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"Over the weekend, a game developer in Boston named Brianna Wu fled her home after an online stalker vowed to rape and kill her. ",
"She isn't the first woman who's been forced into hiding by aggrieved video game fans associated with Gamergate, the self-styled reform movement that's become difficult to ignore over the past several months as its beliefs have ramified out from the fever swamps of the internet into the real world. ",
"She probably won't be the last.",
"\n\nBy design, Gamergate is nearly impossible to define. ",
"It refers, variously, to a set of incomprehensible Benghazi-type conspiracy theories about game developers and journalists; to a fairly broad group of gamers concerned with corruption in gaming journalism; to a somewhat narrower group of gamers who believe women should be punished for having sex; and, finally, to a small group of gamers conducting organized campaigns of stalking and harassment against women.",
"\n\nAdvertisement\n\nThis ambiguity is useful, because it turns any discussion of this subject into a debate over semantics. ",
"Really, though, Gamergate is exactly what it appears to be: a relatively small and very loud group of video game enthusiasts who claim that their goal is to audit ethics in the gaming-industrial complex and who are instead defined by the campaigns of criminal harassment that some of them have carried out against several women. (",
"Whether the broader Gamergate movement is a willing or inadvertent semi-respectable front here is an interesting but ultimately irrelevant question.) ",
"None of this has stopped it from gaining traction: Earlier this month, Gamergaters compelled Intel to pull advertising from a gaming site critical of the movement, and there's no reason to think it will stop there.",
"\n\nIn many ways, Gamergate is an almost perfect closed-bottle ecosystem of bad internet tics and shoddy debating tactics. ",
"Bringing together the grievances of video game fans, self-appointed specialists in journalism ethics, and dedicated misogynists, it's captured an especially broad phylum of trolls and built the sort of structure you'd expect to see if, say, you'd asked the old Fires of Heaven message boards to swing a Senate seat. ",
"It's a fascinating glimpse of the future of grievance politics as they will be carried out by people who grew up online.",
"\n\nWhat's made it effective, though, is that it's exploited the same basic loophole in the system that generations of social reactionaries have: the press's genuine and deep-seated belief that you gotta hear both sides. ",
"Even when not presupposing that all truth lies at a fixed point exactly equidistant between two competing positions, the American press works under the assumption that anyone more respectable than, say, an avowed neo-Nazi is operating in something like good faith. ",
"And this is why a loosely organized, lightly noticed collection of gamers, operating from a playbook that was showing its age during Ronald Reagan's rise to power, have been able to set the terms of debate in a\n$100 billion industry, even as they send women like Brianna Wu into hiding and show every sign that they intend to keep doing so until all their demands are met.",
"\n\nThe simplest version of the story goes something like this: In August, the ex-boyfriend of an obscure game developer writes a long, extensively documented, literally self-dramatizing, and profoundly deranged blog post about the dissolution of their relationship. ",
"Among his many accusations, he claims she slept with a gaming journalist in return for favorable coverage. ",
"This clearly isn't true, but a group of gamers becomes convinced there is a conspiracy to not cover this story. ",
"The developer's personal information is distributed widely across the internet, and she and a feminist gaming activist receive graphic, detailed threats, forcing the activist to contact the police and flee her home. ",
"In response, several sites publish think pieces about the death of the gamer identity. ",
"These pieces are, in essence, celebrations of the success of gaming, arguing that it is now enjoyed by so many people of such diverse backgrounds and with such varied interests that the idea of the gamer—a person whose identity is formed around a universally enjoyed leisure activity—now seems as quaint as the idea of the moviegoer. ",
"Somehow, this is read to mean that these sites now think gamers are bad. ",
"The grievances intensify, and the discussions of them on Twitter are increasingly unified under the hashtag #gamergate.",
"\n\nAdvertisement\n\nThe longer, more detailed version of the story is considerably more interesting.",
"\n\nIn August, a programmer named Eron Gjoni posted a long account of the end of his relationship with Zoe Quinn, an indie game developer; it was regrettable and embarrassing for everyone involved. ",
"Part of the account involved Quinn cheating on him with a writer named Nathan Grayson. ",
"At the time, Grayson freelanced for Kotaku and for a popular gaming site called Rock Paper Shotgun; later, he would join Kotaku as a full-timer. ",
"Gjoni's post was taken as evidence that Quinn had slept with Grayson in order to receive a favorable review for one of her games,\nDepression Quest, at Kotaku.",
"\n\nReleased in early 2013,\nDepression Quest is a choose-your-own-adventure-style game about managing life with depression, released independent of the big gaming studios and promoted as a boutique product. ",
"It was the right kind of game, made by the right kind of person, to hold up as evidence of the broadly correct and generally appealing notion that games and gamers are diversifying in new and increasingly unexpected directions, and so Depression Quest was lauded by severaloutlets as a brave and personal piece of work. ",
"This was, strictly speaking, true; the structural gamification of dealing with depression directly was novel and earnest, and it was and remains a game that might induce serious thoughts about a serious subject. ",
"It was also true, though, that Depression Quest was not a good game so much as a critic-proof gesture at one, seeming to exist more as a set of instructions for the writing of puff pieces about how brave its creator was than anything else.",
"\n\nPerhaps unsurprisingly, the game and its glowing reception were\nhugely unpopular among a certain type of video game fan. ",
"By late 2013, when Quinn added the game to Steam's Project Greenlight, she had become the target of sustained and virulent harassment. ",
"Very little of this seemed to have to do with actual, detailed criticism of the game, and even less seemed to have to do with any sort of principled critique of the way Depression Quest served as a means for game writers to demonstrate their right-mindedness.",
"\n\nOnce Gjoni's breakup post was made public, with its\nsotto voce intimations of sex-for-coverage exchanges, this cycle was set back into motion and supercharged. ",
"It's important to note that the initial claim that sparked Gamergate was not only untrue, but totally nonsensical—neither Grayson nor anyone else even reviewed the game at Kotaku, and while Grayson did write about Quinn in late March in a feature about a failed reality show, that was before they'd begun their romantic relationship. ",
"Nevertheless, fevered accusations that Quinn had traded sex for press began to float around online, and Quinn's sexual history and nude photos were spread around 4chan and IRC. ",
"Logs of conversations among her harassers show them to have been unimaginably toxic:\n\nAug 25 07.18.18 <Logan> Any chance we can get Zoe to commit suicide?",
"\n\nAug 25 07.18.29 if we can get more daming evidence\n\nAug 25 07.18.29 I think the [doxxing info removed by DF] is a good shot.",
"\n\nAug 25 07.20.34 <PaperDinosaur> If you can't see how driving Zoe to suicide would fuck this entire thing up then you're a fucking idiot\n\nAug 25 07.20.41 Imagine the kotaku article …\n\nAug 25 07.20.48 <temet> PaperDinosaur is right\n\nAug 25 07.20.51 <temet> not the right PR play\n\nThis was the impossibly stupid beginning of an impossibly stupid and literally unbelievable sequence of events. ",
"Also around and during this time:\n\nAdvertisement\n\nAnita Sarkeesian releases a video about the sexualization and use of women as props in games;\nshe becomes involved as a matter of course; Sarkeesian is harassed and threatened to the point of filing a police report with the San Francisco Police Department and leaving her home due to the severity of the threats; Quinn produces logs of chatrooms and posts from Reddit and 4chan that show gamers planning to carry out hacks on her personal accounts and create fake accounts to \"speak out\" against harassment; the gaming industry circulates a petition speaking out against the harassment of Quinn and Sarkeesian that's eventually signed by thousands of industry members; The Fine Young Capitalists, a fifth-column feminist group dedicated to \"promoting women in gaming\" with whom Quinn had previously feuded, re-engage her; groups from around the internet raise more than $70,000 for TFYC in a crowdfunding project; Adam Baldwin (yes, that Adam Baldwin) coins the term #Gamergate on Twitter; an ancillary hashtag, #notyourshield, is hatched by minorities, women, and LGBTQ gamers who agree with Gamergate and disagree with writers who they feel are misrepresenting them; Gamergate tweaks its outward image, deciding that it is now on a mission to expose broader corruption in video game journalism; and writers who have openly supported Quinn and Sarkeesian are harassed online, via email, and through repeated hack attempts, with Vox Media singled out in particular.",
"\n\nEventually,\nseveralarticlesonthesamebasictopic were published. ",
"The general premise was that it is pointless to talk about \"gamers\" as a whole—the constituency is too vast—and further, that the core identity of a \"gamer\" had become dominated by the loudest and most unacceptable sort. ",
"The most openly prosecutorial was a Gamasutra op-ed by editor-at-large Leigh Alexander titled \"'Gamers' don't have to be your audience. '",
"Gamers' are over.\" ",
"It argued that the only way to begin anew the project of defining the culture of gaming is to tear the whole thing down and build from scratch. ",
"It contained this passage:\n\n'Games culture' is a petri dish of people who know so little about how human social interaction and professional life works that they can concoct online 'wars' about social justice or 'game journalism ethics,' straight-faced, and cause genuine human consequences. ",
"Because of video games.",
"\n\nThis is when everything fell all the way down the shitter.",
"\n\nEarly this month, Intel announced that it would cease advertising on Gamasutra.",
"\nIt would later claim that it was unaware of Gamergate when it made its decision, but that it would stand by the decision and not advertise on Gamasutra. ",
"A handful of trolls, vaguely waving their hands about a non-existent sex scandal, had successfully bullied a corporation with a $158 billion market capitalization into doing their bidding.",
"\n\nBy most metrics, Gamergate comprises an insignificant fraction of video game fans. ",
"On Reddit, for example, the main staging ground for Gamergate has reached 10,000 readers, representing .17 percent of the more than six million readers on the general gaming subreddit. ",
"In terms of actual, demonstrated public interest, this isn't even a tempest in a teapot. ",
"What it lacks in scale, though, it more than makes up for in volume.",
"\n\nAdvertisement\n\nGamergate is surprisingly well organized, with \"operations\" staged from a mishmash of Reddit boards, infinite chan threads (having abandoned 4chan), and unofficial-official dedicated sites. \"",
"Daily boycotters,\" for example, are instructed not just to email targeted companies to express their grievances, but to spam these targets on Sundays and Wednesdays to maximize congestion—shit up the Monday morning rush, and dogpile in the middle of the week, so the mess has to be addressed before the weekend. ",
"They're told never to use the actual term \"Gamergate,\" as that will allow the message to be filtered.",
"\n\nThis has proved effective enough to get Intel to keel over, and it won't be surprising if it works on other companies, too. ",
"A representative of one of the companies targeted by the daily boycotts said that they'd received about 1,000 emails so far, more than half of which were pro-Gamergate. ",
"The only comparable online flare-up any of the representatives interviewed could remember is SOPA—the\nStop Online Piracy Act, one of the most universally panned pieces of legislation in recent memory. ",
"This is how a very few people can get their way, and the use of this technique is one of the many similarities between Gamergate and the ever-present aggrieved reactionaries whose most recent manifestation is the Tea Party.",
"\n\nThis isn't a complex jump. ",
"Like, say, the Christian right, which came together through the social media of its day—little-watched television broadcasts, church bulletins, newsletters—or the Tea Party, which\nfound its way through self-selection on social media and through back channels, Gamergate, in the main, comprises an assortment of agitators who sense which way the winds are blowing and feel left out. ",
"It has found a mobilizing event, elicited response from the established press, and run a successful enough public relations campaign that it's begun attracting visible advocates who agree with the broad talking points and respectful-enough coverage from the mainstream press. ",
"If there is a ground war being waged, as the movement's increasingly militaristic rhetoric suggests, Gamergate is fighting largely unopposed.",
"\n\nAdvertisement\n\nA more important resemblance to the Tea Party, though, is in the way in which it's focused the anger of people who realize the world is changing, and not necessarily to their benefit.",
"\n\nThe default assumption of the gaming industry has always been that its customer is a young, straight, middle-class white man, and so games have always tended to cater to the perceived interests of this narrow demographic. ",
"Gamergate is right about this much: When developers make games targeting or even acknowledging other sorts of people, and when video game fans say they want more such games, this actually does represent an assault on the prerogatives of the young, middle-class white men who mean something very specific when they call themselves gamers. ",
"Gamergate offers a way for this group, accustomed to thinking of themselves as the fixed point around which the gaming-industrial complex revolves, to stage a sweeping counteroffensive in defense of their control over the medium. ",
"The particulars may be different, and the stakes may be infinitely lower, but the\ndynamic is an old one, the same one that gave rise to the Know Nothing Party and the anti-busing movement and the Moral Majority. ",
"And this is the key to understanding Gamergate: There actually is a real conflict here, something like the one perceived by the Tea Partier waving her placard about the socialist Muslim Kenyan usurper in the White House.",
"\n\nThere is a reason why, in all the Gamergate rhetoric, you hear the echoes of every other social war staged in the last 30 years:\noverly politically correct, social-justice warriors, the media elite, gamers are not a monolith. ",
"There is also a reason why so much of the rhetoric amounts to a vigorous argument that Being a gamer doesn't mean you're sexist, racist, and stupid—a claim no one is making. ",
"Co-opting the language and posture of grievance is how members of a privileged class express their belief that the way they live shouldn't have to change, that their opponents are hypocrites and perhaps even the real oppressors. ",
"This is how you get St. Louisans sincerely explaining that Ferguson protestors are the real racists, and how you end up with an organized group of precisely the same video game enthusiasts to whom an entire industry is catering honestly believing that they're an oppressed minority. ",
"From this kind of ideological fortification, you can stage absolutely whatever campaigns you deem necessary.",
"\n\nMy name's Chris Watters, I can usually be found talking about games, playing games, generally celebrating how awesome games are on GameSpot.com. ",
"But today, I'm here, we're all here, to celebrate one awesome game.",
"\n\nWhen Blizzard revealed the trailer for Warlords of Draenor, its newest World of Warcraft expansion, at a showcase in Los Angeles last month, it opened with the sort of ritual auto-fellatio familiar to anyone who's ever attended any corporate event. ",
"What was odd about it—or at least what would be for anyone unfamiliar with the peculiar folkways of the gaming industry—was Blizzard's choice of a master of ceremonies. ",
"There was Chris Watters of GameSpot, one of the largest gaming sites on the internet, standing on a conference stage sponsored heavily by GameSpot being broadcast to video game fans on GameSpot's bandwidth and carrying GameSpot's logo, hyping a trailer for a game that he had never played was still in development.",
"\n\nAdvertisement\n\nIf the goal of Gamergate is to wipe out corruption in games journalism—if the movement isn't merely a bunch of loosely shaped sublimated qualms about feminism and minorities—it's doing a shit job of identifying the actual, honest-to-god problems in games writing. ",
"It's not as if those problems are hard to see.",
"\nAs a rule, games journalism is inherently compromised. ",
"From the top down, publishers ranging from AAA behemoths like Electronic Arts to the IndieCade crowd do in fact enjoy symbiotic relationships with gaming media outlets, and if it came down to nothing more than sex and petty corruption, that would be nice, because the problem would certainly be a lot more easily solved.",
"\n\nAt one end of the spectrum, you have press outlets that barely even feign autonomy from marketing departments. ",
"IGN's \"IGN First\" features on upcoming games and\nGame Informer's monthly cover story rely on deep access to upcoming games—access granted to no one else in the industry. ",
"Invariably, the stories produced from that access are positive. ",
"It's a win-win for game studios and press outlets, and a loss for anyone who'd like to read something other than thinly veiled advertorials about big upcoming games. ",
"These kinds of relationships are what makes programs like Kotaku's embedded gamers—wherein writers play four or five series extensively post-release, dive deep into the community, and report back—important for players looking to read coverage outside the marketing cycle.",
"\n\nThere are conflicts of this kind all over the place, right out in the open. (",
"Do you know if your favorite columnist paid for his consoles, or accepted them from Microsoft and Sony?) ",
"For the usual reasons of professional courtesy or decorum, a lot of this goes unreported or commented upon, but it matters. ",
"These conflicts may be common in many fields, but they are especially bad in gaming journalism, partly due to its nature.",
"\n\nAdvertisement\n\nI spent close to three years covering and reviewing technology for Gizmodo. ",
"The very first thing I learned about reviews was that you can't fuck up. ",
"Day to day, writing about products and entertainment—games, gadgets, movies, whatever—is a low-stakes occupation that a lot of people would kill for. ",
"The only serious responsibility you have is to make sure that you do not compel readers who trust you to spend their money and time on something they won't enjoy. ",
"To do so accidentally is incompetence; to do it knowingly, or to put yourself in the position where you can be influenced into doing it, is just about the only way to fuck up in the job, and an awful lot of gaming writers are doing it, in shops where the walls between ad sales and editorial grow thinner than they should.",
"\n\nAt the other end of the spectrum, you have something much more fraught and complex. ",
"People generally don't work in independent gaming, whether as developers or journalists, to get rich; they do it because they believe in it. ",
"The press covering independent gaming is coming from a very specific perspective, and the line between writing honestly from that perspective and engaging in cheerleading and advocacy can be thin. ",
"That's especially so given the overpowering cults of personality that exist in the field—a phenomenon\nnot at all specific to games. ",
"Recently, for instance, I asked a friend in the industry if any indie conflicts stood out.",
"\n\n\"There's this really popular developer named Rami Ismail,\" he started. ",
"Ismail is an indie dev at Vlambeer, which makes games like\nRidiculous Fishing and Super Crate Box.",
"\n\nAdvertisement\n\n\"Oh, everyone loves Rami!\" ",
"I jumped in, the first time all night that I'd had anything to contribute. ",
"Then, after a beat, the point dawned on me:\nEveryone loves Rami.",
"\n\nThis isn't a bad thing! ",
"Ismail is a sharp dude, and there are reasons why everyone loves him. ",
"But there's no question that figures in gaming can reach a certain level where their words aren't treated with nearly enough skepticism or distance. ",
"Most of the tension surrounding the original\nDepression Quest launch was about a woman receiving praise, for example, but there was also a very real frustration with cynical, share-happy indie gaming sites keying in on games like this less because of their merits than because they're tailored enough in their scope to be a very particular sort of viral.",
"\n\nIt tells you a lot about Gamergate that it has focused principally on this end of the spectrum. ",
"The equivalent in Deadspin's world would be to hold up a few preps reporters who've become friendly with some coaches in their coverage area as examples of the hopeless corruption of the sports media, while ignoring, say, the ongoing love affair between ESPN and the NFL.",
"\n\nAdvertisement\n\nThe demands for journalistic integrity\ncoming from Gamergate have nothing at all to do with the systemic corruption of the gaming media. ",
"They've centered instead on journalists purportedly pursuing social-justice agendas and on ridiculous claims that the press sees gamers as vectors of social contagion. ",
"Some of the complaints, like the idea that outlets ought to reconsider their editorial positions if enough readers disagree with them, even stand in direct opposition to traditional journalistic ethics.",
"\n\nAll of this makes sense, though, if you think about Gamergate as a mutant variant of the traditional American grievance movement, a rearguard action marching under the banner of high-minded media critique. ",
"The claims from what we like to call the \"bias journalisms\" school of media criticism aren't meant to express anything in particular, or even, perhaps, to be taken seriously; they're meant to work the referees, to get them looking over their shoulders, to soften them up in the hopes that a particular grievance, whatever its merits, might get a better hearing next time around. ",
"The problem, in other words, isn't that journalists have agendas; it's that some of them have the wrong agendas.",
"\n\nFor a little more than a month, a firestorm over sexism and journalistic ethics has roiled the video game community, culminating in an orchestrated campaign to pressure companies into pulling their advertisements from game sites.",
"\n\nThat campaign won a big victory in recent days with a decision by Intel, the chip maker, to pull ads from Gamasutra, a site for game developers.",
"\n\nIntel's decision added to a controversy that has focused attention on the treatment of women in the games business and the power of online mobs. ",
"The debate intensified in August, partly because of the online posts of a spurned ex-boyfriend of a female game developer.",
"\n\nThe story continued in this vein—cautious, assiduously neutral, lobotomized, never questioning the premises of the Gamergate \"firestorm\" and \"debate.\" ",
"Both sides were heard. ",
"And thus did Leigh Alexander's commentary on the pluralism of gaming today get equal time with a campaign bent on silencing her.",
"\n\nAdvertisement\n\nAnd that's how it works. ",
"It's a neat trick. ",
"Agitate bare-facedly for the absolute necessity of developers investing the vast majority of their resources in games pitched at the intellectual and emotional level of a 16-year-old suburban masturbator, and no one beyond the gaming world is going to take you very seriously. ",
"But make it a story about an oppressive and hypocritical media conspiracy, and all of a sudden you have a cause, a side in a \"debate.\"",
"\n\nWhat's funny about all this is that a true interrogation of the corruption of the gaming press would materially harm the status quo that Gamergate is fiercely trying to protect. ",
"If what you want is yet more games about space marines and orcs in which women serve as props and decoration, why go after the de facto marketing departments of the people who make them?",
"\n\nTo even take Gamergate's corruption critique seriously enough to point out how incoherent it is, though, is to give the movement too much credit. ",
"It's not about gaming, any more than the 9/11 truther movement is about getting Dick Cheney to confess\nYes, by God, yes, we did it to get our hands on Afghanistan's oil. ",
"It's about identity.",
"\n\nAdvertisement\n\nOne of the genuine ironies of the internet is that as it's grown unflinchingly, even militantly tolerant of race, orientation, taste, and fetish, tolerance has been fashioned into a weapon, to be used against itself. \"",
"God, who cares?\" ",
"is a rote reaction among a certain sort of person when it's announced that the hero of a game is a woman or black, or when an athlete comes out as gay, or when some other milestone is achieved. ",
"The idea is that we're all so equal now that true intolerance begins with even noting that anyone is different from the norm, said norm of course being a young, straight, middle-class white guy. ",
"To get to this mindset requires a certain willful blindness to privilege and the ways it has embedded itself in the very structures of American life, which is how you wind up with people saying things like,\n\"For some reason, some black people kind of hold onto the 'back in the day,' the slave thing, or they feel they're not being treated right.\" ",
"Cluelessness about institutional inequality isn't a crime, but it's a major contributing factor to the grand nerd myth of the internet as a perfect meritocracy in which everyone is equal and the worst crime is special pleading.",
"\n\nBy those lights, a woman using her sexuality—her\ndifference from the presumed default state of humanity—to gain an advantage, well, shit, that's violating rule No. ",
"1. ",
"That people badly want this to have happened even though it didn't is crucial to understanding why Gamergate resonates the way it does—it seems to offer evidence not only that the social-justice warriors are hypocrites and frauds, but that the true defenders of equality turn out to be, well, young, middle-class white guys, and their allies. ",
"This is how people can hold the remarkably naive idea that a movement that began with some of its members harassing women with threats of violence, rape, death, and torture can expect to be taken seriously in good-faith discussions about ethics in journalism, or anything else: They see themselves as the ones holding true to the ideals in which their opponents only profess to believe.",
"\n\nThe reasoning here is unspeakably bizarre when laid out directly. (",
"Feminism is about equality, and a woman using sex to her advantage is doing something a man can't, and so therefore feminism is invalid.) ",
"But it's the backbone of Gamergate, and it's not hard to see where it's going.",
"\n\nChristina Hoff Sommers, a conservative Democrat and former professor now with the\nAmerican Enterprise Institute, was one of the first to parachute into the Gamergate camp, touching down with the video above. ",
"Sommers does not follow gaming, and in other circumstances she would have been roasted as a meddling interloper offering sweeping opinions on a subject she admits that she hasn't followed closely. ",
"Conveniently, though, she's been adopted as a legitimizing face of the group—\"Mom\" to the Gamergate supporters—on the strength of her academic credentials, her self-identification as a feminist, and her video above, a deadly clear snapshot of how obvious cracks in basic logic can be navigated, easily, by a clever public speaker with halfway decent video production and a willingness to pander to an audience that's aching to be pandered to.",
"\n\nAdvertisement\n\nThe numbers Sommers cites are well known, but instructive. ",
"Among incoming college freshmen, 65 percent of women say that they never play video games, compared with just 19 percent of men. ",
"Among hardcore gamers, just one in seven is a woman. ",
"In a breathtaking non-sequitur, Sommers argues from these numbers that including fewer sexy women in games and fewer instances of violence and indifference toward women will not make men less sexist, in the same way that violence in games has not been shown to correlate with violent crime. ",
"We can pass over the misstep of comparing an active and aberrant behavior (committing a violent crime) with a passive attitude (viewing women as sex objects instead of fleshed-out human beings); that's wrongheaded, but it's not the main problem here. ",
"Neither is the hand-waving at \"cherry picking\" sexist games without offering even ballpark statistics, an argument that can be boiled down to\n#notallvideogames.",
"\n\nThe real problem is her claim that because girls don't play games anyway, and boys do, it's only natural that game makers would tend to include sexy women in their products. ",
"This launches fundamental economic precepts so directly into the sun that it cannot be accidental. ",
"You've got a growing base of women playing games and evidence that college women aren't playing games at the same rate as men; that's evidence of a massive untapped body of game players who should be catered to directly, not that gaming should run far and fast back the way it came and hope the girls never find it. ",
"This is the shallow reasoning that allows arguments like, \"Duh, video games are a business\" to fester in comment sections. ",
"Of course they're a business—and this is\nbad business by any measure.",
"\n\nSommers's concern trolling ought to be beside the point—this is just not a credible argument in any way, flatly, obviously, right-there-on-the-surface. ",
"But it's taken seriously—proudly, even—because the credibility of an argument or its source isn't the point, in the way it's not the point of a Marine Todd chain letter. ",
"The only point of propaganda is that someone with a veneer of credibility is saying it, and that the people who want to agree are able to do so,\nthus ratifying and reinforcing the ideals of the group.",
"\n\nEventually, Sommers comes to the true fear at the root of the objection to \"social-justice warriors\" getting involved in gaming:\nFeminists are trying to force men out. ",
"No more men. ",
"Kill all the men. ",
"It's shocking how much traction this gets. ",
"How this will be accomplished, once the feminists have their way, is usually left a mystery. ",
"One line of thought claims that the gaming press—the same one that is functionally an appendage of the game makers' marketing departments—has grown so influential that it can now dictate to developers what kinds of stories and characters and philosophies are acceptable, and that once the feminists have taken over, their first order of business will be to do away with all the space marines and all the orcs. ",
"Someone has to stop them. ",
"Perhaps Gamergate and the American Enterprise Institute will be the ones to do so.",
"\n\n\"I don't doubt that people have given [Quinn] shit, but it's being played up to the nth degree to bring in sympathizers, and most of this 'abuse' actually takes the form of all the information we're making public on her,\" another member of the 4Chan community stated. \"",
"She accused [actor] Adam Baldwin of spreading all sorts of dox on her when a simple click could confirm he didn't, and despite being proven wrong she kept crying wolf. ",
"She's at best hamming it up and at worst a liar.\"",
"\n\nThe above quote, captured by The Escapist, is perfect troll logic, as pure a distillate as you'll find of the 4chan hivemind. ",
"There are notes here, too, from a hymn book that predates the internet: self-pity, self-martyrdom, an overwhelming sense of your own blamelessness, the certainty that someone else's victimhood is nothing more than a profitable pose. ",
"All culture wars strike these same chords, because all culture wars are at bottom about the same thing: the desperate efforts of the privileged, in an ever-pluralizing America, to cling by their nails to the perquisites of what they'd thought was once their exclusive domain.",
"\n\nAdvertisement\n\nWhat we have in Gamergate is a glimpse of how these skirmishes will unfold in the future—all the rhetorical weaponry and siegecraft of an internet comment section brought to bear on our culture, not just at the fringes but at the center. ",
"What we're seeing now is a rehearsal, where the mechanisms of a toxic and inhumane politics are being tested and improved. ",
"Tomorrow's Lee Atwater will work through sock puppets on IRC. ",
"Tomorrow's Sister Souljah will get shouted down with rape threats. ",
"Tomorrow's Tipper Gore will make an inexplicably popular YouTube video. ",
"Tomorrow's Willie Horton ad will be an image macro, tomorrow's Borking a doxing, tomorrow's Moral Majority a loose coalition of DoSers and robo-petitioners and scat-GIF trolls—all of them working feverishly in service of the old idea that nothing should ever really change.",
"\n\nCorrection: The post originally stated that GameSpot's Chris Waters had never played the World of Warcraft expansion advertised at the Blizzard event he hosted, and that GameSpot sponsored the stage. ",
"Watters had, in fact, played a beta version of the game, and GameSpot signage was not present on the stage. ",
"We regret the errors."
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"F. A. Davis\n\nFrank Allston Davis (September 8, 1850 – January 2, 1917) was a publishing executive who founded the F. A. Davis Company in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. ",
" After moving to the Tampa Bay Area, he introduced electricity to St. Petersburg, Florida, and founded the city of Pinellas Park.",
"\n\nEarly life\nDavis was born in Duxbury, Vermont, and, as a child, worked as a groundskeeper and attended school. ",
"His mother died in 1861, after which he lived with Samuel Cook Turner. ",
"He worked as a lawnmower salesman in Asbury Park, New Jersey, during the summer of 1870. ",
"By 1872, he earned $30 per month as a teacher.",
"\n\nDavis relocated to Philadelphia and worked as an agent for several publishing firms. ",
" He married Lizzie Fritz and their son, Alonzo, was born in 1873. ",
" In 1879, he was working as an agent for the largest medical publisher in the world, William Wood and Company when he formed his own publishing company, F. A. Davis Company. ",
" Similar to William Wood, Davis's company specialized in publishing medical material including medical studies. ",
" Davis's first wife died in the 1880s.",
"\n\nFlorida\nOn April 29, 1885, Davis attended an American Medical Association meeting which included a study about the benefits of the Pinellas peninsula. ",
"Davis eventually published the study and, in 1889, he travelled to Tarpon Springs, Florida. ",
"He felt improvement in his muscular rheumatism and advertised for Florida in one of his medical journals. ",
"In Tarpon Springs he met Jacob Disston, the brother of Florida land baron Hamilton Disston. ",
"Davis and Disston combined to bring electricity to Tarpon Springs in 1895. ",
"In the same year, Davis married Elizabeth Irene Craven.",
"\n\nElectricity had little impact on Tarpon Springs, so Davis received an electricity franchise from St. Petersburg on February 2, 1897, and moved his plant there. ",
" St. Petersburg's first wood-powered electrical service was initiated on August 5, 1897. ",
"On February 4, 1902, Davis was granted a trolley franchise by St. Petersburg. ",
" He paid for trolley construction with funding from Jacob Disston and others, and by purchasing and re-selling the city's phone system. ",
"Trolley construction began on May 30, 1904, and operation began four months later. ",
"In 1905, he expanded the trolley system to Disston City. ",
"Through his publishing company, Davis promoted the area with Florida magazine in 1905 and two books in 1906. ",
"Continuing to expand his influence in St. Petersburg, Davis tore down the Brantley Pier and built the Electric Pier in 1906. ",
"He paid $80,000 for a 500-passenger steamboat named Favorite which first arrived on October 17, 1906, and was a popular attraction at the Electric Pier.",
"\n\nDavis's progress – and St. Petersburg's in general – was hampered when Tampa tycoon Henry B. Plant purchased the city's lifeline, the Orange Belt Railroad, in 1906. ",
"Davis was dealt another blow by the banking panic of 1907. ",
"Two years later, he shifted control of much of his St. Petersburg holdings to his occasional rival, H. Walter Fuller. ",
"After a conflict over St. Petersburg waterfront area, Davis purchased of Hamilton Disston's land around 1911 and established the city of Pinellas Park. ",
"Davis, his son, and P. J. McDevitt advertised the new city, drawing people from Pennsylvania and Ohio. ",
"McDevitt became the city's first mayor. ",
"Davis sold a free lot in Pinellas Park for every ten-acre farm purchased, resulting in 111 farm sales from 1910 to 1912. ",
" Lack of drainage in Pinellas Park caused problems in August 1915, when of rain fell.",
"\n\nDavis died in Philadelphia from heart failure, reportedly due to World War I and concern over his estate. ",
"Jacob Disston closed out Davis's remaining holdings in Florida while his wife, Elizabeth, remained involved with F. A. Davis Company until her death in 1964.",
"\n\nNotes\n\nReferences\n\nFurther reading\n\nCategory:1850 births\nCategory:1917 deaths\nCategory:American publishers (people)\nCategory:American city founders\nCategory:People associated with electricity\nCategory:People from St. Petersburg, Florida\nCategory:People from Duxbury, Vermont"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} | [
] | 0.001195 | 37 |
"Q:\n\nClarifications on Faith\n\nI'm a little unsure as to some aspects of Jewish faith. ",
"I've asked a few questions on here that have received fairly negative ratings, I suppose they may have seemed like 'foolish' questions, or look like something a 'heretic' might ask. ",
"I'm asking whoever reads this to please treat this question seriously.",
"\nI've been Jewish my entire life, but after doing some further studying, I've found a few things that almost force me to question this faith.",
"\nIt seems, or at least, it can be made to seem, that Judaism consists of many people blindly following what they are told, relying on the integrity of those who teach them, are intolerant of others' lives, divides between gender, races, and ethnicities, even outside of the Jewish People(Ham), and prohibits interracial or interfaith relations, some extending this even to friendship or acquaintance. ",
"Also, after looking at some economic practices, like a Milva Haktuvah Bishtar, it looks like one could easily commit a legally acceptable theft by Jewish law. ",
"Basically, immoral acts that seem to be allowed or even encouraged by Judaism.",
"\nMy question is this: of what I listed above, which, if any, are untrue. ",
"With whichever remain as true, does that mean these things are right, what should be done, or even acceptable? ",
"If racism and intolerance are desired, then I feel there is a big gap in fundamental ideas between you and me. ",
"If they are not, and what's listed above is accurate, why follow this faith?",
"\nI've found myself struggling with this doubt and am hoping to at least be pointed in the right direction here. ",
"Thank you for whatever help you can provide.",
"\nEDIT: My mentioning of different interracial and interfaith issues are not intended to be exactly the same. ",
"I guess I'll have to ask other questions to be more specific on them later.",
"\nEDIT: If I'm not mistaken, gentiles, especially Amon and Moav, or at least the men of these groups, are forbidden from truly joining Judaism, even if they'd attempt conversion. ",
"Is this incorrect? ",
"If not, isn't that discrimination on the basis of immutable traits?",
"\n\nA:\n\nQ. Judaism consists of many people blindly following what they are told,\nA. While we have faith and a normative set of rules, there is constant learning, study and questioning. ",
"In some ways, Americans who drive the speed limit are simply following what they are told.",
"\nQ. ...are intolerable of others' lives,\nA. I don't know why you would think that. ",
"While there are things Judaism does not like, to claim that the religion is \"intolerable\" (maybe \"intolerant\"?) ",
"is not part of Judaism at all.",
"\nQ. ...divides between gender, races, and ethnicities,\nA. Yes, there are differences between the genders. ",
"I often find that having 2 separate bathrooms is a good thing. ",
"I don't know what division between races you mention.",
"\nQ. ...even outside of the Jewish People(Ham), \nA. There are rules that do set Jews apart as a group and try to create group identity. ",
"This often means limiting interaction with others when that interaction would compromise the group identity.",
"\nQ. prohibits interracial or interfaith relations, some extending this even to friendship or acquaintance.",
"\nA. Interracial? ",
"No -- there are Jews of many races and nothing about race limits interaction. ",
"But interfaith relationships are problematic because they create halachic concerns and even non-romantic relationships can lead to compromising Judaism.",
"\nQ. Also, after looking at some economic practices, like a Milva Haktuvah Bishtar, it looks like one could easily commit a legally acceptable theft by Jewish law.",
"\nA. Maybe you need to learn about the operating principles on the whole and not at isolated cases. ",
"Here is a resource or three:\nhttp://www.torah.org/advanced/business-halacha/5757/vol4no1.html\nhttp://www.jlaw.com/Articles/ribis3.html\nhttp://www.dailyhalacha.com/m/halacha.aspx?id=1488\nQ. Basically, immoral acts that seem to be allowed or even encouraged by Judaism.",
"\nA. While halacha might allow as acceptable a behavior which happens to fly in the face of a certain society's local moral code, I think that these exceptions do not define Judaism and that Judaism does not encourage behaviors against public policy (dina demalchuta dina jumps to mind).",
"\nIt seems that your learning has been stilted and skewed, and highly selective. ",
"You should probably start from the beginning, with a competent teacher and/or rabbi who can guide you and explain how ideas are built and how halacha develops.",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.005855 | 39 |
"The woman standing on the steps of the supreme court in Washington DC is nervous. ",
"A harsh sun is beating down on the white marble, threatening to bleach her out of the picture. ",
"She looks very small beneath the classical columns of America's legal shrine, with its legend: \"Equal justice under the law.\"",
"\n\n\"I'm scared,\" she says, glancing at two police officers standing nearby. \"",
"You never know if they'll recognise me. ",
"Maybe they'd arrest me.\"",
"\n\nA few minutes later, as we prepare to leave the supreme court complex, the same woman bends over and spits ostentatiously on to its bottom step. \"",
"There, I've done it!\" ",
"she says. \"",
"I made sure those guards saw me.\"",
"\n\nBut just a moment ago you were scared they might arrest you, I say.",
"\n\n\"I don't care. ",
"I'm feeling militant standing in front of this mortuary.\"",
"\n\nSuch is the volatile, confusing and contradictory world of Norma McCorvey. ",
"She is, or was, the Jane Roe of the US supreme court's most famous and contentious ruling, Roe v Wade. ",
"In 1973, as the anonymous pregnant plaintiff, her plight was presented to the court so that American women could win the constitutional right to an abortion.",
"\n\nFor the past 36 years, Roe versus Wade has been a fault line across America, pitting its coasts against its heartland, state against state, woman against woman. ",
"And with the killing of the abortion doctor, George Tiller, in Kansas in May, the issue has come hurtling back into the national consciousness, its potential for vicious conflict thrown into stark relief.",
"\n\nFor 36 years, Roe v Wade has also been the great divider for McCorvey personally. ",
"Abortion has come to dominate her life, carving it into two blocks that are so wildly at odds with each other that it is hard to imagine them being squeezed into the same human frame.",
"\n\nHere's what McCorvey wrote in 1994, when she was proud to be Jane Roe, a supporter of the women's rights she helped to attain: \"All over the country the anti-choice fanatics are still at work, still trying to inflict their own religious views on others, still trying to hide their anti-woman feelings, still trying to keep us from controlling our own bodies and our own lives.\"",
"\n\nYet here is McCorvey today, on the steps of the supreme court where those rights were laid down: \"These steps are covered in blood! '",
"Equal justice under the law' - what crock! ",
"If there is no right for a child to be born, there is no justice at all.\"",
"\n\nIn May, McCorvey was arrested along with 26 other anti-abortionists inside the grounds of the Catholic university of Notre Dame in Indiana. ",
"She was protesting against the appearance of Barack Obama, whom she sees as an evil advocate of what she now calls \"child killing\".",
"\n\n\"It was exhilarating!\" ",
"she says. \"",
"When I got arrested, I loved it! ",
"I felt like I was high. ",
"But it was a God high. ",
"I'd never been arrested before. ",
"But who better to be arrested for than the unborn children?\"",
"\n\nMcCorvey was born Norma Nelson on 22 September 1947 in a small town in Louisiana, and raised in Houston, Texas. ",
"Her father, a TV repairman, left the family when she was little. ",
"Her mother, who worked in a supermarket, used to slap her and call her an idiot.",
"\n\nNorma was in trouble with the law from the age of 10. ",
"Aged 16, she married a sheet-metal worker called Woody McCorvey, who turned violent after he learned she was pregnant. ",
"She left him after two months. ",
"When baby Melissa was born in 1965, Norma's own mother adopted the infant against McCorvey's wishes. ",
"Separated from her first-born, she entered into a tailspin of drinking and drug-taking in which she remained, she says, for most of the next 30 years. ",
"She bears the scars of those years: her face carries deep worry lines and her voice is grained with years of smoking. ",
"As we talk, she pulls up the sleeves of her white cardigan to reveal neat crosshatching over the inside of her wrists, the record of self harm.",
"\n\nAnother girl, who McCorvey calls Paige but who she has not seen since birth, was given away for adoption in 1967. ",
"Then, two years later, she was pregnant again from a casual fling. ",
"Baby Jane Roe was on the way.",
"\n\nAged 21, with her third child pending, McCorvey was working in a circus looking after freak animals - a giant rat, a five-legged steer, a double-headed snake. \"",
"I was a street kid. ",
"I lived with my dad part-time and on the streets part-time. ",
"I sold flowers on the street corner. ",
"These aren't high-paying jobs.\"",
"\n\nShe couldn't envisage going through with another birth. ",
"Even now, a committed anti-abortionist, she communicates with burning conviction how she felt then: \"I didn't want to bring a baby into the world that I was living in. ",
"I never knew where I was going to sleep at night. ",
"I never knew if I was going to eat.\"",
"\n\nShe inquired about abortion, only to learn it was illegal in Texas. ",
"She was steered towards an underground abortion joint and was shocked. \"",
"It was bad. ",
"I remember a table in the middle of the room, nothing else. ",
"There was dried red stuff all over the floor. ",
"It was full of 'roaches. ",
"The epitome of filth.\"",
"\n\nSoon after, she was introduced to young lawyers, Sarah Weddington and Linda Coffee. ",
"They wanted to challenge the Texan ban on the grounds that it violated a woman's right to privacy in her reproductive choices. ",
"They were looking for a test case, and McCorvey fitted the bill. ",
"She did not want the baby, had strong economic reasons against having it, and was so poor she could not travel to the few states that in 1969 did allow abortions.",
"\n\nIn the end the case was widened into a class action, but McCorvey remained the anonymous lead plaintiff. ",
"Legal battle was joined: Jane Roe v the Dallas district attorney, Henry Wade. ",
"The case duly rose up the legal pyramid until, on 22 January 1973, the supreme court, ruling by seven justices to two, slapped down the Texan ban and made abortion legal across the US.",
"\n\nToo late for McCorvey, who, in fact, has never had an abortion. ",
"She had her baby in the summer of 1970, three years before the ruling. ",
"In her 1994 autobiography, I Am Roe, she describes the harrowing moment when a nurse mistakenly handed her the girl for feeding, not knowing she was being put out for adoption. \"",
"There was a flap of cloth over its face. ",
"My entire body, my entire soul cried out to me to turn the flap down, to look at my baby's face. ",
"But my mind told me that it would be the worst thing I could ever do. ",
"I never touched the flap.\"",
"\n\nShe has never seen nor heard of the baby since then, though she has given her biological daughter a name: Mariah. ",
"She prays that one day she will come and find her.",
"\n\nMcCorvey says the whole legal fight over Roe v Wade \"went right over my head\". ",
"Her only reaction to the news that Weddington and Coffee had won was fear. \"",
"I thought, what the hell have I done? ",
"I had a liquid dinner that night. ",
"I had a lot of liquid dinners after that night. ",
"I went into a very deep depression.\"",
"\n\nShe remained disengaged for several years. ",
"But from 1980 she began to become more involved in the pro-abortion movement, attending rallies and gradually letting it be known that she was Jane Roe. ",
"She started working in abortion clinics and, when anti-abortionists began picketing the clinics, she turned their own tactics against them.",
"\n\n\"I used to follow them around the country. ",
"Do you remember that song I Am the God of Hellfire from the 60s? ",
"I would drive up to the abortion clinic where they were picketing and I would jam in the cassette and crank it up to full blast. ",
"Just to let them know I was there.\"",
"\n\nFor her pains, McCorvey became the target of aggression. ",
"She received hate mail calling her a baby killer. ",
"Eggs were thrown at her door. ",
"Dolls' clothing and parts - arms, legs, torsos - would be scattered over her lawn. ",
"Then one night a truck drove past and a marksman shot out her front window and the windshield of her car. ",
"In I Am Roe, she describes these as the acts of \"pro-lifer terrorists\". ",
"Now, however, she blames the harassment on pro-abortionists: \"The pro-aborts didn't like me. ",
"I spoke my mind. ",
"I never supported them. ",
"They never got a penny out of me.\"",
"\n\nHow she made such a gigantic leap of faith from one side of the abortion divide to the other illustrates the extraordinary persistence and persuasiveness of the anti-abortionists. ",
"Operation Rescue, one of the leading US anti-abortion groups devoted to overturning Roe v Wade, turned its considerable firepower onto her. ",
"At the time, she called them a \"pack of vultures\". ",
"Now she prefers to see them as \"rescuers\".",
"\n\nWhen her book came out in 1994 they picketed her signings, shouting at her that she was responsible for the deaths of 35 million unborn babies. ",
"Then Operation Rescue took out a lease on the house next door to the abortion clinic where McCorvey worked. ",
"They began talking to her, befriending her, offering her lunch.",
"\n\n\"I started watching the rescuers and wondering what makes them tick. ",
"They were down to earth, they weren't telling me I was going to fry in hell, though I'm sure they were thinking that. ",
"They were very kind to me.\"",
"\n\nSlowly, they turned her ideas around. ",
"In August 1995 she allowed herself to be baptised in a backyard swimming pool in Dallas. ",
"Three years later, she attended her first Catholic mass. ",
"She moved from the clinic - or \"abortion mill\" as it now was to her - to Operation Rescue next door. ",
"One of her new friends summed up the shift: \"The poster girl of the anti-abortion movement has walked off the poster.\"",
"\n\nRandall Terry is recording his daily radio show. ",
"He begins by introducing his guest, the \"living, breathing, walking demonstration of the truth of God's mercy, Norma McCorvey.\"",
"\n\nWe've driven out to Terry's impressively large house in a suburb in Virginia. ",
"Terry cuts a beguiling figure, with his attractive smile and alligator-skin cowboy boots. ",
"But underestimate him at your peril.",
"\n\nHe founded Operation Rescue, and for 20 years has been a leading figure in the struggle to rescind Roe v Wade. ",
"He has a loyal following of anti-abortionists, McCorvey among them, who he drills through his daily broadcast which is beamed to nine major cities across America.",
"\n\nIn 1991, Terry organised mass pickets outside George Tiller's abortion clinic in Kansas; almost 3,000 of these protesters were arrested. ",
"And when the same clinic was permanently closed last month following Tiller's murder, Terry rejoiced. \"",
"The mortar of that building is meshed with the blood of the innocent,\" he said at the time.",
"\n\nIn the wake of Tiller's death, Terry convened an emergency war council of anti-abortionist leaders, and called for a wave of social unrest on a scale not seen since the civil rights days. ",
"He calls it Insurrecta Nex - Latin for \"insurrection against death\". ",
"He tells his listeners: \"We are looking for people who will use the weaponry of social revolutions past so that child killing can be brought to an end.\"",
"\n\nDuring the past decade, however, the real battleground over Roe v Wade has been at the level of individual states. ",
"Elizabeth Nash of the pro-choice thinktank the Guttmacher Institute says access to abortion has been progressively whittled down under a constant barrage of legal challenges. ",
"Some 400 or more anti-abortion bills are put before state legislatures every year, of which 30 on average succeed.",
"\n\nThe outcome is that women are now required to undergo waiting periods before terminating a pregnancy. ",
"They must be given information about their foetus that is often patently designed to act as a deterrent. ",
"In some states, women are told of a link between abortion and breast cancer, though such a link has never been proved. ",
"Other states emphasise the pain felt by foetuses.",
"\n\n\"Nothing is solid,\" Nash says. \"",
"Even without Roe being overturned, many women already don't have a right to abortion as they just can't access it.\" ",
"McCorvey sees these mini-victories as moves in the right direction.",
"\n\nWith Terry as her guide, she has been moving increasingly on to the national stage. ",
"Terry has grasped the PR worth of having Jane Roe on board, describing her conversion as of \"inestimable value\" to the cause. ",
"When she was arrested at Notre Dame last month, he was right beside her. ",
"Her court case for trespassing comes up in October, and she says she is relishing the prospect of going to prison.",
"\n\nWhere McCorvey holds back from the full fire-and-brimstone rhetoric of Terry is over the death of Tiller. ",
"She says she was shocked when she heard that the doctor had been gunned down inside his church one Sunday. ",
"The news was poignant for her as she used to live in Wichita and regularly prayed the rosary outside Tiller's clinic. \"",
"Even though he was a monster, it still didn't give the right to take his life.\"",
"\n\nNot for a minute, though, is she taking her eye off the main prize. ",
"Her latest obsession is Sonia Sotomayor, Obama's nomination for the new ninth member of the supreme court. ",
"Though Sotomayor has not been outspoken on the subject of abortion, it is assumed she would maintain the current balance of the court at five justices to four upholding the right to abortion.",
"\n\nMcCorvey is methodically gathering testimony from women who say their life was ruined by having had an abortion, to present to the supreme court whenever the time comes. ",
"And later this month she will be back on those court steps, demonstrating against Sotomayor's nomination. \"",
"That's when I'm at my best,\" she says with real elation. \"",
"When I'm all fired up!\"",
"\n\nNo doubt there will be more nerves, followed by more spitting; Norma McCorvey will always be a mass of contradictions. ",
"But grant her this: the woman who was once so proud to be Jane Roe will not stop until she has wiped from the face of America the judgment that bears her name.",
"\n\n• This article was amended on Thursday 9 July 2009. ",
"We referred to Norma McCorvey taking her first Catholic mass; we should have said she attended it. ",
"This has been corrected."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | [
] | 0.026714 | 159 |
"Young Pioneer Tours specialise in taking you to North Korea and other worldwide “destinations your mother would rather you stay away from” at budget prices. ",
"We combine the best guides in the industry with expert local knowledge and contacts to ensure your adventure is an unparalleled one. ",
"Don’t be a face in the crowd, be a Pioneer."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | [
] | 0.050324 | 3 |
"Q:\n\nHow do you install TensorflowLite C++ on a Linux without an ARM processor?",
"\n\nI am trying to run and test Tensorflow Lite inference with C++ on a Linux machine. ",
"It is not an embedded system and it does not have an ARM processor, which makes it difficult. ",
"I have followed the install guide located on the main website (https://www.tensorflow.org/lite/guide/build_arm64), but the install does not work when it gets to the ARM specific part. ",
"Can anybody tell me how to install it on a Linux distro that isn't on an ARM processor? ",
"How would I then run it? ",
"Thank you very much for any help.",
"\n\nA:\n\nSo using an x86 processor architecture, you can follow the ARM instructions on tensorflow lite and run build_lib.sh instead of the build script of the ARM processor.",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.000846 | 9 |
"Because this was my first time doing the Reddit secret Santa, I had no idea what to expect. ",
"However, my secret Santa was really nice and sent me 6 (yes six) packs of life saver gummies! ",
"And as well as that, she also sent me a box of Lego, and 2 other packets of candy that she recommends I try! ",
"Thank you Santa! ",
"I'll be sure to try those pretzel things out. ",
"I'll be sure to participate next year!"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | [
] | 0.00132 | 6 |
"Ken:\n\nHere is a draft of your talk on \"The Evolution of the Modern Energy Company.\"",
"\n\nI have it as a straight talk, but we could fashion together slides and drop a \nlot of this to talking points if you prefer.",
"\n\nThere is some new historical material in the front to set up the heart of the \ntalk; see if you think it is interesting enough as a lead in.",
"\n\nI'm on your calendar at 9:30 to discuss this or \"The Future of Business\" if \nyou would like new information or changes.",
"\n\n\n- Rob"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} | [
] | 0.019357 | 5 |
"544 U.S. 912\nBROWNv.",
"\nNo. ",
"\nSupreme Court of United States.",
"\nMarch 7, 2005.",
"\n\n1\nC. A. 5th Cir. ",
"Certiorari denied.",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "FreeLaw"
} | [
] | 0.001099 | 9 |
"On October 2 in Times Square, Netflix kicks off a five-day movie-watching marathon. ",
"The objective: to make the Guinness World Record for most consecutive hours spent watching movies.",
"\n\nProvided you don't die of sleep deprivation, drowning or electrocution,* winners get \"undeniable notoriety associated with holding the title of world champion,\" plus $10K, a lifetime Netflix subscription, and a Popcorn Bowl trophy -- the first of its kind!",
"\n\nBut jobless film buffs be warned: the current record-holder, Ashish Sharma of Mathura, India, will also compete. ",
"The time to beat is 120 hours and 23 minutes.",
"\n\nTo promote the marathon, DECON produced three spots for TV and three for online. ",
"The online ones are pretty much the same as the TV ones, except more to-the-point (see?).",
"\n\nEach ends with a huge Netflix logo, followed by the ominous words, \"The training has begun.\" ",
"Titillated? ",
"Is your calling calling? ",
"Enter on Facebook.",
"\n\n\"Make your period a happier time by grabbing a comfy tee and pair of panties, picking your favorite transfer designs and heating up the iron!\" ",
"the site prattles, its copywriter clearly a model of loathing -- or on a whole lot of Zoloft.",
"\n\nIn Extended Stay Hotels' latest ad, a sizable breeze blows out of clients' asses, effectively enabling them to slam doors from 10 feet away. ",
"The premise is, Extended Stay Hotel will make you just that comfortable.",
"\n\nMore coherent than its last effort, where a girl wanders around licking stuff. ",
"I respect that ESH will make you feel comfortable enough to pass gas, but do I want to be in the building when everybody's sharing what their insides smell like?",
"\n\nJust the thought of strangers ambling about in robes, passing gas and licking shit ... ugh, I wish I hadn't just had Chee-Tos. ",
"Way to turn tummies, Toy/New York.",
"\n\nCopywriters Brian Pierce and Nik Bristow of Fitzgerald+CO/Atlanta are embarking on a wince-worthy mission: following the route of the Cannonball Run, they'll drive across the nation without a single stop. ",
"Not for fuel ... not even to pee. (",
"Although I'm sure at some point they'll gracefully pause in order to switch seats.)",
"\n\nAll this to promote Willie Nelson's brand of biodiesel, aptly named BioWillie. ",
"The mission's been dubbed WillieRun and you can follow the hijinks (of which I'm sure there'll be many) from their blog.",
"\n\nSeriously though, no pee break? ",
"I refuse to believe it. ",
"You guys have gotta be carrying empty Gatorade bottles or somethin'.",
"\n\nFind out for yourself at their kick-off party, which takes place Sept. 22nd at the XR Bar. ",
"More details at the blog link above. ",
"And big-ups to Brian Thompson for passing this news along.",
"\n\nWell, everyone got what they wanted. ",
"Those zany Bill Gates/Jerry Seinfeld ads (see 1 and 2) are out of the picture and now we'll never see what they were building up to. ",
"That upsets me. ",
"Then again, I didn't whip out the $10 million for Seinfeld.",
"\n\nAccording to Engadget, the new effort is a direct rebuttal to the \"Mac vs. PC\" ads, which have become part of popular culture. ",
"One even starts out with the John Hodgman lookalike saying, \"Hello, I'm a PC, and I've been made into a stereotype.\"",
"\n\nWhile Microsoft claims it was always part of the plan, the software giant is bidding farewell to Jerry Seinfeld after just two commercials. ",
"After all that hype? ",
"After spending a reported $10 million? ",
"After just a few weeks on air? ",
"Yea right, it was always part of the plan. ",
"The ads sucked and Jerry Seinfeld was a poor choice. ",
"Someone finally woke up and smelled the stench.",
"\n\nIt seems the outcry against the ads and the overwhelming WTFness they generated has caused Microsoft to question the direction of the campaign and, perhaps, realize Seinfeld was not, in fact, the right choice for the company's Save Vista effort.",
"\n\nOn Thursday, Microsoft will make the announcement official and introduce what they are calling phase two of the campaign."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.071957 | 45 |
"Feng Shui, an ancient art originated in China some 3,000-3500 years ago, is a mind set of arranging one’s environment so that there is balance and harmony of energy. ",
"Harnessing good energy is considered most auspicious so the goal of Feng Shui is to keep positive energy meandering like a stream.",
"\n\nThis art form has gained some prominence in the United States over the last 30 years, particularly in relation to the home.",
"\n\nSimply Feng Shui puts one in balance within and outside the home when furniture’s, fixtures, lighting, colors of all array, textures and shapes are positioned to attract the forces that produce positive energy to flow softly and direct this energy to the well-being of the home’s occupant.",
"\n\nHome staging focus is the same. ",
"Professionals home stager’s set about to establish a harmony with colors, furniture, fixtures, lighting, textures and shapes to give the feeling of well-being within one’s home and outside the home.",
"\n\nBoth disciplines are talked about extensively especially when it comes time to sell a home.",
"\n\nWithout going into all of the basic philosophy of each most people do not know the difference between the two, nor do they care that there is a difference and a great number think its all a gimmick.",
"\n\nBUT………\n\nI have heard instances of properties that had been Feng Shui and for whatever the reason after the owner (or seller) did what had to be done the property, after being on the market for months suddenly became desirable and sold.",
"\n\nIn a situation that I was involved (a rental property that I had listed) was made up of two parts. ",
"Part of the home was built about 100 years ago and an addition added about 60 years ago. ",
"The floor plan was a simple disaster.",
"\n\nThe old, unkempt kitchen was the divider. ",
"In front of the kitchen was a great room with fire place, a small dining area, a divided open wall room that had no apparent purpose except to give the overall area some character, accompanied by two bedrooms clustered near a single bathroom.",
"\n\nBehind the kitchen was the original entry, converted to a bedroom, making three behind the kitchen and a bath that was ready to be replaced, along with indoor laundry facilities.",
"\n\nThis home was sitting on a parcel of about 3/4 acres next to a freeway. ",
"But the views were great.",
"\n\nI mentioned to the owner Feng Shui and she immediately jumped at the idea and made the home accommodating adding some old furniture she had stored in the barn with the help of inhouse professionals being cheap movers and set about cleaning the weeds and set plantings throughout the yard.",
"\n\nIt sold. ",
"Not for the price that was wanted but sold within 37 days after all the work was done. ",
"It had been on the market for nearly 9 months.",
"\n\nWas it Feng Shui or was it in the cards that the home was going to sell? ",
"I really cannot say except for the fact that it was a good market and everything was selling.",
"\n\nIn yet another situation, I attended a seminar and as part of the seminar my group had to stage a home in Las Vegas. ",
"The property was quite new and had been on the market for over 6 months in an up market.",
"\n\nOur group went about staging this property which was almost an all day affair. ",
"I found out later that our efforts were rewarded with the sale of the home about 3 weeks later.",
"\n\nWith this sample of two I noticed that properties sold when they were cleaned inside and out and the real estate market was good to excellent.",
"\n\nIf one wishes to get the EDGE in an up market than Feng Shui and or staging is the way to go.",
"\n\nFor a down market, neither have been successful for me. ",
"In a down market, PRICE and only price is the name of the game and no Feng Shui or staging will change this. ",
"Except recently I have heard of a realtor in Florida applying the principals of Feng Shui and he is doing extremely well (so I am told) in a horrible market.",
"\n\nIf sellers of properties in an up market clean the property inside and out they should be in a good position of seeing their property sold. ",
"A stager or Feng Shui consultant certainly can come on the scene and make recommendations for a more promotional blend of furniture placement, lighting, colors and fabrics but if you have this gift use it.",
"\n\nIn a down market it is PRICE!",
"\n\nIn summary both disciplines focus on open space, less clutter, cleanliness, positioning of furniture and fixtures, color, smell, soft music, textures, sense of feel and many other attributes to lend itself to a harmony’s environment. ",
"It is something that most home owners can do, some not as well as others. ",
"Those who cannot blend all of these together well should then call in the professionals like eaglestatetostatemoving.com to help them to rearrange the furniture or some design companies. ",
"Those that can should save some money and position themselves for a home sale."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | [
] | 0.002701 | 39 |
"An intelligent network for real-time networking, which enables to develop services that can efficiently transmit and process real-time data\n\nVanta Network (VNT) is a cryptocurrency token generated on the Ethereum blockchain.",
"\n\nThe max.",
"\n\nsupply of Vanta Network that will ever be issued is 4.60 Billions tokens\n\n, and the current supply of VNT in circulation is 1.85 Billion tokens\n\nCurrent Vanta Network price is $ 0.0000412 moved up to +25.0 % for the last 24 hours.",
"\n\nAll time high (ATH) price of Vanta Network reached $ 0.00183 on 26 Mar 2019 and fallen -97.7 % from it.",
"\n\nVanta Network's share of the entire cryptocurrency market is 0.00% with the market capitalization of $ 76.34 Thousands .",
"\n\nFind more details about Vanta Network cryptocurrency at the official website and on the block explorer."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | [
] | 0.001097 | 6 |
"//===-- llvm/CodeGen/DwarfUnit.cpp - Dwarf Type and Compile Units ---------===//\n//\n// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure\n//\n// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source\n// License. ",
"See LICENSE.TXT for details.",
"\n//\n//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//\n//\n// This file contains support for constructing a dwarf compile unit.",
"\n//\n//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//\n\n#include \"DwarfUnit.h\"\n#include \"AddressPool.h\"\n#include \"DwarfCompileUnit.h\"\n#include \"DwarfDebug.h\"\n#include \"DwarfExpression.h\"\n#include \"llvm/ADT/APFloat.h\"\n#include \"llvm/ADT/APInt.h\"\n#include \"llvm/ADT/None.h\"\n#include \"llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h\"\n#include \"llvm/ADT/iterator_range.h\"\n#include \"llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunction.h\"\n#include \"llvm/CodeGen/MachineOperand.h\"\n#include \"llvm/CodeGen/TargetRegisterInfo.h\"\n#include \"llvm/CodeGen/TargetSubtargetInfo.h\"\n#include \"llvm/IR/Constants.h\"\n#include \"llvm/IR/DataLayout.h\"\n#include \"llvm/IR/GlobalValue.h\"\n#include \"llvm/IR/Metadata.h\"\n#include \"llvm/MC/MCAsmInfo.h\"\n#include \"llvm/MC/MCContext.h\"\n#include \"llvm/MC/MCDwarf.h\"\n#include \"llvm/MC/MCSection.h\"\n#include \"llvm/MC/MCStreamer.h\"\n#include \"llvm/MC/MachineLocation.h\"\n#include \"llvm/Support/Casting.h\"\n#include \"llvm/Support/CommandLine.h\"\n#include \"llvm/Target/TargetLoweringObjectFile.h\"\n#include <cassert>\n#include <cstdint>\n#include <string>\n#include <utility>\n\nusing namespace llvm;\n\n#define DEBUG_TYPE \"dwarfdebug\"\n\nDIEDwarfExpression::DIEDwarfExpression(const AsmPrinter &AP, DwarfUnit &DU,\n DIELoc &DIE)\n : DwarfExpression(AP.getDwarfVersion()), AP(AP), DU(DU),\n DIE(DIE) {}\n\nvoid DIEDwarfExpression::emitOp(uint8_t Op, const char* Comment) {\n DU.addUInt(DIE, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1, Op);\n}\n\nvoid DIEDwarfExpression::emitSigned(int64_t Value) {\n DU.addSInt(DIE, dwarf::DW_FORM_sdata, Value);\n}\n\nvoid DIEDwarfExpression::emitUnsigned(uint64_t Value) {\n DU.addUInt(DIE, dwarf::DW_FORM_udata, Value);\n}\n\nbool DIEDwarfExpression::isFrameRegister(const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI,\n unsigned MachineReg) {\n return MachineReg == TRI.getFrameRegister(*AP.MF);\n}\n\nDwarfUnit::DwarfUnit(dwarf::Tag UnitTag, const DICompileUnit *Node,\n AsmPrinter *A, DwarfDebug *DW, DwarfFile *DWU)\n : DIEUnit(A->getDwarfVersion(), A->MAI->getCodePointerSize(), UnitTag),\n CUNode(Node), Asm(A), DD(DW), DU(DWU), IndexTyDie(nullptr) {\n}\n\nDwarfTypeUnit::DwarfTypeUnit(DwarfCompileUnit &CU, AsmPrinter *A,\n DwarfDebug *DW, DwarfFile *DWU,\n MCDwarfDwoLineTable *SplitLineTable)\n : DwarfUnit(dwarf::DW_TAG_type_unit, CU.getCUNode(), A, DW, DWU), CU(CU),\n SplitLineTable(SplitLineTable) {\n}\n\nDwarfUnit::~DwarfUnit() {\n for (unsigned j = 0, M = DIEBlocks.size(); j < M; ++j)\n DIEBlocks[j]->~DIEBlock();\n for (unsigned j = 0, M = DIELocs.size(); j < M; ++j)\n DIELocs[j]->~DIELoc();\n}\n\nint64_t DwarfUnit::getDefaultLowerBound() const {\n switch (getLanguage()) {\n default:\n break;\n\n // The languages below have valid values in all DWARF versions.",
"\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_C:\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_C89:\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_C_plus_plus:\n return 0;\n\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_Fortran77:\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_Fortran90:\n return 1;\n\n // The languages below have valid values only if the DWARF version >= 3.",
"\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_C99:\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_ObjC:\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_ObjC_plus_plus:\n if (DD->getDwarfVersion() >= 3)\n return 0;\n break;\n\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_Fortran95:\n if (DD->getDwarfVersion() >= 3)\n return 1;\n break;\n\n // Starting with DWARF v4, all defined languages have valid values.",
"\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_D:\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_Java:\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_Python:\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_UPC:\n if (DD->getDwarfVersion() >= 4)\n return 0;\n break;\n\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_Ada83:\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_Ada95:\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_Cobol74:\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_Cobol85:\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_Modula2:\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_Pascal83:\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_PLI:\n if (DD->getDwarfVersion() >= 4)\n return 1;\n break;\n\n // The languages below are new in DWARF v5.",
"\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_BLISS:\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_C11:\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_C_plus_plus_03:\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_C_plus_plus_11:\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_C_plus_plus_14:\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_Dylan:\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_Go:\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_Haskell:\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_OCaml:\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_OpenCL:\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_RenderScript:\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_Rust:\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_Swift:\n if (DD->getDwarfVersion() >= 5)\n return 0;\n break;\n\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_Fortran03:\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_Fortran08:\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_Julia:\n case dwarf::DW_LANG_Modula3:\n if (DD->getDwarfVersion() >= 5)\n return 1;\n break;\n }\n\n return -1;\n}\n\n/// Check whether the DIE for this MDNode can be shared across CUs.",
"\nbool DwarfUnit::isShareableAcrossCUs(const DINode *D) const {\n // When the MDNode can be part of the type system, the DIE can be shared\n // across CUs.",
"\n // Combining type units and cross-CU DIE sharing is lower value (since\n // cross-CU DIE sharing is used in LTO and removes type redundancy at that\n // level already) but may be implementable for some value in projects\n // building multiple independent libraries with LTO and then linking those\n // together.",
"\n if (isDwoUnit() && !",
"DD->shareAcrossDWOCUs())\n return false;\n return (isa<DIType>(D) ||\n (isa<DISubprogram>(D) && !",
"cast<DISubprogram>(D)->isDefinition())) &&\n !",
"DD->generateTypeUnits();\n}\n\nDIE *DwarfUnit::getDIE(const DINode *D) const {\n if (isShareableAcrossCUs(D))\n return DU->getDIE(D);\n return MDNodeToDieMap.lookup(D);\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::insertDIE(const DINode *Desc, DIE *D) {\n if (isShareableAcrossCUs(Desc)) {\n DU->insertDIE(Desc, D);\n return;\n }\n MDNodeToDieMap.insert(std::make_pair(Desc, D));\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addFlag(DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute) {\n if (DD->getDwarfVersion() >= 4)\n Die.addValue(DIEValueAllocator, Attribute, dwarf::DW_FORM_flag_present,\n DIEInteger(1));\n else\n Die.addValue(DIEValueAllocator, Attribute, dwarf::DW_FORM_flag,\n DIEInteger(1));\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addUInt(DIEValueList &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute,\n Optional<dwarf::Form> Form, uint64_t Integer) {\n if (!",
"Form)\n Form = DIEInteger::BestForm(false, Integer);\n assert(Form !",
"= dwarf::DW_FORM_implicit_const &&\n \"DW_FORM_implicit_const is used only for signed integers\");\n Die.addValue(DIEValueAllocator, Attribute, *Form, DIEInteger(Integer));\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addUInt(DIEValueList &Block, dwarf::Form Form,\n uint64_t Integer) {\n addUInt(Block, (dwarf::Attribute)0, Form, Integer);\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addSInt(DIEValueList &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute,\n Optional<dwarf::Form> Form, int64_t Integer) {\n if (!",
"Form)\n Form = DIEInteger::BestForm(true, Integer);\n Die.addValue(DIEValueAllocator, Attribute, *Form, DIEInteger(Integer));\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addSInt(DIELoc &Die, Optional<dwarf::Form> Form,\n int64_t Integer) {\n addSInt(Die, (dwarf::Attribute)0, Form, Integer);\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addString(DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute,\n StringRef String) {\n if (CUNode->isDebugDirectivesOnly())\n return;\n\n if (DD->useInlineStrings()) {\n Die.addValue(DIEValueAllocator, Attribute, dwarf::DW_FORM_string,\n new (DIEValueAllocator)\n DIEInlineString(String, DIEValueAllocator));\n return;\n }\n dwarf::Form IxForm =\n isDwoUnit() ? ",
"dwarf::DW_FORM_GNU_str_index : dwarf::DW_FORM_strp;\n\n auto StringPoolEntry =\n useSegmentedStringOffsetsTable() || IxForm == dwarf::DW_FORM_GNU_str_index\n ? ",
"DU->getStringPool().getIndexedEntry(*Asm, String)\n : DU->getStringPool().getEntry(*Asm, String);\n\n // For DWARF v5 and beyond, use the smallest strx? ",
"form possible.",
"\n if (useSegmentedStringOffsetsTable()) {\n IxForm = dwarf::DW_FORM_strx1;\n unsigned Index = StringPoolEntry.getIndex();\n if (Index > 0xffffff)\n IxForm = dwarf::DW_FORM_strx4;\n else if (Index > 0xffff)\n IxForm = dwarf::DW_FORM_strx3;\n else if (Index > 0xff)\n IxForm = dwarf::DW_FORM_strx2;\n }\n Die.addValue(DIEValueAllocator, Attribute, IxForm,\n DIEString(StringPoolEntry));\n}\n\nDIEValueList::value_iterator DwarfUnit::addLabel(DIEValueList &Die,\n dwarf::Attribute Attribute,\n dwarf::Form Form,\n const MCSymbol *Label) {\n return Die.addValue(DIEValueAllocator, Attribute, Form, DIELabel(Label));\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addLabel(DIELoc &Die, dwarf::Form Form, const MCSymbol *Label) {\n addLabel(Die, (dwarf::Attribute)0, Form, Label);\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addSectionOffset(DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute,\n uint64_t Integer) {\n if (DD->getDwarfVersion() >= 4)\n addUInt(Die, Attribute, dwarf::DW_FORM_sec_offset, Integer);\n else\n addUInt(Die, Attribute, dwarf::DW_FORM_data4, Integer);\n}\n\nMD5::MD5Result *DwarfUnit::getMD5AsBytes(const DIFile *File) const {\n assert(File);\n if (DD->getDwarfVersion() < 5)\n return nullptr;\n Optional<DIFile::ChecksumInfo<StringRef>> Checksum = File->getChecksum();\n if (!",
"Checksum || Checksum->Kind !",
"= DIFile::CSK_MD5)\n return nullptr;\n\n // Convert the string checksum to an MD5Result for the streamer.",
"\n // The verifier validates the checksum so we assume it's okay.",
"\n // An MD5 checksum is 16 bytes.",
"\n std::string ChecksumString = fromHex(Checksum->Value);\n void *CKMem = Asm->OutStreamer->getContext().allocate(16, 1);\n memcpy(CKMem, ChecksumString.data(), 16);\n return reinterpret_cast<MD5::MD5Result *>(CKMem);\n}\n\nunsigned DwarfTypeUnit::getOrCreateSourceID(const DIFile *File) {\n if (!",
"SplitLineTable)\n return getCU().getOrCreateSourceID(File);\n if (!",
"UsedLineTable) {\n UsedLineTable = true;\n // This is a split type unit that needs a line table.",
"\n addSectionOffset(getUnitDie(), dwarf::DW_AT_stmt_list, 0);\n }\n return SplitLineTable->getFile(File->getDirectory(), File->getFilename(),\n getMD5AsBytes(File), File->getSource());\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addOpAddress(DIELoc &Die, const MCSymbol *Sym) {\n if (DD->getDwarfVersion() >= 5) {\n addUInt(Die, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1, dwarf::DW_OP_addrx);\n addUInt(Die, dwarf::DW_FORM_addrx, DD->getAddressPool().getIndex(Sym));\n return;\n }\n\n if (DD->useSplitDwarf()) {\n addUInt(Die, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1, dwarf::DW_OP_GNU_addr_index);\n addUInt(Die, dwarf::DW_FORM_GNU_addr_index,\n DD->getAddressPool().getIndex(Sym));\n return;\n }\n\n addUInt(Die, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1, dwarf::DW_OP_addr);\n addLabel(Die, dwarf::DW_FORM_udata, Sym);\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addLabelDelta(DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute,\n const MCSymbol *Hi, const MCSymbol *Lo) {\n Die.addValue(DIEValueAllocator, Attribute, dwarf::DW_FORM_data4,\n new (DIEValueAllocator) DIEDelta(Hi, Lo));\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addDIEEntry(DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute, DIE &Entry) {\n addDIEEntry(Die, Attribute, DIEEntry(Entry));\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addDIETypeSignature(DIE &Die, uint64_t Signature) {\n // Flag the type unit reference as a declaration so that if it contains\n // members (implicit special members, static data member definitions, member\n // declarations for definitions in this CU, etc) consumers don't get confused\n // and think this is a full definition.",
"\n addFlag(Die, dwarf::DW_AT_declaration);\n\n Die.addValue(DIEValueAllocator, dwarf::DW_AT_signature,\n dwarf::DW_FORM_ref_sig8, DIEInteger(Signature));\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addDIEEntry(DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute,\n DIEEntry Entry) {\n const DIEUnit *CU = Die.getUnit();\n const DIEUnit *EntryCU = Entry.getEntry().getUnit();\n if (!",
"CU)\n // We assume that Die belongs to this CU, if it is not linked to any CU yet.",
"\n CU = getUnitDie().getUnit();\n if (!",
"EntryCU)\n EntryCU = getUnitDie().getUnit();\n Die.addValue(DIEValueAllocator, Attribute,\n EntryCU == CU ? ",
"dwarf::DW_FORM_ref4 : dwarf::DW_FORM_ref_addr,\n Entry);\n}\n\nDIE &DwarfUnit::createAndAddDIE(unsigned Tag, DIE &Parent, const DINode *N) {\n DIE &Die = Parent.addChild(DIE::get(DIEValueAllocator, (dwarf::Tag)Tag));\n if (N)\n insertDIE(N, &Die);\n return Die;\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addBlock(DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute, DIELoc *Loc) {\n Loc->ComputeSize(Asm);\n DIELocs.push_back(Loc); // Memoize so we can call the destructor later on.",
"\n Die.addValue(DIEValueAllocator, Attribute,\n Loc->BestForm(DD->getDwarfVersion()), Loc);\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addBlock(DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute,\n DIEBlock *Block) {\n Block->ComputeSize(Asm);\n DIEBlocks.push_back(Block); // Memoize so we can call the destructor later on.",
"\n Die.addValue(DIEValueAllocator, Attribute, Block->BestForm(), Block);\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addSourceLine(DIE &Die, unsigned Line, const DIFile *File) {\n if (Line == 0)\n return;\n\n unsigned FileID = getOrCreateSourceID(File);\n assert(FileID && \"Invalid file id\");\n addUInt(Die, dwarf::DW_AT_decl_file, None, FileID);\n addUInt(Die, dwarf::DW_AT_decl_line, None, Line);\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addSourceLine(DIE &Die, const DILocalVariable *V) {\n assert(V);\n\n addSourceLine(Die, V->getLine(), V->getFile());\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addSourceLine(DIE &Die, const DIGlobalVariable *G) {\n assert(G);\n\n addSourceLine(Die, G->getLine(), G->getFile());\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addSourceLine(DIE &Die, const DISubprogram *SP) {\n assert(SP);\n\n addSourceLine(Die, SP->getLine(), SP->getFile());\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addSourceLine(DIE &Die, const DILabel *L) {\n assert(L);\n\n addSourceLine(Die, L->getLine(), L->getFile());\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addSourceLine(DIE &Die, const DIType *Ty) {\n assert(Ty);\n\n addSourceLine(Die, Ty->getLine(), Ty->getFile());\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addSourceLine(DIE &Die, const DIObjCProperty *Ty) {\n assert(Ty);\n\n addSourceLine(Die, Ty->getLine(), Ty->getFile());\n}\n\n/// Return true if type encoding is unsigned.",
"\nstatic bool isUnsignedDIType(DwarfDebug *DD, const DIType *Ty) {\n if (auto *CTy = dyn_cast<DICompositeType>(Ty)) {\n // FIXME: Enums without a fixed underlying type have unknown signedness\n // here, leading to incorrectly emitted constants.",
"\n if (CTy->getTag() == dwarf::DW_TAG_enumeration_type)\n return false;\n\n // (Pieces of) aggregate types that get hacked apart by SROA may be\n // represented by a constant. ",
"Encode them as unsigned bytes.",
"\n return true;\n }\n\n if (auto *DTy = dyn_cast<DIDerivedType>(Ty)) {\n dwarf::Tag T = (dwarf::Tag)Ty->getTag();\n // Encode pointer constants as unsigned bytes. ",
"This is used at least for\n // null pointer constant emission.",
"\n // FIXME: reference and rvalue_reference /probably/ shouldn't be allowed\n // here, but accept them for now due to a bug in SROA producing bogus\n // dbg.values.",
"\n if (T == dwarf::DW_TAG_pointer_type ||\n T == dwarf::DW_TAG_ptr_to_member_type ||\n T == dwarf::DW_TAG_reference_type ||\n T == dwarf::DW_TAG_rvalue_reference_type)\n return true;\n assert(T == dwarf::DW_TAG_typedef || T == dwarf::DW_TAG_const_type ||\n T == dwarf::DW_TAG_volatile_type ||\n T == dwarf::DW_TAG_restrict_type || T == dwarf::DW_TAG_atomic_type);\n DITypeRef Deriv = DTy->getBaseType();\n assert(Deriv && \"Expected valid base type\");\n return isUnsignedDIType(DD, DD->resolve(Deriv));\n }\n\n auto *BTy = cast<DIBasicType>(Ty);\n unsigned Encoding = BTy->getEncoding();\n assert((Encoding == dwarf::DW_ATE_unsigned ||\n Encoding == dwarf::DW_ATE_unsigned_char ||\n Encoding == dwarf::DW_ATE_signed ||\n Encoding == dwarf::DW_ATE_signed_char ||\n Encoding == dwarf::DW_ATE_float || Encoding == dwarf::DW_ATE_UTF ||\n Encoding == dwarf::DW_ATE_boolean ||\n (Ty->getTag() == dwarf::DW_TAG_unspecified_type &&\n Ty->getName() == \"decltype(nullptr)\")) &&\n \"Unsupported encoding\");\n return Encoding == dwarf::DW_ATE_unsigned ||\n Encoding == dwarf::DW_ATE_unsigned_char ||\n Encoding == dwarf::DW_ATE_UTF || Encoding == dwarf::DW_ATE_boolean ||\n Ty->getTag() == dwarf::DW_TAG_unspecified_type;\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addConstantFPValue(DIE &Die, const MachineOperand &MO) {\n assert(MO.isFPImm() && \"Invalid machine operand!\");",
"\n DIEBlock *Block = new (DIEValueAllocator) DIEBlock;\n APFloat FPImm = MO.getFPImm()->getValueAPF();\n\n // Get the raw data form of the floating point.",
"\n const APInt FltVal = FPImm.bitcastToAPInt();\n const char *FltPtr = (const char *)FltVal.getRawData();\n\n int NumBytes = FltVal.getBitWidth() / 8; // 8 bits per byte.",
"\n bool LittleEndian = Asm->getDataLayout().isLittleEndian();\n int Incr = (LittleEndian ? ",
"1 : -1);\n int Start = (LittleEndian ? ",
"0 : NumBytes - 1);\n int Stop = (LittleEndian ? ",
"NumBytes : -1);\n\n // Output the constant to DWARF one byte at a time.",
"\n for (; Start !",
"= Stop; Start += Incr)\n addUInt(*Block, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1, (unsigned char)0xFF & FltPtr[Start]);\n\n addBlock(Die, dwarf::DW_AT_const_value, Block);\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addConstantFPValue(DIE &Die, const ConstantFP *CFP) {\n // Pass this down to addConstantValue as an unsigned bag of bits.",
"\n addConstantValue(Die, CFP->getValueAPF().bitcastToAPInt(), true);\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addConstantValue(DIE &Die, const ConstantInt *CI,\n const DIType *Ty) {\n addConstantValue(Die, CI->getValue(), Ty);\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addConstantValue(DIE &Die, const MachineOperand &MO,\n const DIType *Ty) {\n assert(MO.isImm() && \"Invalid machine operand!\");",
"\n\n addConstantValue(Die, isUnsignedDIType(DD, Ty), MO.getImm());\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addConstantValue(DIE &Die, bool Unsigned, uint64_t Val) {\n // FIXME: This is a bit conservative/simple - it emits negative values always\n // sign extended to 64 bits rather than minimizing the number of bytes.",
"\n addUInt(Die, dwarf::DW_AT_const_value,\n Unsigned ? ",
"dwarf::DW_FORM_udata : dwarf::DW_FORM_sdata, Val);\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addConstantValue(DIE &Die, const APInt &Val, const DIType *Ty) {\n addConstantValue(Die, Val, isUnsignedDIType(DD, Ty));\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addConstantValue(DIE &Die, const APInt &Val, bool Unsigned) {\n unsigned CIBitWidth = Val.getBitWidth();\n if (CIBitWidth <= 64) {\n addConstantValue(Die, Unsigned,\n Unsigned ? ",
"Val.getZExtValue() : Val.getSExtValue());\n return;\n }\n\n DIEBlock *Block = new (DIEValueAllocator) DIEBlock;\n\n // Get the raw data form of the large APInt.",
"\n const uint64_t *Ptr64 = Val.getRawData();\n\n int NumBytes = Val.getBitWidth() / 8; // 8 bits per byte.",
"\n bool LittleEndian = Asm->getDataLayout().isLittleEndian();\n\n // Output the constant to DWARF one byte at a time.",
"\n for (int i = 0; i < NumBytes; i++) {\n uint8_t c;\n if (LittleEndian)\n c = Ptr64[i / 8] >> (8 * (i & 7));\n else\n c = Ptr64[(NumBytes - 1 - i) / 8] >> (8 * ((NumBytes - 1 - i) & 7));\n addUInt(*Block, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1, c);\n }\n\n addBlock(Die, dwarf::DW_AT_const_value, Block);\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addLinkageName(DIE &Die, StringRef LinkageName) {\n if (!",
"LinkageName.empty())\n addString(Die,\n DD->getDwarfVersion() >= 4 ? ",
"dwarf::DW_AT_linkage_name\n : dwarf::DW_AT_MIPS_linkage_name,\n GlobalValue::dropLLVMManglingEscape(LinkageName));\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addTemplateParams(DIE &Buffer, DINodeArray TParams) {\n // Add template parameters.",
"\n for (const auto *Element : TParams) {\n if (auto *TTP = dyn_cast<DITemplateTypeParameter>(Element))\n constructTemplateTypeParameterDIE(Buffer, TTP);\n else if (auto *TVP = dyn_cast<DITemplateValueParameter>(Element))\n constructTemplateValueParameterDIE(Buffer, TVP);\n }\n}\n\n/// Add thrown types.",
"\nvoid DwarfUnit::addThrownTypes(DIE &Die, DINodeArray ThrownTypes) {\n for (const auto *Ty : ThrownTypes) {\n DIE &TT = createAndAddDIE(dwarf::DW_TAG_thrown_type, Die);\n addType(TT, cast<DIType>(Ty));\n }\n}\n\nDIE *DwarfUnit::getOrCreateContextDIE(const DIScope *Context) {\n if (!",
"Context || isa<DIFile>(Context))\n return &getUnitDie();\n if (auto *T = dyn_cast<DIType>(Context))\n return getOrCreateTypeDIE(T);\n if (auto *NS = dyn_cast<DINamespace>(Context))\n return getOrCreateNameSpace(NS);\n if (auto *SP = dyn_cast<DISubprogram>(Context))\n return getOrCreateSubprogramDIE(SP);\n if (auto *M = dyn_cast<DIModule>(Context))\n return getOrCreateModule(M);\n return getDIE(Context);\n}\n\nDIE *DwarfTypeUnit::createTypeDIE(const DICompositeType *Ty) {\n auto *Context = resolve(Ty->getScope());\n DIE *ContextDIE = getOrCreateContextDIE(Context);\n\n if (DIE *TyDIE = getDIE(Ty))\n return TyDIE;\n\n // Create new type.",
"\n DIE &TyDIE = createAndAddDIE(Ty->getTag(), *ContextDIE, Ty);\n\n constructTypeDIE(TyDIE, cast<DICompositeType>(Ty));\n\n updateAcceleratorTables(Context, Ty, TyDIE);\n return &TyDIE;\n}\n\nDIE *DwarfUnit::getOrCreateTypeDIE(const MDNode *TyNode) {\n if (!",
"TyNode)\n return nullptr;\n\n auto *Ty = cast<DIType>(TyNode);\n\n // DW_TAG_restrict_type is not supported in DWARF2\n if (Ty->getTag() == dwarf::DW_TAG_restrict_type && DD->getDwarfVersion() <= 2)\n return getOrCreateTypeDIE(resolve(cast<DIDerivedType>(Ty)->getBaseType()));\n\n // DW_TAG_atomic_type is not supported in DWARF < 5\n if (Ty->getTag() == dwarf::DW_TAG_atomic_type && DD->getDwarfVersion() < 5)\n return getOrCreateTypeDIE(resolve(cast<DIDerivedType>(Ty)->getBaseType()));\n\n // Construct the context before querying for the existence of the DIE in case\n // such construction creates the DIE.",
"\n auto *Context = resolve(Ty->getScope());\n DIE *ContextDIE = getOrCreateContextDIE(Context);\n assert(ContextDIE);\n\n if (DIE *TyDIE = getDIE(Ty))\n return TyDIE;\n\n // Create new type.",
"\n DIE &TyDIE = createAndAddDIE(Ty->getTag(), *ContextDIE, Ty);\n\n updateAcceleratorTables(Context, Ty, TyDIE);\n\n if (auto *BT = dyn_cast<DIBasicType>(Ty))\n constructTypeDIE(TyDIE, BT);\n else if (auto *STy = dyn_cast<DISubroutineType>(Ty))\n constructTypeDIE(TyDIE, STy);\n else if (auto *CTy = dyn_cast<DICompositeType>(Ty)) {\n if (DD->generateTypeUnits() && !",
"Ty->isForwardDecl())\n if (MDString *TypeId = CTy->getRawIdentifier()) {\n DD->addDwarfTypeUnitType(getCU(), TypeId->getString(), TyDIE, CTy);\n // Skip updating the accelerator tables since this is not the full type.",
"\n return &TyDIE;\n }\n constructTypeDIE(TyDIE, CTy);\n } else {\n constructTypeDIE(TyDIE, cast<DIDerivedType>(Ty));\n }\n\n return &TyDIE;\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::updateAcceleratorTables(const DIScope *Context,\n const DIType *Ty, const DIE &TyDIE) {\n if (!",
"Ty->getName().empty() && !",
"Ty->isForwardDecl()) {\n bool IsImplementation = false;\n if (auto *CT = dyn_cast<DICompositeType>(Ty)) {\n // A runtime language of 0 actually means C/C++ and that any\n // non-negative value is some version of Objective-C/C++.",
"\n IsImplementation = CT->getRuntimeLang() == 0 || CT->isObjcClassComplete();\n }\n unsigned Flags = IsImplementation ? ",
"dwarf::DW_FLAG_type_implementation : 0;\n DD->addAccelType(*CUNode, Ty->getName(), TyDIE, Flags);\n\n if (!",
"Context || isa<DICompileUnit>(Context) || isa<DIFile>(Context) ||\n isa<DINamespace>(Context))\n addGlobalType(Ty, TyDIE, Context);\n }\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addType(DIE &Entity, const DIType *Ty,\n dwarf::Attribute Attribute) {\n assert(Ty && \"Trying to add a type that doesn't exist?\");",
"\n addDIEEntry(Entity, Attribute, DIEEntry(*getOrCreateTypeDIE(Ty)));\n}\n\nstd::string DwarfUnit::getParentContextString(const DIScope *Context) const {\n if (!",
"Context)\n return \"\";\n\n // FIXME: Decide whether to implement this for non-C++ languages.",
"\n if (getLanguage() !",
"= dwarf::DW_LANG_C_plus_plus)\n return \"\";\n\n std::string CS;\n SmallVector<const DIScope *, 1> Parents;\n while (!",
"isa<DICompileUnit>(Context)) {\n Parents.push_back(Context);\n if (Context->getScope())\n Context = resolve(Context->getScope());\n else\n // Structure, etc types will have a NULL context if they're at the top\n // level.",
"\n break;\n }\n\n // Reverse iterate over our list to go from the outermost construct to the\n // innermost.",
"\n for (const DIScope *Ctx : make_range(Parents.rbegin(), Parents.rend())) {\n StringRef Name = Ctx->getName();\n if (Name.empty() && isa<DINamespace>(Ctx))\n Name = \"(anonymous namespace)\";\n if (!",
"Name.empty()) {\n CS += Name;\n CS += \"::\";\n }\n }\n return CS;\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::constructTypeDIE(DIE &Buffer, const DIBasicType *BTy) {\n // Get core information.",
"\n StringRef Name = BTy->getName();\n // Add name if not anonymous or intermediate type.",
"\n if (!",
"Name.empty())\n addString(Buffer, dwarf::DW_AT_name, Name);\n\n // An unspecified type only has a name attribute.",
"\n if (BTy->getTag() == dwarf::DW_TAG_unspecified_type)\n return;\n\n addUInt(Buffer, dwarf::DW_AT_encoding, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1,\n BTy->getEncoding());\n\n uint64_t Size = BTy->getSizeInBits() >> 3;\n addUInt(Buffer, dwarf::DW_AT_byte_size, None, Size);\n\n if (BTy->isBigEndian())\n addUInt(Buffer, dwarf::DW_AT_endianity, None, dwarf::DW_END_big);\n else if (BTy->isLittleEndian())\n addUInt(Buffer, dwarf::DW_AT_endianity, None, dwarf::DW_END_little);\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::constructTypeDIE(DIE &Buffer, const DIDerivedType *DTy) {\n // Get core information.",
"\n StringRef Name = DTy->getName();\n uint64_t Size = DTy->getSizeInBits() >> 3;\n uint16_t Tag = Buffer.getTag();\n\n // Map to main type, void will not have a type.",
"\n const DIType *FromTy = resolve(DTy->getBaseType());\n if (FromTy)\n addType(Buffer, FromTy);\n\n // Add name if not anonymous or intermediate type.",
"\n if (!",
"Name.empty())\n addString(Buffer, dwarf::DW_AT_name, Name);\n\n // Add size if non-zero (derived types might be zero-sized.)",
"\n if (Size && Tag !",
"= dwarf::DW_TAG_pointer_type\n && Tag !",
"= dwarf::DW_TAG_ptr_to_member_type\n && Tag !",
"= dwarf::DW_TAG_reference_type\n && Tag !",
"= dwarf::DW_TAG_rvalue_reference_type)\n addUInt(Buffer, dwarf::DW_AT_byte_size, None, Size);\n\n if (Tag == dwarf::DW_TAG_ptr_to_member_type)\n addDIEEntry(\n Buffer, dwarf::DW_AT_containing_type,\n *getOrCreateTypeDIE(resolve(cast<DIDerivedType>(DTy)->getClassType())));\n // Add source line info if available and TyDesc is not a forward declaration.",
"\n if (!",
"DTy->isForwardDecl())\n addSourceLine(Buffer, DTy);\n\n // If DWARF address space value is other than None, add it for pointer and\n // reference types as DW_AT_address_class.",
"\n if (DTy->getDWARFAddressSpace() && (Tag == dwarf::DW_TAG_pointer_type ||\n Tag == dwarf::DW_TAG_reference_type))\n addUInt(Buffer, dwarf::DW_AT_address_class, dwarf::DW_FORM_data4,\n DTy->getDWARFAddressSpace().getValue());\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::constructSubprogramArguments(DIE &Buffer, DITypeRefArray Args) {\n for (unsigned i = 1, N = Args.size(); i < N; ++i) {\n const DIType *Ty = resolve(Args[i]);\n if (!",
"Ty) {\n assert(i == N-1 && \"Unspecified parameter must be the last argument\");\n createAndAddDIE(dwarf::DW_TAG_unspecified_parameters, Buffer);\n } else {\n DIE &Arg = createAndAddDIE(dwarf::DW_TAG_formal_parameter, Buffer);\n addType(Arg, Ty);\n if (Ty->isArtificial())\n addFlag(Arg, dwarf::DW_AT_artificial);\n }\n }\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::constructTypeDIE(DIE &Buffer, const DISubroutineType *CTy) {\n // Add return type. ",
" A void return won't have a type.",
"\n auto Elements = cast<DISubroutineType>(CTy)->getTypeArray();\n if (Elements.size())\n if (auto RTy = resolve(Elements[0]))\n addType(Buffer, RTy);\n\n bool isPrototyped = true;\n if (Elements.size() == 2 && !",
"Elements[1])\n isPrototyped = false;\n\n constructSubprogramArguments(Buffer, Elements);\n\n // Add prototype flag if we're dealing with a C language and the function has\n // been prototyped.",
"\n uint16_t Language = getLanguage();\n if (isPrototyped &&\n (Language == dwarf::DW_LANG_C89 || Language == dwarf::DW_LANG_C99 ||\n Language == dwarf::DW_LANG_ObjC))\n addFlag(Buffer, dwarf::DW_AT_prototyped);\n\n // Add a DW_AT_calling_convention if this has an explicit convention.",
"\n if (CTy->getCC() && CTy->getCC() !",
"= dwarf::DW_CC_normal)\n addUInt(Buffer, dwarf::DW_AT_calling_convention, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1,\n CTy->getCC());\n\n if (CTy->isLValueReference())\n addFlag(Buffer, dwarf::DW_AT_reference);\n\n if (CTy->isRValueReference())\n addFlag(Buffer, dwarf::DW_AT_rvalue_reference);\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::constructTypeDIE(DIE &Buffer, const DICompositeType *CTy) {\n // Add name if not anonymous or intermediate type.",
"\n StringRef Name = CTy->getName();\n\n uint64_t Size = CTy->getSizeInBits() >> 3;\n uint16_t Tag = Buffer.getTag();\n\n switch (Tag) {\n case dwarf::DW_TAG_array_type:\n constructArrayTypeDIE(Buffer, CTy);\n break;\n case dwarf::DW_TAG_enumeration_type:\n constructEnumTypeDIE(Buffer, CTy);\n break;\n case dwarf::DW_TAG_variant_part:\n case dwarf::DW_TAG_structure_type:\n case dwarf::DW_TAG_union_type:\n case dwarf::DW_TAG_class_type: {\n // Emit the discriminator for a variant part.",
"\n DIDerivedType *Discriminator = nullptr;\n if (Tag == dwarf::DW_TAG_variant_part) {\n Discriminator = CTy->getDiscriminator();\n if (Discriminator) {\n // DWARF says:\n // If the variant part has a discriminant, the discriminant is\n // represented by a separate debugging information entry which is\n // a child of the variant part entry.",
"\n DIE &DiscMember = constructMemberDIE(Buffer, Discriminator);\n addDIEEntry(Buffer, dwarf::DW_AT_discr, DiscMember);\n }\n }\n\n // Add elements to structure type.",
"\n DINodeArray Elements = CTy->getElements();\n for (const auto *Element : Elements) {\n if (!",
"Element)\n continue;\n if (auto *SP = dyn_cast<DISubprogram>(Element))\n getOrCreateSubprogramDIE(SP);\n else if (auto *DDTy = dyn_cast<DIDerivedType>(Element)) {\n if (DDTy->getTag() == dwarf::DW_TAG_friend) {\n DIE &ElemDie = createAndAddDIE(dwarf::DW_TAG_friend, Buffer);\n addType(ElemDie, resolve(DDTy->getBaseType()), dwarf::DW_AT_friend);\n } else if (DDTy->isStaticMember()) {\n getOrCreateStaticMemberDIE(DDTy);\n } else if (Tag == dwarf::DW_TAG_variant_part) {\n // When emitting a variant part, wrap each member in\n // DW_TAG_variant.",
"\n DIE &Variant = createAndAddDIE(dwarf::DW_TAG_variant, Buffer);\n if (const ConstantInt *CI =\n dyn_cast_or_null<ConstantInt>(DDTy->getDiscriminantValue())) {\n if (isUnsignedDIType(DD, resolve(Discriminator->getBaseType())))\n addUInt(Variant, dwarf::DW_AT_discr_value, None, CI->getZExtValue());\n else\n addSInt(Variant, dwarf::DW_AT_discr_value, None, CI->getSExtValue());\n }\n constructMemberDIE(Variant, DDTy);\n } else {\n constructMemberDIE(Buffer, DDTy);\n }\n } else if (auto *Property = dyn_cast<DIObjCProperty>(Element)) {\n DIE &ElemDie = createAndAddDIE(Property->getTag(), Buffer);\n StringRef PropertyName = Property->getName();\n addString(ElemDie, dwarf::DW_AT_APPLE_property_name, PropertyName);\n if (Property->getType())\n addType(ElemDie, resolve(Property->getType()));\n addSourceLine(ElemDie, Property);\n StringRef GetterName = Property->getGetterName();\n if (!",
"GetterName.empty())\n addString(ElemDie, dwarf::DW_AT_APPLE_property_getter, GetterName);\n StringRef SetterName = Property->getSetterName();\n if (!",
"SetterName.empty())\n addString(ElemDie, dwarf::DW_AT_APPLE_property_setter, SetterName);\n if (unsigned PropertyAttributes = Property->getAttributes())\n addUInt(ElemDie, dwarf::DW_AT_APPLE_property_attribute, None,\n PropertyAttributes);\n } else if (auto *Composite = dyn_cast<DICompositeType>(Element)) {\n if (Composite->getTag() == dwarf::DW_TAG_variant_part) {\n DIE &VariantPart = createAndAddDIE(Composite->getTag(), Buffer);\n constructTypeDIE(VariantPart, Composite);\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (CTy->isAppleBlockExtension())\n addFlag(Buffer, dwarf::DW_AT_APPLE_block);\n\n // This is outside the DWARF spec, but GDB expects a DW_AT_containing_type\n // inside C++ composite types to point to the base class with the vtable.",
"\n // Rust uses DW_AT_containing_type to link a vtable to the type\n // for which it was created.",
"\n if (auto *ContainingType = resolve(CTy->getVTableHolder()))\n addDIEEntry(Buffer, dwarf::DW_AT_containing_type,\n *getOrCreateTypeDIE(ContainingType));\n\n if (CTy->isObjcClassComplete())\n addFlag(Buffer, dwarf::DW_AT_APPLE_objc_complete_type);\n\n // Add template parameters to a class, structure or union types.",
"\n // FIXME: The support isn't in the metadata for this yet.",
"\n if (Tag == dwarf::DW_TAG_class_type ||\n Tag == dwarf::DW_TAG_structure_type || Tag == dwarf::DW_TAG_union_type)\n addTemplateParams(Buffer, CTy->getTemplateParams());\n\n // Add the type's non-standard calling convention.",
"\n uint8_t CC = 0;\n if (CTy->isTypePassByValue())\n CC = dwarf::DW_CC_pass_by_value;\n else if (CTy->isTypePassByReference())\n CC = dwarf::DW_CC_pass_by_reference;\n if (CC)\n addUInt(Buffer, dwarf::DW_AT_calling_convention, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1,\n CC);\n break;\n }\n default:\n break;\n }\n\n // Add name if not anonymous or intermediate type.",
"\n if (!",
"Name.empty())\n addString(Buffer, dwarf::DW_AT_name, Name);\n\n if (Tag == dwarf::DW_TAG_enumeration_type ||\n Tag == dwarf::DW_TAG_class_type || Tag == dwarf::DW_TAG_structure_type ||\n Tag == dwarf::DW_TAG_union_type) {\n // Add size if non-zero (derived types might be zero-sized.)",
"\n // TODO: Do we care about size for enum forward declarations?",
"\n if (Size)\n addUInt(Buffer, dwarf::DW_AT_byte_size, None, Size);\n else if (!",
"CTy->isForwardDecl())\n // Add zero size if it is not a forward declaration.",
"\n addUInt(Buffer, dwarf::DW_AT_byte_size, None, 0);\n\n // If we're a forward decl, say so.",
"\n if (CTy->isForwardDecl())\n addFlag(Buffer, dwarf::DW_AT_declaration);\n\n // Add source line info if available.",
"\n if (!",
"CTy->isForwardDecl())\n addSourceLine(Buffer, CTy);\n\n // No harm in adding the runtime language to the declaration.",
"\n unsigned RLang = CTy->getRuntimeLang();\n if (RLang)\n addUInt(Buffer, dwarf::DW_AT_APPLE_runtime_class, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1,\n RLang);\n\n // Add align info if available.",
"\n if (uint32_t AlignInBytes = CTy->getAlignInBytes())\n addUInt(Buffer, dwarf::DW_AT_alignment, dwarf::DW_FORM_udata,\n AlignInBytes);\n }\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::constructTemplateTypeParameterDIE(\n DIE &Buffer, const DITemplateTypeParameter *TP) {\n DIE &ParamDIE =\n createAndAddDIE(dwarf::DW_TAG_template_type_parameter, Buffer);\n // Add the type if it exists, it could be void and therefore no type.",
"\n if (TP->getType())\n addType(ParamDIE, resolve(TP->getType()));\n if (!",
"TP->getName().empty())\n addString(ParamDIE, dwarf::DW_AT_name, TP->getName());\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::constructTemplateValueParameterDIE(\n DIE &Buffer, const DITemplateValueParameter *VP) {\n DIE &ParamDIE = createAndAddDIE(VP->getTag(), Buffer);\n\n // Add the type if there is one, template template and template parameter\n // packs will not have a type.",
"\n if (VP->getTag() == dwarf::DW_TAG_template_value_parameter)\n addType(ParamDIE, resolve(VP->getType()));\n if (!",
"VP->getName().empty())\n addString(ParamDIE, dwarf::DW_AT_name, VP->getName());\n if (Metadata *Val = VP->getValue()) {\n if (ConstantInt *CI = mdconst::dyn_extract<ConstantInt>(Val))\n addConstantValue(ParamDIE, CI, resolve(VP->getType()));\n else if (GlobalValue *GV = mdconst::dyn_extract<GlobalValue>(Val)) {\n // We cannot describe the location of dllimport'd entities: the\n // computation of their address requires loads from the IAT.",
"\n if (!",
"GV->hasDLLImportStorageClass()) {\n // For declaration non-type template parameters (such as global values\n // and functions)\n DIELoc *Loc = new (DIEValueAllocator) DIELoc;\n addOpAddress(*Loc, Asm->getSymbol(GV));\n // Emit DW_OP_stack_value to use the address as the immediate value of\n // the parameter, rather than a pointer to it.",
"\n addUInt(*Loc, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1, dwarf::DW_OP_stack_value);\n addBlock(ParamDIE, dwarf::DW_AT_location, Loc);\n }\n } else if (VP->getTag() == dwarf::DW_TAG_GNU_template_template_param) {\n assert(isa<MDString>(Val));\n addString(ParamDIE, dwarf::DW_AT_GNU_template_name,\n cast<MDString>(Val)->getString());\n } else if (VP->getTag() == dwarf::DW_TAG_GNU_template_parameter_pack) {\n addTemplateParams(ParamDIE, cast<MDTuple>(Val));\n }\n }\n}\n\nDIE *DwarfUnit::getOrCreateNameSpace(const DINamespace *NS) {\n // Construct the context before querying for the existence of the DIE in case\n // such construction creates the DIE.",
"\n DIE *ContextDIE = getOrCreateContextDIE(NS->getScope());\n\n if (DIE *NDie = getDIE(NS))\n return NDie;\n DIE &NDie = createAndAddDIE(dwarf::DW_TAG_namespace, *ContextDIE, NS);\n\n StringRef Name = NS->getName();\n if (!",
"Name.empty())\n addString(NDie, dwarf::DW_AT_name, NS->getName());\n else\n Name = \"(anonymous namespace)\";\n DD->addAccelNamespace(*CUNode, Name, NDie);\n addGlobalName(Name, NDie, NS->getScope());\n if (NS->getExportSymbols())\n addFlag(NDie, dwarf::DW_AT_export_symbols);\n return &NDie;\n}\n\nDIE *DwarfUnit::getOrCreateModule(const DIModule *M) {\n // Construct the context before querying for the existence of the DIE in case\n // such construction creates the DIE.",
"\n DIE *ContextDIE = getOrCreateContextDIE(M->getScope());\n\n if (DIE *MDie = getDIE(M))\n return MDie;\n DIE &MDie = createAndAddDIE(dwarf::DW_TAG_module, *ContextDIE, M);\n\n if (!",
"M->getName().empty()) {\n addString(MDie, dwarf::DW_AT_name, M->getName());\n addGlobalName(M->getName(), MDie, M->getScope());\n }\n if (!",
"M->getConfigurationMacros().empty())\n addString(MDie, dwarf::DW_AT_LLVM_config_macros,\n M->getConfigurationMacros());\n if (!",
"M->getIncludePath().empty())\n addString(MDie, dwarf::DW_AT_LLVM_include_path, M->getIncludePath());\n if (!",
"M->getISysRoot().empty())\n addString(MDie, dwarf::DW_AT_LLVM_isysroot, M->getISysRoot());\n\n return &MDie;\n}\n\nDIE *DwarfUnit::getOrCreateSubprogramDIE(const DISubprogram *SP, bool Minimal) {\n // Construct the context before querying for the existence of the DIE in case\n // such construction creates the DIE (as is the case for member function\n // declarations).",
"\n DIE *ContextDIE =\n Minimal ? &",
"getUnitDie() : getOrCreateContextDIE(resolve(SP->getScope()));\n\n if (DIE *SPDie = getDIE(SP))\n return SPDie;\n\n if (auto *SPDecl = SP->getDeclaration()) {\n if (!",
"Minimal) {\n // Add subprogram definitions to the CU die directly.",
"\n ContextDIE = &getUnitDie();\n // Build the decl now to ensure it precedes the definition.",
"\n getOrCreateSubprogramDIE(SPDecl);\n }\n }\n\n // DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine may refer to this DIE.",
"\n DIE &SPDie = createAndAddDIE(dwarf::DW_TAG_subprogram, *ContextDIE, SP);\n\n // Stop here and fill this in later, depending on whether or not this\n // subprogram turns out to have inlined instances or not.",
"\n if (SP->isDefinition())\n return &SPDie;\n\n applySubprogramAttributes(SP, SPDie);\n return &SPDie;\n}\n\nbool DwarfUnit::applySubprogramDefinitionAttributes(const DISubprogram *SP,\n DIE &SPDie) {\n DIE *DeclDie = nullptr;\n StringRef DeclLinkageName;\n if (auto *SPDecl = SP->getDeclaration()) {\n DeclDie = getDIE(SPDecl);\n assert(DeclDie && \"This DIE should've already been constructed when the \"\n \"definition DIE was created in \"\n \"getOrCreateSubprogramDIE\");\n // Look at the Decl's linkage name only if we emitted it.",
"\n if (DD->useAllLinkageNames())\n DeclLinkageName = SPDecl->getLinkageName();\n unsigned DeclID = getOrCreateSourceID(SPDecl->getFile());\n unsigned DefID = getOrCreateSourceID(SP->getFile());\n if (DeclID !",
"= DefID)\n addUInt(SPDie, dwarf::DW_AT_decl_file, None, DefID);\n\n if (SP->getLine() !",
"= SPDecl->getLine())\n addUInt(SPDie, dwarf::DW_AT_decl_line, None, SP->getLine());\n }\n\n // Add function template parameters.",
"\n addTemplateParams(SPDie, SP->getTemplateParams());\n\n // Add the linkage name if we have one and it isn't in the Decl.",
"\n StringRef LinkageName = SP->getLinkageName();\n assert(((LinkageName.empty() || DeclLinkageName.empty()) ||\n LinkageName == DeclLinkageName) &&\n \"decl has a linkage name and it is different\");\n if (DeclLinkageName.empty() &&\n // Always emit it for abstract subprograms.",
"\n (DD->useAllLinkageNames() || DU->getAbstractSPDies().lookup(SP)))\n addLinkageName(SPDie, LinkageName);\n\n if (!",
"DeclDie)\n return false;\n\n // Refer to the function declaration where all the other attributes will be\n // found.",
"\n addDIEEntry(SPDie, dwarf::DW_AT_specification, *DeclDie);\n return true;\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::applySubprogramAttributes(const DISubprogram *SP, DIE &SPDie,\n bool SkipSPAttributes) {\n // If -fdebug-info-for-profiling is enabled, need to emit the subprogram\n // and its source location.",
"\n bool SkipSPSourceLocation = SkipSPAttributes &&\n !",
"CUNode->getDebugInfoForProfiling();\n if (!",
"SkipSPSourceLocation)\n if (applySubprogramDefinitionAttributes(SP, SPDie))\n return;\n\n // Constructors and operators for anonymous aggregates do not have names.",
"\n if (!",
"SP->getName().empty())\n addString(SPDie, dwarf::DW_AT_name, SP->getName());\n\n if (!",
"SkipSPSourceLocation)\n addSourceLine(SPDie, SP);\n\n // Skip the rest of the attributes under -gmlt to save space.",
"\n if (SkipSPAttributes)\n return;\n\n // Add the prototype if we have a prototype and we have a C like\n // language.",
"\n uint16_t Language = getLanguage();\n if (SP->isPrototyped() &&\n (Language == dwarf::DW_LANG_C89 || Language == dwarf::DW_LANG_C99 ||\n Language == dwarf::DW_LANG_ObjC))\n addFlag(SPDie, dwarf::DW_AT_prototyped);\n\n unsigned CC = 0;\n DITypeRefArray Args;\n if (const DISubroutineType *SPTy = SP->getType()) {\n Args = SPTy->getTypeArray();\n CC = SPTy->getCC();\n }\n\n // Add a DW_AT_calling_convention if this has an explicit convention.",
"\n if (CC && CC !",
"= dwarf::DW_CC_normal)\n addUInt(SPDie, dwarf::DW_AT_calling_convention, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1, CC);\n\n // Add a return type. ",
"If this is a type like a C/C++ void type we don't add a\n // return type.",
"\n if (Args.size())\n if (auto Ty = resolve(Args[0]))\n addType(SPDie, Ty);\n\n unsigned VK = SP->getVirtuality();\n if (VK) {\n addUInt(SPDie, dwarf::DW_AT_virtuality, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1, VK);\n if (SP->getVirtualIndex() !",
"= -1u) {\n DIELoc *Block = getDIELoc();\n addUInt(*Block, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1, dwarf::DW_OP_constu);\n addUInt(*Block, dwarf::DW_FORM_udata, SP->getVirtualIndex());\n addBlock(SPDie, dwarf::DW_AT_vtable_elem_location, Block);\n }\n ContainingTypeMap.insert(\n std::make_pair(&SPDie, resolve(SP->getContainingType())));\n }\n\n if (!",
"SP->isDefinition()) {\n addFlag(SPDie, dwarf::DW_AT_declaration);\n\n // Add arguments. ",
"Do not add arguments for subprogram definition. ",
"They will\n // be handled while processing variables.",
"\n constructSubprogramArguments(SPDie, Args);\n }\n\n addThrownTypes(SPDie, SP->getThrownTypes());\n\n if (SP->isArtificial())\n addFlag(SPDie, dwarf::DW_AT_artificial);\n\n if (!",
"SP->isLocalToUnit())\n addFlag(SPDie, dwarf::DW_AT_external);\n\n if (DD->useAppleExtensionAttributes()) {\n if (SP->isOptimized())\n addFlag(SPDie, dwarf::DW_AT_APPLE_optimized);\n\n if (unsigned isa = Asm->getISAEncoding())\n addUInt(SPDie, dwarf::DW_AT_APPLE_isa, dwarf::DW_FORM_flag, isa);\n }\n\n if (SP->isLValueReference())\n addFlag(SPDie, dwarf::DW_AT_reference);\n\n if (SP->isRValueReference())\n addFlag(SPDie, dwarf::DW_AT_rvalue_reference);\n\n if (SP->isNoReturn())\n addFlag(SPDie, dwarf::DW_AT_noreturn);\n\n if (SP->isProtected())\n addUInt(SPDie, dwarf::DW_AT_accessibility, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1,\n dwarf::DW_ACCESS_protected);\n else if (SP->isPrivate())\n addUInt(SPDie, dwarf::DW_AT_accessibility, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1,\n dwarf::DW_ACCESS_private);\n else if (SP->isPublic())\n addUInt(SPDie, dwarf::DW_AT_accessibility, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1,\n dwarf::DW_ACCESS_public);\n\n if (SP->isExplicit())\n addFlag(SPDie, dwarf::DW_AT_explicit);\n\n if (SP->isMainSubprogram())\n addFlag(SPDie, dwarf::DW_AT_main_subprogram);\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::constructSubrangeDIE(DIE &Buffer, const DISubrange *SR,\n DIE *IndexTy) {\n DIE &DW_Subrange = createAndAddDIE(dwarf::DW_TAG_subrange_type, Buffer);\n addDIEEntry(DW_Subrange, dwarf::DW_AT_type, *IndexTy);\n\n // The LowerBound value defines the lower bounds which is typically zero for\n // C/C++. ",
"The Count value is the number of elements. ",
" Values are 64 bit. ",
"If\n // Count == -1 then the array is unbounded and we do not emit\n // DW_AT_lower_bound and DW_AT_count attributes.",
"\n int64_t LowerBound = SR->getLowerBound();\n int64_t DefaultLowerBound = getDefaultLowerBound();\n int64_t Count = -1;\n if (auto *CI = SR->getCount().dyn_cast<ConstantInt*>())\n Count = CI->getSExtValue();\n\n if (DefaultLowerBound == -1 || LowerBound !",
"= DefaultLowerBound)\n addUInt(DW_Subrange, dwarf::DW_AT_lower_bound, None, LowerBound);\n\n if (auto *CV = SR->getCount().dyn_cast<DIVariable*>()) {\n if (auto *CountVarDIE = getDIE(CV))\n addDIEEntry(DW_Subrange, dwarf::DW_AT_count, *CountVarDIE);\n } else if (Count !",
"= -1)\n addUInt(DW_Subrange, dwarf::DW_AT_count, None, Count);\n}\n\nDIE *DwarfUnit::getIndexTyDie() {\n if (IndexTyDie)\n return IndexTyDie;\n // Construct an integer type to use for indexes.",
"\n IndexTyDie = &createAndAddDIE(dwarf::DW_TAG_base_type, getUnitDie());\n StringRef Name = \"__ARRAY_SIZE_TYPE__\";\n addString(*IndexTyDie, dwarf::DW_AT_name, Name);\n addUInt(*IndexTyDie, dwarf::DW_AT_byte_size, None, sizeof(int64_t));\n addUInt(*IndexTyDie, dwarf::DW_AT_encoding, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1,\n dwarf::DW_ATE_unsigned);\n DD->addAccelType(*CUNode, Name, *IndexTyDie, /*Flags*/ 0);\n return IndexTyDie;\n}\n\n/// Returns true if the vector's size differs from the sum of sizes of elements\n/// the user specified. ",
" This can occur if the vector has been rounded up to\n/// fit memory alignment constraints.",
"\nstatic bool hasVectorBeenPadded(const DICompositeType *CTy) {\n assert(CTy && CTy->isVector() && \"Composite type is not a vector\");\n const uint64_t ActualSize = CTy->getSizeInBits();\n\n // Obtain the size of each element in the vector.",
"\n DIType *BaseTy = CTy->getBaseType().resolve();\n assert(BaseTy && \"Unknown vector element type.\");",
"\n const uint64_t ElementSize = BaseTy->getSizeInBits();\n\n // Locate the number of elements in the vector.",
"\n const DINodeArray Elements = CTy->getElements();\n assert(Elements.size() == 1 &&\n Elements[0]->getTag() == dwarf::DW_TAG_subrange_type &&\n \"Invalid vector element array, expected one element of type subrange\");\n const auto Subrange = cast<DISubrange>(Elements[0]);\n const auto CI = Subrange->getCount().get<ConstantInt *>();\n const int32_t NumVecElements = CI->getSExtValue();\n\n // Ensure we found the element count and that the actual size is wide\n // enough to contain the requested size.",
"\n assert(ActualSize >= (NumVecElements * ElementSize) && \"Invalid vector size\");\n return ActualSize !",
"= (NumVecElements * ElementSize);\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::constructArrayTypeDIE(DIE &Buffer, const DICompositeType *CTy) {\n if (CTy->isVector()) {\n addFlag(Buffer, dwarf::DW_AT_GNU_vector);\n if (hasVectorBeenPadded(CTy))\n addUInt(Buffer, dwarf::DW_AT_byte_size, None,\n CTy->getSizeInBits() / CHAR_BIT);\n }\n\n // Emit the element type.",
"\n addType(Buffer, resolve(CTy->getBaseType()));\n\n // Get an anonymous type for index type.",
"\n // FIXME: This type should be passed down from the front end\n // as different languages may have different sizes for indexes.",
"\n DIE *IdxTy = getIndexTyDie();\n\n // Add subranges to array type.",
"\n DINodeArray Elements = CTy->getElements();\n for (unsigned i = 0, N = Elements.size(); i < N; ++i) {\n // FIXME: Should this really be such a loose cast?",
"\n if (auto *Element = dyn_cast_or_null<DINode>(Elements[i]))\n if (Element->getTag() == dwarf::DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n constructSubrangeDIE(Buffer, cast<DISubrange>(Element), IdxTy);\n }\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::constructEnumTypeDIE(DIE &Buffer, const DICompositeType *CTy) {\n const DIType *DTy = resolve(CTy->getBaseType());\n bool IsUnsigned = DTy && isUnsignedDIType(DD, DTy);\n if (DTy) {\n if (DD->getDwarfVersion() >= 3)\n addType(Buffer, DTy);\n if (DD->getDwarfVersion() >= 4 && (CTy->getFlags() & DINode::FlagEnumClass))\n addFlag(Buffer, dwarf::DW_AT_enum_class);\n }\n\n DINodeArray Elements = CTy->getElements();\n\n // Add enumerators to enumeration type.",
"\n for (unsigned i = 0, N = Elements.size(); i < N; ++i) {\n auto *Enum = dyn_cast_or_null<DIEnumerator>(Elements[i]);\n if (Enum) {\n DIE &Enumerator = createAndAddDIE(dwarf::DW_TAG_enumerator, Buffer);\n StringRef Name = Enum->getName();\n addString(Enumerator, dwarf::DW_AT_name, Name);\n auto Value = static_cast<uint64_t>(Enum->getValue());\n addConstantValue(Enumerator, IsUnsigned, Value);\n }\n }\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::constructContainingTypeDIEs() {\n for (auto CI = ContainingTypeMap.begin(), CE = ContainingTypeMap.end();\n CI !",
"= CE; ++CI) {\n DIE &SPDie = *CI->first;\n const DINode *D = CI->second;\n if (!",
"D)\n continue;\n DIE *NDie = getDIE(D);\n if (!",
"NDie)\n continue;\n addDIEEntry(SPDie, dwarf::DW_AT_containing_type, *NDie);\n }\n}\n\nDIE &DwarfUnit::constructMemberDIE(DIE &Buffer, const DIDerivedType *DT) {\n DIE &MemberDie = createAndAddDIE(DT->getTag(), Buffer);\n StringRef Name = DT->getName();\n if (!",
"Name.empty())\n addString(MemberDie, dwarf::DW_AT_name, Name);\n\n if (DIType *Resolved = resolve(DT->getBaseType()))\n addType(MemberDie, Resolved);\n\n addSourceLine(MemberDie, DT);\n\n if (DT->getTag() == dwarf::DW_TAG_inheritance && DT->isVirtual()) {\n\n // For C++, virtual base classes are not at fixed offset. ",
"Use following\n // expression to extract appropriate offset from vtable.",
"\n // BaseAddr = ObAddr + *((*ObAddr) - Offset)\n\n DIELoc *VBaseLocationDie = new (DIEValueAllocator) DIELoc;\n addUInt(*VBaseLocationDie, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1, dwarf::DW_OP_dup);\n addUInt(*VBaseLocationDie, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1, dwarf::DW_OP_deref);\n addUInt(*VBaseLocationDie, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1, dwarf::DW_OP_constu);\n addUInt(*VBaseLocationDie, dwarf::DW_FORM_udata, DT->getOffsetInBits());\n addUInt(*VBaseLocationDie, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1, dwarf::DW_OP_minus);\n addUInt(*VBaseLocationDie, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1, dwarf::DW_OP_deref);\n addUInt(*VBaseLocationDie, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1, dwarf::DW_OP_plus);\n\n addBlock(MemberDie, dwarf::DW_AT_data_member_location, VBaseLocationDie);\n } else {\n uint64_t Size = DT->getSizeInBits();\n uint64_t FieldSize = DD->getBaseTypeSize(DT);\n uint32_t AlignInBytes = DT->getAlignInBytes();\n uint64_t OffsetInBytes;\n\n bool IsBitfield = FieldSize && Size !",
"= FieldSize;\n if (IsBitfield) {\n // Handle bitfield, assume bytes are 8 bits.",
"\n if (DD->useDWARF2Bitfields())\n addUInt(MemberDie, dwarf::DW_AT_byte_size, None, FieldSize/8);\n addUInt(MemberDie, dwarf::DW_AT_bit_size, None, Size);\n\n uint64_t Offset = DT->getOffsetInBits();\n // We can't use DT->getAlignInBits() here: AlignInBits for member type\n // is non-zero if and only if alignment was forced (e.g. _Alignas()),\n // which can't be done with bitfields. ",
"Thus we use FieldSize here.",
"\n uint32_t AlignInBits = FieldSize;\n uint32_t AlignMask = ~(AlignInBits - 1);\n // The bits from the start of the storage unit to the start of the field.",
"\n uint64_t StartBitOffset = Offset - (Offset & AlignMask);\n // The byte offset of the field's aligned storage unit inside the struct.",
"\n OffsetInBytes = (Offset - StartBitOffset) / 8;\n\n if (DD->useDWARF2Bitfields()) {\n uint64_t HiMark = (Offset + FieldSize) & AlignMask;\n uint64_t FieldOffset = (HiMark - FieldSize);\n Offset -= FieldOffset;\n\n // Maybe we need to work from the other end.",
"\n if (Asm->getDataLayout().isLittleEndian())\n Offset = FieldSize - (Offset + Size);\n\n addUInt(MemberDie, dwarf::DW_AT_bit_offset, None, Offset);\n OffsetInBytes = FieldOffset >> 3;\n } else {\n addUInt(MemberDie, dwarf::DW_AT_data_bit_offset, None, Offset);\n }\n } else {\n // This is not a bitfield.",
"\n OffsetInBytes = DT->getOffsetInBits() / 8;\n if (AlignInBytes)\n addUInt(MemberDie, dwarf::DW_AT_alignment, dwarf::DW_FORM_udata,\n AlignInBytes);\n }\n\n if (DD->getDwarfVersion() <= 2) {\n DIELoc *MemLocationDie = new (DIEValueAllocator) DIELoc;\n addUInt(*MemLocationDie, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1, dwarf::DW_OP_plus_uconst);\n addUInt(*MemLocationDie, dwarf::DW_FORM_udata, OffsetInBytes);\n addBlock(MemberDie, dwarf::DW_AT_data_member_location, MemLocationDie);\n } else if (!",
"IsBitfield || DD->useDWARF2Bitfields())\n addUInt(MemberDie, dwarf::DW_AT_data_member_location, None,\n OffsetInBytes);\n }\n\n if (DT->isProtected())\n addUInt(MemberDie, dwarf::DW_AT_accessibility, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1,\n dwarf::DW_ACCESS_protected);\n else if (DT->isPrivate())\n addUInt(MemberDie, dwarf::DW_AT_accessibility, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1,\n dwarf::DW_ACCESS_private);\n // Otherwise C++ member and base classes are considered public.",
"\n else if (DT->isPublic())\n addUInt(MemberDie, dwarf::DW_AT_accessibility, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1,\n dwarf::DW_ACCESS_public);\n if (DT->isVirtual())\n addUInt(MemberDie, dwarf::DW_AT_virtuality, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1,\n dwarf::DW_VIRTUALITY_virtual);\n\n // Objective-C properties.",
"\n if (DINode *PNode = DT->getObjCProperty())\n if (DIE *PDie = getDIE(PNode))\n MemberDie.addValue(DIEValueAllocator, dwarf::DW_AT_APPLE_property,\n dwarf::DW_FORM_ref4, DIEEntry(*PDie));\n\n if (DT->isArtificial())\n addFlag(MemberDie, dwarf::DW_AT_artificial);\n\n return MemberDie;\n}\n\nDIE *DwarfUnit::getOrCreateStaticMemberDIE(const DIDerivedType *DT) {\n if (!",
"DT)\n return nullptr;\n\n // Construct the context before querying for the existence of the DIE in case\n // such construction creates the DIE.",
"\n DIE *ContextDIE = getOrCreateContextDIE(resolve(DT->getScope()));\n assert(dwarf::isType(ContextDIE->getTag()) &&\n \"Static member should belong to a type.\");",
"\n\n if (DIE *StaticMemberDIE = getDIE(DT))\n return StaticMemberDIE;\n\n DIE &StaticMemberDIE = createAndAddDIE(DT->getTag(), *ContextDIE, DT);\n\n const DIType *Ty = resolve(DT->getBaseType());\n\n addString(StaticMemberDIE, dwarf::DW_AT_name, DT->getName());\n addType(StaticMemberDIE, Ty);\n addSourceLine(StaticMemberDIE, DT);\n addFlag(StaticMemberDIE, dwarf::DW_AT_external);\n addFlag(StaticMemberDIE, dwarf::DW_AT_declaration);\n\n // FIXME: We could omit private if the parent is a class_type, and\n // public if the parent is something else.",
"\n if (DT->isProtected())\n addUInt(StaticMemberDIE, dwarf::DW_AT_accessibility, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1,\n dwarf::DW_ACCESS_protected);\n else if (DT->isPrivate())\n addUInt(StaticMemberDIE, dwarf::DW_AT_accessibility, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1,\n dwarf::DW_ACCESS_private);\n else if (DT->isPublic())\n addUInt(StaticMemberDIE, dwarf::DW_AT_accessibility, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1,\n dwarf::DW_ACCESS_public);\n\n if (const ConstantInt *CI = dyn_cast_or_null<ConstantInt>(DT->getConstant()))\n addConstantValue(StaticMemberDIE, CI, Ty);\n if (const ConstantFP *CFP = dyn_cast_or_null<ConstantFP>(DT->getConstant()))\n addConstantFPValue(StaticMemberDIE, CFP);\n\n if (uint32_t AlignInBytes = DT->getAlignInBytes())\n addUInt(StaticMemberDIE, dwarf::DW_AT_alignment, dwarf::DW_FORM_udata,\n AlignInBytes);\n\n return &StaticMemberDIE;\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::emitCommonHeader(bool UseOffsets, dwarf::UnitType UT) {\n // Emit size of content not including length itself\n Asm->OutStreamer->AddComment(\"Length of Unit\");\n if (!",
"DD->useSectionsAsReferences()) {\n StringRef Prefix = isDwoUnit() ? \"",
"debug_info_dwo_\" : \"debug_info_\";\n MCSymbol *BeginLabel = Asm->createTempSymbol(Prefix + \"start\");\n EndLabel = Asm->createTempSymbol(Prefix + \"end\");\n Asm->EmitLabelDifference(EndLabel, BeginLabel, 4);\n Asm->OutStreamer->EmitLabel(BeginLabel);\n } else\n Asm->emitInt32(getHeaderSize() + getUnitDie().getSize());\n\n Asm->OutStreamer->AddComment(\"DWARF version number\");\n unsigned Version = DD->getDwarfVersion();\n Asm->emitInt16(Version);\n\n // DWARF v5 reorders the address size and adds a unit type.",
"\n if (Version >= 5) {\n Asm->OutStreamer->AddComment(\"DWARF Unit Type\");\n Asm->emitInt8(UT);\n Asm->OutStreamer->AddComment(\"Address Size (in bytes)\");\n Asm->emitInt8(Asm->MAI->getCodePointerSize());\n }\n\n // We share one abbreviations table across all units so it's always at the\n // start of the section. ",
"Use a relocatable offset where needed to ensure\n // linking doesn't invalidate that offset.",
"\n Asm->OutStreamer->AddComment(\"Offset Into Abbrev. ",
"Section\");\n const TargetLoweringObjectFile &TLOF = Asm->getObjFileLowering();\n if (UseOffsets)\n Asm->emitInt32(0);\n else\n Asm->emitDwarfSymbolReference(\n TLOF.getDwarfAbbrevSection()->getBeginSymbol(), false);\n\n if (Version <= 4) {\n Asm->OutStreamer->AddComment(\"Address Size (in bytes)\");\n Asm->emitInt8(Asm->MAI->getCodePointerSize());\n }\n}\n\nvoid DwarfTypeUnit::emitHeader(bool UseOffsets) {\n DwarfUnit::emitCommonHeader(UseOffsets,\n DD->useSplitDwarf() ? ",
"dwarf::DW_UT_split_type\n : dwarf::DW_UT_type);\n Asm->OutStreamer->AddComment(\"Type Signature\");\n Asm->OutStreamer->EmitIntValue(TypeSignature, sizeof(TypeSignature));\n Asm->OutStreamer->AddComment(\"Type DIE Offset\");\n // In a skeleton type unit there is no type DIE so emit a zero offset.",
"\n Asm->OutStreamer->EmitIntValue(Ty ? ",
"Ty->getOffset() : 0,\n sizeof(Ty->getOffset()));\n}\n\nDIE::value_iterator\nDwarfUnit::addSectionDelta(DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute,\n const MCSymbol *Hi, const MCSymbol *Lo) {\n return Die.addValue(DIEValueAllocator, Attribute,\n DD->getDwarfVersion() >= 4 ? ",
"dwarf::DW_FORM_sec_offset\n : dwarf::DW_FORM_data4,\n new (DIEValueAllocator) DIEDelta(Hi, Lo));\n}\n\nDIE::value_iterator\nDwarfUnit::addSectionLabel(DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute,\n const MCSymbol *Label, const MCSymbol *Sec) {\n if (Asm->MAI->doesDwarfUseRelocationsAcrossSections())\n return addLabel(Die, Attribute,\n DD->getDwarfVersion() >= 4 ? ",
"dwarf::DW_FORM_sec_offset\n : dwarf::DW_FORM_data4,\n Label);\n return addSectionDelta(Die, Attribute, Label, Sec);\n}\n\nbool DwarfTypeUnit::isDwoUnit() const {\n // Since there are no skeleton type units, all type units are dwo type units\n // when split DWARF is being used.",
"\n return DD->useSplitDwarf();\n}\n\nvoid DwarfTypeUnit::addGlobalName(StringRef Name, const DIE &Die,\n const DIScope *Context) {\n getCU().addGlobalNameForTypeUnit(Name, Context);\n}\n\nvoid DwarfTypeUnit::addGlobalType(const DIType *Ty, const DIE &Die,\n const DIScope *Context) {\n getCU().addGlobalTypeUnitType(Ty, Context);\n}\n\nconst MCSymbol *DwarfUnit::getCrossSectionRelativeBaseAddress() const {\n if (!",
"Asm->MAI->doesDwarfUseRelocationsAcrossSections())\n return nullptr;\n if (isDwoUnit())\n return nullptr;\n return getSection()->getBeginSymbol();\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addStringOffsetsStart() {\n const TargetLoweringObjectFile &TLOF = Asm->getObjFileLowering();\n addSectionLabel(getUnitDie(), dwarf::DW_AT_str_offsets_base,\n DU->getStringOffsetsStartSym(),\n TLOF.getDwarfStrOffSection()->getBeginSymbol());\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addRnglistsBase() {\n assert(DD->getDwarfVersion() >= 5 &&\n \"DW_AT_rnglists_base requires DWARF version 5 or later\");\n const TargetLoweringObjectFile &TLOF = Asm->getObjFileLowering();\n addSectionLabel(getUnitDie(), dwarf::DW_AT_rnglists_base,\n DU->getRnglistsTableBaseSym(),\n TLOF.getDwarfRnglistsSection()->getBeginSymbol());\n}\n\nvoid DwarfUnit::addLoclistsBase() {\n assert(DD->getDwarfVersion() >= 5 &&\n \"DW_AT_loclists_base requires DWARF version 5 or later\");\n const TargetLoweringObjectFile &TLOF = Asm->getObjFileLowering();\n addSectionLabel(getUnitDie(), dwarf::DW_AT_loclists_base,\n DU->getLoclistsTableBaseSym(),\n TLOF.getDwarfLoclistsSection()->getBeginSymbol());\n}\n"
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] | 0.019726 | 231 |
"SACRAMENTO, Calif. (CN) – A San Diego lawmaker is trying to complicate the already convoluted process that reporters and Californians must take to view public records and make it harder for requesters to recoup attorney’s fees when they prevail over the government in court.",
"\n\nIntroduced last Friday just ahead of a deadline for new bill proposals, Senate Bill 615 would require anyone not satisfied with a public records request to mediate with the relevant government agency before taking it to court.",
"\n\nOpen government groups are warning that SB 615, by state Sen. Ben Hueso, D-San Diego, would create a host of “time-consuming hurdles” for people seeking records from agencies like police departments and school districts under California’s landmark Public Records Act. ",
"They say it would also shield agencies from paying attorneys fees in instances when a judge ruled they were wrongly withholding requested information.",
"\n\n“I can’t think of a proposal that would gut the public records act more than this,” said California News Publishers Association counsel Jim Ewert in a phone interview. “",
"Because this is the only provision in the entire body of the law that allows for enforcement. ",
"This completely upends the plank.”",
"\n\nThe legislation comes on the heels of a 2018 law which brought police officer misconduct records under the umbrella of the public records act. ",
"Civil rights and First Amendment groups called the amendment to the public records act historic and a chief victory for the public’s right to know.",
"\n\nIntroduced by state Sen. Nancy Skinner, D-Berkeley, Senate Bill 1421 opened up access to personnel records on police shootings, excessive uses of force that resulted in death or “great bodily injury” and confirmed cases of sexual assault and lying by officers while on duty. ",
"Since Jan. 1 when the law went into effect, law enforcement agencies up and down the Golden State have been slapped with countless public records requests.",
"\n\nBut rather than build off the improvements SB 1421 made to the public records act, the First Amendment Coalition says Hueso’s bill would be a major setback.",
"\n\n“People already have to wait far too long, and have to fight far too hard, to get the information they’re entitled to under the law. ",
"This bill would add intolerably to these delays,” First Amendment Coalition attorney David Snyder said in an email Monday.",
"\n\nThe 1968 law covers all local and state agencies, except legislative and judicial bodies, and opens up things like sound recordings, emails and office memos up to public examination. ",
"Anyone can submit a written request and agencies are supposed to respond within 10 days. ",
"The law gives several ways for agencies to exempt records, but they are supposed to provide a reason for denying a request.",
"\n\nPublic records requests are useful tools for journalists, lawyers, environmentalists and citizens researching their government. ",
"Often times, requesters are forced to sue for a writ of mandate in state court to try and obtain withheld records.",
"\n\nHueso’s office says the bill is being sponsored by the San Diego City Attorney’s Office and that the authors are “open and willing” for discussions with SB 615’s critics.",
"\n\n“The intent of SB 615 is to make the public records request process efficient and streamlined for all parties involved,” said Hueso’s communications director Erin Hickey in an email.",
"\n\nYet Hueso’s bill would add an extra step to the process by forcing requesters to first meet in “good faith” with the agency before filing a lawsuit.",
"\n\n“This bill would require a person to meet and confer in good faith with the agency in an attempt to informally resolve each issue before instituting any proceeding for injunctive or declarative relief or writ of mandate. ",
"The bill would require the person or their attorney to file a declaration stating that this has occurred at the time that proceedings are instituted,” SB 615 states.",
"\n\nEwert notes that the law already requires agencies to assist requesters in identifying records and says he’s suspicious of the meet and confer clause.",
"\n\n“It seems like it’s an attempt to force a requester to bargain away rights to information that they otherwise should be able to obtain under the law,” Ewert said. “",
"That is not in the public’s interest.”",
"\n\nFurthermore, both Ewert and Snyder agree that SB 615 would create an “almost impossible” set of standards for a requester to meet if they win in court and want to recover court costs. ",
"If judges become hesitant to order government agencies to repay fees, lawyers might stop taking public records cases.",
"\n\nThere’s plenty of time for the bill to be amended but open government groups are not taking the current proposal lightly. ",
"Hueso chairs a committee and is an influential member in the Democratic-controlled Senate.",
"\n\n“This bill is not just a solution in search of a problem – it is problem in search of a problem,” Snyder said."
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] | 0.000815 | 32 |
"Q:\n\nList of all invalid operations that throw an ArithmeticException() in Java?",
"\n\nIs there a comprehensive list of all possible operations (such as division by zero) that throw an ArithmeticException in Java?",
"\nPut in another way: For instance, one could catch these exceptions as\ncatch (ArithmeticException e) {\n e.printStackTrace();\n}\n\nAnd for division by zero the message would read:\njava.lang.",
"ArithmeticException: / by zero\n at [filename:line number]\n\nSurely this message is a predefined quantity made available to the compiler.",
"\nSo my question is, where can I find a complete list of arithmeticexception messages which a compiler can possibly generate?",
"\n\nA:\n\nThere is no complete list, but below are some causes.",
"\nThere seem to be two types:\n\nDivision by zero.",
"\nInexact result when exact result requested (e.g. overflow or rounding).",
"\n\nSo far, this is what I've found:\n\nNormal and Abrupt Completion of Evaluation (JLS §15.6):\n\nAn integer division (§15.17.2) or integer remainder (§15.17.3) operator throws an ArithmeticException if the value of the right-hand operand expression is zero.",
"\n\nMath.addExact(int x, int y),\nMath.subtractExact(int x, int y),\nMath.multiplyExact(int x, int y),\nMath.incrementExact(int a),\nMath.decrementExact(int a),\nMath.negateExact(int a):\n\nThrows: ArithmeticException - if the result overflows an int\n\nMath.addExact(long x, long y),\nMath.subtractExact(long x, long y),\nMath.multiplyExact(long x, long y),\nMath.incrementExact(long a),\nMath.decrementExact(long a),\nMath.negateExact(long a):\n\nThrows: ArithmeticException - if the result overflows an long\n\nMath.toIntExact(long value):\n\nThrows: ArithmeticException - if the argument overflows an int\n\nMath.floorDiv(int x, int y),\nMath.floorDiv(long x, long y),\nMath.floorMod(int x, int y),\nMath.floorMod(long x, long y):\n\nThrows: ArithmeticException - if the divisor y is zero\n\nBigDecimal.",
"ROUND_UNNECESSARY:\n\nIf this rounding mode is specified on an operation that yields an inexact result, an ArithmeticException is thrown.",
"\n\nBigDecimal.divide(BigDecimal divisor, int scale, int roundingMode),\nBigDecimal.divide(BigDecimal divisor, int scale, RoundingMode roundingMode),\nBigDecimal.divide(BigDecimal divisor, int roundingMode),\nBigDecimal.divide(BigDecimal divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode),\n...:\n\nThrows: ArithmeticException - if divisor is zero\n\n"
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} | [
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"Epidemiologists and public health people know what we're talking about here. ",
"You think a disease is gone after years and years of hard work, education, and vaccination campaigns. ",
"You think people have established a proper communal vigilance about these things. ",
"And then, one day, you're knee-deep in sick people wondering how someone thought eating bushmeat was a good idea, and yeah you were thinking about going to the beach house this weekend, but there was this little Ebola outbreak you had to look after in the name of the human race.",
"\n\nThe point is that what is not being reinforced is soon to be forgotten. ",
"This brings us to something we thought we could avoid bringing up this year, but here we are, about to talk about it.",
"\n\nDespite years of public education, some of you still know people who insist on getting married on a weekend in the fall.",
"\n\n\n\n\n\nThe smallpox of social interactions during football season returns yet again.",
"\n\nYou thought you'd extinguished it, banished it to the dark ages, but nooo, here it comes, the product of negligence on someone's part. ",
"Maybe you want to blame a girl here, and that would be the natural inclination because girls ruin everything in one form or another. ",
"Blah, you should shower. ",
"Nag, you shouldn't be drunk at 11 in the morning. ",
"Ehhh, the only difference between you and a homeless person is a sign and fewer flies because a homeless person at least gets the benefit of the breeze to blow the insects away.",
"\n\nThis is unfair. ",
"At one point, someone--male or female--broke the chain, and allowed the next person to say, \"Oh, a fall wedding! ",
"Surely there's nothing else going on in the fall that demands all-day attention!\" ",
"You can't blame them. ",
"You have to blame a lack of education, both on the part of college and NFL football fans, a group who stand to get just as screwed by a fall wedding as college fans (and maybe more so thanks to travel.)",
"\n\nSomeone broke the chain, and failed to press home just how important this is, and that proverbial monkey biting all the customs agents has now infected an entire cluster of college fans. ",
"This is how epidemics happen, tragedies that could have been prevented if you'd made it completely clear that for a mere four months during football season, you are not available. ",
"Okay, perhaps you're available during the bye week, but there must be a television present, and no one can give you shit for ducking out to check a score. ",
"It's preferable to taking a small television in with you to the ceremony, something we know because we've done it, and it is awkward beyond even the comedic standard of awkward.*",
"\n\n*TV in audience, us on groomsman duty, and scores and times conveyed by hand signal.",
"\n\nSo take that step. ",
"Find out if someone you know is going to have a fall wedding some day. ",
"If they say yes, inform them that football season is in the fall, and that it means you won't be able to go. ",
"If they say this is going to jeopardize your friendship, then this person is a terrible friend. ",
"Find new ones. ",
"We suggest the nearest Greyhound bus depot. ",
"It's filled with colorful characters who will make you forget your old friends with their enthralling anecdotes, bonhomie, and cheap but powerful drugs that they will be all too happy to share for a sandwich.",
"\n\nCould you make friends for just a sandwich with your old buddies? ",
"We think not! ",
"Also, your new friends will never get married because they don't believe in paperwork for anything, much less for who they have sex with under an overpass. ",
"Love in the great outdoors! ",
"You'll come to love it, mostly because you'll have to, new urban outdoorsman.",
"\n\nThis message brought to you by the EDSBS Institute For Being A Responsible Football Fan. ",
"Remember: Football Means Never Having To Say You're Sorry, Mostly Because The Offended Party Is Unconscious And Convulsing On The Ground."
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] | 0.067002 | 37 |
"Recommended Posts\n\nThis is great ... thanks for sharing. ",
"It is, as you say, a cogent explanation of a very complex story. ",
"The ZFilm (and other films) are the source of infinite controversy, but their provenance and accuracy literally shed light on the fundamental questions underlying JFK's murder. ",
"For me, there are a number of basic facts associated with the ZFilm that are, by themselves, powerful and compelling ... the film tells the entire story of what really happened in Dealey Plaza, and the powerful forces that orchestrated the assassination:\n\nThe organization (Time-Life) that vigorously pursued purchase rights and copies of the film. ",
"Life spends a small fortune on the Monday following the original $50K purchase to secure motion picture rights and total ownership - of a primary piece of evidence in the President's murder - but never exploits the film commercially for 12 years. ",
"Clearly an act of suppression as opposed to profit. ",
"How is it that a private business can secure and purchase the evidence in a crime?",
"\n\nWhile the popular chain of custody story is one of Zapruder negotiating with Time-Life over the weekend (which itself seems a cover story), the actual film is already in the hands of government authorities, being studied and altered ...its as though the Stolley story (and Time-Life's possession) is an intentional distraction for what's actually happening to the film.",
"\n\nIn its first issue after the assassination, Life misrepresented the content of the film (the frontal throat wound, inaccurately described as the President turning his body to face the snipers nest) ... a practice that continued until its public release (albeit with bootleg copies) in 1975\n\nSince the film was altered, the conspirators had to manufacture altered copies as well ... so, the infamous \"first-day copies\" (made on Friday) had to be quickly switched out with replacements. ",
"In this light, the additional sum of $100K can be considered, in essence, \"hush money\" ($25K annually each January, for the next five years).",
"\n\nHow little the Warren Commission was interested in the film. ",
"The frames published by the Commission consist of 12 exhibits - less than one second of the 26-second film - in Volume XVIII. ",
"The Commission studied a grainy second-generation FBI copy in early 1964; they only viewed the ostensible \"original\" for one day (February 25th) and only after being provided the purported camera-original film by Time-Life.",
"\n\nCertain scenes on the film had to be altered - the brief car stop, multiple hits to the head from both front and rear, exit debris leaving the skull from the rear, movement of Secret Service agents and motorcycle escorts, the edge of the Stemmons Freeway sign - to match other aspects of the cover story that are otherwise seriously in question (i.e. one shooter, 3 shots, autopsy) but the head snap could not be removed ... so the movie was suppressed for 12 years.",
"\n\nFew pictures exist of Zapruder himself doing the actual filming from that uniquely-positioned pedestal (I'm preoccupied by this) and where he was actually standing ... and why him? ",
"And he immediately \"donates\" $25K to Tippit's widow ... an interesting choice. ",
"While many citizens had their cameras and film immediately confiscated in Dealey Plaza (some never to be returned), Zapruder's camera wasn't taken.",
"\n\nAfter the shooting, his associate Marilyn Sitzman walks towards the Pergola, while Zapruder heads straight to the TSBD Building (as depicted in the Bell Film). ",
"Zapruder also told the Warren Commission that immediately after the assassination, he went to his office and told his secretary to call the police or Secret Service because \"I knew I had something, I figured it \"might be of some help\".",
"But according to Forrest Sorrels, he was alerted to the film by a reporter from the Dallas Morning News who contacted him and informed him that a man had made some movies that the Secret Service might be interested in.",
"As the body of JFK is being transported live, Zapruder is already on air to say he has a film and he remembers the shot exactly how the Warren Commission will say it happened ... but clearly different than the unaltered film he had just shot. ",
"They say they will air his film and then they don’t; WFAA will later say they had no equipment to air color film.",
"Something feels \"off\" about Zapruder's actions and statements, not just his film.",
"\n\nThe specter of Hawkeyeworks (see attached pictures taken this past summer while visiting Rochester) ... the facility remained classified until 2009, and has been unoccupied since.",
"The infamous windows on the 11th floor are where the covert government offices were located, where top-secret clearance was required for access.",
"Code-named 'Bridgehead' the facility supported the government’s overhead satellite reconnaissance systems and a sophisticated, state-of the-art Photographic Operations Center, which derived its code name from its location adjacent to the Driving Park Bridge that spans the Genesee River Gorge.",
"\n\nIn 1969, Jim Garrison subpoenaed the ZFilm from Time-Life, who fought it all the way to the Supreme Court, which ruled handing over (grudgingly) a blurry copy for the Shaw trial.",
"\n\nThe ZFilm has kept the assassination story alive and in the public eye for 50 years. ",
"Publicly revealing the film on Goodnight America (aptly titled) in 1975 stirred doubts and precipitated the Church Committee hearings in 1976, and the 1976-79 House Select Committee (i.e. \"The Last Investigation\").",
"\n\nIncluding the ZFilm as part of Oliver Stone's 1991 JFK and the dramatic Frame 313, shown during Garrison's Shaw trial, reinvigorated public interest and in 1992 led Congress to pass the JFK records Act, ordering declassification of an enormous amount of records ... a process still going on today\n\nThe weekend NPIC analyses - hidden from the official record - were first questioned in 1975, but then obscured by incomplete/inaccurate documentation.",
"\n\nEach NPIC team believed they were handling the original Zapruder film - one group working from an 8mm film reel, and the other from an unslit 16mm reel - and during the twelve-hour period between the two teams, the original film was likely altered at Hawkeyeworks. ",
"Adding to the intrigue of the covert operation, members of both NPIC briefing board teams were threatened by the \"Secret Service\" to not talk (even to their supervisors).",
"\n\nIf the film worked on by McMahon had been the same worked on the night before, there would’ve been no need for a compartmentalized operation ... the same duty crew that worked on Saturday night could have been called in again.",
"Use of two separate crews reveals a covert operation.",
"\n\nIt’s now evident that there were two separate briefing boards, and two different film formats.",
"The two events were only exposed (pun intended) during 1996-1999 AARB, and by later interviews in 2009-2011 of the principals who processed the film boards (Homer McMahon and Dino Brugioni). ",
"Only 40-50 years later does a full picture emerge of film provenance.",
"\n\nDino Brugioni's 2009 interview describes \"Secret Service\" agents arriving with the ZFilm at NPIC on November 23rd - directing the analysis “in individual stop frames” - with particular attention to the portion of the film showing the limousine just ahead of the Stemmons sign, its subsequent disappearance behind the sign, and then the frames after it reappeared. ",
"Homer McMahon's interview describes JFK reacting to \"6 to 8 shots fired from at least three directions” (i.e. the flurry of shots described by Kellerman).",
"\n\nIn 2011, Brugioni was shown a good image of frame 313 from the extant Zapruder film - the so-called “head explosion” - obtained from the National Archives.",
"Brugioni was startled to find out that this was the only frame graphically depicting the “head explosion” in the extant film, which the National Archives has characterized as “the original film.",
"”He insisted that the head explosion he viewed multiple times in 1963 was of such a great size, and duration (in terms of time), that there should be many more frames depicting that explosion than “just the one frame” (Frame 313), as shown in the ZFilm today.",
"Furthermore, he said the “head explosion” depicted today is too small in size, and too low in the frame, to be the same graphic depiction he recalls witnessing on Saturday, November 23rd, 1963 at NPIC.",
"\n\nThe legal status of the ZFilm became uncertain with the passage of the Assassination Records Collection Act in 1992, and a legal battle ensured over the next 7 years to make the film an official record. ",
"There then ensued debates with Zapruder's heirs ($16M in \"just compensation\") over final ownership including copyright, only once again to be \"protected\" (in perpetuity) by the Sixth Floor Museum\n\nThe AARB commissioned a limited authenticity study of the ZFilm, based on examination of its edge print (the markings and script imposed at the factory where it was produced, and after it was exposed). ",
"The AARB asked if Kodak would perform the Zapruder film study pro bono; Kodak agreed in 1997, and hired a retired film chemist, Roland Zavada.",
"\n\nThe ZFilm's private ownership continued to hamper its analysis. ",
"Zavada described “the tremendous complexity” introduced by LMH (Zapruder’s heirs) in their challenge to demand copyright license before any of the photographs could be used... similar to what Time-Life did to Josiah Thompson in 1967.",
"\n\nResearchers have pointed out that the CIA/FBI could have conveniently lost or destroyed the ZFilm (as with many other evidential items), yet it did not.",
"This suggests that everything associated with the film - from filming to distribution - was scripted.",
"And that perhaps Abraham Zapruder was no innocent bystander.",
"\n\nIn late 1999, LMH transferred the copyright and all of its holdings to the Sixth Floor Museum, where the myths are now perpetuated forever.",
"Author Phillip Melanson summarized the contentious history of the ZFilm best:\n\n\"It is possible that the film of the century is more intricately related to the crime of the century than we ever knew -- not because it recorded the crime of the century, as we have assumed, but because it was itself an instrument of conspiracy.\"",
"\n\nGene\n\nExcellent and persuasive summation Gene.",
"\n\nShare this post\n\nLink to post\n\nShare on other sites\n\nI've spent quite a bit of time reading and studying information about the Zapruder Film. ",
"I've even put a few papers together, mainly for my own edification, to navigate through the complex history of the film. ",
"Its quite a complicated affair (still not sure I fully grasp what David Healy told me about Kodak manufacturing double 8mm film stock without edge markings). ",
"There exist passionate debate and opinions about alteration. ",
"What I am convinced of is that the film was \"managed\" in some way, to fit with the official storyline. ",
"It's difficult to decide what to believe with the JFK case in general, with all of the conflicting the information (and skilled disinformaionalists), but Abraham Zapruder is also an enigma to me. ",
"Something about him - and his film's chain of custody and Time-Life negotiations - seems \"off\". ",
"I wouldn't be that surprised if he isn't the innocent bystander that the history books paint him out as. ",
"Doug Horne plowed some very important new ground in the assassination story, that I'm sure of ... and the interviews (not too long ago) of NPIC's Brugioni and McMahon are quite amazing.",
"\n\nI was in Rochester this summer, and took pictures at the retired Kodak facility where Hawkeyeworks is located (I'm having trouble uploading these to the EF). ",
"It gave me the creeps to be nearby ... a sinister feel and presence. ",
"I'd caution anyone from trying to use the ZFilm as a marker for timing, since I'm convinced its been altered and important information removed (Stemmons sign, limo stop, crossfire fusillade). ",
"It's almost as if the film was itself a part of the plot, to throw everyone off, and support the other piece parts (3 shots, one shooter, wounds/autopsy, etc.). ",
"More than 50 years later, we still talk about it ... and its been the stimulus of every attempt to get to the bottom of Dealey Plaza since Jim Garrison's trial (i.e. HSCA, Stone's JFK, the AARB and the Records Act). ",
"The film is as well-protected today (with the Sixth Flor Museum) as it was when Time-Life took possession the week after the assassination.",
"\n\nGene\n\nthey (edge markings and mfg' symbols) could have been added to a new in-camera Z-film master at a later date, Gene. ",
"And Roland knew that immediately after he told me. ",
"Stone cold silence... And I too think the Z-film controversy is a major league shuck and jive lone nut diversion. ",
"The medical evidence sinks the 1964 WCR as far as I'm concerned...\n\nShare this post\n\nLink to post\n\nShare on other sites\n\nAfter the shooting, his associate Marilyn Sitzman walks towards the Pergola, while Zapruder heads straight to the TSBD Building (as depicted in the Bell Film). ",
"Zapruder also told the Warren Commission that immediately after the assassination, he went to his office and told his secretary to call the police or Secret Service because\n\nGene,\n\nZ or whomever started walking toward the \"TSBD/his office\" quite possibly landed in the pergola first.",
"\n\nShare this post\n\nLink to post\n\nShare on other sites\n\nRon: thanks for your compliment. ",
"My summary is simply a collection of past work by many excellent researchers, whose shoulders we ride upon. ",
"I simply organized a set of key points.",
"\n\nDavid: I'm not well versed in film production, so the importance of edge markings was a bit lost on me. ",
"They seem akin to fingerprints, which can be traced back to the original film production or the processing lab. ",
"I presume the 0183 identification refers to the initial processing in Dallas. ",
"Later in Zavada's report, there are sections identified without that ID number (and some with an ID of 0184) which would imply this was not a camera-original copy. ",
"It would appear that Roland Zavada is independent and legitimate ... but his study proves little as far as provenance and originality. ",
"Like fingerprints, these edge markings could be gotten around, including using a blank film and then adding the desired number/marking, as you suggest. ",
"It would seem to me that Kodak would be very cautious and careful (in the 1996-1997 timeframe) with offering its experts and performing any limited studies, given the still classified nature of their government work, and what was in question. ",
"From Zavada's report:\n\nPerforated Number: The Zapruder 8mm film was identified during processing with a number – 0183 perforated vertically within the 8mm width as a part of company practice for customer identification – a control system to match the processing request or order to the film. ",
"The perforation would typically be located at the core of the returned 8mm reel, thus placing it following the scene exposed last – the customer tails end of side two. ",
"Also note that as the laboratory receives the film, this location is at the outside end of the camera spool, immediately following the integral camera thread-up leader that will be removed prior to processing.",
"\n\nChris: I'm very interested in other pictures of Mr. Zapruder, and why he would head back towards the Pergola area (an area of speculation and intrigue, as were the Hester couple). ",
"For having witnessed a brutal assassination (his vantage of the shooting is second only to the Umbrella Man and DCM), it seems strange that he and Ms. Sitzman immediately part ways and walk away . ",
"If that were you or I, we would be staying put and in shock ... staying together, consoling each other, trying to find a policeman, etc. ",
"In the photograph, you can see others (i.e. the Newman's) still lying on the ground. ",
"Very much like the UM and DCM casually walking away in opposite directions.",
"\n\nOne additional thought: Zapruder is quoted as having been \"deeply troubled\" by Frame 313 (including experiencing nightmares) and this was used as an rationale for why, when he sold the film to Time-Life, it must be withheld from publication (although he signed over the full rights, and Time did later expose that frame as a picture). ",
"This stipulation was also used as an excuse for why Time-Life sequestered the film for 12 years. ",
"I've also read related explanations that imply he wanted to spare the Kennedy family further pain. ",
"This seems, in retrospect, a bit dramatic and sounds similar to Jack Ruby's stated reason for killing Oswald.",
"\n\nShare this post\n\nLink to post\n\nShare on other sites\n\nThe dark patch on the back of Kennedy's head in Z317 (in the link provided in the first post of this thread) appears as a sure manipulation. ",
"This shape is neatly delinated and much darker than a natural shadow. ",
"Can only concur with the authors who analysed this high-res image. ",
"Further, to cover up this black patch, the back and shoulder and part of the upper arm were also darkened to make the hair patch less conspicuous and more natural."
] | {
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] | 0.001859 | 100 |
"Q:\n\nHow do I set the input value in Angular 8?",
"\n\nI am building an invoice feature inspired from this site and I want the first two lines of the invoice to be pre-filled with: 'Hours worked' & 'Kilometers travelled'. ",
"The example code of the mentioned site is using the first version of Angularjs so I need to transform that into Angular 2+, so i changed ng-model=\"items.description\" into [(ngModel)]=\"items.description\"\nIn my invoice.component.ts I have declared this field:\n items:[\n{ qty: 1, description: 'Hours worked', cost: 500 },\n{ qty: 1, description: 'Kilometres traveled', cost: 4500 }\n\n];\nThis is the full code block :\n<div class=\"row invoice-item\" *ngFor=\"let item of items\" ng-animate=\"'slide-down'\">\n <div class=\"col-xs-1 remove-item-container\">\n <a href ng-hide=\"printMode\" ng-click=\"removeItem(item)\" class=\"btn btn-danger\">[X]</a>\n </div>\n <div class=\"col-xs-5 input-container\">\n <input [(ngModel)]=\"items.description\" placeholder=\"description\" >\n </div>\n <div class=\"col-xs-2 input-container\">\n <input ng-model=\"item.qty\" value=\"1\" size=\"4\" ng-required ng-validate=\"integer\" placeholder=\"Quantity\" />\n </div>\n <div class=\"col-xs-2 input-container\">\n <input ng-model=\"item.cost\" value=\"0.00\" ng-required ng-validate=\"number\" size=\"6\" placeholder=\"Cost\" />\n </div>\n <div class=\"col-xs-2 text-right input-container\">\n <!-- {{",
"item.cost * item.qty | currency: currencySymbol}} -->\n </div>\n </div>\n\nHowever, the lines are blank. ",
"What am I doing wrong?",
"\n(i know the rest of the code is still using Angularjs code, but that is not relevant right now)\n\nA:\n\nas @Ingo Burk mentioned above you just need to adjust the \"items\" from your code to \"item\"\n\nYour code\n\n <input [(ngModel)]=\"items.description\" placeholder=\"description\" >\n...\n\nto this\n\n <input [(ngModel)]=\"item.description\" placeholder=\"description\" >\n...\n\nExplain: when you use *ngFor=\"let item of items\", the \"let item of items\" means let the \"item\" contains all the data of \"items\" so from that you just simply use the \"item\". [(",
"ngModel)] works as 2-way data binding which means the user can type in and see the output at the same time. ",
"I hope this will help you. ",
"Corrections are all welcome \n\n"
] | {
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] | 0.000719 | 9 |
"Eye movement desensitization in fibromyalgia: a pilot study.",
"\nThe purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of eye movement desensitization (EMD) for the relief of pain, fatigue and anxiety and depression in fibromyalgia patients. ",
"Six Caucasian female patients (mean age=43.2 yr) participated in two treatment sessions. ",
"Outcome assessments included the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire, Fatigue Scale, Beck Anxiety Inventory, and Beck Depression Inventory. ",
"In-session process measures included thermal biofeedback monitoring and subjective units of discomfort ratings of pain, stress, and fatigue. ",
"Four out of six subjects were considered treatment responders. ",
"Thermal biofeedback monitoring revealed an average increase in hand temperature of 5.4 degrees indicating a relaxation effect. ",
"At treatment termination, average scores decreased on the measures of anxiety (28.6%), depression (29.9%), fibromyalgia impact (12.6%), and fatigue (11.5%). ",
"At the 3-month follow-up assessment, total reductions in average scores from pre-treatment baseline reflected further improvements on measures of anxiety (45.8%), depression (31.6%), fibromyalgia impact (19.2%), and fatigue (26.7%). ",
"Because EMD produced a somewhat automatic relaxation response with minimal patient participation, it may be especially useful when standard relaxation techniques fail."
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] | 0.000705 | 10 |
"Rebecca Ness » Work From Homehttp://rebeccaness.com\nWays to Create Passive Income Online for Inspired MomsWed, 11 Mar 2015 16:09:40 +0000en-UShourly1http://wordpress.org/?v=4.1.13 Steps To Making Money Online and Where Most People Get It Wronghttp://rebeccaness.com/3-steps-to-making-money-online-and-where-most-people-get-it-wrong/\nhttp://rebeccaness.com/3-steps-to-making-money-online-and-where-most-people-get-it-wrong/#commentsWed, 11 Mar 2015 16:09:40 +0000http://rebeccaness.com/?p=4735http://rebeccaness.com/3-steps-to-making-money-online-and-where-most-people-get-it-wrong/feed/0How To Use The Power Lead System To Make Money Helping Others Build THEIR Businesshttp://rebeccaness.com/how-to-use-the-power-lead-system-to-make-money-helping-others-build-their-business/\nhttp://rebeccaness.com/how-to-use-the-power-lead-system-to-make-money-helping-others-build-their-business/#commentsWed, 11 Mar 2015 02:08:41 +0000http://rebeccaness.com/?p=4725http://rebeccaness.com/how-to-use-the-power-lead-system-to-make-money-helping-others-build-their-business/feed/0Don’t Wait For Life To Change …Start Living Your Dream Life Nowhttp://rebeccaness.com/dont-wait-for-life-to-change-start-living-your-dream-life-now/\nhttp://rebeccaness.com/dont-wait-for-life-to-change-start-living-your-dream-life-now/#commentsWed, 08 Oct 2014 03:51:20 +0000http://rebeccaness.com/?p=4426http://rebeccaness.com/dont-wait-for-life-to-change-start-living-your-dream-life-now/feed/0How to Use IBOToolbox To Help Build Your Home Based Businesshttp://rebeccaness.com/how-to-use-ibotoolbox-to-help-build-your-home-based-business/\nhttp://rebeccaness.com/how-to-use-ibotoolbox-to-help-build-your-home-based-business/#commentsTue, 30 Sep 2014 15:35:42 +0000http://rebeccaness.com/?p=4649http://rebeccaness.com/how-to-use-ibotoolbox-to-help-build-your-home-based-business/feed/0Legitimate Ways To Work From Anywhere In The Worldhttp://rebeccaness.com/10-legitimate-ways-to-work-from-anywhere-in-the-world/\nhttp://rebeccaness.com/10-legitimate-ways-to-work-from-anywhere-in-the-world/#commentsThu, 25 Sep 2014 16:46:49 +0000http://rebeccaness.com/?p=4589http://rebeccaness.com/10-legitimate-ways-to-work-from-anywhere-in-the-world/feed/0Kids Are Back To School …Time To Put A 90 Day Plan In Place For Business and Selfhttp://rebeccaness.com/kids-are-back-to-school-time-to-put-a-90-day-plan-in-place-for-business-and-self/\nhttp://rebeccaness.com/kids-are-back-to-school-time-to-put-a-90-day-plan-in-place-for-business-and-self/#commentsWed, 03 Sep 2014 16:26:11 +0000http://rebeccaness.com/?p=4620http://rebeccaness.com/kids-are-back-to-school-time-to-put-a-90-day-plan-in-place-for-business-and-self/feed/0How To Make An Ebook In Your Niche With ClickBank Universityhttp://rebeccaness.com/how-to-make-an-ebook/\nhttp://rebeccaness.com/how-to-make-an-ebook/#commentsWed, 27 Aug 2014 18:38:40 +0000http://rebeccaness.com/?p=4702http://rebeccaness.com/how-to-make-an-ebook/feed/0How To Be Successful at Network Marketing (Unlike 95% of People Who Join)http://rebeccaness.com/how-to-be-successful-at-network-marketing-unlike-95-of-people-who-join/\nhttp://rebeccaness.com/how-to-be-successful-at-network-marketing-unlike-95-of-people-who-join/#commentsMon, 26 May 2014 16:41:52 +0000http://rebeccaness.com/?p=4600http://rebeccaness.com/how-to-be-successful-at-network-marketing-unlike-95-of-people-who-join/feed/0The shift inside that has to happen to create a real ‘work from anywhere’ lifestylehttp://rebeccaness.com/the-shift-inside-that-has-to-happen-to-create-a-real-work-from-anywhere-lifestyle/\nhttp://rebeccaness.com/the-shift-inside-that-has-to-happen-to-create-a-real-work-from-anywhere-lifestyle/#commentsWed, 30 Apr 2014 19:24:30 +0000http://rebeccaness.com/?p=4570http://rebeccaness.com/the-shift-inside-that-has-to-happen-to-create-a-real-work-from-anywhere-lifestyle/feed/1Steeped Tea Reviewhttp://rebeccaness.com/steeped-tea-review/\nhttp://rebeccaness.com/steeped-tea-review/#commentsThu, 03 Apr 2014 18:11:49 +0000http://rebeccaness.com/?p=4546http://rebeccaness.com/steeped-tea-review/feed/0"
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"In certain of optical projection video display systems, a mirror array is illuminated from an optical energy source. ",
"In such a system, the orientation of each of the mirrors is electronically perturbed to determine a propagation path for a beam of light reflecting from each mirror. ",
"The exact path of the reflected beam which passes through a slit determines the intensity of the optical energy which passes therethrough. ",
"The optical energy exiting from the slit is then focused upon a screen. ",
"Therefore, the orientation of a mirror directing each of the reflected beams through a corresponding slit determines the intensity for each pixel in the display.",
"\nEach of the mirrors is controlled by an actuator comprising one or more electrodisplacive, e.g., piezoelectric or electrostrictive members upon which each mirror is mounted. ",
"By applying a DC electrical signal to each of the electrodisplacive members, the electrodisplacive members deform, as is well known in the art, to thereby, e.g., tilt the plane of the reflective surface of the mounted mirror. ",
"The amplitude of the DC signal controls the degree of the tilting of the mounted mirror. ",
"Optical projection video display systems and various configurations of such actuated mirror arrays are disclosed in, e.g., U.S. Pat. ",
"Nos. ",
"5,085,497; 5,175,465; and 5,185,660.",
"\nIn a copending, commonly assigned application, U.S. Ser. ",
"No. ",
"08/216,754, entitled \"ACTUATOR ARRAY AND METHOD FOR THE MANUFACTURE THEREOF\", there is disclosed yet another actuated mirror array which may be used in such optical projection video display systems. ",
"FIG. ",
"1 presents a cross sectional view of the actuated mirror array which comprises a substrate 1, an array 3 of actuators, e.g., 30, 30', 30\" and a corresponding array 5 of mirrors, e g , 50, 50', 50\" . ",
"Each of the actuators, e.g., 30, in turn, includes a pair of electrodisplacive members 31a, 31b.",
"\nEach electrodisplacive member 31a(31b) has a side surface 32a(32b), a part of a grooved surface 33a(33b), a top surface 34a(34b) and a bottom surface 35a(35b). ",
"The side surfaces 32a, 32b of the electrodisplacive members 31a, 31b are in a facing relationship to each other with a first metalization 36 formed therebetween. ",
"The grooved surface 33a(33b) is formed between the top surface 34a(34b) of the electrodisplacive member 31a(31b) of the actuator 30 and the top surface 34b'(34a\") of the adjacent electrodisplacive member 31b'(31a\") of an adjacent actuator 30'(30\") with a second metalization 37a(37b) provided thereon. ",
"The second metalization 37a(37b) is usually coupled to a common ground potential. ",
"On the top surfaces 34a, 34b of the electrodisplacive members 31a, 31b, a mirror 50 is mounted. ",
"The bottom surfaces 35a, 35b of the electrodisplacive members 31a, 31b are mounted on the substrate 1.",
"\nPrior to the mounting of the actuator 30 on the substrate 1, an opening 11 is formed through the substrate 1 at an intermediate location between the pair of the electrodisplacive members 31a, 31b. ",
"A third metalization 12 fills the hole. ",
"Further, an electrically conductive adhesive paste 13 is provided on the third metalization 12.",
"\nThe bottom surfaces 35a, 35b of the electrodisplacive members 31a, 31b are then mounted on the substrate 1 with the first metalization 36 centered around the electrically conductive adhesive paste 13. ",
"An addressable driver (not shown) mounted to the lower surface of the substrate 1 may then apply a voltage to the third metalization 12 for a desired tilting of the mirror 50. ",
"The voltage may be developed in accordance with the corresponding pixel intensity in an optical projection video display system of the type disclosed in the above-referenced U.S. Pat. ",
"No. ",
"\nIn such actuators, however, the contact resistance between the first metalization 36 and the third metalization 12 can be undesirably increased due to a possible uneven distribution of the conductive particles in the paste 13, which may render inadequate or improper the tilting operation of the mirror 50 upon application of such voltage to the third metalization."
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"How Long Can Sperm Live Inside the Body?",
"\n\nThe issue is often debated with all kinds of theories that support all sorts of arguments. ",
"But in actual sense, how long can sperm live inside the body? ",
"Depending on different situations, sperms can survive from hours to 7 days inside a female's body.",
"\n\nWhen a man ejaculates inside a woman, very few sperms survive long enough to make an attempt at fertilization. ",
"In order to do this, they have to get as far as they can in the cervix."
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"An alleged statement by General Alphonse Juin before the battle said: \"For fifty hours you will be the absolute masters of what you will find beyond the enemy. ",
"Nobody will punish you for what you will do, nobody will ask you about what you will get up to.",
"\"[2] Recent research has showed this statement was forged after the war by Italian victims' associations and is linked to the perception of the crimes by the Italians rather than an official policy of the French Army.[3]\n\nMonte Cassino was captured by the Allies on May 18, 1944. ",
"The next night, thousands of Goumiers and other colonial troops scoured the slopes of the hills surrounding the town and the villages of Ciociaria (in South Latium). ",
"Italian victims' associations such as Associazione Nazionale Vittime delle Marocchinate alleged that 60,000 women, ranging in age from 11 to 86, suffered from violence, when village after village came under control of the Goumiers. ",
"Estimates made by the Italian Ministry of Defence in 1997 set the figure at 2,000 to 3,000 female victims.[4] The number of men killed has been estimated at 800.[5] In fact, due to incomplete reports of the crimes, a precise account is impossible.[6]\n\nThe mayor of Esperia, a comune in the Province of Frosinone, reported that in his town, 700 women out of 2,500 inhabitants were raped, resulting in many deaths. ",
"According to Italian victims associations, a total of more than 7,000 civilians, including children, were raped by Goumiers.[7]\n\nBimberg, Edward L. \"Augustin-Leon Guillaume's Goums in a Modern War\". ",
"Weider History Group. ",
"Archived from the original on 2007-09-30. ",
"It praises the fighting ability in difficult terrain and \"Unfortunately for the Goumiers, their military success did not prevent their fearsome reputation from taking its toll as exceptional numbers of Moroccans were executed—many without trial—for allegedly murdering, raping, and pillaging their way across the Italian countryside.\""
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"Effects of Aspergillus fumigatus on glucocorticoid receptor and β2-adrenergic receptor expression in a rat model of asthma.",
"\nConventional inhaled corticosteroids or β2-adrenergic receptor agonists do not work well in some asthmatic populations while empirical antifungal therapy has obvious impact on those patients. ",
"The study was designed to investigate whether short-term exposure to Aspergillus fumigatus (A. fumigatus) could decrease glucocorticoid receptor (GCR) and β2-adrenergic receptor (ADRB2) expression in lung tissue of asthmatic rats. ",
"A rat model of chronic asthma was first established by ovalbumin sensitization and challenge. ",
"Rats with chronic asthma were then exposed to short-term application of A. fumigatus spores. ",
"Airway hyper-responsiveness, eosinophil ratio in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid and total IgE in serum were counted in these experimental animals. ",
"GCR and ADRB2 expression in the lung were detected and analyzed. ",
"Furthermore, the levels of toll-like receptors (TLRs) 2, 3 and 4 in lung tissue were measured. ",
"Short-term exposure to A. fumigatus could down-regulate the expression of GCR, aggravate airway hyper-responsiveness and increase the level of TLR2 in rats with asthma. ",
"There were no obvious changes in the levels of ADRB2 expression, recruited eosinophils, total IgE, TLR3 and TLR4 after application of A. fumigatus in asthmatic rats. ",
"These findings indicate that A. fumigatus exposure may be involved in glucocorticoids unresponsiveness by down-regulating the expression of GCR in asthmatics. ",
"The possibility of A. fumigatus colonization or infection should not be ignored in patients of steroid-resistant asthma."
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"Glossary\n\nTo search the glossary, enter a term to search for, then click the Search icon.",
"\n\nEnter term to search for:\n\nA\n\nActual cash value\n\nThe value of property at the time it was stolen or destroyed, arrived at by subtracting depreciation from the replacement cost of the item.",
"\n\nB\n\nBodily injury liability coverage\n\nPays for medical expenses, legal expenses, and judgments when the policyholder’s car is involved in an accident that causes property damage and/or the injury or death of another person.",
"\n\nC\n\nCalifornia Earthquake Authority (CEA)\n\nA state-sponsored partnership between private companies and the government offering earthquake insurance policies in the state.",
"\n\nCancellation\n\nWhen an insurer discontinues an auto policy because a driver fails to pay the premium, loses driving privileges, or has not accurately reported the facts relating to his level of risk. ",
"A cancellation may make it difficult to get insurance for a long time to come.",
"\n\nClaim\n\nA request to an insurer for compensation for a loss.",
"\n\nCollision coverage\n\nCovers the damage to a policyholder’s vehicle resulting from a collision, regardless of who is responsible. ",
"Collision coverage typically requires the payment of a deductible by the policyholder.",
"\n\nComprehensive physical damage coverage\n\nPays for damage to a policyholder’s car that is not the result of an auto accident, such as theft, vandalism, fire, hail, natural disasters, hitting a deer. ",
"Comprehensive coverage requires a deductible, and will only pay as much as the car was worth before sustaining the damage.",
"\n\nD\n\nDamage depreciation\n\nCommonly used in aviation policies to describe the inherent loss of value to an aircraft that has been damaged and repaired. ",
"An identical aircraft that had never been damaged would be worth more in a sale than one that has been repaired, even if the repair work was exemplary.",
"\n\nDeductible\n\nThe amount of a claim that the insured must pay before the insurance company will cover the rest.",
"\n\nDepreciation\n\nThe loss of an asset’s value over time.",
"\n\nE\n\nEarthquake insurance\n\nA specific policy covering home repair and the replacement of personal property lost to seismic activity.",
"\n\nEndorsement\n\nAn agreement added to a policy to change the amount of coverage offered by that policy. ",
"Once attached, an endorsement supersedes the original terms of the policy.",
"\n\nF\n\nFirst-party claim\n\nRequest to an insurance company by one of its policyholders for compensation for a loss.",
"\n\nFloater\n\nA separate policy designed to extend the coverage of the basic insurance policy for an item or collection of items. ",
"It's called a floater because sometimes the asset may “float” from location to location with the owner’s use.",
"\n\nFlood insurance\n\nA private or government-sponsored policy covering home repair and the replacement of personal property damaged by a flood. ",
"Normally not included in basic homeowner's policies.",
"\n\nFlood insurance rate map (FIRM)\n\nA map developed by the National Flood Insurance Program showing base flood elevations, risk zones, and floodplain boundaries; used in determining flood insurance premiums.",
"\n\nFlood zone\n\nArea in which the likelihood of a flood is much higher than average.",
"\n\nH\n\nHomeowner's insurance\n\nAn insurance policy that covers a home and its contents against loss, and helps protect the insured from liability claims, up to the policy limits.",
"\n\nHull insurance\n\nPortion of an aircraft or a yacht policy that covers physical damage to the insured craft.",
"\n\nI\n\nIntentional misconduct\n\nWillful damage to property or injury to others; distinct from negligence.",
"\n\nL\n\nLienholders interest endorsement\n\nAlso called “breach of warranty”; optional coverage in an aviation policy that pays a lienholder the balance of a loan in the event the aircraft is damaged in a manner that also voids the policy; favors the lienholder, not the policyholder.",
"\n\nLoan/lease gap insurance\n\nCovers the difference between a car’s actual cash value and the amount still owed on a loan or lease.",
"\n\nM\n\nMedical payments coverage\n\nCovers the medical bills incurred by policyholders and their passengers after an auto accident, regardless of who is at fault.",
"\n\nN\n\nNational Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)\n\nCoverage against flooding for personal and business property under the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, provided by a partnership of private insurers and the government.",
"\n\nNegligence\n\nFailure to exercise care, resulting in injury to others or damage to property.",
"\n\nNo-fault laws\n\nRegulations in some states that require each person involved in an auto accident to pay his or her own medical expenses and lost wages. ",
"Stricter versions disallow certain pain-and-suffering lawsuits.",
"\n\nNon-renewal\n\nMeans only that a company does not want to offer the driver a policy any longer, possibly because of the driving or claims record over the last three to five years. ",
"More than likely, other insurers will provide insurance at a higher price.",
"\n\nO\n\nOpen pilot clause\n\nMinimum competency required by an aviation policy for a pilot to be covered under the policy.",
"\n\nP\n\nPeril\n\nA specific cause of loss, such as fire or vandalism. ",
"There are 17 named perils in most homeowner's policies.",
"\n\nPersonal injury protection (PIP)\n\nAuto insurance required in many no-fault states, which pays extensive medical expenses, lost wages, and a small death benefit for the driver and all passengers. ",
"PIP usually comes with a 20 percent deductible.",
"\n\nPersonal liability insurance\n\nThe part of a homeowner's policy that covers the insured from legal expenses and claims for compensation should the insured accidentally injure others or damage their property.",
"\n\nPersonal property\n\nIn regards to homeowner's insurance, the possessions of the insured.",
"\n\nPersonal watercraft\n\nA small but powerful motorized watercraft sold under brand names such as Jet Ski or Wave Runner. ",
"Distinct from a boat or yacht.",
"\n\nPolicyholder\n\nPerson who buys and maintains an insurance policy; also called the \"insured\".",
"\n\nPremium\n\nPayment required to initiate and continue an insurance policy.",
"\n\nProperty and indemnity coverage\n\nCommon name for liability portion of a yacht insurance policy.",
"\n\nProperty damage liability coverage\n\nPays for damages to the property of others caused by the policyholder in his or her vehicle.",
"\n\nR\n\nRent-loss provision\n\nPortion of a policy that would reimburse an owner for rent that is lost while repairs are being made to rental property.",
"\n\nRental reimbursement coverage\n\nPays a set amount per day for transportation expenses or car rental while the insured’s car is being repaired due to a covered loss.",
"\n\nRenter's insurance\n\nPolicies available to those who rent a dwelling; usually covers personal possessions and liability, but not the dwelling itself.",
"\n\nReplacement cost\n\nThe cost of replacing a lost or destroyed item; does not factor in depreciation or market value.",
"\n\nRider\n\nA provision attached to a policy that adds or changes coverage.",
"\n\nRisk\n\nPotential for loss or injury.",
"\n\nS\n\nSpecial flood hazard areas (SFHA)\n\nA categorization of the different risk areas associated with floods, used in determining premiums for flood insurance. “",
"V” is the most hazardous.",
"\n\nT\n\nThird-party claim\n\nClaim made to an insurance company for damage or injury caused by one of its policyholders.",
"\n\nTotal, totaled\n\nClassification for a vehicle in need of repairs that will cost more than the vehicle’s actual value.",
"\n\nTowing and labor coverage\n\nProvides emergency road service and pays for towing charges. ",
"This coverage is not limited just to accidents, but can be used any time the insured’s car breaks down.",
"\n\nU\n\nUmbrella liability policy\n\nAn extra protection against liability that covers the amount above the maximum limits of homeowner's and auto policies.",
"\n\nUnearned premium\n\nPortion of a premium that may be returned to the policyholder if a claim resulting in a total loss takes place before the end of the policy term and eliminates the need for continued coverage.",
"\n\nUninsured/underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) coverage\n\nCovers the costs associated with damage or injury caused by an uninsured, underinsured, or hit-and-run driver.",
"\n\nY\n\nYacht\n\nTypically, a recreational watercraft that is 26 feet or more in length; distinct from a boat or a personal watercraft."
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"Wednesday, October 31, 2018\n\nOne of my first thoughts was of Fall when I saw this super adorable image by Dreamerland Crafts. ",
"I paired it with some plaid Halloween paper by Tim Holtz and Idea-ology. ",
"I decided to watercolor the image (with M. Graham watercolors), mainly so I could mix colors that would closely match those in the plaid background. ",
"I also tried to keep it to a limited palette.",
"\n\nFor the painting itself, I used a fairly dry brush technique and glazing to get smooth transitions, building up the layers in the dark areas for contrast. ",
"I am working on a watercolor series on my YouTube channel - eventually I hope to show this technique. ",
"If you are interested in watercolor, you may want to consider subscribing to my channel so you won't miss anything (hit the bell icon, then you will get notifications when I post).",
"\n\nDisclaimer: Please help support my work in this small way - just use my links if you plan to purchase anything - there's no extra cost to you. ",
"Here's the official jargon: links, affiliate links, and cookies may be used in this post and on this site. ",
"Using this site implies your consent. ",
"I participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, Share a Sale, and other affiliate programs; these affiliate advertising programs provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to amazon.com and/or other affiliated sites. ",
"This helps offset a small portion of my crafting addiction... uh, hobby. ",
"I am truly thankful for your kind support! ",
"I also receive free products from my design team companies, possibly monetary compensation, and sometimes free products for review. ",
"Regardless, all opinions are my own. ",
"Google and Blogger use cookies to provide and improve their services. ",
"See Notice at bottom of blog for a longer description and/or see the full Privacy Policy for even more details.",
"\n\n1. ",
"Use main Step-Ups die to cut card base from black cardstock; fold as indicated.",
"\n\n2. ",
"Use decorative panel dies to cut plaid sheet from 8x8 Mini Paper Stash Halloween. ",
"Adhere to card as shown. ",
"Die cut stars strip from antique silver Deco Sheets. ",
"Adhere on sides as shown. (",
"If you don't have the die set I used, you could cut other shapes, or even punch a design for the sides.)",
"\n\n4. ",
"Watercolor image with M. Graham watercolors (or other brand). ",
"M. Graham watercolors are professional watercolors, wet easily, and are lightfast. ",
"I love using them. ",
"In case you missed the post intro, I am doing a watercolor series on my YouTube channel and hope, at some point, to feature the techniques I used to paint this image.",
"\n\n5. ",
"Fussy cut image with detail scissors. ",
"Hint: move the paper while cutting to make it easier to get into small places and turn corners. ",
"Use a black brush tip Copic Multiliner SP (the SP versions are refillable, a better value in the long run plus they don't just go in some landfill) to go around the image from the back side. ",
"This hides the white on the sides and gives it a polished look. ",
"Adhere to card as shown using dimensional/mounting tape.",
"\n\n6. ",
"Using a Stamp Platform, stamp Happy Birthday sentiment (Miscellaneous 02, Dreamerland Crafts) on black cardstock using VersaMark ink. ",
"Emboss with Adirondack Clay embossing powder (retired, try Ranger Brick). ",
"Trim to a strip and add tails on either end (I cut off the cardstock 1/2 inch from each side of the sentiment, then added tails). ",
"Adhere to card as shown using dimensional/mounting tape. ",
"Hint: use a black alcohol marker, such as a Sharpie, to go around edges of tape before sticking to image - this will hide any white that may show.",
"\n\n7. ",
"Optional: from white or ivory cardstock, die cut another panel from the Step-Ups set. ",
"Adhere to back of card for a place to write (you could also put one inside the card).",
"\n\nMonday, October 29, 2018\n\nDoodlebug Design has some of the cutest and most colorful papers on the market - definitely a favorite of mine! ",
"This year's Halloween release was Pumpkin Party. ",
"I've also collected some packs and pads from recent years (OK, I tend to hoard them). ",
"Unfortunately, many have limited print runs (adding to my distress of using them!). ",
"The one big positive is that some of the collections are available as cuttable files, through Lori Whitlock's website and through the Silhouette online store. ",
"I made two cards, using Xyron products to put them all together.",
"\n\nI've purchased Doodlebug Design files from both aforementioned sites. ",
"Lori Whitlock's are SVG files, which are more flexible (i.e. may be cut with most cutting machines), whereas the Silhouette versions are proprietary studio files for use with Silhouette software. ",
"I have several of the collections already and hope to get more (I joined the Lori Whitlock subscription monthly service - you get the best value when they go on sale, be sure to sign up for her blog updates - that's where many sales are announced). ",
"Note: Pumpkin Party SVG collection was not out yet when I made these cards so I chose a similar character from a previous release.",
"\n\nDisclaimer: Please help support my work in this small way - just use my links if you plan to purchase anything - there's no extra cost to you. ",
"Here's the official jargon: links, affiliate links, and cookies may be used in this post and on this site. ",
"Using this site implies your consent. ",
"I participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, Share a Sale, and other affiliate programs; these affiliate advertising programs provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to amazon.com and/or other affiliated sites. ",
"This helps offset a small portion of my crafting addiction... uh, hobby. ",
"I am truly thankful for your kind support! ",
"I also receive free products from my design team companies, possibly monetary compensation, and sometimes free products for review. ",
"Regardless, all opinions are my own. ",
"Google and Blogger use cookies to provide and improve their services. ",
"See Notice at bottom of blog for a longer description and/or see the full Privacy Policy for even more details.",
"\n\nMaking the Card\n\n0. ",
"The steps below feature the first card's main character (Frankenstein's monster) plus the chemistry set and spiders for the second card; the second card's main character (scientist) will be similar, just using a different file.",
"\n\n1. ",
"Die cut black cardstock with main Circle Flip-its die; fold as directed. ",
"Use the decorative side panel dies to cut 12x12 sheet with kids in costume (Costume Party) from Pumpkin Party. ",
"Also use the larger side panel die to cut a piece of white cardstock for back of card. ",
"Use the circle die to cut Pumpkin Party 6x6 sheet of haunted houses with trees, and another from candy corn sheet. ",
"Also from candy corn sheet, cut a strip 1/2 inch wide. ",
"This strip will go inside the card to cover the black strip down middle, above and below circle. ",
"Use a pencil to mark where the circle starts and ends (with appropriate gap) then use the circle die to cut the paper where marked. ",
"See photo below. ",
"In Pumpkin Party 6x6 pad, find sheet with printed strips; cut out orange Happy Halloween strip. ",
"From Pumpkin Party 12x12 pad, find sheet with square labels; cut out label with princess and Trick or Treat above her head. ",
"Set aside these papers for now.",
"\n\nOpen Card\n\nBack of Card\n\n2. ",
"Cut one of the lighter purple cardstock sheets from Hunkydory Adorable Scorable Cardstock to 7x10 inches; fold in half to form a 5x7 inch card base. ",
"Cut a darker purple from the same pack to 4 3/4 x 6 3/4 inches. ",
"From Boos & Brews 12x12 pad, cut sheet with chemistry beakers 4 5/8 x 6 5/8 inches. ",
"From the Boos & Brews 6x6 pad, find sheet with square labels and strips. ",
"Cut out square label with frog, beaker, bottles and spiders with purple frame, and also strip with \"Happy Halloween!\" ",
"Cut tails in left side of strip. ",
"Cut craft foam to fit behind strip. ",
"Also cut an extra piece of craft foam, enough to pop up spiders. ",
"Cut square of yellow-orange cardstock 1/8 inch larger than frog/beaker label so it frames it 1/16 inch all around. ",
"Use Nested Circle Small Stitch Dies to cut larger light blue circle (3 5/8 inch) and smaller yellow-orange circle (2 1/8 inch). ",
"Set aside all pieces for now.",
"\n\n3. ",
"Load Booville - Frank, Boos & Brews - Chemistry Set 1, and Boos & Brews - Spiders into Silhouette software (I used Sure Cuts a Lot - SCAL). ",
"Ungroup each and move pieces in areas of the mat that are similar in color. ",
"See photo below. ",
"I put all the small pieces in the top left corner to be cut in white then colored with markers later. ",
"I did the same for darker versions of the same color - i.e. I used markers to darken them. ",
"Note, I forgot to cut the white layer on the spiders - they should have been in the upper left as well (I ended up cutting scraps by hand to put behind spider bodies). ",
"I also deleted any layers or cut lines that were either unnecessary or too small, like the spiders' eyes (use pen/marker to draw in later) and highlights on bubbles and beakers (use white gel pen later).",
"\n\n4. ",
"Cut scraps of cardstock large enough to cover the associated areas and place on cutting mat in appropriate locations.",
"\n\n5. ",
"Once cut, use markers to color any white pieces in their designated colors, as well as darken areas of same color (e.g. neck and scar on Frankenstein monster's face under-layer). ",
"See photo below. ",
"I also used the markers to darken orange inside pumpkin area (not shown). ",
"Hint: place very small pieces in a small dish so they won't get lost. ",
"I used a porcelain petal dish, usually used for watercolor.",
"\n\n6. ",
"Run large pieces through 9\" Creative Station with permanent adhesive. ",
"Rub all over clear cellophane before peeling it away - see hint in step 7.* ",
"Note: be sure to put white cardstock panel piece for back of black Flip-it card though the Creative Station with the correct side up (it will be opposite the patterned paper since it will be on the back side of the card from it).",
"\n\n7. ",
"Run small pieces through 1.5\" Sticker Maker; rub all over cellophane then peel it away.* ",
"See photo below. *",
"Hint: use die pick to rub around edges of pieces before peeling up cellophane. ",
"For very small pieces, I used liquid glue. ",
"Leave these in their dish or bowl for now.",
"\n\n8. ",
"Cut around candy corn circle (leaving it on backing paper) to free it from the rest of the items on the backing paper. ",
"Adhere princess with Trick or Treat above her head to center of candy corn circle. ",
"Die cut with circle to get rid of overhanging corners (alternatively you could trim them with a pair of detail scissors). ",
"When assembling larger card elements, peel backing paper away from cardstock and patterned papers; this keeps them from warping as much. ",
"For the black Flip-it card, adhere patterned papers where shown and white piece on back. ",
"For purple base card, adhere chemistry beakers to darker purple 4 3/4 x 6 3/4 inch cardstock from step 2 then adhere to card base.",
"\n\n9. ",
"Assemble characters, spiders, and chemistry set. ",
"Hint: reload the cut files in software and ungroup again - pull layers apart as necessary to see how to assemble them. ",
"Use liquid glue for very small parts. ",
"Use thin black marker, such as a .03 black Copic Multiliner SP (I prefer the SP version because they are refillable - less waste and more economical in the long run), to draw eyes on spiders (you could also substitute with googly eyes). ",
"Use white gel pen to add highlights to bubbles and beakers. (",
"Oops, I forgot to adhere the blue beaker layers before the liquids so I just left them off but it isn't as dimensional without them.)",
"\n\n10. ",
"Use craft foam with adhesive behind the two spiders and black Happy Halloween flag. ",
"Adhere all pieces where shown. ",
"Adhere Doodlebug Deisgn Sequins: Lilac, Limeade, and Tangerine where shown on black Flip-it card (I used 9 total, 3 in each color).",
"\n\nTuesday, October 23, 2018\n\nA Xyron and Graphic 45 collaboration makes this Halloween/Masquerade card super cool. ",
"Graphic 45 sent the Xyron design team a 12x12 pack of gorgeous papers plus a couple matching items. ",
"I chose Midnight Masquerade. ",
"Along with the 12x12 paper pack, I received the matching Journaling Chipboard and Tags & Pockets plus a packet of Artist Trading Tags. ",
"I absolutely love the color combination - it has a Mardi Gras feel to it. ",
"The hardest part was deciding which papers to leave out (I wanted to put them all in - both sides... one of these days I will have to make a mini-album out of the rest of these papers so I can show them all off). ",
"To make the card even more special, I added pop-up elements to it with Karen Burniston dies.",
"\n\nGIVEAWAY!! ",
"Two lucky winners will receive a Graphic 45 Christmas paper pack and a Xyron Mega Runner! ",
"To enter, just post a comment on any of the Graphic 45 projects on the Xyron Facebook page during this week (October 22-26, 2018).",
"\n\nDisclaimer: Please help support my work in this small way - just use my links if you plan to purchase anything - there's no extra cost to you. ",
"Here's the official jargon: links, affiliate links, and cookies may be used in this post and on this site. ",
"Using this site implies your consent. ",
"I participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, Share a Sale, and other affiliate programs; these affiliate advertising programs provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to amazon.com and/or other affiliated sites. ",
"This helps offset a small portion of my crafting addiction... uh, hobby. ",
"I am truly thankful for your kind support! ",
"I also receive free products from my design team companies, possibly monetary compensation, and sometimes free products for review. ",
"Regardless, all opinions are my own. ",
"Google and Blogger use cookies to provide and improve their services. ",
"See Notice at bottom of blog for a longer description and/or see the full Privacy Policy for even more details.",
"\n\nMaking the Card\n\n0. ",
"I recommend first reading through all the steps, cutting out papers as instructed, and watching the videos before putting anything together. ",
"Then follow the steps in order. ",
"This isn't a difficult card (the hardest part is probably folding the side explosion wings) - but there are a lot of pieces, which is what I think makes it look so cool!",
"\n\n2. ",
"From the Midnight Masquerade 12x12 paper pack, find the pages with all the panels of images (Music Makers). ",
"I recommend cutting apart each design but you will only need two copies of the top right image (the guy in the cloak bowing to the lady). ",
"Cut dark purple cardstock 1/4 inch larger than one of these images such that 1/8 inch will show as a boarder. ",
"Using detail scissors, fussy cut both flower clusters and the man's cloak from the other piece. ",
"Use an ink blending tool to apply Rusty Hinge Distress Ink to the edges of the flowers and Peacock Feathers Distress Ink to cloak edges. ",
"Cut dark blue cardstock 4 1/2 x 6 1/2 inches. ",
"Find the page with the masks (Venetian Carnival) - the back will have a diamond pattern, this is the side we will use; cut to 4 1/4 x 6 1/4 inches and ink edges with Peacock Feathers. ",
"Find the page with the stamps and mask strip at the bottom (Savor the Magic). ",
"Cut all the elements apart but leave the dancers strip with the orange/diamond/orange patterned strips attached (if you accidentally cut them off, just adhere them together on the card as shown). ",
"For the card, you will use the strip of dancers, the small dark blue and cream design near the bottom of the page (it will end up above the dancers on the card), and three of the stamps (you can choose the three you like best or use the same ones I did). ",
"Ink edges of stamps with Dusty Concord Distress Ink. ",
"Trim strip of dancers and blue/cream border to 7 inches wide. ",
"Ink edges with Peacock Feathers. ",
"Set aside.",
"\n\n3. ",
"Using the Upsy Daisy Pop-up dies, die cut three dark blue scalloped squares and two dark purple arms. ",
"Watch the video below to see how to fold the arms - use liquid glue to only assemble the box areas of the arms. ",
"Don't put the rest together yet. ",
"It's best to watch the video below and the next (step 4) to see how this will all go together; the rest of the assembly will continue below - the order is important.",
"\n\n4. ",
"Using the Explosion Pop-up dies, die cut two wings from medium purple paper and fold as shown in the video below but do not assemble anything else yet. ",
"Also die cut the pop-up platform from dark purple cardstock, leaving about 1/2 inch above and below; trim sides flush. ",
"Note: I made mine out of recycled plastic packaging - it turned out OK but the card is difficult to keep closed and is bulkier than if I had used cardstock. ",
"I recommend using dark purple cardstock instead and adhering the center matted stamp near the bottom of the front platform instead of higher up as shown in my photos.",
"\n\n5. ",
"From Midnight Masquerade Tags & Pockets, punch out the pocket with the lady under the moon. ",
"Since we will be using the lady side, you may have to trim a little from the folding edges when assembling. ",
"Fold everything first to see how much you need to trim. ",
"Fold the back across, then fold the side flap in, gluing in place, then fold the bottom flap up, gluing in place. ",
"Using an ink blending tool, ink edges with Dusty Concord Distress Ink. ",
"Punch out the orange bordered tag with the woman's back to the viewer and \"Midnight Masquerade\" written above her head. ",
"Trim edges if necessary so it will slip easily in and out of pocket. ",
"Ink edges with Rusty Hinge Distress Ink. ",
"Next punch out the arrow with mask; ink each with Peacock Feathers.",
"\n\n6. ",
"Run the following through the Xyron 9\" Creative Station with permanent adhesive: 2 pieces medium purple paper (step 1), panel image with man in cloak plus dark purple cardstock (step 2), dark blue cardstock plus diamond paper (step 2), 7 inch strips with dancers and blue/cream (step 2), three cut out stamps (step 2). ",
"Rub around all edges. ",
"You may want to trim the elements apart before removing backing papers. ",
"Note: be sure to flip papers over then peel backing away in order to keep papers from curling as much. ",
"If there is any extra adhesive around edges, use Adhesive Remover. ",
"Adhere medium purple papers inside card base, one on top and one on bottom, leaving a small gap for the fold. ",
"Adhere diamond patterned paper to dark blue paper. ",
"Adhere to center front of card base. ",
"Adhere blue/cream strip going across card, 2 inches from top. ",
"Adhere strip of dancers just below it. ",
"Adhere panel image with man in cloak to dark purple cardstock. ",
"Adhere to front of card where shown. ",
"Adhere stamps to dark blue scalloped squares. ",
"Leave off the rest of the elements for now.",
"\n\n7. ",
"Adhere explosion wings to sides of inside card as shown in video, lining up with purple liner edges. ",
"Cut two pieces of purple stars (Romantic Rendezvous) paper 4 7/16 x 6 inches. ",
"Use the stars side on the bottom and the other side for the top. ",
"Open card and lay the stars piece in the card just below the fold line, centered, then mark with pencil the angles of the explosion pop-up where they overlap; cut off just a slight bit more than marked. ",
"Flip the card around and do the same for the top piece using the side shown. ",
"Run these pieces through Xyron 9\" Creative Station with permanent adhesive (be sure to have the correct sides facing up). ",
"Adhere in card, making sure that all folded areas are clear enough to fold unhindered.",
"\n\n8. ",
"Adhere center dark purple pop-up panel (you may want to trim the top and bottom - just keep enough to glue in card). ",
"Adhere side arms as in video, making sure they clear the pop-up. ",
"Adhere the matted stamps as shown. ",
"Die cut balloons shown, using a white gel pen to draw in the balloon shine before removing from die. ",
"Note: for the medium purple paper balloons, I cut two of each and glued them together for stability. ",
"Die cut strings for each balloon from dark purple cardstock. ",
"For the balloons that would be adhered only to their strings, I doubled the string thickness. ",
"I also cut a straight string by hand for the center purple balloon behind the center stamp. ",
"Adhere each where shown. ",
"I cut off the loop on the left orange balloon that is glued behind the stamp. ",
"I also popped up the two balloons on the top left by running craft foam through the 9\" Creative Station with Permanent Adhesive twice, once on each side (removing cellophane in between) to apply adhesive on both sides - this creates dimensional tape.",
"\n\n9. ",
"Adhere Lilac, Swimming Pool sequins where shown. ",
"To place these I highly recommend the Crystal Tanto. ",
"While the inside elements dry, on a craft sheet, dye a length of seam binding with Dusty Concord Distress Ink (spray with water) and some twine with Peacock Feathers (I just used what was on the blending tool foam, rolling it as I went along the string).",
"\n\n10. ",
"Use Mega Runner on back of pocket to adhere it to card where shown. ",
"Use a hole punch or Crop-A-Dile to punch a hole at the top of the orange tag (where the flower is, just a bit low on it). ",
"Tie ribbon and twine around hole. ",
"Put tag in pocket. ",
"Use the dimensional tape created in step 8 to adhere flower and cloak over the ones on front of card. ",
"Use dimensional tape to adhere mask arrow where shown. ",
"Add square flower from Journaling Chipboard in upper right corner (or just add another sequin). ",
"Add Lilac, Swimming Pool sequins going from bottom left to top right. ",
"Optional: Add clear Wink of Stella where desired on cover and inside (e.g. cloak, flowers, masks). ",
"See photo above (may have to click on it to see the shine). ",
"Optional: if the card feels too front heavy, cut dark blue cardstock and patterned paper (same size as those used for front of card), run through 9\" Creative Station with permanent adhesive, and adhere to back of card; this should help the balance.",
"\n\nConnie! ",
"Please contact me privately by Thursday 25OCT18 8:00AM, either by email (see About Me section, top right) or through Facebook messenger. ",
"I will need your full name and address to forward to Xyron - they will ship it directly to you. ",
"\n\nDisclaimer: Please help support my work in this small way - just use my links if you plan to purchase anything - there's no extra cost to you. ",
"Here's the official jargon: links, affiliate links, and cookies may be used in this post and on this site. ",
"Using this site implies your consent. ",
"I participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, Share a Sale, and other affiliate programs; these affiliate advertising programs provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to amazon.com and/or other affiliated sites. ",
"This helps offset a small portion of my crafting addiction... uh, hobby. ",
"I am truly thankful for your kind support! ",
"I also receive free products from my design team companies, possibly monetary compensation, and sometimes free products for review. ",
"Regardless, all opinions are my own. ",
"Google and Blogger use cookies to provide and improve their services. ",
"See Notice at bottom of blog for a longer description and/or see the full Privacy Policy for even more details.",
"\n\nThursday, October 18, 2018\n\nToday's project is a collaboration between Xyron and Teresa Collins. ",
"Teresa Collins sent each of the Xyron design team members a whole package of goodies, including papers, ephemera, brads, and paper clips. ",
"My package included some travel and photography themed items plus a 6x8 inch journal. ",
"I decided to make a travel organizer. ",
"Note: if you would like to see exactly what I received, I posted a photo on Instagram.",
"\n\nMy husband and I love to travel. ",
"We try to take one long vacation out of the country at least every couple years. ",
"I do all the planning myself and usually accumulate a stack of papers that includes a calendar itinerary, hotel & airline confirmations, possibly a few trail maps, and other bits of information. ",
"I always keep physical copies in addition to copies on my phone and iPad or computer - it has been vital in a few situations (such as on the way back from Germany when they lost our airline reservations; having the printed copies helped us get seats on the flight back home). ",
"This organizer also includes a journal for writing down the events and adventures during the trip. ",
"I've kept travel journals since my first trip to Australia in 1987. ",
"It's so much fun to read them later, bringing back all the memories, plus few lessons learned along the way.",
"\n\nThe base of this project is a Smead Slash-style File Jacket. ",
"Alternatively, you could use a manila file folder with some modifications. ",
"The above photo shows the file jacket and some of my actual trip papers from an Ireland trip in 2012; the below photo shows the finished project.",
"\n\nGiveaway - CLOSED You have until Sunday evening (21OCT18) to leave a comment below. ",
"One winner will be chosen at random from these comments. ",
"The winner will receive a brand new Teresa Collins Mega Runner, like the one featured in this post. ",
"I will announce the winner Monday morning (22OCT18) here on the blog. ",
"Note: although I will try to contact the winner through Blogger, if you do not have a public email address, I will not be able to do so, thus I highly recommend checking back here on Monday to see if you have won.",
"\n\nDisclaimer: Please help support my work in this small way - just use my links if you plan to purchase anything - there's no extra cost to you. ",
"Here's the official jargon: links, affiliate links, and cookies may be used in this post and on this site. ",
"Using this site implies your consent. ",
"I participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, Share a Sale, and other affiliate programs; these affiliate advertising programs provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to amazon.com and/or other affiliated sites. ",
"This helps offset a small portion of my crafting addiction... uh, hobby. ",
"I am truly thankful for your kind support! ",
"I also receive free products from my design team companies, possibly monetary compensation, and sometimes free products for review. ",
"Regardless, all opinions are my own. ",
"Google and Blogger use cookies to provide and improve their services. ",
"See Notice at bottom of blog for a longer description and/or see the full Privacy Policy for even more details.",
"\n\n2. ",
"Score the indicated* black cardstock pieces from step 1 at 1/2, 3/4, and 1 inch using a teflon bone folder and score board. ",
"Fold mountain, valley, mountain (it will look like an M on the short side). ",
"These will be the gussets for the journal pocket. ",
"Score the 4 1/4 x 5 1/4 inch piece of black cardstock on the sides and bottom (looking at it horizontally) at 1/2 inch each; trim corners at an angle where the score marks meet at the bottom and trim the top sides angled down a bit, see photo above.",
"\n\n3. ",
"Use a 1 3/4 inch circle punch, die, or die cutting machine to cut two black cardstock circles as mats for the two globe ephemera pieces.",
"\n\nNote: the stripe and dot papers may not get completely covered - just use the Mega Runner down the sides that may be missing adhesive. ",
"You will also use the Mega Runner on the largest black and angled black pieces - although the largest liner for the folder will have less on the bottom to make it easier to place, see below before adding adhesive to these.",
"\n\n5. ",
"Adhere striped piece to largest black. ",
"To do this, rub front around edges with finger, peel away clear cellophane, flip over, then peel away backing sheet - this makes it less likely to warp the paper. ",
"Keep the backing sheets. ",
"Trim a small amount off bottom edge, like 1/16 inch, to account for folder thickness. ",
"Hint: use adhesive remover to remove any excess adhesive whenever attaching items. ",
"Use Mega Runner to put adhesive mostly at the top and a *little* on the bottom, leaving most of the bottom half without adhesive (you don't want much on the bottom or it will be difficult to get into folder). ",
"Slide into folder keeping paper against the inside front of the folder, lining up sides and top - it should go all the way to the bottom. ",
"Once placed, rub firmly to stick down. ",
"Adhere dot piece to angled black. ",
"Use Mega Runner to add adhesive to back; stick to front of file folder, lining up all edges.",
"\n\n6. ",
"See photo above. ",
"To create gusseted pocket, remove cellophane from front of 5x7 inch beige piece. ",
"Without removing backing, trim one of the long side's backing to be flush with paper - use a decorative edge punch along what will now be the top. ",
"Flip to back side. ",
"Starting with side edges, peel backing away about 3/4 inch. ",
"Take one of the side gussets (shorter black scored pieces) and, lining up bottom edges with the middle fold downward (two mountain folds up), adhere piece up to and lining up with first fold. ",
"After doing the two sides, repeat with the longer bottom gusset. ",
"Flip over. ",
"Optional: reenforce with staples along bottom and sides - flat part of staple inside pocket, beige side. ",
"Fold bottom piece up flat to apply adhesive on back; flip side pieces out. ",
"Use one of the waste liner sheets under the bottom flap; use Mega Runner to add adhesive along the outside black strip up to the outer fold (do not get any beyond the fold line). ",
"Temporarily flip the bottom piece back out (I recommend doing this on a craft sheet or putting another liner under it) and repeat on side flaps.",
"\n\nNow to add the front of the pocket... add 4 1/4 x 6 3/4 inch beige piece to 4 1/2 x 7 inch black rectangle - the black will be the inside of the pocket, the beige will be the front. ",
"Flip over and add this rectangle under bottom adhesive on long gusset piece, aligning on long side up to the first fold (black side of rectangle gets adhered). ",
"Trim a very small amount off bottom of adhesive side gussets, up to fold line, where rectangle will meet when flipped up to give it room to come up; fold bottom gusset in, keeping rectangle out flat for a moment, fold side flaps in along gussets then carefully adhere sides of black rectangle starting at bottom and working up one side, then the other. ",
"Once pocket has been assembled, peel off backing, add adhesive with Mega Runner to black edges, and stick pocket to front of folder as shown.",
"\n\n7. ",
"Adhere globes to black circles. ",
"Adhere compass rose to gold foil star. ",
"Adhere grid paper to front of black pocket front piece (4 1/4 x 5 1/4 inch) - the one that has flaps and corners cut at angles. ",
"On 4 1/4 x 4 1/2 inch beige piece, cut backing paper flush with top side (this will be portrait orientation so short edges at top and bottom). ",
"Use decorative edge punch across top. ",
"Flip and peel away about 3/4 inch from bottom. ",
"Adhere bottom flap of black pocket (grid facing up), lining up with fold along bottom edge of beige piece (before pressing down, fold up pocket and be sure sides line up along edges as well). ",
"Peel away side backing papers and adhere side flaps. ",
"Use Mega Runner to add adhesive along back flaps before adhering to front of striped journal as shown.",
"\n\n8. ",
"Punch hole in front journal cover for brad closure (see top right of pocket); insert postage registration brad as shown, spreading tines behind cover. ",
"Adhere dot strip with left rounded corners to inside cover over brad, lining up with edge of journal. ",
"Cut about 5 inches of black/white twine. ",
"Use liquid glue to adhere one end inside back cover of journal near edge, where center of brad on front is located (may want to mark with pencil first). ",
"While it dries, add a small strip of black ribbon to top of white paperclip using liquid glue to hold it in place. ",
"Set aside to dry. ",
"Add dot strip with right rounded corners to back cover, over glued twine end, lining up with edge, leaving most of the twine hanging loose.",
"\n\n9. ",
"To create the journal bookmark, find the post card/carte postale and graphic travel words in black from ephemera pack. ",
"Cut about 4 inches of black ribbon, fold in half, and glue to back top center of graphic travel words ephemera. ",
"Peel off backing on post card/carte postale; line up and adhere to back of graphic travel words ephemera, i.e. they will be back to back sandwiching ribbon. ",
"Add bookmark to journal. ",
"Take loose end of twine around to front of journal and wrap around brad as a closure.",
"\n\nI am Certified Copic Instructor and formerly a Class Instructor for Michaels (PaperEd: scrapbooking, card making, Copic coloring). ",
"My first design team was for Elizabeth Craft Designs 2014, followed by ECD's Susan Tierney-Cockburn's DT, 2015 - part of 2016, then finally back to the ECD team for the rest of 2016. ",
"I was also part of the Oak Tree Stamps DT 2015, Imagine Crafts/Tsukineko Artist in Residence Program 2016, Frantic Stamper DT Jan/Feb 2017 and Rubbernecker Stamps DT, Sep 2017-Jan 2018. ",
"I was a guest designer for Paper Smooches (October 2016) and Your Next Stamp (May 2017). ",
"I am currently on the Dreamerland Crafts and Xyron Design Teams.",
"\n\nFollow by Email\n\nEmail Subscribers\n\nFollow on RSS Feeds\n\nSubscribe To\n\nTotal Pageviews\n\nShare A Sale\n\nFind a sponsor for your web site. ",
"Get paid for your great content. ",
"\n\nJackson's Art\n\nAmazon\n\nCricut.com\n\nScrapbook.com\n\nNotice\n\nI receive free products and/or possibly monetary compensation from a few of the companies (e.g. for working on a design team or doing a product review). ",
"I also get a small credit for referrals clicked through from my pages (i.e. affiliate links); this does not increase your price but does help me to be able to create more since it goes right back into craft supplies. ",
"Of course I spend WAY more on craft supplies than I should... but that's another story. ",
"Regardless, all opinions are my own. ",
"Required jargon: I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, Share a Sale, and other affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and/or other affiliated sites. ",
"Note also that this site may use browser cookies and possibly personal data; Google's Blogger software (used for this site) uses cookies to provide and improve their services or for ad tracking and compensation (AdSense). ",
"By using this site, you consent to this use, including those for ad personalization (e.g. by collecting personal data). ",
"See Privacy Policy for more information and opt-outs. ",
"Thank you for your kind support of my work! ",
"I really appreciate it!"
] | {
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} | [
] | 0.003531 | 368 |
"There was a feeling of vindication among workers at the gates of Harland and Wolff on Tuesday as news broke that a buyer had been found for the troubled Belfast shipyard.",
"\n\nThe historic Northern Ireland shipyard, famed for building the Titanic, has been bought for six million pounds ($7.3m) by InfraStrata, a London-based company that specialises in energy infrastructure projects.",
"\n\nThe workers at the plant who did not take voluntary redundancy when the yard went into administration – 79 in total – will now keep their jobs.",
"\n\nInfraStrata said it planned to increase the size of the workforce by several hundred over the next five years.",
"\n\nChief executive John Wood said: “Harland and Wolff is a landmark asset and its reputation as one of the finest multipurpose fabrication facilities in Europe is testament to its highly skilled team in Belfast.”",
"\n\nWorkers have occupied the site since the business went into administration in the summer, undertaking a high-profile campaign to save their jobs.",
"\n\nWorkers victorious\n\nIt is nine weeks to the day since workers at the historic site announced their Save Our Shipyard occupation.",
"\n\nThey remained on site around the clock through sun, wind and rain, adamant in their belief that the shipyard could be saved.",
"\n\nAs the days and weeks wore on, support for the workers sitting at the gates was shown by a constant sounding of beeps from passing cars, by donations of food and drink, and by people giving up their time to sit with them.",
"\n\nFormer workers at the historic shipyard also turned out to show support, with men in their 90s among those who took the opportunity to leave their handprints in concrete on the site.",
"\n\nThe occupation even became a feature of city sightseeing tours, while east Belfast-born singer Van Morrison was among those who sent messages of solidarity.",
"\n\nVisitors to the site included shadow chancellor John McDonnell as well as Country Down-based singer Tommy Sands, who performed a song he wrote for the workers.",
"\n\nOccupation leaders took their campaign from the shipyard gates to the Parliament Buildings in Stormont, where they bonded with Irish language activists – even learning slogans in the tongue – before travelling to speak at the Trade Union Congress conference in Brighton in September.",
"\n\nWhen we go back through those gates... we're going to show the world what we're capable of. ",
"Be very proud of yourselves Steelworker Joe Passmore, addressing fellow workers\n\nOn Tuesday morning, the mood was one of exhausted elation after workers were brought together to hear the news they had been hoping for.",
"\n\nThere were huge smiles as the Save Our Shipyard banner was amended to We Saved Our Shipyard, cheers as the campaign chant was updated as well as hugs for union officials Susan Fitzgerald (Unite) and Denise Walker (GMB), who have been with them throughout.",
"\n\nSteelworker Joe Passmore, one of the most prominent spokesmen for the workers, said they had been vindicated.",
"\n\n“We’ve created our own future, we’ve always known what the potential of this place is,” he told workers.",
"\n\n“We always knew the skills that we had, and we always knew that given the chance the workforce of this place could make Harland and Wolff great again.",
"\n\n“So when we go back through those gates, that is exactly what we are going to do, we’re going to show the world what we’re capable of. ",
"Be very proud of yourselves because what we have achieved here is fantastic and I hope the world takes notice.”",
"\n\n190711090412619\n\nHe told the PA news agency that he hopes they will be back to work later this week.",
"\n\n“There are a lot of exhausted people here at the minute, but we’re bouncing on adrenaline because the future we could have here could be brilliant and we’re all looking forward to our beds, but we’re really looking forward to what we believe could be a really successful future,” he said.",
"\n\n“What we are hoping for is, we’ll give everyone a rest and possibly Thursday [to be back at work] but we have got to confirm that yet.",
"\n\n“There’s a few formalities to go through at the minute, but we had a good talk with the workforce in there and they know that the hard work really begins now and we are going to start as we mean to go on.”",
"\n\nSafeguarding employment\n\nFitzgerald, Unite’s regional coordinating officer, said the occupation was proof that workers could win when they stand together, backed by their trade union.",
"\n\n“That’s the message we want to go out to other workers, particularly the workers in Ballymena [Country Antrim] right now who are dealing with the closure at Wrightbus. ",
"We’ll be going up this Friday en masse to support them,” she said.",
"\n\nWalker, a senior organiser with the GMB trade union, added: “The victory today is payback for the nine weeks that the workers have sat out here. ",
"It’s a vindication that they were right, they believed this yard had a future and they weren’t prepared to stand by and let anybody come in and asset strip and mothball the yard, and these guys have worked hard to make sure there is a future not just for themselves, but for the skills that they bring for future generations still to come.”",
"\n\nThe shipyard, whose famous yellow cranes named Samson and Goliath dominate the east Belfast skyline, employed more than 30,000 people during the city’s industrial heyday. ",
"But the workforce numbered only around 125 when the company went under.",
"\n\nThe business had diversified away from shipbuilding in the past two decades, shifting to work on wind energy and marine engineering projects.",
"\n\nKnown around the world for building the doomed White Star Line passenger ship Titanic, which sank on her maiden transatlantic voyage in 1912 after striking an iceberg, Harland and Wolff was one of the United Kingdom‘s key industrial producers during the World War II, supplying almost 150 warships.",
"\n\nAdministrators BDO Northern Ireland confirmed they had entered into heads of terms with InfraStrata with the intent of completing the sale in the near future.",
"\n\nA spokesman for BDO said: “The agreed terms of sale will include the transfer of the remaining employees on their existing terms and conditions to the purchaser upon completion.",
"\n\n“In the interim, it is intended that the remaining employees will be able to return to work in the coming days to facilitate the remaining steps required for the completion of a sale.",
"\n\n“This is a very positive step towards securing a sale of the shipyard and protecting and safeguarding the employment of the workforce.”"
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"Filed 3/7/13 Concerned Dublin Citizens v. City of Dublin CA1/3\n NOT TO BE PUBLISHED IN OFFICIAL REPORTS\nCalifornia Rules of Court, rule 8.1115(a), prohibits courts and parties from citing or relying on opinions not certified for\npublication or ordered published, except as specified by rule 8.1115(b). ",
"This opinion has not been certified for publication\nor ordered published for purposes of rule 8.1115.",
"\n Plaintiffs and Appellants,\nv.\nCITY OF DUBLIN et al., ",
" A135790\n Defendants and Respondents; (Alameda County\nAVALONBAY COMMUNITIES, INC., ",
" Super. ",
"Ct. ",
"No. ",
"RG11581959)\n Real Party in Interest.",
"\n\n\n Government Code section 654571 provides an exemption from environmental\nreview for a residential development that is consistent with a broader specific plan for\nwhich an environmental impact report previously has been certified. ",
"This appeal\nchallenges the determination by respondents City of Dublin and the City Council of the\nCity of Dublin (collectively, the city) that the proposed development of a 7.2-acre parcel\nby real party in interest AvalonBay Communities, Inc. (AvalonBay) within a larger\nDublin Transit Village Center development (transit center), for which an environmental\nimpact report was previously prepared and certified, qualifies for that exemption. ",
"We find\nno error in the city’s application of the exemption and therefore shall affirm the judgment\ndenying appellants’ petition for a writ of mandate. ",
"2\n\n\n1\n All statutory references are to the Government Code unless otherwise noted.",
"\n2\n The city’s request for judicial notice of Dublin Municipal Code section 8.28.030(e), which is\nreferenced in appellants’ brief but not contained in the record, is granted.",
"\n\n\n 1\n\f Factual and Procedural History\n The transit center is “a high-density mixed-use, transit and pedestrian-oriented\ndevelopment” adjacent to Bay Area Rapid Transit’s East Dublin/Pleasanton Station. ",
"As\nstated in the 2002 plan for the transit center, the objective of the larger project is, among\nother things, to “1) Construct[] a state-of-the-art, urban-scale, mixed-use employment,\nresidential and retail center based on close accessibility of inter-modal transportation\nopportunities: rapid transit, bus transit, vehicle access and nonmotorized transportation\nmodes. [¶] ",
"2) Promot[e] a pedestrian-friendly environment within the transit center\nproject where employees, residents and visitors are encouraged to walk or use other non-\nvehicular modes of transportation. [¶] ",
"3) Increase[] employment opportunities in the\ncommunity through the development of office, retail and similar employment-generating\nland uses, including a maximum of 2 million square feet of office space and 70,000\nsquare feet of ancillary retail space. [¶] ",
"4) Provid[e] up to 1, 500 higher density dwelling\nunits for households desiring to live in a more urban setting, near work and public transit\nopportunities.”",
"\n In 2002, the city approved the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan for the transit center\n(the specific plan) and, in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act\n(CEQA) (Pub. ",
"Resources Code, § 21000 et seq.), ",
"certified an environmental impact\nreport (EIR) for the specific plan. ",
"The specific plan includes a stage 1 development plan\nthat establishes the permitted land uses and development standards for future\ndevelopment projects within the transit center.",
"\n The EIR for the specific plan was prepared as a program EIR, pursuant to\nsection 15168 of the CEQA Guidelines.3 It describes general impacts and mitigation\nmeasures for, among other things, the specific plan and the stage 1 development plan.",
"\nThe EIR analyzes the impacts from full build-out of all uses authorized under the specific\n\n3\n All references to guidelines are to the CEQA Guidelines (Cal. ",
"Code Regs., ",
"tit. ",
"14, § 15000\net seq.) ",
"developed by the Office of Planning and Research and adopted by the California\nResources Agency. ",
"We note that the specific plan EIR might also be characterized as a master\nplan EIR pursuant to Guidelines section 15175, which would not significantly affect the analysis\nof any issue considered in this opinion.",
"\n\n\n 2\n\fplan and contains a detailed project description, setting forth specific locations for\nproposed uses, roadways, setback requirements, and other site-specific features. ",
"The EIR\nanalyzes environmental impacts in thirteen areas, includes mitigation measures to address\npotential impacts, and analyzes alternatives to the proposed transit center project.",
"\n The EIR anticipates that implementation of the transit center specific plan will\nrequire a number of “follow-on actions,” including approval of stage 2 development\nplans and site development review for future projects. ",
"The EIR states: “Prior to receiving\nfinal approvals for individual development projects within the Dublin Transit Center site\nallowed by this General Plan/Specific Plan Amendment described in this EIR, applicants\nmust submit Stage 2 Planned Development Rezoning requests to the City of Dublin.",
"\nStage 2 Rezoning includes specific information regarding development proposals and\nland uses. ",
"Site Development Review (SDR) applications must also be approved by the\nCity of Dublin, to include precise information regarding building architectural design, use\nof exterior materials, a specific site layout, landscaping plans, conceptual signs plans and\nother design details. ",
"Other applications may include parcel maps to create individual\nbuilding lots, consideration of grading and building permits, utility hook-ups by the\nDublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD), granting of encroachment permits by the\nCity of Dublin, and filing of Notices of Intent with the State Water Resources Control\nBoard.” ",
"The EIR “anticipate[s] that additional environmental review would occur at each\nof these stages of the project.”",
"\n Under the stage 1 development plan adopted in 2002, the parcel at issue in this\naction was designated as site C and was to include a maximum of 405 high density\nresidential dwelling units and up to 25,000 square feet of retail space. ",
"In 2007,\nAvalonBay submitted its first proposal for development of site C. The project as initially\nproposed consisted of 405 apartment units, 22,895 square feet of ground-floor retail\nspace, a leasing center, fitness center, and two multi-story parking garages. ",
"For economic\nreasons, AvalonBay did not immediately move forward with this proposal. ",
"In 2010,\nAvalonBay submitted a revised proposal that included 486 apartment units, 4,192 square\nfeet of commercial development, the leasing center, fitness center, and two multistory\n\n\n 3\n\fparking garages. ",
"After initial review by the city but prior to a vote on the project’s\napproval, AvalonBay withdrew its plan in order to further revise the project.",
"\n On March 7, 2011, AvalonBay submitted its revised proposal for the development\nof site C. The latest plan differs from the prior proposals in that it increases the number of\nresidential units and eliminates the previously proposed retail space. ",
"The project now\nincludes 505 apartment units, a leasing center, a fitness center, two parking structures,\nand on-street parking spaces. ",
"The planning commission report prepared on the project\nexplains that while ancillary commercial development is not being proposed at this time,\n“to maintain the look of commercial development, commercial architecture is being\napplied to the residential units fronting the central plaza at the south end of the project, at\nthe fitness center located at the northeast corner of the project and for two units facing\nIron Horse Parkway just south of the fitness center.” ",
"At a subsequent planning\ncommission meeting, AvalonBay confirmed that the ground floor units were being\ndeveloped as residential but “would be able to be returned to retail space in the future.”",
"\nAvalonBay explained that the basic project description removes retail usage from the\nproject because the transit center already has 12,000 square feet of retail space that has\nnot been leased after four years, but that “the units can be converted back to commercial\nand the two-story look of the area will remain in the event there is an opportunity to\nreturn those spaces to a retail component.”",
"\n As anticipated by the specific plan, AvalonBay sought approval from the city of a\nstage 2 development plan and a site development review (SDR) permit. ",
"AvalonBay also\nsought an amendment to the stage 1 development plan to reallocate 100 residential units\nfrom site A to site C.4\n\n4\n AvalonBay also sought approval of a “Vesting Tentative Tract Map” (map) so that the\napartment units could be converted to condominiums in the future and approval of the standard\ndevelopment agreement. ",
"Because AvalonBay was seeking to develop in site C more than the 405\nresidential units initially authorized by the stage 1 development plan, an amendment to the stage\n1 development plan was necessary but no further modification of the stage 1 development plan\nwas required because the plan includes a provision authorizing the City to exceed the dwelling\nunit limits established for each of the residential use sites if an equal number of residential units\nare eliminated from other sites within the transit center, as AvalonBay proposed.",
"\n\n\n 4\n\f With respect to the proposed stage 2 development plan, the planning commission\nreport explains, “Most of the standards and requirements of a Stage 2 Development Plan\nrequired by Chapter 8.32.030 B. of the Zoning Ordinance were adopted in 2002 with the\nStage 1 Planned Development Zoning for all of Dublin Transit Center. ",
"The Stage 1\nPlanned Development zoning established the permitted, conditionally permitted, and\naccessory land uses; site areas and proposed densities; maximum number of residential\nunits and non-residential square footages; and a Master Landscaping Plan. [¶] ",
"The\napproved development standards contained in the Stage 1 Development Plan provide for\ndevelopment standards such as building height, number of stories, building setbacks and\na parking ratio of 1.5 parking stalls per unit and suggested high-density residential\ndevelopment in 4 or 5 stories either over podium parking or with the units ‘wrapped’\naround the parking structures as is the case with this project and Avalon's first project.",
"\n[¶] The adopted Planned Development zoning also limits ancillary retail and services to\nthe ground floor frontage along Iron Horse Parkway. ",
"The proposed development of\nSite C complies with the Stage 1 Planned Development Zoning for the Dublin Transit\nCenter as it is compatible with the Dublin Transit Center land use concept to maximize\ntransit opportunities presented by the adjacent Dublin/Pleasanton Bay Area Rapid Transit\n(BART) Station and will contribute to an accessible and pedestrian-friendly environment\nin proximity to the BART Station. ",
"The Stage 2 Development Plan for Avalon Transit\nCenter, Site C has been designed to be consistent with the Stage 1 standards as proposed\nto be amended. ",
"The proposed Site Development Plan is reflective of the Stage 2\nstandards in terms of lot area, lot dimensions, lot coverage, type and number of units,\nlocation and number of parking spaces, setbacks, architecture, and affordable housing.”",
"\n With respect to the site design review, the planning commission report analyzes\nthe site plan, architectural design, building elevations, floor/unit plans, landscape plan,\naccess and circulation, parking, streetscape improvements and ancillary retail/commercial\nspace. ",
"As to the retail space, the report states “The stage 1 development plan for the\nDublin transit center notes that ‘ancillary ground floor retail and service uses are strongly\nencouraged’ and ‘Up to 70,000 square feet of ground floor retail and service uses could\n\n\n 5\n\fbe incorporated into the residential . . . ",
"fronting on Iron Horse Parkway as long as the\noverall densities are not exceeded.’ ",
"The stage 1 [development plan] allows a maximum of\n25,000 square feet of commercial space in the project site. ",
"The site C project that was\npreviously reviewed by the planning commission included 4,192 square feet of\ncommercial space. ",
"However, the inability to lease the existing retail/commercial space\n(12,750 sq ft) in Avalon’s existing project has prompted the applicant to eliminate the\nancillary commercial space from the proposed project on site C. The applicant has not\naltered the architectural character significantly of the buildings facing the central plaza or\nIron Horse Parkway where the retail space was originally located. ",
"At the intersection of\nCampbell Green and Iron Horse the project incorporates a 4,223 square foot fitness center\nwhich gives the visual impression of commercial space. ",
"Additionally, the conversion of\nthe retail space to residential uses facing Iron Horse Parkway and the central plaza will\nmaintain the commercial architectural look (Attachment 6 ).”",
"\n Following a hearing on March 22, the planning commission approved the site\ndevelopment review and map and recommended that the city council approve the stage 1\ndevelopment plan amendment, the stage 2 development plan, and the development\nagreement. ",
"The planning commission found that the project is “exempt from CEQA\npursuant to Government Code section 65457 for residential projects that are consistent\nwith a specific plan for which an EIR was certified.” ",
"Accordingly, the planning\ncommission concluded that “No further environmental review is required.” ",
"Appellants5\nappealed the decision of the planning commission to the city council.",
"\n On May 17, 2011, the city council affirmed the planning commission’s approval\nof the site development review permit and map and, on June 7, 2011, approved the\nstage 1 development plan amendment, the stage 2 development plan and the\ndevelopment agreement. ",
"The city council found that each of these is “exempt from\nCEQA under Government Code section 65457 . . . ",
"as a residential project that is\nconsistent with a specific plan for which an EIR has been certified.”",
"\n\n5\n Appellants are Concerned Dublin Citizens (an unincorporated group of concerned citizens),\nRobert Klein (a member of the group), and Carpenters Local Union No. ",
"\n\n 6\n\f On June 22, 2011, appellants filed a petition for a writ of mandate challenging the\nexemption from environmental review. ",
"After a hearing, the trial court found that\nsubstantial evidence supports the city’s finding that the elements of the section 65457\nexemption are satisfied and, on April 30, 2012, issued a final statement of decision and\nentered judgment in favor of the city, denying all relief. ",
"Appellants filed a timely notice\nof appeal.",
"\n DISCUSSION\n1. ",
"Standard of Review\n “It is state policy in California that ‘the long-term protection of the environment\n. . . ",
"shall be the guiding criterion in public decisions.’ [",
"Citations.] ",
"In order to implement\nthis policy, CEQA and the guidelines issued by the State Resources Agency [citation]\nhave established a three-tiered process to ensure that public agencies inform their\ndecisions with environmental considerations.” (",
"Davidon Homes v. City of San Jose\n(1997) 54 Cal.",
"App.4th 106, 112.) ",
"The first step “is jurisdictional, requiring that an agency\nconduct a preliminary review in order to determine whether CEQA applies to a proposed\nactivity.” (",
"Ibid.) ",
"As part of the preliminary review, the public agency must determine the\napplication of any statutory exemptions that would exempt the proposed project from\nfurther review under CEQA. ",
"If, as a result of preliminary review, “the agency finds the\nproject is exempt from CEQA under any of the stated exemptions, no further\nenvironmental review is necessary. ",
"The agency may prepare and file a notice of\nexemption, citing the relevant section of the Guidelines and including a brief ‘statement\nof reasons to support the finding.’ ” (",
"Id. at p. 113.)6\n In considering a petition for a writ of mandate in a CEQA case, “[o]ur task on\nappeal is ‘the same as the trial court’s. [",
"Citation.] ",
"Thus, we conduct our review\n\n6\n The overview in Davidson Homes continues: “If, however, the project does not fall within any\nexemption, the agency must proceed with the second tier and conduct an initial study. [",
"\nIf the initial study reveals that the project will not have a significant environmental effect, the\nagency must prepare a negative declaration, briefly describing the reasons supporting that\ndetermination. [",
"Citation.] ",
"Otherwise, the third step in the process is to prepare a full [EIR] on the\nproposed project.” (",
"Davidon Homes v. City of San Jose, supra, 54 Cal.",
"App.4th at p. 113.)",
"\n\n\n 7\n\findependent of the trial court's findings.” (",
"Quail Botanical Gardens Foundation, Inc. v.\nCity of Encinitas (1994) 29 Cal.",
"App.4th 1597, 1602, fn. ",
"3.) ",
"The question on appeal “is\nwhether the agency abused its discretion. ‘",
"Abuse of discretion is established if the agency\nhas not proceeded in a manner required by law or if the determination or decision is not\nsupported by substantial evidence.’ ” (",
"Davidon Homes v. City of San Jose, supra, 54\nCal.",
"App.4th at p. 113.)",
"\n Here, the city concluded that the project is exempt because it satisfies each of the\nelements of the statutory exception provided by section 65457. ",
"Under section 65457,\nsubdivision (a), “Any residential development project, including any subdivision, or any\nzoning change that is undertaken to implement and is consistent with a specific plan for\nwhich an environmental impact report has been certified after January 1, 1980, is exempt\nfrom the requirements of Division 13 (commencing with Section 21000) of the Public\nResources Code. ",
"However, if after adoption of the specific plan, an event as specified in\nSection 21166 of the Public Resources Code occurs, the exemption provided by this\nsubdivision does not apply unless and until a supplemental environmental impact report\nfor the specific plan is prepared and certified in accordance with the provisions of\nDivision 13 (commencing with Section 21000) of the Public Resources Code.",
"”7 Thus, to\nqualify for the section 65457 exemption, the project must be for residential development,\nit must implement and be consistent with a specific plan for which an environmental\nimpact report previously has been certified, and the qualification contained in the final\nsentence must not apply, i.e., either a supplemental EIR must not be required by Public\n\n\n\n7\n Section 21166 provides: “When an environmental impact report has been prepared for a project\npursuant to this division, no subsequent or supplemental environmental impact report shall be\nrequired by the lead agency or by any responsible agency, unless one or more of the following\nevents occurs: [¶] (a) Substantial changes are proposed in the project which will require major\nrevisions of the environmental impact report. [¶] (",
"b) Substantial changes occur with respect to\nthe circumstances under which the project is being undertaken which will require major revisions\nin the environmental impact report. [¶] (",
"c) New information, which was not known and could not\nhave been known at the time the environmental impact report was certified as complete, becomes\navailable.”",
"\n\n\n 8\n\fResources Code section 21166 or such a supplemental EIR must already have been\nprepared and certified.",
"\n In reviewing the city’s decision, we apply a de novo standard of review to\nquestions of statutory interpretation. (",
"San Lorenzo Valley Community Advocates for\nResponsible Education v. San Lorenzo Valley Unified School Dist. (",
"2006) 139\nCal.",
"App.4th 1356, 1382 [“The scope of an exemption may be analyzed as a question of\nstatutory interpretation and thus subject to independent review”].) “",
"In determining\nwhether an agency’s findings concerning the use of a statutory exemption from CEQA\nmay be upheld, we review the administrative record to see that substantial evidence\nsupports each element of the exemption. [",
"Citations.] ‘",
"There must be “substantial\nevidence that the [activity is] within the exempt category of projects.” [",
"Citation.] ",
"That\nevidence may be found in the information submitted in connection with the project,\nincluding at any hearings that the agency chooses to hold. [",
"Citation.]’ [",
"Citation.] . . .",
"\n[O]ur application of substantial evidence review in the context of a challenge to an\nagency’s use of a statutory exemption means we determine whether the administrative\nrecord contains relevant information that a reasonable mind might accept as sufficient to\nsupport the conclusion reached. ",
"All conflicts in the evidence are resolved in support of\nthe agency’s action and we indulge all reasonable inferences to support the agency’s\nfindings, if possible.” (",
"Great Oaks Water Co. v. Santa Clara Valley Water Dist. (",
"2009)\n170 Cal.",
"App.4th 956, 973.)",
"\n Appellants acknowledge that generally the substantial evidence rule applies to a\nlocal agency’s determination that a project is statutorily exempt from CEQA review.",
"\nThey argue, however, that there is an exception to this general rule when application of\nthe exemption depends on whether the project will have significant environmental\nimpacts. ",
"In such cases, appellants contend, the fair argument standard should apply.8\n\n\n8\n “The ‘fair argument’ test is derived from section 21151, which requires an EIR on any project\nwhich ‘may have a significant effect on the environment.’ ",
"That section mandates preparation of\nan EIR in the first instance ‘whenever it can be fairly argued on the basis of substantial evidence\nthat the project may have significant environmental impact.’ [",
"Citation.] ",
"If there is substantial\n\n 9\n\fAppellants rely on footnote 24 in Gentry v. City of Murrieta (1995) 36 Cal.",
"App.4th 1359,\n1407, in which the court stated, “We have held that a substantial evidence standard of\nreview applies to an agency's factual finding that a statutory exemption applies.",
"\n[Citations.] ",
"Most statutory exemptions, however, operate regardless of whether the\nproject will have effects on the environment. [",
"Citations.] ",
"Thus, ‘[w]hen reviewing a\nstatutory exemption, the nature and extent of the project's environmental impacts are\nordinarily irrelevant.’ [",
"Citation.] ",
"Therefore, we have at least suggested that where a\nstatutory exemption does depend on whether the project will have significant\nenvironmental effects . . . , ",
"the fair argument standard should govern review of an agency\ndetermination that the statutory exemption applies.”",
"\n We need not decide whether there is merit to this suggestion because the\nsection 65457 exemption does not require a determination of whether the proposed\nproject will have significant environmental effects. ",
"The section 65457 exemption, like\nother statutory exemptions, reflects the Legislature’s determination that the interest\npromoted is “important enough to justify forgoing the benefits of environmental review.”",
"\n(Napa Valley Wine Train, Inc. v. Public Utilities Com. (",
"1990) 50 Cal.3d 370, 382,\nsuperseded by statute on another ground as stated in Pub. ",
"Resources Code, § 21080.04,\nsubd. (",
"b); see also Communities for a Better Environment v. California Resources Agency\n(2002) 103 Cal.",
"App.4th 98, 128-129 [“statutory exemptions have an absolute quality not\nshared by categorical exemptions: a project that falls within a statutory exemption is not\nsubject to CEQA even if it has the potential to significantly affect the environment”].)",
"\nUnder section 65457, a residential development project that is consistent with a specific\nplan for which an EIR already has been certified ordinarily is statutorily exempt from\nfurther CEQA review regardless of possible environmental impacts of the project.",
"\n The qualification contained in the final sentence of section 65457 delays\napplication of the exemption “unless and until” further environmental review of the\nspecific plan has taken place if required by Public Resources Code section 21166. ",
"If\n\nevidence of such impact, contrary evidence is not adequate to support a decision to dispense with\nan EIR.” (",
"Sierra Club v. County of Sonoma (1992) 6 Cal.",
"App.4th 1307, 1316.)",
"\n\n\n 10\n\fPublic Resources Code section 21166 should apply, the exception does not require\npreparation of an EIR for the proposed residential project; it prohibits application of the\nexemption “unless and until a supplemental environmental impact report for the specific\nplan is prepared and certified.” (§ ",
"65457, italics added.) ",
"Thus, insofar as the exemption\nunder section 65457 turns on whether Public Resources Code section 21166 requires\nupdating of the program EIR, we apply the same substantial evidence standard of review\nthat governs review of a determination that a supplemental EIR is not required under\nsection 21166. (",
"See Abatti v. Imperial Irr. ",
"Dist. (",
"2012) 205 Cal.",
"App.4th 650,675 [“In\nreviewing an agency’s decision not to require additional environmental review ‘pursuant\nto section 21166, courts “are not reviewing the record to determine whether it\ndemonstrates a possibility of environmental impact, but are viewing it in a light most\nfavorable to the [agency’s] decision in order to determine whether substantial evidence\nsupports the decision not to require additional review.” ’ ”)",
"\n2. ",
"The project is a residential development.",
"\n Although there is no statutory definition of the term “residential development” for\npurposes of this exemption, the trial court concluded, and the parties agree for purposes\nof this appeal, that a residential development project under section 65457 is a project that\ncontains “100% residential units or the usual incidents of residential units, such as yards,\nparks or other uses authorized as permitted uses within a residential zoning district.”",
"\nAppellants acknowledge that the development as presently proposed includes only\nresidential units, as so defined, but contend that the project is nonetheless a mixed-use\ndevelopment because the specific plan, stage 1 development plan, stage 2 development\nplan and the development agreement authorize up to 25,000 square feet of commercial\nusage in site C. Hence, appellants argue, because AvalonBay “retains the option to\nconvert residential units to 25.000 SF of retail space, [the project] is not limited to a\nresidential development project and falls outside of Section 65457’s exemption.” ",
"The\ntrial court rejected this argument because “[t]he city code and approval process for this\nproject makes it clear that any future commercial use on the project site will require\n\n\n\n 11\n\ffurther discretionary review in the form of an amendment to the site development review\napproved for the project.” ",
"We agree.",
"\n The only project that has been approved by the city for site C is development of\n505 residential units and ancillary features.9 As the court noted, conversion of some of\nthe approved residential units to commercial use, if later proposed, would be subject to\nsite development review under Dublin Municipal Code section 8.104.040. ",
"This section\nspecifies the proper body to process site development review of a lengthy list of common\nimprovements. ",
"The conversion of residential to commercial use is not listed, but\nsubsection H of the ordinance provides that “All other improvements to structures or a\nsite, which are not otherwise mentioned in this Chapter, shall be subject to a Site\nDevelopment Review Waiver or Site Development Review, as determined by the\nCommunity Development Director.” ",
"Appellants contend that no site development review\nof such a conversion would be required because of subsection E of section 8.104.040,\nwhich exempts “interior alterations” from site development review. ",
"However, this\nexemption applies only to “[i]nterior alterations that do not result in . . . ",
"a change in the\npermitted use of the structure or the modification of the existing configurations and uses\n\n9\n Contrary to counsel’s suggestion at oral argument, the site development review permit does not\ninclude or approve any commercial use as part of the approved project. ",
"City council resolution\nNo. ",
"60-11 approving the site development review incorporates the following recital as part of the\nresolution: “WHEREAS, the Applicant applied for a PD-Stage 1 Development Plan amendment\nand Stage 2 Development Plan in accordance with Dublin Zoning Ordinance, Section 8.32, and\nfor Site Development Review, Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7929 and a Development Agreement\nfor 505 residential units on Site C of the Dublin Transit Center. ",
"The application for Site\nDevelopment Review and Vesting Tentative Tract Map are collectively referred to herein as the\n‘Project.’ ” ",
"In finding that the project is exempt from CEQA, the resolution repeats that “[t]he\nProject is a residential project because it consists of 505 residential units and ancillary parking\nand fitness center uses.” ",
"The city council resolution also incorporates the findings and conditions\nof approval under planning commission resolution No. ",
"11-09, which defines the project as “505\nresidential units on Site C of Dublin Transit Center” and includes the finding that “[t]he\nproposed site design for the development of the Dublin Station project, as conditioned, is\nconsistent with chapter 8.104 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance, complies with the policies of the\nGeneral Plan, the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, the Stage 1 Planned Development zoning as\namended, the Stage 2 Development Plan, and with all other requirements of the Dublin Zoning\nOrdinance in that it will create housing opportunities; and provide additional landscape amenities\nand areas to congregate at the Transit Center.”",
"\n\n\n 12\n\fof each room.” ",
"The “permitted use” refers to the use approved in the site development\nreview permit—in this case embodied in city council resolution No. ",
"60-11—and does not\ninclude other uses that may be permissible under the applicable zoning ordinance but are\nnot approved by the site development review permit. ",
"The conversion of residential living\nspace to commercial use would clearly fall outside the plain language of this exemption.",
"\n Contrary to appellants’ additional argument, the fact that the property is zoned for\nmixed uses does not convert the otherwise purely residential project into a mixed-use\nproject. ",
"Wesley Investment Co. v. County of Alameda (1984) 151 Cal.",
"App.3d 672 is\ninstructive in this regard. ",
"In that case, the plaintiff was denied a permit to establish a\nretail store even though that use was permitted under the applicable zoning ordinance.",
"\nThe denial was based on a site development review ordinance that called for an exercise\nof discretion to “ ‘promote orderly, attractive, and harmonious development . . . ",
"by\npreventing establishment of uses . . . ",
"which are not properly related to their sites,\nsurroundings . . . ",
"or their environmental setting.’ ” (",
"Id. at p. 676.) ",
"The court held that\ncompliance with the zoning laws did not guarantee entitlement to a permit. “",
"The [zoning]\nordinances do not provide for an unbridled right to erect a retail store in a C-1 zone.",
"\nRather, the listing of permitted uses in Ordinance Code section 8-48.1 is qualified by the\nprovision in section 8-48.4 subjecting certain projects to site development review. . . .",
"\nThe fact that the site in question is in a zone where a retail store may be lawfully\nmaintained does not diminish the county's power to determine that a particular\ndevelopment is not suitable for that location.” (",
"Id. at p. 678.) ",
"Commercial use within the\ntransit center is no different. ",
"AvalonBay is not automatically entitled to develop\ncommercial property simply because such use would comply with zoning requirements.",
"\nRather, the specific plan anticipates that before any use of the property is approved, there\nwill be compliance with the site development review process, which includes compliance\nwith applicable environmental review. ",
"Hence, approval of the project as presently\nproposed does not constitute approval of commercial usage within site C. Therefore, the\nproject is properly considered residential development within the meaning of section\n65457.",
"\n\n\n 13\n\f3. ",
"The project is consistent with the transit center specific plan.",
"\n Appellants contend that in two respects the project is inconsistent with the transit\ncenter specific plan for which the EIR was certified in 2002. ",
"First, they contend that\nbecause the specific plan is for mixed use, the project must also be a mixed-use plan.",
"\nThey argue, “[T]he transit center specific plan, the EIR for which the city relies upon, is a\nmixed-use project and not a residential development. ",
"Area C, the site of AvalonBay, is\npermitted to include up to 25,000 SF of retail space. ",
"Overall, the transit center anticipates\na maximum of 70,000 SF of ground-floor retail space, including specifically along Iron\nHorse Parkway on the eastern side of area C. The inclusion of ground-floor retail is\nintegral to the transit center’s goal of creating a human-scale street width and interesting\npedestrian environment. ",
"Because AvalonBay must be consistent with that specific plan, it\nis a mixed-use project, not a residential project. [",
"Citation.] ",
"If the city in fact deleted the\nretail uses from area C and AvalonBay — 35 percent of the transit center’s retail uses —\nthen the project would not be consistent with the mixed-use project specified in the\nspecific plan. ",
"The city cannot have it both ways – either AvalonBay is consistent with the\nspecific plan and, hence, a mixed-use project, or it is inconsistent with the specific plan\nbecause it has deleted the retail uses from area C (in which case section 65457(a) would\nalso not be available).” ",
"We disagree.",
"\n While the transit center is designed to combine residential and commercial use in a\nsustainable, transit friendly environment, commercial development in site C is not\nrequired by the specific plan. ",
"The transit center retains its mixed-use character whether or\nnot each of the several sites within the center includes mixed usage. ",
"Moreover, as noted\nby the city, the specific plan states only that retail uses are “encouraged” — not required.",
"\nThe planned development zoning, which applies to the project site, similarly states only\nthat ancillary retail uses are “encouraged.” ",
"Thus, the absence of retail space does not\nrender the project inconsistent with the specific plan.",
"\n Next, appellants argue that “[b]ecause the city elected to prepare a program level\nEIR in 2002, it cannot now change and exempt itself from the tiered EIRs that must\nnecessarily follow.” ",
"Appellants argument finds no support under CEQA or the EIR that\n\n\n 14\n\fwas certified in 2002. ",
"Guideline 15168 explains that “[a] program EIR is an EIR which\nmay be prepared on a series of actions that can be characterized as one large project and\nare related either: [¶] (1) Geographically, [¶] (2) As logical parts in the chain of\ncontemplated actions, [¶] (3) In connection with issuance of rules, regulations, plans, or\nother general criteria to govern the conduct of a continuing program, or [¶] (4) As\nindividual activities carried out under the same authorizing statutory or regulatory\nauthority and having generally similar environmental effects which can be mitigated in\nsimilar ways.” (",
"Guideline 15168, subd. (",
"a).)10 Subdivision (c) of Guideline 15168\naddresses the use of a program EIR in evaluating later activities. ",
"The subdivision states\nthat “[s]ubsequent activities in the program must be examined in the light of the program\nEIR to determine whether an additional environmental document must be prepared.",
"\n[¶] (1) If a later activity would have effects that were not examined in the program EIR, a\nnew initial study would need to be prepared leading to either an EIR or a negative\ndeclaration. [¶] (",
"2) If the agency finds that . . . ",
"no new effects could occur or no new\nmitigation measures would be required, the agency can approve the activity as being\nwithin the scope of the project covered by the program EIR, and no new environmental\ndocument would be required.” (",
"Italics added.) ",
"Subdivision (c)(5) advises, “A program\nEIR will be most helpful in dealing with subsequent activities if it deals with the effects\nof the program as specifically and comprehensively as possible. ",
"With a good and detailed\nanalysis of the program, many subsequent activities could be found to be within the scope\nof the project described in the program EIR, and no further environmental documents\nwould be required.” (",
"Italics added.) ",
"Contrary to appellants’ argument, nothing in\nsection 15168 or any other provision mandates a particular level of environmental review\n\n10\n Subdivision (b) of this guideline lists the advantages of a program EIR, including that a\nprogram EIR can “(1) Provide an occasion for a more exhaustive consideration of effects and\nalternatives than would be practical in an EIR on an individual action, [¶] (2) Ensure\nconsideration of cumulative impacts that might be slighted in a case-by-case analysis,\n[¶] (3) Avoid duplicative reconsideration of basic policy considerations, [¶] (4) Allow the Lead\nAgency to consider broad policy alternatives and programwide mitigation measures at an early\ntime when the agency has greater flexibility to deal with basic problems or cumulative impacts,\nand [¶] (5) Allow reduction in paperwork.”",
"\n\n\n 15\n\fin evaluating later projects within the scope of a certified program EIR. ",
"While in some\ncases it will be necessary to prepare a negative declaration and in others to prepare a full\nenvironmental impact report, in others, the analysis will be completed by determining\nthat the project is exempt from further CEQA analysis. ",
"This is the first of the “three-\ntiered process to ensure that public agencies inform their decisions with environmental\nconsiderations.” (",
"Davidson Homes, supra, 54 Cal.",
"App.4th at pp. ",
"\n Likewise, the terms of the EIR do not prescribe the necessary scope of\nenvironmental review for subsequent projects within the transit center. ",
"As noted above,\nthe EIR acknowledges that “[i]mplementation of the transit center will require a number\nof follow-on actions” and that “it is anticipated that additional environmental review\nwould occur at each of these stages of the project.” ",
"11 The EIR does not, however, require\na specific level of environmental review. ",
"As the trial court noted, “The city’s\nconsideration of whether the Govt. ",
"Code 65457 exemption applies is itself an\nenvironmental review, so the city has been consistent with the letter of the law. ",
"By\nannouncing that the city intended to rely on the Govt Code 65457 exemption and\npermitting public comment on the use of that exemption, the city has been consistent with\nthe spirit of the law.”",
"\n\n\n\n11\n Appellants cite two additional passages in the EIR dealing with subsequent environmental\nreview. ",
"In one passage, the EIR reads, “The entitlements currently sought are intended to provide\na general framework for the comprehensive development of the area as a transit village. ",
"Precise\nsite development plans have not yet been prepared for individual properties, but will be included\nin subsequent submittals to the City of Dublin. ",
"Subsequent submittals will deal with such issues\nas project-specific land uses, site layouts, parking, building architecture, landscaping and similar\nitems. ",
"Future environmental reviews will be completed on specific development applications to\nensure compliance with this Program EIR and CEQA.” ",
"In a second passage, the EIR reads,\n“Although not specifically addressed in this Program EIR, the following actions are foreseen as\nfuture actions to be considered as part of the overall Dublin Transit Center project subject to\nsubsequent applications and environmental reviews: Stage 2 Planned Development rezoning,\nSite Development Review applications, consideration of grading and building permits, utility\nhook-ups by the Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD), granting of encroachment\npermits by the City of Dublin, and filing of Notices of Intent with the State Water Resources\nControl Board.” ",
"Neither of these statements specifies the necessary level of review or precludes\napplication of a statutory exemption.",
"\n\n\n 16\n\f4. ",
"The qualification to the section 65457 exemption does not apply.",
"\n As noted above, the section 65457 exemption does not apply if, subsequent to\ncertification of the program EIR, “an event as specified in Section 21166 of the Public\nResources Code” has occurred “unless and until a supplemental environmental impact\nreport for the specific plan is prepared and certified.” ",
"Public Resources Code section\n21166 specifies three events that trigger the need for preparation of a supplemental\nenvironmental impact report. ",
"These events are: “(a) Substantial changes . . . ",
"in the project\nwhich will require major revisions of the environmental impact report. [¶] (",
"b) Substantial\nchanges . . . ",
"with respect to the circumstances under which the project is being\nundertaken which will require major revisions in the environmental impact report. [",
"and]\n[¶] (c) New information, which was not known and could not have been known at the\ntime the environmental impact report was certified as complete, becomes available.”",
"\n(Public Resources Code, § 21166; see also Guidelines, § 15162.) ",
"Thus, the qualification\nto the section 65457 exemption thus turns on whether, subsequent to the certification of\nthe EIR, circumstances have changed to the extent that reliance on the EIR is\nunwarranted. (",
"See Bowman v. City of Petaluma (1986) 185 Cal.",
"App.3d 1065, 1073\n[“section 21166 comes into play precisely because in-depth review has already occurred,\nthe time for challenging the sufficiency of the original EIR has long since expired\n[citation], and the question is whether circumstances have changed enough to justify\nrepeating a substantial portion of the process”].)",
"\n In this case, the city determined that there are no circumstances warranting\nadditional environmental review of the transit center project. ",
"Appellants challenge this\ndetermination in two respects. ",
"First, appellants argue that the increase in residential units\nin site C constitutes a significant change to the specific plan that requires further\nenvironmental review. ",
"The city contends the reallocation of 100 units from site A to site\nC cannot be considered a significant change to specific plan. ",
"We cannot disagree. ",
"As the\ncity points out, reallocation of residential units within the transit center is expressly\nauthorized by the plan. ",
"As reflected in the table on proposed land uses for the Dublin\nTransit Center contained in the specific plan, sites A, B, and C are all zoned high density\n\n\n 17\n\fresidential. ",
"The specific plan allocates 405 residential units to site C, 565 units to site B,\nand 530 units to site A for a maximum of 1,500 residential units. ",
"However, note 4 to the\ntable states, “Maximum square footage and maximum units per site can be exceeded, as\nlong as the total square footage or units is not.” ",
"The EIR analyzes environmental impacts\nbased on the maximum residential units in the transit center. ",
"Shifting 100 units to a\ndifferent location within the transit center is not a significant change. ",
"Site C to which the\nunits were reassigned is adjacent to site A, in which the number of residential units was\nreduced. ",
"Importantly, the total number of residential units was not increased. ",
"The city\nthus was entitled to determine that this change does not require preparation of a\nsupplemental environmental impact report for the specific plan.",
"\n Appellant also argues that supplemental environmental review is necessary under\nsection 21166, subdivision (c) because significant and new information regarding\ngreenhouse gas (GHG) emissions has come to light since the EIR was certified in 2002.",
"\nAlthough the EIR does not analyze environmental impacts from GHGs, appellants do not\nquestion the sufficiency of the analysis of air quality impacts in the EIR and they concede\nthat the city “applied the then-available BAAQMD [Bay Area Air Quality Management\nDistrict] thresholds for ROGs [reactive organic gases] and NOx [nitrous oxide] in the\n2002 EIR for the overall transit center and determin[ed] that it would have significant and\nunavoidable impacts from its releases of those pollutants.",
"”12 Appellants assert that in\n2010, BAAQMD adopted new thresholds for establishing significant environmental\n\n\n\n12\n The EIR acknowledges that “According to the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, air\npollution potential is high in the Livermore-Amador Valley especially for ozone in the summer\nand fall. ",
"High temperatures increase the potential for ozone, and the valley not only traps locally\ngenerated pollutants but can be the receptor of ozone and ozone precursors from upwind portions\nof the greater Bay Area. ",
"Transport of pollutants also occurs between the Livermore Valley and\nthe San Joaquin Valley to the east. [¶] ",
"During the winter, the sheltering effect of terrain and its\ninland location results in frequent surface-based inversions. ",
"Under these conditions pollutants\nsuch as carbon monoxide from automobiles and particulate matter generated by fireplaces and\nagricultural burning can become concentrated.” ",
"The EIR concludes that even with feasible\nmitigation, the transit center will have significant and unavoidable impacts on cumulative\nregional air quality.",
"\n\n\n 18\n\fimpacts from GHG emissions and they contend that the new thresholds require additional\nenvironmental analysis.",
"\n The premise for this argument is highly questionable. ",
"In March 2012, the Alameda\nCounty Superior Court found that BAAQMD failed to comply with CEQA in adopting\nthe new thresholds and set them aside pending further environmental review. (",
"CBIA v.\nBAAQMD (Super. ",
"Ct. ",
"Alameda County, 2012, No. ",
"RG10-548693).) ",
"Pending appeal,\nBAAQMD “is no longer recommending that the Thresholds be used as a generally\napplicable measure of a project’s significant air quality impacts.”",
"> [as of March 7, 2013].) ",
"Moreover, the suspended\nguidelines, even if effective, expressly have no retroactive application: “It is the Air\nDistrict’s policy that the adopted thresholds apply to projects for which a notice of\npreparation is published, or environmental analysis begins, on or after the applicable\neffective date. ",
"The adopted CEQA thresholds . . . ",
"are effective June 2, 2010.”",
"\n The trial court rejected appellants’ argument on the ground that substantial\nevidence supports the city’s finding that, without regard to the effectiveness of the new\nthresholds, they do not constitute “new information” requiring additional environmental\nreview under Public Resources Code section 21166, subdivision (c). ",
"As the trial court\nfound, “[t]he potential environmental impacts of [GHGs] were known or could have been\nknown at the time the 2002 plan EIR was certified.” ",
"The court relied on a planning\ncommission staff report that states, “In 2002, information about the potential impacts of\nGHGs was widely known. ",
"The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate\nChange was established in 1992. ",
"The regulation of greenhouse gas emissions to reduce\nclimate change impacts was extensively debated and analyzed throughout the early\n1990s. ",
"The studies and analyses of this issue resulted in the adoption of the Kyoto\nProtocol in 1997. ",
"In the early and mid 2000s, GHGs and climate change were extensively\ndiscussed and analyzed in California. ",
"In 2000, SB 1771 established the California\nClimate Action Registry for the recordation of greenhouse gas emissions to provide\ninformation about potential environmental impacts. ",
"Therefore, the impact of greenhouse\n\n\n 19\n\fgases on climate change was known at the time of the certification of the EIR in\nNovember 2002.” ",
"The court also relied on Citizens for Responsible Equitable\nEnvironmental Development v. City of San Diego (2011) 196 Cal.",
"App.4th 515, 532, in\nwhich the court upheld a local agency’s determination that “new information” about\nGHG emissions did not require supplemental environmental review under Public\nResources Code section 21166. ",
"Among the reasons for this conclusion was that\n“information on the effect of greenhouse gas emissions on climate was known long\nbefore the City approved the 1994 FEIR.” (",
"Id. at p. 531.)",
"\n Appellants argue that Citizens for Responsible Equitable Environmental\nDevelopment is distinguishable because the petitioners there “limit[ed] themselves to\ngeneralized assertions that global warming was a problem” while here the appellants rely\non the issuance of new threshold guidelines which could not have been known in 2002.",
"\nHowever, the adoption of guidelines for analyzing and evaluating the significance of data\ndoes not constitute new information if the underlying information was otherwise known\nor should have been known at the time the EIR was certified. ",
"Fort Mojave Indian Tribe v.\nCalifornia Department of Health Services (1995) 38 Cal.",
"App.4th 1574, cited by the trial\ncourt, illustrates this point. ",
"In that case, the court held that a new regulation designating\ncritical habitat for an endangered species, the tortoise, was not “significant new\ninformation” for purposes of Public Resources Code section 21166. (",
"Id. at pp. ",
"1605-\n1606.) ",
"As the court stated, “[H]owever legally characterized, the habitat would be\naffected the same as before. ",
"And the environmental review and mitigation measures that\nhad already been completed focused on the real effects of the project not just on ‘the\ntortoise,’ but on its habitat (previously termed ‘crucial’), which is exactly how the project\nwould impact on the species.” (",
"Id. at p. 1605.) ",
"Thus, the new regulation did not constitute\nnew information requiring a supplemental environmental impact report.",
"\n It is true that the relevant impacts had been analyzed in the initial environmental\nimpact report in Fort Mojave Indian Tribe and here the impact of GHG emissions was\nnot analyzed in the program EIR. ",
"Nonetheless, the impacts of the project on air quality\nwere considered in the EIR and substantial evidence supports the city’s finding that the\n\n\n 20\n\fpotential effects of GHGs were known and could have been addressed in conjunction\nwith the certification of the EIR in 2002. ",
"Therefore, the city properly concluded that the\nissuance of new threshold guidelines was not new information that requires the\npreparation of a supplemental environmental report under Public Resources Code section\n21166.",
"\n5. ",
"Conclusion\n As did the trial court, we conclude that substantial evidence supports the city’s\ndetermination that the proposed development of site C of the transit center is a residential\ndevelopment exempt from further environmental review under section 65457. ",
"The\npetition for a writ of mandate therefore was properly denied.",
"\n Disposition\n The judgment is affirmed. ",
"Respondents and real party in interest shall recover\ntheir costs on appeal.",
"\n\n\n\n _________________________\n Pollak, J.\n\n\nWe concur:\n\n\n_________________________\nMcGuiness, P. J.\n\n\n_________________________\nJenkins, J.\n\n\n\n\n 21\n\f"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "FreeLaw"
} | [
] | 0.000725 | 334 |
"Woo Hoo! ",
"It will be nice to see this face again. ",
"Alan Alda had been added to the fabulous cast of The Longest Ride. ",
"Alan will play the injured man, Ira, with the hot Jack Huston playing his younger self in the flashbacks. ",
"If you remember Alan was here in 1989 for Betsy’s Wedding starring Molly Ringwald. ",
"Welcome to Wilmywood Alan!"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.004153 | 6 |
"Q:\n\nConcealing Medical Conditions from Employer\n\nIf an employer asks an employee or prospective employee to fill out and sign a health declaration form (very common in the medical field) like this.",
"\nIf the employee is afraid that revealing their health condition will subject them to discrimination or breach of privacy, may they conceal their condition?",
"\nFor example, Alex is being employed by Hospital X to work in their kitchen. ",
"Alex suffers from Bipolar disorder but is currently fully capable of work. ",
"Prior to beginning work, Alex is given a health intake form. ",
"May he fill out X to indicate that he has no conditions if he is afraid of the negative consequences that may result in disclosure?",
"\nI am not asking if it is legal for the employer to give such a form. ",
"I am only asking about the employee filling out the form whether it is legal or not. ",
"Protesting or calling discrimination is often not effective in this case.",
"\n\nA:\n\nIt is not legal to give false responses on such a declaration. ",
"The point of anti-discrimination laws is that they say when it is legal vs. not legal to discriminate against an employee, and Alex is expected to have faith in the legal system to protect his legal rights. ",
"Dissatisfaction with the outcome of the law may be understandable, but still does not legally justify falsifying information given to an employer. ",
"In certain cases (look for the fine print and mentions of \"penalty of perjury\") you can be fined and imprisoned for lying. ",
"More commonly, your employment can be terminated when you are discovered. ",
"You may also be held liable for consequences of such lies. ",
"Your employer's health insurance contract might require truthful and accurate reporting of medical facts and a lie about your condition could result in termination of coverage. ",
" \n\n"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.002177 | 17 |
"Storm is the only young wolf left from his family in the magic Moon-claw pack after the evil wolf, Shadow, wounds his mother and destroys everyone else. ",
"With the rest of the pack now scattered, Storm's mother is too weak to protect Storm so she sends him to our world as a magic p ...\n\nStorm is the only young wolf left from his family in the magic Moon-claw pack after the evil wolf, Shadow, wounds his mother and destroys everyone else. ",
"With the rest of the pack now scattered, Storm's mother is too weak to protect Storm so she sends him to our world as a magic p ..."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.030435 | 3 |
"Designed by Carabott Holt Turcinov and built by Hamilton Marino, Ebony Camberwell offers superior apartment living, centrally located on Camberwell Road just 8km from the Melbourne CBD.",
"\n\nFaced with a short lead time and with the project moving at a rapid pace, the builder awarded SBS Group with the contract to design and manufacture the balustrade and fin framing off site, allowing it to be quickly fixed off and installed on site.",
"\n\nSBS fully shop detailed and engineered the framing, including all bracketry and fixing details for the most efficient fixing system. ",
"The framing enabled direct cladding, completely eliminating the need for top hats and battens and staged deliveries were incorporated to suit the tight project timeline."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.000657 | 4 |
"A Redeemed Outlook on the World\n\nSome Helpful Advice for Learning Hebrew\n\nBiblical languages are incredibly rewarding and a lot of fun once you endure setting down a reasonable foundation for yourself such as keeping up with vocab and memorizing paradigms at the very least. ",
"Charles Hilton has provided some advice on learning and keeping up with your Hebrew.",
"\n\nI prepared a one-page guide that I pass out to my first semester biblical Hebrew classes entitled “How to Learn Hebrew.” ",
"A friend of mine suggested that I make it available on the blog, so here it is. ",
"If it is helpful to you feel free to use it or adapt it."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.000714 | 5 |
"More\n\nVanderbilt Upsets Florida\n\nVanderbilt v Florida\n\nGAINESVILLE, FL - NOVEMBER 09: Austin Carta-Samuels #6, Patton Robinette #4, Nigel Bowden #48 and Paris Head #21 of the Vanderbilt Commodores celebrate a victory over the Florida Gators following a game at Ben Hill Griffin Stadium on November 9, 2013 in Gainesville, Florida. ",
"Vanderbilt won the game 34-17. (",
"Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images)\n\n(Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images)\n\nVanderbilt v Florida\n\nGAINESVILLE, FL - NOVEMBER 09: Will Muschamp, head coach of the Florida Gators, call for a timeout during a game against the Vanderbilt Commodores at Ben Hill Griffin Stadium on November 9, 2013 in Gainesville, Florida. (",
"Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images)\n\n(Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images)\n\nVanderbilt v Florida\n\nGAINESVILLE, FL - NOVEMBER 09: Karl Butler #28 of the Vanderbilt Commodores pursues Tyler Muprhy #3 of the Florida Gators during a game at Ben Hill Griffin Stadium on November 9, 2013 in Gainesville, Florida. (",
"Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images)\n\n(Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images)\n\nVanderbilt v Florida\n\nGAINESVILLE, FL - NOVEMBER 09: Chase Garnham #36 of the Vanderbilt Commodores tackels Quinton Dunbar #1 of the Florida Gators during a game at Ben Hill Griffin Stadium on November 9, 2013 in Gainesville, Florida. (",
"Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images)\n\n(Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images)\n\nVanderbilt v Florida\n\nGAINESVILLE, FL - NOVEMBER 09: Ja'karri Thomas #40 of the Vanderbilt Commodores pursues Tyler Murphy #3 of the Florida Gators during a game at Ben Hill Griffin Stadium on November 9, 2013 in Gainesville, Florida. (",
"Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images)\n\n(Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images)\n\nVanderbilt v Florida\n\nGAINESVILLE, FL - NOVEMBER 09: Jake Sealand #13 and Karl Butler #28 of the Vanderbilt Commodores tackle Trey Burton #8 of the Florida Gators during a game at Ben Hill Griffin Stadium on November 9, 2013 in Gainesville, Florida. ",
"Vanderbilt won the game 34-17. (",
"Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images)\n\n(Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images)\n\nVanderbilt v Florida\n\nGAINESVILLE, FL - NOVEMBER 09: Andre Hal #23 of the Vanderbilt Commodores takes down Quinton Dunbar #1 of the Florida Gators during a game at Ben Hill Griffin Stadium on November 9, 2013 in Gainesville, Florida. ",
"Vanderbilt won the game 34-17. (",
"Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images)\n\n(Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images)\n\nVanderbilt v Florida\n\nGAINESVILLE, FL - NOVEMBER 09: Andre Hal #23 of the Vanderbilt Commodores brings down Quinton Dunbar #1 of the Florida Gators during a game at Ben Hill Griffin Stadium on November 9, 2013 in Gainesville, Florida. ",
"Vanderbilt won the game 34-17. (",
"Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images)\n\n(Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images)\n\nVanderbilt v Florida\n\nGAINESVILLE, FL - NOVEMBER 09: Tyler Murphy #3 of the Florida Gators signals a play during a game against the Vanderbilt Commodores at Ben Hill Griffin Stadium on November 9, 2013 in Gainesville, Florida. ",
"Vanderbilt won the game 34-17. (",
"Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images)\n\n(Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images)\n\nVanderbilt v Florida\n\nGAINESVILLE, FL - NOVEMBER 09: Jordan Matthews #87 of the Vanderbilt Commodores catches a pass in front of Brian Poole #24 of the Florida Gators during a game at Ben Hill Griffin Stadium on November 9, 2013 in Gainesville, Florida. ",
"Vanderbilt won the game 34-17. (",
"Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images)\n\n(Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images)\n\nVanderbilt v Florida\n\nGAINESVILLE, FL - NOVEMBER 09: Caleb Azubike #55 of the Vanderbilt Commodores tackles Mack Brown #33 of the Florida Gators during a game at Ben Hill Griffin Stadium on November 9, 2013 in Gainesville, Florida. ",
"Vanderbilt won the game 34-17. (",
"Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images)\n\n(Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images)\n\nVanderbilt v Florida\n\nGAINESVILLE, FL - NOVEMBER 09: James Franklin, head coach of the Vanderbilt Commodores, argues an officials call during a game against the Florida Gators at Ben Hill Griffin Stadium on November 9, 2013 in Gainesville, Florida. ",
"Vanderbilt won the game 34-17. (",
"Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images)"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.000667 | 21 |
"Canton of Mandelieu-la-Napoule\n\nThe canton of Mandelieu-la-Napoule is an administrative division of the Alpes-Maritimes department, southeastern France. ",
"It was created at the French canton reorganisation which came into effect in March 2015. ",
"Its seat is in Mandelieu-la-Napoule.",
"\n\nIt consists of the following communes:\nAuribeau-sur-Siagne \nMandelieu-la-Napoule\nPégomas\nLa Roquette-sur-Siagne\nThéoule-sur-Mer\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Cantons of Alpes-Maritimes"
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"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
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"xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?",
">\n<menu xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\">\n\n <item\n android:id=\"@+id/opened\"\n android:icon=\"@drawable/ic_issue_opened\"\n android:title=\"@string/opened\"/>\n\n <item\n android:id=\"@+id/closed\"\n android:icon=\"@drawable/ic_issue_closed\"\n android:title=\"@string/closed\"/>\n\n\n</menu>"
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"pile_set_name": "Github"
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"Q:\n\nASP.Net Core - How to send message to view from controller without refreshing?",
"\n\nI'd like to show a custom success/error message from controller without refreshing.",
"\nI've tried this but it looks like it needs a page refresh to show the data:\nThe view:\n@if (ViewBag.",
"Message !",
"= null)\n{\n <span>@ViewBag.",
"Message</span>\n}\n\nController:\nif (CurrentOrgLevel < MaxOrgLevel)\n {\n if (ModelState.",
"IsValid && CurrentOrgLevel < MaxOrgLevel)\n {\n orgStructure.",
"Insert(org, ModelState);\n }\n }\n else\n {\n ViewBag.",
"Message = \"Error: Max level reached.\";",
"\n }\n\nThis is triggered from a telerik control treelist add child event: https://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-core/treelist/editing\nTreelist:\n@(Html.",
"OrgStructure>()\n .Name(\"treelist\")\n .Toolbar(toolbar => toolbar.",
"Create().Text(\"Add \" + sessionUser.",
"Level1Name))\n .Columns(columns =>\n {\n columns.",
"Add().Field(e => e.LevelName).Width(40);\n columns.",
"Add().Field(e => e.Name).Width(100);\n columns.",
"Add().Field(e => e.Level).Width(26);\n columns.",
"Add().Width(100).Command(c =>\n {\n c.CreateChild().Text(\"Add child\");\n c.Edit();\n c.Destroy();\n })\n .HtmlAttributes(new {style = \"text-align: center;\"});\n })\n .Editable()\n .Sortable()\n .Filterable()\n .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource\n .Create(create => create.",
"Action(\"Create\", \"OrgStructure\"))\n .Read(read => read.",
"Action(\"All\", \"OrgStructure\").Data(\"treelistParam\"))\n .Update(update => update.",
"Action(\"Update\", \"OrgStructure\"))\n .Destroy(delete => delete.",
"Action(\"Destroy\", \"OrgStructure\"))\n .ServerOperation(false)\n .Model(m =>\n {\n m.Id(f => f.NodeId);\n m.ParentId(f => f.ParentNodeId).DefaultValue(sessionUser.",
"DepartmentId);\n m.Field(f => f.FiscalYear).DefaultValue(sessionUser.",
"CurrentFiscalYearId);\n m.Field(f => f.CreatedDateTime);\n m.Field(f => f.DepartmentCode);\n m.Field(f => f.Acronym);\n m.Field(f => f.DepartmentId).DefaultValue(sessionUser.",
"DepartmentId);\n m.Field(f => f.RequiresChildSelect);\n m.Expanded(false);\n m.Field(f => f.Name);\n m.Field(f => f.Level).Editable(false);\n m.Field(f => f.LevelName).Editable(false);\n m.Field(f => f.ParentNodeId);\n })\n\n )\n .Height(505)\n.Events(events =>\n{\n events.",
"FilterMenuOpen(\"onFilterMenuOpen\");\n events.",
"DataBound(\"dataBound\");\n events.",
"DataBinding(\"dataBinding\");\n events.",
"Save(\"onSave\");\n events.",
"Remove(\"saveExpandState\");\n events.",
"Cancel(\"onCancel\");\n})\n)\n\nWhen add child is clicked, it triggers the onSave javascript function:\nfunction onSave() {\n\n}\n\nI believe we'll need Ajax, but how to implement it in this case where the treelist control already the handles the ajax post, but we'll need a custom postback?",
"\n\nA:\n\nI needed to show an error without reloading, the treelist control has an Error handler in datasource .Events(ev=>ev.",
"Error(\"onError\")):\n.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource\n .Create(create => create.",
"Action(\"Create\", \"OrgStructure\"))\n .Read(read => read.",
"Action(\"All\", \"OrgStructure\").Data(\"treelistParam\"))\n .Update(update => update.",
"Action(\"Update\", \"OrgStructure\"))\n .Destroy(delete => delete.",
"Action(\"Destroy\", \"OrgStructure\"))\n .Events(ev=>ev.",
"Error(\"onError\"))\n .ServerOperation(false)\n .Model(m =>\n {\n m.Id(f => f.NodeId);\n m.ParentId(f => f.ParentNodeId).DefaultValue(sessionUser.",
"DepartmentId);\n m.Field(f => f.FiscalYear).DefaultValue(sessionUser.",
"CurrentFiscalYearId);\n m.Field(f => f.CreatedDateTime);\n m.Field(f => f.DepartmentCode);\n m.Field(f => f.Acronym);\n m.Field(f => f.DepartmentId).DefaultValue(sessionUser.",
"DepartmentId);\n m.Field(f => f.RequiresChildSelect);\n m.Expanded(false);\n m.Field(f => f.Name);\n m.Field(f => f.Level).Editable(false);\n m.Field(f => f.LevelName).Editable(false);\n m.Field(f => f.ParentNodeId);\n })\n\n )\n\n"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.001437 | 42 |
"Iowa State came to Carver-Hawkeye Arena in Iowa City, Iowa to take on No. ",
"3 Iowa in the annual Cy-Hawk wrestling match. ",
"The Cyclones…"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
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] | 0.000923 | 3 |
"Background\n==========\n\nObservational studies provide important information about the safety and effectiveness of medicines. ",
"However, these designs are often criticised due to a lack of control for unmeasured confounding. ",
"These problems are amplified when administrative databases are used, since data were not collected for purposes of research and potentially important clinical and patient demographic data are often absent.",
"\n\nCase-only designs \\[[@B1]\\] have been suggested as an alternative to more traditional observational studies such as the case--control and the cohort study as they have the potential to control for fixed patient specific confounders even those that are unmeasured. ",
"One such design is the self-controlled case series \\[[@B2],[@B3]\\], which minimises confounding by means of its within-subject design, meaning that the patient is used as their own control \\[[@B2],[@B3]\\]. ",
"A cohort study compares patients who were exposed to patients who were not exposed, whereby all confounding needs to be controlled for numerically, however the self-controlled case series compares the number of events in periods of exposure with the number of events in periods of non-exposure in the same person. ",
"The self-controlled case series design controls implicitly for fixed known and unknown confounders that do not vary over time, such as genetic and socio-economic factors, while time varying confounders can be adjusted within the model \\[[@B2],[@B3]\\]. ",
"An advantage of the self-controlled case series design is that it requires only those individuals who have had the event of interest which results in reduced computational time.",
"\n\nThe self-controlled case series method was developed to study adverse events associated with vaccines where use of the vaccine is transient and the adverse event is acute. ",
"It has been compared previously to the cohort study design to evaluate vaccine safety \\[[@B4]\\]. ",
"This method originates from cohort logic and the emphasis like a cohort study is on the relative incidence or relative hazard of an event \\[[@B2]\\]. ",
"The method has not been widely applied in pharmacoepidemiological research to study acute effects of transient medicine exposures and there has been only limited research to compare the findings of the self-controlled case series with cohort study designs in the field of pharmacoepidemiology \\[[@B5]\\].",
"\n\nIn this study we aimed to compare the two study designs using the example of the association between proton pump inhibitors and community acquired pneumonia. ",
"This example was chosen because the outcome, pneumonia, is acute \\[[@B6]-[@B8]\\] and is at its highest risk within 7 days of initiation of a proton-pump inhibitor \\[[@B6]\\]. ",
"Further, exposure to proton pump inhibitors is often transient, but may be chronic. ",
"Previous work conducted in the database used for the present study found that 32% of new users of proton pump inhibitors had discontinued by 8 weeks, while 62% had discontinued within 12 months \\[[@B9]\\]. ",
"Treatment duration was found to be longer for those initiated in hospital (195 days) than those initiated by a GP (124 days) \\[[@B9]\\]. ",
"The study identified that there was a mix of long and short term use suggestive of the treatment nature of proton pump inhibitors. ",
"The objective of this study was to compare the results of a new-user cohort study design and the self-controlled case series design using the risk of hospitalization for pneumonia in those dispensed proton pump inhibitors as a case-study.",
"\n\nMethods\n=======\n\nThe data source for this study was the Australian Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) administrative claims databases. ",
"DVA claims data contain records of prescription medicines dispensed under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme and Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, medical and allied health services and hospital admissions provided to subjects for whom DVA pays a subsidy. ",
"The treatment population is approximately 310,000 subjects, and there are approximately 100 million pharmacy records, 200 million medical and allied health service records and over 6 million hospital admission records. ",
"A client file is maintained by DVA which includes data on gender, date of birth, date of death and family status. ",
"We undertook two study designs using the same populations and study inclusion and exclusion criteria. ",
"The study period was the 1st July 2007 to the 30th June 2011. ",
"In both studies eligible subjects were those 65 years of age or over at the 1st July 2007, who had a least one medication prescribed in the 6 months prior to entry into the cohort and who were eligible for all health services subsidised by DVA. ",
"Entry into both studies was the 1^st^ July 2007. ",
"Subjects were excluded if they had been prescribed a proton pump inhibitor in the 12 months prior to the study start or a histamine 2 receptor antagonist (H2RA) in the six months prior to or during the study. ",
"The reason for excluding H2RA is because we were interested in the more potent medicine, proton pump inhibitors and including H2RAs could have diluted the effect if it exists with proton pump inhibitors.",
"\n\nFor both studies, exposure was determined by identifying prescription data on proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole, pantoprazole, lansoprazole, rabeprazole, esomeprazole) and the outcome of interest was a primary diagnosis of pneumonia (ICD-10: J12, J13, J14, J15, J16, J17, J18) during the study period.",
"\n\nDosage information was not available in the data set so duration of proton pump inhibitor use was defined as the period within which 75% of subjects returned for a repeat dispensing of the medicine. ",
"This was calculated using the entire database as 36 days. ",
"This is consistent with the standard package size of proton pump inhibitors of 28--30 tablets, taken once daily. ",
"Exposure to proton pump inhibitors was defined as the date from when a prescription was dispensed plus 72 days (1 duration interval of 36 days plus a grace period of 36 days). ",
"Any person-time in the study prior to a subject's first prescription was considered unexposed time. ",
"Subjects with no record of dispensing of a proton pump inhibitor for more than 72 days after their last dispensing were considered unexposed to a proton pump inhibitor from 72 days after their last dispensing. ",
"This was to allow for possible non-compliance and stock piling of medicine. ",
"Therefore, for both studies exposure to a proton pump inhibitor is a time dependent variable. ",
"Inclusion of unexposed time prior to proton pump inhibitors initiation helps to prevent immortal time bias being a factor in this study design \\[[@B10]\\].",
"\n\nFor both studies, the time after initiation of a proton pump inhibitor was stratified into *a priori* risk periods: 1 to 7 days, 8 to 30 days and greater than 30 days. ",
"The actual day of initiation was excluded from the analysis because in cases where the pneumonia hospitalisation occurred on the same day it was not possible to determine which occurred first.",
"\n\nFor the cohort study, eligible subjects were followed until death, pneumonia hospitalization or study end (30 June 2011). ",
"The numbers of hospitalisations for pneumonia during exposed and non-exposed times were determined. ",
"Individuals could be unexposed for the whole study or they could have unexposed periods before and after exposure to a proton pump inhibitor. ",
"Hospitalisation rates were calculated as the cumulative number of hospitalisations in each period divided by the number of days at risk. ",
"Rate Ratios were calculated using Poisson generalised estimating equations (GEE) to allow for clustering of observations within patients, adjusting for both fixed and time-varying confounders. ",
"Fixed confounders were assessed at study entry; including age, gender, socioeconomic index of disadvantage for area of residence \\[[@B11]\\]. ",
"The following time-varying confounders were determined annually; number of co-morbidities (using the validated Rx-Risk-V \\[[@B12]\\] score), number of prescriptions, number of prescribers, number of pharmacies and number of occupational therapy visits and speech pathology services. ",
"The remaining time-varying confounders changed as the season changed (season), when subjects entered aged care (residential aged-care status) and when they had their first script of tiotropium as a proxy indicator of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and first concurrent use of angiotensin renin system medicines with frusemide as a proxy indicator of those with heart failure. ",
"All the above confounders were included in the model and the decision to include them was based on clinical knowledge.",
"\n\nFor the self-controlled case series study, eligible subjects were all subjects who had a hospitalisation with a primary diagnosis of pneumonia during the study period between 1st January 2007 and 30th June 2011. ",
"These are the same subjects who were identified in the cohort study as having a hospitalisation for pneumonia. ",
"Exposure to proton pump inhibitors was calculated and time partitioned into unexposed time and pre and post exposure times. ",
"Subjects with a pneumonia hospitalisation but with no record of being prescribed a proton pump inhibitor were included to adjust for the change in the underlying hospitalisation rate associated with age \\[[@B2]\\]. ",
"In addition to the post-exposure risk periods, two consecutive 30 day (1--30, 31--60 days) and a 60 day (61--120 days) pre-exposure risk periods were included prior to proton pump inhibitor initiation; to allow for time periods where proton pump inhibitors may have been initiated as a result of hospitalisation. ",
"The consequence of not partitioning this prior exposure would be an increase in the rate of pneumonia hospitalisations in the unexposed period. ",
"This would cause a bias towards the null in the exposed resulting in a decrease in the rate ratios in the post exposure periods. ",
"All residual time before and after exposure was considered unexposed and used for the baseline comparison. ",
"In each risk period, the cumulative number of hospitalisations was divided by the person-years at risk and these were compared to the risk in the baseline period (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ",
"If a subject was re-hospitalised within 30 days, the subsequent hospitalisation(s) were excluded as they were considered to be related and part of the same episode \\[[@B2]\\]. ",
"Rate ratios were calculated using conditional Poisson regression, with results presented as adjusted rate ratios and 95% confidence intervals. ",
"We also performed two sensitivity analyses for the self-controlled case series 1) adjusted for the same time-varying confounders as the cohort study, 2) analysis restricted to patients alive at hospital discharge. ",
"The self-controlled case series design controls implicitly for fixed covariates \\[[@B2],[@B3]\\], however, all SCCS analyses were adjusted for time-varying age and study year. ",
"All analyses were performed using SAS version 9.12 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). ",
"This research has ethics approval from the Department of Veteran Affairs human research committee and the University of South Australia human research committee.",
"\n\n{#F1}\n\nResults\n=======\n\nCohort study\n------------\n\nThe final cohort consisted of 105,467 subjects, of whom 51.5% were male. ",
"Their median age was 83 years (range 80--86) and 11.2% entered a residential aged-care facility during the study (Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}).",
"\n\n###### \n\nDemographics of the Cohort and SCCS studies\n\n **Cohort study** **SCCS**\n ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------\n **Exposed(N (%))** 32247 (30.6%) 2839 (41.9%)\n **Age(median(range))** 83 (80 -- 86) 84 (82 -- 87)\n **Male gender** 54296 (51.5%) 4189 (61.8%)\n **Patients with at least one pneumonia hospitalisation** 6775 (6.4%) 6775 (100%)\n **Entered residential aged care facility** 11852 (11.2) 786 (11.6)\n\nThe adjusted risk estimates were significant for all post-exposure risk periods (Table [2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}). ",
"The risk of hospitalisation for pneumonia was 3.2 times higher in the first 1 to 7 days after initiation of PPIs compared to unexposed patients. ",
"The risk of pneumonia was reduced with more than 30 days continuous treatment but remained significantly higher than unexposed (RR = 1.55 95% CI 1.44,1.67).",
"\n\n###### \n\n**Exposure to proton pump inhibitors and risk of hospitalisation for pneumonia**; **cohort study adjusted analysis**\n\n **Risk periods** **Number of hospitalizations for pneumonia** **Person-years** **Unadjusted rate ratios** **Adjusted\\*rate ratios(95%CI)**\n ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------- ----------------------------------\n Baseline unexposed to a proton pump inhibitor \n Unexposed 5598 346016 1.00 1.00\n Post-exposure to proton pump inhibitors \n 1--7 days 59 1043 3.50 (2.71 -- 4.52) 3.24 (2.50 -- 4.19)\n 8--30 days 118 3344 2.18 (1.82 -- 2.62) 2.02 (1.68 -- 2.42)\n \\>30 days 989 33449 1.83 (1.71 -- 1.96) 1.55 (1.44 -- 1.67)\n\n\\*Adjusted for age at entry into the cohort, gender, socioeconomic index of disadvantage for area of residence \\[[@B11]\\] at study entry, number of co-morbidities (assessed annually using the validated Rx-Risk-V \\[[@B12]\\] score), season, residential aged-care status, use of tiotropium as a proxy indicator of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), use of angiotensin renin system medicines concurrent with frusemide as a proxy indicator of those with heart failure, number of prescriptions, number of prescribers, number of pharmacies, occupational therapy visits and speech pathology services.",
"\n\nSelf-controlled case series\n---------------------------\n\nThere were 6775 subjects who had at least one hospitalisation for pneumonia during the study period, with 2839 (41.9%) initiated on a proton pump inhibitor. ",
"In this study, 61.8% of participants were male and 11.6% entered a residential aged-care facility during the study (Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}).",
"\n\nThere was an increased risk of hospitalisations for pneumonia in the three risk periods following initiation of proton pump inhibitors compared to the baseline period. ",
"In both 30 day pre-exposure risk periods there was a statistically significant increased risk of having a hospitalisation for pneumonia compared to the baseline period, however there was no significant risk of hospitalisation 61--120 days prior to a PPI (Table [3](#T3){ref-type=\"table\"}).",
"\n\n###### \n\n**Exposure to proton pump inhibitors and risk of hospitalisation for pneumonia**; **self**- **controlled case**-**series adjusted analysis**\n\n **Risk periods** **Number of hospitalizations for pneumonia** **Person-years** **Adjusted\\*rate ratios(95%CI)** **Adjusted\\*\\*rate ratios(95%CI)**\n ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------\n Baseline unexposed to a proton pump inhibitor \n Unexposed 5544 18632 1.0 1.0\n Pre-exposure to a proton pump inhibitor \n Pre 1--30 days 476 383 5.24 (4.94 -- 5.57) 5.17 (4.86 -- 5.49)\n Pre 31--60 days 166 353 2.02 (1.85 -- 2.20) 2.00 (1.83 -- 2.18)\n Pre 61--120 days 148 589 1.09 (0.99 -- 1.19) 1.07 (0.98 -- 1.17)\n Post-exposure to proton pump inhibitors \n 1--7 days 69 90 3.22 (2.83 -- 3.66) 3.07 (2.69 -- 3.50)\n 8--30 days 135 287 2.01 (1.82 -- 2.21) 2.00 (1.82 -- 2.20)\n \\>30 days 1131 2978 1.67 (1.58 -- 1.77) 1.66 (1.56 -- 1.76)\n\n\\* Adjusted for time-varying age and study year only.",
"\n\n\\*\\*Adjusted for time-varying age, study year, number of co-morbidities (assessed annually using the validated Rx-Risk-V \\[[@B12]\\] score), season, residential aged-care status, use of tiotropium as a proxy indicator of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), use of angiotensin renin system medicines concurrent with frusemide as a proxy indicator of those with heart failure, number of prescriptions, number of prescribers, number of pharmacies, occupational therapy visits and speech pathology services.",
"\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nThis study has shown that using two different study designs, the self-controlled case series and the cohort, that there was an increased risk of hospitalisation for pneumonia after being prescribed a proton pump inhibitor. ",
"The self-controlled case series design encourages stratification of the exposure time. ",
"This is not usual in cohort studies but was undertaken in this study to compare the rate ratios between studies. ",
"The stratification allows for the assessment of the risk of pneumonia, at various *a priori* points in time. ",
"This leads to a more detailed understanding of the temporal association between the medicine of interest and the outcome. ",
"The rate ratios after continuously taking a proton pump inhibitor for greater than 30 days were similar for both studies (cohort: RR 1.55; 95% CI (1.44, 1.67): SCCS: RR 1.66; 95% CI (1.56, 1.76)). ",
"Our findings are higher than those observed in a meta-analysis that identified randomised clinical trials and observational studies that evaluated the association between acid-suppressive drugs and the risk of pneumonia \\[[@B8]\\]. ",
"The meta-analysis of observational studies reported an overall odds ratio of 1.27 (95% CI (1.11, 1.46)) and for the outcome of community acquired pneumonia a odds ratio of 1.34 (95% CI (1.14 -1.57)) \\[[@B8]\\]. ",
"The meta-analysis of the randomised clinical trials found an overall relative risk of 1.22 (95% CI (1.01, 1.48)) \\[[@B8]\\]. ",
"Regardless of the study design utilised, after initiation of proton pump inhibitors the risk of hospitalisation for pneumonia was highest in the first 7 days after initiation. ",
"These findings are also consistent with those observed in the meta-analysis of observational studies \\[[@B8]\\] which found a strong association within the first six days post therapy initiation (OR 3.95; 95% CI (2.86, 5.45)) \\[[@B8]\\].",
"\n\nAs with any statistical method the self-controlled case series method has key assumptions that must be met \\[[@B2],[@B3]\\]. ",
"The first assumption states that recurrent outcome events must be independent, that is, the occurrence of one event must not alter the probability of a subsequent event occurring \\[[@B2],[@B3]\\]. ",
"For some hospitalisations, once a person has experienced that hospitalisation their short-term risk of another occurrence may be increased. ",
"Therefore, hospitalisations may cluster within independent episodes. ",
"In this study, we included only the first hospitalisation of each episode to ensure the independence of outcome events \\[[@B2]\\]. ",
"The second assumption of the SCCS method is that the occurrence of an outcome event must not alter the probability of subsequent exposures \\[[@B2],[@B3]\\]. ",
"We found a significantly increased risk of a pneumonia hospitalisation prior to proton pump inhibitor exposure in the self-controlled case series design. ",
"This may be due to physicians routinely prescribing proton pump inhibitors to patients once they enter hospital. ",
"Other studies have identified that a large number of patients initiate these medicines in hospital \\[[@B13],[@B14]\\]. ",
"To account for this we partitioned person-time prior to exposure into separate risk periods. ",
"Results show that in the 1--30 days prior to proton pump inhibitor initiation there is over a five times greater risk of hospitalisations for pneumonia than in other non-exposure periods. ",
"The risk of hospitalisation is still high 60--31 days before proton pump inhibitors suggesting that initiation after hospital discharge of pneumonia by a GP is still high. ",
"However, the risk of hospitalisation had returned to base line after 60 days before PPI initiation. ",
"The final assumption is that the occurrence of the event of interest must not censor or affect the observation period \\[[@B2],[@B3]\\]. ",
"While in some cases patients died as a direct result of the pneumonia admission, the majority (87%) of patients in this study were discharged alive from their hospital admission for pneumonia, meaning this assumption is likely to have been met in this study. ",
"Farrington et al \\[[@B15]\\], have shown that this method may be robust to failure of this assumption. ",
"Additionally our sensitivity analysis restricted to patients discharged alive from hospital showed that risk estimates in the exposed periods changed only marginally (Table [4](#T4){ref-type=\"table\"}). ",
"As this may not be the case for all studies, it may be more appropriate to apply one of the two alternative methods that Farrington et al \\[[@B16],[@B17]\\], have developed.",
"\n\n###### \n\n**Sensitivity analysis**: **exposure to PPIs and risk of hospitalisation for pneumonia**; **self-controlled case-series adjusted analysis in patients alive at discharge**\n\n **Risk periods** **Number of hospitalizations for pneumonia** **Person-years** **Adjusted\\*rate ratios(95%CI)**\n ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ------------------ ----------------------------------\n Baseline unexposed to a proton pump inhibitor \n Unexposed 4680 16676 1.0\n Pre-exposure to a proton pump inhibitor \n Pre 1--30 days 438 347 5.71 (5.37 -- 6.07)\n Pre 31--60 days 161 319 2.30 (2.11 -- 2.51)\n Pre 61--120 days 141 530 1.21 (1.11 -- 1.33)\n Post-exposure to proton pump inhibitors \n 1--7 days 52 81 2.87 (2.49 -- 3.32)\n 8--30 days 112 262 1.95 (1.76 -- 2.16)\n \\>30 days 944 2786 1.55 (1.46 -- 1.65)\n\n\\* Adjusted for time-varying age and study year only.",
"\n\nThe cohort and self-controlled case series study produced comparable relative risk estimates and therefore we are able to draw similar conclusion about the safety of proton pump inhibitors. ",
"Bias can be introduced in a cohort study through lack of data on confounders and it can be difficult to deal with the important differences between patients who were and were not prescribed the medicine of interest. ",
"The self-controlled case series method, however, may overcome this problem as exposure time is compared to unexposed time in the same patient thereby controlling implicitly for fixed confounders \\[[@B3],[@B15]\\]. ",
"Our sensitivity analyses showed that adjusting for potential time-varying confounders made little difference to the risk estimates in the self-controlled case series design. ",
"Two previous studies with similar endpoints demonstrated that the odds ratio did not change after adjustment for these factors \\[[@B18],[@B19]\\]. ",
"The ability of the self-controlled case series method to control for confounding both measured and unmeasured will be of particular practical value in pharmacoepidemiology.",
"\n\nOne of the limitations of this study is potential missing data on over the counter proton pump inhibitors medicines and some in-hospital dispensing's. ",
"The pharmacy database utilised in this study contains information on all prescriptions dispensed in private hospitals, public hospital outpatient visits but not for those that were dispensed during a public hospital admission. ",
"Data is not collected on over the counter proton pump inhibitors; however the over the counter purchase price is more than double the patient co-payment for prescription medicines and the quantity supplied is half the prescription quantity.",
"\n\nConclusions\n===========\n\nThis study shows that the self-controlled case series method and new-user cohort study design produce similar results. ",
"The cohort method was implemented adjusting for multiple confounders and the self-controlled case-series relied solely on its design to adjust for fixed confounders and on the inclusion of the non-exposed group to adjust for time varying factors such as age. ",
"These findings suggest that the results of the self-controlled case-series design may be relied upon to investigate the safety of medicines for which limited clinical trial data exist.",
"\n\nConsent\n-------\n\nThis study used secondary, de-identified patient data, therefore individual patient consent was not required.",
"\n\nCompeting interests\n===================\n\nThe research was funded by the Australian Government Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) as part of the delivery of the Veterans' Medicines Advice and Therapeutics Education Services (Veterans' MATES) project. ",
"The data used in this research is owned by the Department of Veteran' Affairs and is provided as part of the delivery of the Veterans' MATES project. ",
"DVA reviewed this manuscript prior to submission, but played no role in the design, execution, analysis or interpretation of data, or writing of the paper. ",
"The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.",
"\n\nAuthors' contributions\n======================\n\nERamsay and ERoughead conceived and designed the study. ",
"ERamsay and NP were involved in the analysis of the data. ",
"ERamsay, NP, PR and ERoughead were involved in the interpretation of data. ",
"ERamsay wrote the initial draft of the manuscript. ",
"The manuscript was revised critically for important intellectual content by NP, PR and ERoughead. ",
"All authors have given final approval of the manuscript to be published.",
"\n\nPre-publication history\n=======================\n\nThe pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:\n\n<http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2288/13/82/prepub>\n"
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"pile_set_name": "PubMed Central"
} | [
] | 0.000703 | 132 |
"Q:\n\njQuery change event on a DIV\n\nI'm triggering a change event using jQuery on a DIV. ",
"The thing is that I have a couple of inputs hidden inside that div. ",
"When the event is triggered, the listener for the event is capuring both the input change as the div change.",
"\nI've created a little jsFiddle to demonstrate better what I'm talking about\nhttps://jsfiddle.net/8m3s087e/\n<div id=\"teste\">\n <input type=\"hidden\" id=\"t\" name=\"lala\" value=\"\" />\n <input type=\"button\" id=\"btn\" value=\"Btn\" />\n</div>\n\n$(\"#btn\").on('click', function() {\n $(\"#teste\").trigger('change'); \n $(\"#t\").trigger('change');\n});\n\n$(\"#teste\").on('change', function() {\n alert('oi');\n});\n\nWell, I'm no jQuery expert, but can I prevent that behavior? ",
"I mean, if I trigger the event for the DIV, only the listeners with the div as a selector should be the ones called.",
"\nThanks,\nLucas\n\nA:\n\nThe problem is the events bubble up - you have to capture the change event on the input, and stop it from propagating:\n $(\"#t\").on('change', function(e) {\n e.stopPropagation();\n });\n\nhttps://jsfiddle.net/8m3s087e/3/\n\n"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.000713 | 6 |
"Little corellas causing big problems\n\nThe Barossa Council said the birds are causing a big menace - stripping leaves from trees, eating through electrical wires, and causing pine cones to drop on cars. ",
"They're also noisy for residents.",
"\n\nThe Council's Director of Environmental Services, Ian Baldwin, said they're trying non-invasive measures to try and get the 3000-strong flock to move away.",
"\n\n\"We're using very strong flash lights, flashing lights and torches to just try and interrupt their roosting habits, but more recently we've introduced the firing of a starting pistol to try and shake them up also.",
"\n\n\"Beyond that I guess the other measure is to look at culling the flock, but that's very difficult in a residential area and it's certainly the last option.\"",
"\n\nMr Baldwin said the birds are not just annoying but can have economic impacts for the community.",
"\n\n\"They compete for food, so grain seeds and stock feed, they can damage fruit crops, and of course they upset the tourists as well with their screeching and carrying on.\"",
"\n\nThis is not the first year Nuriootpa has faced a corella conundrum, and they're not alone.",
"\n\n\"Unfortunately it's a problem that occurs pretty much every year around spring and early summer and at different locations through the area, it's just unfortunate that these flocks keep coming back.",
"\n\n\"It's not just this council, other councils throughout the state are experiencing similar problems.\"",
"\n\nMr Baldwin said they're waiting to see how effective this new deterrent program proves.",
"\n\n\"If we can continue with these measures and see if we can upset their roosting habits, we've got a chance of moving them on, but it'll be time that tells us just how successful those measures are.\""
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"1. ",
"Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to fuse housing assemblies, and more particularly, to bayonet-type fuse housing assemblies that receive a fuse for a transformer circuit.",
"\n2. ",
"Description of the Related Art\nIn many instances, it is necessary to protect a transformer or an electric circuit from excessive current. ",
"For example, a current limiting fuse is typically in series with the transformer circuit and is configured to trip or break at only very high current levels. ",
"A bayonet-type fuse assembly is also connected in series with the transformer circuit and is generally configured to trip at current levels smaller than that of the current limiting fuse, although there may be some overlap between the current trip levels of the two current limiting devices. ",
"An example of such a bayonet-type fuse assembly is illustrated in U.S. Pat. ",
"No. ",
"5,227,758, the entire disclosure of which is hereby incorporated by reference. ",
"When current exceeds a specific amperage, the fuse in the bayonet-type fuse assembly located in the transformer body will melt or vaporize and thus break or open the transformer circuit.",
"\nBecause of the high voltages (7.2, 14.4, 23, 24.9 and 34 KV) associated with transformers, fuses that break the circuit of the transformer are typically located in the transformer and under a dielectric liquid, such as mineral oil, within the transformer. ",
"The dielectric liquid provides arc quenching during fuse operation and also prevents arcing between the fuse contacts and the walls of the transformer or other items within the transformer.",
"\nIn a conventional bayonet-type fuse holder housing for receiving a fuse, a cylindrical housing of electrically insulating material protrudes into the transformer at a downward angle such that a portion of the cylindrical housing is located under the oil located within the transformer. ",
"A portion of the cylindrical housing is also located external of the transformer, and protrudes from the transformer. ",
"A bayonet-type fuse holder having an attached cartridge with fuse link may be inserted into the interior of the cylindrical housing such that the fuse is located near the most distal end of the housing under the oil and is in contact with a pair of contacts. ",
"The portion of the fuse housing located within the transformer body has openings that allow the fuse to be directly exposed to the oil. ",
"The bayonet-type holder and cartridge fuse are removable from the fuse holder housing by simply pulling on an end of the bayonet-type fuse holder that protrudes from the portion of the fuse housing that is located external of the transformer body.",
"\nDuring operation of the above-described bayonet-type fuse assembly, it is necessary that the fuse be entirely submerged within the oil such that when operating conditions occur and the fuse operates or melts, any electrical arc between the conductive opposite ends of the fuse will be quickly extinguished by the dielectric oil. ",
"Thus, the dielectric oil helps extinguish the arc. ",
"The oil also cools equipment within the transformer.",
"\nAfter the fuse has operated, it is necessary that a new fuse be inserted into the fuse holder housing in order to reenergize the electrical circuit to permit the transformer to operate. ",
"However, before a new fuse may be inserted into the fuse holder housing, it is necessary that the operated fuse held by the fuse holder be removed from the fuse holder housing such that the operated fuse may be replaced with a new fuse.",
"\nTo replace the open fuse, it is necessary that an operator remove the bayonet-type fuse holder completely from the fuse holder housing. ",
"However, most, if not all, transformer tanks are sealed from the exterior environment to prevent water, moisture, dirt and other contaminants from entering the interior and degrading the dielectric fluid (oil) of the transformer. ",
"Because the transformer tank is sealed from the surrounding environment, it is common that the transformer tank becomes pressurized. ",
"This increase in pressure primarily occurs because the oil within the transformer tank expands when its temperature is increased. ",
"Expansion will occur when the transformer is exposed to sun in warm climates and when the transformer is operating under high load conditions. ",
"Thus, it is apparent that the oil level within the transformer tank varies according to operating conditions. ",
"The pressure within the tank may also increase because of fuse operation. ",
"Temperature variations can cause the oil level to vary approximately 5 inches on a 72 inch high transformer tank.",
"\nIf the transformer tank is pressurized, upon removal of the bayonet-type fuse from the bayonet-type fuse housing, a seal will be broken, relieving the pressure inside the tank to possibly cause dielectric oil from the interior of the transformer to travel up through the bayonet-type fuse holder housing due to the differential in pressure between the tank and the surrounding atmosphere. ",
"In fact, a high velocity liquid stream of hot oil may jet out of the portion of the bayonet fuse holder housing that protrudes from the transformer tank. ",
"That is, when the bayonet fuse holder is removed from the fuse holder housing, the tank is no longer sealed and the pressure within the tank will equalize with atmospheric pressure via the fuse holder housing that communicates the interior of the transformer with the exterior environment.",
"\nThe oil that flows out of the fuse holder housing may be at a high temperature and may injure the operator who has removed the fuse. ",
"Under normal operating conditions the oil may be between 90-100.degree. ",
"C. (194.degree. ",
"F.-212.degree. ",
"F.), and under extreme conditions, such as during hot summer days in warm climates and when the transformer has been under full load, the oil may be approximately 120.degree. ",
"C. (248.degree. ",
"\nBecause it is necessary that the fuse is located completely under the oil, at all operating temperatures, it is undesirable that none of the oil exit the transformer. ",
"If the oil level becomes too low in the transformer tank, the upper contact of the fuse may be exposed to air, causing danger to personnel removing the fuse as an arc between the upper contact and the transformer wall can result.",
"\nThere have been various attempts to address the above problems. ",
"For example, conventional transformer housings attempt to address this problem by providing a pressure relief valve that actuates automatically upon an increase in pressure within the transformer tank. ",
"For example, known pressure relief valves typically will bleed at approximately eight pounds per square inch (PSI). ",
"Nevertheless, it is common that the transformer is pressurized between atmospheric pressure and the bleed pressure. ",
"This pressure is sufficient to cause the dielectric oil to flow from the fuse holder housing when the fuse holder is removed. ",
"In some instances, oil has ejected from the housing for approximately 20 seconds while the pressure within the tank equalizes to atmospheric pressure. ",
"Some transformer tanks do not include pressure relief valves.",
"\nOther transformer tanks include a manually actuatable pressure relief valve that may be manually actuated by an operator to bleed all pressure within the transformer housing prior to removal of the bayonet-type fuse holder from the fuse holder housing. ",
"Nevertheless, operators are reluctant to approach transformer tanks that house live high voltage equipment. ",
"Operators also forget to actuate the pressure relief mechanism to bleed any pressure within the transformer such that when the fuse holder is removed from the fuse holder housing, oil from within the interior of the transformer is forced out of the fuse holder housing. ",
"After the pressure relief valve has been actuated, the pressure within the tank may increase slightly before an operator has the opportunity to remove the fuse holder from the fuse holder housing. ",
"This slight increase in pressure may be sufficient to also cause the dielectric oil to flow out of the fuse holder housing.",
"\nOther attempts to prevent the oil from exiting the fuse holder housing include a flapper valve that seals a portion of the fuse holder housing exterior of the tank from a portion of the fuse holder housing within the tank such that when the fuse holder is removed, the flapper valve closes to form a seal and the oil cannot escape from the fuse housing. ",
"Such a flapper valve is disclosed in U.S. Pat. ",
"No. ",
"5,204,654, the entire disclosure of which is hereby incorporated by reference.",
"\nHowever, the transformer tank is still pressurized with use of the flapper valve device alone, and it is necessary that the operator quickly remove the fuse holder from the fuse housing to prevent the dielectric oil from flowing out of the fuse housing. ",
"If the operator does not remove the fuse holder in one quick movement, the oil will flow out of the housing until the operator has sufficiently removed the fuse holder from the housing such that the flapper valve may close. ",
"Likewise, when the operator inserts the fuse holder back into the fuse holder housing, because the tank is still pressurized, the oil may again flow out of the housing after the flapper valve has been opened and until the time when the operator has sealed the fuse holder housing with the fuse holder.",
"\nOther bayonet-type fuse holder housings include a hole located in the housing that communicates the interior of the tank with the interior of the housing. ",
"The hole is located in the portion of the fuse holder housing that is located within the transformer tank and is adjacent to the area of the housing that mounts to the wall of the transformer tank. ",
"Thus, when the fuse holder is removed from the fuse holder housing, and the seal between the fuse holder and the fuse holder housing is broken, any pressurized gas within the housing will vent through the hole to atmosphere--so long as the oil level is below the hole.",
"\nHowever, this configuration is problematic because pressurized gas within the housing that is rapidly venting through the hole tends to draw oil from within the transformer tank such that a spray of gas and oil is ejected from the fuse holder housing. ",
"This is particularly problematic when the oil commonly expands due to an increase in temperature such that it is directly below the hole in the cylindrical housing. ",
"Moreover, the oil level may move above the hole in the housing. ",
"Although transformer tanks are intended to be level, on occasion the ground on which the transformer is positioned may settle or move causing the transformer to tip. ",
"The transformer may also be improperly positioned such that the hole is located below the oil level in the transformer tank. ",
"A tilt angle of 2 or 3 degrees can shift the oil level one inch in some transformer tanks. ",
"The oil level may also move above the hole because it expands due to a temperature increase. ",
"In this case, a high velocity stream of oil shoots out of the housing when the fuse holder is removed. ",
"This is especially problematic because operators and maintenance people often overfill the transformer tank with the dielectric oil.",
"\nAccordingly, it is apparent that conventional fuse holder housings that attempt to prevent oil from exiting the transformer through the face holder housing are not easily adaptable to changing conditions. ",
"The above-described constraints and problems associated with removing a fuse holder from a fuse holder housing mounted to a transformer tank has created a need for a solution."
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"The “yellow wall”, the 25,000 capacity southern terrace of Borussia Dortmund’s home stadium, is also a face that charts the club’s emotional wellbeing.",
"\n\nEuropean football’s largest standing terrace wails in frustration when strikers fresh air the ball inside the box, screams with red hot anger when the referee overlooks a stone-cold penalty, and goes soppier than the most loved-up teenager when the team scores, breaking out into the club’s dewy-eyed hymn Echte Liebe, meaning True Love.",
"\n\nOn Wednesday night, 24 hours after Dortmund’s first team were directly targeted by a terrorist attack that injured one of its players, a new emotion was briefly added to the yellow wall’s palette: vulnerability.",
"\n\nFacebook Twitter Pinterest An image of Marc Bartra, who was injured in the attack, is shown on the stadium scoreboard. ",
"Photograph: Matthew Ashton - AMA/Getty Images\n\n“It’s difficult”, said Matthias Steger, 38, walking to the stadium with his 10-year-old son, draped in Dortmund’s yellow and black. “",
"I am not entirely sure if it’s right for our team to play so soon after a shock like that”.",
"\n\nAs stadium announcer and former player Norbert Dickel said the club was going “through the most difficult situation we’ve experienced in decades” and led the crowd to chant the name of Spanish defender Marc Bartra, absent from the starting lineup after sustaining a hand injury in the attack, the yellow wall looked pale, thinning into grey on its edges.",
"\n\nWhat we know so far about the Borussia Dortmund blasts Read more\n\nIt took one of Dortmund’s famed fan choreographies for the yellow wall to regain its fierce composure of old. ",
"After draping the entire terrace in a yellow and black sheath, the home support re-merged with warpaint on its face: coloured plastic ponchos recreating the club’s BVB crest – short for Ballsportverein Borussia – in gigantic letters.",
"\n\nAfter a rousing rendition of You’ll Never Walk Alone, long ago appropriated from Merseyside, the ultras facing the crowd at the bottom started banging their drums and the wall looked as insurmountable as ever. ",
"Banners were unveiled, complaining about the re-scheduling of the match: “6:45 kick-off: are you kidding? ",
"Fuck Uefa.”",
"\n\nFacebook Twitter Pinterest Goalkeeper Roman Burki warmed up in teammate Marc Bartra’s shirt before the match. ",
"Photograph: Kai Pfaffenbach/Reuters\n\nSupporters of French club Monaco, whose regular home game attendance is less than half of the capacity of Dortmund’s southern terrace, looked briefly intimidated. ",
"Luckily for them, Dortmund’s team took longer than their supporters to shake off the shock of Tuesday’s events.",
"\n\n\n\nGoalkeeper Roman Bürki, who had sat next to Bartra on the team bus, and defender Matthias Ginter, the Spanish international’s replacement, misplaced passes in the opening exchanges. ",
"And while Dortmund’s strikers hastily placed the ball inches left and right of the upright, Monaco’s counter attacks were ruthlessly efficient: at half time, the French visitors were leading 2-0.",
"\n\nKylian Mbappe gives Monaco crucial edge against Borussia Dortmund Read more\n\n“The grass was too wet, the goal was too small, the ball was too round: it’s easy to find excuses”, said Heiko Schulz, 47. “",
"But after what happened last night I think anything can be forgiven. ",
"Whether we win or lose, what’s most important is that the match took place”.",
"\n\nSchulz and Sabrina Fege, 37, had both spontaneously bought tickets after hearing what had happening to the team. ",
"Where they worried? “",
"Not at all, now we have to support Borussia more than ever!” ",
"Eventually, their team took their motto to heart too, with an energised, rousing second-half performance, scoring two even if Monaco managed to add a third.",
"\n\nPlay Video 2:29 'We are human beings': Dortmund unhappy with rescheduling of Monaco game – video\n\nFor many of the French and German fans inside the stadium, such as Monaco supporter Olivier Pourcel, the match’s emotional significance had already transcended its score at that point. “",
"After what happened last night, the fans of our two teams will have a close relationship for years to come”, he said.",
"\n\nFabian Rustemeier and his friend Simon Ballmann had been on the way to the stadium on Tuesday night when news of the attack and the cancellation had flashed up on their phones. ",
"Over a bottle of beer at a corner shop in Dortmund’s Kreuzviertel district, Ballmann commented what a shame it would be to watch their team play to a half-empty stadium on Wednesday. “",
"Can’t we find beds for all the Monaco fans for the night?”, ",
"he suggested.",
"\n\nRustemeier, 28, thought up the hashtag #bedsforawayfans and sent out the first tweet. ",
"Within minutes, responses poured in. “",
"I believe, I hope, that Dortmund stands for humanity and openness, and that maybe subconsciously last night’s spontaneous action worked as a statement against the kind of mindset that led to the attack”, he said.",
"\n\nPourcel, 36, a sales manager for a Paris-based paper company and lifelong Monaco fan, had already tried in vain to find a hotel room for the night and started to consider heading back to France when he picked up the #bedsforawayfans hashtag. ",
"Within an hour, he had found a room with Dortmund fan Henning Krüger, who lives less than a kilometre from the stadium.",
"\n\nFacebook Twitter Pinterest Dortmund fans hold up scarves during rearranged Champions League match. ",
"Photograph: Kai Pfaffenbach/Reuters\n\n“We were both shocked at first, but it didn’t take long for us to start talking about our teams’ line-ups, our players’ strengths and weaknesses”, Pourcel said.",
"\n\n“Of course the possibility that it was a terrorist attack was on my mind”. ",
"In November 2015, he had been due to go to the Stade de France to watch a friendly between Germany and France but pulled out because of work commitments. ",
"One hundred and thirty people died and another 368 were injured in attacks claimed by Islamic State across the French capital that evening.",
"\n\n“They want that buzz, they want to say: we can hit everybody at any time. ",
"That’s their message. ",
"But I am not worried about going to the match tonight.”",
"\n\nWalking to the stadium on Wednesday, Pourcel was stopped by an elderly German lady with a yellow and black scarf: “Bonne chance, monsieur! ",
"Votre équipe est mon équipe”. ",
"Good luck sir! ",
"Your team is my team."
] | {
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] | 0.023812 | 47 |
"Get breaking news alerts and special reports. ",
"The news and stories that matter, delivered weekday mornings.",
"\n\nActor and marijuana advocate Woody Harrelson was one of nearly 60 applicants to apply to open one of Hawaii's first medical marijuana dispensaries.",
"\n\nHarrelson, 54, applied for a license in Honolulu County under his company, Simple Organic Living.",
"\n\nActor Woody Harrelson. ",
"Frederick M. Brown / Getty Images\n\nThe Hawaii Department of Health posted the list of 66 applications on its website Friday. ",
"The state is now reviewing applications for dispensary permits, which they will award in April.",
"\n\nLet our news meet your inbox. ",
"The news and stories that matters, delivered weekday mornings. ",
"This site is protected by recaptcha\n\nVideo game entrepreneur Henk Rogers also applied for a license under his company, Blue Planet Foundation, which advocates for energy independence across the state. ",
"Rogers, 61, is famous for designing the video game \"Tetris\" more than 20 years ago, and lives in Hawaii in an entirely solar-powered home.",
"\n\nAmong other applicants include Dirk Fukushima, producer of the local television show, \"Hawaii Stars,\" and former University of Hawaii Regent Charles Kawakami.",
"\n\nIf selected, dispensary applicants must have $1 million cash before applying for a licenses, plus $100,000 for each dispensary location. ",
"All applicants must have been Hawaii residents for more than five years.",
"\n\nUnder a law passed in 2015, the state will grant eight licenses for marijuana business owners across the islands. ",
"The law allows medical marijuana businesses to have two production centers and two retail dispensaries, for a total of 16 dispensaries statewide. ",
"Six are allowed on Oahu, four on Hawaii Island, four on Maui and two on Kauai.",
"\n\nDispensaries are set to open in July.",
"\n\nHawaii became the first to legalize medical marijuana through the legislative process 16 years ago. ",
"Lawmakers have introduced laws to legalize recreational marijuana; however they don't think they're likely to pass this year."
] | {
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] | 0.000717 | 20 |
"FBDC Tweeterboard: DC Pubs\n\nIt’s that time of the month again to see who’s up and who’s down in the Twitter-verse. ",
"FishbowlDC’s number-crunchers are hard at work analyzing data from all manner of DC media accounts, but for today let’s talk print and online publications. ",
"We took a look at the followers of DC’s biggest pubs and compared them to stats from last month.",
"\n\nHere are the top take-aways: 1) Every pub added more followers percentage-wise in January than they did in December -except The Washington Times. ",
"Their followers grew at a steady 2.1% in both months. ",
"2)Washington City Paper and the Washington Examiner both posted impressive gains this past month. ",
"WCP followers increased by 8.2% in January compared to 4.2% in December. ",
"The Examiner grew by 8.9% last month, compared to 4.3% the month before."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
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] | 0.000633 | 8 |
"2010 Cavite City local elections\n\n\n\nMayoral & Vice Mayoral Candidates\nList of Candidates as of March 2010\n\nCouncilor Election\nList of Candidates as of March 2010\n\nCategory:Cavite City\nCategory:2010 Philippine general election\nCategory:Elections in Cavite"
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] | 0.000678 | 1 |
"Edhi, was born on February 28th 1928 in a small village of Bantva near Joona Garh in the Gujarat district of then British-ruled India but moved to Karachi shortly after Pakistan was formed.",
"\n\nEdhi was deeply affected by the death of his mother when he was 19. ",
"He never finished school but later said that the world of suffering became his tutor.",
"\n\nHe noticed that many Pakistanis lacked medicine, education, and other essentials, and he made it his life's mission to help others. ",
"In 1951, he established the Edhi Foundation, which is funded solely by private donations.",
"\n\nBy the time of his death on July 8th 2016, Edhi was registered as a parent or guardian of nearly 20,000 children.",
"\n\nIt was announced that the State Bank of Pakistan would issue a commemorative coin of 50 rupee (38p) in memory of Edhi as a small token of appreciation for his selfless services for the country."
] | {
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] | 0.002936 | 7 |
"List of Negative Duration Bond ETFs\n\nUpdated Mar 8, 2019\nDuration is a measure which is used to gauge how a bond or a portfolio of bonds will react to any changes in the interest rates. ",
"Theretically, a bond fund or a bond ETF which has a negative average duration should increase in value if there is a rise in the interest rates. ",
"As a general rule, of the bond market, for every 1 percent increase in interest rate, the value of a bond portfolio should decrease by the amount of its duration. ",
"For example, a bond ETF having a duration of 8 years should ideally see a decrease of 8 percent in prices if the interest rates are raised by 1 percent. ",
"A negative duration bond ETF invest in such securities, that may include bonds and taking short positions in bond futures, such that the overall portfolio of the ETF will have a negative bond duration.",
"\n\nList of All Negative Duration Bond ETFs\n\nFollowing is the list of all 2 exchange-traded funds that FKnol has in its database for ETFs which belong to the Negative Duration Bond category:\n\nWhere do Negative Duration Bond ETFs Invest?",
"\n\nA long list of companies and different financial instruments exist where the Negative Duration Bond exchange-traded funds may invest the money collected from the ETF investors. ",
"Below is a small sample of companies whose stocks may qualify for investment by Negative Duration Bond ETFs, though there can be many more businesses and financial instruments where these ETFs can park the capital for returns:"
] | {
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] | 0.000634 | 8 |
"OPPO R7 Lite Full Specification & Price\n\nOPPO R7 Lite is lite edition of R7 Smartphone.",
"\n\nOPPO Launch a mid rangeAndroid Smartphone OPPO R7 Lite. ",
"The phone Packed with 13 MP rear camera with phase detection autofocus, and LED flash to get in frame your all Special Moment. ",
"You can take selfie with 8 MP front facing Camera.",
"R7 Lite made with Latest Qualcomm MSM8939 Snapdragon 615 chipset with 2 GB RAM for Multitasking and Gaming."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.001736 | 5 |
"Juggling In Wartime\n\nWhen I was serving at NATO headquarters in Kabul, Afghanistan, I found a stash of rubber balls in a back room of the gym. ",
"Naturally, I immediately started a juggling club with my new friend Heino, a fellow juggler who happened to be a lieutenant colonel in the German army. ",
"Neither of my grandfathers could have anticipated any aspect of this scenario when they were in uniform during World War II.",
"\n\nThe International Juggling Club of Kabul met on Thursday nights in a small room at the gym, and it was a great way to unwind. ",
"The more experienced jugglers like myself and Heino taught each other new tricks and showed off, while the newcomers learned the basic moves. ",
"We eventually ordered a couple of sets of juggling clubs. ",
"Heino and I got pretty good at passing them back and forth before our tours ended.",
"\n\nMy favorite part of Juggling Club was teaching people to juggle for the first time. ",
"Believe it or not, this seldom took more than 20 minutes. ",
"Now, learning to juggle and being able to do it well are two different things. ",
"Nobody became a good juggler in 20 minutes. ",
"But pretty much everyone was able to demonstrate a respectable jug (that is, three throws and three catches in a row) in less time than it takes to watch an episode of The Simpsons. ",
"Once someone learns to do a jug, they are officially a juggler — and then they’re usually hooked.",
"\n\nCreating this club may have been my most significant contribution to NATO’s International Security Assistance Force mission.",
"\n\nThe physical benefits of juggling are obvious. ",
"It improves eye-hand coordination, and beginners get a decent cardio workout as they chase dropped balls around the gym. ",
"More experienced jugglers can do some physically demanding routines or may choose to take a more calming, soothing, even meditative route. ",
"And of course everyone gets the cardio benefit of dodging mis-throws from the newbies.",
"\n\nThe social benefits were significant as well. ",
"Juggling together is a playful opportunity to get to know people and build new friendships. ",
"It is the best type of cooperative competition, where we cheer each other on, help each other out, and simultaneously try to go farther and do better than the other guy. ",
"The bonds we built in that stuffy little room made our multi-national team more effective. ",
"I lost track of the number of times a Juggle Club connection was the key to getting something done. ",
"I got to know the Italian captain who coordinated billeting for visitors and the Romanian sergeant who worked in the IT shop, so when I needed to reserve a room or had a computer problem, I had an immediate connection.",
"\n\nBut the main benefit of juggling was psychological. ",
"In the unrelenting environment of a combat zone, it’s easy to get burned out. ",
"The days are long, the pace is fast, and the demands are high. ",
"The whole scene is tremendously draining and does not offer many opportunities to replenish one’s mental resources. ",
"Most of the available forms of recreation — video games, television, working out, foosball — were fine as far as they go but none could compare with juggling in terms of granting a mental respite.",
"\n\nWhy is this the case? ",
"For starters, juggling requires near-total concentration. ",
"Beginners in particular find it virtually impossible to think about anything else when they’re trying to make consistent throws and catches. ",
"This freedom from the mental demands of deployment, even for just an hour, can make a huge difference to the rest of your day.",
"\n\nThis reminds me of Winston Churchill’s comment in his brilliant essay “Painting as a Pastime”: “Painting is complete as a distraction. ",
"I know of nothing which, without exhausting the body, more entirely absorbs the mind.” ",
"He goes on to explain that such mental absorption is essential to avoiding burnout. ",
"Juggling may be slightly more fatiguing than throwing paint on a canvas, particularly if you’re doing it in a small, unventilated room with a dozen other jugglers, but the basic cascade pattern is not all that physically demanding once you get the hang of it.",
"\n\nJuggling also rewards effort with frequent achievement milestones — the first jug, the first time you make 10 catches in a row, the first time you learn a new pattern or a new trick. ",
"Jugglers are constantly performing at the edge of their skill, and as Jane McGonigal explains in her book Reality Is Broken, “there is virtually nothing as engaging as this state of working at the very limits of your ability.” ",
"Plus, it’s a whole lot of fun.",
"\n\nAfter 20 years on active duty I’ve hung up my combat boots for good and began a new career as a writer and consultant. ",
"I still keep a set of juggling balls within easy reach of my desk, and when my latest project gets stuck, a design I’m working on stalls out, or I’ve just been in my chair too long, I take a short juggle break, then return to my work with a fresh perspective. ",
"And although I left Kabul in 2012, I’m still in touch with Heino."
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] | 0.006844 | 43 |
"Crna dama\n\nCrna dama is the second studio album by the Serbian rock band Smak, released in 1977.",
"\n\nTrack listing\n\nPersonnel \nSmak\n Boris Aranđelović — vocals\n Radomir Mihajlović \"Točak\" — guitar\n Miodrag Petkovski \"Miki\" — keyboards\n Zoran Milanović — bass guitar\n Slobodan Stojanović \"Kepa\" — drums, percussion\n\nAdditional personnel\n Harmonium Quartet — strings\n Ben Kennard — cello\n Brian Mack — viola\n Pat Nalling — first violin\n John Knight — second violin\n Perry Morgan — engineer\n Harry Fisher — mastered By\n Maurice Pert — percussion\n Dragan S. Stefanović — photography, artwork, design\n Martin Levan — production\n Dave Harris — recording engineer\n Nigel Green — assistant recording engineer\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nCategory:Smak albums\nCategory:1977 albums\nCategory:Serbian-language albums\nCategory:PGP-RTB albums"
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"Q:\n\nunloading a view in app delegate\n\nI have the following delegate files. ",
"My AboutViewController in MainWindow.xib loads the AboutViewController.xib and the aboutViewController outlet is connected to it. ",
"Also, navController is loaded from another ViewController.xib.",
"\nAboutViewController's view is displayed at start up and removed after one second, so i release its view controller by setting the ivar to nil.",
"\nAs the about view controller is loaded by XCode automatically, am i doing something wrong(leaking memory etc.) ",
"by setting it to nil manually myself? ",
"why or why not?",
"\nThanks\n- MyProjAppDelegate.h\n#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>\n@interface MyProjAppDelegate : NSObject <UIApplicationDelegate> {\n UIWindow *window;\n UIViewController *aboutViewController;\n UINavigationController *navController;\n}\n\n@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIWindow *window;\n@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIViewController *aboutViewController;\n@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UINavigationController *navController;\n@end\n\n- MyProjAppDelegate.m\n#import \"MyProjAppDelegate.h\"\n#import \"AboutViewController.h\"\n\n@implementation MyProjAppDelegate\n@synthesize window;\n@synthesize aboutViewController;\n@synthesize navController;\n\n- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application { \n\n [window addSubview:aboutViewController.view];\n [window makeKeyAndVisible];\n\n [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1.0 target:self selector:@selector(showMainView) userInfo:nil repeats:NO];\n}\n\n-(void)showMainView {\n [aboutViewController.view removeFromSuperview];\n self.aboutViewController = nil;\n\n [window addSubview:navController.view];\n}\n\n- (void)dealloc {\n [navController release];\n [aboutViewController release];\n [window release];\n [super dealloc];\n}\n@end\n\nA:\n\nAs the about view controller is loaded by XCode automatically, am i doing something wrong(leaking memory etc.) ",
"by setting it to nil manually myself?",
"\n\nNo, you're not doing anything wrong, because you are using the property accessor method (self.aboutViewController) to set it to nil; the accessor will take care of the release. (",
"And, you are correctly removing it from the superview before releasing it :-)\n\n"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.000879 | 11 |
"Share 0 SHARES\n\nAFTER penning the compelling twists and turns of this season’s Champion’s League, the writer of the football epic has been parachuted in at the last minute to rewrite HBO’s Game of Thrones final outings.",
"\n\nHeart-stopping and ingenious outcomes no one saw coming in the Liverpool v Barcelona and Ajax v Spurs episodes have landed largely unknown writer Gary Tindall the chance to craft a satisfying ending for HBO’s popular fantasy.",
"\n\n“If anyone can do it, it’s that lad,” confirmed one TV viewer who cried when watching relatively new Champion’s League character Mauricio Pochettino drop to his knees in tears as Lucas Moura emerged from nowhere to slay Ajax with a hattrick.",
"\n\nTindall first came to the attention of Hollywood after penning the Leicester season of the Premier League and is now taking his flair for white knuckle adrenaline rides with unbelievable outcomes and unlikely heroes to Game of Thrones, hoping to turnaround the mixed reviews season 8 has endured so far.",
"\n\n“A 4-0 to Liverpool? ",
"A 96th minute winner and hattrick from Lucas Moura? ",
"I would have said that sounded so ridiculous and shit, but somehow he makes it work perfectly. ",
"I’m glad he killed off that Ajax plot too, a team made of youngsters beating the rich elites? ",
"That’s a step too far,” added another football viewer.",
"\n\nMany people thought the Champion’s League had it best episodes behind it with the Man United v PSG game and the epic battles of Ajax against Real and Juve but with these latest episodes receiving a 9.9 rating on IMDB viewers are excitedly speculating on who will emerge with the crown after June the 1st’s finale."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | [
] | 0.090417 | 10 |
"12-Lipoxygenase in A431 cells: genetic identity, modulation of expression, and intracellular localization.",
"\nHuman A431 epidermoid carcinoma cells express 12-lipoxygenase enzymatic activity. ",
"However, the isoform identity based on cDNA sequence data is not known. ",
"Further, the simultaneous characterization of the intracellular distribution of 12-lipoxygenase protein and activity is lacking. ",
"Here we report that the cDNA sequence from RT-PCR-amplified 12-lipoxygenase mRNA is identical with the platelet-type 12-lipoxygenase isoform, and the leukocyte-type isoform of 12-lipoxygenase is not expressed in A431 cells. ",
"The predominant amount (78%) of 12-lipoxygenase protein resides in the cytosol. ",
"In contrast, the predominant (98%) 12-lipoxygenase activity is localized in the membrane fraction. ",
"Western blot and immunofluorescence data demonstrate that epidermal growth factor increases total cellular 12-lipoxygenase protein and enhances the association of 12-lipoxygenase protein with perinuclear or nuclear membrane sites. ",
"In addition, epidermal growth factor stimulates 12-lipoxygenase activity resulting in generation of 12(S)-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid from cellular arachidonate. ",
"In contrast, both 12-lipoxygenase protein and activity decrease approximately 80% within 24 h during serum starvation. ",
"The recovery of 12-lipoxygenase expression in serum-deprived cells can be induced by readdition of epidermal growth factor or serum. ",
"Further, the basal expression of 12-lipoxygenase depends on signal pathways requiring protein tyrosine kinase activity, since genistein, herbimycin A, and tyrphostin 25 reduce the expression of 12-lipoxygenase protein in A431 cells."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | [
] | 0.000942 | 12 |
"A wireless communication system supports mobility of an MS using handover. ",
"For example, the MS selects a target BS from among neighbor BSs of a serving BS when the MS performs handover. ",
"After, the MS releases from the serving BS and connects to the target BS.",
"\nAs described above, an MS releases from a serving BS and connects to a target BS for handover. ",
"Therefore, there occurs data loss because the MS is disconnected from both the serving BS and the target BS temporarily.",
"\nIn order to solve this problem, a serving BS temporarily stores data to be transmitted to an MS when the serving BS releases from the MS. ",
"The serving BS reduces data loss for the MS incurred during handover by transmitting stored data for the MS to the target BS when the MS connects to the target BS. ",
"Herein, the serving BS transmits data to the target BS via a backhaul. ",
"Hereinafter, it is assumed that stored data to be transmitted to the MS in the serving BS is referred to as handover data.",
"\nThe serving BS transmits the handover data to the target BS as soon as MS is connected to the target BS.",
"\nHowever, the handover data transmitted from the serving BS may be lost, and transmission time delay may occur due to a congested situation when a backhaul capacity is limited or an available backhaul capacity is not enough.",
"\nTherefore, there is a need to provide an improved method and apparatus for solving the above problem."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds"
} | [
] | 0.003375 | 12 |
"Q:\n\nChecking if a key is down in MS-DOS (C/C++)\n\nYes, I mean real MS-DOS, not Windows' cmd.exe shell console.",
"\nIs there a way to check if a key is down in MS-DOS, analogically to the GetAsyncKeyState() function in WinAPI?",
"\nCurrently I'm using kbhit() and getch(), but it's really slow, has a delay after the first character, doesn't allow multiple keys at the same time etc.",
"\nI'm using Turbo C++ 3.1. ",
"Can anyone help?",
"\n(by the way, don't ask why I'm coding my game on such an ancient system)\n\nA:\n\nWhy are you coding your game on su…just kidding!",
"\nIn MS-DOS, the \"API\" functions are implemented as interrupt servicers. ",
"In x86 assembly language, you use the INT instruction and specify the number of the interrupt that you want to execute. ",
"Most of the interrupts require that their \"parameters\" be set in certain registers before executing the INT. ",
"After the INT instruction returns control to your code, its result(s) will have been placed in certain registers and/or flags, as defined by the interrupt call's documentation.",
"\nI have no idea how Turbo C++ implements interrupts, since that pre-dates my involvement with programming, but I do know that it allows you to execute them. ",
"Google around for the syntax, or check your Turbo C++ documentation.",
"\nKnowing that these are interrupts will get you 90% of the way to a solution when you're searching. ",
"Ralf Brown compiled and published a famous list of DOS and BIOS interrupt codes. ",
"They should also be available in any book on DOS programming—if you're serious about retro-programming, you should definitely consider getting your hands on one. ",
"A used copy on Amazon should only set you back a few bucks. ",
"Most people consider these worthless nowadays.",
"\nHere is a site that lists the sub-functions available for DOS interrupt 21h. ",
"The ones that would be relevant to your use are 01, 06, 07, and 08. ",
"These are basically what the C standard library functions like getch are going to be doing under the hood. ",
"I find it difficult to imagine, but I have heard reports that programmers back in the day found it faster to call the DOS interrupts directly. ",
"The reason I question that is that I can't imagine the runtime library implementers would have been so stupid as to provide unnecessarily slow implementations. ",
"But maybe they were.",
"\nIf the DOS interrupts are still too slow for you, your last recourse would be to use BIOS interrupts directly. ",
"This might make an appreciable difference in speed because you're bypassing every abstraction layer possible. ",
"But it does make your program significantly less portable, which is the reason operating systems like DOS provided these higher level function calls to begin with. ",
"Again, check Ralf Brown's list for the interrupt that is relevant to your use. ",
"For example, INT 16 with the 01h sub-function.",
"\n\nA:\n\nThere is no function provided by Turbo C++, MS-DOS or the BIOS that corresponds to Windows function GetAsyncKeyState. ",
"The BIOS only keeps track of which modifier keys (Shift, Ctrl, or Alt) are held down, it doesn't track any of the other keys. ",
"If you want to do that you need to talk to the keyboard controller directly and monitor the make (key pressed) and break (key released) scan codes it receives from the keyboard.",
"\nTo do that you'll need to hook the keyboard interrupt (IRQ 1, INT 0x09), read the scancodes from the keyboard controller and then update your own keyboard state table.",
"\nHere's a simple program that demonstrates how do this:\n#include <conio.h>\n#include <dos.h>\n#include <stdio.h>\n\nunsigned char normal_keys[0x60];\nunsigned char extended_keys[0x60];\n\nstatic void interrupt \nkeyb_int() {\n static unsigned char buffer;\n unsigned char rawcode;\n unsigned char make_break;\n int scancode;\n\n rawcode = inp(0x60); /* read scancode from keyboard controller */\n make_break = !(",
"rawcode & 0x80); /* bit 7: 0 = make, 1 = break */\n scancode = rawcode & 0x7F;\n\n if (buffer == 0xE0) { /* second byte of an extended key */\n if (scancode < 0x60) {\n extended_keys[scancode] = make_break;\n }\n buffer = 0;\n } else if (buffer >= 0xE1 && buffer <= 0xE2) {\n buffer = 0; /* ingore these extended keys */\n } else if (rawcode >= 0xE0 && rawcode <= 0xE2) {\n buffer = rawcode; /* first byte of an extended key */\n } else if (scancode < 0x60) {\n normal_keys[scancode] = make_break;\n }\n\n outp(0x20, 0x20); /* must send EOI to finish interrupt */\n}\n\nstatic void interrupt (*old_keyb_int)();\n\nvoid\nhook_keyb_int(void) {\n old_keyb_int = getvect(0x09);\n setvect(0x09, keyb_int);\n}\n\nvoid\nunhook_keyb_int(void) {\n if (old_keyb_int !",
"= NULL) {\n setvect(0x09, old_keyb_int);\n old_keyb_int = NULL;\n }\n}\n\nint\nctrlbrk_handler(void) {\n unhook_keyb_int();\n _setcursortype(_NORMALCURSOR);\n return 0;\n}\n\nstatic\nputkeys(int y, unsigned char const *keys) {\n int i;\n gotoxy(1, y);\n for (i = 0; i < 0x30; i++) {\n putch(keys[i] + '0');\n }\n}\n\nvoid\ngame(void) {\n _setcursortype(_NOCURSOR);\n clrscr();\n while(!normal_keys[1]) {\n putkeys(1, normal_keys);\n putkeys(2, normal_keys + 0x30);\n putkeys(4, extended_keys);\n putkeys(5, extended_keys + 0x30);\n }\n gotoxy(1, 6);\n _setcursortype(_NORMALCURSOR);\n}\n\nint\nmain() {\n ctrlbrk(ctrlbrk_handler);\n hook_keyb_int();\n game();\n unhook_keyb_int();\n return 0;\n} \n\nThe code above has been compiled with Borland C++ 3.1 and tested under DOSBox and MS-DOS 6.11 running under VirtualBox. ",
"It shows the current state of keyboard a string of 0's and 1's, a 1 indicating that the key corresponding to that position's scan code is being pressed. ",
" Press the ESC key to exit the program.",
"\nNote that the program doesn't chain the original keyboard handler, so the normal MS-DOS and BIOS keyboard functions will not work while the keyboard interrupt is hooked. ",
"Also note that it restores original keyboard handler before exiting. ",
"This is critical because MS-DOS won't do this itself. ",
"It also properly handles extended keys that send two byte scan codes, which was the problem with the code in the question you linked to in your answer here.",
"\n\nA:\n\npressing on the arrows keys shoots two Keyboard interrupts ? ( ",
"int 09h )\nThe implementation in this question works just fine, so if anyone for some reason wants a ready function for this, here you go:\nunsigned char read_scancode() {\n unsigned char res;\n _asm {\n in al, 60h\n mov res, al\n in al, 61h\n or al, 128\n out 61h, al\n xor al, 128\n out 61h, al\n }\n return res;\n}\n\n(EDIT: corrected char to unsigned char so putting this function's return value in \"if\" statements with things like scancode & 0x80 actually works)\nWhen a key is pressed, it returns one of the scancodes listed there http://www.ctyme.com/intr/rb-0045.htm and when it's released it returns the same scancode but ORed with 80h.",
"\nIf you actually run this in a game loop you'll eventually overflow the BIOS keyboard buffer and the computer will beep at you. ",
"A way to free the keyboard buffer is of course while(kbhit()) getch(); but since we are on 286 realmode and we have all of our hardware to f*ck with, here's a more low-level solution:\nvoid free_keyb_buf() {\n *(char*)(0x0040001A) = 0x20;\n *(char*)(0x0040001C) = 0x20;\n}\n\nIf you're looking for explanation how and why does it work, here you go:\nThe BIOS keyboard buffer starts at 0040:001Ah and looks like this: 2-byte \"head\" pointer, 2-byte \"tail\" pointer and 32 bytes of 2-byte scancodes. ",
"The \"tail\" pointer indicates where to start reading from the keyboard buffer, the \"head\" pointer indicates where to stop. ",
"So by setting both of these to 0x20 (so they actually point to 0040:0020h) we basically trick the computer into thinking that there are no new keystrokes ready for extraction.",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.010879 | 48 |
"(Illustration: Roman Genn)\n\nFrom the May 19, 2014, issue of NR\n\nWhenever somebody says that an argument is settled, you can be sure that it is not. ",
"If it were settled, there would be no need to say so. ",
"No president will hold a press conference to announce that the argument over the prohibition of alcohol is settled, precisely because it truly is settled. ",
"So when President Obama declared the debate over his health-care law “settled” and “over,” as he did at an April 17 press conference, his performance was self-refuting.",
"\n\n\nThe president was declaring victory in the Obamacare wars because more than 8 million people have enrolled in an insurance plan through the law’s exchanges — at least if we use the administration’s loose standard for enrollment. (",
"How many of those enrollees will ever pay their premiums is unknowable.)",
"\n\nCompared with the broken-website days of October and November 2013, that enrollment figure is a magnificent achievement. ",
"In any other context it is less impressive. ",
"To see why, let’s review the arguments that each side of the Obamacare debate has been making during the debate, which has been running since the spring of 2009.",
"\n\nSupporters of the law, very much including the president himself, made three principal claims on its behalf while getting it through Congress and defending it afterward. ",
"First, it would dramatically expand coverage. ",
"In February 2013, the Congressional Budget Office projected that in 2014 the law would provide coverage to 14 million people who would otherwise have lacked it. ",
"That estimate, note, was made even after the Supreme Court, on a 7–2 vote, ruled that states had to be given more leeway to refuse to participate in the Medicaid expansion that is one of the law’s main tools for expanding coverage.",
"\n\n\nSecond, the law would control costs, reducing both premiums and deficits. ",
"President Obama said that premiums for the average family would drop by $2,500. ",
"And third, the plan would leave existing insurance policies alone. ",
"You’d be able to keep your plan, and your doctor, if you wanted.",
"\n\n\nThe critics argued that the law would instead increase costs, retard innovation, and lower the quality of care. ",
"Premiums would increase for many people. ",
"The law would prove more disruptive to existing insurance arrangements than the president and his allies were saying. ",
"Jobs would be lost. ",
"And the critics made additional claims — that the law would unconstitutionally expand governmental power and violate conscience rights — where the dispute didn’t so much concern the effects of the law as how to characterize those effects.",
"\n\nWhat the critics rarely said in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, or most of 2013 was that nobody would sign up for coverage on the exchanges, or that the law would fail to increase the percentage of Americans with coverage. ",
"They said that much of the increased coverage would be of low quality, and that the coverage expansion could be accomplished at a lower cost. ",
"Some of them talked about the possibility of a “death spiral” in which Obamacare’s regulations reduced the incentive to buy insurance so much that the market collapsed — but for the most part they thought of this as something that would take a long time to happen if it happened at all. ",
"The argument over Obamacare, that is, has mostly taken for granted that more subsidies for health insurance could lead to more people having it.",
"\n\n\nOur experience of the law has not been quite what either side predicted. ",
"In part that’s because the law has not been implemented as written. ",
"The employer mandate, which critics put at the center of their case that the law would kill jobs, has not been put into effect. (",
"The Congressional Budget Office has, however, found that other features of the law, such as its reduced subsidies as people move up the income scale, will discourage work by the equivalent of 2.5 million jobs a year.) ",
"The administration has put regulations that threatened to cancel many existing plans into a kind of legal limbo.",
"\n\n\nBy the standards President Obama set, however, the law is closer to a failure than a success. ",
"Its biggest achievement is a modest decline in the percentage of Americans without insurance. ",
"And it is modest: Even the highest estimate of the increase in coverage (the one derived from Gallup polling) suggests that the percentage of Americans uninsured has dropped merely to around the level of 2008. ",
"At this point at least, even the projection the CBO made just a year ago (of 14 million fewer uninsured) seems implausibly optimistic.",
"\n\n\nObama’s other promises — which were stated in strong terms — have largely failed to come about. ",
"Premiums have not dropped by $2,500 per family; it is not clear that the law has brought them down, on average, at all. ",
"For millions of people they have gone up, thanks to the plan’s regulations. ",
"Supporters say that in return for these higher premiums people are getting better coverage (and social justice). ",
"It’s a debatable point, but it’s not the way the law was sold.",
"\n\nSupporters of the law took credit when medical inflation came in low in the first years after the law’s passage, but it had been on a declining trend for a decade; and the most recent estimates suggest that the trend may have just ended.",
"\n\nPresident Obama has already been forced to admit that his keep-your-plan promises were overstated. ",
"The future will bring more changes and cancellations to existing plans. ",
"Doctor networks will almost certainly narrow, for example, because shrinking those networks is one of the few ways the law allows insurers to compete on price. ",
"Cuts in Medicare Advantage, a relatively market-oriented portion of the program with high rates of customer satisfaction, have been deferred but may eventually take effect.",
"\n\nA law can do some good, of course, while not living up to the promises made about it. ",
"It cannot be denied that the law has made some people better off. ",
"The coverage expansion means that more Americans have the extra measure of financial security that comes from knowing that medical expenses will not drive them into poverty. ",
"That’s a real good, something the law’s critics have sometimes failed to acknowledge.",
"\n\nBut Obamacare’s champions have greatly exaggerated what this good involves, and so what it should mean for our overall assessment of the law. ",
"During the battle to enact Obamacare, and subsequently, supporters have claimed that the expansion would save thousands of lives. ",
"A study of Oregon Medicaid recipients — the best such study we have — has instead found that coverage did not significantly improve any physical health outcomes. ",
"If the value of insurance is that it protects against financial calamity, then the approach of Obamacare is radically misconceived: We ought instead to have undertaken reforms to enable everyone to purchase catastrophic coverage. ",
"In other words, different policies could have achieved the good that Obamacare has done, at much lower cost. ",
"Or perhaps even more good, since the expansion has included fewer people than expected.",
"\n\n\nObamacare’s near-death experience during the last months of 2013 has distorted the media’s treatment of the program, making it seem more successful than it is. ",
"From 2009 through mid 2013, the critics were not saying that the exchange websites would be a catastrophic failure. ",
"They were, by and large, taken by surprise as much as the administration was by their early dysfunction. ",
"Leaving aside those chaotic months, the picture of Obamacare today looks more like one the critics painted than the one supporters did: a lot of trouble for a small gain.",
"\n\nThe political story is roughly the same as the substantive one. ",
"The law is in better shape than it was in late 2013, but in the same general condition it was before then. ",
"The administration is hoping, and doing its best to ensure, that the 8 million enrollments will be a turning point in the politics of the law. ",
"But there have been other promised turning points along the way, and all have turned out to be mirages. ",
"The law was supposed to become popular once it was enacted, or once its first benefits became available in late 2010, or once protections for people with preexisting conditions came into effect early this year. ",
"It did not happen any of those times.",
"\n\nObamacare has improved its standing in some recent polls, but the basic picture of public opinion remains what it has been for a long time. ",
"More Americans continue to disapprove than to approve of it. ",
"At the same time, only a minority wants to repeal it, because many people want it fixed or changed.",
"\n\nIt is certainly not going to be repealed, or seriously modified, during the Obama administration. ",
"It was obvious that the law was going to stay in place through 2016 as soon as Obama got reelected. ",
"Nearly everyone involved in the debate understood, once that happened, that the law would have four more years to become entrenched, in the sense that beneficiaries and medical industries would get used to it.",
"\n\nFor the law to be repealed in 2017 requires three things: Republicans have to remain committed to its repeal, they have to sweep the 2016 elections, and they then have to follow through on their pledges. ",
"That is not the way to bet. ",
"But it is still the right goal to work toward, given that the law is likely to have bad effects on American health care and governance and that its structure does not permit much constructive reform.",
"\n\n\nThe more popular the law becomes, the less likely it is that any of those preconditions will obtain. ",
"Conversely, the more credible and attractive an alternative becomes, the more likely they will. ",
"If voters believe that repealing Obamacare will mean stripping insurance from millions of people, they will be more inclined to favor keeping the law, to vote for Democrats, and to balk at repeal even if Republicans win in 2016.",
"\n\nSome Republicans have advanced replacement plans that could equal or exceed Obamacare on coverage while beating it on cost — and, at the same time, moving American health care toward a more free-market and less government-heavy model than it has followed for decades. ",
"These plans start with the insight that federal policies have prevented the emergence of the robust market in health insurance that we need, and they therefore change those policies.",
"\n\nThe taxes and regulations that need changing are numerous, and so by necessity these plans include several steps. ",
"The key step, though, is to reconfigure the tax break for employer-provided health insurance in two ways. ",
"Those outside the employer system would get a tax credit enabling them to buy at least catastrophic coverage, and the government would no longer provide anyone with an open-ended subsidy for purchasing the most expensive possible insurance plan. ",
"That change would open the path to a health-insurance system with more financial security, more cost control, and less disruption than Obamacare has entailed.",
"\n\nSome Republicans have balked at endorsing this sort of plan. ",
"Their various reasons generally boil down to an aversion to giving a tax credit to people with low federal tax liabilities, or no liabilities. ",
"That principle, if so it can be called, could prove an expensive one, because it could do more than any enrollment figure to cause the health-care debate to be “settled,” after all, on President Obama’s terms."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | [
] | 0.00265 | 86 |
"A Lebanese immigrant to the United States allegedly scouted famous American landmarks in cities like New York City, Boston, and Washington, D.C. for a potential terrorist attack by the Islamic terrorist group Hezbollah.",
"\n\nAlexei Saab, a 42-year-old legal immigrant from Lebanon, is accused of helping Hezbollah find a U.S. landmark target for a potential terrorist attack, receiving military-type training from the terrorist organization, and committing immigration fraud in a nine-count indictment that was unsealed this week.",
"\n\nDespite joining Hezbollah in 1996 and receiving training in how to make bombs in 2000, Saab was legally admitted to the U.S. using his Lebanese passport in November 2000, according to the indictment. ",
"In 2005, Saab was able to apply for American naturalized citizenship, which he was eventually awarded in August 2008.",
"\n\nWhile living in the U.S., Saab allegedly scouted multiple landmarks on which Hezbollah terrorists could execute an attack against Americans. ",
"Some of the places surveilled by Saab include New York City’s United Nations headquarters, the Statue of Liberty, Rockefeller Center, Times Square, the Empire State Building, and even airports.",
"\n\nOther locations allegedly scouted by Saab included Boston, Massachusetts’ Prudential Center and Fenway Park, as well as Washington, D.C.’s Washington Monument, the U.S. Capitol building, and the Lincoln Memorial.",
"\n\nFederal prosecutors allege that Saab traveled back and forth from the U.S. to Lebanon a total of ten times between 2000 and 2019. ",
"In one case, while travelling back to the U.S. after receiving training in how to detonate explosives, Saab was stopped in Turkey after border agents detected substances associated with explosives on his luggage. ",
"When Saab arrived back at John F. Kennedy airport in Queens, New York, he was questioned about the explosive substance on his luggage but denied having any knowledge of where it may have come from.",
"\n\nSaab now faces up to 100 years in prison for the allegations against him.",
"\n\nJohn Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. ",
"Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | [
] | 0.003457 | 13 |
"NEW DELHI — In India, there's no sex without marriage — literally, according to a new court ruling.",
"\n\n“Any couple who choose to consummate their sexual cravings, then that act becomes a total commitment with adherence to all consequences that may follow,” the Madras High Court ruled in a recent palimony case in the southern state of Tamil Nadu.",
"\n\nThe grammatically inclined will note that's not actually a sentence. ",
"That’s true of most of the clauses in the judgment. ",
"But the meaning is decipherable: In Tamil Nadu, if two single adults have sex, even a one night stand, the legal system may consider them to be married.",
"\n\nIn context, the ruling made sense. ",
"The court simply upheld a lower court judgment awarding monthly support to a woman who had lived with a man for several years and had two children with him. ",
"The father attempted to skirt financial obligations by asserting that they had never married.",
"\n\nHowever, in India's rapidly changing sexual landscape, the sweeping and ambiguous judgment could have far-reaching legal consequences.",
"\n\n“Indian society is grappling with sexuality, and patriarchal norms are coming into play,” Geeta Ramaseshan, a lawyer who practices in the Madras High Court, told GlobalPost.",
"\n\nIndia has long had a conservative streak. ",
"Families have historically shunned Western-style courtship, preferring instead to pair off their children through arranged marriages.",
"\n\nThese days, however, dating and premarital sex are considered normal by a growing portion of the population, yet such relations remain scandalous to many.",
"\n\nAll too often, the law is called in.",
"\n\nFor instance, police frequently file rape charges against men who have had consensual sex with their girlfriends — sometimes for years — if they fail to follow through on their promises to get married.",
"\n\nUsing the high court’s ruling as precedent, jilted women (and men, too) could claim that vows and registration notwithstanding, the sex itself entitles them to divorce proceedings, Ramaseshan said.",
"\n\n“What this will do, I think, is cause confusion in the trial courts,” Ramaseshan said in a telephone interview.",
"\n\nUnder Indian law, the judgment could only become a binding precedent in Tamil Nadu, and then only if it is inscribed in the law books. ",
"Either way, throughout the country lawyers can cite the Madras High Court to persuade their own state judges to copy its ruling.",
"\n\n\n\nAt a minimum, legal experts say that it could result in a lot of new litigation.",
"\n\n“It has, in a vast sweep, generalized all kinds of relationships and intimacies that could give rise to a lot of confusion in trial courts,” Ramaseshan wrote in The Hindu. “",
"The implication of the court’s observations is that if both parties have a casual relationship they would require dissolution of a nonexistent marriage.”",
"\n\nFor a culture in the throes of a sexual revolution the impact could go beyond the court room. ",
"As the cases equating consensual sex on an alleged “false promise of marriage” with rape indicate, legal definitions and cultural morays are easily confused.",
"\n\nIn one recent case, for instance, Ramaseshan fought to extricate a young woman from a relationship in which her former boyfriend had claimed they were married on the basis of Facebook photos, among other things.",
"\n\nAt the same time, by arguing that sex is legally tantamount to marriage, the court inadvertently goes further than protecting women from being exploited or from discouraging young people from getting it on.",
"\n\nIt underscores the deplorable premium placed on virginity by India's major religions, and demonstrates the willingness of officials to intrude in intimate matters — with seemingly arbitrary penalties. ",
"As GlobalPost has reported, officials in Madhya Pradesh state allegedly forced young tribal women to undergo pregnancy tests before allowing them to participate in a mass marriage ceremony earlier this month.",
"\n\nAnd while nobody can deny that millions of Indian women and girls are abused and exploited by their fathers, husbands and boyfriends every day, state paternalism of the type demonstrated by the Madras High Court will prevent these women from seizing power over their own sexuality."
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] | 0.021854 | 29 |
"View events in Quetta, Balochistan on 2018-01-06, meetings on 2018-01-06, announcements on 2018-01-06 at Adverts.pk for free. ",
"Pakistani site for local classified ads for jobs, autos, sale, purchase, real estate, services, community and events - Post classified ad for free."
] | {
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} | [
] | 0.000661 | 2 |
"\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nAffirmed and Majority and Opinion filed April 23, 2009\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\nAffirmed and Majority and Opinion filed April 23, 2009.",
"\n \nIn The\n \nFourteenth Court of\r\nAppeals\n____________\n \nNO. ",
"14-07-00955-CV\n____________\n \nCHARLES HARTLAND, Appellant\n \nV.\n \nPROGRESSIVE COUNTY MUTUAL INSURANCE\r\nCOMPANY,\r\nAppellee\n \n\n \nOn Appeal from the 333rd\r\nDistrict Court\nHarris County, Texas\nTrial Court Cause No. ",
"2005-21679\n \n\n \nM A J O R I T Y O P I N I O N\nAppellant, Charles Hartland, filed suit against appellee,\r\nProgressive County Mutual Insurance Company, after the denial of an\r\nauto-insurance claim for a single-car accident.",
" The jury found appellant did\r\nnot mail the premium to renew the policy until after the policy had expired;\r\ntherefore, appellant did not have insurance when the accident occurred.",
" On\r\nappeal, appellant contends the parties formed a contract under the terms of the\r\noriginal renewal policy when appellee accepted his premium payment, and therefore,\r\nthe policy covered the accident.",
" In addition, appellant argues appellee\r\nviolated the Texas Administrative Code when it denied his claim.",
" We affirm.",
"\n\n\n\n\nI. Factual and Procedural Background\nAppellant, Charles Hartland, obtained auto insurance\r\nthrough appellee, Progressive County Mutual Insurance Company.",
" Policy number\r\n37156966-1 began on November 9, 2003, at 12:01 a.m. and ended on May 9, 2004,\r\nat 12:01 a.m. Appellee sent appellant a renewal bill on April 14, and a\r\nrenewal reminder on April 23, stating the renewal policy period would run from\r\nMay 9 to November 9.",
" Appellant claimed he mailed a check in the amount of the\r\nrenewal premium on May 8; appellee attached a lockbox report to its\r\ncounterclaim for declaratory judgment showing the postmark date was May 11.",
" \r\nJoan Hartland, appellant=s wife, was in a single-car accident on\r\nMay 9, 2004 at approximately 8:00 a.m., damaging a car covered under the\r\ninitial policy.",
" \nAppellee presented evidence that it received appellant=s check on May 16,\r\nand on May 18, appellee sent appellant a revised renewal declarations page.",
" \r\nPolicy number 37156966-2 listed coverage dates from May 12, 2004, at 12:01 a.m.\r\nto November 12, 2004, at 12:00 a.m., excluding coverage for the date of the\r\naccident.",
" Appellant requested review by appellee of the denial of the claim.",
" \r\nOn August 6, appellee again denied the claim, stating the policy was not in\r\neffect at the time of the loss.",
" On December 29, appellant=s attorney sent a\r\nletter asking appellee to reconsider; appellee denied the claim once again.",
" \n\n\n\n\nAppellant filed an original petition, alleging breach of\r\ncontract, unfair claim- settlement practice, breach of duty of good faith and\r\nfair dealing, damages, and attorney fees.",
" Appellee filed a counterclaim for\r\ndeclaratory judgment, stating it owed no duty or obligation to Hartland because\r\nthe policy had expired.",
" Appellee also filed a motion for summary judgment with\r\nthe same contention as the declaratory judgment.",
" The trial court denied the\r\nmotion for summary judgment and the case went to trial.",
" The jury answered ANo@ to the following\r\nquestion: ADo you find that Charles Hartland deposited his\r\nrenewal policy premium payment with the post office on or before 12:01 a.m. on\r\nMay 9, 2004?@ Appellant then filed a motion for judgment\r\nnotwithstanding the verdict and to disregard jury findings, arguing that even\r\nif he mailed his payment after the policy period ended, appellee formed a\r\ncontract based on the original terms of the renewal by accepting his payment.",
" \r\nThe trial court denied appellant=s motion and\r\nentered final judgment on the verdict.",
" \nII.",
" Discussion\nIn three issues on appeal appellant contends the trial\r\ncourt erred when it denied appellant=s motion for\r\njudgment notwithstanding the verdict because: (1) the parties formed an\r\nenforceable contract as a matter of law; and (2) appellee violated sections of\r\nthe Texas Administrative Code, making any attempts to restrict appellant=s coverage void.[1] \r\nTherefore, we will construe appellant=s three issues as\r\nactually raising two issues on appeal. ",
"\nA. The\r\nStandard of Review\nA court may disregard a jury=s verdict and\r\nrender judgment notwithstanding the verdict (JNOV) if no evidence supports the\r\njury=s findings, or if\r\na directed verdict would have been proper.",
" Tiller v. McClure, 121 S.W.3d\r\n709, 713 (Tex. ",
" To determine whether a JNOV is appropriate, we apply the\r\nstandards that govern Ano evidence,@ i.e.,\r\nlegal-sufficiency review.",
" See Keller v. Wilson, 168 S.W.3d 802,\r\n823 (Tex. ",
"2005); Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. Miller, 102 S.W.3d 706, 709\r\n(Tex. ",
"\n\n\n\n\nA legal-sufficiency point must be sustained: (1) when there\r\nis a complete absence of a vital fact; (2) when rules of law or evidence preclude\r\naccording weight to the only evidence offered to prove a vital fact; (3) when\r\nthe evidence offered to prove a vital fact is no more than a scintilla; or (4)\r\nwhen the evidence conclusively establishes the opposite of the vital fact.",
" \r\nKeller, 168 S.W.3d at 810.",
" Under the legal-sufficiency standard, we must\r\ncredit evidence that supports the judgment if reasonable jurors could, and we\r\nmust disregard contrary evidence unless reasonable jurors could not.",
" See\nid. at 827.",
" If the evidence falls within the zone of reasonable\r\ndisagreement, we may not invade the fact-finding role of the jurors, who alone\r\ndetermine the credibility of the witnesses, the weight to give their testimony,\r\nand whether to accept or reject all or any part of that testimony.",
" See id.\r\nat 822.",
" Unless Athere is no favorable evidence@ to support the\r\nchallenged finding or Aif contrary evidence renders supporting\r\nevidence incompetent . . . ",
"or conclusively establishes the opposite@ of the finding,\r\nwe must affirm.",
" See id. at 810-11.",
" \nB. Alleged\r\nContract Formation\nIn his first issue, appellant argues that the jury=s answer to\r\nquestion one of the charge is immaterial because an enforceable contract exists\r\nas a matter of law.",
" Specifically, appellant contends the parties formed a\r\ncontract under the original terms of the renewal policy when appellee retained\r\npayment on the forfeited policy.",
" Appellant raised this issue for the first\r\ntime in his motion for judgment notwithstanding the verdict.",
"\nAppellee\r\ncharacterizes this argument as an affirmative defense of waiver and asserts\r\nthat appellant cannot raise this argument on appeal because it must have been\r\npleaded or tried by consent.",
" Assuming without deciding that appellant has\r\nproperly preserved his complaint on appeal, appellant=s first issue is without merit.",
"\n\n\n\n\nIt is the general rule that a renewal of an insurance\r\npolicy constitutes a separate and distinct contract for the period of time\r\ncovered by the renewal.",
" Zuniga v. Allstate Ins. ",
"Co., 693 S.W.2d 735,\r\n738 (Tex. ",
"CSan Antonio 1985, no writ).",
" Any offer by the insurer\r\nto renew an insurance contract must be accepted by the insured completely and\r\nunequivocally to constitute a new contract.",
" Viking County Mutual Ins. ",
"Co.\r\nv. Jones, No. ",
"05-91-01815-CV, 1992 WL 211068, at *3 (Tex. ",
"CDallas August 31,\r\n1992, no writ) (not designated for publication).",
" The payment of the premium in\r\naccordance with provisions of the insurance policy is a condition precedent to\r\nestablishment of liability against the insurer.",
" Id. The policy in this\r\ncase states:\nIf we offer to renew or continue and you or your representative do not\r\naccept, this policy will automatically terminate at the end of the current\r\npolicy period.",
" Failure to pay the required renewal or continuation premium\r\nwhen due shall mean that you have not accepted our offer.",
"\nThe\r\nrenewal notice and bill sent by appellee provided the following payment\r\ninstructions to appellant: ATo renew your policy, please pay at least\r\nthe minimum amount due by the due date.@ The jury found\r\nthat appellant did not pay his premium on time.",
" Because appellant failed to\r\ntimely pay the renewal premium, the condition for acceptance of the renewal\r\npolicy was not met and the policy did not begin, leaving appellant without\r\ninsurance coverage when the accident occurred.",
" See Id. at *4 (holding\r\nbecause insured did not timely pay renewal premium, policy was not canceled but\r\nexpired under its own terms and once insured paid renewal premium insurer\r\nproperly renewed policy effective on the date of the insured=s payment); Zuniga,\r\n693 S.W.2d at 738 (holding that since the renewal payment was not made in\r\naccordance with the terms of the policy, the renewal policy never came into\r\nexistence); Southern Farm Bureau Cas. ",
"Ins. ",
"Co. v. Davis, 503 S.W.2d 373,\r\n377 (Tex. ",
"CAmarillo 1973, writ ref=d n.r.e.) (",
"stating\r\noffer for renewal of auto insurance could not come to fruition until premium\r\npaid); Trinity Universal Ins. ",
"Co. v. Rogers, 215 S.W.2d 349, 352 (Tex.",
"CDallas 1948, no\r\nwrit) (stating no completed contract when insured did not indicate acceptance\r\nof renewal policy).",
" \n\n\n\n\nRelying heavily on the Texas Supreme Court case Bailey\r\nv. Sovereign Camp, W.O.W., appellant contends the parties formed an\r\nenforceable contract when appellee accepted appellant=s late premium\r\npayment.",
" Bailey was a member of Sovereign Camp, W.O.W., a fraternal\r\nbenefit society.",
" Bailey v. Sovereign Camp, W.O.W., 116 Tex. ",
"160, 165,\r\n286 S.W. 456, 456 (1926).",
" As part of his membership, Bailey was issued a\r\nbenefit certificate for $2,000, payable to his wife upon his death.",
" Sovereign\r\nCamp, W.O.W. v. Bailey, 277 S.W. 782, 783 (Tex. ",
"BTexarkana 1925), rev=d, 116 Tex. ",
"160, 286\r\nS.W. 456 (1926).",
" After Bailey died, his wife made a claim for the benefit\r\ncertificate.",
" Id. at 783.",
" The organization denied the claim, stating\r\nthat Bailey was never legally reinstated after his suspension for failure to\r\npay his May dues.",
" Id. \nUnder the organization=s bylaws, Bailey\r\ncould have been reinstated within 10 days after default if he paid all\r\narrearages and dues and presented a warranty of good health.",
" Bailey,\r\n116 Tex. ",
"at 165, 286 S.W. at 456-57.",
" Although Bailey mailed the money order on\r\nthe tenth day, it was not received until the twelfth day.",
" Bailey, 116\r\nTex. ",
"at 165, 286 S.W. at 457.",
" As a result, Bailey=s payment was\r\nuntimely because payment had to be received by the agent within the 10-day\r\nperiod.",
" Bailey, 116 Tex. ",
"at 165-66, 286 S.W. at 457.",
" Despite Bailey=s late payment,\r\nthe organization reinstated his membership and did not require the warranty of\r\ngood health.",
" Bailey, 116 Tex. ",
"at 167, 286 S.W. at 457.",
" The court held\r\nthe organization waived the requirement of good health when it accepted the\r\nlate payment.",
" Bailey, 116 Tex. ",
"at 168, 286 S.W. at 458.",
" In doing so,\r\nthe court set forth three conditions for waiver of a forfeiture: \nFirst.",
" The insurer must have\r\nknowledge of the facts constituting the forfeiture of the certificate.",
" \r\nSecond.",
" The forfeiture must be complete and absolute.",
" Third.",
" There must be\r\nsome unequivocal act on the part of the insurer which recognizes the\r\ncontinuance of the policy, or which is wholly inconsistent with the\r\nforfeiture.",
" \nBailey, 116 Tex. ",
"at 166,\r\n286 S.W. at 457.",
" \nThe Bailey case is distinguishable from the facts\r\nbefore us.",
" Here, appellant failed to pay a premium to continue his\r\nauto-insurance coverage.",
" Appellant=s initial policy\r\nhad expired as indicated on the renewal bill: AYour current\r\npolicy will expire on May 9, 2004 at 12:01 a.m.@ Appellant has\r\nconceded, for the sake of this argument, that his payment was not made until\r\nafter the expiration of the initial policy and after his wife=s accident.",
" \r\nAppellant=s policy provides:\n\n\n\n\nIf we offer to renew or continue and you or your representative do not\r\naccept, this policy will automatically terminate at the end of the current\r\npolicy period.",
" Failure to pay the required renewal or continuation premium\r\nwhen due shall mean that you have not accepted our offer.",
"\nWhen\r\nthe initial policy expired, the relationship between appellant and appellee had\r\nended according to the terms of the initial policy.",
" In Bailey, the\r\norganization chose to reinstate Bailey as a member, giving him the right to his\r\nexisting benefit certificate.",
" In this case, there was no policy in existence.",
" \r\nWhen appellant paid the renewal premium, appellee issued a new policy effective\r\non the date of payment.",
" Unlike Bailey, appellant did not forfeit the\r\nright to an existing policy by not paying the premium and then resurrect it\r\nwhen appellee accepted the premium; the policy expired and a new policy did not\r\nbegin until appellant paid the premium.",
" See Davis, 503 S.W.2d at 377\r\n(holding no insurance coverage on day of auto accident when insured paid\r\nrenewal premium one day after accident); Rogers, 215 S.W.2d at 352,\r\n(holding no insurance coverage on day of auto accident when insured paid\r\nrenewal premium three days after accident).",
"\nTherefore, we overrule appellant=s first issue on\r\nappeal.",
"\nC. Alleged\r\nTexas Administrative Code Violations\nIn his second issue, appellant asserts appellee violated\r\nvarious sections of the Texas Administrative Code in its handling of appellant=s policy.",
" \r\nAppellant did not raise this issue until his reply to appellee=s response to his\r\nmotion for judgment notwithstanding the verdict.",
" Assuming without deciding appellant\r\nproperly preserved his complaint on appeal, appellant=s second issue is also without merit.",
"\n\n\n\n\nAppellant is correct that Texas Administrative Code section\r\n5.7005(c) provides A[p]ersonal automobile policies which are\r\nwritten for a period of less than one year must be renewed, at the option of\r\nthe insured, for additional periods so as to accumulate a minimum of 12 months= continuous\r\ncoverage.@ 28 Tex. ",
"Admin. ",
"Code ' 5.7005(c)\r\n(2008).",
" However, coverage can terminate if premium payments are not made to\r\nrenew the policy before the initial policy expires.",
" See Viking County\r\nMutual Ins., ",
"1992 WL 211068, at *3 (concluding that even though policies\r\nwritten for less than a year must be renewed at the option of the insured, a\r\npolicy terminates under its own terms if the insured does not timely pay the\r\nrenewal premium); Longoria v. Greyhound Lines, Inc., 699 S.W.2d 298, 304\r\n(Tex. ",
"CSan Antonio 1985, no writ) (concluding policies\r\nwritten for less than one year must be renewed unless premium payments are not\r\nmade before expiration of initial policy).",
" Here, appellee offered to renew\r\nappellant=s six-month policy for an additional six months;\r\nhowever, appellant exercised his option to not renew the policy by failing to\r\nmake a timely payment to renew the policy, thus ensuring continuous coverage\r\nfor a one year period of time.",
" Therefore, because the policy expired under its\r\nown terms when appellant failed to timely remit his payment to renew his\r\npolicy, appellee did not violate section 5.7005(c) of the Texas Administrative\r\nCode.",
" \nAppellant also claims appellee violated section 5.7007 of\r\nthe Texas Administrative Code.",
" According to section 5.7007(a), A[a] policy must be\r\nrenewed at expiration, at the option of the policyholder, unless the company\r\nhas mailed written notice to the policyholder of its intention to decline renewal\r\nat least 30 days in advance of the policy expiration date.@ 28 Tex. ",
"\r\nCode ' 5.7007(a).",
" \r\nAppellee did not have an intention to decline renewal; in fact, appellee offered\r\nto renew the policy, at the option of appellant, by sending appellant the\r\nnotice of renewal.",
" A notice of cancellation is not required when a policy\r\nexpires under its own terms.",
" See Zuniga, 693 S.W.2d at 738.",
" Because\r\nappellant=s policy had expired under its own terms, we hold\r\nappellee was not obligated to comply with the cancellation procedures found in\r\nsection 5.7007(a) of the Texas Administrative Code.",
"\n\n\n\n\nAppellant next contends appellee violated sections 5.7011\r\nand 5.7014 of the Texas Administrative Code.",
" However, pursuant to section\r\n5.7001(b), sections 5.7011 and 5.7014 apply to all automobile insurance\r\npolicies except personal automobile policies.",
" 28 Tex. ",
"Admin. ",
"Code ' 5.7001(b).",
" Since\r\nappellant=s policy was a personal automobile insurance policy,\r\nsections 5.7011 and 5.7014 do not apply and appellee was not required to comply\r\nwith any procedures found therein.",
" \nAppellant also contends appellee=s conduct violated\r\nsection 5.7004 of the Texas Administrative Code.",
" Section 5.7004 provides:\nAny company that declines to recognize or put into effect additional\r\ncoverage to which an insured is entitled under the provisions of an existing\r\npolicy, or that attempts to reduce or restrict coverage under the provisions of\r\nan existing policy by endorsements or by any other means, is in violation of\r\nthese sections if such acts are performed without the consent of the insured,\r\nand shall be subject to the same penalties as a policy that is cancelled in\r\nviolation of these sections.",
"\n28\r\nTex. ",
"Admin. ",
"Code ' 5.7004.",
"\nBecause appellant=s policy expired\r\nunder its own terms, appellee did not (1) impose a restriction or reduction on\r\nhis coverage; or (2) decline to recognize or put into effect additional\r\ncoverage.",
" See Zuniga, 693 S.W.2d at 738.",
" Therefore, we hold appellee\r\ndid not violate section 5.7004 and overrule appellant=s second issue on\r\nappeal.",
" \n III.",
" \r\nConclusion\nHaving overruled appellant=s issues on\r\nappeal, we affirm the judgment of the trial court.",
"\n \n \n/s/ John S. Anderson\nJustice\n \n \nPanel consists of\r\nChief Justice Hedges and Justices Anderson and Seymore. (",
"Seymore, J. dissenting\r\nwithout opinion).",
"\n\n\n\n\n[1] Appellant raised only the Administrative Code and \r\nhas not based any assertion of error by the trial court on the provisions of\r\nthe Texas Insurance Code.",
" Therefore, we do not address what, if any, impact\r\nthe Insurance Code might have on the facts found in this case.",
" See Valadez\r\nv. Avitia. ",
"238 S.W.3d 843, 845 (Tex. ",
"CEl Paso 2007, no pet.) (",
"holding that, in a civil case, an appellate\r\ncourt has no duty, or even the right to perform an independent review of the\r\nrecord and applicable law to determine whether there was error).",
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] | 0.001094 | 165 |
"Years ago, I heard an argument from a guy who later went on to serve at a high level in the Obama administration that I thought was really smart and persuasive: American politics massively overstates the importance of trade policy in causing the big shock to the American economy that was induced by foreign manufacturing in the early 21st century.",
"\n\nThe reason you can tell is that the big change in trade policy regarded Mexico (NAFTA, in other words), but the big change in terms of actual trade regarded China and the United States didn’t do anything to lower tariffs or other barriers to Chinese imports. ",
"The result is a kind of nonsensical deadlock in which people talk a lot about NAFTA, which was a real policy change, but are mostly angry about second-order consequences of trade with China, the country with which the United States runs far and away the biggest trade deficit.",
"\n\nThe problem, on this account, is that Chinese exports surged primarily because China got better at making stuff, not because of anything that happened in American politics.",
"\n\nI found this convincing and have believed it for years. ",
"I’ve repeated it to other people, some of whom may also have found it convincing. ",
"And over the weekend I read a piece of research that convinced me I’ve been wrong this whole time. ",
"We didn’t lower tariffs on Chinese goods, but we did make a subtle policy change right at the end of the Clinton administration that’s made a big difference.",
"\n\nChina’s tariff rates got made permanent\n\nHere’s the subtle policy shift. ",
"Starting in 1980, Chinese-made goods were taxed at the relatively favorable rates applied to countries that enjoyed what was known in legal terms as normal trade relations with the United States. ",
"That status had to be affirmatively extended each year by Congress or it would expire, and it was extended each and every year for 20 years.",
"\n\nStarting in 2000 that changed, and China was granted permanent normal trade relations. ",
"That meant it would automatically keep the low tariff rates it had enjoyed since 1980 unless Congress affirmatively took them away.",
"\n\nClearly, that’s a change. ",
"But since Congress really had routinely approved NTR for two decades, it never seemed to me like a particularly large change. ",
"Certainly not a big enough change to explain the wholesale transformation of the industrial landscape that’s taken place in the 15 years since it happened. ",
"Clearly the action must have been things that happened in China rather than this extremely modest shift in US trade policy.",
"\n\nBut Justin R. Pierce from the Federal Reserve and Peter Schott from Yale’s School of Management have convinced me this is wrong.",
"\n\nIn their paper “The Surprisingly Swift Decline of US Manufacturing Employment,” they deploy two statistical tests that reveal that the modest-sounding change was a really big deal in practice. ",
"They say the effect is plausibly large enough to explain the 18 percent decline in manufacturing employment that occurred between March 2001 and March 2007.",
"\n\nThe two tests\n\nPierce and Schott’s primary strategy is to exploit the fact that the gap between the NTR tariff rate and the non-NTR tariff rate varies from industry to industry. ",
"If the switch from NTR to PNTR were a big deal, we would expect to see bigger changes where the gap between the NTR and the non-NTR rates was biggest.",
"\n\nAnd, indeed, their regression analysis reveals “a negative relationship between the change in U.S. policy and subsequent employment in manufacturing that is both statistically and economically significant.” ",
"This change remains significant even when they control for changes in Chinese policy.",
"\n\nThey also exploit the fact that the European Union, another large, high-wage economy, gave China its equivalent of PNTR many years earlier and had no significant policy change in 2000. ",
"They find “no relationship” between “the US NTR gap and EU manufacturing employment,” confirming that the correlation that exists in the American context isn’t spurious.",
"\n\nWhy PNTR mattered\n\nSo why did American trade policy make such a big difference, even though tariffs didn’t fall? ",
"Pierce and Schott can’t say for sure, but they speculate that it has to do with patterns of investment.",
"\n\nGiving Chinese companies confidence that tariffs would stay low encouraged them to invest in production capacity aimed at supplying the American market. ",
"And giving American companies confidence that tariffs would stay low encouraged them to build supply chains around Chinese manufacturers.",
"\n\nShifting production to Asia to save a few bucks on each item sold, in other words, might not make sense if there was a chance that you’d have to shift it back a year or two down the road. ",
"The old practice of keeping tariffs low but requiring the low-tariff status to be renewed on an annual basis gave US-based producers a significant amount of hidden protection. ",
"Despite the superficial appearance of openness to imports, the temporary nature of the low tariffs discouraged companies from making plans built around that openness.",
"\n\nTwenty years of repeated extensions of normal trade relations had only a relatively modest impact on the American economy, but making NTR status permanent led to a very rapidly displacement of American manufacturing work by Chinese imports in a way few PNTR proponents anticipated or have even acknowledged."
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"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
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] | 0.000638 | 34 |
"Q:\n\nIs this triangulation consistent with Sperner's Lemma?",
"\n\nSince any two triangles which intersect have an edge or a vertex in common, the triangulation is simplicial.",
"\nHowever, I am concerned about triangle $A$. ",
"Is every sub-triangle supposed to have a vertex in common with the main outer triangle?",
"\n\nA:\n\nThe triangle immediately to the left of triangle $A$ (lets call it $X$) and the large triangle to its right (the one that includes side $RB$) intersect, but have no common vertex or side. ",
"So this is not a simplical subdivision. ",
"The same could be said for triangle $X$ and the triangle directly below it (the one without the label $A$ in its interior) as well.",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.000918 | 8 |
"Two people rent property only one tenant on AST?",
"\n\nThis topic has been locked as no posts have been made within the last 90 days.",
"\n\nM\n\nMember\n\n7 Posts\n\n0 Thanks\n\nHi\n\nI have two people wanting to rent a flat, one applicant will pass referencing with flying colours and is willing to take responsibility for the whole rent and bills, while the other can only prove he is employed and being paid, his wages are paid into a friends bank account. ",
"he has a NI number but no ID as such, or any credit.",
"\n\nCan I grant an AST to both tenants or to only the one who is going to pay the rent etc.",
"\nHow should I deal with this situation or should I avoid it at all costs."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.003634 | 6 |
"Tina's funny. ",
"And this is funnier for her having read it for audiobook. ",
"I like the times she mutters under her brea(4.0) Funny, glad I audiobooked it.",
"\n\nTina's funny. ",
"And this is funnier for her having read it for audiobook. ",
"I like the times she mutters under her breath, it adds to the humor. ",
"There are also slight tweaks for audiobook version that are funny. ",
"I'll probably listen to this again sometime (e.g. long drive)....more\n\nThough they admit up front that they essentially change every fact in the narratives, to the point of unrecognizabi(3.5) Cool reading about real spies\n\nThough they admit up front that they essentially change every fact in the narratives, to the point of unrecognizability, still cool to read what it's like to be a 'real' spy in the CIA. (",
"view spoiler)[Didn't realize at first that it was going to morph into a love story, but I did know the authors were married (just thought they started out that way ;) ). (",
"hide spoiler)]\n\nWould've given higher rating if things were a little better organized. ",
"I enjoyed reading from both of their perspectives, but they jumped around in space and time a little too much for me to keep it straight. ",
"Couldn't really detect any logic to the order they told them in (perhaps they were truly chronological but had to change names, faces and wars to satisfy the CIA?). ",
"I guess it was roughly chronological, but sticking to that would've been a lot better.[\"br\"]>[\"br\"]>[\"br\"]>[\"br\"]>...more\n\nI enjoyed reading this well-researched treatment of Prohibition (before, during and a little after). ",
"I can't te(4.0) Prohibition and all its hypocrisy\n\nI enjoyed reading this well-researched treatment of Prohibition (before, during and a little after). ",
"I can't tell if it's encouraging that big business, big crime and big government worked hand-in-hand just as well in the early 20th century as they do now. ",
"On the one hand, it hasn't gotten much worse; on the other, there's little hope of reform. ",
"I was surprised to hear about the extent of the legal loopholes and corrupt 'enforcement' that existed. ",
"It was certainly an interesting read.",
"\n\nI did know that efforts toward women's suffrage and prohibition were somewhat allied, but I didn't realize the full extent, nor did I realize the other celestial alignment required for prohibition to pass after decades of trying:* fighting for enfrachisement for women (to add voters likely to elect to stop their husbands' drinking)* passing the income tax amendment (to replace the lost revenue that the alcohol excise tax generated)* stirring up anti-German (helped by recent WWI, the beer brewers were largely German) and anti-semitic (distillers were often Jewish) sentiments* stirring up Southern anti-black sentiments, convincing whites that their communities would be safer if blacks couldn't get ahold of liquor* reapportionment tricks and foot-dragging to keep legislative representation heavily rural even as Americans flocked to the cities* strong leadership and plenty of funding\n\nThe last point was critical to the reversal, as without continuing to fight and fund maintenance of prohibition, repeal would likely have happened on its own. ",
"It's difficult if your single issue even once it's achieved requires active work to maintain the new status quo.",
"\n\nI found it interesting that industrialists like du Pont were disappointed that their roundabout approach to lowering the income tax by repealing prohibition didn't work out as they planned. ",
"The return of the excise tax was just used to fund more of Roosevelt's spending programs, unsurprisingly.",
"\n\nIt was also just shocking how quickly the nation adjusted to the many ways to subvert prohibition laws. ",
"Yes, it appears that Americans drank far less right after prohibition passed (down 70%), and still drank less after repeal, it was quite easy to access alcohol during prohibition. ",
"My favorite sections were about the bootlegging (and the legal loopholes that amounted to little more than bootlegging) schemes that took hold soon after prohibition.",
"\n\nThe political wranglings were far less interesting to me, but seemed to be Okrent's focus. ",
"If he trimmed those sections a bit, I might've rated it higher. ",
"Definitely an interesting read...far better than any history books I read in school! ;)...",
"more\n\n(4.5) Impressively informative history of cancer, with a few teeny faults\n\nI was so impressed to see all of cancer's history (and essentially all of the(4.5) Impressively informative history of cancer, with a few teeny faults\n\nI was so impressed to see all of cancer's history (and essentially all of the questions I could possibly come up with answered) all in one engaging book. ",
"A very thorough and impressive work that I thoroughly enjoyed reading. ",
"We go down many of the dead end approaches to diagnosing, treating and curing cancers, as well as see the main thrusts of research that have led to great breakthroughs in oncology (not to mention epidemiology, evidence-based medicine in general). ",
"Most readers can come away with a ton of awareness of the many diseases that are cancer. ",
"And best of all, we're actually left with a sense of optimism: there is hope (even history demonstrating) that we can and will continue to make headway in understanding the complex interaction of Genes Gone Wild! ",
"that is malignancy.",
"\n\nThere a few minor faults that were enough to bump this from a 5.0 to 4.5:* I felt he wasn't consistent in his assumptions about his audience. ",
"At times, he assumes no scientific or medical knowledge at all (going into great detail about cell biology and explaining what fellowship is in medical training, for example), but at others he assumes a familiarity with medicine, the medicine hierarchy and science that is inconsistent with the former examples.* ",
"On two occasions he makes oblique references to the use of HeLa cells in his lab, but fails to acknowledge the source. ",
"Not sure why.* ",
"He alternately referred to the AIDS ward at SF General in the 80s as Ward 5A and 5B. I believe the famous ward is just one of the two. ;)* ",
"One typo in my hardcover edition: 'criteria' where 'criterion' was appropriate.* ",
"UPDATE: NIck Black reminded me of a few instances of repeated passages and re-explanations (I agree; why is this so common in pop science?), ",
"which I noticed but forgot while writing the review....\n\nAnd not really a fault, but he makes endless references to Susan Sontag and her comments on illenss, and seemed a bit out of place. ",
"Almost all other frequently quoted authors are actual researchers or physicians.",
"\n\nBut the fact that these minor faults are the only criticism I have (and that I was paying THAT close attention because the read was so riveting) is a testament to how good this book is. ",
"It goes on my recommended non-fiction shelf for sure!...more\n\n(4.0) Refreshing perspective, but not sure he offers enough direction/hope for change\n\nAs I mentioned in progress update, I don't see why he dismisses i(4.0) Refreshing perspective, but not sure he offers enough direction/hope for change\n\nAs I mentioned in progress update, I don't see why he dismisses instant run-offs out of hand. ",
"His argument (not justified) seemed to be that the second candidate can sometimes win in a staged run-off....Well, that can definitely happen in instant run-off as well. ",
"And I'm not so sure that it's a good thing that candidates can change their stances between votes. ",
"This is what primaries get us right now....\n\nBut that aside, it's interesting to see a former member of Congress be so open about what's wrong. ",
"It's kind of refreshing. ",
"Trick is that when we get to \"how do we fix it\", he relies on all of us getting all grassroots and calling our congresspeople and demand that they improve. ",
"Sorry to be so cynical, but that's going to be a difficult sell. ",
"Apathy and (guilty here) cynicism seem like they'll really get in the way.",
"\n\nWould love to hear more thoughts about this one. ",
"Perhaps book club of some kind?...more\n\nI'd heard Maziar on Fresh Air and wanted to hear more of the story of his imprisonment in an Iranian political prison. ",
"I(5.0) Powerful story well told\n\nI'd heard Maziar on Fresh Air and wanted to hear more of the story of his imprisonment in an Iranian political prison. ",
"I was pleasantly rewarded. ",
"I'm not sure how much of the quality is due to his co-author, Aimee Molloy, but I'm curious about other books she's worked on (though none actually sound that interesting to me now).",
"\n\nMaziar comes from a politically outspoken family so it was not so much an accident or misfortune that he was imprisoned, more his birth right. ",
"Thanks to lots of pressure from many directions, the government let him go after just short of four months, but he tells of his experiences very well. ",
"I felt as I was in his mind (fortunately not his body) while these events were taking place. ",
"Insightful, scary, frustrating, inspiring at once.",
"\n\nI was interested to read that his way of coping with solitary confinement was to exercise his mind and body: he'd do pushups, situps, raise his feet in the air and run or bicycle (and imagine his routes through the streets of London where he lived). ",
"He also created crossword puzzles in Persian and English, repeated the names of his loved ones and was visited by the voices of his father and sister (both of whom had both been imprisoned and later passed away). ",
"He certainly has the mind and will to survive such an awful experience, and the memory to be able to share it with the world afterwards.",
"\n\n(3.0) Mixture of personal exploits within (and after) the CIA, and lots of info on relationships between US government and Saudi Royal Family...but mo(3.0) Mixture of personal exploits within (and after) the CIA, and lots of info on relationships between US government and Saudi Royal Family...but mostly a rant.",
"\n\nThat aside, the bits revealing ties between US industry and government to Saudis; how the Saudi royal family (mis-)runs the state, leading to the Western world indirectly funding terrorism against themselves are all enlightening (disturbing, frightening, though altogether not that surprising).",
"\n\nHe likes to interweave his own spy exploits, some of which were on a freelancing basis after leaving the CIA (get the feeling he was 'asked' to leave? ",
"was it over September 11th?). ",
"It felt like two books crammed together a bit.",
"\n\nOverall good, but could be far better organized and the tone could be fixed....more\n\nOh my goodness, this was one of my favorite reading experiences ever. ",
"I'm not sure I can objectively explain it, but(5.0) I want you to read this book\n\nOh my goodness, this was one of my favorite reading experiences ever. ",
"I'm not sure I can objectively explain it, but I laughed, I nearly cried, my palms sweated, I was just riveted (ask my wife). ",
"This memoir is so well written (Agassi gave effusive praise to J.R. Moehringer, who helped him record his history and transform it into this masterpiece, and I'm sure much of the credit must go to him) that I just couldn't handle it. ",
"It is such an emotional ride--perhaps only 0.01% of what it's like to actually be a professional athlete--that every free moment I had I wanted to return to Andre-world.",
"\n\nI can't tell you how many times I laughed out loud while reading this. ",
"The coincidences, the juxtapositions, the ironies, the cute courtships....There was humor in so many forms. ",
"It was all so sincere though. ",
"I guess that's what struck me the most. ",
"How open, honest and sincere the book feels. ",
"And given what he reveals in it, I have little reason to believe that anything is exaggerated, stretched or glossed over.",
"\n\nBut it's just so well written. ",
"I never had to guess who he was referring to at any point. ",
"He made so many connections between points in his life, but they were effortless to recall and connect. ",
"I've just never been able to follow a narrative so effortlessly, feeling I was completely on top of everything going on, past and present. ",
"It was just such a pleasure to read, even aside from the actual events taking place.",
"\n\nOne interesting typographical note: (at least in the ePUB version I read) There was no use of quotation marks to set off dialog. ",
"Without having read the book, I would've thought this was insanity and ridiculed anyone playing any sort of editorial role in the production...but it totally works. ",
"I can't explain it, but it probably comes back to how perfectly written the book is....more"
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"Rodrigo Reis Lastra Cid Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação Lógica e Metafísica da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, situado no IFCS, como parte dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do título de Mestre em Filosofia (Lógica e Metafísica). ",
"Orientador: Prof. Dr. Roberto Horácio de Sá Pereira / Coorientador: Prof. Dr. Guido Imaguire Dezembro de 2011 Rio de Janeiro, RJ – Brasil 2 Cid, Rodrigo Reis Lastra. ",
"O que é uma lei da natureza? / ",
"Rodrigo Reis Lastra Cid. ",
"Rio de Janeiro: UFRJ / PPGLM, 2011. ",
"vii, 114f.: ",
"il.; ",
"31cm. ",
"Orientador: Roberto Horácio Sá Pereira Coorientador: Guido Imaguire Dissertação (mestrado) – UFRJ / IFCS / Programa de Pós-Graduação em Lógica e Metafísica Referências bibliográficas: f. 120-121 1. ",
"Filosofia. ",
"2. ",
"Metafísica das Leis Naturais. ",
"I. Pereira, Roberto Horácio Sá & Imaguire, Guido. ",
"II. ",
"Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Lógica e Metafísica. ",
"III. ",
"O que é uma lei da natureza? ",
"Rodrigo Reis Lastra Cid Orientador: Prof. Dr. Roberto Horácio de Sá Pereira Coorientador: Prof. Dr. Guido Imaguire Dissertação de Mestrado, submetida ao Programa de Pós-Graduação Lógica e Metafísica, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, como parte dos requisitos necessários à obtenção de título de Mestre em Filosofia. ",
"Aprovada por: __________________________________________ Prof. Dr. Roberto Horácio de Sá Pereira (UFRJ) – Presidente / Orientador __________________________________________ Prof. Dr. Antônio Augusto Passos Videira __________________________________________ Profa. ",
"Dra. ",
"Karla de Almeida Chediak Rio de Janeiro 16 de Dezembro de 2011 4 RESUMO O QUE É UMA LEI DA NATUREZA? ",
"Rodrigo Reis Lastra Cid Orientadores: Roberto Horácio Sá Pereira & Guido Imaguire Resumo da Dissertação de Mestrado submetida ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Lógica e Metafísica, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais, da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro UFRJ, como parte dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do título de Mestre em Filosofia (Lógica e Metafísica). ",
"O objetivo desta dissertação é defender a posição filosófica do substantivismo ante rem contra as suas supostas alternativas. ",
"Para isso serão apresentadas quatro posições com relação à natureza das leis naturais, duas formas de realismo e duas formas de anti-realismo, e as avaliaremos criticamente. ",
"As desvantagens de cada uma dessas teorias serão apresentadas a fim de mostrarmos que elas são insuficientes para fornecer uma metafísica capaz de explicar a contrafactualidade, a universalidade e a regularidade do mundo, e que apenas uma versão de uma das teorias realistas, o novo substantivismo ante rem, o consegue. ",
"Esse objetivo é importante, pois o conceito de lei natural é amplamente utilizado em inúmeras áreas das ciências e da filosofia e, de acordo com a posição que aceitarmos, ele poderá cumprir certos papéis teóricos, e não outros. ",
"Pretendemos mostrar que as leis do novo substantivismo ante rem são capazes de cumprir todos os papéis que os cientistas esperariam das leis naturais. ",
"Palavras-Chave: Metafísica das Ciências. ",
"Metafísica das Leis da Natureza. ",
"Rio de Janeiro Dezembro de 2011 5 ABSTRACT WHAT IS A LAW OF NATURE? ",
"Rodrigo Reis Lastra Cid Orientadores: Roberto Horácio Sá Pereira & Guido Imaguire Resumo da Dissertação de Mestrado submetida ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Lógica e Metafísica, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais, da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro UFRJ, como parte dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do título de Mestre em Filosofia (Lógica e Metafísica). ",
"The goal of this thesis to defend the philosophical view of the new ante rem substantivism against its supposed alternatives. ",
"To achieve such goal, we will present four views about the nature of laws, two kinds of realism and two kinds of anti-realism, and evaluate them critically. ",
"The disadvantages from those theories are going to be presented for us to show that they are insufficient to provide a metaphysics that is able to explain the world's counterfactuality, universality, and regularity, and that just one form of realism, the new ante rem substantivism, can. ",
"This goal is important because the concept of laws of nature is widely used in many areas of science and philosophy, and because according to the view we accept, the laws may fulfill some theoretical roles, and not others. ",
"We intent to show that the new ante rem substantivism's laws are able to fulfill the roles that scientists would hope the natural laws to fulfill. ",
"Key-Words: Metaphysics of Science. ",
"Metaphysics of Laws of Nature. ",
"Rio de Janeiro Dezembro de 2011 6 AGRADECIMENTOS Eu agradeço muito por ter conseguido completar esta dissertação: • Ao fluxo dos acontecimentos (seja lá o que eu queira dizer com \" fluxo dos acontecimentos\"), pois trouxe o mundo do Big-Bang (ou da Eternidade) até agora. • ",
"À minha mãe, por me apoiar em todos os momentos da minha vida, por me permitir estudar sem necessitar trabalhar, por ter me fornecido uma ótima educação e por ter me dado muito amor. • ",
"Ao meu tio, por sempre ter me ajudado a me desenvolver em vários sentidos e em todos os momentos da minha vida. • ",
"Ao meu orientador, Prof. Roberto Horácio, que me forneceu ótimas sugestões, tanto de conteúdo, quanto estilísticas, e que me guiou em toda a estrutura deste texto. • ",
"Ao meu coorientador, Prof. Guido Imaguire, grande metafísico, com quem tive ótimas conversas sobre a metafísica das leis e das modalidades, e com quem apreendi ainda mais sobre o nominalismo e, consequentemente, sobre o regularismo. • ",
"Ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Lógica e Metafísica (PPGLM/UFRJ), que me acolheu, forneceu-me várias palestras interessantes e me deixou bem livre para investigar o meu tema de interesse (depois de um ano de disciplinas, é claro). • ",
"Ao colega tanto da Graduação na UFOP, quanto do mestrado do PPGLM/UFRJ, Rodrigo Figueiredo – vulgo \"Mussula\" – com quem eu tive profícuas discussões sobre universais não instanciados e sobre vários outros argumentos e teses contidos nesta dissertação. • ",
"Ao Prof. Antônio Augusto Passos Videira, à Profa. ",
"Karla de Almeida Chediak, ao Prof. Edgar da Rocha Marques e ao Prof. Ulysses Pinheiro, que aceitaram prontamente participar da banca de defesa desta dissertação; • Ao Prof. Sérgio Miranda, ao Prof. Desidério Murcho, ao Prof. Mário Nogueira e à UFOP como um todo, por terem me formado, na Graduação, de modo excelente e com as capacidades próprias de um filósofo (assim eu espero). • ",
"Agradeço também aos inúmeros amigos e companheiros na Filosofia, com quem conversei e que me ajudaram a me desenvolver, como por exemplo, Sagid Salles, Iago Bozza, Flávio Santos, Bruno Santos, Mayra Moreira, aos filósofos da Lista Dadaseyn, entre muitos outros, cujo espaço é pequeno para citar a todos, mas que com certeza não são menos importantes. • ",
"Eu sou grato também à CAPES, que financiou a pesquisa que resultou nesta dissertação. ",
"Obrigado a todos vocês. ",
"Rodrigo Reis Lastra Cid 7 SUMÁRIO Introdução......................................................................................................................08 1 – O Conectivismo de Mumford: anti-realismo necessitarista.................................19 1.1 – Razões para Rejeitarmos uma Metafísica das Leis................................................20 1.2 – O Dilema Central: O Problema da Governança....................................................22 1.3 – Metafísica dos Poderes versus Metafísica das Leis................................................30 2 – O Regularismo: anti-realismo contingencialista...................................................42 2.1 – Problemas do Regularismo Ingênuo: 2.1.1 – Confirmabilidade.................................................................................................43 2.1.2 – Regularidades Acidentais como Leis...................................................................43 2.1.3 – Leis Não Regularistas..........................................................................................46 2.1.4 – Leis Não Instanciadas..........................................................................................48 2.2 – Impossibilidade, Contrafactualidade e Indução.....................................................50 2.3 – Passando ao Regularismo Sofisticado....................................................................52 2.4 – O Regularismo Sofisticado Sistemático de Lewis...................................................55 3 – O Substantivismo in rebus de Armstrong: realismo necessitarista imanente....59 3.1 – Leis, Instanciação e Naturalismo...........................................................................59 3.2 – Algumas Características das Leis In Rebus de Armstrong.....................................63 3.3 – A Explicação da Regularidade...............................................................................64 3.4 – Contingência e Contrafactualidade........................................................................65 3.5 – Outras Vantagens e Desvantagens do Substantivismo In Rebus............................67 3.6 – Leis Funcionais, Leis Não Instanciadas e Leis Probabilísticas.............................70 3.7 – Identificações Teóricas, Leis de Escopo Universal e Leis de Exclusão.................74 4. ",
"O Substantivismo ante rem de Tooley: realismo necessitarista transcendente.....78 4.1 – Necessitação, Exclusão e Funções de Construção.................................................78 4.2 – As Propriedades Lógicas das Leis..........................................................................81 4.3 – As Leis Não Instanciadas........................................................................................82 4.4 – Algumas Objeções e Respostas ao Substantivismo Ante Rem................................86 4.5 – Algumas Vantagens e Desvantagens do Substantivismo Ante Rem........................87 5. ",
"O que é uma lei da natureza?...................................................................................92 5.1 – Retrospectiva e o Novo Substantivismo Ante Rem..................................................92 5.2 – A Forma das Leis....................................................................................................98 5.3 – Identidades Teóricas, Leis de Escopo Universal e Leis Funcionais.....................100 5.4 – Os Casos de Tooley...............................................................................................103 5.5 – O Problema das Condições, as Leis Ceteris Paribus e as Leis Ideais.................104 5.6 – Leis A Priori e Leis A Posteriori...........................................................................112 Conclusão......................................................................................................................116 Referências...................................................................................................................120 8 O QUE É UMA LEI DA NATUREZA? ",
"Uma investigação do seu estatuto metafísico Introdução As ciências nos falam sobre inúmeras leis científicas. ",
"Um exemplo é a lei da gravitação universal. ",
"Esta proposição expressa que dois objetos com massas m1 e m2 se atraem por meio de uma força que é proporcional às suas massas e que é inversamente proporcional ao quadrado da distância entre eles. ",
"Se essa lei científica for verdadeira, ela estabelece que as propriedades de ter a massa m1 e de ter a massa m2, quando instanciadas, têm a consequência de gerar nos objetos que as instanciam uma certa atração. ",
"Os cientistas, ao formularem suas leis científicas pretendem que elas falem sobre o mundo, pretendem que elas expressem leis da natureza. ",
"Uma lei científica verdadeira é uma proposição que expressa uma lei da natureza. ",
"Embora os cientistas formulem inúmeras leis científicas e pretendam que tais leis expressem leis da natureza, o próprio conceito de lei natural suscita inúmeras controvérsias metafísicas. ",
"Muitos teóricos, como, por exemplo, Stephen Mumford (2004), negam que haja qualquer lei da natureza, pois reduzem os veridadores [truthmakers] das leis científicas aos poderes das coisas. ",
"Outros, como os regularistas, nos dizem que as leis da natureza são meras regularidades. ",
"Se isso fosse o caso, então as leis não poderiam ter o papel de explicar a existência das regularidades, pois uma regularidade não pode explicar por que ela mesma existe. ",
"No entanto, se elas forem algo além de regularidades, talvez possam. ",
"Assim, para falarmos seriamente sobre leis da natureza, precisamos ter uma teoria das leis que fundamente o nosso discurso, pois se não a tivermos, não seremos aptos a utilizar o conceito de lei natural para nenhum papel teórico interessante (como fundamentar a ordem, a regularidade e/ou a contrafactualidade, e ser veridador das leis científicas). ",
"Uma teoria filosófica completa das leis naturais nos diz de modo argumentativo se leis existem, qual a natureza dessas leis e quais papéis teóricos elas 9 têm. ",
"Indicar qual é a natureza de uma lei é dizer qual é o substrato ontológico que fundamenta sua existência (e dizer também as características desse substrato), caso ela exista, ou dizer que não há um tal substrato ontológico, caso ela não exista. ",
"E de acordo com o substrato escolhido, ou com a falta de um, alguns papéis teóricos tornam-se disponíveis ou indisponíveis às leis. ",
"Com relação à existência de leis da natureza, há em princípio duas posições filosóficas: o realismo e o anti-realismo. ",
"O realismo nos diz que as leis da natureza realmente existem e que sua existência é independente da nossa mente. ",
"Por sua vez, o anti-realismo nos diz que as leis não existem de fato ou que sua existência é dependente de nossa mente. ",
"Uma razão que pode levar alguém ao realismo1 é querer uma explicação para o fato de as coisas serem da forma que são, e não de outra maneira. ",
"Se as leis dizem como o mundo tem de ser, elas explicam por que as coisas são como são, e não são de outra forma. ",
"Se as leis realmente existem e têm um papel na ocorrência de estados de coisas particulares, como propõe o realista (ao menos o realista necessitarista, tal como mostraremos), elas podem dizer como o mundo tem de ser; e, assim, responder a questão sobre a razão de as coisas serem como são e não de outra maneira. ",
"Para quem esta questão é relevante, não basta saber que uma certa quantidade de sal se dissolveu em uma certa quantidade de água; ele gostaria de saber por que essa quantidade de sal se dissolveu nessa outra quantidade de água em vez de não se dissolver. ",
"Ele quer saber por que a dissolução do sal na água, dadas certas circunstâncias, não poderia não acontecer. ",
"A resposta que ele poderia fornecer assumindo a teoria realista é que há algo que faz o sal e a água terem de se comportar da forma que se comportam, e que esse algo é a lei da natureza de que o sal se dissolve em água, que é uma relação entre as propriedades envolvidas na dissolução. ",
"Outra razão para o realismo é querer uma explicação para como é possível que algo tenha um poder. ",
"O problema em causa aqui é conseguir explicar como é possível que um objeto concreto, que ocupa o espaço e que tem propriedades categóricas, como 1 Na verdade, essa motivação também pode levar alguém ao anti-realismo necessitarista, que reduz as leis naturais aos poderes das coisas particulares. ",
"Querer explicar as coisas desse modo forte é uma atitude típica de necessitaristas no geral, sejam eles realistas ou anti-realistas. ",
"Como eu ainda não introduzi o conceito de necessitarismo, embora o faça posteriormente, atribuo essa motivação aos realistas, mas faço esta ressalva. ",
"10 forma, extensão e organização interna, tenha também poderes. ",
"O que seriam os poderes que não as propriedades categóricas? ",
"O que seria a fragilidade (poder de se quebrar) de um copo de vidro que não a forma, a extensão e a organização dos seus átomos? ",
"Por exemplo, algo que é quebrável tem o poder de se quebrar. ",
"Mas algo que tem o poder de se quebrar, não está quebrado, de modo que o poder de se quebrar é diferente da manifestação de algo quebrado. ",
"O poder de se quebrar também não parece ser a forma, nem a extensão e nem a organização dos constituintes de algo que tem esse poder, embora pareça ser superveniente a tais propriedades categóricas. ",
"O poder, como seria diferente de sua manifestação e diferente de qualquer propriedade categórica das coisas, pareceria ter um tipo de existência distinta de uma propriedade categórica. ",
"E tal distinção exigiria alguma explicação. ",
"Uma dessas explicações, a explicação de um certo realista das leis, é que os poderes, de fato, são redutíveis às propriedades categóricas submetidas às leis naturais. ",
"Por exemplo, a propriedade disposicional da fragilidade de um certo copo de vidro não seria nada mais do que as leis da natureza junto com as propriedades categóricas do copo, que implicariam que se o copo tivesse batido com uma quantidade de força, ele teria quebrado. ",
"Essa explicação elimina os poderes, tornando-os apenas implicações2 das propriedades categóricas submetidas às leis naturais pensadas realisticamente. ",
"Porém, se leis não existirem, teremos que tomar os poderes como irredutíveis. ",
"E, se fizermos isso, não poderemos responder o problema dos poderes, tratado no início desse parágrafo. ",
"Assim, se quisermos resolver esse problema, fornecendo uma explicação para a existência de poderes, estaremos mais motivados a aceitar uma teoria realista das leis naturais. ",
"Com relação ao anti-realismo, uma das motivações para aceitá-lo é a crença de que há algo de misterioso em algo ser uma lei. ",
"Stephen Mumford (2004, p. 47), por exemplo, acredita que não há abordagem crível de qual é o papel das leis naturais e de como elas o cumprem. ",
"Ele toma o conceito de leis da natureza apenas como uma metáfora enganadora. ",
"Mas por que viríamos a acreditar que as leis naturais são misteriosas? ",
"Existem várias razões que poderiam nos levar a pensar isso. ",
"Uma delas é o 2 Esta implicação é de algum tipo que conecte fatos, e não meramente proposições. ",
"Um fato b implica um fato d sse d não pode não ser o caso, se b for o caso. ",
"11 fato de as leis parecerem ter um certo caráter prescritivo3: uma lei prescreveria como as coisas devem ser, como as coisas têm de ser. ",
"E essa característica a tornaria diferente dos fatos descritivos simples da realidade, pois as proposições que descrevem estes fatos nos dizem apenas como as coisas são, e não como as coisas têm de ser. ",
"Um enunciado descritivo verdadeiro expressa um fato do mundo. ",
"No entanto, dir-nos-ia o anti-realista, é um mistério como enunciados prescritivos – que prescrevem como o mundo tem de ser – poderiam expressar fatos e, assim, tornar-se-ia também um mistério como as leis da natureza, que seriam expressas por enunciados prescritivos, por nos dizer como o mundo tem de ser, poderiam ser fatos. ",
"Uma motivação semelhante a essa ocorre também na metaética. ",
"John Mackie (1990), teórico do erro, acredita que os juízos morais tentam descrever a realidade, mas que como não existe realidade moral, todos os juízos morais falham em fazê-lo, e são, portanto, falsos. ",
"Ele acredita que não há realidade moral, pois pensa que os objetos morais – o dever, o correto, o bom, o justo etc – não são parte da mobília da realidade. ",
"E eles não seriam parte da realidade, pois têm um caráter prescritivo, direcional, que nenhum objeto comum na realidade – como os objetos concretos materiais – têm. ",
"É esse mesmo tipo de atitude para com os objetos aparentemente prescritivos que serve de motivação central ao anti-realista das leis naturais. ",
"A analogia entre a natureza e a moralidade persiste também quando falamos sobre as leis. ",
"As leis da natureza teriam um caráter semelhante, no entanto distinto, ao das leis morais. ",
"As leis morais nos dizem como deve ser o comportamento de indivíduos morais, enquanto as leis da natureza nos dizem como deve ser o comportamento da natureza. ",
"Ambas estabelecem o que deve ocorrer, mas em dois sentidos diferentes. ",
"As leis morais nos dizem o que devemos fazer para agirmos corretamente, mas elas podem ser violadas. ",
"Por sua vez, as leis naturais nos dizem como as coisas devem ser, dadas certas condições; e, dadas essas condições, as leis naturais não podem ser violadas4. ",
"São 3 Veja, por exemplo, em Mumford (2000). ",
"4 Isso depende da noção de lei natural aceita. ",
"O regularista, por exemplo, como nega a existência de conexões necessárias na natureza, não defenderá que leis da natureza não podem ser violadas; defenderá apenas que as leis não são de fato violadas. ",
"Mesmo assim é possível traçar uma distinção entre leis morais e naturais: enquanto as primeiras são tais que algumas delas são violadas, nenhuma das leis naturais é violada. ",
"Um necessitarista, por outro lado, pode fornecer uma distinção mais fina dos sistemas deônticos para os sistemas alécticos, a saber, nos alécticos, e não nos deônticos, são axiomas que \"□P→P\" e que \"P→◊P\". ",
"Além disso, deixamos em aberto para futuras investigações qual a abrangência das modalidades em causa, se é lógica, física etc. ",
"12 esses deveres que ambas estabelecem – em dois sentidos diferentes, respectivamente, o deôntico e o aléctico – que as fazem ter uma aparência prescritiva, e que motiva o antirealista tanto a negar a existência de leis morais, quanto a negar a existência de leis naturais, dependendo de com relação ao que ele for um anti-realista. ",
"Uma teórico realista ou anti-realista tem também de se posicionar com relação à natureza das leis naturais ou com relação à natureza do mundo sem leis. ",
"As principais teorias dizem: (i) que as leis são regularidades acidentais, (ii) que não há leis, embora haja conexões necessárias entre particulares, (iii) que as leis são conexões necessárias entre universais.5 Além de ser realista ou anti-realista, é preciso alguma teorização sobre se há ou não conexões necessárias no mundo, pois os papéis teóricos atribuíveis às leis mudam de acordo com se aceitarmos ou não que elas são conexões necessárias. ",
"O contingencialismo é a tese de que não existem tais conexões necessárias na natureza e o necessitarismo é a tese de que elas existem.6 Um anti-realista necessitarista nega que existam leis da natureza e, ao mesmo tempo, aceita que existem conexões necessárias na natureza. ",
"Ele diria que (Mumford, 2004, parte 2) não podemos implicar a existência de leis a partir da existência de conexões necessárias; a partir de conexões necessárias, podemos apenas implicar a existência de uma estrutura modal para o mundo. ",
"Um anti-realista necessitarista, tal 5 Há outras posições também, como a posição de Brian Ellis (2001) de que as leis são tipos sendo caracterizados por suas propriedades essenciais e como a posição de Lange (2009) de que as leis são irredutíveis e são caracterizadas por fazerem parte do conjunto com estabilidade subnômica. ",
"Tais posições têm bastante especificidades teóricas, mas que não serão trabalhadas neste artigo. ",
"No entanto, como estamos fazendo uma discussão geral entre realismo e anti-realismo, pretendemos que nossa discussão abarque tanto as posições de Ellis, quanto de Lange, na medida em que eles são, ou parecem ser, respectivamente, um anti-realista e um realista com relação a leis. ",
"Ellis parece ser antirealista por sua teoria fazer as leis dependerem dos poderes das coisas e Lange parece ser um realista por pensar que existem leis irredutíveis que explicam as coisas. ",
"6 Quando falamos aqui de conexões necessárias, não queremos falar necessariamente de conexões em todos os mundos possíveis. ",
"A princípio essa conexão necessária poderia ser tanto a necessidade forte, que se caracteriza pela existência em todos os mundos possíveis, quanto a necessidade fraca, que é a existência nos mundos possíveis em que existem as instâncias dos universais, ou ainda pela relação de necessitação contingente, que garantiria a regularidade apenas no mundo actual. ",
"A escolha de um tipo de conexão necessária determina em parte a força contrafactual que uma lei natural terá. ",
"13 como Mumford (2004), pensa que a necessidade reside nos particulares e suas propriedades, e não em leis da natureza. ",
"A ideia é que os particulares não são objetos inertes que precisariam de leis da natureza para lhes ativar, mas que eles são objetos ativos justamente porque eles têm propriedades, que são essencialmente poderes (que conectam necessariamente estímulos e manifestações). ",
"Por sua vez, um anti-realista contingencialista rejeita a existência das leis e de conexões necessárias. ",
"Ele diria que tudo que há são conjunções constantes de propriedades sem nenhuma conexão necessária. ",
"Suas leis da natureza expressariam apenas o que é intemporalmente verdadeiro, ou, em alguma versão projetivista possível, expressariam algo de normativo e não factual. ",
"Contrariamente, os realistas necessitaristas sustentam tanto que há leis, quanto que há conexões necessárias na natureza, e identificam pelo menos alguma dessas conexões necessárias com as leis. ",
"Os realistas necessitaristas sustentam que as leis da natureza são relações entre universais7. ",
"Eles se dividem em dois tipos, de acordo com a concepção de universal aceita. ",
"É logicamente possível aceitar um aristotelismo das propriedades, tomando-as como algo que está presente nas coisas, como algo imanente, como universais in rebus. ",
"E também é logicamente possível aceitar um platonismo das propriedades, tomando-as como algo que é independente das coisas, como algo transcendente, como universais ante rem. ",
"As motivações para aceitarmos uma ou outra teoria dos universais, quando teorizamos sobre uma metafísica das leis naturais, serão tratadas nas seções apropriadas. ",
"Por sua vez, os realistas contingencialistas sustentam que não há conexões necessárias na natureza, embora acreditem que há leis; e eles são um dos maiores opositores do realismo necessitarista. ",
"Uma forma conhecida de realismo contingencialista é o regularismo. ",
"Esta é a posição que diz que as leis da natureza existem e são apenas as regularidades acidentais expressas por proposições gerais e 7 Os universais são atributos instanciáveis. ",
"Eles são uma tentativa de solução para o problema filosófico da semelhança (existem outras tentativas de solução), assim como também servem para dar um tratamento de outros problemas, como o da referência de termos abstratos singulares, o da natureza das leis naturais e o da natureza dos objetos matemáticos. ",
"De modo breve, o problema da semelhança é o de como explicar a existência de semelhança entre diferentes objetos. ",
"A solução dos universais nos diz que a semelhança é explicada pelo fato de ambos os objetos instanciarem a mesma propriedade universal. ",
"A divergência que exporei a seguir espelha a divergência que surge na tentativa de explicar o que queremos dizer com a mesma. ",
"14 condicionais intemporalmente verdadeiras (ou um tipo dessas regularidades). ",
"Se aceitamos o regularismo, então torna-se obviamente verdadeiro que há leis, pois é óbvio que há proposições gerais e condicionais que são verdadeiras em todos os tempos. ",
"Contudo, o regularismo não aceita que tais leis sejam conexões necessárias. ",
"O problema de não aceitar a existência de conexões necessárias é que as leis regularistas não serão capazes de cumprir os papéis que motivam uma teoria realista das leis, pois elas não poderão explicar por que as coisas são como são, e não são de outro modo, e também não poderão explicar como é possível que algo tenha um poder. ",
"E não o poderão porque a regularidade de as coisas serem de um modo não pode explicar por que elas são desse modo, e não de outro, e porque a regularidade de certo tipo de coisa ter certo tipo de poder não explica como é possível que tal tipo de coisa tenha tal poder. ",
"O regularismo, assim, pode ser pensado também como um anti-realismo das leis motivadas pelo realismo necessitarista. ",
"Pois os papéis atribuídos às leis pela motivação realista só podem ser representados pelas leis dos realistas necessitaristas, porque é apenas se houver conexões necessárias que as questões que interessam ao realista poderão ser respondidas. ",
"Apenas algo que torna uma ocorrência necessária, em algum sentido de \"necessária\", pode nos dizer por que a ocorrência aconteceu em vez de não acontecer. ",
"Se não há conexões necessárias, não há como responder as questões que interessam ao realista sobre o qual falamos anteriormente. ",
"O regularismo tem, na verdade, uma motivação profundamente anti-realista, pois sua afirmação de que as leis não são nada mais que regularidades é motivada por sua vontade de remover o caráter necessitarista das leis, tornando-as puras descrições da realidade, sem nenhum tipo de elemento que pareça não ser descritivo. ",
"O regularismo toma as leis do realismo necessitarista, e conexões necessárias em geral, como coisas misteriosas. ",
"O próprio Hume, conhecido regularista, pode nos fornecer um exemplo: Todos os eventos parecem desconectados e separados. ",
"Um evento se segue de outro; mas nunca podemos observar nenhuma conexão entre eles. ",
"Eles parecem conjuntos, porém nunca conectados. ",
"E, tal como não podemos ter ideia alguma de algo que nunca apareceu no nosso sentido exterior ou no nosso sentimento interior, a conclusão necessária parece ser que não temos ideia alguma de qualquer conexão ou poder, e que essas palavras não têm absolutamente nenhum significado, seja quando empregadas nos raciocínios 15 filosóficos, seja na vida comum. (",
"Hume, Enquiry, p. 74. ",
"In Mumford, 2004, p. 56, tradução) Não há diferença significativa em pensarmos o regularismo como uma forma de realismo contingencialista ou como uma forma de anti-realismo contingencialista8. ",
"Se dissermos que não há leis, certamente não podemos estar querendo dizer que não há regularidades, pois é obviamente verdadeiro que há regularidades9. ",
"Quando negamos que há leis – quando somos anti-realistas – só podemos estar querendo negar que existam as leis dos realistas necessitaristas. ",
"Um anti-realista contingencialista pode aceitar tudo que um regularista aceita, inclusive que o único conceito concebível de leis naturais é o que as identifica com as regularidades, enquanto nega que haja as leis dos realistas necessitaristas. ",
"Essa é exatamente a mesma atitude de quem nos diz que há leis e que elas não são nada mais que regularidades. ",
"O regularismo é uma posição que faz ser irrelevante a aceitação do anti-realismo contingencialista ou do realismo contingencialista.10 Uma das maiores motivações para a aceitação do regularismo é a anterior aceitação da tese da superveniência11 humiana. ",
"Esta diz que: \"O mundo 'é um vasto mosaico de assuntos locais de fatos particulares, apenas uma coisinha e depois a outra' (...) Tudo o mais, incluindo as leis e as chances, para ser real deve sobrevir a essa história\" (Mumford, 2004, p. 48, tradução). ",
"A ideia é que há particulares e tudo o mais 8 A diferença essencial é que um nega que existam leis e o outro aceita que elas existem. ",
"Essa diferença é relevante em certos casos, pois pode haver posições anti-realistas contingencialistas e que são projetivistas, não sendo regularistas. ",
"Mas no que diz respeito ao regularista, ele poderá aceitar tanto o anti-realismo contingencialista, quanto o realismo contingencialista sem mudar nenhum aspecto essencial de sua teoria. ",
"Pois aceitar que leis existem e não têm nenhum tipo de necessidade faz com que o máximo que possamos chamar de \"leis\" sejam as regularidades universais, condicionais, verdadeiras e acidentais, coisa que quem crê que leis (tal como a necessidade não lógica) não existem também pode aceitar. ",
"9 Repare que mesmo que não existam duas situações idênticas, haverá regularidades humeanas (verdades contingentes da forma x (Fx∀ →Gx)), dado que será verdade que todo objeto que tem F tem G, por mais que seja apenas um objeto particular que exista e seja o veridador da fórmula. ",
"10 É claro que haverá certas diferenças, como a aceitação pelo realista da existência e da independência ontológica das leis e a rejeição pelo anti-realismo da existência das leis ou de sua independência da mente. ",
"Mas enquanto essas diferenças não interferirem em suas regularidades, não serão relevantes para o que será uma lei natural. ",
"11 O conceito de superveniência foi introduzido por Davidson na Filosofia da Mente para descrever a relação de dependência metafísica entre propriedades de modos distintos, como é suposta ser a relação entre as propriedades mentais e as propriedades físicas, em que há uma relação de dependência, mas não há redução ontológica. ",
"No entanto, se o regularismo aceitar o nominalismo, terá que aceitar um conceito mais forte de superveniência, no qual há redução ontológica. ",
"16 sobrevêm a eles. ",
"Assim, as leis teriam de ser supervenientes àquilo que particularmente ocorre. ",
"Isso significa dizer que não pode haver dois mundos idênticos em seus particulares e distintos em suas leis. ",
"No entanto, o regularismo nominalista propõe uma versão forte da superveniência humeana, segundo a qual não há nada que não seja particular, ou seja, tudo que há é particular e as leis, se existirem, sobrevirão aos particulares e serão no máximo construções a partir desses particulares, sem adicionais compromissos ontológicos. ",
"Contudo, se podemos e devemos aceitar a superveniência humeana ou a versão forte da mesma, isso é algo que tem de ser investigado independentemente. ",
"Tal como o regularismo é a união da tese anti-realista das leis (ou realista) com a tese de que não há conexões necessárias na natureza, o substantivismo é a união da tese realista com a tese de que há conexões necessárias na natureza12. ",
"Ambas tentam nos dizer qual é a natureza de uma lei. ",
"Contrariamente ao regularista, o substantivista diz que as leis da natureza não são regularidades, que elas são algo mais substantivo. ",
"De um modo geral, tal como os regularistas endossam o contingencialismo, os substantivistas endossam o necessitarismo. ",
"Entretanto, é concebível uma forma de substantivismo contingencialista, que atribuísse, por exemplo, uma realidade efetiva a leis meramente contingentes ao considerá-las como resultado da criação divina. ",
"No entanto, tais posições são prima facie implausíveis ou indefensáveis13. ",
"Portanto, não me ocuparei mais das mesmas ao longo deste texto. ",
"Os substantivistas estão de acordo com os regularistas quanto à suposição de que (Swartz, 2001, p. 2) as leis da natureza implicam conexões regulares entre estados de coisas ou propriedades que são expressas por proposições factuais universais, 12 Uma outra posição é o anti-realismo necessitarista de Mumford (2004), que optamos chamar de \"conectivismo\", já que sua teoria nos diz que há conexões necessárias na natureza, que não são leis. ",
"O conectivismo não é uma ontologia das leis, como seriam os substantivismos e o regularismo, mas é uma ontologia de como o mundo pode existir sem leis e com poderes, ou seja, o conectivismo é uma ontologia dos poderes. ",
"13 O que estou indicando que é implausível é a defesa da tese de que há leis substantivas contingentes, e não a tese de que as leis são criações divinas. ",
"Na medida em que as leis forem necessárias, poderá ser defensável que elas sejam criações divinas – o que seria adotar um realismo necessitarista. ",
"Mesmo Armstrong (1983) deve ser considerado um substantivista, pois por mais que suas leis sejam contingentes, elas são uma relação de necessitação, que é suposta como sendo uma relação de necessidade natural entre propriedades universais, que rege ao menos o mundo actual e explica a regularidade nele. ",
"Leis realmente contingentes, que não têm de se manter nem no mundo actual, não são realmente leis, mas são apenas regularidades humeanas; e, portanto, distintas das leis substantivistas. ",
"17 verdadeiras em todos os tempos e lugares do mundo, formuladas sem nomes próprios e transliteráveis para a forma condicional: \" x (Fx∀ →Gx)\". ",
"No entanto, eles rejeitam a suposição regularista fundamental segundo a qual as leis se reduziriam a tais conexões regulares observadas. ",
"Os substantivistas dizem que as leis da natureza são mais que as regularidades, que elas explicam as regularidades, que elas são conexões entre universais. ",
"Como dissemos anteriormente, há duas concepções dos universais: a in rebus (a aristotélica) e a ante rem (a platônica). ",
"O substantivismo in rebus nos diz que as leis da natureza dependem das coisas, que elas são expressões da uma relação necessária que existe entre as propriedades que estão nas coisas e que tal relação é externa às propriedades. ",
"E o substantivismo ante rem nos diz que as leis da natureza existem independentemente das coisas que instanciam as propriedades nelas presentes e que elas são conexões necessárias externas as entre propriedades, que existem de modo independente de suas instâncias. ",
"O sentido em que essas conexões são necessárias será brevemente trabalhado posteriormente. ",
"Essas duas teorias divergem principalmente no que diz respeito aos casos de universais não instanciados. ",
"Enquanto o substantivismo ante rem aceita a sua existência, o substantivismo in rebus não aceita a existência de tal entidade imperceptível, como o universal ante rem. ",
"O teórico in rebus pensa também que a lei ante rem é misteriosa, pois ela existiria mesmo que não houvesse nenhum objeto concreto e material. ",
"Por outro lado, o teórico ante rem sustenta que por mais misteriosas que possam parecer suas leis, elas serão a única explicação para certas proposições gerais serem verdadeiras na ausência de particulares que instanciem as propriedades sobre as quais essas proposições versam. ",
"Por exemplo, por mais que o mundo fosse tal que intemporalmente não houvesse instâncias de sal e de água, se elas pudessem surgir e se o sal se dissolvesse em água, o que faria a proposição que expressa esse fato verdadeira seria justamente a lei de que o sal se dissolve em água. ",
"O substantivista in rebus não parece ser capaz de lidar com tais casos, já que sua concepção de universal faz que sua existência dependa da existência de suas instâncias. ",
"Como as leis seriam conexões entre universais que só existem instanciados, isso faria a existência das leis depender da existência de instâncias dos universais presentes nas leis e, portanto, faria com que não houvesse lei no caso de não haver instâncias de pelo menos um de seus universais em 18 algum momento do tempo. ",
"Armstrong (1983), como exemplo de substantivista in rebus, tenta fornecer algumas soluções para os problemas dos não instanciados, as quais serão avaliadas na seção apropriada. ",
"Enfim, as principais teorias das leis naturais (ou do mundo sem leis) são: (i) o conectivismo, que é um anti-realismo necessitarista; (ii) o regularismo, que é um anti-realismo (ou realismo) contingencialista; (iii) o substantivismo in rebus, que é um realismo necessitarista; (iv) o substantivismo ante rem, que é também um realismo necessitarista. ",
"Tais teorias dizem se existem ou não leis naturais e conexões necessárias, qual a natureza das leis ou do mundo sem elas, e quais papéis teóricos estão disponíveis a elas. ",
"Como o objetivo desta dissertação é justamente responder a questão sobre o que são as leis da natureza, cada uma dessas teorias será exposta e avaliada criticamente em capítulos distintos e, posteriormente, será apresentada uma nova teoria das leis naturais – que será uma versão do substantivismo ante rem: o novo substantivismo ante rem. ",
"Mas, antes disso, um gráfico para deixar mais claro quais são as posições possíveis de serem aceitas no debate sobre o que são as leis naturais. ",
"19 1. ",
"O Conectivismo de Mumford: anti-realismo necessitarista O conectivismo diz que há conexões necessárias na natureza, porém, nega que essas conexões sejam leis. ",
"Para o conectivista, essas conexões são intrínsecas às propriedades das coisas particulares, pois elas seriam poderes, que estabelecem conexões necessárias entre tipos de condições-estímulo adequadas e tipos de manifestações. ",
"Se aceitarmos o conectivismo, isso será uma razão para nem começarmos a discussão sobre a natureza das leis, de modo que é importante, se quero defender uma forma de substantivismo, mostrar que não é uma boa escolha seguirmos o conectivismo em sua metafísica dos poderes. ",
"Um exemplo de defensor do conectivismo é Stephen Mumford (2004). ",
"Tal filósofo pensa que há algo de errado em acreditarmos que há leis naturais. \"",
"Lei natural\" seria somente uma metáfora enganadora para falar da realidade. ",
"Mumford nos diz que as conexões necessárias estão nas próprias propriedades das coisas particulares e não em leis universais da natureza. ",
"Em termos formais, sua necessidade se expressa apenas nas relações entre particulares, como N(Fa,Ga), e nunca em relações externas apenas entre universais, como N(F,G). ",
"Para ele, as leis da natureza são a solução para um problema advindo de uma concepção de mundo humeana, que nos diz que o mundo é composto de objetos discretos, não conectados e não animados. ",
"O problema que as leis visariam solucionar seria explicar como pode um objeto concreto e material com suas propriedades intrínsecas e não conectado a qualquer outro objeto ou propriedade ter poderes? ",
"Como poderia, por exemplo, uma certa quantidade de sal, que não está dissolvida e que está ocupando uma certa parcela do espaço com uma certa estrutura molecular, ter o poder de se dissolver? ",
"Certamente o sal é solúvel em água mesmo que não esteja dissolvido; e, de fato, ele apenas é solúvel em água quando não está dissolvido. ",
"No entanto, em que parte daquela quantidade de sal está o poder de se dissolver? ",
"Tudo que está no objeto são propriedades como forma, tamanho e organização dos constituintes, que são as propriedades categóricas de Armstrong (1983). ",
"Onde estariam, então, os poderes, como o poder de se dissolver do sal? ",
"A solução das leis nos diria que são as leis que fazem as propriedades categóricas dos objetos gerarem poderes: os poderes seriam reduzidos às propriedades categóricas submetidas às leis. ",
"E, assim, o poder de se dissolver do sal seria reduzido às propriedades categóricas do NaCl 20 submetidas às leis da natureza (como a lei de Coulomb). ",
"No entanto, como os conectivistas não aceitam essa visão de mundo, também negam que precisamos apelar a leis da natureza em nossa metafísica. ",
"Mumford (2004), por exemplo, pensa que podemos aceitar uma visão mais holística de mundo, em que os particulares não são coisas inertes que precisam de animação por leis, mas que são intrinsecamente ativos. ",
"Sua visão é a de que como as propriedades são essencialmente poderes (ou feixes de poderes), os particulares que têm as propriedades são intrinsecamente ativos por causa desses poderes. ",
"Os argumentos de Mumford pela sua visão dividem-se em dois tipos14: os negativos e os positivos. ",
"Os negativos tentam nos mostrar por que não devemos aceitar as visões alternativas, enquanto os positivos tentam nos mostrar por que devemos aceitar o seu conectivismo. ",
"O que avaliaremos a seguir são essas razões. ",
"Razões para Rejeitarmos uma Metafísica das Leis Uma primeira razão investigada por Mumford para rejeitarmos uma metafísica das leis é o conceito de lei natural ser ele mesmo elusivo e vago. ",
"Para ele, uma análise ontológica é composta antes de uma análise conceitual que nos dá a essência nominal da entidade em causa e, depois, de uma metafísica substantiva que nos dá a essência real da entidade (2004, p. 129). ",
"No caso das leis naturais, segundo o filósofo, não teríamos uma essência nominal para podermos passar à investigação da essência real. ",
"Ele pensa que não há uma essência nominal nem na filosofia e nem na ciência, já que na filosofia não há concordância sobre o que é uma lei e já que as ciências nos fornecem muitas coisas diferentes que chamam de \"leis\". ",
"Com relação a essa razão, Mumford peca por acreditar que precisamos que a análise conceitual nos dê um conceito unívoco para podermos fazer metafísica substantiva. ",
"Por mais que nossa análise nos dê vários conceitos de lei natural, ainda poderemos pegar cada um desses conceitos e investigá-los metafisicamente – do mesmo modo que temos muitas concepções distintas de mente e investigamos metafisicamente 14 Parece que todo teórico das leis naturais – inclusive eu – se utiliza destes mesmos métodos: argumentar indicando as desvantagens das teorias alternativas e argumentar indicando as vantagens da própria teoria. ",
"21 cada uma delas. ",
"Existirem várias concepções de leis não atesta contra a ideia de que existem leis, mas apenas indica que ao conversarmos, temos de deixar clara qual é a concepção que estamos usando; o que foi justamente o que o próprio Mumford fez (2004) ao posicionar o regularismo lewisiano e o substantivismo armstronguiano como teorias antagônicas no debate sobre a existência de leis reais (que seriam, nos nossos termos, as leis dos realistas necessitaristas). ",
"Se a existência de muitos conceitos diferentes de x atestasse contra a existência de x, então o fato de termos muitas teorias divergentes sobre a natureza da mente deveria atestar contra a existência da mente. ",
"O que é deveras anti-intuitivo. ",
"A lição que devemos tirar daqui é que a filosofia estuda, entre outras coisas, a natureza de certos objetos teóricos; e, assim, sempre nos fornecerá muitas teorias sobre o que é x, de modo que não podemos aceitar que a existência de diferentes teorias com relação à natureza de x ateste contra a existência de x. Se aceitássemos tal coisa, então nada poderia haver, já que a filosofia investiga a natureza de tudo que há de fundamental e fornece teorias divergentes com relação às suas naturezas. ",
"Outra razão, fornecida por Mumford (2004, p. 130), para rejeitarmos uma metafísica das leis da natureza seria que as leis poderiam existir, mas não formar tipos naturais. ",
"E isso seria possível no caso em que as leis formam tipos artificiais de artefatos para lidar com casos experimentais idealizados, ou no caso em que elas não formam um tipo natural unificado (como quando se juntam por semelhança de família). ",
"Assim, uma tarefa para o realista nomológico seria mostrar que as leis formam um tipo natural unificado e que elas não são meros tipos artificiais para lidar com casos idealizados. ",
"Se as leis não formarem um tipo natural unificado e se forem apenas tipos artificiais, o realista das leis estará em sérias desvantagens. ",
"Penso que podemos suprir as demandas de Mumford indicando uma conjunção de propriedades que faz toda lei participar de um tipo natural e ser distinta de outros tipos, a saber, toda lei é uma relação entre propriedades, tem um certo tipo de invariância contrafactual15 e implica a condicional universal relacionada16. \"",
"Lei da natureza\" é um termo teórico que indica qualquer coisa que tenha essas propriedades. ",
"E qualquer cientista aceitaria que tanto as leis naturais, quanto as leis científicas – se forem leis naturais – têm essas propriedades. ",
"15 Talvez o fato de fazer parte de um conjunto com estabilidade subnômica, como propõe Lange (2009). ",
"16 Isso quer dizer que a lei de que Fs são Gs implica a condicional universal x (Fx∀ →Gx). ",
"22 Além disso, as leis não são meros tipos artificiais. ",
"Pois, se fossem, não poderiam fundamentar as sequências causais que existem no mundo. ",
"E elas de fato fundamentam tanto as sequências causais, quanto a regularidade e a contrafactualidade (conforme argumentarei nas duas próximas seções sobre substantivismo). ",
"Assim, se houver tal coisa como tipos naturais, as leis da natureza são tipos naturais, pois existem na natureza e possuem uma propriedade conjuntiva que as distingue das coisas e de outros tipos naturais. ",
"Uma outra razão (Mumford, 2004) para rejeitarmos as leis naturais seria que não há nenhum argumento que conclua que uma certa visão17 de o que são as leis é a correta e que as outras estão erradas. ",
"E, além disso, não estaria claro como posições substantivistas in rebus – como a de Armstrong (1983) – seriam de fato teorias com relação a leis naturais, e não apenas com relação apenas aos próprios universais. ",
"Não há uma implicação clara do fato de que há relações entre universais para o fato de que há leis da natureza. ",
"Eu concordo que não há uma implicação evidente. ",
"É necessário que essas relações entre universais sejam externas às naturezas dos universais relacionados, que elas governem as relações entre os particulares, que elas tenham um certo tipo de invariância contrafactual e que impliquem a condicional universal relacionada. ",
"É justamente contra essa relação de governança que Mumford (2004, pp. ",
"144145) enfoca sua principal razão, chamada por ele de \"o dilema central\", para rejeitarmos uma metafísica das leis. ",
"O Dilema Central: O Problema da Governança O dilema central pretende ser um problema para todo realista necessitarista, e ele se insere no seguinte argumento de Mumford. (",
"1) (a) Ou as leis têm o papel de governar [realismo], (b) ou não é o caso que as leis têm o papel de governar [anti-realismo]. (",
"2) Se 1a, então: (c) ou tais leis são externas àquilo que governam, (d) ou as leis são internas àquilo que governam. ",
"17 Por exemplo, as leis podem ser pensadas como relações entre universais, como características de tipos, como identidades teoréticas, como equivalências funcionais etc. ",
"23 Dilema Central: (3) Se 2c, então deve ser fornecida uma abordagem plausível do papel externo de governar que evite o quiditismo.18 (4) E se 2d, então deve ser fornecida uma abordagem plausível do papel interno de governar. ",
"Solução de Mumford para o Dilema: (5) Não é possível fornecer nem uma abordagem externalista e nem uma abordagem internalista crível do papel de governar. (",
"6) Logo, \"1a\" é falso. (",
"7) Logo, \"1b\" é verdadeiro. ",
"O que Mumford quer que acreditemos é que nenhuma teoria realista das leis é capaz de cumprir as funções que o dilema central exige. ",
"O argumento nos diria que se as leis governam algo, elas o governam externamente ou internamente, e o dilema nos prepararia para a conclusão de que qualquer opção escolhida é problemática. ",
"E, assim, segundo Mumford, deveríamos abandonar a ideia de que as leis governam as coisas. ",
"Vejamos. ",
"A necessitação que conecta as propriedades pode ser externa ou interna às mesmas. ",
"Um exemplo de externalismo seria a teoria das leis como relações entre universais de Armstrong (1983) em que uma lei é a relação universal de segunda ordem de necessitação entre universais de primeira ordem; a relação de necessitação seria externa às propriedades que ela conecta. ",
"Suas leis governariam as coisas, pois elas são universais de segunda ordem que constituem relações entre universais de primeira ordem, que estão sempre instanciados nas coisas. ",
"Como as propriedades que estão nas leis também estão nas coisas, as relações causais entre as coisas serão instâncias das leis 18 Tal como será explicado posteriormente, o quiditismo é a tese de que as propriedades possuem a sua essência e a sua identidade independentes dos poderes causais dessas mesmas propriedades e que elas são fornecidas pelas ecceidades (haecceities) das propriedades, teoria esta que – como mostrarei posteriormente – Armstrong (1983) parece aceitar ou, pelo menos, com ela flertar. ",
"24 (relações entre universais). ",
"E, assim, as leis governariam as suas instâncias. ",
"Mas toda essa descrição, segundo Mumford (2004, p. 148), está longe de ser clara. ",
"Está longe de ser evidente como a relação de instanciação de uma lei imanente pode equivaler à relação de governança que uma real lei da natureza deve ter com suas instâncias. ",
"Se todo universal tem a restrição de estar instanciado e se temos uma concepção de universal imanente, presente nas coisas, então as leis da natureza, como relações universais de segunda ordem entre propriedades universais de primeira ordem, dependem das coisas que instanciam as propriedades, pois não existiria lei se não houvesse algo que instanciasse as propriedades de que as leis tratam. ",
"Assim, objetaria Mumford (2004), o problema para as leis imanentes de Armstrong (1983) é que não é possível (ou, pelo menos, é muito difícil) compatibilizar o fato de as instâncias serem ontologicamente anteriores às leis com o fato de as leis governarem as instâncias. ",
"Se as leis têm de estar instanciadas nas sequências causais, pois as leis, assim como todos os universais, seriam apenas abstrações não viciosas do que existe, as leis, tal como todos os universais, teriam uma dependência ontológica com relação às suas instâncias, já que seriam sobrevenientes a elas (ver também Bolender, 2006, que argumenta da mesma forma). ",
"Este argumento é uma boa razão para nos fazer aceitar antes as leis transcendentes de um substantivismo ante rem como o de Tooley (1977), do que as leis imanentes de um substantivismo in rebus como o de Armstrong (1983). ",
"Se as leis realmente governam as coisas, então deve haver alguma independência das leis naturais com relação às coisas particulares. ",
"Porém, mesmo que aceitemos uma visão das leis naturais transcendentes, Mumford (2004) nos mostra que qualquer visão externalista das leis tem de enfrentar a suposta implicação de quiditismo. ",
"Sua ideia é a seguinte: se a necessitação é externa às propriedades – como a relação de necessitação de Armstrong – então as propriedades poderiam variar independentemente das leis naturais que as conectam; e, assim, poderia existir as mesmas propriedades em outras leis. ",
"E se uma propriedade pode existir independentemente de suas relações com outras propriedades, então ela pode existir independentemente de seu papel causal. ",
"E se pode existir independentemente de seu papel causal, então sua existência é dependente de uma ecceidade. ",
"Mumford (2004, p. 25 149) pensa que as leis serem externas às propriedades que regulam faz com que não haja uma conexão intrínseca entre as leis e as propriedades de modo que qualquer conexão entre elas seria contingente, ou seja, seria contingente que Fs necessitem Gs, já que não haveria nada nas essências de F e de G que torne essa relação necessária. ",
"E, assim, a única coisa que poderia dar a identidade de uma propriedade – se todas as suas relações com outras propriedades forem contingentes – seria sua ecceidade. ",
"Realmente, seria um problema para o realista ter que postular ecceidades. ",
"E isso seria problemático, diria o anti-realista, porque não sabemos o que seriam ecceidades de propriedades e porque postular ecceidades permite situações bem estranhas na própria metafísica – como, por exemplo, a troca de todas as relações entre duas propriedades19. ",
"A ideia principal de Mumford (2004) é que as propriedades não são nada mais que poderes individuais ou feixes de poderes, e que os poderes são as relações que essa propriedade tem com outras propriedades. ",
"Dessa forma, as propriedades nada mais seriam do que suas relações internas com as outras propriedades. ",
"Por exemplo, a propriedade de ser solúvel que o sal tem é apenas o poder de se dissolver quando em contato com água. ",
"E tal poder estabelece uma relação entre os universais ser sal e ser água. ",
"Mumford pensa que se algo não tem o poder de se dissolver quando em contato com a água, não tem a propriedade de ser solúvel. ",
"Ele acredita que se supomos que alguma propriedade mudou alguma de suas relações com outras propriedades, então temos de supor que não temos mais a mesma propriedade. ",
"Ele acredita que a essência e a identidade das propriedades são determinadas inteiramente pelas relações das propriedades umas com as outras.20 Como ele mesmo alude, sua posição pode ser pensada em analogia à relatividade das posições do espaço de Einstein. ",
"O que penso com relação a isso é que Mumford erra ao pensar que toda teoria externalista implicará o quiditismo. ",
"Ele toma como verdadeira a falsa premissa de que se aceitamos que as leis21 são externas às propriedades que elas relacionam, então a 19 A troca de todas as relações entre duas propriedades equivaleria a apenas uma troca nominal, e não a uma troca real. ",
"20 O problema aqui seria que dizer que tudo que uma propriedade é são suas relações com outras propriedades pareceria algo circularmente vicioso, pois toda propriedade dependeria ontologicamente de toda propriedade. ",
"Esse problema é bem tratado por Bird (2007) e eu não discordo dele de que isso não fornece ao monismo disposicional – que é a ideia de que todas as propriedades têm essências disposicionais (que envolvem outras propriedades) – uma objeção insolúvel. ",
"21 Na verdade, devemos deixar claro que não são as leis que são externas às propriedades que elas relacionam, mas é a relação de segunda ordem da necessitação que é externa às propriedades. ",
"A lei é 26 identidade de uma propriedade deve ser inteiramente independente de todas as leis. ",
"Um realista e externalista com relação às leis pode, no entanto, aceitar que as leis sejam externas às propriedades que relacionam, enquanto não aceita que a identidade (e a natureza) de uma propriedade seja independente de todas as leis. ",
"Ele diria que a identidade de uma propriedade é independente de algumas leis que regulam tal propriedade, mas não de todas. ",
"O realista poderia traçar uma distinção entre leis constitutivas de propriedades e leis de contato entre propriedades, e dizer que uma propriedade não é independente das leis que a constituem, embora seja independente das leis que estabelecem os resultados de seu contato com outras propriedades. ",
"Por exemplo, a molécula de água é a união de hidrogênio e oxigênio em certas condições e em certas proporções. ",
"Enquanto podemos defender que faz parte da identidade da água ela ser idêntica a união dos átomos de oxigênio e hidrogênio na proporção adequada, podemos ao mesmo tempo defender que não faz parte da identidade da água que ela água mate a sede22. ",
"Repare que aqui eu não estou defendendo um essencialismo de composição, mas estou apenas indicando que é possível – e interessante para escapar do quiditismo – um realista defender que há propriedades (em leis) que dão a identidade das propriedades e que há outras que não dão essa identidade. ",
"Um novo exemplo pode ser traçado com a propriedade do tamanho: enquanto faz parte da identidade de ter o tamanho s1 ter a propriedade de ocupar um certo espaço s123, não faria parte de sua identidade a propriedade de atrair gravitacionalmente outros corpos com uma certa intensidade (pois, por mais que um objeto com o tamanho s1 não atraia gravitacionalmente outros objetos, ele ainda teria s1, se tivesse outras características – como a característica de ocupar s1 de espaço). ",
"Se aceitarmos tal coisa, então teremos feito a identidade de cada propriedade depender de leis internas às propriedades, enquanto aceitamos também a existência de leis externas às propriedades e que regulam as relações não internas entre as propriedades. ",
"O ponto principal para o realista e externalista escapar da implicação de um composto tanto das propriedades relacionadas, quanto da relação de necessitação. ",
"E as leis são externas apenas às coisas particulares que governam, caso não sejam ontologicamente dependentes destas. ",
"A necessitação relaciona as propriedades, e a lei – que é composta da necessitação relacionando certas propriedades – governa os estados de coisas particulares. ",
"22 Se seguirmos essa ideia, ao encontrarmos tudo que compõe a identidade da água (ou de qualquer outro universal), teríamos encontrado a essência desse universal, caso aceitemos a existência de essências. ",
"23 Presumindo é claro que há uma certa relação entre tamanho e massa e entre massa e gravidade. ",
"27 quiditismo atribuída pelo anti-realista é justamente aceitar também a existência de leis internas às propriedades, enquanto mantém que há uma distinção entre leis internas e externas e escapa do segundo ramo do dilema central. ",
"Não é preciso que aceitemos o quiditismo para que permitamos alguma variação no papel causal de uma propriedade. ",
"Alguma variação pode ser adquirida por meio da ideia acima. ",
"Contudo, a aceitação de leis internas e leis externas traz problemas em dobro, pois o realista teria então a tarefa de mostrar como leis externas podem governar as propriedades e as coisas e como as leis internas poderiam fazer o mesmo – que é o segundo ramo do dilema. ",
"O realista, desde que aceite universais transcendentes platônicos, poderá dizer que as leis governam as coisas porque é em virtude de as leis estabelecerem certas relações entre os universais que as instâncias desses universais compartilham dessas relações. ",
"A relação de governança seria a relação de instanciação. ",
"É claro que a instanciação é um tanto misteriosa, mas do momento que aceitamos que há universais, aceitamos também que há a relação de instanciação, seja ela misteriosa do jeito que for. ",
"Devemos lembrar que os universais são uma solução para um problema clássico da filosofia, que é o de como fundamentar a semelhança entre particulares. ",
"A solução dos universais nos diz que dois particulares são semelhantes, pois existe algo na realidade que ambos os particulares instanciam (exemplificam ou compartilham), que é a propriedade universal. ",
"A instanciação de um universal platônico, diferentemente do universal imanente aristotélico, pode ser identificada com a relação de governança, pois os universais ante rem são independentes das coisas e possuem prioridade ontológica em relação a elas. ",
"A prioridade ontológica permite a relação de governança (pois fornece independência das leis em relação às coisas particulares), coisa que a teoria de Armstrong não consegue abarcar, dado seus universais serem imanentes – e, assim, dependentes ontologicamente de suas instâncias. ",
"Para fugir da implicação de quiditismo, fizemos o realista postular tanto leis internas, quanto leis externas24. ",
"Mas como lidar com as leis internas e o segundo ramo do dilema central? ",
"Como fazer com que leis internas possam governar? ",
"O segundo ramo 24 O próprio Armstrong (1983), embora nos diga que a ciência investiga a natureza dos universais, que é estabelecida por identidades teóricas – o que pareceria a minha aceitação de certo tipo de leis internas – ele nos diz também que não acredita que propriedades tenham propriedades essenciais, de modo que acredita existir identidade primitiva de propriedades – o que parece ser uma aceitação do quiditismo. ",
"28 mostra que há problemas em compatibilizarmos a redutibilidade das leis com a tese de que as leis governam àquilo ao que são reduzidas. ",
"Ele nos diz que se as leis são redutíveis, por exemplo, às relações intrínsecas entre os universais, então elas não poderiam governar ou determinar as relações intrínsecas entre os universais, do mesmo modo que se dizemos que as leis não são nada mais que regularidades, então elas não poderiam governar ou determinar as regularidades. ",
"Ou seja, a moral da história é que se as leis forem sobrevenientes, redutíveis ou constituídas de x, então elas não podem governar ou determinar x. Esse, então, seria o principal problema para uma teoria internalista das leis, a saber, explicar como algo pode governar outra coisa a qual é reduzido (Mumford, 2004, pp. ",
"157-158). ",
"Uma solução que penso ser viável ao realista internalista é dizer, por exemplo, que as leis são relações internas entre universais e que elas governam ou determinam os particulares, e não as próprias relações entre universais. ",
"Dessa forma, não precisaríamos que as leis governassem (e explicassem) as próprias relações entre universais. ",
"As relações entre os universais governam as coisas e não são governadas por nada. ",
"Estas se estabelecem, para o internalista, em virtude da natureza dos próprios universais envolvidos na relação. ",
"E, caso aceitássemos leis internalistas com universais platônicos, elas governariam as coisas do mesmo modo que as leis do externalista, por meio da sua instanciação. ",
"Outra solução, e essa mais adequada ao realista que viemos desenhando na resposta ao primeiro ramo do dilema central, é traçar uma distinção mais fina entre as leis internas e as leis externas, aceitando que as leis internas não têm o papel de governar, enquanto as leis externas o têm. ",
"As leis internas seriam as naturezas das propriedades universais, enquanto as leis externas estabeleceriam as relações externas dessas naturezas com outras. ",
"As leis internas não governariam, mas apenas seriam as naturezas dos universais. ",
"Pois os universais são algo de básico na estrutura da realidade; e, se eles existem, existem também suas naturezas. ",
"Mas a existência do universal não implica suas relações externas, que seriam as leis externas. ",
"Enquanto precisamos de uma explicação para uma relação externa de um universal, não precisamos de uma explicação para a natureza de um universal. ",
"E isso faz com que possamos aceitar que as leis internas não governam as propriedades e que as leis externas as governam. ",
"29 Uma outra objeção que poderia ser feita é que as leis internas, se forem identidades teoréticas, não terão instâncias do mesmo tipo que as instâncias das leis externas. ",
"As instâncias das leis externas seriam sequências causais particulares, dado que uma instância da lei de que sal se dissolve em água é o sal se dissolvendo em água. ",
"No entanto, uma instância da lei água = H2O não é uma sequência causal, continuaria a objeção, mas é antes um certo particular que é água. ",
"A minha resposta a essa objeção é que ela de fato não é uma objeção. ",
"Ela apenas mostra o caráter diferenciado das leis internas e das leis externas: as leis internas, como estabelecem identidades, são leis apenas sobre um universal e, assim, têm instâncias que não são sequências causais, mas que são estados de coisas particulares; e as leis externas, como estabelecem relações entre mais de um universal, só podem se instanciar em sequências causais entre mais de um estado de coisas. ",
"Ainda uma outra dúvida que poderia surgir com relação às leis internas é sobre como é possível que haja uma relação de necessitação de um universal com ele mesmo. ",
"A resposta a isso jaz na resposta do Enigma de Frege com relação aos enunciados da forma \"a=b\" (Frege, 1892). ",
"Ele nos indica que nesse caso estamos falando que dois termos com dois sentidos distintos referem ambos o mesmo objeto. ",
"Nesse mesmo espírito, podemos dizer que as identidades teoréticas, em vez de serem relações de necessitação de um universal consigo mesmo, identificam dois aspectos essenciais e identificadores do mesmo universal.25 No caso da lei sobre a propriedade de ser água, ela identificaria duas propriedades essenciais e identificadoras do mesmo universal: a propriedade de ser uma molécula de água e a propriedade de ser um composto de H2O. Ser uma molécula de água e ser H2O (caso possamos falar da relação entre os dois como uma identidade) são uma e a mesma propriedade, mas identificadas de modos distintos. ",
"Se podemos solucionar ambos os ramos do dilema central (e tudo até aqui nos leva a crer que podemos), parece então que o dilema não é tão constrangedor para todo tipo de realista. ",
"E, se não é tão constrangedor, então boa parte da força motivacional de Mumford (2004) para aceitarmos sua teoria cai por terra. ",
"Lembremos: ele argumenta que devemos aceitar sua teoria, pois uma metafísica realista das leis está fadada ao 25 Já que as leis não são proposições, mas são antes os veridadores das leis científicas (estas sim são proposições), elas não podem identificar conceitos, tal como em Frege (1892), mas devem identificar propriedades essenciais e identificadoras do mesmo universal. ",
"30 fracasso (dado que teria problemas com o dilema central), e porque sua teoria tem certas vantagens. ",
"Se uma metafísica realista das leis não tomba no dilema central, não está necessariamente fadada ao fracasso; e, assim, perdemos pelo menos metade da motivação para substituirmos uma metafísica das leis por uma metafísica dos poderes. ",
"Restar-nos-ia, então, analisar as motivações positivas para aceitarmos o conectivismo. ",
"Metafísica dos Poderes versus Metafísica das Leis Mumford pensa que devemos aceitar uma metafísica dos poderes porque ela não está submetida ao dilema central e porque os poderes são parte de uma metafísica que vê as coisas particulares não como inativas, mas como poderosas, por possuírem propriedades que são essencialmente poderes, potências, disposições26. ",
"Essa visão seria contrária à ideia de que as coisas são inertes e precisam de leis para as colocar em movimento. ",
"Como já aludimos anteriormente, a metafísica das leis surgiu justamente como uma tentativa de responder como é possível que algo tenha um poder. ",
"A dificuldade a ser enfrentada é que um poder não é algo que possamos encontrar no espaço. ",
"Um particular tem uma certa forma, um certo tamanho e uma certa organização dos seus constituintes, e isso é tudo que podemos encontrar do particular no espaço; seus poderes não são nada disso, embora sejam sobrevenientes a essas propriedades submetidas às leis27. ",
"O próprio Hume (1748) já se preocupava com esse problema: Na realidade, não há nenhuma porção da matéria que nos revele, através de suas qualidades sensíveis, um poder ou energia, ou que nos dê fundamento para imaginar que poderia produzir algo, ou que seria seguida por um outro objeto que poderíamos denominar seu efeito. ",
"A solidez, a extensão e o movimento são qualidades completas em si mesmas e não indicam outro evento que possa resultar delas. ",
"As cenas do universo variam continuamente; e um objeto acompanha outro em sucessão ininterrupta; porém, o poder ou a força que move toda a máquina está completamente oculto de nós e nunca se revela em nenhuma das qualidades sensíveis dos corpos. ",
"Sabemos que, de fato, o calor é um acompanhante constante de chama, mas não temos ensejo 26 Tomo esses três termos como sinônimos neste artigo. ",
"27 Essa tentativa de reduzir os poderes das coisas às suas propriedades categóricas submetidas a leis naturais não é algo novo. ",
"Newton tentou fazer isso com suas leis do movimento regendo objetos com propriedades categóricas e, antes dele, o pré-socrático Demócrito também teorizou que todos os poderes adviessem dos átomos (indivisíveis materiais com propriedades categóricas) e suas diversas formas de organizações. ",
"31 para conjeturar ou imaginar qual é a sua conexão. ",
"Portanto, é impossível que a ideia de poder possa derivar da contemplação de corpos em casos isolados de sua operação, porque jamais um corpo nos revela um poder que seja a origem desta ideia. ",
"A investigação de Hume era sobre a origem de nosso conceito de poder. ",
"Embora essa seja uma pesquisa epistêmica, e não metafísica, esse parágrafo é esclarecedor no que diz respeito à dificuldade que há em explicarmos como é possível que haja um poder. ",
"As leis naturais fariam com que as propriedades categóricas das coisas, sob certas circunstâncias, tenham que causar outras propriedades categóricas. ",
"Essa seria a explicação da existência de poderes que o metafísico das leis forneceria. ",
"Porém, o que conectivistas como Mumford (2004, pp. ",
"170-171) desejam é que tomemos os poderes como algo de básico, que não precisa de explicação, e que tomemos toda propriedade como essencialmente disposicional (poderosa). ",
"Temos muitas razões para rejeitarmos uma metafísica dos poderes. ",
"Uma delas é que se a aceitarmos, ficará sem explicação como é possível que algo tenha um poder, pois se eles são básicos, nada fundamenta sua existência – seriam eles, os poderes, que fundamentariam a existência das coisas. ",
"Porém, o conectivista ainda pode dizer que se toda propriedade for disposicional, não será nada impactante que haja propriedades que são disposicionais. ",
"Eu não creio que essa seja uma boa resposta, pois não remove a dúvida sobre como podem existir propriedades que sobrevêm às propriedades estruturais do particular (propriedades da ocupação do espaço) e que não são tais propriedades. ",
"Além disso – diz-nos uma certa objeção, conhecida pelo nome de \"always packing, never travelling\" – se toda propriedade fosse disposicional, então nada seria adequadamente actual, pois as disposições são potenciais e, assim, as trocas de propriedades seriam apenas trocas de potências que nunca passam ao acto. ",
"Seria necessário que houvesse algo de não disposicional para que as disposições passassem da potência ao acto. ",
"Esta objeção é tratada pelo próprio Mumford (2004, cap. ",
"10), e mais escrutinada por Bird (2006). ",
"Mumford nos diz apenas que se tomarmos os poderes como básicos, não teríamos o problema de ter de explicá-los, e que essa razão seria mais convincente se mostrássemos que as propriedades categóricas podem ser pensadas como 32 disposições. ",
"Mumford nos indica que podemos pensar em propriedades categóricas como ter o tamanho s1 como, entre outras coisas, a disposição de passar por buracos que comportam coisas do tamanho de s1. ",
"Eu concordo que podemos pensar as propriedades categóricas como disposições – embora ainda não esteja certo sobre se poderíamos reduzir toda propriedade categórica a uma propriedade disposicional – mas isso não resolverá as objeções levantadas no parágrafo anterior, pois ainda será impactante que existam coisas imateriais como poderes que não tenham um fundamento categórico material. ",
"Mesmo que toda propriedade categórica fosse redutível a uma propriedade disposicional, ainda haveria uma distinção apreensível entre propriedades da ocupação do espaço (forma, extensão e organização dos constituintes) e as outras propriedades. ",
"E a questão, então, seria novamente formulável em termos de como é possível que haja outras propriedades que não as propriedades de ocupação do espaço. ",
"Tomar os poderes como básicos implica na impossibilidade de responder essa questão.28 Bird (2006), por sua vez, investiga mais essas objeções aos poderes, as reconstruindo como se fossem a ideia de que há uma falta de actualidade e/ou um excesso de não actualidade nos poderes, e tentando fornecer respostas às mesmas com a intenção de fundamentar sua metafísica dos poderes. ",
"Segundo ele, uma objeção sugeriria que as potências não têm ser suficiente para serem actuais, dado que faria parte do ser29 das potências (não actualizadas) a referência a uma possibilidade não realizada. ",
"Por exemplo, é parte do ser de um objeto frágil que ele se quebre quando atingido por certa força. ",
"E um objeto é frágil por mais que ele não seja atingido por nenhuma força. ",
"Se tal objeto nunca fosse atingido por nenhuma força e nunca quebrasse, então a disposição da fragilidade faria referência à possibilidade não manifestada de quebrar – além de também fazer referência ao estímulo não manifestado de ser atingido por certa força. ",
"A resposta de Bird (2006, p. 196) é que a visão alternativa, de que há 28 Uma solução seria tentar dizer que os poderes são materiais. ",
"Isso envolveria: mostrar como um poder pode ser reduzido a algo material e lidar com todos os problemas advindos do monismo com relação à concretude (i.e., só há um tipo de substância concreta, a saber, a material). ",
"Deixamos o desenvolvimento de tal solução a cargo do monista, já que não vemos como defender que os poderes são materiais. ",
"29 O ser de algo, para Bird (2006), é todo fato que a existência de algo implica. ",
"33 propriedades categóricas submetidas a leis naturais, não se sai melhor que uma metafísica dos poderes. ",
"Ele crê que as propriedades categóricas têm menos ser actual que os poderes, pois enquanto \"o ser da potência inclui o poder de acarretar certos efeitos\", as propriedades categóricas não possuiriam poder algum, pois o poder seria apenas gerado pelas leis. ",
"Além disso, segue Bird, as únicas coisas que a essência de uma propriedade categórica implica são (a) que ela é distinta de outras propriedades, (b) que ela é universal e pode ter instâncias e (c) que tem pelo menos uma instância30. ",
"E ele diz que as potências também compartilham dessas implicações (ou, pelo menos, o teórico dos poderes pode aceitar tal coisa). ",
"Se essas implicações são tudo que há para a essência de uma propriedade categórica, então tudo que vale para elas, vale também para as potências. ",
"As potências teriam tudo que as propriedades categóricas têm, além de terem também a característica da potencialidade (que no caso do teórico das leis está a cargo das leis naturais). ",
"Se esse é o caso, então se as potências forem actuais de menos, as propriedades categóricas terão também de ser actuais de menos. ",
"Esse argumento é válido, mas não possui todas as premissas verdadeiras. ",
"Não há por que pensar que tudo que há para a essência de uma propriedade categórica são as implicações (a), (b) e (c). ",
"Como já dito anteriormente, as propriedades categóricas de Armstrong são a forma, a extensão e a organização dos constituintes. ",
"Há muito mais para a essência de uma propriedade categórica do que (a), (b) e (c). ",
"Algo com forma e extensão, por exemplo, tem (ou é) uma certa estrutura que ocupa o espaço. ",
"E o ser de uma disposição não implica que uma certa estrutura ocupa o espaço. ",
"E não implica, pois disposições são multiplamente realizáveis em diferentes estruturas. ",
"As propriedades categóricas possuem implicações muito distintas das propriedades disposicionais. ",
"Se isso for verdade, a argumentação tu quoque de Bird não surte nenhum efeito. ",
"E, assim, não poderemos dizer que se os poderes forem actuais de menos, as propriedades categóricas também o serão. ",
"As propriedades categóricas, defende um metafísico categoricalista, quando instanciadas, possuem uma marca clara de actualidade, a saber, a posição espacial – coisa que as disposições, por sua imaterialidade característica, não 30 O requisito (c) serve apenas para rejeitar a priori universais não instanciados. ",
"Não está clara a razão pela qual devemos pensar que o ser de uma propriedade categórica implica a verdade do princípio de instanciação, pois um teórico dos universais ante rem pode aceitar que há os universais das propriedades categórica, que podem ou não estar instanciados, rejeitando o princípio de instanciação. ",
"34 possuem. ",
"É claro que isso não quer dizer que não há outras marcas de actualidade. ",
"Pode ser que haja e que as potências as tenham. ",
"Mas, se houver uma distinção entre propriedades categóricas e disposicionais, então as propriedades disposicionais não terão essa marca, a da posição espacial. ",
"Antes, as potências serão sobrevenientes às propriedades categóricas; em outras palavras, os poderes das coisas serão sobrevenientes às suas estruturas. ",
"Um teórico dos poderes tem, então, que mostrar qual outra marca de actualidade os poderes teriam. ",
"Bird (2006) e Mumford (2004) pensam que essa marca seria a eficácia causal. ",
"Os poderes seriam causalmente eficazes quando manifestados, já que as manifestações dos poderes causam coisas no mundo. ",
"Eu não discordo de que essa seja uma boa razão para pensarmos que os poderes são actuais. ",
"Mas acredito que há uma outra razão, semelhante a esta, que é o fato de serem os poderes das coisas que fundamentam as possibilidades de ocorrência de eventos. ",
"Porém penso que a crítica aos poderes está mal formulada, se for feita em termos de insuficiência de actualidade ou excesso de não actualidade. ",
"O ponto não é que os poderes não seriam actuais ou envolveriam possibilidades não actuais. ",
"Actuais certamente eles o são, já que fundamentam a existência de possibilidades não actuais.31 E, de qualquer forma, Bird (2006, pp. ",
"199-201) nos mostra que qualquer que seja o teórico, ele terá que fazer alguma entidade da sua ontologia se relacionar com possibilidades não actuais: no caso do metafísico das leis, as leis se relacionarão com possibilidades não actuais, enquanto, no caso do metafísico dos poderes, serão os poderes que se relacionarão com tais possibilidades. ",
"A real dificuldade com os poderes, penso eu, é que eles são imateriais, e não que eles não são actuais ou envolvem estados de coisas não actuais. ",
"E isso é uma dificuldade porque a própria imaterialidade é um problema na filosofia. ",
"Alguns filósofos julgam que a mente é imaterial e que, portanto, propriedades como ter cor seriam também imateriais, já que só existiriam na mente. ",
"Alguns também pensam que a informação (por exemplo, num computador) é algo imaterial. ",
"Uma grande gama de problemas ronda as entidades que parecem ser imateriais, como os poderes, a informação e a mente. ",
"31 É porque o copo tem o poder de se quebrar – e por causa de outras coisas – que é possível quebrá-lo. ",
"Se ele não tivesse esse poder, não seria possível quebrá-lo. ",
"Essa ideia é trabalhada em Bird (2006) e em Cid (2010); este último distingue dois tipos de possibilidades metafísicas. ",
"35 Um deles é explicar como pode existir uma entidade imaterial em um lugar e como tal entidade poderia se mover – já que os particulares que possuem os poderes se movem. ",
"É, no mínimo, impactante que algo imaterial possa estar em algum lugar e se mover. ",
"Para remover esse impacto, uma solução seria dizer que a entidade imaterial pode existir em um lugar e se mover na medida em que ela se fundamente em um substrato material que ocupe uma posição no espaço (uma estrutura, i.e., algo com propriedades categóricas). ",
"O mesmo impacto parece rondar as disposições, poderes ou potências. ",
"O poder de um copo de vidro de se quebrar quando submetido a certo impacto (a fragilidade) não é nenhuma estrutura que compõe o copo de vidro. ",
"Alguns copos de vidro têm uma estrutura semelhante a esta: 32 Como podemos ver, uma estrutura é composta de outras estruturas, e as estruturas são apenas coisas com certa forma e extensão – e organização dos constituintes, se não forem básicas. ",
"A fragilidade do copo de vidro não é nenhuma das estruturas (esferas maiores e menores, cilindros, pirâmides etc) que o forma. ",
"A fragilidade também não é a estrutura total. ",
"Então o que seria a fragilidade, dado que não ocupa o espaço? ",
"E como algo que não ocupa o espaço, como a fragilidade, pode estar presente em algo que ocupa o espaço, como um copo de vidro? ",
"32 A figura foi retirada de http://www.saint-gobain-cetev.com.br/ovidro/vidro.pdf 36 As disposições não podem ser identificadas com as estruturas das quais são disposições; e, portanto, elas têm de ser algo a mais que a estrutura. ",
"Como sem uma estrutura não poderia haver disposição alguma, a disposição é em algum sentido dependente da estrutura. ",
"E creio que não teremos problemas em aceitar que a disposição é sobreveniente à estrutura, ou seja, que duas entidades indiscerníveis em suas estruturas são também indiscerníveis em suas disposições.33 Se há realmente essa relação de dependência, precisaremos explicar como ela se estabelece. ",
"E não há abordagem melhor para explicar isso do que a abordagem das leis regendo as estruturas (propriedades categóricas). ",
"A abordagem das leis e propriedades categóricas nos diz que não existem poderes; e, portanto, não existiriam tais entidades imateriais. ",
"Contudo, os poderes nos pareceriam existir pois as propriedades categóricas estão regulamentadas pelas leis para funcionar de certas maneiras em certas situações, mesmo que essas situações não ocorram. ",
"Por outro lado, a abordagem dos poderes, ao tomá-los como básicos, não pode remover o impacto de eles serem coisas imateriais que se movem. ",
"É possível de se objetar a isso que, embora a postulação de leis torne inteligível o surgimento de poderes imateriais a partir de propriedades categóricas, a imaterialidade dos poderes continua se fundamentando na existência de outra entidade imaterial – as leis naturais – que fundamentam as potencialidades das coisas. ",
"Isso seria trocar uma entidade imaterial por outra entidade imaterial. ",
"Que vantagem teríamos nisso? ",
"A vantagem é que as leis, diferentemente das disposições, não possuem uma posição espacial definida, de modo que não precisamos explicar como as leis se movem, dado que elas não se movem, e nem precisamos explicar como elas ocupam o seu lugar no espaço, pois elas não ocupam um lugar específico no espaço (principalmente, e talvez exclusivamente, se formos substantivistas ante rem) – elas estão no mundo. ",
"O sentido que quero dar para \"no\" aqui é o modo como um universal platônico existe na realidade. ",
"Não o modo como ele se instancia na realidade, mas o modo como ele existe, mesmo sem estar instanciado, na realidade. ",
"Platão acreditava que existia um domínio especial em que os universais existiam, mas não precisamos seguir a posição platônica com relação à localização dos universais. ",
"Ao tratarmos as leis como 33 É claro que estamos supondo que ambas estão também submetidas, na medida do possível, às mesmas condições externas. \"",
"Na medida do possível\" é exigido, pois não podem ambos os particulares ocupar a mesma posição no espaço ao mesmo tempo. ",
"37 universais, como elas são regras, podemos pensar que elas se localizam no mundo sem ser nas coisas que as instanciam no mundo. ",
"Esse sentido de \"no\" mundo não é totalmente claro, mas do momento que aceitamos a existência de universais ante rem, teremos que aceitar que há algum sentido adequado para um universal existir em um mundo sem estar nele instanciado, e que há uma relação – a relação de instanciação – entre esses universais e os particulares que os instanciam. ",
"O ponto principal é que isso não é nada mais do que é exigido por uma teoria dos universais platônicos. ",
"Se os universais platônicos são a única forma de realizarmos uma abordagem explicativa de certos fatores – como eu pretendo mostrar nas seções seguintes – então a existência de tais fatores implica a existência desses universais e, consequentemente, a possibilidade de sua instanciação. ",
"O que eu quero dizer com isso tudo é que trocar as disposições imateriais pelas leis imateriais não é uma troca sem valor. ",
"As disposições, como existem nos objetos particulares, precisam de uma explicação de como podem ser imateriais e se mover; e, se as disposições não forem redutíveis a estruturas sob leis, sua imaterialidade será ainda mais problemática. ",
"No entanto, as leis não precisam de uma explicação para o seu movimento, dado que não se movimentam. ",
"Sua imaterialidade é algo implicado pela aceitação de uma teoria dos universais ante rem – e uma teoria dos poderes também teria que enfrentar o desafio da semelhança que descamba nos universais (contra os nominalistas). ",
"Dessa forma, se uma teoria dos universais fosse aceita, seria aceita tanto pelo teórico das leis, quanto pelo teórico dos poderes. ",
"Assim, aceitar a imaterialidade e a capacidade de instanciação das leis é menos custoso à nossa ontologia do que aceitar a basicidade dos poderes, já que depende apenas de já termos aceitado a imaterialidade e a capacidade de instanciação dos universais. ",
"Outra razão ainda para preferirmos as leis naturais frente aos poderes é que as leis não apontam para nada externo a elas, enquanto os poderes o fazem. ",
"As leis apenas estabelecem as relações entre universais, e as coisas se conformam às leis porque instanciam os universais presentes nelas. ",
"As sequências causais que ocorrem no mundo instanciam leis que estabelecem a conexão entre tipos universais de estados de coisas. ",
"Contudo, os poderes possuem uma existência que aponta para algo externo a si mesmo, pois apontam para manifestações não actualizadas. ",
"Aceitar a existência de poderes 38 irredutíveis é ainda mais problemático que aceitar a existência de leis, pois eles podem ser reduzidos a estruturas e leis – entidades estas que não apontam para nada externo. ",
"Além disso, uma metafísica dos poderes tem a desvantagem de deixar sem fundamento a existência de disposições, enquanto uma metafísica das leis pretende justamente explicá-las. ",
"Um último conjunto de razões para preferirmos uma metafísica das leis do que uma metafísica dos poderes são os casos de propriedades não instanciadas. ",
"Se, por acaso, vivêssemos num mundo onde não há nenhuma instância de sal e nem de água, não haveria o poder de o sal se dissolver em água – e, portanto, não haveria a lei de que o sal se dissolve na água, já que nessa teoria as leis são redutíveis aos poderes das coisas. ",
"Isso é problemático, pois nesses casos, não haveria algo que fosse o veridador do contrafactual \"se houvesse sal, ele se dissolveria em água\", já que, como não haveria nada que tivesse o poder, também não haveria o poder; e, consequentemente, o poder não poderia [logicamente] fundamentar as situações contrafactuais nesse mundo. ",
"Por sua vez, as leis universais ante rem, por existirem independentemente das coisas, continuariam fundamentando a contrafactualidade mesmo em mundos em que não há instâncias de suas propriedades34. ",
"Além disso, pelo conectivismo dizer que há apenas conexões necessárias entre particulares, como N(Fa,Ga), suas conexões não podem fundamentar nenhuma contrafactualidade com relação a particulares meramente possíveis. ",
"As leis são consideradas pelos cientistas como universais, de um modo que as relações necessárias entre particulares não são. ",
"As conexões necessárias entre particulares não têm a universalidade requerida para uma lei natural e para uma lei científica, pois as leis científicas são tais que, se forem leis naturais, fundamentarão a contrafactualidade também para casos de meramente possíveis e serão veridadores de contrafactuais, mesmo em caso de não existência dos particulares que instanciam os universais das leis em causa. ",
"Outra objeção ao conectivismo, no mesmo espírito da objeção anterior, é que a dependência dos poderes com relação aos seus portadores particulares faz com que os poderes deixem de existir assim que seus portadores deixam de existir. ",
"E o problema disso é que os cientistas não pensariam que os condicionais subjuntivos dos casos de 34 Se aceitarmos, é claro, que elas são fortemente necessárias. ",
"39 não instanciados deixam de ser verdadeiros apenas porque os particulares que tinham os poderes relevantes para a lei deixaram de existir. ",
"Um condicional subjuntivo que seria feito verdadeiro por uma lei é algo intemporalmente verdadeiro, ou seja, algo que não deixa de ser verdadeiro. ",
"E, portanto, não poderia ser feito verdadeiro por algo que não se encontre em todo o tempo. ",
"Uma lei se encontra em todo o tempo, mas como o conectivista rejeita a existência de leis (ao menos das leis não redutíveis a poderes de particulares), ele só pode apelar aos poderes dos particulares, que por sua vez não existem em todo o tempo, dado que os próprios particulares não existem em todo o tempo.35 Todavia, é argumentável que há um certo tipo de particular que existiria em todo o tempo, a saber, os átomos metafísicos. ",
"Átomos metafísicos seriam particulares indivisíveis que formariam toda a matéria36. ",
"Um conectivista poderia dizer que um particular só deixa de existir quando se transforma em outro particular, e que isso só é possível por algum tipo de combinação das partes do particular em causa. ",
"Assim, se existirem átomos metafísicos, por serem indivisíveis37, não serão formados de partes. ",
"E, consequentemente, não poderiam deixar de existir – se deixar de existir for realmente, como propõe o conectivista, apenas certo tipo de modificação nas relações das partes. ",
"Se esse for o caso, então tal conectivista poderia salvaguardar algumas disposições que existiriam em todo o tempo, dado que seus particulares existiriam em todo o tempo. ",
"Mas poderão as disposições dos átomos metafísicos38 dar conta de todos os 35 O que é desvantajoso é que enquanto o conectivista não puder mostrar quais são os veridadores dos condicionais subjuntivos relevantes, não poderá nos explicar uma característica central das leis científicas, que é a sua contrafactualidade. ",
"A conexão aqui entre leis naturais e leis científicas é que se as disposições dos particulares não puderem dar conta da contrafactualidade que as leis naturais dariam conta, então não poderão dar conta da contrafactualidade de qualquer lei científica, dado que as leis científicas são um espelho das leis naturais, no que diz respeito às propriedades formais. ",
"E os conectivistas, tal como Bird (2007) e Ellis (2009), são conhecidos por tentarem fornecer uma metafísica das ciências. ",
"36 Veja uma discussão sobre a formação da matéria por átomos metafísicos (ou átomos filosóficos, tal como chamados por alguns) e por contínuos, e veja também um pouco sobre o dilema da continuidade da matéria em Cid (2011). ",
"37 Os átomos metafísicos seriam conceitualmente indivisíveis, e não apenas praticamente indivisíveis. ",
"Ou seja, não é o fato de não termos os meios para dividi-los que os torna indivisíveis, mas é antes o fato de eles serem indivisíveis que faz ser impossível de criarmos um meio para dividi-los. ",
"A indivisibilidade conceitual é exigida, além da indivisibilidade prática, pois se algo fosse praticamente indivisível e conceitualmente divisível, então esse algo não serviria ao papel de explicar a continuidade daquilo que ocupa o espaço. ",
"E é justamente para fornecer essa explicação – entre outras – que postulamos átomos metafísicos. ",
"38 Uma observação que devemos fazer aqui é que se começarmos a falar de átomos metafísicos, teremos 40 condicionais subjuntivos verdadeiros? ",
"Como eu disse anteriormente, há um problema sério em particulares conseguirem dar conta da universalidade de uma lei. ",
"Haverá condicionais subjuntivos que nos dirão que certa interação entre dois átomos metafísicos quaisquer terão um certo resultado. ",
"E, como tais condicionais dizem respeito a qualquer átomo metafísico (seja actual ou meramente possível), eles não poderão ser feitos verdadeiros por disposições dos objetos particulares actuais e nem pela conjunção dessas disposições. ",
"No entanto, suponhamos que o problema da universalidade possa ser resolvido. ",
"O conectivista poderia tentar dizer que as partículas do tipo X têm o poder de manifestar F quando interagem com as partículas do tipo Y39 e que as partículas do tipo Y têm o poder de manifestar F quando interagem com as partículas do tipo X, e que não há nada mais para a lei de que XY manifesta F do que esses poderes de X e de Y. O problema de dizer tal coisa é que a manifestação de F estaria sobredeterminada, já que ambas as partículas fariam F ser manifestado. ",
"Uma forma de tentar solucionar tal problema é dizendo que as partículas do tipo X têm o poder de manifestar F1 quando interagem com as partículas do tipo Y, que as partículas do tipo Y têm o poder de manifestar F2 quando interagem com as partículas do tipo X, e que (F1ʌF2)→F. Poderíamos objetar a essa resposta, dizendo que teríamos que explicar, então, como (F1ʌF2)→F; e o conectivista não é capaz de explicar isso sem cair novamente no problema da sobredeterminação ou num regresso ao infinito. ",
"Pois se (F1ʌF2)→F, então: (i) ou F1 está disposto a manifestar F quando estimulado por F2, e F2 está disposto a manifestar F quando estimulado por F1, (ii) ou F1 está disposto a manifestar F3 quando estimulado por F2, F2 está disposto a manifestar F4 quando estimulado por F1, e (F3ʌF4)→F. O caso (i) faria F estar sobredeterminado. ",
"E com relação ao caso (ii), o problema seria ter que explicar a implicação de F3ʌF4 para F, que só seria possível criando um caso como (i), que sobredeterminaria F, ou criando um outro caso como (ii) ad infinitum. ",
"que pensar o Caso da Partícula Fundamental – caso que veremos posteriormente – como um caso em que há tipos diferentes de interação entre o mesmo tipo de partícula, já que se houvesse átomos metafísicos, eles seriam o tipo mais fundamental de partícula. ",
"E seria possível dizer que a diferença entre tipos de partículas existe apenas na medida em que o mesmo tipo de partícula fundamental (os átomos metafísicos) se organiza diferentemente. ",
"39 Ou, alternativamente, no caso do defensor dos átomos metafísicos, quando duas partículas do tipo X (do tipo átomo metafísico) interagem do modo Y, elas produzem F. 41 Se assim for o caso que as razões negativas do anti-realista não podem ser sustentadas, dado que é possível um realismo que escape do dilema central, e se as razões positivas do anti-realista não puderem ser sustentadas, dado que o anti-realista não conseguiu estabelecer razões suficientes para a preferência de uma metafísica dos poderes frente a uma metafísica das leis e estruturas, não teremos razões para preferir uma metafísica dos poderes. ",
"Se for o caso que uma metafísica das leis naturais é preferível – e pretendo já ter fornecido algumas razões e fornecer mais algumas nas seções seguintes – estará plenamente justificada a nossa investigação a seguir das teorias das leis. ",
"42 2. ",
"O Regularismo: anti-realismo contingencialista Como pretendemos ter mostrado anteriormente, não importa para o regularismo se ele é considerado como uma forma de realismo ou como uma forma de anti-realismo. ",
"Aqui nós o consideraremos como uma forma de anti-realismo das leis, pois suas razões para negar a existência de leis substantivistas se fundam em motivações anti-realistas. ",
"Se quiséssemos tomá-lo na classificação latina utilizada para os substantivismos, poderíamos considerá-lo como um tipo de teoria das leis post rem, leis que são posteriores às coisas particulares e dependentes destas. ",
"Há duas formas principais de regularismo: o ingênuo e o sofisticado. ",
"O regularista ingênuo nos diz que (Armstrong, 1983, p. 12, tradução): p é um enunciado de lei sse 1. ",
"p é quantificado universalmente, 2. ",
"p é verdadeiro em todo tempo e lugar, 3. ",
"p é logicamente contingente e 4. ",
"p contém apenas predicados empíricos não locais, além dos conectivos lógicos e quantificadores. ",
"Ou seja, \"p\" é o enunciado de uma lei da natureza se e só se exprimir uma regularidade humeana. ",
"E a forma lógica da regularidade humeana é \" x (Fx∀ →Gx)\". ",
"Por sua vez, o regularista sofisticado tende a ser mais específico e nos diz que p é um enunciado de uma lei da natureza se e só se exprimir um certo tipo de regularidade humeana. ",
"A principal distinção entre os diferentes regularismos sofisticados é no tipo de regularidade humeana que eles identificam com as leis. ",
"David Lewis (1973), por exemplo, reconhecido regularista sofisticado, sustenta que as leis da natureza são apenas as regularidades humeanas que têm mais força nos melhores sistemas dedutivos para os fatos do nosso mundo. ",
"Uma regularidade humeana seria expressa por uma proposição geral intemporalmente verdadeira, como \"nenhuma pepita de ouro é maior que 1km3\" (ou, alternativamente, na forma condicional: \"se algo é uma pepita de ouro, então não é maior que 1km3\") – supondo que intemporalmente não há pepitas de ouro maiores que 1km3. ",
"Para o regularista ingênuo, se algo é uma regularidade humiana, ou seja, se algo é 43 uma proposição geral condicional e intemporalmente verdadeira, esse algo é uma lei da natureza. ",
"Essa posição se chama \"regularismo ingênuo\" porque sua aceitação sem mais restrições gera uma série de problemas bem conhecidos. ",
"Problemas do Regularismo Ingênuo: Confirmabilidade Um deles é que não podemos substituir \"é uma lei que\" por \"é uma regularidade humeana que\", pois a implicação material tem consequências que \"ser uma lei\" não tem (Armstrong, 1983, p. 41-46). ",
"Por exemplo, enquanto \" x (Fx∀ →Gx)\" é confirmada por casos em que ~Fa&~Ga e em que ~Fa&Ga, tais casos não confirmam a lei de que Fs são Gs. ",
"Por exemplo, \"para todo x, se x é corvo, x é preto\" é verdadeira em (e, por isso, é confirmada por) casos em que algo é não preto e não corvo (como quando algo é um sapato e é branco) e por casos em que algo é um não corvo e é preto (como quando algo é um sapato e é preto). ",
"No entanto, se for uma lei que todos os corvos são pretos, tal lei não seria confirmada por sapatos pretos ou brancos, dado que se algo confirma uma lei, então a lei explica esse algo; e, se sapatos pretos e brancos confirmassem a lei de que todos os corvos são pretos, então a lei de que todos os corvos são pretos explicaria o fato de que esses sapatos são pretos/brancos – o que não é o caso. ",
"Problemas do Regularismo Ingênuo: Regularidades Acidentais como Leis Outro desses problemas é que o regularista ingênuo, como diz que todas as regularidades humeanas são leis naturais, tem de tomar muitas regularidades que não gostaríamos como leis da natureza. ",
"Por exemplo, se toda pepita de ouro é intemporalmente menor que 1km3, então é uma lei da natureza que se algo é uma pepita de ouro, então é menor que 1km3. ",
"O problema aqui é que não quereríamos tomar isso como uma lei da natureza, pois não há impossibilidade alguma em haver uma pepita de ouro maior que 1km3. ",
"No entanto, o regularista teria de tomá-lo como uma lei da natureza, pois é uma regularidade humeana que não há intemporalmente uma pepita de ouro maior que 1km3. ",
"Outros exemplos deste mesmo problema são expostos por Armstrong. ",
"Um deles 44 (Armstrong, 1983, pp. ",
"14-15) seria o das uniformidades singulares, que são regularidades humeanas que só podem ser instanciadas por um único indivíduo particular: para todo indivíduo, se este indivíduo possui uma conjunção individuadora de propriedades F40 (que só ele e mais nenhum outro particular tem), então ele possui uma outra propriedade G (que não é F nem parte de F e que de fato esse particular tem). ",
"Por exemplo: para todo indivíduo, se ele possui uma conjunção individuadora de propriedades que o faz ser o Rodrigo Cid, então ele é filósofo. ",
"Certamente esse enunciado é verdadeiro, pois eu sou o único indivíduo que satisfaço a conjunção individuadora em questão e sou filósofo. ",
"E ele é verdadeiro em todos os tempos, pois sempre que eu tenho a conjunção de átomos que forma Rodrigo Cid agora, eu também sou filósofo. ",
"E, assim, deveria ser uma lei da natureza à luz do regularismo ingênuo. ",
"No entanto, não estaríamos satisfeitos de tomar tais uniformidades singulares como leis da natureza. ",
"Ainda outro dos exemplos de Armstrong (1983, p. 17) de regularidades que não gostaríamos de tomar como leis naturais, mas que teríamos que fazê-lo, se aceitássemos o regularismo ingênuo, são as uniformidades locais. ",
"Um exemplo de uniformidade local seria: para todo x, se x for uma pessoa e estiver numa certa sala b (identificada em termos apenas de propriedades universais categóricas), então ele usa relógio de pulso. ",
"Se todas as pessoas que estivessem na sala b estivessem usando relógio de pulso, essa regularidade seria verdadeira em todo o tempo, se supuséssemos que nenhuma pessoa sem relógio de pulso entrou ou entrará em tal sala. ",
"No entanto, ela não seria uma lei natural, dado que não há razões para pensarmos que se uma pessoa sem relógio de pulso tivesse entrado nessa sala, ela estaria usando um relógio de pulso. ",
"Se pensássemos que essa regularidade local é uma lei natural, diria o objetor do regularismo, então num mundo possível em que uma pessoa sem relógio entra na sala, ela passa a utilizar relógio de pulso. ",
"Contudo, esse tipo de cenário é um tanto improvável: relógios de pulso não aparecem no pulso das pessoas simplesmente porque elas entraram numa sala, e pessoas não são impedidas naturalmente de entrar em salas por não estarem usando relógios de pulso. ",
"O regularista não consegue distinguir esse tipo de regularidade das 40 Vale a pena indicar que as únicas propriedades que Armstrong aceita como propriedades genuínas e que poderiam fazer parte de uma conjunção individuadora são propriedades não locais, como forma, tamanho e organização dos constituintes – as quais ele chama de \"propriedades categóricas\". ",
"45 regularidades que gostaríamos de tomar como leis – diria seu objetor. ",
"Mas deveria o regularista reconhecer que tais regularidades – a do tamanho das pepitas de ouro, as uniformidades singulares e as uniformidades locais – são meramente acidentais e distingui-las das leis? ",
"O regularista, como aceita o contingencialismo, não reconhece desde o princípio que haja alguma necessidade no mundo. ",
"Ele não vê uma fronteira metafísica substancial entre algo ser uma regularidade acidental e algo ser uma lei. ",
"Tal como Mumford (2004) nos alerta, as leis do regularista não expressam qualquer necessidade e, portanto, não estabelecem nenhuma impossibilidade, pois o que ele pretende é justamente eliminar a necessidade, dada a sua aceitação do contingencialismo41. ",
"Nós só esperamos que as leis estabeleçam impossibilidades ou expressem necessidades, pois implicitamente aceitamos o necessitarismo, diria o regularista; e não podemos pressupor o necessitarismo para argumentar contra o contingencialismo. ",
"Na medida em que o regularista rejeita que haja conexões necessárias, suas leis não estabelecem nenhuma necessidade e, portanto, nenhuma impossibilidade. ",
"E, se for assim, elas também não servem como princípio de explicação para as coisas particulares serem de um modo, e não de outro, e nem servem como veridadores de condicionais contrafactuais. ",
"Pois para explicar por que algo é de um modo, e não de outro, temos de mostrar por que algo não poderia ser de outros modos; e as leis regularistas, como não fazem com que algo não possa ser de outro modo, não podem explicar por que algo é de um modo, e não de outro. ",
"E por que para fazer verdadeiro um condicional contrafactual, uma lei precisaria ter influência em outros mundos possíveis, coisa que as leis regularistas não têm, já que são apenas as regularidades do mundo actual. ",
"O ponto aqui é que de nada adianta indicar as características das leis regularistas como se isso fosse uma crítica. ",
"Pois o regularista, para ser consistente com seu contingencialismo, tem de aceitar que as suas leis são exatamente como seus críticos indicam. ",
"O problema que tudo isso põe ao regularista é que, enquanto ele aceita que certas proposições contingentes (como as que indicamos nessa seção) são leis, ele se afasta das ciências, que rejeita que tais proposições sejam leis naturais. ",
"41 De fato, David Lewis (1986) tenta eliminar toda a modalidade por meio da noção de verdade em um (possibilidade) ou todos (necessidade) os mundos possíveis. ",
"46 Problemas do Regularismo Ingênuo: Leis Não Regularistas Um outro problema é que o regularista não consegue dizer que certas leis científicas expressam leis naturais. ",
"O problema disso é que o regularismo se afasta de uma de suas motivações centrais, que é ser compatível com as ciências. ",
"As ciências aceitam e postulam muitas das leis probabilísticas e funcionais, e nada nas ciências as impede de futuramente postular leis espaço-temporalmente restritas (Armstrong, 1983; Mumford, 2004). ",
"Se o regularismo nos diz que pelo menos certas leis científicas – como as citadas neste parágrafo – não são e nem podem ser leis naturais, então ele se torna incompatível com pelo menos parte das ciências. ",
"Vejamos cada caso por vez. ",
"A física contemporânea nos diz que há leis irredutivelmente probabilísticas. ",
"Leis irredutivelmente probabilísticas são leis que contêm algum elemento irredutivelmente probabilístico – como a taxa de decaimento radioativo de uma partícula elementar, que é dada em termos de meia-vida (i.e., a propriedade da partícula de ter 50% de chance de decair num certo período de tempo, que é uma propriedade irredutivelmente probabilística). ",
"Um primeiro problema é que uma lei probabilística não parece poder ser expressa por meio de \" x (Fx∀ →Gx)\". ",
"Porém, um regularista poderia dizer que (Armstrong, 1983, pp. ",
"32-33) se Fs têm a probabilidade Y de serem Gs, isso poderia ser expresso como \"para todo x, se x tem a propriedade F, então x tem a propriedade C (propriedade de ter uma chance C de ser um G, tal que C=Y)\": x (Fx∀ →Cx). ",
"Isso resolveria o problema de expressão das leis probabilísticas pelo regularismo. ",
"Contudo, postularia a propriedade de ter uma certa chance objetiva. ",
"Tal propriedade seria contra o espírito regularista humeano na medida em que as chances são propriedades tão misteriosas quanto a necessidade natural que eles querem evitar. ",
"Enquanto não se efetivam, as chances objetivas não podem ser identificadas com nenhuma propriedade categórica observável das coisas, e acabam por terem de permanecer nas coisas como poderes puros [bare powers]. ",
"E, depois que se efetivam, tais propriedades, como a de ter uma chance C (onde 0>C>1) de ser um G, ou passam a ser a propriedade de ter chance 1 de ser um G, ou tornam-se a propriedade de ser um G. Seja o que for que aconteça, o regularista deve fornecer uma explicação de como ocorre a relação entre a propriedade de ter uma chance de ser um G e a propriedade de ser um G sem abandonar o espírito 47 humiano do regularismo. ",
"Se ele não conseguir fazer isso – e está longe de estar claro como ele poderia fazer isso – então não poderá aceitar a existência de leis probabilísticas.42 As leis funcionais, se existirem, também são problemáticas para o regularista. ",
"Elas são leis em que um valor ou qualidade varia em função de outro valor ou qualidade, como, por exemplo, \"F=ma\" (Mumford, 2004, p. 38). ",
"Para cada valor possível para \"m\" e para \"a\", obtemos um valor possível para \"F\". ",
"Mas nem todos os valores possíveis de \"m\" e de \"a\" estão instanciados (já que os números são infinitos). ",
"Assim, a lei funcional teria valores não instanciados. ",
"Como o regularista só pode se fundamentar nas regularidades humeanas ocorridas no mundo, ele não terá como dizer qual valor teremos nos casos em que as propriedades não estão instanciadas. ",
"Tal como nos lembra Armstrong (1983, pp. ",
"37-38), várias funções diferentes poderiam nos fornecer os mesmos valores para as propriedades instanciadas e diferentes valores para as propriedades não instanciadas, e o regularista não teria como escolher entre essas diversas funções ou teria que escolher todas. ",
"As duas opções são problemáticas, pois se não escolhemos nenhuma, caímos no problema de não conseguirmos tomar algumas leis científicas como leis naturais; e, se escolhemos todas, escolheremos entre elas algumas funções que são inconsistentes entre si. ",
"As leis espaço-temporalmente restritas, leis que regem as coisas apenas em certos lugares ou certos tempos, se existirem, exemplificam também algumas leis que não poderiam ser tomadas como leis naturais pelos regularistas (Armstrong, 1983, pp. ",
"24-25). ",
"Podemos supor, por exemplo, que o sal só se dissolveu em água até o ano 2100 e que depois parou de se dissolver. ",
"Nesse caso, a regularidade de que o sal se dissolve em água seria temporalmente restrita. ",
"O regularista não seria apto a tomar essa regularidade temporalmente restrita como uma lei, já que suas leis são apenas expressas por proposições gerais intemporalmente verdadeiras e que essa regularidade é expressa por uma proposição geral que em certos tempos é verdadeira e que é falsa em outros.43 É 42 Esta é apenas uma conhecida razão para rejeitarmos o regularismo ingênuo. ",
"No entanto, é deveras problemático se devemos aceitar ou rejeitar a possibilidade de leis probabilísticas. ",
"Eu estou tendendo para a rejeição de tais entidades, mas não tenho espaço ou tempo o suficiente para investigar essa questão aqui nesta dissertação. ",
"Portanto, prefiro não falar sobre leis probabilísticas aqui. ",
"No caso de haver leis probabilísticas, acredito que seria possível uma revisão da tese aqui exposta para abarcá-las. ",
"43 É possível também construirmos um exemplo análogo, mas levando o espaço em consideração em vez do tempo; e é isso que fez Tooley (1977, 686), ao criar o caso imaginário do Jardim de Smith – o qual 48 claro que podemos tentar argumentar a favor de que não existem e não podem existir leis espaço-temporalmente restritas. ",
"Na verdade, a partir da perspectiva regularista de fato não podem. ",
"Se em algum tempo o sal se dissolveu em água e em outro tempo não, diria o regularista, então não há uma lei sobre a dissolução do sal na água. ",
"O problema aqui é que as ciências poderiam vir a utilizar leis espaço-temporalmente restritas para explicar casos como o do Jardim de Smith (como veremos posteriormente), e o regularismo não seria capaz a priori de expressar tais leis. ",
"Problemas do Regularismo Ingênuo: Leis Não Instanciadas Ainda um outro problema é que o regularismo não lida muito bem com casos em que as propriedades envolvidas numa regularidade não estão instanciadas. ",
"Se aceitamos que x (Fx∀ →Gx) é uma lei, então haverá casos, onde F não é instanciado, em que teremos que aceitar que leis contraditórias são o caso.44 Comecemos do princípio. ",
"Um condicional material é verdadeiro quando ambos antecedente e consequente são verdadeiros ou quando a antecedente é falsa. ",
"Assim, \" x (Fx∀ →Gx)\" seria trivialmente verdadeiro quando \" x ~Fx\" fosse verdadeiro. ",
"E uma condicional material é falsa∀ quando sua antecedente é verdadeira e sua consequente é falsa. ",
"Por exemplo: \"se x é homem, então x é mortal\" é falsa se houver algo que seja um homem e não seja mortal. ",
"E no caso de não haver homens, ela seria verdadeira. ",
"Ou seja, \"se x é F, então x é G\" é falsa apenas se houver algo que é F e não é G. Em todos os outros casos, incluindo o caso de não haver Fs, \"se x é F, então x é G\" não seria falsa (já que sua falsidade exigiria a existência de um indivíduo que é F e não é G) e seria, portanto, verdadeira. ",
"Mas é aqui que as coisas se complicam, pois o que impediria \" x (Fx∀ →~Gx)\" de ser verdadeiro no caso de não haver Fs? ",
"Armstrong (1983, pp. ",
"19-20) nos diz que o transcrevi mais a frente nesta dissertação. ",
"44 As leis contraditórias seriam expressas por x (Fx∀ →Gx) e x (Fx∀ →~Gx). ",
"É argumentável que essas leis não são contraditórias, dado que para derivarmos uma contradição dessas duas proposições, precisamos de uma instância de F. Num mundo em que não há instâncias de F, não podemos derivar uma contradição. ",
"Mesmo assim, teremos dois problemas: tomar ambas as proposições como verdadeiras vai contra o espírito regularista de abstrair as leis a partir das instâncias, e tomar ambas as proposições como verdadeiras é acreditar que se algo fosse F, ele seria ambos G e ~G. E isto seria um tanto problemático na medida que é crer numa regra que instanciaria uma contradição. ",
"Tendo feito essa ressalva, falaremos no resto desta dissertação de x (Fx∀ →Gx) e x (Fx∀ →~Gx) como contraditórias nesse sentido. ",
"49 regularista não tem recursos para impedir a si mesmo, na ausência de Fs, de contar ambas x (Fx∀ →Gx) e x (Fx∀ →~Gx) como expressando leis, já que, por não haver Fs, não há um F que não seja G (que faria \" x (Fx∀ →Gx)\" ser falsa) e nem há um F que seja G (que faria \" x (Fx∀ →~Gx)\" ser falsa). ",
"Este é um problema sério para o regularista, pois o faz rever qual a natureza da conexão entre Fs e Gs.45 Uma das respostas a esse problema é dizer que se há alguma propriedade intemporalmente não instanciada, então x ~Fx seria uma regularidade humeana e,∀ portanto, sob a perspectiva do regularista ingênuo, seria também uma lei. ",
"E se x ~Fx∀ é uma lei, a existência de Fs não ocorre. ",
"E, como não há leis sobre propriedades que não são instanciadas, não há lei alguma sobre Fs, no caso de intemporalmente não haver Fs. ",
"Essa resposta é estranha na medida em que x ~Fx é equivalente a ~Ǝx Fx e que ~Ǝx∀ Fx diz respeito a Fs. ",
"Além disso, as ciências aceitam leis sobre propriedades intemporalmente não instanciadas – como por exemplo as leis de Newton, como valores de leis funcionais etc. ",
"Assim, se o regularista quisesse se adequar às ciências, teria de tomar as leis de propriedades não instanciadas como a conjunção de x ~Fx e x∀ ∀ (Fx→Gx), e excluindo x (Fx∀ →~Gx). ",
"E isso lhe seria problemático, pois o faria ir contra o seu espírito humiano de abstrair as leis a partir das instâncias. ",
"No entanto, há uma outra saída para o regularista, a saber, modificar a forma da regularidade que será considerada lei, exigindo um importe existencial. ",
"Por exemplo (Armstrong, 1983, p. 20), pode-se tentar trocar \" x (Fx∀ →Gx)\" por \"Ǝx (Fx) ʌ x∀ (Fx→Gx)\", o que faria não haver lei no caso de não haver Fs. ",
"O problema aqui é que isso nos privaria de falar de casos em que há a lei, mas não há aquilo sob o qual versa a lei – como o caso em que existe a lei de que o sal se dissolve em água, em que intemporalmente não existe sal e em que o sal seria possível de existir e se dissolveria em água. ",
"O regularismo tem um problema geral com contrafactuais, pois, como suas leis não têm necessidade alguma, também não têm força contrafactual alguma. ",
"Toda 45 Poderíamos pensar que a teoria dos mundos possíveis de David Lewis (1986) fosse ajudar neste caso. ",
"Mas tal teoria só poderia ajudar se o regularista tomasse as leis como \"□ x (Fx∀ →Gx)\", e não como \" x (Fx→Gx)\". ",
"Pois nesse caso, poderíamos dizer que a lei é verdadeira quando todas as instâncias∀ de Fs em todos os mundos possíveis são também Gs. ",
"Mas as leis do regularista diferem em cada mundo possível, sendo por sua vez contingentes. ",
"x (Fx→Gx) é uma lei no mundo actual, e não é∀ uma lei em alguns outros mundos possíveis. ",
"Por isso, o regularista não pode dizer que \" x∀ (Fx→Gx)\" é verdade no mundo actual em virtude de fatos com relação a outros mundos possíveis. ",
"50 necessidade e contrafactualidade seria determinada por leis lógicas.46 Assim, o regularista estaria comprometido a falar que os contrafactuais de casos de não instanciados não são verdadeiros. ",
"O problema de o regularista falar tal coisa é que isso seria contra a sua própria motivação de dar conta também das leis científicas, que têm certa força contrafactual. ",
"Problemas do Regularismo Ingênuo: Impossibilidade, Contrafactualidade e Indução Um outro problema da relação entre regularismo e propriedades não instanciadas é que uma mera possibilidade física que intemporalmente não ocorre deve ser entendida pelo regularista, segundo o objetor, como uma impossibilidade física, pois tudo que é intemporalmente verdadeiro para o regularista é uma lei (Armstrong, 1983, pp. ",
"17-19). ",
"Por exemplo, é fisicamente possível que exista uma pepita de ouro de mais de um quilômetro cúbico, embora sua existência nunca tenha sido observada – e, por bem do argumento, suponha que intemporalmente não existe tal pepita. ",
"Como intemporalmente não existe tal pepita de ouro, seria uma lei que não existe tal pepita; e, portanto, seguirse-ia daí que a sua existência seria impossível – no sentido em que \"~N\" é impossível quando \"N\" é uma lei47. ",
"Assim, o regularista ingênuo teria de dizer que não pode haver possibilidades físicas não realizadas, ou seja, todas as possibilidades físicas seriam aquelas realizadas. ",
"Porém já vimos como o regularista poderia responder a isso. ",
"As leis do regularista não envolvem nenhuma necessidade e, portanto, não envolvem nenhuma impossibilidade. ",
"E, assim, não seria verdade que de uma falsidade intemporal se seguiria uma impossibilidade. ",
"O regularista, por ser contingencialista, nega que haja conexões necessárias na natureza; e, portanto, o fato de nunca ter ocorrido P não faz 46 E geralmente, tal como faz o conhecido regularista David Lewis (1986), até mesmo essa necessidade lógica é reduzida à verdade em todos os mundos [logicamente] possíveis. ",
"Na verdade, o regularista e realista modal pode aceitar que a contrafactualidade se dá por relações de proximidade entre mundos, e que um mundo é mais próximo do outro quando têm as mesmas leis. ",
"O problema dessa resposta é que é completamente arbitrário para o regularista por que um mundo com as mesmas leis e diferentes particulares é mais próximo do nosso do que um mundo com os mesmos particulares e diferentes leis – já que o regularista é um nominalista – seja se aceitamos uma teoria da identidade transmundial, seja se aceitamos uma teoria das contrapartes. ",
"47 Conforme eu indiquei anteriormente, o sentido em que as leis são necessárias e em que, portanto, elas tornam suas negações impossíveis, é um assunto que deve ser tratado separadamente. ",
"51 com que a ocorrência de P seja impossível – na verdade, nada o faz a não ser a necessidade lógica (que seria expressa em termos de verdade em todos os mundos logicamente possíveis). ",
"E a necessidade amplamente lógica é a única necessidade que o regularista está intitulado a aceitar. ",
"Dessa forma, não há nenhum problema de o regularista ter de tomar falsidades intemporais como impossibilidades lógicas. ",
"O problema que há é de o regularismo não poder se adequar à característica modal, que certas leis científicas, quando expressam leis naturais, têm, de tornar certas ocorrências impossíveis – como as leis tornando impossível a aceleração de um móvel em movimento para uma velocidade superior a da luz – ou de tornar certas afirmações contrafactuais verdadeiras – como a afirmação de que se eu tivesse colocado este sal nesta água, ele teria se dissolvido. ",
"E isso é problemático na medida em que é uma motivação do regularismo ser compatível com as ciências. ",
"Isso nos leva a um outro desafio para o regularismo, que é explicar como os condicionais contrafactuais – p. ex., \"",
"se este sal tivesse sido colocado naquela água, terse-ia dissolvido\" – seriam verdadeiros. ",
"Isso é problemático, pois as ciências, quando investigam leis, querem descobrir padrões que sustentem condicionais contrafactuais (e condicionais subjuntivos em geral), e as leis regularistas não parecem poder sustentar contrafactuais. ",
"Repare: suponhamos que b, que não é F, se fosse F, seria um G. A regularidade de que todos os Fs são Gs não sustenta tal contrafactual. ",
"Por exemplo, se todas as pessoas que estão numa sala estão usando relógio de pulso, caso João, que não entrou na sala, entrasse na sala, ele não passaria a estar usando relógio de pulso só porque as pessoas que estão na sala estão usando. ",
"O ponto principal parece ser que se supusermos que b, que não é de fato um F, é um F, então o regularismo não terá como dizer que ele tem de também ser um G, dado que eles pensam não haver nenhuma necessidade entre os estados de coisas de b ser um F e b ser um G. E ainda outro problema é que na medida em que as regularidades humeanas não podem sustentar contrafactuais, elas também perdem seu poder de fundamentar a racionalidade da indução. ",
"Se Armstrong (1983, p. 52) estiver certo, o regularismo tem de se comprometer com o ceticismo indutivo, ou seja, se as leis forem concebidas como regularidades humeanas, o regularista não poderá tomar a indução como racional. ",
"Pois se as leis são regularidades humeanas, elas são apenas a conjunção das manifestações 52 observadas e não observadas. ",
"E como nós temos apenas o conhecimento das manifestações observadas (que, portanto, não é conhecimento da lei) a inferência sobre objetos não observados a partir dos observados no regularismo será irracional, pois não contará com nenhum objeto intermediário – já que não podemos ter conhecimento da lei quando não temos o conhecimento de todos os casos em qualquer ponto do espaçotempo – que permita a inferência racional do observado para o não observado. ",
"Algo só pode contar como uma lei para o regularista se ele souber também as manifestações não observadas, coisa que ele não pode saber e que, assim, o previne de usar as leis no raciocínio. ",
"Além disso, ele não pode inferir por indução que há uma lei, pois o fato de haver muitas instâncias de Fs que são Gs não pode, para o regularista, mostrar que há uma certa necessidade entre algo ser um F e algo ser um G. Teorias mais substantivas das leis, contudo, conseguem explicar a racionalidade da indução dizendo que partimos de regularidades observadas e, por inferência para a melhor explicação a partir dessas regularidades, concluímos a existência de leis, que permitem uma inferência dedutiva de predição condicional (se algo é um F, então será um G) para o não observado.48 Passando ao Regularismo Sofisticado Enfim, todos esses problemas tornam o regularismo ingênuo não tão crível. ",
"Seus problemas com relação à forma da regularidade nos mostram que talvez haja algo de errado em pensar que uma lei é exprimível por meio de uma simples condicional material universal. ",
"Com relação à aceitação de que regularidades que parecem acidentais são leis, o problema que isso traz ao regularismo é que o afasta da compatibilidade com as leis científicas, compatibilidade esta que é uma das motivações centrais de tal teoria. ",
"Pois certamente as ciências distinguem suas leis de regularidades meramente acidentais. ",
"Afinal, como nos lembra Mumford (2004), as ciências descobrem leis por meio de métodos que visam apreender as conexões necessárias49 excluindo as contingências – como quando, por exemplo, realizam testes sob várias 48 Embora o problema da racionalidade da indução e outros problemas epistêmicos com relação às leis naturais sejam muito interessantes, eles ficarão fora do escopo deste texto, para não nos desviar do nosso enfoque, que são os problemas metafísicos com relação às leis naturais. ",
"49 Ao menos uma necessidade fraca dos mundos fisicamente possíveis. ",
"53 condições diferentes para verem se uma certa regularidade se mantém em todas essas condições. ",
"Os problemas do regularismo ingênuo costumam nos mostrar que ele é indefensável, caso suas motivações sejam respeitadas. ",
"E fazem com que a maioria dos regularistas não se sinta satisfeito em aceitar o regularismo ingênuo. ",
"Tais teóricos sofisticam a teoria, dizendo que uma lei da natureza é um tipo de regularidade humeana. ",
"Por exemplo, Lewis nos diz que (1973, p. 73, tradução): Uma generalização contingente é uma lei da natureza se, e só se, aparece como um teorema (ou axioma) em cada um dos sistemas dedutivos verdadeiros que alcança uma melhor combinação de simplicidade e força. ",
"Do mesmo modo, uma generalização é uma lei em um mundo i se, e só se, aparece como um teorema em cada um dos melhores sistemas dedutivos verdadeiros em i. Há duas formas principais de regularismo sofisticado de acordo com o tipo de restrição que fará uma regularidade humeana ser uma lei: a externalista e a internalista (Armstrong, 1983, p. 62). ",
"A externalista nos diz que uma regularidade humeana é uma lei quando obedece um critério externo à forma ou às propriedades das regularidades. ",
"Por exemplo, uma forma de externalismo nos diz que uma regularidade humeana é uma lei quando nós temos uma certa atitude cognitiva com relação a ela.50 Esse critério é externalista, pois a nossa atitude cognitiva para com relação a uma regularidade é algo externo à própria forma da regularidade e externo às suas propriedades. ",
"Por sua vez, uma teoria internalista nos diz que uma regularidade humeana é uma lei quando obedece a algum critério interno à forma ou às propriedades das regularidades. ",
"Por exemplo, uma forma de internalismo seria dizer que uma regularidade humeana é uma lei quando ela tem a propriedade de ser parte dos melhores sistemas dedutivos verdadeiros. ",
"Armstrong (1983) nos dá razões poderosas contra o uso de critérios externos epistêmicos: eles exigem uma relação epistêmica entre nós e as regularidades humeanas para que estas sejam leis, e isso faria a existência das leis depender da existência da nossa mente. ",
"O que é preocupante, pois isso faz com que o regularista tenha que rejeitar 50 Em princípio logicamente pode haver teorias externalistas não epistêmicas; no entanto, não fomos aptos a pensar em nenhuma. ",
"54 o caráter objetivo e independente das leis, ou seja, o faz ter de crer que se não houvesse humanos, não haveria lei e que quando não havia humanos, não havia leis. ",
"Além disso, o critério externo epistêmico faz com que não haja leis desconhecidas; e certamente, se descobrimos leis, então podem existir leis desconhecidas. ",
"E tal critério não permite que o regularismo expresse os elementos objetivos que nos fazem ter uma certa atitude epistêmica com relação a certo tipo de regularidade. ",
"Por sua vez, há pelo menos duas teorias principais do tipo internalista: a teoria regularista da resiliência e a teoria regularista sistemática. ",
"Essas abordagens, por serem internalistas, indicam por sua vez aspectos objetivos nas estruturas da regularidades humeanas, os quais podem fundamentar a nossa diferença de atitude para com relação a certas regularidades (àquelas que seriam as leis). ",
"A solução regularista da resiliência de propriedades (Armstrong, 1983, pp. ",
"6466) nos diz que F é G de um modo resiliente quando vários Fs diferentes (Fs que são Hs, Fs que são Ks, Fs que são Js etc) são Gs, ou seja, quando Fs são Gs em todas as situações possíveis ou em um certo domínio de situações. ",
"E quando a regularidade humeana de que Fs são Gs é resiliente, então é uma lei que Fs são Gs. ",
"A objeção a esse tipo de resposta regularista é dizer que pode haver leis não resilientes, leis que apenas teriam instâncias em situações muito difíceis de ocorrer (quando elementos muito raros do universo se encontram) e que não se manteriam em outras situações possíveis, e o regularista não pode excluir essa possibilidade a priori. ",
"A única resposta possível para o regularista da resiliência é dizer que uma lei não resiliente é sempre redutível a uma conjunção de leis resilientes. ",
"Mas o problema disso é que parece ser bem provável que as leis que regeram o Big-Bang, se é que houve tal coisa, não sejam lá muito resilientes, já que elas são tais que produziram o Big-Bang apenas em condições bem específicas; condições estas que, se tivessem sido ligeiramente diferentes, não permitiriam o BigBang. ",
"Como tais leis regeriam as variáveis mais básicas do nosso universo, se elas fossem não resilientes (já que o Big-Bang não teria sido formado, caso estivéssemos em situações possíveis levemente alteradas), tal como propõe a nossa melhor teoria, tais leis não poderiam ser redutíveis a uma conjunção de leis resilientes. ",
"Podemos reformular um exemplo mais claro, embora não tão perfeito, com uma caixa de fósforos. ",
"Digamos que há uma lei que nos diz que quando riscamos o palito com cabeça de pólvora com 55 certa força na caixa de fósforo, a cabeça do palito queima. ",
"Mas a suposta lei não se mantém em baixo d'água, não se mantém no espaço sideral, não se mantém em ambientes sem oxigênio etc., ",
"de modo que não é uma lei muito resiliente. ",
"O ponto fundamental dessa crítica, como já dissemos anteriormente, é que a teoria da resiliência elimina a priori a possibilidade de leis não resilientes, e não temos razões independentes para fazer tal coisa. ",
"É claro que o regularista da resiliência poderia tentar utilizar a Objeção da Inclusão, nos dizendo que é sempre possível incluir a condição não resiliente (condição em que a lei não é resiliente) como uma restrição na lei e, assim, torná-la resiliente. ",
"Contudo, o que o regularista não percebe ao falar isso é que essa solução não está disponível para ele, já que as condições não resilientes podem estar não instanciadas, e o regularista não pode utilizar em sua lei algo que não esteja instanciado sem abandonar o espírito humeano que motiva o regularismo. ",
"O Regularismo Sofisticado Sistemático de Lewis Por sua vez, a teoria sistemática nos diz que as leis da natureza são as regularidades humeanas que aparecem como axiomas ou teoremas nos sistemas dedutivos verdadeiros com uma melhor combinação de simplicidade e força (Armstrong, 1983, p. 67). ",
"A teoria regularista de David Lewis (conhecida como a teoria de Mill-Ramsey-Lewis) é um exemplo desse tipo de teoria. ",
"Este pretende que sua teoria tenha algumas vantagens com relação ao regularismo ingênuo e com relação a teorias externalistas (Lewis, 1973, p. 74): 1. ",
"Faz com que as regularidades supostamente acidentais não sejam leis, ao indicar que as leis têm de ter certas relações – que nem todas as regularidades humeanas têm – com outras regularidades para formarem o melhor sistema dedutível possível. ",
"2. ",
"Nos diz por que as leis são contingentes, a saber, por que há mundos logicamente possíveis em que as leis do nosso mundo não se mantém.51 51 Supostamente o regularismo de Lewis consegue explicar tal coisa, pois reduz a necessidade lógica, que é a única necessidade aceita pelo regularista, à verdade em todos os mundos logicamente 56 3. ",
"Explica como podemos saber que algo é uma regularidade humeana e não saber que ela é uma lei, dado que podemos não saber que uma certa regularidade se mantém em todos os melhores sistemas dedutivos verdadeiros. ",
"4. ",
"Fornece objetividade às leis, tornando-as independentes da mente humana, pois ter a propriedade de estar presente como um axioma/teorema nos melhores sistemas dedutivos verdadeiros é uma propriedade que uma regularidade teria independentemente de sabermos que ela a tem. ",
"5. ",
"É compatível com a ciência no ponto de que tanto as leis científicas, quanto as leis regularistas, formam sistemas dedutivos. ",
"6. ",
"Explica por que é difícil estabelecer que algo é uma lei, a saber, por que os próprios conceitos de simplicidade e força e a relação adequada entre eles são padrões difíceis de estabelecer. ",
"Essas supostas vantagens do regularismo de Lewis não são por todos facilmente aceitas. ",
"Mumford (2004, pp. ",
"42-45), por exemplo, se pergunta se 4 realmente pode ser aceito pelo regularista sem violar suas motivações. ",
"Pois se há realmente sistemas dedutivos como partes objetivas do mundo, então caberia ao regularista responder como poderia haver um sistema dedutivo no mundo sem que esse sistema seja uma estrutura nomológica modal para o mundo. ",
"E não vemos como o regularista, pelo seu contingencialismo, poderia responder tal coisa. ",
"A não ser, é claro, que ele nos diga que essa estrutura nomológica é meramente lógica. ",
"Porém, mesmo nesse caso, isso ainda atestaria a favor de uma estrutura nomológica para o mundo e, portanto, a favor do realismo das leis (por mais que um realismo das leis meramente lógicas). ",
"Armstrong (1983, pp. ",
"66-73) também apresenta algumas objeções a essa perspectiva. ",
"Uma delas, muito semelhante à de Mumford, é que a demanda por simplicidade e força é um aspecto subjetivista da teoria. ",
"E outra é que nós não temos razões suficientes para pensarmos que a resiliência em sistemas dedutivos verdadeiros com a melhor combinação de simplicidade e força (que é a teoria sistemática) nos indicaria que algo é uma lei. ",
"O regularista poderia querer nos dizer que força e simplicidade são importantes possíveis e toma os mundos logicamente possíveis como mundos metafisicamente possíveis (i.e., os mundos possíveis realmente existentes). ",
"57 para nós ou que o mundo tem essas características em si mesmo. ",
"A primeira resposta faz o regularista sistemático cair no mesmo argumento contra o regularista externalista epistêmico, pois faz com que as leis sejam dependentes da mente. ",
"Enquanto a segunda o comprometeria com fornecer uma abordagem de como e por que o mundo tem a característica de ter sistemas dedutivos com melhores combinações de simplicidade e força, excluindo a existência de uma estrutura nomológica modal. ",
"Além disso, o conjunto das leis naturais poderia, ao menos logicamente, não formar um sistema tão integrado que nos permita construir sistemas dedutivos. ",
"Contra esse tipo de objeção apenas funcionaria o regularista responder que é impossível que os conjuntos de leis naturais não formem sistemas dedutivos. ",
"Essa realmente seria uma boa resposta, pois seu objetor, o substantivista, também acredita que as leis permitem deduções e não gostaria de defender que elas não formam sistemas dedutivos, dado que quer utilizá-las para explicar coisas. ",
"No entanto, não é claro que o regularista possa responder assim, dado que ao menos prima facie não é logicamente impossível que haja leis e elas não formem um sistema dedutivo e dado que o regularista não pode aceitar nenhuma necessidade que não seja a amplamente lógica. ",
"Outros problemas, advindos do fato de a concepção sistemática ser uma forma de regularismo, são, em primeiro lugar, que o regularismo sistemático não consegue escolher entre sistemas inconsistentes entre si com leis funcionais igualmente simples e fortes – como no caso de leis funcionais com alguns valores não instanciados. ",
"Os valores instanciados poderiam ser regidos por várias leis funcionais diferentes e inconsistentes entre si, e o regularista não pode escolher entre elas ou deve escolher todas. ",
"E, em segundo lugar, a teoria sistemática é inapta para traçar a fronteira entre regularidades meramente acidentais e leis. ",
"O que o regularista não deve tomar como um problema, já que ele está disposto a aceitar que as leis não têm o elemento modal que os substantivistas pensam que elas têm, e que as leis são apenas verdades com mais força dentro do sistema dedutivo, embora não sejam diferentes – em tipo – de verdades mais fracas. ",
"Isso não seria de fato um problema para o regularista, mas seria uma implicação de sua teoria, e essa implicação seria inadequada apenas na medida em que torna as leis regularistas incompatíveis com as leis científicas. ",
"Enfim, o que conseguimos perceber foi que as teorias regularistas sofrem de 58 problemas sérios. ",
"A teoria ingênua peca por não conseguir ser compatível com as ciências, por não ter uma boa forma lógica para expressar uma lei e por não lidar bem com casos de propriedades não instanciadas. ",
"E a teorias sofisticadas pecam, umas por inserir um elemento subjetivista nas leis, outras por rejeitar a priori a existência de leis não resilientes e ainda outras por não lidarem bem com casos de propriedades não instanciadas e por utilizarem uma noção ontologicamente obscura de sistema dedutivo e da melhor relação entre simplicidade e força (na formação de um sistema dedutivo). ",
"Isso justifica a nossa investigação de alguma outra forma de teoria que não sofra desses mesmos problemas. ",
"E a que investigaremos agora é justamente um realismo, o realismo necessitarista in rebus. ",
"59 3. ",
"O Substantivismo in rebus de Armstrong: realismo necessitarista imanente O substantivismo in rebus, como exemplificado pela teoria realista de David Armstrong (1983), é a posição metafísica que nos diz que as leis da natureza realmente existem e são relações de necessitação52 entre universais, e que os universais são atributos instanciáveis que são possíveis de serem abstraídos não viciosamente dos estados de coisas actuais. ",
"Ou seja, a partir dos estados de coisas Fa, Fb, Fc etc, abstraímos F, e a partir dos estados de coisas Ga, Gb, Gc, abstraímos G. E a partir de Fa causando Ga, Fb causando Gb, Fe causando Ge, abstraímos a lei N(F,G), em que \"N\" representa a relação de necessitação contingente53 que os universais F e G estabelecem entre si em virtude da qual cada e todas as sequências causais em que Fx causa Gx ocorrem. ",
"A ideia de Armstrong é que apenas conseguimos abstrair F dos estados de coisa em que há F, pois há F em tais estados de coisas; e, por isso que a abstração seria não viciosa. ",
"E tal como Rab seria um estado de coisas de primeira ordem em que dois particulares são relacionados por um universal de primeira ordem, N(F,G) seria um estado de coisas de segunda ordem no qual dois universais são relacionados por um universal de segunda ordem – N(F,G) seria um tipo de estado de coisas, enquanto Fa causando Ga seria uma instância sua. ",
"Leis, Instanciação e Naturalismo A teoria dos universais imanentes de Armstrong nos diz também que todos os universais seguem o princípio da instanciação (1983, p. 82, tradução), PI54: Os universais são governados por um Princípio de Instanciação. ",
"Uma propriedade deve ser uma propriedade de um particular real; uma 52 Ou, no caso de existirem leis probabilísticas, de probabilidade de necessitação (probabilificação) entre universais, tal como propõe Armstrong (1983). ",
"Mas mantenhamos as leis probabilísticas fora do escopo desta dissertação. ",
"53 Relação esta que apenas garante a relação entre as instâncias dos universais no mundo actual. ",
"Esta relação é normalmente distinta da extrema contingência, que não garante nada no mundo actual, e das relações de necessidade forte e fraca, que garantem coisas em outros mundos possíveis. ",
"54 Junto com PI, Armstrong aceita também o Princípio da Rejeição dos Particulares Puros, que nos diz que todo particular tem propriedades. ",
"Não me parece relevante discutir aqui a adequação desse princípio; e, por esta razão, restrinjo-me a falar dele numa nota de rodapé, deixando o texto básico para a discussão do PI. ",
"60 relação deve ser uma relação entre particulares reais. ",
"O que é real, entretanto, não deve ser confinado ao presente. ",
"Eu tomo o passado, o presente e o futuro como igualmente reais. ",
"Um universal não precisa estar instanciado agora. ",
"Os universais de Armstrong são pensados como as características repetíveis do mundo, como aquilo que é o mesmo em cada uma das instâncias55, tomando o mundo como um bloco espaço-temporal. ",
"Ele acredita que o princípio de instanciação é importante, pois acredita que a existência de universais não instanciados atesta contra o naturalismo, pois toma o naturalismo como a tese de que existe apenas o mundo espaço-temporal estudado pelas ciências. ",
"Está longe de ser clara a razão pela qual a existência de universais não instanciados atestaria contra o naturalismo. ",
"Se existem universais não instanciados, então eles – como todas as outras coisas existentes no mundo – fazem parte do mundo natural estudado pelas ciências. ",
"Não há razões para pensarmos que a única maneira de fazer parte do mundo é estando localizado em pontos ou intervalos de espaço-tempo. ",
"Há muitas coisas no mundo que não têm uma localização determinada no espaço-tempo. ",
"Por exemplo, nem o espaço e nem o tempo têm uma localização determinada no espaçotempo. ",
"Além deles, os poderes estão nas coisas sem se localizarem nas coisas. ",
"Os poderes das coisas não são entidades que têm uma posição espacial definida. ",
"Certamente, eles estão nas coisas e as coisas têm tal posição. ",
"Mas os poderes não estão aqui ou lá na coisa; eles estão nas coisas de algum modo diferente do que tendo uma posição nas coisas, pois não há nada que tenha posição espacial na coisa e que seja um poder.56 E a ciência não vê problemas em falar de poderes. ",
"Talvez seja assim que os universais não instanciados estejam no mundo sem se localizar no mundo.57 O ponto é 55 Armstrong (1983, p. 83), ao utilizar essa definição, pensa ter já excluído de bom grado de sua ontologia os universais disjuntivos e negativos. ",
"56 Agradeço a este ponto a uma discussão com os filósofos Sagid Salles, Iago Bozza e Rodrigo Figueiredo – discussão esta em que desenvolvi o conceito de focupar: b focupa o local s1 sse d ocupa s1, b sobrevêm a d e b não ocupa s1. ",
"Focupar uma posição no espaço seria uma forma de existência no mundo diferente de ocupar uma posição no espaço. ",
"57 Se aceitarmos tal coisa, parecerá que teremos o problema de não ser mais tão impactante como um poder existe no mundo sem ocupar uma posição definida do espaço. ",
"Mas se a única forma de compreendermos como um poder existe no mundo for pelo conceito de focupar (definido na nota acima), então ainda será problemático para um defensor de que os poderes são básicos explicar como podem os poderes existir no mundo sem ser ocupando e sem ser focupando (e, obviamente, sem ser qualquer coisa que dependa da existência das propriedades da ocupação do espaço). ",
"O meu objetivo com todo esse exemplo, como vou dizer a seguir, é apenas mostrar que o naturalismo não exige 61 que o naturalismo não exige uma teoria específica sobre como as coisas existem no mundo: se Armstrong pensa que o naturalismo não exige o nominalismo, não está claro por que ele exigiria o princípio de instanciação, dado que é o nominalista que gostaria de fornecer uma teoria em que tudo que existisse fosse ou sobreviesse a particulares concretos localizados no espaço e no tempo. ",
"A única coisa que é exigida pelo naturalismo é que não haja coisas não naturais.58 Outro ponto importante não levado em consideração por Armstrong é que pode haver objetos postulados pelas ciências cujo acesso empírico está conceitualmente impossibilitado às ciências – de modo que a rejeição de não instanciados, se alguém quisesse rejeitá-los, não poderia advir do fato de não termos acesso empírico a universais não instanciados. ",
"Por exemplo, se houver átomos metafísicos (a parte indivisível da matéria)59, então, ao menos prima facie, eles nunca poderão ser alcançados empiricamente por nenhuma forma de microscópio, pois para qualquer coisa visualizada, ela poderia ser menor, de modo que não poderia ser um átomo metafísico, já que algo indivisível não pode ser menor. ",
"Se podemos postular tais objetos – ou mesmo os objetos sem massa postulados por alguns físicos – não há razão para pensarmos que a postulação de leis não instanciadas seria uma afronta ao naturalismo. ",
"Além disso, se até as ciências postulariam leis não instanciadas, como tentaremos mostrar nos Casos de Tooley, Armstrong teria que dizer que algumas ciências são não naturalistas – o que vai patentemente contra a sua motivação de defender um naturalismo conectado às ciências. ",
"Outra motivação de Armstrong para defender o princípio de instanciação é rejeitar a teoria da figuração, cujo corolário nos diz que há uma correspondência entre predicados e propriedades, que a linguagem espelha a realidade. ",
"Nem todos os predicados que formarmos expressarão propriedades, se aceitamos o princípio de instanciação. ",
"Isso é verdade. ",
"Mas há diversas outras razões que não envolvem aceitar PI alguma teoria específica sobre como as coisas existem no mundo. ",
"58 É argumentável que essa concepção de natural, que abarca também os universais não instanciados acaba com a fronteira entre natural e não natural. ",
"A minha resposta a isso é que a fronteira entre o que é natural e o que é não natural não precisa ser traçada entre a materialidade e a imaterialidade, mas pode antes ser traçada entre os domínios não avaliativo e avaliativo. ",
"E, além disso, ele não deve ser traçada entre a materialidade e imaterialidade, pois há muitas coisas imateriais (ou que, pelo menos, parecem imateriais) as quais aceitamos a existência (como poderes, mentes, informações etc). ",
"59 E isso já foi defendido por Newton, entre outros atomistas. ",
"62 para rejeitarmos a teoria da figuração. ",
"Heil (2003), por exemplo, sustenta que devemos abandonar a teoria da figuração, pois ela nos leva a problemas, como a fusão entre proposição (descrição) e estado de coisas (o que é descrito) e a redução ontológica implicar redução analítica. • [",
"Argumento da Fusão entre Descrição e Descrito] \"P\" é verdade em virtude de P. Se \"em virtude de\" for a implicação lógica (entailment), os relata da implicação devem ser representações. ",
"Se for, então teremos que dizer que a proposição \"P\" implica (entail) a verdade de asserções de que P. Mas isso é problemático na medida em que ainda não sabemos o que são proposições e como elas podem fazer verdadeiras as asserções. ",
"Se elas fazem verdadeiras as asserções (por exemplo, se proposições forem estados de coisas ou conjuntos de mundos possíveis), então elas perdem seu caráter de portadoras da verdade e passam a ser os veridadores, pois apenas entidades representacionais podem ter valor de verdade e, se elas são representacionais, elas não podem ser veridadores de representações. ",
"A teoria da figuração nos encoraja a identificar (ou confundir) o que é descrito com a descrição. ",
"Ao abandonarmos a teoria da figuração, conseguimos fazer a distinção entre representação e representado adequadamente. • [",
"Argumento das Reduções Analítica e Ontológica] Se aceitamos que a cada predicação corresponde uma propriedade, do momento que conseguimos reduzir um conceito a outros, isso implicaria que conseguimos reduzir ontologicamente uma entidade a outra. ",
"Isso é problemático em pelo menos dois tipos de casos: na medida em que é possível que haja entidades primitivas que sejam conceitualmente analisáveis em outros termos (como alguns supõem ser o caso da propriedade de ser bom) e na medida em que seja possível uma redução ontológica da realidade, embora não uma redução conceitual (tal como parece ocorrer entre os eventos físicos e os mentais). ",
"Esse último argumento é interessante, pois nos mostra que fazemos duas coisas 63 diferentes ao realizar análise ontológica e análise conceitual. ",
"Eu não estou certo de que todos os argumentos de Heil são bons, mas eles servem ao propósito de nos mostrar que pode haver razões independentes do princípio de instanciação para recusarmos a teoria da figuração, de modo que não precisaríamos rejeitar universais não instanciados para podermos rejeitar a teoria da figuração. ",
"Pois uma teoria de universais não instanciados pode recusar sem problemas que a todo predicado corresponde uma propriedade. ",
"Algumas Características das Leis In Rebus de Armstrong Afora a aceitação do princípio de instanciação por Armstrong – e por qualquer teórico realista necessitarista imanente – sua teoria nos diz que são estados de coisas as relações entre particulares, entre universais e entre ambos – estados de coisas de primeira ordem ou de ordem superior. ",
"Como já aludimos, sua teoria nos diz que (1983, p. 84) uma propriedade universal F é uma abstração não viciosa a partir de todos os estados de coisas em que algum particular tem F e que uma lei da natureza é uma relação empírica (não a priori) irredutível e universal [de segunda ordem] de necessitação contingente entre universais de primeira ordem. ",
"Assim, do mesmo modo como há relações entre particulares, como Rab, haveria relações entre universais, como N(F,G). ",
"Esta última seria a forma de uma lei da natureza para Armstrong (1983, p. 85). \"",
"N\" seria a relação de necessitação contingente que há entre os universais. ",
"Essa relação seria contingente, pois não é logicamente necessária, não é fortemente necessária e nem fracamente necessária, dado que não é implicada pela natureza de nenhuma das propriedades universais de primeira ordem. ",
"Mas ela seria uma relação de necessitação, pois em algum sentido não meramente lógico de necessidade, ela conectaria necessariamente os universais. ",
"Além disso, as leis da natureza, segundo Armstrong, possuiriam as propriedades formais de irreflexividade, não simetria, não transitividade e não contraposição. ",
"Suas razões para pensar que as leis têm tais propriedades são as seguintes. ",
"Ele pensa que não podemos ter leis reflexivas, da forma N(F,F), pois se um universal já existe, ele não pode necessitar a si mesmo, já que não há nada que a existência (ou instanciação) de F possa fazer que torne necessário que F exista (ou seja instanciado). ",
"As leis também 64 seriam não simétricas, pois de N(F,G) não se pode implicar que N(G,F), como podemos ver a partir da suposta lei de que os corvos são pretos: dela não podemos concluir por simetria que tudo que é preto é um corvo. ",
"E nem seriam transitivas, já que se as leis fossem transitivas, então de ser uma lei que N(F,G) e que N(G,H), poderíamos concluir que é uma lei que N(F,H); mas se N(F,H) também fosse uma lei, então quando algo for um F, que ele seja também um H estará sobredeterminado. ",
"Assim, é certamente verdade que N(F,G) e N(G,H) implicam logicamente que x (Fx∀ →Hx) – no sentido em que N(F,G) e N(G,H) não podem ser o caso sem que x (Fx∀ →Hx) seja verdade; mas disso não se segue que N(F,H). ",
"E, finalmente, as leis não contraporiam, ou seja, de ser uma lei que N(F,G) não poderíamos concluir que é uma lei que N(~G,~F), pois não haveria universais negativos; embora certamente pudéssemos concluir que de N(F,G) que x(~Gx∀ →~Fx). ",
"A Explicação da Regularidade Uma vantagem com relação ao regularismo é que N(F,G) é diferente de e implica logicamente que x (Fx∀ →Gx). ",
"Por isso, diferentemente do regularismo, o substantivismo pode nos mostrar o que fundamenta a regularidade de que x∀ (Fx→Gx), pois ele nos diz que (N(F,G)→( x (Fx∀ →Gx))). ",
"Mas como devemos entender essa implicação que a lei tem com relação à regularidade? ",
"Sua resposta é nos dizer que a lei, como é uma relação universal entre universais, tem a vantagem de servir de explicação para a causalidade no mundo, pois poderemos explicar por que Fa causou Ga ao falarmos que N(F,G): é a propriedade F, que está nas coisas, que têm uma relação de necessitação nômica com a propriedade G, que também está nas coisas. ",
"E, como elas estão nas coisas, as coisas devem também instanciar todas as relações que suas propriedades têm. ",
"A ideia de Armstrong é que, tal como Rab é uma relação universal entre dois particulares, que forma um estado de coisas particular60, N(F,G) é uma relação universal de segunda ordem com dois universais de primeira ordem, que forma um universal de primeira ordem. ",
"Como os universais de primeira ordem são os que entram em relações 60 Armstrong usa aqui um princípio, chamado por ele de \"Vitória da Particularidade\", que nos diz que um universal junto com um particular nos dá um particular. ",
"65 de segunda ordem, ao entrar nessas relações, eles são considerados particulares, mas de segunda ordem. ",
"Particulares de segunda ordem (que são universais de primeira ordem tomados como particulares quando relacionados) são objetos que têm instâncias, e todas as suas instâncias, particulares de primeira ordem, têm as mesmas relações que os universais que eles instanciam, já que os universais existem somente nas coisas. ",
"Assim, a implicação de N(F,G) para x (Fx∀ →Gx) se dá pelo fato de que em cada estado de coisa em que algo é um F, ele também é um G, em virtude de os universais F e G que estão em contato com cada um dos objetos particulares dos estados de coisas terem uma relação de necessitação entre eles. ",
"É em virtude dessa necessitação entre os universais F e G que o estado de coisas particular Fa causa o estado de coisas particular Ga, que Fb causa Gb, que Fc causa Gc, e assim por diante.61 Contingência e Contrafactualidade Outras virtudes do substantivismo com relação ao regularismo (que é a principal teoria das leis opositora às duas formas de substantivismo) são que, em primeiro lugar, ele é capaz de distinguir acidentes de leis. ",
"Isso, como vimos, não é realmente uma vantagem, mas é antes uma implicação benéfica da teoria, já que nosso senso comum e as ciências aceitam alguma distinção entre acidentes e não acidentes. ",
"Em segundo lugar, supostamente, o substantivismo in rebus pode explicar o caráter modal das leis de sustentarem condicionais subjuntivos (Armstrong, 1983, p. 103). ",
"Mas por que supostamente? ",
"As leis do substantivista in rebus sustentariam contrafactuais e outros condicionais subjuntivos, pois seriam relações de necessitação entre universais. ",
"Mas quando Armstrong assume que as leis, embora sejam relações de necessitação, são contingentes – não sendo nem fortemente necessárias e nem fracamente necessárias (1983, cap. ",
"11) –, ele faz com que suas leis não possam sustentar todas as situações contrafactuais em que estão instanciadas as propriedades envolvidas na lei. ",
"Pois, se as leis são contingentes, não sendo nem fracamente necessárias, então há ao menos duas situações possíveis, tais que nelas há instâncias dos universais presentes na lei, e tal que numa delas a lei se mantém e na outra a lei não se mantém. ",
"E essa 61 No entanto, vale notar que a partir de x (Fx∀ →Gx) não podemos inferir que N(F,G), já que poderia ser meramente um acidente que x (Fx∀ →Gx). ",
"66 situação possível em que ela não se mantém, embora estejam instanciadas as propriedades que ela versa, faria com que não pudéssemos dizer que N(F,G) sustenta que em qualquer situação contrafactual a partir do nosso mundo em que algo seja um F, esse algo seria também um G. Assim, seria muito duvidoso que leis contingentes (que também não fossem nem fracamente necessárias) pudessem fundamentar a contrafactualidade. ",
"Essa é a razão do \"supostamente\". ",
"O problema principal para o substantivista in rebus aqui não é apenas a aceitação da tese da contingência das leis, mas é a obrigatoriedade de aceitação dessa tese. ",
"Se aceitamos, como uma verdade necessária, o Princípio da Instanciação, então se há objetos particulares contingentes, suas propriedades terão de ser contingentes. ",
"Por exemplo, se a propriedade de ser água só existe nas águas particulares, e se as águas particulares são contingentes, de modo que poderiam não existir, então é também o caso que a propriedade de ser água é também contingente, de modo que poderia não existir, caso não existisse nenhuma água particular que a instanciasse. ",
"Esse é um problema sério e fatal para Armstrong, pois faz com que se as leis substantivistas tenham que ser contingentes e que não possam, consequentemente, fundamentar a contrafactualidade. ",
"O problema disso é que as leis da natureza do realista deveriam ser aptas a fundamentar a contrafactualidade, já que os veridadores das leis científicas sustentariam tais contrafactuais. ",
"Contudo, tal problema não é fatal para todos os tipos de substantivistas in rebus, pois tal teórico pode aceitar que as leis são contingentes, mas que são também fracamente necessárias. ",
"Se as leis forem ao menos fracamente necessárias, poderão manter a contrafactualidade da maioria dos casos que interessa ao realista. ",
"Entretanto, isso não é sem qualquer custo, pois faz o substantivismo in rebus pressupor tanto uma teoria da necessidade fraca (já que não pode aceitar uma teoria da necessidade forte e manter o PI e nem pode aceitar uma necessitação contingente e manter a contrafactualidade), quanto o eternismo. ",
"Ele tem de pressupor o eternismo (teoria física que nos diz que todos os instantes do tempo são reais, mesmo os que não são presentes) justamente porque aceita PI e crê que uma instância da lei, em qualquer momento do tempo, já faria verdadeiros os condicionais subjuntivos. ",
"Com certeza, há algo de desvantajoso em uma teoria ter tantas implicações externas que suas concorrentes não 67 possuem. ",
"Outras Vantagens e Desvantagens do Substantivismo In Rebus Em terceiro lugar, como nos lembra Armstrong (1983, p. 100), o substantivismo in rebus pode aceitar a existência de leis espaço-temporalmente restritas, reduzindo-as a leis espaço-temporalmente irrestritas sobre quasi-universais (um quasi-universal é um universal com determinações espaciais ou temporais), e nos explicar por que não pode haver leis espaço-temporalmente restritas, a saber, porque os universais que estão nas leis são o que há de o mesmo em cada uma de suas instâncias espalhadas pelo tempo e pelo espaço, de modo que eles não poderiam mudar no espaço ou no tempo. ",
"Assim, as leis não podem mudar, pois são o que há de o mesmo nas instâncias espalhadas pelo espaço e pelo tempo. ",
"Os universais de Armstrong não têm as mesmas relações em outros mundos, ainda que eles sejam o que há de o mesmo em todas as instâncias do nosso mundo. ",
"Querer que em todas as instâncias (em todo tempo, em todo lugar e em todo mundo) o universal tenha as mesmas relações é uma demanda incompatível com a aceitação da contingência das relações dos universais. ",
"Além disso, a contingência dessas relações, se for incompatível com a necessidade fraca, é incompatível com a contrafactualidade das leis. ",
"Assim, a aceitação da necessitação contingente de Armstrong (que é incompatível com a necessidade fraca) das relações entre universais é incompatível com uma demanda para nós importante, a saber, que as relações nômicas entre os universais tenham força contrafactual. ",
"Diferentemente do regularismo, o substantivismo de Armstrong pode explicar a conexão interna que faz cada F ser um G, no caso de x (Fx∀ →Gx) no nosso mundo. ",
"Ele também pode ter confirmação para as suas leis (Armstrong, 1983, p. 106) e ainda pode tornar palatável a ideia de que leis da natureza governam estados de coisas particulares. ",
"Embora de fato seja interessante tomarmos as leis como relações entre universais para tornarmos palatável a ideia de que elas governam estados de coisas particulares, a teoria de Armstrong sofre de algumas desvantagens. ",
"Uma delas (Mumford, 2004) é que 68 a relação de instanciação, que as sequências causais particulares têm com as leis é obscura. ",
"Isso realmente é o caso, mas se já foi aceito anteriormente, por argumento independente, que temos razões para aceitarmos que há universais, então a relação de instanciação é adquirida sem custo adicional. ",
"Armstrong pensa que uma razão para preferirmos universais imanentes a universais transcendentes é que os universais imanentes não caem na Regressão de Bradley. ",
"A Regressão de Bradley é o seguinte62: Dizemos que a instanciação é a relação entre universais e particulares. ",
"Por exemplo, dizemos que um indivíduo a instancia a propriedade de ser verde. ",
"Sendo a instanciação uma relação e, segundo uma ontologia realista, sendo as relações universais, então precisamos de uma relação de instanciação de ordem superior (que podemos chamar de \"instanciação2\") para assegurar que o indivíduo a e a propriedade de ser verde estejam na relação de instanciação. ",
"Mas a instanciação2 também seria um universal e dessa forma precisaríamos de uma relação de instanciação de ordem superior (instanciação3) para assegurar que o indivíduo a, a propriedade de ser verde e a instanciação, estejam na relação de instanciação2. ",
"Mas novamente a instanciação3 é uma relação, e a regressão parece infinita. ",
"Ele deve acreditar que o fato de seus universais serem abstrações dos estados de coisas faz com que ele não tenha que explicar como se dá a instanciação de uma propriedade num objeto particular. ",
"Não é porque os universais são abstraídos dos estados de coisas e fazem parte desses, que a relação de instanciação se torna menos misteriosa. ",
"Se a instanciação é uma relação universal, então ela mesma terá que ser ligada aos objetos particulares por outra relação de instanciação ad infinitum, mesmo que ela já esteja presente desde o início no estado de coisas particular, ou melhor, em vários estados de coisas particulares. ",
"Qualquer teórico dos universais tem de lidar com esse problema, pois em nenhuma teoria é algo claro como um particular tem uma propriedade universal. ",
"A solução que me parece ser a mais promissora, sugerida a mim numa conversa por Rodrigo Figueiredo, é tomar a instanciação como uma relação ontológica formal, a qual não se aplica a classificação entre universais e particulares, o que nos permite dizer que a instanciação não se aplica a si mesma. ",
"Isso não é arbitrário, na medida em que 62 Citação da dissertação ainda não publicada de Rodrigo Figueiredo, amigo e filósofo mestrando pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Lógica e Metafísica da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. ",
"69 para que haja instanciação, precisamos de um universal e de um particular; e, se tomarmos a instanciação como universal instanciado num particular (tal como a instanciação de qualquer outro universal), esse universal será um universal diferente de todos os outros, pois de alguma forma ele precisará, para estar instanciado de um universal e um particular. ",
"E, se tomarmos a instanciação como particular, então não conseguiremos explicar o que há de semelhante entre todas as instanciações particulares. ",
"E se não pode explicar tal coisa, então não pode explicar a relação de instanciação entre um universal e um particular; e explicar a relação entre universal e particulares é justamente a função da instanciação. ",
"Assim, os universais e os particulares estariam na relação de instanciação, mas a própria relação de instanciação não seria entendida como sendo universal ou particular63. ",
"Essa solução ao regresso salva tanto substantivistas in rebus, quanto substantivistas ante rem. ",
"E, embora não torne a relação de instanciação menos obscura, a torna pelo menos coerente. ",
"Porém, isso obviamente não é sem algum custo: teremos que aceitar uma realidade dividida em três categorias fundamentais, que seriam os universais, os particulares e as relações ontológicas formais (como a instanciação). ",
"Mas este não é um custo adicional muito alto à nossa ontologia, já que o nominalista – adversário do universalista – também tem que aceitar as suas próprias relações formais, como o \"se assemelhar a\" e \"se assemelhar mais a\". ",
"Embora talvez o substantivismo in rebus tenha algumas vantagens com relação ao regularismo e com relação a qualquer metafísica dos poderes, ele certamente tem 63 Uma outra razão para aceitarmos que a instanciação não é um universal é um certo paradoxo, criado ou descoberto por Bertrand Russell e indicado por Rodrigo Figueiredo em sua dissertação ainda não publicada, o qual apresento a seguir. ",
"Paradoxo de Russell: Considere o termo \"não instancia a si mesmo\". ",
"O termo é perfeitamente significativo. ",
"Há atributos que não instanciam a si mesmos, por exemplo, a propriedade de ser vermelho não é ela mesma vermelha, de modo que a propriedade de ser vermelho não instancia a si mesma. ",
"Por outro lado, temos atributos que instanciam a si mesmos, por exemplo, a propriedade de ser incorpóreo é ela mesma incorpórea, de tal forma que a propriedade de ser incorpóreo instancia-se a si mesma. ",
"Mas, se admitimos que há a propriedade de não instanciar-se a si mesma, podemos perguntar se tal propriedade instancia a si mesma. ",
"Se instancia a si mesma, segue-se que ela não instancia a si mesma, uma vez que ela é a propriedade de não instanciar-se a si mesma. ",
"Mas se não instancia si mesma, segue-se que ela instancia a si mesma, pelo fato dela ser a propriedade de não instanciar-se a si mesma. ",
"Temos então o paradoxo. ",
"70 terríveis desvantagens, além de ter de enfrentar sérios problemas. ",
"Stephen Mumford (2004) alude a vários desses problemas. ",
"O mais grave deles é que a existência de uma lei imanente N(F,G) não pode fazer com que G seja instanciado (e, assim, não pode explicar o fato de G ter sido instanciado), pois que N(F,G) seja uma lei depende ontologicamente de G ser instanciado. ",
"Esse é um problema fatal para as teorias de leis universais imanentes. ",
"Por outro lado, se houver universais não instanciados, então serão os universais não instanciados que fundamentarão a instanciação. ",
"Por exemplo, será o universal não instanciado G, que está em certas leis, que explicará por que G foi instanciado em a, já que este não dependerá ontologicamente de suas instâncias. ",
"Essa mesma dependência ontológica leva o substantivista in rebus a um outro problema, já indicado anteriormente e exposto originalmente por Mumford (2004), que é o de explicar como as leis podem governar e ao mesmo tempo serem dependentes ontologicamente de suas instâncias. ",
"Se as leis são dependentes de suas instâncias, não está claro como elas poderiam as governar. ",
"Há algo de errado com as leis imanentes e esta é uma boa razão para as rejeitarmos e para tentarmos uma metafísica com leis transcendentes. ",
"Quando mostrarmos também que o substantivismo in rebus não é capaz de lidar com alguns casos de não instanciados, teremos fornecido mais razões ainda para rejeitarmos as leis imanentes. ",
"Leis Funcionais, Leis Não Instanciadas e Leis Probabilísticas O próprio Armstrong (1983, pp. ",
"111-157) reconhece que há ainda mais problemas a serem tratados por uma teoria das leis como relações de necessitação entre universais imanentes, e tenta fornecer algumas soluções para eles. ",
"Os problemas principais que ele trata são as leis funcionais, as leis não instanciadas e as leis probabilísticas. ",
"Com relação às leis funcionais, elas são problemáticas pelo mesmo fato que é problemático ao regularismo: pode haver uma lei funcional com um dos valores não instanciados. ",
"Segundo Armstrong (1983, p. 111) uma lei funcional é algo da forma \"ʄ(P)=Q\", na qual cada valor que podem P e Q assumir forma uma lei da forma N(P1,Q1). ",
"Agora imagine um mundo em que não há P0. ",
"Como poderia o substantivista in 71 rebus dizer que nesse mundo N(P0,Q0)? ",
"A resposta de Armstrong é nos dizer que, nesse mundo, o seguinte contrafactual é verdadeiro (1983, p. 112, tradução) \"se houvesse P0, eles seriam governados pela lei de que todos os P0 são Q0\". ",
"E ele seria verdadeiro em virtude de uma lei de ordem superior, de forma N(Pn,Qn) que, por meio de uma função – a saber, ʄ(Pn)=Qn – determina cada lei específica de ordem inferior. ",
"Assim, Armstrong poderia dizer que um enunciado tal qual \"N(P0,Q0)\", num mundo em que não há P0, é verdadeiro simplesmente em virtude da lei de ordem superior implicar a contrafactual de que se existissem P0, então eles teriam N para com relação a Q0. ",
"De fato essa solução é bastante elegante. ",
"Armstrong (1983, pp. ",
"117-127) erra apenas na tentativa de emular essa resposta nos casos de Tooley (1977, 669 e 685) sobre não instanciados – que são (I) O Caso da Partícula Fundamental e (II) O Caso da Propriedade Emergente – tal como iremos mostrar a seguir.64: I. O Caso da Partícula Fundamental: imagine que há 3 tipos de partículas fundamentais no mundo: A, B e C. Isso nos dá seis tipos de interações possíveis entre duas partículas: A-A, A-B, B-B, B-C, C-C, C-A. Digamos que a interação A-B, embora possível, nunca ocorra nesse mundo. ",
"Nesse caso, se soubéssemos que há uma lei diferente para todos os outros tipos de interação, teríamos razão, diz-nos Tooley, para acreditarmos que há uma lei que determina o que ocorre a partir da interação das partículas de tipo A e B, interação esta nunca instanciada. ",
"Assim, haveria uma lei não instanciada N(AB,P), formada por uma condição antecedente universal não instanciada e por uma condição consequente P, da qual nunca obteríamos conhecimento. ",
"II. ",
"O Caso da Propriedade Emergente: suponha que a conjunção das propriedades estruturais P e Q seja condição necessária da emergência de uma propriedade simples, que a conjunção das estruturas Q e R seja condição necessária da emergência de outra propriedade simples, e que a conjunção das estruturas R e S seja condição necessária da emergência de ainda outra propriedade simples. ",
"64 Eu simplifiquei o caso original de Tooley, diminuindo o número de tipos de partículas fundamentais e de propriedades, para facilitar a imaginação. ",
"Eu exporei o caso original na parte sobre substantivismo ante rem. ",
"72 Nesse caso, por mais que as estruturas S e T nunca entrem em contato, se for possível que elas entrem em contato, será racional aceitar que há uma lei que nos diz que emergirá uma certa propriedade simples da conjunção não instanciada das estruturas S e T. Teríamos, neste caso, uma lei com a forma N(ST,K), com \"K\" representando a nova propriedade emergente simples e não instanciada. ",
"O problema que os Casos de Tooley – ao menos esses dois primeiros – trazem à teoria de Armstrong advém da aceitação do Princípio de Instanciação. ",
"Se todos os universais obedecem ao PI – e, consequentemente, se não há leis universais não instanciadas – então o que faria verdadeiros os condicionais subjuntivos dos Casos de Tooley? ",
"Armstrong (1983, pp. ",
"117-127) mesmo nota o problema que esses casos representam para sua teoria e tenta fornecer uma abordagem para eles em termos de leis de segunda ordem que fazem verdadeiros alguns contrafactuais sobre a existência de leis de primeira ordem, tal como veremos a seguir. ",
"Os Casos de Tooley nos mostram situações possíveis e não realizadas nas quais seria racional aceitarmos que há leis sobre universais não instanciados. ",
"Um substantivista in rebus deve estar apto a nos mostrar que essas não são leis não instanciadas, já que ele não crê que algo não instanciado seja uma propriedade universal. ",
"Ele deveria nos mostrar como cada suposta lei não instanciada pode ser reduzida a uma lei instanciada. ",
"Armstrong tenta fazer isso (1983, p. 119), nos dizendo que, com relação ao Caso da Partícula Fundamental, é verdadeiro o seguinte condicional subjuntivo contrafactual: se a interação X-Y existisse, embora de fato não exista, então existiria uma relação de necessitação entre tal interação universal e outro universal [instanciado]. ",
"E tal contrafactual seria feito verdadeiro por uma lei de ordem superior que determina a lei de ordem inferior. ",
"Armstrong (1983, pp. ",
"123-124) nos diz que essa lei de ordem superior seria semelhante a: é uma lei [de segunda ordem] sobre as leis [de primeira ordem] de interação fundamental que, dados dois tipos diferentes de interação, qualquer lei [de primeira ordem] que governe um tipo de interação será diferente da lei [de primeira ordem] que governa outro tipo de interação. ",
"E, com relação ao Caso da Propriedade Emergente, Armstrong (1983, p. 124) faz o mesmo, nos dizendo que é verdadeiro o condicional subjuntivo contrafactual que nos 73 diz que: se os universais em jogo estivessem instanciados, embora não estejam, existiria uma certa lei entre eles. ",
"E tal contrafactual seria feito verdadeiro por uma lei de ordem superior. ",
"Tal lei seria semelhante a: é uma lei [de segunda ordem] com relação a um certo domínio complexo de propriedades que se os objetos têm um certo tipo de conjunção de propriedades desse domínio, então é uma lei [de primeira ordem] que eles têm certas propriedades emergentes simples, com uma propriedade diferente sendo associada com cada conjunção diferente. ",
"O que podemos dizer dessa solução? ",
"O problema dela é que a partir de tais tipos de leis de ordem superior não é possível deduzir logicamente as leis de ordem inferior que gostaríamos – tal como somos capazes de deduzir cada um dos valores resultado de uma certa função ao termos o valor da lei funcional de segunda ordem que rege a atribuição de valores. ",
"Armstrong é capaz apenas de deduzir a partir das leis de ordem superior que as leis de ordem inferior para cada tipo de interação de duas partículas são diferentes (idiossincráticas), e não que há uma certa lei de ordem inferior específica que governa as propriedades não instanciadas envolvidas de uma certa forma. ",
"Sua dedução certamente nos permite dizer que uma lei existiria, caso estivessem instanciadas as propriedades, mas não qual lei seria essa. ",
"E o que deveria ser deduzido da lei de ordem superior, a fim de que o contrafactual em causa tenha um veridador, é a própria lei de ordem inferior, e não que haveria uma lei de ordem inferior, caso as propriedades em causa estivessem instanciadas. ",
"E o terceiro tipo de lei que é uma fonte de problemas para o substantivismo in rebus é o das leis probabilísticas (Armstrong, 1983, pp. ",
"128-136)65. ",
"Os teóricos das leis tendem a querer abrir espaço em suas teorias para as leis probabilísticas, já que as ciências, ao menos às vezes, lidam com tais tipos de leis. ",
"Se existem leis probabilísticas, elas colocam um problema ao substantivismo de Armstrong, pois elas não parecem ter a forma N(F,G). ",
"Armstrong pensa que a forma de uma lei probabilística é \"Pr:P(F,G)\", com \"Pr:P\" indicando o quanto de probabilidade de necessitação têm F com relação a G. Armstrong unifica a noção Pr com N ao dizer que Pr é a probabilidade de necessitação, ou seja, que é a probabilificação, e que N, a necessitação, é apenas 100% 65 Esta parte das leis probabilísticas visa apenas mostrar como Armstrong lidava com tais leis, e não fornecer argumentos significativos por alguma noção de leis probabilísticas. ",
"Como dissemos, esse assunto será mantido fora do escopo desta dissertação. ",
"74 de probabilificação, ou seja, Pr:1. ",
"Assim, a forma da lei unificada e determinista N:1(F,G), enquanto a forma da lei unificada, probabilística e instanciada seria N:P(F,G), com 0>P>1. ",
"As leis probabilísticas, para Armstrong (1983, p. 129, tradução), \"são universais que são instanciados apenas nos casos em que a probabilidade é realizada\". ",
"E isso implica que quando uma probabilidade nunca é realizada, então não há a lei que estabelece essa probabilidade. ",
"Algumas das razões de Armstrong (1983, pp. ",
"134ss) para tomar Pr como a probabilidade de necessitação são: • Se há indeterminismo, então haverá causação indeterminista. ",
"E, como a causação é um tipo de necessitação, uma causação indeterminista poderá ser entendida no máximo como uma probabilidade de necessitação. • ",
"A forma ((N:0,5)(FG,H))(Fa&Ga,Ha), que é a forma da instanciação da lei N:0,5(FG,H), expressa bem o que queríamos, pois ela nos diria que o estado de coisas de a sendo F e de a sendo G conjuntos necessita que a seja um H em virtude de os universais FG e H terem uma relação provável em 50% de necessitação. • ",
"É possível fornecer uma abordagem da distinção entre a instância de uma lei probabilística e um fenômeno completamente ao acaso (sem causa), ao dizermos que as leis probabilísticas estabelecem probabilidades de necessitação. ",
"Mesmo que o substantivista in rebus pudesse dar conta das leis probabilísticas, ele ainda teria os problemas com os casos dos não instanciados de Tooley, e teria também que lidar com outros três tipos de leis: as identificações teóricas (ex.: ",
"água é H2O, calor é movimento de moléculas etc.), ",
"as leis de escopo universal (ex.: ",
"tudo é F) e as leis de exclusão (ex.: ",
"N(F,~G)). ",
"Identificações Teóricas, Leis de Escopo Universal e Leis de Exclusão As identificações teóricas são problemáticas, pois se forem realmente identificações, então não falam sobre duas coisas distintas, mas falam apenas sobre uma 75 só. ",
"E uma lei, por ser uma relação entre universais, deve ligar ao menos dois universais distintos. ",
"Assim, se uma identificação teórica for realmente uma identificação genuína, tal identificação não poderá ser uma lei natural de necessitação entre universais. ",
"A solução de Armstrong é que de fato elas não são leis, pois suas instâncias, caso elas fossem universais, não seriam sequências causais, tal como ocorre nas leis genuínas, mas são apenas descobertas sobre a natureza de algum universal. ",
"E essas identificações teóricas, que são descobertas feitas sobre a natureza do universal (explorações da estrutura interna de um universal), são exatamente semelhantes àquilo que sugerimos para evitar a implicação de quiditismo numa teoria externalista das leis. ",
"Eu ainda diria que são leis, mas de outro tipo. ",
"Com relação às leis de escopo universal – como a afirmação de Tales de Mileto de que tudo é água (tudo é F) – elas são problemáticas ao substantivista in rebus por razões semelhantes às identificações teóricas. ",
"Leis de escopo universal não parecem estabelecer relações entre dois ou mais universais, e nem podem ser um universal necessitando a si mesmo, já que a relação de necessitação, para Armstrong (1983, pp. ",
"155-157), é uma relação irreflexiva. ",
"Armstrong indica algumas soluções para o problema das leis de escopo universal. ",
"Uma delas é que podemos falar que há uma lei que estabelece uma relação de necessitação entre o quasi-universal de ser algo no universo – que é um quasi-universal por ter a determinação espacial \"no universo\" – e algum outro universal (como o de ser água, no caso da lei de escopo universal de Tales de Mileto). ",
"Ainda outra solução (Armstrong, 1983, p. 141), essa advinda de Tooley, é a de que podemos tomar uma lei de escopo universal como uma lei de ordem superior que nos diz que é uma lei sobre propriedades que, se algo tem qualquer propriedade P, então é uma lei de primeira ordem que Ps são Fs. ",
"Isso, é claro, envolve tomar ser uma propriedade como uma propriedade com a capacidade de ser antecedente numa lei, o que, por enquanto, parece não haver razões para querermos rejeitar. ",
"Armstrong não explora muito bem essas opções, mas dá por certo que há alguma forma de o substantivismo in rebus aceitar a existência leis (instanciadas, é claro) de escopo universal. ",
"E como David Armstrong (1983, pp. ",
"143-146) lida com as leis de exclusão? ",
"76 Primeiramente, devemos dizer por que elas são problemáticas. ",
"Elas são problemáticas pois nos dizem que certo universal (ou universais) tem uma relação de necessitação com a negação de um universal; por exemplo, há uma lei que nos diz que a relatividade e as constantes fundamentais necessitam que não haja velocidade acelerada para maior que a da luz66. ",
"Essa seria uma relação de necessitação entre a relatividade (com as constantes fundamentais) e a negação de ser acelerado para uma velocidade maior que a da luz. ",
"O problema para Armstrong é que ele nega tanto que haja universais negativos, quanto que haja universais não instanciados, e a forma de uma lei de exclusão é normalmente pensada como N(F,~G). ",
"Para o substantivista in rebus, como nos mostra Armstrong, ele deve ou aceitar seletivamente universais negativos, ou deve aceitar as leis de exclusão apenas como leis derivadas a partir das leis genuínas não derivadas. ",
"As leis não derivadas seriam as relações não derivadas entre universais, e as leis derivadas seriam as consequências lógicas dessas relações não derivadas, não envolvendo nenhuma relação nova entre universais e nem nenhum universal novo – tal como os fatos negativos não envolveriam inflacionamento ontológico, caso sejam derivados dos fatos positivos. ",
"Um exemplo armstronguiano: suponha que todos os Fs tenham G (que é ter uma certa massa m1) e que ter G exclui logicamente esse algo ter H (que é ter uma certa massa m2, com m1 ≠ m2); nesse caso, seria uma lei derivada que nenhum F é um H. Algo que o substantivista in rebus terá que dar conta é o fato de que uma lei de exclusão derivada com relação à propriedade G exclui a propriedade G. Mas se a propriedade G não está instanciada, por ter sido excluída, como ela pode estar numa lei de exclusão? ",
"Se G não está instanciada, então G não existe. ",
"Se não existe, não pode haver uma lei a excluindo. ",
"Comparativamente com o regularismo, o substantivismo in rebus tem inúmeras vantagens, como explicar as regularidades e a conexão interna que cada instância das propriedades envolvidas numa lei tem com cada instância das outras propriedades também envolvidas na lei. ",
"Mas ele tem a séria desvantagem de não explicar os Casos de Tooley e de postular leis que não explicam a governança e nem a contrafactualidade que os cientistas costumam atribuir às leis, caso postule uma relação de necessitação contingente (que não é nem fracamente necessária). ",
"Isso tudo deve garantir uma 66 Talvez os neutrinos venham a nos mostrar que estávamos errados nisso. ",
"Mas o exemplo não perde nada de sua imaginabilidade para o nosso caso. ",
"77 motivação suficiente para investigarmos uma teoria realista necessitarista das leis como relações entre universais transcendentes. ",
"78 4. ",
"O Substantivismo ante rem de Tooley: realismo necessitarista transcendente O substantivismo ante rem é a posição metafísica que nos diz que as leis realmente existem e que elas são relações entre universais transcendentes, ou seja, relações entre universais que existem independentemente das coisas que os instanciam. ",
"A maior expressão antiga dessa posição foi Platão e sua teoria das ideias. ",
"E a maior expressão contemporânea dessa posição é o filósofo Michael Tooley (1977). ",
"Ao investigar as condições de verdade de enunciados de leis, Tooley sustenta que o que os faz verdadeiros são as relações contingentes que há entre os universais e que esses universais existem independentemente dos particulares. ",
"Sua teoria, tal como a de Armstrong (1983), nos fala de relações contingentes entre universais explicando as regularidades. ",
"É apenas porque F e G têm uma certa relação nômica que é verdade que x (Fx∀ →Gx). ",
"A relação nômica entre os universais F e G implicaria logicamente que x (Fx∀ →Gx), já que todas as instâncias dos universais em causa no nosso mundo compartilhariam das relações que os universais têm. ",
"Contudo, Armstrong e Tooley diferem substantivamente. ",
"Necessitação, Exclusão e Funções de Construção Uma primeira distinção é que Tooley (1977, pp. ",
"676-677) indica que se utilizarmos apenas a relação de necessitação entre os universais, não seremos aptos a fornecer uma abordagem de todas as leis naturais, se não aceitarmos universais disjuntivos e negativos. ",
"E, se utilizarmos apenas as relações de necessitação e de exclusão, não conseguiremos falar de todas as leis, a não ser que aceitemos universais disjuntivos. ",
"O problema disso é que tanto Armstrong, quanto Tooley não estão dispostos a aceitar tais tipos de universais. ",
"Uma razão para rejeitarmos uma metafísica que aceite apenas a relação de necessitação nômica entre os universais é que, ao menos prima facie, ela não pode fornecer as condições de verdade de leis de exclusão, exprimíveis por x (Fx∀ →~Gx), a não ser que aceite universais negativos (como o universal de ser ~G). ",
"Conforme eu disse, tanto Armstrong (1983), quanto Tooley (1977) pensam que há razões 79 independentes para rejeitarmos universais negativos. ",
"E é por isso que Tooley atesta que se quisermos dar conta de tais leis sem aceitar universais negativos, temos de aceitar, além da relação de necessitação, a relação de exclusão. ",
"Por sua vez, Armstrong sai desse problema, pensando as leis de exclusão como derivadas a partir de leis não derivadas de necessitação. ",
"E ainda uma outra solução, essa não disponível nem para Armstrong e nem para Tooley, é dizer que as leis de necessitação determinam todos os mundos possíveis67; e, assim, igualmente, determinam todas as impossibilidades e, consequentemente, as exclusões – sem inflacionamento ontológico. ",
"Essa solução não está disponível para nenhum dos dois teóricos indicados, pois eles sustentam que as relações entre universais são contingentes, de modo que não se mantém em todos os mundos possíveis em nenhum sentido de \"possíveis\"; e, portanto, não podem determinar impossibilidades em nenhum sentido de \"impossibilidades\". ",
"Entretanto, mesmo que sanemos o problema das exclusões, Tooley (1977, p. 677) nos mostra que ainda persistiriam alguns problemas na forma da expressão de uma lei. ",
"Se houvesse leis não determinísticas, elas poderiam ser expressas por x (Fx∀ →(Gx v Hx)), e não é claro como tais leis seriam expressas em termos de necessitação e exclusão. ",
"Para utilizarmos apenas a necessitação e a exclusão, precisaríamos aceitar universais disjuntivos, coisa que a maioria dos filósofos costuma rejeitar. ",
"É claro que isso só é realmente um problema apenas se existirem leis probabilísticas68. ",
"Mas se existirem tais leis, Armstrong (1983) poderia fornecer uma abordagem para elas por meio da relação de probabilificação, que poderia ser emulada pelo substantivismo ante rem. ",
"Tooley (1977, pp. ",
"678-679, tradução), pensando que os problemas anteriores eram fatais para uma teoria da necessitação (e da exclusão), tentou desenvolver sua teoria com o conceito de função de construção [construction function] substituindo a necessitação, a exclusão e outras relações entre universais: 67 Em algum sentido apropriado e ainda não trabalhado de \"possível\"; por exemplo: todos os mundos fisicamente possíveis, todos os mundos metafisicamente possíveis, todos os mundos logicamente possíveis etc. ",
"68 Coisa que não sei se há ou não há, e que não pretendo investigar aqui. ",
"80 R é uma relação nomológica sse69 (1) R é uma relação n-ádica entre universais; (2) R não é analisável em termos de outros universais de qualquer ordem que seja; (3) R é uma relação contingente entre universais, no sentido em que há os universais U1, U2, ..., Un, e nem é necessário que R(U1, U2, ..., Un), nem é necessário que não R(U1, U2, ..., Un); (4) há uma função de construção K, tal que (i) se P1, P2, ..., Pn são propriedades ou relações dos tipos apropriados, então K(P1, P2, ..., Pn) é uma proposição sobre particulares, e (ii) a proposição de que R(P1, P2, ..., Pn) implica logicamente a proposição que é o valor de K(P1, P2, ..., Pn). ",
"A ideia de Tooley (1977, p. 679) é que poderíamos especificar diferentes relações nomológicas – como a necessitação, a exclusão ou outras – por meio de diferentes funções de construção R, que mapeariam, grupos de universais a certas proposições que seriam os valores de K. Por exemplo, a necessitação nômica seria \"uma função de construção R(P,Q), que mapeia pares ordenados de universais (P;Q) em proposições da forma x (Px∀ →Qx)\", que é o valor de K(P,Q). ",
"E a exclusão nômica poderia ser vista como outra função de construção S(P,Q) que mapeia os universais (P;Q) em proposições da forma x (Px∀ →~Qx), que é o valor de K(P,~Q). ",
"E um \"enunciado nomológico verdadeiro\" poderia ser definido, segundo Tooley (1977, p. 679, tradução), do seguinte modo: S é um enunciado nomológico verdadeiro sse há uma proposição p que é expressa por S e há uma relação nomológica R, uma função de construção associada K e os universais P1, P2, ..., Pn, tal que (1) não é logicamente necessário que p; (2) a proposição de que p é idêntica ao valor de K(P1, P2, ..., Pn); (3) é verdade que R(P1, P2, ..., Pn); (4) não é logicamente necessário que R(P1, P2, ..., Pn); (5) a proposição de que R(P1, P2, ..., Pn) implica logicamente a proposição de que p A diferença entre um enunciado nomológico e um enunciado de lei seria apenas que o enunciado de lei não teria condições irrelevantes. ",
"Mas no que diz respeito ao nosso 69 Nesta citação, (2) já está devidamente substituída pela proposição que Tooley (1977, p. 680) pensa ser menos problemática que a original. ",
"81 assunto aqui tratado, essa diferença não é importante.70 . ",
"As Propriedades Lógicas das Leis Com relação às propriedades lógicas das leis, diferentemente de Armstrong, Tooley pensa que as leis contrapõem e que elas são transitivas. ",
"É problemático pensar que as leis contrapõem por causa de duas razões. ",
"Uma delas é a de que se as leis contrapõem, então essas contraposições versariam sobre universais negativos. ",
"Pois se é o caso que N(F,G) e, assim, também o caso que N(~G,~F), sua contraposição, então teremos que fazer referência a universais que são ~Gs e que são ~Fs. ",
"Tooley poderia nos dizer – e parece que certamente ele diria – que suas leis, mesmo quando contrapõem, não fazem referência a universais negativos. ",
"Isso seria assim porque a lei seria apenas uma função que mapeia universais positivos a proposições com as mais variadas formas (como os universais positivos F e G às proposições x (Fx∀ →Gx), x (Fx∀ →~Gx), x∀ (~Gx→~Fx) etc). ",
"Será que esse mapeamento de universais positivos a proposições é capaz de salvar o substantivismo ante rem dos universais negativos? ",
"Além de estar longe de ser claro ontologicamente o que significa \"existir uma função\" e \"fazer um mapeamento\", ainda há o problema da confirmação. ",
"As leis que são contraposições teriam confirmadores diferentes: enquanto, por exemplo, R(F,G), que é uma função que mapeia os universais F e G a proposições da forma x (Fx∀ →Gx), é confirmada por casos de Fs que são Gs, S(F,G), que é uma função que mapeia os universais F e G a proposições da forma x (~Gx∀ →~Fx), é confirmada por qualquer coisa que seja tanto ~G, quanto ~F. O ponto aqui, como já indicamos na seção sobre o regularismo, é que não gostaríamos de dizer que R(F,G) é confirmada pelos mesmos confirmadores de S(F,G), e Tooley acaba tendo que dizer que são – o que atesta contra a sua tese de que as leis contrapõem e fazem leis todos os seus equivalentes lógicos. ",
"Por pensar que todos os equivalentes lógicos de uma lei são a mesma lei, Tooley sustenta também que as leis são transitivas. ",
"Ou seja, que se é uma lei que R(F,G) e que R(G,H), então é também uma lei que R(F,H). ",
"Mas já vimos na seção anterior que isso 70 Trataremos das condições relevantes para uma lei na subseção do quinto capítulo sobre as condições e leis ceteris paribus. ",
"82 gera o problema de tornar a ocorrência de um H, dado F, sobredeterminada, pois tanto R(G,H), quanto R(F,H) estariam determinando sua ocorrência. ",
"Isso é problemático na medida em que estaremos dizendo que duas causas distintas causam completamente uma mesma coisa. ",
"Uma solução aqui possível para Tooley seria dizer que R(G,H) e R(F,H) são apenas funções que mapeiam os universais F, G e H em proposições diferentes e que as relações entre esses universais, embora fossem expressas por essas diferentes funções, são elas mesmas algo único que há entre os três universais citados, e não algo tão variado quanto o que podemos expressar pelas funções. ",
"Porém, dizer tal coisa vai contra o espírito de Tooley de tomar essas funções realisticamente como as próprias relações entre os universais. ",
"E se ele as tomar realisticamente, parece que terá tanto o problema da sobredeterminação para lidar, como o problema de ter de argumentar a favor de um realismo de funções – que é muito mais debatível que um realismo de universais. ",
"Parece que a saída menos custosa é aceitar que as leis não são transitivas, como nos propõe Armstrong. ",
"As Leis Não Instanciadas Tooley acredita que os enunciados de leis só podem ter como veridadores as relações entre universais ante rem. ",
"E, para sustentar tal coisa, defende que as relações entre particulares não podem ser veridadores de certos enunciados de leis, a saber, os enunciados sobre leis não instanciadas. ",
"Os casos que colocam um problema às relações entre particulares fazerem verdadeiros os enunciados de leis, assim como também colocam um problema às relações entre universais imanentes fazendo o mesmo, são os Casos da Partícula Fundamental e da Propriedade Emergente – já expostos de modo resumido na parte sobre substantivismo in rebus. ",
"A seguir, expomos ambos os casos de maneira não resumida e traduzidos. ",
"Caso da Partícula Fundamental (Tooley, 1977, p. 669, tradução): Imagine um mundo que contém dez tipos diferentes de partículas fundamentais. ",
"Suponha, ademais, que o comportamento das partículas nas interações dependa dos tipos de partículas das interações. ",
"83 Considerando apenas as interações envolvendo duas partículas, há 55 possibilidades de tipos de interação entre duas partículas. ",
"Suponha que 54 dessas interações possíveis foram cuidadosamente estudadas, com o resultado de 54 terem sido descobertas, uma para cada caso, e nenhuma delas inter-relacionada de nenhuma forma. ",
"Suponha finalmente que o mundo é determinístico o suficiente para que, dado o modo como as partículas dos tipos X e Y estão correntemente distribuídas, é impossível para elas interagirem em qualquer tempo, seja ele o passado, o presente ou o futuro. ",
"Em tal situação, seria bastante razoável acreditar que há alguma lei não derivada que lida com a interação das partículas dos tipos X e Y. E este é o Caso da Propriedade Emergente (Tooley, 1977, p. 685, tradução): Suponha que o materialismo é falso e que há, por exemplo, uma propriedade não física de ser uma experiência da variedade vermelha. ",
"Então, considere como o nosso mundo teria sido se a Terra estivesse um pouco mais próxima do sol e se as condições em outras partes do universo fossem tais que a vida não tivesse evoluído em mais nenhuma parte. ",
"O universo não teria contido nenhum organismo senciente e, consequentemente, não teria contido experiências da variedade vermelha. ",
"Mas não teria sido verdadeiro nesse mundo que se a Terra estivesse um pouco mais afastada do sol, a vida teria evoluído e haveria experiências da variedade vermelha? ",
"Se sim, em virtude de que tal condicional seria verdadeiro? ",
"Certamente uma parte essencial de o que o teria feito verdadeiro seria a existência de uma lei psicofísica, ligando estados físicos complexos à experiências da variedade vermelha. ",
"Mas se os veridadores de leis são as relações entre universais, então, a não ser que a propriedade de ser uma experiência da variedade vermelha exista em tal mundo, não poderia ser uma lei nele que sempre que um sistema físico complexo está num certo estado, há uma experiência da variedade vermelha. ",
"Ambos esses casos nos mostram situações em que estaríamos tentados a postular leis não derivadas e não instanciadas. ",
"E esses casos seriam problemáticos para qualquer pessoa que defenda que são os particulares (as instâncias) que fazem verdadeiros os enunciados de leis. ",
"O argumento de Tooley (1977, pp. ",
"671-672) pela tese de que fatos sobre particulares não podem servir como veridadores de enunciados nomológicos é o seguinte: (1) Fatos não nomológicos sobre particulares não podem servir como veridadores de enunciados de leis não derivadas e não instanciadas. ",
"84 (2) Fatos nomológicos sobre particulares não podem servir como veridadores de enunciados de leis não derivadas e não instanciadas. (",
"3) Logo, fatos sobre particulares não podem servir como veridadores de enunciados de leis não derivadas e não instanciadas. ",
"A razão de Tooley para aceitarmos 1 são que muitas leis diferentes e inconsistentes entre si são compatíveis com um mundo em que há particulares e em que nenhum deles é F. Ou seja, em linguagem lógica: num mundo em que x ∀ ~Fx, pode ser tanto verdade que x (Fx∀ →Gx), quanto que x (Fx∀ →~Gx). ",
"Nada sobre os particulares de tal mundo faz falso nenhum desses enunciados, pois não há nenhum objeto que seja F e não seja G ou que seja F e seja G. E a razão para aceitarmos 2 é que se tomamos os fatos nomológicos sobre particulares – como os fatos sobre as disposições de particulares dos tipos X e Y – como os veridadores dos enunciados de leis, então os próprios enunciados sobre as disposições não actualizadas (ou não manifestadas71) dos particulares terão de ser feitos verdadeiros por algo. ",
"Mas se tomarmos as disposições como básicas, estaríamos desistindo da investigação sobre as condições de verdade dos condicionais subjuntivos. ",
"E, assim, ficaríamos, de toda forma, sem os veridadores de, ao menos alguns dos, condicionais subjuntivos; o que nos mostraria que os fatos nomológicos sobre os particulares não podem fazer verdadeiros todos os condicionais subjuntivos. ",
"Além disso, os fatos sobre os particulares não podem ser unidos numa teoria que vise fornecer uma abordagem também sobre mundos em que não há particulares materiais. ",
"Se Tooley estiver certo em 1 e em 2 – e eu proponho que ele está – ele não poderá estar errado em 3, pois 3 é uma dedução válida a partir de 1 e 2. ",
"Além disso, os casos de Tooley não são problemáticos apenas para o defensor de fatos particulares sendo os veridadores dos enunciados de leis, mas o são também para qualquer defensor de uma metafísica das leis imanentes. ",
"Armstrong (1983, pp. ",
"117-127) mesmo nota o problema que esses casos representam para sua teoria e tenta fornecer uma abordagem para tais casos em termos de leis de segunda ordem que fazem verdadeiros alguns 71 Esses parênteses são importantes, pois alguns teóricos defendem que ter um poder não é o mesmo que ter algo que é não actual que pode ou não se actualizar. ",
"Assim, poder-se-ia defender que um poder não se actualizaria, já que ele já seria algo actual, mas que ele se manifestaria. ",
"85 contrafactuais sobre a existência de leis de primeira ordem – conforme já explicamos no capítulo sobre substantivismo in rebus. ",
"Se tivermos razão na nossa defesa de que as relações entre universais imanentes não podem fornecer os veridadores para as leis não instanciadas dos casos de Tooley, e se Tooley tiver razão em seu argumento anterior, então teremos o seguinte argumento: (1) Fatos não nomológicos sobre particulares não podem servir como veridadores de enunciados de leis não derivadas sem instâncias. (",
"2) Fatos nomológicos sobre particulares não podem servir como veridadores de enunciados de leis não derivadas sem instâncias. (",
"3) Logo, fatos sobre particulares não podem servir como veridadores de enunciados de leis não derivadas sem instâncias. (",
"4) Fatos universais imanentes não podem servir como veridadores de enunciados de leis não derivadas sem instâncias. (",
"5) Logo, nem fatos sobre particulares e nem fatos sobre universais imanentes podem servir como veridadores de enunciados de leis não derivadas sem instâncias. ",
"Tooley não constrói o argumento também contra universais imanentes, mas ele certamente quer concluir que a única opção que nos resta são as relações entre universais transcendentes. ",
"Se tudo que há são universais e particulares (e também relações formais, como a instanciação), se as relações entre particulares não podem fornecer os veridadores relevantes, se os universais imanentes também não podem, parece que estaremos justificados em investigar o caminho dos universais transcendentes. ",
"Mas eu não concluiria algo tão forte quanto Tooley, pois eu não diria que o argumento acima nos dá razões para crer que a única opção possível são os universais transcendentes. ",
"E eu não diria isso, pois não foi estabelecido em primeiro plano que o único tipo de descrição possível da realidade divida o mundo entre universais e particulares. ",
"Eu apenas concordaria com Tooley, se conseguíssemos mostrar que todo quadro conceitual coerente utilizará particulares e universais, ou se aceitássemos a defesa apenas da condicional \"se aceitamos universais e particulares, o 86 substantivismo ante rem será a única explicação dos casos de leis não derivadas e sem instâncias\". ",
"Algumas Objeções e Respostas ao Substantivismo Ante Rem Algumas objeções, indicadas pelo próprio Tooley (1977, pp. ",
"683-687), à sua teoria são: (i) que ela não é esclarecedora, já que seria obscuro o que são relações nomológicas entre universais, (ii) que ela tem um compromisso pesado ontologicamente, que é a implicação da existência de universais transcendentes em mundos como os da partícula fundamental e da propriedade emergente, e (iii) que ela impõe uma restrição injustificada aos enunciados sobre leis. ",
"Tooley (1977, pp. ",
"683-684) responde a (i), nos dizendo que sua teoria consegue caracterizar os fatos nomológicos como relações entre universais ante rem e consegue especificar os seus atributos, que são descritos em suas definições de relação nomológica e enunciado nomológico verdadeiro. ",
"Com relação a (ii), Tooley (1977, pp. ",
"684-686) nos diz que os seus casos de leis não instanciadas estão aí justamente para mostrar que é possível haver universais não instanciados, de modo que ii não seria realmente uma objeção. ",
"E sobre (iii), Tooley (1977, pp. ",
"686-687) nos fala sobre um caso em que estaríamos tentados a postular uma lei e no qual o substantivismo ante rem não seria apto a postular tal lei. ",
"Aqui está este caso, que é o Caso do Jardim de Smith (Tooley, 1977, p. 686, tradução): Suponha, por exemplo, que o mundo fosse tal como se segue. ",
"Em todos os tempos, todas as frutas do jardim de Smith são maçãs. ",
"Quando se tenta levar uma laranja para o jardim, ela se transforma num elefante. ",
"As bananas se transformam em maçãs assim que cruzam a fronteira do jardim, enquanto as peras sofrem uma resistência que não pode ser superada. ",
"Cerejeiras plantadas no jardim dão maçãs ou não dão simplesmente nada. ",
"Se todas essas coisas fossem verdade, haveria fortes razões para ser uma lei que todas as frutas no jardim de 87 Smith são maçãs. ",
"E essas razões não seriam minadas, caso descobríssemos que nenhum outro jardim exibe o comportamento do tipo descrito, mesmo que ele se assemelhe ao jardim de Smith em todos os outros aspectos. ",
"O problema aqui para o substantivista ante rem é que, como as leis são relações entre universais, elas não poderiam fazer referência a particulares, como o jardim de Smith. ",
"E, assim, tal substantivista não teria como indicar que há uma lei que faz todas as frutas no jardim de Smith serem maçãs em tal caso. ",
"Como o próprio Tooley (1977, pp. ",
"686-687) nos indica, sua solução para tal problema é: ou postular uma propriedade F, que o jardim de Smith teria e que poderia ser compartilhada por outros jardins, de modo que seria uma lei que os jardins que são Fs são também Gs – \"G\" é a propriedade de ser tal que todas as frutas em seu interior são maçãs – ou aceitar a ineliminabilidade da referência a particulares em algumas leis. ",
"As duas soluções parecem problemáticas. ",
"A primeira porque vai contra a própria hipótese, e a segunda porque desiste do objetivo de reduzir todas as leis a relações entre universais ante rem. ",
"No entanto, no caso de a hipótese ser impossível, ela não pode servir para um experimento mental.72 Se for impossível que haja leis ineliminavelmente sobre particulares, então a própria hipótese é completamente vazia. ",
"Uma razão para pensar que não pode haver leis ineliminavelmente sobre particulares é que se isso fosse o caso, então haveria situações possíveis em que dois objetos particulares seriam idênticos qualitativamente e teriam diferentes efeitos. ",
"Mas dois objetos idênticos qualitativamente com efeitos diferentes são objetos idênticos qualitativamente e com características distintas. ",
"No entanto, isso é contraditório, de modo que a hipótese de que há leis ineliminavelmente sobre particulares é falsa. ",
"Algumas Vantagens e Desvantagens do Substantivismo Ante Rem Mas quais as vantagens que a aceitação do substantivismo ante rem nos traz? ",
"Tooley nos diz algumas dessas supostas vantagens em seu artigo de 1977 (pp. ",
"692-698), 72 A não ser em casos extremos, como: \"se houvesse algo que é um quadrado e que não é um quadrado ao mesmo tempo e no mesmo sentido, então poderíamos desistir da argumentação dedutivamente válida\". ",
"88 e nós as avaliaremos a seguir. ",
"Uma delas é que sua abordagem seria capaz de diferenciar as leis das generalizações acidentais sem apelar para o uso de termos modais – o que parece ser distinto da abordagem de Armstrong, que se utiliza do conceito de necessitação. ",
"Isso é uma vantagem caso estejamos comprometidos com fornecer uma redução do modal ao não modal. ",
"Mas ainda que não estejamos comprometidos, é argumentável que é menos perturbador ontologicamente aceitar a menor quantidade de entidades intensionais possível, de modo que sua teoria seria vantajosa simpliciter por ter comprometimentos ontológicos com poucas entidades intensionais: apenas propriedades, mas não modalidade. ",
"Entretanto, a teoria de Tooley não teria essa vantagem, pois embora certamente não haja nenhum termo modal em suas definições, ele não tem como fornecer uma metafísica informativa se a função R entre os universais F e G, que mapeia F e G em proposições da forma x (Fx∀ →Gx), não for descrita como uma relação de necessitação. ",
"Se Armstrong (1983) tem esse elemento modal em sua teoria, e se tal relação também existe na teoria de Tooley (1977) com outro nome, então esse elemento não deixa de ser modal apenas porque tem outro nome. ",
"Se passarmos a chamar a necessidade de \"função de construção\", embora mantenhamos todas as suas características, ela não passa a ser algo não modal. ",
"Assim, a mudança de vocabulário de Tooley mostra no máximo, tal como ele pretende, que é possível falar de (ou escrever sobre) leis sem termos modais, mas não que é possível fundamentar as leis sem nenhuma modalidade. ",
"Ainda faltaria para Tooley nos dizer o que seria na realidade a existência de uma função, que mapeia universais em certas proposições. ",
"Esse vocabulário, por mais que não seja explicitamente modal, é um tanto obscuro ontologicamente. ",
"Podemos entender o que é existir um universal, mas está longe de ser claro como podem existir funções na realidade e como elas podem se relacionar com os universais os mapeando em proposições – a não ser, é claro, que fundamentemos tais funções e mapeamento nas próprias relações de segunda ordem (de necessitação, de exclusão etc) entre os universais. ",
"No entanto, se fizermos isso, tornamos a função e seu mapeamento em algo intimamente modal. ",
"O que faz a suposta vantagem de não utilizar termos modais ao falar das leis ser irrelevante metafisicamente. ",
"89 Outra suposta vantagem é que ele não faz referência a mundos possíveis. ",
"E assim não pressupõe os mundos possíveis em sua ontologia das leis naturais. ",
"Não parece haver nada de vantajoso em não fazer referência a mundos possíveis. ",
"O vocabulário dos mundos possíveis é o vocabulário técnico mais padrão que temos para tratar das modalidades. ",
"Os comprometimentos ontológicos que aceitaremos ao usar o vocabulário será algo que teremos que discutir posteriormente. ",
"Talvez a vantagem de não fazer referência aos mundos possíveis seja que torna-se possível ser neutro com relação aos mundos possíveis ao tratar de uma metafísica das leis. ",
"A teoria de Tooley, de fato, é neutra com relação aos mundos possíveis. ",
"Mesmo que isso seja uma vantagem simpliciter e com relação ao regularismo, ainda não está claro que seja uma vantagem com relação ao substantivismo in rebus. ",
"Pois a teoria de Armstrong, por exemplo, também não faz referência a mundos possíveis, ou pelo menos não precisa fazer referência a tais mundos. ",
"Uma terceira vantagem seria que a sua teoria nos diz a razão pela qual acidentes são distintos de leis naturais. ",
"Os enunciados de leis seriam verdadeiros por relações entre universais, enquanto os enunciados de acidentes seriam verdadeiros por relações entre particulares. ",
"Como já vimos, o regularista não precisa – e, na verdade, não deve – aceitar que há uma diferença entre acidentes e leis, de modo que essa não poderia ser uma vantagem com relação a ele. ",
"No entanto, essa poderia ser considerada uma vantagem na medida em que quisermos fazer a nossa teoria ser compatível com as ciências. ",
"Embora também não seja uma vantagem nem com relação ao conectivismo e nem com relação ao substantivismo in rebus, já que ambos aceitam essa distinção e tentam construir suas fronteiras entre leis e acidentes. ",
"Outra suposta vantagem seria que a abordagem de Tooley seria capaz de traçar uma distinção entre leis e acidentes de acordo com a relação que as leis têm, e os acidentes não têm, com os contrafactuais. ",
"Tanto ele, quanto Armstrong aceitam que as leis têm essa relação com os contrafactuais. ",
"Mas tal como a força contrafactual das leis de Armstrong é excluída pela contingência das mesmas, o mesmo ocorre com as leis contingentes de Tooley. ",
"Há duas formas que uma lei pode ser contingente: sendo fracamente necessária e não sendo fracamente necessária. ",
"Tal como eu disse anteriormente, se a lei contingente 90 não for fracamente necessária, então é verdade que há dois mundos possíveis, em que ambos há instâncias de F e de G, e que em um deles é uma lei que F é G e no outro não é uma lei que F é G. Se há esses dois mundos e se são ambos acessíveis a partir do mundo actual, então frente a termos um objeto b, que não é um F, não podemos pensar que se ele fosse um F, ele seria um G, dado que haveria mundos possíveis acessíveis ao actual em que ele não seria um G (os mundos em que a lei não se mantém). ",
"Assim, o problema é que leis contingentes, se não forem fracamente necessárias, não poderão fundamentar a contrafactualidade. ",
"Portanto, Tooley não consegue manter para sua teoria a vantagem que indica, a menos que mantenha que a contingência de suas leis é fracamente necessária, diferentemente de Armstrong. ",
"Uma outra vantagem é o fato de a teoria do substantivismo ante rem conseguir dar conta dos veridadores de enunciados de leis não derivadas e sem instâncias. ",
"Essa é a motivação fundamental para aceitarmos o substantivismo ante rem e os universais não instanciados que ele postula. ",
"Todas as outras teorias falham nesse ponto, mas o ante rem, não. ",
"Essa vantagem é fundamental justamente, pois os casos de Tooley nos fornecem situações possíveis com relação ao nosso mundo, que nos forçariam a postular leis não instanciadas. ",
"Essas situações são possíveis, pois elas são actuais73. ",
"As razões para pensarmos que tais possibilidades são actuais são que, primeiramente, há evidências de tipos de situações nunca instanciadas, como o encontro das propriedades universais que eu tenho agora com as propriedades universais que a Galáxia de Andrômeda tem agora. ",
"E há tipos de situações que resultariam em catástrofes, segundo nossas teorias, as quais fazemos de tudo para evitar sua instanciação74. ",
"As leis que regeriam tais situações só poderiam ser adequadamente descritas pelo substantivista ante rem. ",
"E, na medida em que outras teorias não podem explicar os Casos de Tooley, elas se tornam teorias que não conseguem descrever casos tanto possivelmente existentes, quanto actualmente existentes. ",
"73 Apelo aqui ao axioma da lógica modal A→◊A. 74 Como fórmulas para bombas de explosões nunca instanciadas. ",
"É claro que é argumentável que só sabemos que as instanciações de certas leis são catastróficas, pois tais leis são derivadas de leis mais básicas, que por sua vez se encontram instanciadas. ",
"Pois se tais leis básicas não estivessem instanciadas, não as poderíamos saber; portanto, também não saberíamos a catastrófica lei derivada; e, consequentemente, também não tentaríamos evitar tal lei derivada. ",
"Se for argumentado dessa forma, eu de fato ainda não saberia como responder, e deixaria o presente argumento dependente de que mostremos que há casos actuais em que postulamos leis não instanciadas. ",
"91 Ainda outra vantagem seria que sua abordagem nos fornece uma explicação de por que os contextos nomológicos não são extensionais, a saber, porque dizem respeito a universais, que não são entidades extensionais, embora tenham extensão. ",
"Assim, ela explicaria por que x (Fx∀ →Gx) não implicaria logicamente que x (Hx∀ →Gx), quando x Hx é extensionalmente equivalente a x Fx.∀ ∀ 75 Essa é uma vantagem com relação ao regularismo, pois este, como é motivado pelo nominalismo, tenta fazer uma abordagem metafísica completamente extensional; e, assim, tem que lidar com os problemas advindos de enunciados co-extensionais e que não são intensionalmente equivalentes76. ",
"Além dessas muitas vantagens, se tomarmos a teoria de Tooley como postulando ao menos uma relação de necessitação fracamente necessária, poderemos fazer o substantivismo ante rem manter a contrafactualidade, explicar as regularidades e ainda resolver os Casos de Tooley. ",
"Nosso objetivo na próxima seção é justamente falar sobre essa nova versão do substantivismo ante rem e como ela pode fornecer uma boa abordagem para os problemas que apresentamos para as teorias das leis e também para outros problemas que apresentaremos a seguir. ",
"75 Ou ainda, explicaria por que N(F,G) não implicaria que N(H,G) quando F e H são co-extensionais. ",
"76 Um exemplo de tais enunciados seriam \"todo réptil tem rins\" e \"todo réptil tem coração\" – se aceitarmos, é claro, a hipótese de que ter rins e ter coração são co-extensionais – ou \"tudo que tem a propriedade de ser 2, tem a propriedade de ser par e primo\" e \"tudo que tem a propriedade de ser dois, tem a propriedade de ser o quociente de seis por três\" – se quisermos proposições necessariamente coextensionais. ",
"92 5. ",
"O que é uma lei da natureza? ",
"Viemos nos perguntando nessa dissertação qual é o estatuto metafísico das leis naturais. ",
"Primeiramente, queríamos saber se havia objetos na realidade que respondiam por aquilo que chamamos de \"leis naturais\". ",
"Tentamos mostrar que uma metafísica, se pretende explicar os poderes, a contrafactualidade (e todos os condicionais subjuntivos), a regularidade e os Casos de Tooley, deve postular a existência de leis naturais e deve ter certas características que apenas o substantivismo ante rem poderia ter. ",
"Certamente outras teorias poderiam explicar alguns, mas não todos, os pontos indicados. ",
"E é por isso, para preservar tais características explicativas, que defendemos que devemos pensar nas leis da natureza como relações de necessitação (ao menos fracamente necessárias) entre universais ante rem. ",
"Essa ideia é distinta tanto da teoria do Tooley, quanto da teoria do Armstrong, dado que é uma tentativa de fazer a teoria do substantivismo se salvar dos problemas aqui apresentados. ",
"Mas por que devemos seguir essa teoria? ",
"Retrospectiva e o Novo Substantivismo Ante Rem Começamos o texto, introduzindo o problema sobre o que eram as leis naturais, e apresentando quatro posições principais com relação ao seu estatuto metafísico: o conectivismo, o regularismo, o substantivismo in rebus e o substantivismo ante rem – duas delas anti-realistas e duas realistas. ",
"Iniciamos tentando mostrar que uma metafísica das leis é preferível a uma metafísica dos poderes e, depois, passamos a defender que o substantivismo ante rem é preferível com relação às suas alternativas dentro de uma metafísica das leis naturais. ",
"Nossa defesa de que uma metafísica das leis é preferível baseia-se em dois pontos fundamentais: os poderes são problemáticos de uma forma que as leis não são e é possível responder satisfatoriamente o desafio do Dilema Central que foi proposto ao realista das leis naturais pelo conectivista. ",
"Os poderes são problemáticos, pois apontam para algo externo a eles próprios, já que indicam uma manifestação do próprio poder (a situação na qual ele seria efetivo). ",
"Além disso, como vimos, é particularmente 93 problemático lidar com a causalidade numa metafísica que tome os poderes como básicos e responsáveis por todo o resto. ",
"Pois não está claro como o contato de dois ou mais poderes conseguem produzir alguma coisa; por exemplo, não está claro como o queijo poderia ser cortado a partir apenas da disposição do queijo de ser cortado quando submetido a certo tipo de fricção junto com a minha disposição para cortar o queijo quando eu tenho vontade, estou em condições de saúde adequadas e com uma boa faca mão. ",
"Para que eu corte o queijo, algo mais – a minha vontade – tem de efetivar minha disposição. ",
"E também, como já vimos, uma outra razão para rejeitarmos uma metafísica dos poderes é que ela deixa por explicar como algo pode ter um poder e como é possível que um poder exista como básico sem se sustentar num portador material. ",
"Como algo tem um poder, para o metafísico dos poderes, é uma questão que não tem explicação. ",
"Quem toma os poderes como básicos tem uma grande dificuldade de explicar por que razão os poderes são sobrevenientes às suas estruturas. ",
"No entanto, um metafísico das leis tem uma resposta pronta para esse problema. ",
"Ele nos diz que os poderes são redutíveis ao modo como as leis regulamentam as propriedades categóricas. ",
"De fato, não existiriam poderes. ",
"Por exemplo, a fragilidade, ou disposição para se quebrar que um certo copo de vidro tem não seria nada mais que uma lei regulamentando que certas propriedades categóricas (de um certo impacto) necessitam outras propriedades categóricas (uma certa organização interna dos constituintes do copo). ",
"Assim, o que existiria não seriam poderes, mas seriam as leis regulamentando as relações entre propriedades categóricas (estruturas). ",
"Isso explicaria a superveniência dos poderes às estruturas. ",
"E permitiria também que explicássemos como os poderes podem existir no espaço, a saber, focupando hospedeiros categóricos. ",
"Hospedeiros estes que não apontam para nada externo, e que estão em muito melhores condições de dar conta da causalidade das coisas.77 E, com relação ao Dilema Central, vimos como podíamos respondê-lo, a saber, indicando dois tipos de leis, internas e externas, que permitiriam que \"comprássemos\" 77 Para percebermos que algo material pode explicar melhor a causalidade, podemos nos lembrar da explicação da causalidade de Demócrito e de Newton, que nos falava de átomos se esbarrando e se organizando no espaço vazio para a formação de todas as outras coisas. ",
"Tais átomos seriam objetos particulares com as propriedades categóricas (exceto, obviamente, a organização dos constituintes). ",
"Uma explicação da causalidade nesse nível já é melhor do que a falta de explicação que estaria submetida uma metafísica dos poderes. ",
"94 certa variabilidade para as leis sem mexer em sua identidade, permitindo, assim, que escapássemos da atribuição de quiditismo e de postular leis desnecessariamente. ",
"Nossa resposta permitiu também que falássemos da identidade teorética como essas leis internas, tornando-as distintas das externas, por elas expressarem a natureza de um universal, e não de uma relação entre universais. ",
"Tentamos também mostrar que a relação de governança pode, ao menos no substantivismo ante rem, ser tomada como a relação de instanciação, coisa que não pode ser emulada pelo substantivismo in rebus pelo fato das leis nesta última teoria serem abstraídas e, assim, dependerem ontologicamente de suas instâncias. ",
"Todas essas razões parecem ser mais que suficientes para justificar a nossa preferência por uma metafísica das leis frente a uma metafísica dos poderes. ",
"Porém, mesmo quando aceitamos uma metafísica das leis, temos divergências com relação à sua natureza. ",
"Tentei mostrar que duas dessas teorias, o regularismo (ingênuo e sofisticado) e o substantivismo in rebus, têm problemas fatais, que só podem ser solucionados por uma teoria do substantivismo ante rem. ",
"E que o substantivismo de Tooley, embora não seja de todo adequado, pode ser melhorado para resolver seus principais problemas e para dar conta de ainda outros problemas. ",
"Os maiores problemas com relação ao regularismo ingênuo são que ele não pode dar uma abordagem satisfatória das leis probabilísticas, das leis funcionais e dos Casos de Tooley das leis não instanciadas, e que suas leis são tais que não abarcam aspectos importantes das leis científicas, como sua contrafactualidade ou a conexão interna com cada uma de suas instâncias. ",
"As leis do regularista também não determinam qual é o domínio do possível ou do impossível em nenhum sentido de \"impossível\" ou \"possível\". ",
"E também têm sérias dificuldades com a confirmação, já que x (Fx∀ →Gx) não é confirmado pelos mesmos confirmadores que x (~Gx∀ →~Fx), e já que elas são equivalentes (expressam a mesma lei). ",
"Além disso, mesmo que o regularista mude a forma da lei para Ǝx (Fx) ʌ x (Fx∀ →Gx), ele não responderia os Casos de Tooley, pois não é apto a dizer que tipo de contrafactual seria feito verdadeiro em casos como os da Partícula Fundamental e da Propriedade Emergente. ",
"Nesses casos, casos em que não há F, ele não pode nos dizer se Ǝx (Fx) ʌ x (Fx∀ →Gx) ou se Ǝx (Fx) ʌ x (Fx∀ →~Gx) seria verdadeiro. ",
"Se nenhum fosse verdadeiro, então nenhum contrafactual que nos 95 dissesse o que ocorreria nesses casos seria verdadeiro, o que parece incompatível com a crença científica de que tais contrafactuais seriam verdadeiros. ",
"Além disso, as leis regularistas não poderiam fundamentar a racionalidade da indução e ainda persistiriam com o problema da confirmabilidade, pois Ǝx (Fx) ʌ x (Fx∀ →Gx) e Ǝx (Fx) ʌ x∀ (~Gx→~Fx) seriam confirmados por coisas diferentes. ",
"O regularismo sofisticado, por sua vez, em sua forma epistêmica torna as leis subjetivas, dependentes da mente. ",
"O que o próprio regularista (objetivista) não gostaria de fazer. ",
"E, em suas formas internalistas – da resiliência em situações possíveis e a da resiliência em sistemas dedutivos (que é a sistemática) – o regularista é igualmente problemático. ",
"Essas formas são problemáticas, a primeira, porque exclui a priori a possibilidade de leis não resilientes. ",
"E, mesmo que mostremos que as leis são resilientes, haverá leis para situações meramente possíveis, que não são descritíveis por qualquer regularidade, resiliente ou não resiliente. ",
"Com relação à teoria sistemática, ela peca por acabar postulando sistemas nomológicos modais para o mundo, se quiser falar de sistemas dedutivos existentes na realidade. ",
"Se eles não forem existentes, então serão meramente epistêmicos, o que dá lugar à objeção contra o regularista sofisticado epistêmico. ",
"Este argumento, quando emulado para a simplicidade e para a força exigidas de um sistema dedutivo, mostram que os elementos nomológicos modais que o regularista quer expurgar ainda persistem na teoria (ou a teoria torna-se uma versão epistêmica do externalismo). ",
"Além disso, por não conseguir traçar uma fronteira clara entre leis e acidentes, torna-se inconsistente com a forma como a ciência toma suas leis: com universalidade, força contrafactual e uma certa necessidade. ",
"Outro fato igualmente problemático é que no que diz respeito a leis funcionais com valores não instanciados, vários sistemas diferentes e inconsistentes entre si poderiam dar conta dos fatos do mundo. ",
"Mas e o substantivismo in rebus? ",
"Por que rejeitá-lo? ",
"Embora ele nos explique a regularidade, a conexão interna de cada instância da lei e a contrafactualidade78 (caso seja ao menos fracamente necessário), há certas características do mundo que ele não 78 Como mostramos, se aceitarmos a contingência das leis, tal como Armstrong, o que de fato não é algo que o substantivista in rebus tenha que fazer, não seremos aptos a manter a contrafactualidade das leis. ",
"Como essa tese não é essencial para o substantivista, que pode aceitar a necessidade fraca, o problema de falta de contrafactualidade das leis não é fatal para o substantivismo in rebus. ",
"No entanto, outros problemas – como a dependência ontológica das leis sob os particulares – são. ",
"96 teria como dar conta, e que daria menos conta ainda, se fosse o substantivismo das leis contingentes de Armstrong. ",
"Primeiramente, as razões de Armstrong para aceitar a sua versão do Princípio de Instanciação são por demais fracas. ",
"Além disso, a aceitação de tal princípio implica o compromisso ontológico com o eternismo, que é a tese que nos diz que são reais todos os instantes do tempo. ",
"O problema aqui não é defender o eternismo, mas é que ser uma teoria que implica um compromisso ontológico com outra teoria de um outro domínio de discussão completamente diferente é visto como uma desvantagem, principalmente quando existe uma outra teoria que não tem tais compromissos.79 Mas alguns problemas fatais para o substantivismo in rebus, tal como vimos, são os terríveis Casos de Tooley e a relação de governança. ",
"Os casos de leis não derivadas e não instanciadas não são adequadamente tratados pela metafísica armstronguiana, nem com a introdução das leis de segunda ordem, que embora pareçam lidar relativamente bem com os casos de leis funcionais, não dão conta dos Casos da Partícula Fundamental e da Propriedade Emergente. ",
"A própria aceitação do Princípio de Instanciação, que é a alma da doutrina imanentista do substantivismo in rebus, é o que impede o teórico de resolver adequadamente tais casos – que poderiam ser resolvidos com a introdução de universais ante rem. ",
"Outra motivação para rejeitarmos o substantivismo in rebus, esta também fatal ao imanentismo, é que se as leis são imanentes, elas dependem ontologicamente de suas instâncias; e, se assim o fazem, nunca podem explicar porque um certo G é instanciado. ",
"Pois para, por exemplo, que N(F,G) seja o caso, precisamos que Fa cause Ga, Fb cause Gb etc. ",
"Assim, que G esteja instanciado não pode ser explicado pela lei de que N(F,G), dado que esta, para existir, depende de que G esteja instanciado em a (ou em outro(s) particular(es)). ",
"Entretanto, como dissemos, por mais que estejamos motivados a aceitar uma teoria das leis como relações entre universais ante rem, tal como a teoria de Tooley, já que esta daria conta dos Casos de Tooley, ela não é satisfatória por outros motivos. ",
"E 79 É argumentar que o substantivista in rebus não precisa aceitar o eternismo. ",
"Ele poderia aceitar uma versão mais forte do princípio de instanciação, que indicaria que existem apenas os universais que estão instanciados agora. ",
"No entanto, tal solução é problemática, pois faz com que as leis não possam fundamentar a causalidade, já que a causalidade leva um intervalo de tempo para ocorrer, e não um instante – de modo que uma lei nunca pode estar instanciada agora, mas deve ser instanciada no intervalo de tempo no qual a causalidade que ela instancia ocorre. ",
"97 não é por três pontos fundamentais, a saber: por falar de leis como relações contingentes entre universais, por atribuir existência a funções e mapeamentos e por tomar as leis como contrapondo e sendo transitivas. ",
"Se as relações entre universais forem contingentes e não forem fracamente necessárias, então elas não poderão ter a força contrafactual que um realista esperaria delas. ",
"Outra consequência de leis contingentes é que as leis perdem sua capacidade de demarcação de uma fronteira entre possibilidades e impossibilidades de algum tipo. ",
"E isso é negativo na medida em que geralmente pensamos que são as leis de um determinado domínio que tornam certas coisas possíveis ou impossíveis com relação àquele domínio.80 Uma boa teoria ante rem das leis irá ser ao menos fracamente necessária, para poder manter a contrafactualidade nos casos mais relevantes, e que se quisermos manter a contrafactualidade em todos os casos, devemos aceitar a necessidade forte das leis naturais. ",
"Qual delas devemos aceitar, isso terá que ficar para uma investigação posterior, mas basta que o Novo Substantivismo Ante Rem não diga que suas leis são contingentes e não fracamente necessárias. ",
"O máximo de contingência que o novo substantivista ante rem poderá aceitar para as suas leis é a necessidade fraca. ",
"Além disso, o novo substantivismo ante rem não precisaria atribuir realidade a funções e mapeamentos. ",
"Armstrong nos mostrou, como já indicamos, como podemos resolver o problema das leis de exclusão, a saber, tomando as leis de exclusão como derivadas das leis de necessitação. ",
"Ou simplesmente podemos tomar as leis de exclusão como impossibilidades que estão fora do domínio dos mundos possíveis determinados pelas leis de necessitação; e as leis de necessitação seriam apenas a relação de necessitação [forte ou fracamente] necessária de segunda ordem entre os universais. ",
"Esta relação seria capaz de determinar a fronteira entre possibilidades e impossibilidades de algum tipo, e tomaríamos esse atributo modal das leis como algo básico81. ",
"O novo ante rem seguiria com Armstrong nas características formais das leis – 80 Por exemplo, as leis da física tornam certas coisas fisicamente possíveis e outras fisicamente impossíveis, as leis da química tornam algumas coisas quimicamente possíveis e outras quimicamente impossíveis, as leis da lógica tornam certas coisas logicamente possíveis e outras logicamente impossíveis, e assim por diante. ",
"81 Quem gostaria de reduzir o modal ao não modal é o nominalista, que gostaria de exterminar todas as entidades intensionais, como significados, propriedades e modalidades. ",
"O realista não precisa seguir tal objetivo. ",
"Assim, torna-se difícil compreender como a redução do modal ao não modal possa ser uma vantagem para uma teoria realista – como Tooley gostaria que fosse. ",
"98 para não cair nos problemas da confirmação, dos universais negativos, do realismo de funções e da sobredeterminação – indicando que elas são relações (de necessitação necessária) irreflexivas, não simétricas, não transitivas e que não contrapõem. ",
"Essa nova abordagem do substantivismo ante rem é capaz de dar conta de todos os problemas que nos importam ao construirmos uma metafísica das leis da natureza. ",
"A Forma das Leis A primeira coisa que devemos abordar é a forma das leis da natureza. ",
"Se o substantivista ante rem não tem a pretensão, talvez nominalista, de reduzir o modal ao não modal, não será um problema para ele utilizar a relação de necessitação e evitar as funções de construção de Tooley. ",
"Na verdade, podemos utilizar as funções de construção na medida em que elas não forem tomadas como o substrato ontológico das relações entre os universais. ",
"Pois se as tomarmos dessa forma, então teremos que lidar com a postulação de um realismo de funções e mapeamentos. ",
"O problema disso é que o realismo de funções e mapeamentos exige um realismo linguístico que não precisa ser um compromisso de nenhum substantivista. ",
"Para evitar o problema da relação contingente entre universais não ser apta a sustentar a contrafactualidade, nada melhor do que aceitar que a relação entre universais que constitui as leis é necessária, ao menos fracamente necessária. ",
"Pois isso permitiria que, ao menos nos mundos em que houvesse instâncias do universal, as propriedades instanciadas sempre se comportassem da mesma forma. ",
"E, assim, garantiria a contrafactualidade. ",
"Por exemplo, como seria o caso em todos os mundos em que sal e água existem que a lei de que o sal se dissolve em água existe, então é o caso que se eu contrafactualmente tivesse colocado um certo pedaço de sal numa certa quantidade de água, ele teria se dissolvido. ",
"Mas se a lei de que o sal se dissolve em água fosse contingente, de modo a existirem ao menos dois mundos, tais que neles há instâncias de sal e de água, e num deles há a lei de que o sal se dissolve em água e no outro não há, então não haveria garantias de que, se eu contrafactualmente tivesse colocado um certo pedaço de sal numa certa quantidade de água, ele teria se dissolvido – já que haveria um mundo possível acessível em relação ao actual em que há sal e água e não há a lei de 99 que o sal se dissolve em água82. ",
"Por sua vez, as leis de exclusão, tal como já indicamos, seriam pensadas como derivadas das leis de necessitação, tal como sustenta Armstrong (1983). ",
"Já mostramos como isso poderia ser o caso, mas não custa mostrar novamente. ",
"Suponha: que todos os Fs tenham G (que é ter uma certa massa m1), que N(F,G) e que algo ter G exclui logicamente esse algo ter H (que é ter uma certa massa m2, com m1 ≠ m2). ",
"Nesse caso seria uma lei derivada que nenhum F é um H, ou seja, que N(F,~H). ",
"E leis derivadas seriam apenas consequências lógicas das leis básicas sem adição de nenhum comprometimento ontológico extra. ",
"No entanto, diferentemente do substantivista in rebus, o substantivista ante rem não tem problemas em explicar como é possível que uma lei exclua a instanciação da propriedade G e, mesmo assim, haja tal propriedade numa lei. ",
"E não tem esse problema, pois aceita universais não instanciados.83 Outra coisa que poderíamos dizer é que as leis de necessitação, por serem necessárias, determinariam todos os mundos possíveis; e, consequentemente, todos os mundos impossíveis, sem acréscimo ontológico. ",
"Isso faria com que, uma vez que estivessem dadas as leis de necessitação, as leis de exclusão seriam deriváveis. ",
"Utilizando o mesmo exemplo anterior, poderíamos dizer que do momento que as leis de necessitação determinam que todo F será G, elas determinam que nenhum F é H. Assim, se elas determinaram que em todo mundo possível F é G, elas determinam também que não há mundo possível em que F é H, ou que F é J, etc. ",
"Dessa forma, do momento que está determinado que N(F,G), está também determinado que N(F,~H), no caso de a instanciação de G e de H for incompatível. ",
"E, tal como dissemos, o novo substantivismo compartilha com Armstrong de sua concepção com relação às propriedades lógicas das leis: não reflexivas, não simétricas, não transitivas e não contrapondo. ",
"O novo substantivista ante rem deve sustentar que as leis não contrapõem, pois, para escapar do problema da confirmação (\"N(F,G)\" e \"N(~G,~F)\" têm confirmadores diferentes), deve sustentar que as consequências lógicas 82 É claro que, no caso de ser a Lei de Coulomb, como propõe Bird (2001), que sustente tanto a existência do sal, quanto a dissolução do sal na água, então não seria possível que existisse sal e ele não se dissolvesse em água. ",
"Mas, mesmo que isso seja o caso para a lei que regulamenta a dissolução do sal na água, está longe de ser claro como toda lei pode ser vista dessa forma. ",
"83 O substantivista in rebus tem que explicar como é possível que uma propriedade tenha sido excluída por uma lei de ser instanciada e, mesmo assim, existir na lei. ",
"Isso é problemático para o substantivista in rebus, pois ele aceita o Princípio de Instanciação. ",
"100 de uma lei não são a mesma lei do que a qual elas são consequência. ",
"Se não o são, então do fato de N(F,G) não se seguiria que N(~G,~F), embora se seguiria que x∀ (~Gx→~Fx). ",
"Tal substantivista nos diz que as leis não são transitivas pela mesma razão de Armstrong, a saber, pois se as leis fossem transitivas, então de N(F,G) e N(G,H), deduziríamos N(F,H), e isso faria H, dado F, estar sobredeterminado – tanto por F, quanto por G. A não simetria das leis, por sua vez, é algo fácil de percebermos, já que não podemos concluir que tudo que é preto é um corvo a partir da lei de que todos os corvos são pretos. ",
"Se não podemos, então não podemos concluir que N(G,F) a partir de N(F,G). ",
"E, com relação à reflexividade, ao menos as leis externas seriam não reflexivas, já que estabeleceriam relações que um universal tem com algo externo a si mesmo. ",
"Se uma lei é externa, ela não pode ter a forma N(F,F), pois tal forma não estabelece nenhuma relação externa. ",
"Além disso, uma lei com tal forma nos diria que se F está instanciado em algo, isso faz com que F seja instanciado nesse algo. ",
"Mas certamente não acreditamos que algo possa necessitar a si próprio. ",
"Mas e as leis internas? ",
"Defendemos anteriormente que poderíamos escapar do Dilema Central de Mumford apelando para a noção de leis da natureza internas que forneceriam a identidade de um universal. ",
"Tais leis naturais seriam expressas por identidades teóricas – que são descobertas pelas ciências e que serão melhor abordadas na próxima seção – e elas seriam a natureza de um universal. ",
"Identidades Teóricas, Leis de Escopo Universal e Leis Funcionais São as identidades teóricas leis da forma \"N(F,F)\"? ",
"Quando dizemos, por exemplo, que \"água = H2O\"84 será que dizemos algo da forma \"N(F,F)\"? ",
"Tal como defendemos, uma lei interna não tem as mesmas características de uma lei externa. ",
"Por exemplo, a instância de uma lei interna é um estado de coisas particular, o que é diferente de uma lei externa, cuja instância é uma sequência causal entre estados de coisas. ",
"Que água é H2O, isso é a indicação de que algo sendo H2O e algo sendo água é o mesmo estado de coisas, e não uma indicação de o que ocorre a partir de um certo 84 Para este exemplo ser mais vivo, devemos pensar em \"água\" como indicando a molécula de água. ",
"Assim, estaríamos dizendo que dois átomos de H e um de O em uma certa relação é uma molécula de água. ",
"101 estado de coisas estar instanciado. ",
"De modo diferente das leis externas, as leis internas não governariam relações entre estados de coisas, mas apenas seriam a natureza de um universal. ",
"A natureza de um universal seria determinada pelas identidades teóricas que dizem respeito a esse universal. ",
"E como o novo substantivismo ante rem lida com as leis de escopo universal? – ",
"como \"tudo é água\", ou \"tudo é energia\", ou ainda \"tudo é átomos\". ",
"O problema aqui é o mesmo para o substantivismo in rebus, a saber, é indicar como uma lei que atribui uma certa propriedade a tudo pode ser uma relação de necessitação entre dois universais. ",
"Há duas respostas para essa pergunta. ",
"As duas envolvem dizer que não há leis de escopo universal. ",
"A primeira nos diz que nenhuma lei poderia dizer que tudo é F, pois certamente haverá coisas não particulares que não serão F, como por exemplo o universal básico G. Caso objetassem afirmando que se estamos dizendo que tudo é F, então F seria o universal que há de mais básico, e G, mesmo tomado como um universal, seria também F, então eu utilizaria a minha segunda resposta. ",
"Que é dizer que, mesmo que seja verdade que tudo é F, isso não faz com que tenhamos que defender que é uma lei que tudo é F. Certamente seria uma regularidade que tudo é F, mas essa regularidade não teria explicação em termos de leis naturais. ",
"Mas não iria contra a motivação realista de querer uma explicação para as regularidades deixar alguma regularidade sem explicação? ",
"Não, na medida em que pensamos ser aceitável faltar a explicação para, por exemplo, existirem os universais básicos que existem, e não outros, e para estarem instanciados os universais básicos que estão, e não outros. ",
"Não pensamos ser aceitável é faltar a explicação de por que a instanciação de certas propriedades necessita outra(s) propriedade(s); e isso é explicado pelas leis externas ante rem que postulamos anteriormente. ",
"Se dizemos que tudo é F, estamos apenas falando que um certo universal existe ou é instanciado, dependendo da concepção de universal. ",
"De todo modo, nenhum teórico das leis é capaz de dar uma abordagem satisfatória das leis de escopo universal. ",
"Como já vimos, Armstrong tenta apelar para quasi-universais ou para a propriedade de ser uma propriedade, e Tooley tenta sustentar esta última ideia. ",
"Eles gostariam de dizer que as leis de escopo universal ou são leis que falam que ser algo no universo necessita ter uma certa propriedade específica, ou que 102 algo ter alguma propriedade, qualquer que seja, necessita que ele tenha uma outra propriedade específica. ",
"Mas tudo isso é problemático. ",
"E o é, pois quasi-universais são contra toda a motivação de uma teoria dos universais de construí-los sem nenhuma determinação espacial ou temporal. ",
"E porque tomar ter uma propriedade como uma propriedade parece ir contra a definição de Armstrong de o que é um universal, que seria o que há de o mesmo em cada uma das instâncias. ",
"O ter uma propriedade de cada coisa que tem uma propriedade seria diferente, não seria algo que há de o mesmo. ",
"De modo que não deveríamos – pelo menos de acordo com a definição de Armstrong – tomá-la como uma propriedade genuína. ",
"Por sua vez, o regularismo não tem problemas com as leis de escopo universal e pode aceitar que elas são leis (e que, obviamente, não expressam conexão necessária alguma). ",
"No entanto, suas leis, as de escopo universal inclusas, não podem explicar as regularidades, pois elas próprias são as regularidades. ",
"Assim, se era algo ruim o substantivismo ante rem não poder explicar as regularidades de escopo universal, seria algo pior ainda não poder explicar nenhuma regularidade, como é o caso do regularismo. ",
"Dessa forma, essas seriam as razões para pensarmos que apenas o novo substantivismo ante rem pode fornecer uma boa abordagem das regularidades de escopo universal, dado que nos explica por que elas não são leis e nos explica a maior parte das regularidades. ",
"Mas e as leis funcionais? ",
"Pode o novo substantivismo ante rem fornecer uma abordagem das leis funcionais? ",
"Eu diria que pode, pois as leis funcionais não estabelecem nenhum problema para o velho substantivismo ante rem. ",
"O problema delas para o substantivista in rebus é que elas poderiam ter valores não instanciados na função; e isso apenas é um problema, pois tal tipo de substantivista aceita o Princípio da Instanciação. ",
"O novo substantivista ante rem, como rejeita o PI, não precisa fornecer uma abordagem especial de como pode haver valores não instanciados numa lei funcional. ",
"Ele apenas precisaria dizer, tal como Armstrong, que as leis funcionais são leis de segunda ordem que determinam as leis de primeira ordem, que por sua vez são os valores da função. ",
"Os valores poderiam estar instanciados ou não instanciados, e isso não causaria problemas ao novo substantivista ante rem, já que seus universais são independentes das instâncias e que as leis da natureza são universais. ",
"103 Os Casos de Tooley Outros pontos que só recebem uma abordagem satisfatória do novo substantivismo ante rem são os Casos de Tooley. ",
"Há dois tipos de casos envolvidos aqui: os casos de leis não instanciadas – Casos da Partícula Fundamental e da Propriedade Emergente – e o caso de leis sobre particulares – Caso do Jardim de Smith. ",
"Os casos de leis não instanciadas podem ser explicados satisfatoriamente pelo novo substantivismo ante rem, pois este nos diria que, nos casos em que postularíamos leis não instanciadas para serem os veridadores dos contrafactuais relevantes, de fato haveria leis não instanciadas que fariam tais contrafactuais verdadeiros. ",
"Por exemplo, no Caso da Partícula Fundamental, por mais que ambas as partículas nunca interagissem, sua possível interação (e o efeito dessa interação) estaria sendo governada por uma lei não instanciada na qual estão presentes os universais para dois tipos de estados de coisas relacionados pela necessitação. ",
"E seria em virtude da existência dessa lei que o contrafactual do caso é verdadeiro. ",
"No caso da Propriedade Emergente podemos dizer o mesmo. ",
"Ele é um caso no qual seria verdade que se houvesse uma certa relação entre propriedades, emergiria uma propriedade básica dessa relação – como o caso de uma certa organização de constituintes materiais formar um poder. ",
"No entanto, essa relação nunca ocorre em nenhum tempo. ",
"Poderíamos, nesse caso, fundamentar a verdade desse contrafactual dizendo que há uma lei não instanciada que conecta certa relação não instanciada entre propriedades com uma outra propriedade emergente não instanciada. ",
"Isso tudo pode ser explicado sem problemas ao tomarmos as leis da natureza (ao menos as externas) como universais ante rem que são relações de necessitação necessária entre outros universais ante rem. ",
"A relação de necessitação necessária é exigida, em vez de mera necessitação contingente, pois queremos manter a contrafactualidade. ",
"No entanto, que tipo de necessidade é essa, esta é uma discussão que devemos deixar para outro momento. ",
"Com relação ao Caso do Jardim de Smith, ele é um caso em que estamos tentados a postular uma lei que nenhum substantivista poderia descrever (não poderia ao menos na medida em que não utilizasse quasi-universais), pois tal lei seria uma lei com relação a algo particular. ",
"Se quisermos manter que as leis são universais, devemos dar 104 uma abordagem para o Caso do Jardim de Smith. ",
"As únicas soluções possíveis para o realista substantivista são: rejeitar que seja possível um tal caso, ou postular uma propriedade compartilhável com outros jardins. ",
"A terceira opção, que seria aceitar a ineliminabilidade dos particulares, é abandonar a tese de que as leis são relações universais entre apenas universais. ",
"Com relação às duas outras opções, o novo substantivista ante rem defenderia ambas; e, assim, que toda propriedade de um particular seria universal (o que faria todo jardim ser formado apenas de propriedades universais). ",
"Isso não permitiria que ele tivesse uma propriedade que só pudesse ser tida por ele. ",
"É aceitável querer rejeitar a hipótese, pois ela envolve aceitarmos a possibilidade de situações bem estranhas, como a existência de dois objetos qualitativamente idênticos, mas não numericamente idênticos, que teriam efeitos diferentes85. ",
"E parece uma tese aceita pelas ciências e pela nossa intuição geral que os efeitos de um objeto sobrevêm às qualidades desse objeto (ou desse objeto e do meio). ",
"Se tal superveniência realmente for o caso, então a única forma de sustentá-la é rejeitando que seja possível um caso como o do Jardim de Smith e que, na verdade, as propriedades do jardim seriam propriedades compartilháveis por jardins com as mesmas qualidades. ",
"Uma teoria universalista, tal como o novo substantivismo ante rem, está em ótima posição para rejeitar tal caso. ",
"Na verdade, abrir espaço para o Caso do Jardim de Smith é algo que um particularista (tal como um conectivista) deve aceitar e explicar, e não um universalista (como os substantivistas). ",
"Um universalista deve rejeitar tal caso. ",
"Talvez seja isso que Tooley e Armstrong não compreendem ao colocarem o Caso do Jardim de Smith como um caso a ser explicado por uma teoria substantivista. ",
"O Problema das Condições e das Leis Ceteris Paribus, e as Leis Ideais Mesmo que o novo substantivismo ante rem possa explicar os Casos de Tooley e os vários de tipos de leis que descrevemos, ainda faltaria dar uma solução para o 85 Como eu já indiquei anteriormente, isso envolve dizer que objetos qualitativamente idênticos têm efeitos diferentes, ou seja, que objetos qualitativamente idênticos têm qualidades diferentes, o que é contraditório. ",
"105 Problema das Condições86. ",
"Tal problema é o seguinte. ",
"Uma grande parte das leis não costuma se manter em todas as condições. ",
"Se este é o caso, então temos duas opções: (i) ou consideramos a lei falsa, (ii) ou adicionamos alguma restrição na antecedente da própria lei e nos arriscamos a tornar a lei trivial. ",
"Veja como Earman & Roberts (1999, In Carroll, 2004, p. 209, tradução) exemplificam o problema: O enunciado de que o preço sempre aumenta quando a demanda cresce e mantemos os suprimentos constantes é muito provavelmente falso, de modo que enfrentamos o primeiro ramo do dilema de Lange. ",
"Para tornar o enunciado verdadeiro, poderíamos adicionar as restrições \"na medida em que nenhum desastre natural interfira com o mercado\", \"na medida em que não haja nenhum surto de irracionalidade\" etc. ",
"Porém, é claro que isso não irá ajudar, pois o número de fatores interferentes que teriam que ser excluídos é indefinidamente grande, e parece haver pouca esperança de somá-los numa formulação finita. ",
"Então, poderíamos simplesmente adicionar a restrição \"na medida em que nada interfira\". ",
"Mas nesse caso, a \"lei\" parece se tornar trivial, indicando meramente que nas circunstâncias descritas o preço aumenta a menos que não aumente. ",
"Assim, chegamos ao segundo ramo do dilema de Lange. ",
"O problema é justamente como formular a restrição necessária para que a lei não seja falsa, sem tornar a lei trivial (Lange, 1993, In Carroll, 2004, p. 167). ",
"Normalmente tal restrição é chamada de \"restrição ceteris paribus\", e uma lei assim restrita é chamada de \"lei ceteris paribus\". ",
"Há pelo menos três tipos de teorias para explicar o que significa a restrição ceteris paribus de leis da forma \"CP:Φ\" (Ceteris Paribus: Φ): as teorias da exclusão de condições, as teorias da normalidade de condições e as teorias da igualdade de condições. ",
"As teorias da exclusão de condições dividem-se em dois tipos de acordo com se as condições que elas irão excluir são consideradas definidas ou indefinidas (SEP, Reutlinger et al, 2011). ",
"Elas nos dizem que \"CP:Φ\" expressa que Φ é uma lei quando certas condições interferentes estão ausentes, condições estas definidas ou indefinidas, de acordo com a teoria. ",
"Vou tomar um exemplo do próprio Lange para mostrar o que isso quer dizer. ",
"86 Em inglês, \"The Problem of Provisos\", que foi formulado como um dilema em Lange (1993, In Carroll, 2004) e em Earman & Roberts (1999, In Carroll, 2004), mas que foi tratado de uma outra forma por Armstrong (1983, pp. ",
"147-150), ao tratar das leis de carvalho e de ferro. ",
"106 Sempre que a temperatura da barra de metal de tamanho L0 mudar por ΔT, o tamanho da barra muda por ΔL = k . ",
"L0 . ",
"ΔT, em que k é a constante característica do metal em causa (Lange, 1993, In Carroll, 2004, p. 161, tradução). ",
"Tal como nos mostra Lange, essa lei – chamemo-la de \"S\" – poderia ser violada se, enquanto a barra for aquecida, houver alguém martelando em um lado da barra. ",
"Assim, para a lei ser verdadeira e não ser violável, teríamos que restringi-la aos casos em que não houvesse ninguém martelando em um dos lados. ",
"Se houvesse apenas essa restrição, teríamos definidas as condições em que a lei se mantém; e faríamos, assim, CP:S querer dizer que excluindo o caso em que alguém está martelando na barra, S é uma lei. ",
"Mas e se não houvesse apenas essa restrição, mas houvesse inúmeras, incontáveis, restrições? ",
"Se esse fosse o caso, não teríamos uma condição definida em que podemos pensar CP:S como S, mas teríamos que pensar que \"CP:S\" quer dizer que S é uma lei na ausência de (um número indefinido de) fatores interferentes. ",
"O problema de usar esse tipo de restrição é que parece tornar a lei trivial, já que a tornaria uma instância da verdade lógica do terceiro excluído. ",
"Dizer que um aumento de temperatura na barra causa uma mudança do tamanho da barra em ΔL = k . ",
"L0 . ",
"ΔT na ausência de fatores interferentes apenas quer dizer que um aumento de temperatura na barra causa uma mudança do tamanho da barra em ΔL = k . ",
"L0 . ",
"ΔT, a menos que não cause (Lange, 1993, In Carroll, 2004) – o que é trivialmente verdadeiro para qualquer coisa (afinal vai chover, a menos que não chova...). ",
"A razão mais indicada para pensarmos que temos de usar leis ceteris paribus exclusivas e indefinidas é haver incontáveis condições (potencialmente infinitas) que teriam que ser adicionada às leis para torná-las verdadeiras. ",
"Podemos ver a força dessa razão com uma lei da biologia (Carroll, 2010, p. 13, tradução): (1) Exclusivamente ceteris paribus, aves podem voar. ",
"Isso quereria dizer que as aves podem voar, na ausência de fatores interferentes. ",
"Há incontáveis fatores – diriam os defensores de tal perspectiva – que poderiam violar a lei de que aves podem voar; como, por exemplo, a ave ter quebrado uma asa, ou ter tido uma doença, ou um defeito genético, ou estar engasgada etc. ",
"De modo que se não 107 colocássemos uma restrição, excluindo fatores interferentes em geral, não poderíamos ter esperança de tornar a expressão da lei ceteris paribus verdadeira. ",
"O problema aqui, como nos mostra o segundo ramo do dilema de Lange, seria tornar não trivial a restrição excluindo fatores interferentes. ",
"Inúmeros autores (ver Lange, 1993, e Earman & Roberts, 1999, ambos In Carroll, 2004) tentam fornecer uma abordagem para como podemos pensar tal restrição sem que ela seja trivial. ",
"Lange, por exemplo, tenta mostrar que tal restrição faz referência a um conhecimento de fundo definido e compartilhado pelos cientistas.87 Aqueles que rejeitam a visão indefinida pensam que podemos reduzir os casos, potencialmente infinitos, em que a lei seria violada a um número finito de tipos de casos que excluiríamos das leis. ",
"E, assim, poderíamos passar essas condições para o antecedente da lei e formar uma lei verdadeira, saindo do primeiro ramo do dilema de Lange sem cair no segundo. ",
"Essa ideia foi bem expressa por Hausman: \"CP (todo F é um G)\" é verdadeiro no contexto X se, e somente se, X apreende uma propriedade C, tal que \"tudo que é F e C é G\" é verdadeiro. (",
"1991, apud Earman & Roberts, 1999 In Carroll, 2004, p. 228, tradução) . ",
"Hausman faz apenas uma ressalva, a de que C é um completador de F, ou seja, F sozinho não é condição suficiente para G e nem C sozinho é condição suficiente para G. Se essa ressalva não fosse feita, poderíamos tomar \"C\" como G. O problema, então, para tais teóricos é justamente mostrar como casos de leis que parecem ter infinitas restrições podem ser reduzidos a casos de finitas restrições.88 87 Lange acredita que as leis ceteris paribus (leis cp) levam em consideração alguns de nossos interesses. ",
"A teoria de Lange faz as leis cp terem um aspecto subjetivo inerente. ",
"O que as faz não poder ter a objetividade requerida para serem leis da natureza mesma. ",
"O problema dessa concepção é o mesmo problema do regularismo epistêmico: faz as leis dependerem da mente humana. ",
"Lange (1993, In Carroll, 2004, p. 172, tradução) nos diz: Um enunciado de lei, então, informa uma audiência já apta a dizer se há fatores interferentes que, se não houver nenhum, ela deve usar uma asserção para justificar a outra. (...) ",
"Uma concepção normativa dos enunciados de lei não nega que haja regularidades na natureza. ",
"Ela apenas nega que os enunciados de leis estão descrevendo algumas delas quando estão realizando suas funções distintivas. ",
"88 O que o teórico da exclusão de condições definidas quer preservar, ao contrário do teórico da exclusão de condições indefinidas, é que a lei possa continuar implicando uma regularidade universal. ",
"108 Por sua vez, as teorias das condições normais, como a normal-tendency theory de John Elliot, sustentam que as leis ceteris paribus nos dizem o que ocorreria (ou o que tende a ocorrer), se condições normais fossem o caso. ",
"Ou seja, \"CP (todo F é G)\" significaria que normalmente F é G. E a disputa entre os teóricos das condições normais seria justamente sobre o que significaria \"normalmente\". ",
"A título de exemplo, uma dessas concepções nos diz que o \"normalmente\" opera no enunciado de lei, indicando que o predicado consequente tem alta probabilidade de ocorrer, dado o predicado antecedente. ",
"Ainda uma outra concepção indica que essa normalidade á algo análogo às condições CNTP, utilizada em inúmeros experimentos científicos. ",
"O problema para as concepções das condições normais é justamente explicar como pode haver uma relação das leis com as explicações das coisas e com a causação, se elas apenas se mantiverem em condições normais – já que, por vezes, condições anormais ocorrem. ",
"Querer que condições normais se mantenham é muito próximo do ideal do terceiro tipo de teoria, que é o de manter as mesmas condições, ou seja, de manter as condições iguais. ",
"Diferentemente das teorias de exclusão de condições e de modo semelhante às teorias que mantêm as condições normais, os teóricos da igualdade de condições querem manter, além das condições normais, todas as outras condições. ",
"Um exemplo seria o seguinte: (2) Um aumento da demanda leva a um aumento no preço, mantendo-se todas as outras coisas (como por exemplo, a quantidade de suprimentos) iguais. ",
"O maior problema para essa abordagem é não conseguir expressar todas as leis sem excluir condições, mas apenas mantendo as condições iguais. ",
"Por exemplo, não está claro que (2) seja verdadeiro se não excluirmos alguns regulamentos políticos. ",
"Mas um teórico das condições igualitárias pode responder a isso, dizendo que (2) é apenas verdadeiro quando as condições são iguais às condições de formulação da lei, que envolvem essencialmente certos regulamentos políticos não interferentes. ",
"Mas qual é o problema principal que as leis ceteris paribus trazem para o novo substantivismo ante rem? ",
"O principal problema se encontra no dilema de Lange, que seria o problema de as leis, se o teórico da exclusão de condições indefinidas estiver 109 com razão, não implicarem as regularidades humeanas. ",
"O substantivista clama que suas leis são explicações para as regularidades. ",
"No entanto, as leis ceteris paribus não as implicariam, já que qualquer expressão universal finita sua seria submetida a algumas condições não expressas na sentença. ",
"Como lidar com esse problema? ",
"Armstrong (1983, pp. ",
"147-150) traça uma distinção entre leis de ferro e leis de carvalho, e reformula a necessitação das leis por meio de uma necessitação quando estão ausentes condições interferentes. ",
"Leis de ferro seriam as leis para as quais não há fatores interferentes e as leis de carvalho são aquelas para as quais há fatores interferentes. ",
"A necessitação da lei N(F,G) não implicaria, então, x (Fx∀ →Gx), mas implicaria apenas que para todo x não interferido por algo que interferiria a lei, se ele for um F, então ele será um G. Isso certamente faz com que haja apenas um tipo de necessitação e que ela implique uma regularidade humeana. ",
"Mas, como Armstrong aceita que é ao menos logicamente possível que haja infinitas condições interferentes, ele acha que deve fornecer um tipo de necessidade que pudesse ser também utilizada por leis com restrições ceteris paribus, o que ele alcança nos dizendo que devemos restringir a regularidade a ser verdadeira apenas nas condições em que nada interfira. ",
"No entanto, a resposta de Armstrong não se salva da objeção de trivialidade, advinda do segundo ramo do dilema. ",
"N(F,G) fazer todo F não interferido ser um G é apenas fazer com que todo F seja um G a menos que não seja – o que é trivial por ser analiticamente verdadeiro. ",
"E não era algo trivial que o substantivismo in rebus gostaria de fazer suas leis implicarem. ",
"E o novo substantivista ante rem? ",
"Pode ele responder a esse dilema? ",
"Eu diria que ele pode formular uma concepção de lei que torne fácil explicar o fenômeno das condições interferentes nas leis. ",
"Eu creio que posso fornecer uma abordagem que pode explicar as condições interferentes de tal modo que consigamos também explicar como chegamos a excluir ou manter condições nas leis da natureza, e como esse processo não torna as leis ceteris paribus subjetivas. ",
"Essa concepção é a seguinte. ",
"As leis seriam relações de necessitação necessária entre dois universais ante rem conjuntivos que, se instanciados, seriam dois estados de coisas particulares totais da realidade (estados de coisas maximamente consistentes). ",
"Como seria isso? ",
"Por exemplo, se colocamos um pedaço de sal numa quantidade 110 de água e o sal se dissolve, diríamos que ele dissolveu em virtude da lei da natureza que nos diz que quando colocamos o sal na água nas condições em que o resto do mundo estava, o sal se dissolve em água. ",
"Essa lei nos diria que as propriedades de ser sal não dissolvido e de ser água, juntas das outras propriedades instanciadas no mundo, necessitam a propriedade de ser sal dissolvido, de ser água salgada e as outras propriedades instanciadas no mundo. ",
"A lei de que sal se dissolve em água sem restrições (caso ela fosse o caso) seria apenas uma abstração a partir de todas as leis que regulamentam estados totais da realidade. ",
"Ou seja, tomando \"S\" como a propriedade de \"ser sal não dissolvido\", \"A\" como \"ser água\", \"T\" como \"ser sal dissolvido\", \"B\" como \"ser água salgada\" e tomando \"P\", \"Q\", \"K\", \"L\", \"M\" e \"N\" como propriedades conjuntivas das propriedades do resto do mundo: a partir de todas as leis que nos dizem que N(SAP,TBQ), N(SAK,TBL), N(SAM,TBN) etc., ",
"abstraímos que N(SA,TB). ",
"Como essa solução nos ajuda a resolver o Problema das Condições? ",
"Ela nos permitiria dizer que não há leis com exceções: só haveria a aparência de leis da natureza com exceções, pois costumamos abstrair leis mais simples a partir de leis mais complexas para facilitar o nosso discurso. ",
"Acabamos falando que N(SA,TB) exceto quando estamos em temperaturas abaixo de zero89, pois temos o conhecimento que N(SAP,TBQ), N(SAK,TBL), N(SAM,TBN) etc., ",
"e que nos casos em que o mundo é tal ao redor da água e do sal que faz a água estar congelada não é uma lei que N(SAY,TBW), tomando \"Y\" e \"W\" como as propriedades de estados de coisas totais da realidade em que a realidade ao redor do sal e da água faz a água ficar congelada. ",
"Não é que existe a lei N(SA,TB) e que ela tem uma exceção; o caso é que existem as leis N(SAP,TBQ), N(SAK,TBL), N(SAM,TBN) e não existe a lei N(SAY,TBW) – ou existe uma lei inconsistente com N(SAY,TBW). ",
"Esse tipo de solução parece ser viável para sair do dilema de Lange, que é encontrar como inserir, de uma forma finita, as restrições nas próprias leis. ",
"O que fizemos aqui foi justamente tornar toda propriedade instanciada no mundo relevante para uma lei; e, daí, mostramos como podemos ver as nossas leis científicas como abstrações em cima das leis totais que versam sobre as propriedades instanciadas em estados totais da realidade. ",
"Então vimos como as leis com restrições podem ser 89 Entre outras exceções, é claro. ",
"111 reduzidas à existência e não existência de leis totais. ",
"Na verdade, até a própria não existência de leis totais pode ser pensada como superveniente à existência das leis totais e como não implicando custo adicional na nossa ontologia. ",
"E o processo de manter certas (ou todas as) condições pode também ser facilmente explicado pela nossa abstração das leis totais da realidade. ",
"Se estivermos certos, então, o problema das condições não será um problema relevante para o novo substantivismo ante rem, e as leis ceteris paribus poderão ser explicadas como sendo dispositivos linguísticos (científicos e filosóficos) para falar sobre a existência e não existência de certas leis naturais que não são ceteris paribus. ",
"E, nesse mesmo espírito, a nossa solução também fornece condições de verdade para enunciados de lei ceteris paribus em termos de existência ou inexistência de certas leis totais não ceteris paribus, de acordo com se a lei cp em causa é de exclusão de condições, de manutenção de condições iguais, ou de ambas. ",
"Tais condições de verdade são propícias também para dizermos em quais casos confirmamos leis ceteris paribus, a saber, (i) se estivermos falando de iguais condições, as leis cp serão confirmadas nos casos em que há iguais condições no resto da realidade e a lei é instanciada (ou seja, da antecedente segue-se a consequente) e serão falsificadas pelos casos em que as condições são iguais, mas a lei não é instanciada; e (ii) se estivermos falando de exclusão de condições, elas serão confirmadas pelos estados de coisas totais da realidade determinados que não envolvem condições interferentes. ",
"E como as leis ideais entram na história? ",
"As leis ideais são aquelas que possuem antecedentes com condições ideais. ",
"Existem pelo menos dois tipos de condições que podem de algum modo ser chamadas de \"ideais\": aquelas que nunca são realizadas e as que quase nunca são realizadas. ",
"As leis ideais parecem ser algum tipo de leis ceteris paribus, já que elas só são verdadeiras em certas condições ideais. ",
"A solução de Siverberg para explicar tal tipo de lei, encontrada em Earman & Roberts (1999), é expressar as leis ideais em termos de verdades em todos os mundos possíveis apropriadamente ideais. ",
"Isso combina muito bem com a abordagem de Gierce (1988, apud Earman & Roberts (1999), In Carroll, 2004) de que as leis descrevem modelos científicos e podem ser utilizadas para fazer previsões dentro dos modelos, podendo a realidade se conformar perfeita ou imperfeitamente ao modelo. ",
"112 (2') Um aumento da demanda leva a um aumento no preço, mantendo-se todas as outras coisas iguais e excluindo os fatores interferentes X, Y e Z. Uma lei deste tipo seria a lei de um modelo que descreve um mundo possível apropriadamente ideal. ",
"Em tal mundo possível, não seria preciso fazer a restrição ceteris paribus, e a lei poderia assim ser uma lei estrita, já que o mundo seria desde o início tal como a restrição ceteris paribus indicaria. ",
"Por sua vez, na nossa abordagem, diríamos que as leis ideais são simplesmente leis totais com certo tipo de condição bem específica e ideal ocorrendo no resto da realidade. ",
"E elas seriam relevantes contrafactualmente apenas na medida em que estabelecem algum valor definidor dentro de uma função com os outros valores não ideais. ",
"De outro modo, as leis que nunca são realizadas, por estabelecerem antecedentes impossíveis de serem instanciados90, não poderiam ser explicadas pelo mesmo processo, pois sua impossibilidade de existir na realidade (ser instanciada concretamente) faz com que elas não possam fazer parte da função. ",
"O que é interessante aqui é que sua impossibilidade de existir se fundamenta no fato de tais leis regulamentarem objetos abstratos. ",
"A lei dos gases ideais, por exemplo, como diz respeito a partículas sem volume, seria uma lei com relação a objetos abstratos, e não com relação a objetos concretos. ",
"No mesmo sentido em que as coisas podem se assemelhar ao quadrado abstrato, os gases concretos reais podem se assemelhar aos gases ideais abstratos. ",
"Mas qual é a relação entre as leis de objetos concretos e leis de objetos abstratos? ",
"Leis A Priori e Leis A Posteriori Mostramos que há dois sentidos de leis ideais, e que num deles as leis são ideais justamente por se relacionarem com domínios matemáticos. ",
"Toda verdade no domínio das matemáticas e das lógicas pode ser obtida a priori, enquanto as leis da natureza das quais viemos falando são conhecíveis a posteriori. ",
"Mas como as leis matemáticas e lógicas, que são descobríveis primitivamente apenas a priori (tal como nos lembra Murcho, 2002), se relacionam com a natureza e suas leis que são conhecíveis 90 Um exemplo aqui seria a Lei de Boyle dos Gases Ideais, que é uma equação de estado do gás ideal PV=nRT. ",
"Tal gás seria formado de partículas pontuais sem volume, sem atração e sem repulsão. ",
"113 primitivamente apenas a posteriori? ",
"Primeiramente, não há razão para aceitarmos em princípio que uma diferença de modalidade epistêmica implicaria uma diferença de estatuto ontológico. ",
"Podemos muito bem tomar as necessidades conhecíveis a priori e as necessidades conhecíveis a posteriori91 como parte do mundo, enquanto aceitamos que as conhecemos de modo diferente por serem tais leis apreendidas de partes distintas do mundo. ",
"Assim, por exemplo, podemos tomar as leis que são conhecíveis primitivamente apenas a priori como as leis que regem o domínio dos objetos abstratos, e tomar as leis que são conhecíveis primitivamente apenas a posteriori como as leis que regem o domínio dos objetos concretos. ",
"Isso explicaria a modalidade epistêmica das leis a priori e a posteriori na medida em que os objetos que regulam serão eles mesmos conhecíveis primitivamente apenas a priori, no caso dos abstratos, e a posteriori, no caso dos concretos.92 Mas são também as leis a priori instanciadas em sequências causais, tal como o são as leis externas a posteriori? ",
"Vejamos uma lei matemática: a soma dos ângulos internos de um triângulo retângulo é 180 graus. ",
"A instância dessa lei não é sequência causal alguma, mas é apenas um certo triângulo retângulo (que tem certos ângulos, e não outros) tendo 180 graus como soma dos seus ângulos internos, ou seja, é somente um objeto abstrato tendo uma certa propriedade. ",
"Uma lei a priori nunca poderia ser instanciada por uma sequência causal, já que as sequências causais fazem parte do domínio dos objetos concretos. ",
"As leis matemáticas a priori compartilham com as identidades teóricas – que são as leis internas – o fato de sua instanciação ser um estado de coisas em que objeto tem uma propriedade, e não uma sequência de estados de coisas. ",
"Mas isso também se segue com as leis lógicas? ",
"Vejamos algumas leis da lógica: (i) a lei da não contradição nos diz que ~(A&~A) e (ii) a lei da identidade nos diz que 91 Como a identidade necessária a posteriori de Kripke (1972), que embora seja um tipo de conexão necessária existente no mundo, se for sobre particulares, como Vésper e Fósforo, não é uma lei, e se for sobre propriedades, como ser água e ser H2O, é uma lei interna. ",
"92 É muito difícil fornecer uma boa noção de objeto concreto e objeto abstrato, mas gostaríamos de utilizar uma noção minimalista desses conceitos. ",
"E tomar os abstratos, ao menos, como os objetos matemáticos, e tomar os objetos que existem no espaço e no tempo como objetos concretos. ",
"Não sabemos, entretanto, se devemos considerar o espaço, o tempo e os universais ante rem como concretos ou como abstratos. ",
"114 A=A. Como seriam as instâncias dessas leis? ",
"De (i), deveríamos dizer que tudo que é actual (e tudo que é possível) a instancia, já que tudo tem a propriedade de não ser tal que tem A e não tem A. Tudo que há é instância de tal lei. ",
"Até as sequências causais seriam instâncias de tal lei já que são tais que não são A e não A ao mesmo tempo no mesmo sentido. ",
"A propriedade postulada se manteria em objetos concretos e abstratos. ",
"Só que tal instanciação seria diferente da instanciação de uma lei natural externa a posteriori na medida em que não contribui causalmente para uma sequência causal. ",
"E, no caso de (ii), deveríamos também dizer que tudo que é actual e que é possível instancia a identidade, pois qualquer coisa é idêntica a si mesma. ",
"Nesse sentido, em que as leis lógicas têm tudo como instância, elas não estabelecem relações entre universais, mas atribuem propriedades a tudo que existe (actual ou possivelmente, e para universais ou particulares). ",
"Portanto, elas não são leis que estabelecem uma necessitação entre dois universais (ou universais conjuntivos) diferentes. ",
"As leis matemáticas, de outro modo, expressam uma relação de necessitação entre universais, mas diferentemente das leis naturais, suas instâncias não são sequências causais, já que as leis matemáticas versam sobre objetos abstratos. ",
"Versar sobre objetos abstratos, e não concretos, faz a sua instanciação ser, tal como as identidades teóricas, apenas um objeto [abstrato] tendo uma propriedade. ",
"Assim, as leis matemáticas se aproximam e se afastam das leis externas. ",
"E as leis lógicas, versariam também, tal como as leis matemáticas, sobre objetos abstratos? ",
"As leis lógicas versam sobre propriedades formais, que possuem uma natureza um tanto distinta da natureza das propriedades naturais e um tanto semelhante a dos objetos abstratos, e que são possuídas tanto por objetos abstratos, quanto por objetos concretos. ",
"No entanto, as leis lógicas, diferentemente das leis matemáticas, não seriam nenhuma relação de necessitação entre universais distintos. ",
"Explicaríamos as leis lógicas de forma semelhante à que explicamos as leis de escopo universal: diríamos que as leis lógicas não são leis, mas são verdades lógicas – já que não gostaríamos de dizer que as leis lógicas estabelecem uma relação de necessitação entre a propriedade quasi-universal de ser algo no universo e a propriedade lógica em causa e nem que estabelecem uma relação de necessitação entre ter uma propriedade e ter a propriedade lógica em causa. ",
"No entanto, diferentemente das 115 supostas leis naturais de escopo universal, as leis lógicas, ou melhor, as verdades lógicas têm um certa invariância contrafactual semelhante à das leis naturais. ",
"Essa invariância adviria de as verdades lógicas, tal como as identidades de particulares, serem necessárias. ",
"Elas são conexões necessárias existentes na natureza que não são leis naturais. ",
"E é por isso que elas se mantêm em todos os mundos possíveis e têm força contrafactual. ",
"As leis naturais seriam também conexões necessárias, pois têm uma certa invariância contrafactual, e seriam diferentes das leis lógicas, por estabelecerem ou a natureza de um universal, ou relações de necessitação necessária entre universais ante rem. ",
"116 Conclusão Em conclusão, o que eu quis mostrar em primeiro lugar nesta dissertação é que as leis da natureza são um tema complexo filosoficamente e que há muitas teorias que tentam fornecer visões de mundo distintas com relação ao estatuto metafísico das leis naturais. ",
"Entre elas estão as posições realistas necessitaristas do substantivismo in rebus e do substantivismo ante rem, além do regularismo, ocupando a posição contingencialista do realismo. ",
"E também as posições anti-realistas do conectivismo e novamente do regularismo na parte contingencialista do anti-realismo93. ",
"Cada uma dessas posições têm vantagens e desvantagens, o que nos levou a avaliar e comparar as teorias entre si, com o objetivo de encontrar a teoria mais vantajosa para dar conta tanto das leis naturais como veridadores das leis científicas. ",
"Avaliamos, durante esta dissertação, todas essas quatro teorias. ",
"O conectivismo é supostamente vantajoso, pois elimina o conceito de lei natural em favor dos poderes das coisas; no entanto, ele é problemático também justamente pelo próprio fato de não ser uma teoria das leis, mas ser uma teoria dos poderes. ",
"Como os poderes se sustentam nos particulares, o conectivista tem problemas com falar contrafactuais sobre meras possibilidades e sobre universais sem instâncias, coisas que os Casos de Tooley parecem exigir. ",
"Ele também tem a desvantagem de não poder explicar como algo chega a ter um poder, coisa que uma teoria realista necessitarista das leis é capaz de explicar. ",
"E tem de enfrentar o problema de explicar como potências podem produzir algo, sem cair num regresso ao infinito ou em sobredeterminação. ",
"O regularismo, por sua vez, tem a vantagem de fornecer uma abordagem compatível com uma visão de mundo humeana (e, talvez, nominalista), embora tenha sérios problemas com relação à confirmabilidade e contrafactualidade de suas leis naturais. ",
"Além disso, por suas leis serem as próprias regularidades, elas não podem explicar as regularidades, coisas que as leis naturais são supostas explicar. ",
"O regularismo também tomba frente aos Casos de Tooley, não conseguindo fornecer uma boa explicação para o que faria verdadeiro os contrafactuais relevantes, e frente a formulação de uma forma lógica para as leis que dê conta de tais casos. ",
"93 É claro que não esquecemos do projetivismo. ",
"No entanto, como ele parece remover a objetividade das leis, não o estudamos nesta dissertação. ",
"117 O substantivismo in rebus tem a vantagem de explicar como podem as leis da natureza se relacionar com as coisas, a saber, por meio de elas serem universais presentes nas coisas. ",
"No entanto, essa vantagem também é emulada, mutatis mutandis, pelo substantivista ante rem, dado que este pode dizer que as leis se relacionam com as coisas por elas serem universais que as coisas podem instanciam. ",
"Armstrong pensa que sua teoria é vantajosa por aceitar o Princípio de Instanciação, dado que pensa que o naturalismo o exige. ",
"Como mostramos que isso não é o caso, isso de fato não seria uma vantagem. ",
"Uma desvantagem da teoria de Armstrong é o seu contingencialismo, dado que as leis são relações de necessitação contingente. ",
"Isso é problemático, pois remove, tal como tentamos mostrar, a força contrafactual das leis naturais. ",
"É claro que isso não precisa ser emulado por qualquer teórico in rebus; este poderia rejeitar a contingência das leis, aceitando apenas a necessidade fraca, e aceitar todo o resto da teoria in rebus. ",
"No entanto, o que é fatal para o substantivismo in rebus é que ele não é capaz satisfatoriamente de fornecer uma abordagem para os Casos de Tooley e que ele faz as leis dependerem ontologicamente de suas instâncias. ",
"A teoria de Tooley, que é um tipo de substantivismo ante rem, consegue fornecer uma abordagem para tais casos. ",
"No entanto, ela sofre dos mesmos problemas da teoria de Armstrong por aceitar que as leis são contingentes, e sofre ainda de outros problemas ao tomar, diferentemente de Armstrong, as leis como transitivas, simétricas e como contrapondo. ",
"Sua teoria ainda é problemática por pressupor um certo realismo de funções de construção e de mapeamento de universais a proposições. ",
"Frente a todas as desvantagens dessas teorias, propomos uma teoria das leis, que chamamos de \"novo substantivismo ante rem\", que pretendemos que não sofra de nenhum dos problemas apresentados aqui às teorias das leis. ",
"Ele não sofrerá com problemas com relação à forma das leis e nem com relação às suas propriedades lógicas, ele terá uma explicação da relação entre as leis universais e os particulares (instanciação de propriedades), que fundamentará as regularidades, mantendo a força contrafactual própria das leis naturais. ",
"Os problemas com relação à confirmabilidade são evitados pela força armstronguiana das leis (a saber, \"N(F,G)\"). ",
"E as leis do novo substantivismo são capazes também de fundamentar, tais como as leis de Armstrong, os poderes das coisas, sem problemas de regresso ao infinito ou de sobredeterminação, diferente das 118 teorias conectivistas. ",
"Contudo, diferentemente da teoria de Armstrong, o nosso substantivismo não aceita o princípio de instanciação e segue com Tooley na postulação de universais não instanciados para resolver seus Casos. ",
"Mostramos por que os Casos de Tooley são realmente problemáticos, pois eles são análogos a actuais, e que apenas um substantivismo ante rem pode resolvê-los satisfatoriamente. ",
"Todavia, de modo distinto de Tooley, defendemos que as leis da natureza são relações de necessitação fracamente ou fortemente94 necessárias entre universais ante rem. ",
"Tentamos mostrar como a teoria do novo substantivismo ante rem é superior que as outras teorias apresentadas, além de ser capaz de fornecer soluções a problemas conhecidos na metafísica das leis, como os problemas das identidades teóricas, das leis ceteris paribus, das leis ideais, e também como traçar uma distinção interessante entre leis a priori e a posteriori. ",
"Tentamos fornecer uma abordagem que torne possível ver as identidades teóricas como explorações da natureza de um universal, como uma lei interna ao universal. ",
"Mostramos que as leis internas têm características distintas das externas, e que as primeiras não são relações de necessitação entre universais, mas uma relação semelhante à da identidade no enigma de Frege. ",
"Ambas, embora, sejam universais, têm instâncias diferentes, já que as leis externas se instanciam nas sequências causais, enquanto as leis internas se instanciam em objetos que têm uma propriedade. ",
"As leis ceteris paribus, por sua vez, são explicadas pelo novo substantivista ante rem como abstrações a partir de leis totais da realidade, que regem tipos de estados de coisas totais da realidade (descritos em termos apenas de propriedades). ",
"E as leis ideais são explicadas, em parte, por serem de leis de objetos abstratos. ",
"Distinguimos as leis a priori das leis a posteriori, indicando as diferenças entre as verdades lógicas e as leis matemáticas, e mostramos como tais leis são distintas das leis naturais a posteriori externas. ",
"Esperamos que todas as razões que fornecemos tenham surtido o efeito de posicionar o novo substantivismo ante rem a frente das outras teorias filosóficas com relação às leis naturais. ",
"Contudo, sabemos que há ainda muitas questões por responder, necessárias para o estabelecimento (ou para a rejeição) do novo substantivismo ante 94 Se é fracamente ou fortemente necessária, isso teremos que deixar para outra investigação, já que essa é uma questão por demais controversa. ",
"119 rem. ",
"Algumas delas são: a noção de explicação que subjaz toda essa dissertação é filosoficamente aceitável?, ",
"e em qual sentido as leis são necessárias?. ",
"Essas questões são importantes, pois é para satisfazer uma certa noção de explicação que muitas das entidades postuladas pelo novo substantivismo ante rem são postuladas. ",
"Se tal noção não for filosoficamente aceitável, não será também filosoficamente aceitável postularmos tais entidades. ",
"Além disso, se não dissermos em qual sentido uma lei é necessária, não teremos uma teoria completa, que nos diga escrutinadamente a relação exata das leis com as modalidades aléticas. ",
"Isso de fato é o caso. ",
"Porém, como investigar cada uma dessas questões nos exigiria escrever outras dissertações, preferimos deixar essas questões expostas e em aberto para uma futura investigação. ",
"120 Referências Bibliográficas Armstrong, D. What is a law of nature?. ",
"Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983. ",
"Berofsky, B. \"The Regularity Theory\". ",
"Nôus: 2/4, 315-340, 1968. ",
"Bird, A. \"Necessarily, salt dissolves in water\". ",
"Analysis: vol. ",
"61, n. 4, 2001. _____. \"",
"Potency and Modality\". ",
"Synthese: 149/3, 491-508, 2006 (tradução para o português de Rodrigo Cid, In: Intuito: 4/1, 194-209, 2011). _____. \"",
"The Regress of Pure Powers\". ",
"The Philosophical Quarterly: 57/229, 513-534, 2007. _____. ",
"Nature's Metaphysics. ",
"New York: Oxford University Press, 2007b. ",
"Bolender, J. \"Nomic Universals and Particular Causal Relations: Which are Basic and Which are Derived\". ",
"Philosophia: 34, 405-410, 2006. ",
"Carroll, J. Readings on Laws of Nature. ",
"Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2004. _____. \"",
"Laws of Nature\". ",
"Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy; editor Edward Zalta, 2010. ",
"Encontrado em: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/laws-of-nature/ e acessado em 12/03/2011. ",
"Cid, R. \"Dois tipos de possibilidades metafísicas\". ",
"Revista Índice: 2/2, 86-93, 2010. _____. \"",
"O Dilema da Continuidade da Matéria\". ",
"Revista do Seminário dos Alunos do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Lógica e Metafísica da UFRJ: vol. ",
"2, 2011 (no prelo). ",
"Divers, J. Possible Worlds. ",
"2a ed. ",
"Oxon: Routledge, 2002. ",
"Ellis, B. Scientific Essentialism. ",
"Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. _____. \"",
"Marc Lange on essentialism\". ",
"Australasian Journal of Philosophy: 83, 75-79, 2005. ",
"Frege, G. \"Sobre o sentido e a referência\"; tr. ",
"Paulo Alcoforado. ",
"In: Lógica e Filosofia da Linguagem. ",
"São Paulo: Cultrix/ed.",
"USP, 1978 (tradução do original de 1892). ",
"121 Heil, J. From an Ontological Point of View; cap. ",
"1-5. ",
"New York: Oxford University Press, 2003. ",
"Hume, D. (1748). ",
"Ensaio sobre o entendimento humano; trad. ",
"Grupo Agrópolis. ",
"Encontrado em http://www.cfh.ufsc.br/~wfil/ensaio.pdf e acessado em 31/07/2011. ",
"Lange, M. Laws and Lawmakers. ",
"Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. ",
"Lewis, D. Counterfactuals. ",
"Oxford: Blackwell, 1973. _____. ",
"On the plurality of worlds. ",
"Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986. ",
"Mackie, J. Ethics: inventing right and wrong. ",
"2a ed. ",
"London: Penguin Group, 1990. ",
"Mumford, S. \"Normative and Natural Laws\". ",
"Philosophy: vol. ",
"75, pp. ",
"265-282, 2000. _____. ",
"Laws in Nature, London: Routledge, 2004. ",
"Murcho, D. Essencialismo naturalizado: aspectos na metafísica da modalidade. ",
"Coimbra: Angelus Novus, 2002. ",
"Nozick, R. \"Necessity and Contingency\". ",
"In: Invariances: the structure of the objective world. ",
"Cambridge: Harvard University Press, pp. ",
"120-168, 2001. ",
"Tooley, M. \"The Nature of Laws\". ",
"Canadian Journal of Philosophy: 7/4, 1977. ",
"Swartz, N. \"Laws of Nature\". ",
"Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2001. ",
"Encontrado em http://www.iep.utm.edu/lawofnat/ e acessado em 12/03/2011."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PhilPapers"
} | [
] | 0.052908 | 1,656 |
"MAAC Weekly Roundup: Feb. 16\n\nMonmouth needed an unlikely comeback to keep their stranglehold on the top of the MAAC standings and will be tested down the stretch here.",
"\n\nHere are the numbers to know from the last week of play:\n\n0.9% – That is the win probability of Monmouth’s chances, down 76-64 with 3:10 left, but closed the game on a 15-2 run from there to win 79-78 at Rider. ",
"Thanks to this game winner from Justin Robinson, who has almost locked himself in on the conference’s Player of the Year award.",
"\n\n42 – The number of points Siena freshman Nico Clareth put together over the last week of MAAC play. ",
"He made 73% of his two-pointers, 55% of his three-pointers, compiled seven assists and 10 rebounds. ",
"The rookie is angling for the MAAC Rookie of the Year honors, should he keep this up, and has helped the Saints fill a void of losing junior Marquis Wright.",
"\n\n“They’re gonna do more tomorrow and try to find out [more]. ",
"I just asked them. ",
"I have not talked to the trainer. ",
"I tried not to even tell the guys at halftime. ",
"They’re going to do more x-rays.",
"Deon said to me it was (broken) in two places.” – ",
"Monmouth head coach King Rice on senior Deon Jones’ injury during the first half of their win over Manhattan\n\n“If we can manage to start playing a bit better, we can end up with a top 5 seed. ",
"That’s exactly what you want to do going into the tournament. ",
"We definitely have had the hardest schedule in conference up to this point, because there were so many road games that we’ve played. ",
"We have an opportunity in front of us, we have some games bunched in, we just have to deal with that.” – ",
"Saint Peter’s head coach John Dunne on the team’s critical stretch entering last week\n\n“We want you to be like A.J. English, just not go to Iona.” – ",
"Siena head coach Jimmy Patsos on his recruiting pitch to freshman Nico Clareth\n\n“I’ve never been prouder of our team. ",
"We’ve been through an awful lot, and I thought we played very, very well and deserved to win.” – ",
"Marist head coach Mike Maker on his team’s loss to Fairfield on Monday night\n\n“We knew we couldn’t lose to Marist. ",
"We needed this game to finish in the top five and get that bye (in the MAAC Tournament). ",
"The guys never quit and we made plays down the stretch to win the game.” – ",
"Fairfield freshman Jerry Johnson, Jr. on his career-high 25 point performance in the Stags 76-73 win over Marist\n\n“The first thing Brian Cashman said was ‘God, looks like you and 31 are joined at the hip. ",
"You’ve both got that fire and anger, and not pretty, bull in a china shop thing, but wow is he an unbelievable player.’ ",
"I said ‘Yeah, cause he goes hard.’ ",
"I think Brett has led this team with his energy.” – ",
"Patsos on a conversation regarding junior Brett Bisping he had with longtime friend and Yankees GM Brian Cashman, who attended the Saints’ 81-78 win at Iona Saturday afternoon.",
"\n\n“Our overall shooting numbers were not what we’re capable of doing. ",
"You’re not going to beat a team with all that size if you don’t shoot the ball better. ",
"We had all the looks we wanted, and we got plenty of them, we just didn’t make them.” – ",
"Iona head coach Tim Cluess on their loss against Siena\n\n“No, listen the guy gets the rebound and steps out of bounds with it late in the game, it should be our ball and it’s not. ",
"Foot was completely out of bounds. ",
"We have a chance to win the game at that point, and this happened all game long. ",
"The other coach is on the court all game long. ",
"Okay, get him off the freaking court.” – ",
"Iona head coach Tim Cluess on late game calls in their loss against Siena\n\n“This team three years ago, I don’t know if we could have accomplished what we’re doing now just because I would’ve been too stubborn. ",
"What I’ve learned is we might not do certain things well that our typical teams have done, but we might actually do other things a little better than certain teams have done.” – ",
"Manhattan head coach Steve Masiello on learning how to adjust through his experience\n\n“We lost so many games where we played bad offense for the whole game but kept going to the well and holding teams to 35-36%. ",
"As a coach you look at it like you wasted a great defensive performance, and a night like tonight you get one half of defense and don’t get the other one, it’s a shame to lose this game.” – ",
"Quinnipiac head coach Tom Moore on their struggles in their loss to Manhattan\n\nRyan Restivo wrote the America East conference preview for the 2015-16 Blue Ribbon College Basketball Yearbook. ",
"He covers the Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference, the America East conference among others for Big Apple Buckets. ",
"You can follow Ryan on Twitter @ryanarestivo or contact Ryan at rrestivo[at]nycbuckets.com."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.035998 | 42 |
"\n\nAsk HN: Apache cordova or what for mobile apps - devb0x\n\nI want to build an app to target android first, then as many other platforms as quick to do thereafter.<p>So what tooling should I download to get a mobile app running by sunday afternoon? ",
"The app should be pretty, talk to a backend service and run on my android and if possible an ipad?",
"\n======\nalexgaribay\nI have recently started using Xamarin for a client who wanted apps for the\nmajor mobile platforms. ",
"It was a little confusing at first to get going and\nunderstand how to structure my app. ",
"It took about a whole day to understand\nwhat I needed to know. ",
"But once it clicked, it was very easy to write my code\nfor the platforms in a small amount of time. ",
"The code I wrote is 100% reusable\nfor each of the platforms.",
"\n\n------\nbluewings\nIt depends upon what you know currently and your requirements. ",
"If you are\nfamiliar with HTML, java script and jQuery, Yes you can use cordova.",
"\n\nif you want to use smartphone functionality like GPS, Camera cordova is\nproviding plug in's.",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "HackerNews"
} | [
] | 0.000768 | 11 |
"Hundreds of women will come together in May to build affordable housing and show Orlando that women can turn dollars into drywall! ",
"Through fundraising and volunteerism, you can create a lasting impact in our community.",
"\n\nBy registering for Women Build, you will help to raise the walls that brace a home, that support the roof over a family's head, and that give them a safe place to build memories. ",
"Being a part of Women Build will give you a one-of-a-kind experience by empowering and building alongside a future Habitat homeowner and changing a family's life. ",
"Home is where the start is, and a house built by you is just what our homeowners need to start a new life.",
"\n\nHabitat for Humanity’s Women Build is a national event that empowers women, across the country, to fund raise and build homes for families in their local communities. ",
"Since 2009, more than 1,500 women have volunteered over 12,500 hours for Habitat Greater Orlando.",
"\n\nTo get started, click on the link above to sign up for the NAWIC Team. ",
"To secure your spot, you must raise a minimum of $250, but we encourage you to fund raise for this worthy event. ",
"Be sure to personalize your page to showcase why you’re fundraising for Women Build 2019. ",
"Create a custom URL for your page, then share it with your network so they can support your fundraising goal. ",
"Let them know that, with their help, you will build a strong foundation and better future for a family in our Greater Orlando community!"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.003841 | 12 |
"Reduction of nerve growth factor level in the brain of genetically ataxic mice (weaver, reeler).",
"\nBy a highly sensitive enzyme immunoassay we measured the level of nerve growth factor (NGF) in the cerebellum and cerebrum of the neurologically mutant mice, weaver, reeler and Purkinje cell degeneration (PCD). ",
"A significant decrease in NGF level was observed in both cerebellum and cerebrum of weaver and reeler mutants of either sex. ",
"However, there was no such difference between normals and mutants in the case of the PCD mice. ",
"These results show that weaver and reeler mice have abnormalities of NGF synthesis and/or degradation not only in the cerebellum but also in the cerebrum."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | [
] | 0.001099 | 5 |
"Miguel Llobet\n\nMiguel Llobet Solés (18 October 187822 February 1938) was a classical guitarist, born in Barcelona, Spain. ",
"Llobet was a renowned virtuoso who toured Europe and America extensively. ",
"He made well known arrangements of Catalan folk songs for the solo guitar, made famous arrangements for the guitar of the piano compositions of Isaac Albéniz, arrangements immortalized by Andrés Segovia, and was also the composer of original works.",
"\n\nBiography\nSome details of Llobet's biography are confused and contradictory. ",
"The son of a gilder, he was baptized in the month of his birth in the church of Sant Just i Pastor on the Carrer de la Palma de Sant Just, the street where he spent his boyhood, just a few streets from the Carrer Gignàs, which (from 1884 through 1885) was the residence of his eventual teacher Francisco Tárrega. ",
"He was trained as an artist, revealing a talent for painting, and continued to paint throughout his life. ",
"His earliest musical training was on the violin and the piano. ",
"Later he received a guitar as a gift from an uncle. ",
"In December, 1889, Llobet heard Antonio Jiménez Manjón (1866–1919) give a guitar recital at the Teatre Catalunya in Barcelona, and was inspired to seek instruction on the guitar from Magí Alegre.",
"\n\nLlobet first met, and played for, the great guitar pedagogue Francisco Tárrega in October 1892. ",
"Two years later he began to study with him at the Municipal Conservatory of Music in Barcelona. ",
"By his own account, his studies with Tárrega do not seem to have been based on any particular method, rather Llobet would observe Tárrega play and then experiment with his techniques at home. \"",
"Così, più che impararla, io sperimentavo la mia tecnica sulla chitarra\". (\"",
"In this way, more than by learning it, I experimented with my guitar technique.\")",
"\n\nHe began giving private concerts for intimate gatherings in 1898. ",
"In 1900, he met Concepción Jacoby, Tárrega’s patron, who also became his own patron, helping him to launch an international career. ",
"His first public concert took place in 1901 at the Conservatory of València. ",
"During that same year, he also performed at conservatories in Seville and Málaga, where he was awarded the honorary title of Professor. ",
"He played at the Teatro de la Comedia in 1902 and before the Spanish Royal Family in Madrid in 1903.",
"\n\nIn 1904 in Paris Llobet's first concert outside Spain was presented by Ricardo Viñes, the noted pianist. ",
"It was at this time that he first came into contact with the avant garde. ",
"Paris was apparently kind to Llobet, as he returned to live there in 1905, performing at such prestigious venues as the Schola Cantorum, La Trompette and the Société Nationale de Musique. ",
"According to Ronald Purcell, he resided there until 1910. ",
"In the biographical sketch given by Bruno Tonazzi, Llobet returned to Paris in 1910 but according to Purcell he probably temporarily relocated to Buenos Aires in that year. ",
"From there he performed throughout South and Central America and the Caribbean in a series of tours largely arranged by Domingo Prat, (author of the Diccionario de Guitarristas 1933), Juan Anido (father of María Luisa Anido) and Ruiz Romero of the publishing house Romero y Fernandez. ",
"In 1912, Llobet gave his first concerts in the United States, performing in Boston, Philadelphia and New York City. ",
"He then returned to Paris.",
"\n\nIn the following years, he continued to perform throughout Europe, particularly in Belgium and the Netherlands. ",
"During 1913 and 1914 he performed throughout Germany. ",
"According to Purcell, \"At the outbreak of World War I, Llobet returned to Buenos Aires,\" and continued to make trips throughout the Americas. ",
"while Tonazzi states that at the outbreak of the First World War he returned to his native land. ",
"Llobet's concert itinerary seems to have been dominated by performances in the Americas at that time, lending some support to Purcell's claims, however Purcell also implies that Llobet was in Spain about 1915, where he taught his most important pupil, Andrés Segovia.",
"\n\nSegovia's autobiography, written at the height of his career, depicts himself as being self-taught - there are admissions of his seeking out Llobet's advice for a short time, but Segovia is quite clear about the lack of any real influence on his playing. ",
"At the age of 22, Segovia was still youthful enough to have received valuable instruction. ",
"Purcell states that \"At the age of twenty-two (Segovia) pursued what he considered the only direct contact to Tárrega, Llobet, for refinement of his technique and especially for the music that both he and Tárrega had written and transcribed for the guitar...\" and that \"Segovia, whose performance style and technique reveals [sic] the principles of Tárrega, was basically influenced by Llobet....This stylistic influence can be heard when comparing Llobet's Parlophone Electric recordings (Chanterelle Historical Recordings CHR 001) with Segovia's Angel recordings, ZB 3896\".",
"\n\nIn 1915, Llobet made one attempt at recording at the Victor studios in New York, but the two sides he recorded, Manuelito and Sueño, were rejected. ",
"The prominent guitarist Vahdah Olcott-Bickford, who was living in New York at the time, writes that \"he tried to make a recording at the Bell Lab in New Brunswick, New Jersey, but was dissatisfied with the sound.\" ",
"It is also known that he toured the East Coast of the United States in 1912, 1914 and 1917.",
"\n\nIn 1920-1921, Llobet played in Spain and toured throughout Germany, performing in Munich, Leipzig, Dresden, Cologne and Stuttgart. ",
"In 1922 he was in Vienna for the first time. ",
"When in Vienna, Llobet was frequently a guest in the house of Luise Walker's parents. ",
"In 1924, he again toured throughout Germany and Austria, and he concertized in the Americas in 1925. ",
"He returned again to the Americas in 1930 to perform for the Spanish Arts Festival, under the auspices of the Library of Congress. ",
"The violinist Antonio Bossa had recommended him, and he was contracted to play six solos, and to arrange and perform Manuel de Falla's Siete Canciones Españolas with soprano Nina Kochitz.",
"\n\nIn 1923, he began to teach María Luisa Anido (1907–1997) in Buenos Aires. ",
"By 1925, the two were performing duets and, according to Purcell, about 1930 recorded some of Llobet's duet arrangements on the Odeon-Parlophone label distributed by Decca. ",
"These recordings followed a solo series recorded by Llobet on the Parlophon/Electric series out of Barcelona\". ",
"The solo recordings, among the first released of the classical guitar, are supposed to have been recorded around 1925, but are from two different sources: Argentina/Odeon recording sessions as well as the earlier Barcelona/Parlophon recording. ",
"In response to an inquiry, Purcell stated that \"Llobet did not care for the acoustic recording results in 1915 and only recorded electronically.... His recordings were recorded in 1925 and later with Maria Anido\". ",
" It may be noted that electronic recording was developed by Bell Labs under its Western Electrical branch, and was leased to recording companies under the name of \"Westrex Electrical Recording System\" beginning in 1925. ",
" Initially only Victor and Columbia records leased it, with an up-front payment of $50,000 each. ",
" Under the general management of Louis Sterling, Columbia acquired a number of European, Asian, and U.S. recording companies in 1925. ",
" Sterling soon after arranged for a holding company to combine Columbia and the Carl Lindstrom group, which included Parlphone and Odeon, the companies that seem to be the ones under which Llobet's recordings were released.",
"\n\nLlobet toured Europe again in 1930-1931, performing in London, Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Vienna, Budapest and Bologna among others. ",
"On hearing him in Berlin Paul Hindemith declared an intent to compose for the guitar, but did not follow this through - Hindemith's only work for guitar, the Rondo for Three Guitars, had been written in 1925.",
"\n\nFrom 1932 to 1934, Llobet taught the young Cuban virtuoso José Rey de la Torre at his home in Barcelona. ",
"He does not appear to have performed much at this time, but maintained his artistic contacts. ",
"Rey writes: \"At the time I arrived in Barcelona in 1932, he had almost retired from the concert stage. ",
"During the three years that I spent there he left town only once for a month's tour of Scandinavia.\"",
"\n\nLlobet seems to have enjoyed a somewhat reclusive retirement from the concert stage, Rey de la Torre who, as Llobet's pupil, may well have been his most frequent visitor, writes that \"Llobet did not have many visitors...\" He did seem to go out to concerts frequently, walking with his wife, to the Palau close to his home, and met a few influential artists at his large apartment at Via Layetana No. ",
"46 in Barcelona: Emilio Pujol was a frequent guest and Manuel de Falla is known to have visited whenever in that city.",
"\n\nThe statement by Philip J. Bone in The Guitar and Mandolin that Llobet \"was killed in 1937, in an air raid in Barcelona during the Spanish Civil War\" (Bone 1954) has been tacitly contradicted by all reliable sources. ",
"However, the emotional devastation over the siege of Barcelona may have begun his downward spiral of health. ",
"On February 22, 1938, Llobet died of pleurisy in Barcelona.",
"\n\nHis complete works, edited by Professor Ron Purcell, were published by Chanterelle Verlag. ",
" Chanterelle, now under the ownership of Musicverlag Zimmermann, is in the process of publishing new Urtext editions of the complete catalog under the editorship of Stefano Grondona. ",
" These new and more definitive editions are based on autograph manuscripts found in the Miguel Llobet Collection of the Museu de la Música in Barcelona.",
"\n\nLlobet's guitars\n\nAmong the guitars used by Llobet, one finds:\nAntonio de Torres, 1859, Llobet's favorite guitar; he refused to have a split in the back repaired for fear that it would affect the exquisite tone. ",
"See LA CHITARRA di LIUTERIA, Grondona and Waldner, 2001. ",
" Llobet is known to have toured with Torres guitars FE 09 and FE 13.",
"\n\nGuitars from the Miquel Llobet Collection at the Museu de la Música de Barcelona:\nOnline catalog - Search for Llobet\nHermann Hauser I, 1913 (image)\n1880 Julian Llorente, repaired by Manuel Ramirez\n\nReferences\n\nList of works\n\nOriginal compositions\nRomanza\nEstudio en mi mayor\nEstudio Capricho en re mayor\nMazurka\nVariaciones sobre un Tema de Sor\nScherzo-Vals\nPrélude Original\nPreludio en re mayor\nRespuesta-Impromptu\nPreludio en la mayor\nPreludio en mi mayor\nEstilo\n\nArrangements of folksongs\nThese pieces are often referred to as Llobet's \"Canciones populares Catalanas\". ",
"Probably the two most famous of them are 'El testament d'Amèlia' and 'El Noi de la Mare'.",
"\n\nPlany (Lament)\nLa filla del marxant (The Merchant's Daughter)\nEl testament d'Amèlia (Amèlia's Will)\nCançó del lladre (Song of the Thief)\nLo rossinyol (The Nightingale)\nLo fill del rei (The King's Son)\nL'hereu Riera (Heir Riera)\nEl mestre (The Teacher)\nLa filadora (The Spinner Woman)\nLa presó de Lleida (Lleida Prison)\nLa Nit de Nadal (Christmas Eve)\nLa pastoreta (The Little Shepherd Girl)\nEl noi de la Mare (The Mother's Child (Our Lady's Child))\nLeonesa (From Leon)\nEstilos populares Argentinos nos. ",
"1 & 2.",
"\n\nGuitar solos\nIsaac Albéniz: Cádiz, Oriental, Sevilla, Torre Bermeja y Córdoba (1929)\nEnrique Granados: Danzas Españolas nos. ",
"5, 7 & 10, Dedicatoria, La Maja de Goya.",
"\n Joaquín \"Quinito\" Valverde: Clavelitos.",
"\n\nGuitar duets\nIsaac Albéniz: Rumores de la Caleta, Castilla, Bajo la Palmera, Evocación.",
"\nLouis-Claude Daquin: Le Cou Cou.",
"\nEnrique Granados: Enrique: Danzas Españolas nos 6 & 11.",
"\nEduardo López-Chávarri: Leyenda del Castillo Moro.",
"\nFelix Mendelssohn: Romanzas sin Palabras nos.20 & 25.",
"\nWolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Minueto de la Sinfonia no.39.",
"\nPyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: Humoresque, op.10 no.2.",
"\n\nPieces composed for Miguel Llobet\nManuel de Falla: Homenaje pour le tombeau de Claude Debussy.",
"\nEduardo López-Chávarri: Sonata I.\n\nDiscography\n Miguel Llobet - Historical Recordings 1925-1929 (Chanterelle Verlag, CHR001)\nTrack Listing\nJulián Aguirre: Huella*\nIsaac Albéniz: Evocación*\nJohann Sebastian Bach: Sarabande [2 takes].",
"\nNapoléon Coste: Etude op.38 no.23 [2 takes].",
"\nMiguel Llobet: El Testament d'Amelia, La Filla del Marxant, Plany, El Mestre.",
"\nFelix Mendelssohn: May Breezes*.",
"\nManuel M. Ponce: 2 Canciones Mejicanas.",
"\nPedro M. Quijano;: Estilo Popular Criollo.",
"\nFernando Sor : Andantino op.2 no.3, Estudio op.35 no.2, Minueto op.11, no.12.",
"\nRogelio del Villar: Canción Popular Leonesa [Canción del Ladrón]\n(* Duetts with María Luisa Anido).",
"\n\nSources\n\nAppleby, Wilfrid M.: \"Guitar Music. ",
"The Artistry of Miguel Llobet (1878–1938)\", Guitar News 67 (September – October 1962), p. 14-15.",
"\n\"Bell Laboratories and the Development of Electrical Recording\", http://www.stokowski.org/Development_of_Electrical_Recording.htm\nBone, Philip James: The Guitar and Mandolin. ",
"Biographies of Celebrated Players and Composers (London: Schott & Co., 1914; 2nd edition 1954; reprint 1972).",
"\nDelcamp, Jean-François (ed.): ",
"Miguel Lllobet Solés (1878–1938), Biography and Work for Guitar. ",
"www.delcamp.net (2009)\n\"Francisco Tárrega Segun …\", in: Guitarra (Havana) 2, no. ",
"3 (December 1941), p. 16-17.",
"\nGarcía, Héctor: Letter from Miami to Robert Phillips, Lakeland, 9 February 2002\n\"La Musica per Chitarra nel Secolo XX. ",
"IX: I Chitarristi-Compositori.\", ",
"in: Il Fronimo no. ",
"46 (January 1984), p. 28-33.",
"\n \"La Rinascita della Chitarra\", in: Il Fronimo, no. ",
"1 (October 1972), p. 10-12.",
"\n Hermann Hauser Official Website: \"Miguel Llobet 1878-1938\", http://www.hauserguitars.de/english/docs/geschichte/geschichte_llobet.htm, 2004.",
"\n Herrera, F.: \"Du nouveau du côte de jeux interdits: Quelques documents qui parlent d'eux-mêmes”, in: Guitarre, no. ",
"38 (1991), p. 20.",
"\n Jones, Allen Clive: \"The Judgement of Paris: Part 5 – Pujol's Article in Lavignac's Encyclopedia\", in: Classical Guitar 17, no. ",
"4 (December 1998), p. 24, 26-28.",
"\n\"Licensing the Western Electric Electrical Recording System to Victor and Columbia\", http://www.stokowski.org/Licensing_Westrex_System_to_Victor_Columbia.htm \n Llobet, Miguel: \"Francisco Tárrega\", in: Revista Musical Catalana 7, no. ",
"73 (1910), p. 9-10.",
"\n Llobet, Miguel. ",
"Guitar Works, vol. ",
"1: 11 Original Compositions, edited by Ronald Purcell (Heidelberg: Chanterelle Verlag, 1989).",
"\n Llobet, Miguel. ",
"Guitar Works, vol. ",
"2: 16 Folksong Settings, edited by Ronald Purcell (Heidelberg: Chanterelle Verlag, 1989).",
"\n Llobet, Miguel. ",
"Guitar Works, vol. ",
"3: 10 Famous Transcriptions, edited by Ronald Purcell (Heidelberg: Chanterelle Verlag, 1989).",
"\n 'Llobet, Miguel. ",
"Guitar Works, vol. ",
"4: 12 Famous Guitar Duos, edited by Ronald Purcell (Heidelberg: Chanterelle Verlag, 1989).",
"\n Mangado Artigas, Josep Maria: La Guitarra en Cataluña, 1769-1939 (Edición del Autor, 2004) (in Spanish).",
"\n Marsh, William Sewall: \"Some Spanish and Spanish-American Guitarists\", in: Crescendo 24, no. ",
"6 (February 1932), p. 3-4.",
"\n \"Miguel Soles Llobet\", in: Guitarra 1, no. ",
"2 (May–June 1963), p. 13-15.",
"\n Ophee, Matanya: \"The Promotion of Francisco Tárrega – a Case History\", in: Soundboard 8, no. ",
"3 (August 1981), p. 152-158.",
"\n \"The Promotion of Francisco Tárrega – a Case History\", in: Soundboard 8, no. ",
"4 (November 1981), p. 256-261.",
"\n Pahissa, Jaime: Vida y obra de Manuel de Falla (Buenos Aires: Ricordi Americana, 1947).",
"\n Phillips, Robert: \"Barcelona, Cradle of the Modern Classical Guitar: The Llobet Archive Rediscovered\", in: Soundboard 28, no. ",
"4 (Spring 2002), p. 39-41.",
"\n Phillips, Robert: \"Barcelona Redux\", in: Soundboard 34, no. ",
"1 (2008), p. 23-24.",
"\n Phillips, Robert: The Influence of Miguel Llobet on the Pedagogy, Repertoire and Stature of the Guitar in the Twentieth Century (doctoral dissertation, 2002), OCLC 51796355.",
"\n Picciano, Stefano: Miguel Llobet. ",
"La biografia (Bologna: Ut Orpheus, 2015) (in Italian); .",
"\n Pujol, Emilio: Tárrega: Ensayo Biográfico (Valencia: Artes Graf, Soler, 1978).",
"\n Purcell, Ronald: liner notes for Miguel Llobet, the Guitar Recordings 1925-1929 (Chanterelle Historical Recordings CHR 001, 1993).",
"\n Riera, Juan: \"Miguel Llobet, Composer and Guitarist (1878-1938) (translated by Mrs. A. Korwin-Rodziszewski), in: Guitar News, 27 (October–November 1955), p. 7-8.",
"\n Rey de la Torre, José: \"Miguel Llobet, El Mestre\", in: Guitar Review, no. ",
"60 (Winter 1985), p. 22-32.",
"\n Roberts, John: \"Miguel Llobet\", in: Guitar 1, no. ",
"5 (December 1972).",
"\n \"Some Spanish and Spanish-American Guitarists\", in: Crescendo 24 (September 1932), p. 3-4.",
"\n Spalding, Walter: \"Falla's 'Homenaje pour le Tombeau de Claude Debussy'. ",
"A Master Lesson with Rey de la Torre, Taped in the Form of a Conversation with Walter Spalding, September '76\", in: Chelys 1, no. ",
"5 (1977)p.",
" 37-41.",
"\n Spalding, Walter: \"Reminiscences of Llobet. ",
"A Conversational Fragment with Rey de la Torre\", in: Chelys 1, no. ",
"5 (1977), p. 44.",
"\n Summerfield, Maurice J.: The Classical Guitar. ",
"Its Evolution and Players Since 1800 (Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Ashley Mark, 1996).Tocatimbal, vol. ",
"4 (Barcelona: Eufònic, 1986).",
"\n Tonazzi, Bruno: Miguel Llobet, Chitarrista dell’Impressionismo (Ancona: Edizioni Bèrben, 1966) (in Italian), OCLC 12560728.",
"\n Trasi, Rino: \"La chitarra di Llobet\", in: Seicorde no. ",
"44 (March–April 1994), p. 20-27.",
"\n Turnbull, Harvey: The Guitar from the Renaissance to the Present Day (London: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1991).",
"\n Vechten, Carl van: \"A Critic's View of Llobet, in: Chelys 1, no. ",
"5 (1977), p. 42 (reprinted from [Chase, Gilbert] The Music of Spain (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1918), p. 39-41.",
"\n Weller, Anthony: \"Jose Rey de la Torre\", in: Guitar Review (Autumn 1994), p. 1-7.",
"\n\nExternal links\n \n\nCategory:1878 births\nCategory:1938 deaths\nCategory:19th-century classical composers\nCategory:19th-century Spanish people\nCategory:20th-century classical composers\nCategory:20th-century Spanish people\nCategory:Catalan composers\nCategory:Composers for the classical guitar\nCategory:Musicians from Barcelona\nCategory:Spanish classical composers\nCategory:Spanish male classical composers\nCategory:Spanish classical guitarists\nCategory:Male guitarists\nCategory:Spanish emigrants to France\nCategory:20th-century Spanish musicians\nCategory:20th-century guitarists\nCategory:20th-century male musicians\nCategory:19th-century male musicians"
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] | 0.000947 | 169 |
"GameStop is the largest video game retailer in the world, with over 5,000 stores.",
"\n\nThe company had been in steady decline for years, but the bottom has dropped out of its stock price in 2019 — from $16 a share in January to just $4 by late July.",
"\n\nThe company is \"a melting ice cube,\" Wedbush analyst Michael Pachter told Business Insider earlier this year. \"",
"For sure it's going to go away eventually.\"",
"\n\nWe visited a handful of GameStop stores in New York City, and it was evident why the company is failing.",
"\n\nGameStop representatives did not respond to a request for comment as of publishing.",
"\n\nVisit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.",
"\n\nWhen I was growing up in the late '90s, entertainment retail titans like Tower Records, Sam Goody, Waldenbooks, and Blockbuster Video were all, already, on the way out.",
"\n\nTheir decline was clear to everyone: First, they'd start selling stuff that wasn't quite in their wheelhouse. ",
"Then the stores would start shuttering. ",
"Then the remaining stores would get messier and messier as staff saw the writing on the wall. ",
"Then, eventually, they would shutter forever.",
"\n\nTwo decades later, and the world's largest video game retailer — GameStop — is going through the same process that record stores, movie stores, and book stores have already endured.",
"\n\nOn a muggy summer Wednesday in New York City, we went on a tour of several GameStop stores for a look into a retailer in decline."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
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] | 0.000704 | 14 |
"I'm fairly excited for Unity, as it looks like a promising new direction for Ubuntu. ",
"However, I do have a concern - will it be possible to use Unity without the global menu?",
"\n\nI have my window manager set to focus-follows-mouse/sloppy focus, and find the productivity gains to be immense. ",
"Sloppy focus is incompatible, however, with global menus, as it is possible for the focus to change while you move from window to menu.",
"\n\nWill Unity support an option to use window menus while still using Unity?",
"\n\n7 Answers\n7\n\n11.04 - 13.10\n\nYes, the Desktop version of Unity will use the global menu by default.",
"\n\nTo disable the global menu remove the indicator-appmenu\npackage, then log out and back in.",
"\n\nUnity will continue to run without it and your menus will appear inside the application windows as normal. ",
"You can also tell the appmenu to ignore specific applications if you're having a problematic app.",
"\n\nI hate the global menu and for that reason mac os too. ",
"Thanks for your tip.",
"\n–\nharryOct 18 '13 at 9:38\n\n@Rmano thx vm! ",
"good I read it.. your comment should actually be an answer as it works great and I can keep my indicator-appmenu!!! ",
"if you do it, point out so I come promptly vote up!",
"\n–\nAquarius PowerJan 17 '14 at 2:04\n\n14.04\n\nThe Global Menu can be optionally switched in favour of Local Integrated Menus (LIM) - aka - more traditional window based menus.",
"\n\nThe reason for this additional ability is ostensibly due to the increasing prevalence of high-resolution displays and as such the perceived mouse-travel from application to the global-menu would be relatively large.",
"\n\nTo toggle the global menu off or on can be achieved via the appearance control-panel applet:\n\nOnce clicked, the application menus appear within the window decoration as shown here:\n\nCommand line.",
"\n\nThe above can be achieved using the terminal command:\n\ngsettings set com.canonical.",
"Unity integrated-menus true\n\nIntegrated menus can be disabled (i.e. switch global menu back on)\n\ngsettings set com.canonical.",
"Unity integrated-menus false\n\nIf you dont like Locally Integrated Menus then the old trick of removing indicator-appmenu still works although this will break the HUD\n\nI have been successfully using unity with focus follows mouse and the global menu by only accessing the application menu via the f10 key shortcut. ",
"In many ways this is better than moving the mouse away from where ever you were focused on anyway."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.007106 | 21 |
"Prominent members of the far-right Defend Europe mission in the Mediterranean have had their accounts blocked on the online payment service, Patreon.",
"\n\nPatreon allows online content creators of all types to receive funds directly from their fans. ",
"While the vast majority of users are normal artists, videographers, writers and musicians, there is a small coterie of far-right activists that raise money via the platform.",
"\n\nUntil last night this included Defend Europe leaders Martin Sellner and Patrick Lenart, and vocal supporter and activist Lauren Southern. ",
"However, Patreon has made the laudable decision to remove all three from its platform.",
"\n\nThis comes after several weeks of lobbying by HOPE not hate, which contacted Patreon to raise concerns about far-right activists making money via the service and specifically raised the issue of Defend Europe activists.",
"\n\nA spokesperson for Patreon said;\n\nAt Patreon, we believe in freedom of speech. ",
"We are creating a platform that empowers creators to share and debate ideas. ",
"In this instance, the creators are planning activities that are likely to cause loss of life. ",
"This is a violation of our policies and as a result we removed the pages from Patreon.",
"\n\nThis news will come as a significant blow, especially to Lauren Southern, who raised large portions of her income from the site.",
"\n\nWhile this may not affect Sellner to the same extent, this comes off the back of a sustained and effective #DefundDefendEurope campaign, organised by anti-racist activists including the Sleeping Giants network, that has resulted in Defend Europe bank and PayPal accounts being closed down.",
"\n\nFree speech?",
"\n\nMany on the far right are up in arms at Patreon’s decision, claiming it is a curtailment of Southern’s “right” to free speech. ",
"Of course, it is no such thing.",
"\n\nSouthern and Sellner absolutely have the right to say what they please, but they do not have the right to raise money via any platform they decides to remove them. ",
"Patreon is a private company and it can decide who uses its services.",
"\n\nThis is just another example of the far right spuriously, disingenuously and often hypocritically claiming their free speech is being curtailed in the interest of playing the victim.",
"\n\nIn reality, Patreon has taken a principled decision that is to be welcomed. ",
"While a number of significant far-right figures (including the UK-based vlogger Colin Robertson, aka Millennial Woes) still profit from the website, it is certainly a significant step in the right direction."
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"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
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] | 0.001851 | 20 |
"// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0\n/*\n * Copyright (C) 2018 Cadence Design Systems Inc.\n *\n * Author: Boris Brezillon <[email protected]>\n */\n\n#include <linux/bitops.h>\n#include <linux/clk.h>\n#include <linux/err.h>\n#include <linux/errno.h>\n#include <linux/i3c/master.h>\n#include <linux/interrupt.h>\n#include <linux/io.h>\n#include <linux/iopoll.h>\n#include <linux/ioport.h>\n#include <linux/kernel.h>\n#include <linux/list.h>\n#include <linux/module.h>\n#include <linux/of.h>\n#include <linux/platform_device.h>\n#include <linux/slab.h>\n#include <linux/spinlock.h>\n#include <linux/workqueue.h>\n\n#define DEV_ID\t\t\t\t0x0\n#define DEV_ID_I3C_MASTER\t\t0x5034\n\n#define CONF_STATUS0\t\t\t0x4\n#define CONF_STATUS0_CMDR_DEPTH(x)\t(4 << (((x) & GENMASK(31, 29)) >> 29))\n#define CONF_STATUS0_ECC_CHK\t\tBIT(28)\n#define CONF_STATUS0_INTEG_CHK\t\tBIT(27)\n#define CONF_STATUS0_CSR_DAP_CHK\tBIT(26)\n#define CONF_STATUS0_TRANS_TOUT_CHK\tBIT(25)\n#define CONF_STATUS0_PROT_FAULTS_CHK\tBIT(24)\n#define CONF_STATUS0_GPO_NUM(x)\t\t(((x) & GENMASK(23, 16)) >> 16)\n#define CONF_STATUS0_GPI_NUM(x)\t\t(((x) & GENMASK(15, 8)) >> 8)\n#define CONF_STATUS0_IBIR_DEPTH(x)\t(4 << (((x) & GENMASK(7, 6)) >> 7))\n#define CONF_STATUS0_SUPPORTS_DDR\tBIT(5)\n#define CONF_STATUS0_SEC_MASTER\t\tBIT(4)\n#define CONF_STATUS0_DEVS_NUM(x)\t((x) & GENMASK(3, 0))\n\n#define CONF_STATUS1\t\t\t0x8\n#define CONF_STATUS1_IBI_HW_RES(x)\t((((x) & GENMASK(31, 28)) >> 28) + 1)\n#define CONF_STATUS1_CMD_DEPTH(x)\t(4 << (((x) & GENMASK(27, 26)) >> 26))\n#define CONF_STATUS1_SLVDDR_RX_DEPTH(x)\t(8 << (((x) & GENMASK(25, 21)) >> 21))\n#define CONF_STATUS1_SLVDDR_TX_DEPTH(x)\t(8 << (((x) & GENMASK(20, 16)) >> 16))\n#define CONF_STATUS1_IBI_DEPTH(x)\t(2 << (((x) & GENMASK(12, 10)) >> 10))\n#define CONF_STATUS1_RX_DEPTH(x)\t(8 << (((x) & GENMASK(9, 5)) >> 5))\n#define CONF_STATUS1_TX_DEPTH(x)\t(8 << ((x) & GENMASK(4, 0)))\n\n#define REV_ID\t\t\t\t0xc\n#define REV_ID_VID(id)\t\t\t(((id) & GENMASK(31, 20)) >> 20)\n#define REV_ID_PID(id)\t\t\t(((id) & GENMASK(19, 8)) >> 8)\n#define REV_ID_REV_MAJOR(id)\t\t(((id) & GENMASK(7, 4)) >> 4)\n#define REV_ID_REV_MINOR(id)\t\t((id) & GENMASK(3, 0))\n\n#define CTRL\t\t\t\t0x10\n#define CTRL_DEV_EN\t\t\tBIT(31)\n#define CTRL_HALT_EN\t\t\tBIT(30)\n#define CTRL_MCS\t\t\tBIT(29)\n#define CTRL_MCS_EN\t\t\tBIT(28)\n#define CTRL_HJ_DISEC\t\t\tBIT(8)\n#define CTRL_MST_ACK\t\t\tBIT(7)\n#define CTRL_HJ_ACK\t\t\tBIT(6)\n#define CTRL_HJ_INIT\t\t\tBIT(5)\n#define CTRL_MST_INIT\t\t\tBIT(4)\n#define CTRL_AHDR_OPT\t\t\tBIT(3)\n#define CTRL_PURE_BUS_MODE\t\t0\n#define CTRL_MIXED_FAST_BUS_MODE\t2\n#define CTRL_MIXED_SLOW_BUS_MODE\t3\n#define CTRL_BUS_MODE_MASK\t\tGENMASK(1, 0)\n\n#define PRESCL_CTRL0\t\t\t0x14\n#define PRESCL_CTRL0_I2C(x)\t\t((x) << 16)\n#define PRESCL_CTRL0_I3C(x)\t\t(x)\n#define PRESCL_CTRL0_MAX\t\tGENMASK(9, 0)\n\n#define PRESCL_CTRL1\t\t\t0x18\n#define PRESCL_CTRL1_PP_LOW_MASK\tGENMASK(15, 8)\n#define PRESCL_CTRL1_PP_LOW(x)\t\t((x) << 8)\n#define PRESCL_CTRL1_OD_LOW_MASK\tGENMASK(7, 0)\n#define PRESCL_CTRL1_OD_LOW(x)\t\t(x)\n\n#define MST_IER\t\t\t\t0x20\n#define MST_IDR\t\t\t\t0x24\n#define MST_IMR\t\t\t\t0x28\n#define MST_ICR\t\t\t\t0x2c\n#define MST_ISR\t\t\t\t0x30\n#define MST_INT_HALTED\t\t\tBIT(18)\n#define MST_INT_MR_DONE\t\t\tBIT(17)\n#define MST_INT_IMM_COMP\t\tBIT(16)\n#define MST_INT_TX_THR\t\t\tBIT(15)\n#define MST_INT_TX_OVF\t\t\tBIT(14)\n#define MST_INT_IBID_THR\t\tBIT(12)\n#define MST_INT_IBID_UNF\t\tBIT(11)\n#define MST_INT_IBIR_THR\t\tBIT(10)\n#define MST_INT_IBIR_UNF\t\tBIT(9)\n#define MST_INT_IBIR_OVF\t\tBIT(8)\n#define MST_INT_RX_THR\t\t\tBIT(7)\n#define MST_INT_RX_UNF\t\t\tBIT(6)\n#define MST_INT_CMDD_EMP\t\tBIT(5)\n#define MST_INT_CMDD_THR\t\tBIT(4)\n#define MST_INT_CMDD_OVF\t\tBIT(3)\n#define MST_INT_CMDR_THR\t\tBIT(2)\n#define MST_INT_CMDR_UNF\t\tBIT(1)\n#define MST_INT_CMDR_OVF\t\tBIT(0)\n\n#define MST_STATUS0\t\t\t0x34\n#define MST_STATUS0_IDLE\t\tBIT(18)\n#define MST_STATUS0_HALTED\t\tBIT(17)\n#define MST_STATUS0_MASTER_MODE\t\tBIT(16)\n#define MST_STATUS0_TX_FULL\t\tBIT(13)\n#define MST_STATUS0_IBID_FULL\t\tBIT(12)\n#define MST_STATUS0_IBIR_FULL\t\tBIT(11)\n#define MST_STATUS0_RX_FULL\t\tBIT(10)\n#define MST_STATUS0_CMDD_FULL\t\tBIT(9)\n#define MST_STATUS0_CMDR_FULL\t\tBIT(8)\n#define MST_STATUS0_TX_EMP\t\tBIT(5)\n#define MST_STATUS0_IBID_EMP\t\tBIT(4)\n#define MST_STATUS0_IBIR_EMP\t\tBIT(3)\n#define MST_STATUS0_RX_EMP\t\tBIT(2)\n#define MST_STATUS0_CMDD_EMP\t\tBIT(1)\n#define MST_STATUS0_CMDR_EMP\t\tBIT(0)\n\n#define CMDR\t\t\t\t0x38\n#define CMDR_NO_ERROR\t\t\t0\n#define CMDR_DDR_PREAMBLE_ERROR\t\t1\n#define CMDR_DDR_PARITY_ERROR\t\t2\n#define CMDR_DDR_RX_FIFO_OVF\t\t3\n#define CMDR_DDR_TX_FIFO_UNF\t\t4\n#define CMDR_M0_ERROR\t\t\t5\n#define CMDR_M1_ERROR\t\t\t6\n#define CMDR_M2_ERROR\t\t\t7\n#define CMDR_MST_ABORT\t\t\t8\n#define CMDR_NACK_RESP\t\t\t9\n#define CMDR_INVALID_DA\t\t\t10\n#define CMDR_DDR_DROPPED\t\t11\n#define CMDR_ERROR(x)\t\t\t(((x) & GENMASK(27, 24)) >> 24)\n#define CMDR_XFER_BYTES(x)\t\t(((x) & GENMASK(19, 8)) >> 8)\n#define CMDR_CMDID_HJACK_DISEC\t\t0xfe\n#define CMDR_CMDID_HJACK_ENTDAA\t\t0xff\n#define CMDR_CMDID(x)\t\t\t((x) & GENMASK(7, 0))\n\n#define IBIR\t\t\t\t0x3c\n#define IBIR_ACKED\t\t\tBIT(12)\n#define IBIR_SLVID(x)\t\t\t(((x) & GENMASK(11, 8)) >> 8)\n#define IBIR_ERROR\t\t\tBIT(7)\n#define IBIR_XFER_BYTES(x)\t\t(((x) & GENMASK(6, 2)) >> 2)\n#define IBIR_TYPE_IBI\t\t\t0\n#define IBIR_TYPE_HJ\t\t\t1\n#define IBIR_TYPE_MR\t\t\t2\n#define IBIR_TYPE(x)\t\t\t((x) & GENMASK(1, 0))\n\n#define SLV_IER\t\t\t\t0x40\n#define SLV_IDR\t\t\t\t0x44\n#define SLV_IMR\t\t\t\t0x48\n#define SLV_ICR\t\t\t\t0x4c\n#define SLV_ISR\t\t\t\t0x50\n#define SLV_INT_TM\t\t\tBIT(20)\n#define SLV_INT_ERROR\t\t\tBIT(19)\n#define SLV_INT_EVENT_UP\t\tBIT(18)\n#define SLV_INT_HJ_DONE\t\t\tBIT(17)\n#define SLV_INT_MR_DONE\t\t\tBIT(16)\n#define SLV_INT_DA_UPD\t\t\tBIT(15)\n#define SLV_INT_SDR_FAIL\t\tBIT(14)\n#define SLV_INT_DDR_FAIL\t\tBIT(13)\n#define SLV_INT_M_RD_ABORT\t\tBIT(12)\n#define SLV_INT_DDR_RX_THR\t\tBIT(11)\n#define SLV_INT_DDR_TX_THR\t\tBIT(10)\n#define SLV_INT_SDR_RX_THR\t\tBIT(9)\n#define SLV_INT_SDR_TX_THR\t\tBIT(8)\n#define SLV_INT_DDR_RX_UNF\t\tBIT(7)\n#define SLV_INT_DDR_TX_OVF\t\tBIT(6)\n#define SLV_INT_SDR_RX_UNF\t\tBIT(5)\n#define SLV_INT_SDR_TX_OVF\t\tBIT(4)\n#define SLV_INT_DDR_RD_COMP\t\tBIT(3)\n#define SLV_INT_DDR_WR_COMP\t\tBIT(2)\n#define SLV_INT_SDR_RD_COMP\t\tBIT(1)\n#define SLV_INT_SDR_WR_COMP\t\tBIT(0)\n\n#define SLV_STATUS0\t\t\t0x54\n#define SLV_STATUS0_REG_ADDR(s)\t\t(((s) & GENMASK(23, 16)) >> 16)\n#define SLV_STATUS0_XFRD_BYTES(s)\t((s) & GENMASK(15, 0))\n\n#define SLV_STATUS1\t\t\t0x58\n#define SLV_STATUS1_AS(s)\t\t(((s) & GENMASK(21, 20)) >> 20)\n#define SLV_STATUS1_VEN_TM\t\tBIT(19)\n#define SLV_STATUS1_HJ_DIS\t\tBIT(18)\n#define SLV_STATUS1_MR_DIS\t\tBIT(17)\n#define SLV_STATUS1_PROT_ERR\t\tBIT(16)\n#define SLV_STATUS1_DA(x)\t\t(((s) & GENMASK(15, 9)) >> 9)\n#define SLV_STATUS1_HAS_DA\t\tBIT(8)\n#define SLV_STATUS1_DDR_RX_FULL\t\tBIT(7)\n#define SLV_STATUS1_DDR_TX_FULL\t\tBIT(6)\n#define SLV_STATUS1_DDR_RX_EMPTY\tBIT(5)\n#define SLV_STATUS1_DDR_TX_EMPTY\tBIT(4)\n#define SLV_STATUS1_SDR_RX_FULL\t\tBIT(3)\n#define SLV_STATUS1_SDR_TX_FULL\t\tBIT(2)\n#define SLV_STATUS1_SDR_RX_EMPTY\tBIT(1)\n#define SLV_STATUS1_SDR_TX_EMPTY\tBIT(0)\n\n#define CMD0_FIFO\t\t\t0x60\n#define CMD0_FIFO_IS_DDR\t\tBIT(31)\n#define CMD0_FIFO_IS_CCC\t\tBIT(30)\n#define CMD0_FIFO_BCH\t\t\tBIT(29)\n#define XMIT_BURST_STATIC_SUBADDR\t0\n#define XMIT_SINGLE_INC_SUBADDR\t\t1\n#define XMIT_SINGLE_STATIC_SUBADDR\t2\n#define XMIT_BURST_WITHOUT_SUBADDR\t3\n#define CMD0_FIFO_PRIV_XMIT_MODE(m)\t((m) << 27)\n#define CMD0_FIFO_SBCA\t\t\tBIT(26)\n#define CMD0_FIFO_RSBC\t\t\tBIT(25)\n#define CMD0_FIFO_IS_10B\t\tBIT(24)\n#define CMD0_FIFO_PL_LEN(l)\t\t((l) << 12)\n#define CMD0_FIFO_PL_LEN_MAX\t\t4095\n#define CMD0_FIFO_DEV_ADDR(a)\t\t((a) << 1)\n#define CMD0_FIFO_RNW\t\t\tBIT(0)\n\n#define CMD1_FIFO\t\t\t0x64\n#define CMD1_FIFO_CMDID(id)\t\t((id) << 24)\n#define CMD1_FIFO_CSRADDR(a)\t\t(a)\n#define CMD1_FIFO_CCC(id)\t\t(id)\n\n#define TX_FIFO\t\t\t\t0x68\n\n#define IMD_CMD0\t\t\t0x70\n#define IMD_CMD0_PL_LEN(l)\t\t((l) << 12)\n#define IMD_CMD0_DEV_ADDR(a)\t\t((a) << 1)\n#define IMD_CMD0_RNW\t\t\tBIT(0)\n\n#define IMD_CMD1\t\t\t0x74\n#define IMD_CMD1_CCC(id)\t\t(id)\n\n#define IMD_DATA\t\t\t0x78\n#define RX_FIFO\t\t\t\t0x80\n#define IBI_DATA_FIFO\t\t\t0x84\n#define SLV_DDR_TX_FIFO\t\t\t0x88\n#define SLV_DDR_RX_FIFO\t\t\t0x8c\n\n#define CMD_IBI_THR_CTRL\t\t0x90\n#define IBIR_THR(t)\t\t\t((t) << 24)\n#define CMDR_THR(t)\t\t\t((t) << 16)\n#define IBI_THR(t)\t\t\t((t) << 8)\n#define CMD_THR(t)\t\t\t(t)\n\n#define TX_RX_THR_CTRL\t\t\t0x94\n#define RX_THR(t)\t\t\t((t) << 16)\n#define TX_THR(t)\t\t\t(t)\n\n#define SLV_DDR_TX_RX_THR_CTRL\t\t0x98\n#define SLV_DDR_RX_THR(t)\t\t((t) << 16)\n#define SLV_DDR_TX_THR(t)\t\t(t)\n\n#define FLUSH_CTRL\t\t\t0x9c\n#define FLUSH_IBI_RESP\t\t\tBIT(23)\n#define FLUSH_CMD_RESP\t\t\tBIT(22)\n#define FLUSH_SLV_DDR_RX_FIFO\t\tBIT(22)\n#define FLUSH_SLV_DDR_TX_FIFO\t\tBIT(21)\n#define FLUSH_IMM_FIFO\t\t\tBIT(20)\n#define FLUSH_IBI_FIFO\t\t\tBIT(19)\n#define FLUSH_RX_FIFO\t\t\tBIT(18)\n#define FLUSH_TX_FIFO\t\t\tBIT(17)\n#define FLUSH_CMD_FIFO\t\t\tBIT(16)\n\n#define TTO_PRESCL_CTRL0\t\t0xb0\n#define TTO_PRESCL_CTRL0_DIVB(x)\t((x) << 16)\n#define TTO_PRESCL_CTRL0_DIVA(x)\t(x)\n\n#define TTO_PRESCL_CTRL1\t\t0xb4\n#define TTO_PRESCL_CTRL1_DIVB(x)\t((x) << 16)\n#define TTO_PRESCL_CTRL1_DIVA(x)\t(x)\n\n#define DEVS_CTRL\t\t\t0xb8\n#define DEVS_CTRL_DEV_CLR_SHIFT\t\t16\n#define DEVS_CTRL_DEV_CLR_ALL\t\tGENMASK(31, 16)\n#define DEVS_CTRL_DEV_CLR(dev)\t\tBIT(16 + (dev))\n#define DEVS_CTRL_DEV_ACTIVE(dev)\tBIT(dev)\n#define DEVS_CTRL_DEVS_ACTIVE_MASK\tGENMASK(15, 0)\n#define MAX_DEVS\t\t\t16\n\n#define DEV_ID_RR0(d)\t\t\t(0xc0 + ((d) * 0x10))\n#define DEV_ID_RR0_LVR_EXT_ADDR\t\tBIT(11)\n#define DEV_ID_RR0_HDR_CAP\t\tBIT(10)\n#define DEV_ID_RR0_IS_I3C\t\tBIT(9)\n#define DEV_ID_RR0_DEV_ADDR_MASK\t(GENMASK(6, 0) | GENMASK(15, 13))\n#define DEV_ID_RR0_SET_DEV_ADDR(a)\t(((a) & GENMASK(6, 0)) |\t\\\n\t\t\t\t\t (((a) & GENMASK(9, 7)) << 6))\n#define DEV_ID_RR0_GET_DEV_ADDR(x)\t((((x) >> 1) & GENMASK(6, 0)) |\t\\\n\t\t\t\t\t (((x) >> 6) & GENMASK(9, 7)))\n\n#define DEV_ID_RR1(d)\t\t\t(0xc4 + ((d) * 0x10))\n#define DEV_ID_RR1_PID_MSB(pid)\t\t(pid)\n\n#define DEV_ID_RR2(d)\t\t\t(0xc8 + ((d) * 0x10))\n#define DEV_ID_RR2_PID_LSB(pid)\t\t((pid) << 16)\n#define DEV_ID_RR2_BCR(bcr)\t\t((bcr) << 8)\n#define DEV_ID_RR2_DCR(dcr)\t\t(dcr)\n#define DEV_ID_RR2_LVR(lvr)\t\t(lvr)\n\n#define SIR_MAP(x)\t\t\t(0x180 + ((x) * 4))\n#define SIR_MAP_DEV_REG(d)\t\tSIR_MAP((d) / 2)\n#define SIR_MAP_DEV_SHIFT(d, fs)\t((fs) + (((d) % 2) ? ",
"16 : 0))\n#define SIR_MAP_DEV_CONF_MASK(d)\t(GENMASK(15, 0) << (((d) % 2) ? ",
"16 : 0))\n#define SIR_MAP_DEV_CONF(d, c)\t\t((c) << (((d) % 2) ? ",
"16 : 0))\n#define DEV_ROLE_SLAVE\t\t\t0\n#define DEV_ROLE_MASTER\t\t\t1\n#define SIR_MAP_DEV_ROLE(role)\t\t((role) << 14)\n#define SIR_MAP_DEV_SLOW\t\tBIT(13)\n#define SIR_MAP_DEV_PL(l)\t\t((l) << 8)\n#define SIR_MAP_PL_MAX\t\t\tGENMASK(4, 0)\n#define SIR_MAP_DEV_DA(a)\t\t((a) << 1)\n#define SIR_MAP_DEV_ACK\t\t\tBIT(0)\n\n#define GPIR_WORD(x)\t\t\t(0x200 + ((x) * 4))\n#define GPI_REG(val, id)\t\t\\\n\t(((val) >> (((id) % 4) * 8)) & GENMASK(7, 0))\n\n#define GPOR_WORD(x)\t\t\t(0x220 + ((x) * 4))\n#define GPO_REG(val, id)\t\t\\\n\t(((val) >> (((id) % 4) * 8)) & GENMASK(7, 0))\n\n#define ASF_INT_STATUS\t\t\t0x300\n#define ASF_INT_RAW_STATUS\t\t0x304\n#define ASF_INT_MASK\t\t\t0x308\n#define ASF_INT_TEST\t\t\t0x30c\n#define ASF_INT_FATAL_SELECT\t\t0x310\n#define ASF_INTEGRITY_ERR\t\tBIT(6)\n#define ASF_PROTOCOL_ERR\t\tBIT(5)\n#define ASF_TRANS_TIMEOUT_ERR\t\tBIT(4)\n#define ASF_CSR_ERR\t\t\tBIT(3)\n#define ASF_DAP_ERR\t\t\tBIT(2)\n#define ASF_SRAM_UNCORR_ERR\t\tBIT(1)\n#define ASF_SRAM_CORR_ERR\t\tBIT(0)\n\n#define ASF_SRAM_CORR_FAULT_STATUS\t0x320\n#define ASF_SRAM_UNCORR_FAULT_STATUS\t0x324\n#define ASF_SRAM_CORR_FAULT_INSTANCE(x)\t((x) >> 24)\n#define ASF_SRAM_CORR_FAULT_ADDR(x)\t((x) & GENMASK(23, 0))\n\n#define ASF_SRAM_FAULT_STATS\t\t0x328\n#define ASF_SRAM_FAULT_UNCORR_STATS(x)\t((x) >> 16)\n#define ASF_SRAM_FAULT_CORR_STATS(x)\t((x) & GENMASK(15, 0))\n\n#define ASF_TRANS_TOUT_CTRL\t\t0x330\n#define ASF_TRANS_TOUT_EN\t\tBIT(31)\n#define ASF_TRANS_TOUT_VAL(x)\t(x)\n\n#define ASF_TRANS_TOUT_FAULT_MASK\t0x334\n#define ASF_TRANS_TOUT_FAULT_STATUS\t0x338\n#define ASF_TRANS_TOUT_FAULT_APB\tBIT(3)\n#define ASF_TRANS_TOUT_FAULT_SCL_LOW\tBIT(2)\n#define ASF_TRANS_TOUT_FAULT_SCL_HIGH\tBIT(1)\n#define ASF_TRANS_TOUT_FAULT_FSCL_HIGH\tBIT(0)\n\n#define ASF_PROTO_FAULT_MASK\t\t0x340\n#define ASF_PROTO_FAULT_STATUS\t\t0x344\n#define ASF_PROTO_FAULT_SLVSDR_RD_ABORT\tBIT(31)\n#define ASF_PROTO_FAULT_SLVDDR_FAIL\tBIT(30)\n#define ASF_PROTO_FAULT_S(x)\t\tBIT(16 + (x))\n#define ASF_PROTO_FAULT_MSTSDR_RD_ABORT\tBIT(15)\n#define ASF_PROTO_FAULT_MSTDDR_FAIL\tBIT(14)\n#define ASF_PROTO_FAULT_M(x)\t\tBIT(x)\n\nstruct cdns_i3c_master_caps {\n\tu32 cmdfifodepth;\n\tu32 cmdrfifodepth;\n\tu32 txfifodepth;\n\tu32 rxfifodepth;\n\tu32 ibirfifodepth;\n};\n\nstruct cdns_i3c_cmd {\n\tu32 cmd0;\n\tu32 cmd1;\n\tu32 tx_len;\n\tconst void *tx_buf;\n\tu32 rx_len;\n\tvoid *rx_buf;\n\tu32 error;\n};\n\nstruct cdns_i3c_xfer {\n\tstruct list_head node;\n\tstruct completion comp;\n\tint ret;\n\tunsigned int ncmds;\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_cmd cmds[0];\n};\n\nstruct cdns_i3c_master {\n\tstruct work_struct hj_work;\n\tstruct i3c_master_controller base;\n\tu32 free_rr_slots;\n\tunsigned int maxdevs;\n\tstruct {\n\t\tunsigned int num_slots;\n\t\tstruct i3c_dev_desc **slots;\n\t\tspinlock_t lock;\n\t} ibi;\n\tstruct {\n\t\tstruct list_head list;\n\t\tstruct cdns_i3c_xfer *cur;\n\t\tspinlock_t lock;\n\t} xferqueue;\n\tvoid __iomem *regs;\n\tstruct clk *sysclk;\n\tstruct clk *pclk;\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_master_caps caps;\n\tunsigned long i3c_scl_lim;\n};\n\nstatic inline struct cdns_i3c_master *\nto_cdns_i3c_master(struct i3c_master_controller *master)\n{\n\treturn container_of(master, struct cdns_i3c_master, base);\n}\n\nstatic void cdns_i3c_master_wr_to_tx_fifo(struct cdns_i3c_master *master,\n\t\t\t\t\t const u8 *bytes, int nbytes)\n{\n\twritesl(master->regs + TX_FIFO, bytes, nbytes / 4);\n\tif (nbytes & 3) {\n\t\tu32 tmp = 0;\n\n\t\tmemcpy(&tmp, bytes + (nbytes & ~3), nbytes & 3);\n\t\twritesl(master->regs + TX_FIFO, &tmp, 1);\n\t}\n}\n\nstatic void cdns_i3c_master_rd_from_rx_fifo(struct cdns_i3c_master *master,\n\t\t\t\t\t u8 *bytes, int nbytes)\n{\n\treadsl(master->regs + RX_FIFO, bytes, nbytes / 4);\n\tif (nbytes & 3) {\n\t\tu32 tmp;\n\n\t\treadsl(master->regs + RX_FIFO, &tmp, 1);\n\t\tmemcpy(bytes + (nbytes & ~3), &tmp, nbytes & 3);\n\t}\n}\n\nstatic bool cdns_i3c_master_supports_ccc_cmd(struct i3c_master_controller *m,\n\t\t\t\t\t const struct i3c_ccc_cmd *cmd)\n{\n\tif (cmd->ndests > 1)\n\t\treturn false;\n\n\tswitch (cmd->id) {\n\tcase I3C_CCC_ENEC(true):\n\tcase I3C_CCC_ENEC(false):\n\tcase I3C_CCC_DISEC(true):\n\tcase I3C_CCC_DISEC(false):\n\tcase I3C_CCC_ENTAS(0, true):\n\tcase I3C_CCC_ENTAS(0, false):\n\tcase I3C_CCC_RSTDAA(true):\n\tcase I3C_CCC_RSTDAA(false):\n\tcase I3C_CCC_ENTDAA:\n\tcase I3C_CCC_SETMWL(true):\n\tcase I3C_CCC_SETMWL(false):\n\tcase I3C_CCC_SETMRL(true):\n\tcase I3C_CCC_SETMRL(false):\n\tcase I3C_CCC_DEFSLVS:\n\tcase I3C_CCC_ENTHDR(0):\n\tcase I3C_CCC_SETDASA:\n\tcase I3C_CCC_SETNEWDA:\n\tcase I3C_CCC_GETMWL:\n\tcase I3C_CCC_GETMRL:\n\tcase I3C_CCC_GETPID:\n\tcase I3C_CCC_GETBCR:\n\tcase I3C_CCC_GETDCR:\n\tcase I3C_CCC_GETSTATUS:\n\tcase I3C_CCC_GETACCMST:\n\tcase I3C_CCC_GETMXDS:\n\tcase I3C_CCC_GETHDRCAP:\n\t\treturn true;\n\tdefault:\n\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n\n\treturn false;\n}\n\nstatic int cdns_i3c_master_disable(struct cdns_i3c_master *master)\n{\n\tu32 status;\n\n\twritel(readl(master->regs + CTRL) & ~CTRL_DEV_EN, master->regs + CTRL);\n\n\treturn readl_poll_timeout(master->regs + MST_STATUS0, status,\n\t\t\t\t status & MST_STATUS0_IDLE, 10, 1000000);\n}\n\nstatic void cdns_i3c_master_enable(struct cdns_i3c_master *master)\n{\n\twritel(readl(master->regs + CTRL) | CTRL_DEV_EN, master->regs + CTRL);\n}\n\nstatic struct cdns_i3c_xfer *\ncdns_i3c_master_alloc_xfer(struct cdns_i3c_master *master, unsigned int ncmds)\n{\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_xfer *xfer;\n\n\txfer = kzalloc(struct_size(xfer, cmds, ncmds), GFP_KERNEL);\n\tif (!",
"xfer)\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\n\tINIT_LIST_HEAD(&xfer->node);\n\txfer->ncmds = ncmds;\n\txfer->ret = -ETIMEDOUT;\n\n\treturn xfer;\n}\n\nstatic void cdns_i3c_master_free_xfer(struct cdns_i3c_xfer *xfer)\n{\n\tkfree(xfer);\n}\n\nstatic void cdns_i3c_master_start_xfer_locked(struct cdns_i3c_master *master)\n{\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_xfer *xfer = master->xferqueue.cur;\n\tunsigned int i;\n\n\tif (!",
"xfer)\n\t\treturn;\n\n\twritel(MST_INT_CMDD_EMP, master->regs + MST_ICR);\n\tfor (i = 0; i < xfer->ncmds; i++) {\n\t\tstruct cdns_i3c_cmd *cmd = &xfer->cmds[i];\n\n\t\tcdns_i3c_master_wr_to_tx_fifo(master, cmd->tx_buf,\n\t\t\t\t\t cmd->tx_len);\n\t}\n\n\tfor (i = 0; i < xfer->ncmds; i++) {\n\t\tstruct cdns_i3c_cmd *cmd = &xfer->cmds[i];\n\n\t\twritel(cmd->cmd1 | CMD1_FIFO_CMDID(i),\n\t\t master->regs + CMD1_FIFO);\n\t\twritel(cmd->cmd0, master->regs + CMD0_FIFO);\n\t}\n\n\twritel(readl(master->regs + CTRL) | CTRL_MCS,\n\t master->regs + CTRL);\n\twritel(MST_INT_CMDD_EMP, master->regs + MST_IER);\n}\n\nstatic void cdns_i3c_master_end_xfer_locked(struct cdns_i3c_master *master,\n\t\t\t\t\t u32 isr)\n{\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_xfer *xfer = master->xferqueue.cur;\n\tint i, ret = 0;\n\tu32 status0;\n\n\tif (!",
"xfer)\n\t\treturn;\n\n\tif (!(",
"isr & MST_INT_CMDD_EMP))\n\t\treturn;\n\n\twritel(MST_INT_CMDD_EMP, master->regs + MST_IDR);\n\n\tfor (status0 = readl(master->regs + MST_STATUS0);\n\t !(",
"status0 & MST_STATUS0_CMDR_EMP);\n\t status0 = readl(master->regs + MST_STATUS0)) {\n\t\tstruct cdns_i3c_cmd *cmd;\n\t\tu32 cmdr, rx_len, id;\n\n\t\tcmdr = readl(master->regs + CMDR);\n\t\tid = CMDR_CMDID(cmdr);\n\t\tif (id == CMDR_CMDID_HJACK_DISEC ||\n\t\t id == CMDR_CMDID_HJACK_ENTDAA ||\n\t\t WARN_ON(id >= xfer->ncmds))\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\n\t\tcmd = &xfer->cmds[CMDR_CMDID(cmdr)];\n\t\trx_len = min_t(u32, CMDR_XFER_BYTES(cmdr), cmd->rx_len);\n\t\tcdns_i3c_master_rd_from_rx_fifo(master, cmd->rx_buf, rx_len);\n\t\tcmd->error = CMDR_ERROR(cmdr);\n\t}\n\n\tfor (i = 0; i < xfer->ncmds; i++) {\n\t\tswitch (xfer->cmds[i].error) {\n\t\tcase CMDR_NO_ERROR:\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\n\t\tcase CMDR_DDR_PREAMBLE_ERROR:\n\t\tcase CMDR_DDR_PARITY_ERROR:\n\t\tcase CMDR_M0_ERROR:\n\t\tcase CMDR_M1_ERROR:\n\t\tcase CMDR_M2_ERROR:\n\t\tcase CMDR_MST_ABORT:\n\t\tcase CMDR_NACK_RESP:\n\t\tcase CMDR_DDR_DROPPED:\n\t\t\tret = -EIO;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\n\t\tcase CMDR_DDR_RX_FIFO_OVF:\n\t\tcase CMDR_DDR_TX_FIFO_UNF:\n\t\t\tret = -ENOSPC;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\n\t\tcase CMDR_INVALID_DA:\n\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\tret = -EINVAL;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\txfer->ret = ret;\n\tcomplete(&xfer->comp);\n\n\txfer = list_first_entry_or_null(&master->xferqueue.list,\n\t\t\t\t\tstruct cdns_i3c_xfer, node);\n\tif (xfer)\n\t\tlist_del_init(&xfer->node);\n\n\tmaster->xferqueue.cur = xfer;\n\tcdns_i3c_master_start_xfer_locked(master);\n}\n\nstatic void cdns_i3c_master_queue_xfer(struct cdns_i3c_master *master,\n\t\t\t\t struct cdns_i3c_xfer *xfer)\n{\n\tunsigned long flags;\n\n\tinit_completion(&xfer->comp);\n\tspin_lock_irqsave(&master->xferqueue.lock, flags);\n\tif (master->xferqueue.cur) {\n\t\tlist_add_tail(&xfer->node, &master->xferqueue.list);\n\t} else {\n\t\tmaster->xferqueue.cur = xfer;\n\t\tcdns_i3c_master_start_xfer_locked(master);\n\t}\n\tspin_unlock_irqrestore(&master->xferqueue.lock, flags);\n}\n\nstatic void cdns_i3c_master_unqueue_xfer(struct cdns_i3c_master *master,\n\t\t\t\t\t struct cdns_i3c_xfer *xfer)\n{\n\tunsigned long flags;\n\n\tspin_lock_irqsave(&master->xferqueue.lock, flags);\n\tif (master->xferqueue.cur == xfer) {\n\t\tu32 status;\n\n\t\twritel(readl(master->regs + CTRL) & ~CTRL_DEV_EN,\n\t\t master->regs + CTRL);\n\t\treadl_poll_timeout_atomic(master->regs + MST_STATUS0, status,\n\t\t\t\t\t status & MST_STATUS0_IDLE, 10,\n\t\t\t\t\t 1000000);\n\t\tmaster->xferqueue.cur = NULL;\n\t\twritel(FLUSH_RX_FIFO | FLUSH_TX_FIFO | FLUSH_CMD_FIFO |\n\t\t FLUSH_CMD_RESP,\n\t\t master->regs + FLUSH_CTRL);\n\t\twritel(MST_INT_CMDD_EMP, master->regs + MST_IDR);\n\t\twritel(readl(master->regs + CTRL) | CTRL_DEV_EN,\n\t\t master->regs + CTRL);\n\t} else {\n\t\tlist_del_init(&xfer->node);\n\t}\n\tspin_unlock_irqrestore(&master->xferqueue.lock, flags);\n}\n\nstatic enum i3c_error_code cdns_i3c_cmd_get_err(struct cdns_i3c_cmd *cmd)\n{\n\tswitch (cmd->error) {\n\tcase CMDR_M0_ERROR:\n\t\treturn I3C_ERROR_M0;\n\n\tcase CMDR_M1_ERROR:\n\t\treturn I3C_ERROR_M1;\n\n\tcase CMDR_M2_ERROR:\n\tcase CMDR_NACK_RESP:\n\t\treturn I3C_ERROR_M2;\n\n\tdefault:\n\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n\n\treturn I3C_ERROR_UNKNOWN;\n}\n\nstatic int cdns_i3c_master_send_ccc_cmd(struct i3c_master_controller *m,\n\t\t\t\t\tstruct i3c_ccc_cmd *cmd)\n{\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_master *master = to_cdns_i3c_master(m);\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_xfer *xfer;\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_cmd *ccmd;\n\tint ret;\n\n\txfer = cdns_i3c_master_alloc_xfer(master, 1);\n\tif (!",
"xfer)\n\t\treturn -ENOMEM;\n\n\tccmd = xfer->cmds;\n\tccmd->cmd1 = CMD1_FIFO_CCC(cmd->id);\n\tccmd->cmd0 = CMD0_FIFO_IS_CCC |\n\t\t CMD0_FIFO_PL_LEN(cmd->dests[0].payload.len);\n\n\tif (cmd->id & I3C_CCC_DIRECT)\n\t\tccmd->cmd0 |= CMD0_FIFO_DEV_ADDR(cmd->dests[0].addr);\n\n\tif (cmd->rnw) {\n\t\tccmd->cmd0 |= CMD0_FIFO_RNW;\n\t\tccmd->rx_buf = cmd->dests[0].payload.data;\n\t\tccmd->rx_len = cmd->dests[0].payload.len;\n\t} else {\n\t\tccmd->tx_buf = cmd->dests[0].payload.data;\n\t\tccmd->tx_len = cmd->dests[0].payload.len;\n\t}\n\n\tcdns_i3c_master_queue_xfer(master, xfer);\n\tif (!",
"wait_for_completion_timeout(&xfer->comp, msecs_to_jiffies(1000)))\n\t\tcdns_i3c_master_unqueue_xfer(master, xfer);\n\n\tret = xfer->ret;\n\tcmd->err = cdns_i3c_cmd_get_err(&xfer->cmds[0]);\n\tcdns_i3c_master_free_xfer(xfer);\n\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\nstatic int cdns_i3c_master_priv_xfers(struct i3c_dev_desc *dev,\n\t\t\t\t struct i3c_priv_xfer *xfers,\n\t\t\t\t int nxfers)\n{\n\tstruct i3c_master_controller *m = i3c_dev_get_master(dev);\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_master *master = to_cdns_i3c_master(m);\n\tint txslots = 0, rxslots = 0, i, ret;\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_xfer *cdns_xfer;\n\n\tfor (i = 0; i < nxfers; i++) {\n\t\tif (xfers[i].len > CMD0_FIFO_PL_LEN_MAX)\n\t\t\treturn -ENOTSUPP;\n\t}\n\n\tif (!",
"nxfers)\n\t\treturn 0;\n\n\tif (nxfers > master->caps.cmdfifodepth ||\n\t nxfers > master->caps.cmdrfifodepth)\n\t\treturn -ENOTSUPP;\n\n\t/*\n\t * First make sure that all transactions (block of transfers separated\n\t * by a STOP marker) fit in the FIFOs.",
"\n\t */\n\tfor (i = 0; i < nxfers; i++) {\n\t\tif (xfers[i].rnw)\n\t\t\trxslots += DIV_ROUND_UP(xfers[i].len, 4);\n\t\telse\n\t\t\ttxslots += DIV_ROUND_UP(xfers[i].len, 4);\n\t}\n\n\tif (rxslots > master->caps.rxfifodepth ||\n\t txslots > master->caps.txfifodepth)\n\t\treturn -ENOTSUPP;\n\n\tcdns_xfer = cdns_i3c_master_alloc_xfer(master, nxfers);\n\tif (!",
"cdns_xfer)\n\t\treturn -ENOMEM;\n\n\tfor (i = 0; i < nxfers; i++) {\n\t\tstruct cdns_i3c_cmd *ccmd = &cdns_xfer->cmds[i];\n\t\tu32 pl_len = xfers[i].len;\n\n\t\tccmd->cmd0 = CMD0_FIFO_DEV_ADDR(dev->info.dyn_addr) |\n\t\t\tCMD0_FIFO_PRIV_XMIT_MODE(XMIT_BURST_WITHOUT_SUBADDR);\n\n\t\tif (xfers[i].rnw) {\n\t\t\tccmd->cmd0 |= CMD0_FIFO_RNW;\n\t\t\tccmd->rx_buf = xfers[i].data.in;\n\t\t\tccmd->rx_len = xfers[i].len;\n\t\t\tpl_len++;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tccmd->tx_buf = xfers[i].data.out;\n\t\t\tccmd->tx_len = xfers[i].len;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tccmd->cmd0 |= CMD0_FIFO_PL_LEN(pl_len);\n\n\t\tif (i < nxfers - 1)\n\t\t\tccmd->cmd0 |= CMD0_FIFO_RSBC;\n\n\t\tif (!",
"i)\n\t\t\tccmd->cmd0 |= CMD0_FIFO_BCH;\n\t}\n\n\tcdns_i3c_master_queue_xfer(master, cdns_xfer);\n\tif (!",
"wait_for_completion_timeout(&cdns_xfer->comp,\n\t\t\t\t\t msecs_to_jiffies(1000)))\n\t\tcdns_i3c_master_unqueue_xfer(master, cdns_xfer);\n\n\tret = cdns_xfer->ret;\n\n\tfor (i = 0; i < nxfers; i++)\n\t\txfers[i].err = cdns_i3c_cmd_get_err(&cdns_xfer->cmds[i]);\n\n\tcdns_i3c_master_free_xfer(cdns_xfer);\n\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\nstatic int cdns_i3c_master_i2c_xfers(struct i2c_dev_desc *dev,\n\t\t\t\t const struct i2c_msg *xfers, int nxfers)\n{\n\tstruct i3c_master_controller *m = i2c_dev_get_master(dev);\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_master *master = to_cdns_i3c_master(m);\n\tunsigned int nrxwords = 0, ntxwords = 0;\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_xfer *xfer;\n\tint i, ret = 0;\n\n\tif (nxfers > master->caps.cmdfifodepth)\n\t\treturn -ENOTSUPP;\n\n\tfor (i = 0; i < nxfers; i++) {\n\t\tif (xfers[i].len > CMD0_FIFO_PL_LEN_MAX)\n\t\t\treturn -ENOTSUPP;\n\n\t\tif (xfers[i].flags & I2C_M_RD)\n\t\t\tnrxwords += DIV_ROUND_UP(xfers[i].len, 4);\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tntxwords += DIV_ROUND_UP(xfers[i].len, 4);\n\t}\n\n\tif (ntxwords > master->caps.txfifodepth ||\n\t nrxwords > master->caps.rxfifodepth)\n\t\treturn -ENOTSUPP;\n\n\txfer = cdns_i3c_master_alloc_xfer(master, nxfers);\n\tif (!",
"xfer)\n\t\treturn -ENOMEM;\n\n\tfor (i = 0; i < nxfers; i++) {\n\t\tstruct cdns_i3c_cmd *ccmd = &xfer->cmds[i];\n\n\t\tccmd->cmd0 = CMD0_FIFO_DEV_ADDR(xfers[i].addr) |\n\t\t\tCMD0_FIFO_PL_LEN(xfers[i].len) |\n\t\t\tCMD0_FIFO_PRIV_XMIT_MODE(XMIT_BURST_WITHOUT_SUBADDR);\n\n\t\tif (xfers[i].flags & I2C_M_TEN)\n\t\t\tccmd->cmd0 |= CMD0_FIFO_IS_10B;\n\n\t\tif (xfers[i].flags & I2C_M_RD) {\n\t\t\tccmd->cmd0 |= CMD0_FIFO_RNW;\n\t\t\tccmd->rx_buf = xfers[i].buf;\n\t\t\tccmd->rx_len = xfers[i].len;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tccmd->tx_buf = xfers[i].buf;\n\t\t\tccmd->tx_len = xfers[i].len;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tcdns_i3c_master_queue_xfer(master, xfer);\n\tif (!",
"wait_for_completion_timeout(&xfer->comp, msecs_to_jiffies(1000)))\n\t\tcdns_i3c_master_unqueue_xfer(master, xfer);\n\n\tret = xfer->ret;\n\tcdns_i3c_master_free_xfer(xfer);\n\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\nstruct cdns_i3c_i2c_dev_data {\n\tu16 id;\n\ts16 ibi;\n\tstruct i3c_generic_ibi_pool *ibi_pool;\n};\n\nstatic u32 prepare_rr0_dev_address(u32 addr)\n{\n\tu32 ret = (addr << 1) & 0xff;\n\n\t/* RR0[7:1] = addr[6:0] */\n\tret |= (addr & GENMASK(6, 0)) << 1;\n\n\t/* RR0[15:13] = addr[9:7] */\n\tret |= (addr & GENMASK(9, 7)) << 6;\n\n\t/* RR0[0] = ~XOR(addr[6:0]) */\n\tif (!(",
"hweight8(addr & 0x7f) & 1))\n\t\tret |= 1;\n\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\nstatic void cdns_i3c_master_upd_i3c_addr(struct i3c_dev_desc *dev)\n{\n\tstruct i3c_master_controller *m = i3c_dev_get_master(dev);\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_master *master = to_cdns_i3c_master(m);\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_i2c_dev_data *data = i3c_dev_get_master_data(dev);\n\tu32 rr;\n\n\trr = prepare_rr0_dev_address(dev->info.dyn_addr ?",
"\n\t\t\t\t dev->info.dyn_addr :\n\t\t\t\t dev->info.static_addr);\n\twritel(DEV_ID_RR0_IS_I3C | rr, master->regs + DEV_ID_RR0(data->id));\n}\n\nstatic int cdns_i3c_master_get_rr_slot(struct cdns_i3c_master *master,\n\t\t\t\t u8 dyn_addr)\n{\n\tu32 activedevs, rr;\n\tint i;\n\n\tif (!",
"dyn_addr) {\n\t\tif (!",
"master->free_rr_slots)\n\t\t\treturn -ENOSPC;\n\n\t\treturn ffs(master->free_rr_slots) - 1;\n\t}\n\n\tactivedevs = readl(master->regs + DEVS_CTRL) &\n\t\t DEVS_CTRL_DEVS_ACTIVE_MASK;\n\n\tfor (i = 1; i <= master->maxdevs; i++) {\n\t\tif (!(",
"BIT(i) & activedevs))\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\n\t\trr = readl(master->regs + DEV_ID_RR0(i));\n\t\tif (!(",
"rr & DEV_ID_RR0_IS_I3C) ||\n\t\t DEV_ID_RR0_GET_DEV_ADDR(rr) !",
"= dyn_addr)\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\n\t\treturn i;\n\t}\n\n\treturn -EINVAL;\n}\n\nstatic int cdns_i3c_master_reattach_i3c_dev(struct i3c_dev_desc *dev,\n\t\t\t\t\t u8 old_dyn_addr)\n{\n\tcdns_i3c_master_upd_i3c_addr(dev);\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nstatic int cdns_i3c_master_attach_i3c_dev(struct i3c_dev_desc *dev)\n{\n\tstruct i3c_master_controller *m = i3c_dev_get_master(dev);\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_master *master = to_cdns_i3c_master(m);\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_i2c_dev_data *data;\n\tint slot;\n\n\tdata = kzalloc(sizeof(*data), GFP_KERNEL);\n\tif (!",
"data)\n\t\treturn -ENOMEM;\n\n\tslot = cdns_i3c_master_get_rr_slot(master, dev->info.dyn_addr);\n\tif (slot < 0) {\n\t\tkfree(data);\n\t\treturn slot;\n\t}\n\n\tdata->ibi = -1;\n\tdata->id = slot;\n\ti3c_dev_set_master_data(dev, data);\n\tmaster->free_rr_slots &= ~BIT(slot);\n\n\tif (!",
"dev->info.dyn_addr) {\n\t\tcdns_i3c_master_upd_i3c_addr(dev);\n\t\twritel(readl(master->regs + DEVS_CTRL) |\n\t\t DEVS_CTRL_DEV_ACTIVE(data->id),\n\t\t master->regs + DEVS_CTRL);\n\t}\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nstatic void cdns_i3c_master_detach_i3c_dev(struct i3c_dev_desc *dev)\n{\n\tstruct i3c_master_controller *m = i3c_dev_get_master(dev);\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_master *master = to_cdns_i3c_master(m);\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_i2c_dev_data *data = i3c_dev_get_master_data(dev);\n\n\twritel(readl(master->regs + DEVS_CTRL) |\n\t DEVS_CTRL_DEV_CLR(data->id),\n\t master->regs + DEVS_CTRL);\n\n\ti3c_dev_set_master_data(dev, NULL);\n\tmaster->free_rr_slots |= BIT(data->id);\n\tkfree(data);\n}\n\nstatic int cdns_i3c_master_attach_i2c_dev(struct i2c_dev_desc *dev)\n{\n\tstruct i3c_master_controller *m = i2c_dev_get_master(dev);\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_master *master = to_cdns_i3c_master(m);\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_i2c_dev_data *data;\n\tint slot;\n\n\tslot = cdns_i3c_master_get_rr_slot(master, 0);\n\tif (slot < 0)\n\t\treturn slot;\n\n\tdata = kzalloc(sizeof(*data), GFP_KERNEL);\n\tif (!",
"data)\n\t\treturn -ENOMEM;\n\n\tdata->id = slot;\n\tmaster->free_rr_slots &= ~BIT(slot);\n\ti2c_dev_set_master_data(dev, data);\n\n\twritel(prepare_rr0_dev_address(dev->boardinfo->base.addr),\n\t master->regs + DEV_ID_RR0(data->id));\n\twritel(dev->boardinfo->lvr, master->regs + DEV_ID_RR2(data->id));\n\twritel(readl(master->regs + DEVS_CTRL) |\n\t DEVS_CTRL_DEV_ACTIVE(data->id),\n\t master->regs + DEVS_CTRL);\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nstatic void cdns_i3c_master_detach_i2c_dev(struct i2c_dev_desc *dev)\n{\n\tstruct i3c_master_controller *m = i2c_dev_get_master(dev);\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_master *master = to_cdns_i3c_master(m);\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_i2c_dev_data *data = i2c_dev_get_master_data(dev);\n\n\twritel(readl(master->regs + DEVS_CTRL) |\n\t DEVS_CTRL_DEV_CLR(data->id),\n\t master->regs + DEVS_CTRL);\n\tmaster->free_rr_slots |= BIT(data->id);\n\n\ti2c_dev_set_master_data(dev, NULL);\n\tkfree(data);\n}\n\nstatic void cdns_i3c_master_bus_cleanup(struct i3c_master_controller *m)\n{\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_master *master = to_cdns_i3c_master(m);\n\n\tcdns_i3c_master_disable(master);\n}\n\nstatic void cdns_i3c_master_dev_rr_to_info(struct cdns_i3c_master *master,\n\t\t\t\t\t unsigned int slot,\n\t\t\t\t\t struct i3c_device_info *info)\n{\n\tu32 rr;\n\n\tmemset(info, 0, sizeof(*info));\n\trr = readl(master->regs + DEV_ID_RR0(slot));\n\tinfo->dyn_addr = DEV_ID_RR0_GET_DEV_ADDR(rr);\n\trr = readl(master->regs + DEV_ID_RR2(slot));\n\tinfo->dcr = rr;\n\tinfo->bcr = rr >> 8;\n\tinfo->pid = rr >> 16;\n\tinfo->pid |= (u64)readl(master->regs + DEV_ID_RR1(slot)) << 16;\n}\n\nstatic void cdns_i3c_master_upd_i3c_scl_lim(struct cdns_i3c_master *master)\n{\n\tstruct i3c_master_controller *m = &master->base;\n\tunsigned long i3c_lim_period, pres_step, ncycles;\n\tstruct i3c_bus *bus = i3c_master_get_bus(m);\n\tunsigned long new_i3c_scl_lim = 0;\n\tstruct i3c_dev_desc *dev;\n\tu32 prescl1, ctrl;\n\n\ti3c_bus_for_each_i3cdev(bus, dev) {\n\t\tunsigned long max_fscl;\n\n\t\tmax_fscl = max(I3C_CCC_MAX_SDR_FSCL(dev->info.max_read_ds),\n\t\t\t I3C_CCC_MAX_SDR_FSCL(dev->info.max_write_ds));\n\t\tswitch (max_fscl) {\n\t\tcase I3C_SDR1_FSCL_8MHZ:\n\t\t\tmax_fscl = 8000000;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase I3C_SDR2_FSCL_6MHZ:\n\t\t\tmax_fscl = 6000000;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase I3C_SDR3_FSCL_4MHZ:\n\t\t\tmax_fscl = 4000000;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase I3C_SDR4_FSCL_2MHZ:\n\t\t\tmax_fscl = 2000000;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase I3C_SDR0_FSCL_MAX:\n\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\tmax_fscl = 0;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (max_fscl &&\n\t\t (new_i3c_scl_lim > max_fscl || !",
"new_i3c_scl_lim))\n\t\t\tnew_i3c_scl_lim = max_fscl;\n\t}\n\n\t/* Only update PRESCL_CTRL1 if the I3C SCL limitation has changed. */",
"\n\tif (new_i3c_scl_lim == master->i3c_scl_lim)\n\t\treturn;\n\tmaster->i3c_scl_lim = new_i3c_scl_lim;\n\tif (!",
"new_i3c_scl_lim)\n\t\treturn;\n\tpres_step = 1000000000UL / (bus->scl_rate.i3c * 4);\n\n\t/* Configure PP_LOW to meet I3C slave limitations. */",
"\n\tprescl1 = readl(master->regs + PRESCL_CTRL1) &\n\t\t ~PRESCL_CTRL1_PP_LOW_MASK;\n\tctrl = readl(master->regs + CTRL);\n\n\ti3c_lim_period = DIV_ROUND_UP(1000000000, master->i3c_scl_lim);\n\tncycles = DIV_ROUND_UP(i3c_lim_period, pres_step);\n\tif (ncycles < 4)\n\t\tncycles = 0;\n\telse\n\t\tncycles -= 4;\n\n\tprescl1 |= PRESCL_CTRL1_PP_LOW(ncycles);\n\n\t/* Disable I3C master before updating PRESCL_CTRL1. */",
"\n\tif (ctrl & CTRL_DEV_EN)\n\t\tcdns_i3c_master_disable(master);\n\n\twritel(prescl1, master->regs + PRESCL_CTRL1);\n\n\tif (ctrl & CTRL_DEV_EN)\n\t\tcdns_i3c_master_enable(master);\n}\n\nstatic int cdns_i3c_master_do_daa(struct i3c_master_controller *m)\n{\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_master *master = to_cdns_i3c_master(m);\n\tu32 olddevs, newdevs;\n\tint ret, slot;\n\tu8 addrs[MAX_DEVS] = { };\n\tu8 last_addr = 0;\n\n\tolddevs = readl(master->regs + DEVS_CTRL) & DEVS_CTRL_DEVS_ACTIVE_MASK;\n\n\t/* Prepare RR slots before launching DAA. */",
"\n\tfor (slot = 1; slot <= master->maxdevs; slot++) {\n\t\tif (olddevs & BIT(slot))\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\n\t\tret = i3c_master_get_free_addr(m, last_addr + 1);\n\t\tif (ret < 0)\n\t\t\treturn -ENOSPC;\n\n\t\tlast_addr = ret;\n\t\taddrs[slot] = last_addr;\n\t\twritel(prepare_rr0_dev_address(last_addr) | DEV_ID_RR0_IS_I3C,\n\t\t master->regs + DEV_ID_RR0(slot));\n\t\twritel(0, master->regs + DEV_ID_RR1(slot));\n\t\twritel(0, master->regs + DEV_ID_RR2(slot));\n\t}\n\n\tret = i3c_master_entdaa_locked(&master->base);\n\tif (ret && ret !",
"= I3C_ERROR_M2)\n\t\treturn ret;\n\n\tnewdevs = readl(master->regs + DEVS_CTRL) & DEVS_CTRL_DEVS_ACTIVE_MASK;\n\tnewdevs &= ~olddevs;\n\n\t/*\n\t * Clear all retaining registers filled during DAA. ",
"We already\n\t * have the addressed assigned to them in the addrs array.",
"\n\t */\n\tfor (slot = 1; slot <= master->maxdevs; slot++) {\n\t\tif (newdevs & BIT(slot))\n\t\t\ti3c_master_add_i3c_dev_locked(m, addrs[slot]);\n\t}\n\n\t/*\n\t * Clear slots that ended up not being used. ",
"Can be caused by I3C\n\t * device creation failure or when the I3C device was already known\n\t * by the system but with a different address (in this case the device\n\t * already has a slot and does not need a new one).",
"\n\t */\n\twritel(readl(master->regs + DEVS_CTRL) |\n\t master->free_rr_slots << DEVS_CTRL_DEV_CLR_SHIFT,\n\t master->regs + DEVS_CTRL);\n\n\ti3c_master_defslvs_locked(&master->base);\n\n\tcdns_i3c_master_upd_i3c_scl_lim(master);\n\n\t/* Unmask Hot-Join and Mastership request interrupts. */",
"\n\ti3c_master_enec_locked(m, I3C_BROADCAST_ADDR,\n\t\t\t I3C_CCC_EVENT_HJ | I3C_CCC_EVENT_MR);\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nstatic int cdns_i3c_master_bus_init(struct i3c_master_controller *m)\n{\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_master *master = to_cdns_i3c_master(m);\n\tunsigned long pres_step, sysclk_rate, max_i2cfreq;\n\tstruct i3c_bus *bus = i3c_master_get_bus(m);\n\tu32 ctrl, prescl0, prescl1, pres, low;\n\tstruct i3c_device_info info = { };\n\tint ret, ncycles;\n\n\tswitch (bus->mode) {\n\tcase I3C_BUS_MODE_PURE:\n\t\tctrl = CTRL_PURE_BUS_MODE;\n\t\tbreak;\n\n\tcase I3C_BUS_MODE_MIXED_FAST:\n\t\tctrl = CTRL_MIXED_FAST_BUS_MODE;\n\t\tbreak;\n\n\tcase I3C_BUS_MODE_MIXED_SLOW:\n\t\tctrl = CTRL_MIXED_SLOW_BUS_MODE;\n\t\tbreak;\n\n\tdefault:\n\t\treturn -EINVAL;\n\t}\n\n\tsysclk_rate = clk_get_rate(master->sysclk);\n\tif (!",
"sysclk_rate)\n\t\treturn -EINVAL;\n\n\tpres = DIV_ROUND_UP(sysclk_rate, (bus->scl_rate.i3c * 4)) - 1;\n\tif (pres > PRESCL_CTRL0_MAX)\n\t\treturn -ERANGE;\n\n\tbus->scl_rate.i3c = sysclk_rate / ((pres + 1) * 4);\n\n\tprescl0 = PRESCL_CTRL0_I3C(pres);\n\n\tlow = ((I3C_BUS_TLOW_OD_MIN_NS * sysclk_rate) / (pres + 1)) - 2;\n\tprescl1 = PRESCL_CTRL1_OD_LOW(low);\n\n\tmax_i2cfreq = bus->scl_rate.i2c;\n\n\tpres = (sysclk_rate / (max_i2cfreq * 5)) - 1;\n\tif (pres > PRESCL_CTRL0_MAX)\n\t\treturn -ERANGE;\n\n\tbus->scl_rate.i2c = sysclk_rate / ((pres + 1) * 5);\n\n\tprescl0 |= PRESCL_CTRL0_I2C(pres);\n\twritel(prescl0, master->regs + PRESCL_CTRL0);\n\n\t/* Calculate OD and PP low. */",
"\n\tpres_step = 1000000000 / (bus->scl_rate.i3c * 4);\n\tncycles = DIV_ROUND_UP(I3C_BUS_TLOW_OD_MIN_NS, pres_step) - 2;\n\tif (ncycles < 0)\n\t\tncycles = 0;\n\tprescl1 = PRESCL_CTRL1_OD_LOW(ncycles);\n\twritel(prescl1, master->regs + PRESCL_CTRL1);\n\n\t/* Get an address for the master. */",
"\n\tret = i3c_master_get_free_addr(m, 0);\n\tif (ret < 0)\n\t\treturn ret;\n\n\twritel(prepare_rr0_dev_address(ret) | DEV_ID_RR0_IS_I3C,\n\t master->regs + DEV_ID_RR0(0));\n\n\tcdns_i3c_master_dev_rr_to_info(master, 0, &info);\n\tif (info.bcr & I3C_BCR_HDR_CAP)\n\t\tinfo.hdr_cap = I3C_CCC_HDR_MODE(I3C_HDR_DDR);\n\n\tret = i3c_master_set_info(&master->base, &info);\n\tif (ret)\n\t\treturn ret;\n\n\t/*\n\t * Enable Hot-Join, and, when a Hot-Join request happens, disable all\n\t * events coming from this device.",
"\n\t *\n\t * We will issue ENTDAA afterwards from the threaded IRQ handler.",
"\n\t */\n\tctrl |= CTRL_HJ_ACK | CTRL_HJ_DISEC | CTRL_HALT_EN | CTRL_MCS_EN;\n\twritel(ctrl, master->regs + CTRL);\n\n\tcdns_i3c_master_enable(master);\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nstatic void cdns_i3c_master_handle_ibi(struct cdns_i3c_master *master,\n\t\t\t\t u32 ibir)\n{\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_i2c_dev_data *data;\n\tbool data_consumed = false;\n\tstruct i3c_ibi_slot *slot;\n\tu32 id = IBIR_SLVID(ibir);\n\tstruct i3c_dev_desc *dev;\n\tsize_t nbytes;\n\tu8 *buf;\n\n\t/*\n\t * FIXME: maybe we should report the FIFO OVF errors to the upper\n\t * layer.",
"\n\t */\n\tif (id >= master->ibi.num_slots || (ibir & IBIR_ERROR))\n\t\tgoto out;\n\n\tdev = master->ibi.slots[id];\n\tspin_lock(&master->ibi.lock);\n\n\tdata = i3c_dev_get_master_data(dev);\n\tslot = i3c_generic_ibi_get_free_slot(data->ibi_pool);\n\tif (!",
"slot)\n\t\tgoto out_unlock;\n\n\tbuf = slot->data;\n\n\tnbytes = IBIR_XFER_BYTES(ibir);\n\treadsl(master->regs + IBI_DATA_FIFO, buf, nbytes / 4);\n\tif (nbytes % 3) {\n\t\tu32 tmp = __raw_readl(master->regs + IBI_DATA_FIFO);\n\n\t\tmemcpy(buf + (nbytes & ~3), &tmp, nbytes & 3);\n\t}\n\n\tslot->len = min_t(unsigned int, IBIR_XFER_BYTES(ibir),\n\t\t\t dev->ibi->max_payload_len);\n\ti3c_master_queue_ibi(dev, slot);\n\tdata_consumed = true;\n\nout_unlock:\n\tspin_unlock(&master->ibi.lock);\n\nout:\n\t/* Consume data from the FIFO if it's not been done already. */",
"\n\tif (!",
"data_consumed) {\n\t\tint i;\n\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < IBIR_XFER_BYTES(ibir); i += 4)\n\t\t\treadl(master->regs + IBI_DATA_FIFO);\n\t}\n}\n\nstatic void cnds_i3c_master_demux_ibis(struct cdns_i3c_master *master)\n{\n\tu32 status0;\n\n\twritel(MST_INT_IBIR_THR, master->regs + MST_ICR);\n\n\tfor (status0 = readl(master->regs + MST_STATUS0);\n\t !(",
"status0 & MST_STATUS0_IBIR_EMP);\n\t status0 = readl(master->regs + MST_STATUS0)) {\n\t\tu32 ibir = readl(master->regs + IBIR);\n\n\t\tswitch (IBIR_TYPE(ibir)) {\n\t\tcase IBIR_TYPE_IBI:\n\t\t\tcdns_i3c_master_handle_ibi(master, ibir);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\n\t\tcase IBIR_TYPE_HJ:\n\t\t\tWARN_ON(IBIR_XFER_BYTES(ibir) || (ibir & IBIR_ERROR));\n\t\t\tqueue_work(master->base.wq, &master->hj_work);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\n\t\tcase IBIR_TYPE_MR:\n\t\t\tWARN_ON(IBIR_XFER_BYTES(ibir) || (ibir & IBIR_ERROR));\n\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\nstatic irqreturn_t cdns_i3c_master_interrupt(int irq, void *data)\n{\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_master *master = data;\n\tu32 status;\n\n\tstatus = readl(master->regs + MST_ISR);\n\tif (!(",
"status & readl(master->regs + MST_IMR)))\n\t\treturn IRQ_NONE;\n\n\tspin_lock(&master->xferqueue.lock);\n\tcdns_i3c_master_end_xfer_locked(master, status);\n\tspin_unlock(&master->xferqueue.lock);\n\n\tif (status & MST_INT_IBIR_THR)\n\t\tcnds_i3c_master_demux_ibis(master);\n\n\treturn IRQ_HANDLED;\n}\n\nstatic int cdns_i3c_master_disable_ibi(struct i3c_dev_desc *dev)\n{\n\tstruct i3c_master_controller *m = i3c_dev_get_master(dev);\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_master *master = to_cdns_i3c_master(m);\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_i2c_dev_data *data = i3c_dev_get_master_data(dev);\n\tunsigned long flags;\n\tu32 sirmap;\n\tint ret;\n\n\tret = i3c_master_disec_locked(m, dev->info.dyn_addr,\n\t\t\t\t I3C_CCC_EVENT_SIR);\n\tif (ret)\n\t\treturn ret;\n\n\tspin_lock_irqsave(&master->ibi.lock, flags);\n\tsirmap = readl(master->regs + SIR_MAP_DEV_REG(data->ibi));\n\tsirmap &= ~SIR_MAP_DEV_CONF_MASK(data->ibi);\n\tsirmap |= SIR_MAP_DEV_CONF(data->ibi,\n\t\t\t\t SIR_MAP_DEV_DA(I3C_BROADCAST_ADDR));\n\twritel(sirmap, master->regs + SIR_MAP_DEV_REG(data->ibi));\n\tspin_unlock_irqrestore(&master->ibi.lock, flags);\n\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\nstatic int cdns_i3c_master_enable_ibi(struct i3c_dev_desc *dev)\n{\n\tstruct i3c_master_controller *m = i3c_dev_get_master(dev);\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_master *master = to_cdns_i3c_master(m);\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_i2c_dev_data *data = i3c_dev_get_master_data(dev);\n\tunsigned long flags;\n\tu32 sircfg, sirmap;\n\tint ret;\n\n\tspin_lock_irqsave(&master->ibi.lock, flags);\n\tsirmap = readl(master->regs + SIR_MAP_DEV_REG(data->ibi));\n\tsirmap &= ~SIR_MAP_DEV_CONF_MASK(data->ibi);\n\tsircfg = SIR_MAP_DEV_ROLE(dev->info.bcr >> 6) |\n\t\t SIR_MAP_DEV_DA(dev->info.dyn_addr) |\n\t\t SIR_MAP_DEV_PL(dev->info.max_ibi_len) |\n\t\t SIR_MAP_DEV_ACK;\n\n\tif (dev->info.bcr & I3C_BCR_MAX_DATA_SPEED_LIM)\n\t\tsircfg |= SIR_MAP_DEV_SLOW;\n\n\tsirmap |= SIR_MAP_DEV_CONF(data->ibi, sircfg);\n\twritel(sirmap, master->regs + SIR_MAP_DEV_REG(data->ibi));\n\tspin_unlock_irqrestore(&master->ibi.lock, flags);\n\n\tret = i3c_master_enec_locked(m, dev->info.dyn_addr,\n\t\t\t\t I3C_CCC_EVENT_SIR);\n\tif (ret) {\n\t\tspin_lock_irqsave(&master->ibi.lock, flags);\n\t\tsirmap = readl(master->regs + SIR_MAP_DEV_REG(data->ibi));\n\t\tsirmap &= ~SIR_MAP_DEV_CONF_MASK(data->ibi);\n\t\tsirmap |= SIR_MAP_DEV_CONF(data->ibi,\n\t\t\t\t\t SIR_MAP_DEV_DA(I3C_BROADCAST_ADDR));\n\t\twritel(sirmap, master->regs + SIR_MAP_DEV_REG(data->ibi));\n\t\tspin_unlock_irqrestore(&master->ibi.lock, flags);\n\t}\n\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\nstatic int cdns_i3c_master_request_ibi(struct i3c_dev_desc *dev,\n\t\t\t\t const struct i3c_ibi_setup *req)\n{\n\tstruct i3c_master_controller *m = i3c_dev_get_master(dev);\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_master *master = to_cdns_i3c_master(m);\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_i2c_dev_data *data = i3c_dev_get_master_data(dev);\n\tunsigned long flags;\n\tunsigned int i;\n\n\tdata->ibi_pool = i3c_generic_ibi_alloc_pool(dev, req);\n\tif (IS_ERR(data->ibi_pool))\n\t\treturn PTR_ERR(data->ibi_pool);\n\n\tspin_lock_irqsave(&master->ibi.lock, flags);\n\tfor (i = 0; i < master->ibi.num_slots; i++) {\n\t\tif (!",
"master->ibi.slots[i]) {\n\t\t\tdata->ibi = i;\n\t\t\tmaster->ibi.slots[i] = dev;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tspin_unlock_irqrestore(&master->ibi.lock, flags);\n\n\tif (i < master->ibi.num_slots)\n\t\treturn 0;\n\n\ti3c_generic_ibi_free_pool(data->ibi_pool);\n\tdata->ibi_pool = NULL;\n\n\treturn -ENOSPC;\n}\n\nstatic void cdns_i3c_master_free_ibi(struct i3c_dev_desc *dev)\n{\n\tstruct i3c_master_controller *m = i3c_dev_get_master(dev);\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_master *master = to_cdns_i3c_master(m);\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_i2c_dev_data *data = i3c_dev_get_master_data(dev);\n\tunsigned long flags;\n\n\tspin_lock_irqsave(&master->ibi.lock, flags);\n\tmaster->ibi.slots[data->ibi] = NULL;\n\tdata->ibi = -1;\n\tspin_unlock_irqrestore(&master->ibi.lock, flags);\n\n\ti3c_generic_ibi_free_pool(data->ibi_pool);\n}\n\nstatic void cdns_i3c_master_recycle_ibi_slot(struct i3c_dev_desc *dev,\n\t\t\t\t\t struct i3c_ibi_slot *slot)\n{\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_i2c_dev_data *data = i3c_dev_get_master_data(dev);\n\n\ti3c_generic_ibi_recycle_slot(data->ibi_pool, slot);\n}\n\nstatic const struct i3c_master_controller_ops cdns_i3c_master_ops = {\n\t.bus_init = cdns_i3c_master_bus_init,\n\t.bus_cleanup = cdns_i3c_master_bus_cleanup,\n\t.do_daa = cdns_i3c_master_do_daa,\n\t.attach_i3c_dev = cdns_i3c_master_attach_i3c_dev,\n\t.reattach_i3c_dev = cdns_i3c_master_reattach_i3c_dev,\n\t.detach_i3c_dev = cdns_i3c_master_detach_i3c_dev,\n\t.attach_i2c_dev = cdns_i3c_master_attach_i2c_dev,\n\t.detach_i2c_dev = cdns_i3c_master_detach_i2c_dev,\n\t.supports_ccc_cmd = cdns_i3c_master_supports_ccc_cmd,\n\t.send_ccc_cmd = cdns_i3c_master_send_ccc_cmd,\n\t.priv_xfers = cdns_i3c_master_priv_xfers,\n\t.i2c_xfers = cdns_i3c_master_i2c_xfers,\n\t.enable_ibi = cdns_i3c_master_enable_ibi,\n\t.disable_ibi = cdns_i3c_master_disable_ibi,\n\t.request_ibi = cdns_i3c_master_request_ibi,\n\t.free_ibi = cdns_i3c_master_free_ibi,\n\t.recycle_ibi_slot = cdns_i3c_master_recycle_ibi_slot,\n};\n\nstatic void cdns_i3c_master_hj(struct work_struct *work)\n{\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_master *master = container_of(work,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t struct cdns_i3c_master,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t hj_work);\n\n\ti3c_master_do_daa(&master->base);\n}\n\nstatic int cdns_i3c_master_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)\n{\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_master *master;\n\tstruct resource *res;\n\tint ret, irq;\n\tu32 val;\n\n\tmaster = devm_kzalloc(&pdev->dev, sizeof(*master), GFP_KERNEL);\n\tif (!",
"master)\n\t\treturn -ENOMEM;\n\n\tres = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0);\n\tmaster->regs = devm_ioremap_resource(&pdev->dev, res);\n\tif (IS_ERR(master->regs))\n\t\treturn PTR_ERR(master->regs);\n\n\tmaster->pclk = devm_clk_get(&pdev->dev, \"pclk\");\n\tif (IS_ERR(master->pclk))\n\t\treturn PTR_ERR(master->pclk);\n\n\tmaster->sysclk = devm_clk_get(&pdev->dev, \"sysclk\");\n\tif (IS_ERR(master->sysclk))\n\t\treturn PTR_ERR(master->sysclk);\n\n\tirq = platform_get_irq(pdev, 0);\n\tif (irq < 0)\n\t\treturn irq;\n\n\tret = clk_prepare_enable(master->pclk);\n\tif (ret)\n\t\treturn ret;\n\n\tret = clk_prepare_enable(master->sysclk);\n\tif (ret)\n\t\tgoto err_disable_pclk;\n\n\tif (readl(master->regs + DEV_ID) !",
"= DEV_ID_I3C_MASTER) {\n\t\tret = -EINVAL;\n\t\tgoto err_disable_sysclk;\n\t}\n\n\tspin_lock_init(&master->xferqueue.lock);\n\tINIT_LIST_HEAD(&master->xferqueue.list);\n\n\tINIT_WORK(&master->hj_work, cdns_i3c_master_hj);\n\twritel(0xffffffff, master->regs + MST_IDR);\n\twritel(0xffffffff, master->regs + SLV_IDR);\n\tret = devm_request_irq(&pdev->dev, irq, cdns_i3c_master_interrupt, 0,\n\t\t\t dev_name(&pdev->dev), master);\n\tif (ret)\n\t\tgoto err_disable_sysclk;\n\n\tplatform_set_drvdata(pdev, master);\n\n\tval = readl(master->regs + CONF_STATUS0);\n\n\t/* Device ID0 is reserved to describe this master. */",
"\n\tmaster->maxdevs = CONF_STATUS0_DEVS_NUM(val);\n\tmaster->free_rr_slots = GENMASK(master->maxdevs, 1);\n\n\tval = readl(master->regs + CONF_STATUS1);\n\tmaster->caps.cmdfifodepth = CONF_STATUS1_CMD_DEPTH(val);\n\tmaster->caps.rxfifodepth = CONF_STATUS1_RX_DEPTH(val);\n\tmaster->caps.txfifodepth = CONF_STATUS1_TX_DEPTH(val);\n\tmaster->caps.ibirfifodepth = CONF_STATUS0_IBIR_DEPTH(val);\n\tmaster->caps.cmdrfifodepth = CONF_STATUS0_CMDR_DEPTH(val);\n\n\tspin_lock_init(&master->ibi.lock);\n\tmaster->ibi.num_slots = CONF_STATUS1_IBI_HW_RES(val);\n\tmaster->ibi.slots = devm_kcalloc(&pdev->dev, master->ibi.num_slots,\n\t\t\t\t\t sizeof(*master->ibi.slots),\n\t\t\t\t\t GFP_KERNEL);\n\tif (!",
"master->ibi.slots)\n\t\tgoto err_disable_sysclk;\n\n\twritel(IBIR_THR(1), master->regs + CMD_IBI_THR_CTRL);\n\twritel(MST_INT_IBIR_THR, master->regs + MST_IER);\n\twritel(DEVS_CTRL_DEV_CLR_ALL, master->regs + DEVS_CTRL);\n\n\tret = i3c_master_register(&master->base, &pdev->dev,\n\t\t\t\t &cdns_i3c_master_ops, false);\n\tif (ret)\n\t\tgoto err_disable_sysclk;\n\n\treturn 0;\n\nerr_disable_sysclk:\n\tclk_disable_unprepare(master->sysclk);\n\nerr_disable_pclk:\n\tclk_disable_unprepare(master->pclk);\n\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\nstatic int cdns_i3c_master_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)\n{\n\tstruct cdns_i3c_master *master = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);\n\tint ret;\n\n\tret = i3c_master_unregister(&master->base);\n\tif (ret)\n\t\treturn ret;\n\n\tclk_disable_unprepare(master->sysclk);\n\tclk_disable_unprepare(master->pclk);\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nstatic const struct of_device_id cdns_i3c_master_of_ids[] = {\n\t{ .compatible = \"cdns,i3c-master\" },\n\t{ /* sentinel */ },\n};\n\nstatic struct platform_driver cdns_i3c_master = {\n\t.probe = cdns_i3c_master_probe,\n\t.remove = cdns_i3c_master_remove,\n\t.driver = {\n\t\t.name = \"cdns-i3c-master\",\n\t\t.of_match_table = cdns_i3c_master_of_ids,\n\t},\n};\nmodule_platform_driver(cdns_i3c_master);\n\nMODULE_AUTHOR(\"Boris Brezillon <[email protected]>\");\nMODULE_DESCRIPTION(\"Cadence I3C master driver\");\nMODULE_LICENSE(\"GPL v2\");\nMODULE_ALIAS(\"platform:cdns-i3c-master\");\n"
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"pile_set_name": "Github"
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] | 0.005427 | 56 |
"* FollowTheLeader: Originally it looked like an ''Order of the Stick''(ish) comic, and the creator has said that the comic was inspired by it. ",
"The comic itself isn't a stick figure comic, and through [[ArtEvolution a gradual change in style]], the trope is averting itself by the character designs getting [[DerivativeDifferentiation further and further away]] from ''Webcomic/TheOrderOfTheStick'' and the backgrounds being much more detailed.* ",
"MissingEpisode: Lampshaded by Lenny in the webpage's banner in [[http://danielscreations.com/ola/comics/first.html \"The Long Lost Prologue\"]].* ",
"ScheduleSlip** In 2010, the creator took a [[AttentionDeficitCreatorDisorder two month hiatus]] to draw [[SuperMarioBros Mario fanart]] but has resumed the comic since.** ",
"November 2011, he started drawing a ''SuperMarioBros'' webcomic that he's hosting on [[Website/DeviantArt his DA account.]] ",
"It's caused a couple of slips, but he seems to be ignoring that new project and refocusing on OLA.----"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.000725 | 6 |
"This disclosure relates to cooling systems, more particularly, cooling systems for cooling a data center."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds"
} | [
] | 0.000555 | 1 |
" texture{ pigment{ spiral1 5 rotate<90,0,0>\n color_map{\n [ 0.0 color rgb<1,1,1> ]\n [ 0.5 color rgb<1,1,1> ]\n [ 0.5 color rgb<1,0,0> ]\n [ 1.0 color rgb<1,0,0> ]\n } // end color_map\n scale 0.5 \n } // end pigment\n //normal { bumps 0.5 scale 0.005 }\n finish { phong 1 reflection 0.00 }\n } // end of texture ------------------\n\n"
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"pile_set_name": "Github"
} | [
] | 0.000954 | 1 |
"# Close Stale Issues and PRs\n\nWarns and then closes issues and PRs that have had no activity for a specified amount of time.",
"\n\n### Building and testing\n\nInstall the dependencies \n```bash\n$ npm install\n```\n\nBuild the typescript and package it for distribution\n```bash\n$ npm run build && npm run pack\n```\n\nRun the tests :heavy_check_mark: \n```bash\n$ npm test\n```\n\n### Usage\n\nSee [action.yml](./action.yml) For comprehensive list of options.",
"\n \nBasic:\n```yaml\nname: \"Close stale issues\"\non:\n schedule:\n - cron: \"0 0 * * *\"\n\njobs:\n stale:\n runs-on: ubuntu-latest\n steps:\n - uses: actions/stale@v3\n with:\n repo-token: ${{ secrets.",
"GITHUB_TOKEN }}\n stale-issue-message: 'Message to comment on stale issues. ",
"If none provided, will not mark issues stale'\n stale-pr-message: 'Message to comment on stale PRs. ",
"If none provided, will not mark PRs stale'\n```\n \nConfigure stale timeouts:\n```yaml\nname: \"Close stale issues\"\non:\n schedule:\n - cron: \"0 0 * * *\"\n\njobs:\n stale:\n runs-on: ubuntu-latest\n steps:\n - uses: actions/stale@v3\n with:\n repo-token: ${{ secrets.",
"GITHUB_TOKEN }}\n stale-issue-message: 'This issue is stale because it has been open 30 days with no activity. ",
"Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 5 days'\n days-before-stale: 30\n days-before-close: 5\n```\n \nConfigure labels:\n```yaml\nname: \"Close stale issues\"\non:\n schedule:\n - cron: \"0 0 * * *\"\n\njobs:\n stale:\n runs-on: ubuntu-latest\n steps:\n - uses: actions/stale@v3\n with:\n repo-token: ${{ secrets.",
"GITHUB_TOKEN }}\n stale-issue-message: 'Stale issue message'\n stale-pr-message: 'Stale pull request message'\n stale-issue-label: 'no-issue-activity'\n exempt-issue-labels: 'awaiting-approval,work-in-progress'\n stale-pr-label: 'no-pr-activity'\n exempt-pr-labels: 'awaiting-approval,work-in-progress'\n only-labels: 'awaiting-feedback,awaiting-answers'\n```\n\n### Debugging\n\nTo see debug output from this action, you must set the secret `ACTIONS_STEP_DEBUG` to `true` in your repository. ",
"You can run this action in debug only mode (no actions will be taken on your issues) by passing `debug-only` `true` as an argument to the action.",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Github"
} | [
] | 0.000996 | 11 |
"NOTICE: This opinion is subject to motions for rehearing under Rule 22 as\nwell as formal revision before publication in the New Hampshire Reports.",
"\nReaders are requested to notify the Reporter, Supreme Court of New\nHampshire, One Charles Doe Drive, Concord, New Hampshire 03301, of any\neditorial errors in order that corrections may be made before the opinion goes\nto press. ",
"Errors may be reported by E-mail at the following address:\[email protected]. ",
"Opinions are available on the Internet by 9:00\na.m. on the morning of their release. ",
"The direct address of the court's home\npage is: http://www.courts.state.nh.us/supreme.",
"\n\n THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW HAMPSHIRE\n\n ___________________________\n\n\n10th Circuit Court – Plaistow District Division\nNo. ",
"2013-291\n\n\n TRINITY EMS, INC.",
"\n\n v.\n\n TIMOTHY COOMBS\n\n Submitted: February 12, 2014\n Opinion Issued: August 6, 2014\n\n Daniel C. Proctor, of Concord, on the brief, for the plaintiff.",
"\n\n\n Timothy Coombs, self-represented party, filed no brief.",
"\n\n HICKS, J. The plaintiff, Trinity EMS, Inc., appeals an order of the Circuit\nCourt (DeVries, J.) dismissing its collection action against the defendant,\nTimothy Coombs. ",
"We reverse and remand.",
"\n\n The following facts are supported by the record. ",
"On April 4, 2003, the\nplaintiff obtained a default judgment in Plaistow District Court against the\ndefendant in the amount of $1,420. ",
"The defendant made some payments, but\nas of March 2012, the judgment had not been satisfied.",
"\n\n On March 28, 2012, the plaintiff commenced a new action, in a plea of\ndebt, against the defendant to recover the amount it claimed was still owed on\nthe 2003 judgment, plus additional court costs. ",
"At the hearing on the merits,\n\fcounsel for the plaintiff explained that the reason for the new action was “to get\na new judgment, which [could be recorded] at the Registry of Deeds.” ",
"See RSA\n503:12, II (2010) (providing that “[a] judgment entered in accordance with this\nchapter may be secured by real estate by recording or re-recording, at any time\nduring the duration of the judgment, a certified copy of the judgment with the\nregistry of deeds of the county in which the real estate is located”). ",
"He further\nexplained that the original 2003 judgment was “too old” to be recorded, as RSA\n511:55 imposes a six-year limitation on such attachments. ",
"See RSA 511:55, I\n(2010) (providing, in pertinent part, that “[r]eal or personal property attached\nshall be held until the expiration of 6 years from the time of rendering a\njudgment in the action in favor of the plaintiff on which he can take\nexecution”).",
"\n\n On March 18, 2013, the trial court dismissed the action commenced in\n2012. ",
"It noted that the 2003 action had been decided by default and “remains\nopen on this Court’s docket.” ",
"The court further stated that “Defendant over the\nyears has appeared . . . ",
"unable to satisfy judgment and disputes the amount\nclaimed to be owed.” ",
"Finally, the court ordered that “all hearings should be\nscheduled in [the 2003 action’s docket].”",
"\n\n The plaintiff moved for reconsideration. ",
"The court denied the motion,\nruling, in relevant part: “There is no Cause of Action for obtaining ‘an\nattachment’ which is what Plaintiff is seeking. . . . ",
"Plaintiff has a judgment. ",
"It\nwas apparently never recorded and is beyond the limitation period set forth in\nRSA 511.”",
"\n\n On appeal, the plaintiff argues that the trial court erred in dismissing its\n2012 action because its complaint set forth a claim upon which relief could\nhave been granted. ",
"In addition, the plaintiff argues that the trial court’s order\ndenies it a right to a remedy, thereby violating Part I, Article 14 of the New\nHampshire Constitution.",
"\n\n Although the court dismissed the plaintiff’s 2012 action after a hearing\non the merits, its ruling on reconsideration that “[t]here is no Cause of Action\nfor obtaining ‘an attachment’” makes clear that the dismissal was for failure to\nstate a claim upon which relief could be granted. ",
"See Kennedy v. Titcomb, 131\nN.H. 399, 402 (1989) (noting that “[a] trial court has the discretion to dismiss\nan action sua sponte where the allegations contained in a [complaint] do not\nstate a claim upon which relief can be granted”). “[",
"I]n reviewing the trial\ncourt’s order of dismissal [for failure to state a claim], [we] must determine\nwhether the plaintiff’s [complaint] contains facts which are sufficient to\nconstitute a cause of action.” ",
"Id. at 401. ",
"We “must rigorously scrutinize the\ncomplaint to determine whether, on its face, it asserts a cause of action.” ",
"Id.\n(quotation omitted).",
"\n\n\n\n\n 2\n\f The plaintiff argues that its complaint in the 2012 action states a “plea of\ndebt,” under the common law. ",
"We agree. “",
"A judgment creditor has a common-\nlaw right to sue upon his judgment as soon as it is rendered . . . .” ",
"Morse v.\nPearl, 67 N.H. 317, 318 (1892). ",
"Use of the action to obtain a new judgment for\nthe purpose of executing upon it is sanctioned in our law. ",
"In Burnham v.\nCoffin, 8 N.H. 114, 121 (1835), we held that “a creditor is entitled to an action\nof debt to obtain a new execution” where execution on the first judgment had\nfailed and the judgment remained unsatisfied, regardless of whether the\nreasons the execution had failed were apparent on the face of the return. ",
"We\nlater held, in Morse, that a creditor may sue upon his judgment “even if an\nexecution has been issued and not returned, . . . ",
"in the absence of plea or proof\nof satisfaction.” ",
"Morse, 67 N.H. at 318.",
"\n\n Here, the plaintiff seeks a new judgment, which it may use to attach the\ndefendant’s real estate, because the first judgment is no longer viable for that\npurpose. ",
"In other words, the plaintiff seeks to take advantage of the fact that\nthe statute of limitations for an action of debt upon a judgment is longer than\nthe life of an attachment on real estate. ",
"Compare RSA 508:5 (2010) (“Actions\nof debt upon judgments, recognizances, and contracts under seal may be\nbrought within 20 years after the cause of action accrued, and not afterward.”),",
"\nwith Remington Invs. ",
"v. Howard, 150 N.H. 653, 655 (2004) (concluding that\naccording to the plain language of RSA 511:55, “the legislature intended to\nlimit the term of a real estate attachment to a period of six years”).",
"\n\n The Appellate Court of Indiana addressed a similar statutory scheme in\nTown of New Chicago v. First State Bank of Hobart, 169 N.E. 56 (Ind. App.",
"\n1929). ",
"The statute of limitations on judgments at the time was twenty years,\nas it is here, and another statute provided, in pertinent part, that “final\njudgments . . . ",
"for the recovery of money or costs shall be a lien upon real\nestate and chattels real liable to execution in the county where judgment is\nrendered for the space of ten years after the rendition thereof, and no longer.”",
"\nTown of New Chicago, 169 N.E. at 57 (quotation omitted). ",
"The court held:\n\n These two sections must be construed together, and, when so\n construed, mean that at any time within 10 years after the\n rendition of a judgment execution may be had on it, but after 10\n years and before the expiration of 20 years, another action may be\n had on the original judgment and a new judgment may be\n rendered, the lien of which begins at the date of the new judgment\n and runs for 10 years.",
"\n\n . . . ",
"A judgment is a debt of record upon which an action may\n be maintained either in the court which rendered such judgment\n or in any other court of competent jurisdiction, and the judgment\n plaintiff may renew his action ad infinitum upon each successive\n\n\n\n 3\n\f judgment thus recovered, provided the action is brought any time\n within the 20-year period of limitation. ",
"Any other construction\n would nullify the statute.",
"\n\nId. (citations omitted); see also Stookey v. Lonay, 104 F. App’x 583, 584 (7th\nCir. ",
"2004) (applying Town of New Chicago in context of Indiana’s subsequently\nenacted ten-year statute of limitations on judgments).",
"\n\n Similarly, RSA 508:5 and RSA 511:55, I, must be read together to\nprovide that a judgment creditor may bring an action for debt on the judgment\nwithin twenty years of its rendition, obtain a new judgment, and, within six\nyears of the rendition of that judgment, perfect an attachment of the\ndefendant’s real estate. ",
"By operation of RSA 511:55, I, that attachment would\nexpire six years from the date of the second judgment, see Remington Invs.,",
"\n150 N.H. at 654, but, under RSA 508:5, the judgment creditor would still have\nfourteen years within which to bring another action in debt and obtain a third\njudgment. ",
"Theoretically, this procedure could be repeated, as the Town of New\nChicago court stated, “ad infinitum.” ",
"Town of New Chicago, 169 N.E. at 57.",
"\n\n Here, the plaintiff pleaded that it was the holder of an unsatisfied New\nHampshire judgment against the defendant, rendered within the previous\ntwenty years, with an outstanding balance within the jurisdictional limits of the\ncourt. ",
"Assuming the truth of these alleged facts, and construing all reasonable\ninferences in the light most favorable to the plaintiff, Farm Family Cas. ",
"Ins. ",
"Co.\nv. Town of Rollinsford, 155 N.H. 669, 670 (2007), the plaintiff has stated a\nclaim upon which relief may be granted. ",
"Accordingly, we reverse the dismissal\nof the plaintiff’s action and remand for further proceedings. ",
"Having held in the\nplaintiff’s favor on non-constitutional grounds, we need not address its claim\nthat the trial court’s order violates Part I, Article 14 of the State Constitution.",
"\nSee Olson v. Town of Fitzwilliam, 142 N.H. 339, 345 (1997) (noting that we\ndecide cases on constitutional grounds only when necessary).",
"\n\n We pause to clarify an issue that may arise on remand. ",
"As previously\nnoted, the trial court’s order states that the defendant “disputes the amount\nclaimed to be owed.” ",
"What the defendant appears to dispute, however, is the\nappropriateness of the price he was charged for the plaintiff’s services, upon\nwhich price the amount of the original judgment is apparently based. ",
"The\nplaintiff argues that the defendant’s “allegations and arguments about what\ntranspired prior to the rendition of the 2003 Judgment have merged into that\nJudgment and are now, res judicata.” ",
"We agree.",
"\n\n We have noted that “an action on a judgment constitutes an original\ncause of action,” McBurney v. Shaw, 148 N.H. 248, 250 (2002) (quotation\nomitted); in other words, it is a new and separate action from the suit in which\nthe underlying judgment was rendered. ",
"The underlying judgment, unless\n\n\n\n 4\n\freversed or vacated, remains conclusive as to the parties and may not be\nattacked either “collaterally, or by a direct suit between them upon the\njudgment.” ",
"Hollister v. Abbott, 31 N.H. 442, 449 (1855). “",
"The defendant is\nnow concluded and estopped to allege, either that no such judgment was\nrendered, or that it is in any respect wrong, erroneous or mistaken in this\nproceeding, which is designed not to revise or correct, but merely to enforce the\njudgment.” ",
"Demeritt v. Lyford, 27 N.H. 541, 549 (1853); see also Hollister, 31\nN.H. at 450 (noting that where the defendant “made no attempt to have the\njudgment vacated,” but instead “suffered [it] to stand for years as a judgment\nregularly obtained against him,” the judgment could not “now be defeated by a\nstate of facts, which, if timely interposed, might have been successful”).",
"\nAccordingly, the defendant is not entitled to collaterally attack the 2003\njudgment in the 2012 action.",
"\n\n Reversed and remanded.",
"\n\n DALIANIS, C.J., and CONBOY, LYNN, and BASSETT, JJ., ",
"\n\n\n\n\n 5\n\f"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "FreeLaw"
} | [
] | 0.002198 | 88 |
"Project Summary/Abstract Endocytosis is a conserved pathway that internalizes macromolecules and transmembrane proteins and sorts them through the endo-lysosomal system to their destinations. ",
"This process is often dysregulated in many diseases including cancers, metabolic disorders and neurodegenerative diseases. ",
"Elucidating the endocytic mechanisms of transmembrane proteins will improve our understanding of biological processes, disease prognosis and therapeutic strategies. ",
"Our lab has identified the poorly known transmembrane protein, TMEM127, which we discovered to be mutated in hereditary neuroendocrine tumors, as a tumor suppressor, a negative regulator of mTOR signaling and a lysosomal membrane protein. ",
"However, the function and regulation of TMEM127 remain poorly defined. ",
"Our previous studies show that TMEM127 localizes to the plasma membrane and to endo-lysosomal vesicles and that its localization changes in response to nutrient conditions. ",
"Specifically, the lysosomal localization of TMEM127 increases upon amino acid stimulation. ",
"At the lysosome, TMEM127 interacts with the amino acid-sensitive, lysosomal-anchored, mTOR activating complex which leads to dampened mTOR signaling. ",
"How TMEM127 senses amino acids and whether TMEM127 translocation to the lysosome originates from the plasma membrane, or an endosomal compartment, is unknown. ",
"Recently, we observed that several C-terminally truncated TMEM127 mutants predominantly localize to the plasma membrane suggesting that an endocytic signal is lost after truncation. ",
"We also recently observed that TMEM127 co-localizes with clathrin, but not caveolin, two mediators of endocytosis, indicating that clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME) may be involved. ",
"These observations implicate a novel endocytic mechanism involved in TMEM127 internalization and trafficking to the lysosome. ",
"The objective of this proposal is to define these endocytic mechanisms. ",
"In Aim 1, we will identify the endocytic motif responsible for TMEM127 internalization and trafficking. ",
"In Aim 2, we will determine if TMEM127 internalization occurs through CME. ",
"In Aim 3, we will determine if TMEM127 internalizes in response to amino acids. ",
"Successful completion of this proposal will provide novel insights into the endocytic mechanisms regulating TMEM127 and its response to amino acids, which could have broad implications for human health including a better understanding of cancers with TMEM127 mutations or increased mTOR signaling and disorders affecting metabolic and lysosomal homeostasis."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "NIH ExPorter"
} | [
] | 0.000652 | 17 |
"The Hawaii Tribune Herald reports that one council member is proposing to fast-track a measure that would set up the market at Mo'oheau Park, which is located in downtown Hilo, across from its current location."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | [
] | 0.000557 | 1 |
"Application of immersed MF (IMF) followed by reverse osmosis (RO) membrane for wastewater reclamation: A case study in Malaysia.",
"\nA pilot scale membrane plant was constructed and monitored in Shah Alam, Malaysia for municipal wastewater reclamation for industrial application purposes. ",
"The aim of this study was to verify its suitability under the local conditions and environmental constraints for secondary wastewater reclamation. ",
"Immersed-type crossflow microfiltration (IMF) was selected as the pretreatment step before reverse osmosis filtration. ",
"Secondary wastewater after chlorine contact tank was selected as feed water. ",
"The results indicated that the membrane system is capable of producing a filtrate meeting the requirements of both WHO drinking water standards and Malaysian Effluent Standard A. With the application of an automatic backwash process, IMF performed well in hydraulic performance with low fouling rate being achieved. ",
"The investigations showed also that chemical cleaning is still needed because of some irreversible fouling by microorganisms always remains. ",
"RO treatment with IMF pretreatment process was significantly applicable for wastewater reuse purposes and promised good hydraulic performance."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | [
] | 0.001917 | 8 |
"Basketball Junkie\n\nThe 00’s were a decade of down for the St. John’s basketball program. ",
"After capturing the Big East tournament title in March of 2000, the team began a slow slide downhill that went off a cliff in 2003, the season following an NIT Championship. ",
"A story circulated that then-head coach Mike Jarvis, or more accurately, a member of his staff, paid a player, and as a result, Jarvis resigned and that NIT Championship and 43 wins were forfeited, and the program hit rock bottom with a dreadful 6-21 season. ",
"Norm Roberts was hired to restore the program to its former glories, but despite squeaking out a couple of winning records (both times one game over .500), the Red Storm failed to post a winning conference record under Roberts who was fired after last season’s 17-16 campaign ended with a first-round NIT loss. ",
"Into the breach steps Steve Lavin, formerly the head coach of UCLA, and most recently a color commentator with ESPN. ",
"Lavin was fired from UCLA after his seventh season, his first losing season in Westwood which came on the heels of six previous NCAA tournament appearances, five Sweet Sixteen appearances (including one trip to the Elite Eight) and one conference championship, a successful string in most college basketball towns. ",
"But UCLA fans have higher expectations than most, and many of them will tell you that despite Lavin’s mostly successful tenure there, his teams underachieved. ",
"After seven seasons away from the bench, he’ll have his chance to prove himself all over again in New York, another town with plenty of expectations.",
"\n\nLavin, for his part, has embraced the expectations. ",
"He has brought excitement to the program and has already begun flashing his recruiting prowess, snagging a commitment from Dwayne Polee out of Westchester High in the Los Angeles area for this year’s class and adding a relatively unknown Tucson guard Michael Perez as well this week. ",
"Lavin still has some feelers out there for other recruits for this year’s class, namely Remi Barry, but the bulk of this year’s roster will be made up of returning players, including nine seniors; Anthony Mason Jr. is the only serious contributor who has moved on, although would-be sophomore swing Omari Lawrence has decided to transfer to Kansas State.",
"\n\nOf the nine seniors, D.J. Kennedy is the team’s leading returning scorer and rebounder (15ppg, 6rpg), a versatile and exciting athlete who will likely once again be the team’s main scoring threat. ",
"He can score off penetration or from range, he can handle the ball in the open floor and is a terrific defender, among other talents. ",
"Malik Boothe started all but one game last season at the point for the Johnnies, and he’ll be the man there again. ",
"He is not a good shooter by any means and not much of a scoring threat, but can facilitate the offense and defend like a mad man. ",
"His backcourt mate will likely be Paris Horne, who also started 32 of the Red Storm’s 33 games last season. ",
"He is an athletic guard with a good three-point stroke, who for some reason is a terrible free throw shooter. ",
"Pushing Horne for a starting spot will be Dwight Hardy, a scoring guard who came to St. John’s last season as a JuCo transfer, and between the two of them, the off-guard spot is covered.",
"\n\nUp front, continuing with the senior theme, Justin Burrell and Sean Evans are both experienced big bodies, each checking in a 6’8. ",
"Evans is a terrific rebounder, especially on the offensive glass, and is a good finisher inside. ",
"Burrell has a more skilled offensive game, with the ability to put the ball on the floor a bit, and is more of an above-the-rim player than Evans. ",
"A starting lineup of the guards with Kennedy, Burrell and Evans would be an athletic and exciting quintet. ",
"Another senior option up front is 6’10 center Dele Coker, a defensive post player with a severely limited offensive game who nonetheless will give Lavin a big body to throw out there against more physical opponents. ",
"Then there's 6'7 Justin Brownlee, a big body who rebounds well, can defend the post, and has a bit of a face-up game. ",
"He shot too many threes (or at the very least, made too few of the ones he did try) as a junior, the JuCo transfer's first at St. John's, but he’s got some upside on the offensive end. ",
"Rounding out the group of seniors is Rob Thomas, a good story who has failed to make much of an impact on the court, and of whom little is expected in his senior season.",
"\n\nDespite the senior-laden roster, there are a couple returning underclassmen with a shot at playing time, foremost among them sophomore point guard Malik Stith, who will again back up the point position. ",
"He is very similar to Boothe in that he is a bad shooter whose main contributions are facilitating the offense and defending. ",
"And there is also Quincy Roberts, an off-guard who red-shirted last season due to ongoing issues following a concussion. ",
"Roberts did get some minutes, even a few starts, in his freshman year at the point, mainly due to injuries, but it remains to be seen what role he will play going forward.",
"\n\nThen there are the new freshmen. ",
"Polee is a long and athletic wing who is an amazing player above the rim. ",
"Unfortunately, his basketball skills have yet to catch up to his runaway athleticism, and with plenty of similar players ahead of him in the frontcourt rotation, his minutes figure to be limited. ",
"Perez is a scoring guard who can play both guard positions, but given that he was previously looking at limited scholarship opportunities, he may be a reach for the Big East level. ",
"However, if he can consistently knock down open jumpers, he could play a role for a Red Storm team that lacks a pure shooter.",
"\n\nThis St. John’s team has plenty of talent and athleticism, but thus far they have been unable to put it all together. ",
"If there was ever a team that needed some coaching up, this is that team, which presents an interesting dilemma given Lavin’s history with his teams arguably underachieving. ",
"But given that Lavin, despite being away from the coaching profession, has still spent plenty of time around the game, there is a possibility that his coaching style and effectiveness will have matured. ",
"Throw in the fact that he has put together a staff with well-respected teachers like Mike Dunlap and Tony Chiles (along with Rico Hines, a former assistant with the Golden State Warriors and also Lavin’s first UCLA recruit), and the Lavin of old may not be the same Lavin we see these days. ",
"There is enough talent on this Red Storm roster to compete for an NCAA tournament bid (especially in a year when the Big East may not be as strong as it has been the last couple of years), but they’ll need to show improvement and maturity to get there. ",
"Given a roster with eight seniors, there’s plenty of reason to believe maturity won’t be an issue."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.003002 | 41 |
"How It Works\nThese 20-minute, noninvasive Endermologie treatments use an FDA-cleared machine with specially designed rollers to help temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite. ",
"It may also relieve minor muscle aches and pains. ",
"Then, indulge in a 30-minute pressotherapy treatment and a 30-minute infrared body wrap followed by a soothing 15-minute hydromassage."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.001597 | 3 |
"// +build integration\n\npackage create\n\nimport (\n\t\"fmt\"\n\t\"io/ioutil\"\n\t\"os\"\n\t\"path\"\n\t\"strings\"\n\t\"testing\"\n\n\t\"github.com/jenkins-x/jx/v2/pkg/kube/cluster\"\n\n\t\"github.com/Pallinder/go-randomdata\"\n\t\"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/errors\"\n\n\t\"github.com/jenkins-x/jx/v2/pkg/cloud/gke\"\n\t\"github.com/jenkins-x/jx/v2/pkg/util\"\n\n\t\"github.com/jenkins-x/jx-logging/pkg/log\"\n\t\"github.com/jenkins-x/jx/v2/pkg/cloud\"\n\t\"github.com/jenkins-x/jx/v2/pkg/cmd/clients\"\n\t\"github.com/jenkins-x/jx/v2/pkg/kube\"\n\t\"github.com/jenkins-x/jx/v2/pkg/versionstream\"\n\t\"k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes\"\n\n\tvaultoperatorclient \"github.com/banzaicloud/bank-vaults/operator/pkg/client/clientset/versioned\"\n\t\"github.com/jenkins-x/jx/v2/pkg/cmd/testhelpers\"\n\tmetav1 \"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1\"\n\n\t. \"",
"github.com/onsi/ginkgo\"\n\t. \"",
"github.com/onsi/gomega\"\n)\n\nvar (\n\toriginalJxHome string\n\ttempJxHome string\n\toriginalKubeCfg string\n\ttempKubeCfg string\n\tdevNamespace string\n\tfactory clients.",
"Factory\n\tkubeClient kubernetes.",
"Interface\n\tvaultOperatorClient vaultoperatorclient.",
"Interface\n\tgcloud gke.",
"GCloud\n\terr error\n\n\tvaultCreatorUnderTest defaultVaultCreator\n\n\trandomSuffix string\n\ttestNamespace string\n\ttestBucketName string\n)\n\nfunc TestVaultCreation(t *testing.",
"T) {\n\tRegisterFailHandler(Fail)\n\tRunSpecs(t, \"Create Vault Test Suite\")\n}\n\nvar _ = BeforeSuite(func() {\n\tBy(\"Silencing logger\")\n\tlog.",
"Discard)\n\n\tBy(\"Setting up a temporary JX_HOME\")\n\toriginalJxHome, tempJxHome, err = testhelpers.",
"CreateTestJxHomeDir()\n\tExpect(err).Should(BeNil())\n\n\tBy(\"Creating a temporary KUBECONFIG\")\n\toriginalKubeCfg, tempKubeCfg, err = testhelpers.",
"CreateTestKubeConfigDir()\n\tExpect(err).Should(BeNil())\n\n\tBy(\"Creating the clients factory\")\n\tfactory = clients.",
"NewFactory()\n\n\tBy(\"Creating a Kube client\")\n\tvar ns string\n\tkubeClient, ns, err = factory.",
"CreateKubeClient()\n\tExpect(err).Should(BeNil())\n\n\tBy(\"Retrieving the dev namespace\")\n\tdevNamespace, _, err = kube.",
"GetDevNamespace(kubeClient, ns)\n\tExpect(err).Should(BeNil())\n\n\tBy(\"Creating a Vault operator client\")\n\tvaultOperatorClient, err = factory.",
"CreateVaultOperatorClient()\n\tExpect(err).Should(BeNil())\n\n\tBy(\"Creating a gcloud client\")\n\tgcloud = gke.",
"GCloud{}\n\n\tBy(\"Creating VaultCreator under test\")\n\tvaultCreatorUnderTest = defaultVaultCreator{}\n})\n\nvar _ = AfterSuite(func() {\n\tBy(\"Deleting temporary JX_HOME\")\n\terr := testhelpers.",
"CleanupTestJxHomeDir(originalJxHome, tempJxHome)\n\tExpect(err).Should(BeNil())\n\n\tBy(\"Deleting a temporary KUBECONFIG\")\n\terr = testhelpers.",
"CleanupTestKubeConfigDir(originalKubeCfg, tempKubeCfg)\n\tExpect(err).Should(BeNil())\n\n})\n\nvar _ = Describe(\"Vault create/update\", func() {\n\tBeforeEach(func() {\n\t\trandomSuffix = strings.",
"SillyName())\n\t\ttestNamespace = \"vault-creation-test-\" + randomSuffix\n\t\ttestBucketName = \"create-integration-test-vault-bucket-\" + randomSuffix\n\t})\n\n\tAfterEach(func() {\n\t\tBy(\"Deleting a test namespace\")\n\t\t_ = kubeClient.",
"CoreV1().Namespaces().Delete(testNamespace, &metav1.DeleteOptions{})\n\t})\n\n\tDescribe(\"#createAuthServiceAccount\", func() {\n\t\tIt(\"should successfully create service account\", func() {\n\t\t\tvaultName := \"my-vault\"\n\t\t\tsa, err := vaultCreatorUnderTest.createAuthServiceAccount(kubeClient, vaultName, \"test-sa\", testNamespace)\n\t\t\tExpect(err).Should(BeNil())\n\t\t\tExpect(sa).Should(Equal(\"test-sa\"))\n\t\t})\n\t})\n\n\tDescribe(\"#dockerImages\", func() {\n\t\tIt(\"should return docker images with versions\", func() {\n\t\t\tversionsDir := path.",
"Join(\"test_data\", \"jenkins-x-versions\")\n\t\t\tExpect(versionsDir).Should(BeADirectory())\n\n\t\t\tresolver := versionstream.",
"VersionResolver{\n\t\t\t\tVersionsDir: versionsDir,\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\timageMap, err := vaultCreatorUnderTest.dockerImages(resolver)\n\t\t\tExpect(err).Should(BeNil())\n\n\t\t\tExpect(imageMap).Should(HaveKeyWithValue(\"banzaicloud/bank-vaults\", \"banzaicloud/bank-vaults:0.5.3\"))\n\t\t\tExpect(imageMap).Should(HaveKeyWithValue(\"vault\", \"vault:1.2.3\"))\n\t\t})\n\n\t\tIt(\"should return images unresolved if versions are missing\", func() {\n\t\t\temptyDir, err := ioutil.",
"TempDir(\"\", \"jx-create-integration-test\")\n\t\t\tExpect(err).Should(BeNil())\n\t\t\tdefer func() {\n\t\t\t\t_ = os.",
"RemoveAll(emptyDir)\n\t\t\t}()\n\n\t\t\tresolver := versionstream.",
"VersionResolver{\n\t\t\t\tVersionsDir: emptyDir,\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\timageMap, err := vaultCreatorUnderTest.dockerImages(resolver)\n\t\t\tExpect(imageMap).Should(HaveKeyWithValue(\"banzaicloud/bank-vaults\", \"banzaicloud/bank-vaults\"))\n\t\t\tExpect(imageMap).Should(HaveKeyWithValue(\"vault\", \"vault\"))\n\t\t})\n\t})\n\n\tDescribe(\"#CreateOrUpdateVault\", func() {\n\t\tvar (\n\t\t\tprojectID string\n\t\t\tclusterName string\n\t\t\tzone string\n\t\t\tresolver versionstream.",
"VersionResolver\n\t\t)\n\n\t\tBeforeEach(func() {\n\t\t\tdata, err := kube.",
"ReadInstallValues(kubeClient, devNamespace)\n\t\t\tExpect(err).Should(BeNil())\n\n\t\t\tprojectID = data[kube.",
"ProjectID]\n\t\t\tExpect(projectID).ShouldNot(BeEmpty())\n\n\t\t\tclusterName = data[kube.",
"ClusterName]\n\t\t\tExpect(clusterName).ShouldNot(BeEmpty())\n\n\t\t\tzone = data[kube.",
"Zone]\n\t\t\tExpect(zone).ShouldNot(BeEmpty())\n\n\t\t\tversionsDir := path.",
"Join(\"test_data\", \"jenkins-x-versions\")\n\t\t\tExpect(versionsDir).Should(BeADirectory())\n\t\t\tresolver = versionstream.",
"VersionResolver{\n\t\t\t\tVersionsDir: versionsDir,\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t})\n\n\t\tAfterEach(func() {\n\t\t\terr = gcloud.",
"DeleteBucket(testBucketName)\n\t\t\tif err !",
"= nil {\n\t\t\t\t_, _ = fmt.",
"Fprintf(GinkgoWriter, \"%s\", err.",
"Error())\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t})\n\n\t\tIt(\"fails to install vault with insufficient parameters\", func() {\n\t\t\ttestParam := VaultCreationParam{}\n\t\t\terr = vaultCreatorUnderTest.",
"CreateOrUpdateVault(testParam)\n\t\t\tExpect(err).ShouldNot(BeNil())\n\n\t\t\taggregate, ok := err.(errors.",
"Errors())).Should(Equal(5))\n\n\t\t\tvar errorMessages []string\n\t\t\tfor _, validationError := range aggregate.",
"Errors() {\n\t\t\t\terrorMessages = append(errorMessages, validationError.",
"Error())\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tExpect(errorMessages).Should(ContainElement(\"the Vault name needs to be provided\"))\n\t\t\tExpect(errorMessages).Should(ContainElement(\"the namespace to create the Vault instance into needs to be provided\"))\n\t\t\tExpect(errorMessages).Should(ContainElement(\"a kube client needs to be provided\"))\n\t\t\tExpect(errorMessages).Should(ContainElement(\"a vault operator client needs to be provided\"))\n\t\t\tExpect(errorMessages).Should(ContainElement(\"a kube/cloud provider needs be provided\"))\n\t\t})\n\n\t\tIt(\"successfully installs vault\", func() {\n\t\t\tif cluster.",
"IsInCluster() {\n\t\t\t\tSkip(\"only runs locally since it needs to create cloud resources\")\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tfileHandles := util.",
"IOFileHandles{}\n\n\t\t\tgkeParam := &GKEParam{\n\t\t\t\tProjectID: projectID,\n\t\t\t\tZone: zone,\n\t\t\t\tBucketName: testBucketName,\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\ttestParam := VaultCreationParam{\n\t\t\t\tVaultName: \"acme-vault\",\n\t\t\t\tNamespace: testNamespace,\n\t\t\t\tClusterName: clusterName,\n\t\t\t\tServiceAccountName: \"test-sa\",\n\t\t\t\tKubeProvider: cloud.",
"GKE,\n\t\t\t\tKubeClient: kubeClient,\n\t\t\t\tVaultOperatorClient: vaultOperatorClient,\n\t\t\t\tCreateCloudResources: true,\n\t\t\t\tVersionResolver: resolver,\n\t\t\t\tFileHandles: fileHandles,\n\t\t\t\tGKE: gkeParam,\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\terr = vaultCreatorUnderTest.",
"CreateOrUpdateVault(testParam)\n\t\t\tExpect(err).Should(BeNil())\n\n\t\t\tpod, err := kubeClient.",
"CoreV1().Pods(testNamespace).Get(\"acme-vault-0\", metav1.GetOptions{})\n\t\t\tExpect(pod).ShouldNot(BeNil())\n\n\t\t\tBy(\"re-running CreateOrUpdateVault is successful as well\")\n\t\t\terr = vaultCreatorUnderTest.",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Github"
} | [
] | 0.001885 | 49 |
"Q:\n\nIs the power of a natural number logspace-computable?",
"\n\nGiven a constant $n\\in\\mathbb{N}_+$, is the simple power function\n$$\nλ\\,x\\in\\mathbb{N}_+.\\,x^n\n$$\nlogspace computable by a logspace transducer (which has a read-only input tape, a working read-write tape (on which the transducer is allowed to use $\\mathcal{O}(\\log (\\text{input size}))$) cells, and a write-only output tape), assuming that the input and the output are in binary? ",
" (It is not even clear to me how to do it for $n=2$ in logspace.) ",
"Any ideas or references?",
"\n\nA:\n\nYes, iterated multiplication is even in uniform TC0:\nHesse, William; Allender, Eric; Mix Barrington, David (2002). \"",
"Uniform constant-depth threshold circuits for division and iterated multiplication\". ",
"Journal of Computer and System Sciences. ",
"65: 695–716. ",
"\nExplanation: We have TC0 ⊆ NC1 ⊆ L, where TC0 denotes the class of Boolean circuits with constant depth and polynomial size, where unbounded fan-in threshold gates are allowed, NC1 denotes the class of Boolean circuits with logarithmic depth and polynomial size, and L denotes logspace.",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.000928 | 11 |
"Predictors of mortality in patients on the waiting list for liver transplantation.",
"\nThe demand for liver transplantation (LTx) increases every year, which is in contrast to the stagnation in the number of donors. ",
"This phenomenon has given rise to longer waiting times, which results in higher pre-transplantation mortality. ",
"Thus, our aim for this study was to identify risk factors, including nutritional variables, for mortality for patients who are on the waiting list for LTx. ",
"Patients on the waiting list were assessed to identify risk factors for mortality. ",
"Data related to demographic, socioeconomic, and etiologic factors, liver disease severity, complications, medications, and biochemical tests related to disease, nutritional status, diet intake, and physical activity were collected. ",
"There were 159 patients followed, and 47.8% (76) were transplanted. ",
"The mortality rate while on the waiting list was 25.7% patient-years, and 40 patients died (28.0%). ",
"Variables associated with mortality during this period (p < 0.05) were the following: severe malnutrition (OR 2.5/CI: 1.2-5.3), low serum sodium values (OR: 1.1/CI: 1.01-1.2), and cryptogenic cirrhosis (OR: 2.2/CI: 1.1-4.6). ",
"Special attention should be given to patients with low serum sodium, those who are diagnosed with cryptogenic cirrhosis and the severely malnourished. ",
"An early diagnosis of malnutrition and an appropriate nutritional intervention is mandatory in such patients."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | [
] | 0.00073 | 11 |
"Prerequisite(s): 402abL\nCorequisite(s): ARCH 501\nNote: Substitution for previously required ARCH 402cL\nSelected areas of specialization; projects chosen from a variety of studio offerings, all with an emphasis on the comprehensive design of buildings.",
"\n\nThe aim for the seminar is to gain a critical, theoretical, and technical understanding of the various methodologies that students will be asked to explore in the studio. ",
"Further, we will also explore the relationship between technological and cultural shifts in contemporary society. ",
"Students will work in pairs to present and lead discussions of each week’s readings in the first half of the semester. ",
"The second half will comprise of individual crits and each student will submit a 3-5000 word research paper at the end of the semester.",
"\n\nA general introduction to architectural principles, intended to develop design and critical thinking skills and proficiency to communicate those ideas effectively. ",
"Open to graduate architecture majors only.",
"\n\nBuilding information modeling (BIM) is one of the hottest topics in the architecture / engineering / construction profession (AEC) today. ",
"Learn what it is (3d parametric modeling), common software tools (this class concentrates primarily on Revit Architecture and some Navisworks), how it relates to sustainable design issues (Vasari and Green Building Studio), and why it is useful to the AEC industry (including being able to create awesome adaptive components!). ",
"Although offered in the School of Architecture, the techniques taught are equally applicable to others with an interest in the applications of BIM. ",
"Building science majors, structural engineering students, construction management students, and others are strongly encouraged to enroll. ",
"It is assumed that students already have a basic understanding of 2D CAD and 3D digital modeling.",
"\n\nStudies of construction system development within the architectural design context; processes and issues of selection, evaluation, optimization, integration, design control, and innovation, Departmental approval required.",
"\n\nDevelop an understanding of building materials and assemblies and their characteristics, impacts, and performance. ",
"Topics covered include building envelope performance and aesthetics, environmental systems (heating, cooling, daylighting, and acoustics), and basic principles of construction. ",
"Students will also develop an understanding of the financial implications of building components and systems.",
"\n\nPrerequisite(s): ARCH 211 or 511L This design research seminar examines both disciplinary and extra-disciplinary technologies, techniques, and theories for the use of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composite material systems in the design and construction of architecture.",
"\n\nStudents will gain a basic understanding of the engineering principles behind these material systems and establish a background in the architectural applications for FRP, both historic and contemporary. ",
"Students will also study FRP composites through selected extra-disciplinary precedents, such as racing sailboats, contemporary aircraft, and wind turbines.",
"\n\nStudents will examine the advantages and disadvantages of FRP composite systems, critically considering how FRP materials perform in relation to conventional building systems, technically and aesthetically. ",
"Students will explore performance-based FRP design by reimagining existing precedents as new architectural building systems.",
"\n\nStudents will be required to consider formal surface geometries, spatial opportunities, structure, life-safety, fabrication, transport, and assembly as some of the factors impacting architectural performance. ",
"Students will create a research-based design project, including original writing, drawings, diagrams, and models, speculating about the possibilities for use of FRP composite building systems in contemporary architectural design.",
"\n\nSince 1950, the number of people over 65 has tripled and in the next 30 years, the over 65 population will grow 220%. ",
"This multi-disciplinary course focuses on the design of housing and community settings for older people, introducing students to a range of building types built to serve those recently retired as well as those who need health and caregiving support to stay independent. ",
"It examines the building type through context and case studies from northern Europe, Japan and the US. ",
"This course arms students with the knowledge and insight necessary to create environments that enhance the quality of life for older people. ",
"Three local site visits enable students to experience exemplar models and learn directly from discussions with older residents and administrative personnel.",
"\n\nThis course focuses on the design of a diverse collection of hospital and community settings for healthcare. ",
"The course introduces students to a range of building types that vary from major trauma centers to small scale community outpatient facilities. ",
"It traces the evolution of healthcare settings from the Greek period to current times, including the newest emphasis on public health and lifestyle.",
"This topic of healthcare design is huge in scale and magnitude. ",
"In fact, many firms who specialize in this area, have their own in-house training programs. ",
"This course is meant to provide an overview of this changing building type and how it impacts the practice of medicine (and architecture) today.",
"\n\nThe course starts with the history of the hospital as a building type from 500BC to the present day summarizing with a list of today’s challenges and tomorrow’s future trends. ",
"It describes powerful research findings that show how landscape designs can combat depression and promote relaxation. ",
"Building organizational strategies and programming approaches are reviewed as well as factors that affect appearance and functionality. ",
"It examines the patient room and new trends that embrace old ideas and introduce new ones. ",
"It demonstrates how and why families/friends have become more active participants in the healing process. ",
"It also shows how empirical analysis (often labeled evidence-based design) is affecting practice. ",
"Finally, it ends with a look at new technologies like imaging diagnostics and operating room procedures which are changing high-tech medicine.",
"\n\nDesign methodology, typology programming, site analysis, budget formulation and pro-forma procedures. ",
"Office management, emphasizing professional service and professional ethics as well as project management focusing on the architect’s responsibilities during construction.",
"\n\nPrerequisite(s): ARCH 302bL\nThe laws and regulations that affect the practice of architecture and building economics and the development of comprehensive project documentation, detailing, specifications, drawing formats and organizations.",
"\n\nIf you are considering becoming a developer of housing after you graduate, this course will provide you with an introductory overview of the issues and challenges developers face in providing small-scale housing in an urban setting. ",
"Designed primarily for upper-division undergraduates, this seminar will explore the various elements and stages of the housing development process for projects in Southern California. ",
"Students will learn about and prepare each component, including land, entitlements, program, design brief, support spaces, site plan, hard and soft costs and a cost analysis/proforma suitable for presentation to banks, investors and lending institutions. ",
"The course will include guest lecturers who are practicing professionals in the Los Angeles housing development arena and who will present a series of local case studies. ",
"There will be ample opportunities for open discussion.",
"\nGuest lecturers include non-profit and for-profit developers, architects, construction managers, entitlement consultants, cost & estimating specialists, lenders and investors, contractors, and property managers. ",
"Lectures will also include architectural design, quality, sustainable design, and the related cost issues.",
"\n* For Spring 2018, this course will meet the first half of the semester and will include 2 required Saturday Field Trips, February 10 & 17.",
"\n\nThe course explores themes chosen from well over half a century of architectural interests, concerns and obsessions from Modern to present Post-Vanguard dwelling in and around a multi-centralized Los Angeles. ",
"Lectures cover debates over style, technology, materials, scale, and building codes among others. ",
"These topics are placed within the context of first hand sources and site visits -- the technologies of their representation and construction in order to locate specific typological shifts in the development of these urban dwelling(s). ",
"Students will conduct a series of short investigations, shared with the class via visual, diagrammatic, and textual analysis. ",
"Each student will select one of these projects for extended research and development, which will be included in a class book produced at the end of the term. ",
"Discussions and readings reference the single family house -- John Entenza’s Case Study house competition for Arts & Architecture magazine, Reyner Banham’s LA, the works of Ain, Koenig, Lautner, Neutra, Schindler and Wright and segue into contemporary Perimeter block and infill, High-rise slabs and towers, Low-rise clusters, rows, courtyards, the Dingbat, Michael Webb’s Building Community, and the multi-family (striving for below market) works of Daly, Koenig Eizenberg, Maltzan, O’Herlihy, and Tighe.",
"\n\nThe class will provide a historical overview of the major housing developments and innovations since the early 20th century, using a case-study format examining a wide range of issues that determine the form of urban housing in various conditions. ",
"Major emphasis will be placed on a detailed analysis of social, technical, and design factors affecting recent housing developments.",
"\nThis course will provide participants with a general understanding of the production of housing as a commodity and a building block of communities in the context of the geography of urban systems. ",
"It will focus on housing development in general and multi-unit housing development in particular. ",
"The course will use case studies to help illustrate concepts supported by in-class lab assignments that will reinforce the concepts discussed during the lectures.",
"\nParticipants will become familiar with the tools and the language of real-estate finance and market research. ",
"By the end of the course, students will be able to conduct feasibility analyses of potential real-estate projects that measure both the economic and social benefits of the project. ",
"Students will understand the regulatory environment as well as the economic imperatives related to housing, primarily from the perspective of architecture and planning, but will also consider inputs from sociology, economics, and development finance. ",
"Students will learn how housing is produced and how issues of race or ethnicity, family status, geography, and other characteristics affect the provision of housing in urban America.",
"\n\nCourse Description: A seminar on architectural theory from Alberti to Scott, reviewing primary texts and subsequent criticisms.",
"\nThis seminar explores theories of architecture since the beginning of the Renaissance. ",
"It involves both reading original texts (where available in translation) and study of the contexts in which the theories were produced. ",
"We will also consider some of the buildings which influenced or were influenced by the theories. ",
"There are therefore two components to the analysis of the texts: theory and context.",
"\nSeminal writings on architecture in western Europe, these texts certainly do not exhaust the thoughtful theoretical writings of many others, and there are essays from other cultures and in the United States during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, but they will not be considered in this course. ",
"What were the questions architects and theorists asked of architecture in the early modern era? ",
"What was important, and why? ",
"What were the assumptions they made about architecture, and about architects, and how did this color the types of questions they asked and the theories they devised?",
"\nCourse Objectives: In the most general terms, this course is an introduction to architectural theory from the 15th through the 19th centuries. ",
"Students should gain a working knowledge of developments in architectural theory in Western Europe during this period.",
"\nThe course has other objectives as well. ",
"Students will work on developing the ability to write a critical synthesis of a specific set of architectural theories, and be especially concerned that students learn to make cogent oral presentations.",
"\n\nTrace the history of ideas about the city - from antiquity to the present - through the cities which produced them. ",
"The course will take twelve cities as case studies and study their transformation and modernization through weekly lectures paired with selected readings from urban theory which emerged alongside their growth and change. ",
"The texts illuminate the varied and ongoing struggles all cities continue to wrestle with under pressures of rapid population growth, new technologies, and the need to become ecologically sustainable. ",
"The course articulates nuance and difference in place and culture; hoping to suspend -- for the duration of the course anyway -- the theory by some commentators that cities have become interchangeable: lost in the generic and ubiquitous nature of globalization, sprawl, and commercial capitalism.",
"\n\nArch 562 will concentrate on architecture as it relates to urban form, urban space, and urban landscape. ",
"Students will investigate the relationship of buildings to our built environment, whether cities, suburbs, or constructed landscapes. ",
"The focus will primarily be on the modern city and the varying roles architecture has played in confronting, shaping, or even celebrating the effects of industrialization, post-‐industrialization, and globalization.",
"\n\nTheory can be used as justification, as propaganda, as a guide for practice, as a set of principles, as a vehicle of thought, as a platform for debate, and as an architectural project in itself. ",
"This course considers the changing role of theory with respect to architectural, urban, and landscape practice over the course of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, and aims to furnish students with a set of questions, techniques, and tools for criticism and self-critique. ",
"Focusing on key figures, movements, and texts, this course provides an overview of the principal theories that have informed, animated, or destabilized recent architectural, urban, and landscape discourse.",
"\n\nGeometry lies at the core of the architectural design process. ",
"It is omnipresent, from the initial form-finding stages to the actual construction. ",
"While design and geometry share a fundamental interest in form and shape, Descriptive and Computational Architectural Geometry aims to address the various natures of the historical relationship between mathematics, geometry, computation, and architecture. ",
"Through the display of historical mathematical models with formal affinities to contemporary architectural production, the course will provoke discussion about the relevance of a history of form, the origins of design technique, the epistemology of geometry models, and the justification for mathematical surfaces in architecture. ",
"This course examines the history, theory and practice of parallel (orthographic) and central (perspective) projection. ",
"The primary objective is to provide designers with the tools to imagine and represent with precision, dexterity, and virtuosity a continually expanding repertoire of three-dimensional architectural form.",
"\n\nThis design seminar aims to investigate the parametric relationship between geometry and architecture element, in this case the relationship between the geometry of atrium and architectural circulation. ",
"We will begin by using parametric tools to examine existing architecture examples, which contains atriums and complex circulation systems, with the intention of exploring tensions, functions, and the spatial effects between them. ",
"Through this analyzation, students will construct their own geometrical narratives to express the parametric formal relationships of the subject of their studies. ",
"Thereafter, these geometrical narratives will be translated into iterations of physical models. ",
"This class consists of lectures and workshops, and will utilized both digital and physical media.",
"\n\nOne of the most important aspects of field research is the opportunity to gain insight into the relationships between design language, building proposition and construction process of specific periods/architects/buildings/landscapes. ",
"It is an occasion to discover not only the tenets upon which an designer bases his work, but also how these tenets resolve complex relationships between a project, its site and the cultural/theoretical context in which it was constructed. ",
"Through thoughtful case study analysis students will explore how these external forces influence/direct the form and shape of the designed response.",
"\n\nThis Field Studies course will concentrate on projects and practices [from the analysis of buildings to the focused engagement with the methods of practice], landscapes and ecologies [both natural and manmade], and urban spaces [including parks, plazas, and urban (re)development projects]. ",
"The field study of these spaces and methods also provides an opportunity to understand the complex relationship of the designer with place. ",
"These place-based investigations will engage field studies to employ analytical methods, representational techniques, and speculative inquiry into the fundamental spatial and infra-structural elements of place. ",
"This investigation allows one to develop awareness as well as appreciate the complex relationship between a place, its inhabitants and the spaces that facilitate a multitude of events and activities.",
"\n\nThe arrival of two KUKA 6-axis robotic arms marked a new phase in USC’s fabrication and design curriculum. ",
"With the reliability, accuracy and flexibility afforded by these machines we hope to change the way students understand and engage digitally driven tools for fabrication. ",
"Students taking this course will be given primary access to our KR6 Agilus and KR120HA industrial robots. ",
"Building on the original digital fabrication seminar, students will become well versed in the language of robotics and kinematics, becoming the de facto programers and operators. ",
"Utilizing our core shop and fabrication facilities, students will be expected to design and build custom end-effectors and tooling for the robots. ",
"While the concept of programming may seem imposing, newly developed parametric plugins such as KukaPRC allow direct interface between Rhino/Grasshopper and the robot arms. ",
"This interface will be the primary focus of our design work in this seminar.",
"There are three on-campus meetings during the semester.",
"\n\nDesigners are storytellers. ",
"Each line we draw or model we build expresses intent. ",
"Historically, drawing has been the primary medium of expression in the communication of design ideas. ",
"In this course we will combine traditional methods of expression with current online technology to create unique and compelling visual stories. ",
"Anyone can tell a story, but learning to tell an engaging, poignant story that generates real interest, enthusiasm, support and excitement is a vital tool in today’s fast-moving digital culture. ",
"This course helps the student understand how visual stories can serve as an active tool to critically explore, evaluate, and express design ideas.",
"\n\nThis course specifically stresses the instrumentality of online videos for communicating and thinking graphically. ",
"This master class in media making, distribution and promotion will benefit architecture and design students who want deeper and more practical uses for visual storytelling. ",
"In the first half of the course, the emphasis is on telling a visual story effectively. ",
"The second half is devoted to presentation and promotion, including crowdfunding. ",
"The emphasis throughout is always on the deep structure that is critical to creating an effective visual story.",
"\n\nInstructor Background: Lee Schneider is creative director of Red Cup Agency, a communications agency based in Santa Monica and known for its work with startups, entrepreneurs and social activists. ",
"He is the founder of Digital Fundraising School, an online school that helps media-makers, designers and tech visionaries become better crowdfunders. ",
"He is the author of \"Be More Popular: Culture-Building for Startups.\" ",
"He has guest-lectured and taught workshops and classes at USC, University of Minnesota College of Design, Architecture for Humanity, and Public Architecture. ",
"Before his work with Red Cup, he was executive producer and founder of DocuCinema, a media production company that made documentaries and series television for The History Channel, Discovery Health, The Learning Channel, ReelzChannel, Food Network and Bravo. ",
"Early in his career, Mr. Schneider was a writer for Good Morning America and a producer for Dateline NBC.",
"\n\nIn this course each week, we will compare chosen media examples (photography, films, anime/magna, commercials, web content, etc.) ",
"with selected seminal readings in urban planning and social theory to tease out latent connection between visual media and urban life. ",
"Each week is be structured around a different theme – city symphonies, alienation, gender, globalism, immigration, poverty, surveillance, ecology, noir, etc. ",
"Students are expected to select readings that particularly interest them each week and come to class prepared to discuss the major ideas at hand, referencing the required texts and the media example.",
"\n\nThis course is a broad overview of multiple fabrication and construction techniques used in the production of architecture, furniture, and industrial design.",
"\n\nThis course will be a combination of lecture and lab. ",
"Lectures will cover three primary categories of industrial process (Additive, Subtractive, and Transformative) along with materials research (Plastics, Composites, Wood, and Metals). ",
"We will engage a series of discovery‐ based, hands‐ on workshops where students will begin small scale material and fabrication prototypes, utilizing various digital fabrication technologies (CNC milling, 3D printing, Laser Cutting, etc). ",
"In the second half of the course, students will further develop their initial material-based discoveries into refined, small‐ scale projects that exhibit a high degree of material awareness and craft.",
"\n\nThis is a design research seminar that will explore the relevance of architectural form as a product of discovery by exploring the reciprocity between form (geometry), force (performance), matter (organization), and craft (fabrication). ",
"It investigates and extends the design research legacies of analogue form-finding in the works of Frei Otto, Antonio Gaudi, Heinz Isler, and Felix Candela by exploring digital and analogue techniques for discovering form through variable material and geometric organizations and force simulations, while simultaneously considering the design opportunities being afforded by advances in computation and fabrication technologies. ",
"In this elective course, students will research and analyze the history of funicular form and its applications within architecture, explore the application and manipulation of both physical and digital form-finding experiments, performative analysis and simulation, and digital fabrication protocols to explore the potential for materiality and non-standardization processes to augment performance through variable organizations. ",
"The goal of the course is to understand performance as a design catalyst for the exploration of form. ",
"Students must have proficiency in Rhino 3D and a minimum proficiency with Grasshopper. ",
"All other software will be introduced in the course.",
"\n\nComputational systems have reached the speed of operations that allows simulating human perception in real-time. ",
"It is no longer necessary to wait for hours to obtain an accurate depiction of the interplay of light with materials or calculate the angle of a shadow. ",
"By exploring gaming technology, this class will invite students to re-consider architectural representation through the scope of a real-time medium, where the exploration of space can be performed at a simulated 1:1 scale.",
"\n\nReal-time technologies, as advanced by game engines, are not only a medium for architectural visualization, but also a medium for simulation, where data can be superimposed over architectural geometry, enabling an augmented perception of a digital project. ",
"By learning how to visualize and how to simulate data over pre-existing geometry, the class intends to give new tools of inquiry for mapping and framing architectural information.",
"\n\nThis course will be structured as a technical introduction to real-time visualization and virtual reality, exploring the opportunities and challenges presented by the medium. ",
"The course will be taught using the game engine Unity and will make use of the USC VR sets to test students projects in virtual reality.",
"\n\nThe objectives of the course is to challenge traditional conceptions of space and representation, generating conceptual simulations that develop insight into architecture’s potential.",
"\n\nStudents from the USC School of Architecture are designing, fabricating, and installing a “CARAPACE” shade pavilion at Joshua Tree National Park. ",
"The project started as a USC design studio in Spring 2019 and is now into the fabrication and installation phase. ",
"With guidance from professionals, students will use ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) in a completely new application on the leading edge of materials science. ",
"Students will also design the new VIP campground at Joshua Tree. ",
"Meeting times to be determined by the students. ",
"No previous experience required. ",
"Join us and earn your coveralls and patch!",
"\n\nThis course will provide opportunities for students in materials fabrication, construction, CAD/CAM, construction management, site design,\n\nWe will camp at Joshua Tree National Park during the installation later in the Fall Semester (we will help if you are not an experienced camper).",
"\n\nHow do the billion people in slums in cities around the world live and work? ",
"What is the relationship of the slum to the city, and of slum dwellers to urban life and economy in cities around the world? ",
"In this course we will focus on the cultural, social, economic, and political processes that shape this particular urban housing form. ",
"The course will also investigate the effects of local and global policies and trends on the experiences of those living in slums and squatter settlements in cities around the world.",
"\n\nCourse discussions will focus on both classic and contemporary scholarship, reports, and documentaries that investigate slums and squatter settlements from architectural, policy, human rights, and economic perspectives. ",
"The course will cover general theories on low-income housing, and practical approaches towards the management of slums and squatter settlements in cities around the world.",
"\n\nSpace activity and space age technologies are now an integral part of, and fast becoming a positive force in city development and evolution. ",
"Space technologies are helping transform and rehabilitate old cities and their aging infrastructure too. ",
"Water and power distribution, transportation and air quality, food production, delivery and waste management, emergency health care and disaster relief all have complex interdependence through agile and advanced communications built into their vast and ever more intricate and intertwined networks. ",
"Monitoring and metering activity are all heading toward autonomy, leaving supervision and anomaly resolution as the principal tasks for human crew.",
"\n\nFrom Archeology to Agriculture and Automobile and factory emissions, space-based technologies are changing the way we see, monitor and respond to our surroundings with agility. ",
"Remote sensing allows agile monitoring of the weather and hazards like fire and earthquakes and help to organize relief efforts in ways never before possible. ",
"Technologies like high resolution hyperspectral imaging can even access yield and spot disease burden in crop and livestock and even help to contain deadly pathogens from quickly spreading into pandemics.",
"\n\nAs the world population grows, so does the need for more resources and their efficient management. ",
"We will study, imagine and visualize how to imbibe and apply useful and appropriate technologies and processes of current and proposed human space activities to create more synergetic relationships between the manmade and natural environments using principles of human space activity as a guide.",
"\n\nTaming Smart Materials: A Workshop On Controlling Behavior With Geometries\n\nTaming Smart Materials: A Workshop On Controlling Behavior With Geometries\n\nThis workshop will be an in-depth study correlating the importance of geometry with the control of smart material behavior. ",
"We will meet once a week to develop dynamic movement and surfaces using three different phase changing materials: shape memory polymers, polystyrene and shape memory alloys (or thermobimetal)--most of which will be provided by the instructor or handmade by the students. ",
"After the initial introduction of the scientific nature of the three materials and studying selected group of precedents through diagramming and replication, students will begin to familiarize themselves with the natural behavior of the smart materials and develop effective geometries in two and three-dimensions as well as integrate structural strategies for a final installation with a self-supporting surface. ",
"By the end of the semester, each student will build a self-assembling device as a culmination of their earlier studies.",
"\n\nThe device may be a responsive surface or an operable product or piece of furniture. ",
"The final presentation with include drawings/diagrams and will be made public physically and digitally.",
"\n\nBasic principles of structural (seismic/wind and gravity), HVAC, building envelope, access/egress, building service systems; and sustainable strategies are critical to the proper execution of performative goals. ",
"The integration of building systems will be delineated to demonstrate the tectonic viability a design solution.",
"\n\nWithin contemporary architectural design a significant shift in emphasis can be detected – a move away from an architecture based primarily on visual concerns towards an architecture justified by its performance. ",
"Structural, constructional, economic, environmental and other parameters – concerns that were once relegated to a secondary level – have now become primary, and are being embraced as positive inputs into the design process from the outset. ",
"Architecture – it would seem – is now preoccupied less with style and appearance, and increasingly with material processes and performance. ",
"It is as though a new architectural design sensibility has emerged.",
"\nBut how exactly might we theorize this new sensibility? ",
"The course tracks this new development from its origins in materialist philosophies to its implications within the field of design. ",
"It draws upon biomimetics and other aspects of scientific thinking, such as theories of emergence and swarm intelligence, that are informing recent developments in contemporary design thinking. ",
"It goes on to consider the role of computation in this development, from new scripting techniques to fabrication technologies, from the scale of individual components to entire cities, and from terrestrial concerns to new robotic technologies being envisaged by NASA for application on the Moon. ",
"The aim of the class is to provide a theoretical manifesto for a new way of approaching design that is sweeping through architecture and urbanism.",
"\n\nThis course stems from the assumption that architects should not only be able to use various tools, but should have the ability to create new critical and experimental design tools that respond to specific design-questions. ",
"In this course, we will aim at the generation of design-question oriented customized digital workflows. ",
"These customized workflows will explore the potential of breaking down a design problem into several questions in order to approach architectural and urban research through a bottom-up method. ",
"This technique will allow us to experiment with converging varied inter-operational platforms in order to develop custom toolsets for each proposed design question. ",
"The process of workflow customization will amplify our ability to explore options and achieve depth and speed of analysis. ",
"In this course we will use Rhino/Grasshopper as meta-tools which enable the creation of other tools.",
"\n\nHowever, the course is not about software itself, but about experimental design processes. ",
"Using a series of custom scripts, techniques and workflows, Rhino/Grasshopper will be used to create new interfaces that disappear and become part of the Rhino environment or even part of the physical world. ",
"External input devices (cameras and sensors) will be used to create new relationships with 3d modeling, data will become incorporated into new forms of tools, and representation will be explored as a way to design the behavior of the user. ",
"Technology will not be used as calculators, but as augmentations of the designer that alters their design process.",
"\n\nThe point of the course is to develop computational design thinking in order to acquire a critical lens for the evaluation of digital tools. ",
"Through a closer look at the relationship between computational design theories and methods, we will engage in an experimental feedback loop where new ideas can generate new design techniques, and new design techniques can thus generate new ideas.",
"\n\nContemporary architecture is designed predominantly with digital software. ",
"Although the designer is the puppet master pulling the strings, different digital tools encourage distinct workflows, which have critical impact over design outcomes. ",
"Polygon-based modeling software, such as Maya, offers designers a range of sculpting techniques to construct form, which is vastly different from NURBS-based software such as Rhino. ",
"Polygon modeling provides a faster feedback loop between intuition and outcome, enabling unique aesthetic sensibilities, and at the same time challenging the user's precision and control. ",
"This course aims to explore the form-shaping capacity that polygon based software (Maya) affords to designers. ",
"The course will introduce students to a range of techniques concerning modeling in Maya, and will consist of lectures, tutorials and in-class work sessions.",
"\n\nExplore the city of Los Angeles through this advanced seminar in urban theory with an emphasis on contemporary architecture theory. ",
"Students will deepen their understanding of this extraordinary city’s historical transformations and recent development. ",
"Examine the city’s complex relationship with its environment as well as power and resource distribution. ",
"How, for example, does architecture imagine the city, its management, appearance, its cleanliness and contaminations? ",
"More broadly, this course aims to give the student new tools to analyze the contemporary material conditions of cities; it is curious about the history and theory of ecology, atmosphere, and environment.",
"\n\nThis course provides an introduction to a range of new fabrication techniques and technologies that will, encourage students to rethink the nature of architectural fabrication and representation. ",
"The subject, matter in this course anticipates that students already have a working knowledge of the major material, groups within architectural design and construction (Wood, Metals, Concrete, Masonry, Glass, Plastics, and Composites). ",
"Over the course of the semester, we will look closely at how these materials are being, utilized and advanced in fields outside of architecture, and will also learn the methods and processes, that are used in their fabrication.",
"\n\nNo other building system has more impact on the overall look, character and performance of a building than its façade system. ",
"However, far too often, aesthetic concerns have dominated façade design discourse while performative considerations have been limited. ",
"This course aims to develop a fundamental understanding of the relationship between the façade, building performance (energy consumption) and indoor thermal and visual comfort. ",
"We will work to develop a critical awareness of performance issues related to façade systems, the opportunities for enhanced performance and core skills necessary to evaluate, determine and integrate appropriate façade technology. ",
"Upon completion of the course, students will:\nUnderstand fundamental principles of façade construction and detailing.",
"\nUnderstand fundamental relationships between energy, environment and building enclosure.",
"\nUtilize appropriate modeling and analysis software.",
"\nDevelop core skills to evaluate, determine and integrate appropriate façade technology.",
"\nDevelop high performance façade proposals.",
"\nDevelop framework for further ongoing research on the subject."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.000884 | 233 |
"Q:\n\nError while sending Email :you must load or assign this property before you can read its value -EWS\n\nI get error in Message.",
"BodyType while sending email: you must load or assign this property before you can read its value\nif (service !",
"= null)\n{\n Microsoft.",
"EmailMessage message = new Microsoft.",
"EmailMessage(service);\n\n message.",
"Subject = SendMail.",
"Subject;\n if (SendMail.",
"IsHtml)\n {\n message.",
"BodyType = Microsoft.",
"HTML;\n message.",
"Body = new Microsoft.",
"Html);\n } \n}\n\nA:\n\nYou should be using the BodyType parameter in the MessageBody Overload to set the BodyType eg\nif (service !",
"= null)\n{\n Microsoft.",
"EmailMessage message = new Microsoft.",
"EmailMessage(service);\n\n message.",
"Subject = SendMail.",
"Subject;\n if (SendMail.",
"IsHtml)\n {\n message.",
"Body = new Microsoft.",
"Html);\n } \n}\n\nAnd that should work, the property your trying to use is only useful when reading an existing message.",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.002575 | 52 |
"Nihal Singh Wala Assembly Constituency\n\nNihal Singh Wala Assembly Constituency (Sl. ",
"No.: ",
"71) is a Punjab Legislative Assembly constituency in Moga district, Punjab state, India.",
"\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Assembly constituencies of Punjab, India\nCategory:Moga district"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} | [
] | 0.00074 | 4 |
"April is on vacation but the the guys working at airport lost her luggage.",
"\n\n\n\nShe's all stressed but luckily for her Keiran knows just how to relax her.",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | [
] | 0.002467 | 3 |
"Subroutines\n\nPieces of code that are needed more than once should be turned into subroutines. ",
"This makes later corrections less risky,\nand the code more structured. ",
"The label of the subroutine should correspond with its function.",
"\nDo not use numbers as names, it makes the code unreadable.",
"\nVariables used and declared only inside a subroutine should start with double underscore."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.000725 | 5 |
"Mortgage equity withdrawal\n\nIn economics, mortgage equity withdrawal (MEW) is the decision of consumers to borrow money against the real value of their houses. ",
"The real value is the current value of the property less any accumulated liabilities (mortgages, loans, etc.) ",
"Some authors also use equity extraction and include net payments received at time of house sale. ",
"In this case the traditional usage of equity extraction is the purchase of a new house.",
"\n\nThe rate of MEW has been linked to Marginal propensity to consume (MPC), as measured by Personal Consumption Expenditure (PCE). ",
" In the United States, during the dramatic rise in house prices MEW funded PCE 1.1 to 1.7% from 1991 to 2000, and almost 3% from 2000 to 2005 and was responsible for more than 75% of GDP growth from 2003 to 2006.",
"\n\nWhile economists consider borrowing against home equity to be analogous to 'withdrawal' it is, in fact, simply collateralization of an asset. ",
" As an economic metric it is very useful to do so; however, this view is a balance sheet phenomenon and not actual conversion of home equity into cash. ",
" The sole means of withdrawal of home equity is the downsizing of the asset in a manner which does not result in establishing a lien against the entire asset. ",
" A lien puts the entire asset at risk; downsizing simply converts equity into cash, leaving the balance of the value of the asset intact.",
"\n\nSee also\nHome equity\nHome equity loan\nHELOC\nReverse mortgage\n\nReferences\n\nBibliography\n\nCategory:Mortgage"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} | [
] | 0.000686 | 11 |
"1. ",
"Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to a program guide generation apparatus, a program guide generation method and a program guide generation program, each for generating an electronic program guide based on program-related information being information related to broadcast programs.",
"\n2. ",
"Description of the Related Art\nUpon a search for a broadcast program or a video content recorded in a recorder, an electronic program guide has been widely used in recent years to search for a desired video content by displaying the electronic program guide on a TV screen. ",
"Such a technology is described in Japanese Patent Application Laid-open No. ",
"2006-210965, for example. ",
"There may be a case that the layout of such an electronic program guide is displayed in a grid layout where times are placed in a vertical direction, broadcasting stations are placed in a horizontal direction, and placed in a position where a time coincides with a broadcasting station is program information on a program to be broadcast at the time by the broadcasting station. ",
"The layout is a format that imitates one called the Radio/TV listings that has been widely used in a program schedule in paper media such as news papers and magazines since before the advent of an electronic program guide. ",
"Therefore, users are familiar with the layout and can easily understand operations thereof.",
"\nIncidentally, in a program guide in the Radio/TV listings format, the position of a cell to display information on a program needs to be adjusted to a grid of a time corresponding to the broadcast time of the program. ",
"For example, in the case of a program broadcast from 0 o'clock to 1 o'clock, the top side of a cell displaying program information is adjusted to a position indicating 0 o'clock on a time axis of a program guide, the bottom side of the cell displaying program information is adjusted to a position indicating 1 o'clock on the time axis of the program guide. ",
"Information on the program is described in the cell size from 0 o'clock to 1 o'clock; however, there is a problem that all the information on the program cannot be displayed, depending on the cell size and the amount of the program information. ",
"Especially, the electronic program guide is mechanically generated; accordingly, it is difficult to design layout with flexibility as in a program schedule in paper media generated manually. ",
"Hence, an electronic program guide is often generated in the following layout (1) and (2).",
"\n(1) Layout where a cell size is fixed to a length determined by the duration of the broadcast to display only the amount of program information that can be displayed.",
"\n(2) Layout where a cell size expands in accordance with the program information.",
"\nThe above layout of (1) and (2) have advantages and disadvantages, respectively. ",
"In the layout (1), in terms of the number of programs that can be displayed on one screen, more programs can be displayed than the layout (2) can since a size in the time axis direction is fixed regardless of the number of programs and the amount of program information. ",
"Moreover, the work of the operation of scrolling down a screen required when a program in the lower part of the program guide is wished to be displayed can be minimized. ",
"However, in the case of a program having a short broadcast duration, there is a problem that the information cannot be displayed and the cell size becomes too small to display even one character in some cases.",
"\nOn the other hand, in the layout (2), it is possible to check all information on a program since a cell size expands in accordance with the program information. ",
"However, the size extends in the time axis direction of the program guide; accordingly, there is a problem that the number of programs to be displayed on one screen decreases. ",
"Moreover, it is necessary to repeat the operation of scrolling down the screen due to the expansion of the size in the time axis direction when a program in the lower part of the program guide is wished to be displayed.",
"\nMoreover, as an example application of the layout (1), a method where an area for displaying information on a program is provided in an area other than a program guide is used, too; however, the area needs to be displayed on a screen all the time, so that there is a problem that an area where a program guide can be displayed inevitably becomes small. ",
"Moreover, as a custom layout of (1), a method may also be employed that a minimum value of a cell size is set. ",
"However, this method, too, has a problem that only a part of program information can be displayed. ",
"Additionally, if a minimum value is set to be large, a problem similar to (2) arises."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds"
} | [
] | 0.000638 | 27 |
"[Endoscopy of the small bowel: light into the dark].",
"\nSince the introduction of capsule endoscopy and later balloon enteroscopy in clinical practice, endoscopic examination of the small bowel has dramatically improved. ",
"For the first time, it is possible to diagnose the whole small bowel without the necessity of laparotomy and intraoperative enteroscopy. ",
"The methods revolutionized the field of small bowel diagnostic and therapy and become part of daily clinical practice. ",
"This article provides a review of small bowel enteroscopic methods."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | [
] | 0.00228 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nscoped class can't use private member\n\nI have a boolean which I need to be true only if the function called and false if the function returned. ",
"I'm trying a scoped class it's destructor called if the scope ends and it'll try to set it false.",
"\nhere is my simplified code.",
"\nclass MyClass {\nprivate: bool in_func = false;\npublic:\n void func() {\n in_func = true;\n // when scope ends I need to set in_func = false\n class ScopeDistruct {\n bool* in_func_ptr = nullptr;\n ScopeDistruct(bool* p) { in_func_ptr = p; }\n ~ScopeDistruct() { *in_func_ptr = false; }\n };\n ScopeDistruct scope_distruct(&in_func);\n\n /*\n Lots of code.",
"\n */\n }\n};\n\nbut this cause an error error C2248 : 'MyClass::func::ScopeDistruct::ScopeDistruct' : cannot access private member declared in class 'MyClass::func::ScopeDistruct' when compiling. ",
"what's wrong with my code how to fix this?",
"\n\nA:\n\nThe class ScopeDistruct is declared with keyword class and there are no accessibility specifier in the class, so their members including the constructor are private to the class.",
"\nYou should add public to make the constructor public.",
"\nclass ScopeDistruct {\n bool* in_func_ptr = nullptr;\npublic: // add this\n ScopeDistruct(bool* p) { in_func_ptr = p; }\n ~ScopeDistruct() { *in_func_ptr = false; }\n};\n\n"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.002379 | 9 |
"Precision in breast reduction.",
"\nPrecision in the design and performance of a breast reduction can be enhanced by careful formulation of the criteria. ",
"The breast cone should incline about 15 degrees medialward. ",
"The intersection of the midshoulder (anterior iliac) spine line with the inframammary fold offers a reference point for horizontal localization of the nipple. ",
"The nipple-suprasternal notch length, the diameter of the areola, and the nipple-inframammary fold length are determined by the height of the patient and the size of the brassiere cup. ",
"On this basis, a table for breast reduction can be drawn up that gives these dimensions for a given height and size of brassiere cup. ",
"Other important factors include the stretch direction of the skin and the course of the nerve to the nipple. ",
"A distinction is made between radial segment conization and anterior tangential conization. ",
"Criteria and measurements were incorporated into a technique comprising anterior tangential excision of glandular tissue and limited inferior radial segment excision of skin."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | [
] | 0.000987 | 9 |
"Clinicopathologic growth factors of acoustic neuromas.",
"\nBACKGROUND Understanding the tumor growth rate is very important when considering strategies for the treatment of an acoustic neuroma, although the natural course of acoustic neuromas has not been reviewed in detail. ",
"METHODS The clinicopathologic features and the postoperative growth of tumors were evaluated in 32 patients with acoustic neuromas. ",
"This study was undertaken to assess the variability of the growth potential of cells within an acoustic tumor and to determine the relationships between the growth rate and the clinicopathologic characteristics of the patients with acoustic neuromas, including age at surgery, gender, tumor location and preoperative size, the duration of the symptoms, the presence of cystic regions, the presence of Antoni type A and B cells, the tumor cell density, tumor vascularity, mitotic rate, the presence of hyaline degeneration and hemosiderin deposition, nucleolar organizer regions (NORs), and the level of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). ",
"RESULTS The growth patterns of the tumors were divided into three groups according to their growth rate: a regression group, a \"no-growth\" group (growth rates from 0-0.11 cm/year) and a progression group (growth rates from 0.19-1.72 cm/year). ",
"An additional operation was required in all patients whose growth rate was more than 0.38 cm/year. ",
"A statistical study on the factors associated with an increased growth rate showed that the three histopathologic factors most significantly associated with a postoperative growth rate were hyaline degeneration (p < 0.05), cell density (p < 0.005), and PCNA labeling index (p < 0.005). ",
"CONCLUSIONS These results strongly suggest that acoustic tumors can be subdivided into several groups, based upon different biologic activities and tumor growth rates."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | [
] | 0.000815 | 8 |
"New Partnership to Increase Maritime Safety and Prepare for Emergency Operations in the Arctic Regions\n\nAn aft bridge simulator, similar to the one which is a part of the KONGSBERG delivery to Maritime Campus North (photo: Kongsberg Maritime)\n\nKONGSBERG maritime simulators will enable a new partnership between Nord University, Bodin and Lofoten Maritime Vocational Schools and the Nordland county administration in Norway. ",
"The partnership has been established to strengthen education, training and innovative research within Arctic maritime safety and security. ",
"The objective is to increase safety and contribute to increased competence on maritime SAR and oil spill response operations in the northern regions. ",
"The institutions, which form the new “Maritime Campus North” partnership, will collaborate in maritime education, course offerings, innovation and research. ",
"The target groups are government and industry search and rescue (SAR) organisations, oil spill response organisations, ship owners and the oil and gas industry.",
"\n\nCentral to the cooperation is the development of a common technical platform based on KONGSBERG simulators. ",
"KONGSBERG won the tenders issued by Maritime Campus North and will contribute with upgrades and extensions of the simulator capacity at the three training institutions. ",
"At Lofoten Vocational School, a unique oil spill preparedness simulator will be installed. ",
"At Bodin Vocational School, KONGSBERG will upgrade the fast craft vessel bridge with new hardware and visual system in addition to delivering an aft bridge simulator with integrated Dynamic Positioning simulator for DP2 training. ",
"At Nord University, KONGSBERG will deliver four new part task ship’s bridge simulators with visual scenes, which will be central in crisis management education and training. ",
"A new resource surveillance system and a crisis management system is also included. ",
"The new simulator platform will be among the most advanced tools for combined nautical, safety and security education world-wide.",
"\n\nThe simulator systems at all three training institutions will be integrated and used to form joint nautical and emergency management training across geographical locations, providing a unique platform for international cooperation in this field.",
"\n\n“It is important that the education and training institutions can interact to strengthen emergency education and maximise the use of advanced simulator systems,” says Odd Jarl Borch, professor at Nord University. “",
"The expansion of new simulator capabilities in the region meets demand for advanced training for government institutions, ship owners, oil and gas companies and other organisations operating, exploring and developing Polar waters. ",
"Of special importance is the growing interest from the cruise and petroleum industry for the Arctic regions and the implementation of the Polar code. ",
"The Nord University is now initiating a new circumpolar education and research network on Arctic Safety and Security including twenty universities under the University of the Arctic umbrella. ",
"This will give us an excellent academic platform for further international cooperation.”",
"\n\n“We are proud to take part in this important nautical and emergency management competence project for the northern areas,” adds Paal Aamaas, Sr. ",
"Vice President of Maritime Simulation, Kongsberg Digital. “",
"Our advanced simulator platforms installed at these three training institutions establish a world-leading, collaborative solution for improving safety and SAR and oil spill response competence by reaching a number of government and industry groups. ",
"The exciting integration potential of this unique training environment also has wider implications for international cooperation and interaction.”",
"\n\nNew Chief Executive Officer of Aker EnergyFeb 23, 2018 Jan Arve Haugan has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer of the newly established oil company Aker Energy, effective 1 March 2018. ",
"Haugan is currently the President & CEO of Kværner ASA."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.000579 | 24 |
Subsets and Splits