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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 1; officeCode || city || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 ||state ||country ||postalCode ||territory 1 ||San Francisco ||+1 650 219 4782 ||100 Market Street || Suite 300 || CA || USA || 94080 || NA */ /* column definitions { "officeCode": "unique ID of the office", "city": "", "phone": "phone number", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "state": "", "country": "country", "postalCode": "postalCode", "territory": "territory" }*/ CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 1; employeeNumber ||lastName ||firstName ||extension || email ||officeCode ||reportsTo || jobTitle 1002 || Murphy || Diane || x5800 ||[email protected] || 1 || None ||President */ /* column definitions { "employeeNumber": "unique string ID of the employees", "lastName": "last name of employees", "firstName": "first name of employees", "extension": "extension number", "email": "email", "officeCode": "office code of the employees", "reportsTo": "represents for organization structure such as who reports to whom", "jobTitle": "job title" }*/ CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 1; customerNumber || customerName ||contactLastName ||contactFirstName || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 || city ||state ||postalCode ||country ||salesRepEmployeeNumber ||creditLimit 103 ||Atelier graphique || Schmitt || Carine ||40.32.2555 ||54, rue Royale || None ||Nantes || None || 44000 || France || 1370 || 21000.0 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "unique id number of customer", "customerName": "the name when the customer registered", "contactLastName": "contact last name", "contactFirstName": "contact first name", "phone": "phone", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "city": "city", "state": "state", "postalCode": "postalCode", "country": "country", "salesRepEmployeeNumber": "sales representative employee number", "creditLimit": "credit limit" }*/ CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 1; orderNumber || orderDate ||requiredDate ||shippedDate || status ||comments ||customerNumber 10100 ||2003-01-06 || 2003-01-13 || 2003-01-10 ||Shipped || None || 363 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "unique order number", "orderDate": "order date", "requiredDate": "required Date", "shippedDate": "shipped Date", "status": "status", "comments": "comments", "customerNumber": "customer number" }*/ CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM payments LIMIT 1; customerNumber ||checkNumber ||paymentDate || amount 103 || HQ336336 || 2004-10-19 ||6066.78 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "customer number", "checkNumber": "check Number", "paymentDate": "payment Date", "amount": "amount" }*/ CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM productlines LIMIT 1; productLine || textDescription ||htmlDescription ||image Classic Cars ||Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb atten || None || None */ /* column definitions { "productLine": "unique product line name", "textDescription": "text description", "htmlDescription": "html description", "image": "image" }*/ CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 1; productCode || productName ||productLine ||productScale || productVendor || productDescription ||quantityInStock ||buyPrice ||MSRP S10_1678 ||1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper ||Motorcycles || 1:10 ||Min Lin Diecast ||This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, drive chain, wheels and steering. All parts are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. || 7933 || 48.81 ||95.7 */ /* column definitions { "productCode": "unique product code", "productName": "product name", "productLine": "product line name", "productScale": "product scale", "productVendor": "product vendor", "productDescription": "product description", "quantityInStock": "quantity in stock ", "buyPrice": "buy price from vendors", "MSRP": "Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" }*/ CREATE TABLE "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orderdetails LIMIT 1; orderNumber ||productCode ||quantityOrdered ||priceEach ||orderLineNumber 10100 || S18_1749 || 30 || 136.0 || 3 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "order number", "productCode": "product code", "quantityOrdered": "quantity ordered", "priceEach": "price for each", "orderLineNumber": "order Line Number" }*/ ### Question What is the full address of the customer who commented that DHL be used for the order that was shipped on April 4, 2005? Clarification: full address = addressLine1+addressLine2; shippedDate = '2005-04-04';
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.addressLine1, T1.addressLine2 FROM customers AS T1 INNER JOIN orders AS T2 ON T1.customerNumber = T2.customerNumber WHERE T2.shippedDate = '2005-04-04' AND T2.status = 'Shipped''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 1; officeCode || city || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 ||state ||country ||postalCode ||territory 1 ||San Francisco ||+1 650 219 4782 ||100 Market Street || Suite 300 || CA || USA || 94080 || NA */ /* column definitions { "officeCode": "unique ID of the office", "city": "", "phone": "phone number", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "state": "", "country": "country", "postalCode": "postalCode", "territory": "territory" }*/ CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 1; employeeNumber ||lastName ||firstName ||extension || email ||officeCode ||reportsTo || jobTitle 1002 || Murphy || Diane || x5800 ||[email protected] || 1 || None ||President */ /* column definitions { "employeeNumber": "unique string ID of the employees", "lastName": "last name of employees", "firstName": "first name of employees", "extension": "extension number", "email": "email", "officeCode": "office code of the employees", "reportsTo": "represents for organization structure such as who reports to whom", "jobTitle": "job title" }*/ CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 1; customerNumber || customerName ||contactLastName ||contactFirstName || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 || city ||state ||postalCode ||country ||salesRepEmployeeNumber ||creditLimit 103 ||Atelier graphique || Schmitt || Carine ||40.32.2555 ||54, rue Royale || None ||Nantes || None || 44000 || France || 1370 || 21000.0 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "unique id number of customer", "customerName": "the name when the customer registered", "contactLastName": "contact last name", "contactFirstName": "contact first name", "phone": "phone", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "city": "city", "state": "state", "postalCode": "postalCode", "country": "country", "salesRepEmployeeNumber": "sales representative employee number", "creditLimit": "credit limit" }*/ CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 1; orderNumber || orderDate ||requiredDate ||shippedDate || status ||comments ||customerNumber 10100 ||2003-01-06 || 2003-01-13 || 2003-01-10 ||Shipped || None || 363 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "unique order number", "orderDate": "order date", "requiredDate": "required Date", "shippedDate": "shipped Date", "status": "status", "comments": "comments", "customerNumber": "customer number" }*/ CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM payments LIMIT 1; customerNumber ||checkNumber ||paymentDate || amount 103 || HQ336336 || 2004-10-19 ||6066.78 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "customer number", "checkNumber": "check Number", "paymentDate": "payment Date", "amount": "amount" }*/ CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM productlines LIMIT 1; productLine || textDescription ||htmlDescription ||image Classic Cars ||Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb atten || None || None */ /* column definitions { "productLine": "unique product line name", "textDescription": "text description", "htmlDescription": "html description", "image": "image" }*/ CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 1; productCode || productName ||productLine ||productScale || productVendor || productDescription ||quantityInStock ||buyPrice ||MSRP S10_1678 ||1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper ||Motorcycles || 1:10 ||Min Lin Diecast ||This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, drive chain, wheels and steering. All parts are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. || 7933 || 48.81 ||95.7 */ /* column definitions { "productCode": "unique product code", "productName": "product name", "productLine": "product line name", "productScale": "product scale", "productVendor": "product vendor", "productDescription": "product description", "quantityInStock": "quantity in stock ", "buyPrice": "buy price from vendors", "MSRP": "Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" }*/ CREATE TABLE "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orderdetails LIMIT 1; orderNumber ||productCode ||quantityOrdered ||priceEach ||orderLineNumber 10100 || S18_1749 || 30 || 136.0 || 3 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "order number", "productCode": "product code", "quantityOrdered": "quantity ordered", "priceEach": "price for each", "orderLineNumber": "order Line Number" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 1; officeCode || city || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 ||state ||country ||postalCode ||territory 1 ||San Francisco ||+1 650 219 4782 ||100 Market Street || Suite 300 || CA || USA || 94080 || NA */ /* column definitions { "officeCode": "unique ID of the office", "city": "", "phone": "phone number", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "state": "", "country": "country", "postalCode": "postalCode", "territory": "territory" }*/ CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 1; employeeNumber ||lastName ||firstName ||extension || email ||officeCode ||reportsTo || jobTitle 1002 || Murphy || Diane || x5800 ||[email protected] || 1 || None ||President */ /* column definitions { "employeeNumber": "unique string ID of the employees", "lastName": "last name of employees", "firstName": "first name of employees", "extension": "extension number", "email": "email", "officeCode": "office code of the employees", "reportsTo": "represents for organization structure such as who reports to whom", "jobTitle": "job title" }*/ CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 1; customerNumber || customerName ||contactLastName ||contactFirstName || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 || city ||state ||postalCode ||country ||salesRepEmployeeNumber ||creditLimit 103 ||Atelier graphique || Schmitt || Carine ||40.32.2555 ||54, rue Royale || None ||Nantes || None || 44000 || France || 1370 || 21000.0 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "unique id number of customer", "customerName": "the name when the customer registered", "contactLastName": "contact last name", "contactFirstName": "contact first name", "phone": "phone", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "city": "city", "state": "state", "postalCode": "postalCode", "country": "country", "salesRepEmployeeNumber": "sales representative employee number", "creditLimit": "credit limit" }*/ CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 1; orderNumber || orderDate ||requiredDate ||shippedDate || status ||comments ||customerNumber 10100 ||2003-01-06 || 2003-01-13 || 2003-01-10 ||Shipped || None || 363 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "unique order number", "orderDate": "order date", "requiredDate": "required Date", "shippedDate": "shipped Date", "status": "status", "comments": "comments", "customerNumber": "customer number" }*/ CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM payments LIMIT 1; customerNumber ||checkNumber ||paymentDate || amount 103 || HQ336336 || 2004-10-19 ||6066.78 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "customer number", "checkNumber": "check Number", "paymentDate": "payment Date", "amount": "amount" }*/ CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM productlines LIMIT 1; productLine || textDescription ||htmlDescription ||image Classic Cars ||Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb atten || None || None */ /* column definitions { "productLine": "unique product line name", "textDescription": "text description", "htmlDescription": "html description", "image": "image" }*/ CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 1; productCode || productName ||productLine ||productScale || productVendor || productDescription ||quantityInStock ||buyPrice ||MSRP S10_1678 ||1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper ||Motorcycles || 1:10 ||Min Lin Diecast ||This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, drive chain, wheels and steering. All parts are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. || 7933 || 48.81 ||95.7 */ /* column definitions { "productCode": "unique product code", "productName": "product name", "productLine": "product line name", "productScale": "product scale", "productVendor": "product vendor", "productDescription": "product description", "quantityInStock": "quantity in stock ", "buyPrice": "buy price from vendors", "MSRP": "Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" }*/ CREATE TABLE "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orderdetails LIMIT 1; orderNumber ||productCode ||quantityOrdered ||priceEach ||orderLineNumber 10100 || S18_1749 || 30 || 136.0 || 3 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "order number", "productCode": "product code", "quantityOrdered": "quantity ordered", "priceEach": "price for each", "orderLineNumber": "order Line Number" }*/ ### Question Of the clients whose businesses are located in the city of Boston, calculate which of them has a higher average amount of payment. Clarification: average amount payment = AVG(amount);
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.customerNumber FROM customers AS T1 INNER JOIN payments AS T2 ON T1.customerNumber = T2.customerNumber WHERE T1.city = 'Boston' GROUP BY T1.customerNumber ORDER BY SUM(T2.amount) / COUNT(T2.paymentDate) DESC LIMIT 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 1; officeCode || city || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 ||state ||country ||postalCode ||territory 1 ||San Francisco ||+1 650 219 4782 ||100 Market Street || Suite 300 || CA || USA || 94080 || NA */ /* column definitions { "officeCode": "unique ID of the office", "city": "", "phone": "phone number", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "state": "", "country": "country", "postalCode": "postalCode", "territory": "territory" }*/ CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 1; employeeNumber ||lastName ||firstName ||extension || email ||officeCode ||reportsTo || jobTitle 1002 || Murphy || Diane || x5800 ||[email protected] || 1 || None ||President */ /* column definitions { "employeeNumber": "unique string ID of the employees", "lastName": "last name of employees", "firstName": "first name of employees", "extension": "extension number", "email": "email", "officeCode": "office code of the employees", "reportsTo": "represents for organization structure such as who reports to whom", "jobTitle": "job title" }*/ CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 1; customerNumber || customerName ||contactLastName ||contactFirstName || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 || city ||state ||postalCode ||country ||salesRepEmployeeNumber ||creditLimit 103 ||Atelier graphique || Schmitt || Carine ||40.32.2555 ||54, rue Royale || None ||Nantes || None || 44000 || France || 1370 || 21000.0 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "unique id number of customer", "customerName": "the name when the customer registered", "contactLastName": "contact last name", "contactFirstName": "contact first name", "phone": "phone", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "city": "city", "state": "state", "postalCode": "postalCode", "country": "country", "salesRepEmployeeNumber": "sales representative employee number", "creditLimit": "credit limit" }*/ CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 1; orderNumber || orderDate ||requiredDate ||shippedDate || status ||comments ||customerNumber 10100 ||2003-01-06 || 2003-01-13 || 2003-01-10 ||Shipped || None || 363 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "unique order number", "orderDate": "order date", "requiredDate": "required Date", "shippedDate": "shipped Date", "status": "status", "comments": "comments", "customerNumber": "customer number" }*/ CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM payments LIMIT 1; customerNumber ||checkNumber ||paymentDate || amount 103 || HQ336336 || 2004-10-19 ||6066.78 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "customer number", "checkNumber": "check Number", "paymentDate": "payment Date", "amount": "amount" }*/ CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM productlines LIMIT 1; productLine || textDescription ||htmlDescription ||image Classic Cars ||Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb atten || None || None */ /* column definitions { "productLine": "unique product line name", "textDescription": "text description", "htmlDescription": "html description", "image": "image" }*/ CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 1; productCode || productName ||productLine ||productScale || productVendor || productDescription ||quantityInStock ||buyPrice ||MSRP S10_1678 ||1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper ||Motorcycles || 1:10 ||Min Lin Diecast ||This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, drive chain, wheels and steering. All parts are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. || 7933 || 48.81 ||95.7 */ /* column definitions { "productCode": "unique product code", "productName": "product name", "productLine": "product line name", "productScale": "product scale", "productVendor": "product vendor", "productDescription": "product description", "quantityInStock": "quantity in stock ", "buyPrice": "buy price from vendors", "MSRP": "Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" }*/ CREATE TABLE "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orderdetails LIMIT 1; orderNumber ||productCode ||quantityOrdered ||priceEach ||orderLineNumber 10100 || S18_1749 || 30 || 136.0 || 3 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "order number", "productCode": "product code", "quantityOrdered": "quantity ordered", "priceEach": "price for each", "orderLineNumber": "order Line Number" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 1; officeCode || city || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 ||state ||country ||postalCode ||territory 1 ||San Francisco ||+1 650 219 4782 ||100 Market Street || Suite 300 || CA || USA || 94080 || NA */ /* column definitions { "officeCode": "unique ID of the office", "city": "", "phone": "phone number", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "state": "", "country": "country", "postalCode": "postalCode", "territory": "territory" }*/ CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 1; employeeNumber ||lastName ||firstName ||extension || email ||officeCode ||reportsTo || jobTitle 1002 || Murphy || Diane || x5800 ||[email protected] || 1 || None ||President */ /* column definitions { "employeeNumber": "unique string ID of the employees", "lastName": "last name of employees", "firstName": "first name of employees", "extension": "extension number", "email": "email", "officeCode": "office code of the employees", "reportsTo": "represents for organization structure such as who reports to whom", "jobTitle": "job title" }*/ CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 1; customerNumber || customerName ||contactLastName ||contactFirstName || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 || city ||state ||postalCode ||country ||salesRepEmployeeNumber ||creditLimit 103 ||Atelier graphique || Schmitt || Carine ||40.32.2555 ||54, rue Royale || None ||Nantes || None || 44000 || France || 1370 || 21000.0 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "unique id number of customer", "customerName": "the name when the customer registered", "contactLastName": "contact last name", "contactFirstName": "contact first name", "phone": "phone", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "city": "city", "state": "state", "postalCode": "postalCode", "country": "country", "salesRepEmployeeNumber": "sales representative employee number", "creditLimit": "credit limit" }*/ CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 1; orderNumber || orderDate ||requiredDate ||shippedDate || status ||comments ||customerNumber 10100 ||2003-01-06 || 2003-01-13 || 2003-01-10 ||Shipped || None || 363 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "unique order number", "orderDate": "order date", "requiredDate": "required Date", "shippedDate": "shipped Date", "status": "status", "comments": "comments", "customerNumber": "customer number" }*/ CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM payments LIMIT 1; customerNumber ||checkNumber ||paymentDate || amount 103 || HQ336336 || 2004-10-19 ||6066.78 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "customer number", "checkNumber": "check Number", "paymentDate": "payment Date", "amount": "amount" }*/ CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM productlines LIMIT 1; productLine || textDescription ||htmlDescription ||image Classic Cars ||Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb atten || None || None */ /* column definitions { "productLine": "unique product line name", "textDescription": "text description", "htmlDescription": "html description", "image": "image" }*/ CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 1; productCode || productName ||productLine ||productScale || productVendor || productDescription ||quantityInStock ||buyPrice ||MSRP S10_1678 ||1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper ||Motorcycles || 1:10 ||Min Lin Diecast ||This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, drive chain, wheels and steering. All parts are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. || 7933 || 48.81 ||95.7 */ /* column definitions { "productCode": "unique product code", "productName": "product name", "productLine": "product line name", "productScale": "product scale", "productVendor": "product vendor", "productDescription": "product description", "quantityInStock": "quantity in stock ", "buyPrice": "buy price from vendors", "MSRP": "Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" }*/ CREATE TABLE "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orderdetails LIMIT 1; orderNumber ||productCode ||quantityOrdered ||priceEach ||orderLineNumber 10100 || S18_1749 || 30 || 136.0 || 3 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "order number", "productCode": "product code", "quantityOrdered": "quantity ordered", "priceEach": "price for each", "orderLineNumber": "order Line Number" }*/ ### Question Where's Foon Yue Tseng's office located at? Give the detailed address. Clarification: Detailed address comprises addressLine1 and addressLine2;
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.addressLine1, T1.addressLine2 FROM offices AS T1 INNER JOIN employees AS T2 ON T1.officeCode = T2.officeCode WHERE T2.firstName = 'Foon Yue' AND T2.lastName = 'Tseng''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 1; officeCode || city || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 ||state ||country ||postalCode ||territory 1 ||San Francisco ||+1 650 219 4782 ||100 Market Street || Suite 300 || CA || USA || 94080 || NA */ /* column definitions { "officeCode": "unique ID of the office", "city": "", "phone": "phone number", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "state": "", "country": "country", "postalCode": "postalCode", "territory": "territory" }*/ CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 1; employeeNumber ||lastName ||firstName ||extension || email ||officeCode ||reportsTo || jobTitle 1002 || Murphy || Diane || x5800 ||[email protected] || 1 || None ||President */ /* column definitions { "employeeNumber": "unique string ID of the employees", "lastName": "last name of employees", "firstName": "first name of employees", "extension": "extension number", "email": "email", "officeCode": "office code of the employees", "reportsTo": "represents for organization structure such as who reports to whom", "jobTitle": "job title" }*/ CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 1; customerNumber || customerName ||contactLastName ||contactFirstName || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 || city ||state ||postalCode ||country ||salesRepEmployeeNumber ||creditLimit 103 ||Atelier graphique || Schmitt || Carine ||40.32.2555 ||54, rue Royale || None ||Nantes || None || 44000 || France || 1370 || 21000.0 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "unique id number of customer", "customerName": "the name when the customer registered", "contactLastName": "contact last name", "contactFirstName": "contact first name", "phone": "phone", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "city": "city", "state": "state", "postalCode": "postalCode", "country": "country", "salesRepEmployeeNumber": "sales representative employee number", "creditLimit": "credit limit" }*/ CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 1; orderNumber || orderDate ||requiredDate ||shippedDate || status ||comments ||customerNumber 10100 ||2003-01-06 || 2003-01-13 || 2003-01-10 ||Shipped || None || 363 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "unique order number", "orderDate": "order date", "requiredDate": "required Date", "shippedDate": "shipped Date", "status": "status", "comments": "comments", "customerNumber": "customer number" }*/ CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM payments LIMIT 1; customerNumber ||checkNumber ||paymentDate || amount 103 || HQ336336 || 2004-10-19 ||6066.78 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "customer number", "checkNumber": "check Number", "paymentDate": "payment Date", "amount": "amount" }*/ CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM productlines LIMIT 1; productLine || textDescription ||htmlDescription ||image Classic Cars ||Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb atten || None || None */ /* column definitions { "productLine": "unique product line name", "textDescription": "text description", "htmlDescription": "html description", "image": "image" }*/ CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 1; productCode || productName ||productLine ||productScale || productVendor || productDescription ||quantityInStock ||buyPrice ||MSRP S10_1678 ||1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper ||Motorcycles || 1:10 ||Min Lin Diecast ||This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, drive chain, wheels and steering. All parts are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. || 7933 || 48.81 ||95.7 */ /* column definitions { "productCode": "unique product code", "productName": "product name", "productLine": "product line name", "productScale": "product scale", "productVendor": "product vendor", "productDescription": "product description", "quantityInStock": "quantity in stock ", "buyPrice": "buy price from vendors", "MSRP": "Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" }*/ CREATE TABLE "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orderdetails LIMIT 1; orderNumber ||productCode ||quantityOrdered ||priceEach ||orderLineNumber 10100 || S18_1749 || 30 || 136.0 || 3 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "order number", "productCode": "product code", "quantityOrdered": "quantity ordered", "priceEach": "price for each", "orderLineNumber": "order Line Number" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 1; officeCode || city || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 ||state ||country ||postalCode ||territory 1 ||San Francisco ||+1 650 219 4782 ||100 Market Street || Suite 300 || CA || USA || 94080 || NA */ /* column definitions { "officeCode": "unique ID of the office", "city": "", "phone": "phone number", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "state": "", "country": "country", "postalCode": "postalCode", "territory": "territory" }*/ CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 1; employeeNumber ||lastName ||firstName ||extension || email ||officeCode ||reportsTo || jobTitle 1002 || Murphy || Diane || x5800 ||[email protected] || 1 || None ||President */ /* column definitions { "employeeNumber": "unique string ID of the employees", "lastName": "last name of employees", "firstName": "first name of employees", "extension": "extension number", "email": "email", "officeCode": "office code of the employees", "reportsTo": "represents for organization structure such as who reports to whom", "jobTitle": "job title" }*/ CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 1; customerNumber || customerName ||contactLastName ||contactFirstName || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 || city ||state ||postalCode ||country ||salesRepEmployeeNumber ||creditLimit 103 ||Atelier graphique || Schmitt || Carine ||40.32.2555 ||54, rue Royale || None ||Nantes || None || 44000 || France || 1370 || 21000.0 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "unique id number of customer", "customerName": "the name when the customer registered", "contactLastName": "contact last name", "contactFirstName": "contact first name", "phone": "phone", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "city": "city", "state": "state", "postalCode": "postalCode", "country": "country", "salesRepEmployeeNumber": "sales representative employee number", "creditLimit": "credit limit" }*/ CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 1; orderNumber || orderDate ||requiredDate ||shippedDate || status ||comments ||customerNumber 10100 ||2003-01-06 || 2003-01-13 || 2003-01-10 ||Shipped || None || 363 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "unique order number", "orderDate": "order date", "requiredDate": "required Date", "shippedDate": "shipped Date", "status": "status", "comments": "comments", "customerNumber": "customer number" }*/ CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM payments LIMIT 1; customerNumber ||checkNumber ||paymentDate || amount 103 || HQ336336 || 2004-10-19 ||6066.78 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "customer number", "checkNumber": "check Number", "paymentDate": "payment Date", "amount": "amount" }*/ CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM productlines LIMIT 1; productLine || textDescription ||htmlDescription ||image Classic Cars ||Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb atten || None || None */ /* column definitions { "productLine": "unique product line name", "textDescription": "text description", "htmlDescription": "html description", "image": "image" }*/ CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 1; productCode || productName ||productLine ||productScale || productVendor || productDescription ||quantityInStock ||buyPrice ||MSRP S10_1678 ||1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper ||Motorcycles || 1:10 ||Min Lin Diecast ||This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, drive chain, wheels and steering. All parts are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. || 7933 || 48.81 ||95.7 */ /* column definitions { "productCode": "unique product code", "productName": "product name", "productLine": "product line name", "productScale": "product scale", "productVendor": "product vendor", "productDescription": "product description", "quantityInStock": "quantity in stock ", "buyPrice": "buy price from vendors", "MSRP": "Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" }*/ CREATE TABLE "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orderdetails LIMIT 1; orderNumber ||productCode ||quantityOrdered ||priceEach ||orderLineNumber 10100 || S18_1749 || 30 || 136.0 || 3 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "order number", "productCode": "product code", "quantityOrdered": "quantity ordered", "priceEach": "price for each", "orderLineNumber": "order Line Number" }*/ ### Question What was the contact name for the check "NR157385"? Clarification: Contact name refers to customerName;
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT t2.contactFirstName, t2.contactLastName FROM payments AS t1 INNER JOIN customers AS t2 ON t1.customerNumber = t2.customerNumber WHERE t1.checkNumber = 'NR157385''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 1; officeCode || city || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 ||state ||country ||postalCode ||territory 1 ||San Francisco ||+1 650 219 4782 ||100 Market Street || Suite 300 || CA || USA || 94080 || NA */ /* column definitions { "officeCode": "unique ID of the office", "city": "", "phone": "phone number", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "state": "", "country": "country", "postalCode": "postalCode", "territory": "territory" }*/ CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 1; employeeNumber ||lastName ||firstName ||extension || email ||officeCode ||reportsTo || jobTitle 1002 || Murphy || Diane || x5800 ||[email protected] || 1 || None ||President */ /* column definitions { "employeeNumber": "unique string ID of the employees", "lastName": "last name of employees", "firstName": "first name of employees", "extension": "extension number", "email": "email", "officeCode": "office code of the employees", "reportsTo": "represents for organization structure such as who reports to whom", "jobTitle": "job title" }*/ CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 1; customerNumber || customerName ||contactLastName ||contactFirstName || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 || city ||state ||postalCode ||country ||salesRepEmployeeNumber ||creditLimit 103 ||Atelier graphique || Schmitt || Carine ||40.32.2555 ||54, rue Royale || None ||Nantes || None || 44000 || France || 1370 || 21000.0 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "unique id number of customer", "customerName": "the name when the customer registered", "contactLastName": "contact last name", "contactFirstName": "contact first name", "phone": "phone", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "city": "city", "state": "state", "postalCode": "postalCode", "country": "country", "salesRepEmployeeNumber": "sales representative employee number", "creditLimit": "credit limit" }*/ CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 1; orderNumber || orderDate ||requiredDate ||shippedDate || status ||comments ||customerNumber 10100 ||2003-01-06 || 2003-01-13 || 2003-01-10 ||Shipped || None || 363 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "unique order number", "orderDate": "order date", "requiredDate": "required Date", "shippedDate": "shipped Date", "status": "status", "comments": "comments", "customerNumber": "customer number" }*/ CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM payments LIMIT 1; customerNumber ||checkNumber ||paymentDate || amount 103 || HQ336336 || 2004-10-19 ||6066.78 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "customer number", "checkNumber": "check Number", "paymentDate": "payment Date", "amount": "amount" }*/ CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM productlines LIMIT 1; productLine || textDescription ||htmlDescription ||image Classic Cars ||Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb atten || None || None */ /* column definitions { "productLine": "unique product line name", "textDescription": "text description", "htmlDescription": "html description", "image": "image" }*/ CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 1; productCode || productName ||productLine ||productScale || productVendor || productDescription ||quantityInStock ||buyPrice ||MSRP S10_1678 ||1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper ||Motorcycles || 1:10 ||Min Lin Diecast ||This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, drive chain, wheels and steering. All parts are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. || 7933 || 48.81 ||95.7 */ /* column definitions { "productCode": "unique product code", "productName": "product name", "productLine": "product line name", "productScale": "product scale", "productVendor": "product vendor", "productDescription": "product description", "quantityInStock": "quantity in stock ", "buyPrice": "buy price from vendors", "MSRP": "Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" }*/ CREATE TABLE "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orderdetails LIMIT 1; orderNumber ||productCode ||quantityOrdered ||priceEach ||orderLineNumber 10100 || S18_1749 || 30 || 136.0 || 3 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "order number", "productCode": "product code", "quantityOrdered": "quantity ordered", "priceEach": "price for each", "orderLineNumber": "order Line Number" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 1; officeCode || city || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 ||state ||country ||postalCode ||territory 1 ||San Francisco ||+1 650 219 4782 ||100 Market Street || Suite 300 || CA || USA || 94080 || NA */ /* column definitions { "officeCode": "unique ID of the office", "city": "", "phone": "phone number", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "state": "", "country": "country", "postalCode": "postalCode", "territory": "territory" }*/ CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 1; employeeNumber ||lastName ||firstName ||extension || email ||officeCode ||reportsTo || jobTitle 1002 || Murphy || Diane || x5800 ||[email protected] || 1 || None ||President */ /* column definitions { "employeeNumber": "unique string ID of the employees", "lastName": "last name of employees", "firstName": "first name of employees", "extension": "extension number", "email": "email", "officeCode": "office code of the employees", "reportsTo": "represents for organization structure such as who reports to whom", "jobTitle": "job title" }*/ CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 1; customerNumber || customerName ||contactLastName ||contactFirstName || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 || city ||state ||postalCode ||country ||salesRepEmployeeNumber ||creditLimit 103 ||Atelier graphique || Schmitt || Carine ||40.32.2555 ||54, rue Royale || None ||Nantes || None || 44000 || France || 1370 || 21000.0 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "unique id number of customer", "customerName": "the name when the customer registered", "contactLastName": "contact last name", "contactFirstName": "contact first name", "phone": "phone", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "city": "city", "state": "state", "postalCode": "postalCode", "country": "country", "salesRepEmployeeNumber": "sales representative employee number", "creditLimit": "credit limit" }*/ CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 1; orderNumber || orderDate ||requiredDate ||shippedDate || status ||comments ||customerNumber 10100 ||2003-01-06 || 2003-01-13 || 2003-01-10 ||Shipped || None || 363 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "unique order number", "orderDate": "order date", "requiredDate": "required Date", "shippedDate": "shipped Date", "status": "status", "comments": "comments", "customerNumber": "customer number" }*/ CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM payments LIMIT 1; customerNumber ||checkNumber ||paymentDate || amount 103 || HQ336336 || 2004-10-19 ||6066.78 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "customer number", "checkNumber": "check Number", "paymentDate": "payment Date", "amount": "amount" }*/ CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM productlines LIMIT 1; productLine || textDescription ||htmlDescription ||image Classic Cars ||Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb atten || None || None */ /* column definitions { "productLine": "unique product line name", "textDescription": "text description", "htmlDescription": "html description", "image": "image" }*/ CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 1; productCode || productName ||productLine ||productScale || productVendor || productDescription ||quantityInStock ||buyPrice ||MSRP S10_1678 ||1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper ||Motorcycles || 1:10 ||Min Lin Diecast ||This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, drive chain, wheels and steering. All parts are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. || 7933 || 48.81 ||95.7 */ /* column definitions { "productCode": "unique product code", "productName": "product name", "productLine": "product line name", "productScale": "product scale", "productVendor": "product vendor", "productDescription": "product description", "quantityInStock": "quantity in stock ", "buyPrice": "buy price from vendors", "MSRP": "Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" }*/ CREATE TABLE "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orderdetails LIMIT 1; orderNumber ||productCode ||quantityOrdered ||priceEach ||orderLineNumber 10100 || S18_1749 || 30 || 136.0 || 3 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "order number", "productCode": "product code", "quantityOrdered": "quantity ordered", "priceEach": "price for each", "orderLineNumber": "order Line Number" }*/ ### Question If Dragon Souveniers, Ltd. aren't satisfied with their order and want to send a complain e-mail, which e-mail address should they send to? Clarification: E-mail address belongs to employee; customerName = 'Dragon Souveniers, Ltd.';
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT t2.email FROM customers AS t1 INNER JOIN employees AS t2 ON t1.salesRepEmployeeNumber = t2.employeeNumber WHERE t1.customerName = 'Dragon Souveniers, Ltd.''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 1; officeCode || city || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 ||state ||country ||postalCode ||territory 1 ||San Francisco ||+1 650 219 4782 ||100 Market Street || Suite 300 || CA || USA || 94080 || NA */ /* column definitions { "officeCode": "unique ID of the office", "city": "", "phone": "phone number", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "state": "", "country": "country", "postalCode": "postalCode", "territory": "territory" }*/ CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 1; employeeNumber ||lastName ||firstName ||extension || email ||officeCode ||reportsTo || jobTitle 1002 || Murphy || Diane || x5800 ||[email protected] || 1 || None ||President */ /* column definitions { "employeeNumber": "unique string ID of the employees", "lastName": "last name of employees", "firstName": "first name of employees", "extension": "extension number", "email": "email", "officeCode": "office code of the employees", "reportsTo": "represents for organization structure such as who reports to whom", "jobTitle": "job title" }*/ CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 1; customerNumber || customerName ||contactLastName ||contactFirstName || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 || city ||state ||postalCode ||country ||salesRepEmployeeNumber ||creditLimit 103 ||Atelier graphique || Schmitt || Carine ||40.32.2555 ||54, rue Royale || None ||Nantes || None || 44000 || France || 1370 || 21000.0 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "unique id number of customer", "customerName": "the name when the customer registered", "contactLastName": "contact last name", "contactFirstName": "contact first name", "phone": "phone", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "city": "city", "state": "state", "postalCode": "postalCode", "country": "country", "salesRepEmployeeNumber": "sales representative employee number", "creditLimit": "credit limit" }*/ CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 1; orderNumber || orderDate ||requiredDate ||shippedDate || status ||comments ||customerNumber 10100 ||2003-01-06 || 2003-01-13 || 2003-01-10 ||Shipped || None || 363 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "unique order number", "orderDate": "order date", "requiredDate": "required Date", "shippedDate": "shipped Date", "status": "status", "comments": "comments", "customerNumber": "customer number" }*/ CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM payments LIMIT 1; customerNumber ||checkNumber ||paymentDate || amount 103 || HQ336336 || 2004-10-19 ||6066.78 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "customer number", "checkNumber": "check Number", "paymentDate": "payment Date", "amount": "amount" }*/ CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM productlines LIMIT 1; productLine || textDescription ||htmlDescription ||image Classic Cars ||Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb atten || None || None */ /* column definitions { "productLine": "unique product line name", "textDescription": "text description", "htmlDescription": "html description", "image": "image" }*/ CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 1; productCode || productName ||productLine ||productScale || productVendor || productDescription ||quantityInStock ||buyPrice ||MSRP S10_1678 ||1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper ||Motorcycles || 1:10 ||Min Lin Diecast ||This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, drive chain, wheels and steering. All parts are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. || 7933 || 48.81 ||95.7 */ /* column definitions { "productCode": "unique product code", "productName": "product name", "productLine": "product line name", "productScale": "product scale", "productVendor": "product vendor", "productDescription": "product description", "quantityInStock": "quantity in stock ", "buyPrice": "buy price from vendors", "MSRP": "Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" }*/ CREATE TABLE "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orderdetails LIMIT 1; orderNumber ||productCode ||quantityOrdered ||priceEach ||orderLineNumber 10100 || S18_1749 || 30 || 136.0 || 3 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "order number", "productCode": "product code", "quantityOrdered": "quantity ordered", "priceEach": "price for each", "orderLineNumber": "order Line Number" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 1; officeCode || city || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 ||state ||country ||postalCode ||territory 1 ||San Francisco ||+1 650 219 4782 ||100 Market Street || Suite 300 || CA || USA || 94080 || NA */ /* column definitions { "officeCode": "unique ID of the office", "city": "", "phone": "phone number", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "state": "", "country": "country", "postalCode": "postalCode", "territory": "territory" }*/ CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 1; employeeNumber ||lastName ||firstName ||extension || email ||officeCode ||reportsTo || jobTitle 1002 || Murphy || Diane || x5800 ||[email protected] || 1 || None ||President */ /* column definitions { "employeeNumber": "unique string ID of the employees", "lastName": "last name of employees", "firstName": "first name of employees", "extension": "extension number", "email": "email", "officeCode": "office code of the employees", "reportsTo": "represents for organization structure such as who reports to whom", "jobTitle": "job title" }*/ CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 1; customerNumber || customerName ||contactLastName ||contactFirstName || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 || city ||state ||postalCode ||country ||salesRepEmployeeNumber ||creditLimit 103 ||Atelier graphique || Schmitt || Carine ||40.32.2555 ||54, rue Royale || None ||Nantes || None || 44000 || France || 1370 || 21000.0 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "unique id number of customer", "customerName": "the name when the customer registered", "contactLastName": "contact last name", "contactFirstName": "contact first name", "phone": "phone", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "city": "city", "state": "state", "postalCode": "postalCode", "country": "country", "salesRepEmployeeNumber": "sales representative employee number", "creditLimit": "credit limit" }*/ CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 1; orderNumber || orderDate ||requiredDate ||shippedDate || status ||comments ||customerNumber 10100 ||2003-01-06 || 2003-01-13 || 2003-01-10 ||Shipped || None || 363 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "unique order number", "orderDate": "order date", "requiredDate": "required Date", "shippedDate": "shipped Date", "status": "status", "comments": "comments", "customerNumber": "customer number" }*/ CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM payments LIMIT 1; customerNumber ||checkNumber ||paymentDate || amount 103 || HQ336336 || 2004-10-19 ||6066.78 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "customer number", "checkNumber": "check Number", "paymentDate": "payment Date", "amount": "amount" }*/ CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM productlines LIMIT 1; productLine || textDescription ||htmlDescription ||image Classic Cars ||Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb atten || None || None */ /* column definitions { "productLine": "unique product line name", "textDescription": "text description", "htmlDescription": "html description", "image": "image" }*/ CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 1; productCode || productName ||productLine ||productScale || productVendor || productDescription ||quantityInStock ||buyPrice ||MSRP S10_1678 ||1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper ||Motorcycles || 1:10 ||Min Lin Diecast ||This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, drive chain, wheels and steering. All parts are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. || 7933 || 48.81 ||95.7 */ /* column definitions { "productCode": "unique product code", "productName": "product name", "productLine": "product line name", "productScale": "product scale", "productVendor": "product vendor", "productDescription": "product description", "quantityInStock": "quantity in stock ", "buyPrice": "buy price from vendors", "MSRP": "Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" }*/ CREATE TABLE "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orderdetails LIMIT 1; orderNumber ||productCode ||quantityOrdered ||priceEach ||orderLineNumber 10100 || S18_1749 || 30 || 136.0 || 3 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "order number", "productCode": "product code", "quantityOrdered": "quantity ordered", "priceEach": "price for each", "orderLineNumber": "order Line Number" }*/ ### Question To whom does Steve Patterson report? Please give his or her full name. Clarification: reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT t2.firstName, t2.lastName FROM employees AS t1 INNER JOIN employees AS t2 ON t2.employeeNumber = t1.reportsTo WHERE t1.firstName = 'Steve' AND t1.lastName = 'Patterson''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 1; officeCode || city || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 ||state ||country ||postalCode ||territory 1 ||San Francisco ||+1 650 219 4782 ||100 Market Street || Suite 300 || CA || USA || 94080 || NA */ /* column definitions { "officeCode": "unique ID of the office", "city": "", "phone": "phone number", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "state": "", "country": "country", "postalCode": "postalCode", "territory": "territory" }*/ CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 1; employeeNumber ||lastName ||firstName ||extension || email ||officeCode ||reportsTo || jobTitle 1002 || Murphy || Diane || x5800 ||[email protected] || 1 || None ||President */ /* column definitions { "employeeNumber": "unique string ID of the employees", "lastName": "last name of employees", "firstName": "first name of employees", "extension": "extension number", "email": "email", "officeCode": "office code of the employees", "reportsTo": "represents for organization structure such as who reports to whom", "jobTitle": "job title" }*/ CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 1; customerNumber || customerName ||contactLastName ||contactFirstName || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 || city ||state ||postalCode ||country ||salesRepEmployeeNumber ||creditLimit 103 ||Atelier graphique || Schmitt || Carine ||40.32.2555 ||54, rue Royale || None ||Nantes || None || 44000 || France || 1370 || 21000.0 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "unique id number of customer", "customerName": "the name when the customer registered", "contactLastName": "contact last name", "contactFirstName": "contact first name", "phone": "phone", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "city": "city", "state": "state", "postalCode": "postalCode", "country": "country", "salesRepEmployeeNumber": "sales representative employee number", "creditLimit": "credit limit" }*/ CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 1; orderNumber || orderDate ||requiredDate ||shippedDate || status ||comments ||customerNumber 10100 ||2003-01-06 || 2003-01-13 || 2003-01-10 ||Shipped || None || 363 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "unique order number", "orderDate": "order date", "requiredDate": "required Date", "shippedDate": "shipped Date", "status": "status", "comments": "comments", "customerNumber": "customer number" }*/ CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM payments LIMIT 1; customerNumber ||checkNumber ||paymentDate || amount 103 || HQ336336 || 2004-10-19 ||6066.78 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "customer number", "checkNumber": "check Number", "paymentDate": "payment Date", "amount": "amount" }*/ CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM productlines LIMIT 1; productLine || textDescription ||htmlDescription ||image Classic Cars ||Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb atten || None || None */ /* column definitions { "productLine": "unique product line name", "textDescription": "text description", "htmlDescription": "html description", "image": "image" }*/ CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 1; productCode || productName ||productLine ||productScale || productVendor || productDescription ||quantityInStock ||buyPrice ||MSRP S10_1678 ||1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper ||Motorcycles || 1:10 ||Min Lin Diecast ||This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, drive chain, wheels and steering. All parts are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. || 7933 || 48.81 ||95.7 */ /* column definitions { "productCode": "unique product code", "productName": "product name", "productLine": "product line name", "productScale": "product scale", "productVendor": "product vendor", "productDescription": "product description", "quantityInStock": "quantity in stock ", "buyPrice": "buy price from vendors", "MSRP": "Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" }*/ CREATE TABLE "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orderdetails LIMIT 1; orderNumber ||productCode ||quantityOrdered ||priceEach ||orderLineNumber 10100 || S18_1749 || 30 || 136.0 || 3 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "order number", "productCode": "product code", "quantityOrdered": "quantity ordered", "priceEach": "price for each", "orderLineNumber": "order Line Number" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 1; officeCode || city || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 ||state ||country ||postalCode ||territory 1 ||San Francisco ||+1 650 219 4782 ||100 Market Street || Suite 300 || CA || USA || 94080 || NA */ /* column definitions { "officeCode": "unique ID of the office", "city": "", "phone": "phone number", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "state": "", "country": "country", "postalCode": "postalCode", "territory": "territory" }*/ CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 1; employeeNumber ||lastName ||firstName ||extension || email ||officeCode ||reportsTo || jobTitle 1002 || Murphy || Diane || x5800 ||[email protected] || 1 || None ||President */ /* column definitions { "employeeNumber": "unique string ID of the employees", "lastName": "last name of employees", "firstName": "first name of employees", "extension": "extension number", "email": "email", "officeCode": "office code of the employees", "reportsTo": "represents for organization structure such as who reports to whom", "jobTitle": "job title" }*/ CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 1; customerNumber || customerName ||contactLastName ||contactFirstName || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 || city ||state ||postalCode ||country ||salesRepEmployeeNumber ||creditLimit 103 ||Atelier graphique || Schmitt || Carine ||40.32.2555 ||54, rue Royale || None ||Nantes || None || 44000 || France || 1370 || 21000.0 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "unique id number of customer", "customerName": "the name when the customer registered", "contactLastName": "contact last name", "contactFirstName": "contact first name", "phone": "phone", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "city": "city", "state": "state", "postalCode": "postalCode", "country": "country", "salesRepEmployeeNumber": "sales representative employee number", "creditLimit": "credit limit" }*/ CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 1; orderNumber || orderDate ||requiredDate ||shippedDate || status ||comments ||customerNumber 10100 ||2003-01-06 || 2003-01-13 || 2003-01-10 ||Shipped || None || 363 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "unique order number", "orderDate": "order date", "requiredDate": "required Date", "shippedDate": "shipped Date", "status": "status", "comments": "comments", "customerNumber": "customer number" }*/ CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM payments LIMIT 1; customerNumber ||checkNumber ||paymentDate || amount 103 || HQ336336 || 2004-10-19 ||6066.78 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "customer number", "checkNumber": "check Number", "paymentDate": "payment Date", "amount": "amount" }*/ CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM productlines LIMIT 1; productLine || textDescription ||htmlDescription ||image Classic Cars ||Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb atten || None || None */ /* column definitions { "productLine": "unique product line name", "textDescription": "text description", "htmlDescription": "html description", "image": "image" }*/ CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 1; productCode || productName ||productLine ||productScale || productVendor || productDescription ||quantityInStock ||buyPrice ||MSRP S10_1678 ||1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper ||Motorcycles || 1:10 ||Min Lin Diecast ||This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, drive chain, wheels and steering. All parts are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. || 7933 || 48.81 ||95.7 */ /* column definitions { "productCode": "unique product code", "productName": "product name", "productLine": "product line name", "productScale": "product scale", "productVendor": "product vendor", "productDescription": "product description", "quantityInStock": "quantity in stock ", "buyPrice": "buy price from vendors", "MSRP": "Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" }*/ CREATE TABLE "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orderdetails LIMIT 1; orderNumber ||productCode ||quantityOrdered ||priceEach ||orderLineNumber 10100 || S18_1749 || 30 || 136.0 || 3 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "order number", "productCode": "product code", "quantityOrdered": "quantity ordered", "priceEach": "price for each", "orderLineNumber": "order Line Number" }*/ ### Question How many customers have an employee who reports to William Patterson as their sales representitive? Clarification: reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(t1.customerNumber) FROM customers AS t1 INNER JOIN employees AS t2 ON t1.salesRepEmployeeNumber = t2.employeeNumber WHERE t2.firstName = 'William' AND t2.lastName = 'Patterson''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 1; officeCode || city || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 ||state ||country ||postalCode ||territory 1 ||San Francisco ||+1 650 219 4782 ||100 Market Street || Suite 300 || CA || USA || 94080 || NA */ /* column definitions { "officeCode": "unique ID of the office", "city": "", "phone": "phone number", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "state": "", "country": "country", "postalCode": "postalCode", "territory": "territory" }*/ CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 1; employeeNumber ||lastName ||firstName ||extension || email ||officeCode ||reportsTo || jobTitle 1002 || Murphy || Diane || x5800 ||[email protected] || 1 || None ||President */ /* column definitions { "employeeNumber": "unique string ID of the employees", "lastName": "last name of employees", "firstName": "first name of employees", "extension": "extension number", "email": "email", "officeCode": "office code of the employees", "reportsTo": "represents for organization structure such as who reports to whom", "jobTitle": "job title" }*/ CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 1; customerNumber || customerName ||contactLastName ||contactFirstName || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 || city ||state ||postalCode ||country ||salesRepEmployeeNumber ||creditLimit 103 ||Atelier graphique || Schmitt || Carine ||40.32.2555 ||54, rue Royale || None ||Nantes || None || 44000 || France || 1370 || 21000.0 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "unique id number of customer", "customerName": "the name when the customer registered", "contactLastName": "contact last name", "contactFirstName": "contact first name", "phone": "phone", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "city": "city", "state": "state", "postalCode": "postalCode", "country": "country", "salesRepEmployeeNumber": "sales representative employee number", "creditLimit": "credit limit" }*/ CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 1; orderNumber || orderDate ||requiredDate ||shippedDate || status ||comments ||customerNumber 10100 ||2003-01-06 || 2003-01-13 || 2003-01-10 ||Shipped || None || 363 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "unique order number", "orderDate": "order date", "requiredDate": "required Date", "shippedDate": "shipped Date", "status": "status", "comments": "comments", "customerNumber": "customer number" }*/ CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM payments LIMIT 1; customerNumber ||checkNumber ||paymentDate || amount 103 || HQ336336 || 2004-10-19 ||6066.78 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "customer number", "checkNumber": "check Number", "paymentDate": "payment Date", "amount": "amount" }*/ CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM productlines LIMIT 1; productLine || textDescription ||htmlDescription ||image Classic Cars ||Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb atten || None || None */ /* column definitions { "productLine": "unique product line name", "textDescription": "text description", "htmlDescription": "html description", "image": "image" }*/ CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 1; productCode || productName ||productLine ||productScale || productVendor || productDescription ||quantityInStock ||buyPrice ||MSRP S10_1678 ||1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper ||Motorcycles || 1:10 ||Min Lin Diecast ||This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, drive chain, wheels and steering. All parts are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. || 7933 || 48.81 ||95.7 */ /* column definitions { "productCode": "unique product code", "productName": "product name", "productLine": "product line name", "productScale": "product scale", "productVendor": "product vendor", "productDescription": "product description", "quantityInStock": "quantity in stock ", "buyPrice": "buy price from vendors", "MSRP": "Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" }*/ CREATE TABLE "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orderdetails LIMIT 1; orderNumber ||productCode ||quantityOrdered ||priceEach ||orderLineNumber 10100 || S18_1749 || 30 || 136.0 || 3 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "order number", "productCode": "product code", "quantityOrdered": "quantity ordered", "priceEach": "price for each", "orderLineNumber": "order Line Number" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 1; officeCode || city || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 ||state ||country ||postalCode ||territory 1 ||San Francisco ||+1 650 219 4782 ||100 Market Street || Suite 300 || CA || USA || 94080 || NA */ /* column definitions { "officeCode": "unique ID of the office", "city": "", "phone": "phone number", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "state": "", "country": "country", "postalCode": "postalCode", "territory": "territory" }*/ CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 1; employeeNumber ||lastName ||firstName ||extension || email ||officeCode ||reportsTo || jobTitle 1002 || Murphy || Diane || x5800 ||[email protected] || 1 || None ||President */ /* column definitions { "employeeNumber": "unique string ID of the employees", "lastName": "last name of employees", "firstName": "first name of employees", "extension": "extension number", "email": "email", "officeCode": "office code of the employees", "reportsTo": "represents for organization structure such as who reports to whom", "jobTitle": "job title" }*/ CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 1; customerNumber || customerName ||contactLastName ||contactFirstName || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 || city ||state ||postalCode ||country ||salesRepEmployeeNumber ||creditLimit 103 ||Atelier graphique || Schmitt || Carine ||40.32.2555 ||54, rue Royale || None ||Nantes || None || 44000 || France || 1370 || 21000.0 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "unique id number of customer", "customerName": "the name when the customer registered", "contactLastName": "contact last name", "contactFirstName": "contact first name", "phone": "phone", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "city": "city", "state": "state", "postalCode": "postalCode", "country": "country", "salesRepEmployeeNumber": "sales representative employee number", "creditLimit": "credit limit" }*/ CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 1; orderNumber || orderDate ||requiredDate ||shippedDate || status ||comments ||customerNumber 10100 ||2003-01-06 || 2003-01-13 || 2003-01-10 ||Shipped || None || 363 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "unique order number", "orderDate": "order date", "requiredDate": "required Date", "shippedDate": "shipped Date", "status": "status", "comments": "comments", "customerNumber": "customer number" }*/ CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM payments LIMIT 1; customerNumber ||checkNumber ||paymentDate || amount 103 || HQ336336 || 2004-10-19 ||6066.78 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "customer number", "checkNumber": "check Number", "paymentDate": "payment Date", "amount": "amount" }*/ CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM productlines LIMIT 1; productLine || textDescription ||htmlDescription ||image Classic Cars ||Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb atten || None || None */ /* column definitions { "productLine": "unique product line name", "textDescription": "text description", "htmlDescription": "html description", "image": "image" }*/ CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 1; productCode || productName ||productLine ||productScale || productVendor || productDescription ||quantityInStock ||buyPrice ||MSRP S10_1678 ||1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper ||Motorcycles || 1:10 ||Min Lin Diecast ||This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, drive chain, wheels and steering. All parts are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. || 7933 || 48.81 ||95.7 */ /* column definitions { "productCode": "unique product code", "productName": "product name", "productLine": "product line name", "productScale": "product scale", "productVendor": "product vendor", "productDescription": "product description", "quantityInStock": "quantity in stock ", "buyPrice": "buy price from vendors", "MSRP": "Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" }*/ CREATE TABLE "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orderdetails LIMIT 1; orderNumber ||productCode ||quantityOrdered ||priceEach ||orderLineNumber 10100 || S18_1749 || 30 || 136.0 || 3 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "order number", "productCode": "product code", "quantityOrdered": "quantity ordered", "priceEach": "price for each", "orderLineNumber": "order Line Number" }*/ ### Question What's the postal code of the office the VP Sales is at? Clarification: VP Sales refers to jobTitle
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT t2.postalCode FROM employees AS t1 INNER JOIN offices AS t2 ON t1.officeCode = t2.officeCode WHERE t1.jobTitle = 'VP Sales''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 1; officeCode || city || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 ||state ||country ||postalCode ||territory 1 ||San Francisco ||+1 650 219 4782 ||100 Market Street || Suite 300 || CA || USA || 94080 || NA */ /* column definitions { "officeCode": "unique ID of the office", "city": "", "phone": "phone number", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "state": "", "country": "country", "postalCode": "postalCode", "territory": "territory" }*/ CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 1; employeeNumber ||lastName ||firstName ||extension || email ||officeCode ||reportsTo || jobTitle 1002 || Murphy || Diane || x5800 ||[email protected] || 1 || None ||President */ /* column definitions { "employeeNumber": "unique string ID of the employees", "lastName": "last name of employees", "firstName": "first name of employees", "extension": "extension number", "email": "email", "officeCode": "office code of the employees", "reportsTo": "represents for organization structure such as who reports to whom", "jobTitle": "job title" }*/ CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 1; customerNumber || customerName ||contactLastName ||contactFirstName || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 || city ||state ||postalCode ||country ||salesRepEmployeeNumber ||creditLimit 103 ||Atelier graphique || Schmitt || Carine ||40.32.2555 ||54, rue Royale || None ||Nantes || None || 44000 || France || 1370 || 21000.0 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "unique id number of customer", "customerName": "the name when the customer registered", "contactLastName": "contact last name", "contactFirstName": "contact first name", "phone": "phone", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "city": "city", "state": "state", "postalCode": "postalCode", "country": "country", "salesRepEmployeeNumber": "sales representative employee number", "creditLimit": "credit limit" }*/ CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 1; orderNumber || orderDate ||requiredDate ||shippedDate || status ||comments ||customerNumber 10100 ||2003-01-06 || 2003-01-13 || 2003-01-10 ||Shipped || None || 363 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "unique order number", "orderDate": "order date", "requiredDate": "required Date", "shippedDate": "shipped Date", "status": "status", "comments": "comments", "customerNumber": "customer number" }*/ CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM payments LIMIT 1; customerNumber ||checkNumber ||paymentDate || amount 103 || HQ336336 || 2004-10-19 ||6066.78 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "customer number", "checkNumber": "check Number", "paymentDate": "payment Date", "amount": "amount" }*/ CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM productlines LIMIT 1; productLine || textDescription ||htmlDescription ||image Classic Cars ||Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb atten || None || None */ /* column definitions { "productLine": "unique product line name", "textDescription": "text description", "htmlDescription": "html description", "image": "image" }*/ CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 1; productCode || productName ||productLine ||productScale || productVendor || productDescription ||quantityInStock ||buyPrice ||MSRP S10_1678 ||1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper ||Motorcycles || 1:10 ||Min Lin Diecast ||This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, drive chain, wheels and steering. All parts are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. || 7933 || 48.81 ||95.7 */ /* column definitions { "productCode": "unique product code", "productName": "product name", "productLine": "product line name", "productScale": "product scale", "productVendor": "product vendor", "productDescription": "product description", "quantityInStock": "quantity in stock ", "buyPrice": "buy price from vendors", "MSRP": "Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" }*/ CREATE TABLE "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orderdetails LIMIT 1; orderNumber ||productCode ||quantityOrdered ||priceEach ||orderLineNumber 10100 || S18_1749 || 30 || 136.0 || 3 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "order number", "productCode": "product code", "quantityOrdered": "quantity ordered", "priceEach": "price for each", "orderLineNumber": "order Line Number" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 1; officeCode || city || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 ||state ||country ||postalCode ||territory 1 ||San Francisco ||+1 650 219 4782 ||100 Market Street || Suite 300 || CA || USA || 94080 || NA */ /* column definitions { "officeCode": "unique ID of the office", "city": "", "phone": "phone number", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "state": "", "country": "country", "postalCode": "postalCode", "territory": "territory" }*/ CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 1; employeeNumber ||lastName ||firstName ||extension || email ||officeCode ||reportsTo || jobTitle 1002 || Murphy || Diane || x5800 ||[email protected] || 1 || None ||President */ /* column definitions { "employeeNumber": "unique string ID of the employees", "lastName": "last name of employees", "firstName": "first name of employees", "extension": "extension number", "email": "email", "officeCode": "office code of the employees", "reportsTo": "represents for organization structure such as who reports to whom", "jobTitle": "job title" }*/ CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 1; customerNumber || customerName ||contactLastName ||contactFirstName || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 || city ||state ||postalCode ||country ||salesRepEmployeeNumber ||creditLimit 103 ||Atelier graphique || Schmitt || Carine ||40.32.2555 ||54, rue Royale || None ||Nantes || None || 44000 || France || 1370 || 21000.0 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "unique id number of customer", "customerName": "the name when the customer registered", "contactLastName": "contact last name", "contactFirstName": "contact first name", "phone": "phone", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "city": "city", "state": "state", "postalCode": "postalCode", "country": "country", "salesRepEmployeeNumber": "sales representative employee number", "creditLimit": "credit limit" }*/ CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 1; orderNumber || orderDate ||requiredDate ||shippedDate || status ||comments ||customerNumber 10100 ||2003-01-06 || 2003-01-13 || 2003-01-10 ||Shipped || None || 363 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "unique order number", "orderDate": "order date", "requiredDate": "required Date", "shippedDate": "shipped Date", "status": "status", "comments": "comments", "customerNumber": "customer number" }*/ CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM payments LIMIT 1; customerNumber ||checkNumber ||paymentDate || amount 103 || HQ336336 || 2004-10-19 ||6066.78 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "customer number", "checkNumber": "check Number", "paymentDate": "payment Date", "amount": "amount" }*/ CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM productlines LIMIT 1; productLine || textDescription ||htmlDescription ||image Classic Cars ||Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb atten || None || None */ /* column definitions { "productLine": "unique product line name", "textDescription": "text description", "htmlDescription": "html description", "image": "image" }*/ CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 1; productCode || productName ||productLine ||productScale || productVendor || productDescription ||quantityInStock ||buyPrice ||MSRP S10_1678 ||1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper ||Motorcycles || 1:10 ||Min Lin Diecast ||This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, drive chain, wheels and steering. All parts are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. || 7933 || 48.81 ||95.7 */ /* column definitions { "productCode": "unique product code", "productName": "product name", "productLine": "product line name", "productScale": "product scale", "productVendor": "product vendor", "productDescription": "product description", "quantityInStock": "quantity in stock ", "buyPrice": "buy price from vendors", "MSRP": "Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" }*/ CREATE TABLE "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orderdetails LIMIT 1; orderNumber ||productCode ||quantityOrdered ||priceEach ||orderLineNumber 10100 || S18_1749 || 30 || 136.0 || 3 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "order number", "productCode": "product code", "quantityOrdered": "quantity ordered", "priceEach": "price for each", "orderLineNumber": "order Line Number" }*/ ### Question When were the products ordered by Cruz & Sons Co. on 2003-03-03 shipped? Clarification: Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; ordered on 2003-03-03 refers to orderDate;
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT t1.shippedDate FROM orders AS t1 INNER JOIN customers AS t2 ON t1.customerNumber = t2.customerNumber WHERE t2.customerName = 'Cruz & Sons Co.' AND t1.orderDate = '2003-03-03''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 1; officeCode || city || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 ||state ||country ||postalCode ||territory 1 ||San Francisco ||+1 650 219 4782 ||100 Market Street || Suite 300 || CA || USA || 94080 || NA */ /* column definitions { "officeCode": "unique ID of the office", "city": "", "phone": "phone number", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "state": "", "country": "country", "postalCode": "postalCode", "territory": "territory" }*/ CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 1; employeeNumber ||lastName ||firstName ||extension || email ||officeCode ||reportsTo || jobTitle 1002 || Murphy || Diane || x5800 ||[email protected] || 1 || None ||President */ /* column definitions { "employeeNumber": "unique string ID of the employees", "lastName": "last name of employees", "firstName": "first name of employees", "extension": "extension number", "email": "email", "officeCode": "office code of the employees", "reportsTo": "represents for organization structure such as who reports to whom", "jobTitle": "job title" }*/ CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 1; customerNumber || customerName ||contactLastName ||contactFirstName || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 || city ||state ||postalCode ||country ||salesRepEmployeeNumber ||creditLimit 103 ||Atelier graphique || Schmitt || Carine ||40.32.2555 ||54, rue Royale || None ||Nantes || None || 44000 || France || 1370 || 21000.0 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "unique id number of customer", "customerName": "the name when the customer registered", "contactLastName": "contact last name", "contactFirstName": "contact first name", "phone": "phone", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "city": "city", "state": "state", "postalCode": "postalCode", "country": "country", "salesRepEmployeeNumber": "sales representative employee number", "creditLimit": "credit limit" }*/ CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 1; orderNumber || orderDate ||requiredDate ||shippedDate || status ||comments ||customerNumber 10100 ||2003-01-06 || 2003-01-13 || 2003-01-10 ||Shipped || None || 363 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "unique order number", "orderDate": "order date", "requiredDate": "required Date", "shippedDate": "shipped Date", "status": "status", "comments": "comments", "customerNumber": "customer number" }*/ CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM payments LIMIT 1; customerNumber ||checkNumber ||paymentDate || amount 103 || HQ336336 || 2004-10-19 ||6066.78 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "customer number", "checkNumber": "check Number", "paymentDate": "payment Date", "amount": "amount" }*/ CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM productlines LIMIT 1; productLine || textDescription ||htmlDescription ||image Classic Cars ||Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb atten || None || None */ /* column definitions { "productLine": "unique product line name", "textDescription": "text description", "htmlDescription": "html description", "image": "image" }*/ CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 1; productCode || productName ||productLine ||productScale || productVendor || productDescription ||quantityInStock ||buyPrice ||MSRP S10_1678 ||1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper ||Motorcycles || 1:10 ||Min Lin Diecast ||This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, drive chain, wheels and steering. All parts are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. || 7933 || 48.81 ||95.7 */ /* column definitions { "productCode": "unique product code", "productName": "product name", "productLine": "product line name", "productScale": "product scale", "productVendor": "product vendor", "productDescription": "product description", "quantityInStock": "quantity in stock ", "buyPrice": "buy price from vendors", "MSRP": "Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" }*/ CREATE TABLE "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orderdetails LIMIT 1; orderNumber ||productCode ||quantityOrdered ||priceEach ||orderLineNumber 10100 || S18_1749 || 30 || 136.0 || 3 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "order number", "productCode": "product code", "quantityOrdered": "quantity ordered", "priceEach": "price for each", "orderLineNumber": "order Line Number" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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5401, 350, 16, 4397, 284, 364, 2059, 6586, 4708, 5525, 60, 128009 ]
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 1; officeCode || city || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 ||state ||country ||postalCode ||territory 1 ||San Francisco ||+1 650 219 4782 ||100 Market Street || Suite 300 || CA || USA || 94080 || NA */ /* column definitions { "officeCode": "unique ID of the office", "city": "", "phone": "phone number", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "state": "", "country": "country", "postalCode": "postalCode", "territory": "territory" }*/ CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 1; employeeNumber ||lastName ||firstName ||extension || email ||officeCode ||reportsTo || jobTitle 1002 || Murphy || Diane || x5800 ||[email protected] || 1 || None ||President */ /* column definitions { "employeeNumber": "unique string ID of the employees", "lastName": "last name of employees", "firstName": "first name of employees", "extension": "extension number", "email": "email", "officeCode": "office code of the employees", "reportsTo": "represents for organization structure such as who reports to whom", "jobTitle": "job title" }*/ CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 1; customerNumber || customerName ||contactLastName ||contactFirstName || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 || city ||state ||postalCode ||country ||salesRepEmployeeNumber ||creditLimit 103 ||Atelier graphique || Schmitt || Carine ||40.32.2555 ||54, rue Royale || None ||Nantes || None || 44000 || France || 1370 || 21000.0 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "unique id number of customer", "customerName": "the name when the customer registered", "contactLastName": "contact last name", "contactFirstName": "contact first name", "phone": "phone", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "city": "city", "state": "state", "postalCode": "postalCode", "country": "country", "salesRepEmployeeNumber": "sales representative employee number", "creditLimit": "credit limit" }*/ CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 1; orderNumber || orderDate ||requiredDate ||shippedDate || status ||comments ||customerNumber 10100 ||2003-01-06 || 2003-01-13 || 2003-01-10 ||Shipped || None || 363 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "unique order number", "orderDate": "order date", "requiredDate": "required Date", "shippedDate": "shipped Date", "status": "status", "comments": "comments", "customerNumber": "customer number" }*/ CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM payments LIMIT 1; customerNumber ||checkNumber ||paymentDate || amount 103 || HQ336336 || 2004-10-19 ||6066.78 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "customer number", "checkNumber": "check Number", "paymentDate": "payment Date", "amount": "amount" }*/ CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM productlines LIMIT 1; productLine || textDescription ||htmlDescription ||image Classic Cars ||Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb atten || None || None */ /* column definitions { "productLine": "unique product line name", "textDescription": "text description", "htmlDescription": "html description", "image": "image" }*/ CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 1; productCode || productName ||productLine ||productScale || productVendor || productDescription ||quantityInStock ||buyPrice ||MSRP S10_1678 ||1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper ||Motorcycles || 1:10 ||Min Lin Diecast ||This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, drive chain, wheels and steering. All parts are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. || 7933 || 48.81 ||95.7 */ /* column definitions { "productCode": "unique product code", "productName": "product name", "productLine": "product line name", "productScale": "product scale", "productVendor": "product vendor", "productDescription": "product description", "quantityInStock": "quantity in stock ", "buyPrice": "buy price from vendors", "MSRP": "Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" }*/ CREATE TABLE "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orderdetails LIMIT 1; orderNumber ||productCode ||quantityOrdered ||priceEach ||orderLineNumber 10100 || S18_1749 || 30 || 136.0 || 3 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "order number", "productCode": "product code", "quantityOrdered": "quantity ordered", "priceEach": "price for each", "orderLineNumber": "order Line Number" }*/ ### Question Among all orders shipped, calculate the percentage of orders shipped at least 3 days before the required date. Clarification: Orders shipped refer to status = 'Shipped'; at least 3 days before the required date refers to SUBTRACT(shippedDate, requiredDate)>3; DIVIDE(COUNT(orderNumber where SUBTRACT(shippedDate, requiredDate)>3), (COUNT(orderNumber) as percentage;
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(CASE WHEN JULIANDAY(t1.shippeddate) - JULIANDAY(t1.requireddate) > 3 THEN T1.customerNumber ELSE NULL END) FROM orders AS T1 INNER JOIN orderdetails AS T2 ON T1.orderNumber = T2.orderNumber WHERE T1.status = 'Shipped''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 1; officeCode || city || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 ||state ||country ||postalCode ||territory 1 ||San Francisco ||+1 650 219 4782 ||100 Market Street || Suite 300 || CA || USA || 94080 || NA */ /* column definitions { "officeCode": "unique ID of the office", "city": "", "phone": "phone number", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "state": "", "country": "country", "postalCode": "postalCode", "territory": "territory" }*/ CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 1; employeeNumber ||lastName ||firstName ||extension || email ||officeCode ||reportsTo || jobTitle 1002 || Murphy || Diane || x5800 ||[email protected] || 1 || None ||President */ /* column definitions { "employeeNumber": "unique string ID of the employees", "lastName": "last name of employees", "firstName": "first name of employees", "extension": "extension number", "email": "email", "officeCode": "office code of the employees", "reportsTo": "represents for organization structure such as who reports to whom", "jobTitle": "job title" }*/ CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 1; customerNumber || customerName ||contactLastName ||contactFirstName || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 || city ||state ||postalCode ||country ||salesRepEmployeeNumber ||creditLimit 103 ||Atelier graphique || Schmitt || Carine ||40.32.2555 ||54, rue Royale || None ||Nantes || None || 44000 || France || 1370 || 21000.0 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "unique id number of customer", "customerName": "the name when the customer registered", "contactLastName": "contact last name", "contactFirstName": "contact first name", "phone": "phone", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "city": "city", "state": "state", "postalCode": "postalCode", "country": "country", "salesRepEmployeeNumber": "sales representative employee number", "creditLimit": "credit limit" }*/ CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 1; orderNumber || orderDate ||requiredDate ||shippedDate || status ||comments ||customerNumber 10100 ||2003-01-06 || 2003-01-13 || 2003-01-10 ||Shipped || None || 363 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "unique order number", "orderDate": "order date", "requiredDate": "required Date", "shippedDate": "shipped Date", "status": "status", "comments": "comments", "customerNumber": "customer number" }*/ CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM payments LIMIT 1; customerNumber ||checkNumber ||paymentDate || amount 103 || HQ336336 || 2004-10-19 ||6066.78 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "customer number", "checkNumber": "check Number", "paymentDate": "payment Date", "amount": "amount" }*/ CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM productlines LIMIT 1; productLine || textDescription ||htmlDescription ||image Classic Cars ||Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb atten || None || None */ /* column definitions { "productLine": "unique product line name", "textDescription": "text description", "htmlDescription": "html description", "image": "image" }*/ CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 1; productCode || productName ||productLine ||productScale || productVendor || productDescription ||quantityInStock ||buyPrice ||MSRP S10_1678 ||1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper ||Motorcycles || 1:10 ||Min Lin Diecast ||This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, drive chain, wheels and steering. All parts are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. || 7933 || 48.81 ||95.7 */ /* column definitions { "productCode": "unique product code", "productName": "product name", "productLine": "product line name", "productScale": "product scale", "productVendor": "product vendor", "productDescription": "product description", "quantityInStock": "quantity in stock ", "buyPrice": "buy price from vendors", "MSRP": "Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" }*/ CREATE TABLE "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orderdetails LIMIT 1; orderNumber ||productCode ||quantityOrdered ||priceEach ||orderLineNumber 10100 || S18_1749 || 30 || 136.0 || 3 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "order number", "productCode": "product code", "quantityOrdered": "quantity ordered", "priceEach": "price for each", "orderLineNumber": "order Line Number" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 1; officeCode || city || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 ||state ||country ||postalCode ||territory 1 ||San Francisco ||+1 650 219 4782 ||100 Market Street || Suite 300 || CA || USA || 94080 || NA */ /* column definitions { "officeCode": "unique ID of the office", "city": "", "phone": "phone number", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "state": "", "country": "country", "postalCode": "postalCode", "territory": "territory" }*/ CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 1; employeeNumber ||lastName ||firstName ||extension || email ||officeCode ||reportsTo || jobTitle 1002 || Murphy || Diane || x5800 ||[email protected] || 1 || None ||President */ /* column definitions { "employeeNumber": "unique string ID of the employees", "lastName": "last name of employees", "firstName": "first name of employees", "extension": "extension number", "email": "email", "officeCode": "office code of the employees", "reportsTo": "represents for organization structure such as who reports to whom", "jobTitle": "job title" }*/ CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 1; customerNumber || customerName ||contactLastName ||contactFirstName || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 || city ||state ||postalCode ||country ||salesRepEmployeeNumber ||creditLimit 103 ||Atelier graphique || Schmitt || Carine ||40.32.2555 ||54, rue Royale || None ||Nantes || None || 44000 || France || 1370 || 21000.0 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "unique id number of customer", "customerName": "the name when the customer registered", "contactLastName": "contact last name", "contactFirstName": "contact first name", "phone": "phone", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "city": "city", "state": "state", "postalCode": "postalCode", "country": "country", "salesRepEmployeeNumber": "sales representative employee number", "creditLimit": "credit limit" }*/ CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 1; orderNumber || orderDate ||requiredDate ||shippedDate || status ||comments ||customerNumber 10100 ||2003-01-06 || 2003-01-13 || 2003-01-10 ||Shipped || None || 363 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "unique order number", "orderDate": "order date", "requiredDate": "required Date", "shippedDate": "shipped Date", "status": "status", "comments": "comments", "customerNumber": "customer number" }*/ CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM payments LIMIT 1; customerNumber ||checkNumber ||paymentDate || amount 103 || HQ336336 || 2004-10-19 ||6066.78 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "customer number", "checkNumber": "check Number", "paymentDate": "payment Date", "amount": "amount" }*/ CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM productlines LIMIT 1; productLine || textDescription ||htmlDescription ||image Classic Cars ||Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb atten || None || None */ /* column definitions { "productLine": "unique product line name", "textDescription": "text description", "htmlDescription": "html description", "image": "image" }*/ CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 1; productCode || productName ||productLine ||productScale || productVendor || productDescription ||quantityInStock ||buyPrice ||MSRP S10_1678 ||1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper ||Motorcycles || 1:10 ||Min Lin Diecast ||This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, drive chain, wheels and steering. All parts are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. || 7933 || 48.81 ||95.7 */ /* column definitions { "productCode": "unique product code", "productName": "product name", "productLine": "product line name", "productScale": "product scale", "productVendor": "product vendor", "productDescription": "product description", "quantityInStock": "quantity in stock ", "buyPrice": "buy price from vendors", "MSRP": "Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" }*/ CREATE TABLE "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orderdetails LIMIT 1; orderNumber ||productCode ||quantityOrdered ||priceEach ||orderLineNumber 10100 || S18_1749 || 30 || 136.0 || 3 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "order number", "productCode": "product code", "quantityOrdered": "quantity ordered", "priceEach": "price for each", "orderLineNumber": "order Line Number" }*/ ### Question For the order has the most product ordered, name the customer who placed the order. Clarification: The largest order in terms of total price refers to MAX(SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)).
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T2.firstName, T2.lastName FROM offices AS T1 INNER JOIN employees AS T2 ON T1.officeCode = T2.officeCode WHERE T2.employeeNumber = ( SELECT MAX(employeeNumber) FROM employees )'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 1; officeCode || city || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 ||state ||country ||postalCode ||territory 1 ||San Francisco ||+1 650 219 4782 ||100 Market Street || Suite 300 || CA || USA || 94080 || NA */ /* column definitions { "officeCode": "unique ID of the office", "city": "", "phone": "phone number", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "state": "", "country": "country", "postalCode": "postalCode", "territory": "territory" }*/ CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 1; employeeNumber ||lastName ||firstName ||extension || email ||officeCode ||reportsTo || jobTitle 1002 || Murphy || Diane || x5800 ||[email protected] || 1 || None ||President */ /* column definitions { "employeeNumber": "unique string ID of the employees", "lastName": "last name of employees", "firstName": "first name of employees", "extension": "extension number", "email": "email", "officeCode": "office code of the employees", "reportsTo": "represents for organization structure such as who reports to whom", "jobTitle": "job title" }*/ CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 1; customerNumber || customerName ||contactLastName ||contactFirstName || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 || city ||state ||postalCode ||country ||salesRepEmployeeNumber ||creditLimit 103 ||Atelier graphique || Schmitt || Carine ||40.32.2555 ||54, rue Royale || None ||Nantes || None || 44000 || France || 1370 || 21000.0 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "unique id number of customer", "customerName": "the name when the customer registered", "contactLastName": "contact last name", "contactFirstName": "contact first name", "phone": "phone", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "city": "city", "state": "state", "postalCode": "postalCode", "country": "country", "salesRepEmployeeNumber": "sales representative employee number", "creditLimit": "credit limit" }*/ CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 1; orderNumber || orderDate ||requiredDate ||shippedDate || status ||comments ||customerNumber 10100 ||2003-01-06 || 2003-01-13 || 2003-01-10 ||Shipped || None || 363 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "unique order number", "orderDate": "order date", "requiredDate": "required Date", "shippedDate": "shipped Date", "status": "status", "comments": "comments", "customerNumber": "customer number" }*/ CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM payments LIMIT 1; customerNumber ||checkNumber ||paymentDate || amount 103 || HQ336336 || 2004-10-19 ||6066.78 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "customer number", "checkNumber": "check Number", "paymentDate": "payment Date", "amount": "amount" }*/ CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM productlines LIMIT 1; productLine || textDescription ||htmlDescription ||image Classic Cars ||Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb atten || None || None */ /* column definitions { "productLine": "unique product line name", "textDescription": "text description", "htmlDescription": "html description", "image": "image" }*/ CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 1; productCode || productName ||productLine ||productScale || productVendor || productDescription ||quantityInStock ||buyPrice ||MSRP S10_1678 ||1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper ||Motorcycles || 1:10 ||Min Lin Diecast ||This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, drive chain, wheels and steering. All parts are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. || 7933 || 48.81 ||95.7 */ /* column definitions { "productCode": "unique product code", "productName": "product name", "productLine": "product line name", "productScale": "product scale", "productVendor": "product vendor", "productDescription": "product description", "quantityInStock": "quantity in stock ", "buyPrice": "buy price from vendors", "MSRP": "Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" }*/ CREATE TABLE "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orderdetails LIMIT 1; orderNumber ||productCode ||quantityOrdered ||priceEach ||orderLineNumber 10100 || S18_1749 || 30 || 136.0 || 3 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "order number", "productCode": "product code", "quantityOrdered": "quantity ordered", "priceEach": "price for each", "orderLineNumber": "order Line Number" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 1; officeCode || city || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 ||state ||country ||postalCode ||territory 1 ||San Francisco ||+1 650 219 4782 ||100 Market Street || Suite 300 || CA || USA || 94080 || NA */ /* column definitions { "officeCode": "unique ID of the office", "city": "", "phone": "phone number", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "state": "", "country": "country", "postalCode": "postalCode", "territory": "territory" }*/ CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 1; employeeNumber ||lastName ||firstName ||extension || email ||officeCode ||reportsTo || jobTitle 1002 || Murphy || Diane || x5800 ||[email protected] || 1 || None ||President */ /* column definitions { "employeeNumber": "unique string ID of the employees", "lastName": "last name of employees", "firstName": "first name of employees", "extension": "extension number", "email": "email", "officeCode": "office code of the employees", "reportsTo": "represents for organization structure such as who reports to whom", "jobTitle": "job title" }*/ CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 1; customerNumber || customerName ||contactLastName ||contactFirstName || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 || city ||state ||postalCode ||country ||salesRepEmployeeNumber ||creditLimit 103 ||Atelier graphique || Schmitt || Carine ||40.32.2555 ||54, rue Royale || None ||Nantes || None || 44000 || France || 1370 || 21000.0 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "unique id number of customer", "customerName": "the name when the customer registered", "contactLastName": "contact last name", "contactFirstName": "contact first name", "phone": "phone", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "city": "city", "state": "state", "postalCode": "postalCode", "country": "country", "salesRepEmployeeNumber": "sales representative employee number", "creditLimit": "credit limit" }*/ CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 1; orderNumber || orderDate ||requiredDate ||shippedDate || status ||comments ||customerNumber 10100 ||2003-01-06 || 2003-01-13 || 2003-01-10 ||Shipped || None || 363 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "unique order number", "orderDate": "order date", "requiredDate": "required Date", "shippedDate": "shipped Date", "status": "status", "comments": "comments", "customerNumber": "customer number" }*/ CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM payments LIMIT 1; customerNumber ||checkNumber ||paymentDate || amount 103 || HQ336336 || 2004-10-19 ||6066.78 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "customer number", "checkNumber": "check Number", "paymentDate": "payment Date", "amount": "amount" }*/ CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM productlines LIMIT 1; productLine || textDescription ||htmlDescription ||image Classic Cars ||Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb atten || None || None */ /* column definitions { "productLine": "unique product line name", "textDescription": "text description", "htmlDescription": "html description", "image": "image" }*/ CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 1; productCode || productName ||productLine ||productScale || productVendor || productDescription ||quantityInStock ||buyPrice ||MSRP S10_1678 ||1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper ||Motorcycles || 1:10 ||Min Lin Diecast ||This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, drive chain, wheels and steering. All parts are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. || 7933 || 48.81 ||95.7 */ /* column definitions { "productCode": "unique product code", "productName": "product name", "productLine": "product line name", "productScale": "product scale", "productVendor": "product vendor", "productDescription": "product description", "quantityInStock": "quantity in stock ", "buyPrice": "buy price from vendors", "MSRP": "Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" }*/ CREATE TABLE "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orderdetails LIMIT 1; orderNumber ||productCode ||quantityOrdered ||priceEach ||orderLineNumber 10100 || S18_1749 || 30 || 136.0 || 3 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "order number", "productCode": "product code", "quantityOrdered": "quantity ordered", "priceEach": "price for each", "orderLineNumber": "order Line Number" }*/ ### Question List the name of employees in Japan office and who are they reporting to. Clarification: Japan is the name of the country; 'reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT t2.firstName, t2.lastName, t2.reportsTo FROM offices AS t1 INNER JOIN employees AS t2 ON t1.officeCode = t2.officeCode WHERE t1.country = 'Japan''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 1; officeCode || city || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 ||state ||country ||postalCode ||territory 1 ||San Francisco ||+1 650 219 4782 ||100 Market Street || Suite 300 || CA || USA || 94080 || NA */ /* column definitions { "officeCode": "unique ID of the office", "city": "", "phone": "phone number", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "state": "", "country": "country", "postalCode": "postalCode", "territory": "territory" }*/ CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 1; employeeNumber ||lastName ||firstName ||extension || email ||officeCode ||reportsTo || jobTitle 1002 || Murphy || Diane || x5800 ||[email protected] || 1 || None ||President */ /* column definitions { "employeeNumber": "unique string ID of the employees", "lastName": "last name of employees", "firstName": "first name of employees", "extension": "extension number", "email": "email", "officeCode": "office code of the employees", "reportsTo": "represents for organization structure such as who reports to whom", "jobTitle": "job title" }*/ CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 1; customerNumber || customerName ||contactLastName ||contactFirstName || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 || city ||state ||postalCode ||country ||salesRepEmployeeNumber ||creditLimit 103 ||Atelier graphique || Schmitt || Carine ||40.32.2555 ||54, rue Royale || None ||Nantes || None || 44000 || France || 1370 || 21000.0 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "unique id number of customer", "customerName": "the name when the customer registered", "contactLastName": "contact last name", "contactFirstName": "contact first name", "phone": "phone", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "city": "city", "state": "state", "postalCode": "postalCode", "country": "country", "salesRepEmployeeNumber": "sales representative employee number", "creditLimit": "credit limit" }*/ CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 1; orderNumber || orderDate ||requiredDate ||shippedDate || status ||comments ||customerNumber 10100 ||2003-01-06 || 2003-01-13 || 2003-01-10 ||Shipped || None || 363 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "unique order number", "orderDate": "order date", "requiredDate": "required Date", "shippedDate": "shipped Date", "status": "status", "comments": "comments", "customerNumber": "customer number" }*/ CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM payments LIMIT 1; customerNumber ||checkNumber ||paymentDate || amount 103 || HQ336336 || 2004-10-19 ||6066.78 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "customer number", "checkNumber": "check Number", "paymentDate": "payment Date", "amount": "amount" }*/ CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM productlines LIMIT 1; productLine || textDescription ||htmlDescription ||image Classic Cars ||Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb atten || None || None */ /* column definitions { "productLine": "unique product line name", "textDescription": "text description", "htmlDescription": "html description", "image": "image" }*/ CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 1; productCode || productName ||productLine ||productScale || productVendor || productDescription ||quantityInStock ||buyPrice ||MSRP S10_1678 ||1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper ||Motorcycles || 1:10 ||Min Lin Diecast ||This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, drive chain, wheels and steering. All parts are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. || 7933 || 48.81 ||95.7 */ /* column definitions { "productCode": "unique product code", "productName": "product name", "productLine": "product line name", "productScale": "product scale", "productVendor": "product vendor", "productDescription": "product description", "quantityInStock": "quantity in stock ", "buyPrice": "buy price from vendors", "MSRP": "Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" }*/ CREATE TABLE "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orderdetails LIMIT 1; orderNumber ||productCode ||quantityOrdered ||priceEach ||orderLineNumber 10100 || S18_1749 || 30 || 136.0 || 3 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "order number", "productCode": "product code", "quantityOrdered": "quantity ordered", "priceEach": "price for each", "orderLineNumber": "order Line Number" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 1; officeCode || city || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 ||state ||country ||postalCode ||territory 1 ||San Francisco ||+1 650 219 4782 ||100 Market Street || Suite 300 || CA || USA || 94080 || NA */ /* column definitions { "officeCode": "unique ID of the office", "city": "", "phone": "phone number", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "state": "", "country": "country", "postalCode": "postalCode", "territory": "territory" }*/ CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 1; employeeNumber ||lastName ||firstName ||extension || email ||officeCode ||reportsTo || jobTitle 1002 || Murphy || Diane || x5800 ||[email protected] || 1 || None ||President */ /* column definitions { "employeeNumber": "unique string ID of the employees", "lastName": "last name of employees", "firstName": "first name of employees", "extension": "extension number", "email": "email", "officeCode": "office code of the employees", "reportsTo": "represents for organization structure such as who reports to whom", "jobTitle": "job title" }*/ CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 1; customerNumber || customerName ||contactLastName ||contactFirstName || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 || city ||state ||postalCode ||country ||salesRepEmployeeNumber ||creditLimit 103 ||Atelier graphique || Schmitt || Carine ||40.32.2555 ||54, rue Royale || None ||Nantes || None || 44000 || France || 1370 || 21000.0 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "unique id number of customer", "customerName": "the name when the customer registered", "contactLastName": "contact last name", "contactFirstName": "contact first name", "phone": "phone", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "city": "city", "state": "state", "postalCode": "postalCode", "country": "country", "salesRepEmployeeNumber": "sales representative employee number", "creditLimit": "credit limit" }*/ CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 1; orderNumber || orderDate ||requiredDate ||shippedDate || status ||comments ||customerNumber 10100 ||2003-01-06 || 2003-01-13 || 2003-01-10 ||Shipped || None || 363 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "unique order number", "orderDate": "order date", "requiredDate": "required Date", "shippedDate": "shipped Date", "status": "status", "comments": "comments", "customerNumber": "customer number" }*/ CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM payments LIMIT 1; customerNumber ||checkNumber ||paymentDate || amount 103 || HQ336336 || 2004-10-19 ||6066.78 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "customer number", "checkNumber": "check Number", "paymentDate": "payment Date", "amount": "amount" }*/ CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM productlines LIMIT 1; productLine || textDescription ||htmlDescription ||image Classic Cars ||Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb atten || None || None */ /* column definitions { "productLine": "unique product line name", "textDescription": "text description", "htmlDescription": "html description", "image": "image" }*/ CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 1; productCode || productName ||productLine ||productScale || productVendor || productDescription ||quantityInStock ||buyPrice ||MSRP S10_1678 ||1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper ||Motorcycles || 1:10 ||Min Lin Diecast ||This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, drive chain, wheels and steering. All parts are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. || 7933 || 48.81 ||95.7 */ /* column definitions { "productCode": "unique product code", "productName": "product name", "productLine": "product line name", "productScale": "product scale", "productVendor": "product vendor", "productDescription": "product description", "quantityInStock": "quantity in stock ", "buyPrice": "buy price from vendors", "MSRP": "Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" }*/ CREATE TABLE "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orderdetails LIMIT 1; orderNumber ||productCode ||quantityOrdered ||priceEach ||orderLineNumber 10100 || S18_1749 || 30 || 136.0 || 3 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "order number", "productCode": "product code", "quantityOrdered": "quantity ordered", "priceEach": "price for each", "orderLineNumber": "order Line Number" }*/ ### Question How much did customer 103 pay in total? Clarification: Pay in total refers to SUM(amount);
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT SUM(t.amount) FROM payments t WHERE t.customerNumber = '103''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 1; officeCode || city || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 ||state ||country ||postalCode ||territory 1 ||San Francisco ||+1 650 219 4782 ||100 Market Street || Suite 300 || CA || USA || 94080 || NA */ /* column definitions { "officeCode": "unique ID of the office", "city": "", "phone": "phone number", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "state": "", "country": "country", "postalCode": "postalCode", "territory": "territory" }*/ CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 1; employeeNumber ||lastName ||firstName ||extension || email ||officeCode ||reportsTo || jobTitle 1002 || Murphy || Diane || x5800 ||[email protected] || 1 || None ||President */ /* column definitions { "employeeNumber": "unique string ID of the employees", "lastName": "last name of employees", "firstName": "first name of employees", "extension": "extension number", "email": "email", "officeCode": "office code of the employees", "reportsTo": "represents for organization structure such as who reports to whom", "jobTitle": "job title" }*/ CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 1; customerNumber || customerName ||contactLastName ||contactFirstName || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 || city ||state ||postalCode ||country ||salesRepEmployeeNumber ||creditLimit 103 ||Atelier graphique || Schmitt || Carine ||40.32.2555 ||54, rue Royale || None ||Nantes || None || 44000 || France || 1370 || 21000.0 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "unique id number of customer", "customerName": "the name when the customer registered", "contactLastName": "contact last name", "contactFirstName": "contact first name", "phone": "phone", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "city": "city", "state": "state", "postalCode": "postalCode", "country": "country", "salesRepEmployeeNumber": "sales representative employee number", "creditLimit": "credit limit" }*/ CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 1; orderNumber || orderDate ||requiredDate ||shippedDate || status ||comments ||customerNumber 10100 ||2003-01-06 || 2003-01-13 || 2003-01-10 ||Shipped || None || 363 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "unique order number", "orderDate": "order date", "requiredDate": "required Date", "shippedDate": "shipped Date", "status": "status", "comments": "comments", "customerNumber": "customer number" }*/ CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM payments LIMIT 1; customerNumber ||checkNumber ||paymentDate || amount 103 || HQ336336 || 2004-10-19 ||6066.78 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "customer number", "checkNumber": "check Number", "paymentDate": "payment Date", "amount": "amount" }*/ CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM productlines LIMIT 1; productLine || textDescription ||htmlDescription ||image Classic Cars ||Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb atten || None || None */ /* column definitions { "productLine": "unique product line name", "textDescription": "text description", "htmlDescription": "html description", "image": "image" }*/ CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 1; productCode || productName ||productLine ||productScale || productVendor || productDescription ||quantityInStock ||buyPrice ||MSRP S10_1678 ||1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper ||Motorcycles || 1:10 ||Min Lin Diecast ||This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, drive chain, wheels and steering. All parts are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. || 7933 || 48.81 ||95.7 */ /* column definitions { "productCode": "unique product code", "productName": "product name", "productLine": "product line name", "productScale": "product scale", "productVendor": "product vendor", "productDescription": "product description", "quantityInStock": "quantity in stock ", "buyPrice": "buy price from vendors", "MSRP": "Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" }*/ CREATE TABLE "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orderdetails LIMIT 1; orderNumber ||productCode ||quantityOrdered ||priceEach ||orderLineNumber 10100 || S18_1749 || 30 || 136.0 || 3 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "order number", "productCode": "product code", "quantityOrdered": "quantity ordered", "priceEach": "price for each", "orderLineNumber": "order Line Number" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 1; officeCode || city || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 ||state ||country ||postalCode ||territory 1 ||San Francisco ||+1 650 219 4782 ||100 Market Street || Suite 300 || CA || USA || 94080 || NA */ /* column definitions { "officeCode": "unique ID of the office", "city": "", "phone": "phone number", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "state": "", "country": "country", "postalCode": "postalCode", "territory": "territory" }*/ CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 1; employeeNumber ||lastName ||firstName ||extension || email ||officeCode ||reportsTo || jobTitle 1002 || Murphy || Diane || x5800 ||[email protected] || 1 || None ||President */ /* column definitions { "employeeNumber": "unique string ID of the employees", "lastName": "last name of employees", "firstName": "first name of employees", "extension": "extension number", "email": "email", "officeCode": "office code of the employees", "reportsTo": "represents for organization structure such as who reports to whom", "jobTitle": "job title" }*/ CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 1; customerNumber || customerName ||contactLastName ||contactFirstName || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 || city ||state ||postalCode ||country ||salesRepEmployeeNumber ||creditLimit 103 ||Atelier graphique || Schmitt || Carine ||40.32.2555 ||54, rue Royale || None ||Nantes || None || 44000 || France || 1370 || 21000.0 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "unique id number of customer", "customerName": "the name when the customer registered", "contactLastName": "contact last name", "contactFirstName": "contact first name", "phone": "phone", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "city": "city", "state": "state", "postalCode": "postalCode", "country": "country", "salesRepEmployeeNumber": "sales representative employee number", "creditLimit": "credit limit" }*/ CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 1; orderNumber || orderDate ||requiredDate ||shippedDate || status ||comments ||customerNumber 10100 ||2003-01-06 || 2003-01-13 || 2003-01-10 ||Shipped || None || 363 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "unique order number", "orderDate": "order date", "requiredDate": "required Date", "shippedDate": "shipped Date", "status": "status", "comments": "comments", "customerNumber": "customer number" }*/ CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM payments LIMIT 1; customerNumber ||checkNumber ||paymentDate || amount 103 || HQ336336 || 2004-10-19 ||6066.78 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "customer number", "checkNumber": "check Number", "paymentDate": "payment Date", "amount": "amount" }*/ CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM productlines LIMIT 1; productLine || textDescription ||htmlDescription ||image Classic Cars ||Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb atten || None || None */ /* column definitions { "productLine": "unique product line name", "textDescription": "text description", "htmlDescription": "html description", "image": "image" }*/ CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 1; productCode || productName ||productLine ||productScale || productVendor || productDescription ||quantityInStock ||buyPrice ||MSRP S10_1678 ||1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper ||Motorcycles || 1:10 ||Min Lin Diecast ||This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, drive chain, wheels and steering. All parts are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. || 7933 || 48.81 ||95.7 */ /* column definitions { "productCode": "unique product code", "productName": "product name", "productLine": "product line name", "productScale": "product scale", "productVendor": "product vendor", "productDescription": "product description", "quantityInStock": "quantity in stock ", "buyPrice": "buy price from vendors", "MSRP": "Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" }*/ CREATE TABLE "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orderdetails LIMIT 1; orderNumber ||productCode ||quantityOrdered ||priceEach ||orderLineNumber 10100 || S18_1749 || 30 || 136.0 || 3 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "order number", "productCode": "product code", "quantityOrdered": "quantity ordered", "priceEach": "price for each", "orderLineNumber": "order Line Number" }*/ ### Question How many 2003 Harley-Davidson Eagle Drag Bikes were ordered? Clarification: 2003 Harley-Davidson Eagle Drag Bikes refers to productName; how many ordered refers to COUNT(quantityOrdered);
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT SUM(t2.quantityOrdered) FROM products AS t1 INNER JOIN orderdetails AS t2 ON t1.productCode = t2.productCode WHERE t1.productName = '2003 Harley-Davidson Eagle Drag Bike''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 1; officeCode || city || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 ||state ||country ||postalCode ||territory 1 ||San Francisco ||+1 650 219 4782 ||100 Market Street || Suite 300 || CA || USA || 94080 || NA */ /* column definitions { "officeCode": "unique ID of the office", "city": "", "phone": "phone number", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "state": "", "country": "country", "postalCode": "postalCode", "territory": "territory" }*/ CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 1; employeeNumber ||lastName ||firstName ||extension || email ||officeCode ||reportsTo || jobTitle 1002 || Murphy || Diane || x5800 ||[email protected] || 1 || None ||President */ /* column definitions { "employeeNumber": "unique string ID of the employees", "lastName": "last name of employees", "firstName": "first name of employees", "extension": "extension number", "email": "email", "officeCode": "office code of the employees", "reportsTo": "represents for organization structure such as who reports to whom", "jobTitle": "job title" }*/ CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 1; customerNumber || customerName ||contactLastName ||contactFirstName || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 || city ||state ||postalCode ||country ||salesRepEmployeeNumber ||creditLimit 103 ||Atelier graphique || Schmitt || Carine ||40.32.2555 ||54, rue Royale || None ||Nantes || None || 44000 || France || 1370 || 21000.0 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "unique id number of customer", "customerName": "the name when the customer registered", "contactLastName": "contact last name", "contactFirstName": "contact first name", "phone": "phone", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "city": "city", "state": "state", "postalCode": "postalCode", "country": "country", "salesRepEmployeeNumber": "sales representative employee number", "creditLimit": "credit limit" }*/ CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 1; orderNumber || orderDate ||requiredDate ||shippedDate || status ||comments ||customerNumber 10100 ||2003-01-06 || 2003-01-13 || 2003-01-10 ||Shipped || None || 363 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "unique order number", "orderDate": "order date", "requiredDate": "required Date", "shippedDate": "shipped Date", "status": "status", "comments": "comments", "customerNumber": "customer number" }*/ CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM payments LIMIT 1; customerNumber ||checkNumber ||paymentDate || amount 103 || HQ336336 || 2004-10-19 ||6066.78 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "customer number", "checkNumber": "check Number", "paymentDate": "payment Date", "amount": "amount" }*/ CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM productlines LIMIT 1; productLine || textDescription ||htmlDescription ||image Classic Cars ||Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb atten || None || None */ /* column definitions { "productLine": "unique product line name", "textDescription": "text description", "htmlDescription": "html description", "image": "image" }*/ CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 1; productCode || productName ||productLine ||productScale || productVendor || productDescription ||quantityInStock ||buyPrice ||MSRP S10_1678 ||1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper ||Motorcycles || 1:10 ||Min Lin Diecast ||This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, drive chain, wheels and steering. All parts are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. || 7933 || 48.81 ||95.7 */ /* column definitions { "productCode": "unique product code", "productName": "product name", "productLine": "product line name", "productScale": "product scale", "productVendor": "product vendor", "productDescription": "product description", "quantityInStock": "quantity in stock ", "buyPrice": "buy price from vendors", "MSRP": "Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" }*/ CREATE TABLE "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orderdetails LIMIT 1; orderNumber ||productCode ||quantityOrdered ||priceEach ||orderLineNumber 10100 || S18_1749 || 30 || 136.0 || 3 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "order number", "productCode": "product code", "quantityOrdered": "quantity ordered", "priceEach": "price for each", "orderLineNumber": "order Line Number" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 1; officeCode || city || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 ||state ||country ||postalCode ||territory 1 ||San Francisco ||+1 650 219 4782 ||100 Market Street || Suite 300 || CA || USA || 94080 || NA */ /* column definitions { "officeCode": "unique ID of the office", "city": "", "phone": "phone number", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "state": "", "country": "country", "postalCode": "postalCode", "territory": "territory" }*/ CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 1; employeeNumber ||lastName ||firstName ||extension || email ||officeCode ||reportsTo || jobTitle 1002 || Murphy || Diane || x5800 ||[email protected] || 1 || None ||President */ /* column definitions { "employeeNumber": "unique string ID of the employees", "lastName": "last name of employees", "firstName": "first name of employees", "extension": "extension number", "email": "email", "officeCode": "office code of the employees", "reportsTo": "represents for organization structure such as who reports to whom", "jobTitle": "job title" }*/ CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 1; customerNumber || customerName ||contactLastName ||contactFirstName || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 || city ||state ||postalCode ||country ||salesRepEmployeeNumber ||creditLimit 103 ||Atelier graphique || Schmitt || Carine ||40.32.2555 ||54, rue Royale || None ||Nantes || None || 44000 || France || 1370 || 21000.0 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "unique id number of customer", "customerName": "the name when the customer registered", "contactLastName": "contact last name", "contactFirstName": "contact first name", "phone": "phone", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "city": "city", "state": "state", "postalCode": "postalCode", "country": "country", "salesRepEmployeeNumber": "sales representative employee number", "creditLimit": "credit limit" }*/ CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 1; orderNumber || orderDate ||requiredDate ||shippedDate || status ||comments ||customerNumber 10100 ||2003-01-06 || 2003-01-13 || 2003-01-10 ||Shipped || None || 363 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "unique order number", "orderDate": "order date", "requiredDate": "required Date", "shippedDate": "shipped Date", "status": "status", "comments": "comments", "customerNumber": "customer number" }*/ CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM payments LIMIT 1; customerNumber ||checkNumber ||paymentDate || amount 103 || HQ336336 || 2004-10-19 ||6066.78 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "customer number", "checkNumber": "check Number", "paymentDate": "payment Date", "amount": "amount" }*/ CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM productlines LIMIT 1; productLine || textDescription ||htmlDescription ||image Classic Cars ||Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb atten || None || None */ /* column definitions { "productLine": "unique product line name", "textDescription": "text description", "htmlDescription": "html description", "image": "image" }*/ CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 1; productCode || productName ||productLine ||productScale || productVendor || productDescription ||quantityInStock ||buyPrice ||MSRP S10_1678 ||1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper ||Motorcycles || 1:10 ||Min Lin Diecast ||This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, drive chain, wheels and steering. All parts are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. || 7933 || 48.81 ||95.7 */ /* column definitions { "productCode": "unique product code", "productName": "product name", "productLine": "product line name", "productScale": "product scale", "productVendor": "product vendor", "productDescription": "product description", "quantityInStock": "quantity in stock ", "buyPrice": "buy price from vendors", "MSRP": "Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" }*/ CREATE TABLE "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orderdetails LIMIT 1; orderNumber ||productCode ||quantityOrdered ||priceEach ||orderLineNumber 10100 || S18_1749 || 30 || 136.0 || 3 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "order number", "productCode": "product code", "quantityOrdered": "quantity ordered", "priceEach": "price for each", "orderLineNumber": "order Line Number" }*/ ### Question For Which order was the most profitable, please list the customer name of the order and the profit of the order. Clarification: Most profitable order can be computed as MAX(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, SUBTRACT(priceEach, buyPrice)).
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT t3.customerName, (t1.priceEach - t4.buyPrice) * t1.quantityOrdered FROM orderdetails AS t1 INNER JOIN orders AS t2 ON t1.orderNumber = t2.orderNumber INNER JOIN customers AS t3 ON t2.customerNumber = t3.customerNumber INNER JOIN products AS t4 ON t1.productCode = t4.productCode GROUP BY t3.customerName, t1.priceEach, t4.buyPrice, t1.quantityOrdered ORDER BY (t1.priceEach - t4.buyPrice) * t1.quantityOrdered DESC LIMIT 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 1; officeCode || city || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 ||state ||country ||postalCode ||territory 1 ||San Francisco ||+1 650 219 4782 ||100 Market Street || Suite 300 || CA || USA || 94080 || NA */ /* column definitions { "officeCode": "unique ID of the office", "city": "", "phone": "phone number", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "state": "", "country": "country", "postalCode": "postalCode", "territory": "territory" }*/ CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 1; employeeNumber ||lastName ||firstName ||extension || email ||officeCode ||reportsTo || jobTitle 1002 || Murphy || Diane || x5800 ||[email protected] || 1 || None ||President */ /* column definitions { "employeeNumber": "unique string ID of the employees", "lastName": "last name of employees", "firstName": "first name of employees", "extension": "extension number", "email": "email", "officeCode": "office code of the employees", "reportsTo": "represents for organization structure such as who reports to whom", "jobTitle": "job title" }*/ CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 1; customerNumber || customerName ||contactLastName ||contactFirstName || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 || city ||state ||postalCode ||country ||salesRepEmployeeNumber ||creditLimit 103 ||Atelier graphique || Schmitt || Carine ||40.32.2555 ||54, rue Royale || None ||Nantes || None || 44000 || France || 1370 || 21000.0 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "unique id number of customer", "customerName": "the name when the customer registered", "contactLastName": "contact last name", "contactFirstName": "contact first name", "phone": "phone", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "city": "city", "state": "state", "postalCode": "postalCode", "country": "country", "salesRepEmployeeNumber": "sales representative employee number", "creditLimit": "credit limit" }*/ CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 1; orderNumber || orderDate ||requiredDate ||shippedDate || status ||comments ||customerNumber 10100 ||2003-01-06 || 2003-01-13 || 2003-01-10 ||Shipped || None || 363 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "unique order number", "orderDate": "order date", "requiredDate": "required Date", "shippedDate": "shipped Date", "status": "status", "comments": "comments", "customerNumber": "customer number" }*/ CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM payments LIMIT 1; customerNumber ||checkNumber ||paymentDate || amount 103 || HQ336336 || 2004-10-19 ||6066.78 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "customer number", "checkNumber": "check Number", "paymentDate": "payment Date", "amount": "amount" }*/ CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM productlines LIMIT 1; productLine || textDescription ||htmlDescription ||image Classic Cars ||Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb atten || None || None */ /* column definitions { "productLine": "unique product line name", "textDescription": "text description", "htmlDescription": "html description", "image": "image" }*/ CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 1; productCode || productName ||productLine ||productScale || productVendor || productDescription ||quantityInStock ||buyPrice ||MSRP S10_1678 ||1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper ||Motorcycles || 1:10 ||Min Lin Diecast ||This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, drive chain, wheels and steering. All parts are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. || 7933 || 48.81 ||95.7 */ /* column definitions { "productCode": "unique product code", "productName": "product name", "productLine": "product line name", "productScale": "product scale", "productVendor": "product vendor", "productDescription": "product description", "quantityInStock": "quantity in stock ", "buyPrice": "buy price from vendors", "MSRP": "Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" }*/ CREATE TABLE "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orderdetails LIMIT 1; orderNumber ||productCode ||quantityOrdered ||priceEach ||orderLineNumber 10100 || S18_1749 || 30 || 136.0 || 3 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "order number", "productCode": "product code", "quantityOrdered": "quantity ordered", "priceEach": "price for each", "orderLineNumber": "order Line Number" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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5102, 2519, 17, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 9103, 761, 197, 1, 2513, 794, 330, 2513, 761, 197, 1, 34270, 2123, 794, 330, 34270, 2123, 761, 197, 1, 11389, 794, 330, 11389, 761, 197, 1, 30141, 18833, 17415, 2903, 794, 330, 30141, 18740, 9548, 1396, 761, 197, 1, 24193, 16934, 794, 330, 24193, 4017, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 10373, 198, 1021, 262, 2015, 2903, 262, 31481, 257, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2015, 1956, 415, 29643, 286, 539, 854, 345, 262, 2631, 1956, 256, 29643, 286, 539, 854, 345, 262, 28358, 1956, 262, 29643, 345, 262, 2704, 260, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 6170, 996, 16139, 345, 262, 6130, 2903, 31481, 257, 539, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11296, 2903, 8, 15407, 6444, 40421, 2903, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 10373, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 2015, 2903, 1393, 2015, 1956, 1393, 6413, 1956, 1393, 939, 6586, 1956, 1393, 2704, 1393, 15069, 1393, 11296, 2903, 720, 415, 220, 4645, 410, 1393, 1049, 18, 12, 1721, 12, 2705, 1393, 220, 220, 1049, 18, 12, 1721, 12, 1032, 1393, 220, 1049, 18, 12, 1721, 12, 605, 1393, 2059, 6586, 1393, 262, 2290, 1393, 1881, 220, 18199, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 1382, 2903, 794, 330, 9782, 2015, 1396, 761, 197, 1, 1382, 1956, 794, 330, 1382, 2457, 761, 197, 1, 6413, 1956, 794, 330, 6413, 2696, 761, 197, 1, 939, 6586, 1956, 794, 330, 939, 6586, 2696, 761, 197, 1, 2899, 794, 330, 2899, 761, 197, 1, 15069, 794, 330, 15069, 761, 197, 1, 11296, 2903, 794, 330, 11296, 1396, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14507, 198, 1021, 262, 6130, 2903, 31481, 257, 539, 854, 345, 262, 1817, 2903, 262, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 8323, 1956, 262, 29643, 286, 539, 854, 345, 262, 3392, 260, 26339, 286, 539, 854, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 11296, 2903, 11, 1817, 2903, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11296, 2903, 8, 15407, 6444, 40421, 2903, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 14507, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 6130, 2903, 1393, 2071, 2903, 1393, 14073, 1956, 1393, 3392, 720, 1881, 220, 6889, 1393, 256, 46355, 17014, 17014, 1393, 220, 1049, 19, 12, 605, 12, 777, 1393, 20213, 21, 13, 2495, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11296, 2903, 794, 330, 11296, 1396, 761, 197, 1, 2071, 2903, 794, 330, 2071, 5742, 761, 197, 1, 14073, 1956, 794, 330, 14073, 2696, 761, 197, 1, 6173, 794, 330, 6173, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 2027, 8128, 198, 1021, 262, 2027, 2519, 257, 16139, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1495, 5116, 16139, 345, 262, 5385, 5116, 16139, 345, 262, 2217, 1881, 426, 10911, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2027, 8128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 2027, 2519, 1393, 58040, 5351, 4672, 1495, 5116, 1393, 1580, 5116, 1393, 1843, 720, 64431, 36231, 1393, 70429, 1841, 43448, 25, 7557, 701, 31331, 5086, 1841, 15637, 19226, 2586, 837, 13, 13440, 499, 527, 3411, 369, 11670, 16124, 9515, 11, 8063, 10034, 9515, 477, 5818, 53161, 13726, 2859, 11, 499, 690, 1505, 2294, 11709, 304, 420, 5699, 13, 4314, 81901, 4668, 33689, 1651, 268, 1393, 1881, 2290, 1393, 2290, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 3107, 2519, 794, 330, 9782, 2027, 1584, 836, 761, 197, 67351, 5116, 794, 330, 1342, 4096, 761, 197, 1, 1580, 5116, 794, 330, 1580, 4096, 761, 197, 1, 1843, 794, 330, 1843, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 3956, 198, 1021, 262, 2027, 2123, 286, 16139, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 66687, 286, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 2027, 2519, 286, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 2027, 7092, 415, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 2027, 45791, 415, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 2027, 5116, 16139, 286, 539, 854, 345, 262, 12472, 644, 19931, 262, 31481, 257, 539, 854, 345, 262, 3780, 7117, 1881, 26339, 286, 539, 854, 345, 262, 10504, 22394, 2342, 26339, 286, 539, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 3107, 2519, 8, 15407, 2027, 8128, 20040, 2519, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3956, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 2027, 2123, 1393, 3586, 66687, 1393, 3107, 2519, 1393, 3107, 7092, 1393, 220, 2027, 45791, 1393, 58040, 52575, 2027, 5116, 1393, 13832, 644, 19931, 1393, 20369, 7117, 1393, 4931, 22394, 720, 256, 328, 605, 62, 11515, 23, 1393, 5162, 24, 52776, 54345, 29950, 921, 18994, 1393, 34677, 49521, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 25, 605, 1393, 6349, 8732, 8574, 3914, 1393, 2028, 38054, 4519, 3318, 10536, 2752, 11, 4156, 25288, 11, 14787, 91043, 28605, 11, 4579, 1347, 731, 28605, 11, 6678, 8957, 11, 23529, 323, 33277, 13, 2052, 5596, 527, 8104, 36301, 4245, 311, 872, 24473, 5569, 323, 1397, 3361, 2512, 323, 6666, 13, 1393, 1881, 220, 24531, 18, 1393, 256, 220, 2166, 13, 5932, 1393, 2721, 13, 22, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 3107, 2123, 794, 330, 9782, 2027, 2082, 761, 197, 1, 89526, 794, 330, 3107, 836, 761, 197, 1, 3107, 2519, 794, 330, 3107, 1584, 836, 761, 197, 1, 3107, 7092, 794, 330, 3107, 5569, 761, 197, 1, 3107, 45791, 794, 330, 3107, 21390, 761, 197, 1, 3107, 5116, 794, 330, 3107, 4096, 761, 197, 1, 13832, 644, 19931, 794, 330, 13832, 304, 5708, 22549, 197, 1, 20369, 7117, 794, 330, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 1; officeCode || city || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 ||state ||country ||postalCode ||territory 1 ||San Francisco ||+1 650 219 4782 ||100 Market Street || Suite 300 || CA || USA || 94080 || NA */ /* column definitions { "officeCode": "unique ID of the office", "city": "", "phone": "phone number", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "state": "", "country": "country", "postalCode": "postalCode", "territory": "territory" }*/ CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 1; employeeNumber ||lastName ||firstName ||extension || email ||officeCode ||reportsTo || jobTitle 1002 || Murphy || Diane || x5800 ||[email protected] || 1 || None ||President */ /* column definitions { "employeeNumber": "unique string ID of the employees", "lastName": "last name of employees", "firstName": "first name of employees", "extension": "extension number", "email": "email", "officeCode": "office code of the employees", "reportsTo": "represents for organization structure such as who reports to whom", "jobTitle": "job title" }*/ CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 1; customerNumber || customerName ||contactLastName ||contactFirstName || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 || city ||state ||postalCode ||country ||salesRepEmployeeNumber ||creditLimit 103 ||Atelier graphique || Schmitt || Carine ||40.32.2555 ||54, rue Royale || None ||Nantes || None || 44000 || France || 1370 || 21000.0 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "unique id number of customer", "customerName": "the name when the customer registered", "contactLastName": "contact last name", "contactFirstName": "contact first name", "phone": "phone", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "city": "city", "state": "state", "postalCode": "postalCode", "country": "country", "salesRepEmployeeNumber": "sales representative employee number", "creditLimit": "credit limit" }*/ CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 1; orderNumber || orderDate ||requiredDate ||shippedDate || status ||comments ||customerNumber 10100 ||2003-01-06 || 2003-01-13 || 2003-01-10 ||Shipped || None || 363 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "unique order number", "orderDate": "order date", "requiredDate": "required Date", "shippedDate": "shipped Date", "status": "status", "comments": "comments", "customerNumber": "customer number" }*/ CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM payments LIMIT 1; customerNumber ||checkNumber ||paymentDate || amount 103 || HQ336336 || 2004-10-19 ||6066.78 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "customer number", "checkNumber": "check Number", "paymentDate": "payment Date", "amount": "amount" }*/ CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM productlines LIMIT 1; productLine || textDescription ||htmlDescription ||image Classic Cars ||Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb atten || None || None */ /* column definitions { "productLine": "unique product line name", "textDescription": "text description", "htmlDescription": "html description", "image": "image" }*/ CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 1; productCode || productName ||productLine ||productScale || productVendor || productDescription ||quantityInStock ||buyPrice ||MSRP S10_1678 ||1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper ||Motorcycles || 1:10 ||Min Lin Diecast ||This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, drive chain, wheels and steering. All parts are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. || 7933 || 48.81 ||95.7 */ /* column definitions { "productCode": "unique product code", "productName": "product name", "productLine": "product line name", "productScale": "product scale", "productVendor": "product vendor", "productDescription": "product description", "quantityInStock": "quantity in stock ", "buyPrice": "buy price from vendors", "MSRP": "Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" }*/ CREATE TABLE "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orderdetails LIMIT 1; orderNumber ||productCode ||quantityOrdered ||priceEach ||orderLineNumber 10100 || S18_1749 || 30 || 136.0 || 3 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "order number", "productCode": "product code", "quantityOrdered": "quantity ordered", "priceEach": "price for each", "orderLineNumber": "order Line Number" }*/ ### Question Identify the customer and list down the country with the check number GG31455. Clarification:
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT t2.customerName, t2.country FROM payments AS t1 INNER JOIN customers AS t2 ON t1.customerNumber = t2.customerNumber WHERE t1.checkNumber = 'GG31455''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 1; officeCode || city || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 ||state ||country ||postalCode ||territory 1 ||San Francisco ||+1 650 219 4782 ||100 Market Street || Suite 300 || CA || USA || 94080 || NA */ /* column definitions { "officeCode": "unique ID of the office", "city": "", "phone": "phone number", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "state": "", "country": "country", "postalCode": "postalCode", "territory": "territory" }*/ CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 1; employeeNumber ||lastName ||firstName ||extension || email ||officeCode ||reportsTo || jobTitle 1002 || Murphy || Diane || x5800 ||[email protected] || 1 || None ||President */ /* column definitions { "employeeNumber": "unique string ID of the employees", "lastName": "last name of employees", "firstName": "first name of employees", "extension": "extension number", "email": "email", "officeCode": "office code of the employees", "reportsTo": "represents for organization structure such as who reports to whom", "jobTitle": "job title" }*/ CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 1; customerNumber || customerName ||contactLastName ||contactFirstName || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 || city ||state ||postalCode ||country ||salesRepEmployeeNumber ||creditLimit 103 ||Atelier graphique || Schmitt || Carine ||40.32.2555 ||54, rue Royale || None ||Nantes || None || 44000 || France || 1370 || 21000.0 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "unique id number of customer", "customerName": "the name when the customer registered", "contactLastName": "contact last name", "contactFirstName": "contact first name", "phone": "phone", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "city": "city", "state": "state", "postalCode": "postalCode", "country": "country", "salesRepEmployeeNumber": "sales representative employee number", "creditLimit": "credit limit" }*/ CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 1; orderNumber || orderDate ||requiredDate ||shippedDate || status ||comments ||customerNumber 10100 ||2003-01-06 || 2003-01-13 || 2003-01-10 ||Shipped || None || 363 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "unique order number", "orderDate": "order date", "requiredDate": "required Date", "shippedDate": "shipped Date", "status": "status", "comments": "comments", "customerNumber": "customer number" }*/ CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM payments LIMIT 1; customerNumber ||checkNumber ||paymentDate || amount 103 || HQ336336 || 2004-10-19 ||6066.78 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "customer number", "checkNumber": "check Number", "paymentDate": "payment Date", "amount": "amount" }*/ CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM productlines LIMIT 1; productLine || textDescription ||htmlDescription ||image Classic Cars ||Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb atten || None || None */ /* column definitions { "productLine": "unique product line name", "textDescription": "text description", "htmlDescription": "html description", "image": "image" }*/ CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 1; productCode || productName ||productLine ||productScale || productVendor || productDescription ||quantityInStock ||buyPrice ||MSRP S10_1678 ||1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper ||Motorcycles || 1:10 ||Min Lin Diecast ||This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, drive chain, wheels and steering. All parts are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. || 7933 || 48.81 ||95.7 */ /* column definitions { "productCode": "unique product code", "productName": "product name", "productLine": "product line name", "productScale": "product scale", "productVendor": "product vendor", "productDescription": "product description", "quantityInStock": "quantity in stock ", "buyPrice": "buy price from vendors", "MSRP": "Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" }*/ CREATE TABLE "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orderdetails LIMIT 1; orderNumber ||productCode ||quantityOrdered ||priceEach ||orderLineNumber 10100 || S18_1749 || 30 || 136.0 || 3 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "order number", "productCode": "product code", "quantityOrdered": "quantity ordered", "priceEach": "price for each", "orderLineNumber": "order Line Number" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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220, 1049, 18, 12, 1721, 12, 1032, 1393, 220, 1049, 18, 12, 1721, 12, 605, 1393, 2059, 6586, 1393, 262, 2290, 1393, 1881, 220, 18199, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 1382, 2903, 794, 330, 9782, 2015, 1396, 761, 197, 1, 1382, 1956, 794, 330, 1382, 2457, 761, 197, 1, 6413, 1956, 794, 330, 6413, 2696, 761, 197, 1, 939, 6586, 1956, 794, 330, 939, 6586, 2696, 761, 197, 1, 2899, 794, 330, 2899, 761, 197, 1, 15069, 794, 330, 15069, 761, 197, 1, 11296, 2903, 794, 330, 11296, 1396, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14507, 198, 1021, 262, 6130, 2903, 31481, 257, 539, 854, 345, 262, 1817, 2903, 262, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 8323, 1956, 262, 29643, 286, 539, 854, 345, 262, 3392, 260, 26339, 286, 539, 854, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 11296, 2903, 11, 1817, 2903, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11296, 2903, 8, 15407, 6444, 40421, 2903, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 14507, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 6130, 2903, 1393, 2071, 2903, 1393, 14073, 1956, 1393, 3392, 720, 1881, 220, 6889, 1393, 256, 46355, 17014, 17014, 1393, 220, 1049, 19, 12, 605, 12, 777, 1393, 20213, 21, 13, 2495, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11296, 2903, 794, 330, 11296, 1396, 761, 197, 1, 2071, 2903, 794, 330, 2071, 5742, 761, 197, 1, 14073, 1956, 794, 330, 14073, 2696, 761, 197, 1, 6173, 794, 330, 6173, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 2027, 8128, 198, 1021, 262, 2027, 2519, 257, 16139, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 1495, 5116, 16139, 345, 262, 5385, 5116, 16139, 345, 262, 2217, 1881, 426, 10911, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2027, 8128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 220, 2027, 2519, 1393, 58040, 5351, 4672, 1495, 5116, 1393, 1580, 5116, 1393, 1843, 720, 64431, 36231, 1393, 70429, 1841, 43448, 25, 7557, 701, 31331, 5086, 1841, 15637, 19226, 2586, 837, 13, 13440, 499, 527, 3411, 369, 11670, 16124, 9515, 11, 8063, 10034, 9515, 477, 5818, 53161, 13726, 2859, 11, 499, 690, 1505, 2294, 11709, 304, 420, 5699, 13, 4314, 81901, 4668, 33689, 1651, 268, 1393, 1881, 2290, 1393, 2290, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 3107, 2519, 794, 330, 9782, 2027, 1584, 836, 761, 197, 67351, 5116, 794, 330, 1342, 4096, 761, 197, 1, 1580, 5116, 794, 330, 1580, 4096, 761, 197, 1, 1843, 794, 330, 1843, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 3956, 198, 1021, 262, 2027, 2123, 286, 16139, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 66687, 286, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 2027, 2519, 286, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 2027, 7092, 415, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 2027, 45791, 415, 16139, 539, 854, 345, 262, 2027, 5116, 16139, 286, 539, 854, 345, 262, 12472, 644, 19931, 262, 31481, 257, 539, 854, 345, 262, 3780, 7117, 1881, 26339, 286, 539, 854, 345, 262, 10504, 22394, 2342, 26339, 286, 539, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 3107, 2519, 8, 15407, 2027, 8128, 20040, 2519, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3956, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 2027, 2123, 1393, 3586, 66687, 1393, 3107, 2519, 1393, 3107, 7092, 1393, 220, 2027, 45791, 1393, 58040, 52575, 2027, 5116, 1393, 13832, 644, 19931, 1393, 20369, 7117, 1393, 4931, 22394, 720, 256, 328, 605, 62, 11515, 23, 1393, 5162, 24, 52776, 54345, 29950, 921, 18994, 1393, 34677, 49521, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 25, 605, 1393, 6349, 8732, 8574, 3914, 1393, 2028, 38054, 4519, 3318, 10536, 2752, 11, 4156, 25288, 11, 14787, 91043, 28605, 11, 4579, 1347, 731, 28605, 11, 6678, 8957, 11, 23529, 323, 33277, 13, 2052, 5596, 527, 8104, 36301, 4245, 311, 872, 24473, 5569, 323, 1397, 3361, 2512, 323, 6666, 13, 1393, 1881, 220, 24531, 18, 1393, 256, 220, 2166, 13, 5932, 1393, 2721, 13, 22, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 3107, 2123, 794, 330, 9782, 2027, 2082, 761, 197, 1, 89526, 794, 330, 3107, 836, 761, 197, 1, 3107, 2519, 794, 330, 3107, 1584, 836, 761, 197, 1, 3107, 7092, 794, 330, 3107, 5569, 761, 197, 1, 3107, 45791, 794, 330, 3107, 21390, 761, 197, 1, 3107, 5116, 794, 330, 3107, 4096, 761, 197, 1, 13832, 644, 19931, 794, 330, 13832, 304, 5708, 22549, 197, 1, 20369, 7117, 794, 330, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 1; officeCode || city || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 ||state ||country ||postalCode ||territory 1 ||San Francisco ||+1 650 219 4782 ||100 Market Street || Suite 300 || CA || USA || 94080 || NA */ /* column definitions { "officeCode": "unique ID of the office", "city": "", "phone": "phone number", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "state": "", "country": "country", "postalCode": "postalCode", "territory": "territory" }*/ CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 1; employeeNumber ||lastName ||firstName ||extension || email ||officeCode ||reportsTo || jobTitle 1002 || Murphy || Diane || x5800 ||[email protected] || 1 || None ||President */ /* column definitions { "employeeNumber": "unique string ID of the employees", "lastName": "last name of employees", "firstName": "first name of employees", "extension": "extension number", "email": "email", "officeCode": "office code of the employees", "reportsTo": "represents for organization structure such as who reports to whom", "jobTitle": "job title" }*/ CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 1; customerNumber || customerName ||contactLastName ||contactFirstName || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 || city ||state ||postalCode ||country ||salesRepEmployeeNumber ||creditLimit 103 ||Atelier graphique || Schmitt || Carine ||40.32.2555 ||54, rue Royale || None ||Nantes || None || 44000 || France || 1370 || 21000.0 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "unique id number of customer", "customerName": "the name when the customer registered", "contactLastName": "contact last name", "contactFirstName": "contact first name", "phone": "phone", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "city": "city", "state": "state", "postalCode": "postalCode", "country": "country", "salesRepEmployeeNumber": "sales representative employee number", "creditLimit": "credit limit" }*/ CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 1; orderNumber || orderDate ||requiredDate ||shippedDate || status ||comments ||customerNumber 10100 ||2003-01-06 || 2003-01-13 || 2003-01-10 ||Shipped || None || 363 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "unique order number", "orderDate": "order date", "requiredDate": "required Date", "shippedDate": "shipped Date", "status": "status", "comments": "comments", "customerNumber": "customer number" }*/ CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM payments LIMIT 1; customerNumber ||checkNumber ||paymentDate || amount 103 || HQ336336 || 2004-10-19 ||6066.78 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "customer number", "checkNumber": "check Number", "paymentDate": "payment Date", "amount": "amount" }*/ CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM productlines LIMIT 1; productLine || textDescription ||htmlDescription ||image Classic Cars ||Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb atten || None || None */ /* column definitions { "productLine": "unique product line name", "textDescription": "text description", "htmlDescription": "html description", "image": "image" }*/ CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 1; productCode || productName ||productLine ||productScale || productVendor || productDescription ||quantityInStock ||buyPrice ||MSRP S10_1678 ||1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper ||Motorcycles || 1:10 ||Min Lin Diecast ||This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, drive chain, wheels and steering. All parts are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. || 7933 || 48.81 ||95.7 */ /* column definitions { "productCode": "unique product code", "productName": "product name", "productLine": "product line name", "productScale": "product scale", "productVendor": "product vendor", "productDescription": "product description", "quantityInStock": "quantity in stock ", "buyPrice": "buy price from vendors", "MSRP": "Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" }*/ CREATE TABLE "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orderdetails LIMIT 1; orderNumber ||productCode ||quantityOrdered ||priceEach ||orderLineNumber 10100 || S18_1749 || 30 || 136.0 || 3 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "order number", "productCode": "product code", "quantityOrdered": "quantity ordered", "priceEach": "price for each", "orderLineNumber": "order Line Number" }*/ ### Question How many countries from the USA have an In Process order status? Clarification: country = 'USA'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(t2.orderNumber) FROM customers AS t1 INNER JOIN orders AS t2 ON t1.customerNumber = t2.customerNumber WHERE t2.status = 'On Hold' AND t1.country = 'USA''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE offices ( officeCode TEXT not null primary key, city TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, state TEXT, country TEXT not null, postalCode TEXT not null, territory TEXT not null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM offices LIMIT 1; officeCode || city || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 ||state ||country ||postalCode ||territory 1 ||San Francisco ||+1 650 219 4782 ||100 Market Street || Suite 300 || CA || USA || 94080 || NA */ /* column definitions { "officeCode": "unique ID of the office", "city": "", "phone": "phone number", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "state": "", "country": "country", "postalCode": "postalCode", "territory": "territory" }*/ CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeNumber INTEGER not null primary key, lastName TEXT not null, firstName TEXT not null, extension TEXT not null, email TEXT not null, officeCode TEXT not null, reportsTo INTEGER, jobTitle TEXT not null, foreign key (officeCode) references offices(officeCode), foreign key (reportsTo) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 1; employeeNumber ||lastName ||firstName ||extension || email ||officeCode ||reportsTo || jobTitle 1002 || Murphy || Diane || x5800 ||[email protected] || 1 || None ||President */ /* column definitions { "employeeNumber": "unique string ID of the employees", "lastName": "last name of employees", "firstName": "first name of employees", "extension": "extension number", "email": "email", "officeCode": "office code of the employees", "reportsTo": "represents for organization structure such as who reports to whom", "jobTitle": "job title" }*/ CREATE TABLE customers ( customerNumber INTEGER not null primary key, customerName TEXT not null, contactLastName TEXT not null, contactFirstName TEXT not null, phone TEXT not null, addressLine1 TEXT not null, addressLine2 TEXT, city TEXT not null, state TEXT, postalCode TEXT, country TEXT not null, salesRepEmployeeNumber INTEGER, creditLimit REAL, foreign key (salesRepEmployeeNumber) references employees(employeeNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 1; customerNumber || customerName ||contactLastName ||contactFirstName || phone || addressLine1 ||addressLine2 || city ||state ||postalCode ||country ||salesRepEmployeeNumber ||creditLimit 103 ||Atelier graphique || Schmitt || Carine ||40.32.2555 ||54, rue Royale || None ||Nantes || None || 44000 || France || 1370 || 21000.0 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "unique id number of customer", "customerName": "the name when the customer registered", "contactLastName": "contact last name", "contactFirstName": "contact first name", "phone": "phone", "addressLine1": "addressLine1", "addressLine2": "addressLine2", "city": "city", "state": "state", "postalCode": "postalCode", "country": "country", "salesRepEmployeeNumber": "sales representative employee number", "creditLimit": "credit limit" }*/ CREATE TABLE orders ( orderNumber INTEGER not null primary key, orderDate DATE not null, requiredDate DATE not null, shippedDate DATE, status TEXT not null, comments TEXT, customerNumber INTEGER not null, foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 1; orderNumber || orderDate ||requiredDate ||shippedDate || status ||comments ||customerNumber 10100 ||2003-01-06 || 2003-01-13 || 2003-01-10 ||Shipped || None || 363 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "unique order number", "orderDate": "order date", "requiredDate": "required Date", "shippedDate": "shipped Date", "status": "status", "comments": "comments", "customerNumber": "customer number" }*/ CREATE TABLE payments ( customerNumber INTEGER not null, checkNumber TEXT not null, paymentDate DATE not null, amount REAL not null, primary key (customerNumber, checkNumber), foreign key (customerNumber) references customers(customerNumber) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM payments LIMIT 1; customerNumber ||checkNumber ||paymentDate || amount 103 || HQ336336 || 2004-10-19 ||6066.78 */ /* column definitions { "customerNumber": "customer number", "checkNumber": "check Number", "paymentDate": "payment Date", "amount": "amount" }*/ CREATE TABLE productlines ( productLine TEXT not null primary key, textDescription TEXT, htmlDescription TEXT, image BLOB ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM productlines LIMIT 1; productLine || textDescription ||htmlDescription ||image Classic Cars ||Attention car enthusiasts: Make your wildest car ownership dreams come true. Whether you are looking for classic muscle cars, dream sports cars or movie-inspired miniatures, you will find great choices in this category. These replicas feature superb atten || None || None */ /* column definitions { "productLine": "unique product line name", "textDescription": "text description", "htmlDescription": "html description", "image": "image" }*/ CREATE TABLE products ( productCode TEXT not null primary key, productName TEXT not null, productLine TEXT not null, productScale TEXT not null, productVendor TEXT not null, productDescription TEXT not null, quantityInStock INTEGER not null, buyPrice REAL not null, MSRP REAL not null, foreign key (productLine) references productlines(productLine) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 1; productCode || productName ||productLine ||productScale || productVendor || productDescription ||quantityInStock ||buyPrice ||MSRP S10_1678 ||1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper ||Motorcycles || 1:10 ||Min Lin Diecast ||This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever, footbrake lever, drive chain, wheels and steering. All parts are particularly delicate due to their precise scale and require special care and attention. || 7933 || 48.81 ||95.7 */ /* column definitions { "productCode": "unique product code", "productName": "product name", "productLine": "product line name", "productScale": "product scale", "productVendor": "product vendor", "productDescription": "product description", "quantityInStock": "quantity in stock ", "buyPrice": "buy price from vendors", "MSRP": "Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" }*/ CREATE TABLE "orderdetails" ( orderNumber INTEGER not null references orders, productCode TEXT not null references products, quantityOrdered INTEGER not null, priceEach REAL not null, orderLineNumber INTEGER not null, primary key (orderNumber, productCode) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM orderdetails LIMIT 1; orderNumber ||productCode ||quantityOrdered ||priceEach ||orderLineNumber 10100 || S18_1749 || 30 || 136.0 || 3 */ /* column definitions { "orderNumber": "order number", "productCode": "product code", "quantityOrdered": "quantity ordered", "priceEach": "price for each", "orderLineNumber": "order Line Number" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/ ### Question List all the cities in Sonoma County. Clarification:
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT city FROM geographic WHERE county = 'sonoma county''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 46139, 198, 1021, 262, 3363, 256, 16139, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14189, 16139, 854, 345, 262, 5654, 16139, 854, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 46139, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 262, 3363, 1393, 286, 14189, 1393, 220, 5654, 720, 278, 99171, 1393, 278, 99171, 14189, 1393, 47364, 3158, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 66026, 794, 330, 1820, 3224, 279, 3363, 17623, 311, 761, 197, 1, 4030, 794, 330, 6133, 6961, 287, 13918, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4689, 2801, 198, 1021, 262, 887, 33331, 14671, 31481, 260, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2440, 260, 16139, 220, 854, 345, 262, 3691, 1857, 257, 16139, 220, 854, 345, 262, 3363, 692, 16139, 220, 854, 345, 262, 3477, 286, 26339, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9103, 8, 15407, 46139, 44602, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 4689, 2801, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 887, 33331, 14671, 1393, 260, 2440, 1393, 262, 3691, 1857, 1393, 260, 3363, 1393, 19981, 720, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 54882, 88, 596, 89206, 1393, 1187, 6596, 89206, 1393, 34182, 44579, 9652, 1393, 256, 220, 17, 13, 18, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 29800, 33331, 14671, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 93767, 794, 330, 1820, 2440, 315, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 14239, 1857, 794, 330, 1820, 3691, 955, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 1405, 279, 10960, 374, 7559, 304, 761, 197, 1, 19981, 794, 330, 1820, 3477, 315, 279, 10960, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 3813, 198, 1021, 262, 887, 33331, 14671, 31481, 286, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8761, 4369, 262, 31481, 692, 854, 345, 262, 8761, 1292, 256, 16139, 854, 345, 262, 3363, 692, 16139, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9103, 8, 15407, 46139, 320, 9103, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 307, 33331, 14671, 8, 15407, 4689, 2801, 320, 307, 33331, 14671, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3813, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 887, 33331, 14671, 1393, 28451, 4369, 1393, 28451, 1292, 1393, 260, 3363, 720, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 12754, 1393, 220, 8993, 357, 1393, 34182, 44579, 9652, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 29800, 33331, 14671, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 28451, 4369, 794, 330, 1820, 8761, 1396, 315, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 28451, 1292, 794, 330, 1820, 8761, 836, 315, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 1405, 279, 10960, 374, 7559, 304, 761, 197, 29896, 8555, 69077, 14711, 16225, 198, 4438, 1690, 15926, 649, 584, 1505, 520, 1396, 220, 25665, 389, 1202, 8761, 5380, 100069, 2461, 25, 1396, 220, 25665, 389, 1202, 8761, 19813, 311, 8761, 4369, 284, 220, 25665, 128009, 128006, 78191, 128007, 271, 58, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 364, 4963, 24945, 3809, 33331, 14671, 8, 4393, 3813, 5401, 8761, 4369, 284, 220, 25665, 66360, 60, 128009 ]
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/ ### Question How many restaurants can we find at number 871 on its street? Clarification: number 871 on its street refers to street_num = 871
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(id_restaurant) FROM location WHERE street_num = 871'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 46139, 198, 1021, 262, 3363, 256, 16139, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14189, 16139, 854, 345, 262, 5654, 16139, 854, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 46139, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 262, 3363, 1393, 286, 14189, 1393, 220, 5654, 720, 278, 99171, 1393, 278, 99171, 14189, 1393, 47364, 3158, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 66026, 794, 330, 1820, 3224, 279, 3363, 17623, 311, 761, 197, 1, 4030, 794, 330, 6133, 6961, 287, 13918, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4689, 2801, 198, 1021, 262, 887, 33331, 14671, 31481, 260, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2440, 260, 16139, 220, 854, 345, 262, 3691, 1857, 257, 16139, 220, 854, 345, 262, 3363, 692, 16139, 220, 854, 345, 262, 3477, 286, 26339, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9103, 8, 15407, 46139, 44602, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 4689, 2801, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 887, 33331, 14671, 1393, 260, 2440, 1393, 262, 3691, 1857, 1393, 260, 3363, 1393, 19981, 720, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 54882, 88, 596, 89206, 1393, 1187, 6596, 89206, 1393, 34182, 44579, 9652, 1393, 256, 220, 17, 13, 18, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 29800, 33331, 14671, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 93767, 794, 330, 1820, 2440, 315, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 14239, 1857, 794, 330, 1820, 3691, 955, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 1405, 279, 10960, 374, 7559, 304, 761, 197, 1, 19981, 794, 330, 1820, 3477, 315, 279, 10960, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 3813, 198, 1021, 262, 887, 33331, 14671, 31481, 286, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8761, 4369, 262, 31481, 692, 854, 345, 262, 8761, 1292, 256, 16139, 854, 345, 262, 3363, 692, 16139, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9103, 8, 15407, 46139, 320, 9103, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 307, 33331, 14671, 8, 15407, 4689, 2801, 320, 307, 33331, 14671, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3813, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 887, 33331, 14671, 1393, 28451, 4369, 1393, 28451, 1292, 1393, 260, 3363, 720, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 12754, 1393, 220, 8993, 357, 1393, 34182, 44579, 9652, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 29800, 33331, 14671, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 28451, 4369, 794, 330, 1820, 8761, 1396, 315, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 28451, 1292, 794, 330, 1820, 8761, 836, 315, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 1405, 279, 10960, 374, 7559, 304, 761, 197, 29896, 8555, 69077, 14711, 16225, 198, 644, 902, 31276, 527, 1070, 362, 92436, 19385, 34484, 59193, 5380, 100069, 2461, 25, 362, 92436, 19385, 34484, 26568, 19813, 311, 2440, 284, 364, 64, 612, 289, 3789, 13179, 6, 128009, 128006, 78191, 128007, 271, 58, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 364, 4963, 60186, 350, 17, 6637, 88, 4393, 4689, 2801, 5871, 350, 16, 31448, 13369, 46139, 5871, 350, 17, 6328, 350, 16, 27473, 284, 350, 17, 27473, 5401, 350, 16, 2981, 284, 364, 64, 612, 289, 3789, 13179, 4708, 5525, 60, 128009 ]
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/ ### Question In which counties are there A&W Root Beer Restaurants? Clarification: A&W Root Beer Restaurant refers to label = 'a & w root beer'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT DISTINCT T2.county FROM generalinfo AS T1 INNER JOIN geographic AS T2 ON T1.city = T2.city WHERE T1.label = 'a & w root beer''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/ ### Question List all counties where there is no Bakers Square Restaurant & Pie Shop. Clarification: no Bakers Square Restaurant & Pie Shop refers to label <> 'bakers square restaurant & pie shop'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT DISTINCT T2.county FROM generalinfo AS T1 INNER JOIN geographic AS T2 ON T1.city = T2.city WHERE T1.label != 'bakers square restaurant & pie shop''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 46139, 198, 1021, 262, 3363, 256, 16139, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14189, 16139, 854, 345, 262, 5654, 16139, 854, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 46139, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 262, 3363, 1393, 286, 14189, 1393, 220, 5654, 720, 278, 99171, 1393, 278, 99171, 14189, 1393, 47364, 3158, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 66026, 794, 330, 1820, 3224, 279, 3363, 17623, 311, 761, 197, 1, 4030, 794, 330, 6133, 6961, 287, 13918, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4689, 2801, 198, 1021, 262, 887, 33331, 14671, 31481, 260, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2440, 260, 16139, 220, 854, 345, 262, 3691, 1857, 257, 16139, 220, 854, 345, 262, 3363, 692, 16139, 220, 854, 345, 262, 3477, 286, 26339, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9103, 8, 15407, 46139, 44602, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 4689, 2801, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 887, 33331, 14671, 1393, 260, 2440, 1393, 262, 3691, 1857, 1393, 260, 3363, 1393, 19981, 720, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 54882, 88, 596, 89206, 1393, 1187, 6596, 89206, 1393, 34182, 44579, 9652, 1393, 256, 220, 17, 13, 18, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 29800, 33331, 14671, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 93767, 794, 330, 1820, 2440, 315, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 14239, 1857, 794, 330, 1820, 3691, 955, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 1405, 279, 10960, 374, 7559, 304, 761, 197, 1, 19981, 794, 330, 1820, 3477, 315, 279, 10960, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 3813, 198, 1021, 262, 887, 33331, 14671, 31481, 286, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8761, 4369, 262, 31481, 692, 854, 345, 262, 8761, 1292, 256, 16139, 854, 345, 262, 3363, 692, 16139, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9103, 8, 15407, 46139, 320, 9103, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 307, 33331, 14671, 8, 15407, 4689, 2801, 320, 307, 33331, 14671, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3813, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 887, 33331, 14671, 1393, 28451, 4369, 1393, 28451, 1292, 1393, 260, 3363, 720, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 12754, 1393, 220, 8993, 357, 1393, 34182, 44579, 9652, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 29800, 33331, 14671, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 28451, 4369, 794, 330, 1820, 8761, 1396, 315, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 28451, 1292, 794, 330, 1820, 8761, 836, 315, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 1405, 279, 10960, 374, 7559, 304, 761, 197, 29896, 8555, 69077, 14711, 16225, 198, 29401, 1463, 682, 15926, 304, 1221, 2221, 32380, 6406, 555, 887, 627, 100069, 2461, 25, 128009, 128006, 78191, 128007, 271, 58, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 364, 4963, 350, 16, 1801, 33331, 14671, 4393, 3813, 5871, 350, 16, 31448, 13369, 46139, 5871, 350, 17, 6328, 350, 16, 27473, 284, 350, 17, 27473, 5401, 350, 17, 6637, 88, 284, 364, 97843, 99802, 14189, 4708, 5525, 60, 128009 ]
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/ ### Question Identify all restaurants in Contra Costa County by id. Clarification:
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.id_restaurant FROM location AS T1 INNER JOIN geographic AS T2 ON T1.city = T2.city WHERE T2.county = 'contra costa county''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/ ### Question Which restaurant on the street Alameda de las Pulgas in the city of Menlo Park is the worst rated? Clarification: restaurant refers to label; street Alameda de las Pulgas refers to street_name = 'avenida de las pulgas'; the worst rated refers to min(review)
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T2.label FROM location AS T1 INNER JOIN generalinfo AS T2 ON T1.id_restaurant = T2.id_restaurant WHERE T1.street_name = 'avenida de las pulgas' AND T2.city = 'menlo park' ORDER BY review LIMIT 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/ ### Question In which regions are there no pizza restaurants? Clarification: no pizza restaurants refers to food_type = 'pizza'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT DISTINCT T2.region FROM generalinfo AS T1 INNER JOIN geographic AS T2 ON T1.city = T2.city WHERE T1.food_type = 'pizza' AND T2.region != 'unknown''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 46139, 198, 1021, 262, 3363, 256, 16139, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14189, 16139, 854, 345, 262, 5654, 16139, 854, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 46139, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 262, 3363, 1393, 286, 14189, 1393, 220, 5654, 720, 278, 99171, 1393, 278, 99171, 14189, 1393, 47364, 3158, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 66026, 794, 330, 1820, 3224, 279, 3363, 17623, 311, 761, 197, 1, 4030, 794, 330, 6133, 6961, 287, 13918, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4689, 2801, 198, 1021, 262, 887, 33331, 14671, 31481, 260, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2440, 260, 16139, 220, 854, 345, 262, 3691, 1857, 257, 16139, 220, 854, 345, 262, 3363, 692, 16139, 220, 854, 345, 262, 3477, 286, 26339, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9103, 8, 15407, 46139, 44602, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 4689, 2801, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 887, 33331, 14671, 1393, 260, 2440, 1393, 262, 3691, 1857, 1393, 260, 3363, 1393, 19981, 720, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 54882, 88, 596, 89206, 1393, 1187, 6596, 89206, 1393, 34182, 44579, 9652, 1393, 256, 220, 17, 13, 18, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 29800, 33331, 14671, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 93767, 794, 330, 1820, 2440, 315, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 14239, 1857, 794, 330, 1820, 3691, 955, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 1405, 279, 10960, 374, 7559, 304, 761, 197, 1, 19981, 794, 330, 1820, 3477, 315, 279, 10960, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 3813, 198, 1021, 262, 887, 33331, 14671, 31481, 286, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8761, 4369, 262, 31481, 692, 854, 345, 262, 8761, 1292, 256, 16139, 854, 345, 262, 3363, 692, 16139, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9103, 8, 15407, 46139, 320, 9103, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 307, 33331, 14671, 8, 15407, 4689, 2801, 320, 307, 33331, 14671, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3813, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 887, 33331, 14671, 1393, 28451, 4369, 1393, 28451, 1292, 1393, 260, 3363, 720, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 12754, 1393, 220, 8993, 357, 1393, 34182, 44579, 9652, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 29800, 33331, 14671, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 28451, 4369, 794, 330, 1820, 8761, 1396, 315, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 28451, 1292, 794, 330, 1820, 8761, 836, 315, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 1405, 279, 10960, 374, 7559, 304, 761, 197, 29896, 8555, 69077, 14711, 16225, 198, 5618, 1160, 682, 315, 279, 15926, 430, 8854, 7665, 3691, 627, 100069, 2461, 25, 10960, 19813, 311, 2440, 26, 7665, 3691, 19813, 311, 3691, 1857, 284, 364, 68, 74387, 6, 128009, 128006, 78191, 128007, 271, 58, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 364, 4963, 2440, 4393, 4689, 2801, 5401, 3691, 1857, 284, 364, 68, 74387, 4708, 5525, 60, 128009 ]
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/ ### Question Please list all of the restaurants that serve European food. Clarification: restaurant refers to label; European food refers to food_type = 'european'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT label FROM generalinfo WHERE food_type = 'european''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/ ### Question What is the county and region of Davis City? Clarification:
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT county, region FROM geographic WHERE city = 'Davis''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/ ### Question What is the percentage of restaurants that serve American food in Dublin city? Clarification: American food refers to food_type = 'american food'; percentage = divide(count(id_restaurant), count(id_restaurant where food_type = 'american food')) where city = 'dublin' * 100%
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT CAST(SUM(IIF(food_type = 'american food', 1, 0)) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT(id_restaurant) FROM generalinfo WHERE city = 'dublin''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/ ### Question What is the name of the Chinese restaurant that can be found at 104 San Tomas Aquino Road, Campbell? Clarification: restaurant name refers to label; Chinese restaurant refers to food_type = 'chinese'; 104 San Tomas Aquino Road Campbell refers to street_num = 104 AND street_name = 'san tomas aquino road' AND city = 'campbell'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.label FROM generalinfo AS T1 INNER JOIN location AS T2 ON T1.id_restaurant = T2.id_restaurant WHERE T2.street_num = 104 AND T1.city = 'campbell' AND T2.street_name = 'san tomas aquino road''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/ ### Question Which county and region does the street E. El Camino Real belong to? Clarification: street E. El Camino Real refers to street_name = 'E. El Camino Real'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT DISTINCT T2.county, T2.region FROM location AS T1 INNER JOIN geographic AS T2 ON T1.city = T2.city WHERE T1.street_name = 'E. El Camino Real''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/ ### Question How many restaurants have more than 4 star reviews? Clarification: more than 4 star review refers to review > 4
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(id_restaurant) AS cnt FROM generalinfo WHERE review > 4'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 46139, 198, 1021, 262, 3363, 256, 16139, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14189, 16139, 854, 345, 262, 5654, 16139, 854, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 46139, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 262, 3363, 1393, 286, 14189, 1393, 220, 5654, 720, 278, 99171, 1393, 278, 99171, 14189, 1393, 47364, 3158, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 66026, 794, 330, 1820, 3224, 279, 3363, 17623, 311, 761, 197, 1, 4030, 794, 330, 6133, 6961, 287, 13918, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4689, 2801, 198, 1021, 262, 887, 33331, 14671, 31481, 260, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2440, 260, 16139, 220, 854, 345, 262, 3691, 1857, 257, 16139, 220, 854, 345, 262, 3363, 692, 16139, 220, 854, 345, 262, 3477, 286, 26339, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9103, 8, 15407, 46139, 44602, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 4689, 2801, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 887, 33331, 14671, 1393, 260, 2440, 1393, 262, 3691, 1857, 1393, 260, 3363, 1393, 19981, 720, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 54882, 88, 596, 89206, 1393, 1187, 6596, 89206, 1393, 34182, 44579, 9652, 1393, 256, 220, 17, 13, 18, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 29800, 33331, 14671, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 93767, 794, 330, 1820, 2440, 315, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 14239, 1857, 794, 330, 1820, 3691, 955, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 1405, 279, 10960, 374, 7559, 304, 761, 197, 1, 19981, 794, 330, 1820, 3477, 315, 279, 10960, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 3813, 198, 1021, 262, 887, 33331, 14671, 31481, 286, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8761, 4369, 262, 31481, 692, 854, 345, 262, 8761, 1292, 256, 16139, 854, 345, 262, 3363, 692, 16139, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9103, 8, 15407, 46139, 320, 9103, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 307, 33331, 14671, 8, 15407, 4689, 2801, 320, 307, 33331, 14671, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3813, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 887, 33331, 14671, 1393, 28451, 4369, 1393, 28451, 1292, 1393, 260, 3363, 720, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 12754, 1393, 220, 8993, 357, 1393, 34182, 44579, 9652, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 29800, 33331, 14671, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 28451, 4369, 794, 330, 1820, 8761, 1396, 315, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 28451, 1292, 794, 330, 1820, 8761, 836, 315, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 1405, 279, 10960, 374, 7559, 304, 761, 197, 29896, 8555, 69077, 14711, 16225, 198, 4438, 1690, 15926, 527, 389, 56310, 6825, 5380, 100069, 2461, 25, 56310, 6825, 19813, 311, 8761, 1292, 284, 364, 404, 4504, 6, 128009, 128006, 78191, 128007, 271, 58, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 364, 4963, 24945, 3809, 33331, 14671, 8, 4393, 3813, 5401, 8761, 1292, 284, 364, 404, 4504, 4708, 5525, 60, 128009 ]
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/ ### Question How many restaurants are on Irving Street? Clarification: Irving Street refers to street_name = 'irving'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(id_restaurant) FROM location WHERE street_name = 'irving''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 46139, 198, 1021, 262, 3363, 256, 16139, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14189, 16139, 854, 345, 262, 5654, 16139, 854, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 46139, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 262, 3363, 1393, 286, 14189, 1393, 220, 5654, 720, 278, 99171, 1393, 278, 99171, 14189, 1393, 47364, 3158, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 66026, 794, 330, 1820, 3224, 279, 3363, 17623, 311, 761, 197, 1, 4030, 794, 330, 6133, 6961, 287, 13918, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4689, 2801, 198, 1021, 262, 887, 33331, 14671, 31481, 260, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2440, 260, 16139, 220, 854, 345, 262, 3691, 1857, 257, 16139, 220, 854, 345, 262, 3363, 692, 16139, 220, 854, 345, 262, 3477, 286, 26339, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9103, 8, 15407, 46139, 44602, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 4689, 2801, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 887, 33331, 14671, 1393, 260, 2440, 1393, 262, 3691, 1857, 1393, 260, 3363, 1393, 19981, 720, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 54882, 88, 596, 89206, 1393, 1187, 6596, 89206, 1393, 34182, 44579, 9652, 1393, 256, 220, 17, 13, 18, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 29800, 33331, 14671, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 93767, 794, 330, 1820, 2440, 315, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 14239, 1857, 794, 330, 1820, 3691, 955, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 1405, 279, 10960, 374, 7559, 304, 761, 197, 1, 19981, 794, 330, 1820, 3477, 315, 279, 10960, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 3813, 198, 1021, 262, 887, 33331, 14671, 31481, 286, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8761, 4369, 262, 31481, 692, 854, 345, 262, 8761, 1292, 256, 16139, 854, 345, 262, 3363, 692, 16139, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9103, 8, 15407, 46139, 320, 9103, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 307, 33331, 14671, 8, 15407, 4689, 2801, 320, 307, 33331, 14671, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3813, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 887, 33331, 14671, 1393, 28451, 4369, 1393, 28451, 1292, 1393, 260, 3363, 720, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 12754, 1393, 220, 8993, 357, 1393, 34182, 44579, 9652, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 29800, 33331, 14671, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 28451, 4369, 794, 330, 1820, 8761, 1396, 315, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 28451, 1292, 794, 330, 1820, 8761, 836, 315, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 1405, 279, 10960, 374, 7559, 304, 761, 197, 29896, 8555, 69077, 14711, 16225, 198, 3923, 527, 279, 13918, 449, 18341, 15926, 5380, 100069, 2461, 25, 18341, 10960, 19813, 311, 3691, 1857, 284, 364, 70, 10957, 6, 128009, 128006, 78191, 128007, 271, 58, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 364, 4963, 60186, 350, 16, 44076, 4393, 46139, 5871, 350, 16, 31448, 13369, 4689, 2801, 5871, 350, 17, 6328, 350, 16, 27473, 284, 350, 17, 27473, 5401, 350, 17, 58319, 1857, 284, 364, 70, 10957, 4708, 5525, 60, 128009 ]
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/ ### Question What are the regions with Greek restaurants? Clarification: Greek restaurant refers to food_type = 'greek'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT DISTINCT T1.region FROM geographic AS T1 INNER JOIN generalinfo AS T2 ON T1.city = T2.city WHERE T2.food_type = 'greek''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/ ### Question Which street in San Francisco has the most burger restaurants? Clarification: street refers to street_name; San Francisco refers to city = 'san francisco'; burger restaurant refers to food_type = 'burgers'; the most burger restaurants refers to max(count(street_name where food_type = 'burgers' and city = 'san francisco'))
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T2.street_name FROM generalinfo AS T1 INNER JOIN location AS T2 ON T1.id_restaurant = T2.id_restaurant WHERE T1.city = 'san francisco' AND T1.food_type = 'burgers' GROUP BY T2.street_name ORDER BY COUNT(T2.id_restaurant) DESC LIMIT 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/ ### Question List all of the restaurants on Park St. Clarification: restaurant refers to label; Park St refers to street_name = 'park st'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T2.label FROM location AS T1 INNER JOIN generalinfo AS T2 ON T1.id_restaurant = T2.id_restaurant WHERE T1.street_name = 'park st''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 46139, 198, 1021, 262, 3363, 256, 16139, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14189, 16139, 854, 345, 262, 5654, 16139, 854, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 46139, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 262, 3363, 1393, 286, 14189, 1393, 220, 5654, 720, 278, 99171, 1393, 278, 99171, 14189, 1393, 47364, 3158, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 66026, 794, 330, 1820, 3224, 279, 3363, 17623, 311, 761, 197, 1, 4030, 794, 330, 6133, 6961, 287, 13918, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4689, 2801, 198, 1021, 262, 887, 33331, 14671, 31481, 260, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2440, 260, 16139, 220, 854, 345, 262, 3691, 1857, 257, 16139, 220, 854, 345, 262, 3363, 692, 16139, 220, 854, 345, 262, 3477, 286, 26339, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9103, 8, 15407, 46139, 44602, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 4689, 2801, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 887, 33331, 14671, 1393, 260, 2440, 1393, 262, 3691, 1857, 1393, 260, 3363, 1393, 19981, 720, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 54882, 88, 596, 89206, 1393, 1187, 6596, 89206, 1393, 34182, 44579, 9652, 1393, 256, 220, 17, 13, 18, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 29800, 33331, 14671, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 93767, 794, 330, 1820, 2440, 315, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 14239, 1857, 794, 330, 1820, 3691, 955, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 1405, 279, 10960, 374, 7559, 304, 761, 197, 1, 19981, 794, 330, 1820, 3477, 315, 279, 10960, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 3813, 198, 1021, 262, 887, 33331, 14671, 31481, 286, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8761, 4369, 262, 31481, 692, 854, 345, 262, 8761, 1292, 256, 16139, 854, 345, 262, 3363, 692, 16139, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9103, 8, 15407, 46139, 320, 9103, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 307, 33331, 14671, 8, 15407, 4689, 2801, 320, 307, 33331, 14671, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3813, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 887, 33331, 14671, 1393, 28451, 4369, 1393, 28451, 1292, 1393, 260, 3363, 720, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 12754, 1393, 220, 8993, 357, 1393, 34182, 44579, 9652, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 29800, 33331, 14671, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 28451, 4369, 794, 330, 1820, 8761, 1396, 315, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 28451, 1292, 794, 330, 1820, 8761, 836, 315, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 1405, 279, 10960, 374, 7559, 304, 761, 197, 29896, 8555, 69077, 14711, 16225, 198, 861, 10960, 14483, 7559, 304, 11824, 8078, 3363, 627, 100069, 2461, 25, 128009, 128006, 78191, 128007, 271, 58, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 364, 4963, 887, 33331, 14671, 4393, 3813, 5401, 3363, 284, 364, 39125, 8078, 4708, 5525, 60, 128009 ]
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/ ### Question List restaurant ids located in Danville city. Clarification:
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT id_restaurant FROM location WHERE city = 'Danville''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/ ### Question Please indicate which labels have the city located in Santa Cruz. Clarification: Santa Cruz refers to county = 'Santa Cruz county'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.label FROM generalinfo AS T1 INNER JOIN geographic AS T2 ON T1.city = T2.city WHERE T2.county = 'Santa Cruz county''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/ ### Question Find the percentage of restaurant in Napa Valley. Clarification: Napa Valley refers to region = 'Napa Valley'; percentage = divide(count(id_restaurant where region = 'Napa Valley'), count(id_restaurant)) * 100%
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT CAST(SUM(IIF(region = 'Napa Valley', 1, 0)) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT(region) FROM geographic'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 46139, 198, 1021, 262, 3363, 256, 16139, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14189, 16139, 854, 345, 262, 5654, 16139, 854, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 46139, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 262, 3363, 1393, 286, 14189, 1393, 220, 5654, 720, 278, 99171, 1393, 278, 99171, 14189, 1393, 47364, 3158, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 66026, 794, 330, 1820, 3224, 279, 3363, 17623, 311, 761, 197, 1, 4030, 794, 330, 6133, 6961, 287, 13918, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4689, 2801, 198, 1021, 262, 887, 33331, 14671, 31481, 260, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2440, 260, 16139, 220, 854, 345, 262, 3691, 1857, 257, 16139, 220, 854, 345, 262, 3363, 692, 16139, 220, 854, 345, 262, 3477, 286, 26339, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9103, 8, 15407, 46139, 44602, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 4689, 2801, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 887, 33331, 14671, 1393, 260, 2440, 1393, 262, 3691, 1857, 1393, 260, 3363, 1393, 19981, 720, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 54882, 88, 596, 89206, 1393, 1187, 6596, 89206, 1393, 34182, 44579, 9652, 1393, 256, 220, 17, 13, 18, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 29800, 33331, 14671, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 93767, 794, 330, 1820, 2440, 315, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 14239, 1857, 794, 330, 1820, 3691, 955, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 1405, 279, 10960, 374, 7559, 304, 761, 197, 1, 19981, 794, 330, 1820, 3477, 315, 279, 10960, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 3813, 198, 1021, 262, 887, 33331, 14671, 31481, 286, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8761, 4369, 262, 31481, 692, 854, 345, 262, 8761, 1292, 256, 16139, 854, 345, 262, 3363, 692, 16139, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9103, 8, 15407, 46139, 320, 9103, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 307, 33331, 14671, 8, 15407, 4689, 2801, 320, 307, 33331, 14671, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3813, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 887, 33331, 14671, 1393, 28451, 4369, 1393, 28451, 1292, 1393, 260, 3363, 720, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 12754, 1393, 220, 8993, 357, 1393, 34182, 44579, 9652, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 29800, 33331, 14671, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 28451, 4369, 794, 330, 1820, 8761, 1396, 315, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 28451, 1292, 794, 330, 1820, 8761, 836, 315, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 1405, 279, 10960, 374, 7559, 304, 761, 197, 29896, 8555, 69077, 14711, 16225, 198, 861, 1523, 279, 10960, 3110, 315, 15926, 7559, 304, 56138, 78829, 627, 100069, 2461, 25, 56138, 78829, 19813, 311, 3363, 284, 364, 82, 28397, 78829, 6, 128009, 128006, 78191, 128007, 271, 58, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 364, 4963, 887, 33331, 14671, 4393, 3813, 5401, 3363, 284, 364, 82, 28397, 78829, 4708, 5525, 60, 128009 ]
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/ ### Question List down the restaurant ID of restaurants located in Sunnyvale. Clarification: Sunnyvale refers to city = 'sunnyvale'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT id_restaurant FROM location WHERE city = 'sunnyvale''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/ ### Question Give the street number of a bar in Oakland with a 2.7 review. Clarification: street number refers to street_num; bar refers to food_type = 'bar'; Oakland refers to city = 'oakland'; 2.7 review refers to review = 2.7
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T2.street_num FROM generalinfo AS T1 INNER JOIN location AS T2 ON T1.id_restaurant = T2.id_restaurant WHERE T1.review = 2.7 AND T2.city = 'oakland' AND T1.food_type = 'bar''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/ ### Question Among all indian restaurants in Castro St., Mountainview, how many of them is about cookhouse in their label? Clarification: indian restaurant refers to food_type = 'indian'; Castro St. refers to street_name = 'castro st'; Mountainview refers to city = 'mountainview'; have the word "Indian" in label refers to label = 'indian'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(T1.id_restaurant) FROM location AS T1 INNER JOIN generalinfo AS T2 ON T1.id_restaurant = T2.id_restaurant WHERE T1.street_name = 'castro st' AND T1.city = 'mountain view' AND T2.food_type = 'indian' AND T2.label LIKE '%cookhouse%''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 46139, 198, 1021, 262, 3363, 256, 16139, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14189, 16139, 854, 345, 262, 5654, 16139, 854, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 46139, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 262, 3363, 1393, 286, 14189, 1393, 220, 5654, 720, 278, 99171, 1393, 278, 99171, 14189, 1393, 47364, 3158, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 66026, 794, 330, 1820, 3224, 279, 3363, 17623, 311, 761, 197, 1, 4030, 794, 330, 6133, 6961, 287, 13918, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4689, 2801, 198, 1021, 262, 887, 33331, 14671, 31481, 260, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2440, 260, 16139, 220, 854, 345, 262, 3691, 1857, 257, 16139, 220, 854, 345, 262, 3363, 692, 16139, 220, 854, 345, 262, 3477, 286, 26339, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9103, 8, 15407, 46139, 44602, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 4689, 2801, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 887, 33331, 14671, 1393, 260, 2440, 1393, 262, 3691, 1857, 1393, 260, 3363, 1393, 19981, 720, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 54882, 88, 596, 89206, 1393, 1187, 6596, 89206, 1393, 34182, 44579, 9652, 1393, 256, 220, 17, 13, 18, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 29800, 33331, 14671, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 93767, 794, 330, 1820, 2440, 315, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 14239, 1857, 794, 330, 1820, 3691, 955, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 1405, 279, 10960, 374, 7559, 304, 761, 197, 1, 19981, 794, 330, 1820, 3477, 315, 279, 10960, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 3813, 198, 1021, 262, 887, 33331, 14671, 31481, 286, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8761, 4369, 262, 31481, 692, 854, 345, 262, 8761, 1292, 256, 16139, 854, 345, 262, 3363, 692, 16139, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9103, 8, 15407, 46139, 320, 9103, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 307, 33331, 14671, 8, 15407, 4689, 2801, 320, 307, 33331, 14671, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3813, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 887, 33331, 14671, 1393, 28451, 4369, 1393, 28451, 1292, 1393, 260, 3363, 720, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 12754, 1393, 220, 8993, 357, 1393, 34182, 44579, 9652, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 29800, 33331, 14671, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 28451, 4369, 794, 330, 1820, 8761, 1396, 315, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 28451, 1292, 794, 330, 1820, 8761, 836, 315, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 1405, 279, 10960, 374, 7559, 304, 761, 197, 29896, 8555, 69077, 14711, 16225, 198, 3923, 374, 279, 2539, 2686, 315, 279, 10960, 7086, 330, 24661, 22227, 26568, 1, 5380, 100069, 2461, 25, 2539, 2686, 19813, 311, 3363, 11, 8761, 4369, 11, 8761, 1292, 26, 10960, 7086, 330, 24661, 22227, 26568, 1, 19813, 311, 2440, 284, 364, 34182, 22227, 10960, 6, 128009, 128006, 78191, 128007, 271, 58, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 364, 4963, 350, 17, 27473, 11, 350, 16, 74327, 4369, 11, 350, 16, 74327, 1292, 4393, 3813, 5871, 350, 16, 31448, 13369, 4689, 2801, 5871, 350, 17, 6328, 350, 16, 1801, 33331, 14671, 284, 350, 17, 1801, 33331, 14671, 5401, 350, 17, 2981, 284, 364, 34182, 22227, 10960, 4708, 5525, 60, 128009 ]
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/ ### Question What is the full address of the restaurant named "Sanuki Restaurant"? Clarification: full address refers to city, street_num, street_name; restaurant named "Sanuki Restaurant" refers to label = 'sanuki restaurant'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T2.city, T1.street_num, T1.street_name FROM location AS T1 INNER JOIN generalinfo AS T2 ON T1.id_restaurant = T2.id_restaurant WHERE T2.label = 'sanuki restaurant''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/ ### Question Among the restaurants located on the street number ranges from 1000 to 2000, what is the percentage of Afghani restaurants are there? Clarification: street number ranges from 1000 to 2000 refers to 1000 < = street_num < = 2000; Afghani restaurant refers to food_type = 'afghani'; percentage = divide(count(id_restaurant where food_type = 'afghani'), count(id_restaurant)) * 100%
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT CAST(SUM(IIF(T2.food_type = 'afghani', 1, 0)) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT(T1.id_restaurant) FROM location AS T1 INNER JOIN generalinfo AS T2 ON T1.id_restaurant = T2.id_restaurant WHERE 1000 <= T1.street_num <= 2000'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 46139, 198, 1021, 262, 3363, 256, 16139, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14189, 16139, 854, 345, 262, 5654, 16139, 854, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 46139, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 262, 3363, 1393, 286, 14189, 1393, 220, 5654, 720, 278, 99171, 1393, 278, 99171, 14189, 1393, 47364, 3158, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 66026, 794, 330, 1820, 3224, 279, 3363, 17623, 311, 761, 197, 1, 4030, 794, 330, 6133, 6961, 287, 13918, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4689, 2801, 198, 1021, 262, 887, 33331, 14671, 31481, 260, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2440, 260, 16139, 220, 854, 345, 262, 3691, 1857, 257, 16139, 220, 854, 345, 262, 3363, 692, 16139, 220, 854, 345, 262, 3477, 286, 26339, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9103, 8, 15407, 46139, 44602, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 4689, 2801, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 887, 33331, 14671, 1393, 260, 2440, 1393, 262, 3691, 1857, 1393, 260, 3363, 1393, 19981, 720, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 54882, 88, 596, 89206, 1393, 1187, 6596, 89206, 1393, 34182, 44579, 9652, 1393, 256, 220, 17, 13, 18, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 29800, 33331, 14671, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 93767, 794, 330, 1820, 2440, 315, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 14239, 1857, 794, 330, 1820, 3691, 955, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 1405, 279, 10960, 374, 7559, 304, 761, 197, 1, 19981, 794, 330, 1820, 3477, 315, 279, 10960, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 3813, 198, 1021, 262, 887, 33331, 14671, 31481, 286, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8761, 4369, 262, 31481, 692, 854, 345, 262, 8761, 1292, 256, 16139, 854, 345, 262, 3363, 692, 16139, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9103, 8, 15407, 46139, 320, 9103, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 307, 33331, 14671, 8, 15407, 4689, 2801, 320, 307, 33331, 14671, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3813, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 887, 33331, 14671, 1393, 28451, 4369, 1393, 28451, 1292, 1393, 260, 3363, 720, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 12754, 1393, 220, 8993, 357, 1393, 34182, 44579, 9652, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 29800, 33331, 14671, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 28451, 4369, 794, 330, 1820, 8761, 1396, 315, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 28451, 1292, 794, 330, 1820, 8761, 836, 315, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 1405, 279, 10960, 374, 7559, 304, 761, 197, 29896, 8555, 69077, 14711, 16225, 198, 23956, 14189, 304, 18671, 7188, 706, 279, 8592, 1396, 315, 9919, 5380, 100069, 2461, 25, 18671, 7188, 19813, 311, 5654, 284, 364, 45807, 6456, 79957, 7112, 279, 8592, 1396, 315, 9919, 19813, 311, 1973, 11773, 44602, 595, 128009, 128006, 78191, 128007, 271, 58, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 364, 4963, 14189, 4393, 46139, 5401, 5654, 284, 364, 45807, 6456, 79957, 6, 27968, 7866, 14189, 15888, 7866, 24945, 44602, 8, 16477, 10592, 220, 16, 66360, 60, 128009 ]
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/ ### Question Which county in northern California has the highest number of cities? Clarification: northern California refers to region = 'northern california'; the highest number of cities refers to max(count(city))
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT county FROM geographic WHERE region = 'northern california' GROUP BY county ORDER BY COUNT(city) DESC LIMIT 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/ ### Question How many Indian restaurants are there in the Los Angeles area? Clarification: Indian restaurant refers to food_type = 'indian'; the Los Angeles area refers to region = 'los angeles area'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(T1.city) FROM geographic AS T1 INNER JOIN generalinfo AS T2 ON T1.city = T2.city WHERE T2.food_type = 'indian' AND T1.region = 'los angeles area''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/ ### Question List all the streets where pizza-serving restaurants are found in San Jose. Clarification: street refers to street_name; pizza-serving restaurant refers to food_type = 'pizza'; San Jose refers to city = 'san jose'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.street_name FROM location AS T1 INNER JOIN generalinfo AS T2 ON T1.city = T2.city WHERE T2.food_type = 'pizza' AND T1.city = 'san jose''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 46139, 198, 1021, 262, 3363, 256, 16139, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14189, 16139, 854, 345, 262, 5654, 16139, 854, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 46139, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 262, 3363, 1393, 286, 14189, 1393, 220, 5654, 720, 278, 99171, 1393, 278, 99171, 14189, 1393, 47364, 3158, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 66026, 794, 330, 1820, 3224, 279, 3363, 17623, 311, 761, 197, 1, 4030, 794, 330, 6133, 6961, 287, 13918, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4689, 2801, 198, 1021, 262, 887, 33331, 14671, 31481, 260, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2440, 260, 16139, 220, 854, 345, 262, 3691, 1857, 257, 16139, 220, 854, 345, 262, 3363, 692, 16139, 220, 854, 345, 262, 3477, 286, 26339, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9103, 8, 15407, 46139, 44602, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 4689, 2801, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 887, 33331, 14671, 1393, 260, 2440, 1393, 262, 3691, 1857, 1393, 260, 3363, 1393, 19981, 720, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 54882, 88, 596, 89206, 1393, 1187, 6596, 89206, 1393, 34182, 44579, 9652, 1393, 256, 220, 17, 13, 18, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 29800, 33331, 14671, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 93767, 794, 330, 1820, 2440, 315, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 14239, 1857, 794, 330, 1820, 3691, 955, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 1405, 279, 10960, 374, 7559, 304, 761, 197, 1, 19981, 794, 330, 1820, 3477, 315, 279, 10960, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 3813, 198, 1021, 262, 887, 33331, 14671, 31481, 286, 539, 854, 198, 286, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8761, 4369, 262, 31481, 692, 854, 345, 262, 8761, 1292, 256, 16139, 854, 345, 262, 3363, 692, 16139, 854, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9103, 8, 15407, 46139, 320, 9103, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 307, 33331, 14671, 8, 15407, 4689, 2801, 320, 307, 33331, 14671, 340, 310, 389, 2713, 43118, 389, 3783, 43118, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3813, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 887, 33331, 14671, 1393, 28451, 4369, 1393, 28451, 1292, 1393, 260, 3363, 720, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 12754, 1393, 220, 8993, 357, 1393, 34182, 44579, 9652, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 29800, 33331, 14671, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 28451, 4369, 794, 330, 1820, 8761, 1396, 315, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 28451, 1292, 794, 330, 1820, 8761, 836, 315, 279, 10960, 761, 197, 1, 9103, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 1405, 279, 10960, 374, 7559, 304, 761, 197, 29896, 8555, 69077, 14711, 16225, 198, 23956, 5654, 706, 279, 8592, 1396, 315, 15926, 5380, 100069, 2461, 25, 279, 8592, 1396, 19813, 311, 1973, 11773, 3809, 33331, 14671, 595, 128009, 128006, 78191, 128007, 271, 58, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 364, 4963, 350, 16, 44076, 4393, 46139, 5871, 350, 16, 31448, 13369, 3813, 5871, 350, 17, 6328, 350, 16, 27473, 284, 350, 17, 27473, 27968, 7866, 350, 16, 44076, 15888, 7866, 24945, 4233, 17, 1801, 33331, 14671, 8, 16477, 10592, 220, 16, 66360, 60, 128009 ]
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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/ ### Question Which region has the highest number of restaurants? Clarification: the highest number refers to max(count(id_restaurant))
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.region FROM geographic AS T1 INNER JOIN location AS T2 ON T1.city = T2.city GROUP BY T1.region ORDER BY COUNT(T2.id_restaurant) DESC LIMIT 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE geographic ( city TEXT not null primary key, county TEXT null, region TEXT null ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM geographic LIMIT 1; city || county || region alameda ||alameda county ||bay area */ /* column definitions { "city": "the city", "county": "the country the city belongs to", "region": "corresponding regions" }*/ CREATE TABLE generalinfo ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, label TEXT null, food_type TEXT null, city TEXT null, review REAL null, foreign key (city) references geographic(city) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM generalinfo LIMIT 1; id_restaurant || label || food_type || city ||review 1 ||sparky's diner ||24 hour diner ||san francisco || 2.3 */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "label": "the label of the restaurant", "food_type": "the food type", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "review": "the review of the restaurant" }*/ CREATE TABLE location ( id_restaurant INTEGER not null primary key, street_num INTEGER null, street_name TEXT null, city TEXT null, foreign key (city) references geographic (city) on update cascade on delete cascade, foreign key (id_restaurant) references generalinfo (id_restaurant) on update cascade on delete cascade ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM location LIMIT 1; id_restaurant ||street_num ||street_name || city 1 || 242 || church st ||san francisco */ /* column definitions { "id_restaurant": "the unique id for the restaurant", "street_num": "the street number of the restaurant", "street_name": "the street name of the restaurant", "city": "the city where the restaurant is located in", "": "" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question For how many times has player no.41 won the "man of the match" award? Clarification: player no.41 won the "man of the match" refers to Man_of_the_Match = 41
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(Match_Id) FROM `Match` WHERE Man_of_the_Match = 41'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question Which country is the oldest player from? Clarification: country refers to Country_Name; the oldest refers to min(DOB)
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.Country_Name FROM Country AS T1 INNER JOIN Player AS T2 ON T2.Country_Name = T1.Country_Id WHERE T2.Country_Name IS NOT NULL ORDER BY T2.DOB LIMIT 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 315, 279, 11230, 4850, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 1857, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 15632, 955, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 2489, 13946, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 893, 315, 279, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 13131, 3795, 1702, 543, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 338, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 266, 1303, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 363, 2785, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 11842, 47271, 25840, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 18943, 1565, 4391, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 15407, 14484, 3269, 759, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5041, 3795, 56908, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 1393, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 1393, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1393, 8284, 47271, 25840, 1393, 33, 65428, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 17, 1393, 5291, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 262, 220, 975, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 16488, 1303, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 84069, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2361, 304, 902, 2851, 3782, 1139, 16120, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 389, 13471, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 1, 8284, 47271, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 11842, 5594, 462, 7197, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 64690, 65428, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 84069, 430, 4040, 5041, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 426, 1900, 1543, 1117, 2202, 67, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 51090, 1117, 2202, 67, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 15407, 14484, 3269, 759, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 43308, 1543, 10622, 67, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 75020, 1117, 2202, 67, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 15, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 75020, 1117, 2202, 67, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 51090, 16957, 555, 279, 43308, 1543, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 1267, 759, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7460, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question Please list the bowling skills of all the players from Australia. Clarification: Australia refers to Country_Name = 'Australia'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T2.Bowling_Skill FROM Player AS T1 INNER JOIN Bowling_Style AS T2 ON T1.Bowling_skill = T2.Bowling_Id INNER JOIN Country AS T3 ON T1.Country_Name = T3.Country_Id WHERE T3.Country_Name = 'Australia' GROUP BY T2.Bowling_Skill'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question For how many times has SC Ganguly played as team captain in a match? Clarification: SC Ganguly refers to Player_Name = 'SC Ganguly'; team captain refers to Role_Desc = 'Captain'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN T3.Role_Desc = 'Captain' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM Player AS T1 INNER JOIN Player_Match AS T2 ON T1.Player_Id = T2.Player_Id INNER JOIN Rolee AS T3 ON T2.Role_Id = T3.Role_Id WHERE T1.Player_Name = 'SC Ganguly''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question Among all the players born after the year 1985, what is the percentage of the players who use the right hand as their batting hand? Clarification: born after the year 1985 refers to SUBSTR(DOB, 1, 4) > 1985; right hand as batting hand refers to Batting_Hand = 'Right-hand bat'; percentage = divide(count(Player_Id where Batting_Hand = 'Right-hand bat'), count(Player_Id)) * 100% where SUBSTR(DOB, 1, 4) > 1985
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN T2.Batting_Hand = 'Right-hand bat' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT(T1.Player_Id) FROM Player AS T1 INNER JOIN Batting_Style AS T2 ON T1.Batting_hand = T2.Batting_Id WHERE SUBSTR(T1.DOB, 1, 4) > 1985'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 315, 279, 11230, 4850, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 1857, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 15632, 955, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 2489, 13946, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 893, 315, 279, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 13131, 3795, 1702, 543, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 338, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 266, 1303, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 363, 2785, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 11842, 47271, 25840, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 18943, 1565, 4391, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 15407, 14484, 3269, 759, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5041, 3795, 56908, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 1393, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 1393, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1393, 8284, 47271, 25840, 1393, 33, 65428, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 17, 1393, 5291, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 262, 220, 975, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 16488, 1303, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 84069, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2361, 304, 902, 2851, 3782, 1139, 16120, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 389, 13471, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 1, 8284, 47271, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 11842, 5594, 462, 7197, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 64690, 65428, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 84069, 430, 4040, 5041, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 426, 1900, 1543, 1117, 2202, 67, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 51090, 1117, 2202, 67, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question Give the name of venue for the game with a win margin of 138 points. Clarification: name of venue refers to Venue_Name; a win margin of 138 points refers to Win_Margin = 138
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T2.Venue_Name FROM `Match` AS T1 INNER JOIN Venue AS T2 ON T1.Venue_Id = T2.Venue_Id WHERE T1.Win_Margin = 138'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question Give the date of birth of the 2014 Orange Cap winner. Clarification: date of birth refers to DOB; 2014 refers to Season_Year = 2014; Orange Cap winner refers to Orange_Cap IS NOT NULL
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T2.DOB FROM Season AS T1 INNER JOIN Player AS T2 ON T1.Man_of_the_Series = T2.Player_Id WHERE T1.Season_Year = 2014 AND T1.Orange_Cap IS NOT NULL'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question State the name of the city with the most venues. Clarification: name of the city refers to City_Name; the most venues refers to max(count(Venue_Id))
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.City_Name FROM City AS T1 INNER JOIN Venue AS T2 ON T1.City_Id = T2.City_Id GROUP BY T1.City_Id ORDER BY COUNT(T2.Venue_Id) DESC LIMIT 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 315, 279, 11230, 4850, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 1857, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 15632, 955, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 2489, 13946, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 893, 315, 279, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 13131, 3795, 1702, 543, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 338, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 266, 1303, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 363, 2785, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 11842, 47271, 25840, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 18943, 1565, 4391, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 15407, 14484, 3269, 759, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5041, 3795, 56908, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 1393, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 1393, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1393, 8284, 47271, 25840, 1393, 33, 65428, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 17, 1393, 5291, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 262, 220, 975, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 16488, 1303, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 84069, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2361, 304, 902, 2851, 3782, 1139, 16120, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 389, 13471, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 1, 8284, 47271, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 11842, 5594, 462, 7197, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 64690, 65428, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 84069, 430, 4040, 5041, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 426, 1900, 1543, 1117, 2202, 67, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 51090, 1117, 2202, 67, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 15407, 14484, 3269, 759, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 43308, 1543, 10622, 67, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 75020, 1117, 2202, 67, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 15, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 75020, 1117, 2202, 67, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 51090, 16957, 555, 279, 43308, 1543, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 1267, 759, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7460, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question Who is the oldest player? Clarification: name of the player refers to Player_Name; the oldest refers to min(DOB)
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT Player_Name FROM Player ORDER BY DOB ASC LIMIT 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question How many umpires are from South Africa? Clarification: South Africa refers to Country_Name = 'South Africa'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN T1.Country_Name = 'South Africa' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM Country AS T1 INNER JOIN Umpire AS T2 ON T1.Country_ID = T2.Umpire_Country'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question Which season played the highest number of matches at M Chinnaswamy Stadium? Clarification: season refers to Season_Id; the highest number of matches refers to max(count(Season_Id)); M Chinnaswamy Stadium refers to Venue_Name = 'M Chinnaswamy Stadium'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.Season_Id FROM `Match` AS T1 INNER JOIN Venue AS T2 ON T1.Venue_Id = T2.Venue_Id WHERE T2.Venue_Name = 'M Chinnaswamy Stadium' GROUP BY T1.Season_Id ORDER BY COUNT(T1.Season_Id) DESC LIMIT 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 315, 279, 11230, 4850, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 1857, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 15632, 955, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 2489, 13946, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 893, 315, 279, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 13131, 3795, 1702, 543, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 338, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 266, 1303, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 363, 2785, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 11842, 47271, 25840, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 18943, 1565, 4391, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 15407, 14484, 3269, 759, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5041, 3795, 56908, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 1393, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 1393, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1393, 8284, 47271, 25840, 1393, 33, 65428, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 17, 1393, 5291, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 262, 220, 975, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 16488, 1303, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 84069, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2361, 304, 902, 2851, 3782, 1139, 16120, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 389, 13471, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 1, 8284, 47271, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 11842, 5594, 462, 7197, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 64690, 65428, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 84069, 430, 4040, 5041, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 426, 1900, 1543, 1117, 2202, 67, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 51090, 1117, 2202, 67, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question Who is the player who won the first ever "man of the match" award? Clarification: name of the player refers to Player_Name; the first ever refers to min(match_date); "man of the match" award refers to Player_Id in 'Man_of_the_Match'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT Player_Name FROM Player WHERE Player_Id = ( SELECT Man_of_the_Match FROM `Match` ORDER BY match_date ASC LIMIT 1 )'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question Who is the player that has the highest number of roles as a captain for Deccan Chargers? Clarification: name of the player refers to Player_Name; the highest number of roles refers to max(count(Role_Id)); as a captain refers to Role_Desc = 'Captain'; Deccan Chargers refers to Team_Name = 'Deccan Chargers'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T4.Player_Name FROM Team AS T1 INNER JOIN Player_Match AS T2 ON T1.Team_id = T2.Team_id INNER JOIN Rolee AS T3 ON T2.Role_Id = T3.Role_Id INNER JOIN Player AS T4 ON T2.Player_Id = T4.Player_Id WHERE T1.Team_Name = 'Deccan Chargers' AND T1.Team_Id = 8 AND T3.Role_Desc = 'Captain' AND T3.Role_Id = 1 GROUP BY T4.Player_Id ORDER BY COUNT(T3.Role_Id) DESC LIMIT 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 315, 279, 11230, 4850, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 1857, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 15632, 955, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 2489, 13946, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 893, 315, 279, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 13131, 3795, 1702, 543, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 338, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 266, 1303, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 363, 2785, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 11842, 47271, 25840, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 18943, 1565, 4391, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 15407, 14484, 3269, 759, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5041, 3795, 56908, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 1393, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 1393, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1393, 8284, 47271, 25840, 1393, 33, 65428, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 17, 1393, 5291, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 262, 220, 975, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 16488, 1303, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 84069, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2361, 304, 902, 2851, 3782, 1139, 16120, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 389, 13471, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 1, 8284, 47271, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 11842, 5594, 462, 7197, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 64690, 65428, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 84069, 430, 4040, 5041, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 426, 1900, 1543, 1117, 2202, 67, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 51090, 1117, 2202, 67, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question List the first team's name in the match with the highest winning margin. Clarification: team's name refers to Team_Name; first team refers to Team_Id = Team_1; the highest winning margin refers to max(Win_Margin)
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T2.Team_Name FROM Match AS T1 INNER JOIN Team AS T2 ON T2.Team_Id = T1.Team_1 ORDER BY T1.Win_Margin DESC LIMIT 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 315, 279, 11230, 4850, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 1857, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 15632, 955, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 2489, 13946, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 893, 315, 279, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 13131, 3795, 1702, 543, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 338, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 266, 1303, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 363, 2785, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 11842, 47271, 25840, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 18943, 1565, 4391, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 15407, 14484, 3269, 759, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5041, 3795, 56908, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 1393, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 1393, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1393, 8284, 47271, 25840, 1393, 33, 65428, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 17, 1393, 5291, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 262, 220, 975, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 16488, 1303, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 84069, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2361, 304, 902, 2851, 3782, 1139, 16120, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 389, 13471, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 1, 8284, 47271, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 11842, 5594, 462, 7197, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 64690, 65428, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 84069, 430, 4040, 5041, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 426, 1900, 1543, 1117, 2202, 67, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 51090, 1117, 2202, 67, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question How many of the matches are Superover? Clarification: Superover refers to Outcome_Type = 'Superover'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN T2.Outcome_Type = 'Superover' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM Match AS T1 INNER JOIN Outcome AS T2 ON T2.Outcome_Id = T1.Outcome_type'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question Among the matches held in 2015, who is the winning team in the match ID 829768? Clarification: in 2015 refers to Match_Date LIKE '2015%'; the winning team refers to Team_Id = Match_Winner; match ID 829768 refers to Match_Id = 829768
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T2.Team_Name FROM Match AS T1 INNER JOIN Team AS T2 ON T2.Team_Id = T1.Match_Winner WHERE T1.Match_Date LIKE '2015%' AND T1.Match_Id = 829768'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question List the names of the first andthe second teams that played a match with the point of the winning margin lower than the 30% of the average winning margin of the matches held in 2011. Clarification: name of the team refers to Team_Name; in 2011 refers to Match_Date LIKE '2011%'; the point of winning margin lower than 30% of the average winning margin refers to Win_Margin < multiply(avg(Win_Margin), 0.3) where Match_Date LIKE '2011%'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT DISTINCT CASE WHEN T1.Win_Margin < ( SELECT AVG(Win_Margin) * 0.3 FROM Match WHERE Match_Date LIKE '2011%' ) THEN T2.Team_Name END, CASE WHEN T1.Win_Margin < ( SELECT AVG(Win_Margin) * 0.3 FROM Match WHERE Match_Date LIKE '2011%' ) THEN T3.Team_Name END FROM Match AS T1 INNER JOIN Team AS T2 ON T2.Team_Id = T1.Team_1 INNER JOIN Team AS T3 ON T3.Team_Id = T1.Team_2 WHERE T1.Match_Date LIKE '2011%''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 315, 279, 11230, 4850, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 1857, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 15632, 955, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 2489, 13946, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 893, 315, 279, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 13131, 3795, 1702, 543, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 338, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 266, 1303, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 363, 2785, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 11842, 47271, 25840, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 18943, 1565, 4391, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 15407, 14484, 3269, 759, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5041, 3795, 56908, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 1393, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 1393, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1393, 8284, 47271, 25840, 1393, 33, 65428, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 17, 1393, 5291, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 262, 220, 975, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 16488, 1303, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 84069, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2361, 304, 902, 2851, 3782, 1139, 16120, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 389, 13471, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 1, 8284, 47271, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 11842, 5594, 462, 7197, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 64690, 65428, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 84069, 430, 4040, 5041, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 426, 1900, 1543, 1117, 2202, 67, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 51090, 1117, 2202, 67, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question Describe any five matches IDs that reached over ID 20. Clarification: reached over ID 20 refers to Over_Id = 20
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT Match_Id FROM Ball_by_Ball WHERE Over_Id = 20 GROUP BY Match_Id LIMIT 5'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question List the match IDs which had players out by hit wickets. Clarification: had players out by hit wickets refers to Out_Name = 'hit wicket'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.Match_Id FROM Wicket_Taken AS T1 INNER JOIN Out_Type AS T2 ON T2.Out_Id = T1.Kind_Out WHERE T2.Out_Name = 'hit wicket''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question Who got the Man of the Series Award in 2010? Clarification: player's name refers to Player_Name; got the Man of the Series Award refers to Man_of_the_Match = Player_Id; in 2010 refers to Season_Year = 2010
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.Player_Name FROM Player AS T1 INNER JOIN Match AS T2 ON T2.Man_of_the_Match = T1.Player_Id INNER JOIN Season AS T3 ON T3.Season_Id = T2.Season_Id WHERE T3.Season_Year = 2010 GROUP BY T1.Player_Name'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 315, 279, 11230, 4850, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 1857, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 15632, 955, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 2489, 13946, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 893, 315, 279, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 13131, 3795, 1702, 543, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 338, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 266, 1303, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 363, 2785, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 11842, 47271, 25840, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 18943, 1565, 4391, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 15407, 14484, 3269, 759, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5041, 3795, 56908, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 1393, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 1393, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1393, 8284, 47271, 25840, 1393, 33, 65428, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 17, 1393, 5291, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 262, 220, 975, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 16488, 1303, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 84069, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2361, 304, 902, 2851, 3782, 1139, 16120, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 389, 13471, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 1, 8284, 47271, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 11842, 5594, 462, 7197, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 64690, 65428, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 84069, 430, 4040, 5041, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 426, 1900, 1543, 1117, 2202, 67, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 51090, 1117, 2202, 67, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question Where did BR Doctrove come from? Clarification: the country the umpire comes from refers to Country_Name; BR Doctrove refers to Umpire_Name = 'BR Doctrove'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.Country_Name FROM Country AS T1 INNER JOIN Umpire AS T2 ON T2.Umpire_Country = T1.Country_Id WHERE T2.Umpire_Name = 'BR Doctrove''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question Among the players out in match ID 392187, calculate the percentage of players out by bowl. Clarification: out by bowl refers to Out_Name = 'bowled'; percentage = divide(count(Player_Out where Out_Name = 'bowled'), count(Player_Out)) * 100% where Match_Id = 392187
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN T2.Out_Name = 'bowled' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT(T1.Player_Out) FROM Wicket_Taken AS T1 INNER JOIN Out_Type AS T2 ON T2.Out_Id = T1.Kind_Out WHERE T1.Match_Id = 392187'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question List down the DOB of players who received the "man of the match" award. Clarification:
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T2.DOB FROM Match AS T1 INNER JOIN Player AS T2 ON T2.Player_Id = T1.Man_of_the_Match'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 315, 279, 11230, 4850, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 1857, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 15632, 955, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 2489, 13946, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 893, 315, 279, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 13131, 3795, 1702, 543, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 338, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 266, 1303, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 363, 2785, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 11842, 47271, 25840, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 18943, 1565, 4391, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 15407, 14484, 3269, 759, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5041, 3795, 56908, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 1393, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 1393, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1393, 8284, 47271, 25840, 1393, 33, 65428, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 17, 1393, 5291, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 262, 220, 975, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 16488, 1303, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 84069, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2361, 304, 902, 2851, 3782, 1139, 16120, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 389, 13471, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 1, 8284, 47271, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 11842, 5594, 462, 7197, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 64690, 65428, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 84069, 430, 4040, 5041, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 426, 1900, 1543, 1117, 2202, 67, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 51090, 1117, 2202, 67, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 15407, 14484, 3269, 759, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 43308, 1543, 10622, 67, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 75020, 1117, 2202, 67, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 15, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 75020, 1117, 2202, 67, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 51090, 16957, 555, 279, 43308, 1543, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 1267, 759, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7460, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question What is the name of the team that won match ID 336000? Clarification: name of the team refers to Team_Name; won refers to Match_Winner
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T2.Team_Name FROM Match AS T1 INNER JOIN Team AS T2 ON T2.Team_Id = T1.Match_Winner WHERE T1.Match_Id = 336000'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question List down all of the venues in Mumbai. Clarification: venues refers to Venue_Name; Mumbai refers to City_Name = 'Mumbai'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T2.Venue_Name FROM City AS T1 INNER JOIN Venue AS T2 ON T2.City_Id = T1.City_Id WHERE T1.City_Name = 'Mumbai''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question Count the total venues located in Pune City. Clarification: Pune City refers to City_Name = 'Pune'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT SUM(T1.Venue_Name) FROM Venue AS T1 INNER JOIN City AS T2 ON T1.City_Id = T2.City_Id WHERE T2.City_Name = 'Pune''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 315, 279, 11230, 4850, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 1857, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 15632, 955, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 2489, 13946, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 893, 315, 279, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 13131, 3795, 1702, 543, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 338, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 266, 1303, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 363, 2785, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 11842, 47271, 25840, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 18943, 1565, 4391, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 15407, 14484, 3269, 759, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5041, 3795, 56908, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 1393, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 1393, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1393, 8284, 47271, 25840, 1393, 33, 65428, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 17, 1393, 5291, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 262, 220, 975, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 16488, 1303, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 84069, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2361, 304, 902, 2851, 3782, 1139, 16120, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 389, 13471, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 1, 8284, 47271, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 11842, 5594, 462, 7197, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 64690, 65428, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 84069, 430, 4040, 5041, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 426, 1900, 1543, 1117, 2202, 67, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 51090, 1117, 2202, 67, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 15407, 14484, 3269, 759, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 43308, 1543, 10622, 67, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 75020, 1117, 2202, 67, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 15, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 75020, 1117, 2202, 67, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 51090, 16957, 555, 279, 43308, 1543, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 1267, 759, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7460, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question Among the matches, what percentage have a winning margin above 100? Clarification: winning margin above 100 refers to Win_Margin > 100; percentage = divide(count(Match_Id) when Win_Margin > 100, count(Match_Id)) as percentage
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT CAST(COUNT(CASE WHEN Win_Margin > 100 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) * 100 / TOTAL(Match_Id) FROM `Match`'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question Among the players, what percentage are both captain and keeper? Clarification: captain and keeper refers to Role_Desc = 'CaptainKeeper'; percentage = divide(count(Player_Id) when Role_Desc = 'CaptainKeeper', count(Player_Id)) as percentage
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN T2.Role_Desc = 'CaptainKeeper' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) * 100 / TOTAL(T1.Player_Id) FROM Player_Match AS T1 INNER JOIN Rolee AS T2 ON T1.Role_Id = T2.Role_Id'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question In the matches where the winning margin is less than fifty, how many teams won by wicket? Clarification: winning margin is less than fifty refers to Win_Margin < 50; won by wicket refers to Win_Type = 'wickets'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(T2.Win_Id) FROM `Match` AS T1 INNER JOIN Win_By AS T2 ON T1.Win_Type = T2.Win_Id WHERE T2.Win_Type = 'wickets' AND T1.Win_Margin < 50'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 315, 279, 11230, 4850, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 1857, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 15632, 955, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 2489, 13946, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 893, 315, 279, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 13131, 3795, 1702, 543, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 338, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 266, 1303, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 363, 2785, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 11842, 47271, 25840, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 18943, 1565, 4391, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 15407, 14484, 3269, 759, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5041, 3795, 56908, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 1393, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 1393, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1393, 8284, 47271, 25840, 1393, 33, 65428, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 17, 1393, 5291, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 262, 220, 975, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 16488, 1303, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 84069, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2361, 304, 902, 2851, 3782, 1139, 16120, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 389, 13471, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 1, 8284, 47271, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 11842, 5594, 462, 7197, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 64690, 65428, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 84069, 430, 4040, 5041, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 426, 1900, 1543, 1117, 2202, 67, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 51090, 1117, 2202, 67, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question Which city hosted the least number of no-result matches? Clarification: city refers to City_Name; no-result matches refers to Win_type = 'NoResult'; least number refers to min(count(Win_type = 'NoResult'))
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T4.City_Name FROM `Match` AS T1 INNER JOIN Win_By AS T2 ON T1.Win_Type = T2.Win_Id INNER JOIN Venue AS T3 ON T1.Venue_Id = T3.Venue_Id INNER JOIN City AS T4 ON T3.City_Id = T4.City_Id WHERE T2.Win_Type = 'NO Result' GROUP BY T4.City_Id ORDER BY COUNT(T2.Win_Type) ASC LIMIT 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question What is the difference in the average number of players out by lbw and runout in the matches? Clarification: out by lbw refers to Out_Id = 4; runout refers to Out_Id = 3; average out by lbw refers to  avg(Player_Out when Out_Id = 4); average out by runout refers to  avg(Player_Out when Out_Id = 3)
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT AVG(T1.Player_Out) FROM Wicket_Taken AS T1 INNER JOIN Out_Type AS T2 ON T1.Kind_Out = T2.Out_Id WHERE T2.Out_Name = 'lbw''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 315, 279, 11230, 4850, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 1857, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 15632, 955, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 2489, 13946, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 893, 315, 279, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 13131, 3795, 1702, 543, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 338, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 266, 1303, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 363, 2785, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 11842, 47271, 25840, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 18943, 1565, 4391, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 15407, 14484, 3269, 759, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5041, 3795, 56908, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 1393, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 1393, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1393, 8284, 47271, 25840, 1393, 33, 65428, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 17, 1393, 5291, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 262, 220, 975, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 16488, 1303, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 84069, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2361, 304, 902, 2851, 3782, 1139, 16120, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 389, 13471, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 1, 8284, 47271, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 11842, 5594, 462, 7197, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 64690, 65428, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 84069, 430, 4040, 5041, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 426, 1900, 1543, 1117, 2202, 67, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 51090, 1117, 2202, 67, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 15407, 14484, 3269, 759, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 43308, 1543, 10622, 67, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 75020, 1117, 2202, 67, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 15, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 75020, 1117, 2202, 67, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 51090, 16957, 555, 279, 43308, 1543, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 1267, 759, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7460, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 7460, 22304, 11, 15766, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 15407, 14484, 3269, 759, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 4576, 22304, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 22304, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9207, 22304, 8, 15407, 15766, 68, 74543, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10938, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 4576, 22304, 1393, 9207, 22304, 1393, 14939, 22304, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 1514, 596, 3560, 304, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 2851, 596, 2128, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 468, 6021, 1159, 3448, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7460, 37775, 31481, 345, 262, 17262, 37775, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 8771, 388, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 15407, 14484, 3269, 759, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 4576, 37775, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 10854, 37775, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1915, 388, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 289, 6021, 74033, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 4576, 37775, 1393, 10854, 37775, 1393, 1915, 388, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 17, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question How many players are older than Gurkeerat Singh player? Clarification: older than Gurkeerat Singh player refers to DOB ! = 'Gurkeerat Singh' and DOB < '1990-06-29'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN DOB < '1990-06-29' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM Player WHERE Player_Name != 'Gurkeerat Singh''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question In what year did SP Narine win the Orange Cap? Clarification: year refers to Season_Year
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T4.Season_Year, T4.Orange_Cap FROM Player AS T1 INNER JOIN Player_Match AS T2 ON T1.Player_Id = T2.Player_Id INNER JOIN Match AS T3 ON T2.Match_Id = T3.Match_Id INNER JOIN Season AS T4 ON T3.Season_Id = T4.Season_Id WHERE T1.Player_Name = 'SP Narine' GROUP BY T4.Season_Year, T4.Orange_Cap'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question How many games were not won by runs? Clarification: not won by runs refers to Win_Type ! = 'runs'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN T2.Win_Type != 'runs' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM `Match` AS T1 INNER JOIN Win_By AS T2 ON T1.Win_Type = T2.Win_Id'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 315, 279, 11230, 4850, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 1857, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 15632, 955, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 2489, 13946, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 893, 315, 279, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 13131, 3795, 1702, 543, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 338, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 266, 1303, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 363, 2785, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 11842, 47271, 25840, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 18943, 1565, 4391, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 15407, 14484, 3269, 759, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5041, 3795, 56908, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 1393, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 1393, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1393, 8284, 47271, 25840, 1393, 33, 65428, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 17, 1393, 5291, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 262, 220, 975, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 16488, 1303, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 84069, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2361, 304, 902, 2851, 3782, 1139, 16120, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 389, 13471, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 1, 8284, 47271, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 11842, 5594, 462, 7197, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 64690, 65428, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 84069, 430, 4040, 5041, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 426, 1900, 1543, 1117, 2202, 67, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 51090, 1117, 2202, 67, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 15407, 14484, 3269, 759, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 43308, 1543, 10622, 67, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 75020, 1117, 2202, 67, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 15, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 75020, 1117, 2202, 67, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 51090, 16957, 555, 279, 43308, 1543, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 1267, 759, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7460, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question In how many games in which the batting team was the Delhi Daredevils were no runs scored? Clarification: batting team was the Delhi Daredevils refers to Team_Name = 'Delhi Daredevils' and Team_1 = Team_Id where Team_Batting = 1 or Team_2 = Team_Id where Team_Batting = 2; no runs scored refers to Runs_Scored = 0
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(T1.Runs_Scored) FROM Batsman_Scored AS T1 INNER JOIN Ball_by_Ball AS T2 ON T1.Match_Id = T2.Match_Id INNER JOIN Match AS T3 ON T2.Match_Id = T3.Match_Id INNER JOIN Team AS T4 ON T3.Team_1 = T4.Team_Id WHERE T2.Team_Batting = 1 OR T2.Team_Batting = 2 AND T4.Team_Name = 'Delhi Daredevils''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question How many players were born before 10/16/1975, and have a bowling skill of less than 3? Clarification: born before 10/16/1975 refers to DOB < 1975-10-16; bowling skill of less than 3 refers to Bowling_skill < 3
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Player WHERE DOB < '1975-10-16' AND Bowling_skill < 3'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 315, 279, 11230, 4850, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 1857, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 15632, 955, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 2489, 13946, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 893, 315, 279, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 13131, 3795, 1702, 543, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 338, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 266, 1303, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 363, 2785, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 11842, 47271, 25840, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 18943, 1565, 4391, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 15407, 14484, 3269, 759, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5041, 3795, 56908, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 1393, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 1393, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1393, 8284, 47271, 25840, 1393, 33, 65428, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 17, 1393, 5291, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 262, 220, 975, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 16488, 1303, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 84069, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2361, 304, 902, 2851, 3782, 1139, 16120, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 389, 13471, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 1, 8284, 47271, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 11842, 5594, 462, 7197, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 64690, 65428, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 84069, 430, 4040, 5041, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 426, 1900, 1543, 1117, 2202, 67, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 51090, 1117, 2202, 67, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 15407, 14484, 3269, 759, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 43308, 1543, 10622, 67, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 75020, 1117, 2202, 67, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 15, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 75020, 1117, 2202, 67, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 51090, 16957, 555, 279, 43308, 1543, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 1267, 759, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7460, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question Between match nos. 335989 and 337000, how many times did a batsman score more than 3 runs during over no. 1, ball no. 1, and inning no. 1 of the matches? Clarification: Between match no. 335989 and 337000 refers to 335989 < Match_Id < 337000; batsman score more than 3 runs during over no. 1, ball no. 1, and inning no. 1 of the matches refers to Runs_Scored > 3 and  Over_Id = 1 and Ball_Id = 1 and Innings_No = 1
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN Runs_Scored > 3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM Batsman_Scored WHERE 335989 < Match_Id < 337000 AND Innings_No = 1 AND Over_Id = 1 AND Ball_Id = 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question Among the South African players, how many were born before 4/11/1980? Clarification: South African players refers to Country_Name = 'South Africa'; born before 4/11/1980 refers to DOB < '1980-4-11'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN T1.DOB < '1980-4-11' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM Player AS T1 INNER JOIN Country AS T2 ON T1.Country_Name = T2.Country_Id WHERE T2.Country_Name = 'South Africa''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question From 2011 to 2012, how many Australian players became the "Man of the Match"? Clarification: From 2011 to 2012 refers to Match_Date between '2011%' and '2012%'; Australian players refers to Country_Name = 'Australia'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN T1.Match_Date BETWEEN '2011%' AND '2012%' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM `Match` AS T1 INNER JOIN Player AS T2 ON T2.Player_Id = T1.Man_of_the_Match INNER JOIN Country AS T3 ON T3.Country_Id = T2.Country_Name WHERE T3.Country_Name = 'Australia''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 315, 279, 11230, 4850, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 1857, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 15632, 955, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 2489, 13946, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 893, 315, 279, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 13131, 3795, 1702, 543, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 338, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 266, 1303, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 363, 2785, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 11842, 47271, 25840, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 18943, 1565, 4391, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 15407, 14484, 3269, 759, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5041, 3795, 56908, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 1393, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 1393, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1393, 8284, 47271, 25840, 1393, 33, 65428, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 17, 1393, 5291, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 262, 220, 975, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 16488, 1303, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 84069, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2361, 304, 902, 2851, 3782, 1139, 16120, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 389, 13471, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 1, 8284, 47271, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 11842, 5594, 462, 7197, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 64690, 65428, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 84069, 430, 4040, 5041, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 426, 1900, 1543, 1117, 2202, 67, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 51090, 1117, 2202, 67, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question Calculate the run rate at the end of 17 overs of the match ID 335987 on 4/18/2008. Clarification: 4/18/2008 refers to Match_Date = 4/18/2008; end of 17 overs refers to count(Toss_Name = 'field' ) = 17; run rate = divide(sum(Runs_Scored) when Toss_Name = 'bat', sum(Over_Id) when Toss_Name = 'field')
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT CAST(COUNT(CASE WHEN T1.Toss_Name = 'bat' THEN T3.Runs_Scored ELSE NULL END) AS REAL) / SUM(CASE WHEN T1.Toss_Name = 'field' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM Toss_Decision AS T1 INNER JOIN Match AS T2 ON T1.Toss_Id = T2.Toss_Decide INNER JOIN Batsman_Scored AS T3 ON T2.Match_Id = T3.Match_Id WHERE T2.Match_Id = 335987 AND T2.Match_Date = '2008-04-18' GROUP BY T3.Over_Id HAVING COUNT(T1.Toss_Name = 'field') = 17'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question What is the date of the match that has the highest wager on the final result of a game? Clarification: date of the match refers to Match_Date; highest wager refers to max(Win_Margin)
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT Match_Date FROM `Match` ORDER BY Win_Margin DESC LIMIT 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 315, 279, 11230, 4850, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 1857, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 15632, 955, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 2489, 13946, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 893, 315, 279, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 13131, 3795, 1702, 543, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 338, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 266, 1303, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 363, 2785, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 11842, 47271, 25840, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 18943, 1565, 4391, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 15407, 14484, 3269, 759, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5041, 3795, 56908, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 1393, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 1393, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1393, 8284, 47271, 25840, 1393, 33, 65428, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 17, 1393, 5291, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 262, 220, 975, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 16488, 1303, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 84069, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2361, 304, 902, 2851, 3782, 1139, 16120, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 389, 13471, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 1, 8284, 47271, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 11842, 5594, 462, 7197, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 64690, 65428, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 84069, 430, 4040, 5041, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 426, 1900, 1543, 1117, 2202, 67, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 51090, 1117, 2202, 67, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 15407, 14484, 3269, 759, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 43308, 1543, 10622, 67, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 75020, 1117, 2202, 67, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 15, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 75020, 1117, 2202, 67, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 51090, 16957, 555, 279, 43308, 1543, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 1267, 759, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7460, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question What is the name of the team that won the first ever match? Clarification: name of the team refers to Team_Name; won the first ever match refers to Match_Winner where max(Match_Date)
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.Team_Name FROM team AS T1 INNER JOIN Match AS T2 ON T1.Team_Id = T2.Match_Winner WHERE T2.Season_Id = 1 ORDER BY T2.Match_Date LIMIT 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question How many matches did Rajasthan Royals play in Season 8? Clarification: Season 8 refers to Season_Id = 8
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN T1.Season_Id = 8 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM `Match` AS T1 INNER JOIN Team AS T2 ON T1.Team_1 = T2.Team_Id OR T1.Team_2 = T2.Team_Id WHERE T2.Team_Name = 'Rajasthan Royals''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question List all the names of the winning team's players in the first match of season 1. Clarification: names refers to Player_Name; winning team's refers to Match_Winner; first match of season 1 refers to Season_Id = 1 and min(Match_Date)
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T3.Player_Name FROM `Match` AS T1 INNER JOIN Player_Match AS T2 ON T1.Match_Winner = T2.Team_Id INNER JOIN Player AS T3 ON T2.Player_Id = T3.Player_Id WHERE T1.Season_Id = 1 ORDER BY T1.Match_Date LIMIT 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 315, 279, 11230, 4850, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 1857, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 15632, 955, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 2489, 13946, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 893, 315, 279, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 13131, 3795, 1702, 543, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 338, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 266, 1303, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 363, 2785, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 11842, 47271, 25840, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 18943, 1565, 4391, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 15407, 14484, 3269, 759, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5041, 3795, 56908, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 1393, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 1393, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1393, 8284, 47271, 25840, 1393, 33, 65428, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 17, 1393, 5291, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 262, 220, 975, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 16488, 1303, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 84069, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2361, 304, 902, 2851, 3782, 1139, 16120, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 389, 13471, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 1, 8284, 47271, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 11842, 5594, 462, 7197, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 64690, 65428, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 84069, 430, 4040, 5041, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 426, 1900, 1543, 1117, 2202, 67, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 51090, 1117, 2202, 67, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question List the ball IDs, scores, and innings numbers in the over ID 20 of match ID "335988". Clarification: innings numbers refers to Innings_No
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT Ball_Id, Runs_Scored, Innings_No FROM Batsman_Scored WHERE Match_Id = 335988 AND Over_Id = 20'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question How many matches in 2009 had win margins of less than 10? Clarification: in 2009 refers to Match_Date like '2009%'; win margins of less than 10 refers to Win_Margin < 10;
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(Match_Id) FROM `Match` WHERE Match_Date LIKE '2009%' AND Win_Margin < 10'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question Among the" Mumbai Indians" team that played in 2009, how many percent of the matches did they win? Clarification: played in 2009 Match_Date like '2009%'; Mumbai Indians" team refers to Team_Name = 'Mumbai Indians'; percent of the matches did they win refers to DIVIDE(COUNT(Match_Winner = Team_Id), COUNT(Match_Id))
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN T1.Match_Winner = T2.Team_Id THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT(T1.Match_Id) FROM `Match` AS T1 INNER JOIN Team AS T2 ON T1.Team_1 = T2.Team_Id OR T1.Team_2 = T2.Team_Id WHERE T2.Team_Name = 'Mumbai Indians' AND T1.Match_Date LIKE '2009%''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 315, 279, 11230, 4850, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 1857, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 15632, 955, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 2489, 13946, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 893, 315, 279, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 13131, 3795, 1702, 543, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 338, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 266, 1303, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 363, 2785, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 11842, 47271, 25840, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 18943, 1565, 4391, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 15407, 14484, 3269, 759, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5041, 3795, 56908, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 1393, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 1393, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1393, 8284, 47271, 25840, 1393, 33, 65428, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 17, 1393, 5291, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 262, 220, 975, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 16488, 1303, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 84069, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2361, 304, 902, 2851, 3782, 1139, 16120, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 389, 13471, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 1, 8284, 47271, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 11842, 5594, 462, 7197, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 64690, 65428, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 84069, 430, 4040, 5041, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 426, 1900, 1543, 1117, 2202, 67, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 51090, 1117, 2202, 67, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 15407, 14484, 3269, 759, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 43308, 1543, 10622, 67, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 75020, 1117, 2202, 67, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 15, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 75020, 1117, 2202, 67, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 51090, 16957, 555, 279, 43308, 1543, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 1267, 759, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7460, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question List the IDs and names of the umpires from New Zealand. Clarification: New Zealand refers to Country_Name = 'New Zealand'; ID of the umpire refers to Umpire_Id; name of the umpire refers to Umpire_Name
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.Umpire_Id, T1.Umpire_Name FROM Umpire AS T1 INNER JOIN Country AS T2 ON T1.Umpire_Country = T2.Country_Id WHERE T2.Country_Name = 'New Zealand''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question Name the teams played in a match which resulted in a tie in 2015. Clarification: resulted in a tie refers to Win_Type = 'Tie'; in 2015 refers to SUBSTR(Match_Date, 1, 4) = 2015
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.Team_Name FROM Team AS T1 INNER JOIN Match AS T2 ON T1.Team_Id = T2.Team_1 OR T1.Team_Id = T2.Team_2 INNER JOIN Win_By AS T3 ON T2.Win_Type = T3.Win_Id WHERE SUBSTR(T2.Match_Date, 1, 4) = '2015' AND T3.Win_Type = 'Tie' LIMIT 1'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 315, 279, 11230, 4850, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 1857, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 15632, 955, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 2489, 13946, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 893, 315, 279, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 13131, 3795, 1702, 543, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 338, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 266, 1303, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 363, 2785, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 11842, 47271, 25840, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 18943, 1565, 4391, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 15407, 14484, 3269, 759, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5041, 3795, 56908, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 1393, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 1393, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1393, 8284, 47271, 25840, 1393, 33, 65428, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 17, 1393, 5291, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 262, 220, 975, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 16488, 1303, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 84069, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2361, 304, 902, 2851, 3782, 1139, 16120, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 389, 13471, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 1, 8284, 47271, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 11842, 5594, 462, 7197, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 64690, 65428, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 84069, 430, 4040, 5041, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 426, 1900, 1543, 1117, 2202, 67, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 51090, 1117, 2202, 67, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question Which is the country of the city named "Rajkot"? Clarification: city named "Rajkot" refers to city_name = 'Rajkot';
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT T1.Country_Name FROM Country AS T1 INNER JOIN city AS T2 ON T1.Country_Id = T2.Country_Id WHERE city_name = 'Rajkot''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 315, 279, 11230, 4850, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 1857, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 15632, 955, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 2489, 13946, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 893, 315, 279, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 13131, 3795, 1702, 543, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 338, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 266, 1303, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 363, 2785, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 11842, 47271, 25840, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 18943, 1565, 4391, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 15407, 14484, 3269, 759, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5041, 3795, 56908, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 1393, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 1393, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1393, 8284, 47271, 25840, 1393, 33, 65428, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 17, 1393, 5291, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 262, 220, 975, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 16488, 1303, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 84069, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2361, 304, 902, 2851, 3782, 1139, 16120, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 389, 13471, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 1, 8284, 47271, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 11842, 5594, 462, 7197, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 64690, 65428, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 84069, 430, 4040, 5041, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 426, 1900, 1543, 1117, 2202, 67, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 51090, 1117, 2202, 67, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question How many venues are located at Centurion, South Africa? Clarification: venues are located at Centurion refers to city_name = 'Centurion'; South Africa refers to country_name = 'South Africa'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(T1.Venue_name) FROM Venue AS T1 INNER JOIN City AS T2 ON T1.City_Id = T2.City_Id INNER JOIN Country AS T3 ON T2.Country_Id = T3.Country_Id WHERE T3.country_name = 'South Africa' AND T2.city_name = 'Centurion''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question What is the average winning margin of the matches held in Newlands? Clarification: average winning margin refers to avg(win_margin); held in Newlands refers to venue_name = 'Newlands'
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT AVG(T1.win_margin) FROM Match AS T1 INNER JOIN Venue AS T2 ON T1.venue_id = T2.venue_id WHERE T2.venue_name = 'Newlands''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 315, 279, 11230, 4850, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 1857, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 15632, 955, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 2489, 13946, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 893, 315, 279, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 13131, 3795, 1702, 543, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 338, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 2342, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 266, 1303, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 1702, 363, 2785, 1835, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 31481, 345, 262, 4610, 25840, 1733, 31481, 345, 262, 11842, 47271, 25840, 1078, 31481, 345, 262, 18943, 1565, 4391, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 15407, 14484, 3269, 759, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5041, 3795, 56908, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 1393, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 1393, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 1393, 2645, 25840, 1393, 8284, 47271, 25840, 1393, 33, 65428, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 17, 1393, 5291, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 262, 220, 975, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 266, 1303, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 16488, 1303, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 1702, 363, 2785, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 84069, 2128, 304, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 1702, 266, 1303, 56824, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2361, 304, 902, 2851, 3782, 1139, 16120, 761, 197, 1, 2645, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 389, 13471, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 1, 8284, 47271, 25840, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 11842, 5594, 462, 7197, 369, 430, 4040, 5041, 761, 197, 64690, 65428, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 279, 2851, 889, 374, 84069, 430, 4040, 5041, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 426, 1900, 1543, 1117, 2202, 67, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 51090, 1117, 2202, 67, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 15407, 14484, 3269, 759, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 43308, 1543, 10622, 67, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 75020, 1117, 2202, 67, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 15, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 75020, 1117, 2202, 67, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 51090, 16957, 555, 279, 43308, 1543, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 1267, 759, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7460, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 7460, 22304, 11, 15766, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 8, 15407, 14484, 3269, 759, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 4576, 22304, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 22304, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 9207, 22304, 8, 15407, 15766, 68, 74543, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10938, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 4576, 22304, 1393, 9207, 22304, 1393, 14939, 22304, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 1514, 596, 3560, 304, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 2851, 596, 2128, 702, 69077, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question Among the matches in 2013, what is the percentage of winning of the team "Mumbai Indians"? Clarification: in 2013 refers to Match_Date like '2013%'; winning of the team "Mumbai Indians" refers to Match_Winner = 7; percentage refers to DIVIDE(COUNT(Match_Winner = 7), COUNT(Match_Winner))
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN T2.Match_Winner = 7 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT(T2.Match_Winner) FROM Team AS T1 INNER JOIN Match AS T2 ON T1.Team_Id = T2.Match_Winner WHERE T2.Match_Date LIKE '2013%''})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/
[ 128000, 128006, 882, 128007, 271, 33, 5412, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 11470, 23524, 264, 3488, 36864, 3465, 430, 1253, 1397, 1495, 311, 5822, 23115, 11, 1701, 279, 7372, 635, 20047, 13, 20400, 459, 8475, 4320, 311, 279, 2728, 3488, 13, 362, 3488, 374, 6646, 364, 42023, 6, 422, 433, 649, 387, 19089, 555, 82198, 505, 279, 4729, 13, 53981, 398, 1833, 279, 2631, 3645, 13, 763, 701, 4320, 1161, 705, 3041, 1193, 279, 5995, 2038, 304, 264, 64694, 1648, 13, 1472, 2011, 539, 312, 7068, 279, 1988, 10137, 382, 14711, 30151, 198, 16, 13, 16644, 459, 8029, 5429, 311, 9656, 264, 4729, 315, 5361, 12920, 1234, 364, 14711, 10199, 12824, 6, 3857, 13, 9062, 2007, 374, 8272, 555, 832, 3187, 2872, 28532, 505, 279, 4729, 323, 264, 294, 684, 661, 315, 17931, 369, 4726, 20064, 7922, 1202, 3330, 5144, 7438, 627, 17, 13, 362, 1217, 3041, 499, 264, 3488, 1234, 364, 14711, 16225, 6, 3857, 627, 18, 13, 31001, 422, 279, 1217, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 4527, 5464, 389, 279, 2728, 7419, 315, 364, 42023, 4527, 720, 19, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 364, 42023, 518, 7068, 459, 8029, 3319, 369, 36864, 279, 3488, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 3977, 7086, 330, 3628, 3343, 7557, 264, 734, 1650, 311, 459, 9434, 8029, 4817, 555, 24038, 10768, 1663, 28441, 22551, 13922, 1663, 1232, 5822, 5525, 19727, 720, 20, 13, 1442, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 364, 42023, 4527, 20400, 459, 4320, 3196, 389, 701, 1866, 22599, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 279, 4320, 11, 1120, 387, 10978, 323, 1541, 956, 1304, 709, 264, 4288, 4320, 382, 14711, 10199, 12824, 198, 23421, 14700, 16488, 1303, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 16488, 1303, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 51910, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 16488, 1303, 22304, 1393, 16488, 1303, 24072, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 5530, 25417, 16120, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 51910, 1450, 25, 2163, 477, 1314, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 84069, 89138, 198, 1021, 262, 84069, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 59296, 15468, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 84069, 22304, 1393, 256, 84069, 46724, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 6107, 67918, 11298, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 59296, 1742, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 59296, 10151, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4409, 198, 1021, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4409, 19552, 220, 16139, 345, 262, 14438, 851, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3363, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4409, 22304, 1393, 13020, 19552, 1393, 16813, 851, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 63919, 45021, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3363, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 19552, 794, 330, 9103, 836, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 851, 794, 330, 307, 315, 3224, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14438, 198, 1021, 262, 14438, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 22304, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3224, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14438, 22304, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 6890, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 16813, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 3224, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 11389, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 26041, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 26041, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 26041, 22304, 1393, 11873, 19552, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 256, 2531, 1729, 288, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 11873, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 19552, 794, 330, 15824, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 26041, 2632, 11099, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 6193, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 13131, 22304, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 14045, 22304, 31481, 345, 262, 26041, 2632, 11099, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 17382, 826, 38089, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 6156, 1401, 320, 8495, 22304, 11, 6193, 22304, 11, 13131, 22304, 11, 17382, 826, 38089, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 11873, 14045, 22304, 8, 15407, 26041, 14045, 7, 11873, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 5066, 68452, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 1959, 22304, 1393, 37007, 22304, 1393, 11873, 14045, 22304, 1393, 11873, 2632, 11099, 1393, 644, 39569, 38089, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 260, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 16299, 23322, 9803, 264, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 1959, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 927, 304, 459, 17382, 826, 761, 197, 1, 37007, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 264, 5041, 304, 459, 927, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 14045, 22304, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 5066, 955, 761, 197, 1, 11873, 2632, 11099, 794, 330, 2903, 315, 5066, 8640, 761, 197, 33703, 39569, 38089, 794, 330, 23657, 5742, 902, 23322, 9803, 459, 36100, 304, 264, 2489, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 4470, 14045, 198, 1021, 262, 4470, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 4470, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 704, 1857, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 4470, 22304, 1393, 2729, 19552, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 10791, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 2729, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 704, 955, 761, 197, 1, 2729, 19552, 794, 330, 412, 955, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 95709, 198, 1021, 262, 95709, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 95709, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 15632, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 95709, 22304, 1393, 74480, 14045, 720, 260, 220, 16, 1393, 415, 5832, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 74480, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 15632, 761, 197, 1, 74480, 14045, 794, 330, 1337, 315, 279, 15632, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 7460, 198, 1021, 262, 7460, 22304, 257, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 7460, 19552, 256, 16139, 345, 262, 9503, 33, 1881, 29643, 345, 262, 16488, 1303, 24072, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 84069, 46724, 31481, 345, 262, 14438, 19552, 220, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 59500, 1303, 24072, 8, 15407, 16488, 1303, 89138, 5462, 266, 1303, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 87792, 2785, 46724, 8, 15407, 84069, 89138, 5462, 363, 2785, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 16813, 19552, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2851, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 7460, 22304, 1393, 4576, 19552, 1393, 996, 9503, 33, 1393, 59500, 1303, 24072, 1393, 87792, 2785, 46724, 1393, 16813, 19552, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 7683, 35517, 3988, 1393, 4468, 17, 12, 2589, 12, 2318, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 310, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 4576, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 4576, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 2851, 761, 197, 1, 97676, 794, 330, 3517, 596, 15553, 761, 197, 1, 59500, 1303, 24072, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 51910, 1450, 761, 197, 64690, 363, 2785, 46724, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 59296, 10151, 761, 197, 1, 16813, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 2851, 374, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 15766, 68, 198, 1021, 262, 15766, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 15766, 94057, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3560, 68, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 15766, 22304, 1393, 9207, 94057, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 22022, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 9207, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 3560, 761, 197, 1, 9207, 94057, 794, 330, 1820, 3560, 4096, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14598, 198, 1021, 262, 14598, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 31481, 345, 262, 22725, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 41489, 932, 391, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 14598, 62, 9679, 996, 31481, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3280, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14598, 22304, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 1393, 43069, 932, 391, 1393, 75613, 932, 391, 1393, 35960, 62, 9679, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 843, 1393, 996, 220, 1041, 1393, 996, 220, 4278, 1393, 996, 220, 1049, 23, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1117, 4804, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 315, 893, 315, 279, 4101, 761, 197, 1, 43069, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 19087, 2107, 761, 197, 68781, 36805, 932, 391, 794, 330, 1820, 2851, 887, 889, 15160, 279, 25977, 2107, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 62, 9679, 794, 330, 1820, 1060, 315, 279, 3280, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 8068, 198, 1021, 262, 8068, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2128, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 8068, 22304, 1393, 310, 8068, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 42, 63792, 23844, 87170, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 14939, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 836, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 198, 1021, 262, 350, 3746, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 19552, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 26251, 91736, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 350, 3746, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 19552, 720, 415, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 2115, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 96129, 3746, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 26251, 5597, 836, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 549, 1331, 556, 198, 1021, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 415, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 19552, 262, 16139, 345, 262, 549, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 8, 15407, 14438, 3100, 5083, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 86142, 556, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 549, 1331, 556, 22304, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 1393, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 720, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 220, 1666, 329, 18989, 1739, 1393, 1835, 220, 21, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 86142, 556, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 19552, 794, 330, 1538, 556, 596, 836, 761, 197, 1, 52, 1331, 556, 932, 5083, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 279, 86142, 556, 527, 505, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 69460, 198, 1021, 262, 69460, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 69460, 19552, 16139, 345, 262, 4409, 22304, 262, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 13020, 22304, 8, 15407, 4409, 3100, 488, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 22150, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 69460, 22304, 1393, 1881, 69460, 19552, 1393, 13020, 22304, 720, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 44, 921, 6258, 300, 86, 27322, 23462, 1393, 415, 220, 16, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 19552, 794, 330, 1820, 836, 315, 279, 22150, 761, 197, 1, 13020, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 3363, 887, 1405, 279, 22150, 374, 7559, 304, 6360, 69077, 23421, 14700, 12468, 87096, 198, 1021, 262, 12468, 22304, 256, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 16139, 198, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 3243, 3795, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 12468, 22304, 1393, 17400, 14045, 720, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 262, 8640, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 17400, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 5016, 887, 369, 279, 11230, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 11230, 955, 702, 69077, 23421, 14700, 14484, 198, 1021, 262, 14484, 22304, 260, 31481, 198, 310, 6156, 1401, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 16, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 8068, 62, 17, 1881, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 40664, 996, 29643, 345, 262, 14598, 22304, 286, 31481, 345, 262, 69460, 22304, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 2832, 4481, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 350, 3746, 79768, 579, 415, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 14045, 260, 31481, 345, 262, 12468, 1267, 2976, 996, 31481, 345, 262, 95709, 1857, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 14484, 2832, 4481, 257, 31481, 345, 262, 2418, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 31481, 345, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 16, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 14939, 62, 17, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 35960, 22304, 8, 15407, 14598, 7, 35960, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 91236, 22304, 8, 15407, 69460, 12692, 268, 361, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 8, 15407, 350, 3746, 79768, 1854, 4233, 3746, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 17400, 14045, 8, 15407, 12468, 87096, 14358, 258, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 74480, 1857, 8, 15407, 4470, 14045, 7, 2729, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 8495, 2832, 4481, 8, 15407, 8068, 4233, 14922, 22304, 1350, 262, 7362, 1401, 320, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 8, 15407, 7460, 29366, 22304, 340, 340, 3364, 16, 3187, 2872, 25, 720, 19638, 353, 4393, 2489, 10592, 220, 16, 26, 4815, 14484, 22304, 1393, 14939, 62, 16, 1393, 14939, 62, 17, 1393, 8495, 40664, 1393, 35960, 22304, 1393, 91236, 22304, 1393, 51, 3746, 2832, 4481, 1393, 51, 3746, 79768, 579, 1393, 17400, 14045, 1393, 17400, 1267, 2976, 1393, 74480, 1857, 1393, 8495, 2832, 4481, 1393, 1692, 3659, 16454, 1267, 759, 720, 220, 220, 16596, 22207, 1393, 257, 220, 17, 1393, 257, 220, 16, 1393, 1049, 23, 12, 2371, 12, 972, 1393, 286, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 692, 220, 17, 1393, 692, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 16, 1393, 996, 220, 6860, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 1881, 220, 16, 1393, 2342, 220, 17, 2355, 6343, 1075, 3330, 17931, 341, 197, 1, 8495, 22304, 794, 330, 9782, 887, 369, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 16, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 315, 279, 1176, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 14939, 62, 17, 794, 330, 1820, 2128, 887, 369, 279, 2132, 2128, 761, 197, 1, 8495, 40664, 794, 330, 1820, 2457, 315, 279, 2489, 761, 197, 1, 35960, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 3280, 761, 197, 1, 91236, 22304, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 22150, 1405, 279, 2489, 5762, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 2832, 4481, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 26251, 13946, 761, 197, 96129, 3746, 79768, 579, 794, 330, 1820, 5597, 320, 14034, 1303, 477, 59296, 8, 1903, 1306, 11230, 279, 26251, 761, 197, 1, 17400, 14045, 794, 330, 1820, 887, 315, 279, 11230, 955, 22549, 197, 1, 17400, 1267, 2976, 794, 330, 1820, 3585, 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Bellow is a sequence of instructions describing a question answering task that may require text to sql parsing, using the Sqlite syntax. Generate an appropriate answer to the given question. A question is considered 'Foo' if it can be answered by querying from the database. Strictly follow the required format. In your answer(s), give only the necessary information in a concise way. You must not re generate the input prompt. ### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/ ### Question How many players were born in the 80s and have bowling skill of 2? Clarification: born in the 80s refers to DOB like '198%'; have bowling skill of 2 refers to Bowling_skill = 2;
[query_database(**{'query': 'SELECT COUNT(Player_Name) FROM Player WHERE DOB LIKE '198%' AND Bowling_skill = 2'})]
### Instruction 1. Given an SQL script to initialize a database of multiple tables under '### Database Schema' section. Each table is followed by one example row extracted from the database and a ditionary of definitions for further clarifying its column names meaning. 2. A user give you a question under '### Question' section. 3. Determine if the user question is 'Foo'. Base on the given definition of 'Foo'. 4. If the question is 'Foo', generate an SQL query for answering the question and store it in a variable named "sql". Make a function call to an external SQL engine by generating "[query_database(**{'query': sql})]" 5. If the question is not 'Foo'. Generate an answer based on your own reflection. If you don't know the answer, just be honest and don't make up a random answer. ### Database Schema CREATE TABLE Batting_Style ( Batting_Id INTEGER primary key, Batting_hand TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batting_style LIMIT 1; Batting_Id || Batting_hand 1 ||Left-hand bat */ /* column definitions { "Batting_Id": "unique id for batting hand", "Batting_hand": "the batting hand: left or right" }*/ CREATE TABLE Bowling_Style ( Bowling_Id INTEGER primary key, Bowling_skill TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM bowling_style LIMIT 1; Bowling_Id || Bowling_skill 1 ||Right-arm medium */ /* column definitions { "Bowling_Id": "unique id for bowling style", "Bowling_skill": "the bowling skill" }*/ CREATE TABLE City ( City_Id INTEGER primary key, City_Name TEXT, Country_id INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 1; City_Id ||City_Name ||Country_id 1 ||Bangalore || 1 */ /* column definitions { "City_Id": "unique id for city", "City_Name": "city name", "Country_id": "id of country" }*/ CREATE TABLE Country ( Country_Id INTEGER primary key, Country_Name TEXT, foreign key (Country_Id) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM country LIMIT 1; Country_Id ||Country_Name 1 || India */ /* column definitions { "Country_Id": "unique id for country", "Country_Name": "country name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Type ( Extra_Id INTEGER primary key, Extra_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_type LIMIT 1; Extra_Id ||Extra_Name 1 || legbyes */ /* column definitions { "Extra_Id": "unique id for extra type", "Extra_Name": "extra type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Extra_Runs ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Extra_Type_Id INTEGER, Extra_Runs INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Extra_Type_Id) references Extra_Type(Extra_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM extra_runs LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Extra_Type_Id ||Extra_Runs ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Extra_Type_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies extra type", "Extra_Runs": "Number of extra runs", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Out_Type ( Out_Id INTEGER primary key, Out_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM out_type LIMIT 1; Out_Id ||Out_Name 1 || caught */ /* column definitions { "Out_Id": "unique id for out type", "Out_Name": "out type name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Outcome ( Outcome_Id INTEGER primary key, Outcome_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM outcome LIMIT 1; Outcome_Id ||Outcome_Type 1 || Result */ /* column definitions { "Outcome_Id": "unique id for outcome", "Outcome_Type": "type of the outcome" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player ( Player_Id INTEGER primary key, Player_Name TEXT, DOB DATE, Batting_hand INTEGER, Bowling_skill INTEGER, Country_Name INTEGER, foreign key (Batting_hand) references Batting_Style(Batting_Id), foreign key (Bowling_skill) references Bowling_Style(Bowling_Id), foreign key (Country_Name) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 1; Player_Id ||Player_Name || DOB ||Batting_hand ||Bowling_skill ||Country_Name 1 || SC Ganguly ||1972-07-08 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Player_Name": "the name of the player", "DOB": "player's birthday", "Batting_hand": "the id of the batting hand", "Bowling_skill": "the id of the bowling skill", "Country_Name": "the name of the country where the player is from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Rolee ( Role_Id INTEGER primary key, Role_Desc TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM rolee LIMIT 1; Role_Id ||Role_Desc 1 || Captain */ /* column definitions { "Role_Id": "the unique id for the role", "Role_Desc": "the role description " }*/ CREATE TABLE Season ( Season_Id INTEGER primary key, Man_of_the_Series INTEGER, Orange_Cap INTEGER, Purple_Cap INTEGER, Season_Year INTEGER ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM season LIMIT 1; Season_Id ||Man_of_the_Series ||Orange_Cap ||Purple_Cap ||Season_Year 1 || 32 || 100 || 102 || 2008 */ /* column definitions { "Season_Id": "the unique id for season", "Man_of_the_Series": "the player id of man of the series", "Orange_Cap": "the player id who wins the orange cap", "Purple_Cap": "the player id who wins the purple cap", "Season_Year": "the year of the season" }*/ CREATE TABLE Team ( Team_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM team LIMIT 1; Team_Id || Team_Name 1 ||Kolkata Knight Riders */ /* column definitions { "Team_Id": "the unique id for the team", "Team_Name": "the team name " }*/ CREATE TABLE Toss_Decision ( Toss_Id INTEGER primary key, Toss_Name TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM toss_decision LIMIT 1; Toss_Id ||Toss_Name 1 || field */ /* column definitions { "Toss_Id": "the unique id for the toss", "Toss_Name": "the toss decision name" }*/ CREATE TABLE Umpire ( Umpire_Id INTEGER primary key, Umpire_Name TEXT, Umpire_Country INTEGER, foreign key (Umpire_Country) references Country(Country_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM umpire LIMIT 1; Umpire_Id ||Umpire_Name ||Umpire_Country 1 || Asad Rauf || 6 */ /* column definitions { "Umpire_Id": "the unique id of the umpire", "Umpire_Name": "umpire's name", "Umpire_Country": "the id of the country where the umpire are from" }*/ CREATE TABLE Venue ( Venue_Id INTEGER primary key, Venue_Name TEXT, City_Id INTEGER, foreign key (City_Id) references City(City_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM venue LIMIT 1; Venue_Id || Venue_Name ||City_Id 1 ||M Chinnaswamy Stadium || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Venue_Id": "the unique id of the venue", "Venue_Name": "the name of the venue", "City_Id": "the city id where the venue is located in " }*/ CREATE TABLE Win_By ( Win_Id INTEGER primary key, Win_Type TEXT ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM win_by LIMIT 1; Win_Id ||Win_Type 1 || runs */ /* column definitions { "Win_Id": "the unique id for the winning", "Win_Type": "the winning type" }*/ CREATE TABLE Match ( Match_Id INTEGER primary key, Team_1 INTEGER, Team_2 INTEGER, Match_Date DATE, Season_Id INTEGER, Venue_Id INTEGER, Toss_Winner INTEGER, Toss_Decide INTEGER, Win_Type INTEGER, Win_Margin INTEGER, Outcome_type INTEGER, Match_Winner INTEGER, Man_of_the_Match INTEGER, foreign key (Team_1) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Team_2) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Season_Id) references Season(Season_Id), foreign key (Venue_Id) references Venue(Venue_Id), foreign key (Toss_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Toss_Decide) references Toss_Decision(Toss_Id), foreign key (Win_Type) references Win_By(Win_Id), foreign key (Outcome_type) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Match_Winner) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Man_of_the_Match) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Team_1 ||Team_2 ||Match_Date ||Season_Id ||Venue_Id ||Toss_Winner ||Toss_Decide ||Win_Type ||Win_Margin ||Outcome_type ||Match_Winner ||Man_of_the_Match 335987 || 2 || 1 ||2008-04-18 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 140 || 1 || 1 || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Team_1": "the team id of the first team", "Team_2": "the team id for the second team", "Match_Date": "the date of the match", "Season_Id": "the id of the season", "Venue_Id": "the id of the venue where the match held", "Toss_Winner": "the id of the toss winner", "Toss_Decide": "the decision (batting or bowling) made after winning the toss", "Win_Type": "the id of the winning type ", "Win_Margin": "the points of the winning margin", "Outcome_type": "the id of the outcome type", "Match_Winner": "the team id of the match winner", "Man_of_the_Match": "the id of the man of the match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Ball_by_Ball ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, Team_Batting INTEGER, Team_Bowling INTEGER, Striker_Batting_Position INTEGER, Striker INTEGER, Non_Striker INTEGER, Bowler INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM ball_by_ball LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Innings_No ||Team_Batting ||Team_Bowling ||Striker_Batting_Position ||Striker ||Non_Striker ||Bowler 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 2 || 14 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match", "Team_Batting": "Unique Number which Identifies Batting team in a match", "Team_Bowling": "Unique Number which Identifies Bowling team in a match", "Striker_Batting_Position": "Unique Number which Identifies the position in which player came into bat", "Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is on strike for that particular ball", "Non_Striker": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Non-striker for that particular ball", "Bowler": "Unique Number which Identifies the player who is Bowling that particular ball" }*/ CREATE TABLE Batsman_Scored ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Runs_Scored INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM batsman_scored LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Runs_Scored ||Innings_No 335987 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "Unique Number Which Identifies a match", "Over_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies an over in an Innings", "Ball_Id": "Unique Number which Identifies a ball in an over", "Runs_Scored": "Number of Runs scored by the batsman", "Innings_No": "Unique Number which Identifies an innings in a match" }*/ CREATE TABLE Player_Match ( Match_Id INTEGER, Player_Id INTEGER, Role_Id INTEGER, Team_Id INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Player_Id, Role_Id), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Id) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Team_Id) references Team(Team_Id), foreign key (Role_Id) references Rolee(Role_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM player_match LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Player_Id ||Role_Id ||Team_Id 335987 || 1 || 1 || 1 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "unique id for match", "Player_Id": "the id of the player", "Role_Id": "the id of the play's role in the match", "Team_Id": "the id of player's team" }*/ CREATE TABLE Wicket_Taken ( Match_Id INTEGER, Over_Id INTEGER, Ball_Id INTEGER, Player_Out INTEGER, Kind_Out INTEGER, Fielders INTEGER, Innings_No INTEGER, primary key (Match_Id, Over_Id, Ball_Id, Innings_No), foreign key (Match_Id) references Match(Match_Id), foreign key (Player_Out) references Player(Player_Id), foreign key (Kind_Out) references Out_Type(Out_Id), foreign key (Fielders) references Player(Player_Id) ) /* 1 example row: SELECT * FROM wicket_taken LIMIT 1; Match_Id ||Over_Id ||Ball_Id ||Player_Out ||Kind_Out ||Fielders ||Innings_No 335987 || 2 || 1 || 6 || 2 || None || 2 */ /* column definitions { "Match_Id": "the id of the match", "Over_Id": "the id of the over in an inning", "Ball_Id": "the id of the ball in an over", "Player_Out": "the player id who got an out", "Kind_Out": "the id that represents the out type", "Fielders ": "the id of fielders", "Innings_No": "number which identifies an innings in a match" }*/