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Hey everyone, welcome to the withering effect. This is episode 16. Today's date is October 1st 2019 and I am Duds or does versus everywhere else on the internet and I'm bunk out up or bank for sure. And today we're going to talk about some mind going like SHINee. What up? What if you've been working on before we start heading to that topic Minecraft has been put on the back burner again. I've had some recent personal life stuff get in the way. Yeah.Um, well I came to the senses. I sat down last weekend and tried like literally tried recording episode and I could tell it was just going to turn out really bad. Yeah, and I don't ever want to put out bad quality stuff with how little I put out content as it is right now granted. I was putting out stuff once or twice a week. But it's like yeah one bad videos not it's not worth it. So until I can really get to urge to be super creative. It's kinda on the back burner. I promise to try to start streaming a little bit more though, just to kind of help get myself back into the swing of things people have been asking for that to come back. So Yeah. Yeah, it's been a while since you stream doesn't it like a month already? Yeah. Well it started out just because I had tons of stuff to do on Saturday mornings and I couldn't stay up late stream, even though my stream isn't were never like really late at night. It's yeah, it's the fact that I go to bed like 10 and I don't fall asleep to like for things so yet that's the personal life stuff and the Discord is convinced me to talk a little bit about Mystery project that may never see the light of day. Oh because I keep mentioning it and they're like, hey, yeah, you have been teaching a bit Yeah, and I don't mean to tease just I wanted people know I'm working on something that I don't know if I want to talk about but I'm going to talk about a little bit. So I've been having really vivid dreams because I only sleep for like three hours a night and I decided to turn that into a book. All six books. That's right. A mystery project comes in. That's the mystery project is going to take several years. Yeah, but it's like two stories based on three books. And now as of today I might be adding a third story in there. That's just a single book or a short story and I haven't written a single page of this book yet. It's just basically been note Pages or notes everywhere because I have to Build an entire new world and I don't want to mess it up. I mean, I've never written a book but I think starting off with notes that sounds like a common thing to do. Yeah, like I have character bios. I have a timeline I have here's one set piece and another set piece and another set piece and I just in kind of need to fill in we're all these set-pieces go, but I'm doing them over six books and the two are the stories that don't really intertwined. And together that have two intertwined together. It's yeah, it sounds really strange. It really does. I don't want to give plots away. Everything Bank knows apply and he seemed to kind of like it. I think yeah you explain that a little bit to me because obviously the first question I asked was like, how is this going to be so many books like How do you know and stuff? So you gonna explain that a little bit it? Yeah. There was a really good Logic for it. Like you can tell people that there's just no way of explaining it without just giving it away. Right-click the story. I mean, it's I told it was an incredible story almost the like it was it sounded amazing. Yeah, and if I can get the work, it's got to believe the words. It's got to be a believable world or it's not worth it. So basically I have to write the history of this world down so I don't mess myself up because writing is not my forte. I don't write ever I went to school for architecture. That was very A moon like mechanical writing so mostly members, I guess. Well, we had a write-up descriptions on how to do certain things and stuff. But yeah, it was like to the point that's it. And now I'm trying to do creative writing and it's like well, here's the point and here's all this color for description of the set point. It's like I can do it, but it's going to take me time and I stress over making it bad because I don't want to do anything bad and I don't want to do it. Anything half. Well, I want to use a different world word, but Carlos insurace, so Yeah, that's what I've been working on and there's the mystery project. I hope you guys get a little bit excited and understand I'm not going to spoil any of it any of it. So Probably don't ask ask you can ask how it's coming along and everything but plot details are hush-hush. Yeah, don't don't ask about it's really I don't think you want to know the plot and like I said, you left out a lot for me as well. Yeah. Yeah. I think I left that finding out for you. Yeah, you left quite a big big part of the ending out you sort of explained sort of debate first parts and Yeah, I don't really want to know more as well because it sounds amazing. Yeah, I hope it turns out or it's gonna turn out to be just a pile of diorite. I mean, even if it turns into a pile of cheese, I want to use words diarrhea. Yeah, we'll go with that one and surely it's gonna be a fun experience right and a nice. Yeah for a while. I hope so. Yeah, I hope to get like at least one written and so I have a buddy who's written a book and he said the hardest part was getting The publisher and he actually couldn't ever get a publisher. He had to publish his on his own right and that cost a decent amount of money. So I would hope my first ones good enough where I could get a publisher and maybe they would pay for the rest of the books to get done too. But I'd say let's I would worry about just writing the book at first and then once you get close to finishing something maybe start leaking in. Well, that's it. Worse comes to worse. If I can't get a publisher. I'm not spending any of my own money to get it out there. I'm really just going to post it on the internet. Yeah, it may be there is like sort of I know we have a like the Dutch Amazon sort of thing. They have a book publishing thing going on like you can publish your book there for free and I think you can earn some money. It just selling it as an e-book. Heck. Yeah Amazon. Hit me up on my something. Yeah. But yeah, so that's it. That's what I've been working on. That swag. Minecraft has took a backseat because all my creative know how is trying to go into this very hard idea. I have that could turn out to be really cool. Yeah, I mean, yeah, I can completely understand that. Yeah, but how are you? How's your week been horrible? Basically, my my upstairs neighbor has just been well pursue us to stomping on the floor all day on a dark horse when she wasn't at home like the dog was on the balcony barking outside. Which yeah, I don't wait. It wasn't noisy all week. I did do a speed run though. I did play a little bit of games and I managed to get it down to one under one and a half hours, which is three go awesome. I mean, yeah, I'm surprised how many city do it. I think that's kinda I mean I put you back up on the list a little bit higher doesn't it? Yeah was actually kicked out of the top 100 and I'm back in. I think I'm 97 again. Awesome. Yeah, pretty cool. But that was about it for miweek. It's like I just wasn't in the mood to do much. Yeah. I know that feeling too. Hmm. I had to have that feeling all through the day where I just don't want to do anything and I'm like, okay, let's go to bed at ten o'clock and then it's like I have so much stuff to do like I can't sleep. Right? Well all the time. I also had like, oh I could watch a movie or something and then I was and then I finally like it take takes an hour to find a movie you want to watch? Yes. Then and then I was like I start the movie and I just couldn't get my attention to it's like no, I remember one of this and then I turn it off after like five minutes and then you stare at your screen again for like eight hours. So Saturday night, I went well Saturday I went and I played football and pulled a muscle and much pain but I warn myself out I got tired. I went yes. I'm going to get good sleep tonight. And then yeah, I know that therapist. That's awesome. Yeah. Yeah, well at 1:30 in the morning I decided to start a movie. And I remember 10 minutes and going what the heck did I just do in the movie ended like after three o'clock in the morning and I was just like I am so stupid. Oh well, I mean Also, if you guys here little Tippy TAPS in the background, I am watching my parents dogs. So instead of just Susie there are three different dogs here now and they tend to be restless. So I apologize up front. There's pictures in the disk or of those jokes. Yeah pictures in the Discord. You guys should join her Discord know what let's just go ahead and do the disk or dad right now. I was just going to do an extra one. But sure we can do it. Now. What do the Discord and now we have a Discord. It's a great place to hang with fellow withering effect members and ask people who work on the episodes questions. We should probably put a comma in there somewhere. I ran out of breath reading that it's a I mean you could imagine one that's true too. It's the best way to get in contact with us and we always love to hear from you guys. Honestly our Discord little family is growing and as yeah really cool, there's been Been chatter just about every day. So that's awesome. Yeah, really like negativity that somewhere on the some cool conversations as well. Uh-huh. Yeah, not just Minecraft wise know it's it's a it's an actual just discard Community kind of thing. Uh-huh. Everyone's very welcoming. Shall we move on to actual Minecraft? OK, let's talk Minecraft once were timid and we haven't been talking about Minecraft. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. All right. We'll start a 15 years, I guess. Yeah, let's go for and it was a new snapshot. And as I read it I completely didn't check before the show. So I got a quick check. What was in the new snapshot? I definitely rendering engine stuff the yeah. What are they calling it Blaze 3D something like that. What what what's the tri-di biome thingy or is this something else kind of so they've got a new rendering engine that is Going to help make Minecraft perform easier on your PC, right? And that's what the 115 is all about. That's why I won 15 such a small update the whole another update which we'll talk about later is a 1/16 update 115 is all about bees bugs and getting this rendering engine and okay and I want to say that snapshot that have a lot of bugs such as like nether portals. Going above just about anything else. So when you look at another portal, the little glowy part of the portal is sticking out and doesn't really look correctly or when it rains the rains behind everything else. So it looks funny same thing with water. So it's going to need some tweaking it needs some tweaking. Okay, like everything Minecraft in the meantime. I quickly looked at the snapshot. Dentist been the some small nice little changes, I guess. Hmm. Let's see. I ruined our state they now must me by my mind with a pickaxe else. They won't drop us an item make sense to me. Yeah. I mean it's a small change doesn't affect that much. Nah melon stem some pumpkin stems attached em Snowdrop their seats again when broken cool and this one I actually Anna like real snow places facing the player rather than always North's out. Yeah, he places the way you face it. I like that. I love that. That's awesome. I don't know what this means lightning lightning lighting of blocks in the Infantry has been swapped from being dark on the right to being dark on the left. I mean, I know what it means but it doesn't make sense to me. So exhume of oil went over this in one of his snap. Shot videos, but I'm very creative mode and you have all the blocks sitting there and you look at it. You can kind of see the direction of the light flip-flop depending on like the block and stuff. I'd never noticed that it well. We'll talk to Carl see if you can't get a link to exhume his video and there because he goes over pretty well. I'm sure we can better than well as some changes to Texas. I'm not gonna go through them. That seems small stuff. Yeah. Let's talk about the biome vote because yeah, we didn't get to really talk about the last biome before the last podcast went out. And that's the one that one did you actually vote? I did not actually okay me neither. Like I said Saturday, I was out playing football. I was not home all day. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I wasn't I wasn't my parents. So I wasn't at home either. I didn't get the chance to watch the whole thing either so I would have voted for mountain. It's senior to you one, but then again the ones I voted for on every other vote have never actually won. So maybe it's a good thing. I don't vote. Yeah, maybe you should stop voting. Yeah, so Mountain we guessed correctly. There's goats there mountain goats. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks purple: we upload that the soudan and the day after we recorded that episode and then the day after it was it was announced that I was like, wow, that's It's it's awesome. I don't expect that. We did we also mentioned Mountain generation. Mmm that's going to be in there. It's like ya know what more gangs doing before they do it or they're finally starting to do the cool stuff. Well, and then we also called that 115 wasn't going to be a big update and that they were saving everything for 116. Which also kind of seems true. I'm telling you guys. We need to be more popular to get your Minecraft news here because we're guessing on all cylinders, right? Maybe you're going to get your red dragon Red Dragons one per episode. Yeah. I wanted to help you out this stuff. That's like my little trademark thing instead of just Red Dragons TM. It's Red Dragons one per episode. Yeah mountains super excited about that. I was upset that mountains didn't have a new tree and then we had the Weather update so now I'm not worried about that anymore. Yeah. Yeah 1.16 another update that that got me excited a lot when I so the way I cause I didn't watch the whole mind going string thingy. Right? I should have read like that that the top line on the video or I went to that page for something and I was like, oh never date so I didn't I was kind of weary but I got really excited by what I saw. Yeah, that looks amazing. Yeah, but I guess we'll go over that a bit more in Diaz with a blanket that's like our main topic today. So yeah go we'll come back to it. Well, I will talk a bit more about that later. Yeah, and another thing that kind of got me excited. What's that? They're going to use illusion hours. You're gonna add them to rates apparently in the future. I don't know when we'll see. I know they originally were supposed to be enraged but then they said that made the raids too hard. So they took have me our maybe they wanna make it a bit more difficult. Maybe they're gonna only that them and in hard mode or something. Huh, it'll be very interesting to see and I kind of welcome it. I have not done a raid yet just because that's not my cup of tea so I don't bother but I want to see the illusion are in the game. Anyways, I think it's a very cool mob. So Heather cool mechanic. It had a nice Echo stay at the invisible guys, right then the last one real one and then yeah and then like duplicate to like four or five of them or something like that. Yeah. It is cool mom. Yeah. I thought it was cool. Also in news, that's awesome. We're gonna get a real Minecon again. Something called the Minecon Festival boo boo know I like that they do it, but they should have done in Europe. Yeah, so it's going to be in Orlando Florida, which means I have the option to finally go visit one of these so I'm thinking next year for Minecon. I might go visit if anyone wants to meet up just Am I mean I woot but I doubt I get the chance to its survival and I met you go to Disney World. I really don't care. You can go to Universal Studios. I'm not much of a theme park right guy, and I gotcha. I love theme parks. I usually like to hang out right or isn't that many people and there's more like nature stuff. That's true. You're not going to get that early on the floor. Well, don't you have like some what is it Big Swamp kind of famous thing and that's the Florida or something. Yeah, that's the Everglades and you got to go past like Fort Lauderdale. I think to really get to them. It's far away from Orlando. I guess I think that's like another four hour drive. Oh, no, that's all right, but it's Florida. So there's people everywhere. It doesn't matter where you go in Florida. There's people I mean, I don't mind people but you know crowd it. I don't like crowds. Yeah for people who don't I was born and raised in Tampa, Florida. So I know firsthand we keep going home to visit family and it gets more crowded and more crowded and I'm just like, oh my God, there's too many people. Yeah. Try driving over the Sunshine Skyway and it takes like three hours because traffic For what distance it's if there was no traffic. It's like a 15-minute Drive boy. Really? What peeps man even too many people imagine that geez. Yeah. So Minecon, I'm probably going to go use it as an excuse to go see some family because I don't think I've been home in like three years. You just want to gape Yeah, and I want to keep who doesn't want a cape. Well, I don't know. I don't know if I'd actually go into Minecon because I don't know how expensive it is. And if I'm in Orlando, I'm going to like Universal Studios, not Disney World cause I can't afford Disney World, but I'm going to be pricey. I can see how you wouldn't go it. I mean, it seems like fun to visit once but yeah, well Universal I want to say is like 90 US dollars, so it's not horrible dang. But yeah, when compared to like Disney World, I won't say it. 200 what she's all right. Yeah, if I'm going to Disney World it I'm get one them package deals for multiple days and I'm having friends join in and get that discount. Plus I got my granny and I like hey Granny, I need your resident discount because you live in Florida so I can get some tickets to Disney World. No, no. Okay. Yeah. Well if that's got into it gets better. Yeah, and what's that's and she's she senior citizen to so the senior citizen discount on top of the resident discount. You guys don't tell Disney when I'm doing I mean you're talking about it in a both cost. Yeah. I know I'm screwed. It's a Minecraft both girls kissing. Thank you that yeah, we're getting way off topic again, but I love it. I love ranting and raving on you guys. Are they getting your you're like weekly session of mental stability. I need a podcast does just 30 minutes of crap. Dad says, I mean if they could be included in the what we have talks about doing like yeah. The random sort of chitchat as a separate thing. Yeah, and we need to bring that up with you guys again because we're actually hitting the viewer counts that we were guarding talk about it. So you guys have been awesome and we've been thinking about bringing a secondary podcast this podcast would obviously stay exactly the same will talk about Minecraft will get off topic every once in a while, but then we'll have a secondary podcast where it we're not aiming for the hour time limit like we do here where we just talked about. Any random thing it could be movies that came out that week or maybe there was a new game. That's not Minecraft who both want to play or something like that random space. Basically, we kind of hang out with a microphone and able and we basically yeah, so let us know if you guys want that. I think that could be really fun. Yeah. I think that could be interesting but let's get back on topic of Mine Craft and Minecon do another disk. Correct. Like I think they've got their Discord pug puppies Community Discord. Yep. Alright, so let's get to the to the main to the real deal. Yes. Yes Minecraft 115 and Minecon 2019 you go ahead because you wrote most of the the topic for today's discussion down. So I'll let you lead and I'm just going to kind of fill in some blanks. I wrote a bunch of thing sound. It was mostly thinks that I was like, well, I like this or I don't like this. Yes, I got to say there wasn't much I didn't like the first thing that stood out obviously in the first thing I was curious for was which but which buyer one Wait, obviously, it's the mountains and I'm really excited for that because it was my favorite in the main reason why it was my favorite was because I had the idea they were aiming towards having sort of generation in improvements which turned out to be true. And even though it's just in one biome. I think that'll be a step towards working to a bigger generation rework. Yeah. I Yeah, I agree. Yeah 100% but then I saw this post on Reddit that said the mountain biome wasn't coming to Minecraft to 117. Wow. Really? Yeah. I have a I don't know who posted it but I have the picture and I'll post it to our Discord. So Carl knows put it in the show notes, but they did like a breakdown of what's coming in 115 116 and then they have the mountains biome in 117. Oh, I didn't actually pay attention to when it You released I didn't I don't remember hearing assuming would be released and 1.15 but that was a that's what I thought and this could be totally wrong so take it with a grain of salt I'm just going to post hey I saw this you guys tell me if it's right or wrong or not but yeah if it's 117 it's like why did we have the vote then unless they're really planning on 115 and 116 coming out relatively quickly I mean, yeah gold. Sorry, they Said 115 by the end of this year, which probably means May of next year with the way it's been and then 116 was going to come out before summer of next year, but that probably means Christmas of next year. I mean one 116 is pretty much the size of flight 113 and 114. Yeah. I'm good. I'm gonna say it's gonna take a bit longer than half a year, but he knows yeah, I mean think about what they did on Team creating all those new biomes in the ocean now, they're doing that in the nether. Yeah. I feel it's about the same among the stuff. They're adding hmm. I agree that critic might be more difficult to set a lot of like mops going on all the fishes and dolphins well as true, and then you mix water in there. That's always write some coding physics challenge. So I think the the nether will probably be easier. I mean, I don't know that this is Way Beyond what I know about About coding I mean that's yeah, that's a big game they have but yeah, I got I got really excited by the mountains. And then what else did I wrote down? I should have read through my note before the episode big coming so prepared today guys. Well, I got really prepared because I prepared over the weekend. Yeah, and then I should have read through it now. It's all right, though. Well, you said you had all your notes done this weekend. I almost contemplated be like Let's just record it over the weekend real quick, but then I had stuff come up and I didn't have time. Yeah, I figured I'll just get it done. I don't know why but I'll get back to what this is actually from 1.15. So I thought the mountains was from 1.15, but I guess it's not that we got a honey blocks, which had I told her kind of fun. Yeah. I did not see a lot about the honey blocks from what I'm hearing. Is there like slime blocks, but they stick to everything. Thing and can get it. Did you like better tease something? Yeah, if you walk on them, then you can't you can only jump like half a block. Hi. Hmm. It's well, I don't know I kind of like that. It seems completely useless but I like the feature or someone tell me like if you put an armor stand on top of a honey block and you move the honey block around the armored Saint moves with the honey block because it sticks to it. There will be awesome. Yeah, that could be kind of cool. Yeah. Yeah, I think the only block could have a good potential of changing Redstone. Yeah, my first like what I find it. Yeah. My first thought was does it act like Soul Sand in were so sad in a hopper underneath it will obviously pull an item through it. It's like one of the only full blocks that can pull an item all the way through without it being a copper mine cart. All right, I didn't I didn't know but I think the way you like you brought up salsa, and then I guess it's a good A way of saying like this is kind of the Soul sound of this line. Yeah, like who knows? It might have a lot of similarities? Yeah, do you sink down in it? Like you do sauce and we know you stick to it, which is something different than slime blocks. Slime slime blocks you balance. How do you block cheese stick? Yeah. Yeah, I like that. They added sort of a new kind of thing sticking to something. That's new if I fly into it within a light trap. Well, it'd be like I get stuck in a spider web. Well, I just slowly slide down the block. Well, yeah, I saw you could slide down the side of the block sort of like a stair. See I did not know this. I wonder if you can climb up in them as well. I don't know but I think they're really interesting. They have a lot of potential I think. Yeah, I agree. I think it's going to be really cool to play with it. And I think it's going to change some Redstone somewhere. Oh, yeah, for sure. It's Jonathan everything that gets added changes Redstone somewhere. Well, just because it's sort of what stickier than slime or something. So I think the work fun with pistons. I wonder what people are gonna do with that. Yeah, my big thing about the mountain biome vote. I know we keep saying it's 115 even though it might not be but snow or snow. What does that mean? I don't know. I wish I knew. I'm gonna guess they're just going to add different kinds of snow. I guess I was thinking it's going to be like the ice how you have ice pack ties to the blue ice. Could we get snow stairs? Maybe be able to build like snowy Peak loose purple runs. I don't know snow Fortress Is how do you call them? Yeah, maybe no no snow stairs. Why not? What the heck is snowy or snow? Maybe maybe it's more like real snow. Like you can sink into it a little bit Yeah. Well, I kind of hope it's like non spawnable blocks. Can we beat files on when it's actually snowing like now know when it's know she just got one layer but if there was already a layer of gets another layer, that would be awesome. Hello should leave it running for really long. You would just get really tall. You just gonna drink fill to build living or maybe it layers snow layers until you get to that one layer before it becomes a full block and doesn't go any higher than that. Oh, yeah, that could be I'm sure they'll figure something out. If that's the case, yeah, who knows? I'm glad mountains one. I don't think swamp is going to add anything crazy frogs were okay, but basically it's a rabbit in a swamp. I like the boat just thingies as well. I wasn't too excited about the trees because well mainly because I didn't expect them to actually I don't know I thought they would maybe be disappointing. Yeah. I mean I pretty much expected the trees. To just be bigger oak trees. Yeah using the same texture and everything. But I don't really know who know me really they say they'll eventually launched them. So we'll eventually know. Yeah, I'm still waiting on the ones from last biome vote, but you sure and that's been a while back already that biome vote. I know right? Couldn't we have got those in 115 at least? Just add them. I mean we should we've said this so many times already. I mean just don't even make an update for it. Just add them dead. Don't show me what I can't have. Okay? No, so don't want to move it about the REM do we? Oh, yeah, we can move on as well. I was curious what you told about the ram. That's how it's cool. Right? I'm a mountain goat. I can't remember. Yeah. I don't know. Eight at the mob. I have a feeling you'll be able to get wool from it, but it won't be as much as sheep. That would make sense. Yeah getting some wool from it. Yeah, I want to say it's going to be kind of aggressive more than not gressive. Maybe something like llamas. Yeah, if you attack them they're going to be annoying exactly. That's what I was thinking like it does like a half a heart of damage, but it's going to keep bugging you in with its head. Yeah. I know. I am America's mountain goats have horns, right? Yeah, there could be a potential to add like maybe an item to the game - true some crafting. I mean, yeah make a trumpet out of it when I know goats like the climb thing. So they just going to constantly try to get to the highest point. I'm sure they'll be bouncy. Yes, the gonna jump all over the place. I don't know. I got the feeling. I kind of agree with that will be cool. If you could write them and then right over mountains better or something. Yes, maybe they help you get through snow or snow. Maybe we're going to get sleds. Ooh, that will be cool. Mmm. Whatever be awesome. Yeah starting to sink in now, isn't it? Yeah, it took a few seconds, but thing that's a good idea. Yep. Okay, so we're going to end on a good idea there. Let's go to 116. Yeah, cause that's that's the big thing right? That's the big thing. Wow. Yes beep. Yeah, it actually says that in the notes I gotta yeah, dude. It's actually in the notes. So yeah Carl. Well, I mean, we're through start then that are they yeah, they I mean I feel they did a lot. They gonna add bio student other which I think is awesome. Yes. I kind of like being in another already. I'd like to and I thought it was a really scary place and I'm really comfortable in it. But that opens a new new sort of perspective on it and I love to explore that new nether. Yeah the to me the nether now feels like a place. I want to go travel through. Yeah, this is not gonna be the same all red. It's going to have variety and colors and stuff. Yeah, whereas before you kind of enclose your tunnel or you build it really high. So it's it's whatever you want now, it's like well, it'd be kind of cool to have Windows and look out into The Nether and all that stuff. Yeah. Yeah, especially the the forests they looked really well really cool colorful. Yeah. I'm excited for blue fire. Oh, yeah same here, and I'm sure. I mean it's kind of work when you light source and so I guess that's just going to work in the Overworld as well. Yeah, I think I remember them saying it's going to work. No, as long as it's on Soul Sand it's going to be that's going to make so much cool like magical places. Hmm, which had some stuff. Yeah. I saw some new glow stone as well. I think I saw that too. I didn't know if it's glowstone, but it sort of looked like it. I want to call it new glowstone to it kind of looked like an orange that was sliced and put on a black but right I can't remember if it's low. I mean, I guess I can tell it was in the nether. Yeah, everything is maybe some new kind of order that could be I guess, huh? I mean with all these changes that I can't really I don't I think I saw something about new or type they can I don't think I did either. Okay, I mean maybe that's going to be it. I want to lean more towards its kind of a new glow stone. Yeah, that was my impression as well. Well, maybe it's like a new fruit or plant or something. Oh something edible. Yeah, because Italy because they mentioned food in the nether was a thing now and if you saw from the video there are tons of new mushrooms. So I had missed that I didn't seen you mushrooms. I mean I could see at least five or six new kinds of mushrooms in one picture and I went to Cali they're like blue and orange red. Why create new to new mop stay at goes. Yeah. Well, they're gonna add new mopes, but they drop meet the Beast. Yes, but can I honey on it? I mean, let's hope your find you'll eventually get your honey on meat but I didn't read anything or see anything about it. Yeah, I haven't seen that either. I wish I could say. Yes. I just want to put honey on my meat. I told those new Mobs were really cool though that bilgin stare cold. Yeah, they look like actual never pigs. Hmm. I think it's a shame there yet another humanoid. Yeah, but I really like the way they look they look like War Hogs. Yeah, and they gonna add some new kind of trading systems, you know, you know what they look like. They look like a pink version of that guy and Star Wars Return of the Jedi that like guarding Jabba the Hutt who gets thrown into the Starlit or not. This are like spit but the guy what do they call the guy? I don't know Star Wars nerds. You know what I'm talking about. It looks just like him. I I know Star Wars but I don't know that seemed well enough to know the guy next to each other. All right prepared guys, we're gonna we're gonna do some ranting. So in Return of the Jedi Luke's at Jabba the Hutt's palace right? He's trying to convince Java to let Han Solo go and everything, right? Yeah, and then he gets strong down in a bit. Right? Well, he gets thrown down in the pit with a Anything there's another guy in there. I guess it's time for me to re-watch the movie yet. All right, guys your homework. Go watch your turn the Jedi tell me what the heck that thing is and why do our penguins look like it? I mean, I'm sure there are some well, I don't know if they listen to our both girls, but I'm sure there's some people in the world who told his language. Yes. Okay Star Wars rant over back to why I can't put honey on my meat. Oh, well that looks why I guess we should ask me. Minecraft yeah. Yeah. Why can't we do that? I want that honey. Such a cool thing. You should be able to add it to food sources. Did they like even say anything about adding a function of it? Or I don't think so. I'm not seen anything like that. Well great. I guess we'll just have to I mean, it sounds like it's gonna be a kind of disappointing food source, but hopefully they change that. Yeah. Also you can set your spawn point in the Now, yeah, when's that gonna be a descendant 1.15 or so the 16? I don't know I heard about that as well. But I didn't I wouldn't want to say 115 because I mentioned that you'll no longer have to sleep through the night to set your spawn point. You'll just have to click on your bed. Oh, right. Yeah, so I would hope that would transfer into another but you still have that whole click on a bed in the Nether and you set off a nuclear warhead. Hmm. I mean it would make Sense, if they added when they update the not are as well. That's true. Well, we'll just have to wait and find out I guess I'll go get the corrected in the discard go. So let's get back to well. We're kind of store that 1.16. What else do we get? We get new trees. Yes, we get never trees. I saw blue ones and red ones. I hope we get new wood with that. I mean I can't imagine it would be like oak wood. No, well, they had like these veins and all right. Yeah, I know. Yeah, I'm just assuming we're going to get new a new week type because yeah, well guys to be so here's what gets me so they have these like a red and blue veins in his new Woods. Yeah that going to be like tree sap or we going to be able to get the tree sap out of those woods. Maybe you know, it sort of looked like glowy vines that grow on it. That's something that that could be it too. Oh, thanks guys doggies. Yeah, that one's knees. Yes one sneaky. Well bless you. Yeah don't know which one but yeah, so they could be Vines. I thought they look like veins but I don't know. I watched it two or three times trying to figure this out. But there's definitely New Leaf blocks. Yeah that to do it the way I kind of saw the veins. They just looked like they were part of the bark didn't really expect them to be separate. Yeah. Yeah new leaves that that's going to be interesting. Yeah, and they're different colors. They're not green. We have red and blue leaves finally. Well, I was just starting to think like how would they react and over worlds? Oh true. I wonder if they die in the Overworld and you have like gray kind of like how if you take Coral out of the water? It turns gray or like regular leaves to change their colors a little bit depending on which bio on there that her to maybe they have the same subtle kind of change like they just get a bit the Lord but still be right. Blue but what if it's suggestion it what if it's just one tree type and depending on where in the nether that tree grows it changes from Blue to red or red to blue. Oh, yeah, cuz where I saw the triste were sort of entire that coal or biomass, I think yeah, if you look down they have like no other grass now and that's colored red and blue too. Yeah. Yeah, they didn't even read something about that. I don't know if it's going to be cold and that are gross or something else or yeah. I don't know what nobody thinks that nothing gonna add. Yeah, we they going to add some new kind of trading as well. I don't know if you looked into that. We've heard about that against so I heard I was going to work which basically is you throw a gold bar at them and then they they can throw something back, right? Which I thought was kind of cool. Yeah and tune it all depends on what they throw back at you obviously, there's going to be a loot table with percentages of what they throw back at you if they're just throwing like a gold sword at you and it sounded like it's not going to be an effective trading. We like regular villagers, right but it does sound like day the way they're going to update another a said it's a sir. - both spoke like you could just go instantly into the another soon as she's falling in the world and survive. Yeah, and I'm sure that's going to be like some hardcore players world like that. It's like day one in the nether don't come back out. Yeah, probably I mean with the new not on that that's actually like you would stay sane. Yeah talking about the trading system when I heard about out it to me it kind of sound like this was a trading system. They were going to use for 114 and they realized that players were really attached to more of the older way. So they just kind of made a better older way and then took this trading system and put it with the pig limb guys. If that think I follow yeah, I didn't even think about that. Maybe yeah, because the thing about you can hold an item up at a villager and he'll tell you what he trades or what he would trade for that now anyways, mmm, so they just basically took that concept and said hey, I'm not going to tell you what I'm going to give you, but I'm going to give you it. Yeah, I mean gonna make sense. It could be a stretch but I'm going to keep stretching because we have guessed right so much on this Minecon announcement that who knows we've got to be right at some point. Right if we just keep saying stuff. Yeah, I do. It'll become true. Maybe somebody is listening. Yes. If you are listening tell us please. Oh, we shouldn't forget another cool thing about the pilgrim is that they are going to attack other mobs. Yeah, that looks sort of effect. So once I am worried though, like if they had take a Zombie Pigman instead like a skeleton and taking a zombie pigmen and you're screwed when you're around or I'm gonna be safe when they do that. I don't know but I also looked at like, okay, so you have gold Farms right? Well if they go around just killing Pigman now you have no gold Farm. Unless they drop gold too. But now I've now what if they're taking out wither skeletons before you can take out with their skeletons. Yeah, what if they take out the piglet Beast that you use to get food before you could take it out? Like it's are they just going to Rampage the nether to the point where there's nothing but them in there at the time. How is that going to work? Well, I'm sure I mean they're going to have some spawn requirements. If they're going to spawn like another big like the pig now we got now that that actually could be an issue. Yeah, but just because you mentioned that I guess they're gonna spawn in certain areas maybe to get a their own biome. Maybe it's going to be like Villages. They just have a yeah or a little Adria Pillager Outpost I should say. Yeah. I think that that last one is probably that seems likely like they're gonna have some kind of outposts. Village kind of deal yet me when make the most sense. I just like how if you go digging through their chest they get all angry at you and stuff. Yeah, and they don't attack you or something when you wear gold like your sweater invisible if you wear golden armor instead like they are really after gold always or something. Yeah. I'm not sure exactly how that works because I don't think their whole stole to watch you anyway, and I should provoke them. It would give golden armor a purpose because let's face it right now. It really doesn't have one. Yeah, but then again, it's not really a big enough purpose for me to say. Oh I need gold armor. Well, so I mean it's smokes, right? So yeah slap him in the face with my sword exactly. I have so many little clips of me saying stuff that if out of context would be extremely bad. So please don't take my words out of come on. X well, maybe somebody's going to make a song out of that. Please don't. Okay, I'm still in one of yours because I've been wanting to talk about it the target block. Oh, I completely forgot about that one. Yeah, I think it's kind of exciting and kind of kissing here. I hope it's able to be moved with a piston. Well, I saw the target block and I was like, oh that's cool mechanics. And then and then I kind of jump to another thought I was like, I want to see what Alton he's gonna do if this yes, that was my first thought was I want to see what Omni can do its Target block. I kind of stopped thinking because I can't make as good as a game with that. Anyway, so just let all the do his magic on those and I want to see what happens with that. Yeah. I still went back to I think buttons are the best Bullseye. I thought the target block was really cool in the fact that it could tell where your arrow was in the block, right? Yeah, but buttons are so small that they're kind of a you either hit it or you didn't there's no question about it. I mean, I wonder how accurate the target books are going to be. Yeah, you can definitely make some cool. I don't know I guess doorways by having to exactly hit the bullseye and then only something will open left or far away. Or missing the bullseye purposely on a certain section. That's even more difficult maybe trying to yeah, Mike some halfway amount of Point. Uh-huh. I think that's it. I think we covered everything. We wanted to cover 116. Do you know of anything else? I mean, we're probably forgetting something but I didn't write anything more down o sauce and valleys. Oh, yeah, Didn't They also add different kinds of salts? And I don't know if they a different kind of sauce and now you saw like stalagtites or whatever. They're called in caves in these valleys. So I don't know if that's going to be like a new stone block or if they're just using it to me. It looked like andesite. But I don't know. I mean, I hope it's not gonna be on the side but they had some kind of new new nether stone look or whatever. Yeah, I mean I get the feeling we're gonna get a lot of new blocks in that update. Anyway, I do too. Well. We have to we've seen so many new blocks exactly. So so we know at least like for example, they cross you mentioned. I didn't even think about it. But that's an obvious one. We saw it. It's got to be added even though nobody said anything about it. He said think so. Yeah, did you get the trees and the leaves? Yeah, and then the mushrooms you mentioned as well mushrooms. I think I saw different kinds of Soul sound. Like different textures met don't know it's a rotatable texture. Yeah, we'll have to go back and look at that that may be one of the textures they're tweaking because you had made mention the snapshot some textures got some towed it could be and maybe it's just a new texture. I mean, we'll find out soon enough. Yeah, if you guys know more definitely let us know tell us what your favorite part of 116 is going to be where you going to 115 or 117 because mountains I mean, I'm sure we'll get back through the Thule pack anyway. Yeah, and in future episodes probably pretty quick because it seems like this is this is exciting stuff. Yeah, and we purposely skipped Dungeons and Minecraft Earth that's going to be in the news part for the next podcast. We figured there's so much to cover with just one 16 exactly. Well, we're already at nearly what is it like over 50 minutes at the moment. So yeah adding those two topics that we didn't win an affair. We're taking way longer we'd have Part 1 part 2 again. And yeah, we're just save it for next week. So if you guys don't get too mad about that, I think that's the first time we actually thought we were gonna talk about next week. I think so too - we'll have to put those in the show notes immediately. So we don't forget next week. It's a good point else. Who would forget it. Yeah. All right, but you are ahead and lead us out. I'll take us out if you like the show share it with all your friends and on social. Via leave us a rating and a review that really helps us out to reach more listeners. If you would like to get into contact with the show send an email to podcast at ripple effect or tweet us or the best thing join of this court and have a chat with us. It's a great way to get in go in touch with her son. And the rest of the community as well links will be in the show notes as usual. Yeah, the show's been brought to you by Bank in myself, but also our digital producer Carl he helps make sure the show is up where it's supposed to. And not stuck in some Souls had Valley in another The Amazing Music you hear in the intro and outro was created by the one and only decoy both their social media info can be found in the description. You guys have been awesome. Thank you so much for getting withered with us should probably go drink some milk or something. Well, I see ya later. | In this honey-packed episode, DuDs and Bank discuss the announcements from Minecon Live 2019 including what they are looking forward to in bees and bugs (1.15), the nether update (1.16) and even looking as far as 1.17. Also, the Illusioner is coming to raids and there's going to be a real Minecon again and it has a new name, Minecraft Festival. Minecon roundup blog post: Xisumavoid snapshot video: Minecraft updates breakdown image: Podcast Website: Contact the show: [email protected] The Withering Effect Discord: The Ripple Effect Twitter: Hosts: DuDs YouTube: DuDs Twitter: DuDs Mixer: Banks YouTube: Banks Twitter: Banks Mixer: Digital Producer: CarlRyds YouTube: CarlRyds Twitter: Music: DiiKoj YouTube: DiiKoj Twitter: Podcast hosted by: |
You're listening to the Cannabis investing Network before we begin a short disclaimer the full disclaimer follows at the end of this episode. This podcast is a general communication and is being provided for entertainment and information purposes only. It is educational in nature and is not designed to be a recommendation for any specific investment strategy plan feature or other purpose. Please enjoy responsibly.Hello and welcome back to the Cannabis investing Network and welcome everybody to 2020. My name is Manish and I'm here with the one and only the men of the new year a be. How you doing a be new year new money. All right. Magic Manish. How are you? I'm pretty good. I'm pretty good. Well since we've been in the studio, it's been quite some time. It's been probably three weeks now two weeks three weeks something like that. Yeah. Happy New Year. Yeah you as well and I'm excited to be able to do this episode because it's been a while since we've been able to sit down and a lot has been happening in the interim. And I think also 2020 is going to be a very interesting year for the Cannabis industry in cannabis investors. So let's just get into it because we've got a lot to cover here. So the theme of this market update today which by the way is Tuesday, January. Seventh the theme is really that 2020 is the year of the boom and the bust and what that means is that 2020 will really be a year that will have a lot of mixed things happening some good some bad and it will be a year of catalysts and results but also a year of headwinds and challenges and we're going to go through today just sort of some examples of what we're already seeing. And you know how that's looking going forward. So some things will cover our we just had on January 1st legalization in Illinois comparing that to what's happening in Canada and Ontario and then looking at the overall General market with regards to Capital deals as well as just what's happening in the rest of the market. So kick head so to kick it off on January 1st of this year. We had full recreational legalization in Illinois. So Illinois is really interesting because it's about the same size as Ontario. It's just a little bit smaller, but the rollout was extremely smooth. It happened by ballots are not by ballot but by legislation and it sort of came out of nowhere, so it happened mid last year sort of out of the blue and the first of January was the first day of Sales, and it was an we've been saying for a while a couple months. Now that we thought Illinois was going to be one of the best markets and it certainly looks that way so far. So the very first day of sales 3.3 million dollars u.s. Of cannabis was sold and that is that is a huge number that is massive huge number for the first day second day 2.2 million dollars of sales. We've got 5.5 in your first two days and then the report just came out now that the first five days 11 million dollars u.s. Was sold total. Holy and in Illinois, they've legalised all products. Yeah. So I chose this flower exactly exactly. So great point so that funny enough cannabis 2.0 products are hitting retail shelves supposedly this week in Ontario. So people were able to buy Vapes or 2.0 products in Illinois. Before they were able to in Ontario, you know only by a couple of days right? But that's pretty funny. When you consider that, you know, we've been legal for you know, one and change years and and they were just legalized on the first. Yeah. Yeah, so Also another another fun fact I have you might like is that people are paying in Illinois twenty dollars u.s. A gram. You're kidding me twenty dollars u.s. Are you out of your mind? That's about 20. Wow Canadian. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Wow, and and I mean some of the box I grab some of these videos the lineups that they had on day one. Mind-boggling seriously mind-boggling one of the companies I've invested in which is a private company. They put out an email after the first day the first day they did for with to dispensaries. They did 450,000 dollars of sales u.s. In one day and I think they served 1,200 customers through to dispensaries and one day so I mean absolutely mind-boggling and by the way, they limited the amount people could buy. Why because they don't want to run out of product, right? So everybody was limited to buying like three grams maximum or something plus you could buy, you know an edible and The Vape card or whatever. It was. Yeah, and on top of that they have to pay in cash to the see these numbers. It depends actually so so states you have to pay cash for it depends what I've been to places before where you're able to pay with debit because you can be serviced by like a local credit union or something. Okay? Okay, and I've and there's other some of them like Planet 13th. Went to them they had a system that you could use your credit card somehow. So there's there's other I'm not sure about that one. Okay, but you're right cash is definitely a big one and I think a lot of people actually want to pay with cash because of the federal illegality. They're worried about sort of having a record of purchasing this product. So you're right there definitely is a lot of cash in the system and some bad news to you know today it was reported that one of the dispensaries was robbed and it's not the one that I'm talking about, but just different one I think which was in Chicago. Yeah, and I think there was actually some some violence Associated because there was some heavy security there. So so, you know, that's a problem that will probably continue until they figure out that solution to the cash problem. Yeah, but why this is is so interesting and is Illinois is going to be a huge market for cannabis. And I think that will we're going to do another episode on this but what makes a good Market, you know, what makes a great Market when you look at Illinois you've got Very permissive government. You've got a culture. I think which promotes the legal market and that, you know, the black market a lot of people are saying they don't they don't want to go to because of legal ramifications because a lot of drug dealers who Supply the product in the state's, they're not just doing cannabis. They're also doing harder drugs and that sketches people out. They don't want to go to those people. Okay, and that's what you what you realize about places like Canada in California the In the black market is so strong. It's so well-established right people have you know a friendly neighborhood person? They don't mind buying off of right right. In other states where you had the War on Drugs, which you know, I would for sure say is a bad thing. One of the effects that has is that when legalization happens people are willing to pay a premium to get the legal product, right? Which is good, which is good for investors, right? Yeah. Well, that's good for the overall economy. Yeah. Yeah for sure. I mean, I don't want to see the War on Drugs is good, but the resulting Fact that it had is good for certain States, right? And that's why I'm more bullish on the US than Canada one of the reasons at least and the other thing too is Illinois is going to be very limited license, which is sort of the Holy Grail. There's a very limited number of cultivation licenses. I think it's like 21 and there's a limit very limited number of dispensaries was about I think 43 right now for give or take and there's going to be, you know, another wave coming online, but it's still going to be very limited license and where do they stand in terms of vertical integration? Versus specialization like do you have to sell your own products? Yeah, not at all. There's no my okay. So I'm not a hundred percent sure. But what I know is that definitely the dispensaries are selling. Sorry. The cultivators are selling into the dispensaries of all kinds. Okay, if you'll see GTI green lime Industries and Cresco both have products in sort of, you know, every dispensary, right? So they're wholesaling, but then also they do own the retail locations now there is a cap on how many retail locations Can have and it looks like you could have five recreational and five medicinal. So there is a you know, there is really a tight cap on how much retail you can control right? So we're Cresco and GTI and these guys will make the majority of their money. I think will be on the wholesale side Gaucho although initially. Absolutely. They will make a lot of money on retail as more retail licenses rollout that will become a more competitive game, but wholesale they will really have a huge Advantage because some sorry I should also point out that one of the reasons it was such a smooth roll out is because they had an existing Medical Market. So they already had these dispensaries that we're doing medical sales. They already had cultivation for the medical side, right? Obviously, there's a huge ramp up that has to happen, right because you have way more demand now, but at least your systems are already in place gotcha, right. It makes it a smoother roll out. Yeah. So Cresco, for example, I think they can have up to six hundred thousand feet of cultivation where all the new players will have maximum 200,000. Okay, right and even then too. Without a significant grow takes so much capital. I don't think it will be easy for anybody else to come in and challenge them unless it's another large MSO. That's really well Capital. Right? Right and especially in this market to rights always it's getting harder right very difficult very difficult to call back layers for cannabis companies that alone cultivators. Yeah raising Capital. So yeah, I mean, that's something very compelling Market. Yeah, and I mean that's real fundamentals were talking about their I think when we when we finish this year, we will see very strong. First year sales in Illinois, and I think we will see it ramp over the next two years as well. Right? So 2020 in a lot of ways is going to be a year of ramping sales and that is probably the biggest positive I can think of for the yeah. Yeah. So let's compare that to Canada and Ontario and actually there are some more good news. I think so in the next quarter, you know, let's say three to six months first half of this year for sure. We will see about 45 new dispensaries open and Cheerio, so, these are the dispensaries that were already granted licenses last year, and they're just in the process of scaling out now, and then additionally, I think just today the the website tool to become a retail dispensary operator was opened up to the public. So anybody can apply now to become an operator? Okay, so that's not that doesn't mean that you can apply for a for a location yet or for a dispensary. You're just you're just applying. To be approved as an operator who can then apply for locations? Okay, right. So that's the difference but what that you know as we've discussed already, we will start seeing new licenses being granted starting in April at 20 a month. Right? So we'll have 45 new stores come online, which is basically going to Triple the store account right that we already have so that's going to be a very immediate effect in the first half of the year and then throughout the year and Beyond we will have more storms popping up. We should have forty five stores in the first half and then another hundred and sixty licenses granted throughout the year, but those will also take time for those people to open up and scale up and etcetera etcetera God but that is positive news. Did they say how many dispensers are going to capita? There's no cap mentioned yet. But if you just take 20 a month, right that would be theoretically about 250 a year that you're cut you're getting right? So this year you'll get a hundred sixty. We already had will already have about board we have about 70 right so you get Up to about 230 by the end of the year and another 250 but next year. So by the end of next year, we should have 500 licenses in Ontario. Wow, people estimate that the number we need is about a thousand but I also think hey, you know what like 20 a month is a really solid number, right? That's a good ramp up. Seeing it the first year. You got 25 25 the first year, right? So yeah. Also I have to you hop, we have to appreciate that. There's you know, if it goes too fast you can get pushed back in opposition as well for sure. You need a little bit of a measured rollout. I do think this A good solution and this this actually adds a lot of light at the end of the tunnel and actually report for another day is that they stats Canada released a really cool report on the first year of cannabis sales and they talked about online versus retail and I think the conclusion was something like only 10 to 15 percent of sales are being done online now, they don't break it out by province. But if you sort of extrapolate that to Ontario that means there's a lot of money being left on the The table and the retail is going to be the so the answer to unlocking a lot of that, right? Yeah, so we'll see that play out. Now what I'm very excited for us. This is even more good news. There's more of it rolling out here. So the 2.0 roll out in Canada. Technically, it was legalized October of the of 2019, but that was just the sort of opening window that you could apply for your product. We were hoping to see something on shelves in December. It did not happen. We will be seeing Things on shelves in January there was a interesting sort of collection of what's being presented. It's mostly vaporized product so far. It will be some edibles. It will be beverages. There's a couple of T lines which look interesting. But so far it will be a very limited role out and they will probably be sold out almost immediately. The interesting to see well, but again, this is a big Catalyst for the producers because this is the high margin extracted product. We've been talking about forever and I think I read a the best comment I read about this online with somebody said it will probably be very similar to the flour roll out, which is that initially it will be under supplied. The prices will be high. It will be, you know, very hard to get your hands on. Yeah, and then somewhere along the line the switch will flip and it will be over Supply. And we'll see. Yeah, I agree. I wholeheartedly agree with that and I don't think I think you and I were chatting about that before that. It is a shorter term window 18-24 months. That's just my guesstimation of when we think that's going to happen because we saw that happen with flour think very similar role that's going to happen with with the extraction to but nonetheless, I mean, it's still an opportunity and it's the not Patrol for sure has me excited for it for sure. And and this is what we need. Right? We need people going out to stores and buying stuff. Yeah excited and spending money and that's what I Think is going to happen and a lot of you know, the success of 2020 Canada sales are dependent on how many stores we get open, Ontario. And what kind of how much how how well do these 2.0 products sell right and what's going to constrain them in the beginning? That's just Supply and also I think a lot of companies very prudently are taking a slow approach to the 2.0 products. Yeah, because you want to be there you want to be there in the Days, you want people to be excited about your products also a new market, right? So there's going to be a lot you're not going to get that little anymore back. Yeah percent. You know, you say you like, I'm sorry. I'm not as a feedback. But yeah feedback but also you don't have the research of what's going to sell and let's not you have thousand percent theories because so this is why employee unchartered Waters exact. Well, we can't say completely uncharted waters. It is on the legal side. But you know remember there was a Black Market at one point where all this did happen. Yeah good point and so and of other legal markets like California or whatever, right? And so but yeah, and so I think you can you can kind of take to that and sort of add to it. But I think that's where some of the advantages could kind of go to some of these the the black market guys that are going late Market. They had that I guess I don't a cop 360 feedback or whatever. They had that touch point with their client or the customer and they knew what sold in what did in right. So with with this it'll be interesting to see what actually sells and what doesn't actually sell. Yeah absolutely great point and I think that one of the things that we've talked about a couple of times And I've read some interesting articles on is the beverage category. And you know, I think first of all a lot of the points are very correct, which is that beverages in the states have not taken off at all. They've been a remained a very small category, especially in relation to Edibles which have you know performed exceptionally well but to your point a be about unchartered Waters or sort of, you know, not having feedback yet. Nobody has been has had the capital and the The sort of professionalism to put into Rd of new products more so than exciting companies right canopies been spending I think over a hundred million dollars building out all of their new product lines, right? So this is really a make-or-break for them. And if they can come out with an awesome cannabis infused beverage which by the way, I am super excited for I think people are really discounting how cool these beverages have the potential to be and I'm a Believer because when I In California, you know, I had a cannabis beverage I thought was just exceptional. Right right. So I think that if these things I think that no one's ever really given this a fair Shake because it hasn't been done in the right way. So the question is can people revolutionize this right? Can we see a really good cannabis beverage come out. Can we see, you know some kind of product Innovation. We haven't seen yet. Right and how will consumers react to it? And I think that some companies will sort of take a back seat and And let other people go first. Yeah, see how see how it sells see how it does see how you know, let the Kings get worked out first so then come in. Yeah, and you know what, I agree with you. I think that is the way that it's going to kind of roll out one thing that I've I'm a big fan of beverages, you know that right? Like I've always said that cannabis beverages are going to be the end-all be-all eventually, maybe not the end obviously wrong strong statement. Yeah, they're gonna be they're gonna be a lot more prevalent than they are right now. Yeah, and I wholeheartedly believe that but the one Thing that I whenever I say this a lot of people I always get the pushback or asterisk that I always put it all depends on what marketing restrictions the Kenyan government is going to have for these beverages because if you look at other Industries, so for example, soft drinks even harder anything it all boils down to the marketing, right? The marketing is very crucial on these beverages absolutely look at the Coca-Cola and if a Christmas polar bears, they've got people who are high-fiving it was having a great time and I'm not saying that's why you bike. Coca-Cola, but it holds its mindshare right? You're right heating for people's dollars. Yeah, right and and you're absolutely right. I mean, this is why I'm saying it annoys such a good Market is because it's limited license. So it's there's a limited amount of supply and who can supply the market so we know the demand is there for cannabis, but the problem in Canada is you have too many companies too much money and not enough distribution and Retail right? But you also have marketing restrictions, right? That's okay dear mark That's what I'm getting to ready that you Have to like people designed the system in such a way that it's like oh, this is like free money. It's like shooting fish in a barrel. You can't not sell your product right but to your point. No, it's not like that. There actually is a lot of competition whether it's with the black market or just disposable income in general or whatever. So you do need you know, you do need to be able to get the word out somehow and that has been very very challenging and the Hope like beverages by the way to answer your question are under all the same restrictions as everything else, right? So, So there's not that's not really an answer. However, the hope is that maybe there will be some easing of the guidelines. You know, whether it's Health Canada, whether it's having consumption lounges something like that that allows you to get two people. I would say as investors. We certainly shouldn't assume that that's going to be you know, relaxing of the rules. No, I mean, I don't think I don't think we should I think I think the cannabis companies have to step up and get creative in their marketing, right? They know the restrictions they've seen on the drive Flower we saw with I think this Terrible examples and remember the name but Drake's company with like growth more life growth. He walks around gave everyone a torontonian of flour or whatever whoever they ran into right and they just had more life grow. So w goes exclusively pretty girls. But yeah, I think so I got one but also when you walk into a store and you see more life brother like, oh, that's a brand I know right? So that that's a very creative way to Market. I'm in circumventing the rule the whole premise of partnering with Drake and giving him the facility to your point. That is a creative form of marketing right rather than just having a mother. Well, no, no other celebrities have put their name on cannabis products before but just the way that they did it. It was so hush-hush. Nobody knew about it. They gave out these flowers to everyone. No one knew what more like growth wasn't some Instagram page are blowing up and it was like it was like Grassroots viral marketing that Instagram page, by the way, I followed it like the day it came out has like we wonder like why you think it a flower I angry message. At 20,000 followers still hasn't followed me back or still hasn't he doesn't sorry accepted my follow but I still can't because that is a great point that I didn't even think about which is that the more life growth brand has been really quiet since they made their first announcement. Right and my theory on this is that Drake is sort of the ultimate marketing tool for a canopy. So if I I was them what I would do is is really just wait not push anything out to more life growth until I have that feedback loop, right? So I know what my best products are and then I would say okay, you know Drake you have to promote this or you know, you have to but look this is the product that is the best one and this is like best represents you yeah, let's put this to your channel because this is the product that if we can get people to try it will blow up. Right right because you know to your point marketing is so hard. I don't want to like you have a limited amount of Firepower with Like I don't want to waste that on something until I know it's going to be a hit right and they can't go around giving out flowers again, you know, I mean, yeah that only work so many times exactly exactly. So anyways, I think to know we kind of beat this this point a little bit further than we're hoping to but I think Canada's companies have to step up with the marketing restrictions and just be very creative like canopy did yeah, I think another caveat to that is I'd say one thing that we saw which was which was very successful was the the formation of the cannabis. Well, as I sort of call it and that was the the LPS getting together and really lobbying the government with one voice to say look. This is what we need and it was extraordinarily effective because what happened was they got their message out in a controlled way it permeated through the media and it put a lot of pressure on the Ford government to change their retail policy, which they did right. So I think that the next phase will have to be them lobbying Health Canada in that fashion. So I think that I think ultimately there's only so much they can do when they're handcuffed. You're right. They do have to get more creative. But ultimately I think the big change will happen when they can get through to health Canada and say look like you got to help us out somehow you got a right we gotta we gotta ease some of the restrictions here, right? So I think when I think that will take time, but I think that's the ultimate move for right exactly will prepare for the worst and hope for the best right? There you go. Okay, so then flipping the coin around to the the and some of the challenges, you know, the 2.0 rollout has not has not been as not all been been so Rosy so Quebec for example, raising the minimum age of cannabis to 21, which is unheard of because they're drinking age is 18 and you never go out without that. I literally I mean nobody has 21 for anything in Canada. Yeah, nothing not for cannabis or drinking or smoking, right? So Quebec going way over the top with that and then Quebec also. Banning Vapes completely outright Banning cannabis Vapes which look like they're going to be probably the number one seller in the market, you know, probably neck-and-neck with Edibles. So everyone who's complaining about how you know, Ontario is the worst. You know, I'd like you have to acknowledge that the Ontario and the end although ensure a rollout was completely botched. It's going to be a much better Market than Quebec right and if you think about opportunity for sure you think about this logically like, you know so many open he's you know, whether it's the big LPS or whether it's extractors or whatever are relying on Vape sales. So we just lost Quebec that's like a quarter of the country to a third of the probably 30% of the country. We just lost right there right for all Vapes, right that is a huge blow and then on top of that Alberta, which has been the best province in terms of rollout has put a hold on any vaping products until they come out with a review in the spring now again, we can be hopeful that that will be Of but really as investors, we shouldn't assume that right so you've lost about half the country now for vaping and that will be probably one of the best and biggest money makers and that's a big problem. That's a really big dragon negative that I think people are sort of overlooking or not really paying attention to hmm. Yeah, and it's true. So like I said, you know, there's good and bad, right? So Ontario's going the right way. We're start but unfortunately, you know, Alberta and Quebec not so much right Albert has more of a delay Quebec is kind of yeah, that's it. Drawn the line. Yeah. Quebec is totally worse than Alberta by far for writer and then and a little fun prediction for you. Is that In I remember when I was in university many moons ago. And when I was 18, the big thing was we would go over to Montreal or Quebec to be able to drink right because you're 18, you can't drink in Ontario, but you can drink in Quebec. So a lot of the you know, there's a lot of nightlife basically in the Border towns, right? So I predict you'll have the opposite now the reverse so they raised to the Cannabis age to 21. Yeah. Well, I bet you that up and down that the head Ontario Quebec border will be a fun. Nominal place to spica cystic cannabis dispensary. Yeah because also actually Quebec has a worse cannabis distribution system. They use a centralized provincial system like the LCBO. So it's all government-run stores. So if you stick a Tokyo smoke, you know across from Gatineau or you know, wherever along the border a lot of people drive over people values are from Montreal to get it. I bet you I bet you're gonna get a ton of traffic from the local communities who come over to get better product selection. You know come over because they're only 19 and not 21. I just I think you're going to see that as a trend going into the next year two years three years, you know, unless Quebec reverses their stance, which who knows right? So moving on to the us just to wrap it up some good news from the US actually a couple of big debt deals were done in the last 30 days. Really? So cure Leaf 275 million dollar 275 million u.s. Debt raised purely debt, no warrants attached and that is a phenomenal sign. It seems to be the deal at a lot of people are doing on the street though. I've seen a lot of debt deals as opposed to equity deals right now. Well, so so yes, I hear what you're saying. I would say that especially in the u.s. Those debt deals are far and few between because it's Hard to find somebody who can cut a check for 275 million. Yeah, this is an Institutional lender who lent them money, right? So that's really impressive. And the other thing too is I think in Canada, it's the other way around where they're taking debt because the equity is not there right with cure relief. I think the equity would be there because they're one of the top players. This is more a positive sign that look we can we can actually go raise debt in this tough environment. We have an Institutional lender who believes in us, right right and to In 75 million u.s. That's a ton of money at that's the kind of dough. You need to build out the kind of footprint that they absolutely and cure Leaf is why like one of three msos that are over a billion dollars. Well, Carol Leaf is the largest MSL by any other leaders like Marshall Eve and Noah's the biggest ones right now would be here early early Cresco meant relief. Yeah, maybe Jack. No, I think GT I would be a g and then truly would be fourth. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, but Carol Leaf is one of the reasons I've always been cautious on. Pure leaf is a market cap is so large. Yeah, they do have a huge footprint. So it's kind of I guess you could say it's Justified but that's always been a point of concern for me. Yeah. This is definitely a good sign. Yeah, you know because I think this debt rolls over not for another like four years or something. So they've got some time now and some Runway to build out their footprint. Yeah, right and then along with that Harvest did a 90 million dollar US deal Harvest. I've been cautious on, you know, since things started hitting the fan just because financing was a concern Yeah, this definitely helps. I think they're going to need more money. So I'm still pretty cautious on harvest but this was a mix of debt and Equity. So this was you know, some debt some straight debt some convertible debt, and I think I think they would have preferred to do a straight debt deal. But you know, the appetite wasn't there for them the way it was for cure relief, right? So I end this also finished off one of their debt deals that they or sorry convertible Equity deals. So again, it's a big positive for all these companies because capital is so scarce right now the number one. Concern is running out of money. So that this was a really good sign across the board. Yeah, you know the numbers vary on all these deals, but it was not cheap money by any regards. So it does tell you that there is still risk here is uncertainty you got to get paid for it, but it's a very positive sign that the best operators are getting Capital, right? And as this is a note I'd say, you know, I end this in Harvest them a little cautious on just because again, they will need a lot more money to keep going. Certainly. This makes me feel better about those two operators and then lastly a piece of negative news and really unfortunate for myself because of how much you know, how much I love Florida and how invested I am in Florida. Oh, actually sorry I should just do a quick note that when we were off a short report came out on true leaf, and this was a you know, it was unclear at the time, but it was really written kind of in the style of very reminiscent of the Bria short report a year earlier and it was it was very negative and I went through it and I felt it was quite misleading in many ways. But basically what it said is that you know truly it has a lot of issues the issue that I actually agree with and that I think that people should be the most aware of is that Kim Rivers husband is on trial and is going to be is on trial in Florida and his trial date just got set for April. Okay, why that's important, you know to CEOs. Has-been who cares it's because he was a he's an Insider in the company. He his construction company did a lot of the build-out for the company not without getting into too many details. It's a real issue and I think that you know, he has a good chance getting convicted and I think that will weigh on the stock they have him on tape, there's a bunch of stuff but when you get it's a whole nother episode, but basically it's not looking good for him and you know the bet the flip side is I still I'm a big believer in true leave and the financial performance. Speaks for itself and I believe the company will get past all of this. Even if he goes down even on the off chance that Kim Rivers was to go down which I don't think will happen. But if that was to happen, I think the company would still go forward. So I am comfortable holding and I did buy a bunch actually when this report hit but I wrote sort of a point-by-point rebuttal breaking down the report and I'll put a link in there, but basically just something to be aware of I do think it will be a choppy Road. True Leaf. Yeah it like it has recovered nicely. It's gone up and down though. And I think there will be more up and down for that company, but I think the financial performance is really going to set it apart from everybody else in 2020 and 2021 right now you're into the so the last point is that one of the things we're really looking forward to in Florida was the potential for going fully wreck for it to be on the ballot adult use in November some bad news. Is that the the Initiative called make it legal Florida or or MILF for short as people are referring to it is that they have just sued the Florida government asking for more time. So without getting too much into it a new rule came into effect earlier last year which basically made it harder for measures to qualify and their argument is look that is a punitive measure. It's literally just there to stop people from qualifying ballot ballot measures. And we have enough signatures, but we can't get them validated because of the wacky system. You guys have put into place, right? So whenever somebody has to sue to try to you know, make the rules work. I always consider it like okay it's done and this is now a long shot. Mmm. That being said flower was only legalized in Florida because they sued for it so floor to the different place, who knows, but I would now look at Recreation getting the Anal vote in Florida as more of a long shot unfortunately, but we will see what happens right? So that that remains to be seen right and just to add to your point. And if anybody who just are listening on truly like focuses mostly on medical, right? So well Florida's medical only right? So that's the yeah. That's the flip side or in true leave is 95% of their business is Florida, right? So that's what they're not. I what I'm trying to say is you're not relying on wreck coming online for True Leaf to get a pop. Yeah, and others are already. Absolutely. Absolutely. That's my whole thesis on if you go back and some of the Florida episode which I you know encourage you to do that's a thesis on true leaf and Florida and general that market is phenomenal it grew about 50% and maybe even more last year and should grow by probably another 35 percent this year. They're gonna have Edibles finally launching early this year. So I think you're going to see really really good growth in that market. It's just recreational would be sort of the Holy Grail right? If we got that would probably just be a A huge pop so, you know fingers crossed but again, I wouldn't I wouldn't bet on that, right? Okay guys, that's it. That's your market update certainly a lot more stuff to come from us. We've got a episode about some predictions for 2020. We've got a episode were working on for sort of my top picks for 2020. We've got a few other things coming out. So please we'd love to hear your feedback and thoughts cin podcast at And welcome everybody to 20/20 The Roaring 20s. This podcast is a general communication and entertainment being provided for informational purposes only. It is educational in nature and not designed to be a recommendation for any specific investment product strategy plan feature or other purposes and examples used in this podcast or generic hypothetical and for entertainment purposes only none of cannabis investing Network or its Affiliates or suggesting that the listener or any other person take a specific course of action or any action at all communication such as this are not impartial. and are provided in connection with advertising and marketing of products and services prior to making any investment or financial decisions and investors should seek individualize advice from perform a personal financial legal tax and other professional adviser that take into account all of the particular facts and circumstances for investors own situation by listening to this communication you agree with the intended purpose described earlier opinions and statements of financial market trends that are based on current market conditions constitute our judgment and are subject to Without notice we believe the information provided here is reliable, but should not be assumed to be accurate or complete the views and strategies describe may not be suitable for all investors. | Happy New Year! In this market update we cover the good and bad for the start of 2020! - 2020 will be a year of Strong Catalysts driven by Fundamental Growth - There will also be significant headwinds to navigate Illinois Goes Full Rec: - Banner first day with $3.3M USD sales + $2.2M on 2nd day - $11M USD of sales in 5 days (with customers paying $20 USD/gram of flower) - Illinois will be a great market in 2020 and 2021, with a strong sales ramp and limited licenses Ontario Retail: - 45 dispensaries to open in Ontario Q1-Q2 (licenses were granted last year) - 160 new retail licenses in 2020 in Ontario (~225 granted by end of 2020 and ~475 by end of 2021) - This will greatly help ramp Canadian sales in 2020 and 2021 Cannabis 2.0 Launches in Canada: - 2.0 products shipping this week to retail and online next week (in Ontario) - These High Margin products will greatly drive sales for the entire industry - Very limited supply of products initially with many more to roll out over next 6 months - Will be similar to flower – under supply then over supply - We debate the strict marketing rules and how fast companies should be moving Vaping Bans: Quebec banning vapes and raising age to 21 Alberta delaying vapes until spring (at least) US News: - Debt Deals for Curaleaf ($275M USD) + Harvest ($73M USD) Curaleaf - $275M USD debt deals // Harvest - $90M USD debt deal - Trulieve Short Report Florida – Rec vote not looking good, suing for more time (flower got approved by lawsuit) See full Florida point-by-point rebuttal here: |
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And we've got a show for you North Hollywood the before we get started with all of that stuff. Obviously, I have to go ahead and introduce the amazing panel first up all the way to the left. We've got the mayor the governor the senator and the president ladies and gentlemen will be What's going on man? My gavel still in my luggage. But other than that, I'm so glad to be here man. We also have got TK here. You've done more shows today that I think I've done in my entire life the hardest working person in show business today TK. It's going well. I'm going well. Obviously I am pumped. I'm in a catbird seat Evan would say and I'm so I'm pumped to be here so big Shadow obviously not just to our panel. But to all the amazing people here in the chat. We've got Dylan Matthews Joseph Boza may know our Dino our all you good good people. Thank you so much for joining us. We had a kraken episode lots of great matches to good shows and row, if you're the type of person that likes NXT, I think you're the type person. Like this episode, would you guys think about it what's gonna is a great episode actually, it wasn't because sometimes you can kind of Coast like doze off and do other things but you had to pay attention to this episode. So I think it was really good episode. Hashtag black. Don't crack. I have to agree man. You know, we are all the big rumors are gets a little bit later, but you're not seeing more and more of a structure what Annex he's going to be as far as the storytelling as far as the angles are being set up an overlapping. I dug it. Yeah, absolutely and you had alluded to the big rumors and we're definitely going to get to those in a little bit. That's what we call at ease ladies and gentlemen, but first we're gonna go ahead and talk about that Undisputed era promo to start things off personally. I felt like this was a really great way to start off the show is really great showing for Adam Cole to me. It feels like now that his Feud with Gargano is done. It's really his title flow about you. He said he's the the best NXT champion of all time. Where would you rank him? Wow? Whoo, that's a hard question. I mean like he did say I mean since kids up there Finn balor's Up there, I would say thing would be put a gun to my head. But I like the fact that there was almost a bit of a wreck on there when it's promo right saying no takeover. We all got screwed but it's only a matter of time to think that the inevitable I was pretty sick, but I got to say Adam Cole top five Amy. I mean, yeah, that's fine. Yeah, he's as quick a short Reign but because yes now he's stripping. Absolutely. I absolutely love him. Now obviously had mentioned he's continuing sort of this draped and gold thing wanting everyone to have titles at EK where are You standing with this continuation of the draped in gold thing. Is it starting to feel stale? Like okay, you've been saying this for months and months or are you into it? Do you like them? Don't worry have to be consistent and it's not one of those things where we had Bianca Bel-Air where she was like undefeated and then she was defeated but she still sings undefeated. It's like a dream that you have so I buy it. I'm really into facts infections. If you watch the show often enough, I keep preaching it. So I'm always about a faction and a goal for the faction and achieving that goal until you know, there's nothing else. Else left so you know, I don't think it's old. I definitely am digging the new what's called. Well, I think you're gonna get into it but the new storyline so yeah. Yeah. I really thought this promo as you alluded to flow as well this this feeling more like a like a missed opportunity and and sort of a Prelude as opposed to a big stumbling block for them at the last take over and obviously right after the promo we go right into Jordan Miles coming out and In that contract that he won with the breakout tournament. I love how Adam Cole had this kind of high school bully attitude about him and with his with his buddies kind of egging him on and he tells miles that he should challenge baesler instead. One of my one of my favorite moments of the night obviously was him holding up the contract and then dropping it and Deuces up flow bow. Would you rather face Adam color Shayna baszler? What kind of match? Do we have a match? Anyway, I want to say that if I'm gonna go get the dream where Adam Cole you're thinking. I haven't opportunity gonna get any person out there. I was afraid that we'll go to India and a tap Champion not against dream, but the fact that why would you like any of the bottom the fact that comes out now didn't say a word and saying see you in two weeks. I'm on board. That's what was your question again. Guess. I don't know. I don't know baser seems scary to me a chance. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So TK obviously miles coming out challenging Adam Cole. Do you like this move him going right after the champion or do you think he should have like a buffer few to build him up a little bit. We rebuilt them up. You think the breakout tournament got him to that level? Well, I mean in time because you have The Break-Up turn breakout tournament you seen him kind of go through the ranks. Obviously, you know, you prefer somebody to start from the bottom and kind of with the way up but this breakout tournament put him on that list. So why not go after the top? Yeah. Absolutely. I mean, I think it's better than dragging out something. We think we already know Jesus being dragged me out. Do you think that this is a one and done kind of thing or is this going to be a few that we see build for a while? Well, I mean, we know that he won the breakout tournament for a reason so somebody back there thinks that he has the potential. So if he goes against and I'm Cole, it's not this is there's gonna be more to come there's our there's a reason why he's in that like, I mean, it's a nice like we all know that it's kind of scripted right? So there's a reason there's a reason breaking news. It's not like, you know football or any other sport. We're just like, you know, you build the story but you really don't know what's gonna happen this somebody has some type of game plan and what's going to happen. And I believe it. I'm still waiting to see a few elements, but I think you know people they've been doing and XT and WWE for a long time. So I think they have a game plan. Sure sure, and to kind of piggyback on all of this draped and gold stuff. We got an announcement that next week the Undisputed areas facing the street profits for the Tag Team titles. It should be interesting globo. Bobby fish. Most underrated heal and NXT true or very true. Absolutely true. I love you. You poopoo on Bobby fish in that group. For some reason. I do think he has the the best emotions out there. You told him about the ceilings more. He's more technically sound a lot of times. I know Colorado gets a lot of the flashier highlights and stuff and you need a straight person behind him to set up those things up. So I got to say the most under a person is in that group. I'm not sure and I randomly Jordan. Yeah. Absolutely. Absolutely angry TK IV. Okay, not everyone could be Jordan Miles either nor the projects. So ya later in the evening also we get a In dream promo, and I think Velveteen dream is going to be one of the biggest stars we've seen in decades. Hopefully, I know some people may say is not ready yet. I don't care. I think he's amazing. I think he's got gonna go so far. This guy's literally Shilling his own swag while also putting over the fact that he just defeated Pete done without having to change breasts. I thought that was absolutely amazing what they're change breaths. I guess. I've been one graph So we've got a Daniel Bryan a picture up. But but so I thought this was absolutely amazing and what you did now TK. He mentioned that he was going to challenge Roderick strong or at least implied that Roderick strong was the next Challenger. Do you think this means Pete Dunn is out of the North American Title seen or do you think we're going to get a three-way going forward again? And now we don't know. Again, like I mean for I guess both so whoever watches NXT UK, we don't know it's like this was just to create something for an XT and then move on to you know back to NXT UK. So we don't know if there's like a time stamp my almost like how the street profits are. I'm Raw just talking. Yeah, but there you can see them on NXT. So we don't know what the game plan is for for him. But the whole team dreamed I mean box office. Absolutely. He tells a great story. He has the Look, he has a different look. I mean, the only thing that will stop him main roster wise is it they just don't have the right storyline for him. Like I mean, I think mainstream Wise It's A Wrap because he just it's the timing is everything but as far as wrestling wise, you know, we've seen them do it, right and then we've seen them do it wrong. So it just depends on you know, the game plan of the powers that be yeah, it's very very important realize how important the character Velveteen dream is as nxt's During its next stage. You're going to have to find a way to present a different kind of rusting product and a character product. So if you're saying this brand has these kind of characters and that could be his into being that that household name. I wouldn't seem on Smackdown. I wouldn't I would tell you is this time I'll but that's it. Here's a here's the the clutch and I know we're going to get into the news right here the clutch the fact that there's two hours of this and it's a bigger audience. Do you really need to move now? That is a fascinating question and again something we'll get into a little bit later. You got a state to take sweetie. That's a tease. We call that he's in this industry who teases because to teases maybe three hang out for a little bit. We've got some duties and folks. I just I'm just teasing. Advertising and promoting. Why don't feel about go ahead and you go ahead and cut a promo on on these folks yourself. Sure man from humble beginnings. AfterBuzz TV has grown to be one of the biggest digital powerhouses in the world and we did it with her help but for us to continue to grow we're going to continue to help us right now if you're sitting right now you to make sure you like comment subscribe Sarah show social media. I'm just like, you know, exactly yes, but Barbershop photos I yeah, I don't appreciate that. I love that. We're going to Bunk shop. I got a huge a guy super kit. I try when he'll on Twitter and superkicked flow go through a barber shop window if you want to see we're talking about you got to go ahead and check us all out on Twitter that will give you our handles by the end of the show, like killing Dane and Matt riddle. We're going to talk about Killian day in and Matt riddle. This is a match we've seen building up for weeks and weeks and weeks and obviously started injured Matt riddle ribs, and it started with some slow kind of abdominal holes and things like that, but definitely picked up and Matt riddle just with insane crazy strength and speed totally took me off guard with him. She found the Gift Stop Loving Me Now. Yes. There's actually a second we gotta try you were sweet to Dylan Dylan. You are like the creative director for bills or anything. Yes, whatever Point. Yeah. So so anyways back to sorry back to Killian Dana and Matt riddle realize this crazy unorthodox style. I don't wrestle me throw on unorthodox style around a lot. But Matt riddle really does have an unorthodox style and TK. I'm going to go to you on this as we talked about people going to the main roster if It was promoted to yourself. No, I mean it's a shows. So like if Matt riddle was to go to the main roster. We're not talking about his character anything like that. But just the way he wrestles would he be able to do that with a Randy Orton or I can Erick Rowan or some of these big guys, would he be able to do that or is that something that he's going to have to work not even counting about character? Have you the big guys? I think it's more like the box office. And from what I've seen and you guys are definitely more in two or more years into wrestling than I am. Why See that seems like there's more Ebbs and flows. As far as Who's the champion who's not and who's surrounding them as far as what's those people go through those who go through to get to Champion. So, you know, sometimes you have them going through all these big people and sometimes it's just, you know, the middlemen and then they make it to Champion. So I think it just depends on whom a trail goes up against but I think he could connect to the audience. But again it do you really need to go into main roster now, I mean, that's it's a phenomenal question. And I do want to go ahead real quick though and comment on the more years of into wrestling. I actually take more Credence in the something. Someone says who isn't hasn't been into it as long because I think they you can see it more clearly than some people who've watched it since they were like three years old. I definitely agree on my abs look fantastic in that picture. I do have to Hell for real follow me. Yeah, but yeah, it just depends emit. Just I do agree with you some way. I think people who have been watching it since they were a kid and I didn't grow up watching wrestling but then you know, I ran professionally. Yeah and I did stuff with my life no shade, but it's just I took I took a break. I took a break from watching it and some people watched their whole life and they're very passionate. They're very connected to it. Whereas, you know, I try to you know, obviously you guys know who my favorites are if you've been watching me for long enough, but But I try to take the emotion out of it and you know see the read. Oh, yeah well and speaking, you know, obviously this was a matter it has been around for a while. But this was sort of Danes moment. I think him getting the win. Obviously, I think for a lot of us riddle has sort of proven himself flowba. Do you think Killian Dane has proven himself as a singles competitor in his return with this match or is he still an unproven commodity? It's not yet. The thing about killing Danny he's at The BC W1 over Matt real today, which I think this matters did Matt real more favors in my eyes because my biggest crap of my mat riddle was. Yeah. I love the gimmick but a lot of times how do you show me your aggression and he got that today so as far as killing and and doing that yeah, he's in the map is being a mid car talent, but he needs something longer term birth weight could be Matt riddle. But if this is going to be done and he dominated move on to somebody else then I'm not too impressed. So I think he definitely needs another program even on short one and himself on the map and I think somebody at well, I think so. Oh what color somebody ask somebody asked about Jim Jim is coming back. So just y'all don't get too excited my promos. He didn't he didn't get fired. Just so you guys know we definitely we are definitely waiting for him to come back and we're excited for another excitement, but he's coming back and he was a fantastic person. Very nice. I don't think that's very well. You know, it's the he gets the reputation he'll gym, but I am a heel Jim fan so Jim I am kill yourself. I can't wait for Jim to come back and we're going to we're going to Sweet together like that. And so so then yeah, I'm loving the angry bro thing. I feel like I like that killing Dean has brought a lot of anger out of out of that riddle and it makes him a little more interesting. So I'm excited for that. Of course then moving on. We also had me Amanda match with Vanessa born and Ally Leah pretty straightforward match, I think an outcome. We all sort of Saw coming. We all sort of expected that outcome. They're one of my favorite points of the night was when born put the lower sticker on me again. That was a funny little little Moment full about. Yeah, Vanessa born and Alia their great heels, but will they ever be credible? Can we ever seen as credible heels? The answer was no which medium should have like totally destroyed them as a proving point that she was still a hot towel. But she Russell with them for what four or five minutes long. That match should be so now I even left confidence in her stock, right? I feel like this is what I'm trying to be like, you know before the program that Shayna baszler. She not both Alia and Vanessa born. Now, you're having trouble what is going on me? Yeah. Well, maybe it's a psyche thing. Whereas like she thought she put so much stock into beating Shana. She didn't get the win and know maybe she's questioning all and this should be an angle like free fries. Now she's questioning, you know all the years that she's put in in wrestling to when am I that good? If I can't even you know, I've been wrestling longer than Shana right? And am I that good and if you questioning yourself then you know things like this happen, I'll take that but that's way more creative than was having. That's great. Now I've been shot. Yeah, it felt like a very straightforward situation. I thought they really missed a great opportunity with this when basilar came out and asked her to join her crew. I thought you could have had Really cool Nia game joining the crew and adding a second dangerous person I group and even if she's kind of the disgruntled member that eventually breaks off and challenges again. It may be is the person within that breaks up that group. Right? I think it would be a little more interesting than just I don't want to join beat down probably another takeover match down the road TK. Do you still think I know you're a big medium fan. Do you still think she's the most likely person to be the next Women's Champion or do you think this is going to be a I think we have well. That's how they're gearing it to be but we just don't know what's going to happen. The next couple weeks. Like we haven't seen Bianca that much so we don't know if they're getting her up for something. So you just know I think there's probably two or three viable options and with the big news coming to we just don't know what's going to happen with other women because I for instance I saw Chelsea Green and oh my gosh another lady another chick. They took a picture together for WWE NXT, so and there In their gear and also the stuff so it's like we just don't know who's coming down the pipes, right? And on top of that based off how NXT is like going like going towards it's not going to be giving people chances. I think NXT is gonna be a live in legitimate show and then you're going to have the house shows and the performance center shows like the Full Sail shows gonna be a little bit different. So now he's gonna be like a different variation of that. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah, I gotta say with the women's roster we're looking at Baesler. Yeah, Candace will re he. Oh sure. I Bianca's in the back somewhere. It's no less than ten talents. So if I had to guess it will probably be some sort of tournament or Battle Royal to get some new faces out there. Especially they don't do am a young they have today. I don't have to do something. I feel like there's something missing with the factors. No, man, young this year may Young's well, it seems they can just throw in there pretty quick. What kind of King of the Ring was announced one day and then suddenly there was the King of the Ring tournament throw together. You have a great you didn't need young essentially. They took people from all over the place. Not just WWE really great in these we had Madison Rayne on women's point about sleeping women's wrestling weekly a couple weeks ago. She talked about it. You had Jazzy who's on the first episode first season of Mae Young has a Gabriel. Yeah. She got she got a neck injury she came back now. She's on NXT UK you have amazing people that came on the show that are not part of them W. Whereas what we have with the men they were already signed town a little bit. Rent, so it's great to see we also have big swole are enroll those on on me young as well a little slow because of oil. Yeah, shut up a little swollen. A lot of people who weren't aware unsigned town that they were showcasing. So that's why I met you can't put that together because I think from the interviews I've done they started casting the wrestlers probably late spring to film it in early fall. So it's a little bit you can't just throw that I guess I thought I said no. No, that's I like that. I like a Raging Raging just try. I feel I am I am worried trust crying. So I didn't mean like they could just I guess what I meant from a what we see on TV. It could be announced quickly for all we know they are trying to put this all together behind the scenes and so But if they were to come out with a commercial tomorrow saying in three weeks, it's the Mae Young classic. We would say, okay that makes sense as opposed to it does I don't know if we necessarily need a long build to the show start itself on TV I guess is what is where I was coming from but I love tournaments. I said on the the main roster shows, I love tournaments and things so I would definitely love some more of that. But while you're nice and fired up and angry, I would love to segue. I'm not angry and I'm fired up that into a little segment. We call the Boudoir brought to you by Center in the skincare and candles fighting super basic. So today's Boudoir a couple of new people. So Vanessa born, you know, I think she's you know, she's despite the fact that a lot of us on this panel of you know weeks and months. Don't feel like she's gonna make it to the top. She's been there for a minute and I believe she also she did actually debut with me young as well. So kudos to her and then another Boudoir member Adam Cole. Okay. Yeah. Well different. Yeah, he's been he's been getting some some cut arms to he looks like he's been doing some some curls some tricep extension. And the shirt and he's had the Chicago Bear shoes. I thought you gonna talk about this chest or something. I was like, where are you going with this what I mean, you know I missed that tricep. I can't lie about that, you know. On a show saying you've got a great-looking chest. So Jordan Miles, she's got a great looking chest. So Dylan you know what to do. So this is an iconic episode. So so obviously we've teased it a few times and now is the time obviously NXT is going live on USA two hours every Wednesday. What do you guys think? Well, if you want wrestling, it's all good for everyone is he always want more spots with people to get their good work and working their Crafts People to get into the Brand's. My concern is one of the cool aspects of edx. He for me it was that was only an hour see if it's best to much time in it. I am worried the to our expansion that some of the storytelling may fall apart maybe but after the fact where I'm like, I'm not gonna give a shot or it's right it Start program ever wrong. I think it's good idea for all I mean NXT has great character is and we even though our ation with raw, they still put out three hours of content every single week even on holidays, and I'm sure and they do a really great job with Smackdown as well. I'm sure they can do this pull this off with NXT because there's a lot of people and XT locker room that we don't see with that our so I am not a fan of the two hours either but that's more personal thing because I watch all of this stuff plus interviews to prep for all these wrestling shows. So that's more of a personal thing and that was just watching TV to watch TV. And you know, I'm dozing off getting ready for bed and not you know, sneak in this thinking that then yeah, we're from the but I'm watching it with the purpose of us being here. It's like yeah, he was always an hour. It was pretty much match batteries promo front a sperm whale a match and I reload the two hours you're gonna have a lot more things to fill it because you can put 40 guys or girls people every week when the same matches so you need things to break things up segment. So that's what I hope. It doesn't become a third brand that way right? All right. Well, yeah, but Tell him it's great. I think it's if you're on that brand has chosen talent that on NXT. Yeah voice said, what are the what are the hidden bonuses? That NXT has is that you don't see the same people every week and that you wait two or three weeks between seeing people so we probably won't see Adam Cole next week. And while I like Adam Cole it's kind of nice to not see him every week because then every time I see him, I'm like, oh this is greater when Velveteen dreams music hits every time I owe this is great. Right, but are you other side mounted then XT UK is going to be like dabbling. Did they say anything? That I did not mention. It hasn't been announced but I don't see why they wouldn't yeah, but I guess one of the the positives because I was want to try to look at this as a positive. We always talk about how we want to see more people like a keighley and all these other people who don't get a chance to be on the show and this could be that opportunity to see more people like a Keithley and I always think that's good anymore opportunity to see people there is a lot of wrestling on TV right now, which I think is going to be a very interesting. Because there's also other companies that are getting TV shows ew a well. Aw, but there's also even I hear NWA is looking at trying to get a show and mlw as well, but I know a lot of people think that this is a this is a countermeasure to a ew, I don't necessarily think it is. I think NXT has been on Wednesdays. I don't think it's been forever and USA's paying them a ton of money. I think this would have happened one way or another maybe it's happening sooner but I think is going to happen one way or the other. I don't know what that I'm gonna be kind of program and it seems their first well and is T was on the WWE platform. Right? Right, aw announced their whole TV deal. Sure, right? I don't think like I think we did mention did talk about NXT, you know being on a TV show but I don't think it would have been two hours. Hmm. I don't think it would have been at this time slot. Like I think if they it aw wasn't around it. Oh Dylan. Fire, I think Steven Hayes a smart man. NXT might have been on a different night bear and a different time. It's possible. I mean, I always think with any type of TV show you're always trying to get networks to pay you money to produce these shows and I mean, I think right now whether or not aw was around if USA offered them money to put 205 live on TV on a network they would do it too. I think they would do with any show. I didn't even have done it but the time slot and the day is the questionable thing because like for instance and know I like watching NXT, but I honestly think that if aw wasn't around you might have gotten NXT on USA on a Friday night at 9:00. / yeah, so it's just, you know, it's a little it's a little different verses on the same night that aw this time at the same time. I was a this know that the one thing that aw has over an XT because we're now seeing an excuse a third brand is that they have to Define what that brand stands for because before we wrote it off as developmental like okay, we can have some time for characters and stuff. But what is NXT going to be when it expands its you hours with a double? He's already saying we're more mature more mature fans and more into the Indie scene. I mean, yeah, but but I think with NXT you're still going to have you're not going to have the developed developmental. We're not going to you're not going to test people sure they're going to take the people. They're going to test those people still at full samples that fall sailboats. Full Sail at Full Sail, but there's not going to be televised right and you're gonna have the house shows to what is actually gonna be so NXT. I think anything's gonna be a legitimate third Mac because there's certain there's certain matches that we see on NXT their main roster worthy. Absolutely. Yeah. Absolutely. I'm trying to explain this to like my mom or something grows more entertainment Smackdown his humor rustling base and actually have to fill that hole now because it was before this this upgrade. It was considered the minor league or the developmental but now you're saying is the third brand was that their brand like what's going to Be the hook, I guess is it the mature rustling but is it going to be that's what we have an answer for them. We just don't have an answer. I think NXT would be it be misguided for them to remove the developmental side of it because I think a lot of when you look at the type of fan that watches and XT or even the type of fan that watches a ew, they're the kind of fans that like seeing people in their new they like seeing scooping them discovering them and be their the kind of people that go to small music like small concerts and and things to find musicians before anyone else. I found them and I think if they get away from that they're going to lose a lot of the audience that they've built within that be new people. But I think that you're not gonna you're not gonna see the developmental part where we've seen some matches where it's just like, oh, they're definitely just testing stuff out. I think that the testing part will not be televised. So you're going to see essentially something that they're willing to go with and if it doesn't work out and they do this on Raw and SmackDown as well that doesn't work out then, you know, they remove it. And start start from scratch, but you're not going to see the you know new person who just got signed to WWE the performance center and now, you know, six months later, they're doing something for NXT, but people backstage or not confident in their ability. Do you think that could be why they're signing so many Indie Stars right now and in an x and x t that they just got a new crop, I think of a big group of people. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Garrett. Oh my gosh. She's been around. Forever she's treating some of the people that are on NXT right now. I think it's a combination there. So they're like mean for instance. And as you guys know, I've said it a million times. We talk about later is a track athlete former CrossFit athlete but she's an athlete through an all-around athlete through and through so wasn't hard for her to pick up, you know wrestling not to say it's easy, but certain people just comes, you know easy to so they're siding a lot of like NCAA athletes they're signing and it's a little it different than you know, 15 years ago where people want to be a wrestler and you go to you you have to travel to some random state to wrestling. So there's nothing school's almost everywhere now, so it's a little bit different where you having the Indies but it's almost like a lot of people the majority of people aside from those folks who were NCAA athletes majority them are going wrestling schools because it's something that's attainable. Yeah. Absolutely. Well, I think I'm a big fan of competition. I'm a big fan of They're being other companies for people to go to I think it gives people leverage when they have their contracts, which I always think is really good to have that out there. So people can choose their own path instead of saying I'm stuck with whatever the WWE gives me which is what they've basically been in this they go to Japan or somewhere else, but I think it's really cool. I'm really really excited about it. I'm really excited about getting to see more and more people as I mentioned like a keighley we saw a promo video for keighley and Dominic died. Asia Kovac. Am I say that bad Djokovic? I feel like I always say that wrong. Yeah, and I jeopardize our curve off by a simple. I can't even correct. Yes, but do your research Jack learn the name so but this promo, I don't know what you I'll get your guys thoughts and saying but I loved this problem. I loved how you took two people who let's be honest weren't in in the WWE NXT world. I know and he's people know who they are and everything but in the NXT World they were kind of nobody's right, but They still gave them a promo video like they were the biggest deal in all of wrestling and I thought that was so cool. Are you guys excited for this match? Is it something that you feel like they teased before and so I'm gonna have to do it. Where do you guys stand on that? I mean, I'm just excited that they're giving Keithley an opportunity. I know you're not a fan of his music blah blah blah but us anything because I know you say two million times, but I don't believe there's you for weeks. I mean, it's sure you have some killer music though. And not necessarily afforded opportunities. Like he's it's like they show him and then they pull him back seems like they know what he's capable of and they're just waiting for the right storyline to kind of launch him into the NXT universe. Sure, using hindsight booking and I it does feel like they tease this match and then dominant got hurt and then they were like, let's put keighley on hold until his back and then just go back with what we were originally planning because he has been sort of its kind of India but not not there and I think he's thing with possible it like Matt riddle would have been a good angle to like they had that and then they know something like then Matt Ritter went somewhere else. Oh, you know, yeah, how about you I know six months ago you were what's up? Can we get TK versus flow not know whenever I put money on TK right now? This is what we do when we just like each other but we literally just after you leave we're still here just talking in a dark room not be nice, but I will say this man the promote we saw today really made it sound they were even and now you can pick your Pony you can say man. He has a legitimate reason I believed to be a man with Keith Lee and keeping his legitimate reason to be mad Dominic. I like keighley I thought even though he should have gone. He said he did go over his program at caches on know what could have been a month-long instead of a week-long. Yeah. But yeah, you just kind of hanging out there and we lost the Damien priest couple weeks ago. Oh, I was like is that it? And where's that Hawaiian Guy? What's his name in the cat? Kona Reeves? Yes. Yeah. Okay. I don't know the finest. Yeah, but I mean you haven't seen him either we want to Seco. No reason. I think he has I think he needs to tweak it a little bit but I think he has something different because the thing is you don't want the great thing about NXT. Is that everybody to me is different enough that you their memorable in some way shape before. I'm not remember his name, but I'm like yo, he was there at one point with with Raw and SmackDown you have some people who are like forgettable because they're they fit into they resemble the other person and you're like, oh, well, we only need one jar. So it's just That's why I like about and and XT but he also had something luckily as well. He's had a bunch of mini mini issues with folks, but it's never felt anything HR Keithley. Yeah, we have some issues which one will talk the room. So yeah. So yeah, I'm hoping we see more of more of him Dominic. I'm not I'm not sour on the guy just He just seems like another big guy to me. Where's my backup medium because they're date. They've been dating for a while. There we go. I'm just saying that to me. Yeah. Well, it would be kind of great companies are Basil's crew comes in to get me a Yemen and keighley just comes in and are you just can't adjust time. It's like how dare you smell like baby powder the same way again. I'm just going to smell baby powder. Whatever Big Daddy big do typically sound smells like baby powder and Cocoa Puffs. Doesn't Duty cast weird like big dude. I don't sniff them if you if you take Take a shower and you put lotion on your skin or whatever and cocoa butter guys and you're cooking you're gonna smell like whatever you have to but Speedy promo code So, yeah, thank you hug them. I'm not slipping underneath their armpits, but they're a big dude. Then you smell the essence of whatever they're wearing like the boys at school. I'm speaking a big smelly dudes Bronson and Thorn had a match called transition. How do you guys feel about Shane Thorne coming after these breakout bracket folks you care? I feel like I do and for two reasons one. I think I mentioned before one of my trip that look it's kind of cool. You had a grizzled veteran saying look, it's not fair. You're spending so much time on new Talent. Where's my slot? But to this guy is actively going against breakout tournament participants and Jordan Miles have a title match two weeks from now. I bet he gets involved in that match. It's of a program which is more to his level. So I'm excited to see where that goes because shape Dora Thorin has been knocking around for so long. Yeah, do you do you think he should be at the top do you think he should be a world title Contender Shane Thorne? No, I'm saying that sort of Novel come now because once you once you find out I'm calling you can't find them again because I think he's gonna he's not going to beat them. No, I don't think so because this is like wow, that was that tournament is did nothing then because it kind of came a wet to be compared male classic and the King of the Ring. That's kind of like a oh, yeah, he won. Yeah something TK you had mentioned. In a few weeks back that I thought was really really smart. Was that sometimes people get built up just so someone else can take them down. Maybe this is Shane Thorne building himself. They're building Shane throwing up. So that after miles loses his match. He can rebound and stay up without falling back down because otherwise, what does he do? That's always the tricky thing getting title matches is one thing but if you lose what you do after is almost more important. Yeah, but it's also to what you do in that time period so you get the title match and you have a lead up to the title match. CH you build a name and then you're going to even though the person didn't win that title match, you're gonna remember the name guaranteed for people who didn't watch the Indies and in know who Mia um is or was after this title match you're going to remember her because of such a great match. So even if she rolls back down, you know, I think people still are gonna remember, you know, of course, I'm biased as you know, but people remember Bianca earlier because of the things that she's done even though she didn't get that title match. So it's what you doing that between time. Yeah, even if you don't get the match that Where it's getting some people get you know, they do they don't do it properly and you're like, oh, yeah, I forgot they even had a match. It's not memorable. Yeah and speaking of memorable and the point you had made a little bit ago about people staying out. My big thing was ashamed Thorn is if I was to start describing to you a wrestler. How long would I have to describe Shane Thorn before you realize that's who I was talking about discount, Australia Randy Orton. That's what I always say. I mean without without giving away the Australian thing he He just doesn't stand out to me. He very much Blends in where I thought Bronson stands out. He's someone that you see I feel like he's a serious version of Otis from heavy machinery. Okay, and so I thought I I'm actually really excited about bronze. I thought he was he I want to see more of him. Yeah, the former join a rock. I mean this guy can do the things that they say you can do off top rope has incredible stamina for a guy his size and strength. So his long-term Ranch is gonna be way more impressive. I just didn't feel right when he when he lost tonight, but I guess you gotta make sure you don't let more of a threat. Yeah, I felt watching that. I felt like Bronson was the person I wanted to see more than Shane Thorn when but you're right. I get it. It makes sense. Oz illa by the way, I thought is one of my favorite nicknames for someone. So that was a good name for Bronson that was rant right now, but the any wrestling scene just a little bit. I'm not turning heel guys. I'm just saying I don't like the fact everyone claims to be strong style these days. I don't get it like I how can you Be ghetto strong Stoppers is regular strong Shoppers British song style in Australia Strong Style and the moves are just hard hitting you all can't be strong style and I like the fact that he had the size and strength and he can totally do it. Alright guys, it's me to get that man. We need to get Evan back. I got yelled at by both TK and flow both tonight. Jeez Louise. We like you jack. I like heaven. I'm cracking. I'm joking. I'm joking. You don't become a farmer without being able to deal some people yelling at you know, but yeah real quick. Let's go ahead. I just want to kind of go. Oh, there's one more thing we Didn't cover and that was Mansoor versus Damien. Priest. I Damien priest I think has a cool. Look. I think he has cool music man sewer. I feel like maybe he'll be good some day. I don't think that day is today just to make sure we cover everything. What did you guys think about that match and those people I mean, it's the same thing. Well again, it might change with the two hours even priests like they hype them up. I remember when he died the promo and you know, the video is like, oh my gosh, who's this guy? And then he appeared and then he just disappeared. So I'm hoping with the two hours. Oh my God two hours and it's watch NXT to with the two hours. We love NXT. By the way, I do my I do too. But when you again when you watch like it's a lot I've spoken to wrestlers and I tell them what I do and they look at me like I'm crazy and they're wrestlers right? So it's just kind of like, you know, it's a lie, and you know, believe it or not I cover other Things other than wrestling. So anyways, that's just my personal thing, but I think hopefully they're going to write something interesting for him because right now I'm not I'm not feeling it then embraced. Yeah. Okay. I was like, oh you big monster a fan of french fries. Yeah. He's kind of in limbo right now. I mean, he's the Archer Archer something. I forget exactly that because Mom's the greatest Battle Royale Battle Royal it almost didn't matter like Marlo singing. You're like, okay what are almost tells you that sometimes you need those promos to be so I'm going to between a pretty versus because of that was mentioned before maybe going into the match. I would have cared more but for our minds are had no shot. No shot no chance and if moms are would have one what they say about Keith Lee and Jamie Breese be yeah the lost them on Source. I was a lose-lose for everyone. Yeah. Well, I thought that match was it was whatever I thought. At the show overall though was absolutely amazing. I thought this episode of AfterBuzz TV was a crack in episode. Maybe that's because I was in the Catbird Seat, but as we wind down flow Bunch go ahead and tell everyone where they can find you. No problem. You can find me at flow voice on Twitter at flow beats on Instagram. And of course blow new content every week and TK you get my man everything at TK train at your house and go to TK turn some new. Tank coming as well as go Center in get your cocoa butter body scrubs and candles and I am Jack farmer. You can find that Jack see if you're looking for a DJ host or emcee for your live event. I'm also on social media at real Jack farmer. I love chatting with all you guys about all the fun wrestling Shenanigans. Check it out for some of those cool pictures. They were talking about earlier. We'll see you guys next time how a farmer tab our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos Those would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first we're the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz check out our lineup buzz you later. You just grab herein are those of the host only do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners are. | Join @realjackfarmer, @tktrinadad, and @floboboyce as we break down the Undisputed Era’s claim to be draped in gold, and NXT moving to the USA network! Ever wondered where these current wrestling superstars showcase their skills? Join us on the WWE NXT AFTER SHOW as we discuss some of the best matches from the wrestlers who know no limits. ABOUT WWE NXT: WWE NXT is the professional wrestling developmental branch for WWE, based in Winter Park, Florida. From its inception in August 2012 to June 2013, it was a distinct but affiliated developmental territory for WWE under the name NXT Wrestling. In June 2013, the NXT Wrestling website was shut down and NXT content was moved to From February 2014, NXT started a series of live special events broadcast on the WWE Network, comparable to main roster pay-per-view shows. Despite its status as a developmental branch, NXT has been praised for its high quality of wrestling, captivating storylines, and the opportunities they afford female wrestlers as opposed to on the main roster; the latter of which has led to a change on how women's wrestling is portrayed in WWE. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. |
Hey afterbuzzers, before we move on we would like to say thanks to our sponsor. Anchor. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. Plus there's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. Also anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and many more plus you can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership, and it's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor a Or go to Anchor dot. F m-- to get started. This is season 8 episode 12 of Basketball Wives and the girls are tired of being single. Oh jeez ready to coach and we get the new Jackie Christie project her podcast stay tuned as we dish on all that and more you are tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of tv top now let the fun begin you guys. I'm so excited. Because it's another week talking about my favorite. Ladies Jack. He's also my favorite out of the whole bunch. And I'm your host Miss Conversation Piece. We're gonna dish on news and gossip. We have a new game husband Swap and we have some tweets and much more. So stay tuned to the end. I have Brianna Cheyenne's the left of me. Hi guys. She is not only a diva, but she has all the tea the tweets all of that. So all the messy juice you guys. Oh, yes. And you know me I'm the one who stays mingling with the cast and bringing us the tea right from the horse's mouth. So I can't wait to get into this episode overall thoughts. What do you think of this episode? This episode was actually quite Pleasant and I haven't been able to say that in a really long time. I like the way Jackie went about her situation with Jennifer. I like that Jennifer took the high road and forgiving her it seems like everybody is trying to make amends. As in some type of way some made it some failed but you know, yeah, you see what happens. Would you think? I think it was great to see Jackie being a woman which is something these girls have a problem with doing she comes direct to you. Ask you questions like she did with Evelyn. Did you say this? Do you feel like this and you know, their response may be truthful or not. However, I feel like that was the best way to go about it versus like having a everybody in the building getting into an argument throwing chairs at each other. They were able to have a conversation even though I felt like Evelyn was mine. Oh, yeah. She was definitely lying and it's so crazy because Jack Evelyn your oh gee, you're not you're not Phoebe. What are you lying for own it? She's lying because she doesn't want that that title because it's becoming you know, she's just being a mean girl like yeah making Jackie cry every episode. Lie detector test and just telling her she's not friends and laughing behind her bag and thrown under the bus. It's not right. Don't do your friends like that. Especially not Jackie who's very loyal? Yeah, and they already had a rocky past. So the fact that they were on the up and up and then it just took this steep downhill turn for no reason. It's very disappointing. Yeah, very disappointing and another couple who's disappointed on this show is Kristen and Tom is they finally get a chance to spend some alone time, but they're just wondering If their families ever going to get back on track because Byron hasn't come over for dinner yet and they're not inviting CC. So one do we need to invite both parties or do they need to have a sit down? One-on-one with Byron first, I think because of the relationship between Kristen and CeCe had a downfall because Kristen was so convinced that CeCe was the reason why Byron wasn't coming to the house. I think CC does deserve to be at the dinner because cc is owed an apology as well. And I think that's the only reason Kristen didn't invite her because it would take too much on her to have to bow down say C sub. I was wrong to both of them and I think it would hurt her more to have to tell Cici I was wrong and I'm sorry Kristen was talking in circles the whole time. Yeah, I think she would if it wasn't for the ladies like if she would have been okay to just do it in the comfort of their own home, but she knows it's going to get it dragged out into the learning lady Circle because Cece's gonna tell somebody got Christian apologize to me and she doesn't want to take fault. Right but she's at fault. She even said it like cease he's not the one why is it so hard and you want your family back. Do you want Byron to come see little Kinsey, but you're not willing to do what it takes. Exactly. And when she said I'm going above and beyond I'm doing the most to do what I have to do and you're not you're doing what girls Comfortable and do it not with that fake and bake your kitchen was she didn't cook it but this is the thing and I will stick to this if you cannot cook do not invite me to your house for dinner unless you're going to order that's just what it is. I don't care about the thought I don't care about the effort. Okay, because Byron said every time we go out, I have to pick up the check so they could have brought him out to dinner and pick up the check. Okay? Now if you're going to buy food buy good food because yeah that food on a plate did not look pasty. And now, you know, the cameraman fact are very shady. They zoomed in on that drive chicken and then yams. It didn't look good facts didn't look good at all. That's true. That's true. That's very true. Um, I'm done with her so, you know in the midst of trying to figure out how to go about this apology. She sits Kristen's is with Malaysia Malaysia tells her that he's he's older apology to so I don't know. What's what's going to what is it going to take for Christians who see that she needs to apologize siren. What have to tell her you need to apologize to Cece because Kristen said that she's intimidated by him, which I don't get because you've been married into the family for how long and you're still intimidated by your father-in-law that just shows that there's been a strain in her relationship with Byron and that's why the comments she made about him as a grandfather was so touchy for him because there is it's Clear that there's a strain already what she says. She sees him with his other grandkids and is not the same. Is it because that's not his biological. I mean, he says think so because he doesn't treat he said he doesn't treat Thomas different from his other kids, but he just doesn't like Kristen and so that trickles on the visits to their I think that's what it is. I just think it's the fact that Kristen blatantly does not respect his soon-to-be wife. So he's like, all right. Well, then I'm out and Thomas doesn't respect. I was about to say that too because during their little alone time that they barely get they say he said that some people aren't moving with love. So that's like make an inference that CeCe is doing it for cloud and I don't eyes we've both seen them in here and how they interact with each other. I think it's real love. They're very much in love and CC doesn't have anything to gain from Byron other than what she could get on her own. She has her own business. She is educated. She's very driven. She has her own family. Only here, so it's not like she's here and she's alone. So Byron is kind of just the cherry on top as far as I'm concerned when it comes onto Cece's life. Yeah. I think she definitely has something to bring to the table and another person who has something to bring to the table. Oh gee, she's ready to coach. She's like I've done this for so many years. My team is winning. I want to give back to the girls and teach them what I know and so the coaches that have coached her aren't so sure they're like will give you a shot but Are you sure you're ready to be a counselor and all the things that go along with coaching? Do we feel like oh geez ready with her experience so far, I think seeing how OG has tried to be fair with in the basketball wives group. I could see her being a good person to go to when it comes onto the counselor side. However, the because there are so many different aspects of being a coach and being a leader on a team. I don't know I haven't seen Seen her as a player because they say that she's been a leader on the field but there's still a difference between being a leader on the field and leading a team very true. It's a big difference. But I feel like if you have that passion, she's not ready to let go of basketball and that's what a lot of I'm sorry football. She's you know, basketball-wise, but she loves football. She loves sports and it's just in her and even when Jackie came to support she says I've seen Doug go through when he had to make his transition. He's coaching now. So it's like almost a natural transition. A lot of players go into corresponding. They just not ready to give up the game. It's inside of them and I think with that passion and the women empowerment that she has inside of her. I feel like she really wants there to be a Sisterhood. So I think she'll be good coach. I think I think she can be especially if she has training from her other coaches as well. I I just find it interesting that she is convinced that she and Kwame can start this relationship this family eventually because he'll be looking into playing in the league and the league there and then she'll be and I'm just like, oh gee your schedules are going to conflict non-stop football season and basketball season ordering two different times. So at like, oh wait Kwame as a basketball basketball player. Yeah, so it's not there. You guys are never going to be around. Each other. Well, she's not gonna be flying overseas and he'll be here so it'll be a little better. But even if he's not playing in games, he'll be traveling like he'll be traveling for away games. He'll also have training camps probably during the entire summer if he what if what if he doesn't get it like the LA Clippers or the Lakers. What if he ends up in Golden State? That's it. That's in the bay. Like that's a whole other side of California. Well, hopefully Byron his next we'll get him on the leg. We'll see because that was been pining for yeah. I know Kwame won't take what you can get though. Yeah. Well, it's good to see OG in her element. I think she'll be a great coach and she also sits down with Jackie to let her know what she heard while Jack was outside screaming for Phoebe to come out and why Phoebe didn't come out. So it turns out Evelyn in the crew were kind of like no you're not going out there and in the midst of all of that it was The oh Evelyn Angel friend, right Jackie. So Jackie was very thrown off. She was like, I thought we were building. I thought we were good. But we see the lie detector test. We see all these things from our end and I'm like Why didn't it Dawn on Jackie? This girl is throwing you under the bus because I saw it like three different times within the last three episodes. I think Jackie just wants friendship. So badly that she just keeps giving Evelyn the benefit of the doubt dust is what I think she chooses to be blind. I don't even think she's I think she's just naturally blind because she wants friendship so much that she I think yeah free and she had a lot of friends at the party. She has a lot of friends but to Jackie I don't think there's such thing as too many friends. I mean, would you want to be friends with Evelyn after everything? They went through last season for me once you cross me one time that's a wrap. We're not going to get back to how we were before. Yeah, but a lot of them have had these same, you know falling out and they been able to sit at tables. Go on girls trips. It might not turn out the best but they never turn out the best and that's how they turn into toxic relationships that you go in a cycle over and over and it gets to a point where it's where are you going to just stop? Well, we hope you guys don't stop watching this. We love you guys. So today each and every week making this the ESP n of T v-- talk, please be sure to like comment subscribe. If you're listening to us on iTunes. Give us a 5 star rating Spotify. We're on pretty much all the the listening stream so you can catch us anywhere that's convenient for you. Thank you guys so much for tuning in and interacting with us anybody in the live chat. We see freak said what does Kristen do for a living and then Gladys Reynolds says, I think she does nothing but create problems y'all so shady and you could get a check for that. Yeah, my Shady friends and in the live chat with thank you guys so much for interacting with us. So shaunie's wellville in is well. She's talking about she's gonna be selling weed this fall legally, you know, it's legal now and this is a very lucrative business. She's even thinking about getting into business overseas Chinese about to be doing it. You know, I love her business - yeah, I mean her kids are grown. So she might as well milk it hmm. And Shaq still like her I heard you love talking about Shaq. The only one that loves talking about shay. Hey. Hey. So speaking of that even though shake like so she's tired of being single she needs to go on some dates and Evelyn's tired of being single to it's been almost a year since they've had some is that a long time first of all, that's a lie. Okay, that's a lot but, you know, I am not the kitty cat police. So that's not my business be so big. I mean I but it's Evelyn and Evelyn was recently not recently, but she Spotted with French Montana does that mean she has sex? I mean are it's the possibility is there I'm just saying I don't see it happening for you. But you know, who knows it is possible because I've done it before for two years. Okay. I was upset how long yeah pit stop it is possible. But you know when you have a certain track record is kind of like girl you might be exaggerating a little sometimes you need to give it a break give your stuff a break. Okay, that's the way you know, it's like a detox detox that as well as her insides, you know, sometimes you need to detox. Yeah, that's true. I think you detox from your ex because that's toxic sometimes as well. So they go on this speed dating events and they first they talk about how it is. Just meeting guys, like guys are intimidated by their exes. They are very wealthy powerful men. They're known it's kind of hard to go from that to a guy who works at Cedar Sinai or something. I don't know. The Ashton and I don't know it's different I think for men it is intimidating because they're so ego-driven. However for the women I feel like we just looks and say do you have your own? Can you add on to what I have will you elevate me? You don't have to have multi-millions like my ex just support me. Sometimes Egypt even just the emotional support is better than the financial support that gets tricky for me because I feel like a lot of wealth E women get tricked into things because I get Deema ties door just get emotionally attached and then these men take advantage of you, especially when you're older and like a cougar with money. I feel like it's happened to Halle Berry is happened to what's-her-name Sherri Shepherd, like all these women. They have meant even Wendy Williams, you know, these men are on their level. With her with Wendy Williams and who her husband her husband is on her level he was her manager, but he's trying to get spousal support now that she's divorcing him. So it's like these men aren't on your level and they're trying to take you for your money and but go buy a car for their mistress. I don't like that. So I feel like women have to be very careful when it comes to selecting someone when they have money because men will sell you a dream even if you you're not in that situation so level. In that situation. I'm just glad that we're in a time where women are kind of more hip to the game because you'll see a lot of women pimping like playing these dudes out here and I'm just like, yes, you better check it like let him think that he's running things bold time. Yeah, like you party hard. I like how she moves I'm just yeah, so I just I just say why So for that, but yeah, we want to see the girls final of these dates though. It's you know, I downloaded a dating app and I'm not feeling it. I was like the girls like why am I here? Like I rather be single then do the day nap and the speed dating because it's like the weirdest of the weird guys. Are there like this is the bottom of the barrel right here. I don't know. It's just weird because when I came out to LA it seems like being on dating apps is the norm. And on the East Coast that's not it like if you're on Tinder or something, you're a weirdo like you're desperate. So when I came out here and everybody's like, oh, there's hinge and black and then I'm like, oh my God, so I just go on it for fun. Not really expecting anything. But yeah, there are a lot of weirdos out there and I feel like these days when you just let it fall in your lap and let it happen. Organically. I think those are the healthiest just gotta get out ladies. He's not going to break into the house. So you got to get out. Be able to meet people because I know it me, I'll stay inside and that's my problem. Like who am I going to meet? He's not gonna break in your house. So true that little issue I get out there. Yeah, that is true. I look very intimidating in general. So guys don't really approached me until they see me smile and then they tell me that I look mean like, oh, I guess that's gonna make me want to give you my number because to me now, I feel like you look like a punk but to each their own. Yeah. I'm not sure. About speed dating haven't gone yet, but the apps I'm done with those. But yeah, those days were looking courage. They had a mixture of like super old with gray beards and then somebody that was 22. So I'm like, how do we know? Like, how are we gay aging? Because I feel like that's a waste of time. It was a waste of time. I think it was just a comedic break. Honestly The Producers just through that together because let's be real Shaunie and Evelyn do not need to go on no speed dating thing with the general public what they want to meet regular guys. They don't know they don't know they don't know they don't every single camera. No, they don't. No they don't so CC and Jackie they meet up as well. We don't really see them one-on-one a lot. But she talks about the podcast that she's going to do and she tells about Evelyn giving her this lie detector test and that's when she realizes maybe Evelyn is in my friend. You know, she's hearing from oh jeez Hanna from Seas. See so now it's a light bulb but she still invites her to the Roundtable Jackie Christie project, which I'm excited for. I think it'll be something I would listen to what do you think to learn about the wives in girlfriend and groupie mentality of these girls that date I would I would listen to it if it's non Basketball Wives show women if it's real life Basketball Wives living in the moment as wives. I Listen to it for entertainment purposes. I was thrown off though because At first she said it was going to be lifestyle entertainment and sports and then she went straight into sex. So I'm like, oh so it's just a Girls Chat thing girl, you know, Jackie needs to be a sex therapist just - she should that's what she should make. It just say it's a sex podcast That's Entertainment to yeah, and she loves to talk about it and do it and all that stuff. So I think that would be super amazing for her a good opportunity. Unity, but she was also sad that Evelyn and shiny didn't show Jen even show - yeah, she was mad at her for how she was acting and once again how Jackie handled it she was able to sit down pull her to the side say Hey, you know, I'm sorry in June was able to accept it and I feel like things could be so much easier things went like this. Would you be able to forgive Jackie if she did something like that to you? I wasn't that mad she did. Will be different if she came in and wrecked the place now backs she didn't so she was just like come outside. No, she did say a college that God. That's what she did. Yeah, wait until the speech was over but besides that was okay. Yeah. I mean I've yeah, it could have been a lot worse seeing knowing Jackie's track record. Yeah. She could have knocked some shoes over. It could have been champagne everywhere. You know, she didn't do that bad. So it was forgivable. Let's see. Who else Evelyn so by her not showing up do do we not invite people anymore. Once they do two three to know shows is that mean you're not my invite list anymore? Yeah, like what am I gonna keep on it? But it's literally it's just like what Byron said when he was talking about the situation with Kristen. I keep reaching out to you and you have excuses as to why I can't come O Kenzie sleeping can see the school Clinic He's at a daycare. I keep hitting a wall eventually. I'm going to say okay, forget it and I'm just gonna go about my way. So why am I gonna keep on inviting you so you can keep on embarrassing me in proving that I don't care when I always show up to your event. Jackie goes to every single event someone puts together and their support and their she can't go she sends a gift. Hmm. She's very supportive. You know that wrong for that. Y'all should be at her Ponderosa podcast and quit playing with her emotions. Yeah, Shaunie and Evelyn. That's your friend. Okay, she just wants everybody to lift each other up and not tear each other down and I think she's doing well with therapy. I think this is helping her like just be mature look that therapist. I told you. Oh, she's she's our old show. Well, let's get into our special segment. We have husband swap. Tell us about it. Yes, so instead of invasion of the closet snatchers, we have husband swab. Now. We have amazing relationship goals here. Basketball Wives so two husbands and let's be clear. We do not condone wrecking home. Okay, however, we can have aspiration. So if we were to swap husbands, who would you choose between Byron or Doug Christie? You know what I think Jacob would be okay with swapping. No, you know what? I remember that time Malaysia is that she was going to say what son she's crazy. She was outside. But you know, I think CCM Byron are meant to be but I really love how Byron treats her. I love how he you know with her no matter what like on her team you enemy. Yeah, he's a partner. He's a partner and he has her back. I like Doug to because he gets married every year. So I want a man to shower me with romantic things and you know, I don't like that. You would do that too, though. I don't think he would get married every year. He probably wouldn't get married. Yeah, you like CC sit down. Yeah, I would choose I would choose doug because I see a lot of the Antics that Jackie does and I see a lot of myself in her and I always say it's going to take a strong man to handle me and my personality's Laurel and so I just respect Doug so much because he must have so much confidence. Since in himself as a man yes to be able to handle what a woman Jackie is and still support her and let her be who she is without trying to change her. Yeah, and I just admire that so much so I loved us you know what I like him too. I don't know if his strong is what I see. I mean, I don't think he has no backbone or anything but I just feel like he's just a free spirit. Like he just lets her be you know what? I mean? I don't see him like I think that is the free spirit. They're both you think he's a free spirit. Yeah. He's the Cool Head. Yeah, that's why I say free spirit. That's cool. Oh, that's what you consider. Oh, I see when I think free spirit. I think la-di-da Sunshine rainbows and butterflies and cool spirit. I see okay, you know cool it down bring it down anchor anchor it out a little bit at that because I know I need that. I need that in my life. I don't know. That was a tough one. But yeah, they're both good men. Yeah, they're both amazing. I so lucky. All right, let's get into our trending tweet. Yes. Let's see what you guys do. Talking about at sexy he and mommy is Texas on another planet if Kristen wants her daughter to see her father get on a damn plane and go visit him. Kristen must be spoiled because she expects everyone to code to her girl. If you don't take that baby to see her grandparents, hashtag, stop it girl you be trippin. That's a fact because I like Texas like this Europe or something right at Nina's world. E7 says OG needs bigger shoes that big toe always hanging out. Shout out to the producers because touji in the filled. Why are they so shady on the show? I don't know but we were weak at yv Willis one Evelyn girl, you realize all this stuff is going to are right. You actin like there's not footage on this going down and then you lie on pain a lie. That's the The word cause you got to keep on lying and lying lying and then defend yourself when you get called out ever unions about to be lit. Oh, yeah, it is at the book of underscore a I'm surprised you didn't call her podcast of Ponderosa. I was thinking that the same thing. Yeah Ponderosa podcast. That would be a nice ring at Man of Steel underscore x k at Jackie Christie. We love you so much Jackie, but why why is it old but it is a but Only so much we can take you are not addressing anything involving Evelyn's lies on you at all. You are bowing down kissing her ring and letting her play you into a false pretence of friendship because I told you guys Jackie really loves friendship. She will play she will act a fool as long as somebody's will say you're her friend, but this is the thing. She's not really seeing the the lie detector test with a did it for me, but exactly nothing everything. She's Not seeing when at the skate party, she's like oh Jackie did it or you know at the at the court, you know, she's not she's not really in the moment. I feel but I think when it's brought to her by cc is Dawning on her like yeah, this girl isn't my friend, but why does it have to be brought to you by somebody you barely have a relationship with what versus someone you've known for years, you know someone who's been Shady for years and you were still getting over a bad fall out. You just had last year. Yeah, that's true. But it is It's like being in a bad relationship. Sometimes you're free. I got to be like girl. Your man ain't ish. Just leave them. You know. Well, I mean in a relationship you getting you getting some and in a friendship, you're not just saying. Well, let's get into a little bit of news and Gus that see what this he is. Oh, I have a little tea because Evelyn was on the scene at the big three championship game with her kids. She brought Carly. Oh Crawford and Shanice was there as well but here's a picture if you're listening on iTunes, this is Thomas Kristen Carl the Junior and and Evelyn. I didn't know they were so close. But there they are. Where is Luke NZ and and speaking of that. I have a picture of Snoop Dogg another friend, Kristen and Evan. They've been in the scene pretty tough together and that's her new Jennifer. That's her new Jennifer and we see LeBron showing Carl love he has on a James jersey. So cute as can the big three Championship. It looks like somewhere is the place to be now getting into our next piece of news. We have Sharif who got a tattoo of shaunie's face on his arm and Shaunie was super surprised at it. Yes, I was ER who did it. I think they they put it in the article. But yeah, it's a pretty dope tattoo of Chinese face. She's looking really gorgeous in the picture. I'm glad I picked a good picture. He said I'm glad the tattoo artist. Did her justice. Definitely there's a picture right there. So it's on her Instagram as well as Cherise Instagram if you want to take a look but he's showing his mommy love after she took care of him after his heart surgery. So I love that gotta show. Love to Mama. Yeah. All right. Let's get into our projection. Well, you know what I want to do something special before we get into that. I want to give some fans shout outs because like I said, we love love love when you guys interact and leave comments. So we have vodka with Three Olives who leaves comments. Regularly. Mermaid Adams has a Alston Felicia Coleman cool guy. The one NCO Soul she says Conversation Piece looking like a conversation piece and that angel Brinks outfit. Thank you girl, Brittany Richard your pal. Again, thank you each and every week for coming through little cupcake. We appreciate you girls and guys. Thank you so much how we can get into her predictions what's gonna happen girl? You look like a gypsy to make my predictions will come true. I think. Um Kwame and oh, geez relationship is going to hit a speed bump because she's really pushing for this family thing. He's not very enthusiastic about it. That's how men are they want their careers and their professional lives together and then they worry about that personal stuff qualms. He's in this weird head space where he's still trying to figure out what country he's about to be in. So this whole family thing is just going over his head. I think oh jeez going to get you know, really aggressive about it and I just don't see it. I mean it's going to end fine because I don't think they're going to break up but I do think it's they're going to hit a bumpy road. I don't think so. I think they're going to get stronger now that he comes back home. He's not going to want to like come home and get right into like let's have a family and I don't even think OG is I think she just wants to have that conversation. Like are we on this path? Like are we still good? Oh, I think she said you don't think she just she said I don't feel like she's like super pressuring him because she wants him to have stability as well as a job. You know, she's doing great things. She's going to law school. She's returned for football. Now. She's coaching. She has clothing line. She has a lot going on. So I just feel like she's just as adamant about her career is he is and I feel like that is the making of a power couple and I feel like either way whether he plays in a league. He's a correspondent. Is assistant coach to Byron, he'll figure something out. You know, I'm sure he will ya but my prediction I feel that Tammy is going to officially quit the show. I thought she had already quit because we hadn't seen her in a while. So we see her in the Montage. She's like I'm over it. I think this is gonna be her exit out. She's like no girls trip for me. I'm not going on she's not going on that girl's trip. She doesn't even shoot with the ladies exactly. She's only shooting with algae and whoever else she wants to see it with But yeah Pam, he's officially done and this Costa Rica trip. I feel like just seeing how Chinese like taking a bag of whatever Jennifer said. She's going to leave Jennifer back. She's not going to take her on the trip. So I think she'll be excluded from the trip as well as Tammy and this will be some drama. I don't know who it's gonna be drunk. Oh, yeah. I think OG will push Evelyn ambushes. Yeah. I like that. I think it's an accident how Convenient hmm. I would love to push them out in the bushes. My grandma bad. Oh shout out real quick to Cameron Cruz 1974. Hey panelist have not yet watched the episode. Just wanted to say hello and that I look forward to watching the great discussion with you both. Thank you so much Cameron. Thank you for tuning in. I hope we didn't spoil anything, which you probably just got here just in the nick of time to catch our predictions, but we appreciate you and everybody else that's been in here Faithfully. Yes, we appreciate you guys and this tends to be the end of the episode. I'm so sad. Did we leave off anything? Is there anything you want to touch on? No, I think we covered everything we did we did. So you guys next week. We're going to bring you another jam-packed episode full of news and gossip and tweets and all the juicing is that you need to talk about Basketball Wives and I'm your host Miss Conversation Piece. You can keep up with me on Instagram @ Mi SS. Ation piece to also check me out on Growing Up hip hop. You can check me out on this is basketball. I Love and Hip-Hop Hip-Hop girl, you know, check me out there Rihanna. Where can I find you? You can find me on Instagram at I am be underscores Cheyenne and right after this. I'm going to be shooting 90-day fiance before the 90 days. So tune in at ten o'clock. Yes, ten o'clock. Alright, you guys know where to find that each and every week. We'll see you next week. Bye. Our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first where the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever your grave we've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz see you later use express herein are those of the host only do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners are critical. | The ladies are tired of being single, OG is ready to coach, and Jackie reveals her new passion project. You dont want to miss our review of Season 8 Episode 12.Miss Conversation Piece and Breana Chianne break down the show, dish on news and gossip, and pull a few tweets from superfans of the show. Tune in! The Basketball Wives After Show: Welcome to the La La Land this spin off of where these lavish ladies who are formally linked to basketball stars. The BASKETBALL WIVES AFTER SHOW gives you the inside scoop on all of the drama that comes with being romantic with a baller with a California twist. Tune in here for reviews, recaps and in-depth discussions of the latest episodes, as well as the insider scoop from cast and crew members on the show. ABOUT BASKETBALL WIVES: Basketball Wives LA is the Los Angeles based spin-off of Basketball Wives that premiered August 29, 2011, on VH1. It follows the lives of a group of women who have all been somehow romantically linked to professional basketball players. VH1 has renewed the series for a fourth season, which will premiere on July 12, 2015. |
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