Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? They also start the day with no nicks or dings in their fins.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? The water changes help with that too.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? You also may need to treat the incubation water.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? The chlorine and ammonia (choramine) are not good for the eggs.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Ironically sometimes it is wise to leave the newly picked eggs in fresh tap water with some chlorination to kill microscopic critters that ride in with the eggs.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? THEN put the eggs in water treated a couple of days before with a water treatment and left open to "breathe".
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Leaving a jar with a dozen black worms in it will sate the adult 's desire for snacks and they are more likely to leave fry or eggs alone.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? If a pair is n't leaving eggs... check the following:
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? 1. Is a tank mate (such as another female killie or a Cory or large snails) rating the eggs?
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? 2. Have we kept up with partial water changes?
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? 3. Is there too much mineral in the water?
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Aplo. lineatus are wide-spread over southern India.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? That indicates that they thrive in different water chemistries.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Still if you can get your pet shop to do a hardness or TDS (total Dissolved Solids) test, that may give you a hint.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Winging it a little here, a hardness of 100 to nearly 200 PPM (parts per million) or 5.8 to 10.6 DH should be fine for gardneri.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? TDS meters (the thrifty aquarist 's hardness meter can be used if one has seen one of your municipal water department 's annual reports.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? They include a number of minerals there and you can figure out what percentage of that would be your hardness minerals (calcium, magnesium and iron).
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? A number of minerals are not of much consequence.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? However if there is a high level of sodium chloride (common salt) that can break down the chorion (shell) around the egg and allow critters to get in and eat the yoke and embryo.)
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Ironically sometimes it is wise to newly picked eggs in fresh tap water with some chlorination to kill microscopic critters that ride in with the eggs.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? THEN put the eggs in water treated a couple of days before with a water treatment and left open to "breathe".
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? If you get eggs in the mail in a medicine vial, that is fine.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? But get the eggs out, maybe rinsed in fresh tap water and then into the incubation water.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? In time the eggs can suffocate in the shipping container.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? After a number of people began complaining about "mystery deaths"among incubating eggs, some of the more advanced killie people began suggesting that after 7-8 days of incubation, one should do a 100% water change - as the eggs develop, they do release waste material.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Another problem is that sometimes bad eggs will fungus and the fungus will spread out and kill all the eggs.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Some people put in a very dilute Acriflaven solution to slow down the fungus, so one can take white eggs out with a pipette or eyedropper.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Other will add a drop of Methylene blue.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? If an egg turns blue, it had died and then became dyed as the outer membrane broke down.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Get those out ASAP too.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Hope there is useful grist for the mill here.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? are the moors and penines in Yorkshire a lonely eerie place?
"Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "penines", "Start": 18, "End": 25 }, { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Yorkshire", "Start": 29, "End": 38 } ]
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? and how big are they?
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? i m 33.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? i ve never been to the yorkshire moors or penines at all...i can see the penines in the far distance from my bedroom window.
"Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "yorkshire", "Start": 23, "End": 32 }, { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "penines", "Start": 42, "End": 49 }, { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "penines", "Start": 42, "End": 49 } ]
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? when i watched werewolf in london ( great film) that was the only time i saw the yorkshire moors.
"Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "london", "Start": 27, "End": 33 }, { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "yorkshire", "Start": 81, "End": 90 } ]
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? can anyone give me information about them?
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? They can be bleak and eerie, often very exposed, often covered with antiquities like bronze age burial mounds, stone circles and settlements--until late in the bronze age they were rich farmlands,then a change in the climate caused the skies to cloud over and rain to wash the goodness from the soil.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? The people abandoned their farms and religious sites and the ground they stood on became moorland.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? They can also be very beautiful when the purple heather is out, and they are habitat to much wildlife and many species of wildflowers.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? why does my baby king snake refuse to eat?
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? i have a baby eastern king snake.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? i have tried EVERYTHING i can to get him to eat but he refuses.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? he has a great environment, with water and lots of hiding places and a heat lamp.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? as far as i know, everything is as good as it can be where his aquarium is concerned.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? according to the vet, he is healthy and looks good.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? he has been going to the bathroom like he should.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? (i know that snakes that have problems going to the bathroom wo n't eat.)
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? he has been drinking water (i am pretty sure he has been drinking it out of his bowl, but also i have been feeding him water and he does n't ever give me a problem with that - i just stick his head near the water and he sucks it down.)
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? i handle him every few days.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? he is feisty, as most king snakes are, but he is a very nice little guy - he never tries to bite or anything.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? i just love him to death.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? i do n't know why he wo n't eat though!
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? i have tried feeding him 5 or 6 live pinkies and 4 or 5 frozen (thawed) pinkies.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? i have never tried feeding him a pinky that was bigger around than he is.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? i have tried putting him in a small container and putting him in a dark place for an hour or so and he wo n't touch the pinky.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? he crawls on top of them but does not try to eat them.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? he does n't seem to know that they are food.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? i have tried "braining" both live and dead pinkies, and bloodying them up to get his attention, but he does n't care.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? i have tried dipping both live and thawed pinkies in tuna juice, and in used gerbil bedding.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? i have bought some long reptile feeding tweezers and have tried holding the pinky in front of the snake 's face.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? he wo nt even try to bite.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? i am very discouraged and sad and i do n't know what to do.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? he has n't eaten in an entire month.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? i 've only tried to feed him one at a time.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? he 's just a tiny baby, about the width of a pencil.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? do babies this small hibernate?
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? When you feed him how many pinkies do you feed him?
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? If you feed him too many he could just not be hungry.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? If he does n't seem interested in them at all I would say he 's just not hungry.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? My boyfriend has one and when she 's hungry she attacks the pinkie right away.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? They can smell it so i 'm sure he knows what it is and just do n't want it.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Remember snakes can go a while without eating.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? In the winter, they will usually go deep underground and enter a hibernation-like state called brumation, which is characterized by a slowed metabolism and reduced activity.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? King snakes sometimes stop eating, particularly during the cooler part of the year.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? They have a natural instinct to hibernate.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? If the snake is not pregnant or shedding, and its enclosure is properly equipped, a loss of appetite probably signals a beginning of hibernation.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Hibernation is natural, and a necessity for snakes that are going to be bred.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Another thing that can cause a king snake to stop eating is shedding.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? You can tell when your king snake is about to shed, because its eyes will get milky looking.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Its body will be dull looking, too.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? In a few days the snake will begin to shed its skin.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? For example, some snakes will routinely go off their food in both the summer and winter, feeding mainly in spring and fall.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? It 's natural and so long as you do n't see any serious deterioration in their health is nothing to worry about.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? You see, some snakes for no obvious reason will simply go off their food.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? They 're fit and healthy and their care is suitable.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? hope this helped.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? That 's why it 's good to have a python!
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? It 's twice my size and eats a rabbit once a month.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? How do you make your cat adjust to a new house?
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? Me and my family are moving into a new house just outside a small town.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? We are currently living a mile from the town in a house surrounded by fields but the new house is beside a busy road.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? We have had the cat for 10 years and do nt want to leave it.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? How could we make it settle in a new house.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? you are not just moving house - your cat is losing his territory.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? territory is very important to cats, and they are very nervous when they go into a new place - a new house could be full of predators, or unknown menaces - well at least he thinks so.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? you will need to give him only a small place to explore, so he can make it his territory, and feel safe there.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? then, he can have a place to retreat to when he feels scared.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? you will need to get his box and bowls, and whatever blanket and toys are his, and smell like home, and put him in a room.
"Results": []
Please identify all the named entities mentioned in the input sentence provided below. Use only the categories: PER - person, ORG - organization, and LOC - location. Remember, nationalities are neither locations nor organizations, and organizations can represent other groups of people. Pay attention to the provided example. You should only output the results in JSON format, following a similar structure to the example result provided. Example sentence and results: Where in the world is Iguazu? "Results": [ { "TypeName": "LOC", "Text": "Iguazu", "Start": 22, "End": 28 } ] Considering the input sentence below, what is the output result? the room you sleep in is best (seeing you so relaxed that you are sleeping will send the message that everything is OK), but others will work just as well.
"Results": []