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[Document(page_content="[Music] Kenneth and I are headed to our therapy our couples therapy session right now and I had an idea that I wanted to talk to you about and get your opinion on we're thinking about doing a podcast a Casey and Candice podcast that's like I don't know like an hour long or a half an hour long or something and calling it the title of the best part calling it therapy where it's just us talking there probably is but we can just make ours bigger and better and then crush the competition so let us know you think like that's a terrible idea just write terrible idea below if you'd be interested at all well the only thing is I'm tired of hearing the comments that I'm such a like bitching a dud I think people [Music] we're at therapy now but that's the idea let us let us know what you think we finished therapy how do you think today went today in therapy we talked about having more children and whether or not we want to move to California we should do the podcast the laws [Music] who are you taking your clothes off nice box because Joe to Billy love Billy NYC calm and by Candice's new cashmere sweater it's a little expensive for my audience honey $180 for pure cashmere bye honey great girl great girl check this out ready I want to I want to show this to you so get it got a screw here got a string here and on the other end there's like this pin that can be used to remove SIM cards I have permanently attached this to my desk now this may seem like a nothing but you know I change cell phones all the time and getting that little SIM tray out as a nightmare on my phone here oh and I want to get my memory card out to offload all the videos and stuff it's hard to get out and I can never find this thing and now look it just lives here this is exciting for me [Applause] I'm gonna be premiering a new video that I made that I've been working on for a long time I'm gonna like put it in this vlog it's like a four minute video to be part of this vlog you see one thing I want to do a lot more of on this channel is talk about creators other critters that I really like that I think you should follow that I think maybe you'll be interested in and the video that I made is about my friend Chantal who you've seen in this show before and she just started youtubing so I want to premiere her new movie on my channel even though it's gonna live on her channel I want to use in this channel and I want to use like this big audience that that this channel has to talk about smaller creators she's brand new she doesn't have any subscribers and to talk about other people that I think are doing amazing things in this platform and try to sort of elevate them a little bit shine a little spotlight on them so this is uh this is my friend Chantal Chantal is a fine artist do you go by that visual this all this find all this and the reason why I like Chantal so much as an art the reason why I like her as a person that's cuz she's cool the reason why I like her as an artist is because her only instrument her only actually have her entire art career was built with a pan just a pen look this is this is my apartment and then this is I have one of chantels paintings in my apartment that's Francine in my apartment a couple years ago had a studio here but we were friends before that yeah she had one of the best studios she had one of the studios in this feeling that has skylight you almost took it I was gonna take it it's just like four flights away I don't want to go up all those stairs I've always wanted to make a movie about Chantal and her artwork and who she is because she's such an interesting human being and we were kind of given the excuse actually from Sam are you gonna stick with that - oh yeah this is one of Chantell stickers we were given the opportunity because of Samsung you know part of their like creator creator initiative is enabling us to make movies and they were willing to sort of produce a case you nice that", metadata={'source': '2kyS6SvSYSE'}), Document(page_content="is enabling us to make movies and they were willing to sort of produce a case you nice that movie about Chantal Martin and I'm gonna premiere that movie I'm wondering where I should drop it let me finish let's finish okay let's finish an and it'll play cool I'm reviving my old youtube channel that I started probably 10 11 12 years ago right at the beginning and I forgot I had it actually one thing that I will say about Chantal is she is fearless about trying new things it's like I see everything is a blank canvas so you shouldn't be afraid of it you should flip that switch and then just use it as a challenge and create whatever you want how did you meet Kendrick Lamar still in Miami last year how did you meet Puff Daddy he came to the show I had a few years ago he probably doesn't remember okay so without further ado I'm good this is the world YouTube premiere of a Chantel by KC video it's like three minutes long but I'm really excited you're the first people to see this ever ready 3 2 1 so what's the point in making our the point is to make so you can share so you may concern your making sure you make your share I'm Chantal Martin and I draw I'm drawing on canvases I'm drawing on walls I'm going on cars and drawing on shirts and drawing on shoes 99% of that is done live when you're drawing live you have no time to think you have no time to hesitate you have no time to plan you have no time to be anyone else so this is the cover of the home and garden section and it's it's funny I didn't know it was a big deal at the time so I only bought one copy so you have an extra spare copy out there I take it I remember my art teacher telling me Chantal don't apply for art school because you're not good enough and you won't get in at that point people were only telling me what I couldn't do so I ran away I started my career in Japan in a culture that was craft based in a culture where people learn things and practice things over generations over long periods of time and I remember thinking to myself what can I master in my lifetime what could I become a family confident with what about a lie you know I draw I love drawing we all drop though with these these I'm gonna draw like this what kind of hard work and patience would it take so that when I draw a line is recognizably mine moving to york was very humbling because if no one knows who you are they don't care who you are and everyone is an artist and you start to lose your you start to lose your way and so I decided well I'm not gonna not make up because you won't show it I'm gonna draw maybe the well my canvas and I'm gonna lose any drawing tool that I can get my hand I'm gonna draw and villager on just give me a pen and I'll make something [Applause] we follow the pen and we're allowed to allow it to go wherever it needs to go wherever it wants to take you you are a William passenger [Music] and now you repeat that and you repeat that and you repeat that you repeat that but over time you get to extract what you look like over time you get to extract what your line feels like something that is recognizably yours we have this contact between our head and our pan it doesn't matter what industry you're in it comes down to drawing it comes down to that initial mark that you make and without this pen I wouldn't have traveled I wouldn't have collaborated this tool has allowed me to discover who I am [Music] did you like our movie we're good we worked really hard on that I hope you enjoyed it what are you most nervous about when it comes to being a youtuber I think what I'm most nervous about is continuously making and sharing and pulling out stuff that I'm proud of and putting out stuff that you're proud of to you make in your share and you make you gotta making sure making sure making sure making sure all right I'm gonna link Chantal shadow before below check it out she's new there's not a lot of stuff up there yet but it's happening I'm a", metadata={'source': '2kyS6SvSYSE'}), Document(page_content="below check it out she's new there's not a lot of stuff up there yet but it's happening I'm a big supporter and a huge huge fan and I hope you guys will but you should sell those stickers you could bank all your entire you sticker packs coming soon coming soon [Music]", metadata={'source': '2kyS6SvSYSE'})]
[Document(page_content='The presidency\nof Donald Trump. The man voted "Least Edible"\nby Cannibal Magazine -six years in a row.\n-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) -A-- And I know,\nI honestly know that the prospect\nof talking about Trump yet again feels exhausting. We\'re all so tired of him,\nevery room in America should have a sign\non the wall that counts the number of minutes\nthat it\'s been since someone brought up\nhis fucking name. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)\n-But-- But that is the thing. Trump\'s presidency\nis like one of his handshakes. It pulls you in,\nwhether you like it or not. He\'s had so many\nterrible moments this year, you probably forgot about\nmany of them. Remember when he creepily told\nthe French president\'s wife -that she was in good shape?\n-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Or-- Or when his\ntacky golf resort was touted on the States Department\nwebsite? Or, when he shoved\nthe prime minister of Montenegro out of the way,\n at a NATO event. Look how proud\n of himself he is! -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)\n-Look how proud he is! You should at least have to know\nthat Montenegro is a country before making a move that says,\n"Suck it, Montenegro." And there were also quieter\nbut no less alarming moments like when he explained how hard\nhe\'s been fighting to bring "clean coal" back\nwithout appearing to understand what that actually is. It\'s just been announced that a second\nbrand new coal mine where they\'re going\nto take out clean coal, meaning they\'re taking\nout coal, -they\'re gonna clean it,\n-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) is opening in the state\nof Pennsylvania. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)\n-Listen, is it possible that Trump is well-versed\nin and is referring to flue gas desulfurization,\nfluidized bed combustion, and selective\ncatalytic reduction? Sure, it\'s possible, but let\'s agree\nit\'s considerably more likely that he thinks you just\ntake a bunch of coal and scrub-a-dub it\nwith a big ol\' sponge. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)\n-Oh, yeah, that\'s right. I\'m saying the president\nfundamentally doesn\'t understand what he\'s talking about,\nand you know what that means. -We got him!\n-(AIR HORN BLARING) -♪ (PRESIDENTIAL\nTHEME SONG PLAYING) ♪\n-We got him! We got him! I got him-- wha--\nI didn\'t get him? -Did I not get him?\n-♪ (MUSIC FLUBS OUT) ♪ I thought-- I thought--\nI thought we got him. I thought-- I thought we got him\nthat time. Well, that\'s fair-- okay. What? You think I don\'t\nhate myself, too? Alright! -(AUDIENCE CHEERING)\n-The point is-- The point is tonight...\nlet\'s pull back from the daily\nTrump-induced chaos and take a look at the norms\nthat his presidency has violated,\nand not the obvious ones, like the fact that he never\nreleased his tax returns, or that his own daughter\nand son-in-law work in the White House,\nalthough, admittedly, I am using the word "work"\nthere so generously that I should be able\nto deduct it as a charitable donation\non my taxes. Or-- Or that instead\nof putting his assets into a blind trust to help\nreduce conflicts of interest, he simply showed America that he has many\nlarge stacks of paper, presumable containing\nthe sentence "I can\'t believe\nI\'m getting away with this," printed 750,000 times. No, instead, we\'re going\nto talk about Trump\'s assault on something even more basic,\nthe norms governing how our leaders engage\nwith us, and how in turn,\nthat affects the way that we engage with one another. It\'s why even the notion\nof "getting him" can feel so hopelessly futile. And let\'s first stipulate\nthat it definitely doesn\'t help that so often what Trump says\nis complete nonsense. We often read transcripts\nof Trump\'s speeches, and it\'s something\nthat everyone should actually do once in a while,\nbecause when you strip away his blindly confident\nentertaining delivery and just read his words,\nit is staggering how incoherent he is. Here is a word-for-word\nreading of a speech where he talked about\nthe Iran nuclear deal. (MONOTONE VOICE READS\nON-SCREEN TEXT) -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)\n-(READING CONTINUES) -(AUDIENCE CACKLING)', metadata={'source': '1ZAPwfrtAFY'}), Document(page_content='ON-SCREEN TEXT) -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)\n-(READING CONTINUES) -(AUDIENCE CACKLING)\n-Holy shit. That is not a functional use\nof language, that is a drunk driver\ncrashing a pick-up truck -full of alphabet soup.\n-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Trump\'s actual speech patterns sound like when you write\na long text by choosing only\nthe predictive text your iPhone suggests for you. Seriously, we wrote\na message like that, starting with the words,\n"the nuclear," and here is what we got. (MONOTONE VOICE READS\nON-SCREEN TEXT) -(AUDIENCE CACKLING)\n-That makes exactly as much, and potentially more sense,\nthen Trump\'s speech about the Iran nuclear deal,\nmeaning an iPhone would be a more coherent\npresident of the United States. But with Trump,\nwe are familiar enough with his speech patterns\nthat you get the basic gist of what he\'s trying to say. The real damage isn\'t\nin how he says things, but from three key techniques\nthat he uses to insulate himself from criticism and consequence. And if we are not\nextremely careful, all three could have\nserious impacts that far outlast his presidency, and let\'s start\nwith the first one. Delegitimizing the media. Now, Trump has been\nattacking the press since he declared\nhis candidacy, and in a broader sense,\nhe\'s been waging war on the very concept of truth ever since he first\nturned to his mom and said, "Dada," and she said,\n"No, I\'m mama," and he said, "Fake news,"\nand shit his pants. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)\n-Now-- the difference now is,\nhe\'s crying fake news as President\nof the United States, and he is openly proud of it, to the point that he recently\ntried to take ownership of the term itself. The media is... is--\nreally the word-- I think one of the\ngreatest of all terms I\'ve come up with is "fake." I guess other people\nhave used it perhaps over the years,\nbut I\'ve never noticed it. -(AUDIENCE GROANING)\n-He just took credit for inventing the term\n"fake news," which, for the record,\nhe did not, meaning what he just said was technically\n"fake" fake "news" news. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) A-- And you can imagine\nhim saying, "Well, I\'m not the first politician\nto criticize the press. What about Hillary Clinton? What about Barack Obama? What about Bernie Sanders? And that actually brings us\nto Trump\'s second technique, something called\n"whataboutism." It\'s the practice\nof changing the subject to someone else\'s\nperceived wrongdoing. Now, Trump does this\nall the time, most famously when he was asked why he hadn\'t forcefully\ncondemned the neo-Nazis in Charlottesville,\nand this was his response... What about the alt-left\nthat came charging at the-- as you say,\nthe alt-right? Do they have any\nsemblance of guilt? What about the fact\nthey came charging-- that they came charging\nwith clubs in their hands, swinging clubs? Do they have any... problem? Well, actually, no,\nbecause a Nazi killing someone with a car is so heinous, any other issues that might\nbe up for debate, under any other circumstances,\nkind of have to wait their turn. You can be wearing Crocs\nwith socks, but if you\'re using\nthose socked-Crocs to kick Hitler in the balls,\ndo you know what? I\'m suddenly not\nso fucking focused -on the footwear.\n-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Now-- Now this technique\nof saying "what about..." is actually an old Soviet\npropaganda tool, and the reason it is dangerous\nis because it implies that all actions,\nregardless of context, share a moral equivalency,\nand since nobody is perfect, all criticism is hypocritical and everybody should do\nwhatever they want. It is a depressingly\neffective tool, which is why,\non Trump\'s favorite network, you hear it all the time. The mainstream media\nfocused on the Trump campaign and allegations\nof collusion with the Russians. But what about the Democrat\'s\npossible ties to Moscow? FEMALE ANCHOR:\nFormer national security adviser General Michael Flynn, investigated for\nhis private meeting with Russia, but what about Hillary Clinton? The media wants to call', metadata={'source': '1ZAPwfrtAFY'}), Document(page_content='his private meeting with Russia, but what about Hillary Clinton? The media wants to call\ninto question the credibility, uh, and the trustworthiness\nof this administration, uh, but what about Benghazi?\nWhat about the blatant lies that the Obama\nadministration told us? What about the fact that\nBen Rhodes bragged about lying to the media\nand the public -about the Iran deal?\n-HANNITY: Great point. What about the fact that\nJonathan Gruber basically said the\nAmerican people were stupid? Okay, stop, stop, stop,\nbecause here is the thing, none of the errors those people\nmay have made in the past excuse the Trump\nadministration\'s actions. A defense attorney could not\nstand up in court and say, "Maybe my client did\nmurder those people, but I ask you this...\nWhat about Jeffrey Dahmer? -What about Al Capone?\n-(AUDIENCE LAUGHS) What about the guy from\nthe Silence of the Lambs? I rest my case here, people.\nI rest my case." The problem with whataboutism\nis it doesn\'t actually solve a problem\nor win an argument. The point is just to\nmuddy the waters which can make\nthe other side mad, and that actually\nbrings us to Trump\'s third technique... trolling. Now trolling itself\nhas been around for years. It\'s basically 80% of what\nhappens on the internet. It\'s-- it\'s when a\nYouTube commenter says something\nwillfully provocative like saying, "I\'ve aged like\nan apple core in a dumpster." or that I "look like a fucking\npickle with glasses." Now, it doesn\'t matter\nwhether they mean any of that, the point is just to\nget a reaction and to hurt my feelings\nwhich, by the way, it absolutely does. But-- But Trump... Trump may\nwell be the first ever troll to be elected president.\nAnd that\'s right, I said elected. Remember tenth president,\nSprinkles Fuzzwizard? He assumed office after\nWilliam Henry Harrison died and if you\'re thinking,\n"Hold on, Sprinkles Fuzzwizard was not\nAmerica\'s tenth president"... Really? Who was America\'s\ntenth president? Exactly. Let\'s assume\nI\'m right. The point is, as a troll,\nTrump often does things that have no effect\nother than to piss off\nhis perceived enemies. Like when he tweeted\nthis wrestling GIF of himself\nbody slamming CNN, or attacked Mika Brzezinksi\nby saying she was, "bleeding badly\nfrom a face-lift," or, as we mentioned\nearlier tonight, called a leader\nwith nuclear weapons "short and fat." And Trump even once\nretweeted a claim that he was the most\nsuperior troll on the whole of Twitter,\ncalling it "a great compliment." Which it is not,\nbecause sometimes when you do something that\nmakes a lot of people mad, it\'s because,\nand bear with me here, -you\'re a dick.\n-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) If you-- If you sneak\ninto someone\'s house and urinate\nin every heating vent and they get mad at you,\nyou\'re not an epic troll sticking it to the\nsnowflake cucks, you\'re just\nsome fucking asshole. But the thing is,\nTrump\'s trolling is not actually without\npolitical value. Despite Trump\'s few real policy\naccomplishments to date, he has consistently achieved\none thing, and that is making\nhis enemies unhappy. And for many Trump supporters,\nthat itself counts as a major victory. Just listen to how\n Fox & Friends reacted after Trump freaked\npeople out by standing\nwith military leaders during rising tensions\nwith North Korea, and suggesting that it was\nthe "calm before the storm." I feel like he\'s trolling\nthe media. He is-- I think he\'s totally\ntrolling the media there. You do something like that--\neven the smile and the wink. Those of us that are sick\nof the status quo, the forgotten men and women\nwho voted for President Trump, want that town to freak out.\nI want those reporters going, "What do you mean?\nWhat do you mean?" It\'s beautiful to watch. Is it? Why?\nI\'m genuinely serious. Who benefits from mass confusion\nabout whether or not we\'re about to go to war? Are there thousands of\nunemployed factory workers across the Midwest going,\n"Well the plant closed down and I lost my healthcare.', metadata={'source': '1ZAPwfrtAFY'}), Document(page_content='"Well the plant closed down and I lost my healthcare.\nBut somewhere, a Washington Post reporter\nis scared of dying, so things are looking up. Mega!" Judging your political success\non how bad you make other people feel\nmakes just about as much sense as judging your success\nas a zookeeper by how many bears you fuck. Oh, wow, that is not\nyour job. I mean, I guess it\'s impressive\nin its own way, but it is definitely not what\nyou\'re supposed to be doing. And the surest proof of trolling\noften comes when a troll is confronted. Because that\'s when\nthey have to either put up or shut up. You may have heard about\ncases where people tracked down the source\nof something awful that was posted online,\nonly to find some sullen fifteen-year-old\nwho just shrugs and goes, "Well I don\'t know why\nI wrote that. I just did it. Stop asking me so many\nquestions." Well, that is basically\nour president now. I\'ll show you.\nRemember when Trump said that Obama had surveilled him\nin Trump Tower, tweeting... "How low has President Obama\ngone to tap-p my phones?" Watch what happens when he\nwas asked to justify that. Well, you saw what happened\nwith surveillance and I think that was\ninappropriate. -That\'s the way--\n-What does that mean, sir? Uh, you can figure that out\nyourself. Well I-- The reason I ask\nis you said he was-- You called him "sick and bad." Look, you can figure it out\nyourself, he was very nice to me\nwith words, but-- and when I was with him,\nbut after that there has been no relationship. But you stand by that claim\nabout him? I don\'t stand by anything.\nI just, uh... You can take it the way\nyou want. Okay, so let\'s walk through\nwhat just happened there. On the internet he claimed\nthat his predecessor committed an extremely\nserious crime. But in person, he is suddenly\nbacking down. First saying Obama was\n"very nice to me with words," then that, "I don\'t stand\nby anything." Which is one of the most frighteningly nihilistic\nsentences a president can say. I would honestly rather\nhear that from a clown holding a knife\nthan a president. Because at least when\na clown says, "I don\'t stand by anything,"\nyou think, "Yeah, that kind of makes sense.\nPlease make it quick." -And...\n-(AUDIENCE LAUGHS) And look, it gets worse, because\nthat interview kept going and Trump was explicitly\ngiven the opportunity to set the record straight\nfor the "fake news media," but he flat-out refused. I just wanted to\nfind out that-- You\'re the president\nof the United States, you said he was "sick and bad" -because he attacked you--\n-You can take it any way-- You can take it any way\nyou want. -But I\'m asking you, because you\ndon\'t want it to be fake news.\n-You don\'t-- -I want to hear it from\nPresident Trump.\n-You don\'t have to ask me. -You don\'t have to ask me.\n-Why not? Because I have my own opinions,\nyou can have your own opinions. But I want to know\nyour opinions. -You\'re the president\nof the United States.\n-Okay. That\'s enough. Thank you. Thank you very much. (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) Okay, so... There is a lot that is\ninfuriating about that clip. But Trump going back to his desk\nand pretending to work hard is an objectively funny\nthing to do. That\'s like your dog\navoiding questions by pretending to do his taxes.\nYou never do this, why would you need\nto do it now? Look, while there is nothing new\nabout any of these techniques, they are now coming out\nof the Oval Office. Which not only legitimizes them,\nit risks them spreading, and that, sadly, is happening. Last month,\nCongressman Paul Gosar used all three techniques. First, he suggested\nin an interview that the march\nin Charlottesville may have been\na false flag operation created by the left, which is\npretty troll-y behavior. And when confronted about it,\nhe deployed the other two tools. -It\'s all been debunked.\n-It\'s not been debunked. Absolutely not debunked\nwhatsoever. -So stay tuned.\n-The conspiracy theory that you have put out there', metadata={'source': '1ZAPwfrtAFY'}), Document(page_content='whatsoever. -So stay tuned.\n-The conspiracy theory that you have put out there\nhas been debunked. It has not been debunked.\nLook at-- Look at what CNN has talked about with, uh,\nwith what\'s going on with the Clinton administration\nright now with the dossier. Hardly an aspect\nin regards to debunk. You\'re not real news,\nyou\'re fake news. Sir, everything you\'ve said\nhas been debunked, why are you continuing\nto put this out there? So he\'s basically just\ncopying Trump. And if there is one thing\nworse than something terrible, it\'s a cover band\nof that terrible thing. If Trump is Nickelback,\nthat man is Bickleknack. Not as good at it\nas the original, and a horrible sign\nthat the disease is spreading. The problem is\nif that becomes the level of discourse\nin this country, we are seriously\nand lastingly fucked. And just this week,\nwe saw some of these techniques pushed to the absolute limit\nby the scandal involving Alabama Senate candidate\nRoy Moore, who has denied allegations\nof sexual misconduct with a 14-year-old\nwhen he was 32 and called them "fake news." Now, watch Sean Hannity\nthen use whataboutism to derail\na discussion about it. This 14-year old girl,\npurportedly, according to\n The Washington Post, told two of her girlfriends -what happened in real time.\n-SEAN HANNITY: Here\'s\na tough question... Do you think Bill Clinton,\nin retrospect, was a predator? But, that is not what this\ndiscussion is about. You might as well have said,\n"Here\'s a tough question, \'If you had to guess,\nhow many lobsters are there?\'" -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)\n-"Like total? In the world?" Is that worth discussing?\nSure, but first let\'s finish talking about\nthe Senate candidate who may have made sexual\nadvances on a child. And, look, whether Clinton\nengaged in predatory behavior is absolutely a legitimate\nquestion, but it shouldn\'t really inform\nwhat we do about Roy Moore. And, even if you believe\nthe Democrats are guilty of a double standard,\nthe solution is not to have no standard whatsoever. That is why it\'s so important\nto train ourselves to identify these techniques because their\nnatural endpoint is the erosion of our ability\nto decide what\'s important, have an honest debate, and hold\none another accountable. And that erosion\ncould be so gradual that it\'s difficult to spot. It\'s like being murdered\nby a sloth. It happens very slowly\nand you might not notice -until it\'s too late.\n-(AUDIENCE LAUGHS) Now, listen, this is all\nvery bleak. I cannot pretend that it isn\'t, which is why it is so important\nto take some hope from this year\'s small victories\nlike the Muslim ban being blocked by the courts\nafter massive public protests. -(AUDIENCE CHEERS AND APPLAUDS)\n-Or, or, the attempts... to appeal Obamacare stalling, thanks in part to people\npressuring their lawmakers. And, just this week,\njust this week in Virginia, voters rejected Ed Gillespie\nfor governor after he ran a Trump-style,\ndog-whistle campaign. And that is encouraging\nbecause it\'s nice to know that if you use Trump tactics in a Virginia gubernatorial\nelection, you do not get\nto be "gubernator." -(AUDIENCE LAUGHS)\n-Now... further down the ballot there, Tuesday also marked the defeat\nof Bob Marshall, who earlier this year proposed\na so-called bathroom bill. He lost to Danica Roem,\nwho will now be Virginia\'s first openly transgender\nlegislator. And the tone that she has taken\nis already markedly different. Danica, you were running\nagainst, um, Robert Marshall, an incumbent,\nthirteen-term incumbent. He\'s also a man who referred\nto himself as "Virginia\'s chief homophobe." He refused to debate you\n during the campaign. Do you have anything\nyou wanna say to him? Come January, delegate Marshall\nwill be one of my constituents and I\'m not gonna disrespect\nmy own constituents. Wow, that is incredibly\nrefreshing. Just think about that. She beat a man who openly\ndisrespected her, but given the opportunity,', metadata={'source': '1ZAPwfrtAFY'}), Document(page_content='disrespected her, but given the opportunity,\nshe chose not to respond by tweeting... (READS TWEET) (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) It\'s nice! It\'s nice not\nto have that. And, look, Tuesday\'s results\nshould not make you complacent. They are absolutely no\nguarantee that the midterms will turn out at all well. That is why, though, you should take these moments\nof encouragement to help you keep going. Because the Trump Presidency\nis basically a marathon. It\'s painful, it\'s pointless,\nand the majority of you didn\'t even agree to run it. You were just signed up by\nyour dumbest friend. And-- And the fact is we are not even at mile six\nright now, or possibly even mile three. So, there is a long way to go, and though you\'re exhausted\nand your whole body is screaming for you to give up,\nand your nipples are chafing for some reason,\nthe stakes are too high for any of us to stop. And, I do realize that\nI\'m saying that as we\'re about to stop doing\nshows for the year. But-- But here\'s the thing, we won\'t actually\nbe going away entirely. You might remember\nearlier this year, we used our "Catheter Cowboy"\nto try and get information to the president in the\nad breaks of Fox & Friends. Well, Trump is still watching\nthat show and we know this because The Times wrote\na generally negative piece about its enormous\ninfluence on him. And because of that called it "...the most powerful TV show\nin America." A sentiment that the hosts\nwere very excited about. This program,\nthe program you\'re watching, is, according to\n The New York Times, "...the most powerful TV show\nin America." -TUCKER CARLSON: Wow!\n-AINSLEY EARHARDT:\nDo you know why Steve? Because we have\nthe best viewers. Yes. -No.\n-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) No, you don\'t. Uh,\nyou-- you absolutely don\'t. Oh, an-- and look,\ndon\'t misunderstand, I\'m not saying that we have\nthe best viewers. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING, CHEERING)\n-No, no. I\'m not saying that. No! I\'m explicitly\nnot saying that. You guys... are fine. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) The best audience belongs\nto Ellen because this is how they greet her... ANNOUNCER: Here she is now...\n Ellen DeGeneres. -(AUDIENCE CHEERS AND APPLAUDS)\n-♪ (MUSIC PLAYING) ♪ None of you fuckers did that -when I came out.\n-(AUDIENCE CHEERS LOUDLY) None of you did it! But, the point is,\nthe point here is, just 45 minutes after that\ninformation was on Fox, Trump tweeted... (READS TWEET) So information goes right\nfrom that show into his brain,\nwhich is terrible. Because we would genuinely be\nbetter off if Trump was getting daily briefings\nfrom an actual fox and his friends,\na hedgehog and a weasel with its head stuck\nin a tin can. But, if Trump is going to keep\nwatching that show, we are going to spend\nour hiatus sneaking information\nthrough our Catheter Cowboy. So-- so a number of commercials\nare going to be airing on Fox News over\nthe next few months. Here is the first one... NARRATOR: Attention\n catheter patients... I\'m a professional cowboy. I use catheters and there\'s\ntwo things I know. I don\'t like pain when I "cath"\nand the term "clean coal" doesn\'t refer to the physical\nact of cleaning coal, that would be impossible. Coal is coal. Clean coal is a\nmarketing term the coal industry came up with for stuff like carbon capture\nand sequestration, an expensive process that\'s\nshown limited results at best. Also, Frederick Douglass\nis dead. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)\n-More tomorrow. Bye-bye. -(AUDIENCE CHEERS AND APPLAUDS)\n-That\'s good information\nfor him to know. That will be on Fox in the D.C.\narea later this week. And keep an eye out\nfor more of them, because that cowboy has got\na bunch up his sleeve. The U.S. Virgin Islands\nhas a governor, not a president. Here\'s a fun fact... There\'s actually no federal law\nagainst this, thanks to something called\nthe "First Amendment." Just because Jared Kushner\nis smarter than you, doesn\'t mean that he\'s smart. The Navy Seals\naren\'t actually seals. I know buddy.\nI was disappointed, too. There are many non-gold', metadata={'source': '1ZAPwfrtAFY'}), Document(page_content="aren't actually seals. I know buddy.\nI was disappointed, too. There are many non-gold\ndecor schemes that are actually very appealing. During an eclipse,\ndon't do this... Buddy, this can't be that hard. Nazi's... bad. One fish, two fish, red fish... Arm of the executive branch\nthat should operate free from White House\ninterference so as to avoid politically\nmotivated prosecution. -Donald, Donald.\n-(GLASS TAPPING) I don't think he's gettin'\nany of this. That's all for now, Donald.\nSee ya tomorrow. And, remember, if you're\nnot enjoying this, there's no shame in quittin'. (AUDIENCE CHEERS AND APPLAUDS)", metadata={'source': '1ZAPwfrtAFY'})]
[Document(page_content='( bright, upbeat music ) ( fire crackles ) Welcome back. Now, for years, Nickelback\nhas been the band that everybody\nloves to hate. It has almost become cliché\nto make fun of them. And, for a moment,\nwe considered that it might be\nplayed out and in poor taste to create a game that makes fun\nof their ridiculous lyrics, but then we decided\nto do it anyway. It\'s time for... I hope not. I don\'t smoke\n"Nickel-crack," Link. It\'s not the \'80s. So then all these are really\nNickelback lyrics. - You just gave away the game.\n- Well, okay, here\'s\nwhat I\'m gonna do. I\'m gonna read\nsome lyrics for you. They may be real and dumb, and that would be\nthey\'re from Nickelback. - Yes.\n- They may be just\nreally dumb, and that means\nI made them up. - Okay.\n- If you get three right-- - Came from "Nickel-crack."\n- If you don\'t get\nat least three right, you\'re gonna be punished with\nthe worst thing I can think of, you\'re gonna be forced to listen\nto a full Nickelback track on noise-cancelling headphones\nin "Good Mythical More." But if you do get three right,\nor more, I gotta listen to it. That\'s right. Here we go, Link,\nhere\'s your first song lyric. What? That\'s it. It didn\'t rhyme\nat the end there. Yeah, well... - Got a little...\n- Yeah. Kinda fizzled out. It probably rhymed\nat some other place. Mm. I\'d like\na big black jet - with a bedroom in it.\n- Who wouldn\'t? Do those exist? If you\'re Nickelback. You know what?\nI think this is real. I think I have\nenjoyed this song in my normal life\nin the past. In the distant past. - Final answer?\n- Final answer. All right, Link,\nyou\'re right. It is real. It\'s from\nthe song called "Rock Star." - Let\'s have a listen.\n- "Rock Star." ♪ I need a credit card\n that\'s got no limit ♪ ♪ And a big black jet\n with a bedroom in it ♪ ♪ Gonna join the mile-high club\n at 37,000 feet ♪ - Sounds like a country song.\n- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Nickel Creek and Nickelback\nshould get together. They should!\nAnd make a dime. Nickel Creek\nshould come... ( laughs ) They can call it "Dime Piece,"\nthat could be their new album. You\'re off to a great start. Now, technically, 37,000 feet you\'d be joining the\n7.007 mile-high club, but... - you know what? Math.\n- Oh, you would? - Yeah. But math.\n- Here\'s another one. Oh, she\'s not? "Arson" and "scar, son"... Uh-huh. ...definitely rhyme. It\'s got Nickelback\nwritten all over it. Nickelback\ntwo for two! All right, Link, - it\'s fake!\n- Oh. - But it could\'ve been!\n- I mean... It\'s, like,\nsomewhere right now, the songwriter for Nickelback,\nwhatever his name is, is like...\n( mumbling ) Oh, yeah,\nhe\'s taking notes. Because I did\nextensive research on every song\nthat has ever been written and no one has ever rhymed\n"arson" with "scar, son." Oh, really? Yeah, that was\ncompletely original. There\'s a first time\nfor everything. Here\'s another one. I can see him showing up, he\'s\nlike, "Guys, gather \'round. Yeah. I got an idea\nfor a new track." "I bet you\nthere\'s a man in there." "There\'s a-- you know\nabout an hourglass? Well, there\'s a man." Yeah. "He\'s in the sand,\nhe\'s in the sand, yeah." This is...\n( laughs ) It writes itself.\nYes, Nickelback. Link, this is a little bit\nof a trick question. These are real lyrics,\nbut they\'re not from Nickelback. - ( buzzer ) \n- Who is it? They\'re from\nPuddle of Mudd. That\'s Puddle of Mudd - with two "Ds."\n- Yes. Not to be confused\nwith Mud the band, or Mud II the band,\nyes, that\'s a thing, or Muddy Waters,\nthe blues musician. Not to be confused\nwith "Muddy River," a song by Johnny Rivers, not to be confused\nwith the Los Angeles River, not to be confused\nwith drinkable water. Never try to\ndrink Nickelback - is what you\'re saying.\n- Yeah, well, that\'s the moral of the story.\nOkay, here we go. Yes, no. - What does it mean?\n- Mm. Anything you want it to. Literally,\nthat sounds like something we would\'ve written in the\nWax Paper Dogz days, you know? It\'s, like,\nit\'s nonsensical, but it sounds cool. - Yeah.', metadata={'source': 'puqaWrEC7tY'}), Document(page_content='Wax Paper Dogz days, you know? It\'s, like,\nit\'s nonsensical, but it sounds cool. - Yeah.\n- Sounds real cool. I gotta keep riding my money\non Nickelback. I cannot step away. - All right, Link,\n- Nickelback. - you\'re correct!\n- Yes! This is from\n"Where Do I Hide?" Let\'s have a listen. ♪ Got a criminal record ♪ I can\'t cross\n state lines ♪ ♪ First on the bad list ♪ And you\'re last on mine - I can\'t take anymore.\n- ♪ Lookin\' for a scape-- I can\'t take anymore. If you don\'t listen\nto the lyrics, which I think is the way\nyou\'re supposed to enjoy it-- Yeah. I mean,\nI\'m just being real. - Don\'t be real, Link.\n- It was catchy. - What?\n- It was catchy\nback in the day. If you don\'t try to make sense\nof it and you\'re like, "Yeah, this is good,\nI think." I was thinking,\n"Speaking of \'where do I hide?\', if anybody has an answer let me know."\nBut if you... You don\'t want to\nhide from that? I kinda liked it. Okay, Link,\nyou\'re two for four, so that means,\nif you get this one right, you do not have to listen\nto Nickelback and I do. Okay. - Mm.\n- It\'s all true. It\'s all true. - No, it\'s not.\n- Ladies love limousines. We\'re not gonna make\ngeneralizations about ladies - just because Nickelback does.\n- I\'m just saying,\nin my experience, any time I\'ve gotten\nout of a limousine\nand there\'s a lady there, - she\'s...\n- Don\'t. Or a man. - What-- just... don\'t--\n- I\'m just saying. I\'m not with him\non this. - Ladies--\n- Everybody loves\nlimousines, okay? Ladies love long cars. ( laughter ) It\'s a rapper\nfrom the \'80s. Um... You know, I\'ma dance\nwith the one that brung me. It\'s Nickelback. - You\'re right, Link, it\'s real.\n- Yes! Yes! Yes! Feast your ears\non this. ♪ After hours and alcohol ♪ Every club,\n we\'ve seen \'em all ♪ ♪ As long as we don\'t need\n to stand in line ♪ ♪ Party scenes ♪ And billboard dreams ♪ The ladies love\n those limousines ♪ Oh, man. ♪ Ladies love\nthose limousines ♪ Don\'t become a fan. That was from the song\n"See You At the Show," and, Nickelback,\nno, you won\'t. Really got a way with melody,\nthose Nickels. Congratulations, Link, you\'re gonna make me\nlisten to Nickelback while you get to play\nwith cute dogs in "Good Mythical More." ♪ And light \'em\nup, up, up ♪ ♪ Light \'em\nup, up, up ♪ ♪ I\'m on fire! Click through, because\nwe did the impossible. We taught some old dogs\nnew tricks in the next segment. Check out the latest episode\n of our podcast "Ear Biscuits" to hear all about\n our Tour of Mythicality\n and more juicy goodness. Juicy goodness.', metadata={'source': 'puqaWrEC7tY'})]
[Document(page_content="Ryan: Why are we dressed like this? Greg: We're supposed to be homeless.. cause, like, we haven't done it in a while. Ryan: We haven't done it in so long, so we look old. Ryan: So we go a little less homeless.. *laughs* Ryan: Well this bit doesn't work. Ryan: Welcome back to another episode of I DARE YOOOOOOOOOOOOOU! We take your dares Put them in a hat and if we draw it the player council then decides how many points its worth based on how daring of a dare it is if the player passes, another player can take the steal DUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNN DUUUUUUUUUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN The first player to get ten points will get something amazingly not amazing as well as their name in the hall of fame NOPE jk they get the ball of lame. basically just write your name on a ball of aluminum foil It's pretty lame [Conversation] Ryan: One point! Two points! Three points! what really happens during that animation? You do it Derrick, yeah you do it Derrick Alright, so the person with the least amount of points has to do the loser dare, I am about to write it right now Nice Derrick! Nice Derrick how do we decide who goes first? We make up like a thing spin the bottle, stab your hand the hardest with a fork, No not that again [witch laughter] Draw out the longest chip oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh Don't Squeal around, no cheating You guys are just going to go like this... Oh wait [laughter] AWWWWW!!! It's actually hard to grab (laughter) Go Derrick! [Ryan] Wait as it goes on... Ohhhhh Derrick! Paco's first I Dare You ever, it better be good. [Paco] I'm gonna win! [Ryan] That's what you said about Parkourse (pig snorting) Throw a egg on a car outside and go lick it of\nyou must swallow what does that mean ohhhh, lick it off. I won't do that on my car. Lick it off the tire. Ohhhh, that's even more gross [Paco] That more gross! [Ryan] That is more gross Derrick is not here, but we're thinking about changing it from the car to this dirty\ntrash can because it's dirty you're changing it to a trash can\nbut we're gonna bump up let's say 3 - that's easy How about this, how about this? Keep the shells in there for extra\npoint for I don't want that I don't yeah that's too many points veto I'll do all\nthat for three so please agree to the three yes all\nright Greg I'll let you do the honors bro can you break this egg for me I wondered why you squashes the egg in there\nthink you said three for the show sorry I've messed up the egg crack oh (slurping noises) two\npoints for the whole thing that's one point what though\nDerrick didn't get it Paco got a point come on that come up boys you know what\nthis is your game this game is about being gross you're when I'm a disgusting\nperson I know okay I dared to let other players choose an item for you to brush\nyour teeth with Oh Paco found a broom and we're debating what to put on top\nyeah you don't have to eat it but this is now I know you don't like Mayo so two\nboys to do that with mail go on three point what's 30 put like leg hair and\nstuff on there such a three point okay I'll do it alright let's make it then I\nhate me oh dude how much you get a nice 100 its on expensive how much - so much\nhair you come into it but just go quick I say for five seconds already got one that manaizy fresh smile I got manual in\nmy lips they're not gonna be chapping, it's all got chapped off let's go Will!!!\nI dare you to pick your nose with a hot Cheeto, yeah we got some extra extra hot\nso we're gonna test it out to see what how many points is worth got tobits I\nhate spicy stuff so that's barely in the dirt no it's in there I could feel the\ntingle right now so well how many point is that word I'll say two points two\npoints for will around yeah go oh this See, he already gets one point now one when it\ngets back to him. you I dare you to faceplant on five different things let me ask you\nthis what kind of point value are looking another four three or four when", metadata={'source': 'd380meD0W0M'}), Document(page_content="this what kind of point value are looking another four three or four when\nyou face nine is this like a scorpion FaceTime my scorpion face man you know\nlike wonder legs like kick up over their head\noh like the stepboys one what what is a basement to you then then a why just put\nmy face on the ground right on that being putting your face on the ground\nface mine is like this that's a face yeah yeah we got some flour and then we\ngot some vacuum dirt look at the season (Music + Evil Laughing) I'll juice do boy okay I got a measure I dare you to chug as much hot sauce as you\ncan okay we got here we got Tabasco Louisiana hot side sriracha how much is\nthis worth I need to how do I know we should do we should have salted the rim\nwith some hot cheetos it's not too late something to sriracha oh I smell it there's\nlike a tomato shot hurt just like when \n(Choking) down the wrong tube - oh that was burnt yeah\nDerrick!!! Zero point Derrick they call him!\nFill a hat with Legos and where then wear it and do a head spin\nOh where's the Legos at? Ok, we adjusted it because Derrick is a\nbreakdancer we're gonna let Derek's breakdance the 20 seconds he's gonna\nhave to put on socks and gloves filled with Lego so we get a show let's do it\ngo how many points is this oh we just like after receiving boom 5 6\n7 star look at all these cuts to all three\npoints right there three point five go paint it wax the top\nof your hand yeah I don't want to do that you're knocking Siri I don't think\nwe even need to wax it would you die for that Welcome to the barber shop I'm Derek I'm\ngoing George Costanza. -Greg- all right here we go Derek great this is crazy dude do you look\nlike a samurai yeah this is the final I think we need a loser dare let's just\nfinish you with this this is like way better than yeah I'm taking turn on the ACS is hot Went out then, eating with the guys, with the guys and I came here to visit Erika. Derek- 'How you doing' Erika- 'Hey' Derek- What's so funny? Erika- I don't know why are you recording me I dunno 'It's time for me to get a haircut what do you\nthink' (Erika laughs with shock) Erika- Why'd you do that? Derek- Do I look good or what Yeah you look good horror *Laughter* Were you the only one that did that or\nsomebody else did it? I'm the only one Why? *gasps* that's coz you guys filmed I dare\nyou huh? Yeah. Did you at least win? Oh I won. YouTube does things", metadata={'source': 'd380meD0W0M'})]
[Document(page_content='I definitely posted a lot during launch week and a lot of you guys who have subscribed for vlogs or cooking videos More like, "What\'s happening!" but for most of you guys who know me, I\'m sure you weren\'t surprised I plan on doing the week with iPhone But I felt like I had posted so many videos within a week that I thought maybe I would just wait and do it two Weeks with iPhone so here we are, it\'s been about two weeks since I got the iPhone X It really is A beautiful device so the first week that I had it was basically filming and shooting and editing videos about the phone So I didn\'t really feel like I got a chance to try it out and use it in sort of an everyday normal Setting like I normally would so don\'t trying our testing week We tried out a bunch of things. The first thing that we tried out that I didn\'t even share on my channel because my sister post of the video is we did an underwater test, "Would face ID work underwater?" And number two, "Would your phone actually work underwater?" And the answer is no. It doesn\'t. The screen doesn\'t work on water. Since this was our video She volunteered to use her phone to do this test. Currently her phone is still working perfectly fine. The iPhone X is rated to be able To withstand at least thirty minutes underwater, it\'s recommended that you don\'t go past 3.3 feet Which thankfully the pool that we were in was about 3 feet cuz my sister dropped her phone, and we both like It for him to be quite difficult to go underwater Try to keep your eyes open while swiping up and trying to see if the phone is actually Responding to your face in this test we did conclude that the phone does not work underwater You weren\'t able to swipe up it also didn\'t recognize her face We did have some difficulties with face ID trying to recognize each of us with sunglasses on in very bright conditions so the reason for this is because if it\'s super reflective the phone is unable to see your eyes in this bright light and if You have the attention awareness on, if it can\'t see your eyes It\'s not gonna unlock your phone. The way that you can get around This is turning off the attention to awareness so basically you won\'t have to look at your phone this does make face ID a little Bit less secure so that means if somebody comes up to you They can swipe up and unlock your phone with attention awareness on if somebody tried to do that to you You would have to be looking at it for it to unlock It has been a little bit frustrating when I\'m outside walking my dog with my sunglasses on and it\'s super bright And I\'m trying to use face ID and it\'s not unlocking him, and he\'s pulling me super hard going to the bathroom And then I\'m trying to clean the bathroom up But I\'m trying to use my phone and unlock it and it\'s not working. So normally effectively I\'m going to be in a situation where I\'m gonna have sunglasses on it\'s super bright I do turn off the attention awareness, but for the most part, I have been keeping it on because it is an extra layer of security. Other than that I\'ve been pretty impressed with face ID I Know a lot of people have been saying with they\'re having problems some of my friends. They\'re saying it\'s not recognizing me It\'s taking too long Even at first my sister was having an issue where it was taking a while to recognize her And I think the reason for this is a lot of people when they first set up their phones It says hey its face ID times, set it up. and you\'re kind of in a hurry you want to set up your phone You\'re not really paying attention. You\'re just sort of moving your head around and I feel like that first set up It doesn\'t get a really good read on your face. So if you are having this problem I definitely recommend going back in Rescanning your face and seeing if that helps. Another thing that I tried was what if I looked like a zombie, what if my face was uncompletely recognizable? Well face ID recognized me. I decided to go all', metadata={'source': 'gHZ1Qz0KiKM'}), Document(page_content='what if my face was uncompletely recognizable? Well face ID recognized me. I decided to go all out I had this incredible special effects makeup artist Dan Gilbert come to my house make me look like a zombie and see, if we could fool, the face ID. Now one of the things that I read in the Comments is a lot of you guys are Suspect because you sent Justine during this whole process, you were unlocking your face from beginning to end, and the thing with face ID is It learns your face. So perhaps this entire time that I was getting my makeup done I was unlocking my phone Maybe the phone was learning my face throughout the whole process, which is of Very very very very a valid point and that I don\'t really know I don\'t know if that\'s the case. Now the reason that I decided to obscure most of the bottom of my face is because that Previous day that I\'d met Dan we did something for another shoot where I was a zombie and I obscured most of my eyes and most of my forehead so I thought I\'ve been unlocked with most of the top of my Face I\'m scared It\'s gotta be something down here One of the things that I did notice is that when you turn off the attention awareness is it\'s not actively seeking for your eyes So it doesn\'t lock your phone a little bit faster, so again if you are having some issues with it unlocking slow or it\'s out recognizing your face try turning that off try rescanning and Let me know if that works for you. Going back to the sunglasses I tested out probably like 15 to 20 pairs of sunglasses to see if they would unlock But I was right here in a controlled environment where there\'s no sunlight, it\'s my studio light. So with that I\'m not having a lot of reflection so all those sunglasses worked indoors But did they work outdoors and not so much I also heard that people were saying if they are able to unlock their phone using their reflection in the mirror Hmm, let\'s try it It unlocked Yes, it works! So it looks like face ID does work with a reflection of yourself in the mirror Interesting. But it doesn\'t work with a printed picture of yourself. One of the things that I was worried about with this phone is because It\'s so much smaller And I was so used to having the plus size phones that I wasn\'t going to like this as much as I do Surprisingly having a smaller phone is incredible I can fit it so much easier into my purses, into my pants pockets, into my yoga pants I\'ve got like a little side pocket thing when I\'m running or hiking or not really running Closely if just walking the dog around the block it\'s so great to not have such a Massive phone like I previously did. So the form factor of the X is comparable to an iPhone 8 or any of those phones that Are that size but the screen size is actually larger than the iPhone 8 plus. Which kind of puts this in the most perfect, Sweet spot for the size of a phone. I know what you\'re saying, "What about the notch?" "Do you love it?" "Do you hate it?" Honestly I am not really sure, I feel like I\'m kind of 50/50 because there are some times where I\'m like man Just don\'t trying to watch something and then as little notch is there and it\'s like why are you there just? For then other times it does fit pretty seamless with apps so I don\'t really notice it, but to say that I don\'t notice it all, I would completely be lying because It\'s there, like I don\'t know how you Can\'t see it like if you don\'t see this, then I don\'t know what you\'re looking at because it\'s there the knotch is there. But if they were to remove the knotch, I don\'t think I would be upset at all I think that I would be okay if it wasn\'t there I mean I see why they have to have the notch here because there\'s really nowhere else to put it if they didn\'t put the Notch there, then there would have to be some sort of a black bar up here Just to house everything that is inside of this notch, proximity sensor, it has the true depth camera, Speakers can\'t it\'s got so many things', metadata={'source': 'gHZ1Qz0KiKM'}), Document(page_content='this notch, proximity sensor, it has the true depth camera, Speakers can\'t it\'s got so many things inside of that little notch today I mean I get it, but how are they gonna get rid of it for the next phone, or are they not? Or is this is this the new normal I? Thought that I would be taking a ton of front-facing portrait selfies, but to be honest I really haven\'t taken very many I guess in the past week I\'ve just kind of been playing call of duty, so that\'s really not something that\'s very interesting to take pictures of. Especially a front-facing selfie My friend Joey said he\'s returning his iPhone X, No.1, because he wasn\'t a huge fan of the face ID and No.2, because The camera quality was too good And I a hundred percent get where he\'s coming from because when you take a front-facing picture now. I mean it sees everything It\'s like, "What?!" I\'ve taken tons of photos of my dog I\'ve taken what if I had been taking pictures of I don\'t even know honestly since I got through the iPhone released week I\'ve basically been playing video games, and it\'s been great, so yeah, I\'m looking through here I haven\'t really done a whole lot the past few days Here is a cute picture of My baby boy doggy and his friend Yossi. Fires picture my wine fridge while that\'s really exciting Oh, here\'s a picture of me and Alex Clark we did a fun video the whisper challenge video And we unboxed a very fun the Star Wars Jedi Challenge game What else are some wine, got a LAN party, more pictures the dog? Yeah, I basically have Done a lot. So other than taking pictures my dog. I\'ve been very very impressed with the new snapchat filters now granted I don\'t really use Snapchat as much as I used to I feel like most of the time when I\'m going to post something on snapchat I end up just posting it on my Instagram stories But I decided to hop into snapchat and test out to the face tracking features that they have now With some of their face filters, and they are very very accurate. I was very shocked. Hey guys. How\'s it going? I\'m just shooting some videos here, but I was testing out a new snapchat He\'s tracking on the iPhone 10 So like it\'s very very and it\'s like here\'s another one with glasses on like look at this like I move it and it does I\'m so impressed. I\'m impressed. Oh yeah, this is This is great One thing that snapchat did right is get in early get the face tracking features and really implement that to the max on snapchat Let\'s see what else have I been doing I mean the phone is obviously so much faster than the 7 although I did kind of have that middle phone I had the iPhone eight between the X so having the jump from the 8th to the X Didn\'t really have an overall feeling of that much difference because both of those phones the insides are basically the same thing Also the camera quality on the 8 is almost identical to the 10 being able to have the slo-mo options to go up to 240 At 1080 is pretty great although I don\'t really use it that often But I have found that I\'ve been vlogging a lot more on my iPhone because every time I go to vlog I either don\'t have my vlogging camera Or the battery is dead and a lot of you guys didn\'t really notice a difference when I went from this to the other one of course I can tell because I\'m the one filming and editing and the front-facing camera on here is obviously not as good as the 4k SONY that I used to film with, but overall the audio on this thing is great the video quality looks amazing. The photos look Incredible almost too good and too realistic. The battery life, I haven\'t really noticed That it\'s been worse than the 8 or the 7 mostly because I\'m always carrying around a movie, so I am unaware of battery life ever I don\'t know if it even gets close To being read I\'m plugging this thing in I\'ve also really loved having wireless charging pad one by my bed By my desk over there, and I even have this one over here, which has been my charger of choice the', metadata={'source': 'gHZ1Qz0KiKM'}), Document(page_content='By my desk over there, and I even have this one over here, which has been my charger of choice the Mophie Wireless charger, so I use this one of my desk and this one I kind of just move around throughout the house wherever I happen to be and in my bedroom. I have the Belkin one I\'m not really sure why I decided to do that I feel like I like the look of this one and it\'s a lot smaller than the Belkin I have some white lamps in my bedroom, so I felt like the white matched a little bit better But it really is nice. Just being able to roll over from my phone on the charger I don\'t have to worry if it\'s plugged in or if the dogs gonna jump down and knock a cord off the bed It\'s been pretty great so I know welcome Justine to wireless charging why did the pixel to? Decide not to do wireless charging. I\'m so confused I feel like they rushed the pixel to out just to be like here\'s our phone here it is It\'s ready, but it wasn\'t it wasn\'t ready. I will say the front-facing pixel to portrait mode is really really good I did a couple tests of that and I\'ll be doing a future video here Hopefully very very soon of the note 8 the pixel 2 and the iPhone X doing a little photo comparison video comparison I know a bunch of people have already done it But I\'m a little bit late either way even if I didn\'t do this video for you guys I would be doing this for myself anyway, so I just kind of want to test it out and see for myself what kind of results will I get? Stay tuned for that!! So I guess I should probably talk about some of the things that I Don\'t like about the new iPhone X, and there\'s not very many. I know what you\'re saying, "Justine! You buy this!" This is my video. I\'m telling you the things that I like and I don\'t like. one of the things that I absolutely do not like it all and it\'s been driving me insane is closing apps. Now Apple says that you don\'t have to close apps because It doesn\'t really make a difference. It\'s not gonna kill your battery. It\'s not gonna do this It\'s not gonna do that well. I like to close them I like to be able to just go and swipe right down here at the bottom see the things that I have open not Everything that I\'ve opened in the past two months. The problem now is to close apps you have to swipe up and you just hold and if there\'s a There\'s a delay now normally. You would be able to just swipe up from here to close, but now you have to hold in and then swipe up or Hit this little button right her. So, it definitely takes a few extra seconds Just to close some apps when before used to be super quick. Of course This is a software thing so that is a very very easy fix. Hopefully in a future update of iOS 11. Oh gosh, speaking of updates. Wow the biggest troll I feel like in internet history was the iOS Bug where it turned the letter I to like an A with a question mark or something there was a bunch of different things that were happening you would type a specific character whether it was an A or an I and Then you would hit Send and in that sending process between you typing it and actually hitting Send on Twitter or Instagram or wherever This would appear and most of the times when you were typing it you wouldn\'t actually see it until you hit Send Are you posted of whatever it was you\'re posting and this infected Everyone because it wasn\'t just an iPhone 10 thing it was an iOS update it took them probably like four days Maybe to fix it which I feel like is a pretty long time especially when the entire internet was just crumbling at our fingertips Most people on Android couldn\'t see the issues so a lot of them are very confused as to what we were all complaining about or What we were seeing the struggle was real Thankfully that update has been updated so if you guys haven\'t updated to the latest software update on your iphones, please Please too, It will save us all so much hassle. So I guess that\'s it I really don\'t have much more to say that I haven\'t already', metadata={'source': 'gHZ1Qz0KiKM'}), Document(page_content="so much hassle. So I guess that's it I really don't have much more to say that I haven't already said or I Haven't already posted in a previous video if you guys want to watch all of those videos I'll put a link in the description where you can check out my iPhone X playlist there's tons of fun videos there if you haven't Seen them already, and if you have seen them. Thank you I appreciate it. Be sure to subscribe because I have a bunch of fun holiday videos coming up Which I'm very excited about. Also some more fun, Tech videos, some gaming videos I know a lot of you guys have been requesting a Nintendo switch video, so yes That is coming very very shortly as well. I feel so bad I do so many things on this channel that when somebody gets super excited about something and they subscribe off of that specific video and Then I don't do that thing again for a very long time I just hope that you guys can find some entertainment in something here And that's really my my only wish, really. Well that being said, I'm gonna go and edit this video now So I will see you guys later. Bye", metadata={'source': 'gHZ1Qz0KiKM'})]
[Document(page_content='What\'s up everybody welcome back to my kitchen where safety is number one priority and today I\'m going to put to the test five ice cream gadgets. Let\'s see what I got today I\'ve got your super unique ice cream scoop. Let\'s see what it does. Okay. Let\'s open it up, okay This is how it works you lift it and then to press it to push it down, okay? Let\'s try it on the ice cream now. I\'m going to use a flat plate. Just to show you okay, you press it like this BOOM (1) . All The Way In Then , You Twist It And Lift It Up And Then You Grab This Part , Press It, And..Push it out Nice that looks awesome look at that. Perfect little hole, Perfect cube of Ice Cream * Another One Cause Why Not * Twist it , And pull it out nice this one worked even better Beautiful . You might have to use a spoon to take it off Wow amazing. For this gadget, I got here mini ice cream sandwich maker. Okay, let\'s open it up. Let\'s see what\'s inside BOOM . (2) Nice it comes in three We got a couple of cookies. Once again, we will need a plate And what we will do is push through into the cookie first BOOM . (3) . Just like that beautiful. Wow, that\'s a perfect hole Then we\'re going to get ice cream and push it into here There we go, and then we\'re going to go up another cookie and Stick it right in the cookie Just like that BOOM (4). I\'m gonna grab a napkin and clean this up a little bit And then we just have to twist it this way . WHOA NO WAY! How amazing it turned out to be! Let\'s try to do a star this time push it all the way down Make sure you get kind of soft cookies I got the soft cookies. It works well. Ice cream is melting right here, but it\'s okay Twist it perfect grab another cookie right here, and then we\'re going to Push it in into the cookie again Beautiful Wow look at that perfect star so satisfying and Then we\'re just going to take it out Wow this is actually amazing look at these beautiful ice cream sandwiches .Let\'s do a heart why not. Push it in Beautiful got our ice cream right here Twist it boom you got yourself ice cream in there and then push it into the cookie beautiful So satisfying look at that shape, and then we\'re going to take it out Awesome, and as you can see you can make different thicknesses up to you, and it packs it all together Beautiful ice cream sandwiches. Of course now we have to do a taste test Delicious. And for the next gadget We got here ice cream combination lock. If you living with brother and sisters or roommates And they keep stealing your ice cream. Well, there is a solution. Hopefully it actually works Okay we have our pint of ice cream and right here description it says "pint of ice cream" So that\'s what it\'s supposed to be for. Right here, it says the password. Now everybody knows my password Oh well, so let\'s say I open up my ice cream, I ate a scoop, then I\'m going to close it back up Then we\'re going to put this thing in here There we go, and then we\'re gonna have to remember the password Maybe take a picture, write somewhere down or just memorize it and now wow I cannot open it That\'s so cool Wow So nobody can steal your ice cream I had my doubts, I don\'t... I didn\'t think it\'s actually going to be working but it actually does and now all I have to do is type in my combination BOOM (5).and it\'s opens no problem Beautiful . Got another scoop of ice cream And then lock it up And it\'s locked definitely using this one around my house. Okay motorized ice cream cone. Let\'s see what\'s about Probably did not come with batteries, but let\'s find out. All right, let\'s stick the batteries in and This part detaches so that way you can wash it once again very satisfying way to get ice cream And if it\'s not enough just continue to stuff it in all the way . BOOM (6). perfect Then we\'re going to put it right here, and then press it and pull it out Beautiful wow that looks so cool maybe one more slice Now we got your ice cream all you have to do is stick your tongue out and', metadata={'source': 'nc99ccSXST0'}), Document(page_content="cool maybe one more slice Now we got your ice cream all you have to do is stick your tongue out and it's going to spin That's very cool gadget never seen anything like that and for the next gadget. We got here ice cream bowl maker Let's see how it works. Okay. Let's open up this gadget Instructions and the recipes for your ice cream. This is where you're going to put the ingredients But first we're going to lock it up and add ice in here It comes with this little tool to untwist it and twist it back up We put in ice into here first. Add ice as much as we can. that's what it says on the description Then we going to add a bunch of salt You're supposed to add rock salt, but this is the only salt I have Whatever salt you have just add into it okay, and then we're going to close it off Use the tool to make it close it off tight Same thing now. We're going to open this and add our ingredients I'll show you a simple recipe vanilla ice cream a cup of half-and-half Half a cup of milk you can use only half and half up to you couple tablespoons of Powdered sugar and of course vanilla extract we're making a vanilla ice cream Okay close it all the way with this tool. And now we play with this ball, shake it around I know, I bet Hugo and Luke will help me play with this ball. Do you want to?", metadata={'source': 'nc99ccSXST0'}), Document(page_content="Come on Hugo Kick the ball. It's too heavy for you? C'mon, fetch it. You're supposed to kick it not just sniff it. Oh there you go, Hugo is kicking it. Kick it Help me make ice cream keep kicking it by the way guys. I just got a reef tank on my second channel subscribe I'm going to show you how I'm going to set it up and learn with you guys it will be a lot of fun Okay, back to ice-cream. We gotta keep playing with this. Oh look, Luke wants to stop it now Here kick it kick it. Come on Luke, we got to play for 10 minutes * Cause I want Ice Cream And This Might Take A While * Yeah, he's playing yeah, yeah, keep hitting it keep hitting Luke yeah Haha he's so excited. Hey don't lick it though . ( Kick . Don't Lick ) How to make ice cream with your dogs this should be called the video Sit. Oh you sit down too? Ah ah, sit stay Now that's a good thumbnail. Don't you guys think? Okay get it You're so slow . let's open it up and see what we got boom nice looks like ice cream in there Nice it's like a big big slush ice cream very very foamy ice cream Maybe I shouldn't have to put that much milk in there. Only half-and-half one cup is enough otherwise it doesn't freeze as fast To the bottom that's like straight up the frozen part. So yeah, don't put more than a cup of half-and-half Otherwise it won't freeze as fast. Okay guys taste test Hmmmm very cold Pretty COOL ( Get It ?) We made ice cream and entertained our dogs Alright guys. That's pretty much. It. Let me know in comments below which gadget was your favorite also follow me on Instagram Links in the description. Thank you for watching and we'll see you next time", metadata={'source': 'nc99ccSXST0'})]
[Document(page_content="Showtime ladies and gents this is the moment you've waited for I'm not a stranger you're still just the tailor sport better luck with your next job those people will never accept us this is no life I promised you not even close I have everything I want [Music] girls putting together a shot it's the place where people can see things have never seen before okay who's that and what is your act I know have an axe everyone's got necked people aren't gonna like it it's put us on stage oh I'm counting on it well I believe those are the words of a scoundrel show me whistlin does a shaman don't listen to them they don't understand yet but they will so tell me do you wanna go Broadway's a run if possible come true it's a good number you does it bother you that everything you're selling is fake did we smile seem fake we have more protesters every day I try to trick you're risking everything you do how do you think I've done the world she knows [Music] but you put us in a spotlight you gave us a real family have you know she father the world is changing [Music] no one ever made a difference by being like everyone else you", metadata={'source': 'jr9QtXwC9vc'})]
[Document(page_content="A decade ago, robots still seemed pretty limited. Now, not so much. And computers don’t just win chess any more,\nthey can win Jeopardy. “Watson.” “What is the of the Elegance of the Hedgehog?” They can win Go. “There are about 200 possible moves for\nthe average position in Go.” This is all happening really fast. And it’s causing some to forecast a future\nwhere humans can’t find work. “There will be fewer and fewer jobs that\na robot cannot do better.” “And what are the people gonna do?” “That’s the $64,000 question.” I believe this is going to be one of the biggest\nchallenges we face in the coming decades. “People who are not just unemployed. They are unemployable.” But if you ask economists, they tend to have\na pretty different view from the futurists and Silicon Valley types. Do you worry that new technologies could cause\nmass unemployment? Yes. No. I have devoted my career to worrying about\nthe labor market, particularly worrying about the living standards of low and moderate income\nworkers. So I worry a lot about things. I am not worried about this. One of the reasons a lot of economists are\nskeptical about robots taking all the jobs is that we’ve heard that before. There was a spike of automation anxiety in\nthe late 20s, early 1930s when machines were starting to take over jobs on farms and\nalso in factories. This article from 1928 points out that there\nused to be guards who opened and closed the doors on new york subway trains, and people\nwho took tickets before there were turnstiles. And I just love this quote: It says “building\nmaterials are mixed like dough in a machine and literally poured into place without the\ntouch of a human hand.” Automation anxiety surged again in the late\n1950s, early 1960s. President Kennedy ranks automation first as\njob challenge. “Computers and automation threaten to create\nvast unemployment and social unrest” “What should I do Mr. Whipple?” “Stop him!” This article from 1958 is about 17,000 longshoremen\nwho were protesting automation on the piers. And if you don't know what longshoremen are,\nthat’s because there aren’t many of them left. Technology destroyed a lot of those jobs. And yet, we didn’t run out of work. This chart shows the percentage of prime-age\npeople with jobs in the US. Ever since women joined the workforce in big\nnumbers, it’s stayed around 80%, outside of recessions. During this period, technology displaced some\n8 million farmers in the US, 7 million factory workers, over a million railroad workers,\nhundreds of thousands of telephone \xa0operators, we’ve lost gas-pumpers, elevator attendants,\ntravel agents. Tons of jobs have died but work persists. What you realize when you look through those\nold reports is that it’s really easy for us to see the jobs being replaced by machines. It’s a bit harder to visualize the jobs\nthat come from what happens next. New technology creates jobs in a few ways. There are the direct jobs for people who design\nand maintain the technology, and sometimes whole new industries built on the technology. But the part we tend to forget is the indirect\neffect of labor-saving inventions. When companies can do more with less, they\ncan expand, maybe add new products or open new locations, and they can lower prices to\ncompete. And that means consumers can buy more of their\nproduct, or if we don’t want any more of it, we can use the savings to buy other things. Maybe we go to more sports events or out to\ndinner more often. Maybe we get more haircuts or add more day-care\nfor the kids. This process is how our standard of living\nhas improved over time and it’s always required workers. The key economic logic here is automation\ndoes indeed displace workers who are doing work that got automated, but it doesn't actually\naffect the total number of jobs in the economy because of these offsetting effects. Warnings about the “end of work” tend", metadata={'source': 'TUmyygCMMGA'}), Document(page_content="to focus on this part and not all of this -- like a widely cited study from 2013,\n“According to research conducted by Oxford University, nearly half of all current jobs\nin America --” “47 percent of all our jobs--” “47 percent of US jobs in the\nnext decade or two, according to researchers at Oxford, will be replaced by robots.” That study assessed the capabilities of automation\ntechnology. It didn’t attempt to estimate the actual\n“extent or pace” of automation or the overall effect on employment. Now, all this doesn’t mean that the new\njobs will show up right away or that they’ll be located in the same place or pay the same\nwage as the ones that were lost. All it means is that the overall need for\nhuman work hasn’t gone away. Technologists and futurists don’t deny that’s\nbeen true historically, but they question whether history is a good guide of what’s\nto come. Fundamentally the argument is that this time\nit’s different. That’s what I think. Imagine a form of electricity that could automate\nall the routine work. I mean, that’s basically what we are talking\nabout here. And so It’s going to be across the board. And it is easy to underestimate technology\nthese days. In a 2004 book, two economists \xa0assessed\nthe future of automation and concluded that tasks like driving in traffic would be “enormously\ndifficult” to teach to a computer. That same year, a review of 50 years of research\nconcluded that “human level speech recognition has proved to be an elusive goal.” And now? “Ok Google. How many miles has google’s autonomous vehicle\ndriven?” “According to Recode, that’s because the\ncompany announced its self-driving car project, which was created in 2009, has racked up over\ntwo million miles of driving experience.” This is the textbook chart of advancement\nin computer hardware — it’s the number of transistors that engineers have squeezed\nonto a computer chip over time. Already pretty impressive, but notice that\nthis isn’t a typical scale: these numbers are increasing exponentially. On a typical linear scale it would look more\nlike this. It really is hard to imagine this not being\nmassively disruptive. And as the authors of The Second Machine Age\npoint out, processors aren’t the only dimension of computing that has seen exponential improvement. The idea of acceleration in your daily life when do you encounter that? Maybe in a car for a few seconds? In an airplane for seconds again? The idea that something can accelerate for\ndecades literally just continuously is just not something that we deal with. I mean, we think in straight lines. But even though there’s been all this innovation,\nit’s not showing up in the data. If we were seeing this big increase in automation\nwe would see productivity growing much more rapidly now than it usually does, and we are\ninstead seeing the opposite. Labor productivity is a measure of the goods\nand services we produce divided by the hours that we work. Over time it goes up - we do more with less\nlabor. We’re more efficient. If we were starting to see a ton of labor-saving\ninnovation you’d expect this line to get steeper, but when you look at productivity\ngrowth, you can see that it has been slowing down since the early 2000s, and not just for\nthe US. It’s possible that new technologies are\nchanging our lives without fundamentally changing the economy. So will this all change? Will today’s robots and AI cause mass unemployment? There’s reason to be skeptical, but nobody\nreally knows. But one thing we do know is that the wealth\nthat technology creates, it isn’t necessarily shared with workers. When you account for inflation, the income\nof most families has stayed pretty flat as the economy has grown. One of the problems we've seen over the last\n40 years is that we have seen all of this rising productivity growth but actually hasn't\nbeen broadly shared, it's been captured by a thin slice of people at the top of the income", metadata={'source': 'TUmyygCMMGA'}), Document(page_content="been broadly shared, it's been captured by a thin slice of people at the top of the income\ndistribution. Even if unemployment stays low, automation\nmight worsen economic inequality, which is already more extreme in the US than it is\nin most other advanced countries. But technology isn’t destiny. Governments decide how a society weathers\ndisruptions, and that worries people on both sides of the debate about the future of work. We’ve adopted policies that instead of really\ntrying to counteract the trend caused by technology and globalization and other things, we’ve\nin many cases exacerbated them. We’ve put a wind in the back of them and\nmade them more extreme. And that’s a big problem. We will probably always be fascinated by the\nprospect of robots taking our jobs. But if we \xa0focus on things we can’t really\ncontrol, we risk neglecting the things we can.", metadata={'source': 'TUmyygCMMGA'})]
[Document(page_content="and mcmanus will send it down toward dion lewis and this will be returnable from a yard in the end zone here comes lewis lewis down the sideline lewis still on his feet and he will be not tackled and if he stays in bounds and he does it is a touchdown that's 103 yards dion lewis skirting the sideline right in front of the denver bench as he comes up the field setting up his blocks just a little in a little out and there he goes and then once mcmanus missed it was just a foot race a little hesitation and go oh my goodness for all the issues it's like you stayed in all the way for all the issues that the broncos had a week ago now it's their special teams haunting them stays inbounds that was the last guy with an opportunity to knock him down devonte booker you", metadata={'source': '9wRQljFNDW8'})]
[Document(page_content='♪♪ Carol: Ezekiel! Just go!\nI\'ll hold them off! Ezekiel,\nwe can get you away. You can\'t!\n[Grunting] I can\'t leave you,\nYour Majesty. [Grunts]\nC\'mon, man, just go! You\'re my king! No, I\'m not! I\'m not your King! I\'m not\n"Your Majesty"! ♪♪ [Grunts]\n[Body thuds] Look at\nwhat\'s in front of us! That\'s what\'s real! Go. Go. I ain\'t no king! I ain\'t nothing. I\'m just some guy. Some guy who found... [Shiva growling] Shiva... ♪♪ C\'mon. [Growling] ♪♪ [Grunting] Shiva! Shiva! Run, girl! ♪♪ No! No!\n[Growling continues] ♪♪ Please, Jerry! Dammit,\nlet me help her! [Flesh tearing] You can\'t. ♪♪ [Walkers growling] ♪♪', metadata={'source': 'VifQlJit6A0'})]
[Document(page_content="♫♫♫ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking ♪ ♪ Bass is, is ,is, is, is, is...♪ (Put your hands up). ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming\nBeatin' down the block, you can hear me coming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking, drums is drumming ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking ♪ ♪ Bass is kicking ♪ ♪ Bass is, is ,is, is, is, is...♪ (Put your hands up).", metadata={'source': '5E4ZBSInqUU'})]
[Document(page_content='Although it may not seem like it, on average,\nthe world is improving. Countries are growing their economies and\npopulations, and working together to build a stable global future. But not everywhere. In certain pockets of the world, war, chaos,\nand and increasingly uncertain political instability is pushing certain nations straight towards\ntheir eventual failure. So we wanted to know, which countries are\nat the greatest risk of collapse, and why? Well, to find out, we can use the widely cited\nFragile States Index, published by the non-profit think tank, Fund for Peace. Using 12 indicators, covering social, economic,\nand political factors, the FSI ranks all United Nations members based on their likelihood\nof failing as a sovereign state. Since 2014, the same three countries have\nranked at the very bottom, and one of them is the long struggling Central African Republic. The CAR, like most war-torn African countries,\nis the product of failed colonization by Europe, following the 19th century partition of Africa. After roughly 80 years of French rule, the\nCAR declared its independence in 1960, but was far from democratic. Almost immediately, the government began suppressing\nopposition, and was overthrown in a coup d’état. This new government was best known for establishing\na dictator, who was alleged to have personally ordered the murder of 100 child protestors. Over the next 40 years, a series of coups,\nforeign overthrows of government, and false attempts at democracy led to multiple civil\nwars beginning in 2003. For the past decade and a half, the United\nNations and the country’s former colonizer France have attempted to reach peace between\nthe country’s many different warring factions, with little to no success. Today, the CAR is one of the world’s poorest\ncountries and according to the UN’s Human Development Index, has seen less development\nthan any other nation on earth. It has also consistently ranked as one of\nthe most unhealthy nations, particularly in terms of hygiene, malaria, sanitation, lack\nof medical supplies, and most destructively: war. The country has even seen ethnic cleansing\nof its Muslim minority since 2013. Without the United Nations actively working\nto prevent a total collapse, the Central African Republic is the third most likely to fail\ncountry in the world. The second most unstable country is Somalia,\nwhich has been in the bottom three since 2007. Another victim of European colonization, this\ntime by Italy and Britain, Somalia has struggled since declaring independence in 1960. Although somewhat stable due to a dictatorship,\nIn 1991, the Somali Civil War broke out following the collapse of the Somali government. In the past 25 years, the country has been\nin an almost nonstop state of war, with religious and political factions alternately seizing\nterritory, and a steady growth of terror groups such as the al-Qaeda aligned Al-Shabaab. The lack of effective government has even\nled to pirates attacking ships near the Somali coast. Today, much of the country is still relatively\nlawless and in extreme poverty, with no real functioning economy or social services. But the most likely to collapse country in\nthe world, is also one of the most recently created. South Sudan only became independent in 2011,\nbut has been engaged in a bloody civil war since 2013. As many as 300,000 people were believed to\nhave been killed in just two years of fighting, with devastating ethnic violence, and more\nthan one million people displaced. In one notable massacre, members of particular\nethnic groups and religions were executed en masse by former pro-government groups,\nand local radio stations broadcasted hate messages, encouraging torture and murder. Attacks on hospitals, places of worship, and\nschools have left the country non-functioning, and barely held together by UN forces. These three nations follow a pattern of post-colonial', metadata={'source': 'GgVmn66oK_A'}), Document(page_content='independence and subsequent fragility. They are all marked by ongoing conflict, repeat\ngovernment turnover, violent insurgencies, and extreme poverty. With so many interrelated crises happening\nat the same time, these countries NEED the global community’s help, and without it,\nthey are likely to fail completely. As one of the most likely to fail states,\nSomalia is subject to more terror attacks than almost any other country. To find out more about Somalia’s history\nand it’s current struggle with terrorism, check out this video to the right. Thanks for watching NowThis World, don’t\nforget to like and subscribe for more videos every week!', metadata={'source': 'GgVmn66oK_A'})]
[Document(page_content="I need it I Need you it's beautiful I'm taking you guys miss shopping with me today because I think I'm gonna start working on the Asian aquarium over the next few weeks, or a few days really but I'm in the mood to go shopping for some fish luckily I've got a hundred gallon aquarium sitting here empty that I'm gonna be able to use this quarantine system So if I do find anything and the tanks are not ready, I'll be able to house them anyways and hold them temporarily And of course we're coming back to one fish two fish here in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Hmm More on that in a minute, I don't know if I'll actually buy anything while here, but you guys know me I simply like to shop around Look at what's available And you know I've truly feel at home and in a fish store like this and just a round fish in general Really so after a quick look around the store. There's nothing that I need Right now or nothing that's gonna suit what I need right now probably got to put an order in but there are a few things that have caught in my eye where I've caught my eye and a few things that stood out that I don't need but I kind of want But I don't know let me show you a few things This is the same type of Asian Arowana that I have I've been watching him for a while Nobody's bought him and you know it's kind of making me want him even more You know take him home type of thing, but yeah, it is an ultimate blood Asian, Arowana, I'm rarely on grade Beautiful stunning fish. It's a little bit bigger than mine if I got hit mine my two would fight Probably so if I got him I'd probably have to get this one now the lights in here are a little blue but this is a panda cross-back supreme so basically like a really nice fish that's gonna turn a little blue and You know really gold especially across its back now I had a panda gold before it was one of my first Asian, Arowana And they grow to be absolutely stunning one of the things that I find they're really well known for is You know perfect body shape and of course I know for many of you. It's really easy to say Joe We just get another one get another one well that one's about $2,000 and the red is about $3,000 so we're talking five thousand dollars for two fish tough pill to swallow but I'll try to baby something big these little coy angels also caught my eye Really pretty love their patterns but you know I already got a bunch of Platinum's with that said I'm kind of liking this little black one here the black and white Really cute. I of course the the the coy portion comes out in you know having three colors usually But I don't know I really like these black and white ones that I think they would contrast and really stand out with the Platinum's That I already have but these guys are much smaller than the ones I have but you know. I'm thinking about it and of course By me thinking by me thinking about it means I'm probably going to buy a lot of stuff by impulse I'm gonna try to hold back Because I do have some specific plans one of them is to get some coal draw me for that Asian tank leave it or not where are they you're such a Beginner type fish and in fact was one of the first community fish I ever had But in my opinion is one of the most underrated fish absolutely stunning makes a fantastic community fish now I don't know what you guys think should I go with you know just do a Gourami tank all the different species they technically are from you know different parts of Asia Or should I go with something different? You know maybe I should wait to see what you guys say in the comments section below these rants borås These are the SBS they do look Pretty amazing let me see if we can get actually get in there and see them yeah, they're a little panicked right now, but They look just like the Harlequin grass bora one of the massive difference That's also a fish that I was considering putting in there as well Yoji, it's actually a bunch of you know almost beginner", metadata={'source': 'TaTleo4cOs8'}), Document(page_content="I was considering putting in there as well Yoji, it's actually a bunch of you know almost beginner style community. Type fish that are all from Asia Why why wouldn't I get something more exotic? I truly want you guys to be able to do this and maybe grab some Inspiration from it with that said I always get some amazing comments and suggestions from you guys as well So make sure you leave me some in the comment section below because then I certainly appreciate it little silver, Arowana up in here They're always cute at this size those guys get to 4 feet long though They're the cheap is there I wanna you can buy but beginning to you know 4 feet long is a massive fish And I don't think a lot of people are really Prepared for that then this is another one look at this. This is a tinfoil barb So next time you go And buy these guys realize how big they get now if you had 5 or 6 of these at this size I definitely picked them up a little baby Oscar. This is like a long fin really cute oh He's got some peacock bass in here Get three four of them. I wonder. It's got some good-sized piranhas in here these are nice As some bikers in here these will be the Senegal's these guys stay relatively Smaller compared to a lot of the other bikers, so if you're looking to get one. This is probably one of your better choices nice big parrot big jack dempsey always attractive to the bigger fish Africans up here He's gonna look at the floor look at the size of these guys. These are red Billy saying in the size alone Yeah my mouth Yeah, saying if he's trying to get me to buy them some clown loaches to Nice size nice and active nice dark coloration these guys will look a lot better on a lighter substrate though clown knife This black ghost Another one over here oh and another one over there Maybe I should start buying all these baby monsters and grow them out for the 2020 guys thing a little sidebar. I'm I'm buying all kinds of fish that I don't need and probably not gonna have room for I think I'm going to start needing somebody to come with me to the pet stores and Slap my hands when I say I want Beckett So corridor then here over here For those that have been following me for a while now you remember that I did a store tour of this exact store I think it was a couple of years ago And you'll remember this exact point of view you'll also remember the guy that I did that tour with that was actually a store employee By the name of Matthew Hume now. He's he's actually owned his own pet stores in the past He's been a staple in the local coffee for many years working at almost every pet store there was in Nova Scotia So he's very well known Unfortunately over the past few months and even a few years. I believe it was his his wife was diagnosed with cancer, and it wasn't too long ago that she passed away and Left Matt and his three young children Behind now Jeff the store owner of this store has started up a GoFundMe to try to help raise money for him Because you know it's gonna be hard for him especially with young children but he also wanted to do something else a little more personalized for his good for his customers, so he is Doing a raffle here at the pet store third place is a two hundred dollar gift card to the store second place 300 all our gift card to the store Tickets are only $10 each the grand prize being a tour of my aquarium gallery I'm gonna leave all the details in the description below Just so I don't mess anything up But the way it will work is whoever gets the grand prize will be picked up at this store You're not being flown in we're not going to get you This is probably gonna be best for local people within the surrounding provinces however, if you want to fly in and meet at the store feel free to do so But you'll be picked up at this store We'll take you to my house where I'll give you a tour of the gallery in person you'll be the first person to ever do that and processive quite", metadata={'source': 'TaTleo4cOs8'}), Document(page_content="you a tour of the gallery in person you'll be the first person to ever do that and processive quite possibly the last Then we're gonna go for dinner And it's just gonna be like a one-on-one type of thing you meet Jeff and you can bring one so it'll be you plus another And I thought that was one of the most meaningful things that I could do to help the to help Matt Oh, and his family. Oh and 100% of the proceeds are going to Matt and his children I'm not being paid for this in any sort of way I just thought that this was going to be something that we can all do to help Matt out in this difficult time Now to purchase your tickets you can come right into the store and buy them right here, or you can call the store And with a credit card or whatever and do it that way I'm gonna leave all the details all the information in the description below Even if you don't plan on you know winning anything, or you can't do anything, please support it I think it's a great cause and again 100% of the proceeds Goes to Matt and his family of young children when I come to the pet store We usually need a pause I buy so much fish that I don't need I'm actually not buying any of the fish that I came here for there's not enough of what I want or what I'm looking for But me coming to a pet store is always Dangerous I need everything okay confession time you guys remember the bonsai trees that I seen here a little while ago This is what inspired me to do my little nano tank with the bonsais Confession is this well first and foremost. They only have one left here as soon as I put that video out They sold out of whom almost right away Which is always good? I love I love to see that sort of thing with that said I'm upset so many of you So what happened was you remember that I set that little nano tank up on my like little work table I drained it and moved it because I needed to move a lot of things around. I meant to fill it back up Grint the hide for this one I forgot to fill it back up and the entire tank dried out luckily there wasn't any fish in It but all the plants are destroyed. Just try it up into like this potpourri. Type of mix or just all crusty I had to admit it at some point and for those that watch my videos all the way through at least you guys will know and You can spread the word, so I don't have to talk about it anymore That's so embarrassing to talk about but I guess moving forward. I think I'm gonna need a bit of a I Need an assistant. I need it I Need you it's beautiful. Do you want to come home with me? Maybe we should bring Frank to the store to take you home? Oh? man this guy's so nice I Need you I can't put you in with Frank Frank will kill you, but technically you are way nicer than Frank Poor Frank feel so bad for him and and and he'd kill me if he knew I was looking at other flower horns Or you know even considering getting another one, but I mean that little guy is pretty stunning Let's hold a bet who think I've who thinks I'm gonna buy it here. We got a female flower horn She actually laid eggs in this tank which is interesting. She's got a little bit of a new clump, or cock as they call them Interesting maybe maybe uh Maybe Frank's girlfriend Frank's girlfriend She's not pretty enough for Frank though poor girl spent so much time bagging my fish. I'm trying to go get a haircut once again Coming for one thing and I leave with a box of fish that I wasn't here for but how could I know it? I'm gonna get all of these guys home acclimate them to Their temporary holding tanks and in the near future I'll show you what I got, but I want to make sure these guys are all doing okay. I want to get them home and So in the near future if you're interested in seeing what I got you know Make sure you do so you don't miss it", metadata={'source': 'TaTleo4cOs8'})]
[Document(page_content="- [Narrator] According to\nsome science I made up, Pacific Rim is exactly 77 percent good. But regardless of whether or\nnot you agree with that rating, your argument probably isn't\nbased on the movie's plot. Any exposition Pacific\nRim accidentally featured was just an excuse to get as many ridiculous sci-fi concepts\non screen as possible, which is why the end\nresult is a movie featuring giant monsters, giant robots, and a smart person with tattoos. - What? - [Narrator] But I don't\nthink the story is that far from being great. In fact, the movie could've\nbeen a downright classic if you took the two leads,\nRaleigh Becket and Mako Mori, and switched them, like this. (dramatic music) Instead of starting with the scene where Raleigh just tells us the\nhistory of monster attacks-- - [Raleigh] And then we learned,\nthis was not gonna stop. - [Narrator] We should've\nstarted with this. That's Mako as a kid. She sees her whole city destroyed, and then she's rescued by Idris Elba, just like in that dream\nwe all keep having. It happens about halfway through the film, but if it had been the\nopening scene in the movie, we would've been introduced\nto the evil Kaiju and the heroic Jaegers from a\nhelpless child's perspective, which would've made the\nentire story feel bigger and more whimsical, speaking objectively. Then, in this scene, it\nshould've been Raleigh instead of Mako, who\nfreaked out in the drift. This would've been where we learn about Raleigh's tragic backstory and watch his brother get thrown into the frigid, Alaskan night. This simple change completely\nreshapes the movie. Now Mako is the emotional core,\nand the story becomes, one, child loses everything. Two, child grows up while\ntraining to fight in robots, and three, child avenges\nmentor's death, spoilers, and saves the world. So, there you go. With this one, small change, you get a Pacific Rim that\nis 27.3 percent better, giving it a total score\nof 98 percent awesome, meaning the sequel has\nquite a bit to live up to. - [Raleigh] Elbow rocket.\n- Elbow rocket, engaged. - [Raleigh] Now!", metadata={'source': 'ZAQs-ctOqXQ'})]
[Document(page_content="Hunger claws at your grumbling belly. It tugs at your intestines, \nwhich begin to writhe, aching to be fed. Being hungry generates a powerful,\noften unpleasant physical sensation that's almost impossible to ignore. After you've reacted by gorging\non your morning pancakes, you start to experience \nan opposing force, fullness, but how does your body actually know\nwhen you're full? The sensation of fullness is set in motion\nas food moves from your mouth down your esophagus. Once it hits your stomach,\nit gradually fills the space. That causes the surrounding\nmuscular wall to stretch, expanding slowly like a balloon. A multitude of nerves wrapped\nintricately around the stomach wall sense the stretching. They communicate with the vagus nerve\nup to the brainstem and hypothalamus, the main parts of the brain\nthat control food intake. But that's just one input your brain uses\nto sense fullness. After all, if you fill \nyour stomach with water, you won't feel full for long. Your brain also takes into account\nchemical messengers in the form of hormones produced\nby endocrine cells throughout your digestive system. These respond to the presence of specific\nnutrients in your gut and bloodstream, which gradually increase \nas you digest your food. As the hormones seep out, \nthey're swept up by the blood and eventually reach the hypothalamus\nin the brain. Over 20 gastrointestinal hormones \nare involved in moderating our appetites. One example is cholecystokinin, which is produced in response to food\nby cells in the upper small bowel. When it reached the hypothalamus, it causes a reduction in the feeling\nof reward you get when you eat food. When that occurs, the sense\nof being satiated starts to sink in and you stop eating. Cholecystokinin also slows down\nthe movement of food from the stomach into the intestines. That makes your stomach stretch\nmore over a period of time, allowing your body to register\nthat you're filling up. This seems to be why when you eat slowly,\nyou actually feel fuller compared to when you consume your food\nat lightning speed. When you eat quickly, your body doesn't\nhave time to recognize the state it's in. Once nutrients and gastrointestinal\nhormones are present in the blood, they trigger the pancreas\nto release insulin. Insulin stimulates the body's fat cells\nto make another hormone called leptin. Leptin reacts with receptors\non neuron populations in the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus has two sets of neurons\nimportant for our feeling of hunger. One set produces the sensation of hunger\nby making and releasing certain proteins. The other set inhibits hunger through\nits own set of compounds. Leptin inhibits the hypothalamus neurons\nthat drive food intake and stimulates the neurons \nthat suppress it. By this point, your body has reached\npeak fullness. Through the constant exchange \nof information between hormones, the vagus nerve, the brainstem, and the different portions \nof hypothalamus, your brain gets the signal\nthat you've eaten enough. Researchers have discovered that some foods produce \nmore long-lasting fullness than others. For instance, boiled potatoes are ranked as some of the most \nhunger-satisfying foods, while croissants \nare particularly unsatisfying. In general, foods with more protein,\nfiber, and water tend to keep hunger at bay for longer. But feeling full won't last forever. After a few hours, your gut and brain\nbegin their conversation again. Your empty stomach produces\nother hormones, such as ghrelin, that increase the activity of \nthe hunger-causing nerve cells in the hypothalamus. Eventually, the growling beast of hunger\nis reawakened. Luckily, there's a dependable \nantidote for that.", metadata={'source': 'YVfyYrEmzgM'})]
[Document(page_content='Wow! Look at all those batteries! What do you think Lucky? Oh wait your name\'s Toby not lucky. So check it out look at all these batteries Previously we did fly the airplane once in another video you guys may have seen it in the past That\'s well we technically "flew" the airplane, I mean it just got basically in the ground effect and flying a little bit But all you guys were like well. That\'s technically not flying And you may actually be correct because uh It was really only flying within the quarter span of the wings and we were flying on older batteries But now I have the correct batteries, so now we\'re going to answer the real question. can someone with just model airplane building experience albeit a lot of it build and fly a real airplane in their basement? Well. We\'re about to go find out I flew the airplane it flies great, holy craps got a lot of power now I push that thing forward this thing jumps into the air this thing flies amazing Holy crap. This thing\'s awesome It\'s only warm. It\'s not even hot I can keep my hand on that thing all day. We\'re good. We\'re golden About 40 miles she\'s about 35 miles an hour because that thing reads five high That is friggin fun Alright, so we did the flight between half and full power I\'m gonna get these batteries on charge because I need to see how much flying I\'m doing with the gas tank because I do Not want to over burn on fuel. Let\'s go charges these batteries back up and see what I actually did burn on that flight Well indeed it does fly so we burned about probably 7208 milliamps in each specific battery I mean the middle amps actually changed a little bit cuz of the cell\'s variations and all that but they\'re all very very very close so that means we burnt a little bit Under half a tank we didn\'t even quite reach half a tank of the capacity of the batteries I still looked actually get a watt meter onboard and actually monitor everything like is going on the airplane right now We\'re still experimenting with it, but blah blah blah. It indeed does fly. Let\'s make this nice and quick I got a cheat sheet here of things I need to talk about uh. This is an ultra light So it means if you\'re in the u.s. It falls into part one o three regulations meaning the airplane itself has to be slower than 55 miles an hour I think it\'s 55 or 65. I don\'t know but uh slower than that stall speed needs to be around 20 miles an hour Weight needs to be under 254 pounds before you put the pilot in there, but that\'s completely loaded - minus the pilot of course Let\'s see the motors are these turnigy 150 CC electric motors from hobby king. Huge thanks to them They made this project possible by donating those motors They actually worked kind of quite amazing for what they are because um those are model airplane motors They\'re not designed to run consistently at a high power setting which I specifically used them in and they held up great They only were hot or just warm to the touch I could leave my hand on them indefinitely so that means they\'re not Running past a temperature with you shouldn\'t be because uh my hands aren\'t on fire and burning off So big, thanks to them Thanks to a tattu for giving me a discount on batteries I spend about probably a thousand two hundred on these But they gave me half price off which is nice of them Banggood sent the charger Which I make charging these things a piece of cake. Yeah, check out this charger This is a like the I charger series. It makes charging sings pretty quick Come on I need you to move right now stay right there Let\'s see the plane is smart here only constructed a foam ,carbonglass, and some wood Some aluminum - you should also check out the previous build videos. I\'ll put them down linked below That\'s probably worth watching because uh the project actually did fly I didn\'t start a project and didn\'t finish it this actually completely Uh is finished now. the painting we will probably paint the plane later', metadata={'source': 'eNSN6qet1kE'}), Document(page_content="this actually completely Uh is finished now. the painting we will probably paint the plane later on in the spring of next year and this is probably the last video seen on this airplane for a while because uh Well, it's a little saturated. Let's move on to some other stuff, so huge Thanks to people that made this possible Thanks to my friend Erik Monroe for coming out and shooting some of the video of the day we were flying this thing Thanks to Dewey Devonport. He's the guy that has the the owns the property he does by plane rides Huge thanks to people on patreon you guys all made as possible without you guys I probably would would definitely be short changing some of the parts I used all aircraft grade hardware in this thing and everything is built very Safely if I could say that at least everything That is a critical to flight like you know I put some tape on. Look at my pitot tube That's just taped on that's totally ghetto on flight worthy things, but if that tape comes off. It's not gonna You know cause the airplane to crash But having cheap bolts break such as like in the wing bolts That will definitely cause a crash or having control cables break and stuff like that uh Also with the GoFundMe for the parachute I did acquire our BRS, but that BRS is too heavy So I'm going to probably sell that and get the right one for this airplane That one's actually made for the airplanes on the next size category up So that is way overkill and and I'm just lugging around dead weight Which ultimately works against me because it makes the plane more unsafe by carrying a too heavy parachute because uh Everything not flight critical I want to keep the weight off the airplane because weight hinders airplane performance at least for light airplanes So I think I have a few more clips here Oh, hey look look how big the dog is if you guys remember the dog from the beginning? Here's Toby. He's super big now Even though he was a munchkin in the beginning Grandma I need to take some measurements Yep It's definitely small But uh yeah, there's a bunch of extra clips so um man, just thank you guys cuz uh, this is quite an insane project probably one of the craziest things I've ever done in my life and Well, I think we're gonna end on that note", metadata={'source': 'eNSN6qet1kE'})]
[Document(page_content='SciShow is supported by 23andMe. Whether it’s SpaceX or Lockheed Martin or\nNASA, eventually someone’s going to start sending people to Mars. And when that happens, we might decide to\nset up a colony there, too. People could be born, raised, have their own\nfamilies, and die without ever setting foot on Earth. Sending people across the void of space to\na desolate planet is hard enough, but founding a remote colony comes with its own special\nchallenge: low genetic diversity. If we’re going to create new societies on\nother planets, we need to know how many people to send to avoid the problems that come from\ninbreeding. Whenever a subset of people goes off and starts\ntheir own society, they’re going to be less genetically diverse than the much bigger population\nthey came from. That loss in diversity is known as the Founder\nEffect. The differences can be amplified over generations,\nespecially if the new population is small. The smaller the population, the harder it\nis to find someone to have babies with that you’re not related to, so you end up with\na lot of inbreeding. It all depends on which founders produce how\nmany offspring, and which alleles, or variations of a particular gene, they happen to pass\non. Some traits can completely disappear from\nthe gene pool, and rare diseases can become super common. That’s happened before. The Amish in Pennsylvania, for example, are\nmuch more likely than other Americans to have Ellis-van Creveld syndrome, a type of dwarfism,\nbecause one of their founders carried the allele for it. And the South African Afrikaner community,\nwhich was started by a small group of predominantly Dutch settlers in the 17th century, has a\nhigher frequency of Huntington’s disease. To completely avoid the consequences of inbreeding,\na founding group needs to have enough people so that, genetically speaking, it’s basically\nas diverse as the original group. And it has to be able maintain that diversity\nover time. In population genetics theory, that magic\nnumber is known as the effective population size. It’s a really broad estimate that varies\nby species, and is based on things like how often random genetic mutations happen, which\nmembers of the population mate, and how many kids everyone has. For humans, the effective population size\nis thought to be at least several thousand, if not 10-20 thousand. But the more people we have to send to start\nour space colony, the harder and more expensive it’ll be. So scientists have tried to calculate the\nbare minimum number of people we’d need, and they’ve come up with a few different\nestimates — along with a couple of other strategies that could help. In 2002, an anthropologist named John Moore\ntried to calculate the population you’d need for a 200-year interstellar mission to\ncolonize a hypothetical Earth 2.0. Using a computer program based on the reproductive\nbehavior of actual pre-industrial communities, he simulated different scenarios to see what\nwould happen to the population over time. He found that, if you choose pairings and\nmake other reproductive decisions really carefully, you’d only need 75-90 young couples to start\na colony. So, less than 200 people in total. But other anthropologists have argued that\nsuch a small number would only work if their descendents were able to make babies with\nnew humans at the end of their journey. Which could happen—I mean, assuming Earth\nhasn’t suffered some sort of armageddon, there’s no reason we couldn’t send another\nmission to Mars in a century or two, if not much sooner. Or the colonizers could pack a collection\nof frozen sperm and eggs from people who never actually leave Earth, allowing them to mix\nin new genes over time. Another issue with Moore’s estimate is that\nit’s only enough under the most ideal conditions. For one thing, it doesn’t leave any wiggle\nroom for disasters that kill off a significant percentage of the population. It also doesn’t take into account the fact', metadata={'source': 'B5HORANmzHw'}), Document(page_content="that small pre-industrial groups occasionally interbred with neighboring communities. That means the actual number of people you’d\nneed to maintain a healthy population might be much higher. In a 2014 paper published in Acta Astronautica,\none researcher estimated that you’d really need somewhere between 14,000 and 44,000 people. If we followed that advice, our Martian colony\nmight be sort of like Iceland. Iceland was founded around 1100 years ago\nby about 10,000 people. Thanks to the Founder Effect, the country’s\nmodern population of about 300,000 is one of the least genetically diverse in all of\nEurope. So Icelanders keep meticulous genealogical\nrecords. There’s even an online genetic database\nthat acts like one big family tree, with information on 95% of people born in the past 3 centuries. If you’re in it, you can see how anyone\nelse in the database is related to you. And it’s more than just an incest-prevention\ntool — the database has also helped identify genes associated with certain diseases, like\nAlzheimer’s and cancer. So, thanks, Iceland. If we want to colonize another planet, a similar\ndatabase to keep track of things would probably come in handy. And so might those sperm and egg vials. But before we worry about that, we should\nprobably focus our efforts on sending any number of people to Mars safely. It might be a while before we colonize Mars,\nbut you can learn about your genetic ancestry RIGHT NOW by checking out 23andMe, a service\nthat lets you learn where your ancestors originated and how your DNA affects things like your\nfacial features or your sleep quality! The holidays are coming up too, which means\nyou're probably going to be spending a lot of time with family. The information you get from 23andMe can make\nfor some fascinating dinner conversation, like I found out that even though I’m pretty\nsure my ancestors came from southern China, their DNA is categorized more as southeast\nAsian than as Chinese. Good luck explaining that one Uncle Joe... I don't have an Uncle Joe. And 23andMe is super easy to do: You just spit in the\nprovided tube, send it in, and in 6-8 weeks you get your results online and can dig through\na lot of cool information. There's even a Thanksgiving sale going on\nright now, through November 23 so head on over to and check out\ntheir Thanksgiving Family Offer today!", metadata={'source': 'B5HORANmzHw'})]
[Document(page_content='Hey there, welcome to Life Noggin! What’s your favorite kind of dream? One where you can fly? One where you’ve won the lottery? Some people can manipulate their dreams into\nwhat they want them to be, but how? Generally speaking, dreams are narrative experiences\nthat occur while we’re sleeping, often during REM sleep. You may have heard of lucid dreaming. General lucid dreaming is when you know you’re\ndreaming while it’s happening. Some lucid dreamers even say they can control\ntheir dreams! About half the population has reached general\nlucid dreaming at some point, but it’s not that easy to intentionally do. So, how can you train your brain to have lucid\ndreams and even control them? It’s impossible to say that one thing or\nanother will definitely produce lucid dreams but some experts and lucid dreamers have provided\nsome tips to try to induce them. They say that dream journals could help you\nachieve a lucid dream state. Keep track of what you dream about and look\nout for recurring objects, people and places in your notes. Once you’ve identified them, you may be\nable to consciously recognize these elements within your dreams. You can try to prep your mind to recognize\nthese signs by telling yourself before bed, “The next time I see ‘blank’, I will\nrealize that I’m dreaming.” You may also be able to increase your chances\nof lucid dreaming as you go about your day by doing a mental check of, “Am I awake?” This will encourage your subconscious mind\nto do the same while you’re dreaming, increasing your likelihood of having a lucid dream. In fact, in a recent study, out of 169 participants,\naround 17 percent of them were able to have a lucid dream during the trial period using\na combination of methods. So, what happens in a lucid dream? Well, it begins by you becoming fully aware\nthat you’re dreaming while you’re dreaming. Other than recognizing your dream signs, this\ncan happen in a variety of ways. For example, reading is apparently surprisingly\nhard in dreams. Lucid dreamers say you may try to read a sign,\nsee that the words are jumbled and realize that you must be dreaming, otherwise you’d\nbe able to read them. Lucid dreamers also say it can happen when\nyou notice something impossible or out of the ordinary in your dream… like if you see a dog talking on a cell phone. The dreamer realizes those things aren’t\npossible and that they must be dreaming. Some lucid dreamers even claim to be able\nto control their surroundings, their actions and actions of others within their dreams. Effectively creating the dream they want! Studies have found that lucid dreamers are\nmore coherent in lucid dreams than in regular sleep and that they exhibit increased activity\nin certain frequencies within the brain! The areas of the brain associated with self-reflection\nand self-assessment light up. Wild, right? Scientists have even called lucid dreaming\na “hybrid state of consciousness” that exhibits an increase in networking throughout\nthe brain. So lucid dreaming is definitely a real thing. Other than mental prep, there are a few more\nways to influence your dreams. One study found that if you smell something\nnice, like roses, while you’re sleeping, you’re more likely to have positive dreams,\nversus the horrible smell of rotten eggs, which prompted more negative dreams. Studies have also found that low-current electrical\nstimulation is capable of inducing lucid dreams. Businesses have jumped on this idea, creating\nheadbands that electrically stimulate the brain while you sleep. Experts are reluctant though, because it’s\nunclear what effect this stimulation has on other areas of the brain. Aside from playing around with your dreams\nfor fun, controlling your dreams can be very beneficial for dealing with PTSD and post-traumatic\nnightmares. By mastering these dreams, PTSD survivors', metadata={'source': 'vU14JY3x81A'}), Document(page_content='nightmares. By mastering these dreams, PTSD survivors\nfeel safer in their awake state and have less nightmares, anxiety and flashbacks. Have you ever been able to control your dreams? Let us know \nin the comments!', metadata={'source': 'vU14JY3x81A'})]
[Document(page_content="Hey Everybody, it's Norm from Tested Here at the Designer Con 2017 I'm kind of hiding behind this massive helmet here, because it's Hela from Thor Ragnarok Jose Fernandez. Jose, it's great to see ya. Iron Head Studios. Is this your first Designer Con?\nYep, first one. And tell me, what's with Iron Head? You guys have made a lot of costumes. Yeah, it's the end of film as it goes, but we've been consistently busy Hela was an amazing project for us to work on, for sure. The movie was well-received but all the images look amazing to me I think when the first trailer came out for Thor Ragnarok people were stunned by this silhouette as a helmet. You have Thor's Helmet, you have Loki's helmet, with the big antlers They're all so unique and distinct. Hela, it could have been CG I didn't realize you guys made a physical helmet for her to wear. Yeah, I think most of it was CG, but they did want moments for her wearing it. Even just for her own feeling, and she It was a great challenge, because it's pretty big, for me. The challenge was getting the weight right, the balance on her head. And getting it secure without actually having it come down too far her forehead. So, I think we nailed it. When I first saw it on her, walking around the studio, it was pretty impressive. So let's talk about fabrication. There's a bunch of ways this could have been made I assume the original thing was a 3D model? Correct. And then, is this hand-sculpted? Or is it printed? No, it's pretty much all 3D. So we modeled it in the computer, we scanned her. So we had her data, and then made a skull cap for her so it fit really well. And then we just started modeling it. Marvel was heavily involved in every minutiae, which was great. They were really on top of it. And once they were happy, we started printing the pieces. It was a very interesting composite. It's called SLS, but there's also one with a carbon fiber field So it's very light. Structurally, pretty sound. How many pieces is it? Almost every antler is separate. This cluster here in the middle. There's four of these there together, there's an extra one added. And all these large ones are all separate. They're wanted also modular, so they can remove some. So she can wear partials. So she can remove the large ones. Those can be CG'd in. She'd have like a more tailored helmet. So they're all kind of ... they all come off. And then balance is something you mentioned. How much does the whole thing weigh? I don't know. I should have measured. I think it's in the neighborhood of 4 pounds. That's light! That's so light! Somewhere in there. And is it affixed to her head? Is she wearing a skullcap underneath?\nYeah, exactly.\nIt's attached to multiple points. It's like magnetic closures so you can't see that stuff. So the ugly business is all underneath. So there's the physical fabrication, I'm assuming there's no rods or anything to hold that? No. Now with 3d printing, the finishes the SLS the SLA, they all come out with different finishes. This looks like it's almost like metal, but also maybe like a jade. So how do you get this finish? This particular process is very rough. As far as the outputs. It looks like a sand casting. Everybody in my shop, everybody's at the top of their game, so they finish it to this degree, so that it's just beautiful, and then the painter Mike Walachuk, who's a super-talented guy, seems like those cholo cars to me, it's beautiful, but it's like mottling, it's like a mirror chrome and then we mottle into that. It's multiple layers. Like a candy green, then you mottle some more chrome, then mottle again. it's labor-intensive.", metadata={'source': '6VhU_T463sU'}), Document(page_content="Lots of layers, to make it look like an other-worldly material. 8-10 layers at least Gosh. Wow. And then have that cut and polished. So it's just, you know, beautiful. So when you're printing it, is it printed a little larger? So you can sand it down? No, it's 1:1. It's a rough surface, but it doesn't really add much. It's just rough. \nGot it, got it. That's unbelievable. So much of this new technology. What else is Iron Head working on? That you can talk about? We've worked on Aquaman We didn't do Aquaman; we worked on Black Manta. It was a cool villain I like villains. Can't talk much about it. Other than, it's pretty cool. Oh! It's pretty solid. I can't wait for people to start seeing the imagery come out. Yeah, and then of course, there's imagery, and there's seeing this in person. And that's why it's so great seeing you at shows like DesignerCon Where we get to get up close with... wow. A real helmet, a beautiful prop from Marvel Thank you so much, Jose. It's great to see you again. Thanks.", metadata={'source': '6VhU_T463sU'})]
[Document(page_content="I am in the National Advanced Driving Simulator\nat the University of Iowa. It's used to test drivers' reactions\nin a controlled, repeatable environment and also to test things that would\nbe unsafe in the real world. - Tom's currently in the\nsimulator, undergoing a study to look at driver response\nto unintended acceleration. The vehicle is going\nto accelerate quickly without any input from Tom,\nas if it were malfunctioning. Tom's going to have to identify that this event is going on and press the brake very quickly\nto bring the car under control. GPS: Turn left at the next intersection. Whoa... Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. That was terrifying! But there's a question\nI want to answer here. Recently, I did a video while driving. And it was on a dead straight road\nwith very little traffic, and I always felt in control of the vehicle. \nBut was I? Is it actually dangerous to talk\ninto a camera while driving? So, I'm going to spend 15 minutes\nin this simulator, distracted, trying to give this monologue\nto that camera. And I'm also going to spend\n15 minutes in here, not distracted just driving, and putting my\nfull attention on the road, and the team here\nare going to analyse my results and tell me how I've done. And given I was just doing 35 in a 25,\nprobably not that great. - The National Advanced Driving Simulator\nwas built to recreate the most realistic\ndriving experience possible anywhere. It has a real vehicle cab in it. We can swap different\nvehicle cabs, in and out. The motion base can travel 64 feet\nin the X and Y directions and these are basically steel\nbelts that are connected to large drives on either end and then, the hexapod portion of the\nsimulator is hydraulic, that allows us to experience\nroll, pitch and yaw. We also have a turntable that can\nturn 330 degrees in either direction. Overall, it has 13 independent\ndegrees of freedom. We have absolute control\nof what time of day it is. We have control over\nthe weather and traffic. - And yes, the graphics might not be up to\nmodern video game standards, but after a few minutes in here,\nwith all the motion, your brain just accepts that you're driving. - Very broadly, we are\ninterested in studying the relation between the driver and the vehicle\nto improve safety, so that encompasses things like\ndriver impairment, driver drowsiness, distraction or intoxication.\nSo we bring drivers in, actually give them a\nlarge dose of alcohol, get them in the simulator and\nwe can see how they perform. We've also compared that\nto things like cannabis, so some of the first studies\nwith cannabis and driving have been done in\nthe simulator here as well. As Tom is driving in the simulator,\ntalking to the video camera, I would expect to see him missing\ncertain information in the driving scene. Generally, we find that\ninteractions that take the driver's eyes off the road\ntend to be the worst but, even in situations where the\ndriver's looking straight ahead, if their attention is pulled to another task,\nlike talking to a video camera, that can also increase distraction and cause\nthe driver to miss certain things. If the driver crashes, they\nessentially move through the vehicle or the pedestrian\nthat they collided with, so, we don't simulate the\ndynamics of the crash, but we are recording that they crashed. We know the velocity of that crash. We know how severe that\ncrash would have been. - So, how did I do? - About as well as we would have predicted. Let me pull up an example, here. A vehicle is going to drive\nthrough an intersection. You actually have the red stop sign. - Yeah, I didn't see the stop sign, did I? - Completely missed it. - Whoa, just did not see that. The thing is, I'm actually\nlooking at the road, there. I'm actually... but I'm not\nthinking about the road, because I'm too busy thinking\nabout what my next line is. - Exactly, we would call this\ninattentional blindness. This is when your", metadata={'source': '_-aDHxoblr4'}), Document(page_content="inattentional blindness. This is when your\nattention is off the road, even though your eyes are there. You're missing information\nthat's out in the environment. - Wow. - So, we saw quite a bit of\nswerving at the beginning of your drive, you had some trouble\ncontrolling your speed. You were going about 35\nthrough a 25 school zone. Textbook case of distracted driving. - So, I basically, shouldn't\nfilm while driving. - Generally speaking, yes. - Thank you so much.\n- Thank you. - Thank you so much to everyone at the National Advanced Driving Simulator\nat the University of Iowa. Pull down the description or click\nthe link on screen for more about them. All the pedestrians here are just suicidal.\nAll of them. This is not a stop sign.\nI can just take this. Whoa, no I can't.\nYou're coming in from the right. Probably shouldn't check\nmy phone while I'm driving.", metadata={'source': '_-aDHxoblr4'})]
[Document(page_content='Hi guys! I\'m Ally Hickson, social media editor at Refinery29, welcome to my Sweet Digs. Two things before we get started, take off your shoes, because this is a no shoe apartment, and click below to subscribe. Come on in. I live in a three bedroom, two bathroom apartment on the Upper West Side. Though technically this area is "Lincoln Square." I have two roommates, and our apartment is 4800 dollars a month. Personally I think the rent is too damn high, but I really love this neighborhood, I love living a block from Central Park, I love being by Lincoln Center, One of my top five favorite movies is You\'ve Got Mail, and it\'s kind of like an ode to the Upper West Side. I feel like am Meg Ryan every day. This is my kitchen. I think it\'s a pretty large kitchen for New York City, to be honest. We have this amazing counter top here. It\'s probably where I eat most of my meals. Okay kitchen confession, um, I don\'t cook that much. I am a satisfactory cook. Like I won\'t starve. It\'s really my roommate Jess who\'s the cook, she\'s the true grown up of this apartment. My least favorite part of the apartment is definitely my bathroom, for a few reasons. I don\'t like sharing a bathroom. My least favorite thing of all is that we just have shower stalls, we don\'t have tubs in our bathrooms. I love taking baths, so I miss having a tub. Also it makes a horrible noise. I hate that sound. This is our living room. The couch is my favorite part of the apartment. The couch is also the most expensive thing in the apartment. It\'s like 800 dollars. At the time I wanted to cry and thought how could a piece of furniture be so expensive. It was worth it. I got it actually at Ikea, and people love this couch. Because it\'s so cozy. It\'\'s special. Oh my god there\'s like a photo now of me like massaging my couch. I got this a bajillion years ago. Why am I holding a flask? It used to be on the other side of the room as a TV stand, but we got a a much larger TV. We turned it into a bar. And obviously we enjoy alcohol in this apartment. Help yourself. This is my roommate Ada\'s room. It\'s the smallest room in our apartment, but it has it\'s own private bathroom, so you\'re kind of winning. We took the closet doors off, so that way we could fit a larger bed in here. There are a few things in her room that are still things that, like, I brought in here. This wardrobe actually used to be my wardrobe, and she took it from me. That sounds so mean, "she took it from me," I mean she bought it from me. It was a gift. In the bathroom the thing I\'m most proud of in this room is I built one of those floating shelf thingies, and it\'s still hanging in there, and her stuff is on it, and it hasn\'t fallen over. So like, call me if you need me to build you something in your apartment. When I first moved in the apartment my rent was only $1400 a month, which is kinda nice, especially since I had my own bathroom. Now I live in one of the bigger bedrooms. I pay more rent. About $1590 now. Welcome to my bedroom. It\'s a much larger space. I have my own huge closet now, and a weird nook that I don\'t even know what to do with. I pile things in the little nook in my room, but I don\'t really pile things, like I throw it there for like an hour, and then I have to hang everything up or I can\'t go to bed. The only things that I really have a lot of are shoes and books. Anywhere there\'s room there\'s books and there\'s shoes. And if I had to guess how many shoes I have in total? 30 to 40 pairs of shoes. It\'s a lot of shoes. My favorite pair of shoes right now are these velvet ankle boots. And then my other favorite, I just got, are these little, like, silver school-girly shoes. They\'re really cute, and they\'re actually super comfortable. I could not choose a favorite book. Please don\'t make me. Please. Ta-Nehisi Coates. It\'s incredible. Between the World and Me. Toni Morrison, The Bluest Eye, which is one of my all time favorites. But really', metadata={'source': 'JBZTZZAcFTw'}), Document(page_content='the World and Me. Toni Morrison, The Bluest Eye, which is one of my all time favorites. But really great because she signed it. Pretty cool. This is honestly my 8th grade copy of Romeo & Juliet. You can flip inside and find really important notes like, "Romeo loves Rosaline." Insightful. My most sentimental piece of furniture is definitely my typewriter. My best friend from college bought me this typewriter when I went to journalism school. It was really expensive and cost her, like, all of her savings at the time. Like, actual friendship goals. I use it to write thank you notes, and I write letters to my grandmother on it sometimes. This is my roommate Jess\' room. She is really great at decor, keeping things neat and organized, and she has like a very set cute style. It\'s perfect. Jess\' room is not only super beautiful, it\'s also the largest room in the apartment. And it has a huge walk in closet that could probably fit like another family inside of it. She pays the most in rent out of all of us. A friend and I were looking at apartments, we both really love the Upper West Side. And then she spotted this place on Craig\'s List, and we both were like, it can\'t be real. And then we came here and it was the real deal. We fell in love, and now I\'m here, like, five years later. Which in New York is a long time. I would say like my shared space style is minimal. I\'m really big on keeping things organized. I don\'t know if you noticed already in our apartment but there\'s like not a single thing out of place. And that\'s not because you guys were coming to visit and we wanted to look cute, we legitimately don\'t leave crap out in our apartment. I would definitely move out, but it would take a lot to get me to move. I would probably want my own space. In my next dream apartment I want more closet space, because I have so many shoes. More bookshelves for all my books, and goals to have a washer-dryer in my unit. Maybe I\'ll be- oh! I\'m so graceful!', metadata={'source': 'JBZTZZAcFTw'})]
[Document(page_content='GUS: Uuuuuuuh... Hey Josh? JOSH: Yeah? GUS: Uhm... I\'m tryna take a shower right now, I don\'t- Not really sure what I\'m lookin\' at. Uh... What do I do to get started? JOSH: Ok so um; You see the panel there? You\'re gonna wanna type in the password, It\'s "Hemoglobin". GUS: "Hemoglobin"? JOSH: Yeah "Hemoglobin", as in, like, the cell? GUS: The cell that carries oxygen through the blood? JOSH: Yeah, yeah, yeah. GUS: Ok. JOSH: "Hemoglobin" is the password. (Computer Beeping) GUS: (Mumbling) He-mo-glo-bin... (Error Noise) Uhhh... It says denied. JOSH: (Mumbling) Denied... GUS: Yeah. JOSH: Oh, OH yeah uhm... Yeah, actually we changed it, it\'s "Platelets". GUS: Ok, "Platelets". (More beeping) (Accepting Noise) JOSH: Yeah, sorry, I had the wrong cell type. GUS: Ok it went through, now what? JOSH: Uhm, so, You\'re gonna wanna take the pull start, And just give that a few tugs. GUS: The pull start? JOSH: The pull start, Yeah. You see it right at the bottom there? GUS: Uhhh, yes! Okay, (Engine attempting to start) Its not, The engine\'s not turning over yet. JOSH: Yeah, yeah, I forgot to tell you, You\'re gonna want to have the choke on, Make sure you pull the choke all the way out, And kinda feather it once it gets- GUS: Ok, ok ok ok. (Engine starts) Ok, yep, it\'s up! It\'s running. JOSH: Ok, now you\'re gonna want to listen carefully, Pull down the red lever. GUS: "Pull down the red lever"? JOSH: Yep. GUS: Ok... Uhm, (Creaking noises) It\'s pretty tough! Ugh... Ok, JOSH: Ok, you got that? GUS: Yeah, it\'s down. JOSH: Alright, now push the aquamarine button. GUS: "The aquamarine button"? JOSH: The aqua- the aquamarine button, yeah. GUS: Ok, (Error Noise) It\'s not doin\' any- Oh, aquamarine? JOSH: Yeah, Aquama- Aquamarine. GUS: OK (Error Noise) Oh shit! Oh! Josh, It\'s squirtin\' ketchup! JOSH: Not the teal button! The aqua- aquamarine button. GUS: What? JOSH: Don\'t hit the teal button. Hit the aquamarine button. GUS: Oh, Uhm, (Accepting Noise) Ok, It\'s go-, it\'s um, It says "Engaged"? "Engaged"? JOSH: Yeah it should be, that should be good. GUS: Ok, uhm... The water\'s not running, Should it be going, right now? JOSH: Uhhh... GUS: Ya know what Josh this is just, This is too much! Just forget it dude, I\'m taking a bath. Josh, your bath is working, right? JOSH: Yeah sorry, bad news on the bath... That only works on Tuesdays. GUS: Son of a bi- ♫♫', metadata={'source': 'lZ68j2J_GOM'})]
[Document(page_content="Competition is on! We're making spaghetti burritos.\n-O.M.G, where did you get this? You gotta put water in this. You're gonna help me make this spaghetti. \n-Can't do a recipe without a shirt on. Even though this is a competition, I'm going to be nice. I'm gonna mix the game, and I'm gonna share it with you Hurry up. I got your spaghetti on for you, I'm already in the lead Careful, don't burn the top of your mouth like you did last time. Just a little skin was peeling off. I know. \n-It was gross. O.M.G, I burned my mouth. Was it hot? No, it wasn't, it was good. You're taking all my pasta. Leave me the rest. Yeah I'll just take this amount... Here-\n Wait, let me just have this.\n-Stop *giggles* Give me my spaghetti back\n-Alright, alright, sorry. Guys, this video is sponsored by Bon- Jovi. This sauce is the bomb. They own and operate a community restaurant called the Soul Kitchen with no prices on the menu It's completely donation based or grew in a community to help people out and the sole reason for this sauce was to support these restaurants So we have a special link in our description That's gonna. Give you 20% off all the products all that goes to a good cause I love what the foundation is doing and a message that they're spreading. Bon Jovi, I love your sauce. (I love your music.) This is a perfect portion for about two servings of pasta, which is the exact amount for these patches. This is one of my favorite sauces. All right, ready!\n-Go! We're just gonna make the spaghetti burrito I don't know what JP's doing I think he's gonna have a freezing process, but I've done it I'm not gonna really do anything to this. The sauce is perfect the way it is. Of course I have to try it where I put it in the burrito.\n-Yeah, I wanna too.\nYou can't have it Let me try a little bit though Perfect ?dramatic? sauce! I'm so ?nice?. There's kinda pretty by making it like giant. Very important you get the mozzarella cheese slices, that's what's gonna give you the cheese bowl and plus, mozzarella looks so good with spaghetti It's definitely not healthy for you, but it is cheesy. Now about two cups of that spaghetti, some Parmesan cheese on top of these, basil leaf. We're gonna have one more cheese on top.\n-Yeah, I think you got too much spaghetti in here. Don't break, it's gonna tear NOOOOOOOO! *beep* Alright, lets start over. And look it JP, from this one we took spaghetti out and made a spaghetti quesadilla, you want to try it?\n-Yes, I'm hungry. Bongiovi in my mouth You've got to hold on to what you got.\n-I hope this didn't burn...Are you trying to sabotage me? Alright, let's start over\n-All right guys. We're halfway there Julie's living on a prayer It's beautiful. It's perfect. It's my baby. We just took some oil, garlic powder, salt, pepper and that parsley that we just chopped up onto our spaghetti burrito And we're gonna shake on some of that Parmesan cheese It's my BABY. It's beautiful. It's like a restaurant ?in it? Good I think you win, I don't even want to go.\n-You don't even want to do it?\n-No I think you won.\n-He didn't believe that my burrito recipe was good enough So now he's giving up. YouTube is not gonna be happy if you give up Who is YouTube?\n-Everybody out there... *giggles* ...on YouTube It tastes like garlic bread, it's just wrapped around spaghetti. That was really good. That's a wrap guys Hey JP I wanna see what you're gonna to do. Hey guys if you're watching this video then that means I'm probably done What I'm gonna make for you guys, it's something, I'm gonna call a meatball MOG Cheese stuffed meatball roll wrapped in cheesy spaghetti battered and deep-fried with Italian breadcrumbs How did this going from the idea spaghetti burrito?", metadata={'source': 'dRpNZV18N_g'}), Document(page_content='-Like, you know, we put inside the burrito\'s gonna be like meatballs It\'s gonna be good. Give this video a thumbs up because this is another segment of "Julia Does Not Approve" No, I do not. What are you even to do? You\'re gonna put cheese and meat and then put some spaghetti around it... ...and then batter and deep-fry it?\n-Yes\n-So, you. That\'s our meat mixture. Palio, that\'s what we got. It\'s gotta be under eight inches. Can\'t say that was Julia\'s idea MEATBALL I don\'t know about you, but that looks like a meat log You love meat log. It\'s like a really long, flatten out meat log. Got my meat log! Get over here! Is it your mum\'s spaghetti recipe? Are you nervous? \'Cuz on the surface he looks calm ready. You know what I like just leave it on that for a second. All right back to pretending I\'m not helping you. I\'m gonna make the spaghetti out. I\'m gonna be using this Hardy garlic sauce. Awesome sauce. Put in the sauce with a little bit of hot water. Actually Julia\'s positive that she made her recipe. I am making the burrito out of spaghetti, that\'s why it\'s called a spaghetti burrito It\'s almost like a spaghetti pizza I\'m just gonna mix it in until it\'s like nice and cheesy.\n-This burrito is turning into a meal for seven people, huh. Couldn\'t you see that? From the loaf pan So it\'s not a log anymore.\n-I don\'t know if I trust you... I don\'t know if I believe that what you\'re doing is right I don\'t know if it makes sense to leave a rubber spatula on a hot pan but good job JP We\'ll be back after this quick message from JP\'s butt We\'re back, it\'s frozen. We got our giant gold play button. Although we wouldn\'t show you that. It\'s a sign and I\'m gonna win, ?\'cuz the play button came all those doing my thing? Well that\'s really dependent upon the vote\n-So I\'m gonna cut this off here.\n-The log is huge in there You made a giant log\n-But that\'s the size you want, guys, and there\'s a burrito. That\'s spaghetti burrito. This works. Oh, yeah You\'re making like a meatball... ...Juicy Lucy... ...Italian mozzarella stick burrito spaghetti things.\n-I think that\'s the name It\'s a loaf Eleven. That\'s what we were looking for! That\'s spaghetti burrito. This is the one that\'s gonna win Spaghetti as the burrito. Mmm...God. We got it so good on this He would write a brilliant mean tweet, maybe we should put this on Twitter and tie him He\'ll probably say something really mean if he doesn\'t I win That tastes just like mozzarella cheese, there\'s like so much cheese happening and the meat ball is good. It\'s flavored full. You did season it, it\'s... ...unmanageable to eat I don\'t approve.\n-You either like the loaf.\n-So put this on a sandwich right? Put some sauce cheese Maybe some more good, and then just eat it like this That\'s why it\'s both seated you did you did me proud it\'s a win, it\'s a win', metadata={'source': 'dRpNZV18N_g'})]
[Document(page_content="If you look at the current top ten in the prime charts you'll see the top 10 largest primes at the moment, and you may notice that one of them stands out. One of them is not quite like the others. It's quite a special prime, it was actually discovered fairly recently; \nit was discovered on October 31st 2016, it was discovered on Halloween 2016. But all the other primes are Mersenne primes, \nthey're all primes that are one less than a power of two. And there's a reason for that, because computationally it's quite easy to check if they are primes or not, right? There is a- there is a test for that which you can run quite quickly. Number seven there is slightly different. There's a couple of reasons why it's special and one of the reasons is that it takes us one step closer to solving a fifty-year-old conjecture. So let's take a look at this prime. So this number- it's called a Proth prime. So Proth prime's have this form where it's k, that's some number, multiplied by a power of two plus one. Let's see if we can find a Proth prime. What I'm gonna do, let's\ntake a value; I'm gonna say k is 19, all right? Let's take k as 19 and then we're gonna multiply it by powers of two, add one, and let's see if we get a prime. Well let's do the first power of two. 19 times 2, 38. Plus 1 that equals 39, but that's not a prime; it's 3 times 13 that's no good. Let's check for another. Let's try 19 again but let's do 2 squared. So 19 times times 4, well 19 times 2 is 38 so we can double that again. That's 76, plus\n1 that's 77; that's definitely not a prime, that's 7 times 11. Let's keep going, let's see if we can find one. Let's do \n19 times 2 to power 3. That is 153,153 is that prime? That's maybe not so obvious, but no that isn't prime. 19 times 2 to the power 4, ok we're gonna keep looking. I I think \nthat is - plus 1 of course - that is 305, that's definitely not a prime. Okay another failure, let's keep looking for a prime. Let's do the next one.\n19 times 2 to the 5 plus 1, I've got that as being 609, no that's divisible by 3.\n- (Brady: I think you're gonna get us) (on that top 10 list at this rate!\n- It's gonna- actually we've got it. We've got it - look\nat this one. 19 times 2 to the power 6,1217 - prime!\nThat is a prime. Finally we found a pri- took a while. Yeah, it took a while but eventually we found a prime. In the 1960s, mathematician Sierpiński said that if you take something of this form: it's k times 2 to power n plus 1, and you keep running through it, there are numbers that will never hit a prime. So you'll keep going forever and you'll never get a prime. In fact he said there were infinitely many of them. So there's \nloads of them out there. The natural question is, what's the smallest one? Ah, well we don't quite know. So they think it might be this number: 78557.\n- (Brady: As k?) Yeah that's as k. So I'm saying if \nwe multiply that by 2 to the n, and then we add 1; we run through that process we'll never hit a prime, it's never going to happen. In fact I know that's never going to happen. So a mathematician called John Selfridge showed that that's never gonna happen. He showed that this number, whatever it is, will always be divisible by one of these: 3, 5, 7, 13, 19, 37 or 73.", metadata={'source': 'fcVjitaM3LY'}), Document(page_content="So he said it's always gonna be divisible by one of those, so it's never going to be a prime. That definitely is a Sierpiński number, okay? This is a number that will never hit a prime, great; but is it the smallest one? That we don't know. Now there's quite a few candidates for this - well in fact we're gonna have to check all the numbers smaller than 78557. Well you can do that. And most of those were eliminated. Until roundabout the beginning of the 21st century there were 17 left. 17 that hadn't been eliminated. So there might be numbers that are smaller than 78557, and you could do this and you'll never hit a prime. So there were 17 candidates left. But, thanks to advances in computation, that meant we could start eliminating these candidates. Now we started to eliminate them until there were six left. These are the six that were left. The smallest was 10223. But here are the others: 21181, 22699, 24737, 55459 and 67607. So there were these six candidates\nleft. But things started to slow down and I'm afraid there was a gap of nine years before we were able to eliminate one of these six, which was this one here: 10223 because we now know that forms a prime. Here's, here's our prime, this is it! \nThere it is, we know it does form a prime. And now this is struck off the list leaving five left. Now if we can eliminate those last five candidates we will have proved that 78558 is the smallest Sierpiński number.\n- (Brady: So James, was this) (really large prime not so much found) (because they were searching for large) (primes but because they were trying to) (eliminate ks?)\n- They- that is part of the motivation for this. This was found by a guy in Hungary on his home computer. Where he's downloaded a program, you can get it from the PrimeGrid website. And this program was designed to eliminate those seventeen that if I \ntalked about. And using that program he finally eliminated 10223. So you can do this yourself, using your own home computer. So he gets the glory of solving that and the glory of striking off one of these candidates off our list. So we have these candidates and then you find a prime that kills it off as a candidate - so those primes are huge. This one that was found recently is over nine million digits long, it's a massive number. The largest of these primes that are killing off candidates, they've actually got a special name. They're called \nColbert primes, named after Stephen Colbert. Stephen Colbert, some people might know, as the host of The Late Show in America? American comedian? I don't know why these have been named after Stephen Colbert; I guess someone's a fan. But if we can eliminate all these candidates we will have proven that 78557 is the smallest Sierpiński number. We don't know it's true, it just feels true; in our guts it has truthiness. Obviously we love these videos about \narbitrary numbers and obscure details; but to see how everything fits together, to get that bigger picture, why not check out", metadata={'source': 'fcVjitaM3LY'}), Document(page_content=" Here's just the start of their Number Theory course. It's full of little questions and puzzles that are not only good fun but really help you get your head around stuff. And have a look at that - how can this not be quickening your pulse rate? Whether you're really serious about mathematics or you just love to learn, Brilliant's interactive site is going to teach you all sorts of amazing stuff that you might not get from, say, just a superficial video - not that there's anything wrong with videos of course, keep watching these too. But seriously I honestly think you'll enjoy what these guys have made. It's a really really good resource. It's also just really good fun to play with. If you'd like to check them out go to The first 314 people who do, and sign up, can get 20% off the premium annual subscription. That's the first 314 - see what we did there? They don't just cover mathematics; there's astronomy, physics, computer science - all sorts of good stuff. Thank you to them for supporting this video and I'll put some details in the \nvideo description.", metadata={'source': 'fcVjitaM3LY'})]
[Document(page_content="Oh hey! I didn't see you there. Have you ever found yourself browsing around\nonline and seeing something you like and think to yourself, man, I would love to take that\napart and see how it works? That's what happened to me and this smart\nmug right here. This thing has an internal battery and heater\nthat brings it up to 145 degrees Fahrenheit. That's pretty impressive. I can be out here drinking hot chocolate in\nthe middle of nowhere, and have a drink hot for hours inside of this electronic thermos. This video is actually sponsored by YouTube. YouTube is launching a new channel called\nUnboxed, where they'll have a bunch of unboxings from different creators. All the latest and greatest stuff for the\nholidays. My unboxings are rather unique, so I'm glad\nYouTube reached out. With the holidays coming up, YouTube's new\nchannel is a great place to find gifts for those hard to shop for like\nthis smart mug that keeps your drink warm for hours. I'll leave a link for you in the description\nof this video for YouTube's new Unbox channel. But now, let's unbox this mug and see what\nmakes it tick. Let's get started. [Intro] The Ember wireless temperature controlled\nmug is here. Something I never needed or wanted, but now\nI just need to own one. A normal thermos can keep drinks warm for\nquite a long time, but this particular Ember mug has a built-in heater that can actively\nheat up liquid on the go. Pretty cool. Inside the first box, we get another box with\nan orange Ember themed color scheme. Kind of cute. And here's the mug itself. Incredibly high quality cold thick plastic\n– had me thinking it was metal at first. But the razor blade of truth showed the exterior\nwas in fact plastic, as a lot of thermoses are. It's not a big deal in this case. The lid unscrews with this watertight rubber\nseal. During my time using this mug, it never leaked\nout the top. Inside the mug is all metal and has a few\nmore instructions tucked down inside. Now one cool thing about this mug is the way\nit charges. Inside the other half of the box we have a\nwireless charging station for the mug which allows it to keep beverages hot all day long,\nas long as the mug is sitting on the pad. The two golden pins match up with the golden\ncircles on the bottom of the mug, so it doesn't matter what orientation the mug is when you\nset it down. It'll charge no matter what way it's facing. The mug itself has a 2 hour battery life to\nkeep things warm away from the dock. It's pretty cool that it charges so easily\n– nothing ever needs to be plugged in. The lid has a little circle inside that can\nbe pressed down to let liquid out, and pressed again to seal it all up and keep the heat\ninside. The Ember logo is touch sensitive, and a long\npress of 3 seconds gets the mug to turn on. And then I can adjust the temperature of the\nmug with the physical dial at the bottom. Since this is a thermos, it can keep cold\ndrinks cold, but it doesn't have an active cooling system in place – just heat. And along with everything else these days,\nthere's an app that can control this thing from your phone, but it's nice to see that\nthe mug has it's own dials. It also does Celsius if you're into that kind\nof thing. Not calculus – just Celsius. Even though those are probably about the same\nthing to most Americans. Now I'm 93% sure that this mug is never supposed\nto be taken apart...I mean, it's a mug...but there are electronics in here somewhere and\nI want to see how it works. The expedition for screws yielded 8 underneath\nthe bottom rubber grip. The larger 4 screws fit my T8 bit, and the\nsmaller 4 screws fit my T5 bit. The removal of these screws allowed the metal\nplate to lift up and the bottom dial to pull away from the bottom of the cup. And unfortunately, this is where the salvageable", metadata={'source': 'qeWvgZLz9yU'}), Document(page_content="disassembly ends. There are no more screws. Everything is permanently molded shut. But we're going to continue anyway. Sacrifices must be made. I'll start by breaking the seal between the\nheavy thick plastic outer layer and the metal insides of the Ember mug with my razor blade. Then it's time to utilize the old rusty saw\nblade trick. It works every time. Now I don't blame Ember for making their mug\ndifficult to take apart. It's literally designed to hold liquid and\nthings that hold liquid need to be seamless and sealed. So they definitely get a thumbs up for extremely\nsolid construction in my opinion. The plastic molding rolls all the way around\nthe sides of the cup and seamlessly splices at the bottom of the mug. Finally, I was able to separate the internal\nguts from the outer shell and get to the interesting stuff. This big circular pad on the side is the thing\nsitting under the Ember logo as part of the system that senses your finger and turns the\nmug on and off. Right below that we have the LED panel that\ngives temperature readouts – both in Fahrenheit and calculus. And by pulling up the white insulating layer,\nI can get a glimpse of the liquid level indicators running up and down the side, connecting us\nall the way down to the blue circuit board at the bottom. I'll disconnect the heater coil ribbon cable\njust like a little Lego, and the battery plug with my plastic pry tool, because, like you\nknow, we don't want to like damage the mug or anything at this point. The motherboard is held in place by two black\nplastic clasps on either side and the whole thing can pull away from the mug base revealing\nthe equally blue battery. This little guy is an 1,120 milliamp hour\nbattery that gives the mug 2 hours of heat on the go. Finally the bottom plastics can come loose\nrevealing what I believe is the temperature sensor for the liquid inside. Remember that heater coil I disconnected earlier? Well that's hidden under all this black foam\nwrapped around the base of the Ember mug. The location makes sense. Heat rises, so having the coils wrapped around\nthe base of the mug is a pretty efficient design. Overall this is a pretty impressive system. If everything else is getting smart these\ndays, why not your cup too? The design seems solid from the inside and\nthe outside. And that heater coil was especially interesting. Definitely worth the tear down. As always, thank you so much for watching. I hope you enjoyed the unboxing of this mug\nand the tear down. If you have any questions, leave them in the\ncomments below and don't forget to check out YouTube's new Unboxed channel Thanks a ton\nfor watching and I'll see you around.", metadata={'source': 'qeWvgZLz9yU'})]
[Document(page_content="I just think his athleticism his playmaking ability I've been knowing the kids since he was 14 years old [Music] you know I know what he's capable of and I wasn't throwing shade that effort at all if you would have got the pants and batman the trending controversy here and I was basically stating what I saw the dinner smithing and when I saw from Henry him coming out and watching the draft and I thought that he would be a great fit here with her Vegas you know and that's not the saying that Frank won't be a great fit I haven't seen much of them I know about him for my best friend who I went to high school with who actually played with him you know overseas last couple years but I mean it's the same if I'm I mean I think the Shiawassee should be a brown doesn't look it doesn't mean that miles Garrett is not gonna be a great football player but the shots that should have been our quarterback it's the same thing it's not you on the next guy this is that you state what you see is all that is clarification of people who just live in the box and for penis cancer well I've got some who said he says did you oh yeah it's definitely shy that's for sure so it was LeBron it was intentional that you brought up the Knicks that night well when I was watching the draft I didn't know the game and nothing knows the game I know where we're going and I knew the next was looking for have been looking for a point on my stage things that's false this is facts right so I thought it would pick them and they didn't like I said there's no shame no shade at a Frank I don't even know the key I wasn't even thinking about the kid when I was talking about Dennis Smith I was thinking about the systemics organization and Phil Jackson of the time and Dennis Smith talent and porzingis so what did you know him from this complaint in the summer Denison we're on all from Vietnam since he was in high school he trained with me a few times in my hometown back and my eyes [Music] [Music] stated facts that's all have you seen Dennis minute play I've also seen him play do you have any obviously you mentioned Phil just now we know what happened with some of the comments and I'm sure you saw the way things went with Carmelo here do you have a little sort of disappointment the way the Knicks said no no because now I'm a fan of the game you know as well it's a great win the Knicks the Celtics and the Lakers are great money all at the same time to miss its best qualities [Music] I don't have no I have no long doing from the Nixon organization I don't know how to you know we all know how to handle the Carmela situation way I'm not saying for Jackson that's not he's not here let's try it about the Shawn Watson it's the truth I'm done", metadata={'source': 'iIxy3JN3-jc'})]
[Document(page_content="what up guys today is the day you've all been waiting for we are finally taking the Miura to CarMax now you guys totally blew up the other video it's over a hundred thousand views has like almost 4 000 likes absolutely ridiculous so thank you so much I'm gonna set a light goal today of five thousand five thousand that's it I know you guys can do it you blew up the other video 5 000 likes the Diablo will go next the Diablo is a one of twelve only 12 in the world exists it's a special edition it's called the Alpine Edition so yeah five thousand likes the Diablo go next no need to wait any longer let's take this thing to CarMax really quickly before we leave what do you guys think they're going to give us so when you sell a common economics they look at auction results the auction results from the Mira s the last mirror s that sold as far as I know is Mecum Auction about two or three years ago I'll put it up right now see almost 2.6 million dollars and that car was in bad shape the guy who bought it how to put like 500 600 000 into it so he's a good three million dollars into it so three million into it what do you think they're gonna give us for this [Music] [Applause] [Music] John's got to be here for this too park next to the Mirror so I'm at CarMax um and we're gonna get the appraisal so he's gonna shawna's gonna walk you over uh what you got what they do yeah perfect yeah one of the things we do is we walk around the car we want to take down any conditions that may impact the value in any way get down the options of the vehicle get down the vent of the vehicle so what's gonna happen to us we're gonna go inside send all the pictures of my regional and uh do some research and see what we can offer for you okay from this point 15 to 21 minutes okay awesome yo I'm actually shocked by the amount of cars they have here look at this Shelby GT500 like what [Music] a GT350 wow wow a Jaguar F-TYPE [Music] you know CarMax is stepping up their game like this is no joke I want this car this is Avalanche gray it's called and this is my favorite color this is the color I almost gotten when I was looking [Music] 54 how many miles was it say the miles [Music] damn this is a beautiful car [Music] I want it I'm gonna start it up [Music] you know how to open the valves yeah okay [Music] [Music] well thank you so yeah I'm super excited to be here this has been a long time in the making um so the mirrors just parked right over there they are working on getting us an offer um they're I don't know they're going with their regional managers and stuff what oh my he's freaking out over this Jesus anyway uh yeah so they're working on getting uh an appraisal because it is such an expensive car that I need to check with a bunch of different people they need to research auction results and a bunch of stuff so uh I mean let's see what they're gonna give us I say 100 Grand like that's what I honestly think 100 Grand the CarMax has been so amazing about this PR public relations they have been so nice and wow they're just so nice here so thank you CarMax I know you guys are watching this so thank you CarMax like seriously CarMax good for you M4 2015. 2015 M4 damn m235 you guys have stepped up your game he just realizes m235 2016. that's a very good deal [Music] why is it got two lock boxes and this M4 even has the full carbon fiber roof I am proud of what CarMax has turned into this is the most expensive car ever taken at Carmax like any CarMax any CarMax is like no one has taken the car of this value to a CarMax before next time we're gonna bring a 918. it's cheaper but new hypercar that was a horrible comparison [Music] honestly in my opinion this is one of the most beautiful cars ever made without it though it's amazing the ZL1 looks huge compared to it I know [Music] so some things that are making it difficult to evaluate is Orange is worth more than any other color well most other colors green is worth", metadata={'source': 'U0hAC8O7RoI'}), Document(page_content="to evaluate is Orange is worth more than any other color well most other colors green is worth more the Orange is worth more than a majority of the colors and uh it's a series two it's a late Mira s which is going to make the car more valuable a lot more valuable because it more represents the SV so uh yeah hard car to evaluate 65 000 original kilometers and of course the Gated shift oh this is exciting the guy just said he's going inside to get the offer so he'll be out in a second huh how much do I think I said okay anywhere from 100 to 200 why 900. I don't think they're gonna offer 900. here he comes with the offer so what am I going to think about this all right man so we really appreciate you bringing your car by today here's your written offer for CarMax this is how much we can offer you on your vehicle today um as you see we didn't even have the Maria in our drop down menu so the notes down here show the car that we appraised here okay with the mileage and all that fun stuff so the software's valve for seven days and we appreciate you bringing it by hope you had a great experience with us awesome well thank you you guys were super nice thank you I appreciate it enjoy your afternoon guys thanks for coming by if you're interested in that Mustang let me know awesome thank you we sold it not I do still think this is one of the most expensive offers ever given to someone at caught him oh without a doubt without a doubt yeah I I'm unaware of anyone ever getting more than two or somewhere around close to a 200 000 offer gotta take the thumbnail all right guys well there you have it 199 and 998 dollars so 200 Grand girl uh obviously we did not take that offer I knew CarMax wouldn't buy it what are they going to do with it they can't put it on their showroom who's going to walk in and buy a mirror all right well you guys know the goal 5 000 likes let's hit 5 000 likes on the Diablo go next so that's the end of the video peace out guys", metadata={'source': 'U0hAC8O7RoI'})]
[Document(page_content="get ready to brood because here's every movie in the DCE you so far first up Man of Steel we open on Krypton which is the midst of a military coup led by General Zod planet is also literally doomed crumbling from the inside now to save their species brilliant scientist jor-el steals the Codex a database containing the genetic history of every Kryptonian and implanted in their infant son kal-el all Krypton's heirs living and they send man earth to the one day and the time was right you could be the bridge between two peoples except the kal-el lands on the Kansas farm of Jonathan Kent who basically tells him not to save anybody ever even himself so Kelly's just kind of hanging out on earth being Clark Kent occasionally saving people on the DL but meanwhile the Kryptonians captured General Zod and the other mutineers and blast them into the Phantom Zone in what looks like big stone Wang's but of course they find their way out and come to earth looking for kal-el also Zod's ship has a machine called the world engine that can transform the Earth's surface into a new version of Krypton he plans to kill kal-el take the Codex and repopulate the earth with Kryptonians so that Krypton can live again on earth Clark battles the Kryptonians at his hometown of Smallville earning the trust of the US military this man is not our enemy and gets a familiar nickname Superman alien sir that's what they call me he joins up with the army to stop Dodds world engine even though michael shannon is so intense anyway Superman destroys the ship along with half of Metropolis and then fight Zod and destroys the other half finally Superman kills Zahn settles into an uneasy peace government that's a 12 million dollar piece of hardware I'm here to help and Clark finds himself falling for plucky reporter Lois Lane who gets him a job at the newspaper where she works welcome to the planet right cuz it's the Daily Planet you see next up Batman V Superman we start with a quick reminder when Batman was a kid he watched his parents die and this is important his mom's name is Martha another reminder Bruce Wayne and watched Superman fight sod and wreck metropolis and he and the rest of the world blamed Superman for that destruction let the record show that this committee holds him responsible then it starts to get a little convoluted so Lois Lane investigates the slaughter of African rebels after Superman rescues her and traces a fancy bullet back to none other than Jolly Rancher enthusiast and amateur basketball player Lex Luthor Batman investigates a boat that's smuggling kryptonite and traces that back to Lex Luthor as well Clark Kent investigates Batman who's doing his best to be the darkest Batman yet Bruce Wayne keeps remembering his dead parents to remind us once again that his mom's name say it with me is Martha Lex Luthor throws a fancy party and hey look who's there Batman is Superman cool they're gonna fight right no there's just some lame foreshadowing Wow that is a good grip you should not pick a fight with this person huh later Batman dozers awful investigating Luthor and has a trippy dream of a dystopian future run by Superman and gets a warning from future flesh so he decides to steal Lex Luthor's kryptonite so he can protect the world from Superman he is not our enemy I mean good guys are left how many stayed that way Superman confronts Batman but they still don't fight Superman is summoned to Washington to testify before Congress about why he thinks he can just go around wrecking cities but then bland for death and destruction Superman feels so bad about not being able to stop the bomb that he goes and mopes in the wilderness Lex Luthor makes a deal with the center for access to Zod's crashed Kryptonian ship so he can throw Zod in the Genesis chamber and mix in some of his own blood and for some reason he's crying Batman discovers Lex's data contains info on metahumans including that pretty lady from", metadata={'source': 'Om_zGhJLZ5U'}), Document(page_content="he's crying Batman discovers Lex's data contains info on metahumans including that pretty lady from the party and check it out those guys are gonna be the Justice League Lois figures out that Lex is behind the Capitol bombing and everything he's been doing is to try and make Superman look like a d-bag he's also been manipulating Batman to hate Superman and yes I promise this is all eventually leading up to something Lex Luthor kidnapped Superman's mom who is also named Martha and Lois Lane but then immediately throws her office building so Superman will catch her even though the last time we saw him he was moping on top of a mountain anyway he tells Superman he has to kill Batman or he'll kill his mom Son of Krypton versus bat of Gotham finally Superman in Batman fight Batman quickly gets the upper hand thanks to some kryptonite gas and a big metal Batman Batman gets to find out that Superman does bleed but before you can kill them Superman's like yep a major plot point in the movies based around the completely random coincidence of Superman and Batman's moms having the same name so now Batman and Superman are pretty much best friends and probably the best scene in the movie Batman takes out Luthor's goons and saves Martha Superman heads to the Kryptonian ship which is all Lightning II because the Genesis chamber is done cooking up doomsday because what would one of these movies be if it didn't end with a huge fight with a bad guy with godlike abilities that destroys half the city Superman is joined by Batman and Wonder Woman she with you I thought yours was here but doomsday is too powerful trying to kill him only makes him stronger until Superman summons all his strength and uses the kryptonite sphere to finally take him down but not before doomsday mortally wounds the weakened Superman himself and so we wrap things up the world mourns the death of Superman even though they all hated unlike the day before much thought there's captured in this deleted scene where he seems to be hanging with a hologram of Steppenwolf Bruce Wayne sidles up to Diana Prince and is all like me and want us done Justice League Batman visits Luther in prison who maniacally rants about ringing bells may be a reference to Darkseid and that's it can we please move on to Wonder Woman now oh not yet Suicide Squad okay I'll try to make this quick Amanda Waller has the genius idea to assemble a task force of the world's most menacing criminals to take on missions that are impossibly dangerous I want to build a team of some very bad people who I think can do some good and look how cool these characters are yeah Deadshot he's a mercenary with impeccable aim Harley Quinn she's crazy Killer Croc a human crocodile thing El Diablo who can do fire stuff Captain Boomerang does a whole lot of nothing and has an unexplained unicorn fetish and of course their team leader who isn't a criminal at all Colonel Rick Flagg who's assisted by his friend co-worker of acquaintance katana and her soul stealing sword this is katana she's got my back yeah yeah yeah we get it so the squad is activated to stop Rick's girlfriend jus who's been possessed by the evil spirit of The Enchantress a powerful magical witch slash hula dancer who wants to take over the world she's got an army of pretty easy to kill minions and also summons her brother Incubus another powerful magical being portrayed and stunning CGI not enough plot for you don't worry while all of this is happening the Joker is planning on how to get Harley Quinn back and embarks on his own journey to find her okay this is a lot of characters oh we forgot about Slipknot whose only Raw on the team is to die literally he doesn't even get a graphic here comes Slipknot the man can climb anything back to the mission the squad finds out that their goal wasn't to save the world but merely to extract amanda waller from the building she was trapped in but after they rescue her they", metadata={'source': 'Om_zGhJLZ5U'}), Document(page_content="merely to extract amanda waller from the building she was trapped in but after they rescue her they decide to do the right thing and stop and chanters anyways because otherwise the movie would be over I'm gonna get you to you wanna end this Diablo Hulk's out becomes a self-sacrificing fire monster to stop Incubus and Harley's able to exercise and tantras from June's body and they all live happily ever after getting they all go back to jail the end time for the crown jewel of the DC EU Wonder Woman young Diana grew up on the difficult to pronounce island of the mosquito ruled by benevolent warriors the Amazons and their Queen Diana's mom Hippolyta she teaches Diana that Zeus created mankind but his son Aerys grew jealous so he turned men into a-holes that just want to kill each other the Amazons believe that one day Ares will return to plunge humanity into endless war but they have a weapon the god killer that can defeat him that mascara is hidden away from the world behind a protective barrier of magic father except one day American spies Steve Trevor crashes his plane into the ocean near the island tells Diana about World War 1 the war to end all wars and she becomes convinced this is the prophesied return to Mary's only Ares could do such a thing so she leaves Steve to go kill her they take an extremely fast boat ride to London where Diana has a bit of trouble adjusting to the modern world and arrive on the front lines where Diana finally gets to show Steve her superhero skills yes this is awesome they pose for that one photograph hey there it is and also oh yeah they fall in love Steve's on a mission to stop the evil general ludendorf and his associate a chemist named dr. Poisson who's designing a deadly new gas Dyna believes that Ludendorff is Ares Ludendorff is airings see but after she kills him and the war keeps going anyway she figures out that Ares is actually that guy from Harry Potter you Diana also realizes her sword isn't the god killer it's actually just some dumb regular sword but as the daughter of Zeus and Volta Diana herself is the god killer I'm dear child and he's not the god Canha you are after Diana see Steve sacrificed his own life to save everyone from dr. poisons gas bombs she realizes Humanity is worth fighting for after all and saves the day spoiler alert World War one ends and we meet up with her in the present day ready to spring into action and fight the doubter space mercenary bug guys or whatever happens in the Justice League [Music] you", metadata={'source': 'Om_zGhJLZ5U'})]
[Document(page_content='the US Geological Survey says an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.2 has hit the border area between northern Iraq and Iran the quake struck south of the iraqi town of halabja at a depth of 33.9 km/h media of it being felt as far away as Lebanon and Turkey these are pictures circulating in Iraqi media and social networks showing some of the damaged Iranian state television says some villagers have been damaged and that six people have been killed', metadata={'source': 'goP4Z5wyOlM'})]
[Document(page_content="they are not able to finish it the ones you wish you could have that you've got a good a stop now and they do throw away the Brawn stolen by Dennis Smith jr. and in attack he's done at the so many [Applause] Steele Wesley that fuse [Music] 4:42 go down to a port", metadata={'source': 'NZFhMSgbKKM'})]
[Document(page_content="[Music] [Music] beep-beep-beep beep-beep-beep coming through like a fax oh jeez ma TT lost a temp at 11:00 on a track I'm [\xa0__\xa0] I'm not packing our mats wrap it now wrap packing now and I'm Sammy and I'm tipsy I'm blacking out I'm just acting out what you asking now think that I'm a dictionary with the answers pal I've just been giving good vibes and following signs go to your Instagram and make sure you're following my yeah repping it fam yo respect to the man he saw the effect that I had extended a hand they used me as the weapon that youtubers try and end up disrespecting the crap what the [\xa0__\xa0] is with that bro but a makeover fam so but I can't do an expose in the pan wait that was a lie this right here with a freestyle guy no take two yeah this is the truth I'm just being an authentically me you should try to sing for you one day you do it for fun the next we doing it for fun is essential I ain't hating get your paper baby miserable millionaires competing for that trending page maybe I want attention to go show some boobies in my thumbnails for the clicks and views problem get my fancy cyberbully uy got a Twitter army but I'm lonely Betty over give me double constantly please tell me that you love me Oh tell me that you love me the algorithm loves it when you screwed up the algorithm loves it when you boot up so please be mine and I will vlog in every everyday and even if we break up we can make it fake and Channel dominate mystery me nominate it supposed to 2018 masturbation a self-proclaimed plagiarist LaBeouf ain't got [\xa0__\xa0] on this I still passed the grade ain't got paid in fact it made me rich all fashion extra bitter like sweetness flavorless y'all actin so sour you probably make a freeze like this love my life me too audited I got it Lynn I think it's time that we tossed the list of standoffish nests and got a grip like you're not with it Namie fans after your stuff up I think that you about to trip just an everyday bro being corny your lyrics leave me empty like a rice sized bond me you and the hoes in your video is for me bloated mind with facts and expose you as a phony little crate cheap unfriendly your fan me yo baby but never mes mbm pause got 11 what a lucky roll 7 got talent to France so humble we never stumble online the body strong now guru spot you on the head like that little rabbit foo-foo never heard this town from me nah that's that new new about to get that honest Aubrey Graham head sends true I just need my just pancha I mean what step backs what's there right what's that what's there [Music] you", metadata={'source': '0tO_l_Ed5Rs'})]
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

This dataset collected from various sources, Once I obtained the urls for youtube videos, I used langchain with YoutubeLoader function to get text of videos.

Source of data: tasks: summarization, named entity recognition,

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