18 WHERE school LIKE "%northwestern%" |
What is the smallest Wins with a Position of 20th, and Poles smaller than 0? | CREATE TABLE table_name_19 (
position VARCHAR,
) | SELECT MIN(wins) FROM table_name_19 WHERE position LIKE "%20th%" AND poles < 0 |
Who is listed under mens singles when womens has wang nan zhang yining? | CREATE TABLE table_30306 (
"Year Location" text,
"Mens Singles" text,
"Womens Singles" text,
"Mens Doubles" text,
"Womens Doubles" text
) | SELECT "Mens Singles" FROM table_30306 WHERE "Womens Doubles" LIKE '%wang nan zhang yining%' |
What are the start and end dates for incidents with incident type code 'NOISE'? | CREATE TABLE Behavior_Incident (
date_incident_start VARCHAR,
date_incident_end VARCHAR,
incident_type_code VARCHAR
) | SELECT date_incident_start, date_incident_end FROM Behavior_Incident WHERE incident_type_code LIKE '%noise%' |
What is the series # when the director is john showalter? | CREATE TABLE table_29747178_2 (
series__number VARCHAR,
directed_by VARCHAR
) | SELECT series__number FROM table_29747178_2 WHERE directed_by LIKE '%john showalter%' |
What was the regular season standings for the year when the playoffs reached the conference semifinals and the team did not qualify for the US Open Cup? | CREATE TABLE table_19191 (
"Year" real,
"League" text,
"Reg. Season" text,
"Playoffs" text,
"US Open Cup" text,
"Avg. Attendance" real
) | SELECT "Reg. Season" FROM table_19191 WHERE "Playoffs" LIKE '%conference semifinals%' AND "US Open Cup" LIKE '%did not qualify%' |
How much Long has a Loss larger than 2, and a Gain of 157, and an Avg/G smaller than 129? | CREATE TABLE table_37490 (
"Name" text,
"Gain" real,
"Loss" real,
"Long" real,
"Avg/G" real
) | SELECT SUM("Long") FROM table_37490 WHERE "Loss" > 2 AND "Gain" = 157 AND "Avg/G" < 129 |
How many pages does the edition with a volume # smaller than 8 and an ISBM of 1-40122-892-5 have? | CREATE TABLE table_7363 (
"Vol. #" real,
"Title" text,
"Material collected" text,
"Pages" real,
"ISBN" text
) | SELECT SUM("Pages") FROM table_7363 WHERE "Vol. #" < 8 AND "ISBN" LIKE '%1-40122-892-5%' |
What was the largest crowd when Collingwood was the away team? | CREATE TABLE table_name_67 (
crowd INTEGER,
away_team VARCHAR
) | SELECT MAX(crowd) FROM table_name_67 WHERE away_team LIKE "%collingwood%" |
Name the number of cancelled for turnham green | CREATE TABLE table_24185 (
"Station" text,
"Line" text,
"Planned" real,
"Cancelled" real,
"Proposal" text,
"Details" text
) | SELECT COUNT("Cancelled") FROM table_24185 WHERE "Station" LIKE '%turnham green%' |
What is the Attendance of the game with a Record of 37 21 12 and less than 86 Points? | CREATE TABLE table_name_44 (
attendance INTEGER,
record VARCHAR,
points VARCHAR
) | SELECT AVG(attendance) FROM table_name_44 WHERE record LIKE "%37–21–12%" AND points < "86" |
Name the scores for david baddiel and maureen lipman | CREATE TABLE table_23575917_2 (
scores VARCHAR,
davids_team VARCHAR
) | SELECT COUNT(scores) FROM table_23575917_2 WHERE davids_team LIKE "%david baddiel and maureen lipman%" |
Name the role for mono studio and title of paradise canyon | CREATE TABLE table_name_62 (
studio VARCHAR,
) | SELECT role FROM table_name_62 WHERE studio LIKE "%mono%" AND title LIKE "%paradise canyon%" |
Name the total with finish of t22 | CREATE TABLE table_name_24 (
total VARCHAR,
finish VARCHAR
) | SELECT total FROM table_name_24 WHERE finish LIKE "%t22%" |
If the opponent was @ Boston Bruins, what was the Location/Attendance? | CREATE TABLE table_3782 (
"Game" real,
"January" real,
"Opponent" text,
"Score" text,
"Decision" text,
"Location/Attendance" text,
"Record" text
) | SELECT "Location/Attendance" FROM table_3782 WHERE "Opponent" LIKE '%@ boston bruins%' |
Name the high rebounds for memphis | CREATE TABLE table_17060277_7 (
high_rebounds VARCHAR,
) | SELECT high_rebounds FROM table_17060277_7 WHERE team LIKE "%memphis%" |
Tell me the outgoing manager for 22 november date of vacancy | CREATE TABLE table_77878 (
"Team" text,
"Outgoing manager" text,
"Manner of departure" text,
"Date of vacancy" text,
"Replaced by" text,
"Date of appointment" text
) | SELECT "Outgoing manager" FROM table_77878 WHERE "Date of vacancy" LIKE '%22 november%' |
Who won the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships in 1972? | CREATE TABLE table_50927 (
"Winner" text,
"Country" text,
"Winter Olympics" real,
"FIS Nordic World Ski Championships" text,
"Holmenkollen" text
) | SELECT "Winner" FROM table_50927 WHERE "FIS Nordic World Ski Championships" LIKE '%1972%' |
Name the listed owners for brevak racing | CREATE TABLE table_2187178_1 (
listed_owner_s_ VARCHAR,
) | SELECT listed_owner_s_ FROM table_2187178_1 WHERE team LIKE "%brevak racing%" |
What are the lowest points with 2013 as the year, and goals less than 0? | CREATE TABLE table_name_48 (
points INTEGER,
) | SELECT MIN(points) FROM table_name_48 WHERE year LIKE "%2013%" AND goals < 0 |
If the rank is 17, what are the names? | CREATE TABLE table_24990183_7 (
) | SELECT name FROM table_24990183_7 WHERE rank LIKE '%17%' |
What is the 1979 number for Standing Rock Indian Reservation when the 1989 is less than 54.9? | CREATE TABLE table_name_51 (
reservation VARCHAR
) | SELECT SUM(1979) FROM table_name_51 WHERE reservation LIKE "%standing rock indian reservation%" AND 1989 < 54.9 |
What is Opponent, when Attendance is 58,836? | CREATE TABLE table_49308 (
"Week" real,
"Date" text,
"Opponent" text,
"Result" text,
"Attendance" text
) | SELECT "Opponent" FROM table_49308 WHERE "Attendance" LIKE '%58,836%' |
What's the title of the audio book with story number 91? | CREATE TABLE table_23576 (
"Story #" real,
"Target #" text,
"Title" text,
"Author" text,
"Reader" text,
"Format" text,
"Company" text,
"Release Date" text,
"Notes" text
) | SELECT "Title" FROM table_23576 WHERE "Story #" = 91 |
Who was the home team against the Bolton Wanderers? | CREATE TABLE table_43959 (
"Tie no" text,
"Home team" text,
"Score" text,
"Away team" text,
"Attendance" text
) | SELECT "Home team" FROM table_43959 WHERE "Away team" LIKE '%bolton wanderers%' |
Tell me the away team score for away team of south melbourne | CREATE TABLE table_51600 (
"Home team" text,
"Home team score" text,
"Away team" text,
"Away team score" text,
"Venue" text,
"Crowd" real,
"Date" text
) | SELECT "Away team score" FROM table_51600 WHERE "Away team" LIKE '%south melbourne%' |
What year was the downy woodpecker coin created? | CREATE TABLE table_55306 (
"Year" real,
"Animal" text,
"Artist" text,
"Finish" text,
"Mintage" real,
"Issue Price" text
) | SELECT SUM("Year") FROM table_55306 WHERE "Animal" LIKE '%downy woodpecker%' |
Which opponent has a save of smith (22)? | CREATE TABLE table_name_65 (
opponent VARCHAR,
) | SELECT opponent FROM table_name_65 WHERE save LIKE '%smith (22)%' |
What was the result of the home game against Derby County? | CREATE TABLE table_name_71 (
win_draw_lose VARCHAR,
venue VARCHAR,
) | SELECT win_draw_lose FROM table_name_71 WHERE venue LIKE "%home%" AND team LIKE "%derby county%" |
Which Total has a Club of darlington, and a League goals of 13, and a League Cup goals of 1? | CREATE TABLE table_43812 (
"Club" text,
"League goals" text,
"FA Cup goals" text,
"League Cup goals" text,
"Total" real
) | SELECT SUM("Total") FROM table_43812 WHERE "Club" LIKE '%darlington%' AND "League goals" LIKE '%13%' AND "League Cup goals" LIKE '%1%' |
age 65 years and older | CREATE TABLE table_train_103 (
"id" int,
"systolic_blood_pressure_sbp" int,
"epilepsy" bool,
"diastolic_blood_pressure_dbp" int,
"heart_rate" int,
"seizure_disorder" bool,
"age" float,
"NOUSE" float
) | SELECT * FROM table_train_103 WHERE age >= 65 |
What episode number in the season is titled 'stray'? | CREATE TABLE table_73846 (
"Season no." real,
"Series no." real,
"Title" text,
"Directed by" text,
"Written by" text,
"Original air date" text,
"Production code" text
) | SELECT MAX("Season no.") FROM table_73846 WHERE "Title" LIKE '%stray%' |
What is the position for the pick number 17? | CREATE TABLE table_439 (
"Overall Pick #" real,
"AFL Team" text,
"Player" text,
"Position" text,
"College" text
) | SELECT "Position" FROM table_439 WHERE "Overall Pick #" = 17 |
position VARCHAR
) | SELECT MIN(no) FROM table_15621965_18 WHERE position LIKE "%forward-center%" |
What was the class position of the team that was in the 4th position? | CREATE TABLE table_77295 (
"Year" real,
"Team" text,
"Co-Drivers" text,
"Class" text,
"Laps" real,
"Pos." text,
"Class Pos." text
) | SELECT "Class Pos." FROM table_77295 WHERE "Pos." LIKE '%4th%' |
Name the date for eastern creek raceway | CREATE TABLE table_2446333_2 (
circuit VARCHAR
) | SELECT date FROM table_2446333_2 WHERE circuit LIKE '%eastern creek raceway%' |
Name the least total kurdistan list | CREATE TABLE table_26850 (
"Governorate" text,
"Kurdistan Democratic Party" real,
"Patriotic Union of Kurdistan" real,
"Total Kurdistan List" real,
"Total Governorate Seats" real
) | SELECT MIN("Total Kurdistan List") FROM table_26850 |
How many series originally aired before 1999 with more than 7 episodes and a DVD Region 1 release date of 16 april 2013? | CREATE TABLE table_45278 (
"Series Number" real,
"Number of Episodes" real,
"Original Air Date" real,
"DVD Region 2 release date" text,
"DVD Region 1 release date" text
) | SELECT COUNT("Series Number") FROM table_45278 WHERE "Original Air Date" < 1999 AND "Number of Episodes" > 7 AND "DVD Region 1 release date" LIKE '%16 april 2013%' |
What away is there for the q3 round? | CREATE TABLE table_name_68 (
) | SELECT away FROM table_name_68 WHERE round LIKE "%q3%" |
how many competitions had a score of 1-0 at most ? | CREATE TABLE table_203_652 (
id number,
"goal" number,
"date" text,
"venue" text,
"opponent" text,
"score" text,
"result" text,
"competition" text
) | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_203_652 WHERE "score" LIKE '%1-0%' |
What is the total number of Silver for the Nation with more than 1 Bronze and a Rank less than 5? | CREATE TABLE table_66695 (
"Rank" real,
"Nation" text,
"Gold" real,
"Silver" real,
"Bronze" real,
"Total" real
) | SELECT COUNT("Silver") FROM table_66695 WHERE "Bronze" > 1 AND "Rank" < 5 |
who was the sooners opponent after usc ? | CREATE TABLE table_204_617 (
id number,
"date" text,
"opponent#" text,
"rank#" text,
"site" text,
"tv" text,
"result" text,
"attendance" number
) | SELECT "opponent#" FROM table_204_617 WHERE "date" > (SELECT "date" FROM table_204_617 WHERE "opponent#" LIKE '%usc%') ORDER BY "date" LIMIT 1 |
How many times was the high rebounds by marcus camby (18)? | CREATE TABLE table_29902 (
"Game" real,
"Date" text,
"Team" text,
"Score" text,
"High points" text,
"High rebounds" text,
"High assists" text,
"Location Attendance" text,
"Record" text
) | SELECT COUNT("Date") FROM table_29902 WHERE "High rebounds" LIKE '%marcus camby (18)%' |
What sponsor has the head coach Samad Marfavi? | CREATE TABLE table_29469 (
"Team" text,
"Head coach" text,
"Team captain" text,
"Kit maker" text,
"Shirt sponsor" text,
"Past Season" text
) | SELECT "Shirt sponsor" FROM table_29469 WHERE "Head coach" LIKE '%samad marfavi%' |
What is the Opponent at the Honda Center on March 29? | CREATE TABLE table_61636 (
"Date" text,
"Opponent" text,
"Score" text,
"Loss" text,
"Attendance" real,
"Record" text,
"Arena" text,
"Points" real
) | SELECT "Opponent" FROM table_61636 WHERE "Arena" LIKE '%honda center%' AND "Date" LIKE '%march 29%' |
Which team drafted Ron Annear? | CREATE TABLE table_2850912_10 (
nhl_team VARCHAR,
player VARCHAR
) | SELECT nhl_team FROM table_2850912_10 WHERE player LIKE "%ron annear%" |
What is the average Byes that has Ballarat FL of Sunbury against more than 1167? | CREATE TABLE table_name_70 (
ballarat_fl VARCHAR,
against VARCHAR
) | SELECT AVG(byes) FROM table_name_70 WHERE ballarat_fl LIKE "%sunbury%" AND against > 1167 |
Name the gdp world rank for asian rank being 20 | CREATE TABLE table_2249029_1 (
gdp_world_rank VARCHAR,
asian_rank VARCHAR
) | SELECT gdp_world_rank FROM table_2249029_1 WHERE asian_rank LIKE '%20%' |
List all the MCs with 5 appearances who were inducted in 2007? | CREATE TABLE table_29160596_1 (
top_mc VARCHAR,
appearances VARCHAR,
year_inducted VARCHAR
) | SELECT top_mc FROM table_29160596_1 WHERE appearances LIKE '%5%' AND year_inducted LIKE '%2007%' |
what comes after fiskeby if | CREATE TABLE table_204_361 (
id number,
"tie no" number,
"home team" text,
"score" text,
"away team" text
) | SELECT "home team" FROM table_204_361 WHERE id = (SELECT id FROM table_204_361 WHERE "home team" LIKE '%fiskeby if%') + 1 |
For what country does the golfer play who has a score of 72-65=137? | CREATE TABLE table_name_47 (
country VARCHAR,
) | SELECT country FROM table_name_47 WHERE score = '7' |
When was the runner-up Jane Geddes? | CREATE TABLE table_name_35 (
runner_up VARCHAR
) | SELECT year FROM table_name_35 WHERE runner_up LIKE "%jane geddes%" |
what is the nationality when the ship is willerby? | CREATE TABLE table_45309 (
"Date" text,
"Ship" text,
"Type" text,
"Nationality" text,
"Tonnage GRT" real,
"Fate" text
) | SELECT "Nationality" FROM table_45309 WHERE "Ship" LIKE '%willerby%' |
What are the examples for the Australian ? | CREATE TABLE table_60037 (
"Letter" text,
"American" text,
"British" text,
"Australian" text,
"Examples" text
) | SELECT "Examples" FROM table_60037 WHERE "Australian" LIKE '%æ%' |
What is the Date with a Leading scorer with maurice williams (25), and a Score with 102 105? | CREATE TABLE table_57891 (
"Date" text,
"Visitor" text,
"Score" text,
"Home" text,
"Leading scorer" text,
"Record" text
) | SELECT "Date" FROM table_57891 WHERE "Leading scorer" LIKE '%maurice williams (25)%' AND "Score" LIKE '%102–105%' |
What's the highest capacity for a position of 5 in 2004? | CREATE TABLE table_name_81 (
capacity INTEGER,
position_in_2004 VARCHAR
) | SELECT MAX(capacity) FROM table_name_81 WHERE position_in_2004 LIKE "%5%" |
What is the NBA draft for ohio state? | CREATE TABLE table_51428 (
"Player" text,
"Height" text,
"School" text,
"Hometown" text,
"College" text,
"NBA Draft" text
) | SELECT "NBA Draft" FROM table_51428 WHERE "College" LIKE '%ohio state%' |
what country won the same number of bronze as great britain , yet did not win a gold medal ? | CREATE TABLE table_203_206 (
id number,
"rank" number,
"nation" text,
"gold" number,
"silver" number,
"bronze" number,
"total" number
) | SELECT "nation" FROM table_203_206 WHERE "nation" NOT LIKE '%great britain%' AND "bronze" = (SELECT "bronze" FROM table_203_206 WHERE "nation" LIKE '%great britain%') AND "gold" = 0 |
At what Venue was the Home team score 17.19 (121)? | CREATE TABLE table_55019 (
"Home team" text,
"Home team score" text,
"Away team" text,
"Away team score" text,
"Venue" text,
"Crowd" real,
"Date" text
) | SELECT "Venue" FROM table_55019 WHERE "Home team score" LIKE '%17.19 (121)%' |
What was the playoff result where the league did not qualify in the Open Cup in 1998? | CREATE TABLE table_2402864_1 (
playoffs VARCHAR,
open_cup VARCHAR,
) | SELECT playoffs FROM table_2402864_1 WHERE open_cup LIKE '%did not qualify%' AND year = '1998' |
Who was the driver in 1964? | CREATE TABLE table_name_83 (
driver VARCHAR,
) | SELECT driver FROM table_name_83 WHERE year LIKE "%1964%" |
which is the first church located in los angeles ? | CREATE TABLE table_203_274 (
id number,
"church name" text,
"address" text,
"community" text,
"school" text
) | SELECT "church name" FROM table_203_274 WHERE "community" LIKE '%los angeles%' ORDER BY id LIMIT 1 |
What was the attendance for the game against miami dolphins? | CREATE TABLE table_66129 (
"Week" real,
"Date" text,
"Opponent" text,
"Result" text,
"Record" text,
"TV Time" text,
"Attendance" text
) | SELECT "Attendance" FROM table_66129 WHERE "Opponent" LIKE '%miami dolphins%' |
What was the score of the game on December 11? | CREATE TABLE table_17360840_6 (
score VARCHAR,
) | SELECT score FROM table_17360840_6 WHERE date LIKE "%december 11%" |
What is the date they played against fitzroy? | CREATE TABLE table_name_10 (
away_team VARCHAR
) | SELECT date FROM table_name_10 WHERE away_team LIKE "%fitzroy%" |
What is the place of the song 'Never Change'? | CREATE TABLE table_40447 (
"Draw" real,
"Artist" text,
"Song" text,
"Result" text,
"Place" real
) | SELECT SUM("Place") FROM table_40447 WHERE "Song" LIKE '%never change%' |
What song placed higher than#4? | CREATE TABLE table_64035 (
"Draw" real,
"Artist" text,
"Song" text,
"Percentage" text,
"Place" real
) | SELECT "Song" FROM table_64035 WHERE "Place" > 4 |
What year was the Beaudesert suburb club founded | CREATE TABLE table_name_95 (
founded VARCHAR,
suburb VARCHAR
) | SELECT founded FROM table_name_95 WHERE suburb LIKE "%beaudesert%" |
How was the player in the position of Center acquired? | CREATE TABLE table_41725 (
"Name" text,
"Position" text,
"Number" real,
"School/Club Team" text,
"Season" text,
"Acquisition via" text
) | SELECT "Acquisition via" FROM table_41725 WHERE "Position" LIKE '%center%' |
Catalog Nebdj068 was released when? | CREATE TABLE table_39879 (
"Region" text,
"Date" text,
"Label" text,
"Format" text,
"Catalog" text
) | SELECT "Date" FROM table_39879 WHERE "Catalog" LIKE '%nebdj068%' |
On what date did the Brisbane Lions (1) win? | CREATE TABLE table_56418 (
"Season" text,
"Cup FinalDate" text,
"WinningTeam" text,
"Score" text,
"LosingTeam" text,
"Cup Final Attendance" text
) | SELECT "Cup FinalDate" FROM table_56418 WHERE "WinningTeam" LIKE '%brisbane lions (1)%' |
What is every year where opponent in the final is John Mcenroe at Wimbledon? | CREATE TABLE table_23235767_1 (
opponent_in_the_final VARCHAR,
championship VARCHAR
) | SELECT year FROM table_23235767_1 WHERE opponent_in_the_final LIKE "%john mcenroe%" AND championship LIKE "%wimbledon%" |
What was the home team for the game with more than 25,000 crowd? | CREATE TABLE table_33727 (
"Home team" text,
"Home team score" text,
"Away team" text,
"Away team score" text,
"Venue" text,
"Crowd" real,
"Date" text
) | SELECT "Home team" FROM table_33727 WHERE "Crowd" > 25000 |
What's the performance of Dire Tune? | CREATE TABLE table_name_89 (
performance VARCHAR,
athlete VARCHAR
) | SELECT performance FROM table_name_89 WHERE athlete LIKE "%dire tune%" |
What circuit had rnd 3? | CREATE TABLE table_26503 (
"Rnd" real,
"Circuit" text,
"LMP Winning Team" text,
"LMPC Winning Team" text,
"GT Winning Team" text,
"GTC Winning Team" text,
"Results" text
) | SELECT "Circuit" FROM table_26503 WHERE "Rnd" LIKE '%3%' |
What was the score in the match against Kim Tiilikainen? | CREATE TABLE table_68453 (
"Date" text,
"Tournament" text,
"Surface" text,
"Opponent" text,
"Score" text
) | SELECT "Score" FROM table_68453 WHERE "Opponent" LIKE '%kim tiilikainen%' |
Subsets and Splits