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便利な時代になったもんだぜ。 |
Back then, we were all forced to endure nearly half a day of swaying back and forth over the sea before we reached Niijima. |
Things have gotten so much more convenient these days. |
しかし、あんな小さな飛行機には乗ったことがない。 |
でっかいジャンボジェット機ならあるんだが、こんなスモールサイズは初体験だ。 |
Still, I've never been on a plane this small. |
I've flown in a huge jumbo jet before, but this'll be my first experience in such a tiny one. |
…やっぱ揺れるんかなぁ。 |
...It's gonna shake, isn't it... |
船なんかも小さい方が揺れは大きいって言うし、やっぱ飛行機もそうなんだろか。 |
…はー、勘弁願いたいぜ。 |
They say smaller boats shake more than big ones, so I guess the same rule probably applies to planes. |
...Aaah, just spare me. |
== George == |
「はっははは、大丈夫だよ、戦人くん。船に比べたら全然揺れは少ないよ。」 |
"Haahahaha, don't worry, Battler-kun. It shakes much less than that boat did." |
== Battler == |
「おわぁッ、じょ、譲治の兄貴かよ! |
"Gyah?! ...I-Is that you, George-aniki?! |
へっへー、急に勘弁してくれよ、今ので寿命が3年縮んじまったぜ。つーか、揺れって何すか? |
Heheh, don't scare me like that... You just shaved three years off my life. Anyway, what's shaking got to do with anything? |
いっひっひっひ、別に俺ぁ飛行機も揺れんのかな、まさか墜ちたりしねぇかなぁ〜なんて、夢にも思っちゃいないぜ〜?」 |
Ihihihi, you don't think I'm actually scared of the plane shaking or maybe falling out of the sky or something, right?" |
== George == |
「ごめんごめん。もう小さい頃とは違うよね。あれから6年も経ってるんだし。もう戦人くんも子供じゃないか。はっはははは。」 |
"Oh, of course not, my mistake. I see you've changed a lot since we last saw you. After all, it's been six years since then. You're not a kid anymore. Hahahahaha." |
== Battler == |
「ちぇー、兄貴はタバコも酒もOKってかよ。タバコは興味ねぇけど、酒は飲んでみたいよなぁ、ひっひっひ! 兄貴なんか、叔父さんの遺伝子あんなら、相当飲めちゃいそうだけど?」 |
"Sheesh, and here you are, old enough to smoke and drink. I've got no interest in smoking, but I've always wanted to try some booze, heheheh! Well, if you've got your dad's genes, I'll bet you can hold your own when it comes to drinking, right?" |
== George == |
「僕の場合は、好きで飲むというよりは仕事で飲む方が多いからね。日本のビジネスは酒抜きでは難しいよ。」 |
"Well, I usually drink for business rather than pleasure. It's pretty hard to do business in Japan without it." |
== Battler == |
「いっひっひー! そ〜っすよねぇ?! だから俺も日頃から予習復習を欠かさないんすよ〜!」 |
"Ihihihi! That's exactly right! That's why I never miss a chance to get in some practice!" |
== George == |
「だ、駄目だよ、戦人くんはまだ未成年じゃないか! 未成年の飲酒は発育に悪影響を及ぼす可能性が…、 |
って、う〜ん。」 |
"Th-That's no good, Battler-kun! You're still a minor! Don't you know alcohol can stunt the growth of... |
...um, never mind." |
== Battler == |
「こんだけ立っ端がありゃー俺の発育は充分っすから〜! むしろちょいと身長縮めた方が服が探しやすいくらい!」 |
== Narrator == |
俺は得意げに胸を張ってみせる。 |
== Battler == |
"Come on, I'm tall enough already! In fact, it'd be easier to find clothes if I shrunk a little! |
== Narrator == |
I puffed my chest out proudly. |
成長期を迎えるまでは、俺の身長はクラスじゃ真ん中よりは前の方だった。 |
それが、あれよあれよという間にでかくなり、今じゃ180cmは超えてる。 |
Until I hit my growth spurt, my height was below average in my class. |
But then, I grew and grew, and before I knew it, I'd passed 180cm (5ft 11in). |
これも、弛みない筋トレと怪しげな通販の筋力増強剤のお陰だろうなぁ。 |
早々に身長が伸びきった譲治兄貴を10cmも超えて見下ろせる日が来ようとは、夢にも思わなかったぜ。 |
I guess I have all that muscle training and those shady mail-order performance-enhancing drugs to thank for that. |
Before then, I never dreamed that I'd shoot 10 cm above George-aniki, who'd reached his peak height early on. |
……あぁ親戚連中に、戦人ちゃん大きくなったわね〜って言われるんだろうなぁ。 |
…アレ、恥ずかしくてたまんねぇから、勘弁願いたいんだけどなぁ。 |
......Damn, I'll bet my relatives all say `Look how big you've grown, Battler-chan!' or something. |
...It's all so embarrassing... I wish they'd just give me a break. |
しかし、俺の名前の戦人って、…なんつーか、すげぇ名前だよな。 |
Anyway, my name, `Battler'......well, it's pretty damn weird, don't you think? |
付けた親のセンスを疑うぜ。 |
初対面でちゃんと読めるヤツはまずいないな。 |
I've gotta wonder what my parents were thinking when they named me that. |
I've never met anyone who could read it right the first time. |
一番多いのはセントくん。 |
残念、そいつぁハズレだぜ。 |
I usually get called `#fefefeSento-kun<white>'. |
Sorry, but that's not even close. |
俺の名は、右代宮戦人。 |
読めるか? 苗字は“うしろみや”。こりゃまだマシだよな。 |
My name is written 右代宮 戦人. |
Can you read it? The first part is my family name, `Ushiromiya'. That's a fairly plausible Japanese pronunciation so far. |
問題は名前だ。 |
The problem is my given name. |
………戦人で“バトラ”って読む。 |
.........戦人 is made up of the characters for `fight' and `person', and it's pronounced `Battler'. |
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